#which is annoying but also i understand and support the workers
unimportantweirdo · 1 year
if! you! want! a! magnus! archives! bracelet!
today (11th december) is the day to order one if you want it before christmas go to BugBeadsBox on etsy i'm making and posting orders today so if you want a tma bracelet hopefully by christmas go get one!!
edit: i also sell rqg, dnd and stellar firma stuff which is why they are also tagged, sorry for not being clear initially!
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unbotheredalwyn · 2 months
So obviously after the Joe breakup shit changed we had that ratty twatty and then suddenly travis. Like ratty twatty first of all made it seem like you know this person is like horrible yet you choose to be with him? Everyone called her (rightfully) out I feel like cause he is really a twat of a person and the whole ice spice collab to basically "save" Matty twattys image. I also felt like it was unfair of her fans to force her to break up with him I mean it's her life. And Joe during this time went through so much shit after the break up I remember he was papped and everyone made fun of how skinny he is and how horrible he looks (he had bags under his eyes on the photo) which is actually sad cause he lost his grandmother I think during that time and people were genuinely saying disgusting things and saying mother is looking so much better etc etc while Joe was having a downwards spiral. Again I understand no one knew his depression was that bad but fuck swifties can be more kind.
Exit ratty twatty enter travesty lord this man gives me the ick.
Swifties are blinded by their relationship but he is really not a good dude. I mean that video live of him pushing his coach and yelling? Videos online of him being openly racist, being a trump supporter (and also swifties are dumb they think bc he got vaccinated and bent the knee for black lives matter he is somehow Democrat?) honey trump is vaccinated as well. And just because he supported blm does not make him a good person. He was PAID to do all that performative shit.
I mean she has millions of fans, thousands of young girls thinking the blatant red flags of travesty is hot and shit. Tells me he can push her around too. (not to mention he supported his abusive friend that literally hit his wife.)
And it feels like she's forcing travesty tbh? Like girlie you wanted the art to be about you yet you let some man overshadow it. Because truly that's what's happening like swifties are more into him at this point and the relationship they made up in their head as Taylor.
This is where I got annoyed and took a step back. Each time they were seen Joe got thousands and thousands of hate just for what being introverted?
Then they attacked Emma (Joe's Co worker) for a cheating rumor THEY MADE UP and the shit they said were so genuinely disgusting she had to switch off her comments.
Then Ai audio dropped about Joe abusing Taylor and Ai videos circled making it seem like Joe is a cheater when he is NOT. fuck they even trended a sex scene with that Alison chick he worked with saying he said Alison (her real name) and not her character's name when he DID NOT. It was in the fucking series! This woman got slut shamed so bad she turned off comments too for literally WORKING with Joe. Swifties literally spread shit around that he cheated on Taylor with Emma and Alison when he didn't! And the fucking best of all Taylor was on the set while filming conversations with friends. She most likely saw it IN PERSON and they chose to say all this genuinely disgusting shit about Alison who I've learned is actually a pretty good person.
Here I got genuinely disgusted.
So okay again I understand that Taylor can't control all her fans but her silence while her cult mass harrases people?
Whats insane to me is Joe. Like the guy got so much hate because SHE CHOSE to lead fans on. When she announced ttpd everyone thought the title relates to Joe and Paul mescal
Joe got mass hate
Then the secret songs at eras being about cheating
Joe got death threats
she literally took ALL the hate against Joe *knowing* she's releasing an album dissing her 6 weeks situationship is genuinely disgusting. I cannot fathom it.
And AND the only thing she could say about Joe is dude did not want to marry her bc he was severely depressed WHICH IS NOT HER PLACE TO TALK ABOUT HIS STRUGGLES?
like I am SORRY this man wants to d word next to her and she just didn't care and wanted to fuck Matty?
Her partner, that got her through her darkest times BTW, did not deserve this.
She let all this mass harrasment just happen to market ttpd. Like genuinely what the actual fuck. 2 innocent women Emma and Alison were attacked and called sluts for genuinely existing and breathing the same air as Joe. And the proof he did not cheat is in her OWN lyrics. (which swifties cannot seem to fucking read bc they'd rather attack Joe than admit this album is about a sewer nazi rat)
The hate Joe got made me cry. The disgusting things they said about him. Swifties literally threatening to bash his head in with a hammer or that he needs to hang himself and they'd enjoy seeing his body swinging from the roof.
Genuinely why would any person say this to anyone at any time?
And they made fun of depression like. What. The. Fuck. Just because Joe might not see it does not mean other people with crippling depression won't.
Oh and a side note she's still bringing up Kim on albums? Not just Kim Kim's CHILD?! leave the kid alone.
Genuinely feel like the most honest Taylor we got was during lover (a time which Joe helped her voice her political opinions and shit) and idk I just feel cheated on?
My whole life I've defended Taylor against everyone and I genuinely feel like she's showing her true colors now being with travesty and ratty and I cannot fathom how this is the same Taylor I'm seeing now as she was like a few years ago.
And it's not just Joe that got death threats BTW. When midnights came out and everyone gave honest reviews cause that evil Jack antonof little gay man ruined the production there were journalists literally getting so much death threats its insane.
Taylor gets (rightfully) called out and fans can't handle it.
She needs to address them ASAP. All these parasocial freaks. The people harrasing Joe. The people literally only seeing Taylor as a breeder for travestys children.
I can't genuinely I can't this is not how I want to feel about Taylor I mean I gave her my youth I looked up to her so much I feel so disappointed in the way she's acting yk?
Yes maybe she can't do jack shit about swifties but she can try.
And her staying quiet over Palestine? Her voice her one post about a ceasefire could change EVERYTHING.
idk at this point I can't stand to be around Taylor.
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sarcastictissy · 10 days
My apologies, I sincerely thought you were aware which is why I came to you ack, I’m so sorry D’:
But in short, the original admin, Puella, was the one who created Otipep and they made a doc about their experience on QSMP and the story behind why Otipep exists, and well, Otipep basically existed cause they were gone for a while, came back and decided to “roleplay” while they were in an unwell state with a high fever and used Otipep as an excuse for their rude behavior. And well, that led to Ro, Ro’s community and a few of Ro’s friends really uncomfortable with the entire situation.
The admin was removed as Pepito and we got Pepito’s perm admin Lina to continue the story.
The document came out yesterday (unfortunately I’m unsure if it can be accessed again due to Puella privating their account after receiving massive backlash from the community), and it honestly was extremely off putting, disheartening and disappointing to see so many rush to support them after the uncomfortable situation they created that left one of the most patient CCs uncomfortable alongside his community. I understand wanting to support all admins who worked on QSMP (trust me, I support many of the admins who have came forward with their story and admins who continue/ed to work on the project or on Q Studios) and were affected, but a lot of actions can not be blindly forgiven. Plus this is fairly reminiscent to the situation of Dianna(?), Tilin’s admin, where after they left the project, many found out that she broke the boundaries of other workers and also of a few CCs.
Dw about it!! Thank you for telling me! I'm not aware of Tilin's admin to be honest. I'm disappointed Optepip used their personal circumstances as an excuse for badly treated Roier, his fans, and his friends. I'm sure Optipep actually insulted his family as well but I could be wrong. Regardless, it does not seem that they apologised for the situatuon and used the fact they were fired (as an actor, or as an admin I'm not sure) as a way to get pity or sympathy, despite there being a valid reason for the backlash they received. Just annoyed they don't seem to accept the fact they did something wrong. And it's not clear that they don't understand they did something wrong, it's more that they choose to ignore the issue instead. Honestly I'm not sure what to think. I hope they do apologise to Roier either publicly or privately.
Also are you my first anon with a sign off?!?!!?! :00
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verdantcrimson · 25 days
Heaven and Earth / Creation of Heaven and Earth - 7
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[After school that same day, in the ES reception room.]
Keito: Now, I’ll summarize the issue at hand for Anzu, who probably doesn’t understand what is happening very well.
Keito: We, AKATSUKI, have been asked to host a long-running show ‘Rumbling Heaven and Earth’, that any history buff worth their salt knows about.
Kuro: By the way, little miss Anzu, have ya ever heard of ‘Rumbling Heaven and Earth’? Ya haven’t, right?
Keito: Quit trying to increase the number of your brethren in ignorance.
Souma: Fufu. You say you have yet to properly sit down and watch it, but you know of its name? Well, it does appear understandably difficult and complex to become invested in.
Souma: I too have beckoned for my younger brother to “come and watch” with me, but he does not spare a glance.
Kuro: Haha, wouldn’t it be more fun for a growin’ boy to move his body?
Keito: Back to what I was saying earlier. We’ve been entrusted with this major role, but a problem has cropped up.
Kuro: The issue is that I’m an idiot.
Keito: I’ve come up with a workaround for that bit, so it’s no longer an issue.
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Souma: Hasumi-dono is far too strict in his refusal to retort with the simpler, “You aren’t an idiot,” phrase. ~♪
Keito: You’re being annoying. Also, Kiryu isn’t an idiot, generally speaking, he just can’t study. There’s a difference.
Keito: The problem I was referring to, of course, is the ‘Three Sages.’
Keito: These ‘Three Sages’ are authorities in the field for the countless historians that have supported ‘Rumbling Heaven and Earth’ throughout the years. Without their cooperation, this show just wouldn’t work.
Souma: Umu. We are not academics, but ‘aidoru’, for which reason we so desperately require the assistance of such experts.
Keito: Exactly. However, for better or worse, these exalted scholars were quite unique—
Keito: They had their own set of conditions for us to follow. Though it seemed like they’d be cooperative if we fulfilled them,
Keito: All of these conditions are ill-matched, and in theory, it seems impossible to fulfill all of them.
Keito: Now, we need to figure out what to do. Do you understand now, Anzu?
Kuro: No really, what’re we supposed t’do…? Both Hideyoshi-sensei and Nobunaga-sensei said the same thing, come to think of it. Turns out ‘Rumbling Heaven and Earth’ is a total landmine of a job after all.
Kuro: We’re just dumbasses that jumped for joy, and fell right into a trap.
Souma: Now Kiryu-dono, let us try and think of this the other way around. I believe that it may be precisely because we are without a proven record of accomplishments unlike the ‘beterans’ of our agency, that the responsibility of handling such a precarious case has been entrusted to us young people.
Keito: I agree with Kanzaki’s view on this.
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Kuro: Why’re you two just freakishly in sync these days!? You ‘good at studyin’’ folks are conspirin’ together, aren’tcha? Little miss, you’re on my side though, right? Won’t ya come to the ‘can’t study for shit’ side…?
Keito: Don’t act like a baby to gain Anzu’s sympathy, Kiryu… But seriously, what side would you take, Anzu? I’ve always thought that you were sincere, and a hard worker, so your grades must be good, right?
Souma: Hmm. Anzu-dono is currently enrolled in the ‘purodyuusu’ course, so I cannot say for certain, however, the year prior, her grades were of a generally average nature. They were neither good nor bad.
Kuro: If ya studied super hard and still got an average grade, that must mean you must’ve been a pretty terrible student in the past.
Keito: Don’t try to recruit fellow bad students. Quit trying to run from reality, Kiryu. It’d be best if you tried to be reborn as a wiser version of yourself.
Kuro: Easy for you to say, but y’know… I can’t change that fast. I mean, I worked real hard to finally be reborn at the level I am right now.
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Keito: Yes. I acknowledge your hard work.
Keito: Effort will never betray a person. People are only ever betrayed by people.
Souma: Those are meaningful words. Unfailingly, problems can be attributed to people.
Keito: That applies to our current predicament as well. What should we do, Anzu?
Keito: I would like to hear your opinion.
Kuro: Careful now, little miss. If ya answer with somethin’ strange, Hasumi’s gonna blow his lid.
Keito: Stop fooling around. If Anzu had been even a little less self-assertive of a person, she would’ve shriveled up by now.
Keito: —Hm, I see. Decide on what our priorities are, huh?
Keito: It’s better to be selective, and decide on what you want to accomplish, rather than try to accomplish everything and risk ending up with nothing.
Keito: That sounds fair. Nothing good comes from being greedy.
Keito: And naturally, what’s most important to us is the progress of AKATSUKI.
Kuro: As an idol, ya should’ve answered with somethin’ more like “the smiles of our fans.”
Keito: If we’re very successful and sparkle brightly, our fans will be pleased and smile anyways, right?
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Keito: We would like to bolster our reputation by hosting ‘Rumbling Heaven and Earth.’ However, in order for the show to be a success, we need the cooperation of the ‘Three Sages.’
Keito: However, in order to get them to cooperate with us, we have to meet their conditions—
Keito: …I’m just repeating myself. What I’m trying to say is that the order of priorities is (1) AKATSUKI’s progression, (2) Getting ‘Rumbling Heaven and Earth’ approved, and (3) the feelings of the ‘Three Sages.
Keito: In the most extreme case, even if we are unable to achieve (2) or (3), accomplishing just (1) would be fine.
Keito: … Hm? What is it, Anzu?
Keito: If you have something to add, don’t be afraid to say it. That is why I called you here, after all.
Keito: I see… That sounds drastic, but I guess it’s technically possible.
Keito: It’s not like we’d be punished for trying. Oi Kiryu, Kanzaki—
Keito: Let’s prepare whatever documents and materials we’ll need by tomorrow.
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Keito: As per Anzu’s suggestion, we’ll make a trial version of ‘Rumbling Heaven and Earth’ on our own.
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avatar-anna · 2 years
Hi ☺️ you can write something where yn is also Harry's guitarist, and they have feelings for each other but are afraid to admit it. And the reader always thought she wasn't his type either.
i...had no idea where this was gonna go. it's not really what you asked for, but i'm sure these two will get there eventually. enjoy!!
Harry was a nice enough guy, but he was driving you insane.
You were hired as a guitarist for Harry Styles' Love On Tour, and while you were picked out of a long list of guitarists for your talent and extensive resume, your boss seemed to think you couldn't fill the shoes left behind by the guy you replaced. Apparently he recently had a baby and he and his wife, the drummer, were both taking some time off to take care of the little guy.
You knew you were talented, you wouldn't have gotten this job if you weren't, but Mitch, the usual lead guitarist for Harry's band, must've been a god or something on the guitar because during rehearsals, Mitch was all Harry could talk about. "Mitch usually does this," he would say, or "Mitch doesn't play like that," or "Well, Mitch actually..."
Harry brought up Mitch while you tried to play—key word tried because Harry barely let you play any chords before he had a correction—that you began to dislike the man in question, and you'd never even met him! You'd never been so tense or annoyed while playing before, but Harry just couldn't seem to leave you alone, so much so that the other members of his band had taken notice.
"Don't take it too personally," Pauli said after a particularly excruciating rehearsal. "Mitch is Harry's best friend. I think he just feels weird having to perform without him and he's taking it out on you."
That was fine, you could understand missing someone who made you comfortable onstage, but Harry was making you uncomfortable, which caused you to underperform, which caused him to nitpick even more.
"I don't understand why he hired me if he doesn't like the way I play," you said into your phone. You were on your daily rant phone call to your mom before you left for rehearsals, something that was necessary so you wouldn't bite anyone's head off and get fired.
"It's nice that he cares so much, though," your mother said, always looking for the bright side. She'd been your number one supporter from the moment you'd set your sights on becoming a professional guitarist. And she was undeniably a Harry Styles fan.
"Maybe, but maybe he cares a little too much," you replied, running a hand through your hair. "I mean, no offense to this Mitch guy, but I could probably play circles around him."
"Very humble of you, Y/n," your mother deadpanned.
"But I'm not wrong."
You were classically trained on the Spanish guitar as well as a standard acoustic or electric guitar, having started out at a young age. Playing was your lifeblood, the thing that made you feel the most in tune with yourself. Mitch was more than likely a great guy, and probably a fantastic guitarist. You didn't mean to sound cocky, but you were so frustrated by Harry's inherent lack of belief in your talent that you almost had to say you were better out loud before you started to doubt yourself, something you'd never done before.
"Maybe. But show them that. Make him stop questioning you."
"That's probably unlikely," you muttered, but you kept her advice in your back pocket. Looking at your watch, you cursed. "Shit. I gotta go, Mom. I'll talk to you later."
"Kick some ass, sweetie!" she said, and with that, she was gone.
You sped over to the rehearsal space, not needing Harry to tell you that Mitch would never be late for rehearsal. Thankfully, you weren't the last person to show up, so you were in the clear. For now.
You walked over to Pauli and Paige, a new hire like you. Apparently dating co-workers was allowed in Harry Styles' world, not that you'd be doing that. Everyone was nice—including Harry when he wasn't breathing down your neck—but you weren't interested in a relationship while touring. If something were to go wrong, it would only make things awkward. But you took comfort in the fact that if you did, Harry couldn't say anything about it, because Mitch had done it, and anything Mitch said or did was gospel.
"Ready for another day of fun?" Paige asked sarcastically. She'd also been a recipient of Harry's nitpicking, but it wasn't as bad.
"Aw, come on you guys, H is just a perfectionist," Pauli reasoned.
You were careful to look around before saying anything that would possibly get you in trouble with the subject of your conversation. And even when you saw that the coast was clear, you kept your voice down. "So am I, but you don't see me telling anyone how to do their job."
Rehearsals started soon after, and things went surprisingly smooth. Harry only had a couple of corrections, all of which you took with a grain of salt, but he was pretty mellow today.
Until you got to 'She.'
"I don't know guys, it doesn't feel right to do it without Mitch," Harry said, playing with the guitar strap around his neck.
"Oh, but it's such a vibe, H!" Ny'Oh said. "The fans love that one."
You'd heard the song before. You'd listened to all of Harry's music before applying for this job. It was a good song, a great one even, with an awesome guitar solo, performed by the man, the myth, the legend Mitch Rowland himself. It was probably why Harry didn't want to perform it. Or better yet, he didn't want you to perform it.
"But Mitch always does the solo," he replied, still unsure.
You held back an eyeroll. Of course Mitch always performed it, he was the lead guitarist and recorded the guitar solo on the original track. But that didn't mean he was the only one who could do it.
"I can do it," you said. You normally kept quiet during rehearsal, but you wanted to prove yourself to Harry. You were sick of him underestimating you.
Not once had he complimented your work during rehearsals. You made corrections, you did things the way Harry preferred, and you played well, but anytime you did any of that, he couldn't just say, "Good job," or "Nice work." He just made suggestion after suggestion, and you wanted him to realize that while you weren't the almighty Mitch, you were just as good, if not better in your (humble) opinion.
"I'm sure you can, Y/n, it's just a really complicated solo, and I don't want to overwhelm you on your first tour with us. Mitch put a lot of passion into—"
"Can we just try?" you interrupted, trying not to sound as frustrated as you felt. If he didn't let you do this, you were seriously considering quitting. There was only so much of his condescension you could take.
Harry looked unsure, but he eventually agreed. And even then, it felt like he was just amusing you, like he'd already made up his mind.
You decided then and there that this would be the performance of your life. Not in front of tens of thousands of people, not in front of screaming fans and spectators, not even at an actual show. No, the defining moment of your career was about to be during a tour rehearsal for a man who didn't think you could live up to his expectations. What a surprise.
The song started, and you followed along. As you slowly approached the big solo, Pauli gave you a thumbs up, mouthing "You got this!" from his place behind his keyboard. And when your time to shine finally arrived, you were flawless.
You were better than flawless. Your fingers moved along the fretboard with ease and worked the strings masterfully. With each chord you played, you drifted further and further away from the rehearsal space. And you had to give credit where credit was due too. The guitar solo Mitch created helped to transport you to that other plane of existence. It was idyllic and gritty required a certain amount of focus, but you were more than up to the task. Playing this solo and forgetting about everything that had been bothering you reminded you why you took this job in the first place. To play music. To play good music. The rest almost seemed worth it if it meant you could play this solo every night.
By the time the song slowly trickled to an end, you were nearly out of breath from how intensely you played for the last few minutes. Your fingers ached despite your calluses and your cheeks were undoubtedly flushed, but you felt good. Satisfied with your performance of the song.
The rehearsal space was dead silent, and you couldn't tell whether it was good silence or bad silence. You'd changed up the solo just the tiniest bit, like an artist leaving a signature on a painting. If you were going to be doing this solo on tour, you had to do it your way. You weren't Mitch, no matter how much Harry wanted you to be. But it honestly wasn't a lot, hardly even noticeable, but you were sure Harry noticed.
Speaking of, you looked over at him to gauge his reaction, and dare you say he looked...impressed? His eyes were wide, like he was seeing you for the first time, his hands frozen on his guitar, fingers positioned on the last chord of 'She.'
"So...it was okay?" you asked, letting yourself smile a little. You knew it was better than okay, but it didn't matter what you thought, the only opinion that mattered was Harry's, and he'd yet to say anything. No one had.
He finally seemed to return to himself and ran a hand through his hair. "Well, um, Mitch normally walks around the stage a little more, but—"
"Oh my God," you muttered in disbelief. You slipped your guitar from around your shoulders and moved to put it in its case.
This was never going to end. No matter what you did, no matter how you played, you would never be good enough in his eyes, and you didn't need to go out of your way to prove yourself to someone who wasn't willing to change your mind. You knew you were good, and you knew you could find work elsewhere.
"I'm out. I'm sorry it's last minute, but I—I can't. I can't work like this," you said, making eye contact with everyone but Harry. Paige looked sad to see you go, but there was sympathy there too.
When Harry didn't try to stop you, you picked up your guitar case and walked towards the rehearsal space's exit. Harry's manager was there, and he tried to stop you, but you weren't willing to listen to anyone at the moment.
"You don't have to pay me or anything. It's fine. I just can't work with him. I'm sorry." And then you were walking out to your car.
You were right, you did find work quickly.
It was to help record for an album and not touring across the United States, but hey, work was work, and the artist you were helping appreciated and recognized your talent. They even asked you for advice on how to improve.
You were at home after another day of recording, watching a nature documentary while you crocheted a sweater for your mom. If you timed it right, it would be done by Christmas. You were finishing a carrot nose on a snowman when there was a knock on your door. You didn't answer at first, figuring it was just a package delivery, but when there was another knock, you went to go see who it was.
"What do you want?" you asked, not even trying to hide the annoyance in your voice.
Harry had the decency to look sheepish. He scratched the back of his neck, his shirt lifting to reveal a sliver of skin. "I've come to apologize."
"Apology not accepted. Now if you'll excuse me I would rather be doing literally anything else than having this conversation," you said, trying to close the door, but Harry put a hand out to stop it from shutting in his face.
"Okay, I know I was...difficult, but can we please be civil?" he said, not appreciating your dry tone.
"Difficult?" you scoffed. "Passing kidney stones is difficult. Math is difficult. You...You're impossible!"
You never said anything to Harry because you didn't want to cause a scene in front of the rest of the band and you technically worked for him, but there was no one around, and you didn't work for him anymore.
"I realize that I set impossible standards and shouldn't have been comparing you to Mitch," he said, cheeks flushed from being labeled "impossible." "I shouldn't have done that, so I'm sorry. And...you really are an amazing guitarist. I'm sorry if it felt that I was harping too much. I've been having a hard time accepting that Mitch won't be on tour with me this time around, but it wasn't right to put that on you."
Well that was an understatement, but at least he realized he'd been asking you to do the impossible, which was basically to become someone else. Still, you wanted to get under his skin the way he'd gotten under yours these past few weeks.
"How long did it take you to prepare that?" you asked. You were the one being difficult now, and you had to admit, it felt very satisfying.
Harry frowned. "I didn't prepare anything."
You grinned, noticing the way he wouldn't meet your eyes. Crossing your arms, you said, "So you tracked me down all the way to my house by yourself to apologize? This has nothing to do with the fact that you're going on tour in less than two weeks and have yet to find a replacement?"
Paige had been texting you updates on rehearsals since you quit. Apparently Harry had been worse with all the new people his manager brought in to play with them.
Crossing his arms like you'd done, Harry looked at you, his height causing him to look down just a little. "You're not as charming as you think you are."
"Oh, I'm not trying to be charming. You couldn't handle my charm," you said before you could stop yourself. Where the hell did that come from?
A smile flickered at the corner of Harry's mouth. "I could handle you just fine."
You craned your neck to look at him. When did he get so close? And when did your breathing become shallow? Was this going where you thought it was?
Harry stepped over the threshold of your door, and you let him, mouth dry as the door fell shut. He rested his hand on the side of your face and held you there. Too busy loathing him, you didn't realize how piercing his stare could be, or how sharp his jaw was, or how pink his lips were. You were suddenly very hot.
Finding a semblance of composure, you swallowed and said, "I'm not so sure. I can be a very harsh critic too, you know."
Your eyes flicked down below his belted jeans pointedly. When your gaze returned to his face, Harry's expression grew hard, but you were pretty sure that wasn't the only thing that was hard.
"You're a real brat, you know that?"
You shrugged. "You gonna do something about it?"
You could not believe where this was heading. When you answered the door, you wanted to slam it in Harry's face, part of you still did. But you were under some kind of spell. It had to be his cologne, or his eyes, something. Something was making you act this way, despite the fact that you found him extremely irritating.
"I have a couple things in mind, but—What are you doing?"
You weren't really sure, but you were going with it. You'd sunk down to your knees and had begun to work his belt undone. Quickly, you met his eyes to make sure this was all okay, and when he nodded, you continued to undress him while he continued to speak.
"I—I've been told I have to—shit," he hissed. "I have to get you to come back and go on tour with us."
You'd finally gotten his jeans off completely, and the cool air surprised him. Sitting back on your heels, you looked back up at him innocently. "Okay."
Harry had been distracted by your hands, which had begun to explore. But when you caved easily, he peeked an eye open. "Okay? That's it?"
Shrugging, you said, "Sure, I just have to hear you say it."
"Say what?" he asked, but you had a feeling that he would do just about anything you said right about now.
"I'll come back and go on tour with you if you say, out loud, that I'm better than him."
He'd gone back to closing his eyes, enjoying the feeling of your hands, but you stopped to get his focus back. "Better than who?"
"Better than Mitch. If you tell me right now that I'm a better guitarist than him, I'll come back."
Harry glared at you, but you just shrugged again. "Up to you," you said simply.
He took his time, debating whether what he was feeling was worth saying what you wanted him to say. He'd unwittingly walked into a trap, though you only planned it when he stepped inside your home. He didn't even have to mean it, you just wanted to hear him say it.
Pulling your phone out, you began to scroll, letting him know you weren't particularly bothered by his current predicament, and that wasn't just referring to the tour.
Finally, horniness won out, and he muttered, "Fine."
He agreed, but he hadn't actually said anything. "I'm waiting."
"Fucking brat," he muttered under his breath. "You're a better guitarist than Mitch. There. Happy?"
"Very," you said. "Especially since I can listen to you say it over and over again."
You were scrolling on your phone, but only to find your voice recorder app. The second he said he would do it, you hit record. And just to rub salt in the wound, you hit the "play" button.
"You're a better guitarist than Mitch. There. Happy?"
Smiling, you shut your phone off and slid it in your back pocket. "I think I'm gonna make that my ringtone."
Done with your games, Harry reached down to hold your hair in his hand. "Are we doing this or not?"
You shrugged. "Sure. Why not."
Just like you predicted, he glared at you even more, but that didn't stop him from urging you on, guiding your head with the hand holding your hair. You were sure he hated that you couldn't be assed whether you hooked up with him or not. He seemed like the type that needed to be praised in bed, but you weren't about to give him any kind of satisfaction. Well, not any verbal satisfaction.
"I think we're going to have a lot of fun on this tour, you and I," he said through gritted teeth when you eventually gave in.
You hummed noncommitally, trying to appear like you didn't really care. But you did. Harry was an ass and had expressed some diva-like behavior, but it would be fun to push his buttons and see how far his limits actually went.
Maybe touring with him wouldn't be so bad after all.
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centrally-unplanned · 2 months
I am beginning the "Understanding Victoria 3" journey - I love Paradox and love Victoria 2, but I didn't vibe with 3 on release. but I didn't try too hard - after all its a Paradox game on release, they always kind of suck lol, you gotta wait for a few patches.
So I began a Japan file (weeb alert) and am taking it one step at a time. I think I have the economic fundamentals a bit down now with the "construction sector" gameplay loop - build up some construction buildings, look at sell/buy mismatches, drag peasants into the market economy, and then plan for multi-step supply chain moments and key production line switches building everything needed at once. I still get what is worth vs not worth, but that will come with time.
I do like the core system here - the "peasant" stock is a clever workaround of a Vicky 2 problem. Tons of workers start out "outside" the market economy doing subsistence farming, which is ahistorical (1836 rural economies in almost all countries were heavily commercialized) but in Vicky 2 a lot of what you did to boost things like RGO production was just "wait" - wait for techs, wait for population to grow, because everyone started fully employed. Now you can plan your economy way more effectively as there is a deep labor pool to play with.
On the down sides the UI is extremely messy. No screen really gives you "the economy", in the way you want it. Where is labor, where is infrastructure bottlenecks, what goods do my factories need to go to next production level tech, etc. Its all scattered to the winds like an artificial difficulty increase, like if I put it all in one place it would make what decision to make too obvious. But I can still tell, so its annoying as opposed to challenging.
Additionally it seems like I do *not* have to educate new people for jobs. I can just draft peasants right into universities as staff and such. This seems like a big error to me? But maybe I don't get it yet.
I haven't really touched diplo yet so no thoughts. Politics I don't really understand yet. I get the "fundamentals", you form coalition governments and based on their ideology they support different laws. But how I, as the player, actually interact with it in a positive way I haven't grokked yet. I want to both initiate change, and also be hit with challenges that I have to grapple with, and I am not sure of how to do either yet. Will be my next focus.
(The game does seem very event-bare, but ofc when it came to Vicky II I was always playing mods. One step at a time)
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vikkirosko · 2 years
Since it's the holiday season, could I request Blitzø, Moxxie, Striker, and/or Husk being caught under the mistletoe with the reader?
Headcanons Mistletoe
🃏 Husk x Reader 🥃
For sinners, the end of the year meant that they would soon be in danger and they could easily lose their lives a second time. But Charlie didn't want the inhabitants of the hotel to get hung up on gloomy thoughts, so she decorated the hotel with Christmas decorations. Husk tried to ignore them, but even his bar was decorated. You often spent time there, but neither you nor he paid attention to these decorations
When you once again spent time together in a bar, you didn't pay attention to the flashing garlands and other decorations, but when Angel started making strange noises, you both realized that something was wrong. When you looked at him, you realized that he was imitating the sound of a kiss. Husk was annoyed by his actions and you tried to understand their reason. Only when you raised your head did you realize that the reason for this was the mistletoe that was hanging over you
Husk didn't notice your upward gaze, being annoyed, which made Angel laugh even more. Now you understood the reason for this and couldn't help but smile. When Husk just started to get indignant, you leaned forward a little and kissed him, then pointed him to the mistletoe, to the ringing Angel's laugh
Husk was surprised by what you did and wanted to be outraged, but you left before he could do it. He was displeased, but he blushed anyway. He didn't attach much importance to traditions and droned for a long time about the need to remove the mistletoe from his bar, but he never did it. He kept saying that he would do it a little later, but you knew perfectly well that this was not the case
😈 Blitzø x Reader 🐴
Blitzø was delighted with the upcoming holiday. He decorated the office, made the workers wear Christmas sweaters and put on a headband with a mistletoe wire on it. He wanted to make a festive mood for his subordinates, including you
Despite the fact that not all of his subordinates supported his Christmas mood, but he saw that you liked what he came up with. You hummed a Christmas song to yourself and continued to work while Blitzø was thinking how to approach you.He managed to get a kiss on the cheek from Millie. Moxxie and Loona refused to do it. However, he wanted you to be the one to kiss him
You saw him and his mistletoe perfectly. You couldn't help but smile at that. When he came up to you again, you bent down and kissed him. He was more than happy with it. He tried to come up with some more subtle plan, but he was also satisfied with your initiative
He was ready to wear a mistletoe headband until the end of the holidays and even longer. For him, it was an excuse to get your kisses at any time, even if it was in the middle of a work meeting. You found it cute and didn't refuse him kisses. Sometimes Blitzø even wanted mistletoe to be with you all year round
😈 Moxxie x Reader 🎶
You and Moxxie loved spending holidays together. That's why you decorated your apartment together for the upcoming Christmas. Mistletoe was one of the first ornaments you hung. Kissing under the mistletoe was a part of the holiday for you and there were a lot of them
You and Moxxie loved to turn on records with Christmas music and dance to them. Every time you found yourself under the mistletoe during the dance, you kissed, and then continued your dance with gentle smiles. It was one of your traditions that you have been observing for the past few years that you have been together
Your first kiss was also under the mistletoe. He only told you about his feelings then, but he didn't have the courage to kiss you then. It was the first time you celebrated Christmas together and he didn't notice the mistletoe you hung. That's why your kiss came as a surprise to him. However, he was not against it, ready to give you a huge number of tender kisses
Christmas was a special holiday for you. It was a day when you spent time together, giving each other warm hugs and tender kisses. It was one of those holidays whose atmosphere gave you warmth and peace that it was difficult for you to achieve in everyday life and mistletoe was a pleasant addition
🐍 Striker x Reader 👢
While Christmas was a holiday for many inhabitants of Hell, for Striker it was one of the busiest times of the year. He had more work to do and rarely found time for holidays. However, these holidays he finished earlier and came to you. You were always waiting for him, hoping that he would be able to finish his work earlier, and it was on this evening that he did it
You were glad to see him. You didn't prepare much for the upcoming holiday, but you still decorated your apartment and the mistletoe that you hung in the kitchen was one of your Christmas decorations. You and Striker were chatting in the kitchen where he was eating the salad you cooked. You managed to forget about the decoration, so when Striker kissed you, you were surprised. It was only when he pointed out the mistletoe to you that you realized why he suddenly kissed you so unexpectedly
Striker wasn't a fan of holidays, but he liked the mistletoe tradition. It was another reason for him to kiss you for no particular reason. Because of his work, you didn't see each other that often, so another reason for kissing was important to him
He did not regret that he did not take even more work and decided to spend time with you. You didn't have much time that you could spend together, which is why you valued every moment together. Striker didn't know how long he would be at home, so he was going to spend as much time with you as possible
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jayblanc · 7 months
The Strike is over, but the conditions continue.
Okay, so the Media Strikes are over* what now? Everything is fine right, and onwards we go.
Except... All the guys who worked their hardest to undermine the Unions are all still there. And let me assure you that even when they're not outright hostile, there's swathes of "Producers" who maintain wilful ignorance of what they need to do to be right by their workers.
Here's an example from the "wilful ignorance" end of that scale, and one that threatens to become too common an occurrence as we enter the age of the multi-million dollar 'crowdfunded' production.
Back in the middle of the Strike, the producers of the successful crowd funded 'Lackadaisy' Pilot announced a crowd funded series order. They quickly hit their target for a new episode, then a short-season production order, and raised more than enough that they declared they could complete a full season production order at two million dollars.
I contacted the producers to ask if they were going to do right by their returning SAG-AFTRA cast, and be careful to follow SAG-AFTRA terms and consider getting an appropriate waiver if they needed one.
I received almost immediate lash-back from the producers, who were incensed that I questioned them, and accused me of 'trying to tear them down to be a hero'. They then issued this public statement on their crowd funder, buried as a silent update to their FAQ...
We are not members of the AMPTP (Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers). That is the body that SAG-AFTRA (The Screen Actors Guild – American Federation of Television and Radio Artists) and the WGA (Writers Guild of America) are on strike against. We are also not a theatrical production (which the strikes are explicitly targeting), and so are not subject to the strikes. We negotiate our contracts with our crew members directly, not through AMPTP. Those AMPTP contracts are what SAG-AFTRA and the WGA are objecting to, and we do not use those objectionable contracts. We wholeheartedly support the current labor actions, and hope labor is able to achieve every single one of their demands and more! There is no art without artists, and art is labor. SOLIDARITY FOREVER!
Let's go over this statement...
"We are not members of the AMPTP" - No, you personally are not. And under the line producers are indeed annoyed at the AMPTP for making it appear they represent all production staffers when they do not. But... And this is important, all production *companies* are still employers, and SAG-AFTRA, WGA and IATSE are the collective bargaining units that hold them to account. And these unions have to operate from the assumption that your company might, for example, seek to do a deal with Netflix to get the series streamed there... And even if they're "Just going to put it on YouTube", well, it may come as a shock but YouTube is owned by a Big Media Company called Google. It is actually very hard to distribute media truly independently than you might think, and avoiding the AMPTP is difficult. Particularly since they don't make their member companies particularly easy to identify, and there's no published list of them... But even if you still do all that, this still means your production company is Management, and the unions have every right to look after your work force.
"We are also not a theatrical production" - This is either weasel wording, or wilful ignorance. No, they are not a "Theatrical Production". But having a budget over one million dollars means they are a "Television Production", even if independently streamed and distributed. And relevant expectations of following a collectively bargained agreement in the relevant category still exist.
"We negotiate our contracts with our crew members directly" - Nothing says you understand collective bargaining more than insisting on individual negotiations with your work force.
"Those AMPTP contracts are what SAG-AFTRA and the WGA are objecting to, and we do not use those objectionable contracts." - Again this is either wilful ignorance of weasel wording. The 'Minimum Agreements' were not set out by the AMPTP, they're the product of the unions pushing them into agreeing on them. And they are the minimums, not full contracts. The strikes were about renegotiating better minimums agreements. And the new minimum agreements won't be "AMPTP Contracts" either, but the bare minimum the unions will demand from you.
"There is no art without artists, and art is labor. SOLIDARITY FOREVER!" - I find it strange to end this statement on a declaration of solidarity, after spending the rest of it explaining how you don't think that solidarity applies to you.
Now I want to make it clear, I am not making an assumption of malice on behalf of the Lackadaisy production. I wish them and those that will be working for them, all the best of luck.
But, at the end of the day, worker conditions are harmed just as much by wilful ignorance as direct malice. And sometimes, people who have assured themselves that they are good people can cause harm because they simply don't bother to examine their assumptions. And then cause further harm by doubling down on it when questioned, because they believe themselves to be good people, so anyone 'attacking them' must be a bad person.
And some times that means intervention to drag them into actually understanding their obligations. Be it reluctantly, be it kicking and screaming about being attacked, be it actively opposed. That's what unions are there for.
And that's what Solidarity actually means.
(*IATSE, the associated media worker trade group is expected to go on strike when their collective contract is up for renegotiation early 2024)
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dez-wade · 6 months
I’ve been thinking about it a bunch since purgatory ended and I think the main issue for me and maybe in general too was it was WAY too hyped and then turned out to just be pointless in the long run. Like qsmp was at its peak story wise for so many character (Cellbit murdering the workers, Slime with code flippa, Phil not knowing what was real after the birdhouse and being constantly followed by birds, Bagi and her dealing with her brothers actions and impacting how she saw him and herself, Baghera learning she was raised by the federation, BBH and his stuff with the soul vultures and Ron, Etoiles and Fit with the resistance stuff) and for others they were beginning/getting more into their personal lore (Pol, Antoine, Pierre, foolish, tubbo) and then this event was thrown at us as being this CRAZY, NOTHING WILL EVER BE THE SAME AGAIN, YOURE NOT READY FOR THIS BEST EVENT EVER and as everyone was very in “story mode” it meant as viewers we would assume that it would be linked to that but it just turned out to be a pvp grinding competition for two weeks that had no pay off and amounted to nothing except burning out most of the active players making them take extended breaks from the server and didn’t achieve the obvious goal of trying to incentivise ccs who don’t log in often because they’re not interested in lore to log in because nobody who doesn’t play semi regularly logged in after the first day anyway and it even discouraged people who play regularly from logging in (Antoine literally said he wasn’t going to play in the event after the first day because he doesn’t enjoy that style of event and gameplay) so it was like this massive hyped thing that amounted to literally nothing and in the process delayed/derailed peoples personal lore (which was what most people were watching for, their faves povs story) and made a bunch of their most active players take a break and I know for me personally and a bunch of others I’ve seen say similar things it honestly impacted peoples desire to watch as regularly
Purgatory is easily the worst arc that happened on the server. Like, I admire the admins effort and everything and I hope it works better for whatever they're planning with the new one they plan on doing with smaller CCs, but god I hated it so much. At some point I just stopped watching, I couldn't take it and I completely understand why some CCs just gave up.
Nothing paid off. I know some people can see a good thing they gained from it (Bolas and Soulfire found family maybe), but I don't think there was a good single thing for me. Nothing that was sacrificed to make this arc was worthy for me. And it also happened to make the fandom infinitely worse, created a big divide that is still not gone and made the annoying people even more annoying, and got them more support.
I wish I could just forget this arc exists and hopefully things get more consistently better in the next few months. I know some people want to see the consequences between the characters, but I'll be way happier if they just pretended it didn't exist.
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taelqn · 3 days
NOTES: Don’t ask me how any of these psychos became guardian angels because I don’t know either. AU where they’re not so evil, I guess. Also, Lucius is not here because I got lazy lol.
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╰┈➤ ❝ Stay focused. Distractions lead to danger. ❞
First, I want to emphasize that Zenon takes his role as your guardian angel very seriously. He is dedicated, committed, and unwavering in his responsibilities. If, for any reason, you wish to contact him, you should be prepared for a significant challenge—reaching a Guardian Angel is no easy feat, especially one as elusive as Zenon. He has no desire to communicate with humans or anyone else. Simply go about your daily life and allow him to perform his duties as your guardian angel, and all will be well.
In the unlikely event that you manage to reach Zenon, be prepared for a less-than-welcoming reception—he won't greet you warmly or with any sugarcoated pleasantries. Your first instinct will likely be to thank him for his protection, but don’t expect a response; he’ll remain silent. Before you even have the chance to say anything further, he’ll interrupt with a firm reprimand for seeking him out. Although he's somewhat annoyed by your attempt to contact him, he doesn’t entirely blame you, understanding that humans are naturally curious. Nevertheless, he believes strongly that humans and angels should stick to their own responsibilities and not seek each other out. After this encounter, Zenon will make it virtually impossible for you to reach him again. Don’t worry, he will continue to serve as your Guardian Angel—just now, he’ll be even more elusive.
Obviously, as your guardian angel, Zenon protects you from a wide range of threats, from physical dangers to emotional and psychological challenges. Whenever you encounter moments of despair or doubt, you might experience a sudden surge of resilience—a silent encouragement urging you to persevere. Zenon is like that dedicated worker who, despite the exhaustion of a demanding 9-to-5 job, continues to give his all because of his unwavering commitment to his responsibilities. He tirelessly ensures your safety and well-being, and his dedication is unshakable. In short, you needn’t worry about much when it comes to him—what you should worry about are the challenges he gives you.
Zenon believes in teaching you through challenges, viewing them as essential opportunities for your growth. While he diligently protects you, there will be times when he doesn’t shield you from every difficulty. Instead, he ensures you have the strength and fortitude to overcome these obstacles. The challenges he sets before you are always within your capacity to handle. Once he sees you successfully overcoming a challenge, he’ll present you with a slightly tougher one—gradually fostering your independence without you even realizing it. This approach can sometimes be frustrating, but ultimately, it builds a deeper resilience within you, which is precisely his goal. Rest assured, Zenon won’t overwhelm you with a constant barrage of challenges. He gives you a challenge and then allows you ample time to rest and recharge. He’s firm, but not unreasonably so.
To conclude, Zenon would embody a shadowy yet unwavering presence in your life. His guardianship would be characterized by silent strength, steadfast protection, and a nuanced blend of distance. While he may never openly express his emotions, you will gradually come to understand that his presence, though often concealed, exerts a profound and enduring influence on your life. He cares for you deeply, albeit in his own subtle manner. With Zenon watching over you, you’re likely to lead a long and independent life, fortified by his silent guidance and support!
╰┈➤ ❝ Push yourself to the limit and then go beyond it! ❞
Vanica would exhibit a fiercely protective nature toward you, willing to go to extreme lengths to ensure your safety. Her guardianship would be characterized by a constant, fiery passion, always on high alert and ready to spring into action at the slightest hint of danger. Interestingly, she has a unique way of warning you through subtle signs. For instance, imagine you're seconds away from tripping on a rock because you're too engrossed in your phone—Vanica, utilizing her angelic powers, might orchestrate a passing car to suddenly beep, startling you and averting the mishap. Alternatively, she could prompt a random notification on your phone, serving as a reminder to pay attention to your surroundings. You can only imagine the extent of her protective fervor if you were ever truly in a life-threatening situation…
Vanica's approach to guardianship would be refreshingly unconventional, injecting a whirlwind of activity into your life. She would urge you to embrace risks and actively seek out thrills, pushing you to step boldly outside your comfort zone. Challenges would be seen as exhilarating adventures, propelling you toward personal growth and self-discovery. She’s your hype woman—literally. With her as your guardian angel, you'd find yourself embarking on many new experiences and taking daring actions you might never have considered before. This journey of exploration would lead to a deeper understanding of yourself and a newfound confidence in facing the unknown! Afraid of heights or falling? You suddenly get the idea of going skydiving!—wonder who put that idea into your head…cough cough Vanica. Fearful of the ocean? Pack your bags for an aquatic adventure! Nervous about animals? A trip to the zoo might just become an opportunity to conquer those fears! And if you're shy or hesitant to socialize, Vanica would be there to nudge you out of your shell, whether you're fully on board or not. With that being said, you'd undoubtedly find yourself living a life filled with thrills, confidence, and endless adventures!
If you ever feel the desire to reach out to Vanica and connect with her, she would actually be thrilled about it! In fact, she hopes you seek her out. However, she won't make it easy for you to find her just yet—she relishes the opportunity to watch you put in effort and enjoys the adorable attempts you make to reach out to her. So, expect a few hurdles along the way before you finally get to meet her—but rest assured, the journey will be well worth it! Once you successfully navigate through the challenges and finally make contact with her, she'll be just as ecstatic as you are! She probably squeals with excitement when she sees that you've finally reached her. And when you do meet her, you'll likely spend hours chatting and getting to know each other. Vanica is generous with her time, allowing you to spend as much of it with her as you desire. Moreover, she won't make it difficult for you to reach her again in the future. After your lengthy conversation with Vanica, you can expect to leave feeling uplifted, inspired, and filled with happiness. Her presence will infuse you with courage and encouragement, empowering you to face whatever challenges lie ahead with newfound strength and determination.
Vanica’s energy is undeniably palpable, infusing your life with a vibrant urgency. As your guardian angel, she would invigorate you, inspiring you to tackle tasks with enthusiasm and vigor. This heightened energy might sometimes feel overwhelming, but it would also drive you to accomplish more than you ever thought possible. Thanks to the sudden bursts of motivation and energy she provides, you find yourself completing tasks with remarkable efficiency and zeal. Whether it's homework, job responsibilities, or household chores, these surges of energy ensure that you give your all, often leading to successful outcomes. This means that every success, no matter how small, becomes a cause for celebration. Vanica encourages you to revel in your victories and enjoy the rewards of your hard work! This could mean taking a relaxing nap with some lofi music playing in the background, going for a pleasant walk outside, or sitting down to watch your favorite show or movie while sipping your favorite drink. Her exuberant celebrations serve as a constant reminder to appreciate your achievements and to have fun along the way! With Vanica’s infectious energy and encouragement, you not only succeed but also learn to cherish the joy in every accomplishment.
In conclusion, having Vanica as your guardian angel would infuse your life with dynamism and unpredictability. Her unwavering presence would keep you alert and prepared to confront any challenges that come your way. This unpredictability would add an element of excitement and adventure to your life, ensuring that there is never a dull moment. With Vanica by your side, you can anticipate a life filled with thrilling adventures and endless excitement. While the journey may be unpredictable, one thing remains certain: Vanica's guidance will lead you through it all. And though the path may be winding, you can still expect to live a fulfilling life, reaching the average lifespan of a human—maybe a little less... but despite any twists and turns along the way, with Vanica as your guardian angel, it's sure to be a thrilling and enjoyable ride.
╰┈➤ ❝ You are capable of greatness. Embrace it. ❞
Dante would undoubtedly embody a suave and charming demeanor in his role as your guardian angel. His approach would be characterized by an irresistible charisma and a knack for persuasion, utilizing his eloquence and charm to guide and safeguard you through the twists and turns of life. Picture him as a smooth-talking protector, effortlessly weaving words of comfort and encouragement to soothe whatever anxieties and uncertainties you carry. He has a unique ability to calm your fears with his calming words and confident demeanor. With Dante by your side, you can navigate life's challenges with grace and assurance, knowing that his suave charm and protective instincts will always be there to guide you through!
While we're delving into Dante's role as your guiding light, it's important to highlight his remarkable ability to boost your self-confidence. Dante firmly believes in your worth and potential, even if you can’t see them yourself, and he's committed to ensuring that you recognize and embrace these qualities within yourself. He absolutely refuses to let you succumb to feelings of inadequacy or insecurity, determined to empower you to stand out from the crowd. He also obviously believes that confidence is the key to unlocking one's full potential, a trait he believes is often lacking in today's world. And he's not about to let his cherished little human fall victim to the same lack of confidence that plagues so many others. No, that simply isn't his style. It’ll probably take you tons of discipline, patience, and dedication to reach the level of confidence Dante wants you to reach—but trust, the final results will have you and Dante very much pleased.
Now, what kinds of challenges would Dante present to you as your guardian angel? Given his focus on fostering your self-confidence, the challenges he offers would naturally revolve around building and reinforcing this crucial trait. He aims to instill in you a robust and enduring sense of confidence, ensuring you possess enough self-assurance to carry yourself with grace and inspire others. With that in mind, Dante's challenges would be designed to enhance your leadership abilities, maintain composure under pressure, and develop both your physical and mental resilience. For instance, imagine a scenario where you're suddenly thrust into leading a chaotic group project. Deadlines are looming, egos are clashing, and it falls upon you to steer the group toward success. Your challenge in this situation is to keep your cool, inspire teamwork, and guide everyone to the finish line without losing your sanity. Dante's aim here is to help you develop the grace and composure necessary to lead effectively under pressure. Or picture another challenge: you're thrown into the nerve-wracking world of public speaking, tasked with delivering a speech to a room full of intimidating and skeptical faces. Your challenge in this instance is to exude confidence, captivate the audience, and leave them hanging on your every word. Through such experiences, Dante seeks to push you out of your comfort zone, helping you develop the charisma and poise needed to command attention and respect.
If you desire to seek out Dante, he would find the notion quite intriguing. While he won't necessarily encourage you to pursue this endeavor, he also won't dissuade you. If you really want to try and find him, he's open to letting you give it a shot. However, like his siblings, he’ll make it a challenging task. The catch is that Dante's approach is a bit petty and playful. Imagine being tantalizingly close to reaching him, only to feel yourself pulled back just at the last moment. You’d probably find yourself on the brink of success numerous times, only to have Dante mischievously thwart your efforts. Picture him laughing at you as he watches you grow increasingly frustrated, your attempts coming so infuriatingly close but not quite hitting the mark. His teasing is a lot like Vanica's, deriving amusement from your earnest, almost desperate efforts to connect with him. Nevertheless, don't lose heart—after what feels like an eternity of near-misses, you eventually succeed in reaching him! Dante will be quite pleased to see that you persevered through the challenges he set before you. Once you finally connect with him, he will allow you to spend as much time as you want talking with him, but not indefinitely. It's not because he doesn’t enjoy your company or is tired of you, but rather because he wants you to continue living your normal human life and not get too caught up in celestial conversations. When your time with him concludes, you'll leave with a newfound wave of confidence—not only in yourself but also in your future and whatever challenges lie ahead. During your conversation, Dante likely imparted a powerful lecture on the far-reaching impact of confidence and how it can shape your destiny and the potential you have. This would leave you feeling immensely inspired, ready to face the world with a renewed sense of self-assurance and determination.
With Dante Zogratis as your guardian angel, your life would be profoundly enriched by his charismatic and supportive presence. His suave demeanor and eloquent guidance would soothe your anxieties and build your self-confidence, pushing you to realize your full potential. Through challenging scenarios designed to develop your resilience, leadership, and composure, Dante would ensure you grow stronger and more capable. His teasing yet demanding nature would keep you striving for excellence, teaching you perseverance and determination. His unwavering belief in your worth and potential would inspire you to face life's challenges with grace and assurance, knowing his protective instincts and charismatic support are always there to guide you.
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rpgchoices · 28 days
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Sometimes I really want to read a short summary of what to expect from a game… and thankfully people can also submit their summaries of games they played and help me (and others) find games that cater to their interests!
submitted by @lairofsentinel
(click here for other videogames)
what to expect from ROAD 96: Mile 0
Story-driven game with little to play, and more about picking options. 
This game is a prequel of Road 96. Here, we understand Zoe’s background in detail and the reason why she, as the daughter’s Petria’s oil minister, left the main city.  Zoe is a character we met in the previous game I've talked about before.
You play with 2 teenagers: Kaito, the son of an exploited working class parents, and Zoe, the daughter of the country’s oil minister. There is no customization.
In this game, we are focused on the City of Petria, a fantasy mixture of north of Mexico and communist Russia, where the tyranny is led by an “elected president called” Tyrak. Mainstream media is completely bought and altered by his party. I have done a criticism about the first game and the real world countries that inspired it. Nowadays, ironically, everything that was done as a criticism of communism [for example, Orwell’s stories] applies perfectly well as a criticism for capitalism, so I’m torn about this game and where it’s aiming for, specially when you know it's a French production.
It’s needless to say that this game has a high content criticizing our current democracy systems. There is also some room for questioning fanatic behaviour in either side: fascist fanatics as well as revolutionary fanatics. One can agree or disagree with the content of this game, but I like how it stimulates your thoughts and your questions.
Its narrative is a lot simpler than in the first game.
We find and meet some of the characters we saw in the previous game too; like the only reporter of the city, Sonya; the kind policewoman Fany, the tired revolutionary John, or the genius kid who is on the road, Alex.
The game loosely presents the previous game’s  3 alignments: revolutionary, moderate, and mainstream. But they seem to be less tight than in the previous game.
This game has a lot of minigames that may end up being very annoying. 
Among the minigames, and as transitions between big acts in the storytelling, we have something called “rides”, in which Kaito and Zoe do a race in high speed in skater or roll skates. Despite being a beautiful, artistic resources, in which we are delighted with amazing music, fast-pace movement, colour and aesthetics according to the part of the story we are exploring [therefore, it has deep meaning and symbolism], they tend to be performed a bit off. There are a lot of camera changes you don’t control that make these rides a bit more challenging that they should be. For a nice compilation of all these rides, check this video [tons of spoilers, though]. I personally love this ride in particular, when the same tyrant politician who developed a police state a la Big Brother and controls and exploits the worker class to death in oil towns is elected again for 10 years more. 
The game has decent graphics without asking you to have a NASA computer. 
Game fully voiced.
Several different endings, I can count around 9, depending on the last scene choices, which are available depending on how much reputation as revolutionary, moderate, questioning or mainstream you were along the game.   
Short game, around 5 hours of gameplay.
——- Plot? ——-
You play as Zoe or Kaito, living in the city of White Sands, where the president, the oil minister, and the flashy reporter Sonya live. The main plot revolves about the friendship between Zoe and Kaito, and how the class difference and reality affects their perspectives and relationship so deeply. 
——- Gameplay? ——- 
You interact with the NPCs and the environment in a way that increase or decrease your moderation, mainstream support, or revolutionary views.  Sometimes there are boring, annoying mini games as the story progresses.
——- Characters? ——- 
Mainly Kaito and Zoe. 
 ——- LGBT? ——-
Nothing, so far I perceived. 
——- Sadness level? ——- 
Low, but keeps you thinking.
——- Happy ending? Deaths? ——-
There may be deaths depending on your choices. The endings are always bittersweet or bad. Zoe always leaves the city since she is found in the previous game on the road.
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littleoddwriter · 2 months
it's been a little over 3 weeks and... I had to quit the clinic/leave early. which obviously derails the plans I've had completely. which is annoying and very frustrating and elicited feelings & thoughts I hate to have. but it was the right decision. this clinic was horrible for me and only made me more unstable with every day that I was there (didn't think that was possible, lol).
(details and a bit of a rant under the cut)
while, usually, it makes sense for things to get a little worse first before it gets better, this was not the case here. I didn't feel comfortable with the staff. the doctors and therapists seemed very dismissive and hectic to me. the organisation and communication were crap. (like... how the fuck do I have five doctors/therapists in a room with me, discussing what meds to give me, only for them to not have a single clue about that a week later (after not giving me the meds because they Forgot...) and not believe me when I repeated what THEY told me. only for the meds to have lactose in them (I'm lactose intolerant) and so of course I reacted (they KNEW I had an issue with lactose and still gave them to me. I wouldn't even have known what was in them if I hadn't looked up the package insert online...) like what the actual fucking fuck). I've been to 2 clinics before and it was far better there, which is great and I'm glad I had something to compare my experience there to because sometimes I thought I might be overreacting, but I explained it to both of my social workers independently and they both agreed that it was Not Good. I already felt that way on my very first day there, but decided to give them the benefit of the doubt and just wait and see for two weeks at least. but alas, it only got worse for me. I also sat down with one of the doctors and one of the therapists and my social worker last week to talk my issues and my fears through with them; but again, they just didn't even try to help. (basically, what that talk came down to was that "[they] can't do more than what [they're] doing already (virtually Nothing) and it's solely on me to make the best of it or quit otherwise". obviously, I know that myself. I was looking for some guidance and help. some sort of advice. maybe a recommendation for someplace else. just... something. i explicitly asked for it, too. and I would have gotten that at those two other clinics I went to before because they actually cared about helping me. just for comparison's sake. instead, I was busy explaining my issues (more than I listed here, and I didn't exactly say that I had issues with the staff because duh but y'know, there were enough other issues that came up anyway) three times to make them somewhat 'understand' and have my social worker reiterate how badly I've been doing and how much help I need and that I'm feeling very helpless and alone; even while I'm there.)
for anyone that ever considers going to a mental health clinic: you should feel like you can actually talk to somebody if needed. you should feel safe. you should feel like you'll be caught when falling. you should never feel like you have to manage on your own completely. mental hospitals are for support and management. the staff should be a shoulder to lean on, a listening ear, a guiding hand, a safe haven that you can practice in/with. if that is not what you encounter at the hospital, you should look for a different one (if possible).
anyway. I've been debating with myself for over a week whether or not I should actually quit and I couldn't really decide until this Tuesday. that was the first day I was back at the clinic after five whole days off (because of the holidays), and it was like Hell on earth. it only showed me that if I had to do this every day for 3 to 5 more weeks, I'd break down completely and can go to a closed psychiatry right after, which is exactly what I've been trying to prevent with this clinic, of course. that's how bad it'd been for me there.
something that's been frustrating me most about this clinic and the dismissiveness of the staff I encountered, though, is that they were very clearly not equipped for a patient like me (somebody with severe symptoms, several different disorders, unprocessed traumas, etc.), and that they should have felt responsible enough to tell me that when I came in for a first talk in December to be put on the waiting list for a spot at the clinic. the whole point of this first talk is to assess whether or not this clinic is the right space for me, if they are equipped for somebody like me. instead they just waved me through and now I was forced to have that realisation on my own and become increasingly angry toward the staff because it's very irresponsible of them. most other patients I encountered there had depression, anxiety, and/or burn-out and were already on their way to getting better. and this clinic helped them gain back control, learn to manage better, etc. and for a lot of them it helped them. that's great and I'm happy for them! but it's very clear that that is what this clinic is truly for. not for someone like me. and they know that, in my opinion, they should know that, at least. and they should have told me to look for a different clinic instead because this wasn't the one for me. (but from what I've been told by other patients they really just let anyone in there...)
my social workers and I are working on making sure I can find something else (not a clinic for now tho). hopefully, I can get stabilised with the different approach we've been looking into, so I can do the second clinic stay (at the one I've been to before) I've mentioned in my original post.
anyway... that's the update. I wish it was a happier/more optimistic one. but alas, maybe next time!
take care! <3
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aronarchy · 2 years
you're asian. you should understand. do some research into what a tool of imperialism and colonialization and war, what a tool of racial fetishization """sex work"""" is.
Ah. And there it is.
You had quite a different tune just three asks ago:
youre 16. women which have been trafficked their entire childhoods, which have been sex slaves, which have been "sex workers" have more a right to speak than you, im sorry but you quite literally dont understand. i am nonwestern. i was poor.
stop with the fucking sex work shit because you think anything else is offensive. its privileged. its privileged western bullshit which is offensive as fuck and speaks over those of us who are Actually impacted by this god damn narrative.
Make up your mind. Am I evil privileged white-adjacent imperialist oppressor or poor fellow victim oppressed uwu femme of color? Ignorant invading outsider or alike comrade who’d understand your struggles? Person Deserving Of A Voice here or person who should shut up about this?
Do you think someone like me with my particular marginalizations and experiences would see your offer as kind generous benevolent helpful education, or as yet another example of the misogynistic and adultist (and racist) paternalism I have been subjected to throughout my life?
Do you think someone like me with my particular marginalizations and experiences am the type to buy into moral panic, to leave behind rigorous examination the moment the buzzwords come out, to cave to sex negativity the moment I am pressured with think of the poor women and think of the children? I’m a freak and a deviant and a degenerate, along with “(C )SA survivor” and “feminist of color.” I feel no loyalty to you and your crowd. I have nothing for the people who wished to tokenize me and then call for my murder the moment I stepped out of the Acceptable sj circle and I have no interest in repetitions of the same argument that has been used trying to justify my and my communities’ extermination (“if you say/do that you are literally offending/harming every single rape survivor”--“rape apologist/enabler” weaponized as a marker of an Immoral person to level violence and abuse against, and not just to indicate someone with specific sets of beliefs that actually enable/support rape)
“You’re Asian. You should understand.”
And then, not one sentence later:
“do some research into what a tool of imperialism and colonialization and war, what a tool of racial fetishization """sex work"""" is.”
Gotta pick one, anon. Asian, so should understand? Or privileged bourgeois white-adjacent westerner, so doesn’t understand, and should do their research?
All of the above which ties fairly well into one of the things I answered to your first ask: SWERFs’ habit of tokenizing the marginalized, treating us all as monoliths, then silencing us if we disagree or don’t fit the narrative, or immediately jumping to a “poor deluded brainwashed lost little lambs” narrative (which they of course are immune to, and can “save” us from), but also going back to tokenization and agreement if they find us useful. “Privileged” and “oppressed,” “imperialist” and “colonized” becoming idpol buzzwords instead of meaningful material class indicators.
I usually do slightly different discourses here; sw crim vs legalization vs decrim hasn’t really been one of my major topics of interest compared to others. I’ve only properly posted about it with my own commentary very few times over the past year, so I’m not exactly sure where this is coming from, but I have several guesses:
- yesterday on fedi I live-tweeted my reactions to a sex-negative TIRF piece I was reading and felt annoyed about. the portions I screenshotted might’ve mentioned sw a few times, though it wasn’t the focus of my critique, but maybe one of you people with a vendetta regarding my discoursing decided to follow me here? wouldn’t be the first time that’s happened
- yesterday, on my alt, I reblogged a post calling out a “transfeminist” for citing Esperanza Fonseca’s SWERF piece to a transfeminist reading list, and calling out her paternalistic sentiments in attempting to speak for Asians and the third world as a westerner (I put in some snarky tags but I didn’t think it would catch much notice)
- several months ago I posted a few quotes from Kate Zen Joy’s pro-decrim Medium essay responding to Esperanza’s, and reblogged it with a long personal rant about some unpleasant dynamics I have observed in swerf discourse and attempts by westerners and sympathizers at discussing Asian/Third World communism (the thing only received one note, a reblog from a friend who has since been suspended)
- on this blog I’ve also reblogged some other callouts of Esperanza and AF3IRM for their carceral proposals regarding prostitution and covert racist transmisogyny, and I reblogged one a few weeks ago with some snarky tag commentary (but no one has put any notes on that one either yet)
- two days ago some radfem decided to spread trafficking conspiracy theories in the notes of a leftist post. I responded, they doubled down and were rude to me, I checked their blog and saw several rightwing posts. I blocked them and posted the interaction to my blog. my post was not tagged with any swerf/radfem tags.
- a few months ago my mutual was arguing with some terfs about sw, and I decided to add my take to a few of the reblogs, and blocked everyone, and shortly after someone decided to traumadump in my inbox in graphic detail complete with adultist insults and other patronizing language, but no one else harassed me beyond that
- earlier this year some terf tagged me to accuse me of hating third-world cis WOC by derailing a post about femicide (I didn’t; it was someone else who’d had this URL before they deleted and I took it), and a lot of terfs reblogged the OG to dunk on the previous aronarchy, but no one else apart from her complained at me directly (apart from another vague anon a few months later)
I’m not even really active in arguing with people on Tumblr at all (anymore). Apart from that I’ve retweeted and posted a few things on Twitter but none of this is much at all compared to the people who devote their entire days and life’s work to defending decrim and arguing with swerfs, many of whom are (T)WOC and/or sex trafficking survivors, I’m really not sure what could’ve warranted or provoked four separate anonymous asks sent to me almost completely out of the blue to harass me. Callout post I haven’t noticed yet? Or just plain stalking? I don’t know.
Again, I challenge you to simply replace “sex work” with “____ work,” “____” for literally anything else, any other occupation, any other form of labor, any other form of labor which involves coercion or exploitation. I ask you to differentiate between “has been used as a tool of,” “has involved,” and “inherently equals/involves/requires.” Keep your rude condescension to yourself. Keep your bold fucking assumptions about my supposed lack of knowledge to yourself. Shut up about my privileged and marginalized demographic traits until you have an accurate map of which is which, and stop treating one like the other.
I would say “do your own research,” but I’m not really sure which recommended readings I would start with--my stance is based off several years of listening to various sex workers’ experiences and opinions here and there, and reading swerf/authcom pieces and interrogating them for their internal inconsistencies and spending time thinking about their arguments and other arguments (I only started actually writing them down very recently). And some things some discoursers/activists I admire have written, but I don’t have many of those saved, and some have been wiped from the internet. Mainly building off a larger theory base of materialism/anti-essentialism, several years of unpleasant experiences regarding radfem spaces and following the flow of their/your arguments to their roots, and a great deal of lived experience regarding christian fundamentalism and purity culture (and things from/for the perspective of someone like me don’t seem to be written down in longform very much at this point in time).
Like--I’m a very tired, very traumatized person, I stopped trying to hold puritan hands a long time ago, I don’t have the time or the spoons to entertain your bullshit and try to talk you through all of our disagreements all while you hurl insults at me, I’m really not interested and I’ve already wasted a lot of time I needed to do other things on writing out surface-level responses to all these today, I would really appreciate if you just fucked off from my blog forever and left me the fuck alone, and all your swerf friends with you.
Get out.
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nightlyponder · 11 months
even as a meat eater the arguments that are pro-meat eating that happen On Here are not the strong arguments people be tryna make them out to be. even without seeing the counterarguments from the vegans/vegetarians i follow, which i dont follow many, the pro meat arguments dont stand on their own.
there are extremists in the anti meat camp for sure but it annoys me to know they are a minority in that camp and i actually dont hear from them as often as i hear people complain bout them.
what irritates me most though is that i saw a post come across my dash that was a criticism of veg* folk where the tone was very much in line with how capitalists talk about capitalism + anti communist rhetoric. its the lack of imagination in envisioning a world beyond what currently is. the post was very much 'how can the world exist without animal agriculture, its impossible'. maybe it is with that attitude. and the fact that it was reblogged by a solarpunk person too grinds my gears. like arent we here for supporting new technologies that reduce harm and that is efficient? there are beasts of burden that folk rely on because they dont have other technology to use but isnt that something we could work toward?
(also meat eaters also eat non meat products, aint nobody out here eating nothing but meat and if they are, their body isnt doing well i can promise you that so those arguments bout people's veggies/fruits bein picked by exploited workers, girl do you think your veggies/fruits are comin from somewhere different?? but i digress)
and i dont even wanna get into the posts that say "nature is unfair" as a defense to eating meat because theres a lot that goes on in nonhuman animal lives that we as beings with morals and complex understandings that we don't do because we understand its wrong (talking about sexual assault and murder, like come on sis. male lions naturally kill a lioness' cubs before mating with her to take over the pride, what does that have to do with how humans govern themselves.)
im okay with saying i eat meat because i like it and its easier for me to find food options without worrying about animal products and that eating animals has ties to cultural practices, rather than using a 'these are our animalistic urges therefore we're right to do it' defensive. thats too close to arguments that justify misogynist bullshit too ('men are animals, they cant help their urges that why he assaulted her' like hello? do you see the dots connected the bullshit to the other bullshit).
these are the goal posts im talking within. not gonna go into dietary restrictions based on (dis)abilities because thats a different argument than the arguments im annoyed at, as stated above. but also every vegan i follow makes it abundantly clear its about reducing as much harm as possible so you do the best you can and theres no one who can do it 100% but the whole point is to try, and that veganism isn't a diet, its an ideology that includes addressing how we eat because it can't be separated from the ideology.
i just want more good faith arguments from my fellow meat eaters. cuz if there's anyone who has been successful in pushing me toward a more vegan lifestyle its the weak but strangely strongly supported arguments of other meat eaters.
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sp00kysk3lly · 11 months
First therapy session today with the psychiatrist today…
Feelings: Anxious. Scared. Worried. Wanting to make myself ill so I don’t have to go….
I don’t know what to think about it. I’m scared they’ll be like all the others that I had at that place, (I’ll call it CC).
At CC I’ve had a psychiatrist tell me to go online and see which mental health problem fits me best…. (It’s not a fucking clothes shop mate!)
I’ve also had a CBT therapist spend 50 minutes EACH session, sit and talk about diabetes and testing me on my diabetes knowledge. Every. Single. Session. The only thing I did for CBT was a story of how I’d kill my friends. That’s it. Nothing else.
Then I’ve had 2 people don’t really know what they were to be honest (I doubt they had any medical degree, they didn’t seem to know a lot). They fobbed me off on some “support worker” who turned out to be weird. Kept wanting to come to my house even after I told him I wasn’t comfortable with it and I’d gladly meet him somewhere else. I don’t know if it’s because he was a man or if I just had red flags thrown into my face, but I was certainly 100 percent uncomfortable.
They always tell my doctors or whoever referred me that I was “reluctant” when I simply just left because I wasn’t getting the right help or support. Why should I stay somewhere when I’m not being helped?
I don’t think talking about my diabetes for 50 minutes each week was helping me with my thoughts, was it?
Hopefully these people are better. I’ve looked up the psychiatrist I’ll be seeing, and she seems qualified enough. But I still don’t understand why they’d have a occupational therapist in the appointment??? It doesn’t make sense as I’m there for PTSD and Pure O OCD??
And I’m also not very good with new people so I hope they can understand that. Sometimes these mental health professionals, they think people are going to go in there and be all talkative.
Considering that I’m also angry at my current therapist for ending my sessions early. I was suppose to have 8 sessions, not 4!!! Making me comfortable and then make me leave and go somewhere new with new people that I don’t know?? How am I suppose to feel? Happy?
What annoys me most is the fact that on the 28th, in my session with the current therapist, I slightly made eye contact, something that I don’t really do much and haven’t done since HJ was in my life.
Wish me luck I guess!
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vlvtrkii · 1 year
It's currently 2:53 am and i just watched the first two episodes of season 1 os succession and tbh it at first looked ike i might not understand as half the things were quite flowing above my head
but then i think i quite got the grip on the ongoing situation and tbh if i try to sum it al up it's really infa t just a shitshow and i really don't want to see a show of bunch of lustful greedy fail trying to take over while lsi being coward at the same time and tryna play safe but terribly failing since none of them actually has anyone's back yk they all just a bunch of backstabbers ready to bite you anytime and take all the profit.... It's just how evryone in the screen is there for the money except some two or three characters i guess
All of logans kids remind me of those useless nepo kids of Hollywood tbh cuz i think Logan was right when he decided to still be the CEO since Kendall is really not mature enough and brave to be a CEO or step up and same goes with the other kids
They all are so emotionally sensitive and want a safe place but also has got the greed and lust from their father
They want to top each other but also don't want to hurt the else feeling or be straightforward with their motives to the others
Funny hw every side character slash spouse of them are gold diggers and just their for money like God damn babes
I think shiv is also quite emotional and vulnerable to stupid people but she has got that bossy instincts and roman do lack maturity to a whole other level
Kendall is just a emotional attached boy with skills but the fact he is not strong for the Bulls game like he can't even convince his siblings, he lack that bossy nature, he is too emotional and sensitive and tbh weak for a job that runs the whole fucking company and i do believe Logan was right when he said he might need a more time to get all that strictness, and he wasn't firing him tbh he is the most appropriate our of all four,,, but the fact Logan decided to do the Marcy thing in the game kinda screwed it up since i think evrybody knows she is a gold digger it was obvious and still Logan did such a stupid thing was maybe just becuz idk it's his third wife and i beleive he has more moments with her and also obvi the NSFW thing,, maybe that's why he is actually attached but i also of beleive that maybe he was just fucking it all up to scre them even harder cuz ain't no way a man running a company and so heartless would be this dumb
And conner was the person i felt quite the best in characters but ohh when he showed up with willa,,,, like why do rich PPL are so nasty and yucky bro
And don't get me started on how big of a loser is Greg i mean yeah maybe he's just a filler or sm shit but it's so annoying and he is not being relatable, he is just purely an ass tbh like how did he not grow up at all and till dream high to play this game when he literally discussed abt shoes with her mom
He is the iconic manchild but with more hairs and leaning on soft side of his way of body language and all which don't make it so annoying but rather tumblrworthy
And Tim is just a dick and i hate how he's technically using shiv to be somewhere in that game like what the fuck
logan has all the CEO qualities except maybe he is too harsh and egoistic and don't suck ppl's dick to get his things done which is impressive atleast he ain't a bitch but he also lacks how to be loyal and yk the man of words cuz of what he did to Frank and the debt thing makes it a lil more clear that he really don't have some business mides strategies and hasn't read books like Kendall has,,,, but yeah a man of words won't fire a loyal co worker of 30 years for a shitty son so maybe he too lacked there in order to support his sons but i think he did it in order to keep the business in the hands of his family after he steps down idk
I just don't want to watch a show where evryone is a shitty person in general but idk i might not continue it altho its just been two fucking episodes but in alr tired for this long ass commitment
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