#which is fine and i would never tell her no bc the alternative to her being at my place sucks so much more than anything it's doing to me
malpractice-morale · 2 years
i simultaneously am really great at putting up boundaries and really shit. my body and mind are literally screaming at me to just hole up and isolate for a few days to GET SOME FUCKING RESPITE but my morals are like 'what do your exams mean in comparison to xyz' and i always come up with 'nothing'
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momo-de-avis · 4 months
A coworker has learnt the worst way something I keep telling people not to do. Portugal is a poor country there's no way around it. Full transparency, I make around 15k which puts me on a slightly above average (just slightly, and not counting tips, which are not part of our income) income and americans are rejecting 36k jobs because that's unlivable for them. That's the difference between our countries. So whenever a client asks for suggestions we default back to cheap options, which is a mistake. Take fado restaurants. I have a pre made list that consists of fine dining and cheap options. My coworkers keep telling me restaurants such as Clube de Fado are extremely expensive (it really isn't) and I shouldn't suggest it which is ridiculous. It's not me who's gonna be spending money. The client is not a child, they can look up prices and make an informed decision. When I suggest this restaurant I always say you're going to pay above average but it will be worth it and provide cheaper alternatives. My coworkers insist nonetheless that you have to always default back to cheap.
Yesterday my coworker got fucked because of this tendency we have of assuming everyone is as poor as we are and defaulting back to the cheaper option because she had a client who was rich and I mean RICH and he went to Pena in Sintra and saw something about a fast-track pass and he asked her about it. Instead of answering him, she instead told him it was too expensive (it costs about 30€ when the average ticket that has you wait in line for 40 minutes costs 20€, so 10€ more to save at least 30 of those 40 minutes is not that unreasonable). The matter was ignored and they waited 40 mins in line.
There were other issues unrelated to her but bottom line is he complained to the company that he has no problem paying for a service if it can spare him long waiting times and can't understand why he was told it was expensive. It was the first complaint my coworker got and what I find a little baffling about this, about why would you still default back to always offering the cheap EVERYTHING to clients... This is a luxury travelling company.
Seriously, some people take offense to it. We can debate the ethics of it all we want but think of it this way: you ask a question and instead of getting a direct answer, you're told to never mind BC it's expensive. You're being withheld information and if it happens that there is anything to your disadvantage physically in this situation (you are dressed differently, you are a minority, etc) the guide is fucked cause the chance of the person assuming they are being prejudiced against is not zero
Stop assuming everyone is as poor as we are
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pocketpennytm · 5 months
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The story where everyone is doomed from the start. (Ft. FATEBREAKERS) Chara (they/it) - SOUL of Pain Plaster (he/they) - SOUL of Patience Omlet (she/they) - SOUL of Kindness Talon (he/him) - SOUL of Bravery Oxalis (they/them) - SOUL of Justice Sonata "Breve" Stardust (she/her)- SOUL of Integrity Litany (he/him)- SOUL of Perseverence Frisk (they/them) - SOUL of Pain Bear witness to my takes on the six fallen humans! I love these silly lil fellas. My main focuses have been envisioning "UNDERTALE: Open Wound", of which Plaster is the protagonist, and "UNDERTALE: Simmer Down", of which Omlet is the protagonist, but I've got ideas for everyone else too. Which I will detail down here lets gooo; Plaster is an anxious overthinker, thinking that they're always doomed. His patience manifests as analysing his enemy's patterns and behaviour, waiting for the right moment to strike... Either emotionally or physically. Omlet is a rude, abrasive person, who thinks the kindest, most selfless thing they can do to people is tell them exactly what she's feeling. Though she seems distant, she does have a warm and caring side- expressed through their cooking. Talon is a very plucky individual, whose bravery manifests as completely pushing down all fear and pretending that he's fine when he's really not fine. He projects outwardly a very cool, calm and collected persona, never breaking a sweat at anything. This trait of his just might be the death of him, as he moves on ahead with reckless abandon- never asking for help, when that just might've saved him. Oxalis seems unemotional at a distance, but they do have occasional moments of goofiness that break through the cold facade. They play as a cowboy embodying justice to cheer themselves up, but it's really only made them seem slightly scary from a distance. Sonata "Breve" Stardust doesn't take shit from anyone. She stays true to herself, no matter what- with her rough-and-tumble-yet-oddly-elegant style. Though perhaps being unaccepting to changing the path one is barreling down is as much of a strength as it is a weakness. Litany is a caring and nurturing person, playing out the fantasy of being a doctor with a clipboard. Always writing down notes on his "clipboard" (journal), clutching onto it for dear life. He only really wants to help others, and he keeps going to achieve this goal no matter what. MISC NOTES: Sonata's form of "game" would likely manifest as a rhythm game sort of thing, justifying it in-universe as this "bizzare trend going around the underground." Stay with the groove, or die! (metaphorically) It's been my headcanon for nearly two years now that the "Red SOUL trait" is PAIN. It is not all too logical. I am sticking by my guns.
NAME LOGIC: I was inspired by Clover from UNDERTALE: Yellow being named after the fact that once pacified, the gun fires clovers. So, I extended this philosophy to everyone else- while also seeking to capture that odd jank the names "Chara" and "Frisk" have.
Plaster is named that because the knives turn into bandaids, and plaster is an alternative term for a bandage, or something that patches up a wound. Omlet is named that because the fire turns into omelettes, and I decided to shorten it for some reason. I think it's charming like this, though. If anyone else mentions how they "aren't really omlettes", i will sob. Talon is named that because that's the most convoluted way I could reference the concept of hands. Which is what the bravery soul phase attacks with. Oxalis is named that because Oxalis Tetraphylla is the official name for a four leaf clover. Though she probably uses Alis as a nickname. Sonata "Breve" Stardust is named that bc the musical notes eventually heal you. a Sonata is a form of music, a Breve is a type of note, and she attacks with some stars. it's also sort of an Equestria Girls reference whoopsie. She's the only one with a lastname bc I feel like "Breve" captures the sort of janky charm I want, but Sonata is a name that I just found legitimately really pretty Litany is named that because that's the most convoluted way i could say "words", in reference to how the soul phase... attacks you with words. It means a funeral procession recited for the dead, but also something that's overly long and needs to be practiced several times- exactly like the cycle of the fallen humans. Or a long and lengthy ramble, like an indecipherable journal.
DESIGN NOTES: I really wanted each of the fallen humans to use their trademark items in an unusual fashion- or just generally "break the mold" a little, ie having Omlet be a rather rude seeming person, while most personify kindness to be a gentle little angel. So, I'll go into that just a smidgen more here. Instead of wearing the Faded Ribbon like an actual ribbon in his hair, Plaster wears it like a bowtie. Omlet wears the apron around her waist, since she's outgrown it but it still holds quite a lot of sentimental value. Most people just?? forget that the worn bandanna is supposed to go around your neck?? since it's got abs drawn on it, and it's like, the whole joke is that it's supposed to look like you have abs- It's a hat. Sonata was such a fun design to make for me. Everyone always chooses to make Integrity a dainty little ballerina girl, so I chose to give Breve a whole-ass varsity jacket. She looks like she'd beat you up and I love it. My logic for Litany's design was entirely "okay... who wears glasses... and takes notes- DOCTOR". So that's what I did. Chara and Frisk were difficult for me to redesign. My friend Cacote suggested Chara be wearing an oversized sweater alongside messy hair, which I quite like. Plus, their hairstyle is a partial reference to Chara from Fanontale, which is always cool. They look adorable. My friend Cacote suggested Frisk be wearing some bizzare fashion, somewhat akin to futuristic clothing. This manifested as me... giving them a weird suit/trenchcoat combo. And a sticky bandage on their nose. They look kind of like a huge asshole, and I love it.
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raphaelesbian · 3 months
ok, since you asked (and I GET the "I wanted to write, but didn't") ....ummmm..... would Shini try to sneak Raph into a concert?
Also, if it's not too spoiler-y, what are all three boys' currently theories on where Raph got the alcohol?
Oh I definitely think that would be on-brand for her. One because she definitely is a concert kind of girl and she loves breaking the rules, but also just because, like. Her goal is to stabilize them, basically. She's a little wild, but (mostly) in a "teenage girl" kind of way, while they're very much Losing It. So things like a little makeover montage, or listening to music, or watching silly YouTube videos, and TOTALLY going to a concert, are all things she would think of to try and... "distract them" isn't quite right, but it's close. To break them out of their spiral, kind of.
Anyways fhkdsahglk I think she'd get him all dressed up and probably watch from the rafters or smth a la Bayverse. She'd probably try to convince him to actually go down with the people, because it's dark! no one is paying attention! you'll be fine! but he'd push back on that pretty hard. Poor 12 boys would NOT thrive in a crowd XD Maybe someday in the future she could change his mind though.
Oooh okay that actually is a very helpful question bc I haven't even really thought about it that much 🤔 and I need to!
I think, after Raph stormed off at the end of the last chapter, there was probably some off-screen discussion between them all. For sure they briefly grilled Casey on potentially introducing him to the idea, but he strongly denied the allegations. I think Casey is more of a weed guy anyways lmao. I think, as a group, their mostly likely assumption is just that he's stealing it. He's a ninja, he's never cared much about human society/rules so he wouldn't feel bad about it, and it's the easiest answer. BUT:
Why would he not tell Casey if that was the case? It isn't something Casey would be likely to snitch on; he wouldn't care and would probably join in. So they know there has to be more to it, even if they're correct.
Oof, them turtles are hard to characterize!! This is an excellent question ty for forcing me to contemplate it fhklsdahklg. Donnie is smart, but he's also not the best when it comes to reading people. I think he'd just go down the decision tree of most likely explanations and say "yeah he's stealing it and getting drunk in an alleyway somewhere. god he's annoying (/said with love and frustration)"
mikey is always difficult for me lmao, I love him and I love his relationship with raph, but he's such an erratic character. he's very, like, instinctual (see: monkey brains episode), so I think he disagrees with the consensus, but doesn't have much of an alternative. he doesn't know WHERE raph is getting it, or what he's doing, but he knows that can't be it. which probably makes donnie double down harder on his theory, because mikey has no DATA.
leo has been the one the MOST in the know, even if he's still very much left in the dark. he'd be putting some of those pieces together: that time Raph came back injured and said he was jumped, how tired and withdrawn he's been, the bracelet, perhaps the hint of makeup you can barely see beneath his lopsided mask. he would think that maybe there's someone else, someone he's hanging out with that either is providing alcohol or they're getting it together, but then he hits a wall.
I even think that karai crosses his mind, but between their INCREDIBLY antagonistic relationship during the brainworm incident, and the fact that they just. never liked each other, and raph was always telling LEO to stop trusting her. so he would write that off. but it's there, in the back of his head.
I'm definitely going to continue thinking on this fhdlsdahklg but having to go through that thought process in my head and put it into words was a good exercise I think XD ty so much for asking!!! I hope some of that was interesting lol
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whoslaurapalmer · 9 months
you can do readmores on mobile???? since when??????? goddamn!!!!!!!!!!!
so my mom is like probably fine and honestly she's been doing really well since her surgery in September and healing up really nicely!!!!! and after the surgery she gets 3 more rounds of chemo and then she's on ⭐️maintenance⭐️ for 2 years which is Not Chemo so her hair grows back which I am, very much looking forward to. anyway she was supposed to have a treatment today (the first of the 3rd round) but they called yesterday and said "you know you don't have to come in tomorrow, right?" and we were like. what. why did no one tell us until now. so now she doesn't have her third round until January 12th which is also my brother's birthday and I don't know if she'll be home from the office in time without rushing around and she keeps saying that we can do my brothers birthday on the 13th and he won't mind but //i// mind!!!!!!!! I just. Love my birthday. And I think all birthdays should be special. And I want his to be special too 😟
so anyway my mom is as you might expect just from seeing my anxiety, also a very anxious person (where else would I get it from.) and she keeps a lot of tension in her stomach so being told she didn't have a treatment today ONLY YESTERDAY clearly threw her whole system off and today her stomach really hurt and it got to the point where she decided to go to the emergency room (which she never does so it was not a lightly made decision) and asked my aunt to drive her and i came too bc my mom wanted me to so that's where I've been all afternoon!!!!!! sitting in my aunts car in the parking lot of the hospital, alternately reading and crying!!!!!!!! and I mean she's probably fine!!!!!! there's no reason she wouldn't be!!!!!! it's probably just gas stuck somewhere, because she's been doing so well otherwise and her cancer numbers on her blood work are FIFTEEN!!!!!!!! IN THE NORMAL NORMAL RANGE FOR A HUMAN BEING!!!!!!!! THERE IS MOST LIKELY NOTHING TERRIBLY WRONG!!!!!!! SHE JUST HAS A LOT OF ANXIETY AND A SENSITIVE STOMACH!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT ELSE CAN I THINK!!!!!!!!!!!! but they have to do all the tests and stuff that people do at the emergency room including a CT scan and that takes, an age, and like, no I don't want to go home!! I don't mind sitting in the parking lot!!!!! I really dont!!!!!!! I am a seasoned waiting room player and that involves waiting in cars, too!!!!!! I brought Stuff!!!!!!! but I probably should bc it's not like I can DO anything sitting in the car and she's probably just worrying about me sitting out here (although it's a very mild 55 degrees today, quite frankly would've been a great day for a walk I tell you what.) and I probably should just let my aunt drive me home so I can, be home and eat dinner and let my aunt stay here bc who knows how long they will have to be here!! but I don't know if I want to!!!!!! BUT I MEAN IT'S NOT LIKE ANYTHING IS GONNA GO REALLY WRONG, RIGHT??????? ALSO I NEED A STUPID TISSUE AND I DONT KNOW WHY I DONT HAVE ANY IN THIS HONESTLY ENORMOUS PURSE SO I HAVE TO KEEP WIPING MY NOSE ON MY MASK WHICH AS YOU MIGHT IMAGINE IS GROSS!!!! (I'm not WEARING it while ALONE in the car but I wore it while my aunt was driving and when she comes out to ask how I am.) I don't know. I don't know if I feel lonely sitting out here so much as just upset. It's not even 4:30 yet and the lights are coming on in the parking lot. and I didn't text my brother to tell him bc why worry him??? Someone should be having a decent fucking afternoon!!!!!!!!!
also --
every nurse that passes by my mom, apparently: oh! you're shaking, are you cold? can I get you a blanket?
my mom: NO
my aunt: she's not cold!! just anxious!!!!!!!
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astralibrary · 1 year
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another year another silan portrait babey.... a few days late this time but we still ballin'
i've been very into manga cover design lately (studying them, making my own, etc) so it only felt right to incorporate that into this year's portrait, right? and go way overboard designing the entire front, back and spine including a blurb and barcodes and retail/publishing info, right?? and then go all in on making a matching japanese version with its own alternative blurb and barcode area bc u can't have one without the other, right?? obviously!!!!
like i said i've been really into manga design-
thoughts & details belooow
funnily enough this ended up being an actual portrait again after i did away with them in favor of illustrations in recent years, but ig it's fitting since this is the 10th one, right? (more on that later i wrote this out of order-) a callback to the first one all those years ago... the other reason it's a portrait is bc art has been fighting back lately and a full illustration probably would have been a lot; most importantly tho i just thought this composition would make for a cool dramatic manga cover heh heh
anyway bro the impossible happened i fully rendered flowers AND completed the portrait this year hello??? this has never happened since the v first year wait i just checked it happened in 2019 too this has not happened since 2019 wowie!!!! i put my whole ass into those flowers pls observe them (except the tall purple ones don't look too closely at those. look at the pansies they're my fave ♥️)
this year we have morning glories taking center stage, surrounded by pansies, forget-me-nots, some kind of nondescript purple perennial or perhaps lavender, and some kind of pink blossom (idk that one was just a space filler). don't ask abt the random petals on his mouth & collarbone uhh theres some kind of flowering tree growing just offscreen it's possible
anyway the morning glories are significant bc they represent sythra, silan's twin sister; in my mind her colors are blue & yellow and it seemed like such a good fit, so i'm officially adding it to the Flower Lore (there is no flower lore)
there is, however, Twin Lore; silan's eyes are brown and sythra's are blue, but when they're telepathically linked their left eyes exchange color (so silan's becomes blue & vice versa). the flowers here are meant to represent that, like sythra isn't here but at the same time silan carries her with him wherever he goes... smth like that
the plot described in the blurb is like, sort of what happens but i simplified things for the sake of a neat little fake manga blurb. nobody asked me to do this yet here we are. if i were being realistic abt it this would probs be like vol 2 BUT i made it the 10th volume bc this is?? the 10th silan portrait??? i did the first one in 2014?? hello??? time is fake (my hc is that it's a slice of life club manga about flower pressing for the first 9 volumes but it pivots hard in vol 10 bc the author got so sick of drawing flowers no i am not projecting-)
now regarding the japanese version: i tried my best*
*(if u or a loved one know japanese ur not allowed to make fun of me ok orz i used 姉妹 bc theres no way for silan & sythra to know who's the older twin & idk what u would do in that situation like do u just pick one & go w it or is there another hierarchy-neutral word for sister, 姉妹 is the best i can do w my limited knowledge and even then it probably just sounds like silan is having twin girls which like good for him but even so if i sound like a dork keep it to urself ok but actually do tell me if u know bc i would like to Learn ik this is probably the least of my worries when it comes to that entire paragraph but rn we are just going to focus on the issues i know about and pretend that everything else is fine as is ok thank u for ur time & have a lovely day ur a star ⭐️)
misc fun facts aka u learn how unhinged i was abt this:
the title is May 16th bc that's just what silan's story has always been called. luckily i have that up my sleeve or i'd have had to come up w smth out of my ass like The Silan Portrait or some shit
the author and publishing company are both called astralibrary yes that's me (it has a nice ring to it as a manga publisher name don't u think). i made up the logo on the spot it's my best work. especially the one in the bottom right of the japanese bar code area where i just typed the name and put a star next to it bc that makes it look professional somehow
i stole borrowed the barcodes from existing manga i have good pics of (bc i have an entire folder in my gallery dedicated to manga covers & jpn typography, unrelated); the english one is hanako-kun vol 4, and the japanese one is after the rain vol 10. i changed all the numerical codes tho (variations on the date 5/16 repeating)
i made up the english prices but i picked ¥640 specifically bc that's the price of the natsuyuu volumes i have in my manga covers folder, my only possible point of reference,
rated teen even tho in my mind it'd be targeted more towards young adults; it doesn't have anything in it that would warrant a mature rating but it does feel strange to categorize it in this way even knowing these ratings don't necessarily dictate the target audience
i thought about messing around w the design of the japanese version more to reflect some of the design sensibilities i've observed in japanese manga, like different placement of the text on the cover or a different spine entirely (since they tend to differ a lot between jpn and eng versions)- i even thought about trying to design an obi (long strip of paper that wraps all the way around the bottom portion of the book, usually has announcements & promotional stuff on it), but that is a whole ass project for another day i think this'll do just fine for now skdjlfkdg
and there u have it, thank u for reading my yearly essay abt drawing i did! sometimes u need to go aaaaaa about smth u drew and that's ok 👌
edit: oh yea i forgor i should write transcriptions of the blurbs here we go
Alone with his thoughts? Not necessarily...
Silan has finally discovered the source of the mysterious voice in his head- the long lost twin sister he never knew he had...?! She calls herself Sythra and she has a serious grudge against him- but they need each other in order to uncover the hidden truths about their past.
Why didn't they know about each other? How were they separated? Why can they hear each other's thoughts?
And... What else don't they know?
I have a twin sister?!
Silan learns the shocking identity of the voice inside his head- apparently he has a twin sister?! And what's more, for some reason she seems to hate him... Hang in there, Silan!
Somehow, these two will find the answers to their mysterious past together.
Why didn't they know about each other? How did they get separated? Why can they hear each other's thoughts?And...what else do they not know...?
The long-awaited 10th volume is finally here!
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shopcat · 2 years
i personally need s5 to leave the jancy/stancy triangle in the dust i’m so tired of it. like i used to like jancy!! but having jonathan say nancy would abandon her dreams to be with him was so strange bc he knows she wouldn’t do that so it was like what are we even doing why are we inventing drama. and what happened to jonathan wanting to go to nyu? like to an extent i understand the weird stancy revival bc they never resolved their issues but it Was weird to me that robin was pushing nancy towards steve when i can’t imagine a world where robin doesn’t know how that relationship ended. and i would have liked the nancy and steve talks more if they weren’t so stancy forward i wish they could just acknowledge that they meant something to each other but that they’re never going to be the person the other needs romantically. can they be friends they would be so much better if they were just friends. + the only person atp i want steve to end up with is robin platonically.
agree on all counts let's go skip together holding hands. it's SOWEIRD but it's like whatever u can't do much about what's been #done and can only pray for a good wrap up of it all... personally i try and look at it as objectively as my own mind can handle and i've talked about this a little like how... all their little talks in the woods was about how they're just acknowledging what they mean to one another... and i'm even okay with steve maybe being hung up on his feelings like it's FINE but the obvious conclusion there SHOULD be that they reconcile and both move on not fucking ?! go backwards
and it is hilarious that one of the entire little monologues was about how he crawls backwards and he would be crawling backwards to nancy 😭 and so would she!!! i saw someone once say his 6 little nuggets thing was (beyond it being a death speech) just a way to gauge her reaction and she never even REALLY said anything other than some encouragement like i think she was like "that's nice" and that was it and it was a tool for them to realise they AREN'T meant to ultimately end up together even if they didn't break up their fundamental worldviews wouldn't shift. and i also think that speech was obv obv more about metaphors and he doesn't actually want 6 kids he just wants a family and a future and a life beyond hawkins but can't forget his connection to the kids as well and that nancy was and is still important to him etc etc. not that they should fucking. elope or whatever.
like one of the most interesting things to me and it is one of the reasons i'm more positive st4ncy at the very least won't be endgame is how nancy SPECIFICALLY is entirely career orientated like you said + does not want to just become another suburban mom. and then steve describes this insane scenario where she's BEYOND a suburban mom at that point it's like one of the most extreme versions of the literal NIGHTMARE from the little rant in season 1 jonathan described (and i'm hoping that it's all deliberate or i'll kms). and then JONATHAN doesn't want to tell her he didn't get into college because "she'll give up her dream for him" or whatever like it was literally just created to be this intentional alternative to steve's "settle down and have a family" thing, "i won't hold you back from your dream school just for our relationship which makes you end up settling into the suburbanite you don't want to be" and imo DOES show jonathan does obviously know her more/care for her because he doesn't WANT her to do this bc he knows how much her career and going to that college meeeans for her future and for her own like sense of self but the way they try and show this was just a weird and sloppy attempt to revive the love triangle yeah.
which is unfortunate but the good news is season 5 will end in steve with a new york boyfriend and robin in a polyamorous throuple with a deli worker and a life model.
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seethesunny · 27 days
Tell me the unraveled/undone lore! What got you writing it? How did the idea come up? That shit still haunts me and is why I adore you as a writer.
I always looooove when people bring up the fic™️ (listen, Koku never stops bonking me in the head for it bc I broke her heart, and I still haven't put all the pieces back together) because it was a two month spiral until I anxiously posted it one day lol
I'm gonna rant a bit so fairly warning beforehand haha
I'm gonna be really honest and as transparent as I can be:
I knew that absolutely no soul (except Koku) cares about pregnancy denial as a fic concept, which I understand why that happens for several reasons that are all true and valid and the fic landscape wouldn’t be as varied without it, right.
But this was a personal plot bunny that had been roaming around in my head for some time, and writing it for Tess and Joel felt right.
If you have read it, you know that it's inspired by flutterings written by Raff and AMB. Back when 5 people enjoyed this pairing I got really into their stuff, but flutterings was the one au that really stuck with me and haunted me for years and that's something that they've done magnificently in all their fics I'm 100% giving a fic rec here they’re the reason why I started writing J/T myself. I'm getting off track, so this fic was hitting all the right spots because this is a very specific type of unresolved angst to explore between them, and that's what got me to write it.
It was a very "No one will write this so I guess I'll have to do it myself FINE" moment lmaooo I posted some snippets on my twt account and got a positive response, it won the poll for it to be the next fic I focused on during April (we're not gonna talk about the other 2 that haven't been posted yet) and that's how I ended up actually posting it after years of it floating around my brain.
As for the idea, like I said, it was inspired by the concept of flutterings and how, instead of dealing with their fragile situation, both Joel and Tess walk on eggshells and simply do not bring up ever which puts them at odds.
The first ever scene I had for it was the one when Joel caught Tess, and then everything else molded around the dynamic of that specific moment (Joel being so spiteful while Tess retreats to herself to escape her body, then being flipped by the end), and it wasn't always easy to maintain that tone so I would get frustrated then come back.
I divided it into acts so I wouldn't lose the plot, and the first one is the calm before the storm (the denial), the ice breaking (the reveal), the aftermath (the resolve), the lovers quarrel (the climax of the story, and then closure (the anticlimactic ending/bittersweet aftertaste).
There were some scenes that didn’t make the cut (see: the alternate extended ending) like Joel hunting that's only mentioned in passing, Tess’s nightmares getting darker and worse the more time passed, Joel getting arrested by FEDRA while a very pregnant Tess pulls some favors to get him out, Joel coping with Tess’s absence aka abusing substances, Tess’s giving birth + what she did in the time spent after that, the actual scene when Joel previously told Tess to get rid of it, also another what-if dream sequence that's not the one with Sarah!! I almost scraped that one, but I managed to make it work.
That one was nonsensical, and it would've thrown the Canon compliant out of the window, BUT it was sort of an alternate universe where you can understand that they got together and had Sarah AND Ellie, that was a thing that was really going to happen bc I only ever told this to Koku but a hidden Easter bunny was gonna be Ellie being the baby lol if you ignore the dates it could've been a thing, yet now I don't think it makes any sense.
Maybe one day I'll explore those as oneshots, but my idea only extended to what was posted as in their conflict and "closure." I'll revisit this verse when the right time comes, aka when y'all least expect it 🤝
If you do reach the end, I'm sorry and thanks for letting me know my writing is haunting that's 100% my #1 priority when writing. Seriously thanks for all the love <3
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violynt-skies · 2 years
one of the reasons i really like the concept of saiteru (bc it can get some bad rap) is simply bc i think they’d be able to bring out the best in each other
i feel like both of them would be able to wholeheartedly be themselves because and would fully know there would be no judgement from either side and they could trust each other
the fact that saiki has known teruhashi’s true self hidden beneath the perfect persona and still stuck with her the whole time is very telling and would be comforting to teruhashi bc she would know he wasn’t just there “for her looks” and because he loves and knows her true self and loves her for her.
likewise teruhashi was one of the first people to really see saiki for who he was breaking away from any of those fantasy saiki’s, the most notable mention being in the mixer karaoke episode where she comments on how saiki would just sit there in silence with a blank look on his face. No extravagants, no saiki falling for her, just him.
in addition to that there’s the scene where saiki watches her push herself past her limits trying to impress all the boys to the point where she faints constantly wishing she’d just stop and when she doesn’t, saiki puts himself in the center of attention to catch her. Then alternatively, teruhashi tells the boys she forgot her place in compliments, smth she’d originally never do, and ran out to go thank saiki, thus choosing saiki over her image which is super important to her.
and for saiki, knowing that teruhashi has had to hide parts of her personality for the sake of the perfection mask, it would be easier for saiki to shed his mask himself. And we’ve already seen through flashback scenes and just saiki’s own judgement that her and the rest of his friends would be completely accepting of him.
idk i just love them, i like to think they’d both be comforted knowing the other likes them for they’re true selves. plus the dynamic between the two is so funny. The way they’re both on equal playing field when it comes to little schemes btwn the both of them, and whether saiki will win or teruhashi is always up in the air. But working together they can pretty much pull off anything.
i just like them. sorry this was long i didn’t mean to go into a full length character relationship analysis lmfao. i know ppl are going to disagree w me on this and that’s totally fine and valid i just wanted to put my thoughts out there a bit lol
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pocketramblr · 3 years
Au where Fuyumi is a hero teacher at UA
Oh this works perfectly because,
1- I already hc that Fuyumi helped Shoto train his ice. I mean, you think Fireface taught him how to make guess glaciers inside that traditional little dojo? Nah. Fuyumi at least instructed him even if she didn't physically do it herself, and as I hc she has an ice quirk in a fire body, she also gave him tips on how to last longer making ice without balancing it with his fire, but because she wanted him to keep rebelling but because she knew she couldn't stop him and wanted him to at least get as hurt as little as possible. She doesn't want another dead brother. Here, Enji actually notices her help when she's like 16ish and realizes she's good at it, does some quick math, and realizes if she becomes a teacher and he gets her a hero liscence through his agency, she could get her first year as a hero teacher the same year that Shoto started high school. Perfect timing! He has never thought about how Rei timed things.
2- actually let's do a callback to the original plot detail that Hori was going to have Endeavor as a teacher at UA too- here Enji planned on getting a job when Shoto joined in order to keep focusing on him, but now that he has Fuyumi, Enji can keep focusing on his agency and case numbers to beat All Might.
3- Fuyumi didn't go through training as rigorous as Shoto's, but it was still intense because it's got to be good enough to get her a job at UA. Shoto is unhappy that another sibling got dragged into his misery, but feels guilty that he likes having some company and more closeness with a sibling for once. Natsuo is just furious and Fuyumi just tries to beg him to be quiet about his protesting, she wanted to be a teacher anyway, it's fine. Please, make dinner for her tonight, she's tired after training, but it's fine. Don't tell dad. She's fine. Go on, leave to your own university and dream, one of us should have full control of what we do, leave the home to her, it'll all be fine.
4- Nedzu hires Fuyumi as a freshman heroics teacher, to cover first aid and very basic combat. When Toshi informed Nedzu that his successor was actually going to be a freshman, not picking a senior, he asked to be moved to freshman heroics. Nedzu called Fuyumi and told her that she and All Might would alternate, sharing the freshman and the seniors. Fuyumi frantically goes through lesson plans to double what she had. It's a stressful month for her and Shoto is seriously considering using his fire because she keeps accidentally making the house super super cold.
5- Fuyumi's hiring at UA wasn't publicized bc attention was supposed to be on Shoto- and yes Enji was mad that All Might "stole" his idea- but became way more publicized at USJ, when she got called in to the USJ (even though it was supposed to be her planning period) to cover for All Might (even though she told him to rest more and not use his time after school!) and then villains attacked (and were, for the most part, completely encased in ice. Kurogiri isn't a very useful warper when the floating corpse and the metal collar on him is stuck blinded in an iceberg.)
+1- Fuyumi and All Might make a funny pair of teachers because one actually trained to be a teacher but has never actually been on hero patrol before, while the other has a lot of experience but doesn't know what a rubric is. Fuyumi tends to take lead on planning their lessons at first, and then Toshi offers input and asks questions and they tweak them together. As time goes on both learn a lot.
+2- Shoto asks Fuyumi if she noticed anything about All Might, and she hasn't even told her father about his skinny form and gets nervous because that's supposed to be a secret. Shoto takes her hesitation as proof- "I knew it! Midoriya is his secret lovechild!" To which Fuyumi sighs in relief and goes "oh yeah, that's all you were talking about? Yeah he keeps inviting Mido to the teachers longue for lunch and makes him personalized bentos for his training diet, he's totally his dad." But Shoto realizes Fuyumi must know another All Might secret and is not determined to find it. (He doesn't. But there are a lot of close saves because he sometimes eats lunch with Fuyumi too, though she encourages him to try and socialize and make more friends at school.)
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For Young Royals ff writers
I started reading YR fanfiction and I noticed people using Spanish in several occasions. Since it’s canon from the show I think it’s amazing authors are trying to incorporate it but sometimes it doesn’t sound as natural. As a writer I know is really hard and also brave to work around something you don't know. That being said, I hope this guide is helpful.
1. I want to address something important because it is kinda offensive: they’re not Spanish. There’s a difference between language and nationality. Since both Omar and Carmen -Linda- have Latino heritage, is proper to assume the family comes in a way or another from South America. I read a bunch of fics in which people referred to them as Spanish, but they are Latinos. Spanish music, culture and cuisine are rather different. Please take this into account.
  2. Pet names: really cute but also kinda cringy when it's not well executed. 'Mi amor' means my love. It's normal from a parent, it's serious coming from a 16 yo boy to another. I would use it when the relationship gets serious and try to not overuse it. If they are older and married, go for it. An older Crown Prince Wilhelm would totally make his husband blush by calling him mi amor.   Mi vida (my life) is not frequent coming from a parent, less serious believe it or not and really nice. But also I wouldn't use it if you are trying to make one of them swoon for the other. It's not as romantic as it sounds in English. Bebe means baby, of course. I think it's cute, this one you can totally overuse. Sounds fresh and young, I think Simon would go for bebe and Wille would die every time. I know darling it's pretty normal in English, but cariño sounds way too motherly to me. I would only use it between Willmon if they are older and married. Cielo means sky, which sounds weird, I know.  But some people use it as a pet name. Mi cielo - my sky- as well. In a way, it means 'my everything'. Idk why. Maybe bc the sky covers everything. Who knows. I like it but it's a personal opinion. Mijo means my son. It's pretty common in Latinamerica. Parents use it all the time. Maybe try not to overuse it. Not because it's wrong, but it often feels like you´re trying too much to make them sound bilingual. Good alternatives are: hijo, amor mio, mi amor, cariño, mi cielo. 
Te amo and Te quiero are not the same. Te amo is I love you, but Te Quiero means I love you (chill version). Linda tells Simon both 'te quiero' and 'te amo' at some point, which works because it's normal from a parent or a son/daughter. Te quiero is less serious, works great between friends. Some people say te quiero when they aren't ready to say Te amo, but I wouldn't use it coming from Simon to Wille. It would be out of character. Use it between Sara-Simon-Linda.
Te adoro means I adore you. Is not common but is CUTE AND ROMANTIC. This one is completely personal, take it with a grain of salt.
Mi principe means my prince, but sounds cringy. His mom could say 'tu principe azul' which means 'your prince charming' while trying to embarrass Simon. He would blush, cute. 
Well written-normal phrases: 
'¿como estas?': How are you?
 'bien, ¿y tu?': well, and you? 
 'Como te fue hoy?': how was your day?  
'Todo va a estar bien': everything will be fine. 
 '¿Necesitas algo?': Do you need something?
 'No, gracias' 'Si, gracias': No and Yes, thank you.
‘Perdon’: Im sorry
‘Te extraño’: I miss you
 '¿Qué quieres cenar?': What do you want for dinner?
'¿Tienes tarea?': Do you have homework?
 '¿Cómo está Wilhelm?': How is Wilhelm?
‘Mamá’: Mom (Wille calls his mom ‘mama’ or ‘mamma’, but it’s a different pronunciation. I believe Simon says ‘Si, mamá’ at some point. That’s spanish.) 
‘Mami’: Mom but cuter
‘Má’: Mom but shorter. 
‘Madre’: Mother
If you have any other suggestions for pet names/words/phrases and how to apply them, send me a message!
3. Common phrases: it's important to notice that only Linda and Simon talk to the other in spanish. Unless Wille learns spanish and it's part of the plot, Simon would never say something in spanish to him - besides pet names- This includes Sara, she seems to understand but replies in swedish. I read that the actress used to work in Barcelona, Spain, so she probably understands the language. That means the decision to make her respond in swedish has something to do with her character. That being said, we don't really switch between languages if we know the other person can't understand. It's rude. I would never go and say 'como estas? ups, Im sorry, I forgot. How are you?' But something that happens A LOT is that I forget words or phrases and try to remember them by saying them in the other language. For example 'and she went to the... mierda, como se dice... aeropuerto... oh! airport!'. Or the other way around, I forget words in my mother language but I know them in english. It doesn’t seems to happen to Simon, but it’s fairly normal.  Also, and I'm sorry if this is getting too long, Simon and Linda talk to each other in spanish as a way to express how close they are. It's part of the characters and their relationship. Simon is clearly more in tune with his Latino heritage, which comes from his mom, and he shows it by using the language fluently with her. -'Como estas? -Bien, como te fue en el trabajo?' he is asking about her job and her day. It almost sounds like a conversation between a married couple. Is not meant to be weird, is meant to express that Simon feels like he has to replace his father. So maybe take this into account and don't throw spanish phrases between them just for the sake of it.
  4. If Wille learns some Spanish for Simon he would totally explode. He is clearly really proud in general and the fact that the Prince of Sweden can speak spanish because of him would kill him. In the best way. This has nothing to do with the language, but I'm just saying. Bonus points if he uses spanish to make Kristina feel left out. That would be a nice rebellious act.
5. Again, they are not spanish. People from Spain use 'vosotros' instead of 'ustedes'. Both of those word mean 'they', but in South America we don't use vosotros. This is just ONE example. I know spanish is confusing and has millions of variations; don't worry about the specifics. But try to be respectful when referring to them as spanish/latinos.
That's it for now. I'm sorry if it's not perfect. I'm from Argentina and our spanish is the messiest. But I tried to keep this guide as neutral as I could. Also also, I'm sorry if my english grammar isn't the best, this took way too long and I don't have the energy to check my mistakes. And that's okay, because languages are meant to be used and be confused. I make mistakes and that's fine. I'm not judging anyone. Please be kind to yourself. Please don't refrain from writing in spanish, this guide is meant to help you if you want to, but just the fact that you are writing anything is brilliant. Thank you for sharing your work!
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k-comfyspace · 3 years
Star: Son Hyejoo (Loona)
Idea: Yes
Love: Hello~i love your works so much, it's so good istg im not even kidding, I hope you have/had a great day though<3 I just want to ask since a hyejoo imagine where fem reader tells her to at least take a rest because she's exhuasted lately bcs she's been pushing herself (literally all of them is, bbc isn't doing anything) also with her knee injury is taking a toll :<< and tells her to take a rest and takes care of her. Fluff pls😭
A/n: Such kind words
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Every step they took worried you, each time you would see them flinch, or look down on their knees as they went off stage.
Though, as much as you were concerned about everyone, your eyes were only drawn to one person, following her every move, concerned that any second she could fall. You knew it wasn’t likely, but it didn’t ease your worries when they had finished.
She knelt on the ground, her face stoic, a chic look on her face. Until the camera moved away.
She let her expression drop, closing her eyes as she breathed out deeply. You stood up from your place, walking past the staff to their waiting room. You were the first one in, sitting on the couch as you waited.
When you heard the chatter behind the door, you looked up. You smiled at each one as they entered, congratulating them on their successful performance.
"Everyone did great!" you commented, raising your thumbs while they smiled back,
"Were you really watching us? As far as I could tell, you only had your eyes on one of us," Hyunjin commented, squinting her eyes, teasingly, while the others laughed at the cat's comment.
A light blush spread on your cheeks, punching her playfully on the shoulder before you padded over to your girlfriend.
Hyejoo was seated on the couch, drinking a bottle of water before wiping her sweat. You took a seat on the table in front of her, looking down at her knees as you cringed, seeing the blood trailing down. You clicked your tongue and looked around, seeing a box of tissues behind you.
Reaching for it, you carefully tapped her knee, careful as to not press too hard, while the girl let you. She only moved her knee when you went to rub it slightly,
"It hurts," you heard her mutter, pushing your hand away. Though you held her wrist.
"It’ll be done in a second," you murmured, focused on your task while Hyejoo closed her eyes, absorbing the slight sting that would come once in a while.
When you finished both knees, you sighed, taking both of her hands in yours. You knew it brought the girl comfort, even though the countless times she pretended to hate the skinship, you could read her eyes easily to know when she needed it.
Right now, you could see the way her eyes softened, feeling her squeeze your hands, a breath escaping her lips as she closed her eyes for a moment.
It was almost as if you two only existed in the room. Thankfully, her members weren’t in the mood for teasing as they busied themselves with packing and changing.
They could see both of you, discreet smiles on their faces, but they let you two have your time knowing that you’ve spent far too long being apart.
"You have to take it easy, Hyejoo," you whispered after a while, rubbing circles on the back of her palms, the latter furrowing her eyebrows at the comment.
"I’m fine,"
She reasoned, a sigh withdrawing from your lips as you looked at her. Who could she fool?
The dark circles under her eyes, the way her voice was getting raspier, and the sluggish movements she would make when both of you got home.
It was all a sign that she was getting tired and, while she would continue to utter that she was fine, everything else proved her otherwise.
"Hyejoo," you started, but she sighed before you could say anything further,
"Y/n, I’m fine, it’s only a few more days till we’re done. I promise as soon as we are done promoting, I’ll rest,"
You stared at her for a while, looking into her eyes, you knew she was stubborn. Oftentimes, it was the reason why you wanted to take care of her, the way she wouldn’t stop for anything.
Though, as much as she wanted to keep going, you also saw the tiredness in her eyes, so with a sigh, you nodded.
Pulling her as you left a kiss on her forehead, giving her one more squeeze before letting your girlfriend change.
When Hyejoo left the room, a sigh escaped your lips before meeting their leader’s eyes. Haseul looked at you with a smile, having seen the exchange between her member.
It made her happy, knowing that someone else could take care of her friend like she does and more. She always relied on you to make Hyejoo happy. Though she had no issues in that regard, the older girl was glad that you could make her happier.
As long as Hyejoo was in your hands, she had nothing to worry about.
Soon enough, a week had already gone by. The girls had finished promoting, which meant that it was time for them to get the rest that they needed.
Hyejoo was at the dorms, packing her things since she decided that she would want to spend some time with you during their break.
Her members had no qualms about it since most of them had no plans, and they could always come to visit if they wanted to.
You adjusted your glasses, as you continued your work in your room when the door opened. You raised your head at the intruder, knowing that you didn’t have anyone over. When you saw the familiar brown hair, you stood up with a smile.
You padded towards Hyejoo and opened your arms, which your girlfriend didn’t refuse. Entering your embrace as she reveled in your warmth, resting her head on your chest, she sighed.
Feeling your arms circling her body. You closed your eyes, letting the silence settle as you left a kiss on her forehead, resting your cheek on top of her head. Both of you stood there for a while, no words exchanged.
Hyejoo was unmoving, sighing whilst she felt you rub her back. Even if both of you were the same height, she felt so small in your arms.
The way you would occasionally leave kisses on her forehead when you whisper sweet nothings, and the warmth you would give her every time you cuddle.
You kept her in your arms before you took a step to the right, then the left. Alternate steps, since Hyejoo had her eyes closed, she thought you brought her to your bed. But after a few minutes, she heard you hum quietly as you continued slowly swaying side-to-side.
Another breath left her lips, everything felt so satisfying
By the end of the day, she was able to come to you when she sought comfort, happiness, and someone to support her. You will always be the most amazing girlfriend ever, she couldn’t put into words how much you mean to her.
She would always feel bad that you were the only one to make sacrifices, but each time she felt that way, you would always say the same thing.
Cupping her cheek and staring into her eyes, "I love you now, I’ll love you tomorrow, and I’ll love you for the rest of my life."
It always successfully flustered her, a bright tinge of pink on her cheeks, which only seemed to grow when you smiled at her.
"I didn’t notice you came in," you whispered, withdrawing from her partially, still keeping your arms around her hips.
"Are you busy with work?" she asked, a look forming in her eyes, but you were quick to stop her, placing a finger on her nose, taking her attention from her thoughts.
"I can go to work later, I’m almost done. We can rest for a while," you said, Hyejoo sighing since she couldn’t stop you. Sometimes both of you were alike, completely stubborn.
You led her to bed, both of you moving to your sides before meeting in the middle. You rested your back against the headboard, while Hyejoo leaned against your chest, playing around with your hair as both of you let the silence set in.
A few minutes later, you heard a yawn, looking down at your girlfriend, you met her eyes. She rested her chin on your chest as she looked back at you.
"Do you want to sleep?" You asked, seeing the nod, you caressed her head, leaving another kiss on her forehead.
"You can rest," you told her, but Hyejoo shook her head, seeing the furrow in her eyebrows before she smiled, reaching up to remove your glasses, folding them, and placing them on her nightstand.
"Nap with me," you couldn’t help the smile that grew on your face, shifting down to lay on the bed, your girlfriend taking her place in your arms, head resting in the crook of your neck, half of her body on top of yours.
It was these kinds of moments that made you happy. Even through every challenge you two faced together, you were happy that there was always a good ending.
Rewarding moments where both of you did nothing except bask in each other, it almost felt better to spend a long time apart, that way, when you two come together again, you can cherish it more.
Bright lights shone in her eyes, a groan slipping past her lips as she opened them.
Hyejoo adjusted her vision, waking up as she took in her surroundings. She took note of the dark ceiling, matching the small stars that were littered all over, acting as the night sky as some of them sparkled because of the sun.
She turned to the side, seeing you sleeping peacefully. Throughout the night, you moved in your sleep, turning to your side as you faced the girl.
Hyejoo took the time to observe your features, from your soft brown hair to your eyes, your cute button nose and your pink lips. It baffled her sometimes that you always thought she was the prettiest.
But it was always you that she thought was the prettiest in the world. No word could describe you, no number could rate you, and no one could ever compare to you.
As subtle as she could, Hyejoo raised her hand, shuffling it under yours before interlocking your fingers. A smile formed on her lips when she felt you squeeze her unconsciously. She placed a kiss on the back of your hand, putting all the love and gratitude she could ever give.
A few minutes later, she felt you shift, opening your eyes as you met hers. A smile forms on your lips, the smile she never knew she would be addicted to.
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in-tua-deep · 3 years
Are you into my hero academia? What about an AU or crossover with tua?
UHHHH I am technically, like, peripherally? I watched some seasons of the show like two or three years ago and since then have simply absorbed all content through osmosis, reading fanfiction that has canon events, and my sister telling me about the arcs of her fav characters lmao
so a crossover hmmm
First of all you'd have to like, establish whether bnha is an alternate universe or just The Future If No Apocalypse with quirks being traced back to the descendants of the kids born without mothers
So let's say it's that - the glowing baby was the "first quirk" but the truth is people had powers before that. But - well, the Umbrella Academy was obviously a marketing gimmick to those in the future! There were even comics based on them
In the future, you might find some of those comics in museum exhibits dedicated to depictions of powers in the pre-quirk era, but they're just fun depictions and much less popular than, oh, DC or MCU comics which are also in the exhibits!
End of s2 doesn't happen I guess in this au?? No sparrow academy at least lmao. So, the Umbrella Academy stop the apocalypse (again) and the Commission threat is? Neutralized? Whatever. They decide to jump back to the future
Five warns them that time travel is a crapshoot, that he has no fucking idea when they'll land beyond some nebulous "future" because Five can at least control the direction if not exactly how long
Also, Five is like. Super tired. Incredibly tired. Homeboy still has a healing gut wound, time traveled twice, has been jumping all over the place, gotten even more injured, experienced paradox psychosis, and managed to undo time all in the space of like, two weeks. There actually more than that but we don't have time to get into how fucking tired Five is from his ~Month of Hell
Like genuinely this is like putting someone almost delirious from lack of sleep in the driver's seat of a car and expecting to get to your destination in one piece
But hey, the siblings are like "do it uwu" and Five has sacrificed everything for them already so why not get behind the wheel again
So Five jumps them, and of course something goes wrong because Five has pushed his powers like a great big rubber band and honestly it was only a matter of time before he lost his grip and it snapped back to hit him
So here be the umbrella academy: spilled out into the future like a cup of bad coffee.
Five probably isn't in too good of shape tbh, like they're hundreds of years in the future (but hey at least confirmation of no apocalypse am I right) in a world full of superpowers and Five is like. bleeding from his ears and nose probably idk
Let's handwave a little bit - Reginald made them all polyglots so the squad all speak varying levels of Japanese. Allison is the best at it, Five is second best but tends to use more archaic words bc he had missions in Japan back when he was with the commission, and Klaus is third best.
(Ben is the worst bc he decided when he was 16-and-dead that he didn't have to do anything regarding lessons and maintenance and hasn't given a shit since - but also he's dead so)
So you have a bunch of weird adults with a bleeding child in like, an alley who have appeared from nowhere
so of course heroes get involved
Anyway, the squad get taken in and Five is conscious but like, barely? And he's not going to let himself get separated from his siblings again fuck-you-officer and there is a lot of confusion
anyway detective tsukauchi ends up getting involved and ends up having to hear this batshit story and be like "...truth." which sends all kinds of people scrambling because fucking time travel? Like yeah, it's been theorized to be a possible quirk but there's no recorded cases of any sort of time travel that is for more than 24 hours let alone hundreds of years
"I'm an adult." Five says sourly, "I just happened to be returned to my 13 year old body when I time traveled one time."
"True." Tsukauchi says, feeling his soul leave his body, but like. absently. the way he does when he's called in at 2am after getting off of work at midnight.
"I'm 58." Five says.
"Lie." Tsukauchi says, because this is a headcanon hill I will die on.
"I'm probably 58, but it was hard to keep track. I'm at least 50." Five corrects.
"True." Tsukauchi sighs like these six (seven? they keep referring to another sibling and Klaus said 'ghost' like that was fine and it registered as true and Tsukauchi is not nearly paid enough for this) are not giving him a migraine by just existing
on the bright side there's like, probably protocols in place for individuals who are Legally Chronologically Adults but thanks to quirks are Not Physically Or Not Mentally Adults with tests to determine if the individual needs a guardian or not
though i'm gonna be honest idk if Five would pass the test bc he literally cannot take care of himself at all, has never paid taxes or understands how to exist legally, and also his emotional maturity is stunted as all hell. also like. we don't actually know how much being in his thirteen-year-old body affects his mental state but yeAH Five is vibing
anyway Tsukauchi probably phones a friend on this bullshit because Time Travel Child alone is probably enough for the Hero Commission to be like "find a way to control and use it or nuke it from orbit" and that's not even touching whatever the fuck Klaus is doing (shit gets real once 'dead men tell no tales' stops being true) let ALONE Allison's whole deal
on the bright side like, at least Vanya isn't getting side-eyed that much bc Big Destructive Quirks aren't exactly unknown? if vanya wanted to i guess quirk suppressors exist for that until extensive training on how to control a super powerful quirk happens
Tsukauchi in the group chat: Aizawa please I am literally begging you to take this bullshit on
Aizawa: in this economy? with my class?
RatGod: lol we'll take them ;3c
Aizawa: no
Anyway they probably end up having to live at UA while Five insists on trying to get them home still and everyone else is like "oh hey we used to be child soldiers as well! (:" and Aizawa is like "i hate everything about this and everything about all of you but also like nedzu is making me interact with you so :/"
nedzu is out here vibing like "lol i just don't want the hero commission to get their little paws on these time traveling fuckers, i think you should make then teaching assistants or something"
honestly the siblings are probably like. figuring out how to function in the bnha universe and getting like, legally registered and stuff while Five ferally refuses bc that's like saying he's giving up on getting them home and he can do this
Recovery girl tries to heal him a little when he arrives and he passes out for two weeks like, immediately bc homeboy is running on fumes and spite at this point
also i think on principle it would be REALLY FUNNY if the squad got to tag along with the class bc like. Five is thirteen and the class are all 15. this does not sound like a large age gap. anyone who has interacted with teenagers know that the class would squint at Five and be like "who is this sassy lost middle schooler."
I feel like when I was a sophomore we were still like "freshman... babie" even though we were literally only one year older.
i think the difference between the umbrella academy and school kids would be pretty funny like. objectively the bnha kids are lowkey child soldiers?? like they're 15 and fighting villains but like, there's all this red tape and laws and stuff but,,, deku still be breaking his limbs in a child fighting ring against equally superpowered children for like. entertainment and sponsorships sooo
but also like Five would be like "oh cool when is the experimentation class"
"the what"
"you know, when your powers are pushed real hard by putting you in different terrible situations while your dad and sibling stand by with clipboards writing down the exact voltage it takes before you can't use your powers anymore when being electrocuted"
"hound dog's office is right there. therapy is available to you at any time. i need you to know this."
all might calls Luther "my boy" like one (1) time and Luther just breaks down crying probably because he is starved for positive attention
klaus and midnight get along like a literal house on fire, aizawa tried his best to keep them apart for as long as possible but god damn
(klaus: your name is shimura nana??
all might: immediately dies choking on blood)
i feel it absolutely necessary to point out that aizawa, present mic, and midnight are all like, 30? and the umbrella academy are all between 29-early 30s? they are PEERS but like. the umbrella academy are more chaotic due to childhood trauma
the umbrella academy probably get offered to like. also train to be heroes. i mean,, there HAS to be some sort of track for people who change careers right?? you don't have to cement your future as a hero when you're 15 i'm sure there must be something and the squad already have experience if they want to go be legal heroes
diego probably does at least?? diego just vibes honestly. diego gets momo to make knives during a team exercise and they just go feral on everyone else and it ends with diego highfiving momo and someone getting way to close to being stabbed for comfort
Five might just be. legally enrolled as an Actual Student? But also i think it's funny to picture the entire squad just. all in the back of the classroom with luther trying to fit into a high school desk as they take notes on the laws of The Future surrounding heroics
every word out of the umbrella academy's mouths just make everyone more concerned on principal but like, five and klaus are probably the worst offenders. Klaus just says whatever comes to mind with no filter and Five doesn't get what people would consider to be abnormal anymore like
Five: yeah our dad bought us when we were babies and experimented on us throughout our childhood in order to make an elite team of child soldiers superheroes, it happens
Todoroki: ...have you heard of quirk marriages?
izuku probably has an aneurism bc he's is the only person who might recognize them from the comics because you know ya boy extensively researched the idea of heroics in pre-quirk eras (batman was an inspiration alright???) and might dredge up a memory of a less popular comic series
Five: I can time travel but it is very hard, which is why we are hundreds of years in the future. And why I look like a child.
Kaminari: so are you a kid or not?
Five, serenely: whatever is most convenient for me at any given moment
Mina: hell yeah game the system
they have a brief lesson on astronomy and Luther raises his hand like "ooh! i was isolated on the moon for four years and did SO MUCH research" and then just gets up and starts infodumping like way too much information on the moon
Izuku sitting there like "damn if quirks hadn't popped up we could have achieved so much in terms of space travel. please tell me more giant man who lived in pre-quirk era."
Vanya finds out about the quirkless and is like "oh mood that genuinely sounds like my childhood, being ordinary in a house full of extraordinary people, and then i found out that i did have powers but only much later in life after i had already been emotionally scarred by the experience"
deku: vanya we have so much in common
iida and uraraka: concerned noises
aizawa: hound dog. therapy with hound dog for all of you.
there's probably some conflict with like, the hero commission wanting to get their hands on the time travelers?? but probably especially five and klaus as a) time travel and b) ghosts (the hc def has bodies they would like to stay buried)
five has a pavlovian reaction to anything with 'commission' in the name and hates them on site, probably plays into his age in order to become a ward of UA or something to protect him from the commission a little bit.
(this makes nedzu Five's legal guardian. aizawa has his resignation papers all prepped in a drawer marked 'in case of emergency' but let's be real, if nedzu wants to take over the world aizawa should probably be on the rat-bear's side of things :/)
five: ah, i do recall the inhumane experimentation that we were subjected to
nedzu, who was experimented on: haha same hat! want me to dig up the location of reginald hargreeves's remains so you can spit on them?
klaus: nah no worries we dumped them out in the courtyard unceremoniously like, a while back. how long ago varies for each of us because of time travel!
luther: you said hound dog's office was down the hall and to the right?
on the bright side, Luther probably feels like. way less self conscious about his body, partially bc of his fighting and all that in the 60s but also bc !! now he genuinely doesn't feel like a freak. no one even gives him a second glance. one of the teachers looks like a slab of cement with a face. gang orca looks Like That. there is literally a student with an entire bird head and goth aesthetic. Luther does not stick out at all
allison and shinso bond over having "villainous" voice-based quirks
allison and shinso having worn muzzles at some point in their youth as punishment 🤝
aizawa probably helps train vanya as well with the whole, being able to erase a world ending quirk safely thing he's got going on which makes for a very nice safety net
i don't think vanya would want to be a hero at the end of things though. maybe the assistant teacher in the music class or something?? all vanya wants is to be able to not end the world
i feel like as time goes by, five brings up trying to get home less and less. part of that is because like,,, genuinely what do they have to go back to?? Allison has Claire, but like. I'm 100% sure the first thing she did in the future was try track down Claire's records and found out Claire was like. fine. became an adult, had a family, probably became the ancestor of the first "quirked" kids who officially popped up after light baby. had a good life, died at an old age etc. etc.
they start settling into the bnha world with like, "we can always hop aboard the five express into where the fuck ever" as a plan Z if things go completely pear shaped (again)
i'mma be real, five himself doesn't give a fuck as long as there is a) no apocalypse and b) his family is alive. Like that's it. His bar is so incredibly low and yet his life keeps fucking trying to limbo under it
i just think it would be funny to have like, Five trying to get along with his "peers" and make friends while the siblings do the same but like, in the staff room
also think it would be funny for five to just walk into the staff room and get coffee occasionally.
a teacher: why is a student in here -
Five, sipping coffee: i'm an adult
nedzu like "what kind of guardian would i be if i didn't teach my new son all the tunnels around ua so he can pop out wherever"
five like "hey new dad can i put stashes of supplies all around ua of weapons, money, food, and other assorted things that might be useful if one needed to fight or make a run for it" and nedzu is like "haha just put your list of what supplies you want in your go bags on my desk and i'll critique it later!"
anyway a bnha/tua crossover would be incredibly chaotic but probably very funny
#long post#far tua long#tua bnha crossover#what kind of disaster is this#there are so many characters in bnha to even consider#there is no more apocalypse so five either chills the fuck out or his paranoia ramps up to an eleven#or both!#five teleporting into nedzu's office like: hey i wrote a 52 page potential contingency plan for if x happens#and nedzu is like 'wonderful!' and gives it back to five the next day with corrections and critiques in red ink#klaus ben and ghost!nana get along like a house on fire even if she keeps telling klaus that he's too skinny#ben: klaus is an absolute fucking idiot with zero braincells#nana nodding sagely while looking at all might: ah yes i know the exact type#diego and snipe become absolute bros like ride or die because why not#luther gets positive reinforcement and goes to therapy#also thirteen listens patiently to luther infodumping about space because i think that would be nice#five is either like 'i'm only thirteen uwu' or 'i'm fifty eight' and there is nothing in between - only what is most convenient#i feel like kaminari and mina vibe with five's brand of chaos#iida doesn't know whether to murder five for being a gremlin and disobeying so many rules or to be respectful bc five is technically old#aizawa is SO TIRED y'all#aizawa thinks vanya is going to be the good hargreeves but PSYCHE all the hargreeves are equally chaotic in different ways#five calls nedzu 'dad' for the sole reason that it makes every teacher and/or hero in earshot cringe in automatic fear#klaus also calls nedzu dad because he just thinks it's funny#five and nedzu have similar coping mechanisms so they vibe but nedzu also vibes with klaus's sense of chaotic humor#five gets talked into healthier coping mechanisms by way of 'keeping his cover' or 'preventing the hc from getting their hands on you'#aka five is not allowed to drink alcohol#five HAS gone to midnight and been like 'hey teach knock me the fuck out my brain is working overdrive and i need to not be awake anymore'
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high-lady-of-earth · 4 years
A Strained Solstice (in which Mor speaks without thinking)
Hi!!!! This is a one shot requested by @mitchloveswriting​ 
I combined it with an anonymous request for fluffy Az x Reader. At this time, I don’t write anything 18+ but maybe in the future!!
Thanks for the requests and I hope you like it<3333
Azriel x Reader
Prompt: “az reader where everyone keeps asking when he and elain are getting togethr but reader gets sad bc theyve secretly been a thing for years pls?”
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“Happy birthday, Feyre!” Everyone yelled at the same time.
It was a picture perfect moment. Feyre blew out the candles on her ridiculously elaborate birthday cake (courtesy of Rhysand, of course) as the Inner Circle looked on. Rhys stood next to his wife, Nyx in his arms, as he smiled at her. To their right, was Nesta and Cassian, mated and glowing as they held hands and looked at Feyre with love. You stood to Feyre’s left, with Amren and Varian next to you. Standing opposite of your High Lord and Lady at the table was Mor and Elain, the former with tears in her eyes and the latter with a broad, beautiful smile.
You instinctively knew that Azriel stood by the door, forever sticking to the shadows. You could feel his presence under your skin, almost like a sentient force that pulled you towards him with every fiber of your being. Your situation with the shadowsinger was sort of complicated, you had feelings for him and he reciprocated, leading to a few steamy makeout sessions during the year that you had been in the Night Court, but he had never deepened it. Never mind the fact that you wanted him to. You yearned for him to come to your side and be yours publicly, but you were too afraid to tell him.
The cake magically cut itself and you were handed a small slice of cake, the perfect size that you wanted. You silently thanked the House for knowing you so well. This year, Rhys splurged on Feyre’s birthday cake. It tasted amazing. The delicacy melted on your tongue and the frosting was so sweet that you moaned in delight.
“The cake must be phenomenal.” Said a voice behind you.
You whirled around to find Azriel casually leaning against the wall. You blushed as you realized what sound you had just made.
“It is pretty good.” You replied, a little embarrassed that Azriel had heard you. He walked towards you and you held your breath as his hand moved toward your face. The shadows that always surrounded him began to disappear a little.
“You’ve got some frosting on your cheek.” Azriel said softly as his thumb brushed against your face.
You stilled as you felt his callused finger linger a few more seconds than was necessary. Then, you watched his thumb move towards his mouth and kept staring as his tongue darted out and licked the frosting that had been on your cheek. You felt heat begin spread throughout your body as you saw your desire mirrored in Azriel’s eyes.
“Azriel! Do you want some cake?” Cassian yelled.
The moment was over as Azriel’s shadows returned and you saw the usual mask of ice harden his features.
“I’m fine, Cas. I stole a bit of Y/n’s.” Azriel replied to Cassian.
You felt your hope die a little as Azriel so casually dismissed the moment you two just shared. The all-too-familiar disappointment rushed back in and you once again felt the longing for what your friends had. Ever since you had been rescued from Hybern’s prison by the Inner Circle, your heart longed to find its mate.
“I would like to open presents now. Rhysand, please be a dear and bring them to the family room.” Amren announced. You knew the petite female was itching to get her hands on her new jewels.
You didn’t wait for Azriel as you walked into the family room and took a seat on the couch next to Mor. She looked so elegant in a purple gown and matching amethyst jewelry. You probably paled in comparison in your pink dress that seemed to be loose in too many places. Your worries melted away as Rhys brought in the solstice presents.
Of course, Amren opened her gifts first, receiving a majority of jewelry. You had given her a diadem of rubies to match the necklace Varian had given her years ago that she loved. Next, Rhys and Feyre opened the gifts for themselves and Nyx. It was no surprise that they received a lot of baby stuff, with your contribution being a magical baby rocker. Cassian and Nesta opened their gifts, which was made up of weapons and tactical gear. Mor got a lot of dresses and clothing while Varian received miscellaneous items. You gave Elain gardening stuff, like most people. Your gifts consisted of different things, from books to clothing to a painting from Feyre.
Lastly, it was Azriel’s turn to open his gifts. He received pretty much the same thing as always from everyone— weapons. You had his gift in your hand because you wanted to give it to him personally. Azriel was opening Elain’s gift when you heard Mor speak up next to you.
“When are you two going to get together? You’ve both been beating around the bush for years and I think I speak for everyone when I say put an end to our misery.” Mor said to Azriel and Elain.
Both Azriel and Elain blushed and you felt tears come to your eyes. The Inner Circle seemed to have no idea how much you cared for Azriel. Or maybe you were a fool, and you couldn’t see that he liked Elain. That would certainly explain why Azriel had never made the two of you official. You were just something to distract him from Elain, who he was forbidden to touch so that they could keep the alliance with Lucien and therefore Jurian and Vassa. The tears were threatening to spill over so you abruptly got up and muttered something about getting more wine as you made your way to the dining room.
You had just reached the table when you realized you still had Azriel’s gift in your hand. You set it down and asked the House for a wine glass, which appeared in your hand. You filled it with wine from the bottle on the table and sat down to wipe the tears from your face. You played back what had just happened in your mind, noting how Elain looked at Azriel like he was her savior. You were so deep into your thoughts that you didn’t notice someone softly sitting next to you.
“Is everything alright, Y/n?” Cassian asked you. He put a hand on your shoulder and looked at your face with concern in his eyes.
“I’m fine, Cas. It’s just another migraine.” You lied. He could tell you weren’t telling the truth.
“Is it because of what Mor said? You know she says stuff out of turn sometimes.”
“I’m fine.” You repeated. You held the wine glass tightly in your hand. Cassian sighed and got up, presumably to go back to the others.
“You know, Az is fool. You’re so much better than the rest of us. Even Elain left Feyre to take on the responsibility of feeding their entire family. But you, your kindness has no boundaries, even after what you went through with Hybern.” Cassian said.
“Will you tell them I had a migraine and went home?” You asked. He nodded and went to join the rest of the Inner Circle.
You put on your coat and and the House put your presents in a bag for you as you stepped into your slippers. Before you had the time to start descending the ten thousand stairs to your apartment in the city, Azriel appeared. He walked towards you, his presence dominating the room.
“Where are you going?” He asked. Azriel kept walking towards you, and he seemed a little angry. You had no idea why he thought he had the right to be angry and you weren’t going to be scared by his demeanor. You refused to yield a step and stood nose-to-nose with Azriel as he stopped in front of you.
“I had a migraine and I’m going home to rest.” You stated. Azriel narrowed his eyes, but you weren’t cowed.
“You haven’t had migraines in a month. I would know.” He said. You pricked at his last sentence.
“Would you really know? You seemed to be too focused on Elain to notice anything.” You accused. Azriel took a step back a laughed. He actually laughed.
“So that’s what this is about? You’re jealous of Elain because of what Mor said. Elain has a mate.” He said incredulously.
“That doesn’t seem to stop her.” You muttered as you finally looked away from him. Azriel lifted his hand to your chin and brought your face to look at his once more. He brushed a lone strand of hair away from your eyes.
“Let me fly you home, Y/n.” He said.
What did that mean? Did he want you? Was he just trying to apologize? Azriel saw your hesitation and quickly said, “It doesn’t have to mean anything.”
You nodded and he picked you up, bridal style. Azriel’s arms lay under your knees and back and you silently reveled in the feeling of his muscles. His shadows closed around the two of you and you barely felt it when he took off into the air. You buried your face into Azriel’s chest. You never liked flying, but it was better than the alternative of descending ten thousand stairs and walking to your apartment. You felt Azriel’s slight stubble on your cheek as he leaned down to whisper in your ear.
“I never licked the frosting off my thumb from Elain’s cheek, Y/n.” He murmured in your ear. If the words themselves didn’t make you curl your toes in excitement, then his husky tone did. Azriel’s voice caressed you as you blushed. You stayed there like that, in Azriel’s arms until you were both out of range of the House and he winnowed into the cozy living room of your apartment.
He set you down and you took a couple moments to orient yourself properly. Winnowing, no matter how many times you did it, always made you dizzy. You set the bag containing your presents on your coffee table and noticed Azriel’s present on top. You reached into the bag and took it out.
“I got a present for you.” You said.
“I have one for you too. I wanted to give it to you in private.” He replied.
You handed him the wrapped parcel in your hands. Azriel unwrapped his present and looked at you questioningly.
“The others don’t notice the shadows under your eyes. I know you aren’t sleeping, Az. It’s a tea I made. It’ll help you sleep.” You said. Azriel took a deep breath.
“How did you know?” He asked. You moved closer to him and put your palm on his cheek.
“I can see through the mask you put up for the others. I can see the purple smudges under your eyes.” You replied. Azriel engulfed you in a big embrace.
“I’m sorry that I haven’t given you my all, Y/n. I’m dealing with a lot of stuff, but I’d like to revisit us after we deal with the human queens.” He said.
You nodded and Azriel kissed your cheek. He pulled out a little package from his pocket and put it into your hand. You opened it and drew in a breath when you saw a key nestled in a velvet box.
“I have a house outside of Velaris. Only Rhys knows about it. Sometimes the city is a little much and I need to escape it and I wanted you to be able to have somewhere as well.” He said sheepishly. This time, you hugged Azriel and gave him a broad smile.
“Thank you.” You whispered.
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Hermitopia AU Masterpost 1 [COMPLETE]
This is a gathering place for the events of the Hermitopia AU, as well as art and writing resulting from it (art and writing listed at the bottom). Please read the AU introduction and rules here before submitting! Feel free to join the discussions on the HCHC discord server!
(Disclaimer/PSA: All points are asks contributed by the community, the mods take no credit for the ideas within them)
If you would like specific credit in the masterpost, please sign within the text of the ask! (A dash and a signature at the end should do.) Asks not signed will be treated as anonymous.
Summary posts:
Not all elements of plot and character will be summarized, but here are a few basic things you may want to be familiar with before submitting an ask! (Unless you are purposely aiming to create an [ALTERNATE] idea for a Hermit)
1 - Starting positions and each Hermit's powers (based on the submissions from Day 1)
Summary post 2 - Interpersonal connections (based on Day 1 and 2 submissions)
Make sure to check out the second masterpost here for more up to date information, including newer art and writing!
- (copied ask) [summarized mod comment]
- Hermitopia | Scar was experimented on by Cub. He gained dangerous powers and wings that resemble a dragon’s, but he keeps both hidden. Unless someone makes him angry. He has no idea who gave him his powers. Eventually he and Cub decided that they wanted to control things beyond their corporation, so Scar ran for mayor. (there are things to fill in but im lazy) [Scar assumes he got the powers in an accident during research. He enjoys having them but has no idea that they were intentional.]
- Hermitopia AU team ZIT is a superpowered crime-fighting trio!
- owing to a very particular set of guidelines he put in place, Joe can now copy powers if he sees them in use and can reverse-engineer how those powers are used. needless to say, this is massively overpowered in the right hands.but it got worse. at some point, there was an... incident... on ConCorp grounds, something to do with a mass amount of entities causing time dilation -- and Joe was caught in the thick of it, unable to be rescued for a while.the problem is, he got out by piecing together how the time dilation worked.needless to say, Joe... has a ridiculous powerset. so he chooses largely not to use his powers anymore unless it's absolutely dire or petty enough to shrug off as a random occurrence. nobody needs to know that one of the most powerful Unaffiliated in the city is standing right in front of them... especially not ConCorp.
- doc was a former high ranking employee of concorp before he volunteered for an experiment and it went horribly wrong. since then, the company has tried to erase any evidence of his existence. doc is now seeking revenge for all that the company did to him and is determined to tear it apart
- HI ok follow up asks will be sent later when my thoughts are coherent but concept: cleo has like super messed up healing powers where she can make healing go Too Far. also i pin her as unbound, considering, like, everything - shovel-shuffle
- So, his power was meant to be super-regen, right? except things don't always quite go to plan. Someone volunteered for the powers surgeries and is arguably dead. Etho is a name shared by the many many clones that developed themselves out of the leftovers. They're not quite individuals, not quite a hivemind. Any one of them has no fear of death because the others will continue, but they all act independently around their overarching goal. (which I won't snitch about) - DragonKay
- Bdubs was a hero. Key word? Was. He climbed the ranks through the government, he was a loyal and dutiful member of society, and he used his plant manipulation powers to subdue evil-doers without hurting them. But he’s always been a friendly guy, and he couldn’t help himself—talking to the Unrestrained, especially those in custody, was interesting! ...but it’s a slippery slope to walk, being friendly with the enemy and not sympathizing to their cause. Nobody knows where he is now, but there are rumours of a vigilante with similar abilities, and his three compatriots, two of whom he helped escape from ConCorp... They call themselves the nHo. - slimetek [Bdubs deserted Concorp while helping Doc escape after his experiment went wrong]
- Concorp managed to make a device that allows animals to speak or translate their thoughts into writing. This means that the good old mayor Scar has a certain cat giving some advice on how to run the city.
- Iskall is an assasin/mercenary against their own volition. An accident they'd rather forget almost killed them, and in exchange for their freedom and free will they got to live as a cyborg. Though its hard to forget with the implant that covers their eye and the limb of cool metal hanging at their side - @ghastly-ghostie [Iskall works for Concorp off-books, bound by the debt owed to them for the life saving experimental modifications]
- so I think grians original powers could be like cloning, but something goes wrong and the clones are different people. as a result of the duplication process, some funky magic rocks are made. the clones decide to take most of the funky rocks and run off, leaving grian with one rock that gives him some new abilities and the clones' rocks give him others. also uhh mechanical wings bc yes. so grians plot is him trying to find them while also causing problems on purpose. infinity stones. update to my grian ask from earlier, I had better ideas: the rocks are old like magic things that grian finds before the cloning and ends up collecting, but his clones snatch them - simplyskipper [some of the alternate Grians are aligned with different factions in Hermitopia, while the locations of others are farther or unknown]
- Hermitopia- Impulse has solid-light powers. He has golden crystals implanted in his hands, which he can reflect light through to solidify it into all sorts of shapes. This can be used to make barriers, projectiles, and much more, though more detailed constructs take more time.- @mleemwyvern
- Hermitopia AU Poultry man is a well-known chaotic neutral leaning towards good, as a one of the unrestrained.
- I think Team ZIT should be a little be wild card-y, that's how they act after all! [they are employed by the government for standard crimefighting, but they don't always take Scar's word at its intended meaning and often play a bit on the chaotic side when given instructions]
- [Hermitopia AU] False is an antihero/vigilante type who's specialty is not defined by powers or the such, but just... the absolute skill of being able to dual wield two (more sci-fi era) short swords. Maybe someone upgrades them to be "enchanted" (electrical, fire, etc. something that tech could do well probably). She's willing to be paid-for-hire, but if you go past her moral line she's also willin' to backstab you. -- @cheshire-vex [she's a free agent who sort of drifts between Concorp, the government, and whoever else will pay her on a job-by-job basis]
- Hermitopia impulse has more connections then one may think. He has ties to people pretty much everywhere, for reasons unknown. There is a 100% someone will come and greet him wherever he goes. [the greetings are usually friendly]
- Hermitopia Au! Keralis is a hero who most people wouldn't expect to be too skilled at fighting. His power is similar to hypnosis so he has no need to get very physical. Yeah, that changed when some bastard villain decided to attack his friends shop. [that incident caused his employer Scar to realize his untapped potential for protecting people and assign him to a few more high-stakes jobs]
- Hermittopia!TFC was one of ConCorp’s first experiments and as such his powers are a bit less...refined then the others. He has geokinetic powers, allowing him to psychically control rocks and other earthen materials. He used to be one of the VEX programs top graduates, but has since parted ways with them for unknown reasons and now operates his own plans of keep crime in Hermitopia under control. -lechairpourriedegrianri [he is considered Unaffiliated and both Concorp and the government largely leave him to his own devices, since he is helping to keep the city together]
-Wels doesn't have powers. He does have a super-suit made of fire and heat resistant carbon fibre (like the material used for the space shuttle) and has a built in hologram projector. One time, he used the hologram projector to project an image of himself, which everyone thought was a clone. He didn't have the heart to tell them otherwise. (AKA everyone thinks Wels has powers but he doesn't) -Silverwolf53 [he got the suit in Project VEX]
- To follow up on the Impulse ask- Team ZIT are a space-themed superhero team. Government-aligned, at least for now.Tango has meteor-like powers, he can shoot fire from his hands and feet and often uses this to propel himself at high speeds. Zed has gravity powers! He can increase or decrease the density of any object, to the point of making small black holes. They all have space-themed costumes, and it was probably Zed's idea. - @mleemwyvern
- TFC was the first participant in project VEX
- Grian was an attempted success. It fixed some problems with Etho's unintended cloning, but at the same time created some problems of its own, seeing as the clones appeared to have a life of their own.It's fine, though. It's probably fine
- I would say Grian is unrestrained, a bit like Etho, Chaotic in his own way. Does not activily Try to hurt people, but does mostly what he wants for fun.-Ciara
- Xisuma is a civilian- he has hero friends, but despite all their teasing he’s never wanted to go through VEX training. But in the night, the unrestrained Void walks the streets [Void is a symbiotic creature made of nothingness that uses Xisuma's body as a substitute physical form]
- Bdubs was such a good man... he could be trusted to look after Doc, couldn’t he? Somebody had to oversee him, somebody who was reliable and would never, ever consider betraying the mayor and ConCorp...They let their guard down, and Bdubs got curious. Bdubs made a friend.And then they lost him.- Slimetek
- The hels hermits are considered evil by default. How do you spot these clones, how could you protect yourself? Well in the past it was a lot easier, just look for their red eyesNowadays contacts exist but that doesn't stop people trying to call the police on tango, calling him a hels. Hes netherian, they have unnatural eye colours and their iris fills the entire eye, hes not evil but if people keep doing this hes gonna be!
- Beef woke up from his brain surgery to receive telepathy powers, took one look into the mind of the overseer, and noped put of there as fast as he could go.He's on very public record. After all, the mind control he may be capable of is a very convenient explanation for anyone who turns against concorp... ~DragonKay
- Hypno can’t control minds.They say he does. It’s why he’s named Hypno, after all.In reality, he can’t control people like that... but he can control what they see.Your best friend might look like your greatest enemy. A pit of lava might look like solid ground. A 100-foot drop might look like a step down.It’s a good thing he’s a hero, and a good thing he keeps his true powers hidden beneath a guise of low-level hypnotism. There’s no telling what he could do if they let him go. [he works for Concorp, helping to protect VEX trainees from people trying to harm them before they get a chance to finish the program, as well as keeping other resources safe]
- The 9th Street Incident [referring to an earlier Impulse comment] was a friendly greeting. That particular version of Etho just thought that drawing weapons would be a friendly greeting for Impulse, but Tango and Zed seem to disagree
- They still don’t trust Bdubs. He was with the government for a long time, and things are hard out there on the run. Besides, they don’t know what he got up to there. ConCorp could have any sort of information on him, something that might scare him back.Bdubs understands this. He doesn’t want to go back. He’d hate to go back....but they think he will, and maybe there’s something he’s not telling them. An ace that ConCorp has yet to play.- Slimetek
- Mumbo works for concorp as an engineer specialising in robotics, most recently taking on the task of maintaining Iskall's cybernetics that somehow they just keep damaging. Iskall assures him they're just.. very clumsy. So far Mumbo hasn't caught on.
- Ren's power is that hes a werewolf, but he only found out when he was in his late teens with his childhood friend Iskall. He still feels guilty about it, he did kill his best friend afterall. Or so he thinks.He's lived off grid ever since, too overwhelmed with grief and guilt to rejoin society. Most assume he's dead too - @ghastly-ghostie [Ren dropped Iskall off to Concorp as a last ditch effort, running away before he could see whether they took his friend in or not. They did, starting Iskall's plotline. Iskall told Concorp about Ren's abilities, triggering a panic in the Concorp ranks at the fact that Ren is a superhuman being created by some force other than their own project]
- Where does Void come from? The same place all powers come from.Little did they know, something survived the crash and has taken a human host. Maybe it's not the only one...No, that place is not Concorp. Concorp's original goal was to develop technology by reverse-engineering from a crashed alien spaceship. These aliens did gene-editing the way some people do nose jobs, so they adapted that technology, too.~DragonKay
- i've already said a bit about it in the discord but i have hermitopia cleo brainrot. joe being there was able to save her by giving her the regen powers along with her puppeteering telekinesis power. anyways cleo is presumed dead, sent by concorp into a mission as fodder basically until zit could arrive. but now there's is one (1) bitter undead vigilante against concorp that is presumed dead
- Stress’s name has a few meanings in relation to her. Whenever she gets too angry or /stressed/, she transforms into the StressMonster, a monster that feeds off of other people’s stress to become more powerful. Luckily, the monster is rarely seen, but does terrible things when she is. She’s one of the most feared creatures in Hermitopia. Stress hates her and tries her best to hide her from her friends, but it can backfire sometimes. - @guster-animations
- to follow-up on Joe being presumed dead: remember the time dilation incident he was stuck in? ConCorp figured it was best to cut their losses and not try to send anyone in to rescue him -- it would be a pointless mission. so they abandoned him, quietly announced that he had died in the line of duty, and put the affected area under high security clearance in order to prevent any future accidents. they figured he was already dead. and Joe figures, given that they up and abandoned him, maybe it's for the best that they continue to figure just that. he changed his last name to "Hills" -- a joke about the biome containing the time anomaly -- and otherwise proceeded to stay under the radar. he still uses the time dilation area as a base of operations, sometimes; it's very useful to have a hideout that people physically cannot get into/out of without his direct assistance. is he nursing a grudge, coming up with some convoluted scheme to get back at the paramilitary group for abandoning him? or does he just want to live a relatively normal life off the grid? who knows. that's the Joe [REDACTED] Hills difference. -@betweenlands
- False has some big scary power that is almost Eldritch she just happens to prefer a sword and doesn’t really care for who she works for as long as they’re paying... (they don’t need to know of the power that had harmed the ones she loves the most)
- Keralis once encountered Void sulking around where Xisuma worked. So fearful for his friend’s safety, he used his power on Void and told him to go away. Apparently the charm is still active, because if Void spots Keralis anywhere, he’ll turn tail and run. No, it’s not because he’s scared. Absolutely not.
- Grumbot serves as a sentient supercomputer created by Mumbo for Grian. Grian is using Grumbot for... various activities, all of which harmless, but a certain evil clone [Helsknight] has reverse engineered the technology. Concorp would like for Mumbo to give them the tech, but mumbo stuck some eyes to the computer, got emotionally attached, and refuses to give up his baby boy.
- When Impulse hears his friend/colleague Bdubs has been "taken over" by the mind-controller [Beef], he wants to go on an off-the-books mission to rescue him! Just giving up like they were told to isn't in his nature.Of course the rest of ZIT are with him. Heroes save people! It's what they do!~DragonKay
- Hermitopia is a mixture of sleek futuristic and cyberpunk in terms of style. It really depends on where you live and work (ik this doesnt include any hermits but whatever) - @ghastly-ghostie
- I wonder if Cleo's overactive healing powers affect herself and if any injuries she receives immediately heal over like wolverine or deadpool
- Ren used to be friends with Cleo too, but then she died. Strangely enough, she died on the same day that Ren killed Iskall. Ren’s lost all his friends. It’s hard living in isolation when there’s no one left that even cares about you. (Unless— no, that’s impossible.)
- I was thinking about Biffa, like you do. And Biffa would totally be some robot that was created by Project VEX in its early stages, however they realised fast that it was easier to use humans and give them powers, maybe its not their strong suit with robots. But Biff went sentient and glitched and was scrapped so hes just out there doing his thing. Hes a wildcard and plays for which side he wants at the time, sometimes he'll help or sometimes hes the one causing trouble. He looks pretty similar to a android like in Detroit:Become human but hes a bit uncanny and eerie, maybe its the eyes or the blood red armour. Powerwise, he's got more strength than a human does, mainly because he isn't limited like others are. try not to get punched by him, it'll hurt! [He's convinced Concorp will destroy him if they find out he's alive and Unaffiliated] -lucodak
- Going off of my thing about hermotopia impulse having friends everywhere....this may include the nho. Okay, they beat him to a pulp on one of his solo patrols once, but theey felt bad n patched him up! He has to keep it a secret. He brings them dinner alot. And checks in on them.
- Beef is the perfect cover-up for Bdubs’ desertion. ConCorp doesn’t want any other employees getting bright ideas, now, do they? Nor do they want employees getting nosy and trying to figure out where Bdubs went. They don’t have to tell people what Beef’s powers are. They just release that he developed powers after brain surgery, and a rumour that he was spotted lurking around before Bdubs suddenly betrayed ConCorp... and people draw their own conclusions. -Slimetek
- xB is pretty sure he’s supposed to be evil.I mean, that’s what sentient AIs usually end up being, according to a quick internet search. And yet he’s... not. Or maybe he’s just on the wrong side. - Slimetek
- Yes impulse is friends with the nho....what he doesn't know? He's....easily susceptible to hypnosis. Very easily.......Of course, after impulse is basically a very tired n warm cuddle bug, so, cuddle piles tend to happen after all information is spilled. He must've fallen asleep at their apartment again! Whoops! But it's okay.....they take good care of him if he does! [Beef is using his mind reading ability on Impulse without his knowledge, to make sure that he hasn't spilled their location and to predict the government's next moves. He feels slightly bad about it but feels that it is necessary for the nHo's survival.]
- So far, Grian has only ever encountered two of his clones, NPC Grian and Robot Grian. Technically three, if one were to count Ariana Griande. Grian doesn't really, but some do. [Ariana Griande is a popular musician in Hermitopia who is building a career using the magical stone of voice enhancement she recieved through the cloning process]
- To handle the two Grumbot issue: the one working with Helsknight can be Jrumbot, a legion of robot drones meant to work as Grumbot’s physical form that ended up being hijacked by Helsknight and turned against ConCorp
- There...aren’t a lot of “normal” animals left in Hermittopia. ConCorp took one look at the animals populating the city and decided that, hey, they could make some improvements. Species after species, they modified their behavior, appearance, internal structure, whatever they could fix, tweak, or add. They were just improving their lives and the lives of the citizens of Hermittopia, after all, but the new animals quickly outcompeted the old for resources and habitats. And if it makes it easier for ConCorp to stick a camera in one or two of them, or set up robotic animals to keep a better eye on the city, no harm, no foul, right?(Bonus: there is one (1) singular cat left in Hermittopia, resulting in a spy movie-style heist where two teams of Hermits attempt to “rescue” the cat simultaneously. The cat keeps wandering away from both teams. Shenanigans ensue)- Adonis [the cat is Jellie, who orchestrated the competition between Team ZIT and Cleo and Joe for her own entertainment, getting away from both parties in the end]
- The Leak:Not all mutations are the result of controlled experiments! If some alien tech got away from the crash site, concorp never would have picked it up. It might have got into nature, not as refined as they made it in the labs but causing little changes here and there. Ren may have become a werewolf from being bitten by a mutant wolf~DragonKay
- Impulse is able to use his powers to create illusions or male things appear invisible! Sort of. After all, light dictates what we see. It takes a lot of focus, though, so it's not that practical. -@rayveewrites
- The one thing Hels wasn't able to steal was the cloning technology, hence his hostility with Concorp -- he needs the cloning device, because how else is the void going to get a body of their own? - SilverWolf53
- *glances at the hermitopia werewolf ask* okay but what if the same mystery people who made ren into a werewolf also created jevin, and maybe Etho? idk if either of them have been given any hermitopia headcanons yet lol. but im sure the same people who made a werewolf could make a sentient slime (or perhaps rescue one) or make... whatever etho is. [Since the "second organization" is an incorrect assumption believed by Concorp, Jevin was created when he came in contact with a waterway contaminated by The Leak. Concorp assumes he was created by an opposing organization and not by accident, and therefore would like to bring him in along with Ren.]
- hermitopia - mumbo and grian were friends back when cloning experiments were still happening (or . as friendly as you can be with someone who's treating you like a lab rat), but after everything went wrong and grian escaped, mumbo has his memories wiped nd thats why he's trusted w iskall's stuff? bc he inherently remembers working on high-level things without knowing where he learnt it - muscle memory, yk?anyway massive angst with grian maybe recognising mumbo, but not the other way round, and trying to rekindle their friendship? and that's where grumbot comes in? -gin [Mumbo's memory was wiped so that he would forget the deadly purpose of Iskall's cybernetics, which he was working on at the same time as the Grian project in the background. Mumbo does not remember creating Grian's mechanical wings or Iskall's arm and eye, and he has no memory of either individual previous to "meeting" Iskall as the person assigned to his repair and upkeep.]
- Etho doesn't so much have powers as he is powers. All the powers the ‘original’ had went into creating him; now he just exists, as whatever sort of being he is. Not a human one, that much is obvious. ~DragonKay [Etho has no powers beyond the hivemind and his training, due to the error in the experiment that caused the clones]
- Mumbo started the button as a joke. A nonsense social expirement to see how much people want worthless signs of status. Unfortunately things got out of hand, and violent too. But hey! It's not his fault that the five special anomalous stones were misplaced into the prize dispenser! It was just chance that they fell into the hands of the clone of the worst gremlin in the city! Don't fire him! [He was not fired, but Cub was Decidedly Unhappy with him for a good long while]
- Void mostly trashes ConCorp facilities- trying to figure out if any of his siblings survived the spaceship crash, but occasionally he’ll pilfer from a bakery, because X is a health nut and Void just wants a gods damned cookie [Void very much dislikes unseasoned chicken]
- If the Stress Monster gets too big, too dangerous, Cleo is sworn under oath to Stress to zap her with her healing powers. Cleo doesn’t like to do it, overhealing a stressed Stress makes her so calm she gets knocked out for a couple of days, but Stress can take a small comfort in the fact that at least one person out there can stop her
- Ooh with the self healing Cleo she'd be able to develop a small amount of super strength, with how the mind keeps from going full throttle because it would destroy the body once she gets over it it's hysterical strength whenever she wants [it is quite painful, but a good backup plan]
- Being a hive mind of disposable clones that can spawn new copies at will, it can sometimes be hard for the Etho Entity to remember that it is indeed a big deal for other people when they get hurt. This can make him come off as callous to those around him, placing him firmly in the "villain" category in most citizen's books, but he really doesn't intend any harm!
- Grian used to be tall, but then the cloning happened. With each clone they stole a little bit of his height making him the short man he is today. He needs to capture those clones and get his height back. [Grian isn't entirely sure how to accomplish this, but he's dead set on trying! He misses being tall!]
- While Grian was perfectly fine with Ariana Griande living her own life, he did insist on one thing.Her "older brother" getting backstage access whenever she was on tour. He's very proud and supportive of her and her music career.
- Mumbo is perfectly content working in tech, watching the other hermits get up to crazy shenanigans. Except of course, there was that one time he was out testing some new gear and accidentally saved a crowd from some villains... and there were all those times after too...But hey! It’s not his fault that people like him, and he certainly isn’t going to get caught by Concorp during his after hours activities. [Mumbo considers himself an accidental hobbyist, not thinking he has the nerve or the skill for proper hero work. Time will tell if he's right about that or not...but unfortunately, he probably is. This should be fun.]
- There’s still some people overseeing VEX, even over Cub. They’re the ones that push Cub to do certain experiments or to scrap one. They’re the ones to give Cub the decision for Iskall’s life debt. Scar was under them too for the longest time, but eventually he wanted out. Cub still wanted in. They were still in the right, right? That’s what they tell him. He’s starting to doubt it. [Cub is way too invested in everything he's built to even think about going rogue now, but he does resent and occasionally question the judgement of his superiors increasingly as his project begins to fail more and more often. He also fears that Scar's shift in career will be seen as a betrayal, rather than as a tactical attempt to gain the company influence in the government.]
- Been thinking about the impulse + nho asks and just,,, what would happen if concorp/the government found out? It cant be good with interrogation/hypnosis on both sides (incase you cant tell,, the brainrot got me as well) (apologies if this is a mess im excited) [Hypno is assigned to set up an illusionary conversation to make Impulse reveal nHo location to Concorp and government agents while thinking that he's actually talking to the nHo in a random encounter]
- The one mind Beef can't read is Etho's. Their hivemind is just too weird for him to comprehend. If he ever tries to listen in, it sounds like just a bunch of static from an old TV.
- for hermitopia au!: Out of most of the heros, the most reckless may be team zit. sure they tell themselves they'll plan out missions but it's hard when they share a braincell and tango just runs in. impulse and zed share a look everytime and have to run after him to make sure he doesn't get too hurt or overwhelmed by the enemy. in their defence its hard to plan ahead against an enemy when you dont know what they are thinking.-lucodak ["You might not have known what they were thinking, Tango, but we'd generally like you to know what you're thinking!"]
- i bet ConCorp really wants to make it out like theres some secret shady organization creating all these people with mutations, rather than their own operatives deserting and their own failure to contain dangerous chemicals... whether its malicious coverups or just ignorance to the fact they messed up, wonder what would happen if that sort of thing came to light...? [If they found out that the unintentional superhumans were a result of the poorly-contained crash site? Cub would lose his job...maybe worse. If Cub found out (and he hasn't, yet) he would do everything in his power to keep that information from his superiors.]
- (paraphrased) Impulse accidentally walks in on heroes and agents breaking down the doors of the nHo's hideout and confronting them. Scar claims that they did so on information Impulse himself provided and thanks him for his service. Impulse, feeling confused and betrayed, resists Hypno's attempts to illusion him back to Scar's side and flees the scene with the nHo, knowing very little other than the fact that he doesn't want to be manipulated by the government any more (and still not knowing that Beef has been reading his mind)
- Impulse may have been labeled a traitor. But do you really think that Impulse, secret rebel, starting to learn how dangerous and corrupted Concorp really is, wouldn't let his best friends know about the danger they might be in? I think Team ZIT is more loyal to each other than to the government. - @mleemwyvern [ Impulse's first stop after escaping with the nHo is to find a place to secretly meet Tango and Zedaph and tell them about the way he was tricked. It takes a lot of explaining and a lot of trust, but they eventually decide to believe his claims and are left with a choice: will they openly go rogue and become a target along with Impulse and the rest of the nHo, or are they better off using their established image and reputation to keep an eye on the government heros' movements from the inside?]
- (two asks combined, paraphrased) Ren runs out of supplies and decides to head back into the city, confident in his ability to stay off the grid after so many years of experience and such a long time away. Once there, he runs into Doc, and they hit it off quite quickly. However, the more Ren talks the more Doc realizes - with his ex-Concorp knowledge - that Ren matches the description of Iskall's main target exactly. He warns Ren, who is then faced with the knowledge that Iskall is alive and assigned to kill him...so many questions and so many tears to follow...
- Why did Hermitopia start needing heroes? When the Unrestrained started to appear, if course. Why did the Unrestrained start to appear? A question asked a little less. When did the VEX program start? When did they start taking more risks? When did they stop caring about certainty and safety and shift towards trying to push boundaries they weren't ready to? People can be so enamoured with the concept of superhuman abilities, something bright and glorious and good- and perhaps they could have that too- they don't ask all the right questions. It's all an elaborate game of damage control, don't let the flashy heroics fool you, they've made mistakes, terrible, terrible mistakes, and now there are villains running loose with powers they fooled ConCorp into giving them. Are they villains? Are they victims? Does it matter? They're causing problems. [Project VEX has developed into a solution to its own problems, a self perpetuating cycle...one that Cub, as a businessman, is very familiar with. It's what keeps the wheels of industry turning. It's what keeps innovation creeping forward. It wasn't intentional, not this time...but if it keeps his project alive, he'll take it.]
- One time, Jevin had narrowly dodged being captured by Concorp. He was laying low in the forest out of town, when he had a run-in with some sort of wolf creature. Thankfully, claws and teeth couldn't exactly hurt him anymore, so he just played dead until it gave up.When the moon set, the wolf-thing slowly transformed into a human being. Ren was horrified at the thought he'd lost control and hurt someone- again- but Jevin assured him he was fine. Jevin got the feeling that the werewolf needed a friend, and Jevin himself needed a place to stay for a while... -RayveeWrites [Ren and Jevin are not currently in the same location, but they each have a means of contacting each other for help if needed]
- Worm Man wasn't a well- known super, but plenty of people have noticed that he seemed to vanish at the same time Team ZIT first started active duty. Those people have also noticed that one of the members has a very similar power set to WM.Officially, that's just a coincidence. Officially.-RayveeWrites [Zedaph was trying to get some unofficial practice while still in training in the VEX program]
- A common misconception is that Bdubs conjures up his vines from nowhere. He can't.Like any plant, his vines grow from seeds. They grow unnaturally fast, when Bdubs wills it, but they have to come from seeds. Where do these seeds come from, you may ask?Well, a long time ago, Bdubs ingested some strange fruits. Somehow, in wild defiance of human biology, the seeds contained in those fruits worked their way into his muscles and germinated. Some of the roots worked their way into his brain and fused into it; the rest spread through his muscles, grew beneath his skin, coiled around his bones. Thanks to the way the vines connected to his brain, Bdubs is able to command the vines, and their magic, at will.The vines produce seeds; some stay in his body to replace the old ones when they die, and most work their way into a pair of 'seed pods' in his wrists. Bdubs provides the nutrients, the energy; the vines provide the seeds, the magic. As an extra bonus: if the vines were to be totally removed from Bdubs' body, he would be at best extremely weak, and at worst dead. The vines have grown into his muscles, to the point where they've essentially replaced them in some areas. It's fortunate that they connected with his mind so early on, otherwise he'd be dead. -RayveeWrites [Concorp developed the fruit, and the fact that Bdubs is evidence of the unlikely success of that experiment makes them all the more angry at his betrayal]
- A lot of excellent xB information (it's too long to copy but please read it it's very good)
- Iskall has exactly one (1) failed assignment. That assignment? The kill or capture of Stress. Stress and Iskall have been, or should it be were now, friends for a very long time, since before Iskall even met Ren. So one can imagine the stress this causes Iskall, to be told to kill his one remaining friend that he knows is alive. Of course, this stress is quite enough to to Stress's Stress Monster into one it's strongest yet seen forms, allowing for Stress to then get away. (1/2)(2/2) Of course, Con Corp doesn't- and can never- know the true reason that Iskall cannot kill or capture Stress. If they knew, if they subjected Stress to the same hell he's in- no, that cannot happen. So Iskall hires False to protect Stress, to interfere whenever they send him on a mission for her. Luckily, False is good at keeping secrets when she wants to, and this one she'll keep. But as far as Con Corp knows, Iskall has severe stress and trauma from being a cyborg, and that's why he fails. [This all adds up to a monumental waste of Concorp's time and money, which also results in False getting payed, so all parties involved are happy except for Concorp >:)]
- Impulse would take a bullet for his teammates, and he knows they might be about to take one for him, keeping him updated on what's going on government side of this... slander. Still, Tango and Zed are great actors, and if he didn't know better, he might be a little worried they would *actually* be hunting him down in the name of justice [Tango and Zed are now being sent on missions to retrieve Impulse, which they must pretend to lose believably. They occasionally overestimate their friend's abilities and give him a few more close calls than he'd like, but overall the ruse is holding up.]
- Wels, Hels, TFC, and Grumbot
- Bdubs Concorp promotion and desertion
- Joe Hills in his time dilation hideout
- Etho clones, ZIT, and the nHo
- Keralis and Void
- [ALTERNATE] Reveal of Impulse's situation with the nHo
- Impulse suit design
98 notes · View notes
kaepopsicle · 4 years
nct dream reaction to finding out their crush likes them back
omg tea ... this should be fun... btw you’re the crush in this
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nct dream reaction. their crush liking them back.
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一 mark
finds out from his friend, completely panics like a five year old when they find out they’re going to Disney; “what do I do?” “What do I do????” probably falls or passes out bc he didn’t think they would actually like him back;
“Johnny hyung what do I do??” John gets up, grabs him a suit, and throws it at him “just wear this” “I don’t know, I don’t feel like it’s me..” he rubs his arm before grabbing a hoodie and beanie; “how do I look hyung?” He had a big smile on his face. John gives him a thumbs up “go get them tiger” he smiles before scurrying out of the room, he runs to the hallway and ends up running into you. “oh my god dude hey, I- hey- iheardthatyoulikemeandilikeyoutooandand.” he stops and stares at the ground “iwaswonderingdoyouwanttouhmaybego-“ you grab his face so he would actually look at you. “yes of course” you say before he even finished. “I would love to go on a date with you mark lee”
一 renjun
jeno tells him while they were hanging out, “THEY WHAT!?” he screams as he ends up jumping up and running out the room, running into the door frame on the way out. runs away to your place in his pajamas. not caring what time it was or who sees him.
gets to your place and knocks on the door, you open it half asleep as it was late at night, “hey” he walks in before you even realize who it was. “I- uh won’t you come in?” you rub your eyes as he walks by “you like me? you like me? Like actually ??? it isn’t a prank??” You walk over still half asleep. “renjun can we talk about this later? It’s 4 am” you look over at the time, 5 past 4. “No this cANT.” He turns to you. “I’ve liked you for so long and just to find out you like me in return I’m- speechless!” “I- renjun.” You stop and look into his brown sparkly eyes, almost as if he was about to shed a tear. A smile pulls at your cheeks. “Yes yes, I like you how can I not?” He pulls you into a hug and ends up crying into your shoulder.
一 jeno
freezes when jaems told him after hanging with you the other day, “they what?” “I’m sorry what-“ jaemin rollls his eyes. “cmon jeno it’s not like they proposed to you they just like you back, now go talk to them.” jeno just stares at the ground, until jaemin decides to push him to your place...
*knock knock* you get up from your gray sofa and walk over to the door, unexpecting company, you see jeno still frozen in fear and jaemin hiding from behind his arms at his back as if he was pushing him down the hallway (which he was) “alright have fun you two” he lets go and walks down the hall, he ends up turning the corner and bringing his phone out to record. “Oh hey !” Jeno finally says as he snaps back into reality, “hi? Jeno..” you say rubbing your arm, a little nervous bc it’s the first time seeing him since you shared your feelings for him. “Is it true?” He asked , his brown eyes melting into your eyes,, you blush and look down. “Ye-“ you’re stopped by his embrace hugging around you. “I like you too.”
一 haechan
finds out from mark, “they what?? of course they do haha, took them long enough to admit it.” he smirks before running out of the practice room to go find you and tease you for it (even though he clearly likes you back)
“Y/N” he runs into the room next door , which you were relaxing on your phone, you look up startled thinking you were in trouble. “what’s wrong?” you look up at him, his brown eyes stare into your soul, they were almost burning with passion. He reaches a hand down to help you stand up, you accept and he spins you around until your chests are touching. “a little birdie told me, you like someone, someone who’s handsome, talented, funny” the realization hits you. you roll your eyes and walk away. “I don’t know what you’re talking about dongyuck. I’ve never met anyone like that.” He frowns before coming up from behind you, his breath pricking your skin. “I know you like me y/n, no need to hide, I like you too..” he smirks, you turn and look up to him with sparkles in your eyes “really??” he smiles before letting you go, “HAHA NO WHY WOULD I LIKE YOU, YOU UGLY” he rubs the top of your head, messing up your hair, and runs out of the room, cackling; before stopping at the door, “dinner; you, me, tomorrow night” he grins and skips out of the room. leaving you speechless.
一 jaemin
almost chokes to death on his coffee, “THEY WHAT- hold on hold on hold on, how do I look? I need to go talk to them!” He stands up almost immediately after watching tv with renjun. renjun looks up at him “bro cmon we have like 10 mins left let’s finish this.” jaemin looks down at him and back up “no I must confess my love for them now!” an intense scene comes on the screen “okay I’ll confess my love to them after this part”
the part is finished and he fixes his hair in the bathroom, he walks out of the room before he runs into you, “OMG Y/N.. I was just looking for you!” He smiles, you look at him, something about him was different; his eyes soft but intense. he was about to say something big you could just feel it. “so I was wondering, if you wanted to go out sometime?” He smiles and winks. You just look at him. “Sure like for dinner? Or like boba?” You not fully understanding by what he meant, you didn’t think he had any alternate motives bc it’s na jaemin, he would never like you. right? he sighs before spinning you around and gently pinning you against the hallway wall. “No, I’m asking you out, do you want to go on a date with me y/n?” you blush at his sudden reaction, you’ve never seen him so passionate about something before. “I- sure. Yes of course” he smiles “good :) see you tonight at 7”
一 chenle
at first he doesn’t really care, he’s like “ah they like me? cool” until he realized he himself had the same feelings. he quickly texts (not mark bc he doesn’t know anything) but johnny bc he would know how to talk to people better. “hyung what should I do?” johnny smiles, “flowers my little dude, flowers” chenle grins before going to the store to get the biggest bouquet of flowers he could find, he puts on a suit and gets to their house.
he knocks and fixes his tie, quickly smells himself just to double check; you open the door in pajamas and messy hair. “chenle- hi..” you say surprised of his presence and the state he was in. “was there a special occasion I missed?” you smile as you see his outfit, you lean against the door frame and look him up and down, your eyes trace to the flowers in his hand. “omg are those for me?” your heart throbbed, you liked this boy. a lot. but you didn’t want to give the satisfaction to him that easily, “I- yes these are for you” he smiles before handing them to you. “the colors match your eyes :D” you giggle. “so you think you can buy my love with flowers ??” he freezes “I no- I just-“ you chuckle at his flusteredness. “I’m just messing with you, thank you chenle.. I love them” he sighs “why would you do that to me, I got so scared” you laugh and freeze when his eyes were tracing your facial features. “w-was there a reason for you coming here? or did you just want to give me flowers?” he rubs his arm. “I just wanted to say I like you..” your cheeks pull at the sides of your mouth. hearing him say it made you warm and melt from the inside out. you sensed he was nervous and walk to him, placing your arm at his face. “you heard correctly, I like you too.” he smiles before giving you a big hug.
一 jisung
completely in shock. “:o they like me back?” Is confused bc he’s always so shy and awkward around you, he was sure that he made a fool of himself around you, but hearing from chenle that you said with your own lips you like him, he might pass out then and there
chenle ends up shoving him to the room you were in, you had your headphones in and working on your laptop, jisung fidgets with his hands before getting scared and almost backing out, luckily chenle was there and pushed him even closer to you. you don’t notice until he falls in front of you after a little too hard of a push from chenle. “omg jisung are you okay?” you quickly take off your headphones and help him up, he pulls his hand away speedily and makes little hand gestures. “yes yes I’m fine thank you.” he stares at the ground, too nervous to make eye contact. he turns and looks at chenle who gave him a “go for it” notion. he turns back to you and blushes, “so I was w-wondering if you maybe wanted to uh, to uh,” he ends up getting too shy and runs out of the room. chenle looking at you before running up to jisung, you softly blush, thinking of what he might have asked. “I can’t do it ahh” jisung says to chenle in the hallway pressing against the wall, “bro you got this! she likes you! just ask her out! she won’t bite” you come walking out which startles the two boys. “oh- sorry am I interrupting?” you ask softly. “No no you aren’t actually, we are finished.” chenle smiles before tapping jisungs shoulder and walking away. you say your byes to chenle and walk over to jisung. “hey are you okay? you seemed so nervous in there” you ask looking into his gentle eyes, he blushes before messing up his hair. you think to yourself, maybe you should be the one to ask him out. so you manage up enough courage yourself, “jisung would you like to get boba with me?” You smile and blush before realizing what you said.. “omg I’m so sorry.” You turn to walk away. “No no wait, I would love to. It’s actually what I was going to ask you.” you turn back to him and smile “really? Well okay then! It’s a date! Tomorrow at 2?” You smile, he matches your smiles and blushes “yes...” your smile was so big your eyes were gone, you skip away while jisung smiles proudly of himself and runs to go tell his hyungs.
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