#which is kind of funny reading this because he SAYS SO HIMSELF hahaha
fractualized · 11 months
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Time for a surprise The Man Who Stopped Laughing post! Here I was all mad that Jason disappeared in TMWSL #11, and then Rosenberg basically decided Gotham War: Red Hood #2 is a TMWSL side story with a lot I was not expecting!
I still hate that there's no effort at a legible timeline but all the surprises in this issue are helping me move past it. (OK I can't lie I'm always going to hate it at least lowkey.)
More thoughts:
So basically the Gotham War stuff is all happening before/during TMWSL #11 meaning the two Jokers were just hanging around Gotham for the two months Bruce was asleep I KNOW I SAID I'D STOP I'LL STOP. Jason strayed into Gotham War at first partly because of his search for Joker, asking the men Selina has recruited for clues about his location, but then he got more involved, enough that GW Red Hood #2 starts with Joker trying to find out where Jason is.
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What an interesting turn!
The note does get to Jason, via a dead body (laid to rest by Scarecrow, not Joker).
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Ohhh this is a twist. Last month in TMWSL, Ravager gave Manhunter a list of locations from Jason, places to look for Joker, and now we know they were provided by Joker himself?! Because he wants to make sure Jason finds him? And is probably plain insulted that someone who was pursuing him so single-mindedly suddenly stopped? hahaha
Jason says he'll meet up with Ravager in a couple days, but he misses his appointment because, as you may know, Zur-influenced Bruce decides to Clockwork Orange him so he'll feel debilitating fear whenever his adrenaline ratchets up. But Ravager isn't the only one who notices Jason's absence.
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Joker did say back in the hospital in TMWSL that he might have plans for Jason, but I took that more as a taunt. I didn't know he actually was depending on Jason being around. (Though given the time jump, that could be a recently created plan.) Also, "Batman can't have him! I TOOK CUSTODY IN THE DIVORCE."
And look at Joker all ready to go with his hat! And the umbrella. The umbrella detail kills me.
It's also just really funny to me that like, sometimes Catwoman in Gotham War acts parental toward Jason. Here, Joker is intent on finding him. In the following pages, Harvey hears what happened to Jason and says Jason is "more one of us than he knows. And he's had a rough life because of that." And then Scarecrow comes upon Jason during a Missing Scene that takes place during Catwoman #58 when Jason tries to save a little girl from a fire...
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Just when I'm laughing that Jason is everybody's blorbo, this happens.
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MOMMY. Batman is Jason's Daddy, and Joker is Jason's Mommy. Oh my god. Rosenberg, you magnificent glowing sunrise.
Joker chases Scarecrow away like a disobedient cat with his squirtgun, and then turns back to Jason.
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I think Grundy's pee could probably still ward Scarecrow off. Also is Joker mad Jason didn't tell his parents they have a granddaughter? :(
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Joker again insisting Jason is important for his plans. Joker saying he's going to fix Jason, his "sweet boy." Is Joker of all people going to undo what Bruce did? That would be pretty hilarious, something to hang over Bruce's head later.
But whatever it is, it's not going to happen now, of course. Joker leaves Jason under the beam so the scene can play out as it does in Catwoman #58, in which Jason did not mention Scarecrow or Joker. I'm not sure if that's just because he still wants to take care of his own business or that he's not sure they were real.
I'm assuming all this means Jason will in fact appear in the TMWSL finale, though suddenly afraid of everything, which will be kind of weird for people only reading that story. Then again, maybe Bruce will end up fixing Jason himself in the last GW issue on Halloween, with how weird and inconsistent the GW writing has been.
Regardless, this particular issue was an unexpected delight, and it's boosted my assumption that the end of TMWSL #11 is a fakeout and this Joker is very much the real one. Too much would hit different in a bad way if he wasn't…
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rebelrayne · 1 month
Hi, I'd like to request something if that's okay. Which litg athletes do you see competing in olympics this year or maybe next four years? And which ones do you NOT see competing? I hate sports but I have a weakness for athletes, especially certain litg ones.
I can see Levi doing it this year, maybe Jamal (my baby daddy) this or next one. And I think Dylan and Arlo would be too cancelled to participate. What do you think?
Hi Anon! I'm not sure I'm the best person to answer this but I'll give it my best shot! I am not well-versed in sports so hahaha I kind of got a little unserious in some parts.
These are the Islanders that I came up with that are athletes (in some form or it is their job): Levi, Reese, Rahim, Henrik, Jakub, Jo, AJ, Tai, Dylan, Arlo, Pete, Jamal, Lewie, Chloe, Hazel, Logan, Jack, Sophie and Jude. Yes, Kat is a club dancer but I wasn't sure if I could count that with Chloe and Hazel, but I guess on a technicality she could be here, too.
Below the cut this is so long haha
Season 1
Levi - Would probably more likely be coaching at this point in his career. He'd be 32 and had made a name for himself, but ultimately stepped down to further himself in coaching. Could also see him being a commentator, too.
Reese - That mf isn't retiring until they say he's not allowed on the team anymore. Sadly, I don't think wrestling is too popular but I could be wrong. Like he'd pitch a fit and claim they were just against him or something. He'd be there (unfortunately for us).
Season 2
Rahim - Might be out of his prime now. I mean, we know he's good at what he does and all, but this is a pretty competitive sport and when newbies come in, they tend to take it by storm for a while. He's probably just playing the circuit.
Henrik - Yeah, he was a climbing instructor but there's sport climbing. I don't see him doing the Olympics though. He's pretty down to earth, probably not interested in making it his job in this way. He'd rather spread knowledge and love of climbing to others through teaching.
Jakub - lmao as if this big-headed buffoon would miss out on weightlifting or something. Like he's too stupid to be cut from the team anyway. Send him an email and he still flies to the Olympics because he can't read idk
Jo - She would qualify under Cycling BMX Racing and I think she would have done it before. I'm not sure if I'd believe that she's at this one though. She's older, probably settled down or at least doing something related and not racing as seriously anymore?
Season 3
AJ - Definitely there. Loves competition, a great team player. She's 100% playing Field Hockey at the Olympics and I love that for her.
Tai - So technically I think Tai is a rugby coach not a player? Maybe I'm not remembering that though. I think he would be more likely a coach than a player for this Olympics though personally. He has the personality to be tough but also inspirational.
Season 4
Dylan - Definitely did not make the roster after his S4 mishaps. They were so embarrassed that they ghosted him. Left him on read when he asked about how to put in an expense report to get money back for his flight and whatever because no one contacted him about flying with the team. His teammates all blocked him on social media except one, and they didn't only so they could see his profile and laugh about what a loser he is :)
Season 5
Arlo - I mean, I don't know if she got canceled sadly. She was doing what everyone on Love Island does and I can't really blame her. I think she was probably given the opportunity to try out for the team, but that doesn't exactly mean she made it. She was Semi Pro, which means she wasn't the best out there anyway.
Pete - Tried out to be on the sport climbing team, fell on his ass and still has a bruise on his tailbone eight months later. BYE.
Season 6
Jamal - Please, they probably invited him personally to be on the team. He's got such a great energy and he's funny. He'll be there for sure and is definitely medaling.
Lewie - I mean this is a big sport. Did he try out? Sure. Did he make it? Maybe. Football is a massive sport and you're going up against the best in the entire league. I'm going to stick him in the maybe but probably not.
Season 8
Logan - Does anyone even remember this guy? I mean, like, I picked him at the last recoupling and I still forget his ass exists. That's probably what happened if I'm honest. He tried out, the coaches forgot that he had and he never got a call. Aw, poor Logan. Maybe he should try being more memorable next time.
Jack - Oh, he tried. He tried and failed. They laughed and were like, no this is serious not just a hobby. But they invited him to be a Physio for the team so all in all, a win for Jack. (He fangirls over the cyclists when he sees them).
Sophie - I think she tried out and as annoying as she was, she may have made the cut for Acrobatic Gymnastics (is that a thing still? idk). Kinda hope she sprains her ankle as she walks up to the mat or whatever, but I'm kind of a terrible person so.
Season 9
Hamish - yes. If being annoying and obnoxious was a sport. I love him, but he would win the gold. No competition. Though he does play golf now......damn, is there anything he can't do????
Jude - Okay yeah he would be there but the last time it was held was 2021 so I guess it would be next year if it was every 4? Not sure on this but there is a Motor Sports category. You go, Jude! Even though you're kind of a dick and weirdly obsessed with Kat in my game.
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chessboredom · 1 month
i’m curious about your take on lairy seeing that you actually have a brain and don’t woobify the shit out of it
Thank you, anon. U_U
And OMG. The woobifying part is too real, it's painful. I've seen a lot of people saying that "lairy is BAD and is PROSHIP because Airy is a kidnapper who ruined Liam's life," like Liam never tried to hunt down Airy and kill him? Yeah, that's your soft uwu boy victim incapable of defending himself from an sentient apathetic lantern.
And for the love of GOD, lairy is NOT PROSHIP, it's a CONCEPT. I am a Homestuck fan and I have seen worse. You are Not a horrible person for shipping Fictional Characters Of Any Kind. Educate yourself in fandom etiquette and remove yourself from purity culture(most importantly read the Commentary section).
Now back to the topic at hand;
Lairy (Liam x Airy)
I've seen a couple of people look at this pair and draw them as "platonic" or more stable than they are, which is fine, I like looking at them too, but they refuse to dive deeper into the potential of how unstable and codependent their relationship could be. It would fall more into codependency. It's my favorite.
As someone who loves toxic ships because of how horrible but also funny the dynamic could be, lairy is just a basic ass toxic yaoi. Nothing sexual happens. Pure instability. Toxic because they both flawed characters in their own special ways. Airy is extremely detached from not getting to be with anyone for more than a decade that he doesn't even care or show concern if other people get hurt/killed/die. Liam has lost all purpose in his life and was several axe swing away from becoming a murderer. lol
And for the part where the relationshipping happens with two things happening at once;
it starts with Airy having a one-sided infatuation, and then there's Liam taking that advantage, try to manipulate Airy and distract him away from the computer, and use that opportunity for him to figure out how the computer works. If it's for saving his friends, he'd do anything.
Airy gets these indescribable feelings by looking/thinking of Liam. He has no concept of personal space, so he'd just stand behind Liam and hold his backpack strap. Airy would insist on hugging Liam when they sleep. Just an incredibly touched-starved Airy.
Liam would be reluctant at this at first, but he should eventually realize that whatever he's trying to do is the last purpose he has. The world thinks he's dead. As long as he saves his friends in the end, it's worth it.
Oh? You want reciprocated? It is also possible for Liam to have feelings for Airy, but in a way that he never wanted to kill himself more in his life and never come back from limbo so he could never see his glassy face again. HAHAHA
I have more possible scenarios, but that would be for another post, hehehe.
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whattraintracks · 4 months
Hello! I'm passing by with an opportunity to ramble if you'd like! :D I know you like Raph - what about Raph as a character appeals to you (any or all versions)? Do you have favorite Raph moments or episodes? Out of the other turtles, who do you enjoy Raph's dynamic with the most?
Yes, I would actually like to do that. Thank you much!! I've been wanting to post and write more now that classes are done, and this was a helpful kick-start. A little too helpful, some might say. Very long post ahead.
What about Raph as a character appeals to you (any or all versions)?
Honestly, liking Raph took me by complete surprise. Growing up on 12 and getting back into my TMNT fixation with Rise, Leo and Donnie were my favorite turtles by far. But then I decided to watch as much as I could in chronological order. 87 Raphael was not at all what I expected, and I immediately loved him. He's hilarious and exudes the kind of sarcasm I can only aspire to. And as I began watching and rewatching shows and movies, I realised a lot of them have this dry wit that appeals to my sense of humor.
Raphs also go through so much crap internally and externally, and I'm a sucker for angst. Plus, it's so important to me that no matter how much they struggle, no one gets and loves them so well as their family. Maybe a weird example, but I love Mr. Nice Guy (1987), in which Donatello's Personality Alterator gets turned on him accidentally, and the other three freak out and send him to therapy. Like it's a silly situation, but the fact that they clock something's really wrong in the way he's not acting like himself and get him help is heartwarming.
Had a good laugh earlier this week at the realisation that most Raphs are particularly sweet on kids, old blind folks, and animals. Followed a couple of days later by the thought, duh, these populations are particularly vulnerable to abuse and harm, so of course, a Raph is going to be protective of them.
Also, sai are so cool, what the heck. Can't believe I was obsessing over katana as a kid when sai are right there. With my limited understanding, they may not always be shown correctly in TMNT? But they're truly very neat weapons, and sai kata are cool to watch.
Do you have favorite Raph moments or episodes? 
Gotta love the classic
87 Donatello: Oh well, you know women. 87 Raphael: No, we don't!
Raphael Meets His Match (1987) is perfect. No notes.
90s Raph and Casey's first fight ("Cricket! Nobody understands cricket. You gotta know what a crumpet is to understand cricket"), then he goes home and curls up with Splinter to cry about getting his butt kicked by Some Dude. He's quite the daddy's boy in the 90s.
Raph's voice is unfairly gorgeous in Coming Out of Their Shells. I straight up clutched my heart the first time I heard it
Mikey: Tell 'em Raph! Raph: It isn't burgers or french fries that work for turtles of our size
I love this silly line entirely because of his voice and delivery. He's also fun to watch on stage. One of my favorite bits is this backward skip he does when he sings, "And moving backwards is a crying shame!"
The one where Venus gets her name
TNM Leo: Hey, Venus! Uh, what's with the statue head? TNM Raph: Hahaha! She won it in the park, slaying bad guys.
After the TNM gang saves a baby turtle from a poacher, Raph gets on the floor to be at eye level with her
Raph: You know what, you're kinda cute for such an ugly little thing. I'm you're Uncle Raph~ You wanna go for a ride in my hog? Ayo, Donnie! Can you make her a teeny tiny helmet?
And then Donnie teases him while everyone stares, so he gets offended (read: embarrassed), and Leo teases him harder, and he gets even more offended.
Just thinking about the beginning of Meet Casey Jones (2003) makes me tear up.
The almost as funny successor
12 Donnie: She's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen 12 Raph: Isn't she the only girl you've ever seen? 
As a fellow biggest sibling, Rise Raph in Pizza Puffs is such a mood. Also love the scene where he eats his phone in Mystic Library.
Out of the other turtles, who do you enjoy Raph's dynamic with the most? 
87 Raphael and Donatello's dynamic is very important to me. In my heart, they're twins. Some of my favorite episodes are the ones where they pair off or take the same side of a team argument: Splinter Vanishes, The Big Blow Out, Back to the Egg, Dirk Savage: Mutant Hunter, Combat Land, Cry H.A.V.O.C.!, etc. I also love this line from My Brother, the Bad Guy
Raphael: Okay, this is the point at which we get squashed like bugs, or! turn to Donatello for help. R+M+L: DONATELLO! 
Coming Out of Their Shells Sunset Duo are the besties everrrrr. Mikey raps a whole verse in Cowabunga about how Raph is his best friend and they wrote all of the music together and that is like the most epic thing ever and I love their energy and how they play off each other on stage and they love each so much I can't– 
TNM Raph and Venus!! The siblings ever, truly. So much sass. They are both overprotective of each other. They're literally the best.
03 Sunset Duo will never not be funny. Raph can be tricked into verbally affirming he loves Mikey when he thinks one or both of them are about to die. Raph is also incredibly distraught about Mikey possibly and then actually winning the Battle Nexus Tournament. Peak comedy and siblinghood.
07 Raph and Leo quite possibly make me feral. "Is he kiddin'? He's lecturing." I still can not believe he didn't know Raph was Nightwatcher. For so many reasons, but especially because some of his initial comments in that fight are pointed. I always wonder if, on some unconscious level, he did know. And then Raph goes through a battery of emotions with the katana breaking and pinning Leo and then running and all the screaming, gosh. Leo, too. They're so similar it hurts.
I also love 12 Sunset Duo, but I think I love the A-Team a little more. Honestly, their interactions remind me so much of my siblings and I. Pushing each other's buttons so hard, then taking over the world together. Actively trying to kill each other, but minutes later, they're professing their undying love. So much ganging up on their little siblings. Leo gets adorably excited with him sometimes ("Look, Raph, mouser-kebabs!"), and Raph is frequently going, how are we related??? ("Halt? Villain?? When did we start talking like that?!" and "Dude, it literally hurts to listen to you sometimes"). Favs.
Thanks for asking, and I hope everyone who made it here enjoyed the ride!
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mollywog · 10 months
Hello there ☺️ first all you I wanted to tell you that I love your blog and analysis so much 🫶
I was reading THG and got to the part where Peeta asked to be coached separately and Katniss feels betrayed and that was so funny to me because she had spent several chapters complaining about having to do everything together, and when she finally got her wish, she felt betrayed. Granted, she did mention it was ridiculous to feel this way, but her thought process in the first book is all over the place. Like when Peeta smiled and waved at people as they arrived at the Capitol because one of them could be rich and she said that he hadn’t accepted his death yet which meant he was fighting hard to kill her, I was like 😂😭 Katniss please, maybe he is hoping someone else will kill you and not him just like you did when he was reaped? Seriously though, I don’t know if Peeta had decided to protect Katniss instead of fighting for his own survival at this point, but he had definitely made a decision by the time he asked to be coached separately, what do you think?
Also when she doesn’t understand what he meant by wanting to die as himself and not being another piece in their games and she gets so angry at his apparent moral superiority that she said he would probably become like a raging beast tribute, and then when the games start she is all worried about Peeta and happy to know he survived, I cannot 😭 I wish I had read this book before watching the movie and anything else about the franchise because Peeta was such an enigma for the most part, would I have been as confused as Katniss? Hahaha
Anywho, thank you for reading and I hope you have a good day 💞
First of all: Thank you for the kind words and for popping in my asks!!
I adore Katniss and I love that we view the trilogy through her perspective. She’s so funny! And I am always tickled by the things she narrates, but doesn’t ‘process’
So you said reading and not rereading so I’ll put some thoughts about Peeta being coached separately under the cut
*Catching Fire Spoiler (chapter 5)*
On the Victory Tour after the speech and shooting in District 11
“Don’t bother, Haymitch. I know you had to choose one of us. And I’d have wanted it to be her. But this is something different. People are dead out there. More will follow unless we’re very good. We all know I’m better than Katniss in front of the cameras. No one needs to coach me on what to say. But I have to know what I’m walking into,” says Peeta.
To me this indicates that Peeta didn’t tell Haymitch - pick Katniss. (I also have thoughts on Haymitch ‘choosing’ Katniss)
On one hand Peeta says
“It doesn’t matter, Katniss,” he says. “I’ve never been a contender in these Games anyway.”
But also says
“No, when the time comes, I’m sure I’ll kill just like everybody else. I can’t go down without a fight. Only I keep wishing I could think of a way to . . . to show the Capitol they don’t own me. That I’m more than just a piece in their Games,” says Peeta.
And really, admitting his crush worked in both their favors.
Katniss refers to herself as forgettable, and maybe the interview alone was lackluster but Katniss was not forgettable - Volunteering for her sister, the 11 training score, (those things paired with being from a outlying district) and add in Cinna’s outfits… Peeta’s admission helped, but Katniss was already the girl-on-fire! Up until the interview Peeta was the unforgettable one.
Furthermore joining the careers benefits him as well: He’s keeping-his-enemies-closer (his strength is reading people and persuading them) and ensuring he has access to food and weapons.
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glasswinggames · 5 months
How do they express their jealousy?
I'm assuming this is from the perspective of how they'd express jealousy regarding a partner/companion e.g. someone was flirting with them in front of the interests etc.
If I'm wrong I'm sorry 😅🙏
Athy - She's a little odd in that she has definitely been jealous before, but she doesn't... understand that's what it is? So she doesn't really express it? She's just kind of like, 'huh... that feels uncomfy... I should go read to distract myself until I feel normal again'. Reading is how Athy processes 99% of her emotions, the other 1% is letting off steam through fighting--
Cai - They are far too secure in themself to feel jealous, it would be super difficult to make them jealous and if you tried they'd either think it was cute, or if you went too far they'd just cut you off, because they expect a certain level of loyalty. They do like making others jealous though--
Helios - He always looks very stern and icy, but when he gets jealous, it somehow becomes even more so, as he will try to hide it, especially in public because he doesn't want to break social rules and ettiquette... but if he is pushed too far, then he will intervene and make it very clear, in no uncertain terms, to whoever is pushing their luck, that they should probably leave before he makes them leave... through the window /hj, and then he takes his partner away, ignoring the inevitable gossip that surrounds him from such a declaration.
Il - Hahaha... haha... ha... 😰 he's gonna bottle that up inside so that you can never tell anything is wrong, as he subtly and smoothly removes you from the situation/away from the person in question, until he can go off and... 'handle' the cause for his jealousy later without you ever knowing. Though, the one change you might notice is him showering you with even more love than usual, and whispers of how you're his. 😌
Jed - He is oddly possessive of those who he considers 'his', and it's been a while since he's had anyone that fit that spot in that void where his heart should be. When he gets jealous he kind of goes from 0 to 100 real quick, there's that moment when his ever present toothy smile just... drops. He handles it about as well as you'd expect a serial killing monster to handle jealousy tbh. Which is not well. At least for the person flirting with his partner that is. Once he'd handled them, full of adrenaline and bloodthirst, he'd whisk his partner away to remind them exactly who and what they are with.
Farren - Judy is gonna hit you with a frying pan-- /silly. She stews, you'd be able to tell she was annoyed, but she wouldn't verbally express it for a while, but you'd be able to tell on her face she wasn't happy. Once she has processed and felt her emotions she would sit her partner down and have a super mature conversation about boundaries and how you both can handle these situations going forward in a healthy manner.
Eos - Someone is getting punched. When I say someone it'll be the person flirting with their partner. It's almost funny because they insist they never get jealous, but they are a very emotionally reactive, and are likely to react first think after. The only situation where it might be different is if their partner was deliberately trying to make them jealous and was the one doing all the flirting, they'd still be annoyed, but they would at worst threaten the other person and make it clear that their partner is taken.
Noah - If someone was flirting with his partner and they didn't seem into it, or seemed uncomfortable, he would be right in there to help them, and with the sweetest smile he'd get the other person to leave. Kill em with kindness kind of thing. If his partner was flirting back, or the one flirting, he wouldn't do anything, he'd just bottle up his feelings and put them in the same place as his self-doubt and his feelings of guilt, and he'd brace himself for his partner to say they chose someone better than him. (He needs a hug... and probably therapy, but let's start with a hug--)
Thank you for the question! ☺️🦋
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onlyswan · 9 months
Hello! It's been a while since the last ask that I have sent here but I just want to drop by and join your annual survey because this is my favorite place on the internet and I want to wish everybody especially you, art, a warm and fulfilling holidays and eat your favorite foods! Hehehe So for the first question, as to what is your favorite/s from the drabbles i've put out this year (second in which collection)?
here are my top 5 in no particular order:
in which you make jungkook’s world spin and you tend to… make him a little too dizzy
I love this one because of how you perfectly crafted situations where in playfulness and mischief is something being celebrated, it is a lighthearted read and such a breathe of fresh air and made me so sentimental that after reading it, I just pictured in my mind that I was looking at both of them fondly and their rough years flashed through my mind and it's just, really, thank god they have each other.
in which jungkook can’t sleep, and he can’t stop kissing you either
This one is kind of understood because seeing a hopeless romantic jungkook be inlove and affectionate and not holding back and just being himself is like a blessing. I also feel giddy with the way he teases oc and be like "I look hot like this, take a picture" hahaha gosh! I miss him so much.
n which jungkook is one of your greatest fears and you’re his achilles’ heel
I love this. I REALLY LOVE THIS. I am not really the type to like suffering through literature but knowing oc and jungkook's lore - I think I have said this before - it is the kind of pain that makes the love and happiness and the time after the drought more worth it. Like, I remember your words saying something along the lines of that kind of pain exists in a place full of love - or is it vice versa but you get what I mean, right? Like you fill my heart with so much love that it grew larger than what ribcage can accomodate but it's okay, that is what it is for.
in which jungkook loves to see you smile and you are the god of mischief
This one feels like a core memory for some reason. Like a funny inside joke or memory that would always be fun to relive and retell every time. I know that this one is kind of like a silly little moment they have but I just can't help but interpret their words and action into some kind of having a deep meaning or something. Oh gosh, they just make me feel so sappy and sentimental all the time. ALso this one is memorable because I remember wanting to read this again before and I couldn't find it anywhere. Hahaha!
in which jungkook can sleep without you, but he’d rather not to
Last on the list is of course, the one where we see one of the most vulnerable moment of jungkook. I love how you use his cute antics and translating in a metaphorical way. It is such a very Artemis way kind of writing but you just never fail to excite me on your million ways of using your words and weaving it into something that feels like it should be written in flower themed scented paper and to be sent to the love of your life. It is crazy how vulnerability doesn't seem so scary when it is with the right person, no? This drabble made me want to be in jungkook's shoes, being brave enough to ask for love because you know you will never be shamed for it.
Second is for the question themes, lines, paragraphs, or scenes that stood out to you?
you guess nothing much has changed. you’re still afraid of jungkook and his power to take away the sun, just as he did before, and you deeply despise being afraid. you don’t like it when the walls are closing in on you, poisoning your mind into believing that you’re small when the heart inside your chest burns with a fire brighter than that of the damn sun.
This paragraph broke in many ways possible. I love the degrees of pain describe with every sentences and how the pain just double down with every stop of words and then it starts again. You have me audibly gasping for air because your choice of words are painting a clear picture in my mind.
for the jungkook of today, control is an abandoned form of self-destruction and he can tell you in confidence that ‘here i am in all my glory. there are unfixable, fractured parts of me and i am laying them out on the floor for you to see- you can take me or leave me, but i know you’ll always choose the former’ and ‘i am stubborn and i do not give up’ and ‘i want to buy a house in the countryside with you’ and most of all ‘i need your love.’
This is what I'm talking about from the previous question. But the reason why I adore this part so much is because I could identify that this paragraph was written by you but at the same time I also know that these thoughts are very much jungkook-like. It is you are transcripting jungkook's every hearbeat. I love love love this! * I have so many favorites that I want to talk about but this is the only free time that I have and I still have so much to say.
For the next question about who is your favorite character, oc or jungkook?
I would love to say both of them but in a perspective of the way it was written, I would say that you should be applauded and talked about on how you created such a complex character as oc. That is such an exceptional character, unique, and well thought out that many of us can see oc in different forms and shapes such as songs, things, people, and ideas. I know how oc is a reader insert but as for me, it feels as though as a reader, I am playing an established character with their own personality and characteristics. It feels like in a movie? It is like you know when an album is so good and resonates with a lot of people but they make it their own?
I would just answer the last two questions in one! hehehe
For the year? I'm really but with numbers so I would just say that I would love to see the beginning of their relationship? I want to see yearning, the adjustments, the unsure glances and nervousness around each other, all the giddy stuffs but also I want to see and understand how it must've been hard for them especially on jungkook deciding on whether to continue whatever they have or just you know end it because of the kind of life he is living. Like I really really want to see how it wrecked him everytime to the point that he impulsively decided to fuck it, I have to save the love of life from me. *Ok, I take back what I said, I think I really am a sucker for angst. I am just indenial. Hahahaha!
Also, I really love and adore seeing oc's choice of clothes and their style because I love fashion and I love how a character's style explains so much of their character. That is one thing I love the most about visual media!!!! And I can say that whenever I picture oc in my mind, I could really understand how their wardrobe choices explains their personality. So I would say that I would choose spring and/ or autumn! Because oc should be able to wear skirts without freezing to death!! ok?! hahahaha kidding!
This is so fun! Thank you for the fun ride this year, Art! I am so looking forward for the next year together as a little school of angel fishes! Hahahaha! Again, happy holidays!
Love, ˚˖𓍢ִ໋🦢˚˚⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧⋆ ˚。⋆
swan anonie! oh my gosh thank you for answering lil survey with so much kindness and enthusiasm 😭💞 i don’t even know what to say AAAAAAA i’ve just been smiling the whole time that i read your words :")
It is such a very Artemis way kind of writing but you just never fail to excite me on your million ways of using your words and weaving it into something that feels like it should be written in flower themed scented paper and to be sent to the love of your life.
oh i’m about to burst into tears??? my writing being described in such a pretty way makes me sooooo freaking happy 😭
It is you are transcripting jungkook's every hearbeat.
you know when physical books have one liner reviews on the back cover? if the in which series was a book i’d want this line to be there 🥺
I would say that you should be applauded and talked about on how you created such a complex character as oc. That is such an exceptional character, unique, and well thought out that many of us can see oc in different forms and shapes such as songs, things, people, and ideas.
i guess i’ve never really comprehended it that way T_T i got so surprised and overwhelmed when i began receiving so many asks talking about oc and how this and that reminded them of oc. i love you guys!! to think that i’ve created a character that is memorable in such a way 🥺 waaaaa
It feels like in a movie? It is like you know when an album is so good and resonates with a lot of people but they make it their own?
that is such a cool way to describe it :") THANK YOU
Because oc should be able to wear skirts without freezing to death!! ok?!
HELP 😭😭😭😭😭😭 #saveocfromwinter
something i also didn’t expect is for oc’s fashion to get attention bUT i’m so geeked about it because i love fashion LOL thank you so much for hyping oc (and jungkook) up and making me excited to write more for you guys 🥹💗
I am so looking forward for the next year together as a little school of angel fishes!
my angel fishes <333 i love you and i can’t wait for next year’s survey too hehehe. i hope you enjoy the rest of the holidays! stay safe and be happy always 🫂🎆
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sambambucky · 11 months
not going to ask about every single one bc i definitely have self control... okay so would you mind terribly if i asked about holiday fic(s), too many white lies (and white lines), and loyalties drafting? or you fav of these or tbh anything you're working on you wanna talk about lol
omg egg yea i mind soo much how dare you!! (tyyyy<3<3) hehehe soo these are the most timely ones you could have chosen.. i could talk about them all until i was blue in the fingers but i promise not to do that (under the cut)
holiday fic(s) is only on this list because earlier this week i got so randomly excited for upcoming holiday season.. and its mostly stuff for prompt lists in 2022 and 2019 yikes yikes yikes. the only thing in there thats passable at this point is based on "What do you mean ‘cook for the guests’?" where sam gets a much-deserved, super soft day off to enjoy the place he and bucky just moved into.
“What’s up, Buchanan,” Sam greets as soon as he picks up, grinning into the crisp air like an idiot. “Hey,” Bucky snorts, “you read for today?” “Hell yeah I am, it’s gonna be great.” “Good,” Bucky answers back before taking an audible breath. “Good, I’m glad to hear it.” It sounds like he’s a little unsure about Sam’s ability to enjoy some time for himself. Which, fair. But this first hour or so has been great, and Sam will prove he can do a bit of self-care., if only just to win the argument for good. “I got you one of those scones you like,” he says, knowing it’ll get a reaction. “God, I love you,” Bucky replies.
too many white lies (and white lines) HA HAHAHA this is uh- literally just me playing with dolls again.. this time to the tune of bodies bodies bodies (2022). originally, the title of the doc was 'is2g im not writing this', then it made it to 8k somehow.
steve tony rhodey clint natasha are having a party and sam shows up out of the blue with his new boo quiet-and-clad-in-all-black bucky. fragile friendships are put to the ultimate test when the power goes out and a body is found. 😱
loyalties drafting is what happens after establishing shot. (the series is called loyalty lasting. im so funny.)
awsdfghjkl; ive def talked about this before, but this time!! the plan is to flush it out for nanowrimo.
the general idea is tws and cacw but with sam as cap, riley as the winter soldier, natasha the fuckboy playing 4 thousand roles, and bucky as just, like, the guy sam's dating when all the shit goes down, i guess.
They’re chained and shackled, but Bucky has enough room to extend his leg and press the sides of their boots together. Sam looks over at him, and his expression softens. “I’m sorry,” he says, “I never meant to get you wrapped up in and of this.” “It’s fine,” Bucky says, finding it closer to the truth that he expected. “No,” Sam grinds out. “It’s seriously not. I – ” He’s interrupted by a commotion in the front seat. The divider comes down to reveal a blonde woman with a square jaw and a wicked smile. “Sorry,” she says. “Am I interrupting your first fight?” “Sharon,” Natasha says, her expression a different kind of unreadable than Bucky's become used to. “Why are you here?” “It’s kind of a long story,” Sharon answers, her smile gone sharp. “What, are you not happy to see me? I can hand you over back to Shield if you prefer.”
✨talkin about the wips✨
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rrxnjun · 2 years
content creator year in review.
thank you so much to toffee @neo-shitty for tagging me in this, i always enjoy talking about my work hhh also thank you for blessing my dash with your works and other posts throughout 2022 🤍
tagging. @shinachiro @kiachiako @cherryeoniis @crispy-chan @daegall @decembermoonskz 🫶
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first creation and most recent creation of 2022. my first fic that i posted this year was not a single dandelion (johnny), which i worked on from the end of the year 2021 if i remember correctly. the most recent one is not posted yet -- two people (mark), but the one i did post already was a very spontaneous work called when nobody's watching (renjun).
one of your favorite creations of 2022. i really love my yangyang fics, if i'm being honest, but if i had to choose one, my most favorite would probably be i'm not angry anymore (well, sometimes i am) (yangyang), because it's an idea i've had in my head for months and i think i executed it quite well. also, i really relate to the way i portrayed yangyang in this fic, so it's a personal thing for me haha.
one creation you're really proud of. however weird this is, i'm really proud of just saying (yangyang), even though the plot is silly HAHAHA a few people told me they think the fic is quite funny and i really strived for that, so i am glad i succeeded hihi
a creation that took you forever. just saying (yangyang) took me around 3 months to write, and will we talk? (donghyuck) took me... 6 months?? i started it in january and then got into a very depressive episode where i thought i'll never write again (and i also had finals and stuff LMAO) and then i picked it up in june and finally posted it mid-july,, although the plan for the fic was done last june. so technically, over a year- practically, maybe like 2-3 months of writing HAHA
a creation from 2022 that received the most notes. surprisingly, it was annoying (derogatory) (donghyuck) LMAOO its a halloween fic that I DIDN'T EVEN POST ON HALLOWEEN i posted it like 3 days late TT will we talk? (donghyuck) is a close second though, so i guess hyuck fics just do it for y'all
a creation from 2022 you think deserved more notes. honestly, i think your city gave me asthma (mark) and since i saw vienna (jaemin) deserve a lot more than they got hh, but as angst fics, i'm not really that surprised, since i didn't expect more.
a new fandom you joined and a creation you made for it. none! im a loyal czennie LMAO no fr i did join a few i think but i stick to writing for nct, because its the only fandom i still engage in :)
a creation you made that breaks your heart. your city gave me asthma (mark) is a very personal fic that i wrote after i moved for uni. it's filled with all my homesickness, loneliness and feelings of not fitting in that i still kind of resonate with until now. when nobody's watching (renjun) also breaks my heart because of the concept of renjun's character and how he constantly changes himself up just to fit in, yet, still failing. also, i'm not angry anymore (well, sometimes i am) (yangyang) breaks my heart on another level because of my mentioned relation to yangyang's character, and about how my primary emotion has always been anger.
a 'simple' creation you really love. i'm not bitter anymore (i'm syrupy sweet) (jeno) is a very simple fic with literally 0 plot, but i really do love it with my whole heart. it's just a fluffy redemption arc i wrote for jeno, just glued pieces of ideas i had in my notes that i couldnt fit into a long fic haha
a creation that was inspired by another one. a lot of my fics were inspired by songs, if that counts. but i think sugar and salt: the game of trust (mark) was inspired by multiple dystopian books i've read but i think mainly by squid game and the hungar games i suppose?
a favorite creation made by someone else. over on my fic recs blog @03230 there's an 'absolute favorite' tag you could check out for my favorites, but to mention some -> baby face (donghyuck) by @smileysuh friendly favour (donghyuck) by @hencity romancing (donghyuck) by @jenoloqy and they were roommates (donghyuck) by @tyonfs the lonely hearts club (seungmin) by @neo-shitty
some of your favorite content creators from this year. i honestly haven't read much this year, but here are some people whose works i really enjoyed 🫶 @shinachiro my talented best friend, @neo-shitty @cherryeoniis @daegall @sunpopz @tyonfs @luvdsc (always)
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13eyond13 · 2 years
gotta ask Near and Mello for the ask game lol (i really love reading your replies to these!!)
Hi, thanks so much! [ask meme]
1: sexuality headcanon: Either gay or bi with a strong preference for men 2: otp: Meronia is the most interesting one to me, but he's cute and fairly wholesome with Matt as well 3: brotp: Matt, or B actually hahaha... he's B's only actual canon fan, it would seem 4: notp: Really don't like him with Light in fics, it always gets on my nerves incredibly a lot 5: first headcanon that pops into my head: He admired some of Kiyomi's fashion sense from afar, like her glamorous fur coats 6: favorite line from this character: idk why but it always makes me laugh whenever he quietly goes: "...are you serious, Matt?" to Matt rambling on to him about some random crap over the phone 7: one way in which I relate to this character: I definitely relate to him getting angry about all the bullshit he had to learn at the weird confusing and emotionally abusive private school he was sent to as a child, that was basically my life from ages 8 to 15 8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: How strong his character starts out (launching missiles!) vs. how little he gets to do by the end of his storyline (spying on Misa and Mogi having dinner together) 9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?: problematic fave fo sho, but I think he's kinda a cinnamon roll when he's a bratty little kid
And I did Near's just now in another ask, but I'll paste it here again too:
1: sexuality headcanon: strikes me as mostly gay and maybe a bit ace as well, or maybe something of a combo of the two 2: otp: I think he has the most interesting storyline and emotional connection with Mello, and I always like it and find it surprisingly functional between them when they’re actually getting along 3: brotp: kinda love it whenever him and Light have to interact a lot personally in fics, it’s always super funny and interesting to me… I think they’re kind of alike in certain ways (like both pretty idealistic and enjoy discussing deeper ideas and bigger picture things, like how people ought to behave) 4: notp: The idea of him with L weirds me out, even if it was in an AU with totally different ages and circumstances 5: first headcanon that pops into my head: He’s really into astrology, and thinks about it a lot more than he admits when it comes to his hunches in his cases as well 6: favorite line from this character: I love a lot of what Near says in the manga, but it always makes me laugh when he gets really angry and withering and says weird stuff like “he’s not even a maggot” about the President disbanding the SPK 7: one way in which I relate to this character: I love how much Near explains himself to people out loud. I feel like I have to do that a lot too, because I’m not the most obviously expressive or emotionally demonstrative person, but I also always want people to know that I actually do really care 8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: Sometimes his loyalty to Mello does a bit, not because I don’t think it’s sweet, but because I can definitely see why the SPK might find it a LITTLE annoying that he’s always trying to defend Mello to them after Mello like blew up half their team hahaha 9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?: Mostly a cinnamon roll to me!
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plutovenus24 · 2 years
I can’t really remember the last time I write in Tumblr. it’s kind of funny to read my old writings, it’s so cringe! but I love it :) it reminds me of the time where I could be a person who really blooms and be happy even though things were actually very hard at the time.
let’s talk about.. academics?
today on november 21, I’m peacefully waiting for my graduation while stressing out because I have to study for the magister test 😮‍💨
i’m so proud of myself! i wouldn’t say this out loud when there’s someone around, but yeah, i’m proud! thesis was shaping me in a lot of way. how i think, articulate what i feel, and to be kinder.
i’m not the kindest person, i could say. i’m very much aware that i’m a selfish individual when it comes to academics. i would go far to cut someone if they’re bothering my mental health, because i’m still a moody person as ever! i don’t like it when my own friends are being irresponsible in a group works. and i don’t like it when someone is pushing me to do their work. that’s what everybody dislikes, right?!
so, by the end of 2021, i cut 4-5 friends. we were in this one circle, and that time—they’re beyond toxic for me. it took me 3 years to acknowledge that they’re not good pals. i was also probably not a good friend to them, but at least i don’t make someone try to do my task! hahaha
long short story, my thesis era is filled with only me, ruben, ruth and christine :) i considered them as good friends of mine. thoughtful, smart, considerate, sassy, (do their own work), self-aware, sensible, and rational!
i cried a lot doing my thesis. but alief was always there. i don’t know how to thank him enough. he takes a huge part in my life process. he made me realized that i should be nicer and kinder. sometimes life fucked you up so bad where you’re just full of hatred and skepticism. i was at my lowest point—not to mention i have a thesis to work on. and what’s worse is i was choosing a hard topic that needs a lot of detailed work, sorting 30.000 words one by one, converting them into table, and find the coherency between them. it was a lot of work!
but he was there to remind me that i’m not the only one living in this earth, that there are so much kindness out there. and he’s showing that through himself—being kind to strangers whenever he gets the chance to.
my selfish and ignorant sides sometimes have a lot of questions why’d he go that far to be a kind individual, but i’d rather not to find the answer. because that’s just who he is, and i’m deeply in love with him because one of the reason is his kindness.
i could stayed being strong because of him 95%. i wouldn’t even dare to imagine what was going to happened if he was not there. i really appreciate him for that.
and then… a bad news. my very own supervisor lecturer passed away. turned out she had a stage-four breast cancer. while at the time (june) i just finished my thesis. but she didn’t have the chance to read my thesis. therefore my thesis is done without any proofreading from her. and it makes me really anxious.
her passing away is already putting me in a bad state, she was a kind, humble, and passionate individual. and the fact that i should prepare my thesis defense examination afterwards was horrible. because i got no guide, no one proofread my thesis. i tried to make one of the lecturer do it for me, but he just signed my thesis without even reading any of them. it makes me feel really anxious and insecure of not passing the examination.
i called my parents, crying, and told them of how i felt so little. i was so afraid of getting a bad output.
but he was always there. knowing that he’s standing beside me always give me strength. his presence gives me a new purpose of what to do in life.
so yeah, i passed! with a lot of revisions 🤭 the lecturers who examined me were prolly considered my situation, in which i have no supervisor lecturer and it makes my thesis very vulnerable to mistakes.
it was my happiest day of the month. and i finally passed the exam!
because i’m pursuing to be a linguistic lecturer, i’m planning for my masters’s degree next year. so i have to study hard for the next month’s examination :)
alief is also doing really good. he’s resigning as a barista and now he’s handling a website for a sneakers store. he’s working on his thesis and i’m so proud of him :) this time i’ll do the same too! i’ll support him (as i should) with my every might.
i feel happy and content, now that i could take a breath from this thesis shenanigans and i’m just so grateful alief is working on his future too :) i love you bb. i love you so much. i would never stop manifest this era where we could buy our own house :) let’s do our very best!
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covertblizzard · 2 years
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the lie bruce tells himself (and others): he recruited jason to save his life
closer to the truth: he needed a robin
the truth: he missed dick
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tartglias · 4 years
diluc, kaeya, albedo and childe when they’re in love
“ahh ok i just discovered ur blog and this is my very first ever request to a blog. so uhm can i req diluc, kaeya, albedo & childe headcanons on what they'll do when they're in love? like, will their attitude change when they're around the reader HAHAHA it's ok if u remove a character <3 if u don't want to write it feel free to ignore hehe”
Even though you both decided to keep the relationship away from the public eye, it’s not shocking that certain people come and ask if you can deliver a message to Diluc. It tends to be Kaeya or even Jean, whenever the Knights of Favonius are too busy to handle something a little too dangerous. Sometimes it’s even Venti, trying to persuade you to convince Diluc to lower the dandelion wine price.
Whoever the person is, they come to you because they know that Diluc has a soft spot for you. If something catches your eye, expect it on your doorstep the following day. He loves to spoil you, to the point in which you have to tell him to stop gifting you things, and that his love is and will always be enough.
And obviously, they know that if someone can convince him of doing something, that someone is you. It’s amusing how the normal situation switches when it comes to you. If Kaeya approaches him and asks for a favor, expect a very angry Diluc rolling his eyes and turning around, completely dismissing him while trying to not make a scene in front of you and the other costumers at the tavern. But, if it’s you who delivers the message, he just sighs and meditates it, eventually giving in. You see him smile slightly once you quickly kiss his cheek and thank him.
“Why do you always decline these requests but accept them once I ask you?” You once asked, looking up to face him as you cuddled him in bed. His hair was messy and untied, but he still looked beautiful, specially under the moon light.
“Because you’re not annoying” he simply said, caressing your cheek. You stared at him, unconvinced. This earned you a soft laugh from the man beneath you.
“I don’t know, I just can’t say no to you. Which is funny because now everyone knows you’re my weakness” He said.
It was then and there that he understood how much you meant to him. You could ask him to pick up every single Cecilia flower in Mondstadt and he would not hesitate to do it. It was dangerous, and he knew that, but his feelings were too strong.
“Kaeya will definitely use this for-“ “I love you” he said, interrupting you. Your eyes widened and a small gasp left your lips. It was the first time he said the big “L” word, maybe the first time in his life.
“I love you too” you whispered, still in awe from his previous confession.
He kissed you deeper than ever before, transmitting every single feeling he had into the kiss. You meant the world to him. He was in love.
The rest of the night was filled with quiet “I love you”s and cuddles, eventually falling asleep wrapped in each other’s arms.
One thing that helped him understand his feelings for you was that he could just be himself.
His past forced him to wake up and put on a facade as the flirty Cavalry Captain that had every person in Mondstadt wrapped around his finger. But you were different. When he was with you, he was Kaeya. No fancy titles, no social etiquette. Just Kaeya. Not only he felt comfortable enough to be himself around you, but you also seemed to like his true self as well. And that’s how he realized.
After long days filled with commissions and some paperwork, he would come home exhausted only to find you already waiting for him. Without need for words, he would wrap his arms around your waist and hide his face on your neck after leaving a small trace of kisses.
“Long day?” you asked as you gently hugged him, untied his hair and started brushing it with your fingers. He would reply with a small “hm” before looking up and kissing your lips.
This sight could confuse an outsider, since Kaeya, with his oh so flirty social title, is usually the one calling out for you or keeping his hands on you at any moment. Kaeya is not afraid to show his love to the world, and he makes that very clear in public. Yet, this sight made him look vulnerable, and that was something he reserved just for your eyes. You made his walls fall down, you made him vulnerable in the best way possible. He felt at peace when he was with you, and that feeling used to be so foreign to him due to the secrets of his past. But here he was, in your arms as he rambled about his day without care in the world.
His attitude towards you in public never changed much, always finding his way to make you swoon and fluster you. He loves to let everyone know that he is yours and you are his. But, once the doors close behind him, he would let his guard down completely with you. He would cling to your body as he seeks for advice or talk about his worries.
“I think that it’s best to ignore Pallad from now on since he always gets-“ you started saying, but noticing how Kaeya was looking at you made you lose your trail of thoughts. “Wh- Why are you looking at me like that?”
“You make me feel better about myself” Kaeya said, snuggling closer to you. He let out a chuckle when he heard you mutter a “huh?”
“You make me feel at peace, and I haven’t felt like that in a long while”
Relationships were kind of new to Albedo, he wasn’t certain about the right way to show affection. But one thing he was sure about was that every time you came to visit him in his research room he felt funny inside. Funny in a good way, he felt a sudden urge to hold your hand or make you smile. 
To understand this feeling more, he started doing research on couples in Mondstadt. Was he the only one that felt this way at the sight of someone he cherished? Or was this the beginning of him becoming a monster and destroying the city of freedom at last? Lucky for him, he realized that it was considered normal to smile whenever you see your s/o. 
While he was doing his research, Klee appeared holding one of her treasures. She wanted to show Albedo her newest creation, but instead she found him staring at some old couple sitting by a fountain. She thought it was a strange sight. “What are you doing?” she asked, startling him. “Research” he simply said. “On old people? Why don’t you do a research on me? I’m young! And I have treasures!” “I don’t think you can be of use in this research” he said, sighing. 
It took Klee a while to understand what was happening, but when she did she started giggling uncontrollably. Albedo just stared at her wondering what was wrong with the child. “Albedo are you in love?”
Love, such a strange concept. He read about it, and now that Klee mentioned it, he realized that it made sense. He felt funny every time he managed to make you smile or laugh, and even more when he saw the blush on your face after complimenting you. He realized that the “funny” feeling happened because he loves you. He loves when you visit him, he loves when you ask him questions about his research and when you offer to help him. He loves you.
He immediately started searching for you, he felt the sudden urge to see and tell you about this discovery. Once he found you, he couldn’t help the smile that appeared on his face. You looked beautiful, and you weren’t even trying. You just came back from a commission and your hair was messy, and he noticed that your clothes were a bit dirty too. Yet you looked mesmerizing to him. 
“Albedo! I was on my way to visit you!” You greeted him once you saw him, kissing his cheek. 
“I made a new discovery today, dear.” He said, taking your hands in his. “I discovered that I’m in love with you”
If there’s something Childe is gonna do, is spoil you to no end. Similar to Diluc, if he noticed that something caught your eye for more than 3 seconds, expect it by your doorstep soon. And don’t even try to stop him, he just won’t listen.
Since he has to go away for weeks due to his line of work, he wants to spoil you so you don’t forget him. Not that you could anyways, you always thought of him and even prayed for his safe return. When he comes back, expect little souvenirs from his travels and stories he may or may not exaggerate a tiny bit.
He loves whenever you wear things he gifted you, and loves to tease you about it. “May I know who got you that beautiful necklace dear?” he would ask with a smirk on his face. “You, Childe” “That’s right, the best for my favorite person in the world”
But his love doesn’t come in material things only, he also loves to spend time with you. There are times that he has to go away for long periods of time, and after a few weeks he starts missing you so much he just has to send someone to pick you up and bring you to him. On those occasions he makes sure to do everything he has to do in the morning so he could spend the afternoon exploring with you.
His line of work is dangerous, and you know that. There are times in which you’re exploring some ruins with him and treasure hoarders appear. In those cases he asks you to close your eyes, and only open them when he tells you to. Under no circumstance he wants you to witness this side of him he tries so much to hide.
Once it’s over, he would reach to you gently and tell you to open your eyes. When you do, the sight in front of you breaks your heart. He was alright, not a single scratch on him, but his face was filled with worry and fear. “I’m sorry” he would say, closing his eyes and taking your hand. “Why are you apologizing?” “I’m a monster” he said, not daring to look at you.
It would take you a few minutes to convince him that he actually is not a monster. Those treasure hoarders appeared out of nowhere, and threatened you. He was just protecting you. “This is what I do all the time, how are you not scared of me?” He asked. You hugged him very tight, not wanting to let go of him until every drop of fear and guilt leaves his body. “I know you would never hurt me”
He knew you were right, he could never hurt you. He may think he is a monster unworthy of your love, but he knew that he could never lay a finger on you. And as you hugged him tight in front of some random ruins you were exploring, he realized he was in love and swore to himself he would do anything to protect you.
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makeste · 4 years
BnHA Chapter 294: A Half-Assed Escape
Previously on BnHA: Mirio was all “SURPRISE I’M BACK THANKS TO OUR RESIDENT SEVEN-YEAR-OLD WHO RECENTLY EARNED HER BACHELOR’S OF BEING A TOTAL BADASS.” Kacchan was all, “you know what, Dabi’s been trending long enough, time to remind the fandom what a real G looks like,” and he blasted his little bleeding body back into the fray and was all “FROM HERE ON OUT CALL ME DYNAMIGHT!!” Mirio was all, “AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA... oh, you’re serious,” and Kacchan was all “!!”, and so that’s the story of how my son got murdered twice in one day. Meanwhile in the Todoroki Drama Zone, Deku was all “STOP MURDERING MY FRIEND” and Dabi was all “THAT’S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS” and fandom had a whole big debate about Whether Or Not Dabi Trying To Murder Deku’s Friends And Mentors Is Any Of Deku’s Business, which went exactly how you think it went. Anyway, so then Deku yelled at Dabi, and Endeavor was all moved by his manly words and randomly went to go uppercut Machia in the chin. And, seeing as how the Momoserum finally chose that exact moment to kick in, Machia is now down for the count.
Today on BnHA: The Miriosquad handles the Nearly High End Noumus, freeing up Jeanist to jasphyxiate (okay that one doesn’t really work so well) the rest of the League. Compress is all “TIME FOR THIS MILD-MANNERED SIDE CHARACTER VILLAIN TO SHINE”, except that by “shine” what he actually means is “use his quirk to punch a literal hole right through his own ass to free himself.” The rest of the chapter is basically just a back and forth between him and Jeanist, with Jeanist trying to recapture him, and Compress repeatedly thwarting him by chopping more holes out of himself because HE’S FRESH OUT OF FUCKS, AND THE ONES AT THE STORE ARE ALL SOLD OUT, MOTHERFUCKERS. Anyway, so with Compress basically dying and all, Horikoshi is all “you know what that means”, and delivers a freshly-baked villain flashback revealing that Compress is a descendant of Harima Ouji, a.k.a. the Peerless Thief, a.k.a. some famous guy whom Gentle mentioned this one time for like two seconds back in the day. The chapter ends with Compress finally demasking himself and dumping Tomura back onto the ground, a.k.a. The Worst Possible Place For Tomura To Be. ( •﹏•)
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AIZAWAAAA you’re alive and receiving medical help thank GOD. HOW MANY EYES DO YOU HAVE. AND MIRKO!! HOW MANY LIMBS DO YOU HAVE, OMG
so is this Aizawa dreaming about Crust’s final moments, then?? jesus. with All Due Respect to Crust’s memory, does Aizawa not already have enough misplaced guilt on his conscience as it is?? “nope, we’re gonna keep piling it on. that’s all he is now. three limbs, an indeterminate number of eyes, sexy hair, and Guilt” well shit
motherfucker y’all really out here placing an oxygen mask on Gran Torino’s corpse. fucking shounen characters. each one comes with a lifetime warranty
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for a moment I considered going back and checking my previous recaps to count how many times I’ve already made a joke about Dabi’s fire incinerating Hawks’s wings but not touching so much as a hair on his five o’clock shadow, so that I could calculate whether or not I could possibly get away with making that same joke one more time. but then I realized I could just do it in this kind of roundabout way I’m doing right now instead. so there you have it
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so anyway though, Jeanist is giving a speech about how god knows how many people all worked together to bring Machia down. and now RHA is getting in on those fabric puns too, I see. “A SINGLE STRAND MAY BE THIN BUT TOGETHER THEY FORM A STRONG ROPE” oh so you think you guys are funny eh? I’m a frayed knot
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fffffff. so much for him taking over as the Number One once all this is over. so let’s just recap real quick, because Horikoshi has long since made it clear that one of his plot goals for this arc is to wipe out every single member of the Billboard Top Ten. so how we doin?
Endeavor - was just figuratively eviscerated in front of the entire nation by his homicidal zombiepunk son. also burnt half to death and possibly down a lung. will almost certainly be forced to retire after this one way or the other
Hawks - lying prettily in a medical tent. wings status: gone. hair status: still perfect
Edgeshot - MIA, last seen fighting Re-Destro. I really want him to have kicked RD’s ass because fuck that guy, but realistically they probably fought to a draw at best
Mirko - alive but in critical condition and missing something like 1.5 limbs
Crust - dead, currently haunting Aizawa’s traumatized dreams. now he’s gonna be triggered the rest of his life by people giving him the thumbs up, THANKS A LOT
Kamui Woods - was set on fire which is His Weakness. thoughts and prayers
Wash - last seen floating hospital patients to safety as Tomura’s wave of decay descended towards him. probably dead ffff
Old Man Samurai - haven’t seen this fucker in a hot minute, who even knows where he’s wandered off to
Ryuukyuu - currently being treated for her wounds, looked pretty bad off. but it’s hard to tell how hurt she is since most of the injuries were acquired in her transformed state. SHE BETTER GET WELL SOON
anyways, so yeah. so much for the top ten. guess that’s another reason Horikoshi brought Mirio back now, huh
so there’s a big panel of everyone fighting the Noumu while Machia lies there all “blurgh.” good riddance my dude. it took like twenty chapters and a hundred people to stop this guy so I really fucking hope he stays down. you’ve had your fun
anyway so Jeanist is sending another steel thread towards Dabi! and he’s all “just a bit more!!” fklklj this is gonna go real well isn’t it
meanwhile Mirio’s fighting a Nearly High End with all of these weird rock formations jutting out of its skin. go on and kick his ass then, Mirio
“each of these guys is probably just as strong as the Noumu from Kyuushuu” hold on I thought Ujiko or Tomura or someone said that wasn’t the case? not that Mirio would know I suppose. anyways let’s just hope he’s wrong cuz if not these kids are probably screwed
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WOW, SON. IT’S ALMOST AS THOUGH YOU HAVE A HOLE IN YOUR TORSO, OR SOMETHING!! although listen up, real talk, the fact that Kacchan of all people can’t muster the energy to yell at someone questioning his ability to kick ass is HIGHKEY troubling and we may be in need of an intervention here soon :/
now Jeanist is finally turning his attention to the League! was... was it not already on the League. omg
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hey so um. what the actual fucked up hell. my soul left my body. imagine if you saw the reflection of this panel on your bedroom window. you would never sleep again
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(ETA: just a next-day clarification here, apparently my sleep-deprived ADHD word-skipping brain completely skipped right over the “a” in that last panel, so what I read was, “and Shigaraki’s limp noodle.” so yeah, the moral of this story is always read the speech bubble carefully before you start making running jokes throughout the rest of your post, folks.)
oh wow he’s really freaking out lmao
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to be fair though, I’d argue that Dabi has gotten pre-tty close at this point :’) thrilled for him, really I am
but anyway, well then figure something out you big dramatic robot-armed fiend. didn’t you just say you could touch your own ass? can you not just Compress yourself to break free?? does it not work on you? or would you be stuck afterwards lol
(ETA: I was picturing him compressing his entire body at once, not just chunks of it. ghhhlkh.)
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holy shit Jeanist. are you stupidly trying to cut off their air, or are you going for more of a sleeper hold (jleeper hold??) thing instead. the latter would be way smarter and faster and probably safer as well just saying
but unless Spinner is just being super dramatic, it sure looks like he’s fucking strangling them djslkjlk. this will certainly cement his popularity among the villain stans. good thing you’re not running for office any time soon bud
anyway so I have no idea what these guys are trying to do now. what is this
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do you even have till the count of 5 at this rate. I mean
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jeez, talk about... A HALF-ASSED ESCAPE ATTEMPT :D :D :D hahaha. but real talk though, Horikoshi has clearly never tried to leap twelve feet straight up in the air multiple times in succession with only half his glutes though. everyone, I regret to inform you that this panel right here on the left may be slightly unrealistic
also where the hell is he going to go?? did you pack a jetpack away in one of those little marbles sir. and what about Dabi?? and Skeptic too, I guess, but we don’t really care about Skeptic
(ETA: at this point I had to stop reading for about two hours because I had to go out and take care of something; that’s also why this is being posted later than usual lol. anyways so where were we.)
oh my lord
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the existence of a translator’s note here implies that the earlier line about Compress being able to reach Tomura’s junk was not, in fact, ad-libbed. hmm. hmmmmmmmm
anyway so now he’s grabbing Compress again because OF COURSE HE IS, so now we’re right back to square one! except now Tomura and Spinner are secured inside of little marbles, and presumably Compress is the only one who can release them
oh nevermind he’s just maiming himself again instead, SHEESH
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Skeptic a man is dying please have some goddamn respect
so, uh. is he gonna die, though??
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I really can’t tell wtf is going on here, this is the most confusing the art has been in a while. Horikoshi put all of his spoons into that creepyass close-up panel earlier, that bastard
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so apparently Harima was a Robin Hood type guy who stole from... heroes?? wtf. are heroes the 1% in this scenario. y’all didn’t have any Fortune 500 CEOs to steal from?
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THAT’S THE BLOOD THAT FLOWS THROUGH YOU, OH SHIT. and in a related oh shit, the fact that we are getting a Compress flashback now of all times doesn’t bode super well for him. ffff
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listen here boy if you touch one freaking hair on Shouto’s candy cane head I swear to god --
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(ETA: “masks are removable, makeste” you know what it’s been a long day okay lmao. or I suppose Compress is really the one who is lmao.)
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okay. okay. looooool okay then
as if it wasn’t enough for him to demask himself, he also had to get all shirtless and then do this weird attempt at a sexypose too huh
hard to say exactly how much of his torso is currently missing, but safe to say that’s proooooooobably not good. :///// fuck
on the other hand, Kacchan also has a torso hole and he’s still flying around like he just drank a dozen red bulls, so
this man lost his ass and he’s still out here monologuing like it’s the last two minutes of The Prestige. one might say he is monologuing his ass off
so he let Spinner and Tomura free, but is Dabi still trapped in his marble?? wasn’t he all on fire and stuff?? hopefully he can still turn off his quirk in there because if not that’s a pretty fucked up way to die. somewhere out there Snatch’s ghost is all “YEAH I’LL SAY.” oh how the turntables
last but not least, sooooooo. Tomura. back on the ground. that’s. um. ...shiiiiiiiit
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badapricot · 3 years
Lovely Writer: Special 1
This is a rough translation of the first Lovely Writer special. There are 8 in total and other side stories that the author compiled. I’ll try to post 1 a week since they do vary in length, and some are a lot lengthier than this one.
This special is from Nubsib’s POV and it’s about Nubsib remembering his feelings for Gene after seeing him on Facebook, and becoming fixated. Nubsib is 15 at the time and Gene is 20.
At that time, I was in the ninth grade.
Since middle school, my parents had sent me to study abroad with my brother. Because of the wealth of my family, this was never an inconvenience. But living alone in a place that wasn’t your home country required a lot of adjustment, mainly doing everything on your own. You had to learn things that you’ve never seen and known. 
This was one of the methods of teaching the sons of the Thanakitpaisan family.
It was their luck to have a son who was mature since childhood. It didn't take long for me to get used to the culture there, where I went to parties, attended sports clubs, worked a part-time job, and even had typical American teen sex. Being Asian did give me some advantages, when it came to distinguishing myself from the others.
I could only smile when talking to the many blonde women who bragged about our experiences in bed, amongst their group of friends. After some time, I felt differently about it.
"Yes?" I leaned back on the sofa, and raised my head from his screen when I heard my name.
Neung came downstairs. He was wearing a thick gray cardigan with a scarf. "I’m going to go meet a friend. You're not going anywhere today, right? "
"Okay, I might be coming back late. Please get my package when it arrives. You’re not going out with your girlfriend, right?”
"We broke up.”
"Huh?” Neung frowned. "You dumped another one? Again? You know, you don’t have the face of a womanizer.”
Neung opened the door of the house. For a moment, the cool outside air blew in, until the hot air from the heater disappeared. I didn’t care much about either, and stayed looking at my phone screen.
I’m not a womanizer.
It’s just that every time I got together with a girlfriend, something felt wrong. I knew I wasn’t in love with the first girl. The others, I didn’t like particularly much. Sometimes the girls didn’t like me much either, and only wanted a partner themselves, so we’d eventually separate.
It was true, that I was only in the ninth grade. But sex here was too normalized. It had become so normal that I’d become bored. When sex became so commonplace, all excitement was lost.
Mom: (send picture)
Mom: I’ve sent you Thai ingredients that should be delivered soon. They’ll be waiting for you.
Mom: Today, I went to see Aunt Run, do you still remember the house next door? Today is the Aunt's birthday. All of her sons have come home.
Mom: I saw it and I missed you and Neung.
I looked at the message that popped up, from the other side of the world. It was dark here, but over there it was probably in the middle of the day. It was time for them to eat.
Mom: Do you remember Gene? Gene and Jap are all grown up.
After reading my mother’s message, it was natural to think of the past. I missed it. During my childhood I would run and play with him everyday, and just the same, Gene would play with me almost every day.
I still remembered “P’Gene” clearly after all these years.
We were five years apart. But we somehow became closer than me and my own brother. Since I moved out of the house, we never saw each other again. We didn’t have any more contact with each other.
When my mother talked about that time, I felt nostalgic.
I moved my finger to type to ask for a picture from my mother. In the end, I sent a simple sticker. I sat on the sofa in the living room for awhile before retiring to my bedroom to shower.
In my warm bedroom,  so different from the night air outside, I picked up my phone again. I went to Facebook to catch up with everything back home. My finger kept scrolling through my news feed, my face blank. I started to feel sleepy, but before I could fall asleep I saw a status.
I wasn’t friends with the person who posted. But I was friends with his mother, who was tagged in the photo.
Jap Jarernpipat posted a picture.
This year, my mother has lost another year, haha.
In the picture was a group of six people. The background was a wide garden and a long table. Both of my parents, and Auntie Run and Uncle Teep were there. But the one that most caught the eye was the man in the lower right corner.
The other person grinned until his eyes were crescents. His hands were raised, flashing a peace sign. His hand held a cake tray with a delicious golden egg. The corner of the mouth was stained with white cream, like he was teasing someone. He was smiling, which made his cheeks round and full.
I couldn't take my eyes off of him. For a second, there was a strange numbness in my fingertips and toes.
I didn’t need anyone to tell me who that was.
He was still wearing a white uniform shirt. It had been many years since we’d met, if counted by age. Gene would have been in university for three years.
Usually, I was the kind of person who didn’t care about the people around me, or anyone else. But this time, I couldn't control my fingertips. I clicked onto Jap’s Facebook page.
Chasing him down, I found a status posted with the person I was looking for tagged.
Jap Jarernpipat posted a picture
My brother brought me to the movies. What kind of crazy alien movie is this? I might puke, but maybe you guys on Facebook will like it.
The post was from three days ago. One was a picture of a cinema ticket on the top floor of a department store in the heart of Bangkok and the other was of P’Gene in a T-shirt and jeans. He hugged a bucket of popcorn. His hand was holding a large glass of water, lifting it up to his lips and sucking. It was a funny candid photo that many of his friends on Facebook commented on to make fun of him.
...but for me, the only word that came to mind was “lovely”.
I didn’t know why I was doing this but I pressed “save that image”.
Jap Jarernpipat posted a picture
My stupid little brother, you make the whole house look bad.
They were in a garden in the corner of the house that felt familiar to me, but was a little fuzzy. They were in front of a flower bush that had been trimmed into a square. Gene was sitting down, with his butt on the ground. A blue hose fell next to him, the hose spraying in another direction. It made him wet all over soaking his shirt, the thin material clinging to his body.
Both of his arms were behind him, to support his body. Therefore, his shirt and body were stretched, so I could see two small nubs contrasted and poking through his white shirt.
My eyebrows furrowed together, and I frowned.
I cursed when my body immediately had a strong reaction, just from the one picture.
I pressed the comment section, when I saw the high number of comments.
Jiranon Jarernpipat: Jap stop posting pictures of other people.
(Reply) Jap Jarernpipat attached video clip.
I clicked play immediately.
"Ow, P’Jap!”
“Hahaha, why would you say you’ll help me water the plants? You can help if the grass is dead.”
“Can you turn off the water for me first? Why are you recording?”
P’Gene raised his white hand. He wiped the water from his face, and pushed himself off  the ground. His shirt clung to his body, so I could see everything. He had the voice of a man, but he was still so cute.
Finally, the clip ended.
There were still a lot of other videos that Jap posted pranking Gene, all of which stopped me from becoming bored. I saved all of them to my phone and computer. In the end, when more and more accumulated, I created a whole separate folder.
That night when I fell asleep, my brain was filled with pictures of the boy next door, who I hadn’t seen in years.
Another morning, days later, I woke up frowning, and I had to gently breathe out. I’d dreamt of P’Gene again. Since seeing that picture that night, there hadn’t been a day where I could go without seeing his face.
I knew Gene’s Facebook. But he didn’t update much, except to change his avatar or cover photo. But Jap’s Facebook page had tons of pictures of Gene. So I was still able to look at Gene’s pictures and progress in life everyday, like some kind of psychopath.
Even when I closed my eyes to sleep sometimes, I still saw his pictures.
I didn’t want to be this way, but I couldn’t control my subconscious.
I always saw Gene lying in my wide bed. He would smile at me, his cheeks soft and reddish. His hands would hold on to me, and his mouth would gently say, “Sib.”
It was a fantasy that any teenage boy would have. But it wasn’t a woman. Instead, it was the boy next door, who always loved and saw me as a brother.
I circled back to look at his pictures every day. In the end, the feeling accumulated like a huge mountain of snow.
I want to meet him in real life.
I want to hug him.
I want to smell him. 
I want to kiss his mouth. I want to do to him what I do in my dreams.
Since the day I saw his picture and until today, my thoughts and feelings had become more and more intense. So intense, that sometimes I was afraid of myself.
I’d already decided how I’d deal with this.
“Will you finish school here?” Neung had packed all his bags and was ready to go because he finished his studies. I leaned against the door frame, looking into his room.
“Actually, it’s nice here too, you know.”
"No, I'm going home."
“So you’ve changed your mind then?”
I nodded.
“Well, our house is nice and of course, our parents miss you too.”
"I'm not going to be here anymore, don't bring any women into the house...but you're not dating any girls lately. So it's fine."
I sent off my brother, who took a taxi straight to the airport to go back home to Thailand. Personally, I still had a year to complete my studies.
In the past, I had never thought or worried about how fast or slow time would pass. But now, I felt jealous of my brother.
Back at the house, I picked up the phone. I was still for a while. Maybe it was because Neung had returned to Thailand, but I felt like chasing pictures wasn’t enough anymore. My fingers moved before I could decide to send a message to someone.
Nubsib tanagijpaisarn: P'Jap.
Nubsib tanagijpaisarn: Do you remember me?
I wanted to talk to someone who could tell me everything about P’Gene. 
I wanted to learn everything about him.
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camthesolemnone · 3 years
Hi, I have like, 4 more ideas that came to me while I was at work, so #1: horror movie. Medic and Heacy are in their cottage, and have just watched a horror movie of some kind before they go to bed, right? Yeah. BUT! As they get ready, something odd happens that sets them both on edge (turns out it's just one of the birds or something) but they end up scarred and not wanting to go to sleep
I changed this one a bit but the main idea remains in-tact. I’m sorry that this took so long to get out and that the ending is kinda shitty. I’m working on the other prompts you sent me alongside this one! Also, I don’t know if you saw the pinned message or not but requests are now closed, so please hold off on sending any more.
"Is leetle Scout asleep as well?" Heavy asked, sitting comfortably on the rec room couch.
Medic nodded and reached for the VHS tape sitting on the glass table in the middle of the room. A tiny smile graced the Russian's features.
"Is good, we have television all to our selves!"
"Ja, and don't expect to sleep tonight, Mikhail! Herr Engineer told me that this is one of the scariest movies he’s ever seen," Ludwig replied, holding up the tape for his partner to see.
Written across the label in black sharpie was the simple word, 'Halloween.' The label should have been difficult to read in the dark, but the Russian noticed how it almost seemed to radiate a burgundy light...must have been some crazy glow-in-the-dark marker Engineer had invented, he concluded. Heavy crossed his arms triumphantly and laughed.
"Do not count on it, Doktor! Heavy is not phased by baby horror films!”
“Oh, we’ll see about that!”
A moment of time was spent struggling to find out which remote went to which device, but eventually, the pair got the movie inside the VHS player and smiled excitedly as color flooded the screen. Ludwig left the room briefly to make popcorn and plopped down on the couch next to his lover to click “Play” on the title screen upon his return.
“If Doktor gets scared, you can hold onto me~” Mikhail teased, and Ludwig shoved his shoulder.
“Are you sure you’re 45 years old, liebe? Because right now, you sound like a lovestruck teenager!” The doctor shot, handing him the popcorn bowl.
“Well...” Heavy began, settling a massive arm around Medic’s shoulders, “One part of that statement is correct.”
Unsurprisingly, Heavy was correct about being immune to the movie’s horrors. Then again, Medic was also not affected by the film, so they took more pleasure in the plot and the acting then the actual scary moments. 
Of course, Ludwig grew giddy when gore was involved.
“Hohoho! Look at all of that blood! If I was the killer in this scenario, I would collect it for future use,” he commented.
Heavy raised a questioning eyebrow and attempted to distract himself with the popcorn, but he soon came to the realization that there was nothing left but kernels. His German companion took to removing the bucket from his grasp and standing up.
“I need to use the bathroom, so I’ll take this back on the way,” the doctor stated, and the heavy weapons specialist nodded in response.
Mikhail was left all alone with the intensifying film in the dimly lit room. He would never admit it, but now that Ludwig was gone, he felt smaller. It wasn’t a feeling of fear but of slight unease; things would likely be alright for Heavy, but there was always a shred of uncertainty.
As time passed and the movie reached its climax, Heavy became more and more enthralled with the action, to the point where he forgot about Medic’s absence. His eyes were fixated on the glowing screen, his hands gripped tightly at the wool blanket surrounding him. Mikhail fell deep into the world of gruesome fantasy, and as a consequence, he nearly shot out of his seat at the sound of rapid footsteps and whisper-shouting coming from down the hall.
“Heavy! Oi, big guy!” Demoman said, urgency in his tone.
The Russian let his blanket drop to the floor and stared at the demolitions expert with confusion and anxiousness. The Scot all but captured his arm with both of his own and began dragging him down the hall as best as he could.
“Slow down, Tavish. What is this about?” Mikhail asked.
Demo turned his gaze back to his teammate.
“The Doc ‘s dead in the cludgie!”
Heavy’s eyes widened with shock, emotional pain, and fury towards whoever had committed such an act. Sure, Medic would respawn, but whoever had laid a finger on his beloved doctor was in for a beatdown. Unless it was an accident, in which case Mikhail would scold the German about being reckless.
The pair burst through the door to the community showers and the Russian nearly gasped at the sight. Ludwig laid unmoving in the center of the room with blood staining the front of his lab coat and the ground surrounding him. There was no weapon to be found, but in the corner of the room, with his back towards the door, sat a curled up, trembling, mumbling Scout.
Mikhail’s first thought was that Jeremy had committed this grisly murder, but Tavish put a hand out in front of his chest before he could progress. The Russian opted for whispering Medic’s name as a substitute.
“Scout! What the hell happened here!” Demo cried.
The young runner didn’t reply. He continued to rock back and forth, murmuring and wrapping his arms around himself. The Scot approached him cautiously, taking a calm, more concerned approach. Heavy followed.
“Aye, are you alright, mate?”
Demo reached out to put a hand on Scout’s shoulder, and a series of rapid events unfolded.
Scout’s entire body whipped around and stood up, and the Bostonian let out a high pitched, almost demonic screech. In his left hand was a knife stained in blood, Medic’s blood, and Heavy and Demo exhibited two very different reactions.
Demoman yelped and jumped back, going into flight mode. The massive Russian on the other hand, fearful for the lives of himself and his friend, took a strong step forward and lashed out at Jeremy’s face. One square punch to the jaw was enough to send the man flying across the communal bathroom and into the wall. He slumped over after the hit, out cold.
“What in the-! It was almost like that boy was possessed!” Demo shouted.
When Mikhail and Tavish’s hurried breathing finally began to slow, a new sound rang throughout the room: laughter.
Medic was rolling on the floor alive and well, laughing his ass off and further soiling his labcoat. Heavy gasped out a “Doktor!” at the man’s sudden revival while Demoman stood frozen.
“Hahaha! I can’t believe it! I just thought I’d have a bit of fun scaring you, liebe, but watching you knock out Scout was far more amusing!” The doctor exclaimed, rolling on his stomach and propping himself up on his elbows like a teenage girl lying on her bed while talking to a friend over the phone.
Demoman was the first to flare up.
“What?! So you’re saying this was all a prank?! You’re sick in the head, Medic!”
The Scot was tempted to slap him silly, but with Heavy in the room, that clearly wasn’t an option. With another frustrated grunt, he stomped off and back to bed.
Now it was Heavy’s turn.
“That was not funny, Ludwig! Heavy thought you were dead!” He scowled.
The doctor hauled himself off the ground and stood up straight, wiping some of the fake(?) blood on his hands off onto his lab coat.
“What’s there to worry about? Even if I had been stabbed, I would have just respawned, Mikhail.”
“I know, but...”
Medic’s expression dropped. His love had one massive paw gripping his opposite forearm and his face was distraught. He looked smaller, scared almost, and a tiny crack situated itself in the German’s heart. If he had known such an act would hurt Heavy so deeply, he wouldn’t have even thought about going through with it. There was also the issue of Scout. Ludwig relished the sight of the cocky, annoying Boston boy being beat up, but for once, he regretted roping him into his plans. The runner had been all too willing to help him with the scare, and Medic repaid him with his bear’s violence.
He sighed and shook his head at himself internally. Yes, his prank hadn’t been very rational, he concluded.
With slow, apologetic steps, Medic approached his partner and wrapped his arms around him gently, rubbing his broad back with one hand.
“Es tut mir leid, Heavy. This was all very foolish of me,” he admitted.
Heavy returned the embrace and buried his nose into his doctor’s hair, which smelled of blood and autumn leaves.
“You know it is because I do not like seeing you hurt, moya lyubov. Every time evil Spy kills you on battlefield, my blood boils. Would sacrifice myself a million times to keep you safe,” he murmured, and Ludwig’s heart cracked a little more.
His arms tightened around the giant with increased guilt. It pained him profoundly to see Mikhail die too.
 “I love you, Heavy. From the bottom of my soul, I am truly sorry.”
The Russian moved one hand from the smaller man’s waist to cup his cheek protectively.
“I love you too, Doktor, but please, do not play with death. Someday, we will not get another life.”
The credits of the movie had long concluded by the time the two of them returned to the rec room. Medic was rather disappointed that he had missed the latter half of the film, but what made up for it was a soft kiss to his forehead and a set of teasing words given to him by his lover before being sent off to sleep.
“Next time, we watch psychological thriller, da? Less gore will give you less dangerous ideas,” Mikhail suggested, patting a hand on Ludwig’s shoulder.
The doctor laughed and gave him a sly smile that warded off his fears, allowed him to breathe normally again. He was still alive.
“I like the sound of that, but you’re making the popcorn!”
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