#which is not the specific subject of this poll
necrotic-nephilim · 3 days
in lieu of having posted any writing/headcanons/asks in the past few days because i have been *so* busy and unable to do anything fandom-related which is terrible and evil, i have a poll out of morbid curiosity and self-indulgence. i've been meaning to ramble here about how i feel about DC's lack fo Deaf representation and which Batfam members i would personally make Deaf, but i am mildly curious about the larger opinion and now i will subject you all to the question, i would love to hear thoughts/opinions/headcanons on any specific choices. (would love d/Deaf/HoH opinions esp but i'm mostly expecting this to reach the hearing crowd, so opinions from hearing ppl are ones i'm very curious about. if you've never given it thought before you are going to now or else /lh)
#necrotic nuisance#<- new tag for nonserious shit like this#batfamily#batclan#deafculture#i think not including bruce in this poll bc i ran out of options is *so* fucking funny so i'm keeping it#bc realistically i could bump off more tertiary characters like harper or jpv to include him#but i won't.#hearing people are seriously invited to reblog and share opinions or headcanons i'm so genuine#just like. behave about it.#i have personal headcanons but i will save sharing them until the poll is finished#as not to skew results#i also have a hunch on who will lead. based on popular headcanons i see#but i will also not share that as to not skew it#i'm using the Deaf identity as an umbrella term that can include Hard of Hearing as well btw#so if your headcanon is more HoH leaning it is counted#i do believe this is something most fans haven't rlly thought about#but i *really* want to write fics with Deaf rep and i have been waffling on who to make Deaf#so. this poll is also a field test of who you would like to see me (a Deaf bitch) write as Deaf.#and i totally pinky promise not to project super duper hard on them. (i'm so lying)#i will get back to writing and the ask games i promse!#tomorrow i have the day off after 4 bc someone else is watching the baby so ic can just chill#also *please please* if you have disabled headcanons for any batfam (or DC in general) character#send them to me. i want to see them. i would love to talk about them with you.#as an anon ask as a message as a reblog idc#gimme.#this isn't my usual content but shhh lemme be self indulgent.#both bc i'm curious and bc i wanna write Deaf shit so. we take a break from my usual nonsense for this.#i'll post writing tomorrow to make up for it#also i have to remind myself this is my blog i can do what i want with and not just be a content machine. yk
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soupwife · 1 year
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gibbearish · 9 months
btw its interesting the way james tries to imply that like. well the videos that have plagiarism are the ones our dumb stupid annoying patrons requested about bad topics that didnt deserve to have the effort put in to covering them well so basically its fine. like obv thats interesting on its own but moreso the fact that he doesnt actually /say/ it, or like. give a list of the videos hes referring to, just says "those videos are very clear on which ones they were" i think as a nod meaning like "yknow the ones everyones talking about". unless what hes meaning is that like they put a note in certain videos saying "this video was requested by a patron, we here at james somertom incorporated do not espouse these views" which seems unlikely to me. idk methinks maybe it's because there is indeed a lot more than people think and with all the buzz he's not sure which ones have been discovered yet or not, so putting down a solid list that missed some would look like he was still hiding things whereas putting down a fully sourced list would be admitting to wayyyy more than anyone's found yet
#which is ironic too bc if he genuinely did want to prove he understood what he did wrong and that hed changed thatd be the way to do it#yknow like a full list of every single source including ones no one has found on their own or /can/ find anymore would a) be taking full#responsibility and b) make people less likely to always be like 'youre still hiding something'#which in turn makes me super think hes still hiding a lot of somethings#also cant go without stating that the 'request a video topic' thing was only for $100/month patrons after 3 months on that tier#like fucker these people gave you THREE HUNDRED DOLLARS AT LEAST and youre trying to blame it on them??????#no one forced you to make 'let patrons pick video topics' a reward dude like. hello????????#shit dude even hbombs highest tier ($10 for anyone wondering bc he doesnt see his audience as a money machine lmao)#just says you can vote in polls about future topics#like that makes complete sense to me as a version of this‚ the most dedicated audience members get a say in the future of the#channel while the creator still gets overall control of the direction#also 'patrons who gave me fuckloads of money asked me to make videos on topics i didnt like so i plagiarized those' is i think uhhh#worse than just 'i plagiarize everything without remorse' frankly?#like at least with the second youre just a general shitbag but the first where youre a shitbag specifically to the people#majorly financially supporting you rather than just like. be an adult and say 'hm i dont feel like that topic really works for the channel‚#do you have any other ideas?'#or dare i say even perhaps yknow. doing what other youtubers do in similar situations and find ways to tie that subject#to what they usually talk about is just. wild#course that last one would take actual creativity and aint that just the crux of the issue#james somerton#or i say cannot go without stating i should say cannot go without restating kwnrkabdkwbrn
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thatswhatsushesaid · 1 year
it has been about 6 years since i last worked in a purely information security setting, but since we were also part of central IT for a major university, we did these routine outreach and education projects to try to get the students to not do sketchy shit with their technology, and to practice better information privacy, etc
we’d host little pop-up events with games and prizes and stickers—we had little characters for all the different IT threats you might encounter while doing nonsense on the internet
and honestly i can’t even remember which threat this little guy is supposed to represent anymore, but he lives on the back of my laptop now and i love him
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1. don’t click spam links in your email.
2. don’t plug in random usb sticks you find on the ground.
3. don’t scan sketchy QR codes. but if you do and they invite you and your family, regardless of blood type, to a gathering in remote montana in 2025, do not go.
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tamamita · 11 months
how is isis different from hamas?
Gonna make it easy and comprehensible:
ISIS or DA'ISH is a transnational terror organization consisting of Iraqi Baathists, former Syrian rebels or moderates, recruited fighters from all over the world, former US captives in Iraq, and oppressed and disenfranchised Sunnis. Wahhabi in nature, ISIS subscribes to the literalist tradition of Islam, based on a strict adherence to Tawhid (Islamic monotheism), rejecting the concept of intercession and saint venerations, seeing them as an act of idolatry. Their religious verdicts are based on the literal interpretation of the Qur'an and Sunnah, rejecting metaphorical exegesis. They aim to establish a global caliphate, seeking to eliminate anyone who opposses it regardless of religious or ideological differences. They see their cause as a hastening of various Islamic end time prophecies in their interpretation of Islamic eschatology. Like many Salafis, they reject Taqlid, which is to conform to one of the four schools of thought in Sunni Islam. On top of that, they reject religious innovations (Bid'ah), which is the idea that anything introduced to the religion without any religious basis is heresy. Whether it be practical or theological, they deem any Muslim who engage in Bid'ah to be an apostate or heretic. They are notorious for their intolerance of non-Muslims and application of Takfirism (excommunication) on Muslims, whether Sunni or Shi'a. Christians had to pay the Jizya (poll tax) in their territories, while in other cases, they were murdered, expelled and had their churches destroyed or converted. They have no tolerance for Shi'a Muslims and will kill them on the spot (see: Speicher Massacre), and have often targeted them with IEDs or suicide bombers. Non-Muslims, like the Ezidis or Ahlul Haqq, were often subjected to execution whereas their women and children were either married away, converted or used as sex slaves. DAESH is not interested in national liberation, seeing it as a blasphemous innovation. DAESH does not consider Hamas to be Muslims due to struggle for national liberation which is supported by Iran and various Shi'i proxies.
Hamas is a political and military resistance group that consists of Palestinians. After the failures of the Oslo accord, Hamas broke away from PLO and formed their own political party. They either subscribe to the Shafi'i school of thought or some form of Ikhwani Salafism (Salafism as envisioned by the Muslim Brotherhood). They're a semi-governmental power in Gaza and are responsible for upholding the social and civil institutions, such as hospitals, schools and etc. Hamas' specific aim is localized and seeks to destroy the Zionist entity in order to form a one-state solution under an Islamic emirate or Islamic democracy. Their only enemy is Israel and any of its allies. As of the Hamas charter of 2017, they do not have an intolerance for non-Muslims or people of different religious and ideological comportments, as seen by them holding ties with both Shi'a and Socialist militias, such as Hezbollah and the PFLP/DFLP. Hamas is concerned with the national liberation of Palestine and the Palestinians. Being an entirely localized resistance group, they do not engage in global jihadism like ISIS nor do they carry out attacks internationally.
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qiu-yan · 27 days
haterisms beneath the cut
this hater poll brought to you by....a series of Bad Mcfucking Takes i had to read with my own eyeballs. seriously did we read the same book or not.
"jiang cheng killed wei wuxian": jiang cheng did not kill wei wuxian in any version of the story. in mdzs wei wuxian died from backlash and in cql wei wuxin chose to let go of lan wangji after jiang cheng stabbed the cliff face. you can argue till the cows come home about how responsible jiang cheng is for wei wuxian's demise, but "jiang cheng killed wei wuxian" is just factually incorrect.
"jiang cheng abuses jin ling": jiang cheng does not abuse jin ling. first, the narration goes out of its way to establish that jiang cheng does not hit jin ling, specifically in a setting where hitting children is normalized and expected. in fact, wei wuxian says that jin ling is bratty specifically because he's never been hit. second, jin ling is also clearly comfortable talking back to jiang cheng and needling him in a way jiang cheng definitely was not with his own parents. even when jiang cheng is actively losing it when he captures wei wuxian in qinghe, jin ling remains completely unruffled - which speaks to how much jin ling takes for granted that he is safe with jiang cheng.
"jiang cheng could have easily helped the wen remnants, he just didn't": antis love to act like yunmeng jiang could have easily taken in the wemnants and jiang cheng simply chose not to because he was a hater/super jelly/various synonyms for ontologically evil. which is not the fucking case. learn to read. yunmeng jiang's own position post sunshot was very weak - they were a great sect in name only and were excluded from the alliance tying the three other great sects together - and jiang cheng could not politically afford to protect wei wuxian after wei wuxian alienated lanling jin. that's why jiang cheng says "if you insist on doing this, i can't protect you," and why wei wuxian then tells jiang cheng to let him go. because they both understand this. come on
"jiang cheng forced jiang yanli to marry jin zixuan": jiang yanli as a character makes so many sacrifices for her family and her brothers. her relationship with zixuan is like the one thing she chooses for herself. she loves him!! the tragedy in wei wuxian killing jin zixuan is that yanli genuinely loved zixuan!! ngl i think antis argue this purely to try to exonerate wei wuxian: if jiang yanli didn't love jin zixuan then wei wuxian donutting him isn't a problem anymore, apparently. this is the result of people thinking of jiang yanli as purely a thing for wei wuxian, rather than a human being in her own right.
"jiang cheng should have protected wei wuxian from yu ziyuan": this one is annoying because jiang cheng was also a child. when a child is abused, it is the fault of the abuser, not the fault of another child who is also subject to the whims of the abuser. come on.
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vacantgodling · 7 months
quite a random thought but a little poll for my writers specifically
1. writer is subjective if you write stuff you’re a writer period idc what it is
2. talking about the aphantasia test specifically, here:
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please pick the one you experience most often. i Personally kind of shift between 3-5 so i picked the one i experienced more commonly which is 4.
i’m just curious to see how this affects writers bc i personally believe it has some bearing on how i write and use description and i’m curious to see the spread on others.
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incognitopolls · 5 months
There are a lot of consistently repeated "facts" around tumblr that fall somewhere in this gradient—some of which are only corrected by actually crunching numbers, reading scientific papers, etc. Falling for misrepresented data isn't anyone’s fault, but it does mean that some things that "everyone knows" are straight up incorrect, because the source was written by someone who didn't understand what they were reporting on, or the subject was twisted to suit a narrative (for personal reasons, monetary gain, etc).
Meanwhile, SOME claims just don't have a real source at all.
Do you check sources before you repeat a factoid or spread a post?
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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front-facing-pokemon · 2 months
greetings, everygamer! it’s not often you see a text post from me with no asks attached to it, so what gives?
@front-facing-pokemon (this blog) is rapidly approaching its end! you may have noticed if you’re paying attention to the remaining pokémon in the pokédex, but we’ve only got like TEN DAYS before we reach the END of the pokédex and i have nothing left to post on this blog. yesterday, i queued up the FINAL pokémon in the national pokédex, and have thus RUN OUT of pokémon to queue up!
so what happens now? well, that’s up for you to decide! this is That One Post where you can drop all your suggestions as to what should happen to this blog once we reach the end of the national pokédex! i’ve already heard things such as redoing the whole pokédex but this time it’s shiny (top contender right now!), back-facing pokémon, and turning this into a poll blog, so those are already in the running! if you have any other ideas (that are pokémon-related, please—and if they stick to the theme of the blog [like shinydex], that’s even better)
once i get enough suggestions and filter through for the ones that i like or that are viable, i’ll make one final poll that will decide the fate of this blog. (personally, i think the shinydex is in the lead for me) until then, enjoy the remaining posts, and thanks for stickin' around for this bumpy ride!
and finally, because plenty of folks have asked, and i’ve kept it a secret for this long, i feel you all deserve to know!:
my main blog is @kinogassa. that’s breloom’s japanese name! subject to change, and i rarely use that blog to be QUITE honest with you. buuut, if enough of you still care, then maybe i will!
a lot of you who cared already managed to sniff it out back before i could comment on posts from sideblogs, so shoutouts to you guys! for everyone else, i hope it was worth the wait(?)
i think i’ve also gotten a few other suggestions like taking requests on specific angles or whatever but that changes the flow of the blog to being request-based as opposed to queue-based ’n i dunno how i feel about that
by the way, massive shoutouts to the pokémon models ripping project, without which this entire blog would not have been possible!
i can't think of anything else to say (for now), but i'll be more active and responsive in the coming days as we try to figure out where all of this is going. see you tomorrow for whatever comes next!
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suzukiblu · 2 months
"🐝❓️" poll winner, "🏙🌃", oh whoops we accidentally an apiary dynamics Superbat fic!! Also, no, Clark does not currently have any idea wtf an apiary gender is. Not even slightly does he have an idea. ❤️
“I . . . might have a problem,” Clark admits, trying not to wince. “Several problems, actually.” 
“Okay,” Lois says, raising an eyebrow at him as she lowers the copy of the Daily Star that she’s been writing insulting edits and patronizing corrections on in red pen. They’re eating an early breakfast in their apartment while Jon sleeps in, given it’s the weekend. It seemed like the best time to broach the subject, given there’s been no actual good time to broach the subject in, uh . . . the entire past decade, basically. “Shoot, Smallville.” 
Clark doesn’t actually know how to start this conversation. Actually he was sort of hoping the conversation would just happen organically at some point in the past decade, but it has definitely not done that, and to be fair it’s not really an organic kind of conversation topic anyway, considering, so– 
It’s just, well . . . he has a problem, definitely. Several problems. 
Specifically, Bruce’s kids are his several problems. 
It’s not that he minds Bruce’s kids. Obviously he doesn’t mind Bruce’s kids. Literally not a single one of them, in fact, including the ones that he doesn’t ethically agree with! Just because he doesn’t personally ethically agree with them all doesn’t mean they’re not still Bruce’s kids! Bruce doesn’t even personally ethically agree with them all! 
The thing is, Bruce keeps getting them, and Clark does not know how to explain how personally embarrassing that is for him. Dick was one thing, and Jason was . . . slightly less different as a thing, he guesses, if a lot more complicated what with the . . . everything, and everything, but then Tim happened, and Stephanie, and Cass, and Damian, and now apparently Bruce is fostering another teenager who might or might not already be a superhero–Duke Thomas, Bruce said his name was, though he didn’t actually confirm the superhero part, just gave Clark a dry look about it when he asked, and– 
“You’re vibrating again, honey,” Lois informs him, putting down her pen. Clark doesn’t blush, because he is a grown goddamn alien who isn’t buzzing because his–because his Bruce won’t just– 
He cannot ever, ever explain this to Bruce himself, but Clark is mad at him. Specifically, Clark is mad at him because if Bruce wants kids so bad, why hasn’t he just asked him for some?! 
This is an insane person’s thought, Clark is fully aware. They’re not in any kind of a relationship in which Bruce would expect him to give him children. Not sleeping together, not dating, and definitely not married. His own wife is, in fact, literally sitting at the breakfast table ten feet away from his pacing, and Bruce at least tried to marry Selina, and also– 
And also, if Bruce wants kids so bad, why hasn’t he just asked him?! 
He’s Superman. He is literally Superman. He could get Bruce so many kids. All the kids. Any kids he wanted. He could do anything short of gestate him one. So why does Bruce just keep getting them on his own instead of just asking him?! 
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hotvintagepoll · 8 months
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Michael Redgrave (The Lady Vanishes)—my beautiful bisexual hot linguist geek dandy nerd. I'm specifically nominating him for "The Lady Vanishes," but how can you not love him in this—it's a strikingly modern performance, not a whiff of old school macho masculinity; he starts the movie as a bit of a cad, thoughtless and self-absorbed, but the second our heroine's in trouble he's attentive, he's helpful, he's running around speaking languages and helping her with international spycraft shenanigans and just being so funny and warm and JOYOUS. (and again. he is SO bisexual. see the picture [attached below]). he's hot in the debate club twink kinda way and i've never wanted to smooch an idiot more
Cary Grant (The Philadelphia Story, His Girl Friday, Bringing Up Baby, Charade)—My Golden Age of Hollywood professor, who was very outwardly gay himself, put it this way: Even though Grant's sexuality was kind of an open secret in Hollywood, the public couldn't know in any real way. But anybody could see that there was a queerness about him, so he was casted for roles where he physically embodies his masculinity in a non-explicit but queer way. Bringing Up Baby is famous for the scene where Grant wears a frilly robe (pictured below, but what people don't always realise is that he plays kind of an awkward nerd in that movie. He's a hot awkward scientist in a grand robe!!! Hot!!! In The Philadelphia Story, one of my famous movies of all time, he plays C. K. Dexter Haven, a rich, sarcastic, supposedly abusive guy. And yet, what we see is this laid back, dandy-ish figure, who absolutely does not feel threatened when a woman he supposedly loves (Katharine Hepburn) starts having feelings for, and hooks up with another guy (James Stewart). He lets a drunk Stewart into his office and helps him get his job back! Obviously that is the script and not the actor, but the whole film, and that scene in particular, shows him having this very queer attitude of openness toward Hepburn and Stewart, which is only amplified by the casting of Grant and his portrayal of the character. Anyway, this is not an essay arguing for The Philadelphia Story to be considered a queer film, all I will say is: he's super hot in it.
This is round 3 of the bracket. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage man.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Michael Redgrave propaganda:
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"It feels unjust to submit the entirety of The Lady Vanishes as propaganda, so I'd just like to very politely point everyone to 56:30 of this link, where we get a very nice view of Michael Redgrave's ass I MEAN his lilting, fine-tuned twinkish beauty"
Cary Grant propaganda:
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The link to the above mentioned frilly robe scene from Bringing Up Baby: "I just went gay all of a sudden!"
last minute cary grant propaganda: the last few paragraphs of that new vanity fair article about him and randolph scott that just came out 2 days ago on cary's birthday where he calls it "gravity collapse" and "love at first sight" and says their souls touched and and and i'm actually sharing this mostly because it makes me emotional but also because a vote for archibald is a vote for love. this is my message. apologies for sounding mildly insane.
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janmisali · 6 months
If you were to make a poll tournament of Mario characters with the goal of making sure Mario loses in second place (without rigging it), how would you do it?
I've been thinking about this for a few hours now and the best idea I've had so far (not to say it's a *good* idea) is to base it on which character is more overrated. I recognize that this is entirely subjective, and I'm sure the chance of Mario actually ending up in second is incredibly low, but I feel like that at least gives it a chance of happening
you did specifically say "without rigging it" which idk what exactly you consider to be "rigging" but this is the actual solution to this,
just do a normal "favorite character" tournament bracket, but seed it so that luigi and yoshi and waluigi and all the princesses are on a different half of the bracket from mario. that alone wouldn't guarantee that mario makes it to the final round, but if he does there's no way he'd win
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sparklecarehospital · 2 months
SORRY IF THIS SOUNDS HELLA SPECIFIC but . i remember a long time ago (well most likely a year or so) you made a poll asking people which near-end volume they wanted to know about the most and whichever won you would give a ton of infos about ... i just remeber volume 11 winning (I THINK???????) (but i cant remember anything you said about what happens in it OOF) and you at the end of that post saying something along the lines that volume 12 (or whichever volume came after the winning one. not sure which one that was anymore) would be like. shocking/surprising/devastating to all of us.? and that we dodged a bullet (but also tasty content) by not voting it...
i tried looking for that post again on your blog and either im stupid and cant do a tumblr search OR you took down the post for spoilers reasons OR i dreamt the whole thing.... do you even remember that post at all or am i going crazy? :,) (sorry for the long paragraph btw.. and have an amazing day!)
The volume that didn't win was volume 14 which is the darkest volume in the entire comic, it's straight up horror and the subject matter is extremely disturbing and that volume is the entire reason the concept of clean transcripts exist. It doesn't contain anything that hasn't already been warned for front and center— but that volume is so bad that we're going to release the second half of it all at once so people don't experience the trepidation of reading it over the course of several months. I'm trying to handle it with the most care possible.
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haveyouheardthisband · 11 months
『 FAQ 』
USEFUL LINKS: Submissions spreadsheet (gigantic list of every band submission we've received. Song submissions are on the second tab. If this does not load on your device, you can view a plaintext archive here.) Data spreadsheet (List of every band that we've posted or are still in the queue, in order, plus occasionally-updated data for finished polls.) Song submissions form (Suggest a noteworthy song for a band that's already been submitted but not yet posted. First-come first-serve. These are linked in a readmore under the band's poll.)
⏭ Y'all made a mistake! / How do I get in touch? Please scroll to read the whole FAQ first. If your question has not already been answered, then send an ask. We don't respond to most asks publicly, but we do read them all. We do not often check replies or mentions. Do NOT send band suggestions via the askbox, it is for correspondence only. (If the question/comment concerns a specific post, you can also ping me @estradasphere in a reply, but asks are preferred)
───♫───────────── ⏭ Why was this poll tagged with [x]? Genres are usually from the artist's RateYourMusic page, if they have one. Country tags are also from RYM - we tag both formed/birth location and disbanded/death location. As for decades, we do not usually tag all decades a band was active for, just a few that contain their most popular output. If we get any of these wrong, please send an ask!
───♫───────────── ⏭ Why was this album art used? If the artist has an RYM page, the album art we use is of their most-rated album on there. If they don't, we use Spotify or Bandcamp or other sources. We tend to avoid album art that depicts potentially triggering subjects.
───♫───────────── ⏭ This artist is morally reprehensible! We do not endorse or support any artists posted here. We're asking if you've heard them, not if you like them - and doing a background check on every submission is infeasible. You are free to warn others via reply, reblog, etc. That being said, we may reject submissions at our own discretion.
───♫───────────── ⏭ Can you add a "yes, unfortunately" option? No, and we don't think this is the best perspective to have. Every band is someone's favorite! We are not intent on changing the three options we have now.
───♫───────────── ⏭ Can you post more/less of [x] genre? We run entirely off of submissions, and go through those mostly in chronological order. We do not control which bands get submitted. That being said, we do try to space out polls in the queue if there's a lot of submissions of the same genre/vibe in a row.
───♫───────────── ⏭ When will band submissions reopen? If/when we get through the bulk of the current submissions. Our backlog is so massive that this may not happen until 2026 (at the latest) though. Sorry!
───♫───────────── ⏭ When will my submission be posted? You can check our progress by looking at the submissions spreadsheet. Finished submissions are the ones highlighted turquoise. Keep in mind that we post once per hour, and you can probably estimate the date from there.
───♫───────────── ⏭ Why didn't my submissions post in the order I submitted them? We rearrange the queue if there's a lot of bands of the same genre/vibe submitted in a row. Or for no reason.
───♫───────────── ⏭ Why didn't my submission get posted at all? A few reasons this could happen:
Your band is still in the queue, just not in order (see the question above this one)
Your band has been submitted before (search the blog or the data sheet for them)
Your band is so obscure we couldn't find album art or genre info for them
You submitted a ton of bands in a row that are either all similar to each other or in alphabetical order (we don't want one person monopolizing the blog for a long period of time)
If you think we've made a mistake, you can send an off-anon ask or DM a mod, and we'll post a poll for them ASAP if valid. Accidents happen.
───♫───────────── ⏭ How do I suggest songs for multiple-artist submissions? See here and here.
───♫───────────── ⏭ What's the policy on vulgar/offensive band names or album art? Generally OK, but it'll be decided at our own discretion. In the case of album art, we try to find one of the artist's other works at around the same popularity, and if we can't, we'll trigger tag it.
───♫───────────── ⏭ Why don't you tag polls with the band names? Tagging it would put the post in the lap of every fan who follows or searches for the tag. For popular bands, we feel this would skew the results too much.
───♫───────────── ⏭ Can you trigger tag [x]? We currently tag common triggers like gore, nudity, body horror, and suicide (typically as "#___ tw" or "#cw ___"); if we missed a post with one of those, please let us know! As for implementing new trigger tags, sorry, we have enough on our plate at the moment and probably wouldn't remember it. We recommend using Xkit Rewritten's post block feature and/or Tumblr's built-in tag/content filtering.
───♫───────────── ⏭ Have y'all considered increasing the post speed to more than 1 per hour? We don't really want to, sorry! Making 24 posts per day to keep pace is enough work for us already, haha.
───♫───────────── ⏭ How many posts are in the queue? It's maintained at around 150-250.
───♫───────────── ⏭ Do y'all want/need another mod? Not right now. If we ever do, we'll make a post for it.
───♫───────────── ⏭ How is the profile picture album picked? It's just an album that one of the mods likes, that's all. It changes approximately every 2 weeks.
───♫───────────── ⏭ Why is Spotify used for song links and playlists? It simply loads faster on my computer than YouTube. We have no intention of changing this, sorry.
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moirindeclermont · 16 days
On today's episode of "All the Polin first times we didn't see in Bridgerton" we touch on a particular subject. Do you remember I've talked about Pen and Colin's fantasies? Do you also remember I made a poll? In Colin's case, the winner was boobsfuc*ing... Do I have your attention now? I have Colin's attention for sure!
It's not a secret that Colin is a b00b man. Everyone knows it. So when Colin told her that one of his fantasies was to put his peen in between her breasts... it wasn't as if Pen didn't know her husband was particularly fond of that asset. She does remember a specific carriage ride very well and remembers having to conceal a red spot from her mama the morning after.
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She wants to do this, like every new intimate experience with Colin she is sure she'll like it, and if she doesn't, she knows she can stop it. She trusts Colin's understanding and knows he would be happy as well. With that in mind, she goes to Genevieve, asking for something different. Something a bit scandalous that would help her with this mission. One week later, she picks up the nightgown she has prepared for her, and it's exactly what she wants.
That night, after Colin returns from the meeting with his brother, he finds her on their bed with The Robe. Colin has loved The Robe since that night after the ball and has developed a quite interesting reaction to it. "Husband, I have a surprise for you," Pen says, toying with the belt. Colin is right on her side the moment after. "What is it?" She gets up and makes him sit down on the bed. "Would you be so kind as to unwrap me?" she asks, her tone sweet and sensual.
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Colin is already salivating, but when he sees what she is wearing, he looks at her in awe. The blue nightgown is short and has a ribbon on her bosom. He asks silent permission to untie the ribbon, and she nods, their excitement almost palpable. He unties the ribbon, and he is agape, looking at her naked bosom on display. "I was thinking about your fantasy, Colin. I want to make it a reality for you," and she doesn't even finish speaking as Colin kisses her.
"Is that a yes?" she asks when they separate for breathing, and he nods. "I have the best wife," he kisses her mouth. "You are the best, Pen," he kisses her neck. "I can't wait to play with these beauties," he kisses her shoulder. Her nipples are already hard, and she feels herself getting wet at the thought of what her husband is about to do. Colin gives her another deep kiss before starting to touch her breasts. He is still sitting on the bed, and it's the perfect height for the next step.
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He takes one of the nipples in his mouth before sucking it and using his teeth to give her the stimulation he knows she craves. Especially when she is this aroused, he knows she likes it a bit rough on the edges. While his mouth was occupied, he quickly unbreeched himself, reaching behind to take a cushion. As always, his first thought is his wife's comfort. Then, he switches nipples, making her moan.
Colin uses his hand to go to her mouth, asking her to suck a bit before going down on her, exploring her core, which is soaked. "Let me make you release once before you kneel for me, baby?" and she nods. Deja vu from the carriage comes into her mind, and he also knows it. "Reminds me of something, this position," he says while still using his tongue to stimulate her nipples. She chuckles and then moans when he enters her with two fingers, his thumb on her pearl.
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She buckles wild against him until she comes on his fingers. He looks at her then and puts the same fingers in his mouth, sucking them deeply. She goes on her knees, thoughts eradicated from her mind. She gets a bit closer to him and, using her hands, she puts her breasts together. Looking at him with glassy eyes. "Bloody hell, Pen, you're a vision like this," and he uses his saliva to help him slide. The moment after, she sees the tip coming out as he moans loudly. "This is heaven, darling".
Colin starts to thrust, looking at her and showering her with praise "You're so beautiful. Thank you for letting me do this. I have the best wife. fuck Pen is so good," and she is also enjoying herself, seeing how Colin is going insane for this. She has a wicked idea, and the next time the tip comes near her chin, she looks down and takes it in her mouth. Colin almost shouts. It takes a few other thrusts for him to come right on her breasts.
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She looks at him and, copying his action, takes a bit of cum and puts it in her mouth. "Little vixen," he calls her, and she feels wanton and desired. She feels loved. Colin then takes out a tissue and cleans her, asking her to sit on his lap. "While we wait for round 2, you can tell me how you explained what you wanted to the modiste," and he kisses her deeply, "and tell me if you liked this."
"I loved it, Colin... and you know by now that Gen is not adverse to helping us if she can," she says, hands in her hair. They share another kiss, and Colin can't take his hands off her. These two are magnificent, you know that?" she smiles. "I made you even more obsessed, haven't I? " They laugh together while they wait for their passion to restart.
I accept requests! Let me know what first time you want to hear about, and I'll do my best to bring it to life!! I hope you've enjoyed this one, and thank you for following me, as always <3
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transtundras-fr · 5 months
Let’s do one of those “hyperspecific things about me” polls but flight rising flavored
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