#which led to her hitting the next few milestones before she could even get her legally-mandated apology video out
doolallymagpie · 10 months
I’ve figured Holden would have a gaming channel, I think Naomi would have an electronic repair channel that gets her (and Bobbie) in trouble with Mars a bit because she keeps taking apart and repairing classified MCRN tech on camera, while explaining everything wrong (and thus explaining exactly how to defeat it), and occasionally she builds model kits until the heat dies down
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rafesgfs · 3 years
i do
Warning: language, major character death, violence, angst
Word count: 3.4k
Summary: Soulmate AU where the last words you will ever hear from your soulmate is written on your wrist so you won't know it's them until you've lost them.
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Staring at the words on your wrist, you held back another sigh, tracing the black ink with your finger, dread and sadness washing over you. You shuddered at the words, unable to rid of the lump in your throat.
I do.
Born with the words on your wrist, no one knew when they would meet their soulmates, unknown to who your other half was until they died. It was cruel, knowing the last thing they'll say to you would cause you immense pain. Horror stories stemmed from the agonies of other's pain, movies made out of the tales that would become famous.
Some, those who were protective of their hearts, buried themselves away from others, but fate always led them to their soulmate. No matter how short the time would be stretching from the duration of your life to a single second before you'd lose them. The best outcome to happen was when two lovers let go, and spend their lives together, to die at when they were to, finding out they had spent their lives with their one and only. That possibility was becoming more and more realistic with modern technology and wishful thinking.
Yet, there was some tragedies. The unfortunate ones would have their sentences written on their wrist, knowing they'd only know their soulmate for a short time, or not at all. “It's nice to meet you.” "What's your name?" "Can I get your number?" "Sounds like a date." Not knowing them at all was, to most, was worse than to know them at all.
A few rare situations when your soulmate would die young. Parents told horror stories, reading the words off their kid's wrist. "We're playing dodgeball in gym!" "I didn't do my math homework." "You can come to my birthday party. I'm turning seven next week!"
Then there were the most terrifying stories. They were the ones turned into thrillers, a real life story turned into a disrespectful horror movie. They'd lose each other, aware there was nothing they could do. "I thought you locked the door." "I don't think we're alone." "Behind you!" "Someone's in the house."
Thankful none of the situations applied to you, you still couldn't get the words branded in your wrist out of your head. It lingered, whispering the last words before your heart would be torn, only healed when death came for you. Some looked on the positive side, knowing meeting their soulmate was inevitable.
Natasha broke you out of your reverie as she tackled you down on the mat, leaving you breathless at the sudden attack, confused to how you've become acquaintances with the ground. You spit your hair out, grimacing in disgust as a few strays stuck to your lips. With your hands tied behind your back, and crushed against the former assassin's body, you turned your attention on her smug smile, glaring daggers.
"Okay, get off before Tony pictures us scissoring again." you grunted, too tired to push her off of you. Natasha laughed, letting your wrists go as she shifted her weight off of you, sitting next to you on the thick mat. You rolled onto your back, closing your eyes in exhaustion. "That was unnecessary, Nat."
Spending the day at the gym with Natasha seemed like a good idea after being beaten by Clint the day before. You knew you were getting rusty, without all the life threatening missions and people to save, your skills wasn't needed. Besides, you loved yourself too much for Steve to convince you to join him on his suicide runs. He woke up before the sun rose, and it only took a few runs to realize that even you couldn't keep up with his fast pace. ("Although, I would love to see his fast pace in the bedroom. Ow, Sam!")
After tying the score—despite the lack of training, you and Natasha still tied when it came to hand to hand combat—you had sat down on the bench, which was now sweaty, and sulked, sighing over the words written on your wrist.
Natasha rolled her eyes, leaning on her elbows as she eyed your expression, eyes narrowing when you didn't return her smile. "What's with the sad face? Are you thinking about your soulmate mark again?"
"You know I only allow myself to think about it once every other month." you replied. Natasha made a noise in respond but you ignored it. "Shut up, I know I'm pathetic. No need to voice your opinions."
"You're not pathetic, just compassionate." she whispered, her eyes sparkling with remembrance. Natasha had lost her soulmate on a mission a few years before the Avengers were formed, but it didn't stop her from living her life. You hoped you could follow her path when the horrid time came. "Out of curiosity, if you had to guess, do you think you've met your soulmate by now?"
You've given it much thought, coming up with a good theory that even Tony Stark would be impressed by. Of course, you didn't share it with anyone, giving Nat the simplified version of it. "With the amount of people I've met, I like to think so."
The playful smirk returned to her lips, a wiggle of her eyebrows as she digested your words. "And do you think a certain blond, big-hearted, super soldier might be it?"
You reached for the nearest water bottle, throwing it at her only to have it hit the wall behind her as she dodged it. Natasha laughed, putting distance between you, sensing an attack. You scowled at her but it lacked real annoyance. "Oh my, God. I have, like, the smallest crush on him and you're already planning our children's proms."
"I'm thinking: under the sea." Natasha joked, grinning when the corner of your lips curled up. The both of you burst out laughing, thinking about Natasha in a ridiculous kid-friendly dress as she chaperoned yours and Steve's future offsprings.
As if summoned, Steve chose that moment to enter the training room, freezing in his tracks when he saw you and Natasha cackling. His expression made Natasha double back into another round of laughter while yours subsided in giggles. Steve cleared his throat, looking down as a slight blush decorated his face.
He murmured your name, walking up towards you, his blue eyes eyeing the ground with too much interest. "Did you hear about the party Tony is making all of us go to?"
Natasha stopped laughing immediately, jaw clenching at Tony's betrayal. They had a truce where Natasha would stop hacking into his system to play Spice Girls—with the help of Bruce, of course—and Tony was to stop throwing parties every month. It's been three months since the last party, the one where Natasha has almost killed the billionaire. Tony couldn't hold off any longer. She stood. "I'm going to kill him."
Before either of you could get a word in, Natasha was already out the door, her stance deadly as Tony Stark awaited his death. The door slammed close behind her as Steve sat down beside you on the mat, fidgeting with the hem of his shirt.
You admired his ruffled hair, blond strands hanging down on his forehead. You had mentioned to him that he looked sexier with his long hair, and it seemed like he was following your advice. Dressed in a simple black t-shirt and gray sweatpants, Steve Rogers was every girl's waking fantasy. It truly was unfair how good he could look in sweats.
"Hey." you greeted, smiling sweetly at him. Being happy around Steve was as easy as giving Pepper Potts presents. He returned the smile, grinning from ear to ear as he looked away, his cheeks reddening even more. "What can I do for you, Stevie?"
"Thor wanted to have some kind of Asgardian contest that may or may not level the top floor. I thought you might want to do something else, have a peaceful night instead of risking our lives to one of Thor's games?" he asked sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck.
Not letting excitement cloud your senses, you grew cautious, eyes narrowing as you looked around the room, trying to search for a hidden camera that would allow Tony to get you back from ruining his thousand-dollar crocs. Steve Rogers was not asking you out in no way.
Steve saw your expression, quickly backing off. "Only if you want to. I'm sure you missed Thor and all. It's okay, I can suffer a few third degree burns—"
"No!" you shouted, making Steve flinch at the suddenness. You cleared your throat, cheeks heating up. "Uh, I mean, yeah. I wouldn't mind missing the party. Where did you plan on going?"
Slightly surprised, a smile crept on his lips. He ran a hand across his face to hide the cheeky grin. "Wherever you want to go."
You threw him a smile, unhealthily giddy. If Clint were here to comment, he'd compare you to a happy school girl with a massive crush. "Oh. Okay."
A voice interrupted the short silence, scaring both you and Steve. You suspected the AI, Friday, had been invested in your conversation. "If I may make a suggestion, I advise you both to leave sometime in the next hour before Mr. Stark ropes you in. I'm inclined to think Mr. Stark won't be above blackmail."
"Thank you, Friday." you murmured. The AI said it's goodbye, far too amused for your liking.
Steve got up, offering his hand for you. Both of you were smiling like idiots, cheeks hurting from the too-big smiles that adorned your faces. You had a suspicion you somewhat embodied a clown. The super-solider kept his hand wrapped around yours. "Would you like to leave at this moment, or get changed?"
You shook your head, liking the warmth of his touch. "I'm good. Let's leave."
Steve Rogers was a gentleman, that was confirmed by his acts and the influence of being raised right. Despite that fact, he was a savage in the bedroom. Or half the time, out of the bedroom. You had been surprised, yet pleased, when you fell into his bed halfway through the second unofficial date. After that night, Steve finally built the courage to ask you to be his girlfriend—a term he found silly but otherwise a happy milestone.
After years of being friends, Steve was ready to begin the rest of your lives together. No one was surprised, besides you, that he had proposed three months after the first official date. Being head over heels, you excitedly agreed, only to blanch when Tony started a petition to let him plan the wedding with you. Pepper had stopped him.
No one knew what happened the night of Thor's and Tony's party. Though, Steve made a smart choice to ditch it when you both found a floor of the tower littered with blackened metals and slightly burnt walls. The team wouldn't speak of the incident, not that neither you or Steve cared. You had both been too jubilant to interrogate them.
The wedding day came. Steve had been stopped by Thor, failing to sneak into the room you were in. No matter how strong he was, Thor wouldn't allow any bad luck to happen especially after you had lied to him about naming your firstborn after him. Steve tried, and failed, to tell him you weren't going to name his son after the God of Thunder. Bucky was too busy arguing with Sam about the flower decoration to help out Thor.
Dressed in the lavender bridesmaid dress, Natasha burst into the room, a smile adorning her face. She had thanked you multiple times for not dressing her in those ugly dresses she had seen on Pinterest. "You getting cold feet yet?"
"Mine are toasty warm." you mumbled, hands trembling at the thought of declaring your love in front of a crowd. You wondered if it was too late to get ear plugs so no one would hear all the gooey, cheesy vows you would utter to Steve.
"Very convincing." Natasha teased, taking a shot of the wine laid out on the table. Placing the flute down, she eyed the door, prepared to attack Steve if he managed to get away from Thor. "Alright, what're you worried about?"
You bit your lip, messing up the fresh layer of lip gloss Pepper had put on. Glancing out the window, you saw the crowd settling down in there chairs. The anxiety built up inside you. "Um, falling down the aisle. Accidentally saying the wrong name. Messing up in my vows. Dying of embarrassment."
"You'll be great, I promise. No one's going to die. You won't trip because Tony wouldn't let you. You won't say the wrong name because Steve's is practically implanted in your brain and you'll be too busy staring into his ocean blue eyes that you won't mess up. Now, are you still worried?" she asked, laughing when you managed to trip over your wedding dress.
"If anything, Tony's going to purposely trip me." you muttered, tempted to take a swig of some liquid courage, but the fetus in you held you back. The ceremony would start soon, and being too nervous, you hadn't eaten any breakfast. It was probably a good thing considering the nausea you were feeling. Why call it morning sickness when it didn't happen in the morning?
"You're being paranoid, everything will be great." she sighed, turning to the window, staring directly at the green hybrid. The Bruce and Natasha thing was unsurprising but kind of weird, especially with the whole sex thing. You had gagged at the thought of Bruce trying to fit inside of Natasha, and stopped altogether. "I'll be right back, I gotta do something."
She left the room before you could address her, groaning when she left a tiny crack in the door. Natasha knew how much it annoyed you when people left the door open when you originally had it closed. Heaving a sigh, you went to close the door, only to be met by a small force. Steve stuck his head through opening, his worried frown turning into a dazzling grin as he spotted you.
Without a word, he took you in his arms, his hand cupping your cheek as he pressed a quick kiss on your lips. You smiled into the kiss, closing the door behind him as your arms wrapped around his neck.
You pulled away, wiping the lip gloss smeared across his lips. Steve did the same, smirking at his handy work. "Hello, Mrs. Rogers. How do you feel?"
"Like I want to tangle myself around you in every way possible." you whispered, pressing another kiss to his lips. Steve chuckled, his thumb drawing small circles on your back. "How about you, Husband?"
"I've been waiting for this day for a very long time. You can't imagine how jovial I am." said Steve. He gave your nose a quick peck, and you giggled. "I know it's suppose to be bad luck to see the bride before the ceremony but I couldn't bear it."
Giggling, you pulled him closer, your lips meeting his neck as you sucked softly at the sensitive skin. "Hmm, I can't wait until I'm officially yours. Do you think we have time for a quickie? It'd really help with my wedding nerves."
Steve laughed, but the sound came out a little breathless. Even with the thickness of the wedding gown, you could feel him on your hip, smirking when he shifted. "While that's a very tempting offer, both Natasha and Pepper would kill me for ripping apart this beautiful dress."
"But Steve—" your whine was cut off by Natasha pulling Steve out of your arms.
The redhead glared at him, pushing him towards the opened door. "You, out, now."
"I'll see you—" Steve began to say, only to be cut off when the door slammed in his face. Natasha turned to turn her death stare on you.
"Look at your makeup. I can't believe he snuck in here with Thor on his ass." Natasha complained, pushing you towards the vanity, quickly applying the tube of lip gloss on your lips. You blinked back the tears as she practically poke your eye with the mascara wand, trying to fix Steve's touch on your slightly smeared mascara. "You look like you're going to puke."
You shook your head, taking a deep breath. "I'm good. Where's Tony?"
"Right here." he answered, entering with a velvet box in his hand. The billionaire set it down on the vanity before eyeing your stance. "Wow, you look ..."
"Like I'm gonna throw up all over Steve's suit?" you finished, panic rising.
"I was going to say gorgeous but now that you mention it, you do look a little green." he teased, earning himself a nudge from Natasha. Tony rubbed his ribs. "If you want to ditch, I have the car running in case you want to make a quick getaway."
You rolled your eyes, wishing you hadn't let him talk you into such a big wedding. All you wished at the moment was to take Steve with you and elope. "Thanks for the offer but I'm good. Let's get this over with."
"And here I thought you weren't romantic." Tony joked, handing you the bouquet of flowers.
Natasha checked her watch, the music audible. Morgan, the flower girl was already walking down the aisle along with Pepper's nephew on her heels. The former assassin opened the door, grinning. "Wait a few seconds before you follow me."
And with that, she walked down the short hall before stepping outside, the aisle was cleared by flowers adorning the sides. Weeping willow branches hung down from the huge tree, creating an illusion of fantasy, the little arch at the end of the aisle was created of leaves and even more colorful flowers. You were surprised no one was sneezing with the amount of pollen.
You took Tony's arm, taking another deep breath. Looking at him, you swore he was a bit proud. He smiled at you. "I hope you know I take full credit for the union of your two souls."
Ignoring his mini jab, you raised an eyebrow. "And how so?"
"There was never a party." he informed, grinning cheekily. He pulled you towards the opened door, walking down the hall. "I made it all up so Rogers would get the balls to finally ask you out."
"Then what the hell happened to the tower?" you asked, confused. People were beginning to stand but your curiosity became more important than your nerves.
Tony winked. "That's for me to know, and for you to dot dot dot."
"God, you're such a nerd." you mumbled, turning your attention ahead as your feet hit the white carpet that moonlighted as the aisle. The nerves began to bubble, and you gripped his arm tighter in fear of falling face first.
The ceremony was a blur, Steve just as nervous as you had been, becoming more and more braver as he spoke his vows. By the end of it, you could barely see him through the tears brimming your eyes. If it wasn't for the waterproof makeup, you were sure you would've cried your face off.
You had just finished your vows when the priest had asked if you would gladly wed the man in front of you for the rest of forever. You whispered a soft "I do."
The priest turned to Steve, the super-soldier happy beyond belief. He asked him the previous question he had asked you. Yet, Steve, being eager, had almost cut him off near the end.
His eyes bored into yours, filled with love and warmth. "I do."
Then everything turned black.
You awoke in the Medbay, needles puncturing your arm, a tube tied to your nose. Every single inch of your skin hurt, your eyelids heavy as you opened your eyes, only to close them once again when the bright fluorescents shone. You felt someone squeeze your hand, a finger brushing along your wrist.
Turning your head, you glance at the person, finding out it was Tony. While he was relieved you were awake, something in his eyes made you believe he wished he had more time to prepare you for the worst. At the moment he uttered those words, you wished your ears had been damaged in whatever hell Hydra had dropped on your wedding.
"Steve's dead."
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perseabethj · 3 years
i don't really have an explanation (i.)
When Percy started his senior year in yet another school, he promised himself he would try his best to make sure nothing strange happened; sure, it wasn’t really up to him monster-wise, but he could at least try not to say anything strange to his new classmates or curse in ancient Greek. Besides, the last two years had been a mess and, with his kidnapping, it was not like he had much to say when he was told to introduce himself the first day of class -‘’hey, my name is Percy Jackson, my dad is a Greek god, and I was kidnapped last year and my memories were erased; oh, and I like blue food!’’. Yeah, that probably wouldn’t work.
Thus, Percy was known as the quiet and reserved kid in his school. This was a first for him; sure, he’d never had many friends, but he was always causing trouble. This time, however, he knew that Annabeth would kill him if, for any reason, he messed this school year up and he couldn’t go to New Rome University. He made friends -a first, excluding Grover and Tyson, who didn’t really count if you kept in mind that, well, they were his protector and his brother, and a satyr and a cyclops. He didn’t tell his friends much about him -his step-dad was an English teacher, he had been expelled from way too many schools, he had ADHD and dyslexia, he was very athletic, and he was going to try and join the swim team. He made sure to exclude everything that could be linked to his other life -he didn’t talk about his summer camp, his other friends, his huge dog, his father, or his girlfriend; Percy liked how both things didn’t go together, and he felt like it made everything easier. Whenever he talked, he sounded like a normal seventeen-year-old, and he was glad about that. He had had enough of monsters for a lifetime and, even if a hydra or a hellhound bothered him every other day, he could truly say that he could see a future for him and Annabeth that didn’t include them dying in the next five months. All in all, things were good.
When his school organized a homecoming football game, however, he did invite Annabeth; she was in a boarding school in the city, but it wasn’t that hard for her to sneak out with her New York Yankees cap, and he did want her there; it was a milestone for them. After all, Percy wasn’t supposed to reach senior year. They had agreed on meeting at the school; Percy had told Annabeth he’d meet her at the entrance once she texted him that she was close, since he was already at the bleachers with his friends. He wasn’t used to having a phone yet, however, which, in his opinion, gave him an excuse as to why he wasn’t checking his texts. Moreover, his ADHD tended to slow time down for him, so he was pretty sure that he still had thirty minutes before Annabeth was supposed to arrive.
‘’I swear, man, she was the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen,’’ his friend Matthew said, leaning over Kayla so he could see him.
‘’You say that about every girl you meet.’’
‘’I don’t say that about you,’’ Matthew told Kayla, who elbowed him in the ribs and, promptly, shut him up.
Percy couldn’t help but laugh at Louis’s mocking expressions behind Matthew. He’d only known these people for less than a month, but they had accepted him into their little club as soon as they’d met him and he was infinitely grateful. As Louis opened his mouth to, probably, laugh at Matthew over his ability to fall in love at first sight everyday, Matthew and Kayla stopped laughing when they looked at Percy. Percy tensed up, his hand moving to his pocket to make sure that Riptide was with him in case he needed to kill a monster, but, when a pair of arms linked themselves around his shoulders from behind, he tensed up for a whole different reason.
‘’I didn’t think I’d see you here, Jackson,’’ a female voice said playfully close to his ear.
Percy disentangled himself from her arms and turned around to stare Mary in the eye.
‘’An athlete at a football game. Who would have though, right?’’ he ironically said.
Mary rolled her eyes and rested her hand on his shoulder. Percy had to resist the urge to slap it away, but he didn’t want to cause a scene -he knew a lot about causing scenes and, with his luck, slapping her hand away would lead to a monster trying to kill him, and he didn’t want to be expelled before he could even take his first test. He didn’t know what he’d done to gain her attention -she was popular and decidedly pretty, and he was an outcast. He knew he wasn’t bad-looking -if Piper described him as a Greek god once more, he might die; Annabeth telling him that he looked exactly like his father also didn’t help, since the two times Poseidon had shown up in the past year while he was with Annabeth had always led to Percy wondering whether his girlfriend found his father attractive-, and he spent so much time swimming that one would have to be blind not to notice that he had a nice body. However, the whole school knew about his experience with being kicked out of school, since some teachers had made sure to remind him to behave during the first week of classes, and the swim team wasn’t regarded as highly as the football or the hockey team. All in all, he wasn’t a mess -unlike thirteen-year-old Percy-, but he was guarded and serious enough not to attract the attention of preppy girls. Mary, however, seemed to be obsessed with him from the day he got her phone out of the swimming pool after she dropped it while flirting with another guy in his team -‘’keep it wet, keep it wet’’, he’d had to remind himself-, and he regretted being a nice guy ever since then. Honestly, if his mom hadn’t raised him to be such a good kid, most of the problems in his life wouldn’t have happened.
‘’You could sit with us if you wanted,’’ Mary told him, signaling to her girl friends.
Percy knew the invitation only extended to him and not to his friends, who were quiet during the conversation. They had been at that school for three years, so they knew Mary and her gang, and Percy knew they sometimes wondered why he didn’t drop them for the popular kids. He also knew that he would rather face the Minotaur again than sit with the popular kids.
‘’I’m quite happy where I am, thanks,’’ he politely answered, trying to end the chat before he said anything rude.
‘’But you would have more fun with us, I’m sure,’’ Mary insisted, running her finger down his arm.
In moments like this, he almost missed being the young kid he was when he first arrived to camp, skinny and short and with a voice way too high for anyone to consider him a man.
‘’No, thanks,’’ he said again, using his other arm to take his phone out of his pocket, hoping Annabeth wouldn’t take much longer. ‘’Besides, I’m waiting-‘’
‘’Perseus Jackson!’’
‘’Man, I am going to need a massage after this’’, he though as he tensed again. He noticed his friends drive their attention away from Mary, who had also looked towards the origin of the voice with furrowed brows, her finger still on Percy’s arm. Before turning around, Percy quickly looked at the time on his phone, silently cursing in Greek as he saw the multiple texts and missed calls that he clearly hadn’t heard.
‘’Why is there a beautiful blonde goddess walking towards Percy, yelling his full name and looking like she wants to kill him?’’ Matthew quietly asked, forcing Percy to stifle a laugh.
He turned around slowly, half-expecting her to have a dagger at his neck. She was still far enough for him to be able to think of a few excuses, but he knew that wouldn’t work. Man, he had been offended the first time she’d called him Seaweed Brain, but she’d really hit the nail on the head.
‘’I can explain,’’ he said while she was still a few metres away.
‘’Explain, then,’’ she told him, now standing in full height before him. He was quite taller than her, but a standing Annabeth with folded arms and a stormy look in her eyes before a sitting Percy who knew he’d messed up was definitely scary.
‘’I…’’ he started. ‘’I didn’t think I’d get this far, honestly. I think this might be the first time you let me explain and I’m not ready for this responsibility.’’
He knew that was the right answer -her eyes were now shining with mirth and he could tell he was holding back a smile. She still had her arms crossed, but he figured she wasn’t going to kill him in front of so many people, so he tugged at them and forced her to sit next to him before he could regret it.
‘’I really thought it was earlier. You know how I am with the time, and I’m still not used to the phone.’’
She finally unfolded her arms and shook her head as she smiled softly, and Percy knew she wasn’t mad any longer.
‘’The fact that I have experience navigating labyrinths doesn’t mean that I want to navigate your high school, Seaweed Brain,’’ she told him.
‘’Completely understandable, Wise Girl.’’
He threw his arm around her shoulder, all his previous conversations forgotten, and he was about to ask her about her day when another voice interrupted him.
‘’Excuse me, Percy, but who is this?’’ Mary asked from behind him.
Annabeth turned around, a fake smile on her lips as she took in the brunette girl sitting behind her.
‘’His girlfriend,’’ Annabeth said. ‘’Nice to meet you.’’
She offered Mary her hand, though still wrapped around Percy’s arm, and Mary took it automatically, a shocked expression on her face. Her friends looked back between her and Annabeth, equally confused.
‘’His girlfriend?’’ Matthew whisper-yelled.
Both Louis and Kayla nudged him with their elbows, earning a laugh from Percy, which made Annabeth look at them with a raised eyebrow.
‘’Guys, this is Annabeth, my girlfriend,’’ Percy introduced. ‘’Beth, these are Kayla, Matthew and Louis.’’
‘’You’ve mentioned them,’’ Annabeth said, extending her hand and offering a real smile. ‘’It’s nice to meet you. Anybody who manages to put up with Percy deserves to be admired.’’
‘’Hey!’’ Percy whined.
His friends sat there, flabbergasted, but he didn’t really mind. Sure, he could have told them in advance, but he also didn’t think it was that important that he had a girlfriend; he was not the first guy in school to have one, and he definitely wouldn’t be the last.
He didn’t have time to talk any more before the game started, but he did manage to hear Matthew whispering to Kayla and Louis as the players made it to the field.
‘’So not only is Percy the hottest guy at school, but he’s also dating the hottest girl in New York? How is that fair?’’
Percy smiled softly and pressed Annabeth closer to him, enjoying her warmth and having her next to him. This was how things were supposed to be.
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wiypt-writes · 4 years
Stark Spangled Banner
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Ch47: Use Your Words, Old Man
Intro: Jamie reaches another milestone, and 2021 ticks by with many more memories for the Rogers and Stark family.
Warnings: Bad Language words. Smut (NSFW, 18+)
Pairing: Steve Rogers x OFC Katie Stark
A/N:  I adore the edit again... @angrybirdcr​ did good!!!
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Katie Stark and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Chapter 46
Stark Spangled Banner Masterlist // Main Masterlist
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May 2021
“Jamie, no!” Steve swooped down and picked up the tot who had been toddling, albeit, unsteadily, towards Lucky giggling away. Lucky, however, was fast enough to understand and jumped up bolting towards the door of the room, leaping over the baby gate to avoid Jamie’s vice like grip on his ears.
“NO!” Jamie yelled and Steve stopped dead, Jamie in his large arms, as Katie looked up at them both, her mouth falling open.
“Did he just…?” she held her breath. The fourteen month old had been uttering the odd thing that sound like a word for a good few months now, but nothing that anyone would recognise as a proper term.
Until now.
“Yeah I think so!” Steve grinned, looking at her then his son. “Did you just talk buddy? Did you just say no?” “NO! No, No!” Jamie wriggled in his dad’s arms, grabbing at his shirt. Katie, who had managed to get the last few iterations of the word on her phone camera, grinned as Steve placed him back on the floor where he headed over to this play-mat and landed with a thud on the floor, picking up a pile of the large, coloured blocks he liked to play with.
“Of course his first word would be no.” She sighed as Steve sat on the couch next to her. He laughed and dropped a hand to her knee.
“To be fair, honey, that’s what we spend half our time telling him one way or another.” Katie snorted, that much was true. Since he had been fully mobile and walking unaided over the last two months, they had constantly been moving things out of his reach or removing them from his grasp, followed by the word. Nine times out of ten the tot was content to let them do so, but the odd time he would throw a temper tantrum to rival those of his Momma’s.
“NO!” Jamie called again, clacking the blocks together and Steve gave a grin, moving off the couch to drop by his son on the play-mat. Katie watched the two of them for a moment, smiling to herself. She knew it was a cliché but she literally couldn’t have wished for a better father for either of her kids. They were experiencing first parenting issues at both ends of the spectrum, with Emmy five months off her fourteenth birthday and Jamie two months on from his first. It wasn’t easy, hell, they spent half their time second guessing their decisions. Where they being too strict or too lenient with Emmy? Was Jamie developing right? Were his toys educational enough? Was the floor clean enough for him to be crawling or lying on with having a dog in the house? But, when she saw moments like this, Jamie now trying to push his large, red Mega-Block into his Dad’s mouth, Steve clamping his lips together and shaking his head making their son screech with laughter, all her worries faded away.
Jamie really was fast turning into a miniature version of his dad, which was another thing Katie loved. Steve himself didn’t see it, but there had been a moment a few weeks back where the soldier had recognised someone he knew, loved and missed daily in his Son, and it had choked both Parents up.
Steve was led on his back on the bed, Jamie cackling away as his dad was holding him at arms-length and then bringing him back down again to blow a raspberry on his cheek, repeating the motion over and over, until he paused and his eyes widened a little. Katie frowned slightly at the look on his face as Steve gulped, looking into his son’s eyes, their familiarity hitting him like a brick.
“Soldier, what is it?” Katie asked, as Steve’s eyes misted up and he swallowed thickly.
“His eyes. Erm, do you think they’ll carry on turning green?”
Katie frowned. “I don’t know, I doubt it. Apparently most babies, if their eyes are gonna change, will have done it by six months. Why do you ask?”
“I just, well, I never thought I’d see those eyes again.” He whispered, gently resuming his actions.
“I’m not following you, love.” Katie frowned
“He has my ma’s eyes” Steve’s voice was choked as he looked at her, bringing Jamie down to his chest, pressing a kiss to his head, a soft smile playing on his face.
“Then you see your mother’s eyes every time you look in the mirror.” Katie smiled, leaning over to give him a soft kiss as her own chest felt slightly tighter than normal. She wiped a tear Steve hadn’t even been aware he’d shed off his check gently with her thumb, leaving her hand trailing softly across his skin. “Because when I look at him all I see is you. Those eyes are yours.”
He looked up at her and smiled, “yeah?” “Yeah,” she nodded, “I think you’re more like your mother than you realise. Maybe not in looks completely but, well, she raised you single handed. You’re the man you are because of her.”
“She was a fantastic woman.” Steve sighed.
“Well then you should be proud.” Katie said, and he smiled looking over at her.
“I am,” he replied softly, his attention going back to his son, “and you know what else I’m proud of?”
“That you’re a Mrs Rogers too.” He looked at her again. “I know it’s just a name but, I really am glad you took it. Jamie has a Rogers momma as good as mine, helping to carry the name forward.”
“You sentimental sap.” Katie sniffed slightly as her own tears threatened to spill from her eyes.
“I love you so much.” He beamed at her, pressing his lips to hers softly. “Even if you are still a Stark really.” She laughed against his lips,”jerk.”
Katie turned back to the laptop she’d been looking at, flicking through a few spreadsheets with the latest figures the SIDE accountants had produced. Steve and Emmy’s idea around the support groups had been well received by everyone involved with the foundation and as such they’d started drafting up the paper work and working out the estimated funding. Steve had consulted Rhodey about the programme and the Colonel had enthusiastically agreed it was a great idea, and as such they’d pitched it to the Government, President Ellis’ reaction had been the same as theirs – why didn’t we think of this before?
As such, they were currently working up the particulars such as how they set up across the country, mobilisation, publicity…and Steve had taken up control of the project, his natural leadership qualities made him a superb Project Manager. He’d also expressed an interest in actually running the ones across New York himself, another way he felt he could help.
They were aiming to open the first ones in September, running two a week for the time being, just to see how well they were received and, from a purely selfish point of view, Katie was enjoying working alongside him again and having him at home permanently instead of traveling with the Military.
“How many groups do you think you’re gonna have eventually?” She asked and Steve tuned to look at her, momentarily confused by her sudden change of topic until he realised what she was talking about.
“I dunno.” He shrugged. “I’d like eventually to maybe run them three times a week, twice a day. Give everyone who wants to come a chance to you know…why d’ya ask?” “Just drilling into these numbers. I reckon we have enough to fund that to start with,” she paused, “and if the government meet our request then we can step it up.” He nodded. “I put the design idea in for the fliers and posters yesterday. Has to be the most sombre thing I’ve ever drawn.”
“I know,” she said softly, “but it’s gonna make a difference Steve, focus on that.”
He was about to reply but he was cut off when they heard the voice from the security system informing them that the gate had been opened by ‘Emmy Rogers’. Steve glanced at the clock and frowned.
“It’s not even one?” 
“They’re on half day,” Katie didn’t look up from the numbers on the screen, “teacher training or something.”
Moments later the front door opened and the chatter of two excited teenage girls hit their ears and Lucky gave a bark, his nails clicking on the wooden floor as he trotted through from where he had been on his bed under the stairs to greet Emmy.
“I know, it’s so cool, right?” Emmy was saying, as her voice grew louder. “I never thought they’d do anything like this, not after the Decimation but, oh hi buddy!”
They heard Lucky’s excited whine as Emmy continued to coo at him, before the two girls and dog appeared in the lounge doorway.
“What’s so cool?” Steve asked instantly and Emmy rolled her eyes.
“Do you earwig into every conversation I have?” She opened the baby-gate and stepped into the room.
“Yes.” Steve deadpanned. “Now spill.” “It’s a Geography field trip Mr R.” Brooke grinned. “Hamilton for the Niagara Escarpment.”
“Canada?” Katie smiled before her smile turned to a smirk as she side eyed Steve “I had a vacation in Canada once.” Steve shot her a glare and his voice dropped to a growl. “That’s not funny.” He said sternly. The memory of what she’d been through wasn’t a laughing matter as far as he was concerned. She flashed him a grin and he rolled his eyes. “So when is it?” He turned to Emmy.
“Last week of term in June.” She answered, reaching down to pick Jamie up who had toddled over to his sister excitedly chattering jibberish as he went. “Just for three nights. I know it’s really short notice but apparently they weren’t sure they could pull it off. Hi Jay!” She swung him up and kissed the little boy on the cheek as Brooke gently tweaked his nose causing him to laugh.
“Six weeks, yeah that is short notice.” Katie pondered. “Do you wanna go?” Emmy’s eyes lit up and she nodded. “I’d love to.” Steve took in a deep breath and Katie looked at him. She could see him grappling with something but Jamie spoke before he could.
“Did he just talk?” Emmy’s eyes widened.
“Yeah, he hasn’t shut up saying it for the last hour.” Katie grinned “Look, have you got the details of the trip?” “In my bag.”
“Okay, well leave them on the table, me and your dad will give it the once over and we’ll talk about it later.”
Emmy placed Jamie down on the floor and fished in her bag for the forms before she dropped them onto the coffee table with a soft slap. Jamie wandered this time over to Katie who set her laptop down and picked him up. He sat on her lap and gently wound his hand into her hair, rubbing his face into her neck the way he always did when he was tired.
“I’m gonna put him down for a nap.” Katie stood up and looked at the two girls. “What are you doing this afternoon?”
“Pool!” They both grinned, sharing a hi-five before Emmy looked at her mom, the familiar hopeful expression on her face she always got when she was about to ask for something.
“Can Brooke stay?”
Katie arched an eyebrow. “I thought that was a given, seeing as you’re both already here.”
The two girls grinned and Emmy looked at her mom again, her smile growing even bigger. “And, can we get Thai tonight? It is Friday.” “Dontcha mean Thaiday?” Steve quipped causing Katie to groan as Emmy picked up a cushion off the couch with her spare arm and hit her dad with it.
“That is so lame.” Emmy rolled her eyes as Brooke cackled. “C’mon…”
Katie watched as they left the room, Steve still chuckling at his own joke.
“She’s right.” Katie looked at him, gently re-arranging Jamie slightly as he had started to nod off. “That was lame.”
Steve gave her a look of mock hurt, clutching his chest, before she left and he sat up to read the information Emmy had left on the table. He was struggling a little bit between wanting to let her go and also the worry that had instantly flooded his system about her being safe. He carefully read the details, the trip wasn’t cheap, not that that really mattered, the activities looked good, and a quick google showed him the hotel looked fairly reasonable and was in a nice enough area…
“I knew you’d be on that as soon as you could be.” Katie laughed and Steve looked up at her from his spot on the floor by the table and he gave a sheepish grin.
“Busted,” he sighed, “I just wanted to look into it properly. I really want her to go and enjoy stuff like this but…” “We can’t keep her sheltered, Steve.” Katie reasoned. “No matter how much we want to. She’s gonna be fourteen this time round.” “I know, I know.” He sighed “Do you think we should let her go?” “Yeah, I do.” Katie nodded “We’re lucky enough to be able to afford things like that for our kids, plenty of other families aren’t.”
Steve’s tongue poked the inside of his cheek for a moment as he considered his wife’s words. She was right. Emmy would never have been on a trip like this before, and it did look like a lot of fun.
“Alright.” He heaved himself up off the floor “You’ve convinced me.” Katie grinned “If only everything was that easy.” “It is.” He arched an eyebrow. “All you have to do is pull those eyes at me.” “What eyes?” She asked innocently. “You know damned well what eyes. Those eyes. The ones that can get me to do whatever you want.” “Is it working now?” She looked up at him, batting her eyelashes. “Why, what do you want?” He asked, smirking, knowing full well what she was implying as her hands slid up his chest.
“Well the girls are out at the pool,” her eyes followed her fingers as they started to undo the buttons of his Henley, “and Jamie’s asleep…” Grinning, Steve span her round, shoved her gently forward and aimed a smack to her ass causing her to yelp playfully. “Get up those stairs Mrs Rogers.” He growled, and the pair of them hurried off, giggling like a pair of naughty school kids till they reached their bedroom, where the giggles turned into shared moans, groans and happy sighs.
**** “Thanks for dropping Brooke off.” Jennifer placed a latte down in front of Katie.
“It was no problem, I had to come this way on my way up to the compound anyway.” Katie smiled and then frowned slightly as she noticed the look on her friend’s face.
“You alright?” She asked gently.
“Not really,” Jen sighed, sitting down. “Brooke called last night about the field trip…” “Yeah Steve wasn’t so keen but I talked him round. The girls seem to be looking forward to it.” “That’s the thing.” Jen rubbed at her temple “I really want Brooke to go but, well, business hasn’t been what it used to be before, you know, and I’m not sure I can afford it. Not at such short notice.” Katie instantly felt like a jerk. She knew she was incredibly privileged to be so wealthy but was well aware many weren’t as fortunate.
“I haven’t had the heart to tell her yet.” Jen swallowed and Katie bit her lip.
“Jen,” she leaned over the table dropping her voice, “if you want…” “No.” Jen shook her head, her lips pressing into a thin line, instantly understanding what Katie was offering “I’m not a charity case.” Her voice was clipped. “No, that’s not what I meant.” Katie hastily assured the woman. “Honestly, I didn’t mean to offend you.” “I know.” Jen shook her head “Sorry,that was really ungrateful.” “It’s fine.” Katie waved her apology off, “but the offer is there. We could consider it a loan if you liked.” Jen chewed her lip, and Katie saw her friend’s eyes begin to water.
“Look,” Katie gripped her mug, “it’s a couple of hundred bucks. And this probably sounds crass and really, really fucking shitty when I think about it, but I make more than enough and I really, really won’t notice that amount going out, trust me.”
“I just hate this, you know.” Jen hastily wiped her face. “A few years ago this place was thriving and now, well I just about make enough to cover bills and the thought she is the one that has to miss out…” “Then let me help.” Katie pleaded, looking at the red head opposite her. “Brooke’s been a good friend to Emmy and, well, from a selfish point of view I’d be a lot more comfortable if they were together.”
“That’s really kind of you.” Jennifer nodded after a pause. “Are you sure? I’ll pay you back as soon as I can.”
“Whenever, it’s not a big deal.” Katie nodded, smiling “On one condition.” “What?”
“You sneak me one of your delicious brownies every once in a while.” Jenifer laughed “Oh honey, you and Steve can get free coffee and brownies for life.” “Erm, yeah, pretty sure in a month you’d be bankrupt if I told Steve that.” Katie grinned and Jenifer smiled.
“Would you like to come over?” She asked suddenly. “The pair of you, for dinner maybe? Tonight? Emmy and Jamie as well, of course.”
“Yeah, that sounds great.” Katie smiled. “We’re not doing anything that I know of but I’ll check with Steve and let you know as soon as I can.”
“Great, well, Emmy can stay here if she likes. I’m sure once I tell Brooke she can go they’ll be planning all sorts of mischief.”
“I dread to think.” Katie mused “You know I remember my last field trip. It was to San Fran and I was sixteen. Me and my friend, a girl called Laura, I made some fake ID and we got plastered in a bar. Tony absolutely kicked my ass, before he told me he was actually quite impressed at the quality of my forgeries.”
Jennifer snorted “Yeah, this isn’t exactly filling me full of confidence.”
Katie laughed. “Emmy is much better behaved than I was at that age, Steve wouldn’t stand for her getting into the same amount of crap as I did.” She drained her mug and stood up. “I best be going.”
“Sure, see you tonight? What time will suit with Jamie?”
“Well he normally goes down about seven and he’ll just sleep in his car seat.” Katie smiled “So say six ish? I can feed him and settle him then at yours before we eat.”
“Fab.” Jenifer stood up and Katie mirrored her.“And thank you.”
“My pleasure.” Katie smiled, and she handed Jen her mug. Once the woman was out of sight she dug into her purse and dropped the customary twenty bucks into the tip jar on her way out.
Steve was in the kitchen when he heard his wife come home. He didn’t move though, he was too busy watching his son, trying to figure out how the hell the fourteen month old had managed to climb up on top of the breakfast bar unaided. Steve had turned his back for thirty goddamned seconds to load the dishwasher and now his son was crawling along the unit. The only explanation was he’d used one of the stools as leverage, but even that was baffling the Captain, and there was no way Jamie should have been able to manage that, at all.
“Thank you Dr Erskine” Steve grumbled as he swept his son off the surface. “You’re gonna be the death of me, pal.” “No!” Jamie cackled, and Steve sighed, his son carefully held in his arms as Katie walked into the kitchen. “Hey, Doll.” He smiled, dropping a kiss to her lips.
“Hi.” She greeted him, returning his gentle sign of affection before she blew a raspberry on Jamie’s cheek. He giggled as she made her way to the fridge and Steve deposited their boy on the mat at the corner of the room.
“How was Nat?” Steve asked and Katie sighed, grabbing out a bottle of water and opening it.
“Still insisting on flying out to Nepal.” She shut the fridge. “I’ve told her Barton doesn’t wanna be found, but…” she trailed off. “And Bruce has gone again.”
“Where to this time?” Steve frowned. 
“Back to the lab in Seoul.” Katie shrugged. “I don’t know what for. Anyway, I told her to come for dinner on Sunday and that if she misses it again this week imma kick her ass.” Steve smiled as Katie took a drink from the bottle “Oh, and speaking of dinner, we’re not doing anything tonight are we?” 
“Not at the moment, but I’m sure you’re about to tell me we are.” “Jen’s asked us round.” Katie sat down at the table.
“That’s nice of her.” Steve poured himself mug of coffee, Katie waving away his offer of one. “You wanna go?”
“Yeah, and it’s kind of a thank you so we should do really.”
“What for?” He sat down opposite her.
“Well, she was upset about not being able to send Brooke on the Field Trip so I offered to help out money wise.She didn’t want to take it at first but she agreed in the end. As long as it’s a loan” 
“I’m glad she did. I’m assuming Emmy has stayed with them for the day?”
Katie hummed a response.
“Those two are joined at the hip.” Steve snorted
“Another reason I really wanted Brooke to go.”
A movement caught Steve’s eye from the corner of the room and he looked up to see Jamie was now stood up again and was heading back towards the breakfast bar. He quietly observed his son, watching as the boy gripped the legs of one of the stools and pulled himself up. Steve was horrified to see that he was managing to lift his legs off the floor, swinging them onto the foot bar.
“James, No!” He said loudly. The use of their boy’s full name didn’t pass Katie by and she turned in her seat to see Jamie looking at his father before he let go of the stool and fell backwards onto his butt, the pout on his face reminding Steve so much of his wife that he had to stifle a laugh. Katie watched as he got to his feet and toddled towards her.
“He managed to get up onto the kitchen counter before.” Steve eyed the boy as Katie picked him up and sat him on her knee. “What?” Katie’s voice was high pitched as she whipped her head round to look at Steve. “How the hell?”
“Beats me, although from that I suspect he was using the stool as a climbing frame.” Steve sighed watching as Jamie’s attention turned to the now empty bottle of water in front of Katie. “I was loading the dishwasher and in the time it took me to put the plates in he’d made it from his play mat to the top of the damned breakfast bar.” “This is your fault.” Katie laughed, smoothing down her son’s blonde hair. “You and your damned super serum.”
“I know.” Steve shook his head. “I thought we could take him and Lucky out for a walk maybe see if that settles his energy.”
Katie checked her watch “Yeah, we could do. Maybe head to the park. If we go now then we should be back for his nap.”
“Or we can wait a while, and he can sleep in the stroller and I can take you for lunch?”
“Okay so that sounds even better” she grinned “You know, you’re not as dumb as-“
Steve never found out what he wasn’t as dumb as, because at that moment they heard a yell that made his breath catch.
The parents looked at one another, a shit eating grin spreading across Steve’s face as he leaned forward across the table.
“Dada?” Katie asked, pointing at Steve, bouncing Jamie on her knee. “Dada!” Jamie babbled again, grinning. “Dada!”
“Typical.” Katie rolled her eyes. “I carry you for nine months, give birth, feed you from my boobs and you come out looking like your father and you say Dada first. That’s gratitude for you”
“Guess that means I’m his favourite.” Steve teased, slumping back in his chair, earning himself a glare from his wife. He blew her a kiss, shrugging.
Steve was pleased, however that Katie didn’t have to wait long for her turn. A few days later when she went into Jamie’s room to get him up for the morning he beamed at her and held his arms up exclaiming “ma-ma!” Steve watched his wife on the baby monitor screen and felt his heart swell to what felt like five times its normal size as Katie picked up their son, her eyes pricking with tears and held him tight. 
June 2021
Katie woke with a start, pausing for a moment, wondering why it was so quiet. It took her a second but then she remembered Jamie was at Tony’s, staying for a sleepover. As Emmy was on her field trip, Pepper and Tony had taken the boy to give Katie and Steve a night on their own, the first one they had had in a very long time. Tony had rung them mid-afternoon to ask who on earth had taught him the word ‘whatever’, albeit in Jamie’s pronunciation ‘tever’ and Katie had laughed, that one was firmly down to Emmy. He hadn’t quite managed the sign to go with it yet thought, despite her best attempts.
They’d taken full advantage of it too. Steve had gone into complete romantic overdrive, coming home from a meeting at the tower with a bunch of calla lilies for his wife and told her to get dressed up as they were going out. They’d headed into Brooklyn for a meal at a small Italian (Katie only checking her phone five times, which was an improvement on the twenty the first time they’d left Jamie with his Uncle) and they’d had a great time. It had been intimate, and they’d teased each other relentlessly meaning when they got home they hadn’t even made it up the stairs before they’d been clawing at each other, desperate touches and kisses shared in the hallway before they’d both tumbled into the lounge onto the rug in front of the fire. Grinning to herself at the slight tenderness between her legs, Katie turned over and glanced at Steve who gently shifted in his sleep, a sure sign that he was slowly waking. She scooted closer and rested her hand on his chest, her smile widening as he unconsciously let out a soft sigh of contentment. His eyes were moving under their lids, and as her hand started trailing down over his stomach he took in a deep breath, finally opening his eyes and meeting her gaze just as her touch dipped below the waistband of his boxers. He let out a low groan.
“You’re awake early considering the kids are away.” He murmured, kissing the skin in the crook of her shoulder, his morning stubble scratching her skin slightly as she continued her strokes, teasing him lightly.
“Force of habit.” She whispered back, sighing as he kissed her neck again and again. He wrapped an arm around her, pulling her close until she was pressed against him, his thigh between hers as he rolled them both over so she was nestled under him. His lips made their way to hers and he gave her a deep, languid kiss as she shifted so that her legs wrapped around his waist, pulling him flush against her. Steve propped himself up with his left arm while his other hand went under the shirt she was wearing, his shirt, to her chest, his fingertips barely brushing against her nipples. She groaned loudly at his touch, and he was just about to warn her to be quiet, but then he realised he didn’t have to. With the knowledge that he really could make her scream, he hastily pulled the top over her head and his lips crashed back to hers, the kiss hot and intentional as her legs gripped him tightly in an attempt to get a little more friction between them. He went to tug at the waistband of her underwear, barely breaking his lips away from hers for a moment.
“You want me?” He asked, his voice low and raspy.
“Always,” she groaned, aware of the desperation that flooded her tone and Steve let out a low growl. Katie felt the tearing along one side of the thin lace garment he had hold of and she laughed into his mouth, remembering their first time together when he had done the very same thing. Her fingers scrambled to push down his boxers as he repositioned himself slightly, reaching down with his hand to line himself up, before he gently worked into her. Man and wife both let out a satisfied sigh as Steve’s hand grabbed Katie’s knee and hitched it over his shoulder, a move he knew drove her wild. She moaned loudly and her fingers dug into his arms as he starting pushing a little harder, a little faster, then faster, until he had reached a relentless pace making his wife curse and leaving her short of breath.
He slowed for a moment, making her look at him, letting out a noise of protest. “Don’t stop,” she begged, “Please Stevie.”
Grinning slightly he picked up the pace again, enjoying the noises she was making as she keened underneath him, her head pressing further back into the pillow a she gave another loud cry of his name before he felt her tighten round him as she came, her nails biting at the skin on his arms. He continued to thrust three, four more times before the snake in his belly uncoiled and he jerked on top of her with a loud cry of his own and let go of her leg, collapsing onto her, his face buried into her neck.
“Morning,” she mumbled, her hands tangling into his hair and he let out a soft chuckle.
“Morning, Beautiful.”
They stayed in bed for another hour or so, just laying with one another and talking before it was time to shower. They did that together too, and by the time they were climbing into the car to go and pick Jamie up, Katie was feeling literally and figuratively thoroughly fucked and fell asleep on the journey, Steve smirking to himself at the fact he could still tire her out like that after almost eight years of being with one another.
“Late night was it?” Tony quipped as Katie let out a yawn as she walked into his living room.
“Yeah, and an early morning,” she shot back and Tony snorted, shaking his head.
“Dada!” Jamie giggled as he tottered over from where he had been sat on the rug with Morgan and Pepper “Mama!”
“Hi, Baby!” Katie swept him up in her arms and placed a kiss to his cheek “We missed you.” “Nee!” He said gleefully and Katie frowned, and it wasn’t until he pointed to his uncle and repeated the word that she understood. “Nee!”
Steve let out a snort “Uncle Nee. Suits you Tone.” “Shut up, Spangles” Tony raised an eyebrow as Morgan laughed.
“Uncle Pangles!” The two year old quipped as if on cue, and Steve let out a moan
“Did you teach her that?” He looked accusingly at his brother in law.
“Of course he did.” Pepper sighed, sweeping the small girl into her arms as she stood up, smirking at Katie. “You guys eaten breakfast yet or were you too busy?” Katie let out a snort. “If there’s any going I won’t say no.”
Pepper handed Morgan to Steve as she was trying to reach him and he took her, tossing her into the air ignoring the wince from Tony as he did so, catching the girl expertly.
“Again!” she pleaded and Steve obliged happily, knowing that it was winding Tony up only added to the enjoyment of seeing his niece cackle with laughter. “When’s Emmy back?” Tony asked, tearing his eyes away from where Steve was tossing his daughter in the air like he was wielding that fucking shield to look at his sister.
“This evening.” Katie answered. “Spoke to her last night, not sure she wants to come home.” “I remember your field trip to San Fran.” Tony mused, raising an eyebrow and Katie snorted.
“Yeah, so do I.” She smirked “I was telling Jen about that the other month. My first hangover.” “Okay, can you stop that now!” Tony rounded on Steve who grinned and rest Morgan on his hip and she pouted.
“Sorry, Moo.” Steve apologised and she gave a huff as he placed her on the floor and she headed off to find her mum in the kitchen. He arched an eyebrow at Tony who rolled his eyes.
“Dick.” He mumbled.
“Dick.” Jamie repeated loudly and Katie’s eyes widened. Steve looked at his son, utterly horrified, then to Tony whose shocked expression was fast turning into one of utter glee.
“Oh you-” Steve glared at Tony as Katie bit her lip to try and stop her laughter “For f-“ he stopped himself, took a deep breath and pointed at Tony. “You are an absolute…”
“Use your words, Old Man!” Tony grinned, delightedly and Steve’s jaw clenched as he turned so his back was to his son and raised his hand, flipping his brother-in-law off.
October 2021
“Your daddy is gonna be soaked” Katie mused to Jamie as she looked out of the window “It’s absolutely pouring with rain.”
“Dada. Rain!” Jamie grinned, chanting the words back at her, ignoring the small piece of toast that was left on his plate.
Steve had gone for his morning run with Lucky before he headed out to the first of the two support groups he was running that day. He had held the first one in September in an old church hall, and at first Katie was worried that more people would attend to take their anger out on him and had wanted to be there to help but Steve refused point blank, but her concern wasn’t completely unfounded as a lot of people were angry at first, but no one else hit him, and he said it was actually therapeutic for him too, as he could answer questions, and speak honestly and openly about how he felt about the situation.  As it turned out, Steve was a natural born councillor as well as a leader, and by the end of the month he had six different groups running through the week at different places across Manhattan. It was good for him and he was relishing the fact he could still be useful.
The back door opened, and Katie could hear the man she was thinking about stepping into the small utility room off the side of the kitchen.
“Ahhh thanks, pal, “his voice dripped with sarcasm as she heard Lucky’s tag tinkling along with the noise of the dog shaking, “that’s great. really great.” Katie chuckled to herself, picturing his face as he continued to grumble
“Could have waited until I got a towel.”
“DADA!” Jamie yelled at the sound of his dad’s voice, squirming in his seat, breakfast abandoned. “Ucky!”
“Hey, Buddy” Steve called back, as Katie undid the straps from his high chair and they made their way into the utility area where Steve was drying Lucky off as best he could with an old towel. Lucky took the opportunity as soon as he could to scoot past Katie into the kitchen.
Jamie glanced at his dad and excitedly wiggled his arms and legs as Steve shrugged off his sodden waterproof running jacket.
“Hi!” He screeched “Hi Dada!”
Steve’s bright smile light up his face “Hi, Son.” He kissed him once on both cheeks and Jamie squeaked happily before Katie set him down and he toddled back over to the play-mat in the corner of the kitchen.
“What, no kiss from my baby mama?” Steve asked, sweeping Katie into his arms and rubbing at her neck with his cold, damp face.
She squealed and tried to pull away, to absolutely no avail, and Steve continued to laugh and use her as a drying cloth.
“Ew! You’re cold and damp and sweaty!” She wrinkled her nose.
“You don’t seem to mind my sweat when I’m chasing your fourth orgasm.” Steve quipped cheekily, dropping his voice to barely more than a whisper, making her laugh.
“That’s different.” “How?”
“Because that’s sex sweat, this is run sweat.”
Steve laughed loudly “I didn’t realise I had different sweat pores for different activities”
“I didn’t mean that!” Katie rolled her eyes “I mean that I’m not sweaty now, I’m warm, and dry…” “Yeah, and if you give me a moment I can rectify that situation.”
“Dirtbag.” She grinned, his chuckle vibrating into her chest. "Go get showered and warmed up. I’ll make you some breakfast.”
"Kiss first.” Steve muttered before he leaned forward and pressed his mouth to hers. His lips were warm and despite herself, Katie leaned into his arms, her hands snaking up into his damp hair.
“Kissy!” Jamie giggled, and they broke apart to look at the tot who was sat on the floor clapping. “Kissy, kissy!”
“I’m gonna kill Emmy.” Steve muttered, and then he spotted Lucky expertly stealing the toast that Jamie had left on the highchair, before sidling out of the room with his precious treat. “And that damned dog.”
Katie laughed and gave him another peck on the cheek before Steve swept past his son, giving his hair a quick ruffle. She leaned back against the counter and smiled, before she sighed, her happy expression faltering a little. They’d had almost three years now of pretty much non-stop domestic bliss, but she couldn’t shake the feeling that something surely had to come along at some point and turn it all upside down.
That was how things went for them, right?
Her attention flew back to her son as he toddled over to her and held his arms up. “Hungry.” “Again?” Katie rolled her eyes as she picked him up.
“Yup.” He nodded emphatically.
Katie smiled, kissing his cheek, and moved him so he was perched on her hip. With one arm she placed more bread in the toaster and looked at her son, who smiled at her and pressed his lips to her cheek in a sloppy kiss.
“Love you.” He grinned and Katie beamed back at him, brushing his hair back.
“Love you too, Sweetheart.” And with that simple act, she managed to push those worries she had to the back of her mind, again, content to just enjoy what they had for as long as they had it.
**** Chapter 48 Part 1
 **Original Posting**
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secretshinigami · 3 years
making the most of it
Author: @realtruesuccessor For: @yagami-raito-kun Pairings/Characters: Near | Nate River/Yagami Light, background Linda/Matsuda, Near | Nate River, Yagami Light, Linda (Death Note), Matsuda Touta, Watari Rating/Warnings: Teen and Up Audiences, No Archive Warnings Apply, just typical superhero/action movie stuff Prompt: Near is a superhero, Light is a supervillain, they get set up on a blind double date and have to roll with it to protect their secret identities Author’s notes: This was super fun to write! Thank you for the amazing prompt! I hope this is what you were looking for, and that you enjoy it!
Nate River had never given much thought to the idea of romance. He had experienced fleeting crushes in the past, but never any serious feelings, and he had never even been kissed at the ripe old age of eighteen. There were much more pressing issues in his life besides the lack of social milestones, so Nate wasn’t too concerned about his deficits in romantic experience. 
  Unfortunately, his roommate Linda did not have the same opinion. 
  “You’re going to die alone if you keep this up.”
  Nate looked up from the small toy robot that had been occupying his attention before Linda opened her mouth. “You’ll have to be more specific.”
  Linda sighed, crossing her arms over her chest. “I’ve never seen you go on a date,” she said, as if that clarified anything. 
  “So, you’ll end up alone and unhappy unless you find yourself a nice man.”
  Nate raised an eyebrow, and he lifted his hand to curl a finger around a strand of wavy white hair. “You’re making an awful lot of bold assumptions.”
  “Am I wrong?”
  Nate paused, took a moment to consider the brief crushes he had in the past, and then admitted a small concession. “Not about my preference for men, but about my impending lonely fate? That remains to be seen.”
  Linda approached Nate’s spot on the floor, where he was surrounded by tiny action figures. She sat down next to him, and picked up a small gray object from the circle of toys around him. “I’m worried about you, Nate,” she explained. “You’re always holed up in your room, messing around with these toys, but I think you should get out more and I have the perfect idea to help with that.”
  Eyeing the object in her hand, Nate uncurled his finger from his hair. He reached over and plucked the tiny gray circle from her grasp, then stuffed the item into his pocket. “Your concern is noted,” he said, perhaps a bit too sharp. “Unfortunately for you, I disagree.”
  “Can you hear me out, at least?” 
  “You’ve given me no compelling reason to do that, so the answer is no. Please leave me alone.”
  Silence rang throughout the apartment, echoing with the sting of Linda’s hurt feelings. Nate didn’t feel sorry in the least; in fact, he felt entirely justified. After all, Linda had barged into his room and insulted his lifestyle. He was in the right to be short and snappy with her.
Nate watched impassively as Linda’s face fell. His roommate’s usually bright smile turned into a sullen frown, and her blue eyes became downcast. If Nate had been a different sort of person, he might have been moved by this display, but as it was, Linda’s wounded emotions did nothing to stir his heart or change his mind. 
  “Well, that’s disappointing,” Linda muttered, her voice small and hurt.
  “I have no idea why you’re suddenly so invested in my romantic life, but whatever your reasons, you brought this on yourself by disparaging my hobbies.”
  “Okay, okay, I guess you’re right. I should have gone about this in a different way.”
  “Yes, you should have, but there’s no changing the past and no use lingering on this topic anymore. Weren’t you leaving?”
  With a heavy sigh, Linda got up and left Nate to his own devices.
  The city was dark at night, lit only by the occasional street lamp.
  “Where is the tracker now, Watari?”
  Near made his way through the gloomy city streets, dodging the warm circles of light cast by the lampposts. He stuck to dark, shadowy corners like glue, crouching behind parked cars and navigating narrow alleyways. 
  A voice crackled over the communication device in Near’s ear. “One block away, Near,” Watari said. “The location is pinging from that abandoned grocery store on the corner.”
  As Near approached the store, he tugged his dark cowl down over his hair and eyes, shielding them from view. The streets were mostly empty, but he didn’t want to risk being identified, even by the vagrants who frequented this part of the city in the dead of night. After all, his white hair and gray eyes were rather distinctive. If Near ever let his guard down, it wouldn’t take a genius to eventually trace the actions of the vigilante Near back to the identity of one Nate River.
  “Alright, I’m standing in front of the store now.”
  “Yes, thank you. The tracker you placed on that nasty fellow is still pinging from inside that building.”
  “Hmm, I really do hope this doesn’t end in physical violence. You know how much I hate fighting.”
  “I’m aware of that, and I also know that you’ve had a very long night already, but at least Lidner will be pleased to hear that you were finally able to put some of her training to good use.”
  Near made a face. His mouth twisted into a displeased frown. “That’s not funny.”
  “I wasn’t trying to be funny, I’m being completely serious. She’ll love to hear that you fought off a villain with a stick.”
  “First of all, this isn’t exactly a stick. It’s a bō,” Near corrected. “Second of all, perhaps you’re correct. She seems to puff up with pride whenever I acknowledge her skills.”
  “Yes, people tend to do that when you pay them a compliment.”
  Ignoring Watari’s snark, Near began the task of sneaking into the dark building. He crept forward, towards the front of the store, keeping low to the ground. There wasn’t any light coming from the windows or the door, but Near had learned from experience that one could never be too careful when dealing with villains. The building seemed lifeless and empty from the outside, but there could be traps set inside - or even the villain himself, tracker and all. So, Near was sure to be stealthy as he peeked into the store from a low, dirty window.
  The interior of the old shop seemed to be exactly what Near had expected. Mostly empty, save for a few shelves, and thick layers of dust covering every visible surface. Clearly, the store hadn’t been active in many years. It was the perfect place for squatters to take refuge - or for mysterious villains to set up a hideout. 
  “Best entrance route?” Near asked, eyeing the door in the corner of the shop, which appeared to lead somewhere deeper into the building. If Near had to guess, he would say that the door probably led to some sort of old office or employee break room. The door was dark and heavy-looking, with a shiny silver knob that could have easily been rigged with a villainous trap. 
  “You mean, besides walking right through the front door?” Watari teased.
  “Watari, please, this is serious.”
  “Alright, alright, I understand, I’m searching for an aerial view now.”
  As Near waited for Watari’s next message, he took another look around the interior of the store. None of the dust seemed to be disturbed; the floor and the shelves all appeared to be completely untouched by human feet or hands, at least for the past few months. 
  Still, Near considered, the room could be monitored with hidden cameras and microphones. Best that I don’t use the main entrance unless there’s no other option.
  “According to the aerial view, there’s a skylight towards the back of the building,” Watari announced. 
  Near frowned, and reached up to rub a strand of his own white hair between two fingers. “I don’t see a skylight from my current location, so the skylight must lead into the back room of the store. I can skip the main shop area entirely.”
  “Well, that works out nicely.”
  About fifteen minutes later, Near found himself on top of the roof, breathing heavily from exertion. “I’m never doing that again,” he managed in between gulps of air. 
  “Never say never, Near.”
  After catching his breath, Near approached the skylight and peered through it. The bright moon illuminated the room beneath the glass, casting everything in a soft white glow. Through the skylight, Near could see the back room of the shop, which appeared mostly empty, save for a wooden desk. 
  “I’m entering the building now,” Near said, reaching to unlatch the skylight.
  “Wait, Near!” Watari cried out, at the exact same time an unfamiliar voice whispered: “I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”
  Near whipped around, bringing up his bō staff in a fluid motion.
  A masked man stood before Near, with his gloved hands raised in mock surrender. 
  “Who are you?” Near asked, his tone dark and serious. 
  The man smirked, then nodded to one of his hands. A familiar, small gray object rested between the fingers of his red leather-covered hand. 
  The tracker.
  “Shit,” Near muttered under his breath.
  “Looking for this?” The man asked, sounding carefree and quite pleased with himself. His voice was slightly deeper than Near had imagined, but it suited him just the same.
  On impulse, Near jabbed at the mysterious villain with his staff.
  As though he moved through the shadows, the man expertly evaded Near’s attack. He dodged, twisted, and kicked out. His dark boot landed in the center of Near’s chest, pushing the hero back. 
  Near stumbled back, tripping over his own feet. His ankle hit something behind him, probably a ledge of some kind, and suddenly, he was falling. He felt a sinking feeling in his stomach as the world warped around him. 
  Like something out of a movie, Near found himself falling in slow motion - legs bending, glass cracking from somewhere behind him, his body descending further and further into darkness. 
  Before Near could even process what was happening, the villain turned away. His silhouette was illuminated by the bright backdrop of the moon. He glanced over his shoulder as Near fell through the skylight. His brown eyes sparkled with the dual flickers of triumph and pride.
  The villain’s smug grin was the last thing Near saw before darkness enveloped him completely. 
  “I can’t believe you finally roped me into this nonsense,” Nate River said. 
  Linda and Nate sat on a bench together, as the sky darkened and the air became thin and cold. She wore a coat and a light scarf over her dress, while he was dressed in only a collared button-up shirt and comfortable pants. The bright yellow bulbs from the nearby carnival casted the two roommates in a soft glow. Despite the warm light, Nate shivered, and Linda looked around frantically; her foot was tapping incessantly against the hard concrete of the sidewalk. 
  “Yes, well, this nonsense is going to do wonders for your social life, if those silly boys ever show up,” Linda said, glancing down at her phone with a frown. 
  Nate rolled his eyes. “First of all, my social life is perfectly satisfying as it is, thank you very much. Second of all, I’m sure they’ll be here any minute now.”
  “I guess you’re right about that second thing,” Linda conceded, pointing towards a pair of young Japanese men who were quickly approaching their bench. “And we’ve already been over the first thing.”
  The two men arrived at their bench, and Nate got a good look at both of them for the first time. One of the men, whom Linda greeted as ‘Matsuda’, had dark hair and big brown eyes that suited his handsome face and gentle expression. The other man was introduced as Light Yagami, a close friend of Matsuda’s and a fellow Japanese exchange student. Light’s hair was significantly lighter than Matsuda’s, and although his eyes were a similar shade of brown, his gaze spoke of a sharp intelligence that far exceeded his bumbling friend.
  Nate knew those eyes.
  That attractive pair of brown eyes had smirked at him, only a few nights ago, on a moon-drenched rooftop.
  “Light Yagami, was it?” Nate clarified, his eyes traveling over every inch of Light’s pretty face. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
  After a beat, Light smiled at Nate. His smile was polite, but had an air of deceptive falseness about it. There was something lurking underneath the surface of that mask - some dark and dangerous secret that only Nate could truly see. 
  “It’s a pleasure to see you too, Nate,” Light said. His voice was familiar to Nate, just as deep and attractive as Nate remembered.
  Unlike Matsuda, Light spoke English with a near-perfect American accent. 
  As Linda pulled Matsuda towards the carnival, Nate fell into step beside Light. The pair of them walked in silence for a bit, each of them calmly observing their surroundings. Nate noticed that the lights from the carnival complimented Light’s warm brown hair very well; his pretty locks seemed almost golden under the electric buzz of the soft outdoor string lights. Not even Linda’s incessant babbling could distract Nate from his careful observation of Light Yagami’s lustrous hair.
  Suddenly, Light tore his gaze away from a crowd of people near the food vendors. As the group he had been watching moved on, Light turned his head to face Nate and looked at him - truly looked at him - for the first time. 
  “Are you cold, Nate?” Light asked, glancing down at Nate’s chest. 
  Nate could see that Light’s preppy jacket protected him from the slight chill of the night air. After all, Light wasn’t shivering at all, whereas Nate couldn’t help but tremble at the brush of a breeze against his pale skin. He really, really couldn’t help it - he had always been sensitive to temperature changes, ever since he was a young child. It wasn’t a particularly debilitating condition, but it could sometimes be annoying. 
  Such as, right now.
  Nate’s brain was suddenly filled with images of Light offering him his jacket, like a scene straight out of a cheesy romance movie from the 1980s. 
  “No,” Nate said, like a liar. “I’m not cold.”
  “If you insist. In that case, perhaps you’re simply eager for this double date to be over with, so you can go home?”
  Nate raised an eyebrow, suddenly very thankful that Linda and Matsuda had moved out of earshot. “That’s awfully observant of you.”
  Light shook his head, and a small smile crept onto his face. “No, I’m just projecting a bit, I think.”
  “Ah, I see. So, you don’t want to be here either.”
  “That’s correct. Matsuda wanted me to come along though, and I had no good reason to say no. If I had alternate plans, trust me, I wouldn’t be anywhere near this place.”
  “You couldn’t have said that you were studying, or something like that?”
  Once again, Light shook his head. He glared at a flimsy-looking carnival ride. “Matsuda is my roommate, and one of my oldest friends from back home in Japan. We also share many classes together, and he knows my schedule almost as well as he knows his own. He knows I don’t have any exams or major assignments coming up anytime soon.”
  “Hmm, I see, that must be difficult.”
  Light nodded. 
  A moment of awkward silence stretched between them, before Light broke the silence with a question.
  “And what about you, Nate? Why are you really here, if you’re not actually interested in dating?”
  “Similarly to yourself, I was compelled by my roommate to attend this little meeting. She made it clear that Mr. Matsuda wanted to go on a date with her, but he insisted on a double date, and so she needed me to step in and serve that role.”
  “That makes sense,” Light said, a smirk tugging at his lips. “Matsuda has always been anxious about romance and relationships with women, so he thought more company might take the edge off of his nervousness.”
  Nate glanced over at Linda and Matsuda, who were standing a few booths away, at one of the carnival games. Through the crowd of happy fairgoers, Nate could clearly see the wide smile on Linda’s face. Matsuda said something to her, and she threw her head back and laughed with abandon. Nate recalled Linda’s pleading face from earlier, when she had practically begged Nate to go on the date with her, and her appearance now was certainly a stark contrast to that face.
  Unable to stop the small smile from creeping onto his face, Nate turned away from Light. “Well, they seem to be having fun, so I suppose this night isn’t a complete waste of time.”
  Light nodded, eyeing one of the nearby game booths. “Perhaps we can have some fun as well?” He asked, gesturing to the booth.
  “You can’t be serious. I thought you didn’t want to be here.”
  “True, I’d love to just go home right now, but I can’t without letting my roommate down, so I might as well make the most of this night, right?”
  “I suppose you have a point.”
  With that, Nate and Light approached the game booth.
  Ten minutes later, Nate was holding a giant fluffy white bunny - a stuffed animal that Light had won at the silly dart game. 
  Nate frowned, staring down at the offending rabbit. “You’re better than me at darts,” he grumbled.
  Light chuckled. “No, I think I just got lucky,” he said, looking at Nate with a curious expression on his face. “Regardless, I hope you like it. Are you going to give it a name?”
  “Yes, as a matter of fact, I am,” Nate said. He stared at Light’s face, observing the other man with a careful attention to detail. “His name is Kira.”
  There was a beat of silence.
  “Oh? You figured that out rather quickly, didn’t you?” 
  Nate nodded, then glanced away. Light’s expression and words told him everything that he needed to know.
  “And? What are you going to do with Kira, now that you have him?” Light asked, his voice laced with double meaning.
  Scoffing, Nate hugged the bunny closer to his chest, and continued to avoid Light’s gaze. “I’ll turn him over to the proper authorities, of course.”
  It was Light’s turn to scoff. “You won’t do that.”
  “Why not?”
  “Because Kira is helping society, and also, you’re wildly attracted to me.”
  Nate almost dropped the stuffed rabbit. He turned towards Light, and a soft pink blush spread across his cheeks. His eyes went wide.
  “Kira kills people,” Nate managed, cursing himself.
  “Only rotten people,” Light corrected. “This world is rotten, but Kira is making it better, so good people can live happy and peaceful lives.”
  Nate shook his head. “Murdering a few corrupt politicians and businessmen isn’t going to magically make the system just or right. All it does is make Kira a murderer.”
  “Hmm, well, if Kira is simply a murderer and a villain in your eyes, what about that vigilante? Near, wasn’t it?”
  “Near doesn’t kill people.”
  “Yet, the police are still hunting him with the same energy that they use to hunt Kira. Isn’t that interesting? I imagine they’d be grateful to receive any hint of Near’s true identity, no matter the source of the information.”
  Well, that was a threat.
  At that exact moment, Linda rushed up to them, holding a plate full of funnel cake. “Come on, guys, Matsu bought me this cake and I can’t eat it all on my own! Share it with me!” 
  Nate looked from the cake, to Light, and then back to the cake. After a moment of hesitation, he reached up and grabbed a small piece of fried dough from the plate. He held the piece up towards Light’s lips. 
  “Here,” Nate prompted. “Have you ever tried funnel cake before?”
  Light’s eyes widened, and he stared at Nate in disbelief. “No, I haven’t,” he admitted, shocked and quiet. 
  Nate held the cake up a little closer to Light’s face, and Light leaned forward slightly, meeting him halfway. When Light took the cake into his mouth, his lips brushed lightly over Nate’s fingers. The lips were warm, and felt almost electric against Nate’s skin. Nate resisted the urge to shiver. Something deep and primal was stirring inside of him, something that he couldn’t really place, but certainly didn’t feel familiar. 
  Something that made him want to be closer to Light Yagami, despite the knowledge of his date’s true identity. 
  From that point onwards, the date proceeded normally for the most part. Nate and Light attempted to act naturally around Linda and Matsuda, saving all double-life talk for later. After all, neither of them wanted to duke it out in front of their roommates, or the dozens of other citizens strolling around nearby. So, they made more polite conversation as Linda and Matsuda dragged them around to different booths and rides.
  Finally, the night seemed to be reaching an end. Linda and Matsuda had snuck off somewhere, presumably to say goodbye to each other properly before parting ways. Nate and Light were left alone, near an empty patch of grass. 
  An awkward silence hung between them, not for the first time that night. Nate wasn’t exactly sure what to say, or if he should say anything at all. He couldn’t exactly leave the carnival and go turn Light over to the police - for one, he didn’t have any physical or concrete evidence that Light was the villain known as Kira, and perhaps even more concerning, Light had vaguely threatened to out him to the cops if he was ever caught. All of which put Nate in a very uncertain position: he knew the identity of the villain Kira, but wasn’t in any position to do anything about it.
  Light cleared his throat, which drew Nate’s attention. When Nate glanced over, he saw that Light was staring at him with another odd expression on his face, a look that Nate couldn’t really identify. 
  “What?” Nate asked, shifting uncomfortably, and clutching the stuffed bunny tighter against his chest.
  Whatever Light had begun to say was cut off with a sharp BANG! 
  Nate nearly jumped out of his own skin. His upper body grew very tense, very quickly, and he shuffled closer to Light. 
  On what must have been some kind of protective instinct, Light reached out and put his arm around Nate’s shoulders. “It’s okay,” Light said, suddenly calm and soothing. “It’s just the fireworks.”
  “Fireworks? Linda didn’t say there would be fireworks.”
  “Maybe she didn’t know? I take it you’re not a fan of loud, sudden noises, huh?”
  Nate shook his head. “I’m not a fan of them in the best of times, and these happen to be the worst of times, so you can only imagine how I feel in this moment.”
  Light winced, and pulled his arm away. Nate found, quite strangely, that he missed the subtle warmth and pressure of Light’s hand on his body, even though it had only been there for a short while.
  “I want to apologize,” Light said softly, barely audible over the continued explosions from the fireworks. 
  “For what?” Nate asked, genuinely confused.
  “For your tumble through the skylight. I know you seem to be fine now, but I’m sure falling through a window and landing on a hard floor hurts like hell at first.”
  Nate blinked. “Yes, it does. And no, I don’t accept your apology, because I don’t believe you’re actually sorry for what you’ve done, or for what you continue to do.”
  Light didn’t respond to that, only gazing at Nate in an impressed silence.
  Suddenly, Linda and Matsuda reappeared, both of them pink-cheeked and out of breath. Before Nate and Light could say much more to each other, they’re both pulled away by their respective roommates, pulled apart, and brought home.
  At home, in the quiet and darkness of his room, Nate felt a strange mixture of relief and disappointment. 
  A sudden buzz lit up his phone, and he glanced down without thinking - only to see a text from an unknown number splashed across his screen. He read the message silently, and then smiled softly to himself. 
  Nate knew that he would eventually be the one to bring Light Yagami to justice, regardless of the cost to himself. But he still had to gather evidence to prove his case, and in the meantime, well...why not have some fun and make the most of it?
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redschillzone · 4 years
Stand By Me (Carol Danvers x Fem!Reader)
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Pairing: Carol Danvers | Captain Marvel x Fem!Reader
Prompt:  “I missed something didn’t I?” | Prompts
Word Count: 2.2k Words
Warnings: Slight Angst, Mentions of anxiety 
Summary: Carol had forgotten your anniversary and you begin to doubt she loves you. She reassures you that she does. A/N: I hope this is alright! I was very distracted while writing it but I think it turned out okay. Please enjoy!
You had been dropping hints just about all day; From the moment you awoke beside her to lunch and even dinner. Carol had returned from a mission just a few days ago and today was a special day for the two of you, but it seemed as though it had escaped her mind completely. You had done everything you could to remind her of the day without outright saying it; You started the morning with a heated make-out session which of course led to a very passionate lovemaking session. You whispered to her just how much you loved her and how grateful you were to have her in your life and she did the same, but sadly after it didn’t seem to spark a single thing in her mind. Once you two were out of bed and going about your business on the compound you would occasionally grab at her hand and hold it tightly, maybe even let your hand wander over her body whenever you two were alone but yet again, nothing seemed to spark. You did it all to try and gain the woman’s attention; I mean hell, you even took the time to do your make-up and hair. You even changed out of the usual sweatpants and t-shirt you would wear as well and opted for a dark, navy blue dress that was about thigh high and had spaghetti straps. You went ahead and paired that with one of her leather jackets and wore a pair of converse shoes to finish the look off. You had changed into the outfit as soon as Carol left to go about her business so this was as much as a surprise to her as it was to the others. Just about everyone in the compound complimented your appearance and you thanked them all the same. Even Carol commented on the look and said you looked amazing, that the dress brought out all your curves and that her jacket looked way better on you then it did her but yet again, the hint went way over her head and all you could do was sigh and accept the compliments she dished out. It was your two year anniversary since you and Carol got together and you had expected her to remember such a thing but you suppose being off world would make you rather forgetful of such things; Different times and all that.
You currently resided in your shared room, removing the brown leather jacket from your shoulders as you hummed lowly to the slow song that played from the speakers nearby. It was getting late into the night and you had a debrief in the morning with a few other Avengers for an upcoming mission, so you wanted to get as much sleep as you could get. You were deep in thought when Carol walked in. You didn’t even glance towards the door and she couldn’t help but give a frown when you didn’t greet her. Had she done something wrong? She had been with you just about the whole day and she could feel that something was off; Now, what that something was she couldn’t tell or figure out for the life of her and it was beginning to bother her. She made her way over to you carefully, going and wrapping her arms around your waist before she began to place a few kisses in the junction of your neck, occasionally sucking on the skin to leave a mark or two; She couldn’t help but smirk lightly as she saw the previous markings she had made. She loved to mark you and you knew it, but you still had to cover it up with make-up whenever you two were out and about. You did have a reputation to uphold as an Avenger, after all. She continued to kiss at your neck though, finding the sweet spot under your ear and kissed at it, soon sucking against it. It caused a shiver to run down your spine as you shifted your gaze as best you could to the blonde beside you, letting out a small breath as you shut your eyes for a few moments. You were upset with her but you wouldn’t let it show, at least for now. 
“Hello Carol.” You spoke, your tone coming out colder then you wanted it to be and you involuntary flinched; You wanted to take that back the moment the words left your lips. She heard the coldness of your statement and shifted her light brown gaze towards you as she removed herself from your neck, eyebrow raised as she scanned over your tense form. She needed to know what was going on with you and what she could do to help you so she spoke her mind. “I missed something, didn’t I? You’ve been acting strange since dinner...” She asked you to which you gave a small sigh and turned to look at her, the sadness in your eyes showing bright as day and she could feel her stomach drop; She hated that she knew she was the reason for your sadness. She hated seeing you sad so this just about tore her apart.
“Yeah.. You did..” You informed her as you removed her arms from your waist and sat on the edge of the bed, tears beginning to well in your eyes. You loved Carol to death, you really did but for some reason this hit you hard and you couldn’t put an exact reason to it, but you had a feeling; You were beginning to fear that Carol didn’t love you as much anymore. Sure you said you loved her a thousand times a day and she did the same to you just about every time she saw you, even going as far to give you a quick peck on the lips whenever you two passed in the halls but it was one of those moments where your anxiety was getting the better of you. Where it was having your brain come up with stupid scenarios that you knew were false and yet, somehow, you still managed to believe them and it was beginning to hurt more and more it continued. 
Carol bit her lip and moved in front of you, going and gently kneeling down as she took your hands in hers. She began to run her thumbs over your knuckles as she began to wrack through her brain for what she could have missed; Your birthday, maybe? No, the others would have thrown a party and she knew it wasn’t the right month anyway. Maybe it was some milestone you hit, but even that thought didn’t seem right to her but at the same time it did. It was at that moment that she began to put two and two together, the gears in her brain beginning to turn as she looked up at you with wide eyes, her mouth opened slightly as it hit her all at once.
“Fuck our anniversary-” She told you, watching as you gave a small nod of agreement as you sniffled quietly. Your tears had begun to run down your face as she moved her hands from your own to your cheeks, gently wiping away at the tears.
“Baby girl I am so fucking sorry- I’ve been busy with mission logs and debriefs that it just completely it escaped my mind.” Carol began to tell you, watching as the tears continued to fall from your face. You shut your eyes and moved your hand into her hands, moving one of your own to cover her right hand.
“I know you are.. And it’s okay I just.. This anxiety I’ve been feeling.. It’s making me think of things that I wish it wouldn’t.” You told her, opening your eyes to look into hers and it was there you saw the pained look of hers only for a moment before it disappeared and she stood back up.
“Stand up.” She told you, causing you to blink a few tears away but you did as she told you. She went ahead and removed her hands from your face and quickly wrapped her arms around your waist, pulling you as close as she could as she moved her left hand onto the back of your head. You couldn’t help the small sob that escaped you as you buried your head into her shoulder, allowing yourself to finally break down. Carol shut her eyes tightly, keeping her right arm around your waist tightly as she began to run her left hand through your hair, occasionally shushing you in a calming tone. She would even move her hand down to rub at your back as she swayed with you. 
“Baby.. Love of my life.. I will never stop loving you, alright…? I’m really sorry I forgot today, but it wasn’t all bad, was it?” She questioned as you began to calm down. You gave a small sniffle as you moved to rest your head on her shoulder now and began to think the day over. You had woken up with her still there in your bed and, as stated before, had the most amazing love making session you’d have to date. After that you had joined her for lunch and you could still remember the stupid jokes that Tony was telling at the table and it would cause you both to laugh but her hand never left yours and if it did, it was placed on your thigh and was rubbing small circles onto it. When lunch was said and done you had joined Carol on a walk around the compound, talking about everything and anything you could before she had left to finish her mission logs. The next time you saw her was dinner and even then she kept her hand on your thigh, talking with Natasha across the table about some upcoming mission the two would be going on. You just smiled and watched her talk but that anxiety was in your stomach which led you to now; You crying your eyes out into her shoulder as she swayed with you to the slow music that was playing. You gave her a small nod before you spoke up.
“I.. No.. It was um… Actually really nice…” You admitted to her as she moved you away so she could see your face, giving a small chuckle as she moved her left hand back to your cheek to wipe away some mascara that had begun to run.
“Good, as it should have been. I know I wasn’t able to take you away to some fancy restaurant or into the city for some fabulous date but I promise tomorrow I will fulfill just that… But for right now, I want to hold you and dance to the music.. Will that suffice, my shining star?” She questioned, her eyes on you yet again. You couldn’t help but stare at her; Her eyes had that gleam of hopefulness that you would agree but they were also swirling with love. You couldn’t help but sniffle and give her a small nod, moving yourself close to her again as you pressed a gentle kiss to her lips. The kiss was slow and gentle but you somehow still managed to put so much passion into it. You loved Carol and you were sure that you could never find another lover like her again if you tried. So when she kissed you back just as gentle, you began to feel your anxieties wash away. 
“Yes.. Yes it will.” You told her as you pulled away from the kiss, your eyes scanning her face before you gave a small smile as she broke out into her own wide smile. 
“Thank God.. I don’t know what I’d do if you didn’t…” She told you as she held you close to her once more, beginning to sway with you to the music that continued. You rested your head on her shoulder once more, shutting your eyes as you heard her speak once more.
“I love you so damn much, (Y/N)... Even to all the planets I’ve been too, the galaxies I’ve seen.. Nothing compares to your beauty.” She told you, which caused you to blush lightly and nuzzle your head into her neck as the two of you continued to sway about your room, occasionally moving to a new spot as she continued to spout praise and love to you. You could feel how much she loved you now, and it was foolish of you to even doubt that she didn’t love you. She would destroy worlds for you and you knew she would without any hesitation.
“I love you just as much Carol.. If not more.” You told her as you looked at her, watching as she gave you another smile and a quick peck on your lips before she held you close once more and continued to dance with you. You were crazy to think she didn’t love you because now, as you danced about your room with her as the music picked up to a more upbeat song, you couldn’t help the laughter that left your form. You wouldn’t doubt her love again and if you did, you would think of this exact moment.
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sarcastic-sunshines · 4 years
She’s Mine Part 2
She’s Mine Part 2
Author’s Note:  This is a part two a one shot I did for the Quarantine Writing Challenge 😊I knew I was gonna do a second part from the moment I wrote the first one.  Thank you so much for the amazing response I got for the first part. Seriously made my day 🥰🥰🥰I tagged everyone who reblogged the first one, and as always I hope you enjoy it and I can’t wait to hear what you all think
P.S. I was inspired by the song She’s Mine Part 2 by J Cole (Prior to him acting a whole fool today. Black men have to got to do better I swear 🙄)
Pairing: Erik Killmonger x [Black Reader]
Quarantine Writing Challenge Masterlist  Part 1
Part 2 He walked into their home, his eyes searching for her as he kicked off his shoes and dropped his bags. He couldn’t see her but the sound of Sade pulsating through the apartment was all the sign he needed to know his favourite person was here. It was still very much her apartment, and honestly, Erik liked it that way. He could see splashes of himself around their home, but he felt more at home feeling the warmth of her essence welcome him every time he walked through that door. 
He tried to hide the excitement on his face but was struggling as he walked through their home, opening doors looking for her.  He could tell that she had been stress cleaning by how pristine everything was. He finally walked into the closet where he found her humming along to the music as she folded and refolded her sweaters.  He slowly walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her. Y/n jumped for a second before relaxing and turning to look at Erik’s face. She dropped her sweater and hit him before kissing and putting her arms around his neck.
“You scared me! You know I don’t like that” 
“Hello to you too, how about ‘I missed you Erik and I can’t wait to hold you and tell you how much I love you, and of course eventually get you out these clothes’” he said pulling her closer to him, making her giggle.
“ Okay, let’s try this again” she replied with a kiss “ Hi babe, I missed you. And I am so glad you are back” 
Her smile made his heart skip a beat, He had missed her, he had been in Oakland for the last month and video calls could never trump the feeling of being in her arms, or having her whisper his name right by his ear.
“ Hey baby, I missed you too” his voice came out soft as they slowly swayed, just staring at each other for a moment. He noticed she looked a little different like she was glowing. She had somehow gotten even more beautiful since he had been gone. 
“ Nothing, you just look different” y/n’s face looked petrified at his words. “Not in a bad way. You just glowing” Erik tried to say with a smile. 
Y/n’s mood soured as she separated herself from him. “ It was a compliment!” he yelled, which only made y/n roll her eyes. 
“Erik it’s late, and I know you left your suitcases in the middle of my hallway, that I just cleaned” she complained as she went back to her folding. It didn’t take long for Erik to fling the t-shirt from her hands and wrap himself around her body again, and attaching his lips to her neck making her snort as she relaxed in his arms. 
“Erik, seriously, we have the wedding tomorrow and we need to get a good night’s sleep” Her words were quickly followed by a moan.
“ Oh trust me, we’re gonna have a good night’s sleep”  his voice grew deeper as he let go to take off his shirt and threw it to an unknown corner of the floor. Y/n’s eyes followed his every move. He slowly started to back into their bedroom. “You coming, or you still wanna pretend that you’re mad at me” 
It didn’t take long for y/n to drop the act, her own clothes dropping to the floor as she followed Erik on to their bed with a smile.
“There you go” y/n smiled as she fixed Erik’s traditional robes for T’Challa and Nakia’s wedding “ You look so handsome, who knew you would look so good in traditional garb.” “ Well take it all in, because you probably won’t see me in it again until our wedding,” he said kissing her ring. y/n smiled softly, as she continued to adjust his robes. “ Speaking of, have you decided when you think we should start planning that.” Suddenly y/n’s smile disappeared and she began to nervously smooth out the fabric “ Babe, I don’t know. I just haven’t given it much thought.” “Really? Because you couldn’t seem to stop talking about it when I was thousands of miles away”
“Yeah well, I am allowed to have doubts” she winced regretting her words as soon as she said it. And Erik’s face only made her more guilty. “ Not doubts, love I didn’t mean that. I just mean we both have so much going on at work. I just need more time to work it out, okay?”
She let a smile cover her face hoping to calm him down. Erik’s features softened, he couldn’t stay mad at her very long. “ I hear you,” he said before kissing her. 
“ Great, let me make sure I have everything and then we can go” He watched her walk across the room to her purse with an intense.  He thought it was the excitement of seeing her yesterday but she really did look different. Her curves were softer and definitely fuller. He felt it when he held her in his arms last night.  And he saw how her dress clung to her body showing off the new curves he was already loving. She turned around and caught him staring with no intention of stopping. 
“ Did you pick up a staring problem in Oakland” she walked back to him still going through her purse. 
“ Nah, you just look different, you getting thick”  the same frown she wore yesterday reappeared. Once again, Erik found himself scrambling to not upset her. “ I mean you know you’ve always been thick. I’m just saying you got thicker, but that ain’t a bad thing! You look good!” 
He yelled after her as she headed out the door. “ It was a compliment!” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The wedding ceremony was beautiful, Erik felt grateful for being able to see his cousin experience such a blissful moment. It was milestones like this that made him happy to have found his family. He smiled as he looked over at T’Challa who was feeding Nakia cake. His attention moved from them to his fiance who seemed to be ignoring him since they left for the wedding. He didn’t think she was still mad about his comment. She had just been off since he came home, maybe even before he came back. He continued to stare until y/n noticed from across the room, she waved awkwardly before turning her back to him. Erik frowned, and T’Challa noticed as he walked over to Erik. he stood next to him and stared at y/n with Erik. “Congratulations cuz, you picked a good one” Erik started as he clinked glasses with T’Challa. “Thanks, it won’t be long before we see the two of you doing the same. Have you and y/n picked a date yet?” “No, she’s been acting really funny, I don’t if she is over me or what, I’m just not ready to deal with all that” he took a swing of his drink. “ You know it is not that, you just have to talk to her. And we all know how much you love doing that” T’Challa said with a smirk
“ You’re lucky it’s your wedding day” Erik playfully punched T’Challa. The two stood and laughed some more until Ramonda called them over to meet some minister Erik could care less about. He nodded along mindlessly until he saw y/n call him to the dance floor for a slow song. He kissed his aunt’s cheek and excused himself from the conversation before joining his favourite person on the dance floor.
He was greeted with a smile and kiss as he placed his hand on her waist and led their soft movements.
“ Did I tell you how good you look tonight baby”
“I think you tried,” she replied with that soft laugh he loved so much. She peered up at him, watching him smile at her, showing off that golden grill she loved so much.  Suddenly her eyes grew sad and she laid her head against his chest for a moment without speaking.
“ You know I love you right?”
“ Of course baby, I love you too” They swayed for a moment before she spoke again. “I need you to stay in Wakanda for the next few months. There is no one I need right now but my Erik”
“ Baby you know I can’t. We’re launching the foster care program on the east coast. I need to be there for that. Maybe you come with me instead” “I can’t, I just need you to be here for me right. There is just so much going on and I just need you to be there for me!” She was becoming uncontrollably frustrated and Erik couldn’t understand why. He stopped moving for a second to try and catch her eyes. This was bigger than he thought it was and he just wanted to do whatever it was to get her to smile again. “What’s wrong, talk to me, tell me what’s going on” her lips began to quiver and suddenly it became too much for y/n. She separated herself from him and slowly turned to walk to the bathroom, leaving confused Erik alone on the dance floor.
Shuri quickly made eye contact with her cousin before following y/n into the bathroom. He slowly returned to his seat feeling more worried than he was before the wedding. 
Shuri came back from the bathroom with little information for Erik. Y/n came back to their table and for the rest of the night, she tried to smile until it was time to go home.  The ride home was an uncomfortable silence for Erik. He spent it stealing glances at his distant lover, he could barely take the silence anymore.
As soon as they walked through the door, Erik could not hold it anymore. He allowed her ten minutes to get ready for bed. But she could still feel him staring waiting for the right moment to explode. 
She sat her vanity and just stared at herself, and that when Erik let it all fall out. 
“ Look, I don’t what the hell is going on?! I need you to talk to me, this quiet shit you’ve been doing ain’t working for me. I need answers, your emotions have been everywhere, and I don’t know  how to help you.”
He could see her eyes welling up, and he immediately started walking to her “ Y/n let me help you, I love you, baby, so talk to me.”
She had her eyes closed trying to take deep breaths. He grabbed her hands in his and brought them to his lips as he knelt in front of her. “ You know I’m  here for you” “How can you be if you are still going back and forth. You will be missing appointments, and Bast knows what else. I just don’t know if we are ready for this, and I guess now we don’t even have time to figure that out.” He squinted at her, he was almost sure he had caught on to what she was hinting at. But his beating heart needed her to say it. “ Figure what out? Y/n figure what out” his own voice had begun to crack. 
The emotions that he felt made it hard to talk. She finally looked up at him, “ Erik, I’m pregnant, we’re having a baby” His emotions decided to leave his body through his eyes, and he couldn’t understand why. All he could see was her, and just like that, she had managed to make him fall more in love with her. His silence was making her more fearful. “ I knew you didn’t want this” “No! Don’t you dare think that” he wiped his eyes quickly before looking at her again, this time with a smile. “ Baby, you’ve just made me the happiest man alive, I’ve never been more excited about anything in my life before”
“Yes really. There ain’t no one else in the world I wanna be having a baby with.”  Without thinking he took her face in his hands and kissed her whole face until he could see her smile again. “You don’t have to be worried about nothing”
“ I was just worried it was too soon. You said you wanted to get married first and how you weren’t sure how you felt about a baby. And you only ever seem to be getting busier at work.” “Nah, fuck that, work, doubts, all of it. Whatever you need from me baby, just ask and I’ll do it. You want me here in Wakanda. It’s done, anything for you and our child” her tears became happy ones, his reaction was better than anything she could have asked for. So when Erik ducked his head and placed little kisses on her stomach, y/n was sure heart was going to stop from all the love she felt for this man. She wasn’t sure if it was the hormones finally giving her a break, but she had never felt so secure than in this moment with his arms around her. She let a smile cover her face as she massaged his scalp. 
Not long after, she found herself lying on their bed giggling as Erik spoke to her non-existent bump. “ Erik your head is too heavy for all that whispering you are doing” “You’re just jealous of how much time I’m spending with my child” he continued to kiss her stomach as she laughed at his silliness. He stopped to look at her “ We gon’ be alright, I just wanted you to know that”
“ I know love, we’re doing this together. That’s all that matters” Erik finally moved to lay next to her and hold her close to his body. He could already feel how less tense she was, it didn’t take long for her to fall asleep in his arm. It was in the moment he realized how alive he felt.
Erik was a creature of habit. He didn’t like change unless he had planned for it accordingly.  His whole childhood had been a handful of sporadic circumstances and his adult life seemed like a constant need to never have that happen again. That’s what made him and y/ n work. She accepted his need for order and made it work seamlessly with her sometimes spontaneous life. And it had been working, every milestone they had reached in their two-year relationship Erik felt like he had been prepared for it. Proposing to y/n was something he had thought about for a long time before even purchasing a ring.  And Erik had been okay with that, but a surprise baby was completely and utterly out of his control. 
After the adrenaline of finding out about the baby had settled, fear and doubt filled his mind instead. It began as soon as he got on the ship to Oakland. He had promised y/n that he would delegate his job at the outreach centers so he could be home more. There was a slight problem with this, Erik hated delegating. It left too much room for errors that he knew he could avoid if he did it himself. It also meant trusting others, and he wasn’t too good at that either. 
But he did it anyway because seeing y/n’s smile when she came home to find him in their apartment was what he needed to relinquish some of his power at work. And it was that image of her smile that he thought of as they sat waiting for the doctor to come in for their appointment. It was the first one that he was attending and y/n was already eight weeks into her pregnancy. He looked around the advanced hospital room and tried to compartmentalize this new reality. He was already having doubts about whether he would be able to do this. To be someone’s father,  y/n was right, he hadn’t given it enough thought. Life had robbed him of proper parents, and being in an out foster homes didn’t help to solidify examples of good parents. 
Erik had started to think about his father more. He only had his Baba for a short time but he was the best person that Erik had known. He missed him a lot and wished he had him to share his concerns with. He wanted to give this little person a better home than the one he got and the responsibility of it all was weighing him down. This would be his biggest mission yet and he so badly wanted to do it well.
Y/n’s hand wrapping around his pulled his from his thoughts. He bent down to kiss her head and the stared at each other for a second. 
“ This is really exciting, I promise you hearing the heartbeat is all you need to know that it is real.”  
He nodded along, his expression was blank as he focused on her smile. As always, that was enough to calm his nervous heart.
“ I’m sorry you had to go to the first one alone” she brought his hand to her heart 
“ Don’t you even worry about it, you didn’t know. And honestly, I needed that time to process. Besides, you are here now, and you will be for all the others, and that’s all I need, my Erik” 
“ I’m here” he replied softly
“ Good” their moment was broken up by the doctor coming in 
“ Hello, Prince Erik, lovely to finally meet you. Y/n’s been very excited to have you here” she stated as she sanitized her hands and placed a small object on y/n’s stomach before softly feeling around.  Erik smiled softly, as he watched everything the doctor was doing. Meanwhile, y/n was watching him, she wanted to catch every emotion when it happened. 
She really had been looking forward to their first appointment together. Though he wouldn’t admit it, she knew he was scared. She knew the man she fell in love with, he didn’t like change and this would be a large constant change.  But she knew, once he met their child, Erik would be ready to take on anything.
So she watched, the hologram appeared in front of them, and there they were, their child. Y/n felt her eyes well up, she turned to look at Erik who was completely mesmerized. 
“ There they are, they are still very tiny right now, but everything looks amazing.” The doctor said with a smile.  Erik looked away just for a second, he nodded to show he was listening. “ And here is their heartbeat.”
And that was it, the loud sound echoed through the room, and Erik was taking it all in. Y/n finally let a tear spill over as she watched Erik watch the ultrasound with the smallest smile. The sound was melodic to him. It made everything real but in the best way. Yes, he was nervous, but seeing the baby made him realized how excited he was to meet their baby. This person he already loved so much, and he loved their mother so much. He couldn’t have ever imagined a life like this if not for y/n. 
“That’s our baby,” he said with a smile. Y/n nodded along, still holding his hand to her chest “ That’s our baby, we did that”
The doctor let them have one more minute before she bid the couple goodbye and left them alone. Erik turned to his favourite person, again he found himself falling in love with her again. 
“Well?” Y/n asked as she pulled her shirt down. He couldn’t find the words, he just smiled. His hand slowly went to her stomach while he leaned in to kiss her. 
“You were right, that was beyond special. I love you and this baby.” “We love you too. Everything will be fine, I need you to know that” she placed her hand over the one he placed on her stomach.
“ I know we will, we in this together, that’s all that matters”
Another dress flew from the closet unto their bed, barely missing Erik’s head. He heard her grunt once again, making him look away from his beads.
“ Baby,  you okay?”
“How can I be when nothing fits!” she emerged from the closet in his t-shirt and pout as she walked over to him. Erik reached for her waist before kissing her five-month round belly, he pulled her into his lap. 
“Where you going that you need to dress up for? I like you stretching out my t-shirts” 
“ Of course you do, but I want to have something to wear when I do leave this house. Like our appointment this afternoon” “What’s wrong with the t-shirt then?” he held her tighter making her smile.
“ Because I want to sometimes look nice, I used to do that you know. How else do you think I got your attention.” “Trust me, your little lab coat was more than enough to have me caught up. And I promise you, you in my clothes, carrying my baby, I swear you’ve never looked better” he buried himself in her neck leaving small kisses on her skin, y/n rolled her eyes but she smiled
“Yeah whatever, let me change and we’ll go,” she said getting up and walking back to the closet. 
After a few more outfit changes and Erik repeating how beautiful she was, y/n reappeared still in his t-shirt, worn with some tights and a jean jacket to complete her look. Not long after they found themselves in the patient room again waiting for their doctor. “ Okay, place your bet, boy or girl,” she said reaching for his hand. “ Your aunt thinks its a girl, she says I have a certain glow to me.” “I’m not gonna lie, I’m hoping for a boy. I know them, I can relate, it would make becoming someone’s pops easier.”
“I think either way you will be more than fine babe”
“You gotta say that you’re my girl,” he said kissing his teeth
“ No, I don’t have to say anything, if I didn’t think you could do this I would not be having this baby you. Trust me, I know either way you are going to be amazing. But seeing your face on a little boy would be nice” she ended with a smile as the doctor walked in. Erik got lost in her smile, never looking away even as the doctor came in, doing her normal routine and greeting. Y/n and the doctor had a short conversation while Erik just watched. The appointment when on as it normally did, they looked at the growth of their baby. Erik pointed at the screen and said “ Baby’s got a big head like you” which earned him a playful hit across his check. 
The doctor smiled at their silliness before pointing at that screen. “ Okay, she seems to be hiding herself a bit but based on our last appointment and right now, that is a little girl” she ended with a smile.
Y/N turned at smiled at Erik who looked a little nervous, but a small smile sat on his lips, “I don’t mind seeing your smile on your mini-me.” he said in a low voice just for her to hear.  She mouthed ‘I love you’ before turning back to the doctor and listening to all the information needed for the next month. They left the appointment holding hands, coming up with names for their baby girl. She could see the excitement in Erik’s eyes. For her, that’s where she could always see how he was feeling. Knowing he was looking forward to meeting their little girl. It made her love him more, to know they had created a little version of themselves. She couldn’t have been happier than she was with him. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
“ Hold still,” he said lowly, he passed the comb through her afro ever so carefully as he separated her hair and greased her scalp for her. The mixture of coconut oil, castor oil and whatever leave-in-conditioner she had switched to filled their living room. She sat in between his legs trying to relax under his touch. “ I can’t, your daughter is leaning on my rib, it’s uncomfortable,” She said trying to stretch out some more. Her eight-month baby bump making it nearly impossible. Pregnancy had made her hair much thicker, and although she loved how it looked, the extra worked was not something she was a fan of. 
“ Leave my baby alone, she’s just trying to grow. I’m almost done”
“ I’m already second place to her, and she isn’t even here yet” “Hell yeah, I don’t know what you thought it was,” he said with a chuckle and y/n dramatically sighed. “You are really good at this by the way,” she said moving to lean on one of his legs “Years of locs left me no choice, I don’t even have half as much hair as you” he moved his hands to start on his final section. “ That’s good,  I’m going to need help with baby girl’s hair, I barely put enough energy into mine without you helping me” “ Whatchu mean? You put a lot of energy into your hair. All them new protective styles and shit.” “I know like three styles, and my twist outs let me down like 9/10 times.” she said with a giggle “ My Baba was terrible with hair, he would always send me to my Gogo. She had really soft hands, and the best stories, especially ones about my Baba as a kid. She smiled as she reminisced, “ By the time she died,  I was old enough to go to the salon and told myself if I knew two hairstyles, I was good to go. I never got the girly-girl experience, my Baba did the best he could but I just want Baby M to grow up to be a full rounded woman.” He leaned down to kiss her cheek. “ Baby, don’t you stress, she’s gonna have an amazing example from you. There is no woman I want to raise a daughter with than you. Baby M is set as long as she’s got you.”
He kissed her cheek again as she smiled, comforted by his words. “ I’m done,”  he said moving to help her. “ I need you to get ready now” “ Do we have to go, babe, can’t we tell your auntie that I am too tired.” y/n moved slowly to their bedroom
“ Nah, don’t even start with all that, I already told you we can’t get out of this, You used up all your pregnancy excuses for the month.” he softly pushed her closer to their room where she picked up her dress and tried to see how much room would available for her and her baby. “ Fine, but the minute your daughter starts kicking me too much, I wanna go home”
Erik agreed still pushing her to get ready to go, After an hour of trying her best to do a glam look, Erik had gotten her into the car, where he showered her with compliments and sneaking looks at how beautiful she looked. By the time she made it into the small restaurant, y/n’s social battery was already empty, she was about the tell Erik they should turn around and leave when she was met with all her family and friends yelling ‘SURPRISE’ at her.
Y/n jumped, turning her body into Erik’s, she felt the tears coming, he held her for a moment as gratitude washed over her. It didn’t take long for her friends to separate her from Erik, guiding her around the room to get to her special chair. Erik watched from a distance as he had been instructed by her university friends who had planned the whole thing. 
He spent the whole night watching with T’Challa as they played a plethora of games, some of which included the men. When he did participate, Erik was less focused on winning but more so on the smile, y/n wore as she cheered him on.
By the time the party was winding down and gifts were being opened, he sat with cake in his lap, watching as she spoke to her father who was getting ready to leave. Not long after, her father, Khatu. was by Erik’s side and smiling down at him. “ How are you doing sir,” Erik asked politely, placing his cake on the table for the moment. 
“ I am doing well, especially now that I have seen my daughter.  She looks very happy.” Erik nodded as both men turned to look at y/n as she unwrapped yet another adorable onesie with princess written on it, before passing it to Shuri to put away.
“ How about you son, how are you holding up?”
“ It’s been hectic, in a good way I guess, just slowly preparing for baby M”
“ I can imagine, you feel ready?” he asked finally turning to look at Erik
“ Honestly, Nah. We’re so close but I don’t think nine months is enough time to prepare to parent a whole ass person” Khatu chuckled at his response.
“ I wasn’t ready either, probably less ready than you, I was also so stressed out”
“Yeah?” Erik turned surprised at his response. Whenever y/n talked about her father, she made him sound like the most put-together person, and upon meeting him, Erik came to the same conclusion. 
“You know, y/n was a surprise as well. I was getting ready to come back to Wakanda and completely disappear from LA. I was heartbroken about leaving her mother, but I had no choice. Until she told me she was pregnant, there was no way I could leave then. On top of that, I could not bring her mother to Wakanda. So I begged for a new assignment which gave me a reason to stay.”
“ Then everything was cool” Khatu shook his head with a low chuckle.
“ Absolutely not, my mother was so confused why I was not coming home and saying she wanted me to come so I could get married and give her grandbabies, imagine the irony” He let out a bigger laugh this time.
“ On top of that, I like you had no idea how to take care of another human. But the minute she came into this world, just as loud as she can be now, I was in love. I promised that tiny person that I would do my absolute best. And I did, when her mother died I had no choice but to try harder, I knew I couldn’t do it alone. That’s when we came back, we finally said goodbye to LA and Wakanda was home again, y/n was surrounded by family and it made it easier.” Khatu turned to look at y/n once again with a smile. 
“ Your mother didn’t have questions when you showed up with a five year old child?” Erik’s question made Khatu chuckle again
“ Luckily no, after y/n was born, I came home to see her, explained to her in person why I was staying, Once she saw a picture of her grandchild there was nothing left to say. From the moment I moved back, she made sure to be the motherly figure y/n needed.”
Khatu turned back to Erik with a comforting smile.
“ What I am trying to say is that it will be difficult, parenting will be the hardest job you ever have. But know this, you both are not alone, you have each other, and you have this village of people who loves and care about you.” Erik took a quick glimpse of the room and realized how much his circle had grown since being in Wakanda.
Let alone the circle he gained from being with y/n. He never wanted Baby M to feel the loneliness and abandonment that he had experienced as a child. And looking around, he knew she wouldn’t. The realization brought a sense of comfort he hadn’t realized her needed.  He turned back to y/n father and thanked him for his words.
 Not long after everyone had left, and Erik had packed the last of the gifts into his hovercar. He got into the car and for a moment, he closed his eyes just thinking about how much his life had changed, He really couldn’t have imagined his life looking this way, gratitude washed over him.
“ You okay babe?” y/n asked, her voice telling him how tired she was. He opened his eyes and turn with a smile nodding at her before finally driving off”
The loud cry of their daughter rang through their home, immediately getting Erik up from his sleep. He tried to get up quietly, but y/n was already awake, and just like him, she was moving to their baby.
“ Nah, go back to bed, I got her” that was all she needed to here to drop back on the bed.” Erik smiled to himself as he navigated in the dark to the crib. He reached in and picked up the small one-month-old baby into his large arms.
“ Shhh, Mahalia, Baba’s got you” he rocked the tiny infant while walking to the kitchen to grab a bottle. He continued to try and silence her while heating the bottle. He didn’t like the sound of her cry. It made him anxious. Only once had it elicited a different response.
The moment she came out of her mother, her cry was like music to his years. He could not look away, even as they cleaned her. He finally let a tear fall when they placed Mahalia in her mother’s arms. It was very emotional for both him and y/n. They both stared at the tiny human they had created, one they had gotten to know over nine months through kicks and the little conversations they had with her. Bliss was the only way to describe the moment, Erik had never felt so happy as he did at that moment.
 He grabbed the bottle from the heater before testing it on his arm. He finally took a seat on the sofa and positioned Mahalia properly. He brought the bottle to her lips, silencing her cries. 
“ See I told you I got you,”  he said softly as she ate, her big brown eyes staring at him. They sat in silence as she ate when she finished he laid her on his stomach, rubbing her back softly waiting for her burp. The little burp that came out of her made him smile.
“ There you go princess” he encouraged her softly. She made some tiny babble as if acknowledging his words. “ Yeah, I said I got you, don’t ever forget that. I got you always” 
He whispered, sniffing the top of her head, it didn’t take long before Mahalia was asleep in his arms. He stayed on the couch holding her close, just the two of them. The silence was broken when y/n came in the room, still waddling ever so slightly.
She sat next to him and leaned her head on his shoulder. “ Hey mama, I thought you were supposed to be asleep”
“ I know, it was weird without you there, and knowing she was awake” she reached down to touch her daughter’s cheek ever so slightly. “ She looks like you babe”
“ Yeah, she still has your big ass head though” he smirked as he spoke
“ You are so lucky you are holding my child” a giggle escaped her despite her attempt at looking upset “ Either way, we made the cutest baby in the world.”
“ No doubt, it ain’t hard when her mama is this cute, even with that big head” he turned to admire her for a moment, she still held her pregnancy glow, even with the slight exhaustion on her face.
“ Her Baba is pretty good looking as well” She stared back at him, she bit her lip before looking away “Stop looking at me like that before we end up with another baby way too soon”
“ I wouldn’t mind”
“Let’s enjoy Mahalia for right now” she leaned over and kissed him “ I love you”
He looked at her, and their little girl, Erik had never felt so alive “ I love you too”. With that, he led his two favourite girls to bed, holding the love of his life close in arms, Erik felt lucky to be able to wake up to the two of them. His little family was more than he could have ever asked life for. He had never felt so alive.
@aloevverified @shaekingshitup @ghostfacekill-monger @chaneajoyyy @fd-writes @ashanti-notthesinger @niqui87 @theogbadbitch @soufcakmistress @raysunshine78 @loveeeeandaffection @twistedcharismaaa @blowmymbackout @dollfaceddom
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Angel - Chapter 2
Here is chapter 2 of angel, i hope it satiates you fiends.
Warnings: smut, conspiracy around death, swearing
this was co-written and edited by my main bitch @bonjour-je-mappelle-fuckyou
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  It had been days and you’d neither seen nor heard from Maxwell, you were beginning to worry that he had forgotten you in this big apartment, worrying that you had quit your job and left your home just for him to forget that you’d agreed to an arrangement with him, but hey, at least he forgot you in this apartment, and not your old one. He wasn’t asking for rent, Darius had brought you groceries the morning you had gone to your apartment to get the rest of your belongings, you reckon you were good for at least a few weeks before you ran out of food.
             As you pondered how long it would be until someone kicked you out or you starved you heard a short knock on the door, well it looks like you might last a few more weeks than you’d anticipated.
            You opened the door to see Darius standing there, tall and proud, “good morning Miss, I’ve been instructed to take you shopping for some new clothes, it seems Maxwell has anticipated your start at his Lord Industries this coming Monday and I’ve been told to show you the dress code of such a company, though with us both knowing Maxwell like we do I’m sure you could assume.” Ahh so he hadn’t forgotten you, that’s a good sign. 
 “Darius please, if you keep calling me miss, I'll start calling you sir and I don’t think either of us would prefer that. Y/N is a fine name and I think I would like to hear it more often. And yes, I’m sure I could assume the dress code Max ‘requires’ though I’m sure most of my clothes would suit that.”
            Darius let a short puff of air out of his nose, what you had come to know as him laughing apparently. “while that is true miss- ahh sorry Y/N, the man is loaded and quite frankly a scoundrel, let’s go load up for the sake of it, I’m sure you would appreciate a new pair of boots, the ones I met you didn’t see you have any arch support.” He had a slight smirk on his face as he spoke to you. 
 “Darius that’s scandalous, also leave my Docs out of this, they might as well be vintage, my mother bought them in the UK in the 60s” you said looking down at your cherry red docs, which had obviously seen way more than they should have. 
 “Ahh so they’re definitely provided no support, your poor feet, we must amend this. Come on, get dressed in the next ten minutes or I’m going to drag you out of this door by those frayed laces.” 
 While it sounded harsh, the tone of his voice and the expression accompanied let you know that he was joking with you, he could be quite cheeky as you’d noticed the first night you met him, although he acted quite different in front of Max, in fact he didn’t act like anything in front of Max, he was silent, if you couldn’t see him you’d assume the car drove itself. The demeanor change between them concerned you slightly. 
 “Alright no need to get violent, I’ll be just a sec.”
             When Darius told you that you’d be going shopping you’d assumed you’d be going to a mall, so it confused you completely when you drove past the mall you’d shopped at so many times, only for him to drive into the rich side of town, the streets were lined with high end fashion stores and boutique cafes, and oh look at that, more illegible French on restaurant windows.
             Walking around this part of town in a miniskirt and a boxy blouse felt wrong, you really didn’t fit in here. Darius led the way, practically pulling you into stores, seemingly knowing every sales assistant in each shop, it made you slightly insecure, how many times had Darius brought someone like you to go shopping, you weren’t used to being one of many. Most of the men you previously had arrangements with had only been involved with you, and the occasional wife, (yes they know don’t look at yourself with such disdain), it didn’t sit well with you that you might be sharing Max’s affections.
             You tried on dress after skirt after blouse after horrible blazers with those horrible shoulder pads. God you missed the trends of the 70s. You really didn’t know what you were looking for, thankfully Darius had been leading the expedition, telling the assistants which clothes you would be requiring. Each time they took the item to the checkout you felt a sense of guilt, it was really starting to pile up, finally after a particularly hideous ensemble consisting of cheetah print, neon green and you guessed, shoulder pads, Darius called time, deciding that you had both racked up quite the amount on Max’s card, (though you really don’t think you could take any of the credit, or blame.)
             “Y/N I don’t mean to intrude but you’ve been uncharacteristically quiet through the last few stores, is there something wrong?” honestly you didn’t know if there is although you couldn’t deny your silence was out of place. “yeah of course I’m fine, I just get overwhelmed when shopping, that’s all, it's no big deal, it was nice that you knew everyone.” You paused for only a moment contemplating whether you should ask your next question but before you could even stop yourself our mouth was spewing out the words, “how did you know everyone by the way?”
             “Before I was Mr. Lord’s driver, I was a driver to Mrs. Lord. No, no it's not what you think. Maxwell and marriage aren’t two words that go in the same sentence. Mrs. Lord was his mother. She was quite the shopper and not the talker. So, while she was trying on clothes, I made friends with the clerks. It made both our times much more pleasant around her Highness.” somehow and for some reason it eased you to know that it was Maxwell’s mother that made the connection and not a line of women preceding you. 
             “What is Mrs. Lord like?'' Maybe the person who raised Max is an indication as to who he is now. 
 “Was, actually, she died when Maxwell was 17, along with her father, it was terrible really, their private jet went down over the triangle, it's such a shame, Max really needed his parents around that time, after that the house help and I remained the only thing close to family he had, he shut off and down, became ruthless and cold, he used to be such a bright and kind young man, I saw the life leave his eyes the day he found out that it had left his parents. I'm sorry Miss I’ve probably already said too much, I’m not really sure I should be speaking with you about this, it's not that I don't trust you but Maxwell is very private, if I hadn’t have been there to see it I would never know, he has never spoken about his parents, to anyone.” 
             Somehow what Darius said about Max and his parents really stuck with you, even after you’d gotten back to the apartment, you couldn't stop thinking about how horrible it must have been to grow up without parents, especially through such important years like his 20s, they’d miss every milestone he has in his adult life and he’ll miss having his parents there for them. You didn't have much time to think on it, you'd only been home about 30 minutes before the phone starting ringing on the nightstand next to you, you picked up the receiver to hear a breathy voice on the other side, “angel, I’m gonna need you to open the door,” and then the call was dropped.
             Maxwell. You rushed to the door, when you swung it open you noticed a slightly disheveled Maxwell staring at you with darkness clouding his eyes, “you know you could have just kno-” but you were cut off when he pushed the door closed and slammed you against it, his lips smacking straight into yours in a fit of heat and passion, you weren’t sure where this was going but you weren’t going to complain, “just shut up, I’m pissed and I wanna fuck you. Now. go to the bedroom, make sure you’re naked, face down. Do you understand?” you just nodded, looking up at him with what he assumed to be excitement, you basically sprinted to the bedroom, quickly undressed and headed his note to be face down. As you anxiously anticipated what he was going to do to you, all thoughts of his parents had been replaced with possibility. 
             “God you're such a good girl for me aren't you” he was standing at the door staring at you, eyes raking over your naked body. You heard his footsteps get closer to the bed and then suddenly you were hit with a sharp smack to your ass, “god this ass is fucking incredible, I can’t wait to see how it looks in all those new clothes you bought, wanna give me a private show of them?” “yes, sir I’d love to” your voice was high and almost pathetic sounding, Max had done nothing more than briefly spank your ass and suddenly you're already so out of breath. “Not now angel, you’re going to let me fuck you good, and then you’re going to show me how well you can walk afterwards.” 
             You heard him undo his belt and then clothing hit the floor, the bed dipped either side of your thighs and suddenly both his hands were on our hips and he was pulling up to him in one swift lift, “god this pussy, is fucking beautiful, and you’re already so wet, is this what I do to you? You like being manhandled like this doll?” you just whimpered at him praying he would touch you. “Come on angel with your words, tell me how this is affecting you.” you could hear the devil's patented smirk on his face as he spoke, knowing how riled up he was getting you. “Yes sir, I love it, I love when you throw me around, you're making me so needy sir please I love it please do more” you could barely pause to take a  breath you felt so needy and so pathetic that he was affecting you in this way but after the last night you spent together you thought you were right to be. 
             “There's no time to play around tonight angel, I need you now.” His voice was harsh and low, it made you cower away from him, but his grip on our hips was strong and tight and he wasn't letting you go anywhere, he spanked you, one, two, three more times, “are you ready angel” you could tell he was impatient and so were you. “Yes, dear god yes please, please just fuck me.” and with your words, he slammed into you, his hips hitting your ass with the force of a freight train. For someone who sounded so desperate he was going admirably slow, every thrust into your pussy was forceful almost calculated, as he rammed into you. You felt frustrated at his pace, like he was holding back and that is not what you needed right now, you needed him to fuck you, rough, hard, fast. Now. “Please, Max don’t make me beg for it please just fuck me, use me, I need you to go faster, be rough with me please.” 
             “My pretty girl so whiny,” he quickened his pace, pistoning into you sending your brain into a frenzy, your legs already turning to jelly, “is this how you want it princess? Me fucking you like a little whore? Hmm?” his words were almost enough to drive you over the edge already, you had barely even started, and you felt like you were already close. “Please Max it’s so good fuck so good sir I love it when you use me.” 
             Max pulled out of you, and before you even had time to protest he had flipped you over, he shoved three fingers deep inside you, looking down on like he was ready to eat you whole. “You filthy little girl, you're ready to cum, aren't you? I've barely even gotten started and you're ready to finish? No that's not how this is going to work. Let's see how many times you can cum for me, let's see how many orgasms I can pull out of this beautiful cunt.” his words were as vulgar as the way he was fucking you with his fingers, if you both hadn’t been breathing so hard you’d be able to hear how wet you were, every thrust sending like heaven to his ears. He removed his fingers and lined himself up once again, no time for teasing he thrust back into you, resetting the fast pace he had previously set. “Tell me how rough you want it doll, tell me what you want from me.”
             Your mind swirled with the possibilities, all you could choke out was, “choke me, and smack me, I’m your whore please please please just use me.” immediately one hand flew to your throat, grasping it tightly but not enough to cut off your air supply. He kept ramming into you and you could feel yourself starting to get close as you moaned so loudly “Sir please, please, I’m so close, please let me cum” “do it doll, come all over my dick I want to feel your pussy cry for me.” and with his words you did just that, the hand around your throat tightened as you fell into sick bliss, your brain was experiencing an orgasm 100 times better than it ever had and you couldn't tell whether it was the lack of oxygen or Max’s dick that was making you feel higher than any drug could take you. As you came down, Max was still fucking you, slower than before but not as excruciating as originally.
             “I think if we had any neighbours up here you would have just earned us a noise complaint.” he smirked down at you. Yu were still dazed, pathetically smiling up at him when a harsh smack hit your face waking you up. “Already so fucked out baby how cute,” he knew just how to get you going, his lips were back on yours as he kept fucking into, drilling his cock deeper and deeper. You were whining and moaning not caring at this point if half of the city heard you, you were getting the fuck of a life time and as you screamed out Maxwell’s name you’d hoped everyone would hear how well the most important man in the city was fucking you. 
             “You ready for one more baby doll coz I’m getting close and I don’t wanna leave you behind.” he didn’t give you time to respond when his thumb flew to your clit rubbing it in circles almost as fervently as he was fucking you, and just as Max had planned you started to feel like you were on the edge again. 
             “Max please I’m close again.” you warned him, he sped up, quickening his pace even more somehow, “not without me doll you hold it until I say you can come you understand me?” you whined out a breathy yes, hoping you could head his orders, it felt like an eternity before he finally whispered, “Cum” in your ear and you did just that. Both you and Max were a moaning screaming jumble of limbs as you milked his cock dry and he pounded into you savouring the sweet release. He fell on top of you, both sweating profusely as you laughed out. “I don't know if you'll be getting that fashion show, I don't know if I can't even stand on these legs let alone walk. 
             He laughed as well, it was a nice laugh, you quite liked it. 
Max got up, helping you to the bathroom and sitting you in the shower, he told you to sit and wait for the water to warm but you told him it was no problem, your hot water got cut off a few times at your old apartment so cold showers were almost the norm for you. As you sat in the shower trying to regain what little focus you had, you had expected the door to close and for Maxwell to leave, but when you finally emerged from the shower you saw him sitting on your bed, well his bed.
             “Have a drink or you'll get dehydrated.” he said, pointing at the glass of water on the nightstand. You never expected Max to be so caring after sex, you’d fallen asleep after the last time, so you guessed he just didn’t care about aftercare. 
             “I think if you keep this up, I may be paralysed, my legs don’t work properly, if you want me to make it to work.” 
             “Yeah, I think I would rather see you at work on Monday, might fuck you on my desk to make up for lost time this weekend. How does that sound, angel?” God did that sound good, you wanted him to absolutely rail you if you were being honest, you had no concern as to whether anyone would hear you or not. 
             You woke up in the early hours of that Saturday morning, alone once again in bed, your legs felt like jelly and they were almost torture to walk on. You trudged your way into the kitchen, hoping to find something you could eat, when you saw Maxwell sitting on the counter, not on a chair at the counter, on the counter with his legs dangling like a little kid. “Good morning Maxwell.” your voice made him jump a little, clearly not expecting to see you there, he didn't move from his position on the counter though. You walked towards the emptying fridge and picked out an apple, placing yourself between his legs has you took a bite, “good morning to you too angel, we have got to get that fridge stocked up.” he must have seen how little you had in there, you'd spent so much on clothes and yet you spent less than 50 on groceries, where were your priorities?
             “Oh no it's okay, I’ll just buy some next week after I get paid. It's no big deal. I'm used to not having a lot to eat. I'll be fine.” you were telling the truth; you never had a lot of money to buy food after utilities and rent. “Well, be that as it may angel, I’m not letting you starve until then, you can just take one of my cards, we have a specific arrangement here and I know I got you a job at my company but I’d like to know you're living up to your own tastes and requirements, I have plenty of money to burn and this is an offer I will not let you refuse, do you understand me? 
“Yes sir, I understand.” 
                         “Don't you dare get me all riled up right now I don't think you could handle another round, or three.” he was right. You couldn't. But god did you want to. “Do you have any plans today or tomorrow?” he asked you, you weren't sure why, but now that you thought about it you did have plans. 
“Yes, actually I do. I've got lunch with my friend jade today and then we're going to see that new movie, Footloose. I think it's called, anyway, Kevin Bacon is in it and he's totally rocking so I don't care what it's about.” you couldn't be sure but you thought you saw Max tense up a little at your comment on Kevin bacon. Eh, who knows what goes on in that man's head. Who cares? 
           Meeting Jade that afternoon seemed to be a lot harder than it should have been, Max did not let you leave the bed until you were at least three orgasms deep and your voice was hoarse. “Maybe next time we can do it on that kitchen counter.” he says to you after he finally catches his breath. “Max! People eat there!” you were shocked at his remarks but honestly you thought it kind of hot. “Yeah and I want to eat there too.” his smirk was so heavy on his voice your pussy actually quivered at the thought of Max eating you out on the kitchen counter. 
           “Well I need to get dressed and meet my friend, so you better let me get up, or do I need another orgasm to get permission for that?” Max just laughed and waved you off, silently telling you to go get ready. 
Jade had been one of your closest friends since you moved to the big city you now called home. She was sassy and brilliant, an amazingly talented person, you were honestly jealous of her at times, she was an incredible writer and she was almost done film school, she was killing it and you felt like you were lagging behind in life, but that doesn't mean you couldn't be happy for her, (and gather potential black mail so she would put you in one of her movies when she becomes a big amazing director.) 
           “Hi, why haven't you called me in a week and a half?’ “well hello to you too Jade, and it's none of your business but it happens to do with a shared interest of ours.” you hadn't realized that you haven't spoken to her in that long, you can't believe it had only and yet already been a week and a half since you met Max.
“You’re fucking Maxwell Lord, aren’t you?” she deadpanned. You couldn't tell if she was psychic or just pulling a fake out, but alas you put her mind to rest with a (slightly) shouted. “HOW DID YOU KNOW?” okay, fake out, you put your foot in it now. “Yes, but oh my god you can't say anything to anyone okay?” your voice was much quieter now with a lot more stress laced in it. “Oh my god I have to tell everyone. OW! Okay I won’t tell anyone but hold fuck how?” and so you told her. You told her about the bar with the sticky floor, the sex you had in his apartment that night, his car, Darius, the fact that he didn’t want him living at your house so he gave you one of his to live in, the sex you had this morning and the job he gave you. 
“So, you're telling me you gave this guy such a good blow job he made you head of accounting? Your power of sex never ceases to amaze me. Hey when you’re rich can you buy me a house please I’m dying in that apartment, if my brother doesn’t find his own place soon I may actually fucking kill him, and you’re going to have to help me hide the body and I know you don’t like hiding bodies but this is my murder to-” “oh my god shut up, first of all, you say that like he’s gonna give me enough money to buy myself a house let alone you.” you cut her off, it was true, you didn't really anticipate him giving you that much and if Halo’s paycheck was anything to go by you won't have enough to buy yourself a house on that salary, you'll barely be able to afford rent when Maxwell, inevitably, tells you to move out. 
“Oh please I give it a month, two tops, before he's in love with you and asking you to move into his big fancy apartment on the other side of town.” you did like the sound of the big fancy apartment, but neither you nor Max seemed like the type to want a relationship out of your arrangement. “no, this is just sex and money.” you weren't sure if you were telling her or yourself, but you said it with enough conviction that she seemed to believe it. 
“Okay but if you do end up dating the bachelor boy be careful, from what I hear he's bad news and not just business wise. Rumour is that he killed his fiancée a couple years back, they got into a car crash in England and no one has seen her since. He said she lived and left him, but who goes to England and just leaves?” 
You weren't sure how, but you'd never heard that rumour before, sure you'd only moved here 3 years ago but you'd think something like that would be hot news around town for ages. “I’m sure that’s just a rumour Jade he really doesn't seem like the type to be involved in something like murdering his fiancée.” 
“I'm just looking out for you, I could be wrong, but if he tries to take you to England, I'm kidnapping you first. Deal?”
to be continued...
tags: @mandoalorian-mainblog​ @mrschiltoncat​
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jpegjade · 4 years
Prom Misses - Spencer
Angst idea: Spencer and Reader were low-key friends in college and Reader fell in love. Spencer was too insecure and emotionally unavailable to reciprocate. Somehow he ends up reflecting on the "what if" in the future and regretting his past passiveness badly. Thanks! 🤗
Maybe Spence didn't go to his prom because he graduated early and reader had her own reasons for skipping (maybe no date, was a bookworm who felt she didn't fit in)...* Time break* Reader and Spence become friends in the future and realize they missed out and decide to plan their own pseudo+prom: dressing up for a nice dinner with dancing. You're so good at these fics!!
Warnings: it might hurt a little bit bc angsty but the ending is a little bit different than usual. bloop
Spencer sat down at the booth of the diner. It was 11:52 pm and the waitress had served him three cups of coffee and a slice of apple pie. You loved apple pie so he thought he would order a slice before you got there… If you were coming. He believed in you, believed that there was still something left. You made a pact, after all. 5 years later, the two of you would meet at this diner at midnight if there was still something left between you. He didn’t forget; he couldn’t forget. He saved this date in his calendar and looked forward to it for the past 5 years. 
He was halfway done with his third cup of coffee when he heard the door swing open. He turned around only to see another trucker sauntering up to the counter. Spencer heaved a big sigh and thought back to those college days. 
*****5 years ago******
“You want to do what?” Spencer said, looking up from the textbook he was reading. 
You sat on his roommate’s bed, although his roommate didn’t spend any time there. He was always gone and Spencer liked it that way. It was easier to focus when his roommate was gone. On the other hand, he enjoyed when you were able to stop by or when he was able to meet you between classes at the library to help you study. He was already getting his second Ph. D so there was nothing he couldn’t help you with. 
“I want to go to that cheesy heartbreakers dance tonight.” You repeated. “Look, I didn’t get to go to prom. I wasn’t asked and I had too much going on in my life to go by myself. Hell, my friends didn’t even invite me to third wheel on their dates. I had my dress picked out and everything.” 
You smiled sadly at the memory. It was hard to think about, the idea that your friends weren’t there for you and you spent the night crying. 
“I graduated early so I didn’t even get the chance to go to prom.” He said, realizing he missed out on another milestone that other kids got the opportunity to experience. He didn’t really have friends to entertain the idea so what was the point? 
“Exactly. And I think it would be fun for us to go. Stay a little while, drink some of the spiked punch. Experience everything we missed out on and make it our own prom!” You said. “I even have that dress that I wanted to wear…” You trailed off as you watch Spencer’s face stay stoic.
You hated how he could be so unreadable sometimes. You got that it was just how he was but it frustrated you sometimes because you wanted him to give you something to go off of. You just wanted him to say or do something, even if he told you no. In fact, you expected him to tell you no.
“Okay.” He said, finally processing something. “We can go. I’ve read this entire textbook three times and I need to collect my thoughts before I write a letter to the editor, pointing out the obvious flaws in his thinking.” He stood up from his bed, walking over to his closet, rifling around before finding a black dress shirt. 
“Are you going to get dressed?” He said, turning around to look at your surprised face. 
You hopped off the bed and tried your best to hide your smile as you left his room. 
****Present day*****
Spencer tapped his fingers on the table. He checked his phone. 2 minutes closer and there was still no sign of you. He was holding out hope but he was realistic. You weren’t likely to show up. He knew that night… It was hard to remember but it was one of the best nights of his life. 
“I didn’t know if I wanted to come tonight.” You said, sliding into the booth opposite to Spencer. 
His head popped up, straightening his back. He was surprised to see you. It was only a minute until midnight. And you were here. You came...
“I didn’t think you would.” Spencer said, quietly. 
“Like I said, didn’t know if I wanted to.” You were colder than he remembered. You weren’t making eye contact, instead looking around the building. “God, what did we see in this place?” 
It was a shifty diner, for sure, but it was a place the two of you spent so many nights together. 
“It was the pie and coffee.” Spencer said, pushing the apple pie slice towards you. 
You smiled before grabbing the fork to start eating it. Spencer opened his mouth to say something and closed it. What could he say? It had been 5 years. 
“How have you been?” He asked, although he knew the answer to the question. You had been single, hated your roommate so you moved back in with your parents, which wasn’t much better, and you spent a lot of time alone since you never posted about your friends, just your job.
He told Garcia about the meeting earlier that day. He wanted to see what your life was like without leaving a trace, if possible, and Garcia was the best person to do that. 
“It’s been a long 5 years, Spence.” You said, pushing your empty pie plate away. 
His heart skipped a beat. Spence. You were the first person to call him that, before JJ. It gave him hope that there was something there if you could call him that after the past few years. 
“You look nice.” He said, smiling a little. 
He didn’t know where to start. Everything ended so suddenly back then and he didn’t have anything prepared. All that time and he didn’t have anything prepared. 
“Thank you. I’ve been taking care of myself.” You said, finally looking at him. 
“So… You…” He was tripping over his words. Fuck. He should’ve made an agenda. 
“You broke my fucking heart that night, Spencer.” You said, sighing. 
“I know…” He said, suddenly unable to meet your eyes. He thought about that night for years, unable to get your face out of his mind. 
God he was so stupid. Why couldn’t he just… 
“You ruined me and all you did was tell me that you weren’t interested in me. That you had goals and dreams and you needed to focus because at the end of the day, you were going to be alone so you needed to accomplish them. Alone.” You said, recounting everything he said. 
As if he needed to hear them again, you repeated the last word. “Alone.” 
“I’m sorry. At the time I…” Spencer couldn’t come up with the right words. Silence fell over the two of you again.
“I don’t blame you.” You said, pausing as the waitress came by to refill your and Spencer’s coffee cups. “See, I didn’t know what I wanted. All I knew was that I wanted you. I wanted you forever. And I’ve grown up since then. I see where I was wrong.” 
Spencer was speechless. You were really laying it out for him. He couldn’t say anything because he didn’t know what to say. So he let you continue. 
“You were right. At the end of the day, all you had was yourself. You were a self-centered asshole who had goals and expectations for everyone around you and I couldn’t meet those expectations, could I? You were emotionally unavailable and I was too in love with you to see it.” 
Was. Fuck. You had said ‘was,’ as in past tense. Did this mean you were over him? Spencer couldn’t ask. He didn’t dare ask. He didn’t even know where you stood with him. 
“You know what’s really fucked up?” You asked, pausing to let him raise his eyebrow in response. 
His throat felt dry. It was hard for him to focus on anything but you. And you were laser focused on him, he could tell. 
“I still love you. I still love the guy who taps his fingers on the table because he’s nervous. The guy who stops talking because he can’t think of anything to say. The guy who’s too smart for his own good. The guy who… Who let me believe for a second that I had a shot with someone as pure as he is.” 
“I didn’t realize it meant that much to you, that I meant that much to you.” He said, his heart stopping for a moment. 
“Spencer, that’s the problem. You don’t realize because you are so emotionally unavailable that you don’t think that someone would love you as much as I do.” 
Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck. Fuuuuck was all that Spencer could think in that moment. 
A silence followed. The door chimed in the background and a tear fell down your face. You looked up at him and you saw him rubbing his eyes, one at a time. He was crying…
“Can I ask you something?” He said, standing up from the booth. 
“I’m not going anywhere with you, if that’s what you’re asking. I don’t trust myself with you.” You said, looking at his outstretched hand. 
“No. I wanted to know if I could dance with you, even if it’s just one last time. Don’t make any decisions until you hear what I have to say, please…” 
You paused for a moment. You thought about leaving. You thought about leaving him hanging. God you wanted to see him heartbroken like he left you that night. 
“Okay.” You said, taking his hand. 
He led you to a corner of the empty section of the diner. 
He looked at the waitress, who took her cue. She hit play on the jukebox and started the song you danced to that night. The same one that made you realize just how deeply you were in love with him. The one you kissed him to and the one he left you on the dancefloor to… He grabbed your hand and put his other hand on the small of your back. He led, of course, and you fell into step. 
It was just like you remembered it being. The building was basically empty, like that night. He still smelled like peaches and cream but it wasn’t strong. His hands were soft and he was just a little bit off beat but you didn’t mind. But something was different. 
He dipped his head next to your ear, speaking softly and slowly. 
“I can’t fix it. I can’t promise that I’m what you need. I can’t promise that I won’t put my job first. I love my job, I love saving people. It’s all I’ve ever wanted to do. But I’m missing something. I’m missing what we had. I’m missing you. You made me the better version of myself, whether I wanted to admit it or not. I thought I knew everything but it wasn’t until I got to see the relationships that my team held. And I realized that I had something special. I can’t fix us and I don’t want to start over. I just want to…” 
He paused. He didn’t know what else to say. 
“I want to try. You and me.” He finished. “Will you try to let me in again?” 
You rested your head on his chest and closed your eyes before giving him the answer you felt in your heart...
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puddygeeks · 4 years
Wᴇ Cᴏᴍᴇ Rᴜɴɴɪɴɢ - Tʜᴇ 100 Bᴇʟʟᴀᴍʏ x OC - Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 44: Oᴜᴛsɪᴅᴇ Iɴᴛᴇʀғᴇʀᴇɴᴄᴇ
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Rating: Mature
Summary: During her time in the Skybox, Indigo formed a precious friendship with fellow outcast Octavia Blake, the girl under the floor. At first they thought their departure from the oppression of the Ark was a blessing, but quickly came to rely on Indigo's keen survival instincts. The 100 struggle to meet the challenges of Earth whilst Bellamy strives to lead the wavering teenagers and his irresponsible attitude fuels constant conflict with Indigo. Their only shared interest is in protecting Octavia and Indigo beings to suspect that there is a deeper cause to Bellamy's seemingly irrational choices. As the consequences of his actions mount up around him, he finally begins to confide in her and she discovers more than she ever bargained for.
Fandom: CW’s The 100
Pairing: OC x Bellamy Blake
My writing is entirely fuelled by coffee! If you enjoy my work, feel free to donate toward my caffeine dependency: will work for coffee
Warnings: Mature content. Non-consent, language, sex, self harm, suicide, anxiety, helplessness, torture, captivity/confinement, alcohol/drug use.
Chapter Forty-Four
Most of the next week passed studying Trigedasleng with Octavia and although I tried my best, I couldn’t help the feeling that I wasn’t absorbing anything. I returned to Bellamy every evening with a blaring headache and although he was exhausted by his responsibilities with the guard, he could somehow still find the energy to draw me into the comfort of his body. There was never any conversation about my residence in camp and we didn’t discuss finding a place for me with the others in dorms. Instead, we simply fell into a routine that seemed natural and his continued company provided a comfort that I depended on.
This morning Bellamy was summoned to a meeting with Kane and I dressed for another mentally draining day of training with Octavia. I strolled across the courtyard on route to the dorms to check on Jasper, as I did every few days. From the moment that I stepped into this small wing of the dorms and found Monty sitting in an obvious state of stress, I knew that something was wrong. Monty gazed up at me with tired eyes and I felt my stomach twist with anxiety.
“Hey, I was going to check on Jasper but it looks like you could do with some TLC right now.” I explained as I inspected him with concern and he released a long sigh.
“It’s not really the best time to visit him, I’m pretty sure he’s asleep.” Monty commented in a drained tone and I hummed in response to allow him the chance to get his feelings off his chest. “He was pretty frantic last night so I slipped him a sleeping pill. I don’t know what else to do for him, he’s just not getting any better.” Monty breathed with a clear exasperation and I shuffled on my seat. I could easily recognise the strain of the situation in his tense posture and my heart ached for him. 
“He’s been through a lot. Mount Weather was traumatic for us all.” I stated in a non committal attempt at comfort that only seemed to come across as disingenuous. Monty nodded with a distant expression and I attempted to find something helpful to say. “Plus he lost Maya right at the end of it. Grief is a long process, it’ll take time.” I advised as I met his eyes with a gentle, supportive smile and he leaned forward to position his elbows on his knees.
“You were out of bed by now.” He declared in a quiet voice as he spoke toward the ground, avoiding my reaction and I shrugged in response.
“I had suspicions that my only remaining family were in danger. I only left that room because I needed to investigate, you can’t compare the situations. I know it’s difficult Monty. I can’t imagine how hard it is to just watch him going through this, but all we can do is keep being there for him.” I clarified in an effort to guide him away from expecting to hit the same milestones as my experience and he nodded guiltily at me. “You had it pretty rough in there too, cut yourself some slack. How are you adjusting?” I investigated as I carefully examined him. He stared thoughtfully into the distance and I found myself wondering if anyone else had thought to check on him.
“It’s not easy.” He started and I held my hands out to gesture for him to elaborate. It was important to me that he was given a chance to receive support too; he was often so busy offering wisdom to everyone else that I doubted anyone considered his needs. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m grateful to be out of there and back with our own people. It’s just that...well it’s not quite the same as before, is it? We lost people, they lost people. It’s not just our little camp anymore. There’s all these rules and procedures and now we’re just the kids again, as if we didn’t just spend months fighting for our lives.” He ranted with a gradually building frustration behind his words and I remained silent as I listened attentively. 
“And now, my best friend is completely broken and I can’t fix him. You know, the only time he speaks to me at the moment is to remind me that I helped to kill those people. He’s right, I did have a part in that and I have to live with that, which is hard enough already without the constant guilt trips. It’s exhausting, dealing with his behaviour and covering for him so that he doesn’t get in trouble for laying there being a fucking vegetable.” He spat and although I was surprised by his outburst, I maintained my calm exterior as he had done countless times for me. “Sorry Indie, I didn’t mean to say all of that. You’ve got your own shit to deal with.” He grumbled sheepishly and I released a gentle chuckle.
“It’s okay, you clearly needed it.” I remarked with an air of amusement. It was strange to see Monty depart from his wise, calm exterior, even if only temporarily. “Feel better?” I asked and as he nodded, I noticed that his shoulders dropped some of their tension. “Now, what can I do to help? It’s not right for you to deal with him alone. We’re a family, we do this together.” I offered in a determined manner as he sighed thoughtfully.
“I really don’t know if there’s anything you can do.” He mumbled and I waited patiently whilst he visibly considered it. “Some of the other council members are getting frustrated with his absence in mechanical, they’re low on volunteers. I’m doing what I can to fill in for him but there’s only so many shifts I can work. I just need to get him active again.” He spoke in a jumbled up manner that indicated that he was still thinking aloud and I smiled fondly at him.
“Well, I can’t make him better any faster, but I’ve been restricted to light duties. I could cover his shifts for you. I’m not quite at Jasper’s level of brainiac but if you can find someone to teach me the basics, I’ll take the grunt jobs. Can’t be as hard as you smart asses make it look.” I teased as I elbowed him playfully and I felt a pang of sadness when I wasn’t able to encourage a smile from him in return.
“I can’t ask you to do that Indie.” Monty mumbled as he avoided my gaze and his face contorted into a guilty grimace that seemed completely out of place on him. I couldn’t stand the thought that he would rather suffer through so much alone than ask for help and so I leaned down to meet his eyes.
“You’re not asking me to do anything. Jasper is family, I’m happy to help him however I can.” I asserted. “Besides, what else am I busy with?” I argued and his tired eyes finally raised to meet mine with a relieved smile.
“I know a guy who owes me a favour… if you really don’t mind, I can ask him to mentor you.” He conceded and I nodded keenly in response. “But I’m not letting you take all of Jasper’s shifts. You’ve done enough for this camp already, I want you to take some time to take care of yourself.” He clarified in a firm voice and I laughed lightly at his protectiveness.
“I will if you do.” I offered with a raised brow and he shrugged in defeat.
By the time I had survived my intense lesson with Octavia, I was ready to collapse. Now that Abby had declared me as fit for light exercise, we’d moved onto basic prep for combat training. Octavia was reluctant to fully spar with me, despite my insistence that I was feeling healthier and instead led me through simple footwork and postures. Regardless, it was unexpectedly tiring after months of allowing my body to deteriorate and I had to admit defeat earlier than usual. I returned to Bellamy’s quarters for a fresh set of clothes after working up a sweat in my first outfit. I was surprised when he wandered inside and it was clear from his reaction that he hadn’t expected to find me here. There was a nervousness in his demeanour as he viewed me which caused my stomach to flip with anticipation.
“You’re back early, I thought you’d be busy with Octavia for a while yet.” He stated as he met my gaze with an expression as if he’d been caught in the act and I could feel nerves building in my chest as I considered numerous situations that could be causing his unusual behaviour.
“Short lesson today. How was your meeting?” I asked as I cocked a brow at him suspiciously and he cleared his throat. I noticed that he shifted on the spot and rubbed at the back of his neck, which were his telltale signs of avoidance. He dragged his eyes back from the floor with an obvious reluctance and sighed deeply in a defeated manner.
“Kane’s sending the guard out for a patrol. He wants me to lead the training group.” He revealed with a hesitance in his tone that revealed he was expecting a negative reaction and I felt my posture stiffen despite my best efforts to contain it.
“When?” I hoped that if I kept my responses short that I could veil the intense anxiety I felt at this idea but my voice broke as the word left my lips and I cursed myself inwardly.
“This afternoon.” He confirmed and I felt my heart jump into my throat. I stared back at him with wide eyes as I tried to gulp down my concern and he stepped closer with a reassuring smile. “It’s only a simple scan of the area. He wants us to start mapping out our surroundings so we can set up regular patrols. We shouldn’t be gone for long.” He explained as I battled to suppress the fear that threatened to overwhelm me.
“Okay.” I breathed with a forced tone of calm. Despite the crushing anxiety that I felt, I understood that I couldn’t hold him in camp all of the time and that if I desired for life to return to normal, I had to trust him to remain safe. I felt nauseous as I reminded myself that I couldn’t suffocate him and concentrated on controlling my nerves. “I get it, makes sense. Please be safe.” I answered with a forced smile and he gently reached out to put a hand on my arm to stabilise me.
“I’ll be okay.” He asserted and I nodded nervously. “Will you?” He asked with his brows furrowing in concern. I knew that he was reluctant to leave me alone and smiled at his care.
“I’ll manage. Monty’s gonna fix me up with some shifts in mechanical, he needs help filling in for Jasper whilst he’s...well, you know. So I’ll focus on arranging that.” I explained with an awkward shrug and I noticed a hint of guilt in Bellamy’s face at the mention of Jasper’s condition.
“Sounds good. I didn’t realise that was a skill of yours.” He winked playfully and I pushed him as I scoffed. He sighed thoughtfully and his smile faded before he spoke again. “He needs to get out of bed eventually. Maybe having a role will help him. I could add him to the guard training group?” He suggested and I hummed in consideration.
“I don’t think he’s ready for that right now.” I muttered with a remorseful expression. “It’s a good thought for the future though. He’s always been brave, protecting camp might bring some of that back.” I agreed and he nodded back.
“I’ve gotta round up the troops. I’ll be careful, you make sure you do the same whilst I’m gone.” He stated as he took my face in his hands and stared into my eyes with intensity.
“Don’t take any risks out there Bel. I don’t care what Kane says, you come back safe.” I whispered and he smiled fondly before bringing his lips to mine in a lingering kiss. My hands found his arms to cling to and I subconsciously held him in place. It was only a simple outing, I acknowledged that I was being unreasonable but the anxiety bubbled in my chest regardless. 
The moment that Bellamy left to prepare for the mission, I sought out Monty in an effort to occupy my mind and was stunned to discover that he was dressed in guard uniform. I couldn’t prevent my worry from flooding into my face as I scanned him and when he met my eyes, he smiled encouragingly.
“You’re going too?” I asked in a small, nervous voice and he nodded in confirmation. “Bellamy didn’t mention that you were part of his group.” I stated with sadness dripping from my words as he zipped up his guard jacket and I gulped at the crest glinting proudly on his chest.
“Yeah, Miller and Harper too. It’ll be good to get out on missions again, I’m starting to feel like a hermit.” He smiled genuinely and I recalled his words from this morning. It seemed that he needed this post more than I had initially realised and I tried not to allow my nerves to dampen his enthusiasm.
“Sounds like they took the full Mount Weather fighter crew. I’m glad you’ll have those two to watch your back.” I smiled as I spoke in an effort to conceal my feelings and strained to force my voice into a higher pitch. “Any chance you could set me up with this contact of yours before you head out? I could do with the distraction whilst you’re all gone.” I added in a forced casual tone and he shrugged.
“Thought you might. I’ve already prepared Knox that you might show up and he confirmed there is a shift this afternoon if you want it. Raven’s going to keep an eye on Jasper whilst I’m gone so you don’t have to worry about that either.” He informed and I smiled at how well prepared he was for my anxiety. “We’ll be alright, Indie. Bellamy will keep us safe and I’ll keep an eye on him for you.” He winked and I felt my eyes well up slightly with appreciation.
“Maybe you should keep an eye on Harper whilst you’re out there.” I teased, earning a playful slap on the arm.
The mechanical unit was bustling upon my arrival and it was difficult to seek out my new mentor with only a name. After wandering aimlessly for a while, I was approached by a young looking man with dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. He waved awkwardly as he neared and it was clear that he was a skittish personality.
“Hey, you must be Knox?” I addressed him with an uncertain expression which earned a nervous smile when he reached me.
“Indigo?” He asked and I nodded in confirmation. “Monty’s told me a lot about you. Come on, I’ll show you our work room.” He explained quietly and I followed as he shuffled through the halls. We arrived in an area of the unit that appeared to be an old hangar and he led me to a corner that was separated by rows of shelves containing numerous boxes of supplies, surrounding a large workbench. “This is our new office. I’ve gotta ask, how much experience have you got with these kinda tasks? Were you on Mecha?” He enquired with a friendly interest in his smile and I shrugged.
“No, actually I grew up on Arrow station, sector B.” I revealed and noticed that he hummed in understanding as his expression became sympathetic. Everyone knew that Sector B was badly maintained and practically falling apart. The only families who resided there were those of little importance and stature. It was equal only with the sector that Bellamy and Octavia grew up in and I had often considered whether our shared understanding of the struggles of growing up under that kind of strain was the foundation for our bonds. “But it was just my mother and I, so most of the fixing things were down to me. So I guess you could say...some limited experience, but a ton of enthusiasm?” I clarified with a light tone and he chuckled under his breath.
“Well, enthusiasm always helps. Let’s get started on some basics.” He remarked as he led me to the workbench.
I spent the rest of the afternoon working on simple, repetitive tasks with Knox, who gradually opened up to me with my continued persuasion. He revealed that he had grown up on Agro station with Monty and Jasper and as a result he knew the two of them well. Their time on Earth had changed them substantially from how he remembered them, but he still considered them friends and, like me, he wished to help Jasper however he could.
By the time that it became dark outside the guard group still hadn’t returned and I found myself growing restless. I was relieved to finish the shift and hurried to the boys quarters to investigate whether Raven had heard anything from them. When I entered their dorm, she seemed exhausted and barely managed to confirm that there had been no word from the group between Jasper’s manic outbursts in the background. She sighed in exasperation as she explained that she hadn’t expected to be on babysitting duty for this long and I offered to take her place until Monty and the others returned. She practically snapped my hand off in enthusiasm at this offer and bolted from the space, leaving me alone with Jasper. I pulled up a chair to sit nearby as he paced the room in an anxious state and watched him with sympathetic eyes.
“What can I do to help you Jasper?” I spoke in a gentle voice in fear of startling him and he halted in place as he turned to view me with wide eyes.
“Nothing!” He hissed with an outraged expression and I held my position firmly against his aggression. “You can’t take the pain away, no one can. How am I supposed to carry on after what happened?” He rambled as he resumed pacing and tugged at the roots of his hair obsessively.
“I don’t know, I don’t have the answers for you. Did you think any more about your new focus?” I suggested in a calm tone and he scoffed at me scornfully.
“I can’t think about it. I can’t think about anything other than Maya’s face as she died in my arms. Don’t you remember what it’s like? Or have you forgotten now that you have your precious Bellamy back?” He spat in an accusing tone and I felt my back straighten defensively. Monty had mentioned he could be a handful but I was surprised by the extent.
“I won’t ever forget how that felt or how lucky I am to be in the situation that I am now. I understand how you feel Jasper, I know that you’re hurting and I’m trying to help you.” I appealed to him gently and was shocked when he viewed me with a disdain that made my stomach twist.
“You want to help me? I doubt you can even concentrate with Bellamy still out of camp. I know how one track minded you are when it comes to him. How can you even think about helping me when you’re sitting here pining over your boyfriend who gave the order to kill all of those people. He’s a fucking murderer!” Jasper’s voice gradually raised from a spiteful hiss into furious yelling and I was stunned at his behaviour. I had hardly ever seen him so much as raise his voice before and although I understood that he was grieving, I didn’t recognise the person standing in front of me.
“In case you’ve forgotten, so am I! I was when I arrived and I’ve lost track of how many people I’ve killed since then.” I reminded him with a firm voice and watched his temper finally begin to calm at my words. “We’ve all done things since we arrived here that we would never have imagined ourselves doing. The cost of survival has been high and some people in particular have had to make decisions which are way outside of their experience. Bellamy, Clarke, all of the leadership have done the best they can in impossible situations, I would expect you to understand that better after the responsibility you had in Mount Weather. You don’t have to agree with their choice, but it’s done now. Grieving or not, you do not get to punish them for it forever Jasper. Your feelings don’t give you a free pass to be a dick and that goes especially for your treatment of Monty.” I advised and fixed him with a stern look as he became sheepish under my scrutiny. “You want to be angry with someone? Be angry with me, I can take it. But you need to stop pushing everyone else away. We all care about you, let us help.” As I finished speaking, I witnessed his face crumble to upset and fresh tears rolled down his cheeks.
“It just...it hurts all the time. How do I make it stop?” He struggled to get the words out between the frantic sobs that wracked his chest and I rushed forward to pull him into a tight embrace. He surrendered himself into my grip as I placed a hand on the back of his head and could easily feel a few small sections where he’d already pulled hair out in his stress.
“I know my darling, I know. I wish I could make it stop for you.” I whispered as I rubbed his back calmingly and waited for him to compose himself. By the time he leaned out of my grip, I had lost track of how long he had cried into my shoulder and I noticed that he immediately returned to tugging at his roots in a gesture of stress. I gently took his hand in mine and encouraged it away from his nervous habit. “You need to stop doing that, you’ll have no hair left soon.” I smiled tenderly at him as he dried his eyes.
“I’m sick of it, it’s driving me insane. I need a change. I was thinking about shaving it off.” He mumbled and as he met my eyes I struggled to contain my horror at this idea. “I...I know you said you wanted to help me, I can’t do it myself. I have the graders already. Could you...do you mind doing it for me?” He requested with an evident vulnerability in his voice and I felt dread forming in my stomach. I truly wanted to assist him in any way that I could, but this felt like such a betrayal to the young, naive Jasper, who I still remembered pushing back his scruffy mane with a dorky set of goggles. The memory of his smiling, hopeful face caused my heart to ache as I looked into his eyes which revealed the same lifeless void that mine had shown only weeks ago.
“If it will help you, of course.” I agreed as I forced a smile and noticed visible signs of surprise in his face. “It’s just hair right, it grows back.” I commented and he sighed with relief. Once I had witnessed his response, I became certain in my decision and set everything up for the task. 
A wave of nerves crashed over me as I sat with Jasper on the floor between my knees and the graders in my hand. I took the last opportunity to run my fingers through his slightly patchy, scruffy locks to commit them to memory before I carefully ran the contraption through and watched the first clump of hair drop to the ground. Jasper’s shoulders relaxed as if the hair itself was a weight lifted and I clenched my jaw in an effort to contain the tears that filled my eyes. I couldn’t explain why this felt so significant a change, but as I worked through all of the hair, it felt as if I was letting go of all of the people we’d once been. My mind reflected on the changes in all of us in our time here, the suffering and hardship that we’d all had to endure and a bitterness that I had denied until now surged in my chest.
When I finished, Jasper stood to shake off the remaining hair and strode straight to a mirror to check my work. I sniffed back the tears and ensured that my calm facade was still in place. There was a hint of a smile in the corner of his lips when he returned to me and I treasured the feeling that I’d managed to restore it. He sat opposite me wordlessly and I glanced up at a clock to check the time. It was getting late and my stomach churned with anxiety as I considered what could have happened to the missing group. I turned my gaze back to Jasper with a sigh.
“Well, looks like I’ll be sleeping here, if you don’t mind. I’ll go crazy waiting by myself.” I admitted in an effort to conceal the fact that I was too afraid to leave him unsupervised and he nodded. “Not that I’ll be doing much sleeping.” I added in a small voice as I wrung my hands together nervously and Jasper rose to his feet to cross the room.
“Ah, I have a solution to that particular problem.” He announced as he rooted around in the cupboards before he appeared gripping a familiar bottle. “Monty’s private stash. Join me?”
Hours passed in the quiet room as Jasper and I sipped on moonshine and I obsessively stared at a walkie talkie that Raven had stolen for me. The group were still using the homemade set from our old camp and Jasper pointed out that they were only for short range use. I tried to comfort myself with the assurance that they were simply of our range and didn’t allow my mind to obsess over the fact that they hadn’t planned to travel far. Jasper fell asleep in a stressed heap and I was left with the remainder of the bottle, which had succeeded in making me tired as I intended, but was not enough to help me sleep off my terror. Eventually, I must have collapsed from a mixture of exhaustion and intoxication as I was overwhelmingly haunted by nightmares. 
“Arkadia, this is Squad Blake. We’re almost back at camp, prepare to open the gates.” I woke with a start when the radio crackled and I stared at it with a rush of adrenaline. I felt my stomach flip at the sound of Bellamy’s voice through the tinny speaker and leapt to my feet. 
I darted from the room and out into the courtyard at the exact moment that the gates and the group were dragging themselves inside. Some of them were supporting each other to walk and they all appeared to have had a gruelling time outside. My gaze anxiously flitted over the team as they filtered inside and I was pleased to witness Harper and Miller seeming relatively unharmed. When Monty appeared I started to power walk toward the gate and as Bellamy finally shuffled inside at the back of the team, I broke into a jog. 
I threw myself into his arms before he’d even registered my arrival and knocked him back in surprise. There were several chuckles from the group behind me but I ignored them as I squeezed Bellamy and he embraced me in return. After a few moments of reassurance I stepped back only to seize Monty in a similarly oppressive bear hug and he snorted in laughter at my display of affection. I extracted myself from the hug to view them both with exasperation.
“Where were you? You said you weren’t going to be long!” I grilled as Monty shifted awkwardly out of my gaze and Bellamy simply flashed a guilty smile.
“I’m sorry for scaring you Love. Things didn’t go to plan.” He stated in a light tone as he tucked his hands into his pockets and I scoffed in frustration.
“No shit, longest night of my life.” I commented firmly causing a chuckle from him, before I noticed the dark circles under his eyes and the unsteady form of his posture. “Looks like it was long for you too. Are you alright?” I asked in a softer voice as I scanned him closely for any signs of injury.
“It’s been rough, but I’m fine. Better now I’m back with you.” He remarked with a sneaky wink and I smiled fondly at him. “I’ve gotta debrief with Kane and will have to make sure all the equipment gets returned properly. Meet me in my room after?” He requested as he squeezed my arm affectionately and I could no longer hold my air of annoyance in the face of his sparkling smile.
“Sure, but I’m not sure when I’ll be free. I’ve got another session with Octavia and I need to check with Knox when my next shift is.” I thought aloud as I noticed some of the others were getting rather impatient as they waited for him. “I’ll be there tonight, definitely.” I confirmed as I stepped away but before I could get far he grabbed my arm to pull me back to him.
“Wait a second, who’s Knox?” He enquired with a brow cocked at me in suspicion and I was surprised by the firmness of his grip.
“He’s a friend of Monty’s from the Ark, he’s mentoring me so I can get up to speed with covering for Jasper.” I explained casually and I noticed that Bellamy seemed displeased with this information. There was a darkness in his eyes that I hadn’t seen before and I was thrown off guard by how quickly his attitude had changed.
“Wait, you started that already? I thought Monty was teaching you?” He grilled as he examined me closely and I shifted awkwardly under his scrutiny. I couldn’t understand why he was behaving this way over something that I had been honest with him about and that was completely innocent in nature.
“No, I said Monty was going to arrange the shifts for me.” I clarified as he furrowed his brows at me in disapproval, as if I had intentionally given him incorrect information. “Why are you being weird? I told you about this and you agreed it was a good idea.” I recalled in a defensive tone as I crossed my arms at him and he scoffed in disbelief.
“Yeah, well, that was before I knew it was some random guy you were working with.” He stated in exasperation and I could tell from his body language that he was genuinely riled by this discovery. “I didn’t realise you’d be busy with him whilst I was missing.” He added bitterly as he avoided meeting my eyes and I raised my brows at him.
“Oh come on! That was a low blow, okay. I needed the distraction. Also, he’s basically a kid-”
“Bellamy! Are you coming?!” Miller called out, interrupting me mid-flow and I growled in annoyance.
“I’ll see you later.” He groaned as he reluctantly tore himself away from me and I was left to simmer in my temper.
I was glad for my session with Octavia this morning, as it allowed me to burn off some of the stress. Now that we had progressed to basic combat, Lincoln joined in with the instructing. My time with the two of them mostly consisted of me trying to attack, whilst they demonstrated how much faster they were and I found every possible way of face-planting the ground. It was a struggle to keep going after the heavy exhaustion of the night, but the well of anger in my mind kept me fuelled. 
By midday when we broke off, Octavia praised me for my grit and revealed that the determination to always get back up was a vital part of being a grounder. This was an amusing discovery for me, as stubbornness had never been a praised part of my personality in the past and I was pleased that my lack of regard for when the odds were too stacked against me was finally beneficial.
When I arrived at mechanical, Knox confirmed that Monty was due to cover the afternoon shift for Jasper but hadn’t turned up. I calculated that he was likely either still being briefed, or had completely forgotten about it after the strain of the night and volunteered to work in his place. Knox and I set up in our assigned corner and although I felt completely tapped from my morning activities, I fought to keep focused on the mind numbing tasks that I was assigned. I could feel the pounding of a headache creeping in, despite the very light hangover and I realised as nausea struck that I hadn’t managed to eat anything. Knox wandered closer to hand me a bottle of water with a knowing look and I smiled thankfully before taking a long drink.
“Rough night?” He stated with an understanding smile and I deduced that he had likely been worried for Monty too.
“The roughest in a while and that’s saying something. Lots of people I care for in that guard group.” I confirmed and he nodded back with a sympathetic expression.
“It’s been hard for you guys down here, huh?” He mumbled and avoided my gaze as he spoke. I knew that things hadn’t been easy on the Ark either, but until now I hadn’t considered what it was like for those loved ones of the 100 who weren’t privileged enough to hear the communications. Sure, Jaha let the camp radio their families once, but in the weeks before that they had no idea whether we’d survived the landing and most were likely still unaware of the hardships that we’d endured since. “Monty and Jasper are so different, I guess you all must be.” He added under his breath and I sighed thoughtfully.
“It’s been touch and go for all of us from the start.” I stated as I reflected on the chaos of our first camp and realised that there was no way we would ever be able to simplify those times into a summary for the others that would adequately convey the strain of the experiences. “Literally from day one where I watched Jasper get speared through the chest.” I muttered thoughtlessly and Knox’s eyes grew wide. “Yeah, welcome to Earth, right.” I sighed as I tried to think of a way to explain our hardened personalities. 
“I could sit here and tell you every little thing that happened at our old camp, but it still wouldn’t put you in the same head space as the boys. We struggled for every basic need, almost starved or froze to death more times than I could count. People died, kids died and we couldn’t stop it. Everyone in that camp went through trauma and the only reason that we survived was because of our bonds. We grew together and became what we had to, but underneath that, we’re still the same people. Whatever relationship you had with the boys before, they haven’t forgotten it.” I reassured and he seemed taken aback by my honesty. He got to his feet awkwardly and cleared his throat.
“I didn’t get a chance to eat this morning, I’m gonna grab some food. Do you need anything?” He asked with a concerned expression and I groaned with relief.
“God, yes.”
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Stark Spangled Banner Ch47: Use Your Words, Old Man
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Intro: Jamie reaches another milestone, and 2021 ticks by with many more memories for the Rogers and Stark family.
Warnings: Bad Language words. Smut! (NSFW) No under 18s. Tony teaching his nephew bad words…
Pairing: Steve Rogers x OFC Katie Stark
Stark Spangled Banner Masterlist 
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May 2021
“Jamie…no!” Steve swooped down and picked up the tot who had been toddling, unsteadily albeit towards Lucky giggling away. Lucky, however, was fast enough to understand and jumped up bolting towards the door of the room, leaping over the baby gate to avoid Jamie’s vice like grip on his ears.
“NO!” The toddler giggled and Steve stopped dead. Katie looked up and her mouth fell open.
“Did he just…” she held her breath. The 14 month old had been uttering the odd thing that sound like a word for a good few months but nothing that anyone would recognise as a proper term until then.
“Yeah I think so!” Steve grinned, looking at her then his son “Did you just talk buddy? Did you just say no?” “NO! No, No!” Jamie wriggled in his dad’s arms, grabbing at his once more present beard. Katie, who had managed to get the last few iterations of the word on her phone camera grinned as Steve placed him back on the floor where he headed over to this play-mat and landed with a thud on the floor, picking up a pile of the large, coloured blocks he liked to play with.
“Of course his first word would be No.” She sighed as Steve sat on the couch next to her. He laughed and dropped a hand to her knee.
“To be fair, honey, that’s what we spend half our time telling him one way or another.” Katie snorted, that much was true. Since he had been fully mobile and walking unaided over the last two months they had constantly been moving things out of his reach or removing them from his grasp often followed by the word. Nine times out of ten the tot was content to let them do so, but the odd time he would throw a temper tantrum to rival those of Katie’s at which point Steve would simply sigh, throw him over a shoulder and wait until he gave in.
“NO!” Jamie called again, clacking the bricks together and Steve gave a grin and moved off the couch to drop by his son on the play-mat. Katie watched the two of them for a moment, smiling to herself. She knew it was a cliché but she literally couldn’t have wished for a better father for either of her kids. They were experiencing first parenting issues at both ends of the spectrum, with Emmy five months off her fourteenth birthday and Jamie two months on from his 1st. It wasn’t easy, hell, they spent half their time second guessing their decisions. Where they being too strict or too lenient with Emmy? Was Jamie developing right? Where his toys educational enough? Was the floor clean enough for him to be crawling or lying on with having a dog in the house? But, when she saw moments like this, Jamie now trying to push his large, red MegaBlock into his Dad’s mouth, Steve clamping his lips together and shaking his head making their son screech with laughter, all her worries faded away.
Jamie really was fast turning into a miniature version of his dad, which was another thing Katie loved. Steve himself didn’t see it, but there had been a moment a few weeks back where the soldier had recognised someone he knew, loved and missed daily in his son, and it had choked both Parents up.
Steve was led on his back on the bed, Jamie cackling away as his dad was holding him at arms-length and then bringing him back down again to blow a raspberry on his cheek, repeating the motion over and over again, until he paused and his eyes widened a little. Katie frowned slightly at the look on his face. Steve gulped as he looked into his son’s eyes, their familiarity hitting him like a brick.
“Honey what is it?” Katie asked, as his eyes misted up and he swallowed thickly.
“His eyes. Do you think they’ll carry on turning green?”
Katie frowned “I don’t know, I doubt it. Apparently most babies, if their eyes are gonna change, will have done it by six months. Why do you ask?”
“I just, well, I never thought I’d see those eyes again.” he whispered, gently resuming his actions.
“I’m not following.” Katie frowned
“They err, he has ma’s eyes” Steve said, his voice was choked as he looked at her, bringing Jamie down to his chest, a soft smile playing on his face.
“Then you see your mother’s eyes every time you look in the mirror.” Katie smiled, leaning over to give him a soft kiss as her own chest felt slightly tighter than normal. She wiped a tear Steve hadn’t even been aware he’d shed off his check gently with her thumb, leaving her hand trailing softly across his skin. “Because when I look at him all I see is you. Those eyes are yours.”
He looked up at her and smiled, “yeah?” “Yeah.” she nodded, “I think you’re more like your mother than you realise sweetheart, maybe not in looks completely but, well, she raised you single handed. You’re  the man you are because of her.”
“She was a fantastic woman.” Steve sighed.
“Well then you should be proud.” Katie said, and he smiled looking over at her.
“ I am.” he replied softly, his attention going back to his son. “And you know what else I’m proud of?”
“That you’re a Mrs Rogers too.” he looked at her again “I know it’s just a name but, I really am glad you took it. Jamie has a Rogers momma as good as mine, helping to carry the name forward.”
“You sentimental sap.” Katie sniffed slightly as her own tears threatened to spill from her eyes.
“I love you so much.” he beamed at her, pressing his lips to hers softly. “Even if you are still a Stark really.” She laughed against his lips and gently hit him on the chest “Jerk.”
Katie turned back to the laptop she’d been looking at, flicking through a few spreadsheets with the latest figures the SIDE accountants had produced. Steve and Emmy’s idea around the support groups had been well received by everyone involved with the foundation and as such they’d started drafting up the paper work and working out the estimated funding. Steve had consulted Rhodey about the programme and the Colonel had enthusiastically agreed it was a great idea, and as such they’d pitched it to the Government, President Ellis’ reaction had been the same as theirs – why didn’t we think of this before- As such, they were currently working up the particulars, how they set up across the country, mobilisation, publicity…and Steve had taken up control of the project, his natural leadership qualities made him a superb Project Manager. He’d also expressed an interest in actually running the ones across New York himself, another way he felt he could help. They were aiming to open the first ones in September, running 2 a week for the time being, just to see how well they were received and, from a purely selfish point of view, Katie was enjoying working alongside him again and having him at home permanently instead of traveling with the Military.
“How many groups do you think you’re gonna have eventually?” she asked and Steve tuned to look at her.
“I dunno.” he shrugged “I’d like eventually to maybe run them three times a week, twice a day. Give everyone who wants to come a chance to you know…why?” “Just drilling into these numbers. I reckon we have enough to fund that to start with,” she paused, “and if the government meet our request then we can step it up.” He nodded “I put the design idea in for the fliers and posters yesterday. Has to be the mot sombre thing I’ve ever drawn.”
“I know.” she said softly “But it’s gonna make a difference Steve, focus on that.”
He was about to reply but he was cut off when they heard the voice from the security system informing them that the gate had been opened by “Emmy Rogers”. Steve glanced at the clock and frowned.
“It’s not even 1?” 
“They’re on half day” Katie didn’t look up from the numbers on the screen “Teacher training or something.”
Moments late the front door opened and the chatter of two excited teenage girls hit their ears and Lucky gave a bark, his nails clicking on the wooden floor as he trotted through from where he had been on his bed under the stairs to greet Emmy.
“I know…” Emmy was saying, as her voice grew louder “I mean, I never thought they’d do anything like this not after the Decimation but…hi buddy!”
They heard Lucky’s excited whine and then they appeared in the doorway.
“Never thought they’d do anything like what?” Steve asked instantly and Emmy rolled her eyes.
“Do you earwig into every conversation I have?” she rolled her eyes, opening the baby-gate and stepping into the room.
“Yes.” Steve deadpanned. “Spill.” “Geography field trip Mr R.” Brooke grinned “Hamilton for the Niagara Escarpment.”
“Canada?” Katie smiled before her smile turned to a smirk as she side eyed Steve “I had a vacation in Canada once…” Steve shot her a glare and his voice dropped to a growl “That’s not funny.” he said sternly. The memory of what she’d been through wasn’t a laughing matter as far as he was concerned. She flashed him a grin and he rolled his eyes.
“So when is it?”
“Last week of term in June” Emmy answered, reaching down to pick Jamie up who had toddled over to his sister excitedly chattering jibberish as he went “Just for three nights. I know it’s really short notice but apparently they weren’t sure they could pull it off. Hi Jay!” she swung him up and kissed the little boy on the cheek as Brooke gently tweaked his nose causing him to laugh.
“6 weeks, yeah that is short notice.” Katie said. “Do you wanna go?” Emmy’s eyes lit up and she nodded “I’d love to.” Steve took in a deep breath and Katie looked at him. She could see him grappling with something but Jamie spoke before he could.
“Did he just talk?” Emmy’s eyes widened.
“Yeah, he hasn’t shut up saying it for the last hour.” Katie grinned “Look, have you got the details of the trip?” “In my bag.” she nodded. “Ok well leave them on the table, me and your dad will give it the once over and we’ll talk about it later.”
Emmy placed Jamie down on the floor and fished in her bag for the forms before she dropped them onto the coffee table with a soft slap. Jamie wandered this time over to Katie who set her laptop down and picked him up. He sat on her lap and gently wound his hand into her hair, rubbing his face into her neck the way he always did when he was tired.
“I’m gonna put him down for a nap.” Katie stood up and looked at the 2 girls. “What are you doing this afternoon?”
“Pool!” they both said, sharing a hi-five before Emmy looked at her mom, the familiar hopeful expression on her face she always got when she was about to ask for something.
“Can we get Thai tonight? It is Friday.” “Dontcha mean Thaiday…” Steve quipped causing Katie to groan as Emmy picked up a cushion off the couch with her spare arm and hit her dad with it.
“That is so lame” Emmy rolled her eyes as Brooke cackled. “C’mon…”
Katie watched as they left the room, Steve still chuckling at his own joke.
“She’s right.” Katie looked at him, gently re-arranging Jamie slightly as he had started to nod off “That was lame.”
Steve gave her a look of mock hurt, clutching his chest, before she left and he sat up to read the information Emmy had left on the table. He was struggling a little bit between wanting to let her go and also the worry that had instantly flooded his system about her being safe. He carefully read the information, the trip was almost three-fifty, not that it mattered, and was for three nights. They were to fly into Toronto and then coach down. The activities looked good, and quick google showed him the hotel looked fairly reasonable and was in a nice enough area…
“I knew you’d be on that as soon as you could be.” Katie laughed and Steve looked up at her from his spot on the floor by the table and he gave a sheepish grin.
“Busted,” he sighed, “I just wanted to look into it properly. You know I really want her to go and enjoy stuff like this but…” “We can’t keep her sheltered Steve.” Katie reasoned, “No matter how much we want to. She’s gonna be fourteen this time round.” “I know, I know.” He sighed “Do you think we should let her go?” “Yeah, I do.” Katie nodded “We’re lucky enough to be able to afford things like that for our kids, plenty of other families aren’t.”
Steve’s tongue poked the inside of his cheek for a moment as he considered his wife’s words. She was right. Emmy would never have been on a trip like this before, and it did look like a lot of fun.
“Alright.” He heaved himself up off the floor “You’ve convinced me.” Katie grinned “If only everything was that easy.” “It is.” he arched an eyebrow. “All you have to do is pull those eyes at me.” “What eyes?” she asked innocently. “You know damned well what eyes. Those eyes. The ones that can get me to do whatever you want.” “Is it working now?” she looked up at him, flicking her eyelashes. “Why, what do you want?” he asked, smirking, knowing full well what she was implying as her hands slid up his chest.
“Well the girls are out at the pool,” she said, her eyes now on the buttons of his Henley as she started to undo them, “and Jamie’s asleep…” Grinning he span her round, shoved her gently forward and aimed a smack to her ass causing her to yelp playfully “Get up those stairs Mrs Rogers.” He said, and the pair of them hurried off, giggling like a pair of naughty school kids till they reached their bedroom, where the giggles turned into shared moans, groans and happy sighs.
**** “Thanks for dropping Brooke off.” Jennifer smiled the next morning, placing a latte down in front of Katie.
“It was no problem, I had to come this way on my way up to the compound anyway.” Katie smiled and then frowned slightly as she noticed the look on her friend’s face.
“You alright?” She asked gently.
“Not really,” she said, sitting down. “Brooke called last night about the field trip…” Katie nodded “Yeah Steve wasn’t so keen but I talked him round. The girls seem to be looking forward to it.” “That’s the thing.” Jen sighed, rubbing her temple “I really want Brooke to go but, well, business hasn’t been what it used to be before, you know, and I’m not sure I can afford for her to go, not at such short notice.” Katie instantly felt like a jerk. She knew she was incredibly privileged to be so wealthy but was well aware many weren’t as fortunate.
“I haven’t had the heart to tell her yet.” Jen said. Katie bit her lip.
“Jen,” she leaned over the table dropping her voice, “if you want…” “No.” Jen shook her head, her lips pressing into a thin line, instantly understanding what Katie was offering “I’m not a charity case.” her voice was clipped. “No, that’s not what I meant.” Katie hastily assured the woman “Honestly, I didn’t mean to offend you.” “I know.” Jen shook her head “Sorry, that was really ungrateful.” “It’s fine.” Katie said, “But the offers there. We could consider it a loan if you liked.” Jen chewed her lip, and Katie saw her friend’s eyes begin to water.
“Look,” Katie gripped her mug “It’s a couple of hundred bucks. And this probably sounds crass but I make more money than I know what to do with.”
“Sorry, I just hate this, you know.” Jen hastily wiped her face “A few years ago this place was thriving and now, well I just about make enough to cover bills and the thought she is the one that has to miss out…” “Then let me help.” Katie pleaded, looking at the red head opposite her “Brooke’s been a good friend to Emmy and, well, from a selfish point of view I’d be a lot more comfortable if they were together.”
“That’s really kind of you.” Jennifer nodded after a pause “Are you sure? I’ll pay you back as soon as I can.”
“Whenever, it’s not a big deal.” Katie nodded, smiling “On one condition.” “What?”
“You sneak me one of your delicious brownies every once in a while.” Jenifer laughed “Oh honey, you and Steve can get free coffee and brownies for life.” “Erm, yeah, pretty sure in a month you’d be bankrupt if I told Steve that.” Katie grinned and Jenifer smiled.
“Would you like to come over?” she asked suddenly “The pair of you, for dinner maybe? Tonight? Emmy and Jamie as well, of course.”
“I think that should be ok.” Katie smiled “We’re not doing anything that I know of.”
“Great, well, Emmy can stay here if she likes, sure once I tell Brooke she can go they’ll be planning all sorts of mischief.”
“I dread to think” Katie mused “You know I went on a field trip to San Fran one year. I was 16. Me and my friend, a girl called Laura, I made some fake ID and we got plastered in a bar. Tony absolutely kicked my ass, although he told me a few years later he was actually quite impressed at the quality of my forgeries.”
Jennifer snorted “Yeah, this isn’t exactly filling me full of confidence.”
Katie laughed “Emmy is much better behaved than I was at that age.” She drained her mug and stood up. “I best be going.”
“Sure, see you tonight? What time will suit with Jamie?”
“Well he normally goes down about seven and he’ll just sleep in his car seat.” Katie smiled “So say six ish? I can feed him and settle him then at yours before we eat.”
“Fab.” Jenifer stood up and Katie mirrored her “And thank you.”
“My pleasure.” she smiled, and she handed Jen her mug. Once the woman was out of sight she dug into her purse and dropped the customary twenty bucks into the tip jar.
Steve was in the kitchen when he heard his wife come home. He didn’t move though, he was too busy watching his son, trying to figure out how the hell the fourteen month old had managed to climb up on top of the breakfast bar unaided. The only explanation was he’d used one of the stools as leverage, but even that was baffling him and there was no way he should have been able to manage that, at all. He had turned his back for thirty goddamned seconds to load the dishwasher and now his son was crawling along the unit.
“Thank you Dr Erskine” Steve grumbled as he swept his son off the surface “You’re gonna be the death of me, pal.” “No!” Jamie cackled, and Steve sighed, his son carefully held in his arms as Katie walked into the kitchen. “Hey, baby.” he said, dropping a kiss to her lips.
“Hi.” She greeted him, returning his gentle sign of affection before she blew a raspberry on Jamie’s cheek. He giggled as she made her way to the fridge and Steve deposited him on the mat at the corner of the room.
“How was Nat?” Steve asked and Katie sighed, grabbing out a bottle of water and opening it.
“Still insisting on flying out to Nepal.” she shut the fridge. “I’ve told her Barton doesn’t wanna be found, but…” she trailed off. “And Bruce has gone again.”
“Where to this time?” Steve frowned. 
“Back to the lab in Seoul.” Katie shrugged “I don’t know what for. Anyway, I told her to come for dinner on Sunday and that if she misses it again this week imma kick her ass.” Steve smiled as Katie took a drink from the bottle “Oh, and speaking of dinner, we’re not doing anything tonight are we?” she asked, 
“Not at the moment but I’m sure you’re about to tell me we are.” “Correct, Jen’s asked us round.” she said sitting down at the table
“That’s nice of her.” Steve said, pouring himself mug of coffee, Katie waving away his offer of one “You wanna go?”
“Yeah, and it’s kind of a thank you so we should do really.”
“What for?” he sat down opposite her.
“Well, she was upset about not being able to send Brooke on the Field Trip so I offered to help out money wise.” she shrugged, “You don’t mind do you?”
Steve shook his head. “No, of course not.”
“She didn’t want to take it at first but she agreed in the end. As long as it’s a loan” 
“I’m glad she agreed to take it. I’m assuming Emmy has stayed with them for the day?”
Katie hummed a response.
“Those two are joined at the hip.” Steve snorted
“Another reason I really wanted Brooke to go.”
A movement caught Steve’s eye from the corner of the room and he looked up to see Jamie was now stood up again and was heading back towards the breakfast bar. He quietly observed his son, watching as the boy gripped the legs of one of the stools and pulled himself up, and was horrified to see that he was managing to lift his legs off the floor, swinging them onto the foot bar.
“James, No!” he said loudly. The use of their boy’s full name didn’t pass Katie by and she turned in her seat to see Jamie looking at his father before he let go of the stool and fell backwards onto his butt, the pout on his face reminding Steve so much of his wife that he had to stifle a laugh. Katie watched as he got to his feet and toddled towards her.
“He managed to get up onto the kitchen counter before.” Steve said as she picked him up and sat him on her knee. “What?” Katie asked, her voice high pitched as she whipped her head round to look at Steve “How the hell?”
“Beats me, although from that I suspect he was using the stool as a climbing frame.” Steve sighed watching as Jamie’s attention turned to the now empty bottle of water in front of Katie. “I was loading the dishwasher and in the time it took me to put the plates in he’d made it from his play mat to the top of the damned breakfast bar.” “This is your fault.” Katie laughed, smoothing down her son’s blonde hair. “You and your damned super serum.”
“I know.” Steve shook his head. “I thought we could take him and Lucky out for a walk maybe see if that settles his energy.”
Katie checked her watch “Yeah, we could do. Maybe head to the park. If we go now then we should be back for his nap.”
“Or we can wait a while, and he can sleep in the buggy and I can take you for lunch?”
“Okay so that sounds even better” she grinned “You know, you’re not as dumb as-“
Steve never found out what he wasn’t as dumb as, because at that moment they heard a yell that made his breath catch.
The parents looked at one another, a shit eating grin spreading across Steve’s face as he leaned forward across the table.
“Dada?” Katie asked, pointing at Steve, bouncing Jamie on her knee. “Dada!” Jamie babbled again, grinning. “Dada!”
“Typical.” Katie rolled her eyes. “I carry you for nine months, give birth, feed you from my boobs and you come out looking like your father and you say Dada first. That’s gratitude for you”
“Guess that means I’m his favourite.” Steve teased, slumping back in his chair, screwing his eyes shut and pumping his fist in mock celebration, a smug grin in his face. It earned him a glare from his wife once he opened them and he blew her a kiss, shrugging.
He was pleased, however that Katie didn’t have to wait long for her turn. A few days later when she went into Jamie’s room to get him up for the morning he beamed at her and held his arms up exclaiming “ma-ma!” Steve watched his wife on the baby monitor screen and felt his heart swell to what felt like 5 times its normal size as Katie picked up their son, her eyes pricking with tears and held him tight. 
June 2021
Katie woke with a start, pausing for a moment, wondering why it was so quiet. It took her a second but then she remembered Jamie was at Tony’s, staying for a sleepover. As Emmy was on her field trip, Pepper and Tony had taken the boy to give Katie and Steve a night on their own, the first one they had had in a very long time. Tony had rung them mid afternoon to ask who on earth had taught him the word “whatever…”, albeit in Jamie’s pronunciation “tever…” and Katie had laughed, that one was firmly down to Emmy. He hadn’t quite managed the sign to go with it yet thought, despite her best attempts.
They’d taken full advantage of it too. Steve had gone into complete romantic overdrive, coming home from a meeting at the tower with a bunch of calla lilies for his wife and told her to get dressed up as they were going out. They’d headed into Brooklyn for a meal at a small Italian (Katie only checking her phone five times…which was an improvement on the twenty the first time they’d left Jamie with his uncle) and they’d had a great time. It had been intimate, and they’d teased each other relentlessly meaning when they got home they hadn’t even made it up the stairs before they’d been clawing at each other, desperate touches and kisses shared in the hallway before they’d both tumbled into the lounge onto the rug in front of the fire. Grinning to herself at the slight tenderness between her legs, Katie turned over and glanced at Steve who gently shifted in his sleep, a sure sign that he was slowly waking. She scooted closer and rested her hand on his chest, her smile widening as he unconsciously let out a soft sigh of contentment. His eyes were moving under their lids, and as her hand started trailing down over his stomach he took in a deep breath, finally opening his eyes and meeting her gaze just as her touch dipped below the waistband of his boxers. He let out a low groan.
“You’re awake early considering the kids are away.” he murmured, kissing the skin in the crook of her shoulder, his beard scratching her skin slightly as she continued her strokes, teasing him lightly.
"Yeah, force of habit” she whispered back, sighing as he kissed her neck again and again. He wrapped an arm around her, pulling her close until she was pressed against him, his thigh between hers as he rolled them both over so she was nestled under him. His lips made their way to hers and he gave her a deep, languid kiss as she shifted so that her legs wrapped around his waist, pulling him flush against her. Steve propped himself up with his left arm while his other hand went under the shirt she was wearing, his shirt, to her chest, his fingertips barely brushing against her nipples. She groaned loudly at his touch, and he was just about to warn her to be quiet, but then he realised he didn’t have to. With the knowledge that he really could make her scream, he hastily pulled the top over her head and his lips crashed back to hers, the kiss hot and intentional as her legs gripped him tightly in an attempt to get a little more friction between them. He went to tug at the waistband of her underwear, barely breaking his lips away from hers for a moment.
“You want me?” he asked, his voice low and raspy.
“Please.” she said, aware of the desperation that flooded her tone and he let out a low growl, and she felt the tearing along one side of the thin lace garment he had hold of. She laughed into his mouth, remembering their first time together when he had done that as her fingers scrambled to push down his boxers as he repositioned himself slightly, gently working into her. Man and wife both let out a satisfied sigh as Steve’s hand grabbed Katie’s knee and hitched it over his shoulder, a move he knew drove her wild. She moaned loudly and her fingers dug into his arms as he starting pushing a little harder, a little faster, then faster, until he had reached a relentless pace making his wife curse and leaving her short of breath.
He slowed for a moment, making her look at him, letting out a noise of protest. “Don’t stop,” she begged, “Please Stevie.”
Grinning slightly he picked up the pace again, enjoying the noises she was making as she keened underneath him, her head pressing further back into the pillow a she gave another loud cry of his name before he felt her tighten round him, her nails biting at the skin on his arms. He continued to thrust  three, four more times before the snake in his belly uncoiled and he jerked on top of her with a loud cry of his own and let go of her leg, collapsing onto her, his face buried into her neck.
“Morning,” she mumbled, her hands tangling into his hair and he let out a soft chuckle.
They stayed in bed for another hour or so, just laying with one another and talking before it was time to shower. They did that together too, and by the time they were climbing into the car to go and pick Jamie up, Katie was feeling literally and figuratively thoroughly fucked and fell asleep on the journey, Steve smirking to himself at the fact he could still tire her out like that after almost eight years of being with one another.
“Late night was it?” Tony quipped as Katie let out a yawn as she walked into his living room.
“Yeah, and an early morning” she shot back and Tony snorted, shaking his head.
“Dada!” Jamie giggled as he tottered over from where he had been sat on the rug with Morgan and Pepper “Mama!”
“Hi baby!” Katie swept him up in her arms and placed a kiss to his cheek “We missed you.” “Nee!” He said gleefully and Katie frowned, and it wasn’t until he pointed to his uncle and repeated the word that she understood “Nee!”
Steve let out a snort “Uncle Nee. Suits you Tone.” “Shut up, Spangles” Tony raised an eyebrow as Morgan laughed.
“Uncle Pangles” the two year old quipped as if on cue and Steve let out a moan
“Did you teach her that?” he looked accusingly at his brother in law.
“Of course he did.” Pepper sighed, sweeping the small girl into her arms as she stood up, smirking at Katie. “You guys eaten breakfast yet or were you too busy?” Katie let out a snort “If there’s any going I won’t say no.”
Pepper handed Morgan to Steve as she was trying to reach him and he took her, tossing her into the air ignoring the wince from Tony as he did so, catching the girl expertly.
“Again!” she pleaded and Steve obliged happily, knowing that it was winding Tony up only added to the enjoyment of seeing his niece cackle with laughter. “When’s Emmy back?” Tony asked, tearing his eyes away from where Steve was tossing his daughter in the air like he was wielding that fucking shield to look at his sister.
“This evening.” Katie answered. “Spoke to her last night, not sure she wants to come home.” “I remember your field trip to San Fran.” Tony mused, raising an eyebrow and Katie snorted.
“Yeah, so do I.” She smirked “I was telling Jen about that the other month. My first hangover.” “Ok, can you stop that now!” Tony rounded on Steve who grinned and rest Morgan on his hip and she pouted
“Sorry, Moo.” Steve apologised and she gave a huff as he placed her on the floor and she headed off to find her mum in the kitchen. He arched an eyebrow at Tony who rolled his eyes.
“Dick.” he mumbled.
“Dick.”  Jamie repeated loudly and Katie’s eyes widened. Steve looked at his son, utterly horrified, then to Tony who’s shocked expression was fast turning into one of utter glee.
“Oh you-” Steve glared at Tony as Katie bit her lip to try and stop her laughter “For f-“ he stopped himself, took a deep breath and pointed at Tony “You are an absolute…”
“Use your words, Old Man…” Tony grinned, delightedly and Steve’s jaw clenched as he turned so his back was to his son and raised his hand, flipping his brother-in-law off.
October 2021
“Your daddy is gonna be soaked” Katie mused to Jamie as she looked out of the window “It’s absolutely pouring with rain.”
“Dada. Rain!” Jamie grinned, chanting the words back at her, ignoring the small piece of toast that was left on his plate.
Steve had gone for his morning run with Lucky before he headed out to the first of the two support groups he was running that day. Steve had held the first one in September in an old hall, and at first Katie was worried that more people would attend to take their anger out on him and had wanted to be there to help but Steve refused point blank. Her concern wasn’t completely unfounded as a lot of people were angry at first, but no one else hit him, and he said it was actually therapeutic for him too, as he could answer questions, and speak honestly and openly about how he felt about the situation too. Turns out Steve was a natural born councillor as well as a leader, and by the end of the month he had 6 different groups running through the week at different places across Manhattan. It was good for him and he was relishing the fact he could still be useful. Of course, there was one downside, that delectable beard had, once again, for the third time been vanquished. Because Steve was recognised as ‘Captain America’ at those support groups, or at least a version of.
And “Captain America doesn’t have a beard…”
The back door opened, and Katie could hear the man she was thinking about stepping into the small utility room off the side of the kitchen.
“Ahhh thanks, pal.” his voice dripped with sarcasm as she heard Lucky’s tag tinkling along with the noise of the dog shaking “That’s great. really great.” Katie chuckled to herself, picturing his face as he continued to grumble
“Could have waited until I got a towel.”
“DADA!” Jamie yelled at the sound of his dad’s voice, squirming in his seat, breakfast abandoned. “Ucky!”
“Hey, buddy” Steve called back, as Katie undid the straps from his high chair and they made their way into the utility area where Steve was drying Lucky off as best he could with an old towel. Lucky took the opportunity as soon as he could to scoot away and past Katie into the kitchen.
Jamie glanced at his dad and excitedly wiggled his arms and legs as Steve shrugged off his sodden waterproof running jacket.
“Hi!” he screeched “Hi Dada!”
Steve’s bright smile light up his face “Hi, son.” He kissed him once on both cheeks and he squeaked happily before Katie set him down and he toddled back over to the play-mat in the corner of the kitchen.
“What, no kiss from my baby mama?” Steve asked, sweeping Katie into his arms and rubbing at her neck with his cold, damp face.
She squealed and tried to pull away, to absolutely no avail and Steve continued to laugh and use her as a drying cloth.
“Ew! You’re cold and damp and sweaty!“ she wrinkled her nose.
“You don’t seem to mind my sweat when I’m chasing your fourth orgasm.” he said cheekily, dropping his voice to barely more than a whisper, making her laugh.
“That’s different.” “How?” he snorted
“Because that’s sex sweat, this is run sweat.” she shrugged in his arms. Steve laughed loudly “I didn’t realise I had different sweat pores for different activities”
“I didn’t mean that!” she rolled her eyes “I mean that I’m not sweaty now, I’m warm, and dry…” “Yeah, and if you give me a moment I can rectify that situation…”
“Dirtbag.” she grinned, his chuckle vibrating into her chest. "Go get showered and warmed up. I’ll make you some breakfast.”
"Kiss first, Kitten.” Steve muttered before he leaned forward and pressed a his mouth to hers. His lips were warm and despite herself, Katie leaned into his arms, her hands snaking up into his damp hair.
“Kissy!” Jamie giggled, and they broke apart to look at the tot who was sat on the floor clapping “kissy, kissy!”
“I’m gonna kill Emmy” Steve muttered, and then he spotted Lucky expertly stealing the toast that Jamie had left on the highchair, before sidling out of the room with his precious cargo before he could chastise the animal. “And that damned dog.”
Katie laughed and gave him another peck on the cheek before he swept past his son, giving his hair a quick ruffle. She leaned back against the counter and smiled, before she sighed. They’d had almost three years now of pretty much non-stop domestic bliss, but she couldn’t shake the feeling that something surely had to come along at some point and turn it all upside down. That was how things went for them, right?
“Mama!” her attention flew back to her son as he toddled over to her and held his arms up “Hungry.” “Again?” she rolled her eyes before she smiled and with one arm placed more bread in the toaster. For now, she pushed any worries she had to the back of her mind, content to just enjoy what they had for as long as they had it.
@the-omni-princess  @momobaby227  @geekofmanythings16  @angelofhell-666  @thewackywriter @marvelfansworld  @cobalt-gear  @asgardlover75 @jennmurawski13  @jtargaryen18 @saiyanprincessswanie  @navispalace @patzammit  @joannaliceevans-fanficblog  @icanfeelastormbrewing @djeniiscorner  @ayamenimthiriel​
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a-d-curtis · 5 years
Trust - Kataang Week 2019
A/N: As you can see, these all seem to exist in their own separate worlds. In the last one, Aang and Katara were married young; in this one, they are still not married. But that’s the beauty of fanfiction, right? Anyway, hope you enjoy.
Katara was pretty used to the way women looked at her boyfriend by now.
Aang had always been cute: big expressive eyes in an almost cherubic face. But in the last few years he had definitely moved from the “adorable” phase of childhood and even through the “everyone-goes-through-it” phase of early adolescence to now being a very attractive young man. Katara definitely appreciated what Aang had grown into, and in a smug sort of way, self-congratulated herself on her “foresight” to snag him when he was still so young and awkward (although that choice had really had very little to do with “snagging” him, and everything to do with having fallen in love with her best friend.) But even she would admit to herself that the fact that he was such a looker now was satisfying.
Aang had a very distinct look – from his shaved head to his uniquely air nomad facial features (which now equated to one-of-a-kind), to his orange and yellow robes and his blatant blue full-body tattoos – everything about him was exotic and striking. It was pretty much impossible for Aang to go anywhere in public without being recognized. Even when he did try to “cover up” to blend in, that generally led to strange clothing (hard to cover hands and foreheads up nonchalantly) and something about it bothered him; he didn’t like doing it. Sometimes it beat being mobbed, but most of the time Aang just went through life as himself, which came with the natural consequence of too much attention.
Katara knew that Aang was gregarious and enjoyed meeting new people. But sometimes it did get pretty annoying to deal with her boyfriend being continually fawned over by fan-girls. Aang, for his part, was often oblivious; when he did catch on that a girl was into him, he instantly got awkward, self-conscious, and a bit bumbling.
Katara considered herself a much better gauge for flirtatious behavior than Aang. Even now at nearly seventeen, Aang often erred on the side of guileless and overly trusting; probably since his view of the world was similar to the way that he himself behaved. He was pretty guileless, so his natural assumption was that everyone else was as well. Even after years of political meetings and debates, Aang’s basic MO was to be transparent and honest. He wasn’t stupid (as a boy he hadbe manipulated and pawned in the political arena by conniving leaders with forked-tongues and personal agendas, but since then he had wizened up and learned to stand his ground); however, he still opted for openness and sincerity in his own dealings. And being a bit shrewder in politics did not necessarily translate directly into social and romantic arenas. And when it came to women, Aang could be infuriatingly naive sometimes.
Like the time last year when the daughter of their host in a small village inland from the foggy swamp had waited for Aang in Appa’s stable. When he came to feed Appa, the girl started untying her sash and taking off her robe. And what had Aang’s response been? “Oh, I didn’t know you were changing in here… I’ll just go then…” Katara had dropped her head into her hand in exasperation when he told her about it. Aang, what were you, raised by monks in an all-male monastery or something?
Or like right now, how Aang sat surrounded by three very forward, uppity Ba Sing Se noble girls; the girls were dressed to the hilt, but with the way they were leaning into him, they looked like they were not committed to staying so… Katara huffed as she approached their table at the outdoor café. She and Aang had both donned Earth Kingdom green, in an effort to blend in just a little. But Aang had not worn a hat, and even if he had, he was likely to be discovered anyway.
As Katara approached the table with two small bowls of soy sauce and vinegar in her hands, she saw that one of the girls was in her seat. Her blood started to simmer as she shouldered her way to the table, setting down the sauce bowls.
“Oh hi, Katara! Girls this is my girlfriend, Katara! Katara, this is Qing, FengFeng and Miling.”
The girls smiled, regarding Katara with veiled distain, looking her up and down before tossing their heads and turning their giggling attention back to Aang.
“Your girlfriend, huh?” one of them said.
“We’ve heard so much about you... Katara, was it?” the one sitting in her seat spoke with a fake smile and sickly sweet voice. “I didn’t realize you two were stilltogether.” She said the word “still” like it was some great annoyance.
Katara matched her tone, the two understanding each other perfectly, “Yeah, we are stilltogether. And you three are interrupting our date.” Then with an even sweeter voice, “Now run along now!”
The girls huffed and shuffled to leave, telling Aang how “happy they were to meet him!” and how they “hoped to run into him again sometime soon!”, touching his arms, and one of them even running her hands along his shoulders as they jingled away.
Aang rubbed the back of his neck as Katara sat down, “You didn’t have to be so rude to them, Katara…”
Katara’s jaw set, “well you didn’t have to be so nice.”
“They just said they wanted to thank me for ending the war. You know how that kind of thanks makes me uncomfortable, but it would be ungracious not to hear them out. Besides, I think they were just being friendly.”
“Uh-huh. Right. And what about that girl last night? What was it she asked you? Where exactlyyour tattoos go?Aang, don’t be naïve. These women all have ulterior motives.”
Aang blushed, “yeah, thanks for rescuing me last night. I was afraid she was going to ask to see them next…”
“See them? Aang, come on, she wanted a whole brail tour.”
Aang sunk deeper in his seat, his whole face turning red. “Katara! Why would you assume that?!”
“Aang, I just don’t get it. These girls hound you all the time. Would it kill you to just tell them to back off?”
“I don’t think they mean anything by it. They’re just curious. I don’t want to offend anyone…”
Katara grunted in disbelief. Aang was the ultimate people-pleaser: way too polite and worried about causing disagreements. This went beyond the Air Nomad cultural principle of pacifism; this came down to Aang’s own personality. He cringed at conflict and was always quick to step in as a peacemaker. Even when it came to women who threw themselves at him with varying degrees of blatancy, Aang had been known to go to ridiculous efforts to avoid confrontation with them rather than deal with it head-on.
“They are notjust curious, Aang. They are flirting with you! I don’t want to be the jealous girlfriend here, but come on! One of us has got to have her head screwed on strait!”
Aang somehow managed to look simultaneously disbelieving and guilty. But then his expression shifted to a wicked smirk. “You think Idon’t get it? But what about you? What about how guys are picking up on you all the timeand you act like you don’t even know its happening? Seriously, Katara, talk about calling the tea-kettle black!”
“That rarely ever happens. And besides, they don’t mean anything by it.”
Aang hooted in disbelief, “What?! How can you even saythat? What about just this morning in the market on our walk over here? I let go of your hand for one minute and the vulture-wasps descended!”
“Aang, I was shopping. Its their job to wait on me – they want me to buy their wares.”
“Uh-huh. Now who’s naive? That one guy didn’t have to stand there stroking your hand just to help you put on a bracelet.”
Katara looked a little shocked, “Aang! He was just doing his job; and besides, he was way too old for me.”
“Doesn’t matter. He was hitting on you. And not even subtly. Man, Katara, I can’t believe you couldn’t see that!”
Katara sat puzzled for a moment as Aang continued.
“All I have to do is look around; guys are checking you out all the time. I know I can’t really blame them (I mean, who wouldn’t? You’re gorgeous, Katara!), but it still bugs me. I want to tear their eyes off you and tell them to stop thinking what they’re thinking.”
“And how do you know what they’re thinking? You’re just getting worked up over nothing.”
“Believe me, Katara, I know what they’re thinking.” Then he looked away shyly, a guilty blush rising to his ears.
Katara melted a little. Aang was so adorable when he was jealous. Katara reached out her hand, placing it on his. He turned his palm up to meld with hers, bringing her hand up to his lips for a moment; an air of sobriety falling between them.
Katara ducked her head to catch his eye. “But none of that matters. We trust each other, Sweetie.”
Aang looked at her, more intensity in his eyes than she expected, “I trust you. Its themI don’t trust...”
“Exactly!” Katara jumped on this, “That’s exactly how I feel when I see these grasping women swooping down on you, while you act completely non-the-wiser!” She blew out a forceful breath, “and with this separation coming up… I just… I don’t know.” She struggled to put her feelings into words, “I guess I just can’t help but feel… apprehensive.”
Tomorrow morning Katara would be leaving Ba Sing Se for the South Pole. The ten-year anniversary of her mother’s death was coming up, and in the Water Tribe, that was a ceremonial year. All the loved ones of the deceased needed to gather for Ten Days of Remembrance, each day being specified with specific activities for honoring the dead. The final evening, the closest family members would convene in the tent of the Shaman who would lite incenses made from special herbs and perform the Final Ritual. People were sometimes known to see the souls of their deceased loved ones on this special night. But it was believed that after this ten-year milestone, the soul finally left this world for good, never to visit again. This was an important and sacred ritual, and she needed to be there – for her Dad, but also for herself.
Aang had to stay here in Ba Sing Se. The new Fire Nation Ambassador had figuratively burned a slew of political bridges in the Earth Kingdom, offending nearly everyone in King Kuei’s advisory cabinet. The woman meant well, and she wasn’t wrong in her opinions actually; but she was brash and outspoken, and like her element, pretty hotheaded. Things had gotten so heated in the last meeting that Aang had sent for Iroh to come from his teashop to talk some sense into his Nation’s ambassador and try to smooth over some bristling Earth Kingdom egos. As much as he didn’t like it, his life was not his own, and he simply could not leave Ba Sing Se right now. And frankly, he was over due for a scheduled meeting with Zuko in the Fire Nation as well; so as soon as he felt that the tenuous situation here was safe enough to leave, he would go directly there. So any thoughts of going to the South Pole with Katara were doubly out.
So the two of them were looking at anywhere from a month to two months away from one another. They had not spent this much time apart since… well since before they met.
Aang squeezed her hand, “Yeah, I feel apprehensive too. I hate being away from you, Katara.” Aang picked up his stool and brought it around the table, so the two could sit closer, his knees flanking hers as they sat facing one another. “But I don’t want you to worry about me and… other girls. That’s just ludicrous! You know you’re the only girl for me, Sweetie.”
Katara grasped both of his hands, looking at them as she placed them in her lap, “I know. I trust you, really, I do. I guess… I guess I would just feel a little better if you didn’t, I don’t know, let them flirt with you like that. I don’t like it when I’m here, but… I mean what will they be like when I’m not here to chase them away?!”
Aang brought his hand up to her face in affection. “What can I do to make you feel better?”
A sly smile crept up to Katara’s mouth, “you could try using firebending to make yourself hot so they can’t touch you…”
“Make myself hot…?” Aang asked incredulously.
“No! I mean you’re already hot… (that’s kind of the problem…) No, what I meant is make your body hotter so that…” Katara groaned as she dug herself deeper in this faux pas. “That doesn’t sound right! I mean, just… just burn them if they touch you! Or, heat up your skin so they burn their hands if they touch you… or something…” she trailed off lamely.
Aang laughed right out loud. Clearly amused by Katara’s mis-speech implying that somehow “being hotter” would help with his lady problems. “You want me to start burning people…? If they flirt with me…?”
Eventually Katara laughed too, admitting that her idea was ridiculous. But her feelings were genuine and she wanted to communicate that with Aang. “Ok, so no need to… burn anyone. But Aang can you really try to be a little more direct with these girls? Yes, they are being way too forward, and you aren’t exactly inviting them to hit on you, but… well, you aren’t exactly discouragingthem either…”
Aang sat back a little, stunned that Katara felt that way. Katara spoke again, “I mean, think about this in reverse, Aang. If I had been sitting there and three handsome guys were hovering around me when you went for sauces… how would youfeel?”
Aang sat for a moment, eyebrows drawn as he contemplating that.
Katara went on, “and how about if they were putting their hands on me like those girls did with you?”
Aang answered immediately, “I’d be steaming.” Then cocking a smile, “Most likely literally.”
“See! Well that’s how I feel!”
Aang looked at her again, kindness emanating from him, “I’m sorry, Katara. I hadn’t thought about it like that, from yourpoint of view. I don’t like them flirting with me either, but I just don’t want to offend anyone…” He took her hands in his again, “but I guess I amoffending someone when I let it happen. I’m offending you, and you’re the last person I want to hurt, Katara!”
“Aang, I know you are loyal to me, and I trust you. But I don’t like feeling jealous, and I do think there are things you could do to lessen the problem.”
“Okay. I’ll be better. I’ll be more upfront in discouraging women who hit on me.” Aang looked at her with a crooked smile, “and what about you? If I’m supposed to burn these girls, does that mean you have to freeze the guys that hit on you?” Aang added cheekily.
Katara laughed, and Aang added, “Then when we are finally back together after this time away from one another we can compare casualty-counts; sound fair?”
A/N: Anyone else feel like Aang is a little oblivious to girls flirting with him? We saw it in the show a little, and even more in the comics. I think that Katara would have a problem with this (and you can’t really blame her too much, right?)
Anyway, please leave me your thoughts!
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gldncge-blog · 5 years
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         ❝  ----------- 𝖆 𝖌𝖔𝖑𝖉𝖊𝖓 𝖈𝖆𝖌𝖊 𝖎𝖘 𝖘𝖙𝖎𝖑𝖑 𝖆 𝖈𝖆𝖌𝖊
                                    illya masnik. luke hemmings. twenty four. bianchi aligned.
【  ✞ ———— 𝕒𝕡𝕡𝕝𝕚𝕔𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟 】
◟ * ◊ ─  luke hemmings + cis male + he/him » * believe it or not illya masnik is working for the bianchi family. they are 24 years of age and are known to usually spend their time around buena vista apartments. the singer, who has been a part of the alliance for 2 years, has been living in victoria for 5 years. the people closest to them describe the pansexual + pisces to be + stolid and + conscientious as well as - equivocal and -resentful » ◦ ° delphi, twenty, she/them, est◝
【  ✞ ———— 𝕠𝕠𝕔 】
first name illya. last name masnik. middle name regret. which,, honestly same. wow hi i’m super excited for this. this is what ive been waiting for and y’all look hella talented. hi hello i’m delphi and as expected i’m late to the party :’) this is my bb illya who should probably be dead by now. yeehaw. my muses??? they exist to suffer. thats the sparknotes version of it. but ill put a whole unnecessarily lengthy thing about him below sdlkjsald. i’m in the est and i’m currently working full time but im so happy opening is on a sunday because i can actually be here for it sjkdas but enough about meme !! 
【  ✞ ———— 𝕙𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕠𝕣𝕪 】
BORN IN KIEV, UKRAINE - illya would be the eldest of four children. his mother an adventurous american woman, and his father a man who had never left his homeland. their son was a happy child who spent most of his days and nights at the local church. a fate one could not avoid when their father was the church’s ever dutiful music director. it shocked no one when the eldest masnik boy soon became a constant fixture in the youth choir. looking like he may have found his niche, his parents pushed him to hone his talents. his free time not spent in worship was reserved for vocal lessons. in time, illya outgrew the pews. as a teenager, he instead chose to perform in festivals, cafes, and the venues that would have him. while he was successful in ukraine, he’d soon decided he’d like to finish his studies in the united states, believing there to be better and bigger opportunities in america. 
AT NINETEEN - he found a home in victoria, florida. his mother’s hometown. his studies never truly panned out like they should have, wasting a year majoring in theology before officially throwing in the towel and returning to music full time. the next few years were spent building up a resume. odd jobs that barely paid the bills. things only began to turn up when he began landing jobs as the backing vocals for groups. it had started small, not much money in it nor recognition --- but he slowly climbed the ladder. an undeniable talent. in time he landed a job as the backup vocals for a band famous enough to earn him some status. the band embarked on a small tour around the states, and while it had been fun, illya quickly came to realize it wasn’t the life for him. in actuality it was not the spotlight he desired, no, he’d come to miss the little things about his passion. the smaller cafes and venues often led to tighter bonds. a more humbling experience that allowed him to truly connect with his audience. like the days back home, under god’s watchful eye. 
TWENTY TWO - and life as he knows it ends. for better or for worse. a flame in his life plants the idea in his head. the bills were starting to pile up again and desperation seemed to be a constant state. PLAYERS. it’s no place he’d normally be found. the sort of joint he’d sooner cross the street to avoid. but his lover promises security. stability. burdened with a touch of naivety, he’s sold.
PLEAD IGNORANCE - all he wants. he knew what he’d stepped into the moment he crossed the door’s threshold. there were no gods here. no savior. no salvation. you’d be eaten alive.
IT PAYS - wasn’t that all that mattered. most days he’s good at turning a blind eye to what happens behind closed doors. a false picture of innocence. skin with no traces of ink or metal, liquor that never makes it to his lips. the constant struggle to not lose the boy he was back home. but no one there was innocent, innocence was a lamb to the slaughter. two years in and he regrets it. of course he does. three long years since he’s seen his family. the masnik’s youngest now refuses to speak to the long-departed illya. birthdays, graduations, holidays, funerals, he’s missed them all. bitter, he longs for home, but fears he’s found himself in too deep. innocence was a lamb to the slaughter, and he could not afford to be the lamb amongst wolves.
【  ✞ ———— 𝕤𝕡𝕒𝕣𝕜𝕟𝕠𝕥𝕖𝕤 / 𝕕𝕦𝕞𝕓 𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕥 】
essentially illya was born in ukraine. his family was super religious and he spent a lot of time in church, also due to the fact his father was the music director there. he obviously had a natural talent in the choir and his family helped him pursue music by getting him lessons and stuff. he does a good handful of cool stuff in ukraine and decides he wants to study in america ( where his mother and her family are from ) and also sees it as an opportunity to grow musically. obviously the scene in america is pretty hard to get into, so he still does small cafe like things until he starts doing backing tracks/vocals for bands. starts off really small but he starts to work for bigger bands/companies until eventually, he gets enough recognition to go on tour with a well-enough known band. don’t imagine them to be super famous, but enough to have a handful of radio hits. 
decides he’s not crazy about the touring band life and wants to return to working in smaller more personal venues. works for a bit until the money starts to run out and then his partner at the time suggested applying at players ( they would have been part of the gang so it was his in ). he does so ( obviously ) gets in and likes to play innocent but he has a pretty good idea of what he’s getting into, don’t be fooled. still kind of churchy / anal, doesn’t do the whole tattoo, piercing, drinking, wild life. he’s more reserved if anything. he’s really still trying to hold on to that holy life. newsflash, asshole. it’s gone.
now he’s starting to regret everything :) #somerugrats but obviously, he’s going to be super tightlipped about that and just carry on. in reality, he’s super homesick and he knows his family life is suffering. he’s missing giant milestones for his siblings back home and now his youngest brother won’t even talk to him so yeehaw. but uhh he’s not really sure he’d be good to just up and walk away because he’s in a bit deep now, two years deep. he’s probably seen some shit. 
if he was brave enough to tell his family something was up it would probably go something along the lines of “ mom, i think i joined a cult ” 
he wants to be that peace out gif THIS one,, yeah
he’s gonna die,, dumbass is 100% gonna get himself killed. but for now, he’s gonna fake that shit till he makes it. no chill. 
【  ✞ ———— 𝕨𝕒𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕟𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟𝕤 】
pen pals / old friends ; okay since his mother was american - i’d imagine he’d come around as a kid to see her family ( his grandparents and stuff ). give me something cute like they hit it off as children and kept in touch all these years. or maybe his mom used to be friends with your muses parents so they met that way. 
someone toughen him up ; he’s awful. there’s a murderer out there and god i hope these string bean legs can run because self-defense???? we don't’ know the meaning of the word. gun?? not in my good christian server. someone just hELP him.
someone he takes home / travels with ; head out of the gutter. could be someone at players or they live in a similar location, and with a string of murders, it’s probably safer to not travel alone. so maybe they drive each other home on occasion or walk together. just keeping each other safe. 
 bad / good influence nonsense ; obviously he’d probably be the good influence on someone because he’s not really the bad type. so he might try to look out for someone he really sees burning out and going down a super bad path. vice versa, give me someone who really wants him to get a tattoo or take that shot. someone remind him to live a little or do bad things. honestly,,, i’m a sucker for angst and stuff so it could even be more like getting him to stop being so paranoid about the darker aspects of the gang. if you think he isn’t turning around and hauling ass outta there when he sees a back room being used for beating someone or some other violent nonsense
someone who is suspicious of his doubts ; obviously he’s trying to play his cards pretty close to his chest and doesn’t voice his concerns to anyone. but i’d love to see some people who question his hesitance or might be on to him having doubts about continuing to be in the gang. he’s not going to own up to any accusations but this could add some interesting tension and make for interesting interactions.
people he avoids at all costs / fear ; these would be the more violent members of the gangs. maybe your muse has a reputation. this is probably suitable for characters who are out there committing murder in the name of the gang or commit violent acts. he tries to steer pretty clear of that but they’re likely passing through players and stuff. they’re bound to run into each other. bonus points if they’re not actually as dangerous as they seem - illya’s just paranoid, maybe he walked in on something he shouldn’t have and i- OOP
the flame that got him involved in the gang ( 0 / 1 ) ;  really i was just gonna throw this up as a wc but sdjsadj ill stick it here as well. really this could be an exes plot, probably with a lot of resentment on illya’s part. he may have been open with them about wanting to go back home, and blames them for his situation even though he knew what was happening. its just bitter bitter bitter. 
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hazkiwislutt · 5 years
chapter 5: building up, the first fight, and reassurance
{ hey friends!! here’s chapter five, and i’m not going to lie, this was a whole mess, but the next chapter will be better hehe! i hope you enjoy! }
There comes a time in every relationship that leads up to the First Fight: the first one of many (if the couple makes it through) that’s filled with hurtful words and intense emotions, a buildup of pain, sadness, annoyance, jealousy, and any other ugly feeling you could conjure. It’s the first fight that makes you realize the person you’re with is real, and tangible, and three-dimensional. It makes you realize the person you’re with has more sides to them than the one you see in the honeymoon phase. It makes you realize they’re human, and they’ve got some sharp bits to them, but if all goes well, you realize you don’t really mind that they do.
Y/N certainly doesn’t mind that Harry has some sharp bits. She figured she should find all of them and prick her fingers if she wanted to keep Harry around for a long time, which she so desperately wanted to do.
But things had been hard, lately, and Y/N couldn’t help but be frustrated with Harry, her lovely, caring, sweet boyfriend Harry, who she’d been dating in secret for nearly five months.
Living as a celebrity wasn’t easy and living as a celebrity dating another celebrity was even harder. They had been meticulous and careful about not letting their relationship reach anybody else’s ears except for Niall, Andrew, Hannah, and Laura.
It made the near five months they’d been together so far a joyride. Both of them were on downtime since they were still both working on their prospective future albums, which meant there was a lot of time in the studio by day, and a lot of cute dates and cuddles by night. Y/N couldn’t believe she was able to come home everyday to someone so amazing, but she thanked whatever universal force for letting Harry be her person.
Except, it was hard to see your person in public, and have them pretend to not know you.
They were attending a fundraiser event that was raising money for LGBT kids in need of aid that was put on by a mutual friend in the fashion industry. Y/N and Harry had gotten ready in a flurry at his house after an impromptu lovemaking session (“Bloody hell, we’re going t’be late, love… How… How did yeh panties get stuck on the fan?”) but had left and arrived at different times.
He’d arrived twenty minutes before Y/N, wooing the crowd and making everyone in the room swoon with his charisma, but as soon as he felt her presence, he’d screeched to a halt mid-conversation and was baffled by her beauty, as if it were the first time he were seeing her all over again. She wasn’t wearing anything terribly fancy; it was an elegant maroon turtleneck paired with black leather pants and high heels, but Harry didn’t care.
His attention was turned back to his conversation as the person he was talking to cleared his throat (Dave? Ben? Or was it Jeremy?), and he stumbled to finish his response. Y/N had caught him gaping at her, and lightly giggled as she flicked her hair and shot him a small smile before disappearing into the crowd of guests.
Y/N hadn’t seen Harry since she’d arrived. She’d greeted the hostess and went to go stack her plate with food (Harry had tired her out) before engaging in conversation with a few models that had been in her music video a year ago. After situating herself with a drink, she decided she’d go find him and see what he was up to.
Y/N padded around the hall, glancing around the room but not having any luck in spotting him. She decided to finish her drink and check her appearance in the bathroom, but upon turning the corner into the small alcove that led to the bathroom, she was motionless as she took in the sight of a pretty red-haired woman, who she could’ve sworn was a model, draped over Harry.
Her head was on his shoulder and she had an arm wrapped around him, clinging to him like saran wrap. Her lips were dangerously close to his pulse, and she was giggling a little too hard at something Harry presumably said. His lips were set in a straight grimace, his eyes looking up to the ceiling, and he stood rigid, but she took no notice. He stiffened even more as his eyes landed on Y/N’s, which were wide as saucers.
“Hi!” Harry breathed, forcing a smile as he gently shrugged off the girl’s arm. He knew better than to rashly lunge for her and hold her, telling her it was alright and that she was the only girl that mattered, which was more than a hundred percent true. The girl–Marissa– was just someone he’d hooked up with a year or two ago, but only because he was sad, and lonely, and drunk.
“Hey,” Y/N said weakly, lifting up a hand as a wave. “Sorry to interrupt, I was just looking for a friend.”
“Yeh weren’t interrupting anythin’, love.” He said it casually enough, but he hoped she got the message, especially with her name attached to the ending. Y/N nodded, before excusing herself.
Harry felt nauseous as Marissa kept her face buried in his neck; it was all sorts of wrong, since Y/N was the only girl allowed to do that.
“Know her?” She purred, probably trying to sound appealing, but to Harry, it just sounded sickening.
“No,” he whispered, “But ‘ve gotta go.”
“Love,” Harry started, crawling onto his bed slowly, as if any sudden movement would cause Y/N to run away. She was simply laying in his bed, reading a novel. She hadn’t said anything about the fiasco when he’d come home. She’d left before him, and he’d found her just getting out of the shower, greeting him with a cheerful, “Harry!” He didn’t like it one bit, because he knew what she saw rubbed her the wrong way a little bit. He knew it would do the same to him.
“Hm?” She hummed in response, brow furrowed as she chewed on her lip, immersed in thought.
“About earlier,” he continued, but was stopped by Y/N rolling over and pressing a finger to his lips. She shook her head adamantly.
“Don’t. It’s fine. It’s what we agreed on, baby.”
She rolled back over and continued reading her book, sighing contentedly as Harry slipped under the covers and spooned her.
It wouldn’t have been terrible if something along those lines had only happened once, but it happened again, and again. Several times, between that first time and tonight, which had gone so terribly wrong. She’d meant what she said that first time; they had agreed on keeping it so tightly under wraps, but after so many recurrences, she began to feel frustrated. She didn’t dare say anything to him, though. She didn’t want Harry to think she was being difficult.
It was another party, celebrating Niall’s charity hitting a fundraising milestone. Y/N had arrived before Harry, with Andrew and Hannah in tow, because they’d insisted on a day out and Niall had jumped at the chance for them to join in the celebration.
“Does this shirt make me look funny? I love Koda to death already, but he’s really doing a number on my body.” Hannah pursed her lips and huffed, smoothing her hands over her bump that was in full bloom. She was a week late, and when wasn’t in the studio or moping over Harry’s negligence of her feelings, she was driving between her house and Hannah’s, always wanting to make sure that she was okay.
“You look fine. You’ve got pregnancy glow. I just look like I rolled out of bed.” Andrew retorted, grimacing as he caught a glimpse of himself in the car window next to her.
“You’ve just got the perpetual college student look,” Y/N laughed, pinching his cheek as she shut her door and locked her car.
“Hey! Hannah’s in college, too,” Andrew griped, yanking himself away from her grip and patting his cheek.
“The pregnancy glow cancels it out,” Hannah stuck her tongue out playfully, before looping her arm through both of theirs and beginning to walk up to Niall’s front door.
“Andrew, mate, we’ve gotta get a beer in yeh or summat, yeh look like shit.” Niall had bellowed happily when he answered the door, bringing them all in for a big hug and patting Hannah’s bump affectionately. He had an arm heavily slung around Andrew’s shoulders, guiding him to the kitchen before he could protest, and waving farewell to the women.
“I feel like Andie works himself too hard,” Y/N mused thoughtfully, watching as Andrew’s tall, lanky frame seemed to droop under the weight of Niall’s arm.
“I try to tell him, but he doesn’t listen to me. He wants to be an engineer so bad, but I just want him to take a breather,” Hannah tutted in dismay.
“We can talk to him about it. Maybe double-team him. How about you? Your professors treating you okay?”
Hannah had refused to drop out of university when she found out she was pregnant. Kyle was older than her by a few years, and had already graduated. They’d always wanted kids early, but Koda had come along unexpectedly. Hannah was only a few months older than Y/N, after all. But, she refused to drop out, and continued her studies, even with her pregnancy looming above all of it, and Y/N quite admired her best friend’s drive to plow forward.
“Oh, yeah. They’re all fine, and they were going to give me an extension on some projects, but I just turned them all in early. Just ‘cause this baby’s on the way doesn’t mean everything else stops.”
Y/N had to hand it to Hannah; there was no one else she knew with as much grit as her.
Just as she was about to respond, a collective greeting arose from the crowd, and Y/N turned toward the front door, where Harry was coming in. He was wearing his floppy newsboy cap, plaid slacks, black loafers, a white shirt, and a coat to shield him from the winter air. People clapped him on the back, and shook his hand, and he was more than graceful in receiving and returning all of what he was given.
Hannah reached down for Y/N’s hand, prompting her to look back toward her.
“Why don’t we get a drink, hm? Koda wants water… Oh, and whatever that gal over there is eating. He says it smells good.”
Y/N rolled her eyes, before following her toward the kitchen.
It was sometime later during the evening when Y/N and Harry found themselves in the same circle of people. Y/N had been talking to a friend who decided they wanted to catch up with another friend, who happened to be talking to Harry.
“Eileen, I haven’t seen you in a quick minute!” Y/N’s friend, Loren, squealed, before dragging Y/N across the room to greet Eileen. Y/N didn’t know her well, but she knew that she was also a singer.
“I know, it’s been a busy few months. This is Harry!” That’s when Y/N registered the fact that Harry’s wrist was clutched tightly in Eileen’s well-manicured hand, and as she looked at his face, he gave a drunken smile with glazed over eyes that crinkled merrily.
“Lovely to meet you, this is Y/N! I don’t know if you all know each other?” Eileen shook Y/N’s hand with her free one, before stepping back and leaning against Harry.
“S’nice to meet yeh, Y/N.” Harry’s voice was a little slurred, and Y/N knew he’d drunk a little more than he needed to.
“Likewise,” she replied tightly.
“So… What’s going on here?” Loren wiggled her eyebrows mockingly before gesturing to Eileen’s hold on Harry.
“Oh, just a bit of fun, you know,” Eileen giggled, shooting a coy glance at Harry that Y/N was surprised to see returned by him. Eileen turned her face into his shoulder to stifle another giggle, which Harry mimicked.
“Right, s’nothing serious,” Harry agreed. What the hell was going on?
“I, uh, I just remembered I needed to check on my friend, she’s like… she… she’s pregnant,” Y/N stuttered, walking backwards and hurriedly waving at the group.
She felt her frustration tug on her heartstrings, but the way Harry didn’t seem to care about her departure absolutely severed them.
“You about ready to leave? I’m tired.” Y/N had found Hannah in the smaller living room, who had somehow managed to convince Andrew to give her a foot massage.
“Sure,” Hannah replied, stretching leisurely and playfully shoving her foot in Andrew’s face, which caused him to grunt in disgust and surprise, “Just let me use the bathroom first, yeah?”
Y/N nodded, helping her up to her feet. “I’ll go with you. Andie, you mind driving back? My head hurts.”
“Anything for my girl,” he said, standing up from where he kneeled on the rug and ruffling Y/N’s hair. He went to find Niall to say his goodbyes before he went out to start up the car.  
“You’re… sad,” Hannah noted, as her and Y/N walked through people to get to the bathroom hall.
“Just… It’s hard to see your person in public and have them act like they don’t know you at all.”
“I know, girlie, but it’s for the best, isn’t it?”
“I know, I know… But there’s always another person on him, and it’s like just because I told him it was okay, and that we signed up for this, he does it without thinking of me. Wouldn’t he at least set boundaries?”
They’d reached the main bathroom, only to find that it was occupied.
“My bladder is about to burst. You think Niall would mind if we went to the upstairs one?” Y/N shook her head no, before backtracking down the hallway and starting with Hannah up the stairs. She held Hannah’s back, helping her ascend.
“You can’t just let him push you over like that, then. I know you hate confrontation, but with a relationship as complicated as this, you have to talk to each other otherwise it’ll never work.”
“I know, it’s just… I don’t want him to think it’s childish of me to lay down rules because I can’t handle things. Does that make sense?”
“Makes dollars.”
Y/N and Hannah had made it to the end of the hall at the top of the stairs leading to Niall’s master bedroom and bathroom. Y/N pushed the door open, leading Hannah in, before halting abruptly.
“Oh! Y/N! Sorry, we were just talking.” Eileen chirped, smoothing her hair and giving a small wave. Her and Harry were sitting atop Niall’s bed, a reasonable amount of space between them. His eyes were glazed  over and his cheeks rosier than they had been earlier, so Y/N knew he continued to drink. Y/N also knew Harry wouldn’t do anything more than allow people to be cuddly with him, but suddenly, Eileen just being cuddly with him seemed like the end of the world.
Why would he allow himself to be isolated with a girl that was so obviously trying to make a move, when his own girlfriend was at this event too?
“Hey, Eileen. It’s alright,” Y/N said weakly in greeting.
“You guys mind? Pregnant lady with a peanut bladder coming through.” Hannah’s face was set in a scowl as she looked at the two on the bed, and her glare seemed to sober Harry up.
“Uh, sorry, love.” Harry apologized, staggering to his feet, pinning Y/N with his gaze, before sliding past them and out of the room.
“He’s a proper cutie, but he kept going on and on about how he was unavailable. Wouldn’t tell me who, though. I’ve been trying to crack him all night.” Eileen huffed out, standing up as well, before bidding them goodbye.
When Harry woke up the next morning, he was in his bed, but something felt wrong. Maybe it was the fact that he had a bit of a headache from last night’s festivities, or the fact that Y/N wasn’t next to him. He’d guess it was the latter.
He got up and stretched his joints creakily, trying to piece back the events of last night. He figured his driver probably took him home, and he had a fuzzy recollection of stumbling into his house, and Y/N helping him into bed.
He dragged himself out of bed and began to walk down the stairs, wondering if she was still here. She seemed angry last night, and Harry knew why, but it was for secrecy’s sake, wasn’t it? Having girls at parties cling to him playfully meant nothing; he only had eyes for Y/N, but he couldn’t let anyone have even a glimmer of a thought that Y/N and him were linked. It was for their own good.
He reached the kitchen, where he found his love sitting on one of the barstool’s at his counter. She was rigid, and Harry felt a bead of guilt in the pit of his stomach.
“Yeh’re still here,” Harry said, his morning voice gravelly and catching in his throat. He cleared it before padding over to situate himself next to her. Normally, he’d nuzzle into her side and give her a kiss, but this morning felt different. It felt wrong.
“I’m… I’m frustrated, H,” Y/N replied softly, fidgeting with her fingers.
“With wha’, love?” Wrong answer, he thought in his head. Of course he knew why.
“You… you’re hurting me a little bit,” she sniffed, tears dotting her waterline as she tried to blink them away rapidly.
“You keep letting people get so close to you, which is fine, but I’m yours and you’re mine and I’m the one that can’t be close to you.”
“We agreed on it, love. Yeh said it yourself.” Harry didn’t want to hurt her, but he valued his privacy. He always valued his privacy.
“I said it, but I never agreed that I’d let my boyfriend prance around with other girls in front of me with no regard for how I feel!” Y/N snapped her neck to face him, eyes ablaze.
“Well, yeh gonna have to agree to tha’ because no one can know about us!” Harry’s voice began to escalate.
“How does that make it okay for you to let other girls get so close to you? It wasn’t just one time! It’s been a handful of times. Am I not enough? I don’t understand why this is so hard!”
“It doesn’t have to be hard f’yeh just calm down.”
“I won’t just let this blow over, Harry. I’ve let it blow over for long enough!”
“I can’t lose yeh,” Harry erupted. He let his head hang, and for a moment the only thing he could hear was Y/N’s sniffles and his shallow breathing.
“I know yeh hurt. I would be too, if I saw other blokes doing the same thing to yeh. But I can’t let anyone have even a fleeting thought tha’ I could be linked to yeh because then I will lose yeh. We don’t live lives tha’ will make this easier. We’ve only been together five months, an’ it’s only going to get harder from here, an’ I’ve never felt like this for anyone, but bloody hell, I really think I love yeh, an’ I don’t want to lose yeh, but if anyone finds out… People will tear us apart, an’ we won’t stand a chance. S’the worst part about living this life. Nothing is yeh own. I want yeh to be mine, an’ only mine, just like I’m all yours.”
Harry was breathing hard now, and Y/N had begun to cry, but for a different reason, because Harry had just told her he loved her.
“I love you,” she whispered, reaching out to grab his hand. He squeezed her hand in his.
“I’m sorry I hurt yeh, love,” he said, “I’ll be better. I’ll be the best for you.”
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pengychan · 6 years
[Coco] The Bedside Ghost, Ch. 9
Title: The Bedside Ghost Summary: The bell falls but, instead of waking up in the Land of the Dead, Ernesto de la Cruz finds himself with a broken spine - and an unwanted guest at his bedside who claims he can let him have the sweet release of death, if he gives back what he took from him… Characters: Ernesto de la Cruz, Coco Rivera, Héctor Rivera, Julio Rivera, Imelda Rivera. Rating: T Status: in progress [This is the fic’s tag for all chapters up.]
[Also on Ao3]
A/N: Well. Shit hit the fan.
It couldn’t be.
It simply couldn’t be.
For a long time as she kept listening to her daughter’s tale - often interrupted to weep some more, to drink a few gulps of water, to just hold onto her in silence for a few moments before she could muster the strength to keep talking - that thought kept circling in Imelda’s mind.
It can’t be.
Ernesto de la Cruz, taking credit for her husband’s songs in order to become famous - that she could picture, yes. It was a despicable thing to do, but not something she would put past the man she’d known; there had always been something she found unnerving beneath his friendliness, the constant desire - or was it need? - to be beloved, noticed, at the center of all attention. She remembered thinking, a long time ago, that his eyes reminded her of a coyote’s; the eyes of someone who didn’t want as much as he hungered.
Ernesto de la Cruz, never telling them that Héctor had died while trying to return home only months into that damned tour - that was harder to swallow, so much harder. Letting her and most of all Coco wait, days after day, week after week, year after year, for the return of a dead man. A letter could have put an end to that wait, given them some closure, and he had chosen not to do it. It made her blood boil but again, thinking of the resentful look he would give her and Coco from time to time, when Héctor cancelled their plans to be with them instead, she found she could believe that as well.
But Ernesto de la Cruz murdering her husband - his best friend since childhood - was too unfathomable for her to comprehend. 
Yet, the more Coco talked, the more sense it made.
“He said he felt ill, collapsed and died within minutes. I thought that maybe his heart gave out, but that photo - that bottle - it didn’t add up at all! Papá was so young, he was healthy, and he was just trying to come home, and Ernesto wanted his songs, and…!”
It had been Coco’s sobbing to snap Imelda from her thoughts. She reached to brush the hair off her face - her braid had come undone, she would help her fix that soon - and rocked her like she used to do when she was a little girl. The fact she was a woman grown, a mother herself, was no longer relevant.
Her child was crying and the one responsible for that would pay.
“Enough, mija, enough. I understand,” she said, and it was only partly true. She understood what she had heard; fully comprehending it was was a different matter, after so many years thinking - knowing - that her husband had abandoned them. So many years trying to forget him while her mind drifted to him again and again with each milestone Coco reached and he wasn’t there to see; as she herself grew older, she’d wondered what he saw when he looked in the mirror. Would she even recognize him anymore if she saw him on the street?
She’d wondered where he may be, what he may be doing; wondered if there was another woman, another family he may have made for himself while she fought tooth and nail to raise Coco and keep her family together. And now, now her daughter was telling her that none of it had ever happened. All of the scenarios she’d thought up were fantasies and nothing more.
Héctor had never abandoned them.
Héctor hadn’t even lived to be twenty-two.
Héctor had died while trying to return home.
Héctor was buried somewhere in Mexico City, in a nameless grave.
Those were all facts. Staggering, but cold hard facts. It made her head spin, it made her chest ache with the sheer injustice of it all - he still had so many years ahead of him, he was coming home, we should have had so many years ahead of us - and a small voice in her head whispered that she should have known better, she should have known Héctor better… But Imelda could deal with facts. She could deal with all of it, given time.
And then there was Coco’s speculation - her near certainty - that Héctor hadn’t died a natural death. That Ernesto had had a hand in it, that he had murdered him. As absurd as it seemed to her, Imelda knew she could never return home without knowing for sure… and there was only one way she could think of to find out. Only one man who could answer that question.
Dying or not, she and Ernesto de la Cruz would have words . He would look at her in the eye, and tell her how Héctor had died, why he had never told her of his death. Whether or not he had killed him the fact remained that he had left his best friend’s body in the street, to be buried in a nameless grave, for songs. And that alone was enough for any pity she might have felt for him to be blown away to dust.
“You stay here and rest, Coco,” she said, pulling back and wiping some tears off her daughter’s face. “If that is what he’s done, I’ll get a confession out of him and--”
“No,” Coco choked out, and gripped her arm tight. “I’m coming with you.”
“You need to rest.”
“I can’t rest until I know for sure,” she replied, and Imelda paused. There was something harsh in her gaze despite all the tears, and she knew then that arguing would be useless; Coco had made her decision, and was not about to change her mind. There was a lot of Héctor in her, but she was her daughter, too.
Finally, slowly, Imelda nodded. “Very well,” she said. “Splash some water on your face before we go. You look terrible.”
That caused Coco to smile faintly, and she gave her hand a brief squeeze before she stood and went into the bathroom. Imelda kept sitting in the bed, hands folded tightly on her lap and listening to the sound of running water.
Did you do it, Ernesto? Did you murder my husband?
As much as she wished to dismiss all of it as a misunderstanding, she couldn’t quite do it. Coco wasn’t some hysterical little girl: she was a clever woman, and she would never move such accusations unless she had a very good reason to believe they were true. And everything he had told her made such a frightening amount of sense, too.
That accursed letter was for me. I should have been the one to come here. I should have been the one to figure this out. I wanted to protect her and look what I got her into.
Imelda pushed the thought in the back of her mind, and stood as her daughter stepped out of the bathroom. She would deal with her guilt later; now what she needed to focus on was getting the truth out of Ernesto. She would never forgive herself if he died before they could have that one answer.
Coco had been waiting for closure long enough.
They knew.
That certainty burned itself in Griselda’s mind the moment she found herself looking at Socorro and Imelda Rivera again at the main gate. Coco was very pale, and her mother’s eyes were steely. She didn’t ask to see Ernesto de la Cruz: she demanded it.
“If he’s not conscious, we’ll wait. But he will see us.”
She had let them in, of course, and led them to a living room to wait while she went upstairs - slowly, very slowly. She felt as though her legs were made of lead.
De la Cruz was on his wheelchair, where he’d asked to be left. He faced the window, but he wasn’t looking outside. His head was hanging sideways over his shoulder, his eyes shut. Only the faint rise and fall of his chest beneath the strap that kept him secured to the back of the chair told her was alive; otherwise, she could have easily taken him for a corpse.
He slept, for once without the aid of drugs, and peacefully. The thought of waking him up tore at her heart, but she knew he owed something to the two women downstairs; a confession, at the very least, and perhaps an explanation if they would listen.
“Señor de la Cruz,” she called out, stepping in, and he didn’t stir. She crouched by the wheelchair and reached to cup his cheek, to hold his head upright. His skin was feverish, but it didn’t quite feel like someone had set him on fire from inside. “Señor,” she called again, gently, and a frown creased his brow, there one moment and gone the next. Then, finally, his eyes opened and he blinked up at her.
“Griselda,” he finally mumbled when his eyes put her into focus. His gaze was dull. “You should have let me sleep. I dreamed that I was dead.”
“I’m sorry, señor. There are… some people to see you. It’s Socorro, and… and her mother.”
For a moment he said nothing, and she thought he hadn’t understood. Griselda was about to repeat herself when finally, slowly, the corners of his mouth curled in a very tired smile.
“Imelda,” he rasped. “It’s been a long time. Have they found him?”
“Not quite yet, but it won’t be long,” she replied, pulling back her hand once she was sure he could hold his head up, and hesitated. “They have… questions.”
Ernesto de la Cruz shook his head, very slowly. “No. They just want me to confirm or deny what they already know,” he rasped, and the ghost of a smile crossed his features. “I knew Coco would guess, eventually. Wasn’t counting on her mother getting here anymore, but I should have. She never let anything stand in her way. I admired that, you know? Just didn’t like it when it worked against me, which was all the time. We had a tug war going on, she and I. Héctor was the rope,” he added, then, “Don’t keep them waiting. Let them come in.”
“Afraid to let them into the monster’s den?”
He’d probably meant it as a jest, but she didn’t find it amusing in the slightest. “I see no monster here, señor.”
“No? You may need glasses.”
“I need no such thing. You’re only a man, who did something monstrous.”
“You say that like there is a difference,” he muttered, sounding almost thoughtful, then shook his head. “Have them come here. Then you’ll go downstairs and will not interfere.”
Griselda hesitated. El señor de la Cruz looked so tired and frail, and Imelda Rivera was a force of nature, she could tell. How could she be expected to react to his confession, if not with fury? Righteous fury, of course, but she had a duty of care towards the dying man before her. That felt uncomfortably like throwing him in a cage with a jaguar and leaving him to his destiny. And la señora Rivera, what if she did something she would later regret? God knew that wasn’t something poor Coco needed to deal with on top of everything else.
“This may not be the best time ,” she found herself saying, gaining herself a long look.
“This may be the only time.”
“There is that tape. If I give it to them, rather than have them--”
“No. Only after I’m dead,” he cut her off, and his lips twitched. “Are you afraid for my sake?”
She saw no point in lying. “Sí, señor.”
“Why? I gave my last confession and all. Except that it was worth nothing, regardless what you think,” he said, and sighed. “This will be the one that matters. Spare your worry for someone who deserves it, take them here, and then leave.”
“That isn’t a request. That is an order.”
Griselda stared at him for a moment, and finally sighed. “Very well,” she said, and stood. Her knees protested some, but she paid it no mind. She turned his wheelchair so that he would face the door.  “Let me tell you just one thing I’ve learned, señor, about men and monsters.”
“Spare your breath,” he muttered, but she ignored the remark.
“No monster would admit to being one.”
There was no reply, nor she waited for one: she just left the room, closing the door behind herself, and went downstairs with a heavy heart.
Imelda and Socorro Rivera were still where she had left them, sitting still and silent; they turned to her as one when Griselda stepped in, and for a long moment she wasn’t sure who she pitied the most. She had to work her jaw before she trusted herself to speak firmly.
“... El señor de la Cruz will see you now.”
“Héctor? Are you here?”
Ernesto’s voice was hardly above a whisper, but he doubted it would have made any difference if he’d screamed. His eyes scanned the room, or at least the part of it he could see by turning his head. Nothing.
“Héctor, please,” he tried again. For all of the nerve he’d tried to show in front of Griselda, he was still scared. He knew he had to go through with it, but that knowledge did little to help. He closed his eyes and held back a dry sob, tried to ignore the fever that made his face feel like it was burning. “Don’t leave me alone, not now.”
Still no answer and he could hear, already, footsteps on the stairs. Something gripped his throat, a sort of terror he had come to know all too well. Under normal circumstances, Imelda would have been the one to fear… but there was nothing normal about his situation. Héctor’s widow could scream and rage; she could, and perhaps would, do her utmost to harm him… but it was his daughter who held his fate in her hands. He couldn’t go until she allowed it and oh God, why should she allow him to have peace now? Why should anyone?
She will never give me her blessing to die.
But he’d done all he could to let Héctor go home at last, everything he could to keep his daughter from harm. Surely it had to count for something. Surely it couldn’t have all been for… no. No, it hadn’t been for nothing. Héctor was going home, his family would know he hadn’t meant to leave them. It was something, all right… but where did that leave him?
I’m going home, Ernesto, he’d said.
You’ll manage, he’d said.
“No, I can’t,” Ernesto choked out. “Por favor, Héctor. Por favo--”
He didn’t get to finish that plea: the door’s handle was lowered, and words died in his throat. He found himself staring, transfixed, as the door opened slowly and two women stepped: Coco, pale as death and almost expressionless, and an older woman who could only be Imelda Rivera.
Years had been kind to her; despite the lines around her mouth and eyes, he could still see the young woman Héctor had left behind over a quarter of a century earlier. There was hardly any gray in her hair, but what he truly recognized were the eyes fixed on him, burning into him like hot coals.
Héctor was nowhere to be seen, but his wife and daughter were there, and they knew.
One time, when she was six or seven, Coco had seen a rat stuck in a glue trap.
She didn’t remember exactly where the trap had been; certainly not in their workshop, because Pepita was enough to keep rats, and all the diseases they carried, well away. She didn’t even remember what she had been doing: all that she remembered were those few moments, forever seared into her mind.
It had been a gruesome sight: the poor animal had tried its utmost to free itself, chewing through one of its paws and tearing off entire chunks of fur as it thrashed, leaving it with patches of bloody, bare skin. None of it had helped: by the time Coco had found it, it had all but given up – lying where it was, unable to move, its breathing fast and shallow.
For all of the horror of the scene, it had been its eyes that would haunt her nightmares for much of the following year – the way they had opened when her shadow had fallen over it, and most of all the look it had given her. There had been fear, but also a sort of desperation that went well beyond that; it knew that the end was coming, it knew it was trapped, and it knew it was hurting.
Even a rat becomes dangerous when cornered, Ernesto would tell her many years later, but there was no fight left in that one. It had looked at her, had seen death, and – so she had felt – it had silently pleaded for her to end it.
She hadn’t, then: she remembered running off crying, and had no idea what had happened next. But now – now that she found herself facing that same gaze in a man, or what was left of one; a gaze that told her that he knew that they knew – she was no longer a little girl with ribbons in her hair. There could be no running away.
None of them was going anywhere until the truth was out.
“De la Cruz.”
Her mother’s voice was like the crack of a whip, and ended the moment of stillness as silence after the door behind them closed. Ernesto seemed to recoil, too, and glanced at her… but something was wrong, Coco could tell. When she had first seen him, only a few days and yet an eternity earlier, she had been surprised by how clear and alert his eyes were despite everything. Now those eyes were clouded with fever, his head leaning against the headrest of his wheelchair, beads of sweat across his forehead. He barely moved his head, as though even that was beyond him now. When he spoke, his voice sounded like old paper.
“Imelda,” he said. “I thought you couldn’t make--”
“Señora Rivera, if you will,” she cut him off, her voice icy. That was the first time she saw the state Ernesto was in, and it clearly left her entirely unmoved. It was hardly surprising, knowing her, and Coco envied her for it. She at least could focus on her anger and grief, without that nagging sense of pity in the back of her mind. “Although now I am his widow, rather than his wife. I have been for a very long time. Not that you ever bothered letting me know.”
“Silence,” her mother all but hissed, stepping forward and causing even Coco to recoil. She could see her fury, plain as day in her rigid posture, in the tenseness in her shoulders. She couldn’t see her expression, but Ernesto could. He shut his mouth and just stared at her – a sick, dying man unable to lift a finger, powerless before the approaching storm.
“Hardly anything that ever left your mouth was worth the air you wasted for it. No wonder you could never write a single decent song; you never had anything of value to say. I should have known something was off when I heard you had somehow become the best musician in all of Mexico. You could have never made it on your own. You were a decent performer with a passable voice, nothing more, and you always knew it. That’s why you leeched off the real musician’s work.”
That seemed to strike him in a way nothing else had. He shook his head. “No,” he managed, an almost pleading quality to his voice. “Imelda, Iisten--”
“Shut up,” she cut him off, and he did. His chest rose and fell fast, as though those very few words had winded him. “I want to know one thing from you, and one thing only. You can rot, then, but first you owe me this one answer.” Imelda Rivera took a step forward, eyes steely, and came to tower over Ernesto. “How did my husband die? Was it your doing?”
Ernesto worked his jaw for a moment, and his eyes shifted to Coco. His features twisted briefly in an expression that she couldn’t quite define: there was fear, there was sorrow, there was a sort of despair that went well beyond either.
Deny it, Coco thought, a lump in her throat. Deny it all. Please. Say it was natural causes. Give an explanation, any explanation. Tell me you didn’t do it, and I’ll believe you.
He did not deny it. “Coco,” he rasped. “Please, I need your--”
“ De la Cruz! Answer to me!”
Her mother’s voice rose, filled the entire room. Her fists were clenched, and for a moment even Coco – on whom she had never, and would never, lift a finger – was almost scared of her. Ernesto looked back at her, turned his gaze away, and swallowed. He seemed to steel himself before he spoke… and when he did, his whisper was just as loud as her shout to Coco’s ears.
“Poison,” he choked out, as though just saying that one word hurt him. “I poisoned him.”
For a moment, everything was still. Coco heard the words, but her mind refused to grasp their meaning. She saw, very distantly, her mother’s shoulders dropping suddenly. Her rigid posture came undone, her arms fell limply by her sides; it was as though all of her anger had suddenly fled, leaving behind only disbelief. Suspecting – guessing – was one thing. Hearing the confession was something else entirely.
Poisoned, by his best friend – his hermano – and so far from home. Poisoned for songs as he tried to return to them, barely a grown man but still a tender father and devoted husband, with an entire life ahead of him. So many years pretending he hadn’t even existed, his face torn off their family photo – the injustice of it all was staggering, and Coco found herself unable to breathe for a moment. The room seemed to spin around her, and she held out a hand to support herself against a wall.
“You… poisoned him?” her mamá repeated. Coco recognized the same numbness she felt in her voice and she wanted to go to her, to hold her and cry with her, but she couldn’t do any of those things. Suddenly, she couldn’t move any more than Ernesto could. She could only watch as he closed his eyes, and nodded.
“He wanted to return to Santa Cecilia. I couldn’t convince him to stay. He would go away with the songbook and… you said it yourself. I could have never made with without his songs. We had a toast before he went to the train station. I put the poison in his drink, and he died on the way. I couldn’t let him… couldn’t let you...” his voice faded, and he opened his eyes. When he looked back up at her mother, Coco thought she saw something in his gaze that was almost accusing. “I was so angry. It had been all we’d dreamed about since we were children. But then you came along, and she happened, and suddenly it didn’t seem to matter anymore. He chose you over everything else. He would have left me behind for you, and I--”
There was a cry of anger and dismay, a blur of motion, and suddenly there was a boot in her mother’s hand. Coco didn’t see it strike – she moved so fast and suddenly, her eyes could hardly follow – but she did see Ernesto’s head whipping on one side, saw something spraying through the air, red droplets staining the cream-colored carpet.
Another blow, and Ernesto’s head whipped to the other side; if not for the fact he was strapped to the back of the armchair, he would have probably been thrown off it. He didn’t scream; he just let out a coughing sound, spitting out blood, just as her mother lifted her boot one more time above bowed head. There were specks of blood on the heel.
No, stop. He’s so frail, what if it kills him, what will happen to you then?
“Mamá!” Coco’s cry was that of a frightened child, and it was enough for Imelda to still, her hand still in mid-air. She turned, and their gazes met. Coco had to blink away tears; Imelda’s eyes were dry, but sorrow was etched across her features alongside her anger. For a moment they stared at each other, and Coco opened her mouth, but someone spoke first.
“Señora Rivera. I have to ask you to step away from my patient.”
She hadn’t heard the door opening, but it had, and Griselda was standing in the doorway, pale but entirely in control, as though none of what she was seeing - Coco’s tears, Imelda’s boot in her hand, the blood that dripped down Ernesto’s face - surprised her. A question - did you know? - passed through Coco’s mind, but she had no time to ask.
“Your patient is a murderer,” her mother spat, and some of her sorrow gave way to fury again. “And I won’t stop until--”
“He’s my patient still. If you strike him again, I’ll have to remove you from this room.”
“I’d like to see you try.”
“I’d rather you don’t.”
“No,” Ernesto choked out, causing Coco to recoil and look at him again. He was bleeding from his nose and mouth, blood dripping down with each word he spoke, but he was struggling to hold his head upright and force out more words. “I told you… not to… interfere.”
Griselda’s tense expression softened. “Señor de la--”
“Get out,” Ernesto ordered, or at least Coco supposed that was what he was trying to do. It came out as a sob, and a garbled mess of words. “That was… that was…”
“An order, I know. One that I cannot in all conscience obey,” Griselda said, and turned back to her mother. “Señora Rivera, there is no reason to do this.”
Her mother bristled. “No reason?” she growled. “This rat murdered my husband and if you think you can keep me from ending him in turn--”
“Look at him,” Griselda retorted, more forcefully, but that sorrowful expression never left her face. “He’ll be dead within the week, señora, with no need for your intervention and no consequences for you. I believe both you and your family have suffered enough as it is.”
That argument, at least, seemed to get through to her. Her gaze shifted on Coco, who took a step forward. “Please, mamá,” she heard herself pleading. “We need to find papá and take him home. I can’t do this without you. I want us all to go home together.”
Another moment of stillness and silence then finally, slowly, her mother nodded. She put her boot back on, the anger and pain in her features fading into a look of pure disgust when she glanced back down at Ernesto. “… Very well, then. He’s made his own personal hell already, and I won’t be the one to deliver him from it. Were you hoping I’d do you this favor? Was that why you didn’t want her to interfere?” she asked, and grimaced, not bothering to wait for an answer. “Of course it is. A coward to the end. Too filthy to touch even with a shoe.”
Ernesto shook his head with a low, keening noise. “No. No, por favor,” he managed, blood still running down his face. The sight would have moved a stone, but then again a stone doesn’t feel any pain, and surely not the kind of having one’s husband and father torn away too soon. Even Coco, always softer than her mother, couldn’t bring herself to feel anything.
Imelda seemed to get a sort of vicious satisfaction out of it. “I hope she’s wrong, you know. I hope you live a long life, de la Cruz. As long as Héctor’s should have been,” she spat. “And I hope you suffer every minute of it.”
Ernesto shook his head again. He ignored Griselda’s attempt to wipe some blood off his face and lifted his head. His clouded gaze found Coco. “Por favor. I can’t die if you don’t let me. Héctor says I need your blessing.”
Coco recoiled, taken aback by the surreal statement – and if the other two women’s expression was anything to go by, she wasn’t the only one who was confused.
“What?” she managed, her voice little more than a hoarse whisper.
Ernesto sniffled up some blood before speaking. Every word of what he said sounded like the ramblings of a ravaged mind. “Your father, he wouldn’t leave me alone,” he managed. He was speaking as fast as his split lip allowed him, as though he feared he could be silenced any moment. “Not right now, but I saw him every day at my bedside. He told me I had to write to you. He told me I had to tell you he never meant to leave. He told me--”
There was a snort, cutting him off, her mother took step forward. She didn’t hit him nor moved to, but Griselda went to stand between them either way. Imelda entirely ignored her, and spoke to Ernesto as though she wasn't even there.
“Even now, you want to stake a claim on him,” she spat. “If Héctor could in any way return, he would not be wasting a single minute in your presence. It is us he'd come to. You murdered him for it, and you still haven't learned.”
Ernesto shook his head, as though desperate to keep her words out of his mind. ���No. He told me,” he protested, and turned those dull eyes back to Coco, looking at her through locks of dishevelled hair. “I beg of you. Héctor said I need your blessing to--”
“So that’s why you wrote,” Coco spoke, cutting him off. Speaking felt like the most difficult thing she had done in a long time; her ears were buzzing, and her tongue felt heavy as lead. She thought back of the letter he had sent them, the letter that had brought her there.
Something I need to tell you about Héctor that you should have known many years ago.
“After you said he’d died in 1921 and you never told us, I thought… I thought you had written because you wanted to set things right before you died,” she went on. “But that wasn’t it, was it? It wasn’t because you regretted what you had done. It was just what your delusions told you you had to do. It was never to help me have closure, it was all about getting your own. You murdered my papá, took his songs - our song - and let us believe he’d abandoned us. And now…” Coco paused, and clenched her fist. Fury finally rushed in, replacing that horrible sense of numbness, and it was a relief. It truly was.
“Coco--” he tried, but she’d had enough.
“And now you expect me to give you my blessing, of all things?” she snapped.
Ernesto’s features twisted in what might have been fear, might have been pain, might have been something else entirely. Coco didn’t know, nor she cared to know. He must have seen that in her expression, for he lowered his head. “Please, I… I did all I could.”
“For yourself, yes. All you could, including murder.”
“I tried to keep you safe--”
“After you put me in danger, so I could give you what you wanted,” she said. There was a choking noise, and blood was no longer the only thing dripping from his face. Before, it would have made her heart ache. Now her heart did ache, but not for him. Never for him.
“I moved Heaven and Earth, I… por favor--”
Coco turned away sharply, refusing to listen to another word. Nausea reared up its head, the room around her spun for a moment, but she didn’t falter. She looked at her mother, at the one fixed point in all that chaos, and set her jaw.  “Let’s go, mamá,” she said, and her mother had to see how unsteady she felt, for she moved to take her arm.
Coco let her lead her out of the room, the fury already turning into numbness again. Ernesto de la Cruz didn’t call out for either of them, and she never turned to glance back. She just kept walking, leaning on her mother, each step easier than the one before, until they were out of the mansion - a tomb for a still living man - and she felt the sun on her face again.
And then, only then, she wept.
“Lo siento.”
“Lo siento.”
“I know, señor. I know. Try to rest now.”
I can’t, Ernesto wanted to say, but words stayed stuck in his throat. He kept his eyes shut while Griselda wiped the blood and tears off his face, while she tended to his split lip and aching nose. Every part of him he could feel - his head, his face, his neck - hurt, and he was burning, and the worst of it was knowing it wouldn’t end. It would never end.
He’s made his own personal hell already, and I won’t be the one to deliver him from it.
He was taken back to his bed to rest on his back, a pillow beneath his head. Fingers combed through his hair, but even that gentle touch on his scalp failed to make him feel better. It would never get any better. It was what he deserved but oh God, he couldn’t stand it.
It had taken instants for him to make that decision, to seize his moment. One moment to slip poison in the glass, one moment for Héctor to drink it - and it had been enough to end his friend’s life, take away all the years he may have had and all he could have been. Enough to damn him for good. If only he could go back, God please let me go back, I’d throw that glass against the wall or drink from it myself, return to Santa Cecilia with him, I would, just let me--
“Héctor,” he gasped. “Please, please, I want to go home.”
But Héctor wasn’t there, he wasn’t anywhere, and he wouldn’t help him. Only Griselda’s voice answered his plea. “Hush. You are home, señor.”
No, he wasn’t. He was in Hell and would never be allowed to leave it. Maybe he was dead after all; the bell had killed him and this was his punishment, for all eternity, with no respite and no wait out. He’d brought it on himself and for what? For songs and fame, for his pride and anger and his stupid dream. For a songbook.
“The songbook,” Ernesto rasped, and made an effort to open his eyes, turn towards the small table at the far end of the room. It was there; he had forgotten about it, and so had Coco. It felt so wrong, to still have it there. He couldn’t stand to look at it. It wasn’t his.
“Oh, this,” Griselda said, and went to pick it up. “Shall I have it sent to her hotel?”
“Please,” he whispered. A sigh, and she was back at his bedside, stroking his hair.
“Is there anything you would like me to write on your behalf?” she asked, very gently.
Lo siento, Ernesto thought, but he found he couldn’t force the words out, and in the end he said nothing. There was nothing more he could say or do: he’d tried to fix what he had done, but he’d taken something he could never give back. He never stood a chance. He’d tried and he’d failed, Héctor’s daughter had passed her judgement, and he was so tired.
So he just shook his head, closed his eyes, and prayed for sleep.
“I’m so sorry, mija.”
“Don’t be. You did nothing wrong.”
“I should have answered to that letter. I should have come here myself. I shouldn’t have let you go alone.”
“You’re here now.”
Imelda nodded, conceding the point, but kept an arm around her daughter’s shoulders. Outside the hotel room it was almost dark, and yet the streets were still full of people. On their way back, Imelda had to keep herself from wondering if she was walking down the same roads Héctor had seen on his last days in that world.
Her mind still reeled from all that she had learned, but she tried to focus on Coco, on her head against her shoulder. She felt she needed some quiet time before she could truly process everything. She sighed. “I don’t think I can take any more surprises for a while.”
“Oh,” Coco said, quietly. “I think I’m pregnant.”
“... Qué?”
That caused her daughter to chuckle. It was the most wonderful sound she could recall ever hearing. “I’m not sure yet. But I think I might be. I have yet to see a doctor.”
“And you still left Santa Cecilia--”
“I only realized after my arrival.”
“Ah,” Imelda said, and pushed aside the tirade that had already begun forming in her mind. Her grip on her shoulder tightened a fraction. “You should see a doctor soon.”
“I will. I’m sure Victoria will be overjoyed.”
“Julio, too. They miss you.”
“And I miss them, but not for much longer. We’ll both-- we’ll all be home soon,” Coco said, and sighed. “I shouldn’t have been so stubborn. Coming here on my own… I told myself I needed some distance, but I think I was only trying to prove a point.”
“You are stubborn, yes. I do wonder where you get it from.”
That caused Coco to laugh. “It’s a mystery we may never solve.”
“And that is something your father would have said,” Imelda said, her voice quiet. It was the first time she brought up a similarity between them in front of her, and a brief silence stretched out between them. In the end, it was Coco to break it.
“Will you tell me more about him, now? I... don’t want what Ernesto told me to be the only tales I have of him.”
Ernesto. The thought of that snake made Imelda’s fists clench, but she forced herself to breathe deeply. She didn’t want to think about him; he could live to be a hundred, he could die that very same night, and she wouldn’t care. There would be  time for anger, but not now.
Now, it was time for some remembrance. It was time to let herself, and her daughter, grieve.
“Of course,” she said, and smiled faintly. “When I first saw him, it was from afar in the plaza. I believe I was fourteen; he was a year younger. He had this old guitar made out of scraps…”
She talked and talked and talked about him, well into the night and then until morning. For the few years they had spent together, there was so much to tell her. So many memories that had been locked away in her heart, and that now left her mouth in a constant stream, as though a dam had been broken. She talked and Coco listened, hanging to her every word, asking questions, weeping, laughing.
They were far from home, but Héctor - the Héctor she’d known, who’d still been an idiota for leaving but had loved them both so very much and had tried to come home - was there with them again, and she felt it was almost the same thing.
Victoria was confused by the newcomer.
She didn’t like being confused, generally: it made her feel very small and stupid. But she supposed it was all right this time, because the adults were also very confused - both her papá and the man with the suitcase standing in their yard while warily eyeing Pepita, who kept hissing at him from up on the gate. He’d introduced himself as Armando Abascal, and he was wearing a suit that had to be very, very expensive. He looked amazingly out of place.
“I told you, my wife is not here. She left for Mexico City last week, señor Abascal.”
“I was led to believe she had returned three days ago.”
“That can’t be,” Victoria pointed out, still half-hidden behind her papá’s leg. Not that she was scared of that stranger, of course, but one could never be too careful. Pepita didn’t like him, and so neither did she. “If mamá had left three days ago, she would be here already. It’s not like she would go anywhere else. Right, papá?”
“Absolutely,” her papá agreed with a nod, putting a hand on her head. Reassured, Victoria looked back at the man at the gate. He glanced down at her, and he suddenly looked… not scared, but uncomfortable, and he quickly looked back up at her father.
“Perhaps I was given wrong information. That being the case, I can book a room at the inn and wait for a while longer. I would like to speak to her as soon as she’s available.”
“You’re welcome to do so, but… may I ask what this is about?”
“I’d like to discuss with her an agreement over the rights and royalties of her father’s songs.”
“Rights? Songs? What are you…?”
Oh, Victoria thought, her grandmother would flip if she heard that. She shook her head. “No songs,” she said. “Abuela doesn’t want music here. That’s why her husband left and never came back. For music, I mean, not because she didn’t want it. She did before. Not anymore.”
The uncomfortable expression was there again, and this time the man reached to fix his tie as though it was suddenly too tight around his neck. “I… I understand,” he said. “Does your abuela happen to be home? Perhaps I could talk to her first--”
“Mamá Imelda has left for Mexico City, too,” her papá said, cutting him off. He was frowning, clearly worried… but, Victoria reasoned, he was often worried and usually for no good reason. So everything was fine, right? “She went to find Socorro.”
The man blinked. “So I got all the way here, and they are both in Mexico City?”
“Supposedly,” her papá said. It was a word Victoria had learned just last week, and suddenly she didn’t like it anymore, not when spoken in that uncertain tone. “We have yet to receive another phone call, but as per the last one we had… are you all right, señor?”
Armando Abascal put down his suitcase, rubbed his temples, and groaned loudly.
“... I think I need a drink.”
When the phone rang - and unpleasant sound that made her happy they did not have one of those devil machines in the house - it startled Imelda awake, and the first thing she saw was the window. She could tell, from the position of the sun, that it was late morning; it had been a very long time since she had slept that long, and it took her a moment to remember why.
We talked all night about him. Right until dawn.
Something in her chest clenched and she sat up with a groan, rubbing her eyes, barely aware that the noise had stopped, and that Coco was talking… until she called out for her.
“Mamá,” she called, and her voice sounded so small it caused Imelda to turn in sudden alarm, perfectly awake at once. Coco was staring at her, the receiver in her hand, her still reddened eyes wide.
Imelda knew what she was about to say one moment before she spoke again, almost in a whisper.
“They have found him.”
[Back to Chapter 8]
[On to Chapter 10]
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isobel-thorm · 6 years
Sorry to hear you’ve been having a hard time! Hope you feel a lil better soon! If you’re up to it, I thought “I’m only here to establish an alibi” would be fun for the prompts. Maybe some more of John falling victim to Sharky’s nonsense? (This is a bit vague, so feel free to take liberties where you see fit!) Thanks!!! :)
After much deliberation, the fill is finally here. 
Shoutout to my fave kid at the daycare who does what Cal does in here ALL THE TIME. 
The Power of a Different Word
In which Cal reaches a milestone, John is mortified because he caused it, and Sharky thinks the whole thing is hi-fucking-larious. 
Sharky Boshaw was confused as all Hell when John Seed plopped down in the chair next to him in his area in the dorms. They had just ended their shift on rationing out food (even after two years, Sharky was the only one who trusted John enough outside of Nicolette and Earl to stay in a room alone with him). Once they were done, they’d usually go their separate ways. John would never actively try to be in their room unless both of them were heading in to sleep. Even stranger-  the man had come bearing a couple of beers.
John had wordlessly offered one of them to the man and put his feet up on the crate Sharky had used as a table. “So, anything new with you?”
“We just saw each other ten minutes ago, John,” Sharky replied.
“Things could’ve happened.”
“We live in a bunker. Life ain’t that exciting.”
“There’s never a dull moment with you,” John countered.
Sharky squinted at him and folded his arms over his chest. He could admit he wasn’t that bright, but he could tell if someone was getting skittish from a mile away. And John was skittish and then some at the moment.  “Do you want somethin’?”
“Can’t I just check in on a friend?”
“Are we friends?” Sharky asked.
“I’d like to think so,” John replied.
“Oh, now you really are fuckin’ with me, Man.” Sharky turned back around and
John stared at him,  then sighed. “I am trying here, Sharky.”  
Sharky narrowed his more. “You called me Sharky.”
John blinked at him. “That is your name, is it not?”
“Yeah, but you call me Charlemagne out of spite,” Sharky pointed out.
“Well, maybe it’s time that changed.”
Sharky stared at him again. He looked away in order to look out the doorway for a moment. No, their were voices outside, no one seemed panicked- John most likely hadn’t done anything to harm anyone. And, if the older man was honest, he knew he’d probably be on the top of John’s Maim or Murder list. He blinked a couple of times. Considering how odd the man was acting, even for John Seed, that thought did nothing to ease his nerves.
John held out the beer after a few seconds. “Thought you might want this.”
“What the fuck are you bribing me for?” Sharky asked before he could stop himself.
“I’m not bribing you, Sharky. I’m trying to be a friend, here.”
John shrugged. “Alright, fine, guess I’ll find someone else who wants the beer-”
“Don’t you dare. Get over here,” he took the bottle when John held it out. After a beat, he frowned. “Wait. You ain’t baitin’ me for uh… a repeat of Nic’s thirty-second birthday again, are ya?” God, that had been a fuckin’ day. The Ryes had the kids for that night so Nicolette could ‘let loose a bit’, the three of them were drunk, they had somehow ended up having a lighthearted conversation about sexual exploits in college- and Sharky’s life in general, which led to a game that was part Never Have I Ever, part Truth or Dare that would make Addie proud, and it had ended with Nicolette admitting she missed being... adventurous, and then within minutes, the three of them were back in their room, door locked, clothes flying every which way, and on a mission to make it to the bed. They had woken up the next morning and after Nicolette had ensured that the turn of events hadn’t made everything weird, and three of them together were still all okay, they had all agreed it was a one time thing and it was never going to happen again.
It did. Three times. And there were probably going to be more.
John, who had opened his bottle and gone to drink immediately choked on the edge, apparently caught up in the same memories. “No, no, that’s not it.”
Sharky beamed. “So there is something you want!”
John opened his mouth, then shut it.  “Is it so hard to believe that I’m trying to make friends?”
“Don’t call me that-”
You just accidentally admitted there was something. Come on, if we’re friends, you can tell me.”
John sighed. “Whatever. I’m only in here for an alibi, anyway…” John admitted quietly.
Sharky squinted, then something seemed to dawn on him and he pulled a face. “Aw, come on, man. Tell me y’all didn’t fuck in the mess hall again and don’t wanna get found out-”
John huffed. “Why the fuck does everyone just immediately assume all we do is fuc-“
“Have you met yourselves?” Sharky countered.
John opened his mouth to respond, then firmly shut it when they heard Kim walking down the hallway, not far away.
Kim’s voice carried from a near distance away- she was using her Kid Voice, so the pair of them figured that she had Nikki, Cal and Tommy in tow.
John ran a hand through his hair. “Well, you’re probably gonna find out in a minute.”
Sure enough, Kim came around the corner. “We’ve got a problem,” she pointed out to them, ushering Nikki and Cal inside and pushing the stroller Sharky had helped Tommy’s dad throw together not long ago into the room.
“Short-Round!” Sharky called and scooped up Cal.
“Everything alright?” John asked Kim, a little too smoothly. He looked at Cal. “Hey, Buddy. You havin’ fun with everyone?”
Cal beamed, then, as proudly as a three-year-old could: “Fuck!”
The three adults immediately stilled.
Sharky looked from Kim, to John, to Kim again, then back to John because he realized John hardly looked as scandalized as he should’ve. And then it hit him. John had just mentioned needing an alibi. Sharky himself had mused that John had disappeared for the ten minutes between shifts, and that usually meant he went to go see Cal. 
Cal certainly hadn’t know that particular word earlier that day, and the boy had used that special, ‘just-discovered-this-word-and-it-makes-the-grown-ups-scared’ tone.  Oh. Shit.
This was better than when he learned that Cal’s first word was “No”, much to John’s chagrin and everyone else’s delight at the weird sort of karma that came from that irony. “I’M TELLIN’ NIC!” he called before he practically threw Cal into John’s arms and bolted out the door.
“You’re doing nothing of the sort!” John called. He immediately shoved Cal back into Kim’s arms, ignored the woman’s disapproving sigh, and bolted after him. “BOSHAW!”
“I knew I wasn’t Sharky to you!” Sharky countered. He turned the corner towards the radio room and went to charge. But of course, two years in a bunker with a relatively new and improved John made it easy to forget the man was still some secret beast when it came to agility and strength. No string bean of a man like him should have the power the former Herald did. He had barely made it a step into the new hallway before John had tackled him to the ground.
It was probably a terrifying sight to the three people they had passed, probably fearing the worst when it came to the one doing the tackling. However, the three who had stopped to watch merely sighed and moved on with their lives when John rolled off of Sharky after he tackled him and didn’t move to throw a punch or pull a knife.
Sharky couldn’t help the delighted giggle that still bubbled up in his chest, even if he knew he was caught. “How did that happen?”
“Cal wanted to come with me to put the extra rations back. Slammed my finger in the door when we were leaving. Muttered it. Kid heard it, said it, he didn’t say it again so I just got him back to school. Thought it would be fine. Clearly it’s not.”
Sharky laughed again. “Man, I thought it was gonna be me he was gonna learn it from, but you? Even better.”
John snarled and John smacked him upside the head.
“What is going on?!”
The pair looked up to see Nicolette walking around the corner, no doubt drawn out by the sound of her husband and best friend arguing and then the giant crash- and then the sight to behold of them tangled up together.
Both of them immediately pointed at the other man and launched into a rant in their own defense.
“Alright shut up!” she waved her hands, and both men immediately went silent.
“What. Is this. About?” Nicolette asked.
The pair opened their mouths again.
Kim came around the corner with Cal in tow, saving them by sheer accident.
“MOMMY!” Cal called and launched himself at her.
“Sweets!” Nicolette beamed and picked him up. “I missed you. You have a good day at school?” she asked.
“Yeah!” Cal nodded eagerly, then reached up to pat her cheeks. “Guess what?”
“What?!” she said over-enthusiastically.
“Fuck!” he shouted, matching her enthusiasm.
Nicolette practically dropped him. “What? Honey, no, we talked about this-”
“It was an accident!” John blurted, then stopped short. “Hold on, you talked about what?” he asked as he untangled himself from Sharky.
Nicolette opened her mouth, shut it, then sighed. “I… might have said… that when I had him when I was on rationing duty the other day.”
John stared at her, then immediately let out the giddiest laugh Sharky had ever heard come out of the man. John immediately swooped over to kiss Nicolette firmly before he gave Cal a sloppy kiss on the cheek, much to the delight of the boy.
Nicolette looked between them. “What?”
“It wasn’t me,” John said matter-of-factly.
She sighed. “So, you too, huh?”
“Sharky had his suspicions he’d teach the kid some choice words, too,” John pointed out, though he sounded guilty.
Nicolette sighed. “It’s us. He was gonna learn it sometime.”
“Would be nice if he could stop saying it so loudly,” John countered, more directed at Cal towards the end than anything.
“He is your son,” Nicolette replied.
“You’re the one that introduced him to the F-Bomb,” John argued.
“And now you’re not gonna let me forget it,” she nodded.
“Absolutely not. Until he learns the next one.”
“Which is probably gonna be very soon, knowing us,” Sharky added.
“Cost of the alternate definition of a ‘nuclear family’ that the Collapse started,” Nicolette agreed, then laughed when the men groaned.
Kim looked between the lot of them and sighed. “You guys are so, so weird.”
“Nah, just expecting the inevitable,” Sharky replied.
“Yeah, well, no offense John- I can’t believe I just said that- but expecting the inevitable was more the Peggie’s speed, and look how that turned out,” Kim pointed out. 
“What? That we’re all alive in a bunker instead of burned to ash up on the surface?” John cut in.
Kim opened her mouth to protest, then put her hands up. “Was going for the ‘Apocalypse did happen in general’ angle, but you’re not wrong.”
Nicolette shrugged, then turned her attention back to Cal. “But we’re not gonna say that, right?” she bumped his forehead with hers.
“Right,” Cal nodded.
She booped his nose and set him down. “Now go find Boomer, he probably wants to play.”
“Okay!” Cal nodded, the immediately hurried off.
“… The other two are gonna know ‘fuck’ within a day,” John sighed.
“Nikki already knows it. My Nick let one slip a while ago,” Kim admitted. 
“So for all we know Cal could’ve picked it up from him or the kid,” Sharky offered hopefully.
“Our kids are gonna be disasters,” Nicolette pointed out.
“Point is we’re all disasters and the next generation is gonna know more curses than regular words as they form their vocabulary,” John agreed.
“So much for Eden being all pure and innocent and shit, it’s gonna get inherited by the foulest-mouthed buncha kids the world’s ever seen,” Sharky mused.
There was dead silence from the others, and to everyone’s surprise, John was the first to break it with a laugh. The others joined in after a moment.
Of course, they all went silent again when they heard Cal in the distance, apparently changing course from wherever he was wandering. He had gone the opposite way and was still in earshot when he greeted whoever he had run into:  “Mister Jerome! Guess what?!”
“NO!” John and Nicolette called and immediately bolted from the hallway to go stop Cal.
Sharky snorted. He had never been so happy to not have kids in his life. Still, Cal made Nic and John happy and kept the latter distracted and on a good path enough that he was never going to revert to his old ways.
Being honorary uncle to two out of the three kids was exhausting as all Hell, but he’d never have it any other way.
The fact that watching them grow up with those parents was the funniest thing in the world didn’t hurt, either.
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