#which of course begs the question of who IS…not the Vees
maxiemumdamage · 8 months
Alastor not taking Charlie’s soul was expected, for me. But Alastor making a deal for a blank check actually felt a lot more impactful, and in some ways more ominous.
For one thing, the fact he allowed the caveat that he wouldn’t ask Charlie to hurt anyone…means whatever he wants from her, it’s not exactly power. Connections to it, maybe…but I wonder if it was just his way of locking down any avenues for freedom through her, and he lacks the faith in anyone to think they’d help him unconditionally without being bound to him.
For all we’re shown Alastor’s terrifying, cruel, brutal moments — and we do get a fair few of them — we also finally see him as vulnerable. He starts the finale two-parter warning us that he’s not as happy as he appears, that his smile has always been nothing but a way to mask his true emotions and appear in control. And he ends it well and truly breaking down, clearly in a state of emotional turmoil and newly traumatized.
Even in his deal, Alastor wasn’t in a total power position. And for all he kept trying to claim it…it’s clear that although he’s got his own loyalties and might very much like to be the big bad, he isn’t.
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mikuni14 · 2 months
Century of Love - Ep 7
Wow, what an episode, WOW! I'll be honest, I was actually pretty worried about this episode for one reason and one reason only: that San would be confused, lost, and worst of all: torn between Vee and New Wat. You have no idea how relieved I am that San was 100% with Vee the whole time. Even the scene of him comforting Wat at the beginning, I took it as his natural protective and comforting instincts kicking in, rather than him "connecting" with New Wat.
San was of course confused and worried about this whole mess, which is absolutely understandable, but not enough to overshadow his feelings - he was sure of them. That's the best thing ever 💯
Why I love this episode:
I cried for about 80% of the time
Neither San nor Vee did anything stupid, weird, unpleasant that would affect how much I like them (and I was really afraid of it ngl)
San didn't give in to pressure from Vee, family, Wat, the stone or FATE. I really liked the scene at the beginning when Vee runs away, begs him to let him go, pulls away, and San holds him tight, doesn't let go, doesn't give up. Likewise, after Vee's confession, he still goes to him, he's still open to Vee and if it weren't for his weakness and fainting, he would definitely go after him again
I really liked how he treats Juu, how he apologized to her for causing her problems and stress
I like that San quickly gets his shit together, makes decisions quickly without wallowing in self-pity, constant pondering, questioning and indecisiveness
I like the portrayal of Vee's absolute despair and frenzy related to his grandmother's condition. That's actually rare. Also, how he makes bad decisions under the influence of that despair. I like that he repeats the actions of the equally desperate, scared and mourning San from 100 years ago
I like the classic juxtaposition from fairy tales: true love is sincere, noble, ready to make sacrifices "I'd rather leave/die, as long as my beloved lives", juxtaposed with fake love that slanders, undermines trust, ingratiates itself, fights dirty. It's also interesting that San paid so much attention to Wat's nobility and kindness and how he judged Vee when he met him, and yet his heart chooses a noble person again - Vee, even if his eyes see someone with Wat's face. Classic 🤩
of course I love that San does what I've been saying from the beginning: he chooses Vee as Vee and even said it himself! San chose Vee even when put in front of someone who looks like Wat and has her memories. San makes a free choice, he falls in love with a specific person. Once it was Wat, now it's Vee.
I also love the protectiveness shown in this episode: San is protective of Vee and his family, Vee is protective of San and his grandmother, San's family is protective of him and Vee (that's why his "betrayal" hurt them so much), Ton and Trai are protective of Vee…
The whole truth about San's feelings was shown in his reaction when the stone lit up for Vee, and when it lit up for New/Fake Wat. And how he reacts physically to Vee and Wat, sometimes even in the same scene (like pushing her away and being gentle with Vee). You can't fake that. Also, after seeing Wat after 100 years of waiting, the first thing San did was go to Vee and hug him 🥺 He kept asking him to stay, he held him in his sleep, as if he was afraid he would leave..
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I just... I love them so much. For all the emotions they give me, for how wonderful and human they are. For how much they love each other and how much they are willing to do for each other.
"I don't want San to die as well. Even though I won't be with him. But I will see him live his life. Be happy with the person he loves. This is enough?" "So a person like me would love him? A bad person like me?" 💔 "I LOVE VEE FOR VEE"
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mochie85 · 2 years
To Have and To Hold - Chapter 2
Series Masterlist | My Complete Masterlist
Summary: You and Loki spend time apart, but your reunion is not exactly how either of you planned. A/N: Thanks to @lokisgoodgirl for the help on this chapter. I would have been stuck at writer's block and you guys would not have had a chapter 2. Pairing: Loki x OFC/Reader Word Count: Over 3.4k (It's a long one, folks) Tags/Warnings: Lots of angst. I mean...LOTS. Gunshot - nothing too graphic. Possibly some bad decisions made by our girl...who knows...I don't know. 🤷‍♀️ Dividers by: @firefly-graphics
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Loki stayed in your room all night, hoping you would return so you could talk about what happened. He knew he said some awful things. He accused you of being manipulative and deceitful. All of which he never believed. Not once. So why did I say those things to her?
He was shocked. It was just like the fates to pull a stunt like this. He wanted, so bad, to be a part of your world, and you in his. He didn’t want to hide your relationship anymore. He got his wish. Sometimes he thought the fates were more wily and mischievous than he was.
Talking to his brother calmed him, surprisingly. He couldn’t remember the last time they had a heart-to-heart talk over imbued spirits. Thor, of course, was surprised about the secret relationship you two had. Or at least, he was kind enough to act surprised. Neither of you really tried to keep it under wraps.
By the end of the session, Thor looked…elated at being an uncle. Loki could only imagine what was going through his head. Sigh. He’d rather know what’s going on in your head.
A sudden burst of the door startled him out of his thoughts. He looked up from where he was sitting on the floor, leaning onto the foot of your bed.
You barged into your room, in a hurry. Running in as if you needed to get something. You stopped when you found Loki waiting for you on the floor. He looked tired, holding on to the nearly empty bottle of gin. His eyes were bloodshot and his shirt looked wrinkled.
“Where have you been?” Loki asked relieved.
“Get out.” You commanded.
“Darling, we n…”
“Don’t ‘darling’ me. Get out. I don’t want to see you right now.”
“Well, when do you wanna see me?”
“Violet! We need to talk about this.”
“I don’t need to talk to you about shit! What I need to do is get ready for this urgent mission and you need to leave me the fuck alone.” You headed for your closet, grabbing your duffel bag.
“No! You listen. Since last night, you made me feel like it was my fault! My issue! So I’m claiming it and making it my issue. And mine alone. I come in here and the first thing you ask me is where I’ve been?” you screamed at him.
The nerve! The audacity! Not even an apology?! “Were you sitting here, wondering if I’ve been fucking the whole compound? Looking to see who my next baby daddy is? So I can entrap them too?” you mocked him. You grabbed your small toiletries from the bathroom and noted how the grocery bag was on the counter. All the tests were still inside. He must’ve picked them up sometime last night and stashed them here.
“I never thought of you that way.”
“Oh, and what way is that? A gold digger, only after your money? Or your title? You know, not that it’s any of your business, but I spent the entire night at the lab. Just to answer your question. Bruce sure is mighty fine company,” you sneered. God, I need to stop talking. Don’t bring Brucey into this.
“All right, that’s enough!” Loki raised his voice.
“I’m leaving for this mission. So help you, God, if I come back and you’re not on your knees begging for my forgiveness you can kiss this relationship goodbye!”
So there’s still a chance! Loki thought. “Vee…”
“No! the first words I better hear from you are an apology. Or I don’t want to hear it. I shouldn’t have to fucking tell you! You should know already you narcissistic asshole!” And with that, you slammed the door on his face yet again and made your way to the hangar.
Loki slammed the door open and followed you. He was about to say his mind. Give you his peace, but you quickly stopped in the middle of the hallway, dropping your bag. One hand was holding on to the wall, the other clutching your stomach. You winced in pain only momentarily before you schooled your expression, picked up your duffel, and continued walking.
“Darling…what was that? Are you ok?” He asked. All his anger forgotten.
“I’m fine, Loki. I’ll see you in a couple of weeks.” You said not turning towards him.
“Weeks!” Loki screamed out. “What about the…what about the baby?” he finished in a whisper.
“You didn’t seem interested in it last night?”
“Darling, please.”
“Please…what, Loki? You keep pleading with me but I don’t even know what you want from me. Last night you said you wanted me in your life and for the whole world to know! Then as soon as you find out about the tests, you turned on me like I was a disgusting piece of manipulative trash. So until you figure that out, don’t bother pleading with me for anything.” You stormed off, trying to hide the fact that you were clutching your stomach.
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Days went by. And although you did speak to Loki over the phone, it was always very short and brief. You couldn’t believe you left the way you did. Without so much as a ‘goodbye’ said between the two of you. It hurt you to hear his voice. Both of you were on guard. Never really saying what needed to be said. Polite conversations about the mission or info that needed to be passed along.
At least on your part, you could use the excuse that there were other people around. The others that were with you still didn’t know about your involvement with each other, besides Thor. You wanted to keep it that way for the time being.
Thor had spoken to you about it one night. The others had gone to bed and you and Thor had stayed awake, taking turns on patrol.
“I cannot tell you how happy I am to hear that you and my brother had found love, milady.”
“Thank you, Thor. Even now? With the…you know?” you gestured to your stomach.
“I think, it’s wonderful news. I know my mother will be thrilled to witness Loki finally find his happiness.”
“Happiness? Ya, right. He practically kicked me out like a used trollop.”
“Forgive him, milady. He is very guarded. We’ve both been taught to be careful because of our stations and positions.” He appealed to you. You raised your eyebrow at him and gave him a cynical look. “That is not to say that if we find love we cannot express it. But rather to be mindful…of our actions.” Thor clarified.
“He accused me of doing this on purpose. To trap him into a relationship with me. Like I was a scheming social climber.”
“You have to understand milady, you hold within you the next generation of our royal lineage.”
“But don’t your future children take precedence?” You asked confused.
“Our customs don’t work that way. We are both kings, my dear sister. And we both have equal claim to the throne of Asgard if we chose to go back and do so. Loki more than me because of his Jotunn blood. He’s actually in line for two thrones.” Thor laughed.
Jotunn. You hadn’t even thought about that. Loki’s DNA. His genetic makeup. Are they even compatible with yours? You stuffed the notion into the back pocket of your mind to ask Bruce later when you get home. Right now, you were still reeling over the fact that you have a prince or princess growing inside of you.
“Father would be glad to know that there is someone to carry on the lineage. They would start the lessons and training right away.” Thor’s eyes glittered with excitement. “I would have loved to personally handle their battle training.”
“What do you mean?” You asked confused.
“The little one would be taken to Asgard, sister, to be cared for under our father and mother while we stay here on Midgard. They’ll learn about our culture and history. They’ll learn to defend themselves as true Asgardian Warriors.”
“What do you mean, right away? Wh-Where are Loki and I in all this? Did he know this was going to happen?” You asked almost hyperventilating. So many questions ran through your mind. Thor’s statement about taking the child away from you raised even more. You weren’t even sure you wanted to keep the baby yet. And here they were planning for its future.
“Loki and I talked briefly about it the night before we left for this mission. Loki didn’t think you wanted to leave your life here on Midgard so soon. There is duty and honor to be upheld, milady. Surely you will understand.” Thor watched you with uncertainty. He saw your eyes water and your breathing quicken. He was not sure of what to make of your reaction.
“Unless…you’d like to be there with the babe. You and Loki should be there of course. We would never wish to part you from your child.” He said looking at you patronizingly. “You will be whisked to Asgard as soon as you two make it official. You’ll be the princess to the people. And If Loki decides, and wins, his claim to the throne, a Queen someday.” Thor patted you on the back with a warm smile on his face.
Queen?! What the hell?!
All you did was fall in love. You never thought it would lead to a baby right away. And now, the future queen?!
“All I ever wanted was a quiet life back home, close to my family. I just wanted my knight in shining armor to grow old with. Not the Prince to make me his princess.”
“Have you spoken to Loki about this?” Thor asked.
“I didn’t give him a chance. I was just so angry and I left.” Tears started to trickle down your cheek. “I – I didn’t realize what this would mean. No wonder he was so shocked! He probably would be glad to get rid of it. Then get rid of me. It’s so much more complicated than I thought.” Tears fell down your face. You bit your lip trying to stop the wail that was about to come out of your mouth.
“I wouldn’t be so sure, milady. Before we left, he practically threatened to disembowel me if I let anything happen to you or the…” Thor said pointing to your belly. “He loves you. That is for certain. He would never throw away his chance at true happiness. He might fumble it a bit. But never doubt his love for you, dear sister.”
Does he love me? He said so much himself before he found out about the baby. Loki wanted to take the relationship public. “Thank you, Thor,” you said as a sniper’s bullet shot through you making you fall to the ground.
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Loki was pacing back and forth in his room. You were due back next week and he wanted to practice his speech. He’s written it down on a napkin from the coffee shop down the street. The one you two frequented in secret. He would go there while you were away to think about you.
You were right. You were always right. He should’ve apologized. That was the first thing he should’ve done. The napkin in his hand had been crumpled and nearly see-through with all the handling and folding Loki has done to it. He placed it as the bookmark to one of the many books he bought about human pregnancy and what to expect.
He made his way down to the lab to ask Bruce questions regarding human anatomy and Jotunn biology. In a span of a week and a half, Bruce and Loki had formed a special trust with one another. Mainly because Bruce was the only other person besides Thor that knows of your involvement with each other.
Loki came to Bruce at first angry and beside himself. He was jealous at the fact that Bruce was the one you ran to when he himself pushed you away. But Loki couldn’t stay mad for long under Bruce’s gentle demeanor and The Hulk, shadowing his every move, not too far off.
Now, he’s thankful that you had Bruce to run to. His friendship proved invaluable and his wealth of knowledge insurmountable.
“As far as I know, Loki, she and the baby will be fine. You’ve brought over many past records and instances of Jotunns and other races mingling. There were only a few casualties. And it wasn’t because of the difference in genes but rather poor health conditions of the mother or lack of medical treatment,” Bruce reassured Loki for the millionth time. Loki took a big sigh. He knew he was bothering Bruce with the same incessant questions. But he was nervous and scared that something would happen to you.
Bruce placed a hand on his shoulder, “She’ll be fine,” he said. “Have you talked about it, though, since you found out?”
“No. Our conversations have been brief and usually about the mission that she’s on.” Loki sighed.
“Have you…have you considered that maybe she doesn’t want to keep the fetus.”
“I have,” Loki said looking up. Bruce just nodded his head. He didn’t want to pry any further. But Loki had become a good friend. Bruce remembered how distraught you were the night you found out and how he tried to help you. You talked about multiple scenarios and solutions until Fury came in asking for you to go on an urgent mission.
Watching the god before him crumble at the thought of losing you was a real eye-opener.  Bruce saw a new side to him. One that he was glad to call a friend. Because of their budding friendship, he wanted to make sure that Loki has thought about all the other multiple scenarios and solutions as well.
“It will be her choice. Always her choice. I would love her no matter what.” Loki said, looking down at his bookmark napkin, the one with his love written all over it.
“All medical personnel please be on hand,” FRIDAY announced through the speakers. “All medical personnel please be on hand. Airstrip Alpha. One injured. Bullet wound through the chest. Female.”
It was late Sunday night. The team wasn’t supposed to be back for another four days. The announcement alarmed Loki. The description of the injured describes you. Although, it could be any of the agents that went with you.
Please not her. Please not her. He ran alongside Bruce to Airstrip Alpha. His long legs got him there much quicker than any of the other medical staff. He saw the quinjet’s back door open midair before it ever had time to land. Thor had jumped down from such a great height carrying someone in his arms.
When he landed, he and Loki immediately locked eyes, and he knew.
“NOOOOOOO!!!” Loki screamed out.  He ran towards Thor reaching for your body. He pushed Thor away as he cradled you. Thor stood back, his face a portrait of pain and remorse.
“Loki?” you whispered.
“I’m here darling. I’m here.” Loki said wiping the hairs off your face. He looked up and saw the medical staff running towards them, Stephen Strange behind them. Loki cradled you close and ran towards them. Strange summoned a portal to the medical wing's operating room. Everyone stepped through and Loki placed you on the gurney.
There was chaos erupting everywhere. Hands and voices toppling over each other, trying to open your suit. Trying to pry your wound. Trying to save your life.
And the life of your child.
“Loki! Loki! Look at me.” Bruce tried to get his attention. “She’s alive. She’s alive! And we’re gonna do all we can but I need you to step outside. Ok.”
“I – I can help. I have seidr. I can locate the bullet…or, or…stop the blood…or…” Norns there was so much blood.
“No. You’re too close. Too emotional. Stephen is here. He has powers too.
“But what about the…” Loki tried to argue.
“I will handle it,” Bruce said.
“Come brother,” Thor said as he placed his hand on Loki’s shoulder.
“Don’t you dare touch me! You were supposed to keep her safe!” Loki smacked Thor’s hand away from his shoulder. “Disemboweling you now would be a great mercy. Would you like to know why? Because there are healers here that can probably save your life!” a dagger materialized in Loki’s hand, pointing it directly at Thor.
A portal opened up to the hallway outside and in a flash, it traveled over both the brothers putting them away from the emergency that was happening to you.
“Goodbye,” Strange said as he closed the portal on both of them.
“I was with her the whole time, Loki. I never left her side.” Thor screamed.
“So why is there a bullet in her and not you?!”
“Loki. I swear to you. That attack came out of nowhere. Natasha and Barnes are still there, hunting down whoever attacked her.” Thor said with the blade pressed up against his throat.
Loki was overwhelmed with grief. He pushed off of Thor and began to pace the halls. “For the sake of this realm and everyone in it. She better live.” Loki seethed. His anger and misery ebbing out of him like steam.
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Not long after. The operation concluded with the medical staff drained and exhausted. They all congratulated each other on a job well done, and successful surgery.
“Bruce. St-Stephen.” You croaked out.
“Hey…you should be sleeping. None of this heroic stuff. You just got shot.” Bruce said.
“I’ll be fine. Is…” you looked over at Stephen. Then your eyes wandered over to the rest of the staff that was putting things away and cleaning up the room.
“The baby is fine. Still growing.” Strange answered your question. Great! Your secret was just now made public.
“I ask for one thing. And one thing only.” You said aloud so that everyone in the room could hear you. “If anyone asks, and I mean ANYONE from outside of this room asks, tell them I lost the baby.” You looked down, refusing to meet anyone’s eyes. You had your reasons. No one was entitled to them but yourself. “Please. I will only say, that it’s for my safety and the safety of the child that I ask…that no one says anything about it.”
“But what about Loki?” Bruce asked.
“Especially, Loki. I’m doing this for Loki. Please, Bruce. Stephen. He can’t know.” You looked up. Pleading with both of them. Stephen circled his fingers and a bright round sigil formed on top of each of the staff’s heads.
“I have altered their memories, slightly. They will remember seeing you were pregnant, but that the baby was lost.” When he finished, the staff’s mood turn more somber and pained. They refused to look up at you, sorry for your supposed loss.
You started crying. An emotion befitting a mother who had just lost her child. You were overwhelmed with the events that just happened. You were scared of the plan that you had just implemented. But for you to keep your baby. For your child to have a happy, normal life, no one can know that they exist. Especially Odin.
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Loki sat on one of the chairs in the lounge. His leg - restless, as it jittered up and down waiting for news of either your recovery or of your untimely departure.
When Bruce walked in, Loki all but accosted him for the update. “Good news. She is alive and well.” Loki was overpowered by relief that he hugged Bruce. “She’s resting right now. Recovering. You can probably see her.” Bruce patted Loki on the back, sighing. The next bit of news he was about to give would leave a bad taste in his mouth for as long as he lived. “The bad news is…”
Loki let go of Bruce to look into his eyes. There was bad news! There was always bad news. He should’ve known. Fate would never be so kind to him as to just give him a happy ending.
“…the baby didn’t...” Bruce tried looking down. “The baby didn’t…I’m sorry Loki.” Bruce said.
Loki’s heart broke twice that day. Shattered into indistinct pieces. He had no idea how to move forward. How to talk to you. How to help you. “I think you should talk to her, Loki. Be honest about your feelings. You two need to have a real, candid conversation.” Bruce said looking deeply into his eyes as if he was trying to convey something.
Loki nodded his head, thinking that he understood what Bruce meant. He walked over down the hall up to your door and knocked.
“Come in.” You said weakly.
“Darling,” Loki said as he opened the door and walked in.
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⬅️Chapter 1 | Chapter 3➡️
TH&TH Taglist: @princess-asgard @k-writer17 @slytherclaw1227 @thomase1 @bruh-anator3000 @highkeysimpingforloki @vanicahgg
All Taglist: @alexs1200 @a-witch-with-words @athalialaufeyson @britishserpent @crimson25 @el-zef @fictive-sl0th @gigglingtigger @goldencherriess @huntress-artemiss @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @immersed-in-mischief @kellatron55 @kkdvkyya @lokiprompts @lokisasgardianvampirequeen @lokisgoodgirl @lokisninerealms @lokischambermaid @loopsisloops @lucylaufeyson3 @luvlady-writes @michelleleewise @mischief2sarawr @muddyorbs @nopenottodayson @one-oblivious-nerd @ozymdias @salempoe @theaudacitytowrite @user13cabs @vbecker10 @wheredafandomat @xorpsbane
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lollytea · 2 years
So an extra funny part about Darius & Willow's weird friendship re: him helping her get ready for her date, is Darius used to essentially be Harvey's boss for many years
Like it was already a little strange initially for Gilbert & Harvey that their daughter started dating the ex-Golden Guard/nephew of the deceased emperor, but one of his parents is the ex-Abomination Coven Head too??
First Willow befriended THE Blight family's youngest kid years back, and now she's dating the adoptive kid of a Coven Head, girl just keeps collecting kids related to very important figure heads her dads have worked with/for, I love that for her. Gotta be a 🤏 weird for them tho haha
I know there's a post in my drafts somewhere talking about this exact thing. Like!!! Darius was Harvey's boss!!! That's hilarious!!!!
I like the idea that Harvey and Gil were initially in the dark about Hunter and Darius's relationship. Like when Hunter started dating their daughter, they obviously wanted to invite him and his family over for dinner. (Willow had to repeatedly beg them not to be embarrassing.) So of course, Hunter brought Camila, Luz and Vee along. At this point in time, they're his set-in-stone family, while he and Darius are still kinda in this grey area.
And oh god the Parks LOVE Camila. She's a treasure. She's so sweet. She knows very little about this world so she asks them questions about themselves and their jobs and listens with rapt attention. And the Parks know little about her world so they're just as invested. And even though the food they served made Camila throw up, she took it like a champ. They got along so well.
So they're all proud of themselves for having a WONDERFUL relationship with their daughter's boyfriend's family. They're so good at being functional sociable adults. (I see Harvey as the kinda guy who gets a rush of exhilaration every time he performs adulthood correctly.)
Anyway it's not until a few months later when they're well acquainted with Hunter and their daughter's relationship with him that Willow is like. "Oh, by the way. Hunter's grouchy father figure has invited us over for dinner. He wants to meet you guys."
Which just has Harvey and Gil like "Huh???????" There's ANOTHER parent they have to form a relationship with now??????
And OH GOD. When Harvey finds out who this man is, he goes fucking BONKERS. That's the guy!!!! That's the MAIN guy!!!!! He worked for that guy!!!!!!! And though the Coven system has been abolished, I don't think Harvey can really get that image of Darius the Boss Man out of his head.
After all Harvey is a guy who's very concerned with appearances and making connections for the sake of your career. And Darius still has a huge reputation in the abomination field. So he believes it's in his family's best interest that they remain civil with him.
Like Harvey worked hard while in that Coven and he only met Darius like once or twice. So he flew relatively under the radar. Gave Darius no real reason to dislike him. It was fine.
So the idea of going to his HOUSE and having dinner with him is fucking batshit. Because now he has to make an IMPRESSION.
He panics the whole week and then on the night they're about to leave for the Deamonne residence, he's bustling around making sure He, Gilbert and Willow look presentable and insisting that they all behave themselves. A million times worse than Willow was the first time Hunter came over.
Gilbert, combing his hair: Well, how do I look, Harv? Do you think I'll impress your boyfriend Darius looking so neat and polished? :)
Harvey, straightening his collar: Oh, your sense of humor is alive and well, I see. Fantastic. Make him laugh if you can. I love you.
Willow, polishing her boots after Harvey told her they weren't shiny enough: He's not worth all this effort y'know. He might think he is but he's just some guy at the end of the day.
Harvey, meticulously trimming his beard: Please don't tell me you've ever spoken to him like that.
Willow, who would prefer not to give her dad an aneurysm right now: Of course not 💕
Anyway I absolutely see Darius as somebody who may act like he really doesn't give a shit about anybody who's not in his inner circle but at the same time, he would still be the kind of boss who goes to the effort of learning all the witches in his old Coven by name.
So when he opens up the door and warmly announces "Harvey Park! Wonderful to see you again." Harvey nearly fucking passes out from shock.
Now I KNOW, I know in my heart Willow will not obey that order to behave herself. Once she and Darius are seated at the same table, they are going at it. It is impossible not to.
Which has Harvey sweating BUCKETS at first, especially with how Gilbert barely tries to hold it in before he's in peals of laughter at their daughter's retorts. Even Hunter is snickering.
It takes him a bit to get accustomed to how this dynamic works, just like Hunter, but Harvey does eventually realize that Darius and Willow's rivalry comes from familiarity more than anything. And that's when Harvey realizes that he understands.
Because like!!! Oh!!!! It's a little bit like Harvey and Hunter.
Similarly to how Darius sees his younger self in Willow, Harvey sees his younger self in Hunter. And they're not nearly as witty and graceful as the former two, but two personalities that are so very similar sometimes leads to clashing.
Not even of the antagonistic variety. They're both just nerds who love to info dump and they've both read the same books so they're often very competitive over who can get the words out the fastest and be the one to share the Fun Fact. Like:
Harvey: And the thing about mindscapes is--
Hunter: They reflect the individual!
Harvey: I knew that, yes. I was just gonna tell them that.
Hunter: You were talking too slow so I helped :)
Harvey: Thanks, Hunter.
Hunter: No problem :)
Initially, while the two were still getting used to each other, Hunter used to be so embarrassed by his tendency to speak over Harvey. He just got nervous and blurted shit out to prove he was smart and was terrified Willow's dad wasn't gonna like him. But on the flipside, Harvey, who was initially wary of Hunter, is now like "wow he's just like me fr" And starts to encourage this playful sort of "rivalry" which Hunter is aware is just a joke. And though they DO get on each others nerves, they have an understanding.
That's it!!! That's exactly what Willow and Darius got going on!!!!!
Anyway it's nice that they get to do this and Harvey actually gets an opportunity to talk to Darius in a more casual setting so he can see him in another light that's not the Big Boss Man. Cuz Harvey is crazy smart when it comes to abomination magic, as is Darius. So they actually gel really well. But the boss-employee barrier always prevented them from actually being friends.
Also Gilbert manages to make Darius laugh several times, a feat many cannot do, so Harvey kissed him senseless after they got home. 💕
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delirioushrimp · 3 years
Salvation is found in pain(ful pleasures) [Your Boyfriend AU]
Once more, I truly have no self control when it comes to @harbingers-appointed and his boys. Be happy Flauros, you finally get to steal the show from the King.
Hope you’ll like it Vee !
How many ? How many times did he kill you since the beginning of this twisted game ? How many times did you come back to him asking, craving, and begging for the punishment he was always so eager to bestow you ?
He cut your throat, watched you drown, let you bleed out, broke every bone in your body so many times you wonder how he hasn’t grown tired out of you yet. After all, no matter how satisfying and amusing it must be to kill a person -one yearning for death so ardently- over and over again, one has to get bored of seeing the same face dying by their hands, right ? You’re just a toy to him, an interesting one -maybe-, but a toy, nonetheless.
You’re not stupid enough to believe he genuinely likes you.
Still, you always come back to him, knowing he’s the only one able to give you what you want, what you deserve. You hate it when he does it in the front of the King though, because watching the pain and self-hatred in those gorgeous blue eyes as your life fades away to hysterical cackles, truly breaks your soul. He doesn’t deserve this, doesn’t deserve to suffer so horribly when all he’s done is love you earnestly and wholeheartedly, and most of all he doesn’t deserve loving someone as broken and ruined like you. You curse God for doing this to him, knowing you’ll never be able to return his feelings because you’re not worthy of his love. You’re not worthy of anything but pain.
It’s not fair, it’s not fair !
Lately though, you’re starting to notice a few changes in him. His knife lingers longer than it should, leaving shallow cuts on your skin before piercing you to the bone. His eyes which were usually narrowed in sadistic glee appear distracted, deep in thought as he observes your dying body. It’s strange, you’d never thought you’d get to see him so pensive; he always appears so confident, happy go lucky and in control of everything.
At first, you think it’s because he’s finally growing annoyed of your presence and constant pestering for pain. Maybe he found another, newer and more amusing toy to distract himself with. You would understand if that was the case, it was a wonder he actually “played” with you for that long. But that means you needed to find someone or something able to give you what you sought.
The next time you wake up after another of your “play sessions”, you don’t go to him. Instead, you ignore everyone and everything as you try to come up with a new alternative to your lack of executioner. You manage to evade Samael without much trouble, knowing the castle like the back of your hand after how many times you died there. You’re terrified of gazing into his eyes, terrified to see the absolute grief and agony in them.
You roam around the halls for a while before you manage to find a good enough hiding spot, a small balcony, away from prying eyes. You sit there for who knows how long, time perception long lost ever since the start of this never-ending game. What would happen now ? With nobody else willing to waste their time on you, what are you supposed to do ? Kill yourself over and over again until God decided to take pity on you and finally send your soul to where it belongs ? You remember the bastard’s words after the eighteenth time he cut you open, looking at you with that all-knowing smile.
“His Highness is the only who can end your misery. You could always ask him but- ah” he tilts his head to watch your life spilling away into a red river. “I doubt he’ll agree to it,” he ends with a dark chuckle. “But hey, no harm in trying, right ?”
He’d wanted you to do it, only because he knew of how much pain and agony your words would induce to the King. You had doubted his words, -you always did- fully aware that if he had lied to you, you’d have made Samael suffer for nothing. And you couldn’t, wouldn’t be able to bear the thought.
So you hesitated, waited for a miracle to happen, for the sadist to admit he was fucking with you, anything so you wouldn’t have to take the risk, like the coward that you are. And of course, he noticed, relishing in your growing  paranoia and dread. God ignored your pleas once more, and you began to understand why Samael rebelled. You’ve never been a fervent believer after all.
God is not a benevolent being , merely the leading puppeteer of this world.
You gave in after seven more deaths, despair finally overtaking over fear, and went to find the King. It felt disgusting, seeing him smiling so earnestly at your mere presence when you only came to use him for your own, selfish and self-destructive wish. You felt it to your core, invading your soul, leaving a bitter taste in your mouth. You wish he hadn’t knelt before you with such devotion, you wish he hadn’t kissed each of your trembling fingers so tenderly, you wish he hadn’t whispered your name so fervently. The words that left your mouth on that day felt like the vilest of poisons.
“You…would do anything for me, right ?”
“Anything !” you flinched at the desperate, borderline hysterical tone of his voice. “Tell me what you want, and I’ll give it to you !”
You wondered briefly if watching you die so many times is what caused him to say those words, clinging to your body so pitifully, or if his adoration truly ran that deep from the start. You wished to never have an answer because whatever of the two it’d be, it would only make you more guilty.
“So…” your lips were dry. You felt your sins crawling on your back. “Kill me. Kill me please.”
The  gut-wrenching look of pure horror which crossed his face told you two things; it told you your executioner had not lied to you, and it told you that no matter what you did, Samael would never be able to grant you your only wish. You knew that no matter how much you tried to hurt, destroy or even hate him- something you never believed to be possible- he could never bring himself to end your suffering. And you could not blame or despise him for that, he had waited so long for you and the only thing you gave him was pain and torment.
You deserve this, you deserve this punishment.
“Are you done moping around  ?” you hear that familiar, bone-chilling voice calls for you.
You don’t even turn around to face him but knows what awaits you if you refuse to answer his question, as rhetorical as it may seem.
“I’m not mopping around,” you flatly say. “Just here to think.”
You hear him take a step closer, but don’t flinch or try to move away while he stands right behind you, and you wonder how long it’s been since you got used to this.
“Really ?” he asks a bit more cheerfully. “So, you’re not avoiding me ?”
You frown and remain silent for longer than you should as you try to find the meaning behind his words. He doesn’t seem to mind though as if he was waiting for your half-baked excuse.
“Avoid you ?” you retort back in a slightly sarcastic tone. “What are you even saying ? I know you’ll always be able to find me.”
He hums in agreement, taking no offense of the fact you still refuse to look at him, instead you think he is pleased by your admission.
“You don’t seem very happy to see me though.” He almost sounds hurt at the idea and maybe you would have bought it if it was one of your first interactions. “Did I do something to upset you sweetheart ?” The innocence in his voice is sickening.
You never bought the cute pet names or the honeyed words of concern though. You recall how you cringed the first time he used them on you, which was strange. You had never met him, and yet somehow, you’d been able to tell this behavior was not natural to him. He was attractive -at least to your standards- , his voice was rich and smooth, and his gaze had been solely focused on you; you should have enjoyed the attention from such a charming being, or at least, feel mildly flattered. But instead, your mind and body recognized the eager executioner that he was. Maybe it was because you refused to believe someone could have a genuine interest in you, or maybe it was because you’d unconsciously compared him to the King. Whatever it was, you never fell for it, and you never will.
“No,” you answer in a detached tone of voice. “I’m just staying out of your way.”
You’re not sure if he is confused, amused or irritated by your words but it feels like you’re suffocating. You’re used to the mockeries, twisted chuckles and fake flatteries but this silence, it’s not normal.
When were things ever normal here ?
You can’t help the gasp leaving your lips when you feel a hand grabing you by the hips and a cold breath tickling your neck. You easily guess the smile against your skin, and it takes everything in your power to repress yourself from kicking him in the ribs. You’re not afraid of the pain that might follow after that, but the other types of punishments he must have in mind.
“You think I don’t want to play with you anymore ?” His voice drops by a few octaves, sending vibrations across your skin. You still manage a small nod, voice stuck in your throat. “Aw…how sad. I must have done a terrible job lately, haven’t I ?”
“It’s just-“ You don’t like how your voice waver at his freezing touch. “You seem distracted and well…bored.” You hear him whisper a small oh ? against your flesh. “I thought you got tired of killing me.”
You realize how fucked up this sounds, and a sense of relief washes over you because it means you still haven’t completely lost it. But the moment is short lived when you feel him chuckle darkly, sending goosebumps along your skins. You really, really don’t like this.
“How awfully observant of you dear.” You feel his teeth graze the juncture of your neck, but you don’t move an inch, instead wondering if he intends to cut your jugular with his sharp incises. He’s never done that before, at least from what you can remember. “But don’t worry, I’m not bored of our little game…yet.”
You believe him for once, it would be rather strange for him to come here if he didn’t want to spend time with you anymore. But his voice, the way he stands so uncomfortably close, tell you he wants to change the rules and you’re almost sure he’s happy you noticed the changes. In fact, all of this might have been part of his plan, for you to notice the little hints he dropped during your last sessions and break from the usual pattern the both of you had created since the first day.
He’s always five steps ahead of everyone after all.
You let out a frustrated sigh, knowing that no matter how this conversation will end, you won’t like what will come out of it. But it’s too late to turn back now, not when he’s literally clinging to you like some damn leech.
“What do you want ?” you curtly demand.
“Ah, don’t be like that sweetheart,” he whines to you, but you can feel his smile growing wider. “I just want you to enjoy this as much as I do.”
What the fuck is he saying now ? Maybe you should just kick him after all, then jump and, if you’re lucky enough, break your neck against the cold pavement below, if not you’ll just break every bone in your body and wait until you respawn like some videogame character. It’s nothing you haven’t experienced before, though the demon freak is more into using his knife -you think it’s always the same- than his own hands on you.
“We both know you’re not getting out if this cycle, not for a very long while at least…” he trails off, as if you had somehow forgotten why you were here in the first place, as if you weren’t living with the constant reminder that you couldn’t die. Is he trying to make you cry or something ? “And well…I know you’re not getting off of the pain, you’re not that kind of freak.”
“Just get on with it, the floor below us is starting to become more interesting than you,” you grit between your teeth as you take a step towards the edge for emphasis. He lazily takes another step as well, completely unbothered by the situation. He must know you’re not joking.
“Don’t interrupt me, that’s very rude,” he scolds you, like a parent trying to reason with their unruly child -the idea both amuses and creeps you out- but you don’t miss the cold authority behind it. The warning is clear. “Like I said, you’re not getting anything out of this and I’m starting to feel like the bad guy here.”
You take another step forward and grip the stone railing as tightly as you can as a sign for him to hurry but also to keep yourself from sending your fist in his face or his stomach. Can’t he just break your neck or bleed you dry ? Starting to feel like the bad guy ? Well, he’d fit the role if this was a classic fairytale, although as sweet and devoted Samael was to you, he would not make for a very good prince charming -or a very twisted one- while you’re all too aware of how terrible of a damsel in distress you’d be. One could almost say the purple freak is the only one playing his part right.
“Don’t you think you deserve some award for going this far ?”
Your eyes narrow. Why does he speak as if you had a choice in this ? Why does he speak as though there is anything to be celebrated expect for you to have fallen as low as only finding some sense of peace in dying brutally to the hands a psychopath ? Is this what he wants to reward you for ? Does he really think you’ll agree to it ? You refuse to believe it.
“Ah you’re right, that was a poor choice of words,” he admits in a childlike voice as if he’d heard your thoughts, but it’s not the first time he'd done that. “Rather, I think you’d enjoy our playdates much more if you indulged yourself a bit…” His voice grows huskier as the hand holding your hips moves lower and lower, somewhere he’s never been. “I promise to make it feel so good you’ll forget your own name…” he whispers sensually to your ear before his tone suddenly shifts to sadistic glee. “And then…I’ll watch that beautiful blissful expression of yours turn to absolute agony !”
His revelation turns your body to stone as you attempt to process what he just suggested. This can’t be real. All of this just because he wanted to fuck you  ? No, it was not just about sex -not when he could do so much better than you-, this was about the additional control he’d have over you. He’d already gained ownership over you once he became the only one able to give you pain, and by becoming the only one able to give you pleasure, he’d have complete control of your strings.
“I’m not interested, get off of me,” you try to sound calm, much calmer than the inner chaos that your mind is right now.
“Really ?” How could a word carry so much darkness ?
Before you can react, you feel  a hand grabbing your hair in a tight grip then violently yanking  you aside, in a soundless cry till you’re forced to look at him. You close your eyes on instinct, refusing to submit to his gaze. Tears prickle at the corner of your eyes but you ignore them, instead focusing on the sensation of his cold face against your own.
“I have to admit, it’s been a while since I found someone so pathetic and hopeless. Kinda reminds me of…” he ponders while you try keep your breathing steady. “Oh no I shouldn’t speak of him when he isn’t here,” he seems to mumble to himself. “But really, you have nothing to lose here, cutie,” he finishes in a sing-song voice.
“You’re only doing this to hurt the King,” you finally manage to breath in a cracked voice.
“And what of it ?” he says in a surprisingly flat tone, which causes you to stop struggling. “You’ve only hurt him since you arrived here.”
You don’t want to hear it, not from him.
“You ignored him, didn’t even try to spare his feelings or spend time with him because you were too engrossed in the only thing that mattered to you .”
How dare he lecture you about feelings ? Him, out of everyone you’ve met ?
“And when you asked him to kill you ? Oh, that was beautiful !” He laughs heartfully. “Trying to use his own words against him so shamelessly…I’ll remember this for a while haha !”
“Stop…” you whisper weakly.
“Stop fooling yourself Darling, you’ve never cared for him,” voice full of poison slipping into your already sick mind. “Maybe you actually like to see him so miserable.”
“ That’s not true !” you cry out. “I never wanted him to suffer because of me !”
But have you ever done  anything to prove it ?
“I never-“ you struggle to form a coherent sentence. “I didn’t-“
“Didn’t even give him a chance, went straight to me instead. How fucked up is that huh ?”
You’re trembling, trembling from the truth of his words, trembling from the coldness of his body, trembling from realizing you’re the villain of this story.
“After all,” he murmurs right into your soul, “monsters recognize each other, isn’t that how the saying goes ?”
He lets go of you, and you crumble. You barely register your body falling to the ground as you feel your nails dig into your skin. He sighs.
“Come on sweetheart, you know I’m the only one who can make you feel better. It’s only going to get better from now on. “We’re gonna have so much fun you and I =)”
Okay, so there are three endings to this fic, I intend to do them all but I’m really interested in which one you’d like to read first. I’ll regulary check to see what people want during the next few days.
Pick your poison :)
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Arm-lengths away
Sanders’s Sides fanfiction
Pairing: basically platonic Prinxiety (though I mean...), background Mociet and Intrulogical
Word count: 1231 words
TW: a bunch of confusion, mentions of touch-starvation, un-wanted touch, and I guess it’s just all in all a Virgil Angst. (A vent fic if you’d like.)
Being wary of touch and being touch-starved at the same time is not a good combination. You wish and dream of someone hugging you, holding your hand, but the hair stands on your neck and you flinch away the moment you get any of it. Even a simple pat on the arm might cause goosebumps, and not the good kind…
But then there are those people who you’d let do anything. You don’t mind when they lay their heads on your shoulder. Don’t mind when they literally sprawl out on you. You actually enjoy it. And wish for it. So, when you wish for human contact, you go to them.
But what if these people aren’t the once you should be focusing on? What if those people aren’t the once you should let close to you?
Virgil’s been thinking about this for a while now. 
It won’t leave him alone.
Why, when Angelo is such a great boyfriend, does he find it hard to go to him when he needs a hug? Why, when he would give him all the attention in the world, Virgil wishes for someone else to care? Angie would do anything to help, to see him happy… Yet Virgil still finds himself running to someone else. Wishing for someone else’s hug.
No matter how nice it feels when Angie’s holding him, he always feels like he’s an armlengths away. Too close for comfort, yet far too far for it to be considered ‘love’…
And so, Virgil finds himself in this situation - sitting on the couch with all the others, laughing. Curled up in A’s side just waiting for him to leave. He’s not a burden, no not at all! Virgil enjoys A’s presence a lot. Just… Roman is right there. Smiling at him. Patton sits calmly at Janus’s side, playing with his gloved fingers. And Remus is sprawled out on Logan in positions that could not possibly be comfortable, talking passionately about dissecting humans in the past, as to learn more about anatomy. And the fact that Logan doesn’t mind at all, blows his mind. He guesses, Lo found his Go-to person in Rem. The way it should be…
A’s perfect. But he’s no Roman. He’s no Patton or Logan. Not even Janus or Remus. So ,when Angelo leans down to kiss him and V forces himself to just quickly get it over with, he finds himself declining… He can’t kiss this man, not in good consciousness.
He’s too far from him. He likes him - a lot. But what does “like” do, when he doesn’t run to A the moment something makes him excited. Or when he get’s sad, or angry. Or when the thoughts get too loud to bear. What then? It is all so artificial…
He runs to Roman. He calls him, text him. He’s his Go-to person. Because no matter how perfect A is, he is no Roman.
Virgil forces a small smile and stands up, excusing himself. “I… I’m sorry… I don’t feel too well. I’ll go up to my room, if you’ll excuse me.”
The worry that suddenly clouded A’s handsome face, broke his heart. He doesn’t deserve this… he doesn’t deserve any of this…
“I’ll go with you…”
A was just about to stand up, when V put his hand on his shoulder smiling a little more. “No need. Enjoy the company. I’ll be fine. Just a little headache.”
“Are you sure…?”
“Of course.” Even now, he lied. It scared Virgil how badly he wanted to get away. From him. And A literally did nothing!
He gave one last convincing smile and with an involuntary glance towards Ro, left the room.
Which wasn’t as unnoticeable as Virgil would have hoped for. The small glance was all Roman needed to know something was up.
So the moment V disappeared up the stairs he excused himself as well, pretending to have forgotten to finish a project for school.
Logan gave him a questioning look. “Roman, there’s no project do tomor-“
“Yeah there is, Logan!” he gave him stern look, hoping the logical person would use his logic and actually connect the dots. For higher chances he motioned towards the stairs slightly. “Remember?”
“Oh, yes! You are correct. I forgot. You better get going, Roman. It is a rather hard subject to work with.”
That was all Roman needed. He gave everyone a smile and turned towards the staircase.  
“Good luck with it, kiddo!” Patton called after him as he jogged up the stairs.
The hallway was dark, only the faint purple light from under Virgil’s door, and Patton’s luminescent stars glued to his were lighting it up.
He knocked and slowly pushed open the door from which the purple light came from. “Virge…?”
“Princey!” the slight yelp from behind the bed told him everything. “Ah, hi! What are you doing here?”
“I… I came to talk, Vee. You seemed quite distressed down there.” he quietly pushed the door closed behind him and made his was around the bed.
V was sitting with his knees to his chest curled in on himself, obviously not as fine as he’d like Roman to believe.
Virge hooked up at him. The moment their eyes met all thoughts of fake answers were out of question. Virgil wanted a hug. He so desperate craved Romans hands around him. To burry his face in his chest and never let go.
But… he knew Ro wasn’t the one he was supposed to be wishing these things with…
“I…I…” his voice broke. He couldn’t do this! He was hurting A so much! he was lying to him!
“Oh, stormcloud… What happened?” Ro sat down next him, pulling him close. He couldn’t bare his dearest friend feeling hurt. “Tell me who hurt you and I’ll destroy them! I promise on my prince’s honor!”
That made V crack up - a careful teary laugh that faded all too soon. How could he explain this to him? How could he tell Roman everything without seeming like the most pathetic liar ever? “I don’t think I can explain this, Princey. This is just… too hard to explain.”
“Try me.”
Virgil though about it. He thought about it short and light, because after all this was Roman, Princey. His Princey. He was his Go-to person. He knew everything. Was excited, sad, hurt and angry with him. Always there to laugh, to save, to be saved and to comfort… Always there to listen. So, holding onto him for dear life, pulling himself as close as possible, Virgil tried to explain all the mess that’s been suffocating him for weeks…
From begging to end. No backtracking now.
Being wary of touch sucks. You flinch away from every little human contact. Shiver and get goosebumps from a single finger that touched you on accident. But there are people you would let do anything.
You would be able to leave your life in their hands. Because you knew they’d never hurt you. Not on purpose…  
Because they weren’t arm-lengths away. 
They are much, much closer. And maybe that is how love should feel like. Maybe V is in love with Roman. But what good would that do? It’s not as if Ro’d break up with his boyfriend for him. And there’s too many pro’s to dating Angelo. He is perfect, after all. Kind. Understanding. Smart. Arm-lengths away…
My first fanfic, please be conciderate XD
I know V isn’t exactly V-ish, but it’s 2am and I’m  too tired to overthink this one! XD
Thanks for reading though!! I hope you liked it :3
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to have a heart
Fandom: Sanders Sides
Characters: Virgil, Logan, Patton, Remy, Emile, Roman(mentioned), Janus(mentioned)
Relationships: Familial Logan/Janus/Patton, Familial Remy/Virgil
Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Happy Ending, Depression, Car Accidents, Loss of a loved one, Major Character Death, Mourning, Heart Transplants 
Word Count: 1821
Summary: Patton's day was going great- he'd just sent off his twin sons to carpool to school, he was almost ready for work...
Tragedy strikes when you least expect, doesn't it?
Notes: Happy Valentines!  I almost didn’t finish this because of all the feelings I got from writing it, but here’s a baby gift to the fandom, I love ya’ll.
You're always too young to lose a child.
At least that’s what Patton thought as he sat by his son’s bedside, carefully running his thumb over his son’s hand.  
He’d gotten the call earlier that morning.  The one that all parents hate, one saying that your kids had been in a car accident, that one son had been dead upon arrival, the other in critical condition.
What kind of drunk driver is out at eight thirty am?
Patton blinked away tears and looked up at the heart monitor.  It was steady, everything was fine.
Except that his beautiful, smart son would never have a thought again.  Braindead, and even though he had enough functioning to breathe and have a heartbeat, he wouldn’t even wake up again.
Logan had prided himself for big thoughts, with questions that stumped Patton, with musings at three am with his twin…
And now he didn’t even have that.
The door to the room opened and Patton looked away from his son to see a nervous looking doctor standing there, his head tilted down.
“May I speak with you?”
The man moved to sit in the only other chair and he tapped his feet together once he was sitting before looking at Patton.   “I apologize for your losses.”
Patton gave him a watery smile before looking down at Logan.  “Thank you.  But that’s not the reason why you’re here, is it?”
“No.”  The doctor cleared his throat.  “My name’s Dr. Emile Picani.  I’m a heart surgeon a few floors down.”
“Nice to meet you.”
Emile smiled and looked down.  “I wish these were different circumstances why I’m here.  But Logan signed up to be an organ donor when he got his learner's permit.”
“I’m aware, I helped him with the paperwork.”  Patton ran his hand over Logan’s again.  “You can cut to the point.”
“There’s a boy who needs a heart.  Here, in this hospital.  Uh, I have his paperwork if you want to look over it, but he’s been in and out of this place his whole life.”
Emile offered the papers to Patton, who took them and set them in his lap.  “You want my son’s heart.”
“I understand that this is a horrible time, but with Logan’s condition, keeping him on life support is a cruelty, not a mercy.”  Emile wrung his hands and looked at the comatose boy.  “And you deserve time to mourn.”
“Emile, I lost both of my boys today.  What do you need?”
“Well, your consent to cut life support and also for us to use his heart.  I promise we won’t take anything else if you don’t want us too, but Logan could save a life with his.  You’d still be able to have an open casket funeral.”
Patton lifted the top paper.  “What’s the boy’s name?”
“Virgil, he’s fifteen and a half.”
“Can I meet him?”
“Of course, he’s in the hospital right now, we can go to his room if you want.”
Patton stood.  “I think I’d like to, if that’s alright.”
Emile led him out and Patton noticed that there was a cluster of morning glories on the door that they had just come out of.
“What do those mean?”
Emile looked at the flowers for a moment and smiled sadly.  “We put them outside the doors of people who have suffered a great loss.  It’s a quiet reminder to the nurses to be aware.  We use petunias in the maternity ward.”
They took the elevator down two floors and when they got to Virgil’s room, Emile knocked twice before opening the door and usering Patton in.   There was a curtain that separated the bathroom from the general sleeping area and when Emile pulled the curtain aside, a man looked up from his phone and made eye contact with Patton.
“Emmy babes, I said no visitors.  Vee’s not doing so hot today.”
Emile nodded.  “I’m sorry, but Remy, we may have found a heart donor.”
Remy’s eyes widened and he slid his phone away to stand and cross the room.  “Please don’t be lying.”
Emile gesture to Patton.  “This is Patton.  He, he has a son Virgil’s age.”
Remy turned to Patton and folded him in a hug.  “I know what that feels like.  To realize you might lose the person you love the most… I’m sorry.”
Patton hesitantly hugged back, the smell of coffee and lavender assaulting his nose as Remy squeezed tighter.
“Please, if you can, please save my brother.”
Patton blinked.   This man wasn’t Virgil’s father?  Where were the parents?  
He didn’t get an answer to either of these questions, as Remy pulled away and wiped at his eyes with his sleeve.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t be begging you for something.”
“It’s okay.”  Patton whispered and Emile’s hand landed on his shoulder.  
“Remy, is it okay if Patton meets Virgil?”
“He’s sleeping, and I’d rather not have him wake up, but you can look at him.”  Remy stepped to the side and let Patton in so he could see the teen, who was curled on his side, dark hair spread across the pillow, another one in his arms as well.
“Oh.”  Patton murmured softly.  He looked up at Remy and nodded.
“You can have Logan’s heart.  I wouldn’t want to lose him like how I lost my sons.”
He didn’t realize he was crying until Remy had him in another hug, whispering thanks a thousand times over as Patton cried into his shoulder.
Eventually though, he had to go and Emile brought him back to the room that Logan was still in, the morning glories on the door serving as a harsh reminder to what was.
“Can I say goodbye?”
“Of course, take as long as you need.”
Patton nodded and went back into the hospital room to sit by his son and take his hand again.
“Lo… You get to rest.”  Patton didn’t bother to hold back his tears as he took a shuddering breath and sniffed.
“I’m sorry that I’ll never get to see you graduate, or ever wake up to an elaborate prank that you and Janus planned. I just wish that we had more time, you know, you deserved so much more than what you got.”  Patton let go of Logan’s to hand to bury his face in his hands.
“I’m sorry that I didn’t drive you and Janus to school this morning.  I know that it’s just a stupid carpool, but if you had asked, I would’ve said yes, you know me.”  He looked up and reached a hand forward to brush at his son’s hair.  “I don’t think that I can be as strong as I’ll need to be these next few weeks without you or your brother with me.”
The tiniest of smiles graced his face through the tears.  “I love you little scientist.  And I need to let you go save someone else, okay?  I’m sorry I couldn’t do my job like how you wanted sometimes, I know that you wanted to know who your birth parents were and I couldn’t find out in time… I’m so sorry.”
Patton stood and pressed one last kiss to Logan’s forehead.  “I love you star.”
Then he smoothed back his son’s hair before turning to go tell Emile that he was ready.
There was a line of nurses and other workers when they wheeled him away for the surgery.
A sign of respect for a sacrifice is what they told Patton.   
He didn’t care, Logan and Janus were dead and he was tired.  He just wanted to go home and call his mother and sleep before having to worry about funerals and all the sympathy that would start pouring in.
He didn’t want sympathy.
He wanted his sons back.
A year passed.
Patton moved through life feeling like a ghost of his former self, but he still moved forward.
Depression hit about a week after the funeral.   It was all too real at that point, with him staring at twin graves for twin boys, the offshoots of grass just starting to cover the dirt.
He didn’t know if Virgil’s heart transplant was successful.  No one had bothered to contact him, and if they had, it was lost in the fog that was his life.
He’d almost forgotten about the teen until he was doing his weekly visit to Logan and Janus and there was someone already there, a bouquet of morning glories and baby’s breath in one hand.
Patton walked up to them and they didn’t spare him a glance, the two standing next to each other before the person with the flowers spoke up.
“I didn’t know where else to find you.”
Patton turned his head as Remy crouched and set the flowers on the boys’ shared headstone.
“I see.  Is..”
“He’s doing great.”  Remy stood and looked at him.  “Do you want to meet him?”
Patton blinked and wiped at his tears.  “Sure.”
Remy nodded.  “My car’s the purple one in the parking lot.  Take as much time as you need, I’ll leave you alone with your kids.”
“Thank you Remy.”
Remy’s house was a small condo and Patton felt almost awkward being there as the man unlocked the door and led him into a brightly lit living area, with a tv that still was on.
Remy turned it off and offered Patton a seat, which he declined.
“Vee, there’s someone here to see you!”
A voice floated down from upstairs.   “Did Roman show up early?”
“No, your boyfriend isn’t here, come on demon spawn, they’re an important guest!”  Remy shot Patton a sheepish grin as Virgil hollered a response and a moment later, the teen was walking down the stairs to pause and stare at Patton.
Patton held up a hand in a half wave.  “Hey kiddo.”
Virgil didn’t say anything, but he walked the rest of the way down the stairs and to Patton, gently taking his hand and pressing it over where his heart was.
Thump..  Thump... Thump ….
Patton felt tears start to fall down his face as Virgil rested his free hand over Patton’s that he had placed over Logan’s heart.
“Thank you.”
Patton nodded and choked back a sob.  “You’re okay, that’s my son’s heart, he saved you, thank you, you’re okay..”
Virgil blinked up at him as Patton continued to cry as he felt a heartbeat that had been so familiar to him for so long.
Remy had exited and re-entered the room at some point, but he spoke up from where he stood.
“We, we uh usually visit their graves on Saturdays.  To thank him.”
Patton just nodded, still crying as Virgil moved his hand and shuffled forward to give him a hug.
“Thank you Patton.”
He couldn’t respond, but he rested his head carefully on top of Virgil’s just grateful for the comfort.
“Course kiddo.”  Patton whispered.
And maybe…
Maybe things looked a bit brighter after that.
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razorblade180 · 4 years
Twin Snowflakes Pt13:A Guest part2
Today has been a long day for Summer. School, people, robots, and now an unexpected guest on the first floor who was probably still watching her get owned in stunning high definition. ‘Stupid Veronica. Why can’t you mind your own business for once? I’d be talking out loud if your hearing wasn’t so sharp.’
Summer ran her shower extra hot and waited for the bathroom to steam. Before she would jump in. Summer walked over to the mirror and gently rubbed her makeup off, frowning at the scar right under her chin. It was faded but the sight still upset her. To think today would have added more if not Shiva was unsettling to say the least.
“What’s your angle? You never do anything without a reason.” Summer mumbled quietly to herself as she stared at the sink faucets. If she wanted answers then now was probably the safest time. Summer turned the cold water on and ran her head under it. The cold sensation running across her scalp before she looked back in the mirror to see her reflection smirking at her.
Shiva:Hey there loser. You know I’m starting to think you actually like seeing me. We never talk this much. Willingly anyways. Steaming the room, bravo.
Summer:You know why we’re talking.
Shiva:Of course, I’m in your head. Not that anyone would need it to figure out your simple little thoughts. It’s almost as sad as you not knowing the answer automa-
Summer:I’m three seconds away from just jumping into that hot water. Get on with it.
Shiva:Touchy. Someone needs a nap. The reason I intervened was because you would be no good to me crippled. See? Simple. Can’t move a broken body.
Shiva:What? Expecting more? Honestly you should be thankful, or at least counting your lucky stars. For once, being afraid and helpless saved your life. You let your guard down; fear and adrenaline might be your undoing before the actual cold.
Summer:Don’t get any ideas.
Shiva:Why would I waste time planning when you’re bound to screw up. Fear, cold, sleep, even immense mental fatigue. I’ll just chip away at all of these different avenues that lead to your eventual demise. I’ll give credit where it’s due. You’ve learned a few tricks around the cold through trial and error. It’s not enough though.
Summer:I’ll get stronger.
Shiva:No you won’t. Not as fast you need to be. I mean just look at today. Can you imagine the look on dear Nicholas’s face if he had woken up to see you in a hospital bed? Comatose again just like before. That pain of realizing he put his sweet baby sister in danger again. Hmm, maybe I should’ve let you gotten h-
Summer had enough and went right into the shower; clothes and all. The heat brought relief as well did her oncoming tears as she curled up and wept. Today has been a long day.
The day was dragging on a bit for Veronica as well. The girl sat at a dinner table with her Yang, Jaune, and Weiss. Nick walked in a few minutes later wearing gray sweatpants and a blue tank top. Veronica couldn’t help but noticed he seemed a bit more toned than before. Combat school is serving him well.
Weiss:Where’s your sister?
Nick:Still showering. I wouldn’t be surprised if she went straight to bed.
Jaune:Aww she likes pasta.
Veronica:Gotta admit, it’s still weird seeing you in comfy clothes.
Nick:Do I look like a fashion disaster?
Veronica:Please, knowing this place you’d probably be trendsetting. Speaking of which, did you happen to check your closet?
Nick:I saw a suit bag hanging there but I didn’t open it.
Yang:Not a curious bone in your body huh?
Nick:Not true. I knew someone probably wanted to talk about her work.
Veronica:Indeed I do. *clears throat* Ahem, in that suit bag is what might be my finest work. I rewatched old tournament footage and made an outfit for you that’s guaranteed to help you in this one.
Veronica:Yep! It was pretty simple really.
Yang:She spent weeks working day and night. Poor girl nearly passed out when she finished.
Veronica:*red* Don’t tell him that!
Yang:What? You put a ton of effort in to help. Nothing wrong with that.
Nick:She’s right. Thank you Vee.
Veronica:Well...thank me after you try it on. Adjustments might need to happen. My measurements could be a little off.
Weiss:Did you happen to make one for Summer? There is a duo leader board you know?
Veronica:Sigh, yes I made her one as well. I’m not that petty. Though making something for her was far more irritating. I actually need her to try it on and see if it’ll hold up well with whatever thermals she might wear. Last thing you need is an overheated teammate or the clothes getting deformed.
Nick:Wait, is that why-
Veronica:Recent footage is always the most beneficial when designing something for any individual.
Nick:(You could’ve told her that. Even I thought you were watching her get hit for no reason.)
Veronica:Let me guess, thought I was goofing off earlier?
Veronica:Heh, I suppose I made that reputation for myself.
Summer walked into the room moments later, wearing a black compression shirt and regular pajama pants with snowflakes on it. Everyone was glad to see her. Well, mostly everyone. Veronica was busy examining the slight redness under her eyes.
Yang:Hey Tiny Weiss.
Summer:We’re like the same size. I might be taller.
Weiss:Don’t remind me.
Nick:Guess what? Veronica made us outfits to help bring out our full potential!
Veronica:Not my exact words but more or less so.
Summer:....How much does it cost?
Summer:Nothing, I just can’t imagine a world where you did something for free in regards to me.
Veronica:You can talk to me as little as possible. That would be priceless.
Veronica:She started it.
Weiss:Both of you behave. I enjoy getting to the point in my life where dinners are calm. Let me keep that please?
“Yes ma’am.” They said in unison, which only annoyed them. Summer was too tired bickering anyways. She wasn’t sure why she tried starting an argument. A thank you might’ve been in order. But she chose to stay quiet about the subject.
Yang:So you two think you’re ready?
Nick:I’m actually a bit nervous about the whole thing.
Summer:Not only are we fighting but now we’re performing as well.
Jaune:That’s news to us.
Weiss:Yeah what spurred this idea on?
Summer:I met this little girl the other day. She’s an orphan named Ruth and lives down in Mantle. I promised her I’d help raise money to make it a nice place so uncle Whitley will help me set up a fundraiser. Between that and Nick begging me to perform I thought the tournament would be a good way to advertise or maybe get some donations right there.
Nick:Sadly her terms of agreement involved me singing as well.
Veronica’s eyes lit up like a christmas tree. Did she hear that right?
Veronica:You are singing together at the tournament and didn’t tell me!? Why?!!!
Nick:It….just….sort of-
Veronica:Now everything has to go perfectly! Presentation, lighting, the seating, what song are you singing?
Summer:That’s uh, to be determined. It’ll be good though. Depending on the song we might be able to do multiple.
Veronica:I can’t believe this. A concert...
Jaune:Is that sparking an idea?
Veronica:Is it!? I expected tons of people to show up but now it’s a guarantee. There’s no way fiery inspiration won’t strike! Oh, the crowd should do the lighter thing. You know, where they wave it!?
Weiss:Yang, what exactly is your daughter pumped about?
Yang:She’s hoping while she’s here that she will find inspiration to create a dress that deals with fire. Warm colors, that sort of thing.
Jaune:Can’t you just-
Yang:Apparently I’m not inspiring!
Veronica:Oh don’t pout about it. I’m sure you’ll inspire me another day. We should check out the venue tomorrow morning and-
Nick:Woah, aren’t you forgetting something? Unlike you, we have school.
Veronica:Ugh, school. The worst place in any city.
Summer:Funny, you look like the type to revel in the environment.
Veronica:Dealing with fake people and idiots is never fun. I’d rather be in a jail cell. At least those people have interesting stories.
Summer:(Well she isn’t exactly wrong about that.)
Nick:Looks like you and Summer have something in common after all. A loathing of chalk and blackboards. Getting Summer to attend class is a struggle.
Yang:Veronica is the same way. Especially since she can phase through things.
Summer and Veronica:We’re right here you know?
Nick:We know. I couldn’t imagine teachers dealing with you both at once. I don’t think even I can manage honestly.
Yang:Oh I’m sure you can handle it. After all, Veronica is going to be there tomorrow.
Nothing was said. Nick blinked twice while what he just heard started turning gears in his head. He looked at Summer who was also processing. No way they heard the same thing right? Then he turned to Veronica who had been staring at her Mother like she had just spoken a different language. This was bad. They all heard the same thing didn’t they?
Veronica:I’m sorry ma, both pairs of ears must be clogged. For a second I could’ve sworn you said-
Yang:You’ll be going to their school tomorrow. Already filled out the guest forum.
Yang:You can’t stay in the mansion all day and I don’t like the idea of you roaming around the kingdom. This place isn’t like home. Since you’re helping out for the tournament it’s a good idea to do most of the work where you can get resources and ask questions. It isn’t like you’re actually taking classes.
Veronica couldn’t believe what she was hearing. No one informed her of this. Had this been the plan all along? It had to be. Her body tensed up and her jaw clenched. This was going to be exactly like home. Veronica stood up as calmly as she could manage and proceeded to walk away.
Veronica:Excuse me. I’m going to lay down.
Yang wanted to say something but the girl took the fastest way possible out of the room; right through the floor.
Yang:Verona- and she’s gone. Guess that one is on me. Maybe I should’ve told her on the boat instead of springing it on her.
Nick:Want me to talk to her?
Yang:I appreciate it but when she’s like this it’s best to let her simmer down. There is something I would like for you to do though; both of you actually. Can you please stick by her? Veronica’s hardheaded, and quick to anger. I couldn’t tell you if it’s because of the way her traits manifested, or if it’s the fact she’s a lot like me. Maybe a bit of both. Either way, she’s a good kid behind that exterior. Keep her line please?
Nick:No problem. I probably would’ve done that anyways. We’ll keep an eye out, right Summer?
Summer:Yeah I’m gonna hard pass on that.
Weiss:Now I know you two aren’t exactly… compatible, but I think you should at the very least make sure nothing terrible happens to her.
Summer:What could happen? It’s school.
Yang:Honestly I’m more concerned about other people’s safety. I teach her boxing. Not to brag but I’m a good teacher.
Jaune:Oh boy, Summer it would be bad to not prevent that.
Summer:How would I even? *mumbles* I can’t even beat her.
Nick:...Oh! Let’s compromise! You don’t have to help her. But if I ask for help and it happens to be about her…
Summer:What stunt are you trying to pull?
Nick:You know me, I’m not going to abuse the power.
Weiss:I’ve seen your credit card receipts.
Nick:Financial power is meant to be expressed once in a while. This is different. I have way more restraint and consideration!
Weiss and Jaune:(He just admitted he sucks at conversing money...)
Nick:So what do I say, my dear sister that loves supporting me?
Summer:Uggghhh, fine. But only three times a day max.
Nick:Deal! Let’s start right now!
Summer:What? But we aren’t-
Nick:Veronica is going to need a uniform tomorrow. Seeing how you skipped a day that means you should have a spare this week right? We’ll get uniforms for her by the end of tomorrow.
Summer:Fine. That’s not so tough.
Nick watched Summer get up from the table and leave. No doubt to get things over with. He decided to get up and call the day early.
Nick:I’m going to shower then call it day. Nice seeing Yang. I’m guessing I’ll see you tomorrow?
Yang:You know we’re staying here right? I’ll see you bright and early.
Knock Knock Knock
Summer:You in there Veronica? (She didn’t say what spare room she’d be in. Geez, we have too many rooms to search one by one) V-
Veronica:I’m in your room Einstein.
Summer:WHAT!? Why are-
The answer hit Summer like a freight train. Summer quickly sprinted towards her room and ran right in to find Veronica holding a school uniform. It was just as Summer feared.
Summer:Gee, that really is some hearing you got. It must be really hard not to snoop.
Veronica:Only when I know someone is bad mouthing me.And you’re right, I don’t need someone like you watching over me. Not that it’ll do me any good.
Summer:(I deserve that one.) I’m sor-
Veronica:Why is this your uniform?
Summer:What? It’s just the standard made uni-
Veronica:I know that. But why is it yours?
Raising it upwards, Veronica aimed the garb against Summer’s frame. The skirt covered most of her shins, the shirt might as well have been drabs on her, and the entire thing must’ve looked like the outfit was eating her.
Veronica:Our body types aren’t the same yet even these clothes would be way too big for me. You have to be swimming in all this excessive fabric. It should be uncomfortable and a waste.
Summer:It’s not that baggy. Besides I think it’s pretty comfortable.
Veronica:A Schnee should care about their appearance. More so than even someone like me.
Summer:I really don’t need a lecture right now. Just take it and go.
Veronica:I can’t wear this tomorrow. You may not care about the way you look but my look. Maybe if I just tuck the skirt in a few inches with thread…
Summer:Don’t make modifications to my clothes!
Veronica:They are only temporary.
Summer:Makes no difference. Just wear it as is.
Veronica:Mmmm hah.
Summer:Ugh! Why are you so- what’s your problem!?
Veronica:My problem? I’m not the one going to school in bed sheets. Honestly, who willingly does something like this?
Summer: I-
Veronica:What, can’t be bothered to-
The outburst was unexpected; even for Summer who had no intention of getting hostile. Veronica was just a person she couldn’t stand to look small around. Summer was ready for another argument to begin but no words came flying her way.
Instead, Summer saw Veronica wince in pain as if she had pricked her finger. The faunus flashed a glare of irritation that made Summer consider leaving. ‘What’s gotten into-‘ her internal question was cut off by Noticing Veronica’s cat ears. She had folded them down and was currently rubbing them gently. ‘Did I really scream that loud?’ Years of singing did mean Summer knew how to hit a high note fast. Perhaps she had gotten swept up in her emotions and shouted louder than she thought. Summer slowly opened up her mouth and gave a slight pause before gently speaking.
Summer:Are you okay?
Veronica:If you’re going to yell then at least gradually get louder. Screaming out of nowhere like that, you’re definitely a singer alright.
Summer:I wouldn’t be screaming if you weren’t so….extra all the time.
Veronica:Says the girl who just hit a high note like it’s a normal thing. Extra is what you’re really. I’m surprised you’re not breaking some dress code; pulled some strings no doubt.
Summer:*red* You don’t know me.
Veronica:Sadly, I do.
That stung a bit. Summer looked at the floor. Her spirit was reaching another low point for today. “Jerk…” Summer mumbled. Veronica watched the girl slowly start to retreat into herself. Almost like if she was a turtle going into its shell. The sight was a bit depressing. ‘Damnit, I gave my word to Nick but it’s not like it was just going to make things change.”
Veronica reached out to Summer’s chin and tilted the girl’s head up until they were staring at each other. Summer tried to look tough and stern but the way her eyes shifted ever so slightly gave away the tears she was trying to fight back. Veronica gave a look that was more than a bit unimpressed. “Quick to scream and quick to cry. You’re a little spoiled little princess, you know that?”
“You’re one to talk. Always ready to fight and walking around like you own the place. You’re just as spoiled as I am.” Summer said while trying to keep a hushed toned.
“I’ll give ya that one.” Veronica looked Summer up and down multiple times before letting go. She walked over to closet where all of Summer’s uniforms were and took them; even the one she wore today.
Summer:What are-
Summer:What are you doing with my stuff?
Veronica:Something you should’ve thought of. You’ll get these back before school tomorrow. I’ll be two rooms down the hall.
Without allowing further questions, Veronica left; closing the door with her tail. Summer wanted to press the issue but knew it would be hopeless. It was going to be a long day tomorrow though if she woke up to miniskirts. Hopefully Veronica wasn’t that cruel. There were a lot of pitfalls Summer would say Veronica had but she couldn’t think of a single time the blonde had actually insulted her body or looks for that matter. Maybe it would’ve been too easy of a thing to go after. Veronica was gorgeous after all in both departments; gaining a majority of her looks equally from both parents. Including assets, which made Summer fairly jealous. Combine that with her taste in fashion and it was impossible to find a time Veronica didn’t look awe inspiring. No wonder she acts like she can own anything.
‘I’d be confident too I guess if I looked like that.’ Summer thought as she finally laid down on her bed and let sleep take her.
Jaune:Veronica’s gotten taller since last time she was over. I think her and Nick are the same height now.
Yang:I’m surprised she’s growing at all with that lame diet I keep trying to knock her off of. It takes a month's worth of nagging just to get her to eat a hamburger sometimes. Suppressing those instincts of hers constantly like that does way more harm than good. I wish she could understand that. Eventually she’ll just get cranky and be more aggressive than usual.
Weiss:Surly there’s a balance?
Yang:Yeah, it’s called living normally and having restraint. I mean I was hotheaded for sure but I mellowed out around this time right?
Weiss:Didn’t you destroy a nightclub? Wait, you did that right before Beacon. You were older than what Veronica was now; hell no you weren’t mellow! People got hurt the moment they touched your hair.
Yang:People shouldn’t touch other people without permission. Plain and simple.
Jaune:How’s school over there for her? Has it gotten better?
Yang:Less fights for sure. Practically zero now that I’m thinking about it. Boxing really helped with that but I can tell she still isn’t happy. Can’t really tell you what goes through her head daily or how she feels. Blake’s typically the only one to get her to open up but even that’s not much these days. No doubt she still can’t stand a majority of people in school.
Weiss:Still hasn’t made friends.
Yang:Nope...kids are cruel.
Weiss:They don’t starry that way. It’s learned behind closed doors. I know that better than most. Hate to say it but not much will be different here. Even Summer has problems with people in school. Albeit, for different reasons.
Yang:Blake and I just want Veronica to get some distance from home and school. Let her be around a couple more people besides us and her grandparents that love her to bits. You two, the twins, Ruby, Oscar-
Jaune:Does that really count?
Yang:Nick certainly lightens her up. He’s a real charmer. In a few years team RWBY might actually be sharing every part of the family tree. Wouldn’t that be pretty cool Weiss? Think of the fun family reunions.
Weiss:Are you forgetting your sister is married to my brother, genius? We are already connected.
Yang:Yeah but this way would be cuter.
Jaune:I’m telling Ruby you said that.
Yang:Please don’t.
Weiss:I’m hoping one day Nick’s feelings for Valerie are reached. He tries so hard.
Jaune:I think he should phone it in. Poor guy isn’t getting far.
Weiss:You never gave up on me.
Jaune:I know but I sort of took a break and focused on me and tried not to die while saving the world. Honestly I’m still surprised you found your way into my arms.
Weiss:I’m not. They loved me and let me know I was safe with you. It was only a matter of time before I found my way to them.
Yang:Ugh, get a room you lovebirds.
Weiss:This is our house!
Jaune:Also you act like you and Blake haven’t flirted in front of people or with us.
Yang:Jaune the four of us did more than flirt. Speaking of….
Yang:Not even when Blake gets here *winks*
Weiss:*red* We are grownups with children. Children with very good hearing and know when something is up.
Yang:Hmm, we’ll revisit this conversation later. So, Summer isn’t holding up at school either.
Weiss:Sigh...not really, no. She’s grown rather distant from us lately. Even Nick feels like she’s been building walls. Just the other day Winter caught her grinding on the chains to Mantle with her snowboard.
Yang:That sounds awesome!
Yang:*sweats* But completely dangerous and not safe in the slightest.
Jaune:Oscar says her therapy sessions have been pretty slow the past few months in terms of progress but that’s all he’ll really tell us for now. Penny’s check ups show physically that she’s normal. Well, for the state she’s in.
Yang:No Shiva outbursts or. Confrontations lately.
Weiss:Not that we know of. It’s frustrating really. All this money and power to get the best resources to learn about diamond dust but none of it is getting us closer to learning anything substantial. Maybe if we can find a bit more or something. Then I could help my daughter through this.
Jaune reached across the table and held her hand gently.
Jaune:We’ve gotten this far. Summer has gotten this far; I got a feeling that we can handle anything at this point. One step at a time right?
Weiss:*smiles* One step at a time.
Yang:Don’t forget, you haven’t used all your resources. Whatever hurdle pops up I’ll be one call away from helping you over it. Spare no expense. You have more than enough people on your contact list willing to lend a hand. Don’t let them go to waste; sometimes you gotta ring every last one of them!
Weiss:Hmph, pretty bold to speak for everyone like that. I hope you’ll take the flack if they disagree.
Yang:Then they can call me personally!
She looked at Summer’s uniforms that she put on some manicans. Veronica reached down in her bag and pulled out a sewing kit. She pulled out a needle and twirled it in between her fingers while pulling out spools of thread and juggling them with her tail. Her free hand tied her hair into a bun.
Veronica:Five outfits, I’m tired, headache, still need to unpack, still have sea legs, Summer gave me a headache, and I have to go to an Atlas school of all places tomorrow. Oh, not to mention what time it is now and when I gotta wake up. *smiles* better get to it then.
Part 12
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queenbirbs · 5 years
waiting game | Ethan Ramsey x MC
AN - Literally couldn’t get this oneshot out of my head last night, so therefore I spent most of my last day off before Easter Hell Week writing it out. Because of course, why not? WC 3701 There’s a special place in hell for Harper Emery.  
It’s the fourth time the phrase has entered his head, but it hasn’t lost the fire behind it. He’s the leader of one of the country’s best diagnostics teams, he’s done a few tours with Doctors Without Borders. Last year, he even went back home for Christmas dinner with a family who would honestly rather receive more postcards from Mozambique in lieu of seeing him in person.  
And yet, this is possibly the most stressful thing Ethan’s ever dealt with. Wading through feces and garbage in a rural country would be more preferable at this point.  
The event room around him is gilded to the tee. Every table is draped in the finest cloth, the silverware sparkling in the light of the chandeliers, the plates filled with the highest quality catering. Extravagant centerpieces explode from the center of the tables, white orchids and white hydrangeas and white lilies spilling out from crystal vases. Some type of curly branch winds up toward the ceiling, breaking up the overwhelming glare of white.  
In the beginning, he tried to position himself just so, hoping the floral arrangement would hide him. Sitting down only served to make him an easy target, though, where any of the sharks could circle his table and feast upon him at will.
Glancing down at the scotch in his hand, he wonders how many more metaphors he can make before he has to cut himself off.
His current strategy is to keep moving, keeping himself between them with large, immovable objects. He learned his lesson with George Kadinskee, who shoved a table and chairs out of the way to get to him. It’s like being in a furniture store or a car dealership, watching the sales people discreetly chase after him.  
It’s all rather pathetic (and childish) of him, but he didn’t become a doctor to get hounded by insurance reps. And yet, here he was at a Banner Health function on a Friday evening, dressed in one of his finest suits, waiting for the earth to swallow him up.
He really just wants to go home to his dog and a documentary.  
“Doctor Ramsey!” a voice calls from behind him.  
Allotting himself a wince and a sip of his drink in preparation, he sucks in a breath and straightens his spine. It’s a good thing, too, because when he turns around he needs to cling to all the composure he can.
“Rookie,” he greets, taking another sip to wet his dry mouth, “what are you doing here?”
Sloane raises an eyebrow at his tone, but doesn’t comment on it.    
“Doctor Emery invited me. She said that the hospital could use some... younger representation.”
It’s his turn to shoot her a look.  
“Are you calling me old?”
“I think the polite term is ‘experienced’ now,” she responds with that low, pretty laugh of hers.  
He doesn’t choke on his drink, but it’s a damn near thing. “I’m sorry I’m late, though,” she continues, saving him from responding, “I had to get cleaned up and get all…” she trails off, waving a hand over her ensemble. “And my post-op was having some complications. I wanted to stick around until he got settled.”
Clinging to the life-raft of shop talk she’s handed him, he asks her about the patient, relieved when he catches the glint in her eyes, that bright flicker of discussing something she loves. Hospital talk saves him from making the inevitable ‘you look nice’ comment, which would be a paltry choice of words. She looks absolutely gorgeous, wearing a royal purple gown with a deep vee neckline. The material looks soft to the touch, the rich color complementing the russet shade of her hair. She normally wears it up, but it’s nice to see it down. His eyes follow the soft curls to the waist of her dress, where a section of thin lace does little to cover her pale skin, before the rest of the skirt continues down.  
“You should go get us another round.” At her stilted tone, he glances at the half-finished glasses they both hold.
“Why?” he drags the word out, blaming the alcohol for how playful it sounds.  
“Because there’s a middle-aged man that’s been eyeing you across the room for the past two minutes.”
He’s definitely blaming the next sentence out of his mouth on the alcohol.
“Are you sure he isn’t eyeing you?”    
Something akin to delight crosses her face, before she breaks into a chuckle and shakes her head.
“Oh, no, trust me. He’s definitely been admiring your backside this entire time, not mine.”
Ethan pointedly keeps his eyes up, because he’s a grown adult, and shouldn’t be tempted with the idea of admiring hers. (He’s done so before, but only from the comfort of the nurses’ station, and only when she’s distracted enough not to catch him. He is a grown adult, after all.) 
“Does he look like he plays golf instead of attending mandatory meetings?”
“Oh, yeah,” she nods, her gaze narrowing just beyond his left shoulder. “And his idea of a good time is yelling at wait staff.”
He chuckles at the matter-of-fact tone.
“You can tell that from across the room?”
“I waited tables in the Upper East Side in college. A sizable chunk of my debt is from buying new white button-downs when people like him threw food at me. I can read people like him a mile away.” Her eyes widen when she adds in a rush, “And he’s headed this way. Here!”
He takes the glass she all but shoves at him, steps around her, and tucks himself into the crowd hovering around the bar. Chancing a glance back, he sees her intercept George with an enthusiastic handshake. He watches as she lets herself be pulled out to sea into the awaiting sharks.
The bar takes longer than anticipated, but Ethan manages to secure two fresh drinks (and seven new business cards, which he will promptly throw in the recycling bin when he gets home). Fifteen minutes is a long time in the world of work functions, though, and he has lost sight of Sloane by the time he makes it back to the dining area. Across the ballroom, a live band has replaced the jazz playlist, and couples are moving across the dance floor.
Scanning the crowd, he finally spots a flash of purple, then a curtain of red flickering between bodies. She’s dancing with Anthony Fenton, Banner’s HR assistant and owner of three Teslas, which Ethan only knows because Anthony told him four times within their twenty-minute conversation earlier.
The song that’s playing crescendos, then eases down, the couples slowing as it peters out to a calmer song. Anthony’s hand moves from her waist to the small of her back, gathering her close to sway with her. Sloane settles a hand onto his chest, pushing back to make some space between their bodies.
It’s funny, because Ethan doesn’t see the venue change the lighting, but everything goes red for a moment.
He moves closer to the dance floor, trying not to feel like a chaperone at a school dance. Sloane is an adult, and a smart one at that, and is capable of making her own decisions. So, if she wants to dance with annoying assistants, or flirt with visiting paramedics or the other diagnostic interns, then she’s perfectly free to do so.
It doesn’t matter to him at all. (It does.)
He’s glad he’s watching them, though, because he gets to see the moment Sloane notices him. It’s been a few months since she started at Edenbrook, but it still gives him that same little thrill, that bite of pleasure, when she comes across him in the hallway, or in the cafeteria, or at Donahue’s, and he gets to watch her face light up.
“S.O.S.!” she mouths, begging for a save.
After she rescued him from George, he can’t just leave her to fend for herself, right?
Setting the drinks down on a nearby table, Ethan moves through the dancers with ease and sidles up to tap Sloane on the shoulder.
“May I have this dance, Doctor McTavish?”
She unwraps herself from Anthony and takes his offered hand within the span of one beat. Ethan thinks he mutters a dismissal to Anthony, but isn’t entirely sure about it.
Because he clearly didn’t think this part through. Enjoying Sloane from a permitted distance was one thing, but having her in his arms is a whole different ball game. He wonders if she can feel his heightened pulse where her hand grips his. (She can’t -- her fingers aren’t on his pulse point, but the curve of her lips says otherwise.)
They move in tandem with the crowd, more swaying than actual dancing. The music is just low enough for murmured conversation, which Sloane starts up with a suggestion of turning his people-watching skills on the dancers around them.
He points out the divorcees, the slackers, the ones that should be promoted and the ones that should be demoted. They bicker about an older couple near the very edge (she thinks they’re married, he thinks they’re just business partners). The current song slows and the two men in question share a gentle kiss, the shorter nuzzling the taller’s chest.
He runs out of observations soon after, too caught up in his private thoughts about the woman in his arms to spin any more yarn.  
“Wouldn’t you normally bring a date to a function like this?” she asks, honest curiosity in her voice.
He deploys his best weapon: deflection.
“Couldn’t I ask the same of you?”
She hums, tipping her head to the side as if in agreement. The action sends a cascade of curls to lay against her neck, that floral perfume of hers hitting him again.
“To be fair, I did ask someone, but he works fourth shift tonight and couldn’t make it.”
His brain doesn’t know how to handle that information; he gets a wave of disappointment that she tried to bring a date, then gets another wave of admonishment at himself for wanting her all to himself.
“You wouldn’t want to put anyone through this schmooze-fest, anyway,” he reasons.
“You’re right,” she says. “In the twenty minutes you were hiding at the bar, I was offered to go on three company cruises and seven golf trips. And I’m pretty sure one of those was a combination of the two.”
Ethan makes a face at the idea of a golf-cruise combo.
“I was not hiding. They only have two bartenders working for a full venue.”
“Your mouth is moving, but all I’m hearing are excuses, Ramsey,” she chides with a grin.
The tempo of the song they’re dancing to swells. Neither say anything, but both seem to know exactly what to do. He drops his hand from her waist and twirls her out, her dress floating out into the open space with her, before she comes back into his arms, holding tight to his hand.
There’s a callous on her right ring finger, resting just below the nail, from the way she holds her pen at work. The perfume he detected before drifts up to him, stronger now that her body has heated up. He spots the flush that blooms across her chest and neck, a result of the swing music the band has started up.  
He does not consider what it would be like to lay his lips there at the base of her throat and have a taste of her, to see if that pretty flush of hers would follow the trail of his lips.
“Let’s get some air,” he suggests, once the song is over and Sloane is panting from exertion and he is not thinking about other ways she could become breathless in his presence.
More dancers have joined the floor since they did, making their path out difficult. Ethan puts a hand on the small of her back, keeping her close to his side as they maneuver their way out of the crowd. Her skin is pleasantly warm under his fingers and covered in a light sheen of sweat from their activities and the close quarters of the dance floor.
She heads for the open balcony across the way and he follows, a moth drawn to her flame.
Outside, the city stretches out before them. To the south, Back Bay is a faint glow, leading the eye to continue left, where downtown shines bright. Cars are small dots of light underneath them, moving right and left, heading in and out of the city. Just on the edge of the balcony, Longfellow Bridge casts out into the darkness of the river. Despite the heat of the day, the cool night air rushes up to meet them.
Ethan catches Sloane rubbing her arms to keep herself warm and gives her his suit jacket to combat the cold. She tries to protest, but he silences her with another look, and helps her slip into it.
“My dad used to be the handyman for the local hospital where I grew up,” she tells him as she moves to stand at the edge. “During Christmas, they’d put these trees on top of the roofs, and he’d take me and my brother up there every year. It was only five stories high, but to us, it might as well have been the Empire State Building.”
“That sounds nice.”
She tears her gaze from the view over to him. He resists the urge to straighten his shoulders, suddenly feeling as if he’s been appraised.
“It was.” She seems to shift, as if deciding something unknown, and smirks up at him. “And then, you know, I was sixteen and wanted to impress a girl, so I stole my dad’s keys and took her up there with some hot cocoa and Bailey’s and one thing led to another…” she tips her head to the side again, laughing when he clears his throat.
“Well,” he starts, then realizes he has nothing to say to that (at least nothing that won’t seem like he’s offering to perform a reenactment out on this very public balcony with her), so he tries again. “Well.”
Nope, he’s got nothing.
Sloane takes pity on him and reaches out, patting him on his arm that rests next to hers on the railing.
“I’m glad I came,” she says, her face turned towards the open air. “I had a good time.”
“Despite Anthony and his two Teslas?” he can’t help but tease.
“Don’t forget his third one, though, back at his house in the Hampton’s.”
“Ah, of course. How could I have forgotten.” Finishing his scotch, he charges ahead: “I’m glad you came, too.”
He’s very glad he limited his alcohol intake, because when Sloane turns to smile at him, he can’t help but note that her eyes rival the sparkle of the city. And if he’d been drunk, he might’ve actually told her that. 
Instead, he offers his arm. “I think we’ve made a sufficient appearance. We should be able to escape from captivity now.”
Sloane sets her empty glass on a nearby table and links her arm through hers.
“If I’d had another three of these, I’d make a tiger noise right now.”
“Well, thank god for that.”
They make it to the elevator and down to the front lobby of the hotel without any incident. They, of course, have an argument at the curb about her borrowing his jacket for her trip home, since she forgot to bring a coat in her rush to get to the function.
“Here, at least let me get you a Lyft,” he offers as he hands off his ticket to the valet.
“Oh, no, that’s too much. It’s a nice night, despite the wind.” She slips free of his jacket, handing it back to him. “It’s only a few minutes from here to the T.”
“How far do you live from here?”
She glances back to the street, as if checking for something, before she answers, “I’m all the way across town, over near Fan Pier Park.”
He goes over her route home, recalling that the closest station to her is back on this side of the channel. Which means she’ll have to walk at least ten minutes to get home after her stop, all alone on a Friday night. “Don’t worry,” she continues, as if that’ll stop him, “I do it every night. We’re not that far from the hospital right now, and I make that walk at all hours of the evening.”
You’re usually with your roommates, he wants to point out.
She’s already angling her body towards the street, readying to make her journey home. “I’ll be okay, Ethan.”
“I’ll drive you home.”
“You live in the heart of downtown. You could throw a rock and hit City Hall.”
“It’s… on my way.”
He gets another eyebrow raise for that lie.
“It’s not even remotely on your way. You’d have to backtrack.”
“Barely over a mile. That’s not the end of the world.”
“Doctor Ramsey--” she tries, but the valet interrupts their argument, waving over to where another woman has brought his car around.
“Come on, McTavish.” He doesn’t glance back to see if she’s following -- he can see well enough in the lobby’s tall windows as she huffs out a sigh and trails after him.
“It’s nice here,” she comments as they wait at a stoplight somewhere along Congress Street.
He’d opted for the side streets, instead of taking a chance with the highway and its propensity for wrecks inside the tunnel. It certainly has nothing to do with the route taking longer the way he’s chosen, thus an increase in time of being in Sloane’s presence.
“In my heated seats? Of course it is. Beats the hard, plastic ones on the T any day.”
“I meant here as in the city, Boston. It’s a nice change of pace from the… constant-ness of New York City.”
“Constant-ness is not a word.”
“It is a word when I’ve gotten off a fifteen-hour shift, then had to walk around in these heels all night, and then was bullied into a car.”
“I did not bully you--”
“Okay, you didn’t bully me. How about: arrogantly demanded?”
He hums, as if in consideration.
“I’ll concede to arrogantly demanded.”
That sparks another chuckle from her, grinning over at him from his passenger seat.
“But yes, I lived in New York City. Therefore, I get to say what it was or was not.”
“It’s rather constant here, too,” he points out. A chorus of honks back up his statement as two cars blow through a red, blocking the intersection when the traffic ahead stops.
“New York was such a high turnover city to me. I had seventeen different roommates when I was living off-campus my third year of med school. People would come from all over the world to chase their dreams. By three weeks in, they came to the realization that it was going to be a lot harder than TV made it out to be. Why would they bother trying to live in one of the world’s most expensive cities being a temp or a waitress, when they could be back in Minneapolis or Nashville or Rochester doing the same thing.”
“That’s… rather depressing.”
She shrugs at his summation.
“It’s just how it was. And why I love living here in comparison. Here, everyone seems a lot more… rooted. I mean, barring unforeseen circumstances, I’ll be here for three years for residency. It’s nice to have that, to have friends who are in the same boat as me.”
His mind unwillingly travels three years ahead, when Sloane inevitably goes off to Johns Hopkins or Vanderbilt or Seattle Grace, and he never sees her again. “People come here to stay here,” she continues, unaware of his sobering thoughts. “I like it.”
He doesn’t know what to say to that, not trusting himself to ask if she can see herself staying here permanently. If she can see a place for herself on his team, because if she keeps at it like she has been, he can easily see her joining him.
He doesn’t want to hear her plans if her answer to that is no.
Instead, he flips on the radio. He taps along to the bass drums as she hums in time with the string instruments and he reminds himself that he cannot fall in love with her (not that it does any good).
“Nice place,” he says, and means it. The apartment building faces to the north, with a spectacular view of the harbor to the west. A doorman waves at Sloane as she starts to climb out.
“It might be rude of me to ask, but when I was in residency, I lived out of a shoebox. How did you all manage to secure a place like this?”
She glances over to the bay, biting at her lip, before meeting his curious gaze.
“We might have ganged up on the landlord and convinced him that our competition were communists.”
“Well, ganged up is a strong term. But...yeah. First time I’ve ever been thankful I paid attention in that American History class in undergrad.”
“I have to admit, I’m impressed.”
“Oh, Doctor Ramsey,” she says with a shake of her head, that familiar smile making its appearance, “if you’re impressed by that, you should see what else I’m capable of.” With that, she grabs her purse from the floorboard, thanking him again for the ride, before rushing up to the double doors.
Ethan stays, wanting to make sure she gets inside safely, and watches her chat with the doorman for a moment. He can tell when she notices him still at the curb, and flicks a hand up at her when she waves to him. He waits a moment longer, watching her turn and head deeper into the lobby, until she disappears into a waiting elevator.
“I can’t wait to find out, Rookie.”
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doomlover21 · 5 years
Widojest Week Day 1
This is my first published Critical Role fic.  This wasn’t the initial fic I was going to submit.  The idea for this came from a bad thunderstorm that passed through our area two days ago.  Sorry this is so long, I kinda got carried away.  Anyways enjoy Rainy Day Waltz!
Rainy Day Waltz
       A fierce thunderstorm has rolled through the Xhorassian capital of Rosohna.  The party of adventurers known as the Mighty Nein have been confined to their house for several hours and some of them have been going stir crazy.  The only ones who haven’t been struck with a case of cabin fever are Nott, Yeza, Caleb, and Caduceus.
       “Ugh, I am sooooooo suuuuuuper bored,” Jester whines.
       “Yeah, join the fucking club.  Wish this rain would stop so at least I’d have an excuse to go walk around town or something,” Beau complains.
       “Beau?” Yasha’s quiet voice asks.  The monk in question turns to look at her.
       “Would you like to join me in the training room?  I think it might be good for both of us to hit something,” she asks her.  Beau’s face lights up for a brief moment before she hops up onto her feet.  She clenches and unclenches her fists a few times.
       “Hells yeah I would!”  At her enthusiastic response, Yasha smiles and leads her out of the happy room and into the training room downstairs.  
       “Well, I’m gonna go and see if Deucy needs any help with his gardening,” Fjord announces as he gets up.  Jester frowns.
       “I think I’m gonna go see what Cayleb’s up to.”
       “He’s probably studying.  Best not to disturb him,” Fjord warns.  She shrugs.
       “That’s never stopped me from pestering him before.” This brings a smile to his face which she returns with a mischievous smirk of her own.  He gives her a salute before the two part ways, Fjord heading up to the tower garden and Jester down the stairs to the library lab combination. Once down there, she’s met with the sight of Nott and Yeza busily working through some alchemical experiments.  The pair of them talk animatedly about various chemicals and processes that are very foreign and nonsensical to the tiefling. It brings a smile to her face as she thinks about how happy Yeza makes Nott and vice versa.  
She notices the red-headed wizard leaning over the small desk in the room, sheets of used parchment strung about him.  Each piece of parchment is crumpled or folded up in some way and has smudged ink of barely legible symbols on them.  Jester picks up one of the crumpled-up sheets and unfolds it.  She studies the smudged ink and tries to decipher the symbols. She can make out some writing on the paper, but the letters don’t come together to form any words that she recognizes. She remembered the few times she had seen Caleb’s spell book and the writing inside was very similar.
‘This must be what Zemnian looks like all written out,’ she thinks. She looks at all the crumpled-up pieces of parchment, and a mischievous smirk crosses her face.  She recrumples the page in her hand and launches it at the Zemnian wizard still writing at his desk.  The parchment ball hits him squarely in the head.  He curses in his native tongue as he rubs at the spot where he was hit.  He turns to look at the couple still working on their potions and other alchemical projects.
“Nott, zis isn’t funny, you know?” he says.  The goblin girl turns to look at him with a raised eyebrow.  In her hands are two vials that Jester can only guess the contents of.
“What isn’t funny?” she asks.  Caleb glares at her, and Jester quickly covers her mouth to hide a snicker. She isn’t fast enough, though, as Caleb and Nott quickly turn to the sound of her barely hidden snort.
“Jester?” Nott asks.  Caleb rolls his eyes.  He turns back around to his papers.
“I’m busy right now, Jester.  Vhy don’t you don’t and prank somevone else?” he asks.  
“Oh come on, Cayleb!  Don’t be an old stick in the mud,” she whines.  Yeza taps his wife on the shoulder, and with a final look at her tiefling friend, the pair return to their work.  The Zemnian doesn’t answer her, but she also doesn’t see his quill moving either.  This takes this as a good sign.
“There’s no one else to prank right noooooowwwwwww…Beau and Yasha are in the training room, Nott is busy with Yeza, and Fjord is helping out Caduceus…And you’re not doing anything and it’s still like thundering and raining and stuff out…” she complains.  He huffs out a sigh and turns around, a glint of amusement in his eyes.
“So, you decided zat I vas zee only vone left to annoy?”
“Weeeeellllllll not to annoy, exactly.”
“Zen to do vat?”
“I’m bored, Cayleb.  And there’s nothing to do,” she complains.  He nods.
“Ah, zere’s zee reason,” he says.  
“Can’t we do something fun since everyone else is doing stuff together?” she begs.
“Like vat?”
“I don’t know,” she says with a shrug.  She smiles, though as now it appears that she has gotten his full attention.
“Vell I hafe to finish up zis spell transcription first zen I’m sure zat vee can find somesink to do.”
“How long is that gonna take?”  she whines.
“Not fery long.  Just gife me two minutes.”  He turns around and slowly his quill begins moving again.  Jester hums to herself to pass the time.  As she hums, she sways back and forth in a very slow dance. Caleb finds himself not only smiling but humming along with Jester despite himself.  He does manage to finally finish his work, but it takes him a little longer than he had initially anticipated.  He turns to the cleric once he’s finished, and she continues to hum and dance not even noticing him.  A half-smile teases his lips.
“Jester?” She stops spinning and turns to him.  A flush tinges her cheeks.  
“Yes, Cayleb?”
“Vould you come vith me?  I sink I hafe found somesink for zee two of us to do to stafe off boredom.”
“Okay,” she says.  She bounces with joy as she follows him out to the foyer.  Once into the large open room, he turns around and greets her with a smile.
“Okay, so where are we going, Cayleb?”  Jester asks as she spins around to look at the room.
“Vee are here,” he says as he extends his arms.  Jester raises an eyebrow.
“Um…okay?  And why are we here?” she asks in confusion.  Caleb approaches Jester and with a low bow he extends a hand to her.
“Jester, may I hafe zis dance?” he asks with a smile.  Jester covers her mouth as a shriek of joy escapes her.  She jumps up and down several times.  Caleb can’t help but laugh at her antics.  She does manage to collect herself, though.  
“Of course, Cayleb,” she says as she takes his hand.  She whispers a small prayer to the Traveller, and the three-fourths tempo of a waltz rings out through the air.  Caleb’s smile widens as he pulls her in closer.  
“I hope you’re a better dancer when you’re sober, Cayleb,” she jokes. He huffs out another laugh.
“I promise zat I am a much better dancer vhen I am sober,” he promises. And as Jester would soon find out, he could indeed follow through on that promise.  He easily and gracefully leads her through the dance.  It is such a change from what she is normally use to from him.  She never would have imagined that the weak and clumsy Zemnian could ever possibly be graceful and light on his feet.
“You were right, Cayleb,” she says with a giggle.  He hums in response.
“You really are a better dancer when you’re sober.”
“I vould sink zat anyvone vould be a better dancer sober razer zan drunk,” he says with a laugh.  The pair continue dancing for what feels like hours.  Jester relaxes in his arms and rests her head on his shoulder.  She sighs dreamily as she drinks in his scent.
“You smell good,” she mutters into his shoulder.  He turns to look at her, a quizzical and amused look in his eyes.
“Oh?  And her I sought you sought I vas stinky,” he teases.  This only earns him a light slap on the arm.  A very light one, Jester has to remind herself, as her partner is much weaker than she is.
“I vould hate for vord to get out zat I smell good, vouldn’t you?”
“Well, we’ll just have to keep it our little secret…And I won’t tell everyone that you’re actually a really good dancer, either.”
“I appreciate zat.”  She hums. The pair fall silent again until Jester finally breaks the silence.
“Where did you learn how to dance like this?  Was it at the school?”
“Uh….nein….Ah, vell zat is to say I didn’t learn how to….um.. vat I mean to say is zat I already knew how to valtz before I vent to school,” he fumbles over his words as memories of his first waltz come surging forward.
“I had teachers who taught me all sorts of things.  Like they taught me how to play piano, and how to dance, and how to like be a proper lady and stuff.  The one lady who taught me wasn’t very good, though.  I pranked her a lot,” Jester tells him.
“I bet…Vell, meine mutter vas zee vone who taught me how to valtz,” he says softly.  She lifts her head up at the foreign words.
“Your what?”
“Ah...my mozer,” he says sadly.
“Your mama taught you how to waltz?  That sounds so cute, Cayleb!” she gushes.  A frown contorts his face.  
“Ja.  I suppose.” Jester can feel the depression rolling off of him in waves.
“Come on, Cayleb, you can’t get all sad now.  You’re dancing with me, and I don’t dance with sad people,” she says firmly.  This brings a small smile to his face.
“If you say so.”
“I do say so, and now you can’t be sad for the rest of the dance. Cleric’s orders.”  He laughs.  
“And how exsackedly do you intend to carry out zose orders?”
“Weeeeelllllllllll, maybe you just need someone to tell you that you’re sweet and kind and all sorts of nice and handsome and that I just looooooovveeeee dancing with you and I wish we could do it more often, but I know you don’t like people seeing and stuff, which is totally okay, and I get that and….”she rants.
“Jester,” he whispers.  She stops her rant mid-sentence at his soft and tender word.
“Ja?”  The Zemnian word on her tongue brings another smile to his face.  He has been smiling a lot today, despite all the gloominess outside, he muses.
“Shut up,” he says.  Normally Jester would be offended at being told to shut up, but the way that Caleb looks at her and the way that he moves his free hand to her chin stops her.  He leans down and her heart nearly pounds out of her chest.  She rises up onto her tiptoes to meet him.  When their lips meet, a fire of desire races through both of them.
This being Jester’s first real kiss she eagerly follows Caleb’s lead as he closes his eyes and leans into her.  She unclasps his hand and wraps both arms around his neck like she had read about in her romance novels.  The Zemnian, in turn, pulled her in closer and held her as tight as he could.  The kiss lasted for two minutes and twenty seconds exactly, as his keen mind reminded him, and it was the most passion laid kiss he had ever had.
When they pulled away, they were both gasping for air and smiling.  A warmth spread all through Jester, and all she wanted was to spend all day in his arms.  But she knew that he would never allow that, so she instead allowed herself to just drink in this moment.  She wished that she had his keen mind she that she could remember every last detail of this.
“Um…uh…I’m sorry.  Zat vas uncalled for,” he stutters.
“Don’t you dare apologize, Cayleb!  That was amazing!”  And it really was, at least in Jester’s mind.  So amazing in fact that she gently grabbed his chin and pulled him into another kiss.  At first this second kiss was more reluctant, but it quickly became just as passion filled as the first.  They pulled away a little too quickly for Jester’s liking, but to her surprise he pulled her into another one.  And when she felt his tongue pushing against her lips, she parted them and allowed him entry.
She wasn’t sure how, but this felt even better than the first two kisses. They were both very awkward, but they soon fell into a rhythm as their tongues explored every inch of each other’s mouths.  Now feeling a little more daring than before, Jester bit down on Caleb’s bottom lip and elicited a moan from him.  She could feel a swelling of pride in knowing that she had been the cause of that sound. She also could feel the Zemnian’s little Zemnian pressing against her thighs, but she wasn’t about to dwell on that not when the two are pulling away for air again.
This time, though, they don’t go in for another kiss.  They just stay there in one another’s embrace.  Jester lays her head back down on him, and is pleasantly surprised when he lays his head on top of hers.
“Wow, Cayleb.  That was like the best dance ever!” she compliments.  She almost wishes she could see the flush on his face, but then she would have to look up at him and that is definitely not something that she wants right now.  She can feel him smile against her hair.
“Ja.  I hafe not danced like zat for a long time,” he answers.  She chuckles at that.
“Did you and Astrid ever dance like that?” she can’t help asking. He lifts his head and pushes away from her.  He doesn’t let her go, but he does give her a stern and serious look.
“Didn’t anyvone efer tell you zat it is rude to talk about anozer person vhile you are somevone’s arms?” he asks.
“Well you did the last time we danced,” she counters.
“I vas drunk, Jester,” he argues back.  Her face falls as she lowers her head.  Tears well up and she tries to stifle a sniffle.  She had had such a good time and now here she is ruining the moment.  A moment she might not ever get again.
“I’m sorry,” she whispers.  It is almost too low for him to hear.  But hear it he does, and his face softens as he pulls her in again.
“I’m sorry.  I didn’t mean to blow up on you.  I just…” he starts.  He takes a deep breath and gives himself a moment to breathe in her scent.
“I don’t vant to sink about her.  I vant to get her out of my mind.  It has been so many years, and I doubt zat she efen remembers me, let alone remembers how in lofe vee vere.”  She leans into him and just allows herself to revel in how warm he is.
“Plus zere is….uh…vell..I may be, possibly in lofe vith…uh…nefermind…forget I said anysink.”
“It’s okay, Cayleb.  I love you too,” she says softly.  He gasps, but instead of pulling away he only pulls her in closer.
“Ich lieben dich, Jester.  And sank you for zee dance,” he says.  She nods.
“I wouldn’t want to dance with anyone else.”
“Not efen, Fjord?”
“Now, now, you know you shouldn’t talk about someone else while you’re holding someone in your arms,” she scolds jokingly.
“Ja, alright.  Forgife me,” he says with a chuckle.
“You are forgiven, but only if you kiss me again.”  He frees her head from his and leans down to press a series of kisses along her cheek until he finally lands on her lips again.  This is the shortest kiss yet, but no less pleasant than the others.  Just as she is about to lean in again, she hears what sounds like Beauregard’s voice coming from the training room nearby.  Jester turns to look out one of the nearby windows to see that the rain has stopped.
“The rain’s stopped.”
“Ja, it has.”
“Guess that means we’ll just have to move this outside then,” she jokes. The two laugh as they pull away.
“Vee vill certainly need to hafe a talk about zis later,” he says as he gestures between the two of them.  She nods.  
“Ja, but later.  Now let’s go outside and enjoy the day.”  Just as he is nodding his assent, a thunderous sound erupts as the rest of the Nein come into their room from every which way.
“Let’s go shopping, you guys!” Jester announces.  They all laugh as they are leaving.  Jester falls into step next to Caleb and stealthily takes hold of his hand.  He smiles and squeezes it tight.  Jester had never liked the rain, but for once she could say that this was a rainy day she definitely enjoyed.  
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[06- Space-Time Travel Here We Go!!]
Daichi stood in the emptiness, trying to understand how would he travel back to the past and tell Taichi or Ken about the enemies going after Daisuke. But… He had no idea what should he do next.
Til… his digivice’s screen began to shine. The light had been redirected to Natsu’s pendant and it reflected into infinite rays of light, showing then many doors in the white void.
“What the heck!?”
“Daichi, language.”
“What’s going on here!? Why those doors looking like the same and without labels!?”
She couldn’t know how to explain to the boy about the gimmicks of that dimension. But it’s like a video-game’s HUB. That would’ve been the best answer for Daichi’s question though…
“I dunno!” she answered “I… I never had done any kind of space-time leap before!!”
“This dimension connects to each world and their time” Clavis Angemon approached from the trio ��Every change results in a new door, or the end of it.”
“Wait, what!?” Ulforce blinked “So… the thing about altering the past can erase a world is not a hoax!?”
“Do you REALLY think, Ulforce!?” Natsu hissed “Of course it is!”
“Ok” the boy babbled “But how do you know where are you going if all of those doors are the same and there’s no labels on them!? What if you accidentally get lost here!?”
“... We use instinct.”
Daichi took a deep breathe. He wanted to give more criticism to how that place had been built, but he had no time to waste. Instinct huh? He looked at the doors and walked to the first he found to be the right choice.
“Ok… here we go.”
And he opened the door.
  “Hurry up, Miyako!” Takeru called the girl “We need to rescue the digimon from the Kaiser!”
“I’m going, I’m going!” she was in a rush, coming right after the young boy. Iori was also with her, and Hikari was with Tailmon already and in a fight “Geez why can’t that brat let us enjoy the Digital World at least once!?”
“We’re not here on vacations, Miyako” Iori responded with a frown “We need to protect the innocent digimon.”
[Summer of 2002]
“Hikari is in trouble!” Patamon came quickly “Hurry up and evolve us, guys!”
“N-now!?” she gasped “Ok, Hawkmon… Digimental Up!”
“Armadimon! Digimental Up!”
“Patamon! Digimental Up!”
When they were going towards the battle… something fell from the skies and hit the bushes of that area. It called the trio’s attention and they stopped.
“Ouch…” Daichi massaged his head “I wasn’t expecting to open a portal in the midair…!”
“Uh, kid… your clothes…” Ulforce commented “they changed.”
It wasn’t a big change, but now Daichi had the addition of a long blazer and a red scarf with flame stamps, the orange drawing the format of the flames and the yellow forming their colors.
“Better you hide the goggles” Natsu muttered “I sense someone coming!”
And with a nod, Daichi hid the goggles under the scarf. Maybe that new attire would be useful from now on. However… Where are they? Seemed to be in the DigiWorld, but something was… odd?
“Over there!” the group heard a feminine voice approaching and then they met… “Huh? Motomiya what are you doing here!?”
She looked like his mother. No, he was pretty sure that girl was Miyako in her Elementary School days. But… was she mistaking him with his father?!
“Um… I’m not him” Daichi was a bit panicked, and her facial expression was pure rage “I swear, don’t… Wait, you said ‘Motomiya’ instead?” he blinked.
“Are you joking!?” Miyako squinted “You’re trying to deceive me, right?”
“I’m not!” the panic intensified.
“Hey please don’t go accusing him!” Natsu snorted “Whatever Daisuke had done to you, you can't go and claim another child looking alike him is the culprit!”
“Who are you?” Miyako asked “And why is V-mon looking like--”
“And he’s not the same V-mon you know!”
“Ma’am, my name’s Ulforce please” Ulforce replied with an annoyed tone.
“Hmm…” she fixed her glasses “If you were him, there would’ve been a trouble.”
“Huh?” the trio exclaimed.
“Too much to explain, please stay here for a while. We have to beat a certain Ichijouji Ken and his horde of brainwashed minions.”
She left, and they looked at each other for a while. What did she mean with that? As Natsu recorded, Daisuke was part of the new generation of Chosen Children against the heartless Digimon Kaiser. But why would’ve been a problem if Daichi were Daisuke?
“I think that’s not the right world” Ulforce looked around “Like, wouldn’t your dad and his partner be with their group?”
“... I want to investigate it” and he got up from the ground.
“Wait! You can’t!” Natsu gently grabbed Daichi’s wrist “You can’t take part of those events or they will change the course of the story!”
“We won’t join the fight” he looked at her “we will just discover where is mr. Daisuke. We will… Spy on him.”
  “Stop, Digimon Kaiser!” Hikari shouted, flying on Nefertimon to escape from Tyrannomon’s attacks. She was expecting for the backup and Taichi was still taking too much time to come with support.
“Stop?” the silhouette of a human kid said “Why should I? It’s easier to accept defeat, Yagami Hikari.”
“I won’t! neither my brother and our group! Your days of brainwashing digimons are going to end today!”
Ken laughed, at this point Daichi-Natsu-Ulforce were watching the whole scene in some blind spot of the forest region. Okay, who are those two-- Wait, more people are coming!!
Daichi now saw Shurimon, Pegasusmon and Digmon approaching from the battlefield. He still didn’t recognize those children but Miyako. The mystery was Daisuke’s whereabouts, which kept the three intrigued. Just a few seconds later, Daichi felt something behind him and met…
“Huh, who are you three!?”
“Aaa, Daisuke it’s you!” Natsu smiled, “They need your help! Don’t mind of us! We’re just… passing by hahaha!”
That Daisuke was odd: he was wearing a Lighdramon-based armor. Not wearing goggles as well. He shrugged, and glanced at V-mon behind him.
“Let’s go, we need a job to do”
“I don’t think--”
“Please, I will give you the sweets you want.”
To Daichi, that somehow wasn’t the same very endearing relationship he had seen through years between Daisuke and Vee. It was… What made Daichi realize what was going on.
Daisuke and V-mon left, going to the battle and…
“No wait, this can’t be real!” Daichi shook his head, eyes closed during the action “No no NO!”
“What’s wrong kid!?” Ulforce gasped.
“This isn’t the right place! Even when I wasn’t aware of my parents being the heroes of the tales… I could notice how my father and Vee were with each other! It’s like something is…”
“D-Daichi, look!!”
He couldn’t believe it.
“Why is he fighting them!?” Ulforce exclaimed “Weren’t he part of the group against the Digimon Kaiser!?”
“He was!” Natsu was shocked just like the other two “It makes no sense… B-but… I felt it the instance Miyako was angry at you Daichi.”
“We need to stop them!” Daichi clenched his fist “Natsu, we need to intervene!”
“No, you will destroy this world if you do that!”
“He might being controlled by the Kaiser! We need to save him!”
“... Right” she replied with a nod “But don’t let them discover your identity. Please.”
“Scan… DigiRune!” [ Scan completed]
“Load… Evolution!”
V-mon evolve! XV-mon!
“You won’t beat us!” Miyako shouted “Shurimon, give your best!”
“While Miyako and I distract them, go after the Dark Tower” Iori told Hikari and Takeru. The angelic duo nodded and flew on their partners to the Dark Tower.
“You won’t surrender?” Ken smirked “Then… How about we capture you and your pitiful group of ‘heroes’ Inoue Miyako?”
“Heh, try to catch us then…” she replied with some sarcasm “Those hurting the digimon won’t escape! Shurimon no-- WHAT IS THAT!?”
XV-mon invaded the fight and grabbed Fladramon. Iori took that opportunity and ordered Digmon to aim at Tyrannomon’s Evil Ring. 
“What is that digimon doing Motomiya!?” the Kaiser wasn’t happy.
“I… I don’t know!? Oi! Fladramon, kick them out!!”
Fladramon tried to get free from Ulforce’s arms, but wasn’t strong enough for that. Then, the armored digimon had the brilliant idea of setting himself on fire. That definitely worked as XV-mon couldn’t keep holding Fladramon without getting burnt.
“Ulforce!!” Daichi yelled “Try to knock him out!”
“Huh… Are you sure??”
“Who are you!?” Fladramon asked “Don’t mess with us!!”
“You’re doing a bad thing, kiddo! Please snap out of it!”
“Doing a…? Are you sure?? If you don’t step away I gonna BURN you with my flames!”
“You wouldn’t do that with someone of your own species will you?”
 “Go away!” the other yelled.
“Why the heck are you doing!?” Daisuke hissed “You’re ruining our job, kiddo!”
“Ulforce!” Daichi kept giving commands and ignoring Daisuke’s complaints “Use X-Laser on him, but control your strength!”
“That meddling insect is ruining our plans, Motomiya” Ken couldn’t accept that at all, why that Daisuke-clone-like child was there stopping their strategy against the insolent Chosen Children!? “Do something!”
“All you do is to give me orders, huh!?” Daisuke pouted, “Fine fine, I will stop him… By force.”
“By force!?” Natsu gasped “Daichan, we need to get out of here!”
“But why?”
Daisuke surprised them by tackling Daichi, shoving him to the dirt that fast Daichi couldn’t see him coming. But that wasn’t the most terrifying thing to happen: Daisuke had somehow a Lighdramon-motif glaive in one hand and pointed at Daichi’s head.
“STOP!” Natsu panicked.
“Tell your digimon to stop messing with our plans, now!”
Daichi didn’t expect to be in that same situation in which his father tries to murder him. Natsu couldn’t use her powers and call the attention of those kids, but she wished to create a shield around Daichi right now.
“Did ya hear me, kid!?” Daisuke gritted his teeth “Tell your digimon to retreat, NOW!”
“Please… Don’t hurt him” Natsu was scared, yet unable to do anything to protect Daichi. She hated to imagine Daisuke, the Daisuke she knows, being completely disappointed with her for that mistake, “Please, I beg you…!”
“Huh?” he looked at her, frowning “I’m not hurting hi-- ACK!”
Miyako definitely came and threw a punch at Daisuke, making him drop the glaive on the ground plus fall away from him.
“You bully!” Miyako screamed “How dare you attack an innocent child!?”
Daichi kept in silence, still in shock. Iori approached and helped him to get up.
“Are you okay?” and asked him “Miyako, we need to keep them busy. Takeru and Hikari will free this area in…”
A huge explosion was heard. When they all looked to the direction it came from, the tower standing in the background went down.
“... This exact moment.”
“HEY NOT FAIR!” Daisuke protested “This kid messed with all of our plans! I demand y’all to reconstruct the tower and fight us again!”
“Enough, Motomiya” Ken’s voice was heard from the top of the Airdramon “Let’s retreat! You will pay for this, you insects!”
“Retreat!? No freakin’ way I gonna--” Fladramon grabbed him and then on Airdramon “AAA LET ME GO-- I MEAN DON’T LET ME GO!! I-- YOU’RE GOING TO PAY FOR THIS YOU MEANIES!!”
“Oh he’s still the same” Natsu blinked.
“Huh? What do you mean with that?” Miyako looked at her “Didn’t I tell you three to wait there?”
“I think it’s okay to say it to them, right?” Daichi mused “We’re from another world.”
“From another world…?” Miyako and Iori repeated in unison.
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Speech Impediment - Chapter 11
Ships: prinxiety, logicality, platonic dlamp
Summary: The first day of the second semester is in two days and Dexter’s parents insist upon meeting all of Dexter’s teachers to see how his education has progressed in his pursuit to become an English teacher. What they do not know however is that Dexter has been partially lying to them about his classes. If they find out now, they’ll take him out of school and bring him back home to study under his father’s trade.
AO3 - Here
Chapter One Previous Next
It was eleven in the morning. His parents would be there at three in the afternoon. He had four hours until his parents arrived. He was freaking out. 
Instead of going to the library to be a well educated nerd like he had originally planned, Dexter raced home as fast as he could, while still being a safe driver to avoid an early death. Once he had parked his yellow bug, Dexter bolted our and raced up the stairs to his dorm room, nearly running into the door as he hastily unlocked it and threw himself in.
His heart was beating so fast, and his limbs were so overwhelmed with adrenaline, that Dexter wasn’t even sure what to do first. His thoughts were spinning a mile a minute; he couldn’t grab hold onto what course of action he should take.
They’re on their way. His mind screamed. They’re going to find out about my classes. They’re going to find my writing. They’re going to see my horror book collection. They’re-
He was having a panic attack. His body started to shake, and his breathing became labored and ragged. Dexter coughed and chocked on his own breath, fighting for both air and control. 
Repeating the exercise that Logan had done for Virgil when he had an anxiety attack in front of them once before, he attempted to calm himself down. Breath in for four seconds, hold for seven, and out for eight seconds. At first he wasn’t able to hold for very long, but as the minutes passed he was able to follow the exercise step by step. Dexter had never personally had a panic attack before, but he had seen Virgil go through it twice before, and witnessed the others talk him down from it.
Once he was calm again Dexter didn’t immediately get up for a few minutes and remained sat on the floor. After about six minutes passed, Dexter reached into his pocket and pulled out his cellular device, dialing Virgil’s number.
“Hello?” His voice sounded groggily through the phone. Clearly he had just woken up.
“Vee? It isn’t Dexter.”
“...Yeah? What’s up man?”
“Can you come over as late as possible? I don’t need your help.”
“Sure thing.” He yawned, “Be there in a sec.”
“No thank you.”
Virgil chuckled quietly. Another small voice asked who he was talking to on the phone, prompting him to respond that it was Dexter.
“You’re welcome, and Roman says hi.”
“Don’t tell him hello back. See you soon.”
“See ya.”
Dexter hung up and set his phone down, pushing himself off the floor he went to his laptop and logged on. Opening his email, he sent a quick message to his creative writing teacher.
Hello Mrs. Sharp, It’s Dexter Woodbrooke from Creative Writing. Either later today or tomorrow my parents will be visiting your office to talk with you about my grades. Due to certain circumstances I beg you not not let them know that I’m taking creative writing, please tell them you’re my Literature teacher. You may use my current grades, those needn’t be changed.
Once the message was sent, Dexter moved over to his bookshelf and sent Logan a text before he began taking down his collection.
You: Hey Logan, can you bring over all of your textbooks and non-fiction after your date? Preferably before 3?
He got a reply within the minute.
Logan: Of course, although I am curious as to why.
You: I’ll explain once you’re here.
Dexter set down all of his books, except for his textbooks, excluding his creative writing book, on his bed and looked around his room for a bag or a box, finding Patton’s stash of reusable shopping bags and setting all of them in there. He had a couple of novels by Stephen King, Agatha Christie, Bram Stoker, Edgar Allen Poe, and the completed collection of works by Mary Shelly. 
It had taken a while for Dexter to rebuild his library after his parents had burned it the first time. But he had been gifted quite a few books from his old high school librarian who was fond of him and his love of reading, which he had kept hidden in his school locker, and started buying or trading his non-fiction at book fairs since junior year and has almost gotten back every book they had destroyed. 
A sudden knock on his door notified him that Virgil had arrived. Dexter went and opened it, welcoming him in. He was only partially surprised when Roman showed up as well.
“Hey, Dex what’d you need help with?” Roman asked, eyeing the bags on his bed. “Going somewhere?”
“Yes. My parents aren’t coming to town for the next few days, and I don’t need you to hide these in your dorm room.” Dexter told them, picking up a bag and weakly handing it over to Roman, who took it from him with ease.
“Your parents?” Virgil echoed, scrunching his eyebrows in distaste.
Dexter nodded, quickly telling them about his mother’s phone call and text, just now realizing that he had never told them about their planned visit. Roman and Virgil, mostly the latter, were not too pleased at hearing this, but not at Dexter, at his parents instead.
“Dex, you shouldn’t have to hide this from them.” Roman told him softly, but firmly. Dexter shook his head slowly, keeping his head down.
“It does matter whether I should, I don’t have to.” Dexter told the theater major, walking back to pick up another bag. “If they find out that I’m obeying them, they won’t remove me from school.”
Virgil, having said nothing yet, grumpily sat on Dexter’s bed, curling into a ball and wrapping his arms around his legs, resting his chin on his knees. “I want to punch these guys.” He grumbled under his breath.
“Please do.” Dexter said through stifled laughter.
After having everything cleared up, Roman and Virgil helped move all of his books to their dorm, albeit begrudgingly. Once all the books were safely tucked away with them, the two looked through looked through his drawers and notebooks for any of his writing, whilst Dexter moved everything that was on his laptop onto a USB drive, and then deleted his work. His parents had checked his laptop once before so this was just another precaution. 
While he was in the middle of saving one of his one-shots, Dexter noticed that his teacher had replied to his email.
Hello Dexter. It is alright with me if you want me to hide the fact that I am your creative writing teacher. Although, because you are one of my best students, it makes me partially sad that your parents aren’t aware of your talents. I won’t ask why, but I am happy to oblige if it is a concern. Please give me an hour warning before your parents want to meet. See you soon.
Dexter let out a breath that he wasn’t aware he was holding. At least that’s taken care of, He thought.
About forty minuets later, as Roman, Virgil, and Dexter were finishing up cleaning and packing all of his posters, figurines, and writings that he had been collecting since graduation, Logan and Patton had arrived back from their date; the former bringing the requested items. When Patton had unlocked the door and walked in he had looked both slightly confused and pleased that everyone was there.
“Ro, Vee, Dee!” He cheered happily, going up to each one of them and giving everyone of them a quick hug, and then spun around to face Dexter with large questioning eyes. “What’s going on here? Lo said that you needed his books.”
“Yes, you had promised an explanation upon our arrival.” Logan added, setting his books on the ground next to the scattered books Patton had thrown down haphazardly. Dexter rubbed his neck a little sheepishly, shy hat he had to explain himself again for the second time that day.
“Well, my-”
“His parents are assholes and are coming for a visit.” Virgil interrupted, folding up a Tim Burton poster.
“Virgil,” Roman nudged him.
“It’s true!”
Dexter sighed and rubbed his eyes in exhaustion. He took the next minute to shortly debrief them on his parents trip and their condition to him being there.
“So if you parents find out about your hobbies again you’ll be forced to go back home?” Logan repeated for clarification.
“No.” Dexter agreed, rubbing a lazy hand over his Mary Shelly collection. No one spoke for a moment.
“...Okay then,” Patton spoke up, “we’ll keep your secret, but only because we want you to stay here.” The others agreed, except for Virgil, who huffed and crossed his arms.
The next hour and a half was comprised of the five of them moving almost all of his things into the temporary storage that was Roman and Virgil’s room, and moving books and other items from Logan’s place over into his. As well as bringing a few things he had in storage from his attic that he had kept in boxes in the closet, like his book of reptiles. Once they were finished, Dexter’s side of the room was filled with the most nerdy amount of things they could find to convince his parents that he was ‘over’ his old habits.
The time was about one in the afternoon, Roman had to leave early to head to his job at the movie theater, so the rest of them simply went out to Pita for lunch. The meal had been awkwardly strained in conversation, and even though Patton did his absolute best to lighten the mood, even he couldn���t hope to cheer them up. Dexter had been anxious the entire time, worried about how the visit would go. Logan looked impartial, but Dexter knew that he was simply calculating the possible outcomes of meeting them. However, in Virgil’s case, he was unnaturally quiet. Sure he wasn’t the loudest of the bunch, but he barely spoke at all, sometimes not even replying to Patton when he was asked a question or if a comment was directed at him, which was very unusual.
By the time two o’clock had rolled around, Dexter knew it was about time for him to pick up his family
“I don’t have to go.” He announced, standing from his seat. “I won’t see you all later.”
“Wait,” Virgil spoke up, getting up as well. “Let me come with you.”
“Are you unsure?”
“Yeah,” Virgil nodded, walking over to him, “I want to be there for you.”
Dexter sat with Virgil in the pick up zone in front of the airport, the heater was on full blast, as well as Twenty One Pilots over the stereo, courtesy of Virge. The emo sat in the front passenger seat for now, but Dexter had told him that he’d need to move to the back seat once his family arrived.
Virgil wasn’t exactly sure what had possessed him to come along to pick up Dee’s parents, just hearing about them was enough to make him hate them. But when he learned that Dexter was supposed to pick them up alone, he felt obligated to go with him to make sure he was okay.
They waited approximately fifteen minutes before Dexter recognized his family. The two of them got out of the car to greet them, although Virgil’s introduction was more of a vicious glare than anything else.
“Hello father, mother.” Dexter nodded towards them, shaking their hands eagerly. His dad looked annoyed already, while his mom seemed slightly unsettled by the simple gesture. “This is my friend, Virgil Black.”
“How do you do?” His mom greeted with much more enthusiasm, but she soon lost it when he said nothing and only glared at her.
Dexter began to become more nervous, and shakily offered to take their bags, to which he was denied by his father, who put their bags in the back of the car himself. As the family began to pile in to the yellow bug, Dexter offered his sister a kind smile.
“How aren’t you, Daisy.” He asked sweetly. Daisy was about to reply when their dad cut her off.
“It’s ‘are you’, don’t talk to her boy.” His father interrupted from the front seat. “Just take us to our hotel, I’d like to get this over with as soon as possible.” Dexter agreed wordlessly and listened to his dad’s instructions on how to get there, relayed over from his phone’s GPS.
“So what do you do?” Daisy asked once they had gotten on the freeway, looking curiously at Virgil, who was sitting besides her.
“I’m a music major and bachelor in poetry.” Virgil replied briefly, wary of even the little girl. This whole family was messed up, he couldn’t take any risks.
“What does that mean?” She pressed further. Neither of her parents reprimanded her for asking, appearing to be pleased with her curiosity.
“It means that I study music theory, how music works, and how to play instruments. I currently play the piano and guitar.” He explained further.
“Virgil isn’t really good, even though I haven’t only heard him play once.” Dexter chimed in from behind the wheel.
“Dexter, don’t interrupt them.” His mother hushed him. Dexter quieted down immediately, returning his focus solely on driving. Virgil gave the woman a side glare with enough malicious intent to drop a horse, but she was so glued to her phone that she didn’t even notice.
Once they arrived at the hotel the three would be staying at, all of them piled out of the car and grabbed their things before heading inside. Dexter, again, offered to carry in some of the bags, but his mother rejected his offer. While his parents went to the front desk to sign them in, Daisy stayed outside with her big brother, in what he assumed was one of the rare chances they had to spend alone.
“I didn’t get you a gift, Day.” Dexter told her in a hushed tone.
“Really?” She asked in excitement, Dexter nodded his head, prompting his baby sister to jump around in excitement. Reaching into the glove box in his car, Dexter pulled out a stuffed bunny, with floppy ears, wearing a green dress and a pink bow on the collar. Daisy squealed happily and grabbed the present. 
“Thank you so much Dexter!” She cried joyfully, hugging his leg. Virgil, who had previously been skeptic of the girl due to the stories he had heard of this family, looked on fondly at the scene, happy that at least someone in Dexter’s family cared about him. The older sibling was about to hug her back when their mother came back out, and reacted like her daughter was about to be attacked.
“Get away from her!” His mother shouted, wrenching Daisy away by her arm. “Don’t you ever touch her, you might ruin her with your freakish ideas.”
“I’m not sorry, I-”
“Ugh, enough with your fricking idiocy!” Virgil snapped, prepared to go super sonic on this woman, but minded his language due to Daisy being present. “Maybe if you used two of your limited brain cells for a second you’d realize that Dexter wasn’t doing anything wrong.”
The mother gasped in shock and horror of being spoken to that way, as if she had never once been criticized in her life. “Why, I never-”
“What? Never think? I wouldn’t be surprised, your brain must be the size of a peanut.”
“How dare you! You think you know how to raise my children?” She yelled, flushed red in both embarrassment and anger. He was about to respond, ready to unleash a tidal wave of shit back in her face, but Dexter stepped in between them, stopping him from saying anything more.
“I don’t apologize, mother. Virgil does know what he’s talking about.”
His mother looked as if she wanted to argue further, but she backed down with a rude huff. “Whatever, be prepared by nine tomorrow morning to pick us up. Come along, Daisy.”
Dexter sighed in relief when they left, he seemed to be doing that a lot today. He slowly turned to Virgil and gave him a lighthearted smile.
“Let’s not go.”
The drive back to the dorms was even more tense that the drive to airport, the hotel, and their lunch combined. Not a single word was exchanged, nor was any music played. Virgil wanted to justify his words, tell Dexter that he should have been the one to say those things, but he didn’t know where to start. Thankfully, once Dee pulled them into park, he was the one to acknowledge what had happened.
“That wasn’t a little unwarranted, Vee. It wasn’t my mistake to hug Day.” He spoke softly, with no intent to provoke the other. Virgil didn’t say anything back, so Dexter, defeated, began to unbuckle his seat belt so he could get out of the car.
“I don’t get you. You’re parents treated, and still do treat you like shit. Why don’t you ever say anything back. How can you still say that you’re okay?”
“Because they aren’t my parents, I still hate them.”
“You should hate them!” Virgil cried suddenly, whipping around in his seat to face him directly. “It shouldn’t give a fuck that they birthed you. Why didn’t you run away? Why didn’t you say anything? Why do you still love them?”
Virgil’s voice raised higher and higher until he was practically screaming out the words. His breath was ragged and inconsistent, eventually becoming sobs as a flood of tears started to fall from his eyes.
“Why didn’t they love me?!”
Whelp... here you go.
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itoshit · 3 years
Putting you softly by my side while grimacing at the very bad stitches Senju did, I stood up with difficulty. I knew she was probably around here and I needed to ask her questions.
Opening the door quietly I spotted her at the very end of the corridor looking through the window.
'Senju? Can I talk to you?'
'You shouldn't walk with that injuries of yours you know?'
'Who are you? I mean, I know your name and your family strings with Takeomi. But what were you doing there?'
'You really want to know?'
'If I'm asking?'
'Some people sent me here to help you out. I know them personally but I cannot give you their names, at least not now.'
'How did you know that I was in Osaka, at that restaurant? The plans changed only minutes before the meeting'
'I infiltrated La Costra Nostra few weeks ago knowing you would come. I didn't know you would all meet up at their place per say, but since I was tailing them, I was stuck by their side. When one of Dante's men came up to me and asked me to send a Manjiro Sano upstairs I realised the plans had changed.'
That was tangible. Nevertheless, my mind was trying to connect the dots between her and the people she said knowing. Who were they? Why did they want to save me? How did they even know my whereabouts? So many questions but so little answers.
'Could you explain what happened between you all before my interruption?'
'Yeah I can. But I need to sit down a bit. Should we go to the bar downstairs?'
'That's a bit messy but what I understood was that the Yamaguchi-gumi and La Costra Nostra are in contact and associates. The Yakuzas knowing I would come asked the Italians to kill me but they were already thinking of dropping their alliance with them. Long story short some morals are stronger than others but Dante tested me back then. He probably wanted to see if Bonten's leader had broad shoulders. That way he not only respected their mafia's laws but assured that I was a worthy allie, killing two birds with one stone.'
'That's logical. So what now, you think they aren't hunting you ?'
'I don't think so. Which means that Bonten probably got a new alliance.'
'I see. Well then, you think you can come back to Tokyo?'
Scoffing at her dumb question I quickly answered.
'Of course. I'm not dead nor severely injured and-'
'I beg to differ. You are severely injured 'Jir- Manjiro. You lost a good amount of blood. You need to rest, take the bed and-'
'Vee is already sleeping, I won't disturb her'
'What is she to you? The girl isn't injured, she looks pretty fine while you are wounded'
But who were you to me? You weren't just an acquaintance nor a fling anymore. It was more than that but I couldn't tell.
'Her and I have a difficult relationship. But I made her worried and she didn't close her eyes for hours. Give the girl some rest would ya? Off subject, thank you. You saved me. But don't expect anything else from me. I've my credit card on me so come, I'm going to book you a room.'
'But we already-'
'I'll stay with Vee. After paying for your bedroom I'm gonna check trains tickets. We're leaving tomorrow. For tonight, we will proceed like that'
Exhausted and staggering in the hallway I had to hold onto the wall to make sure I wouldn't fall. Senju's bedroom was downstairs and the tickets were taken. Tomorrow at 4pm. It was only 1pm but I needed to lay down a bit.
Opening the door slowly I tiptoed and after discarding my clothes on the floor I quickly brushed my teeth with the stuff you brought with you.
Sliding into the empty spot beside you, I pecked your cheek and let my head rest on the comfortable pillow. My life was a big mess, always has been. But at least now, I had you.
Sanzu didn't mention Natalie, I hope he didn't drug her during my absence.
Closing my eyes, I felt sleep washing over me. Maybe you were right at the end, your presence did ease my soul.
Goodnight love, I wish you a good night/day 💓
Wait what is your timezone even? You know mine but I've never asked yours!!
Mikey’s bandages were clearly hurting him. Every shift of his body made his breath hitch. A twist and he’d grunt, eyebrows furrowed and face pinched in agony. It had woken me up, and upon noticing the reason for my interrupted sleep, I was tempted to knock him upside the head. I told him to let me change them.
After maneuvering in the dark so that a bit of light shone on Mikey, exposing his injuries (though that wasn’t necessarily hard), I find a spot of untouched skin and use it to anchor my body as I stir him awake. Mikey. Mikey, get up.
His lips pull into the cutest pout, grumbling at me to let him sleep. Any other time, I’d comply. He sleeps so little already, but I couldn’t let him suffer like this. Not when I suffer by extent too.
C’mon, get up.
It takes him a few more shakes and a pinch to get him lucid. What’s wrong, Vee?
I need to rewrap your bandages, I whisper to him, rubbing my eyes. I could feel the sleepiness leaving my body the longer I stayed up and I was ready to go downstairs with a handful of pots and pans and wake Senju’s ass up too. Especially since it was her fault we couldn’t get a full night’s rest.
I shuffle out of the room to go get the stuff I had brought during our mall trip the other day and when I come back Mikey’s sitting up against the headboard with his eyes closed, trying to sneak some sleep back in. I laugh. Before, you couldn’t get him to sleep if you paid him, and here he was now—chasing after it like a glutton.
I slowly unwrap his bandages and frown. The stitches were awful, bumpy, as if they’d done it in the dark. I even saw some needle punctures going directly in the wound and I wince for him. I cursed Senju’s name. 48 hours had passed since he’d gotten them, so I could no longer go back and retouch them. And as bad as the stitches looked, it was mostly the wrapping that gave Mikey problems. The bandages were wrapped around his chests and shoulders like an anaconda’s hold on its prey, rubbing raw against his already shoddy stitch work. Hence, the discomfort.
I rewrap him with finesse, ensuring the bandages secure the wounds tight but not so much so that it’s extremely painful for him. He’d still have to take it easy, a word I wasn’t so sure was in Mikey’s vocabulary.
There, I say to announce I’m done, proud of my work. If it still hurts maybe I can go see if there’s a pharmacy nearby, get you some painkillers.
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onouwu · 7 years
Nekimo’s Story - Capter 2 Part 3 - Unethical
As the sun lands on the horizon the cook brings out large dishes of rice and meat, fruits and vegetables. When they sit down at a few long wooden tables for the food they’re preparing to eat, Nekimo looks at the food prepared for her, staring in thought.
Not even in whispers do they speak ill of her name. And yet… they… they look miserable.
the group looking over to her and hesitating to take a bite until she does, her looking over at her doctor, Orisa. As the doctor shrugs her shoulders and takes a bite of the meat they all begin to eat, many of them stuffing themselves while Vee, Lilly, and Cassidy join the whole camp at the table.
Orisa notices them pulling off their scrubs and approaches the trio.
“You’re medical staff, right, And that’s your office?” She asks
Vee smiles and shakes her hand “Victoria Stone. Yes, uhh… Cardiologist… It is my clinic.”
“Orisa Essa Adeyemi, Thoracic surgeon and physician. So, uh - Oh… okay. It looks small, I’d love to see what it’s like in there. Also, what brings your group here?”
Cassidy’s eyes light up and she interjects. “Maybe a little later on if you’d like. We’re studying local physiology to help medical professionals like yourself serve the people here. May I ask what you do here?”
Orisa’s expression is unamused, begging more answers than she could be given.
“That’s strange. Dalia has never mentioned this place before. Who do you work for?”
Cassidy responds cautiously “We’re independent… Dalia - Isn’t that the leader of the tribe you’re fighting against?”
Orisa pauses a moment. “That’s… complicated. This isn’t my fight. I’ve worked with the tribe for over a decade and have special privileges with them even now. As for why I’m here? That question is a bit awkward since this is my home. I left briefly for university and training but my family lives here. Who do you get your permissions from?”
Vee interrupts. “We’re very careful about the ethics of our research and gain full active consent form the locals and their familites.” She asserts.
“Thank you.” Orisa nods. She quietly and abruptly walks away, an ominous feeling washed over her.
After finishing a plate, Nekimo excuses herself and walks toward the trees just a few yards from the table where many of the group are eating. After a moment of thought and staring at the stars between the trees, she peeks over at all the people sitting there, watching Cassidy. The way this camp operates, The social structure is so perfect, so unfamiliar - it’s frustrating.
Could she just be some amazing observant leader? If so it means I can’t possibly compare.
She looks at the group from a distance and wonders if she’ll find something out. Looking at the guest table, she notices Aretta missing.
“I knew she’d be first to go” she whispers to herself.
Cassidy’s eyes turn toward her which surprises her but suddenly it all makes sense. Finally, with a smile on her face she walks back and sits at the table to continue eating.
“Apologies, I just needed a moment to think.”
Ginika taps Nekimo on the shoulder and asks her to coordinate their next move. Reaching the edge of the camp, Ginika turned back to face her.
"We should not sleep here, I do not trust these people, nor should you. Do you notice Aretta is not eating with us? Orisa whispered to me while you were away. She told me that they could be trying to experiment on us."
Nekimo seems to make a revelation "Oh? She did…Actually, you know, don’t worry about that. We will sleep here. Aretta… She has chosen her path. I wish her well."
"I pray that you do not fall into this trap, Nekimo. Don’t be naïve, they would be wiped off the map if it were just this easy. We are not the first to pretend our intentions are noble."
Nekimo puts a finger to Ginika's lips.
"I… now know this woman's heart. Trust in me, Ginika. We will be gone by morning, and with some of their weapons in hand. You should find one of them to ask you how to use them. ‘Even in death’, you recall? Trust me."
"Ignorance is not leadership. You've been an excellent judge of heart until now. I hope we survive long enough for you to learn your lesson. You're not dealing with blind soldiers led by an arrogant tyrant now." Ginika said forcefully, visibly angry at being ignored.
Nekimo smiles "Let's finish eating before they run out of food"
Ginika walks silently back to the camp, followed by Nekimo.
"Apologies, we needed to plan for tomorrow."
"None needed, we wish you well in your fight with that pestering tribe now." Cassidy grinned before taking a bite of the food in front of her.
"Queen Cassidy, I ask that I can speak with you about the plans we've discussed." Nekimo says before short laughs are heard among the research group's members.
"Queen, I'm beginning to like that" she says with a smile.
"I ask that we can speak in private. These matters are sensitive."
"I'm sorry if I don't trust you to take me from their sight." Cassidy points at the women with rifles.
"I'm familiar with guns. Surely they can aim their weapons at me from a distance."
"Fair enough" - "Hailey, Wanda, stand over there. We will be discussing matters in front of the last van"
The two women with rifles move within visual range while Nekimo and Cassidy reach the camper, Nekimo looks over at the women with their weapons drawn.
"I was actually sent by the Adaego to eradicate you after they captured us, but Instead, I seek your help in pushing back their government."
"Hmmm" Cassidy smiles.
"That's an interesting story. They probably fear us because the last time they came it was to take out our camp but our snipers outmatched theirs. They came with aggression and we met back with equal aggression. However, we can't help you as part of our ethical obligation to the land is to avoid interfering in local conflict. We can only wish you luck in your journey."
"We have similar goals, you know. I know your plans for our people, how your people react to you, your power as a leader, and I know how you perform research...
"You do?"
... I'm asking to assist you, Cassidy. You can hear everything that goes on in this camp. I've figured that out a while ago. I could not even attempt to turn on you, nor plot your demise and you're fully aware of that. I only ask to borrow some of your spare weapons and, in exchange, you will have thousands of willing bodies marching in for whatever you do. I only ask that I am able to meet my desires as well."
Shock and excitement are brimming in Cassidy’s eyes.
"Hmm... Agreed."
Nekimo thinks for a moment and gets closer to Cassidy before whispering.
"My people, I care little of them. It is not that I didn’t notice Aretta betray me, I didn’t care.”
She continues
“But, now that we’ve got this out of the way. I’m interested in knowing your story. As a leader, it might help me have what you have here.”
Cassidy leans back on the trailer and looks up.
“Well, you see, we’re working on finding and replicating super-genes for a group… I can’t get into specifics there. First, we need to assess what traits are best for maximizing real-world physical performance by running various extreme stress tests. Then we pinpoint what specifically attributes to higher levels of performance, then common genetic traits between them. For this we need thousands of participants across several groups.
Nobody could afford that, especially if it’s found out that the goal is so controversial. So, we came here where there’s very little oversight going on. We began as a group of four, just Vee and I with our snipers. However, after we were deemed official after this... organization was found out and had to explain things away, more researchers came and fellows from various organizations were sent to check in on us. It became a hassle to continue research so I let everyone know what was going on and started another form of research… psychological.
I let them all know and made sure the more noble of them understood that leaving or attempting to stop us meant a fate worse than death. Initially I had no way to enforce that, but that’s when I bugged the entire camp myself over the course of a month. I let them plot against me, I let them try to escape only to counter every move. I studied their reactions, and how long it took them to give in as well as all of the stages they went through before they did. Now everyone just knows that whatever they say or do, every action or even inaction, I can hear them and probably see it too.
Nekimo smiles and stretches, watching Wanda peer across her sights while Hailey’s weapon is lowered, returning her focus to Cass. "That is truly amazing. So everyone serves you, because insubordination will be punished severely it seems. What of Lilly?, she seems special."
"Lilith... that weak little woman. She tried the hardest to stop me, and she was the focus of my attention. Some would simply end her but instead I broke her down, I made her central to acts which disgusted her. Little by little, failed attempt to flee, failed attempt to usurp me, it became amusing to watch her. I put her in charge of operations because I knew it would break her will. I could see and document how, over the years she went from lying about everything, trying to poison me… non-fatally of course because she just can’t bring herself to even endanger a life intentionally… to dutifully responding to my every need years later. I remind her that she's keeping me alive, keeping my research going as part of my ongoing effort to ease her will into that of mine and study her progress."
Nekimo watched the light in her eyes glow as she opened up, the pride pouring out in her words.
"I thank you. Until then, let's rest for tomorrow
“Your traitor… she has been very valuable to me, by the way. Thank you.” Cassidy says.
“My honor.” Nekimo laughs.
As Nekimo wakes up after sleeping in the camp, Lilly has a bowl of soup prepared for her.
"How lucky you are, I'm astounded that she would agree to give your tribe guns. Do you think it could end peacefully if they are simply too afraid to fight?."
"No, I think the luckiest person today will be you, Lilly."
Nekimo downs her soup before getting up without further speaking, leaving the young woman slightly confused.
Cassidy and her guards show the troops how their rifles and pistols work. All brand new.
Nekimo fumbles with the handgun as if she had never handled one before but learns quickly.
She aims her pistol at a stump and a click is heard as she pulls on the trigger.
"Gunshots aren't good for the ears, you see."  Cassidy smiles and taps the earpiece.
After handling is down, Cassidy has someone bring out ammo and she takes out her earpiece while they all load their weapons.
Nekimo gets the hang of her shiny new pistol and fires it off a few times at the stump, aiming at the center ring and missing the first time completely, then hitting the edge after a few rounds.
After looking disappointed and lowering her gun she asks to try Wanda's rifle, the woman handing it over to her upon Cassidy's okay to let her inspect it. She then takes her pistol and points it at Cassidy's chest, looking at her with the widest of smiles.
"I am your new queen. Who else will challenge me?”
Silence fills the air as everyone looks at Nekimo. Lilly starts to cry and walks over to Cassidy’s side, grabbing her pistol.
“Shoo!” Nekimo says, ignoring the traumatized looking girl.
Cassidy grabs her earpiece and slips it in her right ear, the look of anger turning to defeat.
"The silence is deafening, isn’t it? Do you know how I found out about your ability to hear what goes on in this camp?"
"Tell me" Cassidy asked of her, defeated but still curious.
You're not dead yet. A proud people talk among themselves, they mock their leader, they challenge authority even in passing talk. Your few soldiers stand silently, as if any sudden move, a word of ill will might follow them to their death. I wondered if they might be brainwashed into worshiping you, but not a single person here spoke highly of your leadership. No, their revolt was already happening, and I saw it in every set of eyes living in your camp.
And now I have taken your village, as nearly all of them would have had they trusted their sisters. Not a gun is pointed at me right now."
"That's what you think." Cassidy threatened.
Nekimo pushes the gun’s barrel against Cassidy’s chest and nuzzles it between the buttons of her shirt to let it rest on her bare skin. She can feel the gun quake in her grip from cassidy’s hammering heart as the woman does her best to control her breath.
"The words of a woman who can hear everything but still lives in darkness."
“Tie her up.” Nekimo continued, Hailey running to get rope, then grabbing Cassidy’s arms and binding her wrists together before shoving her to the ground and tying her ankles. The uncomfortable silence among her people is broken by a few who group together and start openly discussing plans to leave.
Nekimo walks up to Lilly who’s shivering in tears; consumed by fear. “Seeing as you were undecided, you will pledge your loyalty to me or stay by her side and become my enemy.”
“I … I was afraid. I’m so sorry!”
Nekimo pauses a bit. “Show me the loyalty you’ve shown her.”
ch2pt4 Click here
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descendantshh2 · 7 years
Stay - Harry Hook X Reader
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A/N Did ya’ll miss me? I know some of you probably hate me because I’ve been so inactive on this account and I’m so so so sorry school this year is so stressful and I am a Junior in High School so my schedule is pretty packed. Plus I have cheer practice as well as soccer season that is slowly approaching so please please be patient with me. Anyways I had an amazing idea while on the couch on day and just decided to write a little something for you guys. But I genially want to hear your guys opinion oh this. I kinda want to step outta this Descendants bubble and write about other people. Lately I’ve watched Spider Man and OMG GUYS TOM HOLLAND SO ADORABLE. If you guys want to see me write about Tom Holland or Peter Parker I’m totally down for it. Just send me message I enjoy talking to ya’ll. Lots of love -Vee 
Stay Pt.2
"Chad what do u want?" You rolled your eyes are u ex boyfriend as you shoved your books in your locker. 
"Common Y/N just talk to me," Chad pleaded, "it didn't mean anything to me." 
You huffed. You and Chad had been together for 5 months and you thought everything was going great. That was until he cheated on you with Audrey and you had to say you weren't slightest surprised but it still hurt you deep inside. You knew well that u weren't gonna handle a cheating loser so u immediately broke up with him and never looked back. Like every break up this one was hard especially since you gave yourself to Chad. Biggest mistake ever. 
"Hey Y/N," called out Ben as he approached you and Chad. 
You mentally thanked Ben for saving you from this dreadful conversation with Chad. 
"Am I interrupting something?" 
"No!" You said too quickly but you didn't care, "Chad was just leaving." You faked smiled. 
Chad shook his head, "This isn't over," he stared at you then walked away. 
"What's his problem? Last time I checked he's the one that threw away your guys relationship." 
"Yea," you breathe out, "anyways whats up King Ben what kingly duties do u have do today?" 
Ben laughed at your attempt to lighten up the conversation. You and Ben were pretty close friends ever since u were little. Being princess Tiana and Naveen's daughter and all. 
"You know the new Villain Kids that came to Auradon?" Ben asked and you slowly nodded your head before responding. "The scary pirates? Yea sure." 
You weren't gonna lie those pirates were pretty scary with their eyeliner and hooks. 
"Yea well my pal Harry needs a tutor for Chemistry and I know chemistry is one of your favorite subjects so I was wondering if you could help him out?" Ben asked. 
"I don't know Ben," you sighed, "don't get me wrong I love the fact that your giving these villains a chance but Harry? I don't think he could be turned good, I don't wanna waste my time on him." 
It was true Harry Hook had a tendency of being a womanizer. He flirted with all the girls and frankly didn't care about school and on tops of that he practical skipped class everyday and was always in detention. 
"Come on give him a chance I know he isn't evil he just needs someone to crack that goodness in him," Ben stated giving a small smile. You closed your locker after you grabbed your chemistry book and nodded. 
"Okay I'll do it but I swear King Ben you owe me."
You were now sitting down on the desk in the library waiting for the famous Harry Hook to show up. Your tutoring session was at 5:30 and it was currently 6:00. You began to grow bored and decided to do your own homework as you waited. 
You expect him to be late after all but you didn't expect him to not show up. 
"Are you Y/N." you heard a bad Scottish accent come from in front of you. You slowly looked up to stare into the pirates piercing blue eyes. You saw a small smirk plastered on his face. 
"Yea?" You nodded, "hi Harry your late." You rolled your eyes keeping a serious face. 
"Well darling a pirate has duties," he smirked out and took a seat across from you, "so princess what are we going to be learning today." 
"Don't call me princess Harry." You huffed and opened up your chemistry book to the periodic table. 
This is going to be a long tutor session.
"Oh my god Harry how can u possible be getting all this right when we just started the session?" You questioned him. 
You decide to give Harry a blank periodic table for him to fill him so you see what he needs the most help on. Once he was done he handed you the paper for you to review and surprisingly he got everything right. This confused you because Ben told you he was failing Chemistry, which in fact he was but it didn't make sense since he basically knew everything. 
He shrugged, "you can search me in you think I cheated." He stood up and surrendered his hand up with a smirk. "Common princess I know u want too." He winked at you. 
"Harry don't be a pervert and sit down," you glared at him which caused him to let out a small laugh as he took his seat. 
  "Why are u failing chemistry if you clearly know how to do it?" You looked up to question him and he shrugged again. "You don't expect a villain to be smart don't you?" He huffed a little offended. 
"No, I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that," you reassured him, "Harry your so smart why are u grades so low? I mean you can be so much more." You said looking into his bright blue eyes. 
He looked back at you and you swore there was a moment between you guys. You never noticed how incredibly visible his jawline was, or the way his eyeliner bold those blue orbs. 
"I don't know school isn't for me, ever since I got here I don't fit in, yes I got my crew but I'm not use to school." He admitted turning his head and clenching his jaw. "people here don't like me because I'm a stupid villain they think I'm trash because I'm not royalty." 
"Well Harry let me tell you something," you said placing your hand onto of his. When u did that he immediately shot his eyes towards you. 
You continued, " I don't think your trash. A flirty pervert yes but trash no." You both laughed a little at your comment. "But I know that if you show how smart you are you can prove everyone wrong. Half these royalty bimbos think that being smart isn't a big deal cause they live in a castles. But my mom and dad always told me that hard work gets you somewhere. I believe in you Harry and I can tutor you daily if u want but I don't think you'll need it." You smiled at him.
Oddly enough Harry return the smile and nodded his head. Your hand was still on his as you awkwardly coughed and took your hand off. "Then we got a lot of work to do." You stated as you flipped through the pages of the chemistry book.
From then on Harry and you had many study sessions and he was early to most of them. Sometimes you guys would study till the library closed which resulted in moving the studying to your room. Even tho Mal and Evie where your roommates they didn't mind Harry Hook just as long as he was on your side of the room. But you and Harry didn't study the whole time. At times you guys would take breaks and get to know reach other a bit more. Soon you guys were best friends (of course not as close as Uma and him were) and you guys spent a lot of time together. 
"Common Y/N you like Harry we can all see it." Squealed Evie and you and Mal walked to your locker to retrieve your books. 
"I do not Evie just because I'm his tutor doesn't mean I like him." You shook your head laughing a bit. It was true tho you were taking quiet a liking in Harry. You knew that Harry didn't like you back, after all he had all the girls in the school practically begging for him to take a turn with them. 
"Look at you Y/N lying to us how dare you." Said Mal as she placed a hand on her heart making you and Evie laugh. The laughing slowly died down when the girls saw Chad approached them. 
You rolled your eyes as Evie pointed out, "Y/N Chad alert." You huffed and closed your locker. 
Chad stepped towards you, "can we talk please." 
You turned too Evie and Mal, "I'll be fine guys I promise." They both smiled weakly at you before glaring down at Chad and leaving.
"This better be good Chad," you stared down at him. 
"Common Y/N what's it gonna take for us to be a thing again," Chad looked at u searching for answer. 
"Well you should've thought about that before cheating on me you manipulative asshole." You spat pushing him away and attempting to walk away. 
You felt a strong arm pull your wrist back as Chad pinned you roughly on your locker. You were surprised at his actions you were lost for words. 
"Common," Chad leaned down to your ear, "you can tell me you don't miss that night I took your innocence." He kissed down at your neck. 
"Chad stop.." you tried to push him off but he gripped your hips tighter, "stop your hurting me!" You cried out with teary eyes. 
"You heard the girl! Leave her alone!" You heard a growl before recognizing who it was. Chad turned to met eyes with Harry Hook. You see his hand turn into fist, knuckles white from how much pressure he was applying. 
"What are u gonna do about it pirate," Chad laughed stepping forward letting you go causing you to slide down the locker. You legs were giving out. 
"I'm gonna give u warning Chad cause let me tell ya mate going against a pirate isn't fun business," Harry spat. "Make one wrong move and I'll eliminate you." Harry held his Hook toward Chads neck slicing a small piece of his neck. Chad winced in pain and shook in fear. What a baby. 
"She's all yours buddy, she was nothing to me anyways." Chad spat looking at you dead in the eyes before pushing passed Harry leaving. Harry hurried to your side helping you up. You breathe heavily at Chad's words. How could he do that to you after all you did for him. 
Harry helped you to your dorm as tears spilled down your cheeks. You'd hope that Evie and Mal were in your dorm so you could talk to your best friends, but when Harry opened the door no one was in sight. 
"Common darling lets get you to your bed," Harry calmed you down slowly taking you to your bed. He carefully sat you down and you immediately laid your head down on the pillow tears still coming down your face. "I'll get going if u want to be alone," Harry smiled softly towards u but u grabbed his wrist quickly causing him to turn towards you. 
"Stay please" you whispered out softly sitting up your bed. 
Harry nodded sitting down and taking you in his arm. Your wrapped your arms around his neck and laid your head on his shoulder. Harry set his hook besides you carefully so the tip of the hook wouldn't hurt the two of you. He rubbed circles on your back attempting to calm you down. Once you were okay you let go of him. 
"Sorry for all that," you apologized for hugging him so long. Wiping your eyes which were probably all red and puffy. 
"No worries love, did he hurt you?" He questioned towards your waist since Chad's grip was on them tightly. Harry slowly placed his hand on your waist looking at you for permission to lift of your shirt a tad to look for any bruising. 
You slowly nodded and Harry lift you shirt to see a bruise on each side of hips where his fingers dug into you. You winched in  pain as he touched your bruised waist.  "He's gonna pay for this." Harry glared down at the floor. 
You shook your head. "No harry I don't want you getting into trouble please." You begged him and Harry slowly looked at you. 
He placed his hand on your cheek and wiped away a single tear. Your faces were so close to each other you could almost taste her breath. "Thank you for saving me," you whispered slowly leaving in as Harry followed your action when you lips met you felt fireworks. 
The kiss was slowly and passionate. You pulled away staring at him as he stared down at you. 
"I'm sorry Y/N gotta go," Harry quickly stood up and walked outta the dorm leaving you alone with a confused look in your face.
A/N comment down if you guys want a part two or message me in my inbox or message if you want to see some Spider Man or Tom Holland imagines also. Lots of love xx
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ts-akhmim · 4 years
Episode 5 | “Wish me luck America” - Dan
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I wanted a swap, i practically BEGGED for one because i was ready to cause chaos, so i swap happens .... but its NOT good for me whatsoever because all the people i wanted to flip on and get out somehow end up on the other tribe, and to make it even better, what sole beauty do i get stuck with? connor. yet ANOTHER person lying to my face STILL TELLING ME I WASNT A VOTE OPTION...... just another fool on the list of fools who think IM the fool so this is an interesting dynamic, 4 original brawn, 2 brain, 2 beauty. off the bat it looks like those 4 brawn could be solid, so ive already been working to talk to the brains tribe during the one world twist, so being with autumn and duncan could potentially be good for me, obviously i dont know how theyre feeling but in a perfect world i want to allign with the brains. As much as i would love to vote out connor right away just to send a big old middle finger to the alliance that included him over me in it, but im not sure that can happen. My only hope right now is that there's a crack within the brawn, if there is i can try and get in good with connor to maybe see about uniting with the brains and taking out a brawn, even if it meant 4-4 and going to rocks, im here to play so id absolutely do that. If the brawns arent that tight however, and i can just flip one to want to work with me, i can use that as an opportunity to start a new alliance maybe with the brains and a brawn to vote out connor/anyone else not in our numbers, not sure yet, theres so many scenerios game wise but i think especially in the last 24 hours ive talked a lot of game with people, so i need to calm down on that and get back to personal conversations to try and estabilish trust with anyone i might need down the line, if we even go to tribal which im hoping we just dont, because then not only am i safe, but i get to hopefully see someone on the other side go home, and i would love for it to be one of the frauds amir, augusto, or kendall. but its also terrifying since connor is such a wild card like what if he flipped to the brauns or the brains linked up with the brawn to pick me off? basically if im gonna survive this swap, i need a little bit of luck, a little bit more strategy, and some more connections to get me through, i thought thats what i was doing before though and it clearly didnt work too well so buckle the fuck up because i have no idea where we go from here 
lmao remember a few hours ago when i said i hated this swap because it didnt give me much opportunity? well little did i know was all i had to do was bat my eyes a little and opportunity appeared right before me! meaning that, ive been trying to talk to and connect with some of these new people, ive had decent talks with liam and ali mostly, and i was trying to keep game talk minimal up until LIAM out of no where says to me, "oh i just realized someone on this tribe voted me out in a past game and i voted him out" so BITCH the second he says this all sorts of bells and buzzers are going off in my head like spill the tea i need to know!! and what does he say?? it's CONNOR. BITCH cue the choir and let the angels descend from above because im in HEAVEN hearing this!!! there's 16 people left and while i really think we have a strong tribe to win challenges so we may never go to tribal, if we do ive already begun shoving connor so far under the bus there wont be any time for him to get up by the time he realizes what hit him. I'm giving you Miss Rosa in orange is the new black running over Vee REALNESS SWEETIE. VROOM VROOM WATCH OUT BECAUSE HERE I COME. My favorite quote of all time is: the enemy of my enemy is my friend, and that's absolutely what ive been playing up here whether i can actually trust these brawns or not is beside the point, because right now i know for a fact i cant trust connor, he's still lying to me telling me i was never a target, so i have no use or even want to play with someone who thinks im an idiot. On a tribe of 8 you only need 5, and i am absolutely not opposed to setting myself up to be in a position where im the swing vote, if i make sure the brawns feel like they need me, and same with the brains, then i should be essentially... ok? until a merge??? maybe unless everyone here is lying to me too, most likely because im not a good player so im probably being duped dfhkasj I've also been working hard to try and let people in on the narrative that the beautys have this majority alliance and are a threat, because i want to do as much as i can to put a target on their back and get them out, while also opening up to hopefully let people know they can trust me, and i want people to still think im weak so im also going for that pity card playing it up how no one over there would talk to me and saying how bad it was, i shouldve watched what i said though because i did foolishly let Ali know about the tomb and how to crack it, i didnt mean to and i wasnt thinking we were just having such a good convo and while i do like talking to him, i have no idea if i can trust him with that so great job at my dumbass for giving myself more competiion in the tomb .... i went back in tonight and ill be damned there's new questions so i SHOULDVE kept my lips shut and i couldve had it to myself, but whatever, at least if he finds it he remembers who led him there, i also dont want to rely on any idols or advantages, let's do this the old school way and get shit done, and get these people out of here, one false beauty at a time, until im the last one standing!! and aj... we still trust aj he can stay, but the rest they can go and then they can lemme know how that alliance works out for them.
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Woooo! I made it to the swap!!! My swapped tribe is actually pretty cute bc it’s a lot of the people I really talked with during the chaos round. I am concerned about the 4-2-2 split we have being an issue, but I have to trust my new former relationships will at least make me not the first person targeted. I’m so relieved to be swapped with Jakey because Jordan and Ali are definitely scary players and having them on the other side with the potential of being voted out (and not having to do it myself later) is honestly good. Jakey is more of a MOTR player and someone who I actually enjoy talking to about game and non game stuff so I’m excited to hopefully position him as my number 1 in this game. With all THAT being said.... Devon and I have played before and I literally blindsided him while working with him so I’m worried about that. My other concern is that me and Amir go way back... I love Amir, I’m just nervous about his ability as a game player. I’m just praying that we can win some comps in the swap so I don’t need to address any of these issues fksmjsjsjs. Wish me luck America. 
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the way i'm going to be the last person in the challenge who determines the tiebreak... which could keep me safe but seal jakey's fate... god this is so upsettingggg
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I meant to do this earlier, but quick recap on my thoughts on the tribe swap. First, I'm elated to see that I have a majority of the Brawn on this tribe. I have Jordan who I'm closely aligned with, and I have both Liam and Ali who I've been working with and have a good game relationship with. That's where my initial excitement ended. Because the Brains and Beauty who I talked to the most during the One World Day - Devon, Scott, Kendall, Augusto - all ended up on the other tribe rather with my closest ally in Jakey whereas I got two Beauty who I hadn't talked to and two Brain who, while I was optimistic about, were more concerning in terms of their thoughts about me. But I'm going back to that social game I've been working on and I truly think that this swap is going to work well for me. I think I've specifically been building some good relationships with Adam and Duncan that will help me not be the target if a Brain/Beauty coalition forms. But now I just need to see if I can get through this damn tomb and go from there.
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Whew! It's been a few days since I made one of these and boy do I have a lot of tea to spill! So after voting out Devon, a twisto's twist comes into play where we all go to one world and vote someone back into the game. I lowkey had a feeling this would happen... Like I really spent all day getting the HIGHEST score in that immunity challenge only for Devon to get voted back in 15-0-0. Nothing really important happened here except that Austin did a shitty campaign job and Lovelis just.. disappeared. Like bruh, you really don't want to come back huh? And then we swap tribes and of course I'm stuck on Thoth AGAIN!! I've accepted that I'm cursed this time around because I... am tired of being here. But, Duncan and Autumn are on the other tribe so this gives me a good opportunity to not only rebuild my relationship with Devon, but to make new allies moving forward. Personally, I think I need to cut ties with Duncan and Autumn and find new life. I realize that they are much closer to each other than they are to me and I can't work with that long term. The way they approached Devon for his vote out really proved it too. When it comes to rebuilding my relationship with Devon, I'm not gonna lie it's much more difficult than I thought it would be. Like I basically told him that the reason why I voted him out was because he snitched on me to Duncan and told Duncan everything I said to him on our call. I basically said I was hurt by that because I trusted him and then he went behind my back like that and it wasn't cool. Especially since i was considering letting it go to a tiebreaker challenge too! So then he tried to phrase it as "I would never lie to you, I had your back all the way to the end" and I'm kinda just like... okay but your actions speaks louder than your words. And you taking the action to approach Duncan and tell him everything I said to you wasn't cool. However I made it very evident that Duncan/Autumn are much closer then we thought and i think he gets it. I've slowly come to realize that he's the perfect goat to take to the end because he really lacks at the relationship building portion of the game. However, I need to be able to trust my goats and right now I don't trust Devon. He told me about the idol as a sign of trust, however he hasn't found the blog yet. (backtrack, Duncan shared the blog with me so I've been idol hunting, and now I'm just telling people I had no idea when they ask me about it LOL). So I might tell Devon I found the combination, but at the same time do I want him to have the idol? Not at all! I'm happy that this swap brings me to a lot of people that I can potentially work with. I know that Duncan and Autumn originally wanted to work with beauty to take out brawn, so I'm really happy that I have 4 beauties on my tribe. Out of the beautes, I really like Augusto, Amir, and Kendall. AJ hasn't spoken to me at all tbh... like we barely talked. Kendall and I talk briefly but she told me straight up that her/Amir/Augusto were a trio and that definitely doesn't make me feel comfortable. I'm just like "okay, let's leave this thought in the back of my mind for later." But I've spent a lot of time talking to Amir and Augusto, and I can see myself working with them long term. Augusto and I called for like a whole hour and a half, which is beautiful that we got along well so quickly. I like how they both plan to keep their word and don't like to make fake promises. It shows that they're genuinely good people and I think they're my kind of crowd. So I definitely want to work with them through the merge. I also wouldn't mind going to the end with Augusto too (Amir already won so I don't want to make that promise to him LOL). When it comes to the brawn, I gel most with Jakey. I would go to consider him my new #1 right now. I don't think I ever had a #1 on old Thoth mainly because Duncan/Autumn were so close and Devon is just.... being Devon. Jakey told me about the idol stuff which is great! Personally, I already knew about the idol, but to pretend to be shocked by it and go forward with it was the best move for me. But Jakey and I seem to be the smartest and most focused people here, so I need that. He gets me and is on my level. I'm considering taking him to the end with me if it comes to that just because I want to be loyal this time around. That's why I'm happy than an alliance of Me/Jakey/Augusto/Amir/Kendall was made because I want to stick with this 5 all the way to the end. And I'm happy to already be in a majority alliance because it means I can potentially get to the merge. I just hope everyone knows that I'm with them and want to stay loyal to them going into the merge. Because I would love to be able to say that I'm 5/5 on making it to the merge. It'd be a shame to end my last tumblr season as a pre-merge boot. In terms of this vote since we lost the challenge AGAIN, I'm open to voting out either AJ, Devon, or Dan. I know people want to keep Devon around I'm happy with that. I'd hate to vote him out again after that last round, but also told people that I would do so if it meant that I would solidify trust with them in doing so. Which leaves us to Dan and AJ. I'm open to either of them going that round, mainly because I haven't spoken to either of them that much. I would perfer AJ just because he's a beauty and I'm skeptical about keeping all of the beauties around. At the same time, Dan can be a little aggressive so I also wouldn't mind getting rid of the negativity within the tribe. So many decision to make!! I just hope I make the right one. 
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I take back everything I said about feeling good about the swap. No one is willing to talk about the vote with me so I guess that means it’s me??? I don’t know I’m just not feeling good and my gut is pretty good most of the time so we’ll have to see.... I just like don’t fuck with people who don’t wanna talk?? Like why play???
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I am little fucked. Honestly if I was going to get voted out I would like it to be because of my #bigmoves or #smartbrain but nope it's cause of 2 minutes. And that's infuriating! Like I work my ass off in basically every other challenge! I drew the tribe flag, I took the lead on the word puzzle thingy, I got a reasonable number of scavenges!!!! And now I'm going to die. Like a lil bitch. I'm trying my best not to struggle cause voting is like quick sand, the more you panic the more you sink in. But logically I don't have much to worry about. Devon is willing to work with me, I already have two solid allies, and Jakey and Scott have both reached out. But the back of my mind is... bad. I'm so stressed out and Pissy. Fuck Dan. Fuck his stupid face. The only thing keeping me from throwing him out is I don't want people to have the perception that the beauty tribe is a unit. Oh yeah we are voting out AJ even though he probably has an idol which isn't great for me because he could probably get wind of that thing that's happening where people want to kill me and get on board and proceed to kill me. That was a mouthful but I don't have to be eloquent when I'm going to fucking dieeeeeeee. I'm barely holding it together. Help me Survivor Jesus. 
Augusto, 1:02 PM K so Dan said that he heard AJ would be a unanimous vote didn’t tell me who but he said that that person could just be projecting what they want Daniel Disbrow go fuck yourself. Projecting my lily white ass. 
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Whew i love when things work out for me. This tribe swap went great for me. I feel very confident about my position on this tribe. I am good with Ali, Tj, and Liam all through seperate links to myself which im hoping can keep me as a centralized figure on this tribe. Ive formed a very good relationship with Adam so far who definitly feels on the outs of the beauty which is great. I thought i could be good with connor, but hes kind of been blowing me off so idk, he could be a target if we lose. As for the brains on my tribe Im talking more to duncan than autumn, but im gonna work on forming a stronger relationship with her on the chance were both at merge which i think is likely. I feel bad for Jakey and dan, two people I did want to work with, however I would be okay if they left as it would lesten the target on me at the merge with less brawn numbers and a larger beauty group to be scared of a group against. Sometimes you got to sacrafice pieces in chess and if they lose it sucks but ill move on. Im optimistic about moving forward through this next phase of the game.
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wow i cant believe i almost DIDNT make a confessional for this round but here we go: not much more has happened over here since the swap, we absolutely did perfect in the immunity, so we wont be going to tribal, which is cool because im guaranteed safety and now i can just spend my time trying to work on these relationships that i need out here if im gonna make it a couple steps further and plot my revenge against the false beautys and make the moves that are gonna benefit ADAM and no one else. The original night of the swap i found myself having longer convos with the brawns and letting them all in on the tea about how those false beautys have a majority alliance and how they were plotting against me for no reason, so last night i was talking more so with autumn/duncan individually and they also asked about tribe dynamics so guess what, i spilled the tea to them now too, and they seemed to believe what i was saying, which granted, life on old hathor wasnt HORRIBLE it's not like people were like LETS JUST POINT AND LAUGH AT HIM ...but this new tribe dont know all that, so im absolutely going to be hyperbolizing and over-exaggerating the situation completely still because that's what i do best, i have a strong personality and a way with words so if i can paint the narrative to look better in my light, i absolutely am, and i mightve got lucky with connor here because other people are telling me he's hard to talk to, which makes it 10x easier for them to believe me, because i am still telling the truth, he's one of them, and he's clearly a snake lying right to my face so im making sure they know he'll lie to theirs too. i dont want to get to confident with my postion though whatsoever, because these are all good players and im just a dumb bitch so odds are, someone is playing me and i probably look like a fool but whatever, i only know as much as people will tell me so either way i just have to go with the flow in a sense, whether im the one steering the ship or just the clown aboard, is TBD. i also found it QUITE pleasing to see how for the other tribe, kendall is the one who messed up and cost them the win, however i know she's got her little puppets with those other false beautys so im not sure if theyll take her out. Looking at that tribe, id be happy with almost anyone going but the biggest plot twist of them all is ..... i think i want jakey to stay? me and him had a good talk at one world actually, i began planting seeds with both him AND kendall about each other so i might have inadvertently pinned them even more against each other, unless they put 2 and 2 together and realize i was kinda just telling them both what they wanted to hear, i didnt think id want to work with jakey this game but now that i know i cant work with those false beautys, i might need him to stick around and do damage to them over there for me but really, i dont give a shit who goes home from them, aj is the only one of the false beautys im not 100% against yet because he is my friend, and maybe we can still somehow work together from opposing sides to keep each other safe but who knows, and jakey staying would be good for me because he's a threat and potentially could be on my side again (unless he was just lying and wants me out BAD then uh... he can go but hopefully not because i need that group broken up more than i do him gone even if he is after me) im also trying out a new strategy ive never used before........ i made my skype icon a selfie of myself, now let me make it clear, i absolutely DO NOT think im that attractive, years of low self esteem have made that nearly impossible for me to believe, but im starting to feel myself a little!! i think i would give myself at least a 5/10, so its definitely a reach but im really just hoping by seeing the real me maybe that helps people wanna talk and open up to me more? either that or it will do the opposite and scare them away oop. but ive had good responses so far? i got a "whew", a "whoa", and a "oh my..." from different people so um... i think that's good dfhuakj??? at this point in the game, i have to identify my own strengths and weaknesses and go from there, because clearly im not meant to find the idol every time i go to the tomb i flop, im just not meant to be an idol queen, but i wont give up!!! im gonna try again later tonight and hopefully find it, or at least see for sure if someone else has found it and that's what you missed on akhmim! (from my very singular and most likely delusional perspective) 
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I love Amir and Augusto. Like not to sound like a sentimental little bitch but I would kill for them. I have been the worst these past couple of hours and here they are all supportive and shit. I talk a big game. Like I consistently declare my villainy and keep pushing for #bigmoves but I will literally cry like a baby if I had to ever do anything to them. So I've decided I won't. I still intend on winning, I'm just not going to do it with their blood on my hands.
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Well...IT FEELS GOOD TO BE BACK! I was expecting to 'Slither' my way back in, but clearly didn't imagine myself coming back on a 15-0-0 vote. If you had asked me about who I felt GREAT about prior to the swap, I would have said Jake and Augusto, so it's nice to have them on Thoth with me. Going into the swap, here are the headlines: 1. Scott/I are back on the same tribe. He clearly doesn't trust me like he did before since I told Duncan about me knowing they were targeting me. Can we build that trust back? 2. OG Beauty vs the rest. For some reason, OG beauty is willing to vote out AJ and ease everyone's paranoia. We could have just as easily gotten rid of Dan, but whatever. 3. Alliance chats. I was told that Kendall/Amir/Augusto had an alliance chat, and it doesn't help that apparently Scott hosted Kendall early in her TS career. I need to make sure my connections stay strong enough moving forward  
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I finally learned the system to find the idol and it’s been found in the new tribe. I really hope Scott takes the time to find the Thoth idol. Firstly May I say the daddies are reborn with Devon being able to re-enter the game which is amazing! Unfortunately we got split up and now they face 4 beauties and 2 brawns on Thoth and autumn and I got to come be on Hathor. Adam spilled the tea about the Hathor 5 and its looking like Conor will be the first out if we end up at a tribal. I’m so happy to be off of Thoth. It was like a sinking ship and that tribe is cursed. On the flip side, for the first time this game, I DONT HAVE TO GO TO TRIBAL COUNCIL!!! YEEEHAW!!! I feel so grateful but also know if they lose 3 challenges then we’re losing Scott or Devon which would be horrible. I don’t know how comfortable I am with my position as it stands but I’m just grateful not to lose and probably feel most bad for Scott. I hope the daddies can survive this swap and perhaps make it back together come merge 
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I really haven’t said shit huh gfhjdksl WELL, tons happened last round like someone coming back into the game and me getting to meet everyone finally! Devon returning was the best case scenario as him and I created a really weird yet good bond which I’m thankful for! Autumn and I meshed so well, Duncan and I bonded quickly, I also bonded with Scott/Jakey/Dan, and then had good convos with TJ/Liam M/Jordan/Ali so that was cute. We ended up swapping into 2 tribes of 8 afterwards which wasn’t TOO bad especially considering who is on this tribe like I got crazy lucky. We have 4 Beauties, 2 Brain, and 2 Brawn on this tribe and the other tribe has 4 Brawn, 2 Brain, and 2 Beauties which is a thing. But yeah, I have really high hopes? My connections here are strong personally so I want to just build on that. 
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following the austin #blinside, we were BEANBOOZLED again and told that austin, as well as lovelis and devon would be pining for our votes to stay. all the tribes ended up on one beach but the initiative for the beauties was clear: austin could NOT come back. love him and all but after boldface lying to him and voting him out.. it just doesn't add up, right? so, the vote was really a matter of lovelis and devon, but then it just became of matter of "okay devon's coming back point blank" since lovelis wasn't really active. this didn't stop austin, however, from going around and throwing us under the bus, telling kendall her name was going around, outing the original plan to austin, all the while assuring us he was "beauties strong!" i respect the hustle but it ain't me! i decided not to lie to to him and told him upfront he wasn't getting my vote, little did i know it was going to be 15-0-0 for devon to come back. the perks of the one world twist was the fact i got to mingle with everyone i'd been excited to see from jordan pines to autumn! it was also a clear front for the fact that we'd be swapping right after, which we did! thankfully, the swap worked out for me perfectly. augusto, amir and kendall are all here with me and i got along with devon and jakey great! i also talked to scott and we bonded as well, and dan and i tried to recover from amnesia over a game we played a few years ago. i don't think i was put in a poor position at all, and in a must of confidence, i don't see myself going home like.. at all unless things change for the worse. the challenge came and went, and apparently one mistake cost it all but it didn't really matter to me because i have kendall's back and i know she has mine, so there was no chance i was gonna let her go over some two minute slip up. however, that was enough for dan to target her after we lost the challenge so the sexy procrastinators (basically leaning tower of penis bar connor) are counteracting by voting dan! do i feel bad because dan also asked if we could work together? hell yeah. do i feel REALLY bad? not really! he's a very nice gentleman, however, i'm pretty much on good terms with everyone on the tribe (and have solid allegiances with half of them) so i'm put into a rock and a hard place! i will say though, besides that, things have been really quiet compared to how things were on original hathor. there was always conversation going, even if it wasn't game, so it feels WEIRD when you're not talking to anyone within the hour. does that make me nervous? absolutely. am i assuming that there's an ulterior plot against me? more than i should! i just need to get myself together though and stop freaking out, what happens happens and if the that plot is indeed true then they got me gals! 
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i’m me having high hopes for our tribes and us losing badly… the delusion! That being said, I oddly feel safe? I have my trio with Amir and Kendall (where I have solid duos with both), a secret duo with Devon, Dan and I have this Seychelles thing going, AJ trusts me I think, and then I’ve connected well with Scott and Jakey on a personal level so that’s fun! I’ve been telling every non-Beauty that I do genuinely want to stray away from playing outside of tribal lines because alliances made out of convenience are not as strong as alliances made out of connection. I just want to pretend myself as a very fluid, easy-going player/person in hopes that these players want to scoop me up for literally anything they want to do. My ideal boot order for this tribe would be AJ, Dan, and Jakey. AJ leaving opens up the game for me as it means I stuck to my word as not wanting to play by tribal lines, Dan leaving is mostly to appease to others but also because Dan could be dangerous later on, and Jakey is who I REALLY want to see leave because he has been the main person who has gotten and spread info on this tribe and he strikes me as the most threatening person so removing that before a merge is KEY. But yeah, that’s where I am at! 
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I definitely need to step my pussy up in this game… like I feel extremely well about how I’m playing socially (I’ve been in tons of alliances, have gotten to really KNOW everyone I think, have been calling people for hours on end, have gotten information from all directions, etc) but I need to be better at talking game with people. Kendall and Amir have been doing extremely well about getting information out of Scott and Jakey respectively because they initialize game talk with them to do so and I personally struggle with that? I will say, I’ve been really good at getting people on my side to tell me things in the first place but I want EVERYONE to give me the tea like… I got my cup ready for all the tea so spill it please (‘:
I know I’ve done a super bad job at narrating everything that has happened this round but that being said, I haven’t done a bad job this round in the slightest. A sis really 1) established a connection with every player on my tribe [as in, I have an alliance with every single person in some capacity] 2) I am a part of the majority alliance 3) the people on the “bottom” feel good about me and have told me things 4) I’ve gotten close to getting to the end of Thoth’s Tomb which is awesome 5) I feel safe amid some messes this round [like Kendall telling Scott about her, Amir, and I being a trio which nnn] 6) I’ve honestly tried to downplay my gameplay to people by narrating my past seasons to people on call and explaining how I’ve been betrayed by my closest allies so I want something genuine and different this time AND also continuously asking my allies for “help” on talking to others to build even more trust [Amir told me he’s glad I’m in this game because I’m the only level headed one, Devon told me he trusts my judgements on anything, etc]... so yeah, a bitch might be doing that? 
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Sooooo I think AJ is going tonight? Which is fine because he’s throwing my name around even though I actually was interested in working with him lmao. I was hoping Kendall would go because she literally does not talk, but I’ll take what I can get. Jokes on me when I get blindsided 
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jakey just told me he's voting for me.. so yes i'm freaking out and yes i'm convinced i'm going home you CANNOT tell me otherwise https://66.media.tumblr.com/376a5e921389df0e5d37a54da9734e04/ebea8f0b6df920b0-57/s640x960/e1f351d79a9ea08058418a032c97026926156df5.gif 
kendall and augusto sat me down on call and basically told me it was over https://66.media.tumblr.com/376a5e921389df0e5d37a54da9734e04/ebea8f0b6df920b0-57/s640x960/e1f351d79a9ea08058418a032c97026926156df5.gif
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I hate everyone lmao. I initially started saying we should vote Ken Doll, or whatever her name is, before I knew AJ was throwing my name around. And of course someone threw a vote on Kendall, and now I have Ken Doll in my PMs being like “ballsy how you still voted for me” that’s funny sis, I don’t even know how to spell your name. 
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Not me almost putting Thoth on the tribe option lmaaaaooo old habits die hard. I would just like to take this time to thank the Academy, the hosts for swapping me well and allowing me to succeed in a way I never could in Thoth, and my new tribe for being both wise enough to listen to me when I come up with a plan and solid enough to deliver. Being immune? It's a lifestyle and I really missed it Ok so things are going well on Hathor (knock on wood)? I've talked to everyone, we're in a good spot, and I'm not worried about anyone.... but I am nervous but we'll come back to that. I feel fantastic about Ali- this is our third time playing together and every time we see each other we just pick up right where we left off, both as friends and allies. But it's really special this time around since we've both won a main? So we're in a unique boat that no one else in the cast is except Amir. Basically now we have each other's backs more than ever because our stakes look different as well as our threat levels compared to everyone else. I also discovered that TJ and I went to the same fucking COLLEGE??? When I say I'm gagged ugh. So yeah I think there's a new level of trust and kinship there since we share something so major that's not game related. And I think both of us are kind of alone? So that helps bridge the gap even more Ok now for all the other menses.... I have always been nervous about Jordan Pines simply because he's Jordan Pines. I know how I am and I know how he is so him being so tame and quiet the entire game is spooky to me and I don't buy it. I'm trying not to start shit obviously but I think it would be risky to wait until Jordan goes full Jordan before making a move but we'll leave it for now. Iiiiiii am no longer sure what to make of Adam and Connor. I actually really liked both of them the past couple days and was considering working with them but it has come to my attention that Adam has been telling everyone the same story about him being on the bottom of the original Hathor and that everyone needs to get rid of Connor since he's apart of that block. When I thought I was the only person with the tea, I was like YEAH ABSOLUTELY but then hours later Duncan tells me the same thing and then today Ali not only tells me that's what Adam said but apparently he said it to Liam as well. So I'm like SIR- tea is only special when it's private. You trying to get the entire tribe to rally to kill one specific person based on something that none of us can fact check is messssyyyy. I know there's some truth to it because Austin also was very adamant that Hathor couldn't be trusted but the whole thing is convenient to me, that Adam is hellbent on getting Connor out and really playing up the victim angle. And the gag is, if Connor ever goes, where does that leave Adam? Cause if you're willing to campaign this early over something that specific, what will you do to target the rest of us? Like ok we're all comparing notes now but that's cause it's pre-merge. Iiiiiii don't know if Adam needs to make it to merge if he's so generous with his spiked tea. And then that leaves Duncan, who is my dad yes and who I've been with the whole game but I'm really trying to diversify and look elsewhere. I don't wanna hurt Duncan but I do get this impression that he sees this as "our" game and that's why he's very keen to know who I'm talking to, who I trust, am I looking for the idol, do I need any help, etc. To the point where I feel like it's gonna become a liability situation, like because we're friends I'm SUPPOSED to both protect him every single round but also approve everything by him and take him to the end. And just so we're clear my game is mine and mine alone. I didn't come into this game to play for or with anyone and y'all know I have too much Sagittarius in my chart to let a man control my game. And no I'm not reaching because Duncan was tripping about me having a good relationship with Devon, to the point where he and Scott made a side group with Devon before tribal to convince Devon to vote me- mind you all of this came to my attention AFTER tribal and from Devon, even though it was Scott and Duncan's idea to vote Devon in the first place. Soooo explain to me why Duncan is questioning my loyalty when I'm voting out another ally over him and then you wanna go do side shit even though the vote was locked and already unanimous?? No ma'am I'll fuck you up. I really killed my bb to protect my dad and he over here trying to micromanage and teach me lessons. Sir there's plenty of game left don't try it. ALSO DEVON BB I MISS YOU YOU WERE RIGHT ABOUT SCUNCAN SO PLEASE DON'T DIE ON THOTH
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Okay I literally don’t even know where to start with this entire round, so ughhhh lets just make lil blurbs and word vomit all the thoughts in my head. Okay first, alliances. Me kendall Augusto. I trust these 2 more than anyone else in the game, but Kendall is a mess and a half and has accidentally leaked so much shit or purposely idek I know it’s not malicious, she’s super loyal she’s just silly. She told Scott that me her and Augusto were a trio, which like why tf would u do that ??? anyway, Scott told jakey who told me. Next is me aj kendall Augusto which is a cover up to tell aj to vote dan because the actual vote is aj, but no one wants aj to use his idol. Everyone on our tribe is like sure aj has the idol now, and I’m trying push that too, because I have it lmfao and I don’t want people to know I have it. Next is the new main alliance, me kendall Augusto Scott and jakey. I DONT KNOW ABOUT THIS AT ALLLLLLLLLL, everyone wants to vote aj out, and I’m telling Augusto and Kendall, like y’all realize we are giving them the opportunity to 4-3 us next round? And kill the beauties ?? Like how is that smart ?? But at the same time, getting rid aj could cement Scottie and jakey. It just depends if they try and make a move against me Augusto and Kendall next round if they think we are a trio. However, me and Augusto have planned beyond such and in that case, I have ammo. Let’s check the armoury: - Augusto is insanely tight with Devon now, we can use him as a weapon - jakey ratted on dan to Kendall and ratted on the majority alliance, we can turn dan against jakey. So if Scott and jakey think of pulling a fast one on us, I’ll tank their games so fast and make sure they go down with us . Lastly , I’m fucking terrified. Because with this vote, if jakey Scott Devon and dan team up and vote me just to do it, I’m going to go home 4-3-1. I’m putting my faith in this alliance and my gut is telling me to trust jakey and trust Kendall and trust Augusto. Basically, there’s huge pros and cons to what we are doing right now. However, assessing the situation, if I put my foot down hard and force all 4 beauties to stick together, it’s a bad move for my game . Jakey will be mad, Scottie won’t trust us, and I’d be forcing Kendall and Augusto to do what they don’t want to do, and aj is an ally who is almost never online. It’s simply not worth it. The better move is let aj go, create these bonds and take these risks, and secure that I won’t get caught about the idol And then merge is a whole other fucking story, Ali and autumn and Duncan and Jordan must be dealt with. 
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Nothing is chaotic. This is weird. I don't feel in danger anymore and could clearly get away with making the merge. Connor has left me on seen once already and I've voted him out before. Target numero uno, come on down!
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0 notes