#which should be the easiest question but sometimes u ask a kid what they like and theyre like uhhhhhhhhh idk
tharsei-thanate · 6 months
covering the children's room can be hellish but i get to watch them play roblox so it balances out
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sleepis4theweak · 8 months
FLASHBACK AU QUESTIONS, YOU SAY? FLASHBACK AU QUESTIONS YOU SHALL RECEIVE (Or at least somewhat related to the au questions...)!!
How did you originally come up with the story? Have you planned it out? Have you made any changes since you first thought of it?
What's your fav Mikey dynamic? Do you think it shows in the comic? My personal fav is PB & J duo :>>
Who's your least favorite character in the comic to draw?
Who's your favorite character to draw?
Where did Madame Bishop (I forgot her name- she had one didn't she?..was it Joanne? MAN I HAVE AMNESIA) get that scar from?
Can we have a sneak peek by any chance? :3
What do you think Madame Bishop (...yeah might be Joanne...) would have been like in the doomed timeline?
ALRIGHT THAT'S ALL I CAN THINK OF, I'LL LEAVE YOU OFF WITH A PUN : Have you heard of the theory that no two people see color the same? I guess that would mean color is just a pigment of our imagination 🤔
1- This was honestly supposed to be a two part comic. The entire au is based off of experiences I have had (minus the whole dying part of course) with my cousins and or brother. The first part was about Donnie and Mikey- and Mikey having the puppy dog eyes that Donnie couldn't do. That was about my cousin! It was supposed to just be like oh look Mikey can do puppy eyes. And then I saw something about how kids that struggle with understanding emotions can practice expressions in the mirror sometimes* and was like haha I should add this since it's actually something I used to do as well! THEN I wrote the line about him wanting to be the youngest and I mean... my brain went straight to "now what if Mikey dies"...
I didn't expect people to like it as much as they did tbh... so when people started to really comment on it I was like okay I should bring Mikey back to life... But then it turned into a whole au...
It's almost entirely planned out now! And most comics are still based off of stories of things that have happened with my cousins or brother! (Like how I smashed my cousins legos because I was angry at him.... its a long story lol).
*(It can also be something that kids with autism do... and someone actually pointed it out! ->)
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2- Thats a really hard one... I think my fav has to do with the situation I guess? Or how I'm feeling? But Donnie and Mikey are probably my favorite overall! But only by a teensy tiny bit.
Raph and Mikey are my favorite angst wise, and the ones I can relate to the most. Leo and Mikey are really fun, and I really like using it to explore responsibility.
I think it does show in the comic! I mean I went straight to the PB & J duo- and then with Leo and Mikey I really explored responsibility. With Raph and Mikey it was shorter, but it was a lot more emotional for me personally. And right now Raph and Mikey are really getting the spotlight. Though Leo and Mikey are the main ones in the next update! :)
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4- I think Leo is the easiest to draw, with Mikey coming in second! My favorite to draw though is definitely Mikey. I like his mask tails :) Also he's my favorite in general hehehe
She got that scar from an experiment! Idk which one... but she was experimenting on something and it freaked and scratched her! :3
It isn't too important to the story, but it may add some depth/explanation to some of her reactions later on.
6- ... lemme tell you, I have gotten this ask so many times... BUT CONGRATS I WONT DELETE THE ASK THIS TIME JUST FOR YOU <3
Usually I answer the ask, wait until I'm sure the person sending it saw my response and delete it to keep the mystery alive hehe... but I won't delete this one.
No. Mikey is not gonna stay dead. I mentioned it in the first one, but the comic was supposed to end with him maybe dead maybe not... but since the au is continuing... I don't like it when characters die :( Its sad so he was never gonna be actually dead. So yes, he will come back! Its just gonna take a bit...
7- YOU MAY! I was considering which spoiler to give you... but I've decided to give you a big spoiler... just cropped. :) Because I'm evil like that :))
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8- Hmmm.... idk to be honest, I haven't thought about it... I think she would be just... even crazier. Like batshit insane.
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finelinevogue · 3 years
We need more Bella and Megan content!!! Insta posts were so cuutee!!! Maybe a blurb abt the relationship between Megan and the family?? It could be interesting… I imagine then being a very open and close knit family u know, where they can talk freely about anything,and yes including sex, and I think it could be interesting to see how maybe bella needs some advice/want to talk to someone about being intimate w her gf and doesn’t know how to bring that up to her family bc she is embarrassed and doesn’t want to make anyone uncomfortable?? I’ve never read a doc like this, or where one of the kid is not straight (only w/ Harry or the reader being bi) and yeah it should be written abt more.
megan and belle are sooo cute yes! ok let’s see where this goes!! hope you have fun reading;
belle - 18
“Will you stop faffing, you look beautiful honey.”
You slapped Belle’s hands from playing with her outfit again. Tonight you and Harry were properly meeting Megan for the first time, by taking them out for a meal at this new Thai restaurant down the road. Belle had been worrying all evening as she was getting ready, coming downstairs multiple times to show off outfits to you so you could give them your honest opinion. It didn’t help her when you said she looked beautiful in all of them. Belle wasn’t into playing “girly” dress-up, but she thought that putting effort in for her girlfriend, tonight, might be a good idea. So she’d finally decided on some denim jeans, a basic top and then one of Harry’s old blazers. She looked amazing.
“Just so nervous.”
“Why? You like them, right?” You asked, adding on a bit of lipstick, whilst you were sat at the table of this fancy restaurant.
“Yeah. Like really like them.” Belle emphasised, shrugging off the blazer as she was becoming too hot with nerves.
“Well then we’ll really like them too. We trust you.” Harry butted in, sitting as close to you as he could whilst sat in these chairs. Before you’d managed to sit down at the table he’d moved your chair along to be closer to his, meaning he could slink his arm around the back of your chair and have his hand in your lap if he wanted to. Even after all these years he still knew how to make you feel especially loved.
Belle’s phone pinged and it made her freak. “Oh god, it’s Meg. They’re here.”
“Okay, B. Calm down and go and get them from outside, we’ll just order some wine or something.” You ordered her softly, trying to put your daughter more at ease. She was more nervous than you imagine Megan would be.
Your daughter stood up from the table, both you and Harry smiling at her. “Okay.” She pushed her chair in behind her and about to walk off, but she quickly turned back to you both, “Remember; Megan Dover, they/them pronouns and don’t mention anything about astrology otherwise we will be dead before we leave this table,okay?”
You both chuckled at her, loving how she was so aware of her girlfriend and the things that were important to them. “Okay love. Now stop fussing and go.” Harry shooed his hand and his daughter away from the table. She turned back around to flash you two thumbs up and you both smiled at her, watching your all-grown-up baby walk away.
“We’ve done well Styles.” You turned to face him, to find he was already admiring you, thinking about the wonder life you’d both created and the wonderful children that had been a product of it.
“Was just thinking the same thing, m’heart.” He smiled and leaned in to kiss you, pressing his lips onto your lipstick-stained ones. He didn’t care if his lips became painted a different colour because of it, he would never miss the opportunity to give his beautiful wife a deserving kiss. He loved you too damn much.
You cupped his chin and he tightened his arm around you, that had been slunk around the back of your chair. He squeezed your thigh three times in signal for saying ‘I love you’ without any words needing to be spoke. You tapped his chin three times in return. Everyone always hated how loved up you two were, but really you just think they’re jealous of how perfect your relationship is. Sure you have your ups and downs, but isn’t that what makes it so perfect? You pulled away and looked into his dreamy eyes, kissing him once more for good luck, before returning your attention to your glass of water for a drink.
“Thirsty?” He asked you, keeping you close.
“Mhm. All that talking I was doing this afternoon on the phone to that bloody insurance company.”
“You did give them a piece of y’mind though, love. You were a lot more civil than I would’ve been.” Harry chuckled, waving his hand to catch one of the waiters attention.
“Seriously though? Nearly charged us an extra £1,000 for a service charge. Bloody fuckers.” You sighed and put your water back on the table after taking a lengthy sip.
“£1,000 isn’t really that mu—” He didn’t finish his sentence though because he caught sight of your stern face and knew exactly what you were thinking. You hated when he talked about money as if it wasn’t a problem, because you didn’t want your kids to grow up with that ideology. “You know what? They’re bastards and i’m proud of you for handling them so well.” He kissed you again and then the waited came over, stopping you from having a go at him for being cheeky. You pinched his leg in respond and he caught your hand, holding it tightly in his as if a warning for you to stop.
“Evening Sir. How can I help?” He asked politely, his serving towel draped over his forearm.
“A bottle of y’cheapest red wine please.”
“Certainly Sir.” And the waited was gone.
“Cheapest?” You asked confused, making Harry turn back towards you.
“Well it’d be a bit hypocritical of us to ask for our favourite bottle of wine, which is £1,000 darling, now wouldn’t it?” He smirked at you, knowing he’d played you just perfectly.
“Such a git.” You scoffed in pretend offence and then kissed him again too make sure that he knew you weren’t mad.
You both sat back and looked in the direction which now you could see Belle walking back over to you from where she’s gone to fetch Megan. Belle was guiding them book, Megan following closely behind her, and they were holding hands. They looked completely adorable and you wanted to just rush your camera out and snap loads of photos of them to remember this moment. Yes, you were that mum who takes a photo of everything and anything when it came to your children. You even had an album on your phone dedicated to your children’s haircuts… You leg started to shake nervously in anticipation.
“Calm down you!” Harry laughed quietly, just incase the two girls could hear you. Harry stood up out of his chair first and held out his hand for you to follow. He made sure your chair didn’t tip back as you stood and kept ahold of your hand as they approached you both.
You caught Belle’s eye and you could how happy she was from the twinkle within.
“Mum, Dad, this is Megan,” Belle introduces you all, Megan still stood slightly behind her, “Meg, this is my mum, Y/N and my dad, Harry.”
Harry was the first one to cross his hand over the table. “Lovely to meet you Megan.”
“And you Mr Styles, but please just call me Meg.” They shook hands together and Harry smiled at them warmly, wanting to make her feel as part of the family as possible. He was good at that.
“Well then then you, please, call me Harry. Makes me feel old otherwise.” His joke made the table laugh and ease any nervousness that had been there before.
“That’s because you are old, dad.” Belle added cheekily.
“Oi watch it you. Don’t think I won’t embarrass you in front of your girlfriend.” He raised his eyebrows teasingly and pointed sternly at his daughter, who did pack quite the punch with her snarky responses sometimes.
“I’m counting on it Harry.” Megan laughed, which made everyone chuckle again. Megan was such an easy girl to get along with and it was clear that they made Belle a very happy person, for that you indebted to them.
“And nice to see you Meg.” You shook your hands with Megan as Harry and Belle continued to banter over the table. You were sat opposite Megan, Harry next to you and Belle diagonally opposite you. You and Megan both sat down before Harry and Belle did.
“Likewise Mrs Styles,” you gave them a look which had them chuckling as they corrected themselves, “Y/N, sorry! Are they usually like this?” They asked you, watching Belle and Harry talk about some absolute rubbish.
“Oh don’t even start! They wind each other up all the time. Drive me up the bloody wall they do!” You laughed and you felt calmer when Megan laughed too. “Wine?” You offered them, having had the bottle delivered whilst you were all being introduced to each other.
“Yes please.” They smiled and held out the glass to help you pour. You poured them a generous glass and then followed by pouring yourself one too.
You weren’t blinded by the beauty of Megan. They had strong-loving brown eyes and blonde hair that seemed to be toned down with brunette roots. They had a simple face with perfectly plucked eyebrows and a fiercely sharp jawline. They were just very naturally pretty, that you could tell. They were wearing similar to Belle actually, which made you think they’d coordinated their outfits - your inner mum was freaking out over the soft thought. You and Harry often liked to coordinate outfits too, like tonight - both of you were wearing navy blue.
“You want wine B?” Meg asked Belle, breaking her away from the pointless conversation with her dad.
“What? Oh, yes, yes please.” Belle responded, shifting closer towards Meg and holding their hand again. They kept their public displays of affection to themselves, a bit like you and Harry had originally been. You filled up your daughters glass, but passed on filling up Harrys glass because he was driving home tonight.
“So what do you plan on studying at university Meg?” You started the conversation with the easiest question you could.
“Marine Biology.” They answered and you could tell they were clearly excited by the tone of happiness in their voice. You didn’t miss the squeeze of pride that Belle gave them either.
“That sounds good! Where abouts are you going to study?”
“Newcastle, actually.” Meg went quiet and you understood why, because Belle was going to the exact same university to study Engineering.
“Oh really?” Harry asked, pretending to be surprised but it definitely came through sarcastically - this earned him a kick under the table from his daughter.
“Oh shut up!” Belle rolled her eyes and Meg smiled at her playfulness with her family, it made them really happy that their girlfriend had such a loving and special family.
You were so not ready to send off your daughter to university, because she was your final baby to leave the safe nest of the Styles home and it was just going to be you and Harry left. You were excited for the time you’d have with him, but you were sad to see you final child leave you. You were even more excited for Belle to be going out and adventuring the world as she wanted to. She was going to do great things and you couldn’t be prouder of her. It eased you to know that at least Meg would be their with her - almost like a home away from home.
“You have any brothers or sisters Meg?” You asked.
“I have a younger sister, but she’s evil.” Meg laughed, before taking a sip of their wine.
“Evil how? ‘Cause my children are the exact same.” Harry spoke sincerely as if one of his children weren’t sat directly in front of him. It earned him another kick to his legs from his daughter. “See? Evil.” Everyone laughed, Belle just sulked.
“Well Ivy just terrorises everyone and anyone. She’s just evil.”
“Belle ain’t much better i’m afraid.”
“Dad! Meg is going to leave me if you keep painting me out to be an arsehole.” Belle rolled her eyes, but was brought out of her strop by Megan who brought her hand up to press their lips on her skin.
“Can’t chase me away that easily Belle.”
And it was that moment that you knew that Belle had found a forever partner in Megan, just as you had found in Harry.
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leejeongz · 4 years
cravity reaction to you giving them the silent treatment
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🔅thank you for reading my work and following! and than you for requesting! i wrote this like giving them the silent treatment, as you can tell, because i’m not sure what other context you would ignore them in🥺 i hope you don’t mind! and not all of them are serious hehe🔅
reason for the silent treatment: you were jealous when you saw him talking to the stylists and sitting real close to them
he tried his damned hardest to not give in to you. this lasted for quite a while this time actually, an hour maybe? then he started feeling empty. he hadn’t hugged you or bugged you for a whole hour, even you were getting concerned at this point. he came over to you while you were washing your bowl and pan from lunch, standing behind you for a few seconds before deciding to poke your cheek. you tried to ignore him at first, then you tried swatting his hand away.
“i’m not moving it until you talk to me!” he exclaimed. you knew the annoying smile he’d have on his face right now that you couldn’t resist so you chose not to look at him, instead you concentrated on putting the wet dishes on the drying rack. “i can do this all day”
he really wasn’t lying, you wouldn’t put that past him, so you just chose to give up, it was easier than having a clingy serim around you all day. (you get that anyway but what can u do?)
“you should eat” you said quietly. serim smiled at you in response and removed his finger.
“you’re right, maybe i will go grab something with the stylists” he joked, risking another hour of the silent treatment. he was so lucky that you could take a joke.
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reason for the silent treatment: he forgot your 1 year anniversary (this got a lil deep for some reason, kinda angsty, just a warning)
he started by giving you as much attention as possible. usually you’d be loving the skinship and cuddles, but right now you didn’t want to even see his face. you swatted his hands away and stormed off to your room. he sat back on the sofa, eyes and mouth both wide. he’d never seen you like this before. his head soon fell into his hands, which rested on his knees. once the first tear fell, it was soon followed by dozens more. it made him even weaker knowing you were probably crying too. he didn’t know whether to come to you or not but he decided to stay put for a little longer. after a few minutes, he saw your feet across the carpet and lifted his head, apologising profusely as he did so. you sat beside him, and looked at him, which he reciprocated almost immediately. he grabbed your hands instinctively but not before wiping a tear from your right cheek.
“do you care?” you asked.
“of course i care. i care about you, about us, i care a lot.” he pleaded, tears starting to burn at his cheeks.
“okay” you said, licking a tear from lips and nestling into his side.
he wrapped his arm around you and sniffled some more before asking if there was any way he could make it up to you.
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reason for the silent treatment: you failed an exam and you think it’s because he kept distracting you while revising
he couldn’t help himself, he just HAD to follow you around like a lost puppy. he tried his best to apologise, knowing it was the easiest thing to do even if he wasn’t guilty, but it just made you ignore him even more, not even giving him the advantage of reading your face. honestly, his incessant following was cute, but he could never know that.
“y/n please” he begged from behind you as you made your way to the bathroom. “don’t make me come in there too” he tried to make light of the situation.
you turned and stood against the closed bathroom door, now looking at him from across the hallway. you raised your eyebrow and he started to talk once again.
“i didn’t realise what i was doing, i just wanted to spend time with you, i will never do it again, if i do you can shout at me, i’m kidding please don’t do that ,i would cry, i know you wouldn’t ever-“ you stopped him with a kiss. you hated how he had you WHIPPED for him, but you wouldn’t really have it any other way.
“i won’t you idiot, although i may accidentally purposely back my chair into you, gently of course” you joked “now can i please go in here… alone?”
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reason for the silent treatment: he used your toothbrush
“you changed yours to the exact same colour as mine, it was going to happen on day anyway” he announced, rolling his eyes while walking to the cupboard to get himself a different toothbrush. “where are they?” he shouted to you.
you chose not to respond and that’s when he knew he was currently experiencing the dreaded silent treatment. normally he’d be quite thankful for some peace and quiet but the circumstances weren’t great so...
“oh brilliant, how mature of you” he slammed the door to the cupboard shut, still being careful not to damage it though. “you know it’s not going to get you anywhere” he once again rolled his eyes. “i’m going to my room, see you at dinner, sweetheart”. and that’s exactly when you saw him next. he was so stubborn sometimes, you had to give in else you’d never talk to him again.
“here” you tossed him a new toothbrush while he was close to the sink.
“this is still the same colour th-“
“ITS ROMANTIC WOOBIN” you shouted.
“from one extreme to another, clearly” he laughed, throwing you the toothbrush back. “now how about we be romantic in that restaurant down the street?”
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reason for the silent treatment: he ate without you
“i swear i won’t do it again” he pleaded in his final words before giving up and slumping his way to his room, leaving you cooking your meal for one.
you wouldn’t normally be this mad about him eating without you, you didn’t even live together, it was just that today you’d planned to have dinner together but you were an hour late due to traffic. surely he could have waited an extra 60 minutes, right?
wonjin threw himself on the bed, sulking for 5 seconds then convincing himself he was in the right all along and acting like nothing was wrong. he pulled out his phone and started playing a game, one that he knew he would spend hours on if he started playing it. half way through the first round, something clicked in his brain. why was he sitting here neglecting you when he owes an apology? he composed himself and made his way back out to the kitchen, ready to start his begging for forgiveness.
“okay so sometimes... sometimes you can be unreasonable” great start, you thought, rolling your eyes “but on this occasion, i think your reaction is justified. take as long as you want, i’ll be standing right here” he said, mimicking a “rooting in place” action by twisting his feet on the laminate flooring.
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reason for the silent treatment: he accidentally recycled a piece of your homework
“how was i supposed to know you needed this stupid map?” he questioned. but you didn’t respond. instead you just went to his room and sulked, in silence. he followed and stood in the doorway, firing questions at you for the next 5 minutes before huffing and leaving you to sulk alone. he knew he was the mature one here, but he still felt guilty for what he did so 10 minutes later he came back to you and tried again, this time calmer and more willing to listen.
“i can help you do it again” he insisted “but i’m not that great at drawing maps” he admitted. you turned away from him. he probably thought you were just continuing the silent treatment but really, you were trying your hardest not to laugh.
“you know i just printed that out right? i didn’t draw that” you whispered, giving in.
“are you saying i just endured the silent treatment for a map that took seconds to print out? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?” he shouted jokingly, sitting at his computer and bringing up an identical map. “here, print.” he grabbed it off the printer and realised yet another issue “you also used MY printer ink. i should have give myself the silent treatment for wasting ink like that.”
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reason for the silent treatment: he killed you first in among us
hyeongjun thought it was a joke at first, it was just a game after all it's not that serious.
“you can still do your ghost tasks” he mimicked.
you did NOT find this funny. he made you look like a fool in front of your friends, surely your boyfriend isn’t supposed to kill you first, you thought. you pressed the home button on your phone, automatically leaving the game, and turned your phone back to portrait. you scrolled through your home screens for a while, looking like you were doing something important in hopes it would make hyeongjun jealous but he was too engrossed in the game. it wasn’t until you threw your phone on the bed and got up that he realised you’d left.
“you left the game? why? oh you’re gonna get snacks? can you get me those chocolate jazzle things you bought for us please?” he asked, still engrossed in the game.
you rolled your eyes and let out a very loud “ugh” which he didn’t even bat an eyelid at. you returned with the chocolates in your hand which got his attention, but instead of handing them to him, you ate them and looked like you were enjoying them.
“i’m SO sorry i killed you y/n” he rolled his eyes as you did earlier, but you pretended to not hear him, just as he did.
this went on until he, as the imposter, lost the game, and you couldn’t help but laugh in his face.
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reason for the silent treatment: he laughed at you for getting scared during a horror movie
you hit his chest and got up in a huff. how dare he laugh at you when you were genuinely scared?! the sound of his laugh was always nice, always except now, it just annoyed you. you went to the fridge to grab some of his snacks, the first time you did this without politely asking for permission. he never minded that you wanted food, he wished you’d just get them yourself, you didn’t have to ask, what was his was yours, so you took advantage of that but it really didn’t feel right.
“hey the movie hasn’t finished yet!” he shouted, turning over and seeing you scan his fridge. “there’s nothing in there, i’m the only snack in this place” he said, flipping back over. “oh and you, of course”. you narrowed your eyes and bobbed your head sarcastically behind him, as if you were mimicking what he said. you sat back down again empty handed, this time sitting on the single chair that was far from him.
“oh what’s wrong? you think you’re strong enough to sit alone? you don’t need me anymore?” he laughed once again. you just concentrated on the screen, your heart beating faster than ever before, hoping no scares were coming up.
“okay okay i’ll stop. now please come over here and cuddle me because i think he’s gonna do something again and i don’t want you to be scared on your own.”
you contemplated his preposition for a little, the tv making your decision for you when the music started getting louder and you felt the need for someone’s arms around you.
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reason for the silent treatment: he spent the whole of your day off napping
“what’s for dinner?” he asked sleepily. his eyes opened to your figure, stood over him, your arms were folded and lips were sealed shut in a sort of angry pout. “what?” he questioned.
you yanked you duvet from him and threw it on the floor now giving you the perfect opportunity to grab your teddy that he’d slept with and leave. but that boy was gripping on to your teddy for dear life it seemed, he wasn’t letting go. “what are you doing? i can’t explain if you won’t tell me what’s wrong. and i’m not giving up lolly llama until you tell me”.
“just give me the llama seongmin” you broke your silence.
“is it because i slept all day?” when the words left his mouth, you stopped fighting for the teddy, you stopped leaning over him, you stopped trying to hide what had been getting to you all day. “because if it is i’m sorry, i woke up today with a really bad headache and i didn’t want to worry you.” he pointed to the tablets and headache strips on the side.
“is it-” you paused to look at him “is it better now?” you asked, knowing the best treatment for a headache was sleep.
“a lot better” he smiled in your direction “i am prepared to pull an all nighter with my favourite person now”
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gifs aren’t mine
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bubbleyumss · 3 years
The Scorch - LOKI- BUCKY mini-fic.
Hi there! I haven’t posted any written works on here for years, so forgive me that my first one back may be a little rusty! I just want to share a small fic I wrote with some of you, hopefully you enjoy.
So its after Endgame, lets forget that Loki dies thanku v much, and Steve doesn’t have his ending either. It’s a lil messy as I’m not great with crossing storylines, I usually just insert the reader into already written ones.. This may eventually lead to a split off between Loki and Bucky, the reader will have to choose who they want! But for now, it’s very Loki based. Lmk if u like, and any suggestions on continuing. Thx:)
Warnings - Violence/use of blades/knives and fire/scalding/burning.
Word count - 4K
It was unimaginable that we would all make it back from Thanos's army, but we knew it was nothing short of a miracle and we were all insanely grateful for this. Tony wasn't the same, his body was withering faster than it would have done before, but he knew that this was nothing that he couldn't seek to fix, seeing as his mind was as quick witted as ever. Barton took off back to his family, bringing Natasha with him for some much-needed time off, though Nat was never one to back down if there was a mission that was needed to be handled. This was the stage that I was at these days.
I hadn't joined the team too soon before the snap, but when I did, I had already lost those dearest to me, finding my home within the Avengers compound thanks to Tony. Though I hadn't seen much of him through the years after the snap, as I was tasked with tailing Rogers, he had always told me that I was welcome at his cabin table with his wife and daughter, making his family such dear friends of mine.
The Avengers compound was my home now, even though Tony had permanently retired from the team, there were a few of us that still worked under Fury, choosing to live there so that we were safe. The Vision and Wanda lived here for now, until such a time that their new home was built, the Captain, Bucky and Sam dropped by from time to time, acting like they didn't want to be a part of any team but always finding themselves socialising happily when they did. Same went for Nat, as she found comfort in Bruce's room sometimes, much to the pretended ignorance of us all. Thor stopped by often, claiming that Norway may be good for comfort, but sometimes he needed the discipline to get him back in his head.
It was on one of these trips that he decided to bring the newest member of the team, his brother, Loki.
"You've got to be kidding me." Steve said, standing with his arms crossed in the lounge. Steve, James, Nat, and I sat within, prepping me for my next assignment in Argentina. "No way is he joining the team."
"Last time I checked you're not even on the team yourself, Captain." He raven-haired man smirked, glancing to me, then back to Steve. I had heard of Loki, mainly from Thor, but it was clear that everyone had some sort of opinion of him, and the majority of it was bad. I had always been intrigued, as before I joined the team, I was hardly the golden child, which was how I came onto Fury's radar in the first place, so I knew what effect the evil expectations had on a person.
"Not officially." He responded, looking down to Nat, "But there are people on the team that will have an issue." Loki then looked to Nat, eyebrows raised, expecting her to agree and wish for him not to join.
"Oh, come on, comrades, Loki is different now, trust me!" Thor smiled, clapping his brother on the back, much to his annoyance, "He's still miserable as ever, but he will fight with us, not against us."
"Fury clearly trusts me enough to allow me to join your little club." He smiled, raising his hands, "I just wish for the place to stay, since my home was blown up and the new home smells of cod." He sneered, looking at Thor's disapproving face. I looked to the faces on those who sat before me, knowing that they all were only here part time either way, realising that perhaps I should speak. I stood, making them all turn to me, Loki's eyes set on mine full of intent.
"Well, I think we should give him a shot." I shrugged, "I was allowed even though I burnt down a city or two, so, I don't see why not." I smiled at Steve, then down to Nat, all showing equally unamused faces, Bucky's especially. It was always odd looking at his face and remembering our past, though in times like this I could see his anger as a simple ruse, knowing that he agreed with me wholeheartedly. "He can come with me to Argentina, as a test run." I suggested, making Bucky scoff.
"No way." He muttered.
"Yeah, I agree, that's a terrible idea." Steve shook his head. I could feel a sense of anger boiling inside me, which wasn't unfounded; they often looked at me like a younger sister, just as they did with Nat, but I supposed as they knew her for longer, they knew that she could handle herself. I could too, they just hadn't seen that yet.
"Tough. He's coming with me." I replied, defying their looks of shock. "God of Mischief, you're with me. Argentina, small hydra starts up, do you think you can handle it?" I had made my way to him at this point, only within a couple of steps of him. He smirked, and suddenly I lost all confidence I had started out with; his eyes looked me up and down, drinking me in in such an intimidating way. He was a god, far more powerful than me, and for whatever reason I really wanted to know him better.
"Of course."
As much as I started out wanting to side with the God, one jet ride with him and I already regretted it. I decided to try and get to know him, to ask him some questions about himself, only receiving sarcastic remarks as his responses. I had asked him of his time in New York, though supposing that it was a sore subject I opted to talk about his powers and what he could actually do, as I had only heard, though when he told me that it was nothing that would interest a human, I grew inpatient. He wished to play around, not to let me know him at all, and so I decided to just stop talking.
"Your eyes, do they relate to your talents?" He then asked after nearly half an hour of silence. I nearly completely ignored him, feeling that similar rage that I had attempted to defend this guy, and all he repaid me in was rudeness.
"Kind of." I replied, not wishing to talk any more.
"Well, they are beautiful." He commented, taking me by surprise. This of course wasn't the only compliment I have ever had on my eyes, the gold sheen often took people by surprise, but why on earth did he think that it was appropriate to say now?
"Why won't you answer any of my questions about you?" I then asked, taking the attention off his own question. He was silent for a minute, "I took a chance taking you along, I could have said no."
"Don't act like you have done me a favour, I could find somewhere else to live if I needed to." He scoffed, angering me further. My knuckles tightened around the jets steering, trying to keep it together.
"I have done you a favour, you clearly want in this group or you wouldn't have shown up." I retorted, "Is it so bad that I want to know you a little more? We're both the odd ones out-"
"You do not know what it is like being me." He interrupted, gaining his own anger now, "Do not pretend you do, you are just a human with some magic tricks." I watched from the corner of my eye as he rolled his eyes, slouching back in his seat, "Tricks that I have not even seen, by the way, so please try not to need saving too much while we complete this mission."
I closed my mouth, not wishing for my anger to get the better of me just yet. I knew that I had to contain it and utilise it for the mission, so that I didn't have to rely on Loki at all. I felt a sudden rush of wanting to prove the god wrong.
"I really wanted to like you; you know." I said through gritted teeth, thankfully seeing our landing destination only a few miles ahead.
"And I knew that I wouldn't like you." He replied, his smirk heard through his words.
We stood either side of a large brick gateway, glancing behind it and trying to determine the best course of play. It was just a small branch of Hydra still floating around, those that had disappeared in the snap and had returned in a way to start up their resources again. There was a group of maybe fifteen men surrounding the compound, this compound that really was in the middle of nowhere and took us all of thirty minutes to sneak up to the gate, I looked over to Loki.
"You shapeshift, right?" I whisper-shouted, remembering Thor's stories of his brother turning to a snake. He nodded, face screwed, "Get one of those uniforms, take me in as prisoner." I suggested, watching as the cogs then whirred in his mind. "It's the easiest way." I tried to prompt him further.
"I don't like easy." He responded, then beginning to smirk, "I want to see your tricks." He motioned his hand to the gate, wishing for me to go in first. I furrowed my brows, allowing his arrogance to make my anger grow.
"Oh man, I really don't like you." I growled, coming to smirk after however, "But, if you insist."
I reached my hands over my shoulders to take a hold of my swords, watching Loki's eyes watch me as I pulled them in front of me, allowing my eyes to glint and set both blades alight. It was true that I had turned cities to ash before, and now it was clear to him that I had seriously and literally burnt them down. I turned, running as fast as I could into the sandy compound, managing to get near to the centre before any of them managed to turn their guns to me; before two of them could I allowed for my leg to spin out, spouting flames from the pad of my foot, catching the three that stood closest to me. They fell to the floor, rolling to get the burning away from them as their comrades began to shoot; I spun my swords in a way to deflect those bullets that came for me. Knowing that I couldn't stay on the ground any longer I pushed my legs, flinging me up about ten metres, coming down behind two of them and slicing their backs with my blades.
I could hear the fast footsteps of one of them attempting to come from behind, though he was stopped as I pointed my blade towards him, watching as the flames that encased the metal emerged from its tip to then surround the man. I smirked; it had felt good to get back in the action. I turned, quickly throwing one blade into the chest of another, running towards him and retrieving it from him before I spun the other, throwing those bullets back towards two others. I turned to look as two had retreated within, presumably to warn the others that worked inside; at this point I wondered if Loki had disappeared, or if he was simply lying-in wait for me to be done, either way, I heard the steps of more men barrelling towards me at pace. I threw my blades at two of them to my sides, one going through a chest, the other a stomach, leaving the last man coming for me head on.
He threw the first punch, easily missed by a duck to the right, and with only a knee to the stomach and an elbow to the back, the man was on the floor. I knew that these new hydra agents weren't going to be up to scratch, but I found it almost insulting that they were so terrible at fighting. I wrapped my hand around the man’s neck, picking him up to that his toes only touched the floor; I smirked, feeling the palm of my hand grow hotter and hotter as the man began to shout. Suddenly, the feeling of cold metal against the back of my head alerted me to the fact that I had missed a man, something to do with the distraction of fun that this had given me. I dropped the man to the ground, noting the boiled skin in the shape of my hand.
As I turned, the metal of the gun was dropped, as was the body of the man holding it. As his body fell, I saw the gold knife that was planted within his back slowly disappear, looking up to see Loki's smirking face as he walked towards me.
"See, if I was not here, you would have been dead." He raised his eyebrows, stopping short of laughing in my face. I growled, turning to retrieve my blades from the bodies nearby, dousing them before attaching them back to me. I looked around, seeing the scattered bodies, some still on fire and some not, but none remaining alive. "Nice tricks." He then said, trying to act as though he meant it. I rolled my eyes.
"Come on. We need to get whatever information we can."
It was one thing hearing of the powers that Loki possessed, and another to actually see them in action. The duplication, meaning one moment I thought I was talking and looking at the real him, only for it to vanish before my eyes and reveal he is several feet away from me. He had finally used his shapeshifting ability to change into one of the guards like I had suggested, letting himself into a room with ease before shooting down those inside. He seemed to like watching me watch him, I would stand back, impressed, after he would use his powers, and he would smirk at me once his show was over.
The control room was last, requiring us to actually fight together rather than one by one. I hadn't thought it would go as well as it did as he seemed to be someone who preferred to work alone, but as we fought it seemed we worked around each other well, him throwing his punches, grabbing a hold of an officer, and holding him up for me to burn.
"We seem to work well together, you and I." He said, panting once the last body had dropped. He smirked, having a look of surprise on his face.
"Or more I work well and you're a good sidekick." I shrugged, moving to the control computers where the officers from before had attempted to erase their hard drive. "They didn't manage to wipe it." I sighed a breath of relief, knowing that our fight hadn't been for nothing.
"Sidekick?" He questioned, coming to my side as I inserted the flash drive given to me before the mission.
"They have more start-ups." I then said, taking his attention away from me and to the screen. There was correspondence between them, showing at least five different locations to which, their information was coming or going. He leaned over, getting a better look, though as he did, I could suddenly feel his presence beside me. The smell of leather and whatever cologne God's now wore entered my nostrils, taking my brain away from what was before me. I thought Loki attractive, of course, but there is no way I could think of him in any other way than an annoying tagalong. not right now at least. "Brazil, Tunisia, the Ukraine." I sighed.
"Does that mean that we will have more missions together?" He then asked, attempting to sound disgusted. I rolled my eyes, trying not to smirk.
"No, it means that I will have more missions. I'm definitely not bringing you along." I scoffed, snatching the flash drive from the computer once it had finished downloading. I stood straight, only then realising how close he was to me. His eyes bore down at me, amusement shining within.
"That's good to hear. I don't think I could take any more of your little bonfire powers." He contested, trying not to break from his egotistical character. The hints of a smirk teased at his lips, and if the smell of burning flesh wasn't surrounding us both, and the urge to punch the smugness from his face wasn't growing in favour, I would have said we were having a moment.
"Let's get going then. Got to get you home so you can brush up on your magic act." I smiled a wry smile, pushing past him in attempts to leave. Though, the moment I came to the threshold of the door, I felt the searing burn of a blade being pushed through my chest. A soldier had stood by the door, waiting for his opportunity to strike, and finding it when I never bothered to check before stepping out. I dropped to my knees immediately, watching as a series of knives were then thrown into the chest of that very officer, forcing him to drop dead before me.
Loki suddenly came behind me, on his knees also, holding me up against his chest in a panic. He thought I was truly dying, and so I couldn't let this moment go by without playing him at his own game. I allowed myself to lean back, pulling the knife from my chest and throwing it to the floor before I looked up to him, taking in his look of worry.
"You can heal, right? You can heal..." He began to stutter, becoming even more shaky when I slowly shook my head. "No, you can't die, I-I will be blamed, this will be my fault." I scoffed, coughing as I did.
"You'll be blamed? Wow... you really do only care about yourself." I muttered, voice getting weaker as I spoke. "You can't even admit that you'd be sad if I died." I tried to muster a laugh, allowing it to make me cough further and forcing his grip on me to become tighter. His scent was intoxicating, so much so that I thought he must have done some magic to make it so; though what struck me most was the small flickers of green in his blue eyes, they were beautiful.
"You can't die." He then smiled, "I would have no one to vouch for me anymore." He whispered. This took me by surprise. My vouching for him must have actually meant something to him for it to affect him in such a way, though when thinking about it, I may have been the first one to do so in a very long time.
"You deserved the chance, Loki." I shrugged, wincing as the pain was still within my chest, his eyes held the torment that I was now putting him through, probably bringing up bad memories, I needed to bring this to an end, "I'd vouch for you again, you know... even if you don't like me." He chuckled.
"Of course, I like you," He smiled, "I wouldn't save the life of just anyone." The moment the words left his lips I sat myself up, wiping my chest of the dried blood from the knife. I heard no sound from him as I stood myself up, only turning to look at him when I had reconnected my swords to my back. He remained on his knees on the floor, looking up at me incredulously, noting the smirk on my face and trying to stop one coming to his own. "You weren't really dying?"
"Oh no, it takes a lot to kill me." I waved my hand dismissively, letting a smile grow on my face. It was only a second before he had gotten to his feet, placing his hand firmly around my neck and pushing me back against a wall.
"Not anyone can trick me." He growled, his voice hinting a slight tease. I smiled in his grasp, slowly raising my core temperature, and simply watching his eyes to see when he would notice. His hand gripped a little tighter and his eyes squinted, waiting as long as he possibly could before removing his hand in pain, blowing on it when he did.
"And not anyone can threaten me, your majesty." I smiled, "Time to go." I then suggested, turning away from him, and exiting down the corridor. His footsteps were quick to follow, coming to my tail as he sighed.
"So, what's the protocol for leaving? Do we just let the bodies be found?" He then asked, finally asking something about how we did things around here. He really did want to be a part of the team, and in reality, I was certain that he would fit in quite well. I smiled again, turning to him once we were facing the exit.
"Really Loki? Why do you think Fury sends me on these missions?" I asked, placing my fingertips to the wall. I started walking towards the exit, allowing my fingertips to dance along the wall, setting it alight in their wake. He followed close behind, the both of us only stopping when we were a few metres outside of the building, I looked to him as we relished in the spiralling flames, "Bonfire powers is pretty accurate, honestly." I shrugged, watching his smirk emerge.
"I am what some people call a 'mutant'. Nothing gave me my powers; I suppose I've always just hand them." I shrugged, "I burnt down my family home. Killing my family when I was five. I didn't know what I was doing." I didn't know why I suddenly felt the urge to tell Loki my whole life story on the jet ride home, but I think it had something to do with the fact that he had fought for me and with me, and that while he thought I was dying he really did try and make me feel better. "Then there were three foster homes after that that went down in smoke... a similar start up like that one was the only ones who took me in."
"Hydra..." I heard him whisper.
"Yes." I sighed, "But... I didn't need the brainwashing like the Winter Soldier... I did everything I did voluntarily." I coughed, shifting awkwardly. I knew that my story wasn't palatable to normal people, but as Loki wasn't normal and had enough blood on his hands for the both of us, I felt he could be trusted with the truth. "Fury said it was either work for him or be locked up somewhere. So." I shrugged. There was a long moment of silence, one, I assumed, because he wasn't sure as how to respond.
"I was forced into the New York invasion." He then said, breaking through the silence in one swing. "My brother doesn't even know the whole truth." He sighed. I glanced to him, his eyes remained forward, face stoic, "Thanos held me for months, training me to lead the Chitauri, though the training was simply torture and mind games."
"You were being controlled by the mind stone too..." I whispered, more to myself, but he had heard it. He looked to me, eyes soft, nodding. "Wow."
"If I didn't, he would have killed me, destroyed the Earth, and Asgard. I couldn't allow for that." He then sighed, sitting back in his chair, "There, I answered one of your questions. But you only get one." I scoffed.
"I tell you how I killed my family, and you think that answering one question makes up for that?" I bit the inside of my cheek, trying to stop my smile as he nodded. "What will it take for you to open up a bit? If we're to go on all of those missions together you're going to have to at some point." I raised my eyebrows, watching as he tapped his chin.
"I'll tell you what, I'll answer one question each time I save your life." He smirked, "I'm sure I'll have answered all of your questions before the summers end."
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voorbeees · 3 years
[ hi im back with a part 2 bc im a sappy bitch. you can read part one here ]
Jesse makes his way into the kitchen. Early mornings are a thing he's had to get used to and there doesn't seem to be enough coffee in the world to keep him awake. Sure he's typically awake for work, but he schedules appointments around the time he spends recouping from his nightly hobby. After all a business doesn't run itself. He thinks this, accompanied with a move to LA shortly after taking the girl in could play a large part in it.
Shortly after they'd arrived at the new home, Tilly had been thrilled to learn she had her own room and own things. Apparently that was another thing her mother had failed to provide. He wants to ask her what her life was like before, but each time he thinks to broach the subject something makes him shy away from it. Maybe it's for the best. Besides, considering what it was, Jesse's sure he'll feel fire settle in his veins. Not long after that he'd had her enrolled in a small private school. It was never too early to start an education. He's also taken it upon himself to start teaching her ASL. The decision was only made final when she had looked up at him with those puppy dog eyes and said the simple phrase "I wish we could talk better."
And that had been another thing, not once had she acted like he was a stranger. It was actually the opposite. She acted like she'd known him her whole life. Maybe that was good, it made breaking the ice less difficult, at least in his mind.
Now Jesse adjusts his black suit coat, making sure he looks dressed to a T, even if he is just going downstairs. He's always been one to preen, current circumstances haven't changed that at all. Black Oxfords echo off the marble floor and he's instantaneous met with the beaming face of Tilly.
"Jesse! Jesse!" She rushes from her seat at the dining room table and bounces around his legs. Her tiny red curls dance about her shoulders in the process. She wastes no time in asking for her favorite thing, which is only made obvious a split second later when she holds her arms up, waiting to be picked up.
He picks her up with ease, acting like she weighs nothing (and to him she probably does). Her tiny arms wrap around his neck. She's made it clear she enjoys being at his height. Tilly pulls out of the hug a second later and starts flapping a tiny arm in the air. "I've been practicing with my writing!" She beams, little face begging for approval. He'd be cruel to deny her that so Jesse nods and walks the both of them back over to the table. Tilly wiggles herself out of his grasp just enough so she can grab the paper and shove it in his face.
It takes his eye a moment to focus and he has to hold the paper back a bit but sure enough, there in a child's scrappy handwriting is her name repeated at least ten times. Her statement is met with a slow nod of approval.
"Oh!" She finally makes the effort to remove herself from his arms and settle back into her chair. "Maybe I can try writing your name next?" It's a question but he knows what she's implying and its not a moment later that he pulls his phone out. He spends a moment typing on it and then turns it around to face her.
An amused look settles on his scarred face as he sees her focusing all her attention to write his name. Her tongue pokes out of the left side of her mouth as she finishes the last letter and holds it up, rather proud of herself.
It's messy but it's a cute gesture, so he takes it from her and pins it to the fridge with a magnet. That earns him a squeal of delight. The excitement is short lived as she goes back to her task. Jesse takes the opportunity to finally pour himself a cup of coffee.
' YOU'RE SPENDING THE DAY WITH SPANN. ' He hasn't actually left her alone yet. At least not that she knows. He's made sure to always leave when she's asleep, a caretaker there if something was to arise in his absence. The last thing he wants is for Tilly to think he's abandoning her.
"Why?" She asks as she looks up at him and then goes back to her work.
' I HAVE...BUSINESS. ' If you can consider visiting a plastic surgeon business. It's something he's wanted to do since he first saw what was once his "face". But Spann and the doctors had highly discouraged any reconstruction until the scars were fully healed. All in all it had added up to almost a year's time and it had been nothing but pure hell. Not that he cared what people thought when they saw him, more so he cared what he saw when he looked at himself in the mirror. It wasn't good. Hell, for the first several months he'd busted every mirror within five feet of him, going so far as to have them removed from places of his organization that had them. It'd been a touchy subject and not many could breach it.
Jesse remembers when Tilly saw his face for the first time. It had been the next day and it was on accident. He wasn't planning on showing the mangled part of himself until she seemed comfortable around him. But she had walked in on him in his home office. He'd been sitting at his desk, mask safety packed away in the chrome case. She was supposed to be sleeping and much to his horror when he had looked up, she wasn't. Instead she was standing in the doorway with wide eyes. He'd frozen like a deer in headlights. What the fuck was he supposed to do? Was she scared of him? Fuck, he'd be scared of himself. It's not like he even looked human anymore. He sat there for what felt like an eternity, unmoving until she walked forward. "You got hurt bad, huh?" She hadn't looked at him in disgust, but rather understanding. It was like it was the most common thing to ever happen. Tilly had come up and stood in front of him. "I got hurt one time too." She pulled her hair back to show a small indention on her forehead. "I hit my head and it left a really big spot." Something about that small stupid child gesture had made him laugh. It had demolished the wall he had built, afraid of traumatizing her.
Tilly lays her pencil down and looks up at Jesse now. To only be six she's intuitive. She can tell by the way he grips the handle of the mug and shifts his weight slightly that something is off. Usually its "I have work." Not "business." It's an odd choice of words. So she does what kids do best, she bombards him with fucking questions. "What kind?"
There's that word again. No matter how hard she tries, she just can't fucking pick out the problem. "Can I come?" Jesse shakes his head 'no.' A tiny frown creases her brow. "Do you have to go to the doctor?" Suddenly she gasps, standing up in her chair. "Are you sick!?"
Jesse's signing and shaking his head 'no' before he can stop himself. It's not hard to tell she's working herself up. Fuck, the last thing he wants right now or at all is her to he upset.
"Are-are you going for your face?" Tilly sniffles and wipes her nose with the back of her hand. Of course he fucking is, why else would he go to a god damned doctor. He obviously can't say it like that so he nods. "Bu-but there's nothing wrong with it!" Now she's just being polite, Jesse's sure of it. But the logical part of his brain says no, she's upset because she fucking cares about you you god damned fool. "What i-if I don't know who you are after? Because you lo-ook different?!" At that she breaks into full on hysteria. There's a few other words but Jesse can't make them out. It just all sounds garbled to him.
He considers pulling his phone out again but settles for a different approach. Jesse lowers himself on to one knee a few inches from her perch in the chair. He signs "hush" and "okay". Those are the easiest ones she's able to read but she just shakes her head crying even harder. "It's no-ot okay!" There's a hiccup added after she finishes speaking and for a split second Jesse thinks she's going to suffocate on her own tears. He blinks several times, actually taken aback by just how upset she is over this. This is a good thing not a bad one. He's going to look better but she doesn't want that. Of course he understands the whole "changing of features" process but it's still him. It's not like he's cutting off one of his fucking hands.
" It will be okay. " His hand hovers over her back like it's debating if it should offer comfort or not. Instead the decision is made for him as Tilly wipes at her eyes and sniffles.
"You don't know that!" There's a long pause and for a second Jesse thinks she's going to start bawling again, but she doesn't. Instead she looks up at him and the intensity in that stare almost has him drawing back. There's something in it. Love? Impossible. People don't love him, they tolerate him. Or rather he pays them to tolerate him. Tilly blinks once, then twice and yes, he sees it now. It's a mixture of love and adoration. Something almost foreign to him. "What if something happens?" Her tiny lip quivers. "Who will I have then?"
Fuckfuckfuckfuck. His mind draws a blank. There's no way for him to completely assure something won't happen. Granted people don't usually die from plastic surgeon, though he guesses it's possible. ' IT WON'T. I WILL STILL BE HERE. ' The phone's electronic voice drones out into the air. That's not what he wants to say. Jesse wants to say this huge fucking essay of why she doesn't need to worry but sometimes the simplest answers are the best.
' YES. '
Blinding light sears his brown eye as it flutters open. Are lights always this bright? He doesn't think so. If they are then he's definitely paying someone to dim all the ones in his house. Because Jesus fuck that's a horrible thing to wake up to. Jesse blinks a few times then lets out a sigh. He can't feel his face (which, God willing, with strong as fuck drugs he won't have to until it heals).
It's only after he's been awake for an hour or two that he turns to the door at his right and sees Spann standing there, Tilly's small wide eyed form in front of her. He offers a shakey wave as a greeting. Tilly looks up at Spann, who nods and urges her in then steps back out to answer a call. Jesse thinks she looks even more comical like this. She's acting like he's a porcelain doll that could break at the lightest touch.
Tilly rests her tiny arms on his bedside. "Do you feel better?" Jesse gives her a so-so response with his hand. She takes this as privilege to climb her way up into the bed beside him, her tiny form looking even smaller near him. "Well," her forehead wrinkles, "you don't look different."
Now he is laughing. His shoulders shaking as an indicator. She looks at him before deciding to curl up next to him, her tiny head on his shoulder. "I still love you anyway. Even if you look like a mummy."
Jesse signs. " I love you too, squirt. "
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to the anon that sent me an essay, this is for you
to everyone else, idk what this is
from anon:
here are a few things ive thought of to an obsessive level but these are completely non-bts related so u can choose to skip it. hell, you knew u that already.
1. before becoming parents or after emerging into adulthood everyone should be sent to therapy. sometimes i question if it is to fill the gaps their childhood has blown wide open that adults have children. or is it to fulfill some moral responsibility they have to simply reproduce. if its the first, to think about it, is kind of fucked up. you are depriving your child a stable future, creating replicas of exactly what you suffered, if u are not stable yourself.
You know, probably. People have kids for a number of reasons, not all if them good. I am a product of such a cycle, generations that used physical and emotional punishment on their own children to lash out their frustrations in life. The easiest one to bully is the offspring you made, because they don't know any better. They think that's how life is, because that's how life always was. I suffer for it, all the time. But, you know, therapy does nothing if you don't want it. You have to be willing to listen to be helped.
Most people are not willing to listen or change. That's the big problem.
2. its sad how the whole ' one in a million ' concept is staring at me. haruki murakami said mediocrity is constant. that thought haunts me everyday becuase of how many people are just a sea of faceless creatures as the world decides which one is the outlier. its the scariest thing i have ever felt, but it is inevitable. mediocrity should be normalized. there is an exorbitant amount of pressure in youth to produce and create and every other teenager is doing mun and every other adult is in the medical field, but at the cost of what? sure, you just saved the world, but did you save yourself?
Everyone is in outlier which makes nobody special. Society has slowly but surely created the idea that people need to be better than others, the idea that "better" must exist. To want more. And why is that?
Why is everyone pressured to make a product? To monetize their hobbies? To "do work you love"? Why is this the ideal? Because someone wants to profit from you. Someone is always greeding for more, more, so they make you feel this need as well, feeding off your futile attempts to be the "prefect you" but the perfect you doesn't exist. Why is it that every outlier put on a pedestal feels disillusioned / pressured or greedy / selfish? Because you've been tricked, feeling sad and deflated that you can't achieve something that isn't real.
3. middle class. im part of it. we're probably the most entitled section of society there is. it is so amusing to me how we have basically everything we need to survive but always want more. its weird how the poorer sections dont have time to think about their lives at the stake of capitalist countries, while we're here thinking about everything in our day that has harmed us, complaining about shit that isnt even required to survive. my mind is bursting because im literally fucking typing / this / because i have the privilege to and im STILL . doing . it .
Entitled? Everyone feels entitled. Not just middle class. You think rich people don't want more? Pfft. Everyone wants more, simply because that's what were trained to think. Everything around us is always asking you to want more, tying your worth to what you have instead of what you are. Your worth equating to material possessions has been taught to you all your life from the media, all for the sake of profit. The worst is when they turn your own morals and ethics on you to monetize that as well.
4. i hope i dont forget everything that has ever happened to me. not because i'd want to hold it over peoples head. but because i really dont want to grow ignorant. i dont want to have hollow opinions and i dont want to live a life where its easy to be just as. i dont want to be in a herd of sheep.
You will forget. Neurons die all the time. It's a known fact memories get disorganized, remade, and blended with fantasy. You are organic, an imperfect machine. Even your memories are imperfect, only focusing on specific things and not the whole picture because human brains focus on what's important and not what is. This is a survival tactic and it's what causes you to polarize one way or another. Even you, telling me this right now, you are declaring "I want things to only be this way".
But, you know.
"Polarization is the ugliest flower in the world."
Your past and memory is not the only thing that shapes opinions. Agreeing with others is not being a sheep. Are you a sheep because you agree killing an innocent as a police officer is not okay? Sometimes ignorance is okay. You don't have to know everything. Sometimes it's better not to.
5. im really jealous of bts sometimes. its fucking insane. theyre so successful but they have and continue to endure so much shit from the world. passion. passion is the word i want to chop up and throw into a blender and smother in a fire. they have it. and i dont. they are so hardworking. its something ill never be.
They don't have to do anything. They can quit at any time. They choose not to for many reasons. You choose how much you can take and how much is too much. You chose who you are. There are many hardworking, passionate people you don't know, because they don't want to be known. Passion, hard work, these things exist in many forms, and not all of it is so exposed like it is with BTS.
And let's face it, not all of those things can be good. They said so themselves.
6. i think we should really stop saying 'well if u were in their place what would u have done'. we cant do what we havent been given the chance to experience. we cant think about what we wouldve done because we have lived our lives NOT doing it. i am living my life only one which way and there is no other way i can know yet.
We say this to help others realize that prespective is importamt. It is not about actually living it, but having the empathy to understand and see from another person's eyes. No one is asking you to be Dr. Strange and live all 5 million possibilities. You can think someone's actions / words are wrong but, in that moment, they didn't think that, either because they grew up a certain way or because certain things happened to them. You don't have to live the experience to have some level of understanding, even if imperfect.
im sorry for this brain dump , i dont really have anyone else im willing to talk to and i completly understand if u skip this. hope ur fine tho and taking care. love ur works !
I'm an INTJ. My brain never turns off. It's a curse. But thank you for enjoying my writing! Hope you liked this too LOL
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svtxsoju · 4 years
➼ soju + yakult | miss soju’s advice
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Miss Soju is Pouring... 
for soju and yakult shots: pour equal parts soju, yakult, and sprite into a pitcher and stir well. best served cold. if you are new to drinking, this sweet concoction is definitely easier to swallow down than just straight soju. it’ll also make you feel like you’re at recess with your playground crush! (please drink responsibly)
Welcome to the first ever entry of the Dear Miss Soju advice column! Though it’s only our second week back, it seems like some students have already ventured into the wondrous (and stressful) world of college romance. I have to say my sympathies especially goes out to the freshman, who are now trying to figure out the ropes of college while dealing with their aching hearts. 
That’s why I’m here to help you take that first intimidating sip of love. Pour yourself a shot and let’s talk New Love and Confessions!
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① Dear Miss Soju, 
I just started my first year at MU and she’s an exchange student from New York. We met at a party and talked for two hours about comics, aliens, anything we could think of. It was perfect. She even asked me to walk her home. When the time came for me to make a move though, I kind of dropped the ball. Since we had just met that night, I didn’t want to come off too strong. Now I really regret it - I don’t even have her phone number. I feel like such an idiot! I can’t stop thinking about her, but I don’t even know if I’ll ever talk to her again. Did I make myself seem disinterested? Will we meet again? Will she even remember me?
Han Solo
Dear Han Solo,
You got some really big questions for me there! Now I could tell you that you will most definitely meet again if you really are fated to be, phone number exchanges be damned, but then I would be lying. Mansae University has a big campus and there’s really no guarantee that you’ll serendipitously meet each other again like you’re in an episode of ‘Crash Landing on You’. 
Luckily, you’ll probably have an easier time finding her knowing that she’s here on exchange. MU’s exchange program is pretty close-knit, so if you do some snooping around, I think you’d find your dream girl soon enough.You’re probably thinking ‘Miss Soju, what if she thinks I’m creepy?’ Well, it all just depends on how you go about it, Han Solo. I’m only telling you to go find her because a two hour conversation about your favorite things and a walk home seems evidence enough that you just made a small fumble that night. If, however, she tells you that you’ve been kidding yourself and that she was just being nice, then leave her the f**k alone! It’s that easy.
Honestly though, I think you’re just being really hard on yourself. I can’t promise that it will all work out between the two of you once you find her. What I can promise is that you won’t feel any better by whining on your butt about it. So go do something about it!
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② Dear Miss Soju, 
Hi! I’m kind of nervous to be sending this in, but this has been driving me insane all summer, so here goes nothing. This past summer, I had broken up with my boyfriend, and because of this I was flunking all my classes. One day in the middle of the semester, we suddenly got a new TA and well, one look at him and all the solutions to my problems were all too easy, so I asked him to privately tutor me. With each session, we started to talk about non-academic topics, and I felt myself falling deeper and deeper for his contagious laugh and oh, those dreamy eyes. He is honestly such a sweetheart! I really want to be more than his friend and he’s sending signs that he wants that too. This must sound super simple and cliche to you, but I just don’t know how to move forward! Should I wait for him to say something first or should I make the first move? Please help!
Blushing Crush
Dear Blushing Crush,
I’m so glad that you decided to write even though you were nervous! If I’m being honest, your situation is not an uncommon one. If you read the rest of this article, you’ll find there was one other person whose question was eerily similar to yours. But that just goes to show that having a crush is never simple and plenty of people need some gentle guidance in the right direction. Lucky for you, you can consider me your personal tutor for the subject of romance. I don’t know if I’ll measure up to Dreamy Eyes (I hope that his ~tutoring~ helped you pass that class btw), but I’ll definitely help you ace this crush! Since you claim your story is cliche, why not take the unexpected route? I mean, it’s the end of September! Both of you are stuck at neutral, waiting for the other to shift gears. If you feel he’s giving you signals, I say follow them and gun that accelerator. It might be nerve-wracking at first, but I promise you will feel so relieved that you took the initiative. 
Also, I hope this response has eased your nerves about writing to me. There is no crisis too simple or too cliche - everyone starts somewhere!
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③ Dear Miss Soju,
My story is pretty simple: I like someone, but I haven’t told them yet. We met at the department welcome party last week and they sat beside me the entire time and even took some shots for me when I kept losing at the drinking games. I mean, it was basically love at first sight. They’re probably the most beautiful, kindest person I’ve ever met and I think that they deserve an amazing and memorable confession. But for the life of me, I  can’t seem to think of the perfect way to let them know that I feel this way. Do I write it in the sky? Do I name a highway after them? Please help me, this is my last resort for ideas.
Jazz Hands
Dear Jazz Hands, 
Wow, one week in and you’re already ready to risk it all for this person! At the risk of sounding like a simp, I think this is one of the cutest requests I’ve gotten this week. Your life sounds like a teenage romantic comedy in real life; I’m just waiting for the part where Noah Centineo busts in to sweep you off your feet. 
That being said, a week is a pretty short time leading up to a confession. Let it be known that rom-coms still have their fair share of cringe-worthy angst leading up to the climax, and your story has barely even begun. It sounds like you barely know them, which is probably why you’re having such a hard time planning out your confession. There is definitely no shame in skipping the rom-com tropes and simply getting to know your beloved a little more, while building your relationship with them. In real life, it takes a little more time to build all that juicy tension that ends in an explosive kiss in the rain (and maybe a lil something more after if you’re into that). 
HOWEVER, if you insist on confessing as soon as possible, I think a simple “I like you’ would suffice. Maybe even get them a rose from the flower shop near campus. Both of you sound like some of the sweetest people at Mansae U, so I think your crush will appreciate the sentiment no matter how extravagant your confession is! 
Really though, you should probably just talk to them more.
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④ Dear Miss Soju,
First, let me say I am so excited about this column! I am somewhat inexperienced, so I’m usually embarrassed to ask my friends for help since they’re all so much more outgoing than me. I’m glad to have a place where I can freely ask my noob questions without getting weird stares. I’ve always been somewhat shyer, but this summer, I met a guy that made me want to get out of my comfort zone. It might sound cliche, but he was the perfect man! Funny, kind-hearted, and the deepest, dreamiest eyes. I’ve never met anyone like him. We slowly talked more and more, and now I think I’m ready for the next level. It’s a really foreign feeling to me; sometimes it makes me so giddy and other times I’m scared out of my wits. Any tips on how I can overcome my fears and let him know I like him? 
Clueless Flush
Dear Clueless Flush,
Thank you so much for your support! I’m so glad that you found me, because this column was definitely created with situations like yours in mind, and now I get to write to you. Believe it or not, I was also shy and inexperienced once. In my mind, romance was scary and unpredictable, but now? Not so much! It took me a little while to study and gather all my notes, but now romance is as easy to read as the pages of a textbook. I’ll be real with you though, I’m very impressed that this one man has made you level up from shy noob to prepared confessor. I’d say most people tend to wait around for something to happen (which is usually what leaves them disappointed). I really respect you for taking the initiative even when you’re scared - that’s true courage right there. From what I know, the easiest way to overcome those fears is to not overcome them at all. There’s no use trying to convince yourself that you’re not scared, because when the time comes, you’ll still feel nervous anyway. Next time you’re with him, just let the conversation flow naturally. Try not to think too much about confessing. If you get that giddy feeling, if you feel like you’ll burst if you don’t let him know how you feel, that’s when you just let it happen. Then voila, you’ve confessed to your crush and you’ve snagged the perfect man. I wish you the best of luck! Please feel free to write again if you have any questions once you two are together!
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thewritingginger · 4 years
Fluff Alphabet - Mammon
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Thank you Anon fo your request you are actually my first request :3
And I’m really glad you enjoyed the one I did for Beelzebub, I hope that you like this one just as much too. ^_^
A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
- Loves window shopping with his s/o 
- Many dates have consisted of walks around the mall or different pop up shops 
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
- He admires their wallet their adventurousness, likes that they are willing to go along with his wild/stupid ideas and loves him even if it fails.
- He thinks your heart is the most beautiful thing about you, everyday he wakes up still bit surprised that you had found a spot for him in your heart that will never go away.
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
- Doesn’t know what to do when he sees you crying but just defaults to asking you what's wrong and cuddle you till you’re ready to talk abut it.
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
- He wants a well paying job so he can afford the things he wants but also so he can support you and your future family.
- Doesn’t want you or his future kid(s) to worry about financial stability.
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
- He thinks he’s the dominant one in the relationship. We’ll just leave it at that 😂
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
- Very pouty 
- You kinda have to amp him back up to not be 
- but will forgive even if reluctantly especially if he is in the wrong 
- Might be a bit embarrassed to apologize 
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
- He didn’t realize how much he needs his s/o in his life until there was one fight they had that ended up with his s/o storming out with out saying anything
- He made sure that he showed how much he loves and appreciates his s/o after that
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
-  He’s quicker to share or more so boast about things to you 
- Now the more embarrassing things make him more reluctant 
- And if you confront him about something you'll know the truth cuz he’s not a great lier.
I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
- His s/o kinda helped him become more honest, his record to stealing/ attempting to steal has decreased (not interlay well cuz ... it mammon we are talking about).
- Made him want to work harder to be the man you deserve.
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
- The easiest out the brothers to get jealous
- Be one to wrap his arm around you
- Will be mouthy to the person hitting on or talking to you, but more of a bicker than fighting unless comes to that point
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
- Was questionable at first, during the first kiss b/w he and his partner he when in being confident but his true feelings of anxiety and nervousness poked its head out when he accidentally head butted his s/o coming in for the kiss.
- Once the first kiss was done his usual cocky self returned and denied the head budding ever happened. 
- Is a good kisser 
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
- A blushing mess
- Still trying to be cool but just ends up making him more flustered 
- Mammon would try and bring it up in a casual, nonchalant way 
- Just slipping it into conversation while you guys were alone
- “Heh, wouldn’t it be crazy if I loved you?” he scratches behind his neck nervously.
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
- Didn't think he would ever get married, “Why would I want to give someone half my money” 
- But that seemed to begin to shift when his love between him and his s/o began to grow and became a bigger part of his life.
- He proposes acting like he's doing you a favor “ Hey, so asking this is gonna seem bit redundant because the answer is pretty obvious but wanna marry me? I mean why wouldn't you, The Mammon is offering to share your life with him.” 
- Even tho he said that, you knew what he was really feeling but was too embarrasses to be ask in a mushy way.
- Marriage w/ mammon is not bad but in the beginning finances and budgeting was a constant discussion but after the first year him and you have figured out a balance you can work with for the most part.
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
- Nicknames you have for him: Mam, | Dough boy (dough as in money huh?),| Mr. Money Bags (used to tease him mostly, says he hates it but secretly doesn't), |
- Nicknames he has for you: Babygirl | Babe | My ‘Lucky Charm’ |Goldie 2.0, |
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
- Very tsundere 
- Will say he does stuff for you cause you made a pack with him first and he doesn't trust his other brothers to do it right for you cause he’s “the best at everything.” 
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
- In the beginning he would be a bit shy, playing it off as “well I just don't want to make you guys feel jealous.” and such 
- Once the relationship isn't so fresh he is more relaxed in the act of PDA 
- Not making out on the dance floor kinda relaxed but just Having his arm around you, kissing you a bit in a semi private area.
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship. 
- The ability to get into shit but somehow able to make it out of it relatively fine
- IDK I really couldn't think of anything 😅 what do you think?
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
- On a scale from 1-10, Mammon would be clocking in at about a high 3 low 4
- It’s not that he doesn't think to be romantic, it’s just that he doesn't really know what to do (not really his strong suit)
- When. he tries to be suave and romantic he usually will mess up and break something or fall, which in turn will make you laugh 
- When you do he’ll get all blushy and pouty about it but then you kiss him and it is suddenly like it never happened OR like he meant to do that on purpose (we all know he usually doesn't)
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
- Of course he believes in them and they “will defiantly be able to achieve their goals with The Mammon on their side”
- But really, he does support them and tries to help as best he can even tho it doesn’t always turn out right, but his heart is in the right place.
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
- Likes to try new things 
- It keeps things interesting
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
- Mammon jokes around a lot and cracks jokes but when it really counts he does try to understand to the best of his ability 
- Sometimes he doesn’t get it but he’ll just try and be there anyways.
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
- His s/o really ended up being more important to him than he initially thought would be possible.
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
- One time when you and mammon were basking in the afterglow of lovemaking, with your arms wrapped around his torso, his fingers gently playing with your soft locks. Your rhythmic breathing slowly rocking him to sleep, he professes “I wouldn't trade you for all the money in the world! I don't know how a guy like me got you.” Your heart swelled hearing those touching words. Gripping him tighter, you pressing a tender kiss on his chest before drifting off to sleep filled with content.
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
- Very affectionate borderline clingy sometimes, loves being tangled up with you in bed talking or watching a movie 
- Never in front of others, especially his brothers so he doesn't get ragged on
- In front of his brothers he just plays it cool, will put his arm around your shoulder, might kiss your cheek or neck
Y earning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
- He may not want to admit it but he is a bit needy at times 
- He’ll send them messages “I’m bored, when are you coming back to entertain me?” “How much longer till you’re back?” 
- Any time his brothers or others ask if he misses his s/o he just shrugs it off, but secretly not so hidden secret really misses them and cant wait to envelop them.
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lenghts for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
- Before his you Mammon didn't really prioritize relationships, they were just there when he was bored/ needed to be around others that art his bros
- But you, you were different 
- Surprisingly to him you ended up being a person he would give everything for, even his precious Goldie He would cut that bitch in half.
Thank you for reading my work, hopefully it was at least a bit enjoyable.
To anyone that is reading this I hope you have an amazing day!
And if you have any suggestions of what I should write next just shoot me a message and ill try my best :3 
  💛 ~
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3laxx · 5 years
Wind Chapter 14
Post fight care
Whaddup suckers!! Back with a new chap! Some self indulgent DJWifi, I hope that's okay with you xD But I really need to get back into writing and these two dorks are actually helping me massively, so, bear with me here xD Anyway! I'm updating, surprisingly so! That was a damn fast year, happy Halloween 2020 and shiz lololol Enjoy!
Ao3 / FF.net
“Oh my god, Nino, I was worried sick!! Where did you go during the fight?!”, he squinted his eyes at Alya’s reaction while Master Fu was busy removing the bandage around the hand that didn’t hold his phone.
“… I, uh-… I ran away, Alya. I was scared.”
“You could’ve just told me that, I would’ve turned around with you!”, she yelled now, making Master Fu smirk silently. The deadpan Nino sent through the silent line was enough to make Alya visibly roll her eyes, “… Okay, maybe I wouldn’t have turned around with you. But I at least would’ve liked to know before you bolted.”
He just sighed, nodding gratefully at Master Fu who now started rolling up the bandage, revealing healed skin.
“I’m sorry, Alya.”, he mumbled, “I didn’t mean to leave you behind like this. The car came flying and I just-… Wanted to get away.”
His own lie made him cringe as it was now his girlfriend’s turn to sigh. He wished he could tell her why he ran away, and he really didn’t want to take the role of a scaredy-cat now, that he had a secret identity to keep. A second life in which he was needed to be courageous. He already saw it coming how the acting would fuck with his head.
But she didn’t seem to catch on, much to his relief. Master Fu had told him about the magic keeping the veil over their secret identity, so nobody could actually tell. Actually, Alya went quiet for a while, giving him the chance to warm up a little by drinking a bit of his tea, while waiting for her to speak up again.
“… Was it because of that panic attack?”, she asked slowly, and immediately made him feel guilty again for leaving her behind like this.
But he had a secret to keep from her now. He had a responsibility now, a second life, and he had to keep it from her at all costs. Not to endanger her or his family. Or his friends’ lives again. Especially Adrien’s life. Hawkmoth couldn’t know another one in the class of his son was a superhero. The connection was too obvious.
“… Nino?”, she tried again and he snapped out of it.
“Y-Yeah. Because of the panic attack.”
Again, silence filled their call and he shared a glance with Master Fu, feeling entirely uncomfortable in his skin. He had to make her believe it had been because of the panic attack, otherwise she wouldn’t get off his tail. Nothing against Alya, but even regarding her loved ones, her reporter curiosity sometimes got the best of her.
“Are you home?”, she asked now and he squirmed under the raw worry in her voice, feeling that she was ready to put on her jacket and go to him.
“Uhm. Yeah. I’m home. Wanna meet?”, Master Fu looked up to him and squinted his eyes, making Nino helplessly shrug.
“I’ll be right there!”, she sounded relieved, so relieved he wanted to cry.
“O-Okay, see you in 15.”, his reply already got swallowed in the final beeping sound, signaling him she had hung up, probably to hurry over to him. With hunched over shoulders he finally met Master Fu’s gaze and gulped, seeing the old man huffing at his rash response.
“You’ll need to hurry, young Nino.”
The boy sighed in exasperation and nodded, trying to get up but finding himself unable to at first. It needed a helping hand from his master and a bit of work to get to his feet, making him groan.
“I’m sorry, Master Fu… But she would’ve been suspicious if I hadn’t been home.”
The old man just nodded at that, completely understanding, but Nino could tell he was not exactly happy about letting his student go that quickly after his first Akuma attack, especially when being in a hurry.
“Yes, I understand. She is worried, she wants to make sure you are fine. But what are you going to tell her about this?”, he gestured to Nino’s blue jaw, making the boy flinch.
“W-Well… I fell over some street barriers? Or some stairs while looking back?”
He thought he could see a slight smirk on the old man’s face before he turned his back to him, to put back the bandage from where he had taken it.
“I see, your lies are about as much believable as Ladybug’s.”
Nino rolled his eyes to that but nodded, humming.
“Yeah, yeah, just laugh about me. Wayzz, Shields up!”, with a flash of green he transformed and groaned at the shield resting on one of his many bruises. The master just sent him a smirk, before pushing a tiny tube into his hand.
“This one will help with the bruising. And tell Chat Noir that you will need to learn how to cushion a fall and absorb a hit. Alright?”
Carapace nodded, waving at Master Fu with the small tube, then he jumped out of the back window, quickly getting onto the roofs and running back home. On his way he passed Alya, who thankfully didn’t look up and was a good ten minutes away from his home still, so he went ahead, transformed back in a hidden doorway, only to “arrive home” for his parents.
Luckily, they didn’t question why he was already back home, since they had heard of the Akuma attack earlier today, and he managed to get to his room relatively quickly, so his mom wouldn’t see his jaw. With a relieved sigh, he closed the door behind him, then he gave Wayzz a small bowl of sunflower seeds which he hid behind some books in his cupboard, as the doorbell already sounded through the apartment. Alya was here.
With a grimace he sat down on his desk chair, pretending to be on the computer, and to be out of direct view from his door, then he waited for his mother to call him and let him reply to just send Alya to his room.
Luckily, just a few seconds later, Alya entered the room without his mother, mindfully closing the door behind her, only then Nino dared to turn around and immediately shush her before she would react loudly.
Alya, being the quick thinker, only lifted her hands to her mouth, then she crossed the room and gingerly took his face between her hands, cupping his jaw so softly he almost didn’t feel it.
“Oh gosh Nino…”, she exhaled, and he already saw her eyes getting a little wet at his condition.
“D-Don’t worry.”, he tried with an apologetic smile, “It’s just a bruise. In two days, it’ll be gone. Just, uh, mom doesn’t know about this and I’d like to keep it that way.”
Alya scrunched her eyebrows together but decided to say nothing as of now, just inspecting his jaw and swallowing back her tears, then she squinted her eyes at him.
“… What happened?”, her voice was dangerous.
“U-Uh, I tripped. When I ran away. It’s okay though, really.”, he tried, not really keeping his voice stable enough for his taste, but for her it seemed to be enough. He gulped inconspicuously as she turned away, running her hands through her hair.
“God, Nino, what am I supposed to do with you?”, she groaned so he not really quickly got up and pouted at her when he grabbed her hips, turning her back to him to catch her eyes.
“Well… Ladybug and Chat Noir can’t exactly keep me from tripping… And, I mean, shouldn’t you be happy you don’t have to worry about a plus one in a fight?”
His attempt at a smile was quickly overshadowed by her devastating deadpan, so he already shrunk together at the scolding he’d get from her, but instead she just deflated, resting her shaking head against his chest and lifting her hands beside it, brushing over his shirt.
“… Just look out where you’re going…”, she pleaded, and he earned her rolling her eyes when he made a joke. “You really wanted to blame me for falling over a couple of stairs just now?”
She gruffly pushed against him but made sure to keep close, still leaning her head against his chest.
“Don’t test it, Lahiffe. Just don’t test it.”
He laughed and kissed her head as she mumbled the same question as before, wondering what she should do with him, then he nudged her forehead.
“You could kiss me?”, he suggested as she leant back to look up to him, already grinning painfully at the little smirk on her lips. She gave up on pretending to still be angry, he felt it, and gave him a tiny peck on the cheek, being well aware of his bruise not to pain him any more than necessary.
“That’ll have to do for now. Let’s get on the bed.”
He suggestively waggled his eyebrows which just earned him a look, then he lied down and offered to cuddle with her, which she accepted in relief.
Softly, Alya’s weight pushed down the mattress beside his hips, then he felt her lying down on her side, resting her head on his shoulder and pulling her legs up, nudging him to rest his legs over hers.
“… That feels way better…”, he admitted, glad to be off his feet for today, and to be in a position that hurt considerably less than the hard mat on Master Fu’s floor.
“And now, the therapy session is a go.”, his girlfriend mumbled in his arms, closing her eyes while she yawned.
“Hm, you didn’t sleep as much. Say, what is keeping you up at night?”
He chuckled at the light pat on his chest that she gave him instead of another push, appreciating her being so soft right now.
“No, I mean, your therapy session. What was that about before the fight? That panic attack you had?”
He huffed and looked up to his ceiling, his eyes wandering over the remains of small plastic stars that he had stuck on the walls and ceiling as a little kid, which could glow in the dark.
“Eh… You know… Old memories.”, he replied vaguely and immediately felt her hand sliding up his chest to the point where Hawkmoth had stabbed him. It annoyed him to push that scar, that memory, back up in their heads and to repeatedly direct the talk to this topic, but he couldn’t help it. It was the perfect cover up for his secret identity and he needed her to believe he was becoming genuinely scared of Akumas now, to absolutely rule out any possibility of him being Carapace.
It was the easiest way, and he had the opportunity of pretending this trauma was the reason for him to stay away from fights.
Well, it wasn’t exactly untrue, he knew that. The panic attack had been real, and it had been based on that event, that much was true. Well, and the responsibility of having to fight his very first Akuma as a real team member and of course the crushing fear he’d felt of now having to be an actual part of the fight. It had been easy, watching and standing by the sidelines, cheering for his childhood heroes back then. And it had still been easy when they had grown up, coming to the mindset of carelessness, where he had the attitude of “Ladybug and Chat Noir will handle it anyway, what’s there to care about”.
It had of course changed when the Miraculous cure had gone missing along with Ladybug, when every damage had started to stay, and when he was suddenly forced to be in a lot more fights than he had felt comfortable with.
The Desertifier incident was a perfect example of that. He had finally felt, for the first time, how stressful it was to be in the middle of a fight, and he had finally understood how bad it had been for Ladybug and Chat Noir these past years, how hard these months alone had been on Chat, actually.
But he had still not been a prime target on the Akuma’s radar.
He had still been a harmless civilian, a wannabe hero, and most importantly, not a threat.
Now, with his suit, his shield and his new powers, he posed a threat in the Akumas’ eyes and he knew, now he was gonna be a target, worth the attention of a fighter, not a bystander.
Of course, this was scary.
Not that he could actually tell Alya that, of course. He’d have to explore the trauma idea more.
“… Does it still hurt sometimes…?”, she suddenly asked, her speech mumbled because her mouth was pressed against his shirt, her face squished against his chest. It was not at all what he had expected, hence he spluttered for an answer before trying to calm his beating heart at the sudden intimacy with which Alya talked to him about this.
She was normally not one to beat around the bush, he had gotten to know her as a very straight-forward girl and he knew she didn’t have a stick up her ass. Insults, slurs, lewd topics, even black or coarse humor wasn’t a problem for her. She wasn’t going to mince matters.
But being open about problems?
Actually, talking about stuff that weighed down on her, or telling people honestly that she didn’t feel good about a thing that happened, that was not her style. It was connected to a lot of effort for her to voice something like that so he naturally was a bit taken aback at her asking him that so openly. Especially since he sensed where the talk would go.
“… I-I mean-… Yeah, sometimes…? Like, when I think back at it, or have a nightmare about it… Or when I’m reminded of something similar… Then it kinda hurts. What about you?”
He gingerly touched her arm resting on his chest, over the multiple little cuts that still visibly stood against her brown skin with a faint, unnatural silver, as if they had just a few weeks ago. They both knew, even if they had healed off completely, that she would forever wear them as a reminder of the Cataclysm bursting through her skin, and he knew they still sometimes flared up, making her flinch, when she was too close to Chat’s magic.
Alya merely nuzzled close as a response to his question, humming in discomfort, making him cuddle her closer and almost pull his hand away from hers, just when he felt her holding onto his fingers.
“… Sometimes…”, she hesitantly spoke up, keeping her face hidden from him, not having to make eye contact. He knew she didn’t like that during the few real talks they had, “… I don’t wanna admit it… But maybe Plagg’s right about them being magical… Maybe I should see him about that again…”
Nino nodded and closed his eyes, to make her feel more at ease with him not pressuring her to look at him.
“… Maybe… Though, he did have the theory that Chat’s Cataclysm in that Observatory pulled out all the remaining magic. Since, it only adds up to destruction, doesn’t stop it.”
Alya huffed and nodded, then she pulled her hand out of his to wrap her arm around him, resting it over his stomach and holding him close.
“… Yeah, maybe… Oh well. Plagg said if I keep away from magic, I’ll be fine either way, so, even if there’s something left inside my body, I’ll be fine.”
With a heavy sigh he nodded at that, then he made eye contact with Wayzz in his bookshelf, pressing his lips together.
“… S-Sure… If you keep away from magic…”
He could only hope Plagg meant the black cat’s destructive magic. But he’d have to ask Master Fu about that.
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lansizhuis · 5 years
Do you have any weilan drama hcs vs weilan novel hcs? Also what are your thoughts on the zhenhun japanese audio drama news?
as you already know i lowkey screamed about this ask yesterday hahahaha and i had to pause and take some time or else im gonna cry that im having zhenhun asks hahahaha (and i got your ficlet prompt!! imma write it soon hehe)
I’m gonna go with the easiest question first - my thoughts on the upcoming JP audio drama. Man, I was so skeptical when I saw that post on weibo and admittedly just scrolled past it. But then I saw some weilan personal accts I follow that shared it so I had to check JJWXC but couldn’t see it. And I had to bombard my friend to check it on their app despite her not being in the zhenhun fandom lmao (i owe her my first born’s hair lol) and the rest is history akdaskjf OKAY so I was honestly hoping maoerfm would take it and despite being very unlikely - i was also hoping zhu yilong and bai yu would still voice weilan given that they didn’t need VAs when they did the drama and also I love the two of them. I also really was hoping to hear the iconic lines as is from the novel (thank you xiao bai for recording yourself saying the confession scene on your own jfc long ge it’s just 2 words from you please keep up haha). BUT YOU KNOW WHAT - I’M TAKING WHAT I CAN GET FROM A NOVEL PUBLISHED WAY BACK 2012. I’m super excited for it! I hope they get really good VAs  and idc if they’re new or unknown so long as they capture novel!weilan very well. And I was informed that JP audio dramas aren’t like CN ones where there’s an online platform we pay for but they’re more on physical copies they sell and well looks like I’m back to JP shipping world now haha
DRAMA HEADCANONS- well duh first of all that crap ending doesn’t exist hahahaha- weilan is def canon and istg kunlun taught past shen wei how to bj like all that lollipop references esp when they met with all that hair?? kunlun was past shen wei’s first and only lmao - this makes things interesting now bc present shen wei with zhao yunlan would def know the best ways to pleasure that man-child bc he already knew from the past hahahaha- it’s already obvious but while shen wei is reserved and all controlled in public, zhao yunlan always managed to make him snap and eyyy zhao yunlan ain’t complaining with that aggressive hot papapa (thirsty fckr lol)- the entire SID are their adopted children and the “kids” always run to shen wei when zhao yunlan threatens to cut their bonus- but also the “kids” are def way more scared of shen wei aka the infamous black cloaked envoy and runs back to their shameless man-child of a dad bc hey as much as zhao yunlan threatens them, he’s never really cut their bonuses and he’d save them in an instant anytime anywhere despite his teasing (shen wei though? they’d all get legit scolded and punished for bad moves haha he’s def the disciplinarian)- technically, ever since the secret got out between weilan, shen wei had been staying over on the apartment in front of his *coughs* bc 1) someone needs to make sure zhao yunlan doesn’t die of poison and bacteria from his pig pen of a place; and 2) zhao yunlan is there (already canon but let’s make it that he cooks and prepares his stuff everyday)- again, that crap end didn’t happen and they both have a happy ending
NOVEL HEADCANONS- one of my all-time favorite stuff about them is when shen wei embraces his ghost nature and goes all dark on zhao yunlan that he’d sometimes whisper his dark fantasies like “i just want to lock you up” but zhao yunlan is a thirsty fckr and the biggest shen wei apologist so he just goes “das hot babe”- or when they’re in the middle of papapa and shen wei goes “sometimes i just want to eat you up to make you a part of me forever” and zhao yunlan responds with a grin “yeah? you should start with my pretty, pretty eyes” and shen wei just snaps back to his controlled self bc wtf zhao yunlan you’re not supposed to find that hot??? are you okay???- all their SID children (yes they def adopted that ragtag team lmao) has walked in on them doing it at least once - da qing complains the most bc he ends up seeing them the most (”i dont wanna see your dumb ass” “u fat fuq, no one told you to come in - and my ass isn’t dumb, it’s perk! right xiao wei?)- zhao yunlan is so mouthy to his complements to shen wei (he already does in canon but hey let’s amplify it) and everyone in the vicinity esp the SID team wretches whenever he goes “xiao wei! my love, my heart, my soul, my kidney, my toes, my -” “STOP ALREADY”) and shen wei is blushing and asks him to “ah-lan, please don’t be so shameless in public” “so in private, it’s okay?” and eyyy shen wei actually really loves it (spoiler: SID doesn’t)- once, zhao yunlan cuts everyone’s bonus so he can afford this expensive af gift to shen wei (only wang zheng knows but she’s a sweetheart so she only tells sang zan but sang zan accidentally spills to da qing and well chaos ensured after that)- weilan is forever in honeymoon- zhao papa and shennong-bo as canon still doesn’t like shen wei aka their son-in-law and always tries to drag their son away from him “shen wei is the ghost slayer who’s an abomination” “you dont have all the facts” “which are?” *zhao yunlan snuggling to shen wei “i love him”- i actually really like gui mian/ghost face/the twin and i hoped he had a better role slash screen time bc c’mon!!! someone almost the same as shen wei??? all the shenanigans possible there esp since he’s a crazy ass and shen wei doesn’t like him lol and zhao yunlan just has his eyes mooning over his xiao wei- weilan would have so many kinks lmao with zhao yunlan’s shamelessness?? and shen wei’s own 5,000 year thirst and weakness against zhao yunlan?? please they’d have a veeeeery satisfying papapa life and it isn’t new that sometimes when they orgasm, an earthquake or some tsunami happens bc heyyy powerful god/ghost immortal husbands- it’s rare since zhao yunlan’s shameless but there will be times where shen wei does or says something and zhao yunlan is rendered speechless and blushes (lin jing and da qing has some recorded as blackmail material)- I NEED TO STOP HERE BC IM GONNA WORD VOMIT EVEN MORE IF NOT HAHAHAHAHA
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fresh-outta-jams · 5 years
Signed, Sealed, Delivered - Part 9
Namjoon x Reader Author: Admin Mo Summary: You’re in college when your soulmate tattoo arrives, an address. Sending a letter couldn’t hurt, right? Note: Super sorry it’s been so long since my last update. Morgan and Morgan and I just got settled back into school with our new classes and everything, so I should have more time now that I have everything figured out. Warnings: Some swearing, soulmate fluff Word Count: 1.8k
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, Epilogue
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Your new film classes were kicking your ass. Most of them were three hours long, so one of your greatest challenges in them was not falling asleep at eight in the morning or late at night. Your...distractions the previous semester had prevented you from signing up for your classes on time and therefore, you had the worst schedule on the face of the planet. You woke up too early, got home too late, and barely had time for naps in the middle. However, you did have a window for talking to Namjoon, which was about all you could ask for.
Somehow, it seemed like he got hotter every single day. You more than dreamed about him now; his face floated around your thoughts during your classes, his voice filtered through your earbuds as you walked around the snowy campus. It definitely soothed your pain at least a little bit, that and getting to see your face every time you unlocked your phone or got a call from him. The way his eyes crinkled when he smiled breathed the life back into the very drained half of your shared soul.
“Baby.” Namjoon waved his hand to snag your attention. Your mind had been wandering again. “You okay? You seem sort of distracted today.”
“I’m fine, Joon. Exhausted, but fine. What were you saying?”
“I asked you how our Sims are doing.”
You burst out laughing. When you had talked to him a few weeks prior, you’d made the mistake of mentioning the Sims game you’d been plugging away at, creating a perfect little life with your soulmate. Luckily for you, there were several talented Simmers who had uploaded their own Namjoons to the Gallery, so you could just download one that looked pretty close to the real thing. (Even closer with a dimple mod.)
“Joon is a scientist now.”
“A scientist? I thought he was an actor.”
“Well, he was, but I want to try to contact the aliens.”
“Ah. Understood. How are our kids?”
“They’re doing great. Added some new rooms on the house, got them a bigger TV, and I’m thinking about putting in a pool, but considering that they’re vampires, maybe that’s not the best idea…”
He chuckled softly, shaking his head at the absurdity of the little world you had crafted. “Yeah, maybe not, then.”
“Oh!” You blurted, sitting up straighter as you remembered what had been on your mind. “I have a bone to pick with you.”
Immediately, his eyes widened and his face reddened. Whatever this was, he had a feeling it wouldn’t be good. But then again, he couldn’t remember doing anything that would upset you. “U-um, jagi-”
“Uh-uh, don’t you ‘um, jagi’ me. You have no right. You have NO RIGHT...to go around looking this fine, what the hell, Namjoon. Your hair? So fine. Your face? SO FINE. How am I supposed to keep the girls off of you at this rate?”
“Jeez, you scared me. I thought something was wrong.”
“Also, don’t think I don’t see you lurking on my Twitter, you creep.” You laughed, causing his face to flush an even deeper red. “I have like twenty followers total, so someone with the username ‘rm_fan_94’ is going to raise some eyebrows.”
“Is it my fault you ReTweet all of the BTS Tweets gushing about how handsome you think I am? Sometimes a guy needs a little confidence boost from his beautiful girlfriend.”
That was new. You couldn’t remember him ever using THAT word before…
“Did I say something wrong?”
“N-no, you just, uh, caught me off-guard is all.” You coughed, cheeks burning probably the brightest red they’d ever glowed before. “Can I get that one more time?”
“What, ‘girlfriend’?” Namjoon smirked softly, his dimples prominent. “Well, that is what you are, isn’t it?”
“Yeah.” You exhaled a sigh, something warm settling over your heart. “God, I really am, aren’t I?
“Shit, I never asked, did I? That’s a thing in the states, right? I’m supposed to ask you to be my girlfriend?”
“Well, I mean sometimes that’s how it goes, but not always.”
“(Y/N),” he suddenly got very mock-serious, “will you be my girlfriend?”
“Let me think about it.” You laughed. He pretended to wait with bated breath as you ‘thought about’ your answer to his very important world-changing question. “Yeah, I think I will.”
“Awesome.” He smiled. Namjoon was about to say something else before he was interrupted by someone walking into his and Tae’s room.
“Namjoon-ah, breakfast.” You recognized Hoseok’s voice as he entered, his face lighting up when he caught sight of what their fearless leader was doing. “(Y/N)!!”
“Hi Hobi!” You waved excitedly, hyped to finally meet him after watching him in videos for so long. “Nice to meet you!”
“Nice to meet you too!”
“I’ll be out in a sec, alright?” Namjoon told him in Korean. Hoseok nodded and then waved one last time before leaving the way he came. He looked back at you and sighed, torn. Obviously, they were all really busy working on their next comeback, even though they were still coming back down to earth after the Christmas/New Year’s Eve rush. You knew time was tight, but you always ached when it was time to say goodbye. “I’ll talk to you tomorrow, baby. I love you.”
“I love you too.” You blew him a kiss, and then he was gone, leaving you waiting for the next time you would get to see his beautiful face.
“Dear Namjoon,
I read your book. Cover to cover. Well, I guess because it was in digital format, from the top of the Doc to the bottom of it. And let me just say I am blown away. I’ve known you’re a good writer. You write the best letters ever, and also you literally write lyrics for a living, so obviously you’re good, but this was so much different than any of your songs in the best possible way. There’s so much character, so many heartfelt moments, but it’s also funny and lighthearted and then it tugs at your heartstrings. I ended up crying three times while I read it.
That said, there were a few phrasing things I noticed, and a few typos, but I think you’re way more fluent than you realize. I usually end up with waaaaay more mistakes in my NaNo books than you have in yours. I marked the ones I caught in pink and left some comments.
These new classes are killing me. My film analysis is boring and we have a pretty heavy workload. Not to mention it’s like three hours long. Draining isn’t the word. However, it’s not all bad. I still go to the K-Pop club and learn new things about you and the guys from all of my K-Pop-loving friends. One of them got me a Koya sleep mask for Christmas! They all know I’m super whipped for you (but they don’t know why, no worries!).
Did I tell you I have Moonchild set to my wake up alarm? Ironic, I know, but it’s my favorite song on Mono. You probably know that. I probably told you that. I don’t remember. I’ve kind of had a lot on my mind recently. I’m seriously counting down the days to spring break. My brain hurts so much, but hearing your voice and talking to you and looking at your face makes it a little bit better.
I love you so much,
*** Namjoon had a plan. Granted, it wasn’t a very solid plan; he didn’t have all of the details worked out, nor anything scheduled, nor had he even asked permission yet. But, it was a plan no less.
Over the past few weeks, in your ongoing letter correspondence back and forth to each other, Namjoon had been collecting details, thinking through logistics, and going around to the camera crew and asking them some questions figuring that they of all people would have the answers to them. And for the most part, they did, and they were all very friendly and nice to talk to. Based on the conversations he’d had with them, it seemed like Part 1 of his plan would work out just fine. That left him to figure out parts 2 and 3.
Part 2, he figured, would be the second-easiest thing to accomplish. Actually, maybe the easiest, considering that Part 1 had required some digging and research. Whereas with Part 2, it was only the idea of it that was scaring him. In theory, actually pulling through with it would be easy.
So, once he had scraped together as much courage as he could manage, he went to the office of none other than Hitman Bang and knocked on the door.
“Dear (Y/N),
I’m sorry to hear your classes are so rough. I wish I could make it better. Thinking about you in pain pulls at my heartstrings in more ways than one. I really, really wish I could be there to comfort you somehow, but even then, I don’t think I would know how to fix the problem aside from supporting you and encouraging you to keep going because you’re almost there. Just a little longer and it’ll all be worth it.
As for my book...I’m super, super glad you liked it. Part of me was really afraid it maybe wasn’t as good as I hoped it was. We all have a tendency to look down on our own work, I guess, and sometimes we’re blind to our own mistakes. Thank you for helping out with mine, though. It means so, so much to me that you took the time out of your busy schedule to look over it and give me feedback. I’m also very sorry I made you cry. Thinking about that hurts me inside too.
I’m glad you’re having fun in your K-Pop club and making new friends and learning things! Just know that if you ever want to know ANYTHING, I would be more than happy to tell you anything you want to know. Also, I’m really sorry you have to keep me a secret, at least for know. Just know it won’t be a secret forever. Someday, you won’t have to hide who I am. I just hope that ‘someday’ comes sooner than it seems to be coming.
You definitely did not tell me Moonchild is your wake up alarm. God, you don’t know how happy that makes me. I’m glad you like it so much. Again, I’m so sorry this semester has been rough on you so far. And I’m sorry I couldn’t kiss you on New Year’s Eve. And I’m sorry I couldn’t be with you on Christmas morning. I’m sorry for a lot of things. I’m sorry we’re so far away from each other. I’m sorry it’s taking me so long to get to you. I promise I will soon, though. As soon as I possibly can. Every minute I’m without you burns, and I know you feel it too.
I love you to the moon and back,
Tagged:  @iie-wakarimasen, @ffantasylandd, @jooniefluff, @chimchimsauce, @mrs-saeyoung-choi, @theprinceoftheundead, @angyexoxo, @copenhagenspirit, @lovelylittlekittn, @lilgaga98, @iminlovewjjk, @feed-my-geek-soul, @loveandwitch, @recoveringflowerchild, @demonic-meatball, @maddieisaacs, @scissorsandtonfas, @carirosesg, @backtonormalthings, @local-mochi, @faliwi, @spoopyela, @nanie5, @ingenu--e, @undiscovered1personality, @andalos, @calspixie, @filtermono, @huhuehuey, @mikey-girl12, @lilliaflurr, @hypophrenium, @sitkafay, @spiicyari, @andeerwilson, @btswerewolfaus, @oyasumi7
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yourultraarchive · 5 years
Hiya! I hope this isn't an obvious question or that I've overlooked this question already answered. How do you find the proper kanji to use for the Japanese names on these templates? I know there's the English version but if love to use the kanji. I'm just kind of clueless here.
No problem at all, I love this question! The answer is honestly unique to everyone, it depends on what your character’s name actually is!
I’m going to separate my answer into three sections since I don’t know what kind of name you’re going for. I’m also including non-Japanese names for those who might be interested in a few tips and tricks.
Using Non-Japanese Names in the Templates
If you have a fully non-Japanese name, your template can do something creative with the name section. For example, you could separate the first and last names like in this example (submitted by anon):
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You can of course separate it differently in this example too (like, “Fenton” in grey rather than “Danny”). Or you can put a title or something instead of a name, or an organization/group/school name or something. I made an example using the villain generator (and I used a KH character because they were the first thing I thought of that had titles):
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Non-Japanese Names Written with Japanese Characters
If you still want to use Japanese characters (kana) for English names, there are ways to sound it out in Japanese, so to speak. When you want to spell a name in Japanese, do it phonetically and not by how it’s literally spelled, and you should write it in katakana because it’s a foreign name (katakana is generally used for foreign words and names!). In the example below (submitted by @major-dongliz), “Oskar” (or Oscar for this matter) is spelled “オスカー” which is romanized as “Osukaa”.
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If you don’t know how Japanese syllables work, it’s basically like English consonant sounds are kinda smushed together with another vowel sound that drops off (it’s mostly a “silent u” kinda thing, but sometimes they use the other vowels too depending on where it is in the word), and longer sounds are extended vowels (commonly, “er” sounds become “aa” sounds in Japanese, and in katakana “aa” is written with a dash like “aー”… which isn’t how it works in hiragana, but hey I don’t make the rules), and there are some other linguistic tricks too (the “th” sound becomes “s” or “z” in Japanese, and “wi/wu/we” typically becomes “ui/u/ue”, “vi” typically becomes “bi”, and a few others I can’t think of off the top of my head).
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For another example (seen above), the kana name for “Haera Song” (submitted by @fullmemetalalchemist​) is written as “ソン・ヘラ”, which is romanized as “Son Hera”. You can see that not only was the name format changed from western (First Name, Last Name) to eastern/native/Japanese format (Last Name, First Name), but the spelling isn’t literal either (which would have made it “ソング・ハエラ” or something, which isn’t how the name is pronounced at all). Changing the name format is optional however (Japanese people do respect the way Americans/others say their names, so a non-Japanese name like “Haera Song” in kana should still be “Haera Song” when referenced by other Japanese people–but, again, it’s optional and preference for your personal UA templates).
Japanese Names Written with Japanese Characters
For real-people surnames, normally they’ll mean something like “base of the mountain” (Yamamoto/山本, which is a common Japanese surname) because way back in ancient times they decided surnames were based on where people were from/born/raised or something. For first/given names, typically the names will be meaningful somehow because normally that’s how people choose names for their kids. Asian families tend to name their kids something like “beautiful child” (Kimiko/貴美子) or “great wisdom” (Daichi/大智) because they hope their kid will end up wealthy/famous/healthy/smart/etc. (You can look up some common Japanese names and their kanji spellings on “behindthename” or google it!)
Some given names might not even have kanji in them and simply use hiragana or katakana, or a mix of kanji and hiragana (very rarely though), but it really depends on preference; and when paired with a surname, the surname is always in kanji. For example, the name “Riku” can be spelled with the “陸” kanji or the hiragana “りく” or katakana “リク” (it depends on preference–the creators of Kingdom hearts use the katakana for Riku, most likely because KH characters are meant to look/be “foreign” compared to native Japanese people).
But since there are SO many ways to read kanji and so many kanji that can be read in similar ways, you can get two or more kanji spellings for the same name which will give it different meaning (see: Kimiko/君子 meaning “noble child” and Daichi/大地 meaning “great land/earth”). You can also get one Kanji spelling for multiple names (for example, “陸” can be “Riku”, “Takashi”, “Atsushi” or “Noboru”; “明光” can be “Akari”, “Akemi”, or “Meikou”; and “春” can be “Haru”, “Azuma”, “Kazu”, “Toki”, or “Hajime”).
That said, the different kanji readings also gives way for some REALLY GREAT puns, which is what some of the character names in MHA pretty much DEPENDS on. This kind of thing doesn’t really happen in real life, but we’ve got a Theme Naming trope going on in MHA which lends really well to explaining just who the characters are and what they can do, and just having super fun punny names in general. The very best example of this is Tetsutestu Testutestu, whose name is spelled “鉄哲徹鐵” (literally in order, these kanji mean “iron wisdom, strike iron”–yes, his name is basically Moon Moon for “iron”).
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You asked how to find “proper” kanji for names, but there isn’t really a way to decide other than what you want the name to mean or where it comes from. If you don’t have a name for your character, you can totally have fun looking up kanji and trying to make a cool/fun name from the meaning you want. (I’ll actually make a second post for that later since this one is getting long, but it’ll be in the queue so I’ll link back later when I do make it. EDIT: Here it is!!)
If you already have a name for your character that you like though, there are a few ways to look up kanji to fit it. The easiest might be to go on jisho.org (not linked because tumblr is bad at this, but you can google or type in that url there and check it out) and type your character’s name in the search bar followed by the “#names” filter (see green box below). This will give you a dictionary of all the different kanji spellings for that name (if it exists and isn’t one of those nonsense-y mishmash of cool sounds, anyway), and from there you can copy the kanji (see red boxes below) back into the search bar and figure out which name variant has the kanjis with the meanings you want them to have (see pink box way below).
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You don’t have to make it super punny like Testutestu’s name, of course. Some of the names depends on a different kind of pun than just simply a kanji/spelling pun–for example, “Ashido” means “reed door” but it was chosen because it sounds like the English word “Acid”, which is what Mina Ashido’s quirk is. So don’t be afraid to just pick a name that looks nice if you already got one chosen but just don’t know how to “spell” it.
Anyway this post got long so I’ll end it here. Thanks for the ask and sorry if I got rambly! Hope it helped, feel free to send me another ask if you need any more!
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heoneyology · 5 years
tagged also a veeeeery long time ago by my wonderful concert/AZ buddy @atiteez​ ....another post I found within the depths of my likes to do LOL
a // age: 25
b // birthplace: Phoenix, AZ, USA
c // current time: 9:45PM
d // drink you had last: coffee with a crap ton of creamer because I just need caffeine, I don’t actually like the taste of coffee much
e // easiest person to talk to: my boyfriend tbh, he started off as my best friend so I was used to telling him everything anyway
f // favourite songs: fluctuates depending on what I’m addicted to atm, but overall favorite songs that come to my mind immediately are: Romantically by Block B, Promise by ATEEZ, Warriors by Imagine Dragons, Counting Stars by OneRepublic, Heart Attack by Monsta X
g // grossest memory: oof one time when I was really little, I think I was 5-6, I stayed home from school sick. I was a kid so I didn’t have a really good perception of how sick I was and I had the urge to vomit and... I didn’t make it to the bathroom right down the hall from my room. my parents had to get the carpet cleaned professionally and I cried the entire time the cleaner was there from embarrassment ;~;
h // horror yes or horror no: yes!!
i // in love: yes, with someone who is very patient and understands the need to fangirl over kpop idols
j // jealous of people: sometimes in passing, but I try not to latch onto negative emotions like that
k // kids of your own someday: someday but not anytime soon
l // love at first sight or should i walk by again: walk by again lol. I believe in infatuation at first sight, like I definitely thought my bf was cute when I first saw him but had to get to know him first.
m // middle name: Gean
n // number of siblings: an older brother
o // one wish: I really want to travel to Korea someday, I miss my old roommates so much that it brings me to tears sometimes
p // person you last called: my boss lmao
q // question you’re always asked: how old I am... I also get the “can I speak with a manager?” question a lot which maybe ties into the prior question.... yes I’m a manager gdi :’)
r // random fact about you: every time this question pops up the first fact that always comes to mind is that I broke my nose when I was 16
s // song you last sang: uHHH SANG- Monsta X’s Mohae, came on shuffle when I was driving earlier
t // time you woke up: 6:40am, actually got out of bed at 8am.
u // underwear colour: grey and mint
v // vacation destination: New Zealand
w // worst habit: I do a really good job at gnawing my lip until there’s nothing to gnaw any more
x // x-rays: I’ve had them done on my legs before
y // your favourite food: this is a terrible question I am terrible at narrowing my favorite food down.... I really like tacos and pho and basically anything Asian?
z // zodiac sign: libra
tagging: @kpop-4-ever, @kpopruinesmylife, @showooyunlie, @ateezartblog, and anyone else who wants to do it-
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teapical · 5 years
I was tagged by @vroomvroombaek to do the alphabet tag game (thank u for tagging me anna 😚 ily💗)
A. Age: 18
B. Birthplace: Jamaica
C. Current time: 5:49 pm
D. Drink you last had: cranberry juice
E. Easiest person to talk to: uh no one lol
F. Favorite songs: uhh i cant think of them rn sjhds
G. Grossest Memory: okay so its...really bad lol, so i was in second grade in jamaica and one of my friends in first grade had invited me to their party in class at lunch time so i went and ate a loooot of food...big mistake asjhd so when class started again like i was going to the restroom but like on the way there i threw up like...right there in class sjhkd and i just stood there cause i was in shock but my classmates were staring at me so i was embarrassed and in shock at the same time...and like i couldnt move and i kind of wanted to die but like i eventually ran to the restroom to like clean myself up asjhds rip
H. Horror yes or Horror no: oh no shkdj i dont like scary movies at all bcuz i dont enjoy feeling scared and stuff shjd also im easily frightened so umm...everything scares me sjhdk 😣
I. In love?: no 😔
J. Jealous of other people?: i dont like feeling jealous of others but i mean it does happen to everyone 
K. Kids of your own someday?: oh yes i love children 🤒
L. Love at first sight or should I walk by again?: nope nope
M. Middle name: its Margaux (which is margo but in french) i didnt really like telling people my middle name cause id get teased a lot bcuz of it and still do a bit but its fine now it doesnt bother me 
N. Number of siblings: I have 2 siblings, an older sister and a younger sister 
O. One wish: hmm...idk like rn i guess i just really wish to have like one close friend? 
P. Person you last called: my dad lol
Q. Questions you’re always asked: rn i get asked what my major is a lot and i hate telling ppl asdfdfg like leave me alone pls 
R. Random fact about you: okay so umm i do this thing where like sometimes i sing what im saying to ppl in this weird voice? like u know when ppl say their thoughts out loud...its kind of like tht sajhkds hmm like if someone says “why did u buy tht” id sing “bcuz i needed a new oneeee” shksd its weird to explain like u have to hear me do it lol
S. Song you last sang: broken clocks by sza
T. Time you woke up: like 8 something but i went back to sleep and woke up again at 10 
U. Underwear color: pink
V. Vacation Destination: hawaii
W. Worst habit: i sit too much sjhjkndj
X. X-rays: umm i dont think so? like i think i did one of my teeth at the orthodontist sjhdjsk
Y. Your favorite food: rice
Z. Zodiac sign: capricorn
im gonna tag @yixing-zhang @jaetens @violetnpurple @xiuxiuflake @floristjihyo @kjiwife 
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jingerly-kissing · 5 years
Alphabet Tag
I was tagged by the lovely @jingertonic like an eternity ago so here we go :3
a // age: 20, turning 21 in April
b // birthplace: Some small town in Germany that is only really known for the author who was born here (Hermann Hesse xD)
c // current time: 14:12
d // drink you had last: I just made myself some tea, it’s like some fruit tea blend?
e // easiest person to talk to: hmmm my younger sister probably cause she knows me really well? Also @kyungsalt cause she’s super chill
f // favourite songs: ugh, this is super hard. these days I’m listening to “Hero’s Soup” by Stray Kids and “Wires” by The Neighbourhood a lot. I also have a whole youtube playlist dedicated to song recommendations :D
g // grossest memory: okay, hold your horses because this is actually super gross. so like a couple of years ago my family moved. like my mother cared for this old dude’s house while he was in the hospital (we didn’t really know him but my mom was friends with his neighbours) and he didn’t make it. his children didn’t really want the house (cause it was old and kinda really run down, more on that later) so they sold it to us. and as I said, that house was... old. and hadn’t really been cleaned properly... for years. so yeah, the place was disgusting, we had to renovate it completely and I think I wasn’t even around to see the worst of it. because foolish as I was I decided to take care of the garden. it’s been years and we still haven’t managed to fully make that garden presentable but it was way worse.  so there was this little goldfish pond, right. and we didn’t want a goldfish pond. so we planned to drain it and fill it up with soil and maybe plant some flowers there. so there was still water in it. I assumed that the goldfish had died already. they did. but they were still in there. also, we didn’t really have anything to pump out the water or whatever so for a while I just scooped the water out with a small plastic bucket (actually got some on my hands which was already disgusting cause it was super dirty and filled with rotten leaves and all that). then I found the goldfish. they had indeed been dead for a while. at least they smelled like it. I don’t know if any of you have ever smelled a rotten goldfish, I pray you never have to because I almost threw up into that pond. the only thing that made me keep down my breakfast was the thought that it would only get more disgusting if I actually threw up into that water because I still had to scoop it out. I drained that fucking pond and I don’t ever want to see goldfish again.
h // horror yes or horror no: I’m a sucker for everything creepy. I especially love more atmospheric eery kinda horror movies or anything ps<chothriller style but I also don’t mind splatter^^
i // in love: yeh
j // jealous of people: sometimes I guess?
k // kids of your own someday: I like kids, I like hanging out with them and playing with them for a bit, but I wouldn’t want to have own kids. you see I can only tolerate them in small doses. like hanging out with a child for an hour or two every once in a while is fine. but having them around me constantly? fuck no.
l // love at first sight or should i walk by again: I don’t really believe in love at first sight. infatuation maybe. or like crushing on someone on first sight. but love? nah. 
m // middle name: I don’t have a middle name... which I guess is kinda rare cause everyone else I know has one?
n // number of siblings: I have one younger sister :3
o // one wish: to be able to finish my bachelor’s degree smoothly and figure out what to do with my life after that 
p // person you last called: I skype called my sister a couple days ago to discuss and idea for a fanfic, does that count? like I usually don’t make phone calls a lot. oh, I called my tattoo artist last week to tell them I had a new phone number so they could reach me in case anything came up (got an appointment for an epiphany related tattoo in mid febuary^^)
q // question you’re always asked: uh, I don’t think there is like a specific question people ask me a lot
r // random fact about you: I really love piercings and tattoos and stuff like that. at the moment I have three tattoos (soon to be four^^), both of my earlobes are pierced (twice on both sides) and I have a helix (right) and I really want even more piercings, like I’ve been thinking about getting a septum, or maybe a medusa piercing? I also low key want a tongue piercing cause that's seksi but is it worth it tho? I guess atm I’m most likely to get more stuff on my ears (since they are so visible because I have short hair) like a tragus maybe? also I dye my hair like constantly and have some badass undercut or whatever so I guess I look kinda intimidating to some people??
s // song you last sang: wires by the neighbourhood because as I said I’m listening to that a lot atm
t // time you woke up: around 8 I guess but I didn’t really bother getting out of bed until around 10
u // underwear colour: black
v // vacation destination: oooh, there are a lot of places I want to see, but I guess my dream goal is to go to America and have some cheesy cliche roadtrip with my friends
w // worst habit: I constantly chew on my nails and the skin around so my fingers are always messed up
x // x-rays: oh damn, I’ve broken my arm like four times already and there were always several x-rays involved (and that’s not even all of it)
y // your favourite food: ugh, this is so hard. like... all food is great? I eat pretty much everything and I’m open to trying even “strange” or “exotic” dishes. but I guess some of my favourite foods are pizza, burgers (like the really good ones, not the kind that you get at mcdonalds or whatever, although that’s a bit of a guilty pleasure as well), hot pot, basically any form of potato (especially fried or baked), pasta (like especially anything with tomato sauce, bolognese is one of my go-to meals and I love arabiata) and I guess also ramen (everytime I visit my friend she takes me to the same ramen bar and I love it)
z // zodiac sign: Taurus I guess? like I think I’m kinda on the cusp of Aries and Taurus
tagging my usual suspects @applejoon @kyungsalt @krosthefaer @mayozika and @thewinterends (as usual, no obligation, let me know if you don’t want to be tagged in stuff)
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