#which with how shitty he's been is tbh more than he deserves!
madebysimblr · 4 months
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A few days later
A metallic thunk and someone yelling FUCK down the corridor.
Otis: [???] Matty? You alright, dude?
Matty wordlessly hands him a piece of paper.
Otis: Oh, so it's your kid. Huh.
Matty: I don't know how she did it.
Otis: Uh. Yeah. You seemed pretty certain that it couldn't be yours, I figured you had gotten a vasectomy? Sometimes those fail, I guess?
Matty: Shit that's a good idea... No I hadn't.
Otis: …. Then how were you so sure?
Matty: Well, we barely ever have sex. If we do it's never vaginally- oh FUCK.
Otis: …. What?
Matty: Goddamnit. There was one time. Our stupid anniversary. I remembered it early enough in the day. Got her something from our connections at Liberty's. Got home early. I know she had been waiting for me to forget so she could spend another week bitching at me, but she was so surprised I remembered she was... I don't know. Nice? We had the house to ourselves, had dinner, watched a movie, and…. Damnit.
Otis: Right.
Matty: I thought I would finally be free of her, she ruin-
Otis: Dude, I can't listen to you complain about her anymore.
Matty: What!?
Otis: Look, I know. She did a really shitty thing in trapping you. We all agree on that. But man, it's been 3 years of this shit. From what you just described, it sounds like when you put in the effort things aren't so bad. Maybe she's miserable all the time because she can tell that you fucking hate her.
Matty: I....
Otis: Go to counseling. Sort your shit out, both on your own and with each other. Or for the peace of mind of everyone, just divorce her. Either way though, you do need to get some professional help.
Matty: Hey!
Otis: It's just the truth, dude. You're so wrapped up in wishing how your life could have gone, that you don't appreciate anything you have. You never looked twice at Summer until you couldn't have her anymore. You're in love with the idea of her, and the life you could have had. You have got to move on.
Matty: [sighs very heavily] You have a point.
Otis: I want you to be happy, dude. Don't drag everyone down with you, ok? I just stopped by to say congrats really. I'm gonna visit Sorella-
Matty: HA! And you say I need to move on.
Otis: [rolls eyes] I moved on from her a long time ago. You wouldn't know, because you never ask- but I date. Sorella is still my friend and she's got family in the hospital. So I'm going to go check in on my friend. Figure your shit out. And maybe go check on your wife.
Matty sighs again.
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starreyblueberry · 19 days
A user in one of my posts went on a small ramble about how if the OG show was aired now it would have been in the same vein as Amphibia/TOH with it having an emotional and compelling story with bits of comedy in there, and I agree so heavily?? Like truly back in the 2000s we had shown more focus on the comedy/Gag aspect of cartoons, which makes sense since their target audiences were kids of all ages, and at the time, cartoons were seen as just "kids media". It didn't need to be compelling or have a heavy emotional dialogue to it, it just needed to have some slapstick comedy, make a bunch of kids laugh, and one on their way. While today's shows have been so heavily focused on the actual character aspect, the attachment, and the environment (for good reason), it's why the sequel is so good. Yes, it's comedic but we also see so much more of why Hazel is the way she is outside of the comedy, and we see Cosmo and Wanda being proper godparents rather than pseudo-adopted parents to Timmy.
If the show had been made and created today, it would have ended up totally different. What makes Timmy a fascinating main character is the cause of how many flaws he has, and if he stuck to his character development we could really see him actually becoming happier. It's also heavily dependent on how they write Timmy's parents. Will they still write them as neglectful but actually serious, and take the whole fairy godparents adopting Timmy seriously? Showing how family is chosen and how even if you have shitty parents one day you'll find people? Or would they go the hazel route and show them still loving but distant? Im trying to think of the core values of the OG show and tbh one of them is just Timmy and his godparents being closer than his actual parents, and idk how well that would fly in a kid's show if taken seriously.
But I think it would be worth it. There could also be a bittersweet lesson about growing up, or something about Timmy still seeing his Godparents after everything, or hell him becoming a fairy could work out. Im so glad we have Hazel and I think the new show has some of the best writing compared to the OG, especially with Hazel and Dev, I just also think about how Timmy had the misfortune of having horrible writers. He was run dry and the series heavily overstayed its welcome, but if it didn't, if it had actual serious writing, if it was something more analyzing the magic system, and family dynamics, if it was just like the new show, I really think Timmy would have been done amazing, and got the proper ending he deserved :]
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bingoboingobongo · 2 years
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Pairing: Simon “Ghost” Riley (Call of Duty) x Reader
Type: Angst
Summary: Simon’s finally home, so you should be happy right? Wrong.
Word Count: 1.6k
Warnings: anxiety, stress, tbh probably signs of depression too, pasta consuption (sorry ppl who r gluten free), explicit language
A/N: bruh. um. barely beta-read we die like men. yes i said i would be back by january yes i lied. definitely 100% not inspired by real life. tl;dr i hate mock trial, all the guys at my school are boring or annoying, and i’m on the verge. enjoy :)
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It felt wrong to say, like really wrong, like going against every single thing you knew to be right and good with the world wrong, but Simon was really hurting you right now. Part of the reason why it felt so wrong to say was because it wasn’t even Simon’s fault. It wasn’t anything that he was or wasn’t doing that was hurting you, and there wasn’t anything he could or couldn’t do to make you feel better.
You felt terrible, even though you should’ve been feeling amazing, even though you should’ve been feeling ecstatic that after so long of being away on duty, he was finally back home, back in your bed, back in your arms. You felt guilty. You felt guilty because he was here and you should be happy and you should have been cherishing him and spending as much time as you could with him, and for some reason you couldn’t. 
There was something hanging over your head, some insufferable, suffocating, terrifying cloud of stress and anxiety following you around that made you want to burst into tears at any second, and you didn’t even know why. You just felt bad. And Simon didn’t deserve that, not after everything he had been through, all the horrors he had seen. He deserved someone happy, someone who could cheer him up and smile with him, not someone who couldn’t even figure out what was making them feel like this.
It was horrible, how every time you saw him sleeping or washing the dishes or reading a book, your stomach twisted and the lump in your throat grew, how even just the sight of him made you feel so guilty for feeling bad around him, which of course just only made you feel worse, and therefore more guilty.
It was exhausting, and you wanted nothing more than to break down and cry and let it all out, but you couldn’t. Simon didn’t deserve to have to deal with that, he didn’t deserve to have to help you figure out what was making you feel like this when you didn’t even know how to tackle it on your own.
And even though you hated to admit it, you were secretly counting down the days until he left for duty again. Until you had another chance to put yourself back together and finally greet him with a sincere smile and a warm hug like you should’ve been able to do when he first came back. You just needed a chance to sort yourself out, a second chance.
Which is why when he said he had important news to tell you tonight, a tiny part of you lit up with excitement, shamefully praying that maybe, just maybe, he had to go back to whatever classified base he had spent the last five months at. And it made you sick that you were thinking that, that you wanted him gone so badly, but you couldn’t help it. It was so exhausting to smile at him and nod along to his conversations and act like you didn’t want to just drop off the face of the earth.
And now here he was, wearing a way-too-small ‘kiss the cook’ apron you had gotten him as a gag gift, standing in front of the stove while something that smelled way to good to be shitty Chinese takeout — your normal meal for when he told you he had to leave again — and you couldn’t help the way your stomach dropped when he turned around with one of the biggest smiles you had ever seen him wear on his face.
If he noticed the faint terror on your face, he didn’t mention it, instead taking your bag off of you and ushering you to the dining table, where he placed a delicious smelling plate of pasta in front of you and urged you to try it. Putting on a smile, you reached for your fork, but time seemed to slow down as you tried to take a bite out of the pasta. You felt like some invisible force was squeezing down on you, slowing your movements as it pressured you to put on a happy face for Simon. When you finally took a bite, you didn’t taste anything. You knew it wasn’t the food itself; it smelled delicious and it looked like it’d taste like heaven, but the dread bubbling in your stomach was all-consuming.
But Simon needed this, and you knew he needed this, so you closed your eyes and tossed your head back like it was the most delicious thing you had ever had. You groaned, “This… this is delicious, Simon. How did you make it?”
You tried to be happy at how relieved he looked at what you said, but instead it just made you feel more guilty. You watched as his hand reached for the back of his neck, something he always did whenever you complimented him, and his lips moved around in some slurry of words. You couldn’t hear anything, or at least your brain wasn’t processing it. You were too focused on making it seem like you were absorbing every single thing he said, like everything was fine.
At a certain point he sat down across from you, and you watched him fold a napkin neatly over his lap as he got ready to eat.
“What was that news you wanted to tell me about?” You asked, surprising yourself. 
“Oh right,” Simon said, before quickly taking a bite of food. You tried to ignore the way your stomach dropped as his next sentence — although garbled and unclear due to the food he was eating — left his mouth. You had just heard him wrong, right? Yes, that had to be it. It was just your ears playing tricks on you, nothing more. Right?
“Um,” you said, swallowing, “what did you say?” You tried to put on a good face when you said that, a face that said ‘I’m so happy’ and not ‘I think this may send me over the edge,’ but by the way Simon’s chewing stopped abruptly you could tell you failed.
You watched as he swallowed slowly, setting down his fork and wiping his mouth neatly before continuing. “I said… I said I won’t have to leave for another four months.”
There was no hiding it now. As soon as the words left his mouth you felt a wave of emotion crash over you, and before you knew it you were crying. You felt embarrassed. Although it was blurred by tears, you could see Simon’s face just a few feet away from you. He was sitting quietly still, a complete opposite to your shaking, sobbing, body.
You could hear him call out your name, which just made you cry even harder. You didn’t know why you were doing this, you wanted so badly to stop, to just shut up, to not embarrass yourself any further, but you couldn’t. It was like you didn’t have control over your body anymore. You felt like your body was being tossed around by the cruel waves of emotion. You didn’t know how to do anything but cry. It was washing over you and you couldn’t do anything to stop it. You could feel the cold air burn your lungs as you tried to gasp for some sort of breath, but nothing helped.
For a moment, you thought you were better, but then you felt Simon’s hand on your back and you were drowning again. The way your cries grew louder and the sobs racked through your body harder when he wrapped his arms around you made you feel terrible, but you couldn’t do anything to stop it. So many emotions were battering your body: shame, exhaustion, dismay, embarrassment, love, fear.
At a certain point though, your cries began to quiet down. You became aware of Simon’s hand stroking the back of your head and the strong cocoon he had wrapped you in. Your heart rate began to slow down, and the only evidence that you had been crying was the still damp tracks down your cheeks and the erratic hiccups that jolted through your body.
You felt Simon’s chest rise like he was going to say something, and a spark of anxiety raced through your body again. You didn’t want to talk about this. You wanted to pretend this never happened. You wanted to grab your things and leave. You wanted to come back the next morning with two coffees — one black, just like he likes it, and one with way so much cream and sugar it’s almost inedible just because you know it pisses him off — and start talking about how he has to watch James Gunn’s Suicide Squad because it’s so much better than the one with Jared Leto. 
But instead of asking if you wanted to talk about it or if you were okay or some other anxiety-inducing conversation starter that would only lead to more tears and confusion, all he said was “Do you wanna go to sleep?”
And for a moment you didn’t say anything, but then you slowly nodded your head against his chest and wrapped your arms around his waist as he picked you up. He didn’t say anything as he brought you to your bedroom or when he helped you change into your pajamas or when he pulled the covers over you and pulled you close to his chest. And yet, even though he was a man typically shrouded in mystery and confusion, you could tell by how tight he was holding you that he was telling you something, even if it wasn’t out loud.
He was telling you that it would be okay, that he knew you could get through this, and that even if it wasn’t he would be there with you. And it wouldn’t be suffocating anymore and you wouldn’t have to feel like you had to hide things from him, you could just be, and he would be there for you. And that was all you needed as you drifted off to sleep.
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cdroloisms · 2 months
I still think saying that ctommy deserved to be tortured and beating him up is odd considering the framing of the scene but I've been reminded by others that c!dream wasn't suddenly void of empathy and regret in the scene and it's not like c!tommy was jesus
i get that--but it's important to recognize that in the scene, the one who is being above and beyond empathetic and trying to get c!dream to open up is c!tommy, and the one who is rejecting the truth in favor for the lie is c!dream. which is kind of the exact roles that they should embody, here. notice how c!dream fights c!tommy on the idea that he's not always been the villain--c!dream does get to a point where he's able to have a civil conversation with c!tommy by the very end, yes, but that was not the case when the finale streams started. c!dream in the finale might not have been actively pursuing c!tommy, but he by no means had let go of the massive goddamn grudge he had against this guy and they were still very much antagonistic towards each other. to be honest, c!dream calling exile torture and justifying it with "you deserved it" isn't actually what i'd consider something that makes him like. less understandable in this scene? c!dream isn't just anyone with any relationship to the statement "you are being tortured, and this is because what you deserve" you know--this is literally exactly what he went through in the prison. using the same terms and justification for exile specifically, a circumstance that was obviously awful and abusive and still. not. the same intensity as the prison, i think is fair to say, objectively, i would argue more communicates a subconscious level of acknowledgement of how damn badly he fucked c!tommy up rather than a genuine belief that exile was just #deserved #fuckyoutommy. even killing c!tommy is specifically addressed in this stream as being something directly connected to c!dream's killing himself--immediately upon being revived, c!tommy tells c!dream that he can't just do that, he doesn't know how much it hurts, and c!dream's rebuttal is that he does know how much it hurts and that's the point! yes, c!dream treats c!tommy terribly in this finale stream, he kills him and says that he tortured him and he deserved it...and all of this is quite explicitly happening in connection to c!dream's pain, as well. oftentimes, c!discduo narratively is framed by the fandom as this like, "versus" relationship where one person's shitty actions and one person's pain actively detracts from the other's, right, but the exact opposite is true? c!dream is a much worse, much more evil character than c!tommy, yes, but a lot of these very intentional parallels were being drawn because in a lot of ways, they are very similar characters and the decisions they made and the ways they were hurt and reacted to their pain provides more insight to both characters, even if we only see the one--such as how c!tommy's vine covered little bunker was drawn in direct parallel to the prison crumbling around c!dream. honestly, i wasn't expecting c!dream to accept what c!tommy was saying that quickly at all--i was definitely expecting him to double down. the fact that c!dream was willing to come to an understanding with c!tommy at all speaks volumes on his character and how badly he really just needed someone to talk him off his tower, tbh--i don't think his initial rejection of it detracts at all from the final understanding. c!dream definitely needed to fight the truth, because that hammers in how deeply he'd internalized the L'manburg Story and the idea of dream-as-villain and how much his self-identity had ended up tied into the Plan and Villain and Evil of it all, and his willingness to reach for it at the very end despite all of that is the reframing that the finale stream was meant to provide
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victimsofyaoipoll · 1 year
Round 3
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Propaganda Under Cut
Sharon Carter
Sharon is portrayed as a conniving, meddling bitch/villain in fics. Multiple authors flat-out say that they need someone to be the bitch or villain in their fics and they used Sharon. She got so much hatred based on Steve kissing her in Civil War in 2016 that Marvel Studios changed its entire plan for multiple characters. This is despite how Sharon has been Steve's main love interest in the comics since December 9, 1965. Despite being off and on for decades (three of Steve's other love interests were while she was supposedly dead, with at least one writer saying they only created the love interest because Sharon was dead at the time)
When she first appeared she was unfairly treated by fans for "getting in the way" of the Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes ship. A shame because she's a really good character. I'd talk more about how unfairly Sharon, and her actress Emily VanCamp, have been treated by the fanbase and the creators, but that's a different story.
She and Steve Rogers were meant to have a romantic relationship, but the entire fandom and many Stucky fans dislike her because it wasn’t a good ship. I think she isn’t the best but she doesn’t deserve so much hate
Elizabeth Midford
She started as just a cutie fiancée trying her best, turns out she's also a swordfighting genius, very under pressure to perform feminity in the Victorian Rose type of way. Fandom crucifies her bc she's Ciel's fiancée and they want him to be with his butler, Sebastian, the demon he sold his soul to for revenge
anime was a shitty canon divergent adaptation that butchered her character down to her "cutesy silly girly" persona, which obviously made the 2008 anime fans hate her with a passion (nothing wrong w being girly I'm just saying the adaptation made her super one dimensional) anyways fujoshis used to treat her as a villain because she's the fiance of Ciel,, who as u might know already was HEAVILY shipped with his butler, Sebastian back then (now it's kinda looked badly upon, nice tbh that ship sucks ass xD) She's a bit similar to Misa Amane from death note in the way she was treated. (Like an obstacle the yaoi ship must overcome rather than a person)
she's my silly little rabbit! i could gush about her character but i'll keep it short and just say that she's really well written and one of the best characters in the series. anyways she's ciel's fiance and she's like, rightfully annoying as any other 13 yr old girl would be but the fanbase fucking crucified her for even existing. she gets demonized for being 'annoying', but then ciel gets yaoishipped with an even more annoying guy. there is 100% an argument that lizzie/ciel is weird bc they're cousins (i personally don't ship it) but that falls flat when her detractors then ship the 13 yr old ciel with an eons old demon who Canonically looks like his father. the anime also never reached her main character development until years after its peak and that was only in a movie, so she really got the bad end of the stick here. not me though i had a giant crush on her when i was 12
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nonbinarypirat · 1 month
I’m catching up on Bungou Stray Dogs and I got to chapter 39 and wow… what a bad chapter. Or I should say, I VERY purely written, mishandled chapter. So I wanted to talk about why I hate this so much (even though so many people have probably talked about this here and other platforms.) Get ready for a rare known Iruma breakdown. But also I’m so mad about this chapter so this is going to be more of an unhinged rant then a well written post. Warning: child violence, abuse, abusive cycles, and sympathizing an abuser
This chapter is somehow a thousand times worse than what the anime did? I wonder if the people in charge of the anime also didn’t like this part and decided to cut it short and get through it as soon as possible and move on. Though it could also just because of how fucked up it is. No matter the reason, I went into this chapter hoping that maybe there was some context lost from the anime to manga but nope! In fact the manga goes further with trying to make you sympathize with a literal child torturer? It honestly makes me appreciate the episode just a tiny bit more for not including his oh so tragic backstory 🙄. Look, no matter what you have gone through, you don’t get the right to abuse a child. Plain and simple. Just because you were abused doesn’t give you the right to do it to someone. I get that the abuse cycle is not easy to break but once you fall down the same path you are ALSO a fucked up person! And you deserve to suffer for your actions. I wished he got a worse death than a car accident tbh 🤷.
Anyway, I hate how every character in this chapter acted like Atsushi was being irrational about not wanting to know why the headmaster was around? That’s his torturer, the man that literally made his life hell? If he doesn’t want to know, don’t force him. Like, could it give him closure, I guess. But he should be the one seeking that out. Quite frankly, once it was found out the headmaster was involved Atsushi should have been pulled from the case. Give him some distance to process everything rather having to learn about his abuser’s life story or whatever. Like I said, if he wanted to learn that info he should but only if he wanted. Idk why it treated him not wanting to know as acting irrational. I feel like every character treated him like this, from Tanizaki to Akutagawa to Dazai. Instead of comforting him in this difficult time they just… didn’t do anything? Obviously Akutagawa wouldn’t but why didn’t the other two do anything to make him feel better? Only Dazai did really and it was shitty. Full stop bad.
Which leads me into the crutch of it, I hate how they made the headmaster out to be a father figure or mentor. He’s not?? What the fuck are you on about. Like, I could see it if there was fake comfort, subtle or advert manipulation by being nice sometimes. Then it would have been a situation of, he’s the only father figure I ever had but he hurt me in the worst ways. And that’s where the ending could be. Not to say it would still be a well written depiction of abuse, it still tries to get you to empathize with the man, however, I could get where all the complication in Atsushi would lie. But this man was literally the worst human being to walk the face of the Earth the entire time we see him in the manga. So it makes ZERO SENSE. I guess that’s the angle they were going for, he’s the only adult man I know but it does NOT work at all. How is he a “mentor.” Just because he said to hate me not yourself? Fuck that shit, Atsushi does not need to feel bad for that man just because he was trying to make him strong or whatever bs excuse he has. Oh wow, he got him flowers. How ‘bout you pay for his therapy bills?!
If they really wanted to have some nuance, instead I feel like the conflict should have centered around Atsushi still not feeling safe or like he isn’t really dead. Like he can’t allow himself to relax despite the fact that he knows the facts. Especially since the headmaster was a big threat throughout his life, having him suddenly die would be a large shock to the system and go into denial mode. Thus, Dazai or someone else could help him move on and he could finally breath a sigh of relief. Or maybe he’s scared that other workers of the orphanage will try to find him. Maybe he tries to go back to normal, doesn’t give himself time to process, and it all comes crashing down and he has to grapple with the fact that he will never know WHY the headmaster treated him like this. Honestly, not having it answered would have been better because often people don’t get an answer why abusers act the way they do. This idea could add another reason why Atsushi is conflicted between happy and deeply upset because the headmaster is gone but now he’ll never understand why he was treated so horribly. And grappling with the idea that maybe he will never know or understand. Which is tragic but would be a better written and understandable conclusion.
BSD just really dropped the ball with that chapter. It had a great opportunity to bring a nuanced perspective onto why Atsushi may not be elated with his death and get further perspective on him as a character. But instead it focused too much effort on making a child abuser sympathetic because he also faced abuse in an orphanage and some people died and so he tried to make Atsushi strong or whatever. Atsushi deserved a better end in than chapter that Dazai calling that gross piece of shit his father.
Edit: I wanted to add that as much as I hate this chapter I liked the parts where we got to see how bad Atsushi’s life really was at the orphanage. I mean, it hurt for sure but getting to see this put into perspective fully why Atsushi has a hard time pushing through his trauma and past. Like, PTSD is no joke and that was reason enough, but seeing how far it got really showed that. Which makes me mad when people imply he should have gotten over it already or similar statements. Like, dude if that was me I wouldn’t have made it to 18. It’s actually impressive his resolve to live despite everything. Kind of wished we saw that in the anime as dark as it was but once again, I think it was not included specifically because of how poorly it handled this topic. Not gonna lie, it would piss me off enough to not finish the show (not that it’s too much of an improvement but it at least is like, bad writing but a pass).
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timdrakemybeloved · 1 year
Snape makes me so fucking mad holy fuck, I’m incapable of thinking of him positively. I don’t even like Draco and I think of him 10x more positively than I think of Snape.
What kind of person gets bullied as a child and then grows up and bullies the child of his bully like that makes him way worse than James (btw I love James and I fully believe he matured and grew up and is a good person who deserved more than for Snape to tell a literal Nazi terrorist to kill him and his infant son but to leave his wife alive). Snape had way more power over the kids he taught than James did over him and what did he do with it?
He made fun of their appearance and scared them to the point that he was Neville’s boggart (which when you think about it is so awful because 1, Neville’s parents got tortured into insanity and I’m pretty sure he was there, and his boggart probably should have been Bellatrix or his uncle even, and 2, he did it because Neville was the other possible prophecy child and Snape was upset that Voldie didn’t pick him to kill when HE GAVE HIM THE PROPHECY IN THE FIRST PLACE).
He said shitty things about Harry’s dead parents and orphan-hood, was glaring at Harry literally right off the bat so don’t say it was because he got into trouble a lot, asked him questions he couldn’t possibly know, told Draco to summon a serpent during duelling club??? How irresponsible is that???
Literally lied to the minister just to get Sirius killed, which atp is ridiculous (I think Sirius was dumb as fuck, careless, possibly malicious, to tell snape where to go to find moony, but snape literally already suspected that Remus was a werewolf so idk what the fuck he thought was gonna happen if he found him during the full moon, and calling it a murder attempt is a stretch), like grow up please this man was in Azkaban for 12 years which is a hugely disproportionate punishment for anything he did do to you, and the reason he was there in the first place was literally fraudulent, which he knew and he lied anyway.
And honestly the Legilimancy lessons were fucking joke, who looks through an abused kids memories and makes fun of both the abuse and the few good memories he has?? And then he’s surprised that Harry tried to equal the playing field between them?? Snape had way more power than Harry did, and obviously it wasn’t the best thing to do to a person but yk what I’m not going to judge Harry’s actions, Snape was abusive and the victim isn’t to blame for their reactions to their abuser.
And he threw Harry across the room for seeing his memories?? Abuse. To be honest even seeing the memory about James being a bully felt like JKR trying to make shit up as fast as possible to make Snape seem more redeemable, which apparently worked for some people who think abusing kids is okay as long as you have a tragic backstory and an abusive parent. And it actually makes me really mad that he thought Harry was treated like a prince so decided to treat him like shit so he wouldn’t get any ideas about having self esteem or confidence, then found out that he was abused and then just did nothing and tbh treated him worse. And the lessons themselves were actually painful to Harry?? They definitely made his mind more vulnerable, he had more nightmares.
And let’s not forget that he joined a Nazi group that wanted to exterminate people like his best friend, called his best friend a slur, viewed Lily as an exception to the other muggleborns, and invented sectumsempura for his enemies IN SCHOOL which means the Maurauders.
And it makes me sick that he looked in a room with a crying baby whose parents just got murdered, his mom right in front of him, and a dead woman who was killed by his Nazi leader like directly because of his actions, and then he ignored the baby and went to hug the woman’s dead body. Like if I was Lily, I wouldn’t want him near either my body or my child, but if he was my only option, then he better be fucking taking care of my living son. Like she rejected him his weird obsession for her freaks me tf out.
And I get that without Snape asking for Lily to be spared, Voldemort wouldn’t have asked Lily to stand aside and the blood protection wouldn’t have been activated, but literally once good thing happening because of a tragedy he caused doesn’t make him a good person.
Anyway. Think I got it out of my system for now. Fuck Snape. :)
Edit: Just to be clear, I actually find his character really compelling, even though I dislike him and his actions. And of course I’m not saying no one can like Snape.
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fraudulent-cheese · 5 months
Think you would change any of the finalists of any of the seasons? Think you mentioned a Pahkitew redo or something, would that be a part of it?
I'll start off by giving my opinion on all the finalists of each season!
TDI: Honestly, i wouldn't change it. Both Gwen and Owen are pretty relevant characters, they're fun as the finalists and it makes sense they'd make it that far tbh. I wouldn't swap them out for anyone else this season outside of maybe Leshawna if her elimination wasn't so cheap? That or change it to be like "oh yeah we should make them stay in this nice resort instead of that shitty summer camp" as motivation for nominating someone during Haute-Campture. Idk. Id be more in favor of finalist Leshawna if Fresh TV, you know, gave her more relevance outside of being Gwen's bestie towards the end? And just gave her character depth? Or an arc on her own? But she's the only other candidate in my eyes
TDA: I'VE SAID THIS BEFORE AND I'LL SAY IT AGAIN: THE FINALISTS SHOULD'VE BEEN LINDSAY AND HAROLD. why was Duncan a finalist. Literally why. What does he do that's interesting enough to justify keeping him for the ENTIRE SEASON. If you wanted to do the Courtney list plotthread, just introduce it earlier on in the season and kick Duncan then! Or better yet, make one of the early rejoins be Courtney instead and have Duncan get eliminated pre-merge and Izzy come back post-merge! Im less against finalist Beth, but her character's plotlines aren't compelling to me at all this season :/
Lindsay on the other hand has a full character arc this season of coming into her own and trying her hand at leadership, has a rivalry with Courtney, and she still keeps her character throughout! And honestly i just think Harold's an entertaining character and him making it further than Duncan for at least one season would've been great!
TDWT: As the season is written? I wouldn't change the finalists at all. Heather and Alejandro are the most important characters of the season outside of the Love Triangle and Cody + Sierra and if you want my opinion, none of them should've been finalists. Now, if you do rewrite the season, i'd say Courtney (or even Eva if you make her rejoin mid season) deserved at least to reach the final three. Don't have much to say here.
ROTI: JO. OMG JO. JO SHOULD'VE BEEN A FINALIST. Again, i've made a post about this earlier (which i CANNOT FIND. WHY) But Jo should've been a finalist! They didn't need to give Lightning a vilain arc in the last two episodes just because! Im not super against Cameron being a finalist, but i don't like Lightning being one. Granted you could argue for different characters making for good finalists if you're going to rewrite the entire season (Anne Maria maybe? Or Zoey)
TDAS: Oh boy, TDAS. Sweet, sweet TDAS. Listen. Listen. In an alternate universe where Total Drama is a good show, Mike and Zoey could be good finalists. Unfortunately for them there is a large, looming Courtney-shaped shadow over that idea, made even worse by how both Zoey and Mike were used throughout the season.
Yeah if you couldn't tell by now, Courtney 101% SHOULD have been a finalist! TDAS should've been her season! It's the only season where she makes it past Duncan! She's a strong competitor, a compeling character, she's been put through shit the entire series, hell she could have interesting interactions with all the cast members! But no, Sundae Muddy Sunday happened instead.
As for possible finalists? Lindsay. And Jo. Yeah look if they're not gonna be finalists in earlier seasons you may as well make them finalists here. You could still make an argument for Zoey if the season were rewritten, but otherwise yeah this is probably the worst season for canon finalists :(
TDPI: Honestly with the direction they took, im... fine, with Sky and Shawn being the finalists. They're relevant characters, they have the more important arcs and outside of Scarlett and Jasmine, some of the most competent characters, enough to get here.
I'll take this as an opportunity to say i haven't landed yet on finalists for my PI rewrite? I know for a fact i want Sammy to be one, but im unsure about the other. All i know is that i don't think it'll be Shawn or Sky.
TD2023 S1: Nothing wrong with Bowie and Priya as finalists i'll be real! Priya might be a bit predictable, but it opened up alot of avenues for different things to be explored within her character (that the show never took rip), and she honestly deserved to get far for this cast's first season. As for Bowie, he's pretty relevant all throughout the season and seeing a more antagonistic character make it to final two is really nice to see! No complaints!
TD2023 S2: ALL OF THE COMPLAINTS! ALL OF THEM! The final 3 kind of sucks this season because every option has at least one gapping flaw in it due to the writing over the season: Wayne is barely a character for half the season and only gets interesting moments before the finale, Caleb has the most dragged out and annoying romance subplot in all of TD (not just because it was boring and artificial but because it dragged down and arguably ruined one of the most interestin characters of it's cast) and Julia's just magically gotten amazing at everything, INCLUDING playing the game because these teenagers just keep! beliving her! and telling her things! for some reason! Urghhh
If i had to rewrite the season entirely i'd have an MK vs Raj final 2. You'd get the antag/vilain rep for a finalist position, and hopefully a more interesting character than Wayne (fuck you Raj's more interesting of the two by default.) Maybe Scary Girl could be a 3rd curveball option. Nichelle or Axel if they were given actual arcs. And characters. Whatever.
Sorry for ending this post on such a sour note! i just really don't like reboot season 2 everytime i think about anything outside of the Finale or Mkulia!
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diseaseriddencube · 7 months
Alastor Has NPD Because I Said So: A Shitty Analysis
Grandiose sense of self-importance. Overestimating their capabilities or holding themselves to unreasonably high standards. Bragging or exaggerating their achievements.
It's pretty clear he thinks highly of himself. I like to think that not only does he love radio, but, being The Radio Demon, he believes himself to be heavily associated with it as if it's part of him. So when he gloats about radio being a superior medium of self expression, he's speaking about himself as well.
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He was gone for seven years, and it's pretty blatant that he expects everyone else to care about that. Even if he would most certainly not give a true answer had he been acknowledged, he's desperate for that "where have you been" attention, and gets pissed when it's not received. He just naturally assumes he's important enough that other overlords would be concerned about his absence.
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Assuming his smile is something he chooses to do (ignoring the stitch mark theories), it's a very visible high standard he holds himself to, and according to Viv, it's something he judges others for as well. Even alone, he refuses to drop his smile.
Frequent fantasies about having or deserving success
The finale song showcases this well, as he outright states that he wants power/control, to be "holding all the strings"
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Belief in superiority. Thinking they’re special or unique. Believing they should associate only with those they see as worthy.
This goes pretty hand in hand with what I wrote in point one tbh. It seems evident that he's picky about who he's friends with as well, for example he only associates with Charlie for power.
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Need for admiration. Fragile self-esteem. Frequent self-doubt, self-criticism or emptiness. Preoccupation with knowing what others think of them. Fishing for compliments.
This is more of an internal thing, which can be hard to see in a character that hides his emotions so heavily. But you can see hints of it in his reaction when his commercial is criticized, he's proud and asks for feedback, and immediately reacts negatively and gets defensive upon criticism.
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He had a breakdown over the thought of his image being tainted for saving his 'friends', he's less worried about his actual injury and rather the humiliation of being defeated over something so uncharacteristic of him.
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Entitlement. Inflated sense of self-worth. Expecting favorable treatment (to an unreasonable degree). Anger when people don’t cater to or appease them.
The first point is basically what I already spoke about, I don't think he really expects favorable treatment (perhaps internally, but he doesn't demand it)
That last point can be showcased with how he reacts to Lucifer, who didn't acknowledge him at all and criticized his work. He was obviously pretty openly pissed when Lucifer wasn't sucking up to him and his work.
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Willingness to exploit others. Consciously or unconsciously using others. Forming friendships or relationships with people who boost their self-esteem or status. Deliberately taking advantage of others for selfish reasons.
Do I need to say more than Charlie :/ and also like everyone ever that he interacts with 😭
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Lack of empathy. Saying things that might hurt others. Seeing the feelings, needs or desires of others as a sign of weakness. Not returning kindness or interest that others show.
Yeah I don't think the guy who hurts people for a living cares too much about hurting others-
And of course back to the smile thing, he sees anyone who doesn't mask as heavily he does as weak, he looks down on those who display their emotions so openly.
Frequent envy. Feeling envious of others, especially when others are successful. Expecting envy from others. Belittling or diminishing the achievements of others.
I don't actually see too much of this symptom in him, though I think it's more of an internal thing for the most part.
Arrogance. Patronizing behavior. Behaving in a way that’s snobby or disdainful. Talking down or acting condescendingly.
He seems to act most condescendingly around Vaggie, especially in the pilot, he's downright disrespectful. His interactions with Charlie upon trying to cheer her up comes off as very patronizing too.
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i'm doing ng++ of p3p because i failed to max all my social links last ng+ lmao. anyway I really like the p3 cast a lot. I've played p3 and p5 and have seen a full playthrough of p4g so I know the cast from all 3 games. and obv p5's cast are my darling little guys. but I really do like p3's cast a lot, too. I don't think there's anyone in sees that I dislike. i have a clear favorite but past that it would be difficult to rank them tbh.
I think I've said this before, but imo p3 has the strongest overarching thematic elements of the persona games I've experienced and has several characters that reflect those themes both in sees and outside of it, which is another thing I like. there are so many characters in this game learning the meaning of being alive, or making their own meaning, or learning how to live on after loss or guilt, or making peace with the reality of death & dying.
(LMAO shitty analysis under the cut, this post got so long)
Aigis is learning what it even means to be alive in the first place; to feel and grow and change. She is learning that life always comes followed by death. To be alive is to connect with others; to love. But to love always means to grieve; to face loss and pain. To live is to change and grow and feel everything life has to offer; the good and the bad, the joy and the sadness. It's all two sides of the same coin, one can't exist without the other. You live, you care for others, and in the end someone dies and the other is left behind. But it's worth it, even when it's painful.
Ken is struggling with finding a reason to live after a tragedy, stuck between anger and grief; ultimately clinging to the hope of vengeance before he comes to see that living life that way is no way to live at all. His meaning is to kill his mother's murderer, at first, and when that's done he plans on dying himself. But he doesn't get that chance; and then his whole purpose for staying alive is gone. He has to find a reason to go on without his mother and without a purpose anymore. And he does - he decides there are still things in the world worth living for; worth fighting for. He decides his meaning is to live for his mom. to live for shinji. to go on and face forward for them.
Akihiko is dealing with the 'accepting death' part. he's stuck in the past; in the guilt he feels about his sister and the inability to accept that she's gone - he never could have saved her, and living his life in the single-minded pursuit of strength means he's been blind to other things; being strong doesn't change the reality that people he cares about will die, inevitably. He can't accept it, and he strives to be strong enough to protect those he cares about. But no amount of strength can change the fact that people die. This is reflected even as far back as the fire that killed Miki - he says he wasn't 'strong' enough to save her. But even if he'd been strong enough to get past the adults holding him back, no amount of strength could have gotten him through a burning building to rescue her. He can fight it all he likes, but reality is that people die. he does come to see this; to realize that he can't save everyone. that there's more to life than being strong. that bad things happen and sometimes there really is nothing he could have done - and yet life goes on.
Shinji's living a life of atonement for his guilt. His life has become defined by the accidental killing of Ken's mom; he sacrifices everything he can (up to and including his own life) to atone for that mistake, but it doesn't make it go away. It doesn't bring her back; it doesn't lessen his guilt or Ken's pain. It just drives his life into the ground. He dies believing that he deserves to - that his death in defense of Ken is right. he doesn't get to learn that destroying yourself over guilt doesn't fix anything and it doesn't help anyone. His life's meaning becomes to atone for his mistake; everything else gets thrown aside - his friendships, his future, his own health and wellbeing. To him, his life has no value anymore. he's dying and he knows it; he accepts it. he thinks that's the only meaning his life can have anymore - to die as a final act of repentance for his mistakes. But living just to die isn't really living, is it? Living in the past, blinded by guilt, that's no way to live, and his life has meaning beyond what he feels - there are people who care about him and a place he can make a difference. but he doesn't see it. he and Akihiko are both clinging to the guilt that hangs over their past, but only Akihiko gets to learn that clinging to the past and carrying that guilt around forever isn't living; not really. it's existing, but not living. They both make their lives completely about their guilt. It's only with the loss of Shinji that Akihiko is able to see where they both were wrong.
Mitsuru is facing the struggle of making a life for herself in the face of what she's expected to do as heir of the Kirijo group - she's stuck saddled with expectations of a life she doesn't want; has to accept that living a life where she bows only to others' whims and expectations is also not really living. It seems life is happening to her rather than her living it at times; she has to take an active part in deciding her future because there's no meaning in living your life to other peoples' specifications.
Junpei even gets some topical thematic moments with Chidori. Her life has no meaning to her, and neither does her death - at first. She doesn't care one way or another what happens; if she lives to see tomorrow or not. But then she meets Junpei and suddenly she does care, because there's something (someone) in her life that makes her feel. And despite the fact that now she does fear dying, she still gives her life for Junpei. And Junpei wasn't very serious about anything, his life and future included. But now his life is Chidori's life, too; she lives on in him, she died so he could live. Her love for him allowed him to live, and his love for her inspires him to work harder in his life so he doesn't waste the sacrifice she made for him - she gives his life new meaning by making it her life, too; she says 'if you can't take life seriously for your sake, do it for my sake.' Junpei's love for her shows Chidor that there's more to life than the cold apathy she's used to. Chidori's sacrifice gives Junpei a literal second chance at life and gives him a newfound purpose & vigor for life. And if you do things in game correctly, you can encourage Junpei to keep seeing her right before strega breaks her out, which leads to her reviving after her death (in reload, he brings her flowers that she is able to take energy from to revive) which brings it full circle - Junpei's actions thus revive Chidori and allow her a second chance, this time without the memories of the experiments done on her, personas, or the dark hour. His actions give her a second chance at a normal, happier life. It's so poetic - they give each other purpose; she gives everything so Junpei can live on, and his devotion to her enables her to come back and live the life that was stolen from her by the Kirijo group when they chose her for their experiments. In the end, they can't be together - whether because Chidori is dead or she's revived and doesn't remember Junpei. But in both scenarios, neither one regrets it. Chidori doesn't regret sacrificing herself to save Junpei. And Junpei loves her enough that although it hurts him to be forgotten, he's just happy to see her alive. I could make a whole post about them alone. Junpei's new purpose is to live on for Chidori's sake. And if Chidori comes back, she gets a new chance to define her life and find meaning even though she'd initially been denied that opportunity.
Akinari is fighting the 'what is the meaning of life' battle. He's sickly and suffering, and he's bitter about it. He feels there is no point, really. He's accepted his condition and the looming death that awaits him, but takes no pleasure in having been alive at all. When faced with the cold reality of dying young, he decides there must be no meaning to any of it. What meaning could his life possibly have, anyways? His life is defined by his illness and the knowledge he will die soon; he hasn't made room for anything else. But he learns that even a short life has meaning - he just had to find it. You can't wait for someone else, or fate, or god, to give your life meaning. You have to make it yourself. He'd been so busy asking why him; why this sickly dying body; that he hadn't actually found any meaning in his life at all. But he does. Maybe it's something small like finishing a story. Maybe it doesn't change the world. But it's there. I think there's something to be said about the alligator in his story as a mirror of himself, too. The gator, sad and alone, with no purpose, dies before finding any meaning in his life - but his legacy lives on. Even when he could never know, he touches so many lives indirectly; even when he felt he had no purpose or meaning in his life, there is meaning there. he may not have seen it, but it was there all the same. One life touches other lives, which go on to touch other lives, like ripples in a pond. Meaning in life exists for everyone, whether they see it or not. AND you can talk to his mom at the end of the game and she says so many sweet things, showing how even when he didn't see it, his life had meaning to her. even when he felt bitter and lost; like there was no reason for him to be alive in his sickly, miserable body. His mother felt so much joy in each day she got to have with him - for her, his existence was meaningful regardless of anything else. His life had meaning the whole time. he couldn't see it, but it as there.
and, of course. the protag. idk. do I have to explain this one. the meaning of their life is all the people they've met; all the bonds they've forged. they've touched so many lives around port island, and each person they've met has touched their life, too. and in the end, they make the ultimate sacrifice - not out of guilt like shinji, but out of love. They love the world and their friends. they know there's meaning out there, even though so many people think otherwise and are wishing for The Fall. And ultimately, even though nobody but sees will ever know, they decide that dying so the world can live is a sacrifice they're willing to make. it's like the gator in Akinari's story - the world will be touched by the protag's actions, even if nobody knows. In the future, people will sit outside and feel the sun on their skin and that will be part of the his legacy - just like the gator, who dies and leaves behind a pool of tears that become an oasis for the animals of the forest. he leaves something behind that will touch lives even long after he's gone.
um. anyway. this game is so rich with themes about life and death; about accepting both and finding meaning in both. this isn't a carefully thought out theme analysis or anything just some off-the-top impressions. so don't roast me if its kinda all over the place lmao
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writingsbychlo · 1 year
Okay I was thinking about this the other day but how do we feel about a tamlin redemption arc? I personally think sjm has so much potential with him as a character but I also know what he did was messed up so it’s just something I think about a lot and always want other people’s inputs
what he did was messed up yeah but my guy was also fucking traumatised himself after 50 years of being responsible for literally every single person in prythian. HE was the one who was supposed to break that curse. EVERYONE was waiting for him. HE was the one who spent 50 years sending his friends to die and trying to fall in love with their killers to save everyone.
he didn’t handle it well, but like, who could he expected to? honestly like yeah it was wrong but it was a trauma response, all he ever wanted was to keep feyre safe and alive and protect her.
my real beef is the fact that for personal revenge feyre destroyed an entire court because someone gave her a panic attack. babygirl we’ve all been pushed to the point of panic attacks but we don’t actually ruin the lives of thousands of innocent people as a result.
like the people of the spring court? who just wanted to rebuild their homes and recover from the poverty? and she ruined every chance they had. she destroyed their economy and infrastructure and reputation for what? she left them vulnerable to attack and conquer for what? ridiculous behaviour. far more villainous than anything tamlin ever did.
and that nonsense about the tithe? like yeah okay it’s a shitty old tradition that needs changing. but hello where was rhys changing shitty traditions when he kept Velaris a secret from the majority of people in the night court who might’ve needed it? “the people from hewn city are savages though” right but did Mor not come from there? and we’re just gonna overlook entirely the fact that she’s supposedly the only acceptable one with absolutely no explanation for that? alright. and the Illyrians are brutes. but we’re just gonna overlook cassian and azriel and emerie and barth because it’s convenient? like all I’m saying is that these reputations are obviously generalisations and he’s in the wrong too.
if I’m being so for real right now, and I say this as somebody who fucking loves rhys, he’s not even top three best high lords.
helion, thesan and tarquin. no fucking cap these three genuinely wanted what was best for the continent at any given time. thesan hosted the high lords meeting and was pulling up ready to share technology and antidotes?? he fixed luciens eye after he saw what happened and I’ve never seen even a speck of debt for that.
tarquin really got manipulated and robbed when he would’ve been willing to help had they just asked and been honest and willing to trust, and still he didn’t declare war or march across borders which he was entitled to, he sent blood rubies. it was basically a text that said ‘hands on sight if i see u again bro’ and called it a day. he fr didn’t want beef. he opened his home to spring court people instantly after feyre had her petty revenge moment.
helion lives for the vibes and i stand by it the man was ready to fight ready to help ready to show up and show out. perfection. an angel. i see where lucien gets it. an unbothered king.
so like, tamlin. yeah. I think he got done dirty for what happened. all in all what did he really do? accidentally played a role in killing rhys’ family by spilling a location detail? alright but rhys and his father intentionally killed tamlin’s family.
locked feyre up? yeah after being abused for 50 years himself those 5 months he didn’t handle his trauma right, damn yeah he really got what he deserved 🙄
that comment at the high lord’s meeting? he was a man wounded and scarred and embarrassed and tbh it wasn’t even that bad. rhys and feyre fr overracted. azriels lil comment was quite enough. they wonder why he keeps acting up like they don’t keep making a mockery of him??? like??? I KNOW we’ve all said and done mean/petty things like that when we’re hurt, don’t deny. I’ve never brought an entire kingdom to its knees but pop off ig.
so yeah. I still love all the characters. feyre is still great. I still adore rhys. I still like tamlin.
I just think tamlin gets the most insane amount of hate compared to the actions of the other characters. he deserves his redemption arc massively.
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horrorlesbians · 8 months
Right, re: the sexism in TDS1, i think the season definitely engages with the sexism and violence of rust and marty in interesting ways. I forget the exact quote but early on rust says something like "I'm a bad man, we need bad men to keep other bad men from the door" which I've always found to be a pretty on the nose commentary on these themes. Marty & Rust justify their violence, sexism, and abuse of people's rights because they see themselves as good guys (in Marty's case), or in service of a greater good/lesser evil (in Rust's case). Which, they are the protagonists and sympathetic so I understand & in many ways agree with a reading that, like most cop shows, TD kind of ends up valorizing rust and marty. ANYWAY I've always thought it to be engaging with it the way you framed it in that other ask - the women and children in these men's lives are treated like shit, and I don't think the show justifies how they're treated like shit (tbh i don't even think the show paints women in a shitty way or blames them, it's that the protagonists do that which isn't the same), but MARTY justifies his behavior by believing that (1) its Not That Bad because it could be so much worse and (2) I'm A Hard Working Hero and I Deserve Slack. This ended up very rambling but i hope that makes sense
i think the most interesting thing about season one is that rust and marty are both not good people, as you mentioned rust views himself as a bad man but a correct bad man. he breaks laws and abuses his police power and uses violence to get what he wants but he does all of it because he knows/believes that it's the only way to get the badder man, the man abusing and killing women and children. his bad actions are correct and validated in his head because he has to catch his bad guy. obvi being undercover in narco for as long as he was changed him and how he views the law, like how he tells the woman he buys drugs from that "of course im dangerous, im police. i can do bad things with impunity". i can sympathize with rust far more than marty because you can see more/understand more why rust became who he is.
marty is a cheating controlling asshole who treats women like property and wants to impose his view of womanhood onto them. he gets mad when rust mows his lawn and talks to his wife when marty isn't home because marty is a cheater and most cheating men assume all other men are cheaters. but he feels it is warranted how he treats women, he tries every excuse in the book to write off his behavior to his wife but at his core he does what he wants and doesn't care much how it hurts others. he only cares because it affects him, he blames his mistress for ruining his family as if he didn't ruin it by sleeping with him.
rust is defined as a type of outlaw detective who does whatever he wants, regardless of using violence and police red tape, because he has convinced himself that he is right about his theory. he will put himself and marty in countless dangerous situations, attack and kill people (especially in the drug plot in the middle of the season) because he has convinced himself all of this has to happen. granted, at the end of the show rust Was right about everything so his actions seemed warranted but even he states that he was aware he might have been insane in his actions. he is so far gone into his desire for justice and to catch His killer nothing else matters, after he caught his killer the only thing he mentions about the case is how he didn't realize who it was when he first met him.
marty is interesting to me because he a womanizing cheating asshole who will hit his daughter without hesitation and cheat on his wife whenever he wants but will blow a suspect's head off because he was abusing children and finally quits because of a violent death of an infant. he claims being a family man is so important and wants rust to get a woman but breaks apart his own family because of what he wants.
anyways. i love when the main characters are bad people, far more interesting that way.
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cursezoroark · 8 months
like ok i think about green so much. i think about green and red and just. god. canonically for some fucking reason he's 13-14 as viridian's gym leader???????????????????? which. does not match his appearance tbh but its pokemon what the hell do i know. imo he looks like 16. but eh.
like ok my personal timeline is. following canon to an extent also disclaimer this is primarily green pov, sliding pokemas to the side im not putting it here. also btw Leaf does exist here but im gonna focus on green and his pov of Red particularly:
5 years - 10 years: tiny babies :'] they get along great at first. pokemon nerds. Green becomes a bit more astute. u know the usual fandom hc of pokemon oak's not the Greatest Parenting. Like He's Trying but Green being a kid notices and a bunch of misunderstandings and mistakes pile yk? kids notice. and kids also assume. and Green assumed. Green starts to antagonize Red more, shifting him from a friend to a rival. the rivalry is starting to bleed out the friendship. Red notices, but not aware of the familial situation, is just hurt.
10 years old - 11 years: whatever the fuck happened in frlg. insane preteen angst between the two. i like to think they got in a fistfight. poor kids.
11 years - 12 years: red disappears around this time. 12 year old kid learns how to be a caveman. Green goes to school. Kind of mumbles through the process of becoming champion, and losing it in less than an hour. he's like halfway through a process of whatever happened when he gets the opportunity and he pounces. school is paused.
13 years old - 14 years old: Apparently a girl named Leaf took over the old champion position. From pallet town too. Not that he rlly cares. Green only hears rumors about Red being at the top of the mountain, repressed whatever had happened and the whole situation of their relationship, doesn't rlly want to confirm for himself rlly. cause. well. don't ask. shut the fuck up.
15- 17 years old: what the fuck do you mean the rumors are true. Green gets egged on to finally check after confirmation of Ethan/Lyra. By Red's mom, Daisy, Professor Oak, the whole fucking town jesus christ- and. really he shouldn't be here. doesn't really deserve to be here. but he finally sees red. its an awkward as hell 2 years, warming up a cold 5 year old friendship. they don't talk about it.
18 years old: it almost felt like nothing ever happened. for a while. he had visited monthly, bringing supplies, warm wishes. the usual topic had been about the gym, the family, pokemon battles, people in pallet town, safe topics. The only one he's willing to breach is how to get Red off the damn mountain, but as you can clearly read, hasn't been successful. red's grown taller than him. annoying as hell, but his eyes still sparkle when he talks about new pokemon. Green restarts his education, and lucky for him his brain is still sharp enough to catch up. He applies for a university in Kalos.
19 years old: he got in, awesome. he breaks the news to Red. he leaves in five months. Red....doesn't seem happy, but he congratulates Green anyways. on a whim to try to cheer him up, Green makes an shitty joke attempt: come down for a dinner celebration in Pallet Town in a week. Just Red's mom, Red, Daisy, Green, and Professor Oak. No one else, and afterwards we can send you right back to your happy cave home mountain, yeah? Red doesn't respond. The next day however, he agrees. Green doesn't know how the fuck that worked.
The dinner: Green breaks the news to his family and Red's mom, and helps a frantic Daisy prepare the food, where he confesses his doubts over Red's reaction. Daisy suggests that Red may have been used to his company, seeing as he was the only human willing to trek Mount Silver monthly just to see him. Green decides to phone Ethan/Lyra to ask them a favor.
The favor: ok so you've been looking for a challenge right. right ok. i thought you would rebattle Red or something. where the hell are you nowadays. why? oh idk just wondering, cause he just got a new team member and I thought you-no? aw man ok cause I can't go to the mountain for a Long While. He needs a training partner. Ok! thanks, smell ya later.
The Dinner Cont.: Red appears with his mom, and. Green notices the redness around her eyes. Red's hand was carefully clasped around hers. Red's eyes flitted almost anywhere but their faces, but he nods a greeting to Gramps and Daisy on the way in, before sitting at the table. the roast duck was ready. Professor Oak lobs his questions at Red, almost automatically. How was he, his pokemon?? How was Mt. Silver's eco-climate, did you know how the league operated- yadda yada yada yada yada Green began to buzz out in the middle of chewing some potatoes. It wasn't until Oak grasped his shoulders, commenting about Green's recent success could Green finally grasp whatever expression was on Red's face.
outside, the dishes were being washed, and the two friends elected to take a walk.
hesitation wrangles his hands, before signing. "I thought you and Professor Oak weren't getting along?"
a waved hand. "he's better. Helped me with the whole application process, so I had no choice but to kind of had The Talk.
"It went shit. we got into another fight, but I think I got something through."
"He still asks about you though. That didn't change. And, don't worry, I stopped him from trekking over there himself. I think he's getting like, old old. He only holes up in his lab now."
"I thought he still trekked into viridian forest to collect metapod shells."
"He only did that to make sure we didn't somehow end up there. we were seven- you know how we were."
"we could've ended up there."
"HA- no- yeah. yeah actually. I think I would have somehow been dragged by you. You used to chase rattatas for crying out loud. It's a shock how you weren't infected by a disease."
"You told me they were strong."
"what did you think 'strong' meant to a 7 year old?"
"......I thought they meant they were the best."
"....yeah well, me too."
"I'm sorry, Green."
"I should be the one saying that, you asshole."
"I think I should have said that from the beginning. I'm sorry, Red. I'm so sorry."
The walk ended with a silent beat.
After the Dinner: weird clean up, Green feels like the ice had finally, chipped around Red. He hasn't seen Red's mom kiss her son's forehead for a long time. He hadn't seen Red in his childhood room where they used to play pretend for a long time. He hadn't seen Red smile like that..... in a long time. He takes him back to Mt. Silver.
There are 5 visits left until Kalos.
5 visits left: Red makes a face and comments about Lyra/Ethan's sudden visits again. It's kind of funny, seeing a mildly aghast look on his face as he signs about their new look, team, personality even. His eyes shine as he talks about pokemon he has never seen before, what do you mean there's a different form of slowbro????? He almost looks younger, hands now more lively as he talks strategy with Green.
3 visits left: It's Red's 20th birthday. Green and Lyra/Ethan make a trip this time together. Somehow, through Reds mom magic, the cake stays preserved throughout the entire trip. They munch through strawberry cream cake in silence, occasionally breaking into conversation about the travels, preparations, and global news. Red's eyes stay shiny under the candles until blown out. Green gets him a pokemon egg. What it is, he won't tell Red. Lyra/Ethan gets him a new pokegear. the first number he adds is Green.
2 visits left: Red keeps staring at Green. it's pissing him off. He stares as he cooks, as he rants, when he's tending to his pokemon. Green decides to play cool, talking more and more about the process of moving. He has to license his pokemon, contact his mentors, pack all of his stuff. Kalos apparently has good fashion too, did you know, maybe I could finally install a change to your godawful outfit- Red just keeps staring. The egg remains unhatched, yet the signs tell him that its near time.
1.5 visits left:
Red: The egg hatched.
Green: LMAO did you like it??????
[ a blurry photo is sent, barely depicting the picture of a shiny mimikyu, surrounded by Pikachu and venasaur.]
Green: IS THAT A SHINY???????
Green: RED.
Red: :)
1 visit left: They sit in silence by the open fire, cozy and in their own world. That is, until a finger jolted Green awake. Red only stared back with a serious expression.
"I think I forgave you a long time ago."
"It took me a while, to connect everything together." Red seemed to be reciting this, almost as if he practiced this speech.
"But I wasn't sure. you never brought it up, which wasn't the best. You weren't....good when we were kids. but you were my friend. You are my rival. "
"I understand, why you were like that. and I saw you again, and it was really good. Really good." Red emphasized.
Green blinked. "like we were kids again?"
Red nodded. "It was back to before then. before the championship. We used to talk more. You didn't avoid me, and we battled like usual. we didn't have to worry about league management, or team rocket. I thought maybe we could start over again."
Green grimaced. "But?"
"You're leaving." Finally, with the wind taken out of him, Red deflated right in front of Green, seemingly worn. He almost looked like a limp balloon. Vaguely, Green wondered what his 11 year old self would thinking looking at him. Probably not a nice thing.
He's not 11 now though.
"You....could come with me?" Green froze under Red's incredulous look. "Look, I was an asshole, still am an asshole times 100 there is no denying that. I'm surprised you even let me on this mountain. I thought you would never talk to me again, and I would totally get it. I would maul myself."
"But I want to start over too. If you could just. think about it. You can't room with me, but given you're a champion I'm pretty sure you're able to get some sort of bonus, but only if you're really really REALLY sure, this cold ass mountain never seemed to lift its grip from you-" A pair of hands swiftly covered Green's mouth, muffling him.
A silence swept over the two, before slowly, Red's hands lifted from Green's lips.
"....Let me think about it." Red signed.
"All the power to you, buddy."
A snort. "Buddy?"
"shut up."
Three days later, Green flew to Kalos.
A year later, Red moved to Kalos.
Post Kalos: so you may have noticed i have not rlly pushed on the romantic agenda. yeah i rev the engines slow here. but point is its not my forte most of the time. either way they do get together inbetween kalos and sm. Green writes a hell of a thesis paper on pokemon research, they still have things to hash out and properly explain, but its a working process. Red gets invited to every champion event ever when he finally cracks out of mt silver. If you ask me who catches feelings first, i'm going to say they both did at the same time cause its funny and they annoyed the hell out of every surrounding colleague with their pining.
red's mimikyu is a girl, like his pikachu
Leaf and Green meet at Kalos, she helped him make an arrangement when Red was moving over. They became rlly good friends with all three of them!!! :D They also found out they wall lived in pallet town, just never met because Leaf entered school rather than their reckless 10 year old adventures.
Professor Oak's whole issue is saying the wrong things when he means one thing. Which causes Green to snap back and then he gets mad at the disrespect and yaknow. they're slowly getting better though. this also did Numbers of Green's self-esteem.
Red does live with his mom before leaving with Green. They visit Kanto as often as possible.
Green and Red's mom had a talk when Green was about 16, about his whole deal. Green wonders how she could smile at him afterwards. But Red's mom is understanding and observable as her own son. Not to say she isn't letting Green go scot-free though. it's what finally cracks Green to reflect.
"Hey so why didn't Green try to get Red off the mountain when he was visiting over and over again?" I did consider that. I think they were so close to teetering off the edge when they battled it out on Mt. Silver that teenager Green was just deathly afraid of fucking things over and scaring Red away from contacting Pallet town again. It was a slow process for him to get Red curious enough about the outside world to goad him into even considering visiting places.
Does Red Sign? Yes! I'm not completely sure how to properly write it cause i am a Novice. (u are free to give sources, though i'm not a writer I will look through yes yes) He's selectively mute in my eyes!
The Viridian Gym Leader position got shifted a few months before Green moved to Kalos, but Lance has always told Green that the position is open if he rlly wants it.
Lyra/Ethan could be whatever u wish. is lyra and ethan the same person and they have incredible gender and two names? sure. are they separate people on their own and they're just a duo? if u want. go ham.
note: i didn't expect this to be THIS LONG but also forgive me i just vomited word thought and it evolved to semi-writing. I'm a completely beginner at this. this is just my interpretation of the red/green whole spiel cause i had brain worms. if urs is different that is cool!!! rad!!!
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#31 — 07/29/2022 8:47 AM
We need to talk about The Looney Tunes Show's depiction of Daffy and Porky’s friendship, cuz it’s pretty funny if not sad to watch at times
Like, Daffy never even realized how much trauma Porky caused him, but because he isn’t good at internalizing his emotions — he doesn’t let it affect his friendship with Porky. Like even tho he remembers his highschool trauma, it never affects how he treats Porky (for better or worse), and in his own weirdo way — he still holds him high enough in importance that he’ll go to him for help.
Also, Daffy not even considering Porky in his top 5 feels like a case of Daffy’s words not accurate to his actions. He goes to Porky for a lot of things. If not Bugs, he’ll take him out on a date. If not Bugs, he’ll rant off to Porky. If Bugs isn’t available, he’ll often reach out to Porky instead. Everyone else he listed is sweet, but Marvin and Peter barely interact with him, and Foghorn Leghorn probably is a father figure to him. Tina would be tied for #2 or #3.
Porky does deserve the acknowledgement from Daffy that he’s his best friend. But I also wouldn’t put it past Daffy to be kidding Porky in a cruel way when he seems to disregard him as an option in front of him. He does to Porky what og Bugs does to og him. Cycle of frequent gaslighting 😔😔😔
All in all, Best friends redux was one of a handful of episodes in tlts which I feel made significant development in addressing Daffy and Porky’s relationship, and not undermining it all throughout. It feels like one with thorough development tbh over Daffy and Bugs’ — since those two kinda flip flop between progression to regresssion to stagnation — idk, episodic shows can just be like that. These two can be nice to watch when Daffy isn’t being absolutely dickish to him, but when Daffy does pull through for him, it feels all the more rewarding. So yeah, I enjoyed their friendship here. Good stuff.
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I think it’s a guilt thing Porky had over Daffy. I think he also thought Daffy knew (which to him coulda been why he was passive to Daffy being shitty to him) — cuz he mighta felt like he deserves it for the way he treated him in highschool. Idk if Porky knows Daffy only just then remembered this in the highschool reunion episode — regardless, it doesn’t change the fact that Daffy kinda uses Porky’s meekness as an advantage.
Also it’s interesting to note that between Porky and Daffy, compared to Porky and Bugs — Porky is more likely to go at odds with Bugs than with Daffy. Porky, in spite of how he generally acts, does seem to have a spine when it comes to anyone else. But with Daffy, I think it’s an emotional vulnerability for him. Something Daffy keeps taking advantage of. I like to think after Best Friends Redux, Porky would become less meek — but this show ain’t focusing on linear storytelling so… hcs away!!!
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Present day thoughts:
The Looney Tunes Show kinda made everyone think Porky's a doormat submissive type, which I still get petty about. But this show was good at making unexpected development between his and Daffy's dynamic.
I think a lot of the charm of this show comes from the implied backstories of the characters, as well as the loose continuity of its episodic nature. I liked the development between Daffy and Tina's relationship, and enjoyed seeing how Daffy seemed to make strides in developing friendships with the other characters.
The Dafpork energy of this show is miniscule compared to Baffy, but the incline in their friendship beats Duck Dodgers where the opposite happens (but that's a whole 'nother ramble).
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peachesofteal · 1 year
I LOVE that new addition of the Dead Disco AU where the guys left UGH
My mind is running at 300 kph and OH GOD the thought of Darling getting a new partner is making me want to cry 😭😭😭
But also I've been thinking about Darling and her new partner for this AU
I don't know if it's self projection because (again) Darling is very relatable to me, and because of that, she gives off the vibe that despite all the sadness, when she's in a better mental space she's so gentle and kind to people, always wants to look the good in the world and believes there's always deeper motivations behind everyone else's actions... Which has lead her to multiple shitty situations, where people often abused her kind nature and her vulnerability. A few shitty friends who criticized her every action and that she found out way too late, partners who constantly crossed boundaries and never knew how to keep their shitty opinions to themselves.
And she thought she finally found the loves of her life, who made her feel loved and wanted and tried to be as healthy as they all could. Up until the day Simon and Johnny broke up with her
And then when they come back and try to be in Bee's life, she decides that she's the one deciding who's getting into her heart and who's not.
Except that with her new partner, she's once again ignoring warning signs and, the new partner is not violent per se, but they're negligent. They don't really know Darling all that well and sure, they want to try to get to know her to some extent, but they also don't care that much for Darling's interests that much tbh
So let's say. Bee is a year and a half old, and Darling's been with her new partner for a little over eight months now, and for any reason, Simon and Johnny came to her apartment while they were having a date night to leave Bee after spending the day with her.
What greets them at the door is their beautiful, lovely Darling that they still love very much, but have now accepted that you're not coming back to them and they'll try to support you and be in your life in any way you let them. But your eyes are puffy and red, your voice sounds broken, like you've been crying your eyes out.
No one mentions it. But you still let them into your home to maybe discuss Bee's new tendencies to bite into people. The glimpse of the dynamic of you and your partner is not good. Johnny and Simon can't believe that while you're ranting about whatever you love (be it gaming or art or literature or possums), your partner not only is on their phone completely ignoring you, giving noncommittal replies, but also they're fucking liking pics of models on whatever social media they have (they don't know that, but that is feeding onto your insecurities SO MUCH). They notice the way your eyes look glossy once more, how your lip trembles and how you try not to let your voice show that you're about to cry.
Simon feels more sad than anything, wanting to erase that sadness out of you and treat you the way he knows you deserve to be treated. Wanting to hold you between him and Johnny and never let go. But Johnny? He on the other hand is livid. His anger turned into acceptance over your permanent departure out of his life, but what he CANNOT accept is the way you're being treated, as if you were less than furniture and your feelings were something on the way of whatever comfort your partner wanted out of you. He gathered all of his willpower to stay put and not knock some sense into your new partner, choosing to find a few minutes later a quiet moment with you on the kitchen.
"Is he really treating you good?"
You hesitate to answer, but reply a quiet, solitary "Yes."
"And are you really happy?"
Your silence says more.
And they're both determined. If they can't have you back at least they can have your back, in whatever way they can without crossing the boundaries you put in place, advice from Laswell still echoing on their minds ("You should give that girl some space and help from the sidelines," it's what she basically stated).
And it works its objective, at least. They remember a fleeing conversation here and there and bring you details about your interest in question (be it a new gaming controller, new art supplies, a book you've been wanting to buy). And they're somewhat making peace with the fact that this is all they're going to be in YOUR life, besides Bee's dads.
That is, until Bee's a few months over two years old and they bring Bee back to you, not a sight of your new partner inside your home.
"What happened to him?" And they try not to sound hopeful, just a little bit.
"We broke up," you say. "We broke up, and I think we three need to have a conversation once Bee is asleep."
OH GOD I'M SORRY FOR THIS MESS. I JUST. YEAH. THIS FIC IS CHANGING THE CHEMISTRY OF MY BRAIN. My boyfriend is aware of the emotional roller coaster that Dead Disco and its AUs is bringing to me 😂 I'M SORRY I DON'T MEAN TO BE ANNOYING I JUST LIKE YOUR FIC WAY TOO MUCH, and your brain that comes up with these ideas ❤️ I hope you know that your writing is one of the most beautiful styles I have ever read, and also I want to let you know that it's very friendly towards non-native English speakers :3 again I'm sorry for this long ask but I really just want to share these thoughts ❤️ I hope you magically find pocket money in one of your jeans!!!
You’re never annoying, I love hearing from you! I’m a little flabbergasted that your boyfriend knows about these AUs but also like… that’s cool! I love and appreciate your kind words 🥲 Reading feedback like this is always so sweet, and I’m blown away by your support. 🩵🩵🩵
You’re totally right. It’s canon in my mind that Darling (you) is kind hearted. Not naive but sweet, somewhat gentle, and sees the better side of others. It does leave you in precarious situations (or has in the past at least) but you’re adaptable, and when you and the guys were good, they built a fortress around you, to protect you. However, it can leave you open, and vulnerable.
And like, it’s not like Darling has the highest self esteem, right? You’re constantly down on yourself, berating yourself in your own mind about how you should be better, be better at taking care of yourself, be better at being a mum, be better at being a partner. Maybe… if you were better, the guys would have never left in the first place. Maybe, if you were better, this one won’t leave either.
And that kind of thinking, allows you to settle for someone who doesn’t really see you. Who doesn’t really care to know you all that well. Who doesn’t really get you, or want to.
But maybe you can’t see that. Maybe, you just see someone who you like, who likes you. Who makes you feel better than you’ve been feeling.
So you can’t see through it.
But the guys certainly can.
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jackienautism · 7 months
I just saw that post about your thoughts on the counselors and I'm curious, have there been any major changes since then?
i just skimmed the post youre talking abt (i write a lot huh) but honestly? i haven't had TOO many major changes since. JUST REALIZED ITS COMING UP TO AYEAR SINCE I POSTED IT IN MAY? THATS SO CRAZY TO ME WTF but anyway
nvm ill read through exactly what i said. the post is here btw
dylan: still pretty much the same opinion as back then LMAO i did have a more recent convo abt dylan (which def changed some thoughts abt him. esp related to his potential adhd and lack of a filter) but i stilll don't like him, sorry
nick: same thoughts as before honestly. i still think he doesn't deserve abi in the slightest. and his involvement w/ emma's dare still makes me very upset, ESP when the fanbase refuses to acknowledge his involvement in it lol. i dont doubt that racism comes into play w/ nick and his whole lack of a story and such, but i jut. i cant stand him
jacob: i take back the flip flop thing btw. i lowkey cant stand him. but to be honest:? ive gotten WAAAY less tolerant of male characters in general lately. and jacob is not exempt from this lol. i have yet to play TQ again (it's been quite a bit) but! maybe after we play tonight things will change. ill prob rb again if things do
ryan: HOWEVER. DO YOU KNOW /IS/ EXEMPT FROM MY "I HATE ALL MALE CHARACTERS" MINDSET? RYAN ERZAHLER. 100%. i love him lots and ppl r very mean to him fo r no reason. i talked abt this briefly in my angourie!cady post but just. when characters show certain autistic traits that YOU ALL cant deal w/ or understand, suddenly theyre a shitty person? they don't care abt their friends? theyre boring? KILLS YOU
max: he also is a pretty respectable guy to me i love you max. but as i said originally. i dont rly think abt him much
emma: she def had the biggest shift for me while playing the game for the first time!!!!! but in terms of like. if anything changed from when i wrote the original note? i dont rly think so tbh. reread waht i wrot eback then it rly makes it seem like i hate her 😭😭😭😭😭 I PROMISE I DONT..... I ACTUALLY LOVE HER SO MUCH...... SHE MEANS A LOT TO ME....... i just cant stand how she acts towards abi sometimes. def my biggest criticism of her. but at the same time. i understand WHY she acts the way she does. she means sooo muchto me. and esp seeing all your talk abt autistic emma? i just think that makes sooo much sense fo rher.and i LOVE it so much
kaitlyn: i dont even feel lik e going throuhg it all but. i feel like she may have gotten a little lower since i wrote that post? just bc i tjhink toooo many ppl think shes better than she actually is bc of her association w/ dylan? it pisses me off sooooo bad. and ive made posts abt this before but like. her character in general still aggravates me 😭 and i DO still stand by what i said in that og post. theres jsut... shes not that complex sorry guys. esp compared to EMILY? lLIKE. i know its unfair to compare the 2 but its pretty damn obvious that thye were going for another emily in kaitlyn lmao and they FAILED. MISERABLY
abi: oh.. abi oh abi i love you. i still hold her so close to me. she is so me for real (beats anyone up who says tjhat she's Them) i mean who said that
laura: LOVE U LAURA!!!!!!!!! i still dont have like TOO many in depth thouhgts abt her but just. know ever since i began roleplaying as her shes become THAT much more beloved and :] i love you girl
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