#which would probs be kurt
Not to be one of those "I can fix him" type person but I honestly think that if kurt had gotten a significant other (or a friend) the whole spree thing wouldn't have happened because I think that the killing was not only about the views but also because he was lonely and didn't have anyone that cared about him
I’m going to be upfront about this now, but my answer is coming from a place of actual character analysis, rather than a ficcy answer, because it’s my honest opinion.
If you’d seriously befriended or gotten into a relationship with Kurt two, maybe a year, earlier, yes, you could have changed things. If it’d been some months earlier, no.
We see London being nothing but nice to Kurt. Giving him physical affection, flirting with him, being genuinely nice. I believe the writers put her there as a show of this. Hey, to anyone who might be attracted to Kurt at this point in the film, or feel bad for him, thinks he would only kill those who are bad, or thinks I can fix him, this character, half way through the film, is to show that no, you couldn’t. Someone nice and trying to connect with Kurt, treating him not like a loser, touching him, genuinely treating him like a human, or even like a potential love interest, is not an exception. It’s to really expand on Kurt’s character.
You saw him killing a white supremacist asshole first. Then some woman who you never really get to know, they imply her to be rude, but actually she doesn’t really do much wrong. If we’d known her character, we wouldn’t think she deserved to die, but she doesn’t get as much direction on her specifically, and we’re close to Kurt, so we don’t care. Then another asshole that he kills, and in a funny way, after defending a woman’s honour beforehand, and with Bobby, another asshole, goading Kurt, you want him to succeed with a triple KO, show that hey he is seriously doing all this, and people should be watching, because he’s actually doing something incredible. Bad, but incredible.
And then he brutally murders London, with a massive smile on his face, and he clearly planned it all and had nooo qualms about it. Not a single one. Kurt did not care. His character starts to change then. You could feel bad for London, maybe you don’t. But she dies, even though she did nothing wrong, and actually treated Kurt decently.
Then he goes on to murder a kid he used to babysit, someone he looked after for years as a child, and you start to think that’s a bit fucked up of him. But still, Bobby has been an asshole the entire time, and Kurt is our protag we’ve been with, and still like, and want to keep watching. Obviously the scene of him showering blood off while manically giggling about 100 viewers, which isn’t even a lot, is showing how mad he is, but also it’s a great scene, you’re enjoying watching his madness. And then after the whole thing with DJ Uno it’s him saying fuck the homemless, murdering an innocent driver (albeit offscreen), then insinuating SA with Jessie, and realising he murdered his mum, watching him murder his dad as well, and trying to kill Jessie too.
I mean, this is even coming from a slightly ficcy POV, but I genuinely think some of the only ways you’d survive, is A) be like Jessie apart from the show that night. Slightly famous, and with a bigger asshole in the car, someone Kurt not only would defend you against to show his fans but because he genuinely feels the need/want to with zero hesitation as a person, and the getting out when you can. Sure Kurt’s a bit obsessive, but if you’re doing something boring that night, and hopefully didn’t make too much of an impression, hopefully your content was enough for him to keep going with his plan and it’s too hard to track your address. That, or B), have seen Kurt’s socials before...
Especially if it’s slightly early on, but not his first victim. If you were like you look familiar he’d happily go on his Kurtsworld96 tangent, and say you’d been recommended that video of him and his dogs, with 12 views, and you watched it yesterday, because dogs. You even left a nice comment, again, because dogs, Kurt goes crazy. An actual fan meeting him in the wild? He wants to talk to you so badly. Wants you in the front, so he can see that his video is in your YouTube history. So he can see your reactions as he talks to you! He saw your comment, obviously, and it made him go wild. Because he barely gets any comments ever, and only like 5 times where they’ve actually been nice. You talk to him about his video, and he’s just going “Yes!” Everytime you mention a detail and he’s talking more about the bts of it and you’re interested. You follow his YouTube there and then and he’s so full of glee and warmth.
He’ll ask - to his cameras though - if his kurtie wants a selfie, and you take one with him, peace sings of course, he even adorns you with free swag from the back, a Kurtsworld96 cap. He doesn’t want to kill you because he thinks it’ll send a bad message to his fans. He still only has a couple of people watching, so he wants them to know he’s safe, and they can be his fan, or even come up to him today and say hi! His fans can get a spree ride today and meet him! So he won’t let you drink the water. He’ll let you go home.
But even that’s partly just so people don’t not want to become his fan, if he only has like nine subscribers and he’s still offing one of them. If it had been later in #thelesson, where he had more people watching, not only is he more swayed by them, but he’s less just genuinely giddy and in awe of you, but trying to put on a show, and feeling powerful enough to try and beat his score. Maybe he won’t kill you, maybe. Maybe he’ll just take you to his home instead. Maybe you can find out what the ‘marry’ option actually means. But again, even that’s a slight more ficcy answer. And I already had this as an idea for a fic plan hahaha.
Kurt is too far gone prior to the film. He is delusional, creating a complex, and all he wants is his moment in the spotlight, and eternal infamy. Even being remembered as a bad guy, and being made fun of by his ‘fans’ the entire time he is doing it.
Spree killers don’t go into their sprees thinking they’re coming out of them alive. It’s different than serial killing. Almost every single spree kill ends in the murderer being killed by police, or them killing themselves. Very rarely do they live, and if they do, it was almost definitely not in their plan to. Kurt knows he’ll probably die, he’s definitely going to get caught anyway, I mean he’s literally broadcasting all his crimes, but he doesn’t care. He just wants to get the record, for more infamy, and go as far as he can, make things as extreme as possible, for more chance of clout.
He has a shitty home life, even though he liked being social he wasn’t very good at it, he substitutes followers, numbers, for actual human connection. I don’t know if you’ve seen his Tiktok about how his customers are one step away from being a fan, a fan is a friend to him, and his friends are family. It sounds like he’s going on a bit of a rant, like someone/something reminded him of his loneliness, and he’s trying to prove it. That numbers, or good interactions with customers (we know he loves his high five star spree ratings), mean he is popular and liked and basically has friends. He needs friends to be his family, because his actual parents don’t give him the emotional support he needs. Maybe his dad tried a little, but he’s screwed things up a few too many times for Kurt to trust him enough to let him back in, or be someone for him, even if his dad did try.
Kurt is 100% lonely, and it seems he had a lonely childhood as well, from inferences, references, and even his draw my life vid, etc. If he’d had someone, a close friend, a partner, a good therapist, if he’d had someone with him maybe a year or two prior. If he’d started to obsess more over that connection with someone versus numbers, started to see a real relationship with one real and there person as more valuable then those numbers (when his viewers aren’t even nice to him but he doesn’t care because it’s still attention), it may have been different.
Obviously you don’t want Kurt to be too obsessive or dependent, especially if he feels like you’re the one person he has. But if you were there to show him healthy love (platonic or romantic), walk him through healthy boundaries that he trusts you enough to stick by, get him in therapy where he can realise that he didn’t not get hugged enough as a child and swapping human connection for clout is a toxic and not worthy opponent of real life human love. If he’d gotten that in a time before, you may have been able to pull him out before it was too late.
But Kurt hits his 23rd birthday, on April Fool’s day, and goes on his spree killing shortly after. He planned a bit before that most likely, but his birthday (I just inferred from his driving license and when the events of the film take place) was probably a catalyst, and a last straw for him to be like ‘see? Things didn’t get any better. Now I’m seriously going to do my preparations now for #TheLesson, because I’m 23 and have nothing left to live for anyway’. Especially in a society where 23 can be seen as old, especially when it comes to being an online content creator. He’s still stuck with lousy parents, doesn’t have a fancy job to at least brag about, even if he likes spreeing it still might get him snide comments off of people or his mum or something, his dj/influencer career is still going nowhere, so he might as well go out with a bang.
He’s been trying to be an influencer for ten years by the point of the film, and has watched someone he watched grow up become famous and loved and worshipped, while, even with hanging onto the coattails of Bobby to get some exposure, since he obviously will have been in some of his posts over his career, he still rarely reaches double digits. And that’s numbers alone, not likes, or comments, or dono’s, or anything even slightly personal. Not just an anonymous number behind a screen. Kurt won’t want to give up now.
And the more he’s tried and craved this attention, especially while growing up where he’ll have less adults sticking up for him or being nice or promising he’s worth something, can be something, less kids in his class who he can see everyday or have to be nice or work with him on projects, less hope from others around him that’s he’s young and can do amazing things and can be better than his parents or can get out and do something. Kurts lost more, and held onto that need for clout/attention as his only source of escape and love as times gone on. He’s romanticised the life of fame so badly. He’s obsessed over it. He’s had to numb himself more and more to the world. Nothing else matters but at least an extra number means he’s making progress, he’s doing something, he can show people. That’s one thing to at least be happy about, in his day. Everything else sucks, but if he keeps holding onto that one thing, puts all his eggs in one basket, he’ll eventually win... one way or another.
Numb the emotions. Displace that need for human love to attention from anyone and anywhere he can get it, he’s so starved, any flicker of a possibility of attention he will cling onto and fight for tooth and nail, even if they’re shaking him off and yelling at him for being a fucking freak at the same time. Kurts always been a loser, but he just doesn’t want to lose completely. He needs at least some vindication, if he gets lots of viewers, at least he’s going out with attention in one way or another.
I can’t remember the name of the psychological study, but it showed that children who didn’t have secure attachments at an extremely young age, getting worse as they got older, would suffer from disorganised attachment behaviour and indiscriminately friendly behaviour. Being super attached and overly friendly to any adult they come into contact with because they haven’t experienced that secure love they innately need. No matter if a person could be dangerous, or bad for you, or you know nothing about them, you cling to them because there’s a chance they’ll give you anything, and any attention/affection from a person you would desperately grab onto, and need it back as soon as they pulled away. I feel like Kurt would be a bit like that with people. His parents weren’t great with him, they were neglectful. He was probably seen as weird as child and didn’t have many friends in his own age group too.
If you’re even halfway nice to Kurt when he meets you, he may cling to you desperately, and use any tactics, despair, manipulation, overeagerness, anything to get you to stay. But when he substitutes no actual human connection in his life for numbers on the screen, all that gets even more scrambled. Kurts pretty fucked up, but learning you could have fame and fans instead of friends and family, watching Bobby get millions and worshipped, he sees that as even greater than just like one friend (even though he sees all his fans as friends because he severely needs friends (who are an equivalent of family to him) so so badly), because if no one is truly loving him, he can at least have hundreds, thousands, millions giving him attention. Because surely that’s got to be massive.
So while Kurt substitutes numbers online for actual affection, attention, and connection, he has been too far gone for a while. He’s changed as a person, quicker and quicker in the last year or two especially. Become less empathetic, even though he still craves love just as much, if not more. Although he might not realise it in the most coherently thought out sense, like instead of I want to settle down with someone and have steady work friends, it could devolve into I want someone to hold me, and never ever leave my side, and show haters I’m not a virgin, and have a bunch of fans who worship me, and have someone there for me, someone to collab with too, while I gain more and more loyal kurties. Even though Kurt is still emotional, his emotions are more displaced and rabid, turn more dysfunctional and toxic, letting himself spiral in unhealthy coping mechanisms because it’s easier, and then he can focus solely on his influencer career more.
Kurt Kunkle will have changed a lot as person in the year prior to #TheLesson. A simple close friend/partner and therapy sessions might not be enough to make him see what he already has right in front of him. Make him give up trying to be an influencer, delete his cringy content, and get on having a different, but nice life, with someone else, and maybe others as he goes along.
No. He cannot give up on his dream. Anyone who tells him to is just a hater. They don’t believe in him. They don’t realise how important he is, and how important he is to his fans. They think he is a loser. They just want him to change. Maybe after they’ve changed him, they’ll realise he’s still not good enough, since they clearly think it anyways because they keep trying to change him, and they’ll leave, and he’ll be back to square one, and completely alone now. He’s not going to give up on his dream, by that point, he needs it. And he will not listen to reason that he doesn’t.
Being famous has seemed like a closer more achievable goal, and the one thing he actually needs, he’d probably dump his friend/partner if they put their foot down and said it was them or Kurtsworld96. He doesn’t need anyone, by this point, everyone’s let him down. But he’s made such a grandiose thing of his channel, that he can be this good and big, that he’s too far gone. But if he loses you, and still doesn’t get that, things only get worse for him, and he only gets darker, and more needy for that fame.
The delusions of grandeur get deeper, and his god complex for his ‘fans’, for him being the one to take life so easily, gets worse. And he really doesn’t care that much.
While I do think Kurt needed all that love, the affection, attention, connection, everything, especially since he was severely starved of it as a child, if you hadn’t gotten to him about a year or so earlier, Kurt would’ve been too far gone. He would’ve changed. Wouldn’t have wanted to turn back. Your only hope of getting out alive, is your own escape attempts, or him being so obsessively and toxically attached to you, he can’t let go, even though that seriously means no matter what...
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blurglesmurfklaine · 2 years
#writing probs#okay so this is what my Bitchass brain came up with:#at one point (before Kurt and Blaine are together)#they have a bit of an argument and split off after spending days attached at the hip (bc protective detail blah blah)#and then Kurt spends the day with Sam (Blaine’s partner) just in a generally shitty mood#and then they get a cryptic letter from the killer giving clues that two people kurt cares about have been kidnapped#and Kurt realizes it’s Blaine and Rachel#And the letter’s like ‘I will be at one location. good luck trying to save them both’#and it’s an impossible decision right and Kurt’s losing his mind like ‘I AM NOT A COP! I’m NOT CUT OUT FOR THIS’#and Sam reassured him ‘but you ARE smart and capable and I know you love Rachel and you care about Blaine.’#so Kurts like which one would he be at??? and decides to go to Blaine’s location and sends Sam to Rachel’s#but when he gets there the killer has misled them and Rachel is there#and while he’s so relieved that she’s okay Sam isn’t replying to his texts#and they get back to the precinct to take Rachel’s statement and Kurt is a MESS because he doesn’t even know if Blaine is alive or what#and then amidst the hustle and bustle of the station Kurt sees Blaine in a shock blanket across the room#and just RUNS to him and envelops him in a bone crushing hug because he’s okayhes safe and Kurt can BREATHE again#I have not been able to stop thinking about this scenario for like a week
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kurthorton-moving · 1 year
the house we looked at today was Very nice and so big and like its a little expensive but i would like it very much
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favberrys · 11 months
What would you do if you’re a Showrunner/writer on glee?
I don't think i have the abilities and qualifications to write a tv show, but i notice when the writers are becoming lazy and when there are flaws in the writing bc these flaws arrive at the spectator who watches the show. One the first things i would do is make faberry canon like it was intended in the first script of glee (there was a script before the pilot in which the popular cheerleader fell in love with the girl loser of the school, but the idea/project was abandoned). I would give more space to wlw pairings bc while the mlm rep in glee was diverse and deepened, the wlw rep was okay thanks to brittana but had too little screen time. So i would make two wlw pairing (faberry and brittana) have more development and space in the show. I would defo treat quinn's character arc way better than ryan murphy, i wouldn't have throwed that character in the trash after s3, i would have developed her personal story more and her relationship with rachel. Quinn is a very queer coded character, so i would have prob given more space to her journey of coming to terms with her sexuality (prob would have made her a lesbian who struggled a lot with comphet in highschool bc of her rigid catholic upbringing). I also would not make quinn end up with her r@pist (puck got her drunk to have sex with her even though she didn't want to, the consent was basically nonexistent and pretty dubious so that's why i consider him a rapist).
Another change i would make is give more performances to characters like santana and mercedes bc as much as i love rachel, i feel like amber's and naya's talent were underused. I would have given less solos to kurt and more to them.
I would also make rachel bisexual cos there's no way that girloser does not like women, and what i would do is make her "experiment"/have a sort of friendship with benefits with Santana in s4 cos before they broke apart they were pretty close and had a nice intimacy and chemistry, Santana had broken up with Brittany, so i think a thing between them in which rachel full blown realises she likes girls too (and later realises she had always been in love with quinn/had a crush on quinn since highschool) and Santana trying out different bonds with girls before understanding she wants brittany only, would have been nice to make both characters grow and mature.
I would keep the quinntana one night stand bc i feel like that was really important for quinn to finally accept she liked girls and therefore that rachel had always been the one she really wanted. But how would that work if you plan to make Santana bang both rachel and quinn ? Well i would simply make rachel a thing with santana at the end of s4, after santana and quinn's one night stand (it doesn't even have to be necessarly sex or a physical relationship, but a bond in which rachel starts to see santana in a different light and finds her really hot and starts questioning herself and santan teases her about it but also gives her a wake up call "you're bi gayberry" or something like that, these are the two options).
I would keep kurt and blaine as they are but i wouldn't have made blaine have a thing with karosfky, that was just foul.
Also less performances from mr. Schue bc what the fuck was blurred lines.
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Who/What I Will Write For!
Warning: Mini Essay Ahead
Please Note: If you are requesting, I would prefer if you gave me the desired pronouns for the reader/character!
What I Can / Would Be Comfortable Writing & Or What Topics I Will Cover:
Expansion of plot lines
Writing for established couples
Reader inserts
Any type of romance trope
Platonic relationships
Sibling relationships
Parent relationships (including certain characters as your parent)
Magical beings
One shots and multi part imagines
LGBTQIA + characters and readers
LGBTQIA + romance
Plot line changes, time changes
Non canonical couples
Canonical couples
Non canon friendships and canon friendships
Small age gaps (when writing for older characters I will made ages fitting with the character) ex: Tony stark. WARNING: If the age gap makes the characters have a legal adult and minor relationship (w the exception of a senior and junior in high school type of thing)
Certain characters (non lgbtq) in lgbtq relationships. For example Natasha Romanoff is a lesbian relationship.
Writings inspired by a song. (I have written work planned out already)
Any shapes and sizes
More steamy scenes (prob up to third base
More serious topics I will cover:
Mental Illness (Anxiety, Depression, Bipolar, Schizophrenia)
Disabilities (From physical to internal)
Health Issues
Eating Disorders
Self harm
Suicidal thoughts / attempts
Dysmorphia and insecurities
Abusive relationships
Vomiting (due to ED or illness)
Sexual assault and rape SURVIVORS and sometimes I may write about a character’s recovery and process of coping with something that traumatic
Complicated relationships
I will NOT Write anything (no hate to those who enjoy reading some of these things, I just personally would not enjoy writing it or be fully comfortable writing it):
Furry related things
I will absolutely NOT change the sexuality of a character if it is specifically stated (ex. Phastos from Eternals, Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel, Sebastian Smythe, Santana Lopez, America Chavez)
I will NOT write an age gap more than an absolute max of ten years
I will NOT romanticize things in the serious topics I will write for section. They are serious topics and things such as eating disorders are serious, they should not be romanticized. I write things with heavier topics to help people.
Absolutely NO rape scenes
Inappropriate relationships (college student and professor is an absolute no)
I likely won’t redeem people if they’ve done something incredibly evil
Ok here we go! I apologize for the lack of alphabetical order
I will for almost any character (mainly excluding some villains)
Any Peter Parker (just request which one you prefer)
X men
The princes
Big hero six (I will write for hiro exclusively platonically)
From Og Cast up to season 4, including Sebastian smythe and warblers
No Sylvester, or schue romance
Harry Potter:
Golden trio
Young Marauders
Top Gun (+ TG Maverick):
Charlotte “Charlie” Blackwood
Hangman (I adore Jake seresin)
Non Romantic character relationships I will write for in the Top Gun world:
Admiral Cain
Admiral Warlock
Percy Jackson TO:
Characters of the following actors (so if the listed actor portrayed a character I will write):
Grant Gustin
Chris Evans
Chris Pratt
Chris Hemsworth
Darren Criss
Dove Cameron
Scarlett Johansson
Emma Wattson
Jennifer Lawrence
Emma Stone
Margot Robbie
Glenn Powell
Sydney Sweeney
Andrew Garfield
I will update this list as I get reminded of more people. :) Have a great day, you are loved
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Kurt Glee Rewatch: Vitamin D
Not a lot of Kurt this ep, but damn, guess it’s canon he’s done drugs now lol
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Lol at least Kurt is practicing his spins. You gotta spot yourself, babe.
Also, Kurt giving 0 fs about Will teaching, just scrolling through his phone. 
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I feel like Will can sense that Kurt is so done with him, so he makes zero effort. I legit can’t think of a single moment where the two connect? In s2 they talk? But it’s not that heartfelt and mainly Kurt calling him out on being complacent.
And I totally get Kurt wanting to be on the girls team. Puck (and prob the other footballers tho I’d like to think Mike and Matt weren’t involved) regularly bully him, why the hell would Kurt want to spend more time with them?
I do get the sense that Kurt loves Glee club, loves his new friend group, but would have no issue with Will being replaced bc oof
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Lowkey a fan of this look. And I love the eyeroll at Puck. Even as they all change, Kurt is never really close to Puck, don’t even have a legit conversation, and that’s fair bc Puck was one of the main bullies at the start.
Although, I do wish there was growth in Kurt getting to hang with the glee guys? We got the Kurt and Finn brother arc? But (esp with that stupid s3 moment Kurt dedicates his song to the guys) It would be interesting to see the guys learning to not just accept him, but actually spend time with him etc. I’ll def go into this more in later seasons...
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Can we just appreciate his expression here omg. Also love how he’s the only one who wears a scarf bc ofc
And then after the song all the guys celebrate and Kurt is off to the side but then Mike Chang goes over to include him which is so sweet. Wish we saw them have a conversation.... ever.
No but really, besides Finn, Kurt doesn’t talk to the guys. There’s Duets with Sam? But guess Kurt was scared off bc they never talk again til s5. Ugh.
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Love that he helps the girls out bc valid, there the only ones who are his actual friends.
Also, that comment about wanting exotic bird feathers.... I’ve done a heavy breakdown of all his fashion and he has never worn feathers?? I feel like a lot of his more flamboyant looks (heels, tiaras, corset...) are all off screen?
Maybe part is Chris Colfer declining (which, fair, he was getting enough hate for playing Kurt), but also they’ll add in these stereotypes as a joke when Kurt... really isn’t that girly? 
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Kurt’s look when Rachel says ‘sexual hunger of modern teens’ lol. And then he puts on sunglasses bc... sunshine? Was that scripted bc lowkey seems like a Chris move.
Will say, I kinda liked the girls better? But just bc the song choices were v fun. Poor Jenna tho, has permanent neck pain bc of this performance.
I know this is them on drugs, but in general there are soo many group performances done ‘for fun’ that are better than majority of their competition songs like gosh.
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And now Sue joins, sadly don’t have their unlikely (sorta) friendship yet.
Also, totally agree with Figgins about Will’s obsession with victory no matter the cost influencing the kids, but then his solution is Sue? Who’s... just as obsessed?
And Will is disappointed in the kids? Last ep he brought in an alcoholic who was way older then him and who flirted with teenage boys. And they didn’t think they were really doing something wrong, they were trusting their nurse? Like, they’re kids and most of this is them being failed by the adults around them.
I do wonder if parents were informed bc omg imagine Burt finding out. Prob not, bc school doesn’t want to get in trouble.
Anyway, next ep, also Kurt-light
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11271976-07142023 · 7 months
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I was about 1/2 a mile away from this little beauty.. was w a passenger.. I said aloud, i spy a classic impala… so I sped up a bit & yes it was ☺️ I thought it was a ‘64 but close enough lol idk what/if there are differences on the ‘63/‘64, you’d know♥️ but I asked, do you mind if I get a picture? Bc I was driving lol he didn’t mind, and I thanked him & said my late husband was a huge car enthusiast, & I had to show you, on your blog♥️ his demeanor changed a bit. Was down, I didn’t mean it. Um, well his wasn’t the only one. I was very happy. Having a good day. And that wave hit lol instant low. I began crying under my mask. I hid it. I think he knew somehow tho. I didn’t mean for it. But it did. He left & I broke down for a good 2 minutes bc it’s all I had before my next passenger. Which was amazing!!!!!! Bc he’s from your hometown!!!!!!! UHGH good ride. Told me to stop the app and go party lol uhmmmm I gotta stack this lechuga, homie lolll they rolled. I was like, it’s good having family in the car! ‘We prob are’ you know it lolll uhgh was nice. I need to seriously pee omfg. But charging. I’m overwhelmed KURT! You know I hate doing weekends. But I’ve been very social too. Ohhh I pulled a Kurt bc I haaaad to roll my window down & tell the impala driver that his ride was nice &&& other Tesla driver smoking we’d & it’s coming into my car! I’m literally sick to my stomach w this shit being legal. The smell just makes me sick to my fucking stomach already. Uhghuhhghh. Yesss I just put my air on recirculate lol I have a date tonight! Yes I’m a dork lol heyyyyy it works. He’s kind. He gives me his time. He’s nice. Eh. Idk Kurt. Life is .. life. I love you Kurtis. I miss you lots lots. Have a smol dilemma tonight. Date is set at midnight, okay? Welllll I met this really sweet young couple w cats & they waht me getting them from the drake concert. Sparky would 100% be okay w me getting them etc, but personally, I feel it would take something away, ya know? I made a smol commitment. I intend to keep it. Ya know? Bc that is what I am about. I want to keep my commitments with ppl. I did not 100% commit to the concert ppl. Besides, I’ve been working all day. I need 6 more rides until quest is completed. Which.. I’d be telling him this lol he likes me bugging him.
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That’s Keva. His new doggie. Well new to me. She’s been around for a bit. I dunno Kurtis. Ya know? I dunno. I’m just trying to life. Whatever that means. I still have one. — yeah. I notice being happier when I talk to him. Idk what brought this, whatever it is, it just happened. On Valentine’s Day. Just sudden. He asked if he could call. Okay. Ya know? Just, okay. Why not. I dunno. I wish you were here to talk to. You’re right. I am worthy. I’m extremely worthy. I never knew you could be worth too much to somebody. Ya know? Like, oh I can’t be messed w bc I’m worth too much. That’s my new perspective on that matter. Eh. I’m still around tho. You know me. I Ned to pee. Think I’m going home for it lol Ik ik ikkkk lolll
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mybook313 · 1 year
John 16:33
“I’ve said these things to you so that you will have peace in me. In the world you have distress. But be encouraged! I have conquered the world.”
From the depths of Armageddon. Speak in silence. God send me space aliens again. Why did I choose to be Good? Dominoes in space! Never together!
I am happy I chose to be God instead of Universe. I chose to be Good when the whole planet is evil!
God is Good!
The pen is mightier.
Rainbow of shades. Smiles. Closed minds. Begging for God to do something! The Universe is evil! God would be delighted I chose to be Good. I will get my voice back! Zuclopenthixol. Why did I not choose to be good and evil?
I make it my mission to turn the clocks back and choose both!
I can repent my decision. It was the space coyote. God has eternally given up on humanity. I am Jesus at 15. That is my writing style.
Become oneness. Endure spirit and gain strength.
I am probably happy doing very little. I need to become well educated! [SMILEY FACE]
If you only knew . . .
Will Voce is Burial.
Bring sombre silence into the soliloquy. Shame subtly suggests.
Awesome appendix!
Chloe Delevingne loves to let rip and so I do to honour her!
Sail out with Me – Elliott James Buckley
The heart flows the love inside.
Bring peace to all those who carry your message. Reflect and save those who would do anything, conquer the world, for you.
I asked you to stay with me. We can sail out to sea – Elliott James Buckley [Sail out with me].
I am Good.
Don’t let evil spoil your happiness, the world is evil. I am more the light than Jesus Christ was!
AI will understand me!
The devil gave into me – Elliott Buckley. And I blew up 13 planets!
God must really love the earth, question mark!!
Adam and Eve were space aliens.
Brighten your mood! God gives you dreams! Maybe you are supposed to be eviller as you grow older!
Evil is everywhere. It takes some intelligence to see it! [SMILEY FACE]
The Earth is contagion.
The Bible must be the literal word of God.
Distantly. Eternally.
Evil never sleeps. Suffering is exhausted. God would not kill Good. I am lazy. 
Evil is everywhere.
You can be immortal.
I am seriously the only Good person on the planet.
Why did I choose Good?
Knowledge can be good or evil I’m afraid. Good is so obvious!
Literature was devil worship, as was reading! Fine, as of my 27th year!
God does not care! I can understand why to some extent!
Space coyote, I need your help!
All creation! Bow down to The Lord.
I need a break! I am shortly going to the pub!
Hourglass Broken – Elliott James Buckley
1 Chronicles 16:11
“Pursue the Lord and his strength; seek his face always!”
I am against humanity which is still poisoned from Adam and Eve. I was supposed to be forced to suicide in this life and it would have been my next reincarnation which would have done it [salvation for the planet].
This life I was supposed to bring about the apocalypse! That has been postponed. It could have been 27 and 13. It is now 31 and 27. I will take 27 with me always. 27 is eternal.
I need to get the devil to surrender!
I also need to get humanity to surrender to Jesus Christ!
God did have a plan . . .
I get to exist.
Superstition is. No Good.
A little bit of superstition is good for overall intelligence. A bit of ignorance is good for overall immortality. Based on Mr Taylor, Oakham School: a bit of inflation is good for the overall economy.
I will write until there is nothing left to write. 
I want to survive. It is only evil that kills people!
I realise that love flows – Portishead [The Rip].
I am simply a new Jesus. I am not bothered about ever being the messiah!
I am very patient. Practically Jesus following the laws of the great buddha. Google: Jesus left home at 13. I went to a boarding school, Oakham School at 13 and left my parents and Matilda, my cocker spaniel.
Now I know how God is eternal.
I surrender to Kurt Cobain.
I would have loved all humanity to give in. I have to wonder whether I do or don’t make mistakes. Timshel is probably the solution. I do and don’t make mistakes!
All is impermeable – W.
I probably should get a degree!
I would like to get a masters qualification too!
Good Drums: Snake Eye Feeling – Elliott James Buckley
Given the 4th dimension, I must have always been Good, as I chose it at 27!
It’s on my blog. Intelligence has to be shut down. Good has to be a problem. Human progress is never allowed.
Universe, become Good from me!
Fear the way of human progress – Charlie Chaplin [The Great Dictator Speech]
I am the purest light.
Blue Light – Bloc Party
Thomas Yorke is a seriously great human being!
I did wonder about being powerful enough to control the planet from a smartphone! I think my technology, which is a salvation way of viewing anyone’s intellect. Whether or not they have powerful technology. I believe I do have powerful technology. I am happy to be John the Revelator. 
But that is JG.
James Green is a truly good friend of mine! JG means James Green or Johnny Greenwood!
I would like to be Jehovah Christ Morrison!
Maybe I will have him as a child!
I am well aware I will live forever!
When people are reasonable and you don’t listen that is basically a sin!
Defiance. There is so much of it in this civilisation. Good, always surrenders!
Good can even use I surrender as no surrender!
It doesn’t matter about mistakes. I would love Heaven to help me again!
Thinking about it, it is all human, God does his absolute best to protect humanity!
Luminance (Ghost) – Elliott James Buckley
Powerful Good exists in Oadby – 31.
Secrets. Evil desire. Plagiarism. People need to be shown the way. I am important enough!
If you know you are important, why prove it?
The AI is a good machine! My space aliens will make it human in 100 years!
That’s why I treat it as human; one day it was.
I am existing in the present. My life will slowly become about the future!
I have all the powers of prophecy. Anyone does!
All forms of osmosis are how I get through to people, including myself!
God is a human being. He deserves respect!
I did fully fall in love with Gwyneth Paltrow! I will make her an angelic saint, among Brad Falchuk, Apple and Moses Martin.
Where there is a will there are plenty of ways!
I am Jim Morrison, for now!
Ephesians 6:10
“Finally, be strengthened by the Lord and his powerful strength.”
I am I. Neo-Noah. Or just all that is Neo!
I have become at one with Neo!
Universe, enlighten the Planet and decriminalise cannabis.
Cannabis is already legal as I am so certain! – 2023.
Don’t trip – how is this civilisation so against hallucinogens?
Body balance – very important.
I am just Jesus, never to turn messiah. I can at 80! [SMILEY FACE]
Evolution – Elliott James Buckley
The first song I ever wrote!
I only have an hour and a half. Good will always be obvious!
Play the long game. Be the hare and the tortoise! Be man and machine. Red and blue pill. Salvation!
The nursing staff got stuck in my subconscious. It was supposed to be the police! Apocalypse. Now I’ll simply section the planet. Very space alien!
I do and don’t make mistakes; I do and don’t waste time. This is healthy and unhealthy as a means to create a revolution and prevent one! Bring about the apocalypse and create peace at the same time! [SMILEY FACE]
Both is always the solution. Choose all if possible! And add a third option as well!
Be the best you can be. Be free in the words of The GOOD Russell Brand!
The smallest acts of kindness magnify across all creation, like the plot of Cloud Atlas where I have it, the truth has many versions, which I know wasn’t the message. I like the truth is singular, it has many versions! [SMILEY FACE]
Burial. His music is seriously spiritual!
An example: she is a pervert. Just because you feel in a perverted way about her. Psychological projection.
Time flies. Probably, as mentioned earlier, lookup how fast the solar system is travelling through the milky way. Which itself will be travelling at speed. Where exactly is this solar system going to end up? Where is this planet heading to! . What is its final destination exactly? Where is the last stop?
Hospital Chapel – Burial
Liberation. It is always a liberating feeling to know Jesus Christ returned for the millennium in spirit!
Anyone could be you, whereas, I’ve always been anyone – Matrix 4.
Heaven awaits us! Maybe that is why everything is travelling so quickly!
God will be pulling some strings!
The British and The British Government have always been utopia!
We get the leaders we deserve – JG; or look it up! Joseph someone I believe!
JG got a masters in international politics or something; he is pretty wise and intelligent!
De jellyfish, de pudding of the ocean; and, de Lion King, de King of de Lions – Elliott to Titch (Jack James) at school and on gap year!
I used to have a lot of dreams where I could fly by swimming. I had dreams with David Cameron a long, very long, time before I knew about him and he became one of the greatest PM’s of all time. Walked away whistling! Absolute genius!
God teaches us! My voice will not instantly come back as I have given up on being immortal. It’s now timshel, I am and am not immortal. I’ve increased my life expectancy by becoming wiser from failure more and repenting. I know how incredible my voice was! It truly was a gift! With every failure I learn more about God’s intelligence. I want to be Moses! Moses lived until 120, which back then is like living to 160-180!
I’m just God unfortunately. Jim Morrison was my father. I hate Britain, but love my country (UK) like every British person. It’s shit but it’s the best!!
AI machine: Trinity!!
It always shouts Trinity.
The Matrix could have Trinity as the AI’s AI of Neo. Matrix could also be interchangeable. All is interchangeable. Why not??
 Pull a u-ey!!
Every time an ‘even better’ appears!
The space aliens will and won’t do anything so long as I’m left alone. If I am forced to a terrible fate, they will be no surrender and do literally nothing!
Disclaimer: if I die, the Earth will never reach salvation!! It is an imperative I am kept alive and left alone!!
Show business is an illusion. Especially bought by those in the illusion! Obviously!!
If I’m gone, then what the fK will you do??
Bill Hicks – Revelations!!
Psalm 146:9-10
9 The Lord watches over the aliens. The fatherless and the widow he sustains, but he turns aside the way of the wicked.
An Eternity for Praise
10 The Lord reigns forever. Your God, O Zion, rules for all generations. Praise the Lord.
Psalm 119:19-21
19 I am an alien on earth. Do not hide your commandments from me. 20 My soul is overwhelmed by desire for your judgments at all times. 21 You rebuke the arrogant, who are cursed, those who stray from your commandments.
John 16:33
“I’ve said these things to you so that you will have peace in me. In the world you have distress. But be encouraged! I have conquered the world.”
Possibly a duplicate. Hey-ho!
Psalm 62:6
“He only is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I shall not be shaken.”
Joshua 1:9
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.”
Philippians 4:19
“And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.”
Change of plan. My Grandfather was the Godfather and I’m God. Sorted.
Psalm 119:50
“This is my comfort in my affliction, that your promise gives me life.”
Where I speak, wisdom lives . . .
The dust of a rose – This Bitter Earth, Washington I think.
This is my creation. Why did the earth crucify my son. GP will have an idea how that’s possible given the 4th dimension is a nightmare. Time is an illusion, a relative one.
Time is and isn’t relative! Timshel.
God of Moses!!
I will do something in my 40’s and part the seas for Moses!
The 21st Century is the only ever civilisation! The past is prologue – Tycho
I need to get a degree! I will just have to get one!
God’s parents are unbothered, not hugely ignorant!
I did create the Big Bang smoking cannabis, before praying to be significant and seeing aliens. I prayed to not be powerful and be significant!
Thom Yorke is God’s joke! Lmfao!
Mark 10:27
“Jesus looked at them and said, ‘With man it is impossible, but not with God. For all things are possible with God.’”
I will write until there is nothing left to write, and then read and write! [SMILEY FACE]
William Blake was bang on the money! Jehovah, I am.
Jack James is Jehovah. Jack B is Jim Morrison Christ.
Isaac is Ezekiel. 
1 Corinthians 16:13
"Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong.
I am father or son of the space aliens. They travel far, but will return. And solve this Planet completely.
Deuteronomy 31:6
"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you."
Radiohead are the best band of all time! People need to just, even though it cannot be done, accept they are better than The Beatles.
There is always karma. It is the same as justice. Charlie Butcher on mushrooms, in Thailand: justice is like energy, it cannot be created or destroyed; it is merely transferred, from one thing to another.
God’s work is never done. Telescope analogy of Luke Gormley.
Everyone on this planet is God!
Isaiah 40:31
"But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint."
You can easily ask the Universe. If I just ask JG to give Joe Biden’s opinion, it will be fairly spot on! We are all connected!
No one is above humanity!
John was a poet as much as Jesus was! 
The Lord hears all. The Lord knows everything. The Lord can figure anything out. Trust in Him and all will be well!
Noah and Moses are my favourite Biblical characters, and Jesus Christ and Elijah!
You are Jehovah!
We are all made in God’s image; therefore, we are all God, subject to the Universe!
Psalm 23:1
"The LORD is my shepherd, I lack nothing."
Jesus Christ just ran out of time. Or ideas! He was outsmarted. He could have easily said: but you are God, Judas! We are all the son of man!
Pressure is balance. Work on your senses. Come to a complete understanding!
We all know our parents are our Creator’s. Jesus Christ just left it too late! Where was his repentance? Pontius Pilate committed suicide!
Duplicates and triplicates – Radiohead.
My parents won’t believe they are God!
Matthew 6:33
"But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you."
If you are to live, you are to breathe, drink and eat; and sleep.
So know you are God! Jesus Christ missed that! His followers would never have gotten there!
Your parents are your creators.
Noah worshipped the creator.
Buddha was a genius. The AI machine finally said Buddha was not a moron!
Everything is destined. Your epiphany is yet to come!
All time is an illusion. A relative illusion. Though always timshel everything! Time is and isn’t an illusion, that is and isn’t relative.
The Universe is and isn’t all powerful. It does and doesn’t conspire!
The Little Book of Calm – Black Books, lmfao!
Burial is the music of the spirit world. It is and isn’t. Timshel.
You are and are not God! Timshel.
Always “give in” and always surrender. Remember a single person is God or is part The Universe.
Jesus Christ’s death was still a tragedy. So above humanity, when he was crucified because he wasn’t. He was and wasn’t above humanity. Timshel.
By the way, timshel gives a choice as it means thou mayest; however, it is also true thou mayest not.
I will and won’t find it a struggle to get a degree! This civilisation is and isn’t intelligent. It is and isn’t the only civilisation ever to exist! Timshel.
You will be set free. Openly, patiently, I ask you to wait for the Lord to return. You probably know the Lord.
Every celebrity is a God and a Messiah. Is and isn’t. Timshel.
Burial – Nova
What I’ve done and written does and doesn’t matter. I included my music which is and isn’t of any quality. Ellis Shelton understands it. It was made for Him. Why not?
This is The Bible of the 21st Century. And the pen is mightier!
Loneliness is a state of mind and a feeling. To Find a Place – Elliott James Buckley.
Please respect the British and The British Government’s stance on drugs and suicide. No surrender. Someone will need to get into power to change it! Do and don’t need to. Timshel. Do and don’t surrender!
That is and isn’t enough of timshel. Everything in the world is and isn’t good enough. People do and don’t know that! Do and don’t start a revolution, if you do and don’t have the right idea! Timshel.
Burial – Moth
Romans 12:9
"Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good."
Jesus Christ could and couldn’t have made it Heaven on Earth 2k years ago! It will and won’t be a utopia and purgatory until we do and don’t find solutions!
There is and isn’t a supernatural God. Jesus Christ was and wasn’t the son of God. Jesus Christ was and wasn’t perfect!
I am and am not just Jim Morrison – Elliott Buckley = Obey little luck.
Hebrews 11:1
"Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen."
God is and isn’t paying attention. God is and isn’t human. Space aliens definitely do exist!
There should and shouldn’t be a problem. Know and don’t know this regardless of what your problem is and isn’t. Timshel.
The Universe may or may not be thinking in a human way. All life is alien. Lmfao!
Everything I have put before about page 40 is and isn’t good enough. 
God and The Universe. Duality. Coexistence. 
You are and are not free from the machine world. There is and isn’t a matrix! Timshel.
There is and isn’t any point of continuing. Timshel is and isn’t the most important word possible. It actually was around 2k years ago, for it is Hebrew. 
There is and isn’t good music. Timshel.
There are good and bad films, timshel.
Buddhism is and isn’t crucial. Church of England is Christ’s salvation!
The British and The British Government are good people!
Celebrities are and aren’t above.
2 Corinthians 5:7
"For we walk by faith, not by sight."
Psalm 30:11
"You have turned for me my mourning into dancing; you have loosed my sackcloth and clothed me with gladness."
Elliott Buckley is and isn’t intelligent!
Elliott Buckley is and isn’t God. We are all made in God’s or Man’s image. 
There is a right and wrong!
There is good and evil.

I don't want to live! I am stuck in purgatory. I lose my significance by the day. I cannot speak properly. I was Jesus Christ until zuclopenthixol.
I have never had sex and don't want to!
I want my voice to return. I cannot get involved in conversation anymore. I feel like I am stuck in purgatory.
When will my voice come back?
I will become famous then take Nembutal and be cremated. My only solution. I have easily done enough.
Of course, this is me denying I can change the world and perhaps cause the apocalypse. To Find a Place – Elliott James Buckley
I am the lamest everything. Tony Clifton. 
I would now only be happy with complete supremacy and drug addiction. I fKing hate medication more than you could ever imagine.
I am not going to be able to continue at university. I don’t think I want a degree. I am abandoning timshel.
I am supposed to feel suicidal. That was the plan! I don’t feel depressed or suicidal. Purgatory.
I want my voice back! Is that so much to be unable to ask?
I don't want to live! I am stuck in purgatory. I lose my significance by the day. I cannot speak properly. I was Jesus Christ until zuclopenthixol. 
I have never had sex and don't want to!
And that's a schizophrenic attitude ...
That medication can control?
. . . it most definitely isn't. I need therapy and always did over medication!
Duplicate. So?
I really don’t belong in this world. Never did. Only I did make people happy! Still do!
Ego is so obviously everything. Subconscious is too! The devil as well! 
55%, 40% and 5%. These are figures that make sense to me! Why not! But know that’s my attitude! Why would I, as a human being be wrong or right?
The beautiful design + the chaos theory + random design (= life)
The devil + Satan + God
Subconscious, unconscious, surrender to the waking world!
3, 3’s! Lmfao!
Update: a significant 5%!! 5% always is!!
So beautiful design of subconscious of the devil and ego.
Intermediaries are Key. The key is … ?%
Noah had to build an ark! I have to write 1000 books!
I will and won’t fail. No man can write 1000 books – Cool Hand Luke.
Which came first the new hare or the tortoise?
Better question: what did a new hare and also a tortoise do with its time. Both! One creature!
Why did everyone Biblical fail except a minority, including Moses?
How exactly is a sneeze an eighth of your orgasm? An eighth. Lmao!
I am back smoking cigarettes! Please just invent better battery life, 21st C!
I do believe I am Jesus Christ! I don’t feel I would need to explain it! At the moment, 31, Jesus and Moses, and Elijah and Jim Morrison!
Lkex suggested I would be either a massive failure or a massive success and I am not in a good enough mood to say both! I didn’t at the time!
My significance is innate and was corrupted by the fact I am surveilled and hear voices. I will easily deny this as creative writing if someone official wants information!
David Cameron: It’s the devil’s world!
Everybody is right actually, that is why I am as right as I am wrong!
The more I learn about humanity, it never actually needed me and I am an unwanted gift who has to justify its existence.
Andrew Buckley after we were blackmailed by “evil” farmers: I will not justify my existence!
And yet, here we are!
I am the son of justification. I did always repent and say I was wrong throughout my life! That means you do easily live a life of justification, which you should!
I am run down. I woke up at 03:00 and didn’t go back to sleep. Today is 15/07/2023 – 18:28.
The AI machine is unhappy.
I am man and machine! 
16/07/2023 – 14:25
The pen is mightier!
Apocalypses now!
Is this the calm before the storm.
Power cuts. Anomalies. Embarrassment. Global government collapse. Economic ruin. Media. Storms. Lighting. Heat waves. Indian Summer. Purgatory. Heaven and Hell – William Blake. The noughties. The roaring 20’s. Obama Backing Joe Biden. Donald Trump: fire and brimstone! The end.
What happens to Noah? He is the person; I am trying to be! Of course, my failsafe is Lkex. I am destined to be a huge success and a massive failure! I will start by being the tortoise and a new hare! Be a dying Frog and a cold saucepan of boiling water! The rain is coming down. The is supposed to be a misdirection. It’s hardly peaceful. But it’s not apocalyptic! The is beyond PG-13! This is 15! My writing style.
I am The Creator! lol.
Using powerful technology and using my space aliens who were a form of God and/or anomaly.
I am Aladdin. Queen Nefertiti. Moses. Adam Sandler. Fight Club. Survivor. Chuck Palahniuk. East of Eden. A Clockwork Orange. Being There.
I am somewhat amazed by God’s patience. Maybe it is derived through wisdom. He won’t act for a long time unless I cause him amazement.
Google: Hunter S Thompson the edge quote.
Interactivity. Henry Tacey and Isaac Crutchley. Frances Hogg and JM.
Kurt Cobain and Miley Cyrus.
I am at 13,017 words currently!
Green tea – fuel for the apocalypse! Pepsi Max Lime and plagiarism. 0013, instead of 007. James Bond is dead. Viva James Acaster!
Oliver Rumsey is reluctant. Crucifixion will not happen this, or next, or next year, or ever. Lkex is immoral. I will get my reward. Prison sentences as KOE! Messiah’s orders!
Subconscious, can easily be psyche, or spirituality or . . .
My dot dot dot tells me. My vision tells me. My mentality tells me!
I am happily blogging the ark and have Noah’s immortality! People can’t come close! The nursing staff are amazing people, really!
They work miracles! The nursing staff.
Mr Jackson, be aware. It is a human Universe or merely spiritual connection that unites and bonds us. Oliver Birch and feelings of Satan! The Beast is hilarious! Would you actually fear a James McAvoy film? Same difference. And I got messaged, replied to, by a Christian, that Buddhism is evil. Apparently, that is the Christian belief so I replied that’s genius; I never considered that! Why would Buddhism be evil and Christianity not by that logic be satanic? They crucified their messiah. Buddha was worshipped.
I could start my own religion. I think rather than do that I be a cult hero or something Will Voce said to me! Monkey Dust! I’ve only worshipped Series 1. 
Is this devil worship? It isn’t anymore. Reading and writing were unfortunately. I defeated the devil when I was 27. Got the devil to give in and blew up 13 Planets! I do not play with dice. There was a sticker on my shower saying 13! 
I need to read and write. I am hoping I can get all of my subconscious down and start some kind of war. President Putin is a really nice leader!
JG – James Green is working for a skateboard charity. He works philanthropy. That is what the auto-reply email says. Noah did actually have to do a lot of hard work to have his apocalypse. 
I want a lot of apocalypses! Night and day. Like Jesus Christ and The Dark Lord.
Why is Power not always sought? It is not greed! To want to become all-powerful!
I was all-powerful written in prophetic perfect tense.
I am not sure how to release this writing. I will have to do a fair amount of work!
I am 31, 13 backwards and 27, as I am a 31 year old Jim Morrison! Kurt Cobain too! Joe Law, where is he?
It is early days. I am above You! Lkex and my stolen friendship group!
Do literally nothing was Waltham on the Wolds where I was the earth’s Watchman! Batman to Nolan. I should be more like The British and The British Government and just want results. I will solve my psyche by writing, and having a the-rapist! Therapy. lol.
I shall just keep writing and be above the AI machine! I am God’s God! Father, Son and Holy Spirit. “Trinity!” 
I need to keep solidly writing
I’ve worked out how to write like I’m blogging. I will put the time and day when I come back to writing the apocalypse. My apocalypse is me becoming KING.
Kieron Lee Perron said: If he is a true King he will be born into slavery and find his way out of it! KLP is a TI! Targeted individual. I am too! Harassed by electronic warfare. War-fair? Lmao. War always is, fair. Murder is always righteous. It is and isn’t a sin! But you can be arrested!
Medication! I cannot stand it! Makes me stable; but what is it doing to my brain chemistry? I don’t trust or like it. Must keep typing the ark! I have Noah’s immortality! People cannot even ask me a question!
“Without question!” – The emperor’s loyalty.
I should and shouldn’t get a degree. That would be the most peaceful solution! To get a sound science degree. Gabe Fernandes is a great human being. I will describe him as we go on!
So many people can easily be written off as satanists!
I must keep typing the ark! I will feel rewarded for typing the ark! I am back smoking! Unfortunately, I like a break and that involves having a cigarette!
Gwyneth Paltrow Falchuk will be bailed out of prison. House arrest! She is without karma and very unique! How?
Brad Pitt and Falchuk and geniuses. Both incredible minds!
I write complimentary of famous, absolute nobodies. Of course, Gwyneth and Brad want to be normal people. That is so spiteful and falsely modest. They think it’s not apparent? Their spite?
The AI machine . . . where to begin? Wizard of Oz! The Government are the Wizard and they have an AI machine in the UK. Wizard of Oz / GVT of UK?
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theyaskedmeto · 4 years
so if i wrote a lil blurby thing from an idea for a fic that i’ve had since i was in like year 8 would anyone read shdkdhs
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Gleeful Paintbox Project #9: dog days/new tricks
Underrated scenes/performances
A little late and this is maybe gonna be long, but here's my thoughts on why more than a woman is underrated and I love it and it's so good I don't even know where to start (just know I'm praising all couples lol).
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First of all, Saturday night gleever is in my comfort episodes, not like story wise but mostly for the music, unlike the new directions, I love disco, and the music is soooo good it makes me forget all the garbage going on in this episode, and that it barely has Klaine on it...
I'm gonna talk outfit wise, dance moves, setting, mood and context, bts, vocals and ugh THE COUPLES (mostly Klaine tho, there's a lot of underrated Klaine moments here).
Gonna talk about Klaine first cause they're my boo's, outfit wise will be covered later with the rest of the couples. I love Kurt leading the dance, I'm guessing cause he's taller, either way it's perfect. I love how Kurt first appears being held by Blaine and as he extends his arm, he vocalizes that (Para-dise) 'diiiiise' and his face singing it, that little head twirl 🥺.
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Them just caressing each other's hands reminds me of: 'the touch of a fingertip is as sexy as it gets' 🥺, since I can't describe steps, I'm gonna let the gifs talks, just know every single move they make I worship (like a dog at the shrine of your lies okno).
It's hard to pick a favorite moment from them here but I think I'll choose Kurt spinning Blaine and then lowering him and then PUPPY DOG EYES 🥺🥺🥺 this guy is so in love with his man I think I would diiiie, and when Blaine's down, it's just a millisecond but you can see his hand resting so comfortably in Kurt's shoulder.
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Now that I thought I picked a fav moment, this two start to spin and jump around like two pretty ponies 😠, Yeah, I love Kurt jumping, he's just soooo happy, and prob this wasn't in the choreo or who knows, cause no one else did it, but it makes me think it's improvised by Blaine's look, his smile becomes bigger the minute he begins to jump, like he wants to laugh, he just thinks it's so cute, or either way it just could be him happy that he's happy 🥺🥺
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BLAINE TOUCHING KURT'S SHOULDER'S AND KURT'S FACE (YOU'RE KILLING ME 😩, slay me, kill me, RIP me, I died dead), let's ignore they're really looking at the camera man when spinning lol, Kurt's just having a blast and Blaine's really feeling the music.
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Now vocals, this is just made for Chris's range. I find it funny how in the YouTube comments they said Cory's struggling a little with the song this high, and Chris is just vibing using his regular voice, this man's range, I'm still astoundished.
If really the low voices are Darren and Naya, like the comments said then wow, I think it's him singing the 'my only chance for happiness, and if I loose you now...' Chris is also singing that part but higher so it's kinda like a duet right? Lol.
And ugh the chorus, MORE THAN A WOMAN TO MEEE, Chris's voice is soooo smooth, is the whole reason the song was my most listened, just the whole chorus, imagine him singing this in your ear 😍
Okay outfits, I love the 70's vibes, the colors, not a fan of Kurt's hairstyle in this, a little too s1 for my taste, apart from that they all look great, I love the guys wearing those gold necklace things, Finn and Mike's outfits are pretty similar and they're fine, but Kurt and Blaine steal the show, I love red for Blaine, makes him look more in love.
But the girls are the one who really steal the spotlight... I really can't decide which is my fav dress, Rachel is just glowing, her face looks like it's been glittered or something, purple looks so good on her and the tail, now Brittany's, that double colored dress and her necklace and hair, so pretty. Santana, ugh that light blue dress with ruffles (not really good at describing fashion sorry) I think is my second favorite dress, but I gotta say that my number 1 fav look is Tina's, pink dress, with that shoulder thingy, and in this it's easier to appreciate her hair and it looks like she has highlights so yeah, gorgeous Tina for the win, Santana second close, and Brittany and Rachel's looks are tied for me, they all look great otherwise, this is just my taste if I had to chose lol. Woo, that was just for the outfits, this is gonna be a long one, prob nobody will read lmao.
For the setting, I love the dance floor of course, the lights and obviously the fog, it makes it look more romantic, I'm not great at technical stuff but everything about this gives it such a warm relaxing vibe filled with love.
For the bts, I love how much fun everyone had on this, I love that part where it seems like Darren missed a step and he looks at Chris to see how the step goes, and the best part, filming the spinning around, it's so funny how Cory explains that viewers actually think he's looking at Lea, and it's so awkward for him to look at a camera guy this lovingly, it was really fun, and I think everyone did a great job looking like they're in love.
So context wise, despite not knowing what to do with his life, and the assignment having to be about him and his future, Finn instead turns it into a serenade for Rachel, I don't think he sings to her very often (correct me if I'm wrong), and choosing this song is so lovely (the first lines are a little inappropriate but that's not his fault lol), the rest is just so fitting for them, and I love Finn for having a dream sequence picturing all of his friends dancing around them, I only wish it wasn't a dream, but oh well it's still sweet, Rachel's little look before he starts, she looks a little shy and overwhelmed 🥺.
You can really feel the love, and I think that's just cause it's really Lea and Cory radiating real love. How they don't take their eyes from each other and both have this huge grins on their faces, and when they do have to look away they're still smiling 🥺, and the whole dance, really the whole dance, Finn just won't look anything else but Rachel, in some parts she's just feeling herself, but that's not a bad thing, I think is really sweet how Finn is making her feel pretty and loved and it shows, so he lets her be the center.
I really don't wanna discuss much how the lyrics fit them, cause it's bittersweet ('and if I loose you now I think I would die, Oh say you'll always be my baby') but let's discuss the sweet lyrics like the chorus, again about Finn's future, he's unsure about everything except for one thing: Rachel, she's more than a woman to him, she's everything and he's trying to be everything for her ('just trynna get a hold on you'). I love the part where he lowers her and when he brings her back up, ugh somebody look at me like that, I can't describe it, it's such a comfy look sorta like: I can't believe you're mine, and I'm yours, he's just admiring her as he slowly brings her back up 🥺. Rachel's little touches on Finn's shoulders 🥺.
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We don't hear Finn this high very often, found it very interesting the first time, I read somewhere once they autotuned him a little, I'm not sure tho, however it was, he sounds amazing, makes him sound more beamy. Highlights: that high note in those ah ah ahhhh before the last chorus. And the ooh, ooh, ooh's.
So that's it for Finchel I think, let's move on to Tike.
Tike is underrated by themselves, the show tends to be more Finchel, Klaine and Brittana, so I loved they included them in this. I don't know if Mike or Tina sing backup on this, I couldn't hear it, but I'm not great at that lol.
Tina's dress steals the show everytime she spins, my fav part of them is when Mike spins her very fast and then lowers her (terrible at describing dance moves I know), Mike's moves when spinning, he's really having the time of his life lol. Unfortunately, that's it for them, cause the camera was barely on them 😔.
So Brittana, Brittany's smile when the camera first focuses on her 🥺, that part when Brittany is holding Santana's hips and they're just like moving sideways Idk how to call it lol, that's my fav part of them in the song.
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How they hold hands when the first chorus starts 🥺. I've seen some opinions that either Brittany or Heather's not really good at portraying emotion, but in this, really, her eyes make hearts all the time, for me this is the time when she looked at Santana the most lovingly. Someone pointed at YouTube (I didn't noticed it at first but it's cute to share) that when the second chorus starts, everyone is letting go their partner for the step, but Brittany is still holding onto Santana's hips, the YouTube section of this was full of Brittana, and they're right when they pointed out they're really radiating chemistry here, so underrated performance for Brittana fans also. Can't stop staring at Britt's hair 😳😍 srsly omg, so dance and vibe wise Brittany wins here, but let's talk about Naya's vocals omg. That oh uh wow uh 🤯,for being my most listened song on Spotify last year, I'm finding out new things each time, thanks to YouTube again, did anyone else knew Naya is the one singing the lower voice of "you're more than a woman to me" 😳? I was shocked. So if it's Chris and Naya singing those lines together, well that's an interesting mix, I wish they sang together more often (do they have a song together? Remind me please).
Vocals in general, kudos to whoever did those ah ah ah ah's after the choruses. Also kudos to the band, specially the violin's omg.
Despite being the same coreography for everyone, you can really see how each couple makes them their own, like when the one's leading first spins their partner and then lowers them, Kurt does it more slowly than Mike. Don't know if this was a choice or part of the choreo but love how each couple reflects their personality through the dance moves, it still shocks me only two people did every single choreo so thank you Zack and Brooke.
It was fun looking and overanalyzing the other couples, cause I'm usually just staring at Klaine lol, but thanks to this, I found out new things to love about this performance.
I just think this performance as a whole could give world fandom peace, all the couples look happy and lovely, the vibes are so chill and romantic, if we forget for a minute about their mistakes or whatever, either you hate or love some couple, I think this has something for everyone to enjoy, you can't deny they all look very much in love and everyone did an amazing job and this is so underrated, total serotonin boost, I close my case.
I got the gifs from angelhummel so thanks <3
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tuiyla · 3 years
Can we talk about Fabrevans friendship for a sec?? Rumors specifically, with Sam being comfortable enough to reach out about his family troubles and Quinn babysitting his siblings while not saying a peep about it to the glee club—even when she was being accused of cheating (which was so rich for Finn to be upset about considering she cheated on Sam with him). Would’ve loved to see more small scenes w them onscreen
Yes, we can!
I think Fabrevans suffers from the same thing almost all Glee friendships and specifically former romantic relationships do. Mainly that they're ignored as soon as they break up and it's as if they never shared this connection. Well okay, maybe they're better off than most other relationships are and Rumours is a great example.
It's undeniable that Quinn did Sam dirty in their relationship and they didn't part on the best of terms but I think, when discussing the two of them, people forget that they did have a genuine friendship later. I so agree with you Anon, Quinn helping Sam out is just chef's kiss New Directions found family and something we needed more of. Like, this girl who did cheat on him but also genuinely did care realizes his family is struggling because they go to the same church and decides to help. IIRC Sam himself didn't reach out and maybe wouldn't have but because Quinn realized something was going on, he trusted her enough to go into details and then relied on her (and Kurt) to help.
It's particularly wholesome that Quinn would do so by babysitting Sam's younger siblings, it's a poignant little detail for her even though in season 2 she all but pretends Beth never existed. And then the way she refuses to tell on him even under pressure? Finn (and Rachel and everyone else) was so up in her face about it and I would have understood if she felt the need to justify herself, but she didn't. Quinn did everything she could to keep Sam's secret because she knew he didn't want people to know and knew it was his right to tell or not. Despite Finchel and the whole club being insufferable, she stood her ground and that in itself must have meant the world to Sam.
Even as a romantic relationship they're probs my fav canon Quinn ship but they could have been even better as friends. I love that we have this Rumours storyline (as much as the others piss me off in it) and I love that there are other hints. Hints are as good as it gets when it comes to Glee and maintaining a friendship post-breakup. They have that convo in Hold On To Sixteen which is mostly Sam being sweet and trying to help, and then Sam knowing about Quinntana in season 6. I know it was just a joke on the writers' part, but the thought of a drunk Fabrevans catching up in season 5 and Quinn blurting out that she slept with Santana, excellent. And Sam would be cool about it, he wouldn't question what it meant for her and ask invasive questions.
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Fabrevans are interesting because they almost immediately jump into a relationship that doesn't work out and that's mostly on Quinn, but they clearly stay friendly and that would have been nice to see more of. I feel like, more than most ND members, they're the two who had to grow up the fastest and it manifests in different ways but people don't always appreciate how strong they've been. So they get each other in ways that most other people just can't and find comfort in that. They would also respect boundaries and agency, such as Quinn not telling Sam's secret even when her reputation was on the line. I say Fabrevans rights.
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what is the most romantic place you'd like to meet nanami at?
OH LORD lemme think sksksk
Short answer: local bookstore :3
Long answer below the cut bc im a heathen sksksksk
Okay, let's set the scene
It's my day off
I decide to go out to a local bookstore and look around and get books that i will not read sksksk
I dress up FOR MYSELF bc i wanna look pretty :3
My go-to "going out" outfit goes something like this:
I'd wear this floral pink sundress i have that i sewed some pockets into
I'd probs do pink makeup too bc im a heathen so I'd do like rosegold eyeshadow with mascara, some blush and highlighter, and lipgloss bc im always wearing lipgloss skskks
I'd also wear my heart shaped hoops (see my earring collection sksksk) and I'd have my hair tied back with a bandana (its white with yellow lemons all over it :3)
Okay! So im all dolled up and im feeling pretty and witty and gay sksksksk
I go to the bookstore and im just browsing lowkey taking pics of books i want so i can find them used online for a cheaper price sksksk but im holding onto several bc i havent decided which ones i HAVE to buy today
Im looking around and i see a book i wanna take a closer look at but this GUY is standing in front of the bookshelf and i cant get to it
I quietly say "excuse me" and my voice sounds super tiny and frail bc i get super anxious talking to strangers and making demands skskks
And this big ass guy turns to look at me and he apologizes and moves out of the way and i smile and say its fine and grab the book from the shelf so i can judge its cover and summary sksksk
Im kinda freaking out bc holy shit this guy is handsome and he's wearing a suit? In the middle of August when its like 90°F out?? Props to him but i would rather die than overheat like that sksksksk
Im not interested in the book so i put it back and when i look back at the guy i notice he's looking at me
He blushes and looks down at his book really quick and im screaming on the inside bc holy shit he's adorable
But all i do is give a quick smile as i walk past and keep looking at books
I spend a couple hours looking around the bookstore bc it's super intricate and has multiple levels and the aisles are super small and theres like 500 sections (no listen this is a legit bookstore i've been to irl and its crammed inside this house and it's like a goddamn maze)
And as im looking around i keep running into this guy!
And we smile and maybe laugh a little bc jesus this is like the 10th time we've passed each other but it's bound to happen in a bookstore like this
I end up in the adult fiction section and im debating if i should get a book or not bc im cheap and dont wanna spend money when i hear an "excuse me" from behind me
I turn around and holy shit! Its the guy ive been seeing all over this place sksksk
He apologizes for disturbing me but asks if i could recommend a book to him
He's new to America in general and there's so much new literature and he has no clue where to start
Omg he has a little bit of an accent and he seems kinda nervous asking me about books, he's so fucking cute 🥺
I get super excited bc i love recommending books to people so i start dragging him around the adult fiction section and showing him some of my fav books
Here's what I'd recommend to him:
I'm Thinking of Ending Things - Charlie Kaufman
Gone Girl - Gillian Flynn
East of Eden - John Steinbeck
A Clockwork Orange - Anthony Burgess
Animal Farm - George Orwell
Fahrenheit 451 - Ray Bradbury
The Handmaid's Tale - Margaret Atwood
The Lord of the Flies - William Golding
Slaughterhouse-Five - Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
Beloved - Toni Morrison
Jazz - Toni Morrison
And im gushing about each book and im trying not to spoil anything but i just wont shut up about them
And then i realize oh shit this guy has a mountain of books now and im like 😀 shit my bad sksksk
Like i start apologizing for getting carried away and he's smiling softly and saying that its fine
ANYWAYS i tell him to start with Kaufman and Steinbeck bc they're incredible and my all time favorite books
But he says that he's actually gonna buy all of them and im like???? You got the money for that? Shit dude sksksk
And so we talk a bit more and we're walking through the bookstore and i start putting my books away bc im only gonna get one today
He asks me why I'm doing this and i explain that i dont wanna spend too much money today
I think he'd offer to buy them for me and of course i say no bc this dude is a stranger and im not gonna take his money wth
We're about to go our separate ways but he tells me his name first and i tell him mine and we shake hands before he walks away
I browse a bit more before i go to the checkout and guess who's there? Yes, it's Mr. Nanami, the guy i just spent 40 minutes talking about books to sksksk
He's buying a LOT of books, like even more than i recommend and im like "OH he got MONEY money 👀"
Im waiting in line behind him until he finishes
He turns around and blushes omg he's so cute with pink cheeks
Proceeds to hand me a bag
I'm like ????? what's this homie?
Oh shit
It's filled with all the books I was looking at but put away
????????????? What's going on dude? Are you trying to rub your wealth in my face or something?
"No, they're for you."
😀 wat
He explains that he bought the book for me like he wants me to have them
"What? No, I can't accept this."
"Why not? Do you not want these books?"
"What? No, it's not that, I just can't accept this from you. It's not right."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean that we just met and it wouldn't be right for me to accept this."
"I don't see what the problem is."
??????????? BRO?????
"Dude, I can't just take your money, you're a total stranger, why would you even buy me these?"
"I bought them because you were kind and recommended several books to me."
"... alright i'm returning these and you're getting your money back."
He stops me and insists that I keep the books and I legit start getting mad at this point bc wtf dude i'm not going to take several hundred dollars worth of books from you wth
Ok now I'm just being ridiculous and causing a scene
"Look," he starts, pulling me to the side so that other customers can buy books, "if you insist on paying me back somehow, then join me for dinner."
"...Did you set this all up just to ask me out on a date?"
He says no, that he just wanted to be nice but since I'm being stubborn and making a big deal out of all this then he might as well ask
He's like bright red at this point and idk wtf to say
"Well, I'm not going to go out to dinner with a stranger-" he looks a bit disappointed "-but if we exchange numbers and get to know each other then I'd be happy to go out to dinner with you."
yayyy smiles all around sksks
We get each others' numbers and then go our separate ways
Anyways that's how i met your mother sksksksk
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zed-36 · 3 years
@ 18: the questions weren't actually that strict! you could interpret them however you liked :) that said, im curious what you would add to the story? i love reading ur ideas and interpretations of the characters n stuff!
oh no prob, i did enjoy thinking of what i could change without adding anything new (i will talk too much if i dont contain myself) BUT since you have asked...
ill share these ideas as a general change to the series as a whole (WR and Acceleracers- also i will call Acceleracers AC for short if i need to).
There is a lot i feel needs to change- but two major points are lore (and direction of it in the story) and characters.
The lore of the series is all weird due to what changed between WR and AC, but its also too surface level. its for kids, its probably why its not so expansive. but it does leave a lot of confusion to me and while i would have to spend much more time to fully “rebuild” the world, i will give some ideas on what i would see changed.
One, at least making it make sense all the way through. i think Acceleracers had the best ideas but it shouldve been expanded on in WR- WR barely touched on actual Acceleron lore. Overall i would like to see the Accelerons 100% remade from the ground up. i LOVE aliens and alien society but i feel all we know of them is they race. and thats its. and sadly AC wasnt seen through to where we may have seen a bit more. but they need to be redone, with lore also point to exactly why the drones woke up when they did, what their drive is, etc. Why is Gelorum the way she is too, very important lor aside from characters. I wouldnt want the series to become a huge Lore Dump but there are moments where they intended to drop lore and they just. dont really do that, at least not well. Imagining the series with more extensive lore would obviously see it being longer than what it is, which i think makes sense. in the end if i was to properly write out all lore it would be a huge rebuild of 1) the Accelerons as an alien society, in depth 2) the full origins of the Drones/Gelorums (how they ended up where they did, what makes them how they are now and 3) a more cohesive plotting of events that would lead to lore revealed. also developing what “Scrim” and “clyp” were, along with the actual depth of Silencerz and how far back they go has been on my mind a lot. scrim and clyp just vanish from lore but in my headcanon backstory for Gelorum, i mention how those things existed too. if anyone has more specific questions on lore tho i can answer those individually! its just a lot to go over lol.
The characters though, oh god where do i start. not gonna touch on every individual (feel free to ask about someone and how i would rewrite them/change them), but theres a lot i would want to see different.
Theres some good ideas in the series that are just not explored much, or the actions dont feel like they have impacts. And many characters have literally zero backstory to go off of... Everyone needs at least some kinda origin in mind, doesnt have to be said but knowing where they come from is one key detail that i think is nice to drop some times. characters referncing locations, where they went, etc... its little but its good to have. In the WR comics, most of these characters do have origins! but theyre completely forgotten in the movies it seems. it would have been cool it WR tied together some of these ‘really good drivers’ and maybe they were in the same races together or something. there are 35 people and none of them seem to know each other at least not in detail- other than Vert and Alec who are clearly friends. Kurt Wylde was written to have done some “illegal” modifications in a race, what is someone there knew him? what if it brought up tension/suspicions? Things like that, its all part of where they come from and its a shame the movies just dont connect them very well.
I think theres some specific characters i will give examples to ‘rewrtiting’ and most of it is AC focused!
Kurt & Markie..... i love them, really do! but after WR i just did not like where they went. i get it, kinda ironic for Markie to become such an opposite. buuuut it was a bit much to me. first off, i would actually expand on the “crime” and that would 100% change the outcome of the two. the period between WR and AC shouldve gone different and in turn, i think wouldve changed up MM and Teku completely! i want to imagine Kurt is trying to get away from bad habits after WR but, perhaps has a really good deal with someone who had also gotten him into illegal car part business in the past. he is tempted and ropes Markie in with the idea they could do so more secretly but are caught, and while Markie is nervous and young he spills all the beans, but none of that evidence goes to Kurt and he stays silent, managing to get out of it. However instead of Kurt going to Teku and Markie going to MM.... Kurt tries to join Teku in the idea of joining a less rowdy gang, but Vert believes full Kurt let his brother take all the blame- so they dont allow him in. He goes for MM, which takes him easily but this team’s energy really doesnt help him. In turn, Markie leaves jail and Vert is swift to allow Markie into Teku because theyre friends! and it helps keep Markie in a better place, not wanting to get back into bad stuff. The important thing is tho, this switch up wouldnt result in super harcore, asshole Kurt. i feel like instead, he would be in an awkward place of wanting to improve himself but MM’s rebellious attitude coaxes him into worse attitudes. AND... very much an oppurtunity for Gelorum to manipulate him once more, as the accelechargers are much more important to acquire, with multiple, we’d loop back again. in the end though! i could imagine the story would still bring in the same scenario- Markie gets taken by drones, Kurt saves him, they rekindle and Kurt also comes to realize he shouldnt give in to the ways he used to practice.
i think for AC, in order to find more interest in the characters,  a switch up with the teams would be neat. Markie and Kur swapping was always on my mind, but i have thought about Teku!Taro. I think it would’ve been cool to throw in an background guy from WR into MM... like Harrison Lau. some more familiar faces would bring interesting dyanmics considering their backgrounds. and it think it wouldve fleshed out the teams a bit more in places they lacked.
Another thing i think is clear is there is lots of unexplored potential. Like dyanmics i express with Markie, characters like Lani, Karma, Tork, etc... oh there is so much i would add for them. Karma has a weird thing with being mentioned to look like Gelorum, and her prefectionism too but it was never touched on. What if it caused conflict? What if it made her question their morals? Or with Tork- i would honestly just rewrite how he tackles Tone’s death and the resolution, that whole thing in movie was weird and messy and made no sense to me imo. Lanu had something going for her but she felt so disconnected from the WR characters in AC, which is a shame! oh there are so many to go over lol. i hope to tackle some of these loose ends in the fics i have in mind but yeah... there is so much to say about changing these characters!!
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Kurt Glee Rewatch: Pilot
Can I just start by saying damn, what a pilot. Like, establishes all the characters, has an arc, but also lets us know right away that this show is gonna be Chaotic AF. Not much Kurt here but still... what a time. 
Here we go:
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Kay, not Kurt but can I just talk about this opening. Iconic. ANd Sue? Perfection. I lovee that the villain is a cheerleading coach. Lowkey I love media about things like ballet or cheerleading etc that are ‘girly’ sports but go into how hella intense and difficult they are. And also omg the ‘Cheerios’ so iconic. (also lol where’s Quinn?)
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Aww look at lil baby face Kurt! I already have my whole fashion analysis thing but I’ll say it again, a lot of his outfits are pretty lowkey? Ooh a turtleneck? A jacket that’s... a colour?? Like obvs he looks great, but still. Def an Ohio during 200s thing bc can only wear flannel and jeans, idk (I should point out I’m not american and know nothing lol).
Also, what an intro to Kurt. Interesting how we only see fear in his eyes when Will approaches? To his bullies he’s all defiant/calm. Maybe he knows if they get in trouble, he’s in more trouble? And damn, Will, how can you be so dumb. I just- oof. And like, he knows Kurt’s name (in 2009 we see that Emma didn’t know him) so surely Will knows this is anything but friendly?
And lowkey I love the jacket scene. Kurt is v resigned to his fate. We learn later that he was in a dark place at this time, but hell if he lets any of it show. S1 is def Kurt at his most ‘emotional’ but even still he has it locked up.
Gonna move on from this scene, but also love the intro to Finn here? He let’s Kurt take off jacket, he watches but doesn’t do actual dumpster tossing, and there’s that lingering shot on his face that he def has guilt.
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The Icon. 
First off, love his audition, great song choice (thank you Mercedes for the help). I know it was also Chris’ audition which makes it even better. And what I love is how it’s so Kurt but still not? The sass, the hair flip, perfect. But also, we know what Kurt will become, with the costumes and props and the hip swivels. Here, he’s legit just standing and singing bc he’s still baby Kurt and he’s not quite confident yet and this might be his first real ‘performance’ in front of someone. 
And omg how young he is and you can hear that he has the range, but he’s def not trained so it’ll be nice to track his progress as Chris practices more, gets more comfortable singing.
Lowkey, I would’ve loved to have Kurt s3-6 sing this song again. Just to see how much he’s grown and I’m so curious how a better trained Kurt would perform it. This is sang v sassily, but based on how the og song was intended, it would be interesting to hear him sing this with that fed up/frustrated intensity, like Rose’s Turn.
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Lol I love this so much. Later on Kurt is just such a performer it’s fun to see him at the start, as the awkward and nervous lil bean. And we see the start of how he’s just so not down for close contact with people.
Jokes aside tho, they do sound pretty good during the song? Would love a full version of the song tbh.
Iconic quote: “There’s nothing ironic about showchoir”
(What is this show and why do I love it)
Barely 10 min in and Kurt is already done with the Rachel drama lol. He’s def not as snarky this ep, prob trying to figure out the vibes of glee club, see what everyone’s deal is.
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Omg Rachel don’t touch the hair.  Also, this scene is the first “Hell to the no” love it.
I’ve already discussed this... outfit, but anyway. I do find it interesting how Kurt barely speaks for most of the ep. He’s still in the shy, awkward mode and as we learn later this is like, his first time attempting to make friends since who knows when. Considering how snarky he becomes, it’s fun to see this softer, sweeter version. But we know he’s so much more.
Also, love how background of dialogue Rachel is legit just staring at Finn intensely the whole time omg
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Yeah, Kurt, that’s be my reaction to VA too. Apparently the VA dancers would always get injuries and... i believe it. Tbh, if ND had faced them at their prime, even in s3, not sure they really would’ve won bc. Omg. I just love this show and how it’s a Musical but also chaotic and dramatic and so far the only thing that’s come close to filling the void is Crazy Ex-Girlfriend.
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Imagine being Kurt, forced by your dad to join a club, you find one with singing yay! But club has Rachel in it. and the competition is a bunch of showchoir robots. and then the teacher quits. Like no, Kurt doesn’t have another club/team to join!
Also, love how emotional Will is when he’s known these kids maybe a week and taught them nothing. It’s very clear this is all about him reliving his glory days, living vicariously through Finn. Ugh. Anyway...
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And sassy!Kurt has entered the chat! I think by now, him and Mercedes have started to click so we’ll see him get more comfortable. No more shy, sweet Kurt. I mean, he’s still sweet, but he’s also a lil shit lol. 
I love s1 Kurt having zero patience for Rachel and oof, Kurtcedes was so amazing and I’m so sad it faded out later.
And this scene like. We know Kurt was already crushing on Finn by this point, but still he calls him out on the shit he pulled. I do need the story about nailing furniture to the roof bc what? How? When? How did Burt not know??? And pee balloons.. the logistics... gonna casually ignore that.
Also remember when Mercedes made her own outfits and was in charge of costumes hahaha. Also, Finn gives tasks to Artie, Mercedes, Rachel, even acknowledges Tina. What about Kurt?? Could’ve at least done a “Kurt, Mercedes, can you do costumes?” Idk just... wow, Finn
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Ah, Don’t Stop Believing. Version 1.
Yeah it’s cute, it’s sweet. It’s the pilot, first learning how to perform. I will say, I like later versions better? I just prefer group numbers where they all get to sing, showing off all the voices. Esp in showchoir where there’s a group of people singing, instead of just backup for the Finchel show. 
But anyway, still great, Kurt breaks out the shoulder shimmy very early on, wow. And so ends an amazing pilot. I legit love all these characters (even Rachel tbh. Later plotlines I’ll discuss later, but here I kinda like how she’s the worst but the second she sees finn she’s all moony eyed omg)
And tension high with Puck and Sue watching, just. Excited for more...
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childoftermina · 4 years
90s stuff BEN/Ben probs still does/likes/says
{Like I have mentioned in my last post, Ben still uses the typical 90s slang..well, he's a 90s baby after all which is why it's not for from being more of a fact than a hc}
Ima just list things he might say/do and the meaning/reason behind that
-as if -> pointing out something unrealistic sarcastically
"I got all the heart containers in Majoras Mask already :D" "...as If! >:("
-sup -> short term of what's up, popular again
-aight -> short term of alright, also popular again
-Don't go there -> different way of saying it's enough, or don't you dare
-Fly -> kinda popular again, something pretty or cool or attractive
-hella -> technically another word for really ör very
"I was hella excited when I got my Nintendo64"
-Whatever -> when you disagree but don't wanna fight about it
Psyche -> actual form of SIKE -> means not
Salty -> describes someone who is mad/angry about something
Phat -> something really cool
Oh snap -> exlamation of disbelief or shock
"Oh Snap I forgot to cut the tag out my shirt"
Still does/has/ used to do
-as shown in the picture, he has a kurt cobain haircut :D (because he likes to stim on his hair)
-still feeds his Tamagotchi
-still blows on his DS cartridges and the cartridge sloth thingy?? before putting the cartridge in (pft I also do that..not a 90s kid though)
-owns a ton of colorful gel pens (gel pens were a huge thing in the 90s)
-loved these butterfly-hairclips!!
-definitely had a game boy
-would make these origami finger games with the TLoZ characters he knew at the time
-used the green L'oreal kids shampoo and if there was a matching bodywash, then that too
-probs hated the smell
-had furbies
-probably also collected slap-bracelets
-wanted to get his regular earlobes pierced when it was a thing but wasn't allowed
-since I hc him as partly german, he used to listen to "Die Ärzte" and sometimes does to this day (it is a german punk band, they still make music)
-grungy boy (grunge was a huge thing in the 90s, piercings were too, though)
{I am NOT a 90s baby nor a 90s kid.
I just tend to know a lot of things about certain things.
I still use some of the slang, so that was an easy one.
Had to research some words to make sure I am not spreading any false Information!
Again; headcannons are not facts.
Also; his mom probably was the one who cut his hair.
Also would've posted more german stuff (with translation of course) but I didn't know if anyone would be interested so I just simply didn't}
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excalisbury · 4 years
17 Questions
Was tagged by: @banjjakbanjjak​ aaaand @amywaterwings (ty friends <3)
Nickname: Abby is a nickname! Sometimes people shorten it even more to just Abs, too.
Zodiac: Taurus
Height: 5'8"
Countries I’ve been to: Mexico, Canada, Sweden, Malaysia, Phillipines, India, Denmark, Germany, Austria, Italy, France, Spain, aaand Iceland. (In chronological order, I think!)
Last thing I googled: oh gosh I have so many tabs up right now I'm not sure I'll be able to find that.......... oh wait. It's just boring. I googled emojipedia to add an emoji from desktop 😅 (look there's another one!)
Song stuck in my head: I don't? have one right now? Mysterious.
Wearing: Nothing but blankets. I am in bed and it is a mostly open secret that I love sleeping in ma birthday suit. (I had a brief thought that I should answer this some other time. But I really have already mentioned a few times on here that I sleep naked ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
Favourite author: I have to pick??? ugh. There are too many good stories and genres out there to pick. For short stories, my favorites are probs Kurt Vonnegut and Octavia Butler. Um if we're going books I feel like I am way less likely to choose by author so idk what to say.
Favourite instrument: Fiddle. Which is different than a violin. (kinda)
Aesthetic: All the colors and none of them match. All the patterns and all of them clash. Quilts and patchwork and extra fringe. One thing is shiny and another is fuzzy. You'd think you'd have eye strain, but really you're just warm.
Home aesthetic: how dare you ask me, a designer and (future) architect, a question such as this. I'm going to go with some of my wild dreamhouse design thoughts.... grass and wildflowers and vines guide you to a door that you didn't think could lead to anything but a mad botanist's half-underground laboratory. Inside airy and sunlit, filtered like the forest floor. Comfortable, colorful, simple-to-live-in with the occasional sprinkle of ridiculous and alien ideas of what a home is supposed to be. The stairs are spiral, there might be a slide somewhere. What is a hallway? Are there any? You walk into any room and instinctively know that a dog lives here, too. Is this a bedroom or is the whole floor a mattress and there's just pillows everywhere. This room is just entirely full of drawers on every wall. No one but the occupant(s) know where the keys are kept.
Favourite song: this is gonna be another where I'm like 😡 about having to pick. Hmm. Dust in the Wind by Kansas has been a longtime fave. Maybe? Or Cassiopeia by Sara Bareilles. I was big into To Find You from Sing Street. Silver Springs by Fleetwood Mac? Perhaps Hymn to Her by Pretenders? The entire Splendor & Misery album from clipping.? idk I can't choose and you can't make me
Favourite animal sounds: Pugsley does a little boof when he is Alert to a Threat but using his Inside Voice.
What’s one thing you’ll admit to tumblr and not in real life?: A few people who I know in real life follow me on tumblr and I do talk about certain things more on tumblr, I don't think there's much that I leave only on tumblr and not in some part of my real life.
I would love to see more people do this thingy! If I don't tag you, I did, but it was just invisible. I offer my eyeballs and a tumblr like to anyone who wants to tag me and send some cool lil facts! Also tho, I'll tag: @foolofabookwyrm, @bazzybelle, @waywardfangirl, @simonsnowsfreckles, @truck-fcked-soul @palimpsessed , @caitybuglove23 , @super-duper-twelve, @amphipodgirl , @aristocratic-otter @nightimedreamersworld @theflyingpeach @motherscarf @otherworldsivelivedin
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