#who believed junko could get better
oupydogcity · 2 years
junko x chiaki is so crazy more people rlly need to get on this honestly.
what if we were thematic opposites, one of us a force of destruction and misery subtly influencing people to give in to their worst fears as an inevitability, the other only existing as a solitary computer program whose function is to encourage people to bond and be happy even though those experiences are so distant from them.
what if we were both dead/never really alive, and only exist now as AIs on a digital deserted island. what if we were the only people there. what if we had both suffered through a self-imposed loneliness for the safety of our loved ones because something makes us too dangerous or inconvenient to love.
what if, now that everything is over, we could love each other? what if we balanced the gentle construction with the harsh destruction and learned from each other and grew? what if, in this artificial simulated world, we felt like human beings for the first time in our lives? is it possible? why shouldn’t it be?
also they did this yuri thing in the anime. which I dont care about the anime but like what did they mean by this and why am i the only one who brings it up.
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yanderehsr · 8 months
What's up doc? 🥕. For this time may I reguest with something suprise? Basically, you can choose any four fem characters that would be the most unsettling, creepy, and controlling yandere for their yandere. Plus, which Ines would most likely break their darling?
Aight then, Hope you'll enjoy😁
Trigger Warning: Yandere, Obsessive behaviour, Possessive behaviour, Murder
Ruan Mei: She is increadibly controlling and she can be real creepy as well, before you get kidnapped by her she kinda just stares at you... all of the time, she doesn't even look away when you catch her in the act.
It is Ruan Mei's way to study you, what if you do something when she isn't looking, she could miss important details about you, detail she can use to control you better. I would rank her 3rd on this list most likely to break her darling, she actually will try to make sure you stay sane.
"I think you need to calm down, do so before I lose my patience as well, If you just do as I tell you we could skip all this"
Edelgard: She isn't the most controlling of yanderes but she's pretty high up there, but it would be rather unsettling to have her as your yandere, she tends to force herself into any conversation you have with others and isolates you from everyone else, she also tends to be rather touchy even if you aren't in a relationship, not like you can stop the future empress from doing what she wants.
Edelgard's controlling side is that she chooses who you can hang out with, she gets really mad if you ignore her commands, Hubert is fine but people like Hilda or Sylvain... yeah no, if they ever get near you their heads will be detached from their bodies, I will rank her as the 4th on how likely she is to break her darling, it's more likely for you to get stockholm syndrome with her than to break.
"It feels nice spending moments alone with you like this... I just have to ask, did I see you speak with Sylvain earlier, I hope not, that would be... tragic"
Junko Enoshima: Unsettling and Creepy to the max, she isn't very controlling tho if at all, she will openly talk with you about murder, torture and any subject you might find horrible, hell she might even kill someone in front of you to see your reaction, she loves seeing you squirm and look afraid. She makes sure you will never feel comfortable with her all so she can see your delicious despair.
Junko isn't afraid either of you telling others anout what she does, why would they believe you over her, it's almost laughable how easy it is to keep you around even with how abusive she is. Very much the most likely to break you, she might even kill you just so she herself can feel despair.
"Did you really try to rat me out, it's almost adorable, tho if you do that again I might just need to kill some of your friends, don't make me too mad darling"
Cocolia: Yup, controlling as all hell, you would also have this unsettling fear every time she looks at you, like you are a possession rather than a human, like you are hers. The sad part is that no one can deny it, you are hers and no one can help you.
Cocolia isn't afraid to get physical with you if you step out of line, she can't have you breaking her rules thats she sets for you, and in her opinion pain is the best way to learn, she doesn't really care if you break as well, if she can't get an obedient lover she would rather have a broken one. Second to most likely to break her darling due to all the physical abuse and uncare towards your feelings
"You are really testing my nerves here you know. It shouldn't be that hard to listen yet you always defy me, such stupidity needs to be punished"
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brucewaynehater101 · 4 months
Was afraid of sending this ask until I recalled the wise words of Junko Kaname
“If you find yourself at a dead end and there’s no other options left, doing something the wrong way might do the most good.”
Plus I'm anonymous. I've got nothing to fear
Platonic Omegaverse AU based on "Back and There Again" by wolfsrainrules and your fic "Words Unspoken" on ao3 —WAIT WAIT WAIT!!!
toss in "Three Robins walk into a tower" by Law_10 plus the fic where Tim gets Surgeoned wings
Also there's some unreliable narration later in this ask which evolved into a fic lol
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Setup; Tim gaslights and lies to himself about Batman's abusive treatment towards him until he's forced by Jack to stop being Robin
When Stephanie comes along, he helps by giving her notes and recordings from his time as Robin, making up for where Batman lacks in training her himself
This leads to Stephanie learning and calling out just how bad his tenure as Robin was, being more distant with the Batfamily + professional-ish w/ Bruce
They try to spend as little time possible with the Bats for their own sakes from them on because the other would worry for them
While Tim doesn't have as much time as Barbara, he does presume an Oracle-like role for Stephanie to help her out
Stephanie also becomes quick friends with the Teen Titans. She's got Tim's seal of approval
Janet Drake dies. Tim is grieving and now he's stuck with Jack so he copes Batman style on the computer—
ooh nooooo. deadpanning??? that's just how I grieve, officer. I can't believe someone would kill my daaaad! who could have done such a thing? Oh you already have him detained and you're even imprisoning him in a whole 'nother state that isn't a revolving door! Thank you officer! You're my hero
Tim set things up so Cluemaster and Jack were unknowingly in the same area and Cluemaster accidentally killed Jack
But nobody is gonna figure that out. It's not like he did the deed!
And who else could advocate for the villain being jailed for life after killing a millionaire away from the New Jersey State itself than the new star of a CEO for Drake Industries, Edward Drake? The fact he works remotely from home and is insanely reclusive is totally irrelevant!
In unrelated news? Tim and Steph have become best friends who flip flip between who they have sleepovers with
Whoop! Suddenly there's two Robins running around often at the same time and they are manaces! Menaces to society I tell you!
Together they train to become the best Robin duo there ever was!
Oh no, I made this a "it gets better before it gets worse before it gets better fic" FUCK ME
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Titans Tower isn't crack like Three Robins. In fact all the Robins are screaming and crying at each other
"You stole my name!"
"You stole it from Richard first, how about you apologize for taking away the very name his own parents gave him!"
"It's not just about Robin but my place in the family dammit!"
"Why would you not come back already! The family misses you! We aren't even daughter and son! We're just unpaid interns at best! We could never take your place. they think you're dead but the spot is open for you if you ever come back! We never replaced you! We're here until you return!"
"Batman's a crazy kid beater Tim!" Steph's right but even with a support system, abuse does a number on ya
Alas, Jason is not seeing reason and while he gets bruised up and does it back, the two Robins at least didn't get beat as much as Jason wanted. Small mercies
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When Jason finally comes back into the fray, it's smoother than he expected. Weirdly enough, he hardly saw his Replacements in the Manor, but given he wants as little to do with them as possible? Small mercies
When Damian comes into the fray and tries to prove himself in the form of attacking both Robins? Proof that there's lots of cult deprogramming to do; but for Jason?
It's nice having demon brat around again. Dami understands what growing up in the League was like and the Replacements spend even less time around him when in the Manor. Any instances where they would usually be asked to interact face to face are done through voicemails or emails instead
Man, Tim must really be living up to Eddie Drake's image if he only sees him and Stephanie as Robins on the field now
Meh, for all he knows they're prancing around with the other bats
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It's his 16th Birthday
Stephanie is first and only to know
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Whenever Red Robin laments getting Spoiler's image tarnished in the super scene for good when it just could have just been his alone, she hounds him for it
As she does when he looks back to his time of cloning, thinking about their mutual lack of spleens instead of the dead
it's progress
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The Core Five of Young Justice sit together in silence. Typing together contingencies for when Batman enacts the third test and beyond
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"Demon brat," says Todd, ruffling Damian's hair
"Dami," says Grayson, trapping him in arms
"Son," says Father, says Pennyworth
The Replacements Father owes life debts to say "Robin," and nothing else until the public is upon them. Then they say "Wayne"
"Damian" when it is professional and polite West etiquette 
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It wouldn't be the first time a villain---Dynamics Master---came from another dimension
The second time they were fixated on biology
Or the third time their targets were Bats
Least of all a new permanent divide between Batman and his proteges came
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Jason hasn't let go since they got out
Neither the pups Replacements with each other
"Unhand me Todd!" Damian. His puppy fussed.
'Responsibility' Jason corrected himself. He kept him close to his chest
Didn't matter what Dami had to say. His scent betrayed him; distressed-puppy-scared-omega-help-please
Emoting through smell. Wouldn't be the worst thing in the world if it was just him and Damian
Jason didn't even realize when he started purring and rubbing his wrist against Damian's hair. Probably another "Dynamic" thing the villain raved about
Something about not wanting to be stuck in a world full of people unlike theirs, since this was the norm in their own
Damian yipped—his hearted melted, good god these Dynamics can't pick if their truth serums for thought or straight up liars themselves—as he buried his nose in the kid's hair, inhaling the smell of puppy-pack-omega-here-safe-and—
His nose scrunched with distress refusing to part from Damian
That wasn't right, it wasn't parting from him either
In fact it's been a chore to not gaze at the PUPS! Replacements the other side of the room
Replacements who would have long since left the room without a goodbye since all their checkups and duties were done for the day
Replacements who's gazes flicked between them and each other
And wore bandages over their wrists and necks
'Scent-blockers' he recalls the villain saying
Jason bared his teeth at them for a warning to— to— he had a pact to protect
Red Robin and Spoiler jumped to their feet and ran out the room, forgoing closing the doors, not once letting the other's hand go
. . .
For some reason, he and Damian's scents felt worse than ever before
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Brown and Drake don't say his name anymore
that is if he ever sees them at all outside of Robin
They don't appear in high society either. Father said they made a scene about faking responsibilities, injuries, and sickness to get out of dealing with elites forever
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"That villain really did a number on you, didn't he Dami?" 
"I remain unshaken!" Damian announced, wrapping fresh scent-blockers around his wrists
When the Manor's doors opened to reveal Jason—wearing blockers himself—Damian was already running towards him, not locking back at Dick until he spoke again
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Another alien invasion—one needing all hands on deck—done with. All that was left
And barking a warning at the Replacements to not get up in his personal space
"Man, not even their teammates want them," he swore he caught a rookie hero say off-handedly, "and they're still allowed in Young Justice?"
But practically everyone was here catching their bearings, so in case he misheard it
"Hey, hey! I heard you talking about Spoiler and Red, right?"
The rookie turned to him, "You mean the nutcases?"
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'Ever-constant despair' Cassandra had to say about the pups Replacements when Jason's hand started hovering over his phone
Alfred had commented on a trend from before the villain where they barely appreciated their meals without the other with them, otherwise they deigned for quick, efficient meals
afterwards it became impossible to get them to eat anything at all without the other with them
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For the first time, Jason felt unfulfilled from Dick's octopus hugs. He was slowly and painfully spenting less time cuddling Damian now and he still didn't feel as hollow.
He grumbled in a way that came with being an 'Omega' and Dick didn't vocalize back. He didn't smell anything but chemicals from Richard— everyone actually
Jason felt hollow
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Once when Jason met up with Damian after the kid changed his blockers
He whiffed Misery
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It was during a drug bust that things really went downhill. That Jason realized he couldn't do this anymore
It was the usual. Drop in. Stop the operation. Pack things up; just with the added downside of his stronger sense of smell making drugs stink like never before—even through his helmet
Spoiler—who came in on a short notice—seemed to have the same problems, coughing like there was no tomorrow.
He could almost swear to hearing keens of all things in between her fit as she shook violently in a way he hardly saw her do
Unmasking wouldn't be an option until the Cave, so she seemed to settle for placing a hand on the bandages on her throat
He placed a hand, on a crate for support. The drugs smelled awful, sure, but to render him dizzy? It was strong, but not that much
It was then that she noticed the blood on her hand which came from blood splattered on the bandages earlier
"Shit— do you mind if I swap out my blockers quick Red Hood?" She wiped down her glove for as much blood she could
"I'm not your boss Replacement."
She scrambled to grasp for her pockets and used her now less-bloodied glove to unwrap the bloodied bandages
'Great' he wanted to spit out 'I can smell you through my helmet and your costumes.'
Instead he got hammered with the puppy-alpha scent of pup-in-danger-not-safe-omega-hates-me-help-save-me
Jason wasn't even sure he could keep himself still, but he did it. It didn't matter if his brain was rewired or scent glands got grafted onto him, he was the master of his own body—!
He can't do this anymore, he can't—
nobody one else for sure
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Jason was going insane
He entered the cave to see Batman on the Batcomputer, but that wasn't what he was focused on, unwilling as it was
Stephanie might as well be clinging to Tim's shoulders for life, looking at the screen of the laptop he typed on
The two had forgone their blockers, forcing their scents to mix and mingle in the air, drowning the place in together-alone-pups-alpha-omega-miserable-together as he picked up bits of a discussion between about about 'dynamics' and a 'syringe' together
Tearing through his skull however was their frequent keens of miserable-pack-hates-us-we're-not-safe-here
Unseen by them was Damian, stiff if not for the movement of breathing and the gazes of oh god that was longing
Jason used all of his willpower to not tear off either of their blockers and he took Damian's hand
Try as he might, he couldn't resist keening in response to his pups. His response making the others stop barely made him feel better
Jason was going insane
He has to put an end to this
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With even Barbara having to go offworld, Batman entrusted Tim with keeping charge of Gotham
After Batman left, he couldn't be faster in delegating some of the job to Jason, shakey as his limbs were
The back of Jason's brain tingles with deja vu seeing the sorry sight that is Timothy
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A hospital in Gotham admitted a new patient
Days later, word hit the streets that Joker was good as dead, a vegetable for life, if only for the bare minimum brain activity and heartbeats keeping him going
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'For once,' Jason thought as he stocked up his chosen safehouse to hunker down in, 'The Bat was right but too late in not entrusting me with unclipped wings'
He would do anything to make Gotham more peaceful than it's ever been for this string of months. Even pull every favor he had to get it done
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"Pack everything you want to keep more than anything in your suitcase pup. nothing for keeping face, we're going to be alone"
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"Steph! Red Hood betrayed us, it was a false alarm. Alert the on-world Bats and—!" Scent withdrawal was a nasty, nasty thing if a hug and an older omega's scent was all it took to knock the pup out
Omega-protector-here-you're-safe-now-pup wafted through the air yet unable to purge the misery-alone-unsafe clinging to them both
Jason would rectify that soon
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Stephanie had been on her wits end and her mind frayed alongside Tim's in ways everyone and thing else would envy
Today that thread of sanity snapped. She had no pack—she can't trust anyone—Tim needs her!
The Drake Manor acquired a broken window, which the super-computer stored in it's secret bunker promptly noted for repair. no girl or boy would see it for a time
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Deep in the Batcave, Cassandra gazed at the syringe full of fluid
A syringe which would be innocuous if not for it being locked in a suitcase that needed a mix of Tim and Steph's Dynamic vocals and pheromones to activate
Something achieved only after intense trial and error, prediction of randomly timed password lockouts, and guesswork on what clips of the two making sufficient audio were Dynamic vocals, and which of their items retained enough pheromones to trick the technology it was fresh from their wrists
Included with the syringe were documents of its nature
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Danger!-unsafe-unwanted-pack-where-are-you-please-don't-kill-me flooded the room after Tim caught sight of Damian and Jason
The omega chuffed, pack-omega-here-pup-you're-pack
An omega-puppy's keen, i-don't-get-it-confused-you-hate-me
A puppy's yip, omega-is-safe-protector-pack-scared-unsafe?
"You're safe pup," Jason crooned, combing his fingers through the teen's hair, "You belong to my pack and so will Stephanie, nobody, not even we'll hurt you."
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All the desperation in the world couldn't get Stephanie to escape a Red Hood who'd spent the last months studying their battle tactics endlessly
And even more months packless meant a new pup in the roster led to him purging the air of anything but his scent of precious-pups-you're-my-pack-i-love-you
Tucking his new pup in the nest, he did a round of checking on the safehouse's security, then his nest, making sure the pack was sleeping comfortably. He scented them again for good measure
Exhaustion wore on his bones. Wrapping his arms around Stephanie as Tim did Damian
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Something was coming, Jason shot up, longlearned in trusting his gut, and as the only grown pack member? It fell onto him to protect them all
He froze at the approaching scent of a beta-pup, another pup, but how?
He heard the mechanisms of the front door unlocking and locking again, and waited for what was coming
The scent drew his gaze to Cassandra's eyes, Cassandra who was waffing lonely-packless-beta-pup-i-want-my-pack-confused
No matter, Jason made room in the nest for a fourth pup, and chuffed for her to come in
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Jason has maybe a year left of three of his pups being pups according to their Dynamics until they're full-fledged adults
All those months before they stewed in misery because he let their pride and societal expectations trump it all
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"The syringe" is all Cassandra has to say about her sudden dynamic
As Tim confesses, those three Young Justice members had wanted to do something about Stephanie and him withering away
The solution? Reverse engineer their own biology to craft a more autonomous means of gaining a dynamic
Jason huffs that he and Dami weren't their first pick
That being said, he isn't saying no to three more pups
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Word rapidly spreads that the Batman's baby birds were spirited away by Red Hood
Even quicker is their meta status of the same vein
Asking strangers "Would you rather get caught doing child-involved crimes by Red Hood, or laying a scratch on his pups?" becomes a viral sensation much like Man vs. Bear
Rogues throw their hands up once Wonder Girl, Superboy, and Impulse join the fray of Red Hood's adoptees
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When the Bats return back to Earth, they find those who stayed have not only cut contact with the rest of the world outside of Gotham and Young Justice, but have dragged Young Justice to join in on pushing their new isolationist policities to their absolute limits
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When Batman discovers photos of the Joker's mauled and unrecognizable body have gone viral on Twitter, he's dissapointed at his own surprise as how easy finding the details were
All he had to worry was verification, which was simple enough
When the hospital's data shows that it was done with claws and teeth, unrecognizable pheromones matching just one boy he knows
Jason grins at him, omega canines on display
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Is it Batman's business if his pups hand over a syringe and their favorite hoodies to a precious little light down two parents to Joker Gas?
Jason thinks not
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I accidentally made a fic
How did this happen? Oh well then
Extra Notes
This was just meant to be a Jason & Damian & Damian thing but then Stephanie and Young Justice and Cass snuck into the nest
And this transforming into a fanfic that was semi-jason-centric wasn't on my bingo but lol
Also rip if you dunno wtf the omegaverse is lmao
Even if Joker is out of the game, Jason couldn't prevent his inventions from getting out there and being reverse engineered and being distributed, hence how Duke's parents still took the L
Now a little Jason think piece
In Canon, he's arguably just as guilty as Bruce for Joker's crimes and victims after he doesn't kill him then and there
Arguably because he cares more about Bruce than the victims and collateral of Joker's deeds
Jason in a position where more than ever, he sees family and community as his world, to the point it's need to live on a psychological level? Threats cannot be allowed to exist
Or at least be able to do anything meaningful for as long as they still live
Joker is at the top of that list. And if Jason can come back from the dead? So could he. What to do?
You only need a beating heart & brain activity to live, and Batman won't let him his long time nemesis die, even as a mercy
I'd present more questions and ideas that didn't get into the final product and do another round of editting but my computers gonna die now lol
Go crazy, go stupid about my ask everybody
Alright! I do in fact know what the omegaverse is. I don't particularly like it for a variety of reasons, but some of the concepts are cool. If I wanted to have similar enough dynamics, I typically read shifter AUs. They have the pack bonding, the scent shit, the different instincts, etc. without the stuff I don't particularly like (depending on how it's written, ofc).
The stuff I loved about this fic/AU:
Fixed Tim and Steph's dynamic in a way I didn't know I needed. Fuck yes to them supporting each other through their Robin years instead of being pitted against each other.
Steph and YJ bonding
Steph and Tim continuing to support each other even through the BruceQuest
Steph and Tim bonding over how fucked up Bruce was to them during their Robin years
The hc/au that Tim becomes an Oracle-like support to Steph's Robin
The hc (kind of canon-ish) that Jason and Damian met in the League
Jason adopting everyone including Cass and YJ and Duke
I am curious about Dick and where he is in all of this. Also, it wasn't quite clear to me who was affected by the omegaverse stuff. Everyone who was adopted by Jason was, but is there anyone else besides that villain?
Two notes you made at the end that were impactful:
Jason is complicit in Joker's murders after he doesn't kill the Joker
I think that is dependent on Jason's characterization. If, how it's often portrayed in canon/media, he cares more about Bruce's actions/reactions than justice, then this is true. On the other hand, Jason may be unable to kill the Joker due to a vicious concoction of trauma, fear, Bruce, and circumstances. It would be understandable (and a great angst/conflict point) if Joker is the only person Jason is unable to kill. He wants to, by everything he is does he want to, but he can't. If anyone wants me to expand, send an ask.
"Batman won't let his long time nemesis die, even as a mercy"
This is the type of Dark Bruce I want to see. My gods, I would kill to see a fic where Bruce views murder as a mercy, too permanent, and too forgiving. This Bruce wants to force villains, rogues, heroes, civilians, etc. to work for their redemption. If they die, how are they going to make amends? What good is atonement if the only one to witness it is God and the dead? What good is forgiveness given by those unaffected?
I'm not saying this is an okay or decent mindset (hence why it's Dark Bruce). I'm just saying it would be cool to explore a Bruce who refuses to kill for entirely different reasons. Instead of it being too far, him being worried about never stopping, or him not agreeing morally, I would fuck with a fic where he doesn't kill so he can make people pay for as long as he wants.
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lobotoboy · 1 month
Time to combine two fixations together, and create a new thing that I'm almost 100% certain has been thought of before!
A DANGANRONPA X RIDE THE CYCLONE AU (please someone make art of this, i'll post my attempt at a jane doe pic for this au later, but im still a beginner lmao) CAST (with explanation): To preface, I wanted everyone except Jane to have died in either their game or anime arc. Ocean O'Connell Roseburg: Ruruka Ando So this one was hard, because I initially wanted to stick to just the games, but neither Mahiru nor Hiyoko fit the bill for me, so I went with Ruruka. Personally, I think she's underrated, I feel like she's very compelling, and like Ocean, has room to grow in a similar way. I think she believes her way is the best way, like Ocean, and has the potential to learn differently. Constance Blackwood: Chiaki Nanami Chiaki is an obligatory add for me, no doubt about it. Constance is UNDERRATED, LOVE HER MORE PLEASE. Sugar Cloud is all about Constance finally recognizing the good things about her life around her, and Chiaki has a similar world view in both the anime and the games. If you look in the anime especially, she's one of the few characters who seems to understand a person can have worth without having a talent, and that's something that should be praised. Also she's my best friend's (@multifanforever) wife, so she's chill ig. Noel Gruber: Nagito Komaeda Do I *really* need to explain this one? Look at him. Name me a better character to put here, I dare you. In all seriousness, Monique is giving Servant Nagito vibes, and he'd SLAY Noel's Lament. Mischa Bachinski: Leon Kuwata Leon was also a bit of an 'out of left field' (teehee) pick for me, but Mischa's a rapper and Leon wants to break into music. Mischa's got a bit of angst in him, and so does Leon. Leon and Mischa are respectful lovers of women, so I feel like they'd be buddies and thus fit.
Jane Doe: Hajime Hinata/Izuru Kamukura WHERE DO I START SDUEHFEUFHWE I LOVE JANE AND I LOVE THESE TWO FUCKS. My stupid ass husband and his evil (not really) alter ego. Aside from personal bias for my favorite characters, I think they fit the most. I could (and want to) write a dissertation about Hajime and Izuru, but for the main gist of it, the way his identity is erased in canon, lines up with how Jane doesn't know who she is. At the end too, when they pick who gets to not be dead (i honestly dont understand the ending of rtc, is it resurrection, changing the timeline, rebirth?) it could be reminiscent of Hajime coming back post Neo World Program. Also Izuru lends himself really well to a creepier design. Ricky Potts: Kaito Momota They both kind of have that kind of selfless attitude to them, Kaito's illness is a good match for Ricky's disability, and obviously space. I also headcanon Kaito as a cat person. The Amazing Karnak: Junko Enoshima To me, they have similar, joking vibes to them. I feel like she'd mess with them just as much, if not a bit more than Karnak does. The changing rules and such are just for her entertainment. Virgil the Rat: Monokuma (obvi) I feel like Monokuma would rock the bass, and obviously makes sense as the one to accompany Junko.
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penguwastaken · 29 days
This might be the hottest take of the century but I genuinely believe that despite having like a collective 10 minutes of screen time, Monokuma is utilized significantly better in DR3 than he is in V3.
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What made Monokuma work as a villain and antagonist in the early entries is that while he's silly, he's genuinely a threat and he has a consistent looming presence. There's always a feeling of helplessness surrounding him and the sense that you can't escape from him no matter where you go that balances out his comedic side.
Take DR1 for example, Monokuma feels like he's always on your back and giving you no time to be alone or in peace. It feels like he could do something horrible if you do something as simple as looking at him funny.
DR2 takes a slightly different approach. Monokuma is more lighthearted but way more chaotic. Now he feels like a trigger happy god who will do whatever he wants whenever he wants just because he can. That feeling of helplessness remains because now he feels like an unstoppable force of nature without a care in the world.
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On paper, V3 attempts to do something similar, but there's one problem… HE'S BARELY IN THE GAME. 😭
Almost all of the screen time that would have been dedicated to Monokuma is now dedicated to the last minute additions that are the Monokubs, AKA the exact opposite of an intimidating threat.
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Monokuma feels pathetic in V3, he feels like a washed up old man who's only there because it's Danganronpa and they need to have the mascot in it. There's no sense of helplessness because he doesn't even feel like an actual threat, he's a boring joke now.
It feels like in V3 they wanted to go for the more chaotic Monokuma from DR2, but they forgot that what made Monokuma work in DR2 is that he was a consistent presence who actually meant business.
It feels like he's only ever there either to tell a joke or to sit around in the class trials. He never asserts himself and whenever he shows up I go "oh it's Monokuma again" instead of "oh shit what does he want this time."
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As the series goes on, Monokuma gets more increasingly flanderized. The twisted, sadistic side gets less and less focus compared to his more silly chaotic side, which completely kills any threat factor he once had. You can argue that this is "the point" in V3, however whether it's the point or not means nothing if it actively harms the experience instead of benefitting it.
The scene in DR2 where Monokuma tells you just how many of him there are is extremely effective at making you hopeless, it makes you feel like you lost before you even started. DR1 and DR2 have plenty of moments like these, I can't name one from V3.
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Now you might be thinking: "ermmm but Pengu, if Monokuma fails in V3 because he's barely there, then how come he works in DR3 when he has even less screen time in there?"
The answer is simple, they actually do something with his minimal presence. There's a thematic purpose that actually enhances the experience.
Monokuma in DR3 is very different from other depictions in the sense that he's not even there, not just in the sense that he's prerecorded. Junko is dead and so is Monokuma by extension.
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But you know what isn't dead? The memory of them.
Monokuma may be dead, but the trauma he and the tragedy left behind still remains, THAT is the consistent looming presence in DR3.
Guilt and trauma are a consistent theme in DR3, so it makes sense that the big lingering threat would be the embodiment of them. The symbol of despair.
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What do I mean by this? Well just look at the first episode. Just Monokuma's mere laugh is enough to send Makoto and the rest of the room into a panic.
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You know what video is used to cause every single member of the Future Foundation to be overloaded with despair to the point where they commit suicide? Why, it's a video of just Monokuma, of course.
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Just when things are starting to cool down, just when you're starting to think it's all over, the memories and the despair linger.
And that's why Monokuma's minimal presence works so well in DR3 and not V3, because now in DR3 he's just a haunting memory, one that will be with you forever. Because of that, his consistent looming presence is still there even if he's not.
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Note: I updated a few things to hopefully make my point clearer
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aparticularbandit · 3 months
it is important to me that you understand that:
junko has no luck (and when she does, it's bad luck)
nagito has fantastic luck, but it always comes at a cost - for every moment of good luck, there is also a moment of bad luck; the higher the good luck he wants, the greater the sacrifice of bad luck he needs first (see case 5)
izuru has luck with no cost, which makes his luck better than nagito's; he's the inverse of junko, but his luck is downloaded, fake, contrived (like the rest of his talent is)
this must be combined with:
junko can calculate and anticipate anything provided she has access to the right dataset (the better she knows someone/something, the better she can manipulate them/it - this extends to talent as well; the more data she has on how someone's talent functions, the better she can imitate it, which is why she can't imitate ryota's animation as completely in the way that she wants (different talents have different rates in terms of how much she needs to analyze them, though))
nagito can deduce but he cannot mimic; he dabbles in manipulation, but he is much more of a servant to someone else's goals, which means his analysis is always in service to someone else (kyoko is similar but not quite the same; kyoko can get to the point of deducing fast enough to prevent things, which is a lot more similar to junko's analysis, just used in a different way; kyoko's more straight forward than junko is, which is why deduce and not analyze)
izuru's analysis functions the same as junko's does, except that he doesn't need to analyze someone else's talent to mimic it; he has had talent downloaded straight into him like neo in the matrix; if he wants more talents than the ones he already has, he's gonna need them downloaded again, probably
as a result:
junko's weakness is luck and incomplete data sets; an incomplete (or wrong) data set leads to a miscalculation, and when something relies on luck and cannot be precalculated or predicted, then junko falls. she relies hard on her analysis, which gives her a blind spot. (junko, however, is aware of this. that's why she has both nagito and izuru on deck; in the hope calculation that their luck, correctly used, will allow her to predict things that happen by chance as well)
nagito's weakness is his reliance on his luck. he believes in his luck. his luck will take care of him. he can't control how it works, and he can't control how the bad luck will happen or who it will happen to, but he doesn't need to analyze something for his luck to get him out of it (and the smaller the chance that something will happen, the more likely it will happen to him; his luck works on an inverse to everyone else's, basically, so what's the point of predicting things on what is most likely to happen when, for him, it will probably be the other way around)
izuru could cover his incomplete data sets with his luck, but tends to rely so completely on his luck to cover his ass that he stops analyzing and leaves himself open there - he should be the strongest of the two, but really tends to leave him with more weaknesses until he figures out how to use the two in conjunction; something junko has figured out but cannot do because her luck is not her own
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hopefilledramblings · 6 months
I hate fanon kamukoma. I hateeeee it. I love kamukoma (especially non-despair) in general!! But fanon. Man.
Izuru would not want to control another person. That's what HE is meant for!! He's the one that's supposed to be controlled, not Nagito.
Nagito is "Servant" because he serves despair, and therefore hope, but really, he's always pulling the strings (see UDG). He's aware that he literally set up a death island for one (1) girl. How would he completely let go and allow someone else, especially someone with no ambitions, to control him?
He isn't like that. Yes, he's willing to give himself to hope. But even if Izuru is meant to embody hope, he doesn't, and Nagito would easily recognize that. He's a false hope. He's a tool for others to use, and he was used for despair. He's not TRUE hope.
In the scenario where the two DO end up together, it would be incredibly one-sided. Nagito would try to use Izuru just as Junko did, but now for the sake of hope. Izuru, being the apathetic one who believes he IS a tool, would simply go along with it.
This thread really explains what I mean in words better than what I can come up with and explores the hypotheticals of a relationship they could have had in canon.
However!! I'd like to share my idea of them in non-despair. Specifically an au where they both attend Hope's Peak.
In canon, Hajime and Nagito are meant to be very intertwined, especially on Nagito's side of things when it comes to him healing.
When we push away the entirety of despair, as well as Hajime's identity, things are a lot harder to work with, but it's not impossible.
Izuru, fresh out of the lobotomy and training, is disinterested in everything as usual. He sees no purpose in life and considers everything useless and boring. Nagito, however, sees meaning in hope and despair and the Ultimates' ability to overcome harsh despair. He sees a chance for Izuru, if only he'd just believe in something.
So, Nagito goes about trying different methods to motivate Izuru to make him see light in his life. He believes in Izuru and the talent he has (not knowing that it's synthetic). In return, Izuru points out the flaws in Nagito's ways of thinking, making him start to question himself and his beliefs. He's faced with someone who has near infinite knowledge, after all. But still, he keeps pushing.
Eventually, Nagito would press the right button and manage to excite Izuru. Using this event, he tries again and again, guiding him to the path of hope. Making him see things the way he does, to an extent.
Yes, Izuru is technically still being used here, but in a much healthier context than canon. If given enough work, it can become MUTUALLY healing for them. Maybe Izuru's subservient nature would want to do things in return for Nagito by helping him get out of his flawed mindset.
Their dynamic is incredibly interesting, and I wish it would be explored more... not just watered down to servant x God.
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yukiteruakari · 5 months
If Leon had lived longer or survived, I believe he would've been one of the main characters in the story.
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I usually see promotional materials, such as merchandise, including Sayaka alongside the main trio of THH, despite her death in chapter 1. This is understandable given her early portrayal as the heroine. However, let me explain why it would also make sense for Leon to be included in the main group if the story had focused on him as it did with Sayaka.
Danganronpa often pairs characters with others who complement their themes, forming what I call "narrative partners," whether in duos or trios. This isn't just limited to main characters—most have these connections, though there are exceptions.
Leon's narrative partner is Sayaka. They are designed as complementary opposites, each embodying the game's central theme of "talent" more than any other characters, a theme that wasn't touched upon after their early deaths in the story. Also, Leon's crush on Sayaka, which is evident throughout the Danganronpa series, further ties their stories together. They were also the first characters created, serving as a foundation for the series.
Moreover, Leon shares characteristics with the "best friend" archetype seen in other Danganronpa games, like Kazuichi and Kaito. I would argue that these characters were inspired by Leon, suggesting that if he had survived, he would likely have become close friends with Makoto, potentially forming a trio with Makoto and Sayaka. This is supported by class photos showing them together, hinting at a potential narrative thread that was never explored. This relationship could have added depth to Makoto's character and made his optimism more realistic by showing it develop through genuine friendships, rather than it coming out of seemingly nowhere.
Including Leon and Sayaka in the story would have not only supported Makoto's 'optimistic' character trait through their friendship but also balanced out the stoicism of Kyoko and Byakuya. This balance is necessary, in my opinion, because Makoto often gets overshadowed by the two, who generally aren't very friendly, creating a rather unbalanced group dynamic.
Just as Sayaka relies on intuition and Kyoko depends on logic and facts, Byakuya's uptight and overly serious demeanor would clash with Leon's more light-hearted and playful nature. With Kyoko and Byakuya providing logical perspectives and Sayaka and Leon adding emotional depth and sentimentality, the group dynamics would have become more engaging and interesting, in my opinion.
I would have enjoyed seeing Sayaka and Leon embody the themes of talent, alongside Makoto and Junko symbolizing hope versus despair, with Kyoko representing mystery, thus tying together Danganronpa's main themes, with Byakuya taking on the role of the crucial anti-hero of the story. I also feel that this would have been much better than what we originally got, to be honest.
These are just my thoughts, but I'd love to hear your ideas too.
Oh, and maybe I should note that the official character list for THH goes exactly as follows: Makoto, Sayaka, Leon, Kyoko, and Byakuya. So, I shared an official picture of them together at the top! It makes me really happy.
Thank you for reading. :)
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lightlycareless · 11 months
but what reaction would the zenins have , especially naoaki 😳🤯 with the babies
Hi!!! I'm going with the twin girls au :> although these can be in general 🤔
Off we go to the reactions from the rest of the estate.
Being real, I think most of the clan would not like the fact that the heir had two girls to begin with. However, since Naoya and Y/N are known for being strong sorcerers by themselves, it was only natural that their kids would inherit those talents.
However, they'd still find a way to make them feel less, either by giving backhanded compliments, or voicing how a "son" would've been much better.
Naoya would immediately shut down those comments. We're talking about a man that has now learned how wrong his family is (in more ways than one) and having suffered from similar comments in the past, understands all too well how hurtful they could be, so he tries to shield his children the best he can.
As for reactions, let me put it like this:
Mai and Maki would love your kids, cause they love you very much :> there's no denying that. Would play with them as often as possible, they're like (are) the cool aunts. SPECIALLY if they're girl twins like them, it's probably the first time they ever felt happy with being twins I reckon.
Junko, Mai and Maki's mom, would keep her distance. It's not like she dislikes the kids, she just feels uncomfortable—however, she would like to watch the babies from time to time, silently gush at how adorable they are and remind her of when her daughters were babies too.
Ogi couldn't care less—in fact, I think he'd hate them just because they're a reminder of what he could've had, but didn't. No one allows him to get close to the kids, not even his wife.
Jinichi is in complete awe that Naoya would want to have kids in the first place, but not surprised that he went through with it. He's very precise when it comes those things, and from there he'll just stare at him and you whenever interacting with the kids—idk, he still doesn't believe it's happening. I guess in my mind he never considered that his family would want to have kids (Toji is like the prime example of that)
Naobito is... idk. He never really cared about having kids, so anything about lineage and whatnot is irrelevant to him, but I guess that in the deep confines of his mind he likes the fact of having grandchildren. Specially if they're strong, he'd be very proud of them, show off that they're related to him and whatnot. Do not expect him to be involved, and honestly? You and Naoya are kind of happy he isn't.
As for Naoaki, Naoya's oldest brother... he'd be shocked that the two eventually made amends, enough to have a family together. He just never thought the two were each other's type, or that it was in Naoya's plans to become a father. But it happened, and he just keeps his distance as well. Maybe he hoped he'd be that man, the one to have your kids or something, who knows. Either way, in the short moments he'll be able to see the kid, he'll note that they look like you, as maybe even hope that they act like you too. This whole situation is 100% the reason he stops talking to you all together. It's the official closure of that chapter.
And I don't think I'm missing any other relevant character :> I'd say that most of Naoya's brother would be somewhat confused that Naoya is possible of having adorable children or something hahaha although everyone thinks it's thanks to your genes 😂
Thank you so much for indulging me with this ask!! I want more baby stuff :') I'll see what I can write.
Have a wonderful week, take care, and hope to see you soon!!
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nabateaprodigy · 1 year
Hi hello, I wanted to ask if you would be willing to make a (probably over) protective Junko x female reader situation, where reader had had a very tough life between abusive patents and ex’s and now Junko wants to ensure no one hurts her again a sort of hurt comfort meets classic unhinged Junko antics. Thank you very much for reading my request by the by :3
Lady of Despair
Series: Danganronpa.
Characters: Junko.
Genre: Hurt/Comfort.
Reader: Female.
Notes: Ultimate Talent is (U/T). Also, I love this art of Junko it's from a game called Divine Gate. Also, I like this and am happy and proud of how this fic turned out!
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Even from your earliest memories as a child, your parents have always been very cruel towards you. Doing below the bare minimum possible to take care of you. The middle school you went to even took notice of this.
However In the end your lying and deceitful parents had managed to convince people that you were perfectly fine. That you were only "Acting this way for attention." Made you sick to your stomach and your hatred for your parents only grew with each passing day.
It had been this way for many years and as awful as it was you had to live and deal with their abuse. It had gotten to the point where you would be looking forward to going to school each day. Spending time at school would be much better than being at home with your parents.
You had also tried your hand at relationships as another escape from your parents and your home life. However, even this didn't seem to work well for you. Some of your partners were or even more abusive than your parents.
Say what you could and couldn't do what you could and couldn't wear who you could and couldn't be with. Between parents and parents, it was a never-ending cycle of despair. It was one you wouldn't ever find yourself escaping from.
And yet one day that cycle was finally broken and you couldn't believe it. This had to be some cruel joke right? But no it was happening Hopes Peak High School had scouted you to be the (U/T).
You really couldn't believe it but as it finally settled in that you had been scouted to Hopes Peak High School you were so happy! But wait when was the last time you were happy? But you couldn't care to think about that you were happy truly happy and you wouldn't let this opportunity pass you by!
With this chapter of your life began you left everything behind your home, parents, and ex-partners. You could finally put all of that behind you and not dare to look back. Thanks to this opportunity you wouldn't let anything pass you by and experience everything you can!
Okay, now that you were here standing at the Gates of Hope's Peak High School you were extremely nervous, to say the least. You had many questions running through your head all at once. One of the most important ones was what the people here were like.
Due to your past, you had become very nervous and reserved. Not trusting people thinking that if you did your past would only come back to haunt you. It's the last thing you wanted but even still the only thing you ever wanted was to be loved and accepted.
And let's just say you may have gotten more than you barred for. (Not that you minded of course!) But why was this? Well, it was all thanks to one girl Junko Enoshima!
You had heard of her before you had seen her on TV and in many magazines. You were honestly surprised to see that she was your classmate. Although you weren't surprised she had managed to get into a school like Hope's Peak being scouted as the Ultimate Fashionista.
But why do I say "was?" Well, that's because the Ultimate Fashionista was your girlfriend! The way you got into a relationship with her was certainly strange. Although it's not like you cared you were just happy to have someone like her in your life.
As Junko put it you were simply "Too adorable to be left alone!" And "How is a girl like you, not the Ultimate Model? You'll threaten my position as Ultimate Fashionista for being so beautiful! Be my girlfriend!"
And that's ultimately (haha see what I did there? "Ultimately" cuz of ultimate talents? Okay I'll stop...) How the both of you became partners and you couldn't be happier.
At the beginning of your relationship with Junko, you were afraid to open up to her about your past. But as the two of you got to know each other better and trusted each other as time passed.
When you had told Junko about your parents and ex-partners. She was extremely furious, to say the least. Out of anyone she would want to cause them despair the most.
Because how DARE they treat HER girlfriend like that? She would even send Mukuro after them to "silence" Whether you let her do this is up to you...
Junko would also let you hold and cuddle Monokuma. She'd also communicate through Monokuma. Why not text or phone call? Well according to her "That's so LAME! Who uses a phone to communicate anymore? When you can use the despair bear Monokuma I created!"
Of course, she'd still have her phone on her at all times. For when you didn't have Monokuma around and needed to contact her in some way. If you ever need anything contact her! If you don't well she might end up getting jealous...
All in all, you loved her and she loved you and that's all that matters. She was your Lady of Despair.
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I dare u to say smth nice about all ur classmates AND urself cus self love is best love 😎
No cop outs on either front, silly!!! One sentence for your classmates each will do and TWO sentences for urself b/c u deserve to be a bit greedy with the self compliments! I believe in u! Don't care if u "don't need some peasant hyping u up" or that u "don't need to do this idiotic exercise" or something. This shall be training for u for when u become THE LORD OF ULTIMATE HYPE and the inevitable ULTIMATE LIFEFORM! yes u'll be stealing that last one from shadow the hedgehog but it'll be fiiiiine! u can get him to settle in court if u must!
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*sigh* Fine, I suppose... I'll start with the hardest so I can just have them done.
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Toko's writing... isn't all that bad, I suppose. While it's a genre I would never read, her talent... is there.
The same goes for Hifumi. No matter how disgusting he might be, his work is popular and that's something.
Yasuhiro is also so idiotic that he's actually funny sometimes. Not in the way he intends though.
And Aoi... She is very passionate about the things she loves, I suppose.
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Mondo's lack of intelligence isn't so bad considering he does seem to care about his 'gang' and is quite a good friend from what Chihiro told me...
And I suppose that Leon's talent is quite something, even if he pretends to dislike it.
While Celeste might be... nothing more than a fake, she truly is a sharp minded induvidual.
Oh, and the fact that Mukuro doesn't feel the need to talk every two seconds is wonderful in this class.
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Now moving on to some of my better classmates.
Sayaka did work hard for her position, that much is true. The pop idol industry is far from friendly...
And Sakura is wonderful at calming situations down. She also isn't loud.
Kiyotaka is also just very passionate, even if he is quite... loud about that. His passions are something quite good though.
And while it may not seem like it, Junko's mind is nothing but sharp. She is nothing like the bimbo she pretends to be.
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Now for the final few, the classmates who I like best I suppose.
Makoto's kindness isn't as grating as it used to be. It seems like he actually has a brain in his skull.
And Chihiro's technology skills are truly exceptional. The work he has done for me has been nothing but perfect.
Finally, Kyoko... Her mind is as sharp as it could be. Whenever we talk, it doesn't feel like I lose braincells.
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As for myself, I'm obviously perfect. Nobody other than Father could even think of matching my business skills and I am very smart. I also have perfect looks and observation skills.
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catgirl-catboy · 1 year
Mastermind Whit Essay
Okay, I'm really unsure of how to begin this post. I know most people in the DRDT fandom suspect Teruko as the mastermind due to her secret, but are we perhaps playing right into the masterminds hands?
I feel like if Teruko was genuinely the mastermind, she wouldn't give David of all people a note confirming she is. Due to how misleading the secrets have been with other people, it makes far more sense to read this as a frame by the true mastermind.
Maybe Teruko would deliberately make herself suspicious if it were chapter 5 or 6, but in chapter 2??? I'm not buying it.
I feel like this red herring of Teruko is hiding another, far more suspicious character.
Before we get into our theory, the mastermind should match up with the killing game's mascot.
Monokuma and Junko are the obvious pair, since Junko herself chooses to look like Monokuma. There are also hints in Monokuma theater about her true identity.
Monomi and Izuru also have some parallels, especially since Usami's transformation into Monomi could be considered a nod to Hajime's transformation into Izuru.
Monokubs are cheap ripoffs of Monokuma. Tsumugi is a cheap ripoff of Junko.
This trend also tends to apply to fangans, but I'd rather not spoil any for you.
So what does Monotv say about our mysterious mastermind? Monotv's personality tends to focus on one thing: ratings. He will also fake ineptitude on occasion to make things more interesting.
What if I told you that there was a DRDT character whose every action happens to increase ratings?
That's right, ladies and gentlemen (and Nico!), I'm talking about Whit.
Whit is one of the few characters we see before we get an introduction for him. And what do we see him doing? Turning Hu against the group.
Hu is one of the few characters that isn't willing to trust the group with her secret in chapter 2, and this could very well be because of the bad first impression Whit helped make. This has a side effect of having her emotionally dependent on David by trial 2, which I'm positive will have bad results when the hiatus ends.
When we get to his introduction proper, he spends most of it trying to force Teruko and Xander closer together. This isn't his only notable interaction with Teruko either, since he's the only one that prods her to talk about her past pre-trial 1.
It's hard to say for certain about Whit's intentions, but most of his actions appear to have negative concequences later on in the game.
When it comes to Whit, he claims most of his actions are guided by his intuition, like Sayaka before him.
But when you look at things from an objective point of view, his intuition might not hold up. This is the person that hid David's secret from the class for as long as practical.
In-universe, Whit claims its to help David's career.
But if you look at it closely, does this claim make any sense? This killing game is televised, so it'd be reasonable to suspect that the in-universe DRDT audience knows all the secrets before the characters do.
Besides, how good can Whit's intuition be if he believed in the good of someone as suspicious as David.
So, if Whit's stated motive for keeping that secret doesn't hold up (to me.), what would? Why, MonoTV's motive! Everything Whit does intentionally or unintentionally ups ratings.
Teruko distrusting and being isolated from the group? Is good for ratings.
(Whit didn't bring her back into the group like he did with Charles, which reads as OOC behavior to me. But do you know who canonically doesn't want Teruko talking with the group? MonoTV.)
Hu and David getting close and having a falling out? Is good for ratings.
You could even argue his relationship with Charles is good for ratings.
Speaking of David, I find it interesting that Whit used the same tactic as David to avoid sharing his secret, but did it better.
Unlike David, Whit dropped multiple possible secrets, and admitted the possibility that it could be none of them upfront. This makes him dodge the suspicion David got when his stated secret wasn't on the list.
Whit's secret wasn't even given much attention in the trial itself.
I also feel like Whit's secret was worded a lot more plainly than most of the other secrets. Compare "your mother is dead, you always omit that truth" to "Your older brother died, but you don't remember him at all." or "Your younger sister killed herself because of you. You should have never left."
It could just be because the secret isn't plot-relevant this chapter, or it could be because Whit's secret isn't what it seems.
Another thing, Whit is pretty strange around corpses. He made a dark joke about Min's execution, and under reacts to every corpse in the game so far. Many people think this has something to do with his mom, but I have one question for those people. Would that really explain why he's worse than Veronika, who canonically enjoys the game?
This concludes the main part of my analysis, but here are some details that could be questionable with Mastermind!Whit in mind. (Or maybe I just think everything he does is suspicious, who knows!)
In chapter 1, he deliberately threw the arm wrestling contest to Teruko. Could be hiding his true strength?
He chooses NOT to break up fights that were going nowhere. This seems contrary to what an ideal matchmaker should do in this context.
His name. Whit is one letter away from Wit, meaning intelligence. That could be an example of some very clever foreshadowing. But... its a reach.
He was one of the 3 to get redesigns, along with the protagonist. However, he got specific attention done to his eyes. Every Mastermind in canon does something cool to their eyes upon the reveal.
Out of all of the canon Danganronpa characters, Whits talent is the closest to Toko's. Charwit could be an inversion of Togafuwa, with feelings being one-sided on Toko's (Whit's) end this time.
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hellcifrogs · 3 months
I need more Junko au, anything!!! Eventhing!!!
It can be silly, some doodle or wrtings,plans for the future, scrapped ideas, things you're not certain about
Specially I wanna know about the characters relationships with each other, maybe some ships 👀👀👀
Okay, so this got a bit long...
The Uchihas have been "massacred" in the AU as well, but only in theory (as well) the few remaining Uchihas are hiding or -literally- working for their lives. That's the case for Domin. He escaped, proved he could still be useful and changed his name. Everyone with awakened Uchiha blood had to change their names at some point to hide.
- Amie and Shiori (Shouta) are Uchihas on the run. Shiori's sister, Tsubasa, left the Hyuugas with him when he awakened the sharingan, and they both resent Yan li and Remei a little for staying.
The Hyuugas aren't much better either they hoard the best and most talented youths and discard the rest to other clans. Nolan is the exception, he was demoted from Uzumaki to Hyuuga after Junko arrived and took his place (the clan heads claimed her "rare" Uchiha blood was more worthy than Nolan's Hyuuga blood, when in truth they just wanted to keep a closer eye on her).
Viola knows how cruel the clans system can be, and hopes she can change something from within by becoming the heiress. Honoka wants to believe in her, but once Junko gets her sharingan she can't say she has much hope.
Diane found a way to get away from the Hyuuga clan without getting into any bigger disagreements, by getting a job in Suna. Even though things aren't that great over there, at least those aren't their problem. In Suna Aura and Yori are disputing the kazekage position. Their rivalry was bad enough but on top of that, Ten and Mika have recently been causing trouble in the region, taking sides, and overall causing a mess for the people, and the two need to sort that as well.
On the topic of different villages, Dei is another Uchiha who found safety and protection from Konoha's hunt in Iwa and offered them his loyalty instead. He got Nanako as a teammate and the two will have a small antagonist role in Junko and Viola's journey.
Also Junko manages to escape from Konoha. Both Honoka and Kyouharu are put under investigation. And Kyouharu! He's going to cause so. Much. Trouble to future Hokage Dante. Dante is gonna suffer to fix the system as it is, he's part Uzumaki and knows that helped him get the job in the first place. Suzuyasu knows that as well - just take it from there.
Irene has a crush on Kaito. I don't think they'll get together for now, but the idea is out there.
Aura and Eliete. They're just... always there for each other on the fun and the pain. They both sacrifice anything for the other. Eliete believes Aura when no one else will and Aura shows Eliete her (very very rare) vulnerable moments.
On the same note - Junko and Honoka. Bffs, love and trust each other so much.
Saito got himself a very fierce wife and they are the cutest opposites atract kind of couple!
Yuriko and Ten... they'd be a slow burn, enemies to lovers, tough "I don't need anyone" fighter and stricy "I'll take care of everyone" doctor trope.
Hm... there could be more, I haven't thought of many more too specifically, but there could surely be more ;)
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a-student-out-of-time · 10 months
I actually remember seeing that someone called Mikan a manipulative person who end up be nurse so she could make patients weak and dependent on her... Is this true?
//This person is wrong about everything and here's why.
//I've actually had this same discussion with Poi before, and I'll repeat the conclusions we came to.
Mikan is not a manipulator, an abuser or a yandere.
//And louder for everyone in the back:
Mikan is not a manipulator, an abuser or a yandere.
//Are we clear on that? Good, now I'll tell you why.
//Whenever this negative interpretation of her character shows up, it's always because people think about the standout examples of her worst traits in isolation and jump to the worst possible conclusions about her as a result:
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//Yeah, if you look at any of these on their own, it sounds bad, but that's not how you get a complete look at a character.
//For one, that scene in Island Mode? It's immediately followed up by this:
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//Mikan Tsumiki is one of the most interesting and complicated characters in Danganronpa, and that's the reason why she's my favorite.
//See, Mikan's behavior is explained through one simple fact. It's not that she was abused and bullied throughout childhood, it's why it happened at all.
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//The idea that Mikan is only trying to control people or that she has a self-serving victim complex are rooted in a very malicious interpretation of her actions, when these two scenes together showcase the most important core motivation she has.
//Mikan is afraid of being forgotten/ignored. I'd go so far as to say she has a real condition called Athazagoraphobia.
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//This already in relation to PTSD and feelings of low self-esteem.
//With this in mind, it perfectly describes all of Mikan's actions and responses to her situation. She's desperately afraid of being ignored or forgotten about by others, which lead to her allowing herself to be abused throughout her early life. I've had my interpretations as to why, but whatever abusive environment she grew up in left her with an actual phobia likely related to neglect or exclusion.
//It's probably why Mikan is constantly asking to be forgiven, because she believes that not being forgiven meets that people are going to ignore, exclude or reject her.
//It's also why she finds herself in "compromising positions" so often. To her, being hurt, humiliated or leered at was still a better than people ignoring her. We have a bad habit of framing attention-seeking behavior in a purely negative light and never ask what drives people to do it.
//And that brings us to why she became a nurse in the first place. Mikan was hurt so often and people refused to help her, so she had to learn how to treat her own wounds, which is how she became a nurse.
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//Think about everything I've talked about so far and apply it to this situation. Mikan's realization isn't about a desire for power and domination over others, it's about a desperate craving for acknowledgement. To be in a position where she can't be ignored.
//The reason I say Mikan doesn't have a victim complex is because, outside of her rants in Chapter 3, she only ever apologizes and tries to make sure people aren't mad at her. Real victim complexes are about people framing themselves as the biggest sufferers in any given situation and why they deserve special treatment, which Mikan never does. Anything she says in the third trial is colored by her interactions with Junko, so they should really be taken with a grain of salt.
//But she never fishes for compliments or seeks sympathy for her situation, she doesn't lash out at other people regularly, she doesn't actively blame anyone, she doesn't make up scapegoats, and she doesn't find new things to complain about. Everything she says about herself is very earnest and always very negative, because that's how she sees herself.
//That's not a victim complex, that's bottom-tier self-esteem. Frankly, and I say this because I also enjoy her as a character, but Toko is a better example of someone with a victim complex than her ^^;
//Instead, Mikan puts her own fear and insecurity at the center of her actions. She worries that she's the problem, and that she needs to have people acknowledge her in some manner or else they'll ignore her and forget about her. To her, that's a failing on her part or a punishment for not being good enough.
//It's caused her to develop this perspective where people are either acknowledging her, and that's good, or they're ignoring her, and that's bad. Rather than seeking power, Mikan seems more like she's trying to be a servant and prove that she's useful, thus worthy of attention. She doesn't really grasp that people not acknowledging her doesn't mean they hate her, and that she only ever defines herself based on how other people view her.
//Hajime's response at the end of her FTEs is actually a very fitting rebuttal.
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//Does that mean she's done nothing wrong? Of course not. Her attitude has had negative consequences and, yes, it's led to her making bad decisions. However, that doesn't equate to her being manipulative and abusive, it means she's someone who needs to understand that relationships can be built outside of the cycle of acknowledgement and neglect that she's grown accustomed to.
//Bad actions don't equate to someone being a bad person, and the role of psychological harm in those actions shouldn't be ignored or a cause for dismissing them as people completely.
//And this feels like I'm only scratching the surface of her as a character, because there's so much else I could say, but I think I've made my point clear with this much.
//Mikan is one of DR's best characters and I want more people to fucking acknowledge that.
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Mikan Tsumiki VS Fluttershy [Danganronpa Survivor VS My Little Pony]
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Hifumi: Mikan Tsumiki, the not-so eloquent Ultimate Nurse...
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Leona: And Fluttershy, the not-so submissive Element of Kindness.
Hifumi: Kindness is compassion and love in perfect harmony. It is loving yourself enough to love those around you.
Leona: But despite their power, it seems these two clumsy, skittish, yet sweethearted companions are gonna need a little help with that...He's Hifumi, and I'm Leona!
Hifumi: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, talents and skills, to see who will win a DEATH BATTLE!
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Leona: Back to standard procedure folks!
Hifumi: As we're already all familiar with by this point, Hope's Peak Academy is a school committed to assisting in the training of high school students who are at the top of their fields.
Leona: And as we mentioned before, when everyone at the academy thought their lives were set in stone, Tragedy struck! Literally
Hifumi: That of course, being the arrival of Junko Enoshima. Alongside her manipulation, scheming and casual feats of murder that she did for a bit of fun, her most notable feat of the Hope's Peak Tragedy was the brainwashing of Class 77, turning them into the Ultimate Despair, who then proceeded to wreak havoc on the world as we knew it.
Leona: Yeah, we've been over this...Though it is pretty sad. All of these guys were living such fruitful and happy lives before she came along...
Hifumi: Well, I wouldn't say ALL of them...Truth be told, aside from the likes of Izuru Kamukura and Nagito Komaeda, there is one member of the Ultimate Despair who stands out more than others...That would of course, be Mrs Mikan Tsumiki.
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Leona: Huh...She seems pretty meek...
Hifumi: Well, that would be...HALF right. Mrs Tsumiki's early years were difficult, and that's putting it VERY lightly! She suffered from emotional and physical abuse at the hands of both family members and people she knew outside of that. She has talked about getting burned by cigarettes, getting smeared with mud, and getting splashed with water, among other things. The bullies would make her pay for their debts, make her eat bugs and make her act like animals, beat her up, cut her hair, draw on her, and use her as a dart target. At times, she was even told to undress.
Leona: Jesus fucking Christ! Those people are MONSTERS!
Hifumi: It's actually a lot worse than you may think. Because of the things she was subjected to, Mrs Tsumiki became so twisted, she began to see abuse as AFFECTION. Consequently, she turned into a very shy individual who believed that receiving negative treatment was preferable to receiving none at all.
Leona: What the FUCK man! Jesus, how can humanity be so fucking cruel! What did SHE do!?
Hifumi: So, it's no wonder that she ended up falling to Despair first. She was the first victim of the brainwashing, serving as Junko's guinie pig, and she took to it VERY well...Better than Junko could have dreamed.
Leona: I'm afraid to ask what you mean by that...
Hifumi: It's unclear what happened or why, but Mrs Tsumiki became sickeningly obsessed with Junko Enoshima. Like Harley Quinn with the Joker, she subjected her body and soul for the sake of Junko, and to causing as much despair as possible in her name. Her obsession was so strong, it broke through the memory suppression of the Neo World Program when she and her classmates were trapped in it, and following Junko's death, not only did she try to copulate with her corpse, but she cut out her own uterus and replaced it with the corpse's
Leona: I'm gonna be sick...!
Leona does indeed go a shade of green and turn around to vomit in the corner.
Hifumi: I had figured you already knew this...I apologize. 
Leona: Can we like...maybe take a step back? We're moving through this a bit too fast...
Hifumi: Right, right, of course...Mikan Tsumiki learned how to take care of herself at a very young age because no one was there to tend to her wounds. As her proficiency in this area increased, she developed an interest in nursing and was eventually brought on as the Ultimate Nurse by Hope's Peak Academy.
Leona: Because of this, she's very intellectual about medicine and healthcare, and on multiple occasions, she's been able to save her allies even when they're basically as good as dead. She also knows exactly how much anesthetic and painkillers to exhibit to a person to knock them out without killing them.
Hifumi: Which is extremely important to her own unique way of fighting and taking down her opponents, because believe it or not, past all the emotional damage and timid nature, this skittish nurse lady is...kind of a badass!
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Leona: Mikan seems to give this idea that she's a harmless, good-for-nothing girl who couldn't hurt a fly, but NONE of this is true. If you let your guard down around her or find yourself at the end of her anger, you might find yourself being thoroughly PENATRATED by her MASSIVE...! GIRTHY...! Syringe!
Hifumi: You had me for a minute.
Leona: Given the shit this chick does, I think the dirty jokes are appropriate here.
Hifumi: In all seriousness, Mrs Tsumiki has used this syringe a few times, most notably during her confrontations with Future Foundation's Ultimate Elite Task Force, specifically the Ultimate Nail Artist, as well as Nagito Komaeda.
Leona: Why does EVERYONE want to fight Nagito Komaeda!?
Hifumi: It's not like we want to, it's just that he's VERY punchable. But the difference between her and the others whom have fought him is...believe it or not, she was able to take him out.
Leona: SHE DID!?
Hifumi: Well...KIND of...She was able to run circles around him and trap him, applying her skills with stealth and smarts to get the victory, but ultimately knocked him out by distributing repeated shots of sleeping drugs to him. This only took effect AFTER his fight with Izuru Kamukura though, so it's more like she came and got the last hit in when he was already on low health. Doesn't take away from her other achievements though.
Leona: The syringe can be used to scratch and stab a bitch with it's needle, but it also holds what is basically a tub of anesthetic medicine. If she impales someone with it and gets all up inside them, she can let her juices flow through them, and this she-devil's juices are DEADLY, even more than usual.
Hifumi: You need to stop.
Leona: If I didn't say it, you would!
Hifumi: Dirty jokes aside, anesthesia and sleeping drugs are a powerful weapon when used right, especially in the hands of someone experienced giving shots to people. Distributing enough of this can have some heavy side effects. Agitation, disorientation, lightheadedness, somnolence, dysphoria, changes in hearing, tinnitus, perioral numbness, metallic taste, and dysarthria can all result from an overdose. These warning signs and symptoms can develop into seizures, respiratory arrest, coma, and ultimately death if they are not properly identified and treated quickly.
Leona: But that thing sure looks big dumb and heavy. Wielding it can't be easy. How much does it weigh exactly?
Hifumi: Oh, about 150 lbs.
Leona: Oh, ok-WHAT!? 
Hifumi: Not only is the syringe pretty hefty on it's own, but Mrs Tsumiki has stated that the syringe can hold up to 18 gallons of sedative liquid inside it. The density of the anesthetic is obviously much thicker than water, but that would at least put it to at least 150 lbs, which for reference, is about the weight of a dirt bike.
Leona: And she's just lugging that thing around no problem?
Hifumi: Obviously, Mrs Tsumiki isn't something like Mr Nidai, who could probably wield the heavy thing like a spear if he wanted, so her attacks using her trademark weapon are usually a little sluggish, so assuming you can outspeed her, it won't be much of a problem. However, if a hit DOES land, kiss your ass and your consciousness goodbye!
Leona: And even if it doesn't, Mikan's got ways around this problem...In the form of OTHER weapons! MORE NEEDLES!
Hifumi: She is indeed a Trypanophobists nightmare, as well as a nightmare for everyone else. On top of having a giant syringe as her main weapon, Mrs Tsumiki has also been known to employ smaller syringes as weapons, which she uses kind of like throwing knives. The syringes have a unique property in that the moment they pierce flesh, they apply whatever liquid is inside them, which again, is usually sedative anesthetic, albeit on a much smaller level than her main weapon.
Leona: They also sometimes contain painkillers or other sorts of medicines, usually created with Seiko Kimura's help, that Mikan can use on herself and her allies to pep them up. And she's got killer accuracy too. Plus, she has a surgical scalpel on hand for an emergency. It's honestly kinda weird...I wouldn't expect such feats from someone this emotionally unstable and...honestly, clumsy.
Hifumi: Yes, it's a well known fact that Mrs Tsumiki has a tendency to accidentally fall over in compromising positions, however, though she doesn't always outright admit it, it's implied that this was all an act. Due to her diseased mind, Mrs Tsumiki didn't become a nurse mainly out of her desire to help people, but actually upon recognizing the likelihood that she could feel in control of sick and injured people. After all, people who are sick are, by default, weaker, and they would have to rely entirely on her since they were the weaker party, and she would be in charge of their lives.
Leona: That's...kinda fucked up actually, but hey, I get it. She's seen some shit.
Hifumi: Fortunately or unfortunately, this endless abuse didn't stop even as an Ultimate Despair. Though she gave her life and everything else to Junko's cause, and claimed COUNTLESS victims, possessing one of the highest kill counts among the remnants, she was eventually captured and placed into the Neo World Program by the Future Foundation, which was then taken over by Junko's AI, and she was subsequently forced into the second killing game.
Leona: During which, her abilities and own physical capabilities really shone through. As we said already, Mikan was the only one who was able to remember her life as a Remnant of Despair, likely because her love for Junko was so insanely strong. Shortly after Monokuma hit the group with the Despair Disease, Mikan concocted and pulled off a plan of her own, which resulted in the deaths of BOTH Ibuki Mioda and Hiyoko Saionji. Speaking of which, let's talk about that quickly!
Hifumi: Nobody looks upon this moment favorably, let's be honest, but to be frank, this plan was BEYOND impressive in terms of how it's pulled off! Namely because of the amount of speed and timing that would be needed to pull it off.
Leona: We don't really need to go into specifics, but to summarize, during her plan, Mikan ran from the hospital to the music venue, smashed a bunch of electronics, changed the temperature of the room, tore off the wallpaper hiding Hiyoko's body, glued the door shut and runs all the way to the motel just as Hajime is meeting up with his friends. Based on the relative amount of time it takes for Hajime to meet up with the others, Mikan's window of opportunity was a minute at least and 2 minutes at most.
Hifumi: Which is frankly an almost impossible feat of strength and power coming from someone like her, but we can talk more about that in a minute. Following the conclusion of the Killing Game, Mrs Tsumiki was one of the first people to be brought back to life in the other side, but unfortunately...the influence of the disease remained.
Leona: Perhaps it's because Mikan technically got two doses of the brainwashing, or because she remembered during the Killing Game; but either way, Mikan came back still as a remnant self, and caused a lot of trouble, especially since the object of her affection didn't remain in the world any longer, with both her real and AI self having been wiped out. Fortunately, Hajime and the others weren't about to give up on her, even after everything she did.
Hifumi: Ironically, Ibuki Mioda, a fellow Remnant, was the primary defender of Mikan's second chance, despite being one of her victims in the Killing Game. She assisted Mikan in recovering from the trauma and returning to a generally stable state of mind. And there was a lot of trauma to work through, in case we didn't convey that already.
Leona: I guess in the end, all she ever needed to get over her damaged body and mind was a healthy relationship. And she got MORE than that when it came to Ibuki! Turns out our loveable nurse isn't TOTALLY terrible with women! Then again, as simple as I am, I wouldn't be quick to enter a loving relationship with a girl who murdered me once before...
Hifumi: Mrs Tsumiki went on to rebuild her classmates' faith and trust in her, helping the Future Foundation with medical needs and healing people this time for the right reasons. Even though she is still emotionally hesitant and timid most of the time, she makes an effort to apply herself in the fight for good and works on growing rather than letting her past or her flaws define her. With all that being said...there WERE some problems.
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Leona: Yeah, it turns out that even after restoring her honor, she still felt an itch...a craving for Despair...But she tried her best to suppress it for the sake of her classmates around her. She would never have dreamed of hurting her friends anymore, but she continued to relish the thoughts, and hated herself for it. However, she eventually learned to follow the old saying "If you can't lose it? USE it!"
Hifumi: I think you're misremembering "If you can't beat them, join them," but I suppose that works better here. Whenever things are at their bleakest, Mikan Tsumiki learned to instead of giving in to her lingering psychopathic tendencies, she would WEAPONIZE them. 
Leona: We in the analysis business give this idea a neat little name of "DESPAIR RAGE!" You know that meme of the doctor with the gun? "I'm a healer, but..." that one? Yeah, that's Mikan when she's in this state.
Hifumi: Not only does she become inherently more violent and destructive in this state, throwing most of her morality and conscious decisions to the wind, but Mrs Tsumiki also becomes more sociopathic, sometimes outright toying with her enemies, like she did to Nagito Komaeda when she had him at her mercy. While the state doesn't necessarily make her STRONGER, it does stop her from holding back in any way, shape or regard. 
Leona: On that note, to close out this segment, why don't we quickly go over some statistical feats? We've already established that she's really strong and fast, but despite her surprising strength, Mikan has a hard time applying that to fights. She IS a medic after all, not really a soldier, and applies most of her skills to healing wounds instead of causing them, unless it's as a last resort.
Hifumi: Which is why when Mrs Tsumiki is faced with combat, she chooses to less rely on strength and durability, and opts more for speed and smarts. Like hiding in the shadows to land a sneak attack, or setting and luring her opponents into traps. It helps that she seems to have an innate stealth ability and keen strategical prowess.
Leona: I guess when you're not capable of setting off nukes by taking a shit, this is the best you can do. Speaking of traps and durability though, I'd have to say her most impressive feat is the fact that she fought Nagito Komaeda in such a confined environment! And when he was an Ultimate Hope too!
Hifumi: I'm inclined to agree. Do you remember how we mentioned in our first matchup that Makoto Naegi was able to survive being thrown through a solid ceiling and walls? Well, during her fight against Komaeda, Mrs Tsumiki did the same thing! SEVERAL MORE TIMES IN QUICK SUCCESSION in fact!
Leona: As a reminder, we calculated in the third episode with Akane that the amount of energy required to send someone crashing through a solid stone wall 31.572 grams of TNT, since Akane herself did it with Nagito earlier in the same arc. Mikan's feat is significantly less impressive since the number of walls she was thrown through were thinner and fewer, but it's still an unbelievable feat for someone to survive, and that's not even mentioning what happened afterwards!
Hifumi: Mrs Tsumiki's penultimate plan was to keep Mr Komaeda distracted until the Future Foundation had enough time to blow up the building with the both of them inside it. This ultimately didn't do much in terms of stopping Komaeda, but the entire buildings collapse didn't kill HER either! She escaped with several wounds and a completely mangled foot, but with her life.
Leona: So all in all, just remember that if you ever tick this seemingly timid and sweet caretaker off, you may find yourself in a state worse than death. An apple a day keeps the doctor at bay!
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Leona: We're about to get into some serious shit with this one, and no, I'm not kidding, so hold your horses.
Hifumi: Was that a pun, or did you say that on accident?
Leona: Welcome to the land of Equestria, a magical kingdom full of rolling plains, beautiful mountain ranges, and rainbows! A place where you just can't help but be happy! One of the places you'll find in this magical realm is Cloudsdale! Home of the Pegasuses...or Pegasi...or...Pegacivilians...Take your pick.
Hifumi: While Unicorns are known for their magic, and Earth Ponies are known for their connection to nature, their ability to fly, walk on clouds, and manipulate the weather are what makes the Pegasi unique.
Leona: Here's some juicy lore for you folks out there who stupidly thought that this was a simple toy franchise for little girls - The Pegasi are portrayed as a militaristic, organized tribe with a well-established fighting force and a cloud home filled with war-themed monuments. Members of the original Pegasus Tribe were in charge of weather control in exchange for food harvested by Earth ponies. To sum it up, the Pegasissies in the world of My Little Pony are kind of like Saiyan's in Dragon Ball, or at least a similar premise. Yes, really.
Hifumi: And just like it was with the Saiyan's and Son Goku, there's one Pony in particular who doesn't quite fit in line with the legacy of their bloodline. We can certainly see the warrior influence in Rainbow Dash, a previous DB competitor, but far from it in her best friend...The peace-loving, hug-mongering Fluttershy.
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Leona: As someone who, to probably no one's surprised, is obsessed with MLP, allow me to take over most of the historical analysis here. As Hifumi just mentioned, Fluttershy, even as a filly, was not like the other Pegasusans in Cloudsdale. In fact, she was quite a notorious outcast who didn't fit in, nor get along with many of the others around her.
Hifumi: Mainly due to how she had a taller, ganglier body and larger wings, but also wasn't a very good flier, despite that basically being the Pegasi's thing. It would kind of be like if someone made fun of you for not being able to walk properly because you have a bonky leg, which...Yeah, that's...
Leona: Yeah, kinda fucked up, right!? My Little Pony addresses ABLEISM, and very early on in fact! She was given the rather disgraceful nickname of "Klutzershy" from the colts because of her clumsy nature, but a young Rainbow Dash stood up for her. She challenged Fluttershy's bullies to a race, but then...things went a LITTLE wrong...
Hifumi: During the race, Rainbow Dash and the bullies accidentally knocked Fluttershy off the clouds and down to the ground below, but she was conveniently saved by landing on a group of butterflies. However, this was the first time she had ever been outside of Cloudsdale and was unfamiliar with the world around her, and Fluttershy was overwhelmed by seeing the beauty of the animals and the greenery for the first time.
Leona: So much so that she started to sing a merry tune. You know, as you do. But a few moments later, Rainbow Dash, who had been frightened by Fluttershy's fall, burst in so fast to find her, she created a sonic rainboom that startled the animals and scared them into hiding.
Hifumi: Fortunately, it was here that Fluttershy discovered her true calling in life. She might not have been as fast, or as brave as the rest of her people, but learned that she had a gift for talking to animals, after managing to quiet the critters down after the scare. Moments later, she earned her Cutie Mark.
Leona: And no, that's not a euphemism for something. The cutie marks are obtained when Ponies discover a unique characteristic that sets themselves apart from others. Effectively, if she existed in our universe, this would the the symbol of Fluttershy's Ultimate Talent.
Hifumi: With time, Fluttershy established herself as one of the members of the Guardians of Friendship, or as the community calls them, the Mane 6, alongside Rainbow Dash, as well as Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Rarity and Pinkie Pie. Unfortunately, even once she was a fully grown adult pony, her timidness and shyness didn't go away. I mean, it's in her name obviously, but she's typically very pacifistic and somewhat cowardly, possesses severe stage fright, and she was so shy in the first half of the series that she could hardly speak in front of strangers and that she was unable to say "no" when asked to do something that she didn't want to do.
Leona: But again, that's what makes it so weird and baffling, because just like her opponent, this "crouching moron" is a "hidden badass!"
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Hifumi: Even early on in the series when it's most sold that Fluttershy is weaker than most Pegasi around her, it's also proven to NOT be the case. It may mainly be because of her lack of confidence in herself, but at her peak when she throws this to the wayside, usually out of fear or anger, she has the potential to be stronger AND faster than even Rainbow Dash.
Leona: She WAS able to outfly Rainbow Dash while towing two other ponies in a hot-air balloon, and kept up with her when creating a tornado. Something that the Pegasussusamongus do as part of their rituals in Equastria, and even though she's noted to not be as good at base level as the rest of her people, she SHOULD realistically be capable of this feat at her full potential.
Hifumi: You did that one on purpose...
Leona: Maybe I did, maybe I didn't?
Hifumi: You DEFINITELY did!
Leona: She's also ran the entire Running of the Leaves, a very intense running race, without showing a notable decrease in stamina, and her ability to empathize and communicate with animals has helped both herself and her allies in tight jams before. However, on top of all these wacky powers and abilities, there's one that really stands out that only she possesses...THE STARE! DUN DUN DUUUUUN!
Hifumi: The Stare is, in short, Fluttershy glaring at you angrily like a disappointed mother, and she usually uses this look on misbehaving animals. While this doesn't sound THAT intimidating coming from a soft-spoken pony like her, it's proven to ACTUALLY be quite powerful, so much so that Fluttershy openly says she only employs it in life or death situations, or to maintain order. It's so effective, she was able to use it to tame a cockatrice!
Leona: Kind of like Medusa, staring a cockatrice in the eyes turns you to stone, which it did once to Twilight Sparkle. However, Fluttershy employed the stare on it, looking it dead in the eyes, and actually got it to RELENT, causing her own petrification to be reversed, as well as Twilight's.
Hifumi: However, despite how powerful this "Stare" really is, it has it's limitations. Namely, it's shown not working on powerful and/or chaotic and unrelenting creatures like the infamous Discord, who merely laughed in Fluttershy's face when she tried to use it on him. It also seems to have absolutely no effect on more aggressive creatures like Flash Bees.
Leona: But even amongst the incredible feats of the Pegusfring's, and her own powers like the stare, Fluttershy's main source of power comes from her own special magic. The Mane 6 are capable of wielding these special artifacts called the Elements of Harmony.
Hifumi: In the My Little Pony universe, the Elements of Harmony are commonly described as "the most powerful magic known to Ponydom." Thousands of years ago, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna discovered them and removed them from the Tree of Harmony. Every artifact symbolizes a facet of friendship and becomes active only when the wielder possesses the matching trait and when all six are used together.
Leona: That being said, Twilight Sparkle was able to use the Element of Magic by herself in Equestria Girls, so the latter part isn't exactly true. In the case of Fluttershy though, she wields the Element of Kindness!
Hifumi: The Kindness Element is represented by a pink butterfly-shaped gem set in a gold necklace, resembling the butterflies in Fluttershy's Cutie Mark. Though it's only really ever used as a last resort, using the Element of Kindness, Fluttershy can restore peace and balance in moments of complete and total anarchy. Aside from granting Fluttershy special magical powers like generating forcefields, the Element can be used to banish different villains to different planes of existence, like the moon, Tartarus, or limbo, or it can be used to imprison something, like when it was used to imprison Discord in stone.
Leona: Yeah, Tartarus is a thing in My Little Pony. I told you, the lore fucks! And if you didn't think THAT was crazy, the Element can also summon a rainbow tornado that no matter what, completely engulfs its target! If they are evil or opposed to harmony, this tornado will completely change their morality and they will show remorse for their actions!
Hifumi: A very fitting power for someone like Fluttershy, who even without the Element's power is already kindness and sympathy incarnate? Do you remember how we brought up Discord? He's a Draconequus who is LITERALLY the physical embodiment of disharmony and chaos, and was originally one of the ponies most terrifying foes.
Leona: Emphasis on "originally," because thanks to Fluttershy's kindness and her willingness to see the good in people; even after he went on to cause even more trouble for her and her friends, she was not only able to REFORM Discord of his evil ways, but became his best buddy! And potential love interest as a lot of the fandom will tell you, but that's a discussion for another time. So yeah, if anyone's gonna wield the Element of Kindness, it's Fluttershy!
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Hifumi: To make things even worse for any enemy that might have the gall to underestimate her, Fluttershy is also capable of boosting her power through the last means you might expect from MLP, but then again, that seems to be a running theme...Transformation!
Leona: We could be here all day talking about this but to sum it up, there's basically this tree that has a chest, and unlocking this chest unleashes this ancient power inside it that allows the Mane 6, including Fluttershy, to take on the POWER OF THE RAINBOWS! Or...Rainbow Power as it's called. 
Hifumi: The Rainbow Power is only briefly seen, but following the opening of the chest, Fluttershy and her companions all gained more magic and underwent physical transformations. The Mane 6 used this power to defeat Lord Tirek, after he stole Twilight's powers, along with the magic of the entire population of Equestria! And that includes, Celestia, Luna and Discord's power!
Leona: The Rainbow Power and transformation bestows Fluttershy with all the same powers as the Element of Kindness tenfold! When she and her friends used it following the overpowered Tirek's rampage, she returned the stolen flight, strength, and magic back to the ponies of Equestria, even the Alicorns, and it also gives her powers like unlimited flight, powerful forcefield creation, summoning a gigantic spiritual Alicorn to aid in battle, and even increased Banishment powers like when she sent Tiren back to Tartarus with it.
Hifumi: And to top it all off, that's not the only transformation that Fluttershy possesses. She's also capable of taking on her own unique, and honestly rather deadly form...the Flutterbat!
Leona: So not only is Fluttershy at her peak a weather controller, multiversal goddess and the living embodiment of the concept of Kindness, she's also a FUCKING VAMPIRE! MY LITTLE PONY EVERYBODY!
Hifumi: To be more specific, Fluttershy became a vampire fruit bat-pony hybrid when Twilight unintentionally transferred the vampire fruit bats' desires to her. Her cutie mark transforms into three pink bats, and she gets fangs, bat wings, red eyes, and bat-like ears. She was able to outmaneuver the other ponies in the air with ease while squeezing the juice from apples and spitting out their seeds in this form.
Leona: So think a vampire that sucks on apple juice instead of blood. Twilight eventually managed to restore her back to normal, but at the end of the episode, Fluttershy retained a small fang, and later took the form of Flutterbat again to help Princess Luna defeat the Tantabus.
Hifumi: All in all, there's a LOT to Fluttershy than meets the eye, and thinking she's an easy target is a recipe for one's downfall. She has so forcefully bucked the back ends of two garbage wagonloads that they have flipped over to the vertical position and back again, skillfully wrestled a bear while trying to give it a massage, and withstood an attack from Sunset Shimmer when she herself was using the Element of Magic.
Leona: In one episode, she and Bulk Biceps, a very muscular Pegasoo, collided into a mountainside with such force that an indent was formed, and Fluttershy was crushed beneath Bulk's larger body. She is stuck on him when he flies off, but she appears surprised rather than pained, and in the following scenes, she is perfectly fine! She's also successfully defended herself against Iron Will, a really buff minotaur dude, fought and overpowered Cozy Glow for a time, stood up to a giant dragon despite her innate fear of them, and fought an army of Changelings, insect-like beings who feed off the love of others to gain power for their own.
Hifumi: Fluttershy may easily lose her cool when she's angered, and she may be cripplingly afraid of many things, but there's one indisputable fact about her. She's a VALID and DESERVING member of the Mane 6, and will pull her weight when she needs to, no matter what comes her way.
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Hifumi: Alright, the combatants are set! We've run the data through all possibilities!
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WARNING:The following battle contains actions of extreme violence committed on a character from  My Little Pony. We understand this sort of graphic content and description can perturb some readers, so while we don't normally give this warning, we will here. Should you wish to skip straight to the results, by all means do so.You have been warned.
The scene opens to into a peaceful setting within the middle of a quiet orchard on a sunny day in Equestria. The birds are singing, the animals are casually playing around.
This peace however, is interrupted by a terrified scream, as Mikan Tsumiki comes bursting into the clearing, crying and panicked, literally pulling her hair out.
Mikan: Where am I!? What's going on!? WHERE AM I!? WHAT'S GOING ON!?
Freaked out and scared at having randomly ended up in this strange and unfamiliar location, Mikan's mental state is rapidly crumbling, and the animals around her run for safety, feeling  threatened by her frankly overwhelming presence.
Meanwhile, not too far away, several more animals gather around a yellow and pink pony, tending to them and singing to them while doing so.
Fluttershy: ♪ I like the quiet, I like the calm...To turn it up, to sing along...I'm not just shy...Look close, and you will see...There's so much more to♪ -HUH!?
Fluttershy's soothing melody is swiftly interrupted as the animals cries from beyond the shrubbery grow closer. She lifts her head and sees several critters scurry from the bushes, followed by a clumsy, stumbling, purple-haired nurse, who trips over the branches and lands on her face. She quickly lifts her head to see Fluttershy staring back at her with astonishment.
Fluttershy: A human...!?
Mikan: KYAGH!? A-A t-t-talking horse!?
Fluttershy: How did you get here!? A-And why are you scaring the precious little animals away!?
Mikan: Wh-What!? No, no, no! Th-That's not what I
Fluttershy: HEEE!?
Mikan: EEEP!
Fluttershy, the animals and even Mikan herself gasp in horror, as Mikan gets to her feet and accidentally steps forward on top of a small mouse. The mouse squeaks in pain as it's crushed beneath her foot.
Fluttershy: Oh no! H-Hold on! I can help-!
Fluttershy: GUGH!
Mikan: Agh...TCH!
Mistaking her approach for her trying to avenge the creature, Mikan fends Fluttershy off by grabbing her syringe from behind her back and swatting her away with it when she flies in to supposedly attack. Mikan looks back and forth between her weapon and her now opponent, her expression darkening as she realizes it's far too late for peaceful negotiations.
Though Fluttershy seems hesitant, she agrees to the duel regardless. With the exception of one deer who quickly grabs the poor mouse's body first, the rest of the animals quickly scarper, leaving the area open, as the fight begins!
Though initially trying to go in for the first blow, Fluttershy starts the fight by staying on the defensive. Mikan hoists her giant syringe up and takes some hefty swings. Though even in a panicked and confused state, Fluttershy easily avoids them.
Fluttershy: KUGH!
Mikan: HUAGH!
Fluttershy: Haah...! U-Uwagh...Ngh...CHAGH!
Mikan: OOF!
When Mikan eventually gets a hit in while Fluttershy is at her most vulnerable, he punches the plunger to inject Fluttershy with the viscous anesthetic fluid inside. Fluttershy manages to break free just in time, and despite feeling lightheaded due to the anesthetic's effects, she counterattacks by using her front hooves to kick Mikan.
Fluttershy takes a moment while she has breathing room to check her wound. Seeing that she's slightly bleeding, she quickly wipes the wound with her hoof as Mikan recovers from her previous attack.
Mikan: What is going on...!? A-Am I hallucinating!? Is this some kind of dream...!?
Fluttershy notices that Mikan is panicking and in this moment, takes some sympathy on her.
Fluttershy: Hey, um...It occurs to me that we...may have jumped to conclusions before...You don't have to be so scared-
Mikan pulls out a bunch of smaller throwing syringes from her apron. Crying her eyes out in fear, she throws a barrage of them at Fluttershy, trying to turn the Pegasus into a pincushion.
Fluttershy: EEK!
Fluttershy's eyes widen as she sees these needles incoming, and she quickly rolls to the side and dashes out of the way. She flies forward, but looks back, worried that the needles might hit any of the animals.
Fortunately, they collide with the trunk of a thick tree and get stuck. Unfortunately, Fluttershy, not looking where she's going, bumps into Mikan. The two clatter to the floor, the latter in a rather compromising position that she quickly covers up.
Mikan: KYAAGH!
Fluttershy: Oh, sorry! I'm so sorry!
Mikan: No, that was my-Ugh...It's ok...Hold on, let me-
Fluttershy: N-No, let me get this for-OOF! My, this is REALLY heavy!
Mikan: No, no, I've got it! Thank you though...
Fluttershy: Sorry, I wasn't looking!
Mikan: No, seriously, thank you!
Fluttershy: Anytime!
Mikan & Fluttershy: Huh? Wait...Oh, DANGIT!
After a brief distraction, in which Fluttershy helps Mikan to her feet and tries to hand her back her primary weapon, the two forget that they're supposed to be fighting and cuss themselves out for it. Mikan takes the first strike, almost pinning Fluttershy to the ground with her heavy weapon before the Pegasus shoves her backwards.
Mikan: Huh!? WAH-!?
Mikan: OHOUGH!
Fluttershy: HEEEH!
In quick succession, Fluttershy darts between Mikan's legs, kicks her square in the back from behind, grabs her legs and pins her to the ground, similarly to how she does when she's massaging bears, though this is done with the intention of holding Mikan still on the ground.
Fluttershy: Please, just listen to me! I'm sorry I scared you! We don't have to be fighting like this!
Mikan: Haah...! Haaah...! Haaaah...! NRGH!
Fluttershy: YOWCH!
Fluttershy's wishes for peace aren't granted. Mikan gets Fluttershy off of her by grabbing another small needle and stabbing her in the ankle, injecting more of the fluid. Mikan throws Fluttershy off of her, grabs her big weapon, and dives into the trees.
Fluttershy: Wait...! C-Come back...!
Fluttershy calls after her, but the anesthetic makes her even more dizzy, and she's unable to see straight for a moment. Mikan on the other hand, hides behind a rather thick tree trunk in a darker part of the orchard, cradling her body and starting to hyperventilate.
Mikan: What do I do...!? What do I do...!? I don't even know where I am and I...I...!
You hurt them...
Mikan: Geh!?
It never ends...You hurt everybody...
Mikan: Stop...!
She'll kill you...
Mikan: No, no...!
She should...
Mikan: Grrgh...!
Die, you piece of shit...!
Mikan: Forgive me...! Please...forgive me...! I...
She slowly rises to her feet. She then slowly lifts her head, her expression having changed dramatically. The tears stop flowing, her lips stop quivering, she holds her syringe with a tight grip, and her eyes become swirled with layers and layers of anguish and darkness.
Mikan: I won't stop...until you FORGIVE ME!
Fluttershy: Please, c-come out...! I can help you...!
Fluttershy stirs as she suddenly hears the sound of something fast through the leaves behind her. She quickly turns around, but only sees traces of something that was there. She hears the same sound again and turns again, seeing the same thing.
Fluttershy: Human...? Wh-Where are you...!?
Mikan: Here...!
Fluttershy: HUH!?
Fluttershy: GHAAAAGH!
Fluttershy screams in agony as without a word of warning, besides Mikan's sadistic teasing, she feels the incredibly sharp pang of the giant needle in the back of her body! Though being restrained, Fluttershy turns her head enough to see that Mikan's timid demeanor has gone, and now the look in her eyes bares naught but a despairful rage.
Fluttershy: OOPH! RRGGGH!
Mikan: Heeeehehh...Hehehehhehehhheeegh...!
Mikan grabs Fluttershy by her jaw with one hand, holding onto the pony tightly as she uses her other to pump her full of the drugs in her weapon. Fluttershy's vision slowly begins to go dark, and the more the anesthetic enters her system, the weaker she gradually becomes, allowing Mikan to dominate her; baring a sadistic and perverse smile all the while.
Mikan then, to add insult to the very painful injury, kicks Fluttershy onto the ground and bounces off her into the air. While airborne, she once again reaches into her apron and produces several more syringes, which she holds between her fingers. She smiles down at Fluttershy, sticking out her tongue, sweating, and with a face-wide blush of ecstacy.
Mikan: Here's your PRESCRIPTION!
The pain is agonizing! Fluttershy is injected with multiple sharp objects all over her body, pumping her full of drugs and rendering her nearly incapacitated and in immense pain, despite the needles causing little bleeding. She begins to lose sensation in her legs and her vision begins to warp. Mikan lands, picks up her enormous syringe, and moves slowly toward the Pegasus, raising the needle above her head for the final blow. All Fluttershy can do is crawl forward helplessly.
Fluttershy: No...Please...d-don't...! Huh?
Though her vision is still shaky, Fluttershy looks forward and meets eyes with a lone fruit bat, which is passing through, unaware of what's really going on with the situation and just looking for apples to eat in the orchard.
The bat glares into her eyes, and despite her agony, something stirs within Fluttershy, and her eyes widen, only to morph into an enraged and deranged frown as she feels her body begin to change...! Meanwhile, Mikan finally lets her chunky syringe fall down towards her head!
Mikan: DIE!
However, much to Mikan's surprise, as soon as she brings the needle down on Fluttershy, the pony disappears. This time, it's HER turn to be surprised when she senses a presence behind her...!
Flutterbat: *HIISSSS*
Fluttershy, now FlutterBAT, smacks Mikan with her now hefty tail, sending her crashing into another tree trunk. Mikan lazily crawls to her feet and glares back at her attacker, who menacingly hangs upside down from a tree branch sucking on an apple.
Mikan: Filthy fucking rabies infested CREATURE!
Flutterbat: *SCREEEECCH!*
Mikan yells these enraged words out while hoisting her syringe over her shoulder before sprinting back into the fray. Similarly, Flutterbat drops from her perch and flies toward the Ultimate Nurse like small plane.
The sheer force of Flutterbat's wings almost knocks Mikan over, but she manages to stand and stabs Fluttershy with her syringe once more. This time, though, she sees that it does much less to slow Fluttershy down.
Mikan: What in the hell ARE you, freak!?
Flutterbat: *SCREEEECCH!*
Flutterbat, naturally, has nothing to say in response, and Mikan's frustration at not being able to gain the upper hand over her opponent grows. But Flutterbat also has trouble dealing Mikan any significant damage. She attempts to bite Mikan in retaliation, but the nurse dodges it and kicks her out of the way, only to have a gust of wind throw her back in turn.
Flutterbat: *HIISSSS*
Mikan and Flutterbat trade violent blows, with Mikan using her syringe to hit Flutterbat and the former using her tail, sending each other flying back into the trees.
Flutterbat: Agh...Ngh...Hm?
Mikan: Haah...Hagh...HRGH! Huuh! Huuh! Huuh!
The blow into the tree has an interesting effect on Flutterbat as the transformation and continued fighting frees her of the initial effects of Mikan's drug-induced lunacy, making her vaguely come to her senses. When the pony sees the Nurse hyperventilating, clearly in a state of a panic attack, her reason comes back to her.
With it, Flutterbat drops out of her transformation and becomes Fluttershy again. Mikan's panic attack leaves her open to another blow, but Fluttershy refrains.
Before she can do or say anything, the animals from earlier slowly poke their heads out from the bushes, sensing a break in the fighting. Among them, Fluttershy sees the mouse Mikan stepped on earlier, now feeling a lot better, as it squeaks happily, but then squeaks in concern as it looks back towards Mikan. 
Fluttershy also looks back at Mikan, who is still on the ground, breathing heavily. She smiles and nods towards her animal companions, as they prepare a plan.
Fluttershy: I...think I understand it now...! Everyone was so afraid of you...but you've been afraid this whole time, right? You must have end
Mikan: Grrgh...Hngh...
Fluttershy: I guess it's true, huh? It's so sad. I'm so sorry...But still...
Fluttershy stamps her hoof on the ground, drawing the panicked and crazed Mikan's attention. Fluttershy then employs her most deadly technique - THE STARE!
Fluttershy: That's NO excuse for your behavior! You need to calm down!
Mikan: ...
Fluttershy: ...
Mikan: Are you making fun of me...! Please! DON'T PICK ON ME!
Mikan: Huh!?
Fluttershy: Yeah, I somehow knew that wouldn't work...!
Fluttershy giggles, embarrassed that her trick didn't work, but also clearly not having expected it to. But to Mikan's shock and surprise, as she throws another array of needles towards Fluttershy, they seem to bounce off her. In reality, they collide with a forcefield the Pegasus puts around herself.
While distracting Mikan with The Stare, Fluttershy's animal companions hang the golden necklace that is the Element of Kindness around her neck, and Fluttershy does not hesitate to use it's power to protect herself.
Mikan panics and throws more needles, but they also bounce off. Fluttershy bears an expression of sympathy, but also determination as she and her animal friends stride slowly towards the Ultimate Nurse.
Fluttershy: I meant it when I said I don't want to hurt you...But without my friends here...I need to do this...!
Mikan: KRRGH! H-HUH!?
Mikan is nearly blinded by a light that erupts from Fluttershy's body, and once it dissipates, she looks up in horror to see Fluttershy in her Rainbow Power form.
Fluttershy: I think you should be careful...
Fluttershy: It's the most powerful magic in all of Equestria...Friendship!
Die...Kill...No...NOOOOO...! STOP! NOOOOOOOO!
Mikan: H-Huh!?
Mikan's eyes shut tight as she's suddenly swept off her feet by a tornado made of rainbows that completely envelops her. However, they shoot open again, not in fear, not in shock or horror...but in clarity.
The voices in her head that drive her into despair...the foundation of her despairing rage...she feels them being washed away, and for the first time in her entire life...she feels free.
However, despite this, her nightmare doesn't appear to be over, as she stares back up at Fluttershy, who's body glows with a white light, and her eyes white out as she's filled with power.
Fluttershy: Heehee...!
Fluttershy, with a warm and cheerful smile, and with the animals of the orchard hovering around her in bliss and tranquility, fires a golden beam of light down onto her opponent, and Mikan screams in fear as she sees her body slowly but surely begin to turn into stone! Starting with her feet and working it's way up into her head, the broken Ultimate Nurse becomes a solid frozen ornament.
Fluttershy slowly descends to the ground with her animal friends, and returns to her base form. She's completely healed of every wound she suffered during the fight and her vitality is restored to normal. She and the animals approach the statue and carefully watch it.
Fluttershy: Once my friends arrive, we'll let you go free, and I'll gladly let you join my tea party! ...But for now, I'm sorry, but I have to sit you in time out...
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Leona: Ah, poor poor Mikan. First a victim of batshit Danganronpa lore, now a victim of even more batshit My Little Pony lore. But hey, at least she didn't "DIE" die...
Hifumi: Unsurprisingly, this match was pretty clear cut. Though despite the one-sidedness in terms of how each combatants abilities stack up to each others, Mikan Tsumiki DID possess her own fair share of advantages. 
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Leona: To start with, Mikan's primary way of taking out enemies is using her needles to either rip them to shreds, or inject them with enough anesthetic to send them into comatose. Despite it still being pretty high when scaled to other characters in My Little Pony, Fluttershy's defense is easily her weakest stat, and she's evidently not immune to drugs...and I genuinely can't believe I just said that.
Hifumi: Tsumiki's best shot at winning this fight would be to catch Fluttershy off guard, and inject her with enough sleeping drugs that she falls unconscious and deliver an easy killing blow that way, assuming Fluttershy doesn't somehow die from the overdose. And with her evidently unmatched stealth and speed skills, as well as the fact that she's undoubtedly far more strategic than her Pegasus opponent, it was entirely possible she could get the jump on Fluttershy, who all things considered is very gullible and easily duped, and achieve exactly that!
Leona: That being said, while not IMPOSSIBLE, it was still very unlikely. It took SEVERAL shots, and even Mikan having to distribute basically all of the drugs contained in her claymore needle to render Nagito Komaeda unconscious. This is most likely because Nagito's Ultimate Hope abilities gave him an exponential increase in stamina that allowed him to resist the drugs for a long time, only taking effect with one final shot following several battles in succession.
Hifumi: And based on the calculations of her feats, as well as scaling her to Rainbow Dash in particular, it's likely that Fluttershy's max stamina was MUCH HIGHER than even that.
Leona: As were MOST of Fluttershy's stats at that. Mikan was fast, being able to outpace Nagito Komaeda, who possesses above superhuman speed and reactions, but Fluttershy was DEFINITELY faster, so much so that it's hard to even lock down her maximum speed. Scaling it to Rainbow Dash though, who she was able to keep up with when creating the tornado, we know she's at least faster than light.
Hifumi: In terms of physical strength, in both their base form and Despair and Flutterbat forms respectively, they might have been equal in terms of attack potency, but to reiterate, Mikan Tsumiki's primary weapon is a 150 lbs syringe, and though she IS able to wield it, she does so sluggishly, in a way that Fluttershy just can't NOT dodge easily.
Leona: Another advantage Mikan held was that based on the way the ability works, it's most likely that in her Despair Rage state, she would be immune to Fluttershy's stare, just like Discord and the Flash Bees were, since Mikan is also a very aggressive creature in this state that honestly relishes on fear more than it perturbs her.
Hifumi: However, what Mikan would NOT have been immune to was the Elements of Harmony, and there was no way in hell she was EVER going to beat Fluttershy in her Rainbow Power form. In fact, Fluttershy's power of the Element of Kindness basically countered every ability she had left.
Leona: Her powers could easily allow her to generate a barrier that blocks all of Mikan's weapons and projectiles, and would cleanse of her any lingering effects of the drugs if there were any. And to top it all off, Fluttershy's rainbow tornado would wipe every trace of evil and Despair away from Mikan, effectively taking away her Despair Rage state and every ability and bloodlust along with it. She could also just as easily use the Element of Harmony to turn Mikan to stone like with Discord and the other villains in MLP. You know, if Mikan really is struggling to cope with her past and the Despair still inside her, she should probably ask Fluttershy for therapy. Pretty sure it would do her wonders!
Hifumi: Let's be honest, if these two ACTUALLY met, there's NO WAY they would fight. They have a lot in common, with both of them being pretty wimpy, timid and sweet in their base forms, and not being able to fight at full potential unless angered or despaired. Despite their far from intimidating appearances, both Mrs. Tsumiki and Fluttershy have shown feats of strength and ability far beyond the average human or pony.
Leona: But that is the exact reason why Mikan falls so far of the victory here. One is a human, and the other is a pony. Mikan possesses no form of special combat abilities or powers, but Fluttershy has used her unique abilities alongside her friends to take down opponents like Discord and Tirek; both godly beings far beyond anything Mikan could ever HOPE to take down.
Hifumi: Mikan Tsumiki was a terrifying foe, but Fluttershy's total dominance and undefeatable power of Kindness and Friendship put the Ultimate Nurse in her stone-cold place.
Leona: Though she was Flutter-SHY of victory, fortunately for Mikan, forgiveness is the NEEDLE that knows how to mend!
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Next Time:
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The world is under attack and the robot invaders are taking over! But don't worry! These two unlikely teenage heroes are going to step up, fight for and with their families, and take back humanities world! But when the odds collide, which one of these average teenage girls is gonna come out on top?
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Kokichi being related to Ishimaru
Apolllo: All the killing games were simulations (though Junko did die. She had it set up that once she was executed, life support would be switched off and a poison would be administrated meaning she didn't have to face them for she knew it would cause despair for them not to get that sort of closure. She made sure her pod was hidden as well). Kokichi got some of his leadership skills from his cousin, one Kiyotaka Ishimaru. They have different styles sure but he still learnt most of his things from Taka. He also learnt some from both Byakuya and the Imposter (who's impressed that Kokichi somehow managed to pick up that they weren't all they seemed). It hurt all three of them though Byakuya is hesitant to admit it to see him in V3 and the way he acted during it. It hit Imposter hard because they were one of the causes behind the tragedy which ended up with Kokichi being captured.
Ves: making kokichi an ishimaru is FASCINATING was he shielded from the grandpa blowback? Apollo: He's shielded dw! Kokichi doesn't tell anyone about their connection until he gets into Hope's Peak and one of them (probably Taka) slip up and mention that they're cousins or something
Ves: being in that family's gotta give him some WILD baggage around leadership, still how's he feel about having a cop uncle Apollo: Oh it really does. Especially when he gets his acceptance letter. He's tried to be his own person but he now officially has a (somewhat) similar talent to his cousin. As for the cop uncle, it's sorta awkward because DICE aren't the most…Law abiding citizens out there Ves: the ishimarus are canonically poor as dirt bc of what happened, but there seems to be a lot of pride in not turning to ~less scrupulous~ ways of earning money. the friction DICE'd cause,,,ouch
Apollo: It's something that annoys the hell out of Kokichi. So what if he's pulling stupid pranks and occasionally petty theft? If the world finds out he's connected to them, they're gonna expect it so may as well have fun. Taka's tried to stop him but it hasn't worked. Kokichi's got it in his mind that because Japan basically hates his family, he may as well give them a reason to hate him for more than any connections he has He almost turns down Hope's Peak but DICE encourage him to go…They regret it when everything happens though He forgives them dw
Ves: 'forgives' implies previous anger apollo don't do it don't break up the clown fambly- Apollo: At first he may or may not be slightly annoyed when he first goes to Hope's Peak because who needs some stupid school? He wants to go back to the clowns damn it! Ves: ohhh i thought u meant blaming them for him getting kidnapped Apollo: No he'd never do that he blames the man who ruined his family's life lmao When he gets out and remembers everything, he's pissed off. In the game he wanted to be someone and he gets out and finds that he basically had been but it turned out horribly The others find out and expect him to flaunt it only to discover how disgusted he is with the whole thing. He prefers his poor clown family thank you very much! He is slowly improving his relationship with his cousin and uncle but it's slow
Me: what if the reason Kokichi is shielded from the association with Ishimarus because he's from Taka's mother's side of the family, and his mom (or it could be dad ig, but I imagined mom) was like "I can't believe my sister married a cop" and kept him away for the most part, not fully cutting them off, but they're distant, usually making sure to meet up without the old man there Apollo: OH HELL YES Kokichi purposely fucks with the law because A) It's fun B) He sees how much the whole distance thing is actually hurting the family C) He just wants attention from them and what better way than to end up at the station his uncle works at? Taka tries to reconnect when he realises Kokichi is at Hope's Peak but Ko keeps brushing him off despite knowing he's not to blame for everything Me: yes, cause, when I said they meet up without the old man, I definitely had them still meeting and playing together as kids, but as they got older they started to sense something is off, and their mothers don't get along as well as they tried to make it seem and instead just tried to still support each other despite their disagreements Kokichi probably had a lot of hand-me-downs from Taka when they were kids
Apollo: Imagine if that ends up making Kokichi feel worse because yet again, he's connected to the part of the family his mother is lowkey trying to make him hate or something Me: I just wanted to be silly and have Kokichi's mom say acab and be the one that gave Kokichi his values when this started Apollo: Kokichi: acab…Got it, time to break the law whenever I can Me: She just disapproves, but still loves her sister and they supported each other through rising kids Apollo: The poor kids [pensive emoji]
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