#who's to say they wouldn't double down on their decisions and then you'd just have a whole new reason to be mad
disastergenius · 4 months
by far the worst take i've seen so far post-ep19 of Junior Year is that having a week-by-week live play would have allowed fans to essentially influence the direction of the story in the way they want it to go and that would have resulted in the cast being more sympathetic to the Ratgrinders (ie getting them a redemption arc)
why do you feel the need to try and control this story? YOU ARE NOT THE ONE TELLING IT. if you want to tell a story please go write your own, or go write fanfiction to cope or whatever but you don't get to say that the players are telling the story wrong when it's their story they are telling
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loganwritesprobably · 2 months
– Shanks/Ben/Reader (?) with the 1° genre, prompt (q.) and (x.) ✨
I'm a lover of both Shanks and Benn so this is delicious, and I've said it before so but I'll say it again - drunk party games are ABSOLUTELY something that the red hair pirates play, so this is just in character
Find the prompt list here
Content/Warnings: Shanks/GN!Reader/Benn, fluff, intoxication, secret relationship becomes public, use of the term 'daddy' as a joke, a little suggestive
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Playing drunken games with the crew were always dangerous. All of them were a little too smart for their own good, but only when you wanted them to be dumb. They never had their wits about them when you wanted them to, but when you wanted them to be stupid, they all became Vegapunk. So, playing drunk games meant you were at risk of revealing things you really didn't want to.
What might you be keeping from your crew exactly? Well, the fact that you were dating your Captain, and first mate. It'd happened totally by accident, and you wouldn't change it for the world, but now you were here and trying to keep it a secret. You weren't ashamed, and you weren't afraid that they wouldn't approve, you just knew they wouldn't mind their business and you liked your privacy.
It would be fine, you were sure.
You sat at the side of the group, beside Gab, leaning your head against the crate he was sitting on. Everyone in the crew was close enough to at least be a little touchy with each other. Yassop threw back his head, and finished his drink, before throwing the bottle aside. "Alright - Benn," you laughed softly, already interested to see what the sniper would come up with, "would you date.. anyone on the crew?" Oh that wasn't as fun as you'd hoped. You met Shanks' eyes, and the two of you struggled not to laugh. "It's alright Benn, you can lie, I can take it." Shanks joked, an arm dramatically draped over his forehead. Everyone was more than used to your Captain's dramatics, so nobody questioned it, just laughing along in their drunken amusement. "Don't break our hearts Benn, you know you want us." You joked, pursing your lips in his direction as if waiting for a kiss, and Shanks doubled over with his laugher, while the rest of the crew shifted more to confusion to amusement.
Okay, maybe they're not that smart, maybe the three of you just.. aren't subtle.
"Do you ever feel like you've missed something?" Lucky asked Limejuice, who just nodded in response, looking between the three of you. Benn rolled his eyes, and smacked Shanks upside the head, flipping you the bird since he couldn't reach you. "Behave, both of you." He told you, a fond smile on his lips. "Sorry daddy." You said, scoffing as best as you could despite the grin you could suppress. Shanks snorted, spitting a mouthful of ale across the sand beneath you, and you couldn't hold back your own laughter after that. The crew around you stared on, bewildered.
"Alright then, one for you, baby," Benn's tone made a shiver go down your spine and a smirk play at your lips, "a dare, no choice since you want to be a brat." "Go on then, hit me with it." You told him, briefly making eye contact with Shanks but you had to look away before you broke down into drunken giggles. "Come here, get in my lap, and kiss me." Benn said, and suddenly you felt far more sober. You had a decision to make, and it was important you made it quickly. Shanks looked between the two of you, concern and confusion stirring in his stomach. Was this really how you were going to go public?
Yes, you decided, when you stood from your spot to approach Benn. You climbed up into his lap and wrapped your arms around his neck, pressing a soft and gentle kiss to his lips. Out of habit, Shanks pouted at the two of you and the words, "what about me?" left his lips before he could stop them. You and Benn turned to him with laughs and you pulled him closer.
Your lips landed on one cheek, while Benn's landed on the other, effectively quietening him for now. It would have to do, you supposed, while everyone was watching anyway.
Looking around, you noticed the entire crew had their eyes on the three of you, mouths hanging open. "You're all catching flies." You said, sipping from your bottle with ease, still seated comfortably in your lover's lap. Benn shuffled along on his crate so Shanks could sit beside him, their ankles locked together, and you shuffled to lean across the two of them. It was nice. "Lucky owes me fifty berri." Hongo mumbled, the first to regain his ability to speak.
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Requests are open! See below links for my other works, and how to leave requests. I write both canon/canon and canon/reader requests for your enjoyment
AO3 | Fanfic Masterlist | Request Rules | Fic Trades Guide | WIPs
Tags: @claryeverlarkf @uselessboots @cainnoable
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ihrtcolbybrock · 3 months
pt 1 — unforgettable .
colby brock x fem reader
warnings : mature language .
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You were planning on going to sleep, before the sound of a notification ringing on your phone broke the silence in the air. You groaned in annoyance at the sudden sound since it had pretty much woken you up completely. You reached over to your side-table, grabbing your phone and taking a glance at the text. It was from your old friend, Tara.
'Hey girlll!! Know we haven't spoken in quite a while, but I was wondering if you'd like to come to a party that I'd be hosting tonight? It starts at around 10!'
Great. It seemed pretty cool, you knew that her parties were always amazing since you had attended almost all of them when you were in highschool. It wouldn't hurt to go out just a little later than usual, right?
'Sure!! I'd love to!'  You texted in response.
You pulled the thick duvet covers which were laid upon your body off and stood up. You walked lazily over to your closet, running your fingers along each and every one of the dresses you had and started to decide which one would be the perfect fit for the party. One short, black dress caught your eye. You had only really worn it out a couple of times before, since it was pretty out there and you usually weren't that type of person. You stood there for a second, making the final decision before finally picking the dress up and off of the hanger it was hung upon. Perfect.
You took a look in the mirror. The dress fitted you perfectly. Although you were pretty nervous to wear it out, especially at such a busy place, you knew it looked good and that you pretty much had to go with it whether you liked it or not.
Another notification sounded from your phone. You glanced over to see who it was, smiling once you read the message. It was Tara.
“I’m like, 2 minutes away? Make sure you’re readdyy!” Perfect timing. Pretty much all you needed to do was put some perfume on and brush your hair, which you did in no time. You felt great, the last party you had attended was hosted last year. The pure excitement you felt every time you went to a party was intoxicating, you met new friends and sometimes if you were lucky some hot dudes.
Your thoughts were put to a halt by the sound of a cars engine outside. You quickly shoved your phone into your bag and swung it over your shoulder, practically sprinting down the stairs and starting to unlock your front door. The cold nights air hitting your bare skin sent a shiver down your spine, but gave you that run of excitement in your body as you thought about the endless fun you’d be having later that night.
“Oh my god, you look fucking amazing!!” Tara exclaimed, running up to you and pulling you into a hug. You chuckled lightly, hugging her back and smiling.
“I haven’t seen you in agess!! How’ve you been?” You spoke excitedly, starting to walk towards Tara’s car with her. You two continued speaking for the entirety of the way there, laughing when one another would say something completely stupid.
The closer you got to where the party was being held, the more excitement that ran through your veins. Tara was telling you about how large the house was, and even you were surprised hearing it.
“Is that it?” You asked, jaw dropped as you stared at the full on mansion in front of you and climbed out of the car.
“Yup!! Gorgeous, right?” Tara smiled, climbing out of her car and swinging her door closed. She made double sure to lock it, since she had made a massive mistake the first time she attended a party and hadn’t gotten over it still.
A huge crowd of people could be seen outside, and that just made you wonder how many people were actually inside the house. It didn’t bother you by any means, crowded parties were the best. It meant hot dudes, and girls you could possibly become friends with.
This was gonna be a great night.
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fountainpenguin · 5 months
Your fic "Shut Up and Fish" got me thinking... are you implying that Grian's snail is a spark?
"Shut Up and Fish"
"That's hard," Grian concedes, not looking up. The pink snail's watching, its tail patting the dirt. Grian cradles the turquoise snail's limp eyestalk in his hand. Snails are tricky creatures… They don't signal their injuries with the crook of their tails like dogs do, and they're not immune to fall damage like cats. Gingerly, easily, he brings the snail's neck to his chest and gives it a little hug. He makes a little noise. This world is beautiful if you know where to look. "Please," begs the voice in the wrinkles of his damp and dripping clothes. "You'd be a better dad to Tim. You'd be a better husband- I want what YOU have… That's MY life. Give me back my body!" Grian ignores this, peppering sloppy kisses on the snail's sweet head. It nudges into him, cuddly and sloppy and alive. Beautiful, sparked son of a thing. He'll tell Grumbot sometime, but Grumbot might not love to know he's got a snail for a younger brother now. And he laughs again, because it's stupid. It's just… It's really stupid. But he nuzzles the snail and the snail nuzzles back, and the voice in his head wails and scratches at him in the strain of Gem's boat anchor against the pebbles and sand.
In the Pixels Imperfect canon, a creature or build that is portrayed as having sentience beyond that of its basic mob AI (if applicable) needs an AI spark. Grumbot and Jrumbot are perfect examples of "portrayed as sentient" vs. "offhand joke about the build being a child, but not followed through with." Jrumbot is a non-sentient build and Grumbot is a sentient one.
Grian's snail is played as sentient - Grian even makes a huge deal about Scar "not playing the game right and making the snails do things they wouldn't do" - so in the Pixels canon, the snail is a sparked build.
Sparks don't have to be perceived as offspring- they simply embody whatever the intended roleplay was. Grumbot initially referred to Grian and Mumbo as Creator 1 and Creator 2 in Hermitcraft canon, then swapped to addressing them as dads after a certain point (to their surprise), which underscores the idea that in-universe, he is sentient and making his own decisions.
That said, Grian considers the snail his biological son, yes. His baby boy who does crime.
I have some news about Box from Double Life, wheeze...... BigB made it VERY clear in canon that Box is sentient enough to "say its first word," and Ren jumped up and down all giddy exclaiming that he was "such a proud papa," confirming that he sees it as his child.
When they're in couple's therapy, BigB explains that he "knew Ren would like it if Box had a hand so it could reach out and give him a hug." Also, special spotlight on BigB bragging about how "Box is going to need to find a soulmate" because that's so funny. I like how after BigB goes red, he invites Martyn to Box, he says "We look forward to seeing you. That's 'we' as in me and Box."
Shout-out to Martyn and Cleo getting "We will take care of Box in your absence" signed and agreed by Ren and BigB "by law and by will." Sorry you two are horribly broken up, but congrats on ur giant son. They will not nurture it, but they will definitely look at it and go "... Huh."
Guess who has one thumb, canonically wears a monocle and walks around looking like it's been "punched in the face," is technically in the Clocker family tree via Martyn, rocks he/it pronouns, and is heir apparent to Dogwarts in the Neighborhood Watch AU.
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happiest-hotch · 2 years
Could we get an angsty blurb where BAUreader and Hotch (they're dating) get into a big fight because she feels betrayed that he didn't tell her about Emily being alive? Of course they make up at the end because i can't deal with sad endings🫣
i did this more as a sad fight thing because i feel like it hurts more, i hope that's okay
You don't talk to Aaron during the entire case. There's a lot to do, of course, but you're avoiding him more than you need to, and it's obvious to everyone. The team watching your reaction was secondary to Emily's appearance, but it was clear that while her death was manufactured by Aaron, you did not know.
The last thing time even you looked at him was right after Emily walked into the room, your eyes burning into him. It was a glare worst than he had ever seen, and it's all he can see now that everything's "okay" again. Declan's safe, Emily's safe and alive, but you're not sure anything will ever feel "okay" again.
"Can we talk about this?" Aaron finally breaks the silence once you get home. It was a long, awkward car ride, that's for sure.
You're so tired, and all your remaining energy is being channeled into anger. "What's there to talk about?"
"Why you're upset." He answers in an obvious tone.
You huff, still not looking at him. "I thought that would be kind of obvious, Aaron." You snarl, waving your hands in the air. "One of my best friends is alive, and you didn't have the decency to tell me."
"I couldn't." He tells you, taking the firm line you expected him to. The Unit Chief line.
"No." You shake your head. "You wouldn't."
He puts his bag down, following you through the apartment. You should have just gone to Penelope's. "Come on, Y/n. Be reasonable about this."
His words only fuel the burning rage inside you. "Reasonable? What's unreasonable about valuing trust in a relationship!?"
"What's unreasonable about having to follow government orders?" He sounds like a dick, and he knows it. Lying to you for months was much worse than when he last fucked up by letting his job rule his life.
"I used to love how dedicated you were to the BAU." You tell him. "I'm not sure I'll ever feel that way again." The heartbroken look in your eyes somehow breaks his heart, too, when you finally bring yourself to look at him. "Aaron, I know you did what you were ordered to. The problem is, if I saw you like how I was, knowing I'd lied, I would have broken, and I thought that's who you were, that your decision would be me over the rules."
You cried over it for so many nights, hot and heavy tears and sobs at the loss of your friend while he did everything to help you feel better. It was the hardest loss you'd faced, and it made you consider being in the BAU.
He knows you're right. He's in a terrible habit of doubling down when he's chosen his side in an argument. Helplessly, he stands there still.
"I don't know where we go from here." You admit, turning away from him to go to the bedroom. You need sleep or to cry or a hot shower. There are still so many feelings in your brain that you know you can't be making big decisions now.
"Would you ever trust me again?" Aaron gets your attention back with his sudden, soft question.
You don't know what to tell him. "That's the one most important non-negotiable for me."
Again. He'd done it again. Lost the most important woman in his life due to his job. At least Haley still trusted him, she just couldn't deal with the hours.
You weren't sure you had more tears left after everything, but you go to bed and break down. You love Aaron more than you've ever loved anyone, and you can't stop that now, no matter what he does.
He knows what he's done, but you don't halt your tears when he comes to bed to prevent him from feeling guilty.
He abandons his nighttime routine to get into bed, laying down next to you. You can feel him itching to touch you. When he finally does, you don't brush his gentle hand off your shoulder. "Baby." He coos. He's not sure what to say, just that he needs to say something, anything to fix this before you're gone.
"I know I can be without you." You say, still not turning over to face him. This is what he was trying to prepare himself for, a breakup speech, but it still knocks the breath out of his lungs. "I just don't want to."
It's his opening, the moment for him to jump in and catch you during your fall. "You don't have to."
You shift on the mattress, your face and body close enough you can feel how warm he is. "I need Honest Aaron." You inform him. "I don't know how we do that because there could be more situations like this in the future."
He nods, and the answer is quickly on his tongue. "I'll break the rules. Every time. You're too important to lose."
"That's a big call to make." You remind him. "If you were to ever tell me something and things got complicated..."
He knows what you mean, and the federal prosecution he could face if your actions reflected you knowing more than you shoulder. "I don't have a good answer for that." He admits, and he's right, there's no good way around it. "Just a long list of regrets from a no-win situation."
"I trust you the make decisions with my best interest in mind." You assure him. The evidence is about one million to one on that.
"That means telling you." He realizes. "Always. Fighting for clearance first, of course." You brush your nose against his, watching a grin take over his face. "I'm sorry, Y/n. So sorry for hurting you and betraying your trust."
You nod. "We can rebuild it. It just might take time."
"I'll do anything you need me to." He assures you.
"Okay, I need you to kiss me." You request.
It's the easiest, and he fulfills your request, leaning forward eagerly to kiss you, letting all the worry he had about being in an unfixable situation.
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helloooo, if thats ok, id like to request something with square mutton fish/male reader! could be anything :)!!!! i rarely see any content of him ^^ love your writing btw!!!!
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After telling him that you wanted to see original art instead of his forgeries for once, Square Mutton Fish ends up painting a portrait of you. He does, and... he ends up liking it a little too much. The painting, of course. Definitely not because the subject was you. Totally not.
A/N: Aww anon I'm happy to hear that (seriously, that made my day)! Square Mutton Fish is definitely underrated, and he actually happens to be a favourite of mine. Made this silly drabble with him because of that, though it ended up being different than I originally intended (please help me I didn't mean for this to be 1k words).
Reblogs are greatly appreciated!
"What?!" Square Mutton Fish yelled, stepping back in a rather dramatic manner. "You're telling me you, my amazing master attendant of all people, have never had your portrait painted?!"
It was another day when you and your Food Soul, Square Mutton Fish, had been talking about his... unique, shall we say, line of work. As you came to learn, he was a skilled artist—that was the only thing the two of you could agree upon with 100% certainty. Square Mutton Fish would have honestly been happy if the two of you left the conversation at just that: his artistic talent. Unfortunately for him, you also happened to pick up on the fact that he didn't always use that talent of his for good.
Forgery was something you weren't exactly fond of, so it was no surprise that you chastised him when he reluctantly admitted to his scamming side hustles. No matter how much he tried to convince you it was honest work, you shut him down immediately. It didn't help that he often got into trouble with scammed victims he couldn't run from. Whenever he came back from one, you were like a parent punishing their kid from stealing from a candy store, hands on your hips and making him work double time on chores around the restaurant. But he wasn't just going to give up doing it just because you told him to.
You sighed. "Honestly, with all the trouble you get yourself into, you really oughta use that art talent for original work, not forgeries." Square Mutton Fish suddenly perked up when you added, "I'd like to see some of your own art for once..."
A grin appeared on the Food Soul's face. "Well, why don't I make one just for you?"
And that's where the two of you stand now.
He'd suggested painting a portrait of you, because what better model to have other than his dear attendant? Surely you'd like a painting of yourself, right? Especially with how you mentioned his creative talents and all... But you shook your head, declining his offer. You told him that you probably wouldn't be the best muse—you've never had yourself painted before, actually. You weren't sure if you'd be able to sit still for so long, nevermind keep the same position.
Incredulous by your nonchalant reply, he decided that that just wouldn't do. "Come now, Master Attendant. Why don't I do the honours of painting you?" He seemed all the more eager now, and claimed to be up for a challenge. With a bit more pushing and prodding, you gave in and agreed to his request.
Who knew it would end up backfiring on him?
Gathering all his supplies, you and Square Mutton Fish agreed on a time in the afternoon where you both would be available, and away from all the hustle and bustle of the busy restaurant and the even busier streets. You went out to a grassy clearing nearby, and, making sure there weren't any Fallen Angels near by, met with Square Mutton Fish.
He had already made himself a little area to put his paints and brushes, plus a wooden chair in front of an easel for you to sit on. He waved to you as you came over, carrying a blank canvas under his arm. From the way he peered at you, he could tell that you were probably regretting your decision to agree to his silly request. He seemed adamant on keeping you seated though, a cheeky grin on his face as he put a hand on your shoulder.
"Having second thoughts, Master Attendant? You better not! You agreed to this and I've already set up everything."
Well, it's not like you were gonna back down now.
As the sun gradually went down, you watched as Square Mutton Fish's eyes alternated from the canvas to you. He worked swiftly, mixing paints and switching brushes, but you couldn't help but think that after all this time, he'd been staring at you for a little longer than necessary. It got to a point where you worried he was spacing out or tired and questioned him about it.
"Huh? N-nope! Nothing's wrong, Master Attendant! Don't worry, you look great!" He'd shake it off and tell you it was just an artist at work, to not worry your little head about it and trust the process! It takes time to create perfection, you know. And it's definitely not taking longer than normal because it's difficult for a skilled artist like him to paint someone he finds attractive. Wait, what?
At some point, he let it slip, a frown on his face as he struggled with finding the right colour for your clothes.
"Tsk-tsk, if only he wasn't so handsome, this wouldn't be as complicated..."
"What was that?"
"Wh-what was what? Just keep still, Master Attendant. I'm almost done~"
The relief that washed over you when he told you you could move after so long was astounding. Stretching felt amazing, and you swore that if anyone ever asked to have you pose for a portrait painting again, you'd never agree. You went over to look at the finished product and was pleasantly surprised with what you saw.
"Oh, this looks wonderful!" You complimented, taking the painting off the easel with great care. You made sure not to touch the paint as it was still in the middle of drying. The colours and the proportions were perfect, and the way the paints blended in together seemed almost effortless. It looked so real that if you didn't know any better, you'd think you were looking in a mirror. He really was talented.
Square Mutton Fish had a hand under his chin the whole time, an indiscernible expression on his face. It honestly surprised you that he could get so quiet. You grimaced at the thought that he might not be happy with it. You held up the painting for a side by side comparison. "You're not going to make me sit back down, are you?" You asked, snapping him out of his thoughts.
"Ah, no! Not after you've sat for so long. I wouldn't make my master attendant suffer like that." He seemed to trail off despite that, drifting back into his mind's space once more. Your brows furrowed in confusion until a realization dawned on you. There was a prominent dust of pink on his cheeks that only seemed to grow the longer you stared at him, and his expression seemed almost soft.
"Are you having second thoughts, Square Mutton Fish?" You smiled slightly. His mouth struggled to come up with a reply. "You seem to like staring at me. You already have a painting right here, surely that will last longer than the real thing." You teased, "Unless you want to keep looking?"
The Food Soul let out a forced laugh, trying to buy some time to think of an excuse. "Master Attendant, you're really..." He cleared his throat, dismissing what he originally wanted to say. Instead he explained, "It's, uh... it just turned out way better than I expected it to! Yes, that's it!"
With a swift hand, Square Mutton Fish yoinked the canvas from your hands and fled the scene, leaving you, the easel, the paints, and the paint brushes alone. You also caught him say he forgot to put a seal somewhere or something. As you watched him leave, you couldn't help the small chuckle that left your lips.
It's not everyday you get to see Square Mutton Fish so flustered. Thank your lucky stars that today you managed to catch the look on his face today: incomparable to any work of art, original or forged. It was absolutely priceless.
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mrhaitch · 3 months
Mr. Haitch, i’m interested in your opinion of Harry Potter. Specifically, characters that have complex or deeper stories like Dumbledore.
There’s a lot to be said for wizarding society, but much to analyze about the perceived “good” characters in the series. A big theme is good vs evil but like many things it’s never cut and dry.
Dumbledore: Personally, apart from Voldemort’s need to eradicate muggles, the worst person in that series is Dumbledore. Every time I say that others are like “but he’s a good guy” and I’m like, Is he? Because he’s all about the greater good allegedly but children are in the crossfire. I feel like a good man with that much power would step in much more directly when his 6th year student is adopted into a cult, instead of sending a double agent that’s still in love with someone he knew in school to keep an eye on him and help out.
Harry had to, in Snape’s words, be raised like a pig for slaughter, but there’s so many ways he could have been guided and helped throughout and it really grinds my gears. I feel like a hands off approach isn’t the way to go when one of your students is a walking horcrux. 
Dumbledore is a selfish man who even continued his interest in the deathly hallows past James Potter’s death (invisibility cloak) despite an argument over them causing the death of his sister. He has done good things, great things, even. But he is not good in my opinion.
I have a lot of things to expound on about that, the story itself and about the author unfortunately, but I’ll leave it here before you get a novel from me.
- 🌻
P.S. you and your wife are very lovely people to converse with and ask philosophical questions, and I thoroughly enjoy the further conversations that come from that. Breaking down literature with you both is so fun. Thank you for joining us on tumblr dot com to share more with us. 💗
Dumbledore's a complicated one, certainly, and his worldview - as glimpsed through his actions - is ruthless, much like you said. I wouldn't necessarily call him selfish as the majority of his decisions are what you'd expect from someone who takes the 'long view'. Everything he does is calculated to achieve an ultimate end he refuses to share with anyone else. If he's guilty of any sin, I'd be tempted to say pride or arrogance, more specifically. His failure to include even the people in his innermost circle in his thinking speaks to that - not necessarily because he doesn't trust them, but because he judges them incapable of doing what is necessary. You could argue he did all of this with his eyes open, and suffered a great deal of personal crises - just privately - but we've only got the text to work from and the rest supposition.
Harry as a 'pig for slaughter' sparked something, actually, because what we're dealing with here is a variation on Ursula Le Guin's Those Who Walk Away from Omelas. Summarised briefly:
Omelas is a utopia, for each and every person that lives there. No hunger, no poverty, no discrimination, no injustice. Every day is a feast and a festival, the city filled with boundless joy and music and frivolity and love. However - when each citizen comes of age they learn the truth of the city. The city can only thrive as it does because one child is subjected to the highest level of suffering. They were born, raised, and live alone, in filth and squalor, never knowing human kindness, touch, safety, or security. A child living totally alone and never knowing love.
Each citizen must then make a choice: to return to their lives and accept the child as a necessary sacrifice, or to leave for parts unknown, never to return. [My own summary, from memory]
Harry is that one child in Omelas, subjected to intentional deprivation to mould him into the kind of person he needs to be to save the world. This is done intentionally, by someone who has thought things through. They know what they're doing, the harm involved, and do it anyway. It's a sacrifice of one to save many.
Philosophically speaking, we're talking about the ethical calculus of Utilitarianism (greatest good for the greatest number), where almost any action can be justified if it results in a net good for the world.
What we're left with at the end are our values and how the balancing of the scales affects our gut and our hearts. Either the suffering of the minority to benefit the majority is a terrible but necessary thing, or that suffering leaves the outcome tainted and points to a sickness at the heart of those who knowingly benefit from it, or engineered the situation itself.
“Omelas already exists: no need to build it or choose it. We already live here – in the narrow, foul, dark prison we let our ignorance, fear, and hatred build for us and keep us in, here in the splendid, beautiful city of life. . . .” - Ursula Le Guin
Speaking candidly: I'm in the latter category. Dumbledore is a terrible, awful person, who used the most brutal and cruel methods possible to achieve his ends. He's dishonest, duplicitous, and his actions are borne of a calculating arrogance. But, within the logic of the story itself, he's also necessary. We can never know if there was an alternative because we're never showed one. Frankly - I doubt Dumbledore gives a shit what anyone thinks, and would've done it again, the same way, a thousand times if he thought it necessary.
[I'm working on a slightly longer thing about Harry Potter - because someone made the mistake of asking for my thoughts a few days back. It'll largely focus on words of power, how language shapes social reality, and M Nourbese Philip whose work I heavily recommend. I'll finish it, some day]
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green-lotus · 2 years
Hello! Can you do some HCs of the turts seeing that the reader has breast reduction scars? Sfw? I hope you have a good day!!
Thanks ✌️ not gonna lie I had no idea what to do about your request, since I don't really know anything on the matter, but I figured I could at least do this. Hope this will somehow suffice
• Leo, even if he didn't recognise such scars, would guess what they mean, but even so, his first instinct would be to go to you, and make sure everything's alright, even if he knew you didn't need him to
• He literally just can't help it. And funnily enough, he's just curious to hear the story
• He would be extremely polite and careful with his words, not wanting to offend you in any way
• To the point you would have to tell him that hey, it's alright to ask, as long as you're respectful about it
• He'd probably understand it best after you explained everything
• He'd be subconsciously proud of you, for making such decisions about your body & not being at all self - conscious about it. Wouldn't be the first time your healthy maturity impressed him
• He'd have most genuine respect for it. And it would only solidify his quiet respect for womanhood & all the difficult matters it demands dealing with, in general and yours in particular
• Donnie is the only one who would know instantly.
• What else to expect, he knows everything about everything, even if knowledge on something as particular as human body operations was never of any use for anything to him
• So he had absolutely no doubts, those scars were unmistakable
• Doesn't mean he knows how to react. Or even intends to
• He's got class, so he wouldn't stare at you for long, he knew theoretically it would be rather impolite
• He'd just assume it for what it is and wouldn't pay much attention to it. Your body, your thing, not his business
• And only when one of the other brothers mentions that in a conversation, propably Raph od Mikey, only then he would speak up and consider IT his duty to tell them how inconsiderate of them was referring to that and making a fuss over it, ending the topic
• He'd assure you he will explain them everything in private later and they won't be bothering you about it, and so he would
• And the only thing stuck in his mind would be the strictly scientific desire to ask you about it for research and broadening his point of view, and he'd awkwardly politely ask you with such genuine, heartwarming will to learn you wouldn't be able to refuse
• Mikey would just stare at you in awe.
• And then his brain would flood with questions and worries, cause what the hell happened to his girl? How could she get a scar like that, did someone hurt her?
• And those thoughts would obviously immediately come out of his mouth
• You'd have to calm him down and explain everything step by step, that no one hurt you, that it's normal to have such scars after what you chose to do
• And then he'd be shocked double - time, cause how could you ever be not content with how you look like? However you looked liked before, you must have already been the most beautiful, amazing girl ever
• So there would be no other way to calm him but to slowly go over everything again
• He'd have a hard time grasping it, but he would, eventually, coming from you
• Then he would still ask some rather dim questions like doesn't it hurt? Do you really feel good about it?
• But since you'd know that's coming directly from his heart with the best intentions, you wouldn't be mad
• And no matter how thorougly you explained everything, he'd still find it absolutely crucial to tell you that he would still love you just the same with how you looked before
• And he might have some joke on the matter at the tip of his tongue, but this once - he would stop himself from saying any of them
• Raph would be just stunned.
• He might instinctively guess what do those scars mean, he's not dumb. But he'd have no clue whatsoever what to do next. Should he ask about it? Or on the contrary, maybe he absolutely shouldn't?
• A part of him would really admire you for doing something like that, he wouldn't be sure if he had the guts to make a choice so radical and permanent about your body
• But he'd also relate to it on some level. He knows all too well the feeling of having a body just not cut out to your taste and comfort
• He'd be bitter deep inside no choice of such regarding his own body is within his reach.
• And even if he knows it's not his business, he'd want to share that thought with you, just thinking it might be nice to you
• So he'd wait days and days coming up with right words and driving himself insane
• And this one day he pulled himself up to it and gave you the most chaotic, stuttering speech you ever heard from him on how he's glad for you and how he really respects what you did and decisions you made
• Pissing himself off towards the end, being sure he insulted you somehow and made it the most awkward thing you ever
• He'd give up in the end and he'd try to storm off, until you laughed and told him how much you appreciate his words
• And it would just make his world
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mrscoulter5ever · 6 months
Double Dog Dare You Chapter 3
Eric's POV
Eric stood next to the net, a bored expression permanently plastered onto his face. When he was promised a leadership job right out of initiation, he had grand hopes of sitting in some gilded office, holding secret meetings and making high level decisions. Guess that was the Erudite in him. He sure as hell wasn't expecting to have to babysit a bunch of snot-nosed kids (sure, they were only a year younger than him, but who's counting?) and writing a bunch of cringe ass names on a chalkboard. Seriously, these soon-to-be-Dauntless kids were so uncreative. Wow, another Inferno. Great, not like we don't have five thousand of those running around this faction.
Eric watched with the same boredom as a girl in a Candor outfit fell into the net with her eyes shut. Here comes our second jumper. God, somebody put a .38 to his head already. "What's your name, initiate," Eric asked, fighting the urge to yawn.
The fact that she took a minute to think meant she was going to be picking yet another stupid ass "courageous" Dauntless name. Great. Yet another beacon of originality for this faction.
"Ariel. My name is Ariel." Seriously? Like the little fucking mermaid? That's not even badass. Also she wasn't even a redhead. "That's a stupid name," he scoffed, partly for the release of letting his increasingly more intrusive thoughts win, and partly because Eric was a massive sadist (and owned it!) who took great pleasure in putting others down.
"Really? What's your name? I bet it's so much better." Damn, bitter much? Eric must have really struck a nerve with that one. Nice. "Eric," he replied, leaning in. "You'd better remember that name because I am personally going to ensure that your new life here is a living hell."
"Eric?" she asked curiously.
"Hm?" he replied, pleased by the more subservient change in her demeanor.
"You'd better remember to use some Tic-Tacs next time," she smirked. Excuse her? What the fuck did she just say to him? Oh no. Hell no. No no no. He could verbally beat people up but he was a Dauntless leader and this little bitch was not about to disrespect him. Uh uh.
"You're going to regret ever opening your mouth, initiate" he threatened, getting as close to her as he could while the members behind him restrained him from actually touching her. He made a mental note to fire them later.
As soon as he had finished that sentence, she brought up a can of something and sprayed it into his open mouth. Minty. Wintermint, perhaps? Well, she'd be begging for winter when he sent her down to the fiery depths of hell where she belonged.
After showing the rowdy bunch of ragtag miscreants to their dorm rooms, Eric couldn't give less of a shit about being the next Dauntless HGTV rep and giving them some grand damn tour of the place, so he led them straight to the training room.
He needed to blow off some steam, so he grabbed his favorite Rock Island 1911 and began to show them some basic shooting stances. He fired off a few rounds, all of which hit the center of the bullseye, of course. Eric was practically the Annie Oakley of Dauntless and he took great pride in that fact.
He walked around the room observing the initiates as they pitifully attempted to handle a loaded gun for the first time, thankful yet also somewhat disappointed that no one had managed to blow off a body part just yet.
Then he got over to that mermaid bitch, observing the holes in the outer rings of her target. "Figures you wouldn't be able to get anything right on your first day," Eric sneered, towering over her to intimidate her. "Here," he said, roughly shoving her limbs into position, grateful for the opportunity, however slim, to pull that smart-mouthed bitch apart without some tight-ass security guard holding him back.
"A thank you seems to be in order, initiate," Eric toyed with her. She took a deep breath as he smirked. Finally this bitch was learning. "Eric, go to hell."
Ha. Ha. Ha fucking ha. Oh wow she should be doing stand up at the Apollo. God, she was just the next fucking Robin Williams wasn't she?
He grabbed her arm and yanked her over to the ring. Let's see how funny she was when he was pummeling a fist into her mouth.
He announced the fight to the rest of the audience, taking great joy at their fearful expressions. Ah, if only he had riled the same anxiety out of her. But no matter. All in due time. He just needed to show her that he could beat the living shit out of her in 10 seconds flat. Then the fear would come.
He sent some very powerful punches her way, but her lithe body enabled her to have quick reflexes such that she managed to dodge all of them. Eric was growing increasingly frustrated, until he had a nice little haymaker in line to make a perfect beeline to her temple. Bingo.
He felt her hand grab his wrist and in the next instance he was lying flat on his back, staring up at the ceiling trying not to groan at the throbbing pain in his head. Well she wasn't the only one with some tricks up her sleeve.
Eric kicked up at her and jumped up to his feet again. He tackled her to the ground and jabbed her in the ribs. He was absolutely going to win this fight, but he had to admit, no one in Dauntless, male or female, initiate or member, had ever lasted that long in a round against him. Had Eric been a stronger man, he would have tamped down the erection that thought gave him, but as this fight seemed to be demonstrating, Eric was a very, very weak man.
"This fight isn't nearly over," he whispered, trying to reclaim his fragile masculinity. She gave him a smile that make his southern friend expand while she leaned in as if she were going to kiss him. Eric couldn't help but hold his breath in anticipation. A woman who could almost (almost being the key word) kick his ass and also wanted to fuck him? Hell yes. He needed a good lay, and Eric never told anyone, but he loved fighting as a form of foreplay.
"Eric," she whispered in a breathy voice that gave him a quick vision of what their night would be like, "go to hell."
Eric lie flat on his back. Unbelievable. Well, it certainly took long enough. Finally, he had a real challenge.
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eljeebee · 1 year
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Anthony Harrison and Priscilla Wuest (formerly Wuest-Harrison, but they're divorcing) stood in the latter's living room. They were left alone by Priscilla's butler. Priscilla faced the fireplace, never looking back at her ex-husband. She knew he's facing her. She can feel it, and see it through her spectral eyes. Anthony looked at her in pain.
"Are you sure, my lo—"
"Priscilla. It's Priscilla. Do not call me that anymore, Anthony," Priscilla cut her off, words spat with hateful poison.
"I'm sorry," he said, voice close to a whisper. "Are you sure, Priscilla? Is there anything I can do to make it up for you? We don't have to do this."
Her head hung low, shaking. "Make it up for me? Harrison, you betrayed me. You endangered the life of innocents! You sold—no—gave the enemies one of our important assets! You know how much shit I got from my bosses, trying to own up your mistake?"
"I did that to save you! It was either you or them — the civilians! If it weren't for me agreeing to send that package then you wouldn't be alive, Priscilla!" Anthony reasoned, voice slightly rising.
Her head snapped to her left, almost looking at him. "This is why I hate working with someone! I have plans, my own methods to follow, and you never follow them! Ninety-six percent of our missions were almost jeopardized by you! How many times did I tell you not to worry about me? I am immortal. Even if I die, this goddamned body heals itself—it never allows me to die! Picking my safety is bullshit!"
"You're important to me!"
"You did that as an excuse because you're a fucking double agent!" Priscilla yelled. The air felt heavy. The ground beneath them slowly shifted. Her powers slightly disrupted the reality.
There was silence.
Anthony took a deep breath, before turning on his heel. He's leaving.
"I'm sorry," he apologized again, and started to walk away.
"What is there to say sorry for, Harrison?" Priscilla shook her head. Anthony paused. She continued, "Was marrying me, getting close to the Top Brass' favorite pet, part of your plan? To steal that asset and gave it to those bastards? Was it all a plan?"
"Did you ever love me, Anthony?" She said, voice soft, close to a whisper. But he heard it anyway. His head abruptly looked back at her. She was still facing the fireplace.
"Priscilla...," his lips hung open. He breathily chuckled. But it was not humorous. He tried to approach her but she stopped him. "Priscilla, of course I love you! You're the woman of my dreams, you—"
"I don't believe you," Priscilla spat.
Priscilla finally looked at him. His face slighlty lit up, but she ignored it. She couldn't care less if he's happy. "Let me tell you one thing, Harrison. During the time we were together, married, I was happy. I loved you. It was genuine. I thought I have someone else in my life that isn't just my mentor and my father figure. I thought you were the one. But it isn't. It was all a lie."
"But I did love you! Priscilla, please, think of this first! I—"
"Who are you kidding, Harrison? You don't work for us. With me. You've been with them from the start," Priscilla scoffed.
Anthony wanted to say something more. To prove it to her. But alas, what she's saying is true.
He looked away.
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"Leave," Priscilla looked at him one last time with disregard. "I only allowed you to step foot in here because I knew you'd want to talk. Usually, I don't let my enemies leave this estate alive, but I'm doing this for old time's sake. Consider yourself lucky. The next time I see you, you're dead."
Anthony's head hung low, eyebrows furrowed, the corners of his lips down. He walked away, leaving the room—leaving her forever.
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Priscilla looked away from him, her face twisting with a mixture of sadness, anxiety, and discomfort. Her sadness was understandable, but she wasn't sure if she should feel anxious. She feels uneasy; she knew the decision to divorce and cut ties with him is discomforting, but doing so also gives her that anxious feeling in her stomach. Anthony was her first love, in everything. He was her husband—ex-husband. But she have to do this.
She was brought back from her thoughts when she heard the taps of her butler's leather shoes.
"Miss Wuest," he said. Priscilla turned around. He handed her a manila folder.
"Thank you, Albert," she said, opening it and scanning the contents.
Albert clasped his hands behind his back. "The doctor was understanding. He said if you need anything, just..."swing" by at his office. He's worried for you."
She sighed, walking to the bar and sitting down on one of the stools. She placed down the folder, flipping through the papers.
"The madame...and the other council members were disappointed," Albert hesistantly continued.
"But mostly the madame?" Her eyes raised at him.
Albert chuckled. "Yes, mostly the madame."
She chuckled.
He continued, "Everything is packed, too. We'll leave the estate tomorrow."
Priscilla sighed. "Good. I know Harrison would respect me and not set foot here, but we can never be sure. Are the papers ready?"
"Yes, Ma'am. The papers you signed are ready to go."
"So it's over."
"So it is."
Priscilla closed the folder.
"Miss Wuest?"
"Yes?" She looked up at him. He was still standing a few arms' length away from her, prim and proper.
"How do you feel?"
Priscilla looked away.
He took that as an answer.
"No matter what you're feeling, all of them are reasonable. You've spent a considerable amount of time with Mister Harrison as his wife, you've dedicated your work for him, you loved him, so it's understandable to feel...sad, to mourn for the loss of love and connection," Albert said.
"Is my decision right?" She asked, voice small.
"Yes, yes it is."
"Then why do I feel it's not?"
"You're not used to not having him by your side anymore, Miss Wuest. It feels foreign to you."
"He's wormed his way in me," she dryly laughed.
A moment passed.
"This won't happen again, Albert," she said. But these words aren't for Albert, it was for her. "I won't let it."
Albert did nothing but agree. Her face steeled. The facade of a cold, no-nonsense agent returned. Her heart hardened once again, walls high, never to be broken down again. Albert would watch her grow heartless again, and it would take another lifetime to try and anchor her down at least. Be reasonable. But she loved, too much, that everything was replaced by hatred.
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tuiyla · 2 years
I finally found someone who shares my views 🙌. You honestly have no idea how hard it is to find someone like that in glee fandom I’m not even joking. I was wondering if you could help me I’m trying to see about protagonist centred morality and how narrative lets them get away with shit and I was wondering do you have a top 5 moments of bad things finn, schue and puck did? They are the only 3 who seems to get away with everything on the show
Okay wow, I don't know how a month went by since you sent this but here we are. Hi Anon. I'm not sure which views in particular you're referring to lol but IIRC it was the anti Finn and general anti Glee's shitty framing posts, right? Well, in any case happy to be someone people can relate to.
I'd love to hear more about whatever project it is you have going on because it's a fascinating topic. Sorry I couldn't be of help earlier but I'm hoping you'll reach out if/when you see this. Anyway, to start off the actual reply I'll just say that I'm not sure I'd lump Puck together with those two. For me, Finn and Will exist on a very unique level where they show seems wholly unaware of or unwilling to discuss their bad behaviour. Puck, while he does do yucky things and sometimes without repercussions, is overall considered to be a bully from the beginning and has themes of people expecting the worst from him and him doubling down on that. So I wouldn't say he gets away with everything. What he does get away with is pretty heinous, though.
So if we're specifically talking weird narrative framing and a disconnect between what Glee portrayed and how it treated that behaviour, we'd best start off with just that. This isn't an ordered list so rearrange into a top 5 as you see fit.
Puck gets Quinn pregnant: Even my own wording here is much more diplomatic than the actual scene deserves. I've gone into detail before and I can dig up those posts if you'd like but bottom line is that Glee views this as a consensual act between two foolish kids that has serious consequences. The narrative blames them equally, though tbh Quinn a little more because misogyny. But what Glee shows the viewer in 1x22 is an extremely dubious situation with Quinn verbally hesitating and Puck pushing more alcohol on her, not to mention the reveal that he lied about protection thus committing an act of assault in and of itself. Because this was 2010 and written by three men, they saw nothing wrong with this. To modern audiences, it's hard not to view Beth's conception as very questionable, at best.
Finn is the hero in Santana's coming out: I don't wish to dwell too much on this because frankly I've done so enough and it's self-explanatory. Also it makes my blood boil lol. It's mindboggling how they actively retcon Mash Off in IKAG and pretend Finn just really cares about her, actually. Disgusting.
Will's treatment of the kids Mercedes in Booty Camp: And really all of season 3 because he acted like his life depended on them winning Nationals Will's almost always framed as this benevolent father figure and the narrative has the nerve to blame Mercedes for deserting. His behaviour towards her was unacceptable and his double standard was glaring. And yet, we needed antagonists for ND and so the Troubletones was chosen to be in opposition. And for that to happen we needed Mercedes to leave. There are a lot of Will moments but I think the framing might be most glaring here.
Finn tells the Fabrays about the baby: All of this could just be Finn's greatest hits and I shall make him take the last two spots because as shitty as Will is, he's less obvious with most of his bs. So this is another thing I keep coming back to because I simply cannot comprehend how and why the show allowed this to be Finn's decision and his only and how it never once considered judging him for it. Regardless of the baby mess and how Quinn treated him, Finn had zero right to announce Quinn's pregnancy and the callousness with which Quinn getting kicked out of her home is treated is appalling. The show doesn't stop for a second to consider that this might not have been for the best, actually.
Finn beats up Brody: Another shitty Finn moment, another opportunity for me to wonder what the writers were smoking. This isn't one I've talked all that much about before but oh boy. How could Glee turn Finn's violent and frankly psychotic moment into something heroic? Something romantic? He beats up a guy for being a sex worker and we're supposed to find it romantic. Even though they're not together with Rachel and all Brody did was lie. Which was an issue but Glee never deals with that, no, it judges sex work wholesale and has our hero violently attack another guy. Only for Rachel to swoon at the knowledge that Finn would do that for her. Girl, get a restraining order.
So yeah, I hope that was along the lines of what you were looking for. Obviously there's a lot to be said about each and I really focused on kicking Finn while he was down (funny how people do that, huh) but Will's framing is constant throughout the series. Like I said, I disagree about Puck but he does have this one big one and some smaller instances.
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zenki-soukokq · 2 years
Hello hello! Can I get a male genshin matchup if possible?
My nickname is Zay and my pronouns are she/her. So I’m overall a pretty outgoing person. I love to talk to my friends and family and can talk about pretty much anything with people I’m comfortable with, though I can be pretty awkward when I first meet new people. I have a tendency to accidentally flirt with people too without realising it. Besides that I’m loud, I laugh a lotttt (usually at the stupidest things) and have a mostly positive outlook on life. I also cry as easily as I laugh like one minute I can be laughing and the next I’ll be crying and people around me get super confused by this XD Everyone in my friend group calls me ‘the baby’ of the group too because at times I can be stubborn. I also loveeee cats and volunteering at animal shelters is my favourite thing to do. I play volleyball and cricket, bake a lot (I have a really big sweet tooth) and read a lot too( mostly fantasy books as a form of escapism).
As for my appearance, I’m a 5’4 female with brown eyes and black wavy hair that’s up to my shoulders. Im also kind of thin because I work out for the sports I play.
You have been matched up with... Chongyun!
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An exorcist who roams the land with Liyue as his base of operations, evil spirits fleeing wherever he goes. As the heir to a clan of exorcists, he has always possessed abilities superior to most. However, these abilities are not the result of training, but of an inborn trait — a pure yang spirit.
How you two met:
Chongyun was picking up some lunch at Wanmin restaurant, when he heard lighthearted laughter coming from behind him. Normally, he wouldn't pay much attention to this, due to the naturally busy nature of the harbor but this laughter had been going on for a couple of minutes, and sounded particularly happy. When he looked back, he saw you, doubling over in elation over...something?
Chongyun turned around in vague confusion, trying to decipher what exactly this person was laughing at
Even after a couple of minutes, he couldn't figure it out, so he just decided to get up and ask
He approached you tentatively, unsure of whether or not it was a smart decision
Finally, when he had asked you what was so funny, you looked up at him, still laughing, and barely managed to communicate the words 'cheese, floor'
Even more confused, he looked down at the ground, seeing no cheese at all
He decided to help you up though, since you had a chance of getting hurt if he just left you on the ground like that
He sat you down at the table in front of him, and helped you calm down a little before asking you once again, what you were laughing at
Eventually, he was able to understand that someone had tripped whilst carrying a box of cheese, and the cheese made a funny sound when it hit the ground
Chongyun laughed a little at this, imagining what sounds that cheese could've possibly made
He asked you if you'd like to spend the rest of his lunch together, since he was intrigued by you, and really had nothing better to do
Around an hour passed by before he was finished, and the two of you bonded quite nicely over that time
After saying his goodbyes, Chongyun made internal plans to find you again, and to hang out
A couple of days had passed by, and Chongyun caught a glimpse of you playing with some animals on the bridge. He decided to take the opportunity to get to know you better, and walked over to greet you.
At first, he didn't really know how to go about talking to you, until he decided to work up the courage to simply start playing with the animals as well
He quietly crouched down and began to pet one of the dogs, and that was when you realized that he was there
You greeted him cheerfully, and he greeted you back, although with a little more visible nervousness
He kept petting the dog, ruffling it's fur, and you continued playing with the other animals
Despite not communicating too much through words, being in the vicinity of each other was quite comfortable, and it felt like the two of you were bonding quite well
After a while, the two of you decided to step back from the animals and to get lunch with each other
Chongyun was blushing a little now, for reasons that he couldn't really name
The two of you sat down at Wanmin restaurant, and ordered a fairly light lunch
While you two waited for you food to arrive, you decided to strike up a lively conversation with him
He smiled brightly, and engaged in a fairly lengthy conversation with you, until he had a moment of realization
He was now able to name the feeling that he got when he was around you, and he felt the need to tell you exactly what that feeling was
"Hey, uh...this is probably a weird time to tell you, but...I want to hang out more with you. Like, in a...in a dating type of way?"
Why you two are compatible:
One might find Chongyun as a composed and stoic individual, though his friends might not say it is true most of the time.
Chongyun is generally compatible with most people, so there's already a positive basis for your relationship
Even further than that though, I think that Chongyun's personality has a lot of parts that go well with yours
I also think that your interests (although not explicitly stated in the game) would probably also be common interests of his
Personally, I feel as if Chongyun and you would have more of a naturally developing relationship, where it doesn't really hinge on what you two are like as people, but more so on what you two develop with each other throughout the relationship
Because of that, it's kind of hard to verbalize exactly what makes your relationship work as well as it would
Generally though, it could be summed up by saying that the two of you have a natural chemistry, and that fosters a wonderful relationship that builds upon itself
Relationship Headcanons:
Chongyun likely makes an edited version of his popsicles for you, so that they have flavor
Since you like to read, he'd likely give you a lot (and I mean a lot) of books as gifts
He's very sweet to you, and is generally very affectionate
I think he'd get very flustered very easily, since I don't imagine that he's had any serious romantic feelings for anyone before
He'd be very inexperienced in a relationship, but he'd still be very earnest with the relationship
I think he'd also enjoy playing sports with you, or at least learning how to play them just for you
Generally, I think a romantic relationship with him would only have minor differences to a platonic one, since I can't really envision him as someone who's too romantic
New Years Headcanons:
Chongyun was walking back to his home after an exorcism, thinking of what he wanted to do for New Years
Usually, he would just go and see the fireworks with his family, but this year he had you, and wanted to do something new
After a while, he decided that he would take you down near the port, and take you on a small boat over the seas if he could
He consulted with his parents on whether or not he could, and once he was given approval, he immediately headed over to your home to ask if you wanted to go with him
Once you confirmed, he smiled happily, and brought you over to the area on the port that overlooks the sea
You two spent a couple of hours there, tasting the foods and snacks that the street vendors offered, and interacting with some of the local attractions
Later into the night, he took you over to the docks, and helped you onto a small boat
The boat rowed out a little further into the waters, until it stopped at a moderate distance from the port
You two spent a little while there, before you saw people at the harbor bringing out the fireworks display
He smiled at you, and held your hand as the two of you watched the fireworks ignite into the sky
"I'm glad you agreed to come out with me...and that you agreed to spend your time with me in general. Thank you, I...I love you!"
I'm super sorry if this turned out low-quality. I hope you enjoyed it nonetheless!
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heyybeach · 11 months
Sometimes I like to go through my old twitter account and read my old tweets, and I won't lie some of them genuinely make me laugh. So I'm recreating an old thread here:
Sometimes I think about what I would think of myself if I wasn't me. Like, if I could meet someone who was exactly my double, in looks and personality. And I flipflop between thinking we'd get on really well, and the opposite.
I think it depends on the circumstances. If there's a decision to be made, like what to eat for dinner, or what movie to watch, nothing would get decided. If I were to date myself we'd be so awkward cause idk how to push a conversation forward with strangers.
I guess if they're just like me then we wouldn't be total strangers, but I still don't think we'd be able to do it.
Of course this prompts the age old question of whether you'd fuck your clone. Believe it or not, I can't decide.
I think in theory (not that any of this isn't theoretical) I would. But in practice we'd be too awkward to bring it up. Plus would you even be attracted to yourself? I doubt it.
It'd be like watching yourself in a mirror the whole time. I think you'd need to do it with all the lights off.
You'd be seeing yourself at angles you would never normally see. In 2 ways. Like if you were going down on the clone you'd learn how you look when someone goes down on you, and if the reverse happened you'd see how you look while going down on someone.
I think it'd be more off putting than anything else. I guess there is the benefit of knowing what you like already, but doesn't that restrict you in a sense too? What if there's something you've never thought to try? Neither of you would know to try it.
I will say, I wouldn't have the worry some people have about their clone trying to kill them. If I didn't know that was something people considered, it wouldn't even occur to me that it would happen. So my clone wouldn't do it either.
Depends though, is it actually a clone or is it a fully fledged separate person? Like how androids go rogue and develop feelings and personalities. Can the clone do that?
Anyways. I guess I'm not fucking my clone, or hanging out with them in any way cause we'd be too similar to actually get on well.
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itsnotfate · 2 years
Stepping Off
The napkin had lived in Hugo's jacket for a solid two weeks. Every time he put his hand in his pocket and felt the papery folds, he was reminded of the waitress.
Kas. Or maybe it was Tash. Something like that.
Either way, the napkin had haunted him for two weeks. It was time to make a decision.
Hugo stood in front of a campus garbage can, staring at the napkin. The edges were dissolving and the pen ink was fading, but the number was still visible. He'd secretly been hoping the number would be illegible, and his decision would be made for him, but no such luck.
Hugo rarely got lucky.
Was he really going to call her? He didn't know this girl. All he knew was that she had face piercings and wore ripped jeans and looked like she could kick his ass. And she worked at a somewhat dingy bar. Not exactly his type.
Be realistic, Hugo, he told himself. He would never call her. He never called any girls, especially not girls who were a little intimidating. Besides, it had been two weeks. Would she even remember who he was? How humiliating would it be to call her and not even have her remember him? He could imagine the phone conversation, her asking him how he'd gotten her number, and who did he think he was, and he'd better delete it as soon as she hung up.
That settled it. Hugo reached out, about to toss the napkin in the trash, when another thought hit him.
She had given him her number. Would it be rude of him not to at least text? If he'd given a girl his number and she hadn't seemed immediately horrified by him, he'd want her to text. She had said he could text, hadn't she? And that way, if she didn't remember him, he could play it off with an "oops wrong number, lol."
Hugo looked back down at the napkin. He should at least text. Okay, it was decided. He'd text her. After class, though, just to be sure he was making the right decision.
Hugo only made it twenty minutes into class before he texted her. Maybe it was because the lecture was extra boring that day. After all, Hugo had already heard plenty about the Canadian government's ministry organizational structure from his parents. Or maybe it was because he actually wanted to text her.
Whatever his reasons, he found himself carefully copying the number off the napkin and into his phone. And then the process ground to a halt. What was he supposed to say? Something funny? Something cool?
He spent the next fifteen minutes trying out various options (in the Notes app, of course, so he wouldn't accidentally send something stupid.) Eventually, he settled for "Hey! This is Hugo. What's up?" which he hoped was chill, but also informative, but also not too weird.
Naturally, he instantly regretted his life choices as soon as he hit send. She really might not remember him. Maybe she gave her number to guys all the time. What if she knew another Hugo? Should he have specified that this was Hugo from the bar? It was too late, though, since he didn't dare double text. Especially because it had already been three minutes. She didn't need to know he'd been staring at his phone. Besides, even if she knew which Hugo he was (if she did know more than one Hugo), would she actually want to text him back at all?
He should've thrown out the napkin. He shouldn't have taken it in the first place. More than that, he should've left the bar instead of ordering a beer when his friend didn't show up.
The teacher was still rambling on about the difference between a minister and a director, and Hugo was seriously considering just never texting anyone ever again, when his phone buzzed.
You texted! I was starting to worry you'd lost the napkin.
Hugo let out a sigh a relief, and began carefully crafting his response.
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kookiecrumb · 2 years
JJK || Someway
Chapter Three
previous • next
summary: You go on a non-refundable cruise with your LA realtor ex-boyfriend. Things get interesting.
tags: one bed trope, exes to lovers, mutual pining, stubborn!y/n, vacation, smut, angst, fluff
warnings: jealousyyyyy, explicit language
wc: 1.7K
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Jungkook's decision to work out was independent of what happened between the two of you last night. Not that he was completely ignoring your conversation, but it was irrelevant toward his routine. 
That being said, it did affect his performance. A third of the way through, he put the equipment in a resting position and just laid there, his headphones still on and everything, breathing hard. 
He double tapped the drum of his headphones to turn the music off. The sound of clanking weights and grunts could be heard. The scent of sweat and adrenaline was potent in the air. It was overstimulatimg.
He needed to leave. 
Jungkook cleans off the equipment, gets his things from the locker rooms and is about to head out when he spots you talking to the receptionist. 
It totally looks like he's flirting with you. 
It…really looks like he's flirting with you. 
Jungkook's face turns bright red. He can't pull his eyes away from you, laughing and smiling at this mid-at-best guy who thinks he's goddamn Eddy Murphy or some shit. 
But this is what you wanted! This is what you both wanted. Good for you.
You smile and turn your head in his direction. He looks absolutely terrified. He is terrified.
Your face drops and you move away from the desk, stepping towards him, but Jungkook has already scattered. 
So much for that. 
It might be worth talking to him later about it. But then again, what is there to talk about? If you assume that he was upset or jealous of seeing you simply talking to another guy, then that would be opening up Pandora's Box. Confrontation is your worst enemy. 
And what if he confronts you about it? You'd have to defend yourself.
You'd have to defend yourself and he'd quickly realize there was nothing to defend in the first place. Then you'd be seen as weak.
It would be revealed that you're not this strong, confident, put-together woman, even though it's been months. You still want him. Who wouldn't?
You clench the wallet in your hand and drag it off the table, briefly thanking the receptionist before walking toward the yoga studio just beyond the sauna. 
The morning went by quickly, otherwise. The yoga class was supposed to be two hours long, but it had only felt like thirty minutes to you.
It had a wonderful view of the Pacific Ocean as well, with the crescening waves below playing with the sunlight. You felt refreshed after all that stretching and holding, but you were starving. 
It was just about time for brunch. You were feeling some strawberry yogurt and granola with some banana. Back in LA, we call those parfaits, like the French word for perfect. 
Valley girls love French, for aesthetic purposes. You're not surprised the trend has resurged nowadays. In this restaurant, right now, you could point out at least seven girls wearing a jacket matched with a miniskirt. 
Just so fetch, as Karen would say. 
Fashion is meant to be fun. What's the point of being stupid rich if not to spend it, stupidly? Perhaps a shopping trip is in order. You're almost certain that the luxury shops on-board are open for business. 
You imagine it now, another diamond tennis bracelet to match your skirts, or a sapphire necklace to compliment your evening dress. 
Perhaps you'll find another pair of those limited edition shoes from Dior. You've been hunting them down like a hound ever since their release.
You spoon another layer of yogurt into your mouth. Looks like your afternoon plans are in place, some retail therapy, if you will.
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"My ex-girlfriend says I'm a good liar. I want to test the theory," Jungkook says as he slides over a Benjamin toward the attendant in exchange for twenty five-dollar chips. 
"Sir," the poor guy smiles. "That's hilarious." 
Jungkook can tell he doesn't actually think the joke is funny. With an awkward grimace, he shovels the chips from the slot between the two of them, pockets them, and walks away. 
It wasn't long before Jungkook sat down for his first game of blackjack with a pint of beer set down on a comically small coaster next to him. 
He didn't budge from his seat until he broke even. It was a good thirty minutes before he was winning money. It took another four for him to consider opting out. 
He was three hundred dollars over his break-even point. He had spectators gathered around him to witness him correctly predict and strategize around the cards he'd drawn. It was a sight to behold.
The stakes weren't high. He was still betting twenty dollars per round, but he was on a winning streak. He could have kept going, easily. 
He pulls out of his chair. He takes his chips. He thanks the dealer, and he cashes in. 
"She was right," he says, folding two extra hundred dollar bills into his wallet. "Now I gotta prove her wrong." 
"Prove who wrong?" A voice that isn't yours says from behind him. Jungkook turns to greet its owner. 
She's a young woman with long, braided hair. Her glasses sit upon her nose quaintly and her eyes are radiant. 
"My ex-girlfriend," Jungkook replies, quickly. 
"Ohh…You're still hung up over your ex?" She makes a judgemental face. 
Now who is she to judge someone's healing process? It takes time to get over an ex, especially if that ex was smart…pretty…rich…
Fuck. Why did he break up with you again?
"Well, yeah. It's normal," he defends. 
"That's a shame," she sighs with a fake pout on her lips. 
"Yeah," Jungkook looks away awkwardly. "Thanks for checking in," he concludes and continues on his way. 
"Waaait!" She exclaims. "I can help you get over her if you really want to…" 
There it is. The perfect opportunity. It's staring him right in the face again and all he has to say is, 'Yes, I do,' at most. Jungkook cannot fuck this up. 
"...nooo…" he says, in a small voice. "No…" he frowned.
The young woman rolls her eyes. "Pf, okay. You aren't even all that cute anyways, and…" Her voice grew quiet in Jungkook's mind as he looked beyond her. 
There you are, carrying fifty million luxury shopping bags, trudging along the hallway with your good pair of sunglasses. It looks like you're on your way toward the casino. 
The girl had stormed off by now. 
That's fine by him.
He's got a bigger problem on his hands, at least, according to him. 
A concierge greets you at the door or the casino lobby. He happily takes all of your bags up to your suite, safely with the exemption of your clutch bag containing all you'll be needing for today. 
You're about to hand over your card so they can register your room, but it seems as if they've already made an account under that number and there's a limit on how many times you can visit a day. 
"Well that's a little ridiculous, don't you think?" you laugh. "You'd be losing money!" 
"We are already losing money, miss. Your boyfriend–" 
"Ex-boyfriend has robbed us of two hundred dollars in blackjack just a few minutes ago," he says firmly.  
You're delighted by news of his big win. A feeling adjacent to pride taints your otherwise stern heart towards him. 
"Well, if that's the case…what do you suggest I do meanwhile?" You say, sweetly. "I planned on spending my entire evening here. You don't supposed I could make a last minute reservation for that restaurant upstairs?" 
"No, ma'am…unfortunately, they are booked through and through," he replies with a regretful tone. 
"Booked," he reassures. "Absolutely." 
After a while of clicking around the reservations on his computer, the attendant goes, "But it looks like you have a reservation here, already, for tonight…" 
You shake your head. "It's him again." 
"Well, it is on there. If you decide to go, you'll be admitted," he says. 
Actually, It wouldn't be the end of the world to have dinner with him. 
The natural solution would be to double date, but the idea is repulsing you right now. You would only be sharing a table. There wouldn't be an obligation to actually talk to one another or hold hands…or listen to each other's stories…or stare into each other's eyes over candlelight…or anything. 
Jungkook appears behind you, hands in his pockets with a smug look on his face. "Haha, you can't gamble," he teases. 
"Shut up. I need to ask you something," You pull him to the side, back out into the hallway. He begrudgingly complies. 
He flashes a smile, bright and charming. "Huh?" 
The sunlight plays with his hair as it sets over the open sea, a gentle glow resting on his face as you speak. "Uhm," 
"Yeaaahhh~" he laughs. 
"Are you drunk or something?" You comment, shaking him a little. "Stop that." 
Jungkook clears his throat and nods. He straightens up. "Okay." 
You're instantly intimidated. You brought him out here to say something, but it seems it has escaped your train of thought. "Like I was trying to say," you pause. 
Jungkook gestures for you to continue. 
"I was wondering if I could use your reservation for tonight. They're completely booked and…you can't book more than one table for a room…" 
He stares at you questioningly, a smirk pulling at his lips. "Huh? A date, then?" 
"No! Not like a date. The opposite of that. I want to eat the food there and you're gonna take me," 
"Y/N, that sounds like a fucking date to me," he nods his head insistently. 
"Well it's not."
In that moment, his stare felt heavier on you than usual. His careful hands wanted to reach for yours and, without a word, hold them close to his heart. He wanted to keep them there. Your breath stuttered. 
"Yeah, it is," he says, softly. 
You turn away. "And I'm the stubborn one?" you mutter. 
Jungkook's eyes wander around you before settling on your shoes. "Anyways, we could meet back at the hotel room and just…go after seven." 
"Yeah!" you reply, a bit too enthusiastically. Jungkook purses his lips to keep a smile from escaping. 
" …Yeah. Okay," you say, slowly. 
a/n: I I updating April 15th. No more begging. I have to actually write the next chapter 🤭
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variety-fangirl · 2 years
My Saviour / Eddie Munson x fem!reader
Part 1 here Part 3 here
Summary: You and Eddie had a great night spending time together, talking about anything and everything. You find yourselves growing closer and feelings beginning to bloom.
Warnings: 18+ NO MINORS upset reader, swearing, mentions of cheating and divorce of parents, Andy being a dick. Lmk if I missed anything 😚
Author's note: I honestly am enjoying writing this so much!! And I'm so glad that people like it too :D. I hit 424 followers! Thank you so much for the ongoing support and love, it honestly means more than you all know 🥰🤩🥳 Liking, reblogging, and commenting really help me out. Thank you my loves!
Word count: 1.9k
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You arrive home late that night, a stupid smile on your face as you slowly close your bedroom door. You bite your lip as make your way into your room, needing to get ready for bed. You were thankful your parents were asleep, so they wouldn't ask questions about where you'd been all this time. Not that they probably noticed at the moment with everything going on. You were thankful you hadn't woken them up when you snuck in, although you were an adult so you could make your own decisions.
Having changed into your pyjamas and done your nightly routine, you get into your double bed. You stare up at the ceiling in the dark, thinking back on the night you had with Eddie. He was everything you had imagined and more, you couldn't understand how people could hate him or not bother to get to know him. He had been nothing but kind and caring all night.
You and Eddie sat on his couch comfortably, shoes on the floor by the coffee table in front of you. Your bodies sat sideways so you could face each other, your legs having inched closer as the night went on. Your upper arm leaning on top of the backrest of the couch, your hand supporting your head. Eddie had his arm leaning on the backrest of the couch also, his arm having dropped and inching closer to yours every so often.
Music played quietly in the background to fill any silence, not that either of you was paying attention to it or there had been any silence. You weren't sure how long you'd been there by this point, but it was now dark out. Neither took any notice though, too wrapped up in your conversation. "So you walked in on them hooking up? They were upstairs knowing you were there and still did it?" Eddie questioned with a frown, you nodded sadly. "Yep. They obviously didn't care about me finding out, I had just found out about my parent's divorce as well, so it was like a stab in the back from both of them."
You sigh and shake your head, flashes of Andy on top of Erin with her dress hiked up around her waist filling your mind. Andy's wide eyes staring at your shocked state as you took in the scene happening in front of you. Tears pricking at your vision as the feeling of utter betrayal set in, you had felt like you were going to be sick. Erin's eyes meeting yours, not an ounce of regret or shock in them. It had been what she wanted, to get caught so the sneaking around could stop. Had she always hated you? Always wanted Andy? Despite being the one who had told you to give him a chance in the first place.
"I'm so sorry you had to see that or even be put in that position in the first place, you deserve so much better than that." Eddie shook his head, his hand gently touching your arm. You shook your head and smiled sadly, blinking away the tears as a bitter laugh escaped. "Thank you. Honestly? I'd rather have found out now, at four months, than down the road at one year together. At least I only liked him, it'll make it easier to get over him." you wipe away a stray tear, Eddie nodded in agreement.
"Hey, thanks for, uh, sticking up for me back there. At school, not many people say anything back. Why did you?" Eddie wondered, fiddling with his rings nervously. You smiled to yourself at the action, did you really make him that nervous? Surely not. "Because you're a good guy, your not the things they say you are. You're not a freak, you are just different than they are and they can't understand that. So, fuck them." you smile warmly at him, your hand moving to place on top of his. Eddie bit his lip as he stared at your hand, warmth spreading through him.
You take a look outside and realise how dark it is, peeking at your watch on your wrist. "Shit, it's late. I should really go," you announce as you meet Eddie's eyes. He nodded, a look of disappointment appearing on his features. It made you want to smile, he wanted you to stay. And truly, you wanted to stay too but your parents would kill you. "Oh yeah, sorry I kept you so long." he walked with you towards the door. You make your way outside, Eddie following. "Don't be, I enjoyed spending time with you. Thanks for listening to me, it means a lot. More than you realise. See you tomorrow?" you hopefully ask.
Eddie looks at you with surprise and nods, "yeah course. Welcome at our table any time." You nod with a smile and wrap your arms around him, pulling him into a hug. Eddie stands frozen, not expecting this at all. He slowly wraps his arms around you, his face in the crook of your neck. He gets a face full of your scent, sweet and intoxicating. Too quickly for both of your liking, the hug ended and you both pull away. You lean over and grab the right side of his face, placing a kiss on his left cheek. You let your lips linger for a few seconds before pulling away, Eddie's eyes wide.
You walk away, biting your bottom lip with a smile as you get into your car. A gentle "bye" passes your lips before you close your door and start your engine. Watching you drive away, Eddie stands there with a smile. He was hooked already, he knew he was fucked. What Eddie didn't realise was, that you were hooked too.
You woke the next morning feeling better than the previous day, actually excited to go to school. You get up and shower, taking time to shave and use your favourite products. Take time to moisturise your whole body with your favourite body lotion and spray with your favourite perfume. You decided to put a little make-up on, something simple but noticeable. These little acts gave you the boost you needed to feel good about yourself, a little TLC.
Making your way downstairs fully dressed and ready, you go into the kitchen to have breakfast. The silence was deafening, your father was sitting at the dining table with a paper in hand. Your mother was in the kitchen, looking exhausted, as she made breakfast for everyone. "Morning dear, Andy has called for you twice already. What's going on with you two?" your mother wondered, passing you a plate of food. You smile, "thanks, mom. Look, something happened and I don't want to get into it but we've broken up." you walked to the table, joining your father.
"Okay dear, we'll talk about it some other time. Anyway, I need to leave for work. See you later, love you!" your mother placed a kiss on your cheek and left, the silence taking over once again. You ate your food, your father enjoyed his reading and didn't like to be disturbed. You really hated how awkward things had become in your household, wishing for things to magically be okay. You were thankful once you finished, so you could leave.
The school day goes by quickly, lunch arriving quicker than you expected. You grab food for yourself and walk over, smiling as you see Eddie talking animated to the others at the table. Eddie spots you and smiles, you feel butterflies erupt in your stomach. Just as you were about to walk over there, Chrissy calls for you. You walk over to her, Andy's eyes watching your every move. You refused to even look his or Erin's way, focusing all your attention on your best friend.
Eddie watched sadly, assuming that you weren't coming over. He felt like an idiot, why the hell would you choose him and his friends over the popular kids? It hurt him a little, okay a lot, did yesterday mean nothing? Were you going to get back together with that dick? The thought made him feel angry, jealousy rearing its ugly head. He had no right to feel jealous or be angry, but here he was, feeling jealous about the thought of you and Andy back together.
To Eddie's surprise, you say goodbye to Chrissy and walk away from the table, making your way towards his table. You notice a spare seat next to Eddie and sit down on it, placing your tray on the table. The group stare at you in silence, their conversation seizing. "C'mon guys, is this going to be a reoccurring thing, you stopping talking when I sit down? I'm going to be here quite often from now on so keep talking!" you laugh, looking at them all with a smile.
You notice that Eddie is still staring at you, eyes holding something you couldn't put your finger on. "What?" you question with a frown, a confused smile on your face. Eddie shook his head with a smirk, "nothing, princess." You blush at the nickname, biting your bottom lip as you look down at your tray to avoid eye contact. Dustin stares at Eddie and smirks, about to open his mouth. "Shut it Henderson!" Eddie interrupts him, the young boy giggling. "Okay nerds! Back to the campaign!"
You try to focus on your lunch and leave them to talk but you found their enthusiasm and passion for their Hellfire campaign to be quite interesting. You didn't really know anything about the game or what it looked like but it piqued your interest. They made you want to know and learn, they made you feel excited for them. You found yourself paying attention to what they were saying and even asking questions, the gang was more than happy to explain the rules and gist of the game to you.
Eddie found himself peeking looks at you while everyone talked to you, amazed by you. You seemed genuinely interested in what everyone was saying and the game, even asking if you could attend one of their meetings. He swore he fell in love with you at that moment, not one ounce of judgment or disgust on your face. You had just openly accepted them all and their differences without a second thought, you were so kind and sweet. You didn't look at him like he was weird for like a fantasy game or as if he was a freak. You looked at him with such genuine happiness.
You turned to him with a smile, smirking when you catch him already staring at you. "Only if you're okay with me coming, Eddie. I'd love to see you all in action! It sounds really interesting." you wonder, your knees accidentally brushing under the table as you face him. Oh yeah, he was definitely a goner. Eddie smiled and nodded, trying to keep his cool, "of course, you can." Even as you turned back to face everyone, neither you nor Eddie moved your knees from touching. Both enjoying the feeling of being this close to each other.
Andy watched from his table, glaring daggers into Eddie's side. His fists balled at his sides as his eyes dropped to the sight of your knees touching, you even leaned into Eddie's direction as you laughed. Andy got up and stormed out, Erin running after him. You turned your head in the direction of the people whispering, catching the scene unfold in front of you. You roll your eyes at his dramatics. He had always been the jealous type, so it honestly didn't surprise you but he had no right, he was the one who cheated. You weren't looking forward to cheer practice.
Taglist: @fightmevecna @fanficfanatic1997 @seajae @spencestyles
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