#whoever reads this i love you for clicking on my shit posts and reading the tags lol
valkoinenlintu · 1 year
happy new year, guys
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Remember You Even When I Don't (1)
Summary: A training accident, the doctor had told him. A nasty one that led him here, laying in a hospital bed with a splitting headache and an inability to remember the woman sitting beside him. What he did know, though, was that you were the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, and you felt important to him. That, as it turns out, would become an understatement.
Words: 2.7K
Pairing: Bradley Bradshaw/Reader (no use of y/n, so can be read as unnamed oc)
Warnings: angst, hospitals, memory loss, language.
Notes: I'm so excited and so nervous to be posting this. It was originally going to be a one shot, but it got a little out of control and so I've decided to try and split it up into multiple parts.
This was inspired by a one shot by the lovely @roosterforme and would not exist without her assistance. If you haven't read any of her stuff, please check out her masterlist - you won't be disappointed!
He woke up feeling like his mouth had been stuffed with cotton balls and an ice pick had been taken to his head over and over and over again. The pain was blinding. The grimace on his face must show, because suddenly there was a squeeze to his hand and a soft voice by his ear. 
That’s him, he recognized, maybe taking a little bit longer than he should have to realize that fact.  
“Oh, Bradley. Can you open your eyes for me, honey?” 
His movements felt slow to him, delayed and lethargic and like he’s fighting against more g-forces than he ever has. It takes him a moment to pry his eyes open, but when he does, he immediately flinches and squeezes them shut again. 
“Shit, oh my god I’m sorry,” that voice speaks again. The pressure on his hand is released and he hears what must be the squeak of a chair being pushed back. A soft click sounds through the room, but it felt like another clink of the ice pick on his skull. It’s a little less bright beyond his eyelids now, though. In another moment, his hand is warm as it’s encased in another again. “Lights are off now.”  
It felt like a tremendous effort to open his eyes again, and the process is slow. As he came into consciousness a little more fully, he registered the pain in more than just his head. And oh, there was a lot of it. He tried to shift just the slightest bit and immediately regretted it. It felt like every centimeter of him hurt. God, even blinking hurts.
The room comes in and out of focus, and even when it mostly clears, there was a slight blur around the edges of his vision. He recognized enough to know he was in a hospital. The white walls, the iv running through the crook of his elbow, the continuous beep beep beep of the monitor on one side of the bed are a giveaway to that. 
“Baby, baby, hey, don’t try and move, okay?”
The voice on the other side of the bed must belong to whoever is holding his hand. Despite the request, he couldn’t help but slowly, slowly turn his head in that direction. The voice was captivating, melodic, almost, and he wanted to see who it belonged to. It takes a moment for his eyes to focus on you, but when they do, he’s blown away. 
“Wow,” he breathed out in awe, his voice scratchy and sore, “you’re beautiful.” 
The breathtaking woman holding his hand laughs, and the sound is beautiful, but then tears well in your eyes. He doesn’t like that, he decided. He’s confused as to why he cares as much as he does about that fact. “Please don’t cry.” 
“I’m sorry,” you responded as you wiped under your eyes, “it’s just so good to hear your voice and see those eyes, baby.” 
There’s something he’s missing. The nagging feeling in the back of his head tells him that it’s something important, vital, imperative to his very survival. He racked his brain to try and find what it was, but the pain was so severe and his vision was starting to go in and out again the more he tried to figure it out. God, what happened to him? 
“Let me call your doctor,” you insist, and you’re standing to press the button on his bed when he tries to speak through the pain again. 
“Are you…not my doctor?” 
His voice was low, but he knew you heard him by how your entire body froze and your watery eyes snapped to him. Tears were welling again, he noticed in his blurred vision, but the look you have in your eyes was different this time. 
He felt like he did something wrong. 
You pressed the call button over and over again, more times than is probably necessary, before sinking back into the chair that he was starting to think you’ve been in for a long time. It felt like your hand was holding onto his a little bit harder now. 
“Bradley…do you know who I am? Do you know my name?” 
The pain in his body was ricocheting through him so viciously that he felt he may throw up, but he tried to push through it and think anyway. It felt important. You felt important, but he couldn’t figure out why. And he couldn’t think of your name, either. It’s that feeling of being right there on the tip of his tongue, but it just wouldn’t come out. 
“I can’t remember. I’m sorry. Should I?” 
You gasped lightly and he doesn’t like that sound, either. Before he could try and apologize, for something he wasn’t completely clear on, the door to his room opened and suddenly there were way more than the two of you in the room. He’s surrounded by white coats and navy blue scrubs and your hand wasn’t in his anymore and he missed the feel of it. He flailed slightly, trying to find it once more, but you were being ushered to the back of the small hospital room and that doesn’t feel right, either. 
“No,” he muttered, not listening to any of the medical personnel asking him questions and poking and prodding at him. He just knew that he wanted you back beside him, looking like you did when he first woke up, not sad like you did now. 
Everything hurt. 
Someone was shining a light in his eyes and he was so overcome with it that he at first didn’t notice how everyone in the room stopped moving when he had been asked what year it is and he had said 2018. He answered again when they asked who the current President was and his date of birth. 
By the collective intake of breath throughout the room, it seemed the last one was the only one he got right. 
“Lieutenant Commander -”
“It’s just Lieutenant.” 
The doctor clicked his flashlight off and took a small step back, clearing his throat and contemplating his words before he spoke. “According to your official Navy file, you were promoted to Lieutenant Commander two years ago. And unfortunately, Lieutenant Commander, it’s no longer 2018. It’s 2022, sir.”
The beeping of his heart monitor was starting to quicken, and his own breathing was loud in his ears. 
The doctor started speaking again, but Bradley couldn’t hear him. There was a consistent buzzing in his head. He was starting to get unbelievably dizzy. He felt like he was going to be sick. Throughout it, his eyes were still on you. The tears were streaming freely now, no longer being pushed away in defiance, with your hands covering your mouth as you stared back at him like you were having a hard time seeing him. 
A shimmering caught his attention and for the first time, he noticed the ring on your left finger. The edges on his vision started to go dark, and as the possibility of what that meant hit him, he no longer felt or saw anything at all. 
He had been unconscious for three days. 
A training accident, the doctor had told him, and a nasty ejection that involved not only slamming into the canopy, but into the plane itself. He was unconscious before he ever hit the ground, but his parachute had done its job on at least getting him there. More broken ribs than intact ones, a collapsed lung, more cuts and bruises to add to the regular collection, and a skull fracture and swelling on his brain that explained his massive headache and his apparent lack of memory. 
Four years of his life. 
Four. Years. 
Somehow, though, that wasn’t the most shocking thing he had heard since regaining consciousness. 
The woman in the room was his wife. You were his wife and he didn’t remember you. But he knew you. He knew that he knew you. He could feel it in his aching bones when he looked at you. 
It took a long time for the two of you to be alone again. A nurse had been in the room when he next woke up and the doctors quickly followed to explain all that had happened to him. He had almost immediately been rolled away for a variety of testing, poking and prodding. He wasn’t sure how long it took, but by the time he made it back to his room, there was no natural light filtering in through the windows anymore, and the ward itself was a little bit quieter. It must have been late.
You gave him the smallest of smiles from the chair next to his bed as the nurse who brought him back made sure all of his monitors were hooked up properly. She explained a few things to the both of you, seemingly unfazed to be sharing his medical information with someone he didn’t know. He supposed it didn’t matter, though. Because you’re his wife, and it’s your legal right to have this information. 
When Nurse Anne finally left, the two of you simply stared at one another. The air felt awkward, taught with unfamiliar tension. It settled over the room for a moment before you cleared your throat. He tried not to focus on how you were playing with the ring on your finger, twisting it around with your thumb.
“How are you -“
“I don’t know your name.” 
He didn’t mean to blurt out the words, especially when it cut off whatever you were about to ask him. But the thought has been going through his mind since you had asked him when he first woke up what must be hours ago now.
He had hoped for a revelation when you told him. Your name bounced around in his head, searching for something. But the only thing he found was disappointment when nothing hit him. 
He was tired and wanted to go to sleep. Even with the pain medication continuously dripping through the IV, his whole body hurt, but he couldn’t, now. He was desperate to speak to you. He wanted to make some sort of sense of this mess, but part of him, some part he was no longer familiar with, also just wanted to hear your voice again. 
“How…how long have we been married?”
“Three years,” you sighed, rubbing your eyes. It seemed that all he’d made you do since he woke up was cry. Bradley could tell that you were holding yourself together with all the strength you could muster. He admired you for that. You must have realized quickly that he was distracted or that the math was hurting his still aching head, so you followed up by explaining you had only been dating for four months before he proposed, and had been married by month six. 
Despite all the confusion and both the physical and mental hurt, he couldn’t help the smile that tugged at his lips. “You were crazy enough to say yes after four months?” 
You laughed, and oh, he thought, that’s a beautiful sound. 
“You definitely aren’t the first person to accuse me of that,” you revealed, though it didn’t come as much of a surprise because it made sense. Meeting and marrying in half a year was intimidating, and a bit insane in his eyes. He had always been slow to trust and even slower to love. He wondered about those first four months and what they must have been like to inspire him to propose, but instead of asking, he took the quiet that came over the room as an opportunity to just…look at you. There was an ache in his chest that he couldn’t quite explain as he does. 
Your hair was pulled back loosely at the base of your neck, more than a few pieces falling out of the hold the band had on it. You were in plain black leggings and an oversized Eagles sweatshirt that threatened to swallow you. In the back of his muddled mind, he questions if it was his, or if you maybe shared his enjoyment for the sport and team. Your skin was blotchy and your eyes were puffy from all the tears. 
You looked as exhausted as he felt, but you were still so, so beautiful. He doesn’t know if he’d ever seen anyone so beautiful, in fact. It was the first thing he had thought when he woke up the first time, and his opinion hadn’t changed. 
“This must be really overwhelming for you,” you said after a few minutes of silence. He could sense your nervousness rising and noticed how you were rubbing your rings again - he wondered if it was a tell of yours all the time. “I don’t - I don’t want to make that worse, so I - I can go, if you’d like me to.” 
“Go?” he questioned. Something that felt like panic flickered inside of him. He doesn’t think he likes that idea. 
“Yes. If you wanted to be alone. Or I could - I guess I could have someone else come stay with you?” You looked like you dreaded the idea of it, but he knew you would do it if it was what he wanted, and wasn’t that something? He had never had someone who would willingly put themselves through hurt if it made him feel better. Your last question raised one of his own, though, and he couldn’t help but ask. 
“Have you…been here the whole time?” 
“Of course,” you whispered with a nod. You leant forward in your chair like you were going to grab his hand but stopped yourself at the last second. You were still rubbing the rings on your left hand as you considered the words you were going to say. 
“I had to have my gallbladder removed last year,” you spoke again after a moment. His eyebrows furrowed, searching for a memory and coming up short. He didn’t know where you were going with this. “I was at home when I started getting these really bad pains. I would have thought it was my appendix, but I had that removed when I was a kid. After the pain didn’t go away I decided I should probably go to the hospital. I knew you were in the air that day so I left you a voicemail and sent you a text about what was happening. They had just put me in a room after running a few tests to figure out what was wrong when you came crashing in, demanding to talk to a doctor about what was wrong with me and then demanding to know why I wasn’t already in surgery if my gallbladder was so inflamed and infected that it was causing me as much pain as it was. I was in the hospital for less than 24 hours but you were there the whole time, holding my hand. Then you took time off work so that you could stay at home with me. For the first few days, if I did anything more than lift the tv remote or turn the page in my book, you were stopping me so that you could do it yourself. You were so worried about me.” 
He could feel it then. It was a strange sensation, really. He didn’t know you. His mind couldn’t produce any memories of you, but the thought of something happening to you, of something having happened to you, made him worry. He felt protective of you and you weren’t more than a stranger to him right now. 
“I say all this to say, Bradley, that if the roles were reversed, if I were the one in that hospital bed, I know exactly where you’d be, too. Because you have been. It doesn’t matter how big or small. I know you don’t remember but…that’s…that’s who we are, okay? There’s nowhere else I’d have been but right here by your side.” 
Your words hit him harder than he expected them to. He didn’t really know how to respond. He couldn’t make sense of all of this.  
“I think I want you to stay,” he whispered, almost afraid of the words. 
This time, you didn’t stop yourself from reaching out to him. You settled your hand over his and squeezed gently. And though you didn’t let your touch remain for more than a moment, the brief interaction spread warmth through the area. 
“Get some rest, sweetheart. We’ll talk more tomorrow.” 
Part Two :: Series Masterlist :: Main Masterlist
Notes: Thank you for reading! Your feedback is so important to me. Please let me know your thoughts and if you're interested in more of this being posted :)
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thesupreme316 · 10 months
i’m back! how would aew boys react to reader having a bianca moment she has a mystery opponent they come out and beat her in a couple seconds https://youtu.be/XvblHAfgCwo
i’m bad at explaining if you can can you add Kenny Omega
AEW Stars React: You Losing Your Championship Within a Minute
Pairings: MJF x Fem!Reader, Kenny Omega x Fem!Reader, Ricky Starks x Fem!Reader, Darius Martin x Fem!Reader, Hook x Fem!Reader, Eddie Kingston x Fem!Reader, Christian Cage x Fem!Reader, Daniel Garcia x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 1K
Supreme Speaks: thanks to @cassie0sstuff for requesting this (i always love your requests). I still have a lot of requests so Imma try my best to release 2 or 3 things tomorrow. umm thanks for supporting me and reading my crazy thoughs. please remember that you are loved and appreciated.
Warnings: "mature language", mentions of bribery and my sugar daddy Christian Cage
Taglist (if yall wanna join, lemme know): @hooks-martin @wwenhlimagines @cassie0sstuff @hookerforhook @eddie-kingstons-wifey @triscillal @sheinthatfandom
Even though you can click on this link, imma elaborate:
After what happened, you sat up in the ring in disbelief
You were mad at the lack of communication, mad at the unwanted surprise
But you were mainly mad at yourself for not seeing this earlier
You were just overall really upset at the entire situation
But if you were feeling this way, imagine how your significant other/best friend felt…
Kenny Omega
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Immediately asks who signed off on this and who didn’t tell you
“I swear to god that I didn’t know. But whoever did, better pray that I don’t kick their ass.”
Is upset that this decision was made without his input
Would def be heartbroken after seeing your pouting face
Immediately hugs you telling you that he’s sorry and that you’ll get your rematch soon
After comforting you, he goes into executive producer mode and tries to figure out how to give you a decent rematch where everything makes sense and has meaning
Promises you that you’ll get the match that you deserve (might fight Tony tbh…me too, I wanna fight Tony)
Eddie Kingston
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It took everything in him not to run out to the ring and kick your opponent’s ass
But he didn’t…instead he linked everything back to his enemies
I think he would see this situation as people trying to hurt him through you (or you paying for his words/actions)
“Doll, I’m sorry that some people are literally out to get you for stupid shit. But I promise that I will help you get your championship back.”
Immediately hugs you while you try to calm down
Just like any situation where you are in danger/or upset, he’ll take this very personally
Will help you in your rematch by any means
Shit..because Eddie is a ride or die, he might put his title on the line for yours
Darius Martin
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Runs down to the ring and comforts you while you look on in disbelief
He hugs you, whispers sweet comforting words to you
Promises that you will become champion again
“Listen, they don’t deserve it. But you do and because of that, you will become champion again.”
Hypes you up and is glad to be a part of your revenge plan
Does anything you ask, as long as he’s helping
Is ringside for your rematch and stops other people from interfering with your match
Daniel Garcia
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He has found his humility
After making sure you’re okay, he tries to go after them; but you stop him out of exhaustion
Now, he’s concerned about making sure your mental health is okay (as this is nerve-wracking)
Mans gets on the mic a week later ripping into your opponents in your absence
“Y/N made that championship, not the other way around. She didn’t need to be a whining, cowardly bitch to get it.”
I think Daniel would try his best to help you get inside of your opponent’s head (one good thing he learned from the JAS)
Will post on social media your merch, promos, and pictures (especially when your opponent posts something else)
“Anyways, stan Y/N”
Christian Cage
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He’s suing everyone in sight (my hero)
Your opponent? Sued. The referee? sued. Tony Kahn? He is now in debt to Christian.
I think he would use his smart and manipulation tactics to really get the championship
You didn’t even have to ask him, he just did it for you
“Don’t worry sweetheart, everything is gonna be alright.”
Makes your opponent sign a contract that is in your huge favor
Then makes Luchasuarus choke slam them; you cover them (all within 5 seconds)
You win and now you and Christian roam around the locker room flaunting your championships
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Hook mad? No, no, no. Mans is pissed
I think this along with what’s happening with Jack Perry has really sent him over the rails
He’s kicking everyone in sight, slapping people, throwing the security over the barricade
Tries to suplex your opponent but Jack stops him (which leads to a chase around the arena)
“That bastard can’t run for long. And your coward for an opponent won’t be able to defend that championship when we’re done with them.”
This leads to a tag match between you/Hook vs. your opponent/Jack
You got your lick back (best believe it)
You and Hook won your titles back within a match (a first in AEW history)
Ricky Starks
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Mans in disbelief
Someone shut his mouth before he catches flies (god forbid he’s in his heel era cause everyone would be flamed)
I think he would be genuinely pissed off to the point where you couldn’t even calm him down
Immediately goes on a rant on the mic
“First, this company screws me over. Now it’s Y/N? Y’all have really fucked up! Are you lopsided, cross-eyed, inbred people just bored?”
….don’t argue with me, I can see him saying it…
Since he’s suspended, he manages you and you come back with a new attitude
After some “cheating” (Ricky calls it guaranteeing a victory), you win your championship back
Ricky’s there; just smiling and feels great that he was able to help you gain something back that meant so much to you
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Mans straight up buys it back
No, deadass, that’s it
He’s done with taking the higher road with certain shit/people so he goes back to bribing
Max literally just keeps upping the price
“I know that your poor, stank asses need more than 100 dollars so how about 1,000 dollars? Maybe you can buy some soap.”
After buying the belt and the reign, he throws you a coronation where he proclaims you the queen of the women’s division
Dares anyone to say otherwise
He also renegotiates your contract which strictly prohibits matches that you are not prepared for/made aware of
“I just wanna look out for you. Since this dumbass company can’t.”
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summerwritesfics · 8 months
🌎Love I’d Never Hurt You
Pairing: Shang Tsung/Kuai Liang Length: 5261 Words Rating: Mature Warnings: Serial Killer/Detective AU, Detective!Kuai Liang, Serial Killer!Shang Tsung, Detective!Bi-Han, Murder, Graphic Description of Corpses, Stalking, Death Threats, Minor Character Death, Gun Violence, Obsession, Obsessive Behaviour, Possessive Behaviour, Blood And Gore, Bombs (Except Not Really), Pinned Down, Abduction (Sorta I guess lmao even Kuai doesn’t know for sure if that’s what’s happening to him), NSFK (Not Safe For Kuai), Shang Tsung Is Very Creepy (Honestly he came out way creepier than I was intending)
Meanwhile In Another Universe Masterlist
Notes: NGL I debated posting this or not, but honestly don’t think it’s any darker than some other stuff I’ve posted so 🤷🏻 Like upon re-reading Shang Tsung did come out way creepier than I originally intended, but I mean… he’s a serial killer so it kinda works. Also tfw you dislike the police irl but love crime fiction. :’( I think the truly shocking thing about this fic is that I wrote a detective fic without Detective Hanzo Hasashi making an appearance, like tf. Title is from “The Horror Of Our Love” by Ludo.
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Kuai was almost thankful to be called out of the office.
Granted, he was going to investigate a suspected homicide, and that should not have been something he was eager to attend. He felt even worse that such a thing was definitely a welcome distraction from whatever the hell was going on with Bi-Han right now.
The case Bi-Han was currently working on had seemed to consume his very being. Every waking hour was spent obsessing over a mysterious serial killer. The murders were almost clinical, like whoever was committing the acts was performing experimental medical procedures. Things like organ transplants, but twisted, like trying to move the heart to where the stomach should be and vice versa. There were usually drugs in the victim's system that didn’t correlate to any known drug used in medicine. It was very strange and so far there had been very few clues to attach even a solid suspect or two to the case.
And Bi-Han was completely losing his mind over it.
“Brother, maybe you should take a break,” Kuai had tried to gently suggest. He’d flinched at the murderous glare Bi-Han had shot his way. “Clearing your mind may help you look at this at a different angle, and you do have other cases you haven’t even touched since-“ 
“I don’t give a shit about the other cases,” Bi-Han hissed, slamming his hands on his desk. “I care about this case, and catching this fucking bastard!” 
“But Brother-“ 
“No!” Bi-han swept his hands across his desk, sending everything on it flying off onto the floor in a loud clatter. If anyone else in the station heard it, they didn’t come to intervene. “This case is the only one that matters. And if you can’t understand why, then you can get the fuck out of my office.” 
“Get the fuck out!” 
Kuai realised he was fighting a losing battle, and left the office with his head hung low. 
It was after that he had been requested to go and attend the site of the suspected homicide, and he’d practically jumped at the chance. Honestly anything to get away from his brother for a little while. He hoped maybe when he was done and returned to the office, Bi-Han would have calmed down a bit, realised Kuai was right and they could go out for dinner or something. Kuai was kind of craving sushi at this point, and quite frankly big brother owed him a big apology for the way he treated him.
He spotted a police car pulled up outside an abandoned warehouse. This was his destination, however, it was strange that neither of the attending officers were outside waiting for him. He hit the breaks and parked up, before quickly jumping out. This area was extremely cut off from the rest of the city. Combined with the eerie silence he was starting to get a bad feeling about this.
He reached into his pocket and pulled out his radio, clicking the button, “This is Detective Kuai Liang Song, currently on case 759. Could I request some back up? The initial police presence has not come to brief me, and I am currently in a very isolated spot. I believe it would be unwise of me to enter the building alone.”
There was a moment of silence, before a voice on the other end replied with “Sorry Detective, the majority of officers are attending a major incident on the other side of the city at this time. It could be hours before we can get someone to your location.”
“Major incident? How come I was not informed of this?” Usually something like that would have been alerted to all emergency services.
“I can’t say I know, the alert was sent out on all police radios.”
“Is there absolutely no one free?” He tried, slowly walking towards the door of the warehouse. He peered inside, but could see nothing.
“No, unfortunately all units are busy.” Dammit. Just his luck. It still seemed strange though, usually even when there was a major incident, a few officers were kept back to deal with smaller emergencies.
He looked around, the trees and foliage surrounding the warehouse were thick, so much so he couldn’t even see the city. He could, however, make out thick plumes of smoke just above the trees. It did look like it was quite a distance from where he was. At least it seemed the incident was somewhat real, although he wasn’t completely convinced this wasn’t someone hijacking the line to prank him.
“So, what do you recommend? That I stand down until I can receive back up?” He wasn’t completely defenceless. He had a gun, but he still felt it’d be preferable to have others who could raise the alarm depending on what he found inside.
“Are you sure the team already there just hasn't heard you turn up?” The voice asked. “Maybe you should go inside and look for them?”
“I-“ That was wrong. That advice was all wrong. No one at control would ever suggest he go in there alone. That bad feeling was getting worse. “I see. I will keep you informed of my progress.”
He slipped his radio back onto his belt, but stepped away from the entrance to the warehouse. As he did, he slipped his phone out of his pocket, only to curse when he found he had no signal here.
Instead of dwelling on that, he made his way over to the police car. Now he was looking, he could see the tires had all been slashed. Shit, I was right to be on high alert. He reached for the door handle, surprised to find the car unlocked. Another bad sign. He climbed into the driver's seat, hoping maybe to use that radio instead. Only he could see the cable to it had been cut.
The sound of gunshots rang out and he instinctively ducked behind the dashboard. It went on for several seconds, before coming to a halt. He stayed hidden for as long as he could, before gingerly sticking his head out. Whoever had been shooting didn’t start again, and Kuai realised the police car seemed to be completely unscathed. That’s when he looked over to his own car.
“You’ve got to be kidding me.” He scrambled out the police car, walking over to his own. It was littered with bullet holes, most specifically in his tires. The shots weren’t trying to kill him, just take away any method of escape he had aside from on foot.
“I recommend you come inside now, Detective,” the radio suddenly sparked into life again. “I would advise against running. I’d really rather not harm you, if possible, but I will shoot your legs if you force me to.”
Kuai plucked the radio from his belt, turning to glare at the warehouse. He couldn’t even see where this person could be.
“Who the fuck are you?” He growled eyes darting around the building hoping he’d spot a shadow or something.
“You’re going to have to come inside if you really want to know,” the voice chuckled, “then we can be introduced properly.” Kuai didn’t dare move, not until he figured out how to proceed. “I’d suggest you don’t keep me waiting, Detective. Like I said, I would really rather not hurt you.”
Kuai didn’t exactly know what choice he had at this point. He slipped his radio back onto his belt, replacing it with his gun instead. He swallowed, taking a deep breath before slowly pushing forward towards the warehouse’s entrance.
Inside was dark and dingy, and every shadow on the wall had Kuai jumping at the slightest movement and sound, even when it was something he had caused. As he entered what looked like it had once been the main storage area, he couldn’t help but think how empty it looked. That meant the two humanoid figures sitting on chairs stood out a mile.
This is a trap. It was so obvious, and yet Kuai, for reasons he couldn’t fathom, still went towards them. He held the gun up. It was clearly the two officers who’d come in before him, but they looked lifeless. He hoped to god they were just unconscious.
“Hello?” He chanced, but got no reply. “Can you hear me?”
Still no reply. Even so, he pushed on, rounding to stand in front of the officers.
Only to find their guts spilling out of their abdomens and onto the floor.
He wretched, stumbling backwards, desperately turning his face to look away from the sight in front of him. It was never easy to find dead bodies, especially in such a brutalised state as this. The officers weren’t people he was particularly close to, but they were still people he’d worked with on a nearly daily basis.
“Ah, hello there Detective.”
Kuai spun on the spot from where the voice had come from. It was the same one that had been on the radio. Standing behind him, was a man with long hair wearing a suit and his hands behind his back. Kuai didn’t take much notice of any further details though, as he aimed his gun at the stranger.
“Now, Kuai Liang, is there really any need for that?” The man asked, laughing slightly as he did and tilting his head. “And after I put in all this effort to get you here.”
“What?” That made it sound like this had all been deliberate. A coordinated effort to get Kuai, specifically, here. But Kuai had never seen this man before, and he didn’t have any current cases that felt like they fit these methods. “Who the hell are you?”
“My name is Shang Tsung,” the man replied, taking a few steps forward but pausing when Kuai straightened his aim slightly. “I am the one your dear elder brother is looking for.”
“You…” He didn’t finish the sentence, letting what had been said sink in instead. This man was claiming to be the serial killer of Bi-Han’s case. But… Who would just admit that? Especially to a detective? Kuai tried to steady his hands, realising they had started to shake. “If that is true, then you’ll be coming with me.”
Shang Tsung chuckled, finally moving his hands from behind his back. Revealing he was holding something. Kuai prepared to shoot, until he realised it wasn’t a gun. It was a strange silver cylinder. Kuai’s eyes flicked between the item and Shang Tsung, looking for an explanation.
“Please. Put the gun down, Kuai Liang.” Shang Tsung held up the cylinder as if to let Kuai get a good look at it. “This is a trigger to a bomb that is set up inside your brothers office.” Kuai’s mouth went dry as his eyes widened. “Put the gun down, and I won’t have to press it.”
“You’re bluffing,” Kuai hissed, squeezing the trigger of his gun. Really he wasn’t as good a shot as his brother, and wasn’t entirely sure he could shoot before Shang Tsung could press the button.
“Is that really something you're willing to risk?” That was unfair. If there really was a bomb in Bi-Han’s office, then it wouldn’t just take out his brother, but a lot of other people who had nothing to do with this case and even those with nothing to do with the police. And Kuai had no way to warn anyone.
Reluctantly, he took his finger away from the trigger, slowly bending over to put the gun on the floor.
“Kick it away,” Shang Tsung ordered, and as much as he didn’t want to, Kuai did as he was told. The gun went skidding across the floor, far out of his reach. Shang Tsung was positively glowing at this turn of events. “Good boy.”
Kuai stayed stock-still, even as Shang Tsung began to approach him. He wasn’t even sure he was actually breathing, all he could feel was his heart beating so hard in his chest it felt like it was trying to break through his ribcage. He blinked and then he found himself looking directly into the other man's eyes. Looking to his side, he saw Shang Tsung was still holding the trigger, thumb dancing over the button.
“Don’t,” Kuai begged in a whisper, feeling sick at the twisted grin that came over Shang Tsung’s face. He pressed his finger down on the button. “No!”
Jerking into action, he grabbed Shang Tsung’s wrist with one hand, the other practically wrestling the trigger from his hand. Despite it having already been pushed, it felt the only thing he could do at this point.
When he took hold of it, he realised that despite how it looked, the trigger wasn’t metal. It was plastic. He could also feel that it was hollow inside. The more he looked at it, the more he realised it looked like some sort of fidget toy. His gaze slowly trailed up to Shang Tsung, who looked far too pleased with himself.
“It seems you were correct,” he gleefully exclaimed, “I was bluffing after all.”
The hairs on the back of Kuai’s neck stood on end. He attempted to dive forward, towards where his gun still lay on the floor, but Shang Tsung quickly grabbed him. In one swift motion, Kuai felt something knock into the back of his legs, causing him to fall backwards. Thankfully, he managed to avoid slamming his head on the floor, but then he felt a pressure on his abdomen as Shang Tsung got on top of him, pinning him down. He threw a fist, only for Shang Tsung to easily catch his wrists, and push them above his head. The floor next to him was wet, liquid soaking into his shirt, and as the metallic smell hit him, Kuai came to the horrific realisation he was lying in the officer's blood.
“Stop struggling,” Shang Tsung softly whispered, making sure he gripped both of Kuai’s wrists with one hand, while the other trailed along Kuai’s jawline. “I already said, I do not want to hurt you.”
“That’d be a lot more believable if I wasn’t lying next to the corpses of my colleagues,” Kuai hissed, squirming slightly and hoping he could knock Shang Tsung off him. Unfortunately that did not happen, and Kuai was slowly beginning to run out of steam with which to struggle.
“They were just meaningless fodder, Kuai Liang.” It was sick how someone could talk so callously about human life. “Not like you.” Kuai finally stopped trying to fight. He’d just end up wearing himself out. His head fell back slightly, and Shang Tsung lent forward, making sure he was still in Kuai’s field of view. “There we go, that’s better, isn’t it?”
“What do you want?” Kuai sobbed, trying so desperately to keep his composure. “Why are you doing this?”
“I need to talk with you, and I figured a written invite would go unanswered.” Shang Tsung’s fingers still gently laced Kuai’s face. A softness that directly clashed with the otherwise brutality of the man's actions. “I’ve been watching you for some time now.”
“What?” Kuai’s stomach twisted, his gaze fixed on Shang Tsung’s face. He looked so indifferent, like he didn’t realise or care how much that statement terrified Kuai Liang.
“Well, it started with me watching your brother, he is the detective on my case, after all, it would be stupid of me to not keep an eye on what he’s doing.” Shang Tsung’s hand reached behind Kuai’s head, undoing the tie that kept his hair up in a bun. “But I couldn’t help but find myself captivated by you.” His fingers ran through Kuai’s hair, causing Kuai to shudder under him. “My interest in him is professional. My interest in you is personal.”
“Please.” Kuai had no idea where this was going, he had no idea what he was pleading for. He just knew that he wasn’t sure he was going to make it out of this situation alive.
“Unfortunately, my fascination with the pair of you hasn’t gone unnoticed by my higher ups.” Shang Tsung kept playing with Kuai’s hair, sighing wistfully to himself as he did. “They believe my obsession with you both is impacting my work.”
“Your work?” Kuai questioned, finally noticing the quiver in his own voice. “Are you an assassin?”
Shang Tsung burst out laughing, “oh no, my dear, not an assassin. I’m a scientist. Everything I do is in the pursuit of science.”
Killing people for science? It sounded so fucking bizarre to Kuai. Then again, it would explain the strangeness of the deaths, the almost experimental nature of them. His victims were his guinea pigs.
“Regardless, they are not happy with the way my attention has been diverted.” He finally let Kuai’s hair fall between his fingers, watching in fascination. “They have decided it would be in their best interests to eliminate you both. That’s why I lured you here today. I wish to save you and your brother from their wrath, Kuai Liang.”
“Why should I believe you?” Kuai asked, flinching slightly when Shang Tsung’s fingertips once more trailed his face, specifically following the edges of the scar that ran across his eye. “You haven’t exactly given me much reason to trust your word.”
“I understand your hesitation.” To Kuai’s surprise, Shang Tsung actually released his wrists. As Shang Tsung pulled back, still sitting on Kuai’s lower abdomen, Kuai used his now free arms to prop himself up slightly. Shang Tsung’s hand disappeared into his pocket, and Kuai flinched slightly, expecting a weapon of some kind. Instead he pulled out a phone. “Here is a video of them discussing their plans to bring about your demise.”
Shang Tsung twisted the phone so Kuai could see the screen. The image looked like it was from the security camera of an office somewhere. There were three men standing inside, including Shang Tsung himself. A finger tapped the screen, and the video began to play.
“You are getting far too attached to those detectives, Shang Tsung,” one of the men said, the largest actually, towering above the others. “Your little obsession is getting in the way of your work.” He began to pace back and forth. “The elder one, I understand why you would keep an eye on, but the younger one is irrelevant to your work.”
“My surveillance on Kuai Liang is purely for personal reasons,” the Shang Tsung on the video replied. It looked like he was about to open his mouth to add something but the large man snapped back.
“I do not want to hear about your fucked up wet dreams about that brat,” the man spat, slamming his fist down on a nearby desk. “You are spending too much time on them, if you do not start to produce more results for me, I may be forced to take drastic action.” The man tilted his head. “Do you understand?”
“Clear as day,” Shang Tsung replied, bowing at the man slightly. The man just pointed to the door, and Shang Tsung sauntered out.
“You know he’s not going to stop, right?” The other man chimed up as soon as Shang Tsung was out of earshot.
“I am fully aware.” The tall man walked around the desk taking a seat. “Reiko, I have a job for you.”
“Am I to assume you wish me to make a visit to the dear detectives?” Reiko asked, and even on the zoomed out footage, Kuai could see the sadistic grin at the mere idea.
“The only way Shang Tsung is going to learn where his priorities should be is by taking away the things that distract him.” The man lent forward on the desk, linking his fingers in front of him. “As the younger one is clearly his favourite, make sure to do something extra special with him. Just to make the point clear.”
“I could decapitate him and present his preserved head as a birthday gift.” Both men burst out into laughter at that, but Kuai couldn’t help the high pitched whine that came from the back of his throat.
The video ended there, with Shang Tsung replacing the phone back into his pocket. Once more, his hand reached over to Kuai’s face to cradle it.
“You see.” He stroked Kuai’s face, and Kuai hated that he almost lent into it. “I just want to keep you and your brother safe.”
“Why?” Kuai asked, changing his position slightly, his arms starting to ache slightly from the weight of keeping himself up. “I mean. I understand why you want to save me, you have some… weird crush on me. But why Bi-Han? He’s trying to catch and stop you, wouldn’t it be more advantageous for him to be out of the picture?”
“Hm, well I’m a little hurt you think my crush on you is weird.” Shang Tsung pouted, his other hand now slowly caressing Kuai’s side. “But to answer your question, I rather enjoy the chase.” He gave a sloppy smile. “Killing really isn’t fun when there isn’t someone on your tail trying to stop you.”
So he enjoys the thrill, go figure. Shang Tsung could claim his kills were in the name of science all he liked, but at the end of the day, he was like anyone else who killed people for their own sick enjoyment. Kuai wasn’t sure if he should feel honoured or disturbed that he was apparently worthy of being more than just an experiment.
“So why lure me here and not Bi-Han?” Really, how the fuck Kuai got involved in any of this was questionable. Bi-Han had requested Kuai’s assistance a few times, but he had very little to do with the case. “If you’ve really been watching us, you’d know Bi-Han will do anything to catch you. If you’d have called him here, he’d have come running.”
“Oh, I’m very aware of that. The problem is, as you said, he would do anything to catch me.” Shang Tsung sighed and rolled his eyes. “He’d have shot me the second I attempted the bomb trick on him, let alone giving me a chance to explain my intentions.” He looked Kuai up and down. “From my observations however, he does at least seem to listen to you most of the time. It seemed most logical to get you on my side first and then attempt to contact your brother.”
Well. He supposed that was true. Kuai had lost count of how many times he was called away from something he was working on to go and try to calm Bi-Han down when his temper got the best of him. It was a joke around the station that Kuai Liang was Bi-Han’s morality pet, the only thing preventing him from becoming a serial killer himself. Kuai didn’t find that joke particularly funny however, given how uncomfortably close to the truth it was.
“So… What exactly do you suggest?” He was cautious to do anything with this man, but at the very least, it seemed Shang Tsung was genuine in his word that he did not wish to harm Kuai. Given the situation, he could have easily killed Kuai if he really wanted to by now.
“Call your brother, ask him to meet us at another location…” Shang Tsung trailed off as his eyes drifted over to the corpses beside them. “Somewhere other than here, anyway. I think we should let someone else clean this mess up.”
He’s talking like I had involvement in that. He glanced down, the one side of his suit was practically stained red from the blood that had seeped through it.
“I don’t have any signal here,” Kuai quietly informed him, hoping to god Shang Tsung wouldn’t get mad that he’d tried to call for help before coming in here.
“Well, we’ll be leaving this location anyway. You can just ring as soon as your signal returns.” Right. Kuai’s gut twisted, he should have realised that he would not be leaving this place alone. 
Finally however, Shang Tsung stood up and off him, and Kuai rolled onto his side, having not realised how uncomfortable it had been. Shang Tsung walked over to where Kuai’s gun lay discarded on the floor, bending over to pick it up.
“I hope you don’t mind if I keep hold of this, rather than returning it to you,” Shang Tsung said as he slipped the gun into his pocket. “Not that I don’t trust you or anything darling, but I think I’ve had my fill of seeing you pointing a gun at my face for one day.”
Kuai didn’t reply to that. What could he even say? He’d have much preferred to have the gun, even if he didn’t really intend to use it on Shang Tsung.
Thankfully Shang Tsung took his silence as agreement, as he walked over and held his hand out. Kuai reached for it, feeling the other man haul him to his feet. He stumbled slightly, not realising how dizzy the adrenaline had made him. He was surprised when Shang Tsung snaked an arm around his waist and let him lean his weight against him.
It also seemed this position allowed Shang Tsung the benefit of leading Kuai exactly where he wanted them to go. It wasn’t long before they were going through a backdoor in the warehouse. Back outside, Kuai saw another car parked behind the building, having been hidden from sight when he’d pulled in. Dammit, I should have looked around the outside more thoroughly. 
Disappointment in himself aside, Shang Tsung unlocked the doors, opening one and guiding Kuai to sit down in the front passenger seat. The door slammed behind him, and Kuai looked up in time to see Shang Tsung make his way around the front. Seconds later he was getting in the driver's seat, and starting the ignition.
“Keep an eye on your signal,” he instructed as he began to back out into the pathway. “As soon as you get some, tell me, and I’ll pull over.”
Kuai nodded, reaching into his pocket and keeping an intent eye on his phone. Really, focusing on that was at least grounding. If he didn’t, he had a feeling he’d be zoning out from how mentally exhausted he felt. Was he being abducted right now? He’d gone pretty willingly, yet at the same time somewhat by force. What was even happening to him right now?
He looked up briefly to find they were just joining the main road again. Glancing down he saw his signal go from nothing up to 3 bars. Typical. 
“I have signal.”
Shang Tsung made an affirmative sound, pulling the car up on the side of the road.
“There are some abandoned storage units on the other side of town, down by the river, ask him to meet us there alone by 6pm.” Shang Tsung turned on his seat as if to keep a close eye on what Kuai was doing. “Feel free to mention me, I’m sure it’ll get his attention.” Kuai sighed, because yes, that would get Bi-Han’s attention. “Oh, and put it on speaker. I want to hear his reaction.”
Kuai just sighed, pulling up Bi-Han’s contact info, hitting both the buttons to call and for it to be on speaker phone. The phone rang out. Come on Bi-Han, please answer. 
The phone clicked to life and Bi-Han’s voice called out clear as day, “what?”
“We need to talk,” Kuai started, staring straight ahead so he didn’t have to acknowledge the way Shang Tsung watched him.
“We’ve been over this. I am not giving up on this case,” Bi-Han growled on the other side. Kuai closed his eyes and grimaced. He couldn’t believe his brother was still holding onto that.
“It’s the case we need to talk about. I have a lead for you,” he said quickly, hoping it’d stop his brother going on another tirade.
There was a moment of silence, before Bi-Han questioned “what kind of lead?”
“Someone who wants to talk to you,” Kuai replied. He didn’t want to outright say he was in a car with a serial killer. Bi-Han would go completely off the rails if he did.
“What? Like a witness?” Bi-Han sounded so confused and Kuai knew that he had to tell him.
Kuai finally looked across at Shang Tsung, expression as smug as ever. But there was something else there now, a strange possessiveness in his dark eyes. Kuai had the feeling that even when everything was over, that Shang Tsung wasn’t going to just let him walk away from all this. As if to emphasise the point, Shang Tsung reached his hand forward again, wiping away a tear rolling down Kuai’s cheek, and then tucking a strand of Kuai’s hair behind his ear.
“I found your killer,” Kuai whispered, hating how wrecked his voice sounded.
“Kuai Liang,” Bi-han growled, the alarm clear in his voice. “Kuai Liang, where are you right now?”
“He hasn’t hurt me,” Kuai assured him, although was that true? Kuai ached in various places and he was sure there were some bruises forming on various parts of his body from the struggle.
“Where are you?” Bi-Han asked again, and Kuai could hear him shuffling in the background, no doubt grabbing his coat and anything else he’d need to come to Kuai’s rescue.
“He wants to meet you,” Kuai continued, once again resisting the urge to lean into Shang Tsung’s hand as he stroked him. “There’s some abandoned storage units down by the river. He wants you there by 6pm, but don’t bring anyone else.”
“Can he hear me right now?” Bi-Han was breathing heavily, and all Kuai could do was make an affirmative sound. “Listen here, you son of a bitch, if you so much as lay a finger on my brother-“
“He’s already told you that I have not hurt him,” Shang Tsung interrupted, eyes never leaving Kuai, giving an enamoured sigh as he continued to gently pat him. Kuai finally gave in, nuzzling into the hand. “I’m trying to save both of you, it’d be counter productive for me to harm either of you.”
“What the fuck are you talking about?” Kuai heard someone in the background asking Bi-Han what he was doing, but given there was no reply it seemed Bi-Han was laser focused on getting to the storage units.
“I’ll explain everything when we meet,” Shang Tsung calmly replied. “Like I said, I have not hurt your brother, and I would rather not if I can avoid it. Just focus on getting to the location.”
“I’m okay Bi-Han,” Kuai reaffirmed, although he’d probably sound a little more convincing if he didn’t have tears in his eyes. “We’ll explain everything when we meet you.” He smiled slightly at the phone, adding a quick “I love you.”
“Yeah. Yeah, I love you too.” Bi-Han sounded miserable, but in the background Kuai could hear the sound of an engine starting. “I’ll be there, just, stay safe.”
“You too.”
And with that Bi-Han put the phone down.
Before Kuai could do anything, Shang Tsung snatched the phone from Kuai’s hand. He opened his door, carelessly throwing the phone out, before slamming it shut again. If Kuai was to guess, it was to avoid him getting anyone else involved.
“Now,” Shang Tsung sighed, reaching to turn the key, “let’s go meet big brother, shall we?”
Kuai lent back in the seat, closing his eyes and hoping to god that this was all just a bad dream.
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linwelinwrites · 1 month
20 Questions for Fic Writers
I found this on my dashboard and even though no one tagged me I want to join in!
Disclaimer: I write a lot of adult content, and though there is a warning on AO3 if you click the link and it's appropriately tagged and warned, I'll say it again: every fic linked with an (Explicit) tag beside it, is intended only for adults. Do not read or interact if you're a minor.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
22 as of today! A lot of those are drabbles and ficlets, but I do have a few longer pieces. I have so many more I'm working on though!
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 
106.505 words 😄
3. What fandoms do you write for?
My main fandom is Harry Potter. I write a little bit for Twilight too and I've just started working on some Haikyuu! fics because of a recent fixation with the series 😅 I can't get enough of it!
I also have plans to write for My Hero Academia (I've posted a few drabbles, but nothing substantial), which I believe will start occupying more real estate on my brain as soon as I watch season 7 😬
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? 
The Deal, The Honeymoon & Beyond (Explicit) Twilight, canon compliant, basically fixing some fade-to-black scenes. Every day I'm surprised my oldest fic still hangs in at n°1, but there it is!
Pure fucking ambrosia (Explicit) Twilight, no pregnancy AU, a complete fever dream and slightly cursed—I blame the r/Fanfiction Discord and Jadzia specifically for this sinnery. I'm glad this one found its crowd.
Acquiescence to Inevitability (Explicit) Harry Potter, a Dramione one-shot inspired by another fic. No War AU, Hogwarts Seventh Year, very little plot but a lot of fun.
A Grave Mistake (Teen) Haikyuu, a cute KageHina one-shot about Halloween. Pure domestic fluff, Shoyo being adorable and Tobio being weak af for him
Memories, Not Dreams (Teen) Harry Potter, a short & sweet Harmony ficlet. Canon Divergent at Deathly Hallows. You guessed it, it's during their time in the tent 😅
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Every single one of them, as soon as I can! Comments are the highlight of my day, I call them the fuel for the writing furnace. They mean someone took time out of their day to let me know what they thought of my fic. That means the world to me 💜
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Oh, that's an easy one. Just for tonight (Explicit) has two endings (a choose-your-own-adventure sort of fic), but one of those is the angstiest shit I've ever written. I love it!
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
That's got to be Man of Honour (Teen). Though it's a prequel to a bigger project I'm working on, as a standalone it's got the fluffiest, most HEA ending I've written.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Fortunately no, not even with the spiciest/weirdest fics I've posted, which I'm very thankful for. I'm a strong defender of "don't like, don't read," which I apply for my own reading. The little 'x' button is the only dislike button I need, and I'm glad whoever read and disliked my stuff (which I'm sure has happened) didn't bother to let me know.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I mostly like fluffy smut, though I have a thing for characters who are desperate, particularly if they view the moment as their only or last opportunity to experience intimacy with that person. I love writing service tops + overstimulation, which is a really nice combo; and D/s dynamics, because of the trust they imply and the fireworks they can bring to the fun.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I haven't yet, but there's a plot bunny in my bunny hutch waiting for me that would be a crazy one indeed 👀 I don't have the details fine tuned yet, but I do know it would involve Knives Out and Spy x Family, for one. That sounds crazy to me 😂
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of, and I don't think so. I don't have that kind of traffic 😂
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? 
I got a request recently for a translation to Vietnamese, but I don't know if it's been done yet.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? 
Nope! I don't know how that would work, but I'm curious. It could be fun!
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship? 
It's so hard to pick just one, holy shit. But I suppose it's the one that lives rent free in my head every fucking day, the one that got me writing a 50k outline and five spreadsheets and ten metric tonnes of research and is sitting at 45k words when I'm only 15 out of 150 scenes in (yes, 150, I will die writing this fic). I don't like the "official" ship name, so I just call them Symphony: Draco / Hermione / Harry.
I couldn't choose between Dramione, Harmony and Drarry, and I thought all of them worked perfectly together, but I believe that as a triad they are perfect.
I think they balance each other out perfectly, and I can't wait to write a Brandon Sanderson sized longfic about them 😂
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I have some scenes I want to add to The Deal, The Honeymoon & Beyond (Explicit), other scenes that faded to black and I want to fill in, a few requests and other ideas, but it's the last thing on my list of priorities at the moment. I don't know if I'll never get to them, but it won't be soon for sure. I'm a lot more focused on other fandoms for now.
16. What are your writing strengths? 
I think I'm good at finding the perspective of the POV character and placing myself in their shoes, and I believe that results in a decently strong character voice. I'm very intentional in my word choice and my speech and thought patterns, so that every character sounds different and as true to themselves as possible. At least, that's what I think; I'd love to have someone else's opinion on this.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? 
I'm afraid my grammar structures aren't as varied as I'd like them to be, and though I put a lot of effort into it, I'm still somewhat concerned about writing in English, since it isn't my native language. I'm always second-guessing myself, wondering if what I'm writing means what I think it does, or if I'm mistakenly implying something else. That's the kind of thing I'd love to have a beta for.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? 
I mean, every fic is in "another language" for me 😂 But if this means adding dialogue in another language to an English fic, then I think it should be translated inline with html/css (workskin) formatting. There's nothing more annoying than having to scroll down or open another tab to see wtf something means, unless it's clearly implied or translated inside the fic itself.
19. First fandom you wrote for? 
I found out Midnight Sun existed during the pandemic, proceeded to fall down the rabbit hole and had a Twilight renaissance with an adult perspective. That's when the fade-to-black scenes annoyed me; as a teen, they didn't stand out to me, because I was a child. But now, with new (and filthy) eyes, I wanted more.
I looked up fanfiction online for the first time at the ripe old age of 24, read a brain-melting amount of it, and was still unsatisfied. Everything I read was just a little bit off what I wanted, so I thought I had to rectify the situation. And that's the story, folks!
20. Favourite fic you’ve written? 
Of the ones I've posted, Man of Honour 💜 I think it's the one that anyone can read, it's fluffy and cute and (I hope) funny, and stars a great platonic friendship, some star-crossed romance in the background, and fake dating shenanigans, and I love it so, so much 💜 I put a lot of sweat and tears into the workskins and pinterest boards, so it's also quite pretty, if I do say so myself. I think it's my best work, I had a blast writing it, and I've gotten really positive feedback on it. I'm really happy with it.
I tag @gamingwithsydney! and anyone who sees this and wants to participate. Please ignore if you’ve already done this or don’t want to do it, that’s completely fine. 😊
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catboygirling · 3 months
🛼, 🥤, 🔪, 🪲, and 🧩!! <3
🛼 ⇢ describe your latest wip with five emojis
sigh. to my fucking sorrow I've spawned in a new one very recently, so here you go... 💞🤝💖👑💍 it's funny, because in my head I consider this a Classic Damian Trope in terms of what kind of au it is, but I don't think I've ever posted this trope before? just daydreamed about it with every single fandom I've been in? (except fire emblem I guess, but it's kinda hard to make that kind of au with it because it basically is one already...) we'll see if I actually post this one I guess!
🥤 ⇢ recommend an author or fanfic you love
well YOU obviously bunni <5 okay actually Don't Bother Calling (I'll Call You) by FallacyFallacy is my favorite fanfic of all time. it's so good I don't even care that it's in first person, which would usually make me click off instantly. it's such a genuine exploration of being aromantic, how it feels to be perceived as allo when you aren't, it's SO SWEET it makes me want to cry every time I read it. which I do. a lot. even if you don't know shit about jughead jones it should be read by everyone 💖💖
🔪 ⇢ what's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
bad question to ask me because I just forget shit allllll the time. hm... I guess I did do a lot of digging into appletinis relatively recently. I just needed to know about what kind of alcoholic drinks are made with apples for a totally normal reason.
🪲 ⇢ add 50 words to your current wip and share the paragraph here
you bastard. I can't believe you'd do this to me. fine, I guess I'll jot something down in that same wip from the emojis...
Because what else was he supposed to do? He certainly wasn’t set to inherit anything himself, being fifth in line for the throne. And compared to the younger two younger than him, Beel was the strongest fighter their kingdom had ever seen, and Belphie could weasel his way into foreign social circles like it was what he was born to do. And what Asmo was born to do was to act as a bargaining chip for the ones in his family that were actually competent and knew how to run a kingdom, and be a good little concubine to whoever would take him.
🧩 ⇢ what will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately?
hmmm, I could say all the easy stuff like no paragraph breaks or ooc-ness... actually, whenever there's something too sexual that the tags don't warn for. listen, I'm sex-repulsed, but I've accepted that most people who aren't me get a little into (read: horny about) the pairings they write. whatever. I'm not here to police how people enjoy media. sometimes I even appreciate it, either for the intended reason or because it's really funny! but the least you can do is give me a warning! if I'm warned, I at least expect it. nothing fucking shatters my soul more than getting super hyped over a story only to realize it's going in a direct that will make me genuinely physically nauseous if I keep reading it. there's a reason I don't buy actual romance books anymore unless one of my friends have vetted it first. ugh. that's a really negative note to end things on. but whatever.
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entamewitchlulu · 9 months
did i just spend an afternoon making up fankids for the katacule? maybe. you can find out if you click on the read more
so ok. my personal canon for post-series is that the polycule all stays together though they do have some beard marriages between them for appearances - it's pretty much an open secret to the entire kingdom tho that they're all together. and who's going to say anything about it when they're the most powerful people in the kingdom (and particularly jeord will silence anyone who tries to get between them with prejudice).
So anyway, the ""official"" appearance marriages are:
and Sora and Raphael just kinda chill as eternal bachelors
But despite this they are all having their own interactions with each other and romances all across all the "pairings". Some of them are platonic with each other, some are romantic, and etc. Anyway this results in an awful lot of kiddos, and if they're completely honest they don't always know who the dad is so the plan they come up with is that whoever's the mom, their ""official"" husband will just claim them for inheritance purposes, but they're ALL the moms and dads for all these kids. for that reason i'm not gonna say straight up who the parents of these kids are but you can probably make some guesses based on their appearances/magic, etc.
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Sylvia Ascart (left) is the oldest. She's 18 and she's hard-working, cheerful, and flexible. She wants to be the best she can be, but she doesn't mind chilling out once in a while. Her dream is to succeed Nicol as the prime minister, and her magic type is Light.
Amelia Ascart (right), is 17. She's quiet, thoughtful, and has a talent for memorizing books she's read. Her only real goal in life is to be surrounded by books. Her magic type is Wind.
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Colette (left) and Felix Stuart (right) are twins, both 17 years old. They both have water magic. Colette is a little antisocial, preferring to spend time with horses rather than people, but due to her quiet nature, she tends to overhear a lot and knows dirt on almost everyone. Her brother is very ambitious, and wants to succeed the throne. He's irritatingly smug and smart and loves to talk circles around people.
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Next is Ethan Stuart (left). He's 16 and his magic type is fire. He is a sweet, sort of shy young man who loves cats and is very genuine. He's scared of ghosts and bad at swordsmanship, and prefers to spend time with Mary in the garden.
Silas Claes (middle) is 15. His magic type is Earth, and as the only official son of Keith, he's intended to succeed as the Duke Claes. He has the appearance of an incredibly sweet young man who looks younger than he is, and he loves sweets and mischief. His favorite thing to do is to lull people into believing he's a perfect angel who could do no wrong while he's actually pranking or manipulating the shit out of you.
Adeline Ascart (right) is 15 and her magic type is Light. She is a sweet, optimistic to a fault girl who loves sewing and cute things, though she's afraid of horses and flustered in crowds. She has a talent for making plushies, and wants to join the Ministry of Magic.
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Victoria (left) and Noelle Stuart (right) are also twins and are 15 years old. Both have Earth magic. Like Nicol, Victoria has the same alluring aura that flusters almost everyone around her. However, she finds it tiresome, and is most exhausted of getting marriage proposals from people, as she wishes not to get married. However, she is quietly rather ambitious, and wants to succeed the throne. She's very protective of Noelle.
Noelle is shy and very attached to Victoria, and hates crowds. She has a talent for music and likes to spend time playing piano with Alan when she's not with Victoria.
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Charlotte Stuart is 14 and also musically inclined, liking to play the cello. She and Noelle sometimes play together. She's kind, but is no doormat, quick to stand up for herself and her siblings even against people stronger or more influential than her. Her magic type is Water.
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Miku (left) and Aoi (right) Stuart are another set of twins, age 13. Miku has fire magic, and Aoi has earth.
Miku has Katarina's inability to stay still and a deep wanderlust. She loves climbing anything she can find, hates dresses, and wants to be an adventurer.
Aoi is nearly as adventurous as his sister, but he's more interested in trying new foods. He likes to cook but even more than that he likes to try exotic dishes and will eat just about anything. He struggles to keep his clothes clean, but he's so lovable that he can make friends wherever he goes.
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Peony (left) and Poppy (right) Ascart are the last set of twins, age 12. Peony has Light magic and Poppy has fire. Peony is a bit on the lazy side; she likes to nap wherever she can. She's actually quite responsible and gets things done, but then she'd just like to doze off under a tree. Poppy is an budding artist who likes to spend time painting landscapes. She's laid-back, but will snap easily if interrupted while painting.
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Then there's the two youngest! Darian Stuart is 10 and has water magic. He loves swordplay and wants to be a heroic swordsman. Despite his desire to be a hero, he's still quite young and cries easily.
Penelope Stuart is 9 and has earth magic. She's exuberant, adventurous, and loooooves bugs. She's pretty loud and hyper and loves to grab big beetles and show them to everyone.
Generally speaking, the "official" families are as follows:
Katarina/Jeord: Ethan, Victoria, Noelle, Miku, Aoi, Darian, Penelope
Ethan is considered the Fifth Prince, as he's the second eldest of Jeord and Alan's kids, and Jeord and Alan's brothers have three sons between them (idk about them yet). Atm I think Ian is king so his son(s) are first in line, but I haven't really decided that. Victoria is the Third Princess, after Colette.
Keith/Sophia: Silas. He's their only "official" kid, so he's the heir to the Dukedom.
Maria/Nicol: Sylvia, Amelia, Adeline, Peony, Poppy
Alan/Mary: Colette, Felix, Charlotte. Felix is considered the Fourth Prince.
Andddd that's it lol. I have no other thoughts at the moment.
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burinazar · 8 months
(Umineko spoilers maybe idk)
i forget if i've posted it here but I've been reading Umineko for a really long time
I've just finished episode 5, the first "answer" arc, believing it would finally reveal what "really" happened in some of the earlier episodes (actually for some reason I thought it would be a retelling of episode 1 from a different POV, but it became clear it wasn't lol), and...it was really confusing and the whole ending was a huge slog and I still feel like I'm waiting for it to 'pay off'. I'm very willing to be patient with fiction but at this point the amount of time invested versus amount of enjoyment/portions where I actively felt like reading onwards instead of a sunk cost thing is getting ridiculously unbalanced. I've never spent this much time working through a single a piece of entertainment in my entire life, I think, not counting things that I dropped or put on hold.
The thing is, I watched the episode one stage play recently and relly enjoyed it. That I feel capable to theorize about, et cetera. Having full visuals of everything happening, even if we couldn't take the visuals as exact reality, really helped. f the whole thing was available as plays I wouldn't be having this problem, both the format and the length are far more appealing to me. I know there's a manga, but I've never heard anyone say to read that instead of the VNs or a suggestion that's the way to do it, and it's probably late to switch. I feel really frustrated. If I keep reading, it's throwing more time at somethingI've already spent so much time on with little reward, but if I don't keep reading, I'll never know what is really happening and unfortunately I do want to know.
And...I just...don't get why it isn't working for me. It's obviously true not every person will click with every piece of entertainment -- but everyone says this is good fiction for people who like to get meta, who like to interrogate the narrative, who like to form their own theories. If you've followed me for any length of time you know I love overanalyzing shit, I love reading much farther into things than the author intended, I'm enamored with 'stories about stories' and the idea of pulling out characters in the middle to talk to them and see what they think of their fate and whether they might fight against it and against the conventions of narrative is all catnip to me.
I just don't get why none of that is happening with this story for me. Could it be because I don't feel a strong enough connection to the characters and story to analyze it THAT much? It's true I'm not fixated, and that's usually what leads to me super-analyzing a series --but obviously that's not a requirement for me to watch/read/enjoy something, and I don't *dislike* the characters. Surely a lot of people were just reading this VN the way one reads a mystery novel normally, with a "normal" amount of interest in what's going on and thinking about it... I really like sherlock holmes and agatha christie (at least i used to a lot growing up), and the fact of 'i'm not that obsessed with whoever holmes is helping this time because why would i be' was not at all a barrier to following along with the mystery or applying reasoning to it...that really can't be it...
It feels impossible to theorize because I understand the format so little, and having it explained to me doesn't help -- it's just way too hard for me to tell what narration is from the point of view of a character (who may be unreliable) and what is from the point of view of a story and 'actually happening' and thus can be used as a clue to deduce off of, and the red and blue truths are supposedly to help with this but like, I'm trying to look at the story and theorize off *that* and those aren't meant to be the entire story on their own (one can use them to falsify theories but to come up with theories you're supposed to use the story itself as told in the white text...and I don't know what in the white text can "really be used", and also there's so MUCH of it and I forget half of what happened by the end of an arc).
......I've been trying to finish this VN for over a year and a half at this point. The entire experience has been so defeating to be honest. If I heard someone tell me this about LOGH when they were seventy episodes in I'd tell them they shouldn't force themselves to keep watching and that it's very likely the series just isn't their thing, but the difference is in Umineko I feel like all the time I've spent so far will be hugely wasted if I never get to find out what happened, and i DO WANT to know, it's not just a sunk cost fallacy, I don't want to miss out on knowing -- whereas someone who watched 70 episodes of LOGH would at least fucking know what happened in those episodes and quit with some comprehension of the portion of the narrative that they've covered already...
I guess I'm particularly dejected right now because I thought the ending of the fifth arc was going to have, uh, answers. Since it's an "answer" arc. But unless we're meant to believe that the culprit named at the end is the real one (it seems like no? Unless we can't even rely on her internal monologue about not being guilty. After all, her internal monologue isn't in red, so It can't be relied upon to be her real thoughts...or something...?!) I would have called myself a fan of mystery, but none of this makes me want to "think" at all because it's so confusing and so long and there's so much. I've finally hit the "answer" arcs and there are still no answers.
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the-queenoftrash · 1 year
Alright I’m gonna try something
Milly’s Raincode Playthrough Post
New to Tumblr so idk this will work but I’m gonna try to keep editing/updating this post as I play through Raincode with my thoughts and stuff. Full spoilers for the game but I’ll mark stuff as I go along. If this works out I’ll do it for other media i experience too! Feel free to check back occasionally as I update this post.
So I think that barrier means now you have to actively click through to read so I should be able to start typing spoils now.
Chapter 0 -
This one’ll be a bit different since I already completed it by the time of typing this but I enjoyed this chapter! It’s been a while since I’ve played danganronpa or watched akudama drive so I forgot how,, unhinged Kodaka was. I also didn’t really follow the marketing material so I thought we were legitimately being introduced to the main cast LOL. Melami’s design was really cute… Yuma and Shinigami’s relationship reminds me of Ryuki and Tama’s from AINI, so that’s to say I enjoyed them.
When first broke into the infirmary I felt like there was some fuckery going on cause the body burned too quickly but I thought that was just a suspense of disbelief moment… I was expecting a simple first case so I was actually tricked. The cart switch was kinda a weird plot point but I didn’t feel cheated tbh.
I enjoyed the gameplay of the labyrinth but it felt a little lonely compared to the class trials. Not gonna hold this against the game yet though cause I know later on other character’s will join you.
Game’ll be fun if it keeps this up!
Prologue -
Now I’m gonna be kinda writing down my thoughts as I go along.
Escaping Kaiji Tang is impossible holy shit
Why do they make him play all the hot characters
I remember Kodaka saying somewhere once he liked writing delinquents/outcasts because they were more interesting, so it’s interesting to see even in a detective game he tried to make that the case
Hm, so there’s gotta be something about the rain. They’re bringing it up so it’s not just an aesthetic thing. Probably some mind control virus or some shit..
Love the city’s aesthetic
Non-binary,,,,, so real
I recognize this girls VA… I know what you are……. But who… OH ITS HARU THATS WHY
Luke from Streets??? Damn how did the dub department have this much budget LOL
Yakou,, babygirl,, don’t give up all hope, I am here…
Fubuki is so real tbh I don’t remember anything
Yuma’s gonna unlock an insane forte in the final act isn’t he
Also this music is going crazy btw super chill
The ultimate secret… the 16th detective… lying hidden somewhere in this rain..
Interesting that this game seems to directly follow up Damganronpa V3’s themes of truth vs lies
The end of this game is gonna dumb as hell I can’t wait. Great global mystery? Fuck that’s gonna be so stupid I can’t wait.
Alright that’s the prologue done. Like the characters so far but I’m interested in how the chapters are gonna be set up since this set up doesn’t feel like it fits a ton of individual murders? Idk. We’ll see I guess.
Chapter 1 -
Hm so something to do with voodoo dolls… off the bat I’m guessing whoever the killer is, is associated with Amaterasu and will try to pin the killings on some religious fate or something
Weird that they’re just staying in a hotel when what is basically the government obviously wants them dead LOL
Yakou just let him cook you don’t see the vision of his dish
What if number one is dead and that’s what shinigami knows about him!!!
Cloaked figure that’s the same height as Yuma (short baby man) hm not suspicious at all definitely no time travel twin weirdness happening
Vivia is such an odd little man I like him
Hm the book he’s reading feels like it’s gonna parallel either one of the chapters or the whole game hm… someone who was already dead, making someone come back day by day to do the same thing… number one is dead theory is going WILD
Nail man sounds like a really stupid super hero/villain that flopped after a single issue. Couldn’t stack up to Big Wheel from spider man
These load times are ROUGH man
I love that they made the gremlin mascot character that Monokuma was into our ally this time
The peace keepers definitely planted the hammer on the guy they arrested or something
Oh the save icon is halara I wonder who our partner is gonna be
Damn Halara you can’t just extort a kid like that
Shinigami even if you can’t create money just go like!! Steal it idk girl!!
Surprised the peacekeepers even keep track of the cases
Only the info in the report can be sent to the media so they aren’t just playing dumb, they do know more. Does the nail man work for them?
Danganronpa ⁉️
This killer is extra. You strangle them and then do a big mystery box with nails? Ok bro.
Yuma the culprit literally had a rope how do you think he got down
Alright that’s the first investigation I guess. Is there gonna be more victims or something or is this all we have to work with?
They weren’t walking through the wall they had a fucking rope!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was !! A fucking rope!!!
Seth bring do quiet he needs a megaphone is just like me fr
We’re gonna enter the mystery labyrinth right as the execution starts aren’t we? Is that gonna be a running theme of only using it at the last minute?
Kodaka please make Halara an enby like I heard pre launch instead of a gender reveal plot twist please I wanna like this game I’m begging you kodaka please please I do not trust you
Ah so are these priests our culprit list? Well before taking to them I’m gonna call out the big one.
The nun is way too sus to be the culprit. Saying you’re with the peace keepers? Nuh uh.
Alright so it’s definitely the Servernt or Worshipper I think. I’m leaning towards Servant.
Does Halara’s forte have to do with the intel they gathered and hope they were waiting?
Oh nvm they just told us LOL
That’s a convenient forte lmao
Hm specifying that only a thin person could get through the vent ok so that leaves out the servant since the game was literally making jokes about him being fat
Yknow, respect to the killer for valuing aesthetics lol
Glad they kept the pink blood
Hm so our partner just forgets about the case when they come into the labyrinth? I guess that makes sense since the others are more skilled than us
Halara is so nonchalant lmao
BUSH SETH!!! No wonder he shows up at a tower
Yuma not understanding the concept of ropes is stupid bro!!! I get it but!!!
That nun looking super sussy idk they wouldn’t make it that obvious but
This mansion got me stumped
Nah that throw definitely took the killer a few times 💀💀💀
Hm maybe the third locked room was a copycat cause Halara calls it amateurish and it doesn’t bring us any closers…
Bluffing? That’s how you get false confessions too Halara
Hm phantom Seth is still alive though, there’s more here
It’s obviously not the kid but I’m trying anyway
Hm maybe it was the servant since we were most clearly thrown off his trail before. If that doesn’t work than I guess the nun.
Oh by having info it meant the worshipper oopsie
Shinigami you can just possess bodies LOL at least make the confession convincing
Hellsmile is a hell of a last name. Heh. Hell.
I wonder what the point of saving us from Seth is, not like that helps them in any way
Awwwww that’s so cute
Well I guess that’s Chapter 1! I’m liking the game so far but I hope cases get a bit more personal. Danganronpa made things super personal by making the cases about characters you’ve spent hours learning about and ace attorney lets you meet the chapters cast for a while before any dramatics. Raincode hasn’t really offered that in this chapter (it kinda did in ch0 by introducing a fake cast).
Anyway onto ch2!
Chapter 2 -
This Desuhiko dude is kinda annoying ngl
Oh he’s gonna be a murderer in a future chapter isnt he? There’s no way they don’t use his power for the mystery and just have it during investigation
Yakou you are never getting that food
Secret research? Oh god this is gonna get wacky at the end
Shinigami when she sees a teen who doesn’t have boobs touching the floor (ugly)
“The peacekeepers were eager to take the body” and “secret research” oh fuck no Nuh uh no way
I am going to kill desuhiko i think
Stab burn murder kill stabby stab explode rip tear
I’m not prepared to have 50% of this chapter’s cast be completely annoying
Yuma just like me no way
First impressions is the honor student is the killer
Oh I just realized we’re gonna have to kill a high schooler oh
Yuma so skilled his fem voice doesn’t even have to exist‼️
I’m gonna be real I’m not absorbing any of this play
Oh girl’s fucking dead ok
Could Kurumi be the killer somehow????
Well I was excited to have a connection to the chapter’s mystery as a partner but if she’s being arrested there goes that idea
Everyone thinks Yoshiko did it so it can’t be her
Martina?? Imposter????? Like??? Among!??? Us???
That’s a lot of mystery phantoms goddamn
I have genuinely no clue who the culprit may be
atp I think all these girls are just haters and did it together
Ok yeah
Oh so they did it as revenge…
Shinigami you don’t *have* to do them like that yknow
The homunculus is gonna be made of the corpses isn’t it fuck off Nuh uh no way girl I am not sleeping if I see that thing
Oh is Kurumi gonna be a reoccurring character now?
Vivia sus as hell he’s definitely got his own death god or something
So Yomi believes in his justice it’s just his justice is fucked up that makes more sense
Martina get the FUCK out of there
And that’s chapter 2! The game is just getting better and better so far, really enjoying it.
Chapter 3 -
Masked man?? Mother 3?? Real?.
So, Makoto is definitely clone Yuma or something crazy like that
I hope he’s not evil I like this fucked up little rat
Yeahhhhh Yuma and Makoto are related I’m just that good a detective
Local kid(?) gets kidnapped twice in a row, wins record
Given the posters I’m assuming these are some sort of rebels
Oh please tell me they didn’t actually kill the agency before a Fubuki chapter……
Whatever this chapter’s case is, one of these people is the killer. I’m saying the old man.
Idk why we have to run this guy seems fine even if his comrades are way too trigger happy
Making the enemies of a game about murders and a death god supposedly “immortal” is interesting
Ohh what if a culprit is immortal and we can’t destroy their labyrinth because of it
FUBUKI!!!!!!!!!! <3 she’s,,,, just like me,,, fr,,
I love kindhearted dummys. Galo, Milly, Fubuki, Kronk. My beloveds.
blow up ameterasu buildings not schools!!! Or make sure no civilians are around!!!!
What is the point of this being a game this serves no one
Girl can TIME TRAVEL???? Huhhhh????
Shachi’s gonna be dead when we get to roof won’t he
My guess is this was a coordinated effort by everyone else since they thought he was holding them back
I did not understand that 2nd bomb puzzle but I got it so ok
The resistance wasn’t blowing up random civilians instead of peacekeepers we won (unless this old guy’s completely bullshitting)
I wish you could use forte’s in the labyrinth I feel like it’d make for a lot of unique scenarios
Girl who jumped on a moving vehicle earlier: “I’m bad at jumping”
If this was a suicide who would die at the end of the dungeon? Would he come back to life?
I’m not even gonna lie all of this for a bank robbery is kinda fucking stupid very solid case of chapter 3 syndrome let’s fucking goo
At least Fubuki carried
Sooooo we did all of that for nothing this truly is a case 3 syndrome moment
Shinigami recognizes Vivia he definitely used to be her master…. But isn’t she with us until death…. Wait is he a homunculus?
What was he cooking
Nah I do NOT trust this submarine
I’m gonna let Vivia cook here
Alright that’s chapter 3. I was so with this chapter right up until the end where it kinda fell apart. Oh well. Gotta have case 3 syndrome or it wouldn’t be a true danganronpa successor. Anyway, I’m assuming we learn about Vivia next… hope I’m right about him being a homunculus
Chapter 4-
Kurumi wouldn’t an area Amaterasu not want you to go to be an opportune place for secrets
Corpse disposal… to be made into experiments…
Makoto is so funny he’s just here he’s just a smelly little rat man
I feel like Makoto is gonna be the murder victim here with him hyping up how Yuma is gonna die in the lab but obviously that won’t happen
The intruder is probably Vivia isn’t it
Is Vivia one of the hitmen hired to stop the WDO?
That short peacekeeper is desuhiko isn’t it
I’m about to hire a hitman for the hitman fuck you Fink
Shinigami is having us remember all these forte’s and the chapter is about an “insider” god it’s one of the detectives isn’t it
Rip vivia is a homunculus theory
This mystery labyrinth is fucking with my head I got no idea what’s going on
Oh wait if the doctor was escaping then he just faked his death, got caught by Yakou, killed him, and then fucked off. That’s why the hooded man had a lab coat. I think I solved it on the “motive” side route I’m just that good.
He would need a body double though I guess….
I like how twisty this mystery labyrinth is getting
So if the culprit is dead.. then yakou…
Hey why is the blood on Yakou’s design red when it’s supposed to be pink? At least I think? That’s supposed to be blood??
Oh shit there’s more?
I hate how solving the mystery labyrinth basically does nothing for us and we’re always just bailed out anyway. I guess that’s the point? Knowing the truth is enough? But in the past we’ve lied about why they died.
Is my memory failing or Martina more pale…. Homunculus……….
Why would they hide a man that important in an HQ
Well that’s chapter 4! Really really good chapter. Kept me wondering and I was kinda thrown off by Fink looking like the Dr lol. This was for sure the best mystery labyrinth as well, super twisty and confusing and the death matches were way more intense. Cant wait to solve this mystery in…
Chapter 5 -
Alright now we get into the monster corpse homunculus stuff
I knew we’d probably get a homunculus of dead characters but I didn’t expect straight up zombies of them
What the FUCK
I’m trying to figure out who this announcer is. It doesn’t sound like number one but…
Man this is fucked up
The void century? Nah the blank century mystery.
What is the “Unified Government” needing military force for, they’re unified 💀
Oh it’s makoto… maybe he can see shinigami cause hes us
Is the escaped homunculus Makoto/us
Yup the meatbuns are…
Wow it’s weird seeing the city in full sunlight lol
I fully expect makoto to fake being frozen in time
Damn this is a pretty labyrinth
Oh my fucking god
So was the old number one just a figurehead?
This ending is kinda peak
Gonna keep going through the epilogue like this
I like seeing the kanai culture after this
What how are they alive??? Are they homunculus?
Makoto what the fuck what was the point of that
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having-conniptions · 11 months
Love In The Air episode 8 live reaction under the cut (long post)
I was gonna watch the new episodes of Link Click and Jujutsu Kaisen but I saw the PrapaiSky preview and I need it RIGHT NYEOW
I can already tell they're gonna be the death of me
Wait this looks familiar... timeskip back to the race Rain and Sky snuck into?
Yup, definitely. The dude with the half-jorts is there lmao
I am SO ready to watch everything play out from Sky's and/or Prapai's perspective
And THAT'S when Prapai spots Sky. Bruh if I were Sky I'd have melted right then and there with Prapai smiling like that
He immediately has a soft spot for Sky huh
"He's my boy" not yet baby
He's lecturing Sky but he also saved his ass
Sky's annoyed face when Prapai tries to touch his face WE LOVE A STRONG BITCH
Oh that is NOT how a relationship should start PRAPAI I WAS ROOTING FOR YOU DON'T PULL THIS SHIT
I mean at least Sky told him to take what he wanted
And honestly Sky is really going for it so I guess it's not that bad but it's still some weird power dynamic / blackmailing shit soooo... eh
Lmao at the same time Phayu is lecturing Rain until Rain kisses him - idk if I love getting a recap of the whole first half of the series but I guess it helps put the PrapaiSky scenes in a chronological context while also slowing down the pacing so it's not all over in 2 episodes
Ok Sky is mad and I am confused bc how much of what happened did he actually want? He seemed rather enthusiastic but when Pai went for a second round Sky looked rather grumpy but told him to "bring it on" regardless? Very very dubious consent and Sky feeling used afterwards...
"Single life is the best. I can sleep with whoever I want" oh Mr. Braces over here is a player huh? How old is this kid??? Lmao
Poor Sky he deserves to be loved, not used
Aaaaa the montage of PrapaiSky thinking about each other / trying to forget
Hehehehe Prapai is such a player... but he can't go through with it because he can't get Sky out of his head, classic
3 months later Prapai is still replaying that night in his head huh... (riding his bike while thinking about Sky riding him)
Lmao Sky is reading Demon Slayer (I already spotted the figurine in his room a while ago)
Hahahaha the little reference to the source material of the series
"I don't know who you are. But if you're trying to annoy me, I'm hanging up." I LOVE HIS SASS
"In case you didn't know, humans are warm-blooded. And I'm a human. It's normal for my body to be hot. You don't have to help me, cause I don't associate with cold-blooded animals. Farewell." I SWEAR HE HAS THE BEST LINES LMAO
Prapai is just being a bit of a creep rn
The way Sky just yeets his phone
Lmao Pai is already so whipped
Wtf is that chicken dance
"You've met P'Pai, haven't you?" awkward......
Hahaha Sky putting the pieces together "Wind... Prapai."
Sky needs a ride, HOW CONVENIENT
"Rain doesn't know about us, does he?" THERE IS NO "US" YOU GUYS HOOKED UP ONCE THAT'S NOT "US"
I love that Sky is standing his ground
Pai you're being cringe
So the reason why Sky rejects Prapai is because he doesn't believe Pai is actually interested in him beyond sex and thinks he's just gonna use him 😭 awwww baby nooo you're amazing and that's why he will fall in love with you and give you the world 😭❤️
Ok sunflowers are cool I'd be thrilled to get a whole bouquet of them
Oh he's calling him! Oh he has him saved as psycho... 💀
He's hesitating to throw away the flowers!!
Bonus scene: "sometimes sexy. Occasionally sad. Mysterious at times." That's how he sees Sky huh xD
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blindrapture · 7 days
("And here we are, those that skipped. Jordan was coerced into becoming a European terrorist, earning the name 'the White Jester.' He floundered his way through France and Spain, encountering some weird rabbit holes and seeing a lot of death. Then he came back to England, and he and Donnie defeated the Harlequin, their powerful abuser, in the town of Blackpool. There will be other important plot details I skimmed over, but bringing attention to them here would tip my hand to those who didn't skip. It's okay. There's plenty of story left, and no more to skip.")
SATURDAY JUNE 18TH, 2011 (In the Name of Comcast, We are Blessed for this Pornography)
7:15 AM What a beautiful day outside, just lookit that beautiful red sky! It looks just about ready to hug. I want to hug the sky. Don’t you, journal? I do. :D
7:23 AM There’s a goddamn zombie in the kitchen. Just one. He’s slowly looking around. He looks half-comatose. I wanna say he looks like an adult’s mind trapped in a little kid’s motor skills. I’m gonna go get Donnie. We need to get outta here, anyway. And yeah, journal. I kept my promise. Well, half. I told her it felt so strange, after what Mist the Harlequin did. So she respected that, though I tried my best. I feel almost like a slut. But that’s not fair, journal, it’s not; I’ve read, y’know, about abuse victims and they think really badly of themselves and.. I mean, I guess.. I’ll get over it. Oh, I don’t have to get Donnie; she’s coming down now.
8:01 AM She’s very affectionate today. I’m still getting my mind together. I guess the fact that I killed the Harlequin is still—wait, no, that’s not true, is it? She’s not even dead. I don’t think she can even be killed. We’ve just tried our best to trap her in a freezer. Ohh god, I need to talk more with Donnie about thaaaat.
8:24 AM She says she’s been thinking about that, too. We’ve agreed that we really need to get out of here. But we’re not sure where we’d go. We’re gonna go out, look around. There’s gotta be something, y’know?
8:30 AM Going into town. There’s gotta be something, gotta be. Otherwise all that craziness last night would have been for nothing.
8:38 AM Internet cafe. Internet’s not up, is it? Half this shit doesn't even work.
8:41 AM This computer works. ..but the internet doesn— IT DOES,WAY TO GO INTERNET SERVICE PROVIDERS, THEY’RE THE REAL HEROES It’s just really slow! Heh, ain’t that always how it is? aim aim aim aim AIM EXPRESS FUCK YEAH WHO’S ON, okay, it’s 8 AM so it’s about 3 AM back in the States, but who the fuck is gonna be on? ..Paul Botsford. That’s a surprise. Haven’t spoken to this guy in ages. Old old friend!
8:53 AM Paul’s not been hit by the apocalyptic shit too bad; Sandy Springs is a really quiet place. I’ve been trying to explain my situation so far, with the Harlequin and Spain and all that crazy shit. Paul’s response? “DAMN! Dude, everything bad happens to you.” I.. can’t help but concur. Donnie seems to have found a computer with internet, too, so I guess we might get to stay here awhile. WHOO.
8:59 AM TVTropes looks as fun as ever. Even in the face of the end of all life as we know it, tropers remain caring and organized. I love that. ..oh my god, my thread in OTC is just filled with posts asking if “DJay’s okay.” Somebody mentioned how “there was news of a troper gathering in Blackpool falling victim to the Harlequin,” and.. hang on, right-click that, copy… New Post. Right-click, paste. [[quoteblock]] and [[/quoteblock]] bookending. Now, “The Harlequin isn’t a problem anymore.” What a dramatic entrance. :D I’m explaining most of what I can to these people. “And also, the doubletap really does help, thank you to whoever suggested that.” Explaining how quite a lot of British tropers are unfortunately no longer with us. Kay, posted my stuff. I also asked if anyone had any idea where I could go.
9:13 AM “HOT Rachael-on-Rachael Action!!!” Nah, I prefer dominant women; I’ll pass. “How I Tamed A Rake With My Penis” That just looks like a guy in white latex. “ESCAPE to the UNIVERSE of ONLY NAKED WOMEN!!!” I like how it was done in the style of a B-list horror movie, but I’ve been to that universe. It wasn’t that good. “Rubbing My Balls In A Zombie’s Face” Exactly What It Says On The Tin, and as boring as it sounds. “spider cat gives eight handjobs at once” o___o I guess bestiality’s okay now that civilization’s dead. “THE WOMAN WITH TESTICLES CLICK HERE” …*clicks* “VIAGRA VIAGRA HOT SEX VIAGRA” Yeah no, we still have spam. “SLENDER MAN TOUCHES KIDS” ……that’s what he does? I can’t even tell what’s going on in this; there’s too much distortion! “KINKY SEX HERE” The video description says “help.” What is this? ..oh god. The Harlequin only made me write stuff down. I guess that’s what happens if she sees you have a video camera and internet. o_e Well, I’ll hand it to ‘em. It’s kinky. Okay, enough of that. None of that stuff was much good. I mean, the woman with testicles was interesting, but I wouldn’t fap to any of this shit.
9:25 AM ”Entry #42.” Mister Wagner kept going with Marble Hornets? Heh, I imagine he wouldn’t have much trouble making horror now.
9:30 AM Holy shit. The first minute is just Jay grabbing a shotgun and shooting the Operator in the face. Well, the lack of face. Now Tim’s in the shot. He has a knife and is wearing his mask and he’s asking to join forces, as “The Operator will be back, and in greater numbers.” ..wait, what? O_O That’s a plot twist, Tim. Now Cool Guy came in, or Blasky or Hoody or whatever you want to call him, and he said he’s totheark and they’re joining forces. Now this is a survival video log. Bastards are copying me!
9:48 AM Advertisement for “The Camper Festival.” “IT’S FREE!” “SUCH BIG NAMES AS RUSH GENESIS METALLIC DREAM THEATRE MEGADEATH MASTODON OPETH YES PINK FLOYD GENTLE GIANT KING CRIMSON and many more out there as we locate them!” The fact that they misspelled “Metallica,” “Theater” (it’s a name, so the original spelling applies universally), and “Megadeth” really annoys me. But I gotta admit, it’s a pretty damn good festival. I should go back some day before the bands revolt. The wording on the rest of the page is pretty weird, too. I take it English wasn’t their first language, whoever wrote this.
9:53 AM Still no new replies to my thread. That’s okay; I’ll check back soon.
10:27 AM I’m feeling pretty hungry. Donnie says she is, too, so.. food time!
10:45 AM FOOD, oh my god lots and lots of endless FOOOOD. Flan, crisps, soda, sausage rolls, more flan, chocolate milk efsgji0b BEER. Oh my god. Beer. Oh my god I can have the heavier stuff now. FUCK YEAAAAAAH
11:02 AM I finally stopped throwing up, oh my god. Shit, that stuff tastes horrible.
11:11 AM I WISH I HAD A GIRLFRIEND. Yep, I’m back to wishing for that. …actually, I wish we could find a great way to get as far away as possible.
11:14 AM I’m gonna take Donnie to the beach. Why? ‘Cause I feel like it. :3
11:29 AM Wow, the beach has a lot of junk all over it. Like, lookit this! What is this? It’s a stinkin’ flyer! For what? What could possibly need a flyer in the apocalypse? ..actually, this is quite good. Oh my god. It’s an advertisement for a boat going to America. June 29th, 2011. This year. In a week n’ a half. The R.M.S. Exodus. The flyer says this’ll be its last voyage; it’s never coming back. It’s in Liverpool. Fuck, that’s close.
11:37 AM I showed Donnie. She thinks, if it doesn’t crash and burn, it could be our ticket out. It could be our unicorn. I need to know how close Liverpool is. BACK TO THE CAFE!
12:01 PM Google Maps says it’ll take about fifteen hours on foot. Shit, that’s.. yes. We can do that. We can easily do that. We’ll do it tomorrow. I guess we’ll just relax today. ..I guess we need a day of relaxing.
3:45 PM Replies to thread: Only one was any help, and it was talking about “some ship” which is going to America in a week. So yeah, we pretty much hit the jackpot with that flyer. I mean, both of us wanna leave England for some reason or other. It really is perfect! I just wish it wasn’t over a week away. D:
4:38 PM IMed with Danny. Told him about the Exodus. He asked when I thought I’ll be in the States, and I told him, if the boat gets that far, probably July 4th. We’ve agreed to meet up sometime after the arrival. This’ll be pretty exciting, meeting up with an online friend! Hell, if we can do this, who knows who else we can meet up with?
9:20 PM We had dinner at a fancy restaurant. It was dinner for two. Reminded me way too much of the date with Harly. But then again, I can get over that. I hope. ^^;
10:27 PM Donnie wants to listen to Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence. I love that girl.
10:57 PM Noises from downstairs.
11:11 PM I WISH… uh.. hm. I WISH I HAD A GIRLFRIEND. There we go. :D
11:23 PM Donnie’s going to bed. I think I will, too. I mean, big journey ahead of us tomorrow. Plus, it’s fun to sleep with her. (Hahahaha… ha…)
(Attached: “The Internet Service Providers have to deal with a lot of problems in the apocalypse. At first, it was just the Neonate who wanted to take over the internet, but for reasons that will eventually become obvious he gets a little too distracted to keep that up, so the World War Web event doesn’t continue until the Ruin tries for some reason to freeze it all– was he trying to make a pun? From that day forward, the ISP starts issuing its workers flamethrowers as part of their daily protocol. The Morphs are eventually coerced by the Judge to do some catastrophic damage to the world’s servers, but amazingly enough by that point the ISPs have become the equivalent of every country’s defense budget– all remaining governments, in a series of ballsy unprecedented motions, unanimously vouch all their support and give them all the weapons and equipment they need. ISP workers go down in history as war heroes of the apocalypse, keeping watch over all humanity’s information, defending logic itself– and reason!– from otherworldly menaces. Comcast, we salute you.”)
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ciderman2k · 11 days
Drawing again
Another diary post, yay.
So after the longest time, I feel happy drawing again. I feel ten years younger suddenly. For a few days now, I've been doddling, here and there, even drawing more detailed pieces with shading, even one with colour (added below, but like, know that I failed all my attempts at artistic career in the past so, don't judge too hard 😅).
Anyway, that alone I think could be considered a mental health breakthrough. Life does feel more bearable. I'm trying to be conscious of why this happened.
First of all, I decided I will NEVER, and I mean that, for as long as I breathe, again attempt to make money off of anything I enjoy. I'm done. I will not write for money, I will not draw for money, I will not make games for money. I will not continue to let that poison taint my hobbies, and I will not be part of "hustle culture" anymore. I'm done. I will be happy being a cashier somewhere, doing all these hobbies without constantly worrying about how they fit into the capitalist hellscape.
Second, I started watching this channel Midwest Magic Cleaning - YouTube about "cleaning", but honestly that's not what the channel's really about. The guy talks about mental health. His, the people he cleans for, his wive's, whoever. He talks about autism (him), ADHD (his wife), addiction, depression etc. that all may lead to someone's home looking like horror. And I know because my flat often looks like shit because I can't bring myself to clean for weeks... (again, big step, I've been cleaning every week for like two months now) Anyway some of the guy's insights into fighting depression as a neurodiverse man clicked in me. I don't wanna jinx it, but maybe there is way out of this (my material conditions are still shit, still no job tho, so yeah, mental health is gonna be useless on the street anyway...). But I refuse to end this on moping.
Here's my thing. My whole life I've loved drawing swords. Swords are just the coolest thing ever. The whole drawing came to me in stages, originally I just wanted it to be a sketch but the ideas kept coming. That's what gives me hope for writing as well. The ideas are coming back and at the same time I have enough will to put them to paper (or computer).
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I hope anyone reading this has life at least tilting in a better direction just like me. (Yeah we still live in hell, be prepared to fight for our survival against the ruling class, but like, y'know, that's gonna be another post, this one is more about the personal level).
I leave you with numetal blasting in my headphones at dangerous volume. What can I say, I'm that millenial/gen-Z grey area kid that destroyed his hearing by 15 anyway. God I love music.
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hannahbanana29 · 1 year
🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ I just realised
So I don't have many followers and I'm rarely on tumblr since I've started this account 🤠 but I just realised that maybe my first post should have been an introduction??
Therefore 😘 I'm going to tell a bit abt me. I'm not selling my address or anything obvi but I see a lot of accounts giving really cute intros to their accounts and I just realised that my stupid arse didn't do the same thing lol. Not that this is gonna be a particularly cute one but... An intro nonetheless LOL 🤭
So heyyy my name is gonna be Catahan on here, but my username is different. Either you can call me that or the nickname my friend gave me ✨✨✨
I'm a minor still 🤧, so I'm waiting to be old enough to write things a bit more seriously, but yeah, so when I always say "requests are open", I'm referring to things that aren't 18+ for now. I'll tell y'all when I'm an adult though 🥳🥳
I'm British ☕ I'm sorry 😭
I'm a girl, so I look like this: 🙍‍♀️
And yeah although I'm not always on here, I do appreciate requests. I should check my inbox more lmao. It's just that damn bloody writer's block that gets to me ☠️☠️
Also I should mention to whoever sees this that the things I write are in my bio, just click on my account page and you'll see a list of things, and almost all genres are allowed 😌
So yeah! I'm sorry I didn't write a lil intro before 😬
Bye bye! <3
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ayyden-apoloe · 2 years
i want yall to know that i read tags RELIGIOUSLY. even when it isnt my own post i am Looking and Seeing
its like in a point and click adventure game when you combine everything ever possible just to see what the player character's quip is
therefore i write my tags for people who also read tags religiously. its little love letters for whoever reads <33 its a lorebook about myself that im writing paragraph by paragraph but only in response to silly posts about random shit
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caspercryptid · 2 years
hehehe hello... may i request a kinda specific thing: viktor overhears some mean/fucked up things being said about jayce and just. Snaps at whoever is talking shit. can be pre or post divorce but i think the latter would be so funny. thanks !!
This was so much fucking fun thanks for the request.
The stupid thing is, Viktor is actually there to kidnap him.
He had a plan. It was an excellent plan. He was going to sweep into the gala, looking mostly human, in a suit and gloves. He’d covered most of his augmentations and replaced body parts, the plan was perfect, no one but Jayce remembered what he looked like, and he knew Jayce. Jayce would be more inclined to ask him questions. All he had to do was make eye contact and disappear into a corridor, and Jayce would follow him, and then Viktor would stick a needle into his neck and bag him. Easy. For a very smart man, Jayce can be extraordinarily stupid.
Viktor ignores the fact that Jayce is only stupid for him. That’s not the important point. That’s a digression. A distraction. He had a scheme in the works that could very easily be smashed with a very large hammer, and so Jayce needed to not be there. To smash it. With his hammer.
So it was a good plan.
But it isn’t fucking working.
Viktor stews for a bit, skulking around the edges of the room, trying to catch Jayce’s eye. It takes a few passes before it clicks– Viktor hates to admit it, but it has been a long time since he and Jayce were– well. Anything. Maybe he doesn’t know him as well as he used to, a fact which is deeply irritating mostly in that Viktor shouldn’t care, should find that information irrelevant. He does. It isn’t. He cares, because as much as he deeply resents it, he has loved Jayce so much and for so long, known his every look and touch, and Jayce–
Jayce is uncomfortable.
Viktor pulls up short, trying to categorize that look. Jayce hadn’t liked formal functions, so that’s a given. Viktor had long grown accustomed to the plaster smile Jayce got at these things. The look that was designed to read I am hot and assured and comfortable or sometimes I am hot and disaffected but brilliant so you’ll forgive me anything. The expectations on Jayce’s behavior had changed over the years. He used to be required to be nice. Now he was just required to be– a character. Larger than life. But he wasn’t allowed to be uncomfortable. He wasn’t allowed to let things phase him. And he’s starting to look really, genuinely uncomfortable. He’s starting to look like he used to look when he overdid it in the lab and the nerves in his fingers twinged. Oh, to anyone else, it’s just a softer smile. But Viktor knows that look, and he’s moving over before he can actually give a stray thought to whether or not it’s a good idea to be doing it.
He gets close enough to catch the conversation– it’s not hard. It’s a very loud conversation.
“–And it’s a really good thing you’re out of politics!” A man is saying, clapping Jayce’s shoulder. “Really, the Zaun affair was embarassing. You must have been out of your mind to think that treaty offer would work.”
“Well.” Jayce says, his mouth in a thin line, just barely managing to keep his lips quirked upwards. “Hindsight.”
“Oh, it’s alright, my dear boy.” the man says, tone simpering. “Not everyone’s cut out for politics. It takes more than your looks! Although with decision making skills like that, I don’t understand how you managed a PhD. Slept with your advisor? Get some poor undergrad to do the work for you? You can be honest, now–”
“Excuse me.” Viktor says, tone polite.
Jayce looks over, and his eyes widen, already a sign his mask is dangerously far gone– don’t react to threats, that’s the first rule, don’t let someone know they’ve startled you, and the man holding Jayce’s shoulder turns around–
And Viktor punches him in the face.
It’s with the force and finality of a period at the end of a sentence, he’s thrown solidly four feet backwards from the point of impact– away from Jayce, Viktor’s notes with the same grim satisfaction as he notes that there’s blood on his glove.
There’s a silence hanging over the hall, the kind of silence that’s going to turn to a lot of people screaming in the short term future, and Viktor could give less of a shit.
He looks at Jayce.
“No one else is ever.” He says, “Allowed to talk to you like that again.”
Jayce just looks absolutely stunned, and Viktor registers more fully where he is. “Right.” he says, pulling out a gun. “Also i’m kidnapping you.”
New plan, he decides, as he grabs Jayce by the collar and hauls him off. It’s a good plan.
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imthebadguyyy · 2 years
i was tagged by the lovely @querencva to do this tag game, thank you so much for the tag, i loved doing this! 💜
1. Why did you choose your url?
when i was choosing the name, i had an obsession with billie eilish (which i still do ksksk) and bad guy was my jam, and then i never really got to changing it lol, but it's become my name now so it all worked out!! i also never thought i'd actually get to posting so i just picked something random : ))
2. Any side blogs?
yes, but it's all pure bs so i'd rather not mention it 💀
3. How long have you been on tumblr?
I've been on tumblr for a little over a year actively, only started actually using it towards the end of 2020 and started posting in 2021, earlier i just had the app and didn't use it because i didn't know how lol
4. Do you have a queue tag?
no, i never even use my queue, and the one time i tried i messed it up so 💀
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place?
i've always loved reading and writing and exploring new stuff, and one day i randomly stumbled upon this app when i had my peaky blinders obsession, and i fell in lobve with the blogs and people here. then i started to write and reblog and stuff and i just eventually fell in love with how much fun it was, and when i developed an interest in F1, i met a bunch of people who also shared my interest !!
6. Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
it's a picture of lewis on a bike, which was my favourite photo from that photoshoot!!
7. Why did you choose your header?
i edited all the photo's from the WSJ mag photoshoot together because it remains superior 😌
8. What’s your post with the most notes?
hmm, it'd have to be this one and this one, this and this but y'all have shown so much love to so many of them!!
9. How many mutuals do you have?
i have a few but i'm lazy as a guesstimate would be like 20?? there may be more i'm just not counting 😂
10. How many followers do you have?
currently, i have 710 followers (holy guacamole) and i love and every one of em <33
11. How many people do you follow?
i follow 76 people!
12. Have you ever made a shit post?
i don't know??
13. How often do you use tumblr a day?
way too often, i have no social life 🤧
14. Did you ever have a fight/argument with another blog?
nope, it takes time and energy i just don't have
15. How do you feel about the ‘you need to reblog’ posts?
i think people should have the choice to reblog what they want, but this is a difficult one. if it's about needing help or for a humanitarian crisis i feel the need to reblog it, but once again it depends on personal preferences, but reblogging is just a click of a button and if it makes someone happy or helps them, might as well!
16. Do you like tag games?
i love em!!
17. Do you like ask games?
YES i do but for some reason, i can never get people to participate in ask games lmao
18. Which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
oh lots of em, and as they should be!!
19. Do you have a crush on a mutual?
nope, but i love em all
20. Tags!
tagging @grandestrategia @theonly1outof-a-billion @e44hamilton @lucent-knight @itsallyscorner @heureux4430 @soadoya @quillsink and whoever wants to, as always, only if you want to !! 💜
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