#wholesomeness all around
sparkles-rule-4eva · 4 months
Can I take a moment to be incredibly annoying and hype up literally everything about this picture
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The longer I look at it the happier I get.
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First of all, THE BROTHERS EVER!!! 💙💛💙💛 They're so happy and love each other so much help
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The fanart and fanfics are coming true! Cream's making flower crowns for Team Dark!! OMEGA IS FREAKING WEARING A FLOWER CROWN!!! And he's holding one out to Shadow like "You must take part in our merriment," and Shadow looks like he's gonna have later regrets. 🤣
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Amy being a silly sweetheart and helping Blaze to relax (by burying her in flowers and leaves). 🤣 Blaze's expression is cracking me up.
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Silver playing with Charmy, showing him his telekinesis, that kid is having an absolute blast 🥹 (Froggy also floating in it behind them is a hilarious bonus.)
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AND THEN THIS?!?! They look like old buddies catching up after years of being apart 🥹😭💙 How Vector has his arms around both Espio and Knuckles, like he considers them his kids or something I'M DYING OF HAPPINESS JUST LOOKING AT THEM KSKDNFNOASKDNSOSK ❤️💚💜
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smushystrawbabies · 2 years
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big bang collab with @starawayy​ !
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It was a nightmare. It had to be.
There was no way to explain all this craziness. 
Leaving Charles. The train job. Van Horn. Those few agonising hours where he had though John had died right in front of him and his body thrown off the train. 
“Arthur, we have to move!” 
He wanted to wake up. It was just a dream. 
A bullet whizzed by his ear. 
Maybe not. 
Arthur has never had a place to truly call home before. That was before he learned that home isn't always the place, but the people there.
There is an excerpt from @starawayy ‘s amazing fic, “Building A Home Is Easier With Three”! I was lucky enough to be paired with Staraway in the @rdrbigbang  and i was able to draw my interpretation (and an extra silly scribble) of their beautiful piece! Please head on over to their fic share the love! 
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ps. thank you all so much for 250 followers i love you
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beif0ngs · 10 months
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Pokémon Concierge
A close-up look at some of the Pokémon in Pokémon Concierge
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vaxxman · 16 days
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"Do you miss the time when you used to do no harm?"
Old habits.
Merc behaviour is based on a nice little comment @up-in-flames-writing left on one of my comics :)
Rambling and more silly drawings below.
Loosely based on the Solemn Vow's public blurb:
Art lovers will cherish the bust of Hippocrates, commemorating a time when the Medic still thought doing no harm was a good idea.
I am absolutely convinced that Medic carries dextrose drops with him. German pharmacies throw these after you when you buy anything at all. I went to check if this one specific brand I know of had been around since the 60s and 70s and yes, it was.
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Small acts of kindness I can see Medic doing is giving everyone one of these if they are tired. I'm talking about Engineer mostly.
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Or they snack on them when solving practical problems together, like during the teleporter bread tumor incident.
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fifiophobia · 26 days
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There's a starman waiting in the sky He'd like to come and meet us But he thinks he'd blow our minds There's a starman waiting in the sky He's told us not to blow it 'Cause he knows it's all worthwhile He told me Let the children lose it Let the children use it Let all the children boogie ✨
- Bowie, David. Starman, 1972
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piromina · 6 months
ok but what if félix didnt get off on the wrong foot with adriens friends. what if they all rly liked him and didn't think of him as 'a cruel and inferior copy of the original'. what then. we would have so many good friendships there. félix + nino = gabriel agreste hate club. félix + marinette = gabriel agreste hate club. félix + alya = gabriel agreste hate club. félix + chloé = gabriel agreste hate club. guys do you see where im going with this. guys.
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howbrightthemoon · 3 months
"we did it~"
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people in the comments genuinely thinking they were about to kiss here excuse me???
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madbard · 20 days
Dustplates concept where, after deciding to murder the Underground, Sans gives up his name. For reasons he doesn’t quite understand, he’s always loved his name, loved the idea of even having a name, so this is a form of self-punishment for him. He’s chosen to destroy everyone and everything he loves; he doesn’t exactly deserve to be referred to as a person anymore, does he? For a while, he tries to become entirely nameless, but it doesn’t quite work. He’ll think of something and his mind will slip. He’ll refer to himself, or Phantom will call him Sans. His mind won’t let him be completely nameless. So he settles for the next best thing.
A few years later, Nightmare visits Dusttale and recruits 1-S, a silent assassin with an unsettling grin. As names go it’s unusual, especially in a group with people named Killer, Horror and Cross, but the others generally accept it. After all, what’s in a name? He’s a skilled strategist and fighter with a past every bit as horrific as their own. Except.
Except every time they call him 1-S, he flinches. When you call someone’s name they should turn towards the sound; he recoils instead, vanishing into the shadows of his hood. In battle, everyone quickly learns not to use that name because when he hears it, he seems for a moment to forget how to fight, before pressing forward with the type of fear and anger that disintegrates strategy into chaos. As much as Nightmare feeds on the needles of negative energy summoned whenever 1-S hears his name, he is frustrated by this barrier that begins to form, the way that saying his newest recruit’s name abruptly halts communication, tearing at any sense of camaraderie. This can’t go on.
The first time Killer calls him Dusty, it’s an insult and a barbed joke. Looking for trouble, Killer makes a comment about 1-S’ scarf still being covered in his brother’s dust. 1-S launches himself at the other skeleton and the two have to be separated before they seriously harm each other. But even as Horror pulls 1-S off him, Killer sees the furious gleam in his eyes. So much better than the dull fear that rests there when he’s referred to as 1-S. So much more exciting.
Killer continues to call him Dusty. For the longest time, 1-S responds to this name with nothing but rage, but he doesn’t flinch. In day to day life, he looks up and glares at the speaker. In battle, it makes him grit his teeth at the most. So as time goes on, the others slowly begin to call him that as well. Not Dusty, no - that’s too infantile, too disrespectful. But Dust… that name works.
That name suits him well.
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butterfirefly · 9 months
KaiNess acting like normal friends
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KaiNess being... yeah...
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Bonus: Kaiser being Ness's anchor
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0vergrowngraveyard · 6 months
Sonic wasn’t a stranger to off days. In fact, he had them a lot more often than most people realized, he was just really good at hiding them.
Maybe a little too good.
This day, however, was particularly bad.
He wasn’t sure why. He pretty much just woke up in a grassy field feeling like, well, shit and it felt a little more challenging to simply push down like he usually did. Even after a quick call with Tails — something that usually cheered him up almost immediately — he still felt like he wanted to disappear off the face of Mobius, never to fight in another battle or have the pressure of saving the world ever again.
He’d never admit it because he genuinely loves doing what he does, but it gets to him sometimes. He’s only fifteen years old, when did it become his responsibility for all this crap.
Sometimes he did wish he had a more simple life. Just him, his little brother, and his close friends living out their teenage (and little kid) years like normal Mobians.
However, the adrenaline junkie in him quickly kicks that idea in the ass. He didn’t think he could ever live without all the death defying stunts and risks that came with his current lifestyle. It just wouldn’t be as fun. Plus, doing what he does is the reason he has most of his friends in the first place.
He wouldn’t trade this current life for anything in the world, but it can still drag him down sometimes.
He closed his eyes and felt a gentle breeze surround him and dance among the blades of grass. The leaves of nearby trees rustling and flickies chirping were like distant symphonies as the sun’s warmth engulfed him.
He stayed like that for around thirty minutes, just basking in all that nature had to offer him this morning. Quiet moments like these were part of what kept him fighting. As long as Eggman was dead set on destroying areas like these, Sonic would be there to stop him.
After what felt like an eternity to the hedgehog, he got up and stretched. He looked around him, picked a random location, and took off running, hoping to leave his thoughts behind.
He ran for hours, occasionally stopping to check out a view or quickly help someone. But it didn’t matter how fast or how far he went, the thoughts always caught up to him.
Past failures, little comments made by the media that affected him a little more than they probably should, guilt he had stored up from past life choices, etc.
But nothing haunted him more than those dreaded six months.
Months of isolation. Not knowing if his friends were ok, if his baby brother was ok, The torture, the anxiety, the shackles. The illusions of his loved ones dying before his eyes over and over again and being mocked or yelled at by them.
The depression and nightmares that followed were almost too much for him to bear and he probably would’ve lost it if his overwhelming sense of guilt didn’t push him to stick around and help.
His friends weren’t mad at him for not helping them for most of the war. In fact, it almost felt like they were babying him in a way. Constantly asking he was okay and making sure he was comfortable whenever they had downtime. Even Tails was seemingly walking on eggshells around him which definitely made him feel some kind of way.
When the war finally ended, he disappeared for about two months. It was all too overwhelming.
He knew it was a selfish move, but Chaos forbid he makes one decision that solely benefits himself after that whole mess. He just needed to be alone and run off those six months.
No one was mad at him when he finally reappeared, the closest thing would be how worried Tails was.
He always did worry too much.
Everything slowly went back to normal. The war slowly became a thing of the past, just another victory over Dr Eggman.
So why was Sonic still so hung up over it?
A noise from his stomach stopped his thoughts dead in their tracks. He slowed to a stop somewhere on the shoreline and checked his communicator for the time. How was it already lunch time? Did he really spend that much time thinking about all that crap?
He sped off in the direction of the Mystic Ruins. Being around his brother always managed to make him feel at least a little better. Maybe it would be more effective than just simply calling him.
He stopped at the front door of the house and punched in the code.
It was quiet. There were no noises coming from the workshop downstairs. Was the kit even home? It would suck if he wasn’t, what would be the point of Sonic showing up if his little brother wasn’t even here. Where did he go?
A certain smell overrode all his thoughts as he walked into the kitchen. Sitting on the counter was a plate of chili dogs that were still warm (he could just tell).
He smiled. Tails was definitely home.
Right on cue, he heard the workshop door open and a certain two-tailed fox walked into the kitchen. The weight on Sonic’s chest became lighter as the two talked about whatever came to mind with Tails even suggesting a movie night later on.
Fondness grasped at his heart, giving it a tight squeeze. Somehow, Tails once again knew he was having a bad day just from a brief interaction hours earlier. He never once asked what was wrong or made the hedgehog to talk about his feelings, he just did little things like make him food and offer to spend time together doing pointless things and goofing around. He even said he was just working on blueprints today which Sonic knew was just in case he didn’t feel like talking or just wanted to be alone.
Sonic didn’t know what he’d do without this kid. He really did have the best little brother a hedgehog could ask for.
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4-hour-naps · 1 year
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morganbritton132 · 1 year
Do the boys do anything for Easter? I feel like Eddie would hide eggs with treats in it for Ozzy to hide.
Eddie had only been living with Wayne for a few months when their neighbor across the way came knocking on their door. She was a single mother with two unruly children and always tried to flirt with Wayne when he was leaving for work.
The way Wayne tells it, she’s organizing an Easter egg hunt for the kids in the trailer park. Ain’t no reason why they shouldn’t get to have the same experiences as better off kids just ‘cause the price of eggs went up a bit. If the Munsons can afford it, she’d appreciate if they donated.
Wayne’s seen Eddie’s notebooks – there are more drawings in them than school work – and thought he might get a kick out of decorating eggs. He even went out and bought a dye kit.  Eddie was a little too old for something like that, but he could see an olive branch when it was being extended.
Him and Wayne hadn’t yet found their footing with each other, but Wayne was making an effort. No one has ever done that before, so Eddie accepted with one exception, “You gotta paint them with me.”
They boil eggs on the stove and argue about how long you’re supposed to keep them on for. It turns out that Wayne is just as meticulous with his artwork as Eddie is because they spent hours painting and dip-dying eggs. Wayne even broke out an old paint set he had so they could use actual paintbrushes.
Eddie painted a dragon on one egg and an orc on another one. Wayne painted Tweety Bird on one egg and Garfield on another. They were a big hit at the egg hunt (even though Wayne insisted that Eddie participate and he wiped the floor with the other kids).
The extent of Easter in the Harrington house was: Get dressed, go to church, don’t embarrass anybody. That was it. They didn’t do a big dinner. There was no Easter Bunny visit. They never stayed long enough after church services to participate in the church’s easter egg hunt. When he got older, he’d go to Tommy’s, but they then they were too old for the fun Easter traditions.
When Steve taught second grade, he would buy candy and make Easter baskets for his students. He would organize an Easter egg hunt with the other second grade teachers with – much to Eddie’s supreme disappointment – plastic eggs. He was more disappointed to learn that middle schoolers don’t have parties.
So the first Easter after Steve got Ozzy, Eddie was celebrating Easter the right way.
The whole holiday is still kind of lost on Steve, but he’s entertained Eddie enough to just go along with it when he’s this excited about something.
The first year, they learn very quickly that you should not let your dog eat a lot of boiled eggs (also Eddie forgot when he put all of them and Steve nearly killed him). Every year after, Eddie has gotten more and more elaborate and Ozzy gets more and more excited. Steve has woken up to this dog prancing in place with excitement, waiting for them to get up to see what the ‘Easter Bunny’ left him.
A couple years ago, they started putting treats and snacks in plastic eggs and hiding them around the house for Ozzy to find. And then when they got Joan, they started including catnip and toy mice in some of the eggs.
Steve and Eddie continue their tradition of buying each other the most fucked up chocolate bunnies they can find.
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pallanophblargh · 1 year
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I’m gonna have to accept my brain may always be soup at this point. But it beats feeling tortured all the time?
Anyway, pointless tattoo plotting. For myself. I don’t think it’s wise to consider what is basically an upper arm sleeve for my first, but it’s fantasy land if it’s just in the sketchbook and honestly? Anything to kick at the art block.
It’s all birds: blue Jay and Baltimore oriole, with fresh spring green ash leaves and an autumnal red oak. And maybe a hexagon in there somewhere, I can’t sort that out.
Anyway, this would encapsulate a lot of my favorite things in one go. All that’s missing is bugs! And a loon and pines, but that’s going on the other arm!
Maybe it’s futile to say this, but this humble scribble is for my use only.
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sun-e-chips · 11 months
It’s Christmas morning and your parents actually got you that 7ft tall robot jester you’ve been raving about and now you have to awkwardly unwrap them in front of the rest of your family.
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"We need more morally grey characters" "We want another villain arc" "Give us more conflict"
Please, yall can't even handle Philza Minecraft talking to an egg in a semi-trolling manner ONCE (1).
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playertwotails · 2 years
Okay so I have this idea that when Sonic and Tails first met Sonic was immediately attached 2 seconds in. But Tails for the longest time thought Sonic was just tolerating him being around and helping. (he didn't think anyone could actually enjoy his presence)
Essentially Tails is pretty much:
"oh man I'm so glad he's letting me tag along and help. Hopefully he doesn't chase me off too soon he's nice :)"
And Tails is in that mindset for a few months after they first meet. Until he lets it slip that's what he thinks and Sonic fixes that.
Meanwhile Sonic met Tails for the first time and was pretty much:
"Dibs....I call dibs he is mine now" and "Is no one gonna adopt this kid as their little brother??" then didn't wait for an answer.
Basically I just like the idea of Sonic taking no time to be like "yep this is my little brother and best friend now" no questions asked.
I also just think that at this time in their lives Sonic's main point of reference for a family is Mighty and Ray. And that Sonic has no idea how most people actually gain a little brother because of this (aka Sonic is 10-11 years old and has no idea where babies come from) .
So when Sonic meets Tails and finds out Tails doesn't have a family he's just like:
"oh okay it's my turn to get a little brother now" cause all he knows is that's how Mighty and Ray worked.
For the longest time too Sonic just assumes that all little brothers are yellow/orange in color and can fly to some capacity due to once again only having Mighty and Ray as a main point of reference.
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