#whumpay day 3
whumpay · 7 months
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babe wake up new whumpay prompts dropped. like last year, im posting early for more time to prepare
Welcome to Whumpay 2024! Up above you will see the basic prompt list and down below the cut you will see it written out in a list, as well as three mini challenges (and by extension, the extreme edition)
Rules are the same as usual
You only have to use one (Or two, if you’re doing the extreme edition.) prompt a day! But you’re welcome to use multiple if you want to, and it still counts for both.
I know the description of the blog says it’s a writing event, but if you want to draw or make other kinds of content, that’s cool too.
Have fun, tag content warnings (such as noncon, graphic violence, etc) and try not to be crushed by the mortifying ordeal of posting your writing.
This is a pretty chill event so you can start posting whenever but I’ll be reblogging posts made to the #Whumpay2024 tag throughout May. For real this time.
These all also apply to these three special mini challenges, consisting of a 7 day, a 10 day, and a 14 day prompt list.
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EXTREME EDITION: This year's extreme edition doesn't have its own prompt list, but instead, youll be taking all three mini challenges in order along with the main prompt list. Some of these fit pretty well, others less so.
1 - Mad Science:
Day 1: Strapped To An Operating Table
Day 2: Paralytic Drug
Day 3: Made A Lab Rat
Day 4: Vivisection
Day 5: Truth Potion/Serum/Spell
Day 6: Russian Roulette
1 - Attacks, Mental & Physical:   
Day 7: Heart Attack
Day 8:  Asthma Attack
Day 9: Animal Attack
Day 10: Panic Attack
3 - Ineffective Medical Care:
Day 11: Medical Torture
Day 12: Withholding Medical Treatment
Day 13: Medication Tampering
Day 14: Injury Brushed Off
Day 15: No Anesthetic
4: Mindfuck
Day 16: Presumed Dead
Day 17: Memory Loss
Day 18: Stockholm Syndrome
Day 19: Phantom Pains
Day 20: Love Potion/Spell
Day 21: Role Reversal 
5. Nature's Revenge
Day 22: Slowly Running Out Of Air
Day 23: Natural Disaster 
Day 24: Struck By Lightning
Day 25: Snowed In
Day 26: Heatstroke
6. Traps & Trauma
Day 27: Caught In A Net
Day 28: Traumatic Touch Aversion
Day 29: Used As Bait
Day 30:  Flashbacks
Day 31: Choose Who Lives
Mini challenge #1: Torture
#1: Tortured For Information
#2: Whipping
#3: Branding
#4: Begging To Be Killed
#5: Recorded/Broadcast Torture
#6: False Execution
#7: Shock Collar
Mini Challenge #2: Dialogue
#8: “Why are you doing this?”
#9: “Don’t look.”
#10: “You look awful.”
#11: “Who did this to you?”
#12: “No one is coming for you.”
#13: “No one cares about me.”
#14: “Don’t lie to me.”
#15: “Stay with me, please.”
#16: ”You’re scaring me!”
#17: “You’re a monster.”
Mini Challenge #3: Aftermath
#18: Fighting Against Caretaker 
#19: Seeking Revenge
#20: Taking The Blame
#21: Barely Conscious
#22: Disassociation
#23: Carried To Safety
#24: Scars
#25: Unhealthy Codependency 
#26: Infected Wound
#27: Survivor’s Guilt
#28: Touch Starvation
#29: Abandonment Issues
#30: Cradled In Someone’s Arms
#31: Adrenaline Crash
Alt Prompts:
Death Game
Came Back Wrong
Attack The Injury
Healing Malfunction
Left For Dead 
Mistaken Identity
Trapped Under Rubble
Disowned By Family
Hostage Situation
Have fun everybody!
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whumpsday · 5 months
It's a new month, so it's once again time for me to give a rundown of the next two months of whump events!
May whump events starting today:
🌼 Whumpay (@whumpay), prompts here, comes as either a 7-day, 10-day, 14-day, or 31-day whump event
🌿 The Merry Whump of May (@themerrywhumpofmay), prompts coming soon, a 31-day whump event
🩺 Medwhump May (@medwhumpmay), prompts here, a 31-day medical whump event
💔 Mangst (@greenfiredragonfly), prompts here, a 31-day angst and hurt/comfort event
May miscellaneous events starting imminently:
🧜 Mermay exists, and you can create mer whump for it
🧛‍♂️ Dracula Daily starts May 3! Read along with a classic horror novel that influences most modern-day vampire works. Available in text form with Dracula Daily or audio form with Re: Dracula.
Confirmed June whump events starting next month:
🌩️ June of Doom (@juneofdoom), prompts here, a 30-day whump event
Possible June whump events not confirmed yet:
🏄‍♀️ Whump Girl Summer (@whumpawoman), a 7-day woman-focused whump event
📆 Two Weeks of Whump (@promptsforyourwhumpfic), a 2-week whump event
🐦‍⬛ Jump: Whump in June (@whumpinjune), a 30-day whump event
Have fun! :)
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ccieatchildren · 5 months
Whumpay 24 Day 3: Made Into A Lab Rat
Day three. 
It had been three days since Whumper had started his experiments. In hindsight, it was not a lot. Just the start of a grueling few months. But that did not make it any less agonizing.
If anything more so.
Whumpee let out a scream as yet another convulsion rocked through them. Their nerves alighted, constricting painfully, twisting their body into uncontrollable angles. Bones bending and ligaments popping. Whumper sat across from them, cross-legged, expression unreadable behind his red glasses. As the wave passed, and they came down from the shock, he scribbled something onto the notebook in his lap.
Heavy breaths filled the room, only accompanied by the scratch of his pen. They closed their eyes and tried to calm their racing heart. The thud of his boots brought them back from their respite. 
“Go on, try to melt them.” He referred to the chains around their wrists, but they would not do as he asked. 
They spit in his face, watching with satisfaction at his disgusted look. “Rupūžė…” He wiped it away angrily. “Fine.” He said, annoyed. “I can do it manually.” 
He grabbed their right hand, palm up, while shoving the chain further down their arm. The ever present scalpel flipped out from his jacket, and he unclasped a pin from one of the three side appendages.
They tried to pull out of his grasp, but his hold was too tight. They then tried bringing their joined hands to their mouth, but he tugged them hard off kilter.
“Ah, ah, ah. You’re not biting me again.”
Still holding their hand in a tight grip, he brought the pin to the tendon in their wrist, poking a precise point on the muscle. Reflexively her hand twitched and sparks flew from her palm. 
“You shouldn’t be able to do that.” He dropped their hand carelessly, turning back to consult his notebook. “Well… Gal, jeigu keisiu…”
All they could do is sit there in the chains while he made a new batch of the red liquid. He carefully measured the various chemicals, writing in his notes again at each addition and mumbling to himself throughout. 
Half an hour later— it could be longer, their track of time was getting worse with the way the drug muddled with their mind— he approached them with a syringe once again. The notebook was out, the only words they could read were ‘Trial 19’. 
The needle pressed into their vein and Whumpee prepared themselves for the next round.
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zoeywhumps · 5 months
whumpay day 3: alt prompt "came back wrong"
it had been eight months.
eight months since katya had been taken. with no proof that she was alive, they had begun to think she was dead.
until today.
until the knock at the door, that when phoebe opened it apprehensively, revealed her.
katya was just standing there, her face colder and harder than phoebe had ever seen it before, seemingly unharmed, but her entire demeanor altogether different than it had been.
phoebe couldn't form words. and when katya pulled out a gun, and pointed it straight at her head, she was too stunned to react in time.
but katya hesitated, just long enough for bryony to grab the gun from her, and for song to tackle her to the ground.
"what the fuck do you think you're doing?" song shouted as katya kicked and tried to escape, but despite katya's strength and size, she seemed malnourished and weaker than she had been. she was no match for song anymore.
phoebe just stood there, her hands shaking as she watched the duo subdue her friend. katya didn't speak, but hate glowed in her eyes like a poison.
what had they done to her?
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snakebites-and-ink · 5 months
Whumpay 10 Days, 40 Words (five sentence fic mode) #3
“You look awful.”
“Thanks, so do you,” Hero replied, ever keeping up the witty banter.
Villain wasn’t bantering. “I mean it, Hero. How hard has the superhero agency been working you?”
Villain didn’t even absorb the deflective response Hero gave, too busy plotting how to get Hero out of there before their own agency destroyed them.
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onlythegoodpretzels · 5 months
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They don't let him touch the hurting thing in his head. He still hasn't seen it. But he feels it there in his skull, pulsing and aching when they string him up to check it. The metal suture bolts sting and tug and the transplant droops like it's soft, like it's hair.
But it isn't hair. It goes deeper. When Hagar touches it, Shiro thinks he feels fingertips somewhere under the searing pain. Beyond his skin, somewhere his brain doesn't understand how he can perceive it.
It's healing. It's knitting into him. He's starting to know how to move his head so it doesn't hurt, how to protect the surgical site if a sentry takes a swing at him. He can think straight sometimes, enough to worry. What is it for?
What will it do to him?
I always liked the idea of Shiro's white hair being caused by something other than stress. In my Roots/Routes AU, Hagar implanted an Altean root into him as part of her ongoing efforts to reproduce Altean magic users (my Alteans are plant-based organisms).
Over time Shiro learns this gives him a weird mix of Altean and human quintessence use characteristics. He's sort of a hybrid now.
This was for @whumpay day 3: Made into a Lab Rat! Had tons of fun making the scars and the restraint system (I do love restraint systems).
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cold1dead1eyes · 1 year
3. physical torture - whumpay 2023
whumpee is hung up by their wrists to the ceiling. the rough rope gouges into their skin, leaving it red and stinging.
a whip strikes down on whumpee's back. they scream a blood-curdling screech. the restraints are too strong to break, but whumpee still tries, their feet not quite touching the ground as their body sways. their back is a mess of bloody lacerations, swelling bruise purple as the whip rips out across raw flesh.
"please, please... i'll tell you where they are! just stop! let me go, and i... i promise, i'll tell you!" whumpee pleads. whumper is just a blurry form through their tear-filled eyes, but they hear their laugh, loud and mocking.
"oh, that's funny. you think selling out your friends is going to save you?" crack. whumpee's entire body cringes away from the pain, meaningless sobs and cries tearing from their throat. whumper grabs a fistful of their hair and yanks their head back.
"maybe it would've, a few days ago. but i've got a taste for this now, whumpee." whumper hisses into their ear. whumpee is limp in their grip, the bones of their wrists cracking as their entire weight ragdolls.
"but you tell me where they are, and maybe i'll get you down from there, give you something nice and soft to sleep on." whumper runs a hand over whumpee's stinging back. whumpee is so exhausted that they'll take anything. they don't even want freedom anymore. they just want relief.
"okay, i'll... i'll tell you."
prompt from @whumpay
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Whumpay - Day 3
Main Challenge - Mad Science - Made A Lab Rat Mini Challenge 3 - Torture - Branding Original Work - My Name is Evil
For twelve hours a day, every day, Evelyn had been tested.
They asked him to build from schematics. They asked him to design schematics. They immobilized him in the same chair and had him direct others to build machines.
They gave him drugs. A lot of drugs. They would dose him with something that made him nauseous and faint and dizzy and asked him to complete tasks. Solve equations. Answer their questions. Blindfolded. Ears plugged. Starved. Sleep-deprived. Sedated. Hot. Cold. Dizzy.
Over and over and over.
He was tested under every possible circumstance. Every possible test. Until now.
Evelyn winced as the needle probed beneath his skin and into a vein.
Evelyn wanted to pull away from the needle and the IV bag and everything they were about to do to him, but the restraints kept his wrists, ankles, and chest firmly pressed to the chair. He swallowed hard. The IV needle was taped to his skin and the nurse left the room without even meeting his eyes.
The door hissed and clanged shut.
Evelyn only had a minute or two to try and calm down before the door opened again and someone else entered.
The lady wore a strained smile and a nice suit. She sat down, keeping the table between her and Evelyn. And ignoring him, she began to shuffle through the papers she had brought. After what seemed like ten minutes or so, she spoke.
“My name is Ms. Brown, I am the Assistant Deputy Supervisor at the Bureau of Extrohuman Affairs and Regulation. I am here today to give your official status and category as an Extrohuman, witness your tagging procedure, and answer any questions you have. Do you understand?”
She never looked at him, not once.
Evelyn opened his mouth to speak.
The nurse came back.
Ms. Brown continued. “Evelyn Earl, your tests indicate that you place with the Enhanced Category, subtype Intelligence, archetype Crafter, division Mechanics.”
The saline was cold and Evelyn began to shiver. Of course he was good with machines. That was obvious. Why did they have to test for it? Why?
The lady continued. “Established legal precedents necessitate a procedure to display your status upon your person, this is sometimes called tagging. Once this procedure is completed, displaying this status mark will be used in conjunction with other identification you carry in order to comply with requests for identification. Please give verbal confirmation that you understand this procedure.”
The lady stopped talking and looked up at Evelyn. Staring at him.
Finally looking right into his eyes. Nothing in her expression indicated that she was looking at another human being. He may as well be another piece of paper that needed initials and dates.
Evelyn started when he realized he was meant to speak.
“Oh.” He licked his dry lips. “Right, yeah, I understand.”
The lady made another note on her papers. The room was so quiet that Evelyn could hear her pen scratching.
Eventually, the lady looked up and nodded at the nurse. “You may proceed.”
The nurse wheeled a cart with a machine closer to Evelyn. The nurse turned it on and the machine began to hum. Evelyn only began to panic when the nurse began to untie the front of his gown.
“What are you doing?” Evelyn felt his heart begin to quicken.
The nurse bared his chest and disinfected the skin over his heart.
The lady with the papers got up from the table.
“What is the procedure?” Evelyn asked, panic edging his voice.
“Identification.” Was all the lady answered.
The nurse leaned in close, holding something like a pen, which was connected to the machine by a cord.
“What is that?” Evelyn could not tear his eyes away from the strange pen.
The nurse turned and looked at the lady.
The lady shrugged.
What was tagging?
When the pen first touched his skin, Evelyn thought he had been cut. But when the smell of sizzling, burning, charred flesh filled his nose, he knew this was false.
Evelyn let out a scream and struggled to get away from the electrocautery device. But the bindings held him firmly.
The pain continued and amplified.
Evelyn thought he could hear the pain. Like barbed wire screeching through his ears.
He screamed again. And again. Evelyn felt sweat bead upon his forehead and roll down into his eyes, stinging and hot. He sobbed until his throat became raw. It went on and on, for what felt like hours.
Then, the hum of the machine ceased. The nurse moved away. A crinkling sound
Evelyn was left panting. He cracked his eyes open and saw the nurse was unwrapping bandages.
He could not stand it any longer. He needed to know.
Evelyn looked down to his chest, to the spot over his heart.
Shiny, bleeding burns. The smell of cooked flesh. Skin crackling.
A series of numbers and letters. They meant nothing.
But they were now branded into him. Into his flesh. Tagging. Identification.
Evelyn let out another sob.
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fallenwhumpee · 1 year
Part 1 • Part 2 • Masterlist
Whumpay Day 19: Carewhumper
Warnings: Vampire whumper, bloodbag whumpee, poisoning, intimate whumper, carewhumper, violence.
Whumper was angry. Their thirst for blood was uncontrollable, fueled by their rage, shared by the other vampires as they descended on the only people who knew about the existence of the luxury diner.
All bloodbags were poisoned, but Whumper only cared about their sweet Whumpee, who was currently tucked in bed safely.
But hurt and alone.
Whumper didn't spend a second when corpses fell to their feet as they let go, too fixed on going back to their home as soon as possible.
They were relieved to find Whumpee still in bed. They resisted their thirst, despite being full after their little feast, the blood sweetened with poison smelt too good to ignore completely.
But they had to keep a hold on themselves. Whumpee was recovering and weak after the poisoning attempt.
They remembered humans had to eat, and the poor thing was lying with no motion for two days. Who forgot to feed them could start to write their will.
But then they remembered: Their all human servants were gone. Whumper had let them go as they had heard the attacks on other mansions, targeting the humans serving and living in instead of vampires.
But it caused a problem, Whumper didn't know a thing about looking after a hurt human.
They prepared some food, though they weren't sure if Whumpee could eat it while unconscious.
They tried a soup next, and it worked nicely. They also had to get Whumpee water. Humans needed too many things.
They called a physician later that day, and they were told Whumpee would have to get the poison in their blood themselves. Whumper had an idea about how to help. A delicious idea.
For the next days, they fed Whumpee and drank their blood little by little. Whumpee wasn't getting better, but they weren't going worse as the physician said they would either. It worried Whumper a bit, but Whumpee gained their colour back with time.
At the end of the week, when they came in with dinner in their hands, Whumpee was waiting for them awake.
"Missed our meals together, sweetie," Whumper chirped, smiling genuinely.
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Hope you like this! (Love your writing btw<3)
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whumpay · 2 years
Well, this is earlier than usual… But, as a thanks for all y’all’s help getting prompts together, I’ve decided to release the list earlier! And, well… With the new ‘Extreme Edition’ addition, I figured a bit more prep time may be warranted.
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You only have to use one (Or two, if you’re doing the extreme edition.) prompt a day! But you’re welcome to use multiple if you want to, and it still counts for both.
I know the description of the blog says it’s a writing event, but if you want to draw or make other kinds of content, that’s cool too.
Have fun, tag content warnings (such as noncon, graphic violence, etc) and try not to be crushed by the mortifying ordeal of posting your writing.
This is a pretty chill event so you can start posting whenever but I’ll be reblogging posts made to the #Whumpay2023 tag throughout May.
EXTREME EDITION: Made to be used together with the normal prompt list, the extreme edition prompt list has 31 types of whumpees for you to use. This is entirely optional, and you don’t necessarily need to do them in order. I know it says bonus points, but it basically is just bragging rights.
(Prompt list under the cut.)
Day 1: Heatstroke
Day 2: Asphyxiation 
Day 3: Physical Torture
Day 4: Passing Out From Pain
Day 5: Near-Death Experience
Day 6: Psychological Torture
Day 7: Betrayal
Day 8: Claustrophobia
Day 9: Lotus-Eater Machine
Day 10: Trapped In Own Body
Day 11: Intimate Whumper
Day 12: Good Whumper / Bad Whumper
Day 13: Reluctant Whumper
Day 14: Vengeful Whumper
Day 15: Unintentional Whumper
Day 16: Bad Caretaker
Day 17: Parental Caretaker
Day 18: Reluctant Caretaker
Day 19: Carewhumper
Day 20: Enemy-To-Caretaker
Day 21: Working Through Illness
Day 22: Surgery
Day 23: Worse Than It Seems
Day 24: Allergic Reaction
Day 25: Deadly Illness
Day 26: Scars
Day 27: “I didn’t know where else to go.”
Day 28: Self-Isolation
Day 29: “I won’t let them hurt you anymore.”
Day 30: Nightmares
Day 31: Forced Relaxation
X. Sadistic Choice
X. Epistolary 
X. Dehydration
X. Anger Born Of Worry
X. Death Wish
X. Stress Position
X. Gore
X. Just Out Of Reach
X. Hurt/Comfort
X. Magical Whump
Whumpee Type:
Day 1. Vampire
Day 2. Young
Day 3. Stoic
Day 4. Winged
Day 5. Whumper-To-Whumpee
Day 6. Immortal
Day 7. Defiant
Day 8. Demon
Day 9. Villain
Day 10. Possessed
Day 11. Multiple Whumpees
Day 12. Robot/AI
Day 13. Cowboy
Day 14. Team Leader
Day 15. Werewolf
Day 16. Team Outcast
Day 17. Mermaid
Day 18. Asshole
Day 19. Fairy
Day 20. Hero
Day 21. Healer
Day 22. Soft
Day 23. Comedian
Day 24. Compliant
Day 25. Monster
Day 26. Traumatized
Day 27. Touch-Starved
Day 28. Stockholm Syndrome-d.
Day 29. Vengeful
Day 30. Ghost
Day 31. Alien
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rizzoto-whump · 1 year
@themerrywhumpofmay alt. prompt - Failed Escape
@whumpay day 3 - Physical Torture 
CW: Abusive relationship
James lay crumpled on the cold, unforgiving floor of their shared bedroom, his body aching from the relentless assault that Ronald had just unleashed on him. Carefully, gingerly, he wiped the blood that oozed from his split lip, wincing as he brushed a bruise blossoming on his cheekbone.
"Why, James?" Ronald slurred while pacing angrily around the room, the smell of alcohol on his breath almost as strong as the malice in his eyes. "Why'd you try to run away from me?"
James trembled, unable to find a voice now broken by sobs. "I-I don't know, R-Ron," he stammered after a tense silence, grasping for any answer that might placate his volatile husband.
"What we have is special, isn't it, James?" Ronald snarled, stalking closer to him, hulking out of the shadows like an unpredictable storm. "You really thought you could just walk away?"
"N-no, I-I was scared. I p-panicked," James wept, tears cutting streaks through the dirt and grime on his face. Ronald sighed, a sudden sorrow touching his eyes. He reached out tenderly and stroked James' injured face, whispering, "I love you, you know. I... I just want to protect you."
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riderofblackdragons · 4 months
Whumpay 2024 Masterlist
To note, these all have the AU name next to them. If there is no AU in brackets next to the day, then that day is not part of any established AU, and is therefore just a oneshot, with no connections to anything else I've ever written.
Also, all non-TVD aus will be marked with the fandom they are a part of, to help make it easier to navigate.
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Day 1: Strapped To A Table (Experiments in Blood AU)
Day 2: Paralytic Drug (Experiments in Blood AU)
Day 3: Made Into A Lab Rat (Experiments in Blood AU)
Day 4: Vivisection (Experiments in Blood AU)
Day 5: Truth Potion/Serum/Spell (An Original Mother AU)
Day 6: Russian Roulette
Day 7: Heart Attack (An Original Mother AU)
Day 8 (Alt Prompt): Hostage Situation
Day 9: Animal Attack (Experiments in Blood AU)
Day 10: Panic Attack (An Original Mother AU)
Day 11: Medical Torture (Experiments in Blood AU)
Day 12: Withholding Medical Treatment (An Original Mother AU)
Day 13 (Alt Prompt): Came Back Wrong (SPN AU: When You Cannot Hide)
Day 14: Injury Brushed Off (Not Your Brother AU)
Day 15: No Anesthetic (An Original Mother AU)
Day 16: Presumed Dead (Let Me Stay AU)
Day 17: Memory Loss (Fickle Memories AU)
Day 18: Stockholm Syndrome (Runaway Treasures AU)
Day 19: Phantom Pains (Fickle Memories AU)
Day 20: Love Potion/Spell (Experiments in Blood AU)
Day 21: Role Reversal
Day 22: Slowly Running Out of Air (Runaway Treasures AU)
Day 23: Natural Disaster (Supernatural x Good Omens crossover: In The Cage (What Secrets Are Hidden) AU)
Day 24: Struck by Lightning
Day 25: Snowed In (An Original Mother AU)
Day 26: Heatstroke (An Original Mother AU)
Day 27: Caught In A Net (Seal Be With Ye AU)
Day 28: Traumatic Touch Aversion (Experiments in Blood AU)
Day 29: Used as Bait (Let Me Stay AU)
Day 30: Flashback (An Original Mother AU)
Day 31: Choose Who Lives (SPN AU: When You Cannot Hide)
Bonus Alt Prompt: Trapped Under Rubble & Left For Dead
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astaldis · 5 months
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Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: Gen
Characters: Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, Lambert (The Witcher), Vesemir (The Witcher), Coën (The Witcher), Cahir Mawr Dyffryn aep Ceallach
Additional Tags: Post-Canon, Witcher Monster MAYhem 2024, Kaer Morhen (The Witcher) monster attack, Witcher Cahir Mawr Dyffryn aep Ceallach, a cheers to Lambert's beard, Blood and Injury, face horror, Alternate Universe - Post-Canon, Everyone Is Alive
Words: 1,623; Chapters: 1/1
"Die, you mother-fucking monster! Will you finally die?" Lambert roars, yet the monster seems to have other plans. For the umpteenth time it reassembles its scattered fragments and attacks again. Damn! While the "Girls" are not at home, the Witchers are attacked by a very strange monster, one they have never encountered, heard of or read of before. A monster that stubbornly refuses to die. Written for Day 6 of the Witcher Monster MAYhem 2024: Song prompt "Die, Monster, Die", the Day 3 prompt "Pointy Teeth" and the Whumpay prompt #9 "Animal Attack"
Read on Ao3:
Die, Monster, Die
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tw-anchor-down · 6 months
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3 Days...
Until the 4th Round of TW Anchor Down starts (on April 1st, no joke)! If you’d like some more inspiration, you can always combine TWAD prompts with other challenges or events from this handy events directory. Feel free to also use any previous round prompts from the prompt card filing cabinet if you’re running behind and/or still need to catch up. Here are some challenges and events that are happening between April, May and June of 2024:
>> Sterek and Stuff Events- Spring Moons: Equiphlox (March 19 - May 22) and Eclipse (April 8 - May 22) >> Sterek Unhinged Boyfriends Event (Feb 8 - May 8) >> Stackson Week (April 3-9) >> Teen Wolf Rare Pair Events- Character of the Month (on-going) >> Full Moon Ficlet (ongoing) >> Sterek Drabbles (ongoing) >> Sterek Bingo (ongoing) >> Sterek Weekly (ongoing) >> Sterek Prompt Meme (ongoing) >> Steter-Stackson Bingo (ongoing) >> Teen Wolf Bingo (ongoing) >> Teen Wolf Poly Bingo (ongoing) >> Whumpril (daily whump prompts for April) >> Domaystic (daily domestic prompts for May) >> Whumpay (daily whump prompts for May) >> June of Doom (daily whump prompts for June) >> Art Prompt Calendar (daily prompts posted every month, multi-ship and multi-fandom) >> Horrific Bingo (ongoing and multi-fandom) >> Hurt and Comfort Bingo (ongoing and multi-fandom) >> LGBTQA+ Bingo (ongoing and multi-fandom) >> Sweet and Spicy Bingo (ongoing and multi-fandom) >> Slash Multiverse (ongoing and multi-fandom) >> The Reverse Prompt Challenge (multi-fandom; updated quarterly) >> Warm and Fluffy Bingo (ongoing and multi-fandom) >> Whump Challenges Galore (ongoing and multi-fandom) 
If you know about other challenges that should be added to this list, send an ask. Hope y’all are ready! Look like Malia’s going to have to write all of these details down to start planning!
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ccieatchildren · 1 year
Whumpay 23 Day 3: Physical Torture
TW: Hand Torture
The bonds were too tight around their wrists, cutting off any blood flow to the appendages. Whumpee sent off a quick prayer to their deity that they got out of this alive, though they weren’t sure their plea would be heard.
“Awake already?” Whumpee turned their attention to the person in the room with them. They were dressed impeccably, not a single strand of hair or button out of place. “I figured you would be out for another hour or two, most people should,” they laughed, “guess you’ve done this before.”
Whumpee flinched, they were right, this wasn’t the first time they’d been kidnapped, but Whumpee had always managed to escape before their captors got back. 
“I’ll cut to the chase then, I need to know about the inner workings of the agency, and you seem like someone who would know a lot about that. So, why don’t we help each other? You give me the info, and I’ll make sure you get out of this as fit as a fiddle. If not,” they turned to the table behind them, “I’ll have to end up using some nasty methods to get it out of you.” 
Whumpee eyed the various tools sitting next to them. There were an assortment of knives, pliers, hammers, and other heavy duty instruments. Whumpee could already feel the sweat forming at their brow. 
“So, tell me where they keep the documents about the Metro Job.”
Turning back to their captor, they stared at them, hoping the pleading in their eyes conveyed their inability to help.
“Not gonna talk, huh. That’s okay, I can work with that. I always knew you were gonna be a tougher nut to crack, especially with you being such a quiet fellow.” Whumpee’s gaze turned into a glare. Why couldn’t people understand that they weren’t just quiet, they literally couldn’t talk. 
“Now, now. Don’t go lookin’ at me like that,” they grabbed a medium sized plier from the table, “it makes me feel bad.” Whumpee watched as they brought the tool to their right hand, still bound to the chair arm. “And if you make me feel bad, I want to make you feel bad too.” A grin spread across their face.
Whumpee jerked in their chair, revamping their escape efforts. Their hands were tied down, meaning they couldn’t even talk like they usually did, another reminder of their precarious situation. They opened their mouth in a last ditch effort to explain the situation, maybe mumble a broken ‘please’, anything to make them realize that Whumpee was not the right person to ask. But, nothing came out. For the first time in a long while, Whumpee cursed their muteness. 
“Hmm, most people at least say something when I bring out the first toy. Whatever, it’s fine. You’ll be talking soon enough.” Their captor placed one edge of the plier under the nail on their ring finger. Whumpee started to shake even more now, aggressively pulling at their restraints and shaking their head. 
Soon the plier was fully clamped down around their nail. “Now, since we just started I’ll give you another chance. Tell me where all the classified documents are stored and how to access them.” 
Whumpee just continued to spaz out in their chair, hoping to dislodge the tool or break the chair or snap the rope, something. 
The person sighed, “fine. I was trying to be nice, but you’re just taking that for granted. Maybe you’ll talk after I take a few.” Whumpee turned their head to look away as their captor pulled up the pliers, ripping the nail off their finger.
There was a sharp burning sensation on their ring finger and a shrill scream bubbled out of them. “So you can talk.” 
Whumpee could feel the blood pool in the place where the nail used to be, dripping down their finger and creating small plunks as they hit the floor. They turned to look at the damage only to find the tip of their ring finger covered in red, emphasizing the pain they felt. It seemed to spread across their whole hand, and Whumpee wished the bonds had also cut off their nerves. They turned to look up, unable to stomach the sight anymore.
“Seriously! Still not talking? C’mon man. You look like you can barely handle this. Y’know it’s only gonna get worse, right? Just answer me now, and I promise we can be done.” They waited for Whumpee’s response, but they were quiet. There was no point in trying to convince this person that they genuinely couldn’t help them, they wouldn’t believe Whumpee anyway. Their captor voice took a darker and angrier tone, “fine! Be that way. I can keep going forever.”
As Whumpee stared up at the ceiling, they realized they should’ve asked their god to let it be quick.
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autobot2001 · 4 months
She Wasn't Ok Going back Alone
Author: Autobot2001 Genre: Fanfiction Fandom: Transformers Rating: T Warning: Poor mental health, self-harming Pairing: None Description: Crosshairs and Drift couldn't return to Jamie's dimension with her. They thought she'd be ok.
@whumpay mini-challenge 3; fighting the caretaker @medwhumpmay day 22, alt 8; self-inflicted
Crosshairs and Drift worry about Jamie’s self-harming. She’s already had twice. They do their best to protect her. Every Autobot and soldier is aware of one flaw; Jamie’s power to allow her to go anywhere she wants, making it pointless to keep her away from the N.E.S.T. base. The two mechs and their friends have their guns when using holoforms, and Sunstreaker also has his knife, but they are careful. They worry Jamie will break a mirror again.
The other issue is when Jamie returns to her dimension. Optimus does his best to ensure Crosshairs and Drift can go with Jamie. He doesn’t think Jamie will be difficult if another friend returns with her, but knowing her relationship with Crosshairs and Drift, he’d rather they return with her. This time, there is a problem. “Are you sure she’ll be ok without them for two days?” Ironhide asks, “I know what you’re thinking, but this is risking her safety even if she seldom hurts herself. Everyone knows and would let Crosshairs and Drift dismiss themselves from the current task.” “I know, I’d rather let them choose. They believe she’ll be ok. Despite Jamie’s previous statement a few weeks back.” Crosshairs and Drift weren’t worried about Jamie. They knew she’d be upset knowing what she deals with.
As they walk into the house, what Crosshairs and Drift see horrifies them. Jamie sits on the floor not reacting to her bleeding legs. The two worry about why other injuries she gave herself, but relieved she didn’t try knocking herself out by hitting her head on the floor. There’s evidence that she didn’t. since she’s fighting the two mechs to keep them from taking care of the cuts. Crosshairs and Drift know the cuts might appear worse than they are. They’ve already seen this happen with their friend Jayce. “Stop,” Drift says as he tries to restrain Jamie’s arms. Jamie wouldn’t use her full strength when getting Drift away, but this time she’s pushing him away. Crosshairs watches while getting things to take care of the injuries. While he and Drift have established non-verbal communication methods, this situation does not apply.
Drift can’t believe he’s watching Crosshairs force Jamie onto the floor. He sees the syringe in Crosshairs’ hand. While the drug is a sedative, this is still dangerous. The struggle is brief before Crosshairs injects the drug. The two hate that they had to resort to sedation. Crosshairs takes care of the injuries while Drift holds Jamie, watching her fall asleep. Once Jamie is asleep, he sees Crosshairs cleaning Jamie’s legs. She has three cuts on each leg. It’s a little relief to know the cuts don’t need stitches.
Once Crosshairs finishes caring for the injuries, Drift lies Jamie on her bed and covers her with a blanket. He looks at Crosshairs, worried about the expression on his face.
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