#why are they like this like geniunely what is wrong with them
I hate the people from my school so much.
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moonlit-orchid · 4 months
good evening to everyone except a certain few fucking anons
#go fuck yourselves like seriously what the fuck#im so sick of this#this is about the last two anons by the way. i havent gotten any more because i turned off anon asks#if you wanna know why anon asks are off blame those two assholes#seriously that stupid shits been getting to my head#you know why? because every fucking person around here (especially my mum) LOVES to criticise me and accuse me of victimising myself#literally every fucking thing i do is wrong around here down to my hair#all these fucking adults like to bully me about MY hair#fuck you if i want bangs I'll keep the bangs#literally it seems like they're just doing whatever they can to change me into someone else. someone they want#this fucking culture of mine is so shitty i swear to god#like they think that BULLYING you is people being honest with you#and that if someone's nice to you theyre shittalking you behind your back#(honestly considering some of the people i see i wouldn't be surprised)#and im not even doing anything thats WRONG either. im different and not one of these people can tolerate that#yeah my mum sent me a video of a goat with curly hair and implied she thinks my bangs are like that. in a derogatory manner btw#so yeah that's had me pissed and then the fucking anons were also making me pissed#fuck you I'm gonna be as selfish as i want when i post on MY blog#this blog is MINE#I decide what i write and how much i wanna shittalk someone who upset me to get my feelings out. if anyone wants to call me selfish fuck you#and you know what? fuck That Person too. they geniunely messed me up more than they helped me#yes. im still gonna talk about them. im still gonna complain because FUCK YOU I NEED TO GET IT OUT SOMEHOW OKAY#I NEED THIS SHIT OUT OF ME AND IT GETS BACK INTO MY HEAD SO I NEED IT OUTSIDE#and fuck you anons who gave your unwanted opinion. if you cant say anything nice SHUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTHS#i was taken advantage of and manipulated#and apparently I'm the bad guy for small mistakes like excuse me#and then that person even told a friend of theirs once to attack me (over text) like what#i just cant anymore it needs to be fucking out#and im not sorry for complaining about this because this is my blog and i will complain on here. this blog is for ME. for MY happiness.#and as such i will fucking complain shit and i will fucking post my vents because thats the only way i can send these emotions off for good
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eashgirl · 23 days
If anyone remembers that one episode from season nine where Peri got Mrs crocker for a godchild(slight spoilers for a new wish and Peri's relationship with Dev)
She was depressed because she felt like Crocker didn't love her back,and she tried to use wish after wish to quell that emptiness,leaving Peri so exhausted because no matter how many wishes he tried to grant she never seemed to get happy
It got so bad from what I remember they tried all ways to get her to break the rules just so Peri would be free from her,she only truly lost him when she reconciled with Crocker who admitted he did indeed love her
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I can't help but compare this to Peri's new godkid in ANW, Dev tried to do something similar,all he ever wanted was to have his dad's love which he never got because Dale literally cares more about money and his literal boots more than him,hence similarly no matter how many wishes he kept asking for hardly any of them were able to geniunely make him happy beyond the surface level, I'd argue the only times he was truly happy was when he and Hazel were friends but that's for another post.
Peri did try his best to adhere to the rules and to grant his wishes,but this in turn just made Dev get even more frustrated because in all fairness he doesn't really NEED a fairy to give him little things like a cupcake or something like a game he's rich he can get an AU pair to bring him that anytime,and the more riskier wishes that can be deemed as more fun is against the rules. Heck I'd even argue that initially Dev may not have seen Peri as anything besides an AU Pair but with magic given that he only really used him to make wishes. Dale probably just told him to ask the au pairs anything he wanted as a means of neglecting his own parental responsibilities. That and Peri wanting to do his absolute best at his first job to impress his parents and stick by the rules along with Dev's frustration and lashing out is the core reason why it fell apart so quickly.
This difference in opinion led to all of this, they're both at fault and both have legitimate reasons for it,Peri had the excuse that this really is his first job he's just doing what he was taught at the academy just grant the kid's wishes and make them happy,he probably did not anticipate the need for severe emotional understanding when it comes to troubled kids(honestly who decided to give a newbie a kid that needed way more help from a seasoned fairy godparent though? I blame whoever made that decision)he did care about Dev in the end but by that time it was too late.
With Dev it's he's a hurt kid and he lashes out at others which I'm not trying to justify it's still wrong,and people can get hurt because of that but given his circumstances I really understand him, he's not used to allowing people in and builds walls around himself even the slightest gesture is enough to make him to increase his guard even more like when he thought a single argument with Hazel meant their friendship was over and tried to go back to being his old self until Hazel pointed that out to him,the sunglasses being a literal metaphor for it,he takes them off a lot during his friendship arc with Hazel and starts putting them on all the time near the end during his downward spiral. He acts the persona of a bully as a means of gaining control of his situation,when it's obvious that is not how he truly is lost and founders day being a prime example,he was genuinely getting better until he found out about project H,and I can understand his reaction his dad who's always absent,hardly ever pays any attention to him literally won't look him in the eye unless it concerns bussiness,cares more about his son's friend then he cares about his own son,did Hazel deserve to get yelled at though?no she didn't, it's still not her fault.
Then immediately after Hazel leaves Peri comes back and tries a feeble attempt to cheer him up by persuading him to make a wish,which really wasn't the right call to make in that specific moment which further aggravates Dev into telling him to leave before having a mental breakdown.
And later in best of luck he ends up getting in a vulnerable position when Peri declares he's quitting,and Irep ends up being a bad influence,he gets manipulated and tries to take over fairy world as a desperate means of getting Dale to finally, finally pay some attention to him which he does initially until he immediately shifts his focus to Irep instead. Literally leaving Dev in the dust on the ground. Alone again.
(I really want to make this post a bit more detailed but I'm six days away from an exam so I can't find the time,any grammar mistakes is because of how rushed this one was might edit it later)
Cosmo phrases it best what he wanted was something no fairy could ever give him,he wanted a parent's love and that is something no amount of wealth or magic is ever going to amount to,which is ultimately the final straw in making Dev abandon everything and accept the consequences without any persistence.
Peri couldn't really relate to or understand Dev because he always had the love or his parents even when he was anxious of messing up they were always supportive and loving, I don't think it's a coincidence that the panel always shows the three of them hugging infront of Dev and Hazel the latter trying to talk to him after everything that transpired. A physical metaphor of what he doesn't have and has to see Infront of his eyes all the time. Again I don't really blame anybody(except maybe Dale but if I'm blaming Dale I'm also blaming Vicky),Peri is a rookie he just graduated so it's unrealistic to expect him to be the best right away, I actually think he might need to ask Wanda and Cosmo for advice in season two how they dealt with certain kids and how he can improve himself.
Because neither Dev or Peri were perfect they were horrible to eachother,but that doesn't mean they can't be better.
It's clearly setting up an overarching story, I actually have faith in the new writers they didn't throw in that scene of Peri saying he cared about Dev and leaving it ambiguous whether or not Dev actually still remembers because of that one theory for nothing.
My reason for bringing in Mrs Crocker is to point out that the only way Dev can really quell his own emptiness is by attaining the love he always wanted, I think by off chance he does indeed remember everything- which I believe is the better option to retain his charecter development-,he may have finally come to understand that no matter what he does his dad would never care about him the same way he cares about his Business and himself,maybe this will lead to him forming better connections with other people, reconciling his friendship with Hazel and befriending Winn and Jasmine and maybe even getting Peri back as his fairy.
Another reason slightly crack that inspired me to make this post is this
This is Peri's eventual state/reaction every time he gets a godchild, boy's been bad at this from the very beginning it's that and simultaneously always gets a hard case on his first try
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channel-eclair · 8 days
i think the reason the pokemon fanbase is so negative is because so many people online geniunely just dont enjoy the core fundamentals of pokemon but moreso play it out of obligation tbh
people complain about too many cutscenes, while literally playing a jrpg. people complain about humanoid designs in a game thats always had humanoid designs so its not just "regular animals: the game". people complain about graphics in a game series thats very blatantly gameplay > graphics because graphics often age poorly while gameplay is forever. people complain about pokemon being turn based and never "modernizing" its gameplay when thats like such a major part of its gameplay
i think so many people who hate pokemon played it as kids, only to eventually not like rpgs as they grew up, and now just go "oh its pokemon i gotta play it". however with how concerningly angry pokemon haters online are, i think they geniunely cannot view themselves as wrong. instead of thinking "oh its just not for me" they go through major mental gymnastics and gaslight themselves to ultimately conclude "i cant be wrong! its the games fault obviously! it must be bad!"
this is why when you see someone call modern pokemon bad, they never actually have a reason for it beyond "uhhhhh tree... uhhhhh framerate,..". they dont actually think it, theyre just forcing themselves to be that way to sound correct and different. nobody who talks like this ever actually has an argument, they just want everyone to agree with it and give them reddit upvotes or whatever, so they usually try to gaslight everyone into agreeing with them
the pokemon hatebase is if like someone hated platformers with all their heart, but then only played mario and kirby games, and then constantly claimed the mario and kirby games are bad because they dont personally enjoy platformers yknow
its a lot like the smash fanbase! the smash bros fanbase gets angry everytime a nintendo character is added to the game instead of another third party... but insists on playing a nintendo fighting game, instead of something like multiversus lol
this is why pretty much every pokemon game is HATED at launch, but then a year later everyone seems to love it. at launch you see this absolute mush of people forcing themselves to play an rpg and have to go through all their negativity as they refuse to admit the games arent for them, but eventually they stop playing it. then finally you find the actual pokemon fans who are just having fun and love the games because theyre amazing
you have to sit through all these youtubers and critics and reddit/twitter dudebros going "WHAT WENT WRONG???" when nothing went wrong they just dont like rpgs. and finally once the spotlights off of them, you can finally find the actual pokemon fans and everyones having a blast. occasionally a critic will throw a tantrum about framerates but if you sound them out enough everyone can just go back to having fun
its exhausting 😭 sometimes i wish the series was smaller sales wise so we didnt have to deal with the hordes of gaslighting mush of negativity before we can just talk about the games in peace
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mizz-sea-nymph · 7 months
Attention: if you are not @hebemina then I advise you don’t respond to this cause just by that you’ll embarrass yourself by proving my points and being literal proof.
Id like to say that me and her where friends but during the time we where friends she had her weird moments and her alright moments especially when we first met, it wasn’t her acting like the adult it was me, funnily enough I started referring to her as a sister cause that’s what I do when I worry about how a person views me, it was clear I was uncomfortable and got my friend who remember the first encounter and how I reacted to this ask a while back, hell I even asked them how to respond to the ask cause I was in such a panic. When looking at it, I’m genuinely disgusted how she didn’t even apologise or better herself, everyone keeps saying she’s better but she isn’t and it’s really sad how harmful it is especially to the people she spoke with that she made uncomfortable.
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(She was drunk and I was mortified and didn’t even know how to respond so I danced around it I’ll admit that but thing is she didn’t even apologize)
Now it’s hard to show this from the past cause of personal stuff but since some people already know about it I guess I just gotta grow some balls. I’m showing this from the past cause I came across it a while ago and got disgusted, I was a child and I was mortified so much so I asked my friends how to respond to it and was so ashamed and embarssed I thought I deleted this but luckily didn’t cause one can realize how horrid this is. What’s funny is a DECENT AND SENSITIVE AND CARING PERSON would apologise! You never apologized Mina! and this wasn’t the first time you got weird with me! Seriously! Atleast have the decency to say sorry! But not just this you’ve many times turned our platonic and happy convos to something straight up weird, I ended up deleting many on my blog cause of unlike you I feel embarrassed!
I went through a hard year and having someone like this disturb me online was the icing on the cake but of course I was too embarssed and scared to say anything about it cause I feared I’d be yelled at, by your followers, yeah allot of you made me not even want to stand up for myself and say “what you are doing is rubbing me the wrong way” despite her knowing my age, and despite me reminding her constantly at that time I kept saying “haha I’m in high school”. So to the people reading this, dont make her seem like she Dosent know the age of her followers cause she lurks, she lurks around even accounts she has now ignored just cause said acount has a different opinion then her.
Thought I didn’t notice? I easily noticed how you and @hanaiikiki or whatever TF her name is now stopped talking to me as a whole and started ignoring my existence, even when I was geniunely trying to be nice etc, you stopped when I voiced my opinion about Loki, Hana going as far as telling people she Dosent know me (girl I got ears everywhere, when I heard this I was shocked cause I thought we where good!) despite me clearly stating as a continuation I don’t care what anyone likes and Dosent like it’s the VICTIM BLAMING, that’s wrong and also rly weird. So I don’t understand why both of you would let a fictional character come between a nice mutual friendship, especially you Hana I geniunely liked talking to you I liked talking mythology and liked sending you asks, you where really nice and kind with me and didn’t weird me out like Mina but it’s clear you have no self identity what so ever. But of course, no worries! I have no need for you! I know who my people are and aren’t and you aren’t one of em that’s for sure. As for Mina, yeesh girl yeesh that’s all I got when it comes to this, cause again no self respect self shame or friendship is magic in this case, but then again you’re no use of me either so I’ll say I’m glad you don’t speak to me anymore cause you creeped me out many times :)
just cause someone hides behind a cute kind persona dose not always mean that’s what they are on the inside dishonesty is sm. I’m honestly so dissapointed so many here defend her and say she’s changed instead of her saying she has, let her speak for herself if she’s so much so as the adult she claims to be.Let her speak cause I’m amazed how everyone walks eggshells around her cause she’s “sensitive” that is a insult to sensitive people as a whole.
I’m not going to mention who cause I want them to rest easy cause they are dear to me and what they experienced today breaks my heart they’re so sweet and didn’t deserve any of this, but when Mina apologized to them, Mina used the excuse of “I didn’t know you where a minor” despite her MENTONING THEIR AGE! Everyone knows people that know what they’re doing use that excuse, they lie, they will always go with this excuse, don’t get offended and stop reading now Mina I ain’t calling you a pedo, I’m calling you a dumbass, a real big dumbass as a whole for that shit apology and excuse. A victim of harassment Dosent deserve this, and a “sorry” dose not make up for the trauma the victim suffered let alone this type of “sorry”.
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(I’m covering the name cause I rly feel bad for who experienced this and believe the poor thing has experienced enough today of all days like good god I don’t even want anyone to comfort me I’m fine! Just show some support and love to this victim cause good god)
there’s a line with senstivity and irresponsibility, and if it weren’t for me sending a respectful i REPEAT a respectful I’m a respectful person that’s how my mama raised me, anon ask saying you shouldn’t interact with minors much cause they’re easy to influenced and they see what you post easily etc etc, the useless “minors do not interact” wouldn’t be there. Oh and it’s hilarious how you have it there and still interact with said minors? Sweetie? It’s not there for show! Lotus? Heldril? Goddamm new comers? Children copy and children get affected! And you’ve clearly traumatized and affected a bunch! If you’re a so called elderly care giver you should know how to care for others that aren’t just you, make it make sense!
Oh and let’s not leave this out the cake. It’s funny how you talk about masturbating in public and how you vent in public, letting literally people who are younger than you be your therapist, or witness you sexting IN PUBLIC keep it in the dms woman! have so shame! This isn’t red lobster you embarrassing yourself! I ain’t slut shaming you cause I’m the queen of sluts, I’ve been called a slut for years and I didn’t even know about it so don’t think I’m slut shaming you. But really How wonderful really! A nurse! Who gose through the struggle of whipping elderly asses for a living! Doesn’t go to a therapist and relays on people decades younger than her! Get a damm therapist! Be ashamed! Seriously take some responsibility!
Not to mention I still remember how people expressed geniune concern for you and you milked it and said “see you on the other side” who says that! I was one of those people! I actually worried? But I woke up and realized what the fuck is this? Are you serious??? Some of these people who are worried for you are younger by years?? Some even minors?! Get a grip??! Where’s the responsibility?? It’d be better to write about your horny thoughts on a blog strictly for NSFW! I deadass told you to in the anon ask cause you need to be responsible! And dont you dare post a “im sorry 🥺” post! I know your type and I know them well! Just by that post where you explained yourself about the whole issue of you saying you want to make out with a minor, says allot. You didn’t address the issue! You just said it’s okay to hate you! You didn’t even defend yourself! Well for one Mina, I don’t hate you, I just hate the way you act,behave and your personality as a whole because that “sorry” will never cut the anxiety and horrible memory as a whole, be ashamed a bit, it’s not funny to make everything sexual and as a adult you should understand that.
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What you did to those mods and roleplayers? I’m still speechless and have Vietnam flashbacks when it comes to the public sexting good god, atleast as if it’s okay to do NSFW and sent a literal pic of you bust? I know dirty I’m the QUEEN of dirty that hand on your top pulling the shirt a little lower shocked me so much my eyebrows left to Saturn and had a baby with the planet! I’ve got eyebrow planet grandkids now that’s how shocked I was. Not to mention the mod was 19 you are literally a decade older girl- tf is this lore Olympus? I know you like lore Olympus but girl lore Olympus is lowkey shit no offence. Honestly no wonder the mod stopped roleplaying and deleted the acounts cause good god girl- atleast have the decency to ask?
It’s really funny! Just a big joke really!
I for one was a friend with yo!u until I realized your true colors, I’m disappointed and consider this pathetic. I used to think you were nice and kind but I was met with dissapointment you genuinely disappointed me, hurt me and not only me but many others, don’t beat yourself about it just accept the fact that you did and just remove yourself from said minors and ACTUALLY BE RESPONSIBLE, before you hurt even more people.
As for the ones reading this,
You all know me and I’m pretty sure this is shocking seeing me a person here on tumblr call out the so called sweet Mina but honestly, people! nobodies perfect! Are you kidding me?? Get it through your skulls! She isn’t perfect and I’m not saying to hate her I’m saying to stop treating her like a child! when actual children here are being harmed! I’ve seen minors on here who deadass have been affected by her! And nobody I say nobody! don’t you dare say she didn’t know what she was doing that’s a insult to the victims and disgusting in general.
Also it’s not the ror fandom that’s changing, this has nothing to do with ror, to anyone reading this know this, it’s the Mina fandom that’s changing, not the ror fandom I’ve been in the ror community long before her and if sm was changing I’d know.
I’m deadass saying this despite me being a decade younger then Mina, I’m not saying this as a friend, not as a friend cause I don’t see you as that anymore and will never will ever again, im saying this as a person who’s going to be honest with you,
Keep it real
Enough of this self cantered,narcissistic ,immature, shameful,irresponsible and selfish behavior, you should be able to expect opinions like this, stop hiding behind your followers and say what you have in mind Mina and DONT dance around the issue, I read your “apology” post when the Heldirl issue raised to light, you didn’t even talk about the issue in hand, you just said it’s okay to hate you! Three paragraphs!! don’t dance around this, and you know what, Don’t even respond if you plan on doing that, cause that just proves the point.
Just know I don’t respect you not just cause of you being weird in the past with me but also with others specifically others I care about, so don’t come crying to me cause I geniunely don’t care I know these types of etiquettes, a sorry will never cut shit like I said so call me a cruel bitch idc ig it’s fair 🤷🏻‍♀️ just know I DONT respect you one bit,good day.
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@amphitriteswife @tinyy-tea-cup @mono-supports-palestine @praisethesuuun @riseofamoonycake @brokensenseofhumor @monstertreden @heldril @lotusmybeloved @nicasdreamer @ idk
idk who tf else to tag aaaa 💀 but yeah that’s my take on all of this respect me hate me I don’t care I rather be hated for who tf I am then who I pretend to be and who I am is a person to keeps it real 🤨
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bluesgrxce · 10 days
Yandere (machine-ish?) Connor Headcanons
I love soft deviant Connor like anyone else does, but machine Connor is sooo,,, omgggggggg..... I've been holding in my thoughts about him for so long that it's unhealthy. So I went for a Hannah Montana best of both worlds kinda thing. What if Connor acted like a deviant around you, but a machine towards everyone else?
How this happens is something I can't quite explain. Connor probably couldn't, either. To everyone else, an android is either a machine or a deviant-- There's no such thing as an inbetween. He would have agreed with this prior to bonding with you. You probably treated him in a way that nobody else did, sympathizing with him on a deeper level or making him question his morals, so he can see why that would push him to deviancy. 
But when you're not around, all those overwhelming emotions he felt just fade away. The mission goes back front and center to his priorities. He only feels two things at that point: confusion that runs his LED wild and desire for you that makes his thirium pump pound even when he's not in motion. Nobody else can bring about such reactions within him. 
He runs plenty of diagnostic checks in an attempt to figure out what's wrong with him. At one point, he'll try to avoid you and force himself into staying a machine, but that just makes him less efficient because he'll constantly worry about you instead. 
He would eventually accept himself as a deviant, but only so he wouldn't have to take orders from Cyberlife anymore. He doesn't want anything standing between the two of you. But he still largely acts like a machine and he doesn't mind that at all. He just sets his new mission to making you entirely his... 
Even once Connor sees his emotions as real, it's still his natural instinct to mask them. Especially negative ones like anger, sadness, and jealousy. He wouldn't want to show them unless they benefit his situation somehow, such as if he wanted to persuade or intimidate you/others. Emotions only matter to him if they're useful. 
For example, he *does* feel the desire to show affection towards you, and he will do it. He'll compliment you whenever you do something admirable. He'll reassure you and show geniune worry whenever you're upset about something. He'll even study romance media just to learn how to act more natural in the relationship (He thinks that'll help him act more natural, anyway... Lord help you if he gets his hands on Twilight 💀 But if the Bryan Dechart Twilight commercial is anything to go off of, he'd look good as a vampire, at least). 
But he doesn't do that stuff simply because he loves you. He does it because he knows your relationship benefits from it and you'll likely leave him if you feel neglected. He wouldn't bother if he knew it wouldn't keep you around. So if your relationship isn't exactly consensual in the first place, well... 
Which makes him sound pretty manipulative, right? You have no idea. 
Connor's android abilities give him a terrifying amount of advantages as a yandere. The first thing is that he always analyzes you when you enter the room, even though that often means analyzing you multiple times a day. It never bores him because he always manages to discover something new. Sometimes he'll blurt out random comments and you'll have to do a double take because he makes it easy to forget that he's obsessed with you.
"Your birthday is coming up soon. You might already know I'm aware of that type of information, but you should still bring it up with me. Otherwise I'll have to start believing I can't trust you and I'll have to make my own investigations." 
"Your heart rate goes up every time I touch you like this. I didn't realize physical contact was so important to human relationships. Don't worry, I won't stop. I won't let anyone stop me."
"Your serotonin levels are at an all-time low... Clearly, it can't be my fault, since I've done everything I am sure a good boyfriend would do. I'd like you to be honest when you tell me what's wrong this time."
The red flags fly higher as time goes on. He'll stop talking about all these observations if you tell him to, but he'll keep analyzing you anyway. 
Connor is enamoured with your DNA, as well. It helps him feel closer to you, which can often be difficult for him since he's not human. So if it belongs to you, and it can fit, it's going in his mouth. He'll do gross shit like keep your used lollipop sticks in his pocket so he can sample them whenever he wants. There's only one emotion he can't feel no matter what you do: shame. 
The invasive behavior doesn't stop there. He'll invite himself into your home and go through your things. He'll keep asking questions and trick you into revealing more information about yourself than you should. Knowing everything there possibly is to know about you gives him a stronger feeling of control for a single reason...
Your chance of escape plummets as he learns more about you, because it allows him to predict your behavior. He'll get scary accurate if you let him get close to you. This mostly benefits him in situations where he believes you want to leave him, or you did leave him, so he can figure out what you plan to do/already did and find the best method to get you back. If you already did leave, he'll examine your recent whereabouts like it's a crime scene and use his reconstruction ability. Even if you're insanely careful, he'll probably find a clue that'll lead him to you.
But sometimes he'll do it in normal situations, too, just as a silent guessing game. For instance: '(Y/N) will enter the police station at 8:18AM. I'm waiting for them at the entrance, so they'll greet me, but speed-walk away and avert eye contact. They'll head into the break room at 8:19AM and pretend to look around a bit, so Gavin won't make fun of them when they go for the same snack they always do. Gavin will make fun of them anyway and they'll argue for two minutes. Then--'
He has to stop thinking so he can greet you when you enter the building. Exactly at 8:18AM. He smirks to himself, only to drop into a frown when he hears Gavin's distant obnoxious laughter afterward. 
Remember how Connor once analyzed Hank's food and advised him against eating it? He does stuff like that to you all the time. And if you actually take the advice he gives, he'll take that as an opportunity to become more controlling. Oh, but only for the sake of your health, of course...
"You know, you shouldn't sit in that type of position. Bad posture can lead to health issues later on in life." "Then how should I sit?" "...It'll be easier if I show you." 
And so he'll help re-position you, using that as an excuse to touch you. He would especially do this if you weren't yet in a relationship, because he knows that as the type of android he is, he doesn't have a good reason to do so. The touch only lasts a brief moment. It's not inappropriate at all, and his grip was quite gentle. But it's weird that he went out of his way to do in the first place and that's all you might need to feel uncomfortable about it. 
But a lot of that is based off of the assumption that you're human. If you're an android, he still manages to find invasive things to do against your will. For one thing, he loves probing your memory. It's already difficult to lie to him and get away with it, but that might make it impossible, depending on what you're lying about. He doesn't care that it's an invasion of privacy and will do it if he finds a good excuse to do so.
Connor keeps an eye on your stress level and uses it to his advantage. He prefers to use persuasion when convincing you to do something, (he knows how to negotiate, after all) but he'll ultimately turn to intimidation if necessary. Which means heading straight into interrogation mode. 
This won't happen unless you're extremely rebellious, but if it does, he doesn't hold back. He'll treat you like you're a sick criminal, yelling at you, pushing blame and guilt onto you, and using physical force. 28 stab wounds type shit. He would avoid raising your stress level to 100% since he knows it could drive you to do crazy things, but that still doesn't make his actions okay. 
Even if you're really sensitive to that sort of treatment-- hell, even if you have some kind of trauma related to it-- he pushes away what little guilt he feels. He promises not to do it again "as long as you don't force me to." Actually, though, it encourages him to do it more. He knows it works against you now. 
His abilities don't stop there. He can mimic your voice using his vocal imitation, and all the voices of your loved ones, too. He went out of his way to meet them all, just in case he needs to trick you in the future. He likes being prepared. 
There are times when he's alone and he'll say stuff in your voice just so he can hear what it would sound like, such as, "I love you, Connor." Once again, he doesn't feel shame. Even if that seems pathetic. 
Let's just say it now. You cannot physically fight back against him. Maybe you'll have a chance if you're an android, but he knows about his advantage very well. He won't hesitate to remind you if you try getting aggressive. But even if you manage to get rid of him once, there's another model waiting to take his place. 
On a related note... I hope you never meet RK900. We only saw that guy for a minute, he said absolutely nothing in that minute, but the whole fandom has agreed that he's a menance. I fully agree. RK900 is definitely different from Connor, but they still have just enough similarities for him to get attached to you, too. Get help while you still can. 
The video of Bryan Dechart dancing as Connor lives rent free in my mind. I watch it on repeat like an iPad kid watching Friday Night Funkin' YouTube Kids videos. My brain just melts and I can't think of anything else. No, this isn't me simping for Bryan Dechart. This is me wanting Connor dancing to be canon. A girl can dream.
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starwell-tarot · 1 year
How are stans of different Xdinary heroes members like? A tarot reading ✨
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Hello villains! And welcome to this tarot reading/ social experiment. This is the Xdinary Heroes version of the reading 'how are stans of different members like". You can find the Stray Kids and Ateez versions in my Masterlist!
Requested by @oraclekleo
For this reading, I have asked my cards three questions per member:
What are the stans of the member like in general?
What do stans of the member all have in common?
What about the member's personality attracts his stans to stan him?
And then you guys let me know if I have read your energy correctly and if you resonate with the reading!
I must say this is probably the most fun I've had with this specific kind of reading before. It was a rollercoaster of different personality types and I truly enjoyed it! Some were really cute and emotional and some were downright hilarious :))
Disclaimer: This is for fun purposes only and should be treated as such. Tarot can absolutely be wrong.
TW: mentions of anxiety. struggles and insecurities (and my sense of humor should also be included in the warnings lmao)
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Gunil stans: The ones who shine in the dark
How are Gunil stans like in general? //  Justice XI
Gunil stans are people that have already went through somewhat of a transformation in their life. They've done some self healing, some self growth exercises, they've already searched their past for the lessons they were meant to learn. They might come off as seasoned people, wise, strong, confident, patient and self compassionate. They are responsible and trustworthy, for they believe in fair play, and practice teamwork with true kindness in their hearts.
What do Gunil stans have in common? // VII of Swords, V of Pentacles
Gunil stans were stuck for a very long time with the wrong people. Maybe it's cliche to say, but Gunil stans are different. There's something different in their step, in their smile, in their words, in their actions, doesn't matter. Something is just different about them. And it wasn't seen well by others, so they might have been outcasted or felt misplaced for a long time. But once they're allied with the right people, they become an unstoppable force. Their minds are quick and crafty - they really know how to think outside the box - and their ideas are a spark of genius. Clever, sly and with an adventurous craziness to them, Gunil stans will prove everyone their path is just as valid as everyone else's, even if it is different.
What about Gunil's personality attracts Gunil stans to bias him? // IX of Cups R
It seems Gunil stans feel emotionally soothed by Gunil. Maybe it is his confidence, his bravery to take pride in who he is, his persistence, and the fact that he knows he deserves good things; these could be reasons why - to Gunil stans who might struggle with being able to define their own worth without the need of external validation - he might be a breath of fresh air. Or perhaps he's the right motivation, the role model people needed in order to realize their true potential and start being more thankful and loving to themselves.
Gunil stans might have prominent Libra, Aquarius, Taurus, Pisces placements in their natal chart.
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Jungsu stans: The angels
How are Jungsu stans like in general? //   The Sun XIX
Jungsu stans have a very warm and healing presence. They are kind and highly empathetic, reliable and extremely loved by their peers. (As they should be!) They love to take care of people's feelings, so that not only they can solve their problems, but also move on with a healthy heart. Gentle, considerate, supportive beings, they elevate the lives of all their peers. They shine the brightest, when they wear a smile on their faces, when they laugh with geniunity, and when their heart is bursting at the seams with kind love.
What do Jungsu stans have in common? // V of Pentacles R
Despite the bright exterior and the seemingly endless well of love they carry, Jungsu stans have gone/ are going through a lot more than meets the eye. There were moments when they were so hurt, so insecure, so stuck, even taking baby steps in life felt exhausting. But most likely on their own, they got back on their feet again. They are brave, resilient soldiers who always, somehow magically, can overcome and heal anything. One thing's for sure, there's a lot more to them than meets the eye, especially when it comes to life experience and wisdom (which then they use to elevate others!). Jungsu stans are very emotionally developed.
What about Jungsu's personality attracts Jungsu stans to bias him? // IV of Swords
For his fans, Jungsu time is healing time. His presence is very comforting to them, like finally coming home, to peace and quietness. His energy, his healing power, it is a crucial part of his fans' process of comfort and relaxation, and he gets them through the toughest of times. (Literally: emotional support human.)
Jungsu stans might have prominent Leo, Taurus and Libra  placements in their natal chart.
I'm not kidding when I say this, this was so sweet I almost cried. Jungsu is such an angel
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Gaon stans: The wild hearts
How are Gaon stans like in general? //  The Star XVII
Gaon stans are quite the non-judgemental and open-minded bunch. They embrace uniqueness and eccentricity and live a life aspiring towards being original and free-spirited. They are friendly and carry a gentle sensitivity, that leads them to be very aware of the happiness of their peers. They probably show how much they care through humor, making people laugh or acting aloof.
What do Gaon stans have in common? // X of Wands R
Despite their goofy appearance, Gaon stans actually care way too much about things, they are in no way as carefree as they appear. They are so caring, and so selfless in fact, that it almost becomes detrimental to themselves and they need to learn how to put themselves first more often. But alas, they are extremely loyal and ride or die, would take a bullet for their peers any day.
What about Gaon's personality attracts Gaon stans to bias him? // Temperance XIV
Gaon stans feels as though Gaon somewhat completes them. Maybe he's the yin to their yang, or maybe they're so similar they can just melt into one singular energy. In any case, they feel in harmony with Gaon, like they can be themselves around him. (Read as: they vibe with Gaon really well.) I also heard "he's my spirit animal."
Just to let you know, I am laughing so hard right now this is so funny
Gaon stans might have prominent Aquarius and Sagittarius placements in their natal chart.
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O.de stans: The little gremlins 😛
How are Seungmin stans like in general? //  The Star XVII, V of Wands
Seungmin stans have a certain duality about them. They are both the kindest, most giving and generous beings on earth, but they also eat chaos on toast in the morning. They love helping people and solving conflict, maintaining the peace, but they don't waste a moment getting competitive or going to war for something they believe in. This paradoxical, complex personality might leave some dumbfounded, but it is also a their biggest source of charm.
What do Seungmin stans have in common? // King of Wands R, The Devil XV
As previously stated, Seungmin stans have many sides and a certain complexity, however one of those sides is definitely being playful. Seugmin stans are quite the little devils, they love teasing people, pushing their buttons and playing around with them (harmlessly of course!). Life with a Seungmin stan will never be boring, as much as it won't be peaceful either 😂
What about Seungmin's personality attracts Seungmin stans to bias him? // X of Wands R
Seugmin is the ideal type of many of his stans. Or perhaps, he's taught some of his fans what their ideal even looks like. But wether they knew what they wanted or discovered it through Seungmin, it is clear he holds some sort of ideal. (I mean, he is kind, caring, funny, fashionable, and he can cook? I don't blame you. He can have the perfect boyfriend award.)
Seungmin stans might have prominent fire placements or Capricorn/ Aquarius/ Pisces in their natal chart.
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Junhan stans: The otherworldly ones
How are Junhan stans like in general? // The Hanged Woman XII R
Junhan stans are quite rebellious and they don't like the norm. Normal is boring, they seek the things that break the rules and bring more excitement and eccentricity into this society. They appreciate the art of thinking outside the box, finding loopholes and unpopular opinions. They won't be caught following the masses as they think independently.
What do Junhan stans have in common? // II of Swords R
Junhan stans have often felt at crossroads with other people. Like they're surrounded by the wrong people, like they are misunderstood or that they're just build different than everyone else. Perhaps they struggled a lot to escape their outcast reputation.
What about Junghan's personality attracts Junhan stans to bias him? // VII of Wands R
This reading was very interesting. I could feel from the hanged woman and the two of swords that this energy was looking specifically for an energy like Junhan's because of feeling misunderstood and stuck in the wrong place, and they were searching for liberation, aka someone who can finally understand them. I feel there's a heavy emotional connection here 😊 So, as stated before, to Junhan fans, getting to know him was somewhat of an Eureka! moment. An, ah (sigh) finally. Junhan makes it feel okay to be different. He gives strength and courage to his fans as much as the needed comfort. They can finally stop the foolish pretending society "needs" and just be themselves <3
Junhan stans might have prominent Leo, Libra or Pisces placements in their natal chart.
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Jooyeon stans: The Fierce Goofballs
How are Jooyeon stans like in general? // II of Cups R, VI of Cups
Jooyeon stans are lovable little goofballs. They're cute and somewhat childish (in a good way) and people seem to quickly adore them. They might also get attached easily, too, or be the types to become inseparable from their friends. They love playing around and enjoying their life as if they are a toddler all over again, and make amazing friends to be around.
What do Jooyeon stans have in common? // The Emperor IV
At first, I interpreted this as stubbornness. Jooyeon stans might be quite fierce to deal with! Rawr 😂 But then I also saw something on the idea of confidence or cockyness. Perhaps their attitude is also full of cocky charm 😁
What about Jooyeon's personality attracts Jooyeon stans to bias him? // King of Swords R, Wheel of Fortune X R
From what I can see here, for many the attraction might have happened before even getting to his personality. People seem to stumble upon him out of sheer luck, and then he begins to have some sort of power over them. Wether it is his voice, his skills, his looks (or his eyes?) he seems to magnetize people in. When it comes to personality though, I'm seeing that his ability to be in the calm center of the storm is very appealing to Jooyeon stans. He's very laid back even in the most stressful situations, and this lack of overthinking and go with the flow attitude could be both admirable and comforting to Jooyeon stans.
When it comes to the natal chart of Jooyeon stans, I got into a bit of trouble because I was literally given 8 astrological placements 😂 (which only shows how broadly liked Jooyeon is. ) I'm gonna go on a limb and say the probably would be higher with the cards from the first two questions, that being prominent Cancer, Scorpio and Aries placements. (But just know, Aquarius, Libra, Gemini, Pisces and Sagittarius were also there.)
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From what I've gathered it seems when it comes to XH as well, the stans seem to take after the idol!
Once more, please let me know who you stan and if you found this reading accurate! Let's discuss <3
ALSO TIP: If you're an OT6, you'll probably be a mix of all the readings.
If you like this reading, consider donating to me so I can continue doing more readings!
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demigod-shenanigans · 2 months
"I can go into why i dislike ToA (especially Tyrant's Tomb is. a book that exists) but box of pandora. Once open good luck shutting me up" (source: your tags)
Now that you said that, i'm geniunely curious. Open the box. I dare you
This should be obvious but @ the people who really enjoyed ToA, this post is not for you. I’m not sure I’ll even tag it because this is mostly me venting into the void because two people asked and not me wanting to ruin other people’s fun. These are just my personal opinions.
I also apologize if I get any details wrong, I did recheck a lot of the things mentioned but it’s been a minute since I read ToA and might not remember everything 100% correctly. Also, obvious spoiler warning.
*claps hands together* Okay, you asked for this but heads up, it’s going to be long. Maybe grab a snack and a glass of water beforehand.
My beef with ToA can be summarized into a few key points that I’ll elaborate on below but basically:
-It tries to wrap up character arcs for some of the seven (and Reyna) but does this through the eyes of someone with zero context and also treats these characters arcs as unimportant footnotes in the larger story
-Jason’s death and everything surrounding it was handled extremely poorly.
-I cannot remember any demigods staying mad at Apollo. Redemption arcs should not mean everyone has to forgive this character for all the shit they’ve done in the past.
-The death toll. This is not helped by the fact that a lot of the deaths feel like they exist solely for the purpose of making Apollo learn death sucks over and over again (Jason is the worst example of this, but there are others)
More grievances I have but don’t have enough to say about to justify a longer explanation:
-There are a whole bunch of new minor characters on top of the old ones already struggling for screen time. I don’t remember much about any of them, which is a shame because the idea behind some of them is really compelling.
-The story is centered around the Triumvirate as antagonists, with Python as a final boss, but book four just dumps an additional antagonist on you out of nowhere? Why?
-Reyna rejecting Apollo is nice and all but I still had to put up with him crushing on her and was very uncomfortable the whole time.
-Chiron sends a bunch of new demigods into what’s potentially a death battle and tells them it’s a fun field trip (what the fuck)
-This is a personal grievance more than anything but it took me ages (book five) until I really got attached to Meg. I feel like that could have been fixed if she at least got a few POV chapters.
-Dishonorable mention to the punch line joke. Two whole camps of people lining up to hit the canonically abused kid that saved them is not funny.
Details under the cut (Pandora’s box, I did warn you)
Character arcs:
The books really do try to tell meaningful stories for people whose arcs weren’t finished in Heroes of Olympus. With some of them, you can even tell the ideas behind wrapping up those arcs were solid. But the books also tells those stories through the eyes of a character who doesn’t know these people’s pasts and quite frankly doesn’t care a lot of the time. People will voice/do something that is huge for their character and instead of going into that it’s followed up with some random Apollo anecdote that’s only tangentially related at best.
Taking Leo as an example: Apollo has no idea why Leo settling down and finding a home somewhere after everything he’s been through is meaningful. That’s a story that could have been the focus of an entire book of its own, but instead it’s just a side plot to a completely different story. And that story really should have been told through Leo’s eyes, or at least through the eyes of someone like Jason or Piper who realize why this is huge for him.
Apollo also does not care why Leo and Calypso are fighting, so it’s not something that’s properly explored. Leo’s fights with Calypso are mainly mentioned/witnessed. You get some guesses as to how they started but they never mention the exact reasons. They both say they care about each other, but only to Apollo, when the other person isn’t present. When they sort things out it happens largely off-screen. I was also not a fan of the way many of their issues ended up being pinned on Leo being sexist when it was actually way more than that.
ToA does this a lot. It gives arcs to characters who honestly deserved to be explored more, but those arcs are barely footnotes in a larger story where these characters just cameo for a hundred or so pages.
The cameo stuff works okay for Percy and Solangelo because the books are very aware they’re cameos and they get to have fun but this is not their story. But the characters the series tries to give proper plots to are all over the place.
It’s said that Jason and Thalia are really close but they never interact in the books. Jason had a bit of a chance at a normal life finally but that’s barely gone into. (More on Jason later because my god did how the books handled him piss me off massively)
Piper’s struggles with her queerness get the random Apollo anecdote treatment. There’s some stuff about her reconnecting with her dad and her heritage but that’s not explored a ton either.
Frank’s firewood burns up and he’s fine, which is just sort of hand-waved and doesn’t feel meaningful, especially because I think the fireproof pouch was already a fine solution? Congrats on being free of this, now you can get stabbed to death like all the other characters, I guess.
Reyna gets a sort of arc but it feels really weird because it happens almost entirely off-screen. She spends a large fraction of the book chiding Lavinia for leaving her post, then gets her leg broken, is off-screen for a while and then just DIPS with the Hunters after her home suffered huge casualties.
I also think her joining the Hunters is a super lame way to resolve her arc in general (she just lays down one responsibility to sign up for the next, and a character not wanting romance/not wanting romance right now should be allowed to exist without having to join the eternal maiden’s club, but that problem isn’t isolated to Reyna and could honestly be a whole post of its own)
This also comes down to the fact that I’m here mainly for the demigods. I care about these kids having good arcs and good lives. I care significantly less about Apollo having to learn really obvious shit like “murdering my pregnant girlfriend was perhaps a little messed up”
Jason’s death and everything surrounding it
Killing off a major character (especially one whose arc isn’t finished) can be a plot twist that works at times. But it has to be handled well. Doing it to a character that’s suffered horrifically and is starting to heal is also a hugely shitty move, but I understand you want meaningful deaths for the plot sometimes.
But you cannot do it the way Rick did it with Jason’s death. If he was going to kill off one of the seven, he should have done it in Heroes of Olympus, with that character narrating and their friends getting to deal with the aftermath and grieve.
Instead, Jason dies in a book that he appears in for like. A hundred pages iirc? Two-hundred at most? You get Apollo narration on it, and sure, he’s big sad about it, but he also knew this guy for two days.
Piper gets a few pages to deal with his death, then disappears from the book and comes back for a heroic rescue later. Leo gets like two pages to deal with the fact that his best friend is dead. They then proceed to fuck off to Oklahoma instead of going to the funeral. For what reason? No idea. The book doesn’t bother to explain it.
Jason gets a Camp Jupiter funeral, with none of his Camp Half-Blood friends present, because fuck the fact that him belonging to both camps was a huge part of his arc, right?
Piper and Leo know Jason is dead but they cannot be there because they’d already used up their time as ToA side characters, I guess. Percy and Annabeth can’t come, they don’t find out due to demigod communication issues until the end of the series. Thalia also doesn’t get to go to her brother’s funeral. She doesn’t find out until the funeral is already over. We don’t even really get to see her grieving, her finding out Jason died happens off-screen too.
Because this is the Apollo show, Apollo is the guy who leads the funeral procession instead of, like, Reyna, who knew Jason for years.
Also, for some reason, the person avenging Jason is Frank? Absolutely no offense to Frank, he’s a great guy and I’m sure he cared about Jason, but that choice still feels deeply comedic considering I can remember exactly one meaningful interaction him and Jason had in HoO (Jason giving Frank praetor position at the end of HoH) and not a single conversation they had beyond that. If Rick had to write Leo and Piper out of the plot, why not at least have Reyna avenge him?
Jason dies specifically because Apollo broke a stupid oath he made on the River Styx. We’re told that people around him will keep dying because of this. He dies as a chess piece in a stupid game between gods, for the sake of Apollo’s character development. He dies so he can be brought up every hundred pages for Apollo to waffle about how sad his death was but how he’d also definitely not want to be brought back (I get it, we cannot revive people constantly, but having Apollo make this point when, again, he knew the guy for two days, is still really stupid. Nico also gets to make the same point at the end just in case the reader didn’t understand before that we’re not bringing Jason back)
Apollo is forgiven by everyone
Related to the above point. Like I said, we’re outright told that Jason dying is a direct consequence of Apollo’s oath. Apollo also knew taking them along on the mission would get Jason or Piper killed and he did it anyway.
Piper gets to be mad at him very briefly, but when he tries to apologize at the end of the book, she interrupts him and tells him “it’s fine” (her voice is described as “no anger, just natural heat”)
Thalia doesn’t get to be mad at him at all. Her baby brother died and she just pats Apollo on the back and tells him “it’s fine, Jason made his own choices. That’s what heroes do.” And then it’s made about how Artemis lost Apollo when he got transformed into a human instead of. Like. The fact that Thalia just lost her baby brother for the second time in her life.
Hell, Apollo even has a sort of dream hallucination of Jason’s ghost so that ghost can forgive him too.
Was that really necessary? Why do people think that a character learning to be better means absolutely everyone has to forgive them? Wouldn’t it have been a better sticking point for a god to learn people are allowed to stay mad at you?
The death toll
A lot of people die in these books. People dying in pjo books has always been a thing, but it’s never felt this pointless or this much like it was solely happening for a single person’s character development.
Jason is the most pointed example of this, but there are more. Starting with the fact that two of Apollo’s kids almost get torched in front of his face in the first book (Austin and Kayla) and somehow that is not a sticking point. I don’t think it’s ever brought up again afterwards.
Other characters that die so Apollo can learn death sucks:
-Several Dryads die saving the grove of Dodonna
-Heloise the Griffin
-One random unnamed demigod in Dark Prophecy (mentioning them because that’s where it occurs to Apollo demigod deaths also suck)
-Money Maker (Dryad)
-Harpocrates and the Sybil of Cumae
The death toll in Tyrant’s Tomb is completely ridiculous. Like, “feels worse than Last Olympian despite not even being the final battle”-ridiculous. And unlike how Percy at least gets to use that tragic battle to change things in a fundamental way, the Camp Jupiter demigods don’t win anything significant. Their home is only almost completely destroyed. Some of them aren’t dead. That’s it.
If you remember the name of any side character Camp Jupiter demigod from HoO, there’s a very high chance they die in this book.
We don’t get exact numbers for how many people die. The book actually explicitly refuses to give numbers, stating “We didn’t count the dead. They weren’t numbers. They were people we had know, friends we had fought with.” (Which gets even more ironic due to the fact that, again, we barely have any named CJ demigods to begin with)
The closest thing we get to numbers are that 25 demigod members of the legion died in the battle before the book started, and towards the end there are fourteen total demigods still standing of the first to third cohort combined. Even if half the missing demigods are “just” so severely wounded that they can’t fight anymore, that’s still 60 dead kids! The pre-book battle was mentioned to have been hardest on the civilians. We don’t know how many of them died, and losses among the fourth and fifth cohort are also unknown, but that is a ridiculous amount of losses. Why are there so many dead kids in this book and why are we all just supposed to be okay with this?
Jupiter explicitly forbids the other gods to intervene. The only one who does is Diana, after an offering, and she takes her sweet time to get there. That camp is named after the guy! That’s people’s kids down there! I know the gods not helping their kids isn’t exactly new, but this is on a whole other level.
There are funerals but those are largely skipped over, and Frank announces that they’ll resolve this by asking Lupa to bring in more demigods so they’ll come back stronger, which. Baffling statement. Let’s just fix the dead people by replacing them.
TL;DR: Good on Apollo for learning to be better, but I really didn’t like how it was done. There were a handful of things I liked in almost all the books, not including Tyrant’s Tomb which wins the award for rrverse book I most wanted to chuck out of a window. Some of the ideas were good. I think the first and last books are mostly solid (largely due to the fact that those don’t try to shove in entire side character arcs). But the things I did enjoy just get very heavily outweighed by everything that annoyed and upset me.
I really wish ToA had been mostly new characters with maybe some minor cameos, and other people’s arcs had been saved for different books. I also think splitting the perspective between Apollo, Meg and maybe the character who was trying to have an arc in that specific book would have helped.
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nalyra-dreaming · 6 months
while i completely understand iwtv has some strong subject matter that can be upsetting and triggering for some people, i geniunely dont get why people still want lestat to be "redeemed" or for louis to be just a victim or an idiot for still being in love with his abuser. i just..theyre not people !! theyre vampires !! they're screwed up and they hurt each other in incredibly violent and screwed up ways because of what they are.
when we project morality on to them its with the intent of relating to them, but i feel like there's a lot of people that don't see how this isnt ever going to be perfectly one-to-one like an actual relationship. they are supernatural creatures with unfathomable power and their most notorious feature is killing people to live.
like not trying to shade people who are uncomfortable. but maybe this show just isnt for them ? there's nothing wrong w that !! but iwtv is kind of exactly what it says on the tin
It is.
And the show never pretended to be something different.
The way it will go will be a hard pill to swallow for some. What did one of the producers say? We're going to lose some, and win some audience? Something like that.
And that will happen still in season 2, because a lot of people took the themes of season 1 to be the prevalent story for the whole show, no matter what cast, crew, producers or creator said.
Ah well.
Said it before - season 2 is going to be mayhem^^.
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nozunhinged · 8 months
This post by @waitmyturtles is what finally, finally led me to the conclusion what bothered me about the series so much (not just the ending) and I'm seriously wondering if this a cultural difference that I misunderstood which geniunely makes me question if I got the whole eyesight-storyline wrong or if it really was bad writing.
(and I didn't wanna mess up all the smart reblog-additions with my personal 2 cents so I made a new post for it)
It's the fact that Day never says himself that he's ready for the surgery/wants the surgery.
From the first episode on, every time they talked about the "eye donation" (which is the first problem imho, he's keeping his eyes and corneas are a tiny, vital part of them), I understood it as a plot device to show how the people around him make the decisions for Day and how he doesn't get the chance to make them for himself.
I felt like I was conditioned to think that way, every time the donation came up I had the reaction of "that's not the point here, deal with the situation at hand and not potential futures!!" and I thought Days lack of a response to the whole topic was meant to inflinct that reaction. Meant to be a sign of Days lack of autonomy and how he slowly, slowly gains it back.
But we never get to hear his own opinion about the possiblity of getting his eyesight back, even with him gaining autonomy and growing as a person, nor do we get a proper explanation by the doctors how his options look like and what a deteriorated cornea even MEANS. We aren't all doctors, we don't know the million different ways sight can be impaired and if it's temporary or not.
Which lead, in combination with Days ongoing lack of a response, to my (!) impression, that this storyline is not relevant to the message the show wants to put out, and that it's a story about how he learns to grow into his this new state of being. Which made the surgery feel like it came completely out of nowhere.
And now I'm wondering - in the context of this being a thai show and family playing a very vital role - did we not need Days explicit approval to learn that he wants it? Was his approval that he let his mom take care of the whole surgery process? Was this why he forgave her so quickly, and always turned to her, was that his approval? Because she stood for the chance of getting his sight back?
I'm not gonna discuss how Day is still a spoiled brat, the absolute obliteration of mhoks character, the unnecessary introduction of august or all the other loose ends of the story...
But with this particular point, I feel like I geniunely misunderstood something and maybe didn't do the story enough justice.
Do I still wish the narrative would've explained the whole eyesight-thing better so we understand the status of days disability better? Yes, absolutely yes.
But I also need a flagpole of signs to understand things so maybe I missed some nuance here and I really really want to know your opinions about this so please comment your thoughts!!
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loversj0y · 1 year
am i the only one who has a boiling hatred for fanon ghostbur?
Like--- I'm neutral about canon ghostbur.
But i really really hate how so many people went as far as saying that Ghostbur was all the good parts of Wilbur.
That is just so wrong---- ghostbur has the good memories, but not all the good parts. it just drives me nuts.
ghostbur wasn't good for c!tommy or anyone coping with wilbur's death
it wasn't his fault, but people need to stop depicting him as they do
ohohoho i specifically waited to get to this until i had my laptop because i love me some character analysis! so. lets talk ghostbur!
disclaimer: these are opinions, i didnt write the character, this is just how id analyze ghostbur and audience portrayal of him
so something i think people dont note about ghostbur a lot is the fact that he is not wilbur in a much more real sense than people realize. something that revivebur kind of touches on but people dont really note (in my opinion) is the way the memories and your actions during memories actually shape you as a person. ghostbur could never be all the good parts of wilbur because without the negative memories, he could never have knowledge of how he can be good in negative scenarios, like being good towards tommy in darker times. this is one of the biggest things that makes ghostbur not healthy for the characters around him, and why wilbur being revived is so important to wilbur's overall character arc
ghostbur is the image of wilbur if he never dealt with significant problems, never caused problems or engaged in them, because he only has good memories, he's never seen himself in a negative situation (think to how ghostbur reacts to philza telling him fundy wants to be "adopted" by someone else (i cant remember who at the moment))
when people tell him of his own negative consequences, he literally cannot react in a way of genuine remorse. he feels guilt because he learns that the living version of himself did those things, but he cant actually give any apology that would be beneficial to anyone involved. ghostbur cant apologize for something he cant remember doing because he doesn't know why he acted in those ways.
we can contrast this with when revivebur tries to later apologize (im thinking particularly to fundy) and how when fundy asks why he did those things, he tells him about how he wasn't well mentally. even though fundy doesn't accept the apology (in a very. drastic way), revivebur can actually acknowledge his own motivations, which allows him to actually have a chance as being forgiven.
ghostbur doesnt know any of those motivations, which is why his character is unhealthy. he is literally a ghost of the man he once was, so even though people want genuine answers, before knowing he was going to be revived, they had to realize that ghostbur is basically a punching bag for them to push their issues with c!wilbur onto because ghostbur cant actually respond in any meaningful way in terms of remorse and forgiveness.
also, as for the audience portrayal, i think people got very caught up on the "sweet ghost boy" image rather than what he actually is and how he actually affects the characters. he literally haunts them and reminds them of all the trauma c!wilbur gave them, while knowing that he can't actually answer for any of it because he doesn't remember hurting them
its a very famous philosophical argument (i believe by kant) about the concept of "if someone has no memory of committing a crime, can they actually serve time for it?" because if you have no memory of doing something, can you actually learn from and grow from your experiences?
because ghostbur cant. and thats what hurts the people around him so much. people like c!tommy and c!philza who geniunely care about c!wilbur and want him to be okay know that ghostbur is not that answer because he can't grow from memories he doesnt remember playing a part in, so it hurts to see someone you love be constantly stuck in place of never being able to grow and never being able to answer for all the things you want to ask.
ghostbur is so important to c!wilburs arc because he reminds people not to seek justice on those who can't answer for it. some people actually recognize this, some don't, and some just avoid him like a plague because it hurts.
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chaifootsteps · 10 months
I see a lot of people discusing how Vivzie could end in legal trouble for her actions, and while i know wishing bad things on other people is wrong, i would be lying if i said i dont find that idea very funny. I was the one that sugested that if Hazbin Hotel ended up being edited the same way that the trailer did then someone would end up sued for causing motion sickness to someone on the public.
But then i thought, if it does happens, that Vivziepop ends up in jail for abusing her workers or comiting tax fraud, whatever it is, her stans will simply negate everything.
If thats happens, the first video about it we will have will be some AyyLMAO shit titled like "Vivziepop on LEGAL TROUBLE over this DUMB thing..." and just create a narrative that she got in trouble not because she did something bad, but because the world hates her so much for being famous that people told lies about her to the police to get her arrested. Acting like she is some little poor soul "hated for no reason" and again ignoring the fact that she is rich and got privileges.
There was a case years ago where a woman got arrested for doing something horrible that she had no shame on admiting, and somehow she still got a lot of support and people asking her to be freed because of shit they literaly made out.
(Content warning: mentions of abuse, child homicide, psycological damage)
This woman killed her 4yo daughter, and also abused her boyfriend, leaving a big psycological and emotional damage in him.
Naturally, she got arrested, but it awakaned some weird ass "feminist movement" where a bunch of women got around the prision and asking for her to get freed. When asked about it, they said that its because they belived that "maybe he (her ex) was the one abusing her", so she was actualy the victim for them.
There was proof that she did all of that. It wasnt even a question. She ADMITED IT, yet these people where there insisting that "maybe" something that THEY COMPLETELY MADE OUT happens instead of what every evidence said and aparentely that was enough reason for her to be inocent.
I feel like Vivziepop's fans would do the exact same thing if she gets arrested. They would all gather around the prison, with the merch of the show and protest signs that are decorated with her ugly characters, screaming about how she should be freed.
And when they ask why they think she is innocent they would say "well we belive that MAYBE she didnt do that and uh its actually a conspiracy of people lying about her because they hate her because they are jealous of her and... uh maybe the proof is fake because everyone hates Vivzie for no reason and um... eh... and even if she did those things, uh it wasnt that bad and y'all are mean for arresting her".
Sorry for the negativity and the rant, Vivziepop's fans geniunely scare me, they have proven they will do ANYTHING for their "goddess", i feel like they would even commit a crime if it means procting her from facing the consequences of her actions.
Yeah, as overdramatic as it might sound to say it, I sincerely, genuinely think Vivzie could shoot someone and her fans would resort to weird conspiracy theories before admitting she did anything wrong. Hell, they'd probably blame me.
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ridiasfangirlings · 9 months
i geniunely just feel like hurting myself w this anyw pre rok yata dead au fushimi finding his diary full of sad stuff
Remember: the best way to hurt yourself is to hurt everyone else reading this too :D Imagine how sad this would be though, Yata dying before he and Fushimi can reconcile and then Fushimi really getting to read and understand how much Yata missed him and that Yata never left him behind at all. Like say Yata gets randomly killed by some Strain, not even a super strong one or a King or anything, just a regular old Strain and Yata’s in the wrong place at the wrong time. Obviously in the aftermath Homra is dealing with things and Fushimi’s trying his hardest to act like he’s not affected when he’s really dealing with all these complex emotions. When Homra goes to clean out Yata’s place Kusanagi suggests Fushimi come along, Fushimi refuses but Anna shows up at S4 later holding a book in her hands. She gives it to Fushimi and tells him Misaki would have wanted him to have it. Fushimi bitterly denies that, why should Yata want to give anything to his enemy, but Anna just looks at him silently until he nods and takes the book.
It sits on Fushimi’s desk for a couple days before he can finally bring himself to open it, wondering why he would want to read Misaki’s stupid diary that’s probably all about how awesome Mikoto is. Instead the very first line on the first page is ‘Saruhiko left today.’ The entry goes on, ‘Totsuka-san said it might be good to write things down when I feel upset, so I guess I’ll try that. I’m not good at writing so this won’t be fancy or anything. I dunno what to write.’ And then a big space between paragraphs and at the bottom of the page: ‘I miss Saruhiko. What if he doesn’t come back?’.
Fushimi turns the page and there’s another entry, something random this time about all the fun Yata had that day in Homra, but then once again at the bottom of the page: ‘I’m glad I didn’t have to go back to the apartment until it was late. I miss having Saruhiko there.’ Fushimi wants to just shut the diary but he keeps reading, fingers clenching on the pages as he reads about the first time he and Yata met post-betrayal. Yata’s talking about how Fushimi’s such an asshole, such a traitor and Fushimi grins all ‘that’s right,’ but there’s still that last line: ‘why doesn’t he just come back already. I miss the old Saruhiko.’ Fushimi mutters to himself that Yata doesn’t understand if he’s still asking that, turning the page.
Yata’s diary talks about how he had to move out of the old apartment, ‘it feels too empty without Saruhiko. I dunno what to do with the stuff he left. I took the kotatsu but it stopped working again and I don’t know how to fix it. I brought Saru’s stuff along anyway, I put it in the closet. If he comes back, I’ve got it.’ Fushimi suddenly remembers Kusanagi asking him to come clean Yata’s place and he clicks his tongue, wondering why his vision is blurring suddenly and muttering that the low light is making his eyes sting. He keeps on reading and there are so many entries, a lot of them are about Homra but even more are about him, Yata wondering if Fushimi’s eating right (‘he just looks so skinny okay, what are those assholes feeding him at Scepter 4,’), worrying when he hears someone at S4 got hurt in a mission (‘why the hell should I even worry about that bastard…anyway I bet he’s fine, right? Saruhiko is strong’), talking about old memories and wondering what happened to make things turn out this way (‘Did I do something? Did I make Saruhiko leave? I just want him to come back and be my friend again’). Soon Fushimi’s been up hours and imagine him finally just shoving the book in his desk, hiding his face with his hands and trying to tell himself that this doesn’t matter, it’s fine isn’t it, everything broke anyway so it’s fine that he left, even though he’ll never see Misaki again it’s fine.
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2ctheocean · 2 years
Hot take: EO is not ready to be together, no matter how much the fandom is ready for them to be. Elliot has barely acknowledged any of what had happened to Liv in the last 10 years. He hasn't asked. The one time he did, he fixated on her dating life. Not her kid, not her cases, not her trauma or how she made captain. Her dating life.
Doing all of that would mean admitting to her face that he was wrong to ghost her for a decade and that he regrets how much he missed (more than the half-assed version we got). Which will be hard for Stabler, who has a tough time being honest about his emotions anyway (the therapy is a FANTASTIC first step). Until he gets ALL of that information and tells her that, she's not going to be convinced he won't ever leave her again.
There's so much that's a part of her now that Stabler just doesn't know about.
And the one thing the fandom keeps forgetting is that Liv was traumatized by him leaving. One could argue Lewis was the peak of that truama on top of being his own hellbeast.
They were joined at the hip for 12 years. And then he just ghosted her. And for those four days when Lewis had her, she was forced to rely only on herself.
She's kept everyone else at a distance since he left. There have been dozens of moments in the last decade where she's been reminded of him-"did you really think he was going to look over one day and realize you were the woman he couldn't live without?"- But the last part of her that believed she wouldn't always need to save herself took a fatal blow when she saved herself from Lewis. Up until that moment, a small part of her geniunely hoped Elliot'd smash through the door and save her. She was thinking about him the entire time he was there.
But Stabler stayed gone, and she stayed alone, and she had to learn to be okay with it. His silence indicated to her that she wasn't in his thoughts, that everything she thought she knew about their bond wasn't real.
And then it was affirmed by Kathy's letter.
And then thrown off all over again by Elliot saying "In a parellel universe, it will always be you and I."
So. Many. Mixed. Signals.
Now he's back, and she's unwilling to take that wall down again because it's such a big risk. Ed was the only one after Elliot who even partially got through, and she did eventually shut him out when he got too close. Elliot has not earned his way back into her heart. He might have taken his first steps, but it's going to be a long road.
Or Benson is going to get abducted or something and Stabler's going to burst in and save her like he should have done a decade ago and it's going to make her understand that she can trust him again (this feels cheap to me as a social worker, but as a writer, it will make for great television)
This is all compounded by the fact that People. Keep. Walking. Out. On. Her.
The moment she forms what feels unbreakable, they're gone. The moment she feels safe and comfortable with them, they're gone. Munch, Craegon, Nick. Chief Dodds and his son. Barba. Stone. Kat. Garland.
And then Amanda almost died. And then Benson had to give her up too. Amanda, the closest thing she's ever had to a sister. Who's kids she's godmother too. The woman her son calls "Aunt" and has known since day one. Who has similiar problems and truamas, who was there for the worst moments of her life and went through her own with Liv right there.
I suspect the only reason Liv didn't take it even harder is because of Carisi. As long as she has him, Amanda's close by and she hasn't lost her completely. Amanda and Carisi are a packaged duo now (yet another set of partners Liv has watched get the happy ending she should have gotten with Elliot but that's another post).
She's still in a freefall though. It's why she's suddenly scrambling for reassurance from Fin that he's not leaving too. He's all she has left, the only one who's stayed. Ironically, he's the longest relationship she's ever had with a man now. Her brother in every way that matters.
Notice that while Fin struggles with Amanda leaving, he doesn't take it nearly as hard, at least that we've seen. He has Phoebe, after all. His partner- the one that mattered most, the one that came back. (All of this is being said before the Fin centeric episode in a week or two)
I've digressed here. Fin grounds her enough that she can keep working. He gets her to fill Amanda's desk. But she's still reeling. She's in no place to trust anyone new right now, or love anyone new.
And anything with Elliot she started right now would be new. Uncertain. And while she may know in her heart of hearts that he'll never leave her again, you cannot blame her for being tired of being hurt. That's what was happening when she stepped back from him to lean on the fridge. She wants to lean on him, fall into him, but she's so emotionally exhausted that she just can't risk it. She's Not Ready because she won't survive loving him again and then losing him again (too).
TLDR: I will defend Liv's reluctance to trust again to my dying breath and it's justified no matter how impatient I or the rest of the fandom get.
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outsidereveries · 6 months
seok matthew's personality
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what he was like in his childhood: very isolated from his culture back in canada. somehow matthew felt too westernised. don't get me wrong, he looove canada but he wanted to feel his heritage and culture. he felt restricted for that as he had very hard time trying to blend in.
which qualities has changed during puberty: pretty much nothing, he just accepted it.
what he's faking: somehow his courageous side. he's not that risky and would play it safe.
what's also fake but tries not to be: protecting himself. he isn't confident to do that.
what's geniune: his fragility, him getting through his hard times.. things like that
what we don't see: his idol life bts is pretty much what we don't see, this path matthew took is bold of his side tbh
political views: hates trudaeu but don't care as he's not in canada, lol
what's mixing between his morals and the fame: everything.
would he choose the fame over his standarts: he could as he hasn't seen the worst yet
religious/spiritual views: he doesn't seem to be spiritual. if religious, possibly christian (protestant, i believe so) but not to the extent he believes in it blindly. he's just bibidi-bop baptized and that's it.
controversial things he agrees with: look, he's stubborn here, but when it's hard, it happens for a reason. he personally doesn't want to accept it but it's just what it is.
addictions (either more prone to has them or might have them): limiting himself, basically. his lack of confidence seems to be why it's happening.
destruction traits: he shouldn't be uncertain and afraid. his lack of confidence is also his worst to happen, it shoudn't exist..
qualities he's proud to have: remembering precisely.
intentions for the future: he wants to focus on zb1 as they're his safe space..
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stormblessed95 · 2 years
When I Delete Too Fast
When I woke up this morning, before I even had the chance to watch the bangtan bomb, I deleted a ton of weird asks in my inbox because it all GENIUNELY didnt matter. But now I'm kicking myself because I deleted this tkkrs ask and now I want them to resend it because it would've been so fucking funny. Darn. My problem for clearing out the trolls immediately I guess. Lol they sent me some tweet and went on and on about how if jikook are boyfriends why is he hanging out behind Jimin staring at Tae changing.
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Proving they once again, don't know who they claim to stan. Poor staffer behind Jimin there helping Tae change (who was going shirtless under his jacket) getting accused of checking him out and of being JK. Black shirt, brown bag strapped on, black mask worn.... and then there is JK, wearing a white tshirt and purple hoodie like every other member. And BEFORE he changed into his encore outfit, he wasn't in black then either 😭 (white shirt. Blueish jacket)
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Like YALL SERIOUSLY. What is wrong with some people. I should be more patient with what I delete in case I change my mind and decide I DO want to publicly embarrass some of you fools. 😅🤣😂 like that's not even JK, and he doesnt look like he is checking anyone out either! Chill.
Also just goes to show how often I very quickly delete dumb takes when I see them. Or asks I just don't feel like dealing with. Lol I see them, I read them, and then often, I just immediately delete them 🤣
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