#why can’t people just communicate
littledoggyboy · 8 months
Apparently someone sent my friend an anon talking about how I used them for sex????
Look I know I’ve grown apart from some people but if you have a problem with that, the adult thing to do is talk to me about it.
Please if I’ve hurt you please just. Stop spreading rumors and please just tell me what I did wrong.
I’m a person and I make mistakes. I never intentionally used anyone for sex but if I ever came across that way I’d like to know so I can change that behavior.
Just. Please don’t go harassing my friends and saying I’m a bad person. I don’t understand why you would do that.
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loverofstufflof · 1 month
Black Myth: Wukong rant because I’m just… so tired of you people.
I hate the community this game has cultivated. I hate looking through the tags and seeing people tearing each other apart over a game based on a story I love.
There’s two stances:
Those who say that merely interacting with the game is in support of all the terrible things the developers have (allegedly) done. Who parade accusations that many have stated were mistranslated and that the situation is far more complicated than it appears.
Those who mock the former by making a straw man of their concerns while simultaneously displaying their misogyny, racism, homophobia, and general traits that make it clear they’ve never touched a woman in their life.
One is slightly more tolerable than the other. Neither make me feel welcome in enjoying this project I’ve been looking forward to for years.
I will be talking more about purple, because I don’t speak Chinese, and feel that I have no authority speaking too much on orange.
Purple people are beyond insufferable.
I think that most of this came from a Screen Rant review that listed one of the game’s flaws as “a lack of diversity.” This is an accurate analysis, and has been warped beyond belief.
I can understand the outrage… a bit. When playing a game surrounding Chinese culture, in which you play as an inhuman character fighting equally inhuman enemies, it doesn’t make too much sense to request racial representation. And when there isn’t any romance, representation for sexual orientations also wouldn’t work. Including anything in those merit would feel forced and out of place, I agree.
But you wanna know what the reviewer wrote?
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She was concerned about the lack of women.
She felt unwelcome when playing a game made by rumoured misogynists because there were no women at all.
And she explicitly said that the game was still enjoyable despite this.
She gave it such a “low score” (3/5) because of the performance issues and repetitiveness. By her own rating, the game was listed as “Worth a shot despite its flaws.”
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Everything got so bad they had to take down her name for her safety.
People in the purple category took this review to mean that the “woke left” was “pushing an agenda” and “trying to cancel this game for not having pansexual nonbinary black people.” Which, as I’m sure you can now understand, was not the case. The boycott surrounding this game is purely based on accusations targeted towards the developers, not the game’s content.
Of course, I don’t expect many of the aforementioned people in this category to care too much. I’ve seen the Steam reviews where they praise the lack of women. I’ve read the Reddit threads where they feel grateful that there’s “finally a company who understands the male authority.” I’ve scrolled through post after post on Tumblr that “no one would want to play a game where females jiggle their tits around while doing nothing.”
That last one gets me. It’s really telling what you can learn about a person when they say things like that.
The point is, these people make me feel very unwelcome in a community that previously made me most comfortable.
So let’s recap:
The people who I would find community with are portraying the mere interest in this game as a sin that’s worthy of being blocked and shamed over, and the people who are actually in this community remind me why I’m terrified to walk alone.
I have a lot more that I want to say on this, but I don’t really have the words quite yet, and still need to do a fair amount of research (which I probably won’t be doing because holy shit I’m so done with this). Maybe I’ll come back and add some more, but for now I just might block the tag entirely.
I just feel shitty ‘s’all ʅ(◞‿◟)ʃ
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goldkirk · 1 month
hey this isn’t aimed at anyone in particular but I’m saying it for the record here: if I tell you no, please stop messaging me about fundraisers and mutual aid.
I get enough messages that it’s impossible for me to keep up without devoting at least half an hour each day, when I’m not even on tumblr that long most days. Me having a boundary about this isn’t a moral failing, it’s a lifeboat for me on my own blog.
In my personal life I’m already advocating and donating literally as much as I can spare. This is not me not caring, it’s just me not willing to interact with that on the one place I go online to not interact with irl news and world events for the most part.
I cannot be upset all the time. I cannot be upset everywhere. I cannot use all my emotional and mental energy fielding my own upset from ongoing events. My options are to hold boundaries about this or stop coming online at all.
I’m all for sharing information and signal boosting to reasonable extents, but the scale of it this year is so large and so enduring that it is literally not possible to for me to participate on every account I have. I’ve previously shared links to Gaza eSIM donations and a major hub of verified Go Fund Mes here and elsewhere online. We, the online humans, know how to look those things up ourselves by now. There are many, many people choosing to do advocacy work, and right now, I can’t be one of them.
If you’re extremely upset when I tell you I can’t share/donate right now about a Gaza family or personal fundraiser you ask me to share here, just unfollow and block me. That’s what those buttons are for. Protect your own emotions and energy and get me off your feed instead of staying upset and continuing to engage with online people or content that upsets you.
Please don’t send repeated angry messages based on manufactured purity politics and moral outrage into my messages and inbox when I exercise the right to run my own blog.
#and on that note#I also think some people need to sit down and ask themselves#if their old end times anxieties and fears and preparations and word spreading#haven’t filtered straight into a new non religious end of society and end of modern world order anxiety that they’re pushing on other peopl#even if it is the end times#you cannot change that by beating your own anxieties into other people’s heads#people can care MORE when they are GIVEN ROOM TO BREATHE#first rule of sustainable activism is you can’t do it constantly and you can’t push it on people constantly#you have to pace it and you have have have have HAVE to play long games#short term activism burns you out and if it leads to full despair from burnout it can get you killed via depression#it’s not a joke#there’s a reason your elders have books and community lore about healthy activism even in times of crisis#they lived it. they learned from it. learn from them.#spend your time doing things that can make real impacts.#do little things online but unless you’re an actual information hub you shouldn’t be posting constantly about it#people won’t even want to follow you anymore eventually because that’s not why they followed you#and then you have no audience for your important message anyway.#I know this. I learned it myself on other accounts.#please. stop. harassing me.#how is harassing me going to make me MORE willing to change my mind and post? just because you demanded it?#I am an autonomous person#this is my ONE curated space on the website#you have a multitude of tags and other users#don’t waste energy on a person who already told you no. let’s call that activism rule number two#spend your energy where it’s not likely to be wasted#you’re needed for a long haul#act like it 😭#and stop spamming me 😭#hey little star whatcha gonna queue?
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ixkhor-and-ambroxia · 5 months
Hey #GreekMythology tumblr, I want ya’lls help on something :).
So, I’ve been thinking about starting this massive project. Like, would take years and years work of writing and research and sheerly finding the time and motivation for. And as I was thinking about the specifics, I thought: why not bring others into it as well? Because as much as I am interested in a lot of Greek Mythology, there are things that are simply not my interests and might cause writers block and my goal for the project would to be as fun as possible. So, here we are.
What is the project exactly? Well, hopefully, it’ll be a long Ao3 series/fic focusing on the individual perspectives of various figures/events in Greek Mythology arranged in (semi/good enough) chronological order. I personally intend to write for Poseidon in his/my version of the Titanomachy and (maybe) some events that follow, if you want a little bit of an idea on what I’m talking about.
The limits on this are almost completely free, all that I ask are that each of your submissions are one POV only (and by that I mean your main subject’s POV). Why do I say this? I say this because that is what I want this project to look like. It doesn’t matter if it’s First, Second, or Third POV along with all the other variants of those three, my main focus is on the individual experiences of these individuals. Kind of like character studies, if you know what I mean. I’m intending for it to be mostly formal but I will absolutely accept crack admissions that I will probably put into its own series to Separate the Vibes for whoever comes by :).
Ultimately, this is a completely open-ended project that has absolutely no deadline. I’m about to go to bed so I can’t go into too much detail, but if you want to DM me or send any asks, I am completely okay with that and we’ll all flesh out the specifics we go :).
What is my overall purpose? Not only is this project made for my own individual purposes of learning more about the gods and other Greek Mythology writers, but it’s also the chance to spread the word of other writers. I know how hard it is to get specific audiences, especially when you’re shy, so this is a chance for your work to be stumbled upon. Each post on the eventual Ao3 fic will include your socials, how to find you, and your other general works on either ao3, tumblr, wattpad, or other :)
Can you participate even without socials or a tumblr page? Yes you absolutely can :). My asks will always be open to anons and I will do my best to give credit when I eventually post everything :). If you want to post multiple submissions or simply just want a trackable (between works) name to your writing, just sign something at the end. It could be a name, it could be a potential username, I don’t mind at all :)).
How do I submit things? Well, the best way would be to DM me :). I have a personal writing email separate from most things that would be perfect to either share a google docs with or to just send a copy-and-pasted copy of it. Otherwise, I take asks. None of them will be posted unless asked or we’re ready to so it’ll be safe to just drop them off in! It’s also where I take questions :).
Any other things to note? I’d really appreciate some other moderators and editors :). There’d only be like two or three of each and we’d have to know each other decently well before officially starting, but some help would be appreciated! Also, I’d like to keep a working ‘spreadsheet’ of who’s working on what just for people to see what’s going on :). Maybe some people can collaborate or it’ll encourage those niche writers to write :). A third thing is that most questionable stuff is accepted. I’d personally rather not handle all those things other than posting it so it might be a while until I can officially accept (consensual and/or graphic) ✨spicy stuff✨ but, other than that, I’ll take any of it (also, it’s Greek Mythology, almost all of it already happened). If someone’s willing to take over the ✨spicy stuff✨ then please DM me so we can work out the details and see if it’s a nice fit :)
Honestly, that all should be it. The main point is that I’m trying to start up a long-term project on Tumblr and Ao3 about what is essentially Greek Mythology character studies that not only allows for mass communication across a wide audience, but also (hopefully) gets some recognition for the smaller writers :). Feel free to DM me or send me asks with questions but for now, I shall sleep
Tagging: @bluebellstudio @thirteen-deaths-later @0lympian-c0uncil @happyk44 @h0bg0blin-meat @sworeontheriverstyx @deathlessathanasia @gotstabbedbyapen. Sorry if I tagged you and you want nothing to do with it, I just wanted to get it out there /pos /gen
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milogoestogreendale · 8 months
anti slash shippers will just be telling on themselves fr cause i posted some fanart and this guy’s like “i hate that when two men share a close bond and people imply they’re gay”
so i said “dude i didn’t even say anything about them being gay this is literally a redraw of a canon scene from the show”
and he was like “oh i didn’t mean you were implying they’re gay i was talking about the SHOW implying it,” LMAOO
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nuppu-nuppu · 1 year
Ignore if you don’t want to read about me being stupid once again
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infernal-house-demon · 3 months
I wish there were more pride events for disabled and neurodivergent folks. I can’t do the parade anymore because it’s 1) a sensory nightmare and 2) difficult physically even on a good day. Even stuff like drag shows, which I love and enjoy, can be too overwhelming depending where I’m at.
Due mostly to pain flare ups this year, I haven’t gotten to go to a single pride event in my city or the surrounding area. I’m feeling distant from my queer community because the events that are running are either too costly or too inaccessible to me.
But people with chronic illness, chronic pain, disabilities, mental illness, neurodivergence—we still deserve to have community. We deserve to have space to share with our queer community and celebrate ourselves. And it’s just really disappointing that we so rarely get that.
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sunmoontruth-stiles · 6 months
I need a completely rewritten teen wolf series with Derek Hale as the main character. I think it would heal me.
#we follow Derek from New York. Laura left for beacon hills. it’s been six years since he was back but he hasn’t heard from her#and hes going stir crazy waiting. he packs up and travels back. it’s almost too much immediately. he still can’t get a hold of Laura#he can’t resist going home. it’s like a natural pull that guides him back. all at once he’s 16 again. staring at the wreckage of his life#deputy stilinski is sherrif now. it’s reassuring in the slightest that the police force seems to have moved on from how corrupt it was#he catches her scent and it’s putrid. bile catches in his throat. he seeks it out. still in denial to what he knows it means.#when he finds Laura it’s like the world ends all over again. he can’t stand to see her like this. he gives her a proper burial.#the best he can do at least#he visits Peter. he’s not the man Derek remembers- so full of fire and cunning. their relationship may have been strained at times.#often Derek felt more like Eve being swayed by the snake than a normal friendship#but this isn’t the sharp tongued uncle who guided him. this is a broken shell. all that remained of his family. he was so lost.#22 but he barely knew how to function without his family- his pack paving the way#Laura handled everything. she got the apartment. she made sure they had food. Derek looks back and feels so useless#he was so lost in his grief. Laura must of felt the same way but she never let them drown in it#she made sure he got his GED. even got him to enroll in community college classes.#he took them online. he never was able to warm up to people the same way. he used to be so full of life. now he just wanted to be left alone#he studied English. never finished his degree. doesn’t look like he ever will now. he can’t go back to Laura and his shared home.#can’t bare to see another shell of a home#he vents to the vacant audience of Peter and his cold fixed eyes#Derek leaves. he wants to promise he’ll return soon#but promises feel costly these days#he decides to go back to the reserve. maybe he can find some clue as to what happened to Laura#someone lured her here. someone who knew them and their history here#his mind went to the worst. Kate. why would she go through the trouble six years later. why wait so long.#Derek couldn’t stomach the thought of facing her. he focused on the woods. the scents were all over the place.#clearly multiple people had been through here recently. two scents were much stronger. Derek follows them#but when he hears the crunch of leaves he realizes why the scents are so strong. they’re still here#he ducks behind some trees. listening in on their conversation. but an echo of their scent catches his attention#he spots an inhaler on the ground. he puts two and two together and swipes it from the leaves.#he comes out once they’re closer. tossing over the inhaler- he figures they’ll leave. dumb kids messing around in the woods#he reminds them this is private property. though that may not be true anymore. he recognizes the scent of a new beta. interesting.
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zeb-z · 1 year
Cellbit who places flowers by his sons empty bed and wonders why he works for the federation if he can’t use it to his advantage, if all he does is end up alone. Who could barely handle when him and Roier were fighting, who was so grateful when Foolish would stick around to build for him when he was making himself public enemy to gain favor with the feds. Who pleads with Forever, who is so very clearly out of his mind, begging him not to leave him alone, not like this, not now of all times.
Cellbit who is keeping himself as calm and as balanced as he can, because he knows what it’s like to lose yourself, and he knows how isolating it can be. Who’s there for every one of the islanders even if it’s spreading him far too thin, backpack bursting with notes and photos and evidence with all the problems he’s relied on to help solve. Who’s building the Order to make sure that no matter where their allegiances lay, no one on the island will have to deal with the federation on their own. So they’ll have a place they can come together and rely on each other.
Cellbit who just doesn’t want to end up alone. Not again. Not anymore.
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eggy-tea · 1 year
For a movie featuring basically zero explicitly queer characters, Across the Spider-Verse was pretty fucking queer.
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nashdoesstuff · 2 months
ship discourse my beloathed
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dimitrscu · 10 months
i know people love to complain about malenia still but have they ever thought about the fact that complaining won’t change anything and maybe instead of bitching and crying they could just learn to fight her? all those hours spent on reddit writing essays and for what exactly? she’s still there. nothings changed. do they hope that fromsoft will see it and then change her? “she’s a sekiro boss” go play sekiro then i honestly don’t know what else to tell you at this point holy shit
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the-river-rix · 3 months
Zach Addy Bones is not for the weak
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evansbby · 10 months
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Okay but fr I hope Dan and Phil don’t feel pressured to actually do a 25-day gamingmas bc that’s like. SO much work for them. They don’t need to upload every day leading up to Christmas. They can just do like 5 days or a week, but even then they don’t need to do that, that’s just if they wanna do some sort of gamingmas-type thing
I just want them to take care of themselves and not burn themselves out 😭
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Dude I’m still new to the test tumblr rp scene as @koebi-san but man- I’m sorry y’all gotta deal with that
Tbh I feel kind of bad. I know it probably doesn’t come off as that. Considering how much I went off on them, but I do.
And it’s not that I feel bad for revealing her as the terrible person she is. Because she deserves that and she obviously doesn’t care because I happen to know she is still using her accounts like nothing has happened. Even messaging some of the blogs of mods from the discord she was banned from to ask if she can roleplay with them - like they weren’t present and aren’t fully aware of the situation and who she is.
It’s more I feel bad that I’m causing drama in the twst rp community? Because I really do just want to have fun and rp Che’nya.
But this mod was really making it not fun for me and several others. If it was just me, I could have kept ignoring them, honestly. I didn’t interact with them enough for me to do all this.
Yes, I hated they were over-saturating the twst rp community with their blogs (them having 11 is absolutely ridiculous) but I could just leave it. Whatever. They weren’t making characters connected to Che’nya. But they were stressing out and hurting my friends.
And so I finally just… snapped.
And I’m hoping making such a big deal out of this - making such a loud noise, such a huge callout - will just make sure that this drama both starts and ENDS quickly.
I just want to go back to having fun with all of you roleplaying the mad eldritch horror, self-aware Cheshire Cat that gets his head stuck in teapots and bends reality to his will… but only sometimes because other times it’s funnier not to.
So, I’m hoping now that me and the others that joined in finally broke down and made the callout post about her, we can get back to that sooner rather than later.
But thank you for your kind words. It is what it is. It’s the internet! Toxic people are kind of par for the course.
I’m just happy that, for the most part? I’ve really only had great experiences on here as Che’nya. 💜
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