#why do they hardly ever work through their relationship issues on their own
the-fluff-piece · 1 year
Sanji - loving his s/o with self esteem issues
this is part of the request for a headcanon from @zephyrian-journ it turned into a whole story, whoops i hope it's okay!
Sanji x fem!reader who has problems with her body, I can only write from my perspective so keep that in mind!
Mention of stress response, insecurity with one's own body, mention of restricting
Here are my Masterlists
My Masterlist - Short and Multichapter stories
Headcanon Masterlist
Sanji expresses his love through food and service, he is just like that. So when you stop eating his creations and request only the plainest, low caloric options he is starting to feel really anxious. When you refuse to be touched and hide your body from the world he starts to panic. When you become absent minded and cautious, when you retreat and keep to yourself - he has a full breakdown.
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He waits until you are alone and approaches you with an uncomfortable expression.
"So, what's wrong?" He asks, avoiding your gaze.
"What do you mean?" You ask back.
"You're kind of distant lately and...did I do something wrong?" The gaze of his blue eyes is locked on his shoes, his graceful fingers are fumbling nervously, he looks like a boy that has done something seriously wrong.
"No, not at all" you try to look into his eyes, but he turns away.
"I understand." He runs away. When you catch his arm and he turns around, tears are already flowing from his face. "I understand, I am not good enough for you anymore, I won't bother you anymore with my presence" the end of his sentence is hardly understandable, since he is sobbing loudly now, sinking to his knees. "You don't love me anymore, I am not good enough" he cries as he dramatically hugs your knees.
"Shh, don't cry babe, I love you more than anything, you know that" you tell him as you soothingly stroke his hair and kiss the tears away. "Why would you think that I don't love you anymore? You're the best thing that ever happened to me" you tell him as he looks up at you with puppy eyes, pressing his cheek against your chest.
"You're not eating my cakes anymore, you don't let me touch you, we're not bathing together anymore...it's like you don't want to be with me anymoooooooooooooore" the last word transitions into a long, whiny sob and he cries like a waterfall again.
"It's got nothing to do with you!" You explain to him. "You're perfect, you know that. It's me."
He blinks tears out of his eyes and looks at you. "THAN WHYYYYYYY" he helplessly gestures with his hands as he's crying out his question.
"...I gained weight. I don't fit into my jeans anymore. I just...I feel like a whale. I don't feel comfortable right now. I didn't want you to notice until I lost it again. Which doesn't seem to be working. And I was never thin to begin with..." your voice breaks as you struggle to express all you are feeling. "I just didn't want to disappoint you." Now you have tears in your eyes, avoiding his puzzled look.
"What?" He gets up and holds your shoulders. "How would you disappoint me?" He tries to catch your gaze but you are avoiding him.
"You like pretty women. I don't even know what you see in me, and now it's gotten worse. I just didn't want you to notice"
It is harder to say than you thought and now you're sobbing. Suddenly you're pressed against his chest, the soft fabric of Sanjis suit is catching your tears.
"I was so stupid and superficial I even manage to hurt you now with it! I'm so sorry! I didn't know what I even could expect from a relationship. I just know that you are unique and perfect and that I feel as safe with you as never before. I like your body because it is yours, and I want to see it grow old together with mine." he lifts your chin up and looks into your eyes. He looks dead serious now, despite his reddened and puffy eyes.
"Please forgive me!" He pleads. "I don't want you to feel unwanted! What can I do?"
"I don't know..." you say.
He nods, tears and snot running down his face.
"I'll find a way!" He promises.
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For the next days, he's serious and quiet. Every time you talk, he tells you how much he loves you, but things between you seem tense. He also seems to do a lot more stuff for Nami than usual - carrying stuff for her, bringing her more treats, constantly asking what he could do. All in all, a strange situation. Tension builds and you are even more insecure about him than before, painfully aware that he was into Nami way before you two met.
So when you see them vanish in Nami's room, you cannot help but get a bad feeling. When they don't come out for quite a while, you decide to have a look. Nothing unusual to just knock and see what they're up to.
You knock - no answer. You try the handle, it's open. You enter and see them standing in the room, heads together. It's hard to see exactly what's happening there, but Sanji immediately jumps up, looking guilty.
"Y/n! What are you doing here? You weren't supposed to see this!" He shouts angrily. He has never used this kind of tone with you. After the last days, it's enough. You turn on your heel and try to get away before anyone is seeing you cry.
You're already halfway across the ship when you hear him behind you: "wait, It's not what it looks like!"
He quickly catches up and blocks your way.
"It wasn't supposed to go like this, don't cry" he says, but you're already crying.
"Leave me alone" you tell him.
"No, I'll never leave alone again" he says, his voice suddenly quiet and soft. Through the veil of your tears, you see him go down on one knee.
"I'll never leave you, because I want you to become my wife!" He's shouting, for everyone to hear, as he holds up a golden ring encrusted with diamonds.
"I got this ring from Nami's treasure, I hope you like it. If not I'll get another one!" He looks at you, awaiting your answer.
This was the last thing you expected. The two of you never talked about marriage.
"What?" You ask, overwhelmed by everything.
"I want to share everything with you for the rest of my life. I want to grow old with you! I want to become better for you all the time. I want you to become my family, because I love you so much! I told you I will find a way to show you how much you mean to me. This is it. Please marry me!"
For a painful second, you hesitate and his lower lip already begins to tremble. You hold out your hand and let him slip the ring on your finger. He kisses your hand and holds it against his cheek. You can feel a tear running down his face.
"You make me so happy" he cries. "Let's be a family!"
Soooo....this one took me *checks date* forever, I am so sorry! I will be working through my drafts and requests as I have a bit more time now! Hope you liked it :D
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ultrone · 4 months
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𓂃  ⊹ javi's older sibling hcs 🪽
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general :p
you're javi's older sibling by four years; you being a senior and him being a freshmen. as the firstborn, your dad obviously taught you everything he knew about soccer from a young age, and you grew up to become one of the best soccer players at wiskayok high school. this worked well for javi, who isn't into soccer but prefers calmer sports like badminton.
the large age gap between your brother and you caused the two of you to distance yourselves from each other a little bit as you grew up. you had your group of friends and teammates, and he had his own. however, you've always tried to maintain your relationship with him and often hang out at home, or go out together when neither of you have anything to do.
for instance, something that kind of turned into a tradition between you both was watching a movie nearly every night after dinner—unless there was homework. this all started because usually, after dinner, you'd naturally head to the living room to read a magazine or chat on the phone with a friend. but one day, you were both bored, decided to watch a movie together, and it stuck. as simple as it was, every night became movie night for you—if there was one thing javi and you had in common, it was having a similar taste in movies. your parents would get a bit grumpy sometimes since it was past javi's bedtime, but who cared? your dad would go to bed at like 9:30 pm anyway lmaooo
and if your dad was generous with some cash, you'd bring javi along to the movies on weekends. travis, your cousin, worked there, but he had always been a jerk, so he hardly hooked you up with discounts, despite having an unlimited 40% off on everything 🙄
"if you bring me one of those mags uncle bill hides under his bed, maybe i'll think about it," travis said with a sly smile.
"dude, there's a kid in the room," you exclaimed, covering javi's ears in playful shock. “but why don’t you ask your dad to let you borrow his, anyway? oh wait, he left you 😬”
you’d also go to the local arcade frequently. most of the time, you'd find him there instead of going there with him. that boy had a serious obsession with pinballs and street fighter 😭
you’re very protective of him. once, some older kids tried to bother him, not for any reason, just because he's reserved and introverted—easy prey for bullies. of course, you scared them off the next day. you're not usually full of yourself, but being the co-captain of the yellowjackets has its advantages. plus, people know he's travis' cousin, so they steer clear knowing he has anger issues. if only they knew he doesn't give a single fuck about you or javi… 😭😭
you have a secret handshake that you created when you were kids; you always do it before you leave for school, or after a long day of not seeing each other.
in the wilderness. . .
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when your dad passed away, it really shook both of you. because of soccer, you had always been a bit closer to your dad than javi, as you spent more time with him. javi had always been closer to your mom. nonetheless, he had a terrible time as well. in the first few days, neither of you said a word to each other as you needed time to process everything. although you always kept an eye on him from a distance, no matter how tough it got.
the only thing you wanted to do was curl into a ball and let the earth swallow you whole, but you couldn't because, as much as you wanted someone to lean on, you had to be there for your younger brother, especially considering how sensitive he was. as a little keepsake for him, you took your dad’s ring, the one he always wore, and a leather string from one of his fancy shoes you found in his suitcase, and made a necklace for javi—which he loves and has worn ever since. the moment you handed it to him was when you two patched things up after what happened and grew closer than ever.
he's very artistic and imaginative, usually expressing himself through drawing using sheets of paper shauna would let him borrow. however, he then took an interest in carving. at first, he was terrible at it, but due to the circumstances and being bored out of his mind, he started spending entire afternoons practising. eventually, he got good and started coming up to you to show you some of the miniature animals he carved. he made a bunch for you, which you keep next to your makeshift bed <33
he actually carved a special one for each of you and told y’all that they were luck amulets to keep you safe 🥹🥹 he was shy about it, though, so he secretly placed them on each person's spot with a small note while everyone was outside. for instance, he carved a deer for lottie, a wolf for nat, a bear for shauna, etc etc…
he even carved a tiny net and soccer ball and put them on top of your dad's grave :(
when both of you are bored, you often play "guess who?" by drawing people with a stick, tracing them on the dirt or snow behind the cabin.
y’all stopped for a while, though, because there was a time when mari was assigned to take the pee bucket to the cliff for two weeks, and you thought it’d be hilarious to draw a saddened mari doing the dreaded chore 😭😭 coach ben caught y’all laughing at it, and as a punishment, y’all had to do the pee bucket duty for a WHOLE month 😔☠️ (which actually leads you to think that mari’s the nasty ass bitch who shat in the bucket 😒 you have no proof but you have no doubts either, plus she has a motive: REVENGE)
when the two of you were little, you invented a secret language that you used to communicate with each other when you didn’t want anyone else to understand you, which comes in handy when y’all are in the cabin with everybody. you use it when you want to share a joke or gossip lmaooo—y’all try to be careful though, because you never know when misty’s ass will learn to decrypt it and catch your asses 🙄
when doomcoming came around, he made you both crowns to wear with sticks and flowers he found around the woods, and your initials carved in the middle of your respective crowns.
you’re the person in charge of trimming his hair when it grows too much. you realized it was time to test out your barbering skills when you spotted him from behind and briefly mistook him for one of the jv yellowjackets 😭☠️
“can i get a low taper fade this time?” he joked. “bitch, you’re lucky if you get a decent haircut,” you said. “i’m not responsible for any injuries or infections you might get from this rusty ass blade.”
the first time you cut his hair, he didn’t talk to you for three days because van said he looked like sharon osbourne LMFAOOO it wasn’t even that bad like c’mon 😭😭
ᰔ javi & travis’ middle sibling hcs coming soon…
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plzu · 9 months
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solo - (Adrian Chase x Reader)
part six ☕️ <;< series masterlist☕️ ao3
a/n: please note that i will be taking liberties with the show's timeline here now that Chris is back. i believe everything took place in the span of… less than a week? i'm going to be stretching it out a little so we can fit in some stuff for the Reader, otherwise there won't be time!!! summary: Vigilante's BFF is back from prison! Which is exciting, and not something at all to worry about. warnings: bad relationship with parents (mommy issues haha lol), reader is struggling with depression, brief mentions of masturbation, no Y/N wordcount: 4.2k
Very few things could snap Adrian out of the tedium of Fennel Fields. Usually, while mechanically wiping down tables and pouring refills of water, he is deep in thought strategizing over how to capture the next criminal, or contemplating what went wrong from the aggravating nights that someone got away so he could avoid mistakes like that in the future.
It used to be Taylor's hot cousin that would come in from time to time, snapping Adrian's attention out of his thoughts as soon as he spotted her (much to Taylor's dismay). He wasn’t really all that into her, she was just really pretty and was nice to Adrian, like, once, and with Peacemaker in prison, Adrian was a little bored and just craved the distraction.
Lately, it's been his old high school classmate and now-barista, who, truth be told, didn't even have to physically be in Fennel Fields to be a distraction. Ever since running into them for the first time since high school graduation, Adrian's thoughts would wistfully wander to the glow of their laughter or the heat of their skin through their clothes. Coffee-scented daydreams and caramel kisses.
(Luckily, his apron did a pretty decent job of obscuring the growing bulge in his pants when his fantasies grew too steamy.)
So the days you did stop by? Every other customer's face became an indescribable blur. The drug dealer or car-jacker Vigilante was planning on going after would be fully pushed to the back of his mind. He did everything he could to keep you in his line of sight, at that point. And you'd giggle at the attention, and he'd smile all goofy in return, something like pride beating in his chest.
But there's no you tonight. It's the one day you're not at the Evergreen Bean, which is why you planned your outing for last night, you had explained to him.
So, instead, the thing that makes Adrian Chase do a double-take--momentarily distracting him from work--is the all familiar flash of bright crimson stretched snug against the all too familiar muscular chest of Peacemaker.
Holy fuck, Peacemaker is back!?
Adrian would hardly believe his own two eyes if it weren't for the shine of Peacemaker's iconic helmet, and the fact that Vigilante was intimately familiar with the sheer size and shape of the man. They're best friends, after all; Adrian would've been able to clock him even without his glasses.
He watches -- ogles, really -- as his best buddy sits down in a booth with some other people, strangers that Adrian doesn't recognize and can't currently be bothered with even trying to identify because, holy shit, Peacemaker's back, he's really back!
So absorbed is he in his elation that Peacemaker is out of prison and ordering Zoodles in his restaurant, he doesn't realize the very open-faced, dopey grin that he's slipped into, head lolled to the side like a lovesick puppy. All previous worries have instantly vanished from his heart. It’s ridiculous he was ever worried about the cops knocking on his door this morning.
Oh, Chris is looking his way! Adrian sighs and waves at the attention, and does an encouraging, celebratory gesture with his fists when Peacemaker glances back again. Momentarily caught up not in being Adrian Chase the busboy, but in being Vigilante, the... vigilante. Who also happens to be Christopher Smith's best friend.
This has got to be in the top 10 best days for Adrian. His high school crush told him he's their best friend and his crime-fighting bestie is home from prison, all within the same 24 hours??
He can barely contain his enthusiasm, he needs to sneak out back to do his famous butt dance in the dirty alley behind the restaurant.
If only he had someone he could gush to about Peacemaker's glorious return to Evergreen!
Wait. He does..!
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Ever since you moved back in with your parents, every waking moment not spent at work or with Adrian is spent in your bedroom. Usually miserably watching Netflix, or scrolling mindlessly through your phone, or, well, masturbating until exhaustion finally gives way to sleep.
You hide away, avoiding your parents as much as possible. If they can't see you, they'll forget you're here. If they forget you're here, then there won't be any questions about what happened, or lectures on what a monumental fuck-up you turned out to be.
It's a childish hope, really. This belief that you can occupy space in their house without going noticed. That you can tiptoe past their bedroom door to the bathroom and they won't hear the water running. That you can just disappear, despite attributing to the water and electricity bill, despite using their wifi to peruse shitty memes to distract you from the growing numbness in your ribcage, or the anxiety that chatters in your teeth.
The sensible part of your brain frets, knowing that this behavior will just make it worse. The more you prolong coming face to face with them, the bigger the ticking time bomb of your mother's anger will be when it finally goes off. It is a wrath you hate to be on the receiving end of.
Yet you delude yourself with the idea of Out of Sight, Out of Mind.
Only when it is past midnight, when your parents are certainly asleep, do you feel any sort of relief under this roof. But that relief grows smaller and smaller with each passing day, and it gets harder to pretend everything's okay, harder to distract yourself with things that are supposed to bring you joy, like comfort movies, or your favorite songs.
Even rubbing one out barely does anything to ignite the signals in your brain with fake happiness. It’s like even the dopamine fizzles away quickly, knowing this is bullshit. 'Like, dude, c'mon. Give us the real thing! Let the hot busboy touch you for REAL-'
So you're in your room again, nearly 24 hours after the incident in the alleyway, the bloodshed and revelations, and it should be the same as every other night, where you just wallow in silence. Maybe worse! Should definitely be worse considering the aforementioned 'bloodshed' and 'revelations.' But instead, holding a pillow tight to your chest, you blink up at your ceiling until weird splotches of light dance at the edge of your vision, utterly fucking baffled. You've been trying to make sense of the encounter you went through earlier after walking through the front door.
It had been too much to hope that your parents were either still asleep or not home once you shut the front door. Immediately, your dad appeared from the other end of the hall, and, as expected, he looked none too pleased to see you.
Your face slipped into its usual stony mask at the sight of him and his crossed arms. Inwardly, though, you grimaced, and hoped that the stench of alcohol and vomit had been successfully washed off.
“Where have you been?” Dad asked, stern and to the point. 
“I told you,” you responded tonelessly, “I went out with my old friends yesterday.”
“That doesn't explain why you didn't come home.”
While being grilled by your father, you instinctively try to listen for any sounds that your mother is around. Your dad's disappointment sucks, sure, but your mother's anger has always been worse, and difficult to shield yourself from.
Staring at a spot on the wall near your father's head, you explained that you spent the night at one of your friends last night, to make up for lost time. It wasn't a complete lie; it's what you had originally planned on doing anyway. Besides, you DID sleep over at a friend's house.
They just didn't have to know that it wasn't one of your old girl friends.
Your dad brought up the bodies that were found behind the club you went to, and how it's all over the news. That was enough to make your eyes widen just a fraction, nearly breaking your stony facade.
“So you can understand,” he continued, voice dipping slightly more into a venomous fervor, “why you going out, getting drunk, and not answering our texts could make us worry.”
“Sorry, my phone died-”
“And that's irresponsible of you.”
A twitch of your eyebrows had indicated a crack in your mask, the bubbling frustration that even being about 10 or so years out of college, they still treated you like a child. “Well I'm fine, obviously. I'm here,” you bit out without thinking.
Your dad raised his voice. “Are you?? Because we never see you. Ever since you moved back in, you're either hiding in your room like a moody teenager, or supposedly working every day of the damn week! You come home late and then leave the next day without barely speaking to us.
“Your attitude has been making your mother worried sick, and it's driving us crazy. I kept trying to convince her to give you your space, but it's been months. I can't defend you anymore, not if you keep acting like this.”
The mention of your mother had your eyes shift to the stairs, to the entryway where your father stood, then back to the stairs, nervously looking for her. Sure enough, she appeared alongside your dad, quietly announcing her presence with an impassive stare. Your fists clenched, then, nails biting into your palms.
“Your mother has some stuff to say about this, too.” Dad glanced over at her expectantly, and there was almost something... eager about the look on his face. Which was odd. He was never one to derive pleasure from you getting in trouble.
But when your mother opened her mouth to speak, it was unexpectedly calm. “What? You mean about her?” The look in her eyes as she glanced in your direction was eerily… unrecognizable. “The lack of communication since your return home. You’ve been distant, and it has been… frustrating. Being gone from home so often without speaking to… us, and not answering your messages while out all night was very upsetting last night.”
She had spoken like she was recalling the thoughts. And, more shocking, she hadn’t raised her voice the entire time. Not a single expletive. No seething, bared-teeth rage. 
Your dad seemed just as bewildered as you at the lack of emotion in her tone. “That’s it? Last night you were screaming up a storm before storming out.” 
Then she shrugged, looking back up at your dad. “She’s an adult, right? Like you? …like me?”
She started walking towards you, making your heart leap into your throat. You didn’t dare take a step back. 
“Where did you even go last night?” 
You thought the question was directed at you, but your father was staring, concerned, at your mother’s back.
She paused. “I went out to... clear my head.” 
When she continued walking, she brushed right past without sparing you another glance. 
A text alert from your phone pulls you out of your memories, and your heart skips a happy little beat. Adrian! 
There’s been this uncomfortable feeling of uncertainty about Adrian, like he might disappear now that you know his big secret. It was a secret you really would not have minded not knowing, to be honest. Not if it meant potentially driving a wedge between you and the only source of solace you have in this town.
Ignorance is bliss, and all that. 
Adrian's text message is asking if you're gonna still be up by the time he gets out of work, because he has really cool news to share. You very quickly shoot back confirmation that you'll be up, and have things to share of your own.
Something tender balloons in your chest as you stare at the cracked phone screen, a sort of mushy happiness. None of that fake joy. It's a very Adrian-specific joy, and it further confirms that you need to keep him around for as long as you can, vigilante business be damned.
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“Wait, who?”
Adrian has settled into his car. After making sure there were no other stragglers in the parking lot, or suspicious passerby this late at night, he excitedly pulled up your contact and called you immediately. In an overzealous rush, he skipped the customary 'hello's' and jumped right into the highlight of his shift.
Seems like you were having a hard time keeping up, though. Which, cute as you are, was still kind of frustrating for him.
“Peacemaker! You know, the kick-ass hero with the super cool eagle sidekick? Eagly?”
He hears something like a snort on your end. “Wait, seriously? That's not very creative.”
“What are you talking about? Eagly's the coolest. I wish I had our country's national bird as a sidekick.”
Your chuckle comes through warm and fuzzy through the phone. “Of course you do, Adrian. So, Peacemaker? Where has he been this whole time?”
“Are you- are you serious? Do heroes go to prison? Well- I mean, cool people to go prison all the time but I'm talking specifically, like, Batman-level heroes, not civilian ones-”
“It's not his fault,” he says defensively. “They just don't get what we do.”
“We? Oh. He kills people, too, huh.”
It wasn't a question. It was a conclusion you came to, and Adrian is wondering if he messed up by reminding you about how he conducts his job as Vigilante.
But then you continue, almost... cheekily. “He just got caught.”
“Yeah..” he says, drawing out the word, not quite sure where you're going with this but surprised you don't sound as distraught as you did this morning.
“So that means he probably isn't as good as you, huh.”
“What? No way, Peacemaker's awesome, he's the best! He-”
“Dude,” you laugh. “I'm trying to compliment you.”
 “Wait, really?” Adrian feels his face warm at your snuggly 'mm-hmm.' The praise was a complete 180 from the way you freaked out this morning in his bedroom, but he supposes you’re more so complimenting the Getting Away With It part of the whole crime-fighting gig.
“Well, I guess you're right,” he continues, a bubble of tentative pride swelling in his chest. “I mean, of the two of us, I still have a secret identity. Everyone knows that he's Chris Smith. Also, as cool as his helmet is, it really doesn't do much to hide his face. And honestly, the lower half of his face is arguably his most prominent feature. Aside from his physique. Man, he's huge! Honestly, it's impressive he was able to keep up all that bulk in prison. Can't imagine they feed you very well-”
“Adrian, oh my god.”
“What! What is it?”
“Are you, like, in love with him? Because it kind of sounds like you have a massive crush on this guy.”
“What? Hah! No.” Adrian's neck itches with warmth. “We're best bros. It's normal to talk about your BFF with a deep sense of admiration. I wouldn't be- I wouldn't be who I am today without him!”
Also, it's been four years since he's seen the man. It's perfectly reasonable to gush, for lack of a better term. Besides, Adrian can never pass up the opportunity to praise Chris to others.
The line's gone quiet, and Adrian thinks the call may have gotten disconnected or something. “Hello?”
“Mm. Still here.” You sound quiet and distant, suddenly. Well, it's pretty late. You're probably just tired.
“So... you said you had something to talk about, too, right?”
“Hmm? Oh, yeah. No, it's nothing, just- my parents were acting kind of funny this morning.”
“Okay... funny how?”
“Well, you know how I've kind of been... avoiding them? Well, today they finally confronted me. And, like, I knew this was coming. I'm not surprised. But they didn't react the way... I expected?”
“What were you expecting?”
“For my mom to blow a gasket. For my whole life, she's always yelled when she was angry, or disappointed, or whatever. But this morning, she just... talked. Like, emotionless, too.”
Not knowing what to say, and not really knowing your parents, Adrian just sits and waits for you to continue.
“She didn't even seem angry. It was almost like she didn't care. And... I dunno, I can't decide if this is worse.”
“Well, getting yelled at is no fun,” Adrian helpfully supplies. “So this should be better, right?”
He hears you sigh. “Yeah. Maybe. Whatever, this is bumming me out. See you tomorrow?”
The shakily hopeful lilt in your voice makes him feel special, and he promises you tomorrow and bids you good night.
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You're alone in the cafe, having let the last barista leave as soon as closing time hit. Aside from your still-sore knees and bandaged wounds, being back at work almost felt normal.
You didn't tell Ashe or the others about what happened the other night. For one, how pathetic would it be to admit that you got stood up by the people you were super excited to see? Lame. Second, admitting to getting assaulted would lead to unnecessary concern. You're fine. Nothing even happened and those guys are, like, super dead.
(the way their hands linger on you in your nightmares so far is no one's business, either)
Three, the conversation would have inevitably led to Vigilante, and Matty would have stayed past his shift just to bombard you with questions about Evergreen's Most Wanted.
It was almost comforting to drown your senses today in the scent of coffee and idle customer chatter. You even hummed along to the standard cafe playlist, which you usually found dull but today, you found yourself grateful for having another chance to listen to the indie guitar strumming in the first place.
You're counting the money from the till when a knock startles you, making you jump and lose your place. You look up across the store to see - squint - wait, is that a familiar red visor??
Vigilante stands on the other side of the thick pane of glass. When he sees you've noticed him, he raises his hand in a friendly little wave that almost looks unnatural considering the armor on his chest and the very clear handle of a fucking sword on his back.
But then you visualize Adrian beneath the mask, and your heart goes back to beating at a normal pace.
“What are you-” you falter as you lead him into the cafe. “Why- why're you... Vigilante?” The end of your question peters off into a quiet hiss. Secretive.
The masked head of his tilts to the side a bit, and he crosses his arms over his chest. “Well, who else is going to rid the streets of Evergreen of criminal scum? The cops? Hah!” He throws his head back. “Not likely.”
This makes you smirk, despite yourself. “No, I meant- why are you here wearing that?”
Sizing up Vigilante’s appearance, you can see in the lighting of the cafe what you couldn’t see before in the dim street lighting and drunken haze. The armor on his chest is well-worn, the accented teal V-shape clearly scuffed and dirtied from constant use. There’s some stitching on the lower right side of his torso that almost, but not quite, does a decent job of blending into the rest of the black material. 
If you scan lower, you find more of that same stitching on his pant legs, below his holster (which he has two of, one on each side of his tapered waist).
Which, holy shit, you never really noticed his build before. His body is always hidden underneath looser fitting tops. Maybe it’s just the chest plate and shoulder pads, but it really pronounces the wide breadth of his chest and shoulders. That combined with the utility built, whose wide V-shape points directly down to his crotch, narrows his waist. It makes filthy thoughts of straddling him between your thighs flit through your imagination before you snuff it out.
“Oh.” Adrian's arms unfold and drop back down to his sides as he glances down at his get-up. “I'm meeting up with Peacemaker tonight. And, honestly? Now that-” his voice lowers and he leans towards you just a little, “now that you know, it's way faster to just show up already dressed. Then I don't have to spend more time afterwards changing!”
You pause on your way back behind the bar, then look back at him. “We're not hanging out tonight?” Your shoulders slump in dejection. “Wait, you've been going out as Vigilante afterwards this whole time?”
The idea that after each time you've parted ways, he's been going out and potentially risking his life doesn't sit well with you. Not knowing if each good-bye was the last time you'd see that dopey face of his post make-out sessions.
“Not all the time,” Adrian -- Vigilante -- corrects. “Considerably less since we've started hanging out, actually. But now that Peacemaker is back, I gotta step it back up! Don't want him to think I've been slacking while he was away.”
A strange mix of pride and guilt weighs in your chest.
It's good that you've kept Adrian distracted recently, right? It means less chances that some jay-walker will get pulverized to a pulp by a well-intentioned freak in a mask. And maybe you've been keeping Adrian unintentionally safe, too. The cops can't capture Vigilante if he's not out and about. No bullet to pierce the softer bits of his costume. Uniform. Whatever.
But then, there's all the good he's done, too. And the fact that, judging by his clear giddiness and the reverential way in which he rambled about Peacemaker last night, he loves doing this. There's a very clear, unbridled enthusiasm about him now that you never quite saw before. The thought that you may have been keeping him away from something he so obviously loves (and is, apparently, quite good at) kind of hurts your heart.
“Sooo.. are you gonna make me a drink before I go?”
“Hm? Oh-” you step towards the espresso machine, but then remember the first time he showed up in your store, five minutes before close, saying something about really needing the caffeine that night.
“Wait.” You spin and face him, looking at him with wide-eyed accusation. “Have I been giving you an energy boost this whole time so I can help you kill people?”
Does that make you, like, an accomplice? Indirectly?
“Hey!” He points a gloved, defensive finger in your direction. “I do not just kill people. Don't simplify it like that. I do a lot of surveillance and strategizing, too! It really is not all as easy as killing someone.”
Killing someone is easy!?
Because you're slightly annoyed with him, and because he clearly doesn't need the caffeine, you pull a single shot of espresso for Adrian. You pass him the tiny cup.
He handles the paper cup like an empty bottle of prescription pills, lightly wiggling it as if weighing its contents. And then he snorts.
“Listen, I'm not trying to tell you how to do your job, but I think you forgot to add the rest of the drink, silly.”
His voice held the cadence of a tease, like he was just about ready to crack up at your goofy little mistake.
“I didn't forget,” you snap, rolling your eyes. “A shot of espresso is the whole drink. It's called a solo.”
“Uh, no,” he chuckles. “I'm pretty sure a solo is when you...” he makes a crude gesture with his empty right hand, slowly bringing it back and forth against his crotch like he's lazily jerking off ghost-dick.
He's being fully serious, and your mouth twists in an effort not to laugh.
“Well, that's all you're getting tonight,” you say with finality, shutting down the espresso machine. “'Sides, I really doubt you need that much caffeine tonight. You seem plenty awake.”
Staring at the tiny drink in his hand, he concedes, but not without sounding disappointed.
“Well, gotta run!” He turns around and starts heading for the door. “Don't forget to lock up behind me.”
“You're leaving without giving me a kiss!?”
You clap your hands over your mouth, surprised at your own outburst. You stare, wide-eyed, as he whips back around. You can't see his facial expression, but you can only imagine he's also surprised. Adrian's been the most outspoken with his neediness. You've always been plenty good about holding back just how much you want from him. (Verbally, anyway.)
“Aww, that's cute!”
Your face immediately warms at the remark. It feels like you've given the power over to him, now, which you hadn't realized you'd even been withholding all this time.
And, worse- something about his exclamation, the near-condescending tone of it, coming from his masked face? The red visor, the taunting tilt of his head. Something pulses low in your gut, and your thighs squeeze together reflexively.
What the fuck?
“Anyway, as much as I'd like to, I can't take my mask off here. Secret identity, and all that.”
“But there's no one else here,” you say, hands finally lowered from your mouth.
“Cameras.” He points overhead to a discreet camera on the ceiling that you never quite paid much thought to before.
All you do is frown. Maybe pout a little, but you'd deny it if anybody asked.
When he rushes out the store without another glance back, it leaves you very, terribly, alone.
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taglist: @whatevermonkey @nobodys-baby-now @hiddlebatchedloki @pokoyolfhw @navs-bhat @afraidofshrimp @training4theapocalypse @abbaenthusiast
[ if you would like to be removed from the taglist, pls let me know! it wouldn't hurt my feelings, i 100% understand if you come to find it annoying or just not currently interested in the fandom. likewise, if you want to be added, i'd appreciate a reblog and/or comment/feedback ]
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fishyfishyfishtimes · 6 months
This isn’t like the usual posts I make but, I played through Monster Prom Second Term’s True Calling ending, and what the fuck!!?? TToTT I’ve read before that the reason for the True Calling ending is to expand upon Miranda’s character, but why like this?? Why make fun of their own writing and ignore all they’ve already worked up to? :(
Miranda is heavily reliant on her servants and refuses pretty much all work, that much is obvious. She has her serfs do everything for her while she does whatever she ever desires on a whim, lost and aimless and without a clear purpose, but… wasn’t it always implied that she’s that way for a reason? That reason being her father spoiling her with gifts and money and royal privileges. Her parents already conditioned her to see torture, murder and genocide as normal things! I always figured that her talking about true love and romance and romanticising not-so-good-or-healthy fairytale tropes was a part of that, that her parents more or less raised her to be the perfect little princess whose only purpose is to be married off to a prince of another kingdom to strengthen ties or as a peace offering or something (or for political reasons overall? It is strange that a princess would find herself in a high school of a foreign land, hmm…). That would explain why she really has no aspirations, besides love! She was raised to be that way and she didn’t just decide to be selfish one day.
So, how come the game comes out of left field and has Miranda’s own sister yell at her for being selfish and vague??? Suddenly it’s her own fault that she's spoiled with serfs who’ll do whatever she says? Hello, who gave her those serfs???? Yeah, maybe her sisters are crown heiresses or high priestesses but clearly they were taught those roles! Those were roles that already existed, waiting to be filled! And now Miranda suddenly is the only one who needs to figure out what to be all alone?
Worst of all I can’t believe they’d insult their own writing and literally call Miranda flat :( I know that’s the fandom perception of her but this is your own damn game!! You know how you wrote her! Did you not keep track of all you wrote!? Maybe Miranda’s twist (“sweet mermaid princess is murderous”) is open and out for all to see but that hardly makes her flat. She loves tradition and finds it very important, she’s super into silverware and napkin-folding, she loves singing and water sports (water polo and gymnastics to name two) and fairy tales and stories and she dreams of romance and even though her family’s immoral and murderous ways have been hammered into her so hard she doesn’t know it’s not normal to torture and kill serfs, she’s still kind and worries for people and their well-being, even if they’re commoners! She’s not very “bright” in many things but in the Revenge ending we see her formulate and execute a blackmail plot without any serfs at all, which does require intelligence. Dare I say, just like how everyone has a twist in their personality, another twist of Miranda’s is that she can be cunning when she needs to be? I just can’t believe that they’d go and agree with the people saying that Miranda is flat and make a WHOLE SECRET ENDING TALKING ABOUT HOW FLAT MIRANDA IS instead of… I don’t fucking know. Making a route where they feel they’re actually giving her more depth? They’re just lampshading the issue! They’re talking about how they made Miranda into a flat character and how sad and awful that is instead of doing anything about it.
And they could’ve explored so much too. A character lacking direction in life is already a really interesting thing to explore. They could’ve surely done something with her basically being a tool for her family and kingdom! Alas… Maybe it’s silly to get so worked up about a video game but I don’t know. The game made me feel things. I love Monster Prom but sometimes it is a love-hate relationship :/
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tickled-2-death · 5 months
I saw your post about tma tickle requests and I have literally never thought about lonelyeyes tickles, but now I need to see Elias brought down a peg or six by his ex-ex-ex husband(soon to add another ex) who's probably at least semi-transparent and covered in fog. Bonus points for all the sass!
Attitude Adjustment
Content warnings: unhealthy relationship, dubious consent(?), tickle torture, begging, feet content specifically, not necessarily sexual but sexual acts are mentioned.
This is a tickle fic.
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“Peter, I have told you this several times before, and I will only repeat myself this once. I am not going anywhere near that pathetic boat.”
Elias just can’t seem to catch a fucking break today. First it was some shipment issue at the Archives, namely involving those two identical circus freaks with some mysterious box. Then, once they finally convinced him to sign off on it (he’ll just replace whoever dies in artifact storage, no big deal), there was some petty little catfight in the archives itself. One that he, despite all the paperwork that needed to be sorted, had to go downstairs and tell Jonathan off about. That’s not to mention that his coffee was cold by the time he got back, and-
“Darling, my love, my light. You’re thinking too hard.”
… and his husband, one Mr. Peter “just fuck off out to sea and forget it all” Lukas, simply will not shut up.
Elias pinches the bridge of his nose, propped up in their lavish bed in his silk pajamas, by all means in a position to relax that he intends not to spoil.
“I can’t stand the smell”, he begins to explain, “I cant stand the Lonely, and honestly the thought of being trapped on a giant metal hunk of rubbish with you for several months on end makes me want to disappear already.”
Peter, despite his patron and what you’d expect as a result of it, nearly never stops smiling. It’s a smug little shit sort of smile, mind you, but it hardly ever leaves his face. As of now, it droops into a frown.
“Elias, if we’re going to beat our record of staying married for four months-“
“Five months. Five months is the record.”
The captain sighs.
“If we’re going to make this work for more than five months, we’ve got to accept one another’s help! I’m just trying to think of a way to cheer you up, to get some of that tension out of you, in the only way I know how!”
Elias considers this, and ultimately decides that his husband is right. He’s a snarky bastard, even worse than Elias himself at times, but he’s trying to do the right thing. It’s the thought that counts? Right???
It doesn’t really matter. 200 years and counting, and he’s never been interested in admitting his own faults. Why start now? Especially for Peter goddamn Lukas.
So the shrewish little Beholder pulls out his bitchiest of bitch voices, and simply replies; “Well, you’d hardly like it if I recommended you to take someone’s statement, or delve into someone’s personal life for an ounce of fear, now would you?”, before rolling over and turning off his bedside lamp.
Something within Peter snaps just then. Not genuine anger, or at least not the violent sort. No, it’s simply the sudden and undeniable urge to teach someone a lesson. Elias’ eyes go wide, having Known what was about to happen, but it’s too late.
Peter roughly digs his fingers into his husband’s ribs, and vibrates them between the bones with all his might.
“OH FUCK-“ is all the poor, helpless man can manage before descending into mad cackles against his will. His dignity would never allow such a boisterous display of emotion, but there’s hardly a chance to suppress it in this position.
Instinctively, he rolls onto his stomach to escape the horrific sensation at his side. However, this proves to be the worst thing he could’ve possibly done, because Peter takes the opportunity to straddle his ass and get both sides at once.
“PEHEHETER! YOU- STOHAHAP THIS AT OHAHANCE! NOW!” Elias demands through several squeals, drumming his bare feet against the mattress behind them. Hands desperately grabbing for purchase or perhaps Peter’s dastardly wrists.
He doesn’t let up, of course, and that smile is back with a vengeance.
“Hmm- what was that kinky sex term you told me about? Where you punish someone for talking back?” Peter asks, tone jovial and unclear as to whether the question is genuine or rhetorical.
Elias, in turn, accidentally projects the answer into his mind. Mouth otherwise occupied with screams of ticklish agony.
“Brat taming, that’s right! Are you going to stop being a brat, Elias? Or is your significantly larger, stronger husband going to have to tickle you until you cry? We both know I’m well trained in regards to tying knots, so you’d better keep that in mind.”
Deciding to give the ribs a bit of a break, lest he accidentally bruise them, Peter jams his fingers into Elias’ sensitive underarms. It’s absolutely delightful, the way he screams even louder and clamps his arms to his sides. As if that will help, now that the offending digits are trapped exactly where they shouldn’t be.
“NOW! YOUHOHOHOL STOP RIHIGHT NOW! I DEHEHEE- DEMAHAHAND IT!!!” Elias tries to compel, but the concentration required to do so simply isn’t there.
Peter continues to burrow his fingertips into Elias’ armpits, wiggling and scritching across the ultra sensitive skin like worms trying to dig into the earth. He flails as much as humanly possible, twisting and snorting up a storm all the while, but Peter’s legs hold firm to his hips. He’s stuck, and completely at the other avatar’s mercy.
“I’m afraid I’ll have to keep on like this, love. That is, until you apologize, and whatever comes out of your mouth even now can and will be held against you. So let’s fix that attitude, yeah?”
Elias’ laugh goes silent, eyes screwed shut rendering his powers completely useless. Not that they weren’t already, but now he can’t even read Peter’s thoughts.
Mercifully, the tickling comes to a stop after about five straight minutes of torture. Elias takes the opportunity to breath, and to pout, while Peter continues to ramble on.
“Not going to say anything, then? That’s alright, I’ve got another place in mind. Remember that one time you asked for a foot massage, and every time I pressed too light you’d kick and tell me to do better? Well, if you can’t handle a massage I’d hate to see how you’ll handle ten fingers intentionally tickling you.”
Elias uses what little of his strength he’s got left to buck his hips. Nothing happens, so he begins to thrash any way he can, kicking and babbling out a mantra of “nononono”-
But Peter is quick, and built tough like the boat that stared this whole argument. It takes about two seconds for him to turn around, placing all his weight on the trapped ankles of his smart-mouthed partner. He cracks his knuckles, gives a quick wink in Elias’ direction, and scribbles his fingers up two shaking soles.
Elias cries out, pounding his fists against the mattress. “NNOOHOHO! PETERPETERPETER- GEHEET OOHOFF- I CAHANT!”
“Are you pleading with me?” He responds, otherwise uncaring and unwavering in his assault. He wiggles his nails against the soles of one foot, and digs in between the toes of the other.
Even now, there is the slightest hesitation. But when he adjusts his position so that he can rub his beard against Elias’ trapped feet, all remaining pride goes out the window and into the endless Vast.
“Trying to appeal to my humanity, darling? I should be offended you’d use such language just to get away from me and my glorious facial hair”.
Tears stream down Elias’ face. The scruffy hairs rubbing against his soles is just too much to handle. So he does the unthinkable and gives up.
“PEHEHEETEERRRR-“ is all he can manage, all he can think in the midst of this hell, and somehow it’s enough for him to get the message.
“Alright, alright. Calm down, love, let me help.” Peter soothes, giggling at the little twitches he evokes by firmly rubbing Elias’ feet of residual tingles.
Elias, on the other hand, is utterly spent. He feels heavy as a sack of bricks, completely limp and hiccuping like a maniac. Once his awful, evil husband has decided that his feet can be left alone, he starts to rub his back.
“Poor, mean little thing you are. So sensitive for such a powerful man.” Peter coos, and despite himself Elias falls asleep to the sound of his voice and comforting feel of his hands.
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theghostbunnie · 10 months
How do you see Max and Nikki’s relationship?
As siblings
I know that's like sometimes what ppl say when there's a straight pairing popular ship (makki) vs a gay popular one (maxneil) and they don't really mean it they just mean they have a uncomfortbilty or hatred towards one of the ships, but in my mind they're literally twins/hj
I have AUs where they're twins, half siblings, step siblings. I love them sm..There's even a line in one of the end credit rap songs that goes something like "we may not have the same color skin but imma treat em like my twin" and I'm like ah yes,,, something to feed into my delusions/j
((on a more srs note I feel like more ppl should look into the end credit lyrics alot of it seems specifically written to fit Max and might give people a better insight into his characterization))
But enough of my fannon delusions n self indulgence they're obviously not actually siblings they're best friends BUT they didn't start off that way no matter how sweet the "you now have three little bastards to deal with" line is bc in the first season, earlier episodes he's more of an asshole to her bc they're still getting to know each other.
He broke her instrument, quicker to basically tell her to shut up on multiple occasions, ect.
Back to the first episode, Max operates BIG on first impressions. Off the bat he's touching Neil's shoulder, he's impressed by his disrespect to authority, he wants to hotwire the bus with him. But Nikki? Hardly addressing her. Even says "why would you help us?" Bc despite biting him, she appeared to be just a 'little more violent, mini-David.' THAT was his first impression of her. Nikki didn't have his attention or respect technically until he learned her willingness to seek and cause chaos near the end of the episode. There's times at later points where she's clearly getting on his nerves.
I'm pretty sure I already wrote out a whole in depth thing about how Max has issues getting attached to people and will fight it off and deny it once it happens even at the cost of their feelings (points at camp corp episode) where as Nikki is a social person who has been denied a real friend til she came to camp campbell same as Neil, who is NOT a social person. They both start off clingy towards Max for this but Nikki works past it and makes 2 other friends while Neil doesn't.
So recap: Max builds a team of two other kids he can just share a common goal with at first, is a bit of a jerk to Nikki initially at times, but she grows on him and now he really values her as a friend n cares for her deeply.
But now onto NIKKI'S POV: She'd been bullied before, it was a traumatic experience for her yes but that's also the ONLY information we have on any past relationships she's had with peers, kids her own age. Any other time she's talking about someone she knew it's often just her mom. sometimes her dad (often not painting a good picture of him but through a childhood innocence lense) or an animal she knew.
So when she makes her first friend group in camp campbell her only prior experience with one is in the flower scouts. Nikki picked up bad habits from them bc she's a kid and doesn't have the emotional maturity to analyze her every behavior.
So when Max is being the type of person who was being quick to shut her down, who (in her own words) was micro managing her, and only ever seemed like he was having a good time when they were doing what HE planned to do, ofc she's gonna start harboring some complaints. Nikki isn't gonna sit down and talk about her feelings to him like an adult she's gonna do what the flower scouts taught her and you talk shit about the problem to OTHER friends.
This isn't to say she secretly hates him, no I firmly believe she deeply cares about him too but they're both flawed people so their friendship has flaws too that doesn't make it void of care for one another.
You can't unbiasedly hate on Nikki for that scene she's mocking him if you're not even taking into consideration WHAT her original issue was. Nikki shit talks, Max has control issues.
As episodes progress I think they really seem to work past it and become better people AND I THINK THAT'S RLLY SWEET I LOVE THEIR FRIENDSHIP ❣️❣️
The way they interact with each other throughout the series really shows that their differences might cause some clashing but they have FUN together and I think their differences and problems just make them more interesting characters
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dynamic-power · 9 months
I desperately need Steve Harrington to be happy, so I present to you these little possibilities.
Steve's parents are actually around a lot. His dad travels sometimes, and occasionally, his mom goes with him. But for the most part, they're around. They have a loving relationship and they dote on Steve. He doesn't often find himself wanting anything because his parents are generous with him. They hardly ever scold him for anything, either, which is why he's an entitled asshole in s1.
Steve's relationship with his dad is pretty good. But he's really close with his mom. A real mommas boy. She's the reason he is so physically affectionate. She's never withheld it from him, so it's natural for him to do the same for others.
Steve sucks at fighting because he's never had to before. His parents aren't violent, and he's always been on the top of the social ladder so his peers have never really been an issue. He's thrown punches before, at the bag in the school weight room. But the first time he ever hits a person with intent is when he fights Jonathan. It's no wonder he lost against Jon and Billy; they've both had to defend themselves against their fathers. Steve never has.
As much as Steve gripes about being told to work after high school, he sorta understands why he should. His dad worked as a dishwasher through college, and he wants Steve to understand the importance of having a purpose. They both have a good laugh when Steve shows him the Scoops uniform.
After the fall of Hawkins, Steve's parents are a very active part in the community efforts to care for their own. It's the first time Steve feels genuinely proud of them.
Steve adores Wayne. He adores Wayne because Wayne loves Eddie. Eddie doesn't have a relationship with either of his parents, and while Steve has never experienced that before, he does understand the importance of having at least one parent who loves you.
He comes out to his mom by choice. Eddie's been around a lot, staying over as friends sometimes do, even though really, they're more than just friends. One day, she asks about Eddie, and Steve takes a deep breath, calms his nerves, and tells her the truth. She tells him that she loves him no matter what, even if she's skeptical about his choice in partner. They keep the secret from Steve's dad, though, because neither of them are sure how he'll react. After that, Eddie is no longer allowed to stay the night. Which, Steve supposes, is fair.
He comes out to his dad after he moves out. While he's not immediately fond of the idea, he doesn't push Steve away, either.
Eventually, Eddie charms both his parents. And three years into their relationship, Eddie receives his first invitation to join the Harringtons on Christmas Day. Steve spends the morning with his parents, Wayne, and Eddie. They all get along, have fun with each other. And as Steve and Eddie leave to catch up with Robin and the rest of the party, he realizes this could be what the rest of his life looks like.
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hopesandmountains · 8 months
I think one of the key things for any relationship is to discover what your needs are.
Because otherwise you’re going to try and meet those needs in ways that aren’t entirely conscious to you.
Everybody has a need for passion, love, understanding, physical closeness etc. but we all find different ways of meeting that need.
And the most straightforward answer is to find a relationship.
However for those of us with emotional trauma it’s not really always easy or straightforward to find and build a relationship. And honestly that’s not always the priority for everybody anyhow.
The need for passion, love, and intensity can outweigh the need for a long lasting connection, especially when dealing with people who are suffering from trauma or living a life where they constantly feel anxious or overwhelmed.
And of course because a long lasting and intimate connection with someone else can just be a scary thing, especially when trauma or other factors have left you unsure about your connection with yourself.
However the thing is, the solution is not really looking for a causal relationship either. If your need is true passion and investment, whether you admit it to themselves or not, you are placing actual stakes on how things are going to work out and you would be personally hurt if you ever if you were to feel used like just another causal fling.
This is especially true with those who have attachment issues or abandonment issues, because unlike securely attached people who can just walk away, unresolved attachment issues can latch you onto someone even if you hardly know them.
So realizing it or not, it is kind of like a gamble that either things will just work out together in the long run, or that by the time the relationship runs it’s course, that having that passion love and understanding will have left you in a more resourced place where you will not only be able to handle the emotions of separating, but will also be left in a more emotionally secure place that is better then where you started.
And that’s not entirely untrue. Having someone compassionate who truly cares about you can really help you boost your mental health, and if you really work at it while you have those additional resources they are giving you through their care, you can heal yourself and build that emotionally security from within.
But really the therapist answer would be to look for friends, social supports, healthy communities, groups you belong to etc. to use as additional resources to help you heal and build that emotionally security.
And in fairness, the way society is set up doesn’t really make it easy to build a social support group and it’s not always a bad idea to just get to know someone and see where things naturally go.
But it can be more reckless and unsafe. By putting heavy emphasis on passion too early on in a relationship, your risk opening up yourself to someone toxic or not good for you or in the worst case outright abusive.
And this is why it’s important to know your needs, because if you try and meet them in a way that feels familiar to your childhood trauma, it can be a recipe for disaster if you are unconsciously trying to recreate an unsafe environment.
So regardless of what you do I emphasis learning more about yourself, slowing things down, and seeing how you feel at each step. See if past traumas get brought up, if attachment issues start acting up, if what you are feeling is limerence or true connection, if you are considering your own needs in the relationship, if you are voicing those needs in a healthy manner, if you are staying true to yourself or if you are “fawning”.
And it’s not that I want to scare people off from finding connections or meeting new people, I just think it’s really important to understand your needs in a way that you can confident in yourself and confident enough in the relationship to move forward.
And confident enough to objectively consider losing the relationship, confident enough to objectively decide what kind of relationship it is that you want (considering your own needs and not someone else’s), and confident to walk away if that is what is best for you.
So try and volunteer somewhere, join clubs, slowly let yourself be more social to be build that social safety net, and yes please take risks. At some point you will have to address your own vulnerability and that means risking yourself.
And this post is already a lot so the last thing I will stress is just how important it is to understand your own vulnerability so you don’t unintentionally make yourself more vulnerable than you intend to. A lot times when people aren’t comfortable being vulnerable but want to try to be, they can overextend and be more vulnerable than they intend to. And here’s a good video to learn about that.
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TOS Replay Stray Thoughts No. 4 (Luin/Asgard/Balacruf Mausoleum)
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-“I’ve read nothing but books in angelic language since I was a child” Oof, the religious propaganda runs deep. I wonder how left out Colette felt?
-wait Kratos how do you know the angelic languagohhhhhhhhhhhhh 
-Mmmmm yeah listen to the Luin music sing. “Water symphony”, indeed!
-Ever notice how Asgard doesn’t have a fence? Like, it's on a cliff -- that's a public health hazard if I've ever seen one. Y'all so preoccupied with your tourism and open half-elf discrimination while there's a lawsuit waiting to happen. Get on that!
-One thing Tales of Symphonia does really well is how lived-in and handcrafted the house interiors are, with Asgard and Luin being particular standouts. Just look at the story Harley's house tells! You don’t see this sort of detail in modern Tales anymore...
-The Asgard Human Ranch…but it doesn’t have any relationship with Asgard. Hmm. Shoulda been Luin Human Ranch.
-I don't dabble into customization/spending GRADE *too* much, so I always forget how cost-effective it is. Managing Tales of Symphonia’s economy is fun.
-“There are hardly any trace of the ancient civilization left. It’s almost as if they were intentionally erased by someone.”
HMMMM. Cruxis??? But why would they care about the Balacruf Dynasty? Kinda wish we knew more about that. 
-There's this whole flying dragon business that's always talked about, but almost never seen aside from Hima. I wanna see how that works.
On that note, what's with how one Asgard dragon looks totally different? He's a cutie.
-“Aisha was chosen for the sacrifice because she associates with that half-elf."
Y E E S H.
-The background of the Asgard dais is purty.
-Y’all, Linar. Why do you keep rubbing your head in embarrassment like that. You're gonna shave all your hair off if you go any faster.
-That dais bomb disbarment scene is peak TOS comedy with how Raine keeps beating up that one dude. Also, sudden Lloyd bomb disarment skills.
-That scene when Harley almost gives away their half-elf identities 😬😬😬 The way the Asgard elder and his assistants giving Genis those looks says it all -- poor guy must've been terrified.
(By the way, I don’t remember if they fixed this in the ports, but did you notice Secret of the blue sky plays veeeeeeeeery faintly here? I know that’s a song associated with half-elf discrimination, but I think the wind howling speaks for itself.)
-“that monster with a giant f*cking blade for an appendage and demanding virgin sacrifices was a problem but Harley merely existing and minding his own business is a way bigger issue”.
Lady. Chill. Leave your racism by the door.
-“Well, he’s not causing any problems by being a half-elf but-” YES. YOU’RE THIS CLOSE TO GETTING IT.
-“My sister got a new fan!” *gets smacked*
-“The location of the next Summon Spirit is the next seal.”
yes, I would think that's obvious
-“I’m a little scared, but you’re with me, so it’ll be okay, right?”
“Yeah, leave it to me!”
-man Fatalize is such a cool song. I wish it played more.
-look at Lloyd’s arm clipping through Colette’s when she falls down
-how did Colette’s hand bleed that much from falling down
-“Colette, can I talk to you for a sec?” 
oh, here it comes 
“I thought it’d be nice for us to talk just by ourselves” 
The line, it’s coming…! 
“Here, it’s hot coffee.” 
“Hot, isn’t it?” 
“It’s actually iced coffee.”
“I lied. It’s actually hot.”
-Memes aside, how about that scene? Peak Colloyd. Colette’s trying her absolute hardest to downplay her trauma for Lloyd's sake (“But my eyes have gotten better!”) even though anyone paying attention can see she can't even convince herself ("I've gotten so good at hearing that...it's painful") and Lloyd just stops and hugs her in the middle of it and apologizes for everything…and she can’t even feel it! SHE CAN'T EVEN CRY!!! AAAAGGGHHHH
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The bond they share goes beyond the senses!!! IT'S TRUE LOVE
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satans-helper · 6 months
Smother the Flame in Your Heart - Part VII
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Read previous parts here or read on Ao3
Pairing: Danny Wagner x Sam Kiszka
Word Count: ~3600
Warnings: vampire stuff; brief smut
Hope this was worth the wait ;)
For the first time in a long time, life was good for Danny. He felt genuinely content almost all the time now–it didn’t matter what happened at work or with his family or the little issues with the apartment that, until very recently, had felt akin to a prison. His entire existence felt lighter now with Sam in the picture and that wasn’t something Danny had ever anticipated or expected from any relationship. But, he realized, that may have been because none of his other relationships had involved what he was sure was nothing short of a soulmate. Perhaps hokey and overly romanticized, but it was true–Sam was his soulmate. Sam challenged him, helped him have fun, listened to him, shared with him, explored with him. All the things that Danny wanted and he didn’t have to hide one single part of himself. Sam accepted and loved him as a whole being. It was a real, whole relationship.
Including real dates, which Danny found himself enjoying far more than he ever had in the past. Definitely because it was with Sam, but also because Sam liked doing just about anything–Danny never had to think too hard or plan too much. The bonus being nearly every date ended with sex–Sam was insatiable. 
Almost as insatiable as Danny, but he was doing an excellent job at holding back no matter how much Sam encouraged him to just let go and give into his ultimate desires. He thought, anyway. There’d been nothing even close to a slipup. However, when the Kiszkas roped him into a little weekend road trip to what Josh called “the big city” for Sam’s birthday, Danny knew it was another massive hurdle. Every time he was with all of them, the urges crawling in his brain began to scream.
Sam, as usual, could feel the tension emanating from Danny, both in his energy and in how tightly he was holding himself while they sat in the backseat of Josh’s car. He held Danny’s hand, both trying to keep his boyfriend grounded but also himself. He couldn’t help it–he kept getting jealous. Each time Danny went off to get his fix with someone else, seething envy, hot anger and even some dark, twisted despair brewed in his body and mind. Worse was that each time Danny was with his brothers, that envy and betrayal grew until it felt like vines wrapping around his heart, squeezing tight. 
He never wanted to upset Danny but bottling his emotions was unnatural for Sam. Sometimes, mostly because Danny wouldn’t even outright tell him why he was heading out of town for a night, Sam wanted to throw an actual tantrum. He wanted to demand his boyfriend go to him for absolutely everything no matter what, because Sam could handle it, because Sam wanted it. But Danny was skilled in self-control, so Sam tried to be too, time and time again. 
It got better once the ride was over. Walking through the streets of the city, popping into shops, revisiting museums, lunch, drinks–all of it was good. Very good, actually, and Sam felt a conscious, profound sense of gratitude for his life. For his brothers, his whole family, and now Danny. He could hardly believe that it was going on six months that he’d had a real, actual boyfriend, the sort of person that was better than he’d ever imagined. Stranger than he’d ever imagined too, but that was partly why he loved Danny so much. Beyond the whole vampire thing, Danny was an unabashed dorky weirdo. He never took himself too seriously but he took the important things in life seriously. Danny took him seriously and Sam knew that Danny prioritized his happiness more than his own, something that was incredibly novel and curious. Sam always had a bit of a hedonistic streak–instead of Danny faulting him for it, he encouraged it. He knew that for a fact when Danny gave him his birthday gifts–a sizable bag of incredible smelling weed and a whole slew of different edibles. 
“Holy shit,” Josh remarked, leaning over the table so far that it looked like his entire upper body was going to make contact with their half-eaten plates of sandwiches and their beers. “Look at that haul.” He looked at both Sam and Danny while he sat back down. “Sammy, you really hit the jackpot with this one.” 
Sam sidled up against Danny, wrapping his arm around his shoulders. “I really fucking did.” He propped his chin on Danny’s shoulder, staring at his profile. “Thanks, Daniel. You know me so well. Should we start now?”
“You’re the birthday boy,” Danny told him, bringing his hand to Sam’s thigh beneath the table. He really couldn’t have thought of anything better for a birthday than to indulge his favorite stoner; based on the looks on Josh and Jake’s faces as well, it seemed like a good choice.
“Sam, put it all back in the bag,” Jake said, nudging the bag of weed closer to his younger brother. “It may be legal, but someone here might kill for that if they see it.”
Sam rolled his eyes but eased Jake’s worries by putting it all back in the gift bag, fluffing the tissue paper back over everything. He was totally content to keep this all to himself and Danny, but then Danny asked, “We could all smoke together later, right?” 
Danny knew asking would surprise Sam with how pointedly he’d limited his time with Sam’s brothers. But he was tired of having to avoid them. He liked Josh and Jake a lot and if this relationship was going to continue–and he was certain it was–he needed to keep pushing himself. 
“We could hot-box,” Josh offered, then tapped his chin in thought. “Or we could just devour some of those edibles in the hotel.” 
“How about both?” Sam replied before finishing off his beer. “We need more drinks too.” He was not above taking full advantage of the fact that his brothers were paying for all of this–they wouldn’t let Danny chip in, though Sam did see his boyfriend try to slip Jake a couple twenties once they were back outside, which Jake silently, fervently declined to accept. 
Danny had done good with his weed. It was strong and easy, the high making him sink into the backseat instead of stiffening against it; all four of them were passing a bowl around in the hotel parking lot, the windows fogged with smoke and body heat, the music from the stereo a comforting loop in Danny’s ears. He leaned heavily against Sam, who leaned right back, the two of them pressed so close together that it actually became awkward to try and pass the bowl back and forth when their turns came around.
As all birthdays should go in his mind, Sam was sufficiently fucked up. He’d drank more than anyone else all day–throw all the weed on top of that, then the edibles he and Danny had chowed down on in their hotel room and he felt like the whole world was spinning. Not in a bad way, not like he was going to get sick–actually, he felt amazing. The hotel room now held a deep fascination, like the drab walls were newly glimmering in the evening light cutting through the wide window and the bed beneath him felt exceptionally plush. But the best thing was the weight of Danny pressing down next to him.
“Happy birthday, Sammy,” Danny said, feeling pretty fucked up himself but also relieved. He’d been dying for some time alone with the birthday boy all day no matter how much fun he’d been having with the twins. He curled an arm around Sam’s back and pulled him in to kiss his soft cheek, and Sam laughed and cupped Danny’s face to kiss him properly. 
Sam crawled into his lap, straddling him, gazing into his beautiful eyes that reflected every forest and every sunset Sam had ever experienced. “You got me the perfect gifts,” he purred, and Danny beamed. “But I thought of something I want even more.”
Danny grabbed Sam’s ass, kneading it like a cat. “Oh yeah? What would that be?”
Sam’s desires spilled freely, his mind uninhibited: “I wanna be the only one, Danny. I wanna be the person you go to for everything.”
Danny’s hands ceased their movements. “Everything?”
Sam nodded, toying with Danny’s hair. “Yeah. Everything. I don’t like that you go out and get your fix from randos,” he said, squirming a little with an onset of nerves. Danny was looking at him with so much suspicion and trepidation. “I never liked it.” Emotion made his voice thicker, more raw; he could feel the change in his own facial expression too, desperation and pain in his eyes. “I really fucking hate it, actually.”
“Sam–” Danny began to say, but he wasn’t sure how to explain himself in the state he was in, so all he finished with was, “I’m sorry.”
Sam scoffed, clasping his hands around the back of Danny’s neck. “Don’t be sorry. Just give me what I want. It’s what you want too. Am I wrong?” 
“Oh Sam,” came as a soft reply from Danny. He never wanted to hurt Sam physically or emotionally. But not hurting him physically was hurting him emotionally. He didn’t know how to wrap his head around it. “Yeah, I want that. But even without that one part, you are my everything. I don’t wanna hurt you.” He sighed and clasped Sam’s forearms. “I love you.”
“I know,” Sam replied, unfazed–he’d felt that love for Danny so long that hearing the words for the first time, especially in the state he was in, weren’t earth-shattering like they were in romance novels and movies. He knew Danny loved him and Sam loved Danny in return, but in his mind, the most significant act of devotion would be the one thing Danny kept denying. “I love you too, Danny. Can’t we give this to one another?”
Danny fought, he really did. He sat there with Sam on top of him for what felt like a lifetime but was probably no longer than a minute, trying to hold fast to the desire–the promise he’d made to himself–of never hurting Sam again. But Sam looked so defeated, the hope of his own unfulfilled desire dashed, and Danny couldn’t take that either. 
“Okay,” he said finally, and light returned to Sam’s eyes. “But are you really sure about this?” Danny was trembling, hands shakily moving down to Sam’s waist. “I won’t be able to live with myself if we do this and–”
Sam covered Danny’s mouth with his hand. “I’m sure. You know I haven’t stopped thinking about this. You’ve gone out every week to drink someone else’s blood. I can’t take it anymore.” He let all his weight drop on top of Danny; Danny could feel that both of them were hard beneath their pants and tense everywhere else. “So–you ready?”
Danny nodded and Sam took his hand away. “Just a little bit, Sam. It’s not even gonna be like last time, alright?” In response, Sam just kissed him again, hard and fierce; Danny wrapped his arms around his boyfriend and kissed back just the same. The scent of pot, alcohol, sweat and Sam himself floated freely and Danny gave himself permission to indulge in it, quickly breaking away from Sam’s mouth to inhale deeply behind his ear. His lips trailed down the long, graceful neck; he tugged on Sam’s shirt to expose as much of his collarbone and shoulder that he could and pressed soft kisses there, making Sam sigh and begin to play with Danny’s hair again.
“God, you really do smell good,” Danny told him. With his eyes closed, it was all touch and scent, and he felt even drunker on Sam alone. He leaned back to pull Sam’s shirt over his head and brought his heated palms back to that body as Sam shivered.
It was the chill of the room’s a/c that made him shiver but also the weight of knowing what was going to happen. Sam really did want it. He’d wanted it every day since it had first happened. But there was still a little fear nonetheless–not that Danny would actually hurt him, but the fear of Danny retreating again after the fact. Inadvertently, he was holding his breath while Danny explored his torso with hands and lips, then the warm, wet tongue to lick Sam’s collarbones as fingers toyed with his nipples.
Sam’s unusual silence made Danny even more nervous; he met Sam’s dark eyes again, his hands petting the thin, sharp ribs beneath his palms. “Sammy–you good?”
“You gotta promise me something,” Sam said before he could allow himself to neglect those thoughts any longer. He put his hands on Danny’s shoulders and straightened his back. “Promise me that, y’know, after this–you won’t run away. You won’t break up with me. No dramatics. Okay?”
“Even if I hated myself after this, I couldn’t stay away from you,” Danny assured him, the truth thick and poignant in his heart as he spoke each word. 
“Good,” Sam added, giving one short-lived grind of his crotch against Danny’s. “Don’t.” 
Danny groaned quietly, almost silently, and nuzzled his face into Sam’s sternum. “So can I? Like you are totally, absolutely, one hundred percent sure?”
“For fuck’s sake, Daniel,” Sam barked, impatient now that he had all the affirmation he needed, and yanked on a fistful of dark hair. “Be a fucking vampire for five fucking minutes.”
Danny laughed. “Okay,” he said, pressing one hand to the back of Sam’s neck to bring him down a bit, so he could finally allow his lips to press against the sweet-smelling, tender flesh. “Okay, okay. Here we go.” There he went indeed. He cupped the back of Sam’s head, fingers threading through long silky hair, as he relaxed his jaw, opening his mouth to make full contact. Sam wiggled in his lap and latched his hands to Danny’s back, bringing himself even closer–doing what he said he wanted. Giving himself over. And Danny went with it, finally pressing his teeth–canines included–low on Sam’s neck, his chin pressed against a collarbone. 
It hurt, no doubt about it. Sam winced and whimpered but stayed right there, not that he had much of a choice–Danny had an iron grip on his entire body from the hand in his hair to the arm wrapped around his middle, keeping them tethered together. But the sharp shock of the bite withered quickly to a buzzing sort of sting, but even that was shielded by the warmth of Danny’s mouth and the gentle press of his tongue while he sucked the blood straight from Sam’s veins. If he really thought about it for a second too long, it did seem super fucked up, Sam felt, but the way Danny hummed in ecstasy and exhaled against him surmounted that too. 
Danny gave himself only a few seconds really, he figured, and it was painful to stop. But that was enough. The scent that had evolved into taste, the weight of blood in his mouth and the heat of it down his throat was enough even from those few seconds. He pulled back and refused to let himself study the wound–it was temporary. Sam was okay. They were both okay, so Danny slowly licked his tongue over the little tooth punctures and didn’t wait to watch the strange healing process. He just took Sam’s face in his hands and kissed him with all the gratitude swelling in his chest and when Sam kissed him back, knowingly and willingly tasting his own blood on Danny’s tongue, Danny grunted against his mouth, hips stuttering beneath Sam’s body as he abruptly came.
“Shit,” he muttered, eyes still closed as he created a few inches of space between them. He felt so many things at once, from the heavy high from the weed he was riding through to the even heavier high from Sam, but for the first time, Danny didn’t feel the weight of shame bearing down on him. 
Fully distracted now by Danny coming in his pants just from drinking his blood and kissing him, Sam felt no pain at all. He brought Danny’s mouth back to his own, murmuring, “It’s okay” before slipping his tongue back into his wildly sweet vampire boyfriend’s mouth. 
Danny rolled Sam over onto his back and crawled between his legs, propped up on his hands. He lifted one to brush Sam’s hair back, inspecting. “Are you okay?” he asked, ignoring the weirdly unresolved ache in his groin and the uncomfortable wet spot there. 
Sam reached up to touch his neck–it felt hot and sore but, again, free of any actual remnants of carnage. “I’m okay. I’m great, actually,” he said with a rough laugh, flopping his arms out at his sides. “We gave each other what we wanted.”
“And I–” Danny began, looking down at himself while he palmed his groin. “Totally fucking embarassed myself.”
Sam sat up on his elbows. “No, you didn’t.” He reached a hand out, fingers slipping beneath Danny’s waistband. “That’s fucking hot, Danny. You came ‘cause you got so excited.”
Danny breathed out slowly and crawled forward, hair hanging in Sam’s face. “I came because you’re so into it. You tasted your own blood,” he admitted, expecting to feel all that hot shame flood his veins once more but, again, it didn’t come. Instead, he was enveloped by his boyfriend’s warm, loving arms and kissed all over, until his own neck was burning red beneath Sam’s lips. 
Sam giggled. “I didn’t do that on purpose.” He mouthed against Danny’s throat while his hands roamed beneath his shirt, feeling the hard abs and the coarse hair that drove him as wild as every other part of Danny did. He dug his fingertips into Danny’s sides when another warm hand cupped his bulge. “Ooh, yeah–do that on purpose.”
Danny chuckled. Satiated and subdued, he could totally let go–well, he could fully let go after he addressed the lingering issue. “Sammy–we gotta rewind a bit,” he said, sitting back on Sam’s thighs. Sam stayed quiet, looking a touch wary, so Danny tried to run a reassuring hand down his waist. “As much as I wish I could just get this from you all the time, I can’t. It wouldn’t be safe. Seriously.” He swallowed, waiting for the inevitable blowback, but Sam just kept looking at him, breathing evenly. “You’re always gonna be my number one, alright? But there are gonna be times where I have to go find ‘randos.’ That’s the only way it’ll work. It’s the only way we’ll be okay.”
Sam sighed. He’d expected as much. “I get it,” he said, lacing his fingers through Danny’s, then he tugged him forward. “Just as long as you always come to me first.”
Danny smiled. “Always, baby. Now can I make you come?”
Sam brought Danny’s hand back down to his crotch. “Please do.”
With a great amount of love burning in his heart, Danny began that quest. He spent a long time with his mouth roaming across Sam’s upper body, kissing, biting and licking until his boyfriend was nearly thrashing against the bed and overtly begging for more. Then he got Sam naked and long fingers tangled in Danny’s hair as he went down on him, pouring all of his newly found energy into sucking, licking and stroking just the way his boyfriend liked–and demanded–it.
More than being stoned, Sam felt like the wind got knocked out of him after he came. Trying to catch his breath, he pulled Danny up by the shirt that was still on him and kissed him–the taste of his own cum wasn’t as good as the taste of blood, but Sam could taste Danny behind it all. He could feel him too, the entire weight of and length of his body on top, and Sam thought that he wanted to escape into that forever. He wanted Danny with him, on him, all over him forever. 
“Thank you,” Sam said. It was probably the most sincere “thank you” he’d ever said in his life. Danny kissed him again, smiling, before he rolled over, draping one arm and one leg over him. Sam could do better than that though–he climbed over Danny and clung to him like wet paper. “Best birthday ever.”
Danny was wishing he’d taken off his clothes, especially because his boxers were full-on sticking to his crotch. “Did you get everything you wanted?”
Sam nodded against his chest. “Fucking finally. You gotta keep your promise.”
“I will. I don’t break promises.”
“I know you don’t. But this is the most important one.” 
“I know it is, baby,” Danny assured him, stroking his hands down Sam’s back. It wasn’t even late–they both needed a shower and to hit the town again for dinner. He wanted to treat Sam to wherever and whatever he wanted. He was sure Sam could use some extra fuel now, and he felt he needed to further assess before that happened, particularly when he noticed the blooming violet and red bruise on his neck: “Did it hurt?”
“A little. Not too bad.” Sam sighed as if he had nowhere else to be ever again, a dead weight on top of Danny. The lingering pain was nothing compared to the bliss he felt. “Like anything else, I bet the more we do it, the less it will hurt.”
“Like sex.”
Sam snorted. “Exactly, Daniel.”
Tagging: @mackalah @sparrowofrhiannon @starbuggie @lightsofthe-living-gvf @sanguinebats @gvfrry @milojames16 @clairesjointshurt @bizzielisteningtogreta
If you'd like to be tagged in any of my fics, you can go here or DM me :)
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electricprincess96 · 1 month
Three Jokers is so very close to acknowledging and understanding Jason Todd, his trauma and mor importantly so close to giving us a Bruce that understands Jason and his trauma..... and then Barbara Fucking Gordon waltz in and acts all high and mighty because she "healed" from her trauma better than Jason did his so that makes Jason like the worst thing ever in her eyes.
Like I'm sorry but 1. This story seems to be under the impression Jason never actually died just.... fake died and 2. Barbara literally says she had a support system in place to help her get through her trauma and that Jason didn't have that..... but that's somehow Jason's fault? Like no... that's not how that works, Jason didn't have a support system because he was catatonic upon busting out of his grave and then after that picked up by assassins. He couldn't call out to his family or friends if he wanted to.
And for the most part this story has Bruce acknowledging that... Jason isn't as bad as Babs makes him out, he defends Jason to Barbara and Jim. That's all I want to see Bruce do, defend his children. Because ok Jason's hardly a saint in this story but he's not doing anything like truly awful.
Oh also hypocritical of Babs to say Jason needs to stop clinging to his trauma by going by the name Red Hood (I've always hated this take that Jason needs to give up Red Hood to heal, no reclaiming something from an abuser can very much be part of healing) but Barbara is allowed to keep reminders of her own trauma to help her healing process. Like whys it ok for her but not him?
And I hate the Jason and Babs relationship. But not for the reason most people do. Most people hate it cause Babs is getting passed along from Bat Boy to Bat Boy and they think shes better than that. No I hate it because she's so awful to Jason this entire story and I think he deserves better than that. He's faced enough trauma and judgement, he doesn't need her acting all high and mighty and making him feel worthless and small for the person he's become, a person that really isn't as bad as she makes him out to be in this story. Like I'll be the first to admit Jason's flaws but in this story.... he's really not that bad.
But positives. Artwork is STUNNING could look at this comic all day and never get bored. Jason and Babs are both beautiful, like ok hate this couple but damn they'd have pretty kids if this artist is drawing them.
I liked seeing Jason get to show off his detective skills. Many Batman fans and writers nowadays like to write Jason off as "the dumb Robin with anger issues" because they like to reduce the Robin's to like 1 trait each and "smart Robin" gets given to Tim but the fact is all the Robins are intelligent and capable detectives. They were raised and trained by Batman afterall. So seeing Jason finding out things on his own was good to see. I like seeing Jason be more than just the angry brute.
As I say when Babs isn't speaking the sort of quiet understanding that Bruce and Jason have is nice. I quite liked it. It looks like they are in a place where Bruce is trying to give Jason space while also trying to be someone who can support him. Then Barbara talks and everything falls apart but this is the positive section so I shall try to ignore that.
Overall.... I don't hate this story. As I say it gets very VERY close to nailing Jason and his relationship with Bruce. It somewhat fails in many MANY other aspects but honestly for this pretty art style alone I could be convinced to recommend it. I've certainly read much MUCH worse comics in recent years.
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tenebraevesper · 2 years
Sonic the Hedgehog Analyzer, Imposter Syndrome Issue #3: Imposter Syndrome (Part 3)
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Here’s the third part of our Cover puzzle, fitting in with the previous two to give us a scene of Surge and Sonic, Kit and Tails, and Starline and Eggman and Metal Sonc fighting against each other.
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Admittedly, I’m more fond of this Cover, as it illustrates perfectly Surge and Kit’s situation and relationship with Starline. Despite what happens in this and the next Issue, they are still under his control, no matter how much they deny it.
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We start off with Starline losing his goddamn mind over being fired by Eggman. It is clearly taking place right after Metal Sonic yeeted him through the Warp Topaz portal and before Bad Guys, as we see that Starline still lacks the Tricore on his glove. 
I guess that this is also before he started his work on Surge and Kit, as he shows off his own creation... which looks rather pathetic. Yeah, it is a prototype, but seriously, Eggman would’ve laughed him off if he had shown him that. There’s hardly any Badnik that can beat Metal Sonic considering how long he had lasted.
Honestly, the last panel is hella raw and it kind of makes me feel both disturbed and sorry for Starline, but at the same time, it shows just how unhinged he is. He can talk about his superiority all he wants, he’s just as mad as Eggman. He wants to create something that will surpass Metal Sonic and put him on top and prove himself to Eggman.
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The next video log takes place after Bad Guys, with Starline narrating how his time with Zavok has opened his eyes, which genuinely sounds like he’s going in a good direction. Remember, Zavok told him that he can surpass Eggman if he stops obsessing over the latter’s approval. Starline notes how he had decided to forego machines and instead use a living being for his plans.
I had mentioned something like this when analyzing Bad Guys, where Zavok questioned Starline’s over-reliance on robots, telling him how having loyal teammates is better as they can do what robots cannot, something Starline clearly took to heart.
He then shows off his creations, stating how the solution is the other way around - instead of inserting animals into robots, he will insert robotic parts into animals; creating cyborgs.
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Surge and Kit are clearly disturbed by what they learned, with Surge wondering whether Starline ever shuts up (no, he doesn’t, I checked). Kit wonders whether he should log out, but Surge tells him to keep digging as she wants more details. Kit notes how Starline’s archives are extensive, with Surge pinching her muzzle and calling him a wannabe influencer. She isn’t wrong, you know.
Kit notes how at least they know how he enhanced them, but questions whether they really should go behind Starline’s back. Surge tells Drippy to just get more deets, now.
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Kit manages to find a more recent video log, where Starline explains how he had taken care of the cybernetic enhancements and how it is time for the specialization. He had basically assembled all the necessary components to emulate the biomechanical miracles of his adversaries and install them into his cybernetic enforcers. He shows us the images of Neo Metal Sonic, Sonic and Shadow, having obviously taken the bio-data Neo Metal got, followed by the Power Cores and Tails’ DNA.
Starline notes how he had only emulated them, not replicated (yeah, if you’d want to replicate The Ultimate Lifeform, you’d also need the blood of an extinct alien race). He continues to say how Kitsunami needs external support, while Surge needs electro-magnetic propulsion, but he plans to improve.
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He continues to say how that power needs to be kept under control, which is why he kidnapped Belle, explaining how with her coding, he had the means of fabricating a personality, or rather overwriting existing ones. Surge and Kit will think what he wants them to think and they will do what he wants them to do. They will be who he wants them to be. Oh, and as a fail-safe, they’re particularly vulnerable to the hypno-glove.
Surge and Kit are shocked by this revelation, Surge being furious.
Oh, but we’re not done yet.
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We then proceed to watch those sessions where Starline is overwriting Surge and Kit’s personalities. We can see that Surge had a lot more sessions with Starline than Kit did, where Starline tried to convince her that she hates Sonic and wants to destroy him until she was finally able to believe that for herself, without the hypno-glove. Note, that was Session 232.
As for Kit, he was told that he lives to support Surge, that he looks out for her and would do anything for her, even asking during the latest session (Session 033) whether he can see her. I assume that Starline kept these two separate until their personalities were fully overwritten.
Honestly, this is hella disturbing when you think about it. We know that Starline has kidnapped Surge and Kit around the time of Bad Guys, and we don’t know how much time has passed between that and The Trial by Fire Arc, but if it was a month or so, then Surge and Kit might as well have been exposed to Starline’s hypno-glove to no end, and that’s not even counting the tests Starline put them through.
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Starline reveals how he repurposed the resilience of the Metal Virus into safe cellular supplements to enhance the cybernetics, meaning that, physically, Surge and Kit are extremely resilient (and we already saw that stuff with the Zombots; where you could throw them into an explosion and they would still survive).
There is a “but”, though, as Starline shows the video log of Surge failing her tests, and it is even implied that she may have died during some of them. Also, check the number again, she got put through at least 105 Test Sessions, day by day. No wonder she is pissed off.
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Kit isn’t faring better, being put through the same stuff as Surge, and the numbers of Test Sessions rise to 601. Again, I have to ask how many of those were done in just one day.
It is absolutely horrifying, but Starline is just frustrated that he now he has to deal with psychological trauma. Dude, what hell did you think would happen if you put them through that?! I reiterate - Starline is intelligent,... but he’s also a huge idiot.
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We then proceed to see more of the footage of Surge and Kit going through the tests, probably even dying to some of them (or at least, they would’ve been dead had it not been for their resilience thanks to the Metal Virus). Starline continues how he can’t erase their memories entirely, as they’re learning and improving, and with each revival (yeah, that confirms that they became chalk outlines at some point) he had to suppress and edit. They’re still making progress and he’s hoping that they’ll be soon ready for field-testing.
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Kit looks just done with everything, while Surge looks like she wants to smash everything to pieces and burn the remains, but surprisingly, she keeps her cool and tells Kit to do one more search - she wants to know who they were before they taken in by Starline. They’re cyborgs, so obviously they had a life before this. Were they volunteers, kidnapped, heroes, convicts? She needs an answer.
Kit searches through everything, only to reveal that there are no records. Surge demands that he searches harder, but Kit tells her how he had done everything he could and there are none.
Surge then asks the question: “WHY NOT?!”
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Her question is answered by Starline: “Because it’s irrelevant.”
Surge and Kit turn to Starline, who is surprisingly calm, scolding them like children who stayed up past their bedtime. Surge yells at him how it isn’t irrelevant and that she needs context. She has no past, all she has is this and this is nothing! She even calls herself a knockoff and everything she ever wanted, or at least thought she wanted, was a lie. She’s in tears, desperate to at least know something about her past.
I will stop the story here to bring up something I mentioned in the first Issue - the parallels between Surge and Scourge. If there are still people among you who think Surge is Scourge 2.0., this moment should disprove it.
Scourge always knew that he was a different version of Sonic. They were essentially one and the same person, but from different worlds, and Scourge wanted to prove himself to be the superior Sonic. Sonic’s words and actions influenced his own and even during their last encounter, he calls himself the superior Sonic.
Surge on the other hand has no clue who she is. She was molded by Starline to surpass Sonic, but she was never in control of her own destiny (same goes for Kit). She is basically a clean slate with no past and no desire except what Starline told her. She has gone through so much anger, pain and psychological trauma without knowing why except that she’s supposed to hate Sonic.
These two may be similar, but unlike Scourge, who is a bully, Surge is a victim of Starline’s own plans and I feel sorry for her and Kit. Her story, despite being simplified by Starline, is genuinely complex when you peel off the layers and get to the core; and it only gets worse from here.
Starline implies how this wasn’t the first time Surge and Kit hacked into his video logs and uses the hypno-glove on them, noting how it always ends the same way.
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However, this time, things are different, as Surge and Kit attack Starline, but Starline manages to knock Kit out with his electric spurs.
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Surge spin-dashes into Starline and I think Starline wanted to pick the Speed Core, but then went with the Power Core to block Surge, which explains Surge’s comment on how he can only pick one Core at the time, while she has both power and speed in her arsenal.
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Starline chooses the Fly Core instead, using his poisonous spurs on her and knocking her down. Starline tells her how he invested too much into her, but he will punish her further if necessary.
Unfortunately for Starline, it is clear that he forgot that he made her to heal quickly, meaning the poison has not much of an effect on her, and second - he forgot about Kit!
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As Kit lifts Starline up, Surge has managed to grab his glove. Starline tells both to... I guess not kill him? He’s the only one who knows their pasts and can maintain their enhancements, pleading with the two to let him go, but Surge shoves the hypno-glove right into his face, telling him to shut up.
Now, I will take a pause here for a moment, as there’s something else I need to address. First of all, the reason behind Surge and Kit’s rising resilience to the hypno-glove. We have seen that those with a strong will (like Zavok) can resist it, and Surge is a strong-willed person. Not to mention, I’m sure that after so many sessions, even if they were programmed to be vulnerable to it, they would eventually build up resistance to it.
The second, and more important, thing I want to address here is that, technically, Starline’s plan could’ve worked if the idiot platypus didn’t brainwash the two and instead found someone who actually does hate Sonic and would want to work for him. Or, if that wasn’t an option, at least give Surge and Kit a reason to fight against Sonic and Tails beyond “This is what you want”. They need a solid motivation.
Honestly, Starline was the one who screwed himself over in this particular regard.
After Starline goes down, Kit asks Surge what they should do, and Surge, still tearing, replies how they’ll just burn everything down. Sonic, Eggman, Starline... everyone and everything is going down. There won’t be any more heroes nor villains - Surge refuses to participate in that stupid game. If she doesn’t get a past, they won’t get a future.
Something to note here, the most dangerous people are not the ones with the most power or cunning mind, but those who have nothing to lose, and we’ll see just how bad things will get from her on.
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After Kit asks her how she plans to do that, Surge replies how she doesn’t care and that maybe they should start with tormenting Starline. Kit tells her how he won’t stop her, but offers her an alternative plan - they could use Starline’s plan to bring everyone together and take it in their own direction; destroy Sonic and Tails and then destroy Eggman and Starline as well. Surge is intrigued by the idea of letting Starline go through all of that trouble only for him to set himself up for the fall and agrees.
You know, while I tend to focus on Surge more in this analysis, since she’s more vocal, I have to give it to Kit here - the whole plan where they use Starline to destroy everyone is actually his idea, and it shows just how cunning he is.
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Starline wakes up from the hypnosis-induced sleep, with the videos from the test sessions playing behind him. He’s clearly confused, even nervous when he sees Surge and Kit in the room, Surge just lying around and Kit sitting and listening to him.
When he tries to make sense of the situation, Surge explains that he put himself to sleep with his own monologue and how he had just been filling them in on the details on how he made the two as part of some kind of “pre-mission prep”. She wasn’t really paying attention.
I have to say, I just love the expressions on this page, especially Starline’s. Dude looks so bewildered.
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Starline clearly has a hard time believing that he did that and that Surge and Kit accepted it so easily. Surge replies that, if they weren’t, he would’ve wiped that outta their brains. She then continues telling him how he made them powerhouses, so why should they complain if they get a lifetime of hero worship as long as they turn Sonic into dust. As for Kit, he’s cool with it because Surge tells him so. Again, love the expressions here, and Kit’s empty gaze is especially unnerving.
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Starline is relieved they could put that conundrum past them, with Surge and Kit just grinning at each other, and decides to move on with the plan. They will be invading Eggman’s new capital city, where Starline will upload the override program. Surge is enthusiastic, figuring they’ll just scramble Eggman with his own robots, but Starline reminds her they’ll only pacify him and that Sonic and Tails are their targets. Surge replies with a simple “My bad”.
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As Starline continues explaining the plan, we see Surge and Kit glancing at each other, and Kit subtly erasing the Starline logo from the seat, foreshadowing his future.
#Previous Issue
#Next Issue
#Sonic the Hedgehog Analyzer (Masterlist)
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There was a delay in the answer. Wilford was sure the DA was ignoring him at first, until he stepped around and noticed how their expression was vacant. Their body was here, but their mind was far from here. They might be trying to find the answer in another place. Was there another version of them who had love? If there wasn't... how miserable must that be for them.
A hand reached out with the intention to shake then out of the moment, but they stirred before he could do so. Sympathy was clear as he read the explanation during the multi-tasking. He held his tongue, and it worked, as he gained a snippet of information, along with what was almost a blush.
A pronoun, signed without thinking of the consequences of it. While it didn't help guide Wilford toward a person, it proved the DA had thought about it.
"So that's it? Yer gonna stay single forever because it's 'complicated?" He huffed while wiping the counter down, "Look. Yer point of view is too narrow. Yer 'circumstances', ta use yer own word, aren't a big wall that's keepin' ya locked in. Y've a lot ta work through, I get that, but ya can't keep thinkin' it's not somethin' yer entitled ta." The cloth was slung back over his shoulder.
"It doesn't need ta be a 'forever an' ever' thing. It's a 'one day at a time' thing. It's a 'slow an' steady' thing. But more importantly, it's a 'why hold back?' thing. If ya love someone," deliberately keeping the clue to himself, "go fer it. If they love ya back, they will be there, even if ya can't be there all th' time." (rosetintedgunman)
It wouldn’t be strange for the DA to ignore them; they’d been known to do it when Wilford was in one of his particularly curious moods. You can take Wilford away from reporting, but you can’t take the reporter out of him altogether, they suppose. He was insatiable. But the DA was just as stubborn as them, and truthfully? They rarely had any answers to give. Sometimes it felt like Wilford knew more about them than themselves, which was particularly amusing, given that he was... Well, Wilford.
If anything, my point of view is much too broad, and that’s precisely the issue, the DA shoots back, flicking a handful of water at Wilford as they set about washing the glasses. They’d seen Wilford play romance advisor to plenty of customers, but they didn’t think they’d ever be on the receiving end of it themselves. One day at a time is all well and good for a while, but it’s hardly grounds for a stable relationship, Will. Eventually they’ll start wanting more, and I... I can’t give them that. Even if I want to.
They’d promised they’d never leave him, and they’d meant it. God, had they meant it. But it wasn’t up to them. Nothing ever was.
You saw me in the mirror. That’s all I am, really, when the story comes to an end. Just broken glass and sharp edges. Not much to come home to, is it? Even if their signing doesn’t give any tone, the white knuckle grip on the sink’s edge is enough to tell Wilford that it’s getting to them more than they’d like him to believe. Why was the point in trying to convince themselves they were something they weren’t? Hadn’t they done enough of that in these stories already?
And didn’t it always end the same way?
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mangodestroyer · 1 year
Unfortunately, I've known a handful of toxic people in my lifetime (toxic family leading to toxic dynamics in adult relationships because that behavior was familiar). I'm thinking about why some of these people gave me a weird feeling when I first met them.
I'm trying to get out more, so that the only time I'm out in public isn't just because I'm getting necessities and going to work. I've come to realize that even if I can pick up on a lot of stuff from text, I have grossly underestimated my ability to read body language. So I want to keep it in mind if I end up meeting someone new irl.
I was in a long distance relationship, and while things never sat right through text and video (they hardly ever wanted to video call me, which is a definite redflag for a partner), meeting them in person was a very different experience. I was excited when I got off the plane, only for them to get impatient with me on the phone and act very uninterested when I came up to their car. Seeing their demeanor just absolutely killed my mood. Again, I thought I was being weird for feeling... disappointed? I thought maybe I was nervous? But looking back, the complete lack of enthusiasm was just very strange. Especially considering how, when my friend met her long distance bf, they were so very clearly happy to see each other and cried when they parted ways. That's one thing that made me realize that whatever I had going on wasn't a loving relationship.
And ofc, I blamed myself for not doing enough to make my partner feel loved, because she just seemed really annoyed with me during the whole trip, constantly nitpicking on things like me wasting too much food, being too picky, telling me my hips would look better if I worked out rather than ate. And all these nitpicks were said in the most robotic, matter-of-fact tone, while other times she'd kind of just glare at me for doing something I didn't think would bother her. She also accused me of not caring about her. Not spending enough time around her. Maybe I am a little guilty of the second one, I just remember not feeling very good on that trip at all. I remembered feeling uncomfortable, anxious, and was dissociating pretty hard. I remember not even wanting to be in the same room as her dad because he really, REALLY set off alarms for me, but he was ALWAYS AROUND. At one point, half my body went numb and I just felt like I needed to sit down and get away from everyone. My ex found that very annoying. I didn't realize it at the time, but I was having a panic attack. Also, our time together didn't really feel like it was about us. She spent lots of time doing her own thing and talking to other people while I just sat there like a decoration, ig.
I know this example was long, but I think it shows a lot of the warning behaviors, as well as my own body's reactions to being in that environment and around those people. And again, over text, she could at least pretend to sound more enthusiastic, even though she was still negging and whatnot. But at the same time, all she ever wanted to do was rp her interest, which I shared at the time. And she liked to future fake and tell me to just move in with her already. It became a HUGE problem when I lost interest in the fandom we were in. That's when she really let out her true colors.
And why did I not see the issues with this relationship?
Some other behaviors I've noticed, in different people, are smirking, mean laughter, gazing into your soul, ignoring you, somehow misunderstanding a lot of things you say in the worst way possible (ex did this too tho), constant arguing, and the creepy fake kindness.
Idk if anyone else has noticed the smirk. But you know when a predatory individual thinks they won an argument against you, sees you fall for a lie, and listens to you expose a vulnerable part of yourself, they kind of just get this weird, evil smirk, like they got you? Sometimes, their eyes widen and they start staring at you like your prey. They may even compare you to prey (my roommate used to tell me I was like a mouse, which... I don't see it). It sounds so ridiculous. Like something that would only come out of fiction. But I swear, this is how my roommate used to look at me. It feels almost supernatural with how uncanny it is.
In fact, the smirk has to be the creepiest one imo. Most humans I've interacted with... just don't have that look on their face. I see it a little bit in some customers, but not quite like how my roommate does it. My brother is a good competitor.
And again, I would have thought this shit only happened in books or movies. You know those overly mean characters? Always smirking and giving the protag weird looks? Ig there are people like that irl. I didn't believe it until I saw relatives start doing it, and same with that roommate and some customers.
If I ever meet another potential friend or partner, I plan on journaling how I feel about them. Observe how they change, if they do. Reflect on how they make me feel. I'll try all the harder to listen to my gut. I'll keep things not-very-deep at first and take it slow.
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opal-eyed-girl · 1 year
2/28/23 journal
i am 22 now. been 22 for nearly five months. i feel good today in spite of all the sleeping issues i've been having. i try to write in my journal every day but i slip up from time to time. i don't beat myself up for it though. i haven't done a tumblr journal in a while.
i've been looking for a job. i think i'll end up working at this beauty store. i just need to make money and pay for my car since it's heavy on my mom to pay it herself. i also wanna be able to buy myself things i need and want without having to ask. like cat food and litter, or new clothes that i've been needing for a real long time.
i hardly ever leave the house anymore so the clothes can wait, but pretty soon i'm gonna need to get myself a new wardrobe. being 22 and growing and just overall changing is weird. it's so so weird that my clothes don't fit the same. i have accepted that this is the way it's meant to be. i'm not meant to kill myself just so i can fit into the clothes i wore in high school. clothes that a teenaged high schooler wore. they're outdated anyway. i would rather keep the sentimental ones and donate the rest. i am still beautiful and sexy, and plus, my body is the least interesting thing about me. why's everything gotta be so superficial? i'm not that shallow. i've been in recovery long enough to know that i'm way better than that.
i'm excited to move out of my mom's house, finally. me and my partner are anticipating this new chapter. we'll have more freedom and privacy, and most importantly, we will not be living with my mother anymore. it's almost too good to be true.
i'll be gone. in another city. with my own car. my own job. i'll go wherever i want. i'll do whatever i want. i'll wear whatever i want. i'll eat whatever i want. i can exercise at a nearby park and have picnics whenever i want. it's just... insane??? i'm the eldest daughter of a hispanic household. both my parents were raised catholic and although my dad isn't really in the picture, that strict catholic parenting really rubbed onto my mom from my maternal grandparents who i never got to meet.
i'm just so stoked. like, beyond. i deserve this. this is for me. it's for me and my partner, for us. it makes me emotional. believe it or not, it made me a little depressed. mother-daughter relationships can be so complicated. add a non-white ethnicity into that mix and it can be fucking hell. fuck, add religion and it's the fucking ninth circle.
the things i've been through in this house, the house i grew up in. the things i have heard, seen, done... the feelings i have felt... it was all i knew for a long time. so, letting go of that and moving out and just being gone and getting to use my free will to my pleasure is crazy.
i'm afraid of the daughter guilt. of that motherly control still shackling me down. but i gotta fight it and just be me, for me.
wish me luck.
0 notes
yoonieper · 3 years
Just A Taste | PJM
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Why are the sweetest things always the worst for you?
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✽ Pairing: Jimin x Reader
✽ Genre: Vampire Au, angst, smut, tiny bit of humor
✽ Rated: S for Sweet
✽ Warnings: blood depictions, Jimin nearly jumps y/n, talk about death, Jimin is starving, y/n is seriously the best ride or die, brief mentions of pregnancy talk, fingering, unprotected sex, biting, terrible depictions of blood loss (I’m not a doctor but just go with it), lots of crying (she sad y’all), prepare for the angstttt
✽ Word Count: 17.2k
✽ Summary: They said having a relationship with a human wasn’t a good idea, but Jimin liked you too much to ever let that get in the way. Your relationship was beautiful, yes you didn’t know that small important detail about him being a bloodthirsty vampire, but he had it under control. That’s at least what he thought, he never would have predicted a drought….
✽ Now Playing: Candy by Doja Cat
✽ Author’s Note: Another idea I had been wanting to write for a long time~ Happy birthday Jimin and Happy Halloween! Bonus at the enddddd ;)
No reposting, modifying. Translating is not allowed unless given explicit permission. Thank you so much :D
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Jimin’s feet dragged along the dull carpeted floor of his apartment building. The weight of his ongoing stress has finally piled up and become too much to bear. Work was exhausting and the worst issue of all was the hunger that has just been getting worse. He can’t even go home anymore without fear and anxiety of something happening.
This drought had gone on for longer than anyone could have expected. Being around a human right now was dangerous, yet every night he comes back home to you. His everything. He was just so hungry.
He would never do anything to you despite the strong pull of his instincts to just sink his teeth into that pretty neck of yours. He knew you would taste so sweet, your blood rich with life. Not that he was thinking about it or anything… But he would never touch you. This drought was just putting him between a rock and a hard place.
Jimin thought back to it, when his group was told the news.
Despite the myths, no vampire would ever be able to go ‘vegan.’ Animal blood did not contain the same life force that matched with their own. You could drink an entire cow and it wouldn’t do shit. It was just gross and you’re the fool who decided to drink cow blood.
That did make things a bit more complicated.
Luckily the issue was solved already. Some smart people of his kind decided to make a company that hosts blood drives. The blood mostly goes to where it’s intended but a few packets might also be what is keeping his kind alive. It was a full proof system and has been running smoothly ever since Jimin’s been alive.
The problem was the storm that was currently affecting the entire country. A terrible few weeks of bad weather was enough to drive even the most loyal donors away and leave a major shortage. The storms also brought the issue of delivery, the trucks that brought their rations needed to delay their voyage because the weather outside was just that bad.
In turn it left his entire area without any new supplies coming in until the storm clears up, which according to the weather, they haven’t even made it through the worst of it.
He had just come from a meeting with his group in order to plan on how they’re going to get through this. They had spares, enough to thinly ration for the next few days, but not nearly enough to satisfy the lustrous hunger for more.
Jimin could hardly get through work anymore. He really should have considered a better career, but at the time it seemed like the right idea. He was a doctor and the occasional phlebotomist when he’d volunteer for the blood drive. Again, in hindsight it was a terrible idea, but normally he wasn’t starving.
As the days went on it was harder and harder to control himself. The urge to just pounce a human and take what he needed was so great at this point it was scary. There were so many risks being this hungry, he could only hope that Namjoon could figure out a way to get their rations as soon as possible.
Jimin finally made it to the front of the white wood paneled door, the shiny gold numbers reading 612 let him know this was his. He’s fine, he can do this.
You’re the love of his life, no need to be scared.
He got out his key and pushed open to reveal the lovely apartment you both have made your own. You were planning on moving soon, already having a house in mind and have briefly spoken with a realtor. Jimin even had a ring. You weren’t his wife yet but he had every intention of marrying you. The only real reason why he hadn’t popped the question yet was because he hadn’t told you one small detail…
Jimin continued into the apartment, already hearing the shower water running. He smiled at the thought of you inside.
“Jagi?” He called out, setting his keys on the table.
“Oh! Jimin, you’re home!” Your sweet voice immediately brought a smile to the man’s face.
“After what feels like an eternity somehow I made it back…” He stripped off his jacket to reveal the signature white doctor coat.
“Hard day at work?“ You questioned. If only you knew the extent of it… How he nearly had his teeth sunken into one of his patients because they came in needing stitches, a gash that most would wince at had him nearly drooling.
“Yeah, you could say that. I’m exhausted…” He was happy being home. Home with you was salvation, here he didn’t feel like the monster that he knew he was. Sometimes he would forget the unorthodox craving he had. With you he felt normal, he felt human.
Jimin heard you hum slightly and that made him realize how clear you could hear him considering the shower was running.
He peeked his head around the corner to see a towel was wrapped around your form, your leg propped up on the side of the tub and a razor in the other hand.
You seemed to notice him immediately because your head quickly turned so you were looking down the hallway. You shied when you saw his gaze.
“Sorry, you kinda caught me at a weird moment…”
This was anything but weird to him, if anything his heart was warm knowing you were so comfortable to leave the door open. “Don’t worry— did you just get out?” He hoped you would say no.
“I was just about to get in~” Jimin silently cheered to himself. “Would you mind if I join you when you’re ready?”
You noticed the flirty smile on his face. You knew that’s not all he had planned. You didn’t mind though, you didn’t mind at all.
“I’m almost done, start stripping— all I need is like 3 minutes.” You called out. He went a little further down the hallway, his hands in his coat pockets, a fond smile as he leaned against a wall.
It didn’t take you long for you to notice his gaze.
“What? Why are you looking at me like that?” You giggled, already a light blush starting to settle on your cheeks.
Jimin’s heart was full, sometimes it was hard to believe how much he loved you. “I just wanted to say how much I lo—“
“Shit!” You cursed softly to yourself.
He immediately picked it up. His eyes trained on the blood that trickled down your leg, the scent heavenly. If this was any other day, he would just store this memory deep down that would sometimes resurface when he craved to taste you. But he was fucking starving, the rationale he normally possessed was gone. No longer could he seem to overcome the desire that haunted him everyday, but he was looking at it right in the eyes.
He couldn’t escape. His senses were heightened, he could hear the blood pumping through your veins, he could almost taste how sweet you’d be on his tongue. Jimin felt the fangs he normally was able to conceal, emerge quickly, waiting for him to sink his teeth into his prey.
By now you had managed to grab a towel, it was only a small cut, but it still managed to bleed slightly. You didn’t think too much of it until, in your peripheral vision, you saw Jimin staring at you wide eyed.
He looked like he’d seen a ghost.
“Jimin, you ok?” You asked hesitantly, slightly worried. You were shocked when you were about to make your way closer and he bolted away.
Fuck fuck fuck, he knew he had more somewhere. Some fucking where. He ran to the fridge, heading straight for where he kept his emergency reserves. It was a harsh reminder when he quickly scurried through the items, to remember that he took out his reserves for his group.
All he saw was red, a craving so uncontrollable it turned him into a monster.
It didn’t take long for you to catch up to find Jimin hastily digging through the fridge like he was a raccoon.
This was bad.
“Jimin?!” You cried out at the sight.
He could still smell it, he could smell you. How much he wanted to taste. You shouldn’t have come closer. What remained of Jimin wanted to tell you to run, to get away from him, but he couldn’t. The only thing you were now was his prey. He was starving and there you were right in front of him.
Jimin turned around and you nearly collapsed at the sight. No longer was it your sweet faced boyfriend, but he looked like something straight out of a horror movie. Fangs protruded from his mouth, his eyes were red, and he was looking at you like you were…
“Jimin….” Your voice was weak, barely above a whisper.
Your boyfriend— or whatever this thing was charged at you. Your legs were wobbly from shock and you didn’t make it far, only the front door before you were paralyzed with fear.
He quickly had you caged in with his arms. You were trapped, cornered, nowhere to go. It was over.
He could feel how scared you were, your heart beating out of control— in all honestly made the thought even more alluring. All he wanted was his teeth in your neck as he took what he wanted.
So good, he knew, he could smell how good you’d taste.
Jimin would have honestly given into his craving if he hadn’t come back enough to realize your begging and pleas for him to stop. It all came back, it was you y/n… and he was…
You were shaking, you were so scared… of him.
His frenzied state subsided and he released you. You instantly sunk to the floor, the tears finallying spilling over and you just bawled.
Jimin felt himself choking up, the consequences of his actions settling in. He really was about to…
“Y/n… I… I’m sorry I didn’t mean to… I—I’m sorry…” The words weren’t enough for you who probably didn’t even hear him, but they certainly weren’t enough for himself. Nothing could make up for what he did. Nothing.
His group always warned him about getting in a relationship with a human, he loved you too much to give it up, but now look. He was about to…
Jimin couldn’t stand to be in here anymore. He grabbed his coat and ran out the apartment, even then the temptations he had been feeling still lingered.
How could he face you again?
⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰
Jimin sat there with a beer in hand, hunched over at the bar. In a haste to get away, fearing what he might do to any more innocents he ran to the only place he knew he wouldn’t do any harm.
The hangout. The place his group resides. They were far away from society, the risk of anyone finding this place slim to none. Out here they could be themselves without the prying eyes of humans.
Jimin took another long swig of his beer. Tears had begun to stain his face and collect on the counter below. He had ruined the most beautiful thing that could come out of his miserable life.
He was trying his best to convince himself this was out of his control. Who could have predicted you would suddenly cut yourself with your razor? It was just unfortunate that he was standing right there and that he was starving.
But that’s the issue. He couldn’t control himself.
He was this close to sinking his teeth into your neck and in his crazed state he doubted, no, he’s sure he wouldn’t have been able to stop, at least until you were lifeless on the floor.
This wasn’t just one of those things that he could push behind him. You likely never wanted to see him again, and even if in some weird alternate dimension you actually did, the risk of an incident like that happening again was too great.
He loved you too much to put you through that again.
They were right.
Suddenly he heard the door open. Jimin turned around to reveal Yoongi and Jungkook. What were they doing here?
He saw Jungkook reach over for the light switch and as the lights illuminated their hangout, the shock on their faces when they saw Jimin at the bar.
“Hyung? What are you doing back here?” Jungkook questioned. Jimin tried to wipe the tears before they got any closer.
“Uh— what are you guys doing here?” His voice was shaky, he could hardly keep it together.
“Jungkook forgot his phone. I came with him to get some papers for Namjoon. Now what about you?” He wasn’t paying attention to anything, they knew it too, his quiet sobs becoming more and more obvious.
“Hey are you ok?” Yoongi asked hesitantly.
“I— uh… I—“ But none of that worked at the end of the day. His voice was too shaky and tears still continued to stream down his face. It didn’t take long for him to just completely break down right in front of them.
The two looked at each other concerned before running over to his side. “Jimin what happened?” Yoongi tried to ask in between the sobs. Whatever it was, it clearly got to him. They’ve never seen Jimin like this before.
The pair were unsure of how to exactly go about this, but they sat on top of the bar stools next to him and comforted him the best they could. Jungkook gently massaged his back and Yoongi somewhere in between called the others to tell them to come over for more reinforcement.
By the time Jimin was able to calm down just for a fraction of a second the rest of the group was here, all waiting for an explanation.
“You were right.” Jimin suddenly said, his head was on Taehyung’s lap, he had been gently stroking his hair.
“Jimin, please tell us what happened.” Namjoon said from the couch across from where he was sitting. Some of the guys had started tearing up as well, everyone was so anxious to find out what’s got him this upset.
“I nearly killed her.” This surely was a way to get everyone’s attention.
“Jimin what did you do…?” Yoongi asked, extremely concerned.
“She cut herself with a razor… I was this close to doing it.” He started getting choked up again.
The others started filling in the clues.
“Is this about y/n?” Seokjin finally asked. Tears started streaming down his face, letting everyone know that it was you.
“Ok, Jimin I’m sorry, but you’re gonna have to tell us exactly what happened. This is obviously hard for you, but I worry whatever happened might be an issue for the whole group.” Hoseok said seriously concerned.
Yes he knew that. It’s what made this whole situation even worse. Not only did he nearly harm you, but the other most important people in his life, he might have also put them at risk.
Jimin sat up knowing this was going to be a difficult conversation. “I don’t know what happened. I just got back from our meeting earlier, I was tired and hungry but I didn’t think it was that bad. The minute it happened… I—I couldn’t even think straight. Nothing happened but she saw me— the real me.”
There was some relief in the fact that no harm came to you. It’s not like they were close to you, only having met on a few occasions, but a body is the last thing that their group needs right now.
“I don’t want to be that person but I told you so—“ Yoongi started but a swift hit from Namjoon was enough to shut him up. Too late, enough was said, the damage was done.
“Jimin, it's not your fault. You’ve managed well after all these years, you know that it’s because of the drought,” Namjoon reassured. He was right in some ways, the drought putting you at great risk because of your relationship.
If it was as simple as that he would just try and stay away until the drought passes and they start getting regular shipments again. He would have done that before anything happened if it was that simple.
“But I haven’t. This is the first time something like this has happened, but I’ve wanted to do it long before that. I’ve thought about it, dreamt about it, and now it happened and I—...” He was getting emotional again. “The last thing I want to do is hurt her but I don’t know how long I could keep fitting my urges. It’s hurting me and even though she doesn’t know it, it’s hurting her.” The answer seemed so clear when he spoke it out like this, but his heart still ached at the thought.
“I don’t want this to happen again. She deserves someone who doesn’t think about her like I do.”
The boys were honestly a bit shocked at his revelation. When Jimin first announced the relationship to the group there was much opposition from everyone. Not just from the boys from within their group, but in the vampiric world word travels fast, especially when it concerns something like that. Despite all the warnings he got, Jimin persisted and moved past them all. He didn't care and even though the boys were worried, especially after he told them that he wasn’t going to tell you about who he really was. They were hesitant, but they saw how happy he was.
They could hardly go through one meeting before he was talking about you. It was a bit much, but the boys couldn’t deny he was in love. After a while, they honestly thought he was somehow going to make this work.
“What are you saying…?” Tae asked.
“I’m saying, after what happened today, as much as I want to be with her, I don’t think it’s safe to continue the relationship.” Everyone gasped with shock. He was already making it clear, but hearing him say it out loud made it real.
“You sure that’s what you want hyung?” Jungkook wondered, everyone wondered.
“No, not at all. But in order to keep her safe I have to.” Jimin was trying his best to stay strong. He tried to convince himself this is what’s best, but all he wanted to do was run back home to you.
Suddenly he remembered the ring that’s buried deep in his drawer. You wouldn’t have said yes anyway. He could have never asked you to make a commitment like that without knowing what he really was and seeing you after what happened… He was never going to hear from you again after that.
“So what’s next?”
Jimin thought about it. “I have to tell her, at least explain what happened, that’s only fair.”
“Yeah what if she thought you were possessed or something.” Another slap from Hoseok to Seokjin, the comment being a little too insensitive right now.
“Hopefully we make it through this drought and then I’ll do it.” It was a way of stalling. He could always text you, that’s honestly what he’ll probably have to do. But he didn't want to break up with you over text. He didn’t want to break up with you at all, this just gave him an excuse to delay the inevitable.
“That is, if we make it through this drought…” Jungkook sighed.
“You can stay with me if you want, until you get your stuff and you find a place.” Hoseok offered. Jimin silently thanked him before Namjoon started getting everyone’s attention.
“I rushed out of a meeting with other groups. It’s not looking good at all as far as when they think they’ll be able to send the next shipment out here…” He saw everyone’s faces drop at the news.
“The storms should be ending soon, but the issue is the shortage that’s happened because of it. They’re prioritizing bigger cities that have more Vampires, it doesn’t look like we’re going to be getting anything any time soon.”
“What are we going to do then?! Do they expect us to just wait?!!!” Hoseok asked. It’s not just Jimin who has been hungry, but everyone here has been suffering. They were already getting stretched thin, the rations they had weren’t enough to make it through the end of the week.
“Some of the more… out there groups plan on moving to humans. I have no idea when the next shipment might be coming so… in order to survive I suggest we think about it.” They were hardly alive as it is, but knowing Namjoon, the one who’s always been against the thought of going after humans, was considering the option made everything seem even more scary. They were really in desperate times.
“I know you guys know I normally hate that idea, but again, it might be our only option. Everyone here is already so hungry, after what we have runs out I don’t think we’ll be able to make it very long. We could wait but I’m worried that would put us in a bad place. Either we’re too weak to go out and get blood ourselves and we starve, or we end up going berserk, leading to possible casualties.”
“Isn’t what you’re saying also leading to casualties?”
“It might but at least right now we have a chance of not killing them. I don’t want to speak up for you guys because this is a personal decision, but I can’t bring myself to go after the humans. I don’t care how starved I am, I will wait. At the meeting they said there will be an update on the next locations of shipments in a few days. I’m crossing my fingers that we’re on the list.”
“If not…”
Namjoon just smiled. “Let’s not say that, but I will do what I must. If you guys want to, I won't stop you if you choose to go after a human. Desperate times come for desperate measures so I won’t judge and I hope no one else in this room does either.”
The rest of the members looked around at each other.
“If you’re choosing to wait then I can wait a little while longer…” Jungkook trailed off. It’s what everyone else agreed with. They will tough it out the best they can, but afterward they might just do what they have to.
Jimin though was silent throughout the conversation. It was just in the fact he made the decision to break up with you (he’s almost sure that’s what you would have said anyway), but unlike everyone else Jimin didn’t have the time like the rest of them did. It might just be in Jimin’s nature to be too caring than he knows he should be, but Jimin for the past week had given his rations to the rest of the members.
They would always be complaining about how hungry they were and he just couldn’t stand seeing them that way. He voluntarily gave up some of them in order to keep the others happy. They didn’t know that of course, he would always make the excuse that he was fine despite their protest. The conversation made him realize just how hungry he was. He had been stretching it thin for a while now… he might lose it if he doesn’t do something soon. Jimin had hoped that by now they would be getting their supply again, but his luck did not go in his favor.
Then again, he could always go after some human right after this meeting, but after today… Seeing the terror you experienced with his own eyes made the thought of going after anyone else despicable. He couldn’t do that..
After some time he made the plan. He couldn’t go after anyone else, not after today. He was going to wait like the rest of the boys but there was no until. He would wait until the end if he had to.
His mind drifted back to you. He couldn’t help but think about being with you right now. You were always there when things would get stressful. He was going to miss you…
⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰
The next few days were harder than he thought possible. He was fighting two battles at once. First the boys had reached their limit— their rations had run out the day before and everyone was starting to lose it. They had really stretched themselves thin with making it that far, they had been starving for weeks now, but at this point it was starting to become unbearable.
The boys made a pact not to leave their little hang out in the woods unless they needed to, scared what might happen if they went back into the city. It was scary, seeing those he was closest to go through this pain. It hurt him even more than what he was experiencing. By now some of the other guys started to get suspicious of his condition. All of them were displaying signs of malnutrition but Jimin looked 10x worse than the others. They had questioned him but Jimin shooed away their worries. He just hadn’t figured out a way to tell them yet.
If that wasn’t bad enough, you had started calling him. It started the day after the whole fiasco back at the apartment, but you were persistent and made it a point to call him a couple times each day. If he wasn’t in the situation he was in he would have picked up the very first time, he was shocked by the fact that you were calling him at all. Part of him was expecting you to tell him to get his stuff out of the apartment or something that was meant to show you were done with him, another reason he couldn’t bring himself to pick up the phone.
After a while you gave up calling and texted him.
[Jimin, please come over. We need to talk.]
Your text was a bit ominous but he was once again surprised you actually wanted to see him again. At first, knowing his condition, he was a bit hesitant to see you again. He might pounce you without the need to draw any blood this time. But as hours then a few days passed, he got to the point where he feared he wouldn’t be able to see you again.
He was weak— extremely. He wouldn’t be able to do anything even if he wanted to. At the very least he wanted to give you an explanation before he couldn’t anymore. So he texted you back one day and told you he was coming to the apartment later that day.
Jimin told the others where he was going, just in case… He couldn’t drive anymore but Hoseok still had enough strength to give him a ride. They both put on all the thickest coats, hats, and sunglasses they could find and started making their way there.
Normally the rumor about sunlight burning them was just that, a rumor, but a starving vampire was a different story. They were sensitive to everything, lights included. It wouldn’t necessarily kill them but it did hurt, a lot. They left later in the day, enough where the sun wasn’t shining as bright, but all the street lamps and neon lights of corner stores and restaurants weren’t on yet.
Luckily it was winter so no one would judge them too much.
It was much relief when they pulled up to your apartment building.
“You think you can make it up by yourself?” Hoseok asked as he parked.
Jimin nodded.
“Do you want me to wait out here for you?”
“No you’re fine… I’ll call you when I’m ready…” Jimin was about to push open the door when he felt Hoseok’s hand on his shoulder. He looked back to find a worried expression on his features.
“Are you fine though? I mean going back here, you’re not worried something might happen?”
Jimin smiled weakly. “Nothing will happen… I’ll make sure of it.”
He noticed he was still worried but he didn’t say anything as Jimin got out of the car.
“Thank you hyung.” Was the last thing he said before closing the door.
Jimin stared up at the apartment building, seeing the lights were on in your place. “Your place…” the words hurt to even just think. He couldn’t deny he was feeling mixed emotions being back here. In truth he was a bit worried about coming back when he’s like this. He was weak but a starving vampire will always find a way, even if they don’t want to…
That and you’re likely about to end the relationship and especially now, he wasn’t ready to handle that. Part of him honestly regretted coming back at all, but he couldn’t deny the other side was happy to see you again. He missed you.
Jimin had to climb the stairs, the elevator in your apartment down at the worst time possible. Jimin could hardly make it, he was out of breath by the time he made it halfway up the first flight. As he was sitting there trying to catch his breath an elderly couple started coming up the staircase. Jimin tried to quickly turn away, realizing he looked probably sketchy.
“Young man, are you alright?” The lady questioned, clearly concerned. He didn’t blame her.
Jimin just nodded. He could see them look at each other wearily before locking arms and passing him. They probably just came from dinner, a delicious smell wafting off as they passed by… or maybe he was just hungry.
“Should we call the police?”
“Honey, aren’t you being rash?!”
“Did you see him, what if he’s a burglar?!”
He heard the whispers continue as they trekked up the stairs. Great, now he’s got people thinking he’s some sort of criminal. He needed to get out of here… After many breaks, willpower, and thoughts about giving up, he somehow made it to the sixth floor without getting arrested.
He had to cling to the wall as he walked down the hallway toward the door. ‘612’ just like the night he was here last.
Out of habit he reached in his pocket for the keys, but even when he found them, he found himself bringing his hand out with nothing. Instead he just knocked. He was now a stranger in his own home.
‘It’s better this way…’ He tried to tell himself. It definitely didn’t feel like it.
It wasn’t long before he heard the locks being turned and your face popped out from behind the door. Immediately he regretted coming here, he couldn’t face you like this…
“Jimin?” You questioned, making him realize he was still wearing his cover up stuff, he even put on a mask before coming here.
“Yeah… it’s me.” You immediately could tell something was off.
“Are you ok? Don’t tell me it’s snowing again…” You turned around to the window, almost sure it was clear skies. As much as he wanted to talk to you, standing like this was becoming exhausting.
You immediately picked up on this. “Jimin, seriously what’s going…” You looked down the hall, making sure none of your neighbors were lingering outside. “I have so many questions.” You made sure to keep your voice down.
“Can—Can I sit down? I’m sorry, you probably don’t want me in there but—“ He didn’t even need to finish before you were wrapping an arm around him and guiding him over to the couch. Even in his state he was shocked you helped him.
You sat him down gently, now extremely concerned seeing he could hardly stand. You sat down on the chair beside it.
He noticed the distance.
“Jimin, please talk to me… what’s happening to you?”
Jimin stared at you. He could sense you were conflicted.
This wasn’t the way he wanted you to find out. He always knew he would need to tell you one day. Maybe he would have buttered you up, taken you to that fancy place you always wanted to go to. A couple of bottles of wine and he would slowly hint toward it before dropping the bomb on you. You would take it easy in the perfect scenario.
He had already told you most things that would come in the way of your relationship, mainly surrounding the big kids question. You were fine with it all when he gave you an answer at the time… in his perfect scenario when he told you the reasoning you would be understanding and despite the shock, would come to love him and realize he’s still the same guy before he told you.
It all worked out and you lived happily ever after.
In reality this went the worst possible direction he could have imagined. Before he considered the worst being, instead of accepting you would run in the other direction (a reality that he believed to be the likely outcome), but now here you are past what he considered rock bottom. He was dying, you were estranged (he’s almost sure), that mess that happened a few days ago. It was worse than what he could have imagined.
If you look at it on the bright side, it couldn’t get much worse than what it is now.
Jimin took off his hat, his sunglasses, mask, and gloves were next. The lights that were on in the apartment luckily were dim enough to not do too much damage, but the look on your face completely distracted him from any burning he felt.
You were shocked. When he took off his glasses you immediately noticed the dark circles around his eyes and with the mask gone, you could see how pale he had become. He hardly looked alive anymore.
You ignored your brain telling you to be cautious and moved over to the couch you had sat him on, your hands ghosted over his skin, eyes getting slightly teary seeing him in this state. He looked at you with pleading eyes as your hand caressed his cheek. He was so cold.
“Jimin… what…” You could hardly get it out. Even after what happened a few days ago, none of this seemed real.
“This isn’t how I wanted you to find out…” His voice was soft.
“I just want to say before everything… about the other day… I don’t think there are enough words I could say to apologize for what happened. There was a reason, but even that doesn’t seem to make up for the fact that it happened at all. I just want you to know I never ever wanted to hurt you.” He paid close attention to your facial expressions. He was a bit surprised to find your sympathetic gaze never faltered.
“Jimin, you still didn’t answer… I don’t understand… what’s happened to you?” You were growing increasingly worried in the fact he was avoiding the question.
This was the moment.
“I—... I… I’m a vampire.” Saying it out loud had his heart speeding up. He was waiting for you to laugh, or scream, or something… Instead you continued to look concerned.
“So I was right, huh…” You said absentmindedly, it was like the news didn’t shock you whatsoever.
“You’re not surprised?” He questioned, your reaction definitely not being what he expected.
“After what happened a few days ago, I did some research. I thought maybe that might be the answer… Did it happen recently? Is that what’s happening to you?” For some reason the fact that you weren’t horrified by the news made him feel strange, a loud reminder he shouldn’t be this close to you right now… It was starting to make him have those thoughts again.
“No… it’s not, and no… I’ve been this way long before you met me.” Now this was what it took to finally get you to react. Your eyes stared at him as he was sure you were processing this information in your head.
For some reason after your research you had come up with the whole story in your head. Your boyfriend had gotten jumped one night by vampires who bit him and he had hidden the fact from you because he didn’t want you worried. What happened a few days ago was the ‘big transformation’… This is what happens when you use wiki articles for the bases of your research, but you figured the sudden change was just him coming into fruition.
If that’s not what happened then…
“I have so many questions Jimin, but if you’re telling me that this wasn’t recent… that isn’t telling me what’s going on with you right now. I’ve never seen you like this.” You are getting even more worried now.
Jimin sighed, but gave you a weak smile. He really didn’t know how to tell you this.
“Usually… um usually I’m kept fed by a company. Because of the storms that have been happening, the people who would typically donate haven’t been able to… there’s a major shortage that’s happening. This has been happening for a few weeks now, I— um it’s the reason for what happened and also why I’m here now, why I look this way…”
You already knew the news wasn’t going to be good. His condition, the way he’s been avoiding this answer… You already knew.
“Jimin what’s happening…?” Your voice was stern, waiting for the bad news. You weren’t even fazed by any of the other information, too focused on the fact that you knew whatever he was going to say next wasn’t going to be good.
“It’s not looking good when the next shipment might be coming in. My group— my friends they’re hoping to wait it out, we’re hoping we might be next, but for me I... “ Jimin took a deep breath, this information was hard for him to digest as well.
“I don’t have much time left… “ He tried to smile but voice was weak. Your heart nearly stopped at his words. “I came by to apologize for what happened the last time I was here, but also to say goodbye.” You were crying now.
“There— There isn’t anything you could do?” You bawled.
Jimin hated seeing you like this, that look in your eye. All he could wonder was why you were so concerned. Didn’t you remember what happened? He was a monster who deserved this fate. It was his punishment for the dark thoughts that would echo in his mind long before he was deprived.
How could after all you’ve been through together, how could he think about that…Even now he couldn’t stop thinking about it.
Everytime he was buried deep inside you, your walls wrapped tightly around him. The pleasure would have him thinking about chasing for more. Sometimes your neck would be right there, it would be so easy to sink his teeth into you. In the moment, you, your warm body right next to his, he could hear your heart pounding, the blood rushing through your veins. Gosh, to say that the incident was the closest he had come from doing would be the biggest lie. Yes it was the first time he went all monster like that, but fuck.
The amount of times his fangs have popped out whenever you’ve had sex is embarrassing. You would think he had just been turned. It was embarrassing but he knew it was because it was you.
The first time he nearly exposed himself was your first time having sex together. You had just been making out, but your sweet perfume had his mind spirialing, the taste of you all he could think about as he kissed you harder. His fangs quickly started coming in, he had to make up some dumb excuse about needing to stop so he could run to the bathroom to calm himself down. That hardly worked, when he got back it was the first time he was inside you and almost as soon as he got inside they were back and he was staring at your neck the whole time.
Luckily he had it enough together that nothing happened but if anyone had been watching, Jimin looked like a crazed vampire ready to sink his teeth into his neck prey. But you were so much more than that…
He could never, no matter how much he wanted to. That was the problem, he wanted to. The last thing he wanted was for him to lose it and do something to you. That could never happen.
Maybe if he told you all this you wouldn’t be crying. You would see him as the monster he knew he was.
“Some are considering going after humans. After what happened a few days ago, I can’t bring myself to do it… I’d rather starve than hurt anyone.” It was true. He couldn’t put you through that and others weren’t an exception. As agonizing as he felt, he couldn’t make anyone else look at him that way again.
“What?!” Now you just seemed upset. “There’s a way to avoid this and you’re not taking it?”
This was even more surprising. “I’m shocked you still care? Don’t you remember what happened the other day?!” Jimin was also getting frustrated. You should be terrified of him, there is no sympathy for people like him. Cursed to live a life tiptoeing along the edge of life and death. Beings like him only bring despair on humanity, dragging them down into the abyss that is their world.
His harsh words had the tears streaming down your face and your eyes wide. “You’re shocked I care?” You got up from your seat on the couch and started pacing. He’s seen this look before, you were furious. After a few minutes of you trying to calm yourself down you turned toward him.
“Ok… ok… I admit, what happened a few days ago was scary. I was confused and then you just ran out the door. I debated about calling you, but…” You pointed to the pictures that lined the walls. “I couldn’t just throw away our 5 years together for something I didn’t understand. I wanted to talk to you, to understand what happened that day. 5 years Jimin. We’ve been together for 5 years, no matter what I’m not throwing that away.”
Jimin couldn’t even face you anymore, his own eyes now glazed over. “One day doesn’t erase 5 years, so yeah, I still care about you.” It was obvious it hurt you just from him thinking that was a possibility.
“I can’t fucking lose you Jimin…” Your gaze returned back to sympathetic, but your voice was still shaky. Your words nearly had his heart breaking into two.
He chuckled before turning away again. “You wouldn’t be saying that if you knew more…”
You sat back down on the couch. “Well tell me. Explain to me Park Jimin what could be so horrible about you that I shouldn’t be thinking you have a right to live—“
“I could have fucking killed you, you know?”
“But you didn’t—“
“But I could have— but I wanted to.” He looked at you, wanting the words to have an impact, they sure did on himself. It was true, it was all true.
“The woman I’ve spent the last 5 years with, who’s made me happier than I thought I could ever be in this miserable life— how could I think that about you?” The tears were finally spilling from his own eyes.
“Even now… I— I wanna taste you, I have no shame, don’t I?” He tried to laugh off but you saw the way his gaze traveled to your neck. His words had your heart speeding up.
“And… why didn’t you?” Your voice was soft.
Jimin lifted his hand so he cupped your jaw. You stared at his watery eyes as he moved his hand to lift up your chin.
“You would be so sweet. I knew that the first time we met. Something like that would be hard to stop, don’t you think?” His gaze fell back down to your throat.
“I couldn’t live with myself if I hurt you.” His heart was heavy and so was yours.
You wrapped your arms around Jimin, not caring about the consequence this could have. You didn’t care at all. Right now all you were focused on was the fact that Jimin had to go through this relationship with this heavy weight on his shoulders.
In an instant you regretted any fear you possessed before he walked through the door. At the end of the day this was still your Jimin.
⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰
After he told you that you needed to take a break. This wasn’t at all what you pictured when he came over. You had just wanted answers to questions, but what you got was the news your boyfriend was dying and the fact that he was carrying this burden throughout your entire relationship. It was more than you bargained for.
The tears by now had dried but left your face red, puffy, and your face still noticeable damp. Your arms were wrapped tightly around Jimin, your face buried in his many layers of coats. The lights were now shut off, the curtains closed, the only light being provided by the few candles you lit up.
Jimin had told you about how lights burned when he was like this. He tried to joke about it and say that he was just baking a bit, but it backfired and only made you more worried.
But now, it was silent. You had so many thoughts and questions you were battling in your mind. You were worried, worried that this was really going to be it. It was one of the reasons he was still here.
You couldn’t let him go knowing that it would likely be the last time you ever saw him. The thought alone that these could be your final moments had your grip tight around him.
You couldn’t let him go. You just couldn’t say goodbye.
It hurt worse than you ever thought breaking up would feel like. It wasn’t like he was going to live his life with someone else, he was going to feel and experience without you, but it was the end of the road. There would be no chance of running into him on the streets, his arm around another woman, but you would never see him again.
No. No. No. You couldn’t—
“Y/n?” Jimin’s sweet voice cut through your spiraling thoughts. You looked up to realize you had started crying again, your eyes filled with tears.
His face fell realizing you were crying. His hand hastily came up to wipe your face.
“Please don’t cry, shit, this is for the best ok?” He tried to smile and reassure but his voice was shaky and even with only the dim light coming from the candles you could see his eyes were watery.
“No it’s not, how could you say that?” You sobbed.
“You know I love you, right?” He pulled you in closer.
“The conversation’s gotten so sad again… Ask me a question.” He tried to change the subject. You were still upset. “Cmon, I’m sure you have questions. Wasn’t that the whole reason you invited me over?”
“Yes, but why does any of that matter now?” You grumbled. It didn’t. Any answers you had would be useless without Jimin in your life.
“I don’t like seeing you this way. It’s too sad in here. It feels like I’m at my own funeral.” Another joke that just really wasn’t working in this situation. He realized that immediately when he felt the gentle slap on his arm.
“Cmoonnnn, ask me something~” He tried to plead but you never said anything. The truth is your mind had been drawing a blank of the mental list of questions you made since the minute he walked in. You forgot everything now.
“Alright I’ll start then.” Jimin finally said after the silence continued to pass.
“Seriously Jimin—”
“Question one that I knew you wanted to ask the minute I told you I’ve been this way since before the start of our relationship— What happened? Who turned you? Were you turned?” Jimin looked at you to see you were shocked. In truth he was right. You had forgotten, but you were curious what happened to him.
He was just happy to see you looked intrigued. Anything to take your mind off of what was happening.
“In truth nothing happened to me. No one turned me. I’ve been like this since I was born.” He smiled when he saw the look of shock on your face. It was definitely the right question to start with. You were in.
“Wait… what how?”
“Same as everything else in this world. My parents are vampires so… put two and two together you get a vampire me.”
“Wait ‘are’… Jimin, I thought you said your parents were dead?”
Jimin sighed realizing that was another lie in the relationship. “That’s not entirely true.”
Now you were even more intrigued.
“They’re still here, it’s just… I didn’t want to risk you asking to come over. They aren’t the most approving of our relationship and that puts you in danger. A house full of vampires isn’t exactly the wet dream twilight paints it to be.” You would have laughed at that if this was any other day.
“But yep, I don’t know what being human feels like. I never have. In some cases I consider myself lucky in the fact I don’t need to look back and say I’ve missed anything. This way of life is the only thing I know. I do get jealous sometimes, what it’d be like to not have to worry about hurting anyone or going haywire at the sight of the smallest drop of blood.” He was trying to smile but you tell this is something he would think about.
You hugged him tighter.
“Wait but… I thought you said you couldn’t have kids.” You asked to quickly change the subject.
“It’s still true. I just can’t have kids with you or humans for that matter. The pregnancy wouldn’t go right unless I turned you. I never want to do that…”
“What would happen?”
“It would most likely result in a stillbirth. I wouldn’t want to put you through that so it was just easier to explain I just can’t have kids.” The subject was tricky. It had been the reason for the first major fight in your relationship.
You had been put in charge of watching your sister’s kids for the day and Jimin saw the way you would light up when you were with them. In some other world he saw a future with kids of your own running around the place. You would be a great mother, he knew that.
It was after they left that Jimin finally told you about how he couldn’t have kids. You could tell it had been eating away at him because he started suggesting that you would be better off with someone else. Let’s just say that didn’t go over well, a big argument about how you didn’t care and Jimin said you would be better off with someone who could give you what you want.
But in the end Jimin was all you cared about, not a make believe future that you knew wasn’t possible.
“Uh anyway… next question. I know what you’re thinking. Does that mean you’re like a million years old?” He hastily changed the subject, silence had followed for two long as a result of both of you dwelling on the past.
“To that my answer is no, not even close. I’m the age you think I am. Truth be told, there's really no benefits to being a vampire. I’m not immortal, I might live slightly longer than what humans do, but you won’t find vampires that are like 500 years old or something. I don’t really have any special powers, besides being slightly faster and stronger than the average human. All in all, I wouldn’t necessarily say anything I can do would be labeled as supernatural, just slightly better than average.”
You nodded taking in the information.
“If we had more time we could have grown old together.” He said suddenly, another grave reminder of the limited time he had left. No you couldn’t do this.
“Jimin, I have a question.” You said and he turned to you eager to hear what you wanted to ask.
“Why do you need blood?”
“Ah yes, how could I forget that one.” He smiled trying to come back from that moment.
“Being a vampire is like living on borrowed time. It’s a disease, a curse. It’s like the world telling you, you shouldn’t exist. Blood gives us all we need to continue to live, the life force that we don’t produce on our own, blood from humans keeps us going. It’s not necessarily the blood we crave but the life that it brings with it. That’s why without it…” Jimin gestured to himself. “We start looking like we’re walking corpses.” Again, another ill tasted joke.
His words were beautiful and made you that much more sad realizing what he’s had to deal with.
“I only need the answer to one more question…” You asked as a tear rolled down your cheek.
“What’s that?”
“Why didn’t you tell me sooner?” Your voice started to shake again.
Jimin’s face fell but his sweet smile returned quickly.
“Telling someone they’re a vampire doesn’t always go well. I wanted to tell you but the thought about losing you made it hard. I was in a bad place. I couldn’t tell you from the beginning because you would have probably ended the relationship before it hardly began, but then as time passed the thought about telling you and you leaving me after everything… I couldn’t. I was going to tell you someday but… yeah… I hope you understand.” He could hardly finish before you were planting a kiss on his lips, leaving him dumbstruck.
“I’ll always be with you. Don’t forget that ok…”
Jimin pulled you back in for a kiss, this one lasting a lot longer than the first. His hand came up to cup your cheek and before you knew it the tears were back.
He pulled away and rested his head onto yours.
“I love you…”
“I love you too…”
⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰
You had a plan. The answers came to you as soon as he fell asleep.
You couldn’t just sit here and do nothing. The thought of him leaving (he was insistent that he needed to leave) and you just sitting here and letting him die, that didn’t sit right at all with you.
You were going to do everything it takes to let him live. Everything it takes.
The answer was so clear you had to wiggle your way out of his grasp so you could close the door to your room and just laugh. It was you, you were the answer.
He didn’t want to hurt anyone else. You were going to let him do anything he needed to.
The answer was clear but you still ended up pondering if this was the right choice. Jimin had practically spent the whole evening trying to convince you how he was somehow not worth saving. Was this really the best option? In the fact that he wasn’t confident to go after other people, the fact he was adamant that if he tried anything it could result in something bad happening. This could end up being a suicide mission.
But at the end of the day that didn’t matter. He was still your boyfriend, vampire or not and you were going to do whatever it takes to make sure he lives a long and happy life. Even if that means at your own expense.
The issue then became how were you going to convince him to save himself when he was so adamant on just letting him die.
You were going to need to be persuasive and after 5 years together you knew the best ways to push his buttons to get him to do it.
You knew exactly what you were going to do. Hopefully it works the way you’re thinking it might, if not you were going to get a knife and do it yourself if you have to. You weren’t going to lose him, not today, not ever.
You had moved to the room in order to make sure you didn’t disturb him while he slept but also because you were starting to notice he was looking worse than when he came the day before. It hurt you too much to see him like that.
So when you heard shuffling outside you knew it was time to put your plan into action. It was now or never.
You came out to find him sitting up on the couch, obviously trying to scramble and find his stuff in the dark.
“Jimin, you’re up?” You asked hesitantly coming up behind him. You placed your hand on his shoulders making him turn around. You had changed your outfit— shorts and a simple sweater. Nothing out of the ordinary because you didn’t want to scare him away, but you knew he liked when you wore things like this. You didn’t miss the way his eyes trailed up your legs and landed on your gaze.
“I—I need to go…” He quickly turned back around to look for his stuff.
So long to gently moving into it. You went around the couch so you were facing him. Before you gave him much time to acknowledge the fact that you had moved, you quickly got on top of his lap.
His eyes trailed up to meet yours.
“Y/n… what are you doing?” His voice was soft. You could tell something was up.
“I don’t understand why you have to leave so soon. Can’t you stay longer?” You whined as you wrapped your arms around his neck. He looked panicked almost by your advances.
His hands came up to grab your hips. “Y/n please… get up I—” You turned to drastic measures not wanting to take any chances of you missing your opportunity. You pulled your sweater arm down so more of your neck and collarbone was exposed.
You saw his gaze lock onto your neck. A gaze you were oddly familiar with. You’ve seen this before, you knew it. Before you were unable to place it but now it was all so clear. You knew what he wanted.
“I’m not kidding y/n, you’re gonna make me—“
“I’m trying to save your life, that’s what I’m making you do.” You said softly, brushing his hair behind his ear.
Jimin changed his gaze to look you right in the eyes. He hated being as weak as he was right now. Here you were offering yourself on a silver platter and as tempting as he was, he couldn’t do that to you.
“Cmon, I know you thought about it. I’ve seen that look in your eye before. You told me too, remember? You told me how sweet I’d taste.” You felt his grip on your waist tighten.
“Please… it’s alright, you can have a taste~” You tried pushing him closer to your neck, but he resisted.
“I can’t… don’t wanna hurt you— I—“ His eyes were back on your neck. You were getting to him.
“Jimin.” You cupped your hands around his face. “I trust you.”
“Y/n you shouldn’t—“
“I trust you ok. Whatever happens, happens alright? I’m not going to sit here and let you die. You’re gonna live.” You looked him right in the eyes.
Silence passed for a little while longer before you saw a tear roll down his cheek.
“You’re running out of time. Run please… get far away from me…” He pleaded. You didn’t move whatsoever.
“I’m not leaving you. Not now, not ever. I love you too much to walk away. I’m fine with whatever happens, I trust you.” You kissed his cheek and slowly made your way to his lips. You felt his hesitancy, but it didn’t take long before he was kissing you back. Hard. He was urgent. Hands quickly coming up and gentle groping following soon after. It made your head spin. It had been so long you nearly forgot how every time you’d kiss like this you would be knocked off your feet.
You also didn’t expect when he pulled you closer for something to be nudging your thigh. You broke the kiss and was surprised when he looked at you. His eyes were the same red from that day, before he blinked and they returned back to the usual chocolate brown you were used to.
Whatever you were doing was working, not the way you intended but it was working.
You smirked. “So this gets you off, huh?” You began to rock your hips slowly, you got an immediate reaction. This just gave you more to work with.
“Fuck, what are you doing?! I’m not kidding.” His words were telling you one thing but his grip around your waist had you pushing to continue.
In truth, your plan had already started working even before you were aware of it. All night his dreams were plagued with thoughts about you. Last night, when you kissed him, how much he wanted to move to your neck and take the blood he craved. In his dream he did, he did that and a lot more.
He was hoping to leave without you noticing because he didn’t think he could say goodbye but it was also in the fact he feared what would happen if he did see you. He was at a point now where he hardly had any self control left. He was scared, scared he might do something he would regret and here comes you…
You didn’t say anything and picked up your pace slightly.
“Y/n seriously… I…” You got him. You saw the way his gaze fell to your neck. Now here’s where you start putting things into motion.
“Did you imagine this, me offering myself to you like this?” You said softly. The thought alone had Jimin’s head falling back, trying to control every urge he had to jump you right now.
“You don’t know what you’re doing.”
“You did, didn’t you?” Jimin couldn’t even look at you anymore. If this was any other time he would have easily thrown you off him and gotten the hell out of here. This wasn’t any other day though, he was weak and it didn’t matter how much he knew it was wrong, you were right. He had been thinking about this for a long time.
Jimin nearly lost it when you started peppering kisses along his neck, you stopped and sucked lightly at the spot you knew was sensitive. He could have cried with how good it felt.
“Just think about it, now’s your opportunity. Do it Jimin, it’s ok.” You said in between kisses.
“I—I don’t wanna hurt you…” He pleaded.
“Just think about how sweet I’d taste, didn’t you tell me that? Fuck, come on, please want you baby.” Jimin groaned. He could have cum from just that alone, he almost did with how badly he wanted to taste you…
“You would taste so good…” He was delirious at this point. You were pushing him past reasoning. He couldn’t think straight anymore.
He stared at your skin, right there. He always imagined sinking his teeth right in that spot between your shoulder and your neck. Fuck, you would taste so good.
He started bucking up into your heat. The friction you had you both moaning out.
He could sense it. Your heart speeding up, the sound of the blood rushing through your body.
“That’s it… cmon, just a taste~” You whispered.
“Y/n run please, fuck get out of here.” He pleaded one last time, but you had made yourself clear, you weren’t letting him leave without putting up a fight.
You sucked harder on that spot you knew got to him. “Please Jimin, want you to taste me. Fuck please do it…” And that was all it took.
Before you knew it suddenly he was picking you up and running toward your bedroom. Couldn’t he hardly stand yesterday?
He threw you on the bed. You could just barely see his eyes had returned to that dark red again.
He climbed on slowly. “Should have fucking listened to me. Should have left when you had the chance.” His gaze had changed. No longer did he look panicked, no this was something different entirely.
“I really don’t want to hurt you, but fuck… need to taste you…” Was the last thing he said before he was ripping your clothes off your body. Not metaphorically, your sweater, shorts, and underwear were in shreds in a matter of seconds.
What have you gotten yourself into?
You were slightly worried. More of a natural human response than you being actually worried. You knew you were doing the right thing but it was a bit worrisome coming into it. He had warned you so much, he had told you to run away, was this really going to end happily ever after?
All that matters is that Jimin’s ok. Nothing else did right now.
He climbed on top of you, his eyes scanning over your body. He was clearly conflicted about proceeding. You didn’t want to give him any time to turn back and you pulled him close into another kiss.
His hands got to work feeling you all over. It’s been so long, so long since he’s been with you like this. He couldn’t do anything before in fear he might do something he’d regret, now look where he is.
He couldn’t think anymore, your body and the red that was passing through your veins his only guide.
“I don’t wanna hurt you…” He said out loud, more to remind himself about who he was with. This was you— gotta stay in control.
“It’s ok…” You sighed reaching for the hem of his shirt to pull over his head.
“Thought about doing this for so long—“ He helped you, his shirt gone in a matter of seconds.
“Y/n I swear, I don’t know whether to kiss you all over or call you stupid.” You giggled at the latter.
“I don’t mind if you do both~” You smiled and he groaned as he pushed himself into you. “Of course you would…” he sighed. What was he gonna do with you..?
“You’re so dumb but I love you… don’t forget that ok.” You couldn’t help but laugh. “I love you too~” The words of sentiment were starting to get to him. In truth, he was only moving this slow to give you every opportunity he could for you to run. But having you like this underneath him had his instincts kicking in.
“Mmmm hate you too, hate you for being dumb, hate that I love you for being dumb.” Jimin pouted. Why couldn’t you just run? You were too nice…
“That’s why you love me~ Aren’t you usually the smart one Dr. Park, it’s our whole dynamic right?” You teased. You knew what bringing his credentials in the bedroom meant. “Someone’s gotta be the dumb one here— look I’m saving your life because of it.” His gaze had locked onto yours as you spoke. It’s like you were trying to get under his skin.
It was working.
“I’m sure you would do the same if the roles were reversed, so I don’t think I’m the only dumb one here.” You didn’t even question it. You knew exactly if your lives had flip flopped Jimin would be here doing the exact same thing. It’s why you knew you had to do this.
His eyes grew a brighter shade of red.
“I love you…” Jimin confessed, the emotions coursing through him only able to be summed up into those three words.
“I love you too~”
“How am I ever going to make this up to you…” He sighed.
“I don’t know, maybe first replacing the clothes you just ripped into shreds. Seriously, like when did you suddenly get all this energy? You could hardly stand yesterday.” You chuckled.
Jimin smiled. “A hungry vampire always finds a way, and I promise. I’ll get you anything you want, I’m sorry.” Your enthusiasm on the fact you believe you’re just gonna walk away from this alright made a sense of hope begin to surface, but also made him that much more terrified. He couldn’t disappoint you. No matter how good you taste he needs to make sure to control himself. No harm will come if he can just do that. Take just enough to make it until the next shipment can arrive. It’s fine, he’ll be fine and you’ll be fine.
His gaze went back to your neck and he could feel his body pushing him to go for it. “Aren’t you gonna go for it?” You asked, realizing where he was looking at.
“Wanna fuck you first…” He sighed, kissing you on the cheek. You were confused.
“I thought we were in a— ohhhhh I forgot that this shit turns you on.”
Jimin sat up and started tugging down his pants. “Very…” he nearly whined.
“Tryna live out your fantasy, huh?”
“You have no idea… thought about this so much.” He gently started kissing down your body. “Is this what you imagined?” You asked, curiosity getting the best of you.
“Not exactly.”
“Tell me about it.”
“I wasn’t dying first of all.” You both laughed. “I would wanna take my time with you. Taste you all over, be close to you, make you mine.” His breath was getting labored just thinking about it. “I’m sorry this isn’t really what I wanted, trying to not move too fast but I uh—“ You had a clock, you understood.
“It’s ok, do what you can~” You reassured. He came back up to kiss you, you smiled and your eyes fluttered closed as his hand started to trail down your body, stopping when he reached your folds.
You nearly lost it when you felt his fingers circling your bud. Oh fuck, you were already soaked. “Is this getting to you too?” He asked and you just whined as he sped up the pace slightly.
All of this was going straight downstairs, seeing you a mess like this had him desperate to finally taste you. Oh he was so close.
He used two fingers and pushed them inside. The minute he did that he felt his whole body react.
You could have cried. He was always so skilled, but something felt different this time. You looked down at him to see him trying to turn away, but you saw it. The fangs poking out.
The last time you remembered seeing them was a completely different experience. You were scared, he was charging at you, they looked a lot more intimidating in your memory. Then again, though he hadn’t opened his mouth very wide, but it eased you to think that they was almost cute in a way~
Jimin just watched you fall apart on his fingers. If he had more willpower he would have made sure to take his time and taste— fuck if he could taste you… But with unsurprising speed at this point, his fangs were out and he was more focused on tasting something else at the moment.
He was so close to losing it, another reason he needed to go slow. He didn’t want a repeat of what happened a few days ago, if that were to happen he would have no chance of making sure you were ok. If he takes it slow he can make sure he’s aware enough to not go too far.
“Oh shi— Jimin please…” You whined. He felt you clench around his fingers and that was the last straw. He couldn’t do this anymore.
He hastily pulled out and moved in between your thighs.
“I wish I could go slower with this but—“ He pressed himself into you, making you moan out. “No, it’s ok. Best to keep it moving…” you responded breathlessly.
He nodded, his attention now going straight to your neck.
Some may ask why the neck is always the spot to go for when a vampire is going after a human, there are so many other parts of the body that would be better. Jimin honestly didn’t have a clue until he met you.
It was intimate. The same sort of intimacy that looking someone in the eyes brings. The connection that it brought was something on another level Jimin had always been told. He had never done this before.
He man’s well be freshly turned by his lack of experience going into this. It made things even more worrisome. What if he wasn’t able to control himself?
But your endless teasing put him in a place unable to fight his craving any longer.
It was too late to turn back now.
“Can’t wait to taste you…” he sighed as he teased his length between your folds. You both whimpered at the feeling, all too excited for him to fill you up.
“Jimin please…” was all you needed to say before he couldn’t take it anymore and pushed himself inside.
Jimin welcomed the feeling your walls wrapped around him, the warmth, your body pulled close to his— it was everything. You were his everything, so beautiful, ready and willing to do anything he wanted.
You were so stupid. So fucking stupid.
You looked him straight in the eyes as he buried himself deeper and deeper, eventually making it in all the way. Jimin had to take a few breaths and wait a second, he could already feel himself slipping and he had barely started.
In a haste to distract himself, he reached over to the nightstand and turned on the lights. The burning back with even greater force thus time, but anything to keep him calm. He also just wanted to see you better. See you fall apart on his cock. You always take him so well, finally getting to taste you, oh just imagine.
On the outside you could see he was struggling, his eyes going from various shades of red as he stared down at you. You took this as an opportunity to run your fingers lightly over his lips. He knew what you wanted.
He opened his mouth slightly, quickly revealing the fangs that had taken the place of both sets of his canines. You examined further, pushing his lip up slightly to get a better look. They were a little longer than what you saw earlier, definitely a few inches in length at least, coming to a fine, sharp point at the tip. Oddly enough though you thought they suited him. It was like you were seeing him properly for the first time in the 5 years of your relationship.
It made you wish even more that he told you sooner.
“Are you scared?” Jimin asked softly once you pulled away. Despite the reds flashing in his eyes, he still held that same concerned look for you that he’s given you since day 1. You nearly fell in love with him all over again.
“A bit, but I like seeing you like this. Finally feels like there’s no more secrets between us.” You smiled. And you saying that was what almost got him to fall in love with you all over again.
You were honest. He knew your heart was beating like crazy, he didn’t need to ask but he wanted to check in. Hearing you say that you liked it though was what really got him. For so long he feared what you might say if you discovered the darker parts of himself. Here you were, pretty much staring in the face of death and you were still saying you liked it after this whole mess.
His instincts, this being a terrible time for heartfelt confessions, started manipulating his love and adoration into pure lust. He wanted your body and the life coursing inside.
He wanted to taste you— no, needed to taste you.
“Fuck… this isn’t going to last long at all… jagi, please relax. I love you.” He tried to smile but your neck was right there, taunting him almost.
You’re gonna taste so good.
You nodded and with that Jimin started gliding his hips, a expermtial pace set at first, giving you some time to get adjusted and Jimin to calm down. He marveled at the way your face scrunched up in pleasure as he began to increase his pace, you looked so beautiful like this.
“Always take my cock so well… Does it feel good?” He praised, the pleasure starting to get to him as well.
“Always fill me up so nice…” You did as he asked. He wants to hear it.
With each stroke the more that animalistic side of him trained onto your neck, your blood, your heart. So much life and he wants it all. You’re gonna taste so good.
The pretty sounds that would escape your lips, so soft, so delicate. Fuck, how were you his? A monster like himself didn’t deserve such an angel. Despite all of that here you were, offering yourself to him, you were his and his alone.
He wanted to mark you, make sure everyone around knew that fact. He hated rushing but his desires had priorities.
He was so close.
The closer he got the more his craving seemed to worsen. It became harder to keep his goal in mind. Just enough, take just enough. He said it over and over to himself but…
You seemed to notice the internal struggle to keep it together and you just pulled him closer, wrapping your arms around his neck and pushing him down to rest right where your neck was.
“It’s ok, it’s ok. Please Jimin…” you moaned. He picked up his pace. You knew he was close.
This new angle was his last straw. So close, trained onto your warmth, the blood flowing through your veins.
His pace faltered.
“Y/n I— I’m sorry…” He hurried, knowing he couldn’t hold back anymore. He saw red.
“I’m so sorry— so sorry I—“
You felt it, his teeth sinking into your skin.
It’s like the world came to a standstill. You cried out at the surprising pleasure that seemed to course through your body and Jimin… what he had pictured all along what this moment would be little seemed too offensive to compare.
He came right in that moment. The taste of your blood being the last thing to push him over the edge. So sweet, so sweet, it was nothing he could have prepared for, that combined with the ecstasy of his orgasm created a concoction of pleasure unlike anything that should be possible.
His parents were right. It was different.
They were some of the few vampires who’ve actually gotten to feed straight from a human. He remembered his dad would always complain about the donations from the company not being the same. The way they described it fueled his fantasy of what it would be like for his entire life. What he had pictured was nothing…
The warmth, the life— so addicting.
His hips moved again, a gentle slow pace being maintained. It was enough for how sensitive he was. He was going to cum again at this point.
Your body, you, he couldn’t have prepared for this.
The more he tasted the more he didn’t want it to end. He wanted to lose himself, lose himself in your body, taste you on his tongue for eternity.
His focus faltered, your soft sighs of pleasure getting quieter and quieter with each second. Despite that you continued to run your hands across his skin, up his back and into his hair.
It was just so good. You were so good.
Just a little longer, he needed more. He can’t let this end he can’t. He couldn’t, he didn't want to. So good, so fucking good. Jimin needed more, it was never enough. Wanted to taste you, everywhere. He’s dreamt about sinking his teeth into your thighs after he was done eating you out. It was sinful to think about there being a next time.
Jimin could feel himself slipping, the slight bit of composure he was able to keep was going faster than he could have imagined. He thought about it, giving into the demon that was tempting him to not stop, to enjoy the life you brought him for as long as possible. It seemed so nice, tasted so nice.
Fuck, he came again.
He didn’t want this to end. Never, he was sure you’d think the same. Part of him was tempted to ask you if that would be fine, but even a second apart from your neck seemed like torture.
He just enjoyed the way you continued to—
Hold up.
By now your hands had fallen to your sides, an eerie stillness about you. Jimin started coming back, the blood thirsty side of him subsiding enough for him to pry himself away.
4 little marks were on your neck and they continued to seep with blood. He couldn’t resist and licked across your skin.
So sweet, so sweet and all for him.
But when the little wounds stopped bleeding, he started coming back even more. Why hadn’t you said anything yet?
“Y/n?” His voice was already starting to come back.
He stared at your face. You were so pretty, pretty face, pretty lips, pretty nose, pretty lashes. Fuck, he loved you. Why weren’t you saying anything?
He felt his stomach drop as the worst of the worse came to mind. No, no, he couldn’t have—
He cupped your cheeks with his hands. Since when did you get this pale?!
“Y/n, y/n fuck please please please wake up!!” Jimin shook you. He could already feel the tears threatening to spill over. You couldn’t even imagine his relief when you hummed softly, your eyes struggling to open.
Jimin just pulled you into his embrace. You were alive, alive but it was obvious he went too far.
“I thought I—“ He sobbed, stroking your hair.
“Don’t cry, it’s ok~” You were quiet and it had Jimin instantly feeling 10x worse knowing he did this to you. “Think I started dozing off there…” You tried to say but Jimin was still a doctor and knew he had gone too far.
Now that you were awake and he could pay more attention to your other symptoms it made it that much more obvious. Shallow breath, quickened heart rate, pale, cold skin— he had probably taken between 15% to 25% of your blood and he knew that was far beyond a concerning amount.
Tears started pouring again as he assessed. All you could focus on was what was happening before your eyes. You watched yourself as the color began to come back to Jimin’s skin. He wasn’t that pale gray, sickly color like before, but his cute pink cheeks were coming back with each passing second.
You were so happy. He was going to be ok.
Your eyes began to flutter close again and Jimin started to panic. “Y/n!! Stay with me please!” He cried and you chuckled lightly.
“Don’t be such a drama queen, I’m fine, just a bit tired is all…” You smiled.
“Do I need to remind you I’m a doctor? I see this type of stuff everyday and I can say with full confidence that you’re not fine!” Even in a moment like this you can still joke around. Normally he would love your spirit, but knowing that this was all because of him made your playful banter infuriating right now.
Your eyes fluttered open for a second to see his concerned face peering down at you. You noticed the redness that stained his face, you could see it covered his fangs as well.
“You— You need help y/n…”
You shook your head. “How would we explain this to anybody? It’s fine, I’ll be fine.”
You were right. If he took you to a hospital nearby they would definitely start asking some questions about what happened, leading to some bad conclusions that would be assumed. He couldn’t exactly explain what actually happened either…
The best option would be to treat you here. He had a friend who could get him the things he needed…
Jimin quickly hopped off the bed and grabbed his phone.
“I’ll be right back, I have to call someone.” And so he called and explained exactly what happened. Lucky for him he knew another Vampiric Doctor, who he knew he could count on to get him all the supplies he needed.
When Jimin came back, he was happy to still find you awake and looking at him.
“That was Dusik, he’s gonna be here soon with everything.” Jimin said taking a seat next to you on the bed.
“Is he…?” You questioned, Jimin nodded already knowing what you were going to ask.
Silence fell over the both of you, the events of what just happened trying to settle in.
“I’m happy to see you’re doing well again. I could see it, the life coming back to you. Made this all worth it.” You smiled, but your words did nothing to stop the guilt that just seemed to get worse and worse.
You noticed the torment that was going on in his mind. You scooted down a little and grabbed his arm. “Stop sulking, this is a happy ending isn’t it? I’m not dead, you’re back in tip top shape.”
Tears pricked his vision. He turned to you. “Stop fucking doing that. It’s not a happy ending, I almost killed you.”
You just pouted at his outburst. “I don’t know, it was kinda hot to me…”
“Y/n please take this seriously! I knew you were scared!!” His face was red, tears running down his face.
His parents had always told him that the blood was different when fear was added into the mix. Jimin knew the minute he bit into you that you were scared, he knew beforehand that you were nervous. In his bloodthirsty state, he hadn’t cared whatsoever, if anything it made the experience even better. It added another component of something he would never be able to get from the donations from the company. It was different, but tasted better than anything he had ever had.
He really was a monster.
Jimin had felt that way since he was young, despite his parents encouraging him to be proud of who he was, all he saw was the hurt that his life brought. It’s the reason he became a doctor in the first place. He thought it would be a way to repay the world for his existence.
Here he was now, the love of his life barely conscious, because of him.
“That doesn’t matter anymore, you’re ok now.” You tried to reassure.
That’s the thing… he wasn’t.
“Y/n… I don’t think we should do this anymore. I can’t do this anymore.” He finally said it. This was the last thing he wanted to happen, but after today, what happened just proved his point further.
In the corner of his eye he could see the distraught look on your face.
“Jimin, wait you— you can’t say that.” You tried to get up, but the dizziness was too much. “No please, you’re not serious right…”
“I don’t want it either but I can’t keep hurting you—“ the doorbell rang. It was probably Dusik. Jimin hopped up and nearly walked out realizing he was still in fact very naked.
He scrambled to find his sweatpants and shirt, hastily putting them on and meeting him at the door.
Jimin saw his friend’s smile fall when he saw him.
“Woah… are things ok?” He asked. Jimin forgot that his face was covered with tears and a little blood, leading him to hastily wipe his face. It didn’t help much.
“I um… not really but you know….” He reached out for the bag. Dusik pulled it back.
“Let me help you set this up, the quicker the better right?” He smiled. Jimin opened the door further and led him inside.
He hastily went down the hall to shut the door, realizing you were also still very much so naked. He saw you had curled yourself in a ball, but your eyes still met his as he shut the door. He could see the sadness and all he could think was how much pain he’s caused you.
Like Dusik said, it was quicker with both of them. He stayed to help set up the IV stand and Jimin said he could handle the rest as far as the treatment goes.
He got you on some fluids and stored the blood he brought in case transfusions were needed. For now that was all he could do, he just hoped that would be enough.
He was sitting in a chair he brought to your beside. You still hadn’t spoken to him since he left. The silence hurt, he wanted you to understand that this was for the best. He already told you that once he made sure you were doing ok, that he planned to leave.
You turned away the minute he mentioned it.
“I love you… I’ll never stop loving you. I’ll eternally be grateful to you for what you did. I just don’t wanna take anymore chances of something like this happening again, or worse even. I can’t lose you, and definitely not because of me.” He tried to tell you.
At first he thought maybe you’d gone to sleep by now, or maybe was still just trying to ignore him, but eventually you turned your head to face him. He could see your teary eyes and the sadness that seemed to cloud over you.
“I don’t understand why we couldn’t figure this out together. You just decided yourself that it was better for you to leave. You probably wanted to leave long before any of this happened…” You were upset and hurt, you didn’t mean it whatsoever, you knew Jimin would stay if he could find a way around this. Just the thought of his leaving clouded your rational thinking with anger.
It was obvious your words got to Jimin.
“Don’t fucking say that, you know that’s not true!” Jimin got up and went into his sock drawer and pulled out a little black box. He sat back down and opened it to reveal a ring. “I was going to marry you! The only reason I hadn’t proposed was because I couldn’t without you knowing this side of me. I never wanted to leave you… I would rather be apart and know you’re safe from me than together where something could happen one day. Don’t ever say that again…” He saw your eyes widen and was trained on the ring.
“Jimin…” You whispered, your eyes welling up all over again.
Distracting from the moment was Jimin’s phone ringing. He would have ignored it normally, but it was Hoseok and it all came back to him that the boys were still suffering back at the hangout. He hadn’t even called last night to let them know he was staying over.
He sighed and answered the phone.
“Jimin?” He heard his friend say.
“Yeah it’s me… so sorry I didn’t call.”
“You’re fine, we were starting to get worried that something did happen.”
Jimin sighed.
“Something did happen.” And so he explained that he hadn’t much time left and you had basically handed yourself over when you knew this.
“I wouldn’t have done it if I had the control I normally did, but it happened. She’s fine for the most part, but I took too much. I got her on some fluids and I’m hoping that’s all she’ll need, but I’m ready for transfusions if necessary.” He explained so he could picture it better.
“I feel terrible…” He sobbed, the emotions getting to him.
“Hey… at least you’re both ok… Why were you giving away your rations?! You wouldn’t have gotten to that point if you hadn’t!” Hoseok scolded.
“You’re right hyung… I’m sorry.” Jimin apologized. “How is everyone doing though?” He tried changing the subject. He noticed he still sounded weak, meaning they hadn’t gone after anyone yet.
“It was one of the reasons I called you. Namjoon just heard there’s a truck headed our way soon. We should get a small supply tomorrow, enough to hold us over for a week before they start bringing bigger shipments again.” Jimin stared at the wall, the news coming as a surprise.
Truth is, he likely wouldn’t have made it that long. He had one day left at most. It still was a bit funny realizing the irony.
“I’m glad…” He smiled, realizing the others were going to be ok.
“Well, I’ll probably be here a few more days before I head back over. Wanna make sure she’s ok…” Jimin explained the plan. He hoped he knew what he meant by that, already having explained his plan.
“Alright… see you in a few days then. For the record I think you’re making a mistake.”
“Bye hyung.” And with that he hung up.
You were still looking at him, likely trying to piece apart the conversation he had. But instead, he got up and crawled in bed with you. He pulled you close and cuddled you.
You didn’t say anything and he didn’t either. You both just enjoyed each other’s presence while you still could.
He was really going to miss you.
⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰
It was a few days later when you woke up to find your apartment emptier than usual. You went through it all and found he had taken almost everything. The only thing that showed Jimin had lived here at all was the countless pictures of you two together that still were scoured around the place.
He hadn’t even said goodbye the night before. He just told you that you should be fine and came into bed with you later.
You knew the fact that he was only staying because he wanted to make sure you were ok and he planned to leave right after, but just finding everything empty like that was more painful than anything you could have imagined.
Part of you hoped he’d change his mind about leaving, but he said what he said and meant it. He was gone.
There were some days you thought you should go to the hospital to visit him, but even on the days where you stood right outside the place he worked you couldn’t bring yourself to go in. If he wanted to try again he knew where you lived, the fact that he wouldn’t answer your texts either meant he wanted to put some distance between you two.
The days never got easier with him not being by your side. After 5 years of being together and 3 years living together, you had forgotten what it was like to not have him around. Sometimes you’d wake up in the mornings expecting to find him sleeping right beside you, sometimes you’d make way too much food for yourself, and others you would look at the clock anxiously waiting for him to come back home from his job.
Each time you’d be reminded that he had left. It was just you now.
One day in particular you got especially emotional, that you had to leave to take a walk. You couldn’t be at the apartment so you just wandered the streets in hopes of clearing your mind.
You didn’t stop until you realized you ran into the coffee shop. Not a coffee shop, the coffee shop. It was where you and Jimin had first met. It was on the other side of town and you didn’t visit it as much after you moved, but at the time you lived over here and so did Jimin.
He was completing his residency at a hospital nearby and you worked at a company not too far away as well. This just so happened to be both of your favorite spots to go in the mornings. It started when he was in line in front of you, he had been taking way too long to order that day and you were already running late to get to work.
You had been planning to yell at him to hurry up but the minute you tapped his shoulder and he turned around, well, you were knocked off your feet. Let’s just say you were very late that day. After that you started noticing him a lot more around here and one day he came to join you at your table.
One conversation was all it took for you to get hooked, and he’s been in your heart ever since.
You stared at the neon blue sign, beaconing passerbyers to come and visit ‘The Coffee Shop.’ It was a generic name, and to be honest they had mediocre coffee. But this place was special to you still nonetheless.
You pushed open the doors, the warmth from the cold winter air hit you and the smell of freshly brewed coffee came to you immediately. You stopped yourself from crying at the memories. This place hadn’t changed at all.
You made the quick decision to stay, a cup of coffee might be what you needed to calm yourself down. You were quick to order and you got your coffee soon after, there weren’t many people here today.
You made your way through the shop, trying to make it to what used to be your usual spot, right by the window. It was in the back so no one ever seemed to take your spot, that was until today. Right in front of you was the man you knew all too well, his fluffy brown hoodie being an immediate indicator that this was him. You used to love it when he wore it, always saying it made him look like a cute little bear. It was Jimin.
You walked up slowly, scared that this might be your mind playing tricks on you, but as you took a seat and he looked up at you, you finally knew that this was here. Somehow of all days you managed to find him here all over again.
“Jimin?” You questioned, your voice already starting to betray you.
He looked around confused for a second. “Wait, how did you end up here?”
You just smiled. “I think it was fate. Stopped here because it was our place but I don’t know, just somehow ended up finding my way here.” He smiled too at the coincidence, but that smile was quick to fall.
“I’ve been coming here every week… It reminded me of old times.” His smile held pain and part of you was a little happy to see that this wasn’t easy for him either.
“You didn’t even say goodbye… You didn’t call, you didn’t text.” You started.
“I know and I’m sorry. I couldn’t say goodbye, it was too hard. I thought about reaching out again, but that hurt too… I’m sorry this has been so drastic.” He tried to apologize, but you didn’t really care anymore. The past was in the past and he was right in front of you now.
“I missed you.” You nearly sobbed. You had to remind yourself a couple times that you were in a public space. But you hadn't seen him for a good 2 months.
Jimin looked up, now seeing his eyes started getting watery as well. “I missed you more…” He took his hands out of his pocket to reveal the little black box that he had showed you a few months ago. That was all it took for the tears to start rolling down your face.
He opened it to reveal the ring was still in there. “I’ve been staring at this everyday, thinking about what it would have looked like on your finger.” He smiled at the thought. You didn’t think twice and reached for it, pushing it on your finger.
At this point you were full on bawling now.
“Jimin… I seriously don’t think leaving was the right idea.” You tried to say, but your tears were getting in the way. At this point you were getting a few concerned glances from the other customers.
“I think we could have made it work.” You glanced up to find him staring at the ring, tears now spilling from Jimin as well.
“I— I’m starting to think it wasn’t a good idea as well… I wanted to keep you safe but it feels worse not seeing you everyday.”
“Then come back! Come back home, please, we can figure this out together.” You pleaded. Jimin looked up and your sorrowful expression nearly broke him to pieces.
“But how.. I don’t know how to make this work…”
“We don’t need to come up with a solution today, or tomorrow, or the next. Let’s just enjoy each other. I’m sure a better solution will come eventually.” You smiled and grabbed his hand.
“What if something happens…” You could tell he was just trying to be cautious, but his pessimism was starting to make you upset.
“Stop the negativity, we’ll figure it out ok.” You smiled. You got up from your chair, grabbed your coffee, and held out your hand.
“Walk with me.” Jimin didn’t know what he was doing, but he took your hand despite his brain telling him this was a bad idea. No idea in this case was a good one. At least he can be together with you if he goes.
You both started making your way back to the apartment, arms locked like it was old times.
“We’ll talk about this more when we get back, and I don’t know, maybe we can try a repeat of last time.” You laughed when you saw his eyes widen and his face flush.
“It’s not funny!” He pouted and you couldn’t resist the urge to kiss his cheek.
“I’m not kidding! Like I know I was getting close to death’s door but I’ve never had sex like that in my life. Probably the hottest shit I’ve experienced. I wouldn’t mind doing it again one day~” You playfully wiggled your eyebrows and he just smirked and turned away.
“You really gotta be some type of freak to think that was hot.” He laughed.
“Who said I wasn’t, plus this is a lot coming from Mr. telling me that day that it was his fantasy.” You teased and he playfully pushed you away, making the both of you laugh.
“I missed this…” You sighed, grabbing hold of his arm again.
“I missed you.” He responded, making you blush. It was then he noticed the fact you were still wearing the ring. You seemed to pick up on this.
“Were you still—”
“Yep.” You smiled and pulled him closer. He just smiled. It was the same feeling he felt when all the vampires would tell him a relationship with a human wasn’t a good idea. He didn’t care as long as you were by his side.
You were going to figure a way to get past this, you always do.
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Here’s a little something something I put together cause the story made me inspired to draw :D
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Tags: @mwitsmejk @bluewhale52 ;D
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