#why does jack have to be such a flexible name
if you're comfortable with it can i request levi sexting reader pls? i just feel like he would be much more confident sexting you from behind a screen than he ever would be when taking action irl
You've got a point, my dude
NSFW MDNI, sexting, AFAB! Reader, gender neutral, racially ambiguous, dirty talk, two dicks for Levi, told through Levi's perspective, 2nd person POV for reader
It was kind of awkward for Leviathan. The way his pants tightened whenever he thought about you. He questioned whether or not you had cast some sort of curse on him but after seeing your less than novice skills casting beginner spells that was quickly ruled out. While you two have been dating for some time, you have never been intimate with each other. Levi was too shy to try to pursue a sexual relationship with you no matter how much he dreamed about having your lips wrapped around one of his cocks while you jack off the other under his desk as he plays video games on his computer.
This desperate want for your body coupled with Levi's shyness ended up with him seeking out demon x human porn. Specifically, Levi would search for human pornstars that look like you and imagine it was him instead of some stupid incubus or succubus fucking you. That's actually where he ended up right now. He fisted his cocks together at the sight of your pornstar doppelgänger getting railed from behind by a large demon. Levi pretended it was you moaning out his name instead of this pornstar moaning for more from their costar. It was honestly becoming torture for poor Levi, not have your warm cunt hole wrapped around cock while the other slips into your ass. Levi got so caught up in the porn he was watching that the sound of his phone vibrating made him jump.
It was you sending him another meme. Levi could feel the warmth and love spreading through his chest. Even though you had just sent him a silly picture of a mouse in a toy car, Levi still felt so loved that you texted that picture to him only instead of the group chat.
That's when the lightbulb appeared over his head. What if he told you how much he wanted you over text. At least then you wouldn't have to see how hard you make him nor his tomato red face and you wouldn't have to hear how he stutters and stumbles over his words. Through text message, Levi could stay partially hidden.
L: MC i need u
U: why? what's wrong? i'll head over rn
L: NO!
L: i mean...
L: i need u so badly U: oh? U: oh.
Crap, did he just gross you out? I mean, who would want to sleep with a gross otaku like him anyway? All he does is just sit in his room and play video games. You'd do better having your pussy filled by some one like Beel or-
U: i want you too. Levi i want ur cock so bad
Levi almost tipped back in his chair and had to swing his arms to grab at his desk. He sputtered like an old timey car with a flush that could make a strawberry look pale. Levi couldn't believe that you wanted him just as badly. When he regained his balance in his chair, he softly wrapped his hand around his top cock and stroked around the head.
U: i wish i was there with you bouncing on your dick
Levi stopped for a second when he realized your wording. Dick? Cock? As in singular? Nervousness began to rise in the back of his throat. You were obviously down to fuck non-human entities but would you be down for non-human genitalia? Levi looked down at his own cocks. The cock on the top was about an inch longer than the one on the bottom. Both were a tad bit darker than the rest of his skin and faded into a lighter blue near the tip. The heads of his cocks were long and pointed with small bumps along the bottom side of his shafts. His cocks curled a little like a tentacle but weren't nearly has flexible as one. Leviathan thought about how his assets compared to a normal human's and the insecurity began to flair up.
L: uhhh,,,
L: MC?
U: what's wrong? did i cross a line?
Fuck you were so cute when you were worried about him. Levi shook his head trying to flush away the lovey-dovey thoughts he had about you in order to break the possibly bad news.
L: i uh dont have a human set up >.>
U: huh?
U: what do you mean?
Leviathan pressed his hand to his mouth trying to figure out how to tell you. Should he just send a picture? The thought of you having a picture of his cocks made him leak a little but his insecurity had a choke hold on him. He decided against sending you a picture and decided you just tell you straight up what he had going on.
L: i have two dicks
Silence. Five minutes had passed an nothing from you. The worst case scenario immediately came to mind: you were going to break up with him because of his weird penises. Levi was about pull his sweats up over his cocks and sob into his bathtub when his phone vibrated.
U: fuck
U: can i see them?
Levi gripped his phone with sweaty palms. You wanted to see them? You wanted to see him? Naked? You wanted to see the penises of a gross otaku like himself? But you were so beautiful and kind and smart and you could do so much better than him! A shiver ran through his spine at the perverted thought of such a degenerate like himself corrupting someone so beautiful as you. He grabbed his top cock and positioned it so the bottom one could be seen as well as he held his phone over his lap and took the picture. It was right when he pressed send that realization hit him. What if you wanted pictures of his penises to make fun of them? To make fun of him? For some reason that idea turned him on even more. Levi's teeth clacked to together at the thought of you calling him gross and perverted for sending you such images.
Levi: <image sent>
U: fuck
U: theyre huge!
U: crap i want them in me so bad rn
L: 0.0 u do?
U: do you think they could both fit in my pussy?
The directness of your text sent Levi into a frenzy. Fuck, he didn't know if they could both fit but he for sure was going to try! The thought of your poor little cunt being so spread and abused on his cocks made him grab his cocks and start rubbing them together, imagining his fist was your juicy walls welcoming him into your body.
L: we could try
L: i want u to ride me rn. i want to see ur pussy swallowing my cocks everytime you bounce up and down
U: fuck yes Levi!
U: i want to see ur face when you cum inside of me. u always look so cute when ur all flustered
Levi whimpered at your last text. He couldn't understand how you thought such a gross otaku like him was cute but how sweet you were being made his dicks throb in need.
U: imagine if i was cockwarming you while u were gaming o///o
L: fuck please MC
U: every time you get a kill i'd ride you a little. u can't cum until you win though~
L: i promise i will MC! i want to fill you with my cum >.<
U: i love you so much levi. are you in ur room rn?
Levi felt all of the air in his chest get trapped in his lungs. Fuck, you wanted to come see him? Is that why you were asking if he was home?
U: <image sent>
Levi's eyes went wide. He could have sworn they rolled right out of his skull when he saw the picture you just sent. You were reclined on your bed with only a shirt on. On closer inspection it was that shirt from your favorite anime Levi had gotten you for your birthday. Your phone was positioned so that the star of the photo were your index and middle fingers holding your pussy lips open showing Levi the beautiful spread of your sopping cunt. Your clit was at attention and was begging for his lips to be wrapped around it. Levi furiously rubbed his cocks together at the sight. You were so wet and all from him? You weren't dripping with need because of one of his stupid brothers? A feeling somewhere between possessiveness and neediness erupted in Levi. He knew he needed to be buried in your tight hole.
L: yes! please! im home!
U: <read 1 minute ago>
Then there was a knock at his door.
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fizzigigsimmer · 9 months
This is dedicated to @dragonflylady77 who is amazing always encourages me to write more in this verse and who has been having a rough week. Inspired by this post by @ariesbilly
Billy is going to have to ask out the hot neighbor who runs past his window every morning in the hospital.
In his defense he doesn’t plan for it to go down like that initially. He actually has a really good idea on how he’s going to get The Runner (what he’s going with absent of a name) off the sidewalk and into his bed. Symbolically speaking, because Billy has had too much sixty-nine in dirty club bathrooms to be a princess about whether there’s an actual bed in their future or not. 
Which is kinda how Billy arrives at his idea in the first place - the sixty nine bit. Billy’s flexible as shit, and believes in the sanctity of total body workouts. Because he’s not trying to look like an asshole. It’s about engaging muscles in equal proportions so you don’t end up looking like fucking Donkey Kong.
Anyway, Billy can do a handstand with the best of them. He can do a handstand while doing pushups. He can do a handstand one handed while doing pushups. He can do a handstand one handed while doing pushups and holding a barbell. It’s impressive shit, and it has gotten him more than a few coded glances at the gym.
The goal here is to get a piece of that ass - or better yet, let that third arm The Runner’s tight little shorts do absolute wonders with, get a piece of him - but Billy’s classy with it. He figures he’ll treat The Runner to a little show before the main event.
There is a bottle of fresh orange juice and a carton of eggs in his fridge that says he knows how to show a guy he’s more than just a hit and dip. Billy even showers before he goes outside to begin his workout, considerate of the fact that sweat & musk isn’t everyone’s favorite combination. He does up his hair, forgoes a shirt, and puts on his sluttiest pair of sweats - the ones that make his ass pop - gathers up his shit and heads out into the front yard at just after seven A.M. His runner doesn’t usually come by until around half past, but Billy doesn’t want to chance missing him.  
Billy sets his towel and his barbells off to the side, facing the sidewalk, so that he’s got a reason to ask the runner to stop and he can see the runner coming without looking too obvious about it. He does some stretches to get limber, along with a set of jumping jacks to get his heart pumping and work up a bit of a sweat. 
A group of pre-teen girls wearing backpacks decide that right outside his house is where they need to stop and decide if one of them still has a crush on someone called Pineapple. Billy has no idea why they feel the need to speak in code like he gives a shit about their middle school drama, but they’re taking up the whole damn sidewalk with it. So Billy chucks a clod of dirt at their feet and smirks as they all jump and scream like a snake tried to bite their heels. 
The bravest of the group demands to know why he threw dirt at them to which Billy just snaps, “No loitering!”
Pouty and reluctant, the group starts to move on. Just in time too, because Billy spots The Runner turning the corner at just that moment. With a thrill of anticipation Billy times it in his head to give a good show and then baits the hook. He turns and bends down onto his hands, ass out, and then lifts his feet into the air. He peeks over his shoulder to make sure the runner is watching - oh hell yeah, he’s watching Billy with this sort of dumbstruck expression, lips parted and doe eyed - and then does a few standing crunches just to sweeten the pot.
All that’s left is to seal the deal.
“Hey can you -” Billy starts to ask if the guy can hand him one of the barbells on top of his towel but a girlish scream interrupts him. It’s not like the dirt clod scream where it was just a bunch of girls being dramatic, it’s different. The bad sort of scream that means someone has really gotten hurt or is about to. Billy falls back onto his feet as quickly as he can, instincts on high alert just as the sound of a crash follows the scream.
He sees the runner splayed out on his back halfway through the ratty old fence in the neighbors yard. The group of girls are surrounding a girl on the ground, who is clutching her leg but staring on in horror at where the runner has fallen. 
“Jesus Christ! What the hell happened?” Billy demands to know as he runs over.
“I was tying my shoe! He just tripped right over me.” The girl on the ground wails. Her friends back her up presumably. In any case they do a lot of talking at once that Billy doesn’t really listen to once he’s got the gist of it - girl bruised but okay, his plans for the morning possibly broken or dead.
Thankfully one of the girls has some sense, and a flip phone because she gets on it and starts to dial 911.  Billy doesn’t think the guy is dead judging by the way he’s groaning as he tries to lift himself, but the blood streaming down one side of his face does make him think he may have broken him a little bit.
“Hey, hey, don’t move.” Billy warns him, crouching at his side. He puts hands on him because the guy is wearing a glassy eyed expression that doesn’t give Billy great confidence that he can hear anything but the birds circling around his head. 
“You’re bleeding from your head. Are you hurt anywhere else?” Billy asks. A glance over the guys really trim and scantily clothed body would imply that other than a few scratches on his arms and legs the biggest problem is the bump on the head, but it doesn’t hurt to be sure.
“I’m a grown man dad I can smoke pot if I wanna.” The Runner slurs, turning his head in Billy’s direction. He blinks owlishly at him as if he’s just noticed him for the first time. “Oh hi. You’re really pretty.”
Billy smirks.
“Pretty enough for you to trip over your own ass?”
Brown eyes blink back at him in glazed confusion, the runner’s brow furrowing with deep consternation.
“No. No… it wasn’t my ass, it was…” 
He tries to turn and point like a drunken child and Billy stops him before he can hurt himself further, cause he’s obviously concussed as shit.  
He’s also stupidly cute. So while Billy wasn’t really planning for this whole thing to end in a hospital bed, and to spend his morning playing bedside vigil he’s not too mad at it either.  It’s not every day someone literally falls for you.
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yuurei20 · 6 months
Hello! It's me again. Thank you for answering my last ask.
I went and found some more voice lines. Sadly, I cannot screenshot the audio, but here's the English translations of the lines from Jack's dorm uniform, Rook's Halloween costume, Malleus' GloMas outfit, Kalim's New Year getup, Silver's Halloween costume, and Silver's Birthday Boy clothes. It's worth noting that Deuce calls Kalim "Asim-senpai" in the New Year's duo.
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Hope this helps! (I only have the Jack, Malleus, and Rook shown here, the rest I got via the helper cards in Crafter's Gauntlet battles. lol.)
Hello hello, thank you so much!! I checked the audio on all of the above cards and with the exception of the usual removal of honorifics, the official translations on EN are all perfect! :>
Have put together an original dialogue/literal translation comparison just for fun, but they're all great as they are!
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Jack's phrasing here is probably meant to be a wolf-based pun, as the word he is using (かます) both means to defeat a person/win a challenge in one go, and is also pronounced the same as the word 嚙ます, for "to bite."
So technically he is saying both "let's bite them" and "let's finish them off" simultaneously, which isn't really something that can be portrayed in English.
Ruggie's response of "熱くなっちゃって" is kind of Ruggie saying, "You always get so heated!" or "passionate" or "worked up."
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The word "hade" (派手) comes up a lot with Kalim, but can be so difficult to express in English. It can be said as "flashy," "gaudy," etc. Basically, to go very big!
Deuce's response is the same on EN and is a word of encouragement (it is actually かます again, from Jack's Duo, as Deuce is encouraging Kalim to take out their opponent), but Deuce is also saying "please."
And then there is Deuce's use of last-name-senpai being changed to a first name without an honorific which, as you say, is worthy of note!
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Deuce's way of expressing himself connects directly to his past violence and his present-day efforts to reform himself; an important part of the character that might just be impossible to translate into english. (More here!)
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Malleus and Sebek's lines are both perfectly accurate on EN, although "-sama" has been removed from Sebek's dialogue.
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The game has an interesting relationship with the "-sama" honorific. Sebek's "Malleus-sama" gets rewritten into "Housewarden Malleus" or dropped, while it is localized as "Mr.," "Master," "O Great," "O mighty" or "Count" with other characters.
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Rook's Halloween Duo dialogue is perfectly accurate! Interestingly, while Trey and Riddle both have "roses" in their nicknames, Riddle's is pronounced as the English/French word "rose," while Trey's is pronounced as the Japanese word "bara" (薔薇).
(All of Rook's nicknames (including changes made between servers) can be found here!)
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Silver's Halloween Duo is also perfectly accurate, with just the loss of "-senpai" from Silver.
Leona's line is a great example of how flexible the Japanese language is, depending so heavily on context as it does: technically all Leona is saying is the word "show," in a command form. He isn't specifying what it is that he wants Silver to show to him, so while we can infer that this would probably be "show me what you've got" or "show me how it's done," etc, in English, he could technically also be saying "show me what's in your hands" or "show me what you're hiding," etc.
(If you've ever wondered how some translations can vary so wildly between sources, this is part of why!)
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Silver's Birthday Duo is also perfectly accurate, missing only the "-kun" from Ruggie.
Unlike Cater, who also uses honorifics in 100% of his dialogue (except with Trey in important situations), when Leona overblots Ruggie doesn't shift to calling him by name: he calls him a casual form of "you," which is equally fascinating. (More here)
Also, combined the above screenshots with their corresponding audio for reference, here!
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eveenstar · 7 months
Hey i saw that you take requests and one of the fandoms tgat you do is creepypasta, if you don't mind could you please make some realistic hc of laughibg jack with a S/O who is workibg currently in a circuss and does little tricks and is like a really talented person?
Sorry if you don't take any of these requests and even if you don't at least i just wanted to ask if everything is going well even if not exactly as you planed.
Fishy kisses from nemo. ;)
I love this request. I love circuses and I love clowns but I absolutely hate Laughing Jack, still, this request was too good to pass on so here it is. Sorry It's short! I ran out of ideas by the end. Hopefully it's still to your liking.
Hope you're doing well, Nemo :)
Laughing Jack with a circus worker!reader
-> You've always loved circuses and anything related to them. You loved the colours, the trinkets, the music, the talented people and most especially....the clowns. Oh, you've always loved clowns. They were your comfort, your safe place. No matter the colours or the height, clowns were simply perfect in your eyes.
->Henceforth, of course, you got a job at a circus. Truth be told, you've always been a particularly flexible person, and gymnastics always came easy to you, so in your mind, there was simply no other way out except working in the place you loved the most.
->The first few weeks had you completely enamored with the place. Your coworkers were great, the public was funny and always willing to be interacted with... Everything was perfect until you met him. The strange monochromatic clown that no one likes but for some reason hasn't left the circus yet.
->No one knows when Jack was hired or where he comes from, but everyone knows his stage name is Laughing Jack. The name always made you roll your eyes. He's an odd fella but the kids seem to like his antics...though most of them end up crying when he smiles.
->Unfortunately (maybe fortunately if you're into that), it seems that you've caught Jack's attention. Maybe it was the way you balance yourself on the rope, how you twirl around as if you're a flying ballerine, or the control you have over your facial expressions and dramatic antics always getting a loud gasp or laughter from the crowd. It's something Jack himself doesn't have.
-> But he wants it. Oh, he dearly wants it. And the only way he can have it is by having you. But you wouldn't figure that out for a long while. No, he needed to prepare you first, make sure you're perfect.
-> As time passes, you swear you begin to see Jack in the corner of your eye. Not only in the circus, but in the streets, in the market and then....at home. You'll never forget those terrifying seconds when you saw a black and white clown with a strange, distorted face peeking at you from around your bedroom door.
-> You avoid Jack for days after that, but that only fuels his obsession. He despises being ignored, absolutely hates it. You can't do this to him and he has to do something about it. Jack knows how to play nice, not for long periods of time, but he knows how to manipulate your little human mind to give itself to him. He's done that to children before, his little puppets, he can do that to you.
-> It all began when you started to notice Jack watching you on stage. Your jumps, your falls... And before you knew it, the monochromatic clown was calling you his "little assistant" - and to make things even worse, you had a wardrobe malfunction and your outfit came out black and white! It only fueled your annoyance even more. Yet, something...dark and unknown pulled you towards it. It all happens too fast.
-> You don't even know why, but you start to accompany Jack on stage. The public doesn't like him but they like you and we all know Jack lives for the twisted attention it gives him. More kids even come to meet the two of you and you try to assure them there's no reason to cry when around Jack because hey he's just an odd guy but that doesn't mean he's dangerous!
->Stupidiest thing you ever told yourself knowing it was a lie. Knowing that Jack was hiding something from you that you couldn't quite grasp but you feared it was your worse nightmare. You just hoped you could live in blissful ignorance for a little while longer, but you knew that wouldn't be the case. Not when there was a storm boiling inside your heart.
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paper-gold-theories · 5 months
Villainous Spoiler Theory: Poker Face the Joker and the 53 former member of the Baraja Deck.
From the images from Steven Artworks Twitter you can see that the four suits of pokers represents four skill sets the Baraja guards and Baraja ninjas.
Spades ♠️ - knives
Heart ♥️ - heavy weights, strength
Diamonds♦️- Arrows
Clubs ♣️ - Bombs
Aside from clubs (bombs), from the image below, Poker Face appears to have hints of having 3 out of 4 skills.
Has two diamonds on her cheeks
Carries a knife like a spade and is holding a spades card.
Wears three hearts on her clothes.
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Hence I theorised that Poker Face basically has all the skill sets of all the four suits in poker and was basically the "Jack of All Trades" in The Baraja Family.
From the image it might hint which skill set she is dominant in:
She appears to be spade dominant or best at using knives as you can see her carrying a knife and the 10 of spades, or it might also hint that 10 of spades is the only person in the Baraja she is on good terms with.
Her second dominant skill is heart or strength as there are 3 hearts in her costume.
Her third skill set is diamonds or bows, as she has two diamonds on her cheeks.
Finally her weakest is clubs or using bombs.
King Casino is the head of the Baraja Family. Baraja means deck of cards in Spanish and in poker there are 52 deck of playing cards.
However there is one more unofficial card, which is the joker card. In poker the only wild card or the card that can represent any card in the game, is a joker card.
Hence from Poker Face's clown like appearance, I theorised that she used to be the Joker of the Baraja Family and the 53 member.
Poker Face History as Joker and Owning Her Own Cassino After She Left The Baraja.
Poker Face or Joker used to be part of the Baraja family. With her flexibility and skill set of four suits, I theorised she definitely is a high ranking member of the Baraja Family, perhaps second in command when King Cassino is away or she might be his personal body guard.
However I theorized she also has a wild card personality as well as skills.
Because of this she rebelled against him probably because of their conflicting personalities, like his old fashioned nature and or just doesn't like the way he operates his casinos, the Baraja Family, organized crime, ect in general.
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From the looks of it, she didn't leave on good terms with him as you can see her stabbing a deck of cards with a knife, which I theorised represents her hatred and rejection of the Baraja gang and King Cassino's way of operating things.
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Despite not liking the way King Cassino runs things she loves the cassino life hence she decides to to start up her own Cassino with her own rules called Winning Love Cassino. (The name shown at the slot machine behind Poker Face)
Additionally at the same time also likes her image but at the same time wants to distance her association with King Cassino Baraja Family. Hence I theorzied this is why she changes her name to Poker Face to rebrand herself. (She might have a clown mask before but just changed it to a poker face themed or perhaps that was her original mask as the Baraja ninjas similarly all don't show their faces in their costumes and she also probably hates it when people call her Joker)
Possible evidence to support is when it was mentioned in Arenque News that King Cassino owns 52 casinos in the country and owns almost all the casinos in the contry.
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As mentioned, the joker card is the unofficial 53 card in a deck of poker hence I theorized the only cassino not owned by King Cassino in the country is the one owned by Poker Face.
Her hatred of King Cassino and her already leaving The Baraja Family explains why she is not in The Risky Heist comics even though there is poker cards and poker themed villains mentioned all the time.
Like the other villains, she probably does not know Porccini's plan to frame King Cassino, although if she does, I theorized although she hates King Cassino, she will not work with Porccini because she disagrees with how he does things, has a hatred towards him when she had to fight him and his men while she was still in the Baraja Family and the grudge is still carried even after she left, and finally she also does not trust him to not double cross her.
However she will definitely be perfectly fine with her former boss having his betting licence revoked and not being able to operate his 52 casinos and possibly being sent to Mictlán, as it means less competition and good for her business as people will definitely go to the only other operating Cassino in the country.
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There are many ways she was able to open her open her own cassino, one is that she might have made a deal with Black Hat Organization to invest in her business or lend her money for her business. As well as help her get connections.
I theorized another benefit of being part of Black Hat Organisation is that they might have some policies against screwing over other members if it affects Black Hat's business in some way as Porccini was afraid Black Hat might come after him for helping a P.E.A.C.E. heroine and frame one of their own members or she and King Cassino might have signed a treaty similar to how King Casino signed one with Porccini.
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Hence King Cassino cannot do anything directly to destroy her business, such as sending the Baraja to wreck the place.
Even if he did, I theorized that they would have a hard time fighting the "Jack of All Trades" and hold her ground to defend herself and protect her business (though I theorized it would definitely be difficult if she were to face King Cassino).
Hence I theorized she she probably made this deal so as to not to cause destruction to her casino and effect her business.
She appears to be doing well as Flug mentions that she is one of the many respected and feared villainesses he listed in the Villainous Q&A.
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I theorised that one of the reasons she is also a feared respected, and recognized is because of her skill set being a dangerous flexible and multi skilled villain, that people would definitely not want to mess with.
Another reason is that Flug also mentioned that although Black Hat Organisation provides services, products, ect for Villains, the success of the Villains depends on their competence.
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So another reason why Poker Face is also feared, respected and recognised because she probably has a really good business plan and pitch on how to run a profitable cassino that is able to differentiate herself from King Cassino who, although can't attack her directly, can try to destroy her business in a competitive way, as he basically monopolises almost every casino in the country.
On top of her success, she also wants to make a soul contract deal with Black Hat one day to defeat her Arch Nemesis. As shown in Episode 1 when an P0K3RF4CE commented "goals" when Penumbra wants to make a deal with Black Hat to defeat her Arch Nemesis.
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So does that mean Poker Face has her own hero Arch-Nemesis or does that mean she considers King Cassino as her Arch-Nemesis and wants to eliminate him in the future? 👀
As mentioned above, I theorized BHO members can't screw over the other members if it affects Black Hat's business, but perhaps Soul Contracts might be an exception or loophole as it outranks other contacts or there might be some other loophole around it. This two will definitely be an interesting conflict in the future...
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jackiequick · 1 year
Friends over the years [Agent Carter fic]
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Pairing: Jason Grey Underwood and Howard J. Stark
Summary: A friendship that goes beyond a average kinda bond. They loved each other like brothers, treat one another like friends, respected their relationship like a pair of lovers. Sadly it goes downhill due to a stupid painful argument…
Romantic or Platonic Relationship
Fandom: Marvel, Agent Carter
Spoilers for Agent Carter season 1 & season 2. A bit of Iron Man 2.
Warning: Fluff, angst, mention of treason and one side conversations
Characters shown/mentioned: Peggy Carter, Maria Stark, Nurse Violet, Edwin Jarvis, Ana Jarvis, Daniel Sousa, Tony Stark, Hank Pym, Dr. Jason Wilkes, and SHIELD in general.
Note: Glen Powell played Hangman, my HC is that Hangman is BI so will be Jason haha
It started out to tender so sweet then they got me smoking out the window…
“What’s your name, champ?” Said Stark with a classic charming grin, holding out his hand.
“Jason, Mr. Stark.” I replied shaking his hand with a politic accent and smile to go along with it.
“Mr. Stark? Call me Howard everyone does! What brings you by?”
“Uh, Peg said you have new pairs of gun for me?”
“Ah, Peg sent you! Well your in luck pal, cause I have the perfect hand held guns made just today. Better than ones I manufactured back in 42’ I’ll tell you that much.”
“Anything is fine, Howard. As long as it last me up to more than 50 hours a bullet, I’ll be doing just fine.”
“Your my type of man, Jay! Can I call you, Jay or JJ?”
I chuckled, “Of course you can.”
He walked and talked about everything, “Great! You seem familiar, have we met before?”
I chuckled once again, “Actually we have, a charity in the park back in 43’.”
“Don’t remember.” He shrugged.
I sighed, “You were wearing a cherry brown tie and a freshly tailored suit.”
“Ah yes, now I remember! I was looking snazzy in that suit, I remember bringing home a lovely lady that very evening. She was Italian and the champagne was devilishly delicious—”
“Yeah, right! You were saying.”
“I’m here because I’m working with the SSR on a case involving Dorothy Underwood and a Russian therapist who framed you and your weaponry.”
“Ah yes! I invent stuff but I always make sure what I’m doing correctly, what do you got?”
“Easy, we’re tracking them down for each movement. I know where Dorothy is and Peggy is tracking her down while The stupid Russian therapist is currently at SSR headquarters. Before anything gets messy, do you have any relations to any of those two?”
“Uhhh no? I met a lot of people how do you expect me to stay on track with that. I’m a busy man, JJ.”
It took time but he started to connect the dots on how he was related to Dorothy Underwood’s case, then we were on the roll. After what felt like hours with Howard, Peggy and Jarvis we were able to settle down on a plan. Howard was used as bate to lure our bad guys out while Daniel, Jack, Peggy, Jarvis and I were ready to attack. Quickly Howard was kidnapped by them as we raced after him. Once we arrived Howard was flying a plane straight headed near the New York City Harbor as he being mind control by the therapist to his practical deathbed!
Daniel, Jack and I instructed Jarvis to fly the plane as we kept marched up to track down the threats. Peggy was fighting Dottie while all of this was happening, I swear i was getting a headache sooner or later from all of this. Thankfully the day was saved, Howard was brought back to the ground, Jack and Daniel returned back to work and Peggy was giving a seat nearby the stakeholders at the SSR allowing herself to get a more flexible job.
A week later, I headed over to Howard to discuss moving out to LA since it cleared up to see that my sister, Dottie, wasn’t gonna be a huge problem anytime soon. There was always crime to be solved in LA especially after Daniel Sousa offered be a positive choice there, why not take the offer and run with it? So I did!
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-> In Los Angeles, everything felt pretty cool! Howard’s penthouse and other living corners were very much a good fit for me. Breakfast in the morning next to the poolside, a nice walk in the park. Heading to set for movies we’ve decided to film together and afterwards in the afternoon, I spent hours at the SSR for detective and paperwork duties ordered by my friend, now Chef Sousa.
“Morning, handsome.” Howard teased coming up from his workshop, grinning and poured himself a cup of coffee.
“What have i told you about late night in your workshop?” I replied taking a bite of my toast and taking a sip of coffee.
“Uhhh don’t do it?”
“Exactly! I swear I’m one of the reasons you’re still alive today.”
“Heyyy! You love me!”
“Never said I didn’t, hot stuff.”
I stood up and walked over to the kitchen island, standing next to Howard ruffling his hair a bit with a smile. Howard smiled and being his usual flirty self. It results in a laugh and a eye roll.
He moved closed and joked yelling, “Quit it!”
“Be good today.” I joked back sending a charming wink to him, as I walked out grabbing his jacket.
It was good. Real good.
Until it wasn’t.
Sadly, that same week I crashed my car during a horrible lightning storm driving around the countryside of LA to see Peggy and our friends for a unsuspecting case. The weather got chiller and air became thicker as all time froze up, leading me gasp for air after being unconscious for 20 minutes straight.
I was fine and arrived back home with a few cuts in bruises leading to, Nurse Violet, to help patch me up as we all discussed the crime rate activity in LA with the group. I fell for this woman hard. A gentle soul.
-> During the invading investigation which lets everybody working and spending in Howard’s lab for answer on Miss Froster connection to Zero Matter.
Jason was calculating a design for a machine to cover up and consent the rest of issue, especially involving their new friend, Dr. Wilkes, who joked how much Jason and Howard seemed to care each other. The respect they had for one another. He joked back with a shrug saying that Howard was his idiot in more ways than one, at that same time Jason felt a heatwave climb up his jacket and slightly dizzy.
Howard and Peggy noticed and rushed over, lifting Jason off the ground before he fell back. He insisted he was fine but he was tired and overwhelmed, Peggy remember that Jason didn’t even bother to go to hospital after accident.
Jason was given a opportunity for plenty of examinations and refused to say on bed rest that night, until Peggy practically threatened him to do so. Jason was examined again and again, even got a cast on his sprained ankle. But nothing crazy happened and the results came down to a small fever.
Nurse Violet and Ana took care of him that the next few days. Jason would admit he was eternally grateful for that, especially for Violet since she was sassy angel gifted to be by their side. He took his shot and asked her out on a date, but she told him to wait for that time to come. It was a small promise that was made.
Thankfully it was fine and the fever went away, they all assumed it was side effects from the accident, the stress from the case and work in general. And it was.
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Everyone got back to work and weeks went by, months along the way Ms Frost was put away behind bars and Dr. Wilkes was offered a job at the SSR.
One morning after having a moment to actually catch their breath after all that chaos, Howard appeared next to Jason nearby the pool of their house, handing him a beer.
“Thank you.” Jason repiled, taking a sip with a smile, “You alright? A penny for your thoughts?”
“Y-yeah. Just thinking about the future.” He replied with a playfully nudge.
“You’re film? You’re gonna make that happened with Frost public?”
“Maybe? I mean no! Well not that worse idea. I can win an award winning director for that. Can you imagine?!”
“Howard. Focus.”
“Right sorry! I was thinking a bit more closer to the present. Everyone deserves a bit of normal after everything right?”
“Of course they do. But maybe we shouldn’t settle for normal life, domestic romanized life maybe.”
Jason met Howard’s dark brown eyes, and he felt like he was lost for words, in the sweet warm of it all. Damn Jason wanted to test the water and try something a little different. Howard met his eyes seeing a life with him, deep down a part of always smiled knowing shining light in them. Damn Howard could tease the waters with him, he liked his women and men, especially this one. They moved closer to one another with soft grins laced on their faces laughing at the fact how silly they are being about this whole thing.
“What’cha thinking, Howard?” Jason asked with a tease in his voice, “I know that look. Very well.”
It was rare to see Howard this silly, vulnerable and honest. Only ever him and Peggy seen it.
“How much almost I lost you and our friends two weeks ago? I can’t live with myself if I did. I just can’t, JJ!” Howard admitted to him with a sigh and smiles, “Look at me? What am I doing?”
“You’re being honest with me. Your one of my best friends, Howard Stark, maybe even more than that. You will never lose me..I hope?” Jason replied with a chuckle.
Howard joked with a smirk, “Is this the part of the film where the guy kisses the girl?”
“Or so I’m girl in the scenario huh?” Jason joked back with a smirk.
“Well if you insist.”
“Hey wait-!”
Before neither one of them to say a word or even finished that very sentence, Howard leaned in and placed his lips onto his best friend tasting the liquid gold from the beer. Jason chuckled honestly didn’t care who say, locking lips tasting the tequila shots from earlier with him cupping his chin.
They were rather tipsy but won’t admit it. The two stayed like that for a little while, sparking a sweet open love and tender laughter from how ridiculously fun it was.
The two friends knew that the kiss meant nothing, it was just a fun thing of accidental attraction. They laughed about it. They’re young! Besides what’s friendship if you can’t experience and experiment things together?
Over the months, Howard and Jason did almost everything together. It was a very casual thing the two had together, but they cared about one another much. It was a rather open friendship, they dated and talked about who exactly decided to be their lucky ladies. Jason started finally dating Nurse Violet and was admiring their blooming romance.
You could’ve sworn they were like an two old friends or even, old married couple.
But that award went to Maria Stark and her loverboy Howard. Maria, Jason and Howard were a young trio within itself, noticing everything that happened. Along with Peggy, Jarvis and the rest of their friends. Matter a fact, it was Maria and Ana that pointed that Jason’s slight deep wrinkles that were previously made from the smile lines were fading gone and the effectiveness of the curious blew up. As they realized that it seemed over the last few months the aging process stopped completely for him.
Howard, Daniel. and Peggy worked long enough to figure out a way to seek what happened to him. They spend months doing tests, case films and files, examining his every single movement and reading books for answers. But nothing came up, Jason believed it was a giant mistake, a curse that happened due to the lack of caution he reflected on not having.
Maria reassured him that it wasn’t his fault, they couldn’t have known for this to happen. Peggy agreed knowing that they didn’t knowledge this beforehand as Howard was deep into a book, who trying to figure out what went wrong with his equipment and such, agreed.
One night Jason felt defeated and went home to tell his girlfriend, Violet, what pained him.
“Honey, I’m sorry, so sorry. You don’t deserve me..” He said standing in the middle of the living room.
“What do you mean?” She replies knowing what happened, cupping his hands.
He kissed her hand gently and replied, “You deserves somebody who can grow old enough with you. I can’t give you that..”
She nodded looking at him with love in her eyes, “Hey sugar, I know it’s bad for us right now.”
“I don’t want to be a burden on you and have you wake up one day regretting your decision to be with me..”
“Then I’ll love you for as long as you’ll have me..”
Jason smiled softy and didn’t hesitate to lock lips with the woman he loved dearly. That moment he knew, Violet Bolger, would be his girlfriend for as long as they’ll have each other.
—> However being the loyal man he always tried to be and knowing how much he loved Violet, a two and a half years later, he let her go. Their relationship was slowly dying out, he didn’t want to a burden who was holding his sweet girl one down. He wanted to see her happy, loved and most importantly an opportunity for a life where she can travel, grow old and make memories with someone even greater than.
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Years went by the group slowly grew older but Jason stayed the same way. He didn’t mind it too much, yes it pained him very much to not be able to grow old with his friends, who he considered family, and sometimes being seen as the youngest one. However it is what is! At least he had the support of his family and lovers beside him. Maria and Howard.
And when baby Anthony Edward Stark came along, or Tony for short, let’s just say everyone was happy. Poor Edwin Jarvis though, he had to change diapers. Peggy and Ana were delighted to be aunties. Maria was excited to be a mother and Jason was always wanted to be a uncle. The first two years, Howard was very attentive and on top of things when it came to his son. Bring Tony everywhere and anywhere possible, the days he wasn’t working at SHIELD and in his lab downstairs that is.
When Tony became 3 years old, almost 4 however, that’s when the plane started to take off. Bickering, arguments and feelings just either hurt or ignored. Yes it was normal for couples, or in this case, sorta throuple always fought. Especially this one! Howard was always working more than Jason ever did and Maria was always part time working at the jewelry store she co-owned with a friend of hers. They always made time for one another, especially when it came to their family and friends.
One afternoon Jason returned home from a long trip on a mission to Las Vegas, Nevada to collect samples of a metallic suspicious bonds and examine that at SHIELD headquarters. He appeared in the front door to hear running of tiny footsteps, followed by much larger ones. The giggles came along with the footsteps made Jason roll his eyes and chuckle.
The tiny footsteps zipped by and before they can reach the living room, Jason caught him. In his arms lay the giggles and yells from the charmer himself, Anthony Stark, his hair was a mess and in his hands held a toy screwdriver.
“Uncle JJ!” Tony yelled finally registering who’s arms he was in and giggling tightly hugging him, “You’re back!”
He laughed hugging his nephew tightly showing him in plenty required tickles for being gone for too long and asked, “Yeah buddy, I’m back home! Now why were you running? You knew the rules.”
“Jar’vis is making me clean my f-feet!”
It didn’t register in his mind what his nephew meant until he looked down to see the shoeless feet that rested against his button down, that were covered in dirt. He sighed deeply realizing now that he had to clean up a cheeky little 4 year olds dirty, probably muddy, feet from playing in the backyard without his shoes. He carried the young boy into the bathroom and requested for Jarvis to get him some towels as he washed his feet.
Tony explained what he was doing today after attending dentist appointment that his mother had earlier, which involved him building outside, drawing, watching his favorite cartoons and helping his mother with the dishes. He even slipped out that he accidentally found himself in his father’s workshop just wanting to hang out in there as Howard kicked him out, resulting in Tony hearing his mother and father bickering as he was carried out by Jarvis.
Jason sighed deeply once again and internally groaned in annoyance at what happened today. At this point, it didn’t surprise him at all, with the amount of time they fight it surprises him how Maria, him and Howard still live under one same roof. To be honest, they all walked out of this house more than once, due a argument
Tony pouted and spoke up, “A-are you mad at me?”
“Buddy why would i be mad?” He asked, scrubbing his feet gently.
“Cause..i walked into daddy’s workshop..i know i can not go only if you guys let me.”
“For starters we don’t want you in there unless supervised because it can be dangerous and you can accidentally get hurt.”
“Okay..I’m sorry. A-are you gonna talk to daddy and momma?”
“Well why did you do it in the first place?”
“Be..cause i wanna play with daddy but he too busy for me..he don’t love me anymore..”
“No buddy, don’t say that. Of course he loves you, he’s just gets too caught up with work that’s all.”
“I just wanna play with him, uncle J..”
“I know buddy, i know. You’re father does things for a reason, he just keeps carried away sometimes..”
Then Tony asks him a question he didn’t expect for the four year old, then again he was smart for his age, but still. The young boy sighed deeply, sometimes he picked up on from seeing his uncles and aunties doing a lot. Tony asked, “A-are you love, JJ?”
“What?” He asked with a soft smile, adding some more now to his feet.
“Are you love? Momma says that you don’t date anymore..and that you love her and daddy more.”
“Well buddy, i do love them both very much. With all my heart. As for dating, uh it’s hard for your uncle to find himself a girlfriend with work and no one wants to date someone with crazy dance moves..”
Tony giggled at that and yelled, “You do dance funny!”
“You see! Auntie Ana says i dance like a chicken.” Jason replies chuckling, drying off his feet now.
“You dance like a funny chicken who ate too much candy!”
“A chicken on a sugar high?”
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The two laughed, smiling. Yes there was truth to that part to what his uncle told him about not dating, was that he didn’t age and rather not live a life with somebody who can, but Tony doesn’t need to know the whole truth just yet. He was still a child.
Jason place a fresh pair on shoes, thanks to Jarvis, onto Tony’s little feet as he said, “You see! If i went on dates every night I wouldn’t have time to talk with you.”
“You are right! No dating, i do not want a date either! Girls are eww!” Tony replies giggling, walking down the hallways following Jarvis and his uncle downstairs. That resulted in both men to roll their eyes and laugh at the young boys words.
The three of them found Ana and Maria serving lunch greeting the women, as Howard came, slightly late, upstairs to eat with them. It was good, real good for a while. The rest of the day was just fine, per say.
However it soon got to a point where the tension ran high the next few months and possibly even years. The water to the cup started to soon overflow, but Jason kept quiet, it wasn’t his place to talk about certain things. He knew his limits and where he stands, but sometimes it annoyed him. It made him question everything he ever knew…
He noticed how Howard and Maria changed perspective on certain things, Maria got more annoyed about things and Howard kept acting like everything was fine. When clearly he was ignoring stuff around the house and even his son. If those was thing that made Jason’s blood boil was something that involved his friends and family, especially his young nephew who didn’t know any better.
One Wednesday afternoon, he had enough of this bullshit. He knew Maria wouldn’t say anything about it and handles everything her own way, but he wasn’t her. Jason stormed into the lab downstairs that now held so much stuff, it looked like a madhouse in there. No wonder why Jarvis always complains about Howard’s messes!
Howard was working on a few equations and running his fingers across some equipment he’s building to showcase Hank Pym later that week. He didn’t even hear the door shut or the fact that there were rough clapping of footsteps followed up within seconds. He heard a simple ‘can we talk? Now.’ And he only received a half nod in return.
Jason tapped his foot onto the floor, with his arms crossed and waited for his friend to stop what he doing to stand up straight and look at her.
“What?” Howard asked removing his sunglasses and runs his fingers across his hair, “If it’s that i forgot to pick up the presents for Ana’s birthday and forgot to pick up Tony from school, I’m sorry.”
“I-ahhh, that’s not it!” He replied, pinching the bridge of his noses knowing how much a idiot he is, “Actually this is about Tony.”
“Is something wrong with him?”
“Yeah, he’s not being treated fairly by you.”
He scoffed, “Howard you’re more focused on your work than your own family! You’re overworking yourself and literally kick out your poor son whenever you get the chance.”
“HEY! Everything i do is for my son, you know that!” Howard remarked pointing a finger at him, “To give me a future i never had!”
“I know that!”
“So just let in work in peace, huh? You don’t understand what I’m doing here.”
“Oh really? Yeah of course, the futurist everybody! The last few years you have been so disconnected from everything. You barely go on date nights anymore with Maria or watch the stars with her, you don’t give Tony a bedtime story anymore and you just said it yourself—you forgot to pick him up at school!”
“It was a accident. Am i not allowed to make accidents as a parent huh? Everything i do is for my kid.”
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“You just said that and i know. But Howard..” Jason sighed, “Tony doesn’t need any of this, he just needs you. You’re time and energy, that charming smile of yours to shower him in love! Not you working night and day, over and over again where you can’t breath or take a second of your time to relax with us. You’re forgetting sight of who you are!”
Howard growled, “Don’t! Don’t tell me how to raise my son, Jason. He’s not your kid, he’s mine! You’re just his uncle. As for Maria, you don’t need to defend her here, if she has a problem with me then she should just tell me herself!”
“That’s because she’s doesn’t care anymore! I’ve seen that women fight with you over and over again, to the point where she just accepted that, that’s the way you are now.”
“Yes I’ve changed JJ! People are allowed to change, that’s part of human evolution.”
Jason paced back and forth, turning around hearing Howard’s long winded speech about evolution and change. Howard leaned against his desk scoffing and dryly laughing, “You’re hilarious. This is all some joke to you right?”
“I—what did you just say to me?” Jason stopped and whipped his face toward him.
“This is a joke to you. You believe that your right here and I’m wrong, Jason. Just because you live here with us and know how this works, you think your right here.”
“BECAUSE I AM HOWARD! When was the last time you got out of here, huh? When was the last time you told Tony ‘I love you’ or took time to take Maria’s dancing or go bowling with me? Ever seen you started SHIELD, you’ve been noticing but a consuming jerk!”
“Is that really what you think of me? A jerk?! You don’t understand.”
“I don’t understand?!”
“You weren’t acting one in the beginning, but the months and years after, yes you have become a bit of a jerk. One day you’re gonna regret what you’ve done.”
“I won’t.”
“You will!”
Both men were furious at this point, they have been yelling loudly and screaming for more than an hour, bringing up moments from their past. Some stuff was even throw on the floor at this point. That fire due to the years of love, the friendship and the curiosity was going out..or maybe the fire was already gone?
Howard grunted, “I’ve done nothing much work my ass off and made sure to investigate and invent things to make the world a better place. I’m doing what i think is right here! You just don’t see it!”
Jason scoffed, “Yeah and the world has hated you and thanked you for it! Must i remind me about what happened in 56’? Or in 46’, when you were committed for treason for holding glorified weapons and the whole state was after your ass? And we had to save yo—”
“Don’t finished that sentence. What do you want me to do, huh? Give me my lives work? I’m a inventor, if I don’t invent something or work my ass off, i will probably explode. I-is that what you want? What are you gonna do if i do continue this lifestyle? Leave me?”
“If i could i would take Maria and Tony somewhere else, away from you for a while, I would. But we both you would sent the best lawyers possible and god knows what after me, so I won’t. I won’t do that to you..or them.”
“Ah, you know me so well. And i know you..”
“You do and i love you for everything you do. But this…I can’t!”
“Jason..I can’t change what i do Jason, you know that! I just can’t. I’ve come so far and you just don’t see it.”
“Stop it!”
“Stop what?”
“You’re playing the pity card again. You don’t think Maria, Peggy, Jarvis and I don’t see it? We do! Hell, Tony see it!”
“So why don’t you let me do it? Leave me alone to do my work! I’m trying here. Look what at I’ve made and I can’t stop it now.”
“Yes you can!.”
“No, I can’t!”
“Look, I’m not exactly asking you to leave everything behind. But understand this, I rather you show Tony this world of yours, instead of shutting him out! All of us out. Take a break or..”
“Or what?”
“Or you’re gonna lose the people you care for the most…you know what? What’s the point? I can’t do this...”
The next words that escape Howard Stark’s lips came out of pure anger and annoyance, “Do what? You’re gonna leave me? If so, get out. You clearly don’t want to be here anymore.”
“You don’t mean that.” Jason replied with slight shock in her tone and blinked a few times.
“Yes i do. You don’t need to be here unless you don’t want to.”
“Howard stop it. Listen to what you’re saying! I care about this family too much to see it fall apart.”
“This is my family! Not yours. You don’t get the final word, i do.”
“You don’t listen, do you?”
“Enough Jason! Get out.”
“You’re gonna regret this! Don’t come complaining to me when you’re son hates you.”
“Get out! There’s the door.”
If there one thing Jason Underwood was and that was persistent, so before he left. He said, “When are you gonna realized your greatest creation isn’t those weapons you made or SHIELD or anything related to that, it’s your legacy. Your son!”
“I’m not gonna ask again. Please go..I don’t ever want to see you again.” Howard said with a pissed off sigh, blinking a few times.
Those last words hit Howard hard, as he stood up finding one of his older cameras and place it securely on the tripod with a half smile.
One of his friends, the man he once called a love in his life, the uncle to his only son and supporter walked out of that door without a second chance to help his case. Howard sighed deeply with his head in his hands. He was angry, tired, and annoyed. A part of him knew that his friend was right. He’s a workaholic man with no respect or anything like that for other people, depending on the situation. Always focused on the world’s future, but not sure on the future he set for his family. His only concern was Tony and Maria. His greatest creation being his son.
Without a question later, he turned on the camera and started to film himself, try to speak again like the focused, honest and vulnerable man he tended to be. He decided on leaving his door open just in case his wife called or anyone walked in in general.
Meanwhile Jason was packing his overnight bag for possible a two day stay at Jarvis house. He already had a house in Miami but he was only willing to stay with Edwin and Ana for a couple of days to get himself straightened out before leaving for good. Maria tried to convince him to stay, even if a part of her agreed with her husband instead
But his mind was already set on leaving and possibly visit in the future. Jason ripped out a sheet of paper from his notebook and wrote a note to his nephew, one to Maria, as well as one to Howard. He played them secretly onto in places where they knew they’ll find them one day in life. To say Jason was hurt like this was a understatement, breaking up with a girlfriend was one thing but with your friend of almost 20 years or more.
All he wanted to do was save something in this family of theirs, but knew he couldn’t. And that’s what pained him, he wanted to scream and possibly cry, maybe even let out cloud of smoke out the window.
The men may have been on separate grounds of the house, pissed off and hurt from their two hour argument with one another, but they knew one thing. They still somehow had respect, admiration and compassion for each other, no matter how much hatred and annoyance came from that. A part of them knew it.
Over the months and years, their friendship grew sadly apart. Their friends knew it. And what made it more interesting is that they still saw each other, weather they liked it or not. At work, parties, gatherings, birthdays, graduations, a ceremony for some special they were invited to.
Howard would always being pushed to speak to Jason and vise versa, only ending up in small talk between the pair, then walking off to speak to other people. They would be found speak to family members but not one another, Howard even though of not allowing Tony nearby to his uncle for too long, would be better during those events.
It was plainly stupid on both of their parts, but they both had their rights to be angry and bitter. It hurts.
Jason always wanted and most importantly, tried to explain to Howard the situation, hopes for his forgiveness after that nightmare of a week. But Howard’s huge ego, witty jokes, stubbornness and willingness to hold a grudge never let him see the light…
I hope you all enjoyed this story. It was a long and a interesting one to write. Remember to like, comment and share
This was an AU tales of two friends I wrote a long time ago before the whole MCU x Agent Carter fic thing
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bodyalive · 4 months
By Danielle Friedman
Published Sept. 11, 2023Updated Sept. 19, 2023
In recent years, the concept of caring for one’s fascia — the tough, flexible tissue that surrounds and connects muscles, bones and organs like cling wrap — has permeated fitness and wellness culture. Pilates instructors and massage therapists offer to make fascia more supple, and products like foam rollers, massage guns and “fascia blasters” claim to help you improve your fascia health at home.
“Fascia as a buzzword has really exponentially taken off,” said Christopher DaPrato, a physical therapist at the University of California, San Francisco, who studies the connection between fascia and athletic performance.
Until the early 2000s, doctors believed fascia was just packaging for more important body parts. Since then, researchers have discovered that the connective tissue plays a vital role in how we function and is key to flexibility and range of motion.
Emerging research suggests that caring for your fascia may help treat chronic pain and improve exercise performance and overall well-being.
“We’re still at the very, very beginning” of understanding fascia, said Helene Langevin, the director of the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health at the National Institutes of Health. “This is a part of the body which we have neglected for so long.”
What is fascia?
Your body has two forms of fascia: dense and loose. Each type is key to facilitating movement. Dense fascia, made of sturdy collagen fibers, helps give your body its shape. It holds muscles, organs, blood vessels and nerve fibers in place. It helps your muscles contract and stretch, and stabilizes your joints. The more slippery loose fascia allows your muscles, joints and organs to slide and glide against one another like a well-oiled machine.
How does fascia get damaged?
In 2007, an anatomy professor named Carla Stecco at the University of Padova in Italy found that fascia is alive with nerve endings. This means it can be a source of pain. The longer it is damaged or inflamed, the more sensitive it becomes.
When you’re sedentary for a long time, fascia can shorten, become overly rigid and congeal into place, forming adhesions that limit mobility, said David Krause, a physical therapist at the Mayo Clinic. Over time, inactivity can also lead fascia to reshape itself. If you spend most days hunched over a computer, the fascia surrounding your neck and shoulder muscles may change so that your posture becomes curved.
Fascia can also become damaged from repetitive movements, chronic stress, injury or surgery — becoming inflamed, overly rigid or stuck together. And it stiffens with age.
Finally, because it consists of a matrix of fibers, fascia that is too short, stiff or sticky in one part of the body can lead to pain and dysfunction elsewhere, by pinching or pulling in the wrong direction, Dr. Stecco said. The body can also compensate by changing the way it moves, causing other issues.
It can be tricky to determine whether pain is coming from your fascia or your muscles and joints. Generally, muscle and joint problems tend to feel worse the more you move, while fascia pain lessens with movement.
How can you care for your fascia?
The most effective way to keep your fascia sturdy and elastic is to stay active. Experts also recommend a few things in particular.
Resistance training keeps fascia strong, Dr. Langevin said. “A weak muscle is not going to do a great job at moving and mobilizing the fascia,” she said, nor will stiff and congealed fascia help the muscle do its job. “They need each other,” she said. “Once one starts improving, it helps the other.”
Exercises that involve a range of movements — like dancing, jumping jacks, tennis and swimming — also help keep the fascia lubricated, Dr. DaPrato said. Movements that involve bouncing are particularly effective at keeping fascia healthy.
“Skipping, for example, is such a wonderful movement,” said Robert Schleip, director of the Fascia Research Group at Ulm University in Germany.
For those who haven’t been active recently, it’s important to “be gentle with our fascia and to go slowly and try to reestablish the movement that has been lost,” Dr. Langevin said. Dynamic stretching, which contracts the muscle while elongating it, will benefit healthy and damaged fascia alike. Try trunk twists, squats or forward lunges. Consider seeing a physical therapist who can offer hands-on treatment and guide you toward the best program.
Along with moving, experts recommend sipping water throughout the day, which can help fascia glide with ease.
Despite the popularity of tools and treatments that involve applying pressure to fascia, research hasn’t yet proved their long-term effectiveness. Foam rollers and percussion guns can temporarily alleviate fascial soreness and improve flexibility by “changing some of the fluid dynamics in that local area,” Dr. DaPrato said. If you choose to use a self-massaging device, don’t overdo it: No evidence supports the recent trend of “fascia blasting,” or aggressively manipulating fascia through the skin, which can lead to bruising.
The same may be true for treatments like myofascial massage and cupping. If these treatments make you feel and move better, that’s great, experts said — but simply staying active is the best medicine.
Danielle Friedman is a journalist in New York and the author of “Let’s Get Physical: How Women Discovered Exercise and Reshaped the World.” More about Danielle Friedman
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seal-berry · 7 months
capitalism is fucked up because communing with the invisible hand of the market is weird and every single product release and decision is forced by competition to be this a b test human psychology thing. like if u are making a site, objectively the color of your buttons? can affect your click rates a LOT. why some colors "good" some colors "bad"? probably some mix of culturally specific and instinctual and individual factors that across the population, average out-- even if a "good" color increases sales overall its possible some may be turned off by it etc etc. and then theres the whole thing with specific cases and niche markets etc etc.
and the terrifying thing is like. all this stuff is fake, but it affects your real money coming in. which is significant whether you're a small independent business or a huge soulless conglomerate. and now take that button color decision and multiply that times... every other design choice on your site, products, packaging, etc. At what point does compromising your brand to fit these subconscious ideally performing structures taint the original product to the point where it loses its appeal? Are you willing to compromise any artistic decisions in the first place? Many products are built from the ground up with these constraints in mind, or at least with the flexibility to mold to fit the current constraints plus be re-buildable as they change.
Because oh yeah, they change. There is some amount of long term subconscious bias shifting, but there's also things like google's algorithm changes. A subtly different stream of people (maybe a lot more but, likely since your optimizations may break, a lot less) are going to your site. All those tests, if you did them, might not be accurate anymore. In the moment though, the catastrophic traffic loss is also the kiss of death, you have to try REALLY hard or have a lot of money to survive it. even still that money can go pretty fast if you have any overhead at all.
so, this setup where things are getting increasingly difficult in a lot of places, a some point down the line of staying alive, if you dont use these optimizations you may just not survive. (especially against venture capitalist-fueled competitors if youre unfortunate enough to encounter them, because they will jack up the price of doing business in your respective niche or even introduce flat-out harmful practices) Now multiply that instability times any other platforms or services you depend on-- any disruption to them causes disruption to you. Almost every single website I have made or seen a business make using a third party has eventually been forced to change their entire layout. Possibly multiple times.
And the thing is. There is another activity where it can sometimes involve a similar type of inferencing. Making art, if it at least gets to start out as just for yourself to some extent, is also a balance between understandability, (your idea of understandability) mass appeal, (as much as you feel is necessary) and individual vision/intent. it's just that in capitalism you are asked to do it for your survival, or work for companies and businesses which on some level are affected by it and, thus, can throw your life into disarray simply because of a change in the market or an arbitrarily shit decisions that can happen at any point in an increasingly long chain. It's really hard to escape it unless you have access to fuck you money, so in modern capitalism everyone gets the awesome privilege of knowing that their life hangs in the balance of a bunch of delicate strings, many of which are intent on optimizing for profit and survival aka squeezing rent and goods and necessities higher in a fucked up test of how much they can possibly get, or self-destructing in the name of short-term profit.
this situation is responsible for inducing a lot of the anxiety ppl have right now and i dont say that to discredit the awfulness of the condition at all, its very real. its cruel that the things that can harm us are so abstract in nature now, and that abstraction is of course a weapon to make it impossible for you to do anything to stop it ahead of time.
Self help says dumb shit like "modern stressors are not like the tiger chasing you in the jungle" but they miss that that's worse. Because the same peril exists, and in fact is worse now-- in the natural world there is danger, but a human needs to fuck up pretty bad to get thrown out of the tribe, and the brain craves that security. In the modern day you can easily slip through a crack and get ground to dust and that's a feature not a bug. (in fact that tribal security is the carrot that is used when the stick of homelessness has not yet been reached for) We feel the same desperation of survival but the walls of abstraction between us and that truth create the impression that being upset about this makes you unwell and will likely bring on the gaslighting about everything actually being ok and this system is the best we could ever possibly hope for. They didn't even have to abstract things that much, there's really only a few layers here, and yet it is enough. And the closest thing to a tribe most have now is that goddamn invisible hand (products and services designed down to the bevels and colors to scratch the brains itch for security and novelty just enough to keep you functional)
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seedsinmygarden · 9 months
Peter Green, the Nerd
“I don’t stare, I observe. Your sweater is inside out, by the way.”
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Basic Information
Identifying Gender/Species: Cisgender Human Male, he/him pronouns.
Birthdate: December 3rd, 1874 (Sagittarius)
Blood Status: Muggle-born
Wand: Notched design, Dusty Pink color. Beech wood, dragon heartstring core, 11”, supple flexibility.
Pets?: A female black cat with blue eyes named Persephone.
Height and Body Type: Slightly tall at 5’11, and doesn’t grow much more past that. Not many muscles but he’s not really scrawny either, giving him a rectangle body type.
Hair: Well-combed dirty blond hair that remains straight. A little longer than most— he doesn’t get a haircut often.
Eyes: Green eyes with brown specks, like a dyed green leather book. He does wear glasses, a pair of black circular ones— his vision isn’t horrible, but the glasses certainly help.
Scars and Other Marks: None, really. Semi-tan skin from always living on the coastal town.
Clothing: Most often just the Ravenclaw uniform or really anything Ravenclaw related. He doesn’t have a lot of clothes from home, really, and he doesn’t really go clothes shopping. He just has what he has. However, one thing he does treasure is his mother’s scarf. It no longer smells like her after years, but he still holds onto it for the sentimential value it holds.
Not really shy, just quiet. Prefers to sit silently rather than chat, but doesn’t mind if someone comes up and starts chatting with him (as long as he’s not busy with something important).
Book nerd. Book smart. The Hermione Granger of the 1892 graduating class. Jack of all trades, master of none, better than a master of one.
He wavers with Cassius, Amit, Cressida, and the other braniacs. He doesn’t care where his rank is, he’s not competitive about it.
Takes no shit. He won’t hesitate to put someone in their place if he felt they deserved it.
Prefers brain over brawn. He’ll use his words— and boy is he good with his words! He’s got a sharper tongue than anyone in the school, including the professors. He knows exactly what to say, when to say, and how to say it.
Home Life
Birthplace: A coastal village in Wales.
Birth Parents: Robert and Charlotte Green
Adopted?: Yes.
Adoptive Parents: Kit and Cassandra Gray
Siblings?: None.
Other Guardian Figures: None.
Places of Residence: Born and raised in that Wales coastal village, but Hogwarts quickly became a home he would hold close to his heart, even if he doesn’t have a lot of friends. He’s perfectly content just being within those walls.
Hogwarts Life
House: Ravenclaw
Quidditch?: Nope. He feels he doesn’t have the athleticism, but he is still involved as Ravenclaw’s commentator.
Clubs: Runs the Hogwarts Herald student newspaper. Will occasionally attend meetings for Tommy’s Game Club, but isn’t involved to the point he’s an official part of the club.
Other Activites: Studies plenty. Most of his time is spent reading, however, and he’s often found in the library for it.
Romance?: Sure. He’s not really into it, but if there’s a cute guy… yeah, why not? He’ll entertain the idea, but he knows not to take it too far if he truly isn’t interested.
Patronus: To be learned.
Animagus: To be learned.
Boggart: To be learned.
Amortentia: To be learned.
Mother died in childbirth, and his father died in a work accident when he was very young. The only blood family he had left was his aunt and uncle, aunt being his mom’s sister. The two weren’t close, so Peter didn’t exactly have a happy family relationship with them.
Not to say it wasn’t bad either! They were basically just people living under the same roof. There was no good relationship, no bad, just amicable. His aunt and uncle cared for him as one would care for a child, but they didn’t care enough to want to bond or actively spend time.
Peter is the ONLY KID that Madam Scribner remotely likes.
He’s a nice boy, he keeps quiet, he’ll even occasionally help her put returned books away and help other students when they’re looking for a book. Kind of became the unofficial librarian’s assistant.
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bearcreekhq · 1 year
disney ask meme ✨
please remember to send some out to others if you reblog!   (credit)
dumbo :: what are you insecure about?
peter pan :: what is your favorite childhood memory?
sleeping beauty :: what time do you go to sleep?
tinker bell :: what makes you jealous?
tarzan :: would you survive a week in the wilderness?
cinderella :: what do you do at a house party?
alice :: what was your weirdest dream?
tramp :: who would you share your food with?
tadashi :: if you could invent anything, what would it be?
bing bong :: did you have an imaginary friend? what were they like?
judy hopps :: who would you partner up with to solve a crime?
maui :: if you were a demigod, what would your powers be?
mama coco :: what is your favorite song?
remy :: what is your favorite dish?
rapunzel :: what do you do on your birthday?
bolt :: who would you protect with your life?
megara :: would you sell your soul for something? what would it be?
woody :: who is your best friend?
baloo :: what do you do to unwind?
mary poppins :: are you good with kids?
piglet :: what makes you anxious?
tiana :: if you owned a restaurant, what would you sell?
eeyore :: what do you do when you’re having a bad day?
king louie :: what skill do you wish to learn?
drizella :: what would you wear to a party?
grumpy :: what is your greatest pet peeve?
hiro :: if you were a superhero, what would your superhero name be?
joy :: what is your happiest memory?
merida :: what are you extremely good at?
elastigirl :: are you flexible?
simba :: what did you want to be when you were younger?
aladdin :: if you were a master thief, what would you steal?
pocahontas :: what do you use more often, your head or your heart?
jack skellington :: what would you wear to a halloween party?
quasimodo :: what do you do when you’re stuck at home?
belle :: what is your favorite book?
mulan :: what would you fight for?
kuzco :: if you were emperor for a day, what would you do?
buzz lightyear :: what is your favorite planet and why?
cogsworth :: what time do you wake up in the morning?
boo :: what does the monster in your closet look like?
flik :: are you afraid of insects?
lilo :: what would you do if you came across an alien?
nemo :: have you ever gotten lost in a foreign place?
jack sparrow :: what is your drink of choice?
wilbur robinson :: what would you be doing 30 years in the future?
linguini :: what are you horrible at?
lotso :: what was your favorite childhood toy?
mufasa :: have you ever been betrayed?
mowgli :: what is your favorite animal, real or fictional?
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Cheer comps, 2
Also hates it
It's loud as hell
Why do you need all these flashing lights
None of these routines are done to actual songs???
Why does everyone have a little war cry at the start of their routine?
Why does everything reek of hairspray??
How did he get glitter on his everywhere????
Why is the music vibrating his rib cage?
Can we leave yet?
What do you mean you have to wait 6 hours for awards?
There are $60 t-shirts for sale here
What the fuck?
But other than that, he has a pretty okay time
Just wants to go home
Carries your bags for you
Doesn't understand why this is an all day thing
Until he enters the building
Then he's in shock
Every nook and cranny has a team in it
Thankful the comp is split by level and age, so you won't be here for EVERY team
Your free guard from the creepy guys that show up sometimes
He's gonna get into the cheer business
But he doesn't actually understand it
Doesn't really get why you're testing out shoes, but okay
(Big name shoe vendors have shoe samples and a section of dead floor so you can try a tumble pass or whatever you gotta to test the weight and flexibility of the shoe)
He's never seen so much glitter in his life
Your number one fan, even if he isn't yelling
Your coach is teaching him all the lingo so he can be the best supporter out there
Helped you get ready
But he disappears about 5 minutes after you arrive in the arena
Nearly everyone in your division has a costume/shoe malfunction
(If a hair piece or shoe falls off, it's a deduction and there's additional points lost every time someone on your team touches the item)
What a weird coincidence
Waiting for you right by the stage when you get off the floor with a cup of that sweet sweet cold water
Playing on the escalator until it's time
Another one singing it's the climb
Your coaches are too scared to explain that he can't follow you into warmups
So he gets to watch
But he gets bored quickly and starts messing with other teams
(Warmups are divided into 4-5 periods of 10-15 minutes, stretching space, 2 panels of dead floor (usually for stunts and pyramid), 2 panels of spring floor (usually jumps and warming up tumble), and usually a dead floor for marking the routine. Sometimes it's a spring floor. But the warmup space has every station occupied from second to second)
He's standing near other teams yelling out random numbers while they're counting, all of them are not 1-8
"Fourteen! Sixty-two!"
"Young man, What're you doing?"
"Well, counting to eight and starting over is boring. So I'm spicing things up"
"Do that to your own team"
"But then shrimpy will get mad at me"
Loves the arena space atmosphere
It's very bright and lively
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flamingbee · 1 year
what i think about my newsies children
jack-he’s a cowboy,david’s boyfriend,first one i simped for 5 years ago,first one i adopted, really wants to go to santa fe, he doesn’t use his real name, he kisses sarah which i hate(but we love sarah) he’s gay for david
david-davey,has a lesbian sister and a tiny child brother,jacks boyfriend,adopted this year, a very confused boy,hates the strike,walking mouth with a brain
les-a tiny child,can literally sleep through anything,he’s got a sword, i ship him with boots,he sees jack as a brother,wrapped his food in a newspaper
mush-one of the other first ones I adopted 5 years ago,dating blink, he is scared of jumping off high things,knows how to do flips,got hit with shaving cream by jack,likes to bully jack
blink-my new husband,started simping for him this year,my fav child,dating mush,blonk,has the best voice and funniest lines, eyepatch,almost missed a gate,why does he have a eye patch,where’s his eye,he is hot,i could say a lot about him,died in the fuckin toilet(not giving context,but it wasn’t newsies),wants a saturday night with the mayors daughter
spot-brooklyn is here,he is the king of brooklyn,dating race,he can fight,a funny boy,probably hates denton,him and blink are friends,will fight anyone for the Manhattan newsies,almosy hit his head on a fan once
race-AN OLD MAN(he was 24),child abuser,a literal gambler,likes horses, racetrack, dating spot,gets payback from skitts,pass the towel,one of the other first ones i adopted,died by falling off a roof(not giving context) he has a fucking harmonica
skittery-Skitts,my other husband, my murdered(don’t question its context),won’t pass the towel,they almost all know how to read(are you okay sir)(don’t question that either),wears pink,almost got kicked by a child,looks like he doesn’t know what’s going on 24/7,got shot/dragged by a car/hung/shot again/set on fire and finally died(NOT GIVING CONTEXT)
crutchy-another i first adopted, my crippled kid,FREE MY BOY,crip, sings at random times,looks like he is faking his broken leg(don’t question my contex),LET HIM OUT OF JAIL
snitch-don’t know a lot about,you look very annoyed half the time,i’ll probably watch the movie and focus on every character to learn
more about you and the others
boots-ur a tiny child,i ship you with les,not afraid of brooklyn but is afraid of spot,just wants a suit with fitted knickers,got yelled at my kloppman
snoddy-don’t know a lot about you but ur hot,you like to stand a way from the group,tall as fuck,will pay attention to you next time i watch yo get to know you more
jake-smiled at jack once,don’t know a lot,will also look at you next time to learn more
dutchy-MY SPELLING BOY,got stabbed to death before he could find his “porno” magazines(not giving context),he’s blonde,i like
his accent,will pay attention to when i watch again
snipeshooter-he likes to annoy the shit out of race,”how about a crooked politician”,short,hot abused by race,probably a trouble maker,will pay attention to you when i watch again
itey-looks cool,has a nice face structure,don’t know a lot about him
bumlets-rip dominic,shipped with specs by me,he is a athletic boy,he can flip,he likes holding a stick,he’s not that tall,will pay attention more when i watch again
pieeater-i literally know nothing about you,ur names cool,gonna pay attention to you when i watch newsies again
specs-shipped with bumlets by me,he killed some of the newsies(not giving context)he has a cool hat and glasses,he’s like the “father” of the newsies alittle, cool accent
swifty-flexible as shit,like to flip over jack,will pay attention to him more when i watch it again
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yuuniee · 19 days
“Oi, oi! Don’cha lookin’ at me like you’ve got somethin’ with-- Ah, I-I mean...”
Name: Elsie Laranetta
Japanese: エルシー・ララネッタ (erushii raranetta)
Dorm: Savanaclaw
Birthday: 19th May
Age: 17
Height: 149 cm
Dominant Hand: Right
Homeland: Harveston
Family: Unnamed mother, unnamed father, eight unnamed siblings
Voiced by: [TBA]
Nicknames/Aliases: Sea Bunny (Floyd), Dame Lapin (Rook), Little Hare (“Phantom”)
Grade: First
Class: 1-D (no. 18)
Club: Magift Club
Best Subject: Evocation
Hobby: Crocheting
Favorite Food: Carrot cake
Least Favorite Food: Black coffee
Pet Peeves: Dogs
Talent: Disguise
Appearence: Elsie is a young rabbit beastwoman with two long ears. Her long, white hair is usually in braids and she wears a pair of glasses. Her blue, doe eyes also bears long eyelashes. She also has a pair of moles on her left cheek. (°-°∶)
In her dorm uniform, she wears the Savanaclaw uniform with a long pair of pants and a pair of brown boots. Like Ruggie, she wears a scarf. (although hers is plain red)
Personality: She is seen as the timid and cute girl in school, some people even wonder why a girl like this is in Savanaclaw instead of Pomefiore. But the truth is.. she acts like that in first sight. She is actually very energetic, spirited and doesn’t know when to stop. Unfortunately, this gets her into a lot of trouble...
Unique Magic: “Call of the Forest”
It allows her to summon an animal spirit. If an animal (or beastman) is in her range, then she summons the spirit of that animal. (E.g; If Leona is near, she’ll end up summoning a lion spirit. If Jack is near, she’ll end up summoning a wolf spirit. etc.) If there isn’t, then she is able to summon any animal spirit (a.k.a there won’t be a limit)
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Fun Facts:
She’s been childhood friends with Vivienne since they were around seven and eight respectively.
The said incident has caused her to get multiple scars around her body and caused permanent issues like being in a wheelchair at certain days. She might be taking medicines to lessen the pain, but she does have some days where she has to sit on a wheelchair.
Her parents unfortunately abandoned her.
She used to play clarinet, but she later stopped because she was bored.
Although she hates dressing up in what she calls as ‘fancy clothing’, like tutus, frilly dresses and jewelry, she wears them when the situation calls for it.
She is an actress in training like Vivienne, though her manager is pretty hard on her.
Although she can speak normally, there are moments where she slips into her country accent. (This is also one of the reasons why she gets on well with Epel!) She also translates what he says sometimes.
She was won multiple gymnastics competitions in first place, needless to say that she is quite flexible.
[More facts are yet to come, please be patient!]
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izder456 · 28 days
Why OpenBSD?
If you hadn't noticed, I daily drive OpenBSD.
But why? What does it do that Linux doesn't? admittedly, not much. This is a highly subjective opinion post, after all.
I'll list my reasons in no specific order:
The Ports System
I really liked the power that portage gave me with gentoo. But- it frankly was too much of a headache to configure it. I want the flexibility of making my own packages, without being burdened by compiling everything. I really liked the power that gentoo's package system has, but at a certain point my frustration surpasses my fascination level. At the end of the day, all I want is flexibility that isn't, what feels to me, needlessly complex for my purposes.
While yes, I lack the power of portages's USE flags on the OpenBSD ports system, I see this as a minor loss. I seldom used this feature.
Also- for those uninitiated, building from the ports system is entirely optional and actually discouraged for average use. You should be using the binaries if you can for reliability and trust reasons. The only reason I keep the ports tree on my system despite not being a core contributor of the base system is that I maintain a few ports myself. https://izder456.neocities.org/ports
Sound System
I really like how low latency sndiod is. It's honestly incredible. Configuring it is painless compared to pulse/pipewire on linux. Its all just userland subcommands of sndioctl. Beautifully simple.
I also abuse it's MIDI capabilities to make my music with LMMS. I would probably be using JACK + Pipewire if on Linux to do the same thing. This is already configured to work as-is out of the box. It works so well that I released two entire albums using OpenBSD's sndio and LMMS: https://izder456.bandcamp.com/
the tozok album was made in a combo of audacity & audiotool in late 2020 on gentoo Linux, I believe
Wi-Fi? Isn't that supposed to suck on the *BSDs?
Eh, kinda? Honestly, it depends. You need to have a supported chipset. And there is in fact less support for chipsets on the *BSDs than on Linux. But if you buy hardware with this in mind, OpenBSD's Wi-Fi capabilities is so damn simplistic, its honestly a far better experience than any other *NIX I have used.
(side note, of all of the *BSDs, OpenBSD is the only to support Wi-Fi 5)
Here how you connect to WPA2 Wi-Fi on OpenBSD:
# ifconfig [interface] scan # ifconfig [interface] nwid [your SSID] wpakey [your network passphrase] # ifconfig [interface] inet autoconf
but what if i want that to autoconf?
simple. put this in /etc/hostname.[interface name] (with hostname literally typed):
join [your 1st SSID] wpakey [your 1st network passphrase] join [your 2nd SSID] wpakey [your 2nd network passphrase] join [your 3rd SSID] # this has no password, so dont specify inet autoconf # set up automatic ipv4 dhcp inet6 autoconf # optionally, set up ipv6 dhcp
Whats beautiful is that these are just arguments to the ifconfig command. yes, you read that right: the full WPA stack is in ifconfig.
Wonderful, right? No tinkering with wpa_supplicant, no annoying NetworkManager setup if you borked it, no connmand, just pure simplicity. Working out of the box (provided you have firmware and chipset support).
Simplistic system is good.
I don't need to heavily configure my system if I don't want to. The things like backlight, volume keys, brightness keys, sound system, suspend/resume on laptops, etc are all fully functional OOTB from my experience. I have yet to have serious issues with this on any system I threw OpenBSD on.
It is a BSD system. The documentation on this side of the pond is well known to be some of the best ever. 9 times out of 10, my question is answered by a simple man or apropos command. This is very different than how you normally get docs on, say, Linux, where you usually do an online search for whatever you need, then usually find the answer. That sorta annoyance isn't the case here. Yeah- there is less online resources on OpenBSD outside of say, the FAQ pages, but you have some of the best documentation already available on your system for you for use OFFLINE! Crazy right?
I had to break some "default search engine" habits I'll admit, but it's nothing to adjust to if you are already familiar with a *NIX command line. I promise.
The community.
While much smaller of a community, I have had really good experience with OpenBSD people, both on the mailing lists, and in IRC. Generally really level headed people with a technical and pragmatic mindset, much like myself.
I hope this clarifies some confusion/curiosity people may have for my reasoning in running OpenBSD.
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Judges 12: 7-10. "The Substantive Jew."
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All Jewish persons feel the need to heed the call of the Shrub Bush of Sinai. We need to know this spare amount of time as far as the universe is concerned can be passed with great significance, and without too much suffering. The outcome of the Jewish experience then is complete ownership of the fate of the Self, except for obligations of citizenship to the state, which guarantees everyone a significant degree of self-determination.
This is a prospect meant for the most advanced cultures and civilizations alone, which is why the Jew turns to the Shema and the Siddhur to keep the vision of global self-determination alive. The audience with Ha Shem on Horeb confirms this to us- we have little choice except to delve into the Self and satisfy its ends. God cannot and will not play a role in it except those He has named in the Torah.
His Self-Determination created a vast and splendrous universe. If we lower this same impetus into our minds and do as Moses did, challenge our captors, the Shoftim says we will find the key to the Jewish Self Ibzan, Elon, and Abdon, "a balance between the service, hard work and the serving of the bread."
Elon is a dark, but flexible kind of oak wood. Oak in the Torah is associated with the ego, Cedar is associated with the reverse. So the work needed to turn the darkness of the ego into something flexible and functional is the focus of the next section.
Every Judge named in the Shoftim is a stage in a sequence of evolutionary processes that were created to peel of the lies the world has told the Jew about himself and reveal his true self.
The script says it takes 13 years to transition from learning the Keys of the Torah to attaining to Bethlehem, "the house of bread, the house of war [against the ego]". Thirteen years is 923, טבג‎ tabeg, "see and hear things clearly, you will be happy."
7 Jephthah led[a] Israel six years. Then Jephthah the Gileadite died and was buried in a town in Gilead.
Ibzan, Elon and Abdon
8 After him, Ibzan of Bethlehem led Israel. 
9 He had thirty sons and thirty daughters. He gave his daughters away in marriage to those outside his clan, and for his sons he brought in thirty young women as wives from outside his clan. Ibzan led Israel seven years. 
10 Then Ibzan died and was buried in Bethlehem.
The Values in Gematria are:
v. 7: Then Jephthah the Gileadite died and was buried in a town in Gilead. The Value in Gematria is 5809: ה‎חאֶפֶסט, "the prisoner hapfest, of the simple."
Jephthah means to study the Torah and Tanakh correctly. If one does not, if one reads it literally one will end up doing religious jumping jacks and go nowhere in life. To bury the practices associated with the simple understanding of the Torah in Israel, is to protect and promulgate the proper way to employ the instructions, much the same way one buries the dead. So we don't forget, so we are mindful.
Why we would do this is stated In the Beginning:
Genesis 2:15 The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it. 
We are a prisoner of a way of life that is not too bad if we don't disobey the Torah. Mankind has seen fit to keep it with us and remember how to use it, all that is needed is a reason.
SO Jephthah, "He will open, he will release, he will utter the key" fades, he gives way to "to work our way to the bread":
v. 8: After him, Ibzan of Bethlehem led Israel. 
Ibzan= balance, even, level of temper, poised
The Value in Gematria is 1264, אבוד‎ , "loss, waste, ruin."
A ruin is a place where immature, sinful, and awful tendencies have been left behind. A wise man has many ruins in his past, this indicates there was a struggle, and then he moved on. As to the nature and essence of the struggle, is it good against evil, or something petty, and only frustrating.
To know what is truly good and Godly, vs. what is negative and ungodly is the proper definition of Ibzan in Bethlehem.
v. 9: Ibzan ends up with 120 sons, daughters, son in laws and daughters in law. He kept his sons at home and sent his daughters away.
To give away one's daughters, 495, "data", but to keep the sons, which are the fruits of the actions, represent 270, are ziphius the "honey that floats on the top of the honeycomb", "this one is for real", meaning they are the substantive proof one's character can be defined by the Instructions in the Torah.
So the real actual Jewish Character must have proof that God told Moses the truth and freedom outside the gate to Egypt is worth having and that means one must put one's hand on the wheel, foot on the pedal and go out into the world and overcome it.
The Torah Shoftim says even though there are only 16 million of us left, this is our only choice, and this is our only chance. The filth, those stupid stupid fucks, are encroaching. They are waiting to see if this is the final end of the Jew or the final victory.
This is what is meant by Bethlehem the House that Wars for the Sake of Truth:
"The verb לחם (laham) means to fight or do battle and is used frequently in the Bible. Noun מלחמה (milhama) means battle or war and occurs even more. A noteworthy detail, however, is that very often God is the active subject in statement concerning both verb and noun, such as the enigmatic statement that the Lord is a "man of war."
The identical verb לחם (laham) means to eat or use as food, which appears to suggest that the act of military conquest and the act of eating (and thus of learning) is essentially the same. Before modern economy, nations would acquire wealth by invading others and taking their wealth, precisely the way a predator would kill a prey and feast of its flesh.
Modern economy made man a plant eater, who only consumes what will grow back. The very common noun לחם (lehem) means food, bread or grain."
The Value in Gematria is 12820, יבחבאֶפֶס‎‎, yabhabeps, "there is dry land in the pass."
Jewish history cannot stay the same, meaning all that is going wrong on this planet is because of the rejection of Jew by the rest of the human race.
So long as the Jew is in jeopardy, is at risk for genocide over a few badly misunderstood blots of ink on a page in a book, the entire plot of land we call home is in grave danger. This means the Jew must fight back, fight back hard, and kill every last enemy he has so the entire human race can finally observe Shabbat.
v. 10: Then Ibzan died and was buried in Bethlehem. The Value in Gematria is 2295, ב‎בטה‎‎, in beta.
The verb בטח (batah) means to trust, feel safe or be confident. Noun בטח (betah) means safety or security. Noun בטחה (beteha) means trust of trusting. Noun בטחון (bittahon) means confidence or trust. Plural noun בטחות (battuhot) means security or safety. Noun מבטח (mibtah) describes the act of confiding or the object or state of confidence.
Ruins build confidence. So why are the ruins and craters we are leaving behind all around the world positively demoralizing the human race? The answer is found in the etymology above:
"Before modern economy, nations would acquire wealth by invading others and taking their wealth, precisely the way a predator would kill a prey and feast of its flesh.
Modern economy made man a plant eater, who only consumes what will grow back. The very common noun לחם (lehem) means food, bread or grain."
Rabid, feral human beings are treating the others as prey instead of tilling the earth and yielding up its bounty like God said we should. The Torah Shoftim says the only way we can fix this is if we turn them into our prey instead.
Truly the ruins this leaves behind will be beneficial for the confidence of the Jew and make straight his way to the bread.
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jinchengtextile · 7 months
Common cotton fabrics include denim, gingham, canvas and broadcloth
The list of fabric available on the market is endless. What are the most popular fabrics and why? Versatility, durability, and ease of care are some of the reasons. Read on for a list of the worlds most popular textiles, their uses and care, and what makes them so sought after.1.Cotton leads the pack as the most popular fabric in the world. It is a natural fiber from the cotton plant and is versatile and easy to care for. Cotton has been cultivated for over 7,000 years and only increases in popularity as time goes on. It is often blended with other fibers to create garments that last longer and wash better.
Common cotton fabrics include denim, gingham, canvas and broadcloth. Cotton  can absorb up to 27 times its own weight in water; is machine washable and can withstand high heat; takes and retains dye color easily; and is strong and durable. Cotton can be used to make shirts, dresses, skirts, pants, jackets, children’s clothes, curtains and other window treatments.2.Linen, made from the fibers of the flax plant, has been coveted for many thousands of years. Linen has always been a symbol of purity and wealth. Produced in small quantities, this luxurious fabric is valued for its coolness and freshness in hot weather and its remarkable ease of care. Linen is a strong, cool fabric that doesn’t cling to skin and is two to three times stronger than cotton. Linen can absorb moisture without feeling damp. If a warm breeze blows a skirt or dress made from Polyester Microfiber Comforter Sets it will return to your skin cool to the touch. High-quality linens are free from slubs (those small knots along the fabric) and present a uniformly smooth texture that is beautiful to the touch. Linen can be used in home décor, and in mens’ and womens’ apparel including skirts, dresses, blouses, and shirts. Linen can be dry cleaned, machine washed or steamed. It may be hung to dry and left with a slightly wrinkled look which is part of the charm of the fabric.3.Polyester is a popular synthetic fabric that has many advantages over its natural counterparts. While synthetic clothing in general is perceived by many as having a less natural feel, polyester offers superior wrinkle resistance, durability and machine washability.  Polyester is often blended with other yarns to create wonderful fabrics that mix the benefits of both textiles, like dressy uniform fabrics and professional wear. Synthetic fibers also can create materials with superior water, wind and environmental resistance compared to plant-derived fibers.4.Wool fiber comes from sheep and other animals like cashmere and mohair from goats, and angora from rabbits. Wool is bulkier than other fabrics and retains heat well making it perfect for cold weather. Wool is usually specified for garments for fire-fighters, soldiers, and others in occupations where they are exposed to the likelihood of fire because it ignites at a higher temperature than cotton or other fabrics.
Wool is resistant to static electricity which is why wool garments are much less likely to spark or cling to the body. Australia is the leading producer of wool, especially high quality Merino from the sheep of the same name. Wool can be used in high-quality suits and several types of men’s and women’s apparel and outerwear.5.Leather is a flexible and durable material created when animal hide is transformed by a process called tanning. The majority of leather today is tanned via chrome tanning, a process discovered in 1858. Chrome tanning is more supple and pliable than vegetable-tanned leather, and does not discolor or lose shape as drastically in water as vegetable-tanned leather. Most leather is made from cow hide but there are many other types of leathers available including suede, aniline, Corinthian and patent. Leather is a versatile material that can be used in upholstery and apparel including automobile interiors, furniture coverings, skirts, pants, jackets, shoes, handbags, and other accessories.
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