#why is it only slytherin parents who seem to care about their kid's safety??
fanfic-lover-girl · 4 months
"My father will hear about this!" is actually healthy child behaviour
So one of Draco's most iconic lines (from the movies at least, but the same sentiment is in the book) is "My father will hear about this" or "Wait till my father hears about this".
It's usually used to ridicule Draco from what I have seen...but to me it makes Draco a more relatable child character compared to the trio.
As a kid, and even as an adult, I was very open with my parents. I told them basically everything. They were very involved in my life and I felt comfortable going to them with all my problems.
Admit it: would you prefer kids like the trio who go off on dangerous adventures, leaving adults in the dark or would you prefer a kid like Draco who will loudly tell you what's bothering him?
This is what these lines tell me about Draco's relationship with his dad and himself:
Draco has a close emotional bond with his father. He is ok with telling his father about his daily life which should be healthy child behaviour.
He believes his father cares about him and his safety. You don't complain to a parent who does not care about you.
And of course, the rebuttal is that children should not be overly dependent on their parents and they need to learn how to handle problems on their own.
Well, I have a news flash for you! If your kid is being abused by teachers or feels they are being treated unjustly at school, they should not be made to handle it on their own!!! Maybe Harry would have benefitted from having more of Draco's attitude. And then maybe Umbridge would not have been able to torture how many kids without hordes of angry parents descending on Hogwarts!
As problematic as the Malfoys are, I genuinely believe they have one of the healthiest nuclear families. Neville's grandma is...let's just say that it's a tragedy that JKR made Snape Neville's boggart when his grandma is ultimately responsible for Neville's self-esteem issues. Didn't one of his uncles throw him out a window as a kid?? Harry's family are hella abusive. Ron had a broken wand and feared going to his parents about it which is a huge red flag! You know given how dangerous a broken wand is! Hermione doesn't seem to give a damn about her parents. We don't even know their names. And I truly fail to understand why some muggleborne kids were never removed from school. Hermione was petrified and her parents sent her back the following year? Either Hermione never told them, the school hushed it up and/or the parents couldn't care less. Either option is bad.
I don't care what the antis think about Draco. When/If I have a kid in the future, when they have issues I hope they will feel secure saying "My mom will hear about this!".
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visd3stele · 3 years
Remus image - angst & fluff
*mostly angst with a tinsy bit of fluff
*forced marriage trope
summary: you're a Slytherin pure blood dating Remus Lupin, but your family has other plans
TW: none
A/N: any thoughts and opinions are welcomed. I'd love your reviews. Requests are open, too, if any of you are interested in that
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You're staring at the high ceiling, wide awake and way past the middle of the night. In your hands, an envelope is twitching with every move of your fingers, twisting its corners anxiously. You received it at dinner that night, the letter from your family. And wisely waited until the privacy of your room to open it. Around you, pure bloods Slytherins were sound asleep. You made sure not to let any emotion show, on your face or voice. Something everyone in between the walls of the Slytherin residence could most likely do.
You read it once. Then again and again until each word, each letter carved its mark in your brain. Carefully, you folded it back, wrapping it in the thick layer of the envelope. Despite having stopped reading it, the news your family dropped on you kept on repeat in your mind. Over and over and over. Marriage. They found you a perfect, pure blood spouse to marry. No matter that you were still in school. And only sixteen. And already having a boyfriend.
But of course, that last part might be exactly why your blood supremacist family decided to take your love life in their hands at last. For you were dating Remus Lupin, head boy of Griffindor. Involuntarily your lips moved upward at the mere thought of him. The way his soft brown hair feels under your palms when he lays his head in your lap in the afternoon – that is when you convince him to take a break from learning for a change. Your smiled deepened. The way his scarred hands stroke your face right before he leans in to kiss you. You blushed in the dark. The way his eyes sparkle after one of the Marauders notorious pranks. The way he rolls his eyes and leave a snarky comments to any Slytherin who mock your relationship and how it only masks his own fears and self doubts.
Now you were crying. You'll have to break up with him. You'll have to break up with him without bringing the marriage up. You didn't want him to think back on what could have been years after. It's better if he thinks there is no chance anymore to be with you. And you had to do it quick. News spread in the pure blood community and risking lying about your parents intention only to fool yourself a bit longer with stolen happy times was as self destructive as it can get at this point.
You slipped your body on one side. And tossed. The envelope fell off your bed. You didn't bother to pick it up. But someone did. You felt it rather than hear it, someone picking it up and placing it on your nightstand.
" 'Morning," that sweet voice you loved so much whispered. And you snapped your head towards it in shock. Only to find a very uncomfortable Remus Lupin, switching from leg to leg, smiling awkwardly at you.
"It's five in the morning." He stated before you could find your words through the foggy veil of your thoughts. "And the sunrise is about to start..." Remus went on, looking anywhere but at you.
More tears sting your eyes, threatening to slide down your cheeks and getting completely out of your control. Here he was, your perfect boyfriend, sneaking in your bedroom to take you to see the sunrise. For you, this boy defined romance and no amount of scars, secret disappearances on the full moon and mysteries surrounding it could change that. You were more than willing to give him time, let him open up to you when he feels like it. After all, he has great friends to share secrets with and you wouldn't get in between them.
Biting your lips, you closed the distance and hugged him tight. After less than a second of hesitation, Remus put his hands around you as well. You needed it, the proximity, the safety, the warmth and love. When you were sure your voice won't break, you breathed a question to him. "And how are you planning to sneak me out?"
Remus saw right through your attempt. He pulled back a little, enough to brush his fingers over your swollen face. "Have you been crying?" Worry clouded those beautiful brown eyes. You shook your head, snatching yourself from him and desperately wiping your tears. You should do it now. Tell him it's over. Spare him – and yourself – for the pain and torture of stretching it longer. It was time to face it: your relationship was doomed from the start.
But you couldn't. Not yet. Just a little more time, you bargained with yourself. Just that sunrise together. One last date. You promised to no one. So you made yourself swallow and said instead "My family," dismissing any further remarks.
Remus pulled you back into his lean body, long arms the only thing holding you together. He needed no other explanation. Thanks to that friend of his, Sirius, Remus knew exactly what those two words meant coming from a pure blood kid. He pressed a kiss on top of your head, caressing your back in soothing large circles. Voice dipped with concern, he asked "Do you want to talk about it or do you want me to distract you?"
"What about taking me to see that sunrise you mentioned and we'll figure it out from there?"
He nodded, led you to the now slightly opened window and motioned for his broom flying within reach.
The sun beamed from between rare clouds, spread amongst a royal blue sky. Orange light crowned the ascending golden disc, fading into a soft purple and light pink at its edges. The curtain of morning mist broke the rays in matt bliss, wrapping around your entangled figures.
A wet coldness flew on with the tentative mist, but Remus planned everything ahead, it seemed. He had a wool blanket at ready, different bits and pieces of clothing, threads and patches sewed together.
"Don't tell me you picked up knotting, Moony." You didn't know when it happened, but you had taken on calling him by the silly nickname his friends did.
"No. My mother made it, actually." The scar on his lip pulled up as he patted the spot next to him. He had laid a blanket on the freshly cut grass near the Black Lake and held his mother's gift in a silent invitation.
You snuggled in, circling his waist with your arms and nuzzled your nose in the crook of his neck. "Y/n!" he exclaimed, a shiver running through him at the contact with your cold skin. You sent him a grin that had nothing to do with apologies and you both snickered before turning awe filled eyes to the sunrise.
Remus let his own head lean down on your own, brown hair slightly brushing your forehead. His hand found its way to yours and as your fingers laced together he rubbed his thumb on top of your palm.
Content silence settled in. Only birds dared sing a sharp note once in a while. Your boyfriend knew how to choose a date spot, you were more than happy to give him that. The marvelous sight the sky presented doubled in the lake's still waters. Calmness washed over you. Here and now, with Remus' hand in yours, your head resting on his shoulder, everything pieced into place.
You turned your face, meeting the warn off material of his shirt and placed a kiss there. Lifting your lips upward, you kissed his exposed neck as well. Then his cheek, lingering close to his lips before stopping to murmur "I love you, Remus Lupin! So, so much."
He met your lips with his own and you were thankful he said nothing about the pang in your voice. "And I you, my darling." His glittering eyes, filled with adoration and care, were too much for your heart to bear. It was all you could do to close your eyelids tight and press into his side even more.
"Is something wrong, y/n?" Remus asked, shifting his arm to welcome your new position.
"No. Nothing. Just overwhelmed by everything I feel for you." And in a way, it was true. Not the whole truth, but as you couldn't give him that...
An unsure smiled played on your lips. He brought your face to his again, laying a kiss on your nose. You scrunch it up and made a face at him. He tried to bit back his laugh, but failed as a bundle of it escaped in a soft breath, tingling your flushed cheeks.
Remus kissed you again, this time on the bridge of your nose. Which earned him a giggle and a wide smile. Bringing your hands to his face, you cupped his cheeks and touched your noses together.
"We're missing the sunrise. And you put so much effort in this."
"Hmmm," he mused, leaning in your touch. "The sun does much of the work, to be fair." You burst in laughing at that, shaking your forehead against his.
You two traded more kisses – and then some more, bathed in the dawn light of a new day.
"Where have you been?" You heard James Potter asked your boyfriend when you bumped in him and the rest of the Marauders in the hall.
Peter waved at you, while Sirius gave you a knowing smirk at which you rolled your eyes. Truth be told, their demand wasn't misplaced. You and Remus didn't show up at breakfast, and run late for the first class.
"Down at the lake, Prongs. I should know better than to ask for notes, right?"
"Not to worry, Moony, you didn't miss much."
You left Remus to his friends, brushing your lips to his as a form of good-bye. You headed to your room. Thoughts swirled in your mind, flying by so fast you barely registered them. You passed Narcissa and Lucius on your way. They have been married since year four, something you found very unsettling. At that time, you belittled Narcissa for not fighting off her families wishes, like her sister and cousin. But now, that you found yourself in her place? You started to understand. To understand that courage is not so easy to haul up from whatever pit it lays dormant in one's being.
So lost in thoughts, you haven't noticed the guy sitting on your bed until he spoke, voice laced with disgust. "You better kick that sorry excuse of a wizard away before we make our engagement public, honey."
You startled. "Who...?"
"Why, your new husband, of course."
"Future husband. And Remus is a fine wizard, greater than you could ever hope to be."
The stranger only rolled his eyes and huffed. "Whatever you say, honey. Just make him gone by noon. I have plans for us before the ceremony."
A ceremony that would take place in a few months, once summer blooms, you realized, dread chilling your blood in your veins. The tight line of your lips followed your betrothed until he left and swiped the door close.
Noon. Break up with Remus by noon. Make it look like it's over because there is no love anymore. Let him think you choose this smug, full of himself, brainless, boorish brute over him. It's the right course of action. So you told yourself. And so you did. Any hope for standing up against your family gone.
Wind howling outside, rain pouring, you thought the weather mocked you. It just happened to turn gloomy and morbid all of a sudden, when you were about to break the heart of the most precious boy in the whole school. And yours too in the progress.
"Remus, can we talk for a second?"
"Sure, what is it?" He turned his whole focus on you, dropping mid conversation with his mates about whatever prank they were up to next.
"Moony!" three offended sighs followed you as you dragged Remus to a more private spot. The way he no more than waved at his friends, giving all up for you, knowing you had a bad day, strung a painful chord in your soul. You did not deserve this boy. Maybe the wedding was a good thing after all.
"Hey, y/n, talk to me," Remus whispered when you came to a halt. His fingers searched for yours, trying to turn you around to face him. "Whatever it is, you can tell me. I'm here for you. We'll fix it."
"No." You said, and cursed your weak voice. You still didn't face him. "No we won't fix this." You spoke again, this time with more surety, allowing a sharp edge to it.
Bless his too kind soul, he didn't balk away. Instead, he took one stop forward, resting his head on your spine and bringing his long arms around you. "Everything's gonna be fine, y/n. I promise."
It took a superhuman effort to break free of his embrace. And you finally swirled to meet his soft brown eyes. Tears rolled down, dripping from your chin, but you didn't let him comfort you. Shacking your head, you took another step back, building distance between you, as if the following words would hurt less that way.
"Everything's not gonna be fine, Remus. Not with us. Not anymore."
For a couple seconds, he stared at you, confusion painting his beautiful features. Then, realization sunk in. And in that moment, you were sure nothing could ever hurt you as badly as his pain struck expression. His parted lips, moving in vain to form words that doesn't exist. His frenzy eyes, looking all over yourself, searching for any sign of a cruel joke. For a trace that you weren't being serious. Eyes that begin to water when he found none.
But he refuse to let the tears flow. Remus led his stare to a dark, far away corner of the empty hall. Heat colored his face, a light shade of pink that not even the cool from the open window couldn't beat down. "So that's why you were distant this morning?" Your boyfriend asked, bitterly even as his voice was small, lost. "That's why you avoided me all day and didn't look me in the eye once, more than a passing moment?"
You knew better than answer. You had nothing to say anyway. "I'm sorry, Remus. I've been meaning to tell you earlier..."
A razor sharp laugh bit your words off. "But you took pity on the poor half-blood."
No, no it wasn't like that, you wanted to say. Those remained only thoughts as you wiped your face and crossed your arms to keep them from reaching out. Reaching out to him, reassure him, hug him. Whatever he believed, you'd roll with it. If he thought you an evil pure blood, then fine! You'll be that.
An image of your mother's face, lips curled in disgust at the last Quidditch match when Slytherin lost again in favor of Gryffindor, served as model for the expression you forced your own face into.
"I didn't want it to be like this. Goodbye, Remus Lupin."
You turned. And left. Just left. You kept your back straight as you walked away from the boy who tickled your heart. Who placed feather light kissed on your cheeks, and nose and forehead for days into your relationship, too shy to initiate something more without your worded agreement. The wizard who helped you with assignments, not thinking anything less of you when you weren't perfect. Who let you fall asleep in his lap at Hogwarts' few parties that you couldn't stand due to your family. This guy who gave you everything you were too afraid to dream of. And you just walked away, as if couldn't be bothered to care.
His fist thrumming once on the hallway's wall filled your ears, a sound forever carved in your brain. The thud that followed, of him sliding down on the floor you guessed, printed an image in your mind you'll pray to forget. Remus' silent sobs, though, almost made you turn around and run towards him.
You didn't so much as cast a glance back, knowing what you'll see and too much of a coward to bear it. His body shaking with crying, knees cradled to up to his chest where his chin digged in, covered by lean arms with palms crossed over his head.
His friends would find him. They'd help him. Remus will move over and forget you. Each sentence was another step. Each step, another crack in your heart. By the time you reached your room, collapsed in your bed and twisted in a similar position to your boyfriend's – ex boyfriend. It made you understand, showed you far too clearly why he'd sit like that. The pure devastation and despair, the attempt to contain a hollowness within, to replace a part where a whole, happy heart used to beat.
You broke Remus Lupin's heart. And yours was just as shattered. And there was no going back from it now.
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awritingtree · 4 years
Never Enough (1/7)
Sirius Black x daughter!reader
Summary: You were content with your life, living with your cousin while the whereabouts of your father, Sirius Black, and his wellbeing remained unknown after escaping . But that all changed when you had to move into 12 Grimmauld Place for the summer. The worst part of it all? He was there too. (Wow I suck at summaries)
Words: 1.7k
Warnings: angst, shitty father-daughter relationship, mentions of abandonment, tell me if there are any others 
A/N: Yes, I know I changed the timeline up a bit to fit the fic. Please don’t be the asshole that points it out. I had to adjust it slightly for the plot. My heart broke writing this but it was too good an idea to pass up. I abandoned writing all my other fics for this. And all I can say to you is I’m sorry.
Series Masterlist
All those years, you’ve felt lonely. The Tonks were a wonderful family, raising you as one of their own. But there was always an empty feeling, a missing spot in your life that only your father could fill. If he’d come to you after he had escaped from Azkaban with an explanation, you would’ve welcomed him into your life with open arms. Therefore, when you found out he’d escaped and had been in contact with Harry all this time, not even bothering to check up on you once and the fact that you had to go live with this said person for the rest of your summer, away from your family, you went livid. You’d trashed your room; lamps broken, chairs and desks overturned, all your books had caught fire from not being able to keep your emotions, hence magic, in check.
But Aunt Dro and Dora had reassured you that it’d be fine, Dora even promised to stop by every day to check up on you without fail.
“It’s for your safety,” Uncle Teddy had said as they dropped you off.
You loved him, of course you did, he was your father. Though you had no fond memories of him, he seemed like the person you would get along greatly with. You’d heard a lot about his days at Hogwarts from your aunt. You were very much like him; just as reckless, having a knack for pranks (though people usually took it as a form of bullying or you being mean only because you were a Slytherin, even if your pranks were not as bad as those executed by the Weasley twins), and just as hot-tempered if not more. That’s why everyone should’ve this coming. It had started off as a normal day, waking up and having breakfast before getting to cleaning the grim place you were currently living in. All the house’s occupants were in one of the unkept rooms, getting rid of objects, which you thought had to be filled with dark magic.
You didn’t know when it happened; when the argument broke out. Ginny and Hermione were only asking you about your life all these years with the Tonks. Everyone should’ve seen it coming but no one had any inkling that it would escalate to this.
“You left me! You left to get revenge, without thinking for a second what would happen to me. And you came back for revenge, to protect your godson. That was enough motivation for you to leave that prison after 13 years, the rat’s picture and his safety. I wasn’t a good enough excuse to have escaped years ago, the thought of me, alone, wasn’t enough for you. I was never enough, was I!?”
Your words echoed through the silence of the house, everyone still, dumbfounded. Not even the portrait of your grandmother made a sound. The impact of your words far too great.
You knew he had escaped, but you never met. Not until this summer when you were forced to move into your ancestors’ house. He hadn’t come looking for you back in your 3rd year - he had come looking for him. The boy with the lightning scar marking his forehead from the night you lost your chance at having a life with your father. The boy who wasn’t here, for his own protection. The boy everyone seemed to drop everything for and for some that included their own daughter.
You don’t know when the argument had broken out and escalated this far, no one saw it coming. The previous playful atmosphere that hung in the air disappeared, replaced by an ambience that reeked of agony and anguish.
You, a Slytherin, a disappointment in his eyes. But truly, he was the disappointment. He left you all alone in this horrid world with no one.
“You had Remus.”
“Right,” you scoffed folding your arms across your chest, “I had a godfather who decided he couldn’t take care of me and abandoned me, not even bothering to keep in contact.”
Remus visibly flinched at the pure venom directed towards him through your words.
“That’s not my fault. I wasn’t here, what could I have done?” Sirius spoke back frustrated, throwing his hand up in the air.
“That’s the thing, you weren’t there. But it’s always James and Harry isn’t it? Harry and James,” you said defeatedly. Your shoulders slumped down as you looked down to the ground, trying to hide your tears from the rest who were staring at you, astonished but with pity. You quickly spun around on your heel and walked away, heading towards your room in this dark, repulsive house, a house that in another life you would’ve called your home.
And no one came after you.
That was two weeks ago, and things hadn’t gotten any better. You would stay in your room when you weren’t helping Mrs. Weasley out with the cleaning. You’d sit with everyone for meals, but a tense air would surround you every time you were in the same room as your father. He hadn’t made any move towards reconciling with you, towards having a relationship with his only child. After all that you’d said that day, you really thought he would. But you were left disappointed once again.
Just when you’d thought things couldn’t get worse, Harry had arrived a few days ago. You didn’t have anything against the boy, but watching your father dote over him every second of every day hurt you more than you cared to admit.
It was currently dinner time. You were sitting next to Dora who was changing her face to sport a pig’s snout upon Ginny’s request. You found it funny, you did, but you had no energy to laugh or even muster up a smile. You felt drained. The past few days made you feel like you were suffocating in this dreadful place. Your throat felt like it was constantly constricted, refusing to let air fill up your lungs, refusing to let you breathe and let go of the heavy weight that seemed to have made its home on your chest.
“You know, I thought the first thing you’d when you got here was ask about Voldemort.”
Your father’s conversation with Harry suddenly piqued your interest. The name caused a chill to run down through everyone’s spine.
“I did!” exclaimed Harry, “but everyone said we’re not allowed in the Order. That we’re too young.”
“You are too young,” reprimanded Mrs. Weasley.
“He’s been trapped in that Muggle house for over a month! He has the right to receive answers about his questions.”
That brought about an uproar from the rest of the kids.
“Harry’s not even of age!”
“Why does he get his questions answered!?”
~“That is up to your parents.”~
“But we’re of age!”
“Harry will tell me and Hermione everything anyway!”
You stayed silent through it all knowing anything you said wouldn’t change the minds of the adults in the room. There was nothing that you could contribute that would work in your favour.
After a row between Sirius and Mrs. Weasley (in which some out-of-line things were mentioned), it was finally decided that Ron, Hermione, Fred and George would stay as Harry got to know what had been happening. Ginny, on the other hand, was to go upstairs. Though she did not go without a fight - blazing and fuming, she reluctantly made her way to her room.
“Y/N, you too. Go upstairs,” said Remus.
“I’m not going anywhere. If they can stay so can I,” you said, looking up from your uneaten dessert.
Sirius looked away from Harry towards you, appearing to just realize you were in the room as well.
“Moony’s right. Go upstairs, Y/N,” he told you.
You stayed in your seat, going back to picking at your unappetizing dessert. Your silence and staying put began to tick Sirius off.
“Y/N, I told you something,” said Sirius, trying to keep his temper in check.
“I know, I heard you.”
The silence carried on. You stayed planted on your seat, refusing to move an inch.
“Y/N Black, you are still underage, and I am your father. So upstairs, now.”
You huffed, slamming your fork down on the table as you stood up abruptly. The chair scraped back and fell onto the floor from your sudden action.
“Fine,” you said through your gritted teeth, looking directly into your father’s eyes; eyes so alike yours. Sirius felt like he had actually been scorched by the fire burning in your eyes, contradicting the sickly-sweet smile you shot at him before storming out of the room, slamming the door shut behind you.
You made your way towards the room that was temporarily yours; one that could’ve been your room if only… You shook your head trying not to dwell on such thoughts.
You were done.
Your trunk slammed against the stairs as you dragged it down, waking up Walburga Black’s portrait, screaming at everyone:
“Half-breeds, mudbloods, and blood-traitors in my house! If I was alive-,” you tuned her shouts out.
“Y/N, dear. What are you doing?”
“What I should have done a while ago,” you replied, looking up to see Mrs. Weasley, who had just escorted Ginny up to her room, peering over the banister.
You walked towards the front door through the unlit hallway, a migraine forming from the shrieks of your biological grandmother and the screeching of your trunk dragging across the floor.
You opened the door, stepping out into the summer night. The quiet took over as soon as you shut the door behind you. Your throat finally let up and expanded as you breathed in the cool summer night air, allowing your lungs to fill with large volumes of air; air that you had been gasping for the past few weeks. The heavy weight on your chest dissipated, making you feel lighter than you had ever felt; as if you could walk on clouds.
A loud ‘pop’ sounded through the empty street a few seconds after you’d raised your wand out in front of you.
You climbed onto the bus, not once looking back at the house that no one around could see, except you.
Not even when you heard a voice call out into the empty street as you disappeared along with the Knight Bus with a ‘pop’.
Taglist: @heloisedaphnebrightmore @pregnant-piggy @approved-by-dentists @kashishwrites @remmyswritings @angelinathebook @idont-knowrn @coffee--writes
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falsedestiniesrp · 2 years
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20 who works as a UNDERSECRETARY TO THE MINSTER OF MAGIC. They are a PUREBLOOD who currently sides with the DEATH EATERS. Their pronouns are SHE/HER and look like DIANA SILVERS.
• Assiduous; showing great care and perseverance
Despite her upbringing, despite everything she was taught to be, there is so much love in Penelope’s heart for other people. She has such a strong willingness to do the right thing, even at the expense of her own happiness. No matter how difficult or impossible things seem, Nellie has always had the ability to persevere and do the right thing.
• Effulgent; shining forth brilliantly; radiant
There is a brightness to her that lights up a room when people bother to look. Even when they don’t, she tends to emit a soft glow, just enough light that even those in the darkest of places can still seem to find their way. Nellie has a radiance about her that touches the people around her, one so bright that it causes an undeniable warmth.
  • Ingenuous; (of a person) clever, original, and inventive
Never one to take the obvious path, Nellie has always been good at finding the loophole. She is the epitome of the phrase ‘ I will either find a way or make a way ‘. If the plan in question doesn’t work, she’s the first to come up with a new one or to improvise a solution. Quick witted and a fast thinker, Nellie is the person you want by your side in a fight, in a tight spot, and when a situation looks bleak.
• Reticent; not revealing one's thoughts or feelings readily
Even the people closest to her have a hard time knowing what Nellie is truly thinking and feeling. From a young age, she learned to hide her emotions and quiet her thoughts out of necessity, and because of that, she doesn’t open up easily. As warm and open as her outward personality appears to be, she’s always been guarded. It’s why she’s so good at being a double agent.
• Unassuming; not pretentious or arrogant; modest
As the second child in her family and a girl at that, Nellie has always been overlooked. When she was a child, she was hurt by the fact that her parents refused to see her, and instead only ever seemed to overlook her. When she got older, she realized that it was a true blessing in disguise. If people didn’t look at her, didn’t pay her much mind, and if she didn’t give them a reason to start, there was so much she could do.
• Unwavering; continuing in a strong and steady way
When Nellie decides that people are hers, there’s nothing that can sway her mind about them. They become irrevocably hers to protect, hers to love, and hers to be there for. Nellie also feels that way about the cause she decided to take up. Her views were unchanging, and nothing would sway her off the course of making sure the Death Eaters don’t succeed.
 Sorted into Slytherin, her parents were quick to remind everyone that the house of Rosier was still loyal to the cause and standing strong. What they didn’t expect was for her to make friends outside her house, for her to quietly join clubs that were predominantly run and made up of muggleborns, and for their perfect pureblood daughter to become a radicalized muggle sympathizer. Thankfully, Penelope was clever, quiet and good at staying under the radar. Her parents never found out about her true Hogwarts experience because Penelope Rosier wasn’t anyone that people thought twice about. Her big brother was the one that would carry out the Rosier name, not her. Eyes weren’t on her, which allowed her to quietly exist in peace - at least while she was at school.
 Nellie maintained her friendships with the kids she grew up with though, knowing that her life outside school would always heavily involve them, at least as long as she lived with her parents. So Penelope lived something of a double life, for her own safety and her brother’s. Despite going almost unnoticed in her own circle, Nellie was involved in a lot during school. She joined the chess club her first year,  was the seeker on the Slytherin Quidditch team her second year until she graduated,  joined the astronomy club her third year, and even started a book club in her fourth. Nellie joined Lily’s muggle video games club as well, though she kept her involvement in that as quiet as she could.
 Nothing less than an Exceeding Expectation was tolerated in her family, and even that got her on thin ice. Nellie had some subjects that came easily to her - defense against the dark arts, charms, and astronomy - while there were others she had to work for: potions, and ancient runes especially. For all the extracurriculars she involved herself in, Nellie took her studies very seriously, and she spent a lot of her time working hard to maintain them.
The only girl in her family, Penelope knew she had almost no chance of making her parents proud. Her parents hardly paid her any mind, unless they were reprimanding her for something, and even then, Penelope quickly caught on to the fact that her brother was covering for her more often than not. The affection she did receive came from her doting older brother that she looked up to unfailingly. Bubbly, affectionate, and bright eyed had no use to her stoic and observant parents though, and Penelope caught on that her softness caused her brother harm. Only five years old and Penelope learned how to appear obedient, subdued, and ladylike. By the age of eight, Nellie had figured out that stepping out of line was the immediate cause for swift and severe punishment. She attended her lessons (ballet, languages, & etiquette) and excelled in each one, only truly loving the former two. 
  Hogwarts was a breath of fresh air and freedom danced on her fingertips. Eleven years old and Nellie was just grateful that for the time being she was safe. She didn’t have to worry about her actions causing harm, she didn’t have to calculate every move she made, she could just quietly exist, and quietly she did. Nellie knew that too much noise would cause too many people to actually start looking at her, and that was something she still couldn’t afford. Still, her worries narrowed down to making good grades and working up the nerve to try out for the Quidditch team. It was there that Penelope found a passion for magical creatures. Nellie was able to nurture friendships with people that were vastly different from herself. Hogwarts allowed the youngest Rosier to venture out and truly find herself.
  When graduation finally came, Nellie made a hard choice. Despite wanting nothing more than to study dragons all day, she knew she was capable of doing so much more to help people. So that was exactly what she did. Towards the end of her seventh year, her father started talking to her about politics for the first time in her life, mostly to prepare her to take up her place amongst the Death Eaters. Nellie used it to her own advantage. Though she had never once agreed with a single thing her father had said, especially in terms of politics, she still knew how much power and influence her family name had within the Ministry. Some part of Nellie knew that leaving would be the easier choice; leaving her name, her family, and their stifling beliefs behind. However, she could do so much more damage from the inside out, and that was how Penelope intended to take them out. 
  At twenty years old, she becomes the youngest Undersecretary the wizarding world has ever had, but it allows her to keep one hand on the wheel and one foot in the door of all the major decisions being made. Her role doesn’t have much direct power, and yet, it puts her in a very powerful position. Though Nellie doesn’t get to make any of the decisions, doesn’t get to have a vote in what does or doesn’t get passed through, she’s the first to know about all of them and the first to see the turning tides. Responsible for day to day operations and routine administrative duties, not much happens in the ministry without her hearing about it. The Death Eaters were happy to help get her put in that position, sweet, unassuming Nellie who came off as neutral, if a little traditional, was exactly the piece they needed in place to make the eventual transition easier, as was their goal. 
  However, it was the Order that truly benefited from her being there. Nellie had joined the Order of the Phoenix before she was fully out of Hogwarts in secret, prepared to do whatever was necessary to help stop the wizarding world from the holistic back slide the Sacred Twenty Eight wanted to bring them back to. In her new position, she was able to keep them informed first, and ensure that there was always a voice in the room to represent their interests. She knew the risks of being a double agent, and she knew that there might come a day that she had to vocally pick a side, but until that day came, she’d play the part of the double agent. 
Secret best friends; someone that Nellie became friends with early on in her Hogwarts career that helped drag her away from her parents' opinions and gave her perspective. This would be someone she wasn’t allowed to be friends with but became increasingly closer to anyways, all the way through to adulthood.
Lover: I love a good ship and I’d love to explore Nellie finding someone she loves heart and soul. This could be someone in the Order that she can’t openly be with because she’s playing double agent, or someone who is in a similar position as she is with the Death Eaters ( either playing them or feeling trapped by their family/obligation ) because I think either would be so interesting to explore.
Penelope is currently TAKEN and played by ELLIE.
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wreckofawriter · 4 years
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Pulled Apart
~Part 1~ ~Part 3~
Pairings: Sirius Black x reader, Regulus Black x reader, James Potter x reader, Remus Lupin x reader
Word Count: 2.6k
Warnings: Swearing?
Summary: Everyone is lost in the world as the man soon to be called the Dark Lord rises to power. Your parents are already ready to give their life along with your own for this man. You spend your seventh year in Hogwarts being pulled apart by the expectations for you and the hope placed in you by your childhood friend Sirius and his closest companions
A/n: Sorry I've been so inactive. I just finished my last week of school and I had a shit ton of projects to do and now its summer so I feel empty... anyway hope you guys like it! Also check out my 2k celebration
    A soft giggle met your ears, its familiarity was hypnotizing, its source just out of reach. You gazed around the room trying to find the origin of the noise, the shimmering gowns and sharp sound of heels on marble confused your senses. You felt a soft tap on your shoulder, the feeling of relief rolled over you as you greeted the curious grey eyes of your best friend. You reached your hand out to touch his cheek but instead of meeting skin, your fingers fell through as if you had tried to hold the wind. Suddenly you were shoved forward falling through the mist you had been convinced was Sirius and landing on the ballroom floor. Your white dress spilled around you as you tried to stand. 
    “Y/n, are you alright?” 
    You looked up to see Regulus, he was dressed in a formal suit, his hair brushed back from his face. He held his hand as an offer which you took. As you were pulled upright you glanced down at your gown, its brilliant white and delicate lace were blinding. A vail spilled down your back, a golden band shimmering on your left hand. 
You felt your heart speed as your eyes darted around the crowded room of blurred faces. They landed on your mother her smirk ever present as her face twitched into one of a pale demon. Your breaths were short and useless.
    You looked up at Regulus who now held your hands gingerly in his own, a soft look of concern graced his sharp-cut features. You felt dizzy, the heels you wore digging into the back of your feet. The thin lace of your dress did nothing to hide the tattoo stabbed into the skin of your forearm. A snake pulling from a skull in a gruesome scene. You opened your mouth to scream.
    You sat up suddenly in your bed. The sheets you were tangled in felt slick with sweat, a shiver rippling your body. Your memory began to do flips as the strange dream that had woken you evaded the present thoughts of your mind. You stared at the dull grey light which blanketed your dorm, the quiet sound of Bellatrix’s snores giving you no comfort. It felt wrong, sleeping so close to your enemies. That’s what they were now right? Enemies. Or maybe the conversation you had had with the curious man in half-moon spectacles had been some twisted, far away dream as well. You couldn’t quite think straight, your stomach churned with the familiar feeling dread. 
    You leaned for your wand which stood on the small table next to your bed, you flicked it with a whisper, and light filled the small curtains which surrounded you. Sliding them aside you stepped from beneath your blanket, warm feet cooling on the stone floor. You pulled on a sweatshirt and padded quietly towards the door. Pushing it open carefully you thanked the hinges for their silence and began down the steps. 
    You had always preferred the castle at night, the sliver moonlight which filtered through the windows, the soft whine of the wind, the snores of portraits. Not to mention the lack of prying eyes and the comfort of solidarity which you rarely felt. It was all calming, therapeutic. 
    Your original destination had been the astronomy tower but when you heard a pair of footsteps in your path you turned quickly and instead headed for the small courtyard. You made it without incident, the sound of the falling water paired with the chirp of crickets was lulling. 
    You slide to the ground, back resting on the cool concrete of the fountain, and leaned your head upward. The moon was nearing full, stars bright and blinking. The night was slowly fading, you still weren’t sure what time it was but your guess was close to three. 
    Dumbledore’s words repeated in your head, the image of a young Sirius sobbing in front of you spilling in your vision as you slipped from reality. You felt your eyes sting with unshed tears before you managed to blink them away. 
    Your head snapped forwards, eyes opening as you instinctively raised your wand. You peered over its point to see James Potter. His hair was its usual curly mess, glasses crooked on his nose, his dark eyes peering down at you in confusion.
    You stood too quickly, wand lowered to your side, “What are you doing out of bed?” 
    He grinned, “I was going to ask you the same.”
    You folded your arms in front of you, “Well I asked first.”
    “Well, I’m head boy so I win.” He smirked pointing to the small pin which shimmered on his robes. 
    You scoffed, “There’s nothing to win.” turning away from the boy you prepared to leave.
    He tsked his tongue taking a few hurried steps until he stood in front of you, “Seriously y/n, you didn’t think you were getting away this easy did you?”  
    “I was kind of hoping I would.” you scowled, “But I supposed you are wearing the snitch badge.” 
    “It’s not a snitch badge.” James defended, your eyes rolled. He paused sighing, “Look y/n, just tell me what you were doing. I’m not going to sell you out to anyone.”
    You glanced up at him in consideration, “You first, you’re not doing any narc duties this late so you’re out here for a reason too.” 
    “Stubborn.” He mumbled but complied, “Fine, I was setting up a prank.” 
    “Liar.” You stated plainly, “I’m not stupid Potter.” 
    He furrowed his brows, “Why would I lie?” 
    You shrugged, “I don’t know, you tell me.” 
    “I’m not lying.” He argued, pushing his glasses up his nose.
    You narrowed your eyes at him scanning his appearance, “Fine.” you said finally and James released a breath.
    “So why are you out?” He asked hurriedly.
    You hummed, “No reason really. I just can’t think in my dorm.” 
    James frowned, “Why wouldn’t you tell me that?” 
    “More fun to watch you struggle,” you explained with a grin, “I don’t know why you care in the first place.” 
    “Because we’re friends.” 
    You clicked your tongue, “Are we?” 
    He laughed lightly, “You’re such an asshole sometimes.” 
    “That’s rude.” You respond, “Look I’m exhausted, I’m heading back.” 
    “I’ll walk with you,” James stated. You rolled your eyes again. 
    You both headed back through the corridors and down towards your common room in silence, neither of you were too fond of getting caught, the idea of detention wasn’t all that appealing. 
    “So what were you thinking about?” James asked as you reached the safety of the dungeons.
    “You said you went to the courtyard to think,” He explained, “What about?
    “None of your business,” you answered quickly, happy to see your escape approaching.
    James pushed his glasses up his nose, he didn’t like the feeling of paranoia you seemed to adopt. It was unsettling. He wondered if Dumbledore had asked you about joining the Order but didn’t dare bring it up. 
    “Well, uh thanks for walking me.” You spoke turning to face him.
    James smiled, “It’s no problem.” 
    You gave him a tight-lipped smile and a small wave before whispering a password and disappearing behind the slowly opening wall. 
    Something was definitely up with you. 
    You sighed heavily, your eyelids seemed to weigh pounds as you started across the room. The sudden click of a light turning on caused your heart to jump. 
    “Merlin, Nina.” You gasped, hand over your chest. “You scared the shit out of me.”
    She glared at you, her arms crossed in front of her, “Where were you?” 
    “Nowhere,” You replied. “Just out.”
    “Who were you talking to?” She continuted. 
    “No one, what’s up with the interrogation?” 
    She ignored you, “You were with Sirius weren’t you? Really y/n? Right after he broke Pearl’s heart?” 
    “I wasn’t with Sirius.” You deadpanned, “And it wouldn’t matter if I was.” 
    “Who were you with then?” She pressed standing from her seat, her sea-green eyes boring into you in ways which made you shiver. 
    “I happened to run into James, it was no big deal.” 
    Her eyes narrowed, “Why did he walk you back?” 
    “How am I supposed to know?” You huffed. 
    She paused, tucking her shimmering black hair neatly behind her ears, “You’re lucky I don’t tell Pearl about you sneaking out again. She would be ticked off.” 
    “Whatever.” You mumbled heading back towards your dorm, Nina behind you, her hands tucking into her silk robe which cost more than it should have. 
    “Why even are you friends with Black?” She asked as you reached the top of the stairs, “He’s an asshole.” 
    “We’ve known each other forever.” You reasoned. 
    Nina scoffed, “Doesn’t change the fact that he’s a dick.” 
    You shrugged heading towards your bed, “Night Nina.” You sighed as you tugged your blanket over your shoulder. Images of tattoos and white dress suddenly conquered your mind. For some reason, Pearl’s heartbreak was the last thing on your mind. 
    The next morning was fuzzy around the edges, like some sort of haze. You felt half dead and half paranoid as if the entire school had somehow overheard the conversation you and Dumbledore had had the night before. 
    Nina didn’t speak to you about your conversation a few hours ago as you readied yourself. She had always been like that, blunt and stern. If she had wanted more information on where you had been she would have gotten it. You supposed being a muggleborn Slytherin made her that way. The only thing that kept her from being completely dehumanized by many of the Slytherins was her money. Despite being muggleborn you were pretty sure she was richer than anyone in the house which meant she could almost blend in with the spoiled rich kids you had grown up with. 
    Nina lead you towards the hall for breakfast rambling about some test she had in History of Magic and how you should really be studying more. 
    “Y/n! Nokomis!” A familiar voice called over the murmur of the crowded hallway. 
    You whipped around to greet none other than Sirius Black. 
    Nina’s face scrunched in disgust, “What do you want Black?” 
    “I need to borrow y/n for a moment.” He grinned but there was a sense of forgery to it.
    “I’ll see you in a minute.” You whispered to the olive-skinned girl before starting towards Sirius whos smile had dropped. 
    “Whats up Siri?” You asked falling into step with your friend before suddenly being shoved sideways. You stumbled into a closet, hand pressing into a broom handle as your foot struck a small bucket on the ground. The door was shut and you were thrown into darkness
    “Godric Sirius, what the hell is going on?” You hissed reaching out to try and find him but missing and tripping forward. 
Sirius caught you in his chest your momentum sending him backward, colliding with the door. He didn’t seem to care as he snatched your hands into his own.
“You said yes last night right?” His voice sounded desperate.
You stiffened, swallowing thickly, “Yeah.” 
In seconds he had you wrapped in his arms, your face pressed into the fabric of his dress shirt as he buried his head into your neck. 
Shock froze you in your place for a moment before you melted into his embrace, the scent of mint and smoke filling you. Your worries seemed to wash away as Sirius held you, his quickened heartbeat loud in your ears, his breath hot on your neck. You felt the color rise to your cheeks and you only fisted his shirt, trying to pull him impossibly closer
“You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting to get you away from that shit,” he mumbled into your ear.
And suddenly it was all back, the dread, the anger, the fear. You were crying before you even knew it. Thick tears spilling from your eyes as you muffled sobs into the boy’s chest. 
“Shit y/n, what’s wrong?” Sirius asked pulling back and prying you away from him so he could look you in the eye, now adjusted to the dim lighting. 
You only cried harder raising your hands to your face to hide yourself. 
Sirius was stunned, he couldn’t remember the last time you had cried in front of him, it must have been years ago. A slight panic filled him, “I’m so sorry. Did I say something? I didn’t-”
“It’s not you.” You whimpered, “I’m so scared Siri, I’m just so fucking scared.” 
Sirius felt his face drop, eyes softening before he pulled you back into him, a hand threading through your hair. “I’m not going to let anything happen to you,” he mumbled, “I’ll keep you safe. I promise.” 
    You didn’t get a chance to see Nina or the others before classes. Instead, you headed for Arithmancy, a class you had grown to hate more than you should have. It didn’t help that Professor Vector hated your guts. She ignored your questions and always called on you for answers despite the fact that your hand was never raised. There was only one saving grace in the dreadful class and that was Remus Lupin. 
    You had been placed next to the boy by your professor on the first day of your seventh year and since then he had become a lifeline. On your way to the classroom you hated so much you did everything you could to not look like you had been sobbing in a broom closet moments before, you didn’t do much good. 
    You walked into the class head down wishing you had a hood to hide under. Remus was already in his seat a book covering most of his face. When you fell into your own place next to him releasing a soft sigh the book was dropped onto the table in front of him. 
    “Are you okay?” He asked. It had been barely fifteen seconds since you entered the classroom. 
    You gave him a weak smile, “I’m fine.” 
    Remus frowned, “Here.” his wand was suddenly out and pointed towards you. The boy didn’t miss the slight flinch that you gave but said nothing to it, “Tergeo.” He mumbled and the smeared trails of mascara were wiped away, your face left as a clean slate. 
    Remus felt his eyes flirt down towards your lips for only a moment before he pulled away, knowing he had stared just a second too long. “Sorry.” 
    You laughed lightly, “Why are you apologizing?” 
    His ears went red, he glanced down at his hands feeling a bit stupid.
    You shook your head smiling. Your hand ran through your hair, and you groaned slightly, “My hair is so gross right now.” You muttered under your breath attempting to brush through the tangles with your fingers. 
    You moved your gaze back to your desk partner who now had his hand out, offering the navy beanie which had been placed on his head moments ago. 
    “Really?” You asked eyes wide as Remus shoved the hat into your arms, his own eyes looking at anything but you.
    “Just take it.” He replied thrusting his face back into his book hoping you wouldn’t catch the heat which had now spread to his cheeks. 
    You pulled the beanie on top of your head tapping the werewolf on the shoulder, “Thanks Re.”
    Remus gulped, sure you could see the blush that now filled his face as you smiled warmly at him, his own hat perched on your head, “Of course.” He managed to croak. 
@accio-rogers @roslea @k3nz-doodl3 @theseuscmander @sleepingalaska @chloe-geoghegan1 @songforhema @wangmangagavroche @evyiione @atomicpunkrock @fairywriter-oracle @moon-zodiac @willowyreads @approved-by-dentists @itslilithsstuff @captainshazamerica @findzelda
One more thing: I have some major plot points figured out but I suck at story boarding so if there is something you want to see in this fic or ideas for plot, I will totally consider them
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halothenthehorns · 3 years
Favorite chapter of this book! I don't care you still don't need to know this.
Sirius, who clearly still had that last task stuck in his craw, grumbled at Harry, "Well this does prove I was right about Krum, and Cedric. Anyone who leaves those other kids down in that lake are to be avoided by you at all costs."
Lily was frowning down at the little infant in her arms sadly, but still tried for some good, "I don't know Sirius, maybe we were being too harsh on them. Cedric at least, after all, before I heard about Harry's first year it never would have crossed my mind Dumbledore wouldn't put some contingency in place to make sure the unrescued kids came back to the surface. Cedric hasn't had the same bad feelings about Dumbledore recently as we had, I'm sure he just had faith enough not to take that song literally."
Sirius rolled his eyes, clearly not in all agreement, but Remus had a happy smile in place, clearly liking to the idea. "You gave me an interesting idea about Krum as well, what if he saw Dumbledore talking to those merpeople, and pieced the whole thing together from there."
"I can see that," Lily instantly agreed, "he's been staying out on the lake, any Durmstrang student could have seen Dumbledore discussing the task with them, or even more realistically, I'll bet Karkaroff told Krum as soon as he knew that he only had to worry about his one hostage."
"I wouldn't be surprised if Karkaroff did know the others would drown and told Krum to leave them down there anyways," Sirius rolled his eyes at the two of them." *
Harry and James exchanged a look, clearly realizing Sirius was looking to pick a fight, while everyone else just wanted to move on away from that task, so Harry leaned over to Sirius and gently restrained, "I'm positive I'll take your advice as seriously after the task as I did before."
Sirius was instantly derailed, turning back to Harry with a brilliant smile as he declared, "Well how else would you take advice from me?"
Lily and Remus rolled their eyes at him and looked pleadingly at James to go while he had the chance.
James still had a stupid happy smile stuck in place, hoping beyond all measure that Harry would just breeze through the last task and that until that had to arrive they'd spend the rest of his school year hearing of nothing more than homework and actual fun things to laugh about.
One highlight of the aftermath of this task, was Ron getting far more attention than Harry for once.
"Why?" Sirius couldn't help but ask, some nasty memories resurfacing of the last time Ron had been in the limelight, that hadn't been pleasant for Sirius. "Ron was asleep the whole time."
"Everyone saw Fleur kiss him along with Harry," Remus reminded, "and I can all to easily picture Harry shoving Ron in the way when anyone asked why."
  People were clamoring to hear his time down in the lake, and at first Ron seemed to be telling the truth. How the teachers had collected them, promised their safety, and he'd awaken when he reached the surface. A week later however, his tale had been embellished to include a fight for his life against a dozen merpeople, single handedly defending all of the women as they forced him under.
"I like the second story better," James beamed. "Its sounds like a thrilling tale."
"Ron's always been the best at those," Sirius snickered in agreement.
He made sure to assure Padma, who'd been much more taken with Ron since all this started, that he'd had the situation under control that whole time.
"Of course," Lily huffed with disgust at such a flighty girl. Ron acting like this was giving her some annoying flashbacks to James as well, so she wasn't going to pretend to enjoy any of this.
Hermione was not as pleased with his little stunts. She'd been snappish lately with all the people mocking her for being Viktor's missing person, and whenever she caught Ron she'd snap all he could do was snore them to submission.
"Teasing might not affect Hermione," James couldn't help a sympathetic smile for her, "but it certainly gets to her."
"Notes for the future," Harry said simply.
Ron blanched in surprise at her quip, and quickly went back to the real version afterwards.
"Least Hermione keeps him in place," Lily approved.
March came with drier weather, but cruel winds skinned their hands and faces every time they went out onto the grounds.
"I miss Quidditch," James sighed.
Owl post was getting delayed slightly by the buffeting winds, but Sirius' brown owl still managed to make a landing the Friday before Hogsmeade. It took off the moment Harry untied the note, clearly not up for making a return trip.
Harry was the only one who gave a laugh, the others were to on edge for the reply. Sirius' last note had not been promising.
This letter was almost as short as the previous one, simply requesting Harry meet him at an old stile in the back of Hogsmeade at two tomorrow, and to bring food.
They all sat there in a bit of dumbfounded silence for a moment.
Lily cracked first, saying with the most sincerity than she ever had in her life, "I am going to strangle you."
"Bring food?" James demanded, his voice cracking on the last word so that he couldn't have continued if he'd wanted to. James felt like an idiot, he'd made the joke himself that Sirius would probably have to steal a cake, but how much was he eating on the run?
Sirius had a torn look on his face, somewhere between he wanted to laugh them all off for thinking he was in danger like his usual idiotic self, and the rest was curiosity. He somehow managed to ask as if for the weather, "wonder what I'm up to."
"Would you please, for just a moment, pretend like this is dangerous," Remus sighed.
Sirius clucked his tongue at him in agitation, stating, "Never stopped me before. I'm just curious what I finally couldn't put in a letter, or maybe I'm just sick of owl post and want to see my Godson."
The baby in Lily's lap had been growing increasingly fussy, so Lily excused herself to put him down for a nap while still muttering about murder.
James fidgeted with the pages until she got back, honestly debating holding him down for her the whole time, but in the end he reminded himself it wouldn't be fair to murder Sirius just for mouthing off in here. In fact James was almost getting his wish, at least Harry and Sirius having a conversation face to face should be some modicum of fun, his best friend was probably right and just wanted to check in on Harry and no one should be looking for him in Hogsmeade, this should turn out fine.
Harry and Hermione were incredulous he'd really come back, but Ron brushed them off and said he'd been away from dementors this long, he obviously knew what he was doing.
"Thank you Ron," Sirius said a little extra loudly, still with an insufferably cocky look in place that no one was going to catch him.
As Harry tucked away his letter, he was surprised that he honestly felt better with the idea of seeing Sirius again.
"Ha!" Sirius barked in triumph, while Harry was in such a good mood with the most recent task finally being over he couldn't do anything but roll his eyes back.
So he headed down to his Potions class in a much better mood than normal.
Of course that was ruined the moment he saw the standard group of Slytherins all standing in a group, snickering over something.
"Well this never starts well," Lily grumbled, clearly the only one clinging to her unease over Sirius. She was equally annoyed at her boys trying to brush this off as a spot of fun, and just as unwilling to argue it otherwise. She relinquished Sirius had been out long enough it wasn't one hundred percent suicidal to come back, more like seventy five.
Pansy caught sight of them first, gesturing wildly at them to get the others attention.
"I'm with Lily," Remus groaned, "prepare to be annoyed just by that."
Harry saw a magazine in her hands, Witch Weekly.
"Guess that's better than the Daily Prophet," Sirius narrowed his eyes shrewdly.
"Not by much," James grumbled.
Then Pansy gave the paper a toss to Hermione, telling her she should have a good read of it. At that moment Snape opened the door, and they all had to file in.
"Of course this had to happen inside there," Sirius snapped, "at least when this stuff comes up in Care of Creatures you know Hagrid'll back you up."
"I'm sure they planned it this way just for that," Lily sniffed.
The three friends set up their cauldrons in the back of the room like always, but instead of pulling out their ingredients they all leaned over Hermione's magazine as she riffled through it.
The piece wasn't hard to find, another photo of Harry was spotted over the title Harry Potter's Secret Heartache. The article starts by reminding everyone that Harry had grown up without love while being deprived of his parents,
Lily and James flushed in hatred already for this, did that have to keep coming up!
was at least equaled out with the love he'd seemed to find in his school life was Hermione Granger.
"Didn't this already come up?" Sirius scoffed, "Skeeter must be running out of material if she's rehashing your love life."
"Let's hope she just runs out altogether soon," Harry sighed.
Sadly for Harry, he may not even be aware of his own suffering. Miss Granger, a plain but ambitious girl,
"She needs to keep her own story straight," Remus reminded, "she keeps changing her own description of just how pretty she thinks Hermione is."
"We've well established her facts change to fit her story," Lily huffed.
had recently been seen in more company of Viktor Krum. Clearly the girl had a love of famed Quidditch players, though it was clear neither boy knew of the other. Krum himself had been heard saying he'd never felt this way about another girl, even inviting her to his country over the summer.
The real crux was, it most likely wasn't Miss Granger's charm the cause of this.
Skeeter had interviewed a few students to get the real story, and Pansy Parkinson had happily stepped up in the story to report how intelligent Hermione was, it was more than possible Hermione was using Love Potions on these boys.
Love Potions were banned at Hogwarts of course, and this reporter only hoped the matter would be looked into soon before someone's heart was broken forever.
"That's all there is," James finished with a disappointed shake in his head, "thankfully. I'm relieved, I was fixing to start laughing at how ridiculous that was."
"I can still see why Skeeter tried to go that way for Hermione," Lily shook her head furiously, "that really would be traumatizing for some girls to have that printed about them."
"Hopefully Hermione'll take this as she did the other one," Remus said.
Ron was furious for Hermione, even as he couldn't stop an I told you so for her. Skeeter had gone and printed this about Hermione, turning her into a scarlet woman.
"Well he's not wrong," Lily couldn't resist a smile for Ron.
Hermione stopped looking down at the paper and began to laugh at Ron's choice of words, now shaking with giggles.
"I'm sure that's the exact reaction Skeeter was hoping Hermione would have," James beamed with pride.
"Laughing in the face of it all," Sirius agreed at once, "best way to face life."
"You're still not off the hook mister," Lily told him at once. "If you get yourself caught and killed for being an idiot, I'm going to kill you."
"And just what's it to you?" Sirius demanded with an impetuous smirk, clearly all at ease with digging his own grave.
"It means a great deal to me," Remus sniffed back, his mind scrambling to play this off and blast away the worry really eating at them. "As I take great comfort in knowing it'll be my hand that'll be the death of you one day."
Sirius most likely would have kept going, for some deranged reason he seemed to feel the way to make them feel better was throwing out more jokes at this, but James was in no way amused and kept reading loudly around them.
Ron said that's what his mum called them.
Hermione was not impressed, saying if that was the best Skeeter could do, she'd lost her touch.
"As if she ever had one," Lily scoffed, "so far all of her stories have been nothing but dribble."
The Slytherins were watching her expectantly for a reaction, but Hermione simply waved pleasantly at them.
"Never let it be said Hermione doesn't know how to play a situation," James smiled happily at the girl.
The three finally began on their potion for today, a Wit-Sharpening Potion.
Only a few minutes in though, Hermione began how odd it was
"That Snape's never used that Wit-Sharpening Potion on himself," Remus offered with wide eyed innocence.
about Skeeter knowing...
When she trailed off, Ron quickly yelped in surprise if she had been making Love Potions?
"That was his first thought?" James snorted.
"Not that I believe she'd do it," Lily shrugged, "but I'd be the last person to be surprised that she could. Ron would know the same thing."
Hermione snapped at him for being stupid, no what she was surprised was how Skeeter knew about Krum inviting her to Bulgaria.
"I thought that was just more made up stuff," Sirius said in surprise.
She was blushing in embarrassment by the end of admitting to this.
Ron dropped his pestle in shock as he looked at her.
Hermione tried to ignore this and quickly got the whole thing out, telling out he'd asked her just after he'd pulled her out of the lake.
Ron demanded what her answer was, now trying to grind up his desk more than his ingredients.
All four of them were snickering now, though at least trying to hide it at Harry's bewildered stare. He wasn't sure if they were laughing at Ron or something else altogether like he was thinking, but did not want to discuss it.
Hermione tried to ignore him, unsuccessfully by going all the more red, as she agreed he'd been quoted saying he'd never felt this way about another girl.
"I cannot believe she's actually admitting this to them," Remus shook his head.
"This is why Hermione needs some friends who are girls," Lily sighed for the poor thing. She knew full well how that could feel.
That didn't explain how Skeeter knew this, she hadn't been around when Krum had said that, no one had. Perhaps she'd had an Invisibility Cloak on and was sneaking around?
"Would not put it past her," James grumbled.
Ron repeatedly demanded what her answer to Krum had been, knocking the desk so hard with his pestle he put a dent in it.
"I'm thinking Ron wants an answer to that," Sirius raised a brow.
"What on earth gave you that idea?" James kept trying to repress giggles while continuing.
Hermione began to admit that she hadn't a chance to answer before Harry appeared- but was cut off by Snape saying from behind them that he was docking ten points from Gryffindor for discussing their business in his class.
Amusement instantly gone and snatched away because of that insect, no one had the heat to snap at him this time, it went without saying at this point.
The whole class turned as Snape hovered over the three of them, Harry getting another wave of POTTER STINKS badges from Malfoy.
"Might as well glue that to his arse, or his forehead, same thing at this point," Sirius huffed.
Snape caught sight of the magazine, docking another ten points for having this in class, then finding the article and even reading the title out loud.
Lily was gnashing her teeth furiously to hold back the abundance of things she'd like to throw in his face for all the petty comments. It was sick how he was living his dream come true, being able to humiliate her son at every opportunity, when most likely he was really looking down on James in all these moments.
The dungeon rang with the Slytherins' laughter, and an unpleasant smile curled Snape's thin mouth. Going one step further, Snape then began to read the article aloud.
"I-He!" Remus spluttered, sure he must have heard that one wrong.
"There's logic for you," James lip curled, "he took their points away for reading it, and then reads it. Remind me again why I never got around to blowing this one to Norway?"
"Don't ask me mate," Sirius was glaring at nothing and not even pretending it was a joke, "I suggested at least once a week we hogtie him and leave him to the Forest, but no one would let me do it."
"Next time you get the opportunity," Remus told him sincerely, "I'll run interference while you get the rope."
They snarked on long enough at the injustice of this, but James forced himself to reread that bilge through Snape.
The whole thing came across ten times worse in Snape's cruel tones.
When he was done, Snape came to the conclusion it was time to split these three up to keep them on their work. He made Ron stay where he was, moved Hermione to sit by Pansy,
"Please tell me Hermione's brilliant enough to make that blow up without her noticing," Lily pleaded of nothing.
and put Harry in the table in front of his desk.
"I'll pause for the miracle he didn't put him beside Malfoy," James groaned, an honest toss up of which would have been worse, Harry next to him or continued interaction with Snape!
Harry furiously obeyed, dragging his cauldron to the front and slamming into his new seat to continue his potion.
Snape retook his seat but Harry refused to look up at him, determined not to give Snape the satisfaction of seeing how angry he was as he began smashing his own scarab beetles, imagining each one as Snape's face.
"You know what, I like Harry's idea better," Sirius nodded along. "It'd be much more personal and fun to turn him into a potion ingredient."
"Won't deny loving the irony of that," James agreed.
Snape began whispering for Harry's ears alone how all of this press attention was inflating his already large head.
Harry denied response, he knew Snape was trying to provoke him, he'd done so before.
"When did Snape provoke you before?" Lily cast her mind back. "He seems much more fond of humiliating the life out of you and then docking points."
"When he found out I had the Map," Harry reminded, "tried to get me into admitting I'd been visiting Hogsmeade."
"Oh yeah," she rolled her eyes at that resurfacing memory of him taking potshots at James. The incident with Remus afterwards had burned that away a bit.
No doubt Snape was hoping to take a whole fifty points from Gryffindor before class was up.
"The day is just wasted if you haven't," Sirius scowled.
Snape persisted in saying that Harry may be delusional enough to think the whole world was in love with him, ignoring the fact that Harry had long since turned his beetles into a fine powder, but Snape knew better. He didn't care how many times Harry was in the papers,
"Really?" Harry mock outraged with as much sarcasm as he could muster. "Because I've been putting in so much hard work to garner his approval!"
"It's too bad you can't say things like that to him without risking detention," Remus sighed.
"The detention would be worth it," Sirius huffed.
Potter would always be a nasty little boy who gave no consideration to the rules.
Harry finally gave his powder to his potion and turned on his roots instead, his hand shaking so bad the cuts weren't nearly as precise as they should be. Still he refused to respond and give Snape the satisfaction.
"I'm glad you're taking Hermione's path at least," Lily sighed, "he'll get less satisfaction if you act like he's not getting to you."
"Much more self-satisfying to get him back later, when he's lesser expecting it," James mock agreed with his wife, though she wasn't going to argue with him.
Snape promised this warning, if he ever caught Harry breaking into his office one more time-
"He's never broken into your office period," Remus said like speaking to an idiotic child.
"Technically," Sirius added on with a faint smile, "and Snape can't prove otherwise."
"That was two years ago though," James cocked his head to the side, "or is he really blaming Harry for, well whatever that mess with Crouch was."
"He blames everything on me," Harry reminded.
"I'm sure he's tried to get you expelled for every instance that went on at school, and at some point Dumbledore just stopped opening the door for him," James said wistfully, thinking about slamming a door in his face as well, or more on his face.
Harry snapped at that, saying he'd never been in Snape's office.
Snape's black eyes glowed with hatred as he hissed back all of his missing supplies, the Boomslang skin and Gillyweed, all from his private cupboards.
"Wait, now I'm confused," Lily made a rewind motion. "Dobby took the Gillyweed, but what's this about the Boomslang skin? Again, that happened years ago, I'm blasted he's really connecting the events."
"Again," Remus pointed out, "he clearly blames Harry for everything that goes wrong in his life, and I'm not really surprised if he's been in waiting to throw this at him since he found out."
"But it is rather odd," James had his head cocked to the side, "he's talking like this happened when Crouch was in his office, but he can't have stolen either of those, it doesn't add up."
"With what?" Sirius demanded of him. "We never even found out why he was there in the first place."
"What are the odds Crouch happened to steal the exact ingredient Harry had need of, and something he also stole two years ago," Lily said back.
Sirius had no reply, none of them did. This was such an inane mystery no one even had a clue how to begin to puzzle it out.
Harry stared back with a blank face, refusing to acknowledge this. It was in fact Hermione and Dobby who Snape should really be looking to, but Harry wasn't going to be saying that. Instead he lied, stating he had no clue about anything.
Snape hissed back he knew Harry was out of bed that night his office had been ransacked.
"While he's technically not wrong about that," Remus rolled his eyes.
"He still has no proof it was Harry," Sirius finished for him. "There are three other champions that egg could have belonged to, but of course he's still convinced, without proof, it was Harry."
Lily wanted to scold him this time it was good enough evidence, the map and the egg together wouldn't leave an idiot stumped, but that wasn't Sirius' point and she knew it.
Snape had no clue why Moody had joined Potter's fan club,
"Oh, do we finally have proof that exists," James asked mildly. "What did Colin and Ginny name it anyways?"
"Potter Doesn't Really Stink," Sirius offered to Harry's trying to ignore them both, about as successfully as he'd been ignoring Snape.
but even he couldn't save Harry from Snape when he caught him.
"About as thoroughly as he has in the past," Remus stated with a winning smile, making them all give a hearty laugh in appreciation for that; because Harry hadn't ever technically been in trouble for any of this.
Harry mildly agreed he'd keep that in mind if ever he had a wish to go for Snape's office.
"You just know it's on his top ten list," Sirius nodded along.
"Right up there with going back into the Forest, going to another Death Day party, and going back to the Chamber," Remus agreed.
Snape's eyes flashed, his hand tucked inside his robes, and for an actual moment Harry was sure Snape was about to curse him.
"I'll skin him alive," Lily said dangerously, wishing now more than ever she could leave these walls for the simple use of acting on that.
Instead he pulled out a clear bottle that looked like it held water. Snape asked if Harry knew what this was.
This time, completely honestly, Harry said no.
"Not that it's ever stopped you before," James said.
Snape explained it was Veritaserum, a Truth Potion so powerful just three drops and Harry would spill every secret he'd ever had.
"And illegal to use on the unwitting," Lily hissed.
Harry ruffled his brows at her, casting his mind back to a not at all pleasant conversation where he'd try to offer ideas to prove Sirius' innocence. This potion had come up, and he asked, "If you can't use it on people on trial because they're expecting it, and you can't use it on someone who isn't expecting it, what's it used for?"
"Nothing," Lily deflated a bit at talking to her son, though venom was still clear in her tone even not directed at him. "It's basically illegal to even own any amount unless you have specific license to study under a few fields. Snape would be allowed to have some I suppose, being a potion's teacher and all, but that doesn't give him the right to use it on anyone!" She finished, trying to force herself not to shout there at the end.
"Dumbledore wouldn't let him use it," Remus offered without any real hope.
"Dumbledore should be stopping a lot of things that keep happening," Sirius snapped back bitterly.
Snape conceded there were many restrictions placed on the use of this potion, but one day Snape's hand may just slip over Potter's evening drink.
"And ironically," Lily put her hands up in exasperation, "Snape still wouldn't get his end results."
"Though a few worse things would come out than breaking into a teacher's office," James muttered, keeping a careful eye on his best friend.
Harry turned away with false indifference, ignoring how uncomfortable that potion made him feel. Snape may not get the confession he'd be wanting, but Harry knew how much trouble not only his friends would be in, but also far worse things could happen. Like his admission to being in contact with Sirius, and his crush on Cho.
Sirius couldn't help it, he broke all tension in the room by snorting with laughter, and not stopping there by doubling over and still holding his sides with amusement.
Harry was bright scarlet already, trying in vain to get James to keep going who was paying him no attention, clearly just as amused as Padfoot that Harry's embarrassment over that crush ranked right up there with the fear of his Godfather getting caught. Good to know where Harry's priorities were at least.
It took Sirius quite some time to settle back down, rubbing happily at his chest and ignoring the exasperated looks of the others at such an overreaction. "Thanks pup, I needed that."
"You are not welcome," Harry grumbled back.
He put his roots into his potion and began stirring, his mind on Moody's idea to start drinking out of his own hip flask for a while.
"While I wouldn't blame you if you did," Remus shook his head with amusement, "I more recommend just asking the house-elves to special make you meals. Gives you a much less paranoid vibe."
"I'll keep that in mind," Harry did manage a smile for him.
A knock on the door stopped either from saying anything else as Snape called for entrance in a more normal voice.
"So, dark and creepy," James nodded along.
Karkaroff came in.
"Well, well," Sirius raised a brow. "Evil plotting in front of the kiddies now? Poor form on their part."
"I will strangle you," Lily promised, still unable to grasp how he could make light of Death Eaters around Harry.
"What?" Sirius defend himself at once. "They're not actually going to do anything to Harry in that classroom, but Harry might pick up on something else they could be up to."
Remus wanted to remind him they most likely had already done something to Harry, they were their number one suspects on who'd entered Harry into this tournament, but he wasn't going to argue with Sirius now and begged Lily not to bother while James ignored them all.
Everyone watched as he came up to Snape's desk, clearly trying to be as quiet as possible as he whispered they needed to talk.
"Then he should have done this after the fact," James rolled his eyes, "in Snape's oh so important office."
"Be happy intelligence is failing them," Sirius waved him off.
Harry still pretended he wasn't listening as he kept at his ingredients, but still clearly heard Snape's hissing response to deal with this after class.
Karkaroff refused, saying he was tired of Snape slipping away and avoiding him.
"I would too," Remus quipped, but was watching the book curiously now, all of them wondering what they could be squabbling about.
Snape repeated they would talk after the lesson.
While Harry raised his measuring cup full of armadillo bile up to the light to check the correct measurement,
"Subtleness you were excelling at I'm sure," Remus smirked.
"You ever wonder how they get some of these ingredients?" Sirius muttered to Harry.
"Detention from Snape I'm sure," Harry said back, thinking it would be just that kind of punishment for Snape to make armadillos appear just to have them vomiting their bile for the students to collect.
Harry peaked at the pair. Karkaroff looked worried, Snape angry.
Karkaroff stayed hovering over Snape's desk for the rest of class, and determined to know what they were talking about, Harry knocked over the rest of his armadillo bile with a minute to go before class let out and quickly bent down to mop it up while the rest of the class fled the room.
"That was brilliant," James praised.
"Absolute credit for sneakiness with an excuse," Sirius agreed.
Snape demanded what Karkaroff thought was so urgent? Karkaroff declared this!
Harry peeked around his cauldron to see Karkaroff had pulled up his left sleeve to show Snape something Harry couldn't see.
Remus cocked his head to the side with a calculating look in place. "Wasn't that the same arm Snape grabbed when Moody made a crack at him about marks?"
"You think him and Karkaroff got matching tattoos?" Sirius asked in disbelief.
"I think it's strange something's clearly bothering both of these Death Eater's," Lily agreed mildly even if she did think the arm thing was a slim attachment.
Of course, they all knew something was stirring, Voldemort was trying to make a return and even if Harry hadn't been having any more dreams about it, and thank Merlin for that and it not happening any time soon, it was still the most unsettling thing to happen thus far. Could these two be talking about that? It really was hard to come up with anything else this could be about, but what would something on their arms be about?
Karkaroff insisted it was clearer than ever, it hadn't been like this since-
Snape snapped at him to put that away, turning a nastier face on Harry and demanding to know what he was still doing in here?
Harry showed his sodden rag he was cleaning with,
"I'm so sure he appreciates your cleanliness," James scowled, his mind still flagging in frustration he couldn't put this together. This could be something really important, and they were all clearly missing something.
but Snape snapped at him to get lost. Harry quickly vacated the room to tell Ron and Hermione what he'd seen.
"Which was what exactly?" Lily groaned in frustration.
Next day they left for Hogsmeade, the weather finally slowing enough that it was actually a beautiful day.
This wasn't making anyone's mood feel any better. Despite the Snape distraction, no one could get over how worrisome it felt to have Sirius back in the picture like this. Danger kept screaming at every corner of their mind, and yet at the same time none of them would selfishly admit it would be good just to hear about him again not on the run or as a convict. Just Padfoot trying to spend some time with Harry for a day.
The food Sirius had asked for was tucked in Harry's bag, a dozen chicken legs, a loaf of bread, and a jug of pumpkin juice.
Sirius still fidgeted uneasily a bit at such an odd request from himself, he wasn't liking where this was headed right off the bat.
First they headed for a shop to get Dobby those promised socks, enjoying themselves by picking out the most outlandish ones they could find, including ones that screamed at you if you didn't wash them regularly enough.
"Not a bad start," James nodded along, "but you've got about three hundred more pairs to go to get to that every day of the year promise."
"I decided I'd build up to it," Harry grinned, "I need to get him future gifts after all, no sense in doing it all at once." He finished with an almost vacant look at the end, his innards squirming a warning he'd better get Dobby those socks while he had a chance.
"That's cheating," Sirius wagged his finger at the half finished return to keep Harry's attention, but agreed with a smile, "I'm so proud."
As the time came, they made their way to the stile. Harry had never been this far into Hogsmeade before,
All three boys made choking noises of disbelief at that declaration, it still blew their mind Harry didn't know the grounds of that place like they did.
and the place looked far more deserted with a long winding road and being right at the base of a mountain.
A small gate closed off the borders of the village, and leaning on said gate with large paws and a shaggy coat was a familiar dog.
Harry happily greeted Sirius.
Lily was shaking her head fondly, like she'd still been futilely hoping this whole time Sirius wouldn't be stupid enough to come, and even more pleased he had.
Harry couldn't help but compare that lean, wild looking animal to the happy pooch he'd seen in this living room days ago, trying to comfort him in his fear of what would happen to Sirius. The contrast between the same dog was as vivid as the cocky, self-assured Godfather sitting at his side, ready to joke his way to the end, and the gaunt faced criminal Harry only had memory of seeing smile once.
The black dog sniffed Harry's bag eagerly, wagged his tail once, then turned and began to trot away from them across the scrubby patch of ground that rose to meet the rocky foot of the mountain.
"Wait a minute," Remus said slowly, "you're not really..." he trailed off in disbelief as he kept watching Sirius.
"Don't know how regularly," Sirius shrugged, "but I'm even more pleased if so. It'll be much more fun to talk to Harry rather than just following him around."
"I don't understand," Lily was frowning, looking from Sirius to his two friends suspiciously.
"That mountain's got all sorts of caves and hiding spots," James told her and Harry. "We explored them all the time, even kept a stash of stuff up there when we didn't want to get caught with it. When we found Sirius wasn't staying in the Shack, I honestly thought this was where he was spending his time last year."
Lily gnawed on her lip a bit, but decided this was actually fairly out of the way of the school, and if the Marauders said they'd explored this place than that meant they knew it better than the surrounding villagers. Plus, if Dumbledore even knew Sirius was staying there, and warned people to stay away from the area, well this was honestly looking like almost a good idea. Then she realized what she was thinking, and chose not to say anything aloud, still not wanting to give that idiot the impression she approved of him being in the country at all.
The three followed him up the steep path, having to climb over boulders and struggling to keep up with the more assured four legged one, as they sweated under the sun and the straps of Harry's bag cut into his shoulders.
"If I'd known there'd be a hike, I'd have left the jug behind," Harry winced and rubbed at his shoulders in remembrance.
"I honestly forget what it's like to try on two legs," Sirius answered honestly, and with a bit of pity. "We didn't really go all through these places until we changed."
Finally the dog vanished into a crevice, and the three wiggled inside to see a spacious cave with Buckbeak tied to a corner.
"So you did actually keep him," Remus chuckled. "I never again want to hear you mock me for bringing home strays."
"Not happening Moony," Sirius shot back at once. "This beast saved my life, the least I can do is keep him around. You dragging in all manner of destruction into our flat with your creature of the month have yet to do the same."
Remus opened his mouth, to argue the point or give another sarcastic response James didn't want to listen to for once, he was too anxious to hear how Sirius was doing in person. That food comment was still lingering badly at the edge of his mind.
All three bowed to the hippogriff, who obliged back, and while Hermione rushed forward to pat him in greeting, Harry turned eyes on his godfather. Sirius was wearing the same ragged garb he'd had on the night he escaped Azkaban,
They all winced, that wasn't a great start, though no real surprise as it probably would have been a chore at best to steal anything better. Most likely if he wasn't on Buckbeak he was Padfoot, so it wasn't even the largest of deals in the grand scheme, but even something as little as this struck deep.
his hair was a long tangle mess again, and he looked extremely thin.
Lily made a noise she knew she wouldn't deny even if she'd been called out on. All her blustering and scolding aside, she was as distraught as the boys at the idea of what Sirius had really been living through.
James and Remus looked like they'd swallowed a lemon at the idea, not even being subtle as they kept a steady eye on their Sirius, here and now looking grumpy but still his usual self. He didn't even seem to realize he kept running his hand through his hair, as if to keep himself in check this wasn't some nasty new form of a mirror being put on him.
He was sitting on the ground, spitting a few newspapers out of his mouth he'd been carrying this whole time, and turned to Harry asking about the chicken he smelled.
'Missed you to Sirius,' Harry thought to himself, not looking to meet anyone's eyes. He still felt responsible for Sirius being in these conditions, and the fact that his Godfathers first request had been for food rather than an actual greeting spoke every level of how horrible it had been.
Harry handed over the bag, and Sirius began digging in at once, while thanking for the food, admitting he'd actually been living on rats.
James hardly got that out before revulsion hit and his throat retched.
"There's some kind of irony in that I'm sure," Sirius said with pure viciousness in his voice as he took in all the disgusted faces around him.
"Sirius-" Remus began weakly, but Sirius cut him off snappishly.
"What? You lot going to sit around and tell me how sorry you are for me? Like that's going to help? Let it go will you, it's my decision."
While true, this didn't make what they were hearing any better, so still fighting down the impulse to run to the kitchen and get Sirius a snack while he had to listen to this, James forced himself to keep going.
He admitted he couldn't be stealing too much food from Hogsmeade, he didn't want to draw attention to himself.
Lily kept a watchful eye on him, waiting for him to start up his bragging that of course he was smart enough to think ahead like this, clearly waiting for someone to mock him to the contrary, but when no one did he instead intensified his glare at all of them so that he actually looked pretty scary. It was clear he was growing sick of their trying to baby him, but none of them were going to be able to shake it off any time soon.
He gave Harry a grin, who only reluctantly returned it.
Harry demanded why Sirius was even here, and Sirius said back he was doing his job as godfather, while gnawing on the chicken bone in a very doglike way.
"Least some things don't change," James shook his head fondly, Sirius had done that long before he'd been an animagus, though he'd admitted he'd donned the habit more in protest of his mother's precious table manners than anything.
Sirius looked pleased enough at the comment, at least his best friend wasn't all doom and gloom.
Sirius told Harry not to worry about it, everyone around here found him a lovable stray. He kept grinning, but when the anxiety didn't leave Harry's face, he kept going seriously
Sirius released a bark of triumphant laughter, clearly never growing tired of when Harry did this the most, before turning to his pup and stating, "no need for the clarification, I say everything Seriously."
"You're right Prongs," Remus groaned, "but sometimes I wish that joke would change."
"Not happening," Sirius stated proudly.
that Harry's last letter had left him uneasy. The papers weren't helping anything, clearly something was getting fishy around here.
He nodded at the yellowing newspapers, which Ron went to investigate.
Harry kept watching Sirius, asking what would happen if someone spotted him.
Sirius waved that off, saying the three of them and Dumbledore were the only ones who knew he was here and that he was an Animagus, still tearing off large pieces of chicken between every word.
Ron got Harry's attention by showing him the headlines, one of which covered the mystery of Crouch's disease,
"One of the symptoms being night time wanderings," Sirius rolled his eyes, still finding this much more fun to think about than himself.
and the other still over the missing Ministry Employee, and that the Minister himself was now looking into it.
"I'm honestly impressed," Lily arched a brow. "Why's she getting so much attention? People have gone missing before."
"Most likely, after ah, this time," Remus wasn't quite sure how to phrase that and since they got the gist he quickly moved past, "I'm sure if it did happen, at least someone could offer up some sort of explanation. As far as we know, she's gone without a single trace. That is media worthy."
"I'd almost rather not have the answer to this one," Sirius shivered for the poor thing.
Harry read the Crouch one first, looking up when he was done about how they made it seem like he was dying.
Ron told Sirius about how Percy was Crouch's underlying, and he just wrote it all off as being overworked.
Harry disagreed, saying how bad he'd looked that night of the Goblet.
Hermione just said it was his own comeuppance for how he'd treated Winky.
"I'm thinking this might be a bit more than that," James shook his head fondly
"Hermione'll just take any excuse to change the subject to house-elves," Sirius snorted.
Saying how she was sure he was regretting his harsh actions now.
Ron informed Sirius about Hermione's house-elf obsession, but rather than exasperated like Ron, Sirius looked intrigued as he asked about Crouch sacking his elf.
"That would be news to me," Sirius agreed, he still found the instance odd, and he'd already heard about it.
Harry recounted the whole Dark Mark event for him.
Sirius pulled yet more chicken out as he made sure he got the whole thing cleared up, clearly being the most interested in Crouch not even appearing at the event of the Cup.
Harry agreed he'd stated he was too busy to come at the time.
Sirius got to his feet as he sucked on the marrow, muttering to himself for a moment before asking Harry if he'd checked his pockets for his wand before he'd left the Top Box?
"Why would you ask?" Remus asked slowly.
"Not really sure," Sirius was frowning at nothing as he tried to guess at his own train of thought...no matter how odd that was.
Harry thought back and admitted he hadn't checked until he'd needed it later, then asking of Sirius if he really thought the caster of the Mark had been in the Top Box?
"Even Sirius wouldn't make such a suicidal leap," Lily dissed the idea.
"If the Malfoy's hadn't been confirmed in with the other Death Eaters, I might argue the point," Remus said fairly.
"But there's no one else up there who could have done it," James agreed.
"Unless Winky stole it for someone," Sirius offered, his brow still ruffled as he tried to put it together.
James scoffed at the idea, saying, "Unless Crouch told her to, I don't buy that. She was clearly all loyal to him, that sounds like a Dobby stunt."
Sirius ran out of ideas, it really didn't make much sense, but something had happened in between it being in Harry's possession and it casting the Mark, they just had not a single clue of what. Harry wasn't helping anyone, arms crossed in a huffy manner as he was well aware the answer was somewhere in Sirius' line of thinking.
Sirius agreed there was a good chance, and Hermione at once snapped it hadn't been Winky!
Sirius agreed she hadn't been the only one up there, asking for a list of everyone.
When Harry recounted the Malfoy's name, Ron suddenly got the idea that it could have been Lucius all along.
Sirius didn't seem to think so, as he asked for anyone else present.
"Well you clearly don't think much of the idea," Remus pointed out.
"Which is a bit off from you," Lily shook her head.
"If Harry explained the whole thing, including Draco telling of his parents being in the Death Eater crowd," Sirius shrugged them off.
"They still seem the most likely," James sighed, then his eyes brightened with understanding, but not pleasure as he offered, "what if it was a handoff. Who wants to put money Karkaroff could have been at that game, supporting his number one student."
They all swallowed that for a moment, but Harry shook his head first, saying very slowly so as not to agitate himself, "I don't think, I mean, I like to think I'd have recognized the voice, and I still haven't heard it since that night."
It was thin, someone shouting a curse could still manage to sound different enough from just casual speaking, but if Harry was disagreeing with an idea, it was best not to argue the point.
When Harry finished, Hermione also pointed out Bagman in the end.
Sirius kept up his pacing and stated all he knew of him was that he was an old Beater.
The four of them felt themselves sink just that little bit lower, again. First the dragons, now this, had Azkaban taken everything away from Sirius? Something of his old Quidditch love and idol of a player should have sparked a life in him at the mention of that name, not just that.
Sirius asked if they'd had any more contact with him, and Harry admitted Bagman had been trying to help Harry out with the Tournament, said he'd taken a liking to Harry.
Hermione pointed out they'd seen him just before the Mark was cast and he disapparated, but Ron said it was ludicrous to think Bagman had done this.
"I can't really buy that," Lily shook her head. "He's been a bit of an idiot, one too many bludgers honestly, but I don't think he's Death Eater material."
Something buzzed in the back of Harry's skull, and for some odd reason his mind flickered to Skeeter, and something she'd said about Bagman...
Hermione stubbornly said back she thought Bagman was still more likely than Winky.
"That I'll give her," James snorted.
Ron looking imploringly at Sirius as he repeated Hermione's obsession with elves.
Sirius though waved Ron silent.
"I'm impressed he listened," Remus couldn't help a little smirk at Sirius. "Looks like you've gotten marginally more menacing to stop someone."
"Wish it would work on you," Sirius grumbled at him.
Sirius instead turned back to Harry and asked what Crouch had done after his elf had been discovered under it.
Harry told how he'd gone through the bushes looking for someone else, and found no one.
Harry still felt like someone had snapped a rubber band on his nose, something in there was a lie, but all he got for it was rubbing in agitation at his temple and ignoring the moment.
Sirius agreed that was in line, Crouch would want to pin this on anyone else but his elf.
Hermione instantly agreed, saying he'd been wrong to sack his elf just for running from that stampeding crowd.
Ron snapped at her to give those elves a rest!
"I can see Ron's point," James said around twitching lips, "I'm sure he's heard this a million times by now, and Sirius has much more important things to be asking than house-elves."
Sirius seemed to be on Hermione's side though, telling Ron that she had a better idea of how Crouch was than Ron. If you wanted to know what a man was like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals.
Lily couldn't stop a violent, and rather vindictive, snort as she looked disbelievingly at him for that one. "You did not just say that with a straight face? After the way you've gone on about elves, I thought you'd be cheering Ron on."
Sirius had a little sneer in place for her benefit as he corrected, "I hate my elf, with good reason. That doesn't mean I'm not going to think less of someone doing the same to theirs if it hasn't done anything wrong. That's sound advice woman, you should be thanking me for bestowing that on your son."
Lily raked her hand through her hair instead of slapping Sirius for the pompous attitude, she found him being a hypocrite more in that moment than wise like he clearly thought himself, but truth be told he wasn't wrong either. Sirius had every right to hate his house-elf in particular at least, but from what she'd gathered he'd clearly treated the ones at Hogwarts with at least as much respect as the rest of the staff, if not more for the free food, which was saying something.
He ran a hand over his unshaven face, evidently thinking hard.
Sirius waited impatiently for a sarcastic comment from anybody asking how hard that was, a witty retort already in place, and was all the more frustrated when it didn't come. Couldn't these guys chill for just one second? They had no problems taking the mickey out of him in here, but clearly none of them were going to be mocking his future self...which still hurt his brain to think about so he let it go.
He was still stuck on the idea of Crouch, saying all of these absences of his from events he'd had such a huge hand in putting together wasn't like him at all. If he'd ever missed a day of work because he was sick, Sirius would eat Buckbeak.
"Best way you could have put that, past the lovely sentiment," Lily crinkled her nose at him.
Harry was surprised that Sirius seemed to know Crouch personally.
Sirius' face darkened so much, that between the menacing scowl and the dark lighting, he looked truly like the murderer Harry had once believed him to be.
Five faces lost every last drop of color at that sentiment, one question on all of their lips, what had Crouch done to Sirius? 
He whispered for their benefit that he only knew Crouch as the man who'd put him in Azkaban without a trial.
Sirius' mouth flopped open in shock, mingled disbelief and hatred suddenly burning away any trace of his joking bravado nature. It was now all too clear to Harry that was indeed an expression of one who could actually go and kill someone, and Sirius had just been given a motive.
"He what?" Lily hissed, the fire blazing in her green eyes matched only by her hair. "They couldn't really, there's no way they-"
"I'm going to kill him," James vowed on the spot. He didn't remember getting to his feet, but he was suddenly pacing all around the room, his wand tapping furiously on his hip and clearly hoping to use it on the first available target. He spat in the fireplace as he passed it but that relieved nothing, he could not get this out of his head!
Remus' lower lip was trembling, it was unclear whether he was fixing to cry or scream. Mostly he just looked diminished. He couldn't help his mind scattering to the first person that he would have called to for help with this, but Dumbledore had actually allowed this to happen! He was Supreme Mugwump, Crouch may have held off the trial but he would have had to pass it by Dumbledore to be skipped, which had never been passed in their history! Even someone brought in as a confirmed and known Death Eater was granted a trial, but Sirius hadn't even been given that! What the bloody hell was the matter with this! It only marginally explained their earlier plights and complaints that Sirius shouldn't have been sent there at all, one moment in front of an actual person should have proven Sirius' innocence, now they all realized he' never even been allowed that chance!
While Harry knew he was just as angry as the rest of them, he tried to keep some perspective. While outraged on behalf of Sirius for this slight, Harry just knew there was something important about this conversation, something Sirius was going to tell him that would make all the difference to this year. He really didn't want to be the one to call attention to himself, any of them were likely to spring into deadly action at a moment's notice now, but it spoke volumes of Harry's time here when he cleared his throat and hardly winced at all eyes falling on him. "I am begging you guys to remember this hasn't technically happened yet," he gestured vaguely to his still fuming godfather. "Crouch'll never get the chance to do this to him," he promised with much more conviction than he felt.
No one looked appeased enough to move past this, James was still pacing manically around the room and looked as likely to kiss Snape as pretend this wasn't going to weigh on him whether it had technically happened yet or not. Sirius should never have been in Azkaban to begin with, that thought had never once left his mind since he'd heard about this, and yet somehow the level of bad got worse at this news. He didn't know how to go back to simply reading a book after this kind of news, he was entirely certain he couldn't get the words out anyways through his red vision.
The book had been left in James's vacant seat, and Harry uneasily reached for it like it was the Monster Book of Monsters, ready to bite his hand the moment he touched the cover. No one made to stop him, though a few throats vibrated a warning growl that promised screaming would resume at a moment's notice. Harry's fingers fumbled across several pages, possibly earning a few paper cuts as he found his place, but that Gryffindor bravery, or thickness he was sure Ron would say, shone through as he forced himself to go on in this atmosphere.
The three of them gasped in surprise, while Harry demanded to know if he was kidding, but Sirius simply said he wasn't while taking another bite of food.
Harry paused hopefully, though in vain. He'd been hoping at least Sirius, who'd laughed off plenty of terrible things before, would at least make a crack he could discuss anything over food, but clearly it was not to be forthcoming.
Crouch had been head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement at the time.
"He won't be holding that position long when I get a hold of him," Lily snarled. She'd put up with his horrid ways for long enough because he'd been using them against Death Eaters, proven Death Eaters! This was, unprecedented!
He'd even been tipped for the next Minister of Magic. Crouch was a powerful wizard,
"Bet you nearly bit your tongue off getting that out," Remus sighed, his voice still coming out so quiet no one was really sure what he'd said and didn't ask for a repeat.
and power hungry. He caught the look on Harry's face and quickly corrected he was no Voldemort supporter, Crouch was the opposite. Then again, a lot of people against the Dark, but he trailed himself off saying they were too young to understand.
"Hurtful," Harry yelped at once.
Sirius gave him an even look, but finally that face was starting to wobble. It was clear he could have held it for hours yet if left to stew, but he'd never want Harry to really see him like this, so even if it didn't really work he tried to force something resembling his more normal self as he said, "well, hopefully I get over the delusion that you're fourteen. Obviously you're much older and I just need my eyes checked."
While it was clear he was going for a joke and apology all at the same time, Harry still grumbled mutinously for a bit, wondering if Sirius would reach the same conclusion in his own time.
Ron said in protest that's what his dad had told him, why wouldn't Sirius give them a try?
A grin flashed across Sirius' thin face.
"That's why you need to keep Ron around, it's good to know he can still get to me." Sirius sighed, losing the fight to keep himself tensed for a fight and instead slumping back in his seat, now just looking defeated. It was almost as bad as his anger, like he'd accepted this was his fate to come and he may as well enjoy himself in the meantime.
Everyone else refused to believe that, whatever self-punishment Sirius clearly still felt towards himself had not gone away no matter the farce he put up, but around a dry throat all James could do was what he'd always fall back on. Pick on his best friend. "Oh, now you agree with me, after the fact. Typical of you."
Sirius listlessly stuck his tongue out at him, the gesture more pouting than admitting a point like normal.
He agreed he'd give them a try, pacing back and forth a few more times before beginning.
Remus couldn't stop just the smallest of smiles gracing his features. James and Sirius were so alike sometimes, about things they didn't even realize. Only one instance being that they both tended to pace when they were upset or thinking hard, like the motion helped generate better ideas for them.
He began by recounting how it had felt to the rest of the world for Voldemort to be all powerful, no one to trust and no one to turn to. People did terrible things and no one could stop them.
"Don't have to think too hard to imagine that," Sirius muttered at Harry's side, going slightly cross eyed at himself saying this in past tense. It probably still felt like days ago to an after Azkaban Sirius, where time didn't mean much in that prison except endless torture.
You were scared for yourself, your family, everyone you cared about. Every time you turned around there was more news of death, disappearances, and even torture. The Ministry was not keeping a handle on anything, and Muggles were dying left and right.
There was nothing but panic in everyone.
"You do a lovely painting, I thought James was the artist," Remus quipped at Sirius loudly enough to be heard this time.
Sirius gave him a pleased enough smile, he'd heard that hint of longing in Remus' voice for this to be a past rather than present. James didn't find it nearly as funny, giving him a light swat on his next pass through, but at least he'd tucked his wand away.
Times like that brought out the best in some, and the worst in others.
"Clearly some people shouldn't be in this at all," Lily said flatly.
Crouch had been a rising star from the beginning, a voice for the Ministry that they weren't going to let this stand. He dealt out the harshest punishments on anyone slightly associated with Voldemort, granted powers to Aurors for people to be killed rather than captured. Sirius hadn't been the only one to get sent away without a trial.
Harry couldn't get that out without stuttering a bit, knowing it was foolish to fear for his life from them but it still wasn't passing easily through their ears without inciting more violent outbursts; made all the worse at the realization Sirius wasn't the only one treated like this. Yet more innocent people had likely died in this place because of Crouch!
Crouch fought violence with violence, and authorized the use of the Unforgivable Curses against suspects.
Lily blanched in horror. Talk of that was being passed along now, clearly it had gone through. She had been talking to her boys about this just last week, it was the root of all their snide comments about Crouch following whatever rules he saw fit.
Crouch became as ruthless as those he was fighting. Most seemed to agree with his methods and were begging him to take the top spot. When Voldemort vanished, it seemed obvious Crouch would get just that.
Remus opened his mouth to ask how on earth Sirius would know a thing like that, he'd been in prison by the time that came about, but not only did no one here know the answer, it would only be a sharp reminder in an already ugly room.
Then it all changed when Crouch's own son was brought in with a group of Death Eaters.
Harry got a zing tracing from the peak of his scar, marking all the way down to his toes. That was it, that was the bit of crucial information he was so sure he learned from Sirius. What on earth significant could that hold?
"Crouch has a son?" James asked in surprise, his steps finally faltering as his murderous thoughts were derailed and he was successfully pulled fully back into the story.
"I've never heard that," Lily said in shock. "I mean, sure I don't know the family members of everyone in my department, but I usually at least know who does and doesn't have kids. He's never mentioned it."
"Didn't you hear the rest of that?" Remus asked with disgust. "I can understand why if he's been hanging around Death Eaters, I wouldn't go parading that around in that sort of job."
Maybe before they'd have felt bad for Crouch, none of them could imagine what it would feel like for Harry to turn to Voldemort's side, but now that they knew what Crouch would indubitably do, all they felt was more hatred for the guy. He was clearly making examples out of others to show distance from his child, most likely why he'd never even mentioned him. That fallout had landed on Sirius for one.
Hermione was shocked to hear Crouch has a son?
Sirius agreed, while throwing himself back into the dirt. He tossed all his leftover bones to Buckbeak, while he continued saying it had come as a nasty shock for Crouch's own family to be pushed into the spotlight like that. It was probably his own fault, he should have gone home early for once and spent time with his own kid.
He then found the loaf of bread and began wolfing that down.
"I don't think I eat like Moony?" Sirius told Harry innocently, now receiving a slap from James as he passed him next. Sirius didn't regret it, as the lame joke finally ceased his best friend's incessant tread and he slammed back down on Harry's other side mutinously.
"Oh give that back," he grumbled, offering his hand out while Harry watched him uneasily. "I might need it to crack his head open next."
Harry gave it back, a little too willingly in Sirius' heads opinion, and James forced himself to continue reading. He still wasn't happy about it, but wearing out the carpet wasn't helping him, at least this way he could read past Sirius' insistent jokes rather than letting Harry laugh at them like he was prone to do.
Harry asked if his son really was a Death Eater?
For some reason Harry wanted to laugh at the question from himself, something in him clamoring to say that was obvious, of course he was, but the feeling subsided instantly and Harry was instead left listening to the blistering tones of James forcing himself to read about Crouch's personal life rather than him being burned alive.
Sirius said he had no clue if he'd really been, while stuffing himself with bread.
"You're going to make yourself sick," Lily couldn't help but scold maternally. "You've gone from hardly eating a thing to a lot of greasy and heavy foods. What good's that going to do you?"
"Yes mum," Sirius rolled his eyes at her, trying to hide his flashing smile.
He was in Azkaban when the guy was brought in,
James could not ever get that out without some interesting colorful tones threatening violence and death for that having to be a thing.
this was all stuff he'd found out after he'd escaped.
Remus still wanted to ask where that could have been from, even vaguely hoping it could have been from himself though unlikely as he didn't particularly keep up with politics, but then again Remus like to think he'd have at least kept an eye on Crouch; the man who did this to Sirius. Was that giving himself too much credit, since he clearly hadn't cared a lick for Sirius during this time? Great, now he was depressing himself as much as he was over Sirius.
The boy was certainly caught in the company Sirius would bet his life were Death Eaters, but it could have been wrong place, wrong time like the elf.
"Surprised you used a house-elf over yourself in that instance," Lily whispered softly.
Sirius watched her steadily for a moment, his expression hard to read as he told, "I got caught because I didn't run Lily, that's hardly wrong time and place."
His face spasmed, showing the deep regret and hate he had for himself, letting himself get caught, this stupid situation still falling on him though that rat had set everything in motion. He controlled himself quick enough, that cocky mask back in place as he added on to egg her on, "thought that would have given me some brownie points from you? I just compared myself to a lowly house-elf."
She shook her head fondly at him, she wasn't going to rise to Sirius' bait.
Hermione asked how hard Crouch had tried to get his son off?
Sirius let out a sharp bark of laughter.
"Always a warning of trouble," Remus muttered.
Sirius grinned and gave Harry a wink, he'd never thought to describe his type of laugh like that, but he loved Harry putting it like that for him.
Telling her he'd thought she realized better.
"I would have thought he'd think more of his child than his elf," Lily squeaked. She hadn't gained back any of her normal color tone, the fresh news of Sirius' incarceration still heavy on everyone, but still she somehow managed to look all the worse at this news.
"I'm not even going to pretend to be surprised," James muttered lowly, he now knew he'd never put anything past Crouch after what he'd just had further evidence of.
Crouch's fatherly affection stretched just far enough to give his son a trial,
"Oh well hallelujah he gives someone one!" Remus snapped instantly, his spine threatening to crack in half he jerked so hard at that statement.
and the whole show had been so everyone could see how much he hated the boy before he was given to the dementors.
Sirius read the shock on Harry's face and nodded along, not looking remotely amused as he told how they'd brought him right past his own bars.
James made a sound like a kicked puppy, the image swimming before his eyes of Sirius' wasted face having to look through bars and watch all of this, hearing the screams of this guy shouting all this. He shook himself so hard to shake that off he nearly tossed his glasses across the room and forced himself to keep going, anything to focus on rather than that.
He'd couldn't have been more than nineteen, screaming for his mother to help him, but he'd gone quiet by nightfall, most of them did. Except the ones who continued even in their sleep.
Sirius couldn't pretend anymore. He'd been trying to force this off since he'd found out what Crouch had done to him, but everything in him was crumbling at the dead way James was reading that. He started shaking so violently the couch trembled with him, his fingers digging into the cushion to anchor him to this life right here, and they'd have to wrench it away from his limp fingers before he wound up like that.
Harry didn't even think about it this time as he wormed up to Sirius, pulling him into a hug for protection, but words failed him. He still held a deep sense of regret whenever he thought too hard about comforting Sirius, something in Harry telling him his godfather was doomed which wasn't a pleasant thing at all to be considering in light of this.
Lily reacted much better, scrambling to her feet and perching on the arm of the sofa, running her nails gently through his hair and promising, "It's alright Padfoot, that's not happening."
The oddity of Lily calling him that managed to win out, his movements going from violent shaking, to jerking, and finally stilling. He remained hunched in on himself, hardly speaking loud enough, "I don't want to end up like that."
"You won't," Remus croaked, even that had been hard to force out past his tight chest, but it was worth it when Sirius glanced up at him. His dark gray eyes were at war, he wanted to believe him but the image had trapped him better than any Devil's Snare.
Remus sighed, he knew he would regret what he was fixing to do, but at this point he'd suffer for it just to take that look off of his friends face. He gave James a steady look as he sated, "I'm serious."
James reacted almost instantly, some things really never died as he remarked, "Nope, he is," giving Sirius a winning smile.
Sirius blinked spastically at the pair of them before tackling both of them with a hug, then laughing his arse of as he declared, "you haven't done that since first year!" It was mostly for show, but Sirius would rather pet a dragon than let his friends get away with doing this.
"That joke wore off after Christmas, you were the only one who wouldn't let it go after the fact," Remus reminded.
Still not completely able to hide swimming eyes, Sirius forced himself back to his seat and caught Lily before she could sneak away. "Thanks sis," without a hint of mocking.
She met his eyes steadily, while flicking his nose like scolding a dog and saying, "you're welcome love."
Sirius rubbed absently at his nose, but knew he'd take that over the wallop he knew she owed him.
James watched Sirius steadily for a few moments longer, but he considered it mission accomplished when his best friend turned back to him expectantly, waving his hand theatrically for James to continue. James knew a farce when he saw one, Sirius was still on the verge of a real panic attack again at his life heading towards that prison, but James would be remiss if he just sat here and let Sirius wallow in that instead of finding something else to do.
For a moment, the deadened look in Sirius' eyes became more pronounced than ever, as though shutters had closed behind them.
No one in here needed to picture that, they'd just gotten the live version, and hoped to never see it again. That fact that he was all alone in there, with no one to really turn that light back on, caused the room to feel as if it had been iced over already with a dementors presence.
Harry asked if he was still in Azkaban, and Sirius corrected he was dead. Died less than a year after he'd been brought in.
At their surprise, Sirius bitterly agreed most who went mad in there, stopped eating soon enough.
Sirius suddenly wasn't Sirius anymore, but instead had poofed into Padfoot for no clear reason other than to bark in Harry's ear, lunge across his lap and lick obstinately at James' ear, and then start running around the room, only pausing to occasionally bite at his tail. The others weren't sure whether to laugh or call for a Mediwizard, whether it would have worked or not, as they wondered if he'd really just snapped, but then he froze, fur bristling at James. James more than anyone was used to figuring out silent language, and the intent was clear, 'get on with it.'
He couldn't believe himself when he actually managed a weak chuckle, but he supposed the logic was sound. Sirius had survived that place as Padfoot for twelve years, he clearly felt he was only going to get through the rest of this mess in the same state.
Most lost the will to live, and you could always tell when a death was coming, it was when the dementors got the most excited.
Remus had never wished to be Moony in his life, but he suddenly envied Sirius. He still understood what they were saying, as he kept his tail high in the air and sniffed at Remus' boots most likely out of sheer something else to do with himself, but it was in a more simplistic nature filtered through those ears. He could still process everything being said and yet not have to face a reaction, something they all were wishing for by this time.
Crouch's boy had looked sick enough being brought in. His father's position being what it was, Crouch and his wife had been allowed a visit to the deathbed. That was the last time Crouch saw his son, half carrying his dead wife past Sirius' own cell.
If Harry hadn't been so distracted watching Padfoot suddenly leap onto his lap, which he was far too big for, Harry knew he would have considered much more carefully the significance of that.
James reached over absently and gave Sirius a mock pat on the head, a silent promise this was all almost over.
Mrs. Crouch had died not long after, grief most likely. Crouch had never come again for his son's body, and the dementors had buried it just outside the prison, Sirius had watched them do it.
James was entirely sure that was bile slicking over his tongue, his hand suddenly trembling in the fur. The distraction of the wet tongue lapping at his fingers, and then Sirius leaping cleanly over the table to start chasing his tail again the only thing that saved another vomiting session appearing. James was sorely tempted by this point to pass the book to Harry and join him as Prongs, on his life he'd never forced himself to read anything as painful as Sirius recounting his time in Azkaban.
Harry had no want to ask about Azkaban when it had been such a horrid topic for Sirius, but the question had lingered in the back of his mind so he figured he could ask now, which seemed fairer than later when he'd have to see Sirius' face again. "If only prisoners and Dementors are in Azkaban, how does that work? How do the prisoners get fed, and like go to the bathroom and stuff?"
"There's bathrooms in the cells, and the food's shipped in," Lily sighed heavily, building up a mental rant in her head she was going to save for Sirius' human ears about him tearing around her carpet with those huge feet that had unclipped claws on the end. If he tore stitches out of her rug, she was going to make him repair that without magic.
Harry did not press for more, knowing he'd pushed his luck for now when James kept going without waiting to see if Harry was done for once.
Sirius didn't bother finishing what was left of his bread, throwing that to Buckbeak as well as he went for the pumpkin juice and draining half of it in one long gulp.
Wiping the rest off his lips, he continued explaining that Crouch had lost all his popularity in that one move. Going from the hero, to the town gossip. People judged him for what had become of his son, thinking if he'd spent more time with him he wouldn't have turned out like that.
"I believe that," Remus said at once, he couldn't wrap his mind around Crouch caring about anything ever again. Not after all this.
So now Fudge had the job, and Crouch was shunted to another department.
Silence beat through the cave after all that. Harry felt he finally understood Crouch's overreaction to finding Winky under the Dark Mark.
"Makes a twisted amount of sense," Lily sighed in agreement.
He'd probably been having flashbacks to a time when his own son had been accused of the same Dark Arts.
Harry told Sirius about how Moody thought Crouch was obsessed with catching Dark wizards.
Sirius nodded along, saying that didn't surprise him. Sirius guessed Crouch was under the delusion if he caught just one more Death Eater, his name would be popular again.
"Let's hope it's a real one, and not just a name," James murmured to himself, keeping an eye on the dog that was finally pretending like he was going to settle, stretching out in front of the fire and closing his eyes, but keeping his ears perked and listening. The message was clear, he'd change back when the chapter was over, he wasn't risking anything else until otherwise.
Ron finished with triumph that was the reason he'd gone into Snape's office.
"Triumphantly?" Remus tore his own protective eyes away from Padfoot to look curiously at James and the book. "What did Ron just latch onto?"
"You're clearly not following along anymore," Lily snorted at him. "Ron's as convinced as we are Snape's a Death Eater, and I can't say I'll be displeased if Crouch does put him away for it," she finished nastily.
"I got that," he waved her off, "but was anyone disagreeing for him to be throwing that around?"
Lily shrugged without response for that.
Sirius shook his head and said that didn't make any sense.
"Apparently Sirius is," Harry noted, looking to his godfather in surprise, who was still pretending he was asleep, clearly not even up to defending himself and still content to let the book do it.
Ron tried to argue back, but Sirius waved him down, pointing out if Crouch wanted to spy on Snape he'd have the perfect opportunity by coming to all these Hogwarts events.
A sharp breath of air was released from the wet slit nostrils, if a dog could be quietly yet smugly triumphant Padfoot was doing it.
"Oh hush you," James sighed without looking up, "if you were thinking it, you should have said it."
Harry asked if Sirius thought Snape was up to anything?
Hermione pointed out Dumbledore clearly trusted Snape,
"And that means nothing to us," Lily said bitterly, her temper flaring at the mention of his name as well as Crouch's.
but Ron cut her off by saying as brilliant as Dumbledore was, it didn't mean a Dark wizard couldn't pull one over on him.
She shot back why had Snape saved Harry's life in first year then?
"Things change," James snapped sourly, "Voldemort hadn't been on the verge of a comeback then. Clearly his priorities went from hating me yet still heeding being a teacher, to appeasing Riddle."
One sharp bark of a laughter came from Padfoot, his tail wagging from side to side a bit at that.
"I remember agreeing to call him that," Remus smirked at James as well. "I'm glad you didn't let us forget."
Harry cut off their argument by asking Sirius' opinion, which shut the other two up.
Lily pressed her fingers to her lips to hide her smile, she wasn't going to let Sirius see how amusing she found it Sirius had managed to stop those kids picking at each other, when Sirius was the source of nearly every fight going on in here.
Sirius admitted they both had a good point. He'd been blasted to find out Snape was working at Hogwarts, he'd always been fascinated by the Dark Arts even as a slimy little kid.
"He just hit the tip of the iceberg," Remus shook his head fondly. "I've heard worse things from him on his good days about Snape." Clearly Sirius was still as lost in his own thoughts in that time to have used such mild insults.
Snape had known more curses coming into that school than some seventh years, and his gang of Slytherin friends had all turned into Death Eaters.
Lily bit at the inside of her cheek, pain welling up inside her chest as she fought to try and say otherwise. Even though she knew the truth, it still hurt that had ended up being so true.
He began ticking off those old names, Rosier and Wilkes who were killed by Aurors after Voldemort fell,
"Wicked," the three Order members suddenly perked up at that information, any failed Death Eaters was good news for them, especially in light of the fact they'd yet to come across a single member of their own group who'd survived past Voldemort's downfall as well.
the Lestranges who were a married couple in Azkaban,
Sirius made a 'humph' noise from his spot on the hearth, and Harry didn't need a translator to realize Sirius was adamantly saying they more than deserved it.
Avery, who'd talked himself out of a cell by saying he'd been under the Imperius curse.
"Something else that will be fixed," Lily's eyes flashed in outrage at hearing of this happening, again.
Yet Snape had never even been accused. This didn't mean much, plenty of them were never even suspected, and Snape was clever enough to keep himself out.
"That's got to be the nicest thing he's ever said about him," James shook his head in disgust.
"We never underestimated him," Remus reminded, "you were the one who near constantly reminded us to keep our checks up for him, he was the quickest to grow wise to when we were up to something. That falls under clever, to keep up with us."
"You boys fascinate me, with the amount of arrogance you hold. How the castle held your fat heads I'll never know," Lily pleasantly informed them while James smirked and Sirius' shoulders shook in silent laughter.
Ron pointed out how Snape and Karkaroff knew each other, but were trying to keep that quiet.
Harry told Sirius what he'd seen yesterday, about how they were upset about something on Karkaroff's arm.
Sirius seemed bewildered about the arm comment,
"Darn," James sighed, "Sirius has actually been a wealth of information so far," most of it something none of them would ever want to hear again, they all mentally agreed, "yet you couldn't answer that one."
It wasn't physically possible for a dog to actually 'stick' its tongue out at anyone, but the pink muscle lolling out of the side of his mouth was point enough.
but said that if Karkaroff was running to Snape for answers, that couldn't be good. He lapsed into a frustrated silence for a moment before continuing that if Dumbledore trusted Snape, than they had to trust Dumbledore for now. Sirius just couldn't see Dumbledore hiring anyone who once worked for Voldemort.
That spiked some different feelings in everyone. Remus threw Sirius a grateful look, unbelievably happy that at least someone other than him was at least still trying to hold out hope Dumbledore wasn't completely this thing putting them through hell.
James and Lily weren't entirely sure they agreed with that assessment, they were absolutely convinced Snape had been a Death Eater at some point, and for Dumbledore not to know was not possible. Yet the headmaster must have some profound reasoning then for keeping Snape an employee. What those reasons were though, they still weren't getting an answer.
Sirius shifted his weight around, his dark gray eyes reflecting back the firelight and causing some dancing shadows to pattern back on the walls in a rather eerie fashion. Harry's mind flashed back to when he'd feared this sight, and knew this would have at one point caused him heart failure to see the Grim so casually watching this room. Now Harry instead forced his mind to get away from that question he was sure he had an answer to, and instead wondered what it must feel like for a tongue to be scraping so harshly over canines and if that hurt while his large body panted next to the heat.
Ron insisted there must be a reason Crouch and Moody were going through Snape's office.
"Got to give him credit," James shook his head fondly, "I give anyone points who fights back with Sirius."
"You're giving yourself too much credit," Lily snipped back, "he's hardly the mastermind you seem to think."
Sirius made a yip noise of protest, but Lily just glared back at him. The message was clear, she wasn't taking it back unless he changed back.
He stood up, spun in a circle, and plopped back down with his back to them instead like a pouting child.
"I was actually speaking of you dear," James told his wife while watching Padfoot with worry growing eyes. They'd moved past the Azkaban talk, and James was really starting to want his best friend back. "I've never met anyone so willing to verbally spar with him."
"Flatterer," she scolded with a quirk of her lips.
Sirius agreed Moody wasn't something to underestimate, but he'd always been fair. Hauled in anyone he could get away with and tried not to resort to violence. Crouch though, that was a different story. If he wasn't ill, what was he playing at? What's he been doing rather than attending the schools event?
"He just managed to ask every question we have been this whole time," Remus rolled his eyes in exasperation.
They all stayed silent for a time after that, the only noise Buckbeak snooping around for any bones he'd missed.
Sirius was the first to break the silence, turning to Ron and asking about Percy, wondering if Ron could send a message to him asking about any news from Crouch?
"I'd think he's already been asked that a dozen times over," Lily scoffed. "If he's in charge of the department, he would have told someone by now if he'd actually seen his boss."
"Maybe he might mention something to Ron though," Remus shrugged in Sirius' defense.
Ron agreed he'd try.
Sirius also suggested dropping a question about Bertha, see if there was any more recent news on her.
Harry told about Bagman telling him more recently there wasn't.
Sirius said he wasn't going to take Bagman at word, he'd been quoted saying how bad he thought of Bertha's memory. Sirius though had known her differently, she'd been in school at the same time as him, and she'd had an excellent use of her memory by dishing out the school's gossip.
Harry remembered back to Bertha being mentioned in the same light in here, and Harry had a feeling it wasn't Sirius' memories or Bertha that was different. It was most likely in fact, something very important about her memories that got her into so much trouble...
He could easily picture her being a liability to the Ministry, which is why it may have taken them so long to go looking for her.
He cut himself off with a weary shake of his head, asking what time it was?
Hermione told it was half past three, and Sirius told them to get back to school. Then he gave Harry a particularly hard look,
Harry tried to look innocent of whatever he was sure Sirius was fixing to tell him, which wasn't fooling anyone, not even the canine who managed another huffing laugh with his back still turned to the lot of them.
as he told them not to come back out here unless Sirius said to. Just keep sending notes, he still wanted to hear if anything else odd was happening. They were not to go wandering around out here though, it would be too easy for them to be attacked.
"I love paranoid Sirius," Lily said sincerely, starting to feel some worry herself, she wasn't used to not hearing Sirius speak for so long. "He actually gives good advice."
Sirius gave her a happy little wag of his tail for that.
Harry shot back the only danger he'd been in this year was from a dragon and a grindylow.
Sirius scowled at Harry, telling him not to get lax. He wasn't going to be breathing easily until this was over in June. Then he added on not to go calling him by name in public, and instead they should use Snuffles.
Three collective snorts of laughter appeared for that, Sirius was even so distracted he rolled over to watch them laugh at this.
"I think I get it," Lily said with a small smile. "Sirius told Harry to call him that because he and Remus are the only ones who would understand who that's referring to."
Remus was frowning in consternation, thinking over in his head what all Sirius and Harry had and could be writing to each other over, and grudgingly saying, "yeah, I guess, and if he's thinking of hiding it from a certain someone," he got out through only slightly gritted teeth, "I guess it would make sense not to go with Padfoot."
James wasn't nearly as amused at the reminder for the secrecy, and in all honesty he was entirely certain that rat could pick up on Sirius' handwriting if anything so it still wasn't much use in hiding it from him if he was trying to intercept their letters, but he wasn't going to knock his best friend's paranoia either.
He gave Harry back his bag and said he'd walk with them back to Hogsmeade, try to find another newspaper.
He turned back into the black dog and led the way back down to the stile. He waited patiently as they each gave him a pat on the head, before he vanished back into the shadows.
Harry felt something very heavy sinking down into the pit of him. Somehow, he just knew the next time he saw his godfather wasn't going to be a good thing...
The others weren't feeling much better, each wanting to rub it in that they'd been right all along, Sirius coming back around had been more terrible than anything, though ironically the worst on the man himself.
Padfoot was stretching leisurely and getting back to his feet, shaking himself off as he watched James fingering the last page of this chapter.
The three of them headed back to Hogwarts, Ron asking if Percy knew all that stuff about Crouch?
"I really wouldn't think so," Lily frowned to herself, "I can't help thinking that isn't common knowledge. Crouch would want to keep that as hushed up as possible, and if he didn't talk about his family much before, I wouldn't think he would afterwards."
Then answering himself that he probably wouldn't care, he'd just admire Crouch more for it.
"That's disgusting," Remus yelped in shock. "Ron can't really mean that," his mind had instantly flashed back to the panicky older brother, sobbing and dragging his kid brother out of an icy lake after thinking something had happened to him.
"Yeah, I think Ron's exaggerating on this one," James agreed sadly. "Even Percy's not that bad."
Harry felt a bone deep shiver that he in no way wanted to pretend to process. Surely he was just getting a chill from sitting still so long...Percy would never turn his back on his family like that...
Hermione was shocked at him, telling him Percy would never hand over his family to dementors.
Ron shrugged her off, saying he just might if they stood in the way of his career.
"Oh please stop," Lily whispered as Padfoot froze in place. It was clear he'd been fixing to change back to a person, but at one last mention of those dementors, he released a high pitched keening noise and roughly shook his head as if to scare off a gnat.
They walked back to the smells of dinner starting, and Ron told Harry how much he should appreciate poor Snuffles, living off of rats just to be around.
"That's the least awful thing I've heard about myself recently," Sirius grumbled as he stumbled slightly on his two feet, before going over to James and taking the book away.
I promise Padfoot popping up like that won't become a regular occurrence, no matter how much I loved writing like that, but I can't say he won't ever come back either...
*That whole conversation happened between me and nahte123456.
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writingmyselfout · 3 years
Because I Could Not Stop for Death - Chapter Three
Language: English
Rating: Teen+
Pairing: Hermione Granger/Harry Potter
Tags: AU - Canon Divergence, Reptilia28′s Don’t Fear the Reaper Challenge, Manipulative Dumbledore, Black Hermione Granger, Slight Ron Weasley Bashing
Prologue 1 2
Chapter 3: Here We Are, No One Else
Summary: School shopping.
SNAPE and McGonagall wait until they are outside, standing a short ways from the steps of Gringotts but still clearly visible for anyone coming out of the doors to discuss their recent discovery.
    “Severus, if memory serves, the Potters were wealthy, were they not?” McGonagall questions, looking around for a moment as she clasps her hands behind her back.
    “Yes.” Snapes tone is bitter as he agrees. “Quite.”
    McGonagall nods her head. “As I thought. So James Potter was likely the sole heir, and would have in turn left everything to Harry. I cannot imagine he, and especially not Lily Evans -- bright girl that she was--would have been so careless as to not leave a will in case of their demise. Not with how things were back then.”
    “Highly unlikely.” Snape’s arms are crossed, eyes on the bank’s doors. “Perhaps Albus Dumbledore was who they chose, because of You-Know-Who.” Despite his words, it does not sound like the Potions Master himself believes that to be the case.
    “Could be,” McGonagall concedes. “But considering how close knit James’ group of friends were, however, I find it hard to believe though. Only one of them might have been viable in the end, but considering he was the most responsible of the lot, I can’t say I’m not confused that Remus Lupin was not named as a guardian for Harry in case the worst came to pass.”
    She pauses, seeming to consider her next words before continuing, voice a little lower. “I am concerned with Albus’s decision to not only leave Harry with Lily’s sister and her family in light of what we saw, but to not once check up on the boy in nearly ten years. At the very least, the boy has been neglected, and at worse-” She looks over at Snape, expression grim. “I shudder to think.
    “Not to speak ill of the headmaster, but I must question his motive for leaving the child alone in that situation for as long as he has.”
    “He, perhaps, was simply more optimistic about what awaited Harry in Petunia’s care,” Snape offers diplomatically. “Regardless, while he is the boy’s guardian in the wizarding world, he will have the ultimate say in various things, including access to the Potters’ will and whoever else may have been named guardian.”
    “At least not until guardianship passes to Harry’s Head of House.” McGonagall considers. “I could speak with Albus about the will, but with the term due to begin soon, it may be better to simply wait for that guardianship to transfer over.”
    Snape is quiet for a moment, before he points out, “If he is in Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw, Flitwick and Sprout will leave Harry’s guardianship in the headmaster’s hands.” It’s hard to tell whether he thinks that’s for the best or not, his tone even.
    “I think if concerns were raised regarding the boy’s upbringing, both Filius or Pomona would take a more active role than that,” McGonagall argues. “Considering both James and Lily were Gryffindor, however, I suspect I’ll have another lion.”
    “It would be in his own best interest,” Snape states flatly. “I don’t imagine he would be all that welcomed among the Slytherin fold.”
    He does not need to elaborate for her, and McGonagall says nothing, knowing that among her students, many are the offspring of parents who had remained neutral or openly sided with the dark wizard Harry is famed for bringing down. Many of those students, unfortunately, belong mostly to Slytherin. Although she tries to treat her students fairly, and most of all to separate them from whatever deeds their families may be responsible for, she can’t deny that it may be in Harry’s best interest and safety to be in any other House.
    Before their conversation can continue, they see the hulking figured of Hagrid coming out of Gringotts, with the more diminutive Harry only visible when the groundskeeper stands aside to hold the door open for the boy. The deputy headmistress lifts a hand to draw their attention.
    “That was amazing!” Harry gushes, eyes bright. “It was like riding a rollercoaster!”
    “A Muggle ride,” Snape explains at McGonagall’s raised eyebrow and glance.
    “Infernal carts,” Hagrid grumbles under his breath. “Harry’s got more ‘an enough teh get his school supplies. I’m off fer a pick-me-up in the Leaky Cauldron.”
    He starts to walk away from them, but stops at McGonagall’s stern, “Hagrid.”
    “Yes, professor?”
    “While I can’t say for certain, I do have my suspicions as to what it was that Albus had you come pick up,” she lectures. “It would be best for you to take it back to Hogwarts promptly, don’t you agree?”
    “Well, yes, but.” Hagrid shifts from one foot to the other like a schoolboy who’s been scolded, and Harry tries to stifle a grin at the sight. The big man looks back the way they came in, towards the pub at the end of the road. “It’s just one drink.”
    McGonagall sighs. “Fine, but I shall accompany you until you leave. For my own peace of mind,” she declares. She looks over at Snape and Harry. “Harry, for your uniform requirements you’ll need to go over there to Madam Malkin’s Robes for All Occasions. Just let her know you’re starting at Hogwarts; she knows what you’ll need and get you measured.”
    “I assume you can handle that without supervision,” Snape adds. “I will get your books at Flourish and Blotts in the meantime to save time. I will get you after.”
    With that plan in place, Harry goes off to the shop he’d been directed to, a coin pouch full of more money than he’s ever had access to bouncing in a pocket. Hagrid had given him a brief rundown of the coins, and he thinks he’s got it squared away, but he’s not too worried about being overcharged. The professors had felt confident he could manage on his own for a bit, and they surely wouldn’t have if they thought he might be overcharged or cheated.
    Still, he’s nervous as he enters the shop, whose front room has some seats, but is mostly floor to ceiling bolts of fabric, with a few ready-made robes apparently for, as the shop sign declares, all occasions. Some mannequins are spread throughout, floating in the air and rotating softly to best display the styles. He stops a few steps in, hoping that the ringing of the shop bell will bring someone over as he’s not sure where to go.
    Some curtains hanging between two tall shelves of fabric are suddenly pulled aside and a smiling, squat woman dressed entirely in mauve--from the witch’s hat on her head to the bit of shoe visible just under her matching robes--comes out.
    “Another for Hogwarts?” she asks. At Harry’s quiet nod, she waves him over. “Come on, then. I’m Madam Malkin. I’ve another student back here as well.”
    Harry walks over and she leads him into the backroom of the shop. Sure enough, there’s a boy being directed to stand up on a footstool. His blonde hair is almost white and the eyes that look over at Harry as he comes over to stand on the stool next to him are light grey. Harry feels like he has seen him somewhere before, although he can’t possibly say where, and thinks it may be down to the same feeling that had come over him when he first saw his Hogwarts letter. That déjà vu feeling is becoming so familiar now, and has worked out so well for him thus far, that he doesn’t think to question it.
    “Hi,” Harry says, not waiting for the boy to greet him first. “Are you starting at Hogwarts too?” Harry belatedly realizes it might seem like a stupid question. He’s not sure if there even are other magic schools in the country. Surely in other countries, right?
    “Hello. I am.” The boy confirms in a drawl. “Mother is next door getting books while my father is over on Knockturn. She wants us to look at wands after, but I think I’ll drag them off to look at racing brooms. I don’t see why first years can’t have their own.”
    “Is it just first years who can’t?” Harry asks, interrupting. He’s stunned at the idea of actually riding a broom, like in cartoon depictions of witches, and almost launches into more questions about it but refrains, thinking he doesn’t want to yet reveal just how completely clueless he is about all things magical. This kid clearly has magical parents and has grown up with it like it’s just a normal thing.
    “Yes, just first years.” The boy confirms.
    Around them, the witch in mauve and another has each rolled out a measuring tape that, with a wave of their wands, begins to measure each boy. Harry tries not to stare, fascinated, partly because he’s instructed to hold still. While the tapes measure them, the bell at the front rings and one woman goes to the front while the other moves to the other side of the room to start rifling through a line of black robes.
    When they’ve moved away, the blonde boy leans over to Harry and adds conspiratorially, “If I can get Father to buy me a new broom, I may try to smuggle it in.”
    “Do you think they have spells for that?” Harry asks. If there’s a rule, surely they have a way to enforce it?
    “Hm, I hadn’t thought of that,” the boy admits. “Maybe.” He seems to take a better look at Harry, then holds a hand out to him. “My name’s Draco Malfoy, by the way. I’m sure you’ve heard of my family.”
    The name he’s given brings the same feeling seeing the boy had, accompanied by a certainty that he should try to be friends with this boy. Taking the hand, he admits, “Not really, sorry. I’m Harry Potter.”
    Draco’s eyes widen, but they’re both distracted by a squeak of surprise behind them. They turn to look, and the second woman is bent over, picking up the robes she dropped. She stares at Harry, eyes comically wide, before she scurries towards the front room.
    “Are you really?” Draco asks, head tilted as he takes Harry in from head to toe. The bored quality of his voice is gone, curiosity taking its place.
    “Uh, yeah,” Harry admits. “I, uh, forget that people know me.”
    Draco raises an eyebrow at that, but whatever he might have to say is kept quiet as the two women come bustling back into the room.
    “Harry Potter! I thought I might be seeing you this year,” the mauve witch exclaims delightedly. “Are the rumors true? Do you have a scar from You-Know-Who?”
    Harry blinks at the question before simply lifting his bangs, his scar clearly visible on his forehead. The three others in the room all lean in at least slightly to get a better look, but Draco is the first to straighten, feigning disinterest.
    “Wow,” Madam Malkin breathes. Uncomfortable at how long he’s being stared at, Harry lets his bangs fall back to cover the scar, and the older woman’s eyes drop to his. She smiles at him. “Well, we have to make sure you are very well dressed for your school debut, don’t we? We’ll finish up these measurements and be sure to get these to you in an hour or so, okay?”
    Harry nods and looks over at Draco, trying to think of something to talk about with the other boy. He’s momentarily at a complete loss as to what he could possibly talk about, then remembers the questions he’d asked Snape while they walked. “Uh, so what House are you hoping to get into?”
    “Slytherin,” Draco announces immediately, explaining, “All our family have been.”
    “Oh, that’s Professor Snape’s House.” Harry’s pleased to be able to display some knowledge about the school.
    “You know him?” Draco asks.
    Harry nods. “Oh, yes, he’s actually next door getting my books right now too,” he admits. “I’m here with him and Professor McGonagall. He said both my parents were in Gryffindor, so I guess that might be where I end up.”
    “Slytherin and Gryffindor are rival Houses,” Draco says in response.
    Before Harry can reply, Madam Malkin declares she’s finished. When Harry asks how much for his robes, she waves him off, declaring it’s on the house. “Least I can do for the Boy Who Lived,” she tells him proudly.
    Harry feels his face get hot with embarrassment, and he’s not sure how if he should insist he pays or if it would be rude to refuse. He’s saved from responding by them finishing with Draco, and attention being diverted to him instead as they tell him to tell his mother that his items should also be finished within the next hour or so. It makes him relax some knowing that the other boy isn’t going to have to wait longer, although he’s still uncomfortable with the obviously special treatment.
    The two head outside, and Harry picks up the conversation where they left it. “Even if we end up in different Houses, we can still be friends, right?”
    It’s the most forward he’s ever been with someone his own age. He’s never really had a friend, his classmates always opting to steer clear when it becomes obvious that he’s Dudley’s favorite target for bullying. He can’t say he blames them, understanding not wanting to be bullied, but he wishes at least one of them had been brave enough to be his friend anyway. He hopes now things will change, and he’s willing to make the effort to make new friends.
    Draco himself seems taken aback by the question, and he looks at Harry for a moment, before shrugging. “I guess so.” He doesn’t sound very convincing, but he’s not refusing outright, so Harry takes it as a win. “Mother is probably still in the bookstore,” he says, pointing at the store next door.
    “Professor Snape too,” Harry agrees. “Should we go find them?”
    Draco agrees, and the two boys make their way into the store. They’re forced to navigate between stacks of books and a number of other customers to search the store. When they find themselves next to some stairs leading up to the second story, Harry goes up three steps then stops suddenly, causing Draco to run into him. He laughs before pointing Snape out, who he just spotted, and they backtrack to make their way towards the front of the store.
    “Professor Snape!” Harry calls when he’s close enough to think the man will hear him over the din of the crowd.
    Snape looks over, spotting the boy’s waving arms in the crowd. “Mr. Potter, just in time to pay for your books.”
    “Sure thing!” Harry readily agrees, excited to be able to pay for his own things for once. “Oh, Draco, this is Professor Snape. Professor, this is Draco-”
    “Ah, yes, Lucius and Narcissa’s son.” Snape recognizes the boy immediately, his resemblance to his father striking. He’s surprised the two are together, though, and notes that his parents aren’t around. “Where are your parents?”
    “Father had an errand on Knockturn,” Draco immediately supplies, his tone respectful. “Mother is in here.” He looks out over the crowded store, and adds, “Somewhere.”
    Snape nods, assuming the boys met in Madam Malkin’s. He directs the store employee to wrap Harry’s purchases before turning to the boys. “The two of you wait outside. I will locate her and let her know you’re outside.”
    He waits for Harry’s books to be wrapped before he shrinks them down and hands them over to Harry to hold onto. Snape shoos them outside and then turns to go search for Narcissa Malfoy. He locates her fairly quickly, her slim figure and long blonde hair--only a shade or so darker than her son’s--familiar enough to him that he can recognize her quickly.
    “Narcissa.” He waits until he’s only a step or so away from her and the woman she is speaking with to say her name.
    Blue eyes look over and, raising an eyebrow, she says, “Why, Severus Snape. I can’t say I expected to see you today.”
    “I am assisting with a student,” he explains simply, not elaborating further. “Your son was looking for you; I advised him to wait out front.”
    “So you’ve met my Draco.” She smiles fondly. She bids her companion goodbye before motioning for a house elf behind her carrying a stack of books to follow her. “Thank you for letting me know. He’s certain to be in your House this year, so I do hope you’ll do me the favor of keeping a close eye on him. You know boys that age are prone to getting into trouble.”
    “It goes without saying,” Snape agrees readily. “You know I could do no less for you and Lucius.”
    Outside, Harry and Draco move away from the bookstore’s door to avoid getting in the way of customers entering or exiting. Harry decides to admit to Draco he doesn’t know much about brooms and ask him about it, which gets the other boy going into detail on what makes a good racing broom versus what makes a good Quidditch broom. When Harry asks what Quidditch is, Draco is stunned speechless for half a second, before he launches into an explanation of what the game is and the rules. He’s just starting to get into why his favorite team (the Wimbourne Wasps) are the best when McGonagall comes over.
    “Harry, where is Professor Snape?” she asks as she comes by, looking the two boys over. “And who might this be?”
    “This is Draco Malfoy, we met in the robes store,” Harry replies. “Draco, this is Professor McGonagall, she’s the Deputy Headmistress of Hogwarts.” Draco greets her, and Harry answers the other question she asked. “Snape was looking for Draco’s mum in the bookstore ‘cause it’s busy.”
    “Unsurprising, considering the time of year.” She looks over at the store briefly before looking back at Harry. “Hagrid is getting you a birthday present.”
    “It’s your birthday?” Draco asks. Harry nods, blushing at the idea of someone very deliberately buying him a gift. First the clothes, and now something from the groundskeeper.
    “He doesn’t have to,” Harry mutters, embarrassed.
    McGonagall smiles at his reaction. “No, but he would like to, so it’s only polite to accept.” Snape and Mrs. Malfoy emerge from the bookstore and McGonagall lets the boys know.
    “If it’s your birthday, we should get cake,” Draco announces matter of factly.
    Without waiting for a response from Harry, he goes over to meet his mother and Snape, pointing briefly back at Harry where he stands with McGonagall. There’s a brief discussion in which Snape nods, and then he and Draco come back over to where Harry is watching them.
    “Mr. Malfoy will be joining us for lunch,” Snape informs them, “while Mrs. Malfoy finishes his school shopping.”
    The two professors and their charges make their way to one of the many cafes located in Diagon Alley. They were seated immediately despite their being decently busy, and it soon became clear Draco was the reason when the manager on duty came to greet him and ask after his parents. He seemed to sit up a little taller speaking to the man, telling him importantly that his friend Harry Potter was celebrating his birthday today and they were hoping to have a small celebratory lunch.
    As it had earlier in the day, it causes a flurry of activity, and they very clearly become the center of attention. Word spreads through the other patrons, who crane their necks to try and get a clear view, seemingly being kept from coming over by the staff. Harry is both embarrassed and amused, as his self-proclaimed new friend Draco is clearly enjoying the havoc his words have wrought. Snape grumbles under his breath, but Harry doesn’t catch it, though he does see Professor McGonagall, stifling a smile, leaning over to speak to him in a low voice the boys across from them can’t quite catch. Not that Draco seems to be paying them any real mind.
    Soon, neither is Harry. He’s too fascinated by the servers taking orders while simultaneously serving water or setting drinks from a tray down, a floating notepad and quill by their heads writing down everything being said. Trays heavily laden with food are also brought out with magic, followed closely by a server with a wand out, whose occasional flick of the wrist directs the tray to gently move to avoid other servers, patrons, and even other floating trays. Their own server makes a show of having their food fly off the tray, making elaborate turns in the air before landing softly in front of each of them, with nary a crumb falling off the plate.
    He doesn’t think he could be more impressed, until they come out with a cake for him. He doesn’t recall even seeing cake as an option on the dessert menu, so clearly they’ve either had it made or brought over specially for him. Instead of candles, little magic flames dance around the edge of the cake until it’s set down on the table. Soon after, the servers break out into a birthday song that the other patrons soon join in on and Harry’s red face doesn’t distract from the smile he’s unable to keep off his face. When they’re done singing, the little dancing flames rearrange in the air to say ‘Happy Birthday!’ and he’s directed to blow them out like he normally would.
    It’s hands down the best birthday he’s ever had.
    After lunch, Hagrid finds them and gifts Harry with a snowy white owl of his own which, he’s told, he can use to communicate with others in the wizarding world. He and Draco agree to write before the blonde goes off with Snape to meet back up with his mother. Harry in turn goes with McGonagall to continue getting the rest of his school supplies, with Hagrid tagging along.
    They go for his wand, and he’s glad to have the stern professor with him, unnerved when the old wandmaker Ollivander informs him that his wand is the brother to the one that gave him his scar. McGonagall dismisses the information, thanks Ollivander for his assistance, and outside promptly tells Harry that regardless of whether that information is true or not, he’s not to put any weight into the information. A wand, after all, is an extension of its wizard. Whether the things done with it are good or bad lies solely with the wielder. Then she marches him off to get the rest of his things and pick up his robes. Snape joins them when they reach the Apothecary, doing his own shopping. When Harry picks up a “Student’s First Potion Kit” marketed for new students, Snape scoffs loudly, takes it out of his hand, and promptly marches him over to where the fresh ingredients are, explaining that so long as he can afford fresher ingredients, they would always serve him better than any cheap kits or bundles.
    Soon, it’s time for him to go home again. He’s sure both professors are more than ready to call it a day, but Harry still finds himself wishing he could somehow prevent it from ending. His things are all put away inside his newly bought trunk, with the exception of his owl, who sits serenely in her cage. They leave through the Leaky Cauldron, Hagrid bidding Harry a good summer before heading for the bar before they make it out the door.
    It’s like emerging from a dream, Harry thinks, looking around at normal, non-magical people going about their day. No one is in robes, holding wands, or making things float or change colors or anything.
    McGonagall holds her wand out, and the Knight Bus returns once more. “I’m afraid we shall have to send you back on your own, Mr. Potter.” She directs her next comment to the conductor, an older gentleman than the one from earlier in the day. “Please see that my student gets to 4 Privet Drive, Little Whinging, Surrey, if you please. Could you assist with his trunk? Thank you.
    “Now.” She turns back to Harry, reaching into her pocket for something. “One last thing. This is your ticket for the Hogwarts Express. It will leave promptly at eleven o’clock on September first, so please be sure you are on time with that ticket. The platform is hidden from Muggles. Go to the barrier betweens platforms nine and ten, and there you’ll walk through the barrier to reach platform nine and three-quarters.”
    Harry nods his head in understanding, slipping the envelope into his back pocket. They remind him his new owl can reach them if necessary, so he’s to write immediately if there is any trouble with the Dursleys when he gets home, though McGonagall states she’s confident that they will behave themselves from here on out. Reluctantly, he climbs into the Knight Bus, sitting at a window seat where he can see the professors one last time. He manages to wave before they are suddenly gone, and the bus lurches forward with a BANG!
Story Notes:
Chapter title is from the song "We Are Going To Be Friends" by The White Stripes. Heh.
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jonah-aesthetic · 4 years
Patronus  Jonah Marais/ WIP
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Jonah Marias X Harlow Darling 
Plot: Having mutual friends doesn't mean they're friends. Although after helping his sister out of an unfortunate situation. Jonah offers her a deal she couldn't give up. 
A/N: Since the only thing on my Tik Tok fyp is Draco Malfoy. I thought of continuing this fic. although the Why Don't We boys are on hiatus at the moment so I dont know if I should. 
The corridors of this ancient school gave me a sense of safety and home. At least I think this is what home felt like. My black robe flowed around me in almost angel like wings, as I carried out my Prefect duties. Night patrol Just past curfew to see if anyone dared to disobey the time. 
Both of my parents came from wealthy pure blood families. Because of it my family has been well known throughout the wizarding world. The name Darling had been carried out for centuries. It didn't exactly mean I despise the name, just that I wasn't proud to have it. For decades it has been an excuse to gain disgusting power. 
The name Darling meant I had to chose every decision I make carefully. I usually keep my image clean for my family, but for some damn reason it’s hard for my younger brother to do so. Hunter needed a leash quick or we might just end up on the daily prophet soon. 
With the way my father had presented our family you would’ve thought we belonged to a Slytherin family. Pure bloods who were overly formal and sleek, who happen to have high jobs and connections with in the ministry of magic. I didn't enjoy portraying myself as one of them but at the end of the day I am one of them. It ran through my blood with each heart beat.  
Night patrol was a fairly easy job, make sure no students we out after curfew and reported anything out of the ordinary to professor Mcgnagall. On a good day it took an hour to cover the school grounds with my best friend Jack who just happened to be the 2nd prefect. Now it took 30 minutes since we decided to split up, cutting patrol in half for us. After the Griffindor prefects complained we were goofing around and not caring enough about prefect duties. 
I didn’t see the big deal, there wasn’t much to patrol. Unless you wanted to yell at some mice who most definitely belonged a couple Hufflepuffs. Gabbie was a high tailed pure blood who should’ve been in Slytherin anyways. Well it’s that or she’s jealous of how close me and Jack are, after all she does fancy him to a great extend. 
Although I think it’d be easier to ask Jack and Daniel, the first prefect from Griffindor to switch places. Slytherin and Hufflepuff swap quidditch players often for practice when one has class or detention I don’t see the harm in it. 
Hearing younger voices grabbed my attention, with quick feet I walked towards the commotion. Coming up to the corner I block myself from view trying to get a better sense on the situation, peeking around I could see 4 younger students cornered a timid girl with wands held out towards her. They smiled with confidence as they watched her tremble.  
“..It’s funny how you think you're one of us mudblood.” 
“You know it’s unheard of for Slytherin to have non-magical parents right?” 
What surprised me most was the ones holding the wands were ravenclaws. I remembered them from the ceremony and I’ve seen them around here and there. This behaviour was an automatic detention, students were forbade to threaten each other with magic. 
Pulling my dark mahogany wand from my boot I uncovered myself. shouting “Expelliarmus!” an almost effortless defence wand cast. Several sparks ignited from the end of my wand, knocking theirs out of hand and clanging to the other side of the hall. startled, squeaky gasps fell from their lips right before the attention was on me. I watched as the potential alpha’s eyes flicked from villain to victim in 0.2 seconds.
The thing with self-absorbed pure bloods was you had to hold higher authority or they’d eat you for breakfast. I know because I was one. I held that high-tailed blood in my expression before. I only had acquaintances then, most students feared me. After awhile I began to dread the feeling.  
“We know the rules, we’re defending ourselves.” One of the Ravenclaw boys spoke up, his eyes holding so much promise I almost believed the kid. The timid Slytherin looked at her shoes not daring to look at me. Telling me that the boys got away with this often. 
I laughed at them humorously, “Detention all of you, I don’t believe your pity act. I witnessed what you did and frankly I’m not gonna let it slide.” I said with smooth tongue as I shrugged my shouldered at them. 
Their faces dropped as they looked at me in shock. “B-but we didn’t-”  
“Drop the act, remember your blood Isn’t gonna take you that far. 50 points from Ravenclaw for each of you. Don’t bother arguing and head back to the common room.” 
The shock was noticeable through their body language. One opened their mouth and then closed it again not daring to say anything. One soon scurried to their wand and took off into the direction of the Ravenclaw's common room. The rest followed in a matter of seconds. I smiled to myself, mission accomplished.
The Slytherin girl finally looked at me, Her eyes full of fear. “I get detention as well?” her voice was so soft and timid I almost didn’t catch it. With a warm smile I shook my head gently. “Oh god no, Honey you didn’t do anything wrong.” 
Her expression was soft as a small smile reached her lips, as she breathed in a few sniffles. She had been previously crying, causing her green eyes to dull. 
“What’s your name?” I asked her with a brighter smile. 
“Svea Marais” Her tiny voice more audible then before. 
“I’m Harlow Darling” I responded. 
Her eyes lightened up, matching the colour on her headband. “Like the Darling Royal Family?” She asked with fully curiosity. I kept smiling at her even though I was reminded of something I wasn’t fond of sharing.  
“Yeah” I replied knowing she was getting more comfortable with me. Letting her focus on me rather then the Ravenclaw’s words. 
“You seem different then them.” 
“Is that a good thing or a bad thing?” I ask her playfully, knowing the answer
"Definitely  good." She responded with tiny giggle that made me adore her.
I continued to smile at her as a comfortable silence came over us. We looked at each in an almost admiration. I felt the need to be someone she would look up to, like I couldn't let her down. As if she were a younger sibling. 
“Come on Svea, I’ll walk you to Slytherin dungeon.” I spoke softly after awhile,
“Okay” She had said following behind me. Slowing my steps slightly so she would catch up and walk beside me rather then behind me. The corridors of this massive castle were long and dark, lit only my torches on the sides of the walls. Our detestation wasn’t too far from where we had been. 
“Wanted to thank you Harley, for not choosing their side. It happens often you know, being a mudblood and all.” Looking at Svea I caught a sad smile graze her lips. My heart wrenched at the sight. 
“Svea It’s not right nor was it okay what they said to you. You’re a witch just as much as I am, your blood doesn’t make you anything less.” 
We were coming up to the dungeon quickly, as she stopped a few feet away. “Thank you, I appreciate what you said.” Her green eyes sparkled as her frame became less timid. “Don’t be a stranger, come to me if you need anything.” I started stepping away, putting distance between us. 
“I will.” and with that I turned away, heading back to Ravenclaw tower. Which had been across the castle, but at this moment it didn’t bother me. 
Walking into the common run I come to discover my best friend since we were five, Jack. He sat on the royal blue couch his head rested on the back of it. His attention on the charmed ceiling. Which represented a set of constellations somewhere in the world. The stars would instantly connected after he named them off silently. His Corgi Companion Lucifer was fast asleep in his lap, light snores emitting off him. I couldn't but awe at the small pooch. 
“Hey dork” I spoke playfully. He whispered a startled ‘Vanish’, and the charmed ceiling began to scramble for a fresh collection of constellation. He looked at me in relief, “What took you so damn long?” It was more of a whine more then a question. As if he was bored for the last hour rather them 20 minutes.  
I sat down on the left of him as the right was already taken. I sighed, “Well lets see, I gave detention to a few Ravenclaw boys. As well as took their wands out of the kindness of my heart.” 
“Finally putting your foot down huh?” He teased raising his eyebrows at me. 
“Hey I Can bite back, for your information” 
“I know, I remember that time last year. All I’m saying is you don’t like to, because you're the Ravenclaw princess.” I rolled my eyes at him cause I wouldn’t exactly use that word, but he was right nonetheless. 
“What was so ‘horrible’ that made you go all Royal blood?” 
“They were threating a Slytherin Muggle-born, wands held to her throat. Poor girl was trembling, I would never stand for anything like that.” I said my breath a little shaky as I was raddle about it. 
“Hey It’s okay.” Jack says reassuring me, his eyes go soft as he reaches for my hand and squeezes a pulse. He’s done that ever since I could remember every time he senses my nerves going haywire. which wasn’t too often. It never failed to put me at ease. 
“You did every thing you could.” 
“I know, I just feel like I could do more, I mean they called her a mudblood for god sakes.” He pulses again, his hand in mine was comforting and warm. More platonic than romantic. 
A beige blob in the distance take my attention from gentle brown eyes. It was Denrick my Siamese cat, my companion, and my support. a tiny meow rumbles through this body after I make eye contact with his piercing blue eyes.  
  “What was her name?” Jack’s voice become more tender towards me. 
“Svea Marais.” 
Jack is quiet for a little bit after that, like I had done something wrong. The feeling of Denrick’s soft paws in my lap made me jump a little. He wasn’t fazed by it was her curled up and began to purr. I petted him subconsciously, It’s almost therapeutic.
“Did I say something wrong?” I asked cautiously,  Jack looked away suddenly entertained by a bookshelf. 
“No, Um She’s Jonah’s younger sister.” 
Of course she is, how the hell did I not put it together? They had the exact same eyes, the bright green intensity. 
“He’s gunna come and look for you.” 
I swallow Thickly, “I Know” 
All I could remember was the red bird that caught fire. Flying over head screeching before soaring through the sky graciously. spreading it’s wings full and bursting into flame. 
It was a dream, because I was sudden heaving in bed as Christina, one of my first friends at Hogwarts. Looks at me with full concern and worry. “Phoenix” My voice raspy. 
“I don’t understand.” 
Catching my breathing, I choked a little. “I saw a phoenix in my dream, I think it was a sign or a symbol. Do you know anyone with a Phoenix Patronus?”  
Patronus guardians take the shape of an animal the castor shares the most resemblance with. In a sense it’s kind like a spirit animal. If the castor had the skills to become an animagus their form and patronus guardian would share the same animal. Which is by far the best part of being a witch. 
“At the moment, I have no idea. Although I do know we definitely should prepare for breakfast.” She holds out a hand for me to take, “What time is it?” 
“Guess you were right.” I said placing my hand in hers as she pulls my tired ass out of bed. 
 Christina walks ahead of me into the great hall as I fall behind fixing the blue and bronze tie. The loud chatter from inside made me miss my bed. Although the delicious scent of pancakes made my stomach growl.
“Darling what the hell is taking so long!” It wasn’t a question, but a demand. 
“Calm down I’m fixing my tie, it was lose.” 
Christina looks at me un amused and rolls her eyes at me dramatically. I shrug at her before grabbing her arm and began to kidnap her to the Ravenclaw table where I saw a certain curly headed boy. “Sucks you can’t sit with your boyfriend today.” I say taking a seat in front of Jack. 
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pengychan · 5 years
A while ago you mentioned you had an idea for a HP fic where Riddle Sr. escaped from Merope with baby Tom. I was really intrigued with the story because I’ve always thought that Riddle Sr was unfairly considered a bad guy due leaving her and his child, but he was basically a victim of the most powerful date rape drug in existence so he had every right to escape. What kind of father did you think he’d be if he had raised his wizard son?
Oh yeah, Tom Riddle Sr. got a lot of shit for being… basically a rape victim? I get the pity for Merope, I pity her as well (she was so deeply damaged by her upbringing and never got a chance to learn what love is really about), but that in no way changes the fact what she did to Tom Sr. was terrible. And I really don’t like how it’s framed, with even Dumbledore going on about how he abandoned Merope as opposed to running away from a forced relationship after the effects of a magical drug wore off. Even the narration goes out of its way to remark on the fact he was an Unpleasant Stuck-up Guy, as though being an unpleasant stuck-up rich kid (he was like 20, he was young) somehow means you deserve to be basically robbed of your free will, taken from home and be magically coerced into a relationship. 
… Okay rant over sorry on to the story idea.
Basically my idea was that Merope would only wean Tom Sr. off the love potion after their child was born, hoping as per canon that he would be in love with her regardless. Of course he wasn’t, and of course he was absolutely horrified when she admitted what she’d done and how. Horrified enough to kill her out of anger and fear she might bewitch him again (with her too stunned and pained to react with any magic). As I said, I pity her, but let’s be honest - to Tom, she was a terrifying being who had enslaved him and could do it again if he allowed it.
Anyway, he’s now left with a dead body and a baby. He gets rid of the dead body somehow, and almost smothers the baby because what if it’s like its mother, but Tom Jr. starts wailing when he looks down in his crib (unusual, that, he was usually a very quiet baby) aaaaand no, he can’t do it. So he takes the baby, and gets to the nearest station. The plan is to hand the baby over to a bobby claiming he found him in a rubbish bin or something before hopping on the first train home. Only that he… doesn’t. He can’t. And so he gets home, trying to explain he was somehow bewitched (he is fully aware no one would believe the full story about a love potion, I mean, come on) and with a baby in tow, claiming Merope left him and the baby and he has no idea where she is now (the bottom of the Thames, probably) and anyway, he’d really like his old life back. 
And the return home… sucks. A lot. His parents don’t believe him being bewitched for a second, of course, and are furious at him. His fiancee, well, she wants to hear no more of him since he just up and left her to elope with the crazy gal. The village as a whole is having a laugh at his expenses. His parents full-on pressing for him to give the baby up for adoption or something aren’t helping, but at this point Tom Sr. is so angry with his lot in life, he decides to keep the child mostly out of spite. He lost nearly everything, his reputation and the woman he wanted to marry, but this child? He’s his. He’s keeping him. His parents can swallow their dentures. Not that he’s going to look after him much, they can hire a nanny to do it and that’s exactly what happens.  
But time passes and the baby grows, and to everyone’s relief he looks nothing like his mother, or anyone from that weird family. He looks like his father and he seems so normal, and little by little, his grandparents are won over. He becomes the apple of their eye, and of course they set upon spoiling him. The boy wants a pony to learn how to ride? Then by God, the boy is getting the damn pony, and new clothes, and just about anything he asks for. What Tom Jr wants, Tom Jr gets. He leads a sheltered life in the manor, his every whim satisfied.
And soon enough he wants to spend more time with his father, who has become increasingly withdrawn and spends a lot of time having long horse rides across the countryside, though never anywhere near the shack where she used to live. And little by little he lets him. He’s still guarded, anxiously waits to see if his son does anything strange, but he does not. There is a certain distance between them, and Tom’s mother is a subject to never bring up, but they… get along well. Tom Sr becomes more interested in what his son is up to, and he does give him whatever he wants because why not, that’s how he was raised, too. And the kid loves his life as it is, the spoiled only child in a big mansion with rich grandparents, long horse rides with his father, and not a care in the world. His mother? Why would he care to know who she was?
Until of course something happens. During one of their rides, they are ambushed by a raving Morfin Gaunt, who spooks the horses, makes Tom Sr fall off it, and tries to hex him - only to be thrown back by a sudden explosion of uncontrolled magic by Tom who is, understandably, kinda angry at this guy who went and threatened them. Morfin becomes unable to breathe and Tom almost, almost kills him before his father grabs him and snaps out of it and takes him away, back home, leaving Morfin to gasp. 
Suddenly Tom Sr finds himself with weirdly dressed men in his living room, his parents’ memories being erased, and his child chasing around a moving chocolate frog while this Dumbledore fellow talks nonsense about a school of magic what the hell is going on.
What is going on is that this is basically his nightmare, his son is like his mother and will apparently go be educated among other people like his mother whether Tom Sr wants it or not. And ten years earlier, the day he broke free, he would have smothered the boy in the crib if he’s known that - but then was then and now is now, this is his son, and he wants him safe. It takes a long time to convince him Tom Jr will be fine learning magic, that everyone else will think he’s going to a really fancy boarding school, and he’ll be back every Christmas and summer, but he finally relents. 
Of course Tom Jr is enthusiastic, a ten year old kid who was just told he’s gonna learn MAGIC, who wouldn’t be? It takes some effort for him not to blurt out too much in the presence of his grandparents. This is gonna be great, he thinks, and oh boy is he wrong. He is sorted in Slytherin, and he finds out at his expenses that being Muggleborn (of course he thinks his mother was a muggle, too, his father surely would have told him if his mother was a witch?) is looked down to. He goes from being a spoiled rich kid to being an easy target, the kind other classmates turn their nose up to. He tries the Draco Malfoy “when my father hears of this” talk, only to be laughed at because literally nobody fears or respects a muggle. You could say it’s one hell of a culture shock. 
And he hates it. A lot. He loves learning magic, but he hates the way he’s treated and how his family is looked down to. Even once his achievements earn him some respect, he still hates it. So he looks forward to vacations at home, when he can be the spoiled rich boy again and spend time with his father - who knows all that well what it is like to be a pariah over something you had no control over. He almost tells him about his mother, but he can’t bring himself to. Instead he uses that time to teach him about Muggle things, about science and mathematics and literature and muggle history, a whole wealth of knowledge wizards discard but oh are they wrong to do it. The older Tom grows, the closer they get. People seeing them side by side could almost think they’re brothers. 
Little by little, Tom becomes certain that Purebloods are deluded - it’s Muggleborns like him that really the best, because they have access to the knowledge of both worlds. And he eventually guesses, as he grows - as he hears whispers about his parents’ eloping - that his mother perhaps was a witch; he can guess what she did. But at this point he doesn’t care, and never bothers to look into her lineage. He’s Tom Riddle, he’s son of a muggle, and he’s going to show everyone what he can do. Instead of throwing away his father’s name to embrace his mother’s legacy, he throws away hers to remain his father’s son. 
And… that’s the long and the short of it. I would need to check my notes to see what was meant to happen at this point, but I think Grindelwald’s war was involved, with Tom taking the opposite side because oh no, he’s not going to trample Muggles underfoot, no sir, not on his watch. All while his father knows vaguely what is going on, and is worried for his son, the way parents are, as Tom tells him and his grandparents to move for their safety. At some point, Tom Sr would have probably told him the whole truth about what his mother did to him and how she ended up. 
I don’t remember if they all made it through to see the end of 1945 - I think I had Tom Sr and Morfin Gaunt dying in the same incident, and Tom visiting the Gaunt shack afterwards to set it on fire, letting it burn with Salazar’s locket inside while he rode back to Riddle Manor, but I’m not 100% sure.
… I was pretty close to making this my NaNo project a few years ago, really. I kinda wish I had gone for it, but oh well. XD
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xstick-noodlesx · 4 years
My sister and I talked about weird things in the wizarding world (1/?)
-the castle is way too big
-the stairs keep moving and I bet every student was late because of that at least once
-candles everywhere are a fire hazard, especially floating ones
-all the dangerous things that Dumbledore keeps should NOT be kept in a school for children or the surrounding woods (eg. trolls, three-headed dogs, giant fuck-off snakes, giant spiders, the stone, …)
-Dumbledore is an irresponsible principal
-he just hires teachers that he likes without any background checks
-he hires Remus and doesn’t check whether or not he goes somewhere safe or takes his potion during full moons
-kids can participate in deadly tournaments
-the “treasures” are literally other children that were basically taken and put on the bottom of a lake
-one of the teachers bullies children to the point that one child’s biggest fear is literally that teacher
-instead of sending kids to normal detention, he has them walk around the dangerous, beast filled forest in the middle of the night
-someone is petrifying students and Dumbledore doesn’t think of sending the students home
-kids could literally fall from the moving staircases if they move while the kids are on them
-talking pictures are creepy and you can’t convince me not at least one of the pictures creeps on the kids
-when Hogwarts presumes Sirius is looking for Harry, they just go along with their day and don’t try to give him extra protection at all
-no phones, sending important messages through owls would take way too long
-the whole Sirius situation proves how incompetent the ministry is and no one – not even Dumbledore – thought twice of locking someone up without proper trial
-they have literal house elve slaves
-the Black family is literally abusing their kids and no one thinks twice about it and why? because they're an old wizard family
-travelling through toilets
-Dumbledore's first instinct after finding little Harry with his parents dead is to give him to his aunt and uncle who he knows hate wizards
-why can’t Harry just bring a gun or a knife or smth to a fight
-why do they have to use feathers and not pens – just the thought of writing my A-Levels with a feather instead of a pen physically pains me
-they don’t use ANY muggle technology like lamps, telephones, etc.
-the only muggle technology they use are like toilets and before that, they literally shat on the floor
-the only prison we ever hear of is Azkaban but imagine going to Azkaban and being in the cell next door to a murderer for stealing an owl
-also, the fact that Azkaban is supposed to be high security and literally every other person breaks out
-are there any people working at Azkaban or do the Dementors cook the meals for the prisoners??
-the only thing the Dementors really do is inconvenience and nearly kill children
-why isn’t time travel used more like if you’re careful it should be fine
-care for magical creatures is way too dangerous for children, it’s like us interacting with wild bears
-the fact that Dobby could block the entrance to the platform 9 ¾  without any problems so that two students couldn’t get to school is “dumb as shit” (quote, my sister); it’s like some random dude coming up to your school, locking the door and keeping you out and no one does anything about it
-why send first years across a lake at night in little boats with only the groundskeeper to supervise them; safety hazard
-they have not enough teachers I feel
-are there only like ten beds for each year for each house? what if there’s one student more?
-the fact that they have to use a password to get into their house
-the fact that the Ravenclaws have to solve a riddle to get into their house so what if someone else just happens to solve the riddle???
-they use the same old hat to sort every student and what if one of the students have lice then every first year after that student will have lice
-how much food gets thrown away every day at Hogwarts???
-are there more wizarding schools than the four we know of? like is there one in Germany? Or Poland? Or Iceland? Or South America? Imagine being an eleven-year-old German child and being sent to Hogwarts and knowing little to no English because, well, you’re an eleven-year-old child
-is there sex ed in Hogwarts??
-Gryffindor wins everything; you can tell they are Dumbledore’s favourites
-the wizarding world basically has the death penalty or the soul-sucking penalty which is just as bad
-prisoners are basically abused and/or neglected when in Azkaban
-they had one detention where a student has to sign autographs late at night with his teacher
-the only competent defence against dark arts teacher gets fired because he transformed into a werewolf on school grounds which is something that Dumbledore should have been able to prevent
-Snape isn’t only bullying children, he also bullies his colleagues and NO ONE gives a frick
-the fact that a little girl died on the school grounds and another student was framed and convicted; none of the teachers faced repercussions because of the negligence
-the fact that that little girl is now a ghost and peeping on other students on the toilets
-the fact that there are no safety measures taken during quidditch?? what if a student falls from their broom??? What if someone gets a bludger to the face???
-why is there a restricted section in the school library??? If the books are dangerous why are they in a school library???
-why does harry get to keep the invisibility cloak??
-don’t they have PE for like the students that don’t want to play a dangerous broom flying sport??
-why is there a literal roller coaster with a dragon down in the bank basement??? Why is it such an inconvenience to get some money from the bank???
-the houses themselves make no sense?? Like personalities can change??
-some student died during the tournament and there are no repercussions?? No one is sued??? No one is angry at Dumbledore or the other headmasters???
-what if you need to talk to Dumbledore but don’t know his stupid office password??
-why do they have one book that just screams at you when you open it???
-or a book that tries to eat you as soon as you open it??? And you need to like pet it to open it
-why is everyone angry that one of the teachers is a werewolf but no one cares about giant squids, murderous mermaids in the lake, giant spiders, giant snakes, etc??
-if I was a parent and my child would be bullied by Snape you can bet your butt that I’d have him fired
-Dumbledore is constantly encouraging Harry’s reckless behaviour
-the fact that you have to get parental permission to go to Hogsmeade
-how is a cat or a toad supposed to bring you your mail??
-why can every student bring a pet?? That seems like such a mess to me. What if I’m allergic to cat hair and my roommate has a cat?? What if his cat murders my owl??
-why are the Weasleys allowed to bring a rat?
-why is no one talking about how Peter Pettigrew was literally sleeping in the same bed as an eleven-year-old boy as a rat??
-the owls are in little cages??
-the fact that students get to turn their animals into objects should count as animal abuse
-why are there so many cats but not a single litter box?
-did the other cats try to get with McGonaggal??
-why did the school allow the Ministry to literally slaughter Buckbeak on school property?
-there was a cell at the ready for Sirius at Hogwarts and they talk about dungeons under the school? Why? it’s a school for children
-has a student ever walked in on McGonaggal while she was licking her own butthole?
-did she take part in the cats movie? And was she part of the butthole cut??
-am I allowed to bring Mr Mistoffelees, a magical cat, to school with me?
-the fact that Madame Hooch left all the kids alone with their brooms to take care of Neville
-how can a giant squid survive in a literal lake?
-were they planning on basically executing Sirius on school grounds?
-do they have a police force that takes care of minor crimes like shoplifting?
-do they have wheelchair ramps at Hogwarts? Do people get to bring their seeing-eye dog
-the long staircases to the towers
-why is the Slytherin house literally underground? Like no sunlight?
-Having houses only encourages bullying
-can I get a normal job or university place with my Hogwarts degree?
14 notes · View notes
afaithy · 6 years
A crinkle of Fate; CH 6
Chapter 6: Bad news come and goNotes:
“There is a stubbornness about me that never can bear to be frightened at the will of others. My courage always rises at every attempt to intimidate me.” ― Jane Austen
“Hey...you’re back, Moony.” Sirius said when Lupin dragged himself back into the bedroom later that day. After his transformation,he had gone to the hospital wing to receive his regular check up with Madam Pomfrey. The woman had healed the most of his injuries and sent him straight back to bed. Lupin didn’t complain, for starters he was exhausted and in pain; and, on the other hand, he wanted some peace and quiet to reflect on what had happened last night. Werewolf metamorphosis was a complex process, not only physically but mentally. When he turned to his wolf’s form, his mind became wild and more animal like, but he still retained some sense of human conscience. It was like being present, but unable to do anything. Actions were dominated by the wolf’s side. The wolf had gone hunting last night. It never left the safety of the forest of course, but he had strolled at the very edge of it. When he saw the girl sitting at the edge of the forest, Lupin had sensed the mix of fear, curiosity and distrust in the wolf. His human side, however, was horrified as he saw Tonks sitting there so innocently and defenceless. What if the wolf decided to attack her?
To his surprise, it didn’t. The wolf had sneezed the air and caught on the girl’s scent. There was something oddly familiar about it, and instead of attacking, it had sat there watching here.
“Moony, you look beaten…” James said popping out from his bed “but you don’t look as bad as you usually do, so I suppose last night wasn’t that bad…” “No, it wasn’t…” Lupin hesitated. Did he want to share about his unexpected encounter with a certain girl? After pondering for a couple minutes, he decided that he didn’t want to tell them...yet. Telling them would also mean he had to speak of what she’d told him, too. “What did you do last night?” Peter asked. “I went hunting in the forest…” Lupin shrugged sitting in his own bed. “Oh, guess that’s good.” Sirius nodded “Guess who was asking around about you?” “Ehr...who?” “Tonks of course!” James laughed “We saw her this morning after she comically tripped with one of the armors. Seriously, that girl can stay on her two feet…” “She said you were looking quite ill the past days and wanted to know if you were feeling okay.” Sirius explained “Don’t worry. We told her you had caught a cold, but she seemed pretty concerned. Check on her when you get the chance would you?” “Sure…” As matter of fact, if his muscles weren’t hurting as much as they were now, he’d have gone right away. “Boreas has picked up the bullying again…” James said “Seems like he got over his broken nose and he’s back on harassing her. We were trying to come up with a plan to help…” “No, Slytherin arse is going to bully my cousin…” Sirius nodded. “They’re harassing her again? What did they said?” Lupin said in a rush, remembering what the girl had told the wolf last night. “The usual thing…” James replied shaking his head “Her parents, they keep calling half-blood scum and well...other than Slytherins, some people have been talking about her not putting of her hood. I heard Evans scolding some girls in the common room because they were saying that she probably had something weird in her head…” “There’s nothing weird with her hair…” Lupin said automatically. “Well, unfortunately...we don’t know.” James shrugged “And well...unless she takes off that hood, people will keep talking…” “Don’t worry about it, Moony. You need to rest, so ….James and I will handle it.” Lupin had no doubt that they would, but he made a mental note to talk with her soon.
Unfortunately, he didn’t get the chance to talk to Tonks until the end of the week, when he stumbled with her as he came out from Charms. The girl was running down the hall and in the middle of her hurry she had crashed into him and company when they’ve been leaving the classroom. Even without the look on the black and yellow hood or the soft groan, Lupin could have recognized her in a blink. “Hey, careful! ” he said catching he arm and steadying her before she could hit the floor. “Oh!” There’s was something off in her voice. It wasn’t as energetic as usual. “Wotcher, Remus! ”she smiled faintly and he could tell something wasn’t right “My hero as usual, aren’t you? How are you feeling?” “I...I’m good. Why do you ask?” “Well, Sirius said you were sick…” “Oh...that. I’m good. It wasn’t serious….” “Oh that’s good, then...” “Tonksie!” Sirius said cheerfully. “Wotcher, Sirius, James...Peter....” “Heading to lunch? How about you eat with us, cousin?” “Mmm...am I even allowed to sit at your table?” “Of course you are. There’s no rule against mixed lunch seat and we are not slyths…” “Oh, you’re right…” “Are you alright?” “Me? Yeah, why wouldn’t it?” she replied. Her answer had come a little too fast, and Lupin frowned. “Have to agree with Remus, kid. You’re a little pale…” James said looking at her “Did you catch a cold?” “A what? Ah, no...ehm, just...busy with work and stuff and….” “Hey half-blood scum. Heard about that event, have you not? I’d say they had it coming….” Tonks tensed and the color drained from her face. She cast a bitter glare at Boreas and his gang; but her glare was watered down by the glow in her eyes. She looked like she was about to cry. “Shut up!” she shouted. “Or what?” “Boreas, shut up, you arse…” Sirius growled pushing Tonks behind protectively. “Tch...Blood traitors stand for each other, don’t they? Maybe next time it’d be your turn, Black... ” “My turn?” “Oh, haven’t you heard the news? That wizard that killed all those muggles...it was all in the papers. The pathetic couple stood no chance. Can you imagine that, half-blood scum? How much they must have screamed as they were cursed….” “Boreas!” Boreas laughed loudly, but his laughter was interrupted when Tonks, with a skill that seemed rehearsed for years, pulled her wand out from her robes and chanted firm and clearly. “Stupefy!” Red sparkles flew at Boreas face and the boy landed flat on his back. The corridor was speechless staring at the scene. No one dared to move. Tonks face was bitter, the tears had began to slide down her cheeks and both Lupin and Sirius had moved to her side unconsciously. “MS.TONKS…” McGonagall’s strong voice cut through the hallway. Her face was pale and her lips were stretched into a thin line. She was furious, anyone could tell that. “Professor!” On of Boreas lackeys cried overdramatically “She attacked us! We were just chatting and she attacked us out sudden…” “You git…”Sirius began but was interrupted by McGonagall. “Yaxley, I don’t need to hear your excuses. I witnessed the events pretty well…” she replied. Her look stuck on Tonks “Ms. Tonks...I’ll need you to come with me…” “But professor…!” Sirius began. “Enough Black, go to your next class…” “They provoked her!” James tried to push in. “Potter… It isn’t your business…” “But professor.” “Lupin, I think I made myself clear…” Before any of them could say anything. McGonagall took Tonks hand in a gentle yet stern grip and walked away with her. The three boys stared at each other restless. None of them knew what had just happened.
Tonks walked silently behind McGonagall. She hated crying. It made her look childish and weak, but she found that as much as she tried, her tears kept running down her cheeks. She’d lost her temper at Boreas words, but she felt no regrets. She had received the owl early that morning. An urgent letter from her parents. The ink had been blurred as if the person writing it had been crying endlessly. Two nights ago, a wizard had broken into her grandparents house and had killed them in cold blood. Her mother had spared her the details, after all, she was just a child and she didn’t need to know the gruesome details of the crime. Tonks, however, was a smart girl and all she needed to do was look into the news papers to get the information that her parents had tried to keep from her. Her grandparents had been killed by a wizard who’s identity remained unknown, but he was a supporter of Pure Blood Supremacy. Her grandparents had been tortured to death and it was her own father who had found them. It had been a warning. It was clear by the message written in magical words: Blood-Traitors and Mudblood shall be purged. She had tried her best to keep her cool, and she had succeded so far until Boreas had said those words.
Can you imagine that, half-blood scum? How much they must have screamed as they were cursed….
Her wand was in her hand automatically and she couldn’t even remember mouthing the spell. She didn’t know it, she’d never learned it, even less, used it before. McGonagall took her to her office and closed the door quietly. Tonks stood there silently. She knew she was about to get punished, in the worse case scenario she’d get expelled, in the best, she’d earn detention for the rest of the year. Needless to say, when McGonagall kneeled down in front of her and pulled her into a hug, the girl was speechless. “I’m so sorry about your grandparents, Tonks…” she muttered patting her back. And the girl broke. She started sobbing as the child she was supposed to be. All her attempts to appear cool and collected shattered into pieces.She didn’t want to be there, now. She wanted to be home, with her parents...she wanted to see her grandparents. She felt to helpless. McGonagall patted her comfortingly. She wasn’t the girl’s head of house, but she had come to like the girl after expending so many private tutorings for her Metamorphmagus lessons. McGonagall had been patrolling the corridors when she heard the fuss and she had made it on time to hear Boreas mock Tonks about her grandparents deaths. She couldn’t blame the child for stunning the older kid. “I’m so sorry...I’m so sorry…” Tonks sobbed “I didn’t meant to hex him...but...but…” “I know...I know....” McGonagall said soothingly “it’d be alright...I saw. I will speak to Horace about what happened…” “I couldn’t say good-bye…” Tonks mumbled “I promised Nana I’d visit her for christmas. She said she’d knit me a new jumper...” McGonagall was wordless. She could only rub the girl’s back trying to comfort her as best as she could, knowing that there was little she could do. She was too young to deal with such tragic deaths. “Would you rather go home? I’m sure we can speak to Professor Dumbledore, and he’d let you go home for a while…”
Tonks didn’t answer, but she nodded between her sobs. She wanted to go home. As she sat there in McGonagall’s office crying helplessly a tiny voice whispered inside of her mind.
For each change that is made, and equal price must be paid.
Sirius stomped angrily to the table. He’s young face was filled with bitterness and anger, making Peter shrink when the boy snapped at him for asking what was wrong. “Look at this…” Sirius threw a copy of the Daily Prophet on the table. Lupin picked it up and his eyes went wide as he read the article. “Dorotea and Jacob Tonks….?” James said reading from over his shoulder “Are they…?” “Tonks grandparents…” Sirius said grumpily. “Blimey….”James said wide eyed “And Boreas was...rubbing it on her face. Not surprise she threw a hex at him…” “Charm…” Lupin corrected “It was a stunning charm. I don’t know how she knew how to cast it. We don’t see those until fourth year…” “Maybe she read it somewhere and she just….randomly used it.” James shrugged. “Who cares…” Sirius said in annoyance “I’m more concerned about my cousin. What if she gets expelled for it?” “You think McGonagall would expel her after...well, that…?” James said looking at the newspaper. “Who knows…” “Maybe we should go see her…” Lupin suggested. He didn’t think McGonagall would expel her, but he was concerned about the girl’s emotional state at the moment. The four Gryffindor boys rushed to McGonagall’s office. To their surprise, they weren’t the only ones there as they almost stumbled with a ginger headed girl and a pale black haired boy. “Snivellus?” Sirius said dumbfounded. “Evans!” James said in surprised. Lily rolled her eyes ignoring both of them. The girl was obviously worried and Lupin had to admit that Snape looked concerned as well. Perhaps Tonks was right, and despite Snape negations, he considered the Hufflepuff girl a friend. “Is she still inside?” he asked Snape. The boy seemed surprised that Lupin was addressing directly at him. “What?” “ Tonks. That’s why you are here, no?” Lupin said standing in front of the door “You must have heard of what happened in the Slytherin common room…” “...It was Lily’s…” Lupin could almost hear Tonks voice chiming in his ear. There he goes...pushing the credit to someone else...that’s Severus. Snape let out an irritated sigh and Lupin smiled faintly. He had to admit that perhaps the girl was right, and Snape wasn’t as bad as Sirius and James liked to put him. “They haven’t come out…” he whispered softly “I heard Boreas and some other students talk about some muggles being tortured with the Cruciatus curse and ... When I heard they were name Tonks. ” “You tied the knots…” Lupin nodded. He wished he’d had known earlier. He couldn’t imagine how the girl was feeling. “Boreas got her before I did…” Snape muttered “It’s not like I care about her, but making fun of the dead...is not right…” Lupin nodded. Maybe it was because Tonks had said it before, but suddenly he could see all those little things that betrayed Snape’s intention to appear indifferent. They talk was interrupted by McGonagall’s door opening. “Professor!” Lily said in a rush. McGonagall was visibly surprised by the small crowd in front of her door. “Evans, Snape, Lupin, Black, Potter and Pettigrew. What are you doing here?” “Professor...it wasn’t Tonks fault, Boreas…” Sirius began, but McGonagall stopped him. “I know. I already spoke to Professor Slughorn about it. He isn’t too happy with how his students were using such....lamentable news. Especially to someone who was involved directly to the victims. ” A wave of relief spread between the them. That was a good sign, at least it meant that Tonks wouldn’t be expelled for stunning Boreas. “Is...Tonks alright?” Lupin asked and for a second he thought he had seen sadness in the stern professor’s face. “I won’t lie to you. Ms. Tonks isn’t feeling too well right now…” “Can we see her? I mean...our company could help, right?” Sirius said. “I’m afraid no, Mr. Black. Professor Dumbledore agreed that, under the current circumstances, it was better for Ms. Tonks to be with her family. She was sent home…” “She’s not here?” Lily asked “When will she come back?” “Ms. Evans, I’m afraid that it is hard to say. It is a difficult moment for her and her family. They’ll need time to ...recover.” Tonks had to be worse than they had imagined. It was difficult to imagine such a cheerful girl mourning after all. “But...professor...about Boreas…” “Like I said, Black. We will handle that. Tonks won’t be punished for what happened today. There’s no need to put her under more anxiety.” They had known McGonagall was right, and in the current circumstances there was no better place for her but her own home with her family. At least, there wouldn’t Slytherin ready to add salt to her injury there. Lupin was aware of this, and even when he knew that it was the most reasonable solution, he couldn’t help but wish she was here. Tonks absence was noticed by many and, unfortunately, not all those who noticed were friendly eyes. Rumors had begun to spread among the hallways of the school. From her being expelled for almost “killing” a student to her being sent to Azkaban and other ridiculous things that made Lupin want to hex the whole student body; something that -as James had noted- was absolutely rare on him. Sirius, too, had been in a foul mood ever since the incident with Boreas; and he made it his life goal to make the Slytherin pay. Thanks to Lily and, to both Sirius and James surprise, Snape’s efforts, the rumors slowly died away. Days passed, and the night of the full moon arrived. Lupin sat quietly in Shrieking Shack awaiting the time for his transformation. It wasn’t nice; it never was and it didn’t matter how many times he went through it, he’d never get used to it. The burning sensation tearing through his muscles and skin; the piercing sting in his bones as the stretched and twisted into their animal forms. Ususally, he’d lose all his human consciousness once he’d changed, but that night something odd had happened. His human mind was conscious along the animal’s.Not fully there, but there. The wolf sneaked out of the dilapidated house and made his way into the forest. He smelled the air and a wave of different essences invaded his nostrils: grass, soil, deer, hare...familiar scents of the wild, but there was another scent hiding under all those. A scent that was alien, yet..familiar. The wolf followed the scent through the forest until it reached the end of it. He could see the castle at the distance and the wolf realized that he’d reached the school grounds. Why had the scent brought him there? His ears caught the sound of footsteps and out of sudden, a dark hooded figure sat down a few steps from him. His first reaction was to get defensive. The wolf bared its teeth and growled in warning; he was ready to jump at the new comer anytime, but then he caught the scent. That strange fragrance that felt so familiar and...attracting. “Is that you?” a soft voice asked in a whisper. The wolf didn’t recognize it immediately. She couldn’t see him as long as he stayed in the shadows casted by the forest trees, but he could see her perfectly well under the moonlight. It was the same girl he’d met some time ago, in this same place. However, the wolf noticed something different about her. The first time they had met, she was full of life and energy. At the time he’d been tempted to jump at her and attack, but he found himself unable to do it. Attacking her felt wrong. Almost as if he was attacking his mate. So he had stayed down and watched her suspiciously. Tonight, however, she seemed...tired...weak; perhaps even ill and he felt tempted to jump out, not to attack her, but to look at her to be sure she was alright. “Wotcher…” she said softly. She had noticed him “I was wondering if I’d see you, today.” The wolf was surprised. The girl didn’t seem afraid of him, but then again, she couldn’t see him, could she? “ I’ve just arrived. I was away for a while, you know? Well, that’s a stupid question. Of course you wouldn’t know...” The wolf watched her quietly; she was right. He wouldn’t know, but his human counterpart did and he’d been awfully concerned about her absence. “It’s been some tough days, would you mind listening to me? It’s not like I have anyone I can talk to about this.” she said tiredly. There was no way for the wolf to answer and, even though he thought that he couldn’t care less about human matters, he found himself unable to leave. He wasn’t sure whether it was his human side’s influence, or the strange sense of attachment that this girl gave him. Taking the wolf’s silence as a agreement, the girl moved from the stone and sat down over the grass with her legs crossed. “My grandparents are gone.” she said in a soft whisper. Her voice was firm, but the wold could see the glitter in her watery eyes “ It was...a murder. My parents tried to spare me the details, of course. I know they think I’m too young to understand, but I’m not that naive. My grandparents were mug...normal people. You know, no magic? They knew about me of course. They were the only ones in my dad’s family that knew, and my Nana loved to see me change the color of my hair…” Tonks had stared at her hands and took a deep breath before continuing to speak. “It was a wizard…” she said weakly “Who did it, I mean. I heard dad telling mom he’d been imperiused. I’m not sure what that is, but it sounded bad. My grandparents...suffered a lot. The man from the ministry, he was kind of scary with that magical eye. He said they had been tortured. Mum thinks it was her family...she feels guilty. Dad told her it wasn’t her fault and if there was someone to blame, that was him. The only reason her family was after us, is him…” The wolf had raised his head. It was difficult for him to understand it, but he’d sensed a switch in the air. It was faint, but his sensitive nose could feel it. Animal’s scent could change depending on their feelings; he’d smelled the scent of fear when he hunted; even the scent of urgency. THe scent he was sensing now, however, was one he wasn’t used to: Grief. “ Mum is a pure blood and my dad is from a non magical family so them being together is a crime.My parents love each other. Isn’t love supposed to be a good thing? It’s….it’s….it’s not fair…” Tonks had begun sobbing, and the wolf felt something it wasn’t used to: empathy. Without even realizing it, he had stepped out from the shadows. He was still young, so compared to an adult of his kind, he was pretty small, but his coat was of a silvery gray that almost seemed to glow under the soft touch of the sunlight. The wolf approached the girl cautiously and sat down in front of her. Tonks raised her face and her puffy eyes locked with his amber ones. He was surprised that the girl didn’t seem to flinch at his presence. He had crossed paths with people before, and they have all either tried to hurt him or ran off terrified. This girl, however, wasn’t. She didn’t want to hurt him and she wasn’t scared of him. “You...are not a dog…” she said a little shocked. The wolf tilted his head at her “Oh, no. I’m so sorry Mr. Wolfie….all this time I thought you were a dog. I didn’t offend you, did I?” If wolves could frown, he would have done it already. From all the reactions he’d expected, an apology was definitely not in the list. The girl stretched her hands at him. She wasn’t stupid, and she knew that trying to pet a wild animal wasn’t smart, but there was something about the wolf that was familiar; something that made her feel safe. The wolf had tensed when he saw the girl’s hand getting close to him. His natural instinct told him to growl and show her his fangs, but something was preventing him from doing it; something that he didn’t understand told him that he couldn’t hurt that girl. Tonks fingers brushed the wolf’s fur gently, and he relaxed letting her pet him. The girl’s tear had stopped falling down her cheeks and a faint smile curved her lips. She realized that the wolf had let her see and pet him as a gesture of comfort. Her grandmother had been right, animals sometimes understood better than people. “Thank you…” she whispered resting her head against his back and the wolf decided that, even if he shouldn’t trust humans, he knew he could, at least, trust this girl.
*** Lupin woke up in the Shrieking Shack the next morning feeling a little airheaded. As his mind grew more awake and alert, a sense of horror invaded him. He could remember small bits of the events from last night and a terrible fear filled him. His fear was even enlarged by the lingering familiar scent on him. He had approached Tonks in his wolf’s form. Had he bitten her? Had he hurt her? His, still over sensitive sense of smell, didn’t catch any trace of blood on his body, but he was still restless. The boy got dressed and ignoring the pain in his body he made his way back to Hogwarts. Under normal circumstances he’d have headed straight to the hospital wing to receive his after moon treatment, but he had to make sure he hadn’t hurt Tonks. One of the advantages (or disadvantages depending on the situation) of his transformation was that he’d retain his wolf’s senses the following 24h. He was able to track down Tonks lingering scent.He could tell she was somewhere in the school grounds and he didn’t need his wolf senses to know where.
Tonks was fast asleep when he found her. She was curled in a corner of the owlery with her head resting against the wall. The girl had probably spent the night in the tower. It wasn’t autumn yet, but nights could still get chilly and she was only wearing her school robes. Lupin knelt in front of her and scanned her carefully. To his relief, the girl did not seem to show any indication of being hurt, but she was a little too cold to the touch. “Tonks…” he said shaking her gently “Tonks...wake up…” It took Lupin a few minutes to wake her up, and he found himself smiling unconsciously when the girl groaned. She opened her sleepy eyes and looked around slightly confused. “Remus?” “Good morning…” he said softly as the girl rubbed her eyes. “...Wotcher..” she said pushing herself into a sitting position and stretching her arms “What are you doing here?” “I should be asking you that…” he replied “ Shouldn’t you be sleeping in your bed?” “My…?” Tonks looked around and her eyes widened in surprise when she noticed her surroundings. After a few seconds of memory work she seemed to remember why and how she had gotten there and Lupin saw her blush in embarrassment. “I fell asleep…” she mumbled “Oh, Merlin…” “ I could tell that...but why are you sleeping in the owlery…?” he chuckled. “Eh...I came back last night. I couldn’t sleep and decided to go out for a stroll...I guess I just fell asleep here…” she looked around her “Did you …?” “Did I…?” “There was a...dog,well, no a dog, a wolf…” Tonks looked around as if she was wondering whether she had imagined all of it “You know what,...forget it…” Lupin was frozen for a minute. Had he stayed with her the last night? He couldn’t remember well. When he transformed, his memories were blurry and scattered, so he couldn’t quite remember all the things he did when he wasn’t human. “Uh….don’t worry. It was nothing…” she smiled and then she frowned in concern “Remus... what happened to you?” “To me?” Then he remembered. In the middle of his worry about Tonks, he had forgotten. He was probably covered in scratches and injuries that Madam Pomfrey had yet to heal. “I…” he said trying to come up with a believable excuse. “Oh, dear... I passed you the clumsiness curse, didn’t I?” Tonks said slightly concerned “Oh Merlin....” “It’s nothing, Tonks...just a few scratches. I’m fine…” “Oh, you’re not fine Remus, and let me tell you...I know about injuries…” the girl replied standing up clumsily and scanning the boy with worry “We should go to madam Pomfrey…” Tonks began pushing him out of the owlery with hurry. Lupin knew the girl’s concern was real, but he couldn’t help but find her actions a little amusing. Unfortunately, Tonks’s good intentions were beaten by her innate clumsiness when she tripped at the exit of the tower and dragged Lupin along with her to the ground. The boy let out a groan as he crashed against the ground. His strained muscles complained at the impact and he had to bite his lip to not let out a screech. “Oh, buggers! I’m so sorry, Remus! Are you okay?But what am I saying...of course you’re not. Okay...stupid me… eh, where does it hurt?” If Lupin was honest, everywhere; but it wasn’t her fault; and despite feeling horribly in pain, he let out a heartwarming laugh. “Oh, no...oh, no, no. Did you hit your head? Remus? How many fingers am I holding...I don’t know if that even works, but I’ve seen people ask that in the movies…” “Tonks…” Lupin chuckled pushing himself up “I’m alright...don’t worry.” “Are you sure?” “Yes, but...I’d appreciate some help getting...well, up…” “Ah...of course.” Tonks helped Lupin back on his feet; then, she pulled his arm over her shoulders to allow him to lean on her as they made their way back to the castle. “Weird...I could have sworn you were shorter…”Lupin said with a smirk. Lupin had done his homework after Tonks had told his wolf side that she was a Metamorphmagus. There wasn’t much information about them in the library’s books because Metamorphmagus were very rare, and the knowledge about them was scarce. All he’d been able to find out was that the gift of metamorphmagic was unique and some considered it genetically encoded and that they were capable to change their appearance at will and for extended periods of time. “What?” Tonks said innocently. He didn’t have to know that she had morphed herself a few inches taller to make it easier for him to relay on her. “Nothing, I must have hit my head and now I’m imagining things…”he mumbled casually. Madam Pomfrey wasn’t too happy when Tonks came into the hospital wing with a very hurt Lupin and she pushed the younger student out of the room as she handled the Gryffindor’s many injuries. That left a guilty looking Tonks pacing around the nurse’s office like a caged lion until the nurse came back with a freshly healed Lupin. “Now, Ms. Tonks…” Madam Pomfrey said sternly “I’ve healed Mr. Lupin’s injuries, but he needs rest, so…” “I know...I know. I won’t bother him...I promise.” Tonks quickly added “I’ll accompany him to back to Gryffindor’s Tower and he’ll be free of me for the rest of the day…” Madam Pomfrey stared at the girl with a frown that made Lupin chuckle. Every little detail of her posture was giving away a very clear message and he was fighting a very silly urge to laugh. At the end, the nurse had reluctantly allowed them to leave. “Oh, dear Merlin…” Tonks sighed “Is there any chance, Madam Pomfrey hates me?” “I highly doubt it…” Lupin answered “She’s probably in a bad mood. I’m under the impression that she gets like that when she’s concerned about the well being of her patients…” “Ah...then she totally hates me.” Tonks nodded to herself “I’m so sorry, Remus...I didn’t meant to ...well, make it worse…” “You didn’t make it worse, Tonks.” He wasn’t lying. The pain he was feeling was due to the full moon and compared to that, a small lump in his head was nothing. “Still...aggh. My lack of grace will be my doom one day. I’m sorry...” “Hey, I said it was fine. Really...” It was clear that Tonks wasn’t convinced, but she didn’t push the mater. Lupin stared at the girl as they walked . She wasn’t looking as bright as she usually was and even though she was trying to act like she usually did, he could tell that her cheerness wasn’t completely honest. “ Ehm...this might be a little improper, but...How...How are you?” he said hesitantly. Lupin wasn’t entirely sure if it’d be okay to ask her. He and Sirius had sent her a few owls during her absence. Owls that were never answered; but neither of them had blamed or resented her for it. Like James had said, she was either too busy with all of it or simply too mournful to write back. Tonks seemed to have froze on her feet. “I…” she began. She hesitated. Tonks turned to face Lupin and saw his gentle eyes staring at her with worry. Worry, not pity, she noticed. She opened her mouth to say something, but no words came out from it. “Oh, well...hey, it’s okay. I’m just...concerned, but you don’t need to talk if you don’t want to. I know it’s hard…” he said rubbing the back of his neck. And then she broke. The mask of cheerness faded and Lupin watched in horror how the girl’s eyes became teary and red. Tonks let out a frustrated mix between a growl and a sob and rushed to clean up her tears with the sleeve of her robe in the most dignifying way she could. She didn’t want to be seen crying like a fool. She had momentarily forgotten her grandparents death with all the disastrous events with Lupin, but now, the weight of reality had fallen on her shoulders once more and for some annoying reason she couldn’t stop herself from weeping. Lupin was panicking. He wasn’t good at this kind of things; dealing with girls was more Sirius’s area. In other circumstances, the panic in his- usually calm face - would have been amusing. “S-s-sorry. It’s my fault. I don’t know...my emotional switch must be broken or something...haha…” she said rubbing her face “I don’t even know why am I crying...haha…” “...Tonks…” “Maybe I should go.You can….get to Gryffindor on your own, right?” “Tonks….” “I’ll just...go and…” “Nymphadora!” Lupin felt a little self conscious about using her name, but at least he had gotten her attention. He was glad that rather than angry, she seemed surprised by him using her name. “Don’t…” she began, but Lupin waved his hand in front of hair. “I know...but you weren’t listening.” he said “look. I understand...what happened was terrible. There’s nothing wrong if you want to cry. I’d never judge you, none of us would. We are your friends. We want to...help. That’s what friends do. Support each other…” He remembered that some time ago he had gotten that same speech from James and Sirius, and the memory made him smile. He’d never imagined himself giving it to someone else. Tonks stared at him quietly. There was something about Lupin’s voice that could make her feel calm, but she had no idea what it was. She cleaned up her face as best as she could and nodded. Lupin suddenly sensed someone approaching. It was probably some students ready to go for breakfast and the last thing Tonks needed was a bunch of students gossiping about her in her face; so he grabbed her hand and dragged her all the way out of the castle again. “Wait...what...?” Tonks asked surprised “Remus!” Lupin didn’t answer until he considered that they were far enough to not be seen by any other students. “Sorry, there was someone coming. I thought they’d make you feel uncomfortable with...you know…” he said embarrassed. There was silent pause between them. Out of sudden, Tonks broke into a soft and weak giggle. The girl understood Lupin’s intention. She’d left the school in a pretty flashy way, and by now everyone would have heard about her grandparents. Rumors and gossips were bound to appear, and Lupin had wanted to spare her the weight of the other students’ curious looks until she felt a little better to deal with them. “Thank you…” “Erm...it’s nothing…” he said with a smile “say….How about we... skip class today? We can take a stroll, or just sit around and talk. That should make you feel better...” “Madam Pomfrey said you had to rest…” “Yeah. She didn’t say I had to do it in my bed, did she? It’s fine...I can get excused from class for being a little ill and I’m sure no one will say anything if you skip today….” Tonks seemed to consider it. “WHere do you suggest we hide?” Lupin smiled. “Just follow me…”
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moniehp · 6 years
World Cup
(AN: So I have a wattpad account and decided to post one of my chapters from my Draco Malfoy story on here. )
It was early in the day now, and Mrs. Weasley sent Hermione and me to wake up the boys. I'm April Potter. I am 14 along with my twin brother Harry. Harry is known as the boy who lived. He has a scar on his forehead from the night an evil man named Voldemort killed our parents. Harry was the only one out of the two of us to get the scar. For the past three years along with our two friends, Ron and Hermione have battled a Troll, Learned about the chamber of secrets, and helped a man escape dementors. This year I'm hoping nothing too extreme happens. "Harry..Harry, Harry," said Hermione. I looked over to see my brother wake up from a nightmare I'm guessing. "Hermione, when did you get here?" Harry asked. "Just now" I turned to Ron who was still snoring away. "Ron. Ron wake up" Ron woke up to me standing over him. "Bloody Hell," Ron said covering himself. I rolled my eyes and pulled Hermione to leave. "Honestly Ron get dressed you also Harry." Ron laid back down ignoring what I just said. We all ate our breakfast, and Mr. Weasley rounded us up and made our journey to wherever. "Ron where are we going?" Harry asked. Ron just shrugged. I was walking beside Fred and George talking about the pranking adventures we could get into at Hogwarts.
"Arthur it's about time son." I looked to see a man ahead of us holding a cane. "This is Amos Diggory everyone works with me at the ministry." Then a boy dropped from a tree making me jump. "This young man must be Cedric." Ginny and Hermione grabbed me and pulled me forward. "He does look handsome," said Ginny. "Oh come on Gin you know April only has eyes for a certain Slytherin," Hermione said with disgust. I looked around to see if Harry had heard, but he was distracted by Cedric's dad. "I don't have feelings for Malfoy." "I didn't say it was Malfoy" Hermione is such a pain. Ever since 2nd year when Malfoy treated me differently, Hermione claims that he likes me, but I couldn't be bothered. Both Ginny and Hermione laughed at the sour expression on my face. We came to an open field where there was an old boot sitting out in the open. "Why are we all standing around that mangy old boot?" Harry asked. "That's not any mangy old boot mate" "It's a port key, " said the twins. We all put a hand on the boot as Mr. Diggory counted down. I noticed Harry didn't have his hand on the boot, so I quickly snatched his hand and placed it on the boot as we were lifted up in the air. "Alright, kids let go" what did he just say "Let go" that's what I thought he said. We all let go, and I screamed bloody murder as we fell and landed on the ground. I looked up to see Mr. Weasley, Cedric, and his dad come down with ease. The twins came and pulled me up and brushed the dirt off me. "Wouldn't want Princess April to get dirty would we Fred" "No George I reckon we don't" "Oh stuff it you two," I said grabbing my bag and catching up to Hermione. "Well, kids welcome to the Quidditch World Cup ." There were wizards everywhere sporting green and red. Hermione and I both looked at each other with awe. We split up from the Diggorys and made our way to this small tent. "How are we supposed to fit in that?" I said. No one answered me. Harry just looked at me confused also. I stepped forward and walked into the tent. It was very spacious inside along with a kitchen. "I love magic," Harry said.
It was night now, and we were following the crowd towards the stadium. We were going up these flights of stairs, and I was getting tired. "Are we there yet?" I asked out of breath. I wasn't a Quidditch player like Harry I stuck to academics. "Blimey Dad how far up are we?" Ron asked. "Well put it this way if it rains you'll be the first to know." ugh I hate Lucius Malfoy. He thinks just because he's a pureblood that makes him better than everyone else when he's scum. "Father and I are in the minister's box by invitation of Cornelius Fudge himself." Of course, Draco just had to make it worse. I glared at Draco who had a smug look on his face. Harry grabbed my shoulders to turn me around. Lucifer I mean Lucius decided to grab Harry's sleeve with his cane. "Do enjoy yourself won't you.. while you can." What did he mean by that? I looked at Draco to see him still staring at me. He sent me a wink before following his father. "I hate that git," Harry said. "Don't worry about him Harry come let's enjoy the game." I pushed Harry up the stairs.
When we got to the top, the game was just starting. The Irish came over us and produced a dancing Leprechaun in the sky. "So cool" I commented to Harry. Along came Bulgaria with their Seeker Viktor Krum. "Hermione I think I want one."Hermione pushed me as the game began. Of course, Ireland won, and we were back in the tent having our little party. "There's no one like Krum." Ron started to say. Ginny and I were dancing around when I heard a bang. I looked to see Mr. Weasley came inside the tent with a serious face. "Stop it's not the Irish we need to move now." When we got outside, there was straight pandemonium. People were running in every direction screams filled the air, and there was fire everywhere. "APRIL HARRY" I heard Hermione yell. I felt Harry grab my wrist and pull me towards the group. I tried to keep up, but I couldn't and tripped. "HARRY" I yelled out. "APRIL NO" I got up and pushed my way through the crowd trying to reach him, but it was too late. I ran as fast as I could looking behind me to see where the enemies were. As soon as I turned back around I bumped into someone. I looked up to see...Malfoy?
"Malfoy what are you doing just standing there?" He didn't answer as he pulled me off in another direction towards the woods. "Hey! let go where are you taking me?" Of course, he ignored me. He led me to a clearing away from the chaos and threw me into a tree. "What the hell is your problem?" He narrowed his eyes at me. "What the hell is yours!" I put my hands on my hips and glared. "For your information, I got separated from my brother and was trying to find him." Malfoy just rolled his eyes and leaned against the tree. "Of course you get separated from Saint Potter whenever there's danger about."
"What's that suppose to mean?" Malfoy huffed then looked at me. "It means your brother has a poor record when it comes to keeping you safe from harm." I opened my mouth to tell him off, but he was right in a way. Harry was never around whenever I was in trouble. Although he did save Ginny and me from the Chamber. "Why do you care for my safety anyways you hate me." Malfoy was quiet as he still stared at me which was kind of making me uneasy. "I hate your brother you, on the other hand, I can't seem to figure out." I turned my back on him noticing that the commotion was over and the screams had died down. "Well don't bother I'm a lion you're a snake that's all there is to it," I said as I walked off maybe I can find Harry now. "Let's not forget there's more snake in you than lion Ms. Potter." I stopped and glanced back at him to see that stupid smirk on his face. Git
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sovoidstrawberry · 6 years
Safe Haven (Sirius Black Fan-fiction)
TW: I guess talks of the WW
Part I
The Wizarding War brew with a new certainty in the summer of 1977. As Death Eaters and Aurors alike resorted to new tactics to hunt down each other, the tensions of the war cracked under pressure and people were slipping through the cracks. Sons and Daughters of either side were being captured and held as bait. Many Hogwarts students had nowhere to hide in this mania. And where there is a demand soon will come a supply. A haven was set up for all who needed refuge between the academic years. No person was too dangerous to hide out at the long-abandoned Murphy’s second summer home. The home was charmed to be larger than it looked, as it appeared only to be a small stone manor with vines climbing up the side due to lack of upkeep. The manor was a large place but not large enough to comfortably fit 33 people, so the haven members had long been forced to double up to save space. The haven had also been charmed to be one of the safest places outside of Hogwarts itself, using many of the same charming methods the school had. But it had one fatal flaw. While it had at one time been a booming plantation, it had been decades since any Murphy had step foot in the place. The haven lacked enough food to feed their escapees. 
"Will it work?" 
"How am I meant to know?"
"How can we send them on a suicide mission?" 
"Look we don't have time for this, we can't keep smuggling food from stores to feed everyone. We're too big for that. This is our only hope."
 The hushed voices discussed the fate of the camp. The mission now was to find a food source for the rest of the summer. There was still two months left till everyone left for Hogwarts again and there would be no point in hiding from the Death Eaters if they all starved instead. The camp held 33 people who had nowhere to go over the summer, be it that their families died in the war or were trying to recruit them into the war, many hid out at the Irish farm. One of the few implicit rules outside of safety protocol was the lack of judgment at the camp. Anyone who thought too highly of themselves would quickly get shot down as everyone at the camp were equals. The pure blood mania would not taint them. The mission plan was simple: request Kylie’s parents for some help. The Murphy’s were wealthy business owners who ran a chain of muggle fashion shops within the wizarding world. With the amount of food that they wasted at the end of their weekly parties the family could afford to feed them all for three more summers. Getting to the Murphy’s would also be the most convenient as they were the closest to the camp by far. However, the Murphy’s agreement would not be an easy feat.  Despite the fact that their second youngest daughter ran the haven, the family was well known in the wizarding world for being a completely Gryffindor bloodline. Until Kylie that is. Kylie had found herself sorted into Slytherin at the beginning of her seven years at Hogwarts, her family had been quick to voice their displeasure with her and since then favored the other four siblings over her no matter how hard she tried to be the perfect daughter. It also did not help that her perfect days were long over, and she rarely conversed with her parents and siblings as her rebellious phase in her fifth year had driven a wedge between them. Kylie knew now that she was the one at fault for the coldness of her family, but she still had yet to fix the matter, seeing as she was busy at the haven for the summer. 
“I don’t see why it is that we didn’t just floo here.” Chase Matthews stated as he looked around the Murphy Manor patio. 
The trip had been a painful one involving four portkeys and a pair of broomsticks that the two had sat upon for far too long. Kylie didn’t bother responding seeing as Chase knew fully well why they “didn’t just floo here." Chase simply enjoyed complaining. 
“So, ready to be home, Murphster?” Chase continued, messing with one of the many lion statues set on the front porch of the Murphy Manor. 
“More than ready, but we both know there’s still the better part of two months till we get there.” Kylie rang the doorbell, which gave off no sound the first, second, and third time she pressed it. “Guess this broke while I was gone,” she mumbled to herself as she took her fist and rapped onto the dark wood door. 
There were a couple seconds of silence before Chase began to speak again. “You know maybe we should-” the door swung open. 
Waiting behind the door was a young brunette with long brown hair wearing a short gold dress. Elia. Elia Murphy was Kylie’s younger sister and her arch enemy, seeing as Elia had all that Kylie had ever wanted. Elia was immediately placed in Gryffindor upon being sorted and never knew the jealousy Kylie secretly harbored since they were kids. Elia being the youngest got all that she ever wanted and had been spoiled beyond belief. She now was dating a year up into her sister's year. The infamous Sirius Black. Who now stood behind the gorgeous Elia in the living room, and beside him was James Potter. Elia’s big blue eyes widened at the sight of her ‘long lost sister’ and she immediately went in for a hug. Despite the jealousy for Elia’s normal life, Kylie loved her sister more than anything and was quick to return it. 
“Where have you been this past month, we’ve all been worried sick.” Despite the polite words seeping from her mouth, Kylie knew the we meant she.  
“I’ve been safe, don’t worry about me.” Kylie’s soft yet vague words left Elia feeling frustrated with her sister. “Is there a party tonight?” Kylie questioned, stepping into the manor and instinctively removing her tennis shoes. At this Chase quickly followed suit.
“No, just dinner with the Potters.” Elia replied shortly. “Kylie seriously, I thought you had been kidnapped by Death Eaters, you know you shouldn’t hang around the crowd you do. It’s dangerous.” 
Kylie was not surprised to see few changes to the old living room, the fire place roaring as always. She waved at James and Sirius politely, muttering a “hey” to her childhood friend and his new friend. She walked in her mismatched socks over to the fireplace to crouch down and gain some color back before seeing her parents. 
“I’ve been with friends, the crowd I hang around is fine, though sometimes I question yours.” Kylie’s darted over to the infamous Sirius Black who she knew to be a massive playboy. “But, I did come here to do more than play catch up,” she stood, her face now red from having been so close to the fire, “I’m here to see Mom and Dad.” She explained as she turned to face her shorter sister.
“Why?” The response was curt and frustrated.  
“Why does any black sheep wish to see their rich parents? I need money.” Kylie’s response is intentionally misleading as in every situation she seems to wish to put up a front rather than explain herself. 
“You can’t just show up and ask them for money! Are you insane?” Elia’s rage would be something to worry about on any given day, but nothing was going to stop Kylie from helping the haven. 
“I can, and I will, there’s never any harm in asking.” Kylie frustration intertwined with each word as her eyes scanned the room for any indication of where her parents may have gone. 
“You Slytherins really have no shame, do you?” James Potter questioned, standing up, about to deliver a monologue on his hatred for the house. “No shame and no honor-” 
“Shut up.” It was at that moment that Kylie snapped. She didn’t know why it was that hearing her longtime friend disrespect her for the thousandth time was so awful. Maybe it was because she was in front of one of the haven members, maybe because she still yearned for the respect of her family, but this time she couldn’t bite her tongue.  “Do you know what I find shameful? I find it shameful that you dare speak of honor when you have none yourself. You have spent the last six years avoiding and ridiculing me to your so-called friends, so you could show off that you didn’t care for me anymore. As if you were never scared of exactly what happened to me. As if I never helped you with your insecurities. As if we had never spoken. And you dare insinuate me shameful? I am not the one who dropped you when you didn’t get placed into my house! I am not the one who judges an entire group of people based on prejudice. Do you know who I am now, really? I am a leader. I am a friend. I am a protector. I am everything you said I would become. No thanks to you.”
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screamingintp · 6 years
more about my mc
this is a mess, please don’t read it unless you’re interested in what i come up with when i’m sleep deprived and creating my first rp character
https://character-resource.deviantart.com/art/Big-Ass-Character-Sheet-Updating-167182524 but i cut out a buncha shit
welcome to hell(or the place in which I can’t capitalize for shit and curse too much and am vague but that’s honestly my personality in general)
Full Name: Mark Knox
Meaning: Mark, derived from Martkos(Roman), related to the war god, Mars. Knox, derived from cnoc(Scottish), meaning hillock.
Origin: made it up on the spot because planning is for cowards
Signature: illegible letters - MKX
Gender: male
Orientation: pan(i wrote pam and don’t regret it)-aro
Blood: three-quarters pure, half blood father
Birthday: 6-6
Deathday: (May not have one yet)(oh gee, did you not expect me to have a day of death?)(well, i don’t)
Astrological Sign: Gemini(fun fact: Draco’s the only Gemini on the wiki)(why is this relevant)(astrology is weird as all hell)
Immediate Family: Jacob Knox(brother)
Distant Family: Shay Knox(mother), Clark Knox(father)
Parenting: non-existent
Upbringing(morals and ideals): considering he was raised by a person only a few years older than him, during the period of Voldemort’s rule, he is less screwed up than he could’ve been. However, he still possesses a rather vague and undefined sense of right and wrong - using his logic to bypass any sort of regrets if it blocks him from his goal
Infancy: (dropped at birth is an option and i’m living for it)
Childhood: that one kid who lit ants on fire and was ‘rebellious’ (you know that post about america being the asshole kid with neglectful parents? That’s the one)
Adolescence: canon
Adulthood: never. He hasn’t even gotten taller
Species: hooman
Preferred Hand: ambidextrous(he keeps injuring his hands)
Facial Type: like a face, why is this - oval, i guess
Eye Color: dark brown
Hair Color (Self Explanatory)(it isn’t when his hair is grey/silver/white)(the kid probably bleached his already pale hair)(he probably likes the smell of bleach)
Hairstyle: fringe-up
Complexion: blushes easily, relatively smooth unless you look at the cuts and bruises and scars on his arms, back and legs
Body Type: ectomorph
Build: skinny arms and legs, he isn’t the most physically fit and regularly damages his body due to his complete lack of care for his own safety
Height: 65 in
Weight: 120 lb
Shoe Size: (Shoe size doesn’t matter)(goddamnit i forgot this was an innuendo)(keep it pg, please)
Birthmarks/scars: no birthmarks, and has tons of ugly marks all over him, none of them particularly remarkable
Distinguishing Features: the contrast between his eye color and hair color - but other than the hair, he doesn’t have a memorable face
Health: as healthy as a wizard without impulse control and emotional support could be
Energy: swings from highs and lows without any pattern
Memory: remembers the small stuff, the negative parts - forgets about major ideas or lessons
Senses: heavily relies on eyes, can’t taste for shit
Allergies: (Self Explanatory. May be optional.)(i mean, i would put animals, but we have transfiguration)
Medication: needs some, doesn’t take any
Phobias(irrational fears):
Symmetrophobia(fear of symmetry, an unnatural-looking but normal occurrence, which isn’t debilitating, but causes him stress and uneasiness)
Siderophobia(fear of the stars, the idea that there’s so much out there that he doesn’t know of is pretty awful and, again, while it isn’t going to freeze him up, it will cause him to become upset)
Addictions: none yet
Mental Disorders: undiagnosed
Style: couldn’t care less about appearance  - he wears the school robes most of the time
Mode of Dress: doesn’t have a particular taste, as long as it’s passable, it’s fine - tends to wear a size or two larger
Grooming: somewhere in between messy and neat
Posture: he displays an air of aloofness and confidence - almost condescending in stance
Gait: quickly and efficiently - it’s brisk at his slowest
Coordination: not physically fit at all, he’s too reckless for that - exercises to the point of exhaustion without realizing that it’s detrimental to do so and has limbs flying all over the place
Habits and Mannerisms: taps his foot or fingers when excited, nervous, or anything that deviates from his usual ‘cool’ facade
Scent: earth, smoke, and grass - faint but noticeable
Mood: ‘calm’ - probably plotting though
Attitude: he’s charismatic and charming until you dig deeper
Stability: hA
Expressiveness: can act like he’s wearing his heart on his sleeve but can never fully give his true thoughts
When Happy: smirks - invades personal space and slows down
When Depressed: smiles - talks louder and speaks faster
When Angry: (trolls online is an option and if that isn’t Mark, i don’t know what is) smirks - wide eyes and tense hands
Friends: Rubeus Hagrid - but not really
Enemies: Rita Skeeter - but not really
Bosses: Filius Flitwick - but not really
Followers: not even himself
Heroes: Filius Flitwick - “short people are closer to hell and he’s gonna whoop my ass if I do anything stupid”
Rivals: Ismelda - “for most edgy teen”
Relates to: Dumbledore - impersonal but seemingly close, full of contradictions and ulterior motives
Pets/Familiars: does his jar of bug bodies count?
Wardrobe: mostly consisting of Hogwarts robes, formal robes, and the identical grey-blue sweater and jeans
Equipment: carries a wand and a pencil(but not paper, because he has problems)
Accessories: a single dangling silver piercing on his right ear(family tradition)
Trinkets: carries hair ties on his wrist all the time(why? He doesn’t even know)
Funds: his family is relatively well off, being a respected branch of purebloods
Home: almost like his personality, warm and nice on the outside, cozy on the inside, but dead silent and empty when no one looks - not large but not small either, seeming normal by all accounts if you don’t look into any of the rooms(jacob’s windows are taped shut and Mark broke through the locked door that connected their bedrooms)
Neighborhood: the woods
Transportation: running because stamina apparently is infinite in this world
Collections: bug bodies, herbs, and lighters
Prized Possession: his wand, after seeing Jacob’s broken one
Lovers: yeet
Marital Status: yeet
Experience: works in the three broomsticks in his off time to get experience and money, nothing serious
Organizations/Affiliations: changeable, he doesn’t plant many roots or make any long-term promises
Education: i mean, Hogwarts. But is it even ‘education’?
School: (What was their school like?) bitch this is Hogwarts
Social Stereotype: “least favorite cursed student”
Intelligence: mostly interpersonal, linguistic and logical
Extracurricular Activities: would do theater if given the chance
Morals: don’t exist - but he honestly has a problem with reasoning his way into committing seriously wrong deeds
Crime Record: hasn’t been caught yet ;)
Motivation: adrenaline, change - nothing truly meaningful or satisfying
Priorities: knowledge, humans, self
Philosophy: gen z nihilism
Etiquette: usually practices ‘correct’ etiquette - does not give a fuck if his behaviour offends someone though
Influences: everything and anything he finds intriguing
Traditions: tries to run away from them, always moving and staying ahead of the past
Career: spell-inventor or wand-maker/seller
Desires: uncertain
Accomplishments: undetermined
Biggest Failure: failing Jacob
Secrets: his manipulative side, his genuinely mean streak and the fact that he regrets having those traits
Regrets: a shit ton of things
Worries: Jacob, being nothing in the grand scheme of things, being a hypocrite, betrayal, a shit ton of things
Best Dream: having a greater purpose
Worst Nightmare: dying alone and being left behind as a ghost
Best Memories: finding his brother’s secret room, meeting Billingsley
Worst Memories: losing his brother, lying to his teachers, accidentally calling Chester: Jacob
Hobbies/Interests: explore the wilderness, identify flora and fauna, observing other people
Skills/Talents: pyromancy, charms in general, debating, acting, singing
Likes: mint, sharpies, fire
Dislikes: himself, close-minded people, pity
Sense of Humor: sarcastic, self-deprecating, relatively dark
Pet Peeves: the guy scratching his quill the wrong way in the front row whenever they write essays
Dreams/Nightmares: doesn’t dream usually - when he does, it’s usually flashes of color and abstract black and white shapes
Quirks: can’t sit on the fucking couch correctly
Understands: how people think, the reason they fail, mistakes
Can't understand: quidditch, values, structure
Closet Hobby: burning shit(though that isn’t really a hidden thing with him)
Strengths: charismatic, diplomatic, quick-witted, inwardly caring, able to understand his flaws, patient, logical, able to read other people
Flaws: lies often, manipulative, lazy, lenient, passive, harsh, inconsiderate, enjoys pushing people’s buttons, doesn’t understand people
Perception of others: beautiful, incomprehensible, vast
Instincts: wants approval(deems it irrational)
Lures: leadership roles, secrets, problems
Soft Spot: innocence but not ignorant, optimism
Ability: capable if he puts his mind to it - employs unpredictable and risky techniques instead of having a fear of consequences
Weaknesses: stubborn opponents - he expects change and gets caught off guard when someone seems set in their ways
Patronus: non-corporeal
Boggart: fire(irony i guess is easy to use when you don’t have anything else)
Wand: spruce, phoenix feather, 12”, springy
Amortentia: lime, smoke, sharpies
House: Ravenclaw(that post about the kid wanting to be put in Ravenclaw since ppl will trust you but got in Slytherin)
Favorite Color(s): grey, blue
Favorite Animal(s): swedish short snout
Favorite Drink(s): coffee and soda(probably together because he can’t function like a normal person)
Favorite Genre: mystery or myths
Favorite Subject(s): charms(Flitwick is the man) and divination(where you can bs your way through anything)
Least Favorite Color(s): black, white
Least Favorite Animal(s): flies
Least Favorite Drink(s): does soup count? Because he does drink it in a cup
Least Favorite Genre: manuals and biographies
Least Favorite Subject(s): flying(impulsive idiot) and care of magical creatures(he’s a screw up around animals)
Languages: english and he taught himself some Latin
Voice: average in tone, a bit nasally, rather forgettable except for the speed
Greetings and Farewells: doesn’t
Ask your character "how are you": yes.
Character tries to compliment: you have eyes, your name is ___
Tries to insult: passive-aggressively drags a person
Expletive: damn(dam)(loopholes, my friends)
Laughter: snorting, definitely not normal
Tagline: ___, yeah?
Reputation: other than the whole ‘brother’ problem, is relatively well-liked
First Impressions: charming, confident guy
Stranger Impressions: a bit loud but not strange
Friendly Impressions: goddamnit Mark, shut up
Enemy Impressions: please keep talking so we’re allowed to punch you in the face
Familiar Impressions: ah yes, the hair pops up from time to time
Compliments from others: bright, energetic, optimistic, honest
Insults: dangerous, unstable, chaotic
Self-Impression: am shit
Compare to: forest fire(destructive and necessary for change)
Symbols: flames, ashes, duality
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enter-the-phantom · 6 years
Hi! I hope this question isn’t annoying but why do you say Snape is ooc in Hogwars Mystery? I find him pretty accurate (and I love the sassy remarks he makes). I know in the books he’s not as hard on slytherins but still the only student he’s actually nice to is Draco. I also find very interesting the moment in the timeline the game is set, Lily just died 3 years before which makes me think Snape should be extra bitter because he’s hurting a lot. What do you think?
First, wanted to say don’t take this next part the wrong way, but I sort of have a policy on my blog that I don’t discuss Snily in any way, shape, or form. ^.^” It’s a severe emotional trigger for me (if you want you can check my FAQ’s). This isn’t a reprimand against you, it’s more of a notice to anyone else who might come to my blog to ask something similar to this and not know!
Also folks reading this: please, please, DO NOT REBLOG OR DISCUSS. If you haven’t read my FAQ’s and you’re a new follower, I suggest you do so. There’s important info there about why I don’t like to discuss Snape’s character in detail and why I get touchy about it. I’m answering this ask because it’s a fair and polite question, but I do not want to discuss this further or I could go to a very bad place mentally and emotionally. Thank you! :)
There’s a lot of reasons he’s OOC. I will admit I’m not very far in the game yet, so I’m sure I’ll find a LOT more, but here’s what I’ve got so far: 
-The “correct” choices are things Snape hates. One of the big things I noticed was that the way to get Snape to not absolutely despise you was to give excuses, blame others, and suck-up. 
We see pretty early on in the books that Snape hates it when his students give excuses. He has a deep respect for authority and expects the same from his students. When he scolds you for something, he expects a polite apology and a “yes, sir”. But if you give that to him in this game, he just gets even more upset. 
Snape also isn’t big on suck-ups. We’ll look at that in our next point. 
-Snape and Merula. His odd favoritism towards her is very OOC. And I know what you’re thinking: “What about Draco?” Let’s examine Snape and Draco to further look at Snape and Merula. 
Snape knows Draco’s father. Draco’s father believes Snape to still be a Death Eater. He needs to stay in his good graces, both for his own safety and to further serve Dumbledore and the Order. Of course he’s not going to get on Draco’s bad side. His favoritism of Draco can also be easily explained as him wanting to protect Draco from what happened to him. Draco is a very vulnerable kid, and Snape knows this. By favoring him and hopefully gaining his favor, Snape can influence him not to go down the same path he and his father once did. 
But what about Merula? We know Merula’s parents were once Death Eaters, but in the game, it’s mentioned they’re in Azkaban. Snape doesn’t need to fear them the way he needed to fear Lucius. Maybe he’s trying to protect her the same way he does Draco later on, but it seems a bit extreme. And let’s not forget that if there’s one thing Snape despises, it’s bullies (yes, I can hear the antis calling hypocrisy now). 
And yes, I know he didn’t care about Draco’s bullying, but don’t forget who Draco was bullying. I’m not so sure he’d be so apathetic if it was just a random kid to whom he had no personal grudge. Rowan, Ben, and the player have no connection to Snape. They’re innocent bystanders, just as he once was. I find it very hard to believe that he would turn a blind eye to, and even protect, Merula in this situation. 
-His physical appearance. Now this may not seem like a big deal, but in actuality, it’s vital to how we perceive him. And before we begin, yes, I do understand he is based off of Alan Rickman’s version of the character. The problem is that Alan’s version wasn’t at all physically accurate. So really this will also be a sort of critique of the film’s portrayal, lol. 
There’s a lot to go through here, so let’s start with age. In this game, I believe Snape is around 27 (he’s got a January birthday and I’m not good at math, so I’m probably a year off). However, he appears to be around 50. 
For better or worse, we all have preconceptions about people based on the way they look. Any character designer can tell you this. An older character is going to seem more emotionally mature, strong, and able to handle themselves. In book canon, Snape is none of these things. 
Now it is true that he probably looks older than he is due to stress and malnutrition. But he wouldn’t appear to be in his 50′s when he’s in his late 20′s. Making him appear older not only makes us subconsciously view him as more mature and high-brow, it also takes him out of the world of the Marauders. He looks much older than the other Marauder-era characters, which is a problem. It makes him seem more removed and distant from them, when they were a huge part of why he became who he is. 
Next is his size. In the books, Snape is very often described as being very thin, almost appearing malnourished, and actually rather short (he’s described as being “quite a bit shorter than Sirius”, and in the opening scene of DH he’s “the shorter man”). This is actually very important. A tall, broad-shouldered man in his 50′s having bad memories of being bullied seems more like someone who just needs to let a few mean words roll off of him. But a short, skinny man, once a short, skinny teenager, going through the same thing tells a very different story. Sirius and James may not have been able to physically intimidate the Snape shown in the movies and Hogwarts Mystery, but they could snap book-canon Snape like a twig. 
Now in the films, we can overlook this more easily. It’s not Alan’s fault he was in his 60′s–twice as old as Snape is in PS/SS–when he first took the role. And it makes sense from a cinematographic standpoint to make Snape larger: someone of book canon’s size would be very un-intimidating on camera without the descriptions in a novel to set the tone. But in a game, it’s much easier to give the player a moody, immersive setting. It would have been possible to make him his original book-canon size and not lose anything. 
…Of course, this could have just been done to keep him recognizable for film fans and I just wasted twenty minutes typing all that, lol. 
-His undermining of other teachers/authority. 
As we’ve already discussed, Snape has a deep respect for authority. And yet there are in times in the game when he directly goes against what his colleagues say and do. When Flitwick stands up for you after the duel with Merula, Snape ignores/shoots him down. 
Flitwick, as far as we know, was one of Snape’s teachers at Hogwarts (another problem with changing his age appearance-wise: he appears older than the very teachers who taught him as a boy!). Snape would never undermine one of his own teachers, even as an adult. Let’s not forget all the times he backed down to McGonagall in the books (she mentions teaching James, so we know she taught Snape as well). 
He also speaks ill of Dumbledore several times. As you said, this is 3-4 years after Voldemort’s fall, after Dumbledore has taken Snape in. Although he does have a few remarks to make in the books, we need to remember this is after Harry has arrived at Hogwarts and Dumbledore has begun favouring him. At this point, Snape doesn’t have a lot of reason to get on Dumbledore’s bad side, especially when his position is so precarious. 
-His teaching style. I’ll admit, this is more of a nit-pick than anything else. But Snape is very adamant in the books about how precise the art of potion-making is. He doesn’t really allow/encourage the use of magic in his classroom for things like levitating bottles or cutting ingredients–there’s too much room for error. 
And yet in the game, there’s magic flying everywhere in his classroom. Maybe it was just a design choice, but it’s annoying. In other HP games, such as the LEGO series, potions was kept non-magical and the fun was still there! 
-But the big one for me so far is his use of the word “sniveling”. This may not seem like such a huge deal, but it’s actually pretty important. We’ve seen his reaction to variants of this word in the HP book series, and it’s always angry and emotional. I don’t think he’d use this word lightly to reprimand/bully a student, and I think we all know why. To me this shows that the writers don’t really know or understand his character. 
And that’s my main issue: they didn’t understand his character before writing him into the game. This man is incredibly important to me. Seeing him reduced to a caricature of who he is, someone representing only one facet, the worst facet, of his complex personality, is terribly offensive. I’ve even seen him compared to versions of Snape cooked up by anti’s. 
I think it’s important for people to understand that it’s personally difficult for me. Because of my story, I’m going to take greater offense to anything regarding him than most people would. If I make comments about him being OOC, it’s not really a critique of the game or those who play it. It’s just me venting my frustration at…a lot of things. 
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Creation event for @nevilledefensenet: Life After Hogwarts
Hannah Abbott had not been having the best of days. She was hot and tired, her blonde hair escaping the knot at the nape of her neck and tickling her shoulders, her eyes dark-rimmed with lack of sleep. It had been a busy evening at the Leaky Cauldron, and she'd just managed to get a breather in between crowds. And of course, just when she was feeling particularly sweaty and nasty and unattractive, the gorgeous guy she'd had a crush on for years, the one she hadn't seen all summer, walked into the bar. Every female eye in the place  followed him, and, she noticed, some of the male eyes as well. Perfect timing, just perfect, she thought to herself wryly, but put on her brightest smile for him nonetheless.
“Hey, Neville. How was your summer? Something to drink?”
“A Butterbeer, please, and it was lovely. How are you, Hannah?”
She reached for a clean mug and held it under the tap, careful to get just the right pour. “Doing just fine, thanks.”
He took a sip. “Have you done something to the recipe? This is much better than I remember it.”
She dimpled at him. “Thanks! I convinced Tom to let me fiddle with it a bit – my aunt's old technique. He says,” and here her voice deepened into a convincing imitation of Tom's gruff grumble, “as long as you're taking over the place anyway, you might as well start putting your own stamp on it.”
“So you have.” He looked around at the windows, now full of greenery, blooming and twining and reaching for the sunbeams. Even the darker corners had shade-loving plants in them, some of them singing softly to themselves.
“Home is where the plants are, as Professor Sprout always says...”
“Agreed.” He lifted his mug to her, his kindred-spirit grin making the blood in her veins fizz and sparkle. I've missed him so much.
And of course, it was just at that point that the pair of really aggravating young women who had been getting on Hannah's nerves all evening decided to chime in. “Aww, come on, handsome,” one of them giggled tipsily. “Why waste your time on her? She's just a Hufflepuff, after all...” Oh crap, here we go again. I can't let myself rise to the bait, they're customers and I'm working...but why does this have to happen now, in front of Neville?
But then she saw Neville's face. “What do you mean, 'just' a Hufflepuff?” His voice was soft, but it could have frozen Fiendfyre.
The girl shrugged, clearly not knowing when to stop digging. “Well, everyone knows it's the house of leftovers, where you go if you're not smart enough or brave enough or sneaky enough for the others. The rejects.”
“Then everyone knows wrong. Where were you during the Battle of Hogwarts?” he demanded. “I don't remember seeing you there.”
She backed away defensively. “I'm an only child. My parents insisted I evacuate, because they didn't want to lose me. I couldn't help it.”
“I'm an only child too. So is Hannah. And while you were safe at home, she was with me and Dumbledore's Army, fighting Death Eaters as bravely as any Gryffindor. Braver than some.” He withered her with a look. “There were people from every other house, Gryffindors and Ravenclaws and Slytherins, who chose to stay home in safety last year or worse, join up with the Death Eaters. But not from Hufflepuff. Every single Hufflepuff who was old enough was with Dumbledore's Army giving everything they had to stop Voldemort. Some of them died. Too many of them died. And they didn't do it for the glory, they didn't do it for fame or fortune or recognition, they did it because it needed to be done. That's Hufflepuff for you, every single time, doing what needs to be done no matter what it costs them. They're the best of the lot of us, really. You aren't fit to polish her shoes, let alone sit at her bar and order her around.”
When he finished, the bar was dead silent, listening. Suddenly, a round of applause burst from a table containing several Gryffindor students. “You tell 'em, Nev!” shouted Seamus Finnegan, and Dean Thomas, his arm around Seamus's waist, seconded the cry. The applause spread through the bar, and Neville turned an appealing shade of pink. Hannah would have enjoyed it more had she not been aware that she herself was blushing even harder. 
The troublemaker's friend nudged her urgently to her feet, and they tried to look as though they were stalking out in a huff. It rather spoiled the image, though, when the girl who had been doing the talking knocked over her bar stool, spilled her drink, fell face first into the puddle, and had to be picked up by her friend, covered in Firewhisky and shame. The bar roared with laughter, and then cheerfully settled back into its normal evening buzz as the girls slammed the door behind them, announcing the end of the show.
“Sorry, Hannah, I didn't mean to make a scene,” said Neville, righting the stool and mopping up what was left of the spilled drink with his napkin.
“Neville, I...uh...” She realized she was stammering, and stopped short. “Thanks for standing up for us,” she finally got out, brushing a strand of hair out of her eyes. “She's been pulling that all week, because everyone knows how easy it is to get me riled on that particular topic, and I can't lose my temper with a customer...”
“Some people are just rotten. Every word I said was true, especially the part about her not being fit to polish your shoes.”
He paused, swallowing another mouthful of Butterbeer. “I begged the Sorting Hat to put me into Hufflepuff, you know. And not really because I thought it was the soft option, if that's what you're thinking. I wanted it because it was the cozy option.” His face softened, and he seemed to shed years. “I was a lonely little kid, didn't have too many friends my own age growing up, all my relatives were convinced I was a Squib, and my parents were, well, gone. Hufflepuff seemed so warm and welcoming and cozy, like a big family with room for everyone. I wanted that so badly, Hannah. And yeah, I found friends in Gryffindor too, just like there's plenty of courage in Hufflepuff. But you guys represent everything that's best about Hogwarts, the heart of everything we were fighting for last year, and don't ever let anyone make you forget that. I never will.” His eyes met hers, all earnest sincerity, and she felt her insides dissolve into jelly.
Merlin’s beard, Longbottom, do you have ANY IDEA what you do to me? But she only reached out and put her hand on his. “I've still got one year to finish at Hogwarts, and during that year, you have a standing invitation to our common room at any time. Not one of us would ever deny you entry, not you. You may have the courage of a Gryffindor, but you've got the heart of a 'Puff, too. And you can be one of our family any time you want, Gryffindor or not.”
“I think that's the highest compliment anyone's ever given me.” And how on Earth is a girl supposed to resist a smile like that?
But then a call from another table summoned her, and she didn't have time to continue the thought before another rush began and she was busy pulling drinks and carrying trays. When she was finally able to turn back, she found Neville gone, but in his place, a little napkin drawing of a lion hugging a badger, and a note: You're worth twelve of her, you know. N.L. 
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