#why is there no chandelier emoji
medievalthymes · 8 months
"Kill them with kindness" WRONG. drop the opera house chandelier on them.
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ratsofarsonunite · 2 months
i thought of a yummy au you could draw:
the laser hits ballister instead of the queen and he "dies" but he doesnt die tho, Hes been in hiding for months trying to figure out who did it. imagine ambrosius's reaction to him being alive HEHEEHHEH
What a lovely day to traumatize ambrosius 👍
@puddlestheduck1 😈‼️ (i think this is puddle's au? 🤔)
Sorry this took so long 😭 under line break is added fan lore and the sketches 😈 ⬇️
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*laughs hysterically*
either beginning I'm fine with- 🤠 (help i feel like i need to stop with the emojis 💀)
Then the chandelier falls and everyone thinks he died, (including ambrosius) but... just like in the movie, there was a space below where he could escape and run into the forest to the random ass tower he has in the movie 🤓
Ballister stays there for a bit trying to figure out who tried to kill him with the 'murder wall'. While Ambrosius is...uh-
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Nimona found the tower... (completely by chance i swear)
Not expecting to find Ballister trying to figure out who "murdered" him-
they become friends and stuff like in the movie 😦 (I'm lazy)
Maybe Nimona thinks he's a villain due to...well...the 'evil lair' and his *cough* emo clothes-- *cough* (thats just an idea tho :>)
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Nimona: NO! You are not going to risk your life just to tell your boyfriend you're okay! Heck, for all we know, he could have been the one that tried to kill you!
Context: Ballister wanting to make sure Ambrosius is alright, and Nimona not wanting to risk Ballister actually getting killed this time (sorry I'm kinda rushing this i have to go somewhere soon 😭)
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Random unrelated Ambrosius headcanon 👺 (atleast for this au- 😔)
ANNNNDDDDDDDDD back to the golden knight...and the bald bitch:
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The Director: *wondering why the direct Descendant of Gloreth is in his room having a mental breakdown*
Also The Director: *'murdered' the love of his life*
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Ambrosius' POV (sorry for the pov thing 😅): i miss him so much...it's like i can still hear him...
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ah yes the lore here is made out of lore (TYSM to the person that asked this, i enjoyed making it 🐀)
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Happy ending :D (...or is it...they still haven't found out that the director tried to kill bal-- 😈)
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full picture :>
(Also i'm planning to do some fanart of a spicy au soon...heheheheheh....)
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catanisgorgeous · 1 year
Teddy Bears
Tags: Solomon/Reader, Established Relationship, Confessions, Kissing, Domestic Fluff, Babysitting, Childcare Magic (gone wrong
Summary: Solomon messed up again: but this time he messed up with Luke. He needs your help (no, not like Dora the Explorer) to control the pack of Teddy bears walking around the Purgatory Hall right now… and to control Luke who keeps making it worse. Well thank Diavolo you used to be a babysitter back in the Mortal Realm.
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Luke: *bear emoji* *SOS emoji* *crying emoji* PLJSE CXME
You stared at your phone, unable to make head or tail of the text. It sounded like Luke had encountered a bear and wanted help but… what the hell—
So you called his guardian.
“Hello? Oh it’s you, MC!”
“Hey there Simeon! Erm, I think you’ve hit speakerphone…”
“What’s that? Something I should turn off? Can you hear me?”
“Yes yes, I can. Never mind that, erm, is everything alright? Luke just sent me a chaotic text…”
“He did? Does he do that often with you?”
“Oh… well I’m out, meeting here at the Castle, Solomon’s with him so I’m sure he’s alright.”
You bit your cheek, hearing the rustle of paper. Meeting at the castle… forget Diavolo and Barbatos, Lucifer was definitely there. Whatever turmoil Luke was in, if Solomon was with him, it definitely wasn't alright. And maybe it wasn’t too smart to say anything dangerous with both a protective Simeon and a murderous Lucifer on the line…
“Oh he just sent another text apologising, apparently it was a dare Solomon gave haha,” you lied, laughing nervously. “Sorry for bothering you guys! I’ll go now.”
Without waiting for a response, you cut the call and dashed outside, shouting an “I’ll be right back, don’t tell Lucifer!” to an inquisitive Asmodeus downstairs.
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Solomon hadn’t answered the phone yet by the time you reached the Purgatory Hall. You banged loudly on the door when the handle didn’t budge. You could hear the sorcerer swearing terribly from this far… terrible way to look after a child no matter what was going on. “SOLOMON! Open up, it’s me, MC!”
“MC?” Bang— Crash— Thud— Solomon stumbled to the door, undoing the dozen different locks and pulling it open to find you there in all your messy, disheveled, ran-down-the-street-to-help glamour. “Thank goodness you’re here! Come in quick, watch your step, and don’t dare touch any of them.”
“Any of wh—“ your words got cut off as you walked in on a colony of teddy bears. Adorable and fluffy stuffed bear cubs, each with a ribbon of one of five different colours around their neck. How cute—
Except they were alive.
What the— “Solomon what the hell did you do?”
The bears were walking all over the place, checking out the television and radio remote controls, the switches and paintings on the walls, the ancient aesthetic lampshades at almost every corner… crawling all over the cushioned armchairs, two climbing the curtains and one dangling from the freaking chandelier!
This is why nobody leaves a child with a crackhead sorcerer.
One of the teddies walked right up to you, scrutinising the visitor.
“Don’t touch,” Solomon ordered.
“Relax, I heard the first time. But why, do they go rabid?” You laughed.
Apparently your laugh was beautiful to hear because the teddy stepped closer and tapped your thigh (the highest it could reach). The instant it did, the teddy burst into a cloud of glitter that cleared up in seconds to reveal TWO teddy bears.
“...they multiply.”
“Clearly,” you shook your head. “I am so not walking through this mess, Solomon.” He nodded, grabbed your hand and whisked you away. The teddy closest to your feet gaped in awe as you and your sorcerer partner vanished into thin air, reappearing with a crack, right outside the kitchen.
“…warn me next time,” you clutched your stomach, finally understanding why Harry Potter from the books whined about Apparition.
“You asked for it,” Solomon grinned. “Literally. So you see—”
“Just sum up the problem at hand in less than five sentences.”
“That’s one.”
“…” He sighed and took a deep breath. “Luke wanted me to show him a 'fun spell' of mine,” he opened three fingers on his hand and folded one. “I don’t know much childcare magic and only remembered this and a cupcake juggling one.” Two. “I assumed the five-favourite-teddies-brought-to-life one will be less messy. There, satisfied?” He asked, showing his closed fist.
“Well you assumed wrong. All of this,” you swung your hands around the house. “Started from one teddy?”
“Yes. And they answer to the same names as their origins too. Like…” he pointed to the one hanging from the chandelier that just fell. “There were five. Red bowtie was Strawberry, Pink was Peach, Purple was Grape, Yellow was Lemon, Orange was—“
“Tangie,” Solomon shook his white mane. “For Tangerine.”
“Same difference.”
"So now… if I called out: Tangie!”
Every last orange-bowtie bear in the mansion turned to look at them, black beady eyes staring. In curiosity, but given the sheer NUMBER of black beady eyes, it appeared murderous to you. Solomon chuckled at your stiff face and pulled you close by the waist, dragged you into the kitchen and shut the door.
“That’s just such a bigtime mess, Sol…”
“I know, love,” he sighed and pulled out two chairs for you both.
“Why the hell Tangie though?”
“Short for tangerine.”
“…why not just name him Orange?”
“That’s your problem right now?”
“My problem is why angels are so confusing, and sorcerers so reckless. You could have tested it out, then gotten rid of— wait why don’t you just explode them with some spell?!”
He laughed at the way your face lit up with the suggestion, glowing with pride at your 'ingenuity'. “Actually, I tried that. But one bear exploded into dust and Luke won’t let me anywhere near the rest.”
“He’s mad at you?”
“Absolutely furious. Insists on not 'killing the poor teddies'.”
“But you know… he did call me for help.”
“Wait he called you?”
“MC?!?!” A younger voice squeaked behind you. “MC YOU CAME!”
“I’m here, Luke,” you opened your arms wide and he ran into them, wrapping his hands around your neck and wailing on your chest. “Goodness, what on earth shook you up this bad?”
Solomon sat beside you, open-mouthed at Luke’s childlike open show of emotion… he only did that with Simeon.
Or so he had believed.
“MC, there’s so many bears it’s scary! A-and they broke things! They b-broke Simeon’s favourite antique tea-set… Simeon’s going to hate me!”
“More like he’s going to hate Solomon, this dude’s the one who did it,” you jabbed your boyfriend harshly on the shoulder, earning an “Ow!”
“No, I’m the one who asked for it…”
“Oh? So Solomon’s not to blame?”
Luke shook his head against your neck. “Don’t yell at him. It’s my fault for asking something tricky.”
You glanced over his golden hair at the man beside you who had claimed the boy to be angry with him just a moment ago. You cocked an eyebrow, smirking.
He looked rightfully flabbergasted.
“All right then. Let’s do this. Before you came, I was reminding Sol here of a spell from a while back. That spell should help to get rid of them all—“
“Get rid of them?!” Luke’s eyes widened in terror.
“In the sense of making them leave. The spell teleports them to somewhere far away where they can be safe.” You stroked Luke's head, pulling him closer. “So why don’t you and I stay in here with the door safely closed, until Solomon does his magic? You can do it, right Sol?” You glanced at the man, waving your hand subtly, signalling ‘Explode them’ and ‘clean up the dust so he won’t realise’.
“A-Ah! Right. Certainly,” Solomon jumped to his feet and rushed outside, pulling the door shut behind him.
The walls were perfectly soundproof: Simeon probably had it done that way to block Solomon’s kitchen bombs. You gently pulled Luke off your neck and placed him on a chair, brushing down his crumpled clothes and fixing his hair.
He watched you silently, big blue eyes staring into your soul. “You’re really kind.”
Your hand stilled in his hair. You looked down at him, barely hiding the surprise written all over your face. “Who knew little Luke was capable of compliments too?”
“Hmph,” he crossed his arms with a pout. His face softened again. “I’m serious. You… You really like Solomon?”
“Do you love him?”
“I— What is this supposed to be, an investigation from the little brother before permitting marriage or something?”
“I’m not the little brother! I just want to know. Simeon always says Solomon could never be with someone unless they’re ridiculously patient and kind. The exact opposite of him,” Luke rolled his eyes. “I think you fit the picture. And I think Simeon would agree.”
You hardly registered the big, warm smile on your face, but you saw Luke reflecting it. “Perhaps so…” You shrugged. “I don’t know about that but to answer your question: yes, I do.”
“Have you told him yet? Or are you and Solomon as ignorant idiots as those mean demons are?”
“Erm… second, probably.”
Luke stifled a laugh, not ready to let down his proud armour that much yet, and pushed himself off the chair onto his feet. “There you go! You gave me teddies, I gave you this. We’re even now.” He grinned at the door, waved to you and marched out the kitchen into a clean and empty room (at last).
You were on your feet, spinning around to find Solomon leaning on the doorframe, presenting one of his smuggest smiles yet. “Well. I knew it wouldn’t be too hard to get that from you but never in my wildest dreams…”
“Would you have thought Luke would have to do it for you,” you rolled your eyes, mimicking Luke a minute ago. “What now, you’re going to take me off on a trip to celebrate?”
“Honeymoon so fast, love?” Solomon tsked, beaming wider when you flushed scarlet. “Actually, I’d have preferred a trip to my room but your nanny called.”
“Yep. Super mad. Wants you home right away.”
“That man has to ruin every perfect moment.”
“Not necessarily,” he strode closer, pulling you into what you would later call his sweetest kiss yet. Nothing too soft, nothing too harsh, sweetly sucking on your lips, tongue tracing the lipgloss. Your hands were in his silver hair and his were on your waist, and all of a sudden your knees hit wood and buckled into a soft tower of blankets. He pulled away for a breath, letting you look around to find he had brought you straight to your room.
The door threw itself open: Lucifer had probably sensed the intrusion on his mansion. His mouth was wide open, ready to yell your soul apart, but his “WHAT WERE YOU THI—“ skidded to a halt when he saw Solomon standing by your bed, his hair a horrifying mess, beads of sweat gleaming on his neck and forehead.
The mission to explode a hundred thousand teddy bears had been exhausting, indeed: but Lucifer didn’t know that. All he could think of was… other reasons.
“Despicable,” he muttered, slamming the door shut.
Solomon burst into laughter, flopping onto your bed and rolling around guffawing. “Imagine mistaking a teddy bear battle for that!”
You lay down next to him, watching the happy patterns his accidental magic drew on the ceiling. He's happy. Thanks to me. You smiled. “You’re such an airhead.” You punched his shoulder.
“Now I know you do love me for it.”
He was happy, and you couldn’t possibly be happier. “Maybe.”
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spoiledlbleach · 3 months
russian cyrillic alphabet for anyone who asked! it's gonna be hell of a ride but that's what you asked for kekw
So the cyrillic alphabet was based on the greek alphabet just like the latin alphabet and therefore theres a lot of greek letters in russian
disclaimer for reading rules (you can skip this part)
i need to mention that the russian letters denote sounds but in russian theres such a phonetical phenomenon called reduction and you can hear this as a part of russian accent in english when bed sound like bet, fog like foc, sob like sop etc (b, d, g & others at the end -> p, t, k). Also o, a, e vowels are pronounced differently in different parts of the word... And sadly for russian learners the stress on the words is flexible and changes bc of different reasons. And theres no way you can see stress marks on the words except if youre looking at them in the dictionary.. yeah. So if the pronunciation doesnt make sense thats why
There are 33 letters in russian alphabet. P.s. ['] means its a soft, palatalized sound, like british l in a word village
Аа - basic, its the 'ah' sound (Алфавит [ahl-fah-v'EEt] -> alphabet)
Бб - the capital letter looks like B without the head and the lowercase one looks like 6 for some. You were right when you thought that it looks like B because its the 'b' sound! (Буква [bOOk-va] -> letter, краб [crahp, no not crap] -> crab)
Вв - looks like B, right? that's a v. Imagine it like this emoji :B this silly lil guy looks like theyre saying vvvvv. (Вишня [v'EEsh-n'ya] -> cherry)
Гг - upside down L, its actually g, like a Бумеранг [boo-m'ee-rAHnk] -> boomerang. Another example, Гость [gohst']
Дд - that's a weird looking one, looks like a house and its Дом [dohm, not dom] in russian. Another example, друг [drook] -> друг
Ее - yeah. the pronunciation is yeah (Ель [yel'] -> spruce/christmas tree, деревня [d'ee-r'EHv- n'ya] -> village)
Ёё - the yeah brother! yo lmao (Ёж [yozh] -> hedgehog) its always stressed so no problems with that. btw if you ask me its the most hated letter. ppl dont put it where it should go and just leave e! wtf! its ё т-т)
Жж - looks like a bug and sounds like one. its zhhhh like in the word garage (Жук [zhook] -> bug, гараж [gah-rAHsh] -> garage, see the reduction there?)
Зз - ah yes the number 3. its the z sound actually (Змея [zm'ee-YA] -> snake, образ [OH-brahs] -> look, image, outfit)
Ии - backwords N is actually a vowel, its our ee sound! (Игра [EEg-rah] -> game)
Йй - и brother, the short и. its y- (Йогурт [yOH-gurt])
Кк - straight up k, always and ever, no example cuz its the same in every position and pretty straightforward
Лл - um... its an L.. idk how you should remember that... (Люстра [l'YOO-strah] -> chandelier]
Мм - an M (Медведь [m'eet-v'EHt'] -> bear)
Нн - you cannot laugh like that in russian, it would be not hahaha but nanana (Банан [bah-nAHn] -> banana]
Оо - oh (Облако [OH-blah-koh] -> cloud)
Пп - p sound (Папа [pAH-pah] -> papa, dad)
Рр - thats not p, its r (Русский алфавит [rOOsk'iy AHl-fah-v'eet] -> russian alphabet]
Сс - not c but s (Собака [cah-bAH-kah] -> dog)
Тт - T
Уу - not y but more like u/oo (Уже [oo-zhEH] -> already)
Фф - impaled o, almost like Q, yet it is ph/f (Фит [f'eet] = Fit)
Хх - never an x, its a h! xaxaxaxa
Цц - upside down п with a tail? erm alright its a ts (Цирк [tsyrk] -> circus)
Чч - upside down h, ch! (Что [shtoh] -> what, more like an exception; Человек [ch'eh-loh-v'EHk] -> person, human being, also чел is the way we say dude, also чувак [ch'oo-vAHk])
Шш - шшш quiet its a sh (Душ [doosh] -> shower]
Щщ - soft sh, sometimes transliterated as tsch or shch. jesus christ (Щека [sh'ee-kAH] -> cheek)
Ъъ - you cant pronounce that. its the glottal stop so you pronounce some sounds separately. like british water you would spell it with ъ in theory, waъer (Съел [s-yel] -> he have eaten; if there wasnt a ъ it would be pronounced [s'ehl] which mean he has sat down. different meaning)
Ыы - okay thats a tricky one. make this face 😬 and now make a sound. thats ы, ive marked it as y in the square brackets (Мы [my] -> we, us)
Ьь - cant pronounce that too. this one denotes the softness of the consonant sound
Ээ - ay without the y (=Эй)
Юю - you (Юбка [YOObkah] -> skirt)
Яя - ya, not backwards R (Яблоко [YAH-blah-koh] -> apple, Pommie ^_^)
Now try to write down your name or the name of a cc/npc/egg/other in russian ! you can leave them in the comments or in my ask box, id love to see you learning :D
some tips on transliterating:
ENGLISH w is generally у, can be в. q is к (qu is кв), j/g is дж, x is кс, h is г in the begging of the names/foreigh words like hannibal is ганнибал
SPANISH ñ is нь, pls google other cases
PORTUGUESE nh is нь, lh is ль, pls google other cases
general advice try transliterating like Fit -> Фит, so every letter/cluster of letters in the original language correlates with similar letter in russian. but in french portuguese and spanish you have to pay close attention to pronunciation, more than to the spelling cuz Ricardo will be Рикардо for spanish but Рикарду for portuguese etc etc
ok i hope you had fun with this long ass post ! ^_^
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twilightarcade · 1 year
the ULTIMATE list of questions
dont wanna get a doc rn so here - first 100 or so
Do whatever you want with them I don't own questions. If there's duplicates yell at me because I'm writing them as they come to mind
How do they hold a mug?
If pokemon existed, what would he their favorite?
Whats their favorite ice cream flavor?
Whats their LEAST favorite thing about themselves?
If they were to get a pet, what would they get?
Whats their favorite kind of light (in terms of lamps, chandeliers, etc)
how formal is their dressing style?
what's their favorite kind of phone?
What's their favorite kind of flooring?
What are their thoughts on bugs?
How do they feel about plant overgrowth?
What's their favorite kind of paper?
How committed are they?
If they were an animal, what would they be?
Whats their favorite part of a computer?
Do they have any siblings? If so how has their relationship with their sibling changed over time?
What's their favorite kind of leaf
Do they prefer dogs or cats?
What's their favorite kind of sandwich?
Whats their favorite special character on a keyboard?
Whats their favorite emoji?
Whats their favorite kind of keyboard?
Whats their favorite part of a computer?
Whats their favorite color?
what color heart emoji do they use?
What kind of typing quirks do they have?
Whats their favorite Lego brick?
What kind of childhood shows did they watch?
Whats their favorite drink?
Whats their favorite kind of noodle/pasta?
what would be their theme song?
What do they think about stuffed animals?
How do they feel about going to space themselves?
Whats their favorite kind of train?
How easily does making friends come to them?
Do they kill spiders?
Whats their favorite kind of ladder?
What kind of video games would they play?
Do they wear hats, and what kinds would they wear?
What color tie would they wear?
Whats their preferred hairstyle?
Whats their favorite kind of crystal?
What kind of natural disaster would they least like to be in?
What do they do to warm up on a cold winter day? Besides turning up the heat
Whats their favorite coloring utensil?
How do they sit on a couch?
do they prefer pens or pencils?
how do they feel about their physical presentation?
Under what circumstances would they kill someone?
Whats their favorite kind of cloud?
How much academic knowledge do they have?
Can they cook?
Whats their favorite amusement park ride?
Whats their favorite kind of flower?
Whats their preferred art form?
Whats their favorite letter?
How often do they go to large outings?
Do they prefer to be inside or outside?
Do they prefer butterflies or moths?
What do they think about bees?
What shade of grey are they?
How good are they with remembering important dates?
How organized are they?
do they prefer baths or showers?
What's their favorite smell?
What kind of car would they get/do they have?
How do they feel about revenge?
Whats their favorite kind of jewelry?
Do they prefer cake or pie?
what's their favorite kind of door?
Do they prefer suits or dresses?
What's their favorite planet?
Do they prefer black or white?
Why are they?
How well do they take care of their appearance?
How open are they with their emotions?
Do they prefer the heat or the cold?
What's their favorite kind of pizza?
What kind of writing utensil would they be?
What's their favorite fair food?
Whats their favorite kind of chair?
Whats their favorite vegetable?
Whats their favorite meat?
Do they prefer helium balloons or plain air balloons?
Whats their love language?
Whats their favorite kind of apple?
Whats their favorite repeating pattern?
What do they think about gum?
Whats their optimal sock length?
What do they think about reptiles?
Whats their favorite skittles?
How many pockets do they have at any given time?
Whats their favorite kind of folding chair?
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melrodrigo · 10 months
Last year i was actually so obsessed with paper rings and i learned to make paper rings just so i could make them for my gf (now ex) and my friends would always ask me to make them paper rings or to make paper rings for their other friends and it was so fun i was the paper ring girl and i loved ittt :D
hmm i feel like I’m fearless because i’m very energetic and bubbly and i get myself into reckless situations often when having fun because i get carried away but not dangerous situations just reckless :>
but i can also be very calm and feel like a sleepy warm sunny early morning type of way at times (that’s how i feel when i’m calm which is rare) so that reminds me of it’s nice to have a friend
also one more thing i have a beautiful big chandelier in the living room and at sunrise the sun light hits the crystals/glass in the chandelier and it make’s rainbows everywhere all over the living room
UR SO MEEE i made at least a dozen paper rings for this straight girl i liked last year and i love making them randomly when i’m bored too.
receipts? no paper rings
colored paper for work? no paper ring material
and once during valentines i made pink paper rings for all of my friends
yes ur so so fearless coded
omg i have to see that? that sounds magical af (is that why ur a sparkle emoji? cuz like…chandelier?)
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redflagromance · 1 year
Superdim Sunday: Chapter 1 (a short story in-universe of DDTY)
“Planetarium,” Hammer stressed, tone full of condescension. He waves a finger around his ear to drive the point home. “Planet? And then a noun form that tells us it’s a place associated with the first part of the word.” She can see through his domino mask that he’s rolling his eyes. “Duh.” He cocked his hip, one gloved hand dug into his pocket.
'Why is he even wearing a mask? Everyone knows who he is. I hate him so much I'm going to die.'
“You are so stupid,” Ji-Min sobbed. She gritted her teeth. There’s actual tears in her eyes. She lunged forward to club Hammer on his stupid head. He dodged, but the hood covering his hair is dislodged.
“Hey!” Hammer protested. He dodged her next swipe too and scrunched up his nose petulantly. “I’m going to steal Jupiter, and there's nothing you can do to stop me, hero!” He bolted down the service hallway. “Why are you so obsessed with me, anyway?"
For a moment, she was frozen in horror. That's it? That's his plan? He thinks he can find and steal Jupiter?
Ji-Min screams. The sound echoes through the Adler Planetarium and out into the greater Chicago area. The sound stuns him, sending him crashing against the wall. “I hate you!”
Hammer stumbles on.
Earlier that week
Ji-Min burrowed further into the sofa, pressing her whole body against the cushions. She flicked tabs on her phone. One of her earbuds fell out. She frowned at it, but let it roll away. A current pop star was still bouncing away in her left ear, convinced that it was true love this time, not like all the times before. The app pulled up a video of that one guy making something with chocolate. Ji-Min paused on it, frowning at the screen.
She didn’t actually like these videos, per se. But she watched without blinking. She needed to know what it was.
47 seconds in, she found out that it was a chandelier. The chocolate man held it up to his face and grinned. It was so wholesome.
“Boo,” she said resentfully. She swiped to the next video.
“Hey everyone,” said a hatefully familiar voice.
Ji-Min’s entire body went stiff.
The camera pulled back to show more of the despicably square-jawed underwear model that she hated more than anyone else in this world. He was flashing a slightly crooked smile at the camera. The screen bobbed a little as he moved. “Good news, your boy is back out of prison!” He did a little shimmy.
Someone in the background gasped. He must have heard because he turned to the side and gave a thumbs up. There was a thrilled little scream.
Ji-Min clenched her free hand into a fist.
“Of course, you know I have some great stuff in the works.” He started walking, showing that the background was indeed the maximum security penitentiary.
Ji-Min scowled. She opened up a second window to search when his prison term was supposed to end. Surely he wasn’t meant to be out yet.
“Super excited to share with you guys.” He ruffled his hair. “So, uh, yeah, just keep your eyes out.” He pulled his hand out of his hair to make it into the asinine fist that was his logo, thumb tucked exactly where it should be if you want a broken thumb.
Ji-Min sat up.
The penitentiary blew up. The force of it washed over Hammer, ruffling his hair. There was one millisecond left of his cheeky grin and then the video cut off.
Ji-Min put her thumb on the screen before the app could switch over to the next trending video. Grimly, she opened up the details. The timestamp was 8 minutes ago. Knowing him, that meant the actual explosion had been a few minutes prior and he’d uploaded the video from the getaway car. Hammer had captioned the video with two fire emojis and a dynamite. She caught sight of the first comments and actually bared her teeth. The comment section was full of puerile jokes about hammering.
“Disgusting,” she said. She closed the app and her eyes. She took a deep breath, then two more, counting on the inhale and exhale. When her heart rate had gone down a little she sat up properly, both feet on the floor. She used her knee to brace her left hand and opened up an incognito tab. Then she opened the same app and signed in using Hammer’s information. She held her breath, wondering if this was going to be the time that he’d been leant half a brain cell and used it to change his password.
It logged in.
“Brilliant.” Ji-Min fisted her right hand in her hair and opened up Hammer’s messages. She felt herself hyper focus on the task, absorbing every asinine thing that Hammer had sent since getting out of prison. The first conversation that she checks is the jackpot- Sunspot actually has her account under a decent fake name, but context is enough for Ji-Min to recognize that Hammer is actively messaging his main henchwoman. She’s left him a getaway car- a yellow Mazda.
“Where are you going?” Ji-Min hums to herself. She narrowed her eyes and then starts checking back through the rest of his account. Most of his contacts haven’t gotten more than a “bitch I’m freeeeeeee!” with a selfie, but a couple of them could be leads.
The last vestiges of sunlight flickered through her living room in a series of shadows while she read. She didn’t move until the door downstairs made that click of a key turning. Ji-Min glanced over to the door and gave a stretch as she switched the tab back to her own account.
A few seconds later, her little sister opened the door.
“Hey,” she said. The door slammed shut behind her.
“Hi.” Ji-Min leaned back on the sofa and stuffed her phone in the pocket of her hoodie. “Ah, shit. I didn’t start dinner. Want me to?”
Ari bit her lip and her eyes went up in thought. She shrugged off and then tossed her black backpack. It hit the edge of the sofa with a thunk. “Not really time unless it’s really fast, I have to go to practice in an hour.” She shucked her shoes. “I have to get my clothes-”
“I moved them to the dryer.” Ji-Min watched Ari cross the room. “Should be done.”
Ari let out a breath that ruffled her hair. “Thank you,” she said with feeling. “Cool. Wanna just… I don’t know, we could do pizza rolls?”
“That sounds good to me.” Ji-Min finally got up. She knelt in front of the refrigerator to check the lower section. “We have a full bag.” She withdrew it triumphantly and turned it around to check the flavor. Pepperoni. “I’ll get that started.”
“Gross, I love it.” Ari walked into the back hallway. A moment later Ji-Min could hear the dryer being opened. There was a beep and then the rumble of the machine starting again. “Gym tomorrow morning?”
Ji-Min paused, thinking it over. “Tentatively yes,” she said, punching in the preheat information to the oven and tossing the pizza rolls onto the counter. “I might be out pretty late.”
“Fun,” Ari said in a bland voice. A drawer slides open in the other room.
Ji-Min glanced at the sound and then back to her phone. She leaned against the wall and opened up the incognito tab again. The first part of a draft video reflected light back onto her face. Hammer’s horrible smug face is the main image, below a caption in comic sans with the moon and stars. She opens up the messages with Sunspot’s decoy account again, checking on what the other woman has sent Hammer.
Yeah. Chicago. He’s going to Chicago.
Fuck. That was a two hour drive.
“Can we do the afternoon?” Ji-Min checks. She pulls her fingers through her hair again and looks up at the ceiling. Her mask and gloves… They should still be in her bag, but the catsuit might be at the bottom of the laundry basket. Fuck, no time for that. Yoga pants it is. What else did she need to figure out before she left? Her favorite nightstick should still be in the trunk, but she’d have to check.
“Need to do laundry?” Ari asks. She snorts. “Yeah, fine, but I only have a two hour timespot free. So you can’t be late.”
Ji-Min pulls open the pizza rolls and dumps the entire bag onto a metal tray. “No problem.” The pizza rolls make a cacophony of clunks as she spreads them apart. “Can you just toss my whole basket in the washer?”
“Do it yourself,” Ari calls back. A drawer slams shut in her room.
“Brat!” Ji-Min sticks her tongue out. It doesn’t matter that Ari can’t see it. It’s the principle of the thing. “Do you want me to wash the dishes or not?”
‘What do I have in the car for gas? Do I have time to get out cash?’
There’s a moment of silence. Somehow, the sound of the washer starting comes across as sullen.
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dr-felitas · 2 months
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synopsis: in which the both of you get partnered for a mission, but not just as work partners.
pairing: chūya nakahara x fem!reader | wordcount: 2.7k | content & warnings: fluff, mention of chūyas past , choppy writing + no proofead (you can tell when i got lazy + its 3am does it looks like im gonna proofread), unestablished relationship, they work at the pm, cursing (son of a bitch), chūya calls reader a term of endearment once (doll), dual pov | prompt: fake dating | onseshot
event: STARCROSSED 2024
tags: @azullumi hi beloved super cool azul ure so super duper cool. dont flip out but azul liked and rbed ur posts. me: (whys theres no backflip emoji) (we're literally friends). but omg i acc dont have friends im a mess im a loser im a hater im a user
a/n: i finished this at 3am also boo gingers perish /j. hope yall enjoy!!
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“so? what are we here for, boss? 
the auburn haired man asked. his left hand is glued to his side, resting on his gray waistcoat, his right hand was loosely shoved into the pocket of his dress pants. chuuya cocked his head to the side as he questioned your boss. 
“i’ve made my decision.” 
the man who was seated in front of you in his claret bergère chair announced. his slender fingers were encased in white adhesive gloves. the palms of his hands were facing down as he rested his chin on the back of his hand, magenta eyes flickering from chuuya and then to you before exhaling quietly and closing his eyes, pale skin draping over his eyes.
“after some back and forth, i’ve come to the conclusion that the most suitable person for this mission will be our dear miss [name]. she’ll be your plus one to the ball, accompanying you to your mission thus also carrying it out with you. gather information about our target and return as soon as possible. understood?” 
the man before you asked, a playful smile had found its way on his face and his head was slightly angled to the side as he awaited your agreement. 
“understood.” the both of you said in unison. chuuya took off the fedora that was placed atop of his head with his left hand and put it onto his chest as he closed his eyes and the both of you bowed down.  
“very well then. i await good news.” mori continued to smile as he gestured to both of you to take your leave by waving.
when you arrived back home, you immediately spotted two big boxes that were placed in your living room. one of them included a gorgeous dress, although it was a bit plain - a monochrome dress, it was beautiful nevertheless. as you stood up to see how the piece of clothing would fit you, you took notice that it was quite long, the expensive fabric immediately meeting the floor. the material of the dress was sewn a bit tighter to make the waist stand out a bit more. 
the other box contained a pair of matching heels in the same color. they weren’t too extravagant but still it seemed like the boss went all out when choosing the clothes. admittedly, you were a bit excited to see what chuuya would wear, would his outfit match with yours?
even though the both of you have worked together in the port mafia for so long and have been executives for a couple years now, the both of you never went on missions together, at least not when it was just the two of you. 
chuuya gained the title of portmafia executive at the ripe age of 16, one year after he had joined the portmafia. while you on the other hand have only been an executive for a few years now. chuuyas strength is immense, not only the power of his ability but also his physical strength. he's not only respected but also feared among the members of the portmafia. 
so to say that you were a tad bit nervous would be an understatement. 
you set foot inside the big mansion, stepping towards the ballroom that was located right behind the doors of the entrance. a big chandelier adorned the ceiling, it illuminated the big room in a saffron-like color. the kaleidoscopic marble floor glittered beneath the opaline light and the large windows were shielded by white translucent curtains, behind them the moon and the stars were sparkling gracefully.
but they don't compare to chuuya - not in the slightest. he’s dressed in a suit that matches your dress, beneath his blazer there was a waistcoat and he doesn't wear his fedora or any other hat.
chuuyas eyes glow like a sapphire, the azul pair of eyes hides so much beneath them, they reach until the depths of the ocean, that is full of mysteries waiting to be uncovered - just like chuuya.
chuuya tenderly held your gloved hand with his left one, leading you to the side of the dance floor where everyone else stood, drinks in their hands as they chattered and laughed. the both of you came to a halt and the conversations stopped, attention solely on you and chuuya.
“my, some new faces. and who might you be? an elderly woman asked, as she took a small sip of her champagne.
“well, my name is chuuya nakahara. it's a pleasure to meet you.” he reached out his right hand to shake hands with the elderly lady. “ah i see. well then, nice to meet-” “the pleasure is all mine!” before she was able to finish her sentence someone interrupted her, chiming into the conversation. you turned your head over to the source of disturbance, a young man who was dressed in all white, hair a bit unkempt as he gave you a boyish smile. 
“the pleasure is all mine!” the man repeated happily. “well, i'm sure it is.” chuuya murmured under his breath, giving the man a look that said “we heard you the first time.”
“may i ask who the lovely lady next to you is?” the man asked excitedly as if he had a hard time waiting. “oh you may.” chuuya responded in a faux courtesy tone. “she’s my spouse, my wife actually.” chuuya held up his left hand that was still intertwined with yours. 
“chuuya..” you glanced at him from the side, whispering through gritted teeth, as you continued to smile nicely at the other people who were conversing and you could only listen. 
“hm what is it?” the auburn haired answers, slightly raising his eyebrow as he turned his head to face you.
“it was supposed to be girlfriend, the boss never said anything about being married.” your voice croaks a bit, overall it seems like tonight your voice has betrayed you, sounding awkward everytime you exchange a word with chuuya. 
“oh.” chuuya uttered.
“yeah, oh.” you sighed. the man seemed to take his leave and you continued your talk. “well, what's done is done. it doesn't matter now. let's just continue, carry out the mission successfully and report back to the boss.”
“yeah.” chuuya nods in agreement. “let's split up for now and gather intel and information about our target.” 
“alright, i'll go to the other side of the room then and you stay here?” you ask. 
“sure thing.” chuuya responds and calls over the waiter, asking for a small glass of wine, so he can pass the time a bit and doesn't only have to mindlessly listen to their boring conversations. after the waiter takes his leave, chuuya notices that you’re still here, next to him. glued to your place, not moving an inch. 
“wasn't it your idea to split up? why are you still here? he furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.
you let out an exasperated sigh. “well, you see, i was trying to. but, someone's hand has been holding onto mine very tightly for the past minutes and won't let go.” 
chuuya seemed to catch on pretty quickly and immediately let go of your hand. “m’sorry.” he mumbled. “ah, don't worry.” you cast him a small smile before leaving and step towards the other side of the room. 
chuuyas eyes can only follow you. (they always have.)
after you left, his hand felt empty. 
(but it's not like they’ve ever felt complete. he hides his hands to conceal his ability, the one that causes tumult and destruction, the one that makes him question if he can even be considered as human. his humanity is one thing chuuya still struggles with, it haunts him like a hunting animal, a wolf running and seeking out its prey, shredding it into pieces and devouring it without any mercy. but in this case chuuya can't help but wonder if he's the wolf who always seeks for the prey - the validation and the reassurance if he's human or if he's the prey that gets tormented by the constant feeling of knowing that he’ll never be (human) enough. for others, himself and you.)
the wine glass that he now holds in his left hand doesn't compare to your hand, it doesn't fill the endless void that chuuya sinks into. (he wonders when he’ll completely be devoured by it and eventually drowns.) your hand was the one that held out to him, the hand that’d pull him out of it, if he himself wasn't able to do so. 
(chuuya is used to doing everything on his own, everything that once belonged to chuuya was stripped away from him, like a sheep that has its pelt ripped away from a wolf. his family, his friends, his humanity, they were once his. chuuya nakahara also belonged to him once - now he belongs to the port mafia. it has always been like that; it will always be like that.)
he can't help but grip his glass in envy as he watches you from across the room as you ecstatically laugh and chatter with a woman your age, it looks like you’re enjoying yourself, having the time of your life.
the way you laugh, move around so that the frills of your dress twirl with you, and eyes glimmer make you look majestic. 
to chuuya you're not an outworldly creature like an angel that was chosen by the gods and descended from the heavens or a fairy that has magical powers to bewitch him. 
you’re human - you’re more human than anyone else chuuya has ever encountered in his life, perhaps that is when chuuya really realized what it meant to be a human.
the raw and pure nature of humans was perfectly depicted in you.
the way you flawlessly managed to do every task you were assigned with and always came back with a bright grin plastered across your face, the way you always looked out for everyone, the way you sometimes went completely batshit during missions. you’re what chuuya has always imagined under being a human. (or perhaps all of his beliefs of being human have changed as soon as he saw you.)
you’re the large white and empty canvas that waits patiently until it gets filled with tons of colors. chuuya is the artist who holds the paintbrush in his hand, fingers trembling as he draws paint strokes along the canvas. pouring his heart out into the painting, vivid colors full of emotion, that say more than a thousand words ever could. chuuyas art makes paintings come to life - you. his muse, whom he could stare at for an eternity during an art exhibition, just like now during the ball.
you’re beautiful.
“mr. nakahara?” a male voice made him snap out of his haze, upon seeing who it was, chuuya almost spat out the red wine. great, it was the guy from before. “yes? how can i help you”? chuuya gives him an unimpressed look as he twirls the alcoholic liquid in his glass around. “I just wanted to ask if i’d be permitted to dance with your spouse. she's a really lovely woman, i felt quite bad for her because you didn't invite her to one single dance yet, even though you're her husband!” the man looks at him unapologetically. 
son of a bitch.
but again, who was chuuya to judge? chuuya isn't in any position to forbid you to dance with someone, after all, the two of you weren't even together, the two of you were just partners, work partners to be precise. 
still, there was something that stirred inside chuuyas gut that made him feel uneasy. an ugly feeling that made his gut churn. is this how jealousy feels? sure, chuuya has felt jealous a few times. seething in envy as he saw people with good relationships to their friends and families, people who were allowed to live a normal life, living just like a normal civilian, doing normal things, without having to worry. chuuya couldn't help but feel jealous. 
but this time  it's another type of jealousy, he’s not jealous of other people because they own something he doesn't but he’s jealous of the people who’re just as smitten for you as him.
“ah, well you see. i was just about to go and ask her for a dance. please excuse me.” his words are bitter and the glass of red wine is long forgotten, placing it onto the round table which is covered by a big white table cloth. 
chuuya makes his way over where you stand, your cheeks are tinted in a rosy color, from the alcohol he assumes. your hair is a bit disheveled, have you played with the strands of your hair? but nevertheless, you continue to shine as beautifully as ever.
he tips you onto your shoulder and upon that you slightly flinch and turn around, eyes widening a bit when you see chuuya. “what are you doing here?” you whisper.
the auburn haired man doesn’t respond to your question, instead he bows down and reaches out his hand out to yours. “may i ask for this dance? after all, it takes two to tango.” chuuya thanks the gods that instead of facing you right now, he's facing the floor. he's not sure if he'd be able to bear it if you saw his flushed face. 
your mouth shapes into a little “o” before responding. “sure.” you hum as you happily place your hand into his, intertwining your fingers. upon feeling your touch, chuuya immediately pulls you towards the dance floor. your movements start off clumsily but chuuya helps you gain and maintain your balance, swaying you around the dance floor and twirling you around, as the both of you dance hand in hand. one of his hands is placed on your waist and your hand has found its home on his shoulder.
chuuya continues to sway you around during a slow classical music piece. “i'd prefer some  hard rock music.” you can hear chuuyas' little remark and cant help but laugh upon that, it distracts you from keeping your balance and tempo, almost tripping over the long fabric of your dress.
“careful, doll. you're gonna slip.” chuuya whispers. his warm breath fans against your ear, the heat rises through your whole body, making you shudder and your goosebump hairs stand up. you can only hum at that, too taken aback by the term of endearment, to properly respond. 
the both of you slow your pace, your hands wrapping around his neck and his hands snaking around your waist to sway around. you put your forehead against his chest first, until you fully lean into his embrace. 
this moment feels too intimate. that’s everything chuuya can think about, he’s scared that one day you too will also be ripped away from him, he doesn’t want that. chuuya likes you a lot, he adores the way you hum the sweet melody against his chest, the way your hands accidentally keep slipping off his neck but still return there every time, the way you sometimes step onto his foot but he stays quiet, yeah he’s absolutely whipped for you - he loves you. 
but, is someone who’s out of this world, a non-human, who only moves in the shadows of the world, allowed to love a human, who lives their life freely?
chuuya doesn't know. 
your line of work is dangerous, you could always encounter dangers that’d have a terrible outcome and chuuya wouldn't be there to prevent them, again, he’d lose everything that makes him human. chuuya isn’t sure if he’s able to live through this once again. 
the both of you are work partners, crossing this line would come with its consequences.
but he allows himself to indulge in this moment, just this once. humans are greedy and selfish aren't they? it's in their nature. so being selfish for once, just this one time, just for you, wouldn’t mean committing a sin, would it?
chuuya buries his face into your hair, inhaling your shampoo, it smells sweet - the saccharine scent makes him relax. he presses a chaste kiss on top of your head, before gently continuing to sway you around. 
after all, this is what work partners do, right?
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e/n: tbh i didnt like this at all. it was so choppy just sentence after sentence without a real plot imo. i just didnt like how this turned out at all but i dont think id be able to write smth else or else itd turn out even worse
© DR-FELITAS 2024. stealing, copying, translating, reposting my works on other platforms or feeding them to ai is not permitted.
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legaciestold · 6 months
@everythingheard continued for bruce from here for beta
she’s been restless lately, all coursework completed and the student research project she’d been a team member on wrapped up and ready for the next student to take her place. kara’s never done well when she’s had too much time on her hands-- perhaps that’s part of what led to her, bruce, and lex’s debacle with the painting of salomon wayne when they were young and entirely too interested in and resourceful with science experiments. it’s why she’s already spoken with members of the board about beginning another internship at the company. (they’re eager to have at least one of the wayne siblings actively in the building.) she’s not destined for the head seat-- she doesn’t want it-- but until bruce is back for more than a visit it helps the image of the company to have one of them seen. however, the internship doesn’t begin for another few weeks, a rubbish insistence on her ‘enjoying the moment’ before thrusting herself into a new project. so, kara goes back and forth between spending time with alfred-- quite literally hovering off the ground as she helped him with the mid-year chandelier cleaning -- and visiting lex in metropolis. so it’s no surprise when kara begins spinning in her chair impatiently waiting for bruce to reply to her text. alfred’s about ready to forcibly halt the spinning when she pauses at the sound of her phone notification. 
[text: bruce] it’ll be the event of the year. *eye roll emoji*
except, really, aside from having to deal with some press and board members at wayne events, kara kind of enjoyed parties as long as lex and bruce were there. 
[text: bruce] you think i could get away with not inviting the press? 
not every wayne event had to be in the society section of the paper. yet, she’s sure at least one reporter would manage to get in if only for a picture and especially if bruce was seen to have returned to gotham-- if only temporarily. kara’s sure they’ll flood him with questions about when he’ll graduate and begin running the company. maybe they’ll ask if he agrees with the board’s latest decision. she doesn’t think it’ll be fun for either of them if the press is invited. but completely avoided? she didn’t think it was possible. 
[text: bruce] maybe just vale. [text: bruce] we can say it’s a private party, which, it is. [text: bruce] and.. at least one paper will still get a picture.
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smile crosses features at his response. he’ll be there. she’ll get to see her brother again. for how long she’s not sure. maybe she’ll be able to convince him it’s time to come back to the city for good, though she’s fairly certain that even rachel being at the party wasn’t going to discontinue whatever path he was on until he was good and ready to return. bruce never did do things half-way even if that would seem to be contradicted by his revolving door of colleges. but if one knew him, really knew him, they’d know he might not be completing things to other people’s standards but he was completing what he was setting out to learn before moving on to learn the next thing somewhere that offered it. 
[text: bruce] alfred said he’s already prepared your plane ticket. [text: bruce] he also says hi. he’s standing next to me with a smug look on his face because he knew you’d come back, even if it meant you’d have to be at a party. [text: bruce] for the record. i didn’t really doubt you would even if it sounded like i did.
she spins around in the chair one more time, this time alfred putting his hand out to halt the chair before her legs swing out and bump the table and likely break it-- sometimes she forgot about her strength. then she looks down again and smiles brightly at his last response. when she’d been sent away from krypton she’d been a year away from her first set of trials. it’d have marked the beginning of a new path for her and they’d have had a family gathering with her parents and aunt lara and uncle jor-el. baby kal-el would have been held in their arms and she’d have no doubt begun studying within the science guild soon after. but krypton was long gone and so were her adoptive parents. parents that should have been able to be at her and bruce’s elementary graduation and their high school one too, standing next to alfred who had been at every one telling the siblings how proud he was and how proud they’d have been of them. they should have been able to be there at her graduation on friday. they wouldn’t be because they to had become a ghost of the past but bruce would be and that mattered a great deal to kara. bruce being proud of her mattered more than she thinks he realizes too. 
and another thing...
[text: bruce] it doesn’t matter if it takes you another decade to actually graduate. you’re doing what’s right for you. and i’m proud of you too. [text: bruce] i’ll still tease you though.
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Me, refreshing google to see if any theatre has announced Comet yet, despite the fact that they only released the rights a few days ago: Where to now? Where can I go now?
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professorrw · 3 years
Undeniable Feelings
Pairing: female reader x Sam Wilson
Warnings: swearing, fluff, friends to lovers
A/N: This wasn’t requested but I it was an idea I had written down and I finally had the time to write it. This is the longest one-shot I’ve done so far at over 3,000 words. I hope you all like it and if you did, heart, comment, and reblog! If you want to be added to a taglist feel free to ask! 
Next Up: Peter Parker x Reader fluff request
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Your phone buzzes in your pocket. You pull it out to see a text from Sam.
“I gotta ask you something. I’ll come by later.”
You reply with a thumbs up emoji and put your phone away.
Huh, what did he want to ask you? You couldn’t imagine he would have time in his schedule to even talk to you now that he was Captain America. He sighed reminiscing on how far you both had come. You started out as some kids in the Air Force and now you were working undercover and Sam was Captain America. 
It felt like just yesterday when you and Sam decided to enlist. You were basically kids back then. It was astonishing you managed to stay friends through it all.
You were proud of Sam. He deserves recognition for all his hard work. You had read multiple articles on how people felt about a black Captain America and it was mostly positive, which was relieving. 
Your mind returned to the task you were supposed to do. You briskly moved past the pedestrians of New York and went into a small bar, rumored to be running an underground black market.
You got there just on time and waited in the corner as the first suspect rolled in. You approached the bar as the man walked in. He went to the end of the counter and you got as close as you could without being suspicious. The bartender came over and you ordered a beer, which you didn’t intend to drink.
The man next to you spoke to the bartender in a hushed voice, whispering things you could just barely pick up. You recited the words in your head as the suspect left the bar. You lingered for a few more minutes to receive your beer, which you gave to a woman that was a few seats down.
The sidewalk was packed as usual and you were shoved a few times on the way to your apartment. You shoved your key into the lock and opened the door to your average home. It wasn’t big by any means, but it was decent for New York City.
You relayed the information you gathered to your superiors, letting them know that you were done for the day.
You relaxed for a few hours, sitting on the couch and catching up on the shows everyone was watching. It was nearly eight when you got a knock on your door. It had a beat to it, only the type of knock you know Sam would do.
You don’t know why he even bothers knocking when he has a key. He didn’t live there but before he was Captain America and an Avenger he would come over all the time and you got tired of unlocking the door. You craned your neck as he walked in carrying a bag of takeout.
“I know you haven’t had supper yet so I stopped to get some. And it's your favorite, Chinese.” He flashes you a smile and sets the bag down on the coffee table in front of the couch. You don’t even wait for him to sit down before you grab a styrofoam container and plastic utensils. 
“Damn you're hungry.” He chuckles and tucks into the couch next to you.
“As always,” you reply.
Eating Chinese on your couch with Sam felt so normal. It was something you hadn’t done in a long time due to your jobs. No matter how far away you were, you stayed friends. Sam wasn’t the type to just lose contact with people, especially not his best friend. You could remember how long and lanky he used to be in high school and looking at him now you could see how much he had filled out.
“Whatcha watchin’?” He made a gesture toward the TV with his fork.
“Random show.” As you popped another piece of chicken in your mouth you remembered the whole reason he was coming over. “What did you want to ask me?”
“Oh yeah. Well…” he trailed off and gave you a cheeky smile. “There’s this ball I’ve been invited to. They said I could bring a plus one and I was hoping you would come with me.” He cocked his head to the side slightly and raised his eyebrows as if saying, “So how about it?”
You had been to a few ball type parties before for your job but you were never there for your own enjoyment. You would be going as Sam’s date. No, not date, plus one. You would be happy to accompany him.
“When is it?”
“Uh… Friday night.”
“Oh that’s soon, like, in three days.”
“I know it’s short notice. You don’t have to go with me. I can go solo.”
“No, no, I’ll go. I’ll go.”
He gives you a smile, showing the gap between his front teeth. He used to get picked on for it in elementary school but you thought it was cute. Sam in general was cute, more like hot honestly. Gosh, why were you thinking about your best friend that way? It’s normal right? You’ve known each other for so long it’s natural to think of him like that. You’d thought of him that way for a long time actually.
Before you went your separate ways career wise you liked him. You kept on telling yourself you would tell him but you never got the chance. And then you were both so busy with your jobs you didn’t think it would work out. You still to this day regretted never telling him. Him working with the Avengers and now being Captain America made it seem even more impossible.
Sam stayed for a few hours longer, leaving when both of your eyes were droopy. Before he headed out the door he hugged you. A really tight hug at that. You hadn’t seen each other in a while but why did he hug you like that? He usually stuck to a one-armed hug if anything. Maybe it was because you accepted his invitation?
“I’ll pick you up at seven. See ya bug.” He laughed as you tossed a pillow towards him. He wasn’t literally calling you a bug. The nickname came from your childhood fear of all bugs, even butterflies. He always teased you about it, finding rollie pollies and hanging them in your face while you squealed. He thought it was hilarious but young you found it very aggravating.
You went about the days until the ball normally, but when you weren’t focused on work your mind would drift to the ball. You were going to be Sam’s plus one. That meant you would have to dance together right? You felt butterflies in your stomach when you thought about Sam’s hands on your waist as you were pressed together. You felt like a giddy teenager again for the first time in years. 
You could remember in high school when Sam would ask his crushes out to dances and you would watch longingly off to the side with some random guy. For so long you were hopelessly in love with him, your best friend. 
Friday night eventually rolled around. Thankfully, you didn’t have work that day. By five o’clock you finally started getting ready. You took a shower, did your makeup, did your hair, and picked out your outfit. The dress you chose was one you’d never worn before. It was gorgeous and you never felt like the events you were attending would do it justice. You knew that tonight was the perfect time to wear it.
After you put on accessories you stood in front of your full length mirror. You weren’t one to boast but you looked absolutely stunning. You knew you would knock the socks off of Sam.
A short while later someone knocks on your door. This time you open it. As soon as the door opened you were both staring at each other. Your jaw almost dropped to the floor as you took in the way Sam looked. He looked finer than ever in a well tailored black suit and shoes. If you looked up the definition of sexy Sam’s photo would definitely be there. He wasn’t the only one that was ogling. In his eyes you looked like a goddess, so beautiful you seemed unreal.
“Wow- You- Wow. You look amazing.” He couldn’t take his eyes off you as you slipped an arm into his. 
“You’re looking pretty sharp yourself, Wilson.”
You got in Sam’s car and drove to the venue. The venue was magnificent. It was one of the few ballrooms you hadn’t been to before. Reports surrounded the building as you stepped out of the car, arm in arm with Sam. The flashing cameras nearly blinded you. Everyone wanted an exclusive photo of the Captain America.
Reporters thrusted microphones into your faces as you passed and one nearly smacked you in the nose. Sam pulled you closer and quickened his pace so you could get away from all the chaos.
The inside of the building was grand. The walls and ceiling were ornate with engravings and rich colors. Chandeliers hung from the high ceilings, casting the room in a dreamlike glow. The main ballroom was full and loud. There were definitely more than 300 people there. 
Sam’s arm left your waist and dropped to his side as he took in the whole scene. You were somewhat disappointed that he stopped holding you, but he didn’t know that.
You had barely made it through the doors when a robust man came up to you both. “Welcome! Mr. Wilson, or should I say Cap, I’m glad you could make it!” The man spoke with a Jersey accent and in a very animated way, hands and arms accentuating every word. Just from seeing and hearing him you could tell he was a character. 
Sam wasn’t deterred by the big personality and shook his meaty hand, “Thank you Mr. Gafner. It’s an honor to be here.” Unlike Mr. Gafner, Sam spoke with a cool confidence that made him seem even more suave than he looked.
“Ahh! You humble an old man! It’s an honor to have you. Now that the parties here we can get this shindig started. Shall we?”
Mr. Gafner clapped Sam on the back and sent a thumbs up to someone across the room. Not a second later music began to play from a group of people on the side of a stage. The music sounded familiar, classical music with a modern twist almost. It wasn’t your typical gala music, but it was far from rave music.
Mr. Gafner walked away to tend to other guests, leaving you and Sam to fend for yourselves. You didn’t recognize any of the people there. The mayor and a few other higher ranking government officials were the only ones you recognized. You guessed the rest or the attendees were also government officials and local socialites.
It was like being at a party where you only knew one person all over again. It was strange how often you had been feeling like a teen again recently. Maybe it was Sam’s close proximity in your life again. You texted and talked over the phone but it wasn’t the same as being in person and that must have been the reason for all these resurfacing feelings.
You didn’t know where to go or what to do. You never planned what you would actually do when you arrived. All you could think about was being with Sam. Luckily he was still by your side, but you assumed that wouldn’t last long.
Sure enough when other guests noticed him a flock of them came over. You thought you would be swallowed and then spit out on the other side of the room by the crowd but that wasn’t the case. Sam could sense your unease and made sure to keep you close, arm slinking around you once again. You didn’t know it but he was feeling just as lost as you were. It was all a part of his new job as Captain America.
Sam quickly became the center of attention. Even the mayor came to congratulate him. No one acknowledged you, and as the minutes passed you felt more like an accessory than a person. You were used to blending in, so why did this bother you so much? 
You were shuffling back and forth on your feet, eager to move yet unable to escape due to the bubble that surrounded you both. You literally let out a breath of relief when Mr. Gafner went on stage and spoke into a microphone.
“Welcome ladies and gentlemen! You all look lovely tonight, but I’m sure you already know that.”
A few chuckles came from the crowd, which was now moving to sit at the circular tables on the sides of the dance floor. There were place cards for everyone to find their seats and it seemed like you and Sam were the only ones that didn’t know where yours were located.
As your host continued to talk you finally found your spots, which happened to be near the stage. You both sat down and got comfortable, preparing yourselves to hear a long speech. You tuned back into Mr. Gafner’s just as he was saying, “We have a very special guest tonight, and no it’s not me, someone even more special. We have in attendance tonight, the one, the only, Samuel Wilson.”
Polite applause erupted in the room but quieted when the man resumed speaking. “If you would, Mr. Wilson, grace us with a speech?” Your eyes shot to Sam as he said that. You didn’t know Sam was supposed to make a speech and from Sam’s wide eyes you could tell he didn’t either.
He quickly fixed his face, standing up and making his way to the front. Mr. Gafner handed over the mic, giving Sam the floor. 
“Hello. As you know, I am Captain America, but formerly known as the Falcon. Since I took on this role I’ve been really busy. Steve never talked about the press conference side of things, unfortunately.”
There were a few laughs and Sam paused before he continued. As his speech went on you could tell he was getting a little nervous. He started talking faster, which was a tell-tale sign. You weren’t sure why he was nervous, the whole room was fully focused on him, listening intently as he talked. A reporter even managed to slip in with a camera and record. 
Sam’s gaze momentarily shifted to the side to look at you and in that moment you smiled at him. Sam’s nerves seemed to melt away, and he was back to his grinning self in a second.
“This is truly an honor and I have so many people to thank for this. I want to wrap this up with a simple and short, thank you. Thank you my fellow people, thank you to everyone on this Earth, and the biggest thank you to my best friend, who was there through it all.”
The room erupted in applause once again, but much louder than before. Everyone in general was clapping loudly but you had no doubt that you were clapping the loudest. You were so goddamn proud of him. 
He waved as he walked back to your table, beaming. 
“I don’t know how you do it.”
“Do what? Become Captain America or give a speech?”
“Low blow! I can give a speech now for your information.”
“You sure as hell couldn’t in elementary. You puked as soon as you got off the damn stage.”
You were both cracking up, paying no attention to the other people at your table.
Inevitably more people flocked to Sam, praising his speech. You were saved once again by the music picking up and people migrated to the dance floor. You sat watching the crowd as they slowly danced.
“You wanna dance bug?” Sam held his hand out, offering it to you.
“Sure, why not?” You did your best to act nonchalant. You couldn’t tell if Sam knew that butterflies were fluttering in your stomach.
You took his hand, letting him guide you to the middle of the room. He wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you against him. Your arms slid behind his neck and then you started to sway along with the music. You rested your head on his chest and were able to hear his heartbeat. It was faster than normal, but that might have been because he was still pumped from the speech.
You closed your eyes, allowing yourself to be fully in the moment. It was something out of a fairytale. You two in the middle of the dance floor swaying together. It fulfilled all your teenage dreams, but you found yourself wishing for the same things now as an adult. You wanted Sam. There was no doubt about it. The past few days just proved that even further. 
The song came to a close and couples started switching partners. You lifted your head to meet Sam’s eyes, which were already looking into yours. You wanted so badly to kiss him, to just lean forward and close that distance between you. After waiting for so long, for so many years, you were going to tell him. 
“Sam-” you were cut off by a woman tapping your shoulder. 
“May I?” she asked.
Of course that was just your luck. You felt dejected. You were finally about to tell him but you were interrupted. Maybe that was the world’s way of saying that it wasn’t supposed to happen.
You were about to let go of Sam when he spoke up, “Actually we were about to go outside for some fresh air. If you’ll excuse us.” You looked back at the lady as Sam pulled you along with a hand on your back. She looked dumbfounded, shocked that he would reject her.
Sam pulled you through the back doors and into the brisk night air. This area of the building was blocked off and could only be accessed by going through the hall, which meant that no paparazzi could get to you. 
You were only able to take one breath before Sam turned to you. “Y/N- I- I love you.”
It was so sudden you thought you heard him wrong. But no, you heard him right. He had a vulnerable look in his eyes, did he expect you not to reciprocate those feelings?
Your heart fluttered and you felt a trickle of relief flood throughout you. “I love you too.”
“You’re not pulling my leg?” His eyebrows were turned upwards in the middle from genuine worry.
“No Sam. I’ve loved you for years.” You were unaware that you were inching closer and closer to him but he wasn’t. You both wanted the same thing and so Sam went for it. He put a hand on your neck, thumb grazing your jaw. He took the last step forward and kissed you. It seemed the whole word lit up, fireworks going off just for you two.
Time stood still, the world was revolving around you and Sam, together at last.
Taglist: @bellamy1998​
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“Are you planning to stay glued to my side this whole evening?” with diego alsooooo i love youuuuu
A/N: Thank you for choosing Fic Flash Pass (happy much-belated birthday). I would like to express through the following series of emojis how excited I am to finally write a fic for you: 😁💙💙🎉🎈😁 Word Count: 2517
Being close friends with Diego Hargreeves meant putting up with a lot of weird shit over the years. It meant late nights where he showed up injured or exhausted and needing your help. It meant occasional knives flying past your head when you startled him. It meant his paranoia and lectures about how it wasn’t safe to walk home alone at night, even though he had taken the time to teach you self-defense early on in your friendship. For a while it meant repeated “just for one night” instances of his strung-out brother sleeping on your couch (because he was refusing treatment, and even though he wouldn’t admit it Diego cared enough about him to want to make sure he’d be okay). And you put up with all of it, without complaint, because Diego was worth it. 
You thought at this point that nothing he asked of you could surprise you anymore. And then he asked you to attend his sister’s wedding. Or really, practically begged you to be his date.
You were pulling a bullet out of his shoulder, lecturing him about how he was taking too many unnecessary risks, and if he was going to keep going after bad guys then he needed to start wearing better protective gear and he was damn lucky that his knife-harness was there to mitigate the wound. 
“Allison’s getting married,” he blurted out, cutting you off before you could start in on the second, familiar branch of your lecture (that he should really be getting his wounds treated by someone with actual medical expertise, not just a little first aid training). 
“Oh,” you said, not quite a question but also not quite not. You weren’t sure what he wanted you to do with that information.
“I have to go to the wedding,” he continued stiffly. 
“That makes sense. She is your sister.” You raised an eyebrow. “You aren’t asking me to muck up this bullet removal so you have an excuse not to, are you?”
You were loath to admit that if that was indeed what he was asking, you might just do it. There wasn’t a lot you wouldn’t do if he asked, and after all this time you knew how to do it in a way that wouldn’t actually cause him worse harm. 
“I can’t go alone!” His eyes were wide and frightened, as if attending Allison’s wedding was a fate less than death that he had been asked to undertake. You couldn’t help but laugh at the expression. 
“I’m sure you can find a date, handsome guy like you. And Patch is still a friend, so she’d go. If only out of pity.” You smiled teasingly. 
“Will you…” he mumbled. “W-w-will you go with me?”
Your breath caught in your throat. Part of you questioned if you heard him correctly. But if anything, his stutter made it more sure than less. He only stuttered when something was really emotional for him, when his mind was fighting itself. But you didn’t understand why (or maybe you did and just didn’t want to admit it). 
“If you still want me to after the next five minutes,” you said, trying to calm your racing heart by collecting the supplies for the next part of his care. “Then I would be happy to go to your sister’s wedding with you, Diego. What else are friends for?”
“Why wouldn’t I--” his question was cut off with a shout of pain as you pressed a cloth soaked in antiseptic to the wound.
“Because of that,” you smirked, quickly cleaning the area and covering it over with gauze and binding.
The ballroom where the reception was held was beyond opulent: towering flower arrangements, crystal chandeliers and gleaming golden candelabras, and every spare inch draped in ivory silk. You could practically see yourself reflected in the polished surface of the floors. 
“Wow,” you breathed. “Your sister really spared no expense…”
Diego shrugged uncomfortably. “Allison’s always been a little dramatic,” he mumbled.
“It’s pretty,” you turned to smile at him. “Anyway, you should go mingle and at least say hello to her. I’m going to find our table.”
Diego followed you as you wandered off into the dining portion of the reception hall. When you raised a questioning eyebrow, he mumbled something about it making sense for him to know where the table was too, so he didn’t have to hunt later. You shrugged. 
After setting down your purse and shawl, you decided to mingle, maybe pick at a few of the hors d'oeuvres laid out on long, extravagant table displays. Once again, Diego trailed just behind you. You tried to ignore the oddity of the behavior as you picked up a shrimp puff and set it on one of the heavy little china plates. The fact that he wasn’t saying anything as he hovered annoyed you most of all. 
After the third conversation that you tried to have with other guests that ended in an awkward glance over your shoulder at a glowering Diego and a hasty retreat with a half-assed excuse, you decided you’d had enough. He hadn’t gone to offer his congratulations to Allison and Patrick. He hadn’t so much as looked around for his other siblings or anyone else he might know. He hadn’t eaten anything. He just...followed you. It was very odd behavior and it was getting on your last nerve.
Setting your empty dish down heavily on an empty table space, not even caring whose it was, you turned to him, arms folded over your chest.
“Alright, that’s it,” you snapped, not caring who might overhear. “What is going on with you?”
He frowned, puzzled and tried to deny that there was anything going on. 
“Oh, don’t give me that bullshit. You have been looming and lurking and following me around like a lost puppy since we got here. Are you planning to stay glued to my side this whole evening?”
His frown deepened, and he opened his mouth to speak, only to snap it shut again with an audible click. 
“Because if you are, the least you can do is dance with me.” You held out a hand. “It is a wedding after all.”
Hesitantly, he took your hand and let you lead him out onto the dance floor. He pulled you close to him, one hand in yours and the other wrapped around his waist. You placed your free one on his shoulder, his suit jacket soft and warm beneath your palm. You felt your face heat under his gaze, now focused down on you and you tried not to let it faze you, focusing on a slight crease in his lapel as if that would let you escape it. 
The two of you twirled across the floor, falling into easy step together, each surprised at the other’s dancing abilities. 
You licked your lips nervously. Something about being here like this with him was making you think about things you had pushed aside (namely the crush on him that you had developed and decided early on in your friendship wasn’t worth the risk of losing him in your life, fearing that you could never compare to his detective) and you wanted it to stop. But at the same time, for a moment everything was perfect, and you didn’t want to ruin it. 
“So…” you said eventually as the two of you slowed and the song changed. “Want to tell me what’s going on?”
His hand shifted slightly, tugging you a little closer to him, your face practically pressed to his chest, as the next song began. As you danced and he avoided answering your question, you decided to find the answer on your own. You knew him well enough. 
There was a slight tremor in his hand which gripped yours a little tighter than necessary. His jaw is set tightly, twitching just enough for you to suspect he’s grinding his teeth together. His breath is a little short. If you didn’t know any better, you’d say he was...afraid?
“Seriously, Diego, are you alright?” you murmured, trying to catch his eye. 
He startled at the sound of your voice. “What?”
“You’re acting really strangely and you seem...upset. You haven’t spoken to your sister at all even though it’s her wedding.”
“I’m not upset. And I’ll talk to Allison later, she’s busy with all her other guests,” he argued, eyebrows knitting in a frown. 
“You’re not upset? Okay, then explain to me why you’re holding my hand so tightly you’ll be getting a bill from my physical therapist on Monday.”
He dropped your hand like it had burned him and stuttered out an apology. 
“Relax, it was a joke.” You frowned. “Let’s go out to the balcony. I feel like we both could use some air.” 
Without waiting for an answer you grabbed his arm and dragged him in the direction of the double doors and the candle-lit, if slightly chilly, night. As soon as you passed out of the crowded room, you could feel the tension pour off of Diego and you breathed a sigh of relief. The pair of you moved to lean on the rail, shoulders just barely brushing. 
“I...don’t belong here,” he sighed. “I’m just going to screw something up.”
“What are you talking about Diego?”
He shook his head. “Allison has this grand life. Big movie star L.A. life, and if I talk to her I’ll...what would we even talk about? We haven’t seen each other in years. I haven’t seen any of them in years.”
“That’s not true, you saw Klaus six months ago,” you joked, not sure how else to comfort him. 
You knew what he was trying to say. He felt like Allison had moved on, and built a new life where her siblings were unwelcome, the invitation to her wedding a mere formality that for some reason all of them, save, thankfully, their father, had accepted. And on some level, you thought, he was probably right. 
“Is that why you were nervous to ask me to be your date? Not that I’m a date-date, but I can imagine why having a real date would make things weirder and that’s really not the point, anyway...Because you don’t think you should have come at all?” you asked.
He shrugged. 
“No,” you said, turning to face him and taking one of his hands in both of yours. “Please talk to me Diego. Maybe I can help?”
“How could you possibly help, Y/N?” he snapped, running his free hand through his short-cropped hair. 
“I don’t know! You’ve got me playing damn guessing games when I came to this wedding where all I know is you and the junkie in the corner talking to the air,” you gestured back through the doors at Klaus who was doing exactly that, “for you. Because I care about you, and I thought maybe you needed, maybe you wanted me here. So you tell me Diego. Or maybe I should just leave.”
“No!” his eyes widened at the threat. “Please don’t leave.”
You pressed your lips together, feeling tears well up in your eyes and praying that no one thought to glance outside to where the two of you were arguing. If there was a way to ruin a wedding it was the bride’s brother and his date having a screaming match. You had said your piece, so now you watched him expectantly, waiting for him. 
He sighed deeply and turned away from you, eyes seeming to focus on a point off in the gardens below somewhere. 
“I knew this whole thing was going to be uncomfortable,” he explained very slowly, and you instinctively reached over again to cover one of his hands with yours where it gripped the bannister tightly. 
“But I thought it would be worse not to come at all.”
You nodded in understanding, leaning closer to hear him better over the wind and the din from inside. 
“And everything’s easier when...with you So I thought...”
Your heart skipped a beat. In all the years of your friendship, he had never said anything like that before. You knew that you counted him among your best friends, and that he didn’t have very many friends in general, making you one of a rare and exclusive caliber, but to hear him come this close to admitting it was strange and new and oddly thrilling.
“But,” he glanced back at you before returning to his vigil, “you looked so beautiful tonight that,” he shook his head, “instead it reminded me of how incredible you are, and how it’s just one more thing for me to ruin.”
“Diego,” you frowned. “I don’t understand. What’s one more thing for you to ruin? My outfit? I would be pretty pissed if I was dressed like this and you pulled your usual superhero nonsense and bled all over me or something but I don’t think that’s going to be a problem here.”
“Don’t joke, Y/N. Not when I’m trying to be serious.”
“I’m not joking Diego. Okay maybe I am a bit, but only because I’m not following you. What don’t you want to ruin?”
“You!” he cried, throwing himself back around to face you. “I don’t want to ruin you!”
You resisted the urge to call attention to the innuendo there, especially since doing so would probably include admitting that you would not mind it a wink. Instead you bit your lip, thinking fast and trying to piece together what he was saying to you, about you.
“How could you possibly ruin me Diego?” you blurted out. “That doesn’t even make sense.”
“I’ve already started you know,” he mused softly. “You don’t even flinch anymore when I show up injured and need you to stitch a wound or dig out shrapnel or glass. You have such a good heart and care so much, I don’t want you to end up...like me.” 
“There is nothing in the world that could get me to dress in leather and fight bad guys and get punched a lot. And the rest of you, I don’t see how it would be a bad thing to be like.”
He scoffed. 
“I’m serious Diego. After all, you have the biggest, sweetest heart and soul in the city. Or you wouldn’t be out there every night saving people. It’s what I love most about you.”
Your hand came up to cup his jaw instinctively, marveling at the feel of his stubble against your palm and how perfectly fit it seemed to be to rest there. He looked beautiful in the dim lights, like an artist’s painting of a hero or a god. You breath caught in your throat as he leaned into your touch, his eyes fluttering shut. 
“Y/N, I…” he reached blindly out for you, catching your other wrist in his hand, sliding down hesitantly to lace his fingers through yours. 
“Diego, unless I’ve read the room completely wrong, there’s nothing more that needs to be said,” you chuckled. “So just shut up and kiss me, already?”
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fragmentwitch · 3 years
Pondering Eua and Re:Unanswered Questions
Me after finishing Gou:
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I have several questions but I will spend most of this post trying to answer just one.
If a new rule allows Rika and Satoko to transfer to the same new fragment after dying, did she really keep track of which Rika since that was made only after the Chandelier death?
Is Gou Rika Matsuribayashi Rika? Or Chandelier Rika? If the Rika she gets in her happy ending isn't her actual original Rika, could this be the cost Eua might have vaguely warned about and not actually the loops bleeding into people's memories?
Is Satoko a piece of Lambdadelta along with Vier/LD3105/Mitsuyo and Eua a piece of Featherine's? And not actually Lambdatoko? Or is Ryukishi just trolling with having Eua babble nonsense (Thinking Emoji)
Where/when will the Logic Error occur?
I used to believe the error was in the original series going off the VERY VAGUE statement about the beginning and end being connected. Never has there ever been a perfectly airtight idea of what the real Logic Error is though, and the new mechanics shown by Gou really makes my brain hurt.
Are Hanyuu and Eua the same person? Are Eua and FEATHERINE the same person?
I continue to have hope Hanyuu doesn't get retconned into being a Big Bad Evil Demon Lady named Eua, despite mounting implications that suggest otherwise. I had originally been led to believe Hanyuu was a piece that was left to roam the game board by her Game Master: given that she's been part of the Hinamizawa world for 1k years I wondered for a bit if she was a Witch that somehow lost her memory. Kotohogushi is a bit dubious on the canonicity so I have to remind myself the translation about Hanyuu coming from a line of 'alien' like people transferring their consciousness from another dimension with a grain of salt.
But Eua looks so much like Featherine I've been rewatching her scenes lately and thinking... this line I really keep thinking about:
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What did Eua mean by this? She phrases it like there is someone/something of a higher power than even herself.
In terms of ranking, Lambda described Aurora higher than Voyagers/Witches. She was one step below THE Creator (supposedly there is a typo where there is actually just One Creator and Aurora is merely a Witch with a comparable power to a creator but idk Japanese so cant verify this).
From the way she worded things, she isn't talking to Satoko exclusively: she's talking about Vier, LD3105, and Mitsuyo. Referencing that it took hundreds of millions of loops for Eua and Satoko to meet 'once more'. Surely this can't mean Rika's looping merely referring to Hanyuu and Satoko; that sort of looping sounds beyond 100 years' worth.
Could it be that Eua is a self-aware god piece referring to all the various Expies in the WTCverse as being the same person at the heart of things? Possibly... but let's remember that Featherine lost her memory when her device was damaged; Lambda described it as one severe enough to alter her memory, appearance, and personality. It happened once, and Featherine would likely be extremely guarded against letting it happen again. How it happened is one more mystery.
Back to Eua: when Satoko asks her to 'alter' the rules of the game, and she acts like it's no biggie, then this carries heavy implications of being the Game Master/Territory Lord. If she was merely a piece, no amount of self-awareness would make her capable of altering the actual rules on a whim would it?
There's also this line she spoke to Satoko in episode 18ish: "The horn that granted the cat power was damaged, but mine is not."
Note that she says horn singular. Not plural. She doesn't say "mine are not" and confirms Rika was given the looping ability by something external. Yet she doesn't assign it a name (Hanyuu), just refers to it as an object. Which might be a hint as to how Featherine might create piece Witches: her device might be a way of transferring loop power with more permanence that gets around a 'sponsorship' which can be withdrawn at the Witch's discretion.
Also recall that when Satoko touches the Oyashiro statue (whose arm is intact but has a hollow head), it shatters on the upper part and only one horn falls out onto the floor. Not a horseshoe shaped device like Featherine's. It's also black, while Eua's is all white. Yet Hanyuu's horns are still with one chunk missing and colored black. Eua also mentions she isn't supposed to even have a name, in fact, her meeting with Satoko seems almost by 'chance' (she speaks like Satoko summoned her to the fragment in this manner). Hanyuu's full real name is given in a chapter that is dubiously semi-canon, so Ryukishi might elect to leave it out of Gou, but her husband Riku Furude gave her the nickname 'Hanyuu'. (Which still contains the character for Feather)
These observations are making me consider the possibility that Hanyuu and Eua are separate personas of a singular entity: The smooth horn belongs to Eua while the broken one belongs to Hanyuu. Black and White; a contrast between the kind demon mother who feels Rika's pain and lived on the gameboard & the demon who relishes in tormenting humans, too above to be part of the gameboard herself.
So, that leads us to the million dollar question: who is the entity if we put both horns together? Do we get Featherine Augustus Aurora? Or the Oyashiro living in this reverse-world Hinamizawa and hiding inside the actual statue? (Seriously is there a corpse in there? Wtf)
Or are these two halves of a GM making a tug of war for control over the Higurashi Catbox via their loopers? Now THAT is a mindblower if true.
We got our answer that Takano forfeited her villain role before Gou actually began so that may explain why the legend of Oyashiro is told deceptively 'wrong', but how does one account for the unbroken statue with a removeable head... could we potentially get a fragment in Sotsu where Satoko doesn't break the arm off it as a child and thus it affects all the loops afterwards? Hmm.
Either way we haven't actually caught up to GOU chronologically speaking, so until Sotsu comes out, there's no way to tell for sure if Eua and Hanyuu are one and the same or if they are actually two halves of a whole. But I will be a happy camper if this crackpot theory turns out to be right. Usually I'm wrong though. Lol
But now I'll definitely see about cooking up a diagram or something if we can actually make a branching map of the different Rikas to figure out which one is Gou Rika.
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doomstypewriter · 3 years
sorry things have been crazy but im back and maybe i should start using a signature or sth but:
firstly: could you elaborate on the carnival idea? because it sounds cool but im not fully sure what to imagine (bear with me ive only seen the phantom of the opera once several years ago) unless you think that would give away too much
leaving dead animals and destroying the chandelier and effectively half of the palazzo would certainly be very much in typical remus fashion sksksk
secondly again you dont have to use anything (let alone multiple things) i say but: i cant stop thinking about patton and romina awkwardly being each others beards and virginia and janus standing off to the side laughing at them
i also love the idea of them creating their own slang like ""talking"" and ""token of friendship"". if they made references to that i would laugh very hard
pirate intrulogical! pirate intrulogical! pirate intrulogical!
logan being a mad scientist of his era! suggesting outlandish things such as the earth revolving around the sun!
logan being perfectly respectable and janus thinking 'finally. someone normal' only for logan to turn around and be completely unhinged when he goes into science mode
remus essentially dreamily going 'i like your funny words magic man'
perhaps an an awkward "in a different universe were married" type of moment between rem and pat
patton deserves to be a little shit. as a treat.
maybe he could bond over it with his ex fiance
janus offering to nudge ppl down a flight of stairs and everyone screaming 'no' except for remus
janus making off with some costly vases or something and not even being discreet because 'what are you going to do about it romina? tell them im not really your fencing instructor and get both of us in trouble? thats what i fucking thought.'
patton returning the vases
me: i like prinxiety but i dont Love it
fem!prinxiety: exists
me: 👀
so like if they could have a tender moment or have a crumb of hurt/comfort, my gay little heart would probably implode
tbh i just generally need more of virginia sksks
and also if all of them were friends in the end id give you my first born
thirdly: how about "🏳️‍🌈🕰️" for my signature to symbolise my emotional investment in this gay history au or sth? idk sksk
Hi again!!! 
I am going to start addressing the signature, and yes! I love the pride flag and the clock. If you’re okay with it, I shall address you as R.C. (Rainbow Clock), given that finding the emojis on my laptop would be slightly impractical. 
The carnival, yes, I was thinking about having them go to Venice during the carnival to socialise, announce Patton and Romina’s engagement... When I say Phantom of the Opera I am specifically referring to two things: the mascarade scene and the part near the end when the giant chandelier of the theatre falls. 
In essence, the carnival would be an excuse to play with obscured identities and use them as a resource for characters to be able to sneak on each other. I would, of course, first have to check the timeline and origins for Venice’s carnival. I am also thinking about including Poveglia island as a location seeing that it was inhabited around the time the story is set and that could be useful.
I have ideas for what the dead animals could be for, like sending a message, but I’m thinking maybe I’ll subvert that and make something cooler and plot-twisty, we’ll see. 
 I intend to mercilessly milk their attempt at heterosexuality for laughs, so I’ll certainly have Virginia and Janus mentally laughing their asses off at them trying to look like a couple. Perhaps this can also be used as a way for Virginia and Janus to bond. 
I can make references to them talking about “talking” and sharing “tokens of friendship” and I will, you have my word. 
I’ll have Logan just go ahead and calculate the curvature of the earth, heck, I’ll even have him make the renaissance equivalent of the Antikythera mechanism because he’s worth it and because he can. The Kraken? Logan will be the first to suggest it may be a dork (slightly nsfw link so proceed with caution), yes, the whale kind, while the entire pirate crew is panicking thinking they’re about to be devoured by a giant monster just to go “huh” at his theory, and, yes, Remus will be absolutely delighted. 
To be honest, I love that Janus is relieved by Logan only to find him unhinged, but I’ll do you one better and have Janus not understand at all how Logan does some stuff. It must have an explanation (and it does, it’s science) but he can’t find it. The rest are inclined to believe it’s magic. 
Yes, it is going to be clear why Remus fell in love with Logan when he goes into science mode. And also!!! I am planning to write how they met, just say it involves saving someone from drowning and immediate fighting after that. 
The “we would be married” moment will happen and I’ll make it extra-awkward for you, with some comedy sprinkled on top. 
HMMMM. Patton and Remus teaming up for plot reasons seems very tempting. My mind is already coming up with stuff. Tension-building stuff. 
But, what if the solution ended up being nudging someone downstairs? I think Janus should get that, as a treat. (I’ll have them go “no” though, it can all fit). 
I’ll make the vase controversy happen. 
Well, would you care for some hurt/comfort prinxiety where one tends to the wounds of the other? 
Virginia is going to be the best character. Like, I can’t help it, whenever I write this AU she’s just the best thing going on, it’s what she does! 
Then I think you’ll owe me more than your firstborn because I have plans. I’ll settle for more of your lovely asks, though. 
If you have doubts about anything or any more ideas, ask right away. 
As always, thanks for the ask!!!!
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Fic that's a prequel to this
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hood-ex · 3 years
💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙helloo just thought i'd drop in and tell you that you are really freakin amazing and i am kinda in love with you and your fics and your blog~~ i hope that if it rains it doesn't fog up your window and that the rain drops land against the window so you can pick one to win a race while minecraft music and classical instrumental plays in the background💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙
🥺😭 I wasn’t emotionally ready for this message 😩. I just got back from Publix with my spaghetti sauce and now I’m like that sound Dragon makes when she’s crying alone in the woods, and after Donkey walks over to her, she tries to smile through watery eyes. That’s me. I’m a big ass watery dragon in the woods with a badass chandelier choker necklace. 
Now I have one of those sticks that has a white pointing hand at the end that they tried to sell to us at our school’s Scholastic book fairs, and I’m poking you with it in the shoulder to tell you that yoooou’re the one with amazing fics thank ya very muuuuch! 
Omg yeees, I love it when my raindrop eats all the smaller raindrops and gets really fat before it sinks into the abyss. Next time I’m raindrop racing, I’ll have to listen to that Minecraft song “Aria Math” because it reminds me of racing on the Rainbow Road level in Mario Kart. 
Thank yoooooou 💙 (why is there not a crooning face emoji, I am crooning and am in need of such an emojiii!)
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morkyun · 3 years
Oh girl get ready for what I associate you with:
Koi fish cause DUHHHH, a poppy field blowing in the wind, a quiet pond in a lush garden, mermaids (referencing our brainstorming), friends to lovers kyun (also our brainstorming), hello kitty, a delicious homemade meal (specifically Italian), various heart emojis, “GIRL” 😂👏🏼, a bear cub (my bear cub❤️), an actual loving family reunion, forensics (our love for justice), pet names in general (mi corazón❤️), art museum outings, extravagant chandeliers in 5 star hotels, pink bunny peeps (don’t know why it just makes me think of you)
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KOI FISHES ARE OUR REGISTRED MARK NOW!!!!!! omg all of our brainstormings, don't forget the jooheon dad!au one sjdjs AYE DO I SAY "GIRL" THAT MUCH? SKDKDKSKSK
ok extravagant chandeliers in 5 star hotels 👁️👁️ I'm intrigued!!!!
the lasagna pic omg you really know how to get to my heart ❤️💗♥️💕💕💖💋♥️💕💗💕❤️💕💗💕♥️💕♥️💕💖♥️❤️💕❤️💕♥️💕💖♥️💗💕❤️💕
tell me, what do you associate with me?
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