#wiccan reads
n3xii · 7 months
Random Predictions for the next 2 months
pick the picture you feel most drawn to, keep in mind that this is for fun, come back in 2 months to see if any of it resonates with you!
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Personal Readings
Last PAC i did
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you will get the strength to leave something behind in order to protect your peace
healing, recovering
feeling fullfilled emotionally
political arguments, speaking your truth and your mind despite what people around you think
forming a bond or relationship to someone
idk why but i feel like you will be more inclined to learn religious, spiritual or occult topics, following a guide or tradition because you desire knowledge, some of you may be afraid of negative spirits and will turn to whats comfortable to you for guidance
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advancement and progress when it comes to making your own money
becoming more independent and powerful due to hard work
having good taste
intuition will help you make a very important decision, specifically a descion that you will try to weigh the pros and cons of. going inwards instead of trying to get input from other people will be what helps you make a fair choice
working with a powerful and influential masculine figure who might be able to help you
having hope despite slow and gradual progress with something that you have been working towards
having the foundation and the support to take action beyond your comfort zone
gaining spiritual wisdom
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having the resources to take next steps towards a financial goal, manifesting progress with your career
feeling motivated to work and study
forgiveness in a friendship, friendship with someone improves
exposing or knowing information that gives you the victory in a situation, having the intellectual upperhand
doing inner and outer work that helps assists you in difficult circumstances, think of shadow work and self reflection
persevering through adversity and conflict
alot protection happening for you in the spiritual relams due to a conflict happening externally in your life, but you are being protected in many aspects that helps you stay afloat
recovering from getting sick
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elizabugz · 27 days
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notdelusionalatall · 1 month
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Blessed Full Moon, witches!
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high-priestess-house · 2 months
𝕸𝖔𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖗, 𝕸𝖆𝖎𝖉𝖊𝖓 & 𝕮𝖗𝖔𝖓𝖊
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First, we have a crescent moon that is in a growing stage. In the center, there is a circle representing the full moon. Last but not least, the crescent denotes the diminishing moon.
Triple Moon is considered to be symbolic of all things divine feminine power – from intuition to creative energy, and wisdom. It indicates the three life stages of a woman.
The waning moon symbolizes the Maiden through innocence, youth, new life, starts, rebirth, excitement, witchcraft, and growth.
The full moon represents the Mother: fulfillment, fertility, ripeness, potency, understanding, caring, security, and authority.
The waxing moon symbolizes the Crone: serenity, maturity, knowledge, experience, knowledge, wisdom, fulfillment, death and rebirth. In its whole, the symbol is associated with the eternal cycle of birth, life, and rebirth.
Sometimes called the Triple Goddess symbol, the triple moon is frequently seen on the crowns or headpieces worn by the High Priestesses.
Each aspect within the Triple Goddess is associated with particular seasons and other natural phenomena, as well as human characteristics and elements of life on Earth. These associations can be used to call on the appropriate aspect of the Goddess during magical work, ritual worship, and prayer.
The Maiden is represented by the waxing moon and associated with the start of the growing cycle of late winter and springtime. The Wheel of the Year sabbats Imbolc, Ostara and Beltane are associated with the Maiden phase of the Triple Goddess. The Maiden represents beauty, fresh potential and new life. In human beings, she is associated with the qualities of innocence, youth, self-confidence, intelligence and independence, and with activities relating to exploration, discovery, self-expression, and creativity. Goddesses who represent the Maiden include the Greek goddesses Persephone and Artemis, the Celtic Rhiannon, and/or the Nordic Freya, among others.
The Mother phase of life is represented by the full moon- the fullest part of your life. In the Wheel of the Year it is associated with the harvests of Lughnasadh and Mabon. In the human realm, she is associated with nurturing, responsibility, adulthood and the fullness of life. As the giver of life, she is the aspect most associated with manifestation. Goddesses who represent the Mother include the Greek Demeter and Selene, the Roman Ceres, and the Celtic Danu and Badb.
The Crone phase of life is represented by the waning moon- when the cycle comes to an end and a new beginning starts. The Crone is full of wisdom and life experience. In the Wheel of the Year she is associated with Samhain and Yule, when the days shorten and the growing season officially ends. The Crone is the wise elder aspect of the Goddess, and governs aging and endings, death and rebirth, and past lives, as well as transformations, visions, prophecy, and guidance. Although feared as an archetype for millennia, she is the one who reminds us that death is part of the life cycle, just as the Moon's dark phase precedes the New Moon. The Crone is often represented by goddesses associated with death and the underworld, such as the Greek Hecate, the Russian Baba Yaga, and the Celtic Morrigan and Cailleach Bear.
The Triple Goddess is indeed a diverse and complex expression of the divine feminine. For those who worship her, she provides constant opportunities to learn and grow through connecting to her three aspects. Whether you recognize ancient goddesses as aspects of the Triple Goddess, or simply honor the Maiden, Mother, and Crone archetypes, you can make a conscious effort to align your worship with the cycles of the Moon for an even deeper, more rewarding spiritual connection.
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thecuddlycauldron · 1 month
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Pick a card!
What does a healthy relationship look like for me?
✩°。🧸𓏲⋆.🧺𖦹 ₊˚ These are general readings, only take what resonates and leave the rest! These are only meant to be for fun and nothing else. Trust your intuition and don't overthink. If nothing resonates, feel free to move on. If you stay, I hope you enjoy what the cards have in store for you today! ✩°。🧸𓏲⋆.🧺𖦹 ₊˚
☀️ Card 1 (4 of wands)
The four of wands represents stability, harmony, and celebration! A strong foundation of mutual respect, harmony, and joy is essential for your relationship. You and your partner will feel a sense of stability and security in each other's presence. There is an understanding and support between you two that creates a harmonious environment where both individuals can grow. Communication will open and honest, allowing for the resolution of conflicts and the expression of feelings in a respectful manner. You and your partner may also share common goals and aspirations, working together as a team to achieve them. Celebration and enjoyment of each other's company are also key aspects of this relationship. You will find yourselves frequently expressing gratitude for one another and celebrating milestones, both big and small, together.
☀️ Card 2 (Knight of pentacles)
The knight of pentacles represents a person who is reliable, responsible, and practical. A healthy relationship will be built on stability, dependability, and a strong sense of commitment to one another. In a healthy relationship represented by the knight of pentacles, both you and your partner value reliability and consistency. You can count on each other to fulfill your commitments and responsibilities, creating a sense of security and trust in the relationship. Practicality is also emphasized by this card. You and your partner may approach challenges and decision-making in a logical and pragmatic manner, considering the practical implications of your actions and choices. Communication will also be clear, honest, and straightforward in this relationship. You and your partner will express your feelings and needs openly, allowing for the resolution of conflicts and leading to the strengthening of your connection.
☀️ Card 3 (Death)
Death often represents transformation, change, and endings that lead to new beginnings. While it might seem scary to associate this card with a healthy relationship, it's important to remember that death signifies the shedding of old patterns and ways to make way for growth and renewal. You may need to let go of outdated beliefs, behaviors, or dynamics that no longer serve the relationship's growth and evolution. It may indicate that significant changes or transformations are necessary for a relationship to thrive. A healthy relationship is one that is willing to embrace change and adapt to new circumstances together. Both you and your partner may be open to exploring new ways of relating to each other, letting go of past grievances or resentments, and taking advantage of opportunities for growth and transformation. Ultimately, a healthy relationship for you is one that is characterized by a willingness to let go of the old to make way for the new. It is a relationship that embraces change, growth, and renewal, allowing both partners to evolve and thrive together.
Love, Willow
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calcifugous · 7 months
Things what I have learnt as a baby witch
As a baby witch who has recently became more spiritually connected and grown as a pagan, i want to give out advice what I have learnt over the 2 years of doing witchcraft.
1) Don’t jump straight into the deep end
Never jump into the deep end by doing spell’s straight away, witchcraft isn’t some aesthetic cutesy thing, it can be serious, jumping into spells without having no idea what you are doing can be extremely dangerous.
Ideally, you want to ease yourself into it, by doing research, yes the word research can be daunting but it will help you in the long run. Research on what witchcraft is, get an overall understanding what its about, find out the pagans holidays, pagans new year, and so much more!
If you have no idea where to start I highly recommend buying this book - ‘Wicca For Beginners’ by Frank Bawdoe
The book explains the introduction of the basic Wiccan religion including Wiccan beliefs, a brief history of Wiccan Religion, and their traditions. How to practice Wiccan Religion, the benefits of witchcraft and so much more.
2) Never buy your own tarot deck
this is very important so please take note and to remember! Never! buy your own tarot card decks, in witchcraft, it is extremely bad luck for you to buy your own tarot decks. So always either get a family member or a friend to buy it for you.
3) Connect with your spirit guide and your tarot decks!
Importantly, I personally believe its very useful and helpful to connect with your spirit guide, the more you connect with them, the more you’ll know a lot about them and who they are in general.
You can do this through connecting with your tarot decks first and getting a special bond with them, you do this by
- Keeping the tarot decks on your desk when your studying, or reading a book
- Shuffling through the decks every day, you don’t even need to do a reading or to use them, just shuffle them. This way you’re putting your energy into the cards.
- Place the tarot decks under your bed when sleeping.
- Ask your spirit guide questions, like what are the tarot cards intentions, am i being protected. Things like that.
- Doing Tarot readings
Doing these things will help you bond with your decks and your spirits guides.
4) Never touch someone else’s Tarot decks
I’m highlighting this in red because this is a massive 101 rule in witchcraft is to never touch someone else’s deck unless they have gave you consent and permission. By breaking this rule, you are also disrespecting and breaking the person who owns the deck boundaries. Everyone’s tarot deck is very personal for them, its their personal business and item, they are spiritually connected and bounded with that deck. If you touch it, not only are you putting yourself through harm. But you’re also pissing off the person’s spirit guide and disrespecting them too. So don’t do it.
5) Things don’t have to be expensive!
When people think of witchcraft and hearing about crystals, herbs and books, they think “oh god this is going to be a lot of money” but in reality you don’t have to go out your way to buy really expensive things! I’m from the UK so i buy most of my books from a store called WHSmiths or Work entertainment. Work entertainment is best for spell jars which only cost £1 or a simple crystal shop which sells those £1.50 crystals!
6) Learn how to do protection spells before doing anything!
If you feel like you are ready to do spells but don’t know where to start or what to do, practice doing protection spells, protection spells is pretty self explanatory but it will protect you from any negative energy or spirit
7) What to do if you got a negative spirit/energy
You’ll know when you have a negative energy or spirit around you as your mood and your health will change, if you feel like your mental health has been a bit down for a while and you’re constantly feeling drained and tired. That means something is draining your energy.
So what do you do?
Do an egg cleanse spell! This will help you detect if someone has set a curse, negative spell or if theres negative energy around you.
By doing so, grab a glass cup and fill it up half way with water, adding salt to it is optional but i recommend doing it as salt is really good at protection. Grab an egg, place the egg on your head, with your hand you would want to move the egg counter clock wise around your body, start from the head, and move the egg down to your arms and legs, back round to the other side of your body. Do not let the egg leave the body.
After you’re done crack the egg into the cup and wait 5 minutes, if its all clear then you’re okay! but if the egg whites starts forming like spider cobwebs with bubbles between it, it means someone has set negative energy around you or a curse. If you see a triangle base shape in the cobwebs and a bubble on top. It means you have been hex with the evil eye. If theres also red or brown spots in the yolk it also means a banishing spell or a curse spell.
So you do a return sender, if you got any spices, add a f*ck ton of it in the cup, the more spices the better as that will f*ck whoever sent you the hex up. Grab the cup and pour everything down the toilet, look away while you flush the toilet. Once its flushed look at the bubbles, less the bubbles less of the negative energy. Sometimes you have to do this more than once.
8) Your spirit guides will show you the answers in different ways
One thing I’ve learnt is your spirit guide will show you the answers in different ways, if you want to know if you are protected, there will be signs, for example I personally believe if a a white feather falls in front of you or by you or if you even see a white feather it means you’re being protected by a angel/your spirit guide. So if you see a white feather it means you are protected by them, or if you see your spirit animal or if you know a dead relatives spirit animal and it starts to show up.
Sometimes the signs will be right in front of your face, example for me is: My spirit guide warned me about people being back stabbers and to watch out. After seeing that in a reading, i had my mother who im very spiritually connected with, call me up saying she had a dream about me being stabbed and she feels like it represented me being back stabbed and warned me who i hang out with.
Then my closest friend used my tarot deck which broke my boundaries, pissed off my spirit guide so she started to get headaches, neck pains, back pains and it got to the point she had to leave. When she tried approaching me the day after that, a white feather fell right by me, seconds later, she started to feel unwell and went back inside. I suddenly felt the sense of relief and happiness, and when i said to my self everything is okay, another white feather fell and it landed on my leg. That made me personally feel that it was my spirit guide confirming me and saying yes everything will be okay.
That’s all the advice i can think of at the moment but hopefully this has helps a lot of you small baby witches! just remember, if you ever feel burnt out or you start to do witchcraft but dont have the passion or get into it but still want to, thats okay! it takes time!
9) Know what you are doing when doing spells!! And do it when you are ready!
Another thing, i know i said previously doing research is key! but please know what you are doing when doing spells especially jar spells! Don’t do what I did, I thought I was ready to do spells, I tried doing a protection spell and I ended up summoning a trickster spirit who is still attached to me and can be a little pissbaby sometimes by moving my things around. But overall he also does protect me when need be so he can be good when he wants to be.
Also if you’d like to know what books I have, i have these! (the pictures below) these have helped me over the past 2 years with my journey so I highly recommend checking them out!
Good luck and i wish you all positive energy!
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thishippiewitch · 10 months
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Tarot trick
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tryingtobegoodwitch · 5 months
It’s impulse buying but…
It’s witchcraft books, so it doesn’t count.
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hiemaldesirae · 3 months
thinking of a witch/fae radiostatic au after rereading some of my guilty pleasure fandom fics hhhhhnneuhg
basically the gist of it is, unseelie king alastor gets kidnapped by witch vox's village and now vox needs to figure out how to keep alastor from dying because his death means the rest of the court coming for blood while also trying to make sure the fae king doesnt try and fucking eat him or something. oh also they knew each other before.
Vox's mother always used to say, there's comfort in routine.
Perhaps that's why Vox finds himself redoing the same three-card spread over and over, despite always managing to get the same results. He chews on his fingernails as he frowns harder, reshuffling once more.
"Whatcha doing?" Angel Dust, the only other witch in the village, pops up behind him, startling Vox, who sighs and relaxes once he realizes who's behind him. "I thought you were busy helping the healers, man. Are you just doing tarot readings while we're working ourselves ta' the bone?"
Vox frowns, pressing his lips together.
He doesn't have anything against Angel, really, it's just difficult talking to people who aren't Vel or Val. And maybe it's more difficult talking to Angel because of his relationship with Val, but that isn't something he's willing to admit in front of his best friend's boyfriend. "Well, I got basically put on house arrest today because apparently, the fae they brought back was so strong they didn't trust me not to get too interested in them and throw the whole plan off."
"Couldn't they've least stationed ya with the healers? You can serve that house arrest after we make sure no one's dead," Angel groans. "I mean, didya see the state everyone came back in?"
He had. Vox had watched with white knuckles as they'd brought Velvette and Valentino's unconscious forms across to the healers lodge and tents, doing and redoing protection spells around their home and the village wards. He had wanted to help as soon as he'd seen them, but the village chief had ordered for him specifically to stay home.
So he'd busied himself with tarot cards. But it seemed even that wasn't working out for him, because...
"Oh, shit. This is... a pretty fuckin' bad spread, ain't it?"
"You tell me," Vox grouses. He shuffles the cards again and tries another time, only for those same three cards to appear again as if mocking him. Three of Swords. The Tower. And of course, Death.
Now, of the three, death was probably the most positive card of the spread. All it meant was change- not necessarily as dark as its name. But the tower and three of swords... well. Those only spelt out foreboding fates.
"What didya even ask?"
"It's about the fae they brought in." Vox taps his hand against the counter before starting to reorganize his cards. No sense in leaving them out now, after all: their message had been clear and simple. This was a mistake. You're all fucked. "Apparently, they're on par with royalty. Which as you can probably guess, isn't very well known for their kind tempers. So I was doing readings to try and see what might happen from keeping them here, and..."
Angel grimaces. "So... you're saying that we're fucked, basically?"
"You can do your own reading if you want," Vox says cryptically as he stands up, stretching his limbs. "Anyway, I'm going to go and strengthen the protection shield on the village wards. Not much else to do while I'm stuck here, anyway."
"Right... well, guess I'll see ya round then."
"Mm, see you."
When Angel leaves, Vox breathes a sigh of relief. He unclenches his hand to regard the skeleton key he'd stolen from the chief hours earlier on complete autopilot, hardly even realizing he'd taken the damn thing til he'd gotten back home and started performing frantic readings.
It was the key to the village cellar, a place located on the edge of town. Vox, Val and Vel lived closest to it- which worked out well, considering of the three of them, two were part of the village's elite fae hunting brigade and the last was one of the villages only two witches, and the more experienced one at that. He supposed, given the circumstances, that the fae who'd beaten his friends to a pulp was probably down there. And, well... Vox was nothing if deathly curious.
So that night, on a half moon, Vox quietly exits the house, being sure not to accidentally trip an alarm on the way. He makes his way to the outdoors cellar and unlocks the door, making his way downstairs into a damp and cramped room. His eyes are immediately drawn to the large iron cage hanging in the dead centre of the room, sucking in a breath as he takes a small step back. The cage is impressive, but what's inside of it...
A mass of shadows writhe and twist around a restrained figure, dispersing slightly around where the fae's eyes must be. Vox flinches back when a ghostly grey-black hand reaches out for him, its dark tipped claws so sharp he's sure the fae could have sliced him to ribbons had they not been restrained by their shackles and prison.
It serves its purpose: Vox is immediately and incredibly intimidated. Having said that, he came here for a reason, and he's not so much of a fucking coward that he'd simply flee with his tail between his legs at the first sight of an adverse reaction from the captured faerie.
"Hey, uh... I know you probably don't believe me- and you probably shouldn't, honestly, but- er, I'm here to help you. As much as I can, anyway." Vox raises his hands up in the air as he moves slowly toward the cage, keenly aware of the fae's fixed gaze on him all the while.
He reaches out and slowly, cautiously, places a small, dead rabbit on the precipice of the cage's platform. It was one he'd caught with a trap that afternoon, under the excuse of storing away fresh meat for Velvette and Valentino when they returned- but, well, there were other animals he'd caught, too. They wouldn't miss one tiny rabbit.
The shadow cloaked faerie regards the mound of fresh meat for only a second before jerking forwards and swallowing it whole.
Vox watches with rapt attention, mesmerized by the faeries brutality. He almost doesn't notice when the fae turns to address him, voice raw and scratchy and deeper than the ocean. "What did you do that for?"
"Cause..." Vox worries at his lip.
He doesn't really want to lie to the fae- he's not dumb, alright, that'd be a practical death wish, even if he was lying with good intent- but he's also not so sure how it will react to being told he only did it out of curiosity. Because he wanted to see just what it was that his reading deemed so dangerous to their little town. "I guess... I wanted to see what was so strong that they took down half the village guard."
The fae startles at this. The shadows surrounding their cage shrinks back a little, finally unveiling enough of their appearance for Vox to put a face to a... well, for Vox to get a good look at them.
Dark reddish brown hair with black streaks at the edges sharpen into pointed deer ears, with two short buck antlers growing from the fae's head. They have deep crimson eyes, tinged with flecks of bright green- it pairs well with their skin, a deep, rich brown that reminds Vox of rich autumn soil at the harvest. He's... pretty sure this fae is a man, but appearances can be deceiving, and he's not quite keen on being cursed for assuming blindly.
"Hm. Well, you weren't among the host that came to attack me, were you now?" The faerie's eyes narrow as Vox stutters out a faint no, babbling out excuses to lead them away from the conclusion of him being a witch (and thus always placed under pseudo-house arrest when time comes for a fae hunt). "Then, you don't realize what a mistake your village has made, do you, dear?"
Vox pauses. "What do you mean, mistake?"
The room's temperature drops almost the moment the question falls from his lips, and Vox pulls his cloak closer to himself as he distances himself from the cage, willing his arms to stop trembling as he watches. The shadows around the fae pull close again and coalesce into a cape of sorts, rising above the faerie as they entwine themselves around the fae's head, almost like- almost like-
A crown.
"Oh, shit."
The Unseelie Fae King gives Vox a tight lipped smile. "So, do you see now?"
Well. At least that answered what the tarot cards were trying to tell him.
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maryhale1 · 4 months
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The Divination witch ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨
In shadows deep, where moonlight weaves,
A witch of lore her magic breathes.
With eyes like stars, and hair of night,
She calls upon the ancient rite.
In forest's heart, beneath the trees,
She feels the whisper of the breeze.
Her hands outstretched, she seeks the signs,
In nature's code, the stars align.
Her cauldron bubbles, secrets swirl,
As midnight mist begins to curl.
The tarot cards, they tell a tale,
Of love, of loss, of futures pale.
With crystal ball, she peers through time,
To worlds unseen, to dreams that climb.
The past and present intertwine,
In threads of fate, her soul's design.
She reads the runes, their symbols stark,
In twilight’s glow, in ember’s spark.
The fire speaks, the water sings,
Of endless realms, and hidden things.
Through realms of shadow, light, and shade,
She dances in the truths displayed.
A witch of vision, pure and wise,
She sees beyond the veiled disguise.
For she is more than myths and lore,
A guardian of what came before.
In every glance, in every spell,
She holds the keys to Heaven and Hell.
So when you seek what lies ahead,
The paths unknown, the roads to tread,
Find her where the night is deep,
The witch who dreams while others sleep.
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arcane-trail · 2 years
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🔮 Witchy Goth & Pagan Shop 🔮
Use code “TUMBLR” for 20% off
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n3xii · 7 months
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Today's reading will focus on:
-your greatest strengths and abilties
-your "weaknesses" and how they can be leveraged to be skills. you have three pokemon cards to choose from.
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strengths and skills:
when I look at your cards I feel like im looking at someone who has been at rock bottom and knows how to talk themselves (and others) out of a low point. You know how to extract lessons from situations others would see as a ''failure." in your world giving up doesn't exist, any "failure" is just a bigger, overarching lesson that helps you get closer to success. I feel like one of your strengths is being able to see things from both a higher perspective, and as the perspective of someone who has been at rock bottom. Its like you have both a helicopter view of a situation, and a on the ground view as well. This dual understanding allows you to help other people on a deeper level where no one else has been able to reach them. you help others understand their situation from a higher perspective but also from the perspective of someone whos ''been there.'' this skill reminds me of a Lenord cohen lyric where he describes Jesus, "and ..he realized only drowning men could see him." You can connect with people who have never had anyone meet them where they are, because you know how to guide them out of the waters. you have birds eye view which provides a greater understanding of a turbulent situation and its purpose without loosing sight of how it feels to be at ''rock bottom" on a personal, intimate level.
weakness and how it can be a strength:
Your weakness has to do with maintaining objectivity and balance. because you know so intimately how others may feel when they are at rock bottom, maintaining the boundary of not accidently going back down can be something that hinders you. But at the same time, this can be a strength in the sense that you feel very strongly for them, you want to stand up for them and find a fair conclusion. Your sense of justice may make your biased at times, but it also makes you motivated
your strengths and skills
you can see beyond LIES and MISTRUTHS, you're someone who sees through anything thats unclear and confusing. you know when someone is trying to misdirect you and to confuse you, you have an uncanny sense of when something isnt adding up. i also feel that you can cut through extra details and bluff to get to the point of something, you dont mince words and you communicate very well regardless of the medium you choose.
weaknesses and how it can be your strength
you may not come from money, or you may not come from a background that gives you a soft cushion for you to fall back on. lacking a solid foundation may be something you consider a weakness about yourself, but this is actually something that can be your biggest strength- i know many people who come from BIG money. im talking Mercedes car before they even got an official license. Their privilege does help them in life. HOWEVER, they have no work experience, no applicable skills, no understanding of what its like to work 8-12 hours a day. they have never made a resume as they have literally never worked a job. I used to think this was something to envy but then I realized something pivotal: when their main providers die and that foundation goes away, they will have to learn skills many of us learned at 15-16 years old in their twenties or even thirties. that sounds like my worst nightmare.
when you dont come from that type of comfort, you have to learn to rely on yourself. this is a strength that makes you more powerful than alot of people in this world because you know how to build your own stability instead of having it provided for you. you will create your own legacy.
strengths and skills
im getting the sense that you're very good at entertaining yourself, you have a magnetic sense to you that could attract others to you but its like you prefer your own company. Your passions, creativity and humor are enough to supply you with enough entertainment for a lifetime. you dont rely on other people to do this for you, you know how to make yourself laugh, how indulge in your passions, how to make yourself smile. You are your own sun, literally, my intution compared you to the sun lol
your weakness and how it can be a strength
you're very analytical, alert and aware of your surroundings. this may make you overly cautious, anxious but at the same time, its a strength to have the awareness that you possess. You're quick and on your feet, its difficult to catch you off guard. your focus may be pulled in several directions at once, but still, you have keen senses. I feel like you process stimuli very quickly, its may be a weakness in the sense that its hard to process it all at once, but it also makes you very difficult to catch off guard. You notice details others wouldnt, you hear things others cant.
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bioluminescencia · 17 days
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A Witches’ Bible - The Complete Witches’ Handbook
by Janet and Stewart Farrar
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batboywitch · 1 month
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My mom got me tarot cards as a gift! (plus a whole bunch of candles and stuff for tmr). I just did like 10 questions for her. She loves that I’m getting into witch craft haha. I seriously can’t be more grateful. She’s awesome 👏
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darlingdtarot · 10 months
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✨💖 What your Spirit Guides want you to know! 💖✨
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christowitch · 2 months
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Card of the day:
You can’t keep helping others and expending energy that you don’t have. It’s time to take that energy and use it for yourself. Don’t burn out helping others because you won’t give yourself the same kindness.
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