#wicked replies
wikitpowers · 3 months
that day, i won. ❤️‍🔥
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i'm so smug about this icl
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nwheregirl · 9 months
Imagine jealous John being like “he with you?” to you when he sees you with another man
No but like-JEALOUS JW IS SO RARE! Bc he trust his darling and he’s confident in his masculinity!! BUT those rare times when it happens it’s fucking game over!! Size kink predator kink all over you honey! He’s a wolf and you are the rabbit and you can’t do anything about it!! Sorry for ur legs babe lol. I love this side of Jardani 🤤
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eightyuh · 1 year
How does harry remember being a dog with less intelligence and how was it for him to suddenly become human
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"An excellent question! A shame he is unable to answer it. Though it's not much, this is the most we've gotten out of him so far."
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delborovic · 4 months
What is the birthday of Del? And what happened to her after Annie and Ginger were the winners, what was the purpose of Rellik and Del They were in the tournament? (Sorry there are too many questions, I'm so excited heehe)
My birthday is December 16, '85! :)
And as for what happens after Law of Talos... that's totally up to you and your imagination! I bowed out after my loss in the competition, and thoroughly enjoyed everyone else's entries- but I didn't think ahead beyond what would have happened if I had managed to win my round. What there is beyond the end of the story.. that's up to whoever feels like pondering it!
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im-me-he-says · 3 months
(Okay I wasnt going to post this but im actually pissed off.)
Dear Bridgerton fans who are unreasonably angry at Michael being Micheala in the new season,
You still have the book.
Let me bring up points that I've seen in arguments online:
1- "But her story is about infertility! Putting her with a woman changes everything!"
Queer women struggle with infertility too, in fact it can be very difficult for lesbians who wish to start families of their own as not everyone is able to adopt or find a sperm donor, and even if a sperm donor is found THEY CAN STILL HAVE INFERTILITY ISSUES.
Let me list off romance books that deal with cishet women and their infertility issues below-
Untamed Rose, Scandalous Mistress by Bronwyn Scott
The Devil in Disguise by Lisa Kleypas
The Friend Zone by Abby Jimenez
Thief of Shadows by Elizabeth Hoyt
What's Left of Me by Kristen Granata
Lord and Lady Spy by Shana Galen (this one is regency too)
A Secret Sorrow by Karen Van Der Zees
And many more if you google I just dont have all day.
(Extra point, in many of these books the women do not stay infertile and have a miracle baby...not only do many cishet women never get their miracle baby but lesbian couples literally cannot concieve)
And now let me list of books that deal with Lesbian women and their fertility issues-
This leads me to my next point.
2- Bridgerton is a love letter to minorities in romance.
As someone who is south asian myself, I have seen how western beauty standards and racism has treated women in our culture, literally go online and search up "which race would you not date" its disgusting.
I grew up only seeing white women be the desirable one in romances as did many others, you know what changed this for me?
Kate Sharma.
The international audience for Bridgerton especially with brown women of South Asian descent grew TREMENDOUSLY. We had a woman like us portrayed positively and seen as desirable, you guys genuinely do not understand how many brown women watch this show because of season 2.
If we had Kate, WHY should Lesbians struggling with infertility and Black Lesbians not have Francesca and Micheala.
3- "It should have been Eloise and Cressida!"
Why? Because Eloise is a loud mouthed feminist and Cressida is a mean blonde and they shared an understanding? Because theyre both white?
While I do want Eloise to be queer as well just think about that for a moment, while lesbian representation is scarce these days it is even scarcer for Lesbians who do not fit the norm...the mostly white, neurotypical, skinny, cis norm.
Genuinely think about how many times ypu have seen these tropes in wlw fiction, like sit and think about it.
Such as Black lesbians for example, you all are aware they exist right?
I want to reccomend this video by a sunny book nook which talks about how lesbians in a VAST MAJORITY of lesbian romance novels arent really...allowed to be complex characters and it would be some FANTASTIC insight for some of yall
In conclusion, you are allowed to miss Michael, but don't you dare say this takes away from her story, as it ties into the very aim of the show.
Thank you for reading.
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moonys-library · 6 months
______ the only book boyfriend ever
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vindegramont · 5 months
*knocks on the door* “Hey, Bisset, Chidi, Open up, fo’ me, will ya, sha? It startin’ to rain bad bad” *Georgia/Gigi leans against the door, figuring one of the two would answer her, having surprised herself by remembering how to even get there in the first place*
[ A familiar voice outside the door, the Marquis has the doors be opened just in time for a cold breeze to have swept the outside. ]
➜ The doors of the estate open
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“ 𝐆𝐄𝐎𝐑𝐆𝐈𝐀 𝐒𝐂𝐎𝐓𝐓 ? I am rather . . . surprised to see you here in the middle of central Paris than the Continental in New York . ”
“ And I’m also surprised that you are a little… how to say this ? Vous avez besoin de vous rafraîchir (You need to freshen up) . Just a tiny bit. ”
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[ She has not changed. Still a little condescending with more respect attached to his actions and words for Georgia since they know eachother. ]
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greypetrel · 16 hours
Hi Zen! :D Thank you so much!!
Tis the ask game
Aisling: Bad Cinderella - Andrew Lloyd Webber - Carrie Hope Fletcher
They call me a wretch, a witch, well, choose one Ev'ry fairy tale, for sure, can use one
Ok, this is overtly specific for her at the Winter Ball, which was a turning point for her.
This is one of my favourite missions, I saw the Three Musketeers references and my brain went ON FIRE.
Well. She spent the game up until there to try and adapt, try and be the person they wanted her to be. Try to be palatable, people-please her way into not being burnt at the stake in Haven, into not making Josephine's work even more difficult. She never felt like she was the right person for the job, and she strove to be. Even if she hated most of it, hated the Game, hated having to learn to lie and pretend.
Halamshiral was the place she first started to realize that... What for? There was no good choice to do, Gaspard in her mind wouldn't have stayed put and obeyed to Briala, she hated him and Celene. She realized she couldn't win. And sure, people pleasing brought her a long way, brought her to be the Belle of the Balle prize... At which prize? Is it worthy?
She started to go more on her own way from there. Let them call her nasty girl, gutter rose, she doesn't care as long as she brings results home. (it took her a while still to act on it, but yeah. She's a bad cinderella.)
(the lyrics aren't great but it's *a mood*)
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mossyscavern · 5 days
Random Headcanon question?
What the Weaver Kids, Sam and Travis do during COVID-19 pandemic?
Random headcanon’s because I can
Wick originals: anon edition.
I don’t think they’ll have to worry about social distancing cause they’re dead.
But with no body coming to mount Todd because of said pandemic, they’ll have to try and find other ways to keep them occupied.
My version of Sam draws, writes and… I can’t think of the third to be honest but he does very much so join the weavers made up games from time to time.
Since Travis was a YouTuber… probably still is, he scrolls through the internet for ideas or entertainment, he wishes he’d record the things that happens in mount Todd. That is if he has a decent camera.
The weavers? Well to be honest it doesn’t exactly change their situation all that much, they’ve always waited for the next game to happen until October.
So nothing much has changed.. except for the game being cancelled cause of the pandemic.
I was almost running out of ideas, thanks anon.
And for Duncan’s situation? He’s annoyed that he has to cancel the game wick, but he doesn’t have to worry about school anymore.
… and it has been a while since he went camping on his own-.
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wikitpowers · 4 months
it's actually so funny that basically every single art one can find of kit has him in that jacket like sorry but that makes me cackle so much
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nwheregirl · 10 months
Keanu's characters as aestethics.
OOOOH! I love this ask! Let’s start:
JOHN WICK - dark academia
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KEVIN LOMAX - old money
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DONAKA MARK - femme fatale
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DON JOHN - royalcore
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JOHNNY SILVERHAND - rockstar bf/gf
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NEO - edgy
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litnerdwrites · 2 months
what do you think the story (kotw's first trilogy) loses about it and what it gains from if it were set in a more modern time?
Hm, so this is tough. Ultimately, the demon princes don't seem to have the power to go to the living realm, where people like us live. Even in the first book, the Palermo was just the shifting isles, not the actual living realm. It's all in the underworld.
In the first book, the witch hunters were hyped up to be such a big threat but we never get anything from them. Maybe in Pride's book, we'll hear more, since it would have to take him back to Palermo, where Claudia is. But as of now, they're inconsequential. I feel like the modern equivalent of them would be police, but they wouldn't impact the story much. Especially given that even if they found her to be a witch, they wouldn't care. Many people practice witchcraft or other similar things now and they aren't really imprisoned for it or anything.
Maybe the police would keep a closer eye on her though, as a suspect in the murder for a while, which would be interesting. It could add a fun fake dating trope where she tells the police that Wrath is her lover and they're having a secret rendezvous every night, which is why she's sneaking around, to make herself less suspicious.
Maybe moments where the viperidae or other monsters appear in the human world would be higher stakes, since security cameras would supposedly exist, and Emilia would be found out faster.
The point about Emilia's clothes in the underworld being scandalous by human standards would be a non-issue unless she had a personal aversion to it, which seems unlikely, since she likes them enough later on.
That said, since the second and most of the third book take place in the Underworld, I think the differences would be in the vibe, mostly.
I think the aesthetics and vibe of Palermo compliment the Underworld in a way that they wouldn't if it was a modern setting. Generally speaking, the technological advancements seem to be similar in both places, so if the setting was modern, it would mean that the demons would have access to modern technology too. I think that might also throw off the witchy vibe that the series has, which I really like. While a modern setting adds it's own stakes, I think they'd be just a bit lower, namely in the first book, than the stakes in the trilogy now.
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bubblin-trouble · 15 days
[ y e s ✅ ]
[ n o ❌ ]
Don’t be afraid. Listen to her. Let her voice soothe your worried soul.
Taglist : @nrc-asteryn-crew @night-raven-miscellany @nrc-ramshackle-prefect @floyd-leech-thing @poiison-apples @tea-cup-tyrant @nrcsfavoriteshrimp @grimthegremlin @readsrandomstuff67
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thewickedjenny · 11 months
Question for Six of Crows fans:
Asides from wolves and waffles (and each other), is there any thing else you would use to represent Nina and Matthias? I want to potentially (eventually) sculpt more Crows themed things and I’m struggling with them especially.
For Nina I also think of hearts, and Matthias I think of the ash tree and snow. (I think I’m just worried about being to cliché for some reason if I go the waffle/wolf route.)
Any suggestions of things that make you think of them (or ANY of the others honestly) would be greatly appreciated and taken into consideration ! 🖤
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gianna-da · 4 months
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Becoming a member of the High Table was an easy task for 𝐆𝐈𝐀𝐍𝐍𝐀 𝐃’𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐎𝐍𝐈𝐎 . Promise her father an heir, a grandchild or two, then get reborn to his grieving self and then become one. The seat was willed to her so easily. One thing stood in the way however, her own humanity. Sympathy for 𝐒𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐎. That little goat brother of hers, there wasn’t any severe hatred but Santino did try assassinating her through John Wick, losing Cassian— her love, l'amore della sua vita even if it was just an affair that would never end in marriage. Gianna viewed herself in the mirror of her car, it was usually Cassian driving one of these but…
Gianna discouraged the formation of that thought as she drove closer to Santino’s estate in Rome. Nestled within the ancient city, the pale walls stood and glowed under the radiant light of the Italian sun. Gianna takes a moment to review everything about this place; the curls of vines, the shape of leaves, the small cracks in the indents of pillars.
Gianna steps out, knocking on the doors of the place.
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