#witchcraft spell oils
esoteric-chaos · 4 months
Aphrodite’s Blessing Deity Oil
“APHRODITE was the Olympian goddess of love, beauty, pleasure and procreation.” - Theoi
I honour Lady Aphrodite for self-love, occasionally for blessings within my relationship. With chronic illness, you feel down in the dumps a lot about yourself. Self-love is very important to me in this case.
While I don’t actively worship her as I have a full spirit house currently, I absolutely honour her (this can be one in the same for some but we won’t get into that).
On Fridays, I give her offerings as the planet Venus is associated with her domain. I wear her oil for a boost of self-love. I also use it as a candle dressing and for offering. Her other attribute is war. So when I need a self-confidence boost, I will use her oil or if I need it to steel my resolve for a situation.
You will need
A clean and cleansed bottle
Rose - Water, associated with Aphrodite, love, pleasure, beauty
Jasmine - Water, confidence, to calm nerves, love
Ylang Ylang - Confidence, love, sensuality
Myrrh - Historical offering, mood balancing
Cinnamon - Confidence, power, heat (do NOT put this within your oil if you are to use it on skin. Can be skin reactive)
Olive carrier oil - Traditional offering
You can either do the folk method or the hot method. You can find my post on infused oils here to learn how to make infused spell oils. I suggest if you are an animist or someone who wants more power from your oils. Speak to the herbs kindly, treat them less like an ingredient and ask them respectfully for their aid and the purpose they'll have in your oil. Use intention. The same goes for the Olive oil.
You can sub any of these, however, Rose and Myrrh are historical for her. Along with Olive oil. Try to keep within the theme of love, beauty, pleasure, and confidence (if you'd like).
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ts-witchy-archive · 5 months
Prosperity Oil Recipe!
So I made this oil a few weeks back and I've already had success with it despite having only used it on my skin without much intention. I thought I would share the recipe for anyone who wants it. Feel free to change or substitute anything you like. I focused a lot on peace of mind in this spell. It's easier to feel abundant and wealthy when you're not in a constant state of money anxiety.
Oil of your choice
A Jar
Crystals (I used Citrine, Aventurine and Selenite)
Lavender (peace, anti-anxiety)
Bay Leaves (wealth, prosperity)
Cloves (money)
Oregano (peace and joy)
Cinnamon (money and speed)
Peppermint (abundance and money)
Optional: An offering for a deity/spirit guide/ancestor you want to help you.
Cleanse your space, your items and yourself.
If you're asking for help from a deity/other entity light their candle, give the offering and ask now.
Using intention for each ingredient, gently place them into your jar.
Measure out your oil and add it to the jar. Make sure you add slightly more oil than you need because your ingredients may absorb some. Personally, I also add extra so I have enough to offer to the Deity who helped my with this spell.
Put on the lid and shake it well while repeating your intention.
Find a cool, preferably dark area to let the oil infuse. On top of the lid or around the oil add some selenite, citrine and aventurine to enhance the intention.
Shake every day or two. After about 2 weeks strain and bottle.
Notes: I recommend doing this spell on a Tuesday to increase the speed of the oil working. Additionally, Please make sure you only add dried herbs. If you don't things will probably mould.
Please don't put the crystals into the oil. Even though citrine and aventurine are a type of quartz they shouldn't be left in liquids for long periods of time. In a similar vain, cinnamon can cause skin irritation so if you want to use this oil topically please patch test it (I will say though, the oil doesn't smell good so unless you're okay with that then maybe don't wear it lol)
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booksbeansandcandles · 10 months
Essential Oils
Cinnamon Essential Oil stimulates visions, improves focus, and promotes healing and harmony. Connecting with guides is made easier with this tool.
Lavender Essential Oil promotes dream recall and clairvoyance, and it aids in meditation. It also protects and purifies while opening the third eye.
Patchouli Essential Oil might help you feel more grounded. It clears the mind of negativity and encourages spiritual growth. It is the most popular oil divination method.
Peppermint Essential Oil can be utilized to boost psychic awareness and spiritual vigor.
Rosemary Essential Oil can help you see visions, be more creative, and remember a prior life. It has the ability to eliminate negativity and is also used as a psychic stimulant. It also opens the third eye.
Jasmine Essential Oil is about inspiring, balancing, and being sensual. Love, romance, and sex are attracted to it. Psychic dreams, astral projection, creativity, and visions are all stimulated. It encourages transcendence and compassion. It helps with meditation.
Essential Sandalwood Oil has purifying, protecting, and therapeutic properties. With this oil meditation, manifesting, astral projection, blessings, home cleansings, and letting go of the past are all possible. Negative energy is dispelled.
Frankincense Essential Oil is a powerful antiseptic. Protective, uplifting, cleansing, and balancing. It’s great for connecting with your guides and for meditation. It promotes multidimensional awareness and enlightenment.
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magickmama777 · 9 months
A spell for cleansing, protecting and bringing in stability for a client ☀️✨
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cajunwitch101 · 2 years
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spirit-amplified · 4 months
Defense Magick: The Power of Reversing Oil to Protect and Cleanse
Reversing Oil is indeed a fascinating tool in the realm of protection magick and defense magick. Its ability to reflect negative energy back to its source is a concept found in various magickal traditions, often linked to the idea of sympathetic magick, where like attracts like. The ingredients used in the oil are typically chosen for their protective and reversing properties, such as certain herbs, roots, and essential oils known for their ability to ward off negativity.
Combining Reversing Oil with Mirror Magick is a clever and powerful approach. Mirrors have long been associated with reflecting and deflecting negative energy, making them a natural complement to the oil's properties. Together, they can create a potent barrier against harmful intentions.
It's important to note that while tools like Reversing Oil can be beneficial, they are not a substitute for addressing the root causes of negative and malevolent energy in one's life. Understanding and addressing the source of negativity, whether it be through inner work, energy clearing, or other means, can also be crucial for long-term protection and well-being.
Note To Reader: This is my simple and basic reversal formula from my practice. Reminder, that when making oils please allow your herbs to infuse in the oil for 1 moon cycle (min 28 to 30 days) before using... unless you are doing the heat-infusion method. Feel free to adjust for your needs.
One of the wonderful aspects of creating your own Reversing Oil— is it can be tailored to your specific spiritual path and magickal practice. While there are traditional ingredients and correspondences associated with Reversing Oil, such as using herbs like Agrimony, Crab Shell, or Nettle, you can adapt the formula based on your own intuition, spiritual beliefs, and what resonates with you personally.
Some practitioners might incorporate additional ingredients or symbols that hold significance to them, such as specific crystals, colors, chants, or infused frequencies. The key is to infuse the oil with your intention and focus, aligning it with your desired outcome of protection and reversal of negative energy.
Experimenting with different ingredients and variations can be a valuable part of your magickal practice, allowing you to fine-tune the formula to better suit your needs and enhance its effectiveness.
Some Ways To Use Reversal Oil:
Reversal Candles
Mirror Magick: This includes mirror boxes, mirrors on altars (great for deflecting or cloaking magick), personally worn mirror charms, and the ingredients could be infused in vinegar instead of oil to make a Cleansing Reversal Spray for mirror magick.
Can be combined with other cleansing spells and workings.
Anointing self
Reversal Chant or Incantation:
Oh defense magick, ancient and wise, With powers that fill us with wonder and surprise. Reversing Oil, a potent blend, To cleanse, and protect, from all negative energy sent.
A shield it creates, around us to guard, From any harm, our beings it will ward. For any negativity that comes our way, Will be reversed, and sent back to where it may.
No hex or curse can ever defeat, The power of this oil, so pure and sweet. It breaks through barriers and breaks through binds, To To restore balance, and peace of mind. With every drop, we feel the shift, As negative energy begins to lift.
For with Reversing Oil, I stand strong, And any harm sent my way, will not last long.
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thedivinepath888 · 9 months
happiness oil ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☀︎ ⋆⁺₊⋆
❃゜・。. ・°゜✼ ゜°・ . 。・゜❃・。. ・°゜✼ ゜°・ . 。・゜❃
you'll need:
- a container
- lavender for peace and happiness
- rose petals for self love
- chamomile for calming
- st. john's wort for happiness
- vervain for peace and purification
- mugwort for healing
- carrier oil (you can use every oil you have on hand, i used jojoba oil cause we love ourselves having smooth skin)
substitute ingredients you don't have, with things that share the same or similar properties, or just leave them out. use what your have on hand!
what you'll do:
- cleanse your space and yourself
- add all the ingredients into the container
remember to put your intention into each ingredient itself. tell it what to do!
- meditate with the spell, giving it your energy and visualizing your intention
- if you'd like, you could add a sigil or rune of choice to the container (bonus points if you use an orange pen)
- i like to let my oils sit and charge with crystals and tarot cards that match my intention (in this case i used the sun, the star and the wheel of fortune, as well as rose quartz, selenite, clear quartz, orange calcite and black obsidian)
- with my oils, i get the best effect when i grind all the ingredients up, but that's totally optional
- shake daily and keep in a cool (and if possible dark) place
❃゜・。. ・°゜✼ ゜°・ . 。・゜❃・。. ・°゜✼ ゜°・ . 。・゜❃
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Self-Love and Confidence Oil
Small dropper bottle
Rosemary (protection)
Lavender (self-love, calm)
Rose petals (self-love, confidence)
Marigold (confidence, strength)
Olive oil (carrier)
(Optional) Pink candle (self-love)
(Optional) Light pink candle.
Add herbs to bottle.
Add oil to fill bottle.
Let sit until candle burns down, focusing on intentions.
Let steep.
This oil looks SO CUTE in the bottle, which is entirely beside the point but makes me very happy. I'm very happy that I managed to use roses and marigolds from my own garden! Maybe next year I'll be able to make it with my own rosemary and lavender as well.
Please use clean materials and dried herbs to prevent molding. This oil is skin-safe but you probably shouldn't eat it. It should keep for roughly a year.
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chaoticwitchgrimoire · 2 months
🦋Butterfly Oil🦋 for transformation
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available for purchase on etsy
This spell oil is inspired by Butterfly by BTS. Use it for transformation, rebirth, and rejuvenation. I've collected freshly fallen cherry blossom petals from my neighborhood. I've also charged it with blue calcite and cherry blossom candles on my spell plate to infuse it with loving, positive, and calming energies.
Each bottle is individually crafted and handmade. I put intent and energy into each one to give you the best and most powerful results.
This product also comes with a free altar card.
When used in magick, cherry blossoms are great for loving energy. Only blooming for a few weeks in April, cherry blossoms are a welcoming sign of spring and rebirth, while also serving as a reminder that time is fleeting. They symbolize transformation throughout life.
Ingredients: Castor oil, lemon essential oil, sweet orange essential oil, ylang ylang essential oil, orris essential oil, and cherry blossom petals.
15ml bottle (1/2 oz) 30ml bottle (1oz)
Use: 🦋 Anoint yourself, spell candles, or your crystals with it 🦋 Charm jewelry and talismans 🦋 Use as body oil or perfume 🦋 Use in rituals or spells to amplify your intention and aid workings 🦋 Bless your body or magickal tools
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crazycatsiren · 2 years
No, I don't believe in essential oils solving problems or curing illnesses, but there's nothing wrong with liking stuff that just smells good. And good smelling stuff are useful to me.
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freyja-lestrange · 19 days
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𝑷𝒓𝒐𝒔𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒚 & 𝑱𝒐𝒚 𝑯𝒆𝒓𝒃𝒂𝒍 𝑰𝒏𝒇𝒖𝒔𝒆𝒅 𝑶𝒊𝒍
Hello witches, I want to share with you a recent magic oil I made for candle dressing & spell making🕯✨️ you can also use it for your overall craft,
You'll need:
🌼 Chamomile
🌼 Calendula Flower
🌼 Lavender
🌼 Clove Powder (*can be replaced with whole clove)
🌼 Copal Incense (*I used copal resin for a concentrated infusion)
🌼 Carrier Oil (*I used olive oil)
🌼 Small Jar
Instructions ~
Cleanse your jar with salvia/sage incense, or cleanse with your preferred method,
Gather your dry ingredients into your jar: the chamomile, calendula flower, lavender, love & copal resin,
Set your intentions for your herbs, I like using my hand over each herb before putting them inside the jar, guiding each herb with which correspondence or property I'll need,
Pour in your carrier oil of choice, do it slowly allowing the oil to get to the bottom, this will get rid of any air bubbles,
Say your last intentions for the overall oil, close with the cork or cover, and let it sit for a few days to allow the infusion to set in,
When the oil is done resting, pour your concentration infusion unto another bigger jar without the herbs, it's okay if bits go in though,
Finally, top off the remaining or the jar with more olive oil,
And that's it! Your Prosperity & Joy Oil is ready for use, whether you want to dress a yellow candle to bring joy, happiness, prosperity & clarity to your daily life, or use topically before bed, etc.,
*Please note that this or any oil infusion posted here is NOT meant to be ingested/eaten, keep away from children & animals !!
Happy Crafting!
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esoteric-chaos · 4 months
I have so many oil recipes in my grimoire it's not even funny. If you'd like to leave an ask if you are curious about a specific spell oil or need a decent recipe I got you. I got just about anything and I've had great success. I'll make a post or I'll just answer it on the ask.
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foragewitch · 7 months
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cozywitchgoods · 2 years
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Sending abundance your way!!!
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magickmama777 · 9 months
Oils and their ritual correspondences Part 5
🍋🍃 Bergamot: In herbal folklore, it is said that the oil of Bergamot leaves, when rubbed on money, will ensure the return of riches; it is also well known for prosperity spells.
✨Planetary rulerships: Mercury
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mothman123 · 7 months
My Protection Oil 1.0
Yesterday I made my first spell oil, and naturally it was a protection oil. I used Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs to look up correspondences of herbs and just used what I had around the house already.
Vegetable Oil
Bay Leaf
Vitamin E
Black Cake Glitter
I loved the process of making the oil! It was very calming and therapeutic to compile the ingredients and cook the oil. Also, it has been super convenient to use when lighting a quick protective candle.
I didn't love the consistency of the vegetable oil and next time will use olive oil instead. I also want to add some black mica powder to make the oil a more solid color.
Loved it and am looking forward to dipping my toe into some other spell oils!
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