#with a notorious sweet tooth
fishareglorious · 5 months
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Is Schneider the only italian that respects their food😭😭😭
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chosok-amo · 3 months
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suguru g. satoru g. you're almost nine months pregnant and craving for macarons that suguru brought for you, you've been waiting for a long time to eat them, but that seems impossible if you have a sweet tooth for another husband.
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as you descended the stairs with hopeful anticipation, thoughts of the sweet macarons suguru had painstakingly waited in line to dance in your mind. each step was a reminder of your heavy, pregnancy-laden body, your back aching and feet protesting with each movement. the promise of those delicate treats provided a rare moment of solace in an otherwise physically taxing day.
entering the kitchen, your heart sank as you noticed the empty space where the box of macarons should have been. a rush of emotions flooded over you—frustration, disappointment, and exhaustion all mingled together.
“satoru!” you called out, your voice carrying a mixture of accusatory anger and hurt. deep down, you knew exactly who had likely devoured the macarons, given satoru's notorious sweet tooth.
your call immediately brought satoru to the kitchen, his steps echoing loudly with a certain sense of guilt to it. he knew exactly what you were talking about, especially with that certain tone you used to call him.
he leaned by the wall, a few feet away from you, shoving his hands inside his pockets. “yes, my lovely wife?” he said with a cheeky smile, playing dumb with full knowledge of what he has done. tears welled up in your eyes as you struggled to hold back your emotions. “you ate them, didn’t you?” you accused, your voice trembling with a mix of sadness and frustration.
satoru's smile turned into a smirk as he saw the tears forming in your eyes, as sadistic as it may be, he found it incredibly cute of you whenever you cried, especially if he's the reason behind it.
he slowly strut towards you, taking a step every few seconds, his hands still inside his pockets. “i have no idea what you're talking about, my love,” he said, trying to feign innocence while standing right in front of you, looking down at you with a playful glint in his eyes.
tears streamed down your cheeks as you tried to express the depth of your disappointment. “satoru, do you have any idea how much I was looking forward to those? my back hurts, my feet hurt, and it's so hard for me to even walk, and now... now this,” you choked out between sobs.
satoru's playful attitude faded slightly as he saw the tears streaming down your face. while he enjoyed teasing you and provoking your anger, seeing you upset like this tugged at his heartstrings a little.
he let out a sigh, reaching out and gently wiping away your tears with his fingers. “i'm sorry, bunny. i couldn't resist the temptation, they were just so good.”
he moved his hands to your waist, gently pulling you closer to him, his voice softening as he spoke. “i didn't think it would upset you this much.” before he chuckled and pinched your chin, tilting your face to look up at him. “you're overreacting a little bit, aren't you? it's just a box of macarons,” he teased, a playful smirk still plastered on his face as he takes a few steps back.
your frown became visible and deeper each second you looked at satoru's expressions like he was not feeling guilty for making you cry but instead making fun of you for it. “it's not just a box of macarons, suguru got it for me and he waited a long time in line for it,” your voice starts to rise.
he continued to smirk as he watched tears flow down your face, his grip on your chin tightening slightly as you raised your voice, clearly getting annoyed, which only amused him more.
“yes, yes, i know.” he said, feigning sympathy, his tone mocking. “and all that effort was wasted because i finished them.” he continued to taunt you, reveling in your distress.
suguru, hearing the commotion, hurried into the kitchen, his expression concerned as he assessed the situation. “what's going on?” he quickly walks close to you and wraps his arm around your waist to wipe your tears away you turned to him, tears flowing freely now. “he ate the macarons, suguru. the ones you waited in line for,” your finger pointing at satoru.
suguru's concerned expression quickly turned into a scowl as he heard your words. he turned towards satoru, a mixture of disappointment and irritation etched on his face. disbelief as he looked from you to satoru, then back at you again. he knew his best friend had a sweet tooth, but eating something that was specifically picked for you during times like this? it was too much even for his standards.
he let out a sigh, rubbing your back comfortingly as he addressed gojo. “satoru, what were you thinking? you know how excited she was for those macarons.” he then turned his attention back to you, gently wiping away your tears. “don't cry, love. it's just pastries, i can get you another box, hm?”
“no, I don't want another one, it's gonna take a long time for you to get me one and I want to eat it now!” you cry harder as you bury your face in suguru's chest, holding tight to his clothes like a kid.
suguru's expression softened as he wrapped his arms around you, holding you tightly against his chest, gently rubbing your back in an attempt to soothe you. he shot a disapproving glare at satoru, silently silently scolding him for making you cry so much over something as small as a box of sweets.
“there, there, it's alright,” he cooed, gently stroking your hair. “i understand you're upset, but let's calm down, alright? there's no need to cry over this. I'll get you anything you want, okay baby?”
satoru snickered at your display of emotionality, finding it entertaining how worked up you were over the macarons. satoru watched from the side, a smirk still playing on his face. he found the sight of you holding onto suguru like a kid absolutely adorable. “look at you, throwing a tantrum over a box of pastries. so cute.” he walk closer, “my, my, you're more emotional than usual, aren't you?” he teased lightly, his fingers gently running through your hair.
fast enough to startle him, you turn your head to satoru the moment you hear the last word he throws at you. “i hate you! you're always like this and only thinking about yourself!” your beautiful pink lips spat a fire, a dagger straight to satoru's heart.
you smack his hand away from you before leaving the kitchen to your bedroom, still crying. seeing you walk away like a wake-up call for satoru. doesn't matter how mad you are at him you never use the words and seeing you like that makes him realize that he's making a great mistake, a fatal one might be.
his smirk faded from his face in an instant as soon as those words left your lips. he stood there, stunned by your sudden outburst, his arm frozen outstretched in the air, where it had been just seconds ago.
as you smacked his hand away and stormed off to your bedroom, satoru stood there frozen in place, the reality of his mistake sinking in. the sound of each step punctuating the weight of your words still ringing in his ears. he could see the pain he caused you, and the realization hit him like a punch to the gut. he felt a pang of guilt and shame creeping up inside of him.
suguru watched you walk away, a mixture of shock and disappointment on his face. he shot a glare at satoru, his eyes narrowing in disapproval. “nice going, satoru. you really messed up this time,” he said, his voice laced with annoyance. suguru knows you never mean any of those words but satoru might not.
he exchanged a glance with suguru, who had a slight frown on his face. satoru sighed heavily, breaking the silence. "i messed up, didn't i?" he muttered, his playful demeanor replaced by genuine guilt. suguru's brows furrowed in disappointment as he looked at satoru, before he spoke up.
"you've outdone yourself this time, you idiot."
he had always known his playful teasing could sometimes push the boundaries, but this was different. seeing the look of anger and hurt on your face. hearing those harsh words leaving your pink lips stung more than he had ever thought possible. your beautiful pink lips, once so kind and nurturing, unleashed a fire fueled by frustration and sadness.
“fuck, what did I do?—” he whispered, both hands on his white lock, gripping them a handful. he looks to suguru, wishing for a solution, hoping that maybe suddenly suguru has a time machine and he can undo the things. “what should I do?” he asks the raven.
“i don't know satoru, how about not eating the macarons which is by the way you know how long she's been waiting to eat those and make fun of her,” suguru covered in sarcasm answered.
suguru's words were sharp, laced with a hint of irritation and disappointment. he couldn't hold back the sarcasm in his voice as he replied to satoru's question, making it clear that he was upset with his behavior.
“well, perhaps if you had a bit more restraint, you wouldn't be in this situation,” suguru continued, crossing his arms over his chest. “you know how much she was looking forward to those pastries, and yet you chose to act like a child, eating them without a second thought. now look at the mess you've caused.”
satoru let out a frustrated sigh as suguru's response hit him like a ton of bricks, the sarcasm in his tone making him feel even more guilty than he already did. he ran a hand through his hair, his frustration evident in his expression.
“i know, i know, i messed up. i should have just left those damn macarons alone,” he said through gritted teeth. “i just didn't think she'd react like... like that.” he looked back at the hallway leading to your bedroom, his heart sank seeing your tear-stained face in his mind.
“what did you expect, satoru? she's pregnant, emotional, and carrying a child which takes a toll on her body. she's going through a lot, and you're behaving like you're still a child,” suguru sighed, crossing his arms as he looked at his stupid husband, sitting at the dining chair with head on both hands. “go apologies, she needs more than just empty words.”
satoru brings his head up from his palm, looking at suguru like he's about to cry, eyes red and his blue pupils shaking. “baby, she must not want to see me right now, what should I do?” satoru holds his husband's hand while the other is stuck to his forehead.
suguru's gaze softened, seeing the vulnerability in satoru's eyes. the usual playful facade was gone, replaced by a mixture of guilt and uncertainty. suguru could tell that he was genuinely regretful.
suguru squeezed satoru's hand, feeling the tremble in his grip. he could see the despair in his voice and the fear of losing the connection they shared.
“listen, satoru,” he said gently, guiding satoru to sit on the couch. he took a seat next to him, their hands still clasped together. “she just needs time to calm down. give her a little space, but don't wait too long. show her that you understand what you did wrong and how much you regret it.”
“can you go to her first? you can calm her down, I'll be waiting at the door until she's ready to see me,” hopefully satoru trying to convince suguru. the man chuckled softly, seeing the pleading look in his lover's eyes. he knew how much he missed your presence and wanted to make amends so he nodded in agreement.
“alright, I'll go talk to her first. remember, don't wait too long, alright?” suguru got up from the couch and made his way to your bedroom with satoru following from behind, still holding onto the man's hand until they both stopped in your shared bedroom with them. suguru softly knocked on the door and could be heard faintly by you inside the bedroom.
“honey, it's me, can I come in?”
you looked up from where you were lying on the bed, your tear-streaked face a testament to the flood of emotions coursing through you. hearing suguru's voice at the door, you took a deep breath, trying to compose yourself.
“come in,“ you called out, your voice slightly hoarse and wobble from crying. suguru slowly opened the door and stepped inside the bedroom, his eyes immediately found you lying on the bed.
his heart ached to see you in such a state, tears staining your cheeks and your eyes red and puffy. he walked over and sat down on the edge of the bed next to you, his gaze filled with concern.
“how are you feeling, love?”
your initial resistance lessened as you felt suguru's gentle touch, his hand cupping your cheeks and caressing away your tears. his voice, soft and filled with care as he whispered, “come here, baby,” made you want to melt into his embrace.
you complied, moving closer to him and burying your face into his chest, seeking comfort in his familiar scent and warmth. you let yourself be pulled into his embrace, your head resting on his chest as he held you close, leaning against the bed rest. his touch was tender and reassuring, his fingers running through your hair in a soothing gesture.
tears welled up in your eyes again, your body shaking as you began to cry softly once more. “i just wanted the damn macarons,” you whispered, your voice muffled against his shirt.
suguru cannot help but chuckle at your adorableness, smiling to himself, “i know baby, I know. I'll get them for you, as much as you want, satoru will buy you the store if you want to, but stop crying okay? it's not good for you, your head is gonna hurt, hm?”
suguru's chuckle made you feel a mix of annoyance and affection. you knew he was right, but the frustration was still bubbling up inside you.
you sniffled and wiped away your tears, trying to compose yourself a bit. “i just... i just wanted those damn macarons. i'm tired, and everything hurts, and i just wanted something sweet to eat. is that too much to ask for?”
suguru shook his head, “no baby, of course not, it's just that satoru—”
you didn't give suguru to finish his sentence before you cut him off, “he's laughing at me suguru, for fuck sake. he laughs like he doesn't care and makes fun of me like my needs don't matter—”
your shared bedroom door brushes open and satoru walks in, fast enough for you not to give him the proper reaction as he suddenly sits in front of you, both hands holding yours tightly, holding for his dear life.
satoru's eyes flickered between you and suguru, his heart clenching tightly at the sight of your red, tearful face. he could hear every word you had just said, the pain and frustration in your voice hitting him like a punch to the gut.
he gently grabbed your hands, his own shaking slightly as he gazed at you with a mix of guilt, remorse, and pleading in his eyes. “baby, please listen to me..” he began, his voice unsteady.
you looked up at him, your eyes red and puffy from crying. you could hear the sincere tone in his voice, the desperation and regret obvious. you didn't pull your hands away from his, but you didn't speak either.
suguru, seeing the tension in the room, sat quietly beside you, his gaze darting between you and satoru. his large hand softly caressing your waist. the air in the room was thick with anticipation, and all eyes were on satoru to continue.
your gaze met his, your eyes still watery from the tears but also carrying a hint of anger. you listened, but your expression remained stern, showing that you weren't ready to forgive him just yet.
satoru's grip on your hands tightened a little, his thumbs rubbing small, comforting circles on the backs of your hands. he could see the pain in your eyes, and it only made him feel worse.
“i know i messed up,” he began, his voice wavering.
“i should have never touched those macarons. i was being selfish, and it hurt you.” satoru looks into your eyes, his gaze filled with remorse. “you matter to me. your needs and wants are more important to me than anything else, especially a damn box of macaroons.”
he pauses for a moment, his grip loosening slightly in your hands. “i made a mistake, and i'm sorry. i should have thought of you, not just myself. i should have been more considerate and understanding.”
satoru's gaze softened, his eyes locked on yours as he spoke. “your needs matter more to me than anything. you're my wife, my love, and you're carrying our child. I should have prioritized you over a box of macarons, no matter how much i like them.”
he paused for a moment, his hands holding onto yours tightly. “should have never laughed at you or made you cry. i was acting like a stupid child, and you don't deserve that” satoru's eyes were full of remorse, every word he spoke tinged with guilt. he knew he had messed up, and he wanted nothing more than to fix it.
you listened to his words, feeling a mix of pain and relief in your heart. your anger was slowly fading, replaced by a strange tenderness for him.
satoru could see in your eyes that you were starting to soften, your expression becoming less guarded. he took it as a sign to continue pouring his heart out.
“i'm so sorry, baby,” he whispered. “i was stupid, and selfish, and i should have been more understanding. you deserve better than that. please forgive me.”
your resolve started to waver, the anger slowly being replaced by a mix of forgiveness and love. looking into his pleading eyes, your heart skipped a beat.
“you were a jerk,” you mumbled, your voice still holding a hint of annoyance. “and you made me cry, and you didn't care about my feelings.”
satoru looked at you with hope in his eyes, desperately trying to hold onto your hands, afraid that you'll slip away from him. “i know, i know. i was such a jerk, i'm sorry baby.”
you looked at him, your heart thudding heavily in your chest. hearing his sincere apologies and the pleading look in his eyes stirred up emotions within you.
you didn’t want to admit it, but you loved him, and seeing him so distraught and remorseful tugged at your heartstrings. a part of you just wanted to forgive him and be in his arms, but the hurt and frustration were still present.
you took a ragged breath, your voice quavering. “how can i trust that you won't do something like this again?”
satoru's expression became serious, his eyes filled with determination. “baby, i swear on everything i hold dear. i will never underestimate your needs again. your comfort, happiness, and wellbeing are my top priority from now on.”
he raised your knuckles to his lips, gently pressing a kiss against them as he looked at you with a desperate plea. “give me another chance, please. i will make up for it. I promise.”
your heart skipped a beat as his lips touched your knuckles, the softness of his touch making you melt a little. your resolve was weakening, and you could feel your anger melting away.
you looked at him, a mixture of resignation and love in your eyes. “I've been craving those macarons all day,” you said softly, a hint of pleading in your voice.
satoru's eyes lit up, a glimmer of hope flickering in his gaze. “anything for you, love. I'll get you all the macarons you want.” a small smile tugged at the corners of youe lips. seeing him so determined and sincere was making it difficult to hold onto your anger. you let out a small sigh, feeling the tension in your body easing a bit.
“promise?“ you asked, your tone almost teasing.
a small smile tugged at the corners of your lips as satoru eagerly nodded, excitement in his eyes at the prospect of pleasing you. “yes, I promise, baby. I'll get you the most delicious macarons you've ever tasted. I'll order them from the best bakery in town.”
he gave your hands a gentle squeeze, his expression soft and sincere. “anything you want, just say it, and I'll make it happen.” he gave your hands another kiss. seeing how sorry he was, the guilt started eating you alive, the weight of the words you said to him before starting to eat you.
“i'm sorry for saying that I hate you, I didn't mean any of that, I just—” satoru shushed you gently, his arms holding you tighter against him. “no, baby, don't apologize. i understand why you said it, and you were completely justified.”
he pressed a gentle kiss on the top of your head, his voice filled with remorse. “I shouldn't have teased you like that, especially after you've been dealing with pregnancy hormones and cravings all day. you had every right to be upset with me.”
“yeah right, baby, you should smack the shit out of him,“ he added playfully, gently pinching your cheeks. “do you want me to use my rainbow dragon on him? I could totally do that.”
suguru's playful suggestion managed to coax a small chuckle out of you, a tiny smile tugging at the corners of your lips. you glanced at him, shaking your head slightly. “no, no, suguru, that won't be necessary. as tempting as that sounds, I'd rather not see any more dragon destruction for now.”
satoru rolled his eyes and shot a mock glare at Suguru. despite his attempt at seriousness, a small smile betrayed his true feelings. “thanks for the support, suguru,” he said sarcastically, trying to lighten the mood. suguru shrugged, grinning. “hey, someone has to keep you in line, satoru. If it takes a rainbow dragon, then so be it.”
“oh, please,” satoru retorted, crossing his arms.
“Like you've never made a mistake. remember the time you—” suguru cut him off, waving a hand dismissively. “we’re not talking about me. this is about you eating the macarons. focus, Satoru.” satoru huffed, his eyes narrowing playfully.
“I think you just enjoy seeing me in trouble.”
suguru smirked, leaning back. “maybe I do. but only because it's so easy to get you riled up.”
“yeah, well, not all of us can be perfect like you, Mr. dragon summoner,” satoru shot back, though his tone was light. suguru chuckled, his eyes twinkling with amusement. “I never claimed to be perfect. Just better at avoiding macaron-related disasters.”
“ha! keep telling yourself that,” atoru replied, rolling his eyes again.
you watched their banter, a genuine smile forming on your face as their playful bickering helped ease the tension. “alright, boys, enough,” you said, your voice regaining a hint of lightness. “no more fighting. how about we focus on making things better?”
satoru nodded, his expression softening as he looked at you. “agreed. I'll start with that foot massage.”
“and I'll make sure he does it right,” suguru added with a wink, hugging your body to give your cheek a kiss, little bit too aggressive, earning another eye roll from satoru.
satoru positioned himself at the foot of the bed, gently taking your foot into his hands. his touch was tender and soothing, a stark contrast to his usual bold actions. he started massaging your foot gently, his fingers rubbing in small circles.
suguru, never one to stay silent for long, continued his playful banter, trying to keep the atmosphere light-hearted. “make sure you get the arches, satoru. pregnant feet need extra care, you know.” a smirk on his face as he watched satoru's attempt at making amends. “he's been practicing, you know,” he teased, causing satoru to roll his eyes once more.
satoru's fingers worked their magic, gently kneading and massaging your feet. He knew just how sore and tired they were from carrying you during your pregnancy. He focused on each sore spot, his touch firm and soothing.
meanwhile, suguru couldn't resist chiming in (again) with some light-hearted comments, poking fun at satoru occasionally. “watch your grip, satoru. no need to turn her feet into pancakes,” his eyes sparkling with amusement as he watched satoru perform his husbandly duties.
“you're a quick learner,” he quipped at satoru, who shot him a playful glare in response. he leaned over to satoru, a smug grin on his face. “make sure you don't miss a spot, lover boy. her feet need extra attention, considering the little one she's growing in there.”
satoru glanced up at suguru, a mock glare in his eyes. “oh, shut up. I know what I'm doing.”
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monakisu · 5 months
about saiki kusuo...
he's a leo.
he's incredibly tidy. if his parents leave the house in a mess, he'll complain but proceed to deep-clean it anyways.
he's a stickler for other people's safety. if he notices someone's shoelace is untied, he'll tie it for them, regardless of the circumstances (ie. smack-dab in the middle of a sports game)
on another note, he seems to have a fixation with tying people's shoelaces for them.
he's weak for sweets in general, not just coffee jelly. sweet tooth saiki!
he has a huge soft spot for kids. this probably stems from his failed childhood friendship with akechi.
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he's scared of bugs because he can't read their minds. this implies that powerless!saiki might be a lot shyer, more anxious, and even pricklier, since he doesn't know what anybody's thinking.
he's totally a mama's boy. he learned his moral compass from her, does whatever she wants, believes he was born an esper to protect her, etc.
also, the notorious zebra print blazer was because of his mom.
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he's so much of a people-pleaser that he'll sacrifice his desire for anonymity and normalcy; he'll insert himself into situations, stalk people, and use his powers even if it means the spotlight will fall on him.
not only is he a people-pleaser, he's a drama queen. he'd rather concoct elaborate plans to avoid somebody instead of simply rejecting them.
he's a one piece fan.
his favorite arcade game used to be whack-a-mole, and he thought destroying all the moles meant he'd won. he was banned because of this.
his glasses are colored glasses from his childhood toy box. wording implies that he's been wearing this same pair his whole life.
he likes baking/cooking, mostly because he gets to eat the sweets that he made. (househusband saiki... heh.)
he smiled a lot more freely as a kid. when he wasn't wearing a dazed expression, he looked like quite the cheerful child.
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he helps kaido out with classwork by simply handing him his own work.
he rarely gets sick, and when he does he can cure himself by turning his body into an inferno through pyrokinesis. however, this means he knows next to nothing about medicine.
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similarly, he's tragically naïve about the internet.
he's good at singing and likes karaoke (preferably singing by himself).
like kaido, he gets seasick. however, he fervently denies this. he seems to think himself impervious of the maladies regular people suffer from.
he has a bit of a girly run.
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he likes using takahashi as a joke. "it's everyone's favorite, takahashi." he also hates takahashi because of his strong resemblance to akechi's childhood bully, takashi.
he likes hot baths.
when he walks home from school, he follows this routine: he stops at the convenience store, picks up coffee jelly, puts it back on the shelf, then continues home. ...incredible. he seems incapable of not staring at any nearby coffee jelly.
he may be willing to downplay his smarts/talents to avoid trouble, but he'll get competitive when he's with akechi or kusuke.
he's hesitant to cause his friends any harm, but will freely maim toritsuka, so long as the damage is immediately reversed.
he won't hesitate with kusuke, though.
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lastly, and most importantly:
he's a cutie patootie <3
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hawkinsbnbg · 2 months
Eddie Munson wasn’t one who knew when to quit.
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Eddie Munson was a lot of things, but he wasn’t one who knew when to quit.
He sold drugs when it was frowned upon because he wanted to help his uncle pay the bills. He did drugs because why the hell not?
He loved music that was too loud, he played games that were considered satanic, he wore his queerness as a badge of honor in the town that hated him.
He headed to hell, sacrificed himself for the kid he loved and people he barely knew, and survived the odds.
He graduated high school by tooth and nail, pursued his dream when everyone deemed he was a lost cause. He worked harder when being pushed down. He succeeded.
He made it big, achieved his dream, got fame and wealth at his disposal. He was notorious for the long list of flings left in every city he visited. He despised the snobs, bigots, and paparazzi.
He tried to quit mooning over the beautiful man who had saved his life alongside the whole world. Who was the object of his desire and obsession. His dream and muse, his pain and yearning.
Who was the bane of his existence, the opium to the addict in his core. Dangerous and yet, lovely, irresistible.
Even so, he could never bring himself to ignore the monthly phone calls with Steve, listening to the warm voice that made his heart ache and flutter, checking in to make sure his boy was still safe in the town that he had left behind to go spread his wings.
Yes, his.
The moment Steve kissed him—shaky, tender, sweet—their souls had intertwined, bounded together for evermore.
Eddie couldn’t bring himself to deny it, that he had lost his heart to Steve Harrington since the first time he caught a glimpse of those pretty eyes and soft lips, wishing he could kiss them one day.
And then he did.
Back when their feelings were still new, fresh, tentative. They had done everything any young lovers would do upon having made it through an almost-apocalypse together.
They dove headfirst into each other. Touching, crying, kissing, laughing, and making love. They consumed, they devoured, they ignited.
And they crashed.
Eddie couldn’t stand being the town’s prime murder suspect even after the charge had been dropped.
Steve couldn’t bear leaving the only place he had grown up in, the place he had fought for with his life. He had people, friends who needed him there, who would miss him a terrible amount if he decided to leave.
But Eddie didn’t have such problems. His uncle didn’t rely on him the same way the kids did to Steve. His friends had left long before the ‘earthquake’ took place.
A label had sought him out after seeing his performance at The Hideout, offered him a good deal if he signed with them, and for the first time since his life had been turned upside down, Eddie saw hope.
He had talked with Steve about it. About leaving for a better future. About them making a life together somewhere outside the cursed town they had been unfortunately put in.
But it was a wistful thinking. Because sometimes, love was never enough. And sometimes, Eddie wasn’t the only scared one.
They parted. Tearful but surprisingly civil. They hadn’t been through so much just to lose each other over a mutual breakup.
Because Eddie still loved Steve.
And Steve still loved Eddie.
Simple as that.
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"Don’t be hung up on me, Munson," Steve whispered to him, hugging him so tight that his healed ribs might crack again. Eddie didn’t think he would mind if it meant he could stay in this moment forever.
"I should be the one telling you that, Stevie," Eddie sniffled, hugging the boy he loved just as fiercely.
He suddenly didn’t want to leave anymore. Maybe he could apply for a position at the plant, asked Wayne for a recommendation. Or he could make do with the mine at the edge of the town, he heard they were hiring just the other day ago.
"Good luck, Eds," Steve pressed a kiss on his ear. "Don’t do drugs, don’t get in trouble, don’t be–"
Steve laughed, tilting his head back and offering his pale throat for Eddie’s greedy eyes. The urge to lick, to bite, to leave a mark was strong, but Eddie just tightened his hold around Steve further, because the privilege wasn't his anymore.
"I was going for ‘cute’," Steve looked back at him, arms coming up to wrap around his neck, nails scratching the back of his nape teasingly, eyes light and twinkling with mirth. Eddie wanted to kiss him. "But I guess ‘stupid’ suits you just fine."
"Stop flirting," Eddie chided him half-heartedly, unable to resist it anymore and leaned in to peck the end of his nose.
Steve blushed, pretty and precious, before releasing him and finally stepping back. Too close and too far at the same time.
For a moment, they just stared at each other, and Eddie was thankful that their friends were considerate enough to give them some semblances of privacy after having said their goodbye.
Before Eddie could do something stupid like falling to his knees and begging Steve to go with him, the final boarding called for his flight.
"So this is it," he shrugged on his duffle and gave Steve a lopsided smile.
"Have a safe flight, Eddie," Steve squeezed his shoulder before stepping aside so the others could do the same.
As Eddie turned on his heels, he could feel Steve’s gaze trailing after him until he disappeared behind the gate.
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"He kept asking me when would you come to Indianapolis, which was unfair because how could I possibly know that? And the dipshit just rolled his eyes at me with Aren’t you supposed to be his best friend or something? Then I had to set it straight with him that us being on the phone once a month doesn’t mean I’d know every deepest darkest secret about you."
Eddie felt his chest and stomach warm with fondness when Steve didn’t deny that they were best friends, didn’t insist that the position was for Robin only. Because Steve was cool like that. Because why on earth would he refuse to have two best friends who would go to hell with him?
Eddie bet if he looked at the mirror right now, he would see himself smiling like a lovesick idiot.
There was something so endearing about Steve whining to him about their kids and friends every time they talked.
It was as if they had been doing this their whole life. Talking about mundane things, asking about each other's days, chatting about everything and anything.
It would be awfully domestic if they lived together.
Eddie could imagine it, see it clearly in his mind.
Steve sharing the spaces with him, waking up in the same bed as him, standing in the kitchen wearing the Kiss the Cook apron, swaying to the songs from the radio, giggling cutely when Eddie smothered him with kisses, smiling warmly as they did the chores together, getting huffy and bitchy when they bantered, and humming softly to some random tunes Eddie just came up with.
Perhaps, they would all become his new reality if he took that first step.
Eddie Munson wasn’t one who knew when to quit, after all.
And for Steve, he would take a million steps to make them work this time.
"Are you sure, Stevie?" He asked.
"Sure what?"
"That you haven’t already known every deepest, darkest secret of mine."
He heard Steve take a deep inhale. Eddie smiled fondly. His smart boy, always knew him so well.
"I’m an adult now, sweetheart," he chuckled. "Gotta be the one addressing the elephant in the room when my boy is too stubborn to look at it."
"Don’t be silly," Steve said weakly, a bit breathless. Good to know Eddie still had that effect on him even after all those years.
"I can’t, Stevie," Eddie lowered his voice, like he was telling a secret. "Been silly for you since high school. Don’t think I can stop it now."
"I told you to move on."
"And I didn’t promise anything," Eddie bit back a laugh, knowing how frustrated Steve must be right now. "I tried. Haven’t you seen all of that?"
There was a reason Eddie did everything in his capacity to appear on the headlines most of the time. He wanted Steve to see him, to watch him, to be there for every little step he took, to be in his life as much as possible.
"... I have," Steve sighed, sounding more tired than dejected.
"So you know how hard it had been for me to find someone who could measure up to you," Eddie twirled a strand of his hair absently. "They always failed at the ‘having perfect hair’ part."
"Bet they didn’t know what Farrah Fawcett is, huh?"
"They just looked at me blankly when I told them to take better care of their hair," Eddie grinned at the lovely sound of Steve’s giggle.
"So," Eddie cleared his throat slightly and braved on when Steve quieted down. "My band’s final destination is Indianapolis. It’s a two-night stop. After that, I’ll take my well-deserved break in Hawkins for a few months, visit my uncle and our friends, and see if you’re gonna take me back."
"Eddie," Steve said pointedly. "We both agreed that it’s better for us to stay friends. And I don’t– I can’t watch you leave again. I’m not made for it."
"Baby," Eddie said softly, his heart breaking at the sound of Steve’s sharp inhale, like it was too much, like the word hadn’t been on the tip of his tongue every time they spoke. "Everything’s different now. Our kids are all in colleges, our friends have their jobs and families, and I think it’s time you allow yourself to live your life, Stevie."
"What are you trying to say here, Eddie?" Steve asked shakily.
"That I need you," Eddie poured out his heart. "I craved for you, missed you so much that it hurts me physically. All of my songs are about you and just for you. I’m obsessed with you, bewitched by you, my love. You’ve been in my mind for years now and I don’t think it’ll stop any time soon."
"C’mon, angel," he went on as Steve let out a small gasp. "I did everything you told me to. No drugs, no fights, no troubles. Haven't I been good enough?"
"Except you’re still hung up on me," Steve laughed softly, warmly.
"Yeah, I’m still an addict, after all," Eddie chuckled. "It’s impossible to quit loving you, baby boy."
"Me, too," Steve said after a while. "I'm still hung up on you, Eddie," his voice cracked as he admitted quietly, "still in love with you."
"Christ, we make quite a pair, huh?" Eddie chuckled, running a hand down his face.
"Tell me about it," Steve let out an amused huff.
In the next several minutes, they discussed what they would do when Eddie got back. And in return, Eddie promised to send everyone at home tickets and backstage passes so they could go see him once the show was over.
"I listened to them all, you know," Steve said amidst their conversation.
Eddie paused, feeling his heart somersault and pressing a hand on his chest to calm it down.
"I’m glad," he said, crooning, "'cause they’re my love letters for you, darlin'."
"Gosh, you’re such a sap."
He could hear the smile in Steve’s voice.
"Your sap," Eddie grinned so much that his cheeks hurt. "Only yours, baby boy."
"Guess you’re right," Steve giggled. "Can’t wait to see you again. My sappy poet."
It had been years since they last saw each other. At least on Eddie’s part, because he knew Steve had seen him plenty on the TV and in those magazines.
Eddie was relieved that they had been too stubborn to let themselves grow apart and still kept in touch to this day.
For being long-distance friends, they didn’t have a lot to catch up with except their pent-up feelings for each other.
Eddie looked at the framed candid photo of Steve on his nightstand.
In the shot, Steve was wearing his signature blue polo and snug jeans. Around his neck was a silver chain that carried Eddie’s guitar pick, tucked safely beneath his shirt.
He was watching the kids fooling around in the pool. Cold beer in his hands as he turned to Robin, whispering about anything he found funny like a cute gossip schoolboy.
Eddie’s boy.
Golden skin kissed by the sun. Hazel eyes sparkled with joy, like gemstones that tasted of warm caramel. Rosy cheeks, pouty lips, freckled nose. All perfect and divine under the bright daylight.
The photo had cost Eddie an arm and a leg when he asked to buy it from Jonathan.
It was worth every penny.
"Soon, angel," Eddie said softly. "I’ll be there before you know it."
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Two days later, Eddie stood on Steve’s front porch with his luggage and rang the bell.
When Steve opened the door and saw him, a warm smile graced those pretty features.
There were no questions about why Eddie had returned earlier than planned. Because Steve knew Eddie was never good at the waiting game. And he had waited long enough for both of their sake.
"Hey yourself," Eddie smiled back, taking a couple of steps forward to erase the little distance between them.
As Steve tilted his chin up slightly to look at him, Eddie leaned down to peck the corner of that lovely mouth, resting his hands on the soft waist.
"I’m home, baby."
Naturally, Steve hooked his arms around Eddie’s neck and pressed their lips together—firm, tender, sweet.
Just like their first kiss.
"Welcome home, Eds."
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musubi-sama · 7 months
You are officially Shoko Ieri’s girlfriend, but why are you being followed and gently threatened by two tall, disgustingly handsome men?
CW: afab!reader x shoko ieri, modern au, mild stalking, the boys being intimidating, toys, cunnilingus, shower sex, lady love, mild plot
AN: This is baby’s first fan fic, my first piece of fiction and self-indulgent prose. The world needs more yuri/sapphic/lady stories and I hope I can do it a modicum of justice. I will probably write out the two flashback references as additional chapters once I figure out what I want to do with them.
WC: 4.9k
Next chapter —
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“Let’s continue that little thread from last night after classes today?” she responds before pulling away and heading off to the lecture hall. “I’ll make sure to take ‘extra meticulous’ notes for you!” Your girlfriend puts extra emphasis and holds up sassy airquotes (even gives a little sideways nudge with her hip) because she’s notoriously a poor lecture student and you pay attention almost too much and too well, taking notes furiously from your front and center seat.
You give her a cute giggle and wave as she walks away; you’re heading off to meet with your adviser to discuss a research opportunity. While you walk across the quad into the neighboring dining hall to grab your usual Starbucks order (iced caramel machiatto).
Meanwhile, a pair of tall, offensively handsome men doing what would otherwise be a scene from a spy movie, fold the top half of a newspaper down and watch you and Shoko embrace and go your separate ways.
“Suguru, who the hell was that talking to Sho?” the white-haired, ethereally blue eyed man says a bit too loudly to his dark-haired, enigmatically purple eyed friend. The pair sit on the bench gawking, although the dark haired man winces at the volume of his friend.
“You’re going to give us away, shush, Satoru! I don’t know who she is or what that was about but let’s follow her” Suguru gets up and beckons in your general direction “and see where she goes” Satoru gets up and they both follow you at a safe distance, catching up with you as you are waiting for your order at Starbucks. Satoru perks up and nudges Suguru in the side with a cheeky smile when he hears the barista announce your order. “She can’t be that bad, she’s got a sweet tooth!”
“Let’s see where she goes from here.” Suguru pinches his chin as he watches you from across the cafe. You navigate around a few tables to reach the exit and head off to your meeting. While waiting for the elevator to the fifth floor, you catch a flash of messy-but-styled white hair from around the corner, but chalk it up to sleep deprivation and stress.
You make it to your adviser and he walks you through a few research opportunities, but the drawback is that you will need to take a year between finishing your primary in-classroom education and your clinical rotations. And the one that you like the most is across the country. Great timing, just after you finally get a girlfriend and think you may have your little life settled into a comfortable routine. Maybe you wait a few weeks to discuss this with Shoko. But maybe she would want you to bring it up sooner, it’s not like you haven’t known her for four years already. The responsible partner would talk about it soon. But you’ve never been too keen on bringing up tough subjects in a reasonable or quick manner, opting to mull quietly, by yourself, not wanting to bother other people or respond to negative feedback.
As you’re arguing with yourself, you take the elevator back down the ground floor and head outside to hole up in the library until Shoko is out of the morning’s lectures.
Except you don’t notice the two tall handsome boys following you from the lobby across the quad. They take notice of your internal conflicts written across your face and lack of spatial awareness to surround you and you bump into a dense, immovable statue. Fortunately for you, it’s not an actual statue, but a person, so there is a softness in the knock and a pair of arms quickly wrap around you to make sure you don’t fall. Two sets of arms, actually.
“Ah, Iamsosorry” You attempt to stammer out as you are brought out of your internal arguments. You look up to see long, feathered jet-black hair, reaching past the shoulders, but pulled partially up into a bun. Face framed by bangs hanging on one side. Piercing, focused, concerned violet eyes, and a soft smile. Your first impression is that he is cat-like. He catches you off-guard but you feel safe. As you step back to give him space and continue to your destination, your back bumps into an equally statuesque figure. But he’s the polar opposite when you tilt your head back and look up at him. A shock of white hair, dark round sunglasses, giant smile bearing all his teeth, ocean blue eyes piercing you. It’s unsettling how it feels like he’s reading every thought you’re having right now, in the past, and the future. “Oh, excuse me…” you mumble but it just trails off.
“Oh hello there.” Suguru places his hands on your shoulders to steady you. It feels nice, reassuring, considering you just knocked around some coastal rocks. “My name is Suguru Geto and this is Satoru Gojo. We just happened to see you walking across campus and you seemed distracted. Wouldn’t want you walking into anyone and causing a disturbance. Present company excluded, of course.”
“Yeah, what’s a girl like you doing so distracted?” You’re caught off guard by the brazen question. And confused by the implications. What kind of girl do they think you are?
“Sorry, I really just want to go to the library. I’m meeting my girlfriend soon.” You try to side-step the pair and they move in tandem to block your path. Ah, you start to feel the familiar anxiety of being pestered by someone who can’t understand that ‘no’ is a full and complete statement. What you fail to notice, is the shock that zipped through the boys’ expressions.
“I am sorry for the brashness of my companion” Suguru tilts his head up to give Satoru a piercing stare before his gaze softens again and he looks back at you. You feel as if you’re the only person in the entire world as he looks down. Completely taken by his gaze, feeling his arms re-settle on your forearms for a moment before dropping to his sides, giving you space with the lack of physical touch. “But we saw you with a friend of ours and we were just concerned for her. She always introduces anyone beyond a mere acquaintance to us, and we are only looking out for her best interests.” Satoru uses this opportunity to step around to your front, hands in his pockets. Although he still has a mischievous grin on his face.
“Er, what? I am sure that any one I am friends with surely doesn’t require a white knight or dark stallion to protect her honor.” You attempt to cut the conversation short.
“You’re right. You’re absolutely correct, dear. How about we get to know you over dinner? Our treat for being so forward. Tomorrow, pick you up at 7:00? I know a place that does great bananas foster with homemade caramel” Satoru winks, and you realize you’re still holding your coffee. You’re clutching it now, hoping he didn’t see that you asked for extra caramel drizzle in your coffee today. You’re a people pleaser, so you just quickly agree to the plans. You ask for their LineID and as you’re walking away, you get two messages immediately:
Can’t wait to see you, sweets! Looking forward to dinner and getting to know you.
Finally making it to the library, feeling buzzed, and not from the sugar or caffeine. But you manage to find some shred of focus for the next two hours. Your phone buzzes and you start to pack up your books and laptop. You respond to Shoko’s message that she’s out of class and heading to the dining hall with a quick “Yay, save me a seat!” message even though you know you don’t have to ask.
“How was the Pharmacology lecture?” You ask, while attempting to unhinge your jaw around a particularly ambitious forkful of salad. Your girlfriend just smiles at you over her soup.
“Hm, well you know how engaging Dr. Smith is at his age. I made sure to get an audio recording of the lectures and of course the slide notes include the markups from in-class.”
“Aww, thank you! You’re the best.”
Shoko gives you a fond smile as you both settle back into eating lunch. You continue chatting about classes, you feel confident over your polite dodging of any real answer to how your adviser meeting went “Ah, well, I am waiting for him to email me with some details on a couple research opportunities.” Shoko seems satisfied, or at least doesn’t have any follow up questions to your response. You don’t feel comfortable about lying to your best friend, your girlfriend, but you didn’t really tell her lies. Just, not the whole truth. You’ll tell her, soon. You promised yourself. That was the decision you had settled on right as you bumped into-
“Hey, I wanted to talk to you about something. I have two friends I’ve known since forever and I want to introduce you to them. I have kept you from them until now because they can be somewhat, very, incredibly, protective of me and intrusive to anyone who gets close. But they are good people, even if I have to kick their asses when they pull their little “baby Shoko” stunts.” Shoko puts her hands on yours and looks straight at you, although struggles to keep eye contact when she mentions her friends’ not-so-kind traits.
You consider her question and do not want to respond too quickly or eagerly, but you have wanted to build some new relationships before your life gets too much more hectic with clerkships, graduation, and intern year on the horizon. And if these new friends are already friends with Shoko, then it’s even easier because you would want any new friends to be comfortable with both of you. You may only be newly dating, but you’ve already fallen for Shoko quite hard and want to settle down. Or something like that? You haven’t taken a breath to really figure your brain out.
“Oh, well, why don’t we get drinks and see how things go? I like the idea of making new friends, let’s give it a try!” You try to hold back your over-eagerness, but you let slip big excited eyes and slotting your fingers into Shoko’s hands and squeezing. A small squeal may have also escaped your lips, you’re bad a poker. And Shoko loves it. She gives you a soft smile, leans over to drop a peck on your cheek. The rest of lunch passes with easy conversation. You head off to your afternoon lectures and study sessions together.
After classes finished, you both headed back to Shoko’s apartment. Even before you started dating, you spent most of your free time at her place. It was closer, bigger, quieter, and nicer than your apartment. You grab a pair of beers from the fridge after you finished cleaning up from dinner and walk over to the couch. Shoko turned on Netflix and started the nightly ritual of scrolling new and recently updated shows to see what caught either of your interests before settling on one of the six shows you’re already in the middle of watching. You sit sideways and hand over one of the beers, laying your legs across your girlfriend’s lap. She settles on watching the next episode of your shared guilty pleasure, Doctor X. During the opening credits, your phone buzzes several times with messages on Line.
“Ugh, what is it now? I should’ve left it in the bedroom” you grumble as you lean over to the table and pick up your phone that has now buzzed four times. You see a newly familiar name pop up and scowl.
“What’s wrong, love?” Shoko perks up and looks over to you as you start to read the messages, more coming in while you’re reading.
“I literally ran into a pair of criminally attractive guys. Boys, really. They did that High School-Hollywood thing of boxing me in, making me look up, and then not taking no for an answer. I agreed to get dinner with them tomorrow just so they’d leave me alone and go away.” You flash her the phone with the messages. Her usually subtle expression shifted much more dramatically when she saw who you were talking about.
“Wait. You ran into, literally? Gojo and Geto? Tall, one with white hair sticking up in stupid directions and acting with way too much bravado, the other with big ear gauges and an air of incredible self-confidence? Today? Where? When?” She stops her idle massaging of your legs and turns towards you, taking your phone to read more carefully what they had sent:
Heyyyyyy. Wear something cute? Do you like Mediterranean? :)
“Yyyyeah that matches the pair. Why, do you know them? Have they bothered you on campus before?”
Shoko snickers softly. “You could say that. Remember the pair of friends I wanted you to meet? Looks like they found you first.”
“Oh.” You look down at your hands for a moment and then suddenly you remember what Suguru said to you “we saw you with a friend of ours and we were just concerned for her…” “Oh, wait a second. You’re the friend they were talking about!” And you relay the conversation you had with Suguru and Satoru to Shoko who just shakes her head and sucks her teeth.
“Yeah, those bastards. I told them to wait till this weekend, I had news for them and someone to meet. But they just HAD to get impatient.”
“I will call off dinner! Can I have my phone back, please?” you reach out your hand to begin composing a polite response to the nuisance pair.
“No, don’t. Just have them come over first. And then they can take BOTH of us to dinner.”
As soon as you send off your address, you put your phone down. Shoko’s ministrations on your legs intensifies subtly, but clearly with an agenda. You lean back against the arm of the couch as Shoko slowly massages her hands up your legs, focusing on the softer flesh on the insides of your thighs. You part your legs for her slightly as she gets closer to your clothed core.
The days have been long and you’ve hardly had time for yourself or your relationship since you’ve put official titles on it. You shift yourself so you’re now straddling Shoko. You reach your hands around her neck, threading your hands under her long, wheat-colored brown hair. When you met her, her hair was only touching her shoulders, but now it’s reaching far down her back. Her lips are so soft and inviting, a gentle sheen of spit covering them. Your eyes rake over her face, taking in every facial micromovement. You admire her lone freckle below her eye, something you’ve always found cute.
You lean in, lips parting slightly as her eyes glance up at you, pupils darkening in desire. As your tongues slipped past each other, they danced delicately but with increasing urgency as your lips press harder and Shoko takes a brief opening to nip at your lower lip, drawing out a soft moan from you. Your hands hold her neck tighter, one slipping up through her hair, giving it a light tug. Her hands start sliding back in between your legs, the side of her pinky finger lightly grazing your center which elicits a small grind from you. As your kiss slowly turns more frantic, trading breaks for air with trails of urgency on each others jawline, Shoko reaches under your shirt to gently wrap her hands under your voluminous tits. Still seated in a soft bralette, your nipples begin to harden as her hands slowly squeeze and make their way into the bralette and find your nipples with a soft squeeze.
You drop your hands to your sides and toss your head back at the sharp, but pleasurable sensations and start to roll your hips in Shoko’s lap, looking for some friction and relief for the growing tension. You whimper as the pinching and squeezing intensifies, tilting your head back up and you are met with eyes filled with pure lust. “I told you I wanted to continue from last night” Shoko growls. You just respond with a low moan. Shoko then uses her forearms to slide your shirt up and over your head, taking your bralette with it.
Now, your fully exposed chest and abdomen, your nipples clearly taut in response to the pleasure being shown to them. Shoko then leans down to one, taking it in her mouth with a light suck. Keeping her hand squeezing the other, she lightly bites down, rolling the puckered nipple in her teeth, sliding her slick tongue across. She releases it with a pop, letting it and your breast drop and give a little lewd jiggle. She repeats the process on your other nipple. You are still wantonly grinding your hips in her lap, keening against her touch.
As your body continues to relax, your brain slowly shutting off the noise and entering that cozy, listful, lustful subspace headspace, your hands claw at your girlfriends’ shirt and pull it off of her during a brief moment when her lips aren’t attached to your body. The moment her skin is exposed, you bring yourself vertical and then over, pressing your breasts into hers, enjoying the soft and supple squeezes from your body weight onto Shoko. You reach in to grasp the sides of your shared mass of tits, squeezing and pushing them together.
You are in a daze, skin on fire, as you are drunk from your beer and the lust spreading through your veins. You always knew you were bisexual, although you couldn’t put a fine point on it until you met Shoko while at your lab’s new grad student orientation 3 and a half years ago. You moved across the country for grad school, knowing you’d need to start over again and find new (local) friends. You were taking in the space when you turned around and saw Shoko Ieri walk in the room, immediately disorienting you and a sudden warmth spreading into your center. You couldn’t look her in the eye for the entire first month.
“What do you want to do tonight?” Shoko brings you out of your daze as she wraps her hand around the back of your neck. “Want to start with that new toy I picked up recently?”
“O-oh, yeah, I haven’t tried something like that before!” You start to untangle yourself from Shoko and roll off the couch. You’re chased by Shoko into the bedroom as she reaches out to pinch at your sweatpants-covered ass, you making sure she can still catch you. There’s fun in the chase, but so is there in getting caught. You leap at the bed, spin around and sit on your legs patiently while Shoko disappears into her closet. She returns quickly, now in nothing but a lace thong and brandishing a modest, slightly curved silicone dildo in her hands, twirling her hair with her other hand. You bounce a bit in anticipation, soft tits still jiggling as you stop moving. You move to remove your sweatpants, but are cut off.
“Ah ah ah, hands off. Why are you trying to deny me the fun? I said we are going to continue from yesterday. Which means it’s my turn to return the favor.”
“We don’t need to keep a running tally for equitability sake!” you whine, sticking your lip out in an over-exaggerated pout.
“You’re right, but since this is celebrating us putting some structure and a title to” she waves her hand between the two of you “this, I want to finish what you started. Now, lay back, please.” You settle on the duvet, heart racing, feeling giddy. Last night you off-handedly said ‘I love you’ over dinner at home. It came out of nowhere, but you were just chatting and catching up from the day over a bowl of spaghetti, and it just fell out of your mouth while Shoko nearly choked mid-slurp.
Shoko sets the toy down on the bed and climbs up the bed, caging you in. As she reaches your middle, she sits back on her heels and tugs at your pants. She loved how you always returned to your own apartment or hers and would immediately change into comfortable room wear, shedding the stuffy denim and wired bras for soft cottons and gentle elastics. Pulling your hair back to keep it out of your face, it certainly made easier to grab in the heat of sex and teasing. After she removed your pants and panties, reveling at your exposed frame, Shoko admired your neatly trimmed hair framing your glistening pussy. “Mine.”
Soft kisses with small nibbles sprinkled in begin to chase up the inside of your legs, feet planted on the bed. As the kisses intensify, your knees fall further apart. Your hands come up to your hair as you lace your fingers through to ground yourself. Gently, two fingers spread your folds open and you let out a small gasp. “Mmm I just love to tease your pussy.” One slender finger slides in, your soft walls pulling it in deeper until your girlfriend’s middle finger is sheathed up to the knuckle. She flips her palm upwards and curls the finger inside of you while bringing her thumb to rest on your hardening clitoris. Your hips begin to buck at the movements, moans increasing. Slowly sliding her finger out, pressure still on your clit, Shoko adds a second finger and begins to rub circles with her thumb and thrusting her fingers in and out. She looks up from her ministrations to watch your face go through a million small emotions in pleasure. “That’s it, love. Let me hear you, don’t hold back.” You unwind on her hand, fluttering around her fingers, riding out your high with loud moans and grinding hips.
As you come back down, Shoko reaches over to the toy, aligning the flat, angled tip with your hole, pulling out her fingers. “Ready?” she whispers, but with an edge of gravel on her voice. She also grabs a small remote that you didn’t initially see and reaches up to place it in your hands. “I also got a treat for you. Feel free to press the buttons as you want and see what happens”
Slowly, Shoko presses the toy into your soaked pussy, as the tip disappears in, she turns it on to the lowest vibration setting. You give a sharp inhale as you push your head back further into the pillows. You recollect yourself as the toy makes its way further into you, and bring your hand up to see what this remote is. Just two buttons, marked by a plus and minus sign. You touch the plus button and suddenly a sultry and surprised “Ahhh mmmmm” Shoko whines from between your legs. Her progress to slide in the toy momentarily halted as she adjusted to the vibrating inside of her. She regains composure as she seats the toy fully inside you and rotates it around until you slam your eyes shut and cry out in pure pleasure. “Ah ha, found it. So hot.” Shoko bought a g-spot vibrator and adjusted it till she found the right spot inside of you.
Squirming somewhat, Shoko slowly moves the vibrator around, placing her free hand on your abdomen with pressure against you. Your hips begin to gyrate and roll with increased intensity every time the head of the toy makes contact with the spongy sensitive bundle of nerves inside your walls. “Sho—Shooookoooo ple- FUCK please~” you preen and attempt to stammer out some words. You increase the intensity on the remote.
“Ye-s, l-ove? You’re doing so, so, hnf, well, better than the fantasies I had all day of this- of this mooooment.” Shoko showers you with praise, stuttered by her own building pleasure, knowing exactly what is to come next.
“Ahhh, Sho—Shoko, I’m-com-” You attempt to tell her what you’re feeling as the pressure in your abdomen has reached a fever pitch, ready to incinerate you at the lightest touch. Shoko steadies the vibrator right on the nerves and brings her thumb up to apply pressure to your clit and lowers her body to get closer to your core. “Give it all to me.” At that moment you scream obscenities as your body releases the built-up pressure and you squirt directly into Shoko’s waiting mouth. Helping you ride out your pleasure pushed Shoko over the edge, too, as she rolls her hips along with the waves of her own orgasm. As your body begins to slow it’s movements, she turns off the vibrator and removes it from you. She also reaches down to her own bullet vibrator and removes it, still shaking as you’re too high on your own pleasure to find the remote.
Shoko sits up and wipes your slick from her face, reaching a hand up to you to clean off. “Good girl.” You whimper at the affirmation, pulling on her wrist to bring her up to you, her body draped on yours. When you finish lapping up the wetness on her hand, you twist your head over and your mouths meet in lazy but passionate kissing. Tongues lazily exploring each other, gratitude shared between the two of you.
“Shower?” You nod, slowly rolling yourself over, legs finding the ground albeit a bit shakily. Shoko steps out ahead, sliding into the en suite ahead of you to warm up the shower and grab towels. You stand in front of the mirror admiring your body, re-adjusting your hair and pulling the strays that have fallen out back up. You step in to the shower, bottoms of your feet chilled on the hard tile floor, but skin warmed by the scaldingly hot shower.
“Ahhhh, perfect” You reach out to rest your hands on Shoko’s waist as you both take a moment to relax in the warmth of each other and the water.
“Yeah, you are, love.” You giggle at the admiration. Shoko’s hands come up to gently massage your breasts, lightly pinching your nipples. She closes the gap between you and nudges her leg in between yours, rubbing her thigh against your sensitive folds. You let out a soft moan, feeling sensitive and on-edge already, after just a moment. “I’m not done with you yet.”
You continue to grind on her thigh as she holds pressure against your heat. Your hands slide up to Shoko’s chin, cupping her face and you dive in for a kiss. Your lips are urgent and needy as you moan into her mouth, biting her lips with every wave of building pressure. After several minutes, Shoko breaks the kiss, pulling away and you whine as her leg also pulls back. She begins kissing down the column of your neck, down the center of your clevage, past your navel, sinking to her knees to worship at your altar.
Wordlessly, Shoko nudges your legs further apart, guiding you so you are now leaning against the cold wall of the shower. Placing her hands on the front of your thighs, she slides them up to your folds and with her thumbs, spreads your pussy open, exposing your wet core to the warm shower air. She leans in to take a soft lick, savoring the first taste. You lean back on the wall for support, hands threading through Shoko’s hair.
“God you taste amazing. I can’t get enough of you.” Shoko uses her nose to rub against your oversensitive clit, reaching her tongue inside your sensitive cunt, applying light suction as she goes. Drinking up every drop your body offers, you can feel her moans reaching deep within you. Moving between deep licks inside your pussy to abusing your clit with the tip and flat of her tongue, you can feel the coil again twisting inside of you. With your moans completely unrestrained, you use your grip on her head to keep her pinned against your center.
“Baby, love, god” Shoko praises you at each short breath she takes. You don’t even have a moment to tell her as suddenly the coil snaps and you silently scream as she eagerly accepts the orgasm she pulled from your body. Her hands wrapping around your hips, holding you close as you buck against her touch. Once you have stopped moving so harshly, she stands up and your lips crash together one more time, you licking your wetness off her face, her embracing and holding you.
“I’ve never felt so relaxed with someone, Sho. You’re my best friend, my love, I can’t see a future without you.” Your mouth is moving faster than your brain, letting your admissions tumble out. A common occurrence for you recently. Shoko just smiles and you wash each other clean, taking time to massage tender areas, and scrub the rough ones. After you step out of the shower, you both go through your nightly skin care and pre-bed routines. Passing products between each other, prepping and moving as one practiced unit.
Now laying in bed, you are in the crook of your girlfriends’ arm while you both scroll on your phones. Eventually putting them down and rolling into a more comfortable sleeping position (as cute as cuddling is, you both know that it’s not comfortable for sleeping all night. No one likes numb limbs!). You both drift off to sleep, feeling happy and content with each other.
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fvsm4x · 11 months
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#SLEEPOVER [Gojo Satoru]
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SUMMARY: he is your best friend and the two of you are having a sleepover.
— C.W: sub! Gojo Satoru x dom! female reader , 18+ only , nsfw , riding , blowjob , multiple orgasm , dirty talk , unprotected , pet names , shy gojo , not proofread!
— WORD COUNT : 2.2k
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It had been a while since you and Gojo had some quality time together, just the two of you. Life had been hectic, and you both felt the need to catch up and relax.
So, why not have a sleepover?
After discussing your schedules, you settled on a date that worked for both of you. The excitement of the upcoming sleepover added a spark to your days, and you eagerly prepared your place for the special night.
Finally, the day arrived, and you found yourself standing in front of your wardrobe, carefully selecting your sleepover attire. You settled on a soft, worn-in T-shirt that had become your go-to for comfort, paired with a pair of loose, breathable shorts.
As you finish getting dressed, the sound of the doorbell ringing interrupts your thoughts. Your heart skips a beat, knowing that it must be Gojo. With a quick glance in the mirror to make sure everything is in place, you rush to the front door,
As you swing open the door, there stands Gojo, a small grin on his face, but a hint of shyness in his eyes. His cheeks slightly flush as he sees you, and you waste no time in enveloping him in a warm, tight hug.
"I've missed you!" you chuckled, breaking away from the hug. "Come inside."
"Thanks," Satoru mumbled, his grin turning even more bashful as he stepped inside and closed the door behind him. It was clear that he had missed you just as much, if not more.
He looked around your living room, taking in the familiar sights and smells. "So," he said, clearing his throat nervously. "What do you want to do tonight?
„Well..I was thinking of watching a movie. I bought a lot of extra sweets for you.“ you said with a chuckle, a mischievous glint in your eye as you remembered his notorious sweet tooth.
„Ah..Thanks y/n-chan.“ he replied,“Where should I put my things.“ He showed me his gym bag.
„You can put it in my room, considering you'll be sleeping in there. You remember where it is, right?“ you asked.
„Ah, yes, of course." he replied, his cheeks flushing slightly.
„Alright, put your things there while I‘ll bring the snacks.“ you exclaimed, turning around to head to the kitchen. As you got the snacks ready, Gojo made his way towards your room.
As Gojo entered your room, his eyes quickly scanned the area. He noticed the open drawer by the closet, and as he approached it to place his bag inside, he couldn't help but catch a glimpse of the contents. His eyes widened slightly as he realized it was filled with your panties, an unexpected sight that sent a jolt through him.
His heart raced, and he felt a sudden rush of warmth surge through his body. He was acutely aware of the way his chest tightened and his breath quickened. In that moment, he couldn't help but notice how his body reacted to the sight before him. His dick, confined within his pants, gave a noticeable twitch, a physical response he had not anticipated.
Gojo felt a sudden surge of embarrassment and his cheeks flushed a deep shade of red. He knew he was in your room, and this sight was entirely unintentional, but he couldn't deny the effect it had on him. He quickly placed his bag by the closet, his thoughts momentarily preoccupied with the image of your panties, and then turned away, attempting to regain his composure.
He took a deep breath to calm his racing heart and tried to shake off the lingering embarrassment. He returned to the living room, where you were sitting on the sofa, waiting for him.
He found a place beside you and couldn't help but smile, trying to push aside the unexpected encounter in your room.
"You want some?" you asked, extending the water bottle towards him, but Gojo politely declined with a shrug. You opened the bottle and took a sip, savoring the cool liquid.
As you drank from the bottle, Gojo couldn't help but steal glances at you, trying his best not to be too obvious. He felt a growing warmth in his cheeks and an increasing tightness in his pants, which he desperately tried to ignore. Your shirt had become slightly translucent due to the water you had spilled on it, and the outline of your chest was now visible. He also couldn't help but notice your perky nipples, which only added to his internal struggle.
Gojo let out a sigh, as he grabbed the bowl of popcorn on the table, trying to distract himself from the view of your chest. He cleared his throat, attempting to sound as innocent as possible as he settled down next to you on the couch.
"Y/N, w-what are we going to watch?" he asked, his eyes deliberately focused on the TV screen,
You gave Gojo a mischievous grin as you selected a movie from your collection. To his surprise and slight embarrassment, it turned out to be a slightly more risqué film than he had anticipated. As the movie started, he couldn't help but shift uncomfortably on the couch.
Gojo tried his best to concentrate on the movie's plot, but the scenes on the screen were rather distracting, and he could feel his face heating up. He discreetly stole glances at you, wondering if you had chosen this movie intentionally.
„Why did you choose that movie,“ Gojo muttered to you, meanwhile on the screen, the male lead started passionately kissing the female lead while groping her breast,
You couldn't help but chuckle at his flustered reaction. "Why not," you playfully replied, "Are you hard or something?"
His eyes widened at your blunt question, and he tried to discreetly adjust himself in his seat, hoping you wouldn't notice his bulge. "N-No, of course not," he protested,
„Sure..,“You leaned closer to Gojo, pretending to reach for the popcorn bowl on his lap. However, instead of grabbing the popcorn, your hand brushed against his bulge.
Gojo gasped and looked at you with wide eyes. "Y/N, what are you doing?" he whispered,
With a sly smile, you leaned in even closer, your fingers lightly squeezing his bulge, causing him to shudder. "I thought you might need help,"
Gojo's breath hitched. The movie on the screen was quickly forgotten as your hand ventured into his sweatpants. You could feel the heat radiating from his skin, and the sensation of your fingers brushing against his tip made him shudder. His hard length throbbed beneath the fabric, eager for more attention.
With a teasing smile, you lightly smeared the pre-cum across the head, causing Gojo to let out a low, moan.
Your fingers danced across the sensitive skin of his tip, eliciting more groans and needy sounds from Gojo. He couldn't focus on the movie or any pretense of innocence any longer. His head leaned back slightly as he allowed himself to savor the pleasure your hand was delivering.
Your fingers, slick with Gojo's pre-cum, continued to glide along the veins of his throbbing staff. You could feel the powerful pulse beneath your touch, and Gojo's moans grew more desperate as he surrendered to the pleasure.
He couldn't help but watch as your hand moved up and down, your fingers caressing him, your touch sending waves of ecstasy through his body. He knew that he wouldn't be able to hold back much longer, and he wanted to fully experience the release that was so tantalizingly close.
"Please..." Gojo moaned, his hand gripping the armrest of the sofa as he couldn't contain his desire.
With a smile, you released your hand from his throbbing staff and leaned in. Your lips, guided by your teeth, pulled down Gojo's sweatpants, revealing his aching erection. It sprung free and lightly brushed against your cheek,“Never expected you to be so big,“ you chuckled, as your tongue swirled around his sensitive tip, drawing a throaty gasp from him.
You moved your tongue sensuously along his length, swirling and dancing around his throbbing shaft. You savored the taste of him, your lips forming a tight seal as you slid down, taking him deep into your mouth.
Gojo's moans grew louder, his grip on the armrest tightening as the pleasure surged through him.
With a deep groan, he pushed your head further, encouraging you to take more of him into your warm, wet mouth. His hips lifted slightly, seeking more of your sweet, tantalizing touch.
As you took more of him into your mouth, you couldn't help but gag slightly. His size was overwhelming, and it elicited involuntary tears from your eyes.
With the parts that couldn't fit into your mouth, you used your hands to stroke him. Your warm mouth combined with your skilled hands created a sensation that sent shivers down his spine. His hips began to move in rhythm with your actions,
„D-Don‘t stop!“ Gojo's breaths quickened, and with a final, deep groan, he climaxed in your mouth. You continued to suck him, making sure to catch every drop of his release. His body tensed as wave after wave of pleasure washed over him, leaving him gasping for breath.
You withdrew from his throbbing erection, a glistening strand of saliva connecting your lips to his staff. Gojo looked at you, his face flushed, and stammered, "Y-you can spit it out..." He watched nervously.
You opened your mouth, revealing that you had already swallowed every drop of his cum. His blush intensified upon seeing that you had willingly swallowed it all.
You got to your feet, sliding your shorts and panties down your legs. Then, you approached him and settled on his abdomen. You leaned in for a passionate kiss. The kiss was deep and hungry, a mixture of longing and desire. Your tongues danced in a sensuous rhythm, exploring each other's mouths
You broke away from the kiss and slowly lowered yourself over his staff. Each inch you took inside was met with a whimper from Gojo. Your tightness enveloped him, causing a surge of pleasure to shoot through his body as if he were being consumed by a feverish inferno.
You lifted your shirt, your breasts bounced as you did so, and Gojo couldn't help but curse softly under his breath. Sweat trickled down his forehead, and his lips trembled.
You smiled and guided his hands to your chest, letting him feel your breasts before leaning in for another kiss.
Your movements were slow and deliberate as you began to ride him. Every inch of his large manhood stretched you out, making you gasp at the pleasurable discomfort.
Gojo's hands cupped your breasts, feeling their softness and warmth. His thumbs brushed gently over your sensitive nipples, sending waves of sensation through your body. He squeezed and massaged your breasts, paying close attention to your body's responses,
His size filled you completely, and the sensation was a mix of pleasure and pressure. You could feel every inch of him as he slid in and out of you, and your inner muscles clenched around his hardness.
Your breathing grew heavy "You feel so good inside me, s‘toru.." you moaned, "I want all of you, every inch."
Gojo's face grew warm at your words, his cheeks flushed with a rosy hue. He tried to avoid direct eye contact, but your hand on his cheek gently guided his gaze back to yours.
„Don‘t get shy on me now.“ you spoke. You kissed and nibbled along Gojo's neck, teasing nibbles and gentle suction. Your lips and tongue left a trail of warmth on his skin.
Gojo let out a soft moan. He tried to suppress his shyness, but the sensations you were causing made it difficult. Your words and actions were driving him wild,
Both of you could feel the heat rising, desire building with every passionate move. Your hips moved in a synchronized rhythm, your bodies intertwined. Gojo's fingers dug into your hips as he thrust deeper, lost in the whirlwind of pleasure.
Gojo's ragged breaths mixed with your own, each gasp and moan pushing you both closer to the edge. The room filled with the intoxicating scent of desire and the sound of your passionate entwining. It was clear that both of you were reaching the peak of your pleasure.
He looked into your eyes with an intense, almost desperate gaze, and he couldn't hold back any longer. "Y/N… I-I need you. Please.. let me c-come inside you.. please-"
Your heart raced, the connection between you and Gojo reaching its climax. The thought of him losing control and releasing inside you sent a shiver of anticipation through your body. With a sensual smile,“Of course, baby.“ you replied
Gojo's hips moved, as he approached his climax. The sensations were overwhelming, and the world seemed to fade away as he pushed you both toward ecstasy. He thrust deeper and harder, his breaths coming in ragged gasps.
Finally, the intense pleasure consumed him, and he released with a primal groan, spilling his warmth inside you. The feeling of him pulsating as he came sent you over the edge as well, and you joined him in a passionate release, your bodies trembling with pleasure.
You wrapped your arms around his neck, your lips brushing against his earlobe as you whispered, "You're such a good boy.." A tender kiss landed on his cheek,"Shall we continue in the bedroom?"
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© fvsm4x ; DO NOT REPOST
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ronearoundblindly · 2 months
No Promises (3)
Lloyd Hansen x rival assassin!Reader
I Left You Something On The Body (see previous or LH Masterlist)
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Summary: You and Lloyd take to leaving consolation prizes for whichever one of you 'loses.' It...escalates delightfully.
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Warnings for DARKFIC. Language; descriptions of sexual situations, toys, various paraphernalia. Smut-adjacent (masturbation). MINORS DNI. I have plenty else for you on my Light Masterlist, but this is not for you! WC 982
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And you do; you let Lloyd have several open contracts after the keycard incident.
Sometimes you wonder about the man providing the most fun you’ve had in years, but mostly, you relax in a noisy city high-rise with a spectacular view. A small vacation between assassinations. You drop off the network for a month or so, picking up a straight-forward job nearby, and then show up at the target’s house to find him already dead.
Pinched onto the body, overtop a blood-soaked button-down, are golden nipple clamps.
You snort in disbelief.
The sick bastard, he’s really wooing you now.
A thin chain between the clamps sports a tied tag.
To: The Cobalt Cunt
You let out a dreamy sigh, the little tingle in your mind of possibly fucking (with) him again vibrating to life. You even miss him in a weird way.
On the reverse of the tag, it reads, “not safe for lace.”
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It’s on obviously and more fun than you ever imagined. At some point, you can’t tell if you two are letting each other get places first on not. The money is, oddly, totally irrelevant, and your career takes on a renewed joy.
Lloyd claims a target. You show up, kill them, and drop off an intricately-packaged Gucci jock strap with “Eat Me” embroidered at the back of the waistband, right above his asshole.
For good measure—and to remind him what he’s missing—you add a spritz of your perfume to the cup.
That’s where you want to be nestled, it implies. That’s where you belong, right against his dick.
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Sadly, the next ‘surprise’ takes a while as you two are not after the same jobs. There’s plenty of work to go around till you find an oblong box wrapped in brown paper on the armchair ten feet from an enormous bloodstain.
 With an empty scotch glass and a crumb-covered plate beside it, you know Lloyd’s been trolling for your attention. His snacky, sweet-tooth is somewhat notorious.
Your inconspicuous, purposefully plain gift waits patiently, the soft whipped cream of a strawberry shortcake dripping down its serving stand.
There’s no rush though, and you make a little ritual of opening it to reveal a beautiful dildo with golden speckles throughout the silicone molding. It is absolutely from a cast of Lloyd; you’d know that curve anywhere.
If that’s as close as you can get? Fine by you…
The rest of him barely participated before anyway.
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Lloyd’s pissed and tired after the flight. Suzanne is the fucking worst and made him repeat the plan three times because her pea-brain is as sharp as a limp dick.
He dances down the plane steps, noticing a welcome party that is not his people. One sunglasses-clad, black-suited fellow walks up to Lloyd with an enormous gift basket.
It’s so goddamn pink Lloyd recoils and squints his eyes.
Good christ, it’s hideous. He loves it in a sick way.
Pink cellophane, fuzzy pink handcuffs, a sparkling fuchsia cock ring, rose gold anal beads with pesto-colored rope connecting them, and strawberry flavored lube.
Mood restored, Lloyd chuckles, turning on his heel to get back on the plane.
He’s going home. He has toys to play with.
He doesn’t bother to explain shit to Suzanne. One of these days, he’s just going to pop her for free.
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This one doesn’t coincide with a job at all, but that’s what makes it all the sweeter to you.
Delivered to the place you’re staying for the week is an adorable, yellow stuffed rabbit with a pull-cord. Across its tummy is 'sunshine' in cursive letters.
You honest-to-god squeal in delight as you listen to each of the five custom recordings programed in.
Lloyd tuts then says “should have sized up my ring, you cock-drunk whore,” a deep gasp and a squelch punctuates the end.
Oh boy. It’s Christmas in July. Happy you!
You fake your own shocked gasp at the second soundbite.
“Know you don’t taste like fucking strawberries,“ he grunts before bitterly adding, “but I’ll take one for the team and eat that pussy any day.”
Third: “Bet I was the best you ever had, even when I wasn’t awake, you poor thing. So needy…”
Fourth: “How hard did you come, Sunshine? Be honest.” He laughs like the cat who got the cream to end that one.
Finally, the last of the pulls is just the slapping noise of him jerking off and finishing with a deep moan.
Now, at least, you know what Lloyd sounds like when he comes.
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Utterly self-satisfied, Lloyd goes about his life of luxury.
He’ll be damned if he’s going to break and go to you. Fuck that. The thrill of this taco-and-hotdog game is worth it anyway.
He still works, and not every job revolves around you.
For one such fulfilled contract, he’s being paid in artwork and has the delivery men bring in the large framed canvas to uncover in his current villa’s sitting room.
The expectation is a well-known portrait.
It’s a painting alright, but it’s…very modern.
Lloyd crosses his arms over his chest and smothers a proud grin.
The torso and open legs of you stretch out facing the viewer, gold leaf embossed nipple clamps and their chains dangle over your stomach, and the blunt end of a golden dildo sits nestled in your cunt. There are brush strokes and paint visibly raised from the surface.
He wonders whether it was done from a photo or whether you sat there, bare, for some artist to reference for hours, maybe even days.
Lloyd had a spot in mind for his real payment, but this will do nicely. He’s quite pleased with the view. It shall go over the mantle in the bedroom, and he shall fuck whoever he wants—his fist included—while staring right at it.
The half dozen or so other people in the villa’s great room who can all see the painting don’t say a fucking word.
How the hell is he supposed to top this?
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A/N: Full disclosure, I'm pretty sure this is the funniest thing I'll ever write, and I'm okay with that. I can't stop laughing 🤣🤣🤣
[Next Part: A Blazer Full of Bullet Holes]
[Main Masterlist; Ko-Fi]
blue art deco divider by @/saradika-graphics--thank you for your beautiful work!
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another-lost-mc · 8 months
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pairing: barbatos x gn!reader
cw: none, just angst. :(
a/n: a little blurb I'm reposting from my other blog. it was inspired by this post (thank you @arvandus and everyone else that chimed in with their own ideas about hell coffee!). this is a twist on the hell coffee drink where it reveal's the drinker's feelings and not the brewer's.
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Barbatos makes a hasty retreat to the kitchen after he delivers the tray with coffee and breakfast to your door. He busies himself with baking something—anything—to take his mind off the way his insides are knotting up.
It’s not long after when he looks up as the door swings open and Asmo steps inside. They simply stare at each other for a moment. Asmo’s eyes are far too knowing and it’s difficult not to squirm under his scrutiny.
“Hell Coffee?” Asmo asks, more serious than one might expect from the demon who’s always so involved in everyone else’s love lives.
When Barbatos says nothing, the other demon nods and turns to leave, hand resting on the door but he doesn’t push it open. He spares a final glance over his shoulder. “Do you want to know if they liked it?”
Barbatos knows what your usual tastes are. Perhaps different versions of you would shudder at the bitter taste while he watched, heart soaring at the revelation. In other timelines where you're a notorious sweet tooth, you compliment how wonderful the coffee is, the way he knows you like it, even though it tears his heart in two.
Perhaps some things are better left unsaid.
“No, I don’t.”
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read more: barbatos masterlist | obey me masterlist
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thesturniolos · 9 months
glass ornaments
‧₊˚🎄✩ ₊˚🦌⊹♡
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merry christmas my sweet babies ! 🎄
here’s my present to you:
more specifically, @freshlovehacker 🎁♡
summary: wholesome tooth-rotting fluff all about decorating the tree and just chris being chris, 1st and 3rd person.
warnings: none!
tags: @sturniolosluvv @sturnsblunt @chrisdevora @sosmatt @kirby0strombolli @stvrni0lo @floofparker @vqnillasturns @slut4chris @chrisolivia4l @silverlakee @freshlovehacker@plasticferal @chrisenthusiast @chrisluvbot @bluesturniolo333 @rac00ns-are-c00l4 @mattscokewhore @iheartchrissturniolo @zooweemamas @sturniolotripletsarehot @mcttsturn @bernardsleftbootycheek @sturnsworld @qwertytit @putyoursemenonme @recklesssturniolo @silly-sturniolos @klarasmith @sturnvilmed @delusionalsturniologirl @thy-mission
christmas is notoriously the best time of the year, we all know this. twinkling lights, cold weather paired with cozy clothes, snowflakes, giving and receiving presents, ice skating, christmas markets, the mad panic in the stores, a long table on christmas day, the unison of families all around the world.
but the best thing of all? the build up. hanging the glass ornaments on the smallest branches of a christmas tree, praying they don’t fall and break. music from the radio plays in the background and people find themselves dancing around the tree to the beat of the song, smiling and soaking up the festivities.
and that was exactly what was happening at a certain person’s house on a cold evening in december.
snow lingered in the air and fell quietly onto the pavement, children squeezing their hands together praying for it to lay.
but in one specific house, an adult, who could be mistaken as a child for his immature ways, pressed his hands together wishing for his cookies to be a golden brown this year, for every holiday he found himself fanning the smoke out of the kitchen.
“i’ve got a good feeling about this one”
“we’d hope so- i don’t feel like having to apologise to the fire brigade again”
the couple stand in the kitchen, the girl holds a plate, ready for the cookies, whereas the boy finds himself wrapped up in a very messy apron.
“okay, i’m going in.” he scoops down and opens the oven door causing a smile to spread across his face as he reveals perfectly baked cookies.
“it worked! it actually worked!” i smile back at him and grab the tray from him so that in all the excitement he doesn’t accidentally burn himself, yes it has happened before.
“well done, baby. i told you you could do it, perhaps this year is your special year!”
“now we have the cookies we can get started on the tree, come on!” chris grabs my hand and pulls me slightly towards the living room.
“you’re not gonna decorate them?”
“we can do that laterrrr, i wanna decorate the tree not the cookies!”
i feel a tug on my hand again and this time it pulls my feet off the floor towards the pine tree.
we had just cut it down today, chris’ face was priceless, i don’t think i’ve ever seen him so happy. he left thanking me and repeating that it’s our first christmas together as a couple and he couldn’t be happier.
just last year, the two had been best friends, childhood best friends even, practically inseparable since birth and painfully in love for everybody to see.
and now they’re here, just as in love with a picture perfect house and everything they could possibly want.
“we need to get more ornaments, we haven’t got enough”
“we’ll have enough chris, we have tinsel and lights to put on as well. it doesn’t have to be full-“
“we need to go to target and get more.”
“chris, we do not need to go and get more. we’ve spent 350 already, do you want to pay the bills this month?”
he frowns at my response and crosses his arms, looking at the bare tree with one singular bauble hanging from a branch.
“we’ve not even started on it yet and you’re already sulking, come on you big baby.” i pull him up from the couch and pass him a plastic ornament.
he carefully places it near the top and looks back at me for approval. i nod and grab another for him.
before they knew it, the tree had been nearly fully decorated and much to chris’ complaints, the tree had barely any space left for any more ornaments or tinsel. although in saying that, a lot of the tinsel ended up wrapped around his neck and being whipped through the air as they paraded about to the songs.
“are we done? can we turn the lights on now?”
“you’ve forgotten the star, it’s the most important part of the tree.”
he jumps to grab it from my hands and balances on the side of the couch to reach and pushed it down onto the top of the branch before leaning back and jumping down excitedly.
“you can turn the lights on now.” i smile at him and he runs over to the outlet to illuminate the tree.
a festival of warm lights shine across our room and i find myself watching chris rather than the tree.
his reaction was enough to make my heart ache and as he turns to face me, i quickly link my arms around his neck.
“do you like it?” i ask, knowing he did most of the work and the result meant the most to him.
“i love it.” he looks back towards the tree and then reverts back to my hand where he brushes his thumb over the ring he gave me not long ago.
this was a moment the pair had been waiting for for a long time and it felt like a dream to them. for everyone else it may seem like a normal day in december but this was a memory that they had been wishing for, every night in the year from the age of 10.
i lean in to press my lips against his and he smiles into the kiss. his lips are warm and welcoming as his arm slides across my waist pulling me in closer, lifting me in the air slightly.
“i love you” he says, pulling away and looking me in the eyes.
“i love you too, chris.”
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amournoir · 7 months
Happy valentines sweet Aurora ♡♡
I want to request a chains and whips with Elijah ♡♡ (of course) & add some sugar daddy spice if you don't mind.
pairing(s): elijah mikaelson x f!reader
count: 5.5k
warning(s): smut {boob/nipple play, spanking, anal gaping, toys, vulgar words?}
author’s note: ahhh lovie! thank you so much for the request, i truly hope you enjoy it. i love you so much 🤍
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It was the day Y/N dreaded the most. The one day of the year that everyone collectively somehow agreed to show their love to their partners. It was the day money would be wasted on the same old roses, same tooth rotting chocolates, and same oversized teddy bears. If you haven’t guessed it yet, it was Valentine’s Day. 
Y/N groaned as she rolled around in her bed, trying to figure out what she’ll do. Being outside was absolutely not an option, the last she wanted was a front row view of the disgusting displays of affection. No she wanted something simple yet exciting, not public but also would be okay with some privacy. She smirked as her head concocted a beautifully sinful idea. She rolled over to the head of her bed and reached over her nightstand, grabbing her phone all the while. She quickly unlocked it and sent a text all in less than a minute. She waited what felt like ages but was probably a minute or two before her phone beeped. She grinned at her plan that was working so far. 
Half an hour later, she was getting dressed in front of her mirror. She put on the skimpiest, leaving absolutely nothing to the imagination, white lingerie set. Her deep plunging skintight dark maroon dress choked her curves in all the right places. She topped it off with the classic black stilettos that had red bottoms. After appreciating her figure, she grabbed her phone and shoved it in one bra then her keys and shoved it in the other one. 
It took her almost twenty minutes to get there but she convinced herself that it’d be okay. It’s better to be fashionably late than early or godforbid on time. Y/N got out of her taxi cab and walked down the brightly lit streets of the French Quarter. Music, cheers, and laughter could be heard before you saw what was happening. As she knew it, couples were standing around being lovey and gross. She made a face as she quickly walked down the street towards the most notorious family home. A bouncer stopped her at the front, she merely pulled out her phone from her bra and pressed the recently dialed number. The man over the phone spoke a simple ‘she’s fine’ and the bouncer let her in. 
Y/N hung up and walked in through the metal gates, the music was getting louder and louder at every step she took. Soon she stood in the courtyard, surrounded by exotic dancers in valentine’s attire. She looked around and noticed how obvious the theme was and instantly knew a certain blonde girl was behind this whole party. A waiter passed her by and she reached for the glass of champagne before he left, downing it instantly and grabbed another glass. 
“Easy love, you’ve only just arrived.” There was that charming accent she somewhat loathed. 
Y/N smiles politely then downed the other glass like a shot, not-so-politely. “Stalking me already?” 
He smirks at her slight defiance, “Perhaps. Or maybe the party’s just got here.” He offers his elbow. 
She smiles at him and hurriedly places her two empty glasses on the other waiter’s trays before he walks away. She turns to face him then looks down at his arm. She shrugs and loops her arm through his, he begins dragging her around the compound. They chit chat briefly on useless topics, occasionally Y/N scans the room but this doesn’t go unnoticed by him. 
“Already bored of me love?” He feigns offense, placing his hand over his chest. 
Y/N quickly looks at him, caught red handed by him due to her lack of interest. “No. Just wondering where the rest of your family is. It’s your party isn’t it?” 
“Actually it’s Rebekah’s, something she’s been sure to let everyone know.” He leans against the metal railing as he looks down into the crowd. “Kol is somewhere here with Davina and I suppose my brother is in his office brooding as usual.” 
“He doesn’t brood.” Y/N quickly retorts without thinking. 
“Oh?” He smiles, his interest now piqued. “Tell me then. What does he do?” 
“I don’t know, I just don’t think he broods.” Y/N lies. 
The man stares at her for what seems like a long while, trying to decipher the thoughts ping ponging around her head. “So once again…” Klaus leans much closer to her, his breath fanning against her ear. “…what, pray tell, does my dear older brother do?” 
Y/N opens her mouth to respond but all that comes out are stutters so she quickly closes it. She tries to move aside but his figure is larger than hers and easily blocks her exits. She’s left with nothing to do but lean on the stone wall behind her, placing her palms flat against it hoping its coolness might relax her now racing heart. Her mind is speeding through different directions, trying to figure out how to leave him without angering him or dragging attention to herself. 
Klaus watches as she tries to find ways to escape, he can hear the quickening pace of her heart. He smirks and opts to startle her by slamming his hand on the wall, right next to her face. She jumps alert, her hand flying to her chest. He chuckles at her reaction, gaze lingering on her plunging neckline. He uses his free hand to slide up her belly towards her breasts, stopping just short of the actual cleavage area. His eyes flick upwards to hers and he catches her watching him, with a cheeky smile, he drags his hand further up until it stops on the base of her neck. 
“Such a pretty neck.” He says so very casually. His fingers wrap around it and Y/N lets out a sudden groan. “Is this perhaps what he does?” 
Y/N doesn’t know if she should even answer that. She remains quiet and hopes he’ll grow bored of her nonparticipation eventually. Before she can utter a word, a voice is heard from her left hand side. “Leave her.” 
Klaus smirks and tightens his grip around Y/N’s neck. “Brother. We were just talking about you.” 
“I won't say it again Niklaus.” 
The hybrid reluctantly releases Y/N, raising his arms up, and takes a step back. He continues to step away, still that smug smile on his face, until he’s further away from her and gone. Y/N lets out a heavy breath she wasn’t aware she had been holding onto. 
“Are you alright?” 
She feels around her throat, massaging the slightly reddened skin. She nods as she looks at him. “Thank you.” 
“You shouldn’t thank me. I would’ve let him continue just so I could hear your answer but something tells me you’d sooner blackout.” 
You turn and face him, an incredulous look on your face, “You— really?” 
He merely shrugs. “Consider me curious my dear.” He walks, no stalks, slowly toward her and abruptly stops in front of a pair of closed french doors. Wordlessly, he ushers her in and waits until she’s inside to shut the frosted glass doors behind them.  
Y/N stands in the middle of the guest bedroom, taking in the view. It’s a normal room with a bed, a nightstand, a plush seat and dresser but it doesn’t look like it at all. There are old paintings on the wall, the decor such as the rug and curtains are from a different time period. It’s like sleeping in a room bathed in history but existing in the present. 
This was why she enjoyed being around the family. The things they’ve seen and heard are far more valuable to her than anything in existence. It’s actually how she and the older Mikaelson met. A year ago she had been gifted museum tickets for her birthday and there was no chance she’d pass it up. She was quick to book a date at the location and when the day came, she was ready. You’d think she was a tourist with the armful of pamphlets and a camera hanging around her neck. She wasn’t even aware of the existence of supernatural beings until that day. Y/N and him found each other in the halls of the Louvre; she was admiring longingly for a time that wasn’t hers and he was reminiscing a time he missed. 
Y/N was utterly lost in her imagination that she didn’t hear a lick of what he said. He had to physically touch her to pull her out of the spell the tapestries had her in. She apologized, embarrassed by her lack of awareness, and he smiled at her ability to shut out the world, something he was quite good at. Their conversation was long, she had questions and he somehow seemed to have all the answers. Something about her interest and thirst for history fueled him, so much so that he straight up told her how he knew what he knew. Her reaction was peculiar. She wasn’t afraid, she wasn’t impressed…she simply just didn’t know how to feel. 
Over the days she spent in France, he showed her all the memorable places especially where the history was rich. She walked through halls that once withheld so much power of kings and queens, lands that once belonged to the people who would ignite the revolutionary wars. Her body was giddy with excitement as her imagination ran wild listening to his stories. He loved how she appreciated and adored history, this would perhaps explain why he kept her very close to him. In over a thousand years, it was a rare occurrence that he met someone like her. When her trip was done, she left with a journal full of French history and her mind full of the supernatural. 
They met monthly, speaking of quite literally anything until one night there was far less talking than they were each used to. She was out celebrating a friend’s engagement, had far too much to drink and no clue how to get herself home safely. Without a thought, she dialed his number and minutes later he pulled up in a matte black car and his signature suit. Her friends truly thought he was hers and she would’ve quickly corrected them but her drunken state mixed with slight desire had her possessively holding onto his arms. Somehow that wasn’t enough for one of the women, she dared try to have a flirty banter with him, something Y/N wasn’t going to allow. Once again, with no thought behind those eyes of hers, she turned in his arms and kissed him. That small decision changed their relationship completely. 
“I’ve lost you again.” His voice pulls her from her memories. 
“Hm– what? No.” 
He raises his full thick brow at her, “Alright then answer me.” 
Mute…that’s what she became. She didn’t hear a damn thing he said, she didn’t even know he was talking. Her brain tried to remember the last thing he said before they entered the room but nothing came to her. She sighs and looks at him, “Okay fine, guilty. What was the question?” 
He crosses the room from the french doors to her spot next to the painting above the fireplace. Gently, he tucks her hair behind her ear and admires her. He pulls her face close to his until they are mere inches apart, lips almost brushing against each other’s. Y/N was practically salivating, her not-so-subtle gulp drew his eyes to her throat. “What do I do…” He begins, then continues and clarifies, “…to you?”
“This.” She quickly replies, hoping he’d give her what she came for. 
“What exactly is ‘this’?” He asks but knows exactly what she meant. He just wants to hear the words from her lips. 
Y/N’s gaze holds his, forcing herself not to look away or falter even for a moment. “Heard, seen, cared for, and so on.” 
He smiles sweetly and takes a step back from her, giving her a moment to breathe and relax herself. Once his senses pick up on the resting beat of her heart, he uses his vampiric abilities to grab her and take her to his room. In a blur, she is on his bed and tossed on her back, the silk sheets beneath her felt familiar and soft. Her eyes widened but not in surprise or shock, not at all, in absolute joy. She tries to pull herself up into a seated position but he’s quick to push her back down. 
“Now where did we leave off?” 
“I answered you already.” 
“My dear you and I both know that’s not the complete truth. Shall I ask again?” He questions, reaching over into the drawers of the nightstand for something. He hides it behind him, enjoying how her eyes flicker around in anticipation. 
“I don’t…I don’t know what you want me to say.” She lies seamlessly, shaking her head all the while. She had been in his room several times but never once had she looked for an escape like now. Even if she did manage to somehow get out of the room, she’d barely make it one step down the hall before he hauled her right back inside. 
“Hmm.” He hums, still holding that little smile. “I suppose I’ll just have to drag it out of you.” 
“Elijah wait—” She begins but her words are quickly cut off. In yet another blur, her hands are bound in handcuffs above her head to the headboard posts, same with her legs. Her skintight dress stretches and naturally rolls up, settling on her hips. 
The man reaches back to her zipper and expertly slides it down. His hands slowly tug and pull the dress off of her, leaving her in her skimpy white lace lingerie. Elijah sucks in a sharp breath, his pupils slowly dilating. She looks utterly sinful right now. Her arms and legs are spread apart in four different directions, leaving her completely helpless and exposed to him. He takes off his tie, undoes his cufflinks, unbuttons his wrist cuffs, and undresses himself torturously slowly. 
Y/N could do nothing but watch him tease her with his impromptu trip show. He removes every bit of clothing except his underwear that was hugging his firm ass. “Take it off.” Y/N demands, already hot and bothered just from his stripping. 
He smirks and ignores her as he gets onto his bed, settling down between her spread legs. The bag he had retrieved from the drawer had lots of goodies, all of which he knows she’ll appreciate. He removes them one by one, showing it off. First up is a pair of nipple clamps. He reaches up to her covered mounds and pinches each one, earning himself a moan from Y/N’s lips. He doesn’t remove the bra but instead opts to pull the breasts from their confines and they spill out into his hands. Slow gentle massages is all she can feel, his cool palms on her hot flesh makes for a delicious combination. Right as she’s comfortable, he pinches one nipple and pulls at it, snapping the metal clamp on it then repeats to the other one. Once done, both clamps are firmly placed on her hardened buds, there’s a metal chain attached to each clamp. 
Elijah admires her new piece of jewelry and playfully tugs on the chain, eliciting a groan from Y/N. Proud of himself but still not satisfied, he continues on. The second item is a small red oval shaped thing. She’s confused but before she can ask, he presses a button on it and it buzzes to life. Oh no. She knew he had once mentioned this but only because he caught her masturbating, she didn’t think he’d ever purchase it though. There’s not much he wants to do with it but he thinks that it will prepare her for him so he turns it to a medium setting, slightly lifts her panties aside and inserts it into her already wet cunt. 
There are still several more items in the black bag but he only grabs two more then tosses the plastic bag on the dresser. Her eyes damn near pop out of their socket as they stare at the long incredibly girthy dildos in his hands. Earlier that night, she had no plans but didn’t want to be alone so she may or may not have texted him asking to be thoroughly satisfied and who was he not to indulge her. This is how she found herself at her current state completely at his mercy. 
“One last time Y/N.” He begins, a hint of warning in his voice. “What do I do to you?” 
Stubborn as a mule, she refuses to answer but all this does is solidify his reasoning to punish her. He nods his head, he knew she wouldn’t answer him but he had to make it clear that he had given her several chances. Elijah’s fingers trace over the band of her panties, Y/N’s body jumps at the contact. She had been quietly mewling, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of giving in. He rips it in half then in half again, scattering the tiny cloth now in pieces over the side of his bed. 
Her bare pussy was now fully exposed to him. It has a light pink color to it and swollen, shaven but not fully, it had a stubble. He watched how her muscles would contract to try and pull the little red toy inside its depths yet fail each time. At the same time, her ass clenched as well, he could see the puckered hole tightly shut. He wasn’t having that. His fingers played with her clit, pulling a moan from her lips and making her muscles relax for a split second but that’s all he needed. The instant her asshole opened, he teased the tip of the clear dildo at the entrance. 
“Open or I will make you.” This was a command, not a request. 
“Eli please, not that.” She says, her heaving chest and heavy breath clear. “It’s big— just put it in my pussy instead.” 
He chuckles in a low yet devious manner. He moves his left hand from her clit and to her ass cheeks, soothingly rubbing the plump flesh. His other hand places the toy down and joins in. Soon Y/N’s lips are releasing sounds of sighs and just like that, she feels a loud thwack on her rear side. She had closed her eyes for a moment to enjoy what she thought was him being sweet but he had somehow managed to unlock her bound legs and lift them upwards. He pushes them to her chest, almost folding her in half. 
Her ass was now easily accessible to him. Another thwack was heard, this time leaving an impression of his hand on her rear. One hand is holding her legs firmly in place while the other begins to slap her asshole and pussy. An ungodly sound emits from her lips but all it does is spur him on. He slaps both holes once again, she clenches then relaxes. This little game carries on for a while until she’s a writhing, moaning mess for him. During it, he had turned up the vibration speed of the toy inside her and to his surprise, her body squirted at him. She apologized but he grinned, eyes filled with lust. 
Now here she was: thighs covered in her previous squirts, pussy swollen and red, and his lower abdomen with traces of her little release. Her begging and pleading only made him want to ruin her some more and oh the plans he had for her. Elijah has been paying close attention to her hole which was now relaxed, he takes the opportunity to insert the clear toy. It’s a tight fit but he was determined to take her one way or another, if he wasn’t in control of himself, he’d just shove inside her and deal with the consequences later. But thankfully that wasn’t the case. 
Y/N moans as the toy continues its nonstop vibrating assault inside her. In a moment of brief relaxation, she feels the dildo enter her uncharted territory. Her eyes fly open as she lifts her head up and looks down between her thighs. Elijah locks eyes with her as he smirks, pushing the toy all the way inside, and sighing proudly. Y/N is speechless. She’s never had anything in there until today and something tells her this won’t be a one-time thing. Slowly and steadily, he thrusts the clear toy inside her tight crevice and out, continuing this pace for a while. 
Once he is sure she’s ready, he practically rips his own underwear off and lines himself up. The toy has a feature that Y/N is unaware of and Elijah is more than happy to show off. He presses a button and almost immediately, it comes alive and thrusts itself in and out of her. Fully pleased with himself, he smiles gleefully and replaces the little red toy inside her pussy with his own cock. 
“Fuck!” Y/N exclaims, unaccustomed to being double penetrated. 
Elijah doesn’t give her a moment to breathe, his thumb presses on her clit as he thrusts in and out of the familiar wetness. His right hand is holding one of her legs around his waist, offering him a slightly different angle. All that can be heard in the room is the vibrating toy in her ass, the squelching sounds of him fucking her, and their combined moans. In all of the centuries he had been alive, he’d never once done this and it was arousing as fuck to him. The thin flesh separating her two holes made it incredibly easy for him to feel the vibrations as well. 
Her eyes roll back to her head, lips are parted, face is scrunched, and her rather large tits bounce at each impact of his thrusts. She writhes around the silky mattress, whining and moaning about. He can feel her getting closer to her release and he wants nothing more than for her to come undone. 
He leans forward, dropping her leg from his waist, further burying himself inside her. “Let go for me sweetheart.” It’s a simple sweet sentence but it has her calling out his name as her squishy pink walls squeeze his cock tightly, groaning out her release. “Good girl,” He whispers softly in her ear, kissing it. He stays still within her, letting her come down from her high and basking in her pleasure brought on by him. 
After a sweet moment of sweet nothings being whispered between them, he pulls himself up and abruptly exits her core. His precum mixes with hers and he watches it leak out slowly. He lowers his head, settling between her thighs and begins to lick up her juices, humming against her cunt. He slurps and drinks it all, his tongue enters and sucks as much as he can reach. Y/N tugs on the cuffs on the posts, finding it infuriating that she can’t push him closer or away for that matter. Elijah chuckles at the sight, he loves seeing her bound and weak and needy for him. He dives back down and swirls his tongue around her clit, nipping at it very gently but that’s all it takes to make her come undone once again. He eagerly tilts his head down to her pussy, allowing her cum to slide into his mouth and down his throat. 
“You taste absolutely divine.” He moans, sucking in his teeth. He positions himself again and grabs his member in his hand, tapping it on her overly sensitive hole. “Round two my dear?” 
“Eli I can’t— please. It’s too much.” She pleads, her breath trembling in anticipation. 
“Is it?” He muses teasingly. “Tell me what I want to know.” 
“And I can go? We’ll be done?” She asks. 
He flicks at her swollen clit and her hips jerks upwards, a gasp escaping her lips. He does it again then again and before he can do it one more time, she blurts out. “You make me wet.” 
He smiles, “Continue.” 
“Every time I see you, I can’t stop thinking of you fucking me. It doesn’t matter where we are or who is there. Your pet names for me…make me soaking wet. When I see couples— I…I imagine it to be us, doing all the things they do, especially the sex. When we’re alone in a room, I have to fight the urge to pounce on you.” Y/N confesses, a glimmer of softness and desire evident in her eyes. “That’s what you do to me. You make me hungry for you and…” She pushes her hips towards his, holding his gaze. “…I want you to ruin me. Please Eli— have me however you desire.” 
Elijah leans towards her face and gently kisses her, it’s slow and loving. They make out passionately for a moment, his hands tracing her curves. They stop and look into one another’s eyes, saying nothing yet everything at the same time. He kisses her again, mumbling softly against her lips, “I’ve been waiting 8 months for that. Fucking your sweet little pussy continuously for days and weeks on end.” His tongue licks her jawline, tracing to her ear. “You’ve always been mine but I’m more than willing to break you and mold you into my perfect toy.” 
If someone could cum just from words, Y/N would turn his bed into a pool. He kisses his way down from the shell of her ear to her neck then the valley of her boobs, tugging the nipple clamps, down to her sweaty belly and her warm nether regions. He fixes their positions: he’s on his knees in front of her ready holes and she’s laying on her backside, arms bound in cuffs, and her legs are lifted up and over her chest, her knees practically touching her shoulders. 
Elijah hocks some saliva from his throat, letting the slobber drip out from his mouth and directly into her asshole that is open thanks to his right hand fingers. Y/N stares at the erotic scene before her and accidentally queefs. He chuckles at the bodily reaction but she groans in embarrassment. He spits into her open hole one again, ensuring she’s well prepped. 
“Wait, there again?” She asks, watching him looming over her. 
“It’s such a pretty hole Y/N, why would I ever pass the opportunity to defile it?” 
“But you did Eli— the dildo?” She says but she knows damn well a fake dick versus his are absolutely not the same. 
“Darling if anything is going to ruin that tight virgin asshole of yours, it’ll be my fucking cock.” Elijah says, grunting as he manages to push himself halfway through. With another grunt, he fully bottoms out and sighs. 
He remains inside her ungodly tight anal cavity, his cock feels as though it’s being choked. He tries to pull out but nothing, even with all that saliva and him fucking her with that toy, she’s not any looser. It takes a little while for him to pull himself in and out of her cavern without ripping her a new one. He dislikes this slow pace but he knows he must loosen her up first so he keeps at it until soon she’s moaning and her muscles relax. 
In no time at all, he buries himself in her to the hilt, and pulls out then does it again and again. Y/N had never seen the pleasure in having anal sex but now she craved nothing else. The constant pounding that was occurring inside her walls was making her deliriously happy. Her lips are parted, gasping and moaning, if you squint you could hear the panting as well. Her head is tossed back, a show of her surrender to his onslaught work. Elijah had long forfeited the idea of gentleness, his heightened senses were turning him primal. He grabs both of her legs, his fingers digging into her thighs, as he rides her asshole at an inhumane speed. Her pleas and cries were falling on deaf ears, he only sought after his own release. 
She cums and moans loudly, her body convulsing underneath him. Still he doesn’t stop and truthfully she doesn’t want him to. She is beyond overstimulated but something in her mind snaps and makes her want more. She is hungry for him, to become whatever he wishes. His movements has the bed rocking and creaking, he has never been so aggressive but fuck if it wasn’t hot. One hand reaches for the chain and tugs on it, pulling at her clamped nipples. Y/N squeals in surprise, she thought those were simply for his visual pleasure. He tugs again and again, enjoying the yelps falling off her lips. 
Elijah’s eyes were pitch black, fully consumed by his desire for her. His hands are back on her thighs and his body is pressing down on hers. The closer he moves to her, the deeper his thrusts into her ass are. He maneuvers around so that his left hand hikes her thigh over his waist while his right hand holds onto her neck. He squeezes it, watching her eyes flutter shut. His breath is fanning her ear as he whispers words of encouragement with some good old filth. 
“Your asshole is wrapped tight around my cock princess, so needy aren’t you?” 
She merely nods, unable to utter any words or even think. 
He bites her earlobe, groaning into it as he continues to pound into her. “I’m close Y/N. I’ll fucking paint those walls cream.” 
“Fuck yesss. Do ittt,” She drawls, utterly spent yet still willing to take more. 
He immediately tightens his grip on her neck, “Manners.” 
“Sorry daddy. Please please cum in my ass, fill it up please.” Y/N begs, her words strained. 
“Daddy?” He says, tasting the unfamiliar word on his tongue. He grins widely and rails her with renewed vigor. “I can work with that.” 
Y/N’s hands grab onto her binds tightly, afraid that it’ll break any moment due to Elijah’s unrelenting powerful thrusts. He lets out a deep guttural moan and stills inside her, his cock twitching before exploding inside the furthest depths of her uncharted hole —well until now— and covers every inch in his warm cream colored cum. She squeals at the foreign sensation, she can feel him inside and even his release which warms her. 
He kisses her ears, her cheek, her chin, and lastly her lips, swallowing her moans. His left hand unwraps her leg from his waist and slips in between them, finds her clit and uses his vampiric speed to rub it quickly. Y/N’s soft cries are muffled by his mouth, she tightens her legs around him and he takes the simple signal. His fingers continue their work until she’s coming on his hand once again. He manages to make her squirt once more, her moans fall uncontrollably from her lips. 
He pulls out of her hole, groaning all the while, and collapses on top of her. She tries to regain her breathing, her chest rising and falling quickly. Elijah reaches over the nightstand to retrieve the key, unlocking her cuffs. Y/N sighs in relief, massaging her wrists gently. He takes her hands and peppers soft kisses on the red marks. With a lot of effort, she grunts and rolls herself over, laying on his shoulder. She wraps her arms around him loosely, lacking the strength to hold on. He simply smiles and drapes her leg over his waist, pulling her close to him. 
“How do you feel?” He asks, genuinely wanting to know if she is alright. 
“A bit sore…” She answers then groans as she tries to tangle her legs with his. “…okay make that very sore.” 
He places a soft kiss on her shoulder then cheek then her forehead. His hand runs down from her neck to the base of her spine in a soothing manner. “Did I hurt you?” 
She shakes her head, touched by how loving and sweet he is during aftercare. “Not at all. It was just new.” 
He smiles and looks down at her, she looks so peaceful and also thoroughly fucked. “I’m glad. We’ll continue in ten minutes, I want to fuck your ass again from behind so I can watch it jiggle.” 
Y/N groans at his lewdness, “Such a dirty mouth.” 
He chuckles, his hand massaging her ass cheek gently. “Only for you.” 
“How about thirty minutes? I need a tiny nap.” She asks, eyes closed as she’s slowly lulled to sleep by her fatigued body and his cool one. 
Elijah whispers an ‘okay’ in her ears just before she’s fully asleep. He holds her tightly close to him, caressing her body softly as he too takes the moment to relax. The party outside in the compound is still going. He can vividly hear the music and occasionally picks up on the conversations. The moonlight is shining brightly into his room, illuminating everything. He takes one last look at Y/N’s now sleeping figure and smiles, kissing her head softly before fully relaxing into the pillows behind him. He shuts his eyes, ready to be swept away by the tidal waves of dreams pertaining to him and her.
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amongemeraldclouds · 7 months
better than revenge | chapter six: twelve days of christmas
Summary: Flashback, spending your winter break with Mattheo Riddle.
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Mattheo Riddle x Reader
Warning: smut, 18+ minors dni, fluff. Smut is just short and not detailed given the format of this chapter so lower your expectations haha.
Author's note: If you read this as part two of chapter three and discard the rest, Mattheo will continue to be your boyfriend. No heartbreak.
I wanted to try writing in a different format where I can showcase how your relationship with Mattheo developed over the course of winter break in just one chapter. It was fun writing this!
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I just wish I could forget when it was magic.
Day 1: Brand new day
“Good morning sunshine,” Mattheo says in a sleepy voice. I blink, why is there a boy beside me in bed?  Memories of last night return - of broken bones, healing spells, and snarky comments. “How do you feel?” I ask, noting the absence of yesterday’s cuts and scrapes. “Never been better,” he smiles, rising from bed. “To thank you, my kind savior, I must take you out for tea and biscuits. Or hot chocolate, if you prefer.” I narrow my eyes in distrust, “why are you being nice to me?” “We got off on the wrong foot yesterday,” he explains, “on account of all the bleeding. But today is a new day. Let’s start over?”
Day 2: Stargazing
“Riddle, you’ll be the death of me! You can’t just apparate me everywhere!” “I wanted to show you the view from the roof,” he says, laying down the blanket he brought along.  I look around and gasp at the panoramic view of moonlit castles and bodies of water, flames flickering in the winter air. “It gets even better,” he smiles at my amazement, “look up.” I lay down beside him and marvel at the twinkling stars. He leans in, “if you stare long enough, you could pretend you’re floating among the stars.” I look at him then and at his quiet smile. He has no idea his eyes reflect the same beauty he tries to impress me with. 
Day 3: Chocolate vices
“Do you want one?” He asks, offering me a cigarette. “No thanks, I actually like my lungs.” He snickers, “hey, it helps me relax.” “It’s okay, I’m not judging you.” “So no vices at all?” He asks, “alcohol, drugs, whatever?” “Nope, I don’t like feeling out of control. But does chocolate count? I have a notoriously sweet tooth.”
Day 4: Snow bombs
“Take this!” I say, hurling a ball of snow at Mattheo. It catches him square at his shoulder. “Oh you’re going to regret that,” he says, picking up a pile of snow. I run away but he manages to catch my leg. I duck behind a statue, gathering the next snowball. 
Day 5: A quiet day
“This is all your fault,” he says, sniffling into the tissue. I sneeze in response. “We’ve already taken the potion, we’ll be fine by tomorrow.” I snuggle deeper into the blanket, fighting the fever chill in my bones. Mattheo tucks me in his arms. “Come here, we’ll keep each other warm.”
Day 6: Pillow thoughts
“Why do I keep waking in bed with you?” Mattheo asks. “Then stop sleeping beside me,” I wave him off, sleep clouding my mind. I don’t want to, he thinks.
Day 7: Cold hands, warm hearts
“Merry Christmas!” I beam brightly at Mattheo, placing a neatly wrapped present in his hand. “Um, it’s not yet Christmas?” He states, turning the package over in his hands. “Open it!” I urge. “It’s tradition with my mum to give presents early back when she was around. So you have more time to enjoy them.” “Um, thank you.” He tears the package open and wraps the emerald green scarf around him. “Nice and warm, did you make this?” I nod, “with magic!” I wave my wand around. “Do you like it?” He’s quiet for a few moments. “Yes! It’s just…it’s the first time I’ve received a Christmas present. The dark lord doesn’t really do Christmas, it’s why I’m here at winter break.” he waves his hands awkwardly. “We can make it a yearly tradition?” “I’d like that,” he smiles.
Day 8: For the love of eggs
She swore she would never fall in love. Not after seeing what it did to others. Love is all consuming, it takes everything and leaves you hollow when it’s gone. But sitting across him, eating eggs for breakfast, she didn’t think it would be so bad.
Day 9: Frigid hazards
He watched her skate across the pond, hair flying in the wind. She once said he would be the death of her. He thinks it’s the opposite.
Day 10: A flower blooms in winter
“Can I kiss you?” I ask Mattheo. His face lights up. “It would be my pleasure.” 
Day 11: Maybe it’s worth the risk
“Will you be my girlfriend?” “I thought you’d never ask.”
Day 12: Never have I ever before
“Mattheo, please,” I beg. “Please what, baby? Use your words,” he commands. “I need to feel you.” I gasp. “Breathe, angel. It’s okay, you can take it.” I nod, gripping the sheets and feel myself adjust to him. “Good girl, you’re doing so well.” He laces his fingers through mine and kisses my lips, moving into me again. “We’ll start slow, we’ve got all night.”
Christmas Day: On thin ice
“Matty, I’m scared.” “What’s wrong, love?” His brow furrows. “I want this, I want you. But so many things can go wrong,” I say, waving my hands around. “Don’t worry,” he says, brushing my hair from my face. “I won’t hurt you.” “Promise?” “Promise.”
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A/N: We're just three chapters away from the canon ending, then there will be a bonus alt ending. Stay tuned!
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feirceangel · 10 months
Imagine | Slice of Life (Luffy)
Imagine getting into a food fight and then cleaning up :)
Warnings: tooth-rotting fluff, bathing, non-sexual nudity, general good vibes.
Word Count: 1,056
(Not my gif)
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"What's going on?" You ask with arms crossed.
"Nuf'n," comes the mumbled reply from Luffy. His face is stuffed full of the cake you had just finished icing, frosting plastered all over his face.
"Sure," you drawl, shaking your head.
Honestly, you excepted nothing less from Luffy. You know him better than anyone else. That's why you actually made two cakes and hid the other one where he can't get his grubby hands on it.
"You weren't supposed to eat that."
"But it was right here," he whines.
"No excuse."
He slowly pushes a piece of the cake across the table towards you.
"I saved you a piece."
You can't help but smile at that display of affection. Luffy is notorious for not sharing his food, but he always shares with you.
"Thanks, Luff," you grab a fork and sit down. "I'll forgive you this time."
He laughs, "You always forgive me, Y/n!"
You flick some cake from your fork and hit him directly on the forehead, "Only cause you're a dumbass."
He laughs harder at that, sending a splat of cake onto your cheek as he does.
Your laughter joins his as you stand and smush a larger piece of the frosted goodness into his face. He sits still for a minute before bolting to his feet and smashing his lips against yours.
Taken by surprise, you are quick to return the favour. The taste of cake on your tongue coupled with Luffy's lips is a heavenly sensation.
He breaks away with a huge grin, “I’m your dumbass, dumbass.”
You wipe some of the cake from his cheek, “We should go get washed up. You’re a mess.”
“So are you, shishishi,” he giggles.
“You two are making me sick!” Nami exclaims, having been silently judging you two for having a food fight as she sat in the corner and flipped through her ledger.
You and Luffy simultaneously stick out your tongues in her direction.
She rolls her eyes and goes back to ignoring you both. You know it’s all in good fun, Nami is your best friend after all. She just likes to tease you.
The weather has been excellent today, not a cloud in the sky. But you told Sanji you’d make dessert today, so that’s why you were in the kitchen. Luffy had snuck in after you went to tell Sanji that the cakes were done.
Now, you grab Luffy’s warm hand and drag him into the bathroom, serious about getting clean.
“Y/n, I don’t wanna,” he grumbles.
“But we’re filthy,” you reason. “Besides, I thought you didn’t mind bathing with me? Do you want me to go?”
You turn to leave, embarrassed at assuming he wanted to share a bath with you. Before you can walk out the door, hands grab your shoulders and spin you around.
Luffy pouts at you, having stretched his arms to stop you.
“Don’t leave! I didn’t mean that,” he pulls you close and you let him. “I like spending alone time with you.”
“Same here, Luff.”
You smile at him and he returns the grin. Turning the tap on, you fill the tub with hot water, adding sweet smelling suds.
Meanwhile, Luffy’s taken off his hat and shirt, tossing them on the floor. You grab a soft washcloth, getting the worst of the cake off of Luffy before focusing on yourself.
Stripping down, you and Luffy quickly step into the shower to rinse off before sinking down into the soapy water of the bath.
The tub has more than enough room for you both, but Luffy wraps his arms around you and draws you close to him. You lean back against him, smiling in his embrace.
It’s the tender moments like these that bring a swell of warmth to your heart.
Sure, you always know how much love you have for each other, but there’s something special in these quiet moments.
Normally, you’re both boisterous and loud. Making jokes and going on adventures. The last battle you went through had seriously drained your energy though. Luffy seems to realize that you need this downtime.
He slowly rubs circles into your arm with the washcloth, lazily washing you.
You let him, relaxing as he gentle cleanses you.
“Luffy, thank you.”
“What for?” He genuinely sounds confused. “I didn’t do anything?”
“Just, for being here and being you.”
“I’m always here for you, silly,” he pats your head.
“I know, I just want you to know I appreciate you.”
You take the cloth from his hand as you give him a small kiss.
“My turn,” you guide him in front of you, wanting to have a turn as the big spoon.
He obliged without question, resting his head on your bosom and gazing up into your eyes.
“I love you.”
“I love you too,” you kiss his forehead as you tenderly wash his chest.
Your hands cover each of his scars, replacing the traumatic memories of how he acquired them with your loving touch instead.
Water hot around you, you secure your arms around him, sighing contentedly into the crook of his neck.
He giggles and twists to kiss your lips again, “That tickles.”
“Whoops,” you chuckle back, chasing his lips when he moves away. “Get back here.”
He splashes you with water, effectively leaving you sputtering. You grin with fire in your eyes and return the onslaught of water tenfold.
The laughter must be extremely loud, cause a bang of the door interrupts your water fight.
“Don’t make a mess in there!”
You exchange a look with Luffy before guffawing loudly, “Too late, Nami!!”
She cusses you both out loudly as you laugh hysterically and continue your fight.
“We really should get out now though,” you say after it’s calmed down a bit.
He pouts and scrunches his face.
“Guess what?” You say as you start drawing the tub and grab a fluffy towel to dry off.
You grin mischievously, “I made two cakes.”
His eyes light up brightly, “Really?!!”
By now, you’re already clothed and have your hand on the door handle.
“Yup, and it’s all mine!” You laugh as you race from the room, leaving Luffy behind as his legs get tangled in his shorts.
“Wait, Y/n-“ he yells after you.
Laughing, you race to the kitchen, Luffy close behind you.
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firstdivisiongirl · 11 months
hiiii! hru? i hope you’re doing fine, and i would like to say, i rlly love your writing! can i request a law with a fem! reader who’s his wife, basically 6 months pregnant with him taking care of her, and the wife’s personality would be like extremely sweet, kind and always holding law’s hand? i’m dying for a tooth-rotting fluff rn, so this would be greatly appreciated if you write it 😭 (you can ignore this if your too busy)
Hi! I’m doing good and thank you for the kind words. This was a super cute requests. I was so excited to write and I hope there is enough fluffy for you! Enjoy!
Law x Pregnant Fem Reader: Daddy’s Girl
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“Room. Scan,” said Law as he scanned you to see how your baby was looking.  You two met 2 years ago.  At first he was reluctant to let you on his crew, you were too nice and sweet to be a pirate.  You actually helped people, you were a small village school teacher, with no experience with anything remotely related to being a notorious pirate.  However, your knowledge of customs and cultures of different islands and their people made you extremely desirable to a crew that went to many different islands, so he let you join.  After a year of falling in love and dating, the two of you got married.  And now here you were on your one year anniversary, 6 months pregnant.
“How’s little Lami looking?” you asked, looking at your husband who was in full on doctor mode.
“How are you so confident it’s a girl,” he retorted, setting down Kikoku on the metal table in the medical ward on the Polar Tang.
“Just a feeling!”
He smiled.  He had been doing that a lot more recently.  If Luffy saw this, he would definitely be annoying him about it.  But he was the best at helping you with your pregnancy.  He gave you a regular check up every week to make sure the baby had no complications or contracted amber lead disease.  Thankfully, the baby was extremely healthy.  He made sure you ate super nutritious foods, which was not the best considering your biggest pregnancy craving was cotton candy.  Bepo also got super involved.  He helped Law with nursery.  Of course it was polar bear themed.  It was Bepo’s idea.  Law wanted to say no, but Bepo was too cute.  That made you worry he was going to be such a pushover as a dad, but you knew he was going to be the best dad no matter what.
Later that day
“Hey Law, can you take me out shopping?” you asked, walking into his neat office.  He looked up from his paperwork he was working on, “I guess.”
He got up from his desk, and you grabbed his hand.  Usually, he hated people grabbing his hand.  But, he liked it when you did it.  As you walked through the town, you led him to a little baby shop.  You immediately went back to the clothes section.  Sitting there on a shelf was a little baby sized hat that looked just like Law’s.  “I think this is perfect.  Can we get it,” you asked looking up at your husband who definitely did not fit in.
“Yeah, I think she’ll look cute in it.”
You looked at Law wide eyed, “is it actually a girl Law?”
“It is,” he answered, smiling almost as wide as Luffy does.
After you walked out of the store with your little girl’s hat, you were so happy about having a little girl.  You knew Law was going to be the best girl dad, despite his cold demeanor.  That little girl was definitely going to become daddy’s girl.
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Please do not copy, modify, translate, or repost my writing on other platforms. Comments, reblogs or likes are highly appreciated!
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crazerk · 3 months
This demo has lived rent free in my brain for the last 24 hours bestie !!! All the origins are so fun! I’m particularly drawn to the noble tho 👀And as for a basic question: can we please get some fun facts about the ROs ? TY <333
This comment made my day! I’m glad these characters aren’t tormenting only me now lol.
Fun facts under the cut!
As a child he pretended to be afraid of the dark for years because his mother would comfort him with stories from her homeland. She still thinks he is and asks the servants to keep some candles burning at night, even though they annoy him. He considers this karma for the lies.
He has a massive sweet tooth. He might project the image of a stoic, serious emperor but that man loves sweets. He doesn’t indulge too often in public though. He’d rather sneak into the kitchens at night and once frightened a poor cook half to death when he stumbled upon his sovereign eating honey straight from a jar at like 2 am.
He’s a remarkable artist. He draws a lot. Really into architecture too.
He fidgets with his signet ring when he’s nervous. He does this unconsciously most of the time, and those who aren’t familiar with his mannerisms might assume he’s just deep in thought. But really his mind is spamming the panic button.
I’m not sure if this is a “fun” fact but he enjoys bloodsport. His father’s reign was criticized for this and his friendship with Fang has given him a different perspective on how slaves in the fighting pits are treated so he’s distanced himself from it. But it bothers him a bit, how much like his father he can be.
He has talent for juggling and often uses it to entertain children in the marketplace.
He’s quite the pirate fanboy. He wants to be a pirate so bad and dreams of owning a ship and just sailing around the world someday. Fang once won a drinking contest against a notorious pirate captain, earning him a place on the crew if he ever felt inclined. Fang thinks about that offer everyday.
He learned how to read and write from his master and has a hidden stash of romantic poetry that he's written over the years, inspired by his various crushes and lovers. He's never shared these poems with anyone, as he fears they might ruin his roguish reputation.
He doesn’t have a home. He has enough gold stockpiled from his fighting days to live comfortably and Khazunef has made it clear that he’s welcome at the palace but he prefers to just… wander around. He claims it’s because he likes not knowing where he’ll end up, and that every day is a new adventure. But really it’s because when he thinks of home he remembers a time long ago when he was a boy, before the raiders, before the slavery and before the fighting, when his mother would cradle him by a warm hearth and sing a lullaby. He can’t recreate that feeling. He’s terrified even trying to.
She loves to play pranks. Her favorite involves sneaking into rooms while their occupants are away and rearranging their furniture just slightly, enough to make them question their own sanity when they return.
She has a photographic memory, which comes in handy for her favorite pastime: gambling. Do not under any circumstances challenge her to any games of chance, as she can easily remember cards played or patterns in a game. Several guards have lost months wages in this manner.
Shes the definition of having a green thumb. She has a fondness for winter roses, a flower that grows in the snowy peaks of her native land. She managed to cultivate them in the desert. Persa tends a small garden of these roses in the palace as a reminder of home. She’s skilled herbalist and often disappears into the palace gardens for hours at a time, gathering plants and herbs for her potions and remedies.
Persa is a gifted singer, but she only sings when she thinks no one is listening. Her voice is hauntingly beautiful, and it's said that even the birds fall silent to listen it. Something she finds herself humming tunes of the songs from her home, but she can never quite remember the words.
She absolutely detests spicy foods. Yes she knows, it’s ironic that a fire priestess can’t stand the heat. You can only make that joke once. Do it again and she might curse you.
Despite her serious demeanor, Ignasia has a wicked sense of humor. She loves to tell jokes with a straight face, leaving others unsure whether to laugh or not.
She has a talent for mimicry and can do impressions of almost anyone including fellow priestess, imperial courtiers and advisors. She won’t confirm or deny if she’s used this skill for dubious purposes.
She pretends leaving her noble family behind to become a priestess was a great sacrifice. In truth it was her greatest pleasure.
Sometimes, she tells people that she sees things in the flames that aren’t there. She tells herself it’s for the greater good. To give hope to the man who asked if his daughter’s sickness was fatal, to prevent a young lad who asked if the gods will protect him if he sought out his sister’s murderer from getting killed or simply because the truth was too heavy. She tells herself it’s for the best, and the flames wouldn’t mind. Right?
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followthechick · 5 months
Random headcanons on the Weston boys
Okay since Weston anime is out, I’ll be sharing some headcanons I’ve collected during 10+ years of being obsessed with this saga and its characters.
I’ve been so invested into these headcanons that I consider them to be canon at this point. Anyway please don’t be mad if they don’t match your personal headcanon, it’s still my own interpretation and silly ideas about characters that don’t belong to me so anyone can disagree.
First I’m gonna write down the ones that involve more than one character, then I’ll be more specific and list them by character.
Brace yourselves for a pile of totally self-indulging blabbering.
Lawrence and Edgar are canonically childhood friends (Yana confirmed it), I like to think they grew up together thanks to their mothers being best friends with each other.
While Lawrence and Edgar already knew each other since birth, they met Herman and Gregory during their first year at Weston.
Because of the rivalry, friendship between students from different dorms has always been rather frowned upon, so the boys decided to put all their efforts in becoming the best students of their respective dorm to one day become Prefects and be free to meet and be friends without being judged by other students.
To freely chat and keep in contact prior to becoming P4, they secretly exchanged letters hidden among the library’s textbooks.
While we know Lawrence has 7 sisters, Edgar and Herman don’t have any sibling, while Gregory has an older brother. He’s doesn’t talk about him often as they’re not very close and don’t get along well.
Gregory met Cheslock while he was at his 3rd year (Cheslock is one year younger). They often spent their free time in their dorm’s common room, Cheslock would practice violin and Gregory would silently sit near him while drawing. One day he made a portrait of Cheslock and left it near him as a gift with the encouraging inscription “Keep playing”. The next day Cheslock asked him if he had any request for him on what to play, and that’s how they started talking to each other.
Headcanons by single character
His zodiacal sign is sagittarius
He has a sweet tooth and would live on sweet food alone
His maternal grandmother is french
His noble title comes from his mother, who is a Viscountess and older sister to Viscount of Druitt
He’s either pan or gay
His zodiacal sign is capricorn
He’s ambidextrous (he usually writes with his right hand but is more comfortable doing other activities with his left one)
His sisters’ names are: Isabel (6 years older than him), Deborah (4 years older than him), Madelyn (2 years older than him), Adela (the only one to have a canonical name, 5 years younger than him), Rebecca (the one who has a crush on Edgar, 7 years younger than him), Rosalind and Amelia (identical twins, 9 years younger than him)
His father is a banker
Pretty sure he’s either ace or gay
His zodiacal sign is libra (though I feel like aries might suit him better)
He took after his mother the most
He’s notoriously good at many sports, but he’s not very good at dancing (he’s not graceful enough for that kind of activity)
He’s good at cooking
He’s either a straight ally or a disaster bi
His zodiacal sign is cancer (mayhap also aquarius could suit him tho)
He used to wear charcoal and inks as make-up in his early years at Weston
His father is a politician
He’s kind of a picky eater and doesn’t like meat and seafood
He’s 100000% ace-spec
His zodiacal sign is scorpio
His iconic “scar” is actually make-up, though beneath it he does have a smaller scar on his left eyelid, which is the result of a quarrel with his sister when they were kids
His father is a surgeon
His full name is Victor Theodore, which he hates
Pretty sure he’s bi
I might add more in the future, though I don’t have many headcanons for other characters but who knows.
Also I’m up for asks to chit chat about what I’ve shared, or for other headcanons o/
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sycamorelibrary754 · 1 year
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Summary: You decide to play baker while Yelena is at work and you’re stuck at home recovering from an injury. A fluffy sugar rush ensues. 
Pairings: Yelena Belova x Reader
Genre: Fluff, Comfort, Angst
Word Count: 2k words
Warnings: A tiny bit of angst, but with a happy ending. Mentions of injury. 
A/N: I had so much fun writing this! I took from my own experience as a dessert lover with a tendency for sugar rushes. Plus, I like the idea of Yelena saying whoopie lmao.
You were feeling restless, cooped up at home. You had already cycled through the TV channels several times that morning, having exhausted all the episodes of Friends on Netflix. It had only been a week since a mission gone awry left you with a gunshot wound to the shoulder and a few lacerations. After undergoing surgery and spending a week in the Med Bay, Cho gave you the green light to continue your recovery at home.
You felt ready to return to work in some capacity, but Yelena insisted that you should keep resting at home. It was her first day back at the compound following your surgery, so you knew she would be calling soon to check on you and ensure you were sticking to the rest. While trying to pick something to watch, you came across an episode of The Great British Bake Off. This show was familiar to you – back when you and Wanda were on an undercover mission together, she had convinced you to watch it with her.
You were notorious for your sweet tooth, which was common knowledge among the team. Your unique habit of stashing candy in your suit pockets sets you apart. There was that one memorable incident when Nat ended up with a Twinkie instead of the weapon you intended to hand her during a heated skirmish, much to her dismay. The power of subliminal messaging was evident as your craving for something sweet led you to search for a treat. Despite your careful movements due to your arm sling, you made your way to the kitchen in pursuit of a sugary delight. Disappointed by the lack of candy, you grumbled as you began to head back to your room. Suddenly, thoughts of "The Great British Bake-Off" came to mind.
You considered yourself an accomplished baker. You made Christmas cookies for the team and pastry chef-quality birthday cakes every year. After a brief pause, you began searching for ingredients and the KitchenAid stand mixer. You figured your girlfriend couldn't be upset with you for being up and about if the stand mixer was doing most of the work, right?
You reach for your phone to look up some recipes and come across red velvet whoopie pies. The idea of baking something delicious for Yelena felt right - a sweet gesture to show her how much you appreciate her. She's been there for you since the moment she found you wounded on the ground, and caring for you has been a challenge. You want to express your gratitude, and for you, baking has always been a way to show love.
You carefully gathered all the ingredients on the kitchen counter: flour, baking soda, vegetable oil, eggs, sugar, salt, buttermilk, and vinegar. The sturdy KitchenAid mixer blended the base mixture perfectly, and then you carefully added the rich red food gel. As the batter gradually turned a vibrant shade of red, the faint sound of your phone ringing caught your attention. You reached into your pocket and pulled out your phone, revealing your favorite picture of Yelena smiling back at you. A warm smile spread across your face as you gently slid your finger across the screen to answer the call.
"Hey, Yelena," you greeted, as you put the phone on speaker.
"Hi, detka. How are you doing?" Yelena inquired.
Okay," you grumbled, exasperated. "But I swear if I have to endure that Rogers: The Musical commercial one more time, I might just have to march down there and give Cap a piece of my mind, preferably to his annoyingly flawless face.
Hmm, I’ll be sure to tell him how much you miss him," Yelena said sarcastically. She continued, "I just wanted to make sure you were okay. I left some of the pain medication that Cho prescribed for you on the counter in case your shoulder starts getting cranky. I know it’s tough with only one arm, but have you taken a moment to check your stitches today?”
Yep," you said, "I've checked, and everything seems good.
You crank the mixer to high speed to ensure the vibrant red food gel is thoroughly mixed in.
"What's that sound?" Yelena asked.
"Ah, just watching the Food Network on TV," you fibbed. You didn't want to spoil the surprise of the whoopie pies you were baking. Besides, you knew your girlfriend would kick your ass if she caught you not resting and playing baker simultaneously.
Yelena expressed hope by sharing, "I should be home in a couple of hours. Natasha promised to help me write my overdue mission report from the day you were injured so I can get out of here sooner."
"Sounds great, I've missed you," you admitted.
“I've missed you too, malyshka. Make sure to get some rest, and I'll be there soon for some cozy snuggles.
“Looking forward to it,” you said. “See you later, love.”
"Bye," she replied.
You carefully tuck your phone back into your pocket and return to the delightful task of baking. After thoroughly mixing the batter, you gracefully use an ice cream scoop to transfer it to the waiting trays before gently placing them in the preheated oven. Working on the sumptuous filling, you lovingly combine butter, cream cheese, powdered sugar, marshmallow fluff, and a hint of vanilla extract. As you taste the filling, a contented smile crosses your face, and you have to exercise severe restraint to keep from devouring the entire bowl right then and there. While the round cakes are baking, you take a moment to rest on the sofa. Fanny jumps up next to you, seeking your affection and not minding that you only use one arm at the moment.
"I can't wait to see your mom's face when she sees the surprise; how about you?" You asked the dog with a grin.
Fanny charmingly tilts her head back at you. 
"Sam here. Or, she might scold me in Russian for not taking a break. Either way, we can indulge in dessert," you remark before affectionately kissing her head.
After the oven timer goes off, carefully remove the pan and set it aside to cool. Despite hesitation, you adhere to Yelena's advice and change your bandages. Fortunately, it's your non-dominant arm that sustained the injury. Once you finish tending to your wound, the whoopie pies are cooled and ready to be filled. Using a spoon, you delicately spread the filling on one cake and gently place another on top, feeling satisfied as you finish assembling all the whoopie pies.
You carefully stow away the batch of eighteen luscious whoopie pies in a trusty Tupperware container and pop it in the fridge. As you settle down at the counter, glancing at the clock reminds you that time certainly flies by when you're having fun. In just 30 minutes, Yelena will be back home. At this moment, you become acutely aware of the throbbing ache in your shoulder. You reach for the prescription she had set out for you and grab a glass of water. But as you're about to gulp down the pill, you spot the fine print on the label, indicating that it's meant to be taken with food.
You slump down in your chair with a tired groan, feeling too drained to even think about finding something to eat. Perhaps Yelena was right – maybe you had overexerted yourself. But then you remember the whoopie pies. They may not be the healthiest pair for pain medication, but they are fresh. You open the refrigerator, grab one of the confections, and reach for a soda. You devour the whole thing, then wash down your painkillers with a swig of soda.
You hoped the medication would take effect before Yelena returned home. It was a fact - as an Avenger, you were great at many things, but hiding things from your world-class spy girlfriend was not one of them. You relax back onto the sofa and absentmindedly flick through your phone. Your gaze keeps drifting back to the fridge. Maybe just one more whoopie pie wouldn't hurt. You do need to keep your energy levels up. Giving in to temptation, you grab another treat and a soda before returning to the living room. Fanny's eyes are fixed on you as you savor the second dessert.
"Alright, just a tiny piece. But, let's keep it our little secret," you whispered as you ripped off a small chunk of the crimson cake and sneaked it to the pup.
As you finish up, you let out a contented sigh and run your hand down your face. The baking session was your most physical activity since your injury. Refusing to retreat to your bedroom, you opt for the cozy comfort of the sofa. Wrapped in your favorite blanket, Fanny snuggles up at your feet. After about 20 minutes, you realize the shoulder pain has almost completely disappeared. Delighted, you treat yourself to a little seated happy dance. You cue your favorite playlist and can't resist jumping to your feet when the beat drops on your favorite song. What started as a small happy dance became a full-on, one-armed dance-off with enthusiastic singing. It seems all that sugar is finally getting to your head.
You are so caught up in your sugar rush that you lose track of time. Unaware, you don't hear the jingle of keys or the opening of your front door. Suddenly, Yelena appears in the doorway, silently watching you before finally startling you with an interruption.
"Is this what you call resting?" Yelena asked with a raised eyebrow.
You leap three feet into the air before realizing there's no danger. "Yelena, you're back! Woohoo! Happy dance time!!" you exclaim as you break into a joyous dance around the room.
"What's going on? Have you been sneaking sips of my vodka?" she questioned, her eyes tracking your every move around the room.
"What? No, I just had a snack! Two snacks... Well, dessert. Oh, and sodas! See, I wanted to do something nice for you because I know you've been worried about me since my injury, and I love you, so I made red velvet whoopie pies!" You rambled excitedly.
"Calm down... you made what now?" Yelena asked, her brow furrowed with confusion.
"Red velvet whoopie pies!" you repeated excitedly. "They're these delicious soft rounds of red velvet cake with a luscious cream filling sandwiched in between." With eager anticipation, you rushed to the counter and eagerly picked one up to show her, a child-like grin spreading across your face as you marveled at the sweet treat.
Yelena stares at you blankly for a few seconds before launching into her native tongue. 
Tebe polozheno otdykhat', a vmesto etogo ty provodish' ves' den', kricha! Vy s uma soshli? Vas zastrelili. Chto delat', yesli shvy razoshlis'? YA ne khochu snova okazat'sya s toboy v Med-Bey. YA znal, chto mne ne sledovalo ostavlyat' tebya odnu.
You are supposed to rest; instead, you spend all afternoon making whoopies! Are you crazy? You were shot. What if your stitches split open? I don't want to end up back in the Med Bay with you. I knew I should not have left you alone. 
"Is that your way of saying, 'Wow, you're amazing sweetheart'? I'd love to try one," you questioned with a giggle from the sugar rush.
Yelena shook her head softly as she approached you. Her eyes bore into yours with concern. 'You really should be in bed,' she said gently.
"Come on, just try one for me, please," you pleaded with your best puppy dog eyes.
"If I try it, will you rest?" Yelena asked.
“Absolutely, for sure, of course, affirmative, by all means, certainly, yep, very well, okey-dokey, yes,” happily bouncing up and down on the balls of your feet.
You offer Yelena a whoopie pie. She gazes at you with curiosity, studying you from head to toe, and then takes a deliberate bite. 
“Well?" You inquire with a grin.
"It's good," she conceded, wiping a bit of cream filling from the corner of her mouth. But there's this subtle smile tugging at her lips, and it's obvious that she's absolutely loving it.
"I knew you would love it!" You exclaimed, doing a little celebratory dance and raising my uninjured arm in victory.
She reluctantly admitted, "Okay, it's delicious. Sweet, just like you, Y/N."
"Whoopie! It's really cool, isn't it?" you exclaimed.
Yelena agreed, patting your cheek affectionately to regain your attention. "Yes, your little American whoopie is so cool. I'm going to hop in the shower and change. Could you do me a favor and head back to bed now, detka?
"Absolutely, I could keep doing this all day!" You playfully quipped, channeling your inner Captain America.
Yelena sighed, exasperated, and muttered, "Now I'm going to punch Cap," before turning on her heels and heading towards your bedroom.
As you start following her, you can't resist the temptation to reach for one more whoopie pie quietly.
Yelena's sharp voice cut through the room. “And no more whoopies!” she yelled, her words hanging in the air without her even turning around.
"Awww," you whimpered.
You finally make your way back to bed, feeling the exhaustion creeping in after the rush from all the sugar. Yelena, having showered and changed into comfortable sweatpants and one of your band T-shirts, joins you. She slips into bed beside you, wrapping her arms around you comfortingly.
"I'm the best baker on the team," you whispered before slipping into a peaceful slumber.
“Yes, detka, you're the best baker on the team,” Yelena humored. “Get some sleep now, whoopie.” 
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