#with a touch of the tism
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You can probably guess my sun sign now huh… :’
Hi (I really did not know what to do with my hair this day and although this discomfort/sensory annoyance to me is painfully obvious the pics have grown on me)
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clownrecess · 1 year
It makes me upset that a lot of the conversation around nonspeaking and/or semispeaking people is run by fully speaking people, or speaking people who loose speech.
Neither have any right in those discussions.
I am partially referring to teachers, SLPs and other people who work with disabled people, but I am also referring to the autistic community online.
"I'm not nonspeaking/nonverbal but I think--"
"I am speaking, but I think that AAC--"
I am sorry, but I don't particularly care too much. If you are going to criticize, or gatekeep anything about AAC or being nonspeaking AS A SPEAKING PERSON, stop.
You are fully welcome to reblog from our community, or to encourage us, etc.
But you absolutely can not criticize or gatekeep anything about our community. You are not a part of this.
I have seen far to many polls lately, made by speaking people, gatekeeping parts of our community. I have also seen speaking people try to criticize, or advocate for the term "nonverbal" (if you are nonverbal, you are more than welcome to use that word! And you are valid! But if you are speaking, do not. Do not.)
Listen to us. LISTEN TO US.
We have thoughts, and opinions. Our voices matter more than anyone's when in the conversation about us.
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chickemz · 10 months
Thinking about that one line from Lynette’s official character release post:
“Whether people are trying to attract her attention or simply curious, she shuts them out with bizarre responses like "Entering Standby Mode" and "I need to space out."”
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I know what u are.
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haruzes · 1 year
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ytsunodabrainrotbaybee · 11 months
-> Violet! by Waterparks
Oscar Piastri x an accident prone neurodivergent reader
Essentially the three-ish times that Oscar starts fussing over you, and the one time he got it right.
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Groceries, unloading groceries.
Picking up a case of bottled water was enough to have Oscar hovering. Asking if you needed him to take it from you, as he tucked a carton of milk under his arm.
Not that he didn’t try taking the water first. You shoo’d him away from the trunk of your car before he had a chance.
“You really don’t know how this works,” you stated.
“I know that last time you dislocated something it was after you got your finger stuck in a mop bucket,” he opened your apartment door for you to walk in and drop the case of water onto your counter.
“And I had no idea because you don’t express pain.”
You rolled your eyes as he took the couple of steps towards you he needed to be able to rest his hands on your waist. You stared up at his eyes, watching him blink as he stared down at you. He watched your eyes shift from one of his to the other.
“What’re you thinking about?” He asked.
You didn’t answer, just wishing he could read your mind. Though some days it felt like he could, he could never understand the simple phrases that circled your mind when you couldn’t dream to force them out.
“I love you too,” he said, resting his forehead against yours for a moment before turning to start putting your things away.
Oscar didn’t hover 24/7.
That would be unrealistic.
it was just when he got back to you after weeks, sometimes months, on the road for work.
He’d wake you up as early as he made it back and hide himself in your apartment until he felt like a normal person again. You’d go on with your life like you had been until he pulled himself up and out of your room like a bear from hibernation.
With an insatiable thirst from well over 24 hours of sleep to combat the jet lag, he started the day watching you cook breakfast.
Not a measuring cup to be seen, you’d drift from one spot in the kitchen to another with the steady destruction of a tornado. Always producing the best waffles and coffee and parfait he’d ever have. Always better than the last, despite your unwavering commitment to your recipe.
You’d reach for your favorite kitchen knife, and he’d make his way over. Your fingers held onto the fruit you cut in an unsettling fashion. He’d offer to cut the fruit for you every once in a while.
Too much of a deviation in your routine. So he settled for watching close as you shifted your hands uncomfortably to account for the knife and it’s ever shrinking victim.
In theory, race weekends should be a sensory nightmare.
People rushed around you, stood in the garage next to some mechanics you were probably introduced to more than once. The adrenaline radiating from everyone around you, the yelling back and forth as the countdown to lights out drug on.
Weekends in the garage were the best.
you watched intently the way people dodged each other, racing back and forth to get any loose ends tied up.
As time went on, Oscar and Lando began making their own appearances in the garage as well. The former being sure to make eye contact whenever he could, seeking out a quick shaka to say “right on” and let him know you’re fine.
At that point your headphones hung around your neck. You sat in the busy noise, listening and watching with an intense focus that by the end of the event would make you more tired than anything. It’s fine. It’s more than fine.
You could always sleep better after days in the garage anyways.
The end of the day could be a bit harder
Oscar would take extra care after race days, especially when you’ve spent the whole weekend in the garage. He’d tell you to quit overextending yourself, you’d tell him you want to see him drive.
Your head drifted downwards as you stared up over your sunglasses frames. Your AirPods tucked under your headphones blasting a playlist of the day. Both tale-tale signs of being checked out.
Oscar sat himself next to you as soon as his time in the media pen was done. He reached for your hand, which you offered without a second thought. He squeezed twice, his own signal to you asking if you’re ready.
You nodded and the two of you stood. Maybe a little quick, as you stumbled into his side. He wrapped his arm around your shoulders as the two of you made your way out and to wherever he had his car parked.
He chattered on to you about the race, and whatever drama it was that happened between Carlos and Pierre during the post race interviews. You nodded along, asking questions that would take him into a different area of whatever he could be excited about.
The path the two of you walked was pavement, for the most part it was very even. Not even a rock out of place. Staring down into the pavement as you walked and listened was an experience. The grey concrete shined in the sun overhead.
You let Oscar pull you to the side, away from the edge of the sidewalk. Your foot nearly slipping into the grass beside it, had your boyfriend not urged you away.
“wow I could almost feel that one,” you looked back to the edge of the sidewalk you had been walking on.
Oscar only laughed, squeezing your shoulder as the two of you continued your walk, “that’s what I’m here for, hm?”
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heyitsspaceace · 1 month
edwin paine you are a stronger man than i because if i confessed to my best friend and got that reaction i would have thrown myself into hell right then and there
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the-fo0l · 10 months
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Spencer Reid x gn!reader hcs
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Notes: lotta spencer content has him as an asshole, pregnancy, angst, smut, insecure reader...so here's some classic fluff
Warnings: fluff!, earlier seasons reid +he's kind of a simp (and a bit subby ;))
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the way his eyes just absolutely light up whenever he sees you <3
the man's a total genius, but only in the book-smart way, socially, he's a little...stunted
he's very much not used to any proper form of love, so you're gonna have to be a bit patient with him while he gets used to it
but believe me he is trying his very best cause he does not want to dissapoint you
at first he thought your love of his rambles was just a way to make fun of him
but since you seem to actually like listening to him talk, he'll take the opportunity to ramble to you about anything and everything on his mind
which the team appreciates, he has an outlet to rant to, someone to attend his geeky events with, and most importantly, someone reliable to support him
(they are still annoyed when he's constantly on the phone with you, meanwhile there's an active crime scene a few meters away)
before you two started dating he probably already considered you his best friend who he totally neverrrr had a crush on (sarcasm)
he was blushing, stuttering, jittery mess when he asked if he may be your boyfriend
and yes, that's how politely he asked
or at least he tried to, you had to cut off his blabbering with a "yes"
how could you ever say no to such a charming, lovable, polite young man
plus yk...he's cute as hell
the type to go out of his way to wake up early to make your coffee and breakfast just the way you like
wearing matching rings, either with each other's initials or some nerdy inside joke
he absorbedly teases the ring on his finger when he misses you
whenever someone mentions you he gets visibly more engaded in the conversation, and the team teases him like crazy for it
like, sometimes the crew'll pretend to be talking about you and watch how reid immediatly perks up from whatever file he was buried in and turns to look where the he heard your name be spoken. and he falls for it every. fucking. time
gushes to you about any new interesting books, reseach, interesting statistics, facts, events etc
in a similar vein, he'll get caught in gushing to the gang about how cool and smart and funny his partner is
rizzes you up w magic tricks
but can't handle you flirting with him, he's smiling like an idiot and bashfully looking away, with his face all red
a lot of people say he wouldn't like pda, and i get it, but i think if you've been together long enough and he feels comfortable around you he's not shy about expressing it, verbally or physically
i mean yeah, it's not "all up in your face" pda, it's with smaller affectionate gestures
vents all his thoughts, concerns and emotions out to you, and listens attentively and patiently when you have to vent
falls in love with you all over again listening to you get caught up talking about your interests/opinions
man's capable of easily retaining encyclopedias worth of info, so anything and everything you tell him gets commited to his database of a mind
be it the most insignificant gossip or tiniest detail about your childhood, you best belive he's never forgetting that shit
tries his best to not profile you or try to explain your emotions to you, but really he dosen't need to be told twice when it comes to learing the intricacies of realationship ettiquette
he's never dated anyone before and he's about as nervous as he is excited
deeply fears disappointing you, hates the thought of being a burden to you, so hearing affirmations of your love verbally means a lot
more than anything he needs a solid positive presence to help him deal with his emotions
so if he's had a really bad day, or a rough case, he comes to your front door and just totally breaks down and falls into your arms, crying into your shoulder
if anything traumatic were to happen to him, you're the first person he needs to be there
and if he woke up in a hospital bed he'd immediately start asking for you, rather frantically too
and if the event is traumatic enough, he may become a bit codependent, at least for a week during the recovery process
used to get jittery around you from nerves, now it's from the uncontainable happiness he feels being around you
his kisses are so shy and inexpirenced but also so, so needy and desperate
he'd die if you ever custom made a puzzle or quiz with questions about your relationship, like he'd be so overjoyed, literally would never shut up about it
(he'd nail it ofc)
reid usually isn't one for physical affection, like, not at all
but it's completely the opposite with you, he can't seem to keep himself away
and the guy is starved for touch...or really affection of any kind, so whenever he can, he clings onto any part of you he can
sits on your lap facing you, it's like you guys' favorite relaxing position, it's so intimate
follows you around like a puppy, all giddy and stupid with love
always holds your hand or onto your forearm while walking beside you
cuddles very close, tightly intertwined with you
you'll have to squirm and push while he just pulls himself closer into the crook of your neck
or yk just tickle his sides when he least expects it
reads to you, odds are whatever book it is, he's already read it, dozens of times over if it's a classic or scientific. he very well could just recite it but if there wasn't a book to look at, he'd have to look at you which would make him get distracted and trail off
which you'd, of course, playfully tease him for
in conclusion, you're never allowed to break up with him, i don't make the rules, it's the law
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gender-fluidbees · 20 days
i don't have "a touch of the tism" the tism fucking roundhoused me in my solar plexus
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cherriko-art · 3 months
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First encounters 🐔
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Lloyd: "epic rap battles of history!"
Lloyd gestures at Jay: "ADHD-"
Lloyd: "VERSUS!"
Lloyd gestures at Zane: "AUTISM!"
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asharestupid · 10 months
I will not name names but *stares at allistic people* some people *stares specifically at allistic therapists and other mental health area allistics* need to learn how annoying it is to be labeled by how tolerable your autism is.
One cannot be *mildly* autistic. One cannot have *a touch* of the tism. Your autistic or your not. If someone came up to you and said to your face "your mildly annoying" would you be offended? Because that's what you're saying. I don't care if my symptoms annoy you, I care about how it feels like the clothes I'm wearing are strangling me.
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angelgunfighter · 1 year
i feel like nobody really Gets(tm) just how much characterization v1 gets specifically from the lack of blatant description and character acting — despite the fact we all love thinkpieces about how you’re playing the Real bad guy here. because you are. this is the perfect stonefaced cold-blooded killer. someone who refuses to return the gesture of a duel, who takes the sight of a fleeing opponent as a challenge, perhaps even as a personal offense, and doesn’t even let them make it to the bottom of the pyramid.
it’s further exemplified by the fact that v1 is the player character as well, i think; you’re the one choosing to turn every level into a bloodbath. you’re the one choosing to skip the boss’s monologue for the thrill of killing them again. v1’s character writing culminates in the fact that you — and by extension, v1 — are having fun. not maniacal laughter kind of fun, perhaps, but still a kind of thrill-seeking fun. you’re reveling. v1 is reveling too.
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isorottatime · 2 years
kinda funny that a prominent trait of autism is feeling strongly about injustice. yes hello my child is angry about late-stage capitalism, can we get a ‘tism certificate?
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to anyones ride the cyclone hyper fixation that has reached an all time high, watch rtc but only focus on one character through the entire thing. mischa bachinski has never been more enjoyable.
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c0rv1dco · 4 months
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tazer está aqui!!!!
@routeriver @evren-sadwrn @goooser @bdaycheesecake @snails-are-made-of-jelly
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sfw-obeyme-things · 6 months
Leviathan seems to have a touch of the 'tism. I mean, just think about how he acts, he's definitely autistic.
This is coming from an autistic person. He literally always wears comfy clothes, always has headphones, always stays in his room, watches the same anime over and over, takes things literally, and has awful social skills. I dunno about you but that screams autistic to me.
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