#with every step the castle seems to be getting bigger
calisources · 6 months
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All sentences on these meme make references to royal balls, medieval ballrooms or regency, basically set during any period drama. You can change names, pronouns, titles and more as you see fit. Most of these were taken from different source materials found via google search. This meme makes references to masquerades, royal dances and partners.
Dancing, at its best, is independence and intimacy in balance.
Dance is the timeless interpretation of life.
Music does not need language of words for it has movements of dance to do its translation.
Masks reveal. They don’t conceal. Masks reveal your cravings, your passion, your deepest most secret desires.
It was you. I know it was you.
Look at me, Kia! Look me in the eye and tell me you’re not her.
And who shall you be once you don your grand disguise?
I don't like to hear you talk about yourself that way. Your scars do not define you, young lady. Your action do.
All the ladies must dress the same and the men have to find their partners. It’s a game of sorts. 
Even the smallfolk have their own version of the ball, at the steps of the castle.
Swoon, Dora. Every young woman deserves to swoon over the love of her life.
Dash it, Everton, how'd you know it was me?
A masquerade could have been a beautiful dance. 
 Oh, well. What's a royal ball? After all, I suppose it would be frightfully dull, and-and-and boring, and-and completely... Completely wonderful.
Each finds a partner, and upon the bell, we must change partner until we find the one we came to be. . .or the one we desire.
It has been a while since you gave me the honor to dance with you.
If the princess is not too occupied, I would wish for a dance, perhaps?
The Queen and King have to open the ball but the King is gone. No mind, I shall be in his place.
Sometimes in life confusion tends to arise and only dialogue of dance seems to make sense.
If we want our men to dance, we have to inspire them. 
 But with something more, something bigger, something that will give them a reason to want to dance.
But when balls are held for pleasure, They're the balls that I like best.
Will you be my princess for the Ball?
Keeping pushing, Andrei, and you and I are going to play a game.
Nothing like a ball to cheer a nation, give the old lords wine and the young boys the opportunity to find a nice woman and everyone shows up.
Where are you taking me? The ball hasn’t ended.
Royals is like a beautiful, broken angel: hard to look at, but utterly impossible to turn away from.
Attend the royal ball in all your glory and find out what fate has in store for you.
How many dances is one allowed before people begin to whisper?
You cannot behave like a brute. It is my duty to dance with every suitor. I am their princess.
I do not recognize you, my lord? Are you from these lands? 
It is bad luck to steal a princess.
Attend the royal ball in all your glory and find out what fate has in store for you.
There is nothing quite like dancing in the moonlight. It sets your soul on fire and your heart aflutter.
The beauty of a ball is not just in its grandeur, but in the connections it sparks, the emotions it stirs, and the hopes it ignites.
Just keep your eyes on me. No one else here matters.
I shall keep dancing with you until you stop being stubborn and go speak with me. Or you rather have people whisper?
The princess looks beautiful tonight, does she not?
Father, please, you must dance as well. Your dull looks are making people bored.
You promised me a dance when you were better. Are you?
I've loved you at every dance, on every walk, every time we've been together and every time we've been apart.
I can feel people's eyes on me.
Every time I walk into a ballroom, I know they are comparing me to Daphne.
You both get to choose your passions and adventures, while my beloved is chosen by me. And now I must join them for a dance.
Are you planning on running away when the clock strikes midnight? 
If you do wish to go away, I know a spot, secluded enough.
You wish for me to go with you, alone, unchaperoned. I am a maiden, my lord. 
Aye, but I am no lord, sweet maiden. And these masks allow us some privacy.
This is my last chance to find a match on my own accord. If I don’t. The King will do it for me and I would rather not.
 I'm only a girl, not a princess.
Believe me - they're all looking at you.
 They're all looking at you.
You are requested and required to present yourself to your king.
 I do not even know if that beautiful slipper will fit But, if it does--will you take me as I am?
 It would be an insult to take you to the palace dressed in these old rags.
How charming, how perfectly charming.
When I go back, they will try to pair me off with a lady of their choosing. I'm expected to marry for advantage.
Oh. Well, whose advantage would this marriage be of?
I hope you don't find our kingdom too confining.
I am. An apprentice monarch. Still learning my trade.
Our prince seems quite taken with her.
She went straight for him. You have to appreciate her efficiency.
Walk into the room knowing you are the best. Shoulders back, chin up. Their attitudes will totally change.
You dance love, and you dance joy, and you dance dreams.
The ball is about to come to an end, and you have yet not told me your name. 
I thought we agreed we would remain strangers.
I’m afraid my true identity would put you in danger. 
Have you ever been kissed by a stranger at the end of a ball? If not, let me be the first.
Put him on all the invitation lists, he's a divine dancer.
I’m afraid I’m more used to swordfight than ballroom.
You will ruin your pretty gown, princess. I would not wish to step on your toes.
 Silly, I am a great dancer, no one ever steps on my toes.
No. Let them dance. Interrupting would cause a scandal.
One of these men will be my husband one day. What a thought.
The art of husband seeking at it’s peak, during royal ball season. 
Maiden beware, a gentleman can become a beast when the bell strikes.
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soapoet · 1 year
what do you need to heal?
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oof, you all deserve a hug.
Shufflemancy: SENSITIVE by MOTHICA
your feelings are really potent. you feel like a pressure cooker, constantly ready to burst open. emotions are both your playground and your graveyard, it seems. you feel everything strongly, but there is almost a sense of it never being enough. you yearn for something more, something bigger and better to latch on to. you've probably been accused of being toxic once or twice, and there may be a trail of broken lines of communication behind you as a result. but you have no ill intent. you have so much to give, and all you want is equal returns for your investments. interpersonal relationships especially feel lackluster to you.
here's a storyline that might resonate: you meet someone, platonic or romantic, and sparks fly. you're so invested, they take interest in you, you're each other's favourite person, two peas in a pod, partners in crime, a dynamic duo. every day you pour your heart and soul into this connection, drop the drawbridge and invite them inside your walls to experience you and your world fully. and with every day that goes by, slowly but surely, the honeymoon phase begins to fade. their efforts lessen, even when they say you're their whole world they never seem to find the time, they stop sharing, and feel intruded upon when you inquire and poke around to see what's up. you step back, thinking yeah, alright, i just need to chill, give them space. but that just makes things worse, doesn't it? you end up feeling abandoned and the grief for what the connection once was is agonising. every time you try to rekindle the flames they lash out. you're overwhelming, nosy, obsessive, they feel cornered. oh my god, you're so toxic! and then you fight. you fight for your feelings and the relationship. they just seem to fight you. you tell them they knew what they were getting themselves into. you showed them everything. shared the deepest, darkest corners of your castle. didn't they say that it's okay, that you're perfect as you are, flaws and all, and that they'd never leave? and then they still do.
you're not a monster. you're not trying to lure people in and make their lives miserable. you simply seek companionship. the kind that seems impossible to find these days. you understand that everyone has a life of their own, things to do, and that it's okay to need time and space. what you do have a problem with is the lack of trust. when you drop your armour you need reassurance that it's not in vain and that you are safe. that your vulnerability won't be taken advantage of. you don't want to worry about whether or not you let wolves inside your castle walls. what you need to do is learn a healthy dose of discrimination. really vet the people you let in. take things slowly, and allow things to happen without having to force it. let people come to you. wield your emotions in a constructive way. if you feel like a fraud trying to fit into the whole love and light spiel, then don't force it! you're incredibly powerful. learn the art of transmutation and try to make your emotions work for you instead of against you. it may be easier said than done, but if anyone can do it, it's you.
Shufflemancy: Bridges by ALIKA
stop fooling yourself. you're really making yourself jump through way too many hoops. things don't have to be an obstacle course. there isn't some long, ever-changing list of things that need to happen before what you want can happen. it's like you're running around in a hamster wheel. chasing after what ifs, looking for signs and clues, and when something doesn't align then oops, there you go, right back to the drawing board. reconfiguring things, going back and forth, fine-tuning, undoing, scrapping everything and starting all over. reading your energy feels like i'm walking into a room with crumpled papers all over the floors. and when i look at them, your plans and ideas are so good! why have you cursed yourself into this space of false starts and stagnation?
because your head is full of doubt. your mind is like the static of an old tv screen. there is so much noise, buzzing around and it's so loud you're unable to think straight. there are so many distractions. you're being pulled in so many directions. everywhere except forward. you are so focused on that first step being absolutely flawless that you'll do anything but actually take the damn step. every time you gather yourself and tell yourself alright, it's go-time my dudes, you just stand there, or notice something that you just gotta fix real quick. and before you know it, you're doing all kinds of busy work. anything to make you feel better about not doing what you want to do and feel like you're at least making some contribution toward your dreams.
you heard there would be signs that you're on the right path or that your manifestations are working, and you took that personally. you see a sign, then look for confirmation that the sign really was a sign. then you tell yourself you need to stop actively looking for signs because then you won't recognise the real signs. but uh-oh, what if you were already doing that? does that mean that the sign you noticed was a false flag and you're just delusional and just out there fooling yourself? please give me a sign that— stop. sit down. cut the noise out and just breathe. you really need to start trusting yourself. you have a vision. a path forward. you got shit to do, things to achieve. stop checking the time, the mirror, the skies... just check yourself. still want what you want? great, you got it. have some faith in yourself. refocus your energy and try to stay present. it's okay to get distracted and it's normal to doubt, just don't let the doubts and distractions rule your present moment. the light has been green this whole time, so just go.
Shufflemancy: Trauma by NF
no. that's two letters, but it feels wrong in your mouth, doesn't it? like it's too big or like it'll break something. when we're drowning there is a period known as 'voluntary apnea'. our instinct to not inhale water is stronger than our need to release the buildup of carbon dioxide that occurs when we hold our breath for too long. the brain can cause us to endure the increasing terror and physical pain because of this survival instinct. and it feels like your ability to say no is behind this kind of mental block too. when you do say no to things it almost feels apologetic, and is riddled with apologies and reassurance. you don't want to do this or that, but it's just today, maybe some other time, you'll check your calendar, assure them it's not like you don't care, you're just busy, you gotta go. you'll find any excuse that sounds reasonable when you don't have one. and for what? you don't need to explain yourself. no is a full sentence.
it really feels like you're on the outside looking in. you have a fear of not just missing out, but being left behind. it's like you've convinced yourself that in order to be worthy and good you need to please everybody. maybe in your past you've been betrayed, experienced neglect or really, truly, felt all alone and without support and guidance. so when you're around people you're on your best behaviour. you listen and you are eager to learn. you adopt people's hobbies or otherwise make an effort to be there for them. people come to you for advice, you're a shoulder to cry on, a problem solver, a good time. but when you get overwhelmed, your nerves get the best of you and you need someone to lean on, you feel like you shouldn't burden people. they have better things to do. maybe they wouldn't be able to help anyway, so why bother?
in many ways you feel like a ghost. not quite sure where the influences of other people and life circumstances end and where you begin. your boundaries are so blurry it's no wonder you've accepted so many concepts of yourself that it feels like the hand of cards you were dealt are masks instead of tools. you may need some time in isolation and solitude for a while. not to say farewell to the world and become lonely, but learn to really be with yourself and figure out who you really are and who you want to be. put yourself on the operating table and start carefully removing things that don't serve your well-being. you are whole all within yourself, and i promise that it's all complete and good and worthy of so much love. you don't need to be patchwork quilt made of concepts forced upon you by the world. you're allowed to be yourself and grow in exactly the direction and at the speed that you want. there's room here under the sun for you too.
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captainsophiestark · 11 months
Remus Lupin x Reader
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Masterlist - Join My Taglist!
Written for my Year of Olympians and part of a bigger challenge being run by @yearofcreation2023​! It features a ton of other awesome creators and runs all year, so go check it out!
Fandom: Harry Potter
Prompt: Artemis; wilderness, the moon, protection, hounds
Summary: Remus' SO decides to finally figure out why he's been looking so rough every month and gets more answers than they bargained for.
Word Count: 1,890
Category: Angst, Fluff
Putting work into an AI program without permission is illegal. You do not have my permission. Do not do it.
Mysteries were overrated.
Every so often, when I dove headfirst into learning something new and spent hours doing that for fun, I wondered whether I should've been sorted into Ravenclaw instead of Gryffindor. But now, after spending far too long trying to reason my way to understanding, I'd decided to throw logic out the window and do some good old fashioned following people around instead. My Ravenclaw friends would never let me hear the end of it when I told them, but right now, I didn't care.
My boyfriend, Remus Lupin, had been ill on and off for months. He leaned on his friends, relied on them for support, but never turned to me. I'd talked to him once or twice, but he'd never given me a straight answer, and when the third month in a row came around that he looked on the verge of death's doorstep, I decided to get to the bottom of things one way or another.
Which was why I was out in the middle of the night on the Hogwarts grounds, trailing a far distance back from the Marauders as they moved in a pack. All of them except my boyfriend seemed in good spirits, and whatever was going on, I felt for Remus. I hadn't expected the adventure to take us out of the castle, so I still wore pajamas, and only love for my boyfriend kept me from turning right around to seek shelter from the cold night air.
To my surprise, the four boys ahead of me made straight for the Whomping Willow. I knew they were idiots, but I had no idea what possible draw the murder tree could have for them right now, especially with Remus so clearly feeling terrible. Then, in a flash, Peter disappeared.
I blinked and rubbed at my eyes, trying to figure out what I'd seen. Then, in the dull moonlight just barely filtering through the clouds, I saw a rat scurry across the roots of the tree. A moment later, the branches froze in place, and the remaining three boys ducked into a passage normally hidden among the roots, the rat following right after them.
Of course they were unregistered Animagi. I knew that month they'd spent barely talking hadn't been a ploy to mess with the Slytherin Quidditch team, or James trying to impress Lily with his friends' support, or anything else they'd claimed. But Remus hadn't been part of that.
Before I could second guess myself, I let every last ridiculous Gryffindor instinct take over and rushed to the tree, sliding into the hole at its base a split second before the branches began whipping around again furiously. I muttered a quick lumos to light the way ahead of me, then hurried after the boys.
Before I got very far into the tunnel, I heard horrifying screams coming from ahead, the same kinds people said came from the Shrieking Shack. I hesitated for half a second before racing off down the tunnel in the direction the boys had gone. Whatever that noise was, it wasn't good, and I needed to make sure Remus and our friends were alright.
I made it about ten steps forward before I collided with someone. They wrapped their arms around me and held me in place to keep me from moving forward, and after a moment's shouting and confusion, I recognized the person holding me.
"Y/N, you have to get out of here!" shouted James, his tone urgent. I'd never heard him yell like this before, never saw his cool composure drop to the level of the panic currently in his eyes.
"James, what's going on?" I cried. I heard that horrible screeching again, and I tried to move past him. "Where's Remus?"
"You have to leave, now! It's not safe-!"
A moment later, an earsplitting howl replaced the screaming. I froze and so did James, and our wide eyes slowly found each other. I knew that howl from Defense Against the Dark Arts. That was a werewolf.
"You have to run, now," James finally said, his voice low but firm. "If you don't, he'll kill you. It doesn't matter that he loves you, when he's transformed... he has no control."
"Is he... is he going to be okay?"
"Not if he comes back to himself to find out he killed you. Now get out!"
With that, James turned on his heel and transformed before my eyes into a gigantic, gorgeous stag. I could hear barking and snarling further down the corridor, still not close but definitely getting closer. I hesitated, hating to leave without doing anything, but James was right. I didn't have a choice.
I took off running back the way I'd come, trusting the Marauders to take care of Remus tonight. For now, that was the best I could do.
Commotion followed me the whole way out of the tunnel, getting just so slightly closer as to make me nervous. When I finally raced out of the tunnel, I just remembered to slam the root on the tree to stop the branches. I didn't look back as I raced up the grounds to the doors of the castle, finally breathing a sigh of relief from the safety of the entry hall.
I quickly ducked into the nearest secret passage lest Filch catch me out of bed, then slumped back against the wall and slowly sank to the ground. The adrenaline of the past few minutes crashed over me in waves, and I focused on taking long, deep breaths. Slowly, as I calmed down, the actual information that came with my investigation tonight sank in.
My boyfriend was a werewolf. His three best friend were unregistered Animagi, and they apparently spent every full moon with him in their animal forms.
Every DADA class we'd spent discussing werewolves (which, thankfully, hadn't been that many) suddenly came rushing back to me. All the time our teacher had spent talking about them as if they were monsters, while Remus just had to sit there and listen. I clenched and unclenched my fists, taking a second to run the odds on expulsion if I punched a teacher.
Remus was nothing but the sweetest, most wonderful person I'd ever met, and I was so lucky to have him in my life. The thought of people ignoring that, of Remus' face if someone called him a monster... all I wanted to do was wrap him up tight in my arms and never let him go.
I decided to focus on that last feeling instead of the 'punch a teacher' feeling. I had no idea how long these transformations lasted, but I had a feeling Remus would be awfully beat up when he finally did make it back here. With a quick pitstop in the kitchens to grab a few of his favorite snacks, I headed back up to the Gryffindor common room to wait.
Only sheer force of will and a deep love for Remus kept me from passing out after the first hour. The fire was warm, the blanket nest I'd made on my favorite common room couch was comfortable, and the adrenaline dump just made me want to pass out. But I kept my eyes open, waiting for him to come back. Finally, a little after three in the morning, the portrait door swung open.
"Come on, Moony, let's get you upstairs."
"It's okay, nobody got hurt-"
The Marauders staggered into the common room, James and Sirius holding Remus between them as Peter held the door. They all froze on the spot, however, when they saw me waiting on the couch.
"Hey," I said, finally moving from the spot I'd spent the past few hours holding down. I blinked sleepy eyes and managed a smile as I approached Remus and the others. "Uh... do you guys mind if I get a minute with my boyfriend?"
James and Sirius shared significant looks, then both turned to Peter. After a moment's hesitation, they looked back at me and nodded.
"Moony we'll, uh... we'll see you upstairs," said James. He nodded to me as he eased away from Moony and headed for the stairs, Sirius following behind him with a narrow-eyed warning look in my direction. Peter followed, giving me a mix of a look between James and Sirius'. Then, finally, I was alone with my boyfriend.
"So... I'm still your boyfriend?" he asked. He leaned heavily to one side, away from me, as I approached him. The hurt and defeat in his voice ripped my heart open all over again.
"Rem... of course. I love you. Nothing could ever change that."
Remus didn't look like he quite believed me, but he drifted in my direction anyway. I smiled and closed the rest of the distance, taking up the position his friends had filled before. I wrapped an arm around his waist and started leading him towards the couch.
"You're not... afraid of me?"
I scoffed and helped Remus ease down into the blankets, then settled in next to him. I'd spent hours preparing this fort, and when I saw a little weight ease off of Remus' shoulders as he settled in, it was worth it.
"Of course I'm not afraid of you. I love you."
"But James said..."
"Never mind what James said. I love you, Rem, and nothing in the world could ever change that. I'm just sorry I couldn't do more to help you."
Remus huffed a laugh as I leaned against his side, then finally put his arm around me. I laid on his chest, listening to his heartbeat as he spoke and wrapping my arms around him in the most comforting hug I could.
"You find out I'm a werewolf and almost get killed in the process... and you're wishing you could've done more to help me?"
"I'm a Gryffindor, babe, I don't scare easy."
He laughed fully now, loud and joyous. It didn't last long, since he was clearly exhausted, but the sound made my heart sing.
"What on earth did I do to deserve someone as wonderful as you?"
"You were a wonderful person every single day of your life, clearly. Now here, look what I got." Without further ado, I pulled out the snacks I'd stolen from the kitchen. Remus literally gasped.
"Did you get these for me?"
"Yup. If I'd gotten them for me, they'd've been gone already."
"You're wonderful. Have I mentioned that lately?"
"Yes, but I can always stand to hear it again." We shared a smile as Remus dug into the snacks, his head resting against mine, and then I sighed. "So... what do you think the odds are of the rest of the Marauders helping me through the steps to become an Animagus?"
Remus choked on what he was eating, then looked at me with wide eyes.
"You're kidding."
"I'm not! I want to be there to support you, Rem, through everything. I guess... as long as that's okay with you?"
He smiled, then gave a little disbelieving laugh. He leaned in and placed a soft kiss on my forehead before snuggling up with me again.
"I can't think of anything that would be more okay with me."
"Okay, good. But I'm going to put myself in charge of coming up with a lie to cover the mandrake leaf in my mouth. I'm pre-vetoing anything the rest of you come up with."
"Probably a good decision."
Everything Taglist: @rosecentury
Harry Potter Taglist: @valkyriepirate
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vintagexherry · 1 year
Treasure for Three Days [2]
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Pirate!Miguel x Princess!Reader
// Sexual harrasment, blood, minor character death, slight gore, consumption of alcohol, implications of sexual acts, Ooc Miguel, Miguel is mean
"Speaking of the entertainment district, why don't we give it a visit while princess looks for change of clothes." With that, the crew cheered, and the navigator smirked as he directed the steering wheel to the nearest land which you assumed where the "entertainment district" is located.
You gulp.
How are you gonna survive three days with these men.
It took hours to get to said island, and within those hours, you tried getting some sleep in the captain's cabin, but your thoughts keep you up.
What would you do if Miguel didn't keep with his words?
You let out a sigh, deciding not to think too much. Maybe Miguel is right. Your head just might explode.
As you sat straighter on the bed, you decided to look around the place, Miguel was still up the deck, probably talking to his crew or what not.
You stood up and checked the wall.
A jaw full of teeth of a sea beast is displayed by the side. You wonder how long it took for them to remove every bit of flesh and muscle just to get to the bone. All you know is probably messy.
You then turned to a barrel of rolled up papers, and you took one and unrolled what seemed to be an impressive handrawn map of an island. You must say, whoever was the cartographer, they need a raise.
Finally, you went to one of the shelves displaying golden statues and alcohol. Your attention was driven to a goblet, which edges are engraved with gold. You also noticed a symbol seemed to be stamped at one side of the goblet. A royal sigil, it seemed familiar.
"Took that one from a neighbouring kingdom."
You flinched and turned swiftly to see Miguel leaning by the door with his arms crossed.
How come you didn't hear him approaching?!
For his big size, his steps are unnaturally quiet.
Miguel took your silence as a sign to speak more. His steps led him to you in front of the shelf, and you took a small step back.
"We were pillaging this castle, y'know what pirates do? Yea, that. And while we're at it, I saw it gleaming nice at a table, so I took it. Aside from others' valuables, of course." He chuckled at the end.
His eyes then drifted to the skeletal jaw you were looking at earlier.
"And this bastard. Took me a while to get it but, it certainly did a number on me."
While he talked, you find yourself immersing in his stories. Being homeschooled and practically repeated a series of routines. You got curious about the outside world. Only finding solace in the books you read.
"... Once we killed it, I made my most experienced swordmaster do the honours of cutting the meat of its flesh. That beast was bigger than a regular cannon." His eyes gleam at the memory.
"A-are there any other creatures you encountered?" You hesitantly asked, but your curiosity got the better of you.
Miguel glanced at you for a while and seemed to be deep in thought.
"This one ain't a beast." He walked up to his desk and sat on the chair putting both legs up the table while you sat back on the bed.
"...but we encountered this island. We thought it was a newly discovered land since it wasn't on any map I've seen. But then I've seen why." His eyes turned dark. And you felt anxious of the tension on the air.
"...It was because no cartographer was able to get out alive to even draw it. Why? Cus it's an island full of cannibalistic people."
Your eyes widened. You only seen them in books you've read, but you only thought them as myths.
"Humans who eat other hu-"
"I know what it means." you annoyingly huffed.
Miguel just shrugged and put his hands up to a surrender.
It was safe to say this was the only conversation you both had that didn't feel like danger to you.
Miguel seemed to want to tell you more, but a knock on his door stopped him. The door opened to reveal a crewmate notifying him that they have arrived.
You gulp.
The light enjoyment you felt suddenly waned. But then you thought, If there's land there's people. If there's people then there's hope.
A hope for you to ask for help.
As Miguel and you left the cabin and headed for the deck, it was already sunset. Usually you would enjoy the view but nothing to enjoy when your headed to a place you barely know.
"Hm, it's almost night. What perfect timing." Miguel smirked.
He turned to you with a brown bag on his hand.
"Here, catch." He threw the bag to you which you caught it, feeling the weight and hearing the jingles in it.
Must be coins.
"Like you said, you want a change of clothes? Go buy then."
You felt the ship hit land within the docking areas where you see other people either exiting or entering their own ships.
You felt nerves underneath your skin, goosebumps all over it.
This could possibly be the first time you explored outside your country.
"You either just stand there, or you start walking."
You snapped out of your thoughts and followed Miguel down the ship, landing your bare feet in the sand.
Cheers and glass clinking can be heard everywhere.
You felt out of place.
After buying clothes, you wore a white and maroon dress, After shopping, you asked if you could go back to the ship.
"And miss out of the fun? Ay ay hermosa, live a little. Just make sure to stay within my sight." He chuckled as his crew went directly to a dark street full of bars, filled with drunk men, women, and even other pirates.
"Oy Miguel! Long time no see!" A drunk middle-aged man called out from a bar, and with that, you were left on your own.
Right now, you were sitting by the corner watching men chant songs and women gossiping. You also see men and women flirting with each other, some just drunkingly kissing, and some went up to the bedrooms upstairs.
At one side of the bar, a drunk Miguel being surrounded by women, all dressed provocatively and talking to him. Although what you don't see is his subtle glances to you time to time
You look around and thought, maybe this is the perfect moment to get up and go out and ask for help.
As you left the bar, making sure no one spotted you in the process.
As you step out, you feel the cold breeze of the night and hear crickets buzzing and the soft muffled noises from the bar.
You continued your way to the direction you remember where the docking place was at.
While you walk, a sweaty hand suddenly stops your movements, and you froze.
"Heyyyyy" A ragged man who seemed to have too much to drink greeted you.
"Wuz a pretty lady doin hir?" He's senteced were slurred as he hiccuped in between, and you winced im disgust when you could just smell the alcohol off him.
You didn't want any trouble as of tonight's events. So you pushed his hand away from your shoulder.
"I-its none of your business, i-if you don't mind, I sho-should get going." You stammered due to the freezing temperature but also the fear of what could happen if you got to the bad side of this man.
You started to walk away as fast as you could, but the man grabbed your forearm and pulled you towards him.
"Oi! Im bein nice hir pretty lady, why downt you be a grateful little bitch."
Oh no this isn't good, he's getting mad.
You tried pulling your arm away, and he angrily gripped the thin fabric around your chest. And for such a drunk guy, he seemed to possess unnecessary strength. Which resulted in ripping your fabric around your chest area, revealing your cleavage. The only thing saving you now is your corset to cover it.
If you're scared a while ago, you're definitely afraid now.
You screamed for help while you tried to fight his grip, but that only seemed to spur him even further. His slurred words angrily spit insults and words you couldn't get the meaning of.
His grip finally loosened and for an unexpected reason.
You froze from the sudden quiet in the air.
When you glanced at him, his face painted with shock and his torso painted with red.
Blood with a sword coming through it.
You quickly stepped back as his face collapsed to the floor. Your eyes quickly drifted to the man above him.
Miguel O'Hara.
His face is devoid of expression, his usual smirk gone, yet there's rage in his eyes. Your body froze from the view in front of you. You don't know what to do first, thank him? be afraid?
He took back his sword and wiped the blood on the shirt of the dead man.
"We're heading back." He deeply stated, snapping you out of your thoughts.
"Shut up."
He didn't shout this time, but you know better than to disobey, he gripped your forearm, and you both head back to the ship.
This night marks the end of Day One
taglist: @lionhearted-soldier
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demonlovingsheep · 4 days
Headcannon Demon Anatomy
(Source - my head)
I think demons are just blobs of sentient black energy that can take on any shape or form. Like the black substance from Venom, but more powerful.
Each blob of a demon is muted for different purposes. Aquatic, flight, fight, speed, etc. Defining a demon’s attributes and identity. After all, they have been around since the dawn of time. And with their dark energy, I’m sure powers and magical capabilities could evolve too. Such as growing stronger through other’s emotions and/or sins…?
On the surface, one can see a demon’s teeth, skin, eyes, but more powerful ones are able to better their crafts and morph into bigger and stronger forms. Or even multiple forms.
However, on the inside, there is no internal organs like humans. At least ones like human organs. Put them through a MRI just result in emptiness, but in fact the blob can take on the role of organs if needed.
As an example, there is a scene where Beelzebub was able to devour an entire flipping pillar in the Demon Lord’s castle (I think it was from a Christmas pop quiz).
How TF he ate and digest the pillar with such speed? Answer: he has no stomach. The dark energy blob in him just mutated with an insane appetite, and melted the pillar away as Beel devours it.
Mentioning Beel, the “Say My Name” Card contains a scenario where a dark-mist form of Belphegor threw a tantrum of how Beel was getting close to MC and forgot about him, literally ate both of them, and only allowed them two out if they could guess his name.
Beelzebub thought they could easily punch a hole in its stomach, but no matter how far he ran or search, it seems like there is no physical space. As if a void?
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Like ur one to talk Beel. Others described your stomach as a blackhole…
I think the black blob also explains why the fur on Belphegor’s tail is a different color from his hair (unless this bish dyed his hair…).
I keep calling it a blob, but it’s more like energy. Every time the brothers get mad, a black form of energy emits around them. I think this energy is powered by souls demons devour.
Think in the game, it mentions that the taste of souls is like the most delicious thing a demon could taste? Even looks shiny depending on who it’s from. Hence why part of MC’s task as the exchange student is to learn how to protect their soul from harm by strengthening it.
So what? Is this all speculation and trying to fit clues and puzzles in places where they seem to fit but not quite?
Alright then, explain the existence of little D and this:
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I rest my case 🙌
Author’s note: Alright, let me take a step back. I’m afraid if I go any further, I’ll be entering FNAF territory and I’m not willing to go that deep to theorize about shadow brothers lol.
I need to lay off of them horror analogs….
As for always, don’t take it seriously. It’s all in the name of fun 👉👈
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autisticlenaluthor · 11 months
'When all you wanted was to be wanted, wish you could go back and tell yourself what you know now'
Kara arrives fifteen minutes early. 
She gets dropped off in front of the school by Eliza, and promises her she’ll be okay on her own. Once she’s alone, she crosses the quad by herself.
Earbud strings dangle across Kara’s body as she walks, head down, focused on the leaves and how they crunch beneath her boots. Taylor Swift’s Fearless echos through the tiny speakers and Kara can’t help but drum her fingers against her thigh to the beat.
The air is salty and damp with the smell of fallen leaves. It feels almost like she’s stepped into a painting, with the castle-like brick building in the foreground. It’s surrounded by trimmed hedges and trees with orange branches. Alex has always said private school kids are a different breed. But god, is their world fascinating. 
She finds the meeting spot with relative ease. It’s a round concrete picnic table just off the main path, near the massive lion statue Lena described in her email. Kara sits and plops her backpack beside her, quieting the music on her iPod so she can focus as she takes out her pens and spiral notebook. 
It’s supposed to be a simple project.
Sophomores from Metropolis Tech work with sophomores from the all-girls private school, Spence to clean up parks in the city. The whole thing is worth five extra credit points on her Earth Science final. Five extra credit points Kara desperately needs- because what kind of cruel joke is it to put an alien in Earth Science when they’ve only been on the planet for a year? 
She gets her stuff organized and looks up, freezing when she sees the girl she’s been paired up with standing across the table. For someone with super hearing– spatial awareness does not seem to be a skill Kara possesses. 
“You’re– are you Lena?” She stammers. 
The girl nods. She has raven hair and pale skin like the vampires in the movies Alex forces her to watch. For a second, Kara selfishly wonders if she might be an alien too. She just looks so unlike the other people Kara knows. But Eliza says it’s rude to make assumptions, so Kara quickly tries to suppress those thoughts. Lena would likely perceive being asked about her home planet as a targeted insult. 
“I’m Kara, it’s nice to meet you,” Kara says after a moment. “I like your outfit– you look so professional!”
Lenas brow furrows as she looks down at herself. She’s wearing a grey sweater vest with a blue crest over a white button-down and blue plaid skirt. 
“It’s a uniform,” she says. “We all wear this.” 
Kara scans the campus- for the first time noticing all the girls in identical get-ups, all paired with knee-socks and Mary Jane shoes. A few of them wear dresses instead of skirts, one or two with school-branded sweatpants beneath them. Where had they all been five minutes ago, before she’d made a complete fool of herself? 
“So… I was thinking we could go to Glacier Park,” Lena says, breaking the silence. “Most girls go to Central because it’s bigger. But Central is a tourist trap– Glacier Park hardly gets the same environmental attention.” 
She’s quiet, keeping her eyes fixated on her hands as she speaks. But even so, she seems so sure of herself. 
Maybe it’s a private school thing, Kara thinks. The students here are so smart, they don’t need to follow the social rules everyone else seems to abide by. 
“Unless you were thinking something different?” 
“Uh… I guess I hadn’t really thought about it,” Kara admits with a nervous laugh. “My classes and everything have been kinda crazy.” 
Lena nods but doesn’t respond. Kara can’t tell if she’s judging her or if she just doesn’t have anything to say. 
“You know… midterms week. Can you believe they do this every year?” 
She isn’t sure why she keeps talking. In the emails they’ve sent, Lena only ever mentions the project. She doesn’t seem to be the chatty type– the type to care that Kara’s had four exams this week alone and that that’s why she can’t bring herself to be as invested in this whole thing as she should be.
It’s just that Lena is right there and maybe the reason she reminds Kara of aliens is that she may just be the prettiest girl she’s ever met– on Krypton or on Earth. And sure she isn’t talkative but that doesn’t mean Kara can help it either. 
“Yeah,” Lena says, expression blank. 
For a second, Kara freezes. She isn’t sure what she’s supposed to do with that. 
“We um, we should start on the report too,” Lena restarts, as if nothing happened at all. “I brought some articles on pollution levels in the city. I thought it might be easier to get the reading portion out of the way today, so we can focus on the actual cleanup later.”  
“Oh… okay, yeah, that sounds good.” 
They go with Lena’s suggestion and meet at the entrance of Glacier Park.  
Kara gives it her best attempt to look nice for her. Alex says it’s silly– they’re going to be cleaning up garbage all day, so why does she need to look good? But Kara can’t help it.
Lena is clean and elegant and weirdly perfect. And for whatever reason, she seems to know so much more than Kara does. There’s a gap between them and even though they’re strangers, even though they don’t have to be friends (Kara isn’t even sure if she wants to be friends) Kara hates it. She hates how isolating it feels. 
So she does her hair in two braids, and puts on her favorite jeans with the black long-sleeved v-neck that reminds her of Rory Gilmore. It isn’t much but it feels good– feels like she’ll surpass whatever expectation Lena has of her. 
When Kara finds the entrance, Lena is already there waiting for her. She’s standing under the big iron archway, carrying her backpack and the trash grabbers she’s borrowed from the school. 
Kara smiles and waves over at her. 
Lena gives a slight smile in return and nods in acknowledgment. 
“You look nice,” she says. She hands a trash pick to Kara who mentally pumps her fist and kicks a leg with excitement. 
“Thank you.” Kara smiles. “So do you.” 
Everything after that feels easy.
They pick up trash in relative silence. Lena stays in the grassy section while Kara cleans the pathway. It’s quiet and simple until it isn’t. 
“Lena Luthor?”
Lena lifts her head and Kara drops the trash bag she’s been holding. Standing a few feet away are two girls around their age. One wears a Spence School Phys ED t-shirt. Lena must know them, Kara figures. 
“How nice of you to help your brother with his community service,” says the one not wearing the Spence shirt. She has a high ponytail and blue Converse sneakers. She reminds Kara of the girls in Bring it On.
“But I don’t think it’s gonna make a real difference, didn’t he get like… what, twenty-five years?” she adds. Her friend– Spence shirt, laughs. 
A crinkle forms between Kara’s eyes and she waits for Lena to react. She’s seen fights like this go down at her own school– groups of bullies ganging up on lower-classmen in the girl’s bathroom or staircase. They always seem to have the upper hand until they push too far. 
But Lena doesn’t do anything. Her face doesn’t change. She just looks straight past them, the same way she does when she speaks to Kara, and says nothing. 
“Hey, be careful with her,” Spence shirt jokes. “She might snap like he did.”
Lena looks down. Her face is red. She grips her trash pick so tight her palms grow sweaty and knuckles turn white, but still, she’s silent. 
So Kara says something. 
She can’t help it– she knows she shouldn’t. But the words slip out, and before she knows it, she’s asking-
“What are you talking about?”
Converse sneakers looks at her like she’s crazy. 
“Lex Luthor,” she says, as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world. “Ya know– that psycho who’s obsessed with Superman and killed all those people?” 
Kara nods.
“That’s her brother.” 
Kara swallows. 
It feels like being punched in the gut– knocks the wind right out of her. 
And suddenly, she’s back in the living room, watching the TV with the volume off at three in the morning because she couldn’t miss the live reports on her cousin’s condition. Because she needed to know if he was dead or alive. Because she couldn��t cope with losing one more person, and if he died, that meant she had to go to. 
She’s in her closet the night after the attack after hearing a crash in the backyard. It’s raining out. Pouring, thunderous flurries. Eliza said the noise was just branches hitting the window in the storm. But Kara couldn’t believe her. She couldn’t get his face out of her head, trailing the worry that now, he was after her too. 
By the time she finds herself back in reality, the girls are gone and Lena is still looking at her shoes. 
“You can go home,” she says through a forced, wavering smile. “I’ll finish cleaning and write the report. You’ll still get the extra credit.”
This time, it’s Kara’s turn to go quiet. 
This stranger, this girl who she found so pretty and alluring, who she dressed up for, who she emailed with for weeks, is the sister of the very person who wants all of her kind dead. Maybe they don’t have a friendship, but to be acquaintances is still too much. To know her at all is to feel every ounce of hurt and damage her family has inflicted. 
Kara isn’t aware of how tight her jaw has been clenched until she starts to taste blood spouting from the sides of her cheeks. 
She isn't going to put up with this. She isn't going to be around her.
So she does as Lena says-- drops her trash bag, and walks away.
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exielimon · 3 months
Alright! guess who came back from death? that's right! no one cares!
Anyways I thank so much to @dragkbluire for helping me get out of my mental bloq and basically letting me rant about this from 1 to 6 am. You're gold.
So, I apologize if there are any mistakes that I missed, I'm not really a writer, enjoy
A Door to Remember You
(4782 words ahead)
The other side of the portal was just like every other they had experienced. Four stepping aside and doubling over to focus in not spill his breakfast, Hyrule stumbling over the grass, more than one of them tripping and falling on top of each other as they regain their footing, someone eventually asking if somebody recognized something.
Wild did. But also not.
“What do you mean?” Wind asked, turning his head around without letting go of the smithy’s hair from where he was holding it for them as they failed their inicial task after the portal.
“We’re back in my era, but everything is… different. Feels pacific… too pacific.” Wild slowly puts his toughts into words.
“There’re no rests of malice in the air…” Legend states fron under Hyrule’s arm, the latter leaning heavily against Legend as he cleared the muddle of magic out of his head.
“But the smell of the guardians is strong” Twilight adds, focusing his ears on the distance, if all that violent twitching was anything to go by.
“Well, we’re in… Retsam forest… but… it´s so light, doesn’t even look like a forest.” Wild looks around.
“I mean, not that your woods were that bigger anyway,” Time points out, a rare snarky tone in his voice, as if he thought his forests were better “where was that forest again?”
“Right behind Hateno Hill” Wild responds without taking his eyes away from the lake that can be seen from their spot just before the cliff, the forest is so light the lake can be seen from the cliff! That means he’s in his past, right?? But these trees don’t take millenia to grow to how he knows them, so that means he’s already in his era, but Twilight said there are guardians so that means right before the calamity.
Oh spirits.
They are right before the calamity.
“Yes?” Wild responded around his thumbnail, which he was chewing.
“Are you alright?”
“What?” and that’s when Wild realized he was trembling. He startled out of his thoughts and ran a hand through his hair, letting out a heavy sigh. He steadied himself. “Alright! I know when we are”
At his silence, Warriors asked cautiosly “and that is…?” letting Wild fill the rest with his answer.
“Hateno village… previous to the calamity”
“Oh… oh”
Warriors’ reaction sumarized everyone’s.
“There are certainly more people in here” Legend looks around himself at the village “Hey, you alright?”
Wild, walking right beside him at the front of the group with his hood so low down his face it seemed like he wanted to disappear under it, just signs quickly “it’s my hometown, don’t know what to expect”
“Oh… alright then” from there, Veteran walks a little closer to him.
“This… must be the central market” Wild states once they arribe to an area of the village where… is not that different from the future. There are more stalls and people, yes, but not that much more buildings.
“Doesn’t look so different, does it?” Wars having seen the village only few times before asks to no one in particular. “Should we go see the Lab up the hill? maybe your friend Purah is there and can inform us what we need”
Wild turns around to face warriors and sign in small motions “Not really, she is too curious and if she finds out who we are, I don’t think she’ll be exited to know what happened, which she definitely will try to make us tell her”
“besides, she’s probably at the laboratory near the castle” he adds as an afterthought.
“Excuse me”
Wild freezes and lets the others handle the person away, it sounds like a little girl, must be just curious.
“Are you knights?”
“Yes, some of us are, whatever is the matter, little one?” Wild hears Warriors respond after stepping around him.
“Do you know the knight Link?” Wild stiffens.
“W-well Link’s a usual name among the knights, we know a few” Twilight adds to the conversation from his spot beside Wild, the opposite to Legend.
“Mell… you know… the guy who’s too young to be a knight, in the fifteenth division? son of captain Kore of division twenty” and since Wild doesn’t know that, he doesn’t know how to feel about it, maybe it was him or maybe he even knew the guy, he’ll never find out…
or so he thought
“The hylian champion.” She concludes and she is, in fact, talking about him. The others fall silent thinking of what to say.
Why was a kid asking for him? did she know him? was she just a curious fan? (did he have fans? or did most of people just see him as a tool like the crown did-)
He slightly turns his head to catch a glimpse of the child. Which is a mistake because the moment he moves, the child looks up and they lock eyes for an instant.
An instant is enough for her.
“Link!” she gasps and runs for his hand to start dragging him in some direction. “Oh how I’ve missed you! Mom’s missed you too, what took you so long in coming to visit?-“ She rants as she gently pulls him away from the others.
Twilight tries to follow because a child mistook Wild for the era’s Link and is dragging him away, Wild is not in the condition, but Time grabs him by the shoulder to stop him.
Twi looks back only to get the explanation of “don’t make a scene”
“I’ll be quiet” Wind states before sprinting the way Wild and the kid have already disappeared.
Sky and Legend go behind him, both sending looks of ‘I’ll take care of them’ to Time.
“Should we wait for them?” Hyrule asks, uncertain.
“We should restock while they get back”
“W-wait, kid I’m not-“ Wild tries not to speak too loud, there’s too much people, but that only takes him to not be heard by the little girl over the rushing wind while she is laughing and chatting away at him.
Once the area is quieter— wait, is she taking him to his own house?— he manages to tell her “Wait, kid ’m sor-“
And when he cuts himself off is because she turns to him, and that lovely face, grey silver eyes and pale golden bangs framing her face feel like he’s seen them his whole life… he might as well have.
Wind catches up just in time to see Wild fall completely still “oh no- a memory?” just who is this kid? Wind approaches and begins to apologize “I’m sorry kid, you got the wrong person, he’s-“
“That’s not true!, I recognize my brother anywhere, what do you know?” Aryll cuts him off. “Right, Link?…” The little girl waits for his response, but he won’t even lock eyes with her “Link? why isn’t he moving?”
“Ah, pumpkins… sorry kid, he’s amnesiac, he’s having an episode.” Sky tries to search his eyes, but they are unfocused.
The girl frowns confusedly
The front door swings open to reveal a woman that looks so relieved for something Sky doesn’t know. He explains.
“I’m sorry, madam, your child is confused and brought my brother here thinking he was someone else, he’s amnesiac and now he’s having an episode, we’ll get out of your yard as soon as we can, he’s just… frozen”
The woman visibly deflates, which Legend, Sky and Wind are not very pleased to see. Some feeling could be seen in the eyes of the woman as they search in the hero something she thought she did find but is so crushed for being told it was not so. She evidently had to gulp her feelings.
“Please, come in while your brother recovers, the house is a little empty without my husband and son in here”
He reaches out, caressing her loose braid and kissing her good night.
“When you go to the castle and meet much cool people remember, I’m the coolest of them all so you better don’t forget me, promise?” Aryll, his sister, a little ball of sunshine among all this dark burden he’s felt since picking up a sword for being curious in a forest, hugs him tight by the waist.
His mother, a pillar, protector and gentlest person he’s ever met in his life, walks over from where she was leaning in the railing of the loft and joins the hug. “Your father will come get you in the morning, you have to be prepared before sunrise, you should sleep now.” she whispers in his hair.
“Promise?” Repeats Aryll, demanding attention back to her.
“I promise,” He pulls away to face his little gremlin of a sister “I will remember you whenever, both of you” in that last bit he looks at his mother too.
He kisses again the little girl’s forehead before standing up to get to his own bed but Aryll grabs him by the wrist.
“Stay here a bit longer please.”
He sits down again, his mother kisses them both good night and retires to her bed.
“Would you sing for me?” she asks quietly.
And he didn’t register when he fell asleep with his cheek pressed to his sister’s head, but he remembers too vividly the damp in his shirt where her face pressed to his chest when she hugged him.
Hood at some point taken from his face, sitting on a chair? why was he sitting? and light the right shade for the inside of a roof. Wild blinks back to reality “Wher-“
“Your brother brought you inside since you were having an episode in my front yard, please stay as long as you need to recover” A woman sitting across a table he now registered he is sitting at tells him with a sorrowful voice and gentle smile.
“Twi’s the only one that knows how to handle you while on your… memories, so we called him over,” Sky explains from somewhere out of his line of sight, “Rulie had to make sure you were unharmed and the others are restocking supplies and getting a room at the inn.”
He only hums in acknowledgment because when he looks at her face, he can’t stop the tears from forming in his eyes even though he can feel Twilight’s reassuring hand on his shoulder.
“Mom…?” his voice breaks.
He feels Twilight slightly flinch against his shoulder, and can hear the confused noises the rest of his brothers make at his blurting.
“I’m sorry? I thought you had another brothers…?”
Wild falls silent a moment, thinking over his words could he tell her about his newest quest? maybe not… but this is his mother, he has to tell her…  maybe a half-truth? “I-I come from the future…”
“Wild what are you-”
“I-I became a hero… and- as you already know, as the chosen one I’ve been resolving problems around the land…” he can heel the confusion emanating from his brethren behind him, still he keeps on “I ended up helping these men and boys save their homes as well, but our foe is… quite capable, dragging us through time” he stops to clear his throat and wet his lips. “We’ve been together for enough time that we are now comfortable with each other, that’s why we call ourselves brothers.”
“Ah… so it is you, my son”
“I told you! I recognize my brother anywhere” The little girl, Aryll— oh gods she’s so young and he doesn’t know how much more she lived— directs at the sailor, who just frowns at Wild’s direction. Then she returns to Wild “Through time, you travel? wow! how do you do that!!”
“Wait, your memory! and those scars! tell me, what happened? Is your father alright? what about the champions? will the princess be fine? what was of the calamity?” His mother gasps worriedly.
“oh uh…” Wild pauses to chuckle nervously, definitely not to think of a quick excuse “Uhm… the scars are nothing to worry about now, the battle was…” he clears his throat “…rough… but I’m recovered from that now, don’t worry.”
A quick glance to Twilight for support just leaves him more alone, for Twilight decides to abandon him then and there “I believe this is something you must discuss in private,” Twi shoots a glare at the rest of the heroes scattered throughout the house as he walks toward the door “we’re gonn’ leave you to that, I’ll stay out here if ya need anythin’” and with that, the others followed him out the house.
Wild glares at each one of them as they walk through the door.
Wild clears his throat again, “alright so…” and, with all the pain in his heart, “father’s… uh…” he starts lying to his mother “he’s fine, he’s still on duty. He just has a few new scars.”
He was planning on saying his father was resting, and it would be better because it wasn’t lying, but also not, because putting those words into his mouth would cut like daggers, the real meaning broke him from within and, with how fragile he was right now, he feared his breakdown would break the woman and girl at the other side of the table. So he puts on a smile and keeps on.
“The champions… I’m not sure what they are doing, they returned to their own lives I think, they’re ambassadors of their respective races and sometimes are invited over to the castle for celebrations.” At this point, Wild is just telling how he would have wanted everything to end up.
“The princess is fine, she’s recovering from the great effort she had to make to seal the calamity away. I’m still her knight and… she’s healing” he bears a faint smile because thank the spirits at least this one is not exactly a lie.
“And the calamity…” And now the worst question… wich he can’t possibly find a way to smooth down the story, not with all the destruction, devastation and death.
 A true calamity indeed.
“I don’t remember.”
“Uh… at some point during the battle, I think I took a nasty hit to the head, when the battle ended I passed out… uh, as I was told. And thanks to that I… don’t remember much…” through the silence, he thinks of the precious (only) memory he has of these two women “B-but I did say I’d remember you whenever, didn’t I?” for this sentence, the tears are back to his eyes.
“M-mom it… it’s been a while.” He wipes his tears, trying and failing to stay composed as a sob escapes his throat
His mother answers by standing up and rounding the table. She opens her arms in front of him, a gesture that he doesn’t remember it’s been made a million times before, he stands up and melts into her embrace. Soon after, Aryll walks up and joins the hug too.
Wild holds them and breaks.
Because he shouldn’t be doing this, he shouldn’t be interacting with people from his past, he shouldn’t remember this.
Yet, here he is, holding two people long forgotten to the calamity he failed to keep at bay as if he was about to let them die again.
He most certainly was.
He couldn’t register how much time he was there, letting his mother rock them softly, but at some point after his breath evens, Aryll— bless her, little ball of sunshine though the gloom— comes to save the day “So, who are your new brothers? I’m still the coolest one, right?” She mumbled looking up at his eyes.
“Of course you are” he chuckled as he pulled away. “Gimme a sec, I‘ll call ‘em inside” he wiped his face and walked up to the door.
They were all sitting beside the young tree besides the house, surrounding the unlit cooking pot, they all perked up when Wild approached and offered “Do you guys wanna meet my sister?” Which they of course all agreed.
When they got in the house once again, Wild’s mother went to make some tea.
“So…” Wild began to his sister, introducing them from left to right “The dreamy guy there” Sky perks up from where he was dissociated  “is Sky.” ‘dreamy guy’ chuckles and waves.
“Pfft- he lives up to his name, his mind’s always in the clouds” Legend teases, just beside Sky.
“That salty one is Legend” Wild points to said hero, smirking as his sister giggles.
“Hey!” >:(
“Sparkly eyes is Hyrule” He continues, pointing to indicate. Ruile blushes under the subtle compliment and waves.
“The little sun in there” He points at the youngest hero “is Wind.” the sailor waves a hand with a friendly smile.
“Mr. wolf-pelt” Legend instantly snickersat wild’s description and Twi glares at ‘the salty one’ “Is Twilight”
“But those are not names?” Aryll asks, clearly confused.
“That’s because hey are nicknames, little sunshine.” Twi (his big brother instinct, really) explains for her “Seems like our names are so common we got the luck we’re all named the same. So we call ourselves things we like.” He smiles.
“And what is your name, really?” Aryll gasps with all the curiosity of a child.
“They share a name with you, brother! that’s so cool!” She gasps amazed at a simple thing. “I wish I met someone else with my name, It would be awesome to name ourselves something we choose.”
“And what is your name, little lady?” Wind (his also big brother instinct) steps closer to put on theatrics.
“I’m Aryll!”
“Oh?” Wind looks surprised.
“Something up, Wind?”
“My sister’s name is also Aryll” He explains with a confused smile. How curious.
“Wait. That means you also have a nickname, brother, what is it?” She turns to her big brother again.
“I’m named Wild.” He answers, smiling.
“Why would you choose Wild??” Ah, Aryll is under the impression that they chose it from something they like… well, he certainly likes the wilderness.
“What do you mean? haven’t you seen wild nature??” Wild argues playfully. “The trees and animals everywhere, the scent and the view, it’s all pure life!” He praises his namesake. “You should tell mom to take you out someday, just so you can see it all. Believe me, it’s gorgeous.”
“Ohh, I’ve never been outside the village, is it much prettier outside??” Aryll asks, curious.
“Well, it’s not that it’s prettier, it’s just different, this place has its own beauty.” Wild explains, because he doesn’t want his sister to live the rest of his life yearning to be outside.
“Mom, can we someday go outside the village to see the trees?” She asks to her mother, at the other side of the room, in the kitchen area.
The woman chuckles “Yes, darling, one of these days we can go outside.”
Aryll giggles.
“Well, I’ll be going down to the others,” Hyrule stands up from where he was sitting on the first step of the stairs. “I came here to make sure everything was ok with you, Wild. I see you perfectly fine so I should go back.”
“I’ll go with you.” Legend, ever protective of his descendant, offers.
“I should go too, someone has to explain to the others why we’re taking so long,” Sky steps closer to the downfall duo before looking over his shoulder “And I presume Wild’s gonna take more still?” He addresses the hero in question.
Wild only nods with gratitude in his eyes. The others turn and step out the door, closing it behind themselves with a soft click.
Aryll starts to tell him about things he’s missed, while giving away facts about the village for Wind and Twilight to get into context. She speaks with gestures, expressions and emotions, which the three big brothers of the chain find simply precious.
She speaks of the way she would like to be out there, wielding a sword and being cool with her brother— and ohh! does this mean there are two of Lin- Wild in two places at the same time?— than being in the village looking at the same things and doing the same things every day.
Tea is ready at some point. “You boys like jasmine tea?”
“Which one was that?” Whispers Wind “The sweet one” answers Wild in the same volume.
“Yes, thank you ma’am” “Thanks mom” “Thanks ma’am” Is heard when the woman approaches with a plate with four cups of tea and some sugar and lets the heroes take one each before sitting down to have her own, one spoon of sugar added.
Aryll isn’t a fan of tea, she doesn’t hate it, but today she won’t take any.
And now, Wild’s mother is telling them how the people have been, the things that have changed and the people that have been through difficult times.
“Mister Sori hasn’t even left his house after he went- oh, it’s getting late” The woman glances out the window, up in the loft of the house, which lets the orange and golden rays of the last hours of sun come in. “You know what that means, young girl”
“Oh c’mon but brother’s here, this is a special occasion sure I can stay up a little late?” Aryll protests at her apparent bedtime.
“Why so early?” Asks Twilight to the woman.
“Oh, unfortunately, every night is more dangerous than the last, lately.” The mother explains “There’s a group of monsters just in Ovli plain, right in the outer edge of the cluster of trees outside the village. You should’ve  been able to see it when in the path to here”
“That’s… worryingly close.” Wild frowns.
“Yeah, but you’re the coolest swordsman everyone has seen,” Aryll praises “you can surely take care of ‘em in the blink of an eye! right?”
“Oh, girly, you should see Sky in battle” Twilight’s sighs with a grimace, no one can beat Sky in swordsmanship.
“Alright, little lady, you heard mom, it’s bed time.” Wild stands up and picks Aryll up when she makes a grabby gesture towards him.
“Fine, but can I sleep in your bed tonight?? it’s just bigger and softer.” Aryll pleads with big puppy eyes.
“You know what, fine. Uhm…” He looks around and hesitates, there are three beds in the house, two upstairs, and the other in a small but cozy corner under the loft, behind the stairs.
He doesn’t remember which one is his.
“You said you lost your memory, right?” Aryll asks when the house falls silent at his hesitance.
“yeah… sorry”
“Your bed’s the one here behind the stairs”
“Oh, uhm… thanks.”
It’s weird having someone remind you where your bed is.
When he walks up to the bed, he notices Wind going with him, it’s okay, he feels safe, but the extra protectiveness is welcome. Twilight starts helping Wild’s mom clean up.
He maneuvers his sister to plop her on the bed and tuck her nice and warm. She, giggling all the way.
When it looks like the little bundle of joy is breathing slowly Wind speaks quietly.
“I miss her.” He murmurs, looking down toward Wild’s sister, looking for his own.
“I know… guess I’ll miss her too.” Wild replies before pulling his brother into a side hug as they watch the little girl shuffle to a more comfortable position.
Then she opens her eyes and both heroes stiffen. “Would you sing for me?” she asks, not really aware they were talking two seconds ago.
Wild’s heart shatters. 
He doesn’t remember the song.
His eyes tear up again against his will and he crumples on the edge of the bed to hold his long since lost sister close.
“What’s wrong?” she asks, automatically returning the hug even in their uncomfortable position.
“I-I’m gonna miss you.” He sobs.
“But why? you can always come visit. Even in the future.” Aryll comforts.
Oh, sunshine, if only you knew. Wild takes one moment to bury his face into the blanket before standing up and wiping his face. “You know what?” a sniffle “You’re right.”
“Now sleep, young lady, it’s bedtime.”
“You haven’t sung the song”
“Uhm…” Wild thinks of how to not break his sister’s heart and not sing the song he can’t remember. “How about one different this time huh? I’ve learned a bunch of cool songs lately.”
Aryll gasps “Really??” She gets comfortable and waits for Wild to start up, stars in her eyes.
He chuckles, wipes his still-trying-to-escape tears, and begins singing a song the hero of time once sung to him after a nightmare in the middle of third watch.
The song of healing, Old Man had said when Wild asked what was its name because he liked it.
Aryll was sound asleep by the time he’d finished the song.
“Mom, where did you say the monsters were?”
“You can’t mean what I think you mean to do”
“Mom, you heard Aryll, I’m the hylian champion” He looks at her in the eye, hood going back up. “I’ll take care of ‘em in the blink of an eye.” He smirks.
“Wild, I know this is more about your village and your family than about being a hero, but please, wait until we make a plan!” Warriors whisper-shouted.
“You guys are taking too long its not even that big of a group.” He responded.
They are spying on the group of monsters— all are residents of this era, all Wild’s, they were due to the calamity, not the shadow— from the edge of the area Zelda wanted to turn into a school, back in his era (or forward?), currently, there is something he can’t distinguish planted and growing, that’s sad because they are nowhere near being ripe and ready to cultivate.
The calamity is nearing, Wild’s mind offers distantly. Will he have to stay so watch it all go down? well he doesn’t want to see that but he certainly doesn’t want to leave.
Back to reality everyone’s ready to jump and attack.
“Wild did you get that?”
“Huh, what?”
Warriors groans, “You and Wind stay here as long as you can and snipe the weakest, they’re little and have no limit of space so they are going to scatter eventually, that’s when you go down and help us with close-combat.”
“Alright, got it”
They all spring into action, they jump off the 15 feet drop and start slashing the weakened by the champion and the sailor.
“Aryll, wake up.” The mother shakes the child awake.
“What do you need?” Aryll yawns, rubbing the sleep off her face.
“Your brother’s out there fighting the monsters” The mother grins, because she was where the kids’ mischief came from. “Wanna go and see?”
Aryll is suddenly very awake.
Mother and daughter watch the battle from a safe distance, not really hidden, but it’s dark enough for the night to be their hiding spot.
They watch the clad in blue that moves fast and sometimes inhumanely faster, it’s like he becomes lightning for a few seconds and goes back to fight as normal.
They watch him perform something they can only describe as a wild dance, his partner is his sword and shield. Dodge, slash at light speed, block, parry, slash again. The pattern repeats and it’s just as beautiful as he’s ever been. Knighthood seeping through his calculated steps and swings.
The pair can’t help but be proud of  the boy who, they now see clearly, is a hero and will save them from the incoming calamity.
If only they knew.
Before they know it, the battle is over, not even 20 minutes after.
“Everyone ok?” Time asks automatically.
“Legend took a slash to the shoulder ‘s not deep, he’s fine, other than that nothing but bruises.”
“Legend, how d’you feel?”
“‘M fine s’not even bleeding that much”
“Alright, then, let’s go ba-“
Times words die in his throat as a portal opens in the middle of the battle area, looks like they were not supposed to meet with the shadow in this era.
Everyone sighs and gets ready to cross.
“Wait no-“
“What do you mean no, Wild?”
“No, I have to-“ He turns back toward the village, he has to at least say goodbye to-
His mother and sister are there, watching from the village, startled expressions on their faces as they process what is about to happen.
They know is time for him to go.
His mother smiles reassuringly at him and waves while his sister resigns herself to watch him go with a little frown.
“No! I don’t want to go! please no- MOM, ARYLL-“ he’s cut off when the portal behind him closes and reopens right under his feet.
Thanks for reading!
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rorywritesjunk · 8 months
Be gentle with yourself as you uncover Your best kept secrets yet to be discovered
Buggy meets an infamous pirate who dabbles in magic that everyone seems to be after, but they only have eyes for Buggy. Why is he so special? Rating: PGish. Warning: None. Buggy is unhappy and doesn't want strangers touching him without asking first. A/N: My "Howl's Moving Castle" fic based off the movie because I never read the book. It will have different moments than the movie just to omit some things. This story uses "You" but I couldn't not give the character a name and for some reason "Shore" is what I thought of. And Shore is referred to as they/them, nonbinary, and breaks hearts wherever they go. Buggy is Sophie in this fic, is 22, and not always in a good mood.
Title comes from "Better In The Morning" by Birdtalker.
TAGLIST: @fanaticsnail
Chapter 1 + Chapter 2 + Chapter 3 + Chapter 4
Chapter I
The final performance of the evening finished. The final bows given as the lights faded and the music played the performers out. Buggy stood to the side and out of the spotlights, arms crossed with a scowl as he watched his companions soak up the attention: the attention he deserved for all that he did for them but he was never thanked. Sewing costumes, fixing props, the makeup, cleaning up before, during, and after each performance. And every night Buggy was there, ready to do what was needed to ensure the circus lived on. 
It was frustrating. He had been a promising performer, up and coming, his former ring master said so, but when he died and another took over, Buggy’s chances were destroyed. He had to stay at the bottom of the pile, taking care of everyone and everything. It was hard, he watched as a child how the circus was built up, but now it lacked the flash, the passion, the creativity he once knew, and no one would listen to him. Years of being pushed aside took its toll on Buggy. He stopped offering suggestions, only staying around to try and maintain the image of the circus he once knew.
He spent hours cleaning, ignoring the chattering voices of the performers. Their latest bit of gossip was of a notorious pirate, one who stole the hearts of beautiful men and women at every town they went to. He heard a jab made at his expense, Buggy’s lucky, he has nothing to worry about! followed by laughter. They always said things like that, figuring he didn’t hear them. Their voices often carried through the tent.
Assholes, all of them.
He was done hours later and the last one to leave. His home was the tent, wherever it went, but some nights he needed to get away. A walk around the town would be nice. The circus was never around in a town for too long, a few weeks at most, before packing up and leaving to the next one. He could always stay behind, Buggy knew that; he was young enough to start a new career. At just 22 he had his whole life ahead of him, but his heart was in the tent. He couldn’t leave it, not ever.
He grabbed his jacket and pulled it on before heading off the grounds and into the night. The town had seemed quiet so far, a nice change from some of the rowdier places they had been. 
It was nice to take some time to think without the noise of the crowds, of the performers, just to be by himself without anyone else around. 
Except he walked past a Marine after ducking down an alleyway, one who was much bigger than Buggy, who stopped in front of him and blocked his path with a drunken grin. He leaned forward, using the corner of the building for balance as he looked Buggy up and down. Buggy could smell the alcohol on his breath and grimaced.
“Is the circus in town?” The Marine laughed. “Can you do any tricks, jester?”
Buggy hesitated for a moment. If he fought back, he’d be thrown in jail and no one would bail him out, so it wasn’t worth it. Instead, he stepped around him, choosing to ignore him, but there was another one waiting.
“Wow, you found a funny lookin’ clown!” The other Marine chuckled as he reached up to touch Buggy’s hair. “This a wig?”
“You forgot to take your nose off!” The first Marine added with a laugh. Buggy took a step back, the urge to fight growing though the little voice inside him said don’t, not worth it, but it was so hard to not give in. He wanted so badly to fight back but what would be the use? The two started to crowd him, taking up his space, and before Buggy could scream at them to back off, a hand was on his shoulder. It wasn’t one of the Marines, the touch was too warm, too gentle, and when he turned to see the visitor, his voice was caught in his throat.
The first thing he noticed was your hair, white as snow, cropped above your shoulders with barrettes keeping your hair out of your face. Hazel eyes shining bright in the darkness and for a moment Buggy thought maybe he saw the stars reflected in them. You were shorter than Buggy by a few inches, he had to look down at you to see your face.  You tugged him close to you, keeping your hand on his shoulder as you smiled at the two drunks. “Sorry I’m late! We need to get going if we want to make our dinner reservation.”
The two Marines tried to step in to stop but with a flick of your wrist they both went still before turning and marching in the direction Buggy came from. He stared in shock as they marched, invisible strings controlling their actions. You gave his shoulder a squeeze, catching his attention. He turned to look at you, meeting your eyes for just a moment before he looked away.
“Let me drop you off at home. I want to make sure you’re safe.” You said with a smile. “Can I hold your hand?”
“Can you- what? Why?!” He demanded, unconsciously reaching for your hand. You grasped it in yours, the warmth was still there and he was glad it was dark so you didn't see his red cheeks. You pulled him closer, glancing behind him before grinning.
“I'm being followed. This will be faster.” You said as you took his other hand in yours. “I hope you're not afraid of heights.”
“Afraid of heights?” He repeated, confused.
Before Buggy could register what you said, you held both of his hands and jumped up, bringing him along. There was a noise below, a crash of shadows and men with swords and axes, all matter of weapons, attacking where you both just were. He was in the air. Not quite flying, but you started moving your legs, strolling along as though normal. His legs wouldn't move, he had them tucked up against his body, suddenly terrified that if he even thought of relaxing he'd fall to the darkness below.
“I got you, don't worry.” You assured him kindly, giving his hand a squeeze. “Relax and walk. You're safe with me.”
“I'm not scared!” Buggy snapped at you as he forced his legs to start moving, stretching them out below and trying to make them walk. You chuckled, leading him in the direction of the red and white striped circus tent.
“I didn't say you were.” 
He glared at you, huffing in annoyance as the two of you gradually drifted downwards to the ground. The lights around the tent were still off, no one else was awake. He wasn't gone that long, but between walking, the Marines, and then you helping him made him drop to his knees in exhaustion once you touched the ground. He felt like he ran a marathon with how wobbly he felt. Was it just adrenaline? He wasn't scared. Buggy didn't get scared. But maybe just keeping up with you in the air, trying to make sure neither of you fell to the ground, tired him out faster than he expected.
Your hand was on his shoulder once again, giving a gentle squeeze. He looked up at you, scowling once more. Why were you sticking around? Were you expecting payment? He didn't ask for help, he would have been fine without you. 
“Go get some rest.” You said as you pulled your hand away, the warmth gone from Buggy's shoulder now, already something he was missing. He wanted to at least ask your name, just so he knew if you were coming later to demand any kind of payment or favors later then he could be sure he was ‘off site'. 
Buggy finally got to his feet and you were gone, walking off into the night, someone he wouldn't see again. The kindness you showed him in that moment stuck with him as he headed into the tent. All you did was help him, ask to touch him, which was more than anyone else in his life had done. The only other person to treat him like that was the former ringmaster, dead now six years and Buggy hadn't had someone smile kindly to him since then. Until you, that is.
The tent was quiet, the lights off, save for one lantern lit in the middle of the ring. He knew he blew them all out before leaving, but maybe one didn't stay out. Shaking his head, he approached the middle and picked the lantern up, opening the little glass door as he readied to blow it out.
“So, who's your friend?” A voice asked, low with a hint of amusement. Buggy jumped, nearly dropping the lantern as his head turned to see who spoke. At the entrance of the ring was a woman, around his age maybe, who was leaning on a mace with a grin on her face. 
“Circus is closed.” Buggy told her, straightening up and trying to sound authoritative despite his voice wavering. “First show tomorrow starts at four. You can come back then.”
She laughed as she lifted her weapon up, resting it against her shoulder as she approached Buggy. When she got close enough, her hand extended out towards his face, he took a step back. He didn't know who this was, why she was in the tent, but he didn't like it one bit. 
“The circus is-is closed, you need to leave.” He insisted. She just smiled at him and took another step forward, palm open and against his cheek suddenly. Buggy thought he was dunked in ice water, the feeling of her hand against his face was nothing like the hand on his shoulder minutes ago. There was no warmth, no gentle touch, and he felt himself start to panic. 
“You're telling me to leave?” She asked with a smile. “Sweetie, don't you know who I am?”
“No, and I don't care!” Buggy snapped as he jerked away from her. “You need to take your weapon and leave now!”
It wasn't working. She just shook her head and patted him on the cheek. “That's no way to speak to Alvida, the Witch of the Waste, sweetie.”
Witch of the What?
“Lady, I don't know who you are, so take your weapon and get out! You're not welcome!” Buggy told her. “Get the hell out, you nobody!”
“Nobody?” The faux friendliness vanished, she was no longer smiling. She let the handle of the mace slide through her hand, the heavy head of the weapon striking the ground with a thud, causing Buggy to jump. Her free hand went into the pocket of her jacket. “Oh, sweetie, that wasn’t very nice.” 
Before Buggy could respond, she pulled her hand out of her pocket, fist clenched tightly until she held it up to her mouth, relaxing her hand before blowing. Sparkly pink dust hit Buggy in the face and he coughed, waving his hand in front of his face as he tried to waft it away. What just happened? He managed to open his eyes, squinting through the sparkles, as Alvida smirked at him.
“Good luck telling anyone what happened to you, sweetie.” She said as she lifted her weapon back up. “No one will know.” Resting it against her shoulder, she turned to head out of the ring. “Oh, and tell that pirate Shore that I’m looking for them.”
“Sho-Shore?” Buggy coughed. “Who the hell is that?”
“You know who it is.”
She left with that, leaving Buggy alone. Shaking his head, he collected the lantern and headed to his room. Whatever was in those sparkles made him feel tired, his body ached a little and he couldn’t help but hunch a bit. Maybe it was that… other person, maybe they did something too. Coughing, Buggy rubbed his arm before heading to his room. Maybe a good night’s sleep will help him forget what happened tonight.
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qwimblenorrisstan · 2 months
Pillow Fight | Aedion x Reader
Summary: After all of Terassen is sick of the constant bickering between you and Aedion, Aelin sends you both out together on a quest to slay a beast, and not to return until you have its head. On the way, you are forced into a small inn room with him, only to find that it has…too many beds.
Word Count: ~ 1.6k
Warnings: None! Other than a poor, poor salamander
A/N: This was entirely inspired by reverse trope prompts by @out-of-jams (tyyy), but I got a lil carried away, hope you enjoy<3
Requests are open!
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You two had been traveling nonstop, first through the ice-cold territory of the White Fang Mountains, then back to Annielle, then to Ellywe, all because Aelin had sent the two of you on some wild goose chase for a creature you were pretty sure by now that didn’t even exist.
Mainly because everyone in Terassen’s castle had grown tired of the hateful looks you and Aedion constantly threw at each other, or the shenanigans you pulled off just to piss him off, or the other way around. The both of you were the closest of rivals if not enemies, and maybe more.
Aelin had given you a look that clearly said, “Get your shit together before you come back.” And then promptly kicked you both out.
There had been a ward placed that stated neither of you could enter Terassen for more than a day until you returned with the head of the creature.
And so you two had ventured out, still glaring at each other, spitting hateful words and accusations.
And as you arrived inside the poor, shabby-looking inn you’d found in Innish and paid a few coins for a decent room, the little maid woman led the both of you to a room. She gave an apologetic look as she opened the door with the set of keys.
“It’s all we have,”
She said, opening the door and dropping the key in your hand before scurrying off back to the front desk where a bell now rang.
You and Aedion stepped inside, gaping at the room you now beheld in front of you.
“Holy fucking shit, that is a lot of beds.”
He swore viciously, mouth agape at what seemed like miles of beds in every shape and size before you. It shouldn’t, couldn’t, be possible. The room alone must’ve been bigger than the entire Inn at this rate, bigger than Innish itself maybe.
Miles of beds, blankets, and pillows of every manner.
You muttered, and you and his eyes met, both bewildered, but with a temporary agreement in your gazes. A temporary peace treaty between you two, until you figured out what the hell was going on.
“Do you think we can-“
He asked, voice trailing off as he tried to open the door, turn the knob, but it didn’t so much as budge. His eyes went wider, panicking as you tossed him the key, and surely enough, it didn’t work. Aedion slammed his weight against the door, harder each time, but it didn’t move at all.
He glanced at you, eyes wide as he turned his back to the door, while you watched the bedding around you.
“Help me out here,”
He hissed, and you snapped out of it, but when you turned and began walking to where the door should’ve been, instead there was a mattress. Then, every wall you’d glanced from was now mattresses, the ceiling being mattresses, both of you trapped in an infinite bed-hell.
“Okay, maybe we just…ate something poisonous on the way here, and we’re hallucinating. Maybe we can sleep it off.”
You suggested, and though Aedion gave you a doubtful look, both of you were panicking and desperate for any solution at all. You were trapped. Completely, utterly trapped.
“Let’s..uh, build a shelter.”
He suggested in a gruff tone, despite the sheepishness in his face as you scowled.
“A pillow fort?”
You asked in a disbelieving tone, and he shot you a glare, beginning to pick up mattresses and make a base, for walls to settle into. Wherever the mattresses were taken, more appeared to settle into their place. You started helping, mattresses being tossed his way, some even whacking him on the head, purposefully most of the time.
It wasn’t long until you had a decent little structure built, somewhat like a giant gingerbread house made of beds. Pillows lined the insides, as well as a giant nest of blankets the both of you had made. Neither of you dared let go of your possessions or put anything down, in fear it might disappear completely.
He cleared his throat, sitting on the other edge of the giant nest, opposite from you. You raised a brow at him, and the words he seemed to be struggling to even get out. Swallowing what was left of his pride, he lifted a pillow in one hand and kicked one over to you, sheepishly smiling before he spoke.
“Wanna have a pillow fight? I mean, you don’t have to, but me and Aelin used to..and I just-“
His rambling was stopped very quickly as you grabbed a pillow and slung it over your shoulder, hitting him full speed in the face as he made a small “oomph” and laughed. He stood, and you did as well before the both of you were slinging pillows and mattresses and whatever else you could find in this place, previous hatred long forgotten as you both giggled and laughed like children, grinning and crying tears of laughter.
Pillowcases were everywhere, feathers too, and whatever else had been stuffing the inside of some of those pillows also spread across the inside of your fort by the end of it, both of you snorting in laughter and panting for breath as you lie side by side with each other.
“If I were as good with a sword as I am a pillow, it would be over for you, Aedion Ashryver.”
You huffed, though your insecurity with swordplay managed to sneak into your voice slightly. Maybe even your scent, as Aedion noticed it. You were an absolute wonder with a bow, but swords and daggers and all that? Hopeless.
“If I were as good with a bow as you are, it’d be over for everyone.”
He said, trying to make light of it, although he was insecure of his skills with a bow. He’d seen you at work before. He knew how to handle blades and swords and whatnot, but bows? He could barely aim straight.
Your face contorted in a small frown.
“Yeah, but you’re good as hell with a sword, anyway. Why would you need to handle a bow?”
You questioned, slight confusion contorting your features. Aedion only blinked, before frowning back and mimicking your question slightly.
“Well, you’re good as hell with a bow. Why would you need to handle a sword?”
You just blinked. A bit of discomfort crossed your face before you spoke, quieter than before.
“I dunno, it just seems like something I…should know. I guess I was just jealous of you.”
You begrudgingly admitted, and something in Aedion’s chest both warmed and panged with something else. He wasn’t used to seeing this side of you, vulnerable and exposed.
“I’m the sword guy, you’re the bow guy. I was a little jealous of your…bow-er-y, I guess.”
He admitted with a shrug, and the tension and hatred between you two lightened as if almost gone. It had just been jealousy keeping you two apart. You snorted at his words.
“You mean archery?”
“Oh, whatever.”
The both of you lay in silence for a moment, hands above your heads, bodies relaxed and stretched out as you just thought and stared into the roof of your mattress-fort. Eventually, he spoke first.
“Y’know, you aren’t that bad.”
He said, and you smirked, glancing over at him. He smirked back as you replied.
“Yeah, you aren’t that bad, either.”
It was then when it happened, the faint glow in the center of your blanket nest, more like a horde of blankets with how disheveled it was at this point. The pillow in the center, placed there so you two could prop your feet up in comfort, was faintly glowing.
Aedion was on it before you could touch it, carefully poking and prodding, before shrugging, more to himself than you, as he pulled a knife out and ripped it open. Inside the pillow, was none other than a decapitated salamander’s dried-up head.
You both cringed at it, even as you shifted up and spied the little note that fell from the inside of the pillow. Carefully picking it up, you read it aloud, glancing at Aedion first, and he listened.
“I’m overjoyed to know that you’ve found the mighty beast that’s been terrorizing Erilea for months, and that you’ve enjoyed your little outing, take your time coming home - Your favorite Queen.”
A salamander.
Everything they’d gone through, Aelin had sent them hunting for a goddamn salamander, just to set this up. As soon as you handed the note to Aedion, and he folded it into his pocket as well as the lizard, the room returned to what would be a normal Innish one. The pillow fort was gone, the miles of beds gone, only two normal-sized beds, creaky floorboards, a small bathroom with a tub, and whatnot.
“Oh, I am going to smite her for this-“
“Not if I can first!”
You and Aedion both burst out the door, now working normally by whatever magic Aelin had worked to make you two be trapped here until you weren’t insufferably hateful to each other anymore and practically flew from the streets of Innish, traveling as fast as you could back to Terassen, a certain hawk sometimes stalking your journey as if checking up on you.
Each time it left as soon as it had come.
You and Aedion were not only united in friendship now but also the urge to show Aelin just how pissed you both were about the stupid mission she’d sent them on. Though you both knew it was for your own good, and that you wouldn’t actually do anything.
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foxwithapen · 2 years
"When Kamek told me I was gonna get married, I didn't think it'd be to you, twerp."
"Surprise?" Luigi waved his hands, before immediately turning away. What was he doing? Every moment he spent in this castle made him want to leave, but he had to stay strong. For Peach. For the kingdom.
Bowser huffed, turning his back to Luigi, and nearly smacking him with his tail. Luigi hoped it was on accident. "Whatever. You stay in your side of the castle, I'll stay in mine. We won't have to deal with each other until that damn wedding."
Luigi gulped, taking a few steps away from him; he didn't want to deal with Bowser normally, and especially not when he's angry. "O-okie dokie. Can do."
"Good. I'll have servants bring you food and stuff, so don't feel the need to wander out of this area. If I happen to run into you I might not be as hospitable as I am right now."
And with that, he left, slamming the large wooden door behind him, leaving Luigi alone.
Only then did Luigi's legs give out on him.
He sunk to the floor, shaking harder than he'd ever had before. Being that close to the Koopa King before always meant trouble, and even though he knew he was as safe as he could be, protected by the peace treaty, he couldn't help but break down.
He missed his brother. He hadn't realized he'd be so lonely here. Scared yeah, maybe even bored. But the room felt so vast, with more open space than he'd ever lived in before in his life.
At least it was a nice room...yeah, Luigi would give Bowser that at least. The walls were dark and imposing, and he couldn't tell whether it was too hot or too cold. But just the bedroom alone was bigger than any house he'd ever shared with Mario.
And it was all green too. He supposed that would make sense, since Bowser's quite green as well. But the color would always be a comfort to him.
He collapsed into the bed, his fear momentarily replaced by shock as he sunk into the mattress. It had to be one of the softest things he'd ever felt in his life. If he closed his eyes, it was almost like he was laying on a cloud, instead of trapped at Bowser's castle.
Luigi rolled over, his hand brushing against the luggage that he hadn't noticed had been piled against the bed. He thought he'd had brought too many things, but in this grand of a room it didn't seem like nearly enough. At least unpacking would provide him some sort of distraction.
His crisp dress shirts and pretty dresses Peach had given him didn't take up even one fourth of the closet space. In fact, it was almost a room of its own. He supposed it made sense that things were bigger here, since Bowser was so much larger than himself, and yet it didn't make sense that things were so...ornate. Now that the adrenaline was starting to wear off, he did see the beauty of the room, different from how Peach's castle was but intrancing in its own way.
And in that room, days seemed to melt away as he started project after project, from reorganizing his things, to changing around the decorations he could actually lift on his own, eventually even pulling out the fabric he'd brought. He'd been watching the tailors back in the Mushroom Kingdom, even occasionally asking for quick lessons when he was able to work up enough courage. They made the prettiest suits and dresses, and Luigi couldn't help but long for the ability to make fancy outfits of his own.
And now, he finally had the time to work on that goal. He had the closet space for it too.
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bunskiper · 2 months
The Sentence
Chapter 2: House of Grief
The walk back to my new home is interesting but very unnerving. I feel like I’m on the set of Halloween Town. Trees stood tall and looked dead, covered with just vines and crows but no leaves. Fog lingered in the air. There was no one in sight. I found myself jumping at footsteps that weren’t there. I believe animals were scurrying but I couldn’t help constantly checking over my shoulder. Every time I did I could tell Mammon was staring. But he never mentioned it or tried to calm me. If he’s not scared I have no reason to. 
 This place didn’t seem real. It looked nothing like any place in my country. It seemed like the dead of winter, but there was no snow and the air was quite warm. The moon looked even bigger outside I couldn’t help but be thankful for its presence. Even if the sight of it was unnerving it illuminated this path that would otherwise be chilling to walk even if I wasn’t alone. But I can’t help but wonder where the hell am I? These people could have built up a whole society somewhere people barely are. Maybe Antarctica? I kept my arms crossed as I trudged behind Mammon. He seemed just as awkward. Stomping with each step he took. We haven’t spoken a word since we left. He puffed out a sigh rolling his eyes then narrowing them. Not really at anything just showing his annoyance. We kept walking. He signed again, rolling his eyes once more. This time he kept glancing over to me, waiting until I looked at him, and then quickly looking away annoyed. What the hell is he doing? With one more sigh, I realized he wanted me to ask what was wrong.  
“What’s,” He interrupted me with an UGH
“I don’t believe this. Of all the rotten luck…” I nodded chewing on my lip. I had no idea what to say. 
“Why should I have to look after some human? It’s insulting, that’s what it is!” I hate how they keep calling me Human like they aren’t human themselves. I don’t think I’ll ever get used to the roleplay of this group. 
“That rotten bastard... Does he really think he can scare me into doin’ whatever he wants?” Mammon seems to be speaking aloud his inner monologue. I don’t think he cares if I’m listening or not. He stopped in his place turning to me  placing his hands on my shoulders twisting me to look his way. God, this again. 
“Listen up Human! Just so we’re clear… it’s not like I can’t say no to Lucifer, okay!? I only agreed to babysit you because, um… Well, you know, because.. Uh…” Mammon trailed off trying to find some excuse to make me believe he wasn’t scared of him. I didn’t care if he was scared of him or not I  just wanted him to take his arms off me. 
“Anyway!” he shouted out taking me aback. “It doesn’t matter!  Just don’t go thinking that I’m scared of Lucifer or anything! Because I’m not!” I wasn’t really listening to what he was saying and in all honesty, 
“I really don’t care.” I did not mean to say that aloud. 
“WHAT?!” He screamed offended. God damn it. I really have to watch my mouth. “Oh, now you’re REALLY in for it…!” He stopped removing his hands from my shoulders and placed one hand on his jaw. “Although come to think of it, I’m surprised you’ve got the guts to talk to me like that. You’re not scared?” I shook my head. No, Mammon, I’m not scared some neurotic man. 
“I mean, that's just surprising. You get that I’m a Demon? Right? Like you understand what I am?” I nodded my head. Sure of course you’re a demon. He huffs in reply. “You’re one strange human, I’ll give ya that.” He grunts turning and walking. “Whatever. Let’s move on we’re almost there.” And we continued to walk on the path.
 It wasn’t long until we arrived at the huge castle-like house. It was fucking massive. Grey brick fence lined the outside. Gravestones were just past the black spikey gate that Mammon pushed open. The house was church-like and stunning. Huge glass pane windows and bright orange lighting illuminated the path. There were people home. 
“Well stop gawking at it, let's go!” Mammon yelled from the door. 
“Sorry,” I mumbled taking my eyes off the house and over to him speeding up my pace. 
He held the door open for me pushing me a bit as I walked through. 
“This is the House of Lamentation. It’s one of the dorms here at RAD.” He raised an arm and presented the room to me. Wow. Despite the kidnapping, this place is gorgeous. They had to be rich. Large gargoyle statues sat next to the two staircases that led up to the second floor. Multiple paintings lined each wall. The wallpaper was a beautifully designed purplish-blue. I believe the stairs were made of marble. We stood on a brown rug that led down the hall between the two stairs.
He clicked his tongue. “Well, it’s not JUST one of the dorms. It’s the dorm reserved for student council members. Consider yourself lucky to be placed here.” 
“You know, Lucifer, Asmo, and the others take every chance they get to insult me. Callin’ me scum, sayin’ that I’m a money-grubber and stuff… but I’m an officer on the student council, same as them. The elite of the elite, the top of the RAD social pyramid.” He placed his hands on his hips and triumphantly raised his head. “In other words, I’m a big shot. A REAL big shot. Like, even regular big shots are impressed by what a big shot I am. So don’t you go thinking that I’m just some ordinary demon. I’m nothing like those other peons walking the halls here.” I’ve got to be honest, having someone tell me exactly how cool they are really doesn’t make me think they’re cool. Still, I put on a polite smile. Hoping he stops talking soon and shows me to my room. 
“Oh, and by the way. Diavolo is even MORE of a big shot. He’s so important that he’s got his own castle. That’s why he doesn’t live here with us.” He pauses thinking for a second. “Anyways, the long and short of it is that us seven brothers all live here together. Now, it’s time I show you to your room..” He takes his hands off of his hips and pivots his feet in the direction I assume my room is. I notice on one of the walls there’s a bulletin board. There are a couple of photos and flyers. One of them mentions a part-time position. Thats interesting. This has to be one big community. I’m assuming they’ve been around for a while. I think the big boss man is the Diavolo guy. Perhaps his dad or his grandpa started it with lots of money and it’s carrying on throughout the generations. Interesting.
“What in the Hell are you doing standing with your jaw open? Hurry up, or I’m gonna leave ya behind. If there’s something you wanna ask me, you’d best do it now.” Maybe I’ll check out the job listening to see if I could get a break from this place and make some money. God that sounds stupid. But I would like to check out the rest of the town. 
“What’s the job listing?” I said pointing to the board. He shakes his head. 
“Huh? If you’re curious then why don’t you read the flyer yourself? You can read can’t ya? Go ahead and read it later once I’m done showing you the room. But before you even think about getting a job let me tell you this one survival tip: If a demon looks like they’re gonna kill ya… run away. Either that, or die.” 
“Do I look like a demon that’s going to kill YOU Mammon!?” A boy with blue hair and yellow eyes screamed from the top of the stairs. His uniform seemed to be sloppily put together. Only one button was buttoned on his overcoat and his undershirt had the two top buttons unbuttoned despite the fact he was wearing a tie. Maybe it was a style choice. He skipped multiple stairs as he raced down presumably toward Mammon. I gotta hand it to him he’s running without a single fear of falling. Good on him. 
“Oh Fuck, Levi!” Mammon's eyes widened. “Uh… l-listen up, human! This here is Leviathan, the Avatar of Envy. He’s the third oldest of us brothers.” He was skipping and stuttering on his words anxious to leave. “Since his name’s sorta hard to say, you can just call him Levi! Okay then, come on your room let's go!!” He grabbed my arm and started to drag me. 
“Ow! What the fuck let go!” I pulled my arm back trying to loosen it from his grip. God damn this guy is strong. 
“Mammon, give me back my money. Then go crawl back to your fuck ass hole and DIE.” Levi pushed himself in front of Mammon who finally let go and put his hands up in defense. 
“Come on, I told you I’d get it to you! I just need a little more time. … And you still want me to die even after I give it back? Come on Levi we’re brothers that’s really harsh!” 
“How much more time could you need jackass!” Levi was practically fuming I think I see smoke seeping out of his ears. 
“Just a little more okay!?” 
“You’ve been saying that for 200 years!” 
“200? It has been 260 years get it right, Levi!” 
“Unbelievable. Seriously Mammon, you’re,” Levi was cut off by Mammon shouting in his face.
“I’m What? Scum? Is that what you’re gonna say? Because I’ve heard it,” Levi then cut Mammon off screaming louder. What a way to be introduced to my new home. 
“You’re a lowlife and a waste of space.”
“Hey! That’s even worse come on!” Mammon looked down ashamed no longer yelling. Levi threw his hands up in defeat.
“Whatever…. Just give me my money. I need it to buy the Blu-ray box set of Journey to the Devildom: The Tale of Little She-Devil and Her Reluctant Companion. The initial round of copies includes promotional tickets to a live event as a special bonus” What an oddly specific title. How did he even remember all that?
“I’ve got no idea what you’re even talking about, Levi, but it doesn’t matter! Because I don’t even have any money to give you. How am I supposed to give back money I don’t have, huh!?” Mammon shrugs. 
“So then, you’re telling me you refuse to pay me back?” 
“That is NOT what I’m saying. Are you just looking for a fight? Is that it?” Damn. I like this. I’ve got my own Jersey Shore playing out in front of me. Maybe if I yelled world star they’ll start beating each other's asses. 
“Listen up human! Remember the advice I told you about with demons? Well, get ready. It’s time for you to die because it’s either me or you and it’s gonna be you!” He shoves me into Leviathan taking off. Levi then shoves me back away. I feel like a ping pong. 
“Ew what... What the fuck. Mammon! You ass... He just ran off. Do you realize what just happened? Mammon used you as a distraction to get away from me. He used you as a sacrifice.” Levi was shaking his head. Wow, making Mammon my protector was such a good idea. “I’ll admit that Mammon is one of the scummiest scumbags you’ll ever meet… a total lowlife. But still, that was pretty dumb of you letting him use you like that.” He breathed out a really exaggerated sigh. “This is EXACTLY why humans are…” He stopped mid-sentence. I truly don’t understand anything these guys say. Why do they keep calling me human? Did Lucifer not tell them my name? 
“WAIT A SECOND..” Leviathan yelled. Jesus fuck. “Humans.. Yes, that’s it…” He started rubbing his hands together maniacally. The only thing this guy is missing is a cat to stroke. “Suddenly, I’ve got an idea!” Holy shit I see the light bulb shining above his head. “Listen, are you free right now? Of course, you are. You’ve gotta be, right? It doesn’t matter! Either way, you’re coming with me.” I opened my mouth to respond when the phone in my pocket buzzed. 
“One second sorry,” Levi sighed again tapping his foot impatiently. It was Mammon.
Heya, I suddenly have business to take care of sorryy. If you have questions ask Levi!  He sent a little demon emoji winking with a star. That’s cute but he’s a dick. Oh, and just make sure… Don’t go around tellin’ stuff to Lucifer, ya got that
He then sent me an angry bird thing. I scrunched my face. Should I tell Lucifer? I really don’t want to talk to him. I clicked on the emojis I also had the cute demons and weird birds. I pressed the one that had a little ok with stars. He then texted me a little purple demon with big green horns blowing me a kiss. I blushed. No, I’m not attracted to him I just don’t take flirting well. I’m fine this is fine I don’t have Stockholm. 
“Umm... Hellooo,” Levi broke me from my thoughts. Thank god. The last thing I need is to develop feelings for my kidnappers. Come on I have to think smart. 
“Yeah sorry, let’s go I guess.” 
“Great uh…” He looked down at my hand. I’m pretty sure I saw him shiver. “Yeah… um just follow me.” He twisted his heel and started up the stairs. I followed close behind. When exactly will I find out where my room is? 
Once we got to the top we took a sharp left and immediately we were there. Before he twisted the handle he dramatically looked to his left, right, and behind him. Then he pushed the door, shoved me in, and quickly slammed it shut. 
“What the..” I murmured. 
“What’s that? Oh I see, you want to know why I looked around to see if anyone was watching before I closed the door? Why do you THINK I did it?! Isn’t it obvious!? Imagine what would happen if someone saw me inviting you into my room! A human who doesn’t even look like an otaku, but a NORMIE! You know what people would say, right!?” His long ramble allowed me to see how beautiful his room was. The ceiling and wall was like an aquarium. How was that possible? It seemed to have actual water and fish that swam by. There wasn't a normal light he had a chandelier of jellyfish lights. There wasn’t a bed but a bathtub. 
“I asked you a question,” Ok snappy. 
“Are you worried people might gossip or something?” Buddy turned Bright red and covered his face with a hand. He continued to stutter over his words.
“Of.. No Of c-course of No! That’s that’s crazy! There’s only room in my heart for one person and she’s animated! I am completely faithful to my lovely, sweet Ruri-chan! Always!” His eyes widened as he removed his hand. He’s kinda cute. “Why would people gossip?! I mean, me and some non-otaku-some normie!? And not only that, a THREE-DIMENSIONAL one from the real world!? It's insane, that’s what it is!” Another long explanation I have listen to. I turn to the bookshelf next to us. There are posters and collectible figures on top. I look over at the books. There’s this huge thick one. The spine reads the tales of the Seven Lords: The Lord of Shadow Awakens 
“What is it, human? What’re you looking at?” He speaks to me like a dog as he traces where I’m looking.
“Wait.. that’s… you’re looking at The Tale of the Seven Lords. Are you a fan of that, too?” I couldn’t stop my face twisting to confusion. 
“I’ve never heard of it…” He looks offended. 
“... Excuse me? You don’t know TSL?! And you call yourself a human!! Just how clueless ARE you?! How could you not know ?!” 
“I don’t you guys do,” I snapped back.
“That’s not the point… Just the fact that you don’t know TSL alone is proof that you’ve been wasting your life! So, I’m going to do you a favor and teach you about TSL. Make sure you pay attention.” He motioned to the bean bag chair next to his bed allowing me to sit. He then proceeded to tell me the entire plot of the books in an even pace back and forth. It was kind of alluring how much passion he had for this show. I love it when people love something so much they can’t help but ramble when it’s brought up. I tried to pay attention as much as I could but he talks fast and a lot. I continued to pass gaze around the room. He had a huge wall of posters and another bookshelf this time surrounding his PC. I was sat in front of a glass table where a bottle and headphones lay. He had multi-colored tiles throughout the whole floor. He had such a captivating room.  I loved it. I tuned back in to his ramble when he ended it with 
“I want to shout it at the top of my lungs! … actually, you know what? I want to BE Henry!” he shouted at me.
“Maybe someday you WILL be Henry,” I spoke not really knowing what else to say. He was passionate I’ll give him that.
“Stop it. You’re just saying that to make me feel better. Don’t lie to me. Alright enough. This is starting to depress me. Anyway, I didn’t bring you here to tell you about TSL. I don’t think there’s any harm in just coming out and saying what you already know is true: Mammon I a complete and utter scumbag. It’s very important that you understand this. So, I’ll say it one more time. Mammon is a hopeless. worthless. SCUMBAG! I lent that scumbag money, and now I want him to pay me back. But being the scumbag that he is, he won't do it. I wish I could force him to, but despite what a rotten waste of space he is, Mammon’s still the second oldest. As the third oldest, no matter how hard I try, I don’t stand a chance against him…” 
“When did this all start?” I ask. Why is Mammon Levi’s sworn enemy?
“It’s a long story but… sure I’ll tell you, human. Once, a long time ago, Mammonn won a prize in a convenience store promotional campaign. If you bought something, they let you reach into a box and pull out a piece of paper that told you what you’d won. And the prize Mammon won was a Seraphina figurine, something I would’ve died to have. But, despite the fact that Mammon had no interest in it at all, he refused to give it to me. Why? Because I wanted it... He just wanted to be a dick for the fun of it. He’s such an ass. I knew that that scumbag wouldn’t take care of this pristine figurine so I sneak into his room in the middle of the night. Come to find that he had just thrown it straight to the floor! Still in the packing one a dirty floor that obviously hadn’t been cleaned in months. I was so pissed I marched my way to his sleeping body and brought my heel down straight on his stomach as hard as I could. In a flash he was no longer in his bed… no he was behind me. Grabbed me, picked me up, and slammed me head-first into the floor.  He was butt fucking naked too! I was passing out questioning why he slept nude. He couldn’t wear some underwear or something? I have no memory of the rest of the night. I’m thinking if a human can make a pact with Mammon, and bound him to their service… then he’d have to do whatever that human told him! This means in order to get the money back I need you to make a pact with Mammon. He would have no choice but to do it.”
“What is a pact?” 
“You haven’t seen the movies? The demon lends his strength to a human to make their wish come true in exchange for their soul.”
“I don’t want to give up my soul…” To be convincing I need to go along with what they’re saying. I just need to keep reminding myself this when they say weird shit. 
“That isn’t always necessary. It depends on what’s in the pact. But you need SOMETHING to the exchange with the demon to make the pact happen so it’s pretty much inevitable. But if you don’t want to give up your soul, then I’ll tell you how to negotiate with Mammon. Not to mention, having a powerful demon as your servant could be extremely useful. Don’t you agree?” 
“Yeah! I can do that,” I had a bright smile on my face! 
“Are you actually this optimistic or are you just that stupid to know what you’re getting into? I guess it doesn’t matter. I don’t care what you think. What’s important is the plan I’m going to explain to you right now so listen close!”
Looking for chapter 1? Here's the link! https://www.tumblr.com/bunskiper/756204493300006913/the-sentence?source=share
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antiromanticbaby · 1 year
Monsters - Obey Me TSL
[✧] ー I'm obsessed. That's it.
[✧] ー Each kingdom in the TSL series has their own eerie monsters and urban legends. At least to me. Part 1 of my TSL rants <3 all of them will come with the tag #♡ ┊ tsl rants by pk.
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Lord of Corruption:
♡ ┊ The Lord of Corruption might have tamed the three headed hellhound, Cerberus, with a breath of fire and destructive nature, but the monsters deep in the forests are much like Chernobyl animals and wildlife. Have you seen the two headed sheeps? The animals in Lord of Corruption's territory are horrifying, way bigger, made of shadow. They corrupt every place they set foot upon. Sacrifices are made once a year, young and innocent humans setting foot into the forest and never coming back.
♡ ┊ If anyone deemed Cerberus scary, they had never seen the monsters lurking the forest.
♡ ┊ The forest is completely off limits for everyone but the Lord of Corruption himself, as he is the only one able to handle the demons. It seems like the hostile monsters had been sealed away by a protection spell from The Lord of Corruption himself. There are rumors that the Lord of Corruption feeds on the magic of these beasts, empowering himself more and more.
Lord of Fools:
♡ ┊ I like to believe that the Lord of Fool's territory has multiple gold and diamond mines. Even magical rocks, and another headcanon of mine is that his empire is much like ancient egyptian empires, with gold south asian castles and deserts.
♡ ┊ Monsters lurk underground. Earthquake? Oh no, it was probably one of the monsters. Some miners lost their lives as the mine collapsed? The mines didn't collapse, monsters took it down.
♡ ┊ Huge, humanoid spiders and scorpions roam the deserts and unknown, ten legged monsters peer at miners in silence when they venture far too deep. These beasts aren't as hostile as the ones in Lord of Corruption's empire, but they can get very mad if someone steps foot into their houses. It's very hard for the people to see what exactly outlines them, but Lord of Fools has the power to detect those. There is always a certain aura surrounding certain golds, and as much as he hates to let go of some, he prefers not to anger the beasts.
Lord of Shadow:
♡ ┊ Lord of Shadow tamed Lotan, but there are still beasts lurking deep underneath his empire, which is pretty much like Venezia, a town on top of water. There are two days in one year that the people bring sacrifices from different empires and drown them for the monsters. 
♡ ┊ As an empire which is used to war and training for it, Lord of Shadows has everything needed to defend the empire from these monsters lurking within.
♡ ┊ Of course, Henry is a great help too, with the ability to surf underwater and shapeshift (another hc of mine). Lotan always accompanies Henry to make sure he's safe while he patreons. Henry trains many guards to patreon under the water and make sure none of the beasts venture too close to the empire, or the surface.
Lord of Masks:
♡ ┊ Finding something suitable for him was hard. But here me out we all remember Hide Behind from Gravity Falls, right? Or at least, Slenderman. So imagine this, creatures as tall as Slenderman, even taller, with no face or form but only a humanoid shape and made of a black void. They can take the form of anyone they meet, mimic them, and observe them enough to take over the victim's life.
♡ ┊ These creatures want to experience the life of humans and demons, so they observe, from the shadows, deep in the night and bit by bit take your life, your personality, and your loved ones.
♡ ┊ The Mimics, as I call them, are hard to detect. Specially since the victims can never be found again, as if The Mimics absorb them. But they have one weakness. They can never take off the masks every citizen and the Lord wears. So every month, at unpredictable days, everyone living in the kingdom attends a ceremony to take off their masks and close their eyes, with only Satan looking at everyone. The Mimics are never found after then, until the next ceremony.
Lord of Lechery:
♡ ┊ The most part of lord of Lechery's fashion comes from the feathers the sirens shed. Note that by Siren, I mean the Greek version, the birds with human head. The thing is, however, that these sirens are way bigger than the Greek ones and way wilder, with an even shorter temper. They're not as hostile as the other monsters in other empires, but they get offended way too quickly 
♡ ┊ They also have a thing for stealing jewelry and pieces of clothing from noblemen and women. Their weakness is mirrors, as these huge Sirens live in constant denial of their appearance and believe themselves to be the most beautiful beings to ever exist.
♡ ┊ These creatures seem to have a liking to the Lord himself, and never steal anything from him. They also find him superior and do listen to him. But who knows? Maye the Lord is using a little it of charming spells too.
Lord of Flies and Lord of Emptiness:
♡ ┊ The lord of Emptiness' grief has casted everlasting shadows that move through the empire. Legends say that if Lord of Flies was not here, the whole empire would be swallowed by these shadows. It is clear to every demon to never step foot into the shadows, as they will fall into a long lasting sleep, never waking up. There is a temple for those who have fell in the trap of these shadows, and the people tending to the temple say that the corpses are stuck in an ever lasting nightmare, being eaten from the inside out by ther own organs. 
♡ ┊ One day every year, shadows take over the empire. The people living there must lock themselves inside at all costs, and protect themselves with charms of light. And whatever they do, they must not let the lights go out until the shadows are gone, no matter what. The duration is not completely set, sometimes it's 2 or 3 hours, and some may last days and weeks. So everyone living in the kingdom has piles and piles of food, canned in magical devices to use.
♡ ┊ Still, the shadows are always tempting and full of temptation. One must not even look outside their window, for they might fall for the shadows' tricks.
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A Mouse in a Lion’s Den Pt.1
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Pairing(s): Rhaegar Targaryen x Lannister!Reader, Jaime Lannister x Cersei Lannister
Warnings: childhood trauma, emotional/psychological abuse
Words: 3816
Summary: A little mouse surrounded by ferocious lions? It didn't look to be a good situation, even if those lions happened to be your family.
Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5  Part 6  Part 7  Part 8  Part 9  Part 10  Part 11  Part 12  Part 13  Part 14  Part 15  Part 16  Part 17  Part 18 
Book One of Heir of Ash and Fire
Book Two of Heir of Ash and Fire
This was one of my first really big fanfics that I posted on my original tumblr.
Posting it here again for shits and tickles
You could never compare to your older sister Cersei. She was like the sun, bright and beautiful with her mass of gold curls and seemed to possess the world in her hands. She was outgoing and fearless, what every Lannister should be; while you were shy and quiet. The very opposite which was why your father Lord Tywin Lannister didn’t invest too much in you, preferring his enigmatic eldest daughter. Cersei teased you about how meek you were and that you weren’t a lion at all, that you were instead a mouse. There was no fighting against her, she was bigger and louder than you were. Your mother and Jaime were the only ones to stop her cruelty when they saw you were near tears. Cersei would leave in a huff while your mother was left to take care of the damage. Joanna would clean your face with her sleeve and smile sweetly at you. She would say how much she loved her sweet cub and would go on to tell you that you should never change the way you were. You were kind with a gentle heart; Joanna said that was all that was important. She loved each one of her children equally but always had a soft spot for you. You weren’t made of the tough material that seemed to be the Lannister trait. She loved that most about you. Cersei may be like the sun but you were like a candle flame; beautiful in its own way as it illuminates the dark.
Even with your mother’s love you felt lonely though. Jaime more often than not preferred the company of his twin. They would always have that unbreakable bond that only twins could have. You would ask your mom why you hadn’t been born a twin. She would laugh and tell you it wasn’t in the gods’ plans. You wondered what the gods had in store for you.
You may not have been very talkative but you did listen and observe others. Especially your family. You heard your mother and father talking about how she wanted to separate Jaime and Cersei. That they were too close. The very next day Jaime’s chambers were moved to the other side of the castle. You asked your mom but she merely shook her head and changed the subject.
You soon forgot about it as children often did and went on about your young life. Your mother became pregnant again and you were overjoyed to know that you would have a little sibling. Since your mother was great with child she had been confined to her room to rest.
Cersei, uncharacteristically, asked you to play with her and Jaime. That should have been enough of a warning for you that something was up. She never asked you to play with them. She was possessive of her twin brother, even when it involved her own sister.
How could you have known at that age what was to come?
In your childlike innocence you followed them into the bowels of Casterly Rock. You were so desperate for companionship that you would follow them anywhere. They held your hand, possibly to prevent you from running away, when you saw cages filled with lions.
Growing apprehensive at the sight of the caged beasts Cersei explained to you the game her and Jaime always played. Each would see how close they could get to the lions, like a dare. As the twins climbed on to the cages you stayed rooted where you were, scared of even taking a step forward.
Cersei laughed at you, calling you a coward and a mouse. Jaime on the other hand gave you words of encouragement. Somehow you managed to clamber up on top of the cage. You thought the worst was over until Cersei dared you to touch one of them. She tried to comfort you saying that they were chained to the bars and wouldn’t be able to get you.
You learned the hard way not to trust Cersei.
She had opened the cage and pushed you inside; hastily shutting the gate as you cried.
You jolt awake, panting and looking around your dark room.
That had been three years ago yet it was branded deeply into your fragile mind. You had been six at the time, only a year younger than your siblings. It was enough to permanently traumatize you. If it hadn’t been for Jaime’s change of heart you didn’t know what would’ve happened to you.
You wiggle out of your bed, far too big for a nine year old and open the door of your room.
“Little lady, what’re you doing up?” A guard passing by kneels down to look at you.
“I had a nightmare. I wanted to go see my brother.”
The guard smiles gently. “Then I shall escort you, my lady.” Once he made sure you were safely at your brother’s door the guard bids you goodnight.
Quietly you walk inside to peer over the crib. You smile softly at your baby brother Tyrion. He was so tiny with such a large head, you were always surprised that his neck didn’t snap from the weight.
Gingerly you caress his round cheek with your index finger. Your mother had died giving birth to him. This spurred hatred from your father and sister. Of course it had devastated you too but you still loved your baby brother with all your heart. It wasn’t his fault. He was just a baby. People treated him like he was the plague. His wet nurses had always cringed when feeding him and would sooner be done with it than to hold him a minute longer. Tyrion was left sequestered in his room most of the time. You alone kept him company. Everyone was so focused on your older siblings that they forgot about you too. That was alright. You had Tyrion now. And every once in a while Jaime would pay a visit. He didn’t act like everyone else. Jaime loved Tyrion too and treated him like a human being unlike many. Those times you would grow closer to Jaime and he would tell you how Cersei had dressed up like him, fooling everyone. You listened to his stories eagerly even if many did involve Cersei. At least the two of you were bonding. In that room Jaime was your’s. Cersei never bothered to step foot into Tyrion’s nursery unless she was going to torment the helpless three year old.
Grabbing a spare blanket and a cushioned chair you curl up next to your brother’s crib and fall asleep.
“What’re you doing in here young lady?” Your septa glowers down at you with her hand on her hips.
“I had a nightmare last night. I wanted to be with Tyrion.”
She tsks and grabs your arm. “We must get you ready for the day.”
You follow her like the obedient girl you had been raised to e. There was a big event that everyone in Casterly Rock and Lannisport had been preparing for. People were bustling and trying to get things ready for the great tourney in honor of the birth of Prince Viserys Targaryen. You and your family (excluding little Tyrion) would travel to Lannisport just for the occasion as it had been your father’s idea. The best seamstresses in Westeros made you and your sister’s gowns so that you would be at your finest in front of the royal family. While Cersei was ecstatic you were quite nervous. Your father didn’t often parade you around especially not after your mother had died but people asked about the youngest daughter of Tywin Lannister. You would have to force yourself to be like Cersei, although that in itself was a great feat. You didn’t want to disappoint your father though. You would try your best to be like your big sister yet the voice of your mother always came back to you.
“Why would you want to be different (y/n)? You should never change the way you are.”
She was dead though. No one was there to tell you you were fine just the way you were.
Before leaving for the short journey to Lannisport, you give Tyrion a big hug and a kiss as you depart. You prayed that he would be taken care of. You were more of a mother to him than a sister.
You knew you should’ve been happy to go to the tourney with your family, but you couldn’t help constantly worrying about Tyrion. Your attitude got on Cersei’s nerves.
“We would all be better off if something did befall on that little creature.” Cersei mutters as she glances out the window of your litter. She had wanted to ride horseback beside Jaime but she had to ride in the litter as per order of Tywin. Like usual she took her bitter resentment out on you. “Why has he lived this long?”
Gnawing on your lip you bite down so hard you could taste the metallic zing of blood. You wanted to say something, to stand up to her for once in your life. Then you remembered her trapping you in a lion’s cage. Anxiety seized you and render you speechless. You stayed quiet for the duration of the trip until you reached the gates of Lannisport. Leaping out of your litter, happy to finally get away from Cersei, you await for everyone else before bounding to look at all the colorful tents that were being erected in the field. Excitement actually bubbled in your tummy at the prospect of watching the tourney.
You hear Jaime chuckle behind you. “Excited?” At ten years old you knew in a few more years Jaime would be a heartbreaker. His hair shared the same hue as the gold that made up the Lannister’s wealth. Jaime was growing into a handsome young man that looked every inch a knight like in the stories your mom used to tell you. Yet he couldn’t be a knight. He was Tywin’s heir, expected to carry on the Lannister name.
“I actually am! Are you gonna participate Jaime?”
He smiles down at you. “No they probably wouldn’t let me. I’m still too young.” YOU catch his clear green eyes gaze out at the field. You knew he probably wanted to join the older boys to show off his own skill. Even at such a young age Jaime wielded a sword like it was one with his arm. He beat all the other cousins that were around his age and even some of the older ones. One day he would make a great Lord of Casterly Rock.
A gentle hand on your shoulder, he steers you back to the group where your father was already giving orders. Trunks and luggages were being taken down to the field so that your family’s tents could be set up alongside the other noble families. Normally you would’ve taken residence in the castle of Lannisport but your father insisted that the royal family have the castle to himself. You figured that it had something to do with Tywin’s growing dislike for Aerys. From the servant’s gossiping you heard about what King Aerys had said about your poor mother’s passing. It wasn’t something you liked to think about. You didn’t blame your father for wanting to be as far away from the king as possible.
“Come along.” Tywin tells you and your siblings. You took your place between Jaime and Cersei as you had been taught to do. Although your sister didn’t very well like you separating her and Jaime. Either way she didn’t seem too bothered this time. She actually seemed to smile at you. It definitely set off alarm bells. You had learned quickly to mistrust Cersei’s smiles. They held your hands as Tywin had instructed the three of you to do in front of the other lords so that everyone could see how perfect his children were. It was your own little fantasy too. You wished your sister was genuinely sweet and loved you. You wished that you had a big brother who would take your side every so often and protect you.
Your family made their rounds around the camp, greeting other noble families. Cersei gobbled up all the attention, absolutely loving how the lords called her beautiful.
A few commented how you were adorable but you knew that you dimmed in comparison to your older sister.
Finally King Aerys and his eldest son Prince Rhaegar made their appearance. You didn’t see Queen Rhaella among them or the newborn Viserys. The King’s Guard flanked them as well as dozens of retainers and servants to the Dragons of Westeros.
And there in all his glory was seventeen year old Rhaegar Targaryen. The first born son. Heir to the Iron Throne. Long powdery white hair fell off his shoulders and framed a strong, handsome, face that he had to push strands away every so often. Hyacinth eyes like those of the flower looked over your family and he offered up a small smile.
He had stolen your breath. You had always heard Cersei whispering about how handsome the prince was, but you never thought he would be so much so that you’d forget to breathe.
Whatever your father was saying went in one ear and out the other as you and Cersei stared unabashedly at Rhaegar.
At least she had more tact to smile and curtsy while you gaped with wide eyes.
“It is such a pleasure to meet you, your Grace.” She says to the Targaryen rulers, more so to Rhaegar.
It was King Aerys that snapped you out of your stupor. Where Rhaegar made your heart stop, Aerys made it beat with terror. He had the signature violet eyes and silver hair but lacked the beauty that Rhaegar had. Perhaps he once had been handsome but he wasn’t now. He looked half crazed with his long nails and wild eyes that searched for invisible enemies everywhere.
His smile was even worse than his frown and you unconsciously tighten the hand that held Jaime’s. “Thank you for hosting such a grand event, my friend.” Aerys’ words seemed to hold a double edge to them that your father was sure to take note of.
“But of course. The whole of Westeros should celebrate the birth of Prince Viserys.” Your father replied with that tight lipped smirk of his. There was ice in his voice that you picked up on.
They exchanged ingenuine pleasantries as you continued to look for Queen Rhaella and the infant prince. After Tyrion had been born you realized how much you liked babies. Tyrion had fit perfectly in your arms.
On your tippy toes, you whisper to Jaime “Where’s the baby?”
Before Jaime could whisper back to you Rhaegar seemed to have noticed your inquisitive looks and his once stiff smile softens as he addresses you. “Do you like babies (y/n)?” It makes your father and the king turn to look at you.
Uh-oh. You definitely hadn’t meant to draw attention. Blushing you clam up and nod stiffly. “Y-Yes. . . I have a little brother at home. . .”
That makes Aerys chuckle. “Yes. The dwarf.”
Your cheeks blaze as you shift your eyes down to your shoes, biting down on your lip and your ears ringing. You had said too much.
“We’ll be seeing you tomorrow. We still need to settle down and prepare for the tourney.” Tywin clears his throat.
“Of course. We’ll be seeing you.”
When they were out of earshot Cersei dropped your hand. “Why did you have to mention that little beast?”
“I-I didn’t meant to. . .
“Cersei, she was just answering the prince.” Jaime says, still holding onto your hand.
She turns on Jaime. “A simple yes would’ve sufficed! She’s embarrassed us by even bringing up that shame of our family!”
Tywin decides to step in. “That’s enough. I will not have you bickering. Not while we’re here.”
Cersei presses her pouty lips together, her fingers curling into her palm.
Turning his gaze onto you, Tywin simply sighs. “Try not to slip up again, okay?”
You nod. You feel absolutely sick. You want to go home where you didn’t have to talk to anyone. Where you could be with Tyrion and play games with him and tell him stories.
Having seen you trying not to cry, Jaime lets Tywin and Cersei walk ahead while he stays behind with you. “It’s okay (y/n). It was an accident.”
“I want to go home.” You murmur quietly and swallow back your tears.
Sympathy. Jaime was actually treating you sympathetically. He kneels down in front of you. “We will. Sooner than you think. The tourney will go by quickly if you try and have fun. Just think about tomorrow! You’ll see all the knights in action. It’ll be fun.”
He was probably trying to get you to quit your belly aching and not cause too much trouble for your father. Either way you would take it.
You were forced to share a tent with Cersei and her hand maids. They ignored you, choosing to giggle and gossip on their side of the tent. Her companions, Melara Hetherspoon and Jeyne Farman, squeal at Cersei’s description of Prince Rhaegar. Cersei grinned and continue to fawn over the the fair Targaryen prince.
“He’s even more magnificent in person!” Cersei brushes a golden lock of her hair off her shoulder.
“I wish I could’ve met him! But we had to stay behind.” Melara pouts.
Uncomfortable being in the same room as them you leave without either of the girls paying attention to you.
The night sky was clear without any clouds or moon but was littered with thousands of bright, tiny, stars. Laugher was heard all through the camp as everyone drank to the newborn prince and celebrated with merriment.
You weaved between the many tents, not having a particular destination until you heard the most beautiful sound. The rhythmic plucking of strings. It lead away from the camp however. Timidly you look around. No one had noticed you yet. Then again everyone must’ve been drunk. A wandering child was hardly their concern. You nervously followed the music until it grew louder and louder. The pale fingers of Rhaegar Targaryen was the source.
“It seems I have an audience.” That gentle and warm smile he had when he talked to you graced his face.
You would’ve rushed away had he not pat the spot next to him.
“It’s okay. Come and listen.”
If you messed up, if you accidentally said something you weren’t supposed to in front of the future king, your father would skin you alive.
The Silver Prince was inviting you to listen to him play though. It would be rude to decline such an offer.
With trembling legs you sit near him although careful to keep enough distance between the two of you. Rhaegar goes on to play that beautifully crafted silver stringed harp of his. It was a lovely melody that made your chest ache. It was the sound of your loneliness.
You hadn’t been aware that you had been crying until the end of his song when he handed you a handkerchief. You didn’t dare ruin any article that belonged to him and used your sleeve instead. “That’s beautiful. The most beautiful song I’ve ever heard.”
“I’m happy you enjoyed it. You looked so nervous earlier and I apologize if I may have inadvertently caused any trouble for you with your family.”
Rhaegar had noticed. You flush out of horror. If he had noticed how uncomfortable you had been who knows who else had seen. You tried and failed to act like a Lannister.
Quietly you simper in your spot beside him. “It’s alright. . . If it wasn’t this it would have been another thing. . .”
“Would you like to hear another?”
You nod.
He was definitely much more than handsome. Rhaegar was kind and gentle, treating you far better than your family has since your mother died. You found comfort in his company. Comfort you had only found in Joanna and Tyrion. You felt safe in his music.
After a while, Rhaegar sets his harp carefully beside him and looks up at the stars. “Sometimes I wish I could play the harp without any interruptions. No duties. Just be able to play music for eternity.” There was sadness in his tone. A sadness you knew well yourself. It portrayed loneliness. He may be next in line for the Iron Throne but it must’ve been a lonely road ahead for someone like him. You had heard that Rhaegar preferred literature over battle maps and music over the clanging of swords.
“Are you lonely your Grace?” When it slipped out of your mouth you could’ve ripped your tongue out for such insolence. “I’m sorry! I was out of line! Please don’t tell my father!”
“Ssh.” Rhaegar holds his hands up indicating for you to calm down. “It’s alright. You did nothing wrong (y/n).” The brush of his slim fingers on the back of your tiny hand made you jolt. “It’s okay.”
You definitely weren’t a Lannister. Lannisters never apologized. They never lost their composure especially in front of the crowned prince.
Rhaegar’s features are calm with a small smile. “Lonely huh? I suppose I am. Just a little. How did you know? Are you lonely too?”
“You won’t tell my father?”
The corners of his lips turn up. “I promise.”
You take a deep breath. “I’m. . . always by myself at Casterly Rock. Even before my mother died. My older siblings prefer the company of each other and leave me out of a lot of things. Cersei says I’m no Lannister lion. That I’m a mouse. Even my father prefers Jaime and Cersei. I only have Tyrion but he’s only three years old. . .”
“You know, I’ve always preferred mice over lions. They’re much cuter.” Rhaegar delicately smoothes the hair on top of your head in a caressing manner. “There’s nothing wrong with that.”
“My family thinks differently.” You rub at your irritated eyes that threatened to spill over with tears. “I try to be like Cersei, but I just can’t do it.”
“It’s their loss then.” Rhaegar simply sighs. “They’re missing out on a lovely young lady. You shouldn’t try to be anyone else except yourself. I think that’s what your mother would want.” He gets up with ease and holds out a hand to you. “It’s getting late and there are certain little girls who should be in bed.”
Meekly smiling you take his hand and notice how warm it was.
Once outside of your tent, Rhaegar kneels down to look you in the eyes. “Now don’t forget what I told you, okay?”
You nod and thank him, watching him walk away with his harp in hand.
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petertingle-yipyip · 10 months
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seven - so it goes…
tags: n/a // six // eight // masterlist
Pairing: Frank x Reader, Billy x Reader
Word Count: 8,917
Summary: All eyes on her, a skilled illusionist. Playing the field for information gets what she needed but could threaten the relationship keeping her afloat.
You stayed late to help Curtis clean up after group. Lewis has pushed past you on your way in and ignored any sort of conversation you had offered. You could feel he was still angry, about something that was bigger than what had happened at Anvil though he clearly hadn’t forgiven you for that either. You shrugged it off initially, but it struck you as something interesting when you noticed O’Connor didn’t show up. That was a man that loved to attend group for the chance of pissing someone off, so for him to miss a session and to see Lewis - who was beginning to idolize the man - holding in more anger than necessary, it all had you wondering what you had missed while you were off tending to your wounded.
You tried to use that time alone to talk to Curtis about Lewis and O’Connor to find out what happened but before much could come from that conversation, Billy came in. You listened in on what he came to say but focused more on the task of putting things away when something caught your attention and you nearly dropped the chairs in your hands.
“You know, Frank Castle.” He continued and you stepped around Curtis and glared at the man. Billy gave you no reaction and just kept talking. “Our friend, our dead friend. You seen him recently?”
“Billy.” You hissed and lightly smacked his arm.
“No, its.. It’s alright, Y/N.” Curtis held a hand out to you and you turned to face him. He knew Billy was baiting him into some sort of a confession, though neither of you could’ve been sure if Billy had any sureness in his attempt. So Curtis remained calm, albeit confused, and you remained irritated. “What do you mean, man? Have I been back to the cemetery? Or am I seeing ghosts, having flashbacks? What are we talking about here?”
There was a staredown between the two men that seemed to span an eternity. Tension rose with every second until you subtly snapped your fingers at your side and it broke instantly. Billy looked away first but you felt the relief from Curtis as a shive across your own skin. 
“Frank’s alive, man.” Billy finally confessed and you lifted your head slightly in confusion. Clearly, Billy had a plan, but to hell if you knew what it was. “Sorry, I had to find out if you knew.”
“And why do you think that?” Curtis countered calmly but he was rightfully suspicious of his friend’s accusation.
“I can’t tell you how I found out, but I found out, and now I gotta find him.”
“I’ll tell you.” You cut in simply, speaking quickly before Billy could try to stop you. “Homeland Security, some agent is looking into an incident that Cereberus was allegedly involved in in the middle east. She said where but I don’t remember. She swears Frank is alive and hurt and gonna get himself killed on his little crusade… I’m not so sure.” You ended with a shrug when you saw the glare Billy was shooting you. You simply brushed him off and the heat from his look disappeared almost immediately.
“I was hoping you had been lying to me this whole time.” Billy continued, taking a subtle step closer in an attempt to gain control of the conversation. The attempted power move almost made you laugh. “At least then I’d have a lead on where to start. I’ve been putting out the old unit call on the radio.”
“Which I thought was risky as a first move.” You shot Billy a look that he ignored. “But hey, what do I know?”
“Has he answered?” Curtis asked and though his tone was level, there was concern laced in his words. You wanted to reassure him that Frank was fine, walking and talking and eating and arguing with you the same as he was before the arrow, but you couldn’t do that with wannabe Detective Russo in the same room.
Billy shook his head slightly and Curtis gave a shrug as if to say that was enough of an answer.
“If you could just give me an idea on where to start…” Billy tried and you had to look down to keep your eye roll to yourself.
Desperation was not a good look for Billy Russo.
“So what? You’re gonna help them?” Curtis asked with a slight challenge that almost went unnoticed.
“Imma help Frank.” He corrected and your ears perked up. Curtis noticed your focus shift over Billy’s shoulder and your eye contact only lasted less than a second. “I could get him out of here, man. Free and clear.”
“You do realize his lawyer and a federal agent is still in the room with you, right?” You pointed out with a sigh. “You need to tell me what you’re planning, Billy, now.”
“Now is my chance to make things right, Y/N.” Billy said instead of a real answer.
“That’s not an answer.”
“You lived how many lives before you decided to keep this one?” He spat over his shoulder before instantly regretting the words.
You closed the distance between you two and stood in front of him in silence for a few moments. You watched his eyes dart between yours and across your face to try and read your expression, but you knew you were blank. You gave him nothing. You owed him nothing. No explanation, no answer. When he opened his mouth to speak, you didn’t hesitate to bring an open palm across his cheek. The firm slap echoed throughout the empty room and the impact mimicked that familiar explosion.
“Не говори о годах, о которых ты ничего не знаешь, или я вырежу тебе язык и засуну его тебе в горло.” You warned lowly before storming out of the room. (Do not speak of years you know nothing about or I’ll cut out your tongue and shove it down your throat.)
You sat in your car for a few minutes in quiet anger. You had the AC running full blast and the doors locked while the car idled in the parking lot. You usually didn’t care when people had a snide comment on your past given the fact that they usually knew nothing and spoke from a place of ignorance. But it was the tone that Billy used, the entitlement he believed he had for you to look the other way. Just because you slept with Billy from time to time didn’t mean that you owed him any sort of favors, especially where your new job was concerned. If you so much as breathed in a sketchy direction, Hattley would have your badge faster than you could say ‘No’. Being on Frank’s side to begin with was risky enough, but for Billy to assume that you would side with him over your own wellbeing was selfish and juvenile.
You were quick to return to the compound when you noticed Billy and Curtis leaving the building. You kept the air on during the drive so by the time you got there, your skin felt a normal temperature despite the newest heat that had made a home in your heart and spread through your veins with every beat. You arrived not long before Curtis did. You felt his anger before you saw him, a dull heat that wasn’t necessarily directed at anyone specific but more at the entirety of the situation.
“I lied for you again.” Curtis said flatly, just as you had hopped up to sit at the edge of the counter.
“You did the right thing, Curt.” Frank answered and you nodded in agreement, just as the unit call came through the radio again.
“I’m going to break that damn thing if I have to hear it one more time.” You muttered as you looked around for something to throw.
“Every hour, on the hour.” Lieberman commented indifferently. He had said his peace when it started so he felt no need to argue anymore. “This guy’s determined.”
“He said he wanted to help you, that he could help you.” Curtis explained and you pressed your lips together in an effort to keep your thoughts in your head. “Whatever he’s offering, if you ask me, you should take it.”
You shook your head slightly and hopped off the counter to pace the small kitchen area. You rubbed a hand over your mouth while you tried to flesh out your thoughts, create a pinboard of ideas in your head and connect them with imaginary strings. You knew your expressions were shifting with your thoughts, brows furrowing and lifting while your eyes squinted or went wide when your head nodded or shook as things did or didn’t make sense. You glanced up to ensure your path was still clear and you noticed Frank was watching you with a questioning expression. You shook him off, hoping he would understand the gesture was meant as a ‘not now’ before he answered an expectant Curtis.
“Less people know I’m alive, safer it is for them.” Frank finally said.
“But what about you? You don’t look too safe. You look like a guy that nearly got his ass killed and you know it.” Curtis pressed. “And for what, huh?”
“The thing with Gunner was an ambush.” You explained quickly with the intent of scraping away some of Curtis’ frustration. “Not so much the arrow but the bullet wound… Someone knew where we were going. What I don’t get is who knew or how they knew because Gunner was off-grid for years. Someone put him on someone else’s radar but…”
You trailed off your question when the answer was so obvious it could’ve slapped you. It practically did. Dinah Madani must’ve been looking into the Cerberus crew, directly or indirectly, but that must’ve alerted a certain someone in Langley and Gunner was either the nearest or the most logical target to take out first. It was either Dinah’s research that popped up on someone’s radar or there was a bug in her office.
“If I could just add something here…” Lieberman tried.
��You don’t get an opinion, not in this conversation.” Curtis said without breaking eye contact with Frank. “Right now, she’s lucky she gets one.”
“I’m still his lawyer.” You defended quickly. “Taking anything from Billy should be carefully weighed out before anyone jumps on it… There’s still the potential for foul play.”
“You think it could be a set-up?” Curtis scoffed. “C’mon, Y/N/N. You were there when he was telling me everything.”
“And the person who told him is someone he’s sleeping with, which is the one looking into him.” You outed Billy with an indifferent shrug. “There’s still the potential of using Frank as an excuse to bed her a few more times. Y’know, gratitude sex.”
Curtis laughed in disbelief before turning back to Frank. You ground your teeth slightly and restrained both your hands and your tongue. Going up against Billy was one thing but standing opposite of him and Curtis would make your life harder than it already is.
“So what? I keep lying for you?” Curtis challenged.
“Look. Curt, you… You gotta do what you think is right. I’d never ask you to do anything else.” Frank said honestly and it proved something you had already knew.
Despite the reputation, despite the pain and trauma he had fought through, Frank Castle a good man who cared about people. A select few people, but those people would always be the safest in New York.
Curtis left after that without saying anything else. Frank and Lieberman talked shortly about Billy and Lieberman said Frank should. At that, Frank turned to you.
“You’ve been quiet.” He said and your eyebrows went up.
“I don’t think you’ll like what I have to say.” You said honesty.
“C’mon, Princess. It’s never stopped you before.”
“Like I said, Billy’s sleeping with Madani so this may be all for her… But there’s been other coincidences that I don’t trust.”
“Like what?”
“Like ones I can’t prove yet.”
“Anything that’d hold in court?”
“No.” You laughed slightly. “Everything is just circumstantial at best. I’m trying to get the proof but he’s careful. He covers his tracks, watches what he says.”
“But do you think-”
“No, okay?” You cut in sharply. “I don’t. I don’t think you should talk to him. I don’t think you should take anything he offers if you talk to him. Billy Russo has gotten too close. He needs to be taken off the board.”
“Off the board… How do you plan to do that then?”
“I’m not gonna kill him.” Yet. “He just needs to believe Dinah is wrong about you being alive. Maybe whatever she thought would’ve killed you actually did because something isn’t right about everything.”
“Go ahead then.” Frank gestured for you to keep going. “Lay it all out, Princess.”
“No, you wouldn’t believe me and I don’t even blame you.” You put your hands up in defeat as you turned away from him. “Do whatever you want, Frank, but don’t expect me to go along with it.”
Just hours later, both men tried to invite you to the waterfront. You ignored Billy’s call completely but listened to the voicemail almost immediately after it was left. Admittedly, you were surprised Billy had called given your last interaction was a solid slap and a threat. And your last interaction with Frank was you throwing accusations at Billy with no proof. So either man reaching out came slightly out of left field.
But you did what you had to do and you chose yourself, the way you were always meant to. You wanted to return to being alone, the way you had been so long to the point where you liked it. Where you longed for it. Then Matt and Foggy pulled you out of it, Marc and Steven kept you out of it. But to live a life without them, without any of them, you began to hide in that loneliness despite that yearning for someone to hold your hand and drag you out.
Meanwhile, Frank and Billy were sitting on the waterfront. At first, they spent a few minutes catching up but talking about Anvil led to Billy’s offer. And while Frank was listening to it, he was also watching for Y/N.
He didn’t think she’d show given the fact that she didn’t answer his call, but he still had hope. It wasn’t a decision he would take lightly, and Y/N doesn’t stand so firmly for nothing. She knew something, something she didn’t think he would believe without seeing. But if she was there, she probably could’ve used that fancy law degree and gotten Billy to admit to it. Or at least trip him up enough to prove something wasn’t right.
“You uh, you know Y/N, right?” Frank asked, looking back to his friend who he could’ve sworn was blushing at her name.
“Yeah, yeah I know her.” Billy smiled slightly. “Hell of a lady.”
“Yeah..” Frank smiled. “She really went to bat for me way back when. You tell her about this?”
“Started to.” He shrugged. “Then I said something stupid and she walked out. Slapped the shit outta me, too.”
“Eh, you probably deserved it.” Frank chuckled, but the comment sparked a question. Y/N wasn’t one to lose composure over nothing, so what did Billy say to her? “Was all this, the new life and everything… Any of this her idea?”
“I don’t think she wants to know for sure if you’re alive.” Billy answered. “She took your death pretty hard, man. Then she loses her boyfriend and… I don’t know, all that death changes you.”
“Yeah…” Frank nodded slightly.
He had noticed Y/N had been colder lately, more to the point, but knowing that even Billy noticed it meant she must’ve really lost it after Murdock. He knew she was still hurting, feeling guilty every second she was alive, but he also knew she was the strongest person he knew. She’d fight her way through this just like she fought through all the other shit in her life, but he couldn’t help but wonder what would change in the process.
“You spend a lot of time with her?” Frank asked, trying to lighten the mood between them where Y/N was concerned.
“Fair amount, yeah.” He nodded with a proud smile.
“You actually like her, don’t you? Aw shit, is Billy Russo actually interested in settling down?”
At that, Billy laughed. “She’d kick my ass to Jersey if I tried.”
You were headed out the next morning with the intent - again - of going to Dinah’s office. You had to get a lead for your leak theory, whether it be Billy Russo or Dinah Madani. Either way, you had no issues going after either. Despite your FBI position lurking in the back of your thoughts, which you were on standby for until something good came across someone’s desk, nothing would stop you.
You took advantage of the badge at your hip and flashed it at the confused looks. The familiar look of the badge was enough for them to nod and accept your presence but someone decided to step in front of you. He gently grabbed your arm, pulled you down a secluded hall, and stepped close enough to back you against the wall.
“What are you doing here?” He asked lowly and you met his expression with one of challenge.
“Visiting your girlfriend.” You mocked quickly. “You?”
“She’s not my-“
“I don’t care.” You cut in with a sigh. “Can I go now?”
“You didn’t answer my call yesterday.”
“Yeah, I figured the slap was enough. Besides, I was too busy with your girlfriend’s head between my legs.” You lied and his brows raised. “Jealous?”
“Yeah, actually.” The corner of his mouth tilted to a smile but dropped quickly at your glare.
“I’m kidding, c’mon.” He chuckled nervously.
“Get out of my way.” You mumbled and nodded for him to move.
“No, Y/N, just-“
“No.” You said sharply and moved forward to force him a few steps back. “I don’t care, Billy. I don’t care what you do with Dinah. I don’t care what you do with Frank. What I do care about is my name and my reputation. Neither of you get to take those from me.”
“I’m not trying to.” His hands went up in surrender. “What I said the other day was outta line. I know that. I was stressed with this whole-“
“I have a litigation specialty. You can’t talk around me or play the victim. We all have our own shit going on but that doesn’t make it okay to try and pull punches you’ve already blindly thrown.” You rolled your eyes and pushed past him. Before you got very far, he caught your arm and spun you back to face him.
“I will break every bone in that hand.” You warned angrily. “Let go of me.”
“Let me make it up to you, huh?” He offered and you held back on rolling your eyes again. “Remember that guy I said that if he liked you, I’d be able to tell you more?”
“Yeah..” Now you were intrigued.
“Well I’m going to talk to him in a bit. Maybe you could come with me.”
“And if he doesn’t like me?”
“I got a feeling he will. Pick you up on my way?”
You took a minute to consider. Your gut was telling you that it was a direct path to Agent Orange. Maybe not a name, but a face and a potential location. It was a perfect chance, fallen into your lap. Could you really pass on it?
“Fine. But you’re not forgiven,” You said flatly. “Give me a few minutes to talk to Dinah.”
You knocked sharply on Dinah’s door before pushing in, the tense conversation between her and some other agent coming to a screeching halt. You looked awkwardly between them and the annoyance sat heavily in the air.
“Sorry, am I interrupting?” You asked carefully while subtly activating your implant and the man sighed but gestured for Dinah to answer.
“No, it’s fine.” She gave a tight smile. “Something I can help you with, Agent Y/L/N?”
“Agent?” The man’s head popped up. “Jesus, Dinah, who else are you bringing in?” He looked over to you and nodded slightly. “No offense.”
“None taken. And I’m from FBI SWAT, actually.” You corrected. “Agent Madani had reached out to collaborate on a case. Lotta things we need to catch up on… Got word of something down in Kentucky you might be interested in.” You glanced around her office to try and pinpoint where the feedback in your head was coming from. All you could figure out was a direction, somewhere on her bookshelf. 
“FBI? Dinah, you’ve gotta be kidding.” The man urged quietly.
“It’s not official.” You scanned the objects on the shelves but without your mask or even the pocket tech you used in Lieberman’s home, you wouldn’t find it. You cursed silently before facing the expectant stares. “Just a consultation from a friend but I can see this is a bad time. Should we get something on the books for later, an evening meeting maybe? My treat.”
“Yes, that’d be great.” She sighed in relief.
You smiled slightly and scribbled ‘bugged?’ with two sharp underlines. She shot you a questioning look but you simply raised your brows with a knowing smirk before you left.
You didn’t know what took you back to the compound. Pure curiosity to see if Frank was still around, maybe. Truthfully, if Frank did leave, then Lieberman’s situation was no longer your problem. Orange and Billy and the Lieberman family wouldn’t matter to you. You owed them nothing so why would you continue to figure anything out for them?
But when you walked in, a mix of relief and disappointment ran through you before disappearing down the crater. Frank was still around.
“Colonel Morty Bennett, Fort Byron.” Lieberman began, pausing when you quietly approached the countertop with the map spread across it.
Your eyes scanned it as Frank pointed to various points and talked out the plan. Your head tilted in thought as to how to insert yourself but you’d need a bit more intel on Bennett before you could find somewhere to slip in.
“…entertains at home, every Saturday night, like clockwork.” Lieberman explained and an idea clicked in your head. 
“What kind of entertaining? Like a dinner party?” You asked, already planning five personas for different scenarios.
“Not exactly, no.” He answered, now feeling awkward. “Female company.”
“Oh… Oh.” You nodded in understanding. “There’s my way in then.”
“No.” Frank cut in suddenly but you ignored him.
“Can you get me the name of the company he used and if he has a favorite date?”
“Yeah, I can do that.” Lieberman answered while Frank argued, “You’re not doing it.”
“I’ve done it a thousand times.” You said flatly. “Bat my eyes, laugh a little, wear a short skirt. Never even have to touch them.”
“Y/N.” He said firmly.
“That way it’s not two people sneaking onto an army base. I pass myself off as the expected guest, flash Bennett the big doe eyes and get the intel we’re looking for before I knock him out and get out of there. What is your issue?” You pressed but Frank scoffed and mumbled something under his breath. You rolled your eyes and turned back to Lieberman. “Send me the info, please. I have another string I’ve gotta pull on.”
“Are you listening to me?” Frank countered angrily before Lieberman could say anything. “You’re not gonna pass yourself off as a goddamn escort. You come in my way or you don’t come at all. Got it?”
You went back to your apartment after that and waited for Billy’s arrival. He knocked on your door after about a half hour of you being home and you said almost nothing to him on the drive. He tried to pry about what you wanted to talk to Dinah about, and all you said was that maybe he wasn’t the only one rolling around the sheets with her. You stared out the window for most of the drive, though almost nothing stood out. When you pulled up to the house, you were quick to open your phone and pin the location before Billy led you in.
He told you to wander the place while he talked to his friend and that he’d find you in a few minutes. You said nothing, just began strolling the halls. You managed to stay out of sight enough that Bily didn’t notice you knew exactly what room he went into. A few minutes after Billy went in, so did another man. You didn’t see his face, just the back of his head. You crept to the door and stayed just outside.
The outline of where your mask would sit burned and you wished you had the familiar device. You could record on your phone, sure, but the quality wouldn’t be half as good. You could miss something and by the time you got it out to begin with, who knows what would’ve come and gone. And to get it close enough for clear audio would’ve likely meant it would be seen.
“There’s no way she gets to Castle before we do.” Billy said calmly and your mouth hung open for a moment. “Trust me, I know him.”
We. That was all the confirmation you needed, but for Frank to believe you, you’d need more. But was the ‘she ‘ you or Dinah?
“Clearly not as well as you think you do.” The other man countered and you committed the voice to memory. The tone, the register, the dialect. You needed every detail you could. “You should’ve killed him when you had the chance. The country had too much to lose for Frank Castle to expose me… Unless the other one has gotten in your head.”
“You think this has something to do with Y/N?” Billy laughed.
“It doesn’t? Hard to argue with Columbia Law.”
Had Billy talked about you or had Orange done his own research? The thought that he knew you before you ever knew him sent a chill through your veins. You rationalized it as public knowledge after Frank’s case blew up but the discomfort settled in the pit of your stomach like a rock.
“You try to win an argument with her.” Billy muttered, likely into a glass. “I don’t think she wants to get too involved in any of this anyways. Far as she knows, I’m trynna help and she’s not trynna stop it.”
“You should know that if it comes to me getting exposed, you’ll be right there with me. No more government contracts, no more Anvil. No Mr. Billy Russo or dating Ms. Y/L/N. ”
“So I should’ve just… What? Killed him on the pier in broad daylight in front of a calzone truck?”
“That girl in the mask he used to work with...” Orange answered thoughtfully and your body tensed, only for a moment. “Former assassin likely operates like a sniper if you open up the checkbook. Maybe I should find her instead…”
“You know… I always thought of you as more of a hands-on kinda guy. Your face when you were working over those Afghans, they would talk and talk, scared shitless. Terrified and you’d just keep on hitting them and then there would come this moment…”
You wondered where the hell this reminiscing was going. You needed a good time to just ‘innocently stumble’ into the room and make an introduction. You needed to see the man’s face. You were so goddamned close. To be so close and unarmed made you feel like an idiot, but then again, you were nothing if not resourceful.
“Is that your thing, Rawlins?” Billy taunted and your head whipped up.
Rawlins. Agent Rawlins.
“ Достаточно просто.” You whispered and you nearly smiled. That was a huge victory for your side. (Easy enough.)
“Every man’s got a thing.” Billy continued.
“Stay on point, Lieutenant.” Rawlins commanded and there was a bubble of frustration from the man.
“Oh, I am right on point.” Billy responded quickly and your brows raised in interest. You focused in on what Billy was feeling, the deep feeling of being slighted, and you spun your finger like a dial and gradually raised it. “I remember seeing that look on your face once, that fear. When Frank gave you that milky eye, he was gonna keep right on going too. And you knew it too.”
As Billy spoke, the bitter taste of fear settled on your tongue and you could’ve sworn it came with the memory of the altercation. Being pinned under Frank, fearing it was all ending and there was nothing to be done otherwise. It was almost enough to make your head spin, though it did make you a tad nauseous.
“I made you.” Rawlins said in a matter-of-fact tone, though it didn’t hide what he truly felt. He was indebted to Billy for saving him from Frank, but due to some sick power dynamic, he convinced Billy that he was an inferior. Maybe it was rank, maybe it was manipulation.
“Are we gonna warn Morty Bennett that Frank Castle might be coming for him?” Billy asked, a new mocking tone in his voice. You watched his figure come into view from your hidden angle and his head turned in your direction. You held your breath and waited for a reaction, but there was no acknowledgment other than a slight smirk.
You assumed he had seen you, that you had lost your touch for espionage. But he said nothing, showed nothing, in regards to your presence. Maybe he was just assuming you’d show up at the doorframe to listen. 
“Morty has the instincts of a rat and the courage of a rabbit.” Rawlins reasoned. “We tell him Castle is still living, one of two things happen. He runs or he talks.”
“So why not just kill him too?”
Hearing Billy say ‘too’ only affirmed your theory that Rawlins was looking for a way to kill Frank. Billy was intended to be his Trojan Horse to get close enough to Frank to get it done. The real question left was who would Billy choose when push came to shove.
“Not if we don’t have to. Too many questions. We want Morty alive and where we can find him. When Castle finally turns up, we’re gonna save his life anyway. So what can he complain about?”
“I’ll gather up my best.” Billy nodded and you heard his footsteps nearing the door. You hurried a few feet away before walking towards the room with your head turning as if distracted by something, leading you to bump into Billy.
“Every window is bulletproof.” You said simply.
“They’re double-paned.” Rawlins corrected, suddenly behind Billy.
“No, they’re not. They’re bulletproof.” You said again.
Rawlins offered a condescending smile that you nearly knocked off.
“See for yourself.” You gestured to the nearest window and the men followed you over. “If it were just double-paned like you said, you’d see the gap between the glass where it fits into the frame. But instead you can see the edges where the panels were melded together, making it classified as bulletproof.”
“Meet Y/N Y/L/N.” Billy said proudly as his hand came to your shoulder. “One of the best.”
“You didn’t say she was so… knowledgable.” Rawlins answered, staring at the glass for a few more minutes before looking to you.
“I consider myself a woman of many talents.” You lifted your chin slightly, daring him to say something.
“Pleasure to meet you.” He finally said with a slight bow of his head.
“Yes, I’m sure it is… And me being knowledgeable is a perk of coming from Columbia Law, but I’m sure you knew that already.”
“Yes, Billy has mentioned that you’re a lawyer.”
“You knew that beforehand.”
“Excuse me?”
“I was hard to miss.” You shrugged. “Being that I was Frank Castle’s lawyer.”
“Were you?” He feigned surprise.
“You’re a terrible bluff.” You said flatly. “And you’re what, CIA? I bet you tried to figure out my whole life story.”
“Not much of a story.” He shrugged slightly. “Overseas orphan turned law prodigy… Unless there is something more interesting about you, Ms. Y/L/N?”
“I’m sure Agent Madani would be more interesting… That’s why you bugged her office right? And why you have Billy keep in touch with her? Unless Billy’s pulling a fast one and gonna double cross her. She wouldn’t see it coming, I bet.”
“Double cross her how?” He shook his head slightly and the condescension in the gesture made your chest rumble.
“You can call yourself whatever you want, y’know. Rawlins. Orange. It doesn’t change that you’re a coward, hiding behind someone else and forcing them to act for you. You see, I know men like you, that pretend their power comes from the shadows they operate in, but what happens when the ones that gave you the shadow step? What would you have left? Ничего. “ (Nothing.)
His eyes narrowed and Billy was quick to end the conversation and steer you out.
Now the game was getting fun.
“What did he mean that he made you?” You asked during the drive back to your apartment.
“Nothing.” Billy shook his head. “He helped get a couple of contracts for Anvil but nothing much.”
“He wants Frank dead. Frank wants him dead. What do you want?”
He blew out a long sigh as he thought of an answer, as if he hadn’t been asked that during the endeavor.
“I want my friend.” He finally settled.
“Your friend will want the head of the man that pulled the strings of the man that had his family killed.”
“How’d you know that?” “Cause I felt that way.” You answered quickly and suddenly felt that your hands weres slick with blood again. But looking down, they were clean. “A while ago when a friend of mine from college came back, this cult was trying to recruit her. They swore she was their idol and she was meant for them. She refused and they killed her for it, said she would be reborn in a way that serves her true purpose… When I found the man above the one that killed her, I killed him. No hesitation. I don’t regret it and Frank wouldn’t either.”
“Like I said, Y/N, I wanna help Frank.” He said with enough insistence that you nearly believed it.
“Would you help him kill Orange?”
“I don’t think Frankie would need my help for that… You want in on this?”
“I’m not gonna go against Frank.” You said plainly. “We didn’t see eye to eye on everything but I know he wouldn’t pull a trigger on me.”
“Yeah, I wouldn’t ask you to.” He said honestly, and you believed he meant that.
“Would you back me up if I had to take down your team to keep him alive?”
“Long as it looks like we saved Bennett, I’m not gonna get in your way.” He shrugged. “You in?”
“I’m only doing this to find out if he’s really alive.” You agreed.
“If you had answered my call the other day, you could’ve come with me to meet with him.” He snorted a laugh.
You needed a way in that wasn’t Frank anyway.
It was the next night when you were walking through Fort Byron. It was a small team you were with, four men counting Billy. They wore the expected lightweight tactical gear but you wore a simple fitted outfit, enough to pass as Bennett’s company but nothing that would restrict your movement. You were practically unarmed, save for the retractable blade hidden under your sleeve and two shock disks and a smoke bomb in your front pocket.
You two were sitting at the table and the man was droning on about his week on post and how awful it was. While you were running your finger discreetly on your scar to find whatever channel Lieberman was using, you picked up the glass of wine and smelled it. Bennett attempted an apology but you simply stared at him while you poured the glass on the floor. You quirked a brow in light challenge before he gulped and got down on the floor, licking the spilled wine like a dog.
“Боже, это жалко.“ You said to yourself with a small eye roll. When the man tried to turn and look up at you, you put your foot on his back and forced him back to the ground. (God, that’s pathetic.)
After a few minutes, the sound of Bennett lapping at the puddle annoyed you so you got up and pulled the man to his feet. He opened his mouth to speak but you rolled up one of the napkins and shoved it in his mouth instead. He made a face of shock before you pushed him to lean on the table.
You took a few minutes to wander the dining room, looking for anything of interest but you found nothing. When you heard Bennett’s muffled voice, you returned to the table and picked up one of the tall burning candles. You tilted it so the dripping wax would land on his hand, causing a smothered shout before a gleeful laugh. You had to refrain from making a face of disgust at the sound.
“I expect you to be quiet unless I ask you to speak.” You said simply, holding in your gag at the man’s arousal due to the situation. “Nod.”
He nodded eagerly and you rolled your eyes. You moved closer to the window and saw figures crouching in the bushes. You leaned in slightly and saw what looked like Billy’s face between the branches. When your eyes adjusted the lower light, you noticed the shadowed figure hiding moving around to the other door. You smirked slightly before returning to the table.
The comms device fitted in your ear was relaying the mindless chatter from the men outside, waiting for your signal. You calculated how much time you could
give Frank before you had to alert them. If you didn’t, it would be obvious that you let Frank go. So you figured enough time for Frank to start whatever he was doing and for you to deploy your smoke would be sufficient.
You hauled Bennett up by the back of his coat and forced him against the wall in his office, which was just the next room over. You went back to the dining room and scanned the contents of the table, finding a clean napkin, an untouched glass of water, and one of the steak knives. You heard the front door opening and knew you only had a short window before Billy’s team crashed the building. You poured the water over the napkin while Frank found you in the dining room. You pointed towards Bennett without looking up and used the steak knife to cut two small holes in the napkin.
Frank muttered his complaints and confusion about your presence but he said nothing directly. You knew it would be a whole can of worms the next time you were at the compound, but that would be a problem for future Y/N. In the meantime, you focused on your makeshift gear.
You intended to use it like a filter over your nose and mouth. Seeing through the smoke might prove troublesome and it’d likely burn your eyes, but if you couldn’t breathe, then you wouldn’t be able to fight. You heard Lieberman give the time estimate and you knew you could buy them that.
“Smoke.” You held your comms in your ear as you spoke quickly, draping the wet cloth over your face before you moved into the office.
Lieberman’s voice echoed on the other side of your head.
What? How did- Y/N? What smoke?
“Castle.” You said as you entered, both getting Frank’s attention and alerting the team waiting outside. “Thirty seconds to breach.”
You’ve got four hostels headed your way. They’re moving fast.
Frank threw Bennett into the nearest closet but you stopped him before he closed the door. You knelt down to be eye to eye with the cowardly man - which you hated to admit lived right up to Rawlin’s description - and used the steak knife still in your hand to press it against the side of his neck.
“You make one sound…” You said lowly, watching the yellow haze spread across his pupils as the words fell. “I will slit you open and watch you drown in your own blood. Understand?”
He nodded feverently and shoved the napkin gag back in his mouth. You hummed in delight and patted his cheek before you stood and knocked the door shut.
You heard the clink of canisters before the sound of aerosol filled the silence. You looked to Frank, who pulled a ski mask over his face, and he offered you a sharp nod. You gripped the steak knife a little tighter before you moved carefully into the next room and pulled your own smoke bomb and slammed it to the floor.
You were quick to press yourself against the nearest wall when you saw the red beams through the smoke. It was already burning your eyes and you felt the tears welling but you blinked them away, listening for footsteps. The team was careful to tread lightly and you cursed not having your mask to see through it all. They stayed relatively close together and you tried to tell the vague figures apart.
In those minute vulnerable moments of simply
observing, you also found Billy’s determination in his mission. What his exact mission was, you couldn’t say, but at least you knew who to go after last.
When one of the men was within your range, you acted quickly. You kicked the barrel of the gun away and jammed your elbow against his spine. With one hand, you yanked his helmet off so the other could grab the side of his head. You slammed his head into the nearest stud of the wall and watched him drop to the floor. You moved to his gun and flicked off the light. When you looked back up to find the next, you saw a second red light turn off.
You breathed in a deep sigh of annoyance before you began creeping forward. You realized you had dropped your small blade as you stayed low to the ground, listening for steps and watching for their feet.
More than halfway, how we doin’ in there?
You weren’t going to answer. You heard the sounds of a nearby interaction and you assumed Frank had it covered. As you followed the last one, you recognized that it was Billy.
Of course it was.
Bennett’s fear continued to rise and you knew that once the door opened, it would spill out and fill the room as dense as the current smoke was. You saw a figure in your peripherals with their red beam shining so you abandoned your stalk of Billy and moved towards the other.
You caught up to him quickly and grabbed the strap of his rifle to pull him to his back. He tried to redirect his weapon in a panic, firing a few quick shots that echoed in your ear and triggered the explosions in your chest. You knelt on his chest and tried to wrestle the gun free while you heard the rushed steps coming closer.
You ditched the tug of war and began to spin it instead, watching the strap tangle itself and put more pressure across his chest. He coughed and tried to release the strap but you didn’t let him. You repositioned your knee to block the clip and quickly looked around for something to end it with. You saw a thick ceramic knick-knack on the nearest end table so you reached for it. You had to shift your weight off his chest to reach it and it was enough of a shift for him to be able to push you off completely. You landed with a groan before you got up and grabbed the trinket, the other hand slipping to your pocket for the disk. The red dot settled on your chest but you snapped the disk forward before he could fire. The small device landed against his forehead and you heard the crackle, but the man fell limp regardless.
When Billy got to the scene, you had barely gotten far enough that the smoke covered your frame. You nearly held your breath just in case while he looked carefully into the darkness.
You heard the Lieberman’s countdown in your head just before a pistol went off. You abandoned your hiding place quickly, pushing past Billy without a thought, and ran towards the sound of the gun. You had just missed the altercation but you heard the glass shattering down the hall. You followed the commotion again and saw one of the men from the team shooting at a fleeing figure across the lawn. You quickly yanked the other disk from your pocket and threw it against the man’s back.
He fell to his knees so you took a second to pull the wet cloth off your face but before you could make any other move, you were grabbed by your shoulder from behind. You reacted quickly and elbowed the person in the stomach. You turned on the man and flicked out the blade at your wrist instinctively. You swung it aggressively, though he batted your hand away. You threw your other hand wildly but he caught it with ease, bringing a new rage across your skin. His other hand went to the back of your head and pushed it down, simultaneously using the hold on your hand to throw you into a spin. You were slightly disoriented when you faced him again and he was quick to wrap his hand around your throat. He backed you against the wall, pinning your caught hand about your head.
You raised a knee quickly and managed to get it against his lower abdomen, you positioned your bladed hand at the base of his throat so the tip threatened to pierce under his chin. Staring at the man for a second, you realized it was Billy and you let yourself smile.
“Having fun?” You teased and he smirked back at you.
“What the hell is wrong with you?” The man you had thrown the disk at just moments before yelled from behind Billy.
“You gonna handle that or should I?” You nodded to the man without breaking eye contact with Billy.
“Go find everyone else.” Billy said simply, refusing to look away either.
The other man scoffed and mumbled something about how you got away with it cause you’re hot.
“They’re gonna think you’ve gone soft for me.” You said with a playful tone to your voice.
“For you?” His brows raised and he shook his head slightly. “No, I’m hard as ever.”
“Nothing like a knife to your throat to set the mood, right?” You continued and slid your knee lower, earning a small groan from him. “Don’t you have a job to finish?”
“Can’t do anything when you got me like this… What’re we gonna do about it?”
“Can’t do anything when you got me like this.” You nodded to the hand above your head.
“Well..” He chuckled and you bit your lip to keep the smile back.
“You got Morty and the team waiting in the other room.”
“Yeah, you’re not the quietest.” He joked and slowly stepped away and tapped his fingers under your chin with a wink.
You hummed slightly and looked down the hall to the broken window. You had to trust that Frank got away, pulled something out his sleeve and was on his way back to the compound. Until you knew otherwise, you had no reason to doubt him. When Billy finally had his blood flow back to his head, you followed him back to Morty’s office.
“That was a shit show.” He announced as he entered, you right behind him. 
“Yeah, cause this bitch wants to flip sides in the middle
of the job.” One of the men commented.
“The bitch can still break your jaw.” You warned sharply, your accent dancing on the edge of your tongue.
“The hell are you doing here?” Morty asked Billy, thankfully taking Billy’s and your attention back. “Oh Christ. She’s with you?”
“We’re saving your life, Morty.” Billy answered. “So why don’t you put your pants on and then you’re gonna say exactly what I tell you to say when I tell you to say it.”
You had to admit that despite Billy’s loyalty being seemingly based on coin flips, something about seeing him in that firm and commanding circumstance reminded you of why you liked him in the first place. You smirked slightly and you looked up at him, knowing your expression was one of clear admiration. And it wasn’t any sort of romantic or loving admiration. It was attraction. It was your own magnetism to and for power, to and for violence. Billy was both good for you and bad, good for business and bad.
When all was said and done, you realized you had no idea what Frank and Lieberman actually did. You didn’t know what the countdown was for. It was more than just testing the theory that Rawlins knew what was happening. But if anyone had asked what the hell happened on the other side of things, you’d have no real answer. But you knew that there was one thing that you could and would have to answer to Frank for.
And that was what the hell you were doing there.
Billy sent the other guys away, leaving you and him to deal with Bennett. You and him drove the man to the same place you two had been to meet with Rawlins. You and Billy both went off to change, though you simply exchanged your form fitting top for a sweater Billy brought for you. He joked about how it took you long enough to wear his clothes instead, and you knew it was a jab at your refusal to stay out of Matt’s drawers, but you ignored it.
You walked into the study and his hand was on your lower back. You two were instantly hit with an accusation from Morty. Billy sat on the back of the couch and hooked his fingers into your front pocket to pull you to stand between his legs so he could have his arm around your hips. You rested your arm on his shoulder while your fingers ran along the back of his neck and leaned into him slightly.
“And her!” He yelled and turned on you, throwing a pointed finger in your direction. “She put a knife to my neck!”
You offered a sarcastic expression and flipped him off, which made Billy chuckle slightly from beside you. He leaned away to pour two glasses of liquor and pressed one into your hand while Morty and Rawlins continued their little back and forth.
“Y’know, without us…” Billy began, looking up at you for a second before going back to the conversation. “Frank Castle would have your balls wired to a car battery by now.”
“Yeah, but he pays women to step on his balls so he probably wouldn’t even feel it.” You added on. “If he did, he’d probably finish right then and there.”
“Kiss my ass, Lieutenant Russo.” Morty spat back. “You too, you cheap skank.”
“You couldn’t afford me.” You retorted with a small step forward but Billy’s hand on your leg stopped you.
“What did you tell Frank Castle?” Rawlins asked calmly.
“Nothing.” Morty admitted.
“Did he take anything?” Billy asked.
“Did he take anything? He was trying to take me!”
“No he wasn’t.” You muttered into your glass.
“Excuse me?”
“He wasn’t gonna take you.” You repeated. “He knows about what you did, stuffing the drugs in the KIA’s that got sent back, but you aren’t the big ticket. He is.” You gestured to Rawlins, who was sat behind his desk with his hand folded like a cartoon villain.
“You give him any names?” Billy asked again.
“No.” Morty dragged out the syllable. “I told him to kiss my ass.”
“No you didn’t.” You laughed. “You begged him not to kill you. You didn’t say anything cause you didn’t have the time… Castle wasn’t looking for you to say the name to begin with.” You realized the last part as you said it.
He never needed Morty to give Orange’s identity because Lieberman has another way of getting it. Lieberman’s specialty was tech, survelliance, hacking. The more complicated version of what you could do. Frank was acting as a smokescreen while Lieberman worked behind the curtain.
You were so lost in putting the pieces together that when Billy tapped the back of your thigh, you jumped slightly. He stood up slowly and you backed away a few steps, but you caught the questioning look that only lasted for a second. Once he began to turn away from you, it was all business again.
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imaginesmai · 1 year
Once upon a fairy tale - Ubbe Ragnarson (preface)
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Other parts: Once Upon A Fairy Tale Masterlist
Plot: Ubbe and you meet for the first time, foreshadowing what your relationship is going to be like.
Warnings: none
For a young kid, a castle’s worth wasn’t defined by how expensive the curtains and carpets were, how bright the chandeliers shone. It was about how many good places to climb and hide it had, and the castle of Wessex wasn’t that good. At least, that was what five-year-old prince Ubbe thought.
He missed his home, where he could climb high walls without annoying servants dragging him back to his mother. Back there, his brothers and him could hide behind the counters of the kitchen and only come out when the cooks left, to have a big fest from dinner’s left overs. He didn’t have to worry about tight clothes or protocol, he could behave just as he wanted to.
It didn’t matter if he was the eldest son or if he was the heir to the throne once his father died. He was just Ubbe, and he liked it that way.
“Stop frowning” his mother reminded him, her voice deceptively sweet. “Your father doesn’t want you to make a fool of yourself today”
“But mother, it’s tight. And itchy” he complained, not understanding the bigger picture. Not understanding anything past his uncomfortable clothes and his annoyance. “I want to go back home. Why couldn’t Hvitserk come? I don’t get bored with him”
��Shut up, Ubbe. Just be still and smile” her mother suddenly tightened up when steps were heard from across the corridor. “They’re here. Smile, Ubbe. Be nice”
Ubbe didn’t have time to say anything else, as the doors were open and his father came in. He had left him and his mother there what seemed like ages ago, but now he wasn’t alone. With him came another man, shorter than him and slimmer, laughing loudly. Ubbe guessed he was the king of the palace they were visiting, given he was wearing a crown.
His mother got up and made a curtesy bow, which he imitated. Even though he was bored and wanted to go back home, he knew he had to be polite and behave.
“Oh, my dearest Aslaug! Look at you, as gorgeous as ever” the stranger kissed his mother’s hand, and then looked at Ubbe. “And you should be the young prince, right? Don’t you look elegant”
“I’m Ubbe Ragnarson” the boy smiled widely, looking proudly at his father.
“Wonderful. I’m king Ecbert, and this is my daughter, princess Y/N” he said, although Ubbe couldn’t see any princess there. When Ecbert noticed, he turned around and dragged from behind him a girl.
You were a year younger than Ubbe’s, and if the boy was uncomfortable from being in a stranger’s castle, you were horrified at having to meet one. That morning, your father had made an effort to choose your best gowns and prettiest dress. He had told your about important guests who would come soon, but you didn’t know you had to meet them too.
Which had completely destroyed your plans of having fun, as you did every other day in a castle as the only child. You frowned at the boy in front of you, looking at his wrinkled clothes, smug smile and blue eyes.
He was disgusting.
“Come on, present yourself” your father pushed you towards Ubbe, who took a step back. “Now, darling”
“I’m princess Y/N Ealhmunding” the child tried to smile, but it came out as a grimace. “I’m four”
“I’m five” Ubbe quickly said, feeling instantly superior to the princess. “I’m older”
“And I’m prettier”
Ragnar tried to mask his amusement with a cough, and Ecbert quickly took you by your arm and told you to apologize. But you could only look at Ubbe’s surprised face, his smug smile gone, looking utterly offended. With a small smile, you apologized and let the adults do all the introductions.
While they talked, you didn’t tear your eyes away from the prince, and neither did he. He wasn’t easily annoyed – with three brothers, he was more than used to teasing. But he was also used to being the eldest, in charge of the room and game they were playing. And even if they fought and argued like any other children, Ubbe wasn’t annoyed.
But you were looking at him with that snide smile, the corner of your mouth stained with a chocolate he hadn’t tasted and that he wanted. So he tried his best to win the staring contest and let your know with just a look that he didn’t like you at all.
And that he would never do.
Want to read more? Check out my side blog @imaginesmaimasterlists, where I keep all the masterlists! Feedback is always appreciated
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jessicanjpa · 5 months
An excerpt from this chapter of 2003. The Cullens have just moved to Forks and Edward is exploring the woods behind the house.
I was surprised to find the remnants of an old trail not far from the river. It hadn't been used in a long time; for most of its length, the only sign was a winding track of evergreens that were significantly shorter than their neighbors. A rusted tin can was the only other evidence that a human had ever passed this way. Maybe this path led to an old deer stand or something like that.
I explored here and there, finally taking to the treetops so I could follow the "path" more easily. I was finally rewarded with the sight of a big rectangle so regular that it had to be manmade. It was partially obscured by the overgrowth and the rotted branches that had fallen on it in recent years, but it was definitely a building. I swung back down to the forest floor, surprised to see not a deer stand or a spartan hunting shack, but an adorable little stone cottage.
It was like stepping into a fairy tale. I had landed just far enough away to use the little path of flat stones that led the way home to the front door. The decaying, broken roof was an eyesore, but everything else was perfect... in a crumbling, half-reclaimed-by-nature sort of way. Wild, meandering honeysuckle had completely taken over one wall. Nearly every stone was outlined and softened with moss. The arched door wasn't in the best shape, but it was made of sturdy oak that had easily outlived the roof.
I walked a wide circle around the whole thing. A stone chimney crowned the southern corner, and there was a little door in the back that opened directly into what probably used to be a garden. Now, it was just a little outline of rotted miniature fencing, completely overrun by natural growth. Only a single climbing rose plant had survived to tell the story of the former inhabitants, clinging to the mossy stones as if to escape the encroaching wilderness.
I reached out and gently touched its petals. Stubborn rose, I thought with a smile. It was a good omen; Rosalie and Emmett were going to love it out here. It'd been a while since they'd really needed four walls of their own to knock down as they pleased, but it wasn't every day we found a house that came complete with a fairy tale cottage, either. I was almost jealous.
I carefully inspected the rest of the exterior before easing the door open. Esme would want to know every detail, though of course she would soon be out here to see it for herself. I stretched my gift back toward the main house to her mind abuzz with renovation plans. She might not be able to get to the cottage right away. I grimaced around the tiny living room. The beehive fireplace was in good enough condition, but the wallpaper was an affront to all that was good and holy. Hopefully the smell would get thrown out with it.
The kitchen was little more than a camper's stove and a sink, which was just as well. Two rickety chairs crowded up to a tiny breakfast table that had seen better days. I was far more interested in the old piano that took up the wall across from the fireplace. I didn't expect much, what with the exposure and the humidity it must have suffered over the years, but I still let out a disappointed sigh when the keys refused to be pushed, much less make any sound. I took a peek inside; the strings actually didn't look too bad. I already had the Steinway baby grand anyway, but it would be a shame to send it to a junkyard. Maybe I could find a local piano repair shop that enjoyed restoring hard luck cases.
Just like the main house, the cottage seemed bigger inside than out. I followed a little hallway—it was arched like the front door, as though I had wandered into a tiny castle—and found a generous bedroom matched against two smaller rooms. No signs of plumbing ever having been installed: that would give Esme a pleasant challenge.
The whole thing was perfect. Maybe if Rosalie and Emmett spent enough time out here, they would even agree to switch bedrooms with me. I didn't exactly need a full suite, but I wouldn't say no to my own shower and enough room for all my books to come out of their boxes. They were getting the better deal by far; this place was a jewel. And it felt right, somehow; it had been a shame to see the hunting cottage back at our old Hoquiam place fall into disrepair. Having this little find on our new property seemed to make up for it.
I headed back to the main house, wondering who had lived out at the cottage once upon a time, and why. I supposed it might be as old as the house, or even older; there could have been a whole line of occupants. The cottage had its own little story to tell. Perhaps it had been used as a mother-in-law unit once: a whimsical grandmother with plenty of cats and plenty of time to tend her roses. Then a little honeymoon retreat for a blushing couple who had set up house with a second-hand breakfast table, then a brooding pianist who needed solitude to work on his compositions.
And now it would house a pair of lovesick vampires who would hopefully leave it in one piece and pass it on to continue the story. The older we all got, the more distanced we felt from stories like these, no matter how picturesque the setting or how vivid an imprint our renovations left behind. But I supposed we were just stewards like the rest: here for a day, then nothing more than a fading memory.
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