#with sweet potato casserole and biscuits!
pianokantzart · 1 year
Yo, if you guys have an insta pot I can NOT recommend this recipe enough.
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literaryvein-reblogs · 2 months
Writing Notes: Herbs, Spices & Seasoning
Herbs and spices can add flavor and variety to your food.
Use a little at first, then add more when you are sure you like the flavor.
To substitute dry herbs for fresh, use ¼ teaspoon powder or 1 teaspoon crushed for 1 tablespoon fresh chopped herbs. Some herbs and spices are expensive.
You might want to buy only a few of the less expensive herbs and spices you will use.
Herbs and spices lose flavor and can spoil or get buggy if kept in the cupboard longer than a year.
If you use herbs and spices slowly, buy small containers, or store them in the freezer.
Uses of Herbs, Spices & Seasonings
Allspice - A mixture of cinnamon, nutmeg and cloves. Use in fruit desserts, pumpkin pie, apple cider, cakes, cookies, chicken, beef and fish dishes.
Basil - Tomato and egg dishes, stews, soups and salads
Bay leaves - Tomato dishes, fish and meat dishes
Celery seed - Juices, soups, salads, vegetables, pot roasts, poultry, rolls and biscuits
Chili powder - Chili, bean and rice dishes
Chives - Potato dishes, soups, dips and sauces
Cilantro - Latin American, Indian and Chinese dishes, salsa, stir fries, (Coriander leaves) legume or rice salads, hot cooked rice, grilled chicken or fish, or a dish of ripe tomatoes. Use fresh if possible.
Cinnamon - French toast, fruit and fruit salads, sweet potatoes, pumpkin and squash, puddings and apple desserts, ham or pork chops
Cloves - Whole cloves on ham or pork roast; ground cloves to season pear or apple desserts, beets, beans, tomatoes, squash and sweet potatoes
Coriander seed - Middle Eastern dishes, spice cakes and cookies, soups, roast pork and salad dressing
Cumin - Mexican, Middle Eastern and Indian dishes; beef and lamb, dry bean dishes, marinades, chili and tomato sauces; ingredient in curry powder
Dillweed - Tuna or salmon salad, potato salad, pickles, dips and sauces
Garlic - Mexican, Italian and Oriental dishes and in salad dressings; can be used fresh or dried, minced or powder
Ginger (fresh) - Oriental dishes, marinades for chicken or fish, fruit salad, dressings
Ginger (ground) - Gingerbread, spice cake, pumpkin pie, poultry or meat, soups, stews, stuffing, squash, sweet potatoes
Ground peppers: black, Cayenne & white pepper - Meats, casseroles, vegetables and soups
Italian seasoning - A mixture of marjoram, oregano, basil and rosemary; use in Italian dishes such as spaghetti
Marjoram - Egg and cheese dishes, meats, fish, poultry and vegetables
Mint - Fruit salads and fruit soups, melon, berries, cold fruit beverages, cooked carrots or peas, chilled yogurt soup, lamb, tabbouleh
Mustard - Sauces for meat and fish, in marinades, salad dressings, chutneys, pickles and relishes
Nutmeg - Cooked fruits, pies and desserts, baked items, spinach, sweet potatoes, eggnog and French toast
Onion - Any dish where onion flavor is desired; can be used fresh or dried (minced or powder)
Oregano - Italian dishes, chili, omelets, beef stew, meat loaf, pork and vegetables such as broccoli or tomatoes
Parsley - Meat, soup or vegetable dishes; adds color
Paprika - Stew, chicken, fish, potatoes, rice and hard-cooked eggs
Rosemary - Egg dishes, meats, fish, soups and stews, and vegetables
Thyme - Fish, poultry or meats, in soups or stews, vegetable salads
If these writing notes help with your poem/story, do tag me. Or send me a link. I'd love to read them!
More: On Food More: Word Lists
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vaspider · 10 months
I can't tell you how fucking good my Thursday was. Like, I'm still processing it.
A few months ago, my cousin, the incredibly talented surgeon, got out of Burning Man right before people got stuck there. I had been checking her Facebook bc I was worried about her, even though we didn't talk much. She's half a dozen years younger than me, and her mom is my dad's baby sister.
I kind of dropped out of contact with most of my cousins when I went to college - I went off to be the weird one, the queer one, the one who didn't get a degree, while most of the rest of that generation... didn't do that. I accepted my status as "rainbow sheep" and figured me and my brother were all I needed.
It never really occurred to me that my cousins wouldn't be as judgmental as their mother. I just assumed they were all kinda looking at me out of the corners of their eyes, the same way their parents do.
My cousin M messaged me and asked if she could call, because Burning Man was the last on a long list of things which had gone wrong recently, and she needed someone to talk to who would understand.
We talked for three hours. Turns out that being the oldest of three in this family and either being or being assumed as a girl gives us an awful lot in common.
We talk pretty much all the time now in texts and on the phone. Turns out that her baby brother - who was 2 when I went to college - lives in town, and her sister just moved out here, too.
Then I found out she was coming up to visit her sister over the holiday and, with 48h notice, invited everybody to our house for dinner. No problem - I just put together turkey, fresh cranberry sauce, canberry sauce, stuffing, green bean casserole, cheese ball, biscuits, mashed potatoes, sweet potato casserole, pumpkin pie, pecan pie, two kinds of fudge, all gluten-free, by keeping a running task list so anybody who was in the kitchen microwaving soup or whatever could scrub or chop something. I will always cook like the entire Jewish population of Portland might show up at a moment's notice.
All of which led to the moment after Thanksgiving dinner when M hugged Evie as they packed up to go and said, "Yay! More family!" after an afternoon of chatter and everybody pitching in to help finish dinner.
So like... reach out to your cousins, if you haven't talked to 'em much since you became adults. It might not work out.
Then again, it might.
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sheawritesstuff · 1 month
Redacted Characters as Midwestern / Southern Food I Think They'd Like
✩ Sam - Gooey Butter Cake
✩ Porter - Coleslaw
✩ Vincent - Toasted Ravioli
✩ David - Chili with Cinnamon Rolls
✩ Milo - Buckeyes
✩ Asher - Chicago Mix Popcorn
✩ Huxley - Tater Tot Hotdish
✩ Damien - Chili Mac
✩ Lasko - Scotcheroos
✩ Gavin - Sweet Cream Corn
✩ Camelopardalis - Sugar Cream Pie
✩ Vega - Morel Mushrooms
✩ Hush - Chocolate Potato Chips
✩ Avior - Deep Dish Pizza
✩ Regulus - Frog Legs
✩ Caelum - Puppy Chow
✩ Guy - Fried Cheese Curds
✩ Geordi - Cornbread
✩ Ollie - Biscuits and Gravy
✩ Ivan - Fried Okra
✩ Aaron - Burnt Ends
✩ Elliott - Hashbrown Casserole
✩ Blake - Apple Pie with Cheddar Cheese
✩ Brachium - Frozen Custard
✩ Kody - Meatloaf with Ketchup
✩ Anton - Cheeseburger Pie
✩ James - Watergate Salad
✩ Marcus - Fried Green Tomatoes
✩ Morgan - Beer Brats
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what do you think the chains favorite breakfast foods are (if they eat breakfast)
Okay I'm good now.
ANYWAYS, I split you ask into two sections: first, their favorite food ever if they can get their hands on it, the second what they like to eat on the road. And then a final unhinged rant at the bottom about the one thing about teenage boys/young men and their food that I'll never understand: Bacon.
Legend--I have a feeling that he likes sweets. Specifically, waffles with whipped cream and berries. They're a little burnt, but Ravio made them for him, so he'll pretend he doesn't notice (and grows to like them better that way). On the road, he'll go for coffee/tea (he's not picky) if one of the others make it, or nothing at all.
Hyrule--does he have a favorite breakfast food? Food isn't very stable where he comes from--Legend and Wild would spoil him so much in regard of expanding his palate. But I imagine that something like a fried mixture of beef/sausage, vegetables, and a starch (perhaps an even poorer version of an already poor person food Shepherd's Pie, perhaps? it could be a breakfast food) would be a sort of filling, tasty, and easy to procure/make/preserve food that he'd like. On that note, I would say something simple, easy to get and preserve, and hardy would be his go to breakfast on the road--maybe meat jerky.
Wild--Also a sweets person. Fruit cake, cinnamon rolls, frosted cupcakes, basically all the little delicacies he could get at a dumb party 100 years ago, he ain't picky, it's for breakfast and it's fueling a day long sugar high. On the road he, unlike the other Links, can be pretty creative with his breakfasts, and he likes his spice as well. So, I think he'd like Meaty rice balls.
Four--direct this question to someone else please. He has four voices in his head fighting to answer right now, and none of them agree. I surely dont know if he doesn't.
Time--Pancakes and farm-fresh scrambled eggs and toast with jam. Malon makes it for him. What can I say. On the road he is a habitual coffee drinker, he wouldn't be functioning in the mornings without it. But he'll also take a poached egg if he has the time (heh).
Warrior--unlike Time who is a habitual coffee drinker, he is a coffee connoisseur. He likes the breakfasts they serve at the castle--a lot of meats and fruits, expensive, and on top of it all, well plated. Not to say that he can't eat simply--he was in a war, mind you--just that he prefers not to. On the road, he strikes me as the kind that would drink those tasteless quick oats (y'know you just add water, shake and go?) and also be very vocal about much time (heh) it's saving him (being none). I don't know what the Hyrule equivalent of those are.
Twilight--our favorite country boy. I think he likes a true southern breakfast. Ham and pan-fried potatoes and eggs over-easy, with a side of cheesy grits and sausage biscuits and gravy like Uli used to make for him (I HC this man has a black hole of a stomach, out of all the Links). On the road he'll inhale a boiled egg or two (salted and peppered if he's feeling fancy) that Wild made for him. I also head canon that Twilight likes tea with an intensity. And not only sweet tea, but like, ALL of the teas. He gets obsessive. I literally have in my detail/subplot tracking documents for BDOR the following entry underneath chapter 8--Tea: "Twilight’s cure to Wild’s voice is tea. His cure to life’s woes is tea."
Wind--whatever his grandma is making, probably with seafood involved. I've had a crab-spinach-egg casserole for breakfast before, it was good, so I'll give him that. On the road, I can see him packing a lot of bread and some meat (dried fish if he can get it).
Sky--This guy honestly has me stumped. Do those on Skyloft eat Loftwing eggs, or are they considered taboo? They have a lot of pumpkins around--do they incorporate them into their meals?@needfantasticstories you know a lot of Skyward Sword lore, bequeath me your wisdom. Anyways on the road he's a meat and bread person like Wind. Practical.
Now, for my rant about young men and their food quirks:
Bacon. Bacon, as I have witnessed, drives the most reasonable of men insane.
I just a few things to say about this. I have younger brothers, and I born witness to many male sleepover parties. I--as the resident nasty fe-male XD--have been (forced) to cook for them in the mornings. Set a pile of bacon in front of them (or really any meat, but I have found that bacon has the strongest affect) and they turn into WOLVES. They start to crowd around and stare as soon as they begin to smell it (which hey, give me space in the kitchen, please!), snatch it up before the grease even cools, and then retreat into their separate corners of the living room/kitchen and scarf it down, all while avoiding eye contact and projecting just how much they don't care about the bacon they're eating (perhaps so one of the others don't take notice and try to steal it). There's an odd little ritual/rules to the thing, too: for example, it's frowned upon to take more than three or four pieces at a time, there has to be enough for everyone, obviously; but if you finish a second and third serving before some poor sod stumbles in and gets himself a piece--why that is acceptable, even encouraged. But at all times, you could feel them watching each other, judging whether each person had taken acceptable amounts. 6 at once, I have determined, is veritably considered too much, as I have watched an entire group of mid-late teenage boys chase another through the house and outside for this crime of greed. Another thing was the presence of literally any other edible food. If there was anything else--eggs, fruit, even something like a few slices of unbuttered toast or coffee or juice sitting out, this reaction was largely tempered--even if none of the boys took the other foods, they would take a meager one or two pieces of bacon and be satisfied, perhaps reassured that other food was present and their hope of a filling breakfast was not in vain. Most, at that point they would restrain themselves from eating anything (other than their bacon tax) and wait so that everyone could eat together. But the mad scramble that occurs when there is bacon and only bacon in the kitchen (even if other things are cooking, nearly done, and visible to them) is otherworldly.
I never saw it with anything else, not eggs, not fruit, not even sausage or any other breakfast food. And it must be noted that I was exempt from their little ritual of judgement--perhaps as the only woman, or perhaps as the cook, I was allowed to take as much bacon as I liked from the pile, once the initial wave had attacked and retreated with their bounty (and the strips of bacon had cooled enough that mortal human hands such as my own could pick them up). And while they behaved like beasts, I was always very politely thanked for making breakfast once it was over and the frenzy had abated.
Anyways, your ask got me thinking about Malon making a pile of bacon for the boys, activating the beforehand undiscovered "PANIC! BACON!" mode in their brains, and just being utterly confused as they turn into animals. Just the boys descend, and then a few shouts of "Thanks, Malon!" drift in on the wind as they scatter like racoons with treasure, leaving an empty plate spinning behind them.
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dying-to-be-skinny · 26 days
31/08/24 - 64.1 kg
Biscuits - ?
half a chicken schnitzel roll - ?
chicken casserole with mashed potato- ?
chips and gravy - ?
sweet potato wrap - 79 cals
blueberries - 10 cake
baby carrots - 8 cals
lettuce - 9 cals
turkey breast - 21 cals
green beans - 22 cals
oats and almond milk - 125 cals
Total - ?
Total burned - 259 cals
Net total - ?
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dameronscopilot · 2 years
as per @romanarose's request 💖—
Thanksgiving with the Triple Frontier Boys
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Has been banned from turkey duty for the last 3 years because one year he waited until the night before to start defrosting it, the next year he accidentally bought a chicken, and the year after that he “surprised” everyone by making a Hot Cheetos turkey.
Was finally allowed to be in charge of the turkey again this year, bought an outdoor deep fryer to cook it.
Gets into a fight with Santiago every year because he thinks canned cranberry sauce is the best and he always brings it.
Always brings the best biscuits, acts very mysterious and refuses to tell anyone where he buys them from (they’re from Popeyes).
Brought Doritos for whatever reason?
Is the host because he has the best television and living room set up to watch the football game.
Had an entire extra turkey ready to go in the oven when he rightly assumed that Benny’s deep fried turkey would be an absolute disaster.
Nobody but him is allowed to make the mashed potatoes after the crunchy potatoes disaster of 2013, the stringy potatoes nightmare of 2015, and the liquid potatoes catastrophe of 2016. 
He’s also the only one that’s allowed to use the electric carving knife.
Makes his own cranberry sauce from scratch.
Spitefully bought all of the canned cranberry sauce at the grocery store Benny goes to (and donated it to a food bank) so he wouldn’t have it.
(The joke was on him because Benny already had a stockpile in his pantry.)
Everyone hates green beans besides him. He brings an entire tray anyway and purposely puts them on everyone’s plates.
Makes the best sweet potatoes, hands down (and he surprised Benny by finally giving in and making the sweet potato casserole he begs him to make every year). 
Stopped at the McDonalds drive thru and got a bag full of cheeseburgers on the way "just in case."
Bought every single kind of pie at the grocery store because he was getting anxiety watching everyone fight over flavors in the group chat.
Has been bringing the same store bought mac and cheese tray for the past 5 years. They all love it. Everyone thinks he’s making it at home from scratch. Will probably never tell them otherwise.
Made a ridiculous Jell-O salad one year just to fuck with everyone. Benny ate the entire thing just to make a point (and spent the next two hours throwing up). Will has since banned Jell-O from Thanksgiving, period.
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bradshawsbaby · 2 years
Spring OTP prompts and me not sending one in? Unheard of! 😂 If you're so inclined, how about Rhett x Honeybee + "Caught in a sudden rainstorm"? Happy Spring! 🌺 🌼 🌷
Hehe, I know I can always count on you to send in some really good prompts! 💕
The picnic in the pasture had been your idea.
With spring finally here, Rhett’s duties on the ranch had doubled and you knew he was in desperate need of a break. Just the other night, he’d had to cancel your dinner plans at the last minute because he was too sore to even think about getting behind the wheel of his truck.
“I’m sorry, honeybee. I feel awful,” he apologized, his regret hanging heavy in the air, even over the phone. “I’ll make it up to you, I promise.”
“Don’t worry, baby. You just get some rest. I’ll see you soon, okay?” you responded, already formulating an idea in your mind as you kicked off your shoes.
You could hear him yawning on the other end of the line and imagined his blue eyes growing heavy as he laid down on his bed. “G’night,” he mumbled, his husky voice heavy laden with exhaustion. “Love you.”
“Love you, too.”
The next afternoon, you’d set out for the Abbott ranch, armed with a picnic basket full of all your boyfriend’s favorites—the fried chicken you’d learned how to make in your grandma’s kitchen, homemade mashed potatoes sprinkled liberally with bacon bits, your mama’s award-winning green been casserole, buttermilk biscuits, and a freshly baked apple pie. Cecilia, grinning all the while, pointed you in the direction of where Rhett was working for the day, while Amy begged you with her best puppy dog expression to bring back any leftovers.
Rhett was in the middle of repairing a busted fence when you came over the crest of the hill, but as soon as he saw you, he dropped everything and came running, a wide grin on his tired, but ever handsome face.
“Well aren’t you a sight for sore eyes,” he smirked, taking the picnic basket from your hands and lowering it to the ground so that he could gather you into his arms and press a hungry kiss to your lips.
You’d missed him these past couple weeks, so much so that you didn’t even mind the fact that he was drenched in sweat and soaking the front of your sundress.
“I figured since it was hard for you to make our dates, I’d bring a date to you,” you told him with a teasing grin, running your fingers through the damp hair at the base of his neck. “Up for a picnic, Abbott?”
“Depends,” Rhett replied, humor winking in his blue eyes. “What’s on the menu?”
He had the picnic basket in hand and was tugging you across the pasture before you’d even listed half the items you’d packed for him.
It was a perfect afternoon. Sitting in the bright spring sunshine, Rhett scarfed down lunch before you could even finish slicing the pie.
“You really did think of everything, honeybee,” he grinned, gratefully accepting the mason jar full of sweet tea that you’d packed.
Everything except the weather, apparently.
Nothing about the forecast had suggested rain, but before you could fully register the change, dark clouds suddenly blew across the expansive Wyoming sky, blocking out the sun.
“Uh-oh,” Rhett groaned, glancing upward. “We better get—”
Your boyfriend hadn’t even finished his sentence when the sky suddenly opened up, the heavens themselves appearing to weep as the rain began falling in buckets.
“Shit,” Rhett sighed, the two of you racing to grab all the remnants of your picnic and toss them back into the picnic basket. “Come on, honeybee,” he called over the din of the downpour, taking your hand in his and leading you back across the pasture, in the direction of the house.
As the rain began falling harder, the two of you soaked through, you began running, though to be honest, you weren’t even sure why. It wasn’t like you could avoid getting wet at this point.
Just as the house came into sight, however, you suddenly felt your foot slipping on the slick grass, your free arm flinging out precariously as you felt yourself toppling over.
“Rhett!” you cried out, unable to stop yourself from pulling your boyfriend down with you into a rain-soaked heap.
The two of you lay there in the mud for a moment or two, too stunned to say or do much of anything. Sitting up slowly, you glanced down at your dress, now marred with grass stains and mud splatters. And then you opened up your mouth and laughed.
You laughed so hard, your sides ached and you found it hard to catch your breath.
Falling backward onto the wet ground, you continued to giggle as the raindrops splattered violently against your face, the onslaught only easing up when Rhett hovered above you, grinning down at you with rain trickling off the bridge of his nose.
“You alright?” he asked with an affectionate smile, brushing his calloused fingers against your cheek.
Beaming, you nodded and pulled him down for a kiss, albeit a rather damp one.
“Right as rain.”
Spring OTP Prompts 🌧️
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kintsugibody · 24 days
baked mac n cheese, cream soda, lasagna, miso ramen, bacon triple stacked cheeseburgers, cream filled croissants, strawberry shortcake, truffle fries, pizza with all meat toppings, waffles with vermont maple syrup and salted butter, red bean mochi, strawberry frosted donuts, fried chicken, cheese danish, parmesan chex mix, chocolate cake, hashbrowns, smores, lobster mac n cheese, queso potato chips, cheesecake, french toast, auntie annies pretzels, brown sugar boba, pumpkin loaf, chicken sandwich, tortelini in cheese sauce, shaved ice, raw cookie dough, churros, brownies, orange chicken, cheddar biscuits, breakfast casserole, peanut butter fudge, country fried chicken with gravy, apple pie, elephant ears with butter and powdered sugar, apple fritters, bread pudding, egg rolls, tater tots, strawberry short cake ice cream bars, croissants, funyuns, california roll sushi, breakfast sausage, hawaiian sweet rolls, chicken quesadilla, crab and cream cheese wontons, chips and salsa, onion rings, fried fish, please someone dig me out this hell
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edith-is-a-cat · 5 months
Fuzzy socks - What is something that made you smile today? Soft blanket - Did you drink and eat enough today? Strawberry milk - What is your favorite (hot) beverage? Cupcake - Do you have a comfort food? If so, what is it? Teddy bear - Do you own any plushies? Please tell me about them! Tulip - What is your favorite flower? Warm milk - What is something that makes you feel comfortable? Vanilla - What is your favorite scent? Biscuit - Do you like to cook / to bake? Kitty paw - Do you have any pets?
Pillow - What are five (or more) things that make you happy? Puppy - What is something that you like about yourself? Pastel - What is your favorite color? Slipper - What is your favorite clothes? Soft fur - How are you feeling right now? Popcorn - Do you prefer movies or shows? Blush - What is your favorite season and why? Sparkle - What are some of your wishes? Pajamas - Are you an early bird or do you rather sleep in? Cream puff - What was the last thing you ate and did you like it? Meow - Share a random fact about yourself, please Warmth - Do you like to cuddle? Cozy - How many pillows do you have in your bed? Glitter - What color are your eyes? Cinnamon - What are some about your hobbies? Unicorn - Do you believe in magic? Butterfly - If you could live anywhere you like, what would you choose? Bonbon - Do you rather like sweet or salty snacks?
Fuzzysocks- What is something that made you smile today?
My irl requesting to paint my nails next weekend :)
Soft blanket- Did you drink and eat enough today?
no,,,,,,,, i don't like eating or drinking at my dad's but i did have potato casserole for breakfast so there is something in me!!!! We are also supposed to get pizza I think?
Strawberry milk - What is your favorite (hot) beverage?
loose leaf tea, coffee, literally if its a hot im happy
Cupcake- Do you have a comfort food? If so, what is it?
brisket,,, its always the best meal when we make it and it leads to nachos the next day with the leftovers
Teddy bear- Do you own any plushies? Please tell me about them!
I have 5 on my bed: Teddy, Eeveelyn, Levi, Jerry, and most recently Len Also here is a little introduction of them if you are curious! Teddy - The teddy bear that I have had since birth!! in pretty good shape!! Eeveelyn - my first or second birthday build-a-bear (a tradition from bdad) and is strawberry scented, and if you already guessed yes it's and eevee plush :) Levi - build-a-bear sylveon, named after Leviathian from obey me I got it in Oregon! Jerry - big ass teddy bear, like cannonically Grim's size, named after Jerry from Tales from the Gas Station! Len - another birthday build-a-bear (My Melody specfically)! Named after Len Kagamine, and matches with the Kuromi my irl got (theirs is Rin :)) The build-a-bear I got when my irl bit me in a build-a-bear
Tulip -What is your favorite flower?
Bunny - When was the last time you saw a wild animal and what was it?
Road runner while i was in the car
Fluffy cloud-Do you think clouds are made of cotton candy?
no sadly :(
Warm milk- What is something that makes you feel comfortable?
a blanket over my shoulders makes me feel safer
Angel- What was your last dream about?
About being outed as queer and having to move and leaving my irl behind? probably more of a nightmare of trauma dream or something
Vanilla- What is your favorite scent?
Eucalyptus :)
Biscuit- Do you like to cook / to bake?
Yes!! especially when i have direction
Kitty paw- Do you have any pets?
Yes!! All chow chows + the cat we feed, their names are Buccee, Tinkerbell, Big Tex, and Elsa are the chows and Cinnamon Spice the Starving is the cat :)
Pillow- What are five (or more) things that make you happy?
Moots Irl Drawing Idia Bed
Puppy- What is something that you like about yourself?
My hair :)
Pastel-What is your favorite color?
Pink, sage green, gold, purple, what ever blue ignihdye blue is :3
Slipper- What is your favorite clothes?
Cat nose- What color does your phone-case have?
Purple but covered in cinnamoroll stickers
Soft fur- How are you feeling right now?
Kinda upset and scared ngl
Chocolate milk-If you are comfortable with it, share your phone’s wallpaper
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Animal crossing-What is the last video game you played?
Stardew Valley!
Sugar- How many siblings do you have?
The live ones 2 including dead ones 4
Popcorn- Do you prefer movies or shows?
I don't really have a preference!
Blush- What is your favorite season and why?
Fall! just i like when the days are shorter!
Sparkle- What are some of your wishes?
To own a home
Love- Are you in a relationship?
HA no! never have probably never will be? I maybe a hopeless romantic
Pajamas- Are you an early bird or do you rather sleep in?
Cream puff- What was the last thing you ate and did you like it?
Pizza! just had some and yeah??
Meow- Share a random fact about yourself, please
I have four scars on my face!
Warmth- Do you like to cuddle?
I uhm??? idk last time i felt gross but it was enjoyable if I didnt feel like that!!!
Cozy- How many pillows do you have in your bed?
Glitter- What color are your eyes?
either grey or green!
Cinnamon- What are some about your hobbies?
Art, sewing, and sometimes writing if i really feel up to it!!!
Unicorn- Do you believe in magic?
Just a little
Butterfly-If you could live anywhere you like, what would you choose?
ANYWHERE BUT THE U.S.!!! maybe Canada, Australia or somewhere in Europe
Princess-Do you prefer to wear skirts, dresses or pants?
Bonbon- Do you rather like sweet or salty snacks?
depends if i had something sweet or salty before that! then i switch to the opposite
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certifiedsev · 2 years
•Happy Thanksgiving!!•
- Everyone would go to his house so he would be doing the main cooking
- he would definitely start cooking the day before
- he makes the turkey, the stuffing, and the potatoes
- he bakes a sweet potato pie but burns it somehow ??
- he would also set all the tables and make the to go plates for everyone when they leave
- would bring some kind of casserole
- pumpkin pie
- cranberry sauce
- stuffing
- cake/cupcakes
- apple pie
- he would bring soda and energy drinks
- he would definitely bring the 🍃 for the thanksgiving cousin walk
- no food just sweets honestly
- he would bring the baked macaroni and cheese that daichi helped him with
- he would bring the dinner rolls and biscuits
- he would also have his one famous s’mores recipe and bring it
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chongoblog · 2 years
assumption: despite living in georgia, you don't enjoy a lot of classic southern foods
It's really on a case by case basis and what is defined as "classic southern food"
So I'm gonna be using this list I found online as basis saying "Yes" if I do enjoy and "No" if I do not (with varying degrees of commentary)
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Deviled Eggs - No
Buttermilk Biscuits - Yes
Fried Chicken - YES
Peach Cobbler - Don't Love it like a lot of family and friends but Yes
Grits - No (but I haven't had em in a while so might be subject to change)
Banana Pudding- Yes (ESPECIALLY if you put some Nilla Wafers in that? So cash)
Chicken Pot Pie - Yes
Chicken and Dumplings - I don't know if I've had these, but judging by how they look, Yes
Blackened Catfish - No (Don't really like fish that much and I don't like blackened foods)
Coca-Cola Cake - What?
Salted Peanuts and Coke - Don't really like Nuts that much so No
Sweet Potato Pie - No, not huge on Sweet Potatoes
Collard Greens and Pot Liquor - Never had it
Creamed Corn - Yes
Fried Okra - YES (Underrated as hell tbh)
Pimento Cheese - Haven't had it in forever, but I feel like I'd like it if I had it now, so No with an asterisk
Sweet Tea - No
Hoppin' John - Never heard of it
Cornbread - Yes
Country Captain - Never heard of it, but looks pretty good
Sour Cream Pound Cake - Okay this author's gotta be making some of these up /s Never heard of it.
Skipping the next few because I've never heard of them
Boiled Peanuts - Nope (dont like nuts that much. It's the texture)
Pecan Pie - See above
Custard Pie - Yes
Giblet Gravy - Never heard of it
Barbecue - It varies, but for the most part yes, ribs are good as hell.
Red Velvet Cake - Yes
Chicken Fried Steak - YEEEEEES
Country Ham - Yes
Red Rice - Yes
So hopefully this answers your question
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broughtandborn · 2 years
I would like to hear about your Thanksgiving menus and traditions.
Our menu usually includes some real turkey and a fake turkey roast (Trader Joe's does a really good one), stuffing (Pepperidge Farm bagged mix with diced celery and apple and pecans mixed in), mashed potatoes, fresh and canned cranberry sauce, corn, some sort of bright veggie situation (either green beans or a shaved Brussels sprout salad with citrus vinaigrette) and always, always crescent rolls from a can. Sometimes we do sweet potatoes for the people who like them, sometimes we don't bother. Sometimes Andy's mom brings squash that almost no one eats. Sometimes we do a green bean casserole if we're having a bunch of people who will miss it if it's not there. Dessert is always multiple pies, at least one fruit and one with chocolate (this year it'll be a chocolate pecan and an apple and a store-bought pumpkin).
We always have the parade on in the background and someone pops over to the corner to buy a newspaper so we can go through the ads. We aim to eat dinner around 4 so we mill around and eat snacky things and sometimes I bake scones or biscuits for brunch.
Last year we made a layered leftovers pie in hot water crust and it was so good that we immediately announced it was going to be tradition and we're already looking forward to that.
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seas-storyarchive · 7 months
Maman's Birthday - What if
It had been a rough few months after the extermination. The hotel had to be repaired, wounds being stitched. And it seemed everyone was slowly getting into brighter spirits.
And the one who seemed to make the biggest stride, shockingly enough was Alastor. Until.. well..
The hotel residents woke up to amazing smells coming from the kitchen, making everyone lumber down to see what it was. On the large dining table, was a wide variety of intersting foods. It all smelled and looked super good.
"Hey, who made dis spread?" Angel asked, drooling slightly.
"Bonjour, chums!"
The joyous sound of Alastor's voice broke everyone's attention from the table, in fear.
The man was wearing his usual ensemble, save for his suit jacket but in it's place was a red vest covered with a.. was that a pink apron?? On his face was a smile, although not the usual malicious one. In his hands was a baking tray of homemade biscuits.
"Hi Alastor!" Charlie greeted, equally as enthused as him. "What's all of this stuff?" She gestured to the table. "It smells amazing."
"Merci, Charlotte." Alastor smiled to her, before moving past her to put the biscuits into a basket that was lined with a bread towel. "Oh, just a special occasion." He said, straightening his posture with the pan now empty that he moved from the table.
"What's the occasion, stretch?" Lucifer asked, sitting down and grabbing one of the biscuits as well as a butter knife and the accompanying butter dish, before opening it and spreading butter onto it.
"If you must knew, monsieur." Alastor's eye twitched. "It is my dear Mother's birthday. And I was hoping to share a favorite past time of mine for this day, making dear mother's favorite foods- a full three square meals for the day made with Mother's favorite foods- from her own recipes, through me, right to all of you."
"Oh Alastor! That's so beautiful!" Charlie wiped a tear from her eye. "If you need any help celebrating, just let us know."
"Oh, non non, Charlotte." Alastor tapped her nose with his pointer finger. "Just let me man the kitchens today, with my assistants being my trusty radio, Mother's recipe book and picture of her, as well as memories." He said, sounding sentimental.
"Unholy shit, Smiles!" Angel's voice made them look to the man - he had a plate of casserole, and was lowering his fork to the plate. "I don't know what the fuck dis is, but I am hard now! It was instant!"
Alastor, ignoring the more.. explicit part, decided to educate everyone as they all sat down to partake. "That, Angel and other chums, is cheesy grits casserole with smoked sausage. Mother's most requested dish for her birthday."
His eyes gained a mischievous glint to them. "Oh, and the butter that you slathered on your biscuit, monsieur," he put the attention on Lucifer, "was freshly churned by yours truley this morning."
"No fuckin' way!" Angel retorted, another bit of grits in his mouth - he reached for the dish and biscuits. "Gimmie dat shit!"
Alastor, now helping Niffty onto her seat, laughed quietly. "Just let me know if it needs to be replenished, I have another batch." A timer went off, making the man's ears turn towards the kitchen. "Oh, bonté! The sweet potato biscuits!" He looked quickly from the door to Niffty and Charlie.
"I'll help her out, Al." Charlie said, smiling as she poured some orange juice for Niffty.
"Merci, Charlotte cher." The man rushed off to the kitchen- everyone catching sight of a red deer tail, the tip being black and it was wagging (in enrichment) just below the knot in the apron.
Angel spat biscuit crumbs onto his plate in laughter. "Oh my goodness! What da fuck!"
Vaggie, picking at her food, looked at Charlie. "Are you sure we can trust this stuff?"
Charlie kept her smile as she looked at Vaggie, "I know how you feel, but if his mother brings him happiness and this is how he expresses it, this might be the key to his redemption."
"Maybe.." Vaggie said, pulling the muffin to her lips and taking a bite. She wouldn't admit it, but that was one good muffin.
"I ain't too sure about this either, Vaggie." Husk said, also picking at his food. "But I ain't gonna talk to boss about this."
"Pfft. What's the big deal?" Lucifer now had the floor, eating another biscuit, it was covered in some gravy looking stuff now. "Let the busboy be a busboy, it suits him." He muttered something about lowerclass sinners between bites.
"Dad!" Charlie was shocked on Alastor's behalf. "Imagine if I wanted to celebrate6yt you or mom like this, and you weren't here, and someone said that about me! What would you say? How would you think I would feel?"
Lucifer didn't say anything after that, but he didn't look guilty either
Alastor came back in with a tray of sweet potato biscuits. "Now, don't worry if there is any left over. As Mother always said, a meal worth having once, is worth having twice." He noticed the tension in the room, his ears flicking. He dumped the biscuits into another basket. "Did I, miss anything?"
"No." Came the shared response of Charlie and Lucifer - Charlie was annoyed and her dad was quiet.
Alastor nodded to them. "D'accord.. let me know if you all need anything else as I'll be cleaning up, because there is more than enough to go about right now. I have some that I put to the side and plan to take to Rosie, lass always loved mother's grits and sausage casserole." He chuckled. "Don't worry about stacking the dishes, I'll tend to them when I return, should be around lunch. I can't wait to prepare lunch."
As Alastor washed the dishes he used for the breakfast buffet he prepared, they heard jazz among the running water. Both were fault, but the humming was even fainter. Okay..
"Should we be worried?" Vaggie asked, not having touched anything apart from the muffin despite it all smelling amazing and her being hungry.
"No, I ain't toots." Angel said, going for some more food.
"Aint you gotta watch your figure?" Cherri asked, speaking up as she had been enjoying some cheesy egg & andouille sausage sliders.
"Pfft. I got the day off, so I don't fuckin' care." Angel retorted, piling on the sliders that Cherri had.
"Today could be worse." Husk said, eating a muffin.
After the dishes were washed, everyone ate their fill, and the food was put away, Alastor was on his was out.
"I promise I'll be back chums!" He said to them. "Oh! And please, leave my assistants at their place on the counter. Very vital to my process today!"
Charlie, assuming process meant progress, nodded with a smile. "Sure thing Al! Have fun."
"One last thing," Alastor said, before turning his head 180 degrees to look at everyone with radio dials and a wide smile, "if anyone touches the cake on the counter that is cooling, I will make you into dinner's main course and force everyone else to eat you." He said, his teeth flashing as he spoke. "And I hope you paid attention, Angel, monsieur charlatan." His head turned a bit more that 180 to look at Angel and Lucifer.
"Smiles, I'm too stuffed to move right now. I ain't doin' shit." Angel waved him off using one of his arms.
Lucifer, who was carving ducks gave no indication he heard it either way.
"You have me word, Al. Nothing will happen." Charlie said to him.
"Wonderful! See you all around lunch time!" He waved them goodbye as he left.
Not even two hours later, Vaggie growled in annoyance. That fucking radio was left on! Everyone else seemed to ignore it, too focused on other things, but Vaggie couldn't take it.
She sighed, deciding to just go turn it off. Nothing else would be touched. So, when Vaggie walked in to the kitchen, she saw it was spotless. Save for Alastor's little collection on the corner of the counter and the cake. Fucking idiot.
Vaggie walked to the radio and tried to turn the dial to turn it off - nope. Still playing the same thing. Not even static. She should unplug it - it wasn't even plugged it. By the cloud above, it was driving her nuts.
"Shut up!" Vaggie shouted to the radio, fiddling with the dial.
"What's going on in here?" It was Charlie. "Vaggie, I don't think we should mess with Alastor's stuff-"
"Charlie, I don't fucking care if he's the reincarnation of Jesus Christ reborn as a sinner!" Vaggie had had it with Alastor not being knocked from his high horse, getting whatever he wanted, and Charlie excusing it. "This thing needs to shut up!" She had summoned her spear and stabbed it into the radio.
Oh, it stopped making noise - only to short circuit and then explode. Shards getting everywhere: in the cake, all over Vaggie's wings that she used to cover herself and Charlie, shredding the cookbook and photo. But that wasn't the end of it, nope. The shards were on fire. As was the cookbook, and the photo - the glass on the front was broken and the frame was on fire.
"Vaggie!" Charlie looked from her girlfriends wings, in sympathy. "You didn't have to - No! Put the fire out!" Charlie went to try and put it out, unintentionally making it worse before successfully putting it out.
"What all da racket abou- unholy hell!" Angel was shocked, seeing a disaster of broken radio bits on fire, a ruined cake, and the only two actually in the room were Charlie and Vaggie.
"Oh no! Mr. Alastor's radio! His book!" Niffty looked from the remains of the book and half burned book. "Where's the photo of- oh, no no! He's gonna be so upset!" Niffty saw just a pile of broken glass and small bits of metal.
"We gotta fix this." Husk was actually worried now.
"Fix what, chums?" It was Alastor, who sounded suspicious. And then, he actually surveyed the room - and there was silence.
"I.. Alastor.." Charlie stepped forwards. "I know this looks bad, but we can clean this all up, you can bring down another radio and picture if you want-"
"I.." Alastor said nothing. The last things he had of his mother.. gone. On the day to celebrate his mother.
"Those were all I had left.." his small voice, barely heard, as he stared at the spot where he left those things.
"Then why the fuck were they left there?!" Vaggie didn't get it. Why the fuck was he shocked that those items were destroyed? He left them out.
Alastor didn't answer. He just dropped into his shadow and left.
Everyone looked at Vaggie.
"What?!" Vaggie asked as she picked up her weapon.
"Why da fuck did you do dat!?" Angel spoke up, being one of the last people anyone expected to stand up for Alastor.
"The fucking radio was annoying." Vaggie said.
"You could have done something else!" Niffty said, glaring up at Vaggie. "Anything else, but you broke Mr. Alastor's heart! On one of the only happy days he has left!"
"Why the fuck would I care! I'm not like any of you! I didn't have parents! Just the other angels and fucking Adam!" Vaggie snapped. "I was created as is, so why is that a problem? This is fucking Alastor we're talking about! The fucking Radio Demon! A fucking overlord! Why are we even fucking helping him?"
As this argument was going on, Alastor was laying on his bed, his room locked and dark.
He was weakly humming a lullaby from his childhood, only stopping to whisper to the darkness, "happy birthday, Maman.. I'm so sorry.."
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typical-simplelove · 2 years
hellooo!! may I request something with freddie andersen and this prompt: being exhausted afterwards <33 cant wait to see what you come up with!
Being exhausted afterward with Freddie Andersen
Requests are open! Rules
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Because it was your first holiday season together as a married couple, the team voted for you and Freddie to be in charge of hosting the team's Thanksgiving dinner. This was the first time you've ever regretted marrying the man as you were planning the dinner. Thankfully, though, many families opted to bring dishes, so you and Freddie weren't in charge of absolutely everything.
Sweet potato casserole, green bean casserole, different forms of potatoes, alcohol, and pies were being brought by other families/guests.
That still meant that the turkey, stuffing, gravy, and biscuits were left to you and Freddie.
As Thanksgiving got closer and closer, the stressful and overwhelming thoughts began to subside a little bit. That didn't mean, though, that you weren't stressed the fuck out at pulling off the best Thanksgiving dinner ever.
With the turkey unwrapped in the fridge, you and Freddie spent the night before cutting celery and carrots for the stuffing and cleaning the dining room, and pulling out enough plates and utensils for everyone.
By the time Thursday morning rolled around and Freddie helped you season the turkey, the day felt like it would be manageable.
As guests started arriving and the football game was playing in the background, you and Freddie were already exhausted, but the day was going smoothly.
When you all sat around the dining room table, kitchen counter, kitchen table, or living room coffee table, you and Freddie knew that everything was going well.
As the clock got later and later, the dishes were all in the dishwasher or drying on the racks, your guests started to leave, and when you and Freddie said adieu to the final guests, you and Freddie collapsed onto the couch with heavy sighs.
"Think that went well?" Freddie asks as he pulls you into his chest. Your eyes flutter close at the contact your cheek makes with his warm chest. He wraps his arms around you and kisses your forehead.
"I think so," you murmur. "But we're not doing it again next year. You need to stick up for us some more next time."
"I walked into practice, and the decision was already made," Freddie says, defending himself. "There wasn't anything I could say."
You and Freddie didn't bother climbing upstairs to your bedroom to go to bed. You both fell asleep in the same clothes you wore at dinner, too exhausted to want to change. You fell asleep in Freddie's arms, and he pulled a few of the throw blankets on top of you two.
Despite the exhaustion of the day, you'd do it all over again if you'd be able to fall asleep like this again.
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Requests are open, but please follow the guidelines.
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snappydragonsclaw · 10 months
Food fight:"uh... where's cynder?" *Placing the turkey and mac and cheese on the dinning table while holding trigger happy back so he doesn't eat all the Mac and cheese.*
Hex: "don't know.maybe she's hanging out with Spyro?" *Places the magical yams on the table while getting a look from food fight.*
Roller brawl: *place down a sweet potato pie,cherry pie and cinnamon buns she got at the store because she can't cook.* "Hex are you sure these aren't goona turn us into toads like they did last time?"
Hex: "I'm sure! Plus skull was the one who knocked my potions over!"
Skull: "....hex you literally bumped into me!"
Food fight: *face palms* "...."*sees the pies and sweets roller brawl brought*"...roller brawl you did a thankstaking sin!...or was it a blessing in disguise? After all the last time you cooked you made my teeth blood stained for a week!"
Trigger happy: "MAC AND CHEESE!!! Ahahaha!!! Gimme! Gimme! AHAHA!" *About to jump on the table*
Food fight: *holding trigger happy down* "not until we know where cynder is dude!"
*Spyro enters the room with ham.*
Spyro: "hi guys!... where's cynder?"
Roller brawl: "hex I thought you said cynder was with Spyro!?"
Hex: "I said maybe roller brawl!"
*stealth elf suddenly teleports into the room with a note in her hand.*
Stealth elf: "I found this in her room. It says she went to see her dad....yeah she's kidnapped."
Food fight: "one hundred percent."
Cynder: *tied to a chair at the table with her mouth taped up and is next to malefor and she has stuffing,biscuits and dragon fruit casserole.*
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