#wittle baby blue
diddykitty746 · 1 year
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harbingersecho · 9 months
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"I FOUND WASHINGTUB!" "... Thanks Caboose. You can put us down now."
my rvb Secret Santa '23 gift for @lordsireno!! Hope you like it and happy holidays
went with the WashBoose + feat of strength prompt!
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11queensupreme11 · 2 months
“His tongue roamed her mouth, scraping itself against her smaller fangs and actually causing a sliver of his ichor to spill. She didn't notice it until an amazing flavor greeted the taste buds on her tongue.” NAHH CUZ WHAT IF SHE STARTS BITING RANDOMLY POSEIDON AFTER THAT 😭😭 like biting his hand, biceps….titties…..😊
leave her alone, she's obviously in her teething stage 🙄
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xbraveheartx · 11 months
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So I know the quality sucks and we don't get any better quality to compare, but I just wanted to point out that, yes. Baby Carlo has freckles. Very few of them. But you can see the ones he had since he was a wee young lad standing out in his painting.
Go ahead and go into the game and stand in front of the portrait. Compare their faces. I'll wait c:
Here's a full/clean version of his portrait if you want to stare at it
So anyways like I was saying before--
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walleeli · 1 year
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I am going to fucking throw up from laughing at this panel oh my god
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meyecy · 2 years
hi! (different anon from the one you responded to a bit ago) i hope this isnt a bother at all but i really enjoy your ocs :D they're all so creative and interesting! same w/ your art!
AUUUUUAGUAUUAUAUAUUAUUA THANK YOU I . have been drawing 500 pictures a day of my specialest little princess aurellion de icasaracht (derogatory) (locked her entire party in a corrupted shrine without telling them shes the vessel for an evil god) (you know what it's like when you're fourteen and your mom is a main villain for the campaign)
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wittlesissyb4by · 4 months
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It was such a pathetic sight. Ryan was squishing in his chair, crinkling in his ridiculous diaper, and blowing raspberries between bites of mushy carrots.
I can’t believe how far he’s come, or, rather, how far he’s fallen. Ryan used to be a pompous, chauvinistic asshole who got a little too big for his own britches. If he wasn’t trying to  impress his holier than thou attitude upon anyone he could in public, he was doing it at home with me. I was beneath him. I was nothing but a 50’s housewife expected to cook, clean, and pick-up after him. Oh, and to be there to please his tiny dick for almost a full 30-seconds…
I was tired of it, sick of being nothing but a vending machine for him to call on, only to be left thankless and underappreciated. Things had to change.
So, I started off small, slipping various hormones and chemicals into the food I was ordered to cook for him every night. When he was sleeping, I’d put on a little hypnosis for him to listen to after I popped my earmuffs in. 
The effects were gradual at first. He started complaining about his nipples hurting. I’d find wet stains in his underwear, and he’d whimper and whine about the tiniest things (okay, maybe that wasn’t much different than before…). Soon I noticed him constantly needing to have something in his mouth. It started out with just his fingernails, then a toothpick, a plastic cap, and–when I started taking those away and he’d (literally) cry–he would resort to sucking his thumb.
He was actually giggling with delight when I brought home a pacifier. That was when things really started kicking in. He’d come home from work with wet underpants, and would wake up in soaking sheets. So, obviously, it was time for diapers. He protested at first, but soon I’d come into the living room to find him humping and crinkling on the floor, drooling all over his thumb. Where he used to bark at me to bring him a beer when he got home, he was now begging and pleading for a bottle of ‘milkies’ with his wittle baby voice.
He learned to address me as Mommy, to say ‘pweez’ and thank you for every little thing. He even agreed to let me bring home other guys. Real men for me to play with. There was a time where he’d try to act all macho in front of other men, now he’d get on his knees and suck their dick if I told him it was his ‘ba ba’ for the day.
He has no problem dressing like a girl, in fact, he kind of throws a fit if all his pink tutu’s and rompers are dirty and he has to wear a blue onesie. I used to let him hump his huggies as much as his little heart desired, I’d rather him pump his pitiful load into pampers instead of my pussy while I pretend to enjoy it–but then I took that away as well. He still whines and cries sometimes for me to let him out of his chastity cage for ‘cum cums’, but those are a thing of the past now.
It’s funny, he used to think he was so smart, he’d belittle everyone around him for not knowing the most random of facts. Now? He’s practically a braindead, bimbo baby. I mean, look at him. He’s blowing raspberries with muck in his mouth and drooling down his bib, smiling the whole time. He doesn’t seem to mind that he’s sitting in a heavily soiled diaper, in fact, he’s mushing around in it like a happy piggie playing in the mud.
I wonder if he understands that all of his money is now in my account. Sure, I’ll drop the hypnosis and send him out to work, only to make him snap back into it as soon as he’s home so I can tape him back in a diaper. Ryan–or Rylie–as she’s now called, is not even close to a man anymore. Her little dick is caged and diapered, right where it belongs. Now excuse me while I shovel more slop into her babbling mouth.
This was a custom caption I did for one of my lovely supporters on SubStar! If you would like one of your very own, consider subscribing to the Silver tier or higher!
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noxturnalpascal · 4 months
A couple days ago I heard a crying noise from the parking lot of my apartment (I'm on the third floor), so I went outside to check it out and saw a TEENY TINY kitten under my car. "Where is your mommy?" I asked it. It did not answer. I snatched it up, it hissed at me, I kissed it's head, and became it's new mommy. Love at first hiss kiss.
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I don't think these pictures convey just how SMALL he is. He's only 5 weeks old, 1.16 pounds. His eyes are open but still that hazy blue color and his ears still have a tiny fold on the end. TINY. Wittle. He is baby. A little video of him playing:
He has been to the vet. He had some dewormer but he's too little for vaccines just yet. Vet said he's healthy (and cute, she said that so it went in his chart and is official). He's confined to the bathroom because I have another cat and until little guy is vaccinnated and checked for FELV and FIV we will keep them apart.
He is still a little wobbly on his feet but he's got so much energy and he's getting playful already. We lost 3 cats last year to old age and illness and I said I wasn't going to get another cat but I heard this little prince crying and I just couldn't resist.
not sorry in advance for all the kitten content I will be sharing 😽
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beoneofus · 7 months
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“ d’aw, wook at da’ wittle baby! ” a certain blonde cooed, reaching to poke fun at the messy braids made in your hair by the little boy that left the room just minutes ago only to grab a few things to finish off his masterpiece — the masterpiece known as your disastrous hair .
you see, laddie was innocent and recently met a new friend amongst the boardwalk. this friend just so happened to be a girl, and this girl gave him the lovely idea of doing up ones hair. she experimented on his head; brushing his hair to the side with the comb she had, along with applying a clip out of her own hair, to his. laddie had loved it, so she let him play with her hair as well.
he was given a demonstration of how to braid — and, low and behold, that demonstration was brought back to the cave.
now, you have no problem with spoiling the child. you love laddie, you all do; you just... really love your hair as well and now, after it being so tangled, you're afraid you may have to cut it.
and paul's fucking teasing isn't helping-
your narrowed eyes darted onto his figure, which was crouched beside your sat one —you were on the floor— mockingly, only to growl and lunge towards him; grabbing onto the front of his jacket, golden buttons pressing tightly against your palm. “ say one more word, and I'll shave your head in your sleep. ”
paul's eyes widened at the threat — usually he wouldn't take your words to heart, he'd laugh them off, but his hair was precious to him and you looked pissed. that's why he gulped, shaking his head in a nod. “ okay, okay! ” he pulled himself away, yanking your hands off of his front. “ jeez.. saw-rry, ms pissy. ”
you huffed in irritation. marko, who was nearby reading a comic, burst into a small fit of snickers from seeing paul so scared. you were just a mere human; what real damage could you actually do?
“ I know what you're thinking, ” you shot his way, giving the other male an annoyed look. “ and if you want to find out what I'm capable of, go ahead and piss me off. ”
marko's hands shot up in surrender, the comic dropping. “ hey, ” his green-blue eyes flickered to you, lips twisting in an upwards pointed position. “ I didn't do anything, baby cakes. I'm on your side, here. ”
the nickname made your eye twitch, but you didn't say anything.
just as you were about to retort though, laddie came running back into the room, “ y/n!! ” he laughed, grinning wide. “ look! I found some of star's old hair-clips! ”
blinking, you snatched your gaze away from the diabolical duo, pinning your now curious eyes onto the two clips laddie held. paul saw that as his ticket to flea, so he did.
one was a bronze, metal clip with glittery, silver stars decorating the center. it was plain, but pretty, and definitely something you could see star wearing.
the other one was one of those snap-clips. it was black, a small paper-like butterfly complimenting the tip. it looked old, the way the black paint was chipping off the end, the little ornament barely hanging on. still, you thought it was cute — it probably looked more durable when she first got it.
“ I'm guessing you're using those in my hair? ” you raised a brow, giving laddie a playful grin. no surprise that you had quickly calmed down. despite being mad about your hair, there's no way you had it in you to take it our on the kid. he was just an innocent sweetheart.
“ yep! ” laddie chirped, only to skid his way behind your sitting form once more. you felt his small hands place themselves among the sides of your head, only to reposition your head, until you were looking forward once again. “ now hold still! ”
you sighed, but smiled to yourself. looks like you'd have to risk your hair to make him happy... oh well.
but, that smile of yours quickly vanished as you saw paul and marko on the couch, looking at you, holding in their laughter.
oh, you're definitely killing them later.
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hi, enjoy this since I've been gone for fucking decades.
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meowmeowmeowmeow4x · 5 months
Dark Blue Moon and the Suffering Sun Chapter 17
Danny caught a distant croon, bellowing deep and powerful from under the waves. “You hear that?”
Danny didn’t wait for a response before he took Damian’s hand and placed him on his shoulder over the water. “What was it? Was it a threat?” The younger boy asked.
“You’ll see!”
Danny sped off toward the origin of the sound. As they approach the source, the rumbling tones of whale song intensified. Danny’s lateral line zapped and tinged as the massive electric field got stronger. Damian shivered on his back, arms gripping tighter. Danny wouldn’t lie and say he wasn’t a little scared too, but the excitement made up for it ten times over.
The whales were just ahead. Even with night vision, it was hard to make up their shapes underneath the dark sky, but his lateral line jumped. Danny retreated thirty feet, stopped and treaded water. He held his breathe for the big moment.
A moment later, the whale’s gigantic body smashed the ceiling of the ocean, with the force of a volcano. Waterfalls formed as the sea parted around its head, cascading and crashing thunderously. A plume of water as tall as Fentonworks blasted out of the whale’s back, showering the boys in a wet spray.
Danny’s passenger gasped. He felt Damian’s chin hitting his shoulder. Knew it.
Suddenly, another whale emerged. And another, and another. An entire pod of whales!
“This may be more beautiful than the stars…” Damian muttered.
Danny crossed his arms. “Since you’re obviously an animal kind of kid, I’ll let the blasphemy slide. For now. But I might feed you to the whales if you get testy.”
“Tut. The whales would not want me as food. I would make a much better companion than snack.”
Danny let a smirk grow. His fins stretched themselves. Danny grabbed Damian’s arms and tightened his grip. “Ready to test that hypothesis?”
“What are you doing-?!”
“Hold your breath!”
Danny surged into the water at top speed, then doubled back and rapidly made for the surface, gaining more and more speed until he launched out of the water like a flying fish. His stomach flipped as they went airborne. For a little extra flair, he arched his back and did a flip at the top of his arc. Then gravity pulled.
Danny yelled excitedly. “YEEHAWW!” As they plummeted. Instead of splashing into the water, the boys landed on soft blubber, tumbling and rolling as their momentum carried them forward.
He laughed gingerly, even as Damian crawled up to him and pounched. It was pitifully easy to hold the child at arms’ length as he scratched ineffectually at Danny’s thicker scales.
“Unhand me, you fiend! You will pay for actions! You will pay for disavowing animals in favour of the stars, and you will pay for putting the whales in harm’s way.” The boy said, kitten-like hissing accompanying every word.
“Scratch me harder Dami! Let’s see how bad you can tickle me!” Danny giggled, happily stoking the flames as the chorus of screeching reached a fever pitch.
“Do not call me that childish nickname!” Damian scowled, hackles raising. In an attempt to escape Danny’s hold, the boy raised his tailfin and slapped him over the head. A worthwhile tactic, but Danny had been slapped in the head by much more powerful tailfins before.
“Is the wittle baby getting grumpy over his new nickname?” He snickered. For extra dominance, he flipped himself and squished Damian underneath his body, squishing the boy’s fins flat.
“We shall we who laughs now, fool!” Damian said, And Danny realised his blunder too quickly. Damian turned his head, opened his mouth, and give Danny’s gills a good, long lick.
Firstly: GROSS.
Even though they were shut due to being above water, that didn’t make them any less sensitive. The sudden ticklish sensation has him jumping back with a yelp.
With the advantage returned to him, Damian pounced on his weakness. Danny reached out to catch him again, but instead, Damian twisted in the air. The natural mucus of his scales let him slip between Danny’s fingers, where Damian went for the throat. The boy wrapped his body and tail around the older siren’s windpipe, constricting like a snake.
“I hereby declare victory.” Damian said, tiny body radiating smugness.
“Dami. Dami. Please. Can you stop strangling me?” Danny casually requested. “I totally concede, bro.”
Damian tightened his grip. “Only if you apologise.” He harrumphed.
“Apologise for what?”
“Calling me by that childish nickname. Only Richard does that, and he is too stupid to live anyway, which is why I allow it.”
“Aww, did you just call me smart? I’m touched.”
Damian hissed loudly. It was supposed to be intimidating, but man did he sound like a kitten right now. Dora once told him really young sirens even meowed. What he would give to see that happen to Dami.
“Alright, alright. I’m sorry for threatening to feed you to the whales.” Danny said, lying with his fingers crossed (a very impressive feat, considering they were webbed).
“And for calling you Dami.” He lied again, through his teeth.
Danny paused. “Oh, the whales. Dude, we have a symbiotic relationship, it’s literally fine.”
That got Damian to loosen the hold he had on Danny’s throat. “Elaborate.”
“Lots of animals ride on whales, like, ugh, dolphins. And I really need this break. You’re not the one swimming literally all day for hundreds of miles.”
Damian hummed, face scrunching up in deep thought. “We can continue making progress without stopping for the night to sleep. It is a worthy plan.”
“Plus, we can protect these guys from any danger, like poachers or whatever. It’s why they’re been pretty chill with us being here.”
That finally managed to convince him. Damian confirmed his approval with a curt nod. “It is agreeable then.”
Just as he spoke, the ‘ground’ beneath them started sinking.
“Word of warning, you’re gonna have to fill your lungs with water.” Damian blanched. Poor kid. “Don’t worry! I promise it’s not as bad as learning to breath air. Now help me get this harness around the big girl, so we don’t get swept away.”
Jazz Fenton tapped her pencil on her notebook. She tapped it again, and again in a frantic rhythm.
She knew it wasn’t healthy. It was like staring at your empty wallet for hours hoping money would appear out of nowhere instead of finding a job or doing something productive like cleaning up, only she was staring at her messages. Fifty missed calls. If she was honest, Danny’s phone was probably at the bottom of the sea.
Little brother, what have you gotten into this time?
She didn’t have magic, like Sam, or insane hacking skills like Tucker, or superpowers like Danny. All she could do is hopelessly stare at a phone, wishing for things to be ok (but not actually wishing, because who knows when Desiree could be lurking).
The day she caught Danny changing, the day the horrible truth came to her like a revelation from Cthuhlu was the scariest day of her life.
She supposed it was now only the second scariest.
She remembered watching him sneak behind the pier, deserted thanks to an earlier attack, desperate to find some way to help Danny. Jazz laughed at her previous self’s naivety. How she wished it had been something simple like bullying or crushes. Instead, she looked on as Danny stripped down and jumped into the water (she was so ready to run out and reprimand him for skinny dipping. What if someone saw?).
Instead, she went into full-blown panic as a column of bubbles popped at the surface, the horrifying reality of drowning pounding in her mind. But as she’d reached for her phone to call her parents, already in a full sprint to pull her brother out, she saw him.
Translucent skin, blinding white and pitch dark scales. It was from there that the horrifying reality of her situation dawned on her.
How long could she protect her brother from her parents? How long could she protect her family from the truth?
Muffled sounds crept into her room. Metal clashed against metal. Blow torches buzzed. Buzz saws roared. Jazz knew exactly what was going on. Her parents were on the war path. They were making weapons. Weapons to hunt down their own flesh and blood. They had been working, day in and day out. The only time she’d seen them in the last two days was at the beginning of their work spree, when they called her to the living room to inform her of Danny’s disappearance.
Bile boiled in her throat. Jazz clamped her jaw shut. She had to maintain composure, she had to keep calm. But what could she do?
It was not her secret to tell. Danny’s unfiltered fear was as readable as the ABCs. He didn’t even know she was in on it. If she told their parents, he may never trust her again, and rightly.
Jazz put the pencil down, electing to waste time by scrolling news feeds instead. Dozens of articles about the disappearance of Damian Wayne. Barely any lip service for Danny.
Even if she did tell them, she had no reason to be sure it would even work. Their parents loved them. That was undeniable. She saw it in the boisterous cheers when their Dad celebrated their achievements. Both of them. She saw it in the way they dragged her and Danny out on road trips and boat trips and to the psychology seminars and space expos.
But they also loved their work, and hated sirens.
And the scariest thing of all was that, for all she told herself that she knew they would choose their children over their obsession?
Deep, deep down, buried inside her heart in a box she would’ve told Danny was unhealthy to keep, she was uncertain. As she listened to her parents working in the basement, she knew the cost would be too great.
Years of memories flashed by in Jazz’s mind. Each moment, each word and each action put on a scale between acceptance and rejection. Between a happy ending and the most tragic possibilities. But even as she worked and pondered and agonized, she felt the filter of bias and emotion clouding her judgement. These were her parents and her brother. Any analysis of them would be steeped in her own perspective.
If she exposed her brother, and her parents failed the test, it would very well be the end of this family right then and there. And then it might even be the end of Danny. Even if he survived what their parents would try to him, his heart might not.
And if she didn’t say anything? If she allowed her parents to go out there?
The basement had been silent for a while. A knock on the door.
“Sweetie? Can I come in?” Mom said. Jazz’s breath hitched.
“Come in, mom!” She could not hide the naked anxiety.
Her mother opened the door. Her hood was down, revealing disheveled hair and bags under her eyes. “Sweetie, I’ve got news.”
“About Danny?” Jazz asked. She moved to sit on the bed, inviting her mother to do the same. She had to strain to avoid clenching the mattress and showing her stress.
“We have reason to think he’s still out there, that Phantom took him alive for whatever reason.” Her mother said, voice tight. “Your father and I are going. We’re going to track down Phantom, and make him give us Danny back.”
Jazz’s nerves shot up, even though she knew that was what they were planning. Her parents were not passive people. To hear their intentions stated in plain words was a shock to the system.
Her mother took her silence as concern. She laid her hands on Jazz’s shoulder, the same as she’d always do to comfort her. “It’ll be alright, Jazzy. We’ll save your brother, no matter what.”
“When are you leaving?” She asked. Maybe she could sneak in and sabotage their weapons, and give Danny a better chance.
“In an hour.” That was no time at all! Jazz’s forehead went damp. A drop of sweat rolled down her cheeks. “Don’t worry about us, ok? We’ve already asked Vlad to come check in on you and help with groceries while we’re away. I know you’re already a brilliant and inde-,”
“NO!” Jazz yelled out, before cringing at her outburst.
There was no man on the planet she would less like to be alone with than Vladimir fucking Masters. After catching one of their fights, it was very clear that he was the one responsible for what happened to Danny.
“I mean. I want to come with you.” Her mother blinked.
“Sweetie, it’s dangerous, and-”
Jazz thought fast. “Mom, those sirens took my little brother away. I want to get him back too. I can help!”
She narrowed her eyes, and clenched her jaw. She assigned herself a mission to keep her parents away from her brother at that moment. On the outside, it looked like she was pumped to help them get to him.
Her mother paused, her eyes going downcast. Her parents had always tried to get her and her brother involved in their work, in siren hunting, only to be rebuffed as they found their own interest. For her parents, this was what she always wanted, and Jazz could tell the weight her words held.
Jazz pressed the attack. “I can help man the systems. You’ve taken us so many times now. And you’ll need my help to maintain your emotional balance over the course of such a harrowing journey. This is what I was born to do.”
Her mother pursed her lip, a sign she was very convinced, and yet fighting a way to say no.
Loud footsteps behind her. “I say we let her, Mads!” Her father shouted.
Her mom startled. “Jack, honey, it’s too dangerous.”
“The Fentons look out for their family, Maddie. Our little girl’s growing up, Maddie, and if she doesn’t wanna be cooped up in the house and watch us get Danno back, then why should she?”
Her parents stared at each other for a moment. Her dad grinned, and nodded vigorously. Her mother stood firm.
After a while, her posture finally relaxed. “Fine, but promise that you’ll be careful, and you listen to us very carefully, ok? This is a real siren hunt.”
“Mom, we’ve been hit by real siren attacks all summer. Whatever hits us, I’ll be right by your side.”
Right by their side, and sabotaging them every minute of the way.
Her dad clapped his hands. “Welp. That’s settled then! Pack your bags Jazz-pants. We’re leaving in an hour! We need to make the finishing touches, and then the Fentons will set sail!”
It turned out that they were not immediately setting sail as her dad had implied. Her suitcase and belongings safely tucked away in her room on the new and improved SAV, Jazz sat in the back seat as her father’s usual frantic but calculated driving brought them to stop outside Sanchez Hotel. Wait, wasn’t this where-
There he was. Bruce Wayne, somehow looking immaculate despite the stress the man was probably under. He’d probably spent a life-time hiding his emotions away, practicing it like an art form.
Crap, she was doing the thing again.
“You didn’t tell me Bruce Wayne was joining us!” She said, scandalised.
Her mom opened the door for him, greeting him as he settled in the seats, looking more than a little nervous as he double and triple checked his seatbelt.
“That’s because we weren’t sure he’d agree, sweetie. But Phantom took his son too, so it was only natural that we’d invite him. Bruce, meet Jazz, she’s our daughter.”
Bruce Wayne extended a cordial smile and offered his hands. Jazz took it warily. “It’s nice to meet you, Jazz. You can call me Bruce too.”
“It’s a pleasure, Mr Way- I mean Bruce. Sorry.”
“That’s quite alright. You’re very brave for agreeing to come.” He said.
“I wasn’t going to let my parents dash off into the sunset alone. Danny’s my brother too, and I’ve been taught how to operate most of my parents’ stuff.” Jazz said.
She couldn’t catch his next words. Her nerves were rearing up again, instincts yelling danger, danger. She searched within herself for the cause. Then her eyes landed on Bruce’s. And for a moment, just a brief moment, the casual gaze shifted into something intense. Like she was staring up at a scalpel.
And Jazz knew that the playboy personality was an act. Immediately her plans changed. Courses of actions rewritten. Suddenly her mission was about to become much more difficult.
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ariseur · 3 months
౨ৎ Heya! I saw you asking for requests! I hope you don't mind me sharing a teeny tiny wittle idea !! ໒꒰ྀི´ ˘ ` ꒱ྀིა
So I remember requesting this one to someone else but I don't think they followed up with it (but that's okay of course!) But I always imagined you and Satoru Gojo dancing underneath the night sky inspired by this video: https://youtu.be/FMpJzMj-d6E?si=I64K5-0e8ZfXqTpz
You can make this as a drabble or however you'd like it to be. You can totally pass up on the idea though! This was just something my silly ol' me was thinking
ദ്ദി(˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧
- 🌧 anon
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“‘toru, there’s no music.” your eyes looked down to his extended hand with an amusing gaze before flickering back up to his blindfold — naturally where his eyes would be if he had it off.
satoru didn’t falter. he simply shook his hand lightly to bring your attention back to it and smiled wider. “when has that ever stopped us?” he did have a point, though — whether the circumstances were typical or whether two of you had the proper necessities ( music for example ) nearby never mattered to him. he did whatever his eagerness would lead him to do, and he was always very eager to please you; any time he had with you was cherished deeply, with words or not. with music or not.
you let one beat of silence pass before you looked back up at his face. “i guess,” you sighed as you feigned reluctance. placing a delicate hand in his, you felt the warmth of his palm grasp your fingers before they tightened their hold on you— and before you knew it, your lips tugged into a grin of surprise as you yelped when he pulled you into his broad chest. taking a step backwards, satoru led you into the pond as the water sunk up to a little bit above your ankle, ultimately swallowing your feet and soaking your legs.
your eyes peered down below you, watching as the stars reflected off the clear water, now backlit with darkness as it appeared that you two were dancing with the stars under your feet. his gaze followed yours, chuckling a bit at your awe filled expression. looking back up at him, you laughed — actually let out a laugh, it almost looked silly. you and satoru, now almost knee-deep in water as you danced around the lake slowly, your movements fatigued with the thick body of crystalline liquid.
he raised his arm as your hands split apart for a second with your fingers as your only piece of holding on before he twirled you. your grin only widened as you spun a full circle, face to face with satoru ( and his slightly rosy cheeks, although he’d never let you know that you could fluster him so easily, so he depended on the moonlight to give him cover ) whilst you placed your hand on his toned shoulder. you tilted your head as you swayed with each other momentarily, ignoring the slight sloshing off the water beneath you.
your fingers carefully snaked their way up to his face, smooth and slightly prickly due to the short-haired stubble barely coming in from an overdue shave. thumb hooking underneath his blindfold, you put your best puppy dog eyes on. “only a peek? surely, you won’t be drained that much, just a glimpse at your pretty face should be enough, yeah?”
he shuddered under your touch, his hand tightening its grip with deft fingers. with a chuckle, he chimed, “your sweet talking never fails to flatter me, babe.” with one last nod, satoru gave you the ‘go ahead’ which was all you needed until you pulled the blindfold from above his eyes all the way up to his hairline. and there they were, gorgeous baby blues on display with voluminous snowy lashes. they gazed down at you with the smuggest of looks, clearly amused with your reaction.
“see something you like?”
you shushed him, small giggles slipping in through the ‘shh’ sound. the small banter ended for a bit — with only a thin silence whilst the crickets chirped and the birds sung small chirps of content, their ambient behavior became the only things present in the moment besides your gojo’s sighs and your giggles occasionally interrupting.
“dancing with the stars, hmm . . where have i heard that before?”
you snorted, “that’s the tv show, you dork.”
he hummed with recollection, nodding his head a little bit in agreement as he remembered what it was. whenever he’d come from, he had recalled you groaning every time a specific guest came on before you lowered the volume with a roll of your eyes. “ah, yes. well, i guess i’ve made it a reality, haven’t i? don’t i deserve some sort of super-awesome-wonderful-perfect boyfriend award for that?”
your smile didn’t falter, even as if felt as it felt like you gave his comment a full body eye roll. “always so full of yourself — aren’t you, satoru?”
“woah, woah; i’m not ‘toru anymore?”
you rubbed his shoulder once his own hand had placed itself upon your waist, fiddling with the fabric of your clothes. you feigned a thought, eyes pointed upwards toward the sky as you gave him a long hum. “maybe if you’re extra quiet, i’ll— shit!” you squeaked as satoru lifted you up and spun you around him.
“no can do.” he said; you could feel his fingers try not to dig into your hips too hard as he held you up before gently placing you back down, your feet making a tiny splash in the water as they plopped back down in the lake. you laughed as he held you close, rocking you side to side again. you huffed, “you’re an ass.”
your elbow extended further as he let you walk past a little bit before pulling you back in. he rested his chin on your shoulder from behind, grasping the back of your hands in his. “y’still love me, though.”
spinning back around, you wriggled yourself under his arm as he twirled you again — and again. your feet shuffled slightly, as quickly as they could without you falling in the lake. the water glimmered a bit before the darkness swallowed up the bits of light before letting room in for more of the stars above you. he pulled you into him, both hands now resting on your waist as your own arms wrapped around his neck. the dance faded off into a small, low oscillation; your bodies swaying in sync with each other.
his eyes flickered from your lips up to your eyes, his head tipping downwards as his nose brushed yours. he let out an airy laugh as your breaths swirled together with how short distance the proximity between you two was. you placed your hand on his jaw, fingers splitting apart to make way for his ear. your middle and ring finger messed with the tufts of ivory hair tucked behind his ear.
“that, i do.” you mumbled, before you leaned in to press your lips to his.
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𐙚 taglist ; @seternic @sad-darksoul
𐙚 requests are open — june twenty second, 2024
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bbeds-side-blog · 7 months
Why am I unironically drawn to staticapple goddammit. Inspired by this post and this post
Aka: in which Vox sees an opportunity to rub elbows with royalty, which is bound to be useful, right? And ends up with a crush. 800 words of pinning!Vox.
He had been supporting this hotel nonsense for months until, at last, his effort started to bring benefits.
At long last, Charlie had called her father for additional support.
Vox had expected many things from finally meeting with the devil himself.
“Charlie sent me a photo, so I brought you this! Thanks for helping out my little girl.”
Receiving a light blue rubber duck with little antennas that glowed neon-blue in the dark had not been part of it. Watching dumbfounded as all the other residents received rubber duck mini-versions of themselves was just as nonsensical.
But! Vox was a businessman first and foremost, and receiving a gift meant he could give one back without it being suspicious. A camera, a drone, a small TV— Vox scrolled internally through the list of options that popped up like annoying advertisements in his mind, until he settled on the perfect option that was less obvious for spying, and had the added benefit of being cute.
“This is an Emo AI Voxtek robot!” Vox presented proudly. “Say hi, little thing.”
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“Hi!” the square looked up at the King of Hell — which was a feat on itself because damn was the fallen angel so fucking short — blue eyes blinking adorably as it moved its small head up and down. Without arms, it was the closest thing to a wave the thing could do.
“Aww, hi!” Lucifer cooed, grabbing the little thing. “Who’s a wittle guy? So wittle!”
The King was talking with the same baby voice he had used to greet the little red lambs. The fallen angel seemed all too happy to put the tiny thing over his head, now hidden by the white tophat, and Vox’s grin extended in victory as his cute little spy was taken back to the Royal Palace.
He would have intel nobody else had, HAHA fuck you Alastor!
He didn’t get shit.
Or well, not anything that could qualify as intel. Nothing that would give Vox any advantage. Lucifer had placed the charging station at his work desk, granting Vox a first row view of bare arms and an unbuttoned shirt as the short King made… cute little rubber ducks, one after the other.
He could be doing something else, literally anything else would be more valuable than investing time watching Lucifer making ducks, but there was something that drew him in like a sailor doomed by the siren’s call. Vox stared at the way the glove-less hands moved as they worked, the way a whisper of golden magic would be embedded into the things as the final step of the crafting process.
Fuck, why was Vox so transfixed on this crap?
“What do you do?” Lucifer grinned at the thing, eyes sparkling with life. The man laughed giddily when the duck grew sharp teeth and made biting gestures at his fingers.
“Ohhh, someone likes to bite!” Against all logic, Lucifer brought the duck with sharp teeth close to his cheek. “Bite kisses? Wanna give daddy kisses?”
Yes I do, Vox answered in his mind, one hand covering his mouth in silent horror at the revelation, the other hand playing with the little duck that glowed in the dark, thumb carefully pulling at the little antennas, because he was horribly, horribly transfixed with this joke of a show. Stupid, stupidly adorable man, what the fuck, why was the devil himself so damn cute—
The tiny robot made a little grunt of complaint, shaking in his place at the desk and thus, shaking the camera as well.
“Aww what’s up Wittle? Wanna kiss too?”
Yes, fuck yes, fuck why.
Vox lamented and complained in his head a thousand times as the little AI robot was picked up and smooched, and Lucifer laughed in his stupidly adorable way as “Wittle” — the name the King bestowed upon the little AI robot — wiggled and gave a pleased thrill in his hands.
“You’re adorable. I didn’t know human technology could be this cute.” Fuck him sideways Lucifer was rubbing his face against Wittle’s camera, fuck Vox wanted to kiss him, fuck everything, damn it!
“Maybe I should give it a try. The TVs don’t seem that interesting to me, but maybe there’s other stuff? I should ask Vox next time.”
Vox could give him a tour at Voxtek, showing off the things he thought the King may like, he could put the stuff at the upper shelves so Lucifer couldn’t reach and then Vox would have an excuse to lean close to him, extending an arm to help him bring down the— fuck. Ohh fuck.
Vox brought the stupid blue rubber duck to his face and groaned, utterly mortified.
He also offered the tour the next time the King visited the hotel, damn it.
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kaidee-koo · 2 months
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Blues clues baby 🐾🩵
I wuv bwoos cwoos :3
Mainly for wittles/pets who wuv bwoo
Should I make a magenta one??💗🐶
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sturniololoco · 8 months
Can’t hate you pt 2
Sturniolo Little Sister (SLS) X Nathan Doe
Warnings: Cussing, hitting, mentions of SA later in the series(and no, it was not Nate), etc.
ᡣ𐭩 . ° .° ᡣ𐭩 . ° .° ᡣ𐭩 . ° .° ᡣ𐭩 . ° .° ᡣ𐭩 . ° .° ᡣ𐭩 . ° .° ᡣ𐭩
I woke up this morning to what felt like a monkey on my bed, only to find out that it was Chris, jumping up and down.
“Get up loser, we’re going to get food!” He yells, giving me a wet-willy before sprinting out of my room.
“Aw-you mother fucker!” I yell, jumping out of my bed to chase him down the stairs.
I see him up ahead, rounding the corner to the kitchen. I do the same, but instead of finding Chris, I find myself running straight into what felt like a brick wall.
“Fuck…” I say under my breath, rubbing my head where I made contact.
I hear Chris laughing from behind the island, and I shoot him the middle finger.
I look up to see what I made contact with, only to be met with the grey-blue eyes of Nate.
He hold out a hand to help me up, but I scoff, ignoring his hand while stand and brush myself off.
My head still hurt immensely as I walked into the kitchen, giving Chris the biggest side eye I could.
“Well isn’t someone just a bundle of joy this morning?” Nate says, resting his chin on his hand while he leans on the island, looking at me.
I roll my eyes, scoff again, then walk upstairs to get ready.
I walk downstairs, hair curled, makeup perfect, and dressed in a pair of cargo jeans and a baby tee.
Yes, I feel like a boss bitch, and yes, everyone knows imma boss bitch.
“Okay sis! I see you!” Nick says, giving me a twirl. I laugh then look to the living room to see Chris and Matt golf clapping. But Nate is just staring, his moth half open.
What the fuck is his problem?
I ignore him and follow my brothers to the car, him close in behind.
"SLS/N, just sit in the middle today, there's no point in putting the seat down for a 10-minute drive," Matt says, climbing into the car and starting it.
Oh my fucking god, why is this happening to me?!
Not wanting to start problems, I sigh then get in, ick on my right, Nate unfortunately on my left.
The whole ride there his thigh was uncomfortably close to mine, so it was a huge relief when Matt pulled into the IHOP parking lot.
We got out and then got checked into a booth near the back of the restaurant. Before anyone could argue, I called sitting in the middle of Matt and Chris.
We got settled in our booth, and then Nick started to pull out his phone and make an Instagram post.
it said, What poses do you want for our next photo shoot?
"We're doing a photoshoot?" Matt asked, already not looking forward to it.
"Yes Mat. and you're not gonna have a Mattitude about it," Nick said, giving him a stern look. I giggled at how well he knew my brother.
Before Matt could come back with an answer, our waitress came over, asking what we wanted to drink.
"I'll just have water please," I said quietly, then she walked away.
Chris poked me in the rib, using a baby voice while he said,
"Aww, is somebody a wittle shy?" The whole table burst into giggles, all but me, whose face had gone hot and was now punching Chris in the arm.
"Ow, SLS/N!" He whined as his laughing stopped.
"Aww, does someone need me to call the ambulance?" I asked, giving him a baby voice of my own.
Now it was his turn to go red, as Nick reached across the table, fist bumping me. What can I say, I learned my comebacks from the best.
As we climbed back into the back, we were all deciding what to wear for the photo shoot.
"I think we should all wear merch," Chris said.
We all nodded in agreement, heading home to get ready.
By the time we were all ready, the camera was charged, and we were ready to go, it was beginning to get dark. We drove to McDonalds, grabbing some drinks before driving around to find the place to shoot.
We decided to head the the parking garage down the street, as it had the best lighting.
We found a spot where there were no cars. Nick scrolled through his responses, looking for poses.
We took alot of photos. some with just the triplets, some with one of them individually, and then some duets.
One of my favorites where the one where I was on Chris's back while he was racing down the drive.
Nate got some as well, posing with Chris and Matt, then some individuals for his own Instagram.
Then Nick said the worst news I ever wanted to hear.
"Alot of fans want some pics of SLS/N and Nate. We should do those real quick."
I whipped my head around to stare at him, giving him wide eyes. He gave me a pleading look, begging me with his eyes.
I rolled my own, mumbling,
"Let's just get this over with."
We took a few next to each other, our arms around each other's backs in a side hug.
Our next pose was us standing back to back, holding up our sweet teas,, while death staring at the camera.
"These are so good! Hold still for two more seconds." Nick said, getting lower to take the shot.
Matt and Chris sent knowing smirks in my direction, making me angrier and angrier by the second.
"You better smile, kid. Wouldn't want people thinking I look better than the princess." Nate said under his breath, in my direction.
That sent me over the edge.
I pushed myself off of his back as I whipped around. I tore the lid of my sweet tea and threw it at him.
He was completely soaked.
"Fuck this shit!" I yelled, walking towards the stairs leading to the sidewalk outside of the building that led to our house, leaving the boys there to stare at my retreating figure.
I walked all the way home and up to my room, slamming my door before collapsing on my bed. My face was still burning with anger,
or was I blushing?
@idkwhosnyla @babypat08 @eyelessdemon00 @christopherowensturniolo @sturnsxx @freshloveforthefit @matty443355 @sleepysturnss @emeraldgreenbeautiesstu @sunsetsturniolos @hoesturniolo @x4nd3rsukz @chr1sgirl4life @sstvrnioloo @sturns-posts @chrisstopherfilmed @kylasrealityx @zoeysturnioloooooo @comet235 @islaasblog @sturnioloblogs @defnotayonna @mattsleftnipple03 @thematthewlover @mattsaq @idkhowtosleep
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AppleHuskerDust Week (Day 3: Cosplay)
Angel was finishing his makeup when he heard the lip-smacking on the beat to the sound of a familiar theme song.
“Life is like a hurricane~” Lucifer sang gleefully as he danced around Angel, “here in~ Duckberg~!”
“Luci sweetie, I still need to finish my makeup!” Angel said as he was putting in the eyelash extensions.
Angel was cosplaying as Daisy Duck.
Lucifer was cosplaying as Donald Duck.
And Husk…
“Hey is this really necessary?” The chimera cat asked as he walked in, holding a baby wearing a red shirt and a matching red cap. “I mean, I know I agreed to do this, but now I look kinda silly.”
“Aww Husk you look awesome! Like a million bucks!” Lucifer said, gushing at Husk’s costume.
Husk was dressed as Scrooge McDuck, only wearing a blue jacket and white pants.
“And look at our wittle Noir dressed like Dewey!” Angel gushed.
“That’s Huey!” Lucifer corrected. Ever since they got cable and streaming services, Lucifer has become obsessed with DuckTales and he was more knowledgeable about that than anything else at the moment. “Huey is the triplet that wears red! Dewey is the one who wears blue! And Louie is the one that wears green!”
Angel only smiled, “Of course sweetheart, now let’s make sure our little rugrats are dolled up before the convention!”
When Lucifer began dating Angel and Husk, they were already an established couple and had triplets. Noir, the black-spider baby, was the oldest of the triplets.
Angel walked over and saw the two babies dressed. Vegas, the white-furred kitten of the triplets, was wearing a blue shirt and matching cap, meaning he was cosplaying as“Dewey.”
Husk walked over to the other crib and peered down at the baby girl inside. Star was a black-furred kitten with pink wings similar to Husk, which made sense because he was her Dad. “How’s my little shooting Star today?” He asked as he picked up the baby girl wearing a green shirt and matching hat, meaning she was cosplaying as “Louie.”
Lucifer strode over and said, “I can take her! I think Noir wants his Daddy,” he said as they looked over and saw the spider baby reaching four of his six arms to Husk.
Husk handed Star to Lucifer and walked over, “here. I can take him,” he said.
Angel passed Noir to Husk, and the man cradled his son. “What’s wrong little man?”
The baby merely began waving his arms in excitement.
Angel cradled Vegas in his arm, “everyone ready?”
“I’m good!” Lucifer beamed.
“Yeah I’m good. Let’s get going,” Husk said.
Angel made sure to grab the diaper bags and soon they were off to Earth-Con 2024: The Convention where demons who still loved pop-culture things on Earth could meet up and socialize.
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Art by @lucifer-imaginaryfriend
They made this a while ago and I can’t help but gush over this still! So I def needed to write about it for today’s prompt!
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thepolysworldau · 2 months
Cute wittle Tord❤, cute chubby Edd💚, cute baby blue Tom💙 and cute handsome vampire Matt 💜 :3
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Edd..do you know where the closest bridge is?
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You are NOT throwing yourself off a bridge just because someone complimented you-
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