#wonderbat smut
freesketchgo · 7 months
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Hiding at the Gotham Museum Gala version 2 fanart - Well, I really like the composition of this piece and I would have been sorry if it had been left out of the collection here so I made this version.
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frownyalfred · 1 year
You brought this upon yourself, Res.
it's late evening and bruce has taken the rare chance to relax in the gigantic pool that/jacuzzi that he's got bc he's rich enough to buy the entire solar system
clark and diana are with him too, enjoying themselves and splashing around in the water. they try to get bruce to join them but he refuses so after a bit they gang up against him and push him into the shallow end.
they hold him down under the water but it's fine bc he's batman and he can hold his breath for longer than a normal person can
but eventually the lack of oxygen gets to him and he starts to struggle a bit, but diana and clark don't let him bc they forget he's, well, y'know, human
bruce is getting light-headed and is about to pass out when the two realize he's actually drowning and pull him out. he's breathing heavily and the two are apologizing profusely but he's got the biggest blush on his face and they realize he's hard
joke's on you. I gave him a strength kink. after all, how many people has he met that are stronger than him? (that are not villains or his children)
diana takes advantage of this. starts dirty-talking him. tells him about how good he was and praises him for staying under the water for so long. "that's my bat-boy." she says. he whimpers 🥺
clark runs his hands down his sides, pressing his face into bruce's shoulders, nibbling a bit at his collarbone. bruce melts into his arms, shivering at the treatment.
diana kisses him, making him every more light-headed than he already was. he kisses back against her desperately, eager for more.
bruce moans, bucking up against her. she grins menacingly, reaching down to grab his election through his swimming trunks, teasing him.
bruce begs for her to touch him before she shushes him, telling him she calls the shots here. clark kisses him next, reaching down to grab his ass, a vague promise of what will happen next.
diana reaches into his shorts, grabbing his dick and pulling it out. she strokes it with feather-light touches, calmly listening to his whimpers and whines as she pleasures him.
"clark, take over?" she asks attaching herself to bruce's nipples. clark's firm grip is wider and stronger than her's, stroking bruce faster than diana did.
bruce is very loud at this point.
"shhh." clark croons. "don't want anyone hearing, do you? aren't the kids still around?" he shuts bruce up with his mouth.
bruce is holding on buy a thread now. diana reaches down and prods at his hole, gently pushing in shallowly, aware of the lack of lube.
bruce cums, seeing stars. he's laying limp against clark, who chuckles, holding him close.
"we're not done yet, bruce." He says.
Do I continue???
Okay anon 👀 I see you. I don’t think I’ve ever run into a drowning kink before but I can see where you’re going.
If you want to write it, you should! There’s a dearth of superwonderbat fics out there.
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babblingbookends · 2 months
20 questions for fic writers
Okay so hopefully I found all the people who tagged me in this game, thank you to @fleur-de-violette @goldenraeofsun and @wildsofmarch for the tag! (If you tagged me and I didn't see it, thanks to you too!)
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Thirty-eight! I didn't realize there were so many.
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
50,029. A respectable number, but could be better
3. What fandoms do you write for?
DC Comics, but mostly Batman. I pretty much exclusively write fics for DC Comics, with the majority being Batman and Batfam-related comics. I have one single fic for another fandom, and that fandom is Avatar: The Last Airbender.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Tim Drake (Doesn't) Drink Coffee, which is also my first fic! It currently has 990 kudos
Do You Need Another Box of Tissues? which beats the next fic by 1 kudo, sitting at 242 kudos
Hypnogogic Jerks and Other Body Quirks is still one of my favorite titles! It has 241 kudos (update: I double checked before posting this and it now has 242 kudos, tying it for second place
Batman vs. Bridezilla has an even 200 kudos
And number five is Isern, which I'm a little shocked by considering it's currently my most recent fic. It has 156 kudos
5. Do you respond to comments?
I try to! I don't get a lot of comments, so it doesn't usually take me long to get through them, but I do tend to let them build up a bit before I answer them.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Uhh good question. You're Just A Baby, You Can Not Fly is angst the whole way through, so maybe that one
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Realizing now that a lot of my fics are either angst or smut, soooo there's happy endings in most of the smut fics teehee. But also this one, Soda Pop, is sweet the whole way through.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I'm fortunate enough that so far, I have not! I don't feel like I'm big enough to get hate
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I do! Not sure how to describe what kind, but I've touched on a lot of smut things. This may be TMI, but I really like writing sex that also involves pain, I think it works so well with the Batfams gestures wildly everything.
10. Do you write crossovers?
No. I'm not opposed to the idea but it sounds too complicated for my writing tastes
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I've noticed or been told about
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that I know of! I would love to have it happen though
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nope! I think it sounds fun but collaboration scares me sometimes because what if. what if I'm actually stupid. and my co-writer hates everything I come up with. Horrible thought
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
My all-time favorite is a tough one to choose butttt I really like Wonderbat from Justice League Unlimited. Niche, I know, but it was my childhood ship and holds a special place in my heart. Never actually written something for it though!
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
Hoooooo-boy, I recently abandoned a buuuuunch of wips in my wip folder because I had named them random, unimaginative stuff, and simply didn't have the mental energy to go through them and see what was in them and rename them so I just put them all in a folder and started fresh. However, in that folder was another folder where I had a series planned based around Jason and a bunch of members of the Batfam. Each fic would have chapters from Jason's POV and another character. The first fic was Jason and Tim solving a missing persons case. I think Barbara's was them, like, getting trapped in a mall by the Joker, and I vaguely remember that Dick's took place in New York City.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I have no idea. Maybe my descriptions of stuff? I really like describing things in unexpected ways and trying to pull emotion into them. No idea if other people like it though!
17: What are your writing weaknesses?
I always feel like my flow is really bad. Like some places feel really slow and some places feel too rushed, if that makes sense. I also think that when I'm writing a character I always make the character feel a bit too distant, like I'm just describing what's happening to them instead of making the reader feel what's happening to them.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Well you see, I have this bad habit of thinking I can just learn an entire language in an afternoon, which means that no writing actually gets done. So unless it's something I can a. easily translate from a dictionary (so a single word or a simple, common phrase) or b. ask one of my international friends to translate for me, I usually find another way to say it without using the actual language. Maybe sticking the words in italics, or the old classic "he said something in Russian".
19. First fandom you wrote for? 
Batman! As I said above, my first fic was Tim Drake (Doesn't) Drink Coffee. Before that I only wrote original stories.
20. Favourite fic you've written?
All these questions about fics when I don't remember anything about any fic I've ever written XD.
Probably either Gotham Roulette or Clock-Beat, Heart-Beat. Based off of popularity, Gotham Roulette is one of my least popular, but I still like it, it was so dramatic. And Clock-Beat was really fun to write, it's about the Batfam from the perspective of a clock.
And that's that!
Tagging @cephalog0d, @adelfie, @nelson-and-murdock, and whoever else wants to play!
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uhhhyaenbyjade · 6 months
@mimbotomy tagged me in a fun tag game for fanfic writers, so here's my answers!!!!
How many works do you have on AO3? I have 62 total works, and I am so disappointed in a lot of them 😅
What's your total AO3 word count? 339,839 words!
What fandoms do you write for? Lately I've been working a lot on fics with AC: Odyssey, Monsterverse, and VicTORIous. However, I did recently do a fic for Mean Girls (2024) and I used to write a lot for BNHA/MHA, when I was very big on that fandom, but all those fics are really bad and cringe so I try to pretend they don't exist. I also have some batfamily fics, and a few for Dynasty. A few oneshots here and there with that fic being my only work in the fandom. And how could I forget, Horizon!
What are your top 5 fics by kudos? Confidence - What a Hero Needs - this annoys me so much, it was my first fic, EVER. I wrote it 4 years ago, and it's still my most popular, I've written much better stuff. I've even REWRITTEN THIS ONE AND THE OG IS STILL MORE POPULARR GKHDGHJHWJHK Apects Unknown - or are they? - a fun batfamily and wonderbat based fic off of my own mini-universe. Very cute, and very proud of this fic Perseverance - What a Hero Needs - the immediate follow up to Confidence. Again, I've written a lot better stuff "What? I like hero merch!" - My favorite crack fic I've written. Also BNHA/MHA based, but this was just fun and cute Among (Us) the Villains - yet another BNHA/MHA fic, but this time it's based about Izuku being friends with the LoV. And gaming with them. Made around the time of Among Us, hence the title
Do you respond to comments? I try, especially once I post something new. But honestly, a lot of my responses end up being just hearts or "thank you's" and it personally makes me feel like I'm being disingenuine when i respond with them too much
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? I suppose Kumandra's Heart? But that was more sad than angst, I think?
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Pretty Girls, my Mean Girls (2024) fic!!!! I love this one so much, it's one of the few I go back and reread often! Basically a rewrite of the movie to be a lot gayer.
Do you get hate on fics? Oh yeah, there was this one marvel fic I did, and this one commenter was really mad that I wasn't going exactly as canon dictated. Because of course
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? I have a few fics with smut, and it's mainly kink-based. Definitely love involved too, but very kink-based.
Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? Yes! I enjoy it a lot! My craziest one would probably have to be the one I'm currently writing, combining the Assassin's Creed universe and Legendary's Monsterverse. It's called Ancients Risen Anew, and based on Kassandra joining MONARCH after the G-Day event in 2014!
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not to my knowledge! I made all my fics available only to registered users for the purpose of keeping them as safe as I can while still sharing them.
Have you ever had a fic translated? Nope! Would love to see it happen though!
Have you ever co-written a fic before? Nope! It sounds interesting to do though!
What's your all time favorite ship? I would have to say Jade West/Tori Vega. The good old classic gay couple from Nickelodeon, as much as we hate how that era of TV was behind the scenes. A close second would probably be Aloy/Seyka, from Horizon. I just love them so much, they're my little blorbos (i think i used that term right :D)
What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I have a few, but I'll talk about Cascade for now. It's the marvel fic I mentioned earlier, and I kinda lost all interest in marvel recently. The last media I saw was The Marvels, and I enjoyed it a lot, but I kinda got oversaturated with too much Marvel stuff, and not enough of it was as amazing like Shang-Chi was to make me wanna stay interested. Will definitely watch the stuff I'm interested in though (anything with Kate Bishop and Yelena)
What are your writing strengths? Hmmmm, tough one. I would say lore. I love writing lore and explaining lore. I am also very good at writing outlines.
What are your writing weaknesses? Fight scenes. Especially fast paced ones. I love the choreography in movies, but how am I supposed to translate the fast-paced combat into writing in a way that feels natural????
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I have done this for a short story! Please go check it out, its non-fandom related so it didn't get traction, but oh my god i did so much research for it and I love it. It's called Children of Níðhǫggr!
First fandom you wrote for? Boku no Hero Academia / My Hero Academia. Please, end me
Favorite fic you've written? How the fuck am I supposed to choose just one?!??!?! I'll limit myself to five, to keep this short, lol Ink & Sparks - which is my favorite Jade West/Tori Vega fic. I rewrote it several times, and the version linked is the best one I've done. Please check it out, I love it so much! There's More To Life Than Surviving! - Honestly, this one is a contender for top fic. A crack fic, but for Ninjago! Loved it a lot The Titan of the Pearl - A very nice fic I wrote combining the Pirates of the Caribbean and Godzilla. Because I can Kumandra's Heart - A slight ending rewrite of Raya, the Last Dragon, which is my personal favorite Disney Princess movie Pretty Girls - the Mean Girls (2024) fic I mentioned earlier. I love this one so much, and like I said, I keep going back to reread it, that's how much I enjoy it Going to tag @aeide, @hartlesshart, @foibles-fables, and @spectres-n-knights for this! And if anyone else wants to, please go ahead!
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baellaggio · 5 months
@branwendaughterofllyr broke into my house and held me at gunpoint for this.
1. How many works? 7.
2. Total word count: like 55,000, I think.
3. Fandoms: ASOIAF and Star Wars.
4. Kudos top 5 rankings: His Mercy Burns, Shmi my mother my mom, in our ghosts do we find peace, our hollow halls, the beast of judgement.
5. Do you respond to comments? Yes, with too much enthusiasm.
6. Your angstiest ending? My current long fic has plenty of angst. Probably our hollow halls for published.
7. Your happiest ending? Leia’s acceptance in Shmi, my mother, my mom.
8. Do you get hate on fics? No because I’m goated.
9. Smut? Not sexy smut, that’s for sure.
10. Crossovers? No.
11. Stolen fics? No, but that would be an amazing compliment. Someone please do this.
12. Translated? No, another amazing compliment. I wish.
13. Co-written? I am in the process of co-writing a Joffrey genderbend fic.
14. OTP: For ASOIAF it’s Edric Dayne/Arya Stark or angsty Rhaenicent. Wonderbat for nostalgia.
15. WIP you’ll never finish? I will finish all my fics.
16. Writing strengths? Horror and dream sequences. Mother-daughter relationships sometimes.
17. Weaknesses: Chronic yapper. Too much politics. Never know when to shut the fuck up.
18. Dialogue in other languages: Use italics unless you’re directly translating through other pieces of dialogue, or there’s context clues, or it’s an intentional ‘POV doesn’t understand’. Otherwise you look silly.
19. First fandom? Read, Wonderbat DC. Wrote, ASOIAF.
20. Fav fic you’ve written? His Mercy Burns.
Tagging @2maegor2cruel because I despise them.
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sullustangin · 9 months
Statistics meme
tagged by @starlightcleric 2 months ago -- I'll do this as an end of year round-up post! Thanks for the tag -- I am a numbers gremlin.
Rules: give us the links to your fic with the most hits, second most kudos, third most comments, fourth most bookmarks, fifth most words, and finally the fic with the least words.
Tagging: @shabre-legacy @eorzeashan @ice-6caydesqueen @mimabeann @storyknitter annnnnd @tiredassmage
Most hits: The Planter of Trees and Other Tales from Yavin 4 -- the 18 month epic that is shorter than Les Mis (barely) has 7,903 hits and counting. SWTOR (Rated E for eventual shuttle smut, but there's about 400,000 words that aren't smutty).
Second most kudos: The Slow Road -- a WIP Wonderbat fic (Timmverse). The last chapter I wrote (2 augusts ago) is Christmas themed, so I'll plug it for the hols. :D It has 284 kudos
Third most comments: I'll do comment threads to keep it simple -- The Grand Reveal, the Rishi fic, SWTOR. 67 threads.
Fourth most bookmarks: A Shan Family Tradition -- A post Nathema baby!fic story. It is the fluffiest thing I have published so far. 11 bookmarks
Fifth most words: Current WIP: Letters from the Dead. It's at 45k words, and I'm mapping it to come in shorter than 70k, so this should stick.
Fic with the fewest words: The Master of Puppets, Part I -- 879 words from Satele's perspective about meeting her son for the first time in about 26 years.
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I'm gonna steal (save) you from him
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/dIBgEHc
by Karmawillcollect
Bonnie Wayne, CEO of Wayne Enterprises, Playgirl (or PlayBunny if you're good at curating your brand) extrodinare, the worlds most eligible bachelorette, is a raging butch lesbian, it's not at all a secret.
But when the woman she's been in love with (for ten YEARS) starts dating the man who SHE'S been in love with since the forties, Bonnie gives up, ready to pine forever.
Then Diana begins to change uncharictaristicly, and Bonnie is more than concerned. So she does what she SHOULD'VE done five years ago, and sweeps Diana Prince right off her feet, like a true Princess and her Dark Knight.
WARNING: There's a scene where Diana is drunk and starts to make out with Bonnie, Bonnie tells her to stop, Diana doesn't, then Bonnie says stop again, and Diana stops, nothing else :)
Words: 2336, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 3 of DC General
Fandoms: DC Animated Universe (Timmverse), Justice League & Justice League Unlimited (Cartoons)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F
Characters: Diana (Wonder Woman), Steve Trevor, Bruce Wayne, Female Bruce Wayne - Character, fem!Bruce Wayne - Character, Bonnie Wayne
Relationships: Diana (Wonder Woman)/Bruce Wayne, Diana (Wonder Woman)/Fem!Bruce Wayne, Diana (Wonder Woman)/Steve Trevor
Additional Tags: Genderbent!Bruce Wayne, fem!Bruce Wayne, lesbians in love, LOVE WINS LMFAO, Steve Trevor Bashing, nothing against him, i just needed a bad guy, Butch/Femme, Femme Diana (Wonder Woman), Fem!Bruce Wayne is now Bonnie Wayne, Mentions of Sex Toys, No Smut, No Angst, Flirting, Drunken Flirting, Drunken Kissing, Kissing, Neck Kissing, Girls Kissing, just girls being pals....SIKE, this fic is for the girls and gays, Men Bashing kinda as a whole, Bonnie hates men lowkey, drunk propositions, and almost dubcon, but nothing actually happens, it stops, wlw, Wonderbat, God I loved Writing this, Inspired by Music, That song is Boyfriends by Dove Cameron, Black Cherry, Perfume, Makeup, Lipstick & Lip Gloss, Emotional Manipulation, BUT it's not the fore front, nothing on screen, Not Beta Read, no beta we die like robins, The Author Regrets Nothing, Love, Love Confessions, Making Out, gods theyre both so hot, men will not like this fic me thinks, sorry sorry, CIS men will not like this fic
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/dIBgEHc
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 2 months
Good Driven
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/BF06xGu by Alchamy34 An AU where Batman encounters a peculiar woman of passion for justice. He wishes she was just another villain, not another colorful vigilante coming to Gotham unannounced. Diana has much to learn about man's world. She comes to Gotham as her alter ego for an ancient antique curator trip for Wayne Enterprises. Wonder Woman can save the city from threats to man, a bit challenging with Batman's interference. Why can't they work together? Words: 1588, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: The Batman (Cartoon 2004), Wonder Woman (2009) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Categories: F/M Characters: Diana (Wonder Woman), Bruce Wayne, Etta Candy, Alfred Pennyworth, Barbara Gordon, Jason Todd Relationships: Diana (Wonder Woman)/Bruce Wayne Additional Tags: Guess the cast from the series is here idk, Wonderbat, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Sexual Tension, Fluff and Humor, Eventual Smut, Action & Romance, Diana is naive read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/BF06xGu
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buffshipper8490 · 2 years
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Summary Following the events of Zack Snyder's Justice League, Diana Prince visits Bruce Wayne at the Batcave...
It had been weeks since Bruce Wayne and his newly found allies had defeated the intergalactic conqueror Steppenwolf and his army of parademons. Weeks since they faced down his leader, Darkseid, the ancient despotic ruler of Apokolips himself through the portal of a Boom Tube and didn't even blink.
"They" being Bruce as the Dark Knight Batman and the team of metahumans he scoured the world to assemble to take on the growing threat of invasion beyond the stars.
The ageless Amazonian warrior princess, Diana the Wonder Woman.
The Man of Steel, Superman-- a god-like alien and one-time adversary whom he found humanity in as a man named Clark Kent.
Barry Allen, The Flash: the Fastest Man Alive.
Arthur Curry, the uncrowned King of Atlantis and the "Aquaman".
And Victor Stone, the genuis college athlete turned mechanical marvel Cyborg.
They were the Justice League.
Yes, it was rather cliche and melodramatic, but it fit them. It was, at least, far better than the "Super Friends" moniker Barry had suggested.
Bruce Wayne had worked tirelessly since that time to rebuild his family's dilapidated manor into what Barry referred to as a "Hall of Justice" and track down even more metahuman recruits to fill out their roster.
They had a few new prospects: the mysterious Martian Manhunter and John Stewart, a man who belonged to the space-faring Green Lantern Corps from Diana's legends of the Age of Heroes.
Bruce, still in his business suit from his executive meeting at Wayne Enterprises, was cross-referencing whatever records he could find on John Stewart from his Batcomputer in the Batcave under his lakeside residence just outside Gotham City when his trusted butler and partner Alfred Pennyworth patched through the intercom from the residence in the upper levels.
<Master Wayne,> Alfred announced over the intercom. <Miss Diana Prince has dropped by for a visit. Shall I prepare a meal for two? Or should we be expecting more company...?>
"I wasn't expecting company at all," Bruce scoffed. "Tell her I'm--"
The elevator to the Batcave opened.
"-- busy."
"Hello, Bruce," came Diana's greeting.
"Diana...  Alfred has grown quite fond of you since your last visit," Bruce said without looking at her as she stepped off the elevator and into the Batcave. "You can keep him if you want."
Diana laughed, crossing the bridge from the elevator to the Batcomputer where Bruce sat. "I'll keep that in mind when I'd like a cup of tea."
"So," Bruce finally asked when she neared the Batcomputer. "What brings you back to Gotham?"
"Not "what"," Diana replied coyly. "But "who"?"....
Likes ❤ and Reblogs 🔁 are much appreciated!
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brucediana · 2 years
Bruce locks Diana’s hands into those shackles Vandal Savage put her in in ‘Maid of Honour,’ pulls off his top to expose his broad, heaving chest, then kisses Diana passionately, fondling her thighs and her bum, then eases down her starry bikini panties. How does Diana react?
Well, first of all, thanks for sending an ask to me, @theknightofivanhoe It has been a while since I received one and sorry it took me a while to reply.
How does Diana react, you ask? How about a full-blown fanfic.
Batman had wanted to try something for a long time. She had been the one to lead them in their passionate nights, but he wanted something different this time. Wonder Woman stood in front of him with her regal presence emanated in the room.
He had recreated the same cell that she had been imprisoned when Vandal Savage had captured her. It was a fantasy of his to have her in shackles and be in control of her.
He walked towards her. With every forward step he took, she took a step back until she was backed up against the wall. She looked up and before she could blink, he had shackled both her wrists up.
Diana licked her lips at the sight of him taking off the top of his suit, revealing his perfectly chiseled, glistening sweat. He pulled off his gloves and threw them somewhere across the room. He had left his cowl on and had that playboy smirk dancing upon his lips. She pouted at him and all she got from him was that sly smirk.
He proceeded to tease her with his callous hand until it rested behind her rump. She gasped when he slapped and squeezed it so hard that it echoed throughout the dingy cell.
Bruce moved closer, and cupped her cheek, and softly kissed her lips, but before she could deepen the kiss, he pulled away. His hands continued to roam down her long flawless legs. He always loved the feeling of them wrapped around his waist.
She watched him travel fiery kisses downwards, his hand rubbing her rump. She let out small moans of delight. His hand drifted to the hem of her panties and slowly slipped them down until they pooled at her feet.
Diana could feel his hot breath against her awaiting mound, wondering what he was going to do next. He looked up at her and she knew behind those opaque lenses, she could feel his desire piercing through.
"Gods, Bruce," She shuddered between clenches teeth when he began to tease her clit. He could feel his tongue work his magic. Whenever she tried to wriggle free, he would stop and stare at her. "Stop moving or I'll stop," he spoke in his usual Batman tone and gods, that stirred the fire in her even more.
They both knew she had the strength to break free from being bounded, but she somehow had wanted Bruce to continue the torture.
Bruce kneeled and lifted her legs, letting them rest on his broad shoulders. His hands wrapped around her thighs, drawing her hips closer to him. He kissed her mound and began to work his tongue again.
Diana wished she could pull back his cowl so she could see his face. She threw her head back and gasped as his cunning tongue slipped in and out, circling back and forth. Her hands tightened into fists. Gods, Bruce was torturing her and she loved every second of it.
Diana could feel her climax building up inside her, a fire that only Bruce could ignite. She murmured his name like a prayer. That urged Bruce to continue his minstrations. She could feel the vibrations of his groans and moans against her mound. He licked and sucked her sweet spot, knowing already how to bring her to climax.
Diana jerked her hips closer to him, trying her best not to put too much of her strength. The shackles began to loosen as continued to struggle under his spell. Her moans grew louder and louder.
"Bruce." He looked up at the sound of his name, his eyes beaming into hers without ever stopping his ministrations. "Please."
Bruce stood up and pulled down his pants, revealing his already erect length. He grabbed her legs again and wrapped them around his waist. He rested his hand on her cheek and brushed his thumb against her trembling lower lip. His eyes never tore away from her as he slowly fully entered her. She gasped at the feel of him finally inside her. Diana seized the opportunity to reach for him and pulled off his cowl, revealing his handsome face.
Then, he jerked his hips forward, Diana let out a loud gasp. He chuckled and continued to thrust inside her in a slow pace. "Faster," she whispered against her ear before licking the lobe. He obliged her by thrusting faster and faster. Her fingers curled into his sweaty hair and pulled him in a for a searing kiss.
Gods, she felt another buildup of her climax. "Harder," She screamed as she tilted her head back. Bruce rested his head on the crook of her neck, gasping out heaves of breaths as he obliged her with her request.
"Fuck," Diana heard him grunt against her skin. "Bruce," she screamed his name as her climax rushed all over her body. "That's right, Princess. Fuck Bruce."
Bruce captured her lips, muffling his groans as he followed her to climax. Diana broke the chains in one tug and wrapped her arms around his neck. She let out a sigh as she rested her forehead against his.
"You never cease to amaze me, Bruce." She said before placing a quick kiss on his lips. "It is the Knight's duty to please his Princess."
Noticing they were both sweaty from their heated encounter, Bruce asked, "Round two, perhaps?"
Diana brushed her thumb against his flushed cheek, "Best of three, but only if I get to tie you up this time."
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dianawayne · 3 years
diana: bruce kissed me on the lips.
lois: FINALLY!! quick kiss or french kiss?
diana: australian.
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Happy birthday @brucediana! 💖🎉🎂
I wish you would write more Wonderbat smut fanfics.
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wayneprincess · 4 years
Okay but as much as I would like to write more about that scene and analyze it, I can't, because the sexual tension between Batman and Wonder Woman here is just too much for my poor wonderbat-oriented heart and I would end up with some badly written smut and trust me, you don't want that
In conclusion, here I stand, once again stunned with the quality of storytelling in a cartoon primarily aimed at kids and teenagers
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just-another-robin · 5 years
Characters + Request Rules
Feel free to request ships/characters that aren’t here, but I may decline some. Crackships/ x reader requests are welcome!
HalBarry [DC Comics]
Gelphie [Wicked years/Wicked the musical]
WonderMera [DC Comics]
Superbat [DC Comics]
Wonderbat [DC Comics]
SuperWonderBat [DC Comics]
Boostle [DC Comics]
Zatanna & Superman [DC Comics]
Green Canary [DC Comics]
Magic Blazer (Possibly) [DC Comics]
{Feel free to request others as long as they fit in the rules.}
Moved to @nextstepin-evolution
DC Comics:
- Bruce Wayne
- Clark Kent
- Diana Prince
- Michael Carter
- Ted Kord
- Jason Todd (Non-romantic)
- Barry Allen
- Hal Jordan
- Victor Stone
- Zatanna Zatara
- John Constantine
- Katar Hol
- Kendra Saunders
- Oliver Queen
- Dinah Lance
- Harley Quinn (Preferably non-romantic)
- Pamela Isley (Preferably non-romantic)
- Alec Holland
- Dan Dreiberg
- Laurie Juspeczyk
- Elphaba Thropp [Wicked Years]
- Fiyero Tigelaar [Wicked Years]
- Galinda The Good [Wicked Years]
- Luke Skywalker [Star Wars]
Request Rules-
1) All characters must be young adults or older for me to write ships and stuff.
2) No incest or abusive/toxic ships.
3) No smut please.
4) I won’t write for real life people.
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sullustangin · 3 years
Fan Fic Writers Meme
I remembered one of the memes I wanted to do!  I saw this one on @walk-ng-d-saster‘s blog, so I’m doing it. 
How many works do you have on AO3?  26 (for some reason tumblr is making this answer huge in font size)
What’s your total AO3 word count?
492,356 (CHRIST)
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
Things I have completed and posted:  SWTOR (AO3), DC Animated (Bruce Timm/Paul Dini productions from the 90s and early 2000s) (AO3 and FF.Net),  FF7 (FF.net), Doctor Who (FF.NET), House (frigging forgot about that one until I saw it in my files, yikes)
Things I have completed but not posted:  Star Trek
Things I have not completed nor posted:  Law and Order: SVU, West Wing, FF6, Highlander, Harry Potter, Sherlock Holmes (ACD), the Mandalorian (now totally out of canon, thanks Luke), Tombstone, and Sin Takes a Holiday (a random Basil Rathbone 1930s film I latched onto like a leech for a few weeks and this mangled file is all that remains)
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Parthenos, In Theory, and The Slow Road from DCAU (Wonderbat ship), then The Grand Reveal (Rishi fic, my latest complete multi-chapter), A Shan Family Tradition (possibly canon Baby!Shan fic), and Who She is In the Dark (the first fic in the SWTOR series I have running.
Do you respond to comments; why or why not?
I don’t when I feel guilty because nothing is in the chute. (Hi, Slow Road people.  I know. That whole kerfuffle about Batman earlier this summer took the wind out of my sails because I didn’t want it to come off as a Bat Stan... because if you read the series, you know what’s happening soonish and now I’m waiting for that to die off.)
I absolutely do when I’m still writing and creating content (Hi, SWTOR people)
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
I don’t like ending my fics on an angsty note.  I like hope at the end, if there is nothing else left. 
Do you write crossovers? If so, what’s the craziest one you’ve written?
When I was a young teenager, I plotted out an extensive FF6/FF7 crossover that paired Celes Chere and Vincent Valentine.  It never got written, but it was elaborately planned.
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
No.  I have received.... comments?  Statements? that could have been constructive and could have started a dialogue, but then the commenter’s follow-up behavior indicated they were not being sincere; they weren’t actually worried about the issues they presented, but rather, they were trying to get a reaction out of me. (They went on another platform and made snide remarks.)
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
I do write smut but it’s unpublished at the moment.  I fail utterly at writing PWP (so far), so I can’t just have them do the thing and leave it at that.  I think (hope?) I’ll be more comfortable publishing smut once I get to that point in my plotted Yavin fic. 
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I have had someone take my FF7 fic premise and poorly recycle it.  When I messaged them about it, I was then accused of stealing THEIR fic (somehow, in a time machine).
Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, but I would be open to a collab with someone on a translation.
What’s your all time favorite ship?
In terms of what I write, there’s an ongoing thing of Relatively Orderly Guy/Relatively Chaotic Gal recurring.  
What are your writing strengths?
I can come up with an original plotline.  I do the research and I try to get things ‘right’ within a universe, so there are lots of details.  I have been told I can strike to the heart of a character’s dynamic with other people. 
What are your writing weaknesses?
I sometimes worry the details can be too overwhelming for people and they tune out.  I think I sometimes have too many ‘talking heads’ chapters where there’s lots of exposition -- too much tell, and not enough show.  Per spouse, I also get reaaaaally defensive about my writing (particularly professionally, but even in fan fic ), so I have to have a policy of letting the comment sit for a certain period of time before I attend to it.  The interim time is spent woe’ing and beating myself up.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
Minus a few words that are sprinkled in (like how Mandalorian is used), I tend to just say they’re speaking in that language.  I do read a few languages, but dialogue is so much more informal and less stiff than the written word.  Also, it’s easier on the reader.
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Star Trek.
What’s your favorite fic that you’ve written?
I have affection for the pieces on the cutting room floor; things I cut out or have never published that sort of stay on the hard drive as a monument to the effort and also a little bit of a cheat when I need a scene for something else.  For example, parts of the casino scenes from The Cosmic Deck were cannibalized from the unfinished, now totally AU Mandalorian fic I have.  I’ve taken a bar scene from one fic and redone it as another universe’s party.
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fyeahwonderbat · 6 years
💞 Today is the LAST DAY to sign up! 💞
Our WonderBat Secret Cupid event sign up period ends at midnight, so I just wanted to explain the application more thoroughly in case anyone is confused.
You’re filling out an application to explain what you’re willing to make for someone else, and what you’d want from your Secret Cupid. By joining the event, you’re agreeing to complete someone else’s request and that you’ll have it completed by Valentine’s Day. Another person participating in the event will also get your application, and they will complete your request.
Basically, you ask for something to be made and you’ll get something made in return.
Now, here’s a longer explanation of the application itself. Let’s break it down:
1. Username [Your username that you’d like to be referred to as]
2. Preferred Platform [is the website/app you’ll be posting to when you make someone’s request as their Secret Cupid]
3. Rating [is what you are willing to write/draw for. If you aren’t comfortable with smut/NSFW content, just list that here]
4. Which Universe You Prefer [for your request to be written/drawn in, such as the animated show, the comics, or the movies]
5. Tags/Genres for Your Request [things like “romance”, “hurt and comfort”, “drama” got genres. Tags are more specific things like “pining”, “heated argument”, “pillow talk”, and so on]
6. Tags/Genres to Avoid [things you don’t want to see in your request, maybe something like “horror” or “unrequited love”]
7. Request Option #1 [your bigger request of the two, which could be a longer fanfic or a very specific drawing]
8. Request Option #2 [the smaller idea you want to request, in case the person who gets your application doesn’t have time to do your bigger idea or simply can’t think of something for your bigger idea]
I hope that helps clarify things for anyone who might have wanted to join, but might have been nervous to ask for more information. Remember, you have until 12:00 AM EST tonight to join! Email me your application at [email protected] whenever you’re ready!
And again, my DM’s are always open @maidenoftheworld! ~ Maiden
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