#wonderbat week 2018
fandom-scribe · 6 years
Wonderbat Week: Day 4 - Holiday
Title: What The Kids Want
Word Count: 2,102
Author’s Note: So so sorry this is late! I just kind of went overboard for with this and I didn’t feel like writing yesterday. Not desire to write and a large word count does not go well together so I just finished this (now I got to go write today’s prompt plus yesterday and today’s prompts for Dickkory Week. Yay :( ). Anyway, in my first entry I added in a mention Donna and Cassie because I didn’t want to erase them. However I have no knowledge of them so they are absent in this fic. Also my first time writing Jason sooo… Idk, it’s really important to me that Bruce’s kids have a role in Wonderbat’s relationship.
Gotham was not a pretty city. The gothic buildings gave off a dark aura and the rank trash on its grimy streets gave the stale air a permanent smell. And yet, despite the sky high crime rates and bitter atmosphere, the city almost looked inviting under the mask of freshly fallen snow — especially when one was standing outside of their ancestral manor, sharing a cup of tea with a close friend as one’s kids played and got along.
Bruce Wayne took a deep breath, taking in the crisp winter air. A hot cup of tea warmed his palms but it almost didn’t compare to the comforting heat radiating from the woman next to him. In front of him was his boys. What had started as gentle teasing from Dick had turned into a full blown snow war featuring Dick and Tim vs Jason and Damian. Yeah, the pairings were odd but Bruce couldn’t care less: his kids were having fun together and that was all that mattered.
“This doesn’t happen often, does it?” Diana asked as she sipped her tea, drawing bruce’s attention away from his boys. A harsh wind blew and Bruce squeezed his mug harder. It had almost killed Alfred to put their drinks in big mugs instead of proper tea cups but it was far too cold to drink tea in little spurts.
“What doesn’t?”
“Them getting along? Usually Tim and Damian are going at it and Dick is either trying to break it up or caught in the middle. And I hardly see Jason anymore.”
“Yeah…” A dark feeling stirred in Bruce’s chest, nearly stamping out the joy the sight before him brought. “It’s rare to see these moments. It’s hard to get the kids to get along and a fight to get Jason to willing drop by. But these moments makes it more than worth it.”
“I bet they do. Watching them is like watching my sisters in Themyscira. No matter how hard we fight each other, we know the other would have our back in battle. Same with your boys, right?”
“Same with my boys. They love each other, even if only Dick will admit it.” Bruce looked back towards his boys and frowned. “And they’re plotting something.”
Dick, Damian, Tim, and Jason stood huddled in the middle of the yard, snowball fight forgotten. Occasionally a pair of blue eyes would dart towards Bruce and Diana before returning to the whispered conversation between them. Bruce narrowed his eyes and strained his ears but he couldn’t hear anything.
“What’s going on over there?” he eventually called after accepting that eavesdropping was impossible from this distance. The boys jumped apart with shining eyes and sneaky smiles, an almost believable picture of innocence.
“Nothing!” Dick replied as he strolled towards the pair on the porch. His brothers followed. “We was just going over a case that’s been nagging me. Perhaps you can help?” Bruce raised an eyebrow at his youngest.
“I thought you said no work on Christmas?” Pink highlighted Dick’s cheeks and he briefly bit his lip. Bruce nearly shook his head: he had spent weeks teaching Dick to control such reactions.
“I know, I know: I’m a hypocrite. But I just can’t focus on having fun with you guys with this case on my mind. Can you please help me?” It wasn’t common for Dick to beg for help. Ever since Robin became Nightwing the young man had been adamant about independence, so it was a big red flag that was was begging for help now. But with Diana right there, Bruce found himself not wanting to make a scene.
“Sure, Dick,” the man said, voice flooded with suspicion and resignation.
“Great! I’m gonna grab some hot chocolate and we’ll meet in your study.” With that Dick raced into the manor, a large grin stretched across his face.
“I can also use a refill,” Diana hummed, shaking her empty mug. “Meet you there?”
“No!” Tim  shouted. The two adults looked at him, causing the teen to flush a dark red. “Actually, I - um - was hoping to ask Diana a few questions, if you don’t mind.”
“Later, Tim,” Bruce said with a tone that allowed no arguments.
“Yeah! Diana can’t answer your fangirl questions: she’ll be too busy sparing with me and Damian in the Batcave. Right Diana?” Jason asked with hopeful eyes.
“I’ve always wanted to conquer the Amazon in a sword fight,” Damian added with a shrug of the shoulders. Jason scoffed.
“In your dream, short stack. She’ll wipe the floor with you!”
Bruce pinched the bridge of his nose as Jason and Damian began to squabble and exhaled through his nose. Then he looked at the woman next to him. “Diana, I’m sorry to ask but—”
“It’s no problem. But I must warn you: Damian might be a little grumpy after I defeat him in battle.” Something in Bruce’s chest burned as Diana flashed him a smile before the Amazon was dragged off by his 2nd oldest and youngest sons.  It wasn’t a bad burn; more like the burn of a cup of tea or a fireplace on the coldest day of the year. It almost brought a smile to his face but he quickly stomped that down when he saw Tim still standing there.
“Er, I’m just gonna… go inside…” Tim muttered awkwardly before sidestepping Bruce and disappearing inside. Bruce sighed and followed his second youngest.
By the time Bruce made it to his study, Dick was comfortable seated on his desk with a mug of hot chocolate in hands and stacks of papers spread onto the desk’s remaining surface. Dick gestured him over eagerly. Bruce was barely sat down before Dick started to explain the case to him.
5 minutes later and it was clear to Bruce that this was a waste of time. The case was an easy one with plenty of evidence as to who the perp was and why they did it. There was no way Dick hadn’t figured it out already. But Dick was determined to drag Bruce into it and no matter how many times the older man interrupted and tried to figure out Dick’s real motives, the younger just kept soldiering on and ignoring him. By the time 30 minutes had passed Bruce was completely tuning his son out, more interested in the way Dick’s eyes kept flickering to the watch on his wrist.
“Now, I was thinking —” Dick started around the 45 minute mark but he was cut off as his watch began to beep. Dick let out a breath and quickly jumped off the desk, breathing out a quiet “finally” that Bruce barely managed to catch. Dick began to collect the papers.
“Did you figure it out?” Bruce asked as he watched Dick clean up quickly. He was leaning in his seat, arms crossed and eyebrows raised.
“Hm? Oh! No, I didn’t but it’s Christmas and I refuse to work on this any longer! C’mon, let’s go find the others.” Bruce barely had time to process Dick’s excuse before his son grabbed him by the arm and pulled him out the room.
“Woah - slow down!” Bruce hissed but Dick ignored him, instead pulling him through the hallways even faster as he muttered a chant of “c’mon, c’mon, c’mon,” below his breath. “Dick, where are we going?”
“To find the others - ah ha!” Dick stopped in his tracks before quickly stepping around Bruce so he was behind the man and pushing him forward. “Stay there!”
“Just stand there!”
Bruce rolled his eyes and exhaled harshly. He had learned not to play his kids’ games a long time ago so why was he indulging Dick now? Before Bruce could move, though, the sound of a mini stampede rumbled through the hallway. The rest of his kids were coming.
Bruce stood there and looked ahead, watching as Jason and Tim pulled Diana towards him and Dick, Damian right on their heels. He barely had time to take in the sight - let alone chastise them for their behaviour - before his two middle children sling-shotted Diana forward, right into Bruce’s arms.
“Diana!” Bruce gasped in shock as the woman collided with him. “Are you okay? I’m so sorry—”
“I’m fine. The boys were in quite a hurry to bring me up here. Is everything alright?”
“As far as I know but my sons are acting suspicious and that’s never a good thing.” Bruce shot a glare at all four of his sons. They only smiled in return, Damian’s smile a bit more hesitant and begrudging than the rest. Bruce opened his mouth to demand answers but was quickly cut off as Diana shuffled in his arms. A hot flush flooded Bruce’s face and he quickly let the Amazon go. He let go so quickly that he nearly toppled her balance again.
“S-sorry,” Bruce stuttered, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck. The heat in his face increased: Batman did not stutter!
“It’s okay,” Diana replied, a faint pink blush decorating her own cheeks. A few awkward beats passed before Jason broke it with a deep groan.
“This is taking too long! Look up already!” Dick and Tim emphasized his words by pointing up towards the ceiling.
As one, Diana and Bruce tilted their heads upwards and looked at the ceiling 25 feet above them.
Oh God, thought Bruce as dread and embarrassment filled him. How did they get mistletoe all the way up there?
Bruce’s heart began to pound and his hands clenched into fists at his sides. The dream/embarrassment mixture only intensified as he heard a small “oh,” slip from Diana’s mouth. Bruce kept his eyes up as he began to stutter, too embarrassed to look at his friend.
“Di-Diana, I’m s-so sorry! I don’t - why would they - oh my gosh!” Bruce’s head fell forward into his palms, his fingers pulling at his hair. He should’ve know his kids would pull something like this: they’ve been trying to push him and Diana together for months now! And inviting Diana over during mistletoe season? Bruce mind as well gotten onto his knees and begged for his kids to do this.
Suddenly, Diana began to laugh.
“S-sorry,” the Amazon snorted between giggles. “Your face right now is just -” Diana cut herself off as she doubled over in laughter. Around them the boys began to laugh too. Was Diana in on it? Did they all team up against him?
How come that idea didn’t upset him as much as it should’ve?
Finally Diana straightened with a sniff as her laughter died out. She licked her lips and, with big blue eyes glinting, the Amazon stepped closer to Bruce and threw her arms around his neck.
“D?” Bruce muttered, questioningly. His own arms moved of their own volition and wrapped around Diana’s waist.
“Your boys put so much effort in this. Mind as well give them what they want.”
“Yes! Kiss her!” Dick yelled from the sidelines, practically buzzing. The others quickly shushed him.
Bruce couldn’t help but noticed the way Damian stood close to Dick, slightly behind his older brother as if the shield himself from the scene before him. The last time he had checked, Damian still held hopes of Talia and him reconciling and the three of them becoming a proper family. But here was help, scheming to get him and Diana to kiss? Was the boy truly okay with this?
As if reading his mind, Damian made eye contact with his father and nodded his consent, latching onto Dick’s sweater as he did so. The young man quickly threw an arm around his little brother and pulled him close.
“Are you okay with this?” Diana whispered. “I’ll understand if your not.” Bruce closed his eyes and thought. Diana was willing to kiss him. His sons wanted them to kiss. And him — Bruce thought harder — he wasn’t against the idea at all.
“Yeah,” he answered. “I’m more than okay with this.”
Diana’s blinding smile was the last thing he saw before he closed his eyes and their lips met. Inside his chest something burst and something else clicked. Bruce found himself deepening the kiss, a low groan coming from deep in his throat. He could feel Diana’s smile against his lips, the heat of her body pressed against his, her fingers in his hair. It felt good. It felt right.
The world around them melted away as Bruce and Diana kissed. And then they kissed again. And again. Lost in the woman in his arms, Bruce almost didn’t hear the cheer and applause coming from his sons.
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pandoraseevee · 6 years
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My submission for WonderBat Week 2018 with today’s theme of Elsewords.
So…WonderBat Moulin Rouge AU! Starring Diana as the ‘Godkiller’; a cabaret dancer who’s so beautiful she could kill God Himself (get it?). And Bruce Wayne is still a billionaire playboy invited by a friend to the Moulin Rouge who finds himself intrigued by Diana.
@fyeahwonderbat Hope you guys like it!
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saultnpeppah · 6 years
Father’s Day
Hello all! This is a submission for Day 4 of WonderBat week 2018. Topic of the day: Holidays!
As always, I do not own Justice League or its characters.
Bruce Wayne laid in his large bed, gently stretching as he began to stir. He had come in late from patrol, having helped Gordon and the GCPD find and stop Penguin from stealing a priced diamond, only to find his wife up and waiting for him, unable to sleep without knowing where he was.
He turned in the bed, his hand running over his wife's empty spot, before he let out a sigh. He loved waking up to her next him, her dark hair splayed over her pillow as she laid curled on her side. He and Diana had been married for five years, and he had come to love having her as his partner in every aspect of life.
There was a small knock on the door, causing Bruce to raise his head, before the door swung open. Bruce heard the pitter patter of small feet and smiled, knowing exactly who was standing besides him. "Morning Daddy!"
Bruce turned towards the edge of the bed, smiling wider when he saw his daughter standing near the bed. "Good morning sweetheart," he said as he sat up, placing his bare back against the headboard, before he reached down and picked her up. "Where's Mommy?" he asked, placing the three, nearly four year old, on the bed besides him.
She pointed to the open door and opened her mouth to speak but the two heard Diana's voice as she walked up to the opened door. "Allie, I said Daddy was still asleep."
Diana walked up to the door, stopping when she saw her husband sitting in the bed with their daughter. "I'm sorry if she woke you," Diana said. "She wanted to give you something."
Bruce looked down at his daughter. She was practically Diana's twin, with her thick black hair and bright blue eyes, and he knew that when it came time for her to be interested in dating, he was going to have to fight the boys off with a stick; a very big stick. "It's okay," Bruce replied, turning his attention to his wife, who was still standing in the doorway.
Her hair was braided down her back, out of her face, letting him see just how beautiful she was. She was dressed in a robe, the sash tied just above her pregnant belly.
He watched as she walked over to the bed, before he grabbed her arm and pulled her down in his lap, earning a small shriek. "Bruce," she said with a giggle, grabbing her husband's shoulder to stabilize herself.
"Morning," he said with a smirk, before he placed a kiss on her lips.
"Daddy, no kiss Mommy," Allie said, placing her small hand on his cheek. She tried to push her father away from Diana, forcing Bruce to pull away from his wife.
Bruce let out a chuckle before he turned to his daughter. "Why not?" he asked. He watched as Diana turned to face Allie, a smile on her face.
"Because," she said with a pout, "You don't give me kiss."
Bruce laughed, before grabbing Allie's face and kissing each cheek repeatedly, forcing the child to laugh ecstatically. "Better?" Allie nodded and sat down next to Bruce, allowing her father to kiss Diana once more. He quickly moved his hand to her stomach, his smile widening when he felt the baby begin to kick. "Someone's up," he said, moving his hand over Diana's belly.
Diana nodded. "He's been moving all morning."
Bruce continued to move his hand around Diana's belly. When Diana was pregnant with Allie, she hardly moved, and it was very a rare event to feel her kick. With his son, it was nonstop. Now that Diana was seven months pregnant, she hardly had a moment when he was sitting still.
"Allie, the baby is awake," Diana said, watching as Allie's little head shot up and her eyes widened.
Ever since the two had told their daughter she was going to be a big sister, she wanted to be involved in anything baby related. Anytime Diana went shopping for the baby, Allie would tag along, picking what she thought were the best clothes. She even made sure her mother and father named her brother something she liked; she was very adamant about that.
"My brother!" she exclaimed, jumping up. She carefully trotted over to the other side of Diana and plopped down on the bed, before she placed her head on her mother's stomach. "Hi brother," she began, talking to the baby, who responded with a kick, causing Allie to giggle.
Allie continued to speak to Diana's belly bump, her mother gently running her fingers through Allie's hair while she looked up at Bruce. "Allie, what did you have for Daddy?" Diana asked, patting her daughter's back.
Allie quickly stood, jumped off the bed, and ran out of the room, returning a moment later with a card in her hands. "Here Daddy," she said, handing Bruce the card.
"Thank you," Bruce said, turning the card over. On the cover was his daughter's artwork, complete with a picture of him as Batman holding her. Inside was a few scribbles written in purple crayon, Diana's neat handwriting underneath. Happy Father's Day Daddy! Bruce closed the card, his heart swelling with pride. "Thank you sweetheart," he said.
"You welcome," she replied, running over to Diana's side of the bed and pulling herself up onto the mattress.
Bruce looked over at his daughter, the smile never leaving his face. He had never imagined he would be a father, let alone have two children with the woman he loved. Sure, he had raised Dick, Jason, and Tim, but there was something about bringing a child into the world that he couldn't explain. He remembered the day Allie was born, and although she had given everyone a scare, he couldn't have imagined a better way to celebrate his first Father's Day.
Bruce sat at the Batcave's computer, his cowl pulled from his face, and read the file on the screen. He and Tim had been working on a case that would send Falcone to prison for years, however he wasn't finding the one piece of evidence that would seal the deal. It was beyond frustrating.
His pregnant wife wasn't making things any easier. Diana, who was due at the beginning of next month, paced back and forth behind him, irritating him beyond reason. "Could you please settle down," he said, not turning around to face her, although he didn't need to turn to know Diana was giving him the evil eye.
Ever since Diana had announced her pregnancy to the league, Bruce made her promise to take it easy, not wanting her or the baby to get hurt. After she had entered her last trimester Bruce, as well as Clark, had suspended her from the league, leaving her to stay at home and fill her days with nesting, something even she was getting tired of. She was ready for the baby to come, and with each passing day, she got a little more agitated.
"Could you please shut up," Diana said, as she continued to pace.
Bruce quickly turned in his chair to face his wife. He carefully thought over his next course of action, knowing the last thing he wanted was to piss off a hormonal Amazon. "Come here," he said softly, opening his arms for her.
Diana made her way over to her husband, sat in his lap, and curled up to his chest. She sighed when he wrapped his arms around her, holding her tight against his body. "What's wrong?" he asked, gently brushing a loose strand of hair away from her face.
Diana let out another sigh. "I'm nervous about this," she confessed. "What if I'm a terrible mother? What if I screw this baby up? What if-"
"You're going to be an amazing mother," Bruce said, interrupting Diana, before he placed a kiss on her forehead. "And if you screw her up….well then we'll have to just have another one." Diana pulled away from Bruce's chest and glared up at him. "I'm joking," he said with a laugh, earning a smack onto his chest. "But in all seriousness, we're as prepared as we can be. Plus, Alfred has already been a great help, and he's not going to let us do this alone. He knows we'll find a way to mess it up if he leaves us unattended."
Diana laughed and nodded. "Thank you," she said. She quickly stood from his lap and began to walk away, before stopping with a groan.
Bruce quickly stood from his seat and rushed over to his wife. "What's wrong?" he asked, pulling his gloves off.
Diana opened her mouth to speak, however another wave of pain hit her, and she let out another groan. "Baby. Coming. Now."
Bruce nodded his head and scooped up his wife, before running up the stairs and into the manor, calling Alfred's name the entire time.
"Master Bruce?" Alfred said, coming out of the kitchen to meet Bruce. "What is going on?" He took one look at Diana in Bruce's arms, sweating and gritting her teeth, and knew immediately what was happening. "I'll get the car," he said, rushing out the door.
Bruce rushed towards the door after Alfred, however Diana placed her hand on his chest, forcing him to stop. "Bruce, change," she said, forcing him to remember he was still in the Batsuit. He gently placed her down on one of the chairs and left the room, returning a minute later breathing heavily, dressed in a dark shirt and basketball shorts. "Did you just grab the first thing you found?" Diana asked, laughing at her husband's attire.
She knew the birth of the first Wayne child, a child with Wonder Woman no less, was going to be well documented in the papers, which meant Bruce was going to have nonstop photographers trying to catch a glimpse of him. It was very unlike him to be out in public in a suit, whether it was freshly tailored or the Batsuit. "I'll have Tim bring me a change of clothes later. For now, we need to get you to the hospital."
He quickly scooped Diana up again and ran out of the manor, glad to see Alfred waiting for the two in the car. He quickly helped her into the back seat, jumping in behind him, before Alfred took off.
Bruce took a deep breath and rested his head against the headrest, gently placing his hand on his wife's thigh. "It's going to be okay," he said, more trying to convince himself than her.
Sixteen hours. That's how long it had been since Bruce had whisked Diana to the hospital, how long it had been since Alfred had ran nearly every red light in Gotham, how long it had been since the start of Diana's labor. And yet the youngest Wayne had still yet to make her grand debut. Sixteen hours of intense contractions, Greek curses, and profuse sweating, and Diana was still nowhere near close to delivering the baby.
Bruce had tried to convince the doctors to move forward with a C-section, but Diana was adamant that she could do this naturally, and as long as the baby was fine and healthy, the doctors did what Diana had asked.
So Bruce stood near Diana's side, watching as his wife grew more and more uncomfortable. She was in pain, but she was too stubborn to do anything about it. "You know Princess," he began, placing his hand gently on her forehead, "I could have them give you something for the pain." He gently pulled the sweat soaked hair out of her face, before stroking her cheek with his thumb.
Diana shook her head and let out a groan, before taking a deep breath, trying to compose herself. "I'm fine Bruce," she said, flaring her nostrils as she got through the contraction. When it was over she looked up at Bruce and smirked. "She's stubborn like her father."
Bruce chuckled. He opened his mouth to speak, however he was interrupted by a knock on the door. The door opened a moment later, Diana's eyes widening when she saw who was walking into the room. "Mother? How?"
Hippolyta shut the door behind her and walked over to Diana, her hand grabbing her daughter's firmly. "You did not think I would miss the birth of my grandchild," she said with a smile, giving Diana's hand a small squeeze.
"But, how? I thought you did not approve of Bruce," she said, her eyes glancing up to meet Bruce's.
Hippolyta nodded as she ran her fingers through Diana's hair. "When you first married, I did not approve. You were, are an Amazon, and I did not want you to be tied to any mortal man." She looked over at Bruce, offering him a small smile, before she continued. "But I've seen how he treats you, how much he loves you, and I would be a terrible mother to not want my daughter to have this happiness." She squeezed Diana's hand once more. "Soon you will know how that is."
Diana offered her mother a smile, before she reached up and placed a hand on Bruce's shoulder. "Thank you," she said, knowing Bruce was the one who had arranged her visit.
Bruce nodded and placed a kiss on her forehead. "You're welcome Princess," he said, his eyes meeting Hippolyta's. The two hadn't always been on the friendliest terms, but when Diana had come to him a few months ago, scared that she was going to ruin things with their daughter, he knew he had to get the Amazonian queen to reunite with Diana. She needed her, especially during this important milestone in their lives, and he would push his pride away to give Diana anything.
There was another knock on the door before the doctor and two nurses walked into the room. "How we doing Diana?" she asked, walking over to where Diana laid. She checked Diana's chart, taking note of how long the two had been there, before she lifted the sheet covering Diana's lower half.
"Just peachy," Diana said, tightening her grip on her mother's hand as another contraction began.
The doctor chuckled, pulled on a pair of gloves, and checked Diana. "Well, we did it," she said, placing a hand on Diana's knee. "Time to have a baby."
Diana narrowed her eyes at the doctor. "We? You mean I did it," she said, holding in another groan. After about the fifth hour, Diana's pleasant demeanor quickly went out the window.
"Of course," the doctor replied, glancing up at Bruce with a sympathetic smile. "Now with this next contraction you're going to start pushing." She looked over at the machine that was monitoring Diana's contractions, her smile widening when she saw another contraction coming. "Okay Diana, deep breath, push."
Diana grabbed Bruce's hand and began to push hard, wanting nothing more than to get her daughter out. She pictured the little girl in her arms, sleeping peacefully, and suddenly all the pain wouldn't matter. She was brought out of her thoughts by Bruce groaning. She looked over at him, her eyes widening when she realized what she had done. "I'm so sorry Bruce," she said, releasing his hand. She watched as he grabbed his aching hand, knowing she had broken at least a few fingers.
She stopped her pushing and tried to place her hand on his arm, laughing when he held his hands up and away from her. "I only have two hands," he said, "Use your mother's hand."
Hippolyta glared up at Bruce, before squeezing Diana's hand. Diana chuckled, knowing her husband would get over it eventually, and began to push as another contraction hit.
Two hours of nonstop pushing, and countless contractions later, and Diana was no closer to getting the baby out than she was when she first started. The doctor had spent her time going between Diana and other patients, making sure her nurses knew to come get her if there were any changes.
Bruce, who was growing anxious by the minute, continued to pace the room, wondering what was wrong. Why was this taking so long? Surely by now the doctor was going to ignore Diana's wishes and take her into surgery. He knew she'd be mad at first, but the safety of her and the baby was more important.
He listened as Hippolyta continued to soothe Diana, gently stroking her hair, whispering encouragement. She was growing weaker and he wasn't sure how much longer she would be able to go.
"Diana," one of the nurses said, watching as Diana laid back on the bed after a long and heavy push. "I can see her," she said. ""We're nearly there." She turned to the other nurse and told her to get the doctor, before turning back to Diana. "Give me another big push."
Diana shook her head, reaching for Bruce's good hand. "I can't do it anymore," she said, panting. She was exhausted.
Bruce placed his face against hers, kissing her cheek, before settling into the crook of her neck. "You can do it Diana," he whispered, squeezing her hand. He felt her shake her head. "Come on Diana, you're a warrior, fight."
The doctor burst through the door and slipped on a pair of gloves, before settling in where her nurse had been sitting. "Oh I see a little head," she said, slipping on a gown. "Big push Diana."
Diana took a deep breath and pushed, her body going into overdrive. "Head's out Diana," the doctor said, her eyes carefully glancing over at the monitors.
The monitors began to beep loudly, the baby's heart rate beginning to speed up. "What's happening?" Bruce asked, his eyes widening when he began to hear the beeping get faster.
The doctor stood and turned to one of the nurses. "Prep for surgery," she said, before turning to Bruce. "The baby's heart rate has spiked. She's in distress. If we don't get her out now, she could go into shock."
Bruce squeezed Diana's hand tighter. He knew she was going to have to fight now more than ever. Their daughter depended on it. "Diana, he began, placing his arms around her. "She needs you to do it. Fight Princess."
Diana nodded against his chest and began to push as hard as she could, her lips unable to hold back the scream. Diana gave it her all, pushing as hard as she could. She needed to get her daughter out; her pain didn't matter.
Diana felt her daughter leave her body, before she let out a sigh and fell back on the bed, crying. Bruce grabbed her face and kissed her, before placing his forehead against hers. Time seemed to stand still as the two of them waited to hear their daughter's cries fill the room.
Bruce closed his eyes, concern filling his mind when he heard nothing. Was she okay? Why was she so quiet?
Finally the baby began to cry, making everyone release the breath they didn't know they had been holding. Bruce opened his eyes and kissed his wife, allowing her to wipe the tears from his eyes, before he looked over at the doctor. "Go to her," Diana told him, placing her hand on his face, before she turned to face her mother.
Bruce walked over to where the doctor was cleaning up his daughter, his eyes glancing down at the crying baby. Ten fingers, ten toes, and powerful lungs. She was perfect.
"12:03, time of birth," the doctor said, as she continued to wipe down the baby. She saw Bruce next to her, before she glanced over at the calendar and smiled. She quickly placed a cap on the baby's head and swaddled her in a small blanket, before placing her in Bruce's arms. "Here she is dad," she said, watching as Bruce took the baby, gently cradling her in his arms. "And Happy Father's Day."
Bruce looked down at the baby as she began to settle down, his eyes filling with tears that threatened to fall. She had a head full of dark hair, and her eyes were just as piercing as Diana's. He turned to face DIana, a smile gracing his lips when he noticed that it was now Sunday, Father's Day; his first. He walked over to his wife and took a seat next to her on the bed, before kissing the baby's forehead and placing her in Diana's arms.
Diana stared down at her daughter, their daughter, and smiled. She was exhausted, but she was right; the pain she had been in a moment ago no longer mattered. "By the Gods," Hippolyta said, looking down at her grandchild. "She looks just like you Diana."
Diana looked down at her daughter, her eyes releasing some of the tears she had been holding in. "She's perfect," Diana said, using her finger to gently stroke the baby's cheek. "My little Alexandra," she whispered, placing a kiss on the baby's forehead.
Bruce watched his wife and daughter, smiling at his family. He couldn't think of a better way to spend Father's Day.
Bruce starred at Diana, as she stood from the bed and walked over to the closet, before Allie climbed into his lap and snuggled up to his chest. "Alfred has breakfast ready for you downstairs," Diana said, taking off her robe and slipping on a summer dress. "The boys will be over at noon," she said, turning to Allie. "Come Alexandra, we need to give Alfred his present."
Allie gave Bruce another hug, before jumping off the bed and running out the door. "Alfie! Alfie! Alfie!" she began to chant, running down the hall and down the stairs.
Diana began to laugh before she glanced over her shoulder at Bruce. "You coming?"
Bruce nodded, tossing the blanket off his body, and stood from the bed. "I'll be right down." He watched Diana walk out, his gaze lingering on his wife, before he let out a content sigh. He had never imagined he would have a family, and once Allie had come into his life, he couldn't imagine it any other way.
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 6 years
Father's Day
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2MXSeEo
by SaultNPeppah
Bruce thinks back to the night his daughter is born.
Words: 3705, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Justice League & Justice League Unlimited (Cartoons), Justice League - All Media Types
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Bruce Wayne, Diana (Wonder Woman), Alfred Pennyworth, Original Child Character(s), Hippolyta (Wonder Woman)
Relationships: Diana (Wonder Woman)/Bruce Wayne
Additional Tags: Family, Father's Day, Flashbacks, Childbirth, Children of Characters, Wonderbat Week 2018
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2MXSeEo
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fandom-scribe · 6 years
Wonderbat Week: Day 2 - Elseworlds
Title: By the Lungful
Elseworld/ AU: High School AU, Hanahaki Disease AU
Words: 2836
Author’s Note: Well now it’s the second time I written these characters and the first time I’ve written Clark. I just joined the DC fandom in the last year (really I joined the Batman fandom) so I’ve only written a few fanfics and all of them are about Dick Grayson and Damian Wayne. This is much longer than I expected but I’m satisfied with it. I have nothing against Steve Trevor!
It started with a tickle in his throat. It was small and irritating, something that a glass of water could only sooth for a couple of minutes. That soon grew into an unsatisfiable itch, one that made his throat feel like it was burning. Then it became a violent cough, spittle flying from between his lips as he clutched his throat and tears leaked from his eyes.
Then Bruce Wayne coughed up a flower.
Well, it wasn’t a full flower: just a petal; but coughing up any part of flower was worrisome.
“Master Bruce, are you okay in there?” Alfred called from the other side of the bathroom door. Bruce had been sure he was going to throw up and had rushed from the dining room to the closest bathroom. Now he sat in front of the toilet, a red rose petal floating in the porcelain bowl.
“I’m fine, Alfred. Nothing to worry about.” While his hands went digging for his phone, his eyes checked to make sure the door was locked. A relieved sigh escaped him when he saw that the door was indeed locked even though Bruce knew that Alfred wouldn’t just burst open the door. Alfred was too much for a gentleman for that.
“Are you sure, sir.”
“Yes. I’ll be out soon.” Bruce waited for the sound of polished shows against hardwood floors before unlocking his phone and pulling up google. Looking up symptoms had never done anything good for him in the past but this was different: how many illnesses could involve puking up a petal?
“You’re being ridiculous,” Bruce muttered to himself as he waited for the search results but his brain wouldn’t allow him to dismiss such an anomaly without a little investigation. Finally the search results loaded and, unlike the other times he looked up symptoms, only one illness popped up.
Hanahaki Disease
Hanahaki Disease is an illness where the victim regurgitates and coughs up flower petals when they suffer from unrequited love. The illness can only be cured through surgical removal, however any existing romantic feelings are also removed with the infection.
“Impossible,” Bruce gasped in between panicked breaths. His eyes jumped back and forth, taking in different parts of the definition. “Impossible.” Fingers flew as he checked out different websites and different definitions.
The disease ends when the beloved returns the victim’s affections and the two kiss.
There have been cases when flowers grow from the victim’s skin.
Once the flowers are removed, the victim loses the ability to love the person they were for.
“No, no, no!” Bruce’s lungs burned as he tried to suck in air and the back of his eyes prickled. Surely this was a mistake. Surely there was another reason. Because there was no way Bruce Wayne was suffering from unrequited love. He wasn’t in love with anyone!
Okay, Bruce: think! You was eating dinner when this started. There was no window open so a chance of a flower petal floating in is highly unlikely. Alfred wouldn’t put a rose petal in the roast beef, would he? No, all his aesthetic additions are edible. How did a rose petal get down my throat?
Bruce peered at his phone again.
It can’t be this! Who would you even be in love with? Bruce thought hard but no names came up.
Before he had started to choke him and Alfred had been talking about the upcoming Valentine’s dance. Alfred thought he should get a date for it but no one sparked his fancy. Plus, Bruce didn’t really want to go and was tired of hearing about it. It was all Diana Prince, one of his best friends, was talking about. She was so excited to go, always talking about it with her pretty smile plastered on. She had practically been glowing when Steve Trevor asked her, her blue eyes sparkling with joy and the sunlight shining off her hair like a halo…
A bitter feeling filled Bruce. Why did Diana even want to go with Steve? Why didn’t she reject him like she rejected everyone else? Why did she keep talking about him? Why -
Why didn’t I ask her first?
Bruce’s phone clattered to the phone as he lunged towards the toilet. A few minutes later, two more rose petals joined the first one. They floated in the toilet bowl, mocking Bruce as they swirled around each other.
Oh no…
Days passed and the petals kept coming. Soon petals become full roses of different colors with the occasional leaf. Alfred was getting suspicious and wanted to take Bruce to the doctor. Bruce couldn’t sleep anymore: Diana was starting to infiltrate his dreams, causing him to wake up multiple times a night to spit out mouthfuls of flowers. Worse of all, Diana was also becoming suspicious. Bruce couldn’t hang around her anymore, not without hearing about Steve and rushing to the bathroom to overfill another toilet with flowers. It was getting ridiculous but Bruce couldn’t help it. He was sick. He was in love.
“Why are you avoiding Diana?” Clark demanded. Bruce cleared his throat and pushed down the urge to throw up because really? Throwing up flowers just from hearing her name? Isn’t that a bit much?
“I’m not avoiding her,” Bruce muttered, pulling his knees closer to his chest. He was practically curled around the book balancing on his thighs to the point where he couldn’t even see the words anymore. Still he pretending to read.
“Yeah, you are. B, we’re worried about you. You’ve been sick with a while, always rushing off for some reason, and you always cancel on me as soon as I mention Diana. You barely come to school anymore and when was the last time you slept?”
“Clark, I’m fine. As soon as I get over this cold everything will get back to normal. I just need to be left alone for a bit. Okay?” Clark sighed and crossed Bruce’s room to place a hand on his friend’s shoulder.
“Please talk to me. I won’t even tell D what’s going on if you don’t want me to. I just want to help.”
“You can’t help.” This time Clark groaned and flopped onto the bed.
“Fine, I can’t help,” Clark stated, almost stubbornly. Instead of leaving Clark lay there in silence, staring at Bruce expectantly. Bruce knew Clark and Clark knew Bruce - one of them was going to break the silence and one of them was going to get what they wanted. It was Clark was snapped first but instead of saying “goodbye” and leaving like Bruce wanted, he began to ramble. He talked about all the things Bruce missed when he wasn’t at school. He talked of academics and gossip, even bringing out a copy of the school newspaper. He talk and talked and it was calming. Soon enough Bruce was uncurling himself and looking his friend in the face, a small smile on his lips. It was fine until he started to talked about Diana and Steve.
“So they decided to teach me to slow dance, y’know?” Clark continued, ignorant to the way his friend was holding back coughs and struggling to breathe. “It was so cute, watching them dance like that. You should’ve seen Diana’s face when Steve bent down and kissed her!”
A sound exploded from Bruce’s lips, loud and ugly. It was something Clark never heard before, something that made him jump and fall off the bed. Bruce’s face was red, tears leaking from between his eyes as he gagged and coughed, shredded petals bursting from his lips every so often. The boy hunched over and the sound came again, this time accompanied by a waterfall of roses. They were of all colors, some with leave and stems attached. It was a beautiful, frightening sight. Bruce’s hands latched onto his throat, his nails leaving behind red marks as he clawed at his skin. Time lost all meaning as Bruce wheezed and hurled up flowers.
Then it stopped.
With a final cough Bruce cleared out his lungs but they didn’t feel clear. There was a permanent tightness in his chest that left him dizzy with lack of oxygen.
“Hanahaki.” The word was barely audible, a poisonous gas drifting on the currents of a disbelieving breath. But Bruce heard it and it brought more tears to eyes as he remembered that there was a witness to his illness.
“Clark —”
“You have Hanahaki!” Bruce didn’t want to know how he knew what it was. “Gosh, Bruce why didn’t you say something!? You should’ve told me! Does Alfred know? We need to get you help!”
“No? You know you can die from this, right?”
“I know.”
“And you don’t want help?
“I don’t want help.”
Silence reigned over the pair, heavy and painful. Bruce wiped at his face angrily, his mouth filled with the bitter taste of raw flowers and unrequited love.
“Can you at least tell D? Please?” Clark asked after a while, his voice low with defeat.
“Absolutely not. She’s with Steve.” The bitterness in his mouth intensified but Bruce swallowed it. He would not have another episode tonight.
“And you don’t want the surgery.”
“I do not.”
“Because…” Because I just realized I’m in love with her. Because I still don’t know why I love her or when it happened. Because I never been in love before and never thought I would be. Because I’m not ready to give this up yet. Because I just realized how I feel about her and yet it feels like I’ve always been in love with her. Because I’m scared of how it would feel to not love her. Because I want Diana to love me too. “Because I don’t want to.”
It took a long time to convince Clark not to say anything but eventually he agreed. That didn’t stop him from glaring at Bruce every time he said he was fine or giving him pitying looks every time he had to rush off the bathroom. It certainly didn’t stop Clark from randomly sharing facts about Hanahaki Disease, as if the scare Bruce into getting help.
“Did you know that the final stage of Hanahaki is when the flowers grow roots in the victim’s lungs? Then they grow stems and such, like normal flowers, and because of the roots it’s impossible to cough them out. The victim suffocates and dies with an entire bouquet sprouting from their mouth,” Clark shared the night of the Valentine’s dance, punctuating the fact with a shrug up his shoulders and a sip of punch.
“No one cares, Clark,” Lois Lane, Clark’s date, said. “Hanahaki is rare and their hasn’t been a death from it in years.”
“Your right. Most people just get the surgery.” Clark aimed a sharp glare at Bruce as he said this but Bruce wasn’t paying attention. All Bruce could focus on was the Amazon beauty floating on the dance floor and the tightness in his chest. It’s been a while since  flowers had burst from his lungs but Bruce didn’t feel cured.
Diana was a sight to behold. She wore a greek style dress that revealed her shoulders and back, the white fabric making her skin glow and making her look more angelic than normal. Her hair was curled and up in a bun with a few curls artistically framing her face. She was gorgeous. She was stunning. She was…
… coming this way! Bruce yanked his eyes away, his chest tightening a bit more. He could feel heat building up in his face — oh why was he being so ridiculous! It was one thing when he couldn’t look at the without puking roses but now he didn’t have that excuse. She’s still the same person she was before this started. Talk to her!
“Hey, Bruce!” Diana greeted. Bruce’s heart nearly burst when she bent down to press a kiss to his cheek. “Long time, no see.”
“Yeah, it’s been a while.” Bruce’s eyes were glued to the table but he could still see how Clark was absolutely absorbed in their interaction. He was completely ignoring Lois’ ramblings.
“A long while. It’s been so long that I think you owe me a dance. You know, to make up for your absence.” At this point Bruce was breathing through his mouth. His lungs were just so damn tight.
“I - I can’t.” Diana frowned for a second and Bruce could feel the irritation and concern rolling off her.
“Why not?” Diana replied, voice falsely cherry. “I know Alfred made you take lessons.”
“I can’t because I… I got to go to the bathroom!” Now everyone was looking at him. Diana had dropped the happy pretense and concerned marred her face - a look that was mirrored on Clark’s face as well. Lois simply looked confused.
“Are you serious? You’re still avoiding me? Bruce, what’s wrong?” Diana asked. Bruce opened his mouth but was saved from answering by the appearance of Steve Trevor. As the blonde boy wrapped his arms around Diana and snagged her attention, Bruce made his escape and made a b-line for the restroom.
Something was wrong, something beyond coughing flowers. The flowers had stopped and yet he still couldn’t breathe. His throat was tickling. Bruce opened his mouth to cough or gag or something. Instead flowers bloomed from his mouth.
It was different this time around. There was something else there, something hard and stiff that wasn’t moving. There was also something tugging at his lungs, threatening to bring them up with the new wave of flowers.
“Bruce!” Diana’s voice filled his ears. He didn’t notice anybody following him, didn’t notice anything beyond the flowers killing him and the feeling of his own body - his own heart - betraying him. He was dizzy and the edge of his vision was stained black…
“It’s the final stage…” came Clark’s voice next, a strained whisper compared to Diana’s shriek. “Fuck it, call 911!” Bruce wanted to do something. He wanted to stop them from calling anyone, wanted Diana to look away, wanted the world to give him a damn break. But he couldn’t do anything but throw up flowers until he blacked out.
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
Bruce was barely awake before Diana’s words reached his ears. His jaw ached, his mouth forced open by whatever was filling it. Tiny plastic bits were shoved in his nostrils, forcing fake air into nose and lungs. It wasn’t enough.
“Why didn’t you get the surgery?”
A pain - one deeper than the constant ache in his lungs - punched Bruce in the gut. Why didn’t you get rid of your feelings for me? is how he heard it.
“Why didn’t you do something?”
Bruce forced his eyes opened, despite the heavy weight on him that didn’t want him to. Diana was hovering over him, eyes red and wet. Her trembling fingers danced along his cheek and a shaky gasp left her when she saw he was awake.
“Bruce! Thank Hera, your awake!” Bruce wanted to say something but he couldn’t around the bouquet in his mouth. Shouldn’t he be dead by now?
“Clark told me everything. You should’ve told me! I - I would’ve -” Diana stopped and sniffed when Bruce shook his hood. They both knew there was nothing she could do. She was with Steve.
“Don’t shake your head at me!” Diana shouted. “If you had said something sooner I could’ve done something. I used to - I still do - I don’t know! Ask Clark if you want but I had the biggest crush on you! I loved you so much but I didn’t think you would feel the same and then Steve came and he showed interest and… and… and you should’ve said something! I don’t know what I’m feeling and I don’t have the time to figure it out because you’re going to die! Gods, Bruce!” By this point Diana was hyperventilating and pacing, her hands tangled in her hair. Bruce could do nothing but watch. Diana had like him…
Before Bruce could comprehend what Diana has said, Diana moved. With her face red and scrunched, her hands reached out to wrap around the bouquet suffocating Bruce and she pulled.
Bruce expected pain. He expected the roots to yank his lungs out and he would die right then and there. He did not expect the roots to let go, for Diana to pull the bouquet out his mouth like a magician pulls out scarves.
A tense silence filled the hospital room, two surprised faces staring at each other in shock. The wet bouquet fell from Diana’s hands as Bruce took in lungfuls of air. For the first time in a long time, Bruce’s lungs felt clear. There was no tightness, no pain… Bruce felt cured.
Diana crossed the room as Bruce sat up straight and leaned forward. With no other words their lips met in a kiss. It was clumsy and awkward, desperate and disbelieving. It was perfect and left Bruce smiling silly when they separated.
“Take all the time you need.”
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fandom-scribe · 6 years
Wonderbat Week: Day 1 - Honeymoon
Title: Honeymoon Happiness
Word count: 802
Author’s Note: This is my first time writing Bruce and Diana! I hope I got them in character. Also I used Wonder Woman’s backstory from the movie instead of the comics.
“You know, the kids are going to be really mad,” Diana hummed. The Amazonian trailed her finger along Bruce’s spine, relishing in the way his muscles tensed and twitched beanthe her touch. Bruce tapped his pen against the map he was hunched over and straightened, turning to look over his shoulder at his newly wedded wife.
“Why? We’re travelling around the world. That’s what they wanted.”
“We’re also doing so as Wonder Woman and Batman. Going to suspicious places, hoping to put in end to some shady businesses. This—” Diana removed her finger from Bruce’s back and used her hand to gesture to the Parisian Honeymoon Suit they resided in, “is the nicest it’s gonna get and we aren’t even staying for a full day. Not exactly the relaxing honeymoon the kids were pushing for.” Bruce put down his pen and twisted to face his wife fully, lifting his feet onto the bed and laying beside her. Diana moved her head onto his shoulder and Bruce slipped an arm underneath her, pulling her close.
“So the kids won’t like what we’re up to. What about you? You didn’t seem to mind a week ago.”
“I don’t know…” Diana drummed on Bruce’s chest, silently demanding the man to keep quiet while she thought. Bruce grabbed the restless hand and brought it to his lips, lightly kissing each knuckle. “In Themyscira we train everyday. We are a race of warriors, preparing non stop to be the soldiers the gods need. And yet, the moment man’s world’s problems crash onto our island, we hide away and refuse to provide aid. We fight and train non stop for no reason. In America us heroes also fight non stop. We dedicate our lives protecting our country with no change. Criminals constantly break out and the moment we rest the crime levels skyrocket. So what’s the point of it? Why not stop fighting for a while and enjoy our honeymoon?”
Bruce opened his mouth but the words got stuck in his throat, resulting in a deep guttural sound. Surely Diana didn’t mean that. It was her idea to go against the children’s wishes after all.
Bruce reached up to pinch his nose and gave a heavy sigh. “If that’s what you want then that’s what we’ll do. We’ll stay here in Paris: I’ll pay to keep the suits longer and we’ll buy more casual clothes. We’ll relax and explore the city. It’ll be… fun.”
Silence blanketed the pair as Bruce focused on locking away his disappointment and frustration. If Diana was happy then he could try to be happy. And surely, knowing Diana, his wife wouldn’t want to laze around in bed all day. No matter how hard they tried to it was impossible for Bruce Wayne and Diana Prince-Wayne — for Batman and Wonder Woman to go for more than a day without some type of excitement. This honeymoon would not be boring. Bruce’s focus, however, was broken by the shaking of Diana’s shoulders and the light chuckling that followed soon after.
“You really believed me?” Diana snorted as she lifted her head to look at Bruce. Mirth gleamed in her eyes, a playful smile causing her entire face to light up. Bruce found it easy to smile back. “Oh, Bruce, you should know me better than that. Stopping evils and making the world with you at my side: I couldn’t think of a better way to celebrate our union.”
“Me neither,” Bruce murmured, words half swallowed as Diana pressed her lips against his. WIth her soft lips against his and the warm sunlight coming in through the windows to warm their skin, Bruce could almost imagine the calm Honeymoon Dick and Tim had been promoting.
“Besides,” Diana continued a few minutes later, breathless, “I wouldn’t want you to die of boredom. You deserve to enjoy yourself too. You know that right?”
Bruce pushed Diana’s hair away from her face, gladly allowing his fingers to get tangled in it. “As long as you’re happy, I’m…” Bruce hesitated for a moment. “Happy. I’m happy too.” A quiet understand passed between them as Diana moved to lay her head on Bruce’s shoulder again. They both knew that happy was a word Bruce was still struggling to add to his vocabulary.
“The kids won’t really mind. Cassie just wants us to have a good time - Donna, too for that matter.”
“Mhm. Dick and Tim are in the same boat. They’ll be mad for awhile but as long as we enjoy ourselves they won’t hold it against us for too long.  Jason and Damian just wants souvenirs. Steph is a mix of the two and Cassandra only cares if we’re happy. She won’t be mad at all.”
“Great.” Diana tilted her head to kiss Bruce’s neck. “So, how soon can we leave?”
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fyeahwonderbat · 6 years
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WE DID IT!! We are now 3,000+ Amazonian and Batpeople STRONG!! This WonderBat Week 2018 is now more than an event - it’s a celebration! 💖
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fyeahwonderbat · 6 years
Can you please write me a ficlet about wonderbat's first kiss, that would be really cool thanks!!!!!!!
WonderBat Week 2018: Day 5 - Meet the Family
Title: Shut ‘Em Up
Author: MaidenOfTheWorld
Universe: DCAU (something along the lines of Young Justice, if it included everyone)
Rating: PG
Word Count: 3,005 words
“I’m a little busy - Gyah!” exclaimed the man who was waist deep in the Gotham City Sewage System in his fight against Clayface. His heart raced as he was being submerged into the dreck, his only hope of escape relying on one impossibly accurate fire of his BatClaw at a set of pipes overhead. The smell was nauseating and he did his best to fight the urge to cover his face in order to line up the shot…!
As soon as he heard the grappling hook collide with the metal overhead, Bruce pressed on the button that would send him flying into the air and away from all of Gotham’s waste. He wrapped his body around the pipes like an animal clinging to a tree, not for his own security, but in the hopes of scouting the sewers in the hopes of having his opportunity to catch up to Clayface still. He had hoped to convince the troubled man to return to Batwoman’s team, but it seemed that discussion would be left for another night.
Of course, his eldest son - ever demanding of his attention - knew how to fill his father’s evening now that his schedule had suddenly cleared. ‘Meet us at the BatCave when you’re done. We have something to discuss.’
“Us?” Bruce repeated back into his communication link, suspicion clear in his voice.
‘Just hurry up.’ Was the rather rude way Dick ended the call.
Bruce felt his calculative mind try to unearth what possible motivation Nightwing could have for summoning him to his own BatCave in the middle of a Tuesday night. Based off of his wording, Bruce assumed that the ‘we’ Dick referred to would be the two of them, along with either Barbara or Jason. Or, most likely, there was yet another complaint about something Damien had done. But would he interrupt his work in Gotham for that?
It would depend on what Damien had done to anger Dick, truth be told.
And yet, none of that mattered at the moment. As an odd bubble popped in the stream of sewage beneath him and made the smell in the pipes gain an almost physical state, Bruce decided he would simply deal with the matter when he got home. 
His first concern would be breathing clean air again.
His second concern was the size of the party in his BatCave.
It wasn’t merely Nightwing and his girlfriend or one of his troublesome brothers. His entire BatClan was waiting for him when he exited the BatMobile and headed towards his computer. Dick sat in his chair, with Barbara positioned next to him in her wheelchair. Jason stood like a bouncer at a night club while dressed in his anti-hero attire, which was surprising to no one, most likely. Tim leaned against the keyboard while Stephanie seemed to be discussing something private with him in a hushed tone. Even Duke and Cassandra were present for this sudden intervention, but standing in front of them all was none other than his biological child Damien, arms crossed and glower strong.
Thankfully, his cousin Kate wasn’t asked to be apart of whatever sort of semi-private lynching his children had planned for him. There was, however, a surprise guest to take her place.
And it took all of his strength to not blurt out her name in surprise. “What is Diana doing here?” The tone he used to ask his question was much angrier than he intended to sound, but he refused to abbreviate himself in a setting such as this.
“It’s nice to see you too, Bruce” - she teased him gently as she prepared to make her way over to his side, until her nose visibly twitched and instead, she took a step back - “but maybe it’s not so nice to smell you.”
“Where the hell were you, Gotham Sewage?” Duke grumbled as his face became stony.
Bluntly, Bruce barked back. “Yes.”
“Go shower then, father. We’ll be here when you clean yourself up.” Damien issued an order rather than suggested a course of action to him. Still, though the smell was truly awful, he refused to step aside as the frontal figure of their makeshift pack.
“No,” clarified the Batman. For Diana’s sake, he would have, if not for the impression this gathering left on him. There were too many people present for the conversation to be typical, let alone delicate; whatever they wanted to say to him was something they intended to drill into his head with all of their voices. They could handle the smell he brought in with him. “I want to know what is so important that you’re all neglecting the people of Gotham and Bludhaven for this, as well as the calls from the League.”
Diana jumped to her own defence. “I was summoned here the same as you, Bruce. This is even the first time I’m meeting a few of these people.”
“Sorry, Di’,” Dick softened when he looked to the Amazonian princess, just like anyone but the Batman himself did. “I didn’t realize that you only knew me, Jason and Barbara. Though, knowing the person who connects you to this family, that’s not a surprise.”
Bruce could have gagged on the way his eldest sucked up to Wonder Woman. Always a charmer, that one.
“Dick, enough.” Sighing, Barbara came to Bruce’s defense. She put a hand to her forehead, most likely with a few motivations behind the act.
“Yeah, we’re sorry this is so sudden. But it’s something we all felt had to be done.” Stephanie piped up in the hopes of being the mediator figure between the obviously different parties - the Justice League members versus the Titans, young and old.
“Is this an issue concerning the League?” Bruce brushed past Stephanie’s attempt at peace to cut straight to the point.
“No, trust me,” Jason chuckled, his voice rumbling a bit inside his mask. “Relax, Bruce. You’re getting so tense.” So he said, but the man known as the Red Hood was clearly enjoying his obvious discomfort.
As Bruce opened his mouth, it was none other than Cassandra who stepped forward and tried to shield him from those who were there to watch him squirm. “Stop it. Just start.” Then, she looked up at her adoptive father through her mask. He nodded to her and put his hand on her shoulder as a sign of gratitude.
“Yeah Dick, just get on with it already. Some of us did have other plans.” Tim scolded the organizer and ratted him out in the process.
Nightwing glared through his face plate and decided to begin. “Bruce, Diana, we need to talk to you both about something that Oracle found.” He began the impromptu conference as if there hadn’t been all of the smalltalk beforehand. In Bruce’s opinion, he should have started with that as soon as everyone was present, but leave it to the son he trained the longest to do things his own way.
“What was it?” Diana asked, reminding Bruce that she was also apart of this, present and forced to endure the insanity that was his family. When she grew more serious about the matter, so did he. Perhaps he underestimated his children and cohorts, perhaps there was a deeper meaning to this that genuinely required all of their combined efforts.
“Well,” Barbara began, “I had finished gathering information for Bruce on Clayface’s last sighting the other night, and I was about to deliver the information. I was preparing to contact him via the computer and–”
Jason couldn’t take it anymore. “She saw you and Diana locking lips!”
The room fell silent as the blurted out words registered with everybody. It was now Dick’s turn to hold his head, disappointed and yet seemingly unsurprised by his brother’s behaviour.
Bruce, however, was floored. “What?” The word shot out somehow between his gritted teeth.
Duke shifted his stance to appear more like the authority figure before he decided to take control. “Normally, this wouldn’t be our business, and some of us realize that.”
“But you’re a mess with women.” Damien flat out accused his father of such a thing in a room full of people and would never, ever retract his comment. Still standing in the dead center of it all, he was not put out by the topic, but rather appeared to be highly invested.
“And this is Wonder Woman.” Tim motioned to Diana, looking confused and flattered all at once, as he smiled sheepishly as a form of some kind of respect.
“Thank you, everyone,” Barbara raised her voice in order to reclaim her place in the conversation. Hre words echoed in the underground cave and forced the consistently rowdy group to obey her. “Now that we have gone completely off script, I’d just like to say that I wasn’t the one who panicked and told everybody.”
“It doesn’t matter,” Bruce snapped. He released his hold on his most respectful child, walked past the disgruntled Damien and stood in the middle of them all. The scent he carried with him was no longer dominating his sense of smell, but it crashed into everyone around him the moment he came closer. “Whatever concerns you may or may not have about what happened between Diana and I is none of your business. Any one of you.”
Tim decided to play a less diffident role and held up his hand. The other one pinching his nose closed, of course. “Unless we want what’s best for you and hope you two will succeed, romantically.”
“I didn’t realize that a single kiss meant we were expected to exchange vows.” Diana mused, shocking the room with her lighthearted words. All eyes fell upon her, but no one’s heart was as abnormal as Bruce’s as Wonder Woman herself weighed in on concern of the volatile Bat-family.
Stephanie, perhaps because she was the closest to Diana at that moment, leapt forward and tried to change her perspective on the entire situation. “That’s not what we are trying to say, really. But this is a big deal - you work together, you’re figureheads of the Justice League, and a lot of us know what it’s like to date a coworker.”
At once, Tim, Barbara and Dick looked away from the direction Stephanie was in.
“Well, if Bruce and I do decide to date, that is something we will need to figure out for ourselves. I’m sure that, even if Bruce had given any of you advice about relationships, you would have ignored his warnings and proceeded to date anyway.”
“Definitely.” Dick wasn’t even shy about his rebelliousness now, as he once tried to be.
“That doesn’t matter!” Damien shouted in frustration.
Bruce frowned. “Damien!”
“Why not?” Diana asked, looking down at the young man as though she was ready to accept his challenge.
Damien knew what her gaze meant and faced her head on. “Whether he takes our advice or not, you have to understand that he is unable to give himself to anyone. His first love is Gotham City, and a relationship that tries to get in the way of that will ultimately end in pain and suffering.”
For a second, right near the end, Bruce wondered if those had been words of thoughtfulness rather than merely sharpened predictions.
When he glanced at Wonder Woman for her take on the admission, her baby blue eyes seemed to have liquified as she stared back at the young man before her. “I know that,” she promised, before glancing up at the group of young vigilantes. “I may not know that fact as well as some of you, but I am aware of what this city means to Bruce. If Themyscira wasn’t shielded from the rest of the world, I can only imagine how frightened I would be if it came under attack.”
“Those are Amazons - the people here are just regular people.” Damien fired back, unfinished in his quest to make them see his ways.
Cassandra huffed, Duke sighed, and Jason shouted from the opposite side of the huddle. “That’s why we’re here, genius.”
Damien whipped around with a fire-like energy. “I wasn’t talking to you!”
“That’s enough!” Bruce had had his fill of the entire conversation. The accusations were one thing, but the screaming was a sign that they were all about to descend into dangerous territory and he had already lost his patience for the entire debacle. In fact, so angered was he that he tossed his hand through the air as if it could cut through the conversation and the tension, killing it that very moment. “Your concern is duly noted, and that’s the end of it.”
“Hey, we’re allowed to care about what happens to Diana.” Jason shot back as his voice hardened suddenly. No longer relaxed, he dropped his crossed arms, prepared to go toe-to-toe with the Batman if he had to.
Bruce knew he was mirroring his son when he spun on his heel to acknowledge Jason, but he didn’t care. “You don’t know what you want from this. You’re all firing off different opinions and it’s become a mess. Whatever your goal was, you failed. Now accept whatever happens - or doesn’t happen - after this, and keep your thoughts to yourselves.”
A hand fell onto his shoulder, one that was warm and familiar. He looked over to his left and there was Diana, trying to ease his riled spirit. She wore an aura of confidence - as if she could handle all eight of his children by herself when he had never mastered that ability himself - as she tried to speak again. Not before making a face at his smell though. “We’ve heard you. After all, it’s hard to ignore an intervention like this.”
“Good.” Cassandra sounded much more pleased to hear that, compared to how she looked rather intimidating while still in her crime fighting suit.
“Hopefully next time I encounter all of you, it’s under less invasive pretenses. And should Bruce and I consider taking things beyond that of mere kissing-”
“Diana!” He admonished with a hiss.
“-we will see how things go from there, the two of us, on our own.” Then, she did something phenomenal.
She turned Bruce towards her.
She asked, “How deep were you in the sewage?”
He answered, “To my waist.” And nearly asked why.
But he didn’t need question her further, as that was all Diana needed to know before she pulled the biggest power move and kissed him in front of his entire BatClan. The only sound heard as their lips met was the distant cry of one of the many bats living in the BatCave.
Just as quickly as she claimed his mouth with hers, she released him and waved to the room. Then, she proceeded to the teleporter control pad and stepped on, leaving for the Watchtower without so much as a second thought.
Her control over the room shattered the moment she fazed away. The power she possessed was indeed godlike if she could silence every single person she left behind.
Of course, the first to speak up was the level-headed Duke, but his words were fitted with a soft chuckle. “Well, I think we’re done here.”
“I’m not gonna chase after an Amazon.” Jason agreed.
Slowly, the lot of them started to disperse. Just like that, the meeting they organized was drawn to a close and Bruce himself felt rather ineffective when he reflected on the entire conversation. “That’s it?”
Damien sighed as he headed upstairs, very clearly over the entire ordeal. “If she said she’ll be smart about your engagement, then I’ll wash my hands of this.”
“Same, only…less cruelly-worded.” Tim’s agreement came in softer terms. Stephanie nodded as she looked at her own boyfriend - for which there were no meetings held for their relationship - and took his hand as she led him away.
“Good night, everyone.” She bid them farewell and led them both behind Damien.
As they climbed the stairs to the manor, Duke found his helmet that sat on the computer desk behind him and placed it back on his head. He said not another word, but merely patted Bruce on the back sympathetically before heading out through the garage. Cassandra saw who was left and with a toss of her head, she left with Duke, ready to escape the scene.
And then, there were four.
“I’m sorry if this felt like an ambush.” Barbara acknowledged the event for what it was once it was over.
Bruce scowled, but Dick jumped in to cover for her. “I was the one who arranged this–”
Jason held out his hand to his brother as he snorted with derision. “I doubt he thought it could have been anyone but you. You’re sitting like a crime lord in his chair.”
That comment shocked the typically stoic Nightwing, and his mouth fell open, flabbergasted by the comparison. He looked down at his chair before removing himself from it with an unceremonious hop. Clearing his throat, Dick stated with weakened pride, “We thought we were doing what was best for you.”
“But Diana showed us there really is nothing to fear.” sang Barbara with a smile on her face.
“Yeah,” Jason’s grin could be heard through his metaphorical hood.
Dick explained, “If she’s willing to kiss you when you smell like that, I honestly don’t know why it took you two so long to get together in the first place.”
Bruce was ready to chew every single one of them out, but he recoiled when they mentioned the smell. She had mentioned it too - had his nose become numb after being drenched in the sewers? He smelt nothing, but he remembered what it smelt like when he first entered the pipes. It did truly give him pause that Diana was willing to kiss him when he definitely smelt absolutely putrid.
She truly was a Wonder Woman.
“And don’t you forget it.” Bruce ordered with a pointed finger before he finally took the opportunity to head towards a well deserved shower.
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fyeahwonderbat · 6 years
Can you write a fic on how you think batman#39 should've progressed. And love your fics and I truly am excitedly looking forward this WonderBat week.
WonderBat Week 2018:  Theme #2 - Elseworld
Title: Take On Me
Author: MaidenOfTheWorld
Universe: DC Rebirth (Comics)
Rating: Teen / PG-13
Word Count: 1,973 words
DISCLAIMER: I fully respect Tom King’s run of Batman, including issues #39 and #40, despite not being a fan of the series personally. Given the theme for today, I have chosen this prompt as it suits the concept of ‘Elseworld’, meaning alternate universe. Thank you.
We shouldn’t have come here.
I know that now, and we’ve been damned for not realizing the error to our naturally heroic ways sooner. This place is full of monsters that stalk us in this perpetual night, but nothing could be more threatening to my sanity than the relentless gravitation there is between Diana and I.
It’s been years since I’ve seen Gotham, or my family, or my fiancee. Everything I ever knew is lost to me while I am trapped in Gehanna except for Diana, Wonder Woman, the beacon of all things righteous and true. She is the pillar of strength that keeps me fighting fit when the hordes refuse to be silenced, and by doing so, she forces a roar of temptation to bombinate inside me the longer we remain here together.
There have been many occasions in which the ravenous surge of energy after a monstrous battle dares me to grab hold of her and steal her lips with my own, celebrate what we have vanquished, revere her might and accomplishments. Anyone who knows Diana cannot help themselves from admiring her but to see her destroy demon after demon with such refined eradication can be an aphrodisiac that is unparalleled to anything I have ever known before her.
But I have my city, my family, my fiancee to think of, and those memories weigh down my desires when nothing else will.
After all, I’ve chosen my partner and… it wasn’t her.
The flickering of the campfire on Diana’s face tries to hypnotize me into thinking otherwise, but I’ve trained myself for most of my life to squash such enticement, having perfected the skill many times with her specifically.
Why that is, I can’t say I remember as soundly anymore.
Nevertheless, I look away from her bewitching face and dig into my own meal of the charred critter we captured and focus on satisfying a different hunger all together.
Then, she calls to me, and my resistance falters. “Bruce?”
“Yes?” I answer her immediately.
Taking a bite, I await her to continue her thought but she doesn’t maintain the pace of the conversation she started. It is worrying to wonder if Wonder Woman has weakened in her resolve, especially considering she is the immortal warrior addressing a mere mortal vigilante. I lift my gaze to find hers and her blue eyes are awaiting me.
There, behind such a vibrant cerulean hue, is the true Diana. The vulnerability she isn’t scared to reveal but fearful of giving into glimmers at me, catching the weary flame before us secretively. Seeing her pull down her own walls in order to address me makes me anxious, because I know that my need to save her from such frightful thoughts could compel me to reach out to her.
Easily, and yet while uttering a much more complicated question than another I can remember, she asks, “How long do you think we have been here for now?”
I pause to think, but choose not to meditate on it for too long. “Ten years.”
“Ten years?” She repeats back to me, quieter than I spoke. Beneath the tree that sat at her back, she radiates the aura of an ethereal being that wants more from this cursed fate she cannot break free from and I am reminded of her sister in arms, wondering if we are also destined to suffer for doing nothing empirically wrong.
“At least.” Is how I choose to comfort her, despite how fruitless it truly is to try.
She sits with my answer for the time span of the blink of an eye. Then, she strikes a pose in which I cannot tell if she means to merely stretch or if she is miming her intention to threaten The Gentleman who trapped us here. “We have tried… We must concede.”
No, I beg her internally not to say such things.
“We cannot open the gate without him.”
She speaks nothing but the truth, and yet…
“And he does not come.”
“Yeah.” I reply blandly, for I can concur with fact. We released the man whom we once promised to offer salvation to and he has not returned to give us the same. For all we know, he never plans to exonerate us from this hell, and Diana and I are confined to a fate of endless battles waged against the Hordes of Gehanna by each other’s side for all of this realm’s eternity.
“So then,” Diana lets her words drag on as she bows her head. It’s almost as if she’s become nervous as she speaks. “Perhaps this is everlasting. All of life, our life.”
Her voicing of my very thoughts is an easy task, however, it ropes me into her. I bow my head too as if I need time to comprehend what she is saying to me. “The hordes are… everlasting.”
Then, she dares to state the truth I had been fearing myself. “And all we have, forever, is you and me.”
The most infuriating and tantalizing words that have ever been spoken to me.
We teased, we taunted, we hinted at one another in the past and never dove into anything serious for reasons neither of us truly understand. Perhaps it was because we could lose ourselves to one another? Or perhaps our differences in mortality while living the lives that we do carries a heavy load on the possibility of a future? Or maybe it all comes down to the fact that her time would be best spent with someone who can enjoy life with her, not dampen her illustriousness with the darkness that swallows me?
The possibility of having her now was nothing if not…
If not…
“Yeah.” I foolishly answer again, carrying on this asinine conversation. What are we doing, discussing this as if there is a chance we could be something more? As if Gehanna was the place to make the planets align or cosmically bring us together?
Just as I am growing infuriated with our situation, Diana giggles. Softly, only momentarily, but she laughs before me. The tension gripping me slackens it hold and I gawk at her from under my brows as she says, “You know, even without the pointy ears, you do not look so bad.”
Such a swift change in conversation, I can’t help but to pause before I answer. It is almost sacrilegious for her to compliment my appearance as my eyes rake over her body while it is highlighted and shadowed by the campfire’s glow. The goddess before me, in whatever backhanded way she chooses to speak, tells me that she enjoys the way I look.
To ignore her beauty would be a crime, one I have committed for far too long considering my role as a man who seeks justice.
Dumbfounded and animalistic, I lean towards her, muttering for a third time the most unattractive word, “Yeah.” But I do lean in, I seek her out and she leans towards me. The heat that pools in my blood courses throughout my tired body and rejuvenates me with a promise of what is about to happen between us. Decades of working together plus the one we endured in this realm have led up to this moment, where our noses nearly touch.
I can hear her breathing deeply, and feel my chest lift and sink with the very same tempo. Rise and fall, just like my ability to resist Diana over the years. Having her sit before me now in our own perpetual corner of the realm feels like the opportune moment to stop wondering, stop fighting and let things happen.
“Bruce,” she calls to me again, making my insides churn painfully, desperately.
And it is with that awareness of desperation that my survival instincts reemerge from their restless sleep to stop me from making a catastrophic mistake.
Less than an inch away from her gorgeous lips, the words spill out of my mouth reflexively, without any sort of control. “We can’t…”
Diana stills and it instantly breaks my heart to refuse her for the umpteenth time. All those years of yearning reaching their climactic moment, now suddenly feeling wasted to know we can never be.
“No,” she too fires out words of discouragement in the hopes of appearing sane. “We can’t. Ever.”
Hearing her speak of finality strikes a chord with me, however. To recognize the insanity of our attraction is one thing, but to have Diana agree after offering herself to me is both saddening and infuriating. Why is our future never a possibility?
Why could I propose to one woman and never to this one, when I have admired her, cherished her, and loved her endlessly?
Why did I think it could never be Diana?
In that moment, I refused to let the madness of the answers sink their teeth into my desire and tear it away from me once again. For a moment, I would live in desperation for something that existed in front of me for too long. Inside of me.
Always with me.
As Diana begins to laugh again, I take it as a personal challenge to silence her, so I steal that kiss that I had been craving long before we entered Gehanna. Our lips crash and so do the worlds we keep separate from one another. She feels like the most exquisite sanctuary for a soul as worn as mine, a sob urging to spring free in my throat that I quickly stamp down. Kissing her fills me with an awareness of coming home after a lifelong war even whilst we are still trying to survive the ongoing battle against the demons around us.
It takes everything I have to await her response before I notice that her hand has found my cheek, cradling it softly. The gesture alone calms my nervousness, then unseals all of the battle-induced excitement, the ages-long resistance, the indisputable greed to have her body be with mine. I know now that I need us to be so much more than a fever dream when I grab her waist and drag her into me. “Diana.” I growl her name, daring her to pull away now that we have willfully let go.
“Mmm.” Her moan sends a shiver stomping along my spine and reminds me that our clothes are the last remaining barriers to realizing our profoundly anticipated passions.
At least, physically, in this world.
“I know,” I whisper, hoping to say more. I am aware of the lives we had been clinging to in this realm, the ones we know and want to return to. I remember what the past ten years have been like as we reminisced about what we had waiting for us if and when we make our way back to Earth.
We reminisced together, though.
About what we had before being spirited away to this god awful place.
And in both of our recollections, the constant we shared was this: each other.
“Yeah.” She whispers cheekily as her long legs carry her into my lap. The fire fueling every move that she makes is just as nervous as I am, as its flame burns too quickly in the hopes that she can savour every moment before it fizzles out. I want that as well - to pin her down or have her straddle me and feast on one another like we were always too scared to imagine. With claw-like hands, I wrap my arms around her and hold her against my body so that she can shield me from any other world that isn’t Gehanna.
Neither one of us can stop this now.
Neither one of us wants to.
I can no longer say I haven’t tasted the fruit of temptation, as her name is Diana, and all I want is for her to be by my side forever more.
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fyeahwonderbat · 6 years
Written by my good friend @The_GD_Patman on Twitter, here is his story for Day #3 of WonderBat Week - Shared Hobbies! “After having solidified their relationship, Bruce and Diana spend a day together indulging in something close to their hearts as they prepare for what's coming next. (My submission for WonderBat week 2018/One-shot/Fluff)”
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fyeahwonderbat · 6 years
With all this BatCat going around I need help! It's killing me! How do you deal with it?
I look forward to WonderBat Week 2018! 
...too advertise-y?
Well it’s true! I want to hold more events for all of you lovely Amazonian and Batpeople out there, because we both need and deserve the WonderBat hype!
But another method I use to cope is having some WonderBat friends - or the WonderBat Crew, as I call them - that I can chat with anytime. We all talk on twitter and if someone (like me, for this example and not as a totally legit example) said to the crew, “I’m in need of WonderBat today!” Someone always swoops in to save the day and makes sure there is enough WonderBat content in the thread to top everyone up on their WonderBat love! 
It really helped yesterday with the posting of a certain wedding invitation! You’re always welcome to follow me on twitter @LadyLiteration but I will warn you that I don’t post strictly WonderBat content (its probably 50% DC content though). Or search the #WonderBat on twitter and we are bound to run into each other! The more we see people interested in WonderBat, the more we tag them! ~ Maiden
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 6 years
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2HzjFEF
by riverstones
Wonderbat Week 2018: Mission Aftermath
Words: 0, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Justice League - All Media Types, Batman - All Media Types, Wonder Woman - All Media Types, DC Extended Universe
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Diana (Wonder Woman), Bruce Wayne
Relationships: Diana (Wonder Woman)/Bruce Wayne
Additional Tags: wonderbat week 2018, the world needs more wonderbat
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2HzjFEF
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