#wonderful vacation
aretis · 2 months
This is Greece 🇬🇷
You are going to fall in love with it no matter what🤍💙
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jeyneofpoole · 2 months
the side of aegon’s face getting all jacked up like viserys’s is some psychological torture saw trap level shit to put alicent through. your firstborn son by the man who married you when you were fifteen and put his rot inside of you and made you give birth to it is beginning to decay. he looks just like his father.
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highpassadventures · 1 year
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Ghandruk Village
Ghandruk Trek is a short and easy trekking destination in Nepal for who have not enough time to do trek with other activities and who are doing the first trek in Nepal. Ghandruk Trek provides to you a lot of wonderful view of Annapurna Mountain range, Gurung culture, religion, and beautiful Gurung village.
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The Nepal Honeymoon tour is not only spent in the most splendid natural scenery but also observe the historical and cultural sight of this beautiful country. The couple will spend some valuable time chilling together with a wonderful nature through various historical sites. It makes them have a deeper understanding of the country's civilization.
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satoshy12 · 1 month
Phantom Festival
Once a year, Amity Park is the scene of a massive ghostly festival, and Danny and the others enjoy it and have fun. Like if not Amity Park, all other places would be in hell or totally destroyed.
But the next day, the Blob-ghosts and others fix everything as they wake up. (Think of the party as What IF Thor's party).
And other people Danny meets during his time travel. From the wizard Mamaragan, Morrigan, Mordred, Vandal, Nabu, Hippolyta or Ra's. It's vacation week for them.
It was a huge party, and when the day and night were over, most of them left or went on holiday to Amity Park.
Toga-wearing Billy really wasn't sure how he felt about it. As he spent time with the other kids, he had many questions to ask his hero friends about the party they were having here when the wizard took him with him.
+ Dionysus is perfectly fine with people thinking he and Phantom are the same. The boy knows how to throw a good party and he has a whole new Cult Town.
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beauty-funny-trippy · 11 months
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"The Eye of the Earth" (Cetina River Spring), Croatia
Ground water seeps into the deep, vast system of caves that supply the spring with a constant source of fresh water, where it flows out from the Eye of the Earth, like tears, into the Cetina River.
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bet-on-me-13 · 8 months
Reincarnation AU but it's not Danny
So! In basically every single Reincarnation AU I've seen, it's always Danny who gets reincarnated as a DC character. Sometimes it's Jazz, other times it's his Friends, but it never really strays from them. And I think we've been ignoring some people...
The Ancients! Danny is always reincarnated as a "Vacation" from his Ghost King Duties, so why not give the same courtesy to the other Ancients?
Specifically, Fright Knight.
Fright Knight has been a loyal servant and Knight of his Master for Millenia. Ever since he first formed as the Autumn Spirit, the Embodiment of Fear, the Fright Knight, he had declared his Servitude to the Ghost King, whomever it may be at the time. And he stayed in that position, through the passing of the Crown, through the Violent Coups, through every single Ghost King who had taken to the mantle. He was their Loyal Knight. Never Wavering. Never leaving their side.
Until Pariah Dark, but that situation was different. No previous King had even tried to take the human world before.
Thankfully, Pariah had only taken the Throne for a mere 5000 years, so he had not had to put up with him for long, and much of that time was with him stuck in his Coffin. That was the first time Fright Knight had ever left his Masters Side.
Then, that insolent Halfa he had met before came into the picture and Fright Knight had a new master.
King Phantom was...different.
Perhaps it was his remaining Humanity poking through? Or was it was the influence of the Human Realm that he still regularly visited? Or maybe he was simply just a Good Person, and there was no deeper meaning behind it?
Either way, Fright Knight noticed that he cared for his subjects in a far deeper manner than any previous king had. He had personal connections with as many Ghosts as he could, and often called the Ghosts he ruled his, Friends. It warmed his Long Frozen Core to see a King valuing his Subjects as much as he did.
He did not realize that the kindness Phantom extended to his people, also extended to himself.
One day, Phantom had been discussing his Human Life with some of his friends. Not his First Life, but his most recent Vacation. Over the Eons since he had taken the Throne, Phantom had been encouraged to take a Vacation every once in a while. It was not healthy for a Ghost to work non-stop like he did, especially for a Halfa.
It was not an uncommon practice in the Realms, many would take a break from the Endlessness of Death to embrace Life once more through Reincarnation. Although, many were too weak to retain their memories upon their second Forming. Mostly, it was Ancients or Kings who would use this as a Vacation, rather than a New Beginning.
There came a break in the conversation, and King Phantom turned his attention to his Knight. "Frighty, when was the last time you Reincarnated? Pandora did so recently, and it got me thinking."
"I have not taken leave of my post for thr Eons since my Forming, My Lord" Replied the Knight with Pride.
"What? You haven't taken a Break since you formed!? Frighty! That's not Healthy!" Exclaimed his King.
This lead to a whole conversation about how unhealthy his lifestyle was, which was another quirk of his Master. He cared for his Sunjects beyond their happiness.
"Fright Knight, as your King and as your Friend, I implore you to take a Vacation. It doesn't have to be forever, just a simple Human Lifespan, but please take a break, for your own Good."
And how could he refuse a request like that? One based in the kindness that his Majesty always showed his Subjects.
It took a few more years to finally iron out the plan for his Vacation, but what are a few years in the face of Eternity?
Finally, it came time to take his leave to the Mortal Realm, and to Life itself.
"Farewell, my Leige." Bowed Fright Knight, "I thank you for this opportunity."
"There's no need to thank me. Now go, and have fun, My Dark Knight."
That day, in Gotham General Hospital, a baby was born.
"What will you name him?" Asked the Doctor.
"I think I'll call him..." Began the need Mother, "...Bruce. Bruce Wayne."
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frozenfrogz · 2 months
I hope Finn and Noah know what they are doing to the byler nation rn with this photo
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paintpanic · 1 year
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Calculating probability of survival... It doesn't look good.
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epickiya722 · 4 months
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Rumi, please, I beg you to take a fucking vacation...
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nomoretumbler · 3 months
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might do a series of drawings like this for the color gang
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ohno-wallace · 2 years
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Happy Valentine’s to only them
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nelkcats · 1 year
Half-a Joker
The Joker fell into acid, but that's not all that was in that container. It was all kinds of toxic waste combined, among them: ectoplasm. Of course, no one noticed until much later.
Jason hated the Joker, not just because he was his killer (which was clearly a very important factor) but also because something in his blood stirred every time he saw him. Even if it was unconsciously, Jason had made Crime Alley his Haunt, and every time he sensed the presence of the almost-ghost he hated it the most (even if it was unconsciously) and went into a frenzy of hatred.
The first time anyone suspected the Joker to be anything other than human was when they noticed his smile. His sharp teeth, along with his large, glowing eyes, flashing madness did not make him look human. The second time was during an attack: Nightwing shot him, but he "miraculously" survived.
The third time was much simpler: A boy with an ice crown on his head (the citizens of Gotham did not question, they had seen stranger things) chased the clown and asked him if he knew he was dead. The Joker laughed and answered sarcastically but the boy saw him in such a serious way that he ended up running away from the situation.
Danny couldn't believe there were two sick (and maybe crazy) halfas in Gotham. He wondered if it was a repeat of his history with Vlad or if the world was just making fun of him.
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lynzishell · 2 months
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They are everything to me
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Frank better hope there’s never any rogue letters fluttering around his living room anytime soon…
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rinisdrawing · 9 months
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spending time with friends and family ♥️✨
happy holidays! :)
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duusheen · 4 months
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hope: 🤪
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