#wormin boys
atty-goldstein · 11 months
Ruth: I’m scared that when you become rich and famous you’ll be embarrassed by me. Henry: Oh Ruth, I’m already embarrassed by you.
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ink-n-shadow · 2 months
What mythical creatures would the 141 be? I’m not talking about the standard kind of creatures like werewolves, and vampires. Something more creative if you get what I mean.
oooo anon o_O you’re getting the worms WORMIN (if we want to expand more on this headcanons, just let me know u3u)
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ghost just gives wraith vibes, all wispy and decrepit in appearance and showing up before/after creatures in the realm die. it’s not as though he was a villain by any means—in fact, he was rather comforting to the creatures he encountered before and after their passing, petting the soft fur of a fawn about to pass in the cold dead of winter or comforting the soul of a young boy who passed from a sickness he just couldn’t shake. it wasn’t his fault that his existence revolved around death, because without ghost, who would comfort and guide pretty little creatures like you between existential planes?
soap would be a kelpie, which is a creature from scottish folklore that lives in the water and entices humans to their demise. most of the time, soap would remain in his horse-like appearance, a murky grey horse with swirls of sea green spots dotting along his hind legs. but when he sees a pretty little thing like you walking along the water's edge, sandals in one hand and your fingers skimming the water surface, he wouldn't be able to help but shift into his human-like form, all thick bulging muscle and bits of seaweed lodged in his dark mousy hair. and who were you to turn down a late night swim with a beautiful looking man like soap? even if you've heard all the stories of people going to the lake-edge and never returning.
price just screams dragon. like that man exudes dragon energy, thick muscled body rippling with shimmering gold scales that extend down his forearms and to the white claws of his nails. he’d definitely occupy an old, crumbling castle, spending his days flying around the sprawling towers and rumbling hills on the castle estate, keeping knights and bandits alike from breaking into his home and taking what’s his (even if that includes the pretty little prince/princess held captive in the tallest tower).
gaz would be a griffin to me, seen as a symbol of resilience, bravery, power, and prestige. the body of a lion and the expansive wings of an eagle paired with sharp talons and a feathery head. he would be the prize pet of some noble old king, who tasked him with protecting the kingdom from outsiders and intruders hellbent on bringing down the monarchy as gaz knows it. he’d be fiercely loyal, ready at beck and call to rip creatures to shreds if it meant getting the praise and recognition he deserved. maybe one day, if he works hard enough, he’ll get a pretty little thing to call his own.
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Becoming Big Brother (Izuku Edition)
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Because this idea has been wormin' it's way through my mind lately
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Oh boy oh boy is Izuku excited! The complete opposite reaction of Katsuki's.
Mama Inko tells him after his father's last visit that she was pregnant. It felt like he was getting a present! A sibling to fill the empty spot that Papa Hisashi left.
Once you're born, the Midoriya family is complete.
The three of you become a tight knit trio.
Izuku is a great help and takes his role as big brother seriously. He teaches you all about All Might even as you stare blankly at him with big, dark eyes.
Inko originally planned to have your crib in her room, but Izuku told her it was okay. He didn't mind sharing his room with his sister
Forgets how small he still is when he tries to attend to your fussing at night. When he realized he wasn't strong enough to safely get you out, Izuku climbs over and curls up next to you in the crib
He'll coo softly things about his favorite hero to get you to quiet down. It becomes your favorite lullaby.
"When will she start talking?" "Do you think she'll walk any time soon?" "Why is it taking her so long to grow?" The questions were incessant. Inko was patient, happy that her son was a doting brother.
However, he doesn't like it when you take his crayons and put them in your drooly mouth.
After school, Inko would bundle you up and bring you along when she went to pick Izuku up at the local preschool. Izuku would always tell his friends and teachers "That's my baby sister!" "Isn't she cute?"
He nearly starts to sob when you take your first steps. How you coast along the couch, gripping the cushions for support with your small fingers. Your other hand reaches out toward the tv. Toward All Might.
Helps you get through the dreaded teething pains as new teeth break through your gums.
Inko watches with a warm heart as Izuku offers you a frozen peach slice that always comfort you during your teething. Your's and Izuku's futures looked like they would be a beautiful one. She felt lucky that both of her children will look after one another. No doubt once you get older you'll want to care for Izuku too
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spiteless-xo · 1 year
how do they sleep? naked? with boxers and a shirt? with just boxers? 🕵🏾‍♀️
oooo fun question -- how do you guys always come up with all this stuff!!
(also idk how i started writing for armin....... he's just been wormin his way in here w jean and eren idk)
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╰┈➤ how do they sleep - aot.
ft. armin, eren, jean. cw. gn!reader, implied sexual content
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⋙ armin alert.
armin definitely wears full pyjamas to bed 💀 like matching top and bottom, full long-sleeve, collared, button up (fleece in the winter, silk in the summer)
he wears a new pair every night which is suuuuuper annoying when you guys go on vacation because he insists that he has to. i feel like he used to get night sweats really bad when he was growing up, so it's just a habit from that.
if you wake him up for some 👀 late-night activities 👀 he thinks it's really hot when you unbutton his pyjama shirt while the two of you are making out. or when you touch him through the fabric of his pants -- it makes him so needy and desperate to take them off
BUT he totally puts them back on after sex before you two fall asleep because otherwise, he feels too cold to sleep
cuddles with you for like 30 seconds but then gets too hot and has to roll away to the other side of the bed
⋙ eren jaeger.
eren wears pyjama pants to bed -- you know the ones. those flannel plaid pyjama pants that boys always wear. he's got a few different colours that've been gifted to him over time.
sometimes if it's chilly, he'll wear a wifebeater on top, but otherwise he's shirtless. he feels really restricted with something over his chest while he sleeps -- like i feel like he doesn't even like blankets that much
when the two of you have sex at night, he just kicks his pants down at the bottom of the bed 💀 or only pull them down to his thighs, just enough to get his dick out
after sex, he'll either sleep naked or just in his boxers because he gets too hot to put his pants back on
looooooves cuddling and will absolutely smother you in bed. if you try to roll away and he realizes you're gone, he'll grab for you in the middle of the night to pull you close to him
⋙ jean kirsten.
jean sleeps fully naked or just in his underwear -- he claims it's because he gets too hot to sleep in anything else, but really it's because he's a bit of a horndog before bed
weirdly, if he goes to bed naked, he'll bring a pair of underwear to leave by the bed. i feel like he's really weird about walking around fully naked, so the second he steps out of bed, he has to put on underwear
he'll definitely encourage you to sleep naked too, and then cuddle up with you when you come into bed, slowly start kissing and touching you until things get hot
also loves cuddling, but post-sex he prefers to be the little spoon 🥺 he says it's because he'll get horny again if he cuddles you, but it's really because he just likes being held
alternatively, he also likes laying on his back with your head on his chest, but that's not always super comfortable for you
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lizardinkart · 2 years
Lizard Reads Ward
Arc 1: Daybreak
Lizard’s Cry Counter: 2
TL;DR: A Victoria-focused arc that dragged a bit in places but ultimately felt like everything we needed to know about her (and more). I wished it’d started closer to the fight but having the fight, the trauma, and the family drama laid out felt like the groundwork that was missing from the prologue, especially with the shifted role of Amy. Wish that we had a little more about the other characters introduced in the prologue tho. 8/10 Aight! Let’s get wormin’!
So in my brain I’ve split the arc in to 3 parts, pre-fight, fight, and post-fight, so I’ll talk about the arc in terms of those mini-arcs. Mini-Arc 1: Pre-Fight (Victoria, not Glory Girl)
Ok the fact that the city is Gold colored is hilarious to me. This is Children’s Hospital Red™ levels of awful design choices, somebody really just said color theory in context is fake. I also appreciate the later indications that most of The City is in fact shittily built but hey shitty shelter is better than no shelter I guess (also relatable as someone looking at apartments). Other worldbuilding things I was thinking about since Wildbow really wants us to see the cool world he built (but it’s not really about the world tbh)- the technology of post-GM is so weird. Like you have dial-up internet but it also works perfectly fine and technology works when you need it to. Like I’m sorry but Reddit-AOL would be so much buggier. But all that being said, it’s really funny to see the irl jump in technology from when WB was writing Worm to when he was writing Ward, because Taylor’s flip phone vs smartphone drama was so real and relatable, and now dial-up internet just works on smartphones...I’m baffled. anywho! Onto Victoria lol. So Victoria is working with the new kiddie PRT- awesome, very cool. I appreciate the focus on her wanting to still feel heroic even if she gets that massive body dysmorphic/dysphoric (yes, both) feeling from actually using her powers. Though I also appreciate the small touches we see when she’s on her way to work with a much better mirror scene than the opening of Worm, her interactions with the one hero during the obelisk incident show that she still gets heroes and feels bad for the shit being thrown their way (idk, it gave me big closeted queer energy, queer-to-queer communication in a queerphobic environment one might say). “Nice response time” really is the dorkiest shit to say tho and I appreciate it. Victoria is a dork.  I also appreciate the setup with her parents, laying the groundwork for what’s to come later. Also that she enjoys working with the disillusioned and directionless kids/teens, cause that really is a thing that is the kind of selfless-selfish pull that I think Victoria is shown to be struggling with (finding the balance in the healing process is difficult!). While I felt like this part really did drag the most in the arc, I think there were some really good parts that make it worth it. And it leads into the first Wildbow fight of the story! Woohoo!  Mini Arc 2: The Fight (The Trauma Hammer)
Oh boy I do love me some Wildbow fights. I felt my little storyboarder brain light up because there were some God-tier moments in here that I wanted to draw sooooo bad. But alas, too many, not enough time. 
Crystalclear is cool as hell and I think he may be one of my faves of the new powers so far, he’s a very Wildbow-concept hero and I do really appreciate the man’s flare for the complex and flashy. Tempera is also cool, and Fume Hood is a snarky bitch and I love her. What a queen. She did not deserve to get shot (maybe a little tho).  
But overall there was some great tension in the ticking clock leading up to the fight, and seeing how shit played out was super fun as always, I was not expecting the 18-wheeler to come out of nowhere but it was a very fun time. I gotta say tho, I know Lord of Loss and Snag are important, but I for the life of me could not keep them straight in my brain since Snag made Victoria feel Loss, but like, that’s LoL’s name lmao. 
And on the topic of loss: oof. I did not call this the Trauma Hammer for nothing lol. This is where things went from meh to great for me in this arc, because since Victoria’s story was so ancillary to Worm, I had 1) forgotten how she triggered, and 2) didn’t really remember too much about the specifics of her story outside of the hospital interlude. But god, just sitting in her shoes through falling in love with Dean, losing him, losing her family, feeling inadequate to the rest of her family, and the ever-present looming threat of Her (that we will get to, don’t worry lol), it was just so helpful in really honing in on Victoria’s entire ish that is rattling around in the background. As someone who does characters like this, esp in TTRPGs, having that context of someone’s thought process really is helpful to have in understanding how you’re supposed to interpret the character, even if you’re already in their head (since characters and people lie to themselves, see: Taylor). But yeah, since Victoria avoids those thoughts anyway, it was clever to give them to us up front. And the fact that it happened while she was being a hero again? Kickass. Loved it. 
Mini Arc 3: Post- Fight (Her)
Oh my god this family is messy. I have essays I could write on Carol Dallon and just the Dallons in general but I think I’ll get the chance to eventually cause this is already too long lol. But oh my GOD I truly was thinking “yeah this is gonna go poorly, maybe some passive-aggressive family stuff, getting overwhelmed, getting pie and then leaving”, but holy SHIT the fact that Carol really just ambushed Victoria with lawyer speak and finessed the entire narrative of what was going on- jesus. Manipulative ass snake, but in such a relatable way. 
Once again, have been in that situation before and the way that Victoria goes from like a 2 to 1000 in 0.2 seconds when all the pieces come together- holy shit if that is not the exact feeling of trauma. I know the “#triggered” discourse is old hat at this point, but man I could feel myself get short of breath and panicky when Vicky got trauma triggered in this chapter (this is the spiritual Cry Point). It was so convincingly written that I wanna hold Wildbow in my hands to make sure he’s good.
But I’m proud of how Victoria handled herself, definitely snaps for that therapy working its magic, but man. The Amy Ambush (an Am(y)bush if you will, yes haha joke away), was so something I did not see coming this early, but I’m glad that it did because holy fuck. Victoria talking about moving on and then her family (mom) “moving on” but in a “forgive with an emphasis on forget” kinda way really does leave Victoria in a place that proves all that feeling of inadequacy right, and it’s crushing. But it provides that big stumbling block for her to overcome esp when she finds her new group. 
And seeing how many times she was forced to confront her worst moments and she still actively avoided Amy... oh baby. As an Amy Enjoyer (less “condoning her actions” more “study her like a bug”) I am highly intrigued in how this is gonna go. This is 7 levels of Fucked Up. 
I screamed with joy when Dr. Yamada showed up, I am in love with her and think she is wonderful, and also a great addition to the central cast of this story (esp in a story about healing from trauma? YES get the therapist in there). Also Crystal is wonderful and a good ally for Victoria, and I appreciate Victoria’s need to scrutinize both public and private Aesthetic (shoutout to me and Crystal vibing as 2 fun ADHD individuals). 
Also a shoutout for Gilpatrick because he’s cool and funky and a good boss. Get u someone like Gilpatrick. 
Bonus: The Interlude!
I would give my left kidney for Moose. I’m kicking Prancer’s ass, and I hope Velvet keeps her truck forever and ever. A better love story than her and Prancer tbfh. Also Nursery is so cool guys, she’s so neat. I love the weird shit being done with powers so far in Ward. 
AND A MARQUIS CAMEO HELLO???? HUSBAND?????? Sorry I really like Marquis lol. 
Final Thoughts
The only things I would criticize this arc for that lowered it a bit in my eyes is that the prologue really didn’t do a fantastic job of prepping us to only focus on Victoria. I wished we had sped things along a bit with getting to the others from PHO, even with little PHO interludes interspersed in to let us know what these guys were up to. Bc like, this really did feel like 3 arcs so I feel like we could have used another interlude or 2, just for spice and to break things up a little. Like a commercial break!
The other thing is Wildbow’s uh... underlying ish breaking through. I know Ward was written in the shadow of Worm for him, but there are some parts of these chapters that just feel very mean-spirited and pointed towards people who enjoyed certain parts of Worm. Mainly stuff that could be construed as “fandom” things, or things that fandom would like, that Wildbow seems to be very overt in saying “hey, fuck you for liking/engaging with this.” I dunno, it may just be me, but that kinda attitude cropping up often enough for me to notice the pissed-off hand of the author was off-putting and distracting from I think the greatest parts of this arc. Because it is a good story, it just feels like the occasional potshots WB takes are more coming from his own bitterness than Victoria’s, and are ultimately detrimental to the story as a whole. Idk, I will try not to bring it up so often, but it’s definitely something that’s running in the back of my head and I hope that it subsides soon-ish. 
But all of that to say, I enjoyed the arc! It was a solid opening that’s got me really excited to read more (which by this point, I have, and I will be writing up my arc 2 thoughts shortly lol), and the Trauma Hammer really hit home in a way that felt earnest and really earned. 
That’s all for now tho! As always, I’m happy to discuss stuff wherever, so let me know what you thought of the arc if you’ve read Ward! 
Until next time: Ward out ✨
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mentally-retired · 10 months
Wdym the worm question has some deep meaning
Allistics be doing too much sometimes I swear no im not asking the worm question for philosophical reasons I wanna be worm I wanna eat dry leaves and squirm in the dirt
"Would you still love me if I was a worm?" I ask, you think its philosophical and start to go on this lengthy speech meanwhile I'm getting worminator as turning squiggly boy, youre confused, but im worm, ive always been, its my final form
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nathanbatemanfucker · 3 years
bestie we are in trouble. country boy aaron was supposed to be funny but now i have so many ideas. a full backstory. pining, flashbacks, i wrote about aarons DAD. ive gone too far to turn back….
it sounds like im in for a very healthy read and i’m literally so excited to read ittttt. i know it’s gonna be incredible <33
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chuuyanaurkahara · 2 years
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i saw these comments by @untamedeventuality and it filled me with the creative juices
for you dear person👉👈
writing under the cut
i apologise for any bad grammar, english isn’t my first language
i don't know how to write good stuff, sorry
The trio was walking alongside an old road. Mono was in the middle, RK on the left and Six on the right side of him. The girl was talking with Mono about how their economy is in shambles and that the world is going to die soon, just like the queen did.
"-and yeah. That's why I eat soap."
"None of these points made any sense, Six,", Mono replied, "Also, please don’t eat soap, you're gonna die."
The girl quickly replied, "Trust me, I won’t. See?" She got out a soap bar from her pocket.
Why she was carrying soap with her will remain a mystery to Mono. Realising too late that Six is actually going to take a good bite, the boy could only watch in horror how she stuffed half of it in her mouth.
"What the fuck Six! Are you having a death wish?"
Six laughed. She laughed hard. Between laughing and even some coughing, she explained the soap bar was actually just chocolate.
"Why the fuck, but also that's a really cool idea", Mono replied.
Six handed him the chocolate and nodded her head towards RK, who was lost in his thoughts, and then at the 'soap' in Mono’s hands.
The boy grinned. He knew what Six was trying to tell him. A small prank won't hurt, right?
"Hey RK, wanna have a bite?"
The boy looked at Mono, then at his hand with the soap before looking at Mono again. "That’s soap, Mono."
"And? Do you want to have a bite or not?"
"What- I- Did you eat soap?"
"Yes? Why wouldn’t I?", Mono replied and bit into the chocolate.
"Mono, I mean this in the nicest way possible; What the fuck is wrong with you."
Six started to giggle and soon was full on laughing. Mono chuckled too.
"Hehe, pranked you. It’s not soap, it's chocolate", Six giggled.
The boy scoffed and rolled his eyes. He crossed his arms and looked away from the other two, ignoring their following apolgies.
"Aww, c'mon RK, it was just a small prank", the girl said, "Don’t be like that..." Pause. "Alright, Mono hold his hand, he's gotta accept our apology that way."
Mono shrugged. "Sure." Mono grabbed RK's hand and interwined their fingers.
"Sorry for pranking you, RK", Six apologized.
"It’s- it's okay..."
Six grinned. "See? As easy as cake." She began walking again, the two boys following soon after.
"Holy shit guys! Look, a worm!", Six suddenly exclaimed, crouching down.
RK perked up at the mention of a little creature and let go of Mono's hand. He moved next to the girl and crouched down as well, examining the worm with her.
"Hello little slimy guy,", Six cooed, ", look at you, you're such a cute little fella, aren’t you?" She carefully pet the animal with her pointer finger.
"Can- can we move on?"
"Shut up Mono, it's wormin' time,", RK replied, and then to the worm, "Such a cute, little guy. I'm gonna call you...-"
"-Wormius!", Six piped in.
"Yes, Wormius! Great idea Six. It fits perfectly." The boy pet the worm too.
They both mumbled some other stuff, occasionally interrupted by small giggles. Mono awkwardly stood at the side, playing with his fingers as he waited.
Suddenly a crow flew by and snatched the worm off the ground, seemingly not bothered by RK and Six.
"Noooo, Wormius! You were so young!", they both said in union.
Mono won't admit it, but he was glad that worm was gone. His friends got up, RK taking his hand and Six already starting to talk about their previous topic again.
The trio continued on their way.
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weeklyhumorist · 5 years
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It’s getting pretty scaley in here! Oh no it’s Skates On A Plane! It’s #FishAnActionMovie on this week’s joke game! Here are some of the best on @HashtagRoundUp powered by @TheHashtagGame. Play our comedy hashtag twitter games every Wednesday at 11 am EST.
Let’s play #FishAnActionMovie with co-host @delaneyWHmag @HashtagRoundup powered by @TheHashtagGame #WittyWednesday pic.twitter.com/w7U7hnnCmJ
— Weekly Humorist (@WeeklyHumorist) August 14, 2019
Trout Of Africa #FishAnActionMovie
— Writerlike🌎 (@writerlike1) August 14, 2019
#FishAnActionMovie A Clockwork Orange roughy pic.twitter.com/QcszbecL0G
— Kev from Hev (@Kevin29626836) August 14, 2019
The Hunt For Red Octopus #FishAnActionMovie
— Chris O’Brien (@bigdweeb) August 14, 2019
Coy story#FishAnActionMovie
— Dirtbag Murphy (@dirtbagmurphy) August 14, 2019
Of Mice and Minnow #FishAnActionMovie
— The Big Tyrion (@BigTyrion) August 14, 2019
Cast Action Hero #FishAnActionMovie
— David E (@DaSkrambledEgg) August 14, 2019
#FishAnActionMovie Kill Gill pic.twitter.com/ySUXPJemqU
— Rob Noblin (@JRNoblin) August 14, 2019
Wolf of Walleye Street #FishAnActionMovie@WeeklyHumorist
— View from my Office (@viewfrommyoffic) August 14, 2019
Prince of Percha #FishAnActionMovie
— Oliver Langmo (@Olivergoesoff) August 14, 2019
#FishAnActionMovie Fry Hard
— Jan I Am 🎶🍻✌❤ (@JanGilson) August 14, 2019
Last action Nemo#FishAnActionMovie
— JaKe W………………………………….😎🖕 (@Colbywinters) August 14, 2019
Kick-Bass #FishAnActionMovie
— Humerous Henrietta (@stickcandy54) August 14, 2019
The Codfather. #FishAnActionMovie pic.twitter.com/QeT3U81VXu
— Hollywood Exposed (@AndstuffL) August 14, 2019
True Flies#FishAnActionMovie pic.twitter.com/T2yDKCJxUy
— Scott Turner (@scottwturner00) August 14, 2019
My cousin Finny 🐟🐟🐟#FishAnActionMovie
— Richard (@Guitaro616) August 14, 2019
Beverly Hills Cod pic.twitter.com/EN733klL4N
— ✌Mark My Words🤘 (@Mytquinn69) August 14, 2019
#FishAnActionMovie Scrod Man Out
— sunsick (@Joe_Marcincuk) August 14, 2019
#FishAnActionMovie Rambass: First Bait
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#FishAnActionMovie Dude…. Where’s my Carp ??
— I’M SPASTICOUS lV ☘☘☘ (@James1288743250) August 14, 2019
Wonder Wormin’ #FishAnActionMovie
— CK (@charley_ck14) August 14, 2019
#FishAnActionMovie The fish and the Furious
— 🙃ɹǝʇsɐsᴉp🤪 (@BossManInCharge) August 14, 2019
#FishAnActionMovie Raiders of the Lost Carp
— Todd Otto (@toddotto) August 14, 2019
Cops & Bobbers #FishAnActionMovie pic.twitter.com/8sZApbbSmw
— Michael 🎧 (@quickbear) August 14, 2019
#FishAnActionMovie Bubble Impact pic.twitter.com/rpv7BTFDo5
— Jan I Am 🎶🍻✌❤ (@JanGilson) August 14, 2019
Guardians of the Guppy
— Shari Bee (@Lavendermee3) August 14, 2019
Mad Max: Fury Roe #FishAnActionMovie
— Ray*mond Li*terally (@madbarrister) August 14, 2019
Charlie the Tuna’s Angels… #FishAnActionMovie pic.twitter.com/maq5vSdoJs
— Walter White (@HeisenbergLab) August 14, 2019
Fly, Robot. 🎣 #FishAnActionMovie pic.twitter.com/XEWqjHYAAz
— peanut (@angrypeanut4) August 14, 2019
Manta On Fire #FishAnActionMovie
— Chris O’Brien (@bigdweeb) August 14, 2019
Fish of Fury #FishAnActionMovie pic.twitter.com/HK79Ffd6nP
— CK (@charley_ck14) August 14, 2019
#FishAnActionMovie Dirty Herring
— J P Haley (@jopehaley) August 14, 2019
The Rock Lobster#fishanactionmovie pic.twitter.com/xOlmVn549Z
— shoelessjoewhackson (@stinky_blinders) August 14, 2019
The Last Boy Trout#FishAnActionMovie
— 🦖🇺🇲Brirannosaurus🦖🇺🇲Wrecks Social Media (@redbuddhadojo) August 14, 2019
#FishAnActionMovie Cod air pic.twitter.com/DLarMgpqwA
— Sammy is here 520 (@520Sammy) August 14, 2019
Dogfish Day Afternoon #FishAnActionMovie pic.twitter.com/TWB1rc6Wjs
— Mountie Carl / #TheDivision2 (@PauseScreenMC) August 14, 2019
#FishAnActionMovie Findependence Day
— Phyll Dogg (@phyll_indablank) August 14, 2019
Lock, stock and two smoked Salmon #FishAnActionMovie
— Gigster (@dr_gigster) August 14, 2019
Tilapia Nights #FishAnActionMovie pic.twitter.com/uTKEXErj8m
— Redbox (@redbox) August 14, 2019
Here for this trending topic ➡️ #FishAnActionMovie. We’ll start… Jurassic Carp! 🐟 Give us your best line.
— IMDb (@IMDb) August 14, 2019
Death Fish #FishAnActionMovie
— ☀️ Lisa ☀️ (@lisapop01) August 14, 2019
#FishAnActionMovie The Da Vinci Cod
— Giles Graham-Brown (@gilesfgb) August 14, 2019
Kick-Bass #FishAnActionMovie pic.twitter.com/fno8sncfBT
— Mychal (@mychal3ts) August 14, 2019
Catfishwoman #FishAnActionMovie pic.twitter.com/zYtvSqd0wx
— Mychal (@mychal3ts) August 14, 2019
#FishAnActionMovie Fry Hard pic.twitter.com/2o9GRMTD7i
— Rob Noblin (@JRNoblin) August 14, 2019
#FishAnActionMovie Walleyes Wide Shut
— RabbitJ (@LisaJRabbit) August 14, 2019
The Bass Of The Mohicans #FishAnActionMovie
— Writerlike🌎 (@writerlike1) August 14, 2019
North by Northern Pike #FishAnActionMovie@WeeklyHumorist
— View from my Office (@viewfrommyoffic) August 14, 2019
#FishAnActionMovie Starfish Wars
— Vox Joestar in the Galaxy of Madness (@LinkVoximilian) August 14, 2019
#FishAnActionMovie Skates On A Plane
— Guise Knightcott, Esq. (@GuiseKnightcott) August 14, 2019
#FishAnActionMovie Escape from Albacore
— littlesatanv2.0 (@beardoutcast197) August 14, 2019
Salmon and Louise
— RaRa’s Reality (@RobinLe75315590) August 14, 2019
#FishAnActionMovie Net Shorty.
— Rusty At Large (@GoodTimeRusty) August 14, 2019
Wobbegong in 60 Seconds #FishAnActionMovie
— Jack Beckitt (@JackBeckitt) August 14, 2019
Suicide Squid #FishAnActionMovie
— Peter Ghosh (@psghosh) August 14, 2019
#FishAnActionMovie A View To A Gill
— Phyll Dogg (@phyll_indablank) August 14, 2019
The Thomas Clownfish Affair #FishAnActionMovie
— Chris O’Brien (@bigdweeb) August 14, 2019
#FishAnActionMovie the Shark Knight
— STᕮᑭᕼᕮᑎ ᖴ (@SFallonator) August 14, 2019
Lure of the Rings #FishAnActionMovie
— CK (@charley_ck14) August 14, 2019
#FishAnActionMovie Jurassic Shark.
— !🅑ⓁⒶⒽ (@blahtank) August 14, 2019
The Tunanator #FishAnActionMovie pic.twitter.com/tRJoU7YEor
— SassyClassySuzee (@1SassySuzee) August 14, 2019
Codzilla #FishAnActionMovie
— Homemaker Man (@HomemakerMan) August 14, 2019
Fishin’ Impossible #FishAnActionMovie @paul_lander @KitLively
— Weekly Humorist (@WeeklyHumorist) August 14, 2019
#FishAnActionMovie: "The name's Pond. James Pond." pic.twitter.com/WcwujVt76C
— Pulp Librarian (@PulpLibrarian) August 14, 2019
#FishAnActionMovie was originally published on Weekly Humorist
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