#worst thing was i hated talking to him i hated it!!! id forget to reply for five minutes then hed be like ‘are you there’
theevilicecreamsoda · 11 months
I think i ever processed anything that happened from 2021 to now like ever
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sourholland · 4 years
Ooooh angst “what about us?” “there is no us, there never was.” with tom plssss! Really love ur work 🌸
Last Kiss || Tom Holland
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Summary → After a fling you and Tom had started while filming a movie together, he tells you that you two can’t be together anymore. Once you get home, Tom let’s you know that he made a mistake.
AN → This was supposed to come out yesterday, I just got lazy and waited to edit it. I can’t tell if I like how this came out or hate it, either way, I hope you guys like this. Also in honor of the Fearless re-record!!
Pairing(s) → Tom Holland x Fem!Reader
Warnings → Strong Language, Suggestive, Alcohol Use
Prompt(s) → 38
Word Count → 1.9k
The ringing of your phone sounded through your apartment loudly, the sound of the rain pattering loudly against the windows out-looking New York City. You set down the remote, feet padding against the cold hardwood while you looked for your buzzing cellphone.
You didn’t bother glancing at the caller ID, picking it up bringing it to your ear all in one quick motion.
“Hello?” You said, pulling a wine glass down from the cabinet.
“Y/N?” Tom’s voice came through the phone.
Your heart dropped, a breath catching in your throat while you stood in your kitchen. He was across the country, wanting nothing to do with you. He repeated your name through the phone, asking if you were there.
“Yeah, I’m here,” you answered, pouring more wine than you’d originally intended into the glass.
“Isn’t it like one in the morning in England?” You asked, listening to the muffles coming through the speaker.
“Yeah—yeah, it’s late here. I just couldn’t sleep, and I started to think of you. Sorry, I probably shouldn’t have called.”
You sat at one of the barstools, swirling the red contents of the glass around. You wanted to yell at him, or maybe you wanted to tell him how much you loved him. You sat silently for a few moments, bare legs cold from the draft.
“Tom,” you started. “I just don’t get why we have to rehash the past, you know? I came back to New York, just like you told me I should. You’re working on whatever new movie, I’m doing the same. I don’t know—I just think we should leave whatever happened between us alone. You made it very clear that it was me that you didn’t want,” you mumbled, pulling at the sleeves of your sweater.
He audibly sighed, the ruffling of sheets coming through the phone. He was probably in bed, if he wasn’t so far away you’d have asked him if this was a sad attempt at getting you to sleep with him.
“I was fucking stupid, and I’m sorry, Y/N. I’m so fucking sorry, I’ve said that a million times,” his voice was hoarse and tired.
“I’ve already forgiven you, Tom. I just can’t keep doing this—this thing with you.”
You both went quiet for a minute, the only sound being the noise from outside in the bustling streets of the city and the rain. You knew you should hang up, block his number and forget about anything you two ever had. You’d tried a few times, unable to bring yourself to doing it.
“What about us?” He asked lowly, a twinge of hurt in his tired voice.
“There is no us, Tom,” you replied. “I’m not even sure there ever was.”
He didn’t say anything, you wanted to let out the repressed cry and tell him you didn’t mean it. That you were sorry and that you thought about him more than you’d like to admit. Something in you knew if you didn’t do your best to cut it off, you two would continue down the same everlasting cycle.
“Okay,” he said.
The line went silent for a moment, and then your home screen lit up. The call had been ended. You downed the remainder of your wine, ditching the cup and just going for the bottle. You thought about calling him back, about apologizing and booking a plane ticket like some lovesick teenager.
You opened Instagram and began scrolling through your feed of posts, liking and commenting occasionally. You weren’t anywhere near drunk, merely tipsy and heartbroken. Your finger lingered on the button to go live, wondering if you really wanted thousands of people to see you in this state.
You left the kitchen and instead propped your phone against the couch, taking a seat on the white rug of your living room. You wearily pressed the go live button, raising the bottle to your chapped lips once more. You are pathetic, you thought.
“Hey guys!” You smiled at the camera and outpouring of greetings in the comments. Within a few minutes you’d racked in a few thousand viewers. You grabbed the guitar sitting against your wall and strummed the cords lightly while it sat in your lap.
userone: you are so adorable
usertwo: can you please say hi?!!!??
userthree: it’s my birthday y/n!
“I’m sorry I haven’t been very active on social media, guys. It’s been super crazy traveling back and forth from London to New York and then having to leave again in a few weeks. And now I’m sitting on my living room floor with a bottle of wine,” you laughed. A few familiar people popped into the comments of the live, some you’ve worked with and some you’ve yet to meet in person.
florencepugh: y/n!!!
gracieabrams: might just bust out the wine just for u
“Florence, I can’t wait to see you soon!” You smiled, “Gracie, I swear it’s making everything like a hundred times better.”
userfour: i’m in love with her
userfive: y/n saving 2021???!!!
“I’m not even sure what I’m supposed to be singing,” you flushed. You did sing, before getting into acting you’d post a lot on Instagram and TikTok. It’d always been more of a hobby, something you loved to do, but weren’t good enough to pursue.
“I’ve had a little too much to drink,” you added. “So don’t get upset if I’m a little pitchy, guys.”
usersix: if she’s pitchy i’m not sure what i am
userseven: sing taylor swift!!!
“Okay, okay!” You chuckled, scrolling through the hundreds of comments saying to play Taylor Swift. You’d only just been crying to like three of her albums a few hours before.
“How about the chorus—and maybe the bridge too, yeah, that’ll work,” you mumbled to yourself, fiddling with the strings. “Alright, guys, Last Kiss it is. I won’t bore you all with the whole thing, though. I could never do Taylor justice.”
“And I’ll go sit on the floor, wearing your clothes”
Getting involved with him was singlehandedly the most stupid decision you’ve ever made, you thought. Late nights in his flat after long nights on set, ordering in and just talking, you two would talk as if you’d known each other your whole lives. It was something about the way he’d let you wear his clothes, or the way he’d tuck your hair behind your ear while you told him about whatever insignificant thing that had happened that day.
“All that I know,
I don’t know how to be something you miss”
The car ride to the airport was the worst, it was grey and cold outside. There was makeup running down your face, mascara covering your eyes generously. You’d wrapped filming a week earlier, unable to bring yourself to walk away from him.
You couldn’t tell the driver to turn you around, or could you? Tom had already made it clear that you were both in different places in your career. This wasn’t what he wanted. You weren’t what he wanted.
“I never thought we’d have our last kiss”
He had held you just a little tighter, you ran your fingers through his hair for just a second longer. The taste of each other lingering on the both of your lips. Like you knew it would be the last time he’d hold you without knowing.
His stupid smiled, the way he pulled away and ran his thumb over your swollen bottom lip. You were almost wrapped around his finger, absolutely sickened with desire and infatuation for him.
“I never imagined we’d end like this,
Your name, forever the name on my lips”
The day you’d left to come home to New York started with a huge argument between the two of you. He’d basically just told you that you’d both known from the beginning you wouldn’t last together. It wasn’t a matter of how much you cared for one another, but that it was impossible, as he put it.
His eyes glossed over and bloodshot, you a complete and utter mess. Slamming the door behind you as you left was one of the most painful things you’d ever endured. Even more painful, the fact that he never came after you.
“So I’ll watch your life in pictures like I used to watch you sleep”
“I can feel you staring at me, love,” he murmured against the pillow.
Your face heated, eyes averting to the stream of light through the sheerness of the curtains. He leaned into you a moment later, his lips soft on your own. He was warm, he was always so warm. You cupped the side of his face gently, pulling him in a bit harder.
“And I feel you forget me like I used to feel you breathe”
You dropped your bags, stepping into your apartment after months of being away. It felt quieter than usual, desolate and empty from your being away. It was dark out, the illumination of the bright city lights from your windows.
You glanced down at your phone for a moment, not a missed call, not a text, not even a fucking notification. He’d simply told you to go home, nothing more nothing less.
“I keep up with our old friends just to ask them how you are,
Hope it’s nice where you are”
You’d texted Harrison a few times, regretting it almost immediately after. He was sweet, telling you that Tom would come around eventually and to just be patient. You’d relied on those kind words for some time, eventually deleting them all together.
After Tom’s first text, you’d realized he wasn’t coming around or regretting what he’d said to you. He was lonely, maybe even a bit desperate. For months you had been there to listen to him and hold him, and now you were gone.
You’d fed into it the first few times, sitting on the phone with him for hours at a time. Then you started to feel worse hearing his voice, silent sobs escaping as you’d listen to him ramble. Then your finger would linger over the decline button a little longer than usual when he’d call, until eventually you started to use it.
“And I hope the sun shines and it’s a beautiful day,
And something reminds you,
You wish you had stayed”
Once you started to go out with other guys, Tom’s ‘I miss you’ texts became more infrequent. Paparazzi would snap pictures, and the next morning they’d be plastered all over the internet.
There was no doubt he was seeing you going out with other people, watching article after article about who you were dating surface. Would he be jealous? No, you thought. Tom was probably doing the same thing as you. Hopeless hookups, meaningless blind dates.
“You can plan for a change in the weather and time”
One early morning, you found yourself in a sweatshirt you’d stolen from one of his drawers and forgotten to return. Listening to the morning rush of traffic and hugging yourself, noticing the lingering smell of his cologne.
You wondered if he knew you’d taken it, if he would think you were pathetic wearing it months after you two had broken things off. This only made you clutch yourself a little tighter, closing your eyes and trying to remember.
“But I never planned on you changing your mind”
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wenellyb · 4 years
My journey in the MCU fandom on Tumblr: Sharing my thoughts on the Falcon and the Winter Soldier, racism in the MCU fandom and the best and the worse of the fandom
I wasn’t going to write this much but here I am… I don’t even know where I’m going with this but since The Falcon and the Winter Soldier just recently came out, I wanted to share some thoughts.
I joined Tumble because of a show I loved but most of you don’t know it “ Hit the Floor”
I stayed on Tumblr for two reasons only, Anthony Mackie and Sebastian Stan.
Before the Captain America:Civil War premiere, a friend sent me the link to the Sebastian and Anthony ET interview, and I was hooked. In just one interview. I discovered Anthony Mackie. The guy was hilarious!!! I just couldn’t get enough and I knew I had to know more about him. How could he improvise so many funny lines on the spot? He was just amazing.
I had pretty much watched all the avengers movie but that was it. I was not involved in the fandom. So I knew Sam Wilson’s face, but I couldn’t even remember his name if my life depended on it. That’s how much the MCU treated him as a side character.
I was like how the f*ck don’t I know this guy?
His talent reminded me of Eddie Murphy, Jim Carrey or Robin Williams, like yes they can make some emotional or serious movies, but when they want to make you laugh, you will laugh. Whether you want it or not.  I kept wondering how this guy wasn’t more famous.
And the banter with Sebastian Stan? Wow, you could tell their friendship was strong, the way Sebastian lighted up when Anthony was talking, and keep bouncing off his jokes. It was art. the way Sebastian said “ I love you” at the end of the interview. Pure gold.
I then started to watch some of the interviews and boy was that a mistake!!! I literally couldn’t get enough. So I watched all and I say all their interviews, it was the best. We got some gems:
“Why aren’t you looking at me as much”
“Which way is the beach Seabass”
*Them saying nonsense in Spanish and then Sebastian Saying Papi Chulo*
 ¨And so many more, ....
I watched other solo Anthony interviews and he was still HILARIOUS, but you could also tell he felt a little bit more at ease with Sebastian around. I won’t pretend I know him or his personality, but Sebastian seems like a little bit more of an introvert and looks like he doesn’t enjoy the interview experience unless Anthony id around him. Just my thoughts
I watched the interviews before I went to see the movie, I even cosplayed as the Winter Soldier to the movie premiere and I was IN!!! When I saw Captain America Civil War, I became a SamBucky shipper, these two were hilarious and I really so the potential for a great realtionship I love enemy to lovers stories.
I also shipped Stucky because, to me, the trope of the movie was Superhero gives up everything to protect his long term friend” Hollywood movies have some codes and if Bucky were a female character, there is no doubt in my mind that the movie would have been marketed as romance.
Stucky really was an easy ship! But then the MCU fandom of Tumblr fandom messed up everything for me. You see I really liked the CACW and I I liked Stucky, I liked Sambucky, and I loved the introduction of t’Challa’s character, but one of things that affected me the most in the movie was that it was the first blockbuster I watched with 3 black main characters, Rhodey, Sam and T’Challa. That, and the fact that they were planning to realease a Black Panther movie in two years, I was super excited, and that’s the main reason I got involved in the MCU fandom so much, when before, I was just a casual watcher.
If this seem weird to you, then you have no idea how we were only getting crumbs before. For me it was soo huge, I even told all my friends, and they were laughing at me. But usually blockbusters, especially superhero movies get one black character and that’s it, usually the best friend or something and never the leads. So, for me it really was a big deal. How sad is that by the way…
I became more involved in the fandom and, at first, I wasn’t focusing on anything special, Sambucky, Stucky, Stackie, the Black Panther, and even Zemo, whose character I really liked.
But soon I noticed that the CACW tags were always flooded, and I mean flooded with the same two white characters: Steve and Bucky. I told myself, ok that’s fine Steve is the lead after all, but it would be good to see the other characters too.
And then I noticed another interesting trend: Evanstan…. Wait what?
Chris Evans, and Sebastian Stan… did I miss something? Listen, obviously I’m sure they must be friends or something, but you’re going to tell me you watch all MCU the actors and you’re going to focus on Steve and Sebastian? I’m sorry what?
Sebastian and Anthony are right there… Or Chris and Anthony, they even have a secret handshake, only the 2 of them do… what more do you want?
Tell me one iconic Evanstan moment… go ahead tell me… See??? There isn’t.
Because of this and because of how badly some Stuckies were treating Sam and Anthony. I became less and less of a stucky shipper . I mainly focused on SamBucky, Stackie and the Black Panther,
And then the Sebastian Stan stans saw how popular Stackie, Sambucky, were becoming and I started to see some problematic stuff in our fandom too.
I don’t want to generalize, but when you go into the Stackie tag, and you see cropped pictures of Sebastian without Anthony, it’s easy to assume that a Sebastian fan did that. And we know damn well you cropped out Anthony because we watched all Stackie interviews and know exactly which interview your picture was taken from. We know that Anthony was sitting right next to Seb.
You post a picture of Sebastian laughing but you crop out the person who was making him laugh??
“but it has nothing to do with race” How do you know that?
“Sebastian had more screen time” More screen time than Anthony in CATWS or CACW? I don’t think so.
“I have been a fan of Sebastian for longer”, that’s fine but don’t go out cropping Anthony, just post gifs of Seb in his usual, sad, and Anthony-less interviews, not the ones where he’s smiling because his best friend is next to him.
Some of you really are the worst. And just so you know, your fave Sebastian is Anthony’s biggest fan, if he saw pictures where you cropped out Anthony, he would block you on the spot.
When I realized that Anthony Mackie would be the next Captain America I was screaming, no actually, I was crying, Sam Wilson will be Captain America, and Anthony would finally get the recognition he deserves.
You would think that the MCU fandom would focus on Captain America or at least one the two leads, instead of just Sebastian? Right? Right? WRONG.
Anthony is handsome, he’s funny, he’s a great actor, he went to freaking Julliard, he’s at the top, I don’t see what else the man can do??? He should already be a superstar, but no, you will side-line him even to he is the lead of the show.
Even when they are the actual leads, you guys would do anything to bring up the White characters even if it means ignoring the Black characters.
I remember I was having a conversation about Black Panther with my friends and I asked one of my white friends who was his favorite character in BP was and he told me Martin Freeman (don’t even remember his name in the movie) Martin Freaking Freeman, there are half a dozen of great characters and your fave is the only white man??? Ok, ok, that’s great.
Don’t give out automatic reply like “It has nothing to do with race, if you haven’t thought about it first”, because there’s a high probability that it is indeed about race. Stop saying it isn’t, sit down and ask yourself, “Am I biased?” “Why am I reblogging only stuff related to the white characters”.
One of these days you guys are going to make me hate Sebastian with the sh*t you are pulling.
I looove the Stackie friendship and the Sambucky dynamic but after seeing the way some of you treat Anthony and Sam’s character, it make me want to focus on Sam’s character and forget about the rest.
 I remember they were some posts about how Anthony was problematic, and I just lost it. Apparently, there was an old article that resurfaced were Anthony was making a joke about women making sandwiches or something.
If you were offended by the sandwich joke, that is totally ok, and I can understand that.
But if you were offended by the sandwich joke, and saying Anthony is problematic BUT you still stan Chris Evans, Jeremy Renner, ScarJo or even Sebastian Stan, just know that there is a high probability you’re racist.
They have all said or done problematic stuff, and people only seem to remember stuff related to Anthony, which was probably just a joke by the way.
Chris Evans and Jeremy called Black widow a wh*re, ScarJo took roles that she maybe shouldn’t have and I didn’t forget Sebastian shady Instagram post, when Kaepernick was kneeling. There are so many more things to be said about Jeremy Renner but google is your friend.
Anthony also got hate for hating on Tom Holland? Like what? Do you guys even hear yourselves? Don’t you have any friends you like to tease? If you hate someone, do you go around talking about him every chance you get? It was obviously friendly banter but some people wanted to turn it into something it was not. Sigh.
I really cannot with this fandom
 The stackie fandom was small at the beginning and the Sambucky fandom even smaller, but we were there and it was amazing. Sebastian and Anthony received the same amount of love from the fandom and I wish we could go back to those days.
Stop pretending the fandom isn’t racist. Stop saying “it isn’t about race” when you haven’t even thought about.
Saying “it has nothing to do with race” only shows that you haven’t thought about anything but don’t want to be called a racist.
There is racism in this fandom and it will always be there, but if you guys want to do anything about it, you have to acknowledge it first.
You can’t be pulling off stuff like “I don’t see colors”, “ it has nothing to do with race”. Stop, sit down, think about it and then we can have a conversation.
If you’ve made it till the end, I apologize for the typos and grammar mistakes, I wasn’t planning on writing this much.
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clouditae · 4 years
First Love | 18
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Yoongi x reader | 18+ | college au | tattoo artist au | angst | fluff | swearing
Word: 3.8k
Beta reader: jinned
You first saw him in the multi-purpose room. Later learn his name, and on your third year, as he becomes your neighbor, you discover his lifestyle. Knowing your crush on him was nothing but that, you wanted to find the courage to look for love. Asking your friend for help, you’re pointed in the direction of the expert. Your neighbor, Min Yoongi
Chapter Index
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You lie in bed, staring up at the ceiling as the hum of the air conditioner fills the silence. The scenes play in your head over and over again. The first time you tried to say those three words to Hanbin. The second time you tried. The third time. Groaning, you turn to your side to face the wall. No matter how many times you try to say it, the words never leave past your lips. It’s like there’s glue in your throat, and the words can’t make it past the substance. It sucks and you’ve never felt so confused. Why can’t you say it? Do you not feel it yet?
Maybe you should wait until you know, but when do you know? When do you know that Hanbin is the love of your life? How does all this work?
You ponder for a while before giving up on trying to nap, so you get out of bed and make your way towards your desk, pulling out your textbook and notebook to work on your homework. Even as you try and focus on the question in front of you, your thoughts refuse to concentrate on anything but the lingering question you don’t want to think about. You groan, shaking your head as you try and bring your attention back to the question you haven’t answered after staring at it for ten minutes. 
“Focus, Y/N. Now is not the time to question your feelings,” you mumble to yourself, adjusting in your seat. Those thoughts don’t leave. It lingers and pesters, hovering at the back of your mind like a pest. You don’t hear the lock to the door unlocking, or Ari walk in and begin to talk when you toss your pencil in frustration and cry out, “I can’t say it.”
“Can’t say what?” Ari asks as the door closes behind her, the sound of her footsteps making its way across the room towards her desk. 
“I can’t say ”I love you“ to Hanbin,” you confess, resting your forehead against the cool surface in front of you, homework long forgotten. 
Ari’s quiet for a moment, taking in what you had just told her. “Maybe you don’t feel it yet?” 
“That’s the thing,” you begin, sitting up and looking towards her, “I don’t think I’m ever going to love Hanbin like I hope I will.” 
She frowns in confusion, cocking her head slightly to the side. “What do you mean?”
You avert your eyes as you reply, “No matter how hard I try and forget him, I can’t.” 
“What I feel for Hanbin doesn’t compare to what I feel for Yoongi.” You finally look up to meet her somber expression. “And I hate that. I hate the fact that I can’t forget him.” 
“What are you going to do?” she questions. 
“What do you mean?”
She adjusts in her seat, draping one leg over the other. “If Yoongi stood in front of you right now, could you tell him what you can’t tell Hanbin?”
You open your mouth to give your response, but you say nothing. What you want to tell her doesn’t feel right, but what you really feel should not be what you’re feeling. You need to follow your head not your heart. However, your heart is louder than your thoughts, and as you open your mouth to answer, you feel at ease wanting to say it. “I–”
A knock at the door interrupts your answer. The knocks are quick and loud, desperate for someone to open the door so that the person behind the door can see you. Making your way towards the door, you grab the handle, twist and pull the door open. Hanbin stands on the other side, hair disheveled and out of breath. 
“Hey,” he says, voice wheezy as his chest heaves. 
“Are you okay?” you ask him, seeing drops of sweat fall from his temples. 
“Let’s go on a walk?”
“A walk?” you ask with a frown. “Are you sure you’re okay?”
He nods, waving your question off with his hand. “You up for a walk? I gotta tell you something.” 
You bite the inside of your cheeks before nodding. “Let me grab my phone and then we’ll go.” He nods, looking relieved that you agreed to go on this walk with him. Letting the door go as he holds it open, you walk towards your desk to grab your phone and bag containing your wallet and ID. You look to Ari. “I’ll be back,” you tell her. She nods in response as you turn back around and make your way out of your room, following Hanbin down the hall and towards the side exit. “Is everything okay?” you question again, leaving the building and making your way down the stairs. 
When the two of you reach the ground floor, he takes your hand in his delicately as the two of you begin your walk out of the dorm parking lot and onto the sidewalk, down the slope and along the route the bus and shuttle takes heading towards campus. “Yeah, I just…” You feel him grip your hand. “I need to tell you something before you find out and you think of something different.” 
You stop, forcing him to stop and face you. “What do you mean?” He looks at you with soft, confused eyes. “What happened?” you ask.
“Lynn transferred here,” he confesses, looking away in shame.
“Your ex?” He nods. You know Hanbin, and you know he would never cheat on you, but you know that Lynn is his first love–the girl he was torn about when they ended their relationship because doing long distance was hard. They didn’t end on bad terms. “How do you feel?”
“If I’m going to be honest… I’m confused.” He meets your gaze again. “I thought that since she’s on the other side of the world, I’d be fine and move on. I meet you and I feel like I can move on.” He hangs his head. “But then she shows up and it’s like those feelings never left, and the worst part is I’m fighting something I wish I wasn’t.” 
You take his other hand in your free one, swallowing a lump in your throat. “If Lynn,” you begin, taking in a deep breath, “were standing here right now, would things make more sense?”
His eyes look hurt when you ask that. “Y/N–” 
“That day at the bus stop,” you interrupt, shifting the weight in your legs, heart racing, “I was going to tell you something, but I couldn’t.” 
“What was it?” he asks, voice soft and comforting. 
You want to cry, and you almost do when your voice cracks as you say, “I wanted to tell you that I love you, but I couldn’t.” You attempt to clear your throat. “I don’t think I can say it.” You can’t stop the sob escaping past your lips, or the tears rolling down your cheeks. “I’m sorry, Hanbin,” you cry, releasing his hands as you wipe the tears away. “I’m trying so hard, but I can’t.” He takes you in his arms, holding you tight and close. “I’m sorry–I’m so sorry.” 
“It’s okay, Y/N,” he comforts, rubbing his hand up and down your back. 
You shake your head. “It’s not fine. I want to love you, but I can't,” you sob into his shoulder. “You’re perfect and everything someone could ever want, but I don’t feel that way–I keep thinking maybe if I wait longer, I’ll feel it, but I don’t want to drag you along if I never feel it.” 
“Y/N,” he begins, holding you tighter, “I feel the same way.” You separate yourself from him just a bit, your eyes meeting. “I care for you, and I have feelings for you, but”–he releases his grip around you and cups your cheeks–“I don’t want to drag you either.” 
“You’re still in love with Lynn,” you whisper.
You can see in his eyes that he looks hurt and conflicted. “I’m sorry, Y/N. I’ve tried so hard to not fall back in love, but when I heard she was coming back the feelings lingered. Then when I saw her and it’s like those feelings never left.” 
You shake your head, brushing your hand along his cheek as he let’s yours go. “She has your heart, and it’s not fair to stop you.” 
His eyes glisten. “Who has your heart?” You’re quiet, afraid to answer because you’re not fully sure if he does. “Yoongi?”
Your eyes widen. “How…”
“The way you look at him and how you try so hard to avoid him, I figured he has yours in some way,” he replies, giving a small, sad smile. A smile you've never seen before. A smile that hurts you to look at. “Do you love him?”
It’s your turn to look away, head hanging. “I don’t know. I-I’ve had feelings for him for years, but I don’t know if it’s love.” 
He lifts your head with his finger under your chin. “Well if he was right here, could you say it?”
There it is. The question asked for the second time today. When Ari asked you, you were sure of your answer. Now you’re confused–conflicted because you don’t know. You’re comparing Yoongi and Hanbin–comparing their personalities, attitudes and the little things they do differently. Hanbin is winning by a landslide, but you can’t say those three words to him. Can you say it to Yoongi?
“I-” You don’t know. 
“Tell him how you feel, Y/N. Even if you don’t love him, it’s best to tell him what you feel because you’ll regret it if you don’t,” he tells you.
You can’t help but ask, “What does that mean for us?”
He smiles. This smile makes you cry. “You’ve made me so happy and I’m glad to have gotten to know you. You’re an amazing person, Y/N, and if Yoongi doesn’t see it, then he’s not worth it. Always know that you are beautiful and worth everything you don’t think you deserve. I hope you find your happiness.” 
You choke back a sob as you reply, “I hope you find happiness, too. Lynn is a lucky person to have your heart.”
He chuckles. “I just hope something rekindles.” 
You nod. “It will. She loves you, and I’m sure she’s waiting for you to go back to her.” 
He wraps his arms around you once more and holds you tight as you cry in his arms. It’s after a few minutes that you finally stop crying and he releases you. “Want me to walk you back?”
You nod, taking his hand as you walk the short walk back to your dorm one last time. You can’t believe it’s over. This relationship that almost made it to one year is ending because your hearts don’t belong to each other. Why is life cruel? Why can’t you love him like you want to? Why are your feelings stronger for Yoongi? His heart doesn’t belong to you–he loves Sam. That cheater holds him close to her and you hate it. You hate feeling this way and not loving Hanbin. 
This is crap.
The two of you stop at the gate of the dorms, holding each other’s hand tightly. “I love you, Y/N. I wish I could love you the way I want to.” He smiles, brushing his thumb along your skin. 
You smile back. “I love you, too.” The two of you lean forward and press your lips against each other for the last time. Taking in the feeling and warmth he gives before the two of you separate. 
“I’ll always be here if you need me,” he tells you, releasing your hand. You nod, watching him walk the way you two came from. 
You want to cry, but you won’t. Instead you take in a deep breath and head towards your dorm. Out of everything you’ve experienced from this relationship, you’ll care and learn from it. Whatever happens next, you won’t let it be less than what you had with Hanbin. You won’t let anything push you around and make you feel small and scared. 
When you unlock your door and enter the room, Ari is working at her desk, her body turning around to face you. She can see the red in your eyes as the door closes behind you. She gets to her feet and walks over towards you. “What happened?”
You smile as best you can. “We broke up.”
Her eyes widened in shock. Just like you, she isn’t expecting that. “What? What happened within those thirty minutes?”
You shake your head. “I’ll explain later, but for now”–You stand straight–“is Hoseok in his room?”
“Yeah,” she answers. “Why?”
“I need to talk to Yoongi.” Turning around, you exit the room and walk across the hall where Yoongi and Hoseok’s room is. 
“Holy shit, Y/N. Are you sure?” Ari asks, holding the door open as she stands in the doorway. 
You knock on the door, heart racing. “It’s now or never.” You two wait for a few seconds in silence when the door opens to reveal Hoseok. 
“Y/N,” he begins, smiling wide until it fades, “are you okay?”
You ignore his question, asking, “Is Yoongi here?”
Hoseok shakes his head, glancing at Ari behind you. “He’s in the studio in the Music Building on campus,” he informs. 
You give a simple nod, clutching your bag, double checking in your thoughts to make sure you have everything you need before running down the hall and out the building. “Good luck!” you can hear Ari call as the door closes and you jog down the steps, careful not to trip. 
Reaching the ground floor, you see off into the distance the shuttle taking off. “No,” you groan, picking up your speed until you reach the sidewalk. Looking to your left, you notice a familiar bus parked by a restaurant and bus stop. You walk to the bus stop a bit away to your right. You suppose you’ll have to wait for the bus driver to get off break and head to the stop you’re waiting at. 
You take your phone out of your bag and pull up a map of the campus. Where is this building located? Is it close to the buildings you’re familiar with? Is it on the lower side of campus? After a minute of searching, you find the building’s location, just as the bus pulls to a stop in front of you. You pull out your bus card, climb in, and press your card to the scanner. When you hear the beeping sound, you take the first seat available. 
You’re scared. You’re scared as the bus drives closer and closer to the campus, taking no stops to pick anyone up. Your heart is racing and your palms are beginning to sweat as you clutch your phone tightly. You can’t do this–this is so dumb. Yoongi will think you’re stupid and you’ll look like a complete idiot for telling him something you’re confused about. 
What do you do? Do you go to him and do it anyway? Do you get off the bus and wait for the next one to take you back to your dorms? What are you going to do?
The bus comes to a stop at the second bus stop on campus. When did you get here so quickly? You stand up and wait for some of the students to find their seat before walking off. This is the stop closest to where his building is. Right now, after you cross the street, you can either continue down the path that’ll lead you to the lower level of campus, or wait for the shuttle or bus to take you back. 
What are you going to do?
Go forward? Wait here?
What are you doing? 
Pick. Pick, Y/N. 
When the signal turns green for you to cross the small road, your feet are running. You’re running down the pathway and towards Yoongi. If you stop–if you let yourself think, you’ll back down. You’ll give up and go back never knowing what he’ll say. Even when it’s a denial, at least you know how he feels rather than guessing and being left in the dark. 
When you finally find the building, your heart is racing. You wonder if it’s from running or because you’re scared. You can’t think about it. If you do, you’ll quit and leave, and you don’t want to go back not knowing. After asking for directions, you take the elevator to the fourth floor. You feel like you’re going to throw up as the doors open to the fourth floor, an opening before you were chairs and desks line the walls with a few students sitting and studying in silence. Taking in a deep breath as you step out of the elevator, you look left and right down the halls, both lined with doors of what you assumed are studio rooms. 
You don’t know which side he’s on, so you start right and begin to read all the names currently occupying the room. Left and right you don’t find his name, and the closer you get to down the hall, the more you feel yourself wanting to give up. You’re going to take the fact that you went right instead of left as fate telling you not to do this. And so as you get closer to the end of the hall, you’re accepting destiny faster than you thought you would. As the last two doors appear, you check both of them.
You almost trip from trying to turn around when you see his name. You really thought he wasn’t going to be down this hall, yet there’s his name. His name written in his handwriting plastered on the whiteboard next to the black door. You curse under your breath. He’s here. He’s on the other side of this door, waiting for you to spill your guts about everything. 
You breathe, “Don’t think just go. Don’t think, just go.” Shaking off your nerves, you walk towards the door, twist the knob open and enter the room. You really didn’t think before entering. You didn’t think about who could possibly be in here–if he’s alone. You didn’t think. But to your luck it’s just Yoongi who is currently standing at a table of equipment you don’t know well enough. 
He’s looking at you as the door closes behind you, your breath uneven as you try and calm yourself. You can do this. You got this. “Oh good,” he begins, standing straight before gesturing to the window in front of him with his thumb, “I can’t tell if the mic in there is working. You mind going in there and testing it out for me?” You’re completely caught off guard, unsure as to what you should do. “Well?”
You jump a bit and walk down the small hall next to his desk and open the door to the small room where only a mic and stool is placed. Yoongi’s voice booms in the room you’re in, “Just go ahead and talk into the mic when I say.” You walk up to the microphone, moving the stool out of the way. Watching Yoongi as he works the equipment in front of him, you bring your hands together in fear and take in deep breaths. You don’t have to tell him–he doesn’t need to know the real reason you’re here. You can just come up with an excuse. Yoongi interrupts your thoughts, “Okay. Just start talking–”
“I love you.” Oh shit you said it. You can’t go back now, but you can’t meet his eyes either. You can do this. “I’m in love with you. I-I’ve been in love with you since we first met, and I know that love at first sight isn’t real, but it hit me so hard when I met you. I thought it was just a crush, but the longer I felt it, the bigger it grew. Then you agreed to help me, and it just grew bigger–I couldn’t even tell Hanbin I love him because I don’t. I hate myself for dragging him along when you were always on my mind, but through those months of being together, it made me realize how much I’m in love with you.” You take in a deep breath. “I love you, Yoongi, and I don’t expect anything out of this, but I just had to tell you because if I didn’t, it would eat me alive for not telling you.” 
Your breath is shaky as you finally muster up the courage to look past the microphone and at him. He’s staring at you with a blank expression. You don’t know what he’s thinking and it scares you. You said you just wanted to tell him, and that’s all you need, but you can’t help but feel saddened by his expression. You watch as his hand goes to the buttons in front of him. “I couldn’t hear you,” he begins over the speaker, “guess it’s broken. You can come out now.” There’s a click and the speakers are silent. Your heart drops and you want to cry so badly. You just spilled your guts and the speakers decide not to work? What kind of fate is this? 
You exit the small room and walk into the open space where Yoongi messes with the gears. “What were you saying in there?” he asks, never looking up to look at you as he continues to push buttons and twist knobs. 
You open your mouth, the words catching in your mouth. “Nothing,” you finally answer, voice low and quiet. 
He hums. “Okay. Well I have work to do so you can leave.” 
You can feel the tears prick the corner of your eyes as you give a small nod and turn to leave. Twisting the knob, you open the door and leave his room. You told him how you felt, and although he didn’t hear you, that counts as something right? You confessed and you know the answer. You can go back to your dorm and live your life happily. 
Halfway down the hall, you spin on your heels and make your way back towards his room. You burst through the door again. Yoongi, with his hands resting on the table and head down, looks up and meets your gaze. The door closes behind you, again, and you speak, “I love you.” He rises slowly. “That’s what I said.” He’s silent and you’re not sure what to do, so you begin to repeat everything. “I’m in love with you. I’ve been in love with you since we first met–”
“Shut up,” he says, tone gravelly. “What did you say?”
You swallow the lump in your throat as you repeat, “I love you.” 
He looks away, eyes looking conflicted for the first time as he runs a hand through his hair. “Dammit,” he mutters before walking over to you with quick strides. You’re scared as he gets closer, and you’re taken aback when he cups your cheeks and crashes his lips to yours.
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sgtjbbhasmyheart · 4 years
Drunk Texting Is(n’t) Bad for Your Health- Chapter Two
Series Summary: Talk about your unconventional meet-cute! Bucky receives a text by mistake requesting he prove he's not Reader's sister. The easy dialogue between Reader and Bucky sparks a natural friendship, but could it lead to more? Bucky still deems himself unworthy of any form of affection or love. Reader is hellbent to prove him wrong. With the help of some (meddling) friends along the way, Bucky may get his happily-ever-after after all.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Word count: 2921
Warnings: bad language words, blink and you’ll miss the angst, just some fluff
A/N: divider credit- @firefly-graphics
DO NOT copy or replicate without my permission
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You awoke with a start, feeling as if you were late for work or something important and forgot to set your alarm. Your heart beat an erratic tattoo against your ribcage. Scrambling for your cell phone, you blindly reached across the side table near your bed in a panic. Unplugging the phone, you brought the device an ungodly closeness to your face. It was only 6:17. On Saturday.
Your pulse throbbed behind your eyeballs, and a strange stickiness coated the inside of your mouth. Did you drink that much last night?
How could you not? Timmons was a fair boss, and you enjoyed your job, but that dude loved the sound of his own voice.
The quarterly business dinners were mandatory for all employees, even for the P.A.s. Typically, they weren’t so bad, but last night, Timmons felt the need to toot his own horn for landing a massive contract with Stark Industries slash The Avengers. He went on and on about how great it was for the firm.
He was like a giant kid in a candy store with his ramblings. ‘We will be promoting the face of The Avengers and everything that goes with it,’ he spouted off like the firm was god’s gift to public relations.
You groaned at the reminder of last night’s presentation. The contract wasn’t even in effect yet, and you were sick of the Earth’s Mightiest Heroes. Timmons could be a real buzz kill.
Rolling to your back, you brought your phone up to tap the screen to read the emails you received overnight. On display was a text from 11:04 by someone named James. It read: “Goodnight, (Y/N).”
Your mind went back to last night again, trying to recall who this James was. He must be significant if you plugged his contact information into your phone already. Had you met someone last night?
Drawing a blank, you clicked on the text bubble to pull up the thread. Briefly scanning through the numerous texts, everything came rushing back. In an attempt to text your sister, Robyn, you mistakenly texted this mysterious, James.
You felt like an utter buffoon when you learned he wasn’t Robyn. You always did have a way with the cute boys. Probably why you were single. You groaned out loud as you read on.
You im safely inside my apartment. Pretty sure no one followed me home
James Did you triple check the lock on the front door?
You yes dad yeesh
James There are a lot of bad people out there. Just want to make sure you’re safe.
You sounds like you watch the news too much but its sweet of u to care
James I know from experience.
You r u the bad guy or have u been the one mugged?
James Let’s just say I have friends that have dealt with the bad things of the world.
You right i almost forgot ur a military-trained assassin athlete mchottie
James Did you ever send your sister a text?
You shit thanks for reminding me i have such a crazy story to tell her
James Only good things, I hope.
You oh yeah all the good things an enigmatic yet handsome stranger cares more about my safety than any of my ex-boyfriends ever did.
James My ma raised me right.
You id say
James_ I hate to cut this short, but I think you need your rest. Especially if you’re meeting your sister tomorrow._
You i dont want to agree but ur probably right
You whats ur name btw?
James My name? Why? Do you plan to continue texting me after tonight?
You duh ur fun to talk to
James Oh.
You or not its cool if u dont want to
James It’s James.
You nice to meet u james im (y/n)
James Nice to meet you as well.
You my sister just texted me back and were still meeting at 9 i should go 
You goodnite james
James Goodnight, (Y/N).
Oh. My. God. Had you seriously drunk-flirted with a stranger and offered to keep texting him? You had no shame with a few drinks in you.
You brought a hand up to pinch the bridge of your nose and sighed loudly.
What did you know of this James? He had a New York area phone number. Check. He could have been a real dick about your mistake but wasn’t. Understanding. Check. He worried about you getting home safely in your inebriated state. Caring. Check. Not too forthcoming with the nine to five. Secretive. Check. His mouth looked so soft and plush, and his eyes were made to drown in. Gorgeous. Check.
A heat simmered beneath your skin as you recounted the shortlist you’d made. Were you lusting over someone you’d exchanged less than forty texts with? Had you somehow woken back up in high school?
Shaking your head to clear your thoughts, you stared at the screen displaying the message thread. Were you really considering this? You nodded your head to answer your own question. Where was the harm in a little shameless flirting? If worse came to worst, you could always block him.
With your mind made up, you began typing into your phone, constructing an apology.
You Good morning! First off, I want to apologize for the way I behaved over text last night.
You Though, I do like to imbibe in the occasional drink or two, I am, by no means, a lush.
You Please take everything I said with a grain of salt. Apparently, I get loose-lipped and cheeky with free wine. 😐
You Again, I’m sorry and understand if you wanted to cease our correspondence for my behavior.
You blew out a breath and tossed your phone aside. It was up to fate now and a stranger named James.
You laid in your bed for several minutes staring at the ceiling, contemplating between whether to send a ‘haha just kidding’ text and what the weather would be like, so you could forego shaving your legs in the shower today.
Your phone chimed during the pondering of hair removal, indicating a new text. You knew it was James proclaiming you a freak and to forget his number, but secretly, you hoped it was Robyn canceling today.
Seizing the phone from your mattress top, your heart’s beat increased with each second you went without looking at the screen. Finding the courage, you flipped the device over to read the message.
James Quite the formal apology, Ms. Professor.
You smiled at the text. It didn’t tell you to pound sand or eat shit. No, it was teasing and in jest. You sighed in relief.
You Cease our correspondence too much?
James No, no it was perfect if this was 1863, and you were breaking up with me via telegraph.
You Stop!
James Exactly! ‘Never speak to me again!’ Stop. ‘It’s not you, it’s me.’ Stop.
A belly laugh disrupted the tranquil air of your bedroom. You quickly thumbed out a reply once you caught your breath.
You You’re incorrigible.
James I’m glad to see you are using proper capitalization and punctuation this morning.
You Ha!
You When you are buzzed and/or tipsy, capitals and periods be damned. Like you’re so perfect when you’re drunk.
James We all have our flaws.
Was he implying he was a sloppy texter when drunk, too? You shrugged it off as him being cryptic again.
You What are you doing up so early on a Saturday? I didn’t wake you, did I?
You were suddenly stricken with guilt. You should have waited for a more reasonable hour to send out rapid-fire apology texts. Not at 6:36 in the morning. You didn’t want last night’s behavior hanging over you, though. Better to clear the air now than later. You could always ask for forgiveness again if you had disturbed his sleep.
James I had just gotten back from my run when I saw your texts. I have training this morning.
You Oh, right. For your hush-hush, super top secret mission/quidditch game.
You You ever gonna tell me what you really do?
James_ Maybe. Someday._
How far away was someday? Was he planning to text you until you both died or until he got bored? How did texting relationships even work?
You Or is it one of those situations where if you told me you’d have to kill me?
James 😈
You There you go again--being all mysterious.
James Keep ‘em guessing and coming back for more.
You Has that strategy worked well for you in the past?
James Got you to text me again this morning, didn’t it?
You scoffed at what he had suggested. He was correct, but your stubborn streak would deny everything.
You The only reason I texted you this morning was to apologize for acting like a drunken fool last night.
And to squash the curiosity burning in your veins. But he didn’t need to know that.
James Oh.
The reply caused you to furrow your brow and your stomach to drop. You regretted not adding more levity to your last text. Of course, it wasn’t the only reason you were drawn to him.
You I appreciate that the selfie you sent wasn’t a dick pic. And you genuinely seemed to care about me getting home safely. Thank you.
You And maybe- a teeny, tiny bit- is honestly interested in getting to know you better.
You waited on pins and needles for his text, watching the pulsing ellipsis on your screen. Was he just humoring you?
James Hook. Line. Sinker.
Reading his response generated a flush from your jaw to your hairline. You growled in embarrassment. You fell for the oldest trick in the book. He baited you for a compassionate answer, and you delivered beautifully. Hook, line, and sinker, indeed.
You You’re an ass. I take everything back.
James Don’t be mad. I wasn’t sure how it was going to go, but you played into my trap wonderfully.
James If it makes you feel any better, all kidding aside, I want to get to know you better too.
James I fell asleep with a smile on my face last night and woke up with one this morning.
James Because of you, (Y/N).
A flutter broke apart in your chest. You hadn’t time-traveled back to high school; no, this was junior high territory.
You You’re lucky you’re so damn charming, James.
James Doll, you have no idea.
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The subway ride into Manhattan usually gave you the chance to get a little reading in since it took nearly fifty minutes from Queens. Not today, though. You spent the entirety of the train ride texting back and forth with James. It was mundane stuff, but you were getting a grasp of who James was as a person.
You Favorite color?
James Black. You?
You Blue.
You Favorite ice cream flavor?
James Chocolate. Yours?
You Ben & Jerry’s Cherry Garcia.
James I didn’t realize we were getting specific.
You We weren’t, but that’s my favorite.
You Favorite movie?
James I like the classics- The Wizard of Oz, It’s A Wonderful Life, Frankenstein.
You I have too many to list, so don’t ask.
You Okay. Lightning round because I’m almost to my stop.
James Where are you going again?
You paused your reply for a brief second, wondering if you should divulge your destination. You’d known James less than twenty-four hours; although, it felt like weeks after this morning. Where was the harm in telling him where you were meeting your sister? There were nearly nine million people in this city. There was no way you’d ever bump into each other.
You A bakery in the Upper East Side called Two Little Red Hens. Ever been?
James Don’t think I have.
You Well, since you like chocolate, they have a fantastic cake called Brooklyn Blackout. Super rich but delicious.
James Sounds right up my alley.
You Cats or dogs?
James I’m gone too much, so cats.
The answer piqued your interest. Maybe he was an athlete. Wouldn’t it be practice and not training, though? Or he’s FBI or CIA.
You Socks on or off for sleeping?
James Off.
You Silver or gold?
James Silver.
You Morning, noon, or night?
James Night.
You How do you take your coffee?
James Room for sugar and creamer.
You Boxers or briefs?
James Boxer briefs.
You laughed out loud, looking around the subway car to see if anyone was paying attention to you. Per usual, they weren’t.
You Touché.
As soon as the train stopped, you gathered your purse close to your body and made for the exit. You followed the crowd of fellow passengers through the turnstile and ascended the stairs onto street level.
The morning sunlight caressed your skin like a warm blanket. The humidity wasn’t too bad, yet, but the threat of afternoon thunderstorms still hung in the air.
Even with the reasonably early hour, the sidewalk was stuffed with people, carrying to-go coffee cups or shopping bags. You fought for your little spot of real estate on the grimy concrete.
Stopping at a red traffic light, waiting to cross, you typed out another question for James.
You Pineapple on pizza--yay or nay?
The light changed as you finished, and the throng of pedestrians around you guided you across the street. You spotted Robyn outside the bakery as your phone dinged with a new text alert.
“Wow, I’m surprised you made it on time,” Robyn said as you hugged hello.
You looked at the clock on your phone. 8:58. “You and me both, sister.” Glancing back at your phone’s screen, you giggled.
James What kind of monster puts pineapple on their pizza??
“What’s so funny?” Robyn asked as you accompanied her through the bakery’s door.
With a grin on your face, you punched out a quick reply:
You Well, it was nice knowing you, James. It was a swell friendship while it lasted--a whole 11 ½ hours.
Robyn elbowed you softly in the ribs with a look on her face, seeking an explanation.
“Ow,” you grunted. “What?”
“You tell me. I half expected a zombie to walk through the doors today after your text last night. Not Suzie Sunshine.”
You both edged closer to the counter as the line in front of you dwindled.
James Say it ain’t so, doll! Pineapple on pizza? Really??
You let out a low chortle as you skimmed the text. You glimpsed up at Robyn as you shuffled forward in line again. “Believe me, I’m pretty hungover,” you replied, shoving your phone in your back pocket. “It’s a funny story. I’ll tell you everything when we sit.”
Robyn stared at you warily, still trying to figure out what had come over you. “Okay,” she conceded, stepping to the register to order.
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With each of you supplied with an iced coffee and a peach ginger scone, you found an empty table by a window along 2nd Avenue and proceeded to tell Robyn about James.
When you stopped to catch your breath, remembering the whirlwind the last twelve hours had been, you peered at your sister for her reaction.
She stared at you like you’d grown a second head. She shook her head in disbelief. “(Y/N), what where you thinking?”
Your brow pinched in confusion. Was she actually scolding you? You crossed your arms over your chest. “I was thinking about how my big sister is always telling me to meet new people and how it’s time I thought about settling down.”
“Not like this it’s not,” she hissed. “This is how your body parts end up in someone’s freezer!”
You choked on the piece of scone you shoved in your mouth before she started ridiculing you. After coughing to clear your airway and taking a sip of your iced coffee, you leered at Robyn. “Oh, my god! Dramatic much? Have you been binge-watching Dateline again? Jesus Christ, Robyn, he’s harmless,” you countered.
“You think you’ll be so careful, but you’ll let one little detail slip, and he’ll find you,” Robyn said before taking a pull from her coffee.
“You mean, like, how I was meeting you at Two Little Red Hens at nine o’clock?”
Robyn’s mouth popped open in an O. “What the hell, (Y/N)?” she stage-whispered. “Are you trying to get yourself kidnapped and sold into sex trafficking?”
“Please,” you drew out in one long syllable. “He doesn’t know what I look like. How would he snatch me?”
“He could look you up on Facebook.”
“Without a last name?” You shook your head, no.
“What about a reverse search on your number?” Robyn asked, pushing the plate holding her scone away. “That’s a thing.”
“Perhaps, but it seems like a lot of effort for a mistake I made. It wasn’t like he was seeking me or anyone else out.”
Robyn huffed out a breath and folded her arms in exasperation. Always the protective big sister. You could tell you were breaking her down, though.
“C’ mon, Robbie. It’s all in innocent fun. I’m not saying I’m hoping he’ll turn out to be Mr. Right, but the banter is fun,” you remarked. “James is charming and witty and nice to talk to.”
Robyn shook her head once more, frowning. “I hope you know what you’re doing.”
You reached across the table for her hand and squeezed gently. “Me too.” You smiled slyly, remembering last night’s dinner and Timmons gushing about The Avengers. “If not, I know how to get ahold of a couple of centenarians who know chivalry isn’t dead.”
Chapter One | Chapter Three
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here it is! the first part of UTCM!
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͙⁺˚*・༓☾  ☽༓・*˚⁺‧
With clothes flying across the room, trying to make each article of clothing land in the target of a rectangle, you rummage through your closet, trying to find the specific piece of your most treasured clothing. 
One that meant something special to you. 
As you dig through your drawer, trying to find the thick, vintage tee your dad had given you (more like you stole it and never gave it back), your hand finally feels the familiar material that has brought you comfort and lots of compliments if you do say so yourself. 
With a proud ‘bingo’ escaping your lips, you’re not surprised that it’s the only shirt you folded and gently put into your suitcase. You looked around your room, finding the hurricane of clothing sprawled out on the floor and your bikini top on your lap shade. Laughing a bit, you drop to your knees and begin to pick up your clothes, stuffing it into the suitcase. 
You check the time and see that it’s five minutes to 9 AM and your phone rings on your bedside table, knowing you’re behind schedule. You quickly grab your phone, placing it between your shoulder and your ear, and continue grabbing your clothes. 
“Honey, quit answering the phone like that.” You take the phone from your shoulder and put it at arms reach before sighing, knowing you should’ve looked at the caller ID. 
“Hello, mother. How are you on this fine morning?” Your voice changes from playful to proper tone only to tease her. 
“Oh, quit it. I was just calling to see if you were all packed and ready.” 
“Yup!” You say confidently, looking around your room as it says otherwise. Obviously, packing wasn’t your greatest talent. 
It was your best friend’s parent’s anniversary. Minny has informed you a month ago, knowing that you would procrastinate on packing, and to be fair, she was right. Packing wasn’t your favorite, and she knew that. Aww, my best friend knows me so well. 
You and Minny have been best friends since you were 7. You two met at school and were in the same class. Because of the two’s last names being right next to each other on the roll call, you were assigned to sit right next to her. Throughout the years in school, you had always remained close. Sure, you two have met other people and became friends with them, but nothing came as close as the bond you have with her. 
It was 20 years of eating at lunch together, never missing a day. Sleepovers. Day and night calls to gossip or vent. Laughs. Petty arguments. Crying over stupid boys and girls that broke your heart. Monthly ‘glo the fuck up’ day. Jogging in the park. Living life. And most importantly, love. 
Damn, we’re getting old. 
“I’m sad I can’t make it to Dan and Lina’s anniversary trip.” Your mother sighed over the phone. 
Yours and Minny’s family had practically become one big family when you both turned 10. With occasional sleepovers and meet ups at the mall, your parents had become really great friends with hers. 
“I know, Mom. But you practically see them everyday, so it’s fine. They understand why.” You try reasoning out with her. 
“I hope so.” She sighs sadly on the phone, and it makes your heart hurt. 
“They do understand. Trust me.” 
“I wish you were here-” She immediately cuts off. 
“Mom, I can go with you. I don’t have to go on Dan and Lina’s trip. Let me call Minny so I can tell her to not come by.” 
“No, no!” You pause. “Please, don’t miss out on having fun for me. I want you to have fun. You deserve it.” You nod, even though she can’t see you. You check the time, and know you’re running out of time to finish packing. 
“You deserve it too, Mom.” She doesn’t say anything, but you know she’s smiling on the other side of the call.
“Hey, Mom. I gotta go. Minny is almost here to pick me up, so I just wanna double check everything.” 
“Of course, honey. I’ll call Lina later. Say hi to Minny for me. I love you.” 
“Will do. I love you too.” The door knocks once you hang up the call. Curses scolding yourself for being so lazy and procrastinating fly from your lips as you get the door. 
“What the fuck are you doing here?” The last person you were expecting was seeing your ex boyfriend on your doorstep with keys in his hand. He wore rust color corduroy pants, a stripe shirt, and a turquoise jacket that’s stitched on the side. His hair was pushed back by his black sunglasses and he was wearing his pearl necklace. You hate to admit that he looks good and can possibly rock anything he wore, and you despised him for that along with other reasons. 
“Wow. No, hi or how are you Harry? I’m doing great, thanks for asking.” He says sarcastically and you roll your eyes, walking back to your room to finish packing. “Well, I see you’re still not that great with organizing your time, or your clothes.” You don’t say anything because you really don’t want to speak to him at the moment, or at all. “I’m assuming Minny didn’t tell you.” Your eyes perk up into confusion. 
“Minny didn’t tell me what?” You ask, continuing to fold the last pair of clothes. 
“She asked me to pick you up. You know, to take you to the lake house.” If it were possible, steam was coming out of your ears. Why hadn’t Minny told you? You huff loudly for Harry to know that you’re clearly annoyed before grabbing your phone and immediately dialing Minny’s number, and waiting for her to pick up. 
Harry looks around your room, seeing as things haven't changed with you, and you want to kick him out as soon as you're done talking to Minny. 
“Hey, girl! Are you on your way?” Her voice is high and she clearly is not prepared for what you’re about to give her. 
“How can you have Harry pick me up? And why didn’t you tell me that you couldn’t pick me up?” 
“Clearly, you’re the best at greeting people anymore.” Harry says, leaning against the door frame as he wears a smirk, and you immediately flick him off. He puts his hand on his chest with an exaggerated jaw drop, pretending to be offended. 
“I’m so sorry. I meant to tell you, I promise. But my dumbass of a brother decided to come last minute because his plans got cancelled, and so we were all rushing out the door and putting everything in the car.” You hear Minny’s brother, Jackson, say ‘hey!’ and you sigh. 
“It’s okay, I understand.” Not wanting to be annoyed anymore, you brush it off. 
“I can find someone else to pick me up, no worries.” Harry raises his hands up as if he’s saying ‘I’m literally here to pick you up.’ 
“No! Just take the ride from Harry. After all, he is staying at the house too.” Your eyes widen. 
“What?! Why would you invite him?” 
“You know, you’re doing a lot of talking like I’m not here in the room right now.” You mouth ‘shut up’ to him.
“Please, just go with him. We’re almost there anyways and I don’t want you guys to be late because you want to be difficult. Just ride with him. It’s only like a 3 hour drive and you can sleep on the way, and then not talk to him for the rest of the trip.” She persuades. 
Minny was always good at persuading people. In college, both of you were commuting from home and didn’t stay at the dorms, so you didn’t know that many people, especially not in the frat or sorority houses. She had convinced her parents that they needed a weekend to get out of the house and take a nice getaway trip, laying out the pros and cons so she can throw a party. And they really thought her pros outweigh the cons. 
“Ugh! Okay, fine.” 
“Thank you! Love you! Bye!” She gets off the phone quickly, and you turn to Harry. 
“Shall we get on the road?” He smiles. You were finally finished with packing and rolled your luggage to the front, ignoring him. He comes out of your room with your bikini top in his hand, and your eyes widen, forgetting to take it from the lampshade. “Think you forgot this.” He holds it up and you snatch it quickly. And you’re both out the door and possibly going on the worst trip. 
Two weeks and I’ll be home. 
͙⁺˚*・༓☾  ☽༓・*˚⁺‧
Two hours down. One more to go. 
The entirety of the car ride had been filled with awkwardness and silence. If music hadn’t been playing, you were sure you were going to explode. Harry had asked you if you were alright about a million times or if you were too hot or cold. You kept your responses to a minimum, replying with ‘yeah, I’m good’ or ‘I’m okay’. Harry was gripping the steering wheel so tight, that he was sure his hand would cramp up when he tried to unlatch. The tension and awkwardness was getting to him. He hated that things had ended up like this between the two of you, but he was willing to change that. He wants to change that. 
“R. E. D.” He says suddenly after minutes of not talking, and just listening to the sound of the music and the engine of the car. 
“Pardon?” You turn to face him. 
“C’mon, you don’t remember the game we used to play when we would go on road trips?” He asks hopefully, looking at you quickly before turning his head back on the road. 
Of course you remember. Hours on the road with him, going to the next destination when he was on tour or outside of the city to get away from everything, led you both to play road trip games that included saying 3 random letters and finding it on a license plate. It’s what made traveling fun and the hours on the road much more interesting. Especially with Harry. 
“Yeah, I remember.” You say softly, not showing emotion. 
“Okay, well, start looking.” 
“You weren’t very good at this game.” You say, but quickly close your mouth, not realizing that you’re thinking out loud. 
And Harry’s surprised. He knows that your comment was a teasing one, and he was worried that he would t get a single sentence out of your mouth without you yelling in his face. “I’m very good at this game!” 
“I mean, considering that my board was filled with tallies, then I would think you’re bad at it.” You let out a chuckle and Harry has a big smile on his face, thinking it’ll hurt his cheeks later on. 
“You literally gave me impossible letters to work with!” 
“They’re license plates, not people’s names!” You tease. 
“Just look for R.E.D!” He ends the conversation. Although he didn’t want to, he knew that you’re most likely going to blow up in his face if you two acted like a happy couple again. He knew that you would overthink about the bad things overlapping the good, and you would go back to resenting him. 
And he was right. 
After he ended the conversation, you were thinking about what could’ve been between you; what could still be if he weren’t an asshole. The laughs and teasing you two had just a minute ago were replaced with deep breaths, not knowing if one of you should say a thing again. 
There were only a few cars on the same road for you; going to different places. You wondered if people going on a road trip had the same situation with you and Harry: the sharp tension that can be cut like a knife or wanting to jump out of the car. 
You must have blanked out for a while because Harry had gotten off the highway and onto a secluded street that leads to the lake house. 
The drive through the woods with high boulders and tall trees had you speechless. You got as close to the window as possible, looking up like you’ve just seen a shooting star. Nature has always been such a fascination to you. You’ve always loved camping trips and hiking; so much that you’re currently an environmental scientist. 
You don’t notice with your head practically sticking out the window, but Harry is having such a hard time keeping his eyes on the road. He thinks that it’s admirable how passionate you are, especially about nature and animals because it’s rare that people end up doing what they love. And he loves seeing you so passionate about what you love. 
The drive surrounded by the forest didn’t take long; about 20 minutes, and Harry had already pulled up into the gravel driveway in front of the lake house. 
The famous lake house that Lina and Dan have owned for 30 years; ever since they got married. It was a rather large lake house; able to fit two families of four. With brown wood hammered onto the sides and evergreen border along the windows, the house was generally very comfortable and homey. They had kept renovating throughout the years to keep up with the times changing, and they’re loving how modern it looks as of now, but very welcoming at the same time. 
“Well, we’re finally here.” Harry says, cutting off the ignition and getting out of the car. You do the same as well and meet him where the truck is popped open, Harry grabbing his bags. You went to reach for it, but Harry slaps your hand away.
“Don’t worry about the bags. I got them.” 
“Thanks.” You give him a soft smile. 
“And besides, you’ve packed for like a month when we’re gonna be here for two weeks, and you were barely able to carry it out of your house.” He teases. 
“For a matter of fact, I happen to be very strong.” You cross your arms. 
“Okay, whatever you say, Captain.” The pet name slipped out. When you and Harry were together, he started calling you Captain because sometimes you can be so aggressive and demanding, but passionate, that it felt like you were the Captain of the ship, which technically you were. You were always in charge, always right, and always planning everything. Captain just stuck, and he thought it was so perfect for you. 
The pet name had definitely startled you. You haven’t heard that name come from his lips in forever. And admittingly, you missed it. But you don’t tell him that, of course. 
Harry notices your shock and just smiles instead of pushing it. He instead walks towards the car once his hands are full. 
“Hey, Harry?” He could’ve sworn that his head got jumbled up at your call for him because of how fast he turned around. 
“R.E.D.” You pointed towards Minny’s car with a smirk on your face. Harry looks at her license plate and his jaw drops, but you see the corners of his lips turn up. 
“How did you-”
“You think I don’t know my best friend’s license plate when she’s had this car for 4 years?” Your smile is amusing and Harry has missed this side from you. 
“Well done.” He drops the bags and starts clapping. 
“Make sure to mark my tally.” You walk past him and towards the house. Harry turns around, watching you walk. Specifically landing his eyes on your hips and watching them sway like you own the fucking world. It’s endearing and he loves it. He loves how sometimes you can walk the whole universe and own it, but he always loves how you shy away from things and look for reassurance. He loves it. 
You don’t turn around because with the smile and hint of blush that crept onto your face, it’s bound to be a disaster if he sees it. 
“Aye, aye, Captain.” He chuckles before picking up the bags and following your footsteps. 
͙⁺˚*・༓☾  ☽༓・*˚⁺‧
The inside of the house was opposite of what it looked like from the outside. While the outside was rustic and dark looking, the inside was light and provided very much needed natural lighting due to the big window that overlooks the lake. Sun shines bright through the window and into the house that it almost hurts to look out, but that’s Mother Nature at her finest. 
You head up to your usual bedroom that you claimed when you were younger, having taken trips to this house for so many years that your feet just subconsciously took you to your room. 
It remained the same: big window that led to a small balcony, wooden frame bed, and a mattress that is the perfect size and comfort for you. The walls were white, and with the light coming through, it made the room look even bigger. 
Usually you and Minny would sleep in the same room, but there were enough rooms so you two can have your own. But there were some nights where you would spend the night with her, and her, you. 
You hadn’t noticed Harry following you to your room, but when you hear bags drop onto the floor, you jump and turn around. “You scared me.” 
“Sorry, didn’t mean to. Thought you heard me following you.” 
“No, I didn’t. I was just distracted with my thoughts.” 
Harry leans against the door frame and crosses his arms. “What about?” He asks curiously. 
“Just… haven’t been here in a while, and I miss it.” He only nods, and it quickly goes back to silence. “Thank you for bringing my bags up.” This time, he smiles. 
“Not a problem. Let me know if you need anything else, Captain.” You chuckle. 
“Will do.” He leaves your room and shuts the door close, knowing you’d probably want to settle in and change into more lounge clothing. 
You sit on your bed, facing the window, and look out at the lake. You don’t know what you’re feeling. Before you saw him today, you would just get mad that you’re thinking about him, but that car ride broke every anger that clung onto your body. It was like your mind naturally reacted to Harry in a way that you couldn’t control. You can control anything else, but not with Harry. You naturally felt a pull towards him, and no matter how much you wanted to cut off the string you couldn’t. 
You had definitely missed the feeling of being around him, and that makes you angry. Angry at yourself because he hurt you. 
You try not to cry with the thoughts swirling in your head. You take in the beautiful view from your bedroom and tell yourself that you shouldn’t be sad because you’ve got a long trip ahead of you. 
As you changed into your lounge clothes, you headed downstairs to greet the family that was just back from the backyard. 
“Oh, sweetheart! I’m so happy you’re here!” Lina greets you with a warm hug. Dan does the same, giving you a bear hug. 
“Happy anniversary! How are you guys?” You ask the married couple. 
“We’re doing great! I’m excited this time has come again! We’ve got so much planned.” You smile at their excitement. They turned to look at each other and you can’t help but admire their love for one another, even after all these years. 
Yours and Minny’s parents’ love was like no other. You were pretty blessed to grow up around healthy relationships, and can’t help but feel so fond of the love they have for each other and wanting it for yourself. 
“The kids are still outside.” Lina kisses your cheek and Dan pats your shoulder before they head to the kitchen. 
You walk through the glass slide door that leads to the stunning view of the water that the sun reflects onto. You take a deep inhale in, breathing in the world’s scent. The outside is such a beauty that some people take it for granted. 
“Ahh!” The famous screams come from no other than Minny. “You’re here!” She runs to you and you engulf her into a big and hard hitting hug. Jackson also hugs you and runs his hand on top of your head, messing up your hair. 
“Dickhead!” You slap his chest. 
“How are you, other little sister?” 
“Oh, you know, here.” You say, not knowing what to say, so ‘here’ is usually your backup for not really wanting to say how you feel. 
Minny rolls her eyes, knowing you all too well for your liking. “How was the drive?” 
“It was…interesting.” 
“Well, that’s my cue to go.” Jackson walks back to the house, and leaves Minny and I to talk. 
“Was it that bad?” Minny asks worriedly. 
“No, it wasn’t bad. It was just awkward and there was tension between us. But then we started playing our famous road trip game and I started teasing him, and ugh! I smiled and laughed a little and I hated it.” You huffed and looked down. 
“What, why?” 
“I-I don’t know. I just… I was expecting to have the worst trip when he showed up at my doorstep, but my mind is taking over.” 
“Your mind or your heart?” Minny tests. You don’t reply. You just look at her, not knowing if she genuinely wanted a response or she was just testing you. 
“Why did you invite him?” You ask at the wrong time because you don’t hear the sliding door open, revealing Harry. 
“Hey, Minny.” He smiles softly at her and steps out of the house to hug her. Your breath was hitched in your throat, feeling guilty about your question because you didn’t hear him. 
“Hey, Harry.” She smiles back and hugs him. Once they let go of their embrace, Harry turns to you. 
“If you don’t want me here so bad, then the Captain shall be obeyed.” He teases, but you know that he’s more hurt than what he puts on. He puts on a brave face, but really you see it in his eyes that he’s hurt. You know that your question had hurt him and it was just the wrong timing to ask that. 
“I didn’t mean it like that…”
“Didn’t you?” His head turns slightly, knowing he’s trying to keep his annoyance intact. His voice is different and sarcastic. Minny senses the shift of tension, so she breaks it. 
“I invited him because he’s been my friend as long as you have, so he’s practically family too. He’s been to every trip as well, and besides, my parents love him.” She places her arm on Harry’s shoulder, and you can’t help but feel like they’re teaming up against you. Harry walks ahead of us and goes inside while you and Minny trail behind him. You know you shouldn’t think of it like that because they’re not, but you feel like such a downer once you found out that Harry was tagging along. “Let’s go in and eat lunch!” Minny changes the subject, feeling like that’s what they really needed. “By the way, which letters did he ask for?” Minny asks. 
“R.E.D,” you smile amusingly and roll your eyes, giving your best friend the ‘I know right?’ look. She laughs loudly, throwing her head back and clutching her stomach. 
“Well that was an easy win for you.” She says and you nod, before putting an arm around your shoulder, walking inside the house for lunch. 
Lina had prepared salad, homemade garlic bread, Brussel sprouts, and mashed potatoes. Dan had cooked his famous ribs, one that was his specialty ever since he was a young adult. They didn’t want to cook right when they got to the house, so they prepared it beforehand and took it with them. 
The six sat down at the table that was set in front of the window. Dan at the end of the table, Lina on his right, Minny right next to Lina, you on the other end, Harry next to you, and Jackson next to Harry. Everyone was loading food on their plates before passing it around or across the table, Lina making sure everyone got one of each. 
“Alright, eat up!” 
The conversation flowed throughout the table. The parents asked the kids how work was going, to which everyone responded that it was going well. 
“Harry, honey, is your mom and sister planning to stay as well?” Lina asks. 
Harry clears his throat and wipes his mouth before replying, “they might come at the end of the week—probably the weekend. Gems couldn’t get out of work, so they’ll only stay for a few days.” She nodded and turned to you. 
“Has your mother changed her mind? About coming?” She gives you a sympathetic look. 
“I don’t think so. She said she would call you later.” Lina smiles at that. Your eyes naturally gravitated towards Harry and he has a confused look on his face looking back at you, but you look down at your plate before picking up your ribs and taking a bite out of them. 
You listen to the conversation while you eat; Dan telling the table a story about a cliff diving incident that happened to Lina when they were in Greece, and the whole table was laughing their ass off, even though they’ve heard it a million times; it never gets old. 
You finished your rib and set it down on your plate before wiping your hands down, and before you went to wipe your lips, you felt a napkin, one that’s not yours, wipe your cheek. You turn and see Harry trying to get the stained sauce from your skin. 
“Thank you.” You say awkwardly once he’s done, and he gives you a smile followed by a chuckle. He didn’t mean to do that. He knew you were a messy eater and it was a habit that he wiped stuff off your face. A habit that worked well for the both of you, like you were a team. A natural born team. 
Once everyone was finished with lunch, it was nearing 2 p.m already, and the group decided to split and do whatever they please as they were going to be all together tomorrow and the rest of the trip. 
After everyone helped clean up the table and kitchen, you decided to take a nap before watching the sun set for the day. 
Your body hit the mattress and soft pillows that made you feel like you were on a cloud. The room was dark, thanks to the thick curtains that hung from the metal rod. The only light that was shown was a strip of it coming from the curtain not being able to close all the way. You snuggled your pillow, happy you’re finally getting some rest after a long day. 
When you woke up, it was still light out, but not as sunny as it was prior to your nap. You stretched your limbs out, relieving the feeling of any tense muscles from your sleep, and walked downstairs and to the backyard.
“Good nap?” Harry says from the lawn chair that is set on the grass. You rub your eyes, nodding while closing the sliding door. There’s a vacant seat next to him, and you’re not quite sure if you want to sit next to him or watch the sun disappear when your feet are in the water. “Want to sit here?” He asks as if he read your mind. 
“I can see that you’re debating if you want to sit next to me or not, so I can leave and you can sit here if you want.” He says, and you feel bad a bit. He already thinks that you don’t want him here, and he’s simply here for Lina and Dan. 
“It’s okay. You can stay. I’m just going to go by the water.” He only nods and you walk away. 
The water softly hits the shore and you feel the coldness of it hit your feet. It’s refreshing and cooling, hoping it’ll cool down your nerves and your mood. 
You cross your arms as you watch the sun slowly begin to set. The fascination you have with the sun is like no other. It reminds you of the feeling of hope and a new beginning; how the sun setting resembles the end of a story, a day. And tomorrow is a new day. 
You can’t help but think about your situation with Harry and how it’s hypocritical to be talking about a new story when you’ve been clinging onto his story. You feel a little stressed keeping the grudge and anger towards him bottled up because he hurt you bad, but you’re also still in love with him. 
As the sky turned from light to dark, you turned around to go inside, and to see if Harry was still sitting on the chair. But when you’re walking away from the water and towards the house, you see the chair empty, and you don't know why you have a sad feeling in your chest.
feedback or talk to me about this here!
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becca-e-barnes · 3 years
And you've no idea how many times a day I check your profile to see if you've replied to my ask. Usually when I find out you do, my heart does a little happy dance!🥰
And the plot thickens!!
He kept saying that he also stayed out because he saw a picture of my tits on my phone, and that he saw i sent it to jared. Uhm.. no you didn't? tf? I don't even take nudes? I hate taking nudes unless I'm sending them to someone I really like, which is barely ever. But you could have them if you'd like, yes, I said it!!
It pissed me off and I would punch my bf if I wasn't 5'0. Small as ever. I also feel like he made that up and said that bc he doesn't want to admit his faults. Cause he's honestly so childish sometimes it makes me frustrated. Often, he'll flip the blame on the other person. But anyways, he claimed that, and whenever I asked him about bree he would just turn it around and ask me about jared and what's up with that. Like you know that there's nothing up with that, so stop ignoring my question you fucking pillock. He was blatantly ignoring my question, so he def did something and I wanna know what the hell he did.
I checked his location on snap map like 10 mins after he went to work, and when I did, he was near bree's house and i only know her address bc she used to be less annoying so my bf and I went over there for parties. But then, she got too handsy so I stopped letting him go there. Not to mention the fact that he doesn't even work near bree's house at all.
Now im at my mums house and not talking to him after work because the snap map thing told me everything. Now I'm just sitting on the couch, watching my favorite movie (called But I'm A Cheerleader! It's great, I recommend), and thinking about you, my pretty princess. But he better get his shit together before I break up with him. My mum is telling me that I choose the worst arseholes in the world and he was good at first, but then I realised how everything went to shit after I had sex with him.
It made me think. Did I do something wrong with my body? Did I do this to myself by being a horrible gf? I cook him meals, make him lunch, take care of the pet, keep the apartment clean, try to please him as much as possible, and I feel like what I do is just not good enough.. Makes me feel like a shit person.
Sorry if that got dark!!
A few seconds later, I read what you said at the bottom of your answer to me and I feel much better!😩
Jesus it actually made my kitty flutter, and I actually fucking whimpered. I would probably be such a whore for you and moan your name so loudly. Oh god, I bet you could easily make me tremble, I'm not even gonna lie. I'd unravel under your touch and just let you pull me apart like cotton candy.🥴
PS, you can fight him if I find out he's cheating.
oh my goodness, you’re so cute!! I bet your happy dance is just adorable! I think we’re in really opposite time zones? Bc usually you reply in the middle of the night, when I wake up at 4am your ask is usually in my inbox!
That’s so fucking random, he thinks you’re sending pics to your friend? This man really is doing everything he can to justify what he did 🙃
Not knowing would absolutely kill me but wait you’re 5’0?! Omfg 🥺 I would hate the fact he even still talks to Bree tbh, Id be so sus of that never mind anything else
But that’s good! Enjoy your time at your mum’s and take really good care of yourself! Watch some movies, eat some junk and let yourself forget about everything for a while, it’ll do you the world of good!
But angel, you did nothing wrong, it certainly isn’t your fault and I really don’t want you to blame yourself!! He sounds like he’s just an asshole who doesn’t realise he’s got something great with you! Plus I would always refuse to do wifey shit as a girlfriend. I’ll make sure my contribution is equal to my bf’s but I’m the one who works! I wouldn’t be busting my ass to cook and clean for him if I can’t expect the same back! You’re not a horrible gf, in fact, you sound like a saint!! Please don’t blame yourself in the slightest 💗
Oh angel, that’s so cute, you thought you’d be the one edging me? That’s not how it looks anymore, is it? You went all soft and sweet and submissive so quickly. So adorable that you’re whimpering for me already and I haven’t even touched you. Sounds like you really need to be taken care of, sweetheart. Love how keen you are for me, hardly have to say anything to turn you into a sweet little mess
And brb, in my way to fight him if he did cheat. I don’t condone violence but I’ll make an exception
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imagineddworld · 4 years
Fake romance (Part 1)
Pairing: Fred Weasley x reader
Summary: The reader has ended things with her toxic boyfriend, but he keeps bugging her. So her friend comes up with a plan to finally get rid of him, involving a certain someone.
Word count: 3,1 K (3133)
Author’s note: I made up a name for the ex in case you don’t have an ex that sucks this bad. If you do, I am so sorry. Also I didn’t want to offend anyone who is named Eric. I just picked a random name, but the name will only be mentioned once or twice.  Hope you enjoy this. Had to split it in too parts, or it would get too long.
Warnings: underage drinking, depends which country you live in
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Dating such a prick was your worst regret. He was the most toxic person you knew, but never found the courage to dump him. He barely allowed you to talk to anyone, besides himself. All the while he could talk to as many girls as he wanted to. You only were allowed to satisfy his needs. He never paid attention to your feelings. He even had cheated on you before. So you finally mustered up your courage and dumped him. But of course he wasn’t pleased with that. He kept on stalking you and bothering you.  “You are going to regret that”, he said with a creepy smile plastered on his face, “Now you’ll miss out on this”. He tried to be seductive, failing miserably. He pushed you against a wall, keeping you there with his arms next to each side of your head. Luckily for you, one of the teachers interrupted him before he could do anything else. “Don’t you need to be in class?”, one of the voices called out to your relieve, freeing you from your temporary prison. 
But that was just the start of it. He made it his destination in life to remind you of his existence. Mostly in the worst ways possible. Whatever you did, he just didn’t want to get out of your life. He really ruined your life, even after dumping him. Every day you were anxious to run into him, afraid he would bother you again. Making you uncomfortable with his ‘seductive’ threats. You rarely could truly enjoy a moment, or he needed to ruin it. Trying to make you jealous, by trying to snog as many girls as he could. But it only disgusted you more. 
Even when the Weasley twins threw a party, for whatever reason they had, he needed to ruin the fun. Your friend had begged you to come, reassuring you that he wouldn’t come bother you. But once you had set foot inside of the room, you saw him standing in a corner. He had a big grin on his face, while he was surrounded by girls. He glanced at you, face lighting up with evil, before he pulled the girl to his left closer to him. Her hands immediately going to his hair and his to her bum. That was his way of trying to get you back. But you only fake gagged at the sight.  “Disgusting”, you said turning back towards your friend. “Indeed”, she replied with the same expression as you. “Probably after his snog, he”ll come bother me”. You made your way towards the drink station, taking two full glasses from the table, before turning back to face her. “Don’t worry about that”, she said while accepting the drink, “I told you before. I have a plan”. You fake laughed: “Oh yeah? And what’s that gonna be?” One thing you knew that was certain about her was that her plans rarely turned out good. “I call it the ‘fake it till you make it’ plan”. You raised your eyebrow in confusion, turning your head slightly to the right. “We’ll ask a guy if he wants to pretend to be your boyfriend for the night”, she stated as if it was an obvious answer. You lightly chocked on the sip you just took, coughing a little while staring in shock at her. You weren’t bold enough to do that. “That’s a bad ide-”, you only managed to stammer out, before she cut you off. “It isn’t. Trust me”, she smiled. You sighed deeply, knowing well enough you couldn’t get the idea out of her head. No matter how often you would say no, she still would push you to do so. “Just make sure it’s no one even slightly similar to”, you paused to glance at him in disgust, “you know who”. She nodded, slowly starting to make her way into the crowd: “Don’t worry, I’ll only pick the best for you. You know me”. “That’s why”, you yelled after her, before she disappeared completely. 
You were alone, making you a good target for your ex to come near. You downed the rest of your drink as a way to calm your nerves, the liquid slightly burning your throat. You quickly refilled, before anxiously looking through the crowd for any familiar faces. In the corner of your eye, you could see your ex’s figure nearing your way. You excused yourself as you bumped into dancing people, while trying to get as far away from him. The further you made it through the crowd, the harder it got to pass through. People’s bodies pushed against others, making you spill some of your drink. 
Luckily your friend had spotted your struggling figure, pulling you towards a less crowded spot where she stood with your new fake boyfriend. “There she is”, she beamed with excitement. You met eyes with a confused, but amused looking Fred Weasley. Before you could say anything or even look back at her, she pushed the two of you closer towards one another. “Alright, I’m going to go now. My job is done here”, she said, winking at you two. “Wait, no”, you tried, but she was already gone. Again. You loved your friend, but sometimes she could be a true pain in the ass. Always pushing you out of your comfort zone at the most random times. But at least she found someone you knew already.  The twins and you weren’t particularly friends, but you had talked quite some time with them. Also being a target for their pranks a few times, made the conversations roll easier. But that didn’t took away the awkwardness of the situation. The more you thought about it, the worse the plan seemed to be. 
“Uhm hi”, he said, breaking you out of your thoughts. You waved shyly, immediately hating yourself for doing so. “You wanted to ask me something?” Those words made you freeze in place. Your eyes went round, breath halting in your throat. He had to be joking, right. “Oh, Uhm.. Didn’t she explain anything to you?” He shook his head confusingly. “Of course she didn’t”, you muttered under your breathe, cursing at her for making you do this.  You started to show clear signs of anxiety. Your hands were sweaty and shaking, your eyes struggled to find an interesting place to look at. Your ears had a hard time focusing on any sound. All your senses got overwhelmed, taking a toll on your body. “Are you okay?”, Fred’s voice spoke, before he softly placed a hand on your arm. You met his eyes for a swift moment, immediately going back towards the ground. “Uhm, yeah.. yeah”, you said as one of your hands absently pulled on the hair elastic on your wrist, “Well, uhm.. actually.. no”. “What’s wrong?”, he asked with a hint of concern lingering in his voice. You weren’t quite sure if you should say it. It felt all too wrong. But as you saw your ex in the corner of your eye, snogging the thirth girl since the time you had entered the room, you felt more okay with it. “Well, Uhm.. how do I .. I say this”, you mumbled a bit, not really knowing if he had understood what you had said. You took a deep breath, trying to find some courage. “I dated this guy, but after I realized he was toxic and abusive, I dumped him. But the thing is, he won’t leave me alone. He tries to show me what i’m missing, by stalking and bugging me”, you rambled a bit fast, hoping he could follow. You weren’t sure if you could say it another time again. “So my friend had this ‘great’ idea to ask some guy to be my fake boyfriend for tonight. And she choose you”. As the last words left your mouth, you looked at him for the first time again. You were greeted with a confused looking ginger, mouth slightly gaping open. “You want me to be what?”, he said a bit absently. His mind clearly wandering off to some deep thoughts. The more you tried to find a reasonable explanation for this all, the less confident you started to feel. “I know it sounds insane, but.. She didn’t knew another way to get him off my back”. His following silence made you even more anxious. You just had screwed up your little friendship you had with him. Your eyes switched up to his, not even realizing you had been staring at your own shoes during the whole conversation. You saw him starting at you with a vague expression. “It’s a stupid idea.. you know what.. forget about i-”, you started to ramble again. “No, I’ll do it”, he interrupted you abruptly. “Really?”, you asked, not expecting anyone to agree to this stupid plan. “Yeah, I always thought he was a stupid, cocky idiot. I would love to see his dumb face when he sees us together”, he stepped closer to you, spotting your ex roaming through the crowd. Probably searching for you, or for his next snog victim. “Also, how could I deny the chance to be a beautiful girl’s fake boyfriend”, he added with a mischievous grin on his face. You laughed at his goofiness. Of course Fred Weasley wouldn’t let the chance pass to take the piss with someone.  He happily grabbed your hand and started to lead you towards somewhere else. “Come, let’s introduce you to my friends”. This made your frown in confusion. You already had met them before. Even having plenty of conversations with them. “I already know them”, you stated amusingly. “I know, but we need to start somewhere”. You shook your head while a smile formed onto your lips. This was going to be a hell of a night, filled with pure chaos. 
The two of you earned strange looks from his friends who were sat near the stairs, such as George, Angelina, Lee and some others. This plan would pull more attention than you had anticipated. “So, do I need to ask it, or are you going to tell me it yourself, mate?”, George asked his brother, looking at your intertwined hands. This made his twin laugh, before he looked at you for a conformation that he was allowed to explain the situation. You nodded shyly, softly squeezing his hand. They all knew your ex’s reputation. It wasn’t a good one, but to your surprise he still managed to get girls to make out with him.  As he told them the story, he reassuringly held your hand. Not dangly and loose, like most boys seemed to do. He actually held it, properly held it. His grip was just strong enough to feel it, but not too harsh that he would crush your bones. You had to admit, you quite liked it. You were even surprised to feel his soft thumb moving back and forth over the back of your hand. You liked how he didn’t abused this opportunity to take advantage of you. He truly made sure if you were alright. 
“That’s brilliant. I didn’t knew you were such the prankster, (Y/n)”, George laughed. You smiled weakly at him, still being very anxious of how the night would go. “If you got any other ideas for future mischief, let us know. We always could use new ideas”, George grinned, still very amused of the whole situation. “Well, I wasn’t the master mind behind this. Those credits go to my friend”, you said a bit awkward. “Don’t let them drag you in too deep though”, Angelina joked, “The boys get more detention than you can image”. “I’ll try, even though it sounds appealing”, You tried to joke around a bit, but couldn’t quite shake off all the nerves. Something Fred had noticed. So he softly squeezed your hand, pulling you a little bit closer to his side in hopes to make the rest of your stiffness disappear. 
“Oi, mates. I think we have been spotted”, Lee interrupted your small encounterment. Your heart immediately started to pounder. You subtly turned your head, to see your ex standing a bit closer to the group you found yourself in. He stood with his foot against a wall, a drink raised in his hand. A few girls surrounded his figure, all trying to impress him. But his attention only was on you. Now and then he took a big gulp of his drink, adding more to his already drunken state. Fred pulled his hand away from yours, which made you fear he would quite the plan. But instead he wrapped his arms around your waist. You noticed how he hesitated at first, but from where your ex was standing it looked smooth and confident. He softly pulled you into his side, all while making sure you were okay with it.  “Hey Eric”, he said and waved shortly to him. This made you sink into his side, your face burring in his chest. “No, don’t pull attention”, you groaned quietly. “Don’t worry about it, love. He won’t get the chance to do anything to you”, he said softly, while hugging you closer to him.  Your ex returned his attention back on the girls, annoyed at his previous sight. With that Fred softly let loose of you, giving you more personal space again. “Who wants another drink”, he asked, getting a reaction out of everyone. He nodded towards George and Lee to help him carry them. 
So Angelina took this opportunity to talk to you alone, while the others were busy with their own conversations. “What a night, huh?”, she said while stepping a bit closer to you. You simply nodded, unsure of what to do. “Also, your plan is amazing. Eric deserves it”, she went on. “I hope it works though”, you said while playing with the hem of your shirt. She nodded understandable. “Just make sure he doesn’t fall too hard”, she stated, making your look utterly confused. “What do you mean?”, you said slow, eyebrows knitting together. You really weren’t getting where this came from. She pressed her lips together, trying to find the right words to explain it with. “I think Fred likes you. I don’t know for sure though. We never talk about those things, but he doesn’t seem unhappy at all with this whole pretending thing going on”. A part of you wanted to believe her, but a big part didn’t. He could never like you. The two of you barely knew one another. Yes, you had talked plenty of times, even helped them with a couple of pranks and been a victim of them many times too. But you couldn’t be considered as close.  “You know how he can get when he gets the opportunity to prank someone”, you said, trying to make no big deal out of this. It would only result in you overthinking and overanalyzing things. Which was the complete opposite of what you wanted. “Oh, I know”, she smiled sweetly at you, “But this time it seems different”. Angelina winked at you, before she went back to her spot on the stairs. A subtle sign to show the boys were returning back. But this action also left you with a wandering mind. This all came so sudden. It felt like you were hit in the head. You stayed inside your head for a bit, until you felt a soft hand touch your arm. You shook yourself out of your absent state, happily accepting the drink, which you immediately took a big gulp off to stop your racing thoughts. 
Fred guided you towards the stairs, making you sit closer with his friends. You listened to everyone’s stories, laughing and joking around a bit. Just enjoying yourself. Fred had sat himself down a stair tread higher than you, his legs on either side of your body. He suggested you to lean back a bit which you gladly did, feeling the first signs of alcohol kicking in. You leaned your arm onto his leg, feeling pretty comfortable being this close to Fred. It made you feel warm and cozy. It made you forget your worries for a few moments. You smiled happily, humming in satisfaction, as you leaned a bit further into his body. You could smell his sweet scent of cinnamon, a freshly burning fire place and a hit of his cologne.   His soft hand grabbed onto yours, making you tilt your head slightly upwards so you could look at him. You raised your eyebrow, not knowing why he was being affectionate all of sudden. But your expression was enough for him to know what question you would ask. “What? Got to keep all the eyes on us when we are dancing”, he said casually, leaning a bit closer to your head so you could hear him more properly. “Dancing?”, you asked confused, but amused at the same time. None of you were so drunk that you wouldn’t be able to stand. But you sure felt the effect of the amount of drinks you already had. You were feeling dizzy, light-head and you were also a bit more wonky than usual, making you even clumsier.  He took the glass out of your other hand, and gave it to his friends together with his. “We need to entertain our lurkers, don’t we”, he said while pulling you up. You looked confused at first, but soon noticed a group of girls gossiping near your ex. “Are you ready, my lady?”, Fred asked, offering his hand for you to take it. You laughed at his fake royal accent, allowing him to lead you to a free spot on the dance floor. “Wooh, Kill it”, you heard Lee cheering from afar. This only making you laugh even more. 
You both started to dance sillily to the upbeat music, letting the rhythm flowing through your body. You were laughing and having fun, before all too soon the song faded and changed into a slow dance. A song unbelievably slow compared to the ones that were played all night. “That’s odd”, Fred commented confused, looking at the people leaving the dance room. “Oh come on, you can’t tell me George and Lee didn’t manipulated the jukebox”, you nagged jokingly. “Well, I wouldn’t deny that”, he grinned back, knowing his brother and friend all too well. He really regretted, letting them in on his secret. Of course they would tease him about it. Subtly to not spoil the news, but enough to torture him. Fred felt his cheeks warm up a bit, not entirely sure if he should step closer to you. He didn’t want to overstep some boundaries. He didn’t want to ruin the chance of growing closer to you, even if it was just as friends.
- To be continued -
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tsukidotcom · 4 years
Haikyuu HC to COVID-19 (Karasuno edition)
This is horrible 💀 im just so bored so I made whatever this mess is KFJSJDMSK enjoy
Hinata Shouyou
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huh? isn’t it just the flu?
“No, hinata. People have died from it-“
goes bananas
whenever someone sneezes or coughs, his soul leaves his body as he runs away to sanitize/wash his hands for a miserably long time.
eats an expired can of peaches thinking it’s his last resort
lowkey happy school is closed because homework sucks
but also highkey hates it because now all volleyball tournaments are closed
then gets all angry when he realizes he’d have to do online school???!!?? like wtf he got jipped.
thinks they could still do volleyball if they did online calls cus if the school can do it,, then vOLLEYBALL CAN
will probably miss half of the class calls from oversleeping/forgetting anyway.
sheepishly ask yamaguchi, yachi or tsukishima for help on assignments/notes. (he will NEVA ask kageyama. he’s always in competition with him here!)
still practices volleyball 24/7 in his backyard or room (maybe even with his baby sister??)
He’s really good at practicing all by himself from practicing all alone in middle school—
but will probably go crazy being alone all the time with his family. he just wants to play volleyball with the team again.
looks up “what to do when you’re bored” or “what to do at home while in quarantine” on youtube
Kageyama Tobio
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probably says he’s immune to the corona because he’s just better than everyone else
doesn’t really think it’s real until school shut down because of it
When he sees that corona is airborne he wont know what that means so he’d probably think it’s produced by air itself?? which makes him think air is trying to kill the human race?? and will be so confused as to why it decided to pop up now???
DESPISES online school. He had enough trouble understanding it from the gecko, so now he has to learn it basically all by hiMSELF?!?
And no way is he just gona email the teacher for help. If he does it’s gonna be only once in his lifetime. Anymore than that he thinks he’s doin too much. He doesn’t want his teachers thinking he’s dumb 😭
he says literally nothing during the calls he just tries to pay attention? and fails because he’s on a computer. in his room. alone. he’s bound to daze off or stare at a pen for 5 minutes.
Obvi still practices volleyball. Very much misses it. At least Hinata had his sibling to practice with him. tobio is a lone wolf in his household.
When his mom goes out to get groceries he gives her one of those doctor masks so she doesn’t catch corona.
Few moments later through the internet he realizes that corona is smaller than air molecules so if you can breathe through something you could still get it so he struggles for an hour thinking he just killed his mother
When his mom is back he keeps his distance in case she’s carrying the plague
omg did she just cough or am i imagining things no she definitely coughed she has corona oh oh god
In reality she was just clearing her throat.
is lowkey worrying about everyone and how they are 🥺 (yes, maybe even hinata).
thinks he’s science smart by calling it covid-19 than corona.
Asahi Azumane
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He just worries about everyones health
like he just imagines the worst case scenario’s and starts to get really worried if people got it. Always checks on everyone and asks if they’re feeling any symptoms of corona ❤️
He’s either not gonna get it or he gets it and dies there’s no inbetween
but he’s jesus himself so theres no way he nor anyone in his bloodline can get it
is very happy to know that dogs can’t get it.
Takes online school seriously and tries his best
And is honestly so sad school just ended??? even if it’s temporary, he could be learning, playing volleyball, and going about his day instead of staying in a cage. he’s a third year so—how would graduation even go..?
always is up to date on the news !! and notifies everyone if anything important is added/changed.
Always tells everyone to stay safe! Whether through text or before ending a call.
only buys a lot of toilet paper from the fear of there being no toilet paper in stock since evERYONE IS BUYING IT-
Starts to try new hobbies that he put off for the longest time cus quarentine is rlly getting to him.
Is all out a family guy so he doesn’t mind the extra time with his family.
Nishinoya Yu
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420 blazin’
thinks going outside means you’re instantly gonna die from corona attacking your white blood cells (????)
but also probably doesnt care as he goes outside like everyday to run around and get rid of energy (and to practice volleyball, of course).
also why is it called white blood cells when blood is red ☠️ smh
Buys 101611018320129 bags of chips because that’s his comfort food
yay more gaming time!!!
Noya🐒: Tanaka do u wana play minecraft 2getr latr?
Tanaka🍌: HELL YEAH!!
doesn’t shower for three days straight because screw personal hygiene!! No more school!!! Can do whatever he wanted!! It’s basically summer!!!
until he’s forced to do online school.
Is def the class clown. Probably somehow kicks the teacher out of the call through a little bit of hacking.
“alright guys so i’ll be you’re substitute teacher for the day-“
tbh acts the same as he would in school. maybe a little more rebellious because, i mean, what is the teacher gonna do? send him to DETENTION? call his mOMMY?
Calls/spams literally everyone in his contacts because he’s so bored and lonely. Answer him!! Y’all will be on facetime for hours!!
He’s fun to facetime.
Will call you a loser if you don’t have an apple iPhone because then he can’t facetime you and facetiming is one of his favorite things to do to pass time (besides gaming)
Okay but he lowkey still tries at school for the sake of his grades and his future ;-; maybe calls asahi or sugawara for help??
always looks up his homework on the internet to see if he can get an answer key or something (he did that anyway even before corona but)
will do one subject for 3 hours thinking he’s finally done with everythinf till he realizes he has like 4 other subjects and needs to do those too.
Sending memes all the time
Tsukishima Kei
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oh, what about corona again?
honestly could give NO fucks??. like ABSOLUTELY ZERO. nonxistent.
doesn’t even remember it’s still happening half the time.
is surprisingly very knowledgeable about corona.
he’s just smart and sciency¿ so he understands the ins and outs of corona like how it works and how its spread.
so if you tRULY want any update or background info on the corona virius, ask Tsukishima.
bitch don’t touch me you have rabies.
doesn’t care that he’s obligated to stay at home because he would have stayed either way. he very much likes being alone.
might go a little crazy cooped up in his room so he’ll hang with his brother/family or go outside before he says ‘okay that’s enough’ and goes back to his room.
isolation? oh okay *puts on headphones*
he rlly gonna be rocking it out in his room cus he can listen to music all day any day
developes a really bad sleep schedule since he had no way to get rid of the energy he got rid of at school.
still a huge tease so he says everyone has the corona virius.
is never online on social media which means he’s never up to date with his frIENDS. Doesn’t have a clue what those dipshits are doing and could care less (besides yamaguchi,, they probably facetime or call thru skype or something).
I bet the whole volleyball squad has a groupchat and honestly he puts all notifs on mute cus his phone keep goin DING DING DING DI DING ID DID IDKNG DING DIG
Brother: Omg why are you getting so many text messages?
Tsukki: Shut up
if he is online on the gc and he texts it would be simple replies like “Hi” “Okay.” “No.” “Goodbye.” and then he’s gone for another week
every first year is begging on their knees for tsukishima to give the answers or help them out and he obviously says: go do the hw yourselves idiots
besides yamaguchi!!!! again!! cus theyre gay for each other
maybe practices once in awhile with his brother or alone in his backyard but he doesn’t care
Tanaka Ryuunosuke
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buys 101817 pounds of toilet paper because everyone else is? but not because of the same reason as asahi. he thinks toilet paper is the cure to corona.
probably has a part time job at a grocery store so he still has to go to work 😭 i dont even know how he could have a job in the first place he’s probably always late-
still gamin with noya of course
also buys like all the junk food thats in stock. and since he works at the grocery store he gets a ton of coupons and deals.
texts Kiyoko everyday goodmorning ❤️❤️❤️ and goodnight 😘😘 texts just to be left on read.
“i love it when she ignores me !!!”
scrolls through tiktoks for 1000 hours to pass time
School Is For Losers!!
similar to noya, he thought it was basicaly summer until he realized they were gonna be doing online school. literally had a fit and said he didnt wanna do jack squAt
Laughs so hard when nishinoya somehow kicks the teacher out of the call he’s like laughing so loud and hard he starts crying
all of the sudden has a better view on school
gets excited when he sees nishinoya on the call
makes funny and ugly ass faces when the teacher isn’t looking. everyone laughs and the teacher’s like 🤨
probably uses the green screen effect so he can change hus background (somehow) and accidentally misclicks a file so a girl wit a bikini becomes his background for .5 seconds before changing it to a cursed meme:
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doesn’t get half the shit the teacher is talking about
but it’s okay because the half he doesn’t get is the other half noya gets
and the half noya doesnt get is the orher half tanaka gets
they’re two peas in a pod 🥰
until they try explaining it to each other and suddenly get confused?? mental malfunction ¿?
yeah im SMART!!!
s -
m -
a -
r - penis
t -
Daichi Sawamura
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quite calm about the whole coronavirus
like he knows it is serious and understands how it is spread but he’s still calm about it??
tells everyone to sanitize and wash hands on a regular. and social distancing!!
honestly still wakes up like he does on normal school days and does all his academics just fine.
he even does gym activities (besides volleyball) for 30 minutes to an hour!!!! he be running on that treadmil! getting stronk!
does each subject on his own for 20-40 min each day. he’s really good at self discipline
makes sure sugawara and asahi are up to date on school work and will gladly help.
sadly can’t help the first years (and probably second years) because that info is deep in his brain and basically forgot how to do it after a year or two of not using it.
VERY VERY VERY sad that volleyball nationals are cut off. this is his last year and for it to be??? gone??? just because of some flu?!?! hates it.
he wishes school to go back and still has hope that school will go back to normal in a couple of weeks (even though it’s a slim chance).
asks the teacher questions whenever he has questions. He’s also vv considerate so he’ll ask questions he knows the answer to but asks them for anyone who’s confused ab it/wants to ask but is too shy. (literally i lov daichi sm)
Eats a healthy amount of everything
asks asahi for any updates on corona even though he’s quite up to date himself. he just wanna make sure he didn’t miss anything.
also doesn’t mind being around his family. he’ll do more chores around the house to help his parents out :> he’s literally perfect wtf
def does worry about everyone in the volleyball gc and anyone else he has contact with. Will also email classmates and ask if they’re doing all right. Even away from volleyball he’s a team player ☺️✌️
Is happy for the rest of the day when asahi tells him dogs can’t get corona.
Yamaguchi Tadashi
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doesn’t know what to believe anymore
keeps in touch with everyone!! always online 24/7 on social media, vball gc, you name it.
Literally everyone is acting so normal why are people so calm am i the only one worrying about this and the worlds future like this year has been really bad so far for not just me but the whole nation actually the entire world honestly like war almost broke out in january and now this corona stuff is really buttering my crissont the wrong way-
Even though tsukishima literally gives No Fucks, yamaguchi is the complete opposite.
like tsukki and yamaguchi call on skype and eVERY TIME yamaguchi starts with ‘how have you been? do you feel sick at all? have you drank enough water today?’ and so on
“What are you even worrying about?”
“Well...what if you get the corona virius?... it can be deadly, you know!! Thousands of people have died from it!!! The fact school is shutting down and people are panicking is making me feel like i should be panicking-“
Tsukki will then snarkily reassure him it’s fine and people their age are the least likely to get it bad.
Yamaguchi will feel a little better afterwords
“Thank you, Tsukki!”
Tsukki will ‘tch’ it off
Even though he gets really good grades he has triuble finding motivation to do any school work?? doing school work in his own home? 😐
His home was kinda a place he can chill whereas school is a place he can be fully focused
but now his home is ALSO school??!!?
Luckily he understands the work, at least.
When he sees tsukishima on the call, too, he instantly says hello.
“Tsukki!! Hey!! 😁”
“Shut up.”
“Gomen, Tsukki.”
Yeah. Even when they aren’t at school, he’s still the same as always.
He takes extra care of his family and always stays in touch with other relatives. Especially grandpa and grandma. THE SECOND he learned elderly people are at more risk you bet your ass he’s calling them making sure they’re okay. He checks up on them everyday now.
He peobably practices volleyball a little, too. He’s more focused on schoolwork though.
Sugawara Koushi
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Have you guys ate dinner yet? 🥺
obviously checking up on everyone
he would fail as a mother if he didn’t.
Actually reads in his free time?? He finally has time on his hands to read these books so.... here we are!
Wakes up at a scheduled time everyday (minus weekends. Maybe sleeps for an extra hour or so).
He dresses in pjs rather than actual clothes because he’s not going anywhere with this social distancing thing.
Always tries to lighten the mood when all the students are on the online call. Maybe crack some joke or innocently play around with the effects.
He still pays close attention in class and does quite well on his own. No help from his parents! He can do everything on his own! He a big boi!
Does homework really well, too. Probably does extra work or more work than needed just because it makes him feel good afterwords.
Honestly i can see him cooking in his free time. If he doesnt feel like reading or scrolling mindlessly through his phone, he gonna cook.
Will make the best cookies in the universe.
Honestly isn’t too good with exercise so he might gain a few pounds or grow the smallest chub 🥺🥺🥺 he would be so cute omfg.
is realy involved with his family!! they play a board/card game every friday night and have the best time.
if he has a dog, cat, or literally any animal you know he’s gona be hanging with them since he has more time.
Still! Playing! Volleyball! I mean by now every boy is practicing at least a little bit. He would probably be in his backyard playing volleyball with his family. Theyy’d set up a net and everythin! They’re all rookies at it but he still cherishes the moments with them.
It’s honestly still practice. Better than nothing
He talks about how his family plays volleyball and everyone is so jealous like 😭😭 makes him more grateful hearing half the volleyball team saying they have to practice alone.
Watching youtube videos of random videos/vines making him giggling.
“Hey, Dachi, look at this video.”
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dyscrasia-eucrasia · 4 years
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Part 11
Angel spent most of the next morning nursing an excruciating hangover. He hadn't even had that much to drink, but he still spent a good amount of time hunched over, retching into the toilet. When finally his stomach had settled enough to get a sports drink down, he crawled back onto his futon and pulled a blanket over his head. 
He intended to spend the rest of the day like that, napping and forgetting the night before, but sleep eluded him. He tossed and turned fretfully until finally he grabbed his phone from the end table and checked his notifications. 
His Instagram notifications had been going off all night, to the point he finally silenced his phone, something he never did normally. There were notifications for followers, comments, likes - and one tagged picture from Clayton's account. 
His stomach dropped and he thought he was going to be sick again. He didn't want to look at it, but he knew he had to. He needed to know if his entire social media career was over. He couldn't stand that thought. He couldn't stand the thought of going back to being a nobody so desperate for cash that he quit school to strip. He didn't want to be just a face in the crowd again. 
He hesitated a long time before tapping the notification. The Instagram logo came up on the screen and he was presented with a picture of himself and Clayton. Clayton had his hands on either side of Angel's face, and was forcing his mouth onto Angel's. Angel was tagged in the post, but all the caption said was 'West Virginians know how to party'. There was no mention of the fight, no acknowledgement that Angel looked completely surprised in the photo. 
He scrolled through the comments. They were all hearts or eggplant emojis or declarations of jealousy. 
That was Instagram for you, he supposed. Everything sanitized for public consumption, worst qualities twisted into aspirational ones. 
There was no way he could possibly talk about the attempted assault now. He'd just look petty and attention-seeking. He'd get accused of being a gold digger looking for a pay-off. 
And the worst thing about it was that when he checked his own profile, he found that overnight, he'd smashed past ten thousand followers and was edging close to twenty thousand. His follower count had more than doubled, and he didn't even care. It had happened the wrong way. This wasn't the kind of attention he wanted. He didn't want to be seen as Clayton Howard's hookup. 
Morbid curiosity compelled him to check Youtube. Sure enough, Clayton's vlog channel had posted a new video about Charleston, but it mostly covered the daytime as he and his crew had run around the city being obnoxious to locals. Angel's stomach twisted. God, he could see so clearly now how everything Clayton did was an act. An especially grating one, at that. How had he ever had a crush on this guy? 
And then there was Angel on screen, smiling into the camera and throwing up a peace sign as Clayton wrapped his hand around his shoulders. The rest of the video was made up of rapid cuts - walking to Broadway, drinking Fireball shots, dancing. Then a shot that mirrored the photo on Instagram of Clayton kissing Angel, his friends hooting in approval. The video cut to Clayton shouting at the camera for the viewer to buy his merch and subscribe to his channel, and that was it. Video over. His disgusting behavior completely edited out, Angel's fate left in question. 
Angel put the phone down, turning onto his stomach and burying his face in his pillow. He felt like trash. Literal trash, in that he'd been used and tossed away. And nobody even knew it. Nobody would care. After all, he had less than 20k followers. 
He stayed like that for a long time, face pressed into his pillow. Tears came on and off, but he didn't even feel sad. He mostly felt empty. He was nothing, a nobody. A fake persona for the internet to consume and then throw aside. A pretty face that got views. Content. 
His phone rang. He ignored it. It stopped. He continued to lay there, feeling awful. 
Time passed. He wasn't sure how long - he may have dozed off at some point. But then the phone rang again and brought him back to the present. 
He couldn't hide from the world forever. 
He lifted his head and turned to look at the phone, precariously balanced at the edge of the futon. His eyebrows came together in confusion. That wasn't the name he'd expected to see on the caller ID. 
"Hello?" He asked, bringing the phone to his ear. 
"Hey dude," Demie replied. Angel noticed for the first time that despite his tone being monotonous, there was a warmth under Demie's words. His voice was rich and deep, like the ringing of a gong. 
"Demie?" Angel asked. Of course it was Demie. But still, he was surprised. "What… what's up?" 
"Just checking in on you, man. You seemed super out of it last night." 
Oh, that was right. He'd called Demie. He couldn't remember much of the conversation, but one part did stick out in his mind. In his drunken state, he'd told Demie he liked him. And Demie had replied in kind. 
For the first time that day, his heart didn't feel like a cold heavy lump of metal in his chest. 
"Yeah. I'm okay." Angel lied. 
"You sure? You seemed… I dunno. Out of it." 
"I mean…" Angel took a deep, shuddering breath. When he spoke again, he had to fight to keep his voice from cracking. "I just… I really looked up to his guy, but now I know he's a complete ass, and I can't even talk to anyone about it, because they'll just take his side." 
"Yeah, fuck that guy," Demie said, and Angel couldn't help but smile. It was just the way Demie said it - he had no idea who Angel was talking about, and his tone didn't even change, and yet it really felt like he meant it. 
"Honestly, I feel like garbage," Angel said. "I just keep thinking about it over and over and I feel so fucking stupid."
"Yeah, uh…" There was a pause. "Do you wanna listen to a song I've been working on? I dunno, might make you feel better."
"The Orpheus one?" 
"Nah, it's an older song. It's part of this concept album Mar and I were planning about the Trojan war, but Mar moved before we could finish it."
"What's it about?" 
"You know who Achilles is, right?"
"Uh… he had a weak ankle, right? That's why we called it the Achilles Tendon." 
"I mean… that's the really short version of it, yeah. So Achilles had this best friend, Patroclus, who gets killed by Hector of Troy. And Hector takes Patroclus' armor, and that pisses Achilles off, so they fight. So Achilles wins and kills Hector, but instead of giving him funeral rites he ties him by the ankles and drags his body around outside the walls of Troy." 
"That sounds… intense, but okay." 
"Cool, hold on a minute." 
There was some scuffling in the background, and when Demie came back it was clear he was on speakerphone. 
"Okay, ready?" He asked. 
"Sure. Hit me." 
Angel could hear an acoustic guitar. The melody wasn't what he'd expected - he'd expected something fast and brutal, like the stuff he'd heard at the concert. But instead this was slow, plodding, like a funeral march. 
Then Demie's voice came in, low and resonant. Even over the phone it made Angel's sternum vibrate. He sang slowly, deliberately, drawing notes out in long holds. 
The lyrics talked about Achilles, about the pain he felt. It described how he lost a half of his soul, and how he sought revenge. But it wasn't a huge, bombastic revenge - it was a bitter one. The Achilles that Demie sang about couldn't heal the hole in his heart, and so he took it out on Hector. He didn't hate Hector, though, and he felt shame for the way he treated Hector's dead body, and he knew it would lead to his own eventual downfall.
It was a song about the cyclical nature of revenge, and of loss. Angel didn't even notice until the song ended that he was crying. Not silent tears, either - he was actually sobbing. 
There was a clatter as Demie picked up the phone again. 
"What'd you think?" He asked. 
"Holy shit, man," Angel choked. "Holy shit that was so fucking deep." 
"How'd'ya feel?"
"I--" Angel wanted to say that he felt like shit, obviously. He had already felt like garbage and then Demie had gone and sung an incredibly depressing song to him, clearly it would just make things worse. 
And yet, it hadn't. He didn't feel bad at all. In fact, he felt fine. Good, even. Like he was rejuvenated. It was as if the previous night hadn't even happened. 
"I feel better," he admitted.
"Cool. Hey, uh… be careful and stuff, or whatever." 
"Yeah. Yeah, thanks." 
"Cool, see ya." 
"Okay. Thanks. B--" The line went dead before he could tell Demie goodbye. 
He sighed, turning over onto his back. His entire body felt lighter, and the tune of the song swirled around in his head. He wasn't sure what had just happened, but it was like Demie's voice had healed him. His hangover was gone, his anxiety was gone. He wouldn't necessarily say that he was happy, but he felt… good. 
There was one thing he was certain of, though: he was falling fast and hard for Demie. Not in the parasocial internet crush way he'd felt about Clayton Howard, but in an organic way. Demie had been there for him twice now, despite virtually being strangers, and each time he'd come away feeling better. 
Not to mention, the way Demie had sung about Achilles and Patroclus had been so powerfully, painfully gay. 
He wanted so badly to see Demie in person.
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lieblxng · 5 years
I’m sorry I haven’t really been active recently. I have this blog free of my personal issues for many reasons, so I won’t go into any details. You can look below if you’re interested in the handful of details I’ll give in the cut. I’ll keep it short, but I suffered rather big emotional problems recently that took so much out of me. One of them, actually roleplay-related. I’m going to therapy, thankfully, and have been for over a year, and I have an amazing support system of wonderful people I love. Still, it’s really difficult for me to handle these issues, and it’s the most broken I’ve gotten in a long while.
I’m going to be a bit inactive because of these reasons (I need to be in the best mental state to roleplay, unfortunately–and I don’t want to tarnish the quality of my replies by just throwing stuff out when I’m not ready), so I apologize for that. Just know, I’m not leaving. I’m just starting to push myself in the FE and the Splatoon, but the Pokémon community is an incredible place I’ve grown attached to, surprisingly. I say surprisingly since I got anxiety attacks from seeing all these fancy blogs and long rules because I was all too used to the very chill Cookie Run RPC. I was worried I wouldn’t fit in, but when I came back from my hiatus in November, I’ve found so many roleplaying partners and even befriended some of them. I feel like I finally have a place in this community, and that I’m not a stranger. Pretty good for only a few months, huh? I’m entirely thankful for all the people who have given me chances and who have interacted with me. Even more thankful for those who have stayed and loved my interpretations!
I really mean it when I say roleplaying is for me to cope. I’ve been coping with it for, what, nine years? It’s something that I’ve gotten close to people from, and I’ve made unbelievable friends that I still have, years later. I even met my partner from these roleplays. It really is something that’s been helping me throughout all the chaos of my life in reality, and something I don’t know what I’d do without. So again, I want to thank everyone who has helped me and has had fun with me! I know it takes me forever to reply, but I value every roleplay I get and I don’t want to stop any of them. My motivation changes too infrequently to my own dismay, but I applaud those who don’t get angry at my low-attention span. Thank you! Now, below, will be the major reason for my sporadic activity that will involve personal issues (talking in heavy detail about abuse and a lot of it). Only go down there if you want to and if you’re able to handle such dark topics.
I will be vague as not to upset anyone–originally I was talking heavily of this, but I found it too graphic and too much of my vulnerable state being seen out in the open. I write this while my anxiety is attacking me, so that isn’t good either. Anyhow, I’ve been suffering all my life in an abusive household, physically and verbally. I remember my mother always insulting me harshly if I bothered her, hitting me as well. The worst of the emotional and physical abuse is from my older brother though. I dreaded whenever something bad happened, as he would always cause an entire fight for the family to get sucked into. Not just arguing, but full-on physical fighting. I remember trying to stand against my brother, and my mother was the only one to stop him from beating me into pieces. So much chaos, I can’t believe we’re still together.
Fortunately or not for me, I have the worst memory and I forget a lot that happens to me, but that doesn’t mean my feelings change easily. But at the same time, they do. I forget the bad things they do, I give them chances, something terrible happens. Rinse and repeat. This has been going on for years and years, and while the chaos has calmed down in a sense, it’s still an ongoing thing. I’ve developed anxiety and depression, so these things are even worse to me. I handle them better, yes, but at the same time, I’m more broken from it all. I can’t continue it anymore.
I’ve always wanted to move out of here, but as my mental health worsened over the years, so did my general performance. I was considered to AP classes when I was young and in school until I took such a heavy hit from everything. Then, I couldn’t even handle normal classes. I had the goal of going to college, to both better my life, and to finally be able to live without being with my family. However, now, I’m unable to due to how much I struggled. I would struggle even more in college and waste thousands of dollars doing so. It’s not worth it.
I can’t be here anymore. Fortunately, I’ve been asked to live with a friend of mine, though I was very unsure if I could, since my mother hangs like an overbearing hawk over me. I’m an adult, yet I have to ask to go to places. I have to write such an essay on who I’m going with. It’s downright irritating and demeaning. I’ve never been free until I recently started to hang with one of my friends from school. We drove in the night, even at 3 AM, doing what we pleased without even informing my mother of all the details. It was honestly the most fun I’ve ever had in my life, even if we were just screaming around like idiots. He’s the only one my mother trusts, but lately, my mother has been guilt-tripping me and accusing me of hating her and everyone in the family, all because I’ve been going to friend’s houses, and not inviting them over. Like, petty highschooler drama business, it’s really sad. She’s nearly 60 years old, and yet she still acts like that. I can’t invite anyone over in the place I hate the most. It’s a whole trip just getting the courage to ask, and it hurts to have shit thrown at me for it. I can’t even stand being here, so why would I bring people I love dearly to such a horrible place? I got an anxiety attack when my friend just entered my house to say hi to my mother a few weeks ago.
I’m going to get out of here, no matter what it takes. I hate this environment, it’s unhealthy for me and I’m not going to be my siblings who decide to stay despite everything bad. I finally got my ID recently (by my therapist; my mother would always say she would help me get it, but she never did–no matter how much I kept reminding her) and while it’s been difficult to find a job that doesn’t deal with Amazon or food (I have anxiety issues with fast-food chains, as my mom would always yell and insult the employees every time we went there), I need one so badly. I’m going to save much money as I can, so I can be prepared for moving out of this place. It’s hard for me to be so pro-self-care about myself, but I deserve better. No one deserves to be in such a toxic home. Hell, this place never felt home to me. I always looked forward to going to school to seek asylum, despite me being bullied there–anything was better than this house. Now that I’m grown and graduated, I don’t have that safe space anymore.
I’m going, whether she likes it or not. I’m going to talk about this to my friend when we next meet up, but I’m also going to take steps to get closer to achieving this goal from my therapist. I don’t even have to tell her I’m going, but I want to leave a message for her when I leave so she doesn’t hunt me down or say I’ve been kidnapped. My therapist said something to me that I’ve been trying to remind myself: I’m an adult, and I can do whatever I want, and I don’t have to ask permission from anyone or tell anyone what I’m doing. She has no legal ties to me since I was a ward of the state when I was a child, meaning she only had guardianship over me until I was 18. I’m nothing to her. I’m so afraid of making her upset or getting her angry at me, I nearly broke down mid-session at the thought of it. After all, I’ve been spending my years, hiding my real self away so I can blend in and not get myself killed in this place. It’s been damaging.
I feel like I’ve talked too much of this, but I did seal it off with a warning and a read more. I think I needed this though, I needed to let out my feelings out on a document. I wanted to sound more enthusiastic about leaving, so I apologize for that and talking so much about this. I will never talk about my personal life negatively again, and if I do, it’s something big. Just in case, I will be making a new tag (TW Personal), so if you don’t want to see this stuff, you can block the tag. Thank you, for whoever has read this far. You didn’t need to, but I’m ever appreciative and I admire how you could survive this heavy content. Take a rest if you can, alright? I love you!
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Every Single Time | Lee Jeno
Genre: well floof ofc
Word count: 1.8k
A/n: I wrote this during my online class at school today for no reason other than avoiding ap Spanish yikerz. N e wayz it's kinda clichè and cheesey but I hope yall enjoy it nonetheless :)
It's one of my last fics in my jb song series!! Based off this Jonas Brothers song
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To say you'd been in love was an understatement. More specifically, you had been in love with one (1) boy for five (5) years. Who is this boy, you ask. Well, none other than your very best friend, Lee Jeno.
You'd been crushing on him since eighth grade and have been friends for essentially your whole lives. The thing is, Jeno has always had other crushes and girlfriends. Of course, being that you two are besties, he tells you all about this and it lowkey highkey breaks your sensitive little heart.
To be fair, you have also had your fair share of boyfriends. Freshman year you dated Lee Donghyuck and later, Huang Renjun. The only reason you ever said yes to them was in hope of getting over your crush on Jeno. However, it never seemed to work and you were still left, well, crushed. Sophomore year you dated Chenle, but you two discovered that you worked much better as friends. Lastly, during your junior year you dated the school flirt, Na Jaemin. Everyone wondered how you managed to get such a renowned hottie. The thing is, Jaemin is another one of your friends so he knew about your crush. You two only went out because he was getting over his ex as well.
Now, in the middle of senior year, you find yourself sitting at lunch, mindlessly staring at the boy you're hopelessly in love with.
"Hey, y/n! Are you good?"
"Hmm? Oh yeah, right. Yeah I'm fine," you barely managed to convince Jeno after he caught you. Chenle gave you a knowing look from across the table, to which you responded with a glare.
As odd as it was, Chenle is still one of your best friends and he knows about your ongoing crush. In fact, he was one of the first people to tell you about it, because you were too dense to realize it yourself. Quite frankly, you think that may be the reason your exes dumped you, they could see your feelings for Jeno. However, it seems that you're lucky enough because Jeno has yet to catch on.
"Y/n, I think you should just confess. What's the worst that could happen?" Chenle suggested.
"He could hate me," you respond coldly.
"Okay yeah, but that would only last for the rest of senior year. Then, you'll both go to college and, if need be, never see one another ever again." :D
"Wow. That makes it sound so much better," you say in a sarcastic tone.
"Who knows, y/n, he might actually like you back. I get the feeling he does."
"What makes you say that?"
"Let's make a bet. 20 bucks says you won't confess to Jeno before winter break."
"I don't want to make any bets I know I'm going to lose," you pout.
"Fine then. 20 bucks says Jeno will confess first."
"That's a bet I can win."
"That's the spirit, y/n!"
"Because Jeno doesn't have feelings for me so he'll never confess!"
"You're hopeless."
"C'mon Lele, he's always surrounded by other girls. I wouldn't even have a chance."
"Okay, but you've dated other boys too," your friend reminds you.
"That's different. Throughout high school I only dated boys to get over Jeno." You paused briefly before continuing, "but it never worked. Every single time, I keep on going back. He's always on my mind. It doesn't matter what I do." You finally looked up at Chenle again only to find him fast asleep on your bed. Late night study dates with Chenle were always like this: deep conversation from you but snooze from him.
You sat impatiently in your physics class, waiting for the bell to ring. As you turn your head to check the clock yet again, you are met with Jeno's eyes staring back at yours. "Y/n," he started quietly, "you should be working on your project right now not staring off into space. We only have 2 more days before it's due."
You throw him a shy smile, blushing at his observation of you. "You're probably right," you whisper back. Instead of listening to his advice, you go back into staring off. This, however, was not to your advantage because he began to wonder about what Chenle said. Maybe you should just confess. What if Jeno actually does reciprocate your feelings? You turned to face him again only for your thoughts to be interrupted by his knowing look.
"Y/n, don't make me say it again. You need to finish your project so you don't have to finish it all in one night like last time." Of course. How could you forget the last project that you made Jeno stay up all night to help you finish on time. It's not your fault that he's much superior in physics. Oh gosh. There's no way he could feel anything for you when your literally so stupid! Yes, y/n, you are just so so stupid smh.
You checked the time on your phone. 3 am. Another all nighter to finish your dumb project. Okay so maybe Jeno had a point the other day. As you set your phone down it began to vibrate. "Hey Lele," you answer after reading his caller ID. "I'm sorry but I cant talk now because I need to finish this project. Why are you even up at 3 in the morning? If this is some lame attempt to convince me to tell Jeno about how I feel, it's not gonna work. He obviously doesn't like me back."
You waited for a response, but the line went dead. Maybe it was just a butt dial. Or a PRANK!! THAT LITTLE PIECE OF CRAP! Calm down, y/n. It's physics time right now.
Jeno sat at Chenle's desk, helping him study for his Calculus test tomorrow. "Chenle, you are just like y/n, always waiting until the last minute. I should call her. I bet she's pulling an all nighter right now to finish that project."
"That's not fair. We can't help it that we don't have the same level of intellect as the great Lee Jeno," Chenle mocked.
"No. You two are just bad when it comes to procrastinating. My phone is dead, can I use yours?" Chenle tossed Jeno his phone and he quickly dialed your number. You answered almost immediately. Stupid y/n, staying up so late.
"I'm sorry but I cant talk now, Lele, because I need to finish this project. Why are you even up at 3 in the morning? If this is some lame attempt to convince me to tell Jeno about how I feel, it's not gonna work. He obviously doesn't like me back."
The boy sat there, his mouth a bit agape. "Jeno. Jeno. Yo! Jeno what did she say?" Chenle finally recovered Jeno's attention.
"Oh, right. Yeah she just said she was busy and could talk right now. And then she hung up," he lied just a little. "N E ways. Back to limits. If the x in the denominator is..."
As you walk into school the next day, you are caught a bit off guard. Jeno was waiting for you at your locker. "Hey, y/n," he smiled brightly. How could anyone not fall for that? "Did you have to stay up all night again for your project?" He asks, playing dumb.
"N-no. Not all night," you argue despite him assuming correctly.
He laughs a little. "You're cute when you try to lie." And with that, he walks off, leaving you flustered at your locker. The warning bell rings and you quickly gather your things for your first class. Not that it'll matter. There's no way you could focus now.
The rest of the day was fairly normal until lunch. You sat down next to Chenle like usual, but Jeno was acting a bit,, unusual. He was looking at you almost lovingly and it was starting to get a little creepy. <( ̄︶ ̄)> "Isn't y/n just do pretty today?"
Chenle just kinda looked at you like (>д<)which you responded with 乁། ˵ ◕ – ◕ ˵ །ㄏ
"What do you mean, Jeno? Is y/n not pretty everyday?" Chenle questions him.
"Oh. Of course she is pretty everyday! But today she is extra prettyyyyy," he draws out the last word adding to his cuteness.
You obviously wanted to join the conversation as opposed to awkwardly sitting silently but you couldn't come up with any words. You could feel the red tint burning across your face, but it's not like you could stop it. "Uh oh. Y/n is blushing. That must mean you like me too, huh?"
"What?" Your mouth hung open. Earth to y/n!! Did you hear that right? Did he really just say too? Say something!
"Ha! That's 20 bucks, y/n! I knew you couldn't tell him first," Chenle screeched, only briefly capturing the attention of the lunchroom. After the students returned to their own lunches and conversations, Jeno continued:
"I asked if you liked me. Of course, I already know the answer."
"Then why do you ask?" You reply rather innocently.
"Because I want to hear you say it again."
"Again?!" You question at the same time that Chenle shouts it.
"Yeah, again. Y/n confessed to me on the phone last night," Jeno elaborates. "So if that was some sort of bet, well, she won I guess."
You nearly died of embarrassment. "Wait so that wasn't Lele calling me yesterday? It was you? And I just-"
"Wait Jeno, you said she just hung up after explaining that she was busy," Chenle argues.
"Did I forget to mention that part?"
"Oh my gosh. I can't believe I did that. Ugh," you complain while facepalming.
"So, are you gonna say it?"
"Do I have to?"
"If you want to hear me say it again then I have to hear you say it first."
"Fine. Jeno, I have had the biggest crush on you since middle school. I really like you."
"Y/n, I have had a crush on you for some time as well. I really like you too," and of course to make matters even worse for your flustered state, he adorns his confession with that signature smile that makes your heart go we got that BOOM BOOM.
So yeah, y/no is the ship of the school. Y'all cute or whateva. Jeno always takes you out on fun dates like roller skating or bowling. He is also SUPER CLINGY which you didn't know back when you were only friends. He loves loves loves to cuddle and can almost always be found with his arms around your waist like a koala.
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hockeyluver-1995 · 5 years
Chance Meetings- Morgan Rielly Story Chapter 14
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Chapter 14
Word Count: 3.1
Trigger: talks about being in a manipulative relationship.
December 26th, 2018
Morgan message me his flight itinerary the day he left for Vancouver. He was scheduled to arrive home early in the morning so being the good girlfriend that I am, I decided to head over to his place so that I could bake him some treats as well as surprise him with some lunch.
Morgan had given me his spare key, so That way when he got home I would already be there and breakfast would be ready, and then we could spend the rest of the day in bed in each other’s arms. Technically we had only spent a couple of days apart, but for some reason, it felt like an eternity.
I had just taken out the healthy muffins that I made out of the oven when my phone started ringing.  I looked at the caller ID confused as to who was calling me from an unlisted number, curiosity got the best of me and I clicked answer.
“Hello?” I questioned as I brought the phone up to my ear.
“Babe,” said the voice that I recognized right away. My heart dropping into my stomach the second I heard his voice. The voice that at one point in my life, I loved hearing and it was the voice that I craved hearing.
“Lucas,” I replied with an annoyed tone, “why are you calling?”
“I made a big mistake, I should have never let you walk away,” he took a deep breath before continuing on his speech. “What I did to you was incredibly stupid, and I lost the best thing that had ever happened to me because of it,” Lucas said as he sniffled into the phone, obviously, I could help my think that he was acting slightly emotional to mess with my head.
I always thought that Lucas would make a better actor than hockey player solely based on the fact that he was good at manipulating me into doing whatever he wanted.
It took me stepping back from the situation and leaving him for me to realize just how much of our relationship had traits of being kind of emotionally abusive. Now that I am with Morgan, I look back at my relationship with Lucas and I realize that it was never 50/50. It was always about him his wants, his needs, and his dreams.
“Are you kidding me right now, you have had over a year to say this but now that I am finally happy and am in love you phone me expecting me to just forgive you and get back together with you? Like you didn’t shatter my heart?” I yelled as I started pacing back and forth.
“Are you also forgetting the fact that YOU cheated on me with countless women for two years? You made me believe that we had a future, that I was the one who you were going to spend the rest of your life with, we even talked about our future children.”
I didn’t even get to finish what I needed to tell him when he tried to interrupt me.
“Hold on it gets worse… when you got caught you tried to manipulate me into believing that you would change. But I guess what they say is true ‘once a cheater always a cheater’.” I took a deep breath and continued “Morgan makes me feel like I am a priority, and he most definitely does not make me feel like it’s an inconvenience to love me.”
“Hails, I promise you that I have changed and that I am a better man than Morgan. I bet he doesn’t know how to make you feel the way I did.” He replied a cocky tone coming out in his voice.
“You are unbelievable!” I screamed into the phone frustration evident in my voice, as I paced back and forth.
“Morgan is more of a man than you will ever be. He makes me feel as well as treats me 100 times better than you ever did. And you better believe that means in the bedroom as well.”
“And unlike you, his actions speak louder than his words. And he truly loves me and doesn’t just make empty promises to get me into bed. I bet you’re just jealous that he got the girl and he is a better hockey player than you. Who plays full seasons in the NHL, instead of being a player who spends most of his season in the AHL. The fact that you think you can phone me and manipulate me into leaving him, proves to me why I will never get back together with you or any other guy for that matter.” I said as I smirked into the phone. I knew what I said was harsh but in my mind, he deserved it, especially after everything that happened between us. I finally dared to tell Lucas everything that I have been bottling up since the night I left him. I honestly believe that being with Morgan has created a sense of self-confidence within myself, and has showcased a strength I never knew I had.
“This isn’t over.” He muttered as he hung up the phone.
I had just hung up the phone when Morgan walked into the apartment. He was hoping that I would already be at his house when he came home from the airport. Even though it had only been a couple of days he had missed me like crazy and he couldn’t wait to have me in his arms. A big smile formed on his face when he noticed my boots and jacket hanging near the front door. But what caught Morgan by surprise was the fact that I didn’t rush to greet him as soon as I heard the front door open. My plan originally was to surprise him by wearing one of his dress shirts and jumping in his arms. However, the phone call from Lucas threw me for a loop. Right away Morgan could tell something was off and walked further into the apartment.
“Babe!” He said rushing over to the couch where I had the blanket wrapped tight around my body, creating a sense of comfort.  Once sitting down beside me he pulled me into his arms so that my body was in his lap and my head was buried in between his neck and his shoulder. “What happened? Are you hurt?”
I took a deep breath and inhaled Morgan’s cologne before muttering one work “Lucas”
“Oh babe, what did the asshole want?” He questioned as he kissed my forehead.
I looked up into his blue eyes before putting my lips on his neck and mumbling,  “I love you and I am so thankful that I am with you. You are one of the best things that have ever happened to me.” I pulled away and kissed him on the lips pouring every ounce of love I could muster up.
“I love you double infinity Hails, but what did he say to make you so upset?”
I quickly sat up straight in his arms and started explaining exactly what Lucas said.
“He said that he saw the post about us that you made on Instagram. He begged me to take him back, saying that cheating on me and letting me go was the worst mistake he has ever made. I then yelled at Lucas saying that he has no right saying those things and that you make me feel like a priority and not some chore he hates doing.”
Morgan looked me in the eyes pulling me closer to him if that’s even possible.
“I promise you that I will never let him hurt you again. You are my girl and you are stronger than he even knows.” He said smiling, before continuing “You are beautiful on the inside and out. You are everything I could ever want in a teammate and my partner. I can not wait to see what our future brings us and I will not be letting you go without putting up one hell of a fight.”
“Mo, know that I am not crying because I miss him. I am crying because I’m so angry with him because he still thinks he can play with my emotions and manipulate me into being with him.”
Morgan nodded his head as he placed his hands on my face pulled my chin up a little so I was looking in his eyes.
“I hate what he did to you. I hate the fact that he hurt you. But it’s his loss, and because of his actions, he lost the best thing that has ever happened to him. Because of his actions, I found you, and I fell in love with the love of my life. Because of him, I get to hold you in my arms, I get to hear your contagious laugh that makes me smile every time I hear it. I get to see the way your eyes sparkle when you do the things you love and most of all I get to show you every single day how much I love you.”
A tear rolled down my cheek as I listened to Morgan’s words. His fingers reached up and wiped away my tears as he slowly placed his lips on mine.
When we pulled away I buried my head in his neck as he pulled me even closer to his chest. In one swift motion, we were standing up as he carried me into his room. He slowly placed me onto his bed as he handed me his Apple TV remote, “choose any movie you want, even a romantic one and I will be right back.” He said as he leaned down and kissed me once more before heading towards the kitchen.
I was still searching through Netflix when he walked back into the room with a basket full of junk food, and a bouquet. They were the flowers that were slowly becoming my favourite flowers, every time he gets me flowers they are the same bouquet. My face lit up at the fact that he must have gone to the grocery store quickly to purchase everything needed for our day in bed.
He set the flowers down on the bedside table before he pulled out his phone connecting it to his portable speaker.
I couldn’t help but giggle as Morgan played the song ‘Whoever Broke Your Heart’ by Murphy Elmore.
I was not prepared for what happened next... Morgan started singing the song while looking deep into my eyes.
As he was belting out the words he slowly started to sway his hips and reached up to take off his sweater.
I’m sure all you could hear were my giggles as I watched Morgan remove one piece of clothing at a time at a teasing pace as he serenaded me.
Morgan grabbed my hands pulling me into his arms, as we slowly started swaying to the beat of the music. I fell more in love with him at this moment as he sang the lyrics in my ear... lyrics that seemed to be written for us, they seemed to fit our situation perfectly.
It must have been a funny scene to watch, us swaying to the music. Morgan only wearing his boxers and I was wearing one of his long sleeve shirts that just covered my bum.
It’s moments like this, moments when we are so consumed in each other that time seems to stand still. Moments that I wish could be caught on tape so that we could have video memories of just how in love we are, for us to look back on, to reminisce about the beginning stages of our lives together. Memories that we could show our children one day so that they could see just how in love their parents are and exactly how much they love each other even before they got married and had children.
Once the song was over Morgan picked me up in his forearms and spun me around before kissing my lips.
Seconds later I was being thrown onto the bed as he dove on top of me laughing.
“God, I love you.” I murmured as I patted at the space beside me in bed.
He rolled over so that he was not squishing me, laughing as he pulled me into his chest. Giggling I grabbed the remote and clicked play as we started watching the movie ‘the proposal.’
“What are your plans for our 9-day break at the end of January?” Asked Morgan as he looked down at me, the movie playing in the background.
I shifted my position so I could see him better, “well I have the week off so I was kind of hoping you would tell me what we would be doing.”
Morgan’s face lit up at my reply “well we are either going to San Jose for the all-star games or Vancouver.”
“Well, I may have jumped the gun a little. I asked Jess and Tom a couple of days ago for time off when I noticed the big break in your schedule. So I am free to follow you where ever you go.” I said as I blushed a little bit, waiting to see his reaction to the fact that I just assumed he would want me to tag along on his break.
Morgan smiled even bigger than I thought possible as he kissed my lips.
“Perfect! Because I think my parents love you more than me at this point. They couldn’t stop talking about you during the Christmas break.”
I started giggling once I heard that his parents wouldn’t stop talking about me. “Well I’m guessing the same thing will happen with my parents, they can’t wait to meet the guy their daughter is in love with,” quickly adding, “the last part is their words, not mine.”
Morgan laughed as his eyes lit up, at the fact that my parents were just as excited to meet him, as he was to meet them.
“I know we are having junk food, lounge in bed all day kind of day to forget about Lucas but we do need to talk about the fact that we play Vancouver at home on Jan 5th.” Said Morgan as he absentmindedly rubbed his hand up and down my arm an action that made me feel calm.
“Please do not worry about me, because I’m not worried at all. Just play your game because I know Lucas and he will do anything to get under your skin. You are a better player than him, he is an AHL player who is fighting for his chance to play in the NHL.”
“Hails you also don’t need to worry about me. I already know he is jealous of me, I got the girl of my dreams and I am living out my dreams of being an NHL player.
“You’re slowly becoming a star in the NHL, working your way to being one of the best defensemen in the league. How many goals and assists do you already have and it’s only the end of December?”
Morgan quietly mumbled “13 goals and 31 assists,” before saying, “I’m having my best year yet, and it all started when I met you. I believe it’s because I have you in my corner supporting me, loving me, and cheering me on every day.”
We were laying in bed enjoying each other’s company as we ate junk food and talked.
I was scrolling through my Instagram feed when I saw that my best friend from Vancouver had just gotten engaged.
“Omg,” I squealed, as my smile grew wider as I thought about my best friends future wedding.
“What?” Questioned Morgan as he smiled at my reaction.
“Look,” I said as I tossed my phone towards Morgan. “My best friend Brittney just got engaged!” I exclaimed as I lunged into his body, catching him off guard.
“Uff,” he gasped trying to catch his breath as I knocked the wind out off him with my elbow.
“Whoops,” I giggled as Morgan took some deep breaths trying to regain his normal breathing pattern.
“Can I look at the picture now? Or should I be prepared for you to take my breath away again.” Morgan teased as he grabbed my phone once again, to look at the photo.
“Well you should be used to be taking your breath away, it’s a daily occurrence.” I joked as I settled back into Morgan's arms as he held my phone out in front of us.
“Wait, that’s my friend Ryan from back home,” he stated as he zoomed in on the picture.
“No way,” my eyes widening at the fact that Brittney’s fiancé was one of Morgan’s friends from home.
“This is so crazy!” He shook his head at the fact that we had a mutual friend.
“I can’t believe our friends are engaged and it took you moving to Toronto for us to meet. Can you imagine what would have happened if we just happened to be at the same party when you were living in Vancouver.” He kissed my forehead and pulled me even tighter.
“I think we met when we were supposed to meet. I have a feeling that if we had met when I was in Vancouver, I would have tried to avoid you. For a while, I was avoiding every male like they were the plague, just because of what happened with Lucas.” I said as I looked up at Morgan, slowly leaning in for a kiss.
“So how did you meet Britt?” Asked Morgan, as he still couldn’t believe that I knew his friend Ryan.
“We met my first year at UBC, we were both studying at a cafe when she sat down beside me. We started talking and we hit it off so she invited me into her friend group and I guess the rest is history.”
“I’m kind of mad at Ryan!” Stated Morgan shaking his head smiling.
“Wait, Why?” I questioned.
“Because he didn’t even try to set you up with me, he must have known you were the perfect girl for me.” His answer caused me to giggle as I said, “well you are going to have to take that up with him.”
“I’m going to text him right now,” Morgan said as he grabbed his phone from the side table.
I quickly sent Britt a congratulations text, and layback down in Morgan’s arms enjoying the rest of the movie.
Finally at peace after an emotionally draining afternoon, I slowly fell asleep in the comforts of his arms.
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blancheludis · 5 years
Iron Man Bingo 3000 Masterpost
I actually managed a blackout @iron-man-bingo
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Thank you all for reading!
1. Panic Attacks + Overdose + Protective Rhodey - Brittle Iron
Characters: Tony Stark, James Rhodes, Howard Stark Warnings: Sucide Attempt Words: 8.534
Summary: MIT is Tony’s safe haven, at least until Howard visits and threatens all the good things Tony has built there, mostly his friendship with Rhodey. Giving into the panic building inside him is only the first step down a slippery road he is not sure how to recover from.
2. Stony Soulmate Tattos - leave the gun on the table
Characters: Tony Stark/Steve Rogers, Bruce Banner, Clint Barton, Bucky Barnes, Pepper Potts, James Rhodes Words: 31.049, Chapters: 5/?
Summary: Tony meets his soulmate under the worst possible circumstances. It is not just a kidnapping gone wrong. It turns out Steve and his gang picked him on purpose and they want some personal revenge. If only he had managed to say the words written on his soulmate’s arm before they threw him back out into the streets.
3. “You’re a disappointment.” - Puppeteer
Characters: Tony Stark, Steve Rogers Words: 4.490
Summary: “You,” Tony says as he looks down at the trembling body of Steve Rogers, “are a disappointment.” It’s too bad that Fury wants Rogers on the team anyway.
4. Afraid of the Dark - Under These Stars
Chracters: Tony Stark, Morgan Stark, Pepper Potts Words: 1.777
Summary: Morgan knows about irrationality. There are no monsters under her bed, but she is still afraid of the dark. Luckily, her dad is always there to be her personal night light.
5. Avengers Found Family - In This House We Dance With Ghosts
Characters: Tony Stark, Clint Barton, Phil Coulson, Natasha Romanoff Words: 3.158
Summary: On the first anniversary of Phil’s death, Clint is left to grieve him alone. When Tony stumbles over him, he has a choice to make. Being a team means being there for each other, even though emotional support is not actually his thing. In the end, it is no choice at all.
“I’m fine,” Clint says, and Tony does not believe him for a second. “You do know what fine means, yes?” Tony asks, “Feelings inside not expressed.”
6. Hanahaki Disease - Forget Me Not
Characters: Tony Stark / Steve Rogers / James “Bucky” Barnes, Howard Stark Words: 8.332
Summary: A whole bouquet worth of flowers ends up on their bed the night of the wedding, the colours almost sombre. “Well,” Steve says and stops unbuttoning his shirt, “I guess we married for nothing.”
- Tony is dying from unrequited love for Captain America, who is first a dead hero and then a very alive one just as disinterested in Tony as Howard had always promised.
7. High School AU - Plausible Deniability
Characters: Tony Stark / Steve Rogers, Clint Barton, James “Bucky” Barnes, Natasha Romanoff, Bruce Banner Words: 9.498
Summary: “You’re staring at Tony’s ass again.” Steve can’t help himself. Just like everything else about Tony, it is great. Too bad no one knows they are in a relationship. He has a feeling that no one believes his protest either way.
8. MIT Era: First Meeting - see the man (but not the light)
Characters: James “Rhodey” Rhodes, Tony Stark Words: 3.592
Summary: Jim Rhodes had plans to enjoy his college years to the fullest. These plans dissolve into thin air when he gets settled with the white rich kid. Anthony Stark is a mess, and Jim will do his best not to be dragged down with him.
(That resolve lasts about a week until he first saves Tony from himself. From then on, there’s no escaping fate.)
9. Peter & Tony Post Endgame - In Memoriam
Characters: Peter Parker, Tony Stark, Morgan Stark Words: 2.151
Summary: After the war with Thanos is over, Peter goes to talk to Tony Stark’s headstone, trying to make sense of the guilt he feels. He doesn’t exactly think he’ll find answers there, but he has to try. Luckily, he’s not alone.
10. Power Swap - Thunder In Your Heart
Characters: Thor/Bruce Banner, Tony Stark Words: 4.775
Summary: It would have been too easy if the spell only made Thor an expert on nuclear phsyics and Bruce able to swing Mjolnir. Instead, Thor is turning green, battling with the Hulk stuck in his body, and Bruce cannot touch anyone without shocking them with the electricity flying from his fingertips. Meanwhile, New York is living through the longest thunderstorm in recorded history. Nothing is ever simple where the Avengers are concerned.
11. Tony vs. Air duct climbing Clint - Operation Pest Control
Characters: Tony Stark, Clint Barton, JARVIS, Bruce Banner Words: 4.102
Summary: Getting his eyebrows singed off once is not enough for Clint and he keeps trying to get into the workshop. Tony has fun thwarting his attempts. Naturally, they turn it into a war.
12. Avengers Game Night - Ignorance Is Bliss
Characters: Thor/Bruce Banner, Tony Stark, Clint Barton Words: 1.849
Summary: Stumbling over three naked Avengers in the towers' living room is not enough to surprise Tony anymore. What he cannot quite explain is how they roped Bruce into it. He's supposed to be the one with common sense. Thor's presence might explain his lapse in judgement.
13. Ironfam Take Out - Nutritional Value
Characters: Tony Stark/Pepper Potts, James Rhodey/Carol Danvers, Happy Hogan/May Parker, Morgan Stark, Peter Parker, Harley Keener Words: 3.223
Summary: Once a week, the whole extended Stark family meets up for dinner. That means unbridled chaos and too much food. Tony did not think he'd ever be this happy.
14. “I wish I never met you.” - Truths Better Left Unspoken
Characters: Howard Stark/Maria Stark Tags: Family, Howard’s A+ Parenting, Maria’s A+ Parenting, Implied Child Abuse Words: 1.323
Summary: “I wish I’d never met you.” Tony loves his mother, he really does. In this moment, however, he also hates her with all the might his five-year-old heart can manage. He has no doubt that she is speaking the truth, but from the way Howard’s fingers dig so much harder into his shoulders now, Tony knows it will not be her who will regret her words the most.
15. “I don’t need you.” - Extracurricular Love
Characters: Tony Stark/Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, Bucky Barnes, Clint Barton, Bruce Banner, Howard Stark Tags: Established Relationship, College, Friendhip, Howard’s A+ Parenting Words: 15.589, Chapters: 3/3
Summary: “You’re staring at Tony’s ass again.” Steve can’t help himself. Just like everything else about Tony, it is great. Too bad no one knows they are in a relationship. He has a feeling that no one believes his protest either way.
16. Morgan Stark - Love Makes The World Spin Around
Characters: Tony Stark/Pepper Potts, Morgan Stark Tags: Family, Tony Lives, Post-Endgame, Fluff Words: 2.284
Summary: Morgan Stark is seventeen and smart. She could have followed in her father’s footsteps and skipped some grades to go to college early. Other than her father, however, her home has never felt like something she needs to flee from. She has always been loved. Sometimes that makes telling the truth all the harder.
“I don’t want to go to MIT.”
17. There’s only one bed - No Rest For The Wicked
Characters: Steve Rogers, Tony Stark Tags: Friendship, Angst, Only One Bed, H/C Words: 3.525
Summary: On a secret mission for Fury, Tony and Steve get stranded in a small town during a snowstorm. There is a motel with a free room - only that it has just one bed. While Tony already has fantasies about cuddling with Captain America, Steve takes offense to the idea of sharing a bed with Tony.
18. “So you betrayed me with Uncle Rhodey” - Mission Accomplished
Characters: Tony Stark/Pepper Potts, Morgan Stark, James Rhodes Tags: Iron Family, Fluff, Humour, Protective Tony Stark, Precious Morgan Stark Words: 2.244
Summary: “I said I didn’t want to be disturbed,” Tony snaps at FRIDAY, wondering why he bothers to put the workshop on lockdown at all when that is going to be ignored anyway.
“Distress calls from Miss Morgan take priority over that,” FRIDAY replies coolly.
Tony is moving before she has even finished talking.
19. Superfamily Spider-Man ID Reveal - Occupational Hazard
Characters: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, Peter Parker, JARVIS Words: 3.782 Tags: Stony, Precious Peter, Protective Tony, Protective Steve, Family
Summary: It is merely by coincidence that Steve and Tony find out that their son is Spider-Man. Once the initial yelling is over, they might even admit they are proud of him.
20. Dad!Tony + Sick Kid - Call Me Maybe
Characters: Tony Stark/Steve Rogers, Peter Parker Words: 5.797 Tags: Sick Peter, Single Dad Tony, Protective Steve, Getting Together, Humor, Fluff, Family
Summary: When Peter falls sick, single dad Tony is hopelessly overwhelmed. He is told he needs chicken soup. Surely the super hot stranger living next door will have some. And Steve, being an all-around good guy has no idea how to make chicken soup either but delivers nonetheless. Meanwhile, Peter, even while he can hardly leave his bed, manages to play matchmaker, because clearly his dad does not know how to get any on his own.
21. Self Sacrifice - Sisyphean Task
Characters: Tony Stark, James “Rhodey” Rhodes Words: 3.773 Tags: Protective Rhodey, Tony Needs A Hug, MIT Era, Angst, Friendship
Summary: “Sometimes I don’t want to be sober ever again,” Tony says quietly. “It’s easier like that.” What a world they live in, Rhodey thinks, that he has to teach Tony Stark about love.
22. Stony Accidental Marriage - In Sickness and in Health
Characters: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark Words: 2.144 Tags: Accidental Marriage, Drunken Wedding, Humor, Fluff, Love at First Sight
Summary: Steve is drunk and falls in love head over heels with Tony. Marriage is the logical next step. Now, if only the wedding night would never end so they won’t have to wake up.
23. Withdrawal - Just One (Is Never Enough)
Characters: Tony Stark, Obadiah Stane Words: 2.540 Tags: Alcohol Abuse, Addiction, Withdrawal, Stane is a Villain, Sick Tony, Angst, Hurt No Comfort
Summary: Tony knows the criteria for diagnosing an addiction since Pepper has helpfully supplied him with a flyer once or five times. He is not an addict. He could stop. It is not withdrawal making him feel miserable. That is just his life. At least Obie understands that and helps - even if that means putting a bottle of whiskey in his hand at eleven in the morning. Tony is fine.
Thank you for sticking with me through this!
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distant-rose · 6 years
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Carousels and Pretzels
Notes: @welllpthisishappening​ is an amazing person and I will never forget the day we met and started chatting and realized we know a lot of the same places. This is a dumb and purely indulgent fic that is full of Albany/Capital Region references most readers might not understand but admittedly, they’re only meant to be understood by one person and that’s Laura. She’s a phenomenal person, literally one of my favorite people and just an all around amazing human being who doesn’t get enough recognition for just how perfect and wonderful she is. Anyway, this was going to be a much longer fic but I kinda ran out of time. Also, Druthers has better pretzels than Brown’s, fight me. Summary: Emma Swan takes a job at Hoffman’s Playland with the hope of not running into anyone she knows from UAlbany. Instead, she runs into Killian Jones, a former lacrosse athlete whose tragic accident she covered as a story back in February. Word Count: 2,000+ Rating: T+
Hoffman’s Playland wasn’t Emma’s first choice of summer employment. If it were up to her, she would have been working for the Troy Record all summer, but their internships weren’t paid, and Emma had to rent to account for and she refused to hike all the way up to Lake George to work the depressing lunch shift at King Neptune’s again. 
It wasn’t the worst place in the world to work. Though she was forced to wear the ugliest combo of a polo and cargo shorts and the staff break room constantly smelled of Subway, her coworkers were pretty okay and was only a thirteen-minute commute from her apartment in Troy. Furthermore, it was monotonous enough that she could spend her days plotting how she was going to run the Inklings magazine this year and whether or not she should apply to grad school or try to apply for a job at the Times Union while she’s finishing up her last year.
Another plus was no one knew her at Hoffman’s aside from Mary-Margaret. It made everything easier, especially after her huge breakup with Neal and the amount of rumors of drug use that circled around afterward. They had broken up not longer after his dorm got raided and he tried to pin his stash of pot on her, nearly getting her expelled from the school. The last month of Spring Term was awful and she was lucky that most of her newspaper and literary magazine friends stood by her or else she wouldn’t still be in school, let alone have made it as the sports editor of the Albany Student Press and Inklings in the fall.
Still, the way things went put a bad taste in her mouth and she hoped that it would too stale for anyone to care about by the time that September rolled around. With most of the clientele of Hoffman’s being families with small children, she’s highly doubted that she would know anyone who went there.
Until she did.
Actually, that wasn’t entirely true.
Emma didn’t know Killian Jones personally, but it was a name and face she’s gotten to know well over the past three years. While she had never truly met the guy, it was imperative that she knew of his existence as a staff writer for the student paper and then later on as the girlfriend of Neal Cassidy, the starting lacrosse goalie.
His name wasn’t one that was said with fondness, but usually disdain. The name Killian Jones was generally premised by the use of the word “fuck”, “screw” or any variety of obscenity. There were three reasons for this hatred: 1) he went to Siena, UAlbany’s cross-town rival, 2) he played lacrosse and 3) he was good at it.
At least he used to be.
In February, he got into a car accident in Troy, a mere three streets away from her apartment. It has been a nasty one, which ended in the loss of not only his girlfriend’s life and his hand, but also his lacrosse career. She remembers quite clearly writing up the article on it for the Albany Student Press and then later on the party that had been thrown by Neal in celebration of his fallen adversary. Neal had hated Killian with a passion and the two of them had gotten in a fight during a game last year, which ended with a picture of Killian punching Neal square in the face on the front page of the Times Union sports section. 
Emma, on the other hand, felt bad for him. Despite the fact she had attended Neal’s horrible party, she had argued that it was in poor taste. Killian might have been “the enemy” but what happened to him was horrible and alongside reading a very sympathetic article on his behalf, she had even sent a condolence card.
Since then, Emma hadn’t so much of heard or seen anything on Killian Jones until he was standing in front of her, wearing a green Siena lacrosse sweatshirt and jeans in the middle of July and holding the hand of a small blonde girl no older than six.
She was so stunned by the fact he was standing in front of her that she did little more than stare at him for a good few seconds. She completely forgot to give her greeting and safety spiel.
Luckily, she was saved by his little companion.
“Um, hi.”
“You’re pretty.”
“Thank you. You’re pretty too,” she replied, laughing at her awkwardness. “What’s your name?”
“I’m Alice! What’s yours?”
“I’m Emma,” she smiled. “Would you like to go on the ride?”
“Yeah,” Alice beamed before tugging roughly on Killian Jones’s hand. “Uncle Killy, give her a ticket!”
“Right,” he mumbled, fishing through the pockets before handing her a crumbled ticket.
She deposited it in the proper container before starting up the ancient carousel. The old music croaked through the speakers as it slowly started to move, but Alice didn’t seem to mind. It’s obvious to Emma that she’s pretending that the horse she’s riding was real, and the sweetness of the scene filled her made her smile.
Still burning with curiosity, she glanced back at Killian. He was standing a few lengths away and watching his niece with his forearms practically stuffed into the front pocket of his hoodie. As if sensing her glaze, his eyes shifted in her direction. Despite the urge to look away, she often him a small smile instead. He didn’t return the gesture.
When the ride stopped and Alice hopped off, he took her hand and left without a word. Only Alice turned back to give her a wave. Emma returned it tentatively, wondering if she upset him and swallowing her questions.
She didn’t know why she cared so much.
Much to her surprise, they return the next day. This time, he was wearing a pair of khaki shorts and a leather jacket despite the fact was nearing a ninety-degrees. Again, he didn’t speak much, letting Alice do all the talking. They show again the next day and the day after that; each and every time Emma had tapped down her inner journalist to keep from asking questions that were burning in the back of her throat. What happened to you? Why do you wear long-sleeved shirts? Why do you keep coming to this ridiculous 1950s amusement park?
Following Wednesday was a cloudy and humid day and there was only a handful of people in the park and none of them seem interested in riding the carousel. Emma fought the urge to play on her phone. Despite the horrible weather, Killian and Alice showed up yet again. The little precocious girl handed her a fistful of tickets.
This time Killian stood closer to the operator stand, practically hovering over her shoulder. He and Alice had been coming every day for nearly a week and a half now, and never before he had stood so close to her. She did her best to ignore him, focusing all of her attention on the little girl on the painted horse.
“How many times do you think she can ride that thing before she throws up?”
She nearly jumped at the question, turning to face him with surprise. He wasn’t looking at her, his eyes trained on Alice, but Emma could tell he was waiting for a response.
“I don’t know,” she answered honestly. “Depends on how strong her stomach is, I guess?”
He nodded. A few beats passed before he spoke again. “You look tired.”
“I haven’t been sleeping well,” she admitted. “I don’t have any air conditioning and my room in my apartment is kinda like a hot box.”
“That sucks. We don’t have AC either, but we’ve kinda be taking to sleeping on the porch since it’s screened in.”
“I don’t really have the option. I live in Troy.”
“Oh? Where? I’m familiar with it.”
“Let me guess? Bootleggers?” Emma asked sarcastically, without thinking. Bootleggers was a well-known college bar a few blocks away from where she lived and it was known to be frequented by obnoxious underage Siena students with fake IDs. It was constantly being shut down and reopened.
Killian laughed, a loud and boisterous sound that caught Emma by surprise once more. She had never seen him look so animated.
“Maybe, when I was a baby freshman, but I would like to think my taste level has gotten better since then. So, yeah, you located? Lansingburgh? North Central? The Hill? Sycaway? 
“Downtown. Third street.”
“By Brown Bag burger place, right?”
“That’s on Fourth street, but yeah, pretty close. More by the Ruck.”
“I love that bar. They have great wings.”
“They do and they’re less expensive than Brown’s. One of my roommates is a bartender there. David. He may or may not give us free pitchers occasionally.”
“Brown’s is expensive, but it’s good beer. I love their oatmeal stout. Their pretzels with the honey mustard are amazing.”
“They do have good pretzels but the one at Druthers are better.”
“Druthers? Isn’t that in Saratoga? It’s a bit hike, isn’t?”
“No. There’s on in Albany on Broadway,” she responded. “It’s not too far from the Pump Station and Old English.”
She was almost embarrassed about the fact that she often referenced locations by the bars in the neighborhood. In her defense, she had lived in the Albany area for nearly three years and have been involved in more Birthday tours than she could count.
“You’re a bit of a foodie, huh?”
“I used to write for the local eats section of the Albany Student Press my freshman and sophomore year before they switched me over to a different section,” Emma chuckled. “Needless to say, it was a bitch to keep off the freshman fifteen when you’re eating at every cool and exciting places across the Capital Region every week.”
“Sounds like a hardship.”
“For my scale, yes, it was,” she laughed.
When they ran out of tickets, Emma wasn’t sure who was more disappointed, Alice for no longer being able to ride the carousel or Killian for having to end their conversation. He reach forward and gave her shoulder a squeeze.
“You here tomorrow?”
“Same time, every day.”
“Good. I’ll see you then.”
He didn’t disappoint. This time not only bringing his niece, but also a large Dunkin Donuts coffee as well. Emma stood in shock as he handed it to her.
“I figured that you would like this since you’re not sleeping lately.”
“You didn’t have to do this.”
“No, but I wanted to.”
“Because you treated me like a person and not some wounded animal,”
“Oh…” She didn’t know what to say to that. “We just talked about food.”
“And it was the best conversation I’ve had in a long time,” he responded, lifting up his arm, which was once more covered by a Siena lacrosse hoodie. He pulled it back to expose the scarred stump left behind by the accident. “Yesterday was the first time I talked to someone aside from my niece who didn’t mention or talk about my accident. I felt normal again.  Coffee is the least I could do.”
“You’re welcome, I guess. Seriously. Thank you. It’s the nicest,” she said, taking a sip and giving him a small smile.
Growing impatient with the conversation, Alice tugged her uncle’s sweatshirt.
“You didn’t ask her yet,” she told him impatiently, not at all impressed with her uncle. He looked amusingly chastised for someone being told off by a six-year old.
“I was just getting to it.”
“Well, ask her so she’ll let me on the ride.”
“Okay, okay, Miss Pushy,” he responded with a roll of her eyes before giving Emma an apologetic grin.
“Ask me what?” Emma prompted him with a question.
“Well, if you’re not doing anything later, would you mind going to Druthers with me and, you know, having some pretzels and comparing them to Brown’s?”
“Just pretzels?”
“Well, and a beer or two? Perhaps maybe even dinner?”
“He likes you and wants to be your boyfriend,” Alice stated, crossing her arms in front of her chest and huffing at Killian.
“Well, that’s a good thing because I like him too,” Emma laughed. “And, yeah, we can go to Druthers and depending on whether or not, he agrees Druthers has better pretzels, maybe, just maybe, I’ll be his girlfriend.”
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monohart · 6 years
green tea. (college!au)
ft. wong yukhei and post-midnight fluff.
i wrote this for a friend but she doesn’t know i wrote it for her and i didn’t know she actually isn’t stressed anymore but she secretly reads my stuff so i guess she’ll see it when she sees it hehe
you were on the verge of breaking down when you realised how many things you had to get done before next week.
and when your boyfriend yukhei called you that night, you gave one worded replies which made you depressed because you were actually looking forward to talking to him all day, but you just couldn’t get any words out
he noticed. but when he asked, you couldn’t even answer what was wrong because
because everything was wrong and there was nothing right
you hung up after a while to focus on your work, but yukhei
oh boy, yukhei..
he tried going to sleep early because dang he had a tiring day too
but he ended up tossing and turning for ages as he thought about how sad and tired you sounded..
and how you were probably be curled up in a small blanket cocoon, all alone in your small, cold room....
... probably sniffling and listening to hyukoh or dean to try and sooth your moment of depression....
and that did it.
he grabbed his keys and a hoodie and slipped out of the dorms
on the way he made a detour to the 24/7 hour cafe to grab something warm for you
he knew you liked to drink green tea late at night because it was soothing.
and he smiled proudly as he made his way to your place with the warm drink in his hands.
just imagining you sitting up from that blanket cocoon and watching him walk in with big doe eyes made him giddy
anyway though, on the other side of town...
you were actually wide awake
you were sitting at your brightly lit desk, pondering over a concept you had a lot of trouble understanding.
when yukhei arrived, he placed the tea on your desk and then made himself comfortable on your bed
you didn’t even notice smh
it took you a few minutes to acknowledge the elephant in your room.
yes, a literal baby elephant because he took up your entire bed smh
you turned away from your laptop to look at him.
he already tucked himself comfortably in your bed and was staring at you with a coy smile
your heart stopped right then and there im telling u
that lazy look in his eyes, his unruly hair that was sticking up in different directions.. the shy, innocent curve of his lips that formed just by gazing at your back
the urge to drop your work and pounce on him was real
you held yourself and picked up your pen again
and he let you be, because he was partly relieved that you weren’t completely shut down like how he thought you were, but he was also so damn proud??
like.. damn that’s my woman right there...
look at her working that sexy brain of hers.... damn.
while he watched you work, he took in small details
like how long your hair had gotten over the past few months
it was long enough for you to bunch it in a messy bun that sat on the top of your head
he still remembered the first time y’all met, your id photo was the one where you had bangs
literally your worst photo ever.
it was from years and years ago and somehow you haven’t changed it yet
but somehow he liked it and found your panicked smile in the photo absolutely adorable
then he started giggling at the thought of that picture
and it made you jump and lose your train of thought
“wong yukhei i don’t mean to be rude but it’s almost 2am what are you actually doing here?”
he answers your question but he does so while sitting up and running his large ass hands through his locks
you actually want to die
and then he shrugs nonchalantly and tells you that he’s here as your lucky charm
you sigh and looked away with that really deflated look in your eyes, and he immediately went
and push the blankets aside to move behind you
and because you were sitting on your desk chair, he had to bend over
in order drape his long arms around your shoulder
and rest his chin on your shoulder to peer at your work
he was warm and smelled fresh
like he just came out of the shower or something
it wasn’t like the usual cologne he’d wear when going out
which you also loved
but it was just that smell of him
“oh, you’re stuck on that?? i took that subject last year and i aced it. let me tutor you.”
you frown and turn your face to glare at him, with a whole list of rebuttals
holy shit
that boy
already had his head turned, waiting for you
and when you glared at him, he leant forward just a hair, to kiss you
and suddenly you felt like you drank 9 cups of caffeine in one go
he was so soft and warm and you didn’t want to let go
so you chewed lazily on his bottom lip as you held his cheek
and idk how long you did that for but it must’ve been quite a while because his back was sore
“uh.. babe.. can’u let go o’m’lip..”
“but m’back’urts.”
he wasn’t going down without a fight so he caught you off guard by picking you up with his strong arms
holy shit
and carrying you to the bed
all in one swift movement
and by then you were shrieking and attempting to kick him but
he d0dged the heCk
cause you kicked him once before during a ~fun~ soccer play-off and it hurt like hell
you finally gave up when your back hit the mattress and the whole bed went nYOOM at the sudden weight of both you and your boyfriend
who btw
was shrieking now
actually he was just laughing but boy can’t keep his voice down
and you scold him because its late and you didn’t want to wake the whole house
“also, how the hell did you get in, the front door was locked?”
he grins his hecking cheesy grin that you hate but love so much
so you turned your body to face him
and closed your eyes and puckered your lips
boy caught on immediately 
good job, yukhei
so he leant in while placing his warm hands on your waist
and you waited to feel his soft lips on yours
you opened your eyes a hair to peek at what on earth was taking him so long
and you find him staring at you with his gummy smile
and you frown but he just blinks a couple times and continues to stare
“is something on my face??”
he nods wordlessly but really just continues to study every curvature and every little detail on your face.
you move your hands to your cheeks and nose and forehead and eyelids and feels around for anything that isn’t supposed to be there
“yukhei... what is it, take it off for me..”
he lets out a small chuckle at your whines and then he
clears his throat
“i would love to but i can’t.”
you were about to snap back a reply but he pressed a finger to your lips before continuing
“have you heard of this thing called beauty? yeah, cause that’s all over your face right now and it’s actually been there for a really long time but i just haven’t to-”
when you throw your arms around him and attack him with kisses, he almost tumbles off your small bed
but he wanted to keep his cool yanno
he wasn’t gonna accidentally fall off a bed.. especially not after that applause worthy speech
but you could instantly tell he lost his balance for a quick sec because he let out a quiet gasp against your skin and
and then you were laughing
and he started laughing too
he was laughing because heck yes!!! he missed that smile of yours
you didn’t know but he had been waiting all day to see you smile
and it was just so satisfying
like a breath of fresh air
y’all lay there like that for quite a moment.. to catch your breath i guess
and the prospect of studying crawled back into his mind.. obviously..
and into yours too
but he didn’t want to ask you about it just yet
because you needed a break.. just to lift your head above all the stress
forget about the complex concepts for just a second
and appreciate the little things around you
which he was able to make you do and damn he was a proud lil boy..
so proud of himself.
all of a sudden you sat up
and he sat up too
(because he was literally on the edge of your small bed)
“holy shit is that...”
you recognised the scent way too well
it was the familiar smell of all-nighters
the familiar smell that calmed your senses and 
that little feeling you get when you realise you’re doing well with your work and that you’ve come further than you have since the beginning of the night.
it was sitting there.
it was sitting peacefully on your desk, still warm and untouched.
“wong yukhei, i love you.”
he followed your gaze and laughed.
yeah, green tea.
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