#wrecker would do this when crosshair was acting all imperial
twinsunstars · 2 months
wrecker to crosshair
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antianakin · 1 month
I watched that scene in V for Vendetta when V kills Delia, and it occurred to me that there isn't quite the same scene throughout TBB S3. Despite the heavy redemption themes for Crosshair and Emerie, I don't think I heard either of them directly acknowledge their wrongs and apologise to their (live) victims. I didn't hear Crosshair admit fault for shooting Wrecker on Kamino, trying to incinerate the squad on Bracca, or kidnapping Hunter and using him as bait. Never mind to Howzer for his squad's arrest and death in captivity, or the people of Ryloth for his assassination of Orn Free Taa. Or to the next of kin of at least two women I remembered he killed during his Imperial service.
I never heard Emerie apologise for using the kids and clones as pincushions to draw blood, abducting and imprisoning them. Has everyone forgotten that she was there regularly while Crosshair was strapped to the bed and being experimented on?
The point is that while both characters did heel-face turns and performed deeds to atone for their pasts, the lack of apology is deafening. Howzer was portrayed as the asshole for not seeing Crosshair's heel-face turn because it should have been ''obvious'' how Crosshair treats Omega. I see it as the characters who should have broken the fourth wall and read the script to bypass the drama that would have occurred if an apology had been forthcoming. The "hard" part was done; Crosshair lost his hand; what more do you idiots want? I would have chalked it to the cancellation had I not seen something similar running around Season 1...
It's one of those aspects that gnaws at me with Disney Star Wars. What I call the externalisation of evil, paired with the lack of accountability. Evil happens because people were forced or duped to act on its behalf, but because these people are not "true" believers (as seen by their redemption), they need not be held accountable for their actions while serving evil. Their acts in service of the "superior good" balance the scales and bypass the need for accountability.
And for a "kids" show lauded as the most "adult" of the TCW-era animation, I have to ask, is this really the lesson to teach kids? Because in real life, no one can read your mind and hear your apology mentally. And some can fake it and be unrepentant in the end. The victims of your wrongdoing have the right to confront you, hear your apology, and decide to absolve or condemn you. "I am not here for what you hoped to do. I am here for what you did"- V
"Is it meaningless to apologise? Never I'm so sorry" - Delia's last words to V
I find myself less upset about Emerie because Emerie was introduced so late that not only do we not see her doing anything THAT horrific, but there wouldn't have been a lot of time to really work through any kind of redemption arc for her. Within her first few episodes, we do see her soften towards Omega a bit, so they DO set up that Emerie isn't all she appears to be which allows for her to have stronger reactions to things like the Force sensitive children in the vault later.
My issue with Emerie, which is likely partially due to the cancellation cutting off some of what they might have planned to do with her, is that we have ZERO EXPLANATION for her. Why does she exist, was she just a defective clone who came out female and so the Kaminoans sent her away or did one of them intentionally try to create a female clone for some reason? Why did they send her to Hemlock, how was Hemlock connected with the Kaminoans to begin with and connected SO early that he was able to acquire a clone before the Jedi and the Republic even knew they existed? Why did Hemlock accept her and what has he been doing TO her this whole time? What is her relationship with being a clone if she was presumably separated from the rest of them for her entire life and not necessarily raised as a clone the same way as even TBB would've been? How does this impact her relationship with the clone prisoners on Tantiss as well as Hemlock?
Her redemption arc feels both half-assed and like... just half-assed enough because Emerie is basically a blank slate the whole time. We don't know anything about her or her motivations for anything and so there's nothing to really make me feel like her quicker change of heart goes against anything we know about her. She's never shown to be particularly unkind or malicious, just... somewhat disconnected from the clone prisoners and inclined to just accept that Hemlock's work is necessary. Because we know so little about her aside from that she's been with Hemlock since she was extremely young, it works for me that she's mostly just kind-of disconnected about the things he's doing to the other clones until she manages to make a personal connection that sort-of changes her perspective. She does not personally capture or hurt anyone to my memory, she never seems to be intentionally trying to cause pain to anybody, there's no malicious intent behind her actions that she has to work around and make up for. There's not even any real prejudice and anger towards the clones themselves that is causing her to be okay with what Hemlock is doing to them. So just her recognizing that a change NEEDS to be made is enough for me with Emerie, I don't feel like I needed more of an apology in order for her "redemption arc" to make sense because she's barely a fleshed out character as it is.
Crosshair on the other hand, DID owe an apology to a lot of people. I HATE the way they handled his interactions with the rest of the squad and with Howzer in particular. I HATE the way HOWZER has to apologize and Crosshair never does. It's fucked up and wrong and such a badly done redemption arc and I honestly can't even blame that on the cancellation because it's early enough in the season that they likely already had that built in before they had to make any changes. There's also already been TWO SEASONS before this to build up to Crosshair's change of heart that I think got mishandled as well. He got so little screen time in season two that his change of heart that turns him against the Empire doesn't feel believable to me at all.
My biggest issue with BOTH of these characters and the way their stories were handled was the distance from the ACTUAL CLONES.
This is an issue I've had with the show from the beginning. It's billed as a show about clones, but the main characters are SO separated and distant from the real clones that none of their development really has anything to do with the clones and it makes it feel like it never really WAS a clone story at all. Crosshair's story would've been more compelling if it had been about his bigotry towards the clones and his development had come specifically from learning they were good people and he was wrong about them. Emerie and Omega's stories should've been about them finally being able to connect to the other clones that they'd been forced away from their whole lives and figuring out what it truly means to BE a clone. The Bad Batch's story would've been more compelling if it had had more focus on what was actually happening to the clones immediately after Order 66 and the desperation and tragedy of trying to save them in a world that cares about them even less than it used to.
Instead, Crosshair's story seems to be about realizing the Empire sees him, PERSONALLY, as expendable and THAT'S what makes him realize it's bad. The fact that the Empire sees him as no different than the other clones doesn't really allow him to see the CLONES in a different light or connect to them better, it just destroys his loyalty to the Empire because he's not considered special anymore. Emerie only turns against the Empire after she sees what's happening with the Force sensitive children, the torture and captivity of the clones doesn't seem to bother her at all. Omega's development for the last two seasons has had nothing to do with her identity as a clone and a lot more with her identity as a "soldier". Echo is the only character with any real connection to the other clones and the moment he starts to voice that, he gets written off and becomes a recurring cameo character instead of a regular main ensemble member. The moment he decides to more fully be a part of a clone-centric storyline, he can't be a part of the Bad Batch's story because the Bad Batch is inherently NOT A CLONE STORY.
And this is the biggest problem with this show. It's selling itself as a clone story and not actually following through on it and it causes this weird dissonance within the narrative because I don't think this show ever truly knew what story it was telling. It hurts every single one of the characters.
This show would've been a LOT better if they had just let it be a story about, say, four random bounty hunters who worked as a team. Or even, god help me, four Mandalorians from different clans or houses or whatever who are BARELY managing to stay civil with each other. It would've made the stories with Crosshair and Emerie feel a LOT easier to stomach because we aren't sitting there wondering why they aren't reacting to what's happening to the other clones around them. It might've made the stories easier to WRITE, too, because they wouldn't have had to keep trying to force a connection between these characters and the clones that so clearly just isn't there.
Maybe these "redemption arcs" would've been better done and made more sense if these characters weren't clones.
But then again I remember how well done Ventress and Kallus's "redemption arcs" were and I think that maybe it wouldn't have mattered at all.
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iggy5055 · 1 year
Imperial Crosshair x reader smut
Implied Poly Bad Batch
Summary: When Crosshair finds you and the Batch on Bracca things don't go as you planned.
Uninjured Crosshair 
Dividers belong to: https://www.tumblr.com/djarrex
Warnings: SMUT, violence, swearing, non con (kind of), Dom/sub
Minors DNI
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All was quiet. Or at least as quiet as things could be with the Batch. Tech, Hunter and Echo where all inside the old Jedi cruiser while Omega and Wrecker where outside as Wrecker was teaching her how to disarm a bomb. 
It was so sweet how much the boys took care of her, as their newly minted younger sister, but she was very much loved. 
It was amazing how easily she got used to her new surroundings with the Batch. It took me a while and then things started to get spicy between us it was a whole new kind of relation ship to maneuver. But I wouldn't change it for the world. 
I joined the batch Before Echo, the Kaminoans thought it would be good to have a proper medic for the Bad Batch but didn't want to waist a medic form the regs. Tech, with his wide array of knowledge had no problem acting as a medic but before I joined them I was a doctor in an ER before I joined the army. I could treat a plethora of wounds and injures with speed and precision. I was also the only one who Wrecker would let give him needles so that was a bonus
I sigh, a smile on my face as I remember my times with everyone. Or at least I was till I heard a panicked voice. Immediately I activated Medic mode only to realize that Omega had clipped the wrong wire and the bomb was about to go off. 
She didn't know but it wasn't an actual thermal detonator. I couldn't help but snort a little as Wrecker made the poor girl think it was real and told her to make a run for it. Right as the so called ‘thermal detonator’ went off I turned my head to the sound of footsteps behind me. 
Echo came over and gave me a loving smile.
“How’s it going?”
“Wrecker made her think it was a real bomb and now she's a little upset.”
He smiled.
“But I think she's more upset about failing her test than it being a smoke bomb.”
Echo nodded.
“Wrecker, Omega, pack it in Hunter wants us back at the Jedi cruiser!”
As Omega and Wrecker started to make their way over to us you could hear Wrecker telling Omega not to feel too bad.
Once the two made their way over to us I pated Omegas head.
“Don't worry kiddo, With Wreckers help you'll be an expert in no time, besides, you can't expect to get everything right the first time round’.”
I give her an encouraging smile. She smiles back, her mood lighting a little.
Wrecker let out his big deep laugh and hoisted me onto his shoulder with one hand. 
“You bet kid, I failed my first disarming test to, with my help you'll be a pro in no time.”
His little encouragement made her feel a bit better than mine did, which was understandable. She felt much closer to the boys then she did me but we where still like sisters in a way.
As we made our way back to the cruiser, me still perched on Wreckers shoulder with his hand wrapped on my things keeping my securely in place, Echo’s mood seemed to shift, so did Wreckers.
Wreckers arm tightened around my legs a little. 
“We’ve got eyes on us.”
“Yeah, I see em’.”
“How may?”
“At least three, stay casual, Wrecker you ready?”
“Waiting on you.”
Wrecker sets me down. We started to jog. I held back little as Wrecker and Echo went to try and capture the scrapers. I wasn't a fighter, I never was. I took an oath to do no harm and I uphold it proudly.
Omega on the other hand eagerly followed behind her brothers. It always kind of worried me how she was so ever to follow them into danger but I guess she was a clone, this kind behaviour was in her blood. She was more alike to her brother than any of them realized. It always warmed my heart to see the little similarities in their behaviour, but also concerned me just as much. 
Echo wasn't able to keep up with the scrapers but Wrecker characteristically grabbed onto the back of their platform speeder. 
After a few minute we were able to catch up with Wrecker and the know unconscious scrapers.
After tying them up we make our way back to the Cruiser. 
Once back Hunter gather us all together. He talks about our dept and how we had a chance to make a lot of money right here. He was right it was also a good chance to relax and regroup.
It was sad that Rex had to leave so soon but we still had plenty of time to do everything else we wanted.
Echo expressed his displeasure about the idea. It wasn't hard for him to not be a soldier anymore, the ideals of one still ever-present in his mind, especially since he had just gotten his life back. But after some convincing he let it go, all be it reluctantly.
Me, Omega, Echo Hunter and Wrecker all make out way to the armoury while Tech heads over to the control centre of the ship to download some hardware. 
Hunter and Echo grab a hover-cart to help hall all the new weaponry onto the Marauder. 
Wrecker and Omega start to look at all the new ‘toys’ while Hunter and Echo seem to be having a slightly tense conversation. I walk over to them and tap Hunters shoulder. He turns his head over his shoulder, starting at me with sharp yet loving eyes. They eyes that made it so easy to fall in love with him. 
“Imma’ go see if there's any medical supplies still ok to use and start to load the Marauder.”
He nodded and I scurried away not wanting to bother them anymore. 
Echo and Hunter worked really well together but Echo was very secure in his beliefs. They weren't something he would let go of easily. That stubbornness was on of the reasons I fell in love with him.
As I make my way over to the med bay I find myself reminiscing on the times that made me fall for them.
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First was Tech. It was a few months after I had just joined and everyone was still learning how to accommodate for a women. Everyone was really tense and carful around me. But not Tech. With his wide repertoire of knowledge he was very eager to have a new brain to pick even if he didn't really show his intense joy.
One day while he was shoved under the console of the Marauder I walked in. I needed a quiet place for a bit. After a mission I was always kind of drained, not really having the same stamina and tolerance for the violence that the boys had. 
Lets just say I never got that quiet place. Tech noticed I was there and he started to talk. For about an hour he just info dumped me, I thought I needed quiet to calm down but as Tech talked I realized that the quiet wouldn't have helped me very much. Techs words and his fun little facts made me forget about my fatigue as I sat in the chair beside the console he was under leaning forward so I could hear him properly. 
After he was done he sat in the chair beside me and just continued to talk. He talked and talked and talked. I stared into his eyes as he uses his hands to explain and emphasize his words when it hit me. I loved him.
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Next was Wrecker. For missions I often stayed on the Marauder unless called out to the field because someone was hurt and they couldn't get them back to the ship with out proper medical care. 
I was siting on my bunk my elbows on my knees with my hands folded to my mouth waiting for a call to come in on my comm or for someone to come in growing in pain being supported by his brothers.
This time it was Wrecker. He was limping but didn't need help from his brothers I stand up. He was lightly groaning and was clearly in some kind of pain but nothing looked damaged as I looked over his armour. I looked kind of confused. I blinked at them all owlishly waiting for someone to tell me what wrong. 
As I look around the room Tech was going off to do his own thing Hunter was standing by Wrecker and Crosshair was leaning on the wall with a smug smirk on his face. Once my eyes fell on him I raised an eyebrow in question. 
Crosshair took out the tooth pick he was chewing on and his smirk widened.
“He stepped on a nail and can't get it out.”
His voice was coiled like always but still very amused.
I have to try and hold back a laugh. Wrecker was clearly uncomfortable, who wouldn't be after stepping on a nail so I try and calm myself so as not to laugh and pat my bunk. 
“Lay down and give me your foot, big guy.”
He did as told all be it reluctantly, he hated when I had to work on him but never fought me, luckily for me. I would clearly never win that fight.
He showed me his right foot as I hold it by the ankle and rest it on my thigh. I lean my head to the side and down to get a good look and sure enough there it was.
I almost gasp, a nail! This was a full blown spike!
“How the heck?!”
I look up at Wrecker his face was red as he turned away.
“How did this happen?”
Agin hunter and Wrecker didn't say anything but Crosshair was almost to eager to share. 
“He wasn't looking were he was going in the ruble after the mission and stepped on it when he stomped his foot celebrating.”
Crosshairs smirk only seemed to grow as did Wreckers blush. Hunter shooed the slender sniper away and left to give us some privacy so as to save Wrecker from his shame. 
So that's way he’s embarrassed, it didn't happen in battle.
The spike had shoved its way through his boot. The bottom of the boots where a little less protected then the rest of the armour but it still must have been some kind of stomp to get it through. 
I examine his foot till I look him in the eye. I couldn't take off the boot and give him some numbing because of the flat end of the spike still on the outside of his boot.
“Imma have to take it out as is, big guy.”
I look at him remorsefully, he started to shake his head.
“No, no way.”
I sight and grab some big tweezers to lock onto the spike.
Tech emerges from the cock pit after I call. He comes over.
“Yes, Cyare?”
I smiled, me and Tech hadn't said anything about our new found affection but our attitudes towards each other changed after that day. I was happy that he felt the same way as I did. After that day something clicked. He started to touch me a little more. A hand on my back or my shoulder but most notably, his nickname for me in Mando’a I still didn't understand. But from the boys reaction it was something sweet.
“Could you grab me a syringe with some pain relief meds. I’ll need to be quick once the nail it out.”
Wrecker started to squirm. 
“No! No needles!”
He tries to get up.
“I’m fine now, nothing hurts.”
I roll my eyes trying to keep him down. Tech comes back with the syringe and hands it to me.
“Once more thing”
Tech stares into my eye waiting for his next instruction.
“Once I take out the spike I need you to take off his boot immediately so I can administer the drugs.”
He nods and starts to undo Wreckers boot so when the time comes he can take it off fast and easy. 
Wrecker started to squirm. Hunter and Crosshair came back over to help hold his down.
“On the count of three.”
Tech is still holding the boot while Hunted and crosshair are precticly standing on Wrecker to keep him still.
I grab the spike tightly.
On two I yank of the spike. Wrecker screams and flails a little. The second the spike it out Tech rips off the boot and I administer the drugs.
Wrecker stops squirming after I gave him the meds. Hunter and Crosshair get off the poor guy. Hunter huffs with a smile taping his brothers shoulder and Crosshair grumble and walks away even though we all knew he was happy his brothers want in pain anymore.
Tech places his hand in-between my shoulder blade and walks away after a second.
Once me and Wrecker were alone again I wrap up Wreckers foot and give him a pat on the leg 
“There all done.”
Wrecker stands up and starts to walk over tot he cock-pit to join his brothers. 
While I was cleaning up my bunk I pick of the spike. It was pretty big and sharp. No wonder it got stuck up there. but as I inspect it closer I see something through the blood. 
I squint my eyes and walk over to the ‘fresher. I rinse off the spike and gasp a little.
“oh no.”
I walk into the cock-pit everyone was relaxing. At some point we had taken off and were in hyperspace on our way back to Kamino. All the boys were only in their blacks, their armour laying around here and there. It would be a long trip and they wanted to relax. This was perfect.
Hunter is the first to look at my concerned face.
“Whats wrong?”
“wreckers I need you to stay calm for me, ok?”
He nods a dumfounded look still on his face.
I hold up the spick a little more.
‘This is rust.”
He nods.
“It was in your blood stream so that means you can get very sick.”
He docent really react nothing I wasn't really expecting but then I pull out the small needle. 
“I need to give you this so that you don't get hurt more.”
I was expecting his to start yelling telling me no. The others seemed to be expecting the same thing, getting ready to ponce on their vod as a moments notice. 
But we are all surprised when Wrecker dosen’t make a move to run and get away or even protest.
I look around, not really knowing what to do, this had never happened before.
“Are you ok?”
for a moment I thought he had frozen with fear or something crazy like that. HIM, frozen in fear, NEVER. 
We all stare shocked.
“Do what you gotta do.”
Without even thinking I move quickly to administer the drug, thinking it was some kind of failed confidence and wanting to take advantage of his lack of squirming while I still could. 
Once I was infant of him he showed me his arm but I shake my head and tell him to turn around.
he dose and before anyone could blind the needle is in his ass cheek and the drug had been given.
Wrecker gives a yelp. Most likely not expecting to have the drugs administered thought his very toned ass but other them that dosen’t make a sound or a move. Crosshair lets out a laugh at Wrecker’s yelp, I didn't thing anyone was expecting I would have to give him the needle in the ass and thought it was just the funniest thing. But to be fair if I was in his position I would laugh to. 
Wrecker groans but sits down and gives me one of his warm smiles saying thanks.
I walked away, flabbergasted, Wrecker thanked me from giving him a needle, the thing he hates most right after hights.
I couldn't help but blush when I realized it was because he trusted me enough to let me do it. And just like that I was in love again.
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Next was Hunter. After a mission I had gotten hurt when I was too close to an explosion that went off by accident. I was looking for some supplies or anything we could use and didn't have enough time to get out of the way. 
I had passed out. Wrecker and Tech wouldn’t leave my side after Wrecker had taken me back to the ship and Tech treated my wounds but I was still out cold.
Once me, Tech and Wrecker became more lovers than friends everyones attitude started to change. It was clear to everyone we all loved each other, Even Crosshair changed, but of course none of us ever said anything. It was too embarrassing for me and the boys were to proud to admit it and none of us really knew how so we just let out actions show it.
Everyone stayed close Tech constantly checking my vitals and making sure all was right while Wrecker held my hand. Hunter was behind Wrecker with a look of utter agony on his face.
Crosshair had his same straight face as he leaned on the doorway to the cockpit. He looked the same as always but the give away was that he wouldn't take his sharp amber eyes off me. Usually he would clean his 773 Firepuncher Rifle but instead he just stared at my unconscious  body. 
When I woke up Crosshair walked into the cockpit, Tech made sure I wasn't in any pain and Wrecker asked if I needed anything. My throat was dry so I asked for some water. Once Wrecker left Hunter took up my hand and kissed each of my knuckles. I smiled at him not wanting to talk because it really hurt my throat. 
“I’m so glad you're ok ner kar'taylir darasuum.”
I didn't understand what he though. But Wrecker came in seconds latter saying
“She was my kar'taylir darasuum first, sarge.”
His tone was joking but also dead serious at the same time as he handed me the water. I chugged it down as he helped me keep my head up.
Tech came over and started to rub some bacta on the side of my face. I winced.
“Well technically-”
Wrecker rolled his eyes but gave up. I wince again and try and pull away.
Techs other hand worked its way around my head keeping me close so he could finish.
“Hold still, you want it to heal properly don't you cyare?”
I nodded and held still as best I could.
After that Hunter wouldn't leave my side. He was the first Batcher to ever sleep with me. Wrecker was very jealous. Soon enough all three started to sleep with me. It was nice being so close to them.
Things between me and him changed after that, his protectiveness almost suffocating but I knew it was because he loved me and was worried and I couldn’t help but love him back. 
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Finally it was Crosshair.
I started to tear up at the memory as I gather some bacta patches. I missed him but the memory was still nice. 
It was a few weeks after the accident. I got a scar on the side of my face about the size of my forefinger. Crosshair started to stay close. In battle since he was a sniper and could stay away from too much danger he often dragged me with him saying that it was best to not get in the others way, everyone else agreeing.
I was lucky enough they let me come into the field int he first place but still. 
His hand often lingered on my face sometimes tracing the scar.
Once we were back on Kamino once he grabbed my hand after I was done eating in the mess and started to drag me away.
When I asked where he was taking me he never told me.
He dragged me till we were in the shooting range. No one else was in there , it was way to early. Without a word he handed me a gun. I held it sheepishly, my finger nowhere near the trigger as I lookup as him with just my eyes.
He points over to a stall.
“Start practicing ik'aad girl.”
I stare puzzled. I look up at him after and I make my way into the stall he pointed at waiting for more instructions. 
“If you're going to stick around you need to be able to protect yourself. I intend to make sure you can do that.”
I started to hold the gun the way I saw Hunter and Tech do. It was the same kind of gun they had, a DC-17 blaster pistol. Nut before I could even attempt to squeeze the trigger Crosshair stoped me. 
“Hold on.”
He came up behind me. He was very close his arms snaking around me and position my hands properly. He moved one of his legs in-between my own and pushes my foot out a little.
Once I was repositioned properly instead of pulling away he came even closer to me. He leaned his head to my ear. His lips brushing my ear.
“Try now.”
I nod and fire the gun.
It kept going like that for a while. He taught me to shoot and eventually we got closer. He was the first one to kiss me, whenever I got a bullseye he kissed my neck or my cheek. 
I wipe my the tears off of my cheeks as I think about how much I missed him. I finish packing up all the supply's I found and headed over the the door when everyone came rushing through the hallway on their way to the med room.
Without a word Tech grabbed my upper arm and started to walk around alternating corridors. Tech was the first to speak. 
“The Empire is here.”
I stare with wide eyes.
Hunter was next.
“The empire found us, he is here.”
Tears came back to my eyes. Crosshair was here and he was trying to capture or kill us. I wanted to stay strong for Omega and the others. Not wanting them to know how much I really missed the tall sniper but it was too hard. Know that he was here it broke my heart to know one of the men I loved no longer loved me or his brothers and new found little sister.
“I have jammed their signal but that won't stop him. they will do a forward to aft search so if we keep this up all will be well Cyare.”
He let go of my upper arm to work on his data pad. After a few minutes of walking around and hearing the troopers all around as as we evaded them.
As we walk in silence it was hard to stop crying but I kept silent.
“Talk to me Tech?”
“I’m trying to tap into the regs’ comms so we can monitor their movements.”
As we hear banging down a side corridor Hunter points his guns. 
“Someone coming”
We all get back, the shadows in the corridor with no working lights hid us. The troopers march their way through the dark halls. We all crouch down. Weapons ready as I hold Omega. They walk right past us. It was too dark to really see anything, or maybe we are just really lucky.
As the troopers turn down a corridor we get up when Techs data pad let out a beep followed by blurred comm chatter.
“I’m in.”
I lean In closer to listen.
“All squads.”
“Yes sir.”
“Push the targets toward the hanger, we’ll pin then down.”
“Roger that.”
We hear Crosshair coiled voice on the comm, the voice I still loved. More tears fell as I feel Omega stiffen a bit.
“Aren't we headed for the hanger.”
Omega looks at Hunter worriedly.
“Not anymore, we’ll cut through the artillery deck.”
We made our way over to the deck guns at the ready as we tread carfully.
The deck itself was decrepit and rotting with two giant cannons never to be used again. We walked as quiet as we could but the creaking of the broken down room was unavoidable. 
Lost in my own thoughts I was still letting out silent tears as Echo came over and held my hand rubbing my knuckles lovingly understanding my how I was feeling.
Me, Wrecker and Tech head over to a big window that the barrel of an old canon was meant to stick out of and looked down. It was a long drop down.
“Uh... okay, I'm not going out that way.”
I couldn't help but smile a little at his words. But it was short lived.
The second the words left his lips Troopers started to swarm us from all angles. 
“There they are.”
We all hold our weapons at the ready as I hold Omega close behind Hunter. His hand out protectively. 
“Stand down.”
I blink. It was a rather feminine voice. Not something I really expected. 
The sound of a door shutting behind us makes us turn around only to see Crosshair and four other troopers with him.
Hunters guns still held hight as I pull Omega even closer know that we weren't behind Hunter. For an extra measure I slowly moved Omega behind me, hiding her with my body.
“Tapping our comms to track our movements? So predictable.”
I sneer at Crosshair a little, but it was hard. I still loved him, but he didn't love me. 
Wrecker scoff at the statement popping his head out from behind a cannon.
“Nice to see you too, Crosshair.”
Tech and Echo where still unseen behind the cannon along with Wrecker when I could hear Tech speak lowly to Echo. Low enough not to draw attention but loud enough for me to hear a little.
“Echo, scomp in and reroute reserve power to the cannons”
My eyes widen a little.
‘The hell is he thinking’
Echo seemed to have similar sentiments.
“If these cannons fire, this whole deck will collapse.”
Techs tone was almost... playful?
I hold Omega tighter to my back her hand know wrapped around my waist. I mentally prepared my self and got ready to turn and grab her as we fall.
“Look at you all, scavenging like rats. It’s pathetic.”
It kind hurt to hear him say those words, knowing he saw me as nothing but a rat, but I had to remind myself that it was his chip, nothing more.
“Why come after us?”
Hunter still had his gun pointed at his old vod. 
“You’re traitors.”
Each word he said stabbed me even harder but I held back my tears, but I bet my eyes looked like water in glass.
After his words Crosshair moves his right arm and points to the side, at the motion a few troopers started to surround us even more. Some moving from behind us. I could feel Omega cling a little harder as I hold onto her hands that were on my stomach and one on her head trying to comfort her. 
I look to my side at Echo when he spoke softly to Tech. Tech started to press some more buttons. I give Omegas hand a subtle squeeze to let her know it was almost time. 
Hunter still had his gun on Crosshair as he spoke.
“Crosshair, wake up. You’re being controlled by an inhibitor chip.”
Omegas hold losses on me as she steps forward a bit.
“He’s telling the truth. The Kaminoas put chips in all the clones. Remember what I told you in the brig, you can't help it.”
Her voice was strong and clear, it made my feel proud. My voice no doubly was very shaky. I’d probably stutter if I said anything. But the pride was short lived.
Crosshair stepped forward a bit, in response so did Hunter, standing in front of us with the gun at the ready. 
“Aim for the kid.”
I gasp as Crosshair as his troopers aim at Omega. I grab her as fast as I could and shield her with my body. 
“Your issues with me, not her.”
As I hold omega close concealing her from sight. I could hear Wrecker whisper.
“Hurry up.”
“Systems online in three, two one.”
As Tech counted down Crosshair gave us a warning.
“I suggest you drop your weapon.”
Suddenly the cannon went off, shaking the whole deck and sending Crosshair flying back. 
Hunter starts to fire as he yells at us to “GO.”
We all start running but that wasn't the only shot. Once again the cannons fire making debris fall for the already unstable hole in the roof crushing some troopers.
Omegas hands shoot to her head as I try and shield her. Unlike me she immediately composed herself and pulled out her energy bow and started to take down some troopers. But I couldn't do it. Even if Crosshair was trying to kill me both as a doctor and his lover I refused to hurt him or anyone else, even if they wanted to hurt me. 
As the cannons kept firing we could all see the roof about to drop on all of us, at least what was left of it. 
As It started to fall Hunter pushed Omega out of the way.
“Look out!”
As everyone dodged the falling roof pieces we all had to scatter.
Wrecker was taking down troopers with his bare hands, throwing them out the window. He grabbed the bombs as we all regrouped and made our way to the door only to be met with a very unwelcoming flamethrower. In response Wrecker throws his proton torpedo at the unwelcome surprise. 
“Direct hit. Yeah!!”
After Wreckers little celebration we all made our escape into one of the ships ion engine chambers.
“The Ion Engine chamber? Why'd you bring us here?”
“Because this is our alternate egress off the cruiser.”
Wrecker groans at his vods answer.
“I don't even know what that means.”
I pat wreckers shoulder.
“Don't worry, I don't either.”
We all make out way to the end of the ion chamber.
Tech raises his finger.
“It means that this is our other way out.”
I smile a little at his matter of fact tone. 
As we slip down onto the bottom of the camber I couldn't help but admire the sheer size of it. 
“We’re almost there, a little further.”
Hunter was trying to lift our spirits and motivate us a little but it wasn't really working, but I still smiled knowing he meant well. 
“I didn't think you meant we would be escaping through the engine.”
“I could not have been clearer.”
Techs response to Echo made me laugh a little to myself. even though to him it was clear Tech sometimes had trouble understanding that others needed deeper elaboration. 
“Whoa, I've never been inside an ion engine before.”
“Thats a good thing, Omega.”
I couldn't help but respond to her funny statement.
“Yeah, it would be weirder if you had, kid.”
“These chambers are quite the engineering marvel.
“Yeah, they are huge and effective, it’s amazing.”
Once again I marvel at the utter size of the engine.
“Yes, this blast primer coating is capable of withstanding--”
Before Tech could finish his fun fact Wrecker interrupted him and pushed him forward.
“No one cares, keep movin’.”
I complained too Wrecker after he interrupted Him.
I could practically feel Wreckers eyes rolling.
“Ok, (Y/N) cares but still.”
Once Hunter and me are at the opening of the Ion engine, Hunter steps out ready to find a way down when Wrecker groans again setting down the case of bombs he was still lugging around.
“Well, now what?”
Tech steps forward but was interrupted by a blaster bold almost hitting him.
I gasp and rush over once Tech who was stumbled forward but was caught by Hunter when he almost fell to make sure he was ok.
Hunter pokes his head around before I could protest but I was silence when I heard Crosshair’s voice from afar.
“Try again, Hunter. I told you before, you’re surrounded.”
A ship lands behind Crosshair as Hunter turns back to face us.
“Double back.”
As we all run back I could start to hear an unsettling rumbling and machinery whirring to life as I feared the worst.
“What is that?”
Omegas question was hesitant probably worried about the answer, as she should be. It was Hunter to break the news.
“Sounds like the engines coming online. But that's not possible, right?”
After his question Tech puts down his flashlight and pulls out his data pad.
“Technically, it is. I restored the ships main power core when I accessed the central system, which means the engines can be activated.”
“Crosshair, wouldn't do that, would he?”
Omega looks at me.
“a-apparently he-he would.”
My voice cracks a bit, trying my best to believe he wouldn't.
“How much time do we have?”
Echo asked the question we all needed to know.
“I estimate less than two minutes.”
I hold omega close again as air was getting sucked in the ion engine as a blue fire was starting to appear.
“What do we do.”
It was the question on everyone mind as I tried to wrack my brain. As we think I could hear the ship outside start up and fly away.
‘He really was going to do it.’
Tears come to my eyes. At this point I was shocked I even had any left. 
“Uh. what about plane 7?”
Of all people it was Wrecker to come up with an idea, that was, till Echo mentioned.
“Plan 7 has nothing to do with this situation whatsoever!” 
“well--well you think of something!”
Wrecker challenged as he held the case of bombs in front of him.
“Can we use the explosives from the armoury to disable the engine?”
“It won't cause a large enough reaction to effect the thermal chamber. But if we place a series of charges around this cone, we may be able to break away form the cylinder while destabilizing the core.”
Techs answer made me shiver, yay, more dropping.
“Break away, you mean fall, all the way down?”
“It’s that or be incinerated.”
Echo made a point, still it was an unpleasant prospect.
“Everyone take an explosive. Tech, (Y/N) up top with me. Omega stay here.”
We all nodded and got to work placing the charges. Once set and activated we all backed up as Wrecker held the button that would let all hell break loss.
“Everybody, get down!”
The second Hunter said it I grabbed Omega again shielding her for anything that might go wrong. 
We all start to bounce as the chamber started to fall. Braking away from eh rest of the ship.
“Hold on!”
Despite Techs warning I didn't have time to grab something as we started to plummet. I started to slip away from everyone else, immediately letting go of Omega and giving her and little shove toward Hunter. As the cylinder fell I only got pushed farther away from the others.
When the cylinder falls and breaks in half I found myself alone.
I had landed on my back and groan as I sit up, only to yelp and fall back. Once I felt my head I see what was wrong, the upper side of the right thigh had a big gash in it. 
I whimper as I try and move to treat my wound. Once I slow my bleeding with my shirt I flop back. Luckily I had a sports bra underneath. 
I lay there for a few seconds. After I regain my self and start to think a bit more clearly through the pain I reach for my comm only to grab at nothing.
My head shoots up as I franticly look around the the device. I sit up and look around not seeing anything.
I jump a bit when I suddenly hear engines above me. Right as I look up I see a ship with a bright lights shining down on me. I lift my hand to cover my eyes as I stare at the ship hoping it was the others. 
As the ship slowly descends my fear shoots through the roof. Once I realize who it was I try and crawl back only to scream as I drag myself by my arms and one uninjured leg. 
Once the ship lands a few meters away I expect to be shot on sight by some troopers. But instead of troopers coming out It was Crosshair.
He didn't have his rifle with him or any weapon for that matter. He walked over to my whimpering form as I kept trying to get away from him. 
Crosshair didn't say a thing as he knelt down beside me once I couldn't move back anymore, my back against some metal debris as he stared at me through his green visor on his helmet. I couldn't stop crying. I didn't want the man I love  to kill me with his bare hands and before I knew it, I was begging him.
“Please--please... don’t d-do it.”
My voice was horse and broken as I begged him. I felt like my world was closing in around me.
Finally, Crosshair takes off his helmet. He was smirking at me.
I cry and shake as I continue to beg him not to kill me, as I do Crosshair looks over me. His eyes linger on my chest for a while as he takes in the sight of my breasts, his smirk widening, until he sees my leg. 
Then he scowls at my leg. The second his smirk leaves his face I Immediately I stop begging. Only letting out a few whimpers and crys from the pain that I couldn't hold back.
“Look at you, see what happens when you aren’t carful?”
He touches my thighs just below the cut in it. I hiss and try and ball up in an exempt to feel safer. I love Crosshair and it broke my heart to know that I no longer felt safe and secure when he was close. 
“Come on ad’ika. hold still”
I whimper and try to get away this time moving to the side.
“D-Don’t-- please. p-please don’t do i-it.”
The tears were uncontrollable, Crosshair lifted his hand to wipe them away.
But just as he opened his mouth to say something the others started to come.
They all yelled for me once they saw who I was with, Crosshair reaches for his comm without a second thought.
“Kill them.”
Suddenly my mind when numb along with my leg. Without thinking I grabbed Crosshairs arm.
“No- no Crosshair please!”
He didn't say anything.
They called for me again getting closer and closer. 
I scream as loud as I could realizing crosshair wasn't going to do anything to stop his order.
Crosshair turned to me and growled. but he didn't do anything. The other reluctantly turned back once they saw all the troopers coming their way. I sigh in relief knowing if nothing else I gave them a chance. 
Once they were out of sight I let go of Crosshairs arm. Crosshair stares at me. I was finally able to stop crying but I couldn't look him in his eye. I didn't want the last thing I see to be the man I love stare down at me with utter hatred.
I close my eyes getting ready for the final blow, but instead I feel his hands on my cheeks. I flinch but still didn't open my eyes, thinking he would move them down and strangle me.
After a few seconds I feel his hands pull away from my reddened and puffy cheeks. I could hear his armour adjust as he moves around. A part of me was hoping that he would just walk away. That maybe some part of him that still loved me. I wasn't a Jedi or a clone but I was with clones that, in their words, ‘were in violating of order 66.’
But I also knew he was probably getting up to grab his rifle and shoot me. I curl up into a ball my arms over my head and my left knee up to my chest. I tried to move my right leg but the gash in my thighs felt like it had fireworks in it every time I moved it. 
I prepare myself for the end, mentally praying that the others got away, that they weren't hurt and that Omega was safe with her brother so she didn't have to see Crosshair shoot me.
Mid thought I felt two strong hand on my waist. I yelp as my eyes shoot open. Before I could do anything Crosshair lifted me up and on his shoulder, his arm around the back of my thighs keeping me in place. 
I scream as he lifted me, the movement itself wasn't harsh or painful but because I  was being moved so did my leg which meant harsh pain for me.
I grip his black armour so hard my entire hand seemed to turn white. I try and compose myself, the pain making it hard to focus and think straight.
I didn't even notice that he was taking me to the shuttle they came heer in until he set me down on the floor. He sets me against a wall of the ship so I could lean on it.
I stare up at him after I compose myself a little. My eyes must have looked wide and crazy, begging for answers and very confused. He didn't say anything but he did stare. 
I didn't say anything either, scared that this moment would end. Scared I was really dead. My eyes said everything I needed them too. His eyes were different, even though he had a cold exterior his eyes often betrayed him if you knew what to look for. His eyes where clear back then, open. Now they were closed, like something was preventing him from showing me how he felt but he was fighting through it. I could see a little bit of emotion in those eyes. I just hoped it was enough.
We were broken out of our staring contest when one of Crosshair’s troopers came over. 
“Sir, we need to leave. let’s kill the girl and report back to Kamino.”
Crosshair didn't take his eyes off me while the trooper spoke, but I did, staring up at the helmeted trooper as she spoke. I started to shake when the, what I assumed to be a woman, trooper mentioned killing me. That was when I looked back to Crosshair. I only stare it for a split second before his eyes seemed to darken before he whipped his head around and stood up. His nose almost touching the helmet of the trooper as he towered over her, but to be honest, aside from Wrecker he towered over everyone. 
“She will not be killed, we will take her back with us to be interrogated.”
He gestured over to me.
“She will know what they plan to do next.”
The trooper just started at her superior for a moment till she nodded and walked away.
Crosshair scowled and placed a toothpick in his mouth, chewing it and moving it from side to side in his mouth.
I couldn't help me stare at his lips, wanting to kiss him and thank him for keeping me alive. He turned back over to me while grinding the toothpick between his teeth for a second. Not the smartest thing I’ve ever done that's for sure. His lips seemed to hypnotize me. 
He had kneeled down in front of me again, I only got shot out of my own thoughts when he chuckled at me. The sound was so smooth, it made my stomach twist with butterflies. 
“Like what you see, mesh'la solus?”
The old nickname brought tears to my eyes. I never knew what they where saying. Whenever I asked any of the boys what their nicknames meant they would just smirk at me and tell me it was a secret.
I was crying a little but I couldn't help the smile on my face. Crosshair kept smiling at me. He raised his hand, I thought he was going to rub my cheek. I flinch when I feel a sharp prick in my neck. It was fast and over in a second. I hold my neck looking at him with shocked eyes. 
Everything started to go black, my eyes started to fluter closed as I find myself falling over. Before I could completely black out and hit the floor I felt Crosshair’s arms again.
“I got you, Just let go.”
Then... nothing. 
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I wake up with a start. I sit up so fast my mind was spinning. I groan and hold my head. Once I compose myself I open my eyes again and look around. 
I was in a cell with a red shield door. I recognized the space as a cell on Kamino. I was laying on the metal slab that jutted out front the wall. 
I shift to have my legs hanging from the ‘bed’ but wince mid moment.
I groan and look down. My thigh was wrapped up in white bandage. I was in a black tank top and underwear. 
I touch my leg. The gash felt like it had be stitched with minimal blood seeping through the bandage so I didn't tare my stitches which was a refill. 
While I was distracted inspecting my leg I didn't hear the whoosh of the door. 
My head shoots up, it was the female trooper from earlier. 
“The commander said we had to keep you alive, couldn't interrogate you properly with you bleeding out.”
I didn't say anything. I gave her a strait face. I had shown too much emotion already. I didn't want to give her any reason to think I was weak. I mean, I was. but she didn't need to know that.
After a few seconds of silence she walked over to the consul and pulled a lever to deactivate the ray shield.
It crossed my mind briefly to get up and fight. But unlike her I was both injured and not very good at hand to hand combat, and in Crosshair’s words ‘my aim was shit.’
She walks back over to the front of the cell.
“Come on get up.”
I raise an eyebrow at her. I had a gash going all the way down the side of my thigh.
She didn't seem to get it or she didn't care so I just sighed and started to try and get up. I place my hands on the slab and slowly get up. After some teeth grinding and pained groans I was able to stand up placing most of the weight on my left leg. 
She rolled her head with a sigh clearly annoyed at my partially immobile state. If she didn't have head helmet on I bet she I would have seen her roll her eyes to.
She walks over to my shaky form grabbing me by my upper arm tightly. It hurt but as she started walking, her harsh hand was probably the only thing keeping me upright. As we walk through the always I get a lot of side glances The new non-clone troopers probably wondering who I was and the few clones that were still around wondering what I was doing here.
As she walks and I pathetically hobble around I can't help but think of what will happen to me. 
It felt like forever till we got the the interrogation room. I feel like she dragged out the walk by going the long way to break me down before interrogation. It was a good way to soften a civie like me up, there was just one problem.
I didn't know shit.
I wasn't a part of the ‘attack’ part of the squad as I liked to call it so I never new any plans. And I never asked, not really caring. It was my job to take care of them when the boys where injured and I always did no matter what so it didn't really matter if I knew where we where going or not. 
I often just stayed on the Marauder. And besides, so many things have been thrown at us. One complication after another so there was never really a fixed plan, we always had to change what we were doing.
The room was small with two metal chairs on either side of a metal table and a bright light on the ceiling. 
She shoves me harshly in the chair furthest from the door but dosen’t sit down herself. 
Once I sit I check my leg to make sure nothing happened to it. Once I conform no stitches were torn I looked up at her. My face still straight but I imagine my eyes had enough fear in that that it didn't really matter. 
She didn't sit in the chair, opting to just lean forward on the table with her two firsts.
“Where are they?”
I almost sigh in relief. That means they got away. But I hold it back.
“I don't know what you’re talking about.”
The trooper finally took off her helmet gently placing in in front of her on the table. I made a mistake by following her helmet and not keeping my eyes on her. The second the light tap sound was heard as she placed it down and loud thwack was heard followed by a yelp.
My head twisted violently to the side after she slapped me. The hard slap pulled tears from my eyes. As I bring my hand up to my now burning left cheek. I looked back at her.
“Try again.”
My face hardens more. I know that my lack of answers was going to piss her off and end up causing me a lot of pain but it was worth it to piss her off so much. She needed answers but I wasn't the person with them. 
Knowing she wouldn't get anything from me made me happy.
I didn't really see a point in taunting her further, she was already pretty pissed and would only get more pissed as time goes on so I might as well tell her the truth, it would probably annoy her more once she figures out I really don't know anything. 
“I don't know where they are. If they're not on Bracca, how could I?”
She growled and slapped me again.
I had accidentally bit into my cheek this time. I whined at the pain and spit out a glob of blood to the floor beside me.
My cheek was throbbing. I had to consider myself lucky however, she was only slapping me so far but damn was she good at it. 
I look back at her but didn't say anything just star at her, waiting for her next question or to repeat her last on again. 
“What was your plan?”
“On what?”
She growls at me but doesn't make a move to hit me again. 
“Why were you and you're little friends on Bracca?”
I smirked a little as she growled again, She wound up her arm and I close my eyes in anticipation. Just as the blow would have landed the door whooshes open and a harsh voice rang int he room.
I open my eyes to see a very angry Crosshair and a very shocked and kinda flushed trooper. She stuttered a little trying to explain and probably trying to figure out why he was so angry.
To be fair though, so was I. 
Crosshair seemed livid. His face contorted with anger. 
“Why is she here.”
The trooper was finally able to get some word out.
“I wanted to interrogate her as soon as she woke up, sir.”
“I told you I would interrogate the prisoner, you've disobeyed a direct order.”
The trooper stands at attention and salute’s him.
“I’m sorry sir, it won't happen again.”
“Get out.”
The trooper grabs her helmet and moves out of the room quickly. Crosshair didn't take his eyes off her as she left. I found myself staring at the metal table as I run my tongue along the cheek I had bit pretty hard, still tasting some blood  as I place a hand to my now most likely bruised cheek. 
I flinched a little when I felt Crosshair’s hand on my cheek. I look up. I was scared now. A random trooper torchering or killing me, what was fine. But him.. 
I freeze.
“You’ll tell me what I want to know, ad’ika. Whether you want to or not.”
His voice was eerily calm as his thumb runs over my cheek.
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Before I knew it I was in the batches old barracks. 
Crosshair had picked me up and with an injured leg I couldn't stand on it so that made it hard to try and get away from him.
He set me down forcing me to lay down as he hovered over me. His gaze felt predator like. He was a wolf while I was a measly little bunny biding her time.
He was fast about it, making sure nobody saw it. I felt safer knowing I wasn't in the interrogation room but his words earlier made me more than a little nervous.
To scared to look at him I look around the room trying to find some kind of comfort in the familiar area, only to find nothing.
It felt wrong. Techs writing on the wall was gone, Wreckers bunk was made and clean. The room smelled clean and Hunters Clone force 99 symbol was gone. Even Crosshairs old paper shooting targets were gone.
It felt wrong. It didn't feel like it was my boys place. But I didn't have much time to dwell on it.
Crosshair was hovering over me. Holding my wrists over my head.
I could feel my pussy throb. it was like our first time. All the boys are different in their approach to sex.
Tech was very much into toys and experimenting with positions and places. 
Hunter was sweet but very much primal when he got really into it. 
Wrecker knew he was big so he was very gentle but efficient. 
Echo usually wanted me to take the lead while I straddle him riding his cock. Not wanting to hurt me.
Crosshair, oh Crosshair was hard. Hard and fast. He liked it hard and in every place he could think of. His love of fucking me wherever he could made getting caught a common worry. 
“Where are they?”
I had to blink a few times. I was so lost in thought I shoot my eyes up to his trying to calm down but his eyes, oh his eyes, it took me a second to comprehend the question while my pussy throbs.
I couldn't get the words out, I had them in my head I just couldn't speak them. I didn't have the answers he wanted and despite me trying to tell him this I was just a stuttering mess, especially once I realize what position we where in.
He was still hovering over my body, his long slender fingers griping my wrists not too hard but hard enough that it let me know I couldn't get away even if I wanted to.
But what made me even more nervous was he closeness to my face. His nose almost touching mine, his warm breath fanning over my face, the smell of crisp peppermint settling in my nose. It made my knees weak. But I only become more hyperaware of our position. With my pussy throbbing intensely I tried to close my thighs, wanting to rub them a little to get some much needed friction. only to go eye wide at t he realizing something was in the way.
My head shoots down, not even thinking, almost hitting Crosshairs nose with my forehead in the proses if he didn't pull back a little at the prefect time.
My face turns as red at a tomato when I realize that Crosshairs still armoured knee and thigh where in between mine. Just a breath away from brushing his knee on my pulsing sex.
I can almost feel the vibrations of Crosshairs chest when he chuckles at the reddening of my poor face. But the colour only seems to deepen when he leans down into my ear, his lips brushing it a little almost pressing his lips into the ear making me shiver uncontrollably.
“Lookin’ a little nervous there, ik’aad girl.”
My eyes move away from the sight of his knee between my thighs but up to his amber eyes filled with a playfulness I only remember seeing when we where alone.
I couldn't help the tears coming from my eyes at both his favourite nickname for me but mostly the fact that his eyes looked much less clouded now, more open and free like they used to be.
His smirk drops a little when he sees my tears. He moves both his hands off my wrists. At the motion I bring my hands over my face to hide it from him, not wanting him to see me cry like this. 
I could hear him grumble a little before pulling my hands down and holding my wrists above my head again but this time he only uses one hand, his other is occupied, to busy holding my side as his warm thin lips attack my neck with kisses and some a-little-too-hard love bites. The pain wasn't to bad but it was enough to get me out of my own thoughts and force me to focus on him..
I still had a few tears on my puffy red cheeks so as he moves his kisses and bites from my neck to my jaw up to my lips when he pulls away for a second he notices the little shiny gleam of liquid on my cheeks and kisses them away. 
Once again I was completely speechless, His attitude towards me now was a huge contrast to early with the batch on Bracca. 
He stares at me for a few seconds. His face remained relaxed fro a moment until out of nowhere his eyes became hard to read again. 
“Where are they, cyare?”
I take a second to collect myself, longer than I would have liked. Crosshair was still eh man I loved but he was different. More dangerous than before. I couldn't help but get a little exited at his new demeanour but for him this definitely wasn't a sexually thing as far as I could tell. 
“I--I don't know.’
He stared at me for a while, reading me. trying to fish out if I was lying or not.
“Still don't tell you anything, huh ad’ika?”
I nod a little, not really sure when else to do.
He leans down to my ears again, as he whispers his gently rubs his knee against my crotch. Touching my clit just enough to make me squirm a little. 
“Well then, let me tell you something.”
His lips brush lightly on my ears, almost tickling it ever so softly.
“ You and your friends have been giving me a lot of trouble lately.”
He wiped at my ear a little too hard, making my whine a little.
“I think it’s time you pay for it.”
My eyes widen and I try to squirm away. His grip on my wrists became bruisingly tight even though he was still only using one hand. His other was still occupied with my hip, his thumbs stroking it. 
I couldn't get any words out before his lips where sealed tightly on mine, swallowing my defiance along with it. 
The kiss was so warm, so sweet despite being hard. His kiss held so many meaningful memory's. In my mind it was pointless to fight. he could kiss me and I wouldn't do a thing to stop him, not being able to live with myself if I hurt him in any way. 
Besides it felt good. Having him touch me like he used to, all-be-it a little more rough then he normally would, it still felt so good. 
His knee kept grinding on my pussy that was still only covered by a pain of black underwear. His free hand starts to move down slowly, caressing every part of my skin. His hand left a trail of tingling heat behind making me feel all the more flustered under him.
His hand wandered too low, to cut up in the heat of the moment it seems both of us forgot about my leg, his hand started to groped my hip, wait and down to the top of my thighs till his moved down to the bandage. Too distracted by his welcoming warm lips I didn't think to stop him. By the time I realized when leg he was squeezing it was too late.
His squeeze wasn't very heard but since the wound was still pretty fresh it hurt like hell. 
I immediately go eyes wide, I pull away screaming. Moving my head to its side I press my cheek into the sheets behind me head as I soaked them with my tears. 
Crosshair immediately pulls his hand from my thigh and lets me pull away from his kiss but otherwise doesn't move. 
I didn't even have time to collect myself before he let go of my wrists and moved his hand to the cheek facing him kissing my eyelid as I cry. 
I calm down for a second, shocked by the caring kiss. before I could stop hiccuping however he was already kissing down my neck, sucking on my soft spot making the pain numb a little. 
I figured it was his version of a little apology, even without his chip he wasn't very good with his words, emotionally anyway. He always let his actions speak for him. 
But to my surprise he goes lower and lower and lower. once he kissed them top of my underwear he looked up at me.
“You know what pain feels like... now let me show you pleasure~.”
I shudder at his words not really knowing what to even say.
His left arm wraps around my injured right leg gently, just underneath the bandage and lifts it up ever so softly to give the bandage a lingering kiss. A pleasant pulsing ran through the wound, not painful our sore, not even sexually but more, calming?
I didn’t really understand it. it was strange to feel so much pain just for it to be gone in seconds after a kiss. 
His teeth nip at my underwear pulling them down slowing still being careful of my leg. 
The sight was utterly sinful. I tilt my head back and moan, the sight of him between my shivering legs too much to handle. The memories of him pounding into my quivering pussy making my shake even more with anticipation. 
I could feel how wet I was for him, some things never changed. He seemed to agree with me.
“Wet for me still?”
It wasn't a question that needed answering. I stared into his amber eyes getting lost in them as he chuckles at my current state.
with my bottom half now bare he moved up my body again. I was a little confused. Not really expecting it. Apparently my face clearly shows my confusion because Crosshair was chuckling at me.
“Easy, girl.”
I didn't really get his words but I quickly forgot about it when his knee came up to my bare pussy stroking it with his knee juuust right. My head rolls back along weight my eyes. His hard armour on my already swollen clit too much. My moans became uncontrollably as I became putty in Crosshair’s hands.
I nearly registered Crosshair’s low chuckle in my ear.
“You like that ik’aad? Like how I make you melt.”
I nod, not being able to get a word out.
I completely forgot the position I was in right now, Being held by the Empire, supposedly getting tortured and having no escape plan of any kind. and yet I couldn't be happier then I was right now. Being held under the man I love as he grinds his knee on my puffy little clit. This was heaven.
I could start to feel the perfectly tight feeling coil in my tummy, bringing me closer and closer to that oh so sweet release. But just before it cam loose, he stops. I practically sob at he pulls away, feeling the need to have his touch me, use me, do anything to me. As long as he was touching me I was in bliss, having his pull away was like torture.
He chuckled again, his deep smooth voice making the coil come back for just a moment only to disappear as quickly as it came. 
His still gloved hand came down to my pussy, stroking my soaking folds painfully slowly, gathering my slick on his fingers. Almost caressing my clit only to pull back down at the last second. I couldn't help but whine. A wordless beg to have him touch me. 
“Relax, you'll get what you want if I decide you should have it.”
His words where hard but lost all sharpness to them with his slightly playful tone, alone too slight to notice. But for someone like me, who has been so imitate with him before, it was easy to tell he was playing around a little. wanting to drag this out. 
For a moment my mind cleared a little, coming out of its blissful fog, raging this out, what would happen to me after? Do I go back to my cell? Will he still torture me? With the other rescue me? Do they even know where I am?
Before I could spiral top far I was Brough back to reality when I felt two fingers slip into my tight pussy, Two bare fingers.
My head It still tilted back into he sheets but I look down at Crosshair when I feel him again.
My pussy throbs after I see him. Some time during my little freak out he and not only striped his armour but also the top of his blacks, leaving his in only his tight fit lower blacks that did nothing to hide his raging hard on. At the sight my mind flashes to all the times I had seen his like this, hard and ready to pound into me. without mercy.
But to my dismay he seemed content on taking his bloody sweet time this go round. 
I didn't have much time to be pissed however, his fingers weren't his dick but right know it was good enough. It had been a while since I had been fucked good let alone at all. With Omega around it was important to keep things kid friendly. But as a result I was pretty pent up and in need of a good hard fucking. 
I rolled my hips up into his fingers meeting up with his thrust and finding a good rhythm. 
I nod desperately, 
“Words, ad’ika~”
I rolled my hips deeper into his hand, my eyes rolling back when he toucher that oh-so special spot inside me.
I moaned out so loud, after all this time I was a bit more sensitive than usual, I love Omega but damn is that kid a cock block. 
Despite seeing my sensitivity and desperation Crosshair seemed to what to take advantage of my precarious position. 
“You won't cum till you tell me everything, cyare.”
I groaned coming back to reality a bit, right, I'm still technically a prisoner. 
“ I-I don't kn-know where they a-are~”
I was breathless with my answer since Crosshair was still pumping his long perfect fingers into my wet pussy, hitting the spots that make me feel lit putty in his hands.
“I believe you.”
He picked up his pace a little, I couldn't keep my eyes open anymore, panting hard, my body begging for a release. 
I could feel Crosshairs lean forward to whisper in my ear, the action giving him easier access to my pussy, being able to delve further into it. drawing out a hard whimper and moan from me.
I was so close, so so close but he seemed to notice and slowed to a snails pace. I whimper at the loss of friction. 
“I want to know a few things so let’s start with the easy question, yeah?”
I nod desperately trying to thrust into his hand only for him to stop completely. I also sob.
“Why where you on Bracca, Mesh’la?”
I was shaking, not from fear, I fact I wasn't scared at all for some reason, I had every right to be but I wasn't. No I was shaking because of my denied orgasm. It kind of was hurting. The tense muscles in my lower abdomen not able to relax with out that rush of endorphins through my whole body. Fucking Biology. 
“The c-chips.”
My voice was breaking the pain being a little too much for me.
I didn't even have to elaborate. Crosshair you me well enough to know I was hurting. Mostly for experience, this certainly wasn't the first time we played the denial game. 
Without saying anything he started to thrust a little again, not enough to make me cum but enough to relive a little pain.
I sigh in relief. relaxing a little more.
“What about the chips?”
I final open my eyes again to look up at him, his face was still hard but his eyes looked a little confused, clearly wanting more.
It shocked me a little not to hear his deny their existence.
“We got them removed, Wrecker almost killed Omega, whe---.”
His fingers brushed up against my g-spot again making me shiver and lose my track of thought again. 
He leaned closer kissing right behind my ear.
“Keep going.”
He stoped thrusting again making my groan breathlessly again.
“We want to Bracca after Wrecker started getting bad headaches. Omega mentioned that it could be the chips, Tech said we should get them removed but we had to do it discreetly so we did it on the abandoned Jedi Cruiser so as not to draw attention to ourselves.”
I decided to leave Rex out of the story, not wanting to make him a target to. it was better if they thought he was dead, safer too. 
Crosshair started to thrust again, this time with a little more purpose. he slowly picked up speed, pressing all the right spots inside me that only the boys knew about. 
I cried out as I got closer and closer but he started to slow down again. And for just a second I got angry with him and completely forgot the position I was in.
“Dank ferrik Crosshair let me fucking cum!!!”
For the first time in almost forever I screamed at him. being so sexually pent up and sensitive I just couldn't take it anymore and all rationality seemed to fly out the window into the story sea outside. 
I move my head to glare at him but he second I look in his eyes I remember where I was and who I was with. I gasp covering my mouth and shut my eyes tight as I wait to be hit or slapped or anything but it never came. 
When I open my eyes again I see a very smug looking Crosshair. It take me by surprise seeing him look so cocky. His smirk still made me feel things though. 
“I guess I could---”
For a moment I had some hope, finally getting to cum and actually think straight.  
“If you beg~”
His smug tone immediately makes me hesitant as I glare at him a little again. His smirk just seemed to get wider. it felt like electricity shot through me when he slowly started to pump into me again, teasing me, trying to get me to give in. 
And it fucking worked.
“Please Crosshair, Please~ let me cum on your fingers~”
He sins seem to need much more convincing, that rock hard budge in his skin tight blacks making it clear that he wanted this as much as I did. 
I thought he would just speed up his thrusting, making even start to fuck me for real but I wasn't expecting his next move.
before I could even let out a breath he moved down faster then I could blink and stacked his thin lips to my clit, sucking and licking it mercilessly. 
I gasp as my body starts to shake like I was in and earthquake. That tightness in my tummy coming back as if on a mission. 
Crosshair knew exactly how to make me weak. As I back my hips up to his mouth, desperately chasing my orgasm, only to be stops when his free hand that was doing who knows what, at this point I could barely register anything that wasn't his two fingers and his lips and tongue, comes up and holds me down by pressing on my stomach.
Just as I was about to protest the knot in my tummy snaps with a vengeance, I gasp and shake violently when I finally get my precious orgasm. My body becoming racked with pure ecstasy that only Crosshair could give me. 
Crosshair helps me ride out my hight then pulls away coming back up to my face, a shit eating grin on his face as he licks away my arousal seductively, almost making me cum again. 
He kisses my lips, lingering longer than normal, when he finally pulls away leaving me breathless once again his lips still lithe brush on my lips as he whispers to me.
“I’m not done yet, ik’aad girl~”
Before I could think Crosshair had flipped me over onto my hands and knees exposing my bead ass to him. I yelped in pain for a second, the fast moment irritating my poor right leg again. 
With all this rough handling I was kind of worried about it so I reach down my hand to feel if I tore any stitches. Just as I was about to find the start of the stitches beneath the white bandage my head was shover down into the sheets by a hand on the bace of my neck followed by both my hands being tied behind  cuffed behind my back.
“Cross, my stitches.” 
I could hear him huff in annoyance but I could hear the sheets ruffling and two fontal fingers tracing the sticked up gash under the bandage. After dragging his fingers up and down the wound about two times he pulled the hand away and placed them on my hands that are pressed close together from the cuffs in guessing he got from his tool belt on the floor. 
“Your fine.”
His voice was sharp but also, dare I say, needed. (eyebrow wiggle) 
before I had a chance to even roll my eyes I feel a sharp stinging on ym ass and yelp.
“Di...did you just... spank me?”
I could head a coiled chuckle from behind me, right in my ear. It made me jump a little, too distracted by the stinking on my poor unsuspecting ass cheek. 
Was all the response I got before he wiped at my ear and thrusted into me with one hard push of his hips.
I cry out again, it didn't hurt, seeing as I had taken him before and I had already cum so I was plenty wet now. It was shaking, everything moving so fast with barely a moment to think. I was still pretty overstimulated from my previous orgasm, my body fast electric as his hands my arms down to my back with the help of cuffs not allowing me to move them at all. 
Crosshair was mostly noiseless when we had had sex before an Deven know he wasn't overly loud, mostly just soft grunts but it was enough to let me know he seemed to miss this as much as I did. 
 He was pounding relentlessly, the position he had me in letting his long thigh dick to kiss my cervix with each thrust, making me tremble with pleasure. If the bad wasn't built into the wall I think we would have broken already.
This wasn't the first time I had been handcuffed during sex before. Tech liked to experiment with bondage, but it was the first time in this position, with Crosshair and most notably, without a safe word. 
The intense venerability made me feel like I was on cloud nine, I didn't know If I asked him to stop he would, and it felt good.
I was moaning uncontrollably, wanting to say so much but not being able to. 
Crosshair leans down, using his left hand the was previously on my hip to my side to prop himself upright as he leaned over me to my ear.
“You like that, Ik’aad? Like being...uuuuhh fuck... held down and fucked like a whore.”
My body was rock forward with every thrust, the only thing keeping me in place being his hand that was still on my two bound hands, and I loved it. The feeling of being at his mercy felt good. It felt good to let go. To not be in charge or responsible. 
I didn't even hesitate, the words coming out so easily.
I could hear him chuckle behind me, the coiled sound making a knot come back.
“Good girl~”
My eyes flutter shut, loving the feeling of him above me, taking me as hard as he wanted to. 
After a mother minute I couldn't hold back anymore, I needed to cum.
“Cr-cross, I I-i’m.... CLOSE.... ahhhhhh~.”
He growled and kissed my shoulder.
It was on order, a command from a superior officer that had years of experience putting bad recruits in their place, one I would happily give in to.
With his words my orgasm crashed over me like a wave. My body shakes uncontrollably, I couldn't think, racked with so much bliss I couldn't even move.
My mind was in a fog, I could tell Crosshair hadn't stoped thrusting into me, helping me to ride out my high as he chased his own.  
After a few more hard thrust and my whining, feeling so overstimulated after two mind bending orgasms being him to stop thrusting but not being able to make any congruent sentences, he finally came.
He pressed into me completely, melding my body with his. I felt so safe, like I wasn't with the empire, like I was back on the Marauder. I finally felt safe and secure when he was close. His body pressed to mine. I could feel his breath and his heard beating violently agent his build chest. 
Once he relaxed I was ready to pass out. I didn't realize he had un-cuffed me till he turned me around to face him, my sweaty back against the sheets. He hovered over me again, his face sweaty and a little red. 
He looked blurry, and the room was spinning. 
I was exhausted. 
Between the bloodless, the fear and stress, and the two hardest orgasms I think I have ever had, I was ready to sleep for the next week. 
“What? Too much for my baby girl~?’
I could hear the smugness in his tone. I would roll my eyes at him If I wasn't starting to lose consciousness, so I just nod.
He chuckled again but I could hear the difference in this one. It wasn't smug or cock not even mocking, It was loving. Like he used to laugh at me when I tried to distract wrecker from a needle or when I would tell him a horrible joke. 
He laid down beside me moving me to face the wall. He was on his back, I figured he would just leave me alone after that. But to my surprise he moved me to lay on my side facing him.
He moved my head to rest on his chest and moved my leg to drape over his with his left arm underneath my head with his hand on my shoulder with his right hand resting on my side moving up and down to softly lulling me to sleep. 
“Goodnight ner kar'taylir darasuum.”
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And with that I knew, this was still the man I loved. 
Cyare: Beloved
Ner kar'taylir darasuum: My love
Kar'taylir darasuum: love
Ik'aad girl: Baby girl
Ad’ika: little one
Mesh’la: beautiful
352 notes · View notes
starryevermore · 1 year
meet me in the afterglow ✧ wrecker
angst city™ library | send in a request (consult request faqs first)
request: I saw u were looking for star wars requests, so here I am!! I'm obsessed with your Cross and Wrecker works, so 👉🏻👈🏻 Wrecker please? Your angsty Cross one was so good, would you consider imp!Wreck & f!reader? Make it angsty & smutty, a lil fluffy, whatever you think works, just go ham! If that doesn't take your fancy, I'd love to see some traditional Wrecker content - oh oh oh oh protective Wrecker, my beloved. Or Echo! Idk I just love your stuff and I'm dying to see you write more for the clones bc I think you write them very well  Sincerely, imarvelatthestars (but from my main ✌🏻) - @imarvelatthestars​
pairing: imperial!wrecker x medic!fem!reader
summary: wrecker has to trust the empire, even if they are trying to take you away from him. (but even he can’t deny the crumbling foundation of his faith.)
word count: 3,839
warnings?: 18+ MINORS DNI, smut, a little angsty, pre-destruction of kamino, canon divergent, au where wrecker stayed with the empire instead of crosshair, piv sex, unprotected sex, pet name (pretty girl), not proofread
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Wrecker hated when other people touched you. They weren’t gentle with you. They didn’t treat you like you were a precious gem, something to be cherished, something to be treasured. And while his own hands were designed for destruction, he always made sure that you never knew of the blood that stained him. You were good, you were sweet, you were kind. You looked at him like he was something more than a soldier, something more than Kaminoan property. You treated him like he was something special, and all Wrecker wanted to do was treat you the same way.
But, kriff, no one else seemed to treat you like that. Not the regs, not the Kaminoans, not the Imperial officers. No one else seemed to realize you deserved to be treated like you were everything.
Sometimes, that was the only thing that made him question staying with the Empire. If no one could appreciate you like him, why should you and him remain? He should just scoop you up, steal a ship, and get to the first planet where he could provide you a good life. But, the Empire could provide a good life, too, right? If he continued to be a good soldier, if he continued to follow orders, if he continued to prove himself useful, it would amount to something. Right?
So, he tried to hold back on following instincts and ripping off the hands of the other people who dared to touch you. He had to be a good soldier. Good soldiers do not attack without orders to do so.
And yet, when he walked into the medbay and saw one of the regs reaching out toward you, his hand almost coming to rest on your hip, Wrecker wanted to dismember the man and beat him with his own limbs. Wrecker didn’t realize he had let out a low growl until your head whipped around to look at him, the reg’s eyes widening as he looked at Wrecker. The reg pulled his hand away. 
You looked over in the corner, where one of the Imperial officers stood. A few months ago, one of the natborns had gotten too handy with you and Wrecker nearly killed the man. The punishment had been worth it, but ever since, an officer was stationed in the medbay to prevent such situations from arising again. In the back of Wrecker’s mind, though, he couldn’t help but wonder if the officer was there to protect you or if he was there to incapacitate Wrecker if he acted out.
“Take a seat on the cot over there and I’ll be with you shortly,” you said, turning your attention back to the reg. 
Wrecker went to the other side of the room and sat on the cot. It sank under his weight. Wrecker ground his teeth together. Every day, it seemed, hatred began to burrow further and further into his chest. When Wrecker decided to stay with the Empire, to not follow his brothers in their desertion, he thought things would be different. He had been promised that things would be better. And, for a time, things were better. He was given a squad to lead, he was allowed to be more than the muscle and explosives specialist. He was allowed to be more. But, as the days passed by, as the days became months, Wrecker was all too aware that he still wasn’t respected. Kriff, they wouldn’t even get cots that could support him without threat of falling in. 
“Alright, you’re good to go,” you said to reg, finishing off the bandage on his shoulder. “Change your wrappings every couple hours, and keep an eye out for any infections. Come straight here if it gives you any trouble, okay?”
“Can I come even if it doesn’t give me trouble?”
You turned away, busying yourself with cleaning your tools. You looked at Wrecker, then the officer. “That would be inappropriate, trooper. My job is to treat injured soldiers. Such duties cannot be interfered with.”
“If you change your mind—”
“I will not.” You glanced up at Wrecker again, then back to your tools. You swallowed hard. “My duty is to the Empire.”
Wrecker looked at his feet, guilt weighing heavily on his chest. A good soldier does not question his superiors, he reminded himself. The Empire had done so much for him. Who was he to question them? To act as if he knew better? 
“Don’t you have training to go to, trooper?” the officer cut in.
The reg’s mouth snapped shut, though his eyes widened for a moment, just a fraction of a second, as if he forgot that the officer was there. He gave a curt nod, muttering a thank-you to you, then left the medbay without another word. 
As you finished cleaning your tools, you looked at the officer, offering a tight-lipped smile. “Thank you, sir.”
The officer nodded, watching you closely as you crossed the room to where Wrecker sat. Guilt still ate at him, chastising him for daring to think that the Empire wouldn’t do anything to protect you. Of the Empire would protect you. Wrecker had no reason to believe the Empire wouldn’t. 
You cast another glance at the officer before greeting Wrecker by saying his number. “How can I help you today?”
“Got blown up on the last mission,” Wrecker said, the tightness in his chest loosening as you rested a hand on his arm while looking him over for any obvious injuries. 
Your eyes immediately met his, your brows furrowed together in concern. Then you glanced back at the officer again and your face dropped, void of emotion. “Good thing you came here then. Can’t have our troopers harboring hidden injuries,” you said. 
Wrecker felt the hidden meaning behind the words. I’m glad you’re here. I want to take care of you. 
“That’s why I came here.”
The corner of your mouth lifted. You knew he meant, I love when you take care of me. 
Wrecker wasn’t very good at speaking in codes. He was a very direct sort of person. But, when it came to you, he was willing to speak in a language only the two of you understood. Like the Kaminoans before them, the Empire did not tolerate the clones having…relations. That never stopped Wrecker from loving you (how could it?), but it did limit the way he could express his feelings toward you. 
“Can you lay back so I can examine you?”
That was something Wrecker loved about you. You always asked permission, always made sure what you were doing was okay. It made Wrecker feel like a person, like he was something more than a soldier. Something more than a number. 
He removed some of his armor so that you could perform the examination before he laid back against the cot. Wrecker relaxed under your touch, the stress from the mission slowly melting away. You asked a few questions as you examined him, trying to determine if he was experiencing any pain. It was a bit hard to answer, if only because he could fall asleep under the gentleness of your touch. 
Then, he heard someone say your name. Wrecker sat up as you turned around, looking towards the door. 
“Vice Admiral Rampart,” you greeted. “Is there something wrong, sir?”
Rampart shook his head. “Oh, no, not at all.”
“Do ya have another mission fer me?” Wrecker asked. 
He hoped Rampart didn’t say yes. Wrecker had been looking forward to an evening with you. Usually when Wrecker got back from a mission, he had a day or two on Kamino before he was sent off on another mission. It had become routine for you to sneak into Wrecker’s bunk, or him into yours, and spend the time together. This last mission had lasted two weeks, and he was really itching for some alone time with you. 
However, Rampart ignored Wrecker, his focus entirely on you, as he said, “I’ve come to deliver the good news in person.”
“Good news?” you repeated, brows knit together. “I’m sorry, sir, but I wasn’t expecting any news.”
“There was an opening for a charge nurse,” Rampart explained. “After much consideration, you were determined to be the best fit for the position.”
Wrecker tensed. There was more to this, he was sure of it. It didn’t make sense for Rampart to come deliver this news. Wrecker just couldn’t figure out what was wrong.
“Oh. That’s wonderful. Thank you, sir,” you said. “I didn’t realize there was an opening here.”
“Oh, no, you misunderstand. The opening isn’t on Kamino. You’ll be going to Coruscant first thing tomorrow morning,” Rampart said. It was impossible to ignore his sly smirk. Wrecker wanted to punch it right off his face. 
Your mouth opened then closed. Wrecker noticed how your hands trembled, no matter how you tried to keep them steady. “It’s an incredible opportunity. I look forward to it. Thank you again, sir.”
Rampart looked over at Wrecker, his smirk growing, before he looked back at you. “It will be a shame to lose you, of course. Few nurses can take…such good care of our soldiers.”
You offered a tight-lipped smile. “I'm sure my replacement will be just as capable. The Empire only employs the best.”
“That we do.” Rampart’s smirk turned more into a sly grin. “Well, I won’t keep you from your work any longer.”
“Thank you again, sir…I appreciate the opportunity to better serve the Empire.”
Rampart nodded and began to leave. But before he reached the door, he turned back around. He said Wrecker’s number, making Wrecker straighten, nervous for what was to come. “There is a mission for you. You’ll be training soldiers on Daro starting tomorrow. Come to office when you’re done here and we’ll discuss the specifics.”
Wrecker nodded. “Yes, sir.”
Rampart left and, when you looked back at Wrecker, your eyes were glassy. Wrecker’s fingers dug into his leg, fighting the urge to reach out, to caress your face, to let you know that everything would be okay. But he didn’t have the luxury to comfort you. Not now. Not under the watchful eyes of the Empire.
Instead, Wrecker said, “Congratulations on the promotion. You’ll have to celebrate.”
I hate that they’re making you leave. I need to see you before they take you away from me.
“Thank you. I look forward to better serving the Empire.” You pushed on Wrecker’s shoulder, encouraging him to lie back down again. He did. You started your examination again. “I’ll have to celebrate this opportunity when I’m free.”
I hate this, too. When the day is over, I’m yours.
For the rest of the day, Wrecker felt like he was running on autopilot. He barely listened during his meeting with Rampart. He could hardly focus during his training. He wasn’t even entirely sure he managed to eat anything.
How could the Empire do this? How could they rip you away from him? Why was the Empire taking one of the few joys he had in his life? 
By the time the day turned the night and all of his and your obligations were satisfied for the day, Wrecker was ready to take you away from your job, carry you to your room, and worship you. Thankfully, he was able to restrain himself for long enough that he knew that he would less likely to be caught.
Now, Wrecker stood outside your door, Lula clutched in one hand. He raised his fist, rapping his knuckle on the door once, twice, three times. A beat passed, then two. The door opened, and you pulled him inside. You shut the door, twisted the lock, then threw your arms around him. 
Lula dropped from his hands. Wrecker lifted you, scooped you up in his arms, and walked over to your bunk. He settled on the mattress, holding you on his lap. You pressed your lips against him, kissing him so hard like you were trying become part of him. Wrecker slipped his hands down, resting them on your hips, tugging you closer to him. He needed to remember this. He needed to remember the feeling of you against him. He wasn’t sure if, when, he would ever get to experience this again. 
“I fucking hate this,” you mumbled against Wrecker’s lips. “Fuck the Empire. Fuck them for making me go away. I don’t wanna leave you.”
“Don’t say that. The Empire…It…” Wrecker tried to find the words to defend the government that had given him this sort of life, but nothing felt right. “We won’t be apart long. I know it. I just know it. I promise. You ain’t gettin’ rid o’ me.”
“Don’t make promises you can’t keep, Wreck,” you said. Your head dipped, nestling in the part where his neck met his shoulder. “This was always something that was gonna happen. We always knew this wasn’t…This isn’t the sort of thing that remains a secret, no matter how hard we try.”
Wrecker blinked. “You think…You think he knows about us?”
“Awfully convenient to send me away to Coruscant and you to Daro.” You let out a sigh, your breath tickling his neck. “I’m scared, Wreck. I don’t wanna lose you. I don’t want this to be our last night together.”
“It won’t. I’ll make sure of it.”
“Maybe we should have gone with your brothers. Maybe we should have listened.”
Wrecker pulled away, frowning at you. “You shouldn’t talk like that. The Empire…It…We have to…” Wrecker’s shoulders deflated and he tried again. “My brothers left us. How would that be any better?”
“At least they wouldn’t be separated. At least we’d be free to leave if they tried.”
Free? Wrecker’s head dipped, his cheek resting on the top of your head. He didn’t really know that word. Not in a practical way, anyways. Wrecker, his brothers, even the regs…None of them were supposed to know freedom. They were bred to fight, to lay down their lives for the Republic. In the absence of the Republic, they served the Empire. They were supposed to only know war and bloodshed and violence. He was never supposed to know the softness you offered him. 
But, even if he didn’t know the word, he loved the way you said it with such conviction. He loved you believed that the two of you could be free to live whatever life you and him so chose. Perhaps that was why he wanted to believe in the Empire. He wanted to trust that the Empire would treat you and him right. He wanted to believe that, one day, he would be done with fighting. He wanted to believe you and him would settle on some remote planet, somewhere quiet. Somewhere with a lot of forests, he thinks. Perhaps have a little farm. He would give you children, he would provide for you, he would give you the life you deserve. 
“…The Empire will give us that freedom.” And yet, despite his insistence, this faith in this system was starting to crumble. But he wasn’t sure for what he was going to fall into if he let it slip out from under him. 
You let out another sigh. “Forget I said anything. I don’t want us to argue now. I just wanna enjoy being with you while I still can.”
Wrecker nodded, kissing the top of your head. He was fine with that. He was fine with not thinking about how complicated and shitty and awful this all was. He was fine with not getting a headache from trying to sort through his feelings on the matter. He was fine with that. He just wanted you. 
His fingers slipped under your shirt, squeezing at your soft skin. Kriff, you were so warm. He loved that about you. Loved how you were a soft, little furnace curled up against him. His fingers dipped to the waistband of your pants. 
“Can I touch you?” Wrecker mumbled. “Wanna memorize the way you feel.”
Your breath hitched. “Please.”
Wrecker pulled your shirt off, grunting as it momentarily got stuck when he tried to get it over your head. This would be easier if he could just rip it off you, but he knew it upset you when your clothes got ruined, even if you did assure him it was fine. He threw your shirt to the floor. Your bra went next, joining the pile. 
Kriff, you were beautiful. No matter how many times you and him had ended up like this, Wrecker couldn’t quite wrap his mind around how you could be look like a goddess. Wrecker lifted you up slightly, pressing kisses down your neck, down your chest. When he reached your breasts, he spent some extra time cherishing you, taking a nipple into his mouth, giving it a gentle suck before moving to the next one and doing the same. 
“Kriff, Wreck,” you moaned. “That feels so good.”
“Good. Means ‘m doin’ my job.”
“Mm, need you to fuck me, Wreck. Need to feel you. Need you to do your job,” you breathed out. 
And, oh, Wrecker was eager to please. The remainder of your clothes then his were shed in quick succession. Maker, seeing you like that before him, aching for him, wanting him to make you feel good. Wrecker’s fingers dug into your hips (and, oh, wasn’t that a pretty sight too? Wrecker wanted to memorize the sight), guiding you down his cock. 
“Kark, you’re so big,” you whined, burying your face in Wrecker’s neck. Your teeth nipped at his skin. “Can’t ever get used to this. Could cum just like this.”
Wrecker’s chest puffed up. He loved knowing he had this effect on you. He loved knowing that he was the one who could make you feel this good. There wasn’t a lot of things that Wrecker could control, or even understand, but he knew how to do this. He knew what buttons to push, knew how to thrust into you just right, to make you fall apart. He loved it. He would do it all day, every day if he could. 
And, what was even better, was how good you made him feel. With your tight little cunt wrapped around his cock, he felt he died and gone straight to Heaven. As you rocked back and forth, your pussy nearly strangling his cock, he struggled to keep his moans to himself. He always tried to hold back a little in that regard, scared that if he was as loud as wanted to be, the two of you would be caught and he would lose you. But…He was already losing you, wasn’t he? What was the point in holding back now? 
No. He shouldn’t think like that. Everything was going to be fine. You were going to be fine. He was going to see you again. He just had to. He had to trust in the Empire. He pushed the thought, focusing on how you were squeezing his cock, pushing him closer and closer to his release. 
“Oh, Wrecker,” you moaned, fingernails digging into his shoulders. Your head was thrown back, eyes squeezed shut. 
His hands held your hips, guiding you up and down his cock. “That’s it, pretty girl,” he grunted. “Make a mess all over me. Show me who makes you feel this good.”
“You do—fuck, I’m gonna—”
“Go ahead, pretty girl. ‘m right behind ya.”
You fell apart around him, your thighs shaking, your body trembling. You collapsed against his chest as he continued to thrust up into you, his own release following close behind. He came with a shout, arms wrapping around you to keep you close. 
“I love you,” he mumbled, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. 
“I love you, too, Wreck. So much.”
The two of you remained like that for a few minutes, basking in each other’s afterglow. But then Wrecker remembered something he wanted to do, something he needed to do before it was too late. He rose from the bed, you still in his arms.
“Stay here just a second, pretty girl,” Wrecker said, setting you down on your bed. 
He got up, going over to where the fallen Lula was. Carefully, he picked her up before turning back to you. You were watching his, brows furrowed, trying to figure out what he was doing. He walked back over to you.
“Take Lula,” Wrecker said, pressing the Tooka doll into your hands. You stared at him, your jaw slack. “Take care of ‘er, okay?”
“I will.”
“No, ‘m telling ‘er to take care of you. She’s taken care of me fer so long. Need ‘er to do the same fer you.”
“Oh, Wrecker,” you sniffled, cradling Lula close to your chest. You scooted over in your bed, making room for him, and pat the mattress. He slid up next you, slinging an arm around your waist. “You’re the kindest man I’ve ever met.”
“Only ta you,” he said. He kissed you, trying to memorize the feeling of your lips against his. “I don’t want this to be our last night together.”
“We’ll figure something out. We always do. I won’t let them keep us separated.”
Wrecker pulled you closer, pressing your face against his chest. He didn’t want you to see him cry. He didn’t want you to see him start to doubt himself, to doubt the decisions he had made to land here. Because…maybe he was wrong. About the Empire, he means. Maybe he should have taken you and left with his brothers when he had the chance. Maybe he should have ran away with you a long time ago. 
“We need to trust the Empire,” he mumbled, trying to reassure himself. 
I’m scared.
You sucked in a breath, then said, “The Empire knows best.”
I’m scared, too.
“Can you tell me about your day?” Wrecker asked. “I like hearing you talk.”
I want to remember the way you sound, just in case this is the last time I get to see you. 
“Only if you tell me about your mission.”
Talking to you is the only thing keeping me calm. 
And as you began to tell him about all the things you had done today, Wrecker found his eyes shutting. They felt damp with tears. Maybe if he shut his eyes, they wouldn’t fall. Maybe he could control that, if he couldn’t control this. 
This was going to be fine. It had to be. Because, if it wasn’t…Wrecker wasn’t sure he could handle it. And he couldn’t let you know that. If he was doubting himself, how could you ever have faith in him to make this all right? He was going to make this right. He had to. He had to give you the life you deserved, far, far away from the dark shadow the Empire was casting, the shadow that Wrecker wasn’t sure if he could ignore. 
(He never made it right.)
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madpencil · 1 year
Febuwhump 2023
Day 7: Forced to watch
Title: Watch From Afar
Words: 1,255
Characters: Crosshair, Tech, Wrecker, Hubter, Omega, Tech, Admiral Rampart, unnamed clones. (The Bad Batch)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Crosshair was always the one watching and waiting. Constantly he focused in on the land around him, waiting for an enemy. Normally he was hidden from view on a ledge or in a thicket. Today he was standing out in the open with his Admiral. The soldier wasn't part of the operation except for acting as a guard.
Below the imperial, the Bad Batch scrambled as they attempted to escape. Desperation laced every move as they realized they were pinned down.
Cross found himself feeling terrible. His brothers and little sister were down there about to perish and he couldn't do a thing to help them. They were traitors. This was what they deserved. The man tried to hide behind flawed reasoning. It all still felt wrong. He'd seen this before during the better days of the Republic. Before he would've helped them escape and now...
He had to try. He couldn't let his older brothers and little sister perish. Not when he could stop it. He raised his rifle and took aim at one of the troopers blocking their path. No one moved to stop him as they assumed he was going for a member of the batch. With ease the shot glided down and hit his mark. Tech looked up briefly and met Cross's eyes for just a moment. Only then did two troopers attempt to restrain him. The imperial's comfort in his brothers eyes had distracted him.
Crosshair tried to put up a struggle but they had come from directly behind him and grabbed his arms. The two forced him to his knees.
"I'm disappointed Ct-9904. I thought you were better than that. Let's watch, shall we?" Rampart antagonized. Cross wriggled to no avail. It didn't look good for the family below him. Hunter tried to protect Omega while the others tried taking out troopers when they could. What made it even worse was now Tech was aware that Crosshair had tried to help. The mercenary knew as soon as everything was over the man would be executed for treason. Another thing to add to their ever growing list of things to do while escaping. Protect Omega, actually escape, and now rescue Cross. People had such cruel hearts Tech knew that somewhere his brother was forced to watch them fall.
Once a member of the squad, Crosshair watched as they indured everything. He hardly breathed as he watched Omega attempt to help with her bow. She had good aim and took out a few troopers before she was hit in the shoulder by a bullet. She yelped and fell back to the ground. Hunter moved over to her hurriedly and checked her over. She'd be okay, but the wound needed treatment as soon as possible.
He moved his eyes to check on Tech. He was growing more and more overwhelmed by the minute. It's not that he couldn't handle being stressed. The situation called for everyone to be on edge and Omega's injury didn't help their nerves. Crosshair knew it wouldn't affect his performance. It would affect his mood after the battle.
Wrecker and Echo were near eachother so that Cross could see them both at the same time. The two were working on a plan to join Hunter and Omega behind their crates. They were closest to the advancing troopers but were managing. Granted clones were advancing from every side, but they were closest to the two men.
Crosshair saw a change in Wrecker's body language before Echo did. It something he only ever did when he was going to do something stupid. The hulking figure leaned over to the other and started talking. Echo eyed him with suspicion. As Crosshair thought, it was a stupid idea. The ARC trooper shrugged before agreeing. They were out of options and it was their best bet.
Wrecker lifted a crate and slung it towards the troopers while Echo started for Hunter and Omega. He slid to the ground and looked at the two. Omega had tears in her eyes and Hunter was reassuring her. Only Tech had the necessary equipment to treat her shoulder.
Wrecker threw the last of the crates and started sprinting to the others. Tech used the distraction to his advantage and began running the short path to the the others. Wrecker stopped and fell. On his back was a mark where he had been shot. Crosshair whined and tried to move. He had to help his brother. He had to save him. Why was he always the one watching?
It was too dangerous for any of the batch to check and see if he was okay. Hunter hoisted his little sister into his arms while the other two continued returning fire. She cried out when he had to move her arm to keep it stable.
"I'm sorry Omega. We have to go." Hunter told her.
"But- Wrecker..." She tried to inform Hunter as if he didn't know. He did, and he knew there was still a chance. He could hear labored breathing from his brother but their was nothing more they could do. Going out to retrieve him was a death sentence. He motioned for them all to keep low and they started to break through the troops. The remains of the batch headed for the surrounding forest.
Crosshair wanted to scream at them. There were other soldiers in that forest ready for them and they didn't know it. He watched the troopers close in on them and the body of Wrecker. Clones examined him and deemed him not worth their supplies. A tear burned the imperial's eye. Wrecker was dead to him. What he could see was nothing but a shell of his brother.
Shots fired in the forest and Crosshair prayed his family would make it. He looked desperately for them but could see nothing. His eyes blurs with water and he stifled a sob. Whenever the soldier was upset the emotion would almost always turn to anger. This time the grief stayed with him like a leech.
"Shall we?" Rampart asked as he motioned for Crosshair to stand. Obediently, the man did as he was told and stood. He watched a different group drag his older brother away. His chances were low, but if anyone discovered he was breathing he could still pull through. For now however he remained dead to the world. He remained dead to his brother.
"I'm willing to forgive your outburst Ct-9904; so long as you don't do it again." Rampart knew his blind loyalty and sight were something he should keep close. Faced with the offer to stay in his structured environment he nodded. His place was an army. He got far too worked up over a few traitors.
"It won't Admiral." He replied in addition to his nod. He looked up as the sound of a ship and recognized the Marauder. At least one of them made it out alive. His feelings betrayed him again and he was thankful to see them leave. As he walked away from the place where he had watched them fight for their lives he started to think. Maybe one day he could let go of one of the two things he held close so he could join the other. The structure of an army that never cared about him offered security. The structure or a family that had always loved him offered happiness. For now however, he would remain torn between the two. He'd choose his side eventually, and he'd live with his choice.
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jedi-lothwolf · 1 year
Febuwhump Day 15: self-sacrifice
Fandom: Star Wars
Timeline: The Bad Batch
Warnings: Character death and mention of suicide.
The first was always Hunter. He was the squad leader so it made perfect sense. The man needed to lead and that's easier at the front. Next would be a mix of Echo, Omega, and Tech. They were smaller then the others and easier to kidnap. The three being in the middle insured their safety. Wrecker being the largest and strongest was at the end. Being very difficult to kidnap was part of the reason, but if someone started to fall behind he could just grab them and continue.
    This mission the batch took for Cid was supposed to be easy; get the information and get out. The data card consisted of bounty hunter information. How to hire and where to find them mostly. Why Cid wanted it no one knew and no one asked.
    Now the batch was running. Running was a specialty of the family's. They ran from the empire, ran from Crosshair, and run from their problems. But everything catches up with you especially.
    The Marauder wasn't to far away. The old port it was stationed in was in sight. However imperial soldiers followed close behind. It wasn't looking good. Everyone was exhausted. Most had small to larger injuries from escaping the dense forest that guarded  the decrepit building they had extracted their target from.
    The imperials were catching up now. Blaster shots just barely missed the group. Return fire proved to be relatively difficult. Tech started spitting out statistics that they live and about how far the Marauder was. The stats weren't looking good.
    That's when Wrecker knew what to do. He knew this would likely be the end. The group didn't know when Wrecker stopped following them.  Wrecker had stayed back to fight the regs. It seemed to be working. The distance between the demolitionist's family and the soldiers grew.
    The soldiers started to overrun the large man. Echo turned around and stopped. "Wrecker what the hell are you doing?!?" He screamed. Something felt familiar about this. Like he'd seen his brother commit the same act of suicide over and over. One can call it self-sacrifice and that's what it is, a desperate act to save your loved ones, but you must acknowledge that an individual has chosen to die. But it was all for love.
    The four stopped for a brief moment, unsure of what they do now. Do they help their brother? Do they run? "Wrecker!" Shrieked Omega. The girl started to run back towards him before Hunter grabbed her. "No!"
    "Thank you for everything! I love you, now go!" The back of Wrecker knee was shot and he yelped. The man continued his attack as the others left.
     Tech, now on the end, stopped again. Could he really leave Wrecker there? The family had already left Crosshair, could they lose another brother? The youngest watched as the oldest was gunned down. "No" he whispered.
    Now he understood Echo more. The heart wrenching feeling that comes with losing a brother, the fact he'll never hear him laugh again, never be hugged again, never breathe again. It cut deep into his heart and frightened him.
    Hunter had heard the whisper and slowed to a stop. "Tech, come on!" He yelled. His eyes landed on Wrecker body. Mortality crept up on him. That was something he'd deal with later.
    Tears welled in Tech's eyes as he turned to leave. Now he ran, ran as they always did. But death is not something you can simply run from.
    Back on the Marauder the four dealt with Wrecker death. The grief crawled into their hearts and made itself at home. This feeling was as familiar to Echo as the back of his only hand, For Omega, Hunter, and Tech this overwhelming feeling was new.
    Hunter worried on how Crosshair would take it. Wrecker and him were relatively close, well at least when Crosshair was still with them. Would he even care? Somehow it felt worse to think he still did care then didn't. He'd be dealing with grief alone.
    The family would learn to cope at their own pace. But for now all they could do was support each other. After all that's all they had. Each other.
I know it's March now but I'll be trying to finish these up until the first week of March is over.
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omegas-spaghettios · 3 years
In Defense of Hunter, Wrecker, Tech, and Echo
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I want to clarify that I like Crosshair. I used to love him and I just kinda like him now, but he's a great character. I hold nothing against his fans. I just want to talk about how people are slandering these 4 like they did everything wrong when everything they did was pretty justified.
I need to talk about Crosshair's chip, because that affects how we all view these final episodes. While I agree things don't add up completely, Cross has no scar, nursing a headache, etc., his behavior DOES indicate he is telling the truth.
Chipped clones have been shown to show loyalty to the Empire above all else. They killed the jedi, they'll kill innocents, they forget all sentimentality, and we see with Jesse that they will more than happily die to accomplish the chip's commands. The Batch has experience with this with Captain Grey in the premiere and later Wrecker. Chipped clones are basically battle droids.
Crosshair does not act like that at all. He shows sentiment and loyalty to personal history, he defies orders to even kill his fellow imperials, and he puts aside his anger in order to escape Kamino. NONE of those things are congruent with him having a chip in at all. So while it doesn't add up completely either way, the evidence honestly seems to favor that he's telling the truth as his behavior is a huge tell that has not been shown to be able to be countered for more than a few seconds (love you Rex) while an absence of a scar could indicate a variety of things and the headache can honestly just be chronic pain from his insane head injury in Episode 8. I'm not saying that is the truth, but what I am saying is the evidence provided can easily line up to more than make it believable that Wrecker, Echo, and Tech believe he has it out.
Wrecker does know what a chip feels like, so we all expected more empathy from him, but Crosshair is not acting the way did Wrecker did AT ALL. Wrecker lost all control and immediately tried to kill the people he loves most, while as stated Crosshair is exhibiting almost opposite behavior. Wrecker knows what a chip does to you and Crosshair is definetly not showing that, so why would Wrecker show empathy for it? Wrecker knows first hand that is not what the chip does to you so it more than makes sense that he sees Crosshair's behavior and story and believes it.
Crosshair's intense feelings of Supremacy and loyalty to the Empire are not out of no where. We see in TCW that he is incredibly cruel about regs, he has always hated them. So considering the journey he went on this season it does feel like a realistic progression of belief.
Crosshair also is hurting his own cause here. Now we as the audience know for sure he had it in for Episode 1, we are shown explicit evidence. We have no idea when he got it out though due to the lack of a scar, and his refusal to specify hurts him here because what he actually did as himself vs. chipped is VERY important. I also want to say that while the audience knows Crosshair has the chip in in Episode 1, no evidence is provided to the Batch to know that, so Crosshair saying he had it out "a long time ago" means it is reasonable that the Batch could even suspect everything he did since Episode 1 was him. And here's a quick rundown of some things he did this season that the Batch would know about:
Obeyed Order 66 and shot at a child jedi even when ordered to stand down
Advocated to kill civilians to the others
Shot Wrecker and used him as bait to lure the others out
Lead dozens of Troopers to Bracca to kill them
Went out of his way to order his troops to kill Omega during that confrontation within earshot of Hunter
Tried to burn them all alive with an Ion Engine
Contributed to the oppression of Ryloth
Arrested Howzer, a clone who was trying to do the right thing
Spouted supremacist jargon about how they are superior to regs (something Hunter, Tech, and Wrecker have been shown to be softening up on)
Said the might of the Empire was the only way and basically gave them all the choice to join or die.
And remember, our heroes just got the revelation that potentially all of those actions were taken of Crosshair's own free will. They have every right to be harsh or unwelcoming after that. Sure they didn't try to rescue him but he also tried to put multiple blaster bolts through their heads, no one is innocent.
So the general coldness and harshness is more than understandable considering that Crosshair just admitted to trying to get them all killed on multiple occasions on his own free will, that would sour your relationship with anyone I reckon, so why are they expected to be okay with Crosshair doing all of that?
Anyway, to specifics. When Wrecker says Crosshair never even tried to come back and that they would have taken him, there is truth to that. During both Bracca and Ryloth, Crosshair was right there and had opportunities to turn heel and help them all escape, but he never did. I've seen this described as victim-blaming but you guys need to realize that Crosshair has potentially done ALL of this of his own free will and is actively trying to pull the others to the Empire. Wrecker is right, Crosshair put more effort into killing or converting them than he ever did in returning. It's harsh but it's true.
And Tech saying it's in his nature is like, classic Tech. I don't necessarily agree that they all have set paths due to their biology like Tech does, but Tech began this season rattling off about how Wrecker was made to be the way he was, this is just how Tech rolls.
The one I see a lot is after Crosshair rescues Omega and they still have the guns up and then never thank him. First of all, Crosshair never thanked them either for saving his life so let's not go around expecting any shows of gratitude from everyone. But more importantly, how were they supposed to know that Crosshair was saving Omega? As a viewer I legit thought he was aiming for Hunter there, it makes more than enough sense that they pulled their weapons on him. And considering their recent history, it makes sense that all three of them keep their weapons up longer than needed, both Hunter and Omega are potentially at risk. We all saw how quickly all of them drew their weapons in Episode 13 at even the slightest hint of danger to Omega. Considering everything before, it makes sense they kept them up until he disarmed himself, that's just good self defense honestly.
And my final point:
He was given multiple invitations and opportunities to join. Sure, he was not made to feel all that welcome, but even after all of the season and the finale, Wrecker stops to ask if he is coming and Hunter gives him one last chance. He was given many opportunities to go with them. He said he made his choice, that isn't abandonment, that's stepping away.
In Conclusion
Honestly all 6 of the main characters really dropped the ball on this season's conflict and no one is blameless or unjustified.
I'm not mad about it because it makes for compelling character drama, but everyone involved kinda didn't do their best, so maybe let's not slander one side over the other?
(Small lists of commenters who showed interest is seeing this: @violettavie @shilsvampsinger @rain-over-kamino )
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ahsokasleftbicep · 3 years
Name and Soul: Chapter 1
Alright everyone here is the first chapter of the series. Apologies for the delay, I had a lot of editing to do. I hope you enjoy it!
Crosshair x F! reader
Word Count: 3440
It’s odd how quickly things change on the battlefield. This kind of change you never expected. You and the Bad Batch met about a year after the war started and with your sharpshooting and other combat skills, Hunter offered that you join their team. You got along with most of the group very quickly, with the exception of Crosshair. Over time, after a lot of sneers and eye rolling, the two of you grew closer. After a particularly grueling mission, both of you admitted how you felt and now the two of you barely went anywhere without the other. You were the perfect duo, with both of your skills combined, missions went without a hitch almost every time.
The group had been called to the planet Kaller to assist Master Billaba. Her padawan, Caleb, you believed his name was, led you and the boys to his master. That’s when it happened… that change, the shift in the air. The troops turned on the Jedi and fired on her. Order 66. Caleb bolted, running off into the woods, sliding down hills with a certain hatred in his eyes that you had never seen in someone so young, so… innocent. You, Hunter, and Crosshair ran after him. The woods were so peaceful compared to the chaos everywhere else.
It was quiet and Caleb seemed to disappear. You looked around and saw him in the trees. “Hunter, Crosshair, I found him.” While Hunter tries to convince the kid to come down, Crosshair aims at the kid. “Crosshair no!” You tackle him down into the snow.
Caleb runs off, Hunter yells out, “Crosshair, what are you doing?”
“Following orders. Get off me Y/n.” Crosshair shoves you off him before getting up.
You follow him, an angry look on your face. “What the hell is going on with you?”
“I’m following my orders. We need to find that Jedi.” The man walks off, you tailing behind him.
“Crosshair, we don’t even know what the order is.” You grab his hand, “Just wait until we know what’s happening.”
He turns his head towards you before scoffing, “Fine.”
Good soldiers follow orders. Crosshair mumbled that before Hunter sent you back with the others. When all of you got back to the ship, Tech explained that all the clones had been ordered to execute the Jedi. Saying that they committed treason and tried to kill the Chancellor. The war was just somehow over. None of it made any sense. According to the sergeant, Caleb died in a fall. You all got ordered back to Kamino, offloading and heading to your barracks.
“Hunter let that Jedi kid escape, or do you want to keep lying?” Crosshair sneered.
Hunter gets up, “I don’t like to think of executing our commanders as an objective.”
“An order is an order, Hunter.”
“Since when Cross? You’ve never been one to follow orders, why are you starting now.” You raise your voice to the two men. Everyone goes quiet.
“Don’t act noble y/n, you’re as much to blame as Hunter is for letting that Jedi escape. I could have gotten him if you hadn’t stopped me.”
“He was a child!” You walk up to him, glaring into his eyes.
“He was a traitor!” Crosshair pushes you back before continuing to clean his weapon.
You speak up after a while. “This doesn’t make any sense. General Billaba and her battalion have been in numerous battles, serving alongside each other for years.”
Echo speaks up this time, “How could they turn on her like that?”
“Because of the regs programming. It’s been documented that the Kaminoans inhibited the functions of clones to engineer them to follow orders without any question” Tech explains. “They manipulated everything, Crosshair’s sharpshooting and Hunter’s enhanced sense. And of course my exceptional mind. I assume that we are immune,” Tech glances at Crosshair. “at least, most of us.”
All personnel report to the staging area for a briefing on the state of the Republic.
You felt so out of place in the staging area, surrounded by clones that felt off to you. Their mannerisms were different, more robotic. You were drawn back at attention when Chancellor- no Emperor Palpatine began speaking.
....And the Jedi rebellion has been foiled. The remaining Jedi will be hunted down and defeated. The attempt on my life has left me scarred and deformed. But I assure you. My resolve has never been stronger! In order to ensure the security and continuing stability…
… the Republic will be reorganized… into the first Galactic Empire!
“Galactic Empire?” You look over to your team in confusion. Sudden cheers ripple across the room, the other clones celebrating like it's the greatest thing in the world.
Tech and Wrecker were arguing at the table. You kept looking at Crosshair, he was acting odd, well more that usual. He’s still acting like a prick, so that’s a good sign. He let you sit next to him, so that was good too. But he kept rubbing his head, like he had a migraine of some kind… so odd. You nudged his thigh.
“Are you feeling well, Cross? You look sick.”
“Thanks for the compliment, y/n.”
“You know what I mean... tell me what’s going on.”
“Just a migraine, don’t worry about it.”
“An Imperial’s been sent to evaluate the clones.” Hunter speaks as he sits down.
“What kind of evaluation?”
“Hopefully not mental. Clearly we’d never pass that… well, maybe y/n could.” Tech nods his head to you.
“Oh I doubt it, with all the stuff we’ve been through together, I’d probably fail.” You take a sip of your water before something catches your eye.
Omega shifts awkwardly, “Hello again. Omega. From earlier?.... in the corridor.”
“Yeah, kid. We remember.” Hunter raised his eyebrow at the child.
Hunter was about to ask about the kids parents before a couple regs interrupted. “Check it out. The defect squad’s got themselves a recruit.” Before you can react, Omega throws her food at the clone. Hunter tries to diffuse the situation, but you didn’t get your throw in so you grab your tray.
“Y/n, don’t.” Crosshair attempts to grab your wrist but just misses you.
“Don’t worry, Cross. I won’t miss.” You wink at him.
“Hey Wrecker, let's show the kid how it’s done, yeah?” You aim before to throw the tray at the clone. “Oops, my hand must’ve… slipped.”
All hell breaks loose and punches are thrown. Echo got knocked out, when the boys got up to go get him, you walked by Crosshair. Here goes nothing.
“Hm? What is it?”
You grab his hand and pull him into a hall. “What happened on Kaller? Tell me what happened.”
“I told you, it’s just-”
“Why are you lying to me?” You pull his hand, drawing him closer.
“There’s nothing wrong with me, it’s you all. You’re the ones who refused to carry out the order.”
“An order to kill a child, Crosshair.”
“That child was a traitor to the Empire.”
“But a child nonetheless.” You retort.
“You don’t understand, none of you do. Just drop it.”
“I’m sorry, but I can’t. Crosshair, you’re worrying me.”
The man looks down at you, he looks so lost. “There is nothing wrong. I promised I would never lie to you when I proposed.” He tugs at the delicate chain around your neck, fiddling with the ring that he gave you just weeks before.
You look at him, skeptical, “And you’ll tell me if something is wrong? Cross your heart?”
His lips tilt up, “Cross my heart.”
Echo told you all about Tarkin. When you all started heading towards the training facility, the shock troopers stopped you.
“Y/n L/n? Admiral Tarkin has asked you to sit out of this battle simulation.”
You furrow your brows, “He’s asking me to not train with my team?” You look at Hunter and shrug, “I’ll be watching, I guess… Be careful, something doesn’t feel right.”
Wrecker speaks up, “Oh don’t worry Y/n, we’ll be fine!”
When you arrive at the observation deck, you are greeted by Lama Su and who you assume is Admiral Tarkin.
“Ms. L/n.” The prime minister greets you in a monotone voice.
“Prime Minister, may I-” you were interrupted by Tarkin.
“We can dismiss formalities, begin the simulation. Ms. L/n, you will be answering some questions for me.”
“....Of course, Admiral” You stand next to the man, watching the boys go through the course.
“What is your opinion of this team, L/n?”
“My opinion, sir? Well they are the best group I have worked with. Their skills are the most impressive I’ve seen.” You speak as you watch Crosshair take out the tower cannons. Wrecker is having the time of his life by the looks of things. So far so good.
“Switch to live fire.” Your blood runs cold, live fire? What is going on here? You watch the new droids take their place down below, Wrecker got hit and you tensed, unaware that Tarkin noticed your worry.
“And what of your relationship with these clones?”
“My relationship sir?” Your eyes catch onto Crosshair in the tower, moving to run out the door when he almost falls from the tower. Tarkin didn’t miss that either. He turned his head to you, an eyebrow raised.
“Surely you’re aware that relationships within the military are forbidden, especially with these… clones.” The bile in his tone made you sick, you wanted to punch him.
“I’m not sure what you’re suggesting Admiral, but I can assure you that my relationship with my team is strictly as comrades.”
“I’m sure of it then. I will be sending Clone Force 99 on a mission. I ask that you stay in Kamino during that time. And one more thing.” Tarkin turns to you. “Did your team carry out Order 66?”
You grit your teeth, “Yes sir, the death of the general and her padawan were confirmed, was that not clear to you?”
“Only the death of General Billaba was confirmed, a counter report was filed by one of your own says otherwise.” Tarkin turns and walks out. “That will be all Ms. L/n, you are dismissed.”
Once Tarkin was out of sight, you ran back to the barracks. You rush in, seeing the boys, frustrated looks on their face. “Who’s that Imperial bastard think he is?!”
Echo turns, “Y/n! Are you alright? What happened?”
“He questioned me about you guys. Asked of my opinion… and of my relationship with you all…”
“That bastard,” Echo clenches his fist, “He knows everything about everyone. He’s got it out for us.”
You look at Crosshair, “Tarkin said that one of us filed a counter-”
The door slides open and the devil himself walks through, “That was quite an impressive display, Nala Se claims that you are all more capable than an army.”
Hunter steps forward, “You have a mission for us, sir?”
“Yes, a group of insurgents in the Onderon sector. They must be dealt with. Unfortunately, Ms. L/n will not be able to join you. She will be staying here on Kamino while you complete this task.”
You help Tech load the last bit of supplies on the ship. “Don’t worry about me, I’ll stay in the barracks until you come back.”
“It shouldn’t take us long. If everything goes according to plan that is.” Tech says.
You smile and walk down the ramp.
“Y/n.” Crosshair calls you over.
“Yes Cross?”
He takes your hand and runs his fingers over your wrist, avoiding your eyes. “There’s something-”
“Crosshair! Let’s go!”
He looks back at you, apologizing. You squeeze his hand, “It’s okay Crosshair, we can talk about it when you come back.” You lean up and kiss his cheek. “ Be careful, okay.”
“Okay, y/n.” He pressed his lips to your temple before climbing up the ramp. They take off and you turn around, finding Omega behind you.
“Hey, uh, Omega right?”
“Yeah! And you’re y/n.” You can’t help but notice the worry in her features.
“Is something wrong?” You lean closer when the child just nods
“Kamino isn’t safe anymore, we need to get out of here. Something is going to happen, I just don’t know what. But the boys aren’t safe here.”
You kneel to her height, “Okay, I believe you. Something has been off ever since the order was declared. Keep quiet for now, okay. When the boys come back, we’ll figure something out.” Omega nods and runs off to Nala Se.
“Y/n!” Omega rushes into the barracks.
“Omega! What are you doing here?” You walk up and close the door. “Oh hey AZI.”
-“Ms. L/n. Omega, Nala Se instructed us to stay in the medical wing.”
“You guys can stay, think of it as a research assignment.” You smile at the girl.
Omega and AZI are looking around the barracks when troopers come to the door.
“You are not authorized to be here.”
You speak up, “Omega is fine, I’ll keep an eye on her.”
The trooper turns to his partner, “Pack up their gear and take it to the hangar. You two, you’re coming with me.”
“We’ve done nothing wrong, and you are not touching our stuff. Back off!”
The troopers grab you and Omega.
“Let go of her!” You struggle against his grip, then everything goes black.
You groan and open your eyes.
“Y/n! Are you okay? They hit you a-and then threw us here!”
You grab Omega’s hand. “Slow down, I don’t know what’s happening, but you need to stay calm okay?”
The door slid open, revealing the batch, they were missing their armor. “Guys!”
“Y/n, what happened?” Hunter helps you off the ground. Crosshair just rubbed his head and walked to a corner.
“I don’t know, they just threw us in here.” You rub your head. “What are you guys doing here, what happened to the insurgents?”
Hunter pauses, “They weren’t droids, they were people. There were children and elderly. We didn’t hurt them.”
From the corner, Crosshair interjects, “Because Hunter went soft, he had us disobey orders.”
“What? Crosshair, they were living people.” You look at him, confused.
“We’re locked in here because of him. First the padawan, then Gerrera. You’re becoming a liability, Sergeant.”
“Enough.” Everyone looks at you, “None of this is helping us get the hell out of here.”
After Omega spoke to your fiance, you quietly sit next to him. “Crosshair, I know you’re the one who filed the report.”
“How smart you are, y/n.”
“You don’t have to do this. You would never do this.” You're interrupted by the man that threw you in here.
“CT-9904, you’re coming with us.”
Hunter jumps up, “Oh, no, no, no. We stay together”
“Stand down!”
“I said stand down!” The trooper shoves you back into the cell.
As Crosshair puts on his armor, he notices a chain with a ring around his neck. He doesn’t remember who or what it’s for. Help me, please. Don’t hurt them. Don’t hurt y/n.
Tarkin approaches him, “CT-9904, the prisoners have escaped from the brig. Make sure they don’t leave this planet.”
Crosshair tucks his helmet under his arm. “Yes, sir.” Good soldiers follow orders.
You tighten your hand in Omega’s as you run through the halls to get to the hangar.
“All right, this way. Let’s make this quick.”
Tech runs to power up the ship, and the hangar door opens.
You tighten the grip on your rifle, “Omega, get down. Do not get up until Hunter says so, okay?” You look up and see him.
“Crosshair, it’s me. I-”
“Best stand down, Sergeant.” His eyes flit over to you. “You as well.”
“Lower your weapon.”
“Y/n” Hunter looks at you. You nod and raise your rifle.
“I can’t do that Crosshair. I’m sorry. I’ll come back for you, I promise.”
One of the troopers fire, blaster shots flying everywhere.
“Omega, go!” You yell out. You glance back and see Crosshair take aim at Hunter. A shot fires, knocking the rifle out of his hands. Omega. You take aim at his rifle when he tries to grab it again and fire. Crosshair shoots up as you run to the ramp, grabbing Omega and throwing her inside. Crosshair kept firing with his pistol, you returned fire, but did not hit him. You couldn't hurt him.
After the Marauder got into hyperspace, you sat down in Crosshair's room, your shared room. You fiddle with the necklace when the door opens, revealing Omega.
“Hey, are you okay?” The mattress bends a little.
“Yes… no, I’m sad and confused.” You feel tears welling in your eyes but blink them away. Omega looks at your necklace and points at it.
“What’s that?”
You smile softly at her. “It’s an engagement ring.” You chuckle at the confused look on her face. “It’s something that a person gives to someone that they love so much, that they want to spend the rest of their life with them. Crosshair gave this to me.”
“So he loves you and you love him?” The girl scoots closer out of curiosity.
“I love him very very much. I miss him very much too.”
“How did you two meet?”
You raise your eyebrows. “You really want to know?” The girl nods enthusiastically. “Well, it’s actually a pretty funny story. Before I joined the batch, I lived off the grid. When the war started I joined a local militia on Batuu, I was a sniper like Crosshair. Kept innocents safe, took out droids. One day there was a larger group of Seperatist droids causing trouble, I got sent out to look around and take them out.” You look over at Omega and she nods. “Things didn’t go exactly as planned, and a couple of civilians got caught in the middle. A droid was about to take a shot and my rifle had jammed. So I just ran towards it and tackled it. At the same time, someone shot me in the leg. When I looked back, I saw Crosshair standing on a building, all tense. Well, he was grumpy that I blocked his shot and he carried me back to the ship. After I healed up, Hunter offered me a spot on the team. And I’ve been with them ever since.”
The girls eyes widen. “So you’re a sniper too? Can you teach me?”
“Teach you? What, to shoot?” You look at the girl in surprise.
“Yes! I want to help however I can. Can you teach me? Please?” Omega got on her knees and bounced on the bed.
“I’m not the best-” You sigh, “Okay, okay. We can ask Hunter tomorrow.”
“Yes! Thank you, thank you!” Omega hugged you, smiling.
“Of course, why don’t you get some rest. You’ve had a long day.” You pat her head. “You can sleep in here until we set something up for you.”
“I’m not tired though.” She could barely hold her eyes open and she kept yawning.
“Sure you aren’t. Come on, bed time.” You pick the girl up and lay her in the bed across from you. You tucked the blanket around her and got up to leave, but she tugged on your hand. “Y/n?”
“We’ll get Crosshair back, I know it.” She lets go and closes her eyes.
You crouch down and smile softly, “I know we will too, Omega.”
Crosshair sits on his bunk, staring at the necklace in his hands. He looks again at the engraving on the ring. O'r gai bal runi.
“What the hell does that mean?” He grumbles and turns the ring in his hand. I don’t remember why I have this. That women… y/n… she had the same ring around her neck. Who is she? Crosshair puts the necklace on the side table.
He rubs his head, furrowing his brows. Fight back! Fight back dammit! Get out of here!
“Shut up already…” Crosshair climbs into the bunk and stares at the ceiling before closing his eyes.
Everything hurts. NO! NO! Don’t let me hurt them again… I can’t hurt my brothers. I can’t hurt her. Y/n, y/n, please don’t leave me. HELP ME!
“Crosshair!” You shoot up from your bed, gasping for air. You look around wildly in the darkness. I heard him. I swear I heard him.
A small voice calls out, “Y/n? Are you okay?”
“I- Yeah, I’m alright, just had a bad dream. Go back to sleep Omega.”
You lie back down in your bed and grab your necklace, moving it around in your hand. We’ll find you Crosshair, we’ll bring you home.
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starstrucksimp · 3 years
They're Gone.
Pairing: Crosshair X Fem!Medic!Reader
Rating: SFW
WARNINGS: None, except bit of angst and this was mega-rushed lol.
Summary: The medic reader can't be forced away from her sarcastic sniper as he loses control and turns on the squad. In the rush of chaos, (Y/N) makes a mistake, which leads to the batch forgetting about her. (Angsty I think?)
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Fuck it! Fanfic-Friday because I miss my boys.
You know that the first Friday after the season finale is practically sCREAMING for some angst!!
This is also my first fanfic (which is super rushed) so don't mind me screwing ya up a bit more. ♡
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Heavily panting, you struggled against Wrecker's iron grip, eyes burning with hot, salty tears as you thrashed around begging to be let go. Crosshair stood still, scowling at you're pitiful attempt to free yourself.
"No, Wreck- Hunter! Stop!! I can help him, I- I- please let me go - let me help him!"
"Get back to the ship!
Ignoring your pleas, Hunter gave up reasoning with his fallen brother and ordered retreat, despite your desperate attempts to defy him.
Instantly, your love, your Crosshair started to fire at the squad. It all happened so fast - Wrecker getting shot, Tech starting up the Marauder and Hunter spitting out orders left, right and centre - leaving you out in the open. Even though Crosshair showed a malicious intent to kill, you physically forced your body inches closer to the imperial soldiers and towards the man you thought you loved.
You weren't sure if it was hope, desperation, stupidity or a blurred mix of all three as you clawed your way through the boxes and raw scent of near-miss blaster bolts. All you were certain of was that you could fix Crosshair, whether you were right was another thing entirely.
He showed no remorse in his attempt to gun down his brothers. Why would you be any different?
You could hear the now distant voice of your leader ringing in your ears, causing more hot droplets to mark your flushed cheeks. Demands were shouted to the newly-rescued blonde and Echo.
"Echo, we go for Wrecker!"
None of them raised their concerns for your sudden disappearance, even though Hunters top priority seemed to be the safety of his team. A moment of weakness possessed you as you looked back and saw them haul a groaning Wrecker up the ramp. Completely in the zone as they started to board the ship. They had forgotten you. Your trance of being drawn to your love still evident as your legs tried to move themselves further from your family.
You couldn't do it-
You couldn't get any further-
You couldn't get to the man you'd promise your life to-
And you couldn't get back.
It was almost as if you had randomly woken up. You had no idea what you'd just done, you'd willingly propelled yourself into the firing line in order to reach Crosshair. Tech's moments of analysis info-dumping, Echo's careful mom-like behaviour and Hunter's constant composure struck you like lightening as you suddenly became aware of your surroundings and obtained as much control of yourself as possible.
You were stuck in the crossfire and torn between your people. Hope you had for the silver sniper radiated as you considered rushing to his aid but your heart knew that this was a battle you wouldn't win.
Idle hands threw themselves to your head as you took cover from multiple shots. You were completely stuck and lost to the bad batch. Agitated toes danced around and jittered as they made the final decision to run home to 'safety'. Only for you to remind yourself that they had forgotten you. A statement that you thought could never be true very clearly proved you wrong when the buzzing of the ramp literally and figuratively cut you off from what was left of clone force 99.
The sliding of the door, the roar of the engines, the wind from the take off. It had happened, what only appeared in your nightmares played out right in front of you. You were shattered by Crosshair's betrayal, now Hunter's betrayal? No he couldn't of chosen this - could he?
The burning in your muscles acted like pinches in a dream, this was real, 100% real!
You immediately caught up, ferociously banging in distress until your knuckles blistered and bled on whatever metal was hovering closest to your shaking body.
Your face on fire and your lungs withered as you screamed to save yourself.
"Hunter! Tech! It's me! (Y/N)!! Open up please - please, please, please! I'm begging you open up!!"
They couldn't hear you, even if they could would they help you? They forgot about you. Forgetting about a teammate, especially a highly trained medic such as yourself was never something that so easily happened. You couldn't help but think that they were as desperate as you and left you behind to guarantee their safety.
Fear and doubt clouded your mind and your sight as you scampered around the hanger, running after the ship you called home. Like a wild animal that found its weekly scraps.
"No, no, no!! I'm here! Don't leave me!!"
You gave up, like Hunter gave up on reasoning with Crosshair. You didn't even notice that the wild firing of blasters had stopped as you your eyes swelled with water, your tears almost threatening to drown you in a second moment of weakness.
It wasn't until a hand forcefully grabbed at your shoulder, you twisted in horror - only to be met with the stone cold expression of Crosshair. Despite his ice-like exterior, you saw his eyes, eyes that carried the same shame, same pain as you as it finally sunk in that you weren't escaping the empire.
"They're gone...."
"They're gone." He monotonously repeated back to you as a sort of confirmation that you had in fact, been abandoned, whether it was intentional or not.
⭒☆ ☆⭒
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ladykatakuri · 3 years
Musings of a Sargeant
A little One Shot about the sargeant of The Bad Batch, Hunter.
Pairing: None it is about Hunter and the Batch
Warnings: None really, it is the musings of Hunter after the seasons finale
Word Count: 1611
Summary: “Why did I let him stay behind? Why did I not stop our retreat and drag him on board the Marauder and take him back with us? Why could I not convince him of our just cause and his mistake? Why did he not trust me?” Each thought about his brother was another stab in his heart and another crack in his armor.
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He had always felt the most responsible for pretty much everything they did. Each training session when they were mere younglings. Each session in the tanks that would either accelerate their growth or heal the injuries sustained during arduous training sessions, each time they would undergo some new treatment that changed something inside of them and have them adjust to yet a new enhancement of their already existing abilities, he would feel responsible for their safety and the comfort they so needed because of the cold and the pains that surged through their still growing bodies.
When they were fully grown, they finished their training and were finally sent out on actual missions. That did not stop him from feeling responsible for them , it actually increased the sensation, the feelings that he had about his small family.
The last mission they had been on together, well, to him it felt as the greatest failure in his career. He gained a sister, though more and more each day she felt like a daughter but he also lost his brother and his self confidence was in shambles.
“ Why did I let him stay behind? Why did I not stop our retreat and drag him on board the Marauder and take him back with us? Why could I not convince him of our just cause and his mistake? Why did he not trust me?” Each thought about his brother was another stab in his heart and another crack in his armor.
But, he had to be strong, he had to put up a front for his remaining family and lead them back to safety. The pain and insecurities would have to wait for another time, right now he would have to show them he was still the strong and reliable brother, the leader, their sargeant.
Hunter gently shook his head as he left the fresher and moved to the cockpit where he found Tech and Wrecker in the pilot seats. Echo sitting behind them checking something on a pad while Omega was half asleep next to him, a blanket drawn around her and Lula securely tugged against her chest.
“What is our current situation Tech?” All back to being the unshakeable sergeant of the group, Hunter patted Tech shortly on the shoulder and moved to sit in his chair.
“We are currently in hyperspace and well on our way back to Ord Mantell. AZI is recharging under the supervision of Gonky, though I doubt Gonky will be of any use for this, it seems it has taken a liking to AZI for some reason. Omega has been warmed up as soon as she came on board and Echo has been wrapping her up in a blanket, keeping an eye on any sign of a cold or worse. Crosshair seems to have not been in contact with the Imperial fleet, though I am uncertain on whether or not there are working stations left on Kamino after the bombardment. Perhaps he still has a comm somewhere on him, but it must have been well hidden since we……”
Hunter stops his brother from explaining anything further by lifting his hand. “I will take Omega to her bunk, she will need her rest after being soaked as she has been. Warn me when we approach Ord Mantell.”
Carefully he picks up Omega and carries her towards her own private bunk. Looking down at her relaxed face and hearing the little snores that come from her slowly falling into a deeper sleep, Hunter feels some relief. At least she is safe and was aware that their lost brother did not forsake or hate her. Crosshair did show some of his oldest self by rescuing her and if anything, that was what Hunter would hold on to for the time being. Gently he lays her down in her own bed, Lula still tightly clenched against her chest, she appears to mumble something in the lines of mix and Wrecker and Crossbrotherlove. “ The wondrous mind of the inexperienced young. ”
He only hopes that she will not be forced to grow up too fast and will still be able to live in some relative peace, or what goes for peace when you're a wanted clone in an Imperial Galaxy.
Instead of moving back to his brothers, he decides to leave for their shared bunk space. “ Just a few minutes, that is all I need.”
His brothers, well aware of the stress and the self blame he is suffering under soon realize he did not come back from taking Omega to her bunk and instinctively know that he must have fallen asleep while trying to gather himself. Without even a word, they decide to let the man rest, if he wants to scold them for that later so be it, though he knows them well enough to understand where it came from.
When Hunter wakes up, he soon sees that he has been away for longer than just a few minutes. All in all he has fallen asleep and been asleep for well over thirty minutes. He rubs the sleep out of his eyes and gets back up from his bunk to make his way back to the cockpit. As he steps into the hull, he takes a minute to gather his thoughts when he hears Techs voice over the comms. “We are approaching Ord Mantell.”
Stepping back into the cockpit he notices Echo busy typing something on a datapad while Tech is preparing to land the Marauder and Wrecker is already standing up to wake Omega, they always celebrate their return with a helping of Mantell Mix and he will make sure that Omega is ready to grab a carton of their shared passion of the sweet and savory snack.
Silently slipping back into his seat, Hunter watches as his brothers all do their respective jobs. Tech, ever diligent in all his piloting tasks, does the work of two since Wrecker has gone to fetch their sister. Echo, no longer busy with his datapad appears to be busy with one of Tech's side projects while simultaneously checking the com signals. The entrance of Omega and Wrecker into the cockpit means they are all together again. Omega rubs her neck as she sits down and beams a smile at Hunter. “You slept well Omega?”
The young girl nods as she pulls up her legs and hugs her knees. “I think I dreamed of Kamino……. But it was not a bad dream, it was with AZI and when we first ate together in the mess hall.” Her grin tells Hunter that despite her young appearance, this girl is far stronger then she seems to any random outsider, a mistake that has been made by strangers in the past and one that would not be repeated by those who survived that encounter.
As the Marauder finally lands on Ord Mantell, Hunter decides to speak to them before disembarking. “Before we all leave for Cid`s …. I know there is a lot to talk about, to figure out. But before we even begin to make a start with planning our next move, take some time to relax and gather your thoughts. Work through everything we experienced up until now and decide on what you want us to do next. If you need anything, and I mean anything , come to me and tell me. If you want to talk, just talk, no matter what it is about. Just, promise me not to do anything rash.” With the last part he glances at Wrecker and Omega, knowing full well that they are the two most likely to come up with an idea and immediately act upon it.
They all nod at the words spoken by their brother. Each of them knows that he speaks from his heart and that he is the one suffering the most. If anyone would need someone to talk to, it would be him. Knowing Hunter though, that would not happen anytime soon, instead he would most likely already be working out a plan to reunite with their lost brother and carve out a little corner in the galaxy for themselves where they could remain in relative safety.
After disembarking the Marauder, each of the group went their own way. Hunter went straight for Cid`s, ordering a drink and sitting in a booth where he would take his time to gather his thoughts.
Tech, after having something to eat together with Echo, went straight back to the Marauder to work on repairs while Echo left for the market to gather some much needed supplies.
Wrecker and Omega went straight for the Mantel Mix vendor trying to keep some form of normalcy. On their way back they did not speak of all that had happened on Kamino and the aftermath, instead they made plans on buying something for Hunter to cheer him up.
Cid, noticing the way Hunter was nursing his drink sat down opposite of him. “So, wanna tell me what happened Bandana? You're not your usual dark and broody self, so for one time only, I am here to listen.” Pouring herself a drink she raises her glass at Hunter and gulps the drink down.
That evening, after everyone returned back to the Marauder for the night, they noticed Hunter was in a better mood than when they were on their way back to Ord Mantell. Whatever it was that happened in the time between returning to the planet and returning to the Marauder, it worked and now Hunter seemed back to his old self, ready to lead them into the fray of the galaxy and planning the return of their brother.
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mwolf0epsilon · 3 years
Hey bit of a small question with the AU if that’s ok :)
How did the Batch and Cross/Cruz reunite? Was it on a job or perhaps did they just happen to eventually stop the ‘almost-ran-into-each-other’ dance and just ran into each other?
What was everyone’s initial reaction individually? Was Wrecker trying to hug him? At what point in the encounter did they realize he had no memory?
Also on that other question post I find it so fascinating that you’re delving into Crosshair’s character growth from the memory loss. I would find it strange if he stayed the exact same and I also find it so nice he finds peace with himself!! He needs rest both in AUs and cannon
Not a problem at all! This got longer than I anticipated, so I'll put it under yet another cut! Y'all are spoiling me with all this interest in my AU!
Yep, it happens during a job. The crew of smugglers he's working with don't just smuggle supplies. Their leader's been securing clone defectors, and she even has two representatives that are basically her connection to the man she's sending the clones off to (*cough*Rex*cough*).
During this one job, they actually had to escort the Batch who were basically working as security detail to transport a rather difficult VIP (Lets just say, the clone that Rex sent them to grab wasn't overly happy with being rescued since he's still fully chipped)...
Initially because they're in Imperial Space, Cruz/Crosshair had his helmet on. He kept observing them quietly, trying to figure out why these particular clones were so different to the others he'd interacted with, and just trying to place this odd feeling of deja vu he got from them, when their ship gets attacked and boarded. His helmet gets knocked off in the following altercation, and then the smugglers end up having to explain why they seem to have a dead man in their ranks...
The collective reaction is, of course, shock. Tech is speechless for once, Hunter looks like he's between having been sucker punched or shot point blank, Omega and Echo are both sharing this look of "are you seeing the same thing I am", and Wrecker is the first to be excited by this new development. He's met plenty of clones that faced the odds and survived the impossible (himself included), but his baby brother? His littlest batch mate survived a shot to the head?! This is the happiest he's been in ages and he immediately scoops him up into a bear hug! Until he's met with silence and just, confusion on Crosshair's part. No snark, no hissing at him to grow up...Just... A very polite "Please put me down, I don't like being held like this". And that's basically a punch in the gut for Wrecker. This is his brother...But he sure as hell isn't acting the way his brother would... All of the Batch realise something is wrong, but it's Tech who comes to the conclusion before they get confirmation on the subject.
As for Crosshair's character development, this is something that I've been thinking about heavily since watching Gregor's introduction in tcw. How this clone commando (a high trained super soldier among clones) lost his memories and, when put into a civilian setting, ended up becoming this meek and somewhat nervous unassuming person that wasn't looking for trouble (rather than become a fearless bruiser that was willing to leave the hellhole that was Abafar, and Borkus's control over him)... It suddenly dawned on me that the clones are the way they are because they literally know no other life (Rex commenting that Dogma was much like he was when he had first been assigned to Anakin proves as much). But, if given the chance to start anew as blank slates, they're not immediately looking to get themselves into situations they would have otherwise gone in blindly if given the command to do so. Hell, Cut defected to get away from fighting altogether, and start his own family! The Bad Batch clearly had miserable lives back on Kamino when they were cadets (more so than any other clone since they appeared to only have each other due to the regs ostracising them for reasons unknown), and I don't doubt that most of Crosshair's aggression is in fact something he developed to protect himself. So what would happen if whatever traumas he suffered back then, whatever experiences that made him so jaded and distrustful of others who's intentions were unclear to him, were suddenly gone? What if Crosshair just...Had a chance to actually develop an identity at his own pace, rather than being forced to constantly fight for a government that didn't really care for his kind? My guess is, he'd actually find a purpose beyond the one he was made to accomplish... And be a better person overall because he has an actual choice in the matter for once.
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priortoallthoughts · 3 years
TBB Character Thoughts
Where do you live Filoni I just wanna talk
Why are they white Filoni
Filoni answer me
Spoilers for TBB episodes 1 & 2 under the cut 
There are two distinct instances where we see Crosshair being more than just the asshole character and I’m gonna talk about them 
The first one is S7E4 of TCW when everyone is escaping Skako Minor and he and Wrecker are comparing kill counts 
don’t look at me blushing about Crosshair being a top
But just look at Crosshair’s mannerisms when he says “no he won’t~” 
Popping up right after Hunter assures Wrecker just to rub it in that he topped him killed more droids 
The little head shake and shoulder shrug he does 
And his voice 
That’s not the voice of someone saying something cruel
That’s a straight up teasing voice 
He’s teasing his vod like vode do 
The second instance is in TBB S1E1 when they’re loading the marauder for their mission to Onderon 
“He actually cried”
And ya know what?
I don’t doubt that Wrecker cried 
But “hey, we both did”
I like to think that Crosshair, seeing a fully stocked armory with force knows how many (probably new) rifles, also teared up a bit 
THAT’S the Crosshair I’m holding out hope for 
But I swear if I don’t see him trying to fight the chip’s control 
(Just like Rex tried to do)
(Just like Jesse tried to do)
If I don’t see that and he doesn’t get any character development beyond being just the bad guy 
I’m gonna go feral 
But maybe we do see it?
He still wants Hunter’s permission before pulling the trigger even with his chip half active 
And Wrecker is a big target 
Crosshair only hits his shoulder when they’re escaping Kamino
From that close range he misses a kill shot?
No sir I don’t think so
There was never a doubt in my mind that Wrecker would be good with kids 
Look at him standing up behind Omega in the galley for intimidation like the ori’vod he is
And to see him interact with Shaeeah and Jek 
“Uncle Wrecker!” 
I just 🥺
And can I just say that when they’re locked up on Kamino and he punches the wall the first time 
He explains the sounds to the guard almost verbatim the way Tech did to him 
Had me cracking up because the way he’s written, he would never say that by himself 
He trusts Tech’s explanation so much that he parrots it back to the guards
Not to mention all the little interactions between Tech and Wrecker in both episodes 
Them arguing about the hand signals 
Him reacting to Tech’s teasing about his conditioning 
Wrecker suplexing the droid which was hot
And maybe they’ve done it before, but all Crosshair needing to say is “knife” for Wrecker to know what to do
Great moment 
And his SCAR
We get a so much more detailed image of it in the first episode 
Like, I’m of the opinion that that injury is part of the reason he acts as childish as he does 
Because are those or are those not electrical scars 
His brain was fried
Them mentioning it at all would be nice 
Give me more than big dumb guy 
I love and support the headcanon of him being emotionally intelligent 
Also, him going through the Marauder with Omega and they both fall asleep together is the sweetest 
He probably showed her everything they have while talking about it
He showed her where they hide the snacks
Lula is cute and so is Wrecker’s poncho and hat 
His confidence in everything he says is so attractive
He might be misinformed about some things, namely the inhibitor chips
But boy
Him being positive about where to hit the wall to break out of their cell
The fact that he could slice into imperial data easily even though he’s never seen those codes before 
How he didn’t tell Hunter about his plan to impound the Marauder until after the fact because he knew his plan would work
The biggest flex
Also, I want him to hear Rex explain the true purpose of the chips 
I want him to say “actually” like he’s about to say something 
I want Rex to have undeniable proof of it all
And I want Tech to become progressively more horrified about what he sees/hears
Tech is Tech
He knows technology
He trusts technology 
And look at what the Kaminoans put inside him and his vod 
He immediately starts planning on how to get the chip out of Crosshair
Also he’s a secret softie with Omega 
He probably researched everything about her right after they meet the first time 
He’s upset because she’s upset on the farm in Saleucami
The way he reaches up to catch her when she drops down from the Marauder 
“That would be dirt” 
Like he can and will happily explain anything about anything to her if she asks 
Guess who just made the Galaxy’s Top 10 list of best dad’s? 
Look at him trying to be a dad 
You don’t know everything yet but you’re doing great sweetie 
Immediate ride or die for Omega as soon as he finds out she’s some sorta defective like them 
Also the way he goes after Caleb to try and protect him from the other clones 
He just wants to help kids 
Probably shoulda called Crosshair out on his acting strange more/earlier 
He knows his vod, and Cross is not being Cross
The way he watches Cut and Suu to try and figure this parenting thing out because he’s just acquired a child 
The way Cut and Suu look at him when he interacts with Omega
Cut’s like, yeah vod, I’ve been there
Also talking about gorgeous 
Hunter in civvies 
He wasn’t yelling at Omega because he was mad, he was yelling because he was scared 
He was yelling at Tech because he was mad
I knew Omega wasn’t going to leave but him suggesting it because he wants her to be safe
So good, so pure 
And he’s a great leader, honestly 
He doesn’t do anything to put them in danger if he can help it (see: Onderon)
Crosshair says he’s missing the big picture but I think he sees everything, but he also knows it’s an incomplete picture 
He just wants the best for his vode and that means getting all the facts straight before he does anything 
My man deserves to know exactly how Fives’s actions helped saved Rex and Ahsoka and is still helping to save other vode 
He deserves to remember his last batch mate fondly
I love how he reacted to AZI-3 
The recognition of his PTSD is a good thing as much as it hurts to see 
Need more of that 
Echo using his cybernetic arm as a shank on the droids during the training simulation is peak feral fighting
Also he definitely asked to get some kamas again 
He earned his ARC status before and he’s not gonna lose that too
Plus he knows the kamas are hot
The fact that he’s complaining about the smell of their room too is just so funny?
Like it’s an offhand comment at first
But then he gripes about it again when Wrecker says it smells funny in the cell
“That’s because it’s clean”
All Echo wants is to kick everyone out of their room for the day and deep clean everything 
And the way he acts because of Omega
“Harm her and you’re a dead man”
Completely serious
He absolutely would murder someone if they so much as scratch her
I wish we got more bonding between him and the others
He probably had that awkward phase when you find a new friend group but you’re still new so you can’t just be your normal weird self
He’s gotta build up to being just bantha-shit insane
Otherwise the others would think he’s serious about the shit he says
And be worried 
But it’s actually nothing to worry about 
I just want them all showing love to him and each other 
Also, in case you were curious,
Galaxy’s Top 10 Best Dads (in no particular order):
Din Djarin
Jango Fett
Plo Koon
Cut Lawquane
Kanan Jarrus
Bail Organa
Chewbacca, probably 
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gospelofme · 3 years
Omega and Nala Se
“Kaminoans keep a lot of secrets.”
Echo may have given us a huge clue in Part 1 of the finale. We see Nala Se also being treated pretty importantly as well, with a commando escort and an Imperial scientist waiting for her. Overall, she seemed to have gained the most after the Empire took control of Kamino. She had quite a bit before even, her own research lab with a secret landing pad and tunnel systems.
We see her acting pretty comfortably with Lama Su, agreeing with him and doing what he says. Except it’s clear she has her own plans. She pays Fennec regardless of the fact she didn’t get Omega, stating that as long as she’s out of the Empire’s reach, she is safe. Even having Fennec kill Taun We, since Taun We’s job would’ve been to bring Omega back to Kamino. However. Lama Su mentions that her attachment to Omega has caused them problems.
Let’s take a detour now to Tech. Our genius is smart, but he’s not always right. He was wrong about Echo’s signal, even formulating multiple theories about it. He was wrong about the inhibitor chips too, disregarding them as no big deal since it seems the experimentation they underwent damaged them. Except he does admit he doesn’t know why Crosshair’s activated. He’s proven wrong when Wrecker’s manages to activate, Rex being proven correct in that they’re impossible ignore once they get going.
Tech relies a lot on information he is able to decrypt and declassify. He figures that if someone goes to great lengths to hide something, it must be important. And accurate. But Nala Se is smarter than Tech and I think she knows how much importance and belief people place in information that’s seemingly hidden. He’s the one that uncovered the information that Omega is a “pure clone of Jango Fett”. He had to have seen the differences between her and Boba and Jango. But since this information was encrypted, it must be true right?
So I’m thinking Omega isn’t a clone of Jango Fett at all. I’m thinking that was Nala Se’s cover story for Omega’s creation. That she repeated the experiment that was done with Boba and created an unaltered clone. Unaltered means untouched, so once the cells begin to duplicate and start forming life the scientists back away and leave it to its own devices. What happens happens. Granted it’s a risk to take with their DNA samples provided by Jango in short supply. Lama Su even said they were looking for a suitable donor to continue the cloning process. Nala Se could’ve easily explained that she did this to create more genetic samples. Sure the clone is female, yeah she’s blonde, but those things can be easily changed. It would be no issues for master cloners such as themselves.
Nala Se leaving Omega with Clone Force 99, saying she’s safe with them, could be seen as a caring act. But her original intent was for Omega to be brought back to Kamino. Until the Empire started it’s take over. I think she wants to keep Omega out of the Empire’s hands for sure. But not because she cares about her in any motherly way. But to keep her for herself. To keep the Empire from finding out what she really is.
Story wise, Omega finding out that Tech was wrong and that she isn’t one of them is a twist. We really haven’t had real twists in the show yet. It would make her question where she really belongs. She’s always considered Hunter, Tech, Echo, Wrecker, and Crosshair as her brothers. Now with this revelation, suddenly they’re not. That Crosshair was right on Kamino, that she isn’t one of them. It would make her wonder why she was even made.
We know that there were others created in that lab, besides Clone Force 99. At least, I’m inferring that from what Nala Se said: “these 5 are all that remain”. But we are all assuming that the other enhanced clones were all clones of Jango Fett. What if she experimented by cloning other beings? I doubt Omega was cloned from a Jedi, even though her hyper awareness could be seen as possibly Force induced. With her age, she already would’ve exhibited other Force abilities. Unless she’s a “failure” in that way, like perhaps the cloning process didn’t work very well with the Force. Or any enhancement attempt destroyed it. Of course it could be possible it’s being suppressed.
“Not me, I don’t have an inhibitor chip.”
She says this with such confidence, but how does she know this? Chances are these chips were implanted during the very early stages of life, when they were fetuses. Tech’s scanner device wasn’t completed at that point either, so he wouldn’t have been able to find this out.
I think they’re once again placing stock in information that could be incorrect.
If we go with the “she’s a Jedi clone and they’re testing out an early Starkiller thing”, then she may have something implanted that could suppress the Force abilities. The only problem with that would be: why? Why would they want her to not have access to that if that was the whole reason for her being cloned?
I don’t think she was cloned from a Jedi nor do I think she’s a clone of Jango Fett. I think her being a Fett clone is a cover story concocted by Nala Se to keep away any question of Omega’s origins. The Kaminoans are scientists and cloners. It would stand to reason they have stock piles of samples (as seen in The Clone Wars episode where Ventress was tasked with stealing Fett’s DNA).
Bora Vio had a cloning facility on it, owned by the Kaminoans. I don’t think this was strictly Nala Se’s, but nor do I think the Empire/Republic knew about this. Omega didn’t know about it either, since she wasn’t familiar with it. She only recognized the panel as “looking like the ones on Kamino”. In one of the rooms, we have cloning equipment such as a large console panel and tubes…with specimens still inside. Honestly, the one that broke on Fennec (girl RIP, because I’d just want to lay down and die if that shit got all over me) looked like a Kaminoan or a Quermian. The Wookieepedia entry for this place said that the tubes contained “failed experiments”.
Why was this place abandoned?
And are there other places like this around the Galaxy owned by the Kaminoans?
The answer to that is likely a yes. You don’t put all your eggs in one basket after all. Or all your clones and cloning equipment in one place. The Empire thinks they have control over the cloning technology that the Kaminoans possess, but this is unlikely since they probably don’t know about Bora Vio.
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darthbecky726 · 3 years
Bad Batch 1x01 spoilers
I've never done something like this before, but I figured I'd start. Reactions to the first episode of The Bad Batch. (This ended up being a lot longer than I intended, but whatever)
Spoilers under the cut
Red logo burning away starts strong
Yay narrator dude!!
Feels like clones wars
Animated rots scenes!!
And what grevious did after the rots beginning
And caleb right???
And we're in
Omg who voiced young caleb bc it sounds a lot like fpj but aged down and he def doesn't sound like the 14 I know he was when this happened
I like how we started out on familiar characters but not ahsoka or anyone from tcw. We started w young kanan and his master and we know what happened to them and all but if anyone watching hasn't seen rebels they wouldn't be lost as to who caleb and depa are, they'd just assume they're random jedi in o66
Good ol droid screaming as it falls off a cliff
Wow. Them.
I love crosshair
And wrecker
And tech
And echo
And hunter
B1's are so dumb
Lmao the salt from hunter
I feel like depas forehead pearls are a bit unrealistically large but I have no cultural standpoint to really know so...
Caleb's voice is too deep in the same way that jack frost from rotg's voice doesn't match his character model
Ah wrecker not really knowing what she means and echo, the one who has been trained to deal w people and hung out w ani and obi is just like 'thanks general'
Obes kenobes mention
Why is echo so pale
Depa and caleb feel a little too pale too tbh I wonder if it's the lighting or the whitewashing
Wow caleb is a lot like ezra, I can see why kanan wanted to train him lol
Is this what separates caleb and depa, leading to her telling him to run??? Do I need to read dume???
Oh no
Bb didn't get the order!
Oh caleb nooooo! Nooooooo they didn't receive that order, they can help you!!!
And he's gone
Oh I need an au where caleb stayed with bb and they helped him after depa died
Hunter sounds so much like rex it's weird like ik they're supposed to sound the same but it feels like wrecker is replacing rex or something. Even tho ik rex's story is over for the time being
Crosshair, no! Don't shoot at him! He's baby
Oh no did crosshair get o66???? It didn't seem to trigger anything in any of the rest of them, but is crosshair close enough to 'reg' for it to have triggered???
😭😭good soldiers follow orders
"sure thing, boss" "hey hunter got a sitch"
Crosshair acting sus
Oh I love watching padawans fight, they're so good!!
I hope that hit to the tree did a lil cognitive recalibration for crosshair, he was acting crazy
Caleb looks so scared!! He just watched his master get gunned down by his friends and now strange clones are trying to kill him/confusing him
Oh caleb
Oh no crosshair don't try to kill him!! Hunters trying to help!
Also hunter doesn't sound as much like rex w the helmet off, but it's weird bc most of the clones are distinguishable by voice even w helmets on. I guess it's the 'im in charge' voice
Star wars if caleb had gone w the bb
Oh hunter u sly dog lying to crosshair so he doesn't go after him. U gotta figure out why crosshair responded to o66 and no one else in ur unit did
Oh crosshair knows he's been lied to
I will always love coming-out-of-hyperspace shots
Ooh kamino, always nice this time of year
Echo is done w wrecker
Why hasn't crosshair taken his helmet off yet, lil bit sus
They better get his chip out on kamino, I don't wanna deal w this
Oof hunter 
Oh who’s that, giving me cloud city vibes
Extreme cloud city vibes wow
Never realized how many clones are just on kamino
Coruscant guard?!?! FOX?!?!
The vibes here, omg
‘The war is over’ wow
Oh no who was that
A female jedi, doesn’t appear to be shaak, couldn’t see any montrals but never know, we don’t officially know how or where she died
Ok wow none of the bb has their helmets on except for crosshair, who got the order. The regs around kamino all have their helmets on. That scene in victory and death when ahsoka took rex’s helmet off- 
And crosshair, he’s actins strange too
Oh tech, do u guys get bullied by regs a lot??
I love their barracks
Lol he finally took his helmet off only to stick a toothpick in his mouth, can he get anymore cliched?
Wrecker is seeming a lot more infantilized than he was in the s7 eps...
Yeah crosshair’s being sus
Ooh, he shifted his toothpick
Lmao ‘what programming’
Well documented my ass
Tech’s speech patterns are so stiff and robotic, it’s like he has to remind himself to talk in basic instead of binary or some shit
Tech throwing shade at crosshair
I can’t quite tell if we’re supposed to like crosshair at this point
Lmao we been knew
Oop ‘more machine than man’ the vader parallels are serving folks
Ugh sheev
Crusty ass bitch
Straight from rots wow
Who is the mystery child and why does he look mandalorian
Ooh he gone
Oh no, the beninning of the empire
Cheering?? Why?!?
That imperial march fade in tho
Thank you echo
Oh shit mystery child is female
Omega, I would not have guessed the pronunciation of your name by reading it wow
She def seems mandalorian
Ugh kaminoans
Oh the kaminoan pronounced it as it usually is, huh.
Omega’s character model def seems more masculine than female, I now headcanon her as trans
Ugh tarkin, I hate that crusty bitch
Empire politics ugh
I love how much shade is being thrown at tarkin and his stormtrooper proposal lmao
Why do all these clones have the standard haircut?? ik them boys like their variety, even if these boys are still under o66′s programming
Wrecker you’re being extremely loud
They’re all being loud in the mess, why
They remember, kid
Lol child
Oh my sweet summer children
The dad instinct was clearly passed genetically from jango lol all these clones got it
Why are background characters so mean? What about it, shiny? Why is ur hair regulation, reg??
The Sad Batchn omg the slander
Lol the food fight I’ve read about in the fics, its finally happening!
Is she.... australian??
The over-animation of character movements in this is reminding me of the looser style of rebels, as opposed to the more clunky style of tcw
Lmao he’s still got food on him
Food fight!!
‘Not again’???!!! Echo!! Wdym not again?! Food fights have happened before?!?? Wait. W bb or w torrent, bc I can see torrent having food fights on the resolute-
Crosshair’s just eating his food until someone messes
I like how echo still has his kamas
Oh no echo!!
Oh echo’s trauma, he doesn’t trust medical droids! Where’s kix when u need him, huh?
Lol, comically long name for a robot trope is alive and well, huh
Lmao the droid lowers his voice like ik this is a perceived bad thing, but I will not tolerate this slander, boys u need to get off kamino
‘The shock’ lmao whyyy
Lmao tech!!
Oh, echo recognized tarkin from the citadel!
‘When you blew up’ lmao
Oh they make me sad
Aaaaah fox!
Man the domino squad nostalgia
Those droids look cool
This is a neat scene, I like seeing them in action
Wrecker reminding me of hevy, but he’s got the training and success to back it up
Live fire???? No!!
Ugh I hate tarkin
Oh no wtecker
Did he just get shot!???! 
Oh no crosshair, be careful!
Tarkin’s trying to kill them!!!
Lol wrecker I love you
Echo using his mech hand as a weapon, truly an arc
Now I wanna see what happened on felucia
I like how tech’s just sitting on the droid’s shoulders
And hunter just had a knife
These boys, I love them
Oh no tech bby
Hot damn that was cool
Wrecher things so too lmao
Tarkin’s like “why didn’t that work??’
Oh new baby clones
No tf they could not, they would never serve the empire and those bitches
I love that they have a window apartment lol
Ugh tarkin u shifty
They all stand at attention, only after glaring at tarkin
Oh no onderon
I hate tarkin, he’s a bitch
How quickly could bitch lord and darth sad have replaced the armory on kamino??
Crosshair still acting sus
Neither does echo, kid
I like omega.
Crosshair, with the sassy hand on the hip-
What does that even mean?? Or elude to??
Lmao tech messing w wrecker, they rlly r bros
Its prob the vegetation
Oh, I missed onderon, but not this much
Lol the put-upon sigh
Its clearly saw and his rebels
Saw! Looking sharp, what’s w the hair....
That’s a very geometric beard, saw
They didn’t kill any jedi!
That’s not what happened, tech
‘The clones’ bitch that was rex and ahsoka, check urself
Aw, I’ve always like the design of imperial probe droids
Thank you, echo
It seems like crosshair’s o66 programming and his mutation are warring w his morals
Lmao the shade
I knew she was an enhanced clone!
Oh, so she is (at least on paper) trans! She’s a clone of jango, and yet she’s female! That must be her modification, but it makes me wonder why
Lol *flicks toothpick*
Aw, they have a picture of themselves! Recent-ish, too, its got echo!
Oh no, AZI!
The difference between them arriving earlier and now, the lack of escort...
Creepy how they had to open the hanger door themselves
Oh no! Everyone!
The coruscant guard, I wish they had gotten better
Tarkin u dramatic bitch
‘The brig’ this ain’t some tallship
Lol echo that shade
Their blacks are different from the ones seen in the past
Crosshair, stop being a bitch
Oh, I don’t like that phrase!! And the fact that crosshair screamed it in echo’s face makes me uneasy. Did rex fill echo in on why fives died?? I hope so...
Crosshair, ur chip hurting??
This child, I like her.
No! Don’t hit hunter!
No crosshair!!!!
I dislike this immensly
So they do still have inhibitor chips!
Tarkin you monster
Oh poor crosshair
Lol tech I love you
Wrecker you sweet pea
Lol that’s adorable
I love how they form a “wall” its so suspicious 
He was about to say that, omega
Aaww, echo protective boi
Wrecker shut up tf
That was cool
Sneaky bois
This reminds me of rex and ahsoka sneaking around in v&d
Echo runs so stupid
Oh no they winter soldier’d him!
If he says who the hell is crosshar, I will lose my shit
Yes, he has. They took it from him.
The toothpick
I wonder how they’re gonna get crosshair back to normal
Not good that they nabbed the sniper
Oh, crosshair shot him in the same place he got hit during training!
Ooh, a kaminoan on their side!
I hope omega doesn’t die
Poor trigger etiquette, crosshair
Wonder if omega has any speciality training
They’re just gonna leave him there!?!?!?!?!
Omega reminds me of young boba 
Oh, so its in her dna
Go back for crosshair!!
Holy fucking shit that was amazing! I didn’t expect it to be that long, but I’m not complaining! This ended up being a lot longer than I anticipated, but I don’t feel like cutting anything out, so sorry for the long post but at least I put it under a cut.
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majorshiraharu · 3 years
Echoes In My Mind; Chapter 8 - Concerned Commander - Echo x Reader Fic
Previous Chapter
————————————————- Content Rating: Mature+ (18+)
Warnings:  Kissing
If there are any warning labels I’m missing, please inform me.
Rendezvousing = meeting up with someone at a location Notes: Y/O/N = Your character's original name (before they went into hiding) ————————————————-
A/N: I’m so sorry this took so long, I’ve had this sitting in my drafts for forever, my notes pad deleted most of this chapter and I was struggling with remember what I had written and then I had a bunch of health problems so I’ve neglected this fic :( So I’m just going to go ahead and post this chapter so you’re not waiting 3 more months. Sorry <3
Rendezvousing with your bounty hunter friend, you catch them up on the plan as they join you walking onboard the ship; you introduce the bad batch to them. They're unsure of if your plan will work but Echo and the others assure them that it will work out, that everyone just needed to stay focused and get in and out as fast as possible, knowing the longer everyone was there the more dangerous it would become. Stealing away Echo for a moment you slid into your room with him, wrapping your arms around his neck as the door closed behind him, running your fingers through his curly black hair. It had grown a lot since you first met him; it was long enough that you could actually pull on it. Your nails brushing against his scalp makes him hum with delight, you ran your fingers around some of the metallic numbs that partly stuck out of his head; you knew he felt pretty insecure about a lot of his mechanical parts. He appreciated you making him feel loved no matter how he looked or what his body was made of. His eyes were closed as he enjoyed you massaging his scalp, your warm breath tickling his skin, a beautiful smile on his face. You press a smiley kiss against his mouth. His hands run along the curve of your spine making you giggle, "Echo," you whispered kissing him, the smiling makes it hard to hold your lips together, opening your eyes to look at him seeing him looking at you. "Do you always watch me when I kiss you?" You laughed, watching a grin spread across his face.  "Sometimes, it's hard to take my eyes off of you." "Stop it," you joked, kissing him more passionately, this time he closed his eyes to enjoy the feeling. "I love you," he said as you pulled away, Tech's voice came on over the comm system saying they were getting ready to land.  "We should get going, lover boy." He takes your hand in his, opening the door walking back out to the rest of the crew, "Oh, I love you too," you said turning him around to kiss him one last time before both of you walked into the main area. "Getting in some action before our little mission," your friend jokes, making you and Echo get defensive and flustered.  "I'm just teasing you," they said, cutting you both off in your nonsensical babbling. "I hate you," you joked, hitting their arm. "Oh, well, I hate you too, that's why I came along on this mission," they teased back making you roll your eyes as you shook your head, trying to hide a grin.  "Also, since we need to steel uniforms from the Empire, shouldn't we take off ours?" They asked, looking at the armor everyone was wearing. "Well, take out whom we need and then bring them back here so we can switch," Hunter explained.  "I guess that makes sense," they said, tapping a finger against their chin as they thought it over. "We'll be landing on the outskirts, make sure you don't get spotted by any patrols," Tech said landing the ship, "Call me if there's anything you need, Echo should be able to handle any panels you encounter but in case there's one he can hack patch me through and I'll get it." "I'll do my best," Echo said with a weary smile. "You'll be fine, Echo," you say, placing a hand on his shoulder to comfort him, his smile growing as he looked at you.  "Crosshair, Wrecker, if we need an extraction, be ready, okay? We might not have much time to escape if something goes wrong," Hunter ordered as he walked to depart the ship. "Understood," they both say, wishing you guy's luck as the rest of you followed Hunter out of the ship, putting on your helmet and drawing your weapons as the four of you snuck through the forest area leading to the base. Avoiding the patrols you radio Tech to be careful, hoping they wouldn't notice the rather large ship between the thick line of trees. — Echo stuck by your side until Hunter ordered Echo to come with him and your bounty hunter friend to go with you, since you and your friend would be stealing uniforms from officers it was best that you go together. Meanwhile, Echo and Hunter got some Stormtrooper armor. Luckily it was easy to find some on their own, quickly taking them out and dragging them back to the ship where they awaiting your arrival. Sadly, things were going as smoothly for you and your friend. The only officers you spotted were hanging out in a group, no way of splitting them up that you could find. It took a while of waiting and a rather uncomfortable conversation between you and your friend, "So you dating that guy or what, I know we haven't talked in a while but I feel like that's some worthwhile news you could have sent me," they teased. "Oh shut it, we're not dating.... besides you could have contacted me at any point and never did."  "Geez, no need to get snippy, also you may not realize it, but he's totally got a thing for you, like the way he looked at you." "Yes, I noticed, why do you care." "Ohhh, so you've learned, good to know my teaching stuck with you. I care because you're both adorable and I enjoy teasing you," they replied putting a hand on your shoulder. "Sorry I'm just stressed with this mission and I'm not in a good mood, I don't mean to be snippy..."  "I know... so this Commander Cody used to be your friend... any idea why he joined the Empire?" "He didn't choose to join them, he's a clone, they don't give them much choice sadly..."  "Oh, I see... Well, he's lucky to have you as a friend, willing to get him out of there." "I don't know, I'm worried he won't come with us."  "Why?" "When I spoke to him last, he just wanted me to be safe and take care of the others, I'm just concerned he'll reject our offer so we don't get in trouble." "Well, if it comes to it, I'll happily knock the guy out and take him with us."  "What?! You can't just do that!" "Yes I can, just watch me," they teased, quietly giggling to themselves. "Ugh, if you do, he won't be happy."  "I honestly don't care I'm just here to help you and get him out of here no matter the means." "I won't let you knock him out, besides there are perfectly good Imperials all around us, have fun knocking them out but not Cody." "But this Cody guy is an Imperial dear..."  "I swear I can't win with you." "You did once, and that's why I'm here, and that's also why you're one of my only friends." "You call that winning," you snapped back being sarcastic.  "Ah, you're learning young Padawan," they said, showing their admiration for your quick comeback. "Now can we please deal with these guys, the others are waiting for us," you said pointing out two Imperial Officers who just spit off from the group. "Ready when you are, just lead the way," they said, sneaking to closer cover with you. After following them for a bit, they end up in just the perfect place for a quick takedown, knocking them out and dragging them quickly and quietly back to the ship.
"What took you guys so long?" Hunter teased, crossing his arms as he shook his head, Echo bashfully smiling behind him as he finished putting on the Stormtrooper armor. "Got these guys," your friend said, kicking the unconscious Imperials, "They kept hanging out with their little friends so we had to wait till they split off." "Now let's get these disguises on, I'd rather not be here longer than is necessary," you said, helping your friend remove the uniforms, tying up the Imperials before all of you set off. "This armor sucks, I can hardly see anything," Echo scoffed, trying to adjust the helmet. "Yeah, not the idea armor for my kind of fighting," Hunter said. "Ha, we got lucky these uniforms are pretty comfy," your friend boasted. "Just try not to act suspicious," you told them with a grin, earning a laugh from them. As they get to a locked door, the three of you keep watch while Echo works, seeing some Imperials walking straight for you guys everyone begins to panic. "Echo any time now," Hunter said.  "He's working on it," you scoffed while trying to keep an eye on those headed towards you.  "Even if he gets it, what do we do?" Your friend asked, positioning themselves to be ready for a fight. "Calm down, they haven't done anything yet, just wait," you say looking over at them. "Excuse us, we require your assistance," one of the Imperials says to you and your friend. Both of you look at each other confused, still using your bodies to hide Echo behind you. Luckily they hadn't noticed him yet and were instead focused on the two of you, awaiting your response. "Yes sir, how can we help you," your friend finally replied after looking at their badges. - "Come with us please, there's an error with one of the terminals and we haven't been able to fix it." "Why do you think we can fix it?" Your friend hissed, annoyed that they're bothering you with something a mechanic could easily fix. Suddenly you remember the scans Tech had gotten off the base. If they were talking about the terminal in the main building it would put you close the where Cody was. It would be risky to get to him going that way, hence why the lot of you were sneaking in from a less watched corner, but if they were willing to just let you walk in the front door, why not go? Jabbing your friend with your elbow, you apologize to the Imperials for their behavior, "What terminal requires fixing, and what's wrong with it? I have some experience with those things and can take a crack at it." They look at each other, almost like they were nervous or ashamed, "It's the main terminal, don't tell anyone, but we spilled some caf on it and not it won't start back up." "If you tell anyone you'll regret it, got it!?" The other one said sternly, staring the both of you down, still somehow not noticing Echo who was kneeled down on the ground. - Your friend snickers some before you jab them with your elbow again, glaring at them like your eyes could kill. "We'd be happy to help, and I promise we won't tell anyone," you say saluting them. Turning in their heels, they motioned for you to follow them, talking to each other as you and your friend stayed silent, looking back at Echo and Hunter who were now on their own. "What do we do now?" Echo asked, knowing without the both of you they had no business being in this building and would easily get spotted. "We'll have to just try to get through, you're an arc trooper after all, as long as we can at least find his location we could contact them," Hunter says, looking down at Echo as he finally got the door unlocked. Standing up he realizes something, the Imperials said the main terminal, that was closer to Cody's office, "Hunter, the terminal they're going to is close to Cody's office, if one of them can slip away they could bring him out this way as long as we keep a lookout." "Echo, that's a good idea, now just to figure out how to get one of them out of there."  "We could fake it, I know Cody I could easily comm them and order them to his office." Patting Echo on the shoulder for his quick thinking and excellent plan, he agrees. Both of them sneak inside, hiding at the end of one of the halls behind some crates. - After a little meddling Echo finds out how to contact you guys, but instead of calling you your friend is the one who received the call instead. At first, they tried to ignore the beeping and blinking coming from their wrist. The two Imperials quickly look over to both of you, "Aren't you going to answer that?" One of them asked them. "Uh yeah, excuse me a moment." Damn them, they left you here with these two watching over you, making sure you actually were fixing it. Walking out into the hall but still within ear range of the snooping Imperials, your friend answered the call. 
"Hello? Who is this?" They asked. "This is Commander Cody, I require you in my office now to discuss some information."  "Oh um sir, I'm currently assisting someone with repairs, could it ---" "I said now, get a mechanic to fix the problems unless you've suddenly become one." Good thing the terminal obstructed your face, you could tell it wasn't Cody, assuming it was Echo impersonating him made it hard for you not to laugh. The two Imperials quickly walk out to your friend, with terrified expressions they told them to go, that you could handle the repairs, and it was wise not to upset the commander. "I'll be right there, sir," your friend said before turning off the comm device. "Yeah, best not upset the commander or keep him waiting. Go," one of the men said, almost pushing your friend down the hall. Setting a quick pace, they walk through the halls. They didn't know Cody or Echo well enough to know it wasn't actually Cody. Knocking on the door yields no response from inside, "Kriff, where is he?! This is his office...man, I better not be at the wrong place," they say studying the area, confirming that they were in fact in the right place. "This is my office, are you looking for something?" Cody said, startling your friend.  "Blast, did you have to scare me like that?? Oh, um, Commander Sir!" They said, quickly saluting. "What do you want, and who are you? I've never seen you on this base before," he replied. "I'm Y/N's friend, I'm here with a rescue team to get you out!"  "I already told her I won't be going, there's no reason for everyone to put their life at risk for mine." He coldly replied, unlocking his office and walking inside. Following him your friend continues to try to talk sense into him, "Look, I don't know you, but Y/N is my friend and I would do anything for her especially since I owe her for saving my life. So can you give me a break and just come with me, there's a ship waiting for you not too far from here." "I'm not going and nothing you say will change my mind, Y/N was - is my friend and I won't needlessly put her life at risk," Cody said in an angry tone crossing his arms over his chest as he leaned back in his chair. "Well then, I guess you give me no choice..." They said huffing. "What do you --" before he gets a chance to finish they pull out the hidden blaster and stun him, "You better not be heavy," they grumbled, walking over to drag his body with them. "Echo, Hunter, come in I completed my task," they said over the comlink.  "Oh, good work, is Y/N with you, we're covering the hallway here by the exit but not sure how long we can keep this up," Hunter replied. "No, she's still off helping those knuckleheads. Maybe try to contact her, pretend to be the Commander and order her over here, I could use help to drag him out of here." "Wait WHAT — what did you do??" They heard Echo shout. "Please tell me you only stunned him..." Hunter added. "Of course, what did you think I did, I might be a bounty hunter but I'm not going to shoot this guy."  "I mean, technically you did shoot him," Echo said sarcastically. "Listen here you, I just stunned him, he'll be waking up in a bit so get Y/N over here to help me."  "Copy that," the comm cut out. It had been a few minutes, and still no response, and you were nowhere in sight. Assuming their attempt didn't work, your friend tried getting Cody out of there on their own. Damit he was heavy, good thing they were strong enough to still lift him, draping his arm over their shoulder and grabbing his waist. It took a while, but slowly they got down the hallway, having to duck into cover a few times to avoid the patrols and random Imperials walking about. Luckily, the exit wasn’t far away.
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brachiosaurus-on · 3 years
My Bad Batch commentary for S1E12. Overall I liked this episode, but there are a few things that stood out to me as conflicting with established worldbuilding. Howzer is getting much better narrative treatment than the clones in TCW. In other words, the writers seem to care about him and he’s not a redshirt. But we’re really stretching the inhibitor chips it seems.
Spoilers below the cut.
Lessu looks a lot better than in the clone wars. Love that bigger budget.
Why imprison them together? Imprisoning them separately would be more effective.
Eleni is still the best.
“Leave the thinking to me.” Punch him in the face Howzer. Were the admirals in the clone wars this rude to the clones? I don’t remember any instances of it, but didn’t many of them join the Empire?
Are they... being imprisoned in their own home? Or am I getting the sets confused. Does Cham have prison cells in his basement? Yep, Cham has prison cells in his basement. He was literally a prisoner in his own home. Why is their house the Imperial command center? Is it like a governor’s mansion? I thought in Rebels it was a generational home. I need to finish s3 of Rebels, yes I have seen s4.
I’m sorry, Orn Free Taa survived? He took a blaster to the brain. Is this just imperial propaganda?
“Don’t worry, we’re defective too” AWW. Gonky is my new favorite member of the bad batch.
“Children often overreact.” “No we don’t!” It would have been less convincing, but way funnier if Omega overreacted to that.
LMAO throwing his soldier identity in his face. I love her.
I love Hunter trying to act as if he isn’t going to do whatever Omega asks him to.
TBB is definitely not a priority for the Empire. Rampart is treating this as Crosshair’s personal vendetta
Is she gonna pull a Numa and lead them through the tunnels?
Cham not trusting him was a good decision. That could easily have been a ploy.
Awwww this is Hera’s first leadership role. You’re doing amazing sweetie.
Ok they’re doing the whole silencing opposition thing pretty well & Howzer is pointing out to the audience (younglings watching this) that it’s wrong. I like that they’re using a clone with a malfunctioning chip to do this. I can’t wait until history teachers ten years from now try to teach about fascism and hear a bunch of “OMG it’s just like in The Bad Batch!!!”
Huh, Tech is actually a pretty good pilot.
Cham get out of there before you start asking for explanations.
What is the refinery refining? This resource is probably why Ryloth was a Separatist target in the first place.
Cham is still not acknowledging the Jedi. That happened earlier in the war, so maybe they were invaded again and only clones were sent because there weren’t enough Jedi anymore? But he’s talking about how they worked with the clones and the person who convinced him to do that was Mace Windu, who also led the battle with him & captured Wat Tambor. Not to mention Anakin Skywalker, who saved them from the bombers at the last minute. Not even Ima-Gun Di who literally died for him so that his freedom fighters would live to fight another day. Why isn’t Gobi mentioning this? I mean, even Hera remembers the Jedi 15 years later.
Ok so that explains why Howzer stayed with the Empire. I’m guessing that he was not assigned to a Jedi though. It would have been cool to see those battalions in clone wars.
He’s so about to get shot. EXCUSE ME? THEY HAVE BRAIN CONTROL CHIPS? ARE THEY ALL MALFUNCTIONING? This is... a rather contradictory development. It’s been established that the chips don’t give them a choice and can defy their higher reasoning, but later that there’s an intensity scale for the chips’ effectiveness. If some clones just need to realize that what they’re doing is illogical or wrong, then why was order 66 so effective? Why did crosshair follow orders even at low intensity? Why was Rex so insistent on getting them out? Why did Wrecker go after Omega? But now we see plenty of regs with malfunctioning chips, which gives the impression that this could be a widespread issue. Of the clones who heard the speech, about half defected. 50% of the sample size. Did he get lucky that all the clones with malfunctioning chips were together? Is there a timer on how long the chips are effective? Does the intensity decrease over time? I can’t apply one tiny sample to the wider population even if they are identical; in fact, we’re being shown that they’re not identical. And yet, the fact that so many of them defected suggests that many more could also exercise free will... when they shouldn’t have that ability. Howzer should have gotten shot because the chips are supposed to completely override free will; that would have been consistent with established worldbuilding. I want to see the clones regain their free will, but they have to work within the rules of the established canon. Ahsoka gave Rex a similar “this isn’t you” speech to no effect; Omega has given the same speech to no effect. Again, make a decision, Dave.
I also have a bone to pick with how Wrecker said he was fighting his chip while he was under its influence, when it’s been established as far back as the OT that force users can sense internal conflict; if clones were fighting the chips, it would have warned the Jedi (see Rex & Ahsoka) when the reason they were supposed to be effective is that there was no conflict for the Jedi to sense because they were just following orders. Perhaps there’s an intensity threshold where their actions fall under its influence and another for their thoughts to be overwritten, but still, this is really pushing the established worldbuilding.
You know what, I’m just going to make a separate post about the chips. I’ll wait until the finale so they have a chance to explain this.
And now tbb are Rampart’s personal vendetta and therefore a priority for the Empire. Why is he impressed by the basic strategy of “let’s cause a distraction” is he just salty cause he fell for it? Because they blew up his big project? I feel as though Rampart had enough information to be able to predict this.
I get the feeling that they’re setting up a lot of key players for a big show down in the finale.
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