#writing for novels is also really different from comics which is different from movies which is different from plays which is different fro
deoidesign · 7 months
where'd you draw inspiration for T&TA and how long did it take you to comprise a legible script [a fellow, curious- and pretty young writer]
The most immediate inspirations for Time and Time Again were Jaws, Quantum Leap, and Psych. I grew up watching a ton of detective type shows and so there's a lot of background radiation in my brain taken up by those. I tend not to take much stock in inspiration though, and generally am comfortable just powerhousing through things (it's kind of what I went to school for). Inspiration happens when it happens, but if it doesn't, my work still needs to get done!
It took me about 7 months to write the first season, which is 4 complete stories. To be clear, though, I don't script! I outline major character events, and then I make about 100 more detailed outlines until I get to one that hits all the development points I want and feels interesting to me. This takes me weeks of writing sometimes 10+ pages a day, putting together boards with strings, etc. until I feel I've got an outline of events that I'm happy with!
I actually get to writing and finessing dialogue while I'm making thumbnails, and 1 episode can take me anywhere from a day to 2 weeks. The longest ones are when they're arguing, and I'm struggling with the minutiae of the implications of their words, where I want them both to be sympathetic without making their dialogue feel unnatural.
So, one complete arc takes me about 4-6 months from start to finish, I think.
My writing is at its best when I get to plan everything up front, and it's at its worst when I'm forced to deliver week-to-week and I can't see the whole story as it is. But, I've also been writing for a long time and I know myself and my process pretty well! Every writer is different, and some people need a lot more time than others. Let yourself relax, don't try to do things "the right way" because there is no right way. Just make stories! Make the process fun for you, and your skills will grow the more stories you tell. As long as you're having fun, the stories are serving their purpose.
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layer-10-love · 11 months
Lady Moon.
2012 leo x reader-
As the leader or the team, Leo tended to be more focused in leading and less interested in other ‘lesser’ hobbies. So it’s a bit of a surprise when you find a romance novel underneath his pillow.
aka, boy fail cringe leo (affectionate) also i wrote this like in 40 minutes so apologies for bad writing
As the appointed leader, Leo tried to be serious and mature about his role;with no help from his brothers. Strong, calm, confident, stoic and mature was what he was supposedly was. Unfortunately, anyone that knew him for more than a few minutes would know that he is none of these things. At least to a certain extent.
Truth is, Leo…was a big fat nerd. No surprise there. He liked watching space heroes and often gushed about it to the nearest living creature, giving them new meaningless memories and a massive headache. He liked making stupid jokes and god awful puns. It was honestly sorta cute to you.
What was a surprise was the book that was underneath his pillow. You technically weren’t supposed to be going through his things, but he technically should’ve given back that black cat plushie you let him borrow for Halloween. Picking up the book, you glance over the title.
‘The Man and the Moon.’
From the looks of it, it was a romance novel.
…Leo? Leon? Leonardo? Fearless?
You never pegged him for the type to read romance books, hell, you never pegged him for the type to read things other than Japanese literature or comic books.
‘A classic romance novel tells the story of two star-crossed lovers, Max and Luna - both literally and figuratively. Max is a successful businessman who has dedicated his entire life to making his dreams come true, and Luna is a quiet and mysterious woman who seems to have a special connection with the moon. Despite coming from different backgrounds, Max and Luna quickly find themselves drawn to each other, and they must navigate the rocky terrain of love and discover the true meaning of happiness.’
You read as you skimmed over the summarization of the novel. It seemed like a good read! But, if you talked to Leo about your little discovery, you’d probably be in for another classic Leo Lecture about not snooping. Again, it was fair in your humble opinion.
And if you shared this information with his brothers, he would be ridiculed and mocked by his brothers, despite them having weirder hobbies. Aka, Mikey and his weird obsession with boiling pizza. Ah, brotherly love.
You made a mental note on the book and carefully stored it away underneath Leo’s soft pillow.
He doesn’t need to know.
Leo seemed to be busy more often than usual, with the lame excuse of being occupied with meditation and training in his room.
Which was a bummer since tonight was a movie night with everyone. Raph, Mikey, Donnie, April and even Casey were here!
You huffed and sat on the floor in front of Mikey who was sitting on the couch.
“So, what shitty slasher flick are we watching tonight?”
Raph grinned menacingly while holding a dvd and standing in front of the television.
“It’s not a slasher film, god knows Mikey would have nightmares again. Not that I’m against the idea of Mikey suffering, but I don’t want to have to let him sleep in my bed again.”
Mikey cheered from the back,
“I knew you cared about me! See, Casey? Raph likes me more than you.”
Casey frowned and groaned.
“C'mon! Do we really have to watch a baby version of scary movies?! What happened to entertainment and morality?”
“I’m surprised you know the word, ‘morality’”, teased April.
“Nah, I think he’s just throwing out random words and hoping that one of them will make sense. Remember when he said that we should ‘photosynthesis’ and ‘equilibrium’ with the enemy?”, you add mockingly, “You almost made Donnie pop a blood vessel.”
Speaking of Donnie, he rushed right through his lab door carrying multiple blueprints and plans for whatever new project he was working on.
“Hey four eyes! Gonna join us for crappy baby's first horror flick?”
“Why do you call me four eyes, Casey? I’ve never even worn glasses before, so why would you nickname me something that doesn't make any sense?”
“Easy.”, started Casey, “Glasses make you a nerd. YOU are a nerd without glasses, therefore you need glasses since you’re a nerd.”
“Casey connecting the dots? Hell must’ve flown over and pigs must’ve learnt to fly.”, you snickered.
After a whole debate between Donnie and Casey, the pizza was brought by Mikey and the rest of the snacks were laid on the floor by April and Raph. Monthly movie nights were truly a miracle.
But, there’s something missing.
“Where’s Leo?”, Mikey questioned while taking a disgustingly large bite of his pizza.
“Fearless? Eh, he’s probably in the dojo training like always.”
“Probably, but usually everyone joins for these types of things! Do you think he’s training or doing something else?”
“If you care so much why don’t you ask him for yourself, [Name]?”, Raph says, really not caring about anything else other than the movie that he picked.
You grumble and reluctantly head over to Leo’s room, hoping that he wasn’t doing teenage boy activities. Ugh.
You considered knocking on his door, but then you remembered the plushie he never returned and slammed the door open.
Leo scrambled off the bed and onto the ground, holding a familiar book before throwing it off into the distance, praying you didn’t see. He chuckled nervously while leaning suspiciously on his bed.
“Oh! Hey, [Name]…! Uh…do you need something?”
He seemed so anxious and nervous…it was actually kinda cute! It’s like you have two little creatures on your shoulder, each one trying to give you a way to navigate this whole situation.
‘Leave him alone and give him space! That’s the nice thing to do.’, says the one on your right shoulder.
‘Get the book and make fun of him!!!’, giggles the one on your left shoulder.
…it’s obvious who won.
“What were you reading, Leo?” You ask with a teasing grin, watching him squirm under your gaze.
“Oh…uh me? Uhm…comic books! Yeah comic books! I was reading a really weird part so that’s why I was surprised when you came in and…”
Whatever other words that were being soren from him was ignored, you only think about how oddly adorable it was.
You glance at where the book was hastily hidden and chuckled.
“What comic was it?”
Before Leo could make another desperate and obvious lie, you quickly snatched up the book from where he tossed it and read the title. It was the same one as before.
“The Man and the Moon?”, you teased.
“That isn’t mine! April just asked me to hold on to it for her!”, he blushed as he tried to regain his confidence and composure.
“Cmon, Leo, we both know you can’t lie to save your shell.”
He paused and looked away, blushing furiously and fidgeting with his fingers. You sighed and took his hand.
“Hey.”, you look into his eyes. “I pinky swear that I won’t tell your brothers. You know how they are.”, you think back to the time Raph was found playing a dating simulator, and how the bickering lasted for weeks.
“Plus,”, you continued, “it’s not the worst thing you've ever done.”
“…You don’t think it’s weird?”, he asked cautiously.
“Why would it be weird? Like, people read romance all the time.”
“But, y’know…I’m a guy…and a mutant turtle…and well…”
You shrugged and climbed onto his bed, leaning against his plastron once you had sat down next to him.
“Romance is nice, I guess. It’s just another genre in a variety of genres.”, you felt and heard his heart thump faster as he gulped nervously.
“So…”, You started, “Are you gonna go to movie night or what?”
Leo’s eyes widened as he seemed to have a revelation.
“The movie! Crap, I forgot about that!”
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scrybe-scott · 1 year
Hello world!
My name is Cam (he/him), and I’m brand new to the whole tumblr thing!
I figure the best way to join an online community is with an introduction, so here we are! Please don’t hesitate to reach out or interact! I’d love to make some new friends!!!
Okay, so who are you?
I’m glad you asked! My pen name, which I’m going to use for this blog, is Cam Scott
I’m 24, recently jumping back into writing after a whole slew of life stuff, and am looking to start grad school here in the next year or two!
Some of my interests include: comics, movies, folklore and folk music, philosophy, pro wrestling (the greatest form of theatre), and video games!
What do you write?
All kinds of stuff! Fantasy, sci-fi, mystery, westerns, even a comic or graphic novel from time to time. If only I could draw…
The only things you won’t catch me really writing are romances. Nothing against em, per se, but that’s not really my niche. A subplot? Sure! But not really my vibe for a complete work.
I also don’t really do fanfic, but again, no hate if you do! I think it’s cool to read people play around in those spaces; I just have to get all these voice- er, stories… out of my head.
Do you have any WIPs?
Too many! But I’ll try to list some of the main ones! (And keep it short)
The Silver Circle: The first in a fantasy series, it follows a group of adventurers making their way through a war-torn continent to help a cast-out prince reclaim his throne.
The Clockwork Lounge: A neon noir/cyberpunk-esque sci-fi story in which a man is hired to solve a murder in a casino run entirely by automatons.
Untitled Mystery (as in I came up with this yesterday lol): a man bounces back and forth between three bodies in three different time periods: the sailing age, the jazz age, and the far future in order to solve three murders that are somehow all connected.
If any of this sounds like anything you like, please don’t hesitate to follow! I’m also down for any tag games, asks, DMs, etc! I’d love to make new friends and really get involved with the community.
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hexhomos · 1 year
HI! hope your day is treating you well, i’ve been interested in doomreed for some time but cape comics are sort of daunting to me just because there’s so much content and i really don’t know where to begin. what do you suggest? thank you!
STRAIGHT OUT THE GATE ill say, read [ "My Dinner With Doom" ] (this is a rly high-qual upload, open it up on desktop!)
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It's a key issue oneshot with a lil bit of backstory retelling, featuring a private dinner that happens in the 00's - a good entrance point if you're curious about doomreed in summarization + generally speaking a Real Good Comic overall.
the fantastic four are one of marvel's darling old founding teams so there is pretty much... endless archival, ongoing, multimedia and games content popping up all the time.
They are also kinda one of the rare teams where the growth of the characters is consistent? The kids are allowed to grow older and events from every major run are carried/referenced by the next author so if you want to do chronological there's a lot of incentive and fun stuff.
If you wanna dip your toes into the F4 as a concept, check out:
*the #1 issue of Fantastic Four By Waid & Wieringo (1997) *Mythos: Fantastic Four (2007) [ *The FF (1994) movie that is up for free on youtube!! ] *Fantastic Four (2022) by Ryan North as the current ongoing!
(Some) Singles centered on Doom/Doomreed:
*Fantastic Four (1961) Annual 2 is Doom's original backstory issue *Marvel Two-in-One (2017) by Zdarsky issue #11 & Annual #1 are both crazy good but they spoil big events/conclusions from previous runs if u care abt that!!! (My current fav fic came from these issues.) *Doomgate (novel) by Jeffrey Lang is a good option if you want something that is mostly prose, instead of a comic or movie
NOW BEFORE YOU JUMP AHEAD WITH ANYTHING I *am* following [ this reading guide ] which breaks down specific issues relevant to their relationship as a line through all the different authors over the years.
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[ There's also this 2021 guide w/ a few other story/AU highlights! The author said u can send the blog questions and theyll answer too ]
The 'Modern era' (late 90s/00s/10s/Now) Starts with Waid and McDuffie's stuff. The latter wrote My Dinner with Doom!
If you're scared by all the names, don't be - when searching for the issues, just pay attention to the year, # number & author/artist creds.
What I'm reading/liveblogging rn is Hickman's Secret wars era, generally regarded as yaoi ketamine; It's a good epic narrative entrance point if you want to jump into it, and it eventually led into this huge marvel event that changed the multiverse and even brought miles morales into the main timeline, so its BIG and it happened in multiple books - the best way to go about it is;
Fantastic Four (1961) #551 #552 #553 ➡️ (these introduce main ideas we will touch again in secret wars)
Fantastic Four (1961) #558 to #562 ➡️
Doom appears in these too, first/last issues more heavily. Stuff here will be ref'd during the next era.
If you're having fun and want to keep reading you can! Just know that the next storyarc has gathered a largely mixed response bc..... its Millar going hammywammy....... not that necessary.......
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anyway when you see hickmans name in the cover STOP and
Jump to actual Hickman secret wars era:
Fantastic Four by Jonathan Hickman: The complete collection➡️
(optional, side plot) If you like Val + Doom, read specifically; *Fantastic Four (2014) #3 & #5 + Fantastic Four Annual (2014) #1 *Agent of Asgard #6 & #7 *Avengers World (2014) #15 & #16
New Avengers (2013) ➡️ check issues on picture, or, if you're a completionist, look for 'Avengers by Jonathan Hickman; complete collection' and skim for the doom/reed relevant bits. There's a lot of characters here but this is a buildup to the big secret wars. Secret Wars (2015) ➡️ (All issues!) Infamous Iron Man (2016) ➡️bendis' doom writing is not very good but hang in there because right after him: Marvel 2-In-One (2017) ➡️ (All issues!) is a banger. Yaoi btw.
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You can basically read all the future/past ones as listed, or starting from the beginning of that author's period without worrying, bc they aren't as indebted to each other storywise.
You can also start somewhere else if you want or check out other single issues on the reading guides; It's not a crime! There's a lot of stuff with different takes and genres, I'm slowly chipping away at the secret wars era bc its just very thick and like a serious television drama attempt, except its also insanely funny sometimes.
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(I'm still making my way through it so that's what I have at the moment!)
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mokkkki · 1 month
been following your works since your AJA series and love your choice of allusions, references, metaphors, similes, and motifs - your intertextuality is so layered and insane and established so right off the bat (no pun intended). how do you do it?
hey gorgeous! okay, wow, this is a very big question and i will try to do my very best to answer, though i might miss some things just because of the ginormous nature of this ask.
read. the most important thing a writer can do is read. i love fic as much as the next person, but it's important to delve into works that have been professionally published. when people say this they dont understand that reading is only the first level (and ofc, the most important level) of this step. read fiction, non-fiction, comics, or whatever you want to write one day, and after you're done with that, read things that you would never, ever write. don't stick to a genre. don't even stick to a format! go to podcasts, video games, movies. all of these are based on scripts. it is so so important to be able to recognize those universal elements of good media. there are so many components to this: reading will give you more general knowledge that might work its way into your writing one day, it allows you to meet a vast variety of povs, it develops your critical thinking skills, and ofc, it can even provide a roadmap for your later projects. writing has no rules, but if it had one, id have to say this: a good writer knows good writing, and the fastest way to that is reading a lot.
research. this ties into the fact that reading a lot will give you more general knowledge, and i think that general knowledge is an important factor in being able to write well! you asked specifically about my intertextuality, and most of my intertextuality is historical or religious in nature. i chose to intertwine my characters with historical and religious figures because i like them and the information i have built in! "research" doesn't have to be some crazy note-taking adventure (though it certainly can be if you want it to), it can quite literally be reading a wikipedia article on the toilet. some fascinating aspects of history i personally enjoy reading about is the ancient world, which ties directly into mythology, and eventually flows into abrahamic religions. religious intertextuality is so built-in and inherent, just because of its universally applicable themes (death and rebirth) that apply to every story told. i think its a great place to start if you are trying to add intertextuality to something you've written! i also recommend looking at non-western history, because it tends to be overshadowed, and there is truly so many fascinating things contained within it.
write. like. duh! and im afraid this might sound a little discouraging, but i think that if its your first time writing (and your goal is to be a good writer, rather than a cute hobby on the side), you also have to know that on some level, your first draft/project will suck compared to published novels, just a little bit. but you can't let that discourage you! you just have to keep going. its still something you've created, and even if that thing is ten pages of a bathing grandpa's stream of consciousness, it is valuable and important. i literally mean that with all my heart. i think that writing is a really tough discipline sometimes, just because it's a solitary activity where you type out what is, for all intents and purposes, an extended daydream you are having, and its for that reason that people tend to just run out of steam halfway through a project. you have to be able to motivate and push yourself. write like the wind! write poems and short stories and scripts and fanfic and novellas and epics, experiment with different styles, and above all, know that the content you are creating has value, simply because it came from you.
okay, i think that's everything! thank you so much for trusting me to answer such an important question, and if there is anything that seems unclear to you, please don't hesitate to leave another ask or even send a draft over <3 lots of love!
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birdbrainweekly · 3 months
Rating TV shows, books, movies, and comics based off their geologic accuracy.
Thinking of rating every media I watch based off a scale of how much geology is in it and how accurate it is.
0/5= no geology mentioned and would have benefited from more geology
1/5= no geology mentioned but it wouldn't have made a difference
2/5= a geology sprinkle
3/5= geology was present! but maybe a little inaccurate
4/5= geology was present and accurate
5/5= plot revolving around geology
This series continues by the validation of a single person and so Today I will rate!
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I Shall Master this Family
It has been some time since I have read the manhwa and light novel of this series, in all honesty. However, I remember two different geological incidents that I recall feeling feelings about, so I will talk about those today. Being completely transparent, reading this story was what really made me think of the idea of doing writing guides for writers on my main blog, because I wanted more media I consumed to be this good.
But first ratings before spoilers 4/5! Geology was present, and it was accurate!
Now for spoilers, there are two particular incidents that involved geology, the first was a talking about mines, specifically about iron mines and their significance in power struggles! Yes, YES. While the main character herself does not deal exclusively with the mines, there was this overarching idea that lingered that geology can drive economy and politics! It was minor, but I genuinely feel like talking about resources like iron and stone and other crafting materials gets incredibly overlooked in fantasy works by things like diamonds and gemstones.
Second, there was a landslide! and how was the landslide caused? DEFORESTATION AND EXCESSIVE RAINFALL. Exactly how landslides happen in most causes. This made me positively giddy, they even called in a geologist for examine everything, and that's another thing that made me super excited. A lot of times in tv shows and other media they will use the blanket statement "scientist" which really is too generic of a statement for it to really mean anything or even worse they will call upon the wrong scientist to do the job (mostly documentaries do this). This story does a really good job in doing research to understand what they are talking about, and it showed and allowed me to have a really good experience reading this 5/5.
Other general notes on why I really loved this manhwa that are unrelated to geology. The Art, beautiful and amazing, but specifically the dresses, Italian renaissance theme through and through. Again, the research was impeccable and while they did make artistic choices (like loose hair and stuff), but you could see that it was an artistic choice and not ignorance. And lastly, the dad wasn't an asshole.
(But also historical romance manhwa, regardless of how repetitive the plot might be are my guilty pleasure!)
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meraki-yao · 9 months
That question was super serious im trying to figure out what's going on, love that taylor got all that exposure but it was a bit surprising, Im from a super homophobic country (illegal/death penalty type homophobic) and china is probably more progressive from where i stand but by western standards its still a lot conservative. So it was odd that an actor who's only popular in certain groups for playing a queer character is getting hyped up there.
Heads up, I went on a rant lmao
I agree. And I was really freaking anxious the whole time he was there because of it.
Okay, for those who don't know, here's the thing about LGBT+ in China. And I'm only gonna talk about the sexuality aspect because the gender aspect is a whole other topic and a lot less progressive than the sexuality side (that being said trans lives matter)
The official stance promoted by the government, ergo the public, is condemning it. Thankfully not in an illegal/death penalty type, but more in a "if we ignore it and don't talk about it, it will go away" type.
There were a couple of years I think in the mid-2010s where significant progress was being made in terms of both representation (see shows like Guardian, the Untamed, Word of Honor) and pride organizations and support (see Shanghai Pride)
But starting in mid-2021 the government suddenly cracked down on queer representation. "Effeminate" men were publicly condemned and called "sissy" BY THE OFFICIAL GOVERNMENT NOTICE (I was fucking fuming when I read it). Dangai (BL, or simply, adapted from gay novels) shows were banned. Multiple LGBT+ organizations were shut down without explanation. And just this year, when a singer with a famous song about being an LGBT ally supporting the community held a concert in Beijing, anyone with anything remotely resembling a rainbow was banned from entry and had to hand in the rainbow object, even if it was their clothing. And those stuff were never returned. The older generation, such as my parents' generation, condemn it. It's not an optimistic sight.
But here's the fucking truth: queer people, have always existed, and always will. So actually, younger people, I'd say 30 years old and younger, the vast majority accept queerness. Gay couples are sharing their lives on Bilibili. Danmei (explicitly gay) radio dramas, novels, and comics are still being produced and consumed. There are so many people watching Western gay shows and movies such as RWRB as well as producing gay fan content. And honestly, part of it is due to the shipping culture here (which is a whole other topic I can write a dissertation on).
Either way, what I'm trying to say is regardless of whatever the "official stance" is, the demographic that's active on social media is accepting of it. Which is why RWRB could gain such popularity in China.
As per my last ask, I think the main reason for inviting Taylor is his willingness to try things the local way. A lot of times Chinese capitalists/executives don't really care where the star got their fame from, they just care that they are famous.
The difference with Taylor is that actors in China of a similar level of status locally to Taylor and who have been in queer productions don't talk about it after the promo period is over. If anything, gaining fame from being in a Dangai is kind of considered shameful. In fact, they actively avoid it. Taylor is of course, more than willing to talk about RWRB. In fact, during the videos, live streams and stuff, I was actively observing if RWRB would be brought up by the Chinese side/host. It wasn't. During the Little Red Book livestream, despite basically everyone in the live chat spamming RWRB comments, Taylor was the one who said "Oh I see talk about RWRB, what do you want to know?" And I understand that there are several potential reasons why RWRB wasn't brought up by the host, including time constraints, pre-set questions, pre-set agendas etc, but latent homophobia is also a potential reason.
Either way, yeah. I don't really know what the conclusion of this ramble is but here you go 😅
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teal-skull · 11 months
Hi I saw your post about the phrase "se ei ole mistään kotoisin" and the book you linked looks interesting I just might get it 👀 I have an Amazon gift card that I want to spend on something fun and I was wondering if you have any Finnish book recommendations!! Either with translation or in simpler Finnish works too :D
Ngl you were in my mind when I was writing that book recommendation :3 I hope you will enjoy it if you end up getting it! But keep in mind that because it is humorous it is not a deeb dive but rather scracthing the surface.
I will have to do a confession here that I don't read too much of finnish literature (something that I need to fix)
A general tip: try adding "selkokirja" (or selkosuomi/selkokielinen) to your search. Selkokirjat are books writen, or re-writen into simpler finnish than the original. (yle's website has a section "selkouutiset" where you find news in selkosuomi
Sorry, I wrote you a really long list, but maybe more is better so you can pick and choose.
-The moomin books by Tove Janson! Pick any one, Comet in Moominland and Midsommer Madness are my faves. They were originally written in swedish because Tove was swedish-speaking finn, so finnish editions are translations. There's also comics.
-Not Before Sundown by Johanna Sinisalo. English translation (and many other) is available of this one. This book is about a gay man called Enkeli (angel) who takes a baby troll into his house and tries to take care of it. But troll is part of a wild nature and the night. From tiny snippets we follow how this turns out. Finlandia Prize winner.
-The Unkown Soldier by Väinö Linna. This is THE Book in Finland. A finnish classic and the nation's "collective memory" of the Continuation war against Russia. Many movies made out of this one. According to wikipedia there is a new english translation from 2015, which is better than the previous but some of the localization has been critizied.
-The Purge by Sofi Oksanen. A very dark and depressing book set in the soviet occupation of Estonia. Haven't read this one yet but it is widely popular. Check wikipedia for more info.
-Ja hän huutaa: Splatterpunk-Antologia (Aaave Taajuus, 2014) I took you like violence and blood, well here's a collection of splatterunk short stories writen by different finnish horror authors. Havent read all of them yet, but the ones I have read have been... good in a way of "I wanted to be disgusted and I got what I wanted". Let me tell you, these shortstories are propably the most gruesome shit writen in finnish horror scene. All warnigns ably. You honestly just need to read the backcover. It's only available in finnish but I don't think the language will be too complex.
-Pyöveli by Anneli Kanto. Only available in finnish but it's a humortictic, grotesk story set in medieval Finland following the son of an executioner, a newly (un)happily married judge in Vaasa and a peasant determined to get a new, succesfull life.
- Magdalena Hai writes speculative finnish fiction
Some recomendations by my friends: -Ilkka Remes is a thriler writer but I couldn't find any of his works translated
-Childrens books: Risto Räppääjä -books (K makes references to him in few songs!) and Heinähattu ja Vilttitossu.
-Kepler62 by Timo Parvela (Scifi)
-Varjot by Timo Parvela (fantasy)
-Hirviöasiakaspalvelu, kuinka voin auttaa by Anni Nupponen (monster customer service), the publisher is Osuuskumma
-Leena Krohn writes horror/fantasy
Also some classic finnish books are:
-The seven brothers by Aleksis Kivi, the first novel writen completely in finnish. I read this one, at first it was fun but near the ending draged on way too long, sori Aleksi. You will see this one being referenced all the time.
-The Egyptian (Sinuhe egyptiläinen) by Mika Waltari.
-Minna Canth's plays like Työmiehen Vaimo or Annaliisa. They deal with women's position in the victorian era.
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thenightling · 25 days
Book bannings and schools mishandling books rant:
Book bannings, particulary school book bannings are weird and arbitrary and that's how they look to kids too.
I went to a number of different schools in Nassau County Long Island as a child. One school banned Goosebumps books as "too scary." And the teacher didn't consider them "Real reading" anyway.
That same school had banned Where's Waldo? (Wally to you UK readers). And "I spy" / "Eye Spy" books (where you search for the objects in cluttered picture, similar to Where's Waldo. They claimed it wasn't really reading.
Well, here's something the "clever" people running that school didn't realize. I'm visually impaired. Optic nerve damage since birth. And "Eye Spy" books were a good form of exercise in helping me focus my eyes. I can't control my own eye movements and those books helped a little but SOMEONE deemed them "not educational."
And my family was pretty poor. And didn't have a car. Trips to the public library weren't as often as I liked and my mother had a bit habit of not returning things to the library so that was also a factor on if we could take anything out.
In another school I went to comic books and graphic novels (Novels in comic book format) were not allowed. I strongly suspect there were parents who thought "graphic" meant sexual content as that's what I came across when asking people who were pro-banning Maus (the graphic novel about a mouse in the holocaust). The English teacher claimed comics are "not really reading." One kid made a great argument about how Shakespeare and classic literature has been adapted in graphic novel form but she argued that it is like a very abridged version since they put pictures instead of written descriptions. I had the impression she hadn't physically seen these graphic novels but assumed.
When I entered Junior High school the school library had a great book on Hebrew folklore that I liked and another book about beliefs in the occult. I tried to take them out and got a lecture from the librarian that those are "reference books only" and cannot be borrowed from the library. umm... Why? And what's the point of a Junior high school "reference only" book? How often do Junior High school kids get to sit down in the library for long stretches at a time.
In seventh grade a teacher from BOCES assessed my reading level. (I was skipped around a lot so I was only eleven). She determined that I had a third or fourth grade reading level at the time. I said "Well, that can improve, right?" (because I loved to read). She replied with "Usually at this age your reading level becomes stationary." I was ELEVEN! Who does that? It was like a deliberate effort to sabotage and discourage my love of books. And ironically, somehow, in English class we were reading The White Mountains, which was a great Scifi novel. And I was not struggling, I was enjoying it.
In my nineth grade English literature class we were handed text books. I always loved these because they were essentially anthology collections of great short stories. The teacher NEVER used the text book. She never assigned any story in it. I saw Harrison Bergeron listed and I had just seen the TV movie version so I wanted to read the original story. I asked the teacher about it and her "words of encouragement" were "That's not going to be assigned. You don't have to read that. Don't bother." I read it on my own.
This same teacher had ordered me to stop reading ahead when we were assigned chapters of Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451. I loved that book. When I asked why she said "Because you'll forget what you've read."
Well, here it is, almost thirty-years-later and I haven't forgotten at all. Thanks for "Encouraging" me to read.
Another "Encouragement" was when I was in a programming for visually impaired students and the teacher had a book case full of the classics. And "You can read them but only if you write a book report for me after each one."
Well, I just wanted to read them. She wasn't my English teacher. Why should I write her a report? It wasn't going to impact my grade, just slow down my ability to read the next one. So I started to pretend I hadn't finished one book and would discretely move on to another. I did this several times.
One teacher's assistant didn't believe me when I came back from summer break having discovered a love of Anne Rice novels. She started to quiz me on The Queen of the damned to prove to her I read it. (This was before there was even a movie version, mind you). Why do these things? You're going to discourage kids from reading.
In yet another school I went to I was surprised that not only were all of these things allowed and encouraged but the school library even had a coffin shaped book case full of Goosebumps books.
To me this was surreal as I had it engrained into me that Goosebumps was "Not real reading." And "didn't belong in school." I guess that particular school was being reactionary to the books being fashionable among kids (the way Harry Potter would later be). And since kids liked them "Something must be wrong."
But thirteen-year-old me still had the mentality of "Wow, I can't believe this. I wonder how long before they decide they made a mistake and that these should be banned." The below image is similar to the book case the school had.
Combine all this with schools obnoxiously always assigning grim and depressing stories about "coming to terms with loss and death" and it's a wonder any kid likes to read.
I've met grown adults who think all books are about coming to terms with death because that was literally ALL They were assigned as kids. Old Yeller, Charlotte's Web, On my Honor, Bridge to Terabithia... "But kids should learn about death and loss." Yes, but not when it's literally EVERY book they've ever been assigned! It's a wonder anyone grew up loving books.
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2n2n · 2 months
the Sounds of Nightmares...
Well specifically I'm being baited by the stupid Sounds of Nightmares podcast, despite my own insistence that I don't care about aside material or really consider any new content commissioned by Bandai-Namco, and the scattered independent producers of all the various things under the property, necessarily relevant when analyzing the 2 games helmed by Tarsier Studios ...
Which-- I do stand by that ! Here is... an important... precursor, to talking about it.
I think who produces something is very important. It's not the franchise name which makes something enjoyable to you, it is what voice is creating it. If there were JSHK stories written by someone other than Iro-sensei, or if the property was sold off to another artist & writer, would you still be a fan of JSHK? This is how properties like... Warrior Cats (which is a book packaging deal comprised of at least 7 ghost writers), Star Wars, Marvel, work-- those characters, worlds, are not anybody's baby, but are loose concepts which people are paid to contribute to, to generate money as a franchise. It banks not on artistic integrity, but recognition of the property.
For example, I don't love everything that 'Adventure Time' is, or has become. It has passed through different directors, artists, writers, to the point that the original team who made it what I love, is not a part of something as derived as Distant Lands or Fiona & Cake. I also think somebody could like Fiona & Cake and not like OG Adventure Time. Because these are entirely different creations, with different vibes. I'm sure everybody actually has a relationship like this to SOME franchise! Liking early seasons of AT under Pendleton Ward, doesn't incline me towards liking how Adam Muto directs things, once he takes over. If my favorite board artists gradually leave, and are replaced, then I may not relate to the new voices writing episodes. I may not recognize what I loved in the original thing at all, in these new voices. OR sometimes, I CAN like a new voice... that's the roulette spun when things change hands many times.
I mean, people can like or dislike any Star Wars movie, as a mundane example. There is not 1 voice for all trilogies. Or extended universe novels. Or games. Or cartoons. Or Spinoffs. Famously.
By design, art created this way can't represent a singular vision, goal, or worldview... so as a result, these things tend to be haphazard, sloppy, inconsistent, roguely retconning or redefining aspects of canon as different writers or artists want to remake, reinterpret, or ignore set-ups proposed by others, in favor of their own. You'll have characters... often forgotten, brought back, killed multiple times, imbued with significance as quickly as they are written off. Some writer might introduce a concept which the next installment's writer hates. Individual teams or studios for different disciplines (one may commission a wholly different place to make an app game, a podcast, and a comic), may have hardly any communication with one another, and may only be working off of a loose lore bible or rubric. It depends on... the integrity of the franchise ... but almost by uhm, virtue of being a franchise, I'd say most don't... have.... integrity. Because it's often better to just throw more and more darts at a board and test what your audience likes .... artist integrity doesn't necessarily make something popular or speak to what the audience wants, after all. If anything I'd say being an artist with integrity makes one stubborn and liable to act regardless of what the audience wants ...
SO. all that out of the way....
Where all Little Nightmares bonus material is concerned, I take in each on their own terms, and don't necessarily absorb it all into my 'canon'. I mean, I feel LN2 entirely threw away what VLN did, by locking the 2 games in an enclosed loop.
I can't think "this aside comic EXPLAINS this thing from the games" when the games writers don't often acknowledge or engage with what those teams are doing.
BUT BY ENGAGING WITH THINGS ON THEIR OWN TERMS, I CAN ALSO BE LIKE... UGHH??? urhghgg... any random thing COULD beguile me. I mean, nothing is STOPPING ME from LIKING a new installment of Adventure Time, it's just that I DON'T like them, as fate has it.
I think the Sounds of Nightmares, is ,, HILARIOUSLY badly written, like from a quality or believability of voice standpoint. The dialogue is so cartoonishly bad. Feels a bit like a fanfic written by a 14 year old 😭 unfortunately it do be sounding like the exact kind of dialogue the writer of 1&2 has mocked & talked about swerving to avoid in his own work. Like the lack of subtlety... its so funny when LN1&2 are, entirely composed of subtlety.
but you know what I cannot resist, in my godforsaken bones ................................................... the notion of Mono & Six having been siblings in their previous existence. For The Love of God!!!! THIS AVVY BAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAOURUUGHHH ... Mono as a little brother growing older, struggling with the idea of his big sister abandoning him, refusing to believe she ever would willfully do such a thing... falling down an oubliette of moral decay, torturing children & sending them into oblivion in his desperation to reach her. The concept that he may do all of that only to become trapped in a loop where he both doesn't fully recognize her, or himself, but is also continuously abandoned by her endlessly. But also Did Find Her, Did Reunite, Does Have Her. So maybe the kid torture was the right choice.
I LIKE THE IDEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But it is mildly frustrating to engage with, because of the lack of... absolutes. I feel like the implications are intentionally opaque yet ubsubtle all at the same time (Six's theme softly plays as Otto shouts at recognition of her yellow raincoat.... he is perfecting tuning the frequencies of the nightmares... he comments on the eyes watching him.... a tan trenchcoat is seen in the seamstress area wherein bodies are made to tether children into this other realm... otto mentions the importance of donning many masks...). There is a plausible deniability to it, and I wholly believe creating Red Herrings tastelessly is expected of the property, given the entire bait-and-switch of VLN is you thinking that girl is Six, But No She's An Unrelated Raincoat Girl (why?) (it helps the franchise recognizability by there always being SOME sort of girl in the iconic raincoat.. how could you sell an app game without that visual cache?)
I think the threat of "is this Six? Wouldn't that be interesting...." is frustratingly imperative to maintain audience attention, while the open possibility of saying "naaah lol nvm" is important to 'save' the lore (particularly if the audience doesn't like or rejects an idea ... you can pretend anything was the intention all along retroactively). This is the madness of franchises... *rubs temples*...
so what do I have to say. I do think the writing is not good, but I think the concept is delicious. I would love for Mono to have created a device to communicate with the Nowhere (and it as a semi-reality semi-dreamspace IS original canon...), and I like that suffering is essential to reaching towards it. I would love the creation of this device to be the inception of the Signal Tower, I would like his only window into this world to be the thing that will entrap him, as if the two cannot exist apart. I would like Six as a long-lost older sister who escaped through her dreams, but perhaps anticipated her brother following behind her.
The vibes of Otto, are great. I love a guy muttering "my beloved..." about his sister, and pathetically whining about how she'd never leave him. I like how much "Sisi" sounds like "sissy". I love how he speaks always in possessives about her "my Sisi" while Noone also fsr validates this by saying "your Sisi". Yeah!!!! I like how absorbed his life is in this, like he's had no pleasures or joys outside of his sister, and is always yearning for her.
I would say it suits Mono's description of being "uncommonly single-minded. When he sets himself to a task, he rarely gives up before it's completed." He's a uniquely determined person, to a fault. The Thin Man erodes many in his terrible city, so corrosive is the humm of his Signal Tower. I would like all of the irradiated child remains found in the Pale City to be children he treated with his machine, who were not only lost to their nightmares, but trapped within the Signal's call.
Imagining Six & Mono's lives before winding up in this nightmare... I haven't had anything in mind; I like to engage in the world as it is now, on its own terms. I would imagine neither remember what existed before this, anyway. Suddenly being proposed "Mono was Six's obsessive little brother" is like being electrocuted. UGUGHHH... YEAH??????? FINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if YOU want to, SAY THAT.... !!!! to ME.... ! it's designed specifically to torment ME.... to test my integrity....
It is also kind of HILARIOUS!!!!! Ahhhhh imagine working tirelessly to reunite with your sister, only to have the demons that be give you the ironic fate of being unable to remember or recognize her in such terms, yet there is a draw, a pull, a sense to need to protect & keep her at all costs. And then what ! It would be amazing to fall in love with her, to find her beautiful. It would be amazing to fuck her brains out like that !!
For the mostpart I don't have... interest at all in Noone's, visions or what have you, it feels a little mind-numbingly episodic, but I could probably enjoy plenty of it fully visualized...? I don't really vibe the podcast medium as a tool for storytelling I am afraid; it feels simultaneously less than a book and also less than a visual medium. Not enough immersive prose or opportunity for shifts in perspectives a book could offer, limited duration, a kind of hokey amount of SFX and the need for a contrived framing narrative (which basically demands a lot of unnatural exposition to convey anything), really dampens it for me. I read it all as transcripts because that's a little more tolerable, but that just leaves me wishing it didn't need to be in a scripted format, and was .... a book .
My favorite concept it did bring forth, which well-aligned with my own impressions, was that seamstress room. I liked the half-made doll stabbed onto the table, and Noone feeling a connection, as if that was her, and all of these awaiting clothes. I enjoy the idea that one's consciousness is sort of split & hobbled when in-between reality & dream, until a vessel is made on this other side, which 'completes' you at last. I like the mythology of that, of needing a new body... exploring the 'doll' aesthetic we've got here.
I also like.... the notion of time not being linear, the Ferryman simultaneously existing for a lot of children. Since I'm only willing to engage Sisi & Otto as Six & Mono... I would love the notion of timelessness, that despite 'searching' for his sister for years, they might come into existence in this world at just the same time; maybe the Ferryman could have promised Six that her brother will come, & the matter of time is relative here as everything warps. They won't be apart, actually. I am FOND of the idea of Six & Mono's clothes coexisting in a trunk... despite Six having disappeared much 'before' his, in our world. Perhaps her body isn't finished being stitched together until Mono appears. That would be what I would like... </3 Maybe sissy only left because it was promised that you would eventually come.............. only the illusion of abandonment. To motivate you </3 come chase meeeeeee otouto
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xxgothchatonxx · 1 year
Nicholas Hoult’s Renfield did remind me a lot of Harley Quinn. Obviously there are differences (and I am just talking about the film, not Stoker’s novel) but the basics are comparable. An assistant/sidekick devoted to their boss/lover who treats them pretty poorly, so finally they’d had enough and fight for their independence and reclaiming their own self-worth.
There were also some line deliveries from Cagula that made me go “huh.. Nic Cage would make a great Joker”. (No, Joker wasn’t one of his inspirations - apparently it was his father, and Anne Bancroft from The Graduate... Count Dracula, you’re trying to seduce me-)
That final confrontation with Renfield reclaiming his power, saying the affirmations, and defeating Drac was the icing on the comparison cake, to me. It reminded me a lot of Harley’s recent animated series. There was set-up, build up, then a cathartic conclusion. Also like Harley, Renfield isn’t exactly the most moral person and definitely did fucked up shit but I did still root for him. That’s a testament to the writing and Hoult’s performance. (Which can be a problem for me with Harley.. if the writing/acting isn’t that good, I don’t really root for her as much as I should..)
So basically, it was the “Harley leaving Joker” flick I wish I had seen before... yeah, I wasn’t a big fan of Birds of Prey and thought Renfield (2023) was a much better version of that flick. If you loved BOP and found it empowering etc., that’s great. It just didn’t work for me (actually i hate it but I’ll stay on-topic here). But Renfield worked very well for me.
I’ll end with this - I find it ironic that Universal Studios tried the comic book movie approach twice with their Dark Universe attempt and it failed (quite spectacularly the second time) but their “what if Renfield was like Harley Quinn?” (doubt that was intentional but a lot of us are seeing that comparison) flick was a pretty good success *shoos Rotten Tomatoes and the box office away*
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electricprincess96 · 17 days
The amount of misinformed that exists about the Star Wars Expanded Universe is insane to me.
Firstly "it was never canon" then why was there a tier list of canon at Lucasfilm in which George's movies were at the top and it went down through T-Canon (Television Canon so The Clone Wars TV Show), C-Canon (Continuity Canon where the books and comic books and most games fell) and then so on and so forth. If none of it was ever canon, you'd have never needed this you'd just ignore anything that wasn't in the movies. Basically, if the piece of media didn't contradict anything in a tier above it, it was canon, which contrary to popular belief didn't happen as often as EU hater will tell you it did. And many of the contradictions that DO exist, existed because books were written years before the prequels and maybe had one off hand reference to something that's touched on in the prequels that is slightly different to how George ends up portraying it. Although he did deliberately refuse to allow EU writers to write about the Clone Wars because he knew he'd eventually try and make the prequels. If the books were never canon, whyd he need to stop people writing about the Clone Wars when it wouldn't matter if their version was wildly different from his. Unless he was deliberately trying to keep the overall continuity of the universe as coherent as possible.
George Lucas might not have viewed the EU as being AS legitimate as his movies BUT he wasn't stupid, without the EU through the 90s we'd have never got the prequels, they kept Star Wars alive, The Thrawn Trilogy reignited an interest in Star Wars. George regularly commented on EU material, he wrote the forward to Shatterpoint and gave ideas for The Darth Plageus novel. Just because they weren't AS canon as his movies doesn't mean they weren't legitimate.
And before people go "but George Lucas and Dave Filoni SAID" I don't care about what they said. Firstly Dave is irrelevant here he was an employee of George, he is not his legal representative stop rolling him out to speak on George's behalf. Secondly I care about actions and the ACTIONS at Lucasfilm throughout the existence of the EU makes it very clear it was considered a form of canon, yes it was lower than George's own works but they weren't published fanfiction, George regularly looked to the EU for influence, taking full characters from the EU and putting them in Revenge of the Sith for example. Words are meaningless, if your actions imply the opposite. And George's words aren't even consistent on this, so if he's said both that it was never canon and sometimes has said it was then the only thing I will go off of is what his actions tell us and that is that he clearly considered it canon that was built off what he created and yes he had the power to overwrite it but he tried very hard to make sure things fit together as well as they could.
Lucasfilm literally had a continuity guy who started out as an EU writer. You wouldn't need one of those if the EU wasn't canon.
Also the people who I see say the EU was just shit are always people who admit to not reading any of it. They haven't touched Darth Bane, Heir to the Empire, Darth Plageus etc. Like sure there was some crap (although ironically some of the worst like the Ewoks and Droids cartoon and the Holiday Special comes straight from George Lucas himself) but not as much as people who've never read any of the EU claim there is. And the arguments against the EU is always to somehow prop up Disney Star Wars and I'm sorry but that's got plenty of crap in it too so let's not pretend you've got the high ground here. You are not Obi-wan.
And because the EU had a tier list of canon it wasn't as confusing as some people claim it is to figure out what really happened at some event in universe. EU had 30+ years and managed it's canon very well for something that existed for that long. Disneys own Expanded Universe is 10 years old and already books are being overwritten by TV shows just cause Dave Filoni wants to, despite Disney promising that in their Star Wars there would be no need for canon tiers since everything would be made in collaboration and be considered equal.
The amount of blatant history revisionism and blatant wrong takes i see perpetuated about this topic will forever annoy me. You don't have to like the old EU, but to act like it was never important to the world of Star Wars is mental. The World of Coruscant originates from an EU novel that predates the prequels by years for fuck sake.
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mechaknight-98 · 3 months
In defense of the author
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A rare literary criticism from a smut writer
Recently I had a chat with my nameless friend who is also a fanfic writer, together we talked about literary theory and criticism.
As usual, he brought up “The Death of the Author” which is the fundamentally worst and least media-literate theory. Allow me to explain using The Boys. Something I can talk loads about because I hate both the comic and the TV show.
For those who don't know what “The Boys” is, it is a multimedia franchise about a series of men killing superheroes. That started out as a comic by Garth Ennis.
Recently I have been seeing the increasing sentiment that the show is better than the comic. Which is super divorced from reality. The comic and the show are two different mediums written for two very different Audiences. The show is a mush of satire directed at celebrity culture and political idolatry that uses the symbolism of superheroes as a thinly (and at times extremely hollow) anti corporate message.
The comic on the other hand is an aggressive send up of every major trend and trope in comics at the time of the early 90-00s. A fact that is completely lost on those who only watch the show or consume very little comic media.
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This divide can't be further noted then by the usage of the character Black Noir(pictured above.
Spoilers ahead
In the comic Black Noir is the clone of Homelander the main antagonist through the series and was made as a contingency plan by Voight to deal with Homelander should he ever get out of control. This specific plot point is relevant as around this time many comics were hitting their clone/edgy phase. Where everything had to be as gritty and as dark/convoluted as possible. For example, the death of Superman, the watchmen graphic novel and Spiderman’s infamous clone saga were popular or written around this time. Garth Ennis who had written comics for some time at this point was cynical and jaded about a lot of the industry and so wrote the boys as the logical extremes to a lot of these storylines. This makes the Satire part make more sense as you know what he's satirizing instead of viewing the piece in a vaccum, which most people have done if you have only watched the show or comic movies over the last ten years.
The show takes a different approach. The show makes Black Noir an African American agent of voight who’s main goal is to be their “cleaner” and is unceremoniously killed and replaced. The approisnt bad per say but it lacks a lot of the bite of the comic’s edge because of how its framed in the show, As Homelander is written as one of the true evils and not one of many.
The reveal sucks because the show really hammers home how Homelander isn't special in a way the comic doesn't but doesn't really show it. Like homelander is the definition of big fish little pond and no one can really match him and he can honestly “Do whatever the Fuck he wants” the comic doesn't go as far yet in the reiteration if that point but because it relies on comic logic and reveals the point hits home harder.
How does this tie into death of the author? Well its simple. The show runner for the boys show has gone on numerous rants about how he hates the comic because he thinks its juvenile and edgy for no reason or silly. The issue is that's kinda the point. Is grotesque for the specific point of pointing out how dumb and silly things had gotten in the comic industry. Which was lost as most “superhero” media doesn't follow that trend so much anymore. So the show writer made sweeping changes that are now starting to catch up with his adaption as people begin to lose interest because you can only make the “bad Superman” story so many times before it just gets old. All this is to say typically there is a reason an author goes through the writing process to create a piece and the removal of the author often reomoves critical concepts and context as to a pieces’s point and understanding a piece.
Okay Rant over have a pretty Arin as compensation for listening to me rant
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batmanschmatman · 8 months
Hello, hope you’re doing well!! 1, 3, 12, 17, 24 and 38 for the ask game please 😊
doing pretty good! have two job interviews tomorrow so nervous about that but also excited. hope you're doing well too and thanks for the ask!!
one: what are 3 things you’d say shaped you into who you are? going to skip past the obvious like my parents and say american girl dolls (got me into history, made me major in it in college and got me to get my MA in public history, so all my career stuff has been tied back to them hahaha), joining my livejournal/dreamwidth roleplaying communities which kept me writing a lot and getting involved in fandom stuff (this is how I met @heystovepipeboys!) and generally growing up as and staying a big nerd about a lot of stuff, which shapes pretty much everything about me all the time lol.
three: 3 films you could watch for the rest of your life and not get bored of? hmmmmm tough call bc I don't think my usual answers for favorite movies necessarily fit this (jaws is usually what I say is my fave, but I don't ever really put it right back on after watching it), so the ones I tend to be like okay let's put it right back on as soon as the credits roll are princess mononoke, what we do in the shadows, and captain america: the winter soldier. honorable mentions to star trek '09 and x-men: first class which I watched about a hundred thousand times in college whenever I wanted to put something on while writing.
twelve: what’s some good advice you want to share? don't settle for a partner who doesn't or barely tolerates your hobbies and interests. there are so many people in my doll collector groups who talk about spouses/partners who actively hate their collections or shame them for having them, and honestly life is too short for that. I was told for years as a kid/teen/young adult that I'd never find someone who liked disney/comic books/collecting toys/star trek/pokémon/history as much as I did, so I'd have to get used to the idea of getting rid of all my stuff when I got married, but my wife is super supportive of my interests and actively participates in 90% of them. she even collected dolls before she met me! your partner doesn't have to be involved with everything you do, but they should respect your interests and you should respect theirs!
seventeen: name 3 things that make you happy cats, delicious baked goods, wearing comfortable pajamas while wrapped in a million blankets
twenty four: what’s one thing you’re proud of yourself for? finishing the first draft of my novel! it's a historical fiction piece about a marine coming back from a japanese pow camp at the end of WWII and dealing with all the different questions of "what now?" now that the war's over. I'd been working on it since 2018 and it's crazy seeing it printed out and finished even if it still needs a lot of editing hahaha.
thirty eight: fave song at the moment? meet me in the woods by lord huron
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the-yuri-librarian · 8 months
Can I ask, why do you love WLW romance better than Het romance? What makes them better? I did not mean anything negative, and I know everyone have their own like and dislike but I want to know your thoughts....
Also what do you think that made Asian WLW (GL manga/manhwa/manhua) romances different than western WLW romances?
This is a very good question on both fronts!
Answering the first part is easy: I prefer WLW relationships because I'm a lesbian. That's sort of all there is to it? Like, on some level, I have only been reading WLW novels for the past several years (and WLW comics since Sept '23), because hetero relationships in fiction have sort of dominated culture my whole life? I can't name a movie or a book series off hand from my childhood/teen years that did not contain a straight relationship. I would genuinely have to think about it. But, when I graduated from grad school for the first time and started to connect with reading on a level I hadn't since I was a kid-early teen, I made this very conscious decision to focus really really heavily on sapphic fiction, even more so than trans fiction even though I am trans, too. I think part of this is because I just wanted to see myself represented in the works I am reading. Another part of this is I relate more to sapphic romances. For all my life, I have only ever loved women as a woman, and that makes straight romances feel somewhat foreign to me? I think maybe it's because the way relationships are talked about in queer culture versus the way relationships are talked about in straight culture; it feels very different, though I don't have an example offhand to point to. On top of that, there is also a lot of historical precedent for lesbians feeling like their sexuality and their gender identity are somewhat meshed or intersected (if you want to know more I'd have to do like actual research lol), and I think I definitely feel that. The lesbian label is really important for me, and I think that importance draws me to WLW fiction
In terms of what makes eastern and western comics/yuri/sapphic romances different, I think that you could write an entire dissertation on this (but I'll try not to lol). Now, I am by no means an expert on Japanese or Korean cultural studies, in fact I am far from that, but I think the way the romances play out really highlights the way their cultures function differently from cultures in the west. Firstly, I think that eastern cultures place a much higher focus on cultural expectations. I would not say that eastern cultures are necessarily more conservative than western cultures (I mean, just look at any news coming out of the US, we're practically a theocracy). Instead, I would say that people living in eastern cultures are more bound by their culture. For example: in the US, or a similar western culture, it is generally ok to be gay in the 2010s and 2020s. From my understanding, this is also the case in Korea and Japan, but there is more cultural push back. I think this reality is represented in sapphic romance stories from the two places well. Look at any fiction featuring a lesbian main character coming out of America: their sexuality is never treated like some weird thing (unless the story is trying to realistically represent discrimination); instead, they just are gay. And, when a character is beginning to realize she might be a lesbian, she might have to adjust her view of herself, but it's really no big deal. On the other hand, look at Japanese yuri, especially high school stories: there is almost universally a moment where one of the characters will be like "but we're both girls!" to which the other character will be like "it's fine." I think this moment is included in those stories because the mangaka are consciously pushing back on the idea that it's wrong to be gay. A really good example of this can be seen in Rei's "it's ok to be gay monologue" in I'm in Love with the Villainess. In American fiction, something like that would likely feel unnecessary (though, for the record, I think American TV shows and movies are at the point where such a monologue is necessary, but that's a different story).
Another example can be seen in the way eastern comics treat cunnilingus. This is not a universal thing, but one trend that I've noticed in the more NSFW or smutty comics I've read is that, often, when a woman is about to go down on another woman, the one getting eaten out will protest like "no, not there" or "no, I'm not clean," and I think that this too is indicative of the ways women are entangled by cultural expectations in the east. In an America comic or novel, this would not be treated with the same hesitancy. But, in eastern cultures, there seems to almost be this expectation that the women turns down getting eaten out, only to relent and accept it when their lover insists.
I'm not sure if any of that makes sense, but it's the best I got without doing real research. Also, again, I am not an expert, so take everything I just said with about a tablespoon of salt!
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dani-luminae · 11 months
Well now I wanna hear about Lamentis
So I've been doing a fic featuring Mal from Descendants and based off season one of the Loki series, and I've just started off ep 3 which is titled "Lamentis." I'm definitely gonna name the planet something far better. Ep titles are taken from rhyming spells heard in the Descendants novels and movies, so I've already got that going for me.
I've only got part 1 of the ep done so far, but I'm still working on it. Slowly. In the Loki series, Lamentis is the episode where we're really introduced to Sylvie* (Lady Loki*) who was the last episode's cliffhanger more than anything. In this fic, the Sylvie role isn't actually a Variant of Mal but a Variant of Ben with Mal's magic, so we get to explore exactly how that happened :)
But anyway in the Loki series Loki and Sylvie are trapped together by circumstance trying to avoid dying alongside the rest of a planet in a cataclysmic event, and I guess that's not really changed here, Mal and Ben still gotta try not to die. At least the emerging romance-coded moments are less weird, I suppose, even though this is post-D3-(engaged!)Mal and a Ben Variant who's still being incredibly cagey about his past. This is, however, the episode where I get to start taking more liberties in the story, as Mal's story is much different than Loki's concerning the origins of the TVA and such.
Thanks for the ask! Hope my rambling was at least somewhat entertaining.
*Whatever the writers and/or the show meant Sylvie to be is unclear. She's first revealed with green magic and a horned headdress, which she promptly loses as she insists she is not Loki. Oh, she's also blonde, her original character designs were clearly influenced by/meant to be Amora the Enchantress, and the name "Sylvie" comes from a mortal with magic that Loki created(???) in the comics. So whatever exactly Sylvie is meant to be I have no clue and the series doesn't really answer either.
So you can see why I've replaced her with Ben, a version of a character I actually enjoy writing.
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