#wth else can I tag this as. um
rextheravenous · 11 months
An Analysis of Blue Bayou and Dixie Landin
I've been SUPER fixated on this park and its issues since I went with Batz a few weeks ago, so here's a glimpse into my neurodivergence at its finest <3
Blue Bayou and Dixie Landin is a theme park located in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Opening in 1999, the park boasts 20 water rides- previously making the park known as ‘Land of the Giants’ for sporting 5 of the world’s largest waterslides-, 3 coasters (currently), and 24 more fair-style rides. Blue Bayou and Dixie Landin currently has a few major recorded incidents and I’m here to discuss those combined with the underhanded shady business practices going on behind the scenes because 🤷 what else do you do on a sunday
Blue Bayou and Dixie Landin has been a huge part of my childhood. I went there for the first time when I was 6 or 7 years old, and ever since then I have had a massive hyperfixation on theme parks. However, happy memories turned sour as I went there recently for a family vacation; the entire Dixie Landin half of the park was completely shut down, Blue Bayou was severely understaffed, and the most horrifying part of it all: the ticket prices (/hj). When you went in, it was five dollars for parking, fifty to get into the park (twice as much as full price used to be even with half the park shut down), and overpriced merchandise all throughout the waterpark. From what we could see of Dixie Landin, the rides looked worn down- like nobody had cared for them for years . We had a great time with what was open, but I couldn’t help but wonder: who or what made this once-great park end up in such a state of disrepair?
So there’s a lot to unpack here, I will be honest. I will go over the labor and pay violations last, as it still happens to this day and is getting worse each year. To start this analysis of the park’s flaws off, I will start with the thing I found the funniest in my research: a failed P!ATD concert.
In July 2015, Panic! At The Disco had a scheduled performance on the Coca-Cola concert stage. Thousands of people traveled from several hours away to see this concert, only to be met with a park that was not prepared for the overwhelming crowd of fans. The park was packed, the event gates opened an hour late, and there was no easy access to drinking water which left a multitude of folks dehydrated, some passing out, and one even having a seizure. Looking at BBDL’s reviews online, this was the start of the park’s bad reputation to the public. However, an incident in 2010 trumps this and is horribly overlooked, in my opinion. This is where we get into less-funny territory.
Around 4 PM on July 11th, Lindsay Zeno rode her last roller coaster in DIxie Landin. The 21 year old woman was riding on the ‘X-treme’ coaster with her friends when a restraint bar supposedly failed on the ride. There is no clear reason as to what happened, but stories vary from the locking mechanism not pushed in fully to her somehow tampering with the restraint. No matter how it happened though, she plummeted 30 feet to her eventual death after she was seen trying to pull the restraint down before a sharp curve. Experts were brought in and several critical investigations were performed on the ride, but no conclusion could be reached. This was the park’s first fatal incident. In 2006, there was another incident, but the victim survived and his family sued the park for it. A 2-year old (4-year old according to wikipedia) boy named Kobe Carter fell at least 25 feet on June 9th off of the ‘Over the Rainbow’ ride, breaking his arms and legs.
Surprisingly, those are the only two major injury/death related incidents. The final issue I would like to discuss is all of the financial issues surrounding Blue Bayou and Dixie Landin. This includes prices, employee payment, and how they spend their money regarding the park.
As I mentioned in the first bit of this analysis, the ticket prices are insane. Only half of the park is open, but the tickets are full price (and even higher than they used to be due to inflation). This was even more insane in early 2021-22, when they were only able to open a few of the rides at Blue Bayou, and only offered a small discount to make up for it. The staff were- and still are- being severely underpaid, causing a ton of negligence (Surprise! People don’t like to work for free!). Further research led me to one of their shady business practices: employees (who were mostly high school age just looking for summer jobs) work for minimum wage with the promise of a big bonus at the end of each season. Sounds great, right? It would be a decent payment plan, if it weren’t for the higher ups cutting the employees loose right before the bonus can be issued. (I don’t have an official source for it, but read this in a few of the park reviews and overheard it from some of the lifeguards on break).
The park owners also overcharge for everything with none of the earned money going back into the park, and will find any way to make and keep money they can. A few reviews from 2021 even said that they were in the waterpark for ten minutes maximum before a weather warning stopped the entire park for the rest of the day. This would be understandable if guests would get some sort of compensation for the $40-50 they just spent to get in, or if they would let them back in after the weather is clear, but they did nothing of the sort. No refunds, extremely rare price decreases, and cutting corners where they can manage it. The park need serious work to be done on it, such as repainting and making rides safer (some of the other guests while we were there had said they had been scratched up and injured by the waterslides as screws had come up and the sharp edges of the piping had come up in some spots.. And.. um. I can vouch for them because I too was a little beat up after some of the rides) and it has needed these repairs for a while now, but the owners want as much money as they can flowing into their pockets so they spare every expense they can.
Sad to say it, but if the park keeps raising prices with no improvements the way it has been, people will eventually just have enough and stop going, making Blue Bayou and Dixie Landin the eventual next star of a Defunctland video. If you look at the reviews online, it’s not hard to find people who have sworn to never go back. I personally hope the park gets new owners and can return back to the greatness it was when I was a kid, but I’m not sure how many more years it can hold up.
I’m tired after writing all of this (it's been like 4 hours now) so I hope it all makes sense. This isn’t a critique or a report or anything, just an analysis of what I’ve been hyperfixating on for the past few weeks because I was going to explode if I didn’t infodump about it <3
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juno-of-wonderland · 2 months
Monster au: Lord of Thorns route ending 1 (part 1)
list tag: @112-darling, @rain112-darling, @callmedarling112, @mushroomfrog203 (wth, why didn't work? Sorry for this)
You look at the outstretched hand, a part of you wants to go with him, because you know he will protect you and another is afraid of what this decision will cause in your life. Your affection and trust for him wins and you hold his hand. “Thank you” Draconia told you, if you only knew how much it meant to him. You smile, you both start walking, hand in hand in this cold night. “I know it may seem like a stupid question, but why did you hide that you were the Lord of Thorns?” “I was afraid of scaring you, you were- you are the first experience in which I called a friend, a real friend… I didn't want to lose that” You smiled at him, a tender and affectionate smile, Tetsunotaro let out a breath he didn't even know he was holding. “Silly” you hugged his arm.
… “…I was starting to wonder if I would still be alive for this day, but I'm happy and proud, you finally brought someone home” Lilia sniffed playfully and turned to two boys who were behind him “follow suit him, Sebek and Silver, bring someone cute home, I want to take care of babies again” Silver and Sebek's eyes widened as you swallowed hard, a tall vampire stared at you, the woman looked very much like Tetsunotaro himself. “Grandmother, this is the human I told you about” Draconia said, squeezing your hand in comfort. “Welcome” she turns her back and enters the dark castle. “It seems that Maleficia liked you, little human” Lilia commented before following her. Everyone else in the group did the same. You looked at every decoration, structure, detail and statue in the castle, it was something very gothic and dark, with green tapestry. “Do you two intend to stay in the same room?” Lilia asked. Sebek gasped, you blushed and Tetsunotaro seemed to consider this possibility.
. In the end, the two of you slept in separate rooms, but Draconia came to visit you before you fell asleep. The two of you were lying side by side in the softest bed you had ever felt. “You’re not too tired, are you?” Tetsunotaro asked “No” you let out a yawn “I can still take it a little longer…hey Tetsu, are those two, Silver and Sebek your brothers?” “Um, we actually grew up together, but I would call them my brothers, yes I would.” “And another one, the short one?” “Lilia? He created me as he created others.” You let out a hum of understanding, your eyelids became heavier and heavier, unconsciously, you hugged Tetsunotaro and slept with your head on his chest. This surprised him, but Draconia didn't reject the affection, instead, he carefully pulled you closer. “You don’t know how much I want you to know my name” he whispered with his nose in your hair. He loved the tender and innocent contact that he forgot to go back to his own room, during the day, you rubbed your eyes and found the extra weight strange. Tetsunotaro looked dead in his sleep, you wondered if that was normal with vampires. Carefully, you got out of bed, then out of the room and explored the corridors of the castle, it seemed to be infinite because it was so big, you didn't dare enter the rooms, just looking briefly, ah! You found the treasure room…better close that door more carefully. Only one of you entered, hoping not to disturb anyone, the library, you traced the books on the shelf, looking for one with images, since your poor background did not help with your education, you had great difficulty reading and it was a miracle knowing how to write your own name. Time passed and your stomach growled, deciding to put down the book and go back to exploring until you found the kitchen, which you were unlucky for, there was nothing in the drawers other than packets of red liquid that you didn't want to question what it was. “Top shelf, left” You turned around so quickly that you became dizzy, Silver was at the kitchen door, looking like he had just woken up. “Wait, aren’t you going to get burned in the light?!” He looked confused before something clicked in his brain. “I'm human, like you, I haven't introduced myself properly yet, I'm Silver” his voice was so soft that it seemed like he would fall asleep at any second. You introduced yourself, he helped you make a very simple meal and kept you company until nightfall, of course, just as you thought, he fell asleep sometimes, but the company was welcome. You two were playing chess when the vampires arrived.
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venusjaynie · 1 year
stranger things social media!!
all the older kids are 18-21 and The Party are 15-16
steve harrington x fem!reader
series mastlist
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Liked by itsbuckleybitch, thefreakmunson, dustybunhenderson, willthewise and others.
y/ns.priv24: "baby, take a pic with this sweet view behind me."
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itsbuckleybitch: he looks like a stickman
↳ stevie.h: shut the fuck up
↳ y/ns.priv24: you're so right rob
↳ stevie.h: wow babe i expected better from you
↳ y/ns.priv24: you're a very cute stickman
thefreakmunson: the thought of the both of you atop a mountain taking pictures of each other is so cute it makes me sick
↳ y/ns.priv24: love u too eddie
b.hargrove: harrington wtf is wrong with your face
↳ stevie.h: bite me hargrove
johnnybyers: this comment section is the reason i'm fucking insane you are all so annoying (even you baby sis)
↳ y/ns.priv24: i may be annoying but at least i'm mom's favourite.
↳ johnnybyers: i would come back with something equally as harsh but we both know will is mom's favourite
↳ y/ns.priv24: ...yeah that's true. seriously he gets possessed by some fucking demon one time and all of a sudden he's the light of mom's life
↳ willthewise: not cool big sis. not cool
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Liked by b.hargrove, nanceewheeler, mikey7 and others
stevie.h: just chillin by the sea with my favourite girl
tagged: y/ns.priv24
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itsbuckleybitch: wait why are you guys kinda cute
↳ stevie.h: you're only realising this now???
dustybunhenderson: you are literally my parents
↳ stevie.h: not cool dude
↳ dustybunhenderson: mom dad's being mean to me
↳ y/ns.priv24: steve don't be mean to our son
↳ stevie.h: oh my
nanceewheeler: the cutest ever
↳ y/ns.priv24: um not as cute as you and j
↳ stevie.h: excuse me we're way cuter than nance and jonathan
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Liked by b.hargrove, johnnybyers, stevie.h, itsbuckleybitch and others.
y/ns.priv24: it's all well and good that billy and steve got over their issues, and i'm glad they aren't at each others throats 24/7 anymore, but can i just point out that they aren't even planking correctly? did no one else notice this?
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b.hargrove: okay rude
↳ y/ns.priv24: learn how to plank first then you can call me rude
↳ b.hargrove: you bitch
↳ stevie.h: hey cut it out dumbass. that's my girl you're talking to. i'll beat your ass
itsbuckleybitch: i did notice, and i'm really glad someone spoke up about this issue. thank you.
↳ y/ns.priv24: i appreciate your concern for the wellbeing of my boyfriend's and his (boy)friend's back. you're welcome.
↳ b.hargrove: WOAH WOAH WOAH WHAT
↳ stevie.h: yeah dude wth
↳ y/ns.priv24: call me dude again and i'll skin you alive bro
↳ johnnybyers: go little sis. you slay.
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Liked by y/ns.priv24, nanceewheeler, stevie.h, dustybunhenderson, thefreakmunson and others.
itsbuckleybitch: amazing show yesterday dingus. we had a blast
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y/ns.priv24: currently googling how to become a microphone
↳ stevie.h: glad you enjoyed the show sweetheart
↳ y/ns.priv24: i really did. you're incredible stevie
↳ thefreakmunson: oh my god get a room
b.hargrove: loved the show man (also currently googling how to become said mic)
↳ y/ns.priv24: SEE. BOYFRIENDS.
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Liked by y/ns.priv24, stevie.h, johnnybyers and others.
nanceewheeler: y/n and i's favourite boys
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mikeymikey: hey i thought i was your favourite
↳ nanceewheeler: why would you think that?
y/ns.priv24: stevie i forgot how big your arms are can you choke me
↳ stevie.h: oh my god
itsbuckleybitch: this is quite horrifying
↳ stevie.h: i apologise for my girlfriends unhinged comments
↳ itsbuckleybitch: no i meant your face in the picture dingus
willthewise: i'm actually y/n's favourite boy.
↳ stevie.h: sure you are buddy
↳ y/ns.priv24: oh steve how do i put this nicely...
↳ stevie.h: you're on the couch tonight
↳ y/ns.priv24: NO STEVE WAIT
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Liked by nanceewheeler, stevie.h, willthewise, mikey7, and others
johnnybyers: my person.
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y/n's.priv24: stop you guys are so cute get married rn.
↳ jonnybyers: thanks kiddo (ik you only want us to get married so you can be a bridesmaid for nance)
↳ nanceewheeler: correction - maid of honour
stevie.h: you guys are almost as cute as me and y/n
↳ y/ns.priv24: i'd say we're equally as cute.
↳ dustybunhenderson: i agree with steve. my parents are the cutest
↳ stevie.h: DUDE
↳ y/ns.priv24: HAHAHAHAHAHA
199 notes · View notes
bestworstcase · 4 years
What are your opinions on the whole "Cassandra is a toxic friend for Rapunzel" or "Rapunzel and Cass's friendship was a toxic one" statements?
first of all, ���toxic” is one of those buzzwords that gets tossed around on a lot in online spaces and as always with those, i think it’s important to clarify precisely what i mean. the formal definition of “toxic relationship” as phrased by dr. lillian glass, who coined the term, is: 
any relationship [between people who] don’t support each other, where there’s conflict and one seeks to undermine the other, where there’s competition, where there’s disrespect and a lack of cohesiveness.
toxicity in a relationship doesn’t necessarily stem from abuse (although all abusive relationships are toxic; rectangles and squares, etc). sometimes, it’s just that two people aren’t good for each other, or don’t mesh well, or have other things going on that make it so they can’t do the work necessary to build a sustainable relationship. regardless of the root cause, though, all toxic relationships:
- create persistent stress, unhappiness, discomfort, anxiety, anger, malaise, or resignation, instead of creating joy,
- may catalyze or exacerbate mental health issues of people trapped in them,
- make communication between participants difficult or impossible,
- warp interpersonal boundaries within the relationship, and
- have a detrimental effect on attachments outside the relationship.
so with our term defined, do cass and rapunzel have a toxic friendship?
but—and this is the controversial part of my Opinion™ lol—it’s rapunzel, not cassandra, who’s the toxic friend. 
as i see it, there are two major problems here: 
#1: rapunzel has no respect for cassandra’s boundaries.
one idea i see expressed an awful lot in both cass-fan and cass-critical circles is that cassandra isn’t good at communicating her feelings, desires, or needs and frankly... no. i used to kind of nod along with this, but i increasingly just do not agree that this is a general trait of hers.
consider her behavior in season 1.
in before ever after: 
CASS: You can’t let Eugene see you!
RAPUNZEL: What? Why?
CASS: He can’t know anything about last night! I told you, Rapunzel, if it gets out I took you outside Corona, I’m done for.
RAPUNZEL: But I trust Eugene.
CASS: Well I don’t. [beat] My Dad will have me taken off princess detail. We’ll never see each other again.
cass states a boundary plainly and directly, and explains her reasoning so that rapunzel will understand why it’s so important to her that rapunzel keep their excursion a secret. 
in what the hair: 
CASS: Raps, I told you, we can’t tell anyone about that night!
RAPUNZEL: Um, Cass, I think the secret’s pretty much out.
CASS: Yeah, yeah, everyone know’s the hair’s back—but if anyone found out I was the one who snuck you out when it happened, I would be sent to a convent. Literally a convent.
RAPUNZEL: Well... I have to tell Eugene.
CASS: No, no, no no—as far as he knows, you... just woke up that morning with long hair.
RAPUNZEL: But Eugene is my boyfriend! We tell each other everything!
CASS: I know this is a lot to ask, but I can’t risk it. Please, don’t tell Eugene.
again, cass is upfront in asking rapunzel to keep this secret from her. she even acknowledges that she’s asking a lot from rapunzel, but her livelihood and home are dependent on this secret staying secret, and cass spells this out as clearly as possible for rapunzel. 
then, when eugene tries to guilt-trip rapunzel into telling him the secret, cass cuts in to emphasize—again—why she doesn’t want him to know: “I don’t trust you. You have a big mouth,” a statement she backs up with multiple examples just from the week or so since BEA.
and later in the episode: 
RAPUNZEL: This isn’t right, Cassandra! I have to tell Eugene.
CASS: No! Rapunzel, I want to trust you. And I trust that you trust Eugene, but I don’t trust Eugene, and if I can’t trust Eugene, I can’t trust you, and you’re just going to have to trust me. [beat] Trust me, that logic tracks. 
the gag of course is that this is not an especially eloquent way of stating her point, but the reasoning here does in fact track: cassandra’s safety depends on keeping their excursion secret, and she doesn’t trust eugene’s ability or willingness to protect her by keeping the secret, therefore she is asking—really, begging, at this point—rapunzel not to tell him.
cassandra’s communication on this point is always crystal clear. she empathizes with rapunzel’s discomfort keeping the secret from eugene, she understands why rapunzel feels that way, and she repeatedly and clearly asks rapunzel to prioritize cassandra’s safety over her own discomfort. 
and rapunzel refuses. in the final scene of what the hair, rapunzel checks to make sure that cassandra isn’t paying attention, then tells eugene the truth. his gut reaction is to cheer because oho cass is in for it now, and of course raps shuts this down—but she doesn’t care that she just betrayed cassandra’s trust. she’s just relieved that she’s no longer hiding anything from eugene. 
now, we don’t get to see cassandra’s reaction to this, but cass is standing right there, and even if she didn’t hear rapunzel telling him the secret, she would certainly have heard eugene crowing about getting her into trouble. there is no way she doesn’t realize what just happened. 
it’s not brought up again in the next few episodes, so we can assume that cass simply decided to let it slide. rapunzel doesn’t mean any harm, after all, and she got eugene to promise not to spill the beans. it is what it is. cass just has to hope neither of them tell anyone else.
and this brings us to the next time cass tries to establish a boundary with rapunzel, in challenge of the brave.
now in this situation, there’s no danger to cassandra. she just wants to participate in the challenge and she’s simply not keen on the idea of competing alongside rapunzel.
but... remember what happened the last time cass laid down a boundary with rapunzel? not just any boundary, but a boundary about something that was a significant and immediate threat to cassandra’s safety? remember how carefully and clearly she explained herself to rapunzel, how she pleaded for rapunzel to protect her by keeping the secret—only for rapunzel to glibly do the one thing cass begged her not to do?
in challenge of the brave, cassandra knows that rapunzel won’t listen to her stated boundaries even when cassandra’s whole life in the palace is at stake. and the stakes are not that high with the challenge, not by a long shot, so what does cass do when rapunzel tries to tag along?
RAPUNZEL: I wanna sign up!
CASS: You mean compete?!
RAPUNZEL: Let’s do it together! 
[excited kid babble]
CASS: That would be fun... but I’m not so sure that’s the best idea...
RAPUNZEL: I’m brave! And I’m always up for a challenge!
CASS: But th- the thing is, the Challenge is by invitation only, so you can’t do it. Oh, man, ughh, rules are rules!
RAPUNZEL: Aw, okay. But you can always count on me to cheer you on!
first, cass drops a large hint that she really is not enthused about the idea of competing in the challenge with rapunzel. she’s clearly hoping that raps will pick up on her disinterest and back off on her own (and if rapunzel were more socially astute, she probably would, because cass is... not subtle). 
but when this doesn’t work, instead of saying outright that she wants to do the challenge by herself, cass scrambles and makes up a lie to prevent rapunzel from entering. why? well, rapunzel didn’t listen to her when the stakes were “i will be sent to a convent,” so she has no reason to think rapunzel will listen to her when the stakes are “this is just something i want to do by myself.” 
this happens again when rapunzel is making cass uncomfortable before the challenge begins; in contrast to BEA/WTH, cass is visibly uncomfortable being open about her feelings with rapunzel now, so she says “Why don’t you go find Eugene in the stands?” instead of being direct about what she wants.
now of course, all this falls apart when rapunzel discovers the lie and decides to sign up for the challenge at the last minute. cass reacts quite badly to this, with her frustration and hurt feelings bubbling up more and more throughout the challenge. but like, at this point, what is she supposed to do? rapunzel is in the ring. she’s going to be in the challenge whether cass likes it or not, and when rapunzel first enters, cass tries really hard to grit her teeth and be a good sport about it.
she just... can’t, because the challenge means too much to her. it represents her life outside of being rapunzel’s servant, and rapunzel joining in and effortlessly succeeding at things cass has trained hard for feels like rapunzel taking that away from her.
all of which eventually culminates in... this: 
RAPUNZEL: Wait, stop! We’re supposed to be friends!
CASS: A friend wouldn’t be so oblivious, Rapunzel. You have no idea what this contest means to me! I mean, you’re a princess, you’ve got nothing to prove. To you, this was just a fun way to blow off a Saturday, but to me, it was a chance to show everyone that I am more than just your lady-in-waiting. And just when I thought I might get even the slightest bit of respect... Never mind.
cass spends the whole day bottling these feelings up, but when she does finally snap, she is able to clearly and succinctly express what her problem is. and though this isn’t explicitly stated, it seems likely to me that cassandra didn’t say any of this earlier because she assumed rapunzel wouldn’t care. when raps says “I respect you, I look up to you!” cass is visibly taken aback. 
and this is super important!! because rapunzel listens. even though cass tried to brush off her own feelings, rapunzel sees what her problem was, understands her, and immediately offers her a true, heartfelt apology. this matters to cass. this is why she lets go of her anger, and why she’s able to gracefully accept rapunzel’s victory a few minutes later. she’s not just seeing that rapunzel really does care for her, she’s also seeing a marked change from how rapunzel treated her in BEA/WTH. she’s seeing a signal from rapunzel that rapunzel DOES care about her boundaries after all.
like with the BEA/WTH incident, this leads into the next time cass expresses a boundary with rapunzel, in under raps. 
in under raps, the stakes are super high again: cass is a key player in a dangerous game of espionage with an insurgent who’s going to attempt to steal top secret information that would put all of corona in danger if it fell into the wrong hands. and cass is doing this on top of all her duties as a lady-in-waiting and a maid, during an obnoxious holiday that she’s not a fan of in general, so she’s pretty damn stressed.
anyway, at the beginning of the episode, cass is very open about how she feels about the day of hearts, and when rapunzel tries to “fix” this, cass makes her disinterest clear—first politely, and then more pointedly when rapunzel doesn’t take the hint: “I don’t have time right now. You two have fun though, okay?” → “Will you just stop, Rapunzel?” and, when rapunzel continues to push: 
CASS: Look, Raps, I get what you’re doing, and I appreciate it, but I’m fine.
RAPUNZEL: Cass, no! Something is clearly wrong; you never wanna hang out, you keep disappearing, you don’t even want to beat up Eugene!
CASS: I’m dealing with... some stuff. Stuff I’m not ready to share–but when I am ready, you’ll be the first person I go to. Trust me.
here, as in BEA/WTH, cassandra has no trouble articulating what she wants from rapunzel. she doesn’t elaborate on exactly what’s going on, but she is upfront that 1) there is something, 2) she’s not ready to talk about it, 3) she’s planning on telling rapunzel once she’s ready, and 4) she wants rapunzel to stop pushing in the meantime. and... unlike in BEA/WTH, it seems like cass actually trusts rapunzel to listen to her because she’s taken to heart the way rapunzel apologized in COTB.
except... once again, rapunzel ignores her clearly stated boundaries. she’s too curious about what cassandra is up to to wait until cass is ready to share, so she follows cass and spies on her, taking the choice to share out of cassandra’s hands. then, despite recognizing that cassandra is not keen to be open about her relationship with andrew (rapunzel notes to eugene that cass seems “shy” about it), rapunzel decides to push for even more: 
CASS: A double date?!
RAPUNZEL: Yes! They’re four person fun-machines!
CASS: Rapunzel, I appreciate your enthusiasm. I really, really do, but I- I’m not at a place where I wanna go public.
RAPUNZEL: Which is why I’ve come up with an itinerary of private activities for us.
CASS: [sighing] But we really aren’t that serious yet.
RAPUNZEL: No problem! We’ll keep it short and sweet, then!
cass is withholding some information here—but it’s information that really needs to be withheld. state secrets and intrigue on this level is not something you go around casually telling your friend, especially if that friend has a history of revealing important secrets. 
that issue aside, though, cass is once again very straightforward here. she doesn’t want to go on a double date. she doesn’t want her relationship with andrew to be made public, because it isn’t serious. but every time cass draws a line, rapunzel modifies her proposal to “accommodate” the reason cass gives for saying no (don’t want to go public? that’s fine, we’ll do private activities. you’re not that serious yet? okay, we’ll only do a few casual things) instead of just accepting the no, until cass relents.
it’s also worth noting that when cass relents, she agrees to dinner—but rapunzel acts like she’s agreed to everything on the itinerary, plus a hot air balloon ride. when cass says “This double date needs to end now,” and “As soon as the balloon touches down, I’d like to be alone with [Andrew],” Rapunzel tries to protest: “But we haven’t even gotten to the tandem horseback ride yet.” 
and finally, after all this, when rapunzel interrupts, putting both herself and cass in serious danger and enabling andrew to get away with the journal, cassandra has no problem telling rapunzel how she feels: 
CASS: You know, after the exposition debacle, this was my big chance to prove to my Dad I have what it takes to be a guard. But you messed that all up, Rapunzel!
RAPUNZEL: Well, ugh, maybe if you had told me what you were planning, I wouldn’t have messed it up!
CASS: I couldn’t count on you not letting anything slip!
RAPUNZEL: Hey! I can keep things to myself!
CASS: Oh, yeah? Kinda like when you told Eugene about the night we snuck out? 
RAPUNZEL: How did you know about—
CASS: Or when you told your Dad about those rocks I showed you?!
RAPUNZEL: I had to! He was gonna—
CASS: And how’d your mom find out who ate her last chocolate truffle? Hm?
RAPUNZEL: I turned myself in! The guilt was just—
CASS: Look, Raps, you’re my best friend. But you’re a sharer. It’s in your nature. And I’m fine with that, but you’ll have to be fine with respecting things I want to keep to myself. 
RAPUNZEL: Even if those things have life-threatening consequences?
CASS: Okay, in my defense, no one’s life was really threatened until you showed up. 
RAPUNZEL: ...You’re right. Alright, tell you what, let’s make a deal. I’ll understand you keeping some things to yourself, if you understand that when something’s bothering you, I’m gonna want to help. You’ve got my back, so let me have yours.
CASS: I suppose I can live with that.
notice... three things here. 
first, not only does rapunzel not apologize, she blames cassandra for her own behavior. cass should have just told her everything from the get go—then she wouldn’t have needed to push, pester, and spy on cassandra to figure out what was going on and she wouldn’t have burst in and ruined the delicate sting operation cassandra was handling. in rapunzel’s mind, the problem isn’t that she didn’t respect cass’s clearly stated boundaries—the problem is that cass didn’t tell her every single detail about why she had those boundaries. 
second, cass explains exactly why she wasn’t forthcoming: rapunzel has an established pattern of spilling important secrets, including important secrets, including secrets that cass expressly asked her not to share with anyone. cassandra didn’t just arbitrarily decide to keep the truth of her “relationship” with andrew a secret—she made a reasonable decision based on her estimation of rapunzel’s ability to keep her mouth shut. an estimation informed by rapunzel’s past behavior. 
and third, rapunzel offers cass a “deal” that boils down to, “i’ll accept that you have boundaries if you accept that i am going to push them.” (she phrases this in a nice way, but based on her behavior in this episode and in future episodes, it is clear that by “help” and “have your back,” rapunzel doesn’t mean “i will back off if you tell me to back off, but i’m always willing to lend a hand if you ask.”) and cass accepts this. 
and... that’s pretty much where the girls stand for the rest of s1-s2. big brothers of corona and to a lesser extent freebird are other episodes where cass lays down a boundary and rapunzel disregards it either in the name of “helping” or because it’s about something she just really, really wants to do. and cass continues to get frustrated and have angry outbursts in response to this behavior, but it never, ever changes.
[i have mentioned this before but the argument that cassandra is a bad friend to rapunzel in s1-s2 because of how “mean” she is, how “cranky,” how she “snaps” or “yells” at rapunzel, or “bullies” her, etc—what this argument ignores is the fact that, with the exception of the time in BEA when she’s panicking over real danger, cass always leads with soft boundaries or polite refusals, escalates to harder, blunter statements when rapunzel ignores her, and snaps/yells/gets angry in response to rapunzel transgressing those more firmly-stated boundaries. cass is not the aggressor in these situations.]
#2: rapunzel can’t or won’t see the power she has over cass.
this disregard for cassandra’s boundaries would be a huge problem on its own, but it’s compounded by another: cassandra is rapunzel’s servant. rapunzel is cassandra’s boss. and not only is rapunzel cassandra’s boss, she’s also the princess of corona. she is a queen-in-training.
their friendship does not, and can not, exist on level ground, because rapunzel has a HUGE degree of authority over cassandra’s life, and at the end of the day... if rapunzel wants them to do something, cassandra can’t say no. her choices are “do what rapunzel says” or “refuse direct orders from the princess of corona.” cassandra is well aware of this—painfully so, at times—and rapunzel is not.
let’s talk about rapunzel and the great tree. 
context: cass had her lifelong dream of joining the royal guard within her grasp at the end of s1. she had just commanded a successful battle against an army of automatons and played a key role in rescuing the queen from her kidnapper. had she chosen to stay in corona, she could have gotten everything she ever wanted. 
instead, she chose to accompany rapunzel on her quest into unknown territory, and the king himself charged her with keeping rapunzel safe during the journey. she takes this duty as seriously as able, but she is undermined constantly and her efforts to steer the group away from dangerous, unnecessary detours are, without exception, ignored. and, because the rest of the group is composed of adventurous people less risk-averse than cass is (and without the burden of responsibility for rapunzel’s safety weighing on their shoulders), cass becomes the group naysayer, the joyless stick-in-the-mud trying to ruin their fun. even rapunzel starts to see her that way, brushing off cass’s concern for her safety at the beginning of RATGT.
this is not a nice position to be in. on top of the boundary problem that has been present since s1, cass is now under a lot of pressure, her friends aren’t treating her very well, and she’s stressed out and unhappy.
RATGT is when all of this comes to a head. adira—whom cass feels, not without merit, has supplanted her as the protector of the group, as rapunzel’s confidant, and as the voice of reason—tells them they must go through the great tree, even though a dangerous enemy (one who already almost killed them, and one whom adira has just admitted she was once affiliated with) lives inside it. cassandra says this sounds like a bad idea to her, and once again, rapunzel overrules her advice.
they enter the tree. adira reveals that the tree once belonged to zhan tiri, and although she assures them the tree is harmless, they still end up in mortal peril twice: first because of the withering incantation, and second because of the giant carnivorous flower that tries to eat eugene, lance, pascal, and maximus. they press on, and after an exhausting hike, they make it to the top of the great tree. adira suggests they camp for the night, cass says no way, that’s a terrible idea. and... well: 
RAPUNZEL: Cass... We could use the rest.
CASS: Rapunzel, this place almost got us killed an hour ago. 
ADIRA: And thankfully, I was there to prevent it.
CASS: You stay out of this, Adira!
ADIRA: I think you should calm down.
CASS: You know what I think? I think you’re playing us. I think you led us here on purpose, and for some sick reason, you wanted Rapunzel to find that incantation and read it.
RAPUNZEL: Come on, Cass, listen to yourself—
CASS: Rapunzel, I’m telling you right now, we need to get out of this tree, but more importantly, we need to lose Adira before she gets us all killed.
RAPUNZEL: I can’t do that, Cass.
CASS: What do you mean you ‘can’t do that’? Of course you can! Are you that obliviously naive that you can’t see—
RAPUNZEL: ENOUGH, Cassandra! No one is getting rid of anyone! Is that clear?
CASS: ...Yes, Your Highness. I’ll keep first watch.
now... this is absolutely not cassandra’s finest moment. she’s upset and acting paranoid and yelling at adira because she’s exhausted, she was drained by the withering incantation an hour ago, and this is six months of frustration and unhappiness all coming to a boil at the worst possible moment. and this is not rapunzel’s finest moment either, because she’s also exhausted and stressed and reacting emotionally to cass’s outburst. neither of them behave well in this argument.
but the key thing to takeaway here is not that they’re both acting irrational and distraught, but that this is the moment when the other shoe drops.
rapunzel is a princess who grew up powerless. not only is she unaccustomed to wielding power, she barely grasps that she has it at all. and while cassandra, her servant, is keenly aware of the class chasm between herself and rapunzel, rapunzel’s ignorance of it—or at least, willingness to ignore it—enabled them to become close friends. it gave cass a level of comfort with rapunzel, and once they were outside of corona, those boundaries got fuzzier.
until rapunzel pulls rank during this argument. 
when rapunzel screams “ENOUGH, Cassandra!” the whole group is visibly shocked and uncomfortable. lance even grimaces. cassandra lets go of rapunzel’s arm and retreats like she’s been stung. no one says anything, no one steps up to defend her—not because she’s in the wrong, but because she crossed the line and directly challenged rapunzel’s authority. and she can’t do that, because rapunzel is the princess, and cass is her servant. and rapunzel is willing to use that authority to shut her down.
that is what makes this moment so painful for cass. when push came to shove, rapunzel treated her like a servant, not a friend. 
but rapunzel... doesn’t understand this. she’s confused about why cass got upset and why cass reacted the way she did during the argument. so when she goes to try to patch things up, she doesn’t actually apologize, and she completely misses the core of why cass is hurt: 
RAPUNZEL: So... Earlier. That got awkward, huh?
CASS: Huh. Which part?
RAPUNZEL: I know it’s been an unusual day...
CASS: You know it’s not just about Adira, right? I mean, she’s a jerk, and I can’t stand her, but it’s just... Since when did you stop trusting my judgment?
RAPUNZEL: Cass. You are the closest thing that I will ever have to a big sister, but I’m not that naive girl fresh out of the tower anymore. I am going to be queen someday, and I can promise you I’m going to make decisions that you’re going to disagree with. And I need you to be okay with that. ...Well... I better get some rest. I’m on the next shift.
rapunzel doesn’t just not apologize for pulling rank while shouting cass down in front of their friends. she tells cass i am the queen, i will make decisions you don’t like, you need to be okay with that. and i think it’s worth noting that this is how cass reacts: 
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cass sort of slumps while rapunzel is talking, but when rapunzel says “I need you to be okay with that,” cassandra pulls herself up, squeezes her eyes shut, and takes a deep breath. and then she makes herself smile.
it’s not a happy smile. it’s not a cheered-up, feeling-better smile. this is the smile of a woman who just opened up to her best friend about one of her deepest insecurities and got told that her feelings don’t matter, her friend is the queen and she just needs to deal with it. so that’s what cass is doing here: she’s sucking it up and dealing with it.
is this the message rapunzel wanted to send? no. but what rapunzel doesn’t get is that her friendship with cass doesn’t exist separately from her relationship with cass as a queen to her servant. any pretense that it could shattered the instant she pulled rank. so while rapunzel is trying to speak as one friend to another here, cassandra responds as a servant.
and now let’s talk about rapunzel: day one. 
cass, of course, gets burnt in the great tree, but that in and of itself doesn’t have anything to do with the question of whether this friendship is toxic or not. the only thing to bear in mind is that, while using the incantation during the battle in the great tree, rapunzel says two things to cassandra: “I got this, Cass, go!” and: “I can’t... control it!” 
this is important because, in RDO, rapunzel only remembers (or acknowledges) the first of those statements. it’s possible that she genuinely forgot admitting she couldn’t break herself out of the incantation, and it’s possible that she’s selectively choosing to focus on telling cass that she was fine and to get out of the tree as a way of alleviating the guilt she feels. which one is not really important. what is important is this: 
rapunzel blames cass for getting injured in the great tree.
in fact, she’s is angry at cassandra for getting injured in the great tree.
RAPUNZEL: I get why Cass is mad at me. She told me not to use the decay spell back at the Great Tree, and I did, and she hurt her hand. But if she had just listened to me and stayed out of it, this all could have been avoided! And I feel like we could work things out, but she refuses to talk about it! [...] I’ve gotta find a way to get her to talk to me.
RAPUNZEL: It’s okay if you’re mad at me. I’m mad at you too. I told you that I had it under control, and you didn’t listen. 
so... this is the dynamic at play here. 
first, rapunzel constantly disregards cassandra’s boundaries in general. cass knows this. 
second, rapunzel insists that it’s all cassandra’s fault that she got injured, because rapunzel either doesn’t remember or won’t acknowledge that her saying “I can’t control it” is what prompted cassandra to grab her. 
third, immediately before cass was injured, rapunzel pulled rank to shut cassandra down in an argument, shouting at and humiliating her in front of their friends. a few minutes later, when cass opened up about her hurt feelings and insecurities, rapunzel reiterated that she is in charge, and cass just needs to “be okay” with that. 
and fourth, rapunzel is making cassandra’s pain—her physical pain, and her hurt and angry feelings about having been horrifically injured by her best friend—all about rapunzel. rapunzel wants to talk things out so everything can be okay again and she can stop feeling guilty about what she did to cass, and the fact that cass isn’t ready to talk about it doesn’t matter because rapunzel wants to talk about it NOW.
[sidebar: “We can’t just push this aside and forget it like it never happened!” lmao season three would like to have a word with you.]
what... exactly is cass supposed to do here? 
if she says she doesn’t want to talk about it, rapunzel will pester and prod and wheedle her until she snaps. if she gives rapunzel the cold shoulder, as it’s implied she’s been doing, rapunzel will manufacture a situation where it’s just the two of them alone together so she can back cass into a corner and make her talk about it. if she does what rapunzel told her to do—i.e., be okay with decisions rapunzel makes as queen—by saying things like “Look, if you feel that way, then it’s fine. We’re good,” rapunzel will refuse to accept that and continue to bug her.
and if rapunzel, her boss, the princess, has decided that the fault for cass’s injury lies on cassandra’s shoulders... and if the last time cass opened up about her feelings with rapunzel, rapunzel effectively told her to just deal with it... why would cass want to subject herself to this conversation?
she literally does not have a single good option here. every choice available to her sucks.
i think this is why we don’t hear rapunzel apologize at the end of RDO; why the resolution is cass saying “i’m still angry, but i’ll get over it.” she’s still doing what rapunzel told her to do in the great tree: trying her best to suck up her feelings and be okay with rapunzel’s decision.
i don’t think cass is lying at the end of RDO. she really does feel sorry for using the wand, she really does intend to get over her anger. but i also think she is holding a lot of stuff back because she no longer feels safe expressing her true feelings around rapunzel. this is not s1 cass, who was comfortable spontaneously expressing and explaining her boundaries and frustration and pain to rapunzel. this is a cass who has learned that her feelings don’t matter to rapunzel, not really. that rapunzel is more invested in “getting along” than in actually making sure cassandra feels better. 
so she turtles up and toes that line as much as she is able. 
and that is where the toxicity in their friendship comes from. 
rapunzel means well. god bless her, she really, truly does. and she really, truly loves cass with all her heart. all she wants is for cassandra to be happy. absolutely none of her behavior towards cass is malicious or intentionally cruel.
but she is a nineteen year old who was raised by an abusive, narcissistic kidnapper and was then, less than a week after escaping that environment, dumped into a position of enormous authority with zero preparation. she doesn’t know how to have healthy relationships. her relationship with eugene is healthy because eugene is an easy-going, well-adjusted guy who is on equal footing with her and who doesn’t have any qualms about letting her in on his private thoughts or feelings and who is both willing and able to gently help her correct course when she inadvertently veers into yikes territory. 
but cassandra has baggage and the hard personal boundaries that come with it. and cassandra is rapunzel’s servant, with all the restriction and limits that implies. for rapunzel, trying to be cassandra’s friend is like trying to climb a mountain when she’s just barely learnt how to crawl. she has no fucking clue what she’s doing and she is not equipped to handle it.
i think cassandra gets this, and that’s why she gives rapunzel so many chances, why in s1 she tries so hard to help rapunzel understand where she’s coming from. but it doesn’t get better—in fact, it gets worse. (a lifetime of behaviors absorbed from your abusive “mother” do not disappear in a year’s time.) and it destroys cassandra’s mental health, makes her miserable, leads her to repress her feelings more and more throughout the tail end of s2, and leaves her wide open for zhan tiri to take advantage of in the shell house. 
at the same time, the very fact that none of this is intentional or malicious on rapunzel’s part means that this is a relationship that can be repaired. rapunzel understands cass a lot better in s3, and she’s made huge strides in healing from gothel’s abuse. the whole moonstone/zhan tiri debacle ends up being a giant reset button on their relationship: they still love each other deeply, but they’re effectively starting over from scratch, and they’ll be taking it slowly by dint of cassandra leaving corona. their only contact will be via letters for the foreseeable future, which will (a) give cass time to get her head on straight and figure out what she wants to do with her life, which she desperately needs, and (b) give rapunzel some much-needed practice in being patient, not prying, not letting her nosiness lead her to step on cassandra’s boundaries, etc. and in leaving corona, cass also left her servitude to rapunzel, so they can finally approach each other on an equal footing. 
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hoe-imaginess · 4 years
OMG THAT MADARA FIC WAS SO GOOD WTH 😩💕💖 I LOVE IT! You did a great job writting this! I hope you are proud of this fic...COZ YOU SHOULD BE 😤👏👏👏 it's almost 5 am and I haven't gone to bed coz I be reading it over and over again 🥺 I swear the way you write Naruto characters in general is amazing, you always know how to portray them accurately even in your own stories! You're an amazing talented human being, thank you for writing this masterpiece 😭💖
!!!! omg thank you so much 💖💖
It wasn’t a fic I was necessarily proud of I just thought some of you guys might want to read it but still I really did not expect this much of a response wowwie
I really really hope I always portray the characters as accurately as possible sksksksks that’s my biggest fear. I’m really glad you liked it!!!
Um.. spoilers (?), if you haven’t read my recent Madara fic, below
Also to every who’s sent me personal messages or reblogged my fic with comments thank you so much! I’ve seen them all and read them and I feel sksksksksaakjshfksjd uwu inside
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oof oof oof well since I don’t know if I’m going to ever upload the rest of it, a general plotline of the rest of the fic is:
-yes she keeps the baby
-lots of general ‘madara is being nicer to her now bc she’s pregnant’ scenes that show a bit of his softer side (which was really there all along, just overshadowed by his anger)
-Her generally brushing off his gentleness bc she’s got a lot of anger still. Which pisses him off, but what can he do? She’s pregnant and he thinks it’s his. Speaking of... 
-I never 100% decided who the father was but I did write it a certain way which I... am still gonna keep under wraps, unfortunately. Just in case I ever do want to write more
-Tobirama and the Senju do make an appearance, but a rescue (if there is one) is still a long ways away
-Tobirama’s feelings on the subject
As per the last question, would Tobirama still accept her if the baby isn’t his?... That’s a good question. I never actually sat down to think about it because I haven’t physically written that far. Part of me says no, tbh. Another says yes, but begrudgingly, with a lot of uncertainty in his heart
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I wish I had some on hand for you but alas I do not ):
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more fuel to the fire that is his hatred for the Uchiha? He’ll take it
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She was really out here ready to end Uchiha lives
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True!! Honestly whether the baby is Senju or Uchiha, they’re getting taken away immediately. Senju... I... we won’t talk about it 
Uchiha because Madara can’t be sure she won’t do anything rash. And no way he’s letting her harm the baby. That’s his heir now. The whole thing is a little rattling to him but also now pretty important to him
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Your English is fine!! And thank you!!
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I actually had that in my original draft (when I wrote it like... damn... two years ago or something lol) but took it out for 1. to keep the angst going later on and 2. because I didn’t give her a specific occupation, I thought maybe she might have been/be a kunoichi, so her body might be able to handle some of the brunt of Madara’s anger a little better
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She would definitely cry okay, she’s bringing the baby into a confusing and harsh world and not even to a father she wants the baby to have
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asjkhfkajsdh i love making the angsty food <3
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@florssils !!! I didn’t know how else to tag it lmaoooooo kjashdfkjsh “really harsh and traumatic illusions” I didn’t know
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Hashirama is constantly keeping Tobirama on a leash omg yes
Although I do think Tobirama is also rational enough to know the Senju have to think this through before trying to launch an attack/take back their land so that’s a big part of the issue too
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AHHH on one hand yes that is what I was going for, on the other hand please forgive me
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ssksksksksk thank you omg <3 I really wanted it to be an emotional rollercoaster
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WELL I actually don’t have a specific ending in mind but it may not be very happy depending on what I choose sksksk. Thank you!
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It was something a friend and I started playing with literally yearssss ago and then I just kinda started writing it for myself to get the ideas out
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still not sure yet!!!
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AHJKSHFKAJSHF Tobirama did you send this ask
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kyliehorsegirl · 6 years
You Can See Me? (Michael Langdon x Reader) REQUEST
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A/N: This was really interesting chapter to write. It’s kinda sad but has a happy ending (kinda lol) MASTERLIST 
Requested By: @albeeox “reader is Cordelia’s daughter but died and is in her own hell or the hotel. Cordelia can’t save her, reader thinks she doesn’t want to. (I asked the requester what their personal hell would be and it was being invisible, lots of people but they can’t hear or see her.) Michael saves her and they are attracted to each other.
Word Count: 1449
Warnings: Mentions of self harm and suicide. Kind of angst a bit sad. 
They pass by, but they don’t see me. They don’t hear my screams, maybe they do, but they ignore me. I never knew insanity until I came to hell. As much as I’m not a people person, I do need human interaction. I scream, I cry and I claw at the walls. No one blinks an eye at me, it’s like I don’t even exist.
 Several years ago, my mother inducted the test of the seven wonders. Misty and I were left in Descensum. It’s been awful. I’m in what appears to be a mall. The fact that I’ve have been here for years is absolute torture. No matter how hard I try there is no escape. I just want to get out. I see the same people pass by.
I’m stuck in a loop. The same stores, the same people, nothing changes. For the billionth time I collapse on the floor and cry. It’s not cute crying, it’s ugly crying. I don’t want to be here. I want to go home. So many emotions have come forward in the last few years.
Anger, I would break anything in sight, I would try to hurt people only for me to phase right through them.
Confusion, I’d wonder and wonder before realizing I was walking in circles.
Sadness, I would cry all the time.
Loneliness, I’d feel sick being so alone, no one to talk to, no one to acknowledge me.
Happiness? I never felt that. This is eternal suffering.
 I‘ve tried to kill myself. That’s hard to do when you are already dead. I’ve tried to feel physical pain, but any mutilation I cause, goes away. Like someone hit the reset button.
 I’m on the floor, in a puddle of my own tears. I hear footsteps, I always hear footsteps so I don’t look up. That is until I see two pointed shoes in front of me. I see them between my arms.
 No one has ever stopped in front of me before. I look up slowly. I see a young man. His clothes are different than anyone else here. His hair is curled around his ears and brushed nicely. He looks posh. His clothes look like he belongs to a boy’s school or something. His cold eyes look down to me.
 I push myself to my knees.
 “You can see me?” He cocks his head intriguingly.
 “You can tell?” His voice is beautiful.
 “Yeah, I um, I’ve been stuck here for 3 years. In my own hell. No one can see me. No one can hear me. I try to talk to them or touch them, but it’s like I don’t exist. It’s torture.” I look down letting a tear fall. He crouches, eye level with me. He brings his thumb to wipe a tear from my cheek.
 “I’m here to take you away.” He stands up straight and offers a hand to me.
 “How? Why? Why would you to that?” I look from his hand back to the cold eyes.
 “I felt your presence while I was here retrieving someone else. Someone you know actually, she’s waiting outside the door.” I carefully reach for his hands and he helps pull me up.
 “Someone I know?” I wipe my eyes with my long sleeve. A small smirk present on his lips.
 “Misty Day.” My eyes go wide. We were both lost to Descensum.
 “You were here for Misty?” I let emotions over take me, I think to my mother, did she not want me? Has she forgot about me?
 “Hush your thoughts little one. My name is Michael Langdon. I am performing the test of the 7 wonders. Before you question why a male is performing the test of a supreme, it’s a bit more complicated than I can explain right now. When I bring you back I will answer any question you have. Misty is waiting behind the door and the others are waiting out of Descensum.” I’m frozen. I can’t comprehend everything that I’m hearing.
 “Come on.” He pulls me with him. I trailed behind him like a lost puppy. Still not believing I’m being freed. He looks over his shoulder at me, grabbing my hand he pulls me to walk next to him. A large hand is placed on the small of my back. I shutter at the action, the first human touch in 3 years.
 A large door appears. It opens on its own. I see Misty. So many feelings over take me. However, the strong feeling of resentment is made known. Her eyes light up when she sees me. She collides into me holding me tight.
“Y/n! I missed you so much! It was miserable reliving everything over and over. I’m so glad you’re here.”  She cries into my hair. I lightly pat her back. Everything is so overwhelming.
 Michael has us walk down the dark hall. Its lined with doors. This must be personal hells for individual people. Next thing I know it goes black.
 Omniscient p.o.v
Michael awakens with a gasp. The warlocks and witches swarm him.
 “Where’s Misty?” That’s all Cordelia can say to him. He is taking deep breaths as he sits up. Misty materializes next to him. Cordelia engulfs her in a hug. She cries happy tears. The warlocks help Michael to a chair as he continues to catch his breath.
 No one would have expected another body to materialize. Y/n appears near Michael. The entire room is quiet. Zoe starts crying, Maddison’s eyes are the size of saucers, Queenie made some shocked comment and Mrytle brought her hands to her mouth as she chokes a sob and Cordelia stays silent.
 Michael gets up and kneels down to her. He helps her to her feet. Everyone stays silent, staring at the two of them. When Y/n got her bearings, she turned to her mother.
 “So, mom you didn’t want to bring me back?” Her eyes are dark as she glares at her mom.
 “Y/n I, I didn’t I don’t know what to say.” She is choking on her words not knowing what to say.
 “You don’t have anything to say! You didn’t want me. You chose for Misty to be retrieved by Michael, not me your own daughter! If there was an idea that I could be brought back you didn’t even think about me? How could you! You know what? He chose to bring me back! He doesn’t even know me! Explain that mother!” Angry tears start to cloud her vision.
 “Y/n please, I’ve missed you everyday since you’ve been gone.” Cordelia takes careful steps to her.
 “I’m sure you have Cordelia, you really show it.” Y/n shoves past everyone and makes her way to some random room.
“There is not doubt that you are the next supreme.”
 “Anything else.” Michael
 “No, no you are the next supreme.” With that Cordelia faints, blood drips down her nose. Misty is sent back with an unknown force. She looks to Michael with a scared expression before Michael makes his way through everyone following the trail of energy that Y/n left.
 Normal p.o.v
I found a room to cry in. I was drawn to the room, it was warm and comforting. Sitting on the bed, I bring my knees to my chest. I sense someone at the door.
 “Go away!” It’s muffled through my clothes. The presence still comes in. It feels familiar.
 “Hard for me to go away when this is my room.” I look up to find Michael in the doorway.
 “O my god I’m so sorry I’ll leave.” I go to get up but he brings his hand up. I sit back down on the bed.
 “I am sorry, sorry that your mother didn’t want to bring you back. I felt something in you, it made me want to bring you back. If you will have me, I will give myself to you, be there for you.” He takes a seat on the bed next to me. He pushes a strand of hair behind my ear.
 “I was alone for so long, I don’t know how to act anymore. I just wanted to have someone to talk to. My mother doesn’t even want me. I would like to have someone.” At this point my tears have been dried.
 “Y/n, I will be loyal to you. I will be there for you for whatever you need.” His hands caress my cheek. Leaning into his hand I sigh.
 “I would like that. I would really like that Michael.” I lay my head in his chest as he holds me tight. My mom will regret not wanting to bring me back. I will stand my Michael no matter what.
@albeeox I hope you enjoyed this! 
Langdon Taglist
@delicatefishtreedream @skullchik89 @wth-trippy @teenagevampirebouquet @glamorous-without-the-guilt @first-son-of-finwe @aerite @no-salvation-no-forgiveness @albeeox @shado-cat   @bryandechartisasmolbean @beautifulagatha @majestichoechlin @homeschool-prom-queen @the-captain-kidd @creepy-jazzy @spidey-starky @envyskitty @depressed-comics @bookwormstrawberry @scarletraine @quione3 @artisticlales @superwarsofthrones @hxdesworld @thebatshitcrazyfangirl @sexxxychiq @michael-langdon-is-daddy
If you are not getting tagged, you either have a NSFW blog (nothing wrong with that) or you are a tumblr ghost and need more activity.
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sadclumsygirl · 6 years
Band Bazzar, Saturday November 17
so we had to be at the school at 5:30 in the morning which I had no problem with, but my dad was very pissed about.
I woke up at 4 and took a shower and then put my makeup on because I figured my band shirt was in the basket of laundry, and continued my makeup till 5:15 to wake up my dad and get into my band shirt and leggings which the leggings I found quickly, but I could not find my FUCKIN BAND SHIRT so I was searching for 10 minutes to try to find ONE of my EIGHT band shirts with my dad condensendingly standing waiting for my to find one, so I just grabbed one of my shirts from regionals, which I should have grabbed my legacy one shoot me cause I was in full black.
so it was 5:26 and I still needed breakfast so I could take my meds so I shoved my shoes on, and chugged some apple juice to down my pills and grabbed a bar for breakfast, my wallet and eyeliner so I could put it on at the school, and going out the door I told my dad that my grandma had said to grab things for all my family within 50 bucks and then when I see her on Thursday she'd give my mom and dad 50 bucks as a present and a sorry that she couldnt come and see me at the bazzar and how she couldn't see me after finals. so my dad gets pissed cause he doesn't have cash on him, ( which the 20 bucks he did have I has to use for lunch, Freddies and another day of lunch lunch is 5 bucks each day and then Freddies I thought I could give him the cash and then have a check for lunch so I spent 8 bucks cause I was starving) which was another thing he was pissed about and then he said oh I'm so sorry not everything is handed to you on a silver platter to which we argued about because honey I wish it was I wish I didn't have to volunteer so my parents don't have to worry about Disney, have to get rides from C who's unreliable so my mom doesn't have to worry about getting me from school when she already has to worry about nursing sometimes walking home if I have a detention or have to stay after school to get help with math, when there is no sidewalk near a busy street so I have to pretty much trespass a construction site so i dont get ran over.
and he says how I don't do shit for my family cause I don't clean, which I respond sorry I need to get my grades up so I don't have a d by the end of this semester and get a withdrawl fail to which he responds oh Im so happy that you are taken care of and I just start bawling cause I'm trying so hard and he doesn't fucking see it. I just run into the building and run to the band room so I could hope fully grab one of Coles band shirts (I couldn't) once he pulled up and I hid in the band room until I composed my self, and went to see if the vendors were there to help them and if V was there. both weren't so I just talked with T and C for a bit and then V came over to tell us that the bakery was here and a whole crowd went out to help so. I figured it was all good so I grab my eyeliner to do it and IT WAS SO GOOD LIKE
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and I grabbed my bar to eat it and went to help the bakery and grab all the bread and wheel to the building, which was hard cause so. many. cracks. in. the. sidewalk. and once I unload I go outside to see C eating bread and sharing it and bitch the bar did not fill me. at all and my Viibryd was killing my stomach for it, so I was just like
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so I continue helping the bakery which I couldn't with a bread in my hand so I run over to Matt who was in a wheelchair cause of his knee surgery near V and threw the bread at him and with a mouth full of bread I yell
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and go out and help her. so yeah all morning I was just helping people unload with Flute Matt and was sitting on the carts and riding them when bored and waiting for people and then a woman pulls up with football and soft ball stickers on her car but I saw stuff in the back of her car and she pulled in the circle so I helped her with
for the football team.
so I just helped her go to the presentation room with the food which I figured would be opened. NOPE
so I know V has a key for the presentation room cause he has to open the presentation room for study hall AND HES ALWAYS FRICKIN LATE
so it's a mad dash trying to find V so we can't get this mom out of the circle ( who has a full cart left of food in her car) and he's NOWHERE
so I ask BM where he is, and learn he's copying papers in the office which is locked which I learn opun going to the office... so. I pace back and forth debating whether or not I should text him on remind to be like
when I hear his whistling and spinning of the Keychain
like a taunt
so I go over to him WHO HAS NO PAPERS and say "hey there's a mom who needs the presentation room and it's locked"
"Oh okay I'll go and unlock it after I get the papers"
so I just go and help her grab the rest of the food to the presentation room.
after a bit the Bazzar finally starts so I walk around seeing if any one needs help for about 3 hours so I go to booths in that time checking out what they have and I go to lipsense because ye Boi has been wanting to find a red lip that isn't too orange cause gotta get that Lolita look right
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and then go to an opposing high school that also had a Bazzar going on to put flyers on their windshield and then to Starbucks SO WE COULD GET THAT CAFFEINE CAUSE WERE FALLING ASLEEP HERE.
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once we came back we were talking lunch orders from vendors so I went to the gym to get vendors orders which almost every one was taken care of but a vendor that was close to the table that V was looking at, and I took her order but I didn't know if I took her money to the lunch so I went over to the booth he was at with someone else who thankfully asked about chapstick so I could ask V hey, do we take their money before going to the lunch line or is it taken care of? to which he was leaning in and then responds get ready
"Yeah since the tickets were only for breakfast" leans in, SO CLOSE I SEE HIS FRECKLES ON HIS LIPS AND HIS EYES ARE CLOSE
"Hey, I heard that you were very helpful from multiple vendors so thank you"
which um ACK so I was smiling and said thank you and took the woman's order and then walked around after that and V was as well and so was F with E her baby and E WAS SO CUTE OMYGOD I WANT FUCKING KIDS WTH
and yeah I walked around pretty much until it ended so I went over to the vendor that had hit her head to ask if she had a website cause I didn't have any money and my mom or dad hadn't come yet so I could get the cardinal pillow and she just ask
oh this? and pulls off the tag and gives it to me and I just almost start crying saying thank you and I hug her cause I was just on the phone with my cousin takling about how that pillow reminded me of great grandma, and I just yeah... it made me so happy. and then I see this dude from forensics in middle school and talk to him and V was close by sometimes looking to me and then I see my parents finally, and go and talk with them since we were close to closing and just needed to help vendors load to their car if needed. and I go to them and look and I get a mjölner necklace and treble clef earrings and they tell me oh yeah your two handlers told us how you were a total help to vendors. and I say oh wow and then have to run to the break room sort of thing and start to tear down and then my parents ask do we have to drive you home which at the time my ride was C and then my dad tells me that V had said
"Shes a real good kid don't be so hard on her"
like wow
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and yeah. I Tore down and near when going home F and V said Thank you for helping out and F asked if I found my parents cause they were looking for you, which like V WAS RIGHT NEXT TO ME WHRN THEY WERE LOOKING AND COULD HAVE TOLD ME HEY THEY'RE LOOKING FOR YOU... so yeah but then I was walking with V and telling him that I couldn't do winter percussion this year
and he said oh thats understandable, hopefully next year and you can always come and watch, and I said yeah! I could go to rehearsal and say your doing amazing sweet! or be the water boy so at least they'd actually get waterso yeahhhhhhhhhh
then I went home and went and watched the house with a clock in the wa I think it was with my family (fun...) and once I went home I went to wash my makeup off, but there was a line for the bathroom so I just grabbed the face wash to rub it off which created a huge argument and my dad was being a dick to me all night so V's telling him to no be so hard on me didn't really get to him. so I was breaking down and crying cause it just all became too much. and I didn't really have any one so Im an idiot and I texted v on remind.
I'm sorry I'm so sorry I know it's your break and you probably want nothing to do with me and I get that. but I just i dont know guess I need somebody. and I don't really have any one right now
I'm fine, not going to hurt me or others in that sense I guess I'm sorry I don't even know why Im sending this your probably asleep and if this is annoying for you just ignore it I don't know I'm sorry
and then I sent it on a full send or no send and regretted it instantly and sent
and 7 minutes later of me panicking he sends
What is going on? What can I do to help you?
A:probably panicking or breaking down I can't tell which one at the moment, and I have no idea im sorry
V: Okay, are you in a safe place?
A: yeah there's nothing harmful here but a trumpet, which actually hurt alot I've learned
A: I just wish my family was like how it use to be I guess is what's happening. I cant do anything right
A: I'll be fine im sorry
V:It sounds like you need to talk to somebody. Here is a number you can call to get help. 1 800 state revealing number
so like yeah hi I want to die I didn't call the number cause fuck that instead of wanting to kill myself, I wish I killed myself a year ago, a. d the bitch wanted to talk to v and I love the very hospital like help from v. I actually can't wait for break to be over but also like don't cause ill have to see V.
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taesmermaid · 7 years
get to know me tag
i was tagged by this beauty and cutie @darkhairsuga
RULES: you must answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people
THE LAST… 1.Drink: water 2.Phone call: my mom 3.Text message: “you’re always laughing at just noises you’re so weird wth how are we friends” me judging my friends sense of humor : )) 4.Song you listened to: kesha - woman 5.Time you cried: literally the last time i cried was me testing myself if i could make myself cry and i actually did so i was pretty impressed at myself. 10/10 acting skills yall 
HAVE YOU EVER… 6.Dated someone twice: lol haven’t even dated anybody 7.Been cheated on: nope 8.Kissed someone and regretted it: hAH no 9.Lost someone special: yes 10.Been depressed: yes 11.Gotten drunk and thrown up: no
LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS: - red - pink - gold
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU… 15.Made new friends: trying at least 16.Fallen out of love: yes 17.Laughed until you cried: well not until i cried but i have laughed a lot 18.Found out someone was talking about you: nope 19.Met someone who changed you: not that i can think of right now 20.Found out who your true friends are: yes 21.Kissed someone on your Facebook list: no
GENERAL… 22.How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: i mean, i know their faces at least   23.Do you have any pets: yes! two cats. 24.Do you want to change your name: maybe? 25.What did you do for your last birthday: i went out to eat with my friends and family and my uncle who was managing the kareoke at the place put me some kpop music :' ) 26.What time did you wake up: around nine ew 27.What were you doing at midnight last night: just browsing tumblr since i’ve got nothing else to do 28.Name something you cannot wait for: food ! ! ! !! 29.When was the last time you saw your mother: like, a minute ago 30.What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: i would have tried and be more social and outgoing at school 31.What are you listening to right now: bts awake bc i’m having jin feels rn 32.Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: no : ( 33.Something that is getting on your nerves: all these things i gotta do for college and i haven’t even started yet 34.Most visited website: tumblr and youtube 35.Elementary:  ✔ 36. High School: ✔ 37.College/university: about to start in a month 38.Hair color: dark brown (it kinda just looks like black to me though)  39.Long or short hair: longish 40.Do you have a crush on someone: can i count kim taehyung? 41.What do you like about yourself: this is a really hard question. tbh idk i guess i’m fab. jk jk. 42.Piercings: two on each ear  43.Blood type: O+ 44.Nickname: glory, but my cousin likes to call me rian so i guess that one counts as a nickname as well 45.Relationship status: single 46.Zodiac sign: pisces 47.Pronouns: she/her 48.Favorite tv show: criminal minds and i guess supernatural? though ever since i got to season 6 i haven’t watched it in order 49.Tattoos: nope 50.Right or left hand: right
51.Surgery: never had one and hopefully it’ll stay that way 52.Piercing: ears but i was a baby when i had them so 54.Sport: played: none   Watched: sometimes basketball bc of my uncle 55.Vacation: like, my first? it was in florida to go to disney : ) 57.Eating: nothing 58.Drinking: water 59.I’m about to: try and find something to spend the rest of the day since i got nothing to do 60.Listening to: bts awake 61.Waiting for: my cat to cuddle me : (  62.Want: to just sleep for the rest of eternity tbh 63.Get married: not really excited to get married any time soon? idk 64.Career: still debating that one
WHICH IS BETTER… (im guessing in a partner??) 65.Hugs or kisses: hugs 66.Lips or eyes: eyes but i mean lips as well cause smiles are important !!! 67.Shorter or taller: taller 68.Older or younger: older 70.Nice arms or nice stomach: don’t really care 71.Sensitive or loud: a lil bit of both? 72.Hook up or relationship: relationship 73.Troublemaker or hesitant: troublemaker
HAVE YOU EVER… 74.Kissed a stranger?: nO 75.Drank hard liquor?: nope 76.Lost glasses contact/lenses?: yes 77.Turned someone down?: yes 78.Sex on first date?: nope 79.Broken someone’s heart?: i hope not 80.Had your heart broken?: kinda 81.Been arrested?: nope 82.Cried when someone died?: yes 83.Fallen for a friend?: no..?
DO YOU BELIEVE IN… 84.Yourself?: trying to, at least 85.Miracles?: yes 86.Love at first sight?: nope 87.Santa Claus?: i wish 88.Kiss on the first date?: um i guess it really depends?? though my first thought was no 89.Angels?: yes
OTHER… 90.Current best friend’s name: valeria 91.Eye color: dark brown 92.Favorite movie: any disney movie! ! ! +grease
i don’t really have any mutuals but i will tag people who i would like to get to know! so: @geekjoon94 @gaybrose @lovhani @ilysmyoongi @parkesjimin @roygbiv96 @sugamonic @01jeonguk @lazycupcake @hoshimybabe @jiminsesposa @rbuns @kitten-dont
i would have tagged more people but my computer is being shitty 
hope you don’t mind me tagging you guys!
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thestudyfeels · 7 years
ninety two questions! (which is a lot rip)
tagged by my lovely froind @artemistudying :”)
tagging: @athenastudying, @nerdyign, @clevergirlstudying, @getshitdonetbh and anyone else who wants to do it! (just say i tagged you!)
1. drink: choco milk
2. phone call: my mom
3. text message: a friend
4. song you listened to: “attention” by charlie puth (listening to it right now!)
5. time you cried: i dont really remember, maybe two weeks ago?
6. dated someone twice: no
7. kissed someone and regretted it: no
8. been cheated on: no
9. lost someone special: not really? i forget rip
10. been depressed: for like a month, yes (not anymore, tho)
11. gotten drunk and thrown up: no (didnt throw up)
12-14. mauve and brown and black and yellow and some pastel colours lmao i cannot choose
15. made new friends: yes!
16. fallen out of love: no
17. laughed until you cried: yep
18. found out someone was talking about you: ppl talk about me all the time but idgaf literally lmao
19. met someone who changed you: YAS OMG
20. found out who your friends are: yes
21. kissed someone on your Facebook list: no (fb is like ancient yo)
22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know: dont use facebook
23. do you have any pets: nope :”(
24. do you want to change your name: not really
25. what did you do for your last birthday: i had exams lmao
26. what time did you wake up: 7:15 am
27. what were you doing at midnight last night: reading a book LOL
28. name something you can’t wait for: nothing atm rip ;-;
29. when was the last time you saw your mom: just now
30. what is one thing you wish you could change in your life: stop procrastinating and exercise often (aka my weaknesses)
31. what are you listening to right now: “attention” by charlie puth lmao
32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: no lol
33. something that is getting on your nerves: like ppl who dont care about their education? like?? yo like learn smth, inspire yourself, inspire others - why you wasting your life bro
34. most visited websites: yt, tumblr LMAO
35. mole/s: no
36. mark/s: no
37. childhood dream: to become an astronaut (i still wanna be one ah :”)
38. hair color: really dark brown
39. long or short hair: short rip
40. do you have a crush on someone: no
41. what do you like about yourself: that i’m passionate about most of things that i do and that i can be inspired by certain things (that didnt make sense lmao sorry)
42. piercings: one on each ear
43. blood type: O+ (yAS NIDHI)
44. nickname: tay
45. relationship status: single unicorn
46. zodiac: leo
47. pronouns: she/her
48. favorite tv show: friends, masterchef rip
49. tattoos: i want one on my wrist that says “hope” :”)
50. right or left hand: right
51. surgery: none
52. hair dyed in different color: nope
53. sport: athletics or badminton, used to do taekwondo
54. hello, number 54: wth lol
55. vacation: what is that lmao (take me away pls)
56. pair of trainers: any shoes tbh
57. eating: corn on the cob
58. drinking: choco milk
59. I’m about to: go do homework rip
61. waiting for: nothing?
62. want: chocolate cake please (and a doggo ahh)
63. get married: if i find someone worth marrying then why not?
64. career: not sure atm
65. hugs or kisses: hugs aNYTIME
66. lips or eyes: both are cool? wtf?
67. shorter or taller: taller
68. older or younger: younger (i want to be kid again tbh)
70. nice arms or nice stomach: hAHA WTH? both are required i guess?
71. sensitive or loud: in some cases sensitive, in some cases loud.
72. Hookup or relationship: relationship
73. troublemaker or hesitant: neither
74. kissed a stranger: no
75. drank hard liquor: no
76. lost glasses/contact lenses: yES omg there is a really funny story about it, ask me sometime 
77. turned someone down: yes
78. sex in the first date: no
79. broken someone’s heart: i hope not
80. had your heart broken: um lets ignore this
81. been arrested: no
82. cried when someone died: no one has died, that i know of? but i cried when a neighbor was taken to the hospital
83. fallen for a friend: yes lmao (also yo falling in love with a friend is so much better than falling in love with a stranger? or even your crush? that’s my opinion ofc)
84. yourself: yAS
85. miracles: sometimes!
86. love at first sight: no
87. Santa Claus: LMAO no
88. kiss on the first date: probably? (again as i said, that person would be a friend for me so i guess we already know each other?)
89. where tf is 89 mate
90. current best friend name: dont have any? i have a bunch of close friend tho :”)
91. eye color: brown
92. favorite movie: any animation movie by dreamworks (i’m a sucker for animation movies dont blame me)
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fadedmelody · 7 years
100 Questions Tag!
tagged by lovely liv ( @nebula-simms ) ty!
3. DO YOU SLEEP WITH YOUR SHEETS TUCKED IN OR OUT? idk i just sleep with a blanket
5. DO YOU LIKE TO USE POST-IT NOTES? yes i do! i usually use them to remind me to post something on tumblr or take/edit some screenshots :)
6. DO YOU CUT OUT COUPONS BUT THEN NEVER USE THEM? i never use coupons oops
7. WOULD YOU RATHER BE ATTACKED BY A BIG BEAR OR A SWARM OF BEES? ok for the long run i think bees because even though they could hurt you.. not as much as a bear so?
8. DO YOU HAVE FRECKLES? i have them across my nose and under my eyes :)
9. DO YOU ALWAYS SMILE FOR PICTURES? idk, not usually because im a ~poser~ and i have a horrible smile
10. WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST PET PEEVE? im stealing this answer from liv, when people walk *so slow* at school and like.. do they not want to get to their class on time?
14. DO YOU EVER DANCE EVEN IF THERES NO MUSIC PLAYING? maybe if i’m doing something like cleaning my room
15. DO YOU CHEW YOUR PENS AND PENCILS? i used to chew my pens but not anymoree
17. WHAT SIZE IS YOUR BED? single :’)
18. WHAT IS YOUR SONG OF THE WEEK? black and gold by Sam Sparro :)
19. IS IT OK FOR GUYS TO WEAR PINK? of course!
20. DO YOU STILL WATCH CARTOONS? not reallyyy unless it’s a film or something
22. WHERE WOULD YOU BURY HIDDEN TREASURE IF YOU HAD SOME? ooooh probably in my room somewhere because no one would ever find it :’)
23. WHAT DO YOU DRINK WITH DINNER? water, i can’t go like 2 hours without water i stg
24. WHAT DO YOU DIP A CHICKEN NUGGET IN? usually ketchup :)
25. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE FOOD? vegetarian spaghetti bolognese omg :’)
Tangled omg, i love that film ;-;
ooh idk (wow mia you havent answered a question like that yet)
29. WOULD YOU EVER STRIP OR POSE NUDE IN A MAGAZINE? not rn? since i’m a minor ;-;
32. EVER GOTTEN A SPEEDING TICKET? i can’t even drive lmao
33. EVER RAN OUT OF GAS? no because i can’t drive lmao
34. WHAT’S YOUR FAVORITE KIND OF SANDWICH? chicken and stuffing fite me
36. WHAT IS YOUR USUAL BEDTIME? ok recently its been like 12am but its usually around 3am or something
37. ARE YOU LAZY? lordt yes
40. HOW MANY LANGUAGES CAN YOU SPEAK? english and french :)
42. WHICH ARE BETTER: LEGOS OR LINCOLN LOGS? lego i guess bc i’ve never heard of lincoln logs?
43. ARE YOU STUBBORN? a little bit i guess, because whenever i have to pay someone and they’re like ‘nah it’s alright’ im like nO TAKE MY MONEY
i mean if i was stood on top of a skyscraper ig i’d be scared :’)
47. DO YOU SING IN THE CAR? only if the music is loud enough for people to not hear me
48. DO YOU SING IN THE SHOWER? ok sad story we only have a bath at my house so no
50. EVER USED A GUN? no because they’re not legal here unless you have a hunting license i think
52. DO YOU THINK MUSICALS ARE CHEESY? obviously musicals like hamilton and in the heights aren’t but some are
53. IS CHRISTMAS STRESSFUL? yess because i have to worry about what gifts i have to get my friends and family w/ the little amount of money i have and the little amount of time i have?
55. FAVORITE TYPE OF FRUIT PIE? imma be basic ig so apple
56. OCCUPATIONS YOU WANTED TO BE WHEN YOU WERE A KID? i used to wanna be a vet until i realised you’d have to put animals down so hell no
57. DO YOU BELIEVE IN GHOSTS? ye boi, i mean it’s hard not to in my house :’)
58. EVER HAVE A DEJA-VU FEELING? not reallyyy i think its just when i’ve actually done that thing before
61. DO YOU WEAR A BATH ROBE? a dressing gown? is that that? then yes ig sometimes
62. WHAT DO YOU WEAR TO BED? whatever i fall asleep in tbh
63. WHAT WAS YOUR FIRST CONCERT? never been to onee
64. WALMART, TARGET, OR KMART? tescos 4 lyfe
65. NIKE OR ADIDAS? nike
66. CHEETOS OR FRITOS? we don’t have them here
68. EVER HEAR OF THE GROUP TRES BIEN? umm no but ik what it means lol
71. CAN YOU CURL YOUR TONGUE? nope, everyone else in my family can do it tho
72. EVER WON A SPELLING BEE? never been in one
73. HAVE YOU EVER CRIED BECAUSE YOU WERE SO HAPPY? this is really sad but i cried when i got ts4 because like.. no way my mum agreed to me playing it because she thought it was about sex & strippers :’)
75. OWN A RECORD PLAYER? yes but i think my mum only has a few records
77. EVER BEEN IN LOVE? ye boi
79. WHAT WAS THE LAST CONCERT YOU SAW? never been to one
tea binch
82. SUGAR COOKIES OR SNICKERDOODLES? wth are snickerdoodles
83. CAN YOU SWIM WELL? i can float but if i even think about water on my face i hyperventilate like.. sometimes i think im gonna drown when i WASH MY HAIR
85. ARE YOU PATIENT? to a certain extent
87. EVER WON A CONTEST? yess i’ve won a few ik i have but idk what they were
90. CAN YOU KNIT OR CROCHET? i can knit a little bit
91. BEST ROOM FOR A FIREPLACE? living room? i dont want fire near my stuff or even in my house for that matter
92. DO YOU WANT TO GET MARRIED? umm i guess idk
94. WHO WAS YOUR HIGH SCHOOL CRUSH? idk i’ve had more than 1? is that bad??
95. DO YOU CRY AND THROW A FIT UNTIL YOU GET YOUR OWN WAY? nooooo im not a lil biatch
96. DO YOU HAVE KIDS? um how about no
97. DO YOU WANT KIDS? idk maybe
100. WHO ARE YOU GOING TO TAG TO DO THIS TAG NEXT? um idk if you guys have done this/want to do this but i’m gonna tag @femmesim, @bananahut, @wanderlust-sims, @loniden, @faeflowr, @skywardpalms, @lilwisp, @kotiij and anyone who wants to do it :’)
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hopeshi · 7 years
bold tag
Rules: Bold the statements that are true for you
tagged by: @mewchim this is so cute thank you for tagging me jenny!! ✨✨✨✨✨✨ tagging: @kimnamsjoon @hobiswife @hobih  @jminies & @hobisnovia (i hope its okay that i tagged you guys!!!)
APPEARANCE: I am 5′7″ or taller I wear glasses I have at least one tattoo I have at least one piercing I have blonde hair I have brown eyes I have short hair My abs are at least somewhat defined I have or have had braces There is something i would change about the way I look
PERSONALITY: My Hogwarts house is: Gryffindor Hufflepuff Ravenclaw Slytherin I am an introvert I like meeting new people People tell me that I’m funny Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me I enjoy physical challenges I enjoy mental challenges I’m playfully rude with people I know well I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it There is something I would change about my personality
ABILITY: I can sing well I can play an instrument  I can do over 30 pushups without stopping I’m a fast runner I can draw well (um i wouldn’t say “well” but i try) I have a good memory I’m good at doing math in my head I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute  I have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling I know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch I know how to throw a proper punch
HOBBIES: I enjoy playing sports I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else I’m in a orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else I have learned a new song in the past week I work out at least once a week (i mean im trying) I’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months I have drawn something in the past month I enjoy writing Fandoms are my #1 passion I do or have done martial arts (wth there’s nothing bolded for me lol…)
EXPERIENCES: I have had my first kiss I have had alcohol I have scored the winning goal in a sports game I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting I have been at an overnight event I have been in a taxi I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year I have beaten a video game in one day I have visited another country I have been to one of my favourite band’s concerts (shinee in march and hopefully bts in april!!)
RELATIONSHIP: I’m in a relationship I have a celebrity crush I have a crush on someone I know I have been in at least 3 relationships I have never been in a relationship (rip) I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them I get crushes easily I have had a crush on someone for over a year I have been in a relationship for at least a year I have had feelings for a friend
MY LIFE: I have at least one person I consider a “best friend” I live close to my school work My parents are still together I have at least one sibling I live in the United States There is snow right now where I live I have hung out with a friend outside of school work in the past month I have a smartphone I have at least 15 CDs I share my room with someone
RANDOM SHIT: I have breakdanced I know a person named Jamie I have had a teacher with a last name that’s hard to pronounce I have dyed my hair (i’m constantly dyeing my hair) I’m listening to one song on repeat right now (Moderato - Mamamoo Feat. Hash Swan) I have punched someone in the past week I know someone who has gone to jail I have broken a bone I have eaten a waffle today I know what I want to do with my life  I speak at least 2 languages fluently I have made a new friend in the past year
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pozolegirl · 7 years
2016 tales - tag :)
I was tagged by @amynchan, hoorah!
total number of stories (completed/WIPs):
Completed fanfiction:  26 I think Completed original fiction:  0 (But I made a lot of progress!!!) WIP fanfiction:  2???? I also have over 200 pages of drabble from different fandoms that are just stories that were never finished. WIP original fiction:  1 (If you’re not counting original comics which I kind of write out before hand...)
total word count:
I’m VERY roughly estimating over 183K words...... I write a lot.
fandoms written in:
LOTS of Miraculous Ladybug, tiny bit of SVTFOE.... I think that’s it.
looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you’d expected?
I WROTE A FREAKING NOVEL. STRAY CHAT IS 60K, THAT’S THE SIZE OF AN AVERAGE NOVEL. Yeah I wrote a lot more than I thought I would, and I’m really proud of myself. Now that I’ve done it once, I feel confident enough to do it again! :) It was a big confidence boost.
what’s your own favorite story of the year?
STRAY CHAT. I’m so proud of that story, it’s one of the best things I’ve ever written. And it seems like everyone else liked it too, thank you so much for the feedback. <3
did you take any writing risks this year?
I tried NaNoWriMo and I didn’t make it but I wrote so much and it really helped me get a big chunk of writing finished in my original story!!! 
do you have any fanfic or profit goals for the new year?
I hope I can finish Sancouer... I haven’t worked on that for like a month. DX (I have been busy tho)  I also really hope I get some good ideas for the extra chapters of Stray Chat. I know you guys wanted a wedding, hahaha. 
best story of the year?
Stray Chat.... Honestly.
most popular story of the year?
Stray Chat again! On Tumblr though, my ‘Adrienette for 7 Minutes’ and ‘Blue Silk Pajamas’ got pretty dang popular on here, hahaha. You guys and your kissing. 
story of mine most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion:
Uuuummm.... idk.... I liked my ‘In the Rubble’ with Chloe and Nathanael. I can’t say that Stray Chat is under appreciated, but I always want to ask people to read it because I love it so much but I feel awkward asking them to read it, hahaha..... I do not like asking for attention but underneath I’m like: pLEASE- LOOK AT THIS- IM PROUD OF IT-GAAAHHH
most fun story to write:
Probably Stray Chat but I’ve said that a billion times sO- I really liked writing Blue Silk Pajamas, it was really funny.
story with the single sexiest moment:
Pshhhhh..... um.... Probably Stray Chat the week after their first kiss when they’re dancing together in the kitchen and then start kissing. It wasn’t even that bad, but that was probably the most heated part of the story. XD (except to those of you who think sharing a strawberry with a fast kiss is sexy, wth, that was supposed to be CUTE)
most sweet story:
Probably ‘Princess’. I don’t think many of you have read that, it was awhile ago. It was just a school dance story, but it was sweet and fluffy. :’) (But once again, Stray Chat was sweeter. Like when Adrien did ‘The Nod’™ you know what i’m talking about)
”holy crap, that’s wrong, even for you!” story:
.....I don’t believe I’ve shared those drabbles.... >_>
story that shifted my own perceptions of the characters & most unintentionally telling story:
I’m going to actually say my own ‘Falling Apartments’ story has changed some characters SO MUCH from when I originally started writing them. So much so that I think I’m going to have to rewrite it so I can fix the characters to what they’ve turned into! That’s what I love about writing. :’)
hardest story to write:
Ugh. Probably Desole. There were times where writing the next chapter was pAINFUL the inspiration was just not coming.
biggest disappointment:
LOL Sancouer, jeeze, I know exactly how it’s going to end but writing it is just... ehhhhhhh this isn’t good.....
biggest surprise:
Stray Chat! I never expected it to be that long!!! Holy crap!!!
taggity tags:
do this if you like writing, hahaha
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plucky-shuck · 7 years
I was tagged by my incredible and wonderful moirail Kai @skeldra thank you dude <>
Nicknames: flick, nep, gabs, my brother calls me stuff like “gorbert” or “guther” for sm reason idk
Star sign: leo!!! HELLS YEAH BOI Height: 5′3 Time right now: 7:47 pm

Fav music artist(s): um. idk i listen to a bunch of peeps cuz i really care more about the song itself than the artist, but if I'm going by artists who continually please then id say Zebrahead, the Dead Kennedys, A Day to Remember (thanks kai), Avenged sevenfold 
Song stuck in my head: Out of Time by ADTR  
Last movie i watched: i have no h*ckin clue my guy i don't watch a lot of movies 
last tv show i watched: a series of unfortunate events

what i’m wearing right now: oversized cloud pjs. so comfy. i lov em,
why I created this blog: my friends and my brother thought i should

the kind of stuff I post: man, fuckin, shit. i post shit. cats and obscure memes and fuckin. 
do I have any other blogs: I've got a witch blog

do I get asks regularly: nope

why did i choose my url: its neferpitou, a character from my fave anime, with a touch of me, nepeta leijon,
gender: girl i guess idk but idc tbh
hogwarts house: I THOUGHT RAVENCLAW BUT I RETOOK THE POTTERMORE QUIZ AND GOT GRIFFINDOR?? i dunno anymore my life is lie

pokemon team: i would have chosen valor but my brother had this sweet idea to get all the kids we knew and all be mystic and just rule the entire city

average hours of sleep: idk it changes a lot i can go to sleep anywhere from 8-5 and i can wake up anywhere from 12-12 so

lucky number: 27 and 33

favorite characters: nepeta leijon ( who is me, i am her,), killua zoldyck, johnny jhonny (icon), lapis lazuli, imposter dan

number of blankets i sleep with: one very big one

following: 293 blogs
number of posts: 47, 435   daaaaaammnn ok i thought that was my follower count for a sec and i frEAKIESD THE FUCK OUT
idk who to tag mmmmm
@theater-dad @2snakesinasuit @greentheamints @anisine @bronzeflower623 and anyone else who sees this ofc
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padawan-ahsoka · 7 years
more things about me
I’m gonna act like @jamesstruttingpotter actually tagged me and didn’t just tell everyone to do it
rules: complete the survey and say who tagged you in the beginning. when you’re finished, tag people to do this survey. have fun and enjoy!
1: are you named after someone? Okay I swear I remember someone saying that my middle name (Elizabeth) was after my father’s mother but I’m 98% positive her name was Helen so idk what lies I’ve been told
2: when was the last time you cried? The other day when I was watching the 2016 opening number from the Tonys and they were showing how diverse and amazing the acting nominees were and idk I just got emotional because The Theatre™
3: do you like your handwriting? It really depends on the day but all around I’ll say yes
4: what is your favourite lunch meat? roast beef. Like wtf else would you pick??
5: do you have kids? I can barely take care of myself how do you expect me to have a child?
6: if you were another person, would you be friends with you? Probably not because I look like a bitch and best friend says I’m intimidating so
7: do you use sarcasm? Nope. Never. I have never once, in my life, used anything even resembling sarcasm.
8: do you still have your tonsils? I certainly hope so
9: would you bungee jump? Hahahahhahahaaahahhaha good one
10: what is your favourite kind of cereal? Reese’s Puffs. Anyone who doesn’t agree can meet me in the pit!
11: do you untie your shoes when you take them off? Wait do people actually do this??
12: do you think you’re a strong person? Physically or mentally?? I mean either way the answer is no
13: what is your favourite ice cream flavor? Ben & Jerry’s Half-Baked
14: what is the first thing you notice about people? Uh… idk… their clothes???
16: what is the least favourite physical thing you like about yourself? Definitely my stomach. I’m a fucking cow
17: what color pants and shoes are you wearing now? Dark denim jeans and no shoes
19: what are you listening to right now? My fan and my loud ass roommate
20: if you were a crayon, what color would you be? Probably black tbh. It’s my best color and I can’t think of a better one to describe me with
21: favourite smell? Okay idk if this will make sense and some of you (or maybe none of you) will know the smell but Diagon Alley at the Wizarding World of Harry Potter (Orlando) has this really unique smell that I absolutely love and whenever I smell it I can’t help but think “I’m home”
22: who was the last person you spoke to on the phone? Mother dearest
23: favorite sport to watch? Volleyball (I have a varsity letter actually like wth is that? I’m not an athletic person)
24: hair color? brown
25: eye color? blue or maybe hazel idk
26: do you wear contacts? Negatory
27: favourite food to eat? Breadsticks
28: scary movies or comedy? Definitely comedy, scary movies and I don’t go together
29: last movie you watched: I’m like 90% positive it was Sister Act
30: what color of shirt are you wearing? Navy, I think
31: summer or winter? Winter because this hellhole is too damn hot in the summer
32: hugs or kisses? hugs
33: what book are you currently reading? Order of the Phoenix (it’s actually sitting on my lap right now)
34: who do you miss right now? Honestly nobody. Is that bad??
35: what is on your mouse pad? How old is this questionnaire?? 36: what is the last tv program you watched? Uh… I think Gilmore Girls??
37: what is the best sound? Tap shoes. Nothing is more pleasing to the ear than tap shoes (being tapped by experienced tappers)
38: rolling stones or the beatles? Well that one filter with the circular sunglasses makes me look like John Lennon so the Beatles??
39: what is the furthest you have ever traveled? Mexico?? Though idk California may technically be farther
40: do you have a special talent? Um… you can show me any Harry Potter character wand from the Wizarding World and I can tell you whose it is in 5 seconds or less
41: where were you born? Hell™ (Florida)
Yeah whoever wants to do it can go ahead
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littlegreenbeam · 6 years
Hello Friends
My name is
(looks at smudged writing on hand)
Sigh... moan...
My name is Sigh-moan. 
I am a human. You know, those two legged animals with very little hair who run around, builds things, kills p much everything. Yeah, those guys. 
Full disclosure, I have a dick. Had it all my life.
I am also very hairy. I said earlier that humans don’t have a lot of hair, but for a human, I have a lot of the stuff. Looong hair on my head, and a bunch of it pretty much everywhere else.
Usually humans have fat and muscles between their bones and skin, but I don’t have a lot of that, so my entire body has a very ‘bony’ feel. You can see the shape of my ribs pretty clearly from most angles. This makes me look somewhat like a stick. a hairy stick.
So yeah, that’s me. A hairy human stick, with a dick. (rhyyyymes!)
And, you’d think that would be enough, maybe? But NOOOO, humans aren’t content to stop there, we have to divide humans into SUBCATEGORIES of humans. The most common division, where you split the population roughly in half, is that between male humans and female humans. Or men and women.
Ever since I was born, my parents have called me a ‘man’ (or boy when you’re a baby human). I’m not sure, but I think this was because of the dick. 
And I’m like, okay, okay, a bit redundant, but that’s fine, you call me a man, and I can still grow up to be whatever person I want to be, right?
‘WEEELL, sure, but, just make sure that you don’t pick a favorite color that is too bright (stay away from pink, just, stay away), don’t dress too much in those bright colors, don’t play dress up or house, don’t get giddy and squee with excitement over small things, don’t go ‘aawww’ when something is cute, DON’T cry, like, holy shit, and just, don’t show too much emotion, in fact, the only emotions that are okay to show are triumphant happiness, pride, and anger. Other than that, you can just go on with your life, and we can still call you a man! :)’
W-wait, I have to follow all that now?! You started calling me a man as soon as you saw my dick, wth, can’t I get to decide what kind of man I want to be, when you’ve already given me the title without asking?
‘Oh, nonono, your dick comes with instructions see? That’s what we’re explaining to you now! As a man you have to follow them, because otherwise it would be uncomfortable, and a bit unnatural! Oh, and one more thing, it is not very ‘manly’ to look that much like a stick, could you please beef yourself up a bit? Thanks!’ :) :D
...Okay, but, what if I don’t want to follow even half of those instructions? Like, I’m serious, after trying for years now to be a man, I can honestly say that I am unhappy with over half of the rules for it, what happens if I don’t follow them? What does that make me??
‘Oh um... well son, I uh... I don’t know, really, uh... hmm.’
Oh come on, don’t leave me hanging here!! You’ve called me a man all my life!! And I’ve been fine with it, it’s just the instructions I don’t like! Does this mean I have to change something about who I am? Do I have to change my pronouns, because maybe I fit the ‘woman’ instructions better, or does this mean I am non binary, or gender fluid? But what if none of those sit right with me? Will people look at me the way I want to be seen? Will women like me? Because I’ve been attracted to ‘women’ all my life, but what the FUCK is a woman anyway? is that just something else I’ve trained myself to like when trying to follow the man-instructions?
 I am a hairy stick human. With a dick. Who wants a fulfilling life, who wants friendship, who wants love and intimacy, who wants... I dunno, to feel like I belong! But, my mind is so loaded up with shit and bogus rules about who I am, and who the people I am attracted to are, and fuckin’ everybody else has been following these rules, and I want to belong, so I’ve tagged along with it, but I just can’t keep up like others. Like other men. If I even am a man. I think I want to be one, but, it feels like society doesn’t want me to be. Not unless I play by their rules. 
Sometimes I wish we ditched gender identities altogether. But at the same time, I can’t let them go. So much excitement and value in my life has actually come from these labels. It’s been all over my school classrooms and playgrounds, the media I consume, the stories I read, the feelings I’ve had. To drop it would feel... empty.
But to try and stay a man would be empty too.
I feel very empty right now, and I don’t know what to do. (...rhymes)
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