#y/n should teach him how to spell
imclou · 4 months
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there's no way he said that so confidently
|| Bonus ||
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amongemeraldclouds · 3 months
love blooms in strange places
When Mattheo was assigned to help you tend to the greenhouse as punishment, he never expected detention could be so pleasant.
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Mattheo Riddle x f!Reader | Based on this request
Warning: fluff, one use of y/n, used my creative license to come up with plant lore and magic to serve the plot.
✿ Masterlist | Event Masterlist | Tea Party | 1.7k words
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When Mattheo Riddle started his day, the greenhouse was the last place he expected he would be. Yet that’s exactly where he was headed, kicking up dirt as he went.
Snape’s words haunted him as he slowed to the door. “Mr. Riddle, you had been in detention several times just this month alone. If you will not learn by reflection, you will learn by deed. As punishment, you will have to help y/n cultivate plants for a week.”
Before Mattheo could open his mouth, Snape raised his hand. “Any protests and we will make it a month.” He knew better than to talk.
He shook his head as he opened the door, eager to get it over with. He took in pots and plants of various shades of green, color sprouting sporadically where flowers and fruits blossomed. Then there was you.
You saw the curly haired boy approach, Mattheo Riddle, you recalled. Everything about him spelled trouble from the frown fixed on his face, to his askew tie, and the way he strut as if the entire world bent to his will.
You smiled and introduced yourself politely. Your mum after all had raised you to give others a chance. To look beyond first impressions.
Still, it didn’t surprise you when his frown stayed glued to his face. “Mattheo Riddle,” he just stated by way of introduction. “Here’s how this will work. I’m going to stay here,” he said, grabbing a chair at the side of the greenhouse and taking a seat. “I’ll stay out of your way, you stay out of mine. When the time is over, I’ll walk away. Nice and simple.”
“So you’ll just let me do all the work?” You huffed, your fists clenched by your side.
“Glad you’re catching on, darling. Go on. Some would say it’s a privilege to be around me but it’s okay if you don’t see that yet.” He flashed you a shit eating grin and propped his legs up the table across him. Such a shame. He’d probably be handsome if his personality weren’t so rotten.
You caught yourself and your expression turned livid. “No, being around you is punishment. I don’t know what I did to Snape to deserve this,” you mumbled to yourself.
Your mum may have raised you to be polite, but she also taught you to stand up against bullies. You strode over to the arrogant boy, plucking a bearded iris on your way. You crushed it beneath your fingers, muttering an incantation.
When you were close enough, you hurled the crushed petals at his feet. Upon impact, sparks burst. Bright searing sprays of light was accompanied by a loud bang.
Mattheo dodged it, losing his balance. His chair tipped backwards. He crashed to the floor.
The bearded iris was otherwise called the firebreather iris. He should have known better than to challenge you.
You towered over him. “You will help me as Snape intended. It’s bad enough I have to spend time with you. You will make yourself useful or that,” you pointed at the ashes of the firebreather iris, “is just the beginning of what I can do. There are poisonous plants around here like nightshade. I will not hesitate to use them and make it look like an accident.”
He looked at you as if he saw you for the first time. The fire was brighter in your eyes than the spark you had thrown. He was silent for a beat as he recalled what Theo warned him about nice girls. You never wanted to see them mad. They were always more clever and therefore more dangerous.
As much as he loved danger, he very much preferred to stay alive. Besides, things just got more interesting. He schooled his face to a bored expression. “Fine,” he said standing back up and dusting the dirt from his clothes and hair. “If you teach me that cool trick, I’ll help out.”
“Stick around and I’ll teach you a few things,” you nodded, satisfied. You tossed him a pair of gloves. “We’ll start here, plant boy.” He suppressed the smile that threatened to break across his features. It was fascinating how you snapped quickly back to your good natured self, as if you weren’t just threatening him moments earlier. If there was anything Mattheo loved, it was a challenge.
As he put on the gloves, he felt detention wouldn’t be so bad after all.
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Threatened by the poison and lured in by the idea of learning plant magic, Mattheo had surprisingly been a helpful herbology partner.
Yes, he was stubborn and annoying. But at the end of the day, he was quick to pick up the steps, memorizing which fertilizer to use for what plant, and how much water each plant needed.
The weeks quickly passed and you found a comfortable rhythm. You just had to put up with those terrible lines.
“Are you a flower bed?” Mattheo asked, his face streaked with dirt as he hauled another bag of soil.
“What is it this time?” You rolled your eyes. You found it impossibly adorable and ridiculous how he managed to get dirt all over his face despite wearing gloves and other gardening gear.
“Let’s pretend you asked me why. ‘Cause I want to lay you down and get dirty,” Mattheo said with his signature smirk.
You tried not to laugh, but you couldn’t wipe the silly grin off your face. Mattheo considered it a win. “That seriously works for you?” You pointed in his general direction. “I’d rather choke on a cactus,” you beamed.
Mattheo chuckled, “then I want to be a cactus.”
“Oh why, because you’re a prick?” You retorted, shoveling more soil to the new pot.
“No, you can’t use these lines against me,” he said, narrowing his eyes, grabbing a handful of soil.
“Don’t be such a weeping willow about it,” you quipped. “And I swear if you throw that lump of soil, you’ll have to clean it up.”
“Why don’t we go straight to the cleaning part?” He teased instead, returning the soil. He grabbed the water hose nearby and turned it on, aiming it directly at you.
Before you could react, you felt a steady stream of water hit you, the cold shocking your entire system. “You really did it,” you muttered uselessly, releasing a string of curses as you gathered your wits about you.
You ran after him, but he was quick to deflect, running off the opposite direction, taking the hose with him. Five steps in, you slipped on the mud and landed on your back. The wind rushed out your lungs and you laid there recovering your breath.
“Salazar! Are you ok?” He asked, running towards you.
“Come here,” you spoke softly and he leaned in to hear you.
“My name is not Salazar,” you declared when he was close enough. “It’s an expressio—“ he tried to explain but in one swift motion, you grabbed the collar of his shirt. The surprise was enough to send him down the floor. He slipped in the mud and joined you. You grabbed the hose from him and sprayed him with water.
He flailed for a few seconds before he caught purchase and rolled over you, yanking the hose away and then switching it off. You both found yourselves in hysterics, bodies shaking from the cold and laughter.
“I can’t believe it. You really laid me down and got me dirty,” you managed to say in between laughter.
“This is not what I meant. But if you want to know what I mean,” he said, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. But he was rendered speechless, the words and laughter faded in his throat.
He didn’t think it was possible. But up close, you were even more beautiful with your captivating eyes and kissable lips.
His intense gaze stole the laughter and breath from your lungs. You felt his heartbeat drum against yours, your breaths mingled with one another.
It sunk in then that he was on top of you, gazing at you like he wanted to do a hundred and one sinful things to you. He had a forest full of desires and you wanted to explore every corner of it. To go on an adventure with him. So you did.
You weren’t sure who started it, but the next second you found yourselves kissing each other. It was better than any euphoria plants could induce. His lips felt surprisingly soft and he started off tentative, seeing if you were okay with it. You just needed more and he quickly matched your pace, taking in as much of you as he could.
He was no longer gentle and he ran his hand through your mud streaked hair, holding you just where he needed you, deepening the kiss. You tugged on his hair in return and he rewarded you with a groan, his chest rumbling against you. He licked your lower lip, prompting you to open your mouth as his tongue darted in, exploring until you both needed to come up for air. Panting against each other.
“Why are you looking at me like I just kicked a puppy?” He asked.
You shook your head. “You’re just a boy trying to get through detention,” you stated.
“Darling, my detention was only a week long,” he admitted.
Your eyes widened. “But this is your third week helping me.”
“You still haven’t taught me how to make fire with flowers yet,” he said, kissing you on the nose.
“You’re not afraid I’d poison you?” You narrowed your eyes, recalling your threat.
“I looked it up. The nightshade you mentioned that first week isn’t even poisonous. You never meant to poison me, dear.”
“But you fell for it, that’s what mattered,” you insisted.
“Maybe it’s you I’ve pollen for,” he quipped.
“You’re never gonna stop with the plant puns, aren’t you?”
“No, because you’re ivy and you’ve fully crept in my thoughts. Next, you can creep in my—” you kissed him then to shut him up. He didn’t seem to mind at all. You really had had enough of his silly plant puns, even though you couldn’t get enough of him.
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✿ Masterlist | Event Masterlist | Tea Party
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fieldsofwriting · 5 months
And so the stars aligned. Pt 3
Azriel x Archeron!Sister reader.
Summary: After a few weeks of Azriel teaching you to read, your sisters confront you about how much time you’re spending with him.
Warnings: Some slight suggestive stuff? Nothing explicit.
Ageless and MDNI
a/n: I know that I should probably- not upload so often. However, this has been knawing at my brain all day and I really just needed to post it so I can write the next part.
Part One, Part two, Part Four Requests are open!! Masterlist
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You and Azriel walked up toward the exit of the Library after yet another reading lesson. Your arms linked, as you let your hand rest on his forearm. He always offered you a hand, an arm, something to keep you close to him. Not that you minded being closer to him. The Illyrian was tall, warm, and very easy to hold onto. His scarred hands never purposely reached for yours, but sometimes you’d brush hands as you exchanged books or he delicately took the pencil from you to help you spell. You’d have to think pure thoughts for the next few hours. Keeping your mind off of what you wanted to feel them doing.
For about two weeks you’d meet here for a few hours each day and practice your writing, spelling, reading, and anything else Azriel deemed important for you to know. Clotho had stopped him apparently from bringing in a punching bag to train you. You couldn’t help but laugh so hard tears gathered and your stomach hurt after, when you walked down to the fifth floor only to see him pouting about it. "You big Illyrian baby." You coo'd after your laughs died down. And you rubbed his shoulders a little. He hadn't looked you in the eyes that day. But the lessons were working, you could now confidently read through the stack of books he brought to every meeting.
“I think we can upgrade to chapter books soon.” He speaks up, pulling your attention away from your thoughts. His warm, honey gaze finds yours as he lets a soft smile break through that normally stoic face of his.
“You think so?” You hum, with a slight tinge of hope. Maybe you could actually read the book you toted around thanks to him.
Azriel nods, closing his eyes as he does so. “Mmh. You’ve got the foundation down. Now we expand it.” His voice is smooth and calm. He spoke with ease, and somewhere deep within you it made you feel safe, calm. You’d wondered if that’s why you learned so quickly, because the words you didn’t know- they sounded like rich, warm melty chocolate in his voice. And you’d repeat it in your head all night long as you laid there in bed recounting your day. You didn't want to admit to yourself how late you stayed up thinking about him.
Your reply to Az gets cut short however as you hear your oldest sister's voice cut through the library. “Ah! If it isn’t our one and only, y/n.” Her voice drips in condescension, and normally you could handle Nesta. She didn’t scare you, not like the others at least. You knew her and knew that tone, you knew that tone of voice all too well. She was like a lion ready to pounce. Relentless teasing awaited you as you gazed at your sister. And she knew it too, watching you with a feline smirk as her hands rested on her hips in a power pose.
“Nesta.” You nod at her, removing your arm from where it had safely rested in the crook of Azriel’s arm. Immediately feeling colder, less protected. Vulnerable in front of your sister now. You felt the cool swirling sensation of Azriel’s shadows rising to attention, aware and ready to pull you back if needed. Nesta raised an eyebrow at the two of you, a slight smirk she tried to will into nothing. “How can I help you?” It was then you noticed your other two sisters, and now your brow furrowed. Elain stood smiling dumbly, like a love sick little puppy at Azriel. Her eyes raking over him. Something in her gaze made the hair on your arms stand, and you wanted her to stop looking at him like a piece of meat. Feyre stood watching you with a quirked eyebrow and a little grin. Her blue grey eyes shinning in amusement, like she too couldn’t wait to tease you. But it wasn’t everyday your sisters came together. Had something happened? Was everything okay?
Nesta looks Azriel up and down, not in the same way Elain had been. No she was sizing him up, in a fight you’re not sure the shadowsinger would win. Squinting at him before using her chin to motion him out. “We can assist her home. Thank you.” Nesta’s tone leaves no room for argument. Azriel for the briefest moment locks eyes with you. Asking you silently if you’d be okay with that, so you give a subtle nod. His shadows swirl around him again, something that was less common when it was just you too. They always pooled around your feet like a dog. You wondered if you could pet them. Unable to help the smile that spreads, you give a small wave to see him off. Watching him hesitate as he looked at you and your sisters, but his eyes glossed over and he chuckled lowly under his breath. And gods what you wouldn’t do to hear that sound again. Feyre must have said something to him with her daemanti powers.
So with that, Azriel left your side. Albeit a little unwillingly as he pressed a kiss to your temple before glaring at Nesta as she coo'd at you. He disappeared into the shadows. Leaving you now with your sisters who were all staring at you expectantly. Suddenly you felt like you were nothing but a child in front of them. Caught with your hand in the cookie jar and chocolate smeared on your face. Subconsciously you wiped your lips. "…hello." You greeted.
Nesta continued to smirk as she watched you. Knowing what her gaze did to her youngest sister. She uses her head to motion them out, not waiting for anyone to argue with her. And the rest of the Archerons followed suit, finally, Feyre speaks up, as if she didn’t just bombard you and demand you go with her. "So, will you join us for lunch?"
"I don't think I had a choice." You jest, elbowing her playfully. Feyre looks over at you with slightly wide eyes, as if feigning hurt, before her smile breaks through. Her laughter becoming instantly contagious. “Whose idea was this?" You look over at Nesta and Elain.
"Why must there be a reason for sisters to hang out?" Elain shrugs, looking at you with an amused smile and shooting you a wink. Squinting at your sister she can’t help but just smile more. Nesta just winks at you as she leads you to Rita's, it didn't surprise you that it was Nesta's favorite restaurant. With the vibrant music that always played, sometimes accompanied with bad karaoke singers; those were your favorite nights. Rita’s was a busy place- easy for conversations to get lost amongst others. Oh, and of course, the food was delicious. You truly didn't mind going out to lunch with your sisters, it was nice to have an actual familial bond with them.
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Conversation came easy as you all discussed everything and anything. Catching up with each other like old friends, part of it made you long for this in your girlhood. It would have made those years of poverty just a little brighter. Feyre told everyone how Rhys was trying to teach Nyx to fly, except for the fact that Nyx's wings were still too floppy to work. You admired the way that she lit up talking about her family. Seeing her happy meant that maybe you’d be that happy one day too. Nesta tells everyone about Gywn and Emerie's recent book recommendations. And her words made you long for friends that could talk back, unlike the flowers in the gardens. Elain discusses her garden plans- and even asks what they think about her opening a flower shop. You wondered if she’d let you work there, it be so nice to get out of the house. To have a purpose.
And then- like the vultures that your sisters were, their eyes landed on you. Blinking owlishly at them, you noted Feyres smirk. Nesta had a raised eyebrow as she rested her head on her intertwined fingers. Elain had her hands folded neatly in front of her. This just became an interrogation. "…what?" You ask, looking around to see if there is a reason why they're looking at you like this. Your heart beating a mile a minute, and you tried to subtly wipe your now sweaty palms on your dress. “Did I do something?”
"Let's get to the real tea." Feyre grins, setting her drink down and putting a hand on yours. She knew physical touch was one way to help you calm down. She’d offended used it to help comfort you as a child. "What is going on with you and Azriel."
You blink again and suddenly- you can't help the laughter that erupts from you. They had truly thought something was going on with you and Azriel! As if it wasn't obvious that Azriel was hopelessly in love with Elain! You wave away the ridiculously thoughts coming out of your sisters mouths. “You guys are ridiculous" You laugh, sighing heavily as you continue to grin. "Nothing is going on between us."
"He meets with you every Friday for hours," Elain says sharply. Her tone catching you and your other sisters off guard. And for a second, your hurt. Hurt that she could ever use that tone with you, not believe the words you were saying. "Something is going on."
Your eyes lock onto Elain's and there's anger in hers. She's upset about it, upset that you made a friend. She had friends! She had Cerridwen, and Nuala! The was two more than you had. Ever. Your nose wrinkles in disgust as you watch how she tries to intimidate you into answering her. Was this how you looked that first night in the Library? Is that why Azriel laughed at you? Elain looked as harmless as a kitten. "Nothing like your thinking." You reply cooly, trying not to start a fight with your sister. That was the last thing you wanted to do, and Cauldron. It would ruin the friendship you and Azriel had just started to form. That hot headed, stubborn Archeron temper didn’t need to come out now. Not when there was another hardheaded and stubborn Archeron in front of you.
"So then it shouldn't be a big deal to tell us." Elain snaps back. Nesta and Feyre exchange a look at the two of you. You can feel your blood boiling at her tone. But you knew you had to stay cool, calm and level headed. So as gingerly as you can, you reply.
"It's none of your business." And you would have thought you just insulted Elain by the way her face twisted with rage. She puts her hands on the table and stands with a swift, graceful movement. The chair loudly scooting out from behind her, dragging attention to the table. But Elain didn’t seem to care. Staring at you with fire in her eyes, like logs on a campfire.
"As your sister, it is. And as someone who is in lov-"
Knowing exactly what was about to come out of her mouth, you feel the ugly green monster boiling up inside you. You couldn’t stop it, no matter how hard you tried. She had a mate. Someone who wasn't Azriel. What happened when Azriel found his mate? What then? Would she demand that he stay away? It was ridiculous. An absolute ridiculous thing to say and expect of someone else. In a less graceful, more forceful way. Your chair shoots out the same way, and you thank the mother Feyre grabbing it before it could fall. You match Elain's actions as you glower at her. Surprised by how low your voice had gotten, "You have a mate. That you claim you don't love because you simply refuse to get to know him. Lucien is a kind man, he gets you a Winter Solstice present every year and tries to make it as thoughtful as he can while knowing so little about you. He is allowing-"
"Allowing?" Elain laughs shortly, "I should be grateful for him allowing me to reject him?" Her eyes bare into yours as if she is trying to find any little thread to unravel you with.
"Have you even told him you rejected him!?" You shout back at her. You hadn’t meant to raise your voice, people were usually quiet, and gentle with Elain. And here you were screaming at her in a bar…
Elain's face drops but it doesn't stop you from going in again, despite knowing you had made your point. This was about more than just her rejection of Lucien. It was about the lack of care and compassion your sister showed a man who tried to help her. "He is allowing you space- which you asked for, mind you! He could be all over you; there are horror stories of mates, Elain! But instead of trying to get to know him you instead clung onto someone else. And what? You're in love with someone else's mate? Lucien is a good, kind man. And it’s also not his fault that you were mated from the moment you stepped out of the cauldron. But he tried to be there for you. Badgered us about getting you food and sunlight. Even now! He writes you letters, but do you ever answer? Do you give him the time of day? I’m not saying you owe him your affection, but I am saying he deserves a mate who is willing to try.”
The table is silent for a moment. Letting your words hang in the air before Elain holds her head higher. "Mates do not have to be accepted."
"Elain." Nesta snaps, "Y/n has a point. You are in love with someone else's mate. You see how happy Cassian had made me, helped pick up my broken pieces! Showed me love while I healed. How happy Rhys makes Feyre! Giving her a life she could have never dreamt of. You can't so easily dismiss Lucien without at least trying."
"Oh, and you were one to so easily accept your mate?" Elain lashed out. Her eyes turning slightly misty. You quickly exchange a glance with Feyre who looks just as concerned as you. And the hurt on Nesta's face was there for just a split second before she steeled herself and opened her mouth-
"He's been teaching me how to read." You answer the first question quickly, looking down at your glass. Your reflection reminded you of your younger years again. Your sisters arguing at the table as you ate a meal you prepared. Trying to keep from your cheeks redding as your sisters turned to you. You could just imagine their expressions, shocked, disappointed and maybe a little upset you hadn’t asked one of them. Not being able to read was the last thing you wanted to admit, but you'd rather embarrass yourself than have them at each other's throats. There had been so much fighting in this world recently. There didn't need to be more. The fighting didn’t need to be between sisters. You dared to look up at them, Feyre was smiling gently as she reached out and took your hand. Giving a gentle squeeze. She understood you the most, both of you didn’t have the education that the other two did. Nesta looked at her water, frowning and contemplative. It was almost as if she looked guilty. Elain found a spot on the table interesting. The silence was too heavy, so you continued, "He realized the book I always carried around…he realized I wasn't reading it. And so he tricked me, got me down into the library, and made me try to read…ever since then he's been teaching me…"
"You know, Rhys also taught me how to read." Feyre supplies to help ease the tension. “By making me write about how handsome and charming he was.” Nesta and you snort, rolling your eyes affectionately at your brother in law. Feyre takes your hand better, giving another squeeze. “And now I can read and write just fine. And I would bet good money that Azriel is a better teacher than him." She winks. You gave her a thankful smile.
"He says we can move onto chapter books soon…" A small smile spreads across your face as you recount what had happened just a few hours earlier. "Maybe I can join your book club then, Nes." You look at your oldest sister in hopes of pulling her out of her thoughts. The last thing you wanted was for her to feel guilty about it, your father should have picked up the slack. Not her. Nesta looks up at you, smiling back at you with a softness rarely seen.
"If you can handle it." She shrugs with a half committed grin. After another beat of silence she sighs, reaching across the table to take your other hand. "I'm sorry. Like Feyre, I had no idea where your lessons started and how much you knew…"
Shaking your head, you squeeze her hand. "It wasn't your job. You were a child just like me. If anyone should have stepped up it was Dad. And besides, reading wasn't going to help us get out of poverty. We did what we could. And now, we have a life of comfort…" You give another thankful smile to Feyre. "Thanks for mating the most powerful High Lord in Prythian." You tease, your sisters laugh unexpectedly at the comment. It was a strange thing to thank Feyre for. There was so many things you could have thanked her for- and yet you chose her mate. But Feyre didn’t seem to mind, she welcomed it with open arms. Bowing her head as if to say ‘you’re welcome.’
Then, when the laughter died down, you look over at Elain, "And if you want me to stop the lessons with Azriel then I will. I'm sure we can get me a tutor now that I know the basics."
Elain raises her head to look at you and then sighs. Shaking her head, "No. You're right. I haven't been fair in demanding attention from Azriel, giving him my heart so easily when…when I haven't given my own mate the chance. Truthfully, I'm just scared. To lose someone like I lost Greyson. I thought… I thought for sure Greyson would love me no matter what. I thought our love was stronger than just some pointy ears. And,” She pauses as she purses her lips. Nesta gently rubs her back, Feyre takes her hand as you take the other. Gathering around her in support. “And i’m scared that something with happen to Lucien as well. I see how much you love your mates and I just- I just couldn’t bear to loose anyone like that again.” Elain lets out a shaky breath at her confession, squeezing you and Feyre’s hands. “Azriel would be a good partner. I know to expect him to leave at times…" She leans back into the chair and lets out a whistful sigh, "Plus he's hot."
That gets the table to erupt into laughter again, "As if Lucien isn't?" You ask playfully.
"Oh please, Illyrian men are the way to go." Nesta winks, "They don't talk about the wing spans for no reason."
"Gross!" You giggle as the conversation starts up again, becoming easier between you and your sisters. ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
As you arrived back at the River house, laughter still surrounded you and your sisters. The four of you make your way into the living room to continue your fun night, but find it already occupied with the Inner Circle. Spread across the rooms with various wine bottles, and a few snacks scattered about.. "Hello, Feyre Darling." Rhys greets and gets up, taking her in his arms, "We couldn't let you have all the fun. Now could we?" He smirks, looking over at you and your sisters. “Did you girls have a goodnight?”
“Not as good as the one here.” You muse, crossing the room to grab some of the charcuterie board they had left. “Rita’s doesn’t have fancy meat.”
“At least not when you’re not there.” Cassian ribs, elbowing Rhys as he passes by. Rhys’s quip back gets lost in the laughter the ensues from your joke. And as Cassian always does, presses a kiss to Feyre's cheek. He ruffles your hair, causing you to make a small noise of disapproval before quickly smoothing out your hair. He kisses Elain's hand before he pulls Nesta into his arms. Kissing her swiftly, causing you to avert your eyes.
You hear some shuffling and look up to find Azriel coming closer, something you noted he only did when he wasn’t trying to sneak up on people. His footsteps so light that he want to accidentally spook anyone. You smile at him as you notice for once he wasn't in his leathers. But that didn't mean that he wasn't still insanely attractive. It was unfair how effortless it seemed to be for him. A pair of black jeans that were a bit looser than his normal pants but still hugged his thighs, a long-sleeved blue knit shirt that had the sleeves pushed up to show off his forearms. Showing off more scars, His siphon-topped hands shoved into his pockets. Even his casual dress made you feel under and over-dressed at the same time. Your sisters and you usually wore dresses- Nesta and Feyre opted for Illyrian leathers while training. But you had done none of it, so here you stood in front of him in a plain purple sundress. Smoothing out the fabric you looked up at him with a gentle smile. "Did you have a good night?"
Azriel nods, a faint smile from him almost had you trying to catch your breath. His attention focused so innately on you, that nothing else seemed to matter. "Better now that you're here. Rhys and Cass wouldn't stop complaining about how much they missed their mates." He sighs heavily, not revealing the smirk that graces his features to anyone but you. You couldn’t help but let out a quiet giggle, shaking your head at him. His beautiful hazel eyes glimmering with amusement.
"We did not!" Cassian interrupts, pulling you and Azriel from your moment. Nesta still pressed into his arms as she held onto him. "Don't let him fool you, y/n." He pouts, “We weren’t the only ones complaining!”
You raise your eyebrow and look at Elain. She shares the amusement. "Cassian, with all due respect. You are annoying about Nesta even when she's in the next room over." Elain teases and you cover your mouth to stop the bark of laughter. But it’s too late, the room is filled with it.
"Do you hear them, Nessie?" Cassian pouts and barries his face into her neck. "They're being mean to me." Nesta laughs and pats his back. Looking at the rest of you with playful exhaustion.
"You big baby, you can take it." She offers no sympathy to her mate, who only whines in her arms. Causing Nesta to roll her eyes and look over at you and Elain again. "Drama king." She mouths.
And something about the normalcy in your sister's affection, loving her mate so openly. Being held with no reservations, bantering and kissing, and….being loved. Both of them…it causes that ache in your heart again. The crippling loneliness. Even Elain had found a spot next to Mor and Amren, letting them pour her a drink. You can't bear to watch it, it hurts too much. To feel so outside, like a stranger peering through a window. You step away from Azriel, unaware of his his eyes quickly follow you, ensure you aren’t going too far. He’s about to offer an arm when you yawn and stretch. "I think it's time to head up to bed." You give a tight-mouth smile to everyone else and bid them goodnight. Ignoring the boo’s from a tipsy Mor.
Azriel follows you up though. He’d seen the sudden change in your demeanor, almost like you closed yourself off from the family. He didn’t know what was said to you tonight, but he’d assure you til dawn if anything he deemed wrong.
You hadn't noticed him until he cleared his throat, just outside your bedroom door. Causing you to startle as you looked back. "Azriel!" You hiss as you put a hand over your heart with a little laugh. Azriel looked like a kicked puppy, his beautiful hazel eyes wide, eyebrows raised in surprise. You hadn't ever expected to see that look on his face, biting your lip to stop a laugh.
"I'm sorry!" He rushes, "I thought you knew!”
You let out the laugh that you were holding back and shake your head. "Oh, Azriel." You giggle and shake your head as you pat his bicep, the sheer size of it made your hand look downright childish. So small in comparison to all that muscle. "It's alright, don't worry. Did you need something?"
He cleared his throat, in the dim faelighting you could have sworn that you saw a blush creeping up on his cheeks. You pushed away the thoughts of how adorable he was. "I, wanted to make sure that you were okay." He whispers as he awkwardly rubs the back of his neck, refusing to meet your gaze. Watching how it darts around like he is growing more and more anxious by the second. You had never seen the Spy Master like this- so flustered and awkward. It made you wonder what he and the rest of the Inner Circle talked about while you were gone today. Cassian mentioned someone else complaining… was it him? Was he complaining about your lessons?
You blink at his words, finally registering them, before tilting your head. "…yes? Why wouldn't I be?"
"Your sisters all but kidnapped you." He says simply. His eyes finds yours again as he raises an eyebrow at you. Slightly worried that you might have forgotten. His eyes also shine with amusement as he recalls the way they'd shown up. Only for himself to be bombarded when he returned to the River House as well. No doubt Feyre, Rhys, Nesta and Cassian’s doing. Nosy fuckers. "Nesta was…" Azriel shivers as he recalls her glance. Shaking his head you laugh again at his reaction, patting his arm again. He couldn’t help but also notice the size difference between you two and it drives him up a wall.
"They just wanted to know my intentions with you Azzy." You wink, and on the Shadowsingers face was definitely a blush. "Don't worry I assured them it was nothing but evil, evil plots of learning how to read to start a coup." You continue to tease him.
Azriel glares lightly at you, but any harshness in his eyes soften the minute you giggle so hard you snort and lean into him. Resting your forehead on his chest- the closer you’d ever been to him. The way you did so in such a simple, effortless way…touching him and laughing like it was the easiest thing in the world. His heart races out of his chest as he looks down at you, shocked as he doesn’t quite know what to do, his shadows curling around your ankles and his hands on your hips to keep you from falling back as you laugh- still dazed by the pure beauty of…you and it snaps. The mating bond. You were his mate.
From now until the end of time. You were his, and he was yours. And it suddenly felt like everything in this world made sense. Holding you in his arms would feel like home, never again would it feel like he didn’t have a place in this world again. Because his place was next you. Starting from this day on. Now and forever. It feels as if his entire life had been an endless storm, constantly searching for salvation only to find it in your smile. The darkness that enveloped him washed away by your laugh. The self deprecating thoughts eased by a touch of your hand…there was nothing he wouldn’t do for you. The snapping of the bond felt as if though part of him had truly become complete. There was no greater honor than being yours. So holy dedicated to you.
If he were a lesser man, he would have surged forward and pressed his lips to yours. Needing to feel the touch of your skin against his. Giving in to his primal instincts. Tugging you closer as you both accept the bond and two- became one. Over, and over, and over again until you couldn’t move anymore.
But Azriel looks at you as you smile up at him. So innocent in the way only someone who had no idea what dirty thoughts were coming through his mind. Completely unaware of what you had just done to him. How you now had him wrapped around your finger forever and always. And then, like a freight train crashing he realized.
It hadn't snapped for you…
"Goodnight Az." You whisper as you lean up, one hand delicately on his chest, the other squeezing his forearm to help keep you steady, pressing a kiss to his cheek. "I'll see you in the morning." With that, you stepped into your room closing the door. Leaving Azriel in the hallway alone, again. ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───── a/n: This one was really fun to write! Also, if you guys wanna know the dress I was picturing for the reader, its this one here. If yall have anything you wanna see, or wanna be added to the taglist let me know! tag list: @sidthedollface2 @cat-or-kitten @impossibelle @brunette-barbie1220 @scatteredstardustt @sammanna @cherry-cin @tele86 @judig92 @lana08 @stained-glass-eyes0708 @oucereeng @persephonesalvatore @fightmedraco @juniperberriesaries @whatdoyxumean @harrystyke21
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lovewithmary · 8 months
Okay I’m gathering all my brain power for these and repurposing my own aus in my head 😼
Anyways imagine Dutch princess reader x lando. Hear me out okay so imagine every year when they hand out the trophies in the Netherlands reader hands it out and she’s friends with max because of him being their pride and joy of the country. Blind item comes in to duexmoi (want the person to be anon but their tag is like orange land or something that plays off orange and the fact that lando has the joke that natherlands is like a second home race)(idk how to spell it I’m not a gossip follower) about a certain Dutch princess with a f1 driver and everyone immediately assumes max and reader. Lando could hard launch them being like wrong orange boy or they could just be spotted on winter break having a vacation together. Imagine they met at like a gp when lando podiumed there (im manifesting for this season) and like when she was visiting garages there he rizzed her up
Idk you could scrap everything and I would still eat it up 🫶😽
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summary: in which people think that you and max are dating, but lando is determined to prove them wrong
pairing: dutch princess!y/n x lando norris
fc: elle fanning
notes: for my pookie @renarots 🫶 also not me saying i have writer's block and don't know when I'll post but when rena sends me an ask I 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️ to write
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liked by maxverstappen1, landonorris, and 1230223 others
princessy/n: thank you to f1 for inviting me and for letting me present the awards once again! and congrats to maxverstappen1, landonorris, and charles_leclerc for podium!
user2: max and lando in the likes?/? ↳ user3: they literally got mentioned by Y/N???
user4: Y/N growing up attending gps to actually presenting in one is such a full circle moment for her
user5: Y/N you are literally the most fashionable person when you attend the paddock, please teach max 🙏🙏 ↳ princessy/n: i've tried, but he's too attached to being a walking-talking sponsor for his team ↳ maxverstappen1: says the one who's obsessed with a certain jacket 👀 ↳ user6: WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?
landonorris: 🧡🧡
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liked by maxverstappen1, f1, mclaren, and 9438143 others
landonorris: can't imagine being with anyone except you 🧡
tagged: princessy/n
user1: lando saw people were speculating Y/N dating max and proving EVERYONE wrong 😭
user2: the hand placements in the photos AHHHHHH
user3: lando fr said wrong driver
maxverstappen1: now say thank you max for setting us up ↳ princessy/n: thank you max <3 ↳ landonorris: thank you max 😄
princessy/n: THAT BIRTHDAY PHOTO IS A CRIME ↳ landonorris: no it's cute it's my lockscreen
maxfewtrell: the fact i've been present for most of these moments tell me i should hang out with you guys less ↳ princessy/n: don't lie max, you're just waiting for the perfect time to take lando away from me 😒 ↳ maxfewtrell: lando's always been mine, don't lie
user4: lando dating THE Y/N aka THE PRINCESS was not on my bingo card for this year
princessy/n: my love 🧡 ↳ landonorris: my princess 🧡
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turvi · 1 year
Ypu said you wanna write for rodrick and I wanna request.
So rodrick with a good girl neighbour reader (think- gwen stacy type) and rodrick does all kinda stuff to impress her even at school so yea.
I'm a sucker for goofy! Himbo! Rodrick
Thank you for the request. I hope you enjoy this
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"BOYS! OUR NEW NEIGHBOURS ARE HERE!" Susan yelled and huffed when none of the boys responded to her call. Greg was busy filming Rowley trying to fall from his chair. Rodrick was in the basement and didn't hear his mam call out to him as he was drowned in the sounds of his drums.
A few minutes later, Rodrick finally comes up to drink water, only to see the new neighbours...most importantly, their daughter.
Rodrick didn't realise he had dropped his drumsticks on the floor until his mother was tugging him towards the living room and introduced him to the neighbours, the L/ns. And there she was with a sweet, gentle smile telling him her name.
"Hey, nice to meet you. I'm Y/n," she said, offering her hand.
Rodrick held her hand, not wanting to let go, but he had to since both his and her parents were watching them. "I-uh...I am Rodrick."
He scowled when he heard Greg snickering behind him. He wanted to hide so badly just because he couldn't tell his name to a pretty girl. But she doesn't laugh at him. She squeezed his hand, letting him know it was ok.
It was, at this moment, he wondered if it was too soon to ask her to marry him? He shook his head. He was being silly. Just because a girl was nice to him doesn't mean he should fall in love with her.
Then two days later, he heard knocking on the garage door. He sighed, thinking it was one of the upright elder people wanting him to keep the voice low. When he opened the garage door, he almost let it go when he saw Y/n standing there, the harsh sunlight pouring down his lawn.
He quickly let her in and introduced her to his bandmates, who were just beaming at the sight of Rodrick being awkward and shy around her.
"Hey, I was just walking by and heard you guys play. I was wondering if you could teach me how to play drums. I already talked to your mom."
His friend patted his shoulder. "Rodrick is our drummer. He is a great teacher too, he can teach you. Right, Rodrick?"
Rodrick got out of his daze when he heard his name. "Uh...yeah...yeah...I drum...drums" It was like he never learnt English in school, and Rodrick hated how he sounded.
"Ok, tell me when you are free. I'll come."
"Actually, we are leaving, so you guys can continue. It was nice meeting you." his friend winked at him, leaving the two alone. Rodrick knew he couldn't do much but look at her knowing his mom was peeping through the basement door. But he was just happy seeing her and talking to her.
He was happy they were bonding. He would teach her to play the drums. She would spellcheck his assignments. Rodrick knew she had a place in his heart when she would gently correct his spellings.
Slowly he loved holding her hands, her smile, her nose scrunch, the way she snorted before she laughed, and her soft sweaters that always smelled nice.
He didn't realise when he fell in love, or was he always in love? When he would go shopping with his family, he would spot things that he knew Y/n might like. He even saw a jewellery shop, and his heart dropped looking at the prices of the rings. But then, he had yet to win her heart. He was determined to buy this ring.
Of course, by the time he would be rich enough to buy the ring, he would already have your heart. But Rodrick didn't know he already had Y/n's heart, and she knew it was always going to be his.
@milivanili99 @cecekcecekceckceckceck @maneskai @isaentremundos @autumn3l3ctr0swings @mikulovingtrash
A/N: If you like this REBLOG AND COMMENT
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 4 months
💕Hiii beautiful💕
Quiet but smart child where she -unintentionally- gets on everyone's nerves? Like Hades teaching her how to play chess and she easily beats him while still learning the rules, also correcting Jack after he gets one of Shakespeare's poems wrong, pointing out a mistake that Tesla made during his calculations and solving it for him or even correcting Odin when a spell of his isn't working because he misspelled a word so she says which one it is. Just a clueless girl pooping veins in their foreheads with cuteness HAHA
-Your family loved you- they adored you! You were their shining darling little child, but man sometimes they wanted to punt you over the back fence!!
-You were smart- extremely smart, smarter than you should have been at only age six, something that didn’t bother them, as they constantly praised you on your intelligence.
-However, it was that intelligence that was annoying to them at the same time.
-Your family wanted to expose you to as many new things as possible, to make you a well-rounded person, from physical activities like hiking and swimming, to things like painting and music, to science experiments and even doing magic with the few who knew how to use magic.
-Hades’ eyelid was twitching slightly, completely in shock as he was staring down at the chess board- he was teaching you how to play chess, and after a few mock games, mainly to show you how to move certain pieces, you were sitting across from him, holding his king, having beat him in only four moves. HOW WAS THIS POSSIBLE?!
-His gaze met your own and he sighed softly, giving you a small smile, “That’s all for today Y/N- time for your magic lesson with Odin.” -You nodded softly, not speaking, which was normal for you, and you slid off the chair and headed towards your next lesson for the day.
-Odin was pleased with your progress on your magic, showing you one of the more advanced spell books for the day as he wanted to challenge you, to see what you could really do.
-When he selected the spell, he chanted the incantation, to show you what the spell should look like, only nothing happened. He tried few more times, getting frustrated as it wasn’t working.
-You looked at the spell book and said the same incantation, with one minor pronunciation and your spell worked, a swirling ball of fire appearing before you.
-Odin’s face dropped, his eye wide as he saw this as the fireball faded and you pointed at the book, “You were saying this word wrong, it’s pronounced with a ‘che’ sound not a ‘ck’ sound.”
-Odin said nothing, as he didn’t trust himself at the moment, opting to just pat your head and shooed you away and you headed off to the next lesson with Nikola. Odin sighed deeply, trying to keep his composure, feeling embarrassed that you corrected him.
-Nikola’s lesson was the shortest, as he was writing an equation down for the two of you to discuss, and like you had laser eyes, you immediately narrowed in on a mistake, “That’s wrong- you didn’t calculate that right.”
-You showed him the calculation and he immediately froze, seeing that it was indeed wrong, which messed up the rest of the massive equation that he now had to correct.
-He held his hands to his face, “Sorry Y/N I don’t feel too good today. Go find Jack.”
-Nikola felt touched that you hugged him around his leg, telling him to get better soon before you wandered off again.
-Nikola knew that you didn’t mean anything cruel by it, you were just stating facts, you really were too smart for your own good.
-Jack was- he felt off. He seemed calm but you couldn’t shake the feeling he was upset, after you corrected him as he was reciting a bonnet from memory, telling him he got a word wrong, as you were following along in a book.
-He thanked you with a warm smile, patting your head, but you couldn’t shake the feeling that he was mad, something he told you his wasn’t.
-With your lessons done for the day, you went to find Buddha, who promised to take you out for ice cream once your lessons were done with.
-The four men you left devastated in your wake, overcome by your intellect, had to realize that you didn’t realize you were upsetting them, you were just being Y/N- and they had to learn to get over their own egos on what they believe was right when it wasn’t.
-When you arrived back with Buddha with ice cream, in cups, for all of them, thanking them for the lessons, they had to fight hard not to collapse from cuteness- you were just as sweet as you were smart.
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wowzah2nd · 6 months
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A Not So Secret Relationship
Severus Snape x reader
Word count: 2k
after years of a not so secret relationship a student catches then sharing a loving kiss. Which cause rumours to spiral around the school, whats going on with professor Snape and professor L/N?
You had been working at hogwarts since you were 20 which was the youngest the school had seen to teach muggle studies since you were muggleborn. 2 years later your dear friend severus snape joined you to teach as well but was offered potion professor and not defence against the dark arts professor. Even though you were very different, you being a gryffindor and him being a slytherin you got along very well. You actually didn’t become friends till both your last years at Hogwarts. You always saw him alone or being bullied by the same gryffindor as James Potter, Sirius black, Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew also called the marauders and one day you decided to stand up for him seeing how cruel it was.
It was a normal day at Hogwarts. You were walking around the hall when you heard a commotion coming from around the corner. You'd decided to take a peak and see what was happening and you could see the marauders bullying someone and hanging him upside down. As soon as you saw that you made a run for it towards James who was the one casting the spell as you went near him you pushed him to lose focus luckily the boy wasn’t too high up when he fell.
Y/N: what is wrong with you lot doing that to someone that is just cruel and mean
James: well he deserved it y/n you know what he called lilly, he called her a mudblood
I paused for a second looking between them the boy was no sat against the wall but i still thought what he did was cruel
Y/N: still doesn't give you the right to treat someone so cruelly, if he did say something like then your the one that's supposed to be better and not do things so idiotic you head boy after all lead my example
The group stared at me in surprised that i would defend a slytherin
James: come on boy let's get out of here
Before they were fully out of ear shot i heard them call me a traitor to my house but i didn't care no one deserved such cruel treatment
As soon as I couldn't see them I turned to the boy that got bullied. He was a little hurt getting a scratch on his head from being dropped. Which was my fault, maybe I should have made me put him down slowly instead of pushing him. I crouched down to his level grabbing my handkerchief from my school bag to wipe the little blood on his head
As i was wiping his head he decided to finally speak
Boy: their telling the truth you know
Y/N:I know
He finally looked at me and look surprised
Boy: then why did you help me aren’t you a muggleborn too
I gave out a long sigh
Y/N: I am, but no one ever deserves to be treated less than anything human also how did you know i was a muggleborn
Boy: i was friends with lily before i called that name and she mentioned you a couple times
Y/N: oh did she now i didn’t really think we were friends we barely talk
Boy: yeah she talks about how smart and nice you were apparently you helped her out a few time and she felt grateful for. You are really nice by the way
I giggle at his comment it seemed he was shy when saying it
Y/N: well thank you…
Severus: snape, Severus Snape
Y/N: well snape, can i call you severus instead
Severus: only my friends call me that
I gave him a big smile
Y/N: well wanna be friends then
It took awhile to get him to agree to being friends but it was a great friendship even if people thought it was weird me being friends with him but i never let it bother me and over time i started to develop feelings for him but never got to tell him at school
Flashback ended
It had been 2 years since I graduated and I had become a muggle studies teacher here after Dumbledore gave me the offer and I gladly accepted . another year passed when a new teacher can when i found out it was severus when i saw him in the staff room i ran to him and gave him a big hug.
He was a bit taken aback from the hug and luckily no one else was in the staff room to see
Y/N: i miss you so much severus why did you ever write me
I started to let out all my suppressed emotions that i didn’t realise i was holding in. he let out a sigh before speaking
Severus: I had my reasons that i can’t tell you just yet but i will say that i have missed you too and i was actually scared yo see you
Y/N: why were you scared to see me
Severus: well that because… i wanted to confess something to you..
I was looking hopeful at him now had he been feeling the same way about me like i have about him
Severus: i have liked you for so long and every day that ive thought about you that feeling has grown and developed into love. Even though its been years since i last saw you i finally realised that i love you and wanna be with you. So if youd allows me can i take you in a date
I immediately jumped him and gave him a bear crushing hug
Y/N: of course severus you can and i love you too i loved you every since we started to be friends
He gave out a sigh of relief at my answer
Severus: you have no idea how happy i am right now
Ever since that day you have started to date everyone knew but ever brought it up since it wasn’t their business but what they saw warmed their heart. Seeing the one cold and withdrawn severus actually turn happy when you walked into a room or were in the area. But of course he still tried to hid that side of it since they thought only you deserved to see that side of him but he could not always hide it. Few years later after dating you'd gotten married it was a big ceremony it was a small one of just you and him just how you always wanted
And that now brings us to the year 1993 10 years after being married you still loved teaching at that school mainly because you also wanted to be close to Severus and he never complained. But only complained about harry potter it was the boys third year and as alway severus did really like him since he was a reminder of his youth and i would never blame him
Y/N: hello severus how are you this morning my love
I made my way into in classroom due to not seeing him during breakfast
Severus: not so good if im honest
I placed down a small plate of food he can eat since i know he didnt grab anything before heading back to the classroom
Y/N: and why is that love
Severus: well it’s because i'm teaching potters class
I let out a sigh
Y/N: you know he’s not his father right so please cut the boy a little bit of slack and the rest of the kids they have me later in the day and they still complain
Severus: i know his not his father but he remind me so much like him
Y/N: he won’t be like him the school will teach him better
Severus let out a sigh before grabbing my hand to say come sit with me, so i sit on his lap as we continue our conversation
Severus: your right, but i still won’t go easy on him or the student they need to learn one wrong move they’ll all end up like mister finnigan
I giggle at all the memories i had over the years that id seen the boy come in my class with missing eyebrows
Y/N: give the poor boy some slack he’s not very good at potions it's a hard subject for him
Severus: your beautiful when you smile you know…also i'll never stop loving you laugh it just brings be joy every time
At those comments i started to blush
Y/N: severus stop you're embarrassing me
Severus: i'm just trying to tell my dear wife how much i think she's beautiful and how much i love her presence
Y/N: well Mr snape i love you too
Severus: well Mrs snape i love you more
He cupped my cheek before he leaned in for a long passionate kiss, but without realising it students had filed into the class a a few had saw that kiss both. One of the student decided to get our attention and we both broke away from the kiss in surprise
Student: u-um excuse us professors
Y/N; o-oh im so sorry i should let you teach severus
I got up from his lap and made my way out of the class
Y/N: bye severus see you later
That potion class was a even bad one for those students since any student who tried to ask about what they saw would question it
After morning classes it was lunchtime and whispers and rumours already spread around the school about Severus and you. Causing severus to be annoyed he hated when people talked about you but it made you giggle more than anything since the amount of theories people thought of
Class had resumed and you had the third years first and you knew they were gonna ask questions but you didn;t mind telling them the truth it really surprised you though not more people new about you and severus marriage you neve had your affection but severus did always acted indifferent to it but you knew deep down he loved and didn't want people to see
As everyone was making their way into class you could sense they had questions but decided to ask later. As the class went one you decided that taking a 10 min break would be good for them since that class can be boring
Y/N: okay that's enough for now let's take a 10 min break ok
After saying that it was a que for students to start asking questions
Y/N: yes mister Weasley
Ron: is it true what they’re saying
Y/N: you'll need to be specific mister weasley
He looked a bit nervous to ask the question but the whole class was looking at him to ask it. Seems like everyone else wanted to know to
Ron: is it true you kissed professor snape i hear from some slytherin’s who went into the classroom they saw you
I gave out a long sigh i might as well be honest or else they may go wild with the rumours
Y/N: not that its anyone's business but yes it’s true we did kiss
Everyone was shocked and all started to talk either saying “ i told you so” or “ how can that be”
Then one of the slytherin’s asked a questions
Blaise: but miss aren't you a gryffindor and mister snape a slytherin
I was disappointed at that statement i hated house rivalries they always went to far
Y/N: yes its true mister Zabini but house should never matter when it come to love
That made the commotion even louder they didn’t think love was involved yet, most likely think this was a new occurrence
Then some one in the class decided to ask a smart question to finally put the pieces together
Hermione: Professor L/N what your relationship with Professor Snape
I gave a smile finally someone had maye notice i never really talked about my relationship unless asked same with severus so getting this question was a little bit exciting to me
Y/N: well miss granger good question my relationship with Professor snape is actually a simple question to answer
I paused for dramatic effect looking at all the anticipated face of the students giving them a sweet smile
Y/N: were actually Husband and Wife
Everyone was shocked giving out surprised gasps at the very thought
Student 1 : no way that can’t be true
Student 2 : why are you married to snape
Student 3: how long have you been married ?
Student 4: unbelievable
I decided to hush the class to explain this was such a big surprise to all of them apparently
Y/N; 1 it is true me and severus have been together for a few years now and quite happily married we’ve known each other since out student days, 2 severus is a very kind person and i would not appreciate you all bad mouthing my husband around me and 3 it very believable
After answering all their question classes resumed and it was finally finished the day went on as normal but you next classes were pretty much the same as the third years asking questions and being very shock at a gryffindor and slytherin were together
Classes were now done and it was time for dinner as you were waiting for dinner to start you waited for Severus but it seemed like he was a bit late, probably marking. But after a few minutes he had finally arrive while dinner was in full swing.
Y/N: hello love how were classes today
He seemed very grumpy probably due to the students constant questions
Severus: no very good student don’t know how to keep questions to them seleves
As he said that i look towards to student seeing them looking at our interactions, and a plan came into my head it could anger him a little bit or maybe help
So i decided while everyone was looking at us and he was talking, to give him a kiss on the cheek and i did
He froze for a sec but then relaxed guess the kiss worked and for a moment he ignore everyone around us and cupped my cheek to give me a quick kiss on the lips
Severus; i love you, i really do my darling wife
I smile at him i was so in love with this man
Y/N: i love you too my darling husband
After that everyone said awwww in the great hall which cause severus to snape out of it and go cold once again i slid my hand under the table to hold his hand to make sure he was okay and he squeezed back telling him he was fine then i brought it to my lips to give it a kiss causing everyone to awww once again
And to this day people say they could have sworn they saw professor snape blush
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yelena-bellova · 1 year
Heartfirst: A Ted Lasso Story - Chapter Ten
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Chapter Ten: Three Characters
Plot: Y/n puts her career at risk to help defend one of the Greyhounds.
Word Count: 4.2k
Warnings: f!reader, language
A/N: This is barely spell checked, full warning.
Quick thanks to all of you for the lovely asks and comments you’ve been dropping. I really had no expectations for this one but I’m really glad people are enjoying it. Hopefully you enjoy this one as well! 💙
Jamie Tartt had a lot of regrets in his life.
He regretted how he’d treated his teammates. How he’d been a prick to good people like Ted. How he’d gone about his relationship with Keeley. His first years in the Premier League were nothing but regrets.
“Come on, Tartt!”
And inviting Y/n to train with him that one morning he’d needed to pee was up there with the worst of them.
She was jogging significantly faster than him, but she had the advantage of not having Roy Kent on a bike tied to her waist.
Y/n ran backwards, showing off purely because she could. She faced Jamie with a smirk.
“Roy,” she called, “How ‘bout subbing me in for the Arsenal match?”
“If you’re faster than him,” Roy called back, “I’ll fucking consider it.”
Jamie grimaced, pushing himself to go faster. Y/n grinned at the effort and turned back around to keep her own pace.
She’d been different since Amsterdam, Jamie had noticed. There was a new levity to her. She was more talkative, she was smiling more, and just all around seemed more…her. The little he had seen of her privately, she seemed more of that.
And while he liked that, he was fucking exhausted by her and Roy teaming up against him.
“March,” Roy shouted for Jamie to run faster. He let out a casual whistle as Richmond locals watched them pass by.
“Good news is, after this,” Y/n called from the front, “Are burpees!”
Jamie groaned under his breath. She was enjoying this way too much.
Among the many changes in Y/n since Amsterdam, she had a new weekly appointment to keep.
“So you don’t know his name,” Y/n recapped the story she’d just been told, “You didn’t sleep with him. You just danced and drank wine and he cooked for you and did your laundry and gave you a foot massage.”
Rebecca nodded, a mouth full of biscuit preventing her from doing any more than humming. They were currently seated on the couch in her office.
Y/n was floored. “Well, if that’s not a movie, I don’t know what is.”
“I’ve never experienced anything like it,” Rebecca cut a hand through the air, “It was…gezellig.”
“You’re gonna have to teach me what that means,” Y/n remarked, taking a sip of her tea, “That’s insane. And you really didn’t exchange names? Nothing?”
“Mm-mm,” Rebecca replied, “It was one of those moments in time that just…stays there. It was perfect.”
Y/n smiled, shaking her head, “Well, it sounds like this gezellig phenomenon’s got its work cut out. Needs to bring the two of you back together.”
Rebecca sighed, “I doubt it. And I think I’m okay with it. Like I said, perfect in its own time.”
“Hey,” Y/n smacked Rebecca’s arm lightly, “Maybe he’s Matchbox Man.”
Rolling her eyes, Rebecca got up to serve herself another cup of tea. “Oh, hush,” she scolded, “I should have never told you that.”
“It’s giving a skeptic a lot to believe in,” Y/n chuckled. She had never thought anything of psychics and now Rebecca was trying to convince her otherwise. “And I wouldn’t have guessed you did either.”
“I didn’t,” the blonde said as she poured, “I don’t. But all these…little things. The details. It’s bloody ridiculous, yes, but…”
“Well, I like the ending part,” Y/n said. The more she got to know her, it became quite easy to picture Rebecca as a mother. But Y/n had decided against paying her that compliment. It clearly meant a lot to her and she was still grappling with the weight of the prediction.
Rebecca collected her thoughts, coming back to the couch. “Enough about me. What’s new with you?”
“Nothing,” Y/n shrugged.
“Oh, I don’t believe that for a second,” Rebecca replied, “You’re happier, you’re relaxed…is there someone you’re not telling me about?”
“Uh, no,” Y/n laughed, shooting down the theory immediately, “Definitely not.”
“So none of the boys have tried anything?” Rebecca asked.
“No,” Y/n answered, “Blissfully. But they’re all pretty decent. I’m not too worried.”
“Oh, don’t let them hear you say that,” Rebecca muttered, “They may be gentlemen, but they’ll jump at any chance they get.”
Y/n laughed, but didn’t miss the way her boss’ eyes ever so briefly seemed to glaze over, lost in a thought.
“There something you wanna tell me?” Y/n asked.
Rebecca purposefully took a sip, forcing silence and innocently shaking her head. It was suspicious enough for Y/n to follow the money.
“They’re all perfectly lovely,” Rebecca smiled.
“Mm-hm,” Y/n smirked, not even trying to buy the denial.
“So, come on,” Rebecca changed the subject, “What is it then? What’s your secret?”
The only person Y/n had confided in about even 1% of her life’s history was Jamie, and that had only been because he understood it. She didn’t want to have to explain her revelations in Amsterdam and the complex backstory that came with them to anyone. But nearly everyone she’d encountered at Nelson Road that week had commented on her change in countenance. She hadn’t realized how obvious she’d been before.
“I think I’ve just…” Y/n sighed, “Settled in. I mean, I’m enjoying being here.”
Rebecca smiled and squeezed Y/n’s arm, “I’m glad. You’re a superb addition.”
Out of the many bosses she’d had, Y/n had never known one as kind as Rebecca. She was glad they’d started spending time together.
Y/n glanced at the clock on the wall, “Better get going.”
“What’s on the agenda today?” Rebecca asked.
“This will be my third attempt at getting footage from training for the socials,” Y/n set her empty teacup on the coffee table and rose, “When I say ‘wish me luck,’ I mean light a candle.”
“Oh no,” Rebecca replied, “What’s prevented you so far?”
Y/n wasn’t sure how to answer. The first day she and the staff photographer had come down to the pitch, the only shots they’d gotten were of various players throwing up or laying in fetal position. The second day consisted of shots where none of the boys looked like they knew what they were doing. Plus, a few action mode captures of Isaac making a corner kick, which Y/n felt needed to be kept for insurance purposes. On top of all of that, Ted had decided to start inviting fans to observe training which made things more tense, knowing that there were spectators watching every move. Y/n wasn’t sure what, or who, she’d find on the pitch that day.
“Well, you wouldn’t tell Van Gogh how to paint,” Y/n stopped at the door and faced Rebecca, “And you wouldn’t tell Ted how to coach.”
Rebecca smiled knowingly, giving Y/n a little ‘good luck’ nod before they both braved their separate days.
Y/n rounded up Gavin, one of the photographers for the club, and headed out to the pitch. Training had already begun and Ted was in the midst of explaining an exercise.
“Hey,” Y/n said softly, greeting Trent who was observing from the railing.
“Hey,” Trent replied.
Y/n took the spot beside him, the two of them had developed an easy rapport. “What do we have today?”
Trent’s mouth opened and shut, unsure of how to describe what Ted had just set up. Rather than try, he simply nodded toward the team.
Y/n took a look at the Greyhounds. They were all clumped together, as usual. What was out of the ordinary were the red strings that seemed to be connecting one player to another, stemming from their…shorts?
“Where’s the string-“ Y/n questioned aloud, before the answer struck her, “Oh.”
Trent rubbed at his lower lip, “Yeah.”
Y/n turned to Gavin, who was waiting for instructions. “You can go ahead and go back in, Gavin, we’re not getting anything today.”
Once he’d been sent off, Y/n went back to watching the team. They moved awkwardly to their positions, never straying too far from one another. When Ted blew his whistle, they became even more clunky, yet still moving with lightning quick reflexes. Driven purely by fear.
Trent and Y/n watched, both of them slightly amused. At some point, Y/n quietly pulled out her phone. It was too memorable a moment to not save for the rest of eternity.
“I may have my journalistic integrity,” Trent leaned in and whispered, pointing to Y/n’s phone, “But that is fantastic blackmail material.”
“Oh, I know,” Y/n chuckled, “Or I’ll just play it when they need to be humbled.”
Cries of pain and panic popped up on different ends of the pitch. So far, they’d avoided the ultimate injury, but it stood to wonder how long they could go before someone-
The pitch fell silent, everyone’s breath stuck in their chests. All eyes fell on Jamie, who didn’t dare to move, his red string missing.
Dani went to his friend, holding fast as Jamie checked to make sure…everything was intact. When he held up a hand to signal things were fine, Dani sighed.
“It’s okay! His penis is okay!”
While everyone let out a breath, Y/n snorted. Not only was it just so mind-numbingly absurd, but she’d gotten the entire thing on camera.
Ted blew his whistle, taking one step forward and tripping on a string connecting two players. Trent and Y/n both covered their faces, trying hard not to laugh.
“Okay, fellas,” Ted called after giving several apologies, “I think we’ve given this about as much of a go as anything else. Let’s take a break, untangle those knots, and we’ll get back out after.”
“So…” Y/n turned to Trent, “What do you think? Full chapter?”
Trent shrugged, “Worth a mention, at least.”
Later in the afternoon, Y/n was in her office when a Twitter alert chimed from her phone. With the Arsenal match two days away, it was likely the Greyhounds would be trending. When she picked up her mobile, she was surprised to find it was Sam who was trending, not Richmond.
Y/n opened the app to find that the tweet Sam had recently made, condemning the handling of Portsmouth Harbor’s refugee situation, had turned into an exchange. The politician he’d mentioned had snapped back and essentially told Sam to shut up and play football. She’d gone so far as to call him mediocre.
Sam. Mediocre.
It made Y/n’s blood boil. How could someone supposed to lead and guide the country stoop to so low a level? And to take it out on someone like Sam? Empathic, earnest, fucking spectacularly talented, Sam?
It wasn’t often that Y/n acted on emotion alone. All decisions in her life were carefully thought out, not a single one made without an ample amount of consideration. But when she opened up the AFC Richmond Twitter account and typed three characters, she did so purely from her heart.
The tweet read: #24
A few hours later, the headlines started to pop up.
AFC Richmond Backs Obisanya in Heated Political Exchange
Obisanya vs. Barot: Richmond Weighs In
Richmond Goes Political: Sam Obisanya’s Team Denounces Brenda Barot
Y/n had never seen something fall apart so fast. She had made a tremendous mistake.
Sat in the seats of the training pitch, the headlines bounced around her head. In a moment of pure insanity, feeling defensive of Sam, she’d managed to make football political. Not only was Sam under fire, but so was AFC Richmond as a whole. How many times had she been taught to avoid situations like this? Every boss she’d ever had had instructed her to stay neutral on anything involving politics. Never mix personal with professional. With one tweet, she’d thrown all teaching to the wayside and essentially blown her career up.
Jamie’s voice broke her out of her spinning thoughts. He was climbing the concrete steps, hands stuck in his sweatshirt pocket.
“Van Damme spotted you filmin’ this morning,” he said, “And the lads appointed me to come and appeal to your humanity, release the video to us.”
Y/n scoffed, “Uh-huh.”
“And I’m afraid,” Jamie scrunched his face and swayed back and forth, “I can’t take no for an answer.”
“I mean, the only person this really affects is you,” Y/n extended a hand out, “Everyone else came off looking pretty damn skilled.”
Jamie scoffed, “‘Scuse you, I wouldn’t pick on you if you were injured.”
“Almost injured,” Y/n rolled her eyes thoroughly, “I have the proof.”
“Bringin’ us back to…” Jamie threw out his hand and wiggled his fingers.
Y/n gave a tight lipped smile, “Yeah, well, I’ll have to turn over all the footage anyway when I’m fired. You’ll be safe then.”
Jamie squinted, “What’re you talkin’ about?”
“Have you seen the headlines?”
The joke was officially over. Jamie walked down the aisle and dropped into the seat beside Y/n. “No,” he replied, waiting until she held up her phone with an article already pulled up, “Oh.”
“Yeah,” she stuffed the device back in her coat pocket.
“But…” Jamie tried to connect the dots, “Why would you get sacked for a tweet?”
“Because I got personal,” Y/n explained, her eyes never leaving the pitch. It was nearing sunset, the whole field was illuminated with a golden glow. “You post something like that on your page, not your employer’s.”
Jamie watched Y/n’s mouth move, still not quite understanding the problem. Not because he lacked the logic to figure it out, but because…was there really a problem?
“Have you seen the pictures from last season?” He asked, “Of Sam and the Dubai Air thing? Us on the pitch with tape over our kits?”
In her extensive research before she’d started, Y/n had come across shots of the team, boycotting Dubai Air. She’d also seen his press conference afterwards, accusing the Nigerian government of corruption. The boys had all stood in solidarity with him.
“Caused a fuckin’ riot,” Jamie continued, “Some people loved us, some people hated us. We’re still here.”
“‘Cause if you mess up or cause a scandal, people forgive you because you’re Jamie Tartt,” Y/n gestured to him, “You’re irreplaceable, I’m expendable. Universities crank out hundreds of me each year, ready to replace the next one who screws up.”
Any other time, Jamie wouldn’t have turned down the chance to spend time on the ‘irreplaceable’ remark. But it was clear Y/n was truly hurting. She really thought she’d ruined things.
“I just,” Y/n rested her head in her hand, “I just couldn’t stand to see that asshole attack Sam like that. He didn’t do anything. I don’t think the man’s committed one sin in his life.”
“Prick,” Jamie joked, trying to get her to smile.
“I just got angry,” Y/n continued, “And I shouldn’t have. Not like that.”
“I really don’t think it’s all that bad,” Jamie replied.
Y/n sighed, shutting her eyes as she leaned back in her seat, “We’ll see what Rebecca says.”
“You’re not goin’ anywhere,” Jamie brushed the mere idea off, “Even if she sacks you, I’d walk out with ya. See how she likes that.”
Y/n chuckled, “Yeah, right.”
“No, I’m serious,” Jamie continued, “Pack up me things, follow you out, refuse to come back till they re-hired ya.”
She shot him a quirked brow.
“Yeah, probably not,” Jamie said, finally earning a proper laugh from Y/n, “But I’d support ya silently.”
“Wow, what a pal,” Y/n remarked.
“Hey,” Jamie nudged her elbow, “You’re gonna be fine.”
Pulling one hand out of his pocket, Jamie slid his arm around the back of Y/n’s chair, offering a hug.
With another match being struck to her boundaries, Y/n leaned in and let Jamie embrace her. She settled her head against his shoulder, absorbing the warmth he radiated and letting herself be comforted…just for a moment. Even if all things fell apart, for a few seconds, everything felt okay.
Her frown returned as Jamie’s hand slid down towards her coat pocket.
“I can feel you trying to take my phone,” she said.
“I’m sorry,” Jamie replied, blindly feeling around and now slipping his other arm around Y/n, “I need that video.”
“Jamie,” Y/n grunted as she twisted to the side, holding her phone out as far as possible.
“I’m sorry,” Jamie was now fully on her and trying to pin her down, “I’m sorry.”
“Jamie!” Y/n cried, as they wrestled one another into the next seat. It was a blessing there was no one around. They were a fucking sight.
It took Y/n a good five minutes to hype herself up enough to knock on Rebecca’s door. She took a few deep breaths, hopped up and down a couple times, before rapping her knuckles on the doorframe.
“Ah,” Rebecca greeted her with a reserved smile, “I was just about to ask you to come up.”
Y/n’s nervous smile dropped, “You were?”
“Yes,” Rebecca gestured to the chair across from hers, “I wanted to speak to you about the current headlines.”
“Rebecca,” Y/n held up both hands, walking quickly across the room, “Before you say anything, let me just say this…I am so incredibly sorry for what I did. It was stupid a-and emotional of me and I had no place posting that from the club’s account. It was unprofessional of me and I absolutely understand if you’d like to call Keeley and ask her to bring in someone else.”
Rebecca let her finish, her expression unreadable as Y/n rambled. It unsettled Y/n more to not know just how much disappointment she was feeling.
“Y/n,” Rebecca raised a hand, “You’re not fired.”
Her brows shot up, “I’m not?”
“Absolutely not,” Rebecca smiled warmly, “Far from it. I wanted to commend you for what you did.”
“My tweet?” Y/n finished.
“How that woman spoke to Sam is repulsive. And there’s many more that are supporting those same thoughts. Sam doesn’t deserve that and we, as a club, stand behind him 100%. Why shouldn’t we do so publicly?”
Y/n’s heart was beginning to beat a little less out of her chest.
“You did nothing wrong,” Rebecca assured, “And don’t you dare think for a second I’d be crazy enough to let you go.”
A force of breath escaped Y/n, the air she didn’t realize she’d been holding onto. She wasn’t used to so much compassion, nor so much personalism embedded in the workplace. It had once bothered her, now it was saving her.
“Thank you,” was all she felt she could say.
“Now,” Rebecca pressed both palms to her desk, “Don’t you have more papers to be pissing off?”
Y/n laughed, turning on her heel and heading for the door. She’d have made it to the hall, if a sudden theory hadn’t railroaded through her mind.
“Oh my gosh,” she spun around, “Was it Sam?”
Rebecca, always so perfectly collected, shot a finger Y/n’s way. “Out.”
Y/n left smiling, both at the discovery and with relief that for the time being, she was safe.
The Arsenal match came around, bringing Richmond another opportunity to break their unlucky streak.
As always, Rebecca, Keeley and Y/n were in the stadium’s suite, waiting in anticipation. Lately, Y/n hadn’t seen much of Keeley, what with Jack absorbing the lion’s share of her time.
Rebecca and Keeley had filled Y/n in on the issue at hand. Jack was apparently “love bombing” her girlfriend, showering her with gifts and grand gestures. Not only was it overwhelming Keeley, but it was tipping the scales unfairly.
“That is a little…extreme,” Y/n admitted, they’d just told her about the overflowing amount of daisies Jack had filled Keeley’s office with.
“Mmm,” Rebecca nodded and swallowed her mouthful of champagne, “At the beginning, Rupert bought me so many tulips for so long, his florist was able to buy a castle.”
Keeley’s face furrowed, “What?”
“I mean, it was in Scunthorpe,” Rebecca shrugged, “But still. A castle.”
“Well, I’m taking Jack out tonight,” Keeley said, “And if she tries to pay, then I will give her-“
“You’ll give her what?” Rebecca smiled.
Keeley paused before smirking, “Just the tip.”
“Okay,” Y/n finished the last of her wine, “I support this, but I’m gonna need to be a lot less sober to hear you talk about our boss like that.”
The women burst into snorts, Keeley clutching onto Y/n’s arm.
“Hello, everyone,” Higgins approached the group with another man in tow.
“Hello, Leslie,” Rebecca greeted.
“May I present-” Higgins began to make introductions, but Rebecca was one step ahead.
“Mr. Obisanya. Rebecca Welton. Lovely to meet you.”
“Likewise,” the man said, shaking her hand, “Samuel has told me so much about you.”
Rebecca’s grin spread a little, “Has he?”
“Yes,” Mr. Obisanya’s tone became more serious, “He has.”
“Cool,” Rebecca’s shoulders jumped up.
Keeley and Y/n watched the interaction plunge right into awkwardness. If Y/n hadn’t been certain in her theory that Sam and Rebecca had once been a thing, this was a grand confirmation.
“Oh, yeah!” Keeley broke the silence, jumping up and down, “Come on, you Greyhounds! Let’s go, Richmond!”
Y/n cheered in addition, trying to make the moment any less uncomfortable.
“I’m Keeley, by the way,” she reached out and took Mr. Obisanya’s hand, “Hi.”
Y/n did the same, “Y/n.”
“Hey,” Sam’s father greeted them, but his eyes drifted back to Rebecca, “Let’s go, Greyhounds.”
As Higgins wisked Mr. Obisanya off, Keeley and Y/n tugged Rebecca along to their seats. The KJPR girls acted as a barrier, sitting on either side of her.
As the boys came out on the pitch, Y/n wondered if all the insane training methods she’d watched over the week would pay off. All the sweat, blood, tears and vomit had to be worth something.
Or nothing
The Greyhounds were slamming into one another, missing each other’s signals, and basically acting like it was their first time on a pitch. When the fifteen minute break came around, it was a relief to have a few minutes off from watching the misery.
While Rebecca and Keeley were away getting another drink, Mr. Obisanya crossed the aisle to sit beside Y/n.
“I wanted to thank you,” he leaned in to be heard over the crowd, “For what you did for my son.”
“Oh,” Y/n was a little surprised he even knew about her blunder. She hadn’t even had the opportunity to talk with Sam about it. “It was nothing. Really.”
“No,” Mr. Obisanya shook his head, “It was not nothing. There are very few willing to stand up against the type of people who attacked him. Who are willing to speak out,” he pointed a finger towards Y/n’s chest, “But you did.”
Y/n wasn’t sure she had grapsed the true weight of what she’d done until then. Sam’s father took her hand between his and squeezed, smiling so very warmly.
When the second half came around, the Greyhounds came back out with more confidence. There was no feasible way for them to beat Arsenal, but there was plenty of time left to go down swinging.
Van Damme prevented a goal and tossed the ball off to Jan, who shot it over to Dixon. Dixon passed it infield to Jamie, who immediately kicked it to Sam, who gave it to Colin. Over and over they passed to one another, beautifully.
Y/n gripped the railing, nearly out of her seat as she watched.
The ball ended back with Jamie and he passed to Isaac. Isaac got it to Dani who brought it right back to Jamie. Bumbercatch received it, sending it to Goodman, and a lightning quick Jamie was in prime position to score a goal. Instead, he faked the other team out and kicked it back to Richard, who nailed the perfect goal.
Rebecca and Keeley sat in shock, but Y/n leapt to her feet, cheering with nothing but pride.
“That was incredible,” she exclaimed, her hands pressed to her lips.
“I don’t even know what happened,” Rebecca cried, breaking into a grin.
The match ended 3-1, Asrsenal, but it didn’t feel like a total loss for Richmond. They were back. Zava-less and proud, they were back.
After overseeing interviews, Y/n hurried down to the Greyhound bus before it left. She needed to talk to-
She turned to see Sam, hastening his steps to catch up to her.
“Hey,” she waved, “Oh my gosh! You guys were amazing!”
“Thank you,” Sam smiled, “I wanted to thank you for what you did.“
“No, no, no,” she shook her head and took hold of Sam’s arms, “You spoke out. That’s what matters.”
“Just the fact that you would do that,” Sam continued, “It meant a lot. I know you probably took some heat for it.”
Y/n chuckled, “Not as much as you’d think.”
“Well, thank you,” Sam extended his arms, unsure of whether it was alright to hug but feeling all the kinship needed for one.
Y/n didn’t hesitate to wrap her arms around Sam’s shoulders.
“I’ll see you Monday,” Sam said as they pulled away from one another.
“See you Monday,” Y/n patted his arm once more before heading back towards the stadium.
Jamie, already sat in the bus, watched out the tinted windows as Sam and Y/n hugged. He’d been glad when she’d come back from her meeting with Rebecca smiling, the two of them passing one another in the hall. He’d even been remorsefully happy when she waved her phone at him, a reminder that the Greyhounds would forever have to be nice to her, lest the Red String incident go public.
Jamie was happy, all around, that Y/n had settled into Richmond.
And he couldn’t figure out why he was the tiniest bit jealous that she’d come down to find Sam and not him.
Heartfirst Taglist: @lalla-04p @optimisticsandwichgladiator @makingmunson94 @taytaylala12 @storysimp @sokkigarden @lightninginab0ttle @poohkie90 @alipap3 @verra-nerevarine @shineforever19 @spaceagechimera @burnafter-reading @qardasngan @cyberpvnk-enthusiast @sogoodtoheritsvicious @buckybarnex @angelsunflxwer @blueanfield @thewildestwonderland @sablecities @oxxolovemelikeyoudooxxo @strawberryacethingz @mentalistfan @tortilla-maria1 @katdahlali @for-fuck-sake-im-alive @glitterquadricorn @jamieolivia27 @imvibin69 @katlizada @lil-tracys @fanaticalfantasist @heyitz-julia @cactajuice @peachyy-tea @notalxx @rockchickrebel @anxiety-prime-max @loveforaugust @jellycolors @actuallybarb @heletsmelovehim @lovinnscarletknight @imfalling-inlove @leslieiscrying @meg-ro
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Hii!! I love your writing so, so much-- it's soo good!! I'm not sure if you're taking requests, but I'll send it anyway :)
What about something where Sebastian and Ominis are fighting, and the reader tries to intervene, but Sebastian just starts fighting with her as well? So she goes on a mission (they were supposed to go together) alone? And he's looking for her and asks Ominis, and he tells him that she's in the hospital wing. And he goes to her and he apologizes?
Thank you so much, and if you don't like the idea, and you don't want to write it, it's perfectly fine!
HELLO. I’VE DONE IT. I… may have gone a titch overboard—I got really invested. Thank you sm for your request. Here it is (if you wanna see a nicer formatted one (italics, etc.) check out my Wattpad it’s on there too!):
Keep Me Honest // Sebastian Sallow x Reader
Word count: 4k+
(All characters aged to 18+ (really just ‘cause, there’s nothing in here that requires it))
“I don’t care that no one got hurt!” Ominis shouts. “You broke your promise, Sebastian.”
You stop in your tracks. You’ve just descended into the Undercroft, ready to meet with Sebastian for a practice session, when you overhear the stirrings of an argument between the two boys you know best. You quickly duck into the shadows, not wishing to interrupt. It wasn't clear to you yet which of their arguments this one was: would it rise to a head and resolve, or would one of them storm off in the heat of the moment and drag the conflict on? You could never tell with these two; both had quite the flair for the dramatic.
“Look,” you hear Sebastian start tersely. “You and I agree that Anne should be able to protect herself. How is this any different?”
“Do you think I woke up yesterday?” Ominis jabs back. “Protecting oneself does not require Unforgivable Curses!”
“Sometimes crucio is all that a goblin will listen to. Anyway, it's already been done, Ominis. What do you expect me to do about it now?”
You knew Anne had been trying to get back on the saddle in terms of spell practice, but you had no idea what all Sebastian had been teaching her during his visits to Feldcroft. You weren't sure how you felt about it, but if Anne had asked him, you supposed it was all right... Ominis did have a tendency to shy away from knowledge that posed any similarity to dark magic. But all the same...
“Promise me that you will never teach Anne another spell that puts her morality in danger. That puts yours in danger, too,” Ominis says.
“I can promise you that I'll not tell you the next time I teach Anne a spell.”
“That's not how we've ever worked, Sebastian, and you know it.”
That was it. Before you know it, you're striding into the torch light to provide some back up. Ominis was right: the three of them had been a team since as long as you had known them. Cutting Ominis out was not the answer; you knew Anne wouldn't stand for it either. As you round the corner, you finally see the scene of the argument.
Ominis was standing ramrod straight, clenching and unclenching his fists, bright red nail marks in his palms. Meanwhile, Sebastian looked erratic as ever, his hair sticking out at all ends from messing with it too much, and his wand held loosely in his hand as he paced back and forth, casting shadows on the wall behind him. When he turns for his next loop, he sees you and halts, his hand tightening on the wand and his eyes wide.
“What are you doing here?” he demands.
Your mouth hangs open, unspeaking, for a few seconds. You don't know what you had expected him to say, but it wasn't that.
“Y/N?” Ominis asks, unmoving.
“Yes, it's me,” you respond. “I got here a few moments ago and... overheard you two arguing.”
Ominis lightly kicks at the ground, agitated.
“Well, if you're here to intervene, don't bother,” he says. “I don't want to hear it. I'm tired of you two galavanting off to who-knows-where to put yourselves in danger despite my warnings, and I'm even more tired of you coming to Sebastian's defense no matter the transgression.”
“Actually, I... wanted to second your wish, Ominis.”
Ominis's jaw drops slightly; he clearly hadn't been expecting your support. Sebastian, on the other hand, looks mutinous.
“Seb,” you start, “I know you want Anne to be safe--we all do!--but going behind our backs isn't the way to do it. Particularly Ominis's.”
“When he refuses to be reasonable,” Sebastian starts, shaking his head, “what choice do I have?”
“Did Anne come to you with the wish to learn Crucio, though?” you push.
“Why does it matter whose idea it was? She seemed happy to learn it!”
“You know she does all she can to please you,” Ominis cuts in.
“So what?” Sebastian responds. “You think I manipulated her--accidentally? How is that even possible?”
“No one's saying you manipulated Anne, Seb—”
“Stop calling me 'Seb'!”
This time, you really weren't expecting him to say that. Your face flushes, and you take a step back. Perhaps you had misread this situation--this friendship, you think. You thought you and Sebastian had grown infinitely closer this last year... that he wanted to tell you everything the same way you did him. That fluttery feeling you'd gotten every time you received a piece of exciting news lately because it meant you'd get to tell Sebastian--it feels empty and silly now. How could you have not noticed until now?--that this feeling hadn't been reciprocated.
You take a deep breath, watching Sebastian white-knuckle the wand in his hand. Willow wood.
“I'm not one of you guys,” you start. “I know that. But Ominis is your family as much as Anne. You owe it to him to be honest.”
You see Ominis's face soften in understanding, his mouth still set in a grim frown. Sebastian, however, tenses his jaw and finally looks at you.
“You're right,” he says. “You're not one of us. So stop butting in where you're not wanted.”
“Fine! I won't,” you say, turning on your heel and all but stomping out of the Undercroft, throwing the door open and not bothering to shut it behind you.
“‘Fine, I won't?’” you mutter to yourself. “Couldn't have thought of something with a bit more finality?”
You feel hot pricks behind the backs of your eyes, and you shove the heels of your palms against your eyelids, shoving the tears back. You wouldn't cry. Not for this. Not when you still had work to do. You'd almost forgotten in the heat of the discussion that this particular training session was only the prelude to another task of yours and Sebastian's.
One thing Ominis had gotten right was the fact that the two of you did often get up to a bit more trouble than you’d bargained for. That being said, the trouble would come no matter what the two of you did, so you figured it was best to go it together, at the end of the day. Now you could hardly imagine back to only a few months ago, when exploring on your own was the norm. You supposed that was about where you were now, though. You could reach out to someone else, but you thought the solitude might do you some good. Perhaps it was time to retrain your independent side.
It wasn't really all that dangerous, anyway. All you had to do was take out a bandit camp, a bit northeast of the Forbidden Forest, that had been causing some trouble for residents of the Hogsmeade Valley. You had hoped that tonight could be the night you introduced Sebastian to Merlin trials, though that didn't appear to be possible anymore.
You run the rest of the way through the hallway and through the main doors into the crisp fall air. You inhale deeply, the smell of damp leaves, dirt, and fresh grass comforting to you. Looking around you once to make sure no prefects were outside to see you, you summon your broom to you and mount it, before bursting off the ground and into the sky. You've come to know Hogwarts enough to not need a recalibrating pause in order to know where you were going--North, South, to the Forbidden Forest, or Hogsmeade, or Feldcroft...
You shake your head, willing the glum thoughts away, and squint to see better in the actively darkening sky. The most recent modifications that Albie Weekes made to your broom are nice, and you feel yourself cutting through the air more cleanly than you ever have. Already, the Forbidden Forest looms up on your left, and you bank right and begin to slow down, searching the ground below. A calm, clear stream runs lazily through the grasses, and you see a figure on its bank. You slow to a stop, watching from a distance still, and the figure stands up from the water and begins to walk back into a patch of trees.
That's gotta be it, you think. You fly closer to the ground but remain on your broom, drifting slowly and steadily through some of the taller grasses to stay as hidden as possible. You see a warm orange glow through the branches of the crop of trees and hear voices on the other side of the thicket. You pull your wand out and are about to dismount, when a blast knocks you off your boom.
The broom is ripped out of your hand, but you keep your wand grip tight as you catch air. Praying that you'll fall in grass or the water or anywhere but a jagged rock, you pull your knees up and make yourself into a ball just before crashing onto the ground. Cold water floods your senses, and you feel your robes instantly soak. You stand up as quickly as you can, slipping in the mud and adjusting your hat so you can see. What you see in front of you makes your blood run colder than the water streaming below you.
Bandits. At least a dozen of them, and a few more apparate into the group as you watch. One of them must have seen you coming, and their spell drew the rest.
“Damnit!” you swear under your breath, and a masked bandit near the front of the group laughs.
“You thought you could sneak up on us all alone, little girl?”
Little girl? You seethe.
“It's not like I haven't singlehandedly taken out camps of your bandits before.”
“Bold words for someone who's just been dismounted.”
“I prefer fighting on the ground, anyway.”
“Is that so?”
With a slight flick of his wrist, the bandit shoots a basic cast at you, and you barely throw up a protego in time to deflect it. You try to follow up with a stunning blast, but the bandit easily deflects it. Taking this as their cue to start engaging, the rest of the bandits begin hurling curses and fire in your direction. You can't get a spell in edgewise. You fumble in your bag for a mandrake and whip it in their direction, wincing against the muffled sound of its cries. Though they've scattered slightly, slowly trying to form what you fear is a circle around you, most of the bandits are affected by its screams, hunching down to cover their ears with as much fabric of their cloaks as possible.
“Bombarda!” you yell, aiming at the largest group of bandits you see. The spell lands cleanly, and dirt and rocks explode, sending the bandits stumbling and falling over themselves. You then disarm two of the bandits closest to you before summoning your broom. You don't want to flee, but you need to get away from the trap you've tripped and restart your approach somehow. As your broom, slightly splintery but still very much intact, flies to you, you spot another bandit mounting their own broom. You throw your leg over the wood and leap off the ground as quickly as you can, kicking a bandit in the face as you do so.
You hear them swear colorfully as you accelerate in a random direction. You refuse to flee back to Hogwarts, but you don’t know where to go that’s safe. You look over your shoulder to see not one, but three bandits flying into a V-formation behind you. The odds of losing all three of them were quickly dwindling, and you could feel now that your robes were slowing you down. The cold air was biting your hands as they gripped your broom, and the fabric sagging off your frame threatened to harden with frost.
Swearing, you shoot down into the trees of the Forbidden Forest, dipping below the canopy line but staying well above the ground. You don’t want to lose the bandits just to find yourself face-to-face with a troll. You can hear the whistle of the wind behind you, signaling the presence of the three following you. As you zig-zag around trees, you think you can hear them panting--with effort or with thrill for the chase? You hope for the former.
You then hear a SMACK! followed by a string of yelling. One bandit down, you think, but don’t dare to look back and confirm. And the end of the tree line is already in sight... so close to the castle.
As you break through the treeline, you feel a slash of pain on your back, crying out as you feel the skin tear as if under the crack of a whip. Your grip on your broom loosens involuntarily, and your vision blurs with tears, even as you see the lights of the castle up ahead. You will your broom to go faster, faster, almost there, you bank on the hope that a prefect or professor or someone will be out on the grounds when you arrive, otherwise there's no stopping the bandits from finishing you off in the front gardens.
You look over your shoulder to see just that one bandit--the other got left behind, you suppose--but he's wearing a wicked grin. As you both rise over the outermost wall of the castle, the bandit is stopped by an invisible barrier, but you hear him throw out one last spell before you make it through the first gate:
“Depulso!” he shouts, and you are thrown from your broom, blown forward and unable to hold on tight enough. Your back, still bleeding, sears in pain from the pressure of the spell, and you tumble through the air, hearing the laughter of the bandit behind you. You can't find the strength in your limbs to form into a protective ball again, and as the ground looms up beneath you, all you can do is shut your eyes.
“Where is she?”
Ominis sighs.
“She wouldn’t be in the Slytherin common room, now would she, Sebastian?”
“How do you know who I’m talking about? I could be asking about a Slytherin,” Sebastian protests.
“Who else would you be talking about?” Ominis retorts.
Sebastian clears his throat.
“And why are you looking for her at this hour?” Ominis asks.
“Ominis, it’s 2 o’clock in the afternoon. And… we were supposed to go on a mission together last night, but—”
“But you broke her heart and sent her into certain danger by herself?”
“Merlin, Ominis, when you put it like that—”
“That is what happened, Sebastian.” Ominis sets down the scroll he was fidgeting with. “You’re lucky I didn’t run off into danger, myself. I must admit, you made it tempting, but thankfully I’m a bit more level-headed than our Ravenclaw friend.”
Sebastian runs a hand through his hair; his wand feels slippery in his palm.
“You don’t think she actually went off without me, do you?”
Ominis can’t hold back a snort at this.
“What do you think?”
Your body has never felt more stiff.
You wake up with a crick in your neck and soon discover it’s from sleeping at an odd angle due to the rough bandages spanning the length of your back. A bitter taste sits at the back of your throat, and your head is throbbing. You feel for a moment that you may be sick, but a few deep breaths through your mouth settle you.
A slow scan of the room lets you know that you’re in the hospital wing. Huh, you think, not remembering being brought here. What was the last thing you remember?
A flash of red, dirt, blood, the cobblestone rising up to meet you—
You wince, turning to see a glass of water on the table next to you. You start to reach over to grab it, and it’s only then that you realize your arm is in a sling. Your wand arm.
“Miss Y/L/N!” you hear the nurse from behind you, and sure enough, she walks up to you, a frown on her face. “You will not use that language in my hospital wing.”
“I’m sorry. But could you please help me with that glass of water?” you ask, holding out your other hand. “I can’t reach it.”
You feel pathetic—unable to finish a mission on your own, unable to heal yourself, unable to lift a glass of water for Merlin’s sake. Hot tears threaten to show themselves again, and you bite your bottom lip—hard—to stave them off.
She passes the glass to you, and you raise it to your mouth. It’s still cold, and you feel it fill your stomach and ease your nausea. You close your eyes and take a deep breath.
“Thank you,” you say.
“Mhm. Now, I’m not going to ask you how you came to be rushed into my wing, all battered and bruised, with a broken broom, no less—and at the ripe hour of three in the morning!—but I am going to tell you to not do it again. You’ll take a bit to recover; some injuries can’t be undone with the flourish of a wand, you know. You’d do well to remember that.”
Throughout her speech, you felt your face growing hot, and you didn’t know if it was from indignation or embarrassment. You hold your tongue, though, and watch as she flounces away, off to get some Wiggenweld potion, or patronize some more students, or what have you.
Now you were left with nothing but your thoughts… and the almost empty glass of water. What had gone wrong? You couldn’t believe how quickly the previous evening had turned to disaster. You typically kept such a cool head during combat—and allowing a bandit to sneak up on you was unheard of. You know Professor Fig would reassure you that the fact that it had only happened once was an accomplishment, but you expect a level of performance from yourself that exceeds simple assurances. Had going without Sebastian truly thrown you that off your game?
Frustration—at Sebastian or at yourself, you didn’t know—bubbles up inside you, and you wish you could just stand up and walk out of there. You hate being stuck—feeling stuck. Your relationship with Sebastian hadn’t felt stuck at all until last night. Sebastian helped you feel free, capable, clever, brave even. Were you not those things without him? Or did he just help you unlock those parts of yourself? You know it’s the latter, but you still wish you could continue to share those moments with him.
Despite the argument in the Undercroft, you find yourself wishing you could see Sebastian—just try to make him hear you out one more time. And if he really never wants to see you again, then that’s fine. The last year of friendship could mean nothing to him, if that’s what he decides, but you know you would fight.
As you’re steeling yourself to wait it out and perhaps imagining hypothetical scenarios in your head, you hear that very same Slytherin’s voice from outside the wing.
“Let me in, Peeves.”
Your skin starts tingling, and your heart racing. You really didn’t think the time to talk would come so soon. You gulp and look around; none of the other students seem to be paying much mind to the ruckus on the other side of the door.
You hear Peeves blow a raspberry.
“What’s the password?”
“Eat my shorts.”
“Nope! Not even close. Man, you Slytherins really aren’t that clever, are you?”
“Peeves, I’ll curse you if you don’t get out of my way.”
“Oh yeah, and why do you need to get in there so badly? A certain Ravenclaw need your attention?”
Your eyes go wide; you look around frantically and see that some of the students have started to pay attention to the ongoing debate.
“I bet she could guess the password,” Peeves continues.
“Peeves, I swear, I will sic the Bloody Baron on you,” Sebastian responds.
“Ha! Like you have any pull with him.”
The conversation goes quiet, but you hear muffled speaking—Sebastian’s voice. The other students in bed are indiscreetly leaning towards the door as well, trying to catch a phrase or two, when suddenly it bangs open. Sebastian stands in the doorway, looking a mess: his hair is in his eyes, and his robes are askew. His left shoe is even untied. He takes in the room, squinting his eyes when he notices his eavesdroppers, finally landing on you. His whole face changes, the lines disappearing and his eyes brightening, as he strides to your bed and grasps your hand in his.
“Thank Merlin you’re all right. I was afraid I wouldn’t find you in one piece.”
“What?” you start, indignant despite yourself. “You think I couldn’t handle going out alone?”
His eyes harden slightly, and he lets go of your hand.
“What? No, I just heard from Ominis—after much prying, might I add—that you had been rushed to the hospital wing in the small hours of the morning.”
“Oh,” you respond weakly. “Yeah, that makes sense.”
“So I was worried,” he says flatly.
You could cry—he had come in exactly how you pictured he would if you could have your way. And then you ruined it.
You sighed.
“But I could go, if you’d prefer,” Sebastian starts.
“No!” you gasp, grabbing his hand back. “No. Please. I’m—I am… embarrassingly happy to see you.”
He smiles, his eyes softening again. You were vaguely aware of the eyes and ears on you both—here in the middle of the hospital wing—but you didn’t care. Not with Sebastian here, looking at you like that.
“So—” you start.
“Listen—” he starts at the same time.
You both laugh.
“You first,” he says. “You first, please.”
You swallow dryly.
“You, um… I—” you take a deep breath. “I wanted to apologize, for being reckless last night, and for crossing a line or not respecting a boundary of our relationship, I just…”
You pause, but the earnest, open look Sebastian is giving you propels you forward before you can stop it.
“I just want to tell you everything, always. I want to share just about every experience with you. And if that’s weird, that’s weird, and I’ll stop trying to do that, and… And I’ll certainly not expect that of you… but… Well I know what you said last night, actually, so I’ll assume that’s not wanted, either, so. Actually… yeah.”
While you were stumbling through whatever that confession was, Sebastian’s face was taking on an expression you hadn’t seen before. You weren’t sure if it was melancholy or joy, or trepidation. When it’s clear that you’ve said your last filler word in an effort to prolong his response time, he grins.
“Please, never listen to a word I say ever again,” he says, releasing your hand to cup your face in his hands. “You are the best person—the best thing to happen to me.”
You feel the lines in your face release, and you reach up to hold his wrist.
“You keep me honest,” he continues, “and I think I sometimes hate that. But I’ll work on it—I am working on it. I lashed out last night, and that’s not okay. I’d maybe hope that if we get into an argument again, you won’t go and get yourself diffindo-ed, of course…”
“Yeah yeah,” you laugh, rolling your eyes.
“Really, though. I mean it. Because I’ll be with you next time. And the time after that. And the next one…”
“But then we’re done,” you interject.
“Yeah, all right,” he laughs, lightly punching your shoulder.
“OW!” you yell, gaining back the attention of those in the room who had finally diverted it.
Panic immediately sets in on Sebastian’s face, and he’s about to fall over in his haste to get the nurse, when you start laughing.
“Merlin, Seb,” you say. “Learn to take a joke.”
“I’ll kill you first,” he says, smirking.
“You got any classes today?” you ask.
“Not ‘till Astronomy this evening.”
You scoot over on the bed and pat the space beside you, the question on your face. Sebastian pretends to look around for the nurse in secrecy before gently climbing in beside you. Both of you feel the release of relief settle over you, and you let your head drop onto his shoulder.
“What was it you said to Peeves that convinced him to let you in, anyway?”
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We'll heal together: Chapter Three 1/2
Young Blood Noah Kahan
Peter Pettigrew x Reader (Platonic) / Sirius Black x Reader (Ambiguous-Past) / Remus Lupin x Reader (Ambiguous) / James Potter x Reader (Platonic)
Summary: Filler fluff featuring Remus, Harry, and a Patronus Charm
Cw: Use of {Y/N}, Dementor Attack, non-explicit and non-sexual nudity (please reach out if I missed something}
Wc- 1300
“Are you sure about this Harry? This is very advanced magic. Many witches and Wizards are unable to summon them even into their late years. Some never do.” Lupin mused from the top of the stairs, walking down to meet him.
“I’m sure.” Harry nodded, standing up taller as if to make himself seem more confident. “I am.”
“Well, everything is prepared.” Lupin mused, walking past him to sit atop a chest and looking up at the boy. 
“Now, what I am about to show you is called a Patronus Charm. Do not feel discouraged if you are unable to summon one immediately.” The professor continued, “You hear me, right Harry?”
Harry nodded firm, changing the grip on his wand. Lupin stood and walked over to stand beside him. “Now, close your eyes.”
“Professor?” Harry looked at Lupin strangely and Lupin shook his head. “Trust me, close them.” He mused and the boy listened, slowly closing his eyes.
“Now, raise your wand and think of your happiest memories, Concentrate. In order for it to work, you must think of a memory. And not just any. This memory needs to be one that brings you joy, peace, warmth. A Memory to spell away any darkness.” Lupin rattled on and walked over to the chest as Harry nodded, eyes opening. “Got something? Good. Let it fill you up. Lose yourself in it. Then speak the incantation,”
“Expecto Patronum.” Harry finished and Lupin smiled. “Ready?”
“Ready.” He nodded and Lupin took a breath.
“Concentrate, Harry. Concentrate...“ He urged before he suddenly yanked open the chest top. Shadows spilled from the chest, the darkness seemed to climb up the very walls to lean haughtily over Harry. The Dementor looked particularly horrific.
“Expecto… Patronum…!” He shouts and flicks his wrist, The spell fails, again, he shouted, only for a candle by his side to lose its flame. Harry felt the darkness slowly encase him. Still, he shouted. He shouted until his body grew tired and limp, until he fell to the ground and his breath left his lungs.
“Harry! Harry, here.” Lupin woke the boy and Harry leaned into his side. Remus felt his breath stop for a moment, as Harry tried to raise himself with Remus’s support.
He had experienced that once before, when he was merely a tot, leaning against his uncle Moony to try and climb up to his mother across the room. His lips thinned as Harry walked across the room, sitting down on the steps, away from the box like it physically ailed him. “I think I need a break.”
“Take your time. Here, eat this.” Lupin mused as he walked over and pulled some Chocolate from his pockets. He handed it over and Harry muttered a thanks before he took a bite.
“.. Something else is on your mind, isn't it? Hard to focus on the Charm?”
“I-” Harry paused as he remembered, he shouldn't know that information, he definitely shouldn't let Lupin know he knew of his Godfather and Godmother. He would have to explain how he found out, how he knew, and then explain why he couldn't get it out of his head. Certainly not long enough for him to think of anything happy enough to summon a patronus.
Lupin had found himself staring at Harry as he waited patiently for the child to continue. A part of him felt guilty. The way his head was downcast, the sharp edges of his nose and his hair hanging over his eyes. Without them, he could only see James. The man who should be standing where he was, teaching his son what he was, sharing the moment that he was. He knew if Lily could hear his thoughts he’d be torn a new one, if James heard them he’d surely cry. If {Y/N} heard them she’d probably give him those bright eyes, silent and patient, let him weep into her shoulder as she always did. Not a word exchanged between the two. No reassurance, no empty promises, just two humans in their rawest forms offering each other as support. He missed them.
“Professor?” Harry mused and looked up at Lupin. That snapped him from his thoughts. Lupin kneeled down beside Harry, taking the floor at his feet. “Yes, Harry?”
“What do you think of?” He asked curiously, and Lupin pursed his lips. 
“My happiest memory?”
“Yes.” Harry breathed, looking just past Remus’s shoulder.
“Well. It's rather complicated.”
“Is it?”
“It is… But, it's about me, your father, and a few of… the people we once knew. People I should not care for.”
The sun slipped into the Shrieking shack early that morning. Remus was laying on his side, arms wrapped around a small and fluffy bundle. He hadn't slept that well in years during the full moon, and not a single new scar in sight. 
He slowly looked around. He had his bare back against a large beast, turning to see it was a stag, James, laying back to back with him. On James, was a large black dog and a plump rat, that brought a smile to Remus’s face instantly. They were here, and they were fine. He looked down into his arms and was greeted by the sight of a small silver fox, nose to his chest and long fluffy tail over her muzzle.
He felt safe, warm, and loved. He hasn't felt so loved, He couldn't help it, letting out a chuckle, slipping into a small sob. This woke the fox, who snapped its head up, hurrying to her feet and whipping her head around every direction. Remus sniffled and began to chuckle louder, making his sobs strangle him a bit, waking everyone else.
You turned to face Remus and he swore he could hear you squeak a sound of distress. He sat up fully and you ran towards him once more, mid run turning back to yourself and holding his cheeks to try and comfort him. He leaned down to bury his head into your neck, arms around your waist and sobbed. You rubbed his back, nose to his temple as the boys began to morph back into their normal forms.
James let out what sounded to be the war cry of a dying, well, stag, as he stretched out his body limb to limb. “Merlin, that will take some getting used to.” He mumbled and turned to face Mooning and he quickly hurried over to kneel by him and ruffled his hair. “You alright mate?” He fretted. James and You shared a look and you simply nodded. James hummed and looked down before his face slowly turned a soft pink. His head snapped away and you tilted your own.
That was, until you realized, all of you were at a certain level of undress. The final level really, you would have won, if being naked was the goal. You looked at the other boys and Peter had his back to you with red ears, hurrying to get dressed, James grabbed his robe and tossed it over you two as he slipped on his pants and practically shoved himself into you and Remus’s lap. You gave a choked laugh as Remus slowly grew silent, his laughter coming through more than his sobs. Sirius rolled his eyes before he hurried over and wrapped his arms around Remus’s shoulders from behind and made himself comfortable. Peter eventually turned around fully dressed.
He looked the group over and shrugged before he walked over to your side and reached over to hug the slightly shaking boy. 
Remus never felt so loved.
“It was the day I realized that no matter what happened, I would give my life for my friends.” Remus declared and smiled at Harry who stared at him curiously before he slowly smiled back, nodding. “I see.”
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arsemial · 10 months
Hello!! Can I request a slightly mean dom male reader with sub Akutagawa please :)
Take your time!!
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This was my first request. I was really happy. Thank you baby <3
seme male reader × sub bottom akutagawa
(Sorry for the spelling mistakes)
First of all, in all the articles I have read so far, Akutugawa has been written as angry, disobedient and rude. But I think this is only valid until you gain his trust. Even though the painful memories he experiences force him to be such a person, he is a kind-hearted person towards his loved ones. No one can deny this.
Honestly, once Akutagawa falls in love with you, his behavior will completely change. Congratulations, you now have a puppy that follows you around and tries to bite when someone tries to approach you.
There is no one in Akutagawa's life who cares about him and tries to protect him, except Gin, and he longs to see the light. Even your smallest cold look will be enough to upset him. But it's not enough to leave you. Even if you are a rude person who breaks his heart or even if you leave him and move on to a new life, he will continue to follow you like a shadow.
I don't care what others think. In my opinion, Akutagawa is a baby who always needs attention. You should praise him. Baby, please praise him non-stop. Then there will be nothing he can't do for you.
He can also endure humiliations. As long as he knows you're not serious, he'll let you have fun with his however you want.
"You again? When will you stop following me everywhere I go? Or are you still obsessed with me? Can't you get over me leaving the port mafia and joining the agency?" The question you asked with a grin was enough to make Akutagawa even more angry.
You waited as Rashomon attacked you once again, knowing it wouldn't be fatal. He was surprised that you waited without doing anything. He withdrew his unanswered attack before it could reach you. There was no need to fight if you weren't going to fight back.
"You're too injured to even fight back. But you still can't shut up."
"Why can't you just get the fuck out of me for once? I can't even die in peace, thanks to you."
You felt your consciousness fade away as Akutagawa approached you. The Guild's sudden raid left you seriously injured. They thought you were alone and attacked you, but they forgot about your ex who always kept following you. This led to the death of everyone there. When it came to protecting the ones he loved, no one could stand against Akutagawa.
"I saved your life. Is this how you respond? You're really rude, Y/N."
"How would you like me to thank you?"
"I will tell you this when I get better"
"Only two months, so you've turned into a disobedient asshole in just two months. I need to re-teach you to obey me, Aku"
Akutagawa whines, involuntarily moving his body closer to yours to leave more marks on his pale skin. The wetness of your tongue and the warmth of your mouth... You grab his nipples and continue to play with them. Completely naked on the bed, he bites his hand to suppress his moans.
You had been apart for two months and your well-behaved baby had tried so hard not to touch himself as you commanded, but now, almost like the first day, his tight hole was enough to drive you both crazy.
he wraps his arms around his neck. He's doing everything he can to pull you closer, like it's even possible.
"Don't try to suppress your moans. I love hearing them, you know that right? I love it when the manager of the port mafia moans like a whore under me. Akutagawa, who trembles with fear in front of everyone, cries so cutely under me" his hole tightens around you. Every word you say brings his closer to hia orgasm.
As your grip on my waist tightened, you started to move with an even harder rhythm. Your beautiful baby was trying so hard to be quiet and you were trying hard to break that silence.
"It's probably the hundredth time we've done this and you're still embarrassed to even moan, good boy." His body tightens as soon as you hear his praises, making you smile.
"Ahh Y/N" his hole is squeezing you
His knuckles turn white as he contracts around the sheets of the bed, his head arching forward as his body thrusts forward with each hard thrust of his cock. "Ahh ahh I'm cumming. Please Y/N, I'm cumming."
"Already? It's still early though. Or has my little baby missed me so much that my slightest touch makes him come" You giggle and pull back to reveal the tears that are constantly flowing down your cheeks.
"Please, please, please..." he continues to beg as her tremors increase with each second. The moment when Akutagawa is most submissive is when he comes closest to orgasm, and you know very well how to use it.
"I asked you a question, Ryu. Answer me." He swallows as your hands move towards his stomach, tenderly caressing the lines of his slim waist.
" Yes, I did, damn it! Y/N, I really missed you. No one can fuck me like you. No one can make me like this except you. " You smile, running your fingers through Akutagawa's hair and pulling back hard, causing him to let out a high-pitched mewl.
"That's right, stupid whore, now you don't cum until I cum, you understand, right? " When your hard gaze meets his, he nods, afraid of disappointing you.
"No - no no no, I can't stand it" he shouts, amidst his desperate screams, as he accelerates his hips.
" You can do it, Ryu. My submissive baby obeys his master," Akutagawa's willpower slowly wanes as one hand curls towards his neglected cock. When he starts to speed up his hand based on the timing of his strokes, he scratches his back hard enough to make it bleed. The simultaneous stimulation was too much for Akutagawa.
"Y/N it hurts please, please, I can't, stop! Ahhh!" When he started squirting between your fingers, he was squeezing himself so hard that you couldn't hold back. He didn't care how loud your voice was as you came inside him and he came down on his belly.
While he finally calmed down a bit, he didn't know if what he was doing was disobedience or not. He looked at you with fear. It was a relief for him to see his compassionate expression instead of the harsh gaze he had been encountering for a long time.
You reached up to his lips and pulled him into a deep kiss. He wasn't the only one who missed it.
"Do you want to be my boyfriend again, Ryu?"
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f1goat · 5 months
more than friends ; lando norris + part twelve
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In which your best friend is going to help you to gain more sexual experience and say goodbye to your insecurities, but he's quick to discover that he never wants to share you and your new experiences with others - the only problem being, him having to confess his feelings.
masterlist - playlist
fem!y/n x lando norris
warnings: smut with a plot. minors dni! probably grammar or spelling errors due to english not being my first language.
requested: yes, based on this request: something with a driver sister that’s still a virgin & lando (her bestfriend) suggests to teach her things
part one / part two / part three / part four / part five / part six / part seven / part eight / part nine / part ten / part eleven
“Fuck.” Lando can’t hold back this time. The word leave his mouth before he can think about it. He wants to intervene, but he knows he can’t. If it was up to him, he would drag you away and fuck you until you can’t even spell Pierre anymore, but that’s not something he can do. At least, not anymore. He fucked it up. 
Oscar sends him a pitiful look, but doesn’t say anything. His teammate knows that something has changed between Lando and you, but he doesn’t know what. Oscar wishes he knew, he feels like he needs to help the two of you before everything is broken. He keeps looking at Lando, waiting for him to snap and to say something, but nothing happens. All of Lando his focus is on you - and on Pierre who’s dancing with you. 
Lando sighs. He wants to cry. If he thinks about what happened long enough, then maybe he’ll cry for real. He feels the gaze of Oscar his eyes burning on his back. Maybe he should talk with his teammate. Maybe Oscar can help? He doubts it, but there are no other options. Maybe Oscar is his last hope. When he turns himself to Oscar, the boy is already waiting for him to speak up. 
“I think I lost her,” Lando stammers. He has never said words like this before, never have words felt this painful to say out loud, it breaks him down even further. 
“What happened?” Oscar asks. 
“I fucked it up,” Lando sighs. 
“Lan?” “Yeah?”
“I uh, I was wondering how this will continue between us?” You ask a bit careful, “I mean are we going to continue to have sex or are we going back to how things where? It feels like you’ve learned me quite a lot and I don’t know what will happen now, you know?” The words are coming out like a mess, you can only hope that Lando understands what you mean. Maybe this is your coward way of asking Lando if he wants to make things different. 
Lando doesn’t know what to say. He realizes that this is the moment to come clean about his feelings for you, but he doesn’t. “Uh, we can continue like this?” He suggests at first. 
“But what will happen then?” You ask, “How will it affect our friendship?”
“The same as now, right?” Lando doesn’t know where you’re going with the questions. 
“But we can’t always stay friends who fuck, right?” You question. An annoyed feeling creeps up. Why doesn’t Lando understand your deeper meaning? 
“There are plenty people who do so, it’s called friends with benefits,” Lando informs you. He almost slaps himself for telling it so casual, why isn’t he confessing about his feelings? Why can’t he find the right words and tell you? 
“I know what that is,” you sigh, “but do you want that for us? What will happen if you meet another girl? Or if you’re done with me? I mean it feels like some sort of endless situation which will only slow us down at one point. What if our friendship gets in the way?”
Lando tries to follow all the questions, but he doesn’t know if every one of them actually got into his mind. It feels like it’s all too much. What are you saying? Why are you talking about him with another girl? Does that mean you want to search for a boyfriend yourself? In some weird way he convinces himself that it must mean that you want a boyfriend - someone else then him. 
“You can just say so if you want a boyfriend and want to stop this with me,” he eventually snickers to you. 
You show Lando a confused look. “That’s not what I’m saying?” You react surprised.
“No, but it is what you actually mean with your words, isn’t it?” Lando continues. He feels himself getting frustrated. Why did he even have hope that things would end different? Suddenly he’s glad that he didn’t confess his feelings, you would have turned him down anyway. 
“Lan, that’s bullshit,” you reply a bit annoyed, “I’m just saying that this is an hopeless situation. I need some clearance.” 
“Okay, here is your clarity,” Lando spits the words out, “We’re not fucking anymore, we’re just friends and you can find yourself some boyfriend to fuck with.” His voice gets louder with every word he says. What he doesn’t notice until it’s too late, is the way you look at him. Tears are rolling over your cheeks. 
“If that’s what you want,” you softly mutter, “then that’s fine.”
Lando doesn’t think before he talks. He speaks up with only angry and frustrated feelings inside of him to do the thinking right now. “Apparently it’s what you want,” he states angrily. 
“I uh, I need some time for myself,” you softly say, barely being able to hold back your cries. “I’ll see you later in the club.”
With those words you walk away from Lando. He watches you leave. It almost feels like some stupid movie scene. Lando watches how you walk away from him, dressed in a beautiful dress - that was already starring in his plans for when the two of you came back to the hotel room tonight. He feels a small tear rolling down on his cheek. Why did you leave? No, he can’t ask himself a question as stupid as that. You left because he accused you of the most stupid shit, just because he was too afraid to tell you about his feelings. Again. Fuck, he should have told you. He thinks about running after you, but when he opens the door he notices that you’re already gone. 
He wonders how you’re going to the club, since you told him that you’d see him there. How are you going to get there in a strange country where you don’t know anyone expect a few drivers? Lando sighs. He starts to worry about you. Hurriedly he changes his outfit and makes himself ready to also head to the club. He needs to make things right. 
“Fuck man,” Oscar sighs, “That’s so fucking stupid.”
“I know,” Lando confesses, “I don’t know what I was thinking.. Fuck. How am I going to fix this?”
Oscar doesn’t respond at first. It gives Lando the time to take another look at you again. You’re still dancing with Pierre. The Alpine driver is almost pressed against your body, Lando feels himself getting angry. Why him? You have been with Pierre since Lando saw you again. The looks you send him when he tried to approach you said enough. You’re not in the mood to talk with him. 
“Just confess mate,” Oscar eventually says, “You can’t make things worse right? Just explain everything to her.” 
“No buts,” Oscar interrupts, “just be honest with her.” 
Lando sighs. He can’t look away from you. He notices the way Pierre moves his head to get closer to your neck so he can press his lips against it. Lando hopes his marks are still somewhere on your body. Fuck, that seems really territorial, but he can’t blame himself for thinking like this. 
“Lando, go to her,” Oscar states again, “Staring and acting like some mad caveman won’t help you.” 
He sees Pierre moving again. This time holding you closely in front of himself. It looks like he wants to kiss you. Is he going to try to kiss you? Fuck. Lando wants to do many things. Walk away and stop watching so he can’t see it happen or walking as fast as he can towards you and pull you away from Pierre. When he continues to watch, he notices that you finally seek eye contact with him. Then he notices your look. Are you asking him for help? It seems like you’re really uncomfortable. Or is he just imagining things to make this better for himself? 
Lando stops thinking. He almost sprints towards you and Pierre, leaving Oscar by himself while doing so. When he’s standing in front of you, he still doesn’t think about his next movements. Lando grabs your wrist, pulls you towards himself and tries to walk away with you. 
“What the fuck are you doing?” You ask him. 
“Mate fuck off,” Pierre sneers, “you’ve had your chance.” 
“Lando, you can’t just drag me away from Pierre. It doesn’t work like that!” You yell annoyed. A small part in you hopes that Lando does drag you away from Pierre. After all, the only reason you’re dancing this close with Pierre is to cause a reaction by Lando. But you don’t know what will happen after.
“Watch me,” Lando grunts. Easily he lifts you up and puts you halfway on his shoulder. Holding you close he starts to walk away from Pierre. “Can’t just drag you away,” he mutters annoyed, “As if I’m going to look at him with my girl any longer.” He puts his hand on your ass, making sure no one can see anything from underneath your dress. The small gesture makes you smile.
When he passes Oscar, he notices the way his teammate is almost laughing out loud. “Fucking caveman,” Oscar is quick to tell him before Lando continues walking with you on his shoulder. “Just confess!” Oscar yells when Lando walks away from him. 
You really don’t know what to think right now. Yes, you did want a reaction from Lando. Yes, you did want to annoy him until he would finally snap. But did you want it to end up like this? You don’t know if you’re honest. Not that you expected such a big reaction from Lando. He literally put you onto his shoulders to take you away with him. That seems a bit much, right? When Lando reaches his rental car, he opens the passenger door and puts you down on the ground again. It’s obvious that he wants you to take place in the car, but you don’t. 
“Y/N,” Lando groans, “I swear to god, go sit in the fucking car.” 
“Why?” You ask him. 
“Because we’re going to talk.”
“We did talk,” you sigh, “and you made yourself perfectly clear. We’re not fucking anymore so I can find myself a boyfriend, since that’s what I want according to you.”
“Correction, I’m going to fuck away this terrible attitude of yours and then we’re going to talk.”
You don’t say anything. Maybe because this is kinda what you wanted? Who can blame you. Lando is fucking hot when he’s mad. Quietly you step in to the car.
The car ride is in an awkward silence. Lando his hand lays on your thigh. It feels like he’s marking you as his with the simple move, but you don’t know who he expects to reach since it’s just to two of you. His eyes are switching between you and the road. You’re also looking at him. At first you tried not to since you’re mad at him, but when you gave him a small look you couldn’t stop anymore. 
The harsh conversation between the two of you isn’t longer then a couple hours ago, but you can see it’s impact on Lando. Or maybe it’s the impact from watching at Pierre and you? At first you never knew when Lando cried or how to spot the signs that he was about to. But after being his friend for so many years, you now know. Lando looks like a mess. Your mess. 
It feels weird when you enter Lando and yours hotel room again. Both of you don’t know what to say. It makes you annoyed when Lando keeps pacing around and doesn’t say anything. And doesn’t fuck you. 
“I thought you were going to do something?” You ask him, “Or do I need to get myself back to Pierre to get fucked?” You don’t know where you found those words and how they end up leaving your mouth, but at least Lando isn’t pacing around anymore. 
He feels like he lost all of his sanity right now. Lando rushes towards you and harshly lifts you up again, only to throw you onto the bed. He turns you so you’re laying on your stomach and pulls you closer to himself. Within seconds your dress is pulled up and Lando his bottoms are hanging around his legs. He tugs on your thongs until they fall apart. Satisfied he looks at your snapped string. 
Before you can say anything about it, Lando makes sure that your ass is lifted in the air. Without any sort of warning or foreplay he lets his dick enter you. It causes you to let out a loud scream, “Fuck Lando!” He doubts for a bit about himself and his actions, but when you follow that scream with multiple moans, his doubts are quick to disappear. He fucks you without thinking about being soft, nice or anything like that. It’s animalistic. He has lost all his patience and can only focus on fucking you as hard as he can manage. 
“Fucking slut,” he grunts when he hears a loud moan from you. 
“Your slut, sir,” you say softly. You almost don’t dare to say it. When you feel Lando his pace decreasing, you feel ashamed of your words.
“What did you just say?” Lando asks you. He’s barely fucking you anymore, rarely he moves his dick in and out of you. He needs to make sure that he heard you right. 
“Your slut, sir,” you tell him again.
“Fuck,” Lando mutters, “Only mine?” 
“Yes,” you agree with him.
“Not Pierre’s?” Lando continues to ask.
“No,” you quickly state, “Wanted you to snap.”
Lando lets out a low chuckle after hearing your words. You wanted him to snap? He doesn’t know what you mean with that, but he does know you just said that Pierre’s not even close to him. He pulls back a bit, letting his dick leave your body. It causes you to let out a soft whine. Lando turns you around and looks at you. You already look fucked out. 
“Baby girl,” Lando mutters softly, “You’re the actual worst.” Lando stays silent for a couple seconds before speaking up again. “Should punish you for those actions,” he says. 
“What’s stopping you?” You ask Lando. 
“You,” Lando chuckles. 
You show Lando a confused look. What does he mean with that? Lando takes place to you next on the bed. Softly he grabs your waist and pulls you on his lap. Careful he presses a few kisses against your neck and shoulders. He moves his hands on your body. Kneading your tits and softly pulling on your nipples. It causes you to let out multiple soft moans and whines. You want - no need, more of him. 
“Lan,” you softly speak up. 
“I know, I know,” Lando replies, “but be patient baby.”
“Aren’t you mad anymore?” You ask confused. You still don’t get why Lando is all calmed down after your confession of using Pierre to make him snap. Could it be that he feels more calm now he knows that you only think about him?
“What did you mean with making me snap?” Lando asks you. 
“What you just did,” you explain, “fucking me like you own me. Snapping at Pierre and me, dragging me away only to show me and everyone else that you think I belong to you. Showing how you actually feel. Just waiting for you to tell me.”
You know you’re passing the safe way back now. With everything you just said, Lando can probably fill in the blanks himself. It should be pretty obvious now how you feel about him. You can only hope that you got Lando his feelings right as well. You’re putting a lot of fate in Oscar right now. In the mean time you move yourself, getting off Lando his lap and taking a seat next to him on the bed.
After your earlier discussion with Lando, you left and got to Oscar his hotel room. Together with him you made up this plan. Oscar was sure that only a bit of dancing with Pierre would make Lando snap within minutes. It took a bit longer, but eventually Oscar was right. Now he only has to be right about Lando his feelings for you…
“You want that?” Lando asks you confused. 
You only show him a small nod. 
“You really wanted me to act like this?” Lando continues to ask, he still can’t believe it. When you nod again, Lando doesn’t stop with his questions. “You actually wanted me to act like some sort of jealous caveman?” 
“I didn’t expect you to put me onto your shoulder,” you confess, “but I wanted you to show me that I belong to you.”
“Why?” Lando asks confused, “I really don’t get it babygirl. Like, I don’t even understand why I’m acting like this and I actually feel ashamed for it - but you, you like it? You want this?”
“It gives me hope,” you tell Lando. 
“Hope?” He asks confused.
“Hope that you like me back.”
Lando doesn’t know if he hears you correct. Did you actually say that it gives you the hope that he likes you back? Likes you back? That means that you like him, right? Lando really can’t wrap his head around everything that’s happening right now. He thought you would be mad at him. Mad for the way he acted earlier today and for what he said. Mad for the way he acted in the club. But you are glad that he acted this way and you’re telling him that you like him? Is this even real? Isn’t he still standing in the club, looking at Pierre dancing with you and imagining this to make it feel better? He can’t even help himself and softly pinches some skin on his arm. 
“I’ve said too much,” you say when Lando keeps quiet, “The hint is clear Lan. Sorry for the way I acted. Sorry for falling for you, I hope we still can be friends?” 
Just when Lando thought he was finally processing everything you just said, you’re saying stuff like this. He thinks about telling you how much he likes you too, but eventually he lets his actions speak for himself. Softly he grabs your shoulders and pulls you back on his lap again. This time you’re turned the way he can properly face you. Lando softly puts his finger underneath your chin and lifts your face up a bit. Then he presses his lips against yours. He kisses you the most loving way he can. 
When Lando puts his lips onto yours, you wonder if this means what you think it does. Is this Lando his way of showing you that he does like you back? 
You show Lando a small grin when he pulls back and looks at you. “I never want to be friends with you again,” Lando mutters with a cheeky smile. If he wasn’t smiling like crazy, you would have stressed right now. “I really need you to be my girlfriend babygirl,” Lando continues, “and I really need everyone to know that you’re mine so they will finally stop flirting with you.” 
“You want me to be your girlfriend?” You ask Lando with a happy expression. 
“I need you to be my girlfriend,” he states. 
“Okay boyfriend,” you reply. 
“But now I really want to feel your cunt around my dick again,” Lando tells you cheekily. You let out a soft laugh. You position yourself a bit different, then you line up Lando his boner with your entrance and slowly let him enter you again. 
The following morning Lando patiently waits for you to wake up as well. He hasn’t slept as good as last night in a couple months. He feels ten times better then before. It’s mostly a relieved feeling now that the two of you finally confessed. When you open your eyes slowly, you notice that Lando is already awake and staring at you. 
“Good morning girlfriend,” Lando whispers when you look at him. 
You show him a small smile. “Good morning boyfriend,” you reply.
Lando presses a soft kiss against your lips. “I can get used to this,” he tells you. 
“You better do,” you laugh, “It’s not like I’m going to let go of you anytime soon.”
“I love you,” Lando sighs relieved. “Oh that’s probably a bit soon to say,” he adds quickly after realizing what he just said. 
“I love you too Lan,” you tell him, “and I think you could have said it way sooner.” 
Lando grins. He pulls you close towards himself and hugs you. “I could fall asleep all over again, but we have a flight to catch.”
Later that afternoon when the two of you are sitting in the plane, Lando has been quite busy on his phone. You look curious at him, wondering what he’s doing. Before you can ask him, Lando speaks up. “I’m going to hard launch us,” he states, “Okay?”.
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that was it everyoneee :') hope y'all liked this story
i do want to write further, but for this moment i have no inspiration about what i'm going to write now (expect that it's about lando ofc). so any idea is welcome ! thanks for all the likes, comments & reblogs
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sergeantbarnessdoll · 10 months
Enemies To Lovers » Bucky Barnes (AU)
December 10th
Pairings: College Student!Bucky Barnes x College Student!Reader
Summary: While Y/N’s friends go out to have fun, she goes to the library to study for an upcoming exam, but a certain guy named Bucky Barnes ruins her quietness which turns into something she never expect.
Warnings: Angst, Fluff, language, insults, arguing, slapping (once), kissing, pet names for Y/N (baby), pet names for Bucky (babe)
Thank you to @buckys-wintersoldier for coming up with this idea!❤️💚
Written on my phone so sorry if there’s any mistakes or typos.
GIF IS NOT MINE! Credit goes to the creators.
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Most college students like your friends go out and have fun on Friday nights, but not you. Your friends try to talk you into going out with them, but you turned them down to study for an exam. You have a hot chocolate and made your way to the library which wasn’t too far from your dorm building. When you walked inside of the library, you spotted an open table by the window. You went over to the table and set your things down and took a seat. You looked out the window and watched the snow for a moment, smiling to yourself. Then you took your laptop and notebook out of your backpack and began studying. It was nice and quiet. Well, it was until someone you’re not too fond of walked in the library. His name is Bucky Barnes. You tried to not let the thought of him bother you and continue to study. Bucky looked around the library and seen you.
“Don’t you have a social life?” Bucky asks, taking a seat next to you.
“I was about to ask you the same question.” You say, not looking away from your laptop.
Bucky turned your laptop towards him to see what you’re reading.
“What’re you working on?” He asks.
“Unlike you, I study for exams.” You turned your laptop back towards you. “Now if you’ll excuse me I have work to do. Why don’t you run along and do something stupid?” You say, shooing him away with your hand.
Bucky chuckles and leans back in the chair. He seen your cup of hot chocolate on the table and reached for it.
“What’s this?” He asks.
“Hot chocolate.” You say.
You reached for it, but Bucky pulled his arm further away.
“Don’t be greedy, Y/N. Didn’t your parents teach you how to share?” He says, taking a sip of it.
“Yes they did, but not with annoying people like you.” You say.
“Excuse me?” Bucky set your hot chocolate down. “What did you just call me?” He asks, narrowing his eyes at you.
“I called you annoying. Do I need to spell it out for you? A-N-N-O-Y—” You were interrupted.
“I know how to fucking spell! I’m not stupid!” He says, raising his voice.
“Then you should be smart enough and leaving me the fuck alone!” You say, raising your voice too.
Bucky opened his mouth to say something, but the librarian came over to the table.
“Miss. Y/L/N, Mr. Barnes, I’m going to have to ask you to be quiet.” She says.
“Sorry, ma’am. We’ll be quiet. Right, Bucky?” You say, looking at Bucky.
“That’s right, ma’am.” Bucky confirms.
She looked at the two of you for a moment before walking away. You went back to studying while Bucky continued to annoy you by asking you stupid questions or tapping his hands on the table.
“You’re worse than my 5 year old niece.” You say.
“Are you comparing me to a child?” Bucky asks.
“Yes I actually am! You’re acting like one by asking me the stupidest questions you can think of and tapping your hands on the table!” You say, raising your voice again.
“Like you’re not annoying?” He scoffs. “I have to sit next to you in History and hear you tap your pen against your notebook 24/7!” He almost shouts.
“No one told you to sit next to me, Bucky!” You say loudly.
“Y/L/N, Barnes!” The librarian warns.
“Sorry, ma’am. I’ll leave.” You say.
You packed up your things up and walked away.
“Don’t forget your hot chocolate!” Bucky says.
“Keep it! I don’t want it after your mouth has been on it! I don’t want to catch whatever you have!” You say.
You walked out of the library, making your way to your dorm when you felt a hand on your upper arm. You automatically knew it was Bucky. You yanked your arm out of his grasp and turned around, smacking him across his face, hard enough to make his head turn.
“Put your hands on me again and I’ll kick you where the sun don’t shine!” You say.
You continued your walk to your dorm, but you were stopped when Bucky walked in front of you and stopped causing you to walk into him.
“What the hell do you want from me?!” You asked, shouting.
“What’s your problem with me?” Bucky questions. “I did nothing to you to get you to hate me. Can’t you see that I’m in love with you?!” He says.
Your eyes widened. “Did Bucky just say that he’s in love with me?” You thought to yourself.
“What did you just say?” You asked, making sure you heard him right.
“I said I’m in love with you.” He repeats. “I have been for a while. I can’t stop thinking about you. I stay up most nights thinking about you. You’re on my mind 24/7.” He confesses. “Clearly you don’t feel the same way about me. It’s obvious that you hate me.” He says.
You stood there speechless. You didn’t know what to say. You didn’t know Bucky felt this way about you. The truth to be told, you feel the same way about him.
“I don’t hate you.” You say quietly.
“What? I can’t hear you. You need to speak up.” He says.
“I don’t hate you!” You repeated loudly. “I’m in love with you too! Sometimes I get distracted by how much I love you that I can’t focus! Sometimes I can’t sleep, because you’re on my mind! I also think about what it would be like to be yours!” You say.
Bucky cupped your cheeks and placed his lips on yours, kissing you passionately. You were caught by surprise, but kissed him back. You placed your hands on the back of his head, running your fingers through his soft hair. Snow fell on the two of you as you guys kissed, setting a romantic scene. It felt like everything around you guys was in slow motion. It felt like sparks were flying.
“I’m sorry.” Bucky says against your lips.
“I’m sorry too.” You say.
One of Bucky’s hands moved to your waist and pulled your body against his. Bucky slowly pulled away, looking into your eyes.
“Do you want to be mine forever?” He asks.
“I thought you’d never ask.” You say with a smile.
Bucky smiles and kisses you again.
“Can I buy you a new hot chocolate?” He asks.
“Yes please.” You say with a giggle.
Bucky took your hand in his and you two walked to the campus coffee shop.
“Consider this as an I’m sorry for the way I treated you.” Bucky says, handing you your hot chocolate.
“Consider this as a thank you for the hot chocolate.” You say, kissing his lips making him smile.
“I love you, baby.” Bucky says softly against your lips.
“I love you too, babe.” You smiled against his lips.
-Bucky’s Doll
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kaiser1ns · 3 months
so today i rewatched disney descendants and the characteristics of ben just straight up gave me ume vibes. so there you go my lovelies. not using the usual layout because this is just a silly quick idea that i had to post.
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You, the daughter of Maleficent, and Umemiya, the son of Belle and the Beast, come from very different backgrounds. Wanting to prove yourself that you are cruel enough to your mother, as you use a love potion on him to ensure he falls for you so you can steal the wand of the Fairy Godmother, and him just wanting to prove you that good exits in everyone, as they should choose their own path and storyline.
"Hey, Umemiya~"
"Hey, Y/N."
"I just made these cookies, double chocolate chips, want one?"
"Oh, that's so kind of you but I've got a big game and I don't eat before it. Thank you so much, I would like to try it some other time, though!"
"Ah, yeah. I completely understand" you sighed, lowering the bag, faking the sad expression to achieve more real effect, "Be careful of the treats offered by kids of villains, right?"
"No,no, no. You got it wrong."
"Im sure everyone in Auradon knows that too. I get it you are cautious, that's smart." you open the small plastic bag getting ready to take a bite, "Oh,well, more for me then."
"No, hey —" he grabs the cookie out of your hand and gave it a big bite "See, that. I totally trust you."
"How are they?" you ask, tilting your head out of curiosity to see if the effect of the potion would hit in, "Amazing! Is that walnuts, I love walnuts." he starts to ramble about the texture, how nice the chocolate melts, so warm and soft, and super sweet.
"Y/N, have you always had such beautiful eyes, and pretty smile too?" you can't believe it, the love potion worked incredibly well. Jay, son of Jafar, comes behind him putting an arm around his shoulder, "How are you feeling, bro?"
"In love..." Umemiya said, as he stared into your eyes, hand cupping your cheek as he stroked it gently with his thumb, blush making its way to your face.
As both of you get to know each other, Umemiya's kindness, fairness, good nature and did i mention the love he has for you is ridiculous? He starts to influence you hard, making you question your mother's teachings about evil and the world. If only you knew what your heart was telling you as you don't know what you are feeling or is it just a dream about someone loving you, someone who doesn't see you just as the daughter of Maleficent.
And the moments comes when Umemiya who drinks an anti-love potion before the coronation, confesses that he has genuinely fallen in love with you for who you truly are, not because of any magic or poisoned cookie.
"I know about the love spell." your eyes widen, surprised, as your smile drops, "You... you do?"
"Yeah. And, um, it's worn off." Looking down, a bit saddened, as you played with your hands, "Oh."
"But here's the thing. I haven't loved you because of the spell. I loved you because of you." tears welling up, genuinely touched by his words, by his whole being, and you felt guilty for what is about to come, "Ume, I..."
Umemiya took your hand, squeezing it tightly, to assure you that's everything is okay, "I don't know what the future holds. But I do know that I want to be with you."
Smiling trough the tears, not wanting to appear vulnerable, but there's no point in hiding anymore, "Really?"
"Really." and he looked at you with the same love stare, with those eyes who saw everything you tried to suppress.
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©2024 kaiser1ns do not copy, repost or modify my work
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King of Second Chances
DomesticAvengers!Loki x Reader
Genre/Rating: tooth-rotting fluff with best friends to lovers
Description: Contrary to popular belief, Loki does have friends... just not on Asgard. Or Midgard. Except one.
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After the battle of New York, Frigga managed to convince Odin one last time to have mercy on his adoptive son Loki who recently found that out in his defense but in no way can explain his revenge hostile attempted takeover of Midgard aka Earth. Odin decided that if some time on Earth managed to teach Thor the lesson he needed to learn to be worthy of the hammer, then Earth should be able to do the same for Loki.
So until he proves that he's not the evil ego-maniac that's co-dependent on the lie his father told him about being destined for greatness when he was a peace offer child, Loki is to stay on Earth.
Specifically in Avengers Tower under close surveillance.
None of the team especially Clint and Natasha wanted him there but they couldn't trust him living on his own with some of his magic still intact. So down the hall from Thor's room soon became Loki's room and they all lived happily ever after. Sort of
"Loki did you eat my Poptarts?"
"And why would I eat those disgusting sugar-coated sandwiches?'
"Because you know I like them?"
"Out" Thor suddenly falls through a hole Loki created sending him back to his room.
Loki looked up at the vents to make sure Clint wasn't in them before relaxing back in his bed with the book before he was once again interrupted by a knock on his door. He rolls his eyes begrudgingly before swinging the door open with a wave of his hand.
"Hey, Loki..."
"Yes, Y/N," Loki says not caring to lift his head away from his book.
"Can I hide my pop tarts in here? Thor keeps eating them."
"And why would I do that?"
"Because I know you don't like them so Thor won't look for them here." Unable to argue with that, Loki shrugged.
"Very well. Hide them here"
"Yes!" you jumped onto his bed and hugged him tightly to you shocking the magical entity to his core.
"Thank you, Loki," you shock him again by giving him a light kiss on the cheek.
".... You're welcome"
This was the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
Two years has gone by since then and while Loki is still not welcome back in Asgard he has regained almost all of his magical abilities, has been caught trying to go back twice, and with Frigga's help made his room in Avengers tower look almost identical to his chambers in the palace. One would say that he's gotten comfortable on Earth.
Loki still hides your Pop-Tarts in his room and several other things you don't want the team to see despite your room being one floor below his. The only ones who dare go in his room are you and sometimes Thor but he uses an illusion spell to make your stuff look like his so there is no suspense. You could have asked him to do that for your room but having some of your things in his room gives you the excuse to see him and everybody knows that. Except Loki of course.
After another successful mission with Natasha and her sister that she never mentioned until now you were back in Avengers Tower and you couldn't wait to tell your bestie all about it.
"LOKI!!!!" You burst through his door to find a towel around his waist and hair. His chest still had some water dripping down to a place that you didn't realize you'd want to see until now. Shit you're staring
"Um, I'll come back" You quickly closed the door and headed straight to the elevator. If anyone saw how you repeatedly pushed the close doors button they'd think you insane. You quickly went into your own room and let out the breath you had been holding only to open your eyes to-
"You know you were much cuter when you were afraid to knock on my door." You jumped holding your hand to your chest wishing your heart could just calm down but the man you just ran away from clearly transported to your room.
"I see you gained more of your magic back."
"One of my favorite tricks." Loki held up a bag of sweets. He patted the spot next to him on your bed and it was like you never left. You happily jumped into his arms. Let the celebration begin.
“So Agent Romanoff wasn’t alone before Barton came around. Interesting. Hit me” He opened his mouth and you gave him another caramel candy. Something you like to do when debriefing your missions with him is to eat sweets and comb his hair. He’ll never admit it but hearing your voice with your hands massaging his scalp made him feel like a King.
“I know right?! I can’t believe she’s been hiding that from us this whole time. I thought we’d run out of secrets in Avengers Tower by now. What about you?”
“Mm that feels nice” he whispered to himself not paying attention. You took a curl of his and wrapped it around your finger before yanking harder than usual.
“Ow!” He looked up at you
“Now that I have your attention what did you do while I was gone?” You held up your brush threateningly at him. Chuckling he laid his head back down in your lap closing his eyes without any sign of fear.
“I read, painted, slept, squabbled with my oaf of a brother, the usual.”
“Do you ever think the two of you will be as close as you were back then?”
“I’m not sure. I did try to kill him after all but he does try. I’ll give him that.”
“You tried to kill me too” You mumbled
“You’re different.”
“How different?” You continue brushing his hair slowly. Like a cat he purrs.
“You are… kind in a way that’s admirable and naive yet you hunt people for a living. It’s confusing.” You gently take his head in your hands staring right into his emerald green eyes.
“Are you saying I should consider a new career path?”
“I’m saying you are the most dangerous being in the nine realms.” He whispered.
“And your best friend” You whispered back coming a little closer.
“My only friend” The two of you smile at each other.
“Jarvis please tell me you got that” The two of you sat up quickly embarrassed that you’d been caught by Tony in what would look like two lovers staring into each others eyes even though you were nothing more than friends. Right? Without a thought you chased Tony all around the tower with your brush desperately trying to get that footage of the two of you.
Unsure of when it started Loki realized that the beautiful friendship that once was had blossomed into something else entirely. He was bound to mess it up but he knew you’d give him a second chance. He is the king of those after all and you are worth all the chances he can get.
A/N: Happy Loki day! I was supposed to post this the other day but I didn’t know what I wanted to write yet. Thanks for your patience. There’s more to come!
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bruh-2004 · 8 months
XDINARY HEROES REACTION TO: You accidentally "on all fours" towards them
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- you are their best friend; - they secretly have a crush on you; - sorry for any spelling mistakes, English is not my native language.
WARNING: Suggestive, malicious thoughts, inappropriate words.
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SCENARIO: you and gun-il were having a movie and game night together, you decided to start with the games so you were playing twister, movement comes, movement comes, until you had to get into a position that accidentally made you face up to the boy .
- gun-il would be a little embarrassed about the situation, after all, liking you and having a premium view like that is not easy to disguise;
- he would soon decide to flirt with you to forget his shyness "I think this game is insinuating that we should do something y/n";
- you would both laugh about it as a joke, but deep down you would both really want to do this "something" together.
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SCENARIO: you were in Jooyeon's room choosing games to play on the video game, none of the games interested you and then Jooyeon asked you to get the last box of games from the bottom of the dresser, you, intending to fulfill his request, ended up "on all fours" " to catch.
- jooyeon wouldn't be able to take his eyes off you, he would try really hard, but he would be stronger than him;
- he's not stupid or anything, and he feels that you like him too, jooyeon realized that his arm couldn't reach so he was "kind" to stretch over you, reaching for the box;
- you two looked at each other, you were a little confused but feeling butterflies in your stomach, the boy smiled at you and said as if it had been an innocent act "I realized you needed help".
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SCENARIO: Junhan was trying to teach you how to play the guitar, you were on the sofa in the living room, your hands were sore so the boy asked you to pick up the pick that was on the coffee table, so you did, but instead of getting up and going you just put one foot on the floor and stretched out on the table, so you ended up leaning towards Junhan.
- poor Junhan, the little animal would freeze, his eyes would open wide and he would start to sweat cold (and no, that wouldn't be an exaggeration);
- he would try to ignore it and look in other directions but would fail miserably;
- you ended up realizing the situation and laughed, you sat back down on the sofa and said to tease the boy "what's wrong Junhan? did you like the view?", he would try to respond but he would start to stutter, again you would tease "did you imagine something? like ... me on all fours for you?", that's it, then the boy almost passed out.
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SCENARIO: it was a Saturday, you and Jungsu live together and were each doing something, you were in the living room doing some physical exercises while he was in his room playing the keyboard. After you finished the exercises, you prepared a snack to take to the boy, so you did. When you got there he smiled at you and thanked you for the snack, he took it with one hand and with the other he handed you some sheet music asking you to put it in his drawer, you went to do it but ended up standing up because you hadn't squatted down.
- he would be red at first, a little shy;
- but I see Jungsu as someone who can be shameless at the same time, seeing you prancing around for him in that gym outfit activated his perverted side;
- when you came back to him he would make you sit sideways on his lap leaving you confused, he would say "should I confess to you while I put you on all fours for me?".
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SCENARIO: you and seungmin were at the gym at his house (we have a rich boy here), you were taking a break from exercising while he was still doing it. At one point, the boy called you and asked you to get a bottle of water for him from the minibar. When you did that, instead of crouching down and picking it up, you just reached down, standing straight up towards him.
- o.de would analyze you from top to bottom, finally understanding 100% why he fell in love with you, in his head he would be saying "in addition to being beautiful and a great person, you're still hot like that";
- when you went to hand him the bottle you would notice that his look was different, he got up and picked up the bottle, placing it where he was sitting, he would approach you smiling and leaving you a little confused, but with your heart racing;
- he would say "you know y/n, looking at you now I understand why I fell in love with you", your heart would almost come out of your mouth, he would laugh at your reaction and pull you closer to him by the waist, he would continue saying "you're beautiful, nice and have a perfect body... seeing you standing up made me want to put you on all fours", you would blink your eyes a few times hearing him laugh again and walk away as if nothing had happened.
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SCENARIO: you were dusting the living room, the boys all live with you but had gone somewhere except jiseok who had a bad throat. You were dusting the dresser, at the bottom and as a result you ended up in a rather dubious position, Gaon arrived in the room and ended up seeing you prancing around without you noticing his presence.
- the boy would bite his lip and immediately a thousand things would go through his mind (gaon totally gives me a polluted mind vibe);
- he would sit on the sofa and say "you look very seductive in that position", making you jump in fright;
- Jiseok would laugh and go to you, crouching down in front of you, you would look at each other deeply and he would put a hand on your face saying "if you continue in that position I will feel obligated to tell you that I want to put you on all fours for me" .
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