#ya’ll he looks so spooky
breanna777 · 3 months
Alrighty, time to give Secondo some love
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My beloved 🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️
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hugsandchaos · 1 year
Stray Cat Danny (Flash)
@evandarya , @fluffen-spooky , @shorterthanaverage , @nottmuchtopost , @killercranberries , @cmstars2 , @amecurio , @scythgal , @writer-extraordinaire , @waitimdissocaitingagain , @imaginationmademanifest , @chrysanthemum9484 , @rasberry-muffin , @jaguarthecat , @dannyphantomphan , @starmee-lodurrson , @thefearfullone , @decisively-o-indecisive , @nifeout , @sailor-goddess , @the-legal-shipper , @ollietheotaku , @lov3ly-pain , @robinmedea , @viyatrix , @markus209 , @kyrianclawraith , @newgraywolf , @the-church-grimm , @scribbiesan-main , @bruh-incoming , @sunflower-sovereign , @britcision , @spooky-fm , @phoenixdemonqueen , @latheevening226 , @avenlfear , @starscreamlover , @undead-essence , @emiwritesthings , @jaytriesstuff , @calcifina , @bun-fish , @luffyrose , @potatoeofwisdom , @thegatorsgoose , @markus209 , @may-rbi , @mothman-the-mothman-87 , @dannyisababyking , @soul-lime , @elvesandlanterns , @bahfev , @blackroserelina , @love-has-no-labels , @deepslumberworld , @lesling123 , @peachpopprize , @moons-cat , COME GET YA’LL’S DINNER!!!
Phew, that’s a lotta tagging! Did I miss anyone? https://www.tumblr.com/evandarya/704385509175312384/stray-cat-danny
Link to the original
Iris picked up the phone from her pocket soon after she heard the cheerful ringtone. She only needed to look at it for less than a second to know that it was Barry and pressed the green button to answer. To make sure it stayed up while she typed away on her laptop, Iris placed the phone between her head and shoulders.”Hey, Barry.” She greeted.”You coming back soon?” She asked. Allen was out a bit later than usual tonight, which isn’t common enough for her to worry too much -- especially since he’s also a young adult like herself --, but definitely not often enough for her to not worry at all. His breathing was labored and pretty tired.”Hey, Iris, you mind making a bit of room on the living room couch?” He asked.
That was a bit odd.”Uh, sure, just let me finish up my writing. Why? Does a friend need to come over or something?” She asked. She heard another voice yawning, which was even weirder.”Uh, not exactly. We kinda have an emergency guest.” He replied.
Barry carried the exhausted boy on his back as he walked down the rather empty sidewalk. He wasn’t all that heavy, Barry was just pretty tired himself. The boy’s head rested on his shoulders, making his dark hair brush against the side of Barry’s head a bit every time he took a step, and despite his best attempts to stay awake, he was quickly falling asleep.
His grip was slipping and growing weak, but every few seconds or so, he’d suddenly regain his grip a little or try to mumble another “thank you” or “just one” to the older man, the second indicating he only intended to accept his offer for only one night. Barry lowered his phone a little and slightly turned to glance at the kid’s head.”No problem, kid. Just get some rest now.” He said. He heard a grumble, but couldn’t understand what Danny said. Judging by the tone, though, it was probably a pouty “No!” meant to be a joke.”Barry? Who is that? Is someone with you?” Iris asked through the phone. Barry brought it back up and put his focus back on the path ahead of him and in his mind.”A kid named Danny, he was looking for a place to sleep in the alleys. He’s not in too much trouble, just really tired from what he’s told me.” He replied. Probably not the best way to explain it, but it could be worse.
Iris was now closing her laptop and heading towards the living room couch.“Why won’t he go to a shelter?” She asked. The couch wasn’t dirty or littered, but a quick brush wouldn’t hurt, and neither would a blanket. She already knew what he was going to ask if the answer to her question was no.“Too far, apparently. Is it okay with you and Joe if he stays the night, and I try to help him out in the morning?”
That was something I had no issue with, but Joe might. She also knew he would welcome it if he had no choice, though. He did the same with Barry, after all.”Sure, let me ask dad.“ She said, wiping a few stray crumbs off the couch. She put her phone on the small nightstand next to the couch and rushed upstairs. Iris went to her dad’s door, which was the second door down the hall on the right, and knocked. She didn’t even have to wait ten seconds for it to open and her father, who had been allowed (ordered) to go home early, to open the door.
“Iris? You need something?” Joe asked. Iris cut straight to the chase.
“Long story short, Barry found a kid looking for a place to stay and the shelters are full. He wants to know if he can stay here for the night.” She somewhat explained. Joe reared his head back a little bit in surprise and blinked. He was obviously as taken aback as she expected, telling her dad that her brother was bringing back a homeless kid to sleep on their couch.
“This is all of a sudden,” he started with a small step back, ”but if there’s not a lot of other options, then sure.” He shrugged. A small smile formed on his face, as if asking “how could I say no?”. Iris sighed in relief and soon found her own smile. Joe walked past her.”Thank you so much, dad.” She said. Joe glanced back at her, still smiling a bit.”Helping kids is part of my job, as an officer and a father.” He stated as they both descended downstairs.
Iris picked up her phone, hoping Allan was still on the line, and held it to her ear as Joe opened a closet to grab a spare blanket.”He said yes.” She said. She put him on speaker, just in case Joe wanted to talk as well.
“Thank goodness.” Barry breathed out.”I’m really sorry to spring this on you guys.” He apologized. He rounded the corner, ignoring the double glances people took before they kept walking. They were most likely assuming that he had somehow gained a little brother or son.
“It’s alright, Barry. Do you know if he’s had anything to eat or drink?” Joe’s voice asked on the other side of the line. That caught him off guard, but only for a millisecond, maybe even faster since his brain barely registered it.“Yeah, he told me he’s not hungry.” He glanced over at Danny’s head on his shoulder, noticing his eyes are closed and his breathing was slower.”I think he’s asleep.” He said. The lack of grumbling or some quiet form of arguing proved his theory.
“How far away are you? Do you need me to pick you up?” Joe asked. Barry, out of instinct, quickly surveyed his surroundings. Though he already knew where he was, which was kind of stupid or weird.“No. We’re about two minutes away, walking distance.” He replied.
“Alright. We’ll get the couch ready.” Joe said. Barry heard the phone beeping from his adopted dad hanging up and promptly put it in his pocket so he could use that hand to make sure Danny was being carried properly.
When Barry arrived back, Iris had opened the door for him since she saw him coming up and quickly guessed he’d struggle a bit to get his keys without dropping the kid. Once he managed to get through the door, Joe came over and carefully helped him get Danny off of his back and onto the couch, both trying to make it so they didn’t wake him up. He stirred a bit from the movement, but his eyes barely cracked open before he fell right back asleep. Danny simply laid there, and Iris quickly tucked his unconscious body under a blanket as the other two began a quiet conversation.
“Anything about his family? Friends?” Joe asked in a hushed tone. Barry shook his head.”No, he just said he’s not sure where he is or how he got there, and he can’t remember his address or any phone numbers either.” He whispered back. The two turned their heads when they noticed the light being turned off and saw Iris next to the light switch. She used the light on her phone to light up the floor and walk up to them.”We should let him sleep.” She piped in quietly.
“Yeah. I say we ask him about his situation in the morning, when we’re all well rested.” Barry agreed.
“Sounds like a plan.” Joe nodded. And with that, they went upstairs, but not before Barry gave their guest a confused glance. Something was just odd about him. He brushed it off as the sudden turn in events that had happened in the last hour confusing him and carried on upstairs.
In the morning, Danny was gone.
The blanket that had been draped over him the night before was stacked neatly and placed on the opposite end of the couch as the pillow, which was also slightly fixed so it’d appear nice for decoration.
The windows and doors were still locked from when Joe remembered to take care of that before bed, and the alarm hadn’t gone off at all throughout the night. Nothing was taken, everything was tidied up.
Except for a single sticky note placed on the wall.
Thank you so much for letting me stay the night. Hopefully, we don’t meet again under those same circumstances. — Danny
BTW, I did a load of dishes, woke up feeling productive and wanted another way of saying thanks :D
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megamindsecretlair · 8 months
Just One Taste
Pairing: Tyrone x Black!Fem!OC!/ Plus Size reader
Warnings: 18+, Minors DNI, You are in charge of your own reading experience. Intentional use of AAVE. FILTH! PWP, cursing, PIV, oral (fem and male receiving), dirty talk, praise kink, Dom fem, all consensual. Heavy use of n-word. Disrespectful Tyrone. Drug use. Tyrone POV. Mild Sub Tyrone.
Summary: Tyrone gets lost in a deserted town with his friends. The only place open is the library. They head inside and receive quite the surprise.
Word Count: 5,642k
A/N: Trying something new! Happy spooky Halloweek. I hope this fit the bill. It was majorly fun to shake it up a bit, do something a little new I hope! Listen, I need to go lay down myself!! Because sweet lawdt! Please, please consider commenting and reblogging to help support writers! And please put ages in bios! I blocked over a hundred people today for no ages!
Taglist: @planetblaque @dayjlovesromance @sevikasblackgf @melaninpov @amyhennessyhouse @henneseyhoe @honeyoriginalz @justheretostan @black-fairy3 @superhoeva @jarfulloftears @hereformiles @montysstuffs @westside-rot @blackerthings @blowmymbackout @euphoric05 @miyuhpapayuh @nicolexnight @8ttached @judymfmoody @wakandas-vibranium @soft-persephone @justabovewater20 @notapradagurl7 @mcotton0928 @soapjay @heyauntieeee @theyscreamsannii @mybonafidefeelings @eggnox @honeytoffee @thadelightfulone @tranquilfandomer
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“Man, pull the fuck over,” Tyrone snapped. The car pulled over to the closest sidewalk and his friend put it in park. 
Tyrone climbed out of the car. The first thing he noticed was the chill. Burrowing cold whipped against his skin and he fought off a shiver. He sparked up, inhaling the weed and exhaling the stressful drive.
“Told ya’ll niggas which way to go and now we lost,” he muttered, mostly to himself. He was pissed. They were supposed to mob up in Vegas for the weekend, get out of the city and into something a little strange for the upcoming Halloween weekend.
But you can’t trust non-reading ass niggas. Tyrone knew it and, yet, he let them drive because he wasn’t feeling it today. He searched the area around him, noting the darkened buildings and dim streetlights. There was an eerie lack of cars around.
“Where the fuck did you take us to?” Tyrone leaned down into the open passenger side. His friend, Paul, was on his phone finagling with the GPS. 
“Ion know, nigga! I was on the 15!” 
Their other friend, Mike, who sat in the back seat slapped the back of Paul’s head. “You got us lost mu’fucka!” 
The two men got into a playful slapping match, calling each other names and cursing at each other. Tyrone stood up straight and took a hit. He rolled his shoulders and looked up into the darkened sky. He thought there were supposed to be stars and shit out here in the desert, without pollution from the light.
He scanned the area once more. It looked like some Scooby-Doo shit. There appeared to be a main street with a hardware store, general store, local restaurant, and a souvenir shop. There were buildings further beyond that, but the cruel California/Nevada night gave no indication of life.
The air felt empty yet tangible. Like there was an invisible screen just in front of his face. “Corny ass, niggas,” Tyrone muttered and took off down the street. Maybe if he found someone’s house, he could knock and get some help. He only hoped this wasn’t one of them racist in-between towns that’d shoot him on sight.
It’d be just his mu’fuckin’ luck to get shot in the boonies on his way to Vegas. Instead of getting shot back in LA. Wouldn’t that be hilarious?
Car doors slammed behind Tyrone and his friends called after him. “Aye, where you goin’?” 
“To mind my business, nigga,” Tyrone bit out. He wanted some sleep. He was so fuckin’ tired and the weed wasn’t hitting like usual. 
The streetlights overhead were spaced out so far apart that he was entrenched in shadow every time he made it past a beam of light. He sighed as he walked, wondering what the hell they were supposed to do with no service in a town like this. If they slept in the car, would they wake up to some old white mu’fucka with a shot gun?
Hell, maybe he watched too much TV. 
“Aye, what’s that?” Mike pointed a meaty finger towards the distance. At the end of the block, the streets rounded off. There was a tall, brick building on the corner with a lonely light over the doorstep. They were too far away to read the sign overhead. 
“Hopefully someone who can help ya’ll dumbasses,” Tyrone said. He passed the blunt to Paul and took off down the street, wishing he had a jacket.
This was the type of cold that sunk down into the bones as soon as you acknowledged it. And it was hard to shake. 
Tyrone made a beeline for that lonely beacon of hope, praying for someone to be inside and willing to help. Mike lumbered after him while Paul kept time with Tyrone’s quick strides. No one spoke. 
As they got closer, Tyrone noticed the sign. It was a library. 
“What’s a library doing open so late?” Paul asked. 
“Let’s just hope it’s warm. And they got food or somethin’. I’m hungry,” Mike complained.
“Yo fatass always hungry. I’m surprised you weren’t munchin’ on the car seat,” Paul said and snickered. He put out the blunt on the side of the building.
Tyrone cracked a smile. Mike pushed Paul who went jumping a few feet sideways. “Can ya’ll shut the fuck up? Damn.” Tyrone huffed and pushed into the library.
Inside, there was ambient lighting and no one at the front desk. A little bell rung from the open door and the trio whipped their heads to it, huffing quick and nervous laughs. 
“Scared, little nigga?” Mike asked.
“Nah, all I gotta do is hide behind yo fatass ‘till I can dip,” Paul said and laughed. He danced out of the way of Mike’s big paws. Tyrone stood in the entryway and raised his eyes to the ceiling. 
If he made it out of this bumfuck town, he was getting new friends. The library was decent and less cold than outside. There were tables spread out in front of the info desk, books scattered on them. There were shelves and rows of books stretching the length of the space and those little sorting carts he thought were only in movies.
There was the same sense of emptiness here that was just like outside. Perhaps the town was just that small that it didn’t have a presence or personality like in a bigger town or city. Whatever it was, it set Tyrone on edge as he looked around. He moved closer to the info desk, scanning it for anything he could use. 
Maybe it was just that kind of town. Maybe all of the doors were left open. Car doors too. Because who the fuck would steal from this empty ass town? 
Mike and Paul were still fussing at each other, slinging insults back and forth. Tyrone turned around, already annoyed and approaching irritated. “Can ya’ll shut the fuck up? And help?” 
Mike and Paul gave each other one last shove. Tyrone scoffed and took a step forward.
“Can I help you gentlemen?” 
Mike and Paul screamed. Tyrone flinched and turned to the source of the sound. To his right, a woman stood there dressed like someone’s fantasy of a librarian. She wore a button up white shirt, skin-tight black skirt, complete with a loose mini tie. The collar of the shirt was open, a few buttons loose down to show her generous cleavage. 
And she was thick as hell, straining the material of her outfit to near sinful levels. If she breathed too hard, the rest of the buttons would go flying everywhere and reveal the rest of the bra that poked out beneath the shirt. Her button down was tucked into the skirt with a skinny belt and non-flashy buckle. 
Her hair was tucked up into a high bun and she wore glasses loose on her nose. She was so fuckin’ cute and sexy at the same time. The stirrings of desire tightened Tyrone’s gut and his dick twitched. He flexed his fists at his side, trying to calm his racing heart.
“Damn lady! You fuckin’ scared us!” Paul yelled. He shoved Mike off of him, the two getting close after being so scared. Tyrone kept his eyes on the woman. She pursed her lips at the boys and shook her head.
“Have some manners when you come in here,” she snapped. 
“Yes, ma’am,” Paul said instantly. Mike and Tyrone stared at him. Paul has never said anything like that in all his life. Whatever spell Tyrone had been under looking at the woman, it seemed to have caught Mike and Paul as well. No one could resist glancing away from her for long.
The woman took a deep breath and finally turned beautiful eyes towards him. “Can I help you?” She asked.
“We’re turned around. We were heading up to Vegas,” Tyrone explained. He moved closer, wanting to be in her orbit. Nervousness crept up his spine. He scowled. The fuck did he have to feel nervous for? 
She looked at the girly watch on her wrist and then raised an eyebrow at him. “A little late isn’t it?” She asked. 
“Better than stuck in traffic tryin’ to get there for the weekend,” he said. 
She conceded the point with a twist of her juicy lips. Red lipstick drew his eyes to her mouth. There was a sudden vision in his head of kissing her and smearing it. He imagined red lip prints on his skin. He imagined licking it off of her.
The images were so vivid, he got hornier. Gettin’ bricked up by the minute. He cleared his throat and shook his head. 
“Um, we just want to know where we are so we can get movin’,” Tyrone said. 
“And get to food,” Mike said right next to Tyrone’s ear. He flinched and turned to see that Mike and Paul had moved without him noticing. They stood in a near perfect line, transfixed on the librarian. 
That comment seemed to soften her. She shook her head at the boys. “Have a seat, I’ll see if I can find something. May as well rest up before heading back on the road,” she said. “Do you want to help me look?” 
A secret smile played about her carmine lips. He took a step forward but her eyes weren’t on him, it was on Mike. Mike grinned from ear to ear and nodded his head. Swift disappointment hit Tyrone in the gut.
That was his boy, but what the fuck did she see in him and not Tyrone? He scowled as Mike disappeared down the stacks with the librarian, murmuring softly to each other. As soon as the woman was gone, Tyrone could think more clearly.
Paul shook his head and sucked his teeth. “The fuck she want with that greedy mu’fucka?” Paul flopped down into the nearest seat. Tyrone sighed and joined him, looking around at the space. 
Tyrone and Paul shot the shit as they waited for Mike and the librarian to return. While he wasn’t starving, he could eat. His buzz was faint but still there and it made his head go pleasantly funny. 
“I bet his ass eatin’ all the snacks and tryin’ to get her number,” Paul said. 
Tyrone huffed a laugh and shook his head. “Dawg, I’m just ready to go,” he said. He ran a hand down his face. How long had he been there? Thirty minutes? Forty-five? How long did it take to round up some crackers? 
“Nigga, shut up. You know fuck well you’d hit that given the chance,” Paul said. He fidgeted in his seat. He leaned forward, then back. Put his elbows behind him on the desk. Stretched out his legs. 
“Stop movin’ damn,” Tyrone said. He sighed and shook his head. He was definitely getting new friends after this. 
Shuffling near the back made Paul sit up straight, like a dog excited to see its owner. Tyrone gave him a weird look before catching the confused look on his face. Tyrone turned towards the sound. Mike had a dopey grin on his face, walking zombie-like towards them. 
The librarian trailed behind him, looking more or less happier than when she found three strange men in the library late at night. “No snacks for us?” Paul asked. “Did yo fatass eat it all?” 
Mike continued walking and sat down in the next available seat on their side of the table. Tyrone was the closest and shook Mike. He only kept the goofy smile on his face, hands placed flat on the table, and stared straight ahead. 
“Aye, what you do to him?” Tyrone asked.
“Excuse me?” The Librarian asked.
“Why he look like that?” Tyrone asked. He shoved Mike once more, but there was no one home behind Mike’s eyes. 
“Aye what the fuck, lady!” Paul yelled. He jumped up from the chair he sat in and rounded Tyrone to get to Mike. He shook Mike, pulling at his oversized T-shirt. Mike blinked a few times and looked down at his stretched shirt in Paul’s hands.
“What the fuck man!” Mike yelled and shoved Paul. 
“We thought she did something to you!” 
Mike adjusted his shirt with a scowl and shook his head. “What could she do? We had a muffin. Gonna make fun of me for that too, little nigga?” 
Paul looked between Mike and Tyrone. Tyrone trained his eyes on the Librarian who watched the whole thing like something was funny. Her lips were turned up like she and Mike knew a dirty secret.
Tyrone stood up and approached her. His head grew fuzzier as he approached, but he pushed on. Pushed past that feeling. He got into her face and stared down at her. He wasn’t a tall man but she also wasn’t a tall woman. And her small heels didn’t give her an advantage.
“We not here for games. Where the hell are we?” He demanded. 
The Librarian sighed and it was like he smelled the greatest scent in the world. It was something dark, alluring, like pomegranates. He leaned in, wanting to smell more of it. 
“You’re not far from the 15, I promise. You probably didn’t catch the turn off driving in this type of darkness.” 
“The hell you do to him?” Tyrone asked and cocked his head to the side.
“What are you talking about?” 
“What took you so long to come back out? Don’t take that fuckin’ long for a muffin,” he said.
The Librarian rolled her eyes. “I’m going to assume it’s the weed that’s making you paranoid. I asked for Michael’s help with some boxes that needed lifting. Some men like to help,” she said and pointedly looked at Tyrone. 
He caught the challenge, a burning in his chest to defend himself. “I ain’t know you needed help,” he said.
“There’s still a few things I need to move. Can you help me before you go on our way, screaming that I’m the devil?” She lifted a perfectly arched eyebrow and Tyrone looked at Mike. 
Maybe she was right. But Tyrone didn’t trust it. He looked to Paul who shook his head. Mike just stared at him blankly. The smell of pomegranate hit him again and his mouth watered. He looked back at the Librarian.
“I help you, you help me, that sort of thing?” He asked.
The Librarian shrugged. “I’m a librarian. I’ll help you anyway,” she said. “Won’t take as long as I did with Michael. I promise,” she said.
The way she kept saying his name made Tyrone scowl. He wanted to hear his name on her lips. He wanted her to scream it while he was balls deep inside of her. He blinked and shook his head. Where did that come from?
He found himself nodding anyway, following behind the Librarian. He watched her ass in that skirt that looked painted on. If he didn’t know any better, he’d swear she didn’t have any panties on. He didn’t see any panty lines as she walked. 
She moved fast, disappearing down a few stacks. Towards the back, there was a door marked for employees only. She went inside and held the door open for him. It led to a dingy hallway with a few doors on either side. To their immediate left, there was a small kitchenette with a basket of muffins on the table. 
The Librarian walked past, heading down the hallway. “I’m Tyrone, by the way,” he said.
“It’s nice to meet you,” she said.
He huffed, thinking he was going to hear his name from her voice. He followed her to an office. It was cramped, one lonely and neat desk surrounded by stacks of books and notebooks, papers, and a sorting cart. 
She pointed to a few boxes on top of a high bookshelf. “Can you please get these down for me? The last librarian was a giant and they’re too heavy for me,” she said. 
He nodded and used a step ladder to climb up and get the boxes. She was right, they were heavy. Probably filled with books and shit. He got to work, climbing up and down the ladder and moving boxes. He worked up a nice sweat in the office. A single drip of sweat slid down his neck and down his chest.
They made small talk while he worked. He learned that she was new to town and he asked her what made her move to some place like this.
“It’s quiet and the people are nice. That’s what I was looking for,” she said.
“Bad ex?” He asked. He huffed as he strained under the heaviest box yet. 
“No, just wanted a change. If that’s too heavy, don’t hurt yourself trying to move it. I can ask the shop owner to help. He’s a giant too,” she said.
Tyrone scoffed and worked even harder to scoot the box from the top of the shelf. Fuck that. If anyone was going to help her, it was going to be him. He made a sound as he got the box down and descended the ladder. Thank fuck it was the last box.
He set it down on top of the others with a smug smirk and looked at her. She returned his smirk and she leaned on one side, calling attention back to her figure.
Tyrone licked his lips and thought, fuck it. “If you need more help, we got time,” he said.
“Don’t think I’m the devil anymore?” She teased. 
He stepped closer, closer than he ought to. That pomegranate smell hit him again and he leaned in. “Never thought you were the devil. Just sayin’. I can help with anything,” he said. He cast his eyes all over her body, his fingers tingling with the urge to touch her. To see if he could peel her skirt off and lick what’s left behind. 
“Anything huh?” She asked. She laughed and trailed her long red nails across his chest. A shudder ran through him, desire spiking higher. His dick twitched, getting thicker. She moved from around him and fiddled with things on her desk.
Tyrone approached her, trying not to spook her. He pressed into her back, placing his hands on either side of her on top of her desk. He inhaled the heavenly scent of her, his nose pressed to the back of her neck. He didn’t know why he was being so bold. But he knew that if he didn’t at least try, if he didn’t shoot his shot, he’d forever regret it.
There was no way he was coming back to this town. But he couldn’t leave without a taste of her. Just one taste.
“Must get lonely in this town,” he whispered.
“What makes you say that?” 
“‘Cause you in this library instead of at home, letting some idiot fuck you to sleep,” Tyrone said.
The Librarian chuckled. “You always talk so nasty to strangers?” She asked.
Tyrone placed a kiss against her neck since she wasn’t stopping him. “Mhm, no ma’am. Just hate the thought of you here all alone,” he said.
“Why, you want to fix it?” She asked. She turned around, turning mischievous eyes to him. She laughed and for a split second…nah, that can’t be right. Her eyes didn’t flash red. Impossible.
He licked his lips and nodded, drawn once more to her lips. “Do you really want to fix it?” Her voice turned sultry and she drew her pink tongue across her lips. He followed the movement, undone by it.
“Yes, ma’am,” he said. 
“Sit down, Tyrone,” she commanded. 
Tyrone’s legs bent without any thought to if there was a chair behind him or not. Luckily there was and he sank into the plush chair with a quiet sigh. 
She sank down to her knees and he was mesmerized by the way her skirt moved with her. How it didn’t rip or tear on the way down. He widened his legs and she smirked at him, running her hands up and down his solid thighs.
His dick tented his sweats, obviously showing his desire for her. He was near mad with it. Lustful. He ached to bury his dick somewhere warm and wet. She had the same idea as she eyed it. 
She moved her hands to the waistband of his sweats and started to shimmy them down far enough to free his dick. She palmed him, stroking him, and he bit his lip to keep from moaning. He was not going to bust off of a hand job. The fuck he looked like? 
She wasted no time leaning onto her knees and taking him deep. “Oh fuck,” he said and his hips jerked off of the chair. 
She took him to the base, suckling him and moaning around his dick. She played with the tip, swirling her tongue around the head and licking up any drop of pre-cum. She slurped as she released him and then ran her hand up and down his length.
“Wait, put yo mouth back on me,” he said.
“Did you like it?” She asked. 
“Fuck yes,” he said.
She did not return her mouth to his dick. She stroked him, driving him insane with the right amount of pressure and speed. But it was nothing like her mouth. He reached up to pull her head back down. He didn’t know why women wanted to be cute when he just wanted to bust.
She moved her head out of the way. “Put your hands down or I stop,” she snapped. 
Tyrone’s hands froze in mid air. His mind stuttered as her voice was equal parts erotic and scary. There it was again. That same flash of red in her eyes. She grinned but it was like a slash across her face. Still hot. Still a little scary. 
He was no stranger to a girl taking control in the bedroom. He didn’t always like it, but he wasn’t always the cool and calm mu’fucka he projected around LA. He fumbled the first time he had sex. A few times after that as well. 
He lowered his hands back to the arm rests and she ran her tongue across her teeth. “Good boy,” she said. 
She stroked him and stared at him, waiting to see if he’d try something else. When she was satisfied, she dipped her head and really got to work. Her mouth sucked him down like she was trying to eat him alive. Burning pleasure seeped into him and he threw his head back against the back of the chair.
“Won’t you moan for me, Tyrone? I like to know I’m doing a good job too,” she said and then returned to sucking the soul out of him. That’s exactly what it felt like. Like she was drinking from the very essence of him. 
“Goddamn,” he groaned, twisting his hips. Trying to push more of himself into her mouth. He licked his lips and made himself sit up. Made himself watch as his dick slipped in and out of her mouth. His hands gripped the rough fabric of the chair, dying to grab her. Hold her.
Saliva gathered on his dick. Her mouth was hot and perfect on his velvety dick. She added her hands, stroking as she slobbered. The room filled with wet suckling noises. Garbled saliva noises. She slurped him up and his climax hit the base of his spine. His balls grew heavier. The need to cum was overpowering but he did not want this to go too fast.
He wanted to stay in the moment. Stay with her mouth on him. Her hands on him. Her eyes fixed in absolute pleasure. He was used to women doing this shit as if it were a chore. As if it were something they thought he wanted in order to please them back. He wasn’t selfish. He didn’t want them to do anything they didn’t want to do.
But what a fuckin’ difference when he got with a real head hunter. He gave her all of his moans, all of his encouragement. Sweat poured down his temple. He watched and felt her work him, a near feeding frenzy.
He thought about baseball, the DMV, LA traffic, anything to keep this climax at bay. But then she sucked hard enough to sting and he threw his head back once more. “Shiiit,” he groaned.
His powerful climax hit the back of her throat. She hummed around it, swallowing every last drop. She continued to suck him, wringing it all. He fed her and wished he could cum again just to the sound of her humming around his dick. 
He heaved as she released him, inch by slow inch, and finally let him go with a wet pop. Her eyes were closed as she licked her lips. The lipstick was a little smudged and he groaned. Fuck. He wanted to go again already. But he’d never quite had the soul sucked out of him like that. He needed a moment to calm down, to get his bearings. 
“You beautiful boy,” she whispered, more to herself. He watched the emotions play out on her face as she wiped the corners of her mouth and sucked on her finger. 
“You talk about me being nasty,” he said.
The librarians didn’t do it like this back in LA. Maybe he needed to frequent the bookstore more. Find the quiet girls. Those were some closet freaks. Shy as hell though. Still might be worth looking into.
The Librarian chuckled and got to her feet. She moved away but Tyrone grabbed her hand. “Wait, lemme return the favor,” he said.
“That’s okay, baby. I got what I wanted,” she said. Her eyes were too narrow for him to catch her meaning. She caressed his face, those long nails sending arrows of lust straight to his dick. 
“Please,” he said and licked his lips. It wasn’t in him to leave a woman unsatisfied while he got off scott-free. He ain’t never begged for pussy. But dammit he wanted it. If her pussy was anything like her head game, he’d have to consider moving here. Maybe getting out of the game would be worth it. 
“That’s okay, baby. Really,” she said. She moved her hand from his face and he grabbed her again. He kissed the back of it and then flipped it over to kiss her palm. He left wet kisses on her wrist and up her forearm.
“Let me taste you,” he said. “Please?” 
She smirked at him. “What about your friends?” 
“Fuck ‘em. They ain’t my kids,” Tyrone said.
She chuckled and raised her eyebrow at him. He shook with restraint. Anyone else and he’d bulldoze his way in. Talk all kinds of nasty shit in their ear to get them to spread their legs. But she was different. She drove him wild. 
His skin was feverish. Desperate. He had to have her. There was no way he would leave without tasting her and seeing what made her squirm. What made her scream.
“Come on then,” she said. She said it like she didn’t believe him. That he couldn’t pleasure her. He wondered if some boonie fuck got to fuck her. If she was comparing them. He’d make sure she remembered him.
Tyrone stood up from the chair as she stood facing him, inching her skirt up her thighs and revealing that she, in fact, did not wear panties. He groaned as he watched her. She sat on the desk and spread her legs for him. For him.
He sauntered closer, running his fingers through her soaking folds. He dropped his head to his shoulder and groaned.
“You gon’ kill me,” he said.
She chuckled and ran her hands across his shoulders. She kissed his cheek. “Never,” she said. 
He lifted his head high enough to kiss her. The smell and taste of her made him bolder. He slipped his fingers inside of her, pumping her, seeing how much of him she can take. He slipped in with ease and he felt her clench around his fingers. 
Pride swept through him that she was so wet for him. He kneeled down, placing one of her legs over his shoulder. He kissed her pussy, inhaled the scent of her. He groaned in satisfaction and feasted on her.
He went in fast, flicking her clit. “Oh shit,” she said. Her hands gripped his shoulder. Her thighs squeezed his head and he went faster, flicking that little nub until it was nice and swollen. 
“Right there, right there,” she panted. Her voice rose in octaves. He kept it up, giving her exactly what she needed. He used his thumbs to open her up wider. Her juices coated the entire lower half of his face.
He dug in, licking and flicking, sucking, and moaning. She tasted so damn good, so damn divine. “That’s right, eat it, baby,” she encouraged. 
The praise hit him like a sack of bricks. It spurned him on, wanting to please her. He slipped his fingers back into her pussy, curling them and rubbing her spongy wet walls until she couldn’t speak. Couldn’t do anything but murmur and coo and grip his cornrows roughly.
She tensed before orgasming, twitching and jerking beneath him. He licked up what she gushed out, not ready to give up the ghost. All of her sounds were in the back of her throat. Animalistic, guttural.
He stood up, wiped his mouth, and then entered her before she could draw breath. Her eyes flashed red once more but it was just a trick of the light. He pounded into her ruthlessly.
He moaned and kept going. She was a welcome sheath for his straining dick. Her heated core felt so good, so right, that he became more animalistic himself. He pulled her by the legs to the edge of the desk, supporting her weight, and spearing her. 
He wanted to split her in half. He fucked her and her pussy gripped his dick like it had a mind of its own. He’d never met a woman like her. Will never meet another.
She only grew wetter and he slipped and sputtered as he pounded. He kept going, searching and reaching for the deepest part of her. 
“Goddamn, you feel so good. So - uh- good,” he said. 
She cried every time he went in, her face twisted in that perfect mix of ecstasy and pain. “Oh fuck, oh fuck. Deep-mm-deeper,” she moaned. 
He angled his hips and pulled her closer, giving all of himself to her. Her hand was on his chest as if to push him away. But she grabbed his shirt and pulled him close, kissing him. She licked his lips and he lost his rhythm. If she kept shit like that up, he wasn’t going to last.
“Let me cum in this pussy,” he begged. “Let me cum in it.” It was a desperate need. That same primal need to mark her or claim her. To fill her up. Humans lost their super sense of smell many evolutions ago. But he wished that anyone who came across her in the future would be able to smell him on her, in her. 
She wheezed as he finally hit a spot deep enough for her. She rocked on his dick as she moaned. Her teeth grew a bit sharper, her nails a little longer, and her eyes a wicked deep shade of red.
Her head was thrown back as he watched the transformation, watched as she seemed to swell with energy. “Fuck me, Tyrone. Fuck me,” she said. Her desk made scraping noises as he pounded into her.
His heartbeat was in tune with his strokes. He wanted to stop, needed to stop, but she felt so good bouncing on his dick. She trained those red eyes on him and smirked.
“Cum in this pussy,” she commanded.
He let go, his climax making his eyes cross. He shouted his release into her, pumping her full of his biggest load yet. He stuffed her full and it triggered her own orgasm. She squeezed his dick and he cried out, hoarse, losing his voice to her. Losing his mind to her.
He slipped out while she laughed and settled onto the desk. “Oh, I could gorge myself on you for years,” she said and cackled, throwing her hands across her chest and hugging herself.
He wasn’t tripping. Her eyes really were fucking red. He pulled his pants back up and backed out of the room. Her cackles followed him.
“Come back any time and see me, Tyrone!” 
Tyrone ran down the hallway, her cackling laughter seeming to follow him. He didn’t dare risk a look back. He flew past the door, past Mike and Paul. 
“What the fuck!” Paul yelled. No need to be told a thing, Mike and Paul raced after Tyrone. He didn’t stop running. Her laughter was in his head. In his skin. 
He ran to the car and hopped in the driver’s side. He yelled for the keys. Paul threw it to him and slipped into the passenger side while Mike just made it into the back. 
It was pitch black, not even the street lamps enough to pierce the darkness.
“Anytime.” Tyrone heard in his head. The tires squealed against the pavement as he threw the car in reverse.
Fuck Vegas! If there was one thing he knew, it was how to get the fuck home. He put his foot to the floor of the car and peeled off down the road. He was confused, still a little horny, but all around freaked out.
He swerved onto the freeway and put the night and that crazy bitch out of his mind. But the laughter still followed him all the way home.
You need some more in your life? There's more! The Secret Tyrone Files
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chiara-hotel · 8 months
𝐎𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝟒𝐭𝐡: 𝐒𝐡𝐲 𝐬/𝐨 𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐬 𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐧 (𝐏𝐨𝐞, 𝐊𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐤𝐢𝐝𝐚, 𝐀𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐬𝐡𝐢 & 𝐂𝐡𝐮𝐮𝐲𝐚)
Characters: Poe, Kunikida, Atsushi & Chuuya
BSD Characters with an s/o who gets very energetic & bubbly when talking about halloween (etc.). And enjoys baking, dressing up, making treats, eating treats, looking at halloween decor & watch halloween movies.
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- Poe LOVES seeing you so excited about the holiday
- Despite not being a huge fan of it like you are, Poe will gladly do anything halloween related with you!
- He spends a lot of money on decor for you because he knows you’ll love it
- Hes also a bit not used to seeing you so energetic
- Baking marathon!! Poe will but everything you need for all of your spooky treats (also Karl is the taste tester)
- Matching costumes!! I’ll let that go to your imagination
- Let Karl i’m on the matching costumes though
- Poe wouldn’t bea fan of the huge gruesome movies but he will watch some movies like Coraline, Corpse Bride or even The Nightmare Before Christmas (Poe is very confused why you guys were watching a Christmas movie at first)
- Ends up a little scared of your halloween obsession, but he also still loves you to death so
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- Now Kunikida with his journal, obviously he’s planning a bunch of events/dates every day until halloween to fuel your obsession
- Sone ideas: Halloween movie binge night, Baking halloween treats, going to a haunted house and many more
- Hes scared for the haunted house but tries to act calm (it fails)
- Dresses up as something simple with you, (he only dressed up because you forced him)
- Dazai chuckling beside you to add he sees kunikida all dressed up
- (He is not letting Dazai ruin his and your schedule)
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-When he was younger he probably didn’t get to celebrate halloween that much so he’s happier that you are so excited about it
- He gets really happy hearing you so energetic about something you like
- He LOVES baking with you! Atsushi will even recommend new treats to try out
- Atsushi also bakes a few for his colleagues at the agency (specifically Ranpo, but every one else gets some too)
- Hes going as a tiger, like his ability but he also willing to try on costumes at the store with you
- When you guys look at some of the decor hes a bit scared of the “more scary stuff” so he avoids those aisles and hides behind you as you walk down them :)
- Also buys some with you (a bit scary, but not too scary)
- Some decor he’d like to buy is probably pumpkins, kid-friendly blow ups for your lawn, and some things like that
- Similar thing with halloween movies, he likes the non-scary movies (yeah don’t watch really scary halloween movies with him, he will cry)
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- Shocked
- How you went from normally quiet, Shy & introverted s/o an extrovert very knowledgeable about halloween
- Chuuya also LOVES seeing you like this
- While you guys go shopping, he accidentally sets off a prop and gets scared (now he’s in denial that he got scared)
- Buys EVERYTHING related to halloween in that store, if you mention about how much it most cost Chuuya will just say “anything for you, doll”
- Its like an early christmas present except it’s all about halloween
- No space in the house? He can hire someone to expand the property, theres also the mafia headquarters for more storage (ya’ll probably have a huge house though so it’ll fit in a store room somewhere)
- Also buys A LOT of baking materials so you guys can make pumpkin pie, pumpkin cupcakes, pumpkin loaf, pumpkin pretzels and many more
- Cuddles while movie binging (he might get scared at some of the movies but deny it (it’s really obvious when he dies because he grabs onto you tighter))
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artzychic27 · 1 year
For Halloween, Marc decides to go into school as Count Marcula, a spooky yet romantic vampiric writer. His costume is really detailed, slicked back hair, cape, suit, gloves, super realistic fake fangs, red eye contacts, fake nails, fake ears, you name it.
He speaks throughout the day in a Transylvanian accent (I vant to suck your blood, that kinda voice), brings an umbrella to school, and comes out of an actual coffin.
Count Marcula: Good evening. (Fake blood dripping down his cheek.) Nathaniel: *Nose bleeds from the hotness.*
I'd love some scenes of him scaring the shit out of Chloe and Lila, flirting with Nathaniel, and being a hammy vampire in front of the Science Kids and Akuma Class.
Jean: *Dressed as the Phantom of the Opera* Daaaamn.
Nathaniel: *Dressed as Eraserhead*… He. Is. HOT! THAT’S MINE! HE’S MINE! *Shoves Ivan and Kim out of the way and runs into Marc’s arms* I SAW HIM FIRST! YA’LL BETTER BACK OFF!
Ivan: *Dressed as Jack Skellington* … Did he just-
Kim: *Dressed as Thor* I think he did.
Alix: *Dressed as Miss Joke* Never underestimate the power of a short bisexual.
Louis: *Dressed as Bob Ross* Maybe he can suck some actual talent out of someone and put it in you!
Nathaniel: *Sitting in Marc’s lap* SHUT YOUR WHORE MOUTH, LOUIS!
Louis: … Ouch.
Lila: *Dressed as Queen Elizabeth 1; walks in on Marc who appears to be biting Nath’s neck in the locker room* AAAAAHHHH!! *Runs away screaming*
Marc: Vat is her problem?
Nathaniel: Don’t know, don’t care; just keep licking the frosting off my neck. Who the hell even started that food fight?
Austin A: *Dressed as Heather C* GUYS! MARC’S A VAMPIRE!
Austin B: *Dressed as Bill Cipher* Yeah, it’s a great costume, right?
Austin A: NO! Listen to me! I walked into the bathroom, and there he was at the sink, and he didn’t have a reflection in the mirror*
Austin T: *Dressed as Christine Daaé* … Armsy, have you been eating too much candy?
Austin A: You’re not listening to me! *Austin Q slaps him across the face* Did you just slap me?
Austin Q: *Dressed as Kim Possible* I was calming you down!
Austin A: How was that supposed to calm me down?! There is a vampire in this fucking school and he’s gonna suck my blood!
Austin T: Why would he suck your blood?
Austin A: ‘Cause, look at me.
Kim: Guys, it’s time to face facts… We have to kill Marc.
Akuma Class sans Nath: …
Marinette: *Dressed as Zatanna* WHAT?! Dude! We’re not killing Marc!
Kim: Why not? He’s a vampire.
Max: *Dressed as Electra from Starlight Express* Kim, for the last time, Marc is not a vampire. It’s just a very realistic costume.
Nino: *Dressed as Bruno* He did bite into that apple without his fangs coming off.
Myléne: *Dressed as Sally* Oh, and his skin started getting all smokey when he was outside in the sun.
Juleka: *Dressed as Jason* And he bit Nath’s neck.
Adrien: *Dressed as Harry Potter* Nath is looking kinda paler than before.
Marinette: Guys, Marc is not a vampire, okay? And if he is, then may I be struck by- *Thunder crashes outside* … May a bat fly through that door in the next three seconds.
Marinette: See? He’s not-
*A bat flies in through the window*
Kim: *Jumps into Max’s arms* KILL IT! KILL IT NOW!
*The students all hide under their desks for a few seconds, and and Marinette pokes her head out, she finds Marc sitting atop the teacher’s desk*
Marinette: … Marc… Did you see a bat just now?
Marc: Can’t say that I have.
*Thunder and lightning crash outside, cutting the lights off, and when they come back on, Marc’s nowhere in sight*
Marinette: … Okay, I’m sold.
Alix: I still think this is bull.
Denise: *Dressed as Luisa* Guys, he’s not a vampire.
Alix: Told you.
Nino: Then kindly explain why he has no reflection!
Cosette: Dressed as Static Shock; about to answer, but pauses* … Maybe… He’s so pale that… The light-
Alya: *Dressed in a Clovers cheer uniform* Mhm. Mhm. The light. Go on.
Cosette: … I don’t know, man! He cosplays! He’s got the mechanics of it all down! He could cosplay as Hagakure!
Reshma: *Dressed as Sailor Moon* He somehow made the blood smell like copper.
Ivan: Did you hear yourself just now?
Simon: *Dressed as a Ghostbuster* If Marc’s a vampire, then… I’m the Queen of England.
*Just then, Marc walks by with Nathaniel unconscious in his arms*
Lacey: *Dressed as Tinker Bell* Marc… Whatcha doin’?
Marc: Nath fell asleep. I’m just taking him… Somevhere. *Leaves*
Marinette: So, Simon, would you like your crown to be silver or gold?
Chloé: *Dressed as Elle Woods; going into the basement* How dare she make me grab another stupid textbook from down here?! Ugh! Now where are they- *Sees a coffin in the middle of the room* … H-how long has this been here?
*Going against every instinct, Chloé opens the coffin and screams when she finds Nathaniel in it*
Marc: You shouldn’t have come down here, Miss Bourgeois.
Chloé: … AAAAAHHH!! *Runs upstairs* VAMPIRES ARE REAL!
Nathaniel: *Groggily wakes up* Hey, is everything alright?
Marc: Yes, go back to sleep, Nath.
Nathaniel: Alright. *Shuts the coffin door*
Aurore: *Dressed as Eclipsa* …
Marc: …
Aurore/Marc: … *Nod to each other, open their parasols, and go their respective ways*
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msweebyness · 10 months
Class of Villainy & School for Monstrous Youths- Scared Straight
Hey ya’ll! This is a fun little idea I had! First things first, I want to tell you about a special project Sparky and I have in the works for after Mirrorverse is complete: a mega crossover of all our major AU’s, ie Class of Heroes/Villainy, School for Monstrous Youths, Creepsters and Ghoul Squad! This is a separate AU from that, but here’s the gist: What if…the heroes met the monsters beforehand? They end up telling them about their villain selves, and the monsters suggest they send them by for a little visit. Here’s what comes of it. (As always, @imsparky2002 and @artzychic27!)
As the villainous classes approached the gothic castle that strongly resembled their school, they were feeling pretty smug. When those insipid ‘hero’ counterparts had informed them that they had OTHER counterparts in this world and that they were interested in meeting the dastardly teens, they knew they had to check it out. Another group of spineless do-gooders to lord their superiority over…or so they thought.
“What do you think those imbecilesss were sssnickering about?”, Jafardrien sneered to his companions as Kimton and Ivan Oogie pushed open the massive dark wood doors.
“Who knows? But whoever these new goody-good counterparts are, they’ll be no match for us, my friends!”, YzAlya boasted, her head held high as the other villains agree.
The villains started as they turned to see the Adrien of this universe, smiling at them in a rather…creepy manner, “We’re SO glad you guys could make it!”
“Sssooo, you’re me? No offenssse, but you don’t look like anything ssspecial.”, Jafardrien snarked, earning chuckles from his friends.
The other Adrien just kept smiling, ignoring the comment before he spoke again, “Well, no need to hang around in the doorway! My friends are just DYING to meet you!”
The villains scoffed, and started down the main hall, with no idea what was awaiting them within the school. Average Adrien laughed softly, a slight sinister note underlaying it. His friends were about to teach these villains a lesson they would never forget...
As they continued down the main hall, the villains noticed the lights were getting progressively dimmer. 'Oooh, spooky.'
But at that moment, from the shadows somewhere behind them, a childish, unsettling giggle echoed through the previously silent space. The evil teens turned to look in all directions but spied nothing, continuing on their way...only for the laughter to sound again just moments later...this time even closer.
"Alright, who's there?!", Mari DeVil demanded, hands on her hips. Only to jump with a yelp when she felt coarse fabric brush against her hand. "What was that?! Something just touched me!", her friends all looked at her skeptically, but still, her partners moved closer.
The devilish fashionista felt the brush of cloth again, this time against the side of her arm, and she turned to glare at the only member of the group who happened to be made of cloth, "Ivan, knock it off!"
The boogeyman looked at her incredulously, "Ah'm nowhere close ta you!", only to be met with a fiercely irritated glare from the girl.
"Well, something made of cloth keeps touching me, and it's getting-"
"Peekaboo.", said a cheerful and creepily childlike voice from behind the fur-coated vixen, causing her to jump and shriek, whipping around to see what looked like...her, but stitched together of gray fabric and with large blue buttons for eyes. The smile on her stitched lips was not comforting in any way as she peered at the villains.
With another creepy giggle, she spoke in the manner of a demented toddler to her captive audience, "Hiiii. Do you wanna play a game with me?", she asked, producing three large needles from her pocket, which she aimed at her neck, causing each villain in the group, but particularly Mari DeVil, to feel an uncomfortable sensation in their own necks.
"I...think we'll pass!", the fashion maven said quickly, before she ushered her fellow villains down the hall, to a cheery "Bye bye!" from her ragdoll counterpart, followed by the sounds of her skipping away in the opposite direction.
The villainous group then ducked into a room on the right side of the hallway, eager to be separated from the disturbing doll. But when they filed into the room, it was completely dark...bar for the pale glow of eerie blue candles. Though it appeared they were the only ones in the room, they could all feel a...presence. Something else was there...
The villains all shivered as something icy whooshed past them from behind, sending a chill down their spines. They whipped around to look, but the space was empty. They felt the same sensation sweep behind them again, only to yield the same results when they turned.
"Okay, something is in here!", YzAlya said firmly, only to yelp when something brushed the back of her neck...something that felt like soft but ice-cold fingers...
"Alright, what was that?!", the young sorceress demanded, whipping around to look in all directions...only to feel that chilling touch from behind once again.
She quickly turned around and found only a bare wall looking back at her...for only the briefest of moments before the room was shaken with a thundering "BOOOO!" as a terrifying specter with glowing purple eyes phased through the solid surface in front of her. The wicked potions expert let out an ear-piercing shriek before bolting for the door, her friends close behind.
They walked down another corridor, allowing themselves to regroup after their ghostly encounter. But this only lasted a moment, as the lights in the hall suddenly went out, forcing the villains to feel along the walls and floor to find their way.
As he moved slowly down the hall, Honest Nino felt his foot brush against something on the floor. Bending down to pick it up, he brought it into the light from Mireides' crackling hair...only to let out a loud shriek that was echoed by his friends when he found himself holding a green-skinned, severed arm.
"Holy shit!", the fox hybrid cried as he dropped the arm to the floor, only for a set of bizarre noises to hit his sensitive ears: heavy, stomping footsteps and a deep, guttural growl.
"Umm...guys? I think I know who the arm belongs to...", Madame Sabrina squeaked, pointing shakily at something in the distance. The other villains turned to look, seeing a tall, green-skinned, dead-eyed figure that was missing an arm stomping towards them menacingly. The electrodes sticking out of the sides of his neck were giving off loud and bright sparks of electricity, some jumping dangerously close to the villains.
It was then that the creature caught sight of the goddess of death's flaming hair, and his heterochromic eyes dilated in sudden fury as he began to shake.
"Fire....BAD!", the teen Stein shouted in an angry and distorted voice, picking up a chair by the entrance of the classroom and hurling it at the villains. "BAD!", before following it with another furious roar. The villains didn't waste a second and hightailed it down the hall.
Moments later, having managed to evade the enraged Franken-Teen, the villains found themselves next in an old, grand banquet hall, with all the drapes pulled closed. The entire room held an almost deathly chill as the villains moved further within.
Juleficent's hand jumped to where her scepter should have been when something suddenly swooped behind her head...only to find it absent. DiabLuka jumped when something dark and small whizzed by in front of his face. He could have sworn it felt like a leathery wing.
The dark fae twins and their villainous companions jumped with a start when two ear-piercing shrieks suddenly echoed through the eerily quiet hall. The noise had come from above them, so they turned their heads toward the ceiling. To their relief, the only thing that they saw upon inspection was a pair of harmless looking bats, peering at them through the darkness.
Shaking their heads to clear their minds, the diabolical twins focused their eyes ahead, ready to move on through the school...when they each felt a strong and icy grip clamp down on their shoulder. Turning around and taking defensive stances, they felt their blood run cold at the sight that greeted them.
Two tall, deathly pale figures with glowing eyes the color of venomous mercury and taunting, cruel grins accentuated by dagger sharp fangs. And from both these fangs and their tinted lips dripped a deep, red liquid that smelled disturbingly of copper...
"Welcome to our school.", the female of the two said, her eyes gleaming even brighter as her ice-cold hand moved from Juleficent's shoulder to brush her cheek.
"We just love to have new blood in these halls.", her brother chimed, staring straight into DiabLuka's eyes in a way that made the evil rocker's skin burn. Those words were all it took for the villains to make an attempt to bolt for the doors...
Only for the vampiric twins to already be there, smiling at them mockingly.
"Do you really think you can run away from us?", the vampiric goth mused, looking at the villains condescendingly. They quickly turned for the other exit, only for the two vampires to meet them there once again. No matter where they turned, where they tried to run, the blood-drinking teens were always ahead of them, laughing wickedly.
"We're as swift as shadows in the night, you'll never outrun us!", the vampire Luka taunted the villains as they made one last dash for the doors. Deciding they had frightened them enough, the two allowed the villains to make their escape.
The group burst through the large set of double doors and found themselves running through the night air...until they realized they were now in the shadows of a dense forest. The only illumination came from the moonlight filtering through the leaves of the trees.
As they moved through the thick underbrush, the teens couldn't help but feel as if they were being...hunted...stalked. Something was in these woods and was watching them very closely. Kimton felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up as he swore he heard something growling in the bushes off to his side.
Continuing through the dark trees, the villains had just managed to somewhat calm their nerves, when the woods around them suddenly shook as a thundering howl ripped through the previously quiet forest, ringing in the ears of the wicked adolescents and rattling the branches of the trees.
Hearts hammering in their chests, the classes of villainy looked up, towards the source of the sound, and were met with the sight of a tall, fur-covered figure with glowing golden eyes standing above them on a rock.
With a loud, blood-chilling snarl, the creature leaped down from the stone crest and landed a couple meters away from the villains, the crouching position of his muscular form reminiscent of a wolf ready to pounce on a hapless deer, his eyes still glowing like lamps as he stalked slowly through the shadows towards them, growling all the way.
Trembling like a leaf, Kimton made to reach for his silver hunting knife…..only to find that, like Juleficent's scepter, it was gone. When he looked back up, his reaching for a weapon seemed to have enraged the wolf, because he suddenly lunged out of the darkness, tackling the hunter to the ground with a furious growl, his eyes glowing brighter than ever before.
"You think you can kill me, bitch?", the werewolf snarled, the only response he got from the villain being an ear-splitting shriek. Which only grew louder as the monster's razor sharp teeth suddenly moved towards his throat, keen on ripping it out...only to stop. With a barely traceable move, the wolf boy released Kimton and disappeared into the woods, leaving both the imbecilic hunter and the other villains baffled and more than a little terrified.
With the young hunter still trembling from his near experience of being a werewolf's dinner, the villains exited the forest and found themselves in a field of tall grass in the sight of a nearby greenhouse...but once again, they clearly were not alone.
Jafardrien, Cosetteweather and Simon Frollo jumped as something moved very quickly through the grass directly behind them, accompanied by a bizarre hissing sound, like an entire chorus of snakes. Lady Chloe and Reshma Hook did the same a moment later as the grass around them rustled and brushed their backs.
All around the villains, almost impossibly fast, an unseen creature blazed through the tall grasses of the field, stirring up unsettling rustling and always, that strange, strange 'hisssss.’
"Okay, I swear, if that is some giant-ass snake, I am going to lose it!”, Honest Nino squeaked, his eyes darting around rapidly in fear.
"I'm pretty sure snakes don't have feet, which I’m definitely hearing!", Maxdrome countered, though you could hear how shaken he was in the pitch of his voice.
"Well then, what is it?!”, Madame Sabrina demanded, just as whatever reptilian beast was hiding in the grasses brushed along past Alix Khan, sending the tigress into a snarling defensive stance.
"Okay, who or what is there?!”, she growled angrily, sweeping the area with her eyes, "Come on!", but the only response she got was another wave of rustling, just to her right, and the ever-present hissing noise reaching a crescendo.
To her left. To her right. Behind her. In the distance. Right in front of her. Whatever this creature was, it moved astronomically fast, dizzying the hybrid’s senses. It was everywhere at once, but at the same time it was nowhere at all!
Suddenly, the hissing sound was less than an inch away from Alix Khan, and when she looked at her friends, she saw them watching something behind her with rising horror. So she turned around to look..
And looming over her with curved fangs bared and reptilian blue eyes shining with malice, scales gleaming in the light of the moon, was a creature with a writhing nest of venomous snakes in place of hair, all letting out the same vicious, deafening hiss as the girl herself. The tigress couldn't hold back the terrified scream that escaped her lips, nor could her friends as they rushed to avert their eyes and flee the creature's territory.
"Over there!", Mylensula shrieked, pointing to the greenhouse, hopefully a safe haven where they could get their wits back.
Though it took them a moment with their eyes covered (they didn't want to become statues), they managed to make their way to the greenhouse. Pushing on the cold glass of the doors to open them, they entered the circular building…and found themselves in nothing short of a jungle, twisted and ridden with all manner of bizarre flora. And what’s more…they could swear that, though they had no eyes, these monstrous plants were all watching them, tracking their every move.
Slowly making their way forward, the villains could swear they heard something creeping along the floor behind them, but when they turned to look, they saw nothing and kept going.
Only for a certain sea witch to let out a sudden shriek as she felt something grab her tentacles, quickly winding through them and holding her in place. Her friends turned to look in alarm, seeing her completely entangled in vines. Ivan Oogie, Juleficent and YzAlya had quickly moved to try and help her, only to find themselves entangled similarly, along with the rest of the villains, in a matter of moments.
From somewhere in the darkness above them, a soft, peaceful voice began to sing…
“The gentle breeze….stirs the leaves…”
The entangled villains looked frantically around for the source of the eerie melody, but the higher level of the greenhouse was so shrouded in darkness that they couldn’t make out a thing.
“And stirs my soul…my heart deep inside me…”
The haunting tune continued as the villain still couldn’t trace its origin…and the vines wrapping around them were starting to grow thorns.
“Sense my worth…as one with earth…of greater whole all connected as one…”
As the final words of the unsettling song floated through the air, the villains finally caught sight of something in the shadows of the mangled treetops. A pair of glowing green eyes with unsettling yellow sclera, twinkling as they peered at the group on the ground through an opening in the thick leaves.
“Do you like my garden?”, a mellow, almost musical voice echoed through the greenhouse, as the vines around the evil teens grew even tighter, “Because my darlings seem…curious about you…”
The villains heard rustling above them and saw the leaves part to reveal a girl who seemed to be just as much a plant as anything else in the room, eyes still glowing and smiling with an eerie serenity as the vines on her arms and legs wound through the branches of the trees, creeping down towards them.
With a laugh that almost sounded too pure, she suddenly vanished into the trees, right in front of their eyes, and the vines loosened enough for them to start pulling free.
After he managed to free himself from the grasp of the vines, the teen boogeyman quickly moved to assist his still-ensnared scallop...only for something with immense strength to strike him down from behind, the sea witch crying out his name in alarm as she watched her beloved crash to the ground.
Coughing up a bit of blood (that had definitely squashed a few of his bugs) from the blow, Ivan Oogie managed to, despite immense pain, turn himself around in a sitting position….to find himself looking up, up, way up at an enormous figure, cloaked completely in shadow, apart from the menacing, almost crimson gleam in his dark eyes and the pale moonlight glinting off his, not so much fangs as tusks.
The hulking monster’s stone expression didn’t change as he spoke with a thick Russian inflection:
“When a bug is bad…you crush it.”, before he lunged forward, his fist plunging downward, straight towards the boogeyman’s skull. The villain managed to scramble out of the way just in time, yelping in fear at the cracks that split the cement ground under the abominable teen’s fist. Unfortunately for Ivan Oogie, he wasn’t quick enough to dodge the yeti’s next blow, which slammed into his chest and sent him flying to the ground once more. He was left gasping for breath, his eyes wide as the monster approached him once more.
“Spookums!”, Mylensula shrieked, trying frantically to disentangle her tentacles from the vines that still held them tight, “Get away from him, you half-witted brute!”
Suddenly, from the darkness above them once more, sounded a familiar, harmonious voice:
“Now now, my love, let’s not be too rough with our guests…”, the plant girl’s words scolded gently from somewhere unseen, punctuated by another creepily angelic giggle, “They still have to meet the rest of our friends…”
The mountain of a monster nodded and receded into the darkness, leaving the young boogey broken on the floor.
With the sea witch supporting and fretting over her wounded beloved, the villains quickly bolted from the greenhouse as the plant girl's ominous laughter echoed behind them, eager to leave the monstrous lovebirds behind. They ran alongside the edge of the school, aiming to stay in the shadows.
Suddenly, in the darkness behind them, a loud THUD sounded. Something had alighted behind them, and the wicked friends whipped around as quickly as they could. But they were only fast enough to catch a fleeting glimpse of another huge creature, this one with unnerving pale yellow eyes, before it alighted into the air with a mighty bound, and disappeared over the rim of the school’s high walls.
The villains waited in place for a moment, expecting the creature to return. When it didn’t, they took a collective deep breath and continued in their way, carefully edging along the wall.
A minute or two later, they heard the same sound as before, this time much closer than it had been the first. When they turned this time, they were able to get a good, full look at the monster. A hulking mass of muscle, just like the yeti before them, their haunting yellow eyes peered out at the villains from behind their wild, dark hair, holding a look that was playful and yet deeply feral.
Just as the villains had turned around to try and run, the towering sasquatch had vaulted over their heads, landing right in front of a trembling Doctor Cabello, and seizing the hoodoo expert by the throat, lifting them up in the air.
“Go ahead and try to run. Wherever you turn, I’ll be there.”, the monster growled, squeezing tight before dropping the witch doctor to the ground and vaulting back up over the wall.
With the voodoo doctor still shaking like a leaf, the villains quickly threw open a set of wooden doors and raced back into the school, finding themselves in the empty auditorium. The room was totally dark except for a single spotlight shining on the stage, which they slowly made their way towards, though they kept bumping into chairs. Fishing out her spare cellphone, QRC shone the flashlight app around the room, illuminating a path for the villains to follow. But as she swung the beam around, it caught on something that gleamed white on the ground. Moving closer…it was a bone….and then another…and then another.
All around them were a bevy of small bones. They all appeared to belong to a humanoid of some kind, but they gave off a strange…energy. Suddenly, from the darkness around them, an adorably deranged laugh sounded, echoing several times over. At the same time, all of the bones began to rattle on the ground, drumming out an ominous beat.
At that moment, they rose from the ground and shot toward the stage, assembling themselves beneath the spotlight. With a blinding flash and another maniacal giggle, a skeletal girl with an impossibly wide grin appeared on the stage.
“SURPRISE!”, she trilled, making a number of the villains jump, giving a twirl and laughing once more. Before leaping gracefully from the stage and disappearing into the darkness.
A mere few moments later, she appeared once again, with a shriek of delight, mere inches away from the candy queen’s face, who let out a yelp of shock.
“Tag, you’re it!”, the skeleton giggled, booping QRC on the nose, making the villain racer squeak in fear. Not wanting to engage in any sort of game with the creepily cheerful girl, the villains turned and fled down a side hall.
With the gleeful giggles of the skeleton still sounding in their ears as they fled, the villains found themselves now in a small alcove that almost resembled a cave one would find within a mountain. The stone walls became massive slabs and stalactites hung from the ceiling.
But the most defining feature was a large pile of what appeared to be small stones from this distance in the center of the central chamber. An ominous air hung about it, as if something was waiting for them to try and approach.
Taking the flashlight from QRC, Kagami Yu was the first one bold enough to approach the pile…which upon shining the beam over it, was revealed to be gold and jewels. Seeing the temptation in the eyes of the pirate and crab-hyrbid, the other villains gave them warning death stares, they didn’t know what could be guarding this hoard.
Inching closer and closer, the general moved the flashlight over the massive mound of treasure, only for the beam to catch on something… different, when she was only a foot or so away. A pair of glowing, reptilian green eyes, glaring at the gathered villains with an ethereal rage.
Draped over the pile of gold was a snarling dragon with bronze scales and gleaming golden claws, her keen eyes never leaving Kagami Yu, tracking her every move. Slowly stalking further down the pile to be little more than an inch from the villain, she said only one thing, in a voice that carried an ancient, powerful air:
“Leave now.”
Kagami Yu could only squeak as she and the rest of the group turned and hightailed it without a second thought.
Fleeing down a side hallway in the cave's wall, the villains next found themselves in what appeared to be a laboratory with a very old-age, steampunk design. Unsettling creaks and wafts of boiling hot steam sounded from the outdated machinery at random and startling intervals, and in the center of the room was a rusted old work table.
On the surface of that table laid a boy, made entirely of copper. His mechanical eyes were wide open but dark, he appeared to be powered down at the moment.
Despite the threatening atmosphere hanging about the room, Maxdrome couldn’t help but approach the table out of curiosity. Looking down at the old-world mechanized version of himself, he tentatively reached out a hand, touching the cool metal of his hand.
Instantly, the lights of the robot’s fiberglass eyes snapped on, and with a sharp ‘whirr’ his head whipped around to face the evil machinist, looking him dead in the face. Slowly, the light in his eyes turned a deep red, as he suddenly jerked up from the table.
“Intruders on the premises.”, he grated out in a strangely echoing and monotone voice, “Commence termination protocols.”, and with that he lifted his arm, aiming what appeared to be some kind of built-in plasma cannon straight at the villains.
Firing off shots with alarming speed, the villains just barely managed to dodge the orbs of energy, one of which exploded into a blinding flash that left the villains scrambling on the floor. When their sight returned, the robotic boy seemed to have vanished without a trace.
“Wh-where did he go?”, Kimton stammered, his eyes as wide as saucers.
“Don’t know, but good riddance!”, IsmaScar responded, “Let’s bolt!”
Not wanting to be there when the mechanical menace returned, the villains quickly moved on to the next room, which ended up being a sandy expanse that resembled the interior of a pyramid. Moving deeper into the room, they noticed the wall was covered in hieroglyphs, and the few that Maxdrome recognized did NOT mean pleasant things. When they could just barely see the light from the corridors opening, they noticed two massive shadows, one on each wall. Upon bringing the flashlight for a better look, they were revealed to be twin sarcophagi.
Not wanting to risk disturbing whatever was in the massive, elaborate coffins, the villains quickly moved to back out of the room…only for Jeanatoa to trip over a small cat statue, landing with a loud crash.
In less than a second, waves of scarab beetles scuttled across the floor, crawling over the villains as all the sand in the room began to swirl ominously around their feet, rising higher by the second.
From the sarcophagus on the left, a loud roar of fury, demonic in every sense of the word sounded. Moments later, an enraged and echoing voice boomed from the sarcophagus on the right:
The villains trembled, frozen with fear as the lids of the tombs slowly opened, allowing two mummy girls to step out and slowly turn to look at the villains with rage-filled, glowing and dead eyes.
Turning to look at each other once more, they began murmuring in ancient Egyptian and making ominous gestures with their hands. The sands around the villains began to rise higher and higher, until they were completely surrounded and unable to see beyond the desert cyclone.
ZoeHans and Lady Chloe huddled close together, only to be wrenched apart when a hand grabbed each of them by the throat, finding themselves looking straight into the luminous eyes of the mummy sisters.
“You have made a grave error, mortals.”, the first mummy, who was holding Lady Chloe, intoned, her voice as regal as it was terrifying.
“Kneel before us or die by our hands.”, the mummy holding ZoeHans snarled, squeezing the princess’ throat tighter.
When the villains didn’t make any move, due to being petrified with fear for their friends, the mummies scowled, seeming to see it as a sign of disrespect. Dropping the two female nobles, they began to utter a terrifying Egyptian chant, the sands and dark shadows swirling around them. Not willing to stick around to see the results, and seeing the door was not blocked by sand anymore, the evil teens quickly bolted from the corridor.
Screaming as the haunting voices still carried ominous Egyptian chants behind them, the villains ran blindly for a distance until they suddenly found themselves beside what appeared to be the school's pool, though it more closely resembled a large lagoon.
The water, though oddly dark, looked clean, so a few of the villains went down to splash some on their faces to help calm themselves. LeOnDine in particular dropped to her knees and looked at her shaking reflection in the water. Only to jump back with a yelp when she swore she saw a second pair of eyes staring back at her from within the depths.
“What’s wrong with you?”, Kimton asked, raising an eyebrow at the girl who just forced a smile and turned back to the water as the villains regrouped on the shore.
Dropping her head down so she could take a deep breath, the redhead regrouped herself…only to hear a bizarre bubbling sound, then see a shadow slowly looming over her. She slowly lifted her head back up…and shrieked at the sight of the scaly, seaweed-draped creature with the razor-toothed smile and glassy eyes.
But when she blinked her eyes and her friends looked over, the monster was gone…
“Alright, WHAT is your problem?”, Kimton demanded, looking at his loyal companion in annoyance.
“Ondine, dear, is something there?”, King Marc asked in a much gentler tone, after shooting the hunter an equally annoyed look.
“I-I don’t kn-know…it was h-here and th-then it-“, the redhead started to stammer out, her eyes the size of saucers.
“Uh….guys?”, Jeanatoa squeaked, pointing to the large cluster of bubbles that had suddenly began to gather on the water’s surface. Before the villains could even fully react…an ENORMOUS creature with a long neck, grayish-blue scales, razor sharp teeth, a tall crest down its back, and a thrashing tail emerged from the water, letting out a deafening roar as the waves set forth by its entrance drenched the screaming villainous teens.
The villains ran, nearly trampling each other, as they scrambled to get away from the monster, leaving the pool atrium and emerging back in the hallway. Getting their breath back, they continued on their way...until they were given pause by the sight of a rather...unusual gargoyle.
Suspicious and more than a little creeped out, the King of Hearts slowly approached the statue, which bore a disturbing resemblance to the mad monarch. But when he reached out to touch the stone sculpture, its eyes suddenly snapped open and a granite hand shot out and grabbed him by the throat before he could react.
Before the alarmed poison king could rush to help his beloved, the gargoyle suddenly alighted into the air, still holding a trembling, squeaking Nath of Hearts.
“You are not welcome here, evil one.”, the creature rumbled out in a voice like crashing boulders, his vice grip on the young king’s throat growing even tighter. Too tight for the other boy to even choke out a response.
All of a sudden, with absolutely no warning, the gargoyle dropped the villain, who crashed to the ground with a loud thud, before swooping upward and out of the school through an open window.
With the King of Hearts now slightly limping from the impact of the drop, his fair beloved supporting him, the villains continued down the high-ceilinged hallway...until a large shadow swooped over their heads. Looking up, they saw nothing but the high-arched ceilings, so they continued on their way…
Only for the shadow to swoop over them again, this time from behind. The eyes of the wicked team darted around frantically, trying to track the shadowy creature as it swooped overhead, back and forth, left and right, but it was simply too fast.
Then suddenly…the shadow stopped moving, and all went quiet. Until the Poison King heard an odd, soft fluttering behind him. Like the beating of a butterfly’s wings.
Turning around slowly, he was met with the ghastly sight of a creature with grey wings, six raised arms, massive and glowing green eyes, twitching antenna and a frantic grin. Before King Marc could scream, the monster beat him to it, releasing a deafening, high pitched trill that followed the villains as they turned to run once more.
Surrounded by the echoes of the moth man's terrible shriek, the dastardly teens bolted down a narrow side corridor, quickly finding themselves in near pitch darkness. With a flashlight leading the way, they made their way down the hall, which seemed to get narrower and narrower by the second.
Simon Frollo shuddered intensely…he could swear he felt something watching him from the darkness, incredibly intently. Several times, he would turn around and swear he saw a large, glowing eye…only for it to disappear a mere second later, making the villain wonder if he was beginning to go mad.
But slowly, the other villains began seeing the eye too. Everywhere they looked, it would be there for only the briefest of moments, driving them to the brink as they felt their every move being tracked.
After a brief while, they all stopped seeing the eye, and their nerves began to calm as they continued down the hall. But it was then that Simon Frollo felt a hand on his shoulder. Knowing he was at the very back of the group, he slowly turned around to look…
And was met with the sight of a tall, startling figure, grinning creepily as he stared at the young minister with his giant, single, gleaming eye. Simon Frollo shrieked and bolted in front of his friends at alarming speed, though they quickly followed.
With the young minister still murmuring about demons, they continued making their way down the corridor, and while it got thinner, they were relieved that they could now see somewhat clearly as the walls were now lined with torches.
Only for that comfort to turn to terror as the flames of the torches suddenly roared and engulfed the sides of the hall, leaping and snapping at the villains from all sides.
Lacey Gothel squeaked as she swore she saw a demonic, grinning face in the flames off to her side, but it quickly vanished. Only to reappear again everywhere she seemed to look. Doing her best to ignore it, she and the other villains quickly continued forward down the hall, avoiding the flames all around them as best they could.
Only to be forced to stop in their tracks and yell in shock when a massive column of white hot fire leaped up in front of them. Their horror only increased when a creature, seemingly one with the column and made of pure flames herself, emerged and gave a thundering, demonic shout which blended into the roar of the fire. The villains all screamed, feeling as if they were looking upon a being from hell.
Almost as suddenly as they had appeared, the tower of flame receded, and the flame girl disappeared, allowing the villains to run further down the hall...until they reached a dead end… at the same time they heard something approaching from behind. Eerie groans and heavy shambling footsteps sounded from the direction in which they had come.
Slowly turning to look, they were met with the sight of a harrowing figure, rotting arms outstretched and eyes dead and cold behind her tangled ginger curls as she lumbered towards them, moaning all the way. Turning back to the walls, the villains desperately looked for some kind of exit.
But in the moments they were distracted, the zombie girl seemed to have moved much faster than should be possible for her sort, as Madame Sabrina felt a cold hand brush against her back, and turned, trembling, to see the undead monster right behind her, growling as she said only one word:
Suddenly, a brick beneath Maxdrome's hand sank into the wall, opening a dark passage, which the villains quickly ran into, eluding the zombie girl. At the end of the dark hall, they found themselves in what appeared to be an abandoned classroom. Hoping to get a moment’s respite, they sat down at the rickety old desks, breathing heavily and gathering their thoughts. But then…
“What the hell isss going on?!”, Jafardrien cried, his friends wondering the same thing as the desks suddenly took to the air, all of them surrounded by a bizarre blue aura.
‘Are you enjoying our game?’
MimRore blinked in confusion. The voice had sounded in her mind, and it was identical to hers…but it wasn’t.
Suddenly, that same voice filled the minds of all the villains:
‘You all have been the most entertaining of guests. Your shrieks are the music to our ears.’
Shaking with confused terror, they turned to the front of the room to see an otherworldly being floating in front of them, her silvery hair floating around her head and her eyes lit with the same blue glow as the one surrounding the villains. She smiled serenely as she began to spin and jerk them around in the air, giggling malevolently.
All of a sudden, the desks were lowered to the floor, and the extraterrestrial girl had vanished from sight. Bolting out of the old lecture hall, and still a little dizzy, the villains emerged near what appeared to be the entrance to a set of catacombs. As they tried to decide whether to enter, they suddenly felt a strange sensation around their feet. Looking down…they all cried in disgust as they found their legs buried up to their ankles in a gelatinous blue ooze that almost seemed to be moving about on its own.
“What on earth is this?!”, Mylensula screamed, shuddering at the feeling of it sloshing around her tentacles, “It’s disgusting!”
Mari DeVil squeaked as she saw more of the bizarre guck dripping down from the ceiling and oozing over the walls.
Suddenly, all the goop began to move at once, rapidly gathering into a cluster right behind Mireides, who could only shudder in revulsion as it took the shape of some kind of being. The goddess almost puked as two goggling eyes and a drippy mouth with an oozing smile formed on the creature. It reached out a slimy arm toward the flame-haired girl, who dry-heaved as it managed to touch her before quickly darting away.
But the creature didn’t follow. Instead, she oozed toward a hole in the floor, which they dropped down into, leaving a glistening trail of slime in her wake.
Trying to keep themselves from fear-vomiting, the villains quickly bolted through the entrance of the catacombs, finding themselves entrenched in shadow. From somewhere in the distance, a low growl sounded. Looking around, the villains could see nothing but the sound continued to grow louder…
Before it was replaced with an echoing roar that shook the ground, and they were suddenly able to spot a pair of feline eyes, watching them like a hawk through the darkness. Slowly, the creature that bore the eyes began to stalk forward, revealing the form of a giant creature resembling a black-furred mountain lion as it stepped into the light.
Before the villains could make any attempt to either escape or placate it, the big cat lunged with a feral snarl, moving straight for the king of the Savannah, who managed to dodge being tackled, but not the creature’s claws, which left bleeding gashes on his arms.
IsmaScar could only tremble, unable to move from the pain as the creature prepared to lunge again…only to give him what almost looked like a smirk, before receding back into the shadows.
As the enormous feline suddenly stopped its attack, the villains fled deeper into the catacombs, suddenly finding themselves in a series of winding corridors...a maze. Like one ripped straight from an old movie, old wet stones and lit by torches.
With Cosetteweather taking the lead, they slowly began to make their way through the winding corridors, hoping to find an exit as quickly as possible.
But after a short while had passed, they began to hear unusual noises. The sound of hooves pawing sharply at the ground and an angry sort of snort…getting closer and closer to where they were by the second. Something else was in this labyrinth…and it didn’t seem to want them there.
Trembling with fear, Cosetteweather lead her friends around the next bend…only to find, standing less than twenty feet away, a monster, with gleaming horns and eyes that seemed to be glowing blood red…and very angry as her hooves pawed at the ground.
Before the dastardly gang could fully process what they were looking at, the minotaur suddenly gave a loud bellow of fury and charged straight for them, Cosetteweather barely being missed as ZoeHans yanked them out of the way.
“WOAH! Look, just calm down, alright?! We’ll get out of your maze, just chill!”, the sheep hybrid gasped out, though this only seemed to infuriate the creature, which lowered its head and prepared to charge again.
Only for the walls of the maze to suddenly shift, separating the villains and the bull, which did not seem to take this very well at all while the group of friends heaved a sigh of relief.
Still hearing the enraged snorts of the minotaur, they were, thankfully, able to quickly find an exit. But when they emerged from the maze, the room they ended up in was completely coated in what appeared to be giant spider webs.
“Oh my god, EWWWW!”, Madame Sabrina cried, “What the hell could have made webs this big?!”, the redheaded diamond enthusiast demanded, looking around the room in disgust.
“I’m not sure, but I’d rather not find out!”, Lady Chloe answered her friend, shuddering as her arm brushed against one of the webs.
The rest of the villains agreed, and tried to move through the room as quickly as possible…only to find the sticky nets of thread getting denser and thicker, to the point they were impossible to avoid, and the villains became entangled.
Reshma Hook could only whimper as she heard a strange scuttling noise above her head, knowing that those multiple tapping limbs likely belonged to whatever had made these webs.
Looking around cautiously, she spied nothing…until she turned back to face the front and screamed at the top of her lungs, suddenly face-to-face with a girl with six glowing red eyes, razor sharp teeth and six limbs that were pawing at the air, hanging upside down in front of her face.
The spider girl only laughed as the pirate whipped out her cutlass, slicing herself and her friends free of the webs as quickly as she could.
Eager to get away from the arachnid girl, the villains fled deeper into the catacombs, ending up in the massive concert hall that laid at its heart. The air in the room was thick with dust, and the only light came from flickering old spotlights near the ridiculously massive stage. Dead in the center of the rickety structure was a massive pipe organ, surrounded by unearthly violet candlelight.
Moving further inside with trepidation, the villains looked around the spacious room, getting the feeling once more that several sets of eyes were watching them. At that moment, a thunderous musical note sounded through the room, rattling the walls and ceiling, as well as the bones of the vile teens.
Looking back at the stage, now sitting at the seat of the organ was a dark figure, clad in a sweeping black cloak, half of his face concealed by a gleaming silver mask. They turned to face the villains, his masked eye glowing with otherworldly energy.
“Looks like y’all have come to the end of our l’il show…”, the ghostly musician said in a honeylike voice that projected through the entire room. With a sweep of his cloak and a roar from the candles, he suddenly vanished from the stage…
…Only to reappear right behind Jeanatoa, who gave a loud shriek as the phantom’s booming laughter filled his ears.
“But now it’s time for the grand finale!”, the monster said grandly with a dazzling smile, “Come on out, ya’ll!”, before he disappeared with another sweep of his cloak.
The collective heartrate of the villainous gang skyrocketed as the phantom's maniacal laughter filled the room as his friends gradually revealed their presence. They had been waiting for the villains to give them one final spook...
"It's been so much fun playing with all of you. Won't you stay a little longer?", Maridoll chirped as she appeared suddenly behind Mari DeVil, still holding her needles as the fashionista shrieked.
YzAlya let out a high squeal as she once again felt the sensation of soft, icy fingers on the back of her neck and the chilling voice of SpectrAlya whispered "Boo..." in her ear.
"GRRRRRAAAARRRGH!", FrankenNino roared as he lurched after the terrified fox hybrid, his electrodes giving off waves of sparks.
The dark fairy twins cried out in terror as a familiar pair of bats swooped over their heads with deafening shrieks, before shifting into the vampire twins who hissed at them in malicious glee.
Kimton shrieked as a golden-brown-furred wolf the size of a small cow leaped from the darkness and pinned him to the ground, its teeth bared in a snarl.
From the shadows to her side, Alix Khan heard a familiar hissing sound and only managed to jump out of the way with a shout at the last second to avoid the snapping jaws of a flurry of snakes and the mocking smile of the girl they were attached to.
Mylensula could only squeak in fear as she was, in the blink of an eye, bound once again in vines like iron chains, as a distortedly sweet voice hummed a familiar song, getting closer by the second.
Ivan Oogie trembled as a massive hand clamped around his throat, lifting him up in the air, finding himself staring into the stony eyes of the yeti once more
“Bug not get away this time.”, Ivan Bumble growled menacingly, squeezing the boogeyman’s neck tighter.
Doctor Cabello yelped in pain as they were knocked to the ground, a giant foot planting down on their chest as Denisquatch smiled eerily at them from above, pressing down and limiting the voodoo mystic’s ability to breath.
QRC squealed as a bony finger tapped her on the shoulder, whipping around to see SkeleRose with an eerie grin, waving her own severed hand at the villain.
Kagami Yu was direly wishing for her sword as DracoGami slashed at her with a mighty roar, forcing her back into a corner.
Maxdrome yelled in frustration and terror as none of his hacking mechanisms worked on the robot firing plasma bolts at him, cursing steam-powered technology for being so simple and yet complex.
Lady Chloe and ZoeHans screamed and panicked as they were overtaken by scarab beetles, the laughter of the mummy sisters mocking them from somewhere unseen.
LeOnDine shrieked in terror as a scaly hand from the fountain in the center of the room reached up and grabbed her ankle, no doubt about to attempt to drown her.
Nath of Hearts cried out when he was suddenly snatched up into the air by the stonefaced Nath Goyle, a crushing grip around his throat once more.
King Marc screamed and cried as MothMarc swooped down only inches from his head over and over, giggling mockingly at the villain’s fear.
Simon Frollo curled into a fetal position and whimpered as he saw a familiar eye watching him from the nearby shadows.
Lacey Gothel screamed as the face of Flamecey taunted her in the torches around the room, moving quicker than a wildfire spreads in a dense forest.
Madame Sabrina threw whatever object she could get her hands on at the approaching Zombrina, but nothing seemed to deter the girl from her set path.
Even MimRore’s giggles seemed a bit nervous as AstraRore slowly hovered toward where she was standing, knocking things out of the way with her telekinesis.
Mireides was barely holding back their vomit as a familiar blue goop gathered around their feet, a watery giggle filling her ears as the substance rose higher and higher.
IsmaScar jumped as the huge cat from before leaped out in front of him, growling menacingly as it approached, its eyes challenging him to try and fight back.
Cosetteweather screamed as she barely managed to dodge the minotaur that charged straight at them, its horns leaving gouges in the wall.
Reshma Hook wailed as she was suddenly wrapped in webbing and drawn up toward the ceiling, a grinning Spider Resh slowly creeping towards her.
Jeanatoa covered his ears as the phantom’s haunting song filled his mind, singing about how the villains had no chance of surviving this night.
As the monsters closed them in from all directions, the villains all simultaneously reached their final breaking points. The screams they released filled the room to the brim. Many of them were crying and they were so engrossed in their terror that they didn’t notice the monsters all suddenly retreat back into the darkness, the only thought in every malicious mind being escape. Which they did as they bolted through the large oaken doors that had suddenly appeared, shrieking all the way as they ran as far as they possibly could from the darkly palatial school.
When they were certain that the villains were long gone, the monsters emerged from the shadows once more, exchanging looks and processing the nights events…before they all began to laugh. Loud, booming, joyous laughter that filled the space vacated by the screams of their wicked counterparts.
“Dudes!”, FrankenNino cried as he doubled over, “We got them SO good!”
“Did ya’ll see the looks on their faces?! They thought we were gonna kill ‘em!”, OperJean guffawed, slapping his knee.
“Okay, that was WAY more fun than I thought it was gonna be!”, Ondine Blue admitted, petting her boyfriend and IsmaCat’s heads before they shifted back into their humanoid forms.
After their laughter died down, bearing proud grins, the assembled monster students turned to look up at a small, eye-like creature that had served as the surveyor of their spooking work for a certain group of ghoulish heroes...
"So...how did they do?", Average Adrien asked the Ghoul Squad as they appeared before the monster classes through a viewing portal. The phantom, werewolf, vampire, stein, mummy and witch exchanged looks before they prepared to pass their judgment…
This is one lesson the villains will never forget! Leave your thoughts in the comments and reblogs! And keep a lookout for a fun prequel and sequel to this story from Sparky!
(The song MyLeaf sings is Emma’s Song from Power Rangers Megaforce. I felt it could be suitably creepy in this scenario!)
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s1desn4cks · 2 months
So- I’m not dead! And I come back with fic ideas! I now have a list of fics I’m going to write and post here, maybe including some art as well!
*MHA, Aizawa protective noms, G/T.
*Random OCs that a friend and I share, G/T
*Spooky Month, Kevin and Streber, aftermath and reconciling from these fics:
*Stanley Vorable, a series of unfortunate noms.
*Spooky Month, Bob and y/n, dinner date
*Eddsworld, probably some borrower stuff with Pred!Tord, definitely some Pred!Tom.
*Digital Circus, Prey!Jax, he’s just done with everything and used to getting nommed due to Caine’s shenanigans.
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adickaboutspoons · 1 year
I used to be dancing with the madmen, now I'm just a dick about spoons
Masterlist of my contributions to fandom, both from this handle, and when I was @dancing-with-the-madmen.
Relationships Stede/Ed: The Art of Buggery
Speedrunning U-Haul Pirates
Stede: Stede and the Thanatos Drive*
cPTSD trauma responses in Ed and Stede
But Why Piracy?
Talk it Through as a Crew (not for me, though, just for you)
Stede’s racism (“yes and”-ing in a tag novel)
Spooky Scary Speculation (what if Ed thinks the reason Stede didn’t join him at the dock is because Stede is dead)
Scraps of Evidence, or the Maps that Lead to You
Fire Marshal Ed
When the Worksona Gets Co-Opted (“yes and”-ing in a tag novel)
Guilt and Struggling with Worthlessness (a “yes-and” reply)
Team Never A Plan (a “no but” reply)
Ed Knows about Mary (a “no but” reply)
We Live in a State of Nature
Why The Kraken Kept Jim and Frenchie (and not anyone else): (a “yes and” reply)
Mary is not without fault (and that’s a good thing) (“yes and”-ing in a tag novel)
The Lamentable Tragedie of Hands-let
Why Are Fang and Ivan Backing up Izzy During the Doggy Heaven Scene?
The Massive Aggression of Calico Jack
The Significance of Ned
Set design: Ship-shaped, Part 1 - What We Know
Ship-shaped, Part 2 - Best Guesses
Ship-shaped Part 3 - Rampant Speculation and Vile Calumny
Ship-shaped Part 4 - A Proportional Response
Ship-shaped Part 5 - The Not-So-Secret Stairs
Ship-shaped: Part I Give Up
Ship-shaped: Part It’s Just A Tardis, Ya’ll
Ok, so I’m a dick about spoons
Gay Love on the Horizon
I Guess That’s Why They Call it the Blues (a response to and expansion upon weirdgirlcore’s meta on the use of blue in Stede’s wardrobe)
Orange (the conclusion to I Guess That’s Why They Call it the Blues. Brevity? I don’t know her)
Steal Ed’s Party Look: A Step-by-Step Hair Styling Tutorial with Pics 
Swedes to the Swede: an all Swedish artists homage to our favorite nameless character
Izzy the trash goblin homophobic closet case (affectionate)
Wanna Do Something Weird? (an Ed/Stede falling-in-love playlist)
Ed & Stede's Big Dumb Sad Breakup Playlist
Fan-vids: I’ve Got a Crush On You - a Hornberry/Stede fanvid
Being A Pirate - a little silliness (and a lot of dick jokes)
The World if Full of Bastards - Ed gets to have an angry punk girl phase
Off With His Shirt
Oh My God I Think I Like You
Season 2 speculation Bingo:
self-sabotage through over-specificity
Dearly Beloved (a comedy of errors based on this exchange)
Something Weird (a silly little ficlet in which Ed makes a proposition & Stede makes an assumption.)
Stede Sonnets (I have a problem. It’s everyone’s problem now. Based on this exchange)
Beautiful and Useless (Missing scene; wound care after the Stab Me scene)
Your Achilles (Ed’s perspective on the events of Beautiful and Useless. Longer and hornier)
Hook Head Man Tale (short one-shot resulting from an ofmd-daily challenge)
Put Your Kraken Arms Around Me (inspired by @wearfinethingsalltoowell: Imagine Stede not knowing bed-sharing etiquette and so he rolls over to the side to give Ed space, and then Ed is just like “nope. I’m getting a hug Stede no escape”)
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madangel19 · 1 year
Would ya look at that. Another Ghost dream to tell ya’ll about :D
I was back at Universal Studios during Halloween Horror Nights. I begin to explore and I noticed the band gathered around one of the buildings that was designed to be one of the many haunted houses. I see some signs and notice that this building was a Ghost themed haunted house. Copia sees me and he invites me over. He then asks me if I want to test out the house and a ghoul pushes me into the house and I’m locked in. It’s very dark, so I decide to explore the house. There’s scare actors dressed as ghouls and plague doctors and they’re trying to spook me, but I somehow ignore them and keep walking. The house is designed to look like a church and it’s both gorgeous and spooky. I soon come to this big room where some cloaked figures are summoning something and it feels very real. They summon a new ghoul and he’s huge and he’s naked and he’s after me. I’m running and there’s a lit path before me that I need to follow or else I’ll get caught. I soon notice that the lit path is becoming harder and harder to find and I start to panic. I soon find a lit area and go for it, but it’s an emergency exit and I’m back outside where the band is waiting. Copia asks if I liked the haunted house and I just cry “I almost died! It’s too scary, Papa!” and he and the rest of the ghouls are just super happy that the haunt is effective. 
Now that I think about it, a Ghost themed haunted house would be amazing!
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beejnbabes · 1 year
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These are just quick mockups but ya’ll... I am doing a THING. Yes, RPGMaker MZ is the base. The working title is “Beetlejuice: Dead Over Heels”. It’s going to be a combination RPG/Farming/Crafting/Dating/School Sim. You play as Lydia, who is now a 21 year-old college student attending Peaceful Pines Community College. The player’s part of the story opens with Lydia finding out about a photography competition taking place at her college. She’s thrilled at the prospect of winning the first prize- a scholarship to the best art school in Connecticut. Until she discovers that Claire Brewster, who is becoming popular online for her fashion photography, has decided to compete. The photo with the most votes wins and Lydia is worried that Claire will take the first prize. So she resolves to go to the Neitherworld to find the freakiest, rarest bug to take a photo of for her entry. On her way home though, she is temporarily slowed down for a tutorial quest involving Old Spooky at a run-down park near Miss Shannon’s School for Girls (the park I posted here that I need to scale down for the sprites. Old Spooky hasn’t really been drawn in but he is represented by a tree that loosely looks like him here.). In this quest, she cheers up Old Spooky and is taught the basics of battling... and the reward is that now she can always come to Old Spooky and ask him what someone is feeling about her and how she can improve that relationship.
Anyway, when she gets home, Beetlejuice shows up in her vanity mirror a nervous wreck because Mayor Maynot has just announced on Neitherworld television that if he’s elected, he will rub out Beetlejuice and everyone in the TV audience really loved it. He pleads with Lydia to try to get her to come to the Neitherworld and run against Mayor Maynot to stop him from doing this and she reluctantly agrees- might as well run for Mayor while looking for the insect to photograph. After they’ve been talking for a minute in BJ’s Roadhouse living room, someone knocks at the door. Beetlejuice goes to open it and- surprise- it’s Donnyjuice, who has just announced his candidacy  for the Mayor’s office. Beetlejuice has no faith that Donny could win and starts to think all is lost now. But Lydia, happy to not have to run for the Mayor’s office herself, says that she and Beetlejuice would be glad to help him win- that they can make him a great campaign that’s sure to land him in office and stop Mayor Maynot, although that’s not why Donny decided to run. As it turns out, he just wants to run because someone told him it would be easier to make the Neitherworld a nicer place if he was Mayor. Beetlejuice, who is still not entirely convinced his brother can win, even if he has Lydia for her amazing campaign skills, begins to calm down but only a little. Donny asks what he should try to do first and Lydia suggests handing out buttons but Donny has none. So Lydia agrees to make him some to hand out but first, she says she needs the crafting recipe and Beetlejuice suggests asking the Monster Across the Street, who has been doing a lot of crafting himself. But when they get to Monster’s house, it’s deserted and there’s a note on the door from Monster that reads: “If’n ya’ll need me fer anythin’, jes’ look fer me at mah new ranch on the outskirts o’ town. - Monster”. So begins Lydia’s quests to find her insect and to save Beetlejuice’s neck...
I might add that this game will have two versions available to play through- SFW and NSFW. SFW will lock the adult rated postgame content away from the player, of course. But NSFW is gonna have some gooooood stuff in store for the adult players who decide to let Lydia get max romance with the characters that allow that. >:)
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alilweirddragon · 1 year
Here’s another (kinda) original chapter from my Amphibia Au that i wanted to share! It’s set in “The Shut-In!” chapter. (Please don’t let the start of it put you off-) Characters: Jean- the human who was transported to Amphibia Flossie- an albino axolotl who befriended Jean (also main character) Pebbs- Flossie’s mother Warning, it does have horror concepts, just in case anyone don’t like that
“Happy Shut-In!”
“Thank you.” Fall was upon Wartwood. Giant pumpkins the size of houses were decorated around the town, and right now many frogs were walking around Wartwood, going from house to house in costumes. Jean smiles, as she, Anne, Flossie and the Plantars were approaching Mrs. Sundew’s home, each carrying a sack. As the door opened, the older teen watches as all the kids begin to chant. “Stay inside, hide your eyes, give us practical supplies!” “Oh, you’re just in time. I’ve got one last box of nails. And they’re rusty!” Mrs Sundew smiles, pouring the nails into the bags. The kids think her, and head off. Anne readjusts the sack over her shoulder. “Ooh, man, this is a workout! Explain this holiday to me again.”
Sprig deadpans as he turns to her. “It’s not a holiday, Anne.” He states. Flossie jumps onto Jean’s back, and the older teen stumbled to catch herself. “It’s the annual Blue Moon Shut-In, Anne!” The axolotl says, as Polly nods, hopping onto the younger girls shoulder. “We need the supplies to survive through the night.” Anne tilts her head. “Huh. Well, you know, we have a similar thing in my world called Halloween. We say “Trick or treat”, and people give you free candy.” Polly gasps. “Free candy! What’s the catch?” She asks suspiciously. Jean grins. “If they don’t give you any, you get to prank them!” She explains. Polly gasps once more, crying cartoonishly. “That is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever heard.” She sniffs. “Hey, kids!” The kids look up to see Hop Pop approaching with Bessie. He pulls her reins as he reaches them. “What’d ya’ll get for tonight’s Shut-In? Show me the goods!” Polly pulls out a weapon from her sack. “I got a hatchet!” “I got a first aid kit!” Sprig adds. Anne reaches into her sack, pulling out a large bug of some kind. “I got a flamethrower!” She exclaims. She demonstrates, activating the flamethrower bug. Surprised and jealous, Polly throws her hatchet to the ground with a pout. “Alright then kids, hop on! We’re going home.” Hop Pop declares. Anne and the Plantars hop up on the wagon. As they do, Hop Pop looks down to Jean and Flossie. “Will you girls be alright? Do you need me to give ya’ll a ride?” He asks, concerned. Jean waves him off. “Nah, Pebbs should be here any minute now. You guys just head home.”
Hop Pop sighs. “Okay, then. Be safe out there. And Happy Shut-In!” He calls out as he gets Bessie moving. Flossie waves to him. “Bye Hop Pop! Happy Shut-In!” “Catch ya later, HP!” Now that they were by themselves, Jean carries Flossie around Wartwood on her back. The weight was a little heavier than usual with the added sacks, but the older teen didn’t mind.
Reaching the water fountain, Jean sets Flossie down so they could both sit. “So, what do you do during Shut-In?” The older teen asks. Flossie scours through her sack, checking out what she’d retrieved on her little outing. “Oh! Mum and I lock all the windows and doors, sit around the fire and tell spooky stories!” She explains. Jean nods, smiling. “Okay, I like the sound of spooky stories.” She chuckles. Hearing a toot, the two girls look up to see Pebbs driving her wagon with Boris their slug. The newt waves to the two girls. “Hey, girls! How was your evening?” She asks as the two climb up on the wagon. Flossie sits right next to her mother, giving her a quick hug. “It was great! We got lots of things! Like an axe, some nails, a couple of bandages…”
Flossie continues listing off random items as Pebbs gets Boris moving. Jean leans back in her seat, looking out at the frogs boarding up their homes and the giant pumpkins currently being carved. She found it strange how they look very similar to the ones back on Earth. Maybe Earths Halloween and Amphibia’s Shut-In are somehow connected. Jean chuckles. That’s silly. There’s no WAY that they’re connected. Just another weird coincidence. ——
Arriving home, Pebbs and Flossie head quickly inside. Jean looks up at the barricaded house. “Whoa, they’re taking this VERY seriously.” As they sit inside, waiting for it to get dark, Jean clears her throat. “So….what exactly happens if you go outside?” She questions. Pebbs, who’d sat down in her chair with a book and her cane beside her, turned to face the older teen. “Short answer: If you look at the blue moon, you turn into a terrifying beast.” She explains. Jean chuckles. “How do you know this? What if it’s an urban legend or something?” She asks, skeptical. Pebbs doesn’t laugh though, as she stares deep into Jean’s soul. “Why don’t you fuck around and find out for us.” Jean stares at her as the newt returns to her reading. Flossie’s thudding footsteps running down the stairs startles the older teen, and she looks up to see the axolotl holding a book as she jumps down the last step, holding it above her head. “Scary story time! I’ve been waiting all YEAR to share the stories I wrote to scare you mum! I’m gonna get you good this year!” She boasts. Pebbs chuckles, placing her own book down. “Alright then. Would you like to go first then?” She asks. Flossie nods excitedly, sitting down in front of the fire next to Jean. The older teen tilts her head. “What’s this about scaring Pebbs?” “Ooh! Mum and I do a competition every year on the night of the Shut-In!” She explains. “Who ever tells the scariest story wins. And every year mum wins. She always has the scariest stories. They’re so terrifying, I have nightmares about them for weeks!” “What makes them so terrifying?” Jean asks. Flossie turns to her. “I never know which one’s are real and which one’s aren’t.” Jean grins. “Aight. Mind if I join?” She asks. Pebbs shrugs. “I don’t see why not.” She answers. Flossie squeals. “This is gonna be the best scary story competition EVER!”
Standing up, Flossie clears her throat, opening her book. “Tonight, I’m gonna be telling the story of…The Skinwalker!” She says in a spooky voice. Lightning crackled outside at the perfect time, illuminating her pale face. Jean looks around. “Where did the lightning come from?” “Don’t question it!” — “There once was a frog named Willow. She lived with her father, a lonely wood cutter, in the middle of the woods.” A small, green frog hops down the pathway of her house, passing by her father who was busy cutting wood. She carried an empty basket.
“I’m going out to look for berries, papa!” Willow calls out. The lime-green frog waves her off with a smile. “Be safe out there! There’s been talk of a strange creature that’s been spotted.” He informs her, raising the axe above his head and bringing it down on the stump of wood. Willow smiles reassuringly, clutching her basket close. “I will!” With that, she was off, hopping through the forest as she approaches her favourite spot to pick berries.
Reaching the clearing, she sets to work, hopping from bush to bush to collect as many berries as she could. That’s when she heard it. A low, guttural groan coming from somewhere in the woods nearby. Willow tilts her head, listening. It came again, and Willow puts her basket down. “That’s weird, what could that be?” She wonders. Maybe it was an animal in distress? She heads towards the sound, determined to help whatever creature was injured. The sound was coming from just behind the tree now. Peeking around the tree, she sees a strange, skinny, grey-skinned creature. Its back was to her, hunched over something. The groan sounded out again, and Willow realised that it was coming from this creature. Willow tilts her head. “H-hello?” She asks. The creature turns to her, wide, black eyes staring deep into her soul. It opens it jaw wide, unlike any animal the young frog had ever seen. In its clawed hands was a bloody piece of flesh, the stench of dead animal filling the air around them. It let out an awful, otherworldly scream, frightening Willow as she screamed too. The frog stumbles back, running in the other direction back home. She didn’t even stop to pick up her basket, wanting to put as much distance as she could between herself and the terrifying creature.
She just ran. As the frog ran, she thought she could hear something chasing after her, but after taking a quick look over her shoulder, she couldn’t see anything. But she still couldn’t shake the feeling of something watching her as she stumbled on, weak and defenceless like a caterpillar kitten.
The trees around her felt like they were trying to grab her, their branches clawing at her from all directions, tearing her dress and pulling her hair as she rushes by. Finally. FINALLY. She made it home. It had gotten dark out now, making everything 100 times more terrifying. As she ran up the familiar pathway, she realised her father was no where in sight. That must mean that he was inside, then. Yanking the door open Willow bolts inside, snapping the locks into place. It was only then that she let herself calm down. Her legs were shaky from the scare and the running, and she felt so, so tired. Maybe she should just go straight to bed tonight…yeah, yeah that’s what she’ll do. She can tell her papa about the creature tomorrow. Double checking to make sure the door WAS locked, she heads upstairs to bed, switching off the lights as she went.
Reaching her room, she flops onto her bed, worn out. As soon as her head hit the pillow, she was out like a light. She didn’t even hear the tapping at her window. - Willow wakes up to a loud clutter of pots falling to the ground, followed by a loud scream coming from the kitchen downstairs. She jolts up in bed, listening to her father screaming for a few seconds. Her fathers screams die down, and a loud thud sounds out. Getting up from her bed, Willow waddles over to her door. “Papa? Are you okay?” She asks, voice full of fear. There was silence for several seconds. “Come here.” Her father’s voice calls out faintly. Letting out a sigh of relief, Willow heads down to the kitchen, the floorboards creaking as she walks.
Rounding the corner, she spots her father standing in the kitchen, his back to her. “Papa? What happened?” She asks. He doesn’t reply to her question. Instead, her repeated the phrase “Come here.” In a monotone, almost robotic voice. As she stepped closer, Willow notices something. In front of her father, lay a body. It was a lime green frog, and was wearing her fathers clothes. It lay in a pool of its own blood, which was quickly spreading, covering the floor. It was her papa. Frightened, Willow looks up at the imposter that looked identical to her father. “W-who are you?” She asks in a shaky voice. The copy turns to her, its eyes pitch black and its jaw unhinged. It let out a guttural, otherworldly scream, and Willow screams back, running from the room. As she ran, she could hear it chasing after her. Glancing over her shoulder briefly, she saw the way it crawled after her. It moved in a bizarre, horrifying way. Its movements were jerky and unnatural, as it chased after her. Its ghoulish face screamed at her again.
She ran for the front door. Reaching it, she tried to open it. Yanking on the handle, she started panicking. It was locked. Willow screams and cries, yanking harder on the handle and fumbling with the lock, watching in horror as the creature came closer and closer, its pitch black eyes on her papa’s face the only thing she could see. She finally managed to open the door, stumbling out and shutting it behind her. The creature ran head-first into the wooden door, shrieking and screeching at her as she bolted into the wood. It smashed right through the door, the splintering of the wood urging Willow to run faster.
Once she was far enough out of view, Willow climbs up a tree, panting heavily as she clambers into the foliage, hiding herself in the leaves.
She holds her breath, hearing the approaching creature. It’s rapid, unnatural breathing was all she could hear from the darkness. She covers her mouth to muffle any whimpers, squeezing her eyes shut, and praying it will go away. A few seconds of the creatures unnatural filling the silence passes. Then, the rustling of the creature fades into the distance, disappearing into the night. Willow listens closely. But she was surrounded by silence. Letting out a sigh of relief, she climbs down the tree, leaning against its trunk to take a moment. She was safe for now. Now she needed to get to the nearest town and return with others to retrieve her father’s body. With a heavy heart at that realisation, she let out a quiet sob. No, she couldn’t do that here. She had to get out of here first. Turning to leave, she froze in terror. The creature was standing right in front of her, its maw open wide. It let out a shriek, as it lunged toward the defenceless frog.
—— “Neither of them were ever seen again….the end!” Flossie finishes, sitting back down with a proud smile on her face as she closes her book. Jean and Pebbs clap for the small axolotl. “Whoa! That was amazing! I got goosebumps!” Jean admits, rubbing her arms. “I got some serious competition.” Pebbs nods, agreeing to her statement. “That definitely had me on the edge of my seat.” Pebbs adds. Flossie grins, pumping her fist. “Yes!” “So, who’s going next?” Pebbs asks. She looks over to Jean expectantly, who in turn shrugs her shoulders. “Alright, if you insist.” She chuckles. Flossie scoots closer, ears perked. “This is a story I like to call, Mother Mary.” — A woman kneels in front of a statue of Mother Mary. Her hands are clasped together in prayer, eyes downcast. Her blue robes seemed to flow, even though they were etched in stone, while her foot was stomped on the head of a snake. Fresh flowers of all kinds sat around her, an offering of respect for the Holy Mother of God.
The woman kneeling in front of her clasps a pair of rosary beads, in deep prayer. She has her eyes closed, mumbling under her breathe fearfully. “Oh holy Mary, please give me strength and save me from this evil….” She whispers. That’s when it begins. Something is thrown across the room, whizzing pass the woman’s head and crashing against the wall. The woman flinches, but keeps praying. Never moving from her place. It only got worse from there. With each passing second, more things were thrown around the room. The woman begins weeping, rushing and stumbling over her words as portraits and plates smashed and broke, leaving a mess of shattered glass on the floor. Cupboards and doors banged open and closed repeatedly, and the sounds of running footsteps ran through the hallways. The woman cowers, falling face first to the ground. “Holy Mary Mother of God, please spare me from this evil.” She sobs. She can hear something approaching. The clacking sound of hooves walks up behind her. She doesn’t dare move, as heavy breathing falls on the back of her neck, making her shiver. Everything comes to a stop. The house is filled with a deafening silence, and the woman slowly gets up, looking around.
The plates she heard smashed were no where to be seen, and everything was in it’s place. No objects were lying on the floor, not even the one that had flown by her head mere minutes ago. The woman lets out a sigh of relief, turning back to the statue of Mary with a smile. Her smile falls, and her eyes widen in horror. The fresh flowers the woman had picked that morning were wilted and dead, their colours turn to ash. The once blue robes of the statue had turned blood red, and the snake under her foot was gone. As the woman eyes trailed up the statue, her breathing hitched at the terrifying sight. The hands that were once clasped in a prayer, were now wrapped around the statues neck. Blood dribbled from the mouth, nose and eyes of the statue. The eyes. The eyes that were downcast and kind, had now turned to glare at the woman, eyes red and demonic as she grinned evilly down at her. “God can’t save you now.” She hisses, giggling maniacally.
Before the woman could scream, something invisible grabs her throat, lifting her up from the ground. She claws at whatever held her in place, gasping for air. In the blink of an eye, a demonic, red man appears, clutching at her throat with sharp fingernails. Curved horns grew from his skull, and shaggy, goat fur covered his arms and legs. He grins a crooked, sharp grin, squeezing her throat harder. The woman lets out a strangled scream, but it was hard for her to use her voice. The red man opens his mouth, and out crawls a large snake, climbing up his arms slowly as it approached the woman. It hovers in front of her for a moment, watching the life leaving the woman’s eyes. Her arms became limp, and she stares into the distance, mouth hanging open from a silent scream. Her breathing became shallow, her pulse barely noticeable. The snake lunges, plunging its fangs into the woman’s eyes. — Flossie and Pebbs look at each, confused. “How large is a snake in your world? How can it crawl out of the mans mouth?” Flossie asks. Pebbs nods. “Yes, and who is this “Mother Mary” you speak of?” She added. Jean groans. “Dang it, I got to Amphibia-fy it.” “Amphibi-what?” “Never mind.” Jean waves off their questions, turning to Pebbs. “Now, it’s your turn, Pebbs. What’s your scary story?” Flossie gasps, shaking her mother’s arm. “Yes! Yes! Tell us your scary story, mum!” She begs. Pebbs smiles, pretending to give in to her child’s cries. “Alright, alright. I guess I do have one or two up my sleeve.” She chuckles. As Pebbs starts her story, the two youngsters scoot closer. The newt rests her chin on her palms, as she looks down at the children. The fire crackles as it’s light falls on her face, casting her in an eerie glow. “Now, the story I’m about to tell you two, no one else knows the truth of. This is the story of: Puddle’s Doll.”
— Two amphibians, a frog and a newt, run together down to the lake, each carrying a large sack. Two best friends, who spent their every day by the shore-side of the lake, each carrying a sack to search for and collect treasures.
It was surprising how much junk showed up on the lake’s shores. Pebbs turns to frog friend. “Hey, Puddle! Race you to the lake!” She taunts. Puddle chuckles, hopping ahead of the newt child. “Oh, it is ON!” “Hey! No fair!”
The two giggle as they rush to the lake, diving head first into its waters. They splash around for a bit, then got out to look for treasures.
Puddle carries his sack a distance away from Pebbs, picking up a few shells, a chipped sun-dial, and a soaked book.
Waddling along, he comes across an object he’d never seen before. He picks it up.
It looked like some kind of glass doll, a frog dressed in a frilly dress, and a mass of hair on her head. One eye was missing, and the other stares up at Puddle. Without taking his eyes off of it, he calls out to Pebbs. “Hey Pebbs, take a look at this!” Pebbs comes over, spotting the doll in Puddle’s hands. “Mother of Olms, what is that?” She asks curiously. She reaches out to grab it and take a closer look, but Puddle snatches it away. “Hey! Finders keepers!” Pebbs holds up her hands in surrender. “I was just going to have a look, frog’s sake. You can keep that thing. I definitely don’t want it.” She scoffs, looking down at it. Puddle follows her gaze, turning it around in his hands. “I do have to say, it is freaky looking.” He admits. A wide grin crosses his features as he shoves it into his sack. “I’m gonna scare my sisters with it.” He chuckles darkly. Pebbs giggles, and the two resume their treasure hunting.
Neither of them had seen a tall, lanky, shadowy figure watching from the bushes nearby. They grin, fangs bared before disappearing into the thicket.
A few days had passed since Pebbs and Puddle found the doll. But every time the two hung out, Pebbs would notice the bags under Puddle’s eyes, how jumpy he’d get whenever someone so much as touched.
And the way he’d snap out at any one for minor things. This was so unlike Puddle, and Pebbs was getting worried.
One day, they were out by the lake again. They were just chatting, when Pebbs had just gently brushed against Puddle’s arm. It set him off, and he turns to her with wide, terrified eyes. “Don’t touch me!” He hisses. Pebbs reels back, shocked. “I barely touched you!” She shoots back. Puddle takes in heavy breaths, looking around for something. He looked terrified.
The newt takes a step in front of her friend, making sure she was in his view. “Puddle, are you okay? Did something happen?” She asks worriedly.
His expression, which was contorted into rage moments before, melted away into one of shock and regret. He looks around, shoulders hunched. “I-I’m sorry. I don’t know what came over me.” He replies quietly, sitting down on the ground.
Pebbs sits down with him. “Is everything okay, Puddle?” Puddle looks out at the lake. “I-I….if I tell you, do you promise not to call me crazy?” He asks in a hushed whisper. Pebbs smiles, placing her hand on her heart. “I swear upon King Andrias Leviathon. Now, what’s wrong?” She asks. Puddle draws his knees to his chest, swallowing nervously. “Do you…remember that weird doll we found?” Pebbs nods, urging him to continue. Puddle rubs his arm. “W-well, I think…I think there’s something seriously wrong with it.” He admits. Pebbs tilts her head. “How so?” “It moves.” Pebbs squints at the frog, more confused than ever. “It…what?” “It moves.” Puddle repeats. “By itself. When it first did it, I thought it was my sisters. But they had no way of knowing I had the doll.” He explains. Pebbs stares at him. “I don’t think I quite understand-“ “A-and each night, it gets worse. I-I hear tapping on my window, and little footsteps running around my room. I woke up this morning with it sitting right next to my head, even though I threw it into the cupboard last night.” His voice starts quivering, and he begins to cry. “I-I don’t know what to do. I’ve locked it up, I’ve tried throwing it away, but it keeps coming back. “And tonight, my folks and little sisters are leaving the house and staying somewhere overnight. I’m not allowed to go because I’m grounded!” He starts shaking as he’s crying, and he cuddles up into his newt friend. “I-I’m scared, Pebbs. I’m not allowed to leave the house.” Pebbs gently rubs his back, deep in thought. Finally, she stands up with a grin. “Hey, it’ll be fine! I’ll just stay the night at yours! I’m sure your parents won’t mind: It’s me!” She laughs, gesturing to herself. “I’ll figure out your problem, and by tomorrow morning, you’re problem will be fixed! You have my word.” She explains. Holding onto Puddle’s hands, she helps him to his feet. “Ol’ Pebbs ain’t scared of no doll.” Puddle seems unsure, but nods his head, relaxing at the thought of having his best friend staying the night. None of them knew what they were getting themselves into.
Pebbs arrives at the doorstep of Puddle’s house, carrying a bag with all her belongings and her favourite cane. Knocking on the door, she waited, taking note that the family wagon was no where to be seen. Puddle’s family must’ve left already. The door opens, revealing a relieved Puddle. He lets the newt in. “Thank you so much for staying with me tonight, Pebbs.” He says. Pebbs grins, waving him off. “It’s no problem! Anything for a friend.” She winks, elbowing him. Puddle guides her to his room, where the doll sat on the bed. Puddle shivers, staring at the doll fearfully. “I didn’t put that there…” he whispers. Pebbs bends down to take a closer look at the doll. It sat stock still, frozen. Like it hadn’t moved at all. The young newt hums, removing her bag from her shoulder and placing it on the ground next to her cane, rummaging through it. Puddle tilts his head. “What are you doing? What did you bring?” He asks. Pebbs finally pulls out a jar of powder. “You said it moves, right? If we put flour all over the floor, we’ll see if it really is moving by itself, or if something else is doing it. There’s got to be an explanation for this.” She informs. Puddle nods his head, finally understanding. “That’s smart.” With Puddle’s permission, the newt covers the frogs room and the hallway floor in flour. By the time they were done spreading out the flour and were careful not to step in it on the way to the room, it was dark outside. So, the two children light up the house with glowing mushrooms, lighting the fireplace to keep the house warm. Sitting down on the floor of Puddle’s room, the doll between them, Pebbs brings out a book with a maroon cover, a golden, 6 fingered webbed hand on the cover. She opens it to a bookmarked page. “Okay. So according to this book by Professor Pond, what you might be experiencing is something called “paranormal activity”. To put it short for you: something to do with angry deceased spirits.” Pebbs explains. “This one is called “doll haunting”, and after some researching on it, I think I’ve figured out what to do!” She claims. Pulling out another piece of paper with “yes” and “no” written on it. She balances two pencils on it. “What we do, is we ask it questions that it can answer in “yes” or “no”. To answer it simply pushes the pencil in the direction of its answer,” Puddle looks down at the confusing stuff in front of him. “Whoa, this is a lot.” He comments. “How’d you find the book?” “Sorry, you may be may best friend, but I can’t tell you that.” The newt explains mysterious, putting it in front of her face to hide a smirk. She did so to lighten the mood, and thankfully it worked, since Puddle giggles. “Fine then. Keep your secrets. But you better tell me when all this is over.” “Maybe I will, maybe I won’t.” The two giggle, returning to their activity. Clearing her throat, Pebbs looks around the darkened room. “Okay, first question: Is there anything with us tonight?” She asks aloud. There’s silence for a while, as the two amphibians look around at there surroundings. Something moving catches Puddle’s attention, and he gasps. “P-Pebbs. Look.” He whispers, pointing at the piece of paper and pencil. The pencil was now pointing at “yes”. He looks up at her. “P-please tell me that w-was you.” He asks. Pebbs shakes her head, and Puddle whimpers. “Uh, question two: are you connected to the doll?” Again, there was no answer. The paper doesn’t move for a while. The newt decides to watch the doll, seeing if it would move like Puddle’s said. It was facing away from her, it’s one eye staring at the walk-in cupboard. Pebbs squints, leaning closer to the doll. That’s when it’s glass eye moved to stare at her, startling her. She screams, reeling back and scooting away. Puddle copies her, frightened. “What?! What happened?!” He yells. Pebbs stares at the doll, panting. “It’s eye moved! “ Something gets thrown across the room, scaring the two kids and they both scream once more. They both look in the direction of the sound, seeing that one of Puddle’s figures had been flung to the other side of the room. Puddle turns to his friend. “I-I wanna go. Let’s l-leave.” He begged. Pebbs shook her head. “N-no! Please, let’s just stay a little longer. I want to finish this investigation!” She insists. Puddle looks at the doll fearfully, doubtful and unsure. Pebbs crawls back to the doll, picking up her book. “One more question, then we can go. Okay?” She offers, holding out her hand. Not wanting to leave the house by himself, Puddle gives in, sitting down with the newt and holding her hand tightly. Pebbs picks up her book in one hand, clearing her throat. “Last question….are you…are you here to hurt us?” The two fixate their gaze onto the pencil on the paper. It moves slightly, before it starts spinning. It spins around and around, looking like it wasn’t intending to stop to answer. Pebbs and Puddle share a scared look. That wasn’t a good sign. Finally, it lands on its answer: yes.
At that, Puddle’s stands up, shaking his head. “No, no, no, no. We’re leaving. Right now.” He informs. Pebbs nods, gathering her stuff and harshly stuffing it into her bag. “Agreed.” They hurriedly got to their feet, Pebbs holding her half-open bag as objects spill out of it, accidentally leaving her cane behind.
As the two amphibians got up to go, already halfway out the door, they hear a giggle. A little girls giggle, that echoed around the room, making a shiver crawl up their spines. Pebbs and Puddle turn around to stare at the doll. The doll that was once sitting on the floor, was now standing all by itself. Pebbs was fascinated. She cautiously approaches the doll, as Puddle shakes his head, begging her to leave. But the newt ignores him. Standing right beside the doll, she moves her hand above it, making sure that there were no strings connected. Her hand was met with thin air. She was in disbelief. “This is…” The bed is lifted off the ground by an invisible force, thrown in Pebbs direction. The newt screams, jumping out of the way and dropping her bag. She gasps for air as Puddle pulls her to her feet. “LET’S GO! LET’S GO! LET’S GO!” The two children scramble out of the room, their footfalls and heavy breaths filling the deafening silence. Pebbs stops, turning back to the room. Puddle halts in his running when he realised the newt wasn’t following. “Pebbs! What are you doing?! We have to get out of here!” He hisses. Pebbs shakes her head. “M-my stuff- my book! I can’t leave it- my book can help you get rid of this ghost!” She exclaims. Puddle jumps on the spot, thinking of a solution. The newt obviously wasn’t going to leave without her stupid book. He groans, grabbing her arm and leading her to the kitchen. “Come on!” He hisses, moving as quietly as he could. They reach the kitchen, and Puddle grabs a knife. “Okay, h-here’s the plan. I’ll go get the book, while you stay here.” He orders. Pebbs shakes her head furiously. “No way! I’m not gonna make you stay here OR get my book. You can wait outside the house, and I’LL go get my book.” She claims. Puddle scowls. “No, I’m not leaving you in here with that thing!” “And I’m not going to make you get my book!” As they argued, a loud creak startles them. They turn to the doorway to see….the doll. The doll stood there, staring at them with its one eye. Its arm was raised toward them, reaching for them. The light in the hallway behind her flickered on and off, making everything even more terrifying for the two kids.
The kids stare, frozen. Pebbs finally takes in a shaky breath. “I-I’ll go get my book. You stay here, and tell me if it moves. When I get back, we’ll leave and come up with a plan.” She whispers. Puddle nods, staring quietly at the doll. Moving around the doll slowly, Pebbs holds her breath. But it doesn’t move. It keeps staring right at Puddle. She makes a run for it, bolting into Puddle’s room to grab her book. As she enters the room, she noticed it had become a mess while they were gone. Cupboards were open, with clothes and other objects covering the floor. Her book wasn’t anywhere in sight.
She begins searching, throwing stuff out of her way as she looked frantically for the book. “Come on, come on! It was just here! Where could it-" “Pebbs!” Puddle’s voice screams out from the kitchen. “Hurry up! Please!” “I’m trying!” Pebbs scuffled around, heart-rate rising in a panic. Her book was missing, the only thing that could help them get rid of this thing, it was missing. “PEBBS! IT MOVED! I ONLY BLINKED AND IT MOVED!” Puddle’s high-pitched voice screams. Pebbs stomach sunk. “Get out! I’ll meet you outside!” She urged. Puddle’s angry, and terrified reply came back. “I’m not leaving you! I-I just won’t blink! Just please, hurry!” He urged. Pebbs threw stuff against the wall. “Come on! Where- FOUND OUT!” She laughs out, relieved, as she picks it up. “I’m coming Puddle!” There was no reply as Pebbs ran out the room, book clasped tightly in her hands. “I got it! Let’s go!” Reaching the kitchen, Pebbs wide, delighted grin fell. Puddle wasn’t there, and neither was the doll. The newt gulps. Maybe he went outside? Like she told him to? Running out the door, she looks around. But her little frog friend was no where in sight. “Puddle! Where are you?!" No response. Pebbs felt like throwing up, as she clutches her book tightly. “Puddle, this isn’t funny! Please, come out! We can leave now!” Still, Puddle did not come out. Pebbs begins tearing up, turning in circles. The woods around her whispered, voices unrecognisable. Shadowy figures loomed in the corner of her eyes, but were never there when she turned to look. Freaking out, Pebbs looks back at the house. What she saw, made her blood run cold. There, in the window of Puddle’s room, was a tall, lanky figure. It waves at her, its features invisible. At that, Pebbs ran. Her instincts told her to run, and so she did. Any thought left her mind except for one: Run and look for help. The only thing grounding her as she ran back to Wartwood, was the heavy book in her arms, reminding her of what she’d done. ——
“When the adults returned to the house the next morning, they found nothing out of the ordinary. Puddle’s room was neat and tidy, just like they’d left it. There was no one inside the house waiting for them. The only one missing, was Puddle.”
The kids stare up at Pebbs, pale faced as they listened to her story. Pebbs held her cane tightly, as she stares down at the children, expression unreadable.
“Puddle’s body was found by the lake a few days later, his limbs torn off and placed in a circle.” Flossie gulps, holding onto Jean tightly. Jean pats her head, clearly frightened by the story as well. Pebbs smirks at their reactions. “Some say in the dead of night, if you go down by the lake, you can hear Puddle’s lost spirit crying, begging for help." Flossie shivers, and Jean looks around, clearing her throat. “What-uh-happened to the doll?” She asks quietly. Pebbs leans back into her chair. “No one knows. But I suspect it’s searching for its next victim, tapping at the windows of unsuspecting children, waiting to see which one will let them in. ”
They sit in silence for a few seconds, the only sound coming from the crackling of the fire. The older teen claps her hands together.
“So, who’s the winner tonight?” she asks. Flossie points to her mother. “Mum again.” She says, defeatedly. Pebbs shrugs. “I don’t know, you told a pretty scary story tonight.” She points out. “Well, someone has to be the winner. Unless we’re calling it a draw?” “No draws! Draws are for the weak!” Flossie exclaims. Pebbs turns to the readers. “Who do you think won the competition?” Jean follows her gaze, seeing nothing. “What are you looking at?” As they chatted, a small sound disturbs them. A tapping at the window nearest to them. Pebbs turns to the children, expression dark. “Don’t open that.” “Don’t have to ask me twice!”
“Ain’t no way in hell I’m opening it after that.”
A/N: For someone who watches a lot of horror stories on yt, you’d think I’d come up with scarier stuff aksjhcjch
Side note: this is my first time writing horror ajhfcj so here you go either way. Think of it as a late halloween special/early christmas present!
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hugsandchaos · 11 months
@evandarya , @fluffen-spooky , @shorterthanaverage , @nottmuchtopost , @killercranberries , @cmstars2 , @amecurio , @scythgal , @writer-extraordinaire , @waitimdissocaitingagain , @imaginationmademanifest , @chrysanthemum9484 , @rasberry-muffin , @jaguarthecat , @dannyphantomphan , @starmee-lodurrson , @thefearfullone , @decisively-o-indecisive , @nifeout , @sailor-goddess , @the-legal-shipper , @ollietheotaku , @lov3ly-pain , @robinmedea , @viyatrix , @markus209 , @kyrianclawraith , @newgraywolf , @the-church-grimm , @scribbiesan-main , @bruh-incoming , @sunflower-sovereign , @britcision , @spooky-fm , @phoenixdemonqueen , @latheevening226 , @avenlfear , @starscreamlover , @undead-essence , @emiwritesthings , @jaytriesstuff , @calcifina , @bun-fish , @luffyrose, @potatoeofwisdom , @thegatorsgoose , @markus209 , @may-rbi , @mothman-the-mothman-87 , @dannyisababyking , @soul-lime , @elvesandlanterns , @bahfev , @blackroserelina , @love-has-no-labels , @deepslumberworld , @lesling123 , @peachpopprize , @moons-cat , @phil-lis I GOT YA’LL SOME SECONDS!!!
This is much later and a lot shorter than I intended it to be.
Diana was expecting to have a normal night routine, which included the typical 3AM snack, not go downstairs and nearly have a heart attack when she realized a boy had broken into her house to get some food. She should’ve called the cops, yet here she was, sharing some leftover chicken noodle soup with him.
“Sorry for the intrusion. If it makes you feel better, I didn’t break anything and the only thing I intended on stealing was a bit of food.” The boy, or Danny as he introduced himself, apologized. Diana handed him a bowl and fork and sat next to him on the couch, where they both sat in darkness, with the exception of the light from the kitchen.”It’s alright. Now that I’ve given it to you, it’s not considered stealing, now is it?” She replied. The black haired boy smiled a bit and shrugged.
They both ate in silence for a while. Or at least, in audible silence. Diana’s mind raced with questions and only a few answers. How did he even manage to get in without breaking anything? Did he pick a lock? She would probably have to change them. Where did he come from? In the little light flowing in from the kitchen, his clothes looked battered and dirty. Diana couldn’t tell which assumption was worse; the possibility of him coming from an awful home or not having a home at all.
When Diana glanced at her phone to check the time after eating, she saw that 15 minutes had flown by. It felt like only three or four. She got up to bring her bowl to the kitchen sink, but was stopped by Danny speaking up.“Do you know of any homeless shelters I could crash at?” He asked.
So that confirmed that assumption.”The closest one is a couple miles. You should stay here for the night.” Diana said. She put her bowl in the sink, which was soon copied by Danny. He looked at her as if she grew a second head.”Wait, seriously?” He asked.“I’m grateful for the offer, but a kid appeared in your house with no sign of forced entry raiding your kitchen and you want to let him stay the night? I honestly expected you to chase me out when you turned on the lights.” He said.
“I think we’re both a little too tired to discuss this. Get some rest and we’ll talk more in the morning, you look worse than some of my coworkers.” Diana said, flipping the light switch off and heading to bed.”There’s a closet with spare blankets and pillows down the hall. Help yourself.” She added.
At the end of the hall, she opened the door to her bedroom and Danny found the closet.”Isn’t it technically already morning?” He asked. Dianapaused and rolled her eyes with a small smile.”Oh, no. The kid who broke into my house is into jokes.” She joked before closing and locking her door.
In the morning, Danny was gone. He left a thank you note and mentioned that he’s heading towards the homeless shelters.
If we ever cross paths again, teach me how to make that soup! — Danny
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marireadshellblazer · 2 years
Hellblazer Issue #21
Welcome back ya'll. Finally able to get some reading done. TLDR I have been a busy bee. New job, two family emergencies, and getting the big virus not just once, but twice. Teaching is taxing on the immune system, lemmie tell ya. Anyway....
Must I discuss the beauty of the cover art? Are there words to describe the covers of this era? No, I think not. Just look for yourself and find joy.
Webster’s mutilation of the scardies was a good way to start this issue.Further hammers in that shit’s gettin’ real. The lovely detail of it raining blood makes the supernatural element of the tale very obvious to those who were doubters earlier. Sure, John was right, but it isn’t something great to be right about.
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I appreciate the (kinda) re-appearance of Chas here. His relationship with John and how they talk to each other never fails to get a smile from me. Chas is a simple man, but he is clever enough to not dig too deep into what John is up to.
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It makes sense that John has “friends” in low places, and that those friends are people in the government. It’s also no secret how Delano feels about the royals in the UK, so it figures he would have them be a part of the conspiracy.
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Ahh!! Such a sweet moment here!
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Chas, my good sir, don’t make this weird.
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It’s moments like this that later writers of Hellblazer seem to forget. John is not a a cold, unfeeling hunter of the supernatural; he’s capable of not only empathy, but also -God forbid- being kind.
Aight, I feel even worse for those poor guys locked up by the Fear Machine. The smell of blood, the certainty that they WILL die in a terrible way, and the fact that they aren’t sure when the executions will start only make it worse. Though, since it feeds on fear, I suppose this is the perfect tactic.
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I found this moment to be really interesting. It made me immediately think of Ray in the earlier chapters. Although the other men are rude about it, it’s not inaccurate. Sadly, the attitudes towards non-heterosexuals and those with AIDS are still terrible. But I love that this was included. This was also a major fear back then; the spread of the virus and the fear mongering conjured up by the public’s lack of knowledge about it coupled with prejudice against homosexuals.Scenes like this, while difficult to read at times, also serve as a kind of sad time capsule, exposing one again the very real fears and anxieties of the time that were at the forefront of the public’s attention.
Ahh and just like all cults, that dude got screwed over. Only the top brass get the rewards in the end.
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Welp, that’s never a fun thing to admit.
Also, the idea of unlocking utter liberty and controlling the gods is such a strange sounding motivation, but also not terribly inaccurate to how many cults work. Taking advantage of other through grandiose ideas, which many don’t question for fear of being ridiculed or humiliated for their lack of understanding, is nothing new. Which is scary.
On the flip side, the hippie commune that Merc and Marj are a part of can easily also be seen as a cult due to their activities. Still, they aren’t trying to summon Cuthulu so 10/10. Also, feelin’ for John hear realizing that Zed doesn’t remember him. It shows he still really does care and feel bad about how things went down before.
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And in true Hellblazer fashion things just get weirder and more scary.
Pages 19 and 20, beautiful imagery and writing there. Showing once again what I love about the Delano era.
Anyway, feels good to get back into the swing of things just in time for spooky season.
Words/Phrases I had to look up: Offal- entrails and internal organs of an animal used as food
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smutty-ki113r · 3 years
🦇Calling all the monsters🦇
KinkTober Week 4. Day 21
NSFW|| One shot x afab gn!reader, includes— Jeff the killer, LJ, BEN, EJ, Masky, Toby, spooky gangbang, vouyerism, slight non con, fear, minors—dni. (4k)
a/n- I just reached 1k!! I was planning a gb for this but since it is kinktober I figured- why not include one! Ps. I recommend the remix!! Thank you guys so much for the love!! <3 You mean the world to me, the fact that ya’ll support my content makes me so happy! I love you! Enjoy~ ༺♡༻
Inspired by: China Anne McClain
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“113 E Scarlet Dr”
You eyed the address your friend sent you, this must have been the place…it sure looked like it. The moon bright over the haunted house in front of you, heartbeat picking up as you glanced at lit rooms, praying those shadows you saw were just party guests.
Ignoring the fact that there were no noise from the inside, or any cars for that matter- maybe everybody had just parked in another place. Gulping as you shakily breathed in your courage and made your way closer. A shiver running down your spine as you climbed the steps to the front door, each one protesting with a creak creak. The wind whistling behind you, rustling in the leaves of the surrounding trees ominously.
You looked around at the decorations, they were so intricate. With spiderwebs in almost every corner and bloody footsteps on the patio that you accidentally stepped in. Claw marks on the wooden doorframe and an all too eerie black liquid dripping from the top.
Knocking once but nobody answered, twice and the door opened by itself, almost welcoming you in mischievously. Walking into the dark way cautiously, dumb enough to call out an “anyone there?” and not get a response. Wondering if the house really was haunted, and you had just beckoned to the creatures of the night.
Exhilarated at the possibility, terrified at the emptiness of the grand halls with your heart beating a million miles per hour. Unable to see much at all, hoping this wasn’t a jump scare, not knowing it would be much worse than just a childish game.
Stomach dropping at the feel of being watched by multiple pairs of eyes, a chill as you felt a gust of air point straight to your face- hearing the door behind you slam shut. Swearing you weren’t alone; telling yourself you were being stupid, this was just a party and the guests were playing tricks on you. Ignoring instincts and moving on, you should have listened to your gut.
A clatter to your right pulling your attention, along with a gasp as you turned. Heaving as you saw nothing there except a spinning plate on the floor, a hand on your heart as you turned back. Calm only for a minute, no time to process a tall brooding man with a crazed expression. His eyes so wide it seemed like he had no eyelids, skin so pale it had to be paint, and a smile that had been cut open. Stretching his cheeks as he pulled into a grin, saying “boo” before the world went black.
Head heavy as you blinked, waking up with blurry vision as you acomodated to the dimmed light of the room. Groaning as you stirred, your head pounding and your whole body sluggish. Shocked by the people surrounding you; with bleeding eyes and masks, razor sharp teeth and gazes that bored into you deadly. Effects that looked so real, chest rising up and down in fast paces when you saw the position you were in, it froze you to the bone. Laying down on what seemed to be a dining table, hands restrained with lace on either side of your head but your legs untied.
Spread out as if you were a feast, all six of them watching as if you were one too. Hungry, carnal, and twitching with lust. Terrified beyond belief at the situation, but not at how how they might hurt you, instead throbbing at the way you were made to look in front of them, so pathetic and weak you couldn’t help but get wet. It was also more that they were a group of hot guys watching you squirm almost naked, stripped down to your undergarments. This was your fantasy, it couldn’t have played out better if you had planned it yourself.
The one that had frightened you earlier approaching first, raking his lidless eyes up your figure and giving a maniacal smile as a greeting, “wakey wakey sweet cheeks” he laughed, “it’s time for some fun” he breathed raspily. Leaning over to your lower thigh and pressing a kiss of warning on your skin. Your muscle tensing at the contact, biting your lip at how hot you felt, despising yourself for not wanting it to stop.
The smiling killer turning to the other people in a room “Happy Halloween gentlemen”, opening his arms in a welcoming gesture “I present tonight’s main event”. Throwing a hand your way, your eye catching his wicked smile, “them”.
“I hope you enjoy the show” he laughed, throwing his head back in hysteria. Inching over to you again, using two hands to massage your inner thighs. Rolling your skin in between his fingers and breathing heavily as he met your gaze. In a state of arousal as he whispered “it’s… interactive”. Reaching the panties that barely covered your mound and trailing his index down your slit. Shivering at the light touch, the cloth sinking to line your ridge.
Your clit throbbing for attention, neck straining to watch what was going on behind him. Inhaling sharply at the sight of 5 other men all palming themselves through their pants behind him, every one of them appearing just as strange as the pale man. Curious at the one with grey skin and dripping eyes, and the one with orange goggles, next to a guy in a white mask, not to mention the one that looked like he crawled out of a video game and the 8 foot tall monochrome clown.
Pulsating at the feel of the stranger rubbing you through your panties, pressing yet another kiss on your inner thigh. The scratchiness of his scars rough against your soft skin, he must have gone to some extents to do that makeup. It felt so harsh, raw skin that broke at a past time, it felt too accurate to be fake. The realization hitting you like a freight train…those were no costumes.
Feeling the Jeff the killer drag down the string of your panties and remove them, tracing his burned fingers on your pelvis and open up your cunt with his thumbs. Labored breathing as he saw your hole clench, touching your pearl gently and drawing circles. You staring to shake as you glanced back at the men, they radiated danger, and it turned you on. All of them watching your face flushing and your pussy throbbing.
“Look how pretty they are” Jeff said, flicking your clit with his thumb and making you let out a whimper.
“Good haul” the one with grey skin said, leaning back on the far wall as he took out his big cock and started stroking “we picked a nice one, no struggle”.
“Best night of the year” another said excitedly, directing your attention to the man with orange goggles and a gash on his cheek; Whose eyes were rolling back as he fucked his fist, panting.
Only distracted for a moment before you felt Jeff plunge a finger into your hole, wet and squelching as he pumped. Stuffing you nice and full as he brought it back out to edge it in again. Curling his palm up to push in, intruding your walls deliciously, feeling the knot in your core tighten in delight. Taking his finger full of slick out to coat your clit, covering you in your own warm essence. Spreading your sticky folds open with two fingers to see you, burning in his pants at how tasty you looked.
The man with bleeding eyes, blonde hair and elf ears approaching you from the side to get a better view. Unzipping his pants to take out his heavy length, your eyes couldn’t help but wander to him, to his hand wrapped tightly around his cock and jerking. Caught in a predicament of having Jeff finger you and clenching at the sight of BEN stroking himself for you.
Jeff not resisting and fitting another finger in, getting you nice and wide for what was to come. You pulling at your restraints, hands in fists as you struggled to not grab onto him. Relishing in you sweating, chest heaving up and down as he urged you to your first high. Whining as he stroked you so deliciously, reaching every spot on your walls that made you want to cream on his fingers. Slick pouring in droplets that he tried to put it back in, ending in a squelch squelch noise that envoked goosebumps from all your viewers.
Gaze turning back to the black and white clown in the back, his black matted hair splayed over his forehead. Piercing eyes managing to find you and latch onto your lewd expression, irridecent and spiraled as he hunched over to fuck himself.
The raunchy smell of sex filling the room while Jeff finger fucked you, pulling cries from your lips when he tried to fit in a third. “God you’re so tight” he breathed, bringing his lips to your cunt to lap at your folds, to get you to open up. Begging for your release to arrive as he continued fingering your hole, curling his fingers upward as he sucked your pearl. Grazing his teeth on your clit to feel you tense around his fingers, so wet and still unable to fit in another.
BEN peering down at you and placing a hand on your tit, squeezing and dragging your bra up. Uncovering a nipple that he concerned himself with, pinching it between his fingers and rolling the bud. His other hand preocupied with jerking himself off. Lowering his mouth down to latch onto your nipple and suck, the sensation overwhelming you along with Jeff doing the same to your clit.
Your mind consumed with how pleasurable the feeling was, borderline euphoric, struggling to breathe as you rocked into your high, blinding white hitting you in spurs. Jeff snaking his hand underneath the table you were on to pump his cock at the sobs you let out. The demon in the mask making his move and groping your other breast, circling his claw around your sensitive nipple and watching your face morph between tension and an ‘o’ of pleasure.
It wasn’t long before they all fit space around you to enjoy the view, now with a crowd of monsters surrounding your body. Hands feeling you up, pulling you so close to orgasm that you didn’t care anymore. Rational thought stripping away as they touched every part of you, pinching and rolling skin, impatient to watch you cum.
The glorious sensation finally building up the point of bursting, your hips jerking and pushing your cunt into Jeff’s face, who greedily lapped up all your juices. You couldn’t tell whose arms were whose, all of them making an effort to put you down and dig their nails into your skin. Your lip quivering as the blush of post orgasmic bliss settled heavily on your face.
The smiling killer letting out a raspy sigh as he rubbed you, hearing the man with bleeding eyes and elf ears gruff, pushing Jeff away from you. “We’re supposed to share.”
The infamous killer throwing him a scowl, “you’ll get your turn BEN”. Looking down at you to lay the ground rules, “Here’s how this is gonna go.” Plastering an exaggerated smile on his face as he stroked himself slowly, “you’re gonna let us use you, cause we know you like it”.
Moving away from your pelvis to near your face, “I can feel it on my fingers bitch”. Feeling BEN knead your inner thighs and open you up, sliding his length up and down your slit in a heavy pant. Jeff sticking his slick-covered fingers in your mouth “see?”, tasting yourself and sucking softly. All the creeps observing you, delighted that you were getting off on this too. At first they thought that you were paralyzed in fear, unable to stop them. Now, realizing that you -liked this made them so much hornier.
It was just so tempting, sucking Jeff’s finger and letting BEN insert his tip in you. Groaning as he started to split you open, the eyeless demon and the man in the white mask to the sides; holding down your thighs when you tensed. Giving a pained expression as EJ’s claws dug crescents into your skin, crying out a quick “fuck fuck fuck” as BEN gave gradual slaps to your cunt.
His lips turning upward in a grin as he fucked your cunt deliciously, “it was so easy to change the address on your phone”. Your face fallen open in a shock, saliva spilling from your mouth as he told you the truth. “You practically came to us” he laughed deeply, an echo of chuckles came from the group at your confusion. “We know you wanted it anyway, why else are you squeezing me this tight?”
Hearing him give little grunts with a concentrated face, stripped from your thoughts at the sight of two other men fucking their fists by your tits. Yanking at the restraints and whining around Jeff’s finger that was in your mouth to tell him to let you free. “You wanna help ‘m get off?” Jeff asked, finally removing his finger to squeeze at your skin.
You clenching in despair around BEN’s dick that reached the farthest parts inside you, nodding eagerly and rushing to wrap your hands around their lengths as soon as you were unrestrained. Bouncing back and forth as you fapped them, absolutely mad at the feeling of all of these people jerking off like this, especially to you. Eyes glancing back and forth between the two proxies on both sides of you.
Wrists aching as you yanked and pulled their cocks, being fucked so hard by BEN at one point that all you could do was hold your hands up and let Masky and Toby fuck themselves. Rutting into your hands, both of them heaving and panting desperately at the need to cum.
Toby’s face forward with flushed cheeks and eyes rolling back; Masky grabbing onto the table for dear life, using it to guide himself as he thrusted into your fist, head slightly thrown back just enough so you could see his Adam’s apple bob under the mask. Eyeless jack obsessing over your thighs, watching avidly as BEN dragged his dick out just to filly you up with a clap.
It was too devious to resist, your senses going into overflow as they touched and degraded you in the most disturbing way possible. It was so wrong, and still you didn’t hesitate to suck Jeff off the moment he put his tip to your lips. He was salty, oozing with preecum, unable to use your hands because they were preoccupied.
You throbbed at the thought of using only your mouth to pleasure Jeff’s more intimate, private regions. Lips that wrapped beautifully around his cock pulling back his skin as you grazed the band of his head. Gasping and letting him go at the feel of another clawed hand at your clit, so gentle, almost inexperienced waves of heat coming from the black and white clown that stood by BEN’s side.
His spiraled eyes glued on you curiously, just lightly tracing your pearl as your folds wrapped around BEN, horribly empty whenever he pulled out. Neatly replaced by the feral demon that rutted into you like there was no tomorrow. Going so fast that you couldn’t breathe, Jeff forcing his dick down your throat and fucking himself, making you gag and choke as he pushed his tip to your uvula.
Raspy sighs leaving his scarred lips, heavy pants coming from the monster that stuffed you with his huge length. Laughing Jack completely enveloped in the sight of your cunt swallowing EJ’s cock whole, hungry and wet as you took him in fully. Clenching around him, your pussy abused and puffy from the second dick you were made to fuck. Your toes curling as the clown pressed the right nerves and sent you into a spasming orgasm, with the demon’s thick girth carving your walls.
Masky pushing next to take you out for a ride, relishing in bringing you back down from your high. Pulling your legs back and stretching you uncomfortably as he dragged his heavy cock inside of you. Breaking you open in a steam and giving powerful thrusts into your hole, finally speaking through ventilated breaths under his mask, “I bet you like taking so many guys at once”.
Toby closing in with both hands on the table, shamelessly sliding up and down on your tit. Rubbing himself on your nipple and whining as he called you filthy names, “such a whore for us”.
Laughing Jack taking advantage of your vulnerably to hold his tip up to your mouth, “I have some candy for you sweets”, bolder and willing you to do what he wanted. In front of your face so temptingly. Stripped black and white just like his nose, strange but still so lewd, wet and coated in his precum and your essence. “I promise I don’t bite” he cooed, taking him in between your lips and sucking. He was sweet, but nowhere near as sugary as those groans you coaxed from his mouth.
You couldn’t dare take him out, even if his length shoved down your throat; to take away from the stretch Masky was forcing you to do. Toby’s shaky hand gripping your calf as you shook the tables from being thrusted so deeply back and forth by the masked murderer. Your hands free to grip onto the edges violently. Gulping as you saw BEN watching you enviously from the back, his eyes glowing red and with dripping jealousy, bidding his time for a space to cut in.
“I do” EJ huffed, giving you a bite on your shoulder, hot pain stinging through your body. The man not shy to put his cock to your lips too, forcing you to alternate between the monochrome clown and the demon. The constant switch scratching your throat raw, pulsing from the moans that vibrated with their dicks in your mouth. “And in that costume you looked so god damn appetizing” he went on, his brown hair unkempt on his forehead as you sucked his balls, massaging them with your hands. Feeling how heavily stored he was, wanting him to fill you up as LJ fucked your mouth to oblivion.
Masky speeding up his pace and nearing his high, breathing getting heavier, turning relentless pants that came out into puffs under his expressionless black and white mask. Laughing Jack backing away to let EJ have your throat, waiting his turn in line to spill in you.
Toby about to explode, rutting impatiently on your side as Masky stilled in a gasp, shooting ropes of cum deep in you and filling you with white. Toby pushing him over and still unable to wait, shooting his load on your cunt as you pulsed from the strain. Letting out slight “oh fuck”s. As he twitched and covered your folds in his fluids, Masky’s pouring out of your hole.
BEN and Jeff on either side of you, watching as EJ stuffed your throat and gave you his seed. Unloading his heavy balls with groans that sounded like growls. Your legs trembling as BEN held them open, watching with a grin as you cried and sobbed at the delicate pain.
Used at all your holes by the creeps and made to swallow the demon’s sperm, Jeff pumping himself quickly to do the same. Telling you to “be fucking grateful” as you complained, he was so big your jaw ached. Trails of white falling from your bottom lip, reminiscence of what you had in your mouth, the cumslut of a bunch of murderers and monsters.
Laughing Jack obscenely stuffing your hole full again, where both Masky and Toby used before, squelching out of you as he mixed the liquids together and came to add his own release to the combination. BEN pinching your reddened nipples and fucking your tits from the side until he tensed and spilled all over your chest.
You almost breaking down at the sight of all of them still throbbing for more, Jeff pulling you up by the hair so you could sit on your knees. The perfect image of an obedient puppy, “open wide like the good little slut you are” Masky demanded.
“I know you just love our Halloween treat” BEN told you sarcastically, all of them pumping themselves on your face, hot white blinding your vision as Laughing Jack flicked your clit from behind again, time and time again rippling orgasms from your body.
Until you pleaded no more, unable to walk and barely move, fucked out and cock drunk to the point of passing out. Jeff laughing as if it was hilarious and telling you “You’re our spooky spooky treat, and so we’re gonna milk the sweets out of you till you can’t breathe no more got it?”
Shaking intensely as you continued to nod, goosebumps on your skin at the idea of the people outside hearing your screams and thinking it was just an act, not knowing that the haunted house was real and you were being wrung out by murderers who had blood on their hands. Cumming over and over again at the hands of these monsters, ruthless creatures that laughed as they made you their whore.
All of them watching you get fucked out like you were one by one, taking turns and rounds to plunge into your sopping cunt and use you till you choked on your own breath. Exasperated and red, squeezing each one in heavy desire as you gaped, arching your back till it ached and burned.
Jeff chuckling as he came in you again, you unable to keep count of how much cum you had in you, or how many times they had gone at it; “guess we really scared the ‘o’ outta you didn’t we?” His hands gripping your thighs painfully. “Got you shaking and everything”
The world so hazy you could have sworn it was a dream, a nightmare even. All of them laughing around you, like maniacs. Your lip quivering as you blinked, in an out of conciousness as if you were about to wake up. Gasping as your body went limp and you heard them chuckle darkly. “We’re comin’ to get ya”
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warriorrazor · 2 years
Have the Hatzgang met Pump's Pumpkin teddy bear yet? Cause I can only imagine them being afraid only to be so even more when Roy tries his luck on it, only to suffer the consequences shortly after or something.
POV you’re the Hatzgang and you’re about to get walloped by the weird pumpkin kid’s teddybear
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Disclaimer- sadly Pumpkin Bear can’t actually wallop anybody. But BOY can he be intimidating. Like, ya’ll ever see those spooky videos on YouTube that are like “Doll Blinking Caught on Camera!!”
So imagine seeing that in real life, a doll blinks/moves an arm/looks over at you. Your heart would sink, you’d be filled with dread, your fight or flight would kick in. Well, that’s Pumpkin Bear. Get near Pump with ill intentions and he’ll send that feeling straight into your mind, no hesitation.
That’s what stopped the Happy Fella in his tracks. And I mean, if that stops the Happy Fella, ain’t no way the Hatzgang is getting any closer to that teddybear.
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And the Princess Rode
…And Princess Lucinda rode. She rode wild and fierce on the back of Windspear, her beautiful black horse. She was going to put an end to the atrocities of cruel Prince James.
He had ended the lives of many who were precious to her and had also paid dearly several times. But Sir Jethro were different. No, this was wrong in the sense of a greater immoral.
She remembered when she had first heard about it, about how the prince had arranged for a mighty witch to compel Sir Jethro to put a spike through his own heart. She had later held his lifeless body in her arms. His blood had stained the white of her dress. An eerie calm had now taken home in his beautiful face which chilled her to the bone. His blue-green eyes had not lit up this time at the sight of her, they never would. She wondered if he had thought of her then, in his last moment. The thought that he had needed her and she had not been able to help him was daggers to Lucinda’s heart. She remembered the crashing feeling of realisation that her betrothed would never return, would never dance with her in the snow as they used to. She had wished to cry, to cry her heart out, but tears had not come. There was only a numbing rage which overcame all emotions.
What happened after that had been a blur. She distinctly remembered taking with her the axe her father had gifted to her on her tenth birthday. Though he had told her to not use it in front of people for, most in their kingdom looked down upon a girl wielding a weapon. But feminine duties were not important, not in the face of this crime of that wretched prince.
She would not rest till she laid waste to him. Revenge pumped through her veins as she crossed the boundaries of her own kingdom….
Hey guys this is my first fanfic and I wrote in class, and I really enjoyed writing it. Please give me feedbacks- positive or negative, if ya’ll like it I will write more…
A law defying shadowhunter
i don't really know a lot of people so let me know if you want to be tagged or removed :)
@magnusthefreewheelingbisexual @bookclarysupremacy @drublaccthorn@dontmindmyshadowhunting@julescarstairs @ahanahahaha @spooky-drusilla @alisablackthorn @axoloteca @gayforcarstairsgirls @amchara
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