#yandere league of assassins
Tightrope (Damian Wayne x LOA! Reader)
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Warnings: Heavy mentions of abuse, a few curse words. I made this more hurt comfort rather than angst, I'm sorry :<
Summary: Ever since the both of you were younger, you taught Damian the importance of hope and - even if it took years - he was more than happy to help you believe in it again. 
Word Count: 4085
Hope; it was the essence that life was built upon, the attribute that humans cling to in times of despair and grief. It was the shining light at the end of the dark tunnel, the soldier who - with gritted teeth - flipped off the dictator of life and continued to fight, bloodied, bruised and all. 
All you ever did was hope: hoped for a brighter future, hoped for control, hoped to explore and create rather than neglect and diminish. Whether it was in the middle of training, while you were sleeping, or studying, hope was the hidden deity you worshiped with every fiber of your little body. 
As you grew older, it was apparent that you were not born in the correct body. Your mother was a top assassin in an organization called The League of Assassins. She was taught to be a ruthless killer in order to serve the League’s higher purpose - to achieve balance in the world and create environmental harmony through slaughtering most of humanity. Instead of crafting, she helped to steal the lives of thousands, ripping them away from the world with precision. 
It was a responsibility of your mothers to be “the fang that protected the head,” which now meant it was your responsibility as well. From an early age, you were shaped to be a weapon. Your mother’s hands carefully molded your clay body, her expert hands knowing what ridges to smooth and what areas to sharpen. 
But the clay was too stubborn, too hard for her to mold perfectly, and resulted in a dull clump that was useless. One could imagine the disappointment of your mother, who served to be Talia’s right hand woman. When you were born, everyone expected you to have the same instinctual skill as your mother - the ability to contort into the shadows like a lethal chameleon with the ease of a slithering cobra, not to be some mindless dreamer. 
You were useless in combat compared to your mother; the grip on your weapon would always waver and your feet would sway at the thought of killing someone. You always ended up being one of the first spotted in the League’s version of Hide and Seek and subsequently faced harsh punishment. Logically, you weren’t the most competent war strategist either. Sure, you weren’t an idiot, but planning a tactical win against a horde of ninja’s was not your forte. 
And you would never be able to calculate the trajectory you would need to throw a shuriken in order for it to slice someone’s neck. 
A people pleaser at heart, you certainly tried your best to be who your mother wished you to be. Despite your heart wanting to hurdle itself away into the night sky so it could be at peace with the stars, it was trapped in this monstrous clay construction, doomed to kill - doomed to serve. 
Wake up. 
Life was a broken record, repeating its meaningless tune to an empty audience. So you hoped. You eagerly wished for some sort of reprieve, searched for a meaning more than destruction with frantic hands and wild eyes until you struck gold. Soon, your hope bloomed into a boy. 
Damian was the son of Talia Al Ghul, with a soft face and forest green eyes, the raven black hair atop his head swooping to the right. He shouldered the weight of his family, his legacy and it showed. His confidence was as lustrous as an emerald. By the age of nine, he could easily take down every single member of the league (with the exception of his family) and had the tactical brilliance of Sun Tzu. 
Damian was not known for his kindness, no one in the League was. You were all raised to be merciless killers, mercy would only display weakness and get yourself killed. Damian seemed to detest everyone in the League, so it puzzled you as to why someone like him decided to show you kindness. 
Due to your inept nature, most leaguers often mocked you for your incompetence in battle. Their insults were displayed on your body like intricate cave paintings. Damian was the only exception, the radiant diamond that made you feel like the luckiest person. You weren’t sure if it was out of pity or sympathy, but he quickly became your one and only friend. 
His touch was delicate, as if he were grasping at the stem of a dandelion in order to preserve a wish. Words fell out of his mouth like an uplifting melody. Damian made it his personal mission to train you himself, if not to serve the League, than to at least protect yourself properly. You made it your mission to instill the same hope that burned through your bloodstream.
Training sessions that were filled with monochrome decay suddenly overflowed with special secrets and inside jokes between you and Damian - stories shared, wishes whispered, and dreams dreamt in the massive room that instantaneously felt too cramped. It felt like stealing bits and pieces of your childhoods back, simultaneously feeling enough yet not enough at all. 
The first genuine smile Damian gave you felt like you were just given the keys to a whole kingdom. There was something so uniquely special about it, as if you just discovered the end of a rainbow. He had a couple of missing teeth that you assumed would grow back in a few months, eyes crinkling for what seemed to be the first time ever. 
You expressed to him your desire to leave behind the legacy of your mother, to become a leaf swept up by the wind instead of being the bark that stubbornly grew its roots in one spot since at least the leaf would experience more of life than the tree ever will, even if it becomes brittle rust within a few days. 
More than anything, you wished to be swept away by the wind, the tide, anything would do really. 
He confided that he, deep down, wished to spend his days painting and growing a menagerie of rescued animals instead of living in the shadow of his mother and grandfather. But unlike you, he was also committed to proving himself and making a difference. He was the very best of the best, and his talent would be wasted if he were just a measly painter. 
Just as he trained you to fight properly, you encouraged him to pursue what he wanted, even if it went against everything else he was taught. 
After a few years of growing with each other, blossoms of a strong admiration and affection began to develop. Despite knowing loving him would face scorn, it was hope that made you believe you had a chance.
“I promise you, when I am in charge, you will be able to leave this place anytime you please.” He said to you, giving you that wicked smirk he always did when he was awfully proud of himself.  
  Damian covertly fashioned a simple promise band that day. It was made of softened branches, braided with the delicacy of hair. Tangled between the braids were small baby’s-breath, winking at you as the sun illuminated their features. He slipped it on your ring finger, as if it was a proposal, as if the two of you had a choice all along. 
The ring used to be a sign of innocent childhood romance, the physical embodiment of your hope. You used to clutch it tightly, wearing it with pride wherever you went, not knowing that life was sneaking up behind you to violently snatch it away with its bony hands and cold grasp. 
Now it just hung loosely around your neck, tucked underneath your clothes and hidden from the sunlight. You had walked the fine line between hope and delusion and it was only when Damian left that you realized you had been worshiping gods who would never hear your pleas. 
Gotham city twinkled under the guidance of the waxing moon, and for a moment, it almost looked beautiful. But it was a city where crime never slept, where screams echoed and smog filled the air. It was a constant reminder of why Damian will keep fighting, even if his body aches, even if he is beaten down time and time again. 
His purpose was to protect and save people, and he would do so even if it killed him. He was so eager to succeed, to strive and be better that it sometimes blinded him. But it was better than facing failure; it tasted of rotten fruit and bitter mugmort and he was not jumping at the chance to taste it again. Letting someone die was worse than making the choice to kill someone. 
Perched on one of the gargoyles, the stone withering from the constant downpours, Damian allowed himself to be consumed by the thought of you. You never belonged somewhere like the League of Assassins, and Damian used to find it amusing. A group of highly skilled killers and one girl who only longed to be a professional dreamer, to soar the skies instead of being trapped in a steel cage - a girl that reminded him that there was more to life than just fulfilling a legacy. The last time he talked to you was almost a decade ago. He recalls the exact way your smile disappeared, the way the sunlight in your eyes was swept away by dark, foggy clouds. 
Remembers how he swore to come back for you, only to be told you were killed right before he came back. Heartbreak consumed him then and it only worsened with time. Despite lashing out on everyone, Damian knew deep down it was his fault. 
That is why he fights. 
But tonight, Gotham was mostly quiet. Damian’s shoulders fell as he let the rain wash over him, letting the tension melt away. The night was growing old and since there was nothing amiss, he decided it best to retire for the night. 
Making sure not to misstep, Damian got up and lifted himself onto the rooftop of the industrial building, gripping the grappling hook and preparing to swing himself to safety. 
The hook latched into the darkened building, allowing Damian to swing across. Tainted air filled his lungs, settling into his body with a delicate sting, wind whipping angrily through his hair. It was the closest Damian ever felt to flying, to touching the same blue canvas you wished to be a part of. 
A loud snap ripped through the air, and before Damian could react, he was rolling on the floor and bumping into a putrid dumpster. Damian grimaced. The pavement sweated with grime, making it more of an  inconvenience for him to jump back up and assess the damage done. 
The cord of the grappling hook had split in two but the cut seemed too precise with the frayed ends sticking up equally, meaning that the rope did not just snap; it must have been cut with something sharp enough to slice through enhanced nylon. 
Damian dropped the rope and slinked back into the corner, his eyes squinting through the dark. He watched the shadows cautiously and slowed his breath to a faint whisper; the grip on his sword tightened until his knuckles turned a pale white. 
There was a faint scurrying to his right, almost like a rat or another small rodent but the weight of each step did not match. The light steps progressively got louder, allowing Damian to step into the correct fighting stance. 
He caught the small shuriken between his fingers as it whirled towards his face “Tt, whoever you are, you are absolutely terrible at sneaking up on people.” He tossed the weapon to the grimy floor. “Reveal yourself.”
A person languidly stepped out from the darkness -  a walking shadow - with the only light reflected being from the glint of a palm sized weapon, most likely a dagger. Judging from the person’s curves and movement, he assumed they were a woman. If this was his mother’s doing, this would have been the first time she sent a woman after him. 
“Who are you?” He inquired, voice coarse and echoing across the walls of the alleyway. Instead of an answer, he was met with the sudden charge from the inexperienced assassin who’s blade barely grazed his cheek. Damian grabbed the woman’s forearm and twisted it, using his other arm to keep them at a safer distance as she tried to swing the dagger (incorrectly) at him like a magical wand. 
The woman grunted in pain, letting the dagger drop to the floor with a deafening clank. Letting her forearm go, Damian lightly kicked the person to the floor, pushing a fraction of his weight onto the solar plexus. He glared down, his eyes scanning the slick, black material and immediately recognized it as the one he was forced to wear when he was younger.
So his mother did send this person after him. 
“P-please…” It was a hushed mumble mixed together with the person’s frantic breaths. His eyes scanned again and he noticed the way the woman’s eyes were thin and constricted, examining him as he was her. The terrified look on her face seemed familiar, like something from a hazy dream or an old scrapbook. For a split second, Damian thought the person looked awfully similar to you, only for the thought to be immediately swept away as soon as it appeared. It couldn’t be you, you died. 
“Who are you?” He asked again, lightening the pressure of his foot. “Why did my mother send you after me?”
She continued to thrash around and murmur incoherent words, causing Damian to grumble. “If you aren’t going to answer me, I may as well dispose of-”
Before he could finish the empty threat, the hair of the woman, which shifted out of the shawl covering most of the face, leaked out like a tube of acrylic oil. The shade…it was similar to yours as well…
His heart began to leap in the air, long-forgotten hope pumping from his heart to his brain. He completely shifted his weight off of the woman and slowly leaned down. 
Of course, this could have been chalked up to wishful thinking and mindless absurdity. But he, deep down, wanted to believe, to hope. 
“I won’t hurt you…” He said softly, reaching out to the shawl. He tugged at it to reveal  a mess of hair the color of his wishes, prayers, and dreams combined. 
A few tears ran down the cheeks of the stranger, the fabric of the mask covering their mouth absorbing the liquid almost immediately. “D-don’t…shouldn’t…shouldn’t know who I am…”
“Why not?”
“I-I…you…” She paused, averting her eyes up to his once more. “Your mother wants you back in the League.” She finished, her gentler voice turning rigid and empty like a robot. 
“I’ve told her once that I do not wish to be part of her League. I’m not sure how many times I need to make this explicitly clear to her.” 
“No!” She suddenly pounced on Damian, voice quivering as she pressed another shuriken to his neck. “You can’t do that! Please, Damian. You don’t understand, t-the League needs you, I-I….I need to take you home o-or…or else…”
Damian felt his soul tear itself from his body, felt as if every single wound he tried desperately to cover was unearthed and drenched in lemon juice and salt. He wasn’t sure if he wanted to break out into laughter or crumble into tears. 
Dangling between the two was an old and battered ring, decayed with age. Everything began to click together. The hair was the same beautiful shade, the voice was almost the exact melody, even the combat reflected the same clumsy style.
It was you. 
Your eyes wandered down, widening once they saw that the ring escaped the confines of your shirt. You hastily ripped it out of Damian’s view, quickly dropping the artillery and scrambling off of him, your chest heaving. 
“Y/n…” He hesitantly reached for the warmth of your hand, not wanting to let you slip through his fingers again. It was a miracle, a shooting star in the palm of his hand, twinkling with the fiery hope of a phoenix feather. He already lost you once, broke his promise, and he will never let that happen again. 
“You left me…you left me there to die…” You nudged his hand away, refusing to turn towards him. 
“I would never leave you there to die! I came back for you a few months later once I convinced my father and I was told you died on a mission! They said your mother did not want to revive you because you were useless!” He argued. 
Damian reached for you again, desperately, the need to see you smile for him, because of him overrunning every sense of logic he normally abided by. Your shoulders were tensed as the rest of your body trembled, managing to break Damian’s frigged heart even more. 
“I looked for you everywhere. I almost killed every single person in that fucking building when they said you were murdered, as if it did not matter.” He said in a broken mutter. Damian let his arms wrap around your neck loosely, resting his chin delicately on your head. “I’m sorry, Y/n…I…I failed you.”
You placed your jittery hands on top of his and clutched them just as you did when you were both younger. The sleeves of the assassin attire fell down to your elbows, exposing branches of lighter skin, twisting and curling like cruel birthmarks. “What happened to you?”
Damian couldn’t help but trace the scars with his index finger, counting how many he noticed. Blood trickled down his lip as he tried not to let rage cloud his judgment. 
“When you left…m-my mother…she…” As tears slipped down your cheeks, Damian couldn’t contain the urge to gently kiss them away the same way he did the day he left. “Training became more intense…I was sent on more missions and…and every time I failed…”
Your voice trailed off, replaced with painful cries. “I-If I don’t bring you back…if you don’t rejoin the League again she might actually kill me…” 
Damian watched as you erratically took off the first layer of clothing, revealing a plethora of scars along your arms and neck, down to your clavicle.Whatever restraint Damian clung onto vanished as easily as a swift slice; a bomb ticking down to its demise would have been more nimble. 
“They won’t be getting away with this.” Damian got up, dusting off the filth on his pants, a plan formulating in his mind. He could call up Jason who would definitely not mind killing off some Leaguers who stepped out of line. He will call his father as well and they’ll discuss negotiations for your release. You could be safe with him, with his family. He would be able to grant you your every wish and desire, exactly how he promised. 
You tugged on his sleeve. “Damian…I can’t…I have to take you home. Please, I already know I can’t fight you.”
“I am not going anywhere, Y/n, and neither are you. I told you I would free you from the League when I was nine, and I plan to keep that promise.” He managed a soft smile, hoping that it would ease away the creases on your countenance, to paint over your frown and replace it with moonbeams and sunlight. He wanted to restore the hopeful blaze in your eyes.
Your frown only deepened. “Damian, you don’t understand, I can’t. I can’t run, I can’t escape.”
You shook your head, attempting to wipe away the tears in vain. “The happy ending that I wished for, it was stolen from me, Damian, and I will never get it back. I was wrong to hope.”  
“If you believed that, then you wouldn’t be wearing the ring I gave you. Y/n, you were the one who told me that I wasn’t tied to my heritage! That I could be whoever I wanted to be and do whatever I wanted to do even if it went against my family's wishes.” He fought back. “I won’t allow someone to throw your life away, Y/n. You have a choice. I can protect you.”
Palming your cheek, Damian pulled you into an embrace. The thought of you going back to someone who would only torture you, kill you, hurt him more than he would ever be able to admit. 
“They’d come after me, Dami. They will hunt me down and off me the moment I let my guard down. I would never be truly free, there would be no point.” You lightly pushed him away from you again, hands resting on his chest. For a moment, he wondered if you could feel the drumming of his heartbeat, the way it raced faster than his mind could keep up with. 
“And you don’t think I can protect you?” He replied, voice softening as he urged his legs to step an inch closer, and then another inch. “I would never let anyone hurt you, not ever again.”
Your eyes met with his own, and Damian hoped that the small glimmer he saw meant he was getting through the years of brainwashing, tugging at the strand of hope he knew you had left in you. Your lips parted slightly only to close a few seconds later. With your shoulders slumped, nose bright red, and cheeks gleaming with tears, you slumped into his arms and began to fully weep. 
It caught Damian off guard to see the intense emotion but it did not make him uncomfortable like it usually did; no, instead he felt a pang of sympathy coiling in his stomach, growing into vines and clawing up his throat and daring him to speak. 
“I’m so scared.” You whimpered, clutching onto his cape as if he were as fair weathered as a butterfly. “I-I…I…”
“I know. It’s alright.” He said. “I’m here.” 
Damian made a mental note to thank Dick for teaching him how to comfort others. He pulled you out of the disgusting alleyway and out into the quiet street. Getting you somewhere safe was his first priority and there was no safer space than Wayne Manor.  
“Where are we going?” 
“My family home. My father will be there and so will some of my siblings. It is absolutely the safest place in Gotham for you.”
The cold air seemed more bearable when the comfort of your hand rested in his. The stirrings of a former childhood crush resurfaced the more he looked at you. Despite that though, he knew it would not be fair to push his feelings onto you. If he did, Damian would be no better than the people who controlled you your entire life. 
“I thought you would have forgotten me by now.” You turned towards him, the edges of your mouth twisting into the first smile he had seen from you in years. 
“Forgetting you would be like forgetting how to paint.” He remarked.
A feeling of calmness wrapped itself around the two of you like a snug quilt. Damian could sense that you were still nervous if the constant swerving of your head at any sudden noise was anything to go by, but every time he made sure to pull you closer to show he was not going anywhere. 
By the time that the both of you reached the Manor, your breath managed to settle into a slower rhythm. Damian watched as your lips formed into an O as you stared up at the daunting Victorian-esque building. 
��I’ve always wanted to visit a castle…” You mumbled under your breath, tipping your head curiously the same way you did when you sneakily read the banned fairytales your mother was avidly against. 
Damian chuckled at the response. “And I always said I would take you to one.”
As he guided you through the Manor, the smile on your face began to appear more vividly. His family was surprised, but once he explained the situation, they eagerly welcomed you with open arms. Damian made sure to have Alfred fetch you some nicer clothes for resting while he held you in his arms. 
Ever since the both of you were younger, you taught Damian the importance of hope and - even if it took years - he was more than happy to help you believe in it again.
Did I reread this again before publishing? NOPE
But did I figure out the read more thingy? HELL YES
I consider this a win lol
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aikoiya · 1 year
Yan!Silco x Yan!Fem!Assassin Reader Who Absolutely Adores Him
Inspired by @sunshine-for-serotonin's "Silco with an S/O who genuinely adores him."
Yandere Silco with Fem!Assassin Reader who absolutely adores Silco & dotes on him, being very affectionate with both him & Jinx.
Not obtrusively or overly saccharinely so or in any way that would imply that he has weakness. At least, not in public anyway. Rather, she's careful to behave in ways that show him as being powerful & in charge while making her appear weak. Will often discretely place her hand on his shoulder or arm & give him a light squeeze to show she's there when she notices that he needs reassurance.
She looks delicate & defenseless, the Industrialist's cute little arm candy. Often compared to a porcelain doll. But was in reality trained from birth to be an assassin like Black Widow, just without the operation to remove her womb.
Silco had been one of the clients her handler took, & the instant he saw her standing there, he knew that she had to be his. So, after she completed the hit, (it took nary a day & there was no evidence or witnesses) Silco later comes back, kills her handler, & takes her for himself.
The first real affection she'd ever gotten in her life was from Silco & she was instantly addicted to it. She's desperate to keep him loving her.
Is always wearing hair sticks that are actually needles that she uses like daggers. Will gladly kill anyone who threatens Silco or Jinx.
Has Spiderman levels of parkour & freerunning skills. With Assassin's Creed levels of stealth.
Knows ballet due to having been taught at a young age as ballet teaches absolute body control.
Has a great deal of knowledge in toxicology & toxinology as a result of her profession & actually very much enjoys making her own poisons.
Despite her short & sweet outside, she's a regular hellcat in a fight. Literally. Absolutely vicious, yet cold as ice. Fights with poison-laced nails or her hair sticks. Moves like a cat too. Cannot be caught unless taken completely by surprise. Will literally rip a man's ear off with her teeth!
Also knows her way around a sniper rifle or crossbow when necessary, but prefers her knives & nails.
Has intimate knowledge of all the body's weak points & can kill you faster than you can blink. Quick & without ceremony. They won't even realize that they're dead before they're facedown in their own blood.
Is secretly Silco's second to last line of defense, his goons being his first, Sevika being the next, then there's Reader, & finally Silco himself.
Frankly, she terrifies Sevika.
She always takes note of when Silco is overworked, stressed, hasn't eaten, is insecure, or just has a headache & goes out of her way to pamper him in ways that help him relax & feel better.
Scalp massages for headaches. Easy to eat & mess-less, yet delicious & healthy sandwiches when he's working. Or full delicious meals (namely his favorites) to coax him away from work for a moment for a small break. Refilling his coffee when it's low (always done just how he likes it).
She didn't initially know how to cook, but was determined to be of service to Silco as best she could as that was all she'd ever known. So, she began reading cook books & learning all she could from Silco's minions who actually know how. (Who are too scared of the boss killing them to deny her requests.)
Back massages after being hunched over in a chair all day, getting all the knots out. Body worship with whispered adoration & praise when insecure (which doesn't happen often, but it does happen on occasion), especially in the places that he's most insecure about. Specifically, the scarred side of his face. She is decidedly not scared of his scars & actually finds him devilishly handsome, even rogueish without his cover up.
Holding him tight when he has nightmares. Rubbing circles into his back & whispering that she was there into his ear.
When he's struggling with something, she makes herself available to him emotionally. Always willing to talk things out, but if he doesn't want to talk about it, she'll just sit there quietly with him, holding his hand as he processes his emotions. Just letting him know that she's there.
Baths where she washes his hair & back, massaging his scalp & back thoroughly. If he's working too late into the night & there is no deadline for the work, she'll coax him away with promises of sex by either getting up behind him & sucking/kissing his neck, whispering in his ear all the dirty things she'll do to him or what she wants him to do to her or walks in wearing a trench before letting it fall to show lingerie underneath. (As an assassin, she's had to seduce both men & women at times in order to get close to them & kill them. Though, Silco was the first person that she's ever actually wanted to be with in such a capacity. Thus, he means quite a lot to her.)
Doesn't mind wearing sexy little numbers or roleplaying for him because she figures that if she does this for him, then he's obligated to indulge her in her kinks later. (It took a lot of trial & error for her to learn what all she enjoyed. Pegging is always fun, though it took a while for Silco to be okay with giving her so much control. She actually got a magical tattoo over her womb that creates a solid magic phallus that she can actually feel through for one of her missions before Silco. -Don't ask.- It also took her a while to understand that she was allowed to ask for things from him too as she'd never been in anything even resembling an equal relationship. All her experience was as a slave who did what she was told.)
For more on the magic strap, go here:
If he needs her to top, she does so (a switch by nature & a service top who's default is gentle & reverent unless he urges her to be rougher, then will go as hard as he wants; in such a situation, she is either a top, whether via riding or pegging, or as a power bottom). Doesn't mind it if he decides that he needs her to cockwarm him while he finishes work. Will just embrace him & relax against his chest as she places soft, sweet kisses to his neck & shoulder as he finishes his paperwork. Is more than okay with indulging in his kinks so long as they aren't absolutely disgusting (which, luckily, none of them are). Is even willing to indulge in knifeplay or choking or play the part of a dominitrix (bdsm, dom/sub, bondage, degridation, whipping, ect) so long as it doesn't go too far. The last thing she wants is to legitimately harm him, but also understands that some people get a kick outta pain.
Reader often helps organize Silco's paperwork when there's too much of it by order of importance & urgency, while grouping together duplicates or multiples with the same basic issues (letting him know about them before throwing the extras away just in case she missed something) & complaints. As well as condensing reports. Just overall streamlining things for him. (She started doing all of this on her own just to help him however she could.)
In this situation, I could see Darling sitting on Silco's lap during meetings with a book, even in Chem-Baron meetings. Sorry, that's simply her seat now. You're just gonna have to deal with it.
She is tremendously intelligent, a mistress of Hellstromism (reading a person's thoughts via observing their facial ticks & body language), interrogation, & torture, & when she wants to make an observation in a meeting that no one else seems to have really considered or some other frankly enlightening contribution to the conversation or even the fact that one of the other Barons was hiding something, she'll lean up & whisper it into Silco's ear rather than alerting the rest of the Barons. But even in those situations, she doesn't divert her attention away from either Silco or the book in her hands even while quietly observing everyone in the room.
Only really noticeably looks at the other members of those meetings to glare at them in a way that makes them feel like insects.
She also quickly notices when Silco begins to get frustrated in these meetings & in those moments, gently kisses his cheek or jaw or temple while she caresses the other cheek. Never shying away from his scar.
It never fails to calm him down & ground him.
Always wears a steampunk dress that matches his suit in color scheme to Chem-Baron meetings & can always be seen wearing a leather choker with a gold heart & Silco's signature engraved into the metal.
It all sends a clear message. One that very loudly says, 'I'm Silco's. Do not touch under pain of death a/o dismemberment.'
She has this thing about reciprocal ownership & also has a tattoo of Silco's signature over her heart. If Silco has one of hers over his own heart, is absolutely ecstatic about it.
If he calls her 'his,' will confirm with 'yours' before asking 'mine?' If he reciprocates, confirming that 'yes, he's hers too,' then she'll practically croon into his kiss.
Also likes it when Silco uses possessive pet names such as 'my kitten' or 'my treasure' or 'my pet' or 'my pearl' or 'my doll' or even 'my queen' for her & she tends to use them for him herself. Things like, 'my king' or 'my love' or 'my darling.'
There's definitely a lot of co-dependency going on in this relationship.
Adores Jinx & enjoys listening to her babble on about her inventions. Eager to give her own input when appropriate. Seems to know how to handle the girl in a way that even Silco really doesn't at times. Is very kind, calm, & motherly with the girl. Has big mom energy.
Helps Silco to administer his medicine whenever Jinx is busy. Holds him close when he seizes from the pain, nuzzling & kissing his throat.
Will also seamlessly step into his spot of ruthless business owner when he needs a break. Is normally sweet & demure, but it's like a switch is flipped & she becomes this cold, calculating queenpin. Still seems sweet, but in a passive-aggressive way, her edges suddenly far sharper & unusually threatening for a woman her size. She can actually handle most anything that Zaun or Piltover can throw at her with steel in her bones, she just prefers her life as Silco's cute little housewife.
Just very dedicated to taking care of her man & their daughter, making sure they're both happy & healthy. (Which includes helping Jinx come to terms with her past trauma & become a well-adjusted individual. As well as how to value people as more than toys to be played with until they're broken, then thrown away.)
Loves Jinx dearly, but quickly takes on the role of 'responsible parent' because it becomes very obvious, very quickly that Silco is very soft on the girl & literally lets her get away with murder. So, Reader takes on the dubious duty of being Mrs. Tough Love, in charge of real serious talk. Never oversteps the line, but definitely nudges it. Is really serious about this role & often reads parenting books. Is careful to never be cruel about it.
Also teaches Jinx how to fight both hand-to-hand, with a knife, or brass knuckles just in case she's ever without her guns or bombs. Gifted her with a pair of fingerless shooting gloves with metal knuckle studs. Would rip apart anyone who hurt the girl with her bare hands.
If anyone ever tries to kidnap Reader & hold her for ransom against Silco, she'll, 9 times out of 10, end up walking back home on her own covered in her captor's blood before the kingpin even has the chance to do anything, as though she hadn't just committed a massacre. Might even end up meeting up with him as he's searching for her. Always brings back a trophy, which tends to be something her captor held dear that's also small enough to carry with her.
Gifts it to Silco as an apology for having been stolen from him.
Reader is innately a non-materialistic person & most things she wants tend to have some sort of utility or purpose, whether for herself or for her family. She's used to living a very spartan lifestyle, so it takes time for her to begin indulging in things. Even then, most superfluous things she becomes interested in will either help her to help Silco, is really something that Silco will like (such as lingerie), or reminds her of Silco or Jinx in some way.
She does have a fascination with stealth weapons & jewelry that have a utilitarian use. Things like her hair stick weapons or shoes with blades in the heels or earrings that function as 2-way radios or charm bracelets with charms she can remove & throw to the ground & they turn out to be smoke bombs or flash bangs or a bracelet that unfolds into a wrist-mounted mini-crossbow. Things like that.
Has also begun to learn pharmacology & various other medical studies for fear of her new family getting hurt or becoming ill.
Is quickly becoming skilled in biochemistry, pharmacology, pharmacognosy, & alchemy as a result. (Revived Silco after Jinx shot him at the end of season 1.)
Has discovered that she enjoys gardening & cultivates plants that are useful for poison making, alchemy, medicine, or cooking.
Is an immaculate strategist & has a natural inclination for noticing cause & effect. As such, she has a tendency to see the long-term consequences of Silco's plans when he simply doesn't see the full scope at times. Such as the long-term consequences that Shimmer will have on Zaun & its people, as well as Zaun's incoming economic collapse should the city not find any other products to trade besides Shimmer.
As such, she alerts him to those consequences without making him feel like she's criticizing or degrading him.
Because of this, she recommended that he hire people to scour Runeterra for phytoremedial & cave-dwelling plants, including crops, to try & alleviate this oversight.
She & Silco enjoy playing chess. In the beginning, Reader would let him win until he noticed & requested that she no longer do so. She then began crushing him at the game. This resulted in Silco slowly becoming more skilled over time until they became pretty even skillwise. Now, the outcome is pretty even between Silco, Reader, & tie.
It's just been brought to my attention that the Reader in this is kinda yandere herself &, honestly, they're right.
I suppose that Silco & Reader's relationship in this is supposed to be a lot like salt. In that salt is a benign compound made by combining 2 toxic elements, sodium (Na) & chloride (Cl). Don't know which represents which, but c'est la vie!
In this way, their combined yandere-ness sort of cancels each other out? Or, at least, that's what I'm going for here.
How would Silco react to all of this do ya'll think?
Anyone who wants to tackle this is more than welcome to!
Just be sure to tag or link me!
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youatemylollipop · 2 years
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shallyouobeyme · 9 months
Platonic!Yandere!Damian x reader (GN)
Summary: Damian and you have to work on a project together and he realizes how you seem to be invisible to everyone else - how you want to be invisible - and something in him makes him want, no need, to figure out why...
! Minors Do Not Interact !
TW: Domestic abuse (not shown directly), planned kidnapping, Dark content, yandere, This is all fiction, I do not condone this
Day 4 of my Yandere Writetober, Tomorrow word is 'Golden' so if you have any ideas lemme know
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People did not think Damian was sentimental, most of all his family. If a person had an idea of who Damian was, but wasn’t close to him or hasn’t personally met him then they could probably still assume that in private he might be a bit more emotional than in public. This person would be wrong though. Sure, in private Damian might be a little more open and showed a few more emotions, but most of those were rage, pettiness and sarcasm. Damian was a lot of things, but definitely not sentimental. At least not usual. And then you came into his life. 
From the moment he was born, Damian had a map of how exactly his life would be played out. Then he was brought to his family and the map changed. From wanting to become the next head of the League of Assassins, he now wanted to become the next Batman. He wanted to step up once his father needed to step down and take his rightful place as the head of the family. Alone.
Everyone and everything else that was a hindrance in that way - be it his age, school, villains, friends or even his own family - was just an obstacle on the map of his life. He thought you'd be just the same, a Problem to be taken care of and to leave behind. Just another annoying child in his class - which Bruce insisted he attend - that weren't fit for the reality of life he faced every single day. It was just typical that he had to be stuck with you working on a project for a class in which he had a grade to make up, because of too many absences. He didn't bother to question why you had to do the project, he just wanted to get it over with.
"I'll be doing the project - I doubt you could help anyways - and you can just put your name on it as well, then I don't have to bother with you," Damian sneered to you once class was disbanded, already more than done with you and with the situation. You seemed to turn into yourself and he recognized how shy and intimidated you were and if he had been just a tad more empathetic he'd feel bad. Damian rolled his eyes and turned to leave when your hand tugged on his uniform's blazer.
"Uhm... I-I'm sorry, but-but I'd really like to-to work on the project together, I-I really need this grade," you stuttered, your head lowered in shame, even though you had no real reason to be ashamed. Damian wanted to make a snide comment about how the project was definitely better off if he was doing it on his own, but something about how small and fragile you looked kept him from doing so.
That was the first detour from the life on his map. That moment of emotion that no one witnessed, not even you because of how your head was held down. And it was only the beginning. He scoffed at your request, but it wasn't truly malicious like before.
"Fine, but we'll do it at your place today after school, no discussion," Damian stated and left no room for arguments, turning around and leaving the room, not hearing your small sound of protest.
During the rest of the school day, Damian couldn't help but watch you from the corner of his eyes, he saw how you were hidden in your uniform, seemingly wanting to merge with the backdrop of the classroom, how you kept completely to yourself and seemingly managed to become completely invisible to anyone but him and some of your teachers.
So after school, he had to keep his eyes peeled open to see you come out since you really seemed to disappear between all the other students. He went over to you and told you to lead the way home, not bothering to offer to have Alfred drive the two of you since, for reasons he didn't understand himself, he wanted to spend the time with you alone. Detour number two.
The way to your home was spent in silence, Damian looking around sceptically and you turned into yourself like you always seemed to be. The route to your home took you out of the more or less safe and high-income neighbourhood of Gotham Academy to the less secure area not that different from the region around Crime Alley. He wondered how your parents were able to afford your tuition for Gotham Academy, but he knew that you were rather good in school so he figured you were on a scholarship.
When you finally arrived at a rundown apartment complex you brought him to a flat on the fifth story, carefully opening the door as if you were afraid of making any sound.
"I'm sorry if it's a bit messy," you mumbled vaguely in his direction as you carefully opened the door and Damian realized it was the first thing he had seen you say since you had asked him to let you work on the project as well. Then you lead him into the apartment and everything somewhat fell into place.
To say it was a bit messy was an understatement. There were empty bottles of beer, vodka, wine and all other kinds of alcoholic beverages, Damian even caught sight of some less legal substances, but he decided not to mention them aloud, already seeing based on the darkening colour of your face and the way you tried to avoid looking anywhere near him that you were highly ashamed and emberassed. Detour number three.
He saw how you looked through the open doors into the other - not cleaner - rooms and he could hear your relieved sigh when there was no one else in there with the two of you. Then you lead him into your room if one could call it a room, which had a size just barely big enough for a measly small bed, a box usually meant for laundry filled with your clothes and a small desk that looked like you had taken it from the side of the road. There was no chair or even a stool.
Damian noticed Jason's influence - much to his anger - when his first thought was that 'Harry Potter would feel bad for you'. His next thought was that you didn't deserve to live like that, that you deserved better. Detour number four brought him right off of the road like never before.
"Uhm... You-You can sit on the bed if that's okay, I'll-I'll sit on the floor, then we can work on the project," you spoke hesitantly and shuffled to sit on what little space was left on the floor, but was stopped when Damian pulled you to sit beside him on the bed.
"There's enough space here for both of us," he argued and turned to you. "But- uhm- we don't have any space for the project then."
You were right, he supposed, as he saw that both of you sitting on the bed were basically taking up all the mattress had to offer. He sighed and decided that he was already neck deep into whatever was happening so he might as well see where it was going.
"Then we won't do the project today," he stated in the same tone that left nothing up for discussion and you seemed almost relieved, "We can work on it tomorrow after school in the library."
"O-Okay, I'm sorry it's so-" You stopped in your tracks, seemingly on the verge of tears, and then gave it another go, "-I'm sorry you came here for nothing, I can lead you to the door."
"I'm not leaving yet," Damian said much to your surprise as he saw the shock displayed on your face, "first I want you to tell me what is going on here." He tried to tell himself that it was just his vigilante persona shining through, but deep inside he knew it was you that made him so curious about this situation.
"What do you mean?" you squeaked, obviously - but badly - trying to hide something. Damian let his instincts lead him as he quickly took your hand and pulled up your sleeve, he had been noticing how you were playing with it every time you were scared or ashamed. He wasn't all too surprised to see blue, purple, green and yellow splotches littered over the area, some bruises new, some old. You tried to pull your hand away, but Damian's grip stayed strong.
He pulled your hand even closer to him as he inspected the arm and asked: "Did your parents do that to you?" He looked up at your face and saw tears welling up in your eyes. It made you look even more fragile and delicate than he already thought you looked like throughout the day, but it also made this rage well up inside of Damian. How dare these people make you cry, how dare they hurt you. He wanted to rip them apart, wanted to make sure nothing and no one ever hurt you again.
"Tell me the truth, I will help you, I promise," Damian encouraged you and received a weak nod from you as your tears started to flow down your face in streaks. "Okay, give me a second, I'll be right back, don't worry." Damian used his blazer's sleeve to gently wipe away some of the tears - something that his family would believe to be a lie if you had told him about it - and got up to leave the room to call Alfred to come pick him and you up.
He told Alfred that he'd be inviting a friend for a sleepover, hanging up on a too-stunned-to-speak Alfred who was surely already on his way to inform Bruce of this new development, he didn't bother to tell him that he planned for it to be a more... permanent... sleepover.
You needed him, you needed him to protect you, to care for you, to make sure you never again had a reason to cry. You were such a pure, fragile soul, one that didn't deserve to be left alone in this cruel world, he was sure that once his father had met you he'd understand. He'd feel the same way. You'd be safe with them, they'd become your family, the family you deserved and needed.
And if Bruce didn't agree if Bruce told him that he was crazy, that he couldn't just take you away from your life, no matter how bad it was, and take over your entire existence... well, he had already become ready to derail his entire plan, had become ready to redraw the entire map of his life just for him to have you along, so he might as well return to his roots because he was sure his mother would be more than happy to take you in as long as it made Damian return...
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yan-batgirl · 2 months
This is my first request ever, and sorry if it's not really something you feel like writing, but I really live your writing style and I think that you write the boys the best! (And this thoughts been eating away at my brain for a bit)
So what if the bat's take in a little reader who seems super innocent and she (it doesn't have to be a she if ya don't want) has Deadpool's healing abilities. Like she just casually gets a limb cut off in a fight trying to protect one of the boys and she acts like nothing really is wrong- or she gets shot in the head and sits up a minute later and straight up laughs seeing everyone's sheer panic because she has the same mindset as a gremlin wanting to thrive in the chaos. Do ya think the boys will let her go on missions with them due to her not being able to die? Or will they try (and probably fail) to lock her away in the manor for her own good?
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Warnings: Yandere, manipulation, a little bit of blood, accidentally hurting someone, using powers for the wrong people
Spoilers for my original Batgirl story!
After your father was banished and your mother imprisoned, you were now under the roof of the League of Assassins, living with Lady Shiva. Throughout your life, you've been treated like an outcast by basically everyone at that exact area she had to spend your childhood at.
During those times, something felt strange about you.
Whenever one of the assassins came back injured, you curiously stepped forward them and placed your hand onto their wound. The next second, it was gone. The wound.
The next thing happening is you being in the medical bay, in the room full of injured assassins.
One of them told you to touch an injured assassin with a damaged leg. You were hesitant, but you were forced to step forward and place your hand onto the leg. The next second, it was healed.
You were then tested to see what kind of symptoms you have, and the results turned out that you have the ability to heal any kind of injury once you touch it.
Every time when an injured assassin comes back from a job, Shiva would make you stop what you are doing and quickly place your hand on that bloody part of their body, disgusting or not.
However, there are some side effects to your special abilities.
Each time you heal a person, your energy will decrease rapidly, which means you can't heal more and more people.
Eventually, you grew of being used like this. So, you decided to run away.
It was basically a risk of your life, but you eventually made it out of the city of 'Eth Alth'eban and tried to find yourself a new home.
As soon as you landed in Gotham City, you were basically trying to hide yourself from the world. You tried hiding yourself in various abandoned buildings, alleyways, etc.
Until you found a tall figure looming over your crouched form.
"Are you alright?"
The deep voice asks as he reaches out to you, which makes you jolt away and hide behind some trash bags.
However, the figure pulled your small frame out of your hiding spot and held you like an injured kitten.
"It seems that you've been out here for quite a long time. Come on, let me bring you home."
He tells you before he walks off with you, shaking in his arms as he makes a call.
"Alfred, bring everyone back at the manor. We finally found her."
I'm sorry if this was too short!
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astrum-naut · 1 year
no escape
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characters: yandere! league of assassins head! damian wayne x healer! Reader
summary: you were just a medic. nothing more, nothing less. but, the league’s current heir seems to think otherwise.
content warnings: power dynamics / power imbalance (head!damian, healer! reader), technical child abduction and labor, kidnapping, implied murder, unhealthy relationships, co-dependency (?), jealousy
word count: 2k 
Always remember that this is a work of fiction and everything written does not fully encompass and describe Damian Wayne’s personality and character. Feel free to send in asks / questions / clarifications / thoughts about the work.
You didn’t know what your life would be without Damian Al Ghul in it.
It was a bold claim to make considering he might have not regarded your existence any importance at all. From the moment you were born, your utmost priority was placed on his safety and overall well-being - as you showed an innate talent for advanced healing magic. The Al Ghuls desired the best, and with your forebears dwindling in numbers - they were willing to place their chances on the nearest child who showed potential.
It wasn’t a complete nightmare as outsiders made it seem - the only few you could interact with anyway. In the outermost region of Nanda Parbat that bloomed with herbs, elders would tell tales of warning whenever you were about to return to the base. A bittersweet smile is what you could only offer in members, obligated to to swallow the reality being a healer has to offer. The duty of aiding wounded members was already enough, but their stories of bloodshed was part of the ordeal you had to accept.
As times have passed, so did the eventual rise of the heir. If you were being any honest, you found him to be a bit of a brat. There was no denying his skills or swordsmanship. but as a child who grew beside him, you couldn’t exactly read his mind. You didn’t know where you exactly stand with him, but it doesn’t matter in the end. There was a level of authority and cockiness whenever interactions were required between you two, and you were only obligated to fulfil your part as a medic.
If you were being any more honest with yourself, during the late nights wherein other girls your age talked about mundane topics, you would admit that you found some level of attraction towards him. Your choices were already slim since you barely left the palace and the interactions you have with the assassins were limited. But, as your mind grew hazier throughout the night, you would almost have to lie to yourself if you didn’t think about his green eyes that shone like emeralds - or his broad form that barred scars of battle wounds as he grew of age.
Your perception of him was a convenience, something to help pass the time whenever you yearned for a legitimate life outside the walls. You never actually thought of pursuing any kind of relationship with him, a ridiculous thought to even entertain at the position you were in. A mere service person is what you are, a staff at the abode - not a potential bride or lifelong partner. 
It was a mindset that helped you at least cope with the thoughts of love swirling in both your heart and mind. Yet, it doesn’t help numb the pain you feel in your chest as one of your colleagues announces an upcoming bridal showcase for Damian’s future spouse.
“Feeling down about the announcement, (Y/N)?” One of your colleagues, Farah, coos as she tidies up the clinic. You remain silent, focused on organizing the medicinal herbs gathered earlier in the day. Your affections for Damian wasn’t exactly a secret, but it was well-maintained enough by your co-workers. It was like a passing conversation whenever something serious was not occurring within the day.
The other staff who were in the room giggle discreetly and you finally scowl. “Why are you even acting like we’re in a secret relationship or something, it’s not even that serious.”
They ignore your heated words, shooting you playful looks or cheeky smiles. 
“Really? Don’t you find it odd that he was willing to accompany you during the latest scavenge for the items needed today? He’s never done that with us.” Leila pipes up, shoving Mariam for extra emphasis. The latter’s smile became even brighter, “Or the time the sanctum was under attack and he was looking for you first?”
You shrug the notion off, “I’m just one of the healers who can immediately heal him, there’s nothing more to it.”
The girls roll their eyes once more.
“Why are you so in denial about it? Haven’t you thought about the times he’s willing to go easier on us just because you were there? Or the small tokens or gifts he gave you from abroad? Or– or! The times he confided in you while you’re healing him?! He’s never even said anything similar to us unless it was to scold us while healing him!” Farah counts on her fingers comically and you’re tempted to laugh at her exaggerated expressions.
“Maybe the problem is he’s not available…” Mariam says loudly at the back of her hand, a  guffawed sound escapes from Leila.
“I don’t care if he’s available or not. He never notices me, and if I were really paying attention to his advances or not*–” You defend yourself before you’re cut off by their combined giggles.
“(Y/N)’s got it bad*–”
“I hope you’re spending an equal amount of effort delegating and prioritizing your job as you are in this gossip.” A deep voice booms throughout the chamber, and all of you stiffen as your eyes land on the speaker.
It was Damian, with his strong arms crossed and his heated stare pinned to you.
The others scurry off, finding sudden interest in leaving you alone with the heir. You swallow the tension building in your throat and find the words to say, “I a-apologize for our discussion. It wasn’t at all necessary, pardon our unprofessional behavior.”
He doesn’t say anything for a few seconds and your life nearly flashes in front of you. He finally sighs and makes his way towards you, he takes off his green and gold garb as he gestures towards his arm. “I require the fixing of a laceration placed here. Make it urgent.”
You want the ground to swallow you whole, barely peeping out a sound in response to his order. Your hands hover for a few seconds as you try to ignore the swole of his upper muscles, his large biceps relaxed under your proximity. You don’t know if the heat of the atmosphere translates to your face, but you fight off the urge to think about his body further,
He doesn’t say anything, but you admit his judgemental gaze leaves you feeling unnerved. The Al Ghul's signature green eyes always held some kind of scrutiny behind the pretty color, and you were lying to yourself if you didn’t acknowledge how small you felt whenever any of their sights landed on you. You constantly felt like a prey that was meant to be devoured. 
You were being more dishonest if you didn’t wonder how it would feel if any emotion other than contempt or disappointment were to show in his eyes.
“What was the discussion about that it required you to be distracted on your duties?” His voice, god, his voice. It was articulated, like he was immediately ready to counter any of your arguments or excuses.
You pause for a split second, trying to calm your nerves. Why were you even nervous, anyway? It’s not like he knows your crush on him, even if he does - you’ll never be with him. If you were lucky enough, he would exile you from the palace and not decapitate you for entertaining such aspirations, unworthy of a healer born and raised alongside the legacy of assassins he was born into.
“Unrelated endeavors to your obligation to heal our fellow comrades, I presume? ” He cuts into your thoughts, your mouth left agape at his suggestion. He doesn’t take his eyes off you as your heart pounds against your chest, “You are of age, it shouldn’t be much of a shock considering whatever looms in your mind. Although…”
Something swirls in his eyes as he speaks again, “I’m not the least bit gratified when you take your eyes off your duties, what lies in front of you with your capabilities and talent. I shouldn’t have to tell you this, considering your calibre. You should know better to read the situation to better gauge what’s happening around you. You must focus on what matters most, anything or anyone else is unacceptable.”
You sputter, exasperated at his statement. “W-what? I’d like to think I’m making an acceptable, even outstanding effort in my job. Have the hours or ages spent dedicated towards ensuring the league’s utmost safety and health not enough for you?”
He narrows his eyes at you and the phlegm builds in your throat, tightening your ability to breath.
When he was younger, he was privy to scoffing at the smallest of things, like a typical child under his stature would. He’s grown out of that phase with enough firm glares from his mother, shrinking to the power she withheld over him as his son - the few moments you would enjoy his slouched form and withdrawn eyes. You were used to his judgemental gaze over the sloppy techniques you performed, even grabbing your hands a few times to readjust the gauze or bandages you’ve placed on another soldier. 
Damian became older, but the feeling you received from the interactions never changed. You wondered if his mother would immediately decapitate her head from her signature sword after laying your calloused hands on her son, a form of retribution for all the years you’ve been trapped on the island. 
“Just know that you are lacking in your duty as of this moment and others that have come before it. If I had known that you were this distracted, I would have assigned you closer to where I can see your performance clearly. Many healers have spent their entire lifetime here, binded by other league members, and this circumstance is no different should I see you slacking off - engrossed over a matter more important than the mission - you should know I do not take kindly to those interfering with your loyalty to me. Do I make myself clear?”
The taste of blood floods your mouth and for a split second, you wonder if your end would be closer than normal should you decide to rip his laceration open. 
You don’t muster a response as he pulls your arm closer to him, searching your eyes for an answer with his emerald gaze. His grip was strong and firm, but it didn’t crush your limb when he decided to intimate you when you were both children. Even as he was seated, you were of equal height - and you were luckily enough he didn’t decide to tower over you as usual.
You were accustomed to these exchanges, but it didn’t stop you from trying to stop your tears bursting at the corners of your eyes.
Damian tuts, “Do you understand me, handmaiden? Or do you want me to make you see your errors more directly?”
“Understood.” You blurt out as fast as you could, your molars grinding against each other at the rage bubbling in your stomach.
He doesn’t speak again but you know it means more than you will ever understand.
He releases his hold on you and you try not to stomp towards the opposite direction, the feeling of his eyes on your form never fading. You could barely remember if the treatment was finished but you don’t even care anymore. If your death was near, you could eventually go out on your own terms. Maybe even try visiting the local village for some poison you could consume in your slumber.
But something in you disregarded that notion. Like you wouldn’t be dead for a long time unless Damian had something to do with it, whether you wanted it or not.
You didn’t know what the feeling was, but it was definitely not pleasant as goosebumps fluttering your skin. Was he that upset at your retort? It was hardly the worse way you spoke towards him. Even if that was the case, you would’ve been murked by both his grandfather and mother eons ago.
You weren’t an expert, but you were sure it wasn't irritation you felt raking against your form. 
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since we on the ropic of sibling reader can you imagine how pissed bruce + batfam (and alfred, to a degree) would be if like talia ever did get with sibling!reader, she'd be smug af bcuz if bruce's sibling lives in the manor, it gives her a chance to see her love and her ex in one trip. cut to damian standing in the back conflicted that his uncle/aunt has the chance to become another mom/dad but also looking at his mother like "why are you dating my uncle/aunt 😦🤨"
can you imagine tho bruce throwing an aggressive fit if his sibling chooses to date Hal of all people?? Clark, Diana? He's sees the appeal tbh; he won't be too happy, but he sees the vision. Oliver, Dina? another pair of 'sees the appeal'. But Hal???? no no no bruce is shutting that shit down and fast. Barry is really the only safe option and even then he can quite literally sweep his sibling off their feet and away from the safety of the manor.
i want to imagine that the kids feel very strongly against this but also play matchmaker yk?? like some do it to piss bruce off (mainly jason, damian) and a few others do it for the drama (steph + cass by association, dick). the rest are a mix of both.
Talia totally takes pleasure in rubbing it in Bruce’s face that she’s with his sibling now and she loves seeing Bruce affected by it. He’s not jealous that she’s with someone else, let alone his sibling, honestly he couldn’t care less about that. No, it’s the fact that his sibling is in a relationship in general. Bruce is very much the type who thinks that no one is worthy of being with his sibling and no matter what they will never meet his standards for being a romantic partner to his beloved sibling who more than deserves the world and everything else. Not to mention Bruce knows damn well that Talia plans to take the Reader with her eventually and he’s having none of that.
I could kind of see Damian actually wanting the Reader to be more of a mother/father to him, they already act like one to him so why not officially become his second mom/dad. It wasn’t really until Talia was very open with her romantic intentions towards the Reader that had Damian really leaning towards making it all happen. I could also see Damian being very bratty and extremely jealous thinking of the Reader becoming a parent and having a family of their own that didn’t include him. As far as he’s concerned his aunt/uncle is already like another mom/dad to him and to have their focus and affections being taken off of him really irritates and frustrates him to no end. But when Talia mentions offhandedly about taking the Reader home with her, all bets are off and he’s fighting to keep them with him and Bruce. Unless the Reader was actually willing to go with Talia and start a life with her and the League of Assassins then Damian may be willing to go with them, not only to keep an eye on the Reader but also to stay with them as well.
All the batkids have their own OTP ships for the Reader and they would definitely play matchmaker to make it come true. Mush to Bruce’s horror and disdain. His own kids are going against him when it comes to the Reader’s love life. While he believes they shouldn’t have one whatsoever, the kids have their own ideas of what the Reader’s love life should really be. Also, this is all totally happening behind the Reader’s back without their knowledge. And I have no boyfriend that all the Reader’s suitors have and will continue to make impromptu and uninvited visits to the manor to see and spend time with the Reader. Whether the romantic yanderes were in actuality invited by/planned with the respective Baylis shipping them with the Reader or they came of their own accord to be around the Reader is debatable. But it certainly gets on Bruce’s nerves. Hell, even Alfred has his own ship of who the Reader should end up with adding more towards the betrayal Bruce feels with everyone in the batfamily going against him like this.
Just imagining Bruce’s reaction to Hal pulling up to the manor to take the Reader out on a date is so hilarious. I can’t help but see him being the one to answer the door only to slam it in Hal’s face when he sees him. If the Reader is adamant about going out with Hal then Bruce would totally be sat on their bed the whole time they’re getting ready trying to persuade them to cancel or at least go for someone else other than Hal. Bruce just Turing into a bratty sibling is just too funny not to think about. He definitely glares daggers at Hal the whole time he’s there. The only compromise Bruce could come to is either having the Reader and Hal’s date at the manor so it can be monitored or the date turning into a double date with Bruce and either Selina or some random woman he takes out just so he can keep an eye on his precious sibling. (I can’t help but imagine not only Bruce but the rest of the batfamily dressed in hilarious disguises spying on the Reader and whoever they’re on a date with. Or even the respective yandere’s rival suitors doing the same thing too.)
If you think Bruce’s reaction to his sibling dating Hal is bad, imagine how he takes to learning the Reader is going out with Guy Gardner.
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itsabouttimex2 · 8 months
Hi! I want to request a platonic yandere Hawks with a teenage bartender reader in the league (as you wrote and). BUT with a quirk that allows with a small chance of causing illness from drinking a cocktail. The quirk itself allows the reader to always prepare PERFECT cocktails, but over time the chance of getting sick or just dying after drinking a drink has increased.
This is a bad situation for everyone involved. If the League of Villains figures out that your Quirk poisons food or drink, they’re probably calling you a biohazard and throwing you out. They might even kill you outright, if you’ve previously caused any of them to fall ill or worse. No other way around it. The League is only kind to those who are useful, after all. If you run the risk of hurting them without even trying, say goodbye.
Or they realize immediately that you have more use to them as an assassin than a regular bartender.
It then puts Hawks on a serious time limit, because someone discovering your Quirk puts you in severe danger. He’s seen far too many times the consequences that come from having an uncontrollable Quirk. At the very worst, the villains around you might try to use you as a pawn to hurt someone, which would smash his little rehab plan to kingdom come. So far, you’ve only associated with villains, and your young age negates a lot of responsibility. But if that advances to truly helping them carry out their crimes, it’s going to be much harder for him to convince the HPSC to allow him to take custody of you.
Ideally, he bonds with you while he’s undercover and gets you to see him as some kind of older brother figure, leaving you to rely on his company and presence for comfort. The alternatives are sociopaths, maniacs, cold-blooded killers. Even people like Twice or Spinner aren’t well enough to truly provide you with the stability you need. These people, though they can be kind, are still villains of their own will and volition. Even if some are very sympathetic in either their motives or their actions towards one another… it doesn’t change any of their crimes.
So Keigo’s number one goal becomes getting you out of there as soon as possible. Before they can taint you or push you down a worse path, one he might not be able to draw you back from.
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Yandere Batfam x neglected reader, (platonic), 8639 words, GN reader
Damian Wayne:
Yandere Damian Wayne with Tim's best friend pt. 1, 10k+ words, GN reader
Yandere Damian Wayne with Tim's best friend pt. 2, 4834 words, GN reader - (Requested)
Yandere Damian Wayne with Teen Titans/Black Canary's sidekick reader, 11k+ words, GN reader - (Requested)
Yandere Damian Wayne if his beloved escapes, 1460 words, GN reader
Cute things that Damian does for his beloved, 1094 words, GN reader
Damian with a league of assassins reader, 3468 words, GN reader
Damian Wayne x thief reader with Kitty Pryde powers, 4181 words, GN reader - (Requested)
Yandere Damian Wayne x Alien Leader reader, 2636 words, GN reader - (Requested)
Damian Wayne x reader with Ice Powers, 3829 words, GN reader - (requested)
Tsundere Damian Wayne x Reader, 5654 words, GN reader - (requested)
Yandere! Damian Wayne x Cinnamon roll! Reader, 2257 words, GN reader - (Requested)
Platonic! Yandere! Batman! Damian! x Robin! reader, 5604 words, GN reader - (Requested)
Dick Grayson/Nightwing:
Yandere Dick Grayson X reader, 3236 words, GN reader
Jon Kent/Superboy:
Soulmate! Yandere! Jon Kent x reader, 4719 words, GN reader
Garfield Logan/Beast Boy:
Beast Boy/Garfield Logan x reader with Ice Powers, 3829 words, GN reader - (requested)
Patrick O'Brien/Plastic man:
Yandere! Plastic Man x reader, 1895 words, GN reader - (requested)
Kurt Wagner:
Yandere Nightcrawler/Kurt Wagner x reader, 4254 words, GN reader - (requested)
Submit a fanfic request:
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pastel-nature · 2 years
Yandere!Damian Wayne x Reader
A/N: All characters in this fic have been properly aged up to 18+. Please forgive spelling or grammar mistakes, English is not my first language.
TW: abusive behavior, stalking, breach of privacy, implied noncon at the end
You were a classmate and good friend of Damian for years. At first, you were oblivious to his romantic interest, and only saw him as a friend. However, the constant stream of praises, romantic assurances, and mountains of gifts opens your eyes to his true intent.
You were happy at first, who wouldn't? His gifts were personal and sentimental at first.
Over time it grew more and more lavish, you had grown more and more uncomfortable upon receiving them.
The line was drawn when he gifted you a diamond studded necklace that must have been worth a fortune.
When you confront him about it, he broke down and admit that his gifts and lavish presents are a desperate attempt to win your affection and prove his devotion. After all you would never like him without it.
That's not true! You said fervently, you valued him as a treasured friend even without all these gifts.
And so that is how you agreed to become his girlfriend.
And you were happy, for a while. You are his beloved, his habibti, his hayati. It means my life, he said. You are my life.
Damian became increasingly jealous and possessive of you -his hayati, and he was willing to do whatever it took to keep her for himself. He was convinced that they were meant to be together, and he became increasingly controlling and manipulative in an effort to keep you to himself.
Needless to say, he was obsessive and possessive.
Extreme jealousy when it comes to anyone who tries to get close to you.
The tendency to become violent or aggressive when he feels his relationship is threatened.
Willingness to do whatever it takes to protect this relationship, even if it means hurting others.
Manipulation and control became his love language.
Healthy boundary, privacy, and autonomy are thrown out of the window.
But despite his best efforts, you eventually broke up with him, citing his controlling and manipulative behavior as the reason for the split. Damian was devastated by the breakup, and he became even more obsessed. After all you are his hayati, his life.
He turned to his mother, Talia al Ghul, for help. She was aware of his yandere tendencies and did not see anything wrong with them. As a member of the League of Assassins, she sees Damian's willingness to protect his loved ones as a positive trait. She might even encourage his behavior, seeing it as a natural extension of his training and upbringing.
Skilled in the arts of deception and subterfuge, Talia helped Damian to plan and execute your kidnapping, providing him with the resources and knowledge he needed to hold you captive.
He did not even need to hire private investigators or other professionals to track you. You are smart but you are no genius-billionaire-vigilante smart. Damien managed to find you with several clicks from the comfort of batcave.
Instead, he will use his wealth to manipulate people around you. Made them bendy to his will and influence his hayati back to him willingly.
To fund his training and equipment, allowing him to become an even more formidable opponent if anyone were to threaten his relationship (his father, brothers, and sisters came to mind).
To buy or rent a safe house or other secure nests where both of you could live together, away from the influence of the outside world.
Eventually, you were kidnapped and taken to a secure location, held against your will. Damian was convinced that if he could just keep you with him and prove his love and devotion, you would eventually come to see things his way and they could be together forever. But you were terrified of him and the lengths he was willing to go to in order to maintain their relationship.
Damian might keep you in a hidden location at first, such as a remote cabin or underground bunker, where you would be isolated from the outside world. This would allow him to keep you close to him at all times, without having to worry about anything else.
Over time, with good behaviors and promises to never leave his side. Damian might move you to a location that is familiar, such as your own home or that condo near your work place or university. This allows him to maintain a sense of normalcy, while still being able to keep you under his control.
In some cases, Damian might even take his hayati to public places, such as malls, cafes, or restaurants. Places that would allow him to keep an eye on you at all times, while still maintaining the appearance of a normal relationship.
Damian might not see marriage as a necessary step in this relationship. Especially if it might rock the tranquil -and docile, relationship he has you in right now.
After all, what good is a piece of paper when he has his mother's special brew in hand? It is only fitting that you -his hayati, bear a new life soon.
Damian Wayne - Al Ghul learned from the best.
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Ooooh, requests open 👀. Might we, PLEASE AND THANK YOU VERY MUCH❣️ get some general romantic n/sfw hcs for Ra's Al Ghul/Demon's Head, Hal Jordan/Green Lantern and Komand'r/Blackfire (or not if she's difficult for you)
Ooh, some new characters to write for ok! Full disclosure my only real interpretation of Blackfire is her animated Teen Titans version so...ye lol. I mainly know DC characters from the DCAU and the Arkham games so that's the well I'm drawing from
Hal is an interesting yandere considering his willpower being his ultimate source of power. A guy like that wouldn't let his obsession interfere with his duty as a Green Lantern...right? Well, only a little. Darling becomes his Lois Lane that he always tries to find time for and always shows up to save them if they're in danger.
He'd use any resources as a high-ranking Corps member to keep Darling safe after they're endangered for the first time. He'll allow them his room on the Watchtower, meaning they're surrounded by the strongest heroes on earth whenever he's away on missions. He always shows up with gifts and intergalactic souvenirs to apologize for being apart (though he keeps tabs on them with cameras and a tracker whenever he's gone)
He manages to hold his desires back for a long time, and the few times he does waver he insists on not making it about himself; he'll push and push their boundaries if they aren't reciprocating, and then give them oral while jerking himself off. If he makes it about their pleasure, then he feels it's slightly less terrible than making it about himself. Still, he always apologizes after he does this and insists on caring for them afterwards.
Komand'r is a possessive, manipulative, powerful yandere. If she sees something or someone she wants, she takes it. And as a Tamaranian, when she feels she feels DEEPLY. A slight attraction becomes an obsession, and a flicker of jealousy will easily get violent and out of hand.
If she can't use her silver tongue to seduce them and charm them, she's got no issue incapacitating them or even holding them down with her strength to claim them. She's also the type who would destroy her Darling's current relationship or any potential rival by kidnapping them both and making their s/o watch while she fucks them over and over. See? She knows Darling's body and takes much better care of them.
She'd also let the s/o live to see her take them away, only killing them if they tried to steal Darling away: the more violently, the better. Her Darling should love her, but she'll settle for fear if it means they realize they belong to her and nothing can take them away from her.
I can see Ra's going for a Darling that is a skilled fighter or assassin like him, or a Darling that is his opposite. What little we know of Talia's mother suggests she wasn't an assassin like Ra's and died unable to defend herself, and I think he'd find someone with a gentle nature attractive and comforting when his world is filled with death and ruthlessness. Either way, they're someone he wants to make heirs with and believes they're perfect for that role.
Even if they ARE a formidable opponent, he'll find a way to subdue and keep them imprisoned. He's the world's greatest assassin after all, and he genuinely thinks keeping them with him is for their benefit just as much as his. He's not used to protecting, and the best way he can do it is to keep them close. And unlike Melisande, who died before he could perfect the Lazarus Pit, he'll revive his Darling should he fail to keep them safe. He never lets a target get away.
He'll immobilize and restrain them in bed if he has to, but he really wouldn't want to if he could avoid it. The many years in the Pit have made him very obsessive, meaning he's a very...passionate...lover. He'll make them come undone around his fingers, his tongue, and his cock multiple times until they're almost unconscious. He's also much more affectionate in private than around other members of the League of Assassins; in public he'll brush a finger over their bottom lip, run his hand through their hair, but in private he'll passionately kiss them, massage their shoulders, etc.
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saey707 · 1 year
Imagine you're new to Noxus... very obviously unaware and unused to the brutality of this culture. Like a sheep to the slaughter, all doe-eyed and innocent. Which yandere would this catch the eye of? Someone who wants to protect you, or perhaps someone who wants to mold you to their liking?
(Not a request for anyone in particular, just a concept idea wanted to share and curious who you would picture for this certain scenario. Congrats on surviving the dreaded finals btw!)
✿ Prompt: Which Yandere? Scenario ✿
♡ champion focus: swain ♡ tw: yandere, manipulation ♡ Gender-neutral reader
Author’s Note: Thanks so much for submitting this concept, anon! Even though it isn't a request, I did want to get some of my ideas out for this particular idea! (๑>◡<๑) Hope you enjoy! ( ˘͈ ᵕ ˘͈♡)
ALSO! Fun side quest I came up with: Count the number of ravens (headcanons) and view the old English rhyme under the section titled "Astral Travel" here to see Swain's omen attached to you... ♡✧( •⌄• )
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From the description you gave me, Swain was my immediate thought on your best bet for who is most likely to protect and shelter you, but also mold your potential to his liking!
Swain wants to test your limits, but he also wants to assure you won't get hurt in the process. In Noxus, you have to be strong... But the General isn't opposed to having a pretty little thing at his hip, or better yet, on his lap~
It's a rare find for someone to be so innocent and unaware of the bloodshed, brutality, and war that came with Noxus- An innocent sheep to the slaughter as one would say. And that's exactly what makes you all the more appealing to Swain.
Given how much power and influence he has over the people of Noxus, there would never come a time when anyone would question his judgment for why he keeps a pathetic, little thing like you around. And should someone dare to question his judgment, then they'll be sure to meet his demonic hand...
Even if you make a mistake or two, Swain will always forgive you. While your knowledge is still limited, he will graciously be your guiding light in shaping you into the perfect lover.
Even when you seek a fresh start, Swain will always drag you right back down to where you need to be: At his side, as his pretty, little lover.
Even if your heart longs for power and prestige, Swain will gladly give you that and more. He would give you a throne, even if it must be built atop bloodshed.
Even if you attempt to leave him all alone, Swain always knows the proper words and whispers of the demon to lure you right back into his arms.
Even when you are miles or even leagues away from him, Swain is always watching. Now, it wasn't because he didn't trust you... It was more because he cared for your well-being for lack of better terms! He can't have a lowborn Noxian or assassin laying a filthy finger on you! It is the entire reason why there isn't a raven out there that isn't reporting back to the General about your status!
Doe eyes and an innocent heart can get you quite far, but never enough from the longing General who wants nothing more than for your eyes to be on him... Even when he has an entire unkindness of ravens keeping their eyes on you.
There will never come a day that you will be unhappy with Swain. You can have anything and everything you ever wanted if you just stay by his side... Don't you see? The possibilities are endless!
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fairystar111 · 3 months
Birds of a Feather
By: fairystar111
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Rating: Gen
Fandom: Boku no Hero Academia
Life isn't fair to those who don't take what they want   The sooner you take what is yours the happier you'll be   Now that Hawks finally has a family to call his own he won't ever let them go...
Characters: Hawks | Keigo Takami, Tokoyami Fumikage, Dabi | Touya Todoroki, Shouto Todoroki.
CW/Tags: Kidnapping, Parental Takami Keigo, Yandere, Stockholm Syndrome, Obsessive Behavior, Possessive Behavior, Stalking, Infantilism, Parental Yandere, Yandere Hawks, Animalistic Behavior, Animal Instincts, Forced Bonding, DabixHawks, Winged Tokoyami Fumikage.
If there was one thing Takami Keigo knew for a fact it was that his life did not matter in the grand scheme of things. His wants and needs would never matter to anyone. Before he was sold to the commission his mother neglected him, leaving him to starve and struggle to survive by himself; while turning a blind eye to his father abusing him. They never cared about him living or dying; they didn't even bother to ask the commission what he they wanted him for when they sold him. The commission trained him to be the perfect heroic puppet in daylight and a trained assassin by night. They beat him and tortured him to prepare him for the harsh battles he would fight when he was older. None of them cared that a six year old couldn’t consent, only increasing his punishments when he would resist the training. They tried to train all his bird characteristics out of him, calling them unsightly and abnormal. They shaved his talons and fangs down into bleeding little nubs, plucked his tail feathers, and punished him whenever he would release any bird-like sounds. For years he was convinced everyone would hate him if he let any of these traits show. 
He was just a cog in the machine; he would live his life running for other people until he finally broke and was replaced. It was a simple fact that he knew would always be true. That was until he was given the order to infiltrate the League of Villains. Then he met Dabi and he taught him how to be loved and appreciated in a way he had never known before. He taught him what had happened to him was wrong and that he doesn’t have to take the abuse any longer now that he was here for him. The league treats him like family; they are the only people in his life that ever truly cared about him. It really hurt that a government sanctioned commission could treat him so badly that villains were what he looked forward to seeing everyday.
He was conflicted about whether staying a hero was really worth it for a long time. Until he met his baby bird Tokoyami Fumikage. The then intern was just supposed to be a routine apprentice he took on for three weeks and would never have to see again. But unlike with his previous interns Hawks found himself absolutely infatuated with Tokoyami and his quirk Dark Shadow. He’s not sure if it's because of the avian nature of their quirks or how well they got along but at the end of the three weeks Hawks did not want to let Tokoyami go. The kid reminded him of a cuter version of Dabi. He had a sarcastic and serious personality but would often laugh and indulge Kiego in his games. The boy's little shadow was quite happy and funny to be around too, often blurting out things the other was thinking, but it was fiercely protective of its user and once even snapped at Hawks for simply trying to hug Fumikage when saying goodbye.
For weeks after the internship Keigo’s mind could not stop drifting away to think about Tokoyami. Would Tokoyami like this drink? That looks like a sweater Tokoyami would like? Does Tokoyami have a nest? Would he like this blanket for it? So much that it was distracting him on his partols, he got a particularly harsh punishment for it by his handlers. But he couldn't help it, his bird brain had latched on to Tokoyami as his chick and it was not letting him forget. Everytime he had to do something his mind would always lead back to his chick. Is he eating enough? Has he been preening his feathers correctly? Is there anyone there to keep him warm? Does he have anyone to play with? Is he happy?
Since Hawks couldn't stay focused he decided it would be okay to visit Tokoyami every once in a while… without telling him. It started off small, just him following the chick to school in the morning and then watching him walk back to his house. He had to watch out for his little chick since clearly no one was there to protect him! Then it transitioned to looking through his windows, planting feathers in his room to listen in, sneaking into his attic, coming through his window at night and watching him sleep.
What he realized while watching his chick was that his parents did not love him as much as he could. It's probably because he is so different from them. Neither parent had any avian quirks in their family histories when he researched their geneology. Tokoyami was a completely random mutation they were not expecting. They take care of him, give him basic necessities and don't abuse him but they don’t love him. They weren't even feeding him the correct diet for a hatchling for christ's sake. There were no hugs, no kisses, no affection whatsoever which isn't a crime but Keigo could do so much better than them. There was no way for him to get Tokoyami out of there legally because there was technically no abuse being committed. If anything he was technically committing a crime by watching a minor. He’s not stalking okay! He's just protecting his fledgling rightfully so. But if word ever got out about this his career would be destroyed.
He was comfortable with the routine just silently watching over his chick from the shadows. Until the commission informed him that they were looking into Tokoyami for the paragon program he had been raised in. They wanted to make him into a full time assassin. They thought his quirk would be great for taking out large numbers of people quickly. But unlike him Tokoyami would not be doing any daytime hero work since he has more physical mutations. The commission could never want someone like him in the limelight representing them. It took everything in Hawks that day not to murder the commission president for daring to even consider using his Tokoyami as an assassin. He knew his chick’s parents wouldn’t fight for him if the commission came knocking. He had to find a way to take his chick for himself once and for all.
So he confessed his sins to the league. He told them everything from how he grew up to how he was bought and raised by the commission. He told them about the infiltration mission and how he had come to love the little family they had despite the spying. And lastly he told them about his chick and the commission wanting to steal him and put him in the same program he was raised in. They were understandably angry at first, except Dabi, he knew the whole time, but they understood his situation and they would help him take down the commission and get his chick back.
He fought alongside the league to bring down hero society and won. Together they tore down the commission. He helped his mate kill Endeavor and give his family peace. It was finally over but… the little bird he was fighting for flew away. During the chaos of the war his chick had fled to god knows where with the rest of his class leaving him behind. His chick left him… Keigo did everything for him and he just left to hide away in some desolate hideout with some pest who could never treat him as well as he does. When he finds him he is going to smother him and love him so much he won't remember the life he had before Keigo. Tokoyami will be begging for him to never leave again once he is through with him…
Dark Shadow knew that while he was his beloved Fumi’s quirk he was also an entirely separate entity from his brother. He could feel what was going through Fumi’s head but Fumi could not do the same for him. He is his brother's built-in protector; he’s been caring for Fumi since he emerged as his quirk when no one else would. He could detect the danger Fumi couldn't feel and respond before he got hurt. So that is why he is so uneasy around Hawks. Their mentor always acted outwardly kind and warm to them but Dark Shadow could sense danger radiating off the man. This man could not be trusted around his Fumi. There was something very off about Hawks that Fumi couldn't sense like he could.
The entire internship he could not rest easily and he refused to retreat back into his brother when Hawks was around. It didn't feel safe to leave Fumi alone with that man. It all came to a head when the final day of their internship Hawks tried to hug Fumi and Dark Shadow lashed out beak piercing through the skin of the man's hand. Fumi had gotten really angry with him for that but he couldn't help it. That day the aura surrounding Hawks was suffocating, like a predator stalking their prey waiting for the perfect moment to pounce. From then on Fumi would not believe him when he said he felt Hawk’s presence. Fumi would argue that Hawks was so busy in Fukuoka that he would never have the time to come visit them. He would tell him to stop acting crazy but Dark Shadow knew that something was very very wrong, but Fumi just wouldn’t listen. 
Darks Shadow’s concerns had come to fruition when they turned on the television one day and saw a video released by Dabi detailing his life of abuse he endured as the son of Endeavour. The video ending only for a news broadcast to begin showing Hawks fighting alongside Dabi of the League of Villains, the duo successfully killing the number two pro hero. Shortly after Hawks released his own video detailing the abuse he went through during his time in the paragon program. He talked about how he was bought by the commission and was forced to sign a contract at six that meant he would work for them for the rest of his life. He announced that he was done being a hero and he was going to bring down all of those who've wronged him.
Dark Shadow had been correct but now it's too late for them…
As Tokoyami awoke his eyes wandered groggily, taking in the room he was in. The space was huge with enormous windows and tall ceilings. There were large perches made to look like branches high on the wall for birds to rest on and large divots in the wall near the ceiling for hiding. The ceiling looked tall enough for someone to fly in there. He was at the bottom of a large nest with tall sturdy but soft walls surrounding him. The nest was decorated with many soft pillows and fluffy blankets, it was making his avian instincts very happy. He was distracted cooing in the nest happily; it wasn't until he tried to call out to Dark Shadow that the happy haze taking over his mind shattered. He couldn’t feel dark shadow anymore. Why couldn’t he feel him? Then it all came rushing back to him. Hawks had kidnapped him. The mentor he trusted and cared for had betrayed him and took away his brother. Tokoyami was so lost in his thoughts he didn't notice the distress chirping he was releasing. The boy doesn’t know it but the distress chirp he was releasing is one used by fledglings to call for their parents.
He was startled out of his cries when something large swooped down from one of the upper levels of the room. The boy hadn’t realized there had been someone else in the room the entire time. Tokoyami’s feathers ruffled and his wing flared in response when he realized it was Hawks. Hawks eyes widened at the blatant disrespect Fumikage was showing the older avian. Flaring one's wings is an act of dominance in avians and his chick is clearly not the one in charge here. He knows it's not the chicks fault he doesn’t know much about his avian instincts but Hawks will not tolerate the fledglings insolent behavior. He is going to make Tokoyami understand that he is the flock leader and that he must obey him as his fledgling. Hawks opened his much larger wings, flaring them wide and began to stalk towards the boy while releasing ear-piercing screeches and warning growls. 
“W-wait wait Hawks please stop!” Tokoyami whimpered, the little wings on his back quivering. He didn’t know what he did to get the other man so angry but this is terrifying. He had never seen the other man act even remotely close to this, he was truly acting like an animal.
Hawks did not respond to the boy, advancing further into the nest. The boy was too small to escape the large nest, he could only try to crawl backward away from the angry avian. The boy released a terrified chirp when the man pounced on him screeching close to his face, the boy followed his base instincts, folding back his wings, bowing, and exposing his neck in submission, releasing more terrified chirps. The man loomed over the boy before sinking his fangs into the soft skin of the chick's neck. Hawks was asserting his dominance over Tokoyami and claiming the orphaned fledgling as his own. Tokoyami cooed softly as an foreign feeling overtook his mind and body. Suddenly it was like his mind couldn't register why he had been so afraid of Hawks anymore. His body wouldn't listen to him to get away from the man, his body and mind now think that Hawks is his father.
“Aw baby bird look at you~” Hawks cooed looking down at the boy in his lap, his claim had worked Fumi was docile and cooing back contently in his hold. Tokoyami was now imprinted onto him; the boy won’t be able to fight back even if he wanted to.
“Fumikage, look at me please.” Hawks asked gently cupping the distracted little chick’s cheek and guiding his eyes toward him.
“I'm your papa now. Things are going to be different now that I'm taking care of you. Your old parents, if you can even call them that, didn't love you the way I do. They didn’t treat you like the precious little boy you are so I'm taking over now. You know that this is for your own good right baby? Say yes papa if you understand.” Hawks asked, coaxing the boy out of his hatchling daze.
“Yes papa,” Tokoyami warbled out, his mind still hazy. He was sure whatever his papa was saying was true. Fathers always know what is best for their hatchlings.
“Can you turn around and lay on my lap baby? Papa wants to explain your new rules while preening those cute little wings of yours.” Hawks asked, chirping happily. His chick finally recognized him as his true father!
“Okay papa,” Tokoyami chirps, flipping onto his back obediently.
“Good boy,” The man trilled, he had been waiting far too long to preen his fledgling’s wings. He gently smoothed out the downy feathers, coating them evenly even in oil and picking out old broken feathers from past molts. The chick was reduced to a purring puddle on his lap, the poor never boy had anyone to help him with his wings.
“Now that I am taking care of you, you are going to have to listen to everything I say. Some things won’t make sense to you at first because you were never raised with other avians but you have to trust your papa okay. I know what's best for you and I would never hurt you, you just have to listen.” Keigo's cooed, fingers coaxing more oil out of the little gland at the base of Fumi’s wings rubbing it through the soft downy feathers, receiving more content purring from the boy in his lap.
“Okay papa… but what about Dark Shadow?” The boy asked through happy purrs. While his mind was easily replacing his distant parents, his heart would not forget his brother who cared for him more than anyone else has his entire life. Dark Shadow may be just a quirk but to Tokoyami he was his only real family for a long time. Which is pretty sad if you think about it.
“Dark Shadow will have to go away for a little bit because he is a danger to papa right now. In a couple of months once you get used to life with me then we can try to let him roam free but that won’t be for a long time.” Keigo tried to explain gently not trying to upset the chick but that clearly didn't work judging by the heartbreaking cries he was making.
“Shh shh you don’t have to cry baby, I promise you won’t be alone. You'll have your papa here with you at all times and then later once you've proven yourself trustworthy you’ll meet my mate and your new brother and be able to play all around the manor and attend school with your friends. Things will get better, it will just take some time to get used to, okay?” Keigo cooed, he was so excited to meet Shouto and have him and Fumi stay in his nest but that won’t be until later. His and his mates' nestlings both need a bit more training before that can happen. The boy just chirped in agreement, getting sleepy from the treatment his wings were receiving.
“Come on baby, let's take a nap.” The man whispered, laying back and curling around the boy enjoying the skin to skin contact and chirping contently. He finally has his chick safe and happy in his arms.
The next couple of months were bliss for Keigo, he had got what he had always wanted. His fledgling was finally under his control. At first it was hard for the boy to get adjusted to his mind running on instincts he’d never used before but he quickly got used to it with Keigo there to guide him. The boy was hesitant when it came to his new diet, eating raw meats was not something he had ever done before. He had refused to at first but after a stern nip from Keigo the chick accepted the raw food. Now the baby bird will even hunt down little birds in the garden for fun before eating them. The fledgling acted like they were attached by the hip wherever Keigo goes Tokoyami would follow, releasing quivering sullen chirps when he couldn’t. Keigo always had such a smug expression when he would watch the fledgling cry out for him. Just a couple of months ago, his boy wanted absolutely nothing to do with him. Now here he was absolutely crushed when Keigo had to leave, as all nestlings should be. 
Tokoyami was ready, his chick has not tried to escape even once in the time he has been here. Keigo wants him to meet the rest of his family but first, he needs to have a serious conversation with his chosen mate. His hands trembled as his thumb hovered over the call button before finally pressing down. The phone rang a few times before his mate picked up. 
“Hey pretty bird, what's up?” Dabi’s soothing voice rang out through the phone.
“Can you come up here for a bit? I need to talk to you alone.” Hawks uttered nervously.
“Yeah I’ll be there soon. Is everything alright?” Dabi asked, concerned with the other man's behavior.
“I’m fine, we just need to talk.” Hawks answered, ending the call abruptly. He knows Dabi loves him the way he is but still asking him to indulge in his more avian habits always makes him so nervous. The league has always been kind and never shown any disgust towards his more bird traits but he has never asked them to take part in any of them so he’s anxious about how Dabi will react.
The few minutes it took Dabi to come up to their floor felt like hours to Keigo. He wasn’t sure how his mate was going to react to what he wanted to do. The elevator ding rang out into the apartment as the door opened revealing his concerned looking mate.
“What wrong Kei? You sounded upset over the phone.” Dabi asked, he hoped the other man wasn’t trying to break up with him. Keigo belongs to him, they are solemates there is no leaving their relationship. They were made for each other, Dabi could never let his little bird go.
“It’s just that Tokoyami has been doing really well and I want you and Shouto to meet him today but…” Keigo's voice tapered off as he moved his eyes to look anywhere but Dabi.
“But what?” Dabi asked, tipping Kiego’s jaw upward and guiding his eyes toward him.
“You promise you won't get mad?” Keigo asked, golden eyes looking up at him through thick blond lashes.
“I could never be angry at my pretty bird,” Dabi said, soothing Keigo’s frazzled nerves.
“It's just I don’t know how to have a normal relationship. Red tailed hawks only have one mate for their entire lives and you are my chosen mate. And as my mate your kin become my kin as well. So I was wondering if when you guys come over to meet the fledgling can I put my claim on Shouto and can you put your claim on Fumikage? I want them to be mine just as much as they are yours but I don't know if you're okay with that.” He already thought of Shouto as his own but he wants to make it official.
“What kind of claim? How do I do it?” Dabi asked, relieved his little bird didn't want to leave him. He was quite pleased to know that his feelings were reciprocated just as strongly. 
“Oh it's just some bird stuff. If I claim Shouto as my son in front of Fumikage then the chick will instantly understand that they are now brothers and nestmates but for Shouto it will just be a quick little bite. Then you just need to bite Fumi’s neck and the chick will imprint on you as a parent as well. I understand if you don't want to deal with all this bird stuff. It's okay really a lot of people don't really like this kind of thing- ” Keigo’s frantic ranting was cut off by Dabi cupping his jaw and kissing him, effectively shutting him up.
“Keigo, I would never dismiss any of this kind of stuff. I know how important it is to you. You said you're in it for life well so am I, I want all of you. You don’t ever have to be afraid of telling me something like this. I am never leaving you, I accept all of you always.” Dabi crooned looking deeply into the teary golden eyes of his mate. He wishes he could burn down the commission all over again for making Kiego think all his avian instincts were unsightly and disgusting, his poor bird still can't shake their harsh words to this day despite Dabi telling him the HPSC was wrong and he loves him the way he is. 
“You really don’t mind?” Keigo asked, sniffling and wiping his teary eyes.
“I promise, I don't mind at all. I can get Shouto right now if you want. Shouto is so sweet he won't mind any of this at all once I explain it to him plus it would be good for him to have another father figure in his life. Lately he’s been staring longingly at Twice and Toga whenever they're around.” Dabi explained, his little brother clearly wants a father in his life and Dabi wished he could be that for Shouto but currently the boy only thinks of him as his big brother. Maybe once he and Keigo move in together and he sees how they interact both boys will come to see them as their fathers.
“You’re such a good mate.” Keigo swooned looking at Dabi through half lidded eyes. Keigo was irrevocably in love with this man who changed his entire world as soon as he entered it. He wishes he could find a way to repay Dabi in some way for all he has done for him. Well… he has some ideas but that will be saved until later after the kids are asleep.
“Glad you think so.” Dabi winked with a smirk, walking towards the elevator to retrieve his younger brother. As he rode the elevator down to his floor he thought about Shouto. He hopes he’ll be happy with this new arrangement, his brother has been missing the rest of their family so the addition of a new brother will be good for him. When the doors opened he strode towards Shou’s room opening the door only to find him napping contently while Bluey played quietly on the tv. The floor was scattered with toys, clearly he had been playing for a while before he fell asleep. Dabi didn't want to wake the sleeping cherub but he promised Kei he would be up there soon. Well maybe he can nap with the fledgling in their nest if he’s still tired. He’s sure Keigo would be happy to have both their chicks in the nest. He quietly approached the sleeping boy gently shaking him only receiving whines and grumbles in response.
“Firefly, it's time to wake up.” Dabi cooed down at his sleeping brother, shaking him a little harder when the boy would not respond.
“Nooo you said today was a lazy day. Leave me alone.” Shouto whined lifting up his blanket to cover his head. There was no school today and he wasn't planning on going anywhere, he just wanted to play in his room.
“Well plans change, come on firefly. I have someone very special to me that I want you to meet.” The man spoke quietly trying to rouse the grumpy child from his blanket den.
“But I already met everyone. Don't wanna go.” Shouto pouted from underneath his blankets.
“But Keigo will be sooo sad that you're not with me.” Touya cooed in a teasing tone.
“Were going to see Kei?” Shouto perked up rising out of his blanket den to meet his brother's eyes. It's not a secret that Keigo is one of Shouto’s most favorite people in the manor.
“Yes but I haven’t been completely honest with you. Do you remember how I described the relationship between everyone in the league?” Dabi asked most of what he had told Shouto had been true; he just left out the fact that he and Keigo were together…in a very un-platonic way…
“You said that you were all family. That Giri-san and Sako-san were the papas and everyone else were like siblings.” Shouto said in a very matter of fact tone. He didn’t know what his brother was talking about, Shouto did think Touya treated someone more special than anyone else in the league.
“Well that's mostly true except for Keigo and I aren't like siblings were a couple.” Dabi said hoping that's enough for his brother to understand. He really does not want to have the talk with Shouto today.
“A couple of what?” Shouto asked, confused.
“Okay you're a little confused and that's okay it's not your fault. What I meant was that when two people love each other very much they get into a relationship and love each other even more.” Dabi said, that's a pretty straightforward explanation even Shouto can understand right? 
“So are we a couple?” Nevermind, Dabi groaned internally. 
“NO! Ahem… Sorry I didn't mean to yell what I meant to say is no we are not. Couples are people who are not related to each other who get married and kiss and have kids together. Like in that show you like so much the mommy dog and the daddy dog were strangers at first then they fell in love got married and had babies. Do you get what I'm saying?” Dabi asked, he can’t get any more blunt than that Shouto is clearly still too innocent for that. God, how do you even begin to explain love to an emotionally stunted kid who has never even seen a healthy relationship in his entire life.
“Oh” Is all Shouto said, a shocked expression on his face suddenly over taken by a jealous one.
“Does this mean you're going to have a baby?” He doesn’t want a new baby to take his brother's attention away from him.
“Firefly, you are the baby.” Dabi said, amused by his little brother's jealous pout.
“Anyways I’m bringing this up because since we're together and you're my baby that makes you Keigo’s baby too. Keigo was wondering if you would like him to be your papa. He already sees you as his kid since you're mine and you'd have a new brother to play with.” Dabi explained. It's not like Shou has a choice, it's going to happen either way but he would like his little brother to think his opinion matters.
“A new papa?” Shouto whispered looking at his big brother with stars in his eyes. He has never had a papa before, only a cold and cruel father who did nothing but hurt him. And a new brother! Not that he doesn’t love the siblings he already has but they're all so much older than him, having a brother his own age sounds like so much fun! Who did Hawks take again? 
“Okay, Let's go!” Shouto said excitedly, wiggling impatiently as his brother got him ready for the day. Dabi dressed Shouto in a cute soft set of pajamas with kittens on them, not bothering to dress him in real clothes because he's most likely just going to fall asleep as soon as Hawks is finished with him. He finished brushing the boy's hair and placed him on his hip heading towards the elevator. The farther up the elevator went the more subdued Shouto seemed to get. When the doors opened he hid his face in Dabi’s neck not looking towards the avian approaching them.
“Hi Shouto! Did Touya explain what's happening today?” Keigo cooed trying not to scare the new fledgling.
“Mm hmm” Shouto mumbled into Touya’s neck.
“And you're okay with it?” Keigo asked, watching with adoring eyes as the boy peeked out of Dabi’s neck to slyly nod in confirmation before hiding once again.
“Yeah,” Shouto answered shyly, still hiding.
“Wow, such a good boy. Dabi, follow me.” Hawks exclaimed in an exaggerated tone similar to one used when trying to sooth a young child. He led them toward Tokoyami’s bedroom, opening the door and motioning for Touya to place the boy in the nest with his other chick.
“Tokoyami?” Shouto asked, perplexed, he had forgotten Tokoyami had been one those that had been picked to be part of the family. He wouldn't call him a close friend or anything but they got along well during the period when they were in hiding.
“Todoroki? What are you doing here?” Fumikage asked bewildered, this is the first time he's seen anyone outside of Hawks in months.
“Well remember when I mentioned you meeting my mate once you were a bit more settled into life, well this is him and his child, your new brother” Hawks explained gently wanting the transition to go as smoothly as possible. 
“Dabi, come here.” Keigo motionted for Touya to enter the large nest. He picked up Tokoyami and placed him in the other's lap. The boy shifted uncomfortably sitting in the other villain's lap sending distressed chirps towards Keigo.
“Fumikage behave.” Hawks said sternly, giving him a warning nip as the chick began to struggle in his mates arms. The chick settled down and allowed Dabi to tip his head to the side exposing his neck.
“You're going to need to bite pretty hard for him to get it since you don't have fangs.” Hawks said as he watched his lover sink his teeth into Fumi’s neck watching the chick's eyes glaze over.  
“Look at him Kei” Dabi whispered, looking down at the boy chirping and nuzzling into his shirt, big hazy red eyes staring at him adoringly. Huh he could get used to having two adorable little birds in his life.
“Yeah he’s imprinted pretty hard, now it's Shouto's turn,” Keigo said, watching his mate and his fledgling fondly. Turning to advance towards the frightened looking boy. Tokoyami’s hazy eyes widened as he watched Hawks pounce onto Shouto pinning him down, the boy screamed towards his brother for help.
“W-wait what's happening?! Nii-chan help!” Shouto yelped whimpering when Keigo opened his mouth revealing a set of sharp fangs.
“Calm down firefly it's okay this is just a ritual avians do when welcoming new members into their family. You’re going to be okay, I promise.” Dabi cooed from the other side of the nest, watching his lover slowly sink his teeth into the soft flesh of his brother's neck.
Shouto whimpered as he felt sharp fangs painfully sink into his neck, squeezing his eyes shut as tight as possible feeling tears escape them. Then as suddenly as they were there the fangs were gone and there was something soft and wet lapping at the wound. The sensation made him giggle, it tickled. He opened his eyes when he felt himself being pulled off the floor of the nest and being nuzzled by two birds. As scary as that was he was glad he has a new papa and brother even though his papa is kind of scary. 
Tokoyami felt that fuzzy feeling taking over his mind as he was claimed by Dabi and watched Keigo claim Todoroki as his fledgling and his mate as their father. Suddenly he could no longer see just a distant classmate, this boy was his nestmate and the other villain is also their parent. And his brother is in distress! Fumi quickly crawled out of Dabi’s lap and to the other boy's side nuzzling him and releasing soothing coos trying to make his little brother feel better. He calmed down a little once his brother started giggling from their father tending to his wound. He screeched as he pushed their papa out of the way and curled his body around his brother. Papa was the reason his brother had been in so much distress, he watched him with narrowed eyes releasing warning growls when he would get too close to his brother. While snuggling this close Fumikage could hear his brother tummy rumbling, he released demanding hungry cheeps toward their papas to get him food for his little brother. 
“Alright alright I'm sorry. If I go get you the food will you forgive your big bad papa?” Keigo asked, raising his arms up in the air with an amused smile on his face. Well Fumikage definitely sees Shouto as his little brother now. 
“What’s he saying?” Dabi asked not fluent in bird talk.
“He's angry I made Shouto upset and wants me to go get them a snack. Come on, let's go fix them up something for lunch.” Hawks explained laughing when he heard Dabi snort as he followed him to the kitchen. Fumikage is clearly attached to Shouto now; it's fine if they leave them alone to bond. He doubts Fumi is going to want to leave the nest with Shouto in there acting like a nestbound hatchling. 
As they made lunch, Dabi making Shouto a quick grilled cheese with tomato soup while Keigo made Fumikage an assortment of raw meats,fruits,and nuts, they talked of their plans for moving in together. They originally had thought they would have to wait a little longer to officially move in together but seeing that the boys get along so well they could do it a lot sooner. When they were done preparing their food they walked to the chick’s room with the food in hand only to find the boys sleeping curled around each other like a pair of kittens. Hawks trilled excitedly seeing both his babies resting in the nest while Dabi shook his head fondly. Oh well they can nap for now, they'll put their food away for later. They tipped toed out of the room not wanting to wake the nestlings and settled down on the couch. Keigo resting in Touya’s lap, the pair couldn't help but think life couldn't get better than this . Heroes are over and their chicks are home safely in their nest, they can finally have the peaceful family life they've always wanted.
A couple months later
Life has been bliss for the little family. Dabi and Shouto have moved into Keigo’s floor leaving their old floor vacant for when the rest of their family is found. The chicks have since gotten closer to each other, practically attached by the hip. They go to school together, eat together, play together, sometimes they even find them sleeping together in each other's rooms. Though that is mostly because none of the other kids are ready to play yet. After the Izuku incident the others have really cracked down on their kids, not allowing them out unless they are 100% sure they are ready. 
The pair are quite the handful, always getting into some sort of trouble together more often than not, resulting in time outs and sore bottoms. There was the time they wanted to test if Fumikage could actually use his wings to fly or if they were just superficial so they decided to try to jump off an eight story balcony, turns out they do work he just didn't know how to use them. Thank god Keigo was there in time to catch him. Or the time they were playing hide and seek with Twice and Toga and they decided to hide in a trash can and were loaded into the back of a garbage truck. They only got to them in time because they got an alert from their collars that they had left the manor, Kiego had flown out just in time to see them screaming as they were dropped into the truck, he then had to chase down the moving vehicle to retrieve his brats.
Hawks never knew having children was going to be this exhausting. Dabi being the more experienced of the two when it comes to children just said the boys were testing them and that all kids did it and they would calm down soon. While it was exhausting they were happy that the boys felt comfortable enough to act out with them. They know that neither boy ever had the opportunity to do so safely in the environments that they were raised in and they were glad the chicks felt safe enough to do it with them. 
The only problem now was Dark Shadow. You see, recently Dabi decided that he would be taking off Shouto’s quirk canceller. The boy has been getting sick recently with no explanation. When they took him to the doctor the man explained it might have to do with his body temperature and what he has grown up being used to. Before Shouto had to wear the collar he rarely get sick because of the temperature his quirk made his body naturally, so with it gone his body isn’t used to not having the extreme temperatures of his quirk to kill of all the bad germs, without it his immune system is doing terribly trying to make up for the lack of quirk. So they took off the collar. They trusted the boy fully and wanted the best for his health. Though they did replace it with a tracking bracelet for safety.
Fumikage saw Shouto with his collar off and questioned why he couldn't have his off too. It broke their hearts when they saw one of their chicks crying that they don’t trust him. They tried to explain that it was a different situation since his quirk is sentient. It's not that they trust his brother more, it's just that they don’t trust Dark Shadow. This just led to more tantrums, Shouto joining in because he thinks it's unfair they weren’t being treated the same. After a week full of tantrums, crying, and several punishments they eventually agreed that they would try to release Dark Shadow to try to talk to him but neither boy could be present. They sedated Fumikage while Shouto was sent off to be watched by Magne. They unlocked the collar and out came the huge roaring shadow. Dabi unleashed a burst of bright blue flames to keep Dark Shadow at bay. The shadow decreased in size but stayed just as loud.
“What did you do to Fumi?!?!” Dark Shadow screamed, still trying to lash out despite his small form.
“We didn’t do anything to him, he’s happier now than he’s ever been” Keigo spoke truthfully.
“DON'T LIE TO ME! Just because you take away my ability to come out doesn't mean I'm not there. I can see and feel everything happening to Fumi. So I’ll repeat what I said before. What did you do to him? ” The shadow growled raging against the light keeping his form small.
“We didn’t do anything to him honestly.” Hawks said, raising both hands in the air in a placating manner.
“You're still lying! I can feel that you have done something to Fumi’s mind; he's running solely on some sort of chain of command he can’t fight against.” Dark Shadow growled, there is something very wrong with Fumi’s head he hasn’t acted like this since he was very small.
“Oh that, that's just our avian instincts you know bird to bird.” Keigo replied since he is the eldest avian that makes him top of the chain.
“NO I DON'T KNOW YOU FUC-” Dark Shadow screamed, cut off by another burst of flames. Contrary to popular belief he is a quirk that has nothing to do with birds at all. His user is shaped like a bird so he is shaped like a bird. He knows nothing about avian instincts, he isn’t even a bird himself. He is just a shadow with consciousness and the ability to fight.  
“Okay, simmer down little shadow. We didn't let you out to have a screaming match. We came to negotiate. The fledgling has been wanting to see you for months and we are willing to allow you to have contact with him if you follow our rules.” Dabi said sternly. 
“As if I would bow to the likes of you scum. I'd rather kill you all and take Fumi with me.” Dark Shadow spat venomously. 
“You seem to forget who's in charge here, Dark Shadow. All it takes is one quirk erasing bullet and you're gone forever. We already have Fumi, we don’t need you, all this is for his sake. So you can either cooperate with us and help protect Fumikage or you can be erased. Though I suppose you can also remain dormant if you'd like but I’m sure Fumi will be devastated when we tell him you purposely chose not to see him. The choice is yours.” Hawks purred a teasing smirk on his face, he was bluffing obviously he loves the little shadow and doesn't ever want to get rid of him. He's a part of Fumikage and Kei loves all parts of Fumi, though this particular part is going to be incredibly difficult to manage given the massive amount of power it holds. He needs Dark Shadow to think he is disposable to them, that with the flick of a wrist they would erase him. He needs him to think if he ever steps a toe out of line he will be killed so he never dares to use that immense power against them. 
“I want to see Fumikage. I don’t care what rules I have to follow to see him.” The shadow grumbled angrily looking to the side. He’s doing this to save Fumi, he would do anything for the boy even if it means he gets erased. 
“Good boy Dark Shadow, we knew you would make the right choice.” Keigo smiled.
As much as he would like to rip these villains to shreds and steal Fumi away he has to stay calm. He’ll gain their trust and take Fumi away from here when they least expect it. For now he'll just have to lay low and behave until the opportunity arises. Don't worry Fumikage, I'll fix whatever they did to your mind and get you out of here I promise…
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the-broken-truth · 2 years
Hi can I request yandere batfamly and superfamily x daughter reader
Like the reader disappeared for years and comes back as a bad ass with powers cuz she was kidnapped by some aline and he raised her kinda like Star lord.
Broken Truth: Star-Lord? From Guardians of the Galaxy, right? I watched that movie a long time ago, it was good. Now, let the words weave together.
It was supposed to be a simple mission - investigate the mysterious lights at the factory and deal with any villains that were causing it but what Batman and his Family didn't prepare for was visitors from another world coming for the daughter of the bat family - [Name]. Bruce and his sons fought for their daughter/sister as hard as they could but it was for not when the Aliens knocked them away and took the girl before disappearing; Bruce, Dick, and Damian were heartbroken and looked for her for years but they were gone and there was nothing they could do to find her.
It would be 10 years later when [Name] appeared on Earth again, defeating the villains of the League of Doom with strange powers and guns that Bruce never saw before under the name 'The Star-Lady'. She wasn't alone either - she was friends with a talking raccoon that stood on two legs named Rocket Raccoon, a green warrior with red markings on his body called Drax the Destroyer, a green-skinned assassin female named Gamora, this man looked like he was made of gold named Adam Warlock and a giant walking tree man named Groot.
Once the league of doom was dealt with, [Name] turned and looked at the bat family with a smile as she sheathed her guns and introduced her team as the Guardians of the Galaxy.
"Guardians of the Galaxy? What nonsense." Bruce said as he glared at the people his daughter was surrounded by.
"It's not nonsense, Father. I am the Leader of the Guardians and they actually respect me, instead of just keeping me locked in my room or only going on missions with a stupid patrol." [Name] hissed at Bruce when Gamora placed a hand on her leader's shoulder.
"Don't get upset, [Name]. We don't have to stay here. We have other missions to deal with. Gamora said, calming down the Leader but what Bruce said next made all of their blood boils.
"You all can leave, but [Name] is staying here, where she belongs." Bruce said.
"I'M NOT STAYING HERE, BRUCE! I'M THE STAR-LADY AND I'M NOT GOING BACK TO YOUR SIMPLE-MINDED WAYS!" She yelled as she pointed the guns at Bruce when he pulled out his Batarangs, Robin bulled out his swords and Nightwing pulled out his staff when the Guardians armed themselves. This was going to be a hell of a fight
Clark watched the ship slowly descend from the skies of Metropolis as the hatch opened and 6 Figures jumped out with their weapons drawn: A Assassin with a sword, a raccoon with a rocket, a large green man with dual swords, a plant man with a gun, a man made of gold with a pair of guns, and...
"[Name]?!" Clark said as he watched his missing daughter pull out strange guns with a smirk on her face.
"Guardians! Attack!" She barked out with a smirk as she pointed her Guns at Darkseid but opened fire at him and the para=demons
"At once, Star-Lady!!!" The Green Man with the swords roared as he charged into the sea of para-demons, slaying them with single swings of his arm.
It was 30 minutes when Star-Lady and Drax knocked Darkseid back into the boom tube with his busted body before it closed and Star-Ladu looked at Superman and Superboy.
"[Name]!" Superman said as he walked over to her and hugged her with a smile, "I never thought I would see you again after those aliens took you away when you were a child, but now you are home!" He said.
"I"m not staying here." She pushed Clark off her body and busted herself off.
"What do you mean you're not staying? Father has been looking for you all this time." Jon Kent said as he walked forward to his sister who pointed her gun at him, telling him not to get too close.
"I have my own duties as the Star-Lady and I'm not going back on them because you or Clark want me to come back to Earth." She hissed.
"You're coming home, now." Clark balled his fists up as [Name] get s into battle stance with her girls and the others got ready to fight.
"Just try and make me."
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yanderes-galore · 2 years
All the fandoms I'm doing and taking a break from. Always up to date, check often :)
Last Edited: 2/1/24
Bold -> Written Before
Not Bold -> Hasn't been written before.
🔪Fandoms I am currently writing for🔪
- Adventure Time
- Arcane
- Assassination Classroom
- Attack on Titan
- Avatar (Movies)
- Beastars (Season 1 + 2 of the anime)
- Bionicle: The Journey To One
- Black Clover
- Blue Exorcist
- The Boys
- Carmen Sandiego (Netflix show)
- Death Note
- The Devil is a Part-Timer!
- Ducktales 2017
- Fire Force
- Game of Thrones
- Gravity Falls
- Halo RvB/Red vs Blue (All seasons)
- Happy Tree Friends (Anthro Animals or Hybrids/Humans [Like my OCs])
- Haikyu!
- Hazbin Hotel
- How To Train Your Dragon
- Invader Zim (Original series and Enter the Florpus)
- House of the Dragon
- Monkie Kid (Lego)
- My Hero Academia
- My Little Pony (FiM and a New Generation)
- Murder Drones
- Naruto
- Ninjago
- Noragami
- One Piece
- One Punch Man
- Pirates of the Caribbean
- Puss in Boots
- Rick & Morty
- Saiki K
- Spooky Month
- Star Wars (Movies + Clone Wars)
- Steven Universe
- Solar Opposites
- Terminator (All movies)
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Media (2003, 2007 movie, 2012, 2014/Bayverse, 2018/ROTTMNT)
- Tokyo Ghoul
- Toilet Bound Hanako Kun
- Treasure Planet
- Trigun Stampede
- Umbrella Academy
- Voltron: Legendary Defender
- Walking Dead
- Watchmen
- Wednesday
- The Witcher (Show)
- X-men Evolution
- Apex Legends
- Arknights
- Assassin's Creed
- Bendy and the Ink Machine
- Bioshock (All games)
- Borderlands (Including 1, 2, Pre-sequel, and 3)
- Call of Duty
- Criminal Case
- Cookie Run
- Cult of The Lamb
- Danganronpa (Games only)
- Dauntless (Creatures will all be pet-like)
- Darksiders
- Dark Deception
- Dark Souls/Souls-Like games
- Dead By Daylight (All Survivors and Killers along with costumes)
- Dead Space (1-3)
- Detroit: Become Human
- Devil May Cry
- Deltarune (Both Chapters)
- Disney Mirrorverse
- Don’t Starve (All Survivors and Costumes)
- Dying Light
- Evil Within
- Evolve (Creatures will all be pet-like)
- Fallout
- Far Cry
- Fear and Hunger
- Five Nights at Freddy’s (All Games, Books, Fluffy AU) (Animatronic or Android)
- Friday Night Funkin (Base game)(?)
- Final Fantasy (Primarily anything past 7)
- Gears/Gears of War (Yandere Fics)
- Genshin Impact
- God of War
- Half-Life
- Halo (Reach, CE, 2, 3, 3 ODST, 4, 5, Infinite, Wars 1+2)
- Hollow Knight
- Honkai Impact
- Human Animal Crossing
- Identity V (All Survivors/Killers and their costumes except Hastur and younger characters are depicted as Platonic)
- Killer Frequency
- The Last of Us
- League of Legends
- Left 4 Dead (1 and 2)
- Legend of Zelda
- Lobotomy Corporation
- Mario Franchise
- Metal Gear Solid (All games, although I like Revengeance the most)
- Metroid
- Minecraft (Experimenting)
- Mortal Kombat (9 through 11)
- Mystic Messenger
- No More Heroes
- No Straight Roads
- Obey Me!
- Outlast
- The Outer Worlds
- Overwatch (All characters/Costumes)
- Payday 2
- Persona (3-5)
- Portal (1 and 2)
- Pokemon (Just Trainers Right Now) (All games)
- PvZ Garden Warfare (Mostly Platonic but we'll see)
- Ratchet and Clank
- Rainbow Six Siege
- Resident Evil (All Games)
- Red Dead Redemption (Mostly 2)
- Roblox DOORS (?)
- Silent Hill
- Skyrim
- Street Fighter
- Team Fortress 2 (All Classes and characters like Miss Pauling and Saxton Hale)
- Twisted Wonderland
- Undertale
- Warframe
- We Happy Few
- Xcom
- Halo Books (Fall of Reach, The Flood, Contact Harvest, The Cole Protocol, First Strike, Ghosts of Onyx, Cryptum, Broken Circle, Hunters In The Dark, Last Light, New Blood, Envoy, Retribution, Smoke and Shadow, Bad Blood, Renegade, Point of Light, Divine Wind)
- Jujutsu Kaisen (I read the manga)
- Bungou Stray Dogs (I read the manga)
Fits in more than one category
- Alien vs Predator (Just Alien movies or Predator movies are also included. Also books and games.)
- Black Butler
- Creepypasta/Gaming Creepypasta (Not everyone, it depends)
- Cuphead (Game/Show)
- Cyberpunk 2077 (Anime/Game)
- DC Comics (Comics, Games, Movies) [Injustice and Arkhamverse mainly, but let's discuss]
- Demon Slayer
- Hiveswap
- Homestuck
- Madness Combat (Game and Series)
- Marvel Cinematic Universe (Up to Endgame)/Marvel Comic Universe (SPECIFY WHAT COMIC PLEASE-)
- SCP (Not everyone, it depends)
- Slashers/Horror in general (Please say what movie your slasher is from)
- Sonic (All games + The Paramount Movies + IDW Comics. All characters are aged up except characters Classic! Tails, Movie! Tails, Cream the Rabbit, Ray the Flying Squirrel, and Classic Amy, which are Platonic as I can't see them as aged up.)
- South Park (All aged up of course, Show and games)
- Splatoon (Manga/Games)
- Transformers (Animated, Cyberverse, Earthspark, Generation 1, IDW comics, Prime, Robots In Disguise, War for Cybertron)
- Yandere OCs I have (Look at this list)
🚫Fandoms I am taking a break from🚫
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bad4amficideas · 1 year
Hi! I hope you're doing great! I have an idea for damian in earth t18 au. Sorry for my bad English!
Let's say during bat's time in the LOA, she liked one of the assassins. Maybe that assassin is in a somewhat similar situation as her, as in forced to be in the organisation and they bonded over that fact. Eventually they started a secret relationship (talia and ras won't be happy about this) and Damian was conceived from this relationship.
The assassin decided to take Damian and run away from the organisation (a decision that was supported by bat's bcs they're under extremely tight surveillance than their partner and wasn't skilled enough to escape) I have this idea that their partner shares a lot of resemblance with talia (the tan skin and green eyes maybe they're related) But they were killed and Damian was hidden from bat's and bat's was forced to consume meals that had medication to make them forget about the partner.
And Talia and Ras decided to raise Damian as their own and said that he's an artificial baby made from Talia and Bat's dna. But Talia's dna is so strong so he looked the most like her but he has the personality from bat's partner (stubborn but is a sweetheart)
Your english is perfect dear and your idea is not bad either!
I know it was not your intention. But you totally reminded me of that yandere! LOA! Damian x reader where Reader "falls "flirts" with Dusan (Talia's albino older brother, but like a hot version) and Damian kills him. I mean, that would totally make more sense with fem!Bat!Reader, and Ra's wanting as heir a child of the first child so misantropy and all of that.
Anyway, even though I did think about something like that, I think our bat!reader is too cautious (and too busy) to, out of two years in the League (as I already said), spend at least half on romance/fornication and get pregnant and then carry on said pregnancy. Also I do not believe in "slips" with a paranoid bat!reader who also takes poisons on a regular basis, would miscarry.
What I mean by all this nonsense is that I think bat!reader, romantically, needs time to open their heart.
All this being said. Rape? Totally could be. By someone chosen by the Al Ghul. Or artificial impregnation with genetic modification of eggs creating the perfect child (that's our Damian). OR Steal said eggs from Reader, modify them and implant them in Talia or another uterus. There are options.
But totally between training-torture, the DNA to create Damian, and with the funds of the League, they could have been obtained in two years.
And another option than drugged to forget. I would put bat!reader in a coma throughout the pregnancy, so as not to realize what had happened.
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