#yandere ra's al ghul x reader
helpfandom · 1 year
Platonic Yandere BTAS villains pt3
Ra's al Ghul
Clock King
Max Zeus { Also known as: Maxamillion, Maxie Zeus}
Scarface and Ventriloquist
Thank you yandere-auxillary https://www.tumblr.com/helpfandom/724022554446135296/types-of-yandere?source=share
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Ra's Al Ghul: This man is Possessive, Manipulative, and Clingy. Don't you realize that all of this is for your safety? He has major trust issues with children, wondering if the child who will now be his new heir will betray him just like Talia would. How y'all would meet is quite honestly, a coin flip, I am unsure of what specifics he needs for a darling, nor what would be needed for a meeting, hence why I don't know. My apologies. He's manipulative in that he has no guilt in forcing you to come with him, using his excuse of 'just an old man' to trick you into coming close to the vehicle while you help him... I don't think he sees you as you anymore, he sees you as more of an heir, a doll to become the next in the Al Ghul line.
Clock King: Obsessive, Impulsive, Self-Indulgent. He's always been shown to be obsessive, with -likely, because of my own characteristics of him having OCD, hence his obsession with- time. He's methodical, yet impulsive once he's realized that he can't go back to the time before, to when he was 'normal', when everything was right. on. time. He needs a darling that understands, that sympathizes, and he would fall in obsession of following your schedule by watching you, checking every little thing you do that happens to coincide with what happened the day before, and well, since you also have a strict schedule, clearly you understand why he also has such a strict schedule and because the Mayor ruined everything, perhaps you see why he has to kill the mayor too?
Max Zeus: Delusional, man already thinks he's Zeus and if that's not delusional, then we need reevaluate delusion. Possessive, and slightly Sadistic. He thinks that you can take any hits that you may have with him as a father, seeing as he thinks of you as a god. [Obviously one of Zeus' children, so at least you can be Apollo or Artemis or Athena or...] Never the less, the wants to control all that you do and yet nothing you do at the same time. He has no jealousy, but can't stand to see you try to do something that goes outside of your little box together that he set for you.
Scarface and Ventriloquist: Self-Indulgent, Overprotective, Clingy, are all traits of Ventriloquist, but Scarface? Sadistic, Delusional, Impulsive. Not a good combination. They each combat the other's traits, while only providing a toxic [not to say that Yandere isn't toxic but I digress] environment for someone to be around, much less someone they want to protect. Scarface would surprisingly be the one to fall into delusion first, with Ventriloquist being the second to become obsessed. Your uncaring attitude went a long way to becoming their new heir. Scarface wants you to take over the criminal business, whilst Ventriloquist wants you to stay as far away from it as one can be in Gotham. This just causes tensions amongst all of the criminals as the child who doesn't want to be here is clamored after.
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dreamsfullofwoe · 1 year
Prezada filha mais velha de Bruce Wayne,
Perdoe-me por escrever esta carta sem o seu consentimento ou conhecimento prévio. Eu sei que nossas famílias têm uma história conturbada, mas eu espero que você possa olhar além disso e entender que eu a escrevo com sinceridade.
Eu não posso negar que sempre admirei sua inteligência, coragem e habilidades excepcionais. Você é uma mulher notável e eu sinto uma grande atração por sua força de caráter. Desde que a vi pela primeira vez, eu percebi que você era diferente de todas as mulheres que já conheci. E quando descobri que você era a filha de Bruce Wayne, percebi que estava diante de alguém ainda mais especial.
Eu não posso evitar sentir uma certa afinidade com Bruce, pois compartilhamos muitas crenças e objetivos. Mas, ao contrário dele, eu sou capaz de enxergar além da justiça convencional e da ordem estabelecida. Eu acredito que é preciso fazer escolhas difíceis para alcançar um bem maior. E é por isso que eu acho que nós poderíamos ser grandes aliados e até mesmo, quem sabe, mais do que isso.
Eu sei que Bruce já tem uma família, mas eu espero que você considere a possibilidade de explorar nossos sentimentos e conexões. Eu sou um homem de recursos e tenho muito a oferecer, tanto em termos de proteção quanto de amor e cuidado.
De qualquer forma, eu espero que esta carta não seja recebida como uma ameaça ou uma invasão de privacidade. Eu só queria expressar meus sentimentos e dizer que estou aberto a um diálogo e a uma possível aproximação.
Com sinceros votos de felicidade e prosperidade,
Ra's Al Ghul
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bad4amficideas · 6 months
Things I love in x Reader (or why I'm sick and twisted... they say)
(What I really mean is, send recommendations plz ❣️)
Also I'm bored and do lists and edit things make me happy so this post is gonna be a mess in alwaya
Soul/mate au (not confuse with abo)
Poly relationships
Porn/smut/lemon/you-know (sex pollen is a trope not used enough trust me xD)
Star Wars
Clones (like, almost ALL?)
Clones feeling guilty over almost killing reader O66
Sith au
Mandalorian au
InApropiate use of the Force
Disaster Lineage x Reader (platonic Yoda, romantic Dooku and Qui Gon)
KANAN x reader, I DARE YOU! (so sorry Hera)
Brutalia x reader
Robins (4 or 5 I'm IN) x reader
Ra's Al ghul, deathstroke, dilf chara x reader (bonus if sugar daddy/mama)
Ra + Tim + Reader
Robin (ANY) & Raven x Reader
Hal Jordan (w/ Barry Allen) x Reader
InApropiate and inhuman use of Lantern and metahuman powers
Cyclops x Reader
Cyclops x Emma OR Wolverine OR Madeline OR Havoc x Reader
Cyclops x Emma x Wolverine x Jean x Reader
Moon Knight System
Matt MURDERdock
Daredevil AND/OR Deadpool and Spider-Man (Team Red)
Miles G. AND/OR Hobie Brown AND/OR Peter B. AND/OR Miguel O'Hara AND/OR Peter Noir
Clint Barton, Loki, remember-he-is-intelligent-as-chivalrous Thor
Actually any chara in yandere setting
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 9 months
Yandere Various Batman Characters x Platonic! Reader. [Cross Posts on Tumblr]
by Helpfandom Cross posted on Tumblr for works from Helpfandom, I cross posted these to help others who want Yandere content. Words: 2960, Chapters: 3/100, Language: English Series: Part 1 of Cross Post From Tumblr Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, Batman (Movies - Nolan), Batman: The Animated Series, Batman (Movies 1989-1997), The Batman (Cartoon 2004) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Categories: Other Characters: Jonathan Crane, Scarecrow, Batman, Bruce Wayne, Riddler (Batman 1966), Edward Nygma, Selina Kyle, Catwoman, Catwoman Michelle Pfeiffer, Michelle Pfeiffer, Riddler, Harley, Harley Quinn, Joker (DCU), Mad Hatter, Penguin (DCU), Two-Face, Mr Crowe (Sanditon), Mr Freeze - Character, Dr. Freeze, Clayface, Poison Ivy, Killer Croc, Max Zeus, Scarface (DCU), Ventriloquist, Clock King, Ra's al Ghul Additional Tags: Yandere, I'm going to be honest this is my first AO3 fic via https://ift.tt/TxqREd3
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writerbyaccident · 5 years
Rags to Riches (Yandere Ra’s al GhulxReader)
Request: Hey! May I request a yandere Ra’s al Ghul with a female reader who he kidnaps?
           Yawning to yourself, you trudged up to your apartment building under the dark and starless sky. The sounds of the city echoed around you, from screeching tires to distant sirens. They were sounds that many others found annoying, including you at times, but after such a long yet satisfying day, you found them to be soothing reminders that you would soon be curled up in bed. It had been a busy day for you, going from class to class and then working diligently in the library, but you didn’t mind. You loved your classes, and while there were certainly days when you felt about ready to drop from exhaustion and stress, this wasn’t one of them.
           As you drew closer to your building though, passing under the window of your third-floor apartment, your gentle contentment began to fray. It was being worn away by the uneasy thudding of your heart and the restless raising of the hairs on the back of your neck. Someone, somewhere, your instincts were telling you, was gazing at you with a dedication that scraped you raw. Burrowing yourself deeper into your coat, you tried to hide from whosever stare was digging into you with frightful devotion, but to no avail. You could still feel their gaze pressing down on you so much that your legs almost gave out under the weight.
           This was not the first time that the sensation of being watched had plagued you. No, it had practically become a routine occurrence at this point. The first few times that you had felt this way, you had been inconsolable, looking over your shoulder every five seconds and getting ready to call the police. But each time the sensation had passed without incident, leaving you feeling foolish and paranoid. And so tonight you forced yourself to trudge through your fear, until you eventually reached your apartment door.
           Key in hand, you brought it to the lock and—
           You froze. Holding your breath, you strained your ears, and from the other side of your door you swore that you heard the faintest creak. Heart in your throat, you kneeled down slowly, trying to keep yourself from making any noise, and pressed your eye up against the keyhole. For a moment, all you could see was darkness until there was a sudden flash of green. Before you could even try to move away though, your door was opened and you were pulled inside.
           Stumbling to your feet as an unknown hand hauled you upward, you tried to hold onto the door, but the stranger’s grip was too strong. Despite your struggling, you were soon forced into a chair, a dozen more hands appearing to help tie you down with sturdy rope. Needing to make sense of what was happening to you, you scrutinized the figures as well as you could in your darkened apartment, only to realize that they were covered in black, with only their eyes visible. They held no weapons as far as you could tell, but considering how easily they had trapped you, that hardly mattered.
           Trembling, you lifted your gaze to their apparent leader, the one who had first taken hold of you, and nearly gasped. The man before you stood tall and proud, his emerald and golden robes shining even in the lack of light. He was not young, as shown by the experience that sharpened his handsome face, but he did not seem old either, not with the strength that his frame clearly possessed. But what really struck you about the stranger were his eyes.
           A fierce green, his eyes practically glowed as they gazed down at you, and in them you could see centuries of wisdom and horrors—but most of all, power—within their depths. His stare was one that caused you to quiver from its intensity, a feeling that you realized was not unfamiliar.
           “Who are you?” you demanded to know, even as your voice shook. “Why are you doing this to me?”
           “I have been called many things, dear one, but my name is Ra’s al Ghul,” the man answered, a slight smile appearing on his face now that you had spoken.
           “What do you want with me?”
           “I have already answered one of your questions,” Ra’s chuckled with a clear fondness that frightened you more than anything else that night had. “If you want me to answer another, you first must answer one of my own.”
           Deciding that answering a question was a meager price to pay to find out why you had been attacked in your own home, you nodded, and the stranger’s eyes gleamed in hungry satisfaction.
           “Good,” he said, moving closer to you. “My question is this: aren’t you tired?”
           “T—tired?” you repeated in confusion. And your confusion only grew when the man who called himself Ra’s al Ghul suddenly knelt before you, taking your hand in his.
           “Yes, dear one, tired. I have seen how diligently and how dedicatedly you work, but it is never enough for this world. Everyone has pushed you and pushed you—and it seems to me that they have no intention of stopping. The world is wearing you down.”
           “That’s not true!” you protested. “And anyway, it doesn’t have anything to do with you!” At that proclamation, Ra’s simply smiled with condescending affection, as if he were talking to a child who had failed to notice the obvious.
           “Of course it does,” he told you patiently. “You and everything about you—from your happiness to your health—is my business.”
           “Well then,” you snarled, “you’ll be glad to know that I am perfectly happy.”
           “You ought not lie to me, dear one. You will not enjoy the consequences. But you are confused, so I will forgive you this once. You are unhappy, even if you do not realize it. Leaving so early, coming back so late, huddling up in this decrepit apartment, you deserve so much better than this. Such a precious creature shouldn’t be constantly hounded by a million different tasks and demands, always crushed beneath so much pressure.”
           “You deserve so much better than what the world has given you, deserve to be given everything the world has to offer, everything it has been refusing you,” Ra’s explained passionately, stroking your cheek softly. “And I am glad to give it all to you.”
           With that, Ra’s gave an almost imperceptible nod to his followers, smiling triumphantly as one of them pressed a soaked rag against your face. Tossing and turning, you tried to jerk out of their grip, but all too soon you found yourself breathing in the chemicals. Once you had fallen unconscious, Ra’s stood back up with the satisfaction of a hunter who had just caught his most desired prey. Now, as far as Ra’s was concerned, your life could truly begin. No longer would you have to toil and struggle only to be given just barely enough to get by. Now he could finally care for you the way that you deserved, with only the finest and most beautiful things, worthy only of the finest and most beautiful creature.
Yes, you might be confused now, but eventually you would grow to realize that Ra’s had been right to take you away from the world that did not recognize your value. Eventually you would love him in return, happy to take your place as the wife of the Demon’s Head.
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bluetooththereptile · 2 years
Sea of tears
Fem reader x potential yanderes Bruce Wayne, Lex Luthor and Ras's Al Ghul (vampire Au)
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( English is not my first language so I apologize for any mistakes in the following text.)
Note: This is a "adventurous" fiction, the reader, you, will choose a route and it will end in something much more different than the others, hope you enjoy it! sorry that it took a while for me but I had to write all of them before starting a new fic, each choice will lead to another complete fiction.
Summary: you have to choose where you'll end up and what you future will be...little you know that your choice will shape the future of the world!
Tw: mentions of death and slavery
"I didn't do anything wrong!" Your screams echoed inside the sewer, the sound of the water pouring in silencing most of the sound you made. "You shouldn't have been nosy...you knew what's waiting for nosy people, I forgave you for knowing what you shouldn't have known and still you sold me and my whole gang to the police!" You panicked more when the sewer's entrance was closed by several bars, keeping you away from your freedom. "Please! I had to do it! They had my mom! Please let me go!" You begged as water reached your hips, lifting you off the ground, you pushed your legs so you could stay on top of the water, panting for air.
You looked up at where the water came from, your former boss watching closely as the sewer got filled to the brim with water. "P-please! I'll do anything!" You said as you reached the bars, it meant the sewer was nearly filled, the water quickly drew closer to the opening, fear taking your mind. "Tsk...I'd told you...you know I won't forgive you...so why don't you shut the hell up and let the water do its work?" Your fingers were crushed under the heavy boots of your boss, but you still kept holding on to the bars for dear life.
You opened your mouth to beg again, but water reached into it, stuffing your throat as you tried to breathe, but there was no air. Your lungs desperately tried to take in air but it was just water that came inside, and after painful struggles to breathe, your body gave in. Your vision turned dark, your body feeling heavy as you sank into the water. Darkness had fully engulfed you when a hand reached out for you, pulling you out of the darkness-
"Ow!" Your roommate's whimper made you come back to reality. "Oh, I'm sorry!" You apologized quickly as you patted Rosie's head, making her huff. "Don't you have eyes? My head hurts! Brush more delicately!" She said as she glared at you in the small mirror attached to the wall,  Rosie and you had managed to get your hands on a mirror, it helped you get ready faster than the others. You pouted "Sorry! I was just thinking about what's going to happen today!" You said, and it was partly true. Your worry for the future reminded you of your unpleasant past.
Rosie sighed "I don't know about you Y/N but I'm the most hard luck of all! I'm sure I'll end up with a butcher or something like that and I have to cook for him my whole life!" You slapped her head gently "Oh shush you! Don't talk like that! The dark gods may hear you and you know how mischievous they get when they want to play with your fate!" Rosie hummed "You're right...but let's be honest...they are playing with yours more than mine right now..." the realization of what she had said made your whole body shiver as your breath caught in your chest.
"Rosie, will you stop giving Y/N a heart attack?" Jacob said as he glared at her over the letters he was reading, making the maid shut her mouth quickly. You looked at the butler as he went back to reading the letters, your heart beating faster as he looked at the three different envelopes, reading them closely. You didn't know the language of the nobles so you had asked Jacob, one of a few friends you had in the mansion, to read them for you. "Anything interesting?" You asked Jacob in a hushed voice as you continued to brush Rosie's hair.
"Shhh!" Jacob said as he glared at you as well "How many times do I have to tell you to stop talking while I'm reading something?" You silenced yourself as well as you quietly continued brushing. You could feel your heart beating like a drum in a parade, you were not the one to worry about things a lot, but this was the most urgent thing in your life in recent years! Since the time you had entered the mansion of your master, you didn't face anything as important as what was going to happen today.
You sighed and tightened your grip on the brush. You could feel your fingers tremble and tears well up in your eyes, if it was not for your make-up that you and Rosie had spent a lot of time doing, you would have cried for a solid hour to let your anxiety subside. Your life was turning upside down again! You were just feeling a little better, Master had given you more freedom now that you had proven your worth, you even had found the luxury of having your props as a slave! But suddenly your master decided on selling everything he had, and you, his precious jewel, aka his most expensive slave, were among them too, and it meant your master was in a dire situation.
Everyone including Rosie and Jacob thought that it was because of your master's countless debts to different banks and noble houses. As an alchemist who was interested in doing revolutionary inventions, your master spent too much money, and even if he was one of the few remaining human nobles, he had run out of money soon, so he had to take it from others, and without any specific income, your master was destined to meet a very harsh end. But it was not the case, only you and your master knew that the reason for this sudden rush in selling his property was you.
You, a mere human that was found in the fountain of a ruined temple of the old gods, and was taken in by humans as a slave as a form of punishment, you had stolen food from the chief of the temple, were the reason for his misery. But how could you? You were just a human, a smart one, but still illiterate to the language of the dark lands and weak, without any magic, how could you make your master lose everything he had? People didn't know why you were so precious to your master, or why you were sold at such a high price, you were as valuable as a castle! But you knew why.
When you were killed by your boss, on earth, in the world you were living in, remnants of a deity which later you'd find were the deity of lightning, pulled you between dimensions and had given you its power, the power of clean, powerful, electricity. You were given another chance and inhumane powers. But the powers that could only be used by professional alchemists. You had turned into a magical battery and your outlet was in hands of the alchemists. Despite your luck, your chance was ruined by your hunger when you had stolen from the chief priest of the temple you were found in, you were enslaved and if it was not because of the scholar nun that was examining you before the audition that you were sold in, had found out about your powers and worth, you would've been sold as a slave to the dark masters, or the noble vampires who ruled the dark lands, the world now you were trapped in. And who knew what was going to happen to you if that was your fate?
You were bought by your master and had aided him to invent devices that worked on their own with help of your energy, and if he could sell those he'd be the richest human in the dark lands. But luck was not on your master's side, because his previous head butler, who he had gotten rid of after finding out about his disastrous actions, had found out about your master's secret, the man had spat out everything in a tavern, and the tea was spilled. Most of the people were not even understanding what he was saying, but a few had, and three noble houses had found their way to your master's house and you, his precious jewel, were going to be sold to one of the noble houses, or he was ruined by their power.
How did they had managed to agree on using your consent as a way of stopping the others to take you away? you were not sure. Maybe it was related to the fact that vampires used consent to do their filthy deeds? You had heard they couldn't feed from a victim before having their consent or they'd turn into ghouls, so maybe it was like that? You didn't know...all you knew was that you had to choose from the three invitations the noble houses had sent, and be sold to them as a concubine. It was more like a slave but with a more beautiful name, you were going to be used as a pacifier for your new master's lust and greed at the same time, you hoped they were not going to make things hard on you, well, they couldn't use you if you were dead right? Vampires were famous for being brutal to their slaves.
You were scared to death, your pale face showed everything that was going on in your mind. Jacob cleared his throat, pulling you out of your thoughts. You drew a quick breath in "Well?" You asked and Jacob sighed deeply as he ran his fingers in his hair, looking down at the three invitation letters. " I have found some things in general that they three share and I have bad and good news...which one I should tell you first?" "Good news I guess?" You said as you put the brush down, sitting next to Rosie who held your hand so you wouldn't feel alone.
"The good news is, the concubine part is optional, and it depends on you, I mean...it's about consent and stuff like that but we both know those bastards use magic so consent is nowhere to be found in their logic...you'll be treated well and earn freedom if you do as what they say..." you leaned closer "And  the bad news?" "The conditions of your freedom..." you gulped, feeling the lump in your throat suffocating you already, you wanted to drown again so you wouldn't worry about your future like this. "And what are those?" "The house Luthor has the condition of having you in his house for 20 noble years..." "Hey, it's literally 200 human years!" Jacob nodded to Rosie who had said that as he continued "House Ghul is offering you freedom if you manage to please your master without dying for 20 humans years...and house Wayne...well...you have to have 6 children of your master who reach adulthood before gaining your freedom so no abortions or dying children before or after birth will be counted..."
"Why did you say there is good news? It's all bullshit!" "Well Y/N can stay in their house as a concubine for the rest of her life, you know it's better than being out there roaming the fields where ghouls and werewolves are, we know that normal people won't give her a place to stay when she leaves the noble house, even if  she's not turned into a vampire at that time which is highly unlikely." You sighed as you leaned to Rosie, your head resting on her shoulder. Why nothing turned for the better? Now you were hating the deity that had saved you so much, you wished that they were truly killed by the dark gods that now were ruling the land so you wouldn’t have to live in such misery! You just wanted your tears to take the form of a sea so you'd drown in it.
"What if she resists the invitations?" Rosie said "Are you out of your mind? She'd be in big trouble if she was going to do that!" "Well, she'd run away!" "To where? To the town where people would turn her in again? Or to the fields and forest where the monsters are so she gets eaten by them or even worse?"
You sighed as you tried your best to not cry.
"Isn't the Master of the house Wayne infamous for sleeping with the king's concubines?" Rosie said, gaining your attention "Yeah...you know how vampires are, if they don't find their true made they'll become the true forms of debauchery. And since house Wayne is one of the most powerful ones in the king's court, for sure the head of the house would turn into such a person. Head of the house Ghul is like that as well...but he has...better taste to be honest, instead of king's concubine he had affairs with the king's siblings and other court members. As the most powerful house of the court, the house ghul is indeed unbreakable." You frowned "How do you know these?" "Well servants have their connections and you know how people like to gossip when they have nothing to do!" Rosie said.
"What about House Luthor?" You asked, he seemed the more reasonable out of the three, he was not at least into ravishing you for decades. "Well, house Luthor is one of the pretty new houses, the head of the house is a Dampier which is truly rare in the court and is a rival of the house Wayne, house Luthor is after the House Wayne's place in the court." You hummed to yourself as you looked down at the letters. You were going to ponder about your past and possible future again when one of the maids knocked on the door. "Master's guests are here..." the maid said, making your blood freeze. "May the old gods be with you..." Rosie said, "I hate them!" You said as you stood up, fixing your best dress and striding out of the room, but before closing the door you made sure to turn around and share a worried look with your friends. You wished you could perish...
"What is your choice, my dear?" Your master's voice made you look up at the three men sitting in front of you. One of them seemed older than the others, with parts of his hair turned gray, his black eyes piercing through your soul. He was Ra's Al Ghul, head of the Ghul family. He tilted his head to the side as he scanned your form once again, stroking his chin.
At Al Ghul's right side sat Bruce Wayne, the head of house Wayne, a tall man with piercing blue eyes, you could feel as if he was going to search through your mind just with a single glance.
And at Wayne's right side was Lex Luthor, head of the house Luthor, his gleaming green eyes making you shiver in fear.
You looked back at your master who was looking at you with both regret and expectations, it was time for you to choose...you knew that they wanted something more than your flesh, they were greedy and dangerous, and no one knew what they were going to do with your powers. But if you resisted you and your master would be in so much trouble...
what to do? What to choose?
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House Ghul House Wayne House Luthor Resist
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Destructive love (Yandere!Damian🔪)
Requested by an omnipotent Anon: Ohhhh, I have an idea, what about yandere romantic Damian Wayne plus the League of Assassins and Ra's and Talia Al Ghul with a really powerful reader who can summon a magical bow from just summoning it and with that she can cause nuclear and mass destruction?
A/N: Trigger warning for Yandere, kidnapping, stalking, killing, the usual
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This is a real tricky one
Cause you know when (Yandere!)Damian loves you he really loves you
It doesn‘t really help that you‘re an extremely powerful ally that would surely be a great addition to the Wayne name and the Al Ghul/Wayne bloodline
Surely your children will be worthy heirs to this empire of blood and heroism that is Damians
Of course once he realises that on his own he won’t be able to get you for himself and that his more or less law-abiding family-side would condemn him for his actions and desires, heroism is long forgotten
Because you are all that counts
And even though he’ll try to become your partner without making use of his darker side, there is no guarantee that it‘ll work
Now if you’re like me you’d jump at the chance to be Damian Wayne’s S/O, Yandere or not, but let’s for the stories sake say that you reject him for one reason or another
Maybe you’ve already noticed his weird tendency to stare just a bit too hard or grasp your hand just a little bit too hard
Or you have a s/o that you love and don’t want to leave for him
It’s irrelevant for Damian what the actual reason is - even if it may be a logical one - it will just not do
He has to have you be with you
And so he’ll turn to the only people in his life that he knows will be able to help him out
So hello there Mommy and Granpa Al Ghul please never call them that you will die
On one side they’ll be sceptical of you - are you really a suitable partner for the heir of the great Demon? There is no way, right? - but on the other side certified Yandere Queen Talia Al Ghul (more canon Yandere is almost impossible to get I mean….) will be delighted that her son is keeping thee tradition of Bein in love very….uhm….intensively
Once they find out about just how powerful you really are they’ll be down immediatly
I mean you’d be an incredible ally to the League of Assassins and Ras definitely agrees on the heir aspect of it all
If you and Damian on your own were that powerful can you even imagine how a mix our of the two of you would be???
So they’ll be delighted to help him out and they have their ways
You would think yourself safe since you are very well aware how much damage you can do, but believe me you aren’t
Ra’s and Talia will have someone on your heel 24/7 and it’ll be someone you wouldn’t ever notice (Damian is extremely jealous of that person and to be frank it will probably be their last mission they’ll ever be alive for, but I digress)
They’ll figure out all your weaknesses and they’ll use them against you
Obviously the usual kidnap and restrain method that Talia would in any other situation suggest won’t take hold here, but they know you know
And maybe there’s a sibling or parent or friend that they know you’d do everything for and maybe that person will disappear without trace and maybe you’ll get informed that the person will stay unharmed if you cooperate and after that it’s relatively smooth going
Of course there might be a little temper tantrum of yours once in a while but one picture of said person being put through hell will be enough to get you to behave yourself
You’ll probably go into that thing thinking you’ll just figure out where they’re holding them and then free them but the league of assassins has their ways and it won’t take terrible long until you’ve turned rather docile and Damian (and Talia and Ras) will be able to form you like clay in their hands
To the perfect wife, future mother, weapon, ally and partner to the heir that there could ever be
Once they’re satisfied there’s one last test before they can be sure that you’re really the devoted fututre Al Ghul that they need and Damian and you can tie the knot (and put that bun in the oven if you know what I mean)
They’ll present you with the person that you had done that all for and they’ll give you a simple task
Kill them
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knullanon · 3 years
so if it’s not too much can you do a request where reader accidentally calls Ra’s sun like papa for the first time? I fu don’t want to do this I understand -lapis anon 💙
hell yeah lets go
its probably later on after he gets you tbh. like i couldn’t see him getting that kind of treatment 5 days in while you’re trying to stab him every other second. 
anyways he wouldn’t notice until like his brain processed the words. “thanks dad-” wait did she just call me dad??? holy shit am I just going deaf??? what the fu-
then suddenly hes like “did you just call me dad??” and when you smile and say yes, he starts crying like “omg i can’t believe she just called me dad what the why am I like this-”
he will just hang out with you the rest of the day, ignoring literally everyone else and saying fuck the light bc his baby is actually starting to bond with him. obviously he will ask what the cause of the change in behavior is, since he will slightly think its because of the fact that you just want to leave the place
when he finds out, no, you’re calling him dad bc you can, he gets really happy. like, “omg really???? you care about me???”
will start trusting you a lot more than beforehand, like letting you out with only damian or talia since you have proven that you are more trustworthy. 
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anxiousnerdwritings · 4 years
I love your stuff a lot! Do you think you could do some Yandere Ra's headcanons with a female S/O that's a reincarnation of a lover he lost before?
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Yandere Ra's al Ghul x Reincarnated!Reader
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Ra's was so in love with you and still is. You were is everything, the reason he kept working so hard to get to his goal and he couldn't be more appreciative of your support. But he had to leave abruptly to accomplish said goal and he knew he would come back to you again with so much more to offer than before.
When he does finally come back to take you away with him, he's met with the knowledge of your death and he can't comprehend what he's being informed of. You couldn't be dead, you just couldn't! He made a promise to you, that he would take you away to live together forever. Ra's will completely lose himself in this moment and go on a rampage trying to blame someone, anyone for your death. He won't come back from this moment in time.
Ra's could never get over the death of his past lover, that left him angry and sorrowful. He had eventually married another and had two daughters from her and he was so grateful for both her and their daughters, but nothing could compare to you and what he lost along with you.
As his daughters grew and trained, Ra's could only be reminded of what could have been with you. His wife wasn't blind to his feelings and thoughts, she knew him enough to know what he really desired most and that was you. She knew where he'd sneak off to for a moments peace; a private, restricted room with a statue of you residing in it, surrounded by gifts and trinkets he knew you'd like if you were with him now. Ra's would never heal from what had been taken from him.
It's quite a few years after his wife passes when he meets you again, only it's not you but a reincarnation of you. A complete spitting image of you, even with the same name, he couldn't believe it.
There's no way he's going to leave without you. He can't let you slip away from him again. He'll extend his visit a little while longer to keep an eye on you and learn what he can, using his assassins to watch and track you as well.
You won't be able to do anything without Ra's knowing about it. If you have your own family now or a lover, they will swiftly be taken care of. He won't leave anything of your "new" life left before he takes you away and he WILL take you. You'll be back with him sooner than later.
When he does finally take you, he can feel all those old feelings, feelings he thought had been torn away, coming back full force. It takes a lot of self control to not just envelope you in his arms then and there, but he knows he has to be patient, his time with you will come once again.
Once you do wake up, you have no idea where you are and you're terrified. Looking around the room you spot a silhouette of a man and you're even more uneasy. But this man is on his knees, grasping your hands so tightly as if they were a life line to him.
Ra's is going to live the life both he and you were robbed and he's not going to let you leave him again, even in death.
You'll be treated like royalty and spoiled rotten. Ra's will not allow you to go anywhere without him and or a handful of assassins to guard and protect you.
Anyone who tries to target you to get to him will die. No one who tries to take you away from him again will live to make the same mistake again.
If you do happen to die some how, he's putting you into the Lazarus Pit right away. You aren't dying on him again, he'll promise you, as well as himself, of that.
Ra's will spend the rest of his life making up for lost time. Even putting aside his plans for whatever (he still hasn't told what he does but you know it's not necessarily good) and just focus on you.
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gulnarsultan · 2 years
reader and husband Ra's Al Ghul spending time with grandson Damian
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That day you decided to spend time with your husband and grandson, Damian. Honestly, thanks to you, Damian was seeing motherly love and affection. You knew right from the start that your daughter wasn't a good mother to Damian. That's why you made it your principle to undertake this task yourself. Your husband did not object to you on this matter. In the morning, after a nice breakfast together, you went to the playground.
"Grandma, will you rock me on the swing?"
"Of course honey."
After a little rocking Damian pulled you to slide with you on the slides. Your husband was laughing from the sidelines at your state of affairs.
"Grandpa, shall we play catch-up together?"
"I don't know, Damian."
"Damian your grandfather is too old for that."
"Is this a challenge, sweet wife?"
When you and Damian started running, Ra's caught you first, then after a little struggle, Damian caught up. You didn't forget to buy cotton candy and ice cream before you went home. After returning home, you spent time with Damian and your husband drawing puzzles and drawings. In the evening you put Damian in his bed and then you read him a story. When Damian fell asleep, you kissed his forehead and returned to your room.
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storybookstalker · 5 years
May you do 👁 💙💀🌹📸 for Ra's al Ghul? If not that's alright
👁 | Are they likely to stalk?
Yes and no. Yes in the sense that he’ll have people watching you, be tracking your movements, know basic information about you, that kinda thing. Also no, he wants to have a “normal” relationship with his obsession, he wants to “woo” or court you. Meaning he won’t want to know EVERYTHING about you from just stalking watching over you, he wants to learn all that directly from you. 
💙 | How would they describe their aesthetic?
He’d describe it as soulmates finding each other for the first time (or maybe you’re a reincarnation of a previous darling?), two people withdrawing from the world to learn from each other, only to come out of solitary ready to rule the world by each other's sides for the rest of time. Sweet to one another, cruel to any that decide to go against them.
In reality, it’s much more of rapunzel’s tower situation. Ra’s and his assassins will be the only living people you’ll see for a long, long time. 
💀 | What would be their cruelest moments?
While he is most definitely one of the sweeter villains of the DC universe, he knows that sometimes his dear one needs a little push in the right direction. The worst thing you’d face from Ra’s would be either branding, forced pregnancy (for girls obvi, for guys he’d probably try and either figure out how to make it happen or just force you to help him pick a child for the two of you to raise. Though that could be.. argued against), or even just the pure horror of waking from the Lazarus Pit, toxic green dusting the face of your “lover” as you realize there is no escape. Not even through death.
🌹 | Would they treat the object of their affection well?
Yes! As mentioned, I interpret Ra’s as being one of the calmer, loving yanderes in the DC universe. He’s been alive for a couple centuries, he’s learned that patience and time are better teachers than brute force. He wants a lover of equal standing, not a little broken in toy that can barely blink on its own. 
📸 | Are they likely to hide little “keepsakes” from their crush?
He’ll have “keepsakes”, but they won’t be secret. Not to you at least. Being The Demon’s Head sometimes means a lot of time away from home, of course he’ll want something that reminds him of you. Often times it’s an article (or piece of said clothing) clothing or a necklace you wear often. Maybe even a photo/painting of his dear one.
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bad4amficideas · 1 year
Hi! I hope you're doing great! I have an idea for damian in earth t18 au. Sorry for my bad English!
Let's say during bat's time in the LOA, she liked one of the assassins. Maybe that assassin is in a somewhat similar situation as her, as in forced to be in the organisation and they bonded over that fact. Eventually they started a secret relationship (talia and ras won't be happy about this) and Damian was conceived from this relationship.
The assassin decided to take Damian and run away from the organisation (a decision that was supported by bat's bcs they're under extremely tight surveillance than their partner and wasn't skilled enough to escape) I have this idea that their partner shares a lot of resemblance with talia (the tan skin and green eyes maybe they're related) But they were killed and Damian was hidden from bat's and bat's was forced to consume meals that had medication to make them forget about the partner.
And Talia and Ras decided to raise Damian as their own and said that he's an artificial baby made from Talia and Bat's dna. But Talia's dna is so strong so he looked the most like her but he has the personality from bat's partner (stubborn but is a sweetheart)
Your english is perfect dear and your idea is not bad either!
I know it was not your intention. But you totally reminded me of that yandere! LOA! Damian x reader where Reader "falls "flirts" with Dusan (Talia's albino older brother, but like a hot version) and Damian kills him. I mean, that would totally make more sense with fem!Bat!Reader, and Ra's wanting as heir a child of the first child so misantropy and all of that.
Anyway, even though I did think about something like that, I think our bat!reader is too cautious (and too busy) to, out of two years in the League (as I already said), spend at least half on romance/fornication and get pregnant and then carry on said pregnancy. Also I do not believe in "slips" with a paranoid bat!reader who also takes poisons on a regular basis, would miscarry.
What I mean by all this nonsense is that I think bat!reader, romantically, needs time to open their heart.
All this being said. Rape? Totally could be. By someone chosen by the Al Ghul. Or artificial impregnation with genetic modification of eggs creating the perfect child (that's our Damian). OR Steal said eggs from Reader, modify them and implant them in Talia or another uterus. There are options.
But totally between training-torture, the DNA to create Damian, and with the funds of the League, they could have been obtained in two years.
And another option than drugged to forget. I would put bat!reader in a coma throughout the pregnancy, so as not to realize what had happened.
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 9 months
Yandere Various Batman Characters x Platonic! Reader. [Cross Posts on Tumblr]
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/TxqREd3 by Helpfandom Cross posted on Tumblr for works from Helpfandom, I cross posted these to help others who want Yandere content. Words: 2960, Chapters: 3/100, Language: English Series: Part 1 of Cross Post From Tumblr Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, Batman (Movies - Nolan), Batman: The Animated Series, Batman (Movies 1989-1997), The Batman (Cartoon 2004) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Categories: Other Characters: Jonathan Crane, Scarecrow, Batman, Bruce Wayne, Riddler (Batman 1966), Edward Nygma, Selina Kyle, Catwoman, Catwoman Michelle Pfeiffer, Michelle Pfeiffer, Riddler, Harley, Harley Quinn, Joker (DCU), Mad Hatter, Penguin (DCU), Two-Face, Mr Crowe (Sanditon), Mr Freeze - Character, Dr. Freeze, Clayface, Poison Ivy, Killer Croc, Max Zeus, Scarface (DCU), Ventriloquist, Clock King, Ra's al Ghul Additional Tags: Yandere, I'm going to be honest this is my first AO3 fic read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/TxqREd3
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writerbyaccident · 4 years
Under Control (Yandere Ra’s al GhulxReader)
Request: Would you be able to do a Yandere Ra's with a female reader he manages to find after she escaped and hid out for a few months? Thank you if so, and I love your work!
           Slow but steady had been your mantra for months. Every time that you looked around at another cramped motel room, every time you had only granola bars to eat, every time you ran away in the middle of the night, you repeated the phrase over and over. Tonight was really no different, you were holed up in another dingy motel room, munching on a granola bar for your dinner.
But while things weren’t that different materially, the excitement nestled deep in your heart was certainly different. Ever since you had gotten away from Ra’s, you had been inching your way towards Gotham city. And now you were just outside the city, ready to start scouring the city the very next day for your salvation. You were so close.
           Falling back onto the musty bed and staring at the cracked ceiling, you went over your options. Well, in actuality, you really only had one option: Batman. Batman was the only possible person on Earth who could keep you out of the suffocating yet adoring grip of Ra’s al Ghul. Anyone else would inevitably fall victim to his bribes, his assassins, or his cunning. Even in normal circumstances no one could withstand Ra’s, but with you involved, you knew that there were no limits to the lengths he would go to. For while Ra’s always enjoyed telling you how much he loved you, he enjoyed showing it even more. And to him, there was no better way to show it than to keep you at his side.
So unless you wanted to go back to being trapped in that gilded cage, you needed Batman’s help. The question was: how the hell were you supposed to find him? You could try heading to the Gotham police, Commissioner Gordon was sure to know how to reach the notoriously mysterious vigilante. Or you could try making your own Bat-Signal, but you had no way of knowing—
Suddenly, the room was swallowed by shadows.
All at once, every light that you had turned on in the hopes of keeping the darkness at bay shut off, leaving you in nothing but pitch-black. Pulling out the pepper spray you carried in your pocket, you prayed that it was just a coincidence, that there was just a power outage. But you knew what it really was. A part of you had known that Ra’s would always find you.
“I would put that away if I were you,” came a voice. “It isn’t going to be much help to you, my darling.”
From across the room, a lamp was switched on, and you were greeted to the sight of Ra’s sitting calmly on an armchair. He smiled at you smugly, knowing that you were once again in his possession, but even after your precious few months of freedom, you could see the signs. The exhaustion in his eyes was subtle, though the way it mixed with such fervent need made it easier to see. And although you failed to notice it, the way his fingers oh-so-slightly dug into the arm of his chair was a sign that proved just how much he longed to dash forward and take you into his arms, never letting go again. But no, Ra’s had control himself. He had to remain in control so that you could keep you in his control.
So instead of crashing his lips against yours the way that he craved to, Ra’s simply smiled at you with narrowed eyes. You stared back for a few minutes, not wanting to give in, but you still knew that it was useless. Ra’s had to have his assassins nearby, ready to fight to help their master keep what was rightfully his. Besides, it was no secret to you that Ra’s himself was a better fighter than you could ever hope to be. So the longer you tried to delay the inevitable, the worse it would be. Before long, you were sliding off of the bed and approaching him with your head slightly bowed and held out your one weapon for him to take.
“No, I guess it won’t be,” you finally said.
Ra’s did not answer; rather, he simply smirked at you, knowing that you were once again under his control. Had you ever really left?
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bluetooththereptile · 2 years
The Blessed One
Yandere vampire Ra's Al Ghul x fem reader
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( English is not my first language so I apologize for any mistakes in the following text.)
(This fic is one of the multiple choices of this post)
Summary: Your suffering won't end when you are blessed by your master's touch...
Tw: Mentions of injury and death
The sound of glass shattering filled your enormous room as you watched the remaining of its red liquid taint the curtains. "Tell your master I'm sick of his dirty games! I don't need his blessing!" You used the remnants of your lungs to scream this at the maid who had brought you a drink from your master when he was still in sleep. The maid panicked as she knelt to gather the glass shard not wanting to face the consequences of keeping sharp objects at your disposal.
Your body reacted to your sudden screaming and you started to cough violently, your hands giving in and making you fall onto the soft embrace of your bed as you tried to catch your breath. You wished you'd die and be free of the pain that was inflicted on you by your master for the 10th time that day. Your head turned to look out of the window, the sun was setting and the sky was red because of its faltering rays, it was like even the sky was mourning by being like the color of blood. The thick black pillars of smoke could be seen easily, the disgusting smell of the burnt flesh and smoke reaching to you by the wind and the incense couldn't mask the smell.
Noticing the smell getting stronger your body jolted as you started to gag, the maid in the room running to you so could throw up the non-existing remains of the food in your stomach in a bucket. You hadn't eaten in days, since the plague had haunted your body you hadn't had the chance of having a proper meal and not throwing it up. You cursed under your breath as you whimpered, trying to lay on the side that didn't hurt much, the wounds on your body were still fresh and the medicine that was applied to them made them burn even more.
Your master was playing with you, torturing you by letting you live through your sickness, slowly feeding you the right medicine so you wouldn't heal fast. You were aware of his revival skills, he had brought you back to life when you had successfully hung yourself in your room after all. He had made you gain your sanity back so you could watch him make humanity perish by the disease he had created with your help. Well, you were not aware of it until it was too late, and you had tried to kill yourself to get away from the great shame that was going to cast its shadow on your life for eternity. But your master had other plans for you.
The sun went down and the candles and lamps were light on their own, letting you know that your master was awake now. You hissed as you pulled the covers on you trying to ignore the door of your room opening on its own. "Greetings master!" The maid's voice echoed in the room as you heard two different footsteps, one was hurried and quick and another one was calm and you could tell easily who the second one belonged to.
The door was closed shut when the maid hurried away, leaving you and your master alone. "I see that you refused to take your medicine today my dear...such a pity..." his words made you scoff to yourself, he acted as if he cared for you, and though he did care for you, he also played you around like a rag doll, so his concerned voice seemed more of an act to you than being genuine. "Hiding under the covers won't make me go away my dear...why don't you lift them so I can see your beautiful face?" You didn't move, you were being dared tonight by refusing his bidding, you hoped he'd get angry and finish you off like what he had threatened you with in the past, but unfortunately for you, Ra's was in a good mood today.
Your foot was left out of the covers and you didn't realize it until his ice-cold touch made you jolt up in your place as he took your foot in his hands, sitting next to you. He patiently removed the bandages on your foot, letting the air touch your wounds, making you wince in pain and clench the covers you were holding. You couldn't see his amused smirk as he examined your wounds. "It hurts doesn't it?" You didn't reply, making him let out a hum. "They will leave marks on for sure..." he said, his words were pitiful but his voice was interested. You turned nauseous again at that, knowing well how sick he'd get when he wanted to make his subjects suffer.
You regretted your decision every day you woke up, finding yourself in your luxurious room that was filled with the finest. You hated every second of your life in the Ghul's castle, but you couldn't escape it, even though death was not on your side in this life. At first, you had thought Ra's was a decent man with ambitious thoughts and a really strange affection for you. He had treated you well which was surprising for a man with his reputation, you could move around the castle freely and the only time your service was required was when he needed to use your powers for his inventions which you were not aware of their purpose. Even when he wanted to have you you were not forced into it, you were seduced by his charm.
Oh, how foolish you were, when you found out about your master's ominous plans it was too late and his plans were going to work and it was all because of you, who had provided him the energy he needed. That was when you found out about his true intentions, his charming mask was shattered and now you could see why he was fearsome to many. He was a genius, you couldn't deny it, but he was a mad one at that. He had the best intentions but only for his race, he believed in race's hierarchy, and to his tastes, humans were too disobedient to the superior race, which were the vampires. So he had spent his life researching the science of creating diseases and he had succeeded in it.
His plans were simple and complicated at the same time. He'd spread a deadly plague that only affected humans, killing most of the population. Then the survivors who were stronger than the others would be under the heavy hands of the vampires who'd use them as slaves. Thankfully their blood was no longer a necessity for vampires, after the Wayne family invented dried artificial blood pills vampires no longer were worried about their food supply, though still many enjoyed hunting humans down just for the sheer joy of the hunt. Ra's had his plans almost ready but he needed something to power up the disease and make it flourish, but he couldn't find anything that powerful. Until the dark gods gave him an effective hint. You.
Although you had killed yourself to run away from him and the world he was going to shape to his desires, he had revived you with help of his vast knowledge and as a punishment, he had made you witness the process of the disease spreading through the dark lands and for the extra effect of it, he had infected you as well. You hoped you'd die but no! You were his blessed concubine and he didn't want to lose you, the only person that had let him taste the pleasures of the mortals again. So you were given the cure for the disease but the process was painfully slow and it took a mental toll on you.
"Hiding won't help my dear...you know you have to serve me soon..." he said as he wiped the medicine off of your skin so he could apply a fresh layer on. "W-what do you mean?" You asked in shock when you pulled the covers away quickly, to meet his grinning face. "You have to serve me, my dear Y/N, you know you can not refuse me..." he said as he arched his brow at you, making your stomach turn in disgust. "Never! I won't touch a monster like you!" He chuckled at your refusal as he applied for the medicine gently. "We will see...we will see..."
"Why are you doing this to me? What did I do to you?" You said as your voice trembled. "You tried to take away the flavor of my life my dear...you need to be punished for being selfish..." "Oh I'm being selfish or you who killed who knows how many people just to clean the face of the dark lands from the taint of humanity?" He didn't give you a response, but the pressure he applied on your foot as he was wrapping it up with bandages made you whimper in pain. "You are still naive, you can not see the world the way I do. Your mortal mind is like a child's compared to mine, I'm not blaming you for being naive...but doing something reckless like taking your life is what infuriates me."
"I'll take my life again!" You hissed "And I will show you why the royalty is afraid of me!" "Why do you care about my life? You just said I'm nothing more than a naive mortal!" He sighed as if he was arguing with a child, but he didn't say anything. Instead, he just put your foot down and stood up. Leaving your side. You watched as he walked away, looking out of the window. "Life as a vampire, without something to cherish, is bland..." he started "It is indeed a gift to live forever, but this eternal life comes with a price...you'd lose your taste to what you enjoyed before, you'd reach a point where you can tell you know everything and after that, the world seems boring and you want to amuse yourself."
He turned to you "Either by debauchery or finding the one that dark gods have chosen for you a vampire can enjoy their life...and I was blessed by the gods to find my chosen one..." you clenched your fist on the covers as he spoke...was...was it true? You must have been cursed or something! Why? Why him out of all people? "I don't expect you to understand, but I'd like to warn you, my dear...don't ever try to take what is mine! And your life, your body and soul...belongs to me!" His words echoed in your mind as you cried, ignoring the burning sensation of your tears on your scared skin. You could hear the mischievous laughter of the dark gods when you closed your ears to not see your master anymore, they had cursed you and you were fully aware of it.
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Sea of tears
Fem reader x potential yanderes Bruce Wayne, Lex Luthor and Ras’s Al Ghul (vampire Au)
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( English is not my first language so I apologize for any mistakes in the following text.)
Note: This is a “adventurous” fiction, the reader, you, will choose a route and it will end in something much more different than the others, hope you enjoy it! sorry that it took a while for me but I had to write all of them before starting a new fic, each choice will lead to another complete fiction.
Summary: you have to choose where you’ll end up and what you future will be…little you know that your choice will shape the future of the world!
Tw: mentions of death and slavery
"I didn't do anything wrong!" Your screams echoed inside the sewer, the sound of the water pouring in silencing most of the sound you made. "You shouldn't have been nosy...you knew what's waiting for nosy people, I forgave you for knowing what you shouldn't have known and still you sold me and my whole gang to the police!" You panicked more when the sewer's entrance was closed by several bars, keeping you away from your freedom. "Please! I had to do it! They had my mom! Please let me go!" You begged as water reached your hips, lifting you off the ground, you pushed your legs so you could stay on top of the water, panting for air.
You looked up at where the water came from, your former boss watching closely as the sewer got filled to the brim with water. "P-please! I'll do anything!" You said as you reached the bars, it meant the sewer was nearly filled, the water quickly drew closer to the opening, fear taking your mind. "Tsk...I'd told you...you know I won't forgive you...so why don't you shut the hell up and let the water do its work?" Your fingers were crushed under the heavy boots of your boss, but you still kept holding on to the bars for dear life.
You opened your mouth to beg again, but water reached into it, stuffing your throat as you tried to breathe, but there was no air. Your lungs desperately tried to take in air but it was just water that came inside, and after painful struggles to breathe, your body gave in. Your vision turned dark, your body feeling heavy as you sank into the water. Darkness had fully engulfed you when a hand reached out for you, pulling you out of the darkness-
"Ow!" Your roommate's whimper made you come back to reality. "Oh, I'm sorry!" You apologized quickly as you patted Rosie's head, making her huff. "Don't you have eyes? My head hurts! Brush more delicately!" She said as she glared at you in the small mirror attached to the wall,  Rosie and you had managed to get your hands on a mirror, it helped you get ready faster than the others. You pouted "Sorry! I was just thinking about what's going to happen today!" You said, and it was partly true. Your worry for the future reminded you of your unpleasant past.
Rosie sighed "I don't know about you Y/N but I'm the most hard luck of all! I'm sure I'll end up with a butcher or something like that and I have to cook for him my whole life!" You slapped her head gently "Oh shush you! Don't talk like that! The dark gods may hear you and you know how mischievous they get when they want to play with your fate!" Rosie hummed "You're right...but let's be honest...they are playing with yours more than mine right now..." the realization of what she had said made your whole body shiver as your breath caught in your chest.
"Rosie, will you stop giving Y/N a heart attack?" Jacob said as he glared at her over the letters he was reading, making the maid shut her mouth quickly. You looked at the butler as he went back to reading the letters, your heart beating faster as he looked at the three different envelopes, reading them closely. You didn't know the language of the nobles so you had asked Jacob, one of a few friends you had in the mansion, to read them for you. "Anything interesting?" You asked Jacob in a hushed voice as you continued to brush Rosie's hair.
"Shhh!" Jacob said as he glared at you as well "How many times do I have to tell you to stop talking while I'm reading something?" You silenced yourself as well as you quietly continued brushing. You could feel your heart beating like a drum in a parade, you were not the one to worry about things a lot, but this was the most urgent thing in your life in recent years! Since the time you had entered the mansion of your master, you didn't face anything as important as what was going to happen today.
You sighed and tightened your grip on the brush. You could feel your fingers tremble and tears well up in your eyes, if it was not for your make-up that you and Rosie had spent a lot of time doing, you would have cried for a solid hour to let your anxiety subside. Your life was turning upside down again! You were just feeling a little better, Master had given you more freedom now that you had proven your worth, you even had found the luxury of having your props as a slave! But suddenly your master decided on selling everything he had, and you, his precious jewel, aka his most expensive slave, were among them too, and it meant your master was in a dire situation.
Everyone including Rosie and Jacob thought that it was because of your master's countless debts to different banks and noble houses. As an alchemist who was interested in doing revolutionary inventions, your master spent too much money, and even if he was one of the few remaining human nobles, he had run out of money soon, so he had to take it from others, and without any specific income, your master was destined to meet a very harsh end. But it was not the case, only you and your master knew that the reason for this sudden rush in selling his property was you.
You, a mere human that was found in the fountain of a ruined temple of the old gods, and was taken in by humans as a slave as a form of punishment, you had stolen food from the chief of the temple, were the reason for his misery. But how could you? You were just a human, a smart one, but still illiterate to the language of the dark lands and weak, without any magic, how could you make your master lose everything he had? People didn't know why you were so precious to your master, or why you were sold at such a high price, you were as valuable as a castle! But you knew why.
When you were killed by your boss, on earth, in the world you were living in, remnants of a deity which later you'd find were the deity of lightning, pulled you between dimensions and had given you its power, the power of clean, powerful, electricity. You were given another chance and inhumane powers. But the powers that could only be used by professional alchemists. You had turned into a magical battery and your outlet was in hands of the alchemists. Despite your luck, your chance was ruined by your hunger when you had stolen from the chief priest of the temple you were found in, you were enslaved and if it was not because of the scholar nun that was examining you before the audition that you were sold in, had found out about your powers and worth, you would've been sold as a slave to the dark masters, or the noble vampires who ruled the dark lands, the world now you were trapped in. And who knew what was going to happen to you if that was your fate?
You were bought by your master and had aided him to invent devices that worked on their own with help of your energy, and if he could sell those he'd be the richest human in the dark lands. But luck was not on your master's side, because his previous head butler, who he had gotten rid of after finding out about his disastrous actions, had found out about your master's secret, the man had spat out everything in a tavern, and the tea was spilled. Most of the people were not even understanding what he was saying, but a few had, and three noble houses had found their way to your master's house and you, his precious jewel, were going to be sold to one of the noble houses, or he was ruined by their power.
How did they had managed to agree on using your consent as a way of stopping the others to take you away? you were not sure. Maybe it was related to the fact that vampires used consent to do their filthy deeds? You had heard they couldn't feed from a victim before having their consent or they'd turn into ghouls, so maybe it was like that? You didn't know...all you knew was that you had to choose from the three invitations the noble houses had sent, and be sold to them as a concubine. It was more like a slave but with a more beautiful name, you were going to be used as a pacifier for your new master's lust and greed at the same time, you hoped they were not going to make things hard on you, well, they couldn't use you if you were dead right? Vampires were famous for being brutal to their slaves.
You were scared to death, your pale face showed everything that was going on in your mind. Jacob cleared his throat, pulling you out of your thoughts. You drew a quick breath in "Well?" You asked and Jacob sighed deeply as he ran his fingers in his hair, looking down at the three invitation letters. " I have found some things in general that they three share and I have bad and good news...which one I should tell you first?" "Good news I guess?" You said as you put the brush down, sitting next to Rosie who held your hand so you wouldn't feel alone.
"The good news is, the concubine part is optional, and it depends on you, I mean...it's about consent and stuff like that but we both know those bastards use magic so consent is nowhere to be found in their logic...you'll be treated well and earn freedom if you do as what they say..." you leaned closer "And  the bad news?" "The conditions of your freedom..." you gulped, feeling the lump in your throat suffocating you already, you wanted to drown again so you wouldn't worry about your future like this. "And what are those?" "The house Luthor has the condition of having you in his house for 20 noble years..." "Hey, it's literally 200 human years!" Jacob nodded to Rosie who had said that as he continued "House Ghul is offering you freedom if you manage to please your master without dying for 20 humans years...and house Wayne...well...you have to have 6 children of your master who reach adulthood before gaining your freedom so no abortions or dying children before or after birth will be counted..."
"Why did you say there is good news? It's all bullshit!" "Well Y/N can stay in their house as a concubine for the rest of her life, you know it's better than being out there roaming the fields where ghouls and werewolves are, we know that normal people won't give her a place to stay when she leaves the noble house, even if  she's not turned into a vampire at that time which is highly unlikely." You sighed as you leaned to Rosie, your head resting on her shoulder. Why nothing turned for the better? Now you were hating the deity that had saved you so much, you wished that they were truly killed by the dark gods that now were ruling the land so you wouldn’t have to live in such misery! You just wanted your tears to take the form of a sea so you'd drown in it.
"What if she resists the invitations?" Rosie said "Are you out of your mind? She'd be in big trouble if she was going to do that!" "Well, she'd run away!" "To where? To the town where people would turn her in again? Or to the fields and forest where the monsters are so she gets eaten by them or even worse?" You sighed as you tried your best to not cry.
"Isn't the Master of the house Wayne infamous for sleeping with the king's concubines?" Rosie said, gaining your attention "Yeah...you know how vampires are, if they don't find their true made they'll become the true forms of debauchery. And since house Wayne is one of the most powerful ones in the king's court, for sure the head of the house would turn into such a person. Head of the house Ghul is like that as well...but he has...better taste to be honest, instead of king's concubine he had affairs with the king's siblings and other court members. As the most powerful house of the court, the house ghul is indeed unbreakable." You frowned "How do you know these?" "Well servants have their connections and you know how people like to gossip when they have nothing to do!" Rosie said.
"What about House Luthor?" You asked, he seemed the more reasonable out of the three, he was not at least into ravishing you for decades. "Well, house Luthor is one of the pretty new houses, the head of the house is a Dampier which is truly rare in the court and is a rival of the house Wayne, house Luthor is after the House Wayne's place in the court." You hummed to yourself as you looked down at the letters. You were going to ponder about your past and possible future again when one of the maids knocked on the door. "Master's guests are here..." the maid said, making your blood freeze. "May the old gods be with you..." Rosie said, "I hate them!" You said as you stood up, fixing your best dress and striding out of the room, but before closing the door you made sure to turn around and share a worried look with your friends. You wished you could perish...
"What is your choice, my dear?" Your master's voice made you look up at the three men sitting in front of you. One of them seemed older than the others, with parts of his hair turned gray, his black eyes piercing through your soul. He was Ra's Al Ghul, head of the Ghul family. He tilted his head to the side as he scanned your form once again, stroking his chin.
At Al Ghul's right side sat Bruce Wayne, the head of house Wayne, a tall man with piercing blue eyes, you could feel as if he was going to search through your mind just with a single glance.
And at Wayne's right side was Lex Luthor, head of the house Luthor, his gleaming green eyes making you shiver in fear.
You looked back at your master who was looking at you with both regret and expectations, it was time for you to choose...you knew that they wanted something more than your flesh, they were greedy and dangerous, and no one knew what they were going to do with your powers. But if you resisted you and your master would be in so much trouble...
what to do? What to choose?
House Ghoul House Wayne House Luthor Resist
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