#yandere x reder
babablacksherp · 5 months
Shared Amongst Turtles
Part one
Yandere Tmnt x y/n
Mikey- baby Yandere
Ralph- mild Yandere
Leo- spicy Yandere
Donnie- dangerous Yandere
Summary: Mikey and y/n start dating a sort of sweet relationship until Ralph starts noticing.
Y/n point of view-
“Thanks for walking me home.” You say holding his hand outside your apartment door. You give him a sweet forehead kiss before rummaging for your keys.
“No problem the purple dragons have been persistent lately and I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself if something were to happen.” He fiddles with his hands obviously missing the feeling of holding yours.
“You worry too much, yes found them!, anyway I love the extra time I get to spend with you anyways” you give him a genuine kiss this time holding his face towards yours, before turning away and going to open your door.
If only Mikey weren’t so caught up in your date would he realize he was fallowed..
Ralph pov-
Mikey had been sneaking out of the layer almost every other night Leo told me to drop it that it was probably nothing, and Donnie being his hood little lap dog agreed. I can’t get over this feeling that he’s not up to anything good.
So one night I follow him opting out of scouting. Leo looked at me like I was crazy, to be fair, I never back down from a good fight.
I followed him to a park, waiting for about an hour, he just sat at a swing on his T-phone, I was about to leave until I saw this girl with h/c (hair/color) walk up behind him trying to spook him, and Mikey played along.
I followed them the rest of the night till she finally went home, and I waited until Mikey tuned a corner, before giving him a piece of my mind.
Landing in front of him he gasped in shock, “what are you doing here” he looked worried.
“I should be asking you that dateing a human?, Mikey what are you thinking?”
Mikey seemed to get upset, “non of your god damn business.”
Shocked by his word choice I can physically feel my teeth grinding against one another. “You stop seeing her or I tell the team.”
Mikey pauses seemingly scared, until he finds his balls, “you tell the team about y/n then I tell them about the old man you killed”
Now I am shook, how did he know about Vic? I give him a shove hard enough he lands on his ass, before walking away without another word to him.
*time skip*
I start to watch her she has a simple schedule, go to work, go to 24/7 for dinner probably how she met Mikey, before going back home for the night and Mikey on cue shows up swinging into her apartment via her window.
I come up with a plan for tomorrow
*time skip*
On the next night I wait for her at 24/7, I wait in the back as to not scare her off, and I hear the door bell ring I peek my head out to see her she’s chatting to Murakami about his special today, before her e/c (eye/color) eyes glass over to me, I step out of the kitchen, and Murakami greats me asking if I know y/n, I replied that I don’t and I pull out a seat to sit next to her, I start rapid fire asking questions about her and before we know it we collectively gone through half a dozen servings of noodles and dumplings, in a few hours, laughing and talking about all sort of things video games, my brother, different foods we do and don’t like, turns out she’s a bit of a picky eater, I wondered if this is how Mikey came to like her so much..
*Time skip* (like a week)
Donnie’s pov-
“Mikey, Ralph, Leo, can we have a quick conversation about our T-phone usage?” People come out Mikey and Ralph looking like they arnt sleeping well and Leo who looks pissed.
“Sit, this isn’t going to be a fun conversation, and I-“
Leo cuts him off “so who’s the girl?, the girl you two are so determined to see every night that you are willing to break house rules, rules we agreed on.” He’s pissed “what’s her name?”
“Y/n” I answered “and you stole my show, I had there conversations with her pulled up on the tv and everything” Donnie wines.
*time skip*
Leo’s pov-
We agreed we would invite her to the lair before deciding if we needed to ‘scrap’ her this was my compromise to Ralph and Mikey, tension is rising as everyone feels betrayed by each other right now.
We here soft footsteps followed by Donnie’s footsteps, he seems to be the only one of us I can trust to keep his head clear.
She looks worried like she’s in trouble, “is everything alright? Donnie told me you weren’t supposed to see me?”
Ralph and Mikey look down at the ground ashamed at being found out.
“Listen what If I stayed down here? Until you all found me trust worthy enough” her eyes trikes to me almost begging to be kissed right there, I coughed trying to keep my emotions at bay. “I mean it’s worth a shot right? After Aprils, and Casey’s passing it might be nice to have another human around. Donnie ruffles her hair playfully.
God are we all falling for her?
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yorsgirl · 6 months
Perhaps, in another realm
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Ryomen Sukuna x Fem!Reader
Synopsis: An elixir of life – you, destined solely for his consumption. Yet, in his pursuit, he forgot, he sipped away your essence, your breath of life.
Tropes: Dark romance, Historical fiction, Angst, fluff.
Warnings: implied nsfw, implied forced intimacy, forced marriage, baby-trapping, knife play, yandere themes, isolation, trauma, one-sided love implied, non-explicit violence, mild stockholm syndrome(to empathize with one's captor), misogyny, minor character death, healthily unhealthy relationship, Sukuna being a red-green flag, Sukuna has eyes for no one except his wife.
General Warnings: Heian Era, strict Japanese setting, usage of Japanese terms(glossary provided), True form!Sukuna, husband!Sukuna, wife!reader, usage of nicknames, no mentions of y/n.
Word Count: 3.7k
Glossary || Pictures
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Ryomen Sukuna beholds secrets which he musn't.
Each dawn's awakening, he notes the sun's radiant dance on your irises. Marking the gentle arc of your lips, a telltale sign of mirth's embrace. By the garden's edge, he watches as the winds tousle and play with your hair curls.
With each flicker of your essence, he can't help but feel a pang of frustration at his own inability to guard his heart against the allure of your presence. Each time your unpredictability unfolds before him, he curses his own vulnerability for the arising tenderness within him.
It vexes him deeply.
Gnawing at the recesses of his, once assumed, dormant heart. Yet, now brought to life by unknown sensations – fuzzy and irksome.
An elixir of life – you. Meant to be solely consumed by him.
Your intricate curls destined to be twirled in his fingers alone. Singularly, he'd stand as the privileged observer, captivated by your brilliant elegance. Your figure draped in the resplendent folds of an opulent kimono, delicately bestowed upon you by his hands.
Thus, he embarked on the sole course he could comprehend – take you.
Splitting you away from the familiarity of a family, hearth and hamlet; for in his eyes, your fragile essence demands his safeguarding against this wicked, cruel realm.
Persuading you, that a life enfolded in his embrace had no reason for trepidation. Your purity, too immaculate to endure the harshness of existence.
Yet, persuasion faltered; your resolute heart held no inclination to remain in his grasp. Mounting a relentless siege, to break free from him and his distorted path.
"You crave peril as I assume, so be it," He conceded. "But know this: I'll be the sole peril haunting your very being."
Pressed beneath the weight of his body upon the bed, your resistance proves to be futile against his strength. Leaving you ensnared in a struggle where defiance falters in presence of his immense power.
"Isn't this what you desired? Didn't you yearn for peril?" He questions, his forefinger trailed across the delicate curve of your neck, assessing the rhythmic beat of your pulse point.
"Fear not, I shall burn the world down to literal ashes until none poses a threat to you, save for me, of course."
For danger, befalling upon you while his eyes held the witness and hands were the forebearer of pain – he'd allow. After all, he embodied peril, haunting humanity for centuries.
"My dearest," He began, twirling a blade before your defiant gaze. "I've wielded this to afflict your kin but fear not, it shall yield pure ecstacy for you."
Said so, he thrusted the timber end of the blade within your slick, delicate folds. Your screams shunned out over his malevolent laughter, fingers twisted the cotton sheets as he glided the blade in-and-out of you.
Blood dripped down his wounded hand, staining the white to red, yet his countenance held no response to pain. Gaze fixated upon your shuddering form, underneath him.
He was no stranger to the acts committed in bed. Knowledgeable of all ministrations and threads he needed to ensnared in order to make it pleasurable. Yet, you found no pleasure in this undoing.
The act of intimacy, which you envisioned to be filled with love while your lover would pepper kisses on your skin much akin to the gentle touch of spring's warmth.
That dream left shattered like shards of glass when your chastity was cruelly left to ruins under his harsh caress.
The night stretched on, your anguish unending as he remained vigilant, subjecting you to his torment.
When it ceased, he gingerly held your fragility while tears streamed down your eyes. He cradled your head in his palm, enfolding your trembling form against his chest as he murmured endearments into your parched ears.
You feebly hit on his chest, for you were seeking comfort from your captor – a sickening act.
He brought you pain and despair, yet here he was, bringing you solace in his arms. A sickening man, indeed, he was.
And with him, you were to stay.
You kneeled before the shrine deity.
Decked in a white shiromuku with traces of pink pattern embellishing the fabric, haori lowered just above your lips – grateful to the one who dressed you. Moisture laden lashes would've been a sight for sore eyes.
Beside you, your husband knelt. A black montsukini hakama draped around your self-proclaimed fiance and soon to be husband. Perhaps, you'd have seized the moment to admire him in such a lavish attire if he didn't commit the acts he did.
Abduction and coercion reigned heavy on your mind, the priest's chanting muffled over your loud thoughts. Your fear of the impending, palpable.
Later, you stood by his side, bedecked in jewels, unknown to you. Countless villagers and curses bowed before you but you were a foreigner to such deference.
It was his decree. For he was the King of curses and you – his consort, his queen.
Sukuna witnessed you gazing at the pond situated in his garden.
You gazed upon the lotus blooming at the heart of the pond, longingly. Reaching out for it, the trailing end of your garment splashed in the water – a futile attempt, too distant to grasp.
He stifled a snort on the brink of his lips as he descended into the garden, tethering on the stoned pads placed in between soil – approaching you.
"You desire that flower, wife?"
You rose swiftly, clutching the dampened hem of your attire. Refusing to meet his gaze, you brushed off the fabric, clearing away the soil.
"Apologies," You murmured. "I was just curious."
"That doesn't answer my question." He stated, an arch of his eyebrow at your frame. "Do you yearn for it?"
Standing before him, a hush lingered in the air, mere seconds passing. Fingers fidgeting, you nibbled on your inner cheek.
"Perhaps," you admitted, finally locking eyes with his feet once he takes a step forward. Bracing for the inevitable, you tightly shut your eyes.
You shouldn't have considered it. Entertaining the thought of plucking it behind his back, hoping he wouldn't notice, all the while unaware of his presence. You should have realized. Defiance in the past had met harsh retribution. This would be no exception.
"I beg–"
"Enough," He interjected.
You gritted your teeth, fists clenched tightly. This was worse. A single mistake, and you're sealed to a worse fate.
Yet, the vision never bore life.
He took your right hand, delicately clasping it within his own. Slowly, he pried open each finger, tenderly placing something within. Curiosity overrides your apprehension, and you cautiously open your eyes – finding the lotus nestled in your palm.
Your lips parted in astonishment as you gaze up at him, wonderstruck.
"Apologies should not leave your lips for trying to claim what is rightfully yours." He asserted, a ghost of an arc perched upon his lips.
"You desire something, you speak up," He waited, letting the words sink down. "Its upon me, how I'll bring it to fruition."
"You are to accompany master to dinner tonight," Uraume conveyed, head and eyes lowered in a humble bow.
The fusuma slid shut, signaling their departure, leaving you to your solitude once again.
Lately, companionship has been ceased from your existence. Confined to your chambers by Sukuna's decree that none other than he should share a moment with you. Save for his devoted servant and few maids he deemed worthy, who prepared you for the day.
Upon your bed, you rested, gazing into a void. Softly humming a melody, reminiscent of a distant song, echoing from the depths of your memory; harkening down the familial embrace in your ancestral village.
The day commenced to dusk, the sky donning a cloak of darkness – welcoming the night's silhouette.
Attended by chosen handmaidens, you were draped in a lavish kimono of crimson and ivory. Crushed red cherry paste graced your lips, a stroke of kohl ran along your lashlines.
You beheld your reflection, lovely; yet the joy eluded you. Unable to savor your captivating visage amidst your plight.
You were escorted to the dining hall by Uraume. As the doors parted, your captor, your husband, awaited you; seated on the head of the table. You took your place across him, evading his malevolent stare, your attention fixed solely on the delicacies presented by the servants.
"Afraid to meet my gaze, wife?" He inquired, his smirk palpable in his tone.
Still, you didn't meet his gaze, eyes fixed on your folded hands resting neatly on your lap. "I fear, I am not deserving to meet your eyes, your highness."
His sight danced upon your figure, measuring you as though you were his quarry. A chuckle escaped him as he poured the sake in his ochoko, indulging in a sip.
"Amusing, how you speak so when you are moons away from birthing my offspring, wife."
Your frame grew rigid, lips drawn tight whilst you glanced at your burgeoning womb.
Restraints couldn't bond you to him forever, he comprehended that moons past. Thus, he had to resort to unruly stratagems. Seeding you with his progeny – rendering you incapable of fleeing him.
If only, you acquiesced and remained by his side, as he craved, he wouldn't have acted thus. But your resolve left him with no alternative.
Not a matter to ponder his head upon, he would've planted his seed in you eventually. A kinship with you, his aspiration.
"I wouldn't leave you famished in such a state, wife. Begin eating." He declared, slicing a strip of meat with his chopsticks.
Eating, as if it were possible in such a condition. The satisfaction of a hearty meal has long deserted you. You didn't suspect the flavors of dishes perched before you. Furthermore, you lacked appetite.
You partook in meals solely to survive.
With adjoined palms, you offered a silent prayer to the almighty reigning above you. And so, you began.
Blood bathed the tatami mats of your chambers.
A severed head of a, newly appointed, handmaiden, laid near your feet. Her corpse, probably resulted into hundreds– no thousands of strips, indistinguishable.
Your stance remained rigid and motionless. Terror evident on your countenance, fragile fingertips shaking with shock and apprehension.
"Ah wife," Your husband's voice echoed in your ears. He approached you, stepping over the puddle of blood and sliced flesh.
"You weren't supposed to witness that– come," He gingerly caressed your skin, ushering you out of his chambers with a hand on your back.
"Uraume," He summoned his loyal servant, as on cue, they knelt before their master. "Have the maids tidy this mess."
With the subtle nod, Uraume pivoted around, carrying out their master's command alike a proclamation from thee almighty.
Snapping a life wasn't on his schedule today. He wished to spent it with you, hence summoning you back to your chambers.
Perhaps, a foolish handmaiden, attracted by his visage, made the decision to lure him with her appeal. Lowering her uniform to display her curve of of breast, singing praises of his brilliance to him.
Taken him to be resembling any ordinary man, giving into his desires by just any woman's revealed skin. Alas! He had no interest in any woman other than his wife.
An act of like that, only receives the treatment he'd bestow upon any mortal other than you.
"I must say, you look lovely, my queen." Twirling a strand of your hair, he pushed it behind your ear.
Upon the engawa of your husband's abode, you knelt, sight fixated on the swarm of fireflies illuminating the garden.
Sukuna held his stance beside you, lower two hands bearing his weight behind, the third perched upon his arched knee. He set the kiseru down with the fourth, his thumb and forefinger lifted your chin; coaxing your towards him.
"Intriguing, you are," He remarked, eyebrow arched.
"Such defiance you displayed upon our initial union, and now, you show indifference. Continuously subjecting me to such blank stares and compliance." A hint of exasperation lingered his tone.
"Isn't that what you wished for?" You retorted, a moment later.
Drawing you near, his lips brushed against yours, "Perhaps, I did do." He murmured, breath caressing your cheeks, prompting a flutter of your eyelids.
"But now, I yearn for something greater."
With that, he seized your lips in a fervent, fiery kiss. Only parting, a hair's breath away, to allow you to catch your breath.
He pivoted you gently, drawing you into his embrace. Two arms encircled your waist, one caressing your swollen belly. Third, Brushing aside your hair, you heard the tinkling of ornaments. Moments later, a chain adorned your neck, a crimson gemstone nestled between your collarbones.
"Rubies are ill-suited during pregnancy, its diamond" He corrected, whispering beside your ear, securing the clasp of the chain. "Unlike most, this one's tint sets it apart than rest."
"For what?" You questioned, assessing the gem like it were poison. Grasping it between your middle finger and thumb, the lantern lights reflected on its surface. Though small, you knew it amounted to more than your ancestral wealth.
"Do I need a reason to spoil my wife with jewels?"
A moment passed in silence, your gazed him through your peripheral vision, the next. "Perhaps not, its beautiul."
"Turn around," He commanded, you complied instinctively. Turning your body to face him.
His gaze met yours at first, second they drifted to the chain bedecked on your neck and on third, he glanced at both, at once.
The jewel's radiance evoked with you being it's wearer.
A grin cracked upon his lips, gingerly holding your cheek in his calloused hands in which you begrudgingly leaned in. With a mouth, summoned on his palm, he placed a chaste kiss on your skin.
"Just how Intriguing you are, wife."
Love for your son eluded you.
A splitting image of his father with the identical hair and carmine tinted eyes. You pondered if he'd grow up to be just like your husband.
At days, you couldn't muster the courage to cast your eyes upon him. His mere presence: a testament to your plight, evidence that you were no longer the woman you once were and evidence to your compliance to Sukuna's desires.
Even then, you never shied away from your duties as a mother.
Perhaps, some love existed, for he wielded your flesh and blood too.
You were rendered from ever escaping. Though half-heartedly, you didn't wish to leave your child with Sukuna even though you despised both of their existence.
In this era, nurturing a child as a sole woman was beyond grasp. For all held the thought, as a woman your sole duty was to remain by your husband's side and bear his offspring.
You couldn't return to your home either. Your father, though loved you, would never let you set foot in his abode ever again.
Reasons: You were abducted by a man, your chastity stripped off of you. You were no longer pure in any sense.
He wouldn't tarnish his family name and reputation for just a daughter.
Moreover, your matrimony with the wicked, king of curses had reached rivers far; binding you to his side forever.
Peril loomed at every turn, dangling your life by a single thread. Easily snapped by even the weakest of men. Sukuna's adversaries would leave no stone unturned to reach him, venturing as far to lay down the life of his innocent wife. Someone absolved of his transgressions.
Reluctantly, you accepted that remaining by his side was the wisest decision.
You cradled your son in your embrace, rocking him back and forth as you hummed a lullaby to put him to sleep.
Once his snores serenaded the room, you tenderly placed him upon his cot, adjacent to your own resting place. Gentle pats graced his chest, once you noted him stirring in the embrace of slumber.
"Come to bed," Your husband's voice echoed in your ears. Compliance swiped in your being, a swift rotation of your heels after you had checked your son to be far from awakening. You parted the curtains and perched upon the bed – lying beside your husband.
His arms encircled around your waist, drawing you to his chest, he inhaled your scent.
Your body tensed when his lips brushed against your nape. You dreaded the inevitable.
Six moons had passed, since he last embraced you intimately. The last two, post your son's arrival, were a blur of exhaustion. From tending to your physical strain and catering to your son's ceaseless crave of attention.
Tonight, all you longed for was to surrender yourself to slumber, wrapped in embrace of gentle linens. Alas, it seemed that wish would remain unfulfilled.
You were keenly aware of his intentions tonight – for he was but a man. Thus, you braced yourself.
You waited in anticipation, for him to act on his desires. Yet, it did not come to pass.
You cracked your eyelids open, stealing a glance at him. His carmine eyes met yours in a resolute stare, holding it with unwavering poise.
"Retire to sleep," he finally remarked, tenderly brushing aside the tendrils from your weary visage.
A year prior, during the early nights of your newly forged union, you would have taken a moment to contemplate his actions, perhaps even staying awake the entire night to discern his intentions.
Now, whether out of trust or simply exhaustion from the demands of motherhood – you found yourself slipping into a dreamless slumber without further ado.
The haunting nightmare of humanity, he was; yet, you found solace in falling asleep in his embrace.
His son has taken just after you.
Verily, his offspring could be likened unto a veritable likeness of himself in countenance, yet in comportment and carriage, he bespoke tales of you.
Awaking to the crack of dawn, shedding tears should companionship elude him. Taking solace in the embrace of the verdant garden, to which you oft escorted him. Even directing reproachful glances towards him, his father, whilst cradled lovingly in his paternal arms.
Beneath your eyes lay heavy shadows, hollows etched upon your cheeks, and a perpetual frown graced your lips, save for moments spent conversing with your offspring.
Sukuna escorted his sobbing kin from their chambers, affording you the much-needed respite that has eluded you of late; his offspring casted a disdainful gaze upon him.
"What? Speak up if you wish to," He queried, a playful lilt adorning his speech.
He tenderly traced his son's tender cheek with his claw, wary of leaving any mark upon his cherubic visage. His son seized his finger in both tiny hands, elevating it as though clutching a covert weapon – scrutinizing the nail and the ridges with keen interest.
His little one beamed, a gesture akin to the gentle breeze of summer, bestowed upon him by the heavens above. A giggle swift past his lips – a laughter, he assumed angel's melody wouldn't sound better.
His smile was yours – Sukuna realized. Perhaps, he hadn't completely taken after him in physical features.
Rocking his form back and forth on his arms, a tender smile danced upon his lips.
"Lower the tone, child. Your mother rests inside."
Sukuna couldn't help but contemplate alternative scenarios.
He sipped his sake, his gaze fixed upon your figure, leaning against the amado – your eyes lingering on the cherry blossom trees outside, in the garden.
The fragrance of spring permeated the air, imbuing a soothing atmosphere, starkly contrasting with the terror he instilled upon the village beyond the river.
At moments such as these, he can't help but ponder on the possibility of attaining a kinship with you, without resorting to unruly methods.
His thoughts rewind to the clash conversation he shared with you, mere moments past.
In your gaze, defiance ablazed, aimed straight at him.
"What's your intent? To end my life? Proceed, now. Who held you back? Proceed. Perhaps, I'd choose that fate over spending another day with you."
"Make no mistake," You pressed on. "My sentiment for you isn't love, don't deceive yourself. What festers within me is pure, unadulterated hate."
How could he let slip from memory? A curse he was, brutal and unyielding. Unwelcomed, marked with shame – The disgraceful one. How could he fail to recall? Love's realm, forever beyond the reach of his reach.
He seized you, by means unorthodox yet deemed vital. Yet, he finds himself lost in contemplation.
What if he had treaded a different path?
Would a love aglow your heart if he had courted you in a proper manner? Would you accept him in your life – a husband, a companion, a lover? Would you had willingly become his? 
For your presence brought his heart back to life; in doing so, the life and light was lost from your eyes.
Scorned by the desire to claim you as his, the thought of your own desires, feelings was pushed to the desolate corners of his mind.
In another realm, he assumes– in another realm, he might have treated you properly from the very beginning.
In another realm, you wouldn't have to have a lingering threat struck on your mind. You wouldn't fear him.
In a realm beyond, you'd stand beside him by choice, not coercion. A realm where he'd navigate every step flawlessly. A realm where, instead of vowing to set the world ablaze for you, he'd pledge to journey with you until the world's end.
Perhaps, in another realm, you'd fall in love with him like he did for you in this.
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A/N: uhm uhm uhm, just typed down an idea which I had for days + I used a new format of literal english (idk how it turned out, I am so sorry if it's cringe 😭) + I fucking don't know how to end stories so bear with me.
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koiiiji · 1 month
canonical event
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reareaotaku · 2 months
Yandere! Kou Mukami Headcanons
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He's manipulative, both emotionally and mentally
His fear of being betrayed, used, or abandoned stops him from fully trusting you when he first meets you
Though, you didn't really like Kou, because he gave you a bad vibe. You know when you meet someone and you instantly feel... well, weird? Like something's off about them? That's how you felt about Kou when you first met him. You knew something was wrong with him. You thought he used his looks to trick people into liking him
You're nice and courteous to him, out of respect, but otherwise you avoid him
He sees that you have no ill intent for him, but anyone's intentions can change. He picks up that you see something wrong with him, but you never confront him.
He kind of likes that you know what he is, without knowing who he is
He wonders how you'd react if you knew he was a vampire
Though, a part of him knows he can't tell you and you probably wouldn't believe him
He actively seeks you out, just so he can annoy you and push your buttons
Thinks it's funny to upset you
He slowly pushes his way into your life whether you like it or not
You can't avoid him, no matter how hard you try
If you try and end up pissing him off, he'll send his crazy fangirls after you
You can never escape him once he decides he likes you
He doesn't want to get close to you and you leave him after realizing how much power you have over him
He is very needy and clingy, so it's hard to not realize how close you are to him
Very loving and constantly wants your attention, no matter what kind of attention. All attention is good attention to him
He does eventually tell you he's vampire. Okay- well he doesn't tell you, more like he bites you and you freak out
He tries gaslighting you into forgetting about what he did
And for a while, you believe that you had imagined him biting you
Though, when he does it again, you can't be convinced it didn't happen, no matter how many times he lies
You can't do anything about it though, because who would believe you?
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yandere-avatar · 3 months
Yandere Azula vs Yandere Zuko
It's my childhood best friend's birthday! <3 We have the same date, but different months for our birthdays :)
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Constant competition, even before you came into the picture [Though most was one-sided on Azula's part]
Zuko liked you first and Azula made fun of him for having a crush. Even if you are/were Azula's friend
Let's say you are Azula's friend. She wouldn't be to happy with her brother trying to make the moves on you
You're HER friend. You belong to her, not him- Never him
She's used to getting what she wants, so when you deny her she's surprised
She'll lose it if you choose Zuko over her
She's already on such a thin ice when it comes to her sanity. You're better off choosing neither than one of them
If you didn't want him, Zuko would be more willing to let you go, depending on how intense/close your relationship is
If you're really close, you're in to deep, he's less likely to let you go
Zuko is not as crazy as Azula, but don't underestimate him. Don't forget, they are related
Zuko just hides his anger better than Azula. Don't forget how he acted in Season 1
He gets mad if he doesn't get his way, but he won't throw a fit like Azula- Well, he will, but he won't cry, he'll just be aggressive- Violent even
Just beware, you'll never be safe. You might as well never date, because if you don't date one of them and instead someone else, they will mysteriously disappear [Unless your s/o is someone from the GAang. They'd be the only one that could save you- But you wouldn't be safe with them either, because to be in love with you is to be obsessed]
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hunterwritesstuff · 7 months
Adam x fem overlord reader, who’s shorter then him, (before fall Adam) and he’s just super possessive and protective so much so that he set up a task team to kill her rivals so she doesn’t have to worry! Hcs and oneshot plz!!!
Gonna do just oneshot, hope that's okay! Hope ya enjoy! :D
"Angelic Assaults."
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"What's the damn problem, Michael?!" Adam snapped.
The taller Archangel sighed, shaking his head as he turned over the other's request in his head. "Adam, you know how many hoops we had to jump through for you last time."
Adam growled, a frown growing on his face. "If we do too much, He'll notice something is up." Michael warned.
"I THINK MY GIRLFRIEND IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN-" Adam started, getting cut off.
"Adam, whatever happened to Eve?" Uriel asked. "You were supposed to be with her. Eloping with another woman-a sinner, Hells, and OVERLORD of all things-will draw eyes." He added.
"I don't give two shits!!! I want HER and I want her SAFE and I want it NOW!!" Adam yelled.
"You are acting like a child, Adam. You know we cannot bring much death without questions arising. And I must preserve my own angels for when they are called upon for serious matters, not silly matters of the heart." Azrael signed.
"Maybe you SHOULD start caring, Adam. Do you want your rank and title taken away? Do you want to FALL, Adam?" Michael asked.
"YOU get to dole out your angels for errands all the fucking time!!! Why is it any different when I ask?!?" Adam demanded.
"It is different because they are MY ANGELS, Adam. I can ask them to do as I please. They never slaughter, they never maim. They never do as you are requesting of them to do." Michael scowled, narrowing his eyes.
Adam groaned, dragging his hands down his face. "You're being a pain in the ass, Mike!!" Adam snarled.
"You cannot change our minds on this, Adam. You may be the first man, but you have no power over us." Uriel informed.
Adam paused a moment. Yes. Yes he did. He did have power over them. He had control over them. He had knowledge that nobody else in Heaven outside of the Archangels did.
"...then I suppose you wouldn't mind people learning about Raph?" Adam asked coyly, the others' eyes widening, stepping back.
"Shut up. The walls here are thin." Michael warned.
"Adam, you cannot use such a situation lightly." Uriel scowled.
"What? I'm sure Heaven would LOOOOOOOOOVE to hear that you-" Adam paused, taking a deep breath. "SENT RAPHAEL TO TH-" He started, raising his voice to be fairly loud.
"KEEP YOUR VOICE DOWN." Michael hissed.
"How many men do you need?!" Uriel asked desperately.
Adam smirked. This would be easy.
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zentraex · 11 months
Remember: German grammar is a lot different then English grammar. I apologize for any mistakes.
Trigger Warnings: death, murder, yandere, slight mention of: masturbation, stalking
Pairings: Yandere! Deku x f! Reader
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Love knows no limits. 
Is that really the case?
Are his haunting gazes, footsteps, thoughts normal? Is he really normal?
You can't help your feelings.
So... Is it okay as long as he does it out of love? 
Are his photo collections, notebooks and his shrine, okay? Is it really, okay?
You should not be ashamed of your feelings.
Greedy nose in her underwear, love-soaked gaze fixed at the photos, eager hand in his pants. 
How many times does one look at her make him hard? 
I love you....
He would do anything for her. 
His childhood dream of becoming a hero? To save people with a smile?
Forget everything. Erase it!
For her, he becomes a villain. Kills anyone who does anything to her, talks to her, or looks at her the wrong way, with the widest smile on his face. Merciless, even finds joy in it. 
He can't remember when he laughed as loudly as he does now. 
This bastard...
He was her best friend, had a crush on her. Always put himself between the two, he warned her about him. 
Poor darling, didn't know anything about it. 
It's not her fault. Never her fault. 
Love knows no limits. 
That's why he disposes of this plague for her. 
You can't help your feelings.
That's why it's okay for him to feel bloodlust.
You should not be ashamed of your feelings.
That's why his eyes are big with joy, his mouth contorted to a grin. 
That's why he stabs. 
And again
And again
Until you can't recognize him anymore. Until you can't call him human anymore. Until you can only call it a pile full of pieces of meat. 
That's why he exhales in satisfaction, in the bloodbath.
And laughs. Louder than ever in his life. 
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This a question What if Yandere Sadie Miller and Yandere Lars Barriga had a Depressed Goth S/O?
Lol it's been over a year so you probably have long forgotten about this request and are going to be shocked by this notification Guess who's back- Back again! Yes, IT'S ME
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Sadie Miller
She thinks you're really cool- Way out of her league
So, when you approach her, she's surprised
You like her? Oh- you like her hair? Wow, she blushes a bright red, before quickly complimenting your outfit
You chuckle, sensing her uneasyness
"You know, I don't bite. You don't have to be so on edge."
"On edge? I'm not on edge!"
She's totally on edge
You invite her to hang out and she quickly takes up the offer
She's ecstatic when she leaves work to see you, which is strange, because usually she's ready to go home and be alone
You both click really well
You have a lot in common, even though you both look so different
She adores you and you think she's cute
You ask her out and she lets out a squeaky "YeAh!"
The rest is history
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Lars Barriga
He originally thought you were weird and didn't like you all that much
That was until the cool kids complimented you on your outfits/style [Especially Jenny]
If they thought you were cool, then he thought you were cool, too
He tries to get on your good side, because if you like him, maybe they'll like him
But soon he realizes he does REALLY like you
Sure, you're different than other people, but you were like the coolest person ever
He slowly developed feelings for you and really wanted you to like him back
Neither of you 'fits' in with people, so you bond over that
You've always felt out of place and he can't believe someone feels the way he feels
He tries everything, but sometimes he feels like you don't see him
He'd be the kind of guy to dress in your style, to try and get you to compliment him
You're honored that he's inspired enough to dress like you
You don't think much about it or even realizes he likes you- like a lot
He's so frustrated, because why won't you react to his advances
Everytime he tries asking you out, something goes wrong, making him angry
God, he just has to try harder
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aphroditelovesu · 1 year
💗💓yandere Lisa x male reader imagine
❝💗❞ - "I just want to love you until the day we both stop breathing."
❝💓❞ - "I love you more than you can imagine. Please don't doubt or belittle my feelings."
❝tw: possessive behavior, mention of overprotection, dub-con at the end.
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Being Lalisa Manoban's boyfriend had its advantages and disadvantages. Most of the time it was just the pluses but there were days when you thought about the minuses.
And today was one of those days.
You loved her, you really did, but sometimes it was hard to deal with your girlfriend's overprotective behavior.
Lisa was an amazing woman and you considered yourself lucky to be loved by her, but at times it was exhausting to deal with her paranoia. She was so controlling and protective that it made you angry at times.
You couldn't do many things because she considered it "dangerous". Hell, sometimes she doesn't want to let you go to the bathroom alone.
Many times you questioned whether it was still worth it, whether it was worth continuing with her. But you couldn't break up with her, you loved her and you learned to love Lisa's possessive way. You were addicted to her, her scent, her touch. You always felt loved when Lisa was with you.
And it was amazing to feel loved. You could sometimes even feel like a god at how much this woman worships you. And damn, you loved it. It felt good to be so loved and cherished and the fact that she was the most beautiful woman you'd ever met was just a bonus.
You put those thoughts out of your head the moment you heard your girlfriend's voice. You smiled weakly as she sat down next to you on the couch, hugging you to the side and laying her head on your shoulders. She was so adorable.
"Hi...." You murmured and kissed her softly, pulling away soon.
Lisa frowned and looked at you with concern.
"What's wrong, my love? Are you sick? In pain? Did someone do something to you?!" Her tone became more and more demanding with each word she uttered and you sighed loudly.
She worried a lot and for no reason.
"I'm fine, love. Nobody did anything to me, I was just thinking." You shrugged and Manoban's beautiful features relaxed at your words.
"Thinking about what?" She seemed genuinely curious and you internally debated whether to speak the truth.
But in the end you decided it was better to tell the truth. You wanted this relationship to work and hiding important things like that is not how you're going to achieve that.
You cleared your throat and looked into your girlfriend's brown eyes. You caressed her face lovingly and Lisa leaned in for your touch.
"I...I've been thinking about our relationship." You admitted still touching her face.
Lisa opened her eyes and stared at you, "Thinking about what? Our future marriage? Our future children?" She warmed to the idea of ​​starting a family with you.
You smiled inwardly at her enthusiasm.
"No... We're not there yet." You laughed and she shrugged, "But I was thinking about... Well, everything we are."
Lisa just stared at you, not understanding where you were going with this conversation.
"I thought about your, uh, overprotective and possessive behavior."
Lisa arched an eyebrow and leaned against the couch.
"What do you mean by that?"
"Well, you're very protective and jealous and I feel uncomfortable about that sometimes." You muttered, feeling disturbed that Lisa still kept her expression calm.
She was silent for a few minutes, looking at your face as if you had two heads. When you were going to say something, she broke the silence.
"I love you more than you can imagine." She said seriously, "Please don't doubt or belittle my feelings."
You blinked. "What? Lisa, I'm not belittling your feelings, but it's just-"
She stopped you by putting a finger in your mouth.
"I love you more than anything! Why do you keep being so stupid?" She snarled and held your face tightly, "I'll do anything for you and you're so ungrateful!"
You were silent.
"Everything I do has a reason! I protect you because the world is dangerous and there are bad people who can hurt you and I will never allow that as long as I'm alive!" Lisa was practically screaming, "There's nothing wrong with the way I love you! I'm doing what every girlfriend does, so why can't you be satisfied with it?!"
"You know that's not it!" You said, getting irritated by her sudden outburst.
"So what is it?" She was staring at you with fury in her eyes and you felt scared. That was the first time you felt genuine fear of Lisa.
"You're suffocating me!"
Lisa's eyes widened and she pushed you onto the sofa, making you lie down and she climbed into your lap, looking into your face seriously.
"Am I?" She laughed, "Good."
You started to panic at the scary expression on Lisa's face. She looked ready to do something she definitely wouldn't regret and it scared the shit out of you.
"I just want to love you until the day we both stop breathing." She chuckled and kissed you hard. You moaned in surprise and tried to pull away, but Lisa held you in place, kissing you with overwhelming passion and desire.
It would do no good to fight it. You belonged to her and always would. You finally closed your eyes and succumbed to Lisa's obsession.
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You've awoken Todo thirst in me. Thank you so much.
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banj0possum · 8 months
Hi I'm wondering if you can make a platonic yandere zombie boys x child gender nutreul reder and they find us wondering around by our self and they basically adopt us
Zombie Horde x Child! GN! Reader
they have no idea what theyre doing
💀 Literally where did you come from..
💀 You just happened to wander into the mall they lived in and find Screw rummaging for stuff in an old freezer.
💀 He picks up your scent and looks at you, but..you're small..
💀 He smelled a human, what is this small creature??
💀 He approaches you curiously with chirps coming from his throat, poking at your tummy and picking up tiny strands of hair, just...looking at you..
💀 Then you let out a little giggle, huh???what???
💀 What noise are you making? Are you calling your horde?? Are there more of you?!?!
💀 So he ties a cord around you and brings you to the rest of the horde, keeping you at a distance as you run around, pulling at the leash.
💀 He calls the others and Ribs immediately sees you as food, but Bo holds him back by the collar.
💀 He doesn't know what you're doing here, but he does know youre supposed to be a baby human.
💀 Maybe lets keep you and raise you so you can grow up and be eaten! You know like cows and whatever humans did?
💀 Yeah sure, totally not gonna bite them in he ass one day.
💀 Bo is the first to take care of you, he just accompanies you while you walk around the mall.
💀 You arrive at the old arcade, most of the stuff there were broken or forgotten, there wasn't much use for arcade prizes or small candies after the apocalypse happened..
💀 He watches you run up to an old claw machine, the toys inside were still as pristine as they were years ago, the glass box acting as a protective barrier from the hands of time.
💀 Your face was practically on the glass as you stare at the fluffy toys longingly
💀 Bo watches as you almost whimper at the sight of them
💀 *sighhhh* well, wouldn't hurt to give you what you want right?
💀 You two leave the arcade with a bag full of fluffy new friends and a broken claw machine
💀 Next was Soda, he just tied you to a cord and just let you do whatever
💀 He kinda just ignored you until he hears you fall over and start crying
💀 oh oh no oh no
💀 please please dont cry uhh
💀 do you want food? uhhh uhhhh!!
💀 He hands you the juicebox he was saving for himself and you immediately stop crying and go on the run around
💀 oh no my juice!! better make sure you don't hurt yourself again
💀 He's so much more protective of you now, he makes sure you're playing safe or not putting something in your mouth you're not supposed to.
💀 Screw was kinda just..there
💀 Both him and Ribs looked after you together, it was more of Ribs watching you and Screw watching Ribs to make sure he doesn't eat you.
💀 The whole thing went to the 3 of you chasing a mutant animal around the mall together, giggling and playing the whole day
💀 They taught you how to be feral, Ribs is a bad influence..
💀 The horde gradually starts teaching you things like hunting or picking up scents
💀 Thinking about it now, they'd never imagine ever hurting you or making you cry
💀 During cold nights they all huddle together with you in the middle, keeping you safe from anything that would hurt you..
💀 Looks like they wont be raising you for meat any time soon..
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quimichi · 1 year
NSFW [ SFW if NSFW isn’t okay- ] Malleus Hc? [ male reader if your comfy with tat, if not gn is good too :3 ] ignore if your not taking requests or this isn’t okay-
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. . . . . . . . . ╰──╮MY DEAREST ╭──╯ . . . . . . . . .
Malleus x Gn!Reader
A/n: I do male reader, but since you said gn reader is fine too I did gn reader! I hope it's ok but obviously I can still do a male reader ♡
: ̗̀➛ first of all, damn you're lucky like---
: ̗̀➛ the fact that you're now in a relationship with the most powerful being of the school is mad scary for so many. After all, you're just a magicless human.
: ̗̀➛ but you are so much more to Malleus himself, and he takes a pot of pride in being your partner, boyfriend sounds so...weird to him
: ̗̀➛ Lilia btw is a super proud mom
: ̗̀➛ i have the add the adorable gargoyle stuff because it's a Malleus thing. He always takes his time and is open minded to youe interest, so obviously you are too! Whatever it might be he will try and study it to understand you better
: ̗̀➛ please help him tho, he may get a little lost in places of the internet if he ever trys to learn more on there
: ̗̀➛ insist on you two sleeping together. And INSISTS that you and Grim move to his dorm, his room to be specific, because the conditions you live in? We don't talk about them---
: ̗̀➛ once he got a taste of cuddling, it was over for you. He can and will get clingy at night, pulling you into his chest so he can hold you
: ̗̀➛ very protective and somehow greedy. Your attention is his, his animalistic dragon side may come out there but you can deal with it, so far that is-
: ̗̀➛ gets you way to expensive presents, mostly with pretty gems. Things like jewelry, or even other decorative pieces. All in your favorite color(s)
: ̗̀➛ loves to take late night walks with you, having your arms linked while slowly walking beside each other enjoying not only the atmosphere but each other's company
: ̗̀➛ will also read to you if you ever ask for it. Having you falling asleep right there in his arms ro his soothing voice really does sound like a dream
: ̗̀➛ lol he literally told Sebek to also protect you from any harm that comes if he can't be around you (which is like so rare he's glued to your side)
: ̗̀➛ baby can't use his phone right and would think that if he speaks to his phone with the chat open it will magically send the text to you, like you always do with voice mails---
: ̗̀➛ or he has his front camera open and doesn't know how to turn the view so he literally turns the whole phone and trys to blindly press the button
: ̗̀➛ he's so cute stfu
: ̗̀➛ this guy is huge like---massive. You have to be around his size to really take it down good-
: ̗̀➛ rip to my fellow small people out there
: ̗̀➛ obviously he gives off big dick energy and this is what he has, a big dick. Like 9 inches, in cm that would be 22
: ̗̀➛ it's average in thickness but the length...damn: ̗̀➛ like i said before very protective, also meaning possessive. He will mark you up, with his smell and with any other sign he can. That's why he gets you the jewelry too. And also hickey's
: ̗̀➛ if you dont like those, he won't do any of them he respects you to much for this to push you into anything that you are not willing to at least try. Same with showing them, if you don't like people to know this way, he is very okay with this
: ̗̀➛ since he does love and respect you a lot, like literally adore and being obsessed with you, you will have the final word of anything. He is willing to try everything out of curiosity and will maybe bring something up himself, but won't MAKE you do anything. A no is a no after all
: ̗̀➛ so a no for him is definitely degration, like sry people who like it but no-
: ̗̀➛ [FEM REDER] a little yandere but would baby trap you at some point in life cause he knocks you up all the time with everything he has. So in the end, you are truly only his
: ̗̀➛ [MALE READER] would also let you take control once in a while. Yes, he is dominant for 99% but if you are also, just ask and take control he won't bite unless you want to, bite back even. Literally ruin this man's insides he will love it ♡
: ̗̀➛ seeing you so...rounded with his cum just makes him keep going, if you let him
: ̗̀➛ also, belly bulge. It's hypnotizing seeing himself going in and out of you, in and out...
: ̗̀➛ can go for so many rounds, because the Stamina he has is insane. Like he turns when you star begging for his dick inside you
: ̗̀➛ really loves to hear you, he knows you're obsessed with his voice but so is he with yours. He won't only whisper those dirty but also sweet things into your ear, making you weak. He wil also make you say things you were never expecting to say, without him forcing you. Same with the noises he can draw out
: ̗̀➛ He makes you shameless without even realizing it and it makes his brain go brrr
: ̗̀➛ to a point where Lilia heard it more than once-
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koiiiji · 3 months
fantasy AU series! lookism & windbreaker boys
tw ; supernatural, suggestive, kinda obsessive
starring ; gun & goo
author’s note ; pls if u know art authors bellow, let me know, i will tag them. i took all arts from pinterest and i haven’t found any credits
author’s note 2 ; let me know if you want part 2 with other characters, i decided to separate post in case if you guys won't like it 🙏🏻🫶🏻🪄
Gun & Goo
Oni & Kitsune
it was known that the creatures of the forest were not the friendliest. oni and kitsune divided the forests at the foot of the mountain between themselves, standing at the top of the food chain and becoming each other’s natural enemies, while the tengu lived high in the mountain. the way there was closed to almost all creatures, no matter if they were humans, animals or demons. but this didn’t mean that the young tengu didn’t come down from the mountain in the darkness of the night to look at the inhabitants of the forest. of course, it was forbidden, and the elders severely punished those who disobeyed, but still youthful excitement and interest led small groups of teenagers to the foot of the mountain.
tere's nothing unusual about that, you assured yourself as you made your way through the thick fog, along with the other tengus - your brothers and sisters. you often saw the older guys sneaking out at night to have fun, and in the morning they teased you, younglings, with stories about how entertaining and interesting it was downstairs. this has already become a kind of ritual among young people - teenage excitement and thirst for adventure forced them to run away late at night to the border with something forbidden, to meet something that was hidden from the eyes. the forbidden fruit is always sweet, right?
well, fruit wasn’t that sweet when you fell into a trap, while you were running away from the oni who caught you at the border. maybe guard confused you with kitsune, or even with humans, but they clearly didn't welcome outsiders into their territory. it was very difficult to take off, the forest was very dense, the branches of the pines were so dense that neither the light of the moon nor the light of the stars could be seen, you didn't even have enough space just to spread your wings completely. in a panic, all the brothers and sisters scattered to wherever they went, not sorting out the way, leaving each other alone with darkness, fear and furious onis behind them.
somehow climbing a tree, you tried to get higher so that you could fly out of this damn forest, now I don't care how you get home, whether you will be punished, now the main thing is to survive. * crackling* the branch under you crunches, the hand slips off. A body with wings seems so heavy when they are just flapping behind your back, unable to lift you higher or lighten the weight. and so, you're already flying down, breaking a few more branches under you.
it was unusual to fall. the last thing you remember - before you pass out from a painful shock - is a characteristic crunch in your right wing, for a moment you felt like you were doused with ice water, then the heat of a thousand suns pierced your body sharply. the pain was incredible, so much so that you didn't even have the strength to make a sound louder than a squeak squeezed deep in your chest. the blood was throbbing loudly in ears, pulse was just racing, but a couple of seconds on the ground seemed like an eternity before your brain gave up from the overwhelming amount of adrenaline, pain and fear.
when you woke up, the sun was pleasantly warming your cheek, persistently seeping through the coniferous thickets of the forest. "it seems this one is still alive," a high-pitched voice sounded somewhere above you, dismissively poking a healthy wing with a stick. “what's the difference, just finish her off and let's go, I don't want to be seen in the company of a fucker like you” - another, rough and low voice, boomed somewhere in the distance.
taking advantage of their small skirmish, you abruptly turned over, in the process backhand hitting the blond man in the face with a healthy wing, you crawled back to the trunk of a tree, painfully pulling up the wounded wing, covering yourself with it, and bringing clouds of dust with a healthy one. a pathetic attempt to delay the moment of death honestly. the agony from the broken wing pierced the entire right side of his body, waves of pain drowned out by adrenaline yesterday, now hit with renewed force. with a groan, throwing your head back, you turned your gaze up at the treetops, not wanting to see the faces of two bastards who will just kill you if you're lucky enough.
"but this one pretty adorable,what do you think, Gun?" the blond man said in an ordinary tone, turning his head to his companion, while a clawed hand squeezed your throat with incredible force, pressing harder into the tree. "oh! maybe she's some kind of an important person there? what do you say, poor thing? will they give us a reward if they find out that you're alive?" - the claws dug deeper into the skin when his face was so close, the vertical pupils piercing into your soul. "don't mess around, just kill her already, it's starting to get on my nerves" - an irritated voice approached, did the blond man call him Gun?
another clawed hand grabbed you by your cheeks, twisting your head, examining you. the pitch-black eyes narrowed, appraisingly surveying your entire appearance. "weeeeell, what do you think??" - the blond man drawled, slightly tucking his big ears in anticipation, several tails twitched animatedly behind his back. stop. stopstop. the blond one was a kitsune, but the black-eyed one had two thick horns sticking out of his forehead, so he was an oni. how could these two be standing here together?
"do whatever you want.." - clicking his tongue, oni turned around and headed into the thicket of the forest. "great! let me know when you want to visit us!" - his friend waved cheerfully at him, slowly turning to you and baring his fangs in a wide grin. "don't get him wrong, he liked you.." - he said affectionately, tucking your lock of hair behind your ear, - "we just haven't been able to grab tengu before... well, at least not alive. your brothers and sisters have never gone this far into the forest..." - his predatory grin didn’t leave his face as he examined your wounds and abrasions. "my name is Goo. my friend Yuzuru, but he prefers to call himself Gun," - a hot breath touched your ear when Goo whispered to you about his friend. "let's go heal your beautiful wing, what do you say, cupcake?"
another trap has just been snapped behind your back.
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author’s note ; sammy, taejin, vinny and joker coming soon if u guys will like this series🫶🏻👅
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reareaotaku · 7 months
Jaime 'Blue Beetle' Reyes Headcanons
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He's a great listener
He doesn't always understand your problems, but he tries his best to emphasize
He wants to tell you about the Scarab, but he also knows he has to keep it a secret so you're safe
Anytime you're sad, he makes jokes to try and lighten your mood
Whenever he's Blue Beetle and sees you, he tends to show off to get your attention or impress you
^ He saved you once from a villain, but instead of thanking him, you were worried about your friend Jaime
"My friend, Jaime, is still in there! You have to get him!"
He's so glad you can't see him under his suit, because he's blushing- Hard
He asks you about his hero persona as Jaime, hoping to get some juicy gossip
Unfortunately for him you're not really into heroes
"He's okay, I guess, but he's not as cool as you."
God, you sure know how to make a man blush
His family is always embarrassing him though
His mother and abuela know about his crush and always drop hints, which Jaime has to cover up, so you don't pick up on it
"Oh, Y/n, seeing anyone?"
"Mom!" Jaime whisper-yells, his face a bright red
He always has such a loving look in his eyes when he's looking at you, it's a wonder why you haven't picked up on the fact that he likes you
He's protective over you and if he sees you hurt, he freaks out
He doesn't know how to control his fear when seeing you bleed
^ Almost reveals that he's Blue Beetle
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bwabys-scenarios · 9 months
Safe and Sound
Yandere!Kurapika x Fem!Reder
warnings: This series will contain obsessive and possessive behavior from Kurapika, along with sexual content. Kurapika has anger issues and severe trauma, remember that before reading. Chapters will have individual warnings.
summary: After waking up in a room that was made to match her own, (Name) finds out that her best friend, Kurapika Kurta, kidnapped her. Kurapika wants to keep her safe, but can he when he has anger issues and problems of his own? Will she escape, or is Kurapika really right when he says she’s better off with him?
status: ongoing
word count: 4k
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part 1
part 2
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toxic90sboy · 2 years
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please follow these rules and respect my boundaries.
- What I will write for
Male Character(s) x Male Reader
Top Male x Bottom Male Reder
Male x Gender-Neutral Reader
Male x Transgender FTM Reader
Fluff, Angst, One-Shots, & Smut
Polyamorous Relationships
Yandere/Dark Themes & Gore
- What I won’t write for
Female x Female Reader
Male x Female Reader
Bottom Male x Top Male Reader
Male x Transgender MTF Reader
Female x Transgender MTF Reader
Incest, Rape, Pedophilia, Scat, Fetishizes, Etc.
When sending me request they are only accepted through my inbox.
This is my blog. Respect when I decline your request or don’t write your request on time. I only write when I have time or feel like it since I do have a life outside of writing.
This blog is ONLY for male readers. If you are a female, I give you permission to interact but only if don’t fetishize male x male love.
When requesting you HAVE a specific description of the story/one-shot you would like me to write.
I absolutely hate and do not tolerate harassment, bullying, negative comments, racism, homophobia. You will be immediately blocked and reported.
You can ask questions, since this is a safe place for the lgbtq.
ableist, racist, homophobic, sexist, transphobic, mlm/wlw fetishizier, fetishize black/color people, force religion onto people, rapist/pedophile or rapist/pedophile apologist, biphobic, xenophobic, don’t respect other people’s religion, terf, etc.
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