#yankee candle is jealous
kayakischaotic · 2 years
also I haven’t read the books in awhile + I have terrible memory so o7
clears my throat
—>all my faves had a emo phase. including Peter Johnson
—>he owns a BUNCH of different earrings, nothing too big or extravagant, but like a little fish, maybe an arrow, etc
—>dyes part of his hair blue because he’s Percy
—>Sally TOTALLY knew he was bi when he was little
—>has a bi flag necklace (I’m jealous)
—>once dyed his hair blonde while he was at camp and after everyone called him a dumb blonde he decided to never dye it blonde again
—>he totally loves having his hair played with cause Sally used to always play with his hair when he was a kid
—>his eyes change from blue to green depending on the lighting
—>he’s been the little mermaid for Halloween at LEAST once
—>has an extensive collection of Hawaiian shirts
—>she sticks a bunch of little pins on her Yankees hat
—>doesn’t know how to drive (at least not very well)
—>if she could she’d have road rage so much
—>probably owns at least 5 different pairs of earbuds/headphones that she uses on her iPod and/or Daedalus’s laptop
—>building a campus place similar to New Rome at CHB
—>instead of a box of chocolates for Valentines day, she once gave Percy a bag of M&M’s. but only the blue ones
—>drinks at least 3 cups of coffee most days
—>also questioning her gender a bit
—>read Harry Potter and couldn’t tell if she wanted to BE Hermione or be WITH Hermione (still can’t tell)
—>pan, ace
—>will eat anything if he’s stressed
—>has little rings he can put around his horns for added style
—>he/they KING!!
—>will just snack on a head of lettuce
—>has to wear reading glasses (what a nerd /pos)
—>has an extensive knowledge of which plants around CHB taste good, and which taste bad (has definitely been taken to the medics once or twice for eating poisonous plants)
—>everyone makes fun of him because of The Brick™️.
—>will ramble to you about wolves for as long as you will let him
—>frequently dyes small strips of his hair with hair chalk
—>him and Annabeth are like best friends. please.
—>she ate the rest of the non-blue M&M’s for Annabeth
—>genderfluid she/her lesbian.
—>helps Hazel, Annabeth, and the other girls do their hair (and sometimes Percy)
—>sees Jason and Leo as her brothers
—>wears suits to fancy events
—>usually uses her charmspeak to win at board games
—>girl in red’s biggest fan
—>makes everyone friendship bracelets
—>will totally light candles just to watch them burn
—>pretends he’s Festus’s vet whenever he has to fix him
—>calls the Argo II his child
—>doesn’t have a proper sleep schedule in the slightest…
—>gay, demiboy
—>totally introduced everyone else to neo/xeno pronouns
—>he/they/it mainly, but also uses a bunch of neos and xenos
—>has a dragon stuffed animal he calls Festus Jr. that he struggles to sleep without
—>he is the autism creature /j
—>will call anyone in sight bro or dude
—>scared of heights
—>keeps calling himself “the rizzler”
—>therapist friend
—demiromantic asexual
—>astrology lover
—>straight A student without trying or studying
—>the only person on the Argo II that can keep a plant alive (somehow)
—>her and Nico help paint everyone’s nails
—>is always wearing either a skirt or overalls. (better yet: overalls skirt)
—>lactose intolerant
—>totally holds a dance at Camp Jupiter that is similar to a school dance at least once a year
—>token straight friend
—>has a fairly large stuffed animal collection (only to be rivaled by Octavian’s)
—>if he ever visits CHB he purposely avoids being near the fire
—>makes the rest of the 7 watch superhero movies with him
—>owns lots of comics
—>him and Percy ramble about superheroes and comics together
—>certified DJ of the 7
—>his favorite restaurant isn’t even McDonald’s.. (it’s Olive Garden /j)
—>if demigods could use technology, he would totally be a tumblr user. (happy (late) Ides of March)
—>he keeps saying “gaslight gatekeep girlboss” and everyone is kinda confused
—>loves listening to 70s/80s/90s rock
—>is (attempting) to learn the drums
—>survives off of energy drinks and coffee
—>has a nightlight in his cabin for when Will visits
—>also listens to Crywank
—>definitely has dressed up as a lamp for Halloween
—> trying to convince Nico to be in a band with him, playing guitar, Austin, playing sax, and Apollo, playing flute (Nico’s not having it)
—>favorite color is “all of them”
—>attempts to grow plants (fails)
—>he would totally be addicted to Tiktok if he had it
—>if anyone asks what time it is he will respond one of three ways: “it’s time for lunch” “its game time” or “it’s time for you to get a WATCH”
—>he’s really bad at reading clocks
—>totally cried during Frozen
—>he/they bi icon
—>motto is “fake it til you make it”
—>adhd, probably
—>always looses board games
—>chronically online…
—>will purposely sing the wrong words to popular songs so half of CHB thinks they’ve been singing these songs wrong the entire time
—>him and Nico bond over saying things like “gaslight gatekeep girlboss”
—>scared of the dark
—>quotes Mean Girls at least once a day
—>trying to make a theater class at CHB (Chiron agrees, Dionysus is… not quite there yet)
—>surprisingly good at lying (fake it til you make it!)
—>some Aphrodite kids told him their skincare secrets while he was mortal and gave them a few products
—>wears eyeliner on a daily basis
—>when he was a mortal the Aphrodite cabin and his cabin played dress-up on him and made him wear a bunch of weird outfits
I bet you totally can’t tell who my favorites are by how much they have put down…. /s
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lunarsilkscreen · 1 year
There are two affluenzas, the first is the ignorance of how people live that are lower than you on the totem pole. I say lower on the totem pole because even the middle class doesn't know what it's like to be in the lower class, and the lower class doesn't know what it's like to be impoverished, and the the impoverished don't know what it's like to have 0 ability to make money at all.
But then there's the second sickness. The mental health issues that comes with being higher up on the pole. (WHAT MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES COULD YOU HAVE IF EVERYTHING IS PAID FOR!? I hear ppl on both sides of the aisle screaming.)
One of my trailer trash friends from childhood gave me an important piece of information, that I definitely should have kept closer to my heart: "You don't have friends when it comes to money or business."
Some people include life-partner in there, meaning "they'll f* your partner and won't even tell you about their infidelity". Which means you're down two more friends.
Nigerian Princes exist in America too. Always finding a way to make that money through making other people sorry, or having a business idea that they only came up with in order to ask for funding.
Some people made a career from panhandling. The newest "undercover millionaire" (I dunno if that's the name of his show, or even if that's what that show is about, but I figured it'd work as an example) who set out to see if he could replicate his success, started with panhandling. Not "sidewalk artist" panhandling, you know playing some music, or drawing stick figures, just straight "homeless begging for change" panhandling.
Not that I think that's not a thing you should do if you need it.
You do what you have to.
A million dollars, if you set aside 32k a year (current median wage, minimum wage at $7.25 is like 15k) will last 30 years. That's not including inflation that will definitely shorten that time span.
Alternatively, you could try to start a business and pay 30 people 32k. For one year, and be out of capital since a small business will oftentimes take longer to get off the ground than a single year.
No matter how much money you throw at it.
I know, There's exceptions to that rule, but take a look at a franchise which costs $52k - $300k to startup, and a ten-year contract where everything is out of pocket should you fail to recoup your costs
Anybody that so much as hears about somebody that even 30k lying around will be up your alley looking for a handout. How dare you be so successful.
The real reason that lottery winners who started poor and wind up poor again, is because they have no affluent connections, and all their friends and families sob stories. Each of them either hasn't done the calculation, or doesn't care to.
Money doesn't grow on trees, and even if it did, that tree would be bare in a week.
People above you trying to get paid, people below you begging for change.
"we've been trying to contact you about your vehicle's extended warranty."
If you own that special edition harry potter book set, anybody that sees it will be drooling over it because "they heard about how much it costs". They wouldn't be able to find a buyer, but pawn stars might give them $300.
I wish I lived in the old world where nobody cared about nerd collectibles, then I could display them without people getting jealous. Or you know: play vintage MagicTG.
Commodification. Kids used to steal cards because they couldn't afford them, now adults do because they're valuable. (DON'T CORRECT ME)
Who needs memories anyway?
I just wanted to decorate my abode with my nerd hobbies. Now all I got are these scented candles from the Yankees.
You know, there used to be a fear of every room being pristine, with nothing to decorate the walls because the death of books and physical media.
Now it's because your neighbor will take it from you. Because they "need to make that bread".
What happens when there aren't enough jobs to go around? When there's not enough money to go around? You're forced to be distrustful of everybody you meet.
So much so that you can't have any nice things at all.
So much for the American Dream.
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kat5242 · 3 years
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Spray this bad boy in your home and within 24 hours all the smells will be gone.
Including your house.
Replaced by the lovely scent of charred possessions.
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dameronology · 2 years
3- what’s your favorite candle scent?
12- how are you?
18- do you still love stuffed animals?
21- if you could tell your past self one thing, what would it be?
30- what reminds you of home (doesn’t have to mean house… just things that remind you of the feeling of home)?
tysm for sending these!
3 - what's your favourite candle scent?
i don't have many candles bc most the apartments i have lived in the last few years don't allow them but i am a slut for yankee candles
12 - how are you?
i am good! a little hungover bc i went out last night lol oops but i'm on a birthday bender because i cannot deal w turning 21
18 - do you love stuffed animals? yes!! i don't have loads but i've got one of those loaf corgis
21 - if you could tell your past self one thing, what would it be?
that the reason i got jealous of my former best friend always have a boyfriend is because we are extremely bisexual and you're in love with her. also everything has kind of worked out so far to this point
30 - what reminds you of home?
there is a scent very specific to my mum that i can't quite explain and also the smell of my grandma's house which is like lots of perfume and cigarette smoke
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brelione · 4 years
JJ dating a Kook headcannons
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I feel like he’d really love stretchmarks and find them hella attractive
He prefers brownies over cake
He enjoys puns
He likes pretty much all music except for heavy metal because the screams give him anxiety
He’d listen to Billie Eilish and Bring Me The Horizon
Likes to go shopping with you and stopping by the yankee candle store to smell all of the candles
You like to buy him comfy clothing and keep it in your dresser for when he slept over
Your shower is fancy as hell and he loves taking showers at your house 
He actually loves cooking and cooks plenty for you because your kitchen has all the proper ingredients he needs
He has a goal to fuck you in every room of your house
He feels so relaxed and mentally clean in your home
He’d walk in,let out a loud sigh like all of his stress had fled his body. “What?”You asked,placing your bag down.He shrugged. “I just really like your house.”He answered.
When there were large,powerful hurricanes he’d come to your house to watch movies,eat poptarts and enjoy the air conditioning because of your ventilator
John.B and Pope would come to your house after storms to play video games and text people
You loved to spoil JJ with whatever he wanted
A new phone,new boxers,new bed sheets
He loved to go through your closet and plan outfits for you
“Where did you get these panties?”He asked,holding up a pair of lavender lace.You looked at them,shrugging. “I dunno,why?”You asked.He smirked. “You should go back there and get a matching bra.”He suggested.You grinned. “Babe,i already have one.”
Your parents approved of him after meeting him briefly
He liked to float around in your pool and take your dog for walks
“You know,I could really get used to the kook life.”He grinned,looking over at you from your living room couch.You raised your eyebrows,scratching behind your dogs ears. “Yeah?I thought you hated kooks.”You bit your lip,waiting for his response.He nodded. “Yeah,I hate kooks but I dont hate their lifestyle.”He answered.
He loved when you’d take showers with him and let him wash your hair and body for you
Soemtimes he’d just sit in your bathroom for twenty minutes and enjoy it
You’d walk downstairs and see him dancing to the frozen soundtrack around the open room,sliding across the tile with his socks on
He likes your fancy blender
“Dude!Can this crush like...frozen fruit?”He asked.You giggled,grabbing a bag of frozen blueberries and tossing it to him.He loved watching the blueberries blend into purple paste and adding oatmilk into it. “Wowwwww.”He whispered.
He loved going out on your family’s boat with you
“Theres a mini fridge in your boat?Can we pick up the others so we can show them?”He asked.
“Hey babyyyyy?”He asked,lifting his head off of your stomach.You hummed,looking down at him. “Can we take Hugo for a walk?”He asked.
Sometimes you wondered if maybe he loved the dog more than you but those thoughts left your head whenever he hugged you or kissed you
Even though you could buy anything you wanted,including his life,he still loved buying you things to show you how much he appreciated you
He really loved paying for your McDonalds and your iced coffees
You and Kiara were pretty close friends even before JJ
You both had terrible experiences with Sarah Cameron and bonded over your dislike of her
Rafe having a crush on you and trying to sabotage your relationship multiple times
Topper was your ex,leading to your bad experience with Sarah Cameron when she started dating him
JJ was jealous of both boys,holding your hand tighter whenever he saw them when you two were out together
If you had a particularly close encounter with Rafe Cameron JJ’s jealousy would build up inside of him and he’d fuck you extra hard against your shower wall
You were able to get him into places he never thought hed get into including country clubs and fancy museums
He picked up reading as a hobby after you two went on a trip to the library together
On mornings after having him pound into you for hours youd be a bit sore so hed run you a hot bath and make you a nice breakfast,rubbing your tummy and thighs 
He loved every dress you owned
Everytime you sent him a new selfie it would become his lockscreen
He learned that he was a dog person because of you
“Hey-hey look at this dog toy I stole for Hugo!”He exclaimed,showing you a sqeaking dolphin.
@nas-marie-loves-u​​ @28cnn​​ @sexytholland​​ @copper-boom​​ 
If you’d like to be tagged in all future JJ imagines/headcannons/series comment with a heart,if you’d like to be tagged in all future Pope imagines/headcannons/series comment with a smiling face,if you’d like to be tagged in all future Rafe imagines/headcannons/series comment with a frowning face,if you’d like to be tagged in all future Kiara imagines/headcannons/series comment with a question mark and if you’d like to be tagged in all future Sarah Cameron imagines/headcannons/series comment with a plus sign.Or if thats too complicated you can just comment whose name you’d like to be tagged in.
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mikrowrites · 4 years
•aaron tveit headcanons•
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a/n: aight guys I’m not dead! i haven’t really had the time to write much, but aaron tveit lives in my heart rent free so here’s these dumb kinda specific really long headcanons:
so you both probably met pretty early into aaron’s career
it’s probably safe to say both of you would have the same if not similar careers, broadway and acting
and though aaron was lucky enough to get his big break, you had unfortunately not (yet) and had to wait tables for a couple years after college
(insert waitress/customer troupe here)
you worked at a restaurant close to the theatre district after undergrad and aaron was starring in Hairspray
the boy saw you and was w h i p p e d
would come to the restaurant like 4 days a week
kinda creeped you out ngl
finally got the balls to actually start a conversation and boom: instant friends
and you guys were friends for a while! dumbass and chaotic conversation was a YES
“did you know barcodes scan the white space and not the black lines”
“how many orders of fries would put me in the er?”
“uhhh... 30”
you first caught feelings when aaron invited you to see him as Fiyero in Wicked
was it his amazing talent and charm? or was it his tight pants? you’d never tell
but nevertheless, oh shit! the friends to lovers troupe!
aaron is a manly man™️ and will always say he asked you out first
which is somewhat true, but you always argue the dinner you took him to after that show was the first date
because that’s when you first kissed him
and just like that! he asks you out!
first date is literally a d r e a m
no romantic dinner, no dress and tux
there was wine tho
you and aaron watched a Yankees game and got drunk off your asses laughing and screaming at the tv and annoying aaron’s roommate
did it end with both of you passed out on his couch cuddling? maybe it did
best. first. date. ever.
the second date WAS a nicer one, going out to eat and wandering the streets of New York City
and yes, some dates were ABSOLUTELY a par 9 on a golf course
you didn’t really put a label on your relationship for a while
because aaron’s career began to take off with next to normal and you finally got your big break on a national tour!
it was pretty bittersweet, though
you and aaron had a healthy conversation about your relationship, and decided you weren’t quite dating yet, but still talking. you guys wanted to see if you could manage the whole “gone for months at a time” thing
and you could!
skype, texting, and random 1 am phone calls
one time you feel asleep during one of the calls, and aaron just smiled and watched you sleep (not in a creepy way guys)
when you came back from tour you’d think you had come home from war
he all but tackles you into a hug, and kisses you
“let’s make this work”
so lo and behold! you were dating!
takes you to meet his family on thanksgiving
they love you
attending the tonys together, which was basically the first time you two confirmed a relationship
he said “I love you” first
a couple years would go by, catch me if you can and such, and you make your broadway debut!!
you’re def a triple threat
aaron’s so gushy about it, constantly brags about you
rumor has it he cried watching the opening night, denies it every time
literally glued to you for the entire after party, he’s just seriously so proud and in love awwh
and then he books les miz and graceland
you’re unable to travel to London w him since you’re in your own show, and it hits both of you hard
so what does this mfer do?
it’s the morning he leaves for shooting and you’re dropping him off at the airport
“hey when i get back from filming wanna get married?”
totally gave you a little prize machine plastic ring at the airport
you guys are literally SO NONCHALANT about it as everyone around you goes insane
“i’m engaged, i guess”
the internet blows up because they actually can’t figure out if you guys are serious or not
don’t worry, aaron actually proposed properly with a proper ring eventually
you still wear the plastic ring on a chain around your neck for a while tho
you both decide to get an apartment together
domestic couple things
Your neighbors probably hate you from the amount of times you both have “sing-offs”
slow dancing in the kitchen, laundry day, watching football games together gets aggressive
i firmly believe that you aren’t a Dallas Cowboys fan
the biggest fights you have honestly is about the NFL
in all seriousness there is still small conflict every once in a while, but you both are fantastic at communication
attending the oscars with aaron
“yeah but lOoK aT mY BeAuTiFuL FiAnCeE”
you’d be lying if watching the oscars performance didn’t turn you on a bit
you guys get married!
it’s definitely not a huge fancy wedding, just friends and family
you know for a FACT he’d sing “marry me a little” at the reception he so would
you guys dance all night
it’s adorable, his hand literally never leaves yours
you end up with a sinus infection from all the cake frosting he smears on your face
aaron felt really bad for it, so like a good wife you hold it over him for eternity
“remember that time we missed our flight to Belize because we were in the ER-“
went to Belize to honeymoon eventually anyways
aaron was very much like that one john mulaney sketch
“that’s my wife!”
“hey! have you met my wife yet?”
“i love my wife”
life goes on for you two, you remain hopping from broadway show to show
aaron ends up working on his acting career more
lots of time apart, but that just makes the time together more precious
adorable phone contact names
“wifey❤️” and “hubby❤️”
you were on set a lot for rehearsals of Grease Live
you actually helped assist in some of the choreography from time to time
impromptu golf cart rides
and you get to watch it live! like, you were AT the carnival on the set!
you’re just really proud of your mans :,)
family and friends keep pestering you both to have kids
so you adopt a dog (MILES BBY I LOVE YOU)
also as a side note, you love Braindead
you laughed HYSTERICALLY during the salami sex scene
aaron filmed it and posted it on twitter
fast forward, you get offered to help choreograph a new show! woah! and you’d get to swing for it!
it’s super top secret tho, and you literally cannot tell aaron
you do eventually relent the information that you’re working on a new show, and the man doesn’t pry. he’s respectful like that.
you meet the team, and boy you are IN LOVE
auditions are fun, creating the choreo is exhilarating
you don’t hear about casting much at all tho
so when aaron walks into the studio you both immediately freeze
“wait what the f—“
yup. you both were working on Moulin Rouge! and had NO clue
you both share (1) braincell
the lab went great, and soon you were on your way to Boston!
you HATE aaron’s longer hair, mostly because he won’t let you mess with it >:(
he eventually relents, and you teach him the secrets of “the man bun™️”
you also braid it a lot
“stop being a pussy about it”
“your hair’s the money maker don’t make me shave it in your sleep”
performing with your husband is a dream
sneaking looks on stage
aaron calls your frustrated choreo-instruction voice “mom voice” and the rest of the cast picks up on it
“no, it’s 7, 8! Up on 3, down on 5, 6, spin 7,8!”
“ok, mom!”
then broadway!!
the ricky-aaron lives
you had to go on for nini one performance and ricky teased aaron ALL DAY
you were totally in on it too
but aaron isn’t really the jealous type. he knows you are so in love with him, the same way he is in love with you
so basically he knew it was all fun and games
shenanigans backstage
one time during intermission you convinced aaron to give you a piggyback ride the ENTIRE 15 MINUTES
“hey aaron nice backpack”
small talk between scenes
like aaron would be sprinting to his next cue and you’d just
“i’m ordering domino’s for dinner pepperoni or sausage?”
you both drink too much iced coffee, like people are actually concerned for you both
neither of you are party-ers really, but you can GET DOWN
i am convinced aaron can cook
like if he’d have a day off, you’d come home from an evening performance with a cooked meal and two wine glasses
never candles tho
not after the valentine’s day incident
y’all are cute :,)
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creepercraftguy · 4 years
Ship meme combination for Naegiri
Was in a Naegiri sort of mood, so I made this. All these prompts are from other ship memes I’ve seen before.
Also WARNING: This is really cheesy and contains a lot of fluff (with 1 PG NSFW one)
Who confessed first?
Makoto confessed to Kyoko first. She has a hard time showing her feelings, so he kind of had to take the initiative.
Who initiated the first kiss?
Kyoko DID however do this.
Who asks the other out on dates?
Makoto mainly. Kyoko does too though. Lucky boy still gets flustered when he does though, despite them being together for so long.
Who’s the bigger cuddler?
Kyoko isn't the most sensitive or cuddly person, but luckily Makoto is the exact opposite. Makoto likes to sneak up and surprise hug Kyoko from behind. The look on her face is priceless.
Who initiates holding hands more often?
Kyoko is surprisingly enough. As of right now, Makoto is the only one who's ever held Kyoko's hand without the gloves. Just touching him feels her with warmth and hope.
Who remembers anniversaries?
Kyoko has the memory of an elephant, so her mainly, but Makoto seldom forgets each date either.
Who is more possessive?
Not to say Makoto doesn't care, but Kyoko is definitely more possessive of him than he is of her, not by much though. However, Kyoko isn't particularly open about this, which makes people believe the opposite.
Who gets more jealous?
In terms of relationship status, neither, but Makoto, being a simply normal kid, is kind of jealous how much more Kyoko has going for her, but he loves her, so he doesn't mind.
Who is the most protective?
They are both extremely protective of one another, but Kyoko seems to be willing to throw herself in the way of harm to protect not only Makoto, but everyone she holds dear too.
Who initiates sexy time the most?
Kyoko, but only because Makoto gets a little bit shy and doesn't want to seem like he's forcing anything.
Who dislikes PDA (Public Display of Affection)?
Neither of them are super into PDA, but Kyoko definitely dislikes it more. However, that hasn't stopped her from sometimes giving Makoto a quick peck when they pass by at their work.
Who kills the spider?
Kyoko, of course.
Who asks the other to marry them?
Makoto would pop the question first, and it'd the first time Kyoko turns into a stupid blushing machine. Breaking character in the best possible way.
Who buys the other gifts?
Makoto seems to be the gift giver of the relationship, but that doesn't mean Kyoko doesn't reciprocate this motion.
Who would first bring up the idea of having kids?
I honestly don't know for this one. I reckon both of them would be a bit too shy to ask, and even if they weren't, it wouldn't happen until they were WAY into the relationship.
Who is more nervous to meet the others parents?
This is also a tough one. On one hand, since Kyoko's dad is the headmaster, he and Makoto are already aquainted, and Makoto's parents are supposedly really understanding and nice people, so they would be able to take this reveal easily. On the other hand, Kyoko isn't particularly good at verbal conversation and Makoto would probably a bit too nervous to reveal their relationship statues to a man he believes trusts him. Probably Makoto to answer the question.
Who sleeps on the sofa/couch when the other is angry?
Makoto won't let Kyoko sleep on the couch.
Who tries to make up first after arguments?
This one is kind of split in the middle, but since I already mentioned how Kyoko isn't good at verbal conversation, then Makoto is probably the one with a way with words. As a result, the answer to this question is probably him.
Who tells the other they love them more often?
Makoto does, but when Kyoko does, it's even more precious.
Who accidentally pushes a door instead of pulling it or vice versa?
Makoto does it more often, because Kyoko is naturally just more perceptive.
Who doodles little hearts over the desk with their initials inside?
Makoto does, and whenever Kyoko sees one, she rushes to wipe it off, in case anyone at the workplace pokes at her about it (usually Hina)
Who starts the tickle fights?
Makoto, but Kyoko is usually the one who ends them, because she’s not that ticklish.
Who starts the pillow fights?
Again, Makoto, but Kyoko is usually the one who ends them.
Who is the last to fall asleep while watching the other with a warm smile?
Kyoko, no question.
Who kisses the other awake in the morning?
Kyoko gets up earlier, so she would probably.
Who mistakes salt for sugar?
Makoto does more often, but not often enough that dinner is ruined by it.
Who let’s the microwave play the loud beeping sound at 1am in the morning?
Kyoko can’t handle the annoying noise, so she gets up. Makoto can never be bothered to.
Who comes up with the cheesy pickup lines?
Do I even need to explain why the answer to this is Makoto?
Who rearranges the books in Alphabetical Order?
Kyoko, but only does so when she’s got nothing else to do. She’s not the type of detective to leave notes lying everywhere.
Who licks the spoon when baking?
They actually both do ;)
Who buys candles for dinner, even when there’s no special occasion?
Kyoko has a Yankee Candle on the table at all times. She relights it every evening when they’re having dinner and blows it out when they go to bed.
Who draws little tattoos on one another with a pen?
Neither of them do, other than when Makoto, Hina and maybe Hiro play pranks on Kyoko. Hina and Hiro usually put something funny, but Makoto always puts something sweet that makes the former two feel gross and make them regret what they’ve done.
Who comes home with a souvenir/fridge magnet whenever they go on holiday?
Who convinces the other to fill out those couple surveys that you usually find on the back of magazines?
Makoto usually convinces Kyoko to do it, even though most of the time she declines.
Who has the other as their phone background?
Makoto has Kyoko as his. Kyoko would do the same if it didn’t embarrass her so much.
Who leaves notes written in fog on the bathroom mirror?
Makoto leaves his dumb, cheesy pickup lines.
Who asks if they can join the other in the shower?
Makoto doesn’t like to be forceful, so he rarely ever does. Usually, whenever she’s in the right mood, Kyoko either asks him, or invites him in.
Who loudly proclaims their love while drunk?
Kyoko and Makoto get two different types of drunk. Kyoko is quiet and reserved drunk, and Makoto is loud drunk, so...yeah, Makoto.
Sorry for gross feels, but I like this ship. I will make more of these.
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deluxewhump · 5 years
Max and Carlo post series. h/c
Elle Davenport watches her boyfriend’s pet come into the doorframe like a ghost— reluctant as a child waking sleeping parents. Ex-pet, Max would correct her. Actually, can we not say the p-word? 
She sits up on her barstool, looks over Max’s shoulder at him. Max says the boy is nineteen and she can see it in his height, in the daylight when he stands a little taller and is more committed to this method-acting life of being okay. At night, something slips. His shoulders are up a little higher, his eyes more deferential. He seems less himself then, a glimpse of another boy peeks through, one that reminds her of a small wild thing, afraid and helpless.
She can’t help an urge to pinch him sometimes when he's like that. Want something to cry about? She always feels guilty immediately, of course. Max doesn’t say much in the way of details about Carlo’s past, but he had used the word ‘torture’, which piqued her interest. Purely a journalistic instinct. Or something.
Carlo’s hair is mussed like he’d been sleeping. Though he’s dried his face, maybe even splashed some water on it, he looks like he’s been crying. Max follows her gaze, turns to look over his shoulder. 
“Carlo.” He says gently. "Hey."
The boy drops his eyes. “Sorry. I uhm— I didn’t mean to…”
Max is up before Carlo can excuse himself and run off, tugging him into the kitchen by the elbow. 
Elle pretends to busy herself scratching a spot on her wrist. Carlo’s gaze flicks self consciously to her before it focuses on Max. She has to strain to hear their quiet exchange over the soft, sad music on the speakers, Gilian Welch’s Annabelle. 
“What’s wrong?”
Carlo has a compulsive shrug, one shoulder lifts and drops straight down. She thinks the boy says bad dream, but can’t be sure. She spins a Yankee candle on the island to see the label, making the wax slosh up the sides and the flame flicker. Warm Luxe Cashmere.  A little pretentious, but the smell is pretty. 
She’d made them bread in huge loaf pans, pretty stonewear that had been Max’s mothers. The swollen loaves were still warm on the gingham cloth next to a container of goat cheese, a mason jar of honey.
She can’t get over the name Erik Holstrom being tied to this strange creature that looks at her boyfriend like he’d like to crawl in his lap all the time. 
She’d been pitched a dozen pieces about the disgraced local businessmen for Valley but only published two, a tasteful three months apart. None had mentioned a dark-haired boy-pet. No writer worth their salt would’ve put that past her desk. Valley is not a tabloid, nor does it publish the low hanging fruit. She thinks of Bob, her senior editor. Print about the charges, sure, but I wouldn't touch Holstrom's personal life with a with a ten foot barge pole. Hell. She wouldn’t have touched it with someone else’s barge pole, though she’d heard Erik was about as slimy as they come and wasn’t the least bit surprised to learn he’d had a human pet.
 Max insists he doesn’t have a pet, that Carlo has papers and is free to do as he likes, but yet here he is tilting the boy’s face up with a finger, a gesture so intimate it makes Elle’s heart skip unpleasantly— their relationship still new enough for that jealous instinct. But the way the boy looks at Max as Max tugs him closer gives her a second hand sort of affection, a curiosity. Her eyes slide from Carlo to Max as he whispers something she doesn’t catch into the boy’s hair. 
It's familiar, this thing between them. Carlo's arms wrap around Max's back. Max has several inches on his not-pet, so Carlo can easily drop his head onto his shoulder. He does so with a relief so palpable Elle can't help but feel an aching hollow in her throat. Watching how tender and careful Max Kelly is with this damaged boy only makes her love him more fiercely.
Carlo had only been asleep an hour when he woke from a sour dream where someone had hit him in the face, had bypassed the word pet and gone straight to “slave”. It started as Keith but had turned into Max, and that had woken him with tears on his cheeks, his sheets tangled around his feet. 
He’d blinked at the Durer rabbit on the wall for a bit, told himself he was being a baby until he decided the only remedy for dream-Max was real Max, and the longing for him made him swing his legs over his bed. 
The house was quiet but for the faint sound of music coming from the kitchen. Carlo puts one foot in front of the other, trying to avoid the hall’s many creaky boards and failing. When he gets to the doorway, Elle’s sharp eyes find him there and pause like a cat’s. She straightens her back, takes a sip of red wine. Max turns to see what she’s looking at. 
He stammers an apology and turns to go, feeling embarrassed for interrupting their evening, a little pang of jealousy at how they’d been sitting on barstools tilted toward each other, knees and foreheads almost touching as they talked quietly. But Max catches his elbow and pulls him in, asking what’s wrong so gently that dream-Max is banished to the shadows, and Carlo is admitting it was a bad dream and Max is holding him, warm and safe. 
Elle doesn’t really seem to care. In fact, she had urged Max to bring him back, encouraged him not to go back to his apartment at all. She drains her glass, baring her delicate throat. Her blunt hair swings back around her cheeks, poreless and smooth as a doll’s except for the left side scar.
“I can see you looking, you know.” Elle had said to him the first time they were alone. She ran a finger alongside the raised mark that puckers her left cheek, curved like a suture needle. 
“It was a dog bite. I was six.” She’d fixed Carlo with her steady gaze. “Want to show me yours?”
They look away from each other now and Carlo rests his face in Max’s shoulder, content to be held. It’s a long time before Max pulls away and drags another barstool over for him so they are three. Reluctantly, Carlo joins them. 
Elle reaches for a paper towel, loads it with a thick slice of bread. Carlo watches her silk blouse shimmer like water as she leans over, the well of shadow between her breasts and the cavities of her armpits. She is smooth all over, like the clothes she wears, how her voice gets a little deeper when she’s being ironic. She slathers goat cheese on the bread, drizzles honey over the top with the wooden spoon. He realizes she’s making this for him but is surprised when she leans toward him with a still-warm slice of bread in her hand, thick as a deck of playing cards.
“C’mon. You didn’t eat dinner.” 
Carlo opens his mouth, lets her feed him a bite. Her perfume floats toward him like body-warmed iris. 
He can see how Max would want to touch her, to kiss her. But he can’t imagine wanting that more than wanting Max to hold him— to touch him any way he sees fit.
Elle’s brown eyes watch Carlo chew. A grin tugs one corner of her mouth, the un-dog bitten one. A beautiful girl with a scar on her face. How's that for fair?
After she caught him looking at her scar he'd been embarrassed for being so obvious. Want to show me yours? She was right. He was riddled with scars. Only Elle had no choice but to wear hers facing the world, where he hid his in his clothes. After, she’d bent her head and kept on painting her toenails a muted violet. “They say it’s a man’s world. But it’s actually a dog’s world. You know that?” She’d wiggled her toes, inspecting them. “They do whatever the hell they want.”
Max rests his hand on the back of Carlo’s neck, gently massaging in his hair with his fingers. Being petted while he’s eating— being hand fed, rather, is enough attention to make Carlo feel trancelike and dreamy. He didn’t want to like Elle. He wanted to resent her, but she’s too sharp for that. She got right under his skin with her free affection, by urging Max to reconsider and invite him back. He takes a deep breath through his nose, resumes chewing. 
“Good boy.” Elle croons, a term and inflection she’s picked up from Max. Carlo’s traitorous heart thuds for her. Elle’s approval feels like an extension of Max’s. He glances at Max, whose eyes are as fond as ever for him. His hand is warm and heavy, scritching at his scalp. Elle feeds him another creamy-sweet bite and he’s surrounded by their warmth, wanting to tunnel inside it. 
"Why don't you stay up with us for a while?" 
Carlo nods, grateful for being treated so gently. Max pours him a half glass of red and kisses his temple. "Too early for bad dreams, baby."
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stewyonmolly · 4 years
🌱🌈 :-D
🌱 - dream job?
writing for pixar or laika studios (they made coraline, kubo and the two strings, etc)!! or just being a novelist but that’s obviously hard to do as a sole profession LMAO </3
🌈 - tell us about your best friends!
LMAO BEEDEE okay so beedee is the type of person who almost always sends me asks during ask games that have to do with her but i still get so excited to answer them because i LOVE TALKING ABOUT BEEDEE. literally my soulmate, i feel like i sometimes say absolute gibberish and she knows exactly what i mean because we’re just wired to the same frequency. she’s the only bearable taurus alive. she’s like daisies and sweet perfume and pale pink but she also makes me want to pull on a pair of stomping boots and run through city streets at 3am while laughing uproariously and flipping off god. she’s the type of person who is so easy to talk to, so easy to relate with, so easy to love. she’s the steam off freshly baked bread and the crack of the crust and she’s also getting dragged by your best friend into the rain and kicking muddy water at each other and the sun coming out only once you’re soaked. we’re going to move to england once we graduate and we’re going to live in an apartment and raise our CHILDREN together like some kind of full house shit. it’s going to be perfect literally life without beedee would be a life without sunshine even if she prefers the rain.
jonah is RIDICULOUS. he’s the type of person who posted One (1) tiktok and got millions of views in one day. he’s the funniest person i know, he’s like john mulaney but better because he’s JONAH. he’s my ex-gifted-kid soulmate, and we’re both so fucking burnt out but in all the same ways. every time we talk on the phone we talk for 6 hours and we both pace the whole time. once he walked 14 miles in laps around battery park while talking on the phone with me. he has this enormous, gaping, bleeding heart and he’s gone through so much with so many people and he’s still so, so deeply and thoroughly good that it makes me want to dunk my head in the hudson and contract a flesh-eating bacteria. he’s going to be an actor and he’s going to be famous and you’re all going to know his name and i’m going to be sitting here sobbing because i knew him when he looked like oswald the octopus and he was my pugsley when i was wednesday and we have so many inside jokes and i could talk about him for years. his fashion sense sucks and he has synesthesia and three times a semester he texts me asking to send him poems that he can bastardize for his acting classes and it never bothers me. my actual brother and the person i sit next to at every group hang because he lets me cuddle him.
amy is LIGHT. oh my god shes light. she’s a ballerina and she’s cotton candy in human form and she’s the only person in my group of friends with conviction, the only one with a spine. she loves the color yellow and she sends me stickers in the mail sometimes and she bakes sometimes and only very badly. her dog is huge and scary and she named it sully. she eats pasta with NOTHING ON IT. she has calf muscles that god would be jealous of. she’s going to be a special ed teacher and it is what she was born to do. she’s good with every person not because she’s supposed to be but because it’s EASY for her. that being said she would probably egg the car of the guy both of us dated if i asked her to do it with me. she’s the voice of reason but only sometimes. she has a car but it’s stick-shift and she doesn’t know how to drive it because she never learned. she’s the only choreographer who ever successfully taught me a dance sequence. she’s such a picky eater it actually astounds me. she pukes when she’s nervous but she also pukes when she laughs too hard. she makes me want to believe in god a little bit.
and my little sister. i can’t even put it into words how much i love her. we share a bed every single night and when she’s not there with her pointy fucking knees up my asshole i can’t sleep. she leaves shit ALL OVER MY ROOM. i have five cups mugs and glasses around my room right now and all of them are hers. she used to mess up my carefully set-up barbie dream house while i was at school. we used to fight, like legit fight, she bit me once and i bled and now we laugh hysterically about it. oh my god she makes me laugh like no one else. she can just blink and i’ll laugh. if she breathes right i’ll laugh. we make eye contact and i laugh. we used to get smacked in church for giggling about the lady who smelled like yankee candle catalogues. she’s a lacrosse player and she wants to be an anesthesiologist and she’s going to be a fucking soccer mom with 2.4 kids and she’s going to marry her high school sweetheart and i’m nothing like that and i’m SO HAPPY FOR HER. she has so many friends and goes to parties and she’s so popular and she deserves it all because she’s actually a good person. i can’t go to shoprite or walmart without her. she’s always wearing my clothes and she stretches the thighs of all my pants. she’s lactose intolerant and she eats dairy anyway and then i get the snapchats of her on the toilet crying and i still feel bad about it even though she knowingly did it to herself. she cries every time she drops me off at college. sometimes she reminds me of my mom and it scares me. sometimes i look at her laughing and i see me and it scares me. usually i just see her, and that’s the best thing i could see. she’s the one person i don’t think i could live without.
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lamptracker · 5 years
Oof mum! A blurb where reader saw Tom talking to a good looking woman in a jewelry store and gets jealous and gives Tom the silent treatment until later on that night he proposes to reader and she feels like an insecure idiot -🐒
“Okay, seriously, (y/n). What is wrong with you today?”
You stare at Tom over your dinner, giving him the iciest look you could muster. You are beyond angry at him; how incredibly daft could he be to not know why? You’d been giving him the silent treatment all afternoon, but you figure you should at least clue him in:
“Fine. When we went to the mall earlier? I wanted to go to Yankee Candle for their BOGO sale, you went to the jewelry store to get a new watch. When I got done I walked past the store and you were flirting with that... that slut behind the counter!”
Tom scoffs, clearly taken aback. “I was not flirting with her! She was helping me pick something out, she was doing her job!”
“Oh, please, Tom. I saw the way she was looking at you. I mean, she’s clearly prettier than me too.”
Tom just smiles at you sadly. “What we have here,” he says, “is a bit of a miscommunication. If you really want to know... I was looking at engagement rings. She was smiling like that because she was telling me about how her fiance proposed to her.”
Your eyes widen. “Engagement...” you trail off.
“Yes, love. But now that the cat’s out of the bag...” he pulls a tiny box out of his pocket, crossing over to your side of the table and dropping to one knee. “I’m so sorry I gave you the wrong idea. I have zero idea what to get when it comes to jewelry, so I needed a little extra help. But I just want you to know that you are the sweetest, funniest, prettiest girl I’ve ever had the pleasure to know, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. So, please, will you marry me?”
You burst into tears. “Oh, I messed this up, I messed this whole proposal up! I was... I was just so jealous, Tom! That’s really not a good look for me, I...”
“Ssh, love, it’s okay. It’s okay. Really.” 
You look down at him, still on one knee, brandishing the most beautiful diamond ring you’ve ever seen in person. You take a moment to parse the situation: Tom saw you get jealous. This is absolutely your worst side. But he saw it... and still wants to marry you?
You can’t let that go. 
“Um, darling? You never answered the question, I’m getting a bit nervous here.”
“Oh, yeah.” You giggle slightly. “Yes, Tom. I’ll marry you.”
Tom breathes a sigh of relief. “Oh, thank God.” He slips the ring onto your finger; you help him to a standing position. 
“Tom? I’m really sorry I-”
Tom presses a finger to your lips. “No more of that,” he chides softly. “It’s already forgotten. I love you, and only you. Okay?”
You nod. “I love you too. I can’t wait to marry you.”
“Me neither, love.”
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mustangshelby04 · 5 years
Boston Boy - Chapter 8
A/N Just a little bit of fluff to start your week off with.
Kate’s mother had decided to make a big breakfast for everyone that Sunday morning.  She’d already set the table and was flipping blueberry pancakes on the griddle.  There were sausage links, bacon, ham slices, scrambled eggs, fried eggs, and a bowl of grits sitting on the table.  Jan and Bill were already seated in their usual spots preparing the pancakes that were already on their plates.  When Helena served pancakes, she never put them on a plate on the table, she served them individually so they would be fresh for everyone.
“Wow.  This looks great, mom.” Kate said, kissing her mother’s cheek. “What’s the occasion?”
“It’s Sunday and we have company.” Helena said, handing Chris a plate with three small pancakes. 
“Thank you.” Chris said. “It smells amazing.” Helena handed Kate her plate with only two pancakes on it. “Oh, thanks.”
“You’re only eating two?” Bill asked. “I only ever eat two.”
“What’s on the agenda today for you guys?” Helena asked Kate and Chris.
“Uh, today is the last day of Howl O Scream.  I was thinking we could go to that.”
“Chris, do you like history?”
“Yes, ma’am.” Chris said between bites.
“You would like Williamsburg.”
“I plan to take him Saturday to Agecroft.” Kate said.
“Kat’s been telling me all about it.” Chris said. “I’m looking forward to it.”
“She loves that place.” Helena said. “You’ll enjoy it.  Will you be showing him Colonial Williamsburg, Katie?”
“Uh, probably not.  I want to get to the park early enough to ride the rides and then enjoy the haunted houses.” 
“It’s too bad you won’t be here for the Grand Illumination and Christmastown.” Helena said to Chris.
“Kat told me about Christmastown.” Chris said. “I plan to come back for that.  My family is probably going to come down, too, when we go to Disneyworld.”
“Oh, please don’t bring that place up in front of Katie.” Bill said.
“It’s ok, papa.” Kate said. “Chris’ mother invited me to go with them.  She gave me the dates before we left and made me promise I would go.  I’m going to talk to my boss tomorrow and see about getting that week off.”
Helena was staring at her daughter in shock. “Don’t worry, Mrs. Allen…. Uh, Helena.” Chris said. “I know Kat’s said that you would have to pay for it, but you don’t need to worry about this trip.  We’ve got it covered.  My family gets a bunch of suites at one of the resorts in a big package deal.”
“That’s…. very generous of you.” Helena said.
Chris smiled at Kat. “She won my family over pretty fast.  It amazed me, too, that my mom asked her to go.”
“So, you two are pretty serious, then?”
“Yes, ma’am.  I asked her barely two days after we met to give us a chance.”
Helena sat down at the table with her pancakes and looked between them for a moment. “My parents fell for each other pretty quickly and they enjoyed a lifetime together.”
“How did they meet?”
“Daddy was getting a haircut and mom walked by the building.  He saw her and had to ask her on a date.  He said, ‘excuse me, gentleman, that’s the woman I’m going to marry.’  He ran out of the barbershop with the cape still tied around his neck and asked her on a date.  They were married not even a year later.”
“They were together from 1939 until 1993 when grandpa died of a broken heart.” Kate said. “My granny had Alzheimer’s and the day she forgot who he was, it killed him.  He had a massive heart attack and died.”
“He couldn’t stand the thought of seeing her in a nursing home and not knowing who he was.  He chose not to get better.”
“That’s so beautiful.” Chris said. “God, that’s the kind of love that I’ve been searching for.”
“Katie says that all the time, too.  She’s been holding out for a man like her grandpa.  I think it’s the best decision she’s ever made, but I don’t know if she’ll ever find someone as wonderful as my daddy.”
“I don’t know.” Kate said. “I think it’s possible.” She secretly squeezed Chris’ hand under the table and he smiled at her.
Chris sat in the passenger’s seat as Kate drove them the hour and fifteen minutes to Busch Gardens.  The weather was beautiful and the temperature was warm enough that they didn’t need jackets yet.  He looked over and studied her face, memorizing the laugh lines that were permanently etching themselves next to her eyes.  Her mouth was full and naturally a deep pink that complemented the porcelain of her skin.  Her eyelashes were long and swept up to just under her eyebrows.  She’d put on waterproof mascara before they’d left and the blackness of it brought out the sparkling blues and greens of her eyes.
“You ok?” Kate asked suddenly.  She’d noticed him watching her.
“Yeah.  Just…. I’m thanking all the dumbasses that let you go because I am so happy to have you now.”
She smiled over at him as a deep blush set into her cheeks. “Chris….”
“Kat, you’re amazing.  Your family is amazing…. With the slight exception of your sister.  I don’t know what her deal is.”
“Right now, she’s jealous that she’s not the center of attention and she’s taking it out on everyone to try and win some of it back.  It’s her way.  She’ll get over it.”
“I hope so.  I want to get to know them.  I want to spend time with them because they mean so much to you.”
Before she could respond, her cell phone started ringing. “Speaking of family…. It’s my cousin, Todd.” He nodded for her to take it.  She hit the accept and the Bluetooth in her car picked it up. “Hey Todd.”
“Hey, Kitty Kat!  What are you up to today?”
“Uh, I’m actually headed to Howl O Scream with my…. Boyfriend…. Right now.”
“When did you get a boyfriend?”
“Long story.  What’s up?”
“Amy and I got a babysitter and wanted to see if you want to go to Howl O Scream.  She’s been dying to go and today’s the last day.”
“Well, we’re about thirty minutes away right now.  We can meet you there.”
“Cool!  We don’t have passes, so would you mind meeting us outside the park?”
“Are you just asking me if I want to go so you can use my free parking?”
“No.  I wanted to see how your trip to Boston went and use your free parking.”
Kate laughed. “Ok, fine.  I’ll meet you at Yankee Candle in Williamsburg.”
“Great.  Looking forward to meeting the new man.”
“Oh, I’m looking forward to it too.  See you in about an hour.” Kate hung up and grinned at Chris. “I am so sorry for what is about to happen.”
“What’s about to happen?” Chris asked.
“My love of Marvel…. It comes from Todd.  He is a huge Marvel fan.  He has a storage unit full of Marvel comics and his favorite character is…. Well…. Captain America.”
“Oh.  Ok.”
“I’m not saying he’s going to go bonkers…. But I am telling you to prepare yourself just in case.”
Chris chuckled. “Ok.  I’ll prepare myself.  So, we’re making a pit stop at Yankee Candle?”
“Yeah.  It’s one of their flagship stores and it’s huge.  It’s not just candles, either.  Though they do have every single candle you can think of there.”
“I might have to buy a few.  Ma loves Yankee Candle.”
“I do too.”
“I noticed.  You have quite a few of them scattered around your apartment.”
“They discontinued the one that I really loved, so I stocked up on it while they still had some in stock.”
“Which one was that?”
“The Napa Valley Sunset one.  It was part of their vineyard collection.  It smells amazing.  When I need to de-stress, I light one, grab a bottle of wine and whatever book I’m reading, and I curl up on the couch.  Or my bed.”
“That sounds heavenly.”
“It is.  It really is.  Or rather…. It used to be.”
“Why ‘used to be’?” 
“Because I discovered curling up on the couch with you and that is so much better.”
Chris’ lips spread into an ear splitting grin. “I think that’s the first cheesy romantic thing you’ve said to me.”
“Is it?”
“I guess you got to me with all of your cheesy romance.”
“Mission accomplished.” He leaned over and kissed her cheek.
Kate laughed and took his hand as she continued their drive to Williamsburg.  She pulled into the Yankee Candle parking lot twenty minutes later and found a spot in the back where Todd was sure to see her car and park next to it.  Hand in hand, they strolled into the store and Chris’ eyes widened. 
“Wow.  Ok, this place is cool.” He said.
She pointed up to the ceiling that was painted to look like the sky. “The ceiling changes from day to night every few minutes.  But that’s not the best part of this place.” Kate pulled him towards the back left corner and through an archway that led into a winter wonderland. “It’s Christmas all year in here.” They walked up onto the bridge in the middle of the room and looked around.  Above them, the ceiling was black with little lights twinkling on it like stars.  There was a loud noise like a large fan being started up and suddenly it was snowing.
“Ok, that’s really cool.” He spotted Santa’s workshop where a large, white-bearded man was sitting at a desk in a Hawaiian shirt and red shorts.  There were a couple of kids in front of him and he was writing things down in a book. “There’s a Santa?”
“He’s on vacation from the North Pole.  Later this month they’ll have a big Christmas parade with the Grand Illumination and Santa will show up in full gear here.  Though he’s not nearly as awesome as the Santa at Christmastown.”
They walked down the other side of the bridge and began to browse through the hundreds of different ornaments offered there.  Chris found a Boston terrier ornament and held it up. “It’s a Gally!”
Kate laughed. “I actually have that ornament.  I couldn’t resist it.”
He grinned. “They have every kind of ornament you could ever imagine here.”
“Pretty close.  Personally, I like Hobby Lobby’s selection.  I love finding ornaments there.”
“Yeah, ma spends a lot of time at craft stores.  She loves Hobby Lobby, too.” “It’s pretty much the Mecca of awesome.  I like to scrapbook, and their scrapbooking section is the best.”
“I noticed all your scrapbooks in one of your bookshelves.”
“There’s more up in the attic.” She laughed at the small collection of ornaments in his hand. “Here,” She walked over to the entrance of the Christmas store and grabbed a basket. “Put them in here.”
“Thanks.  Did you see the Christmas villages over there?  There’s a Nightmare Before Christmas one!”
“Yeah.  That’s my favorite.  If I ever start doing Christmas villages, that’s the one I’m getting.”
“I might have to start doing Christmas villages if I can have that one.”
“Well, my trunk has plenty of room if you want to buy it.”
Chris eyed the village for a long moment, contemplating. “Not right now.  I’d have to find a way to get it back to my house in LA.”
“Why not Boston?”
“The apartment doesn’t have anywhere big enough to put it all.” He wrapped his arm around her waist and they continued to the next section of the store.  
They were sniffing candles when Todd and Amy found them. “Kitty Kat!” Todd said, picking her up by the waist.
“Toad!” She laughed.  He set her down and turned to Chris.  Kate was sure she was going to have to pick his jaw up off the floor.  Amy was behind him staring wide eyed. “Guys, this is Chris.  Chris, this is my cousin Todd and his wife Amy.”
“Oh shit.” Todd said.  He took Chris’ outstretched hand. “It’s nice to meet you, man.  I’m such a huge fan.  Huge.  You’re amazing as Captain America.  The best there’s ever been.  How the hell do you know my cousin?”
“We met in Boston last week.” Chris said. “I knocked her down into dog shit.”
“It was very romantic.” Kate quipped.
“Kat, you do realize who this is, right?” Todd asked her.
“Yeah.  He’s my Boston boy that wooed me with food and chivalry.” She looked over at Amy. “Hey, you’re catching flies.”
Amy quickly shut her mouth and shook Chris’ hand. “It’s nice to meet you guys.” Chris said since Amy still couldn’t speak.
“So, are we taking my car or yours?” Kate asked, smiling brightly.
Once Todd got over being star-struck, he and Chris kept up an easy flow of conversation.  Amy and Kate ended up walking behind their men and chatting.  They rode the rides and every roller coaster there and enjoyed a couple of the shows during the day.  
Chris got a few glances and stares as people seemed to recognize him, but no one swarmed him.  He kept a low profile while enjoying the park with his girlfriend and members of her family.  He did end up signing a few autographs for fans brave enough to approach him.  When they asked what he was doing there, he simply answered that he was having fun.
They enjoyed some of the food and drinks that the park had to offer.  A few of the stands were offering Jell-O shots in large syringes.  Chris had managed to collect about seven of these by himself in different colors.  Kate had only indulged in four of them.  When night began to fall and they opened the haunted houses, they’d gotten Quick Queue passes for them to avoid the long lines.  Chris kept Kate close to him, both of them laughing when one or both of them got startled.  Whenever a scarer tried to scare Kate and it didn’t work, she would wave and them and say hi.  This caused Chris to let out his loud, boisterous laugh every time it happened.  They didn’t leave the park until it was after closing time.
On their way out, Chris had a surprise waiting for Kate at the package pickup.  It was a large statue of a black clad fairy with a pearl white dragon wrapped around her as she lovingly pet its head resting on her shoulder.  Kate had been admiring it at one of the shops.  Todd had been the one to mention to Chris that the statue was something his cousin had wanted for a few years but had never justified buying for herself.  When she’d gone to the bathroom, he had quickly purchased it and had it sent to the front of the park for pick up when they left.
“Are you serious, right now?” Kate asked.
“Yeah.  This is the one you’ve been wanting, right?” Chris asked, carrying the statue back to the car.
“How did you even know?”
“Well, you were staring at it for a long time and I could tell you liked it.  Then Todd told me you had been wanting it for a while.” She shot a glare at her cousin walking ahead of them with Amy. “I’m sorry.  I thought you would like the surprise.”
“I do.  I do like it.  I love it, actually, because I have been eyeballing it for a few years now.  But you can’t just buy me things just because I like them.  You’re spending way too much money on me already.”
“Who says?”
“I says!  Chris, just because I say I like something or I want something, doesn’t mean you have to rush in and buy it.  I’m not asking you to.”
Chris stopped and she turned to him. “I know you’re not asking me to.  You’re not that kind of person.  I understand that.” He set the statue down and gripped her upper arms. “Look, I like making you happy.  The smile on your face makes my world light up and I would do anything to be the one to put that smile there.  I’m sorry if me buying you presents is making you uncomfortable.  That’s not my intention.”
He looked like a slightly wounded puppy dog. “Oh, Chris.” She sighed. “I know you’re not trying to make me feel all out of sorts.  I should probably just stop complaining.  I just…. I’m not used to someone that seems to want to give me the world.”
“Maybe not the world.  But definitely the things in it that make you happy.”
“I can’t give you those things back, though.  I can’t just buy you things at the drop of a hat.”
“Baby, it’s ok.  I can buy me things if I want them.  You don’t need to.  The only thing I need you to give me is you.  And maybe some scrapbooks.  I wouldn’t hate some scrapbooks from you.”
She leaned into him and reached up to kiss him. “You’re ridiculous.” He grinned and picked up the statue and they continued on their walk to the car. “And I do love my statue.  Her name is Silvren Uir, by the way.”
“That’s pretty.  Where did you come up with that?”
She blushed and shook her head. “It means ‘glittering eternity’ in Sindarian Elvish.” He gave her a confused look. “Lord of the Rings.”
He laughed. “You’re such a nerd.”
She stuck her tongue out at him and he grinned like a big kid.
Kate and Chris laid in her bed later that night, both of them naked and sweaty.  The room was quiet except for their breathing and the snoring coming from Gally sleeping on the back of the couch.  The bed was positioned right under the window and soft moonlight streamed through the curtains.  Chris admired every curve of her body and the soft tendrils of blonde hair spread around her head.
“You really are stunning.” He said quietly.  She chuckled. “I mean it.”
“I won’t be so stunning in the morning.” Kate said, glancing at the clock.  She was going to have to get up in six hours to go to work.  Starbucks was definitely in her near future. “What will you do tomorrow?”
“Probably sleep in.  Maybe snoop around your room.  Find those handcuffs you mentioned.”
“You’ll probably find more than that.”
“Fun.” He pulled her closer against him. “I might rent a car and explore some.”
“Do you want to just take mine?”
“Won’t you have it at work?”
“Not if you take me to work and pick me up when I’m done.”
“Are you sure you’d want to do that?”
“Yeah.  If I suddenly need a vehicle, I’ll just use the company car.”
“Only if you’re sure.”
“I’m sure.  Besides, you can come have lunch with me if you want.”
“Your boss wouldn’t mind?”
“Tasha won’t mind.  It’s usually just me and her in the office.” “Ok.” Chris let out a yawn that threatened to split his face in half.  His eyes were half closed and he could barely keep them open that much anymore. “I’m beat.”
“I’ll see you in the morning.” Kate kissed him before cuddling against him and falling asleep.
Tag List
@joannaliceevans-fanficblog @jamielea81 @southerngracela @kelbabyblue @introvertedmouse @tfandtws @sullyosully @deidrahouseofpain @lovinevans @ajosieface
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tcmmysheiby · 6 years
Could you answer I, 2, 6, 16, and 23 for the asks please?
1. what color are your eyes? - according to @impracticallyperfect​ and me mammy i have gray eyes so that’s cool
2. do you like your name? why? - i did until my mammy told me that i was named after a drug dealer she once knew so that was fantastic.
6. how would you describe your style? - lazy! usually just rock a jumper and jeans but if i had the money, i would wear like old-style uk 90s clothing, ellesse windbreakers, basically oldstyle sports clothing and i scroll down depop every day, jealous that i cant afford any of it
16. whats your favorite candle scent? - there’s the yankee candle that they have out at christmas and i can’t remember what it’s called but it’s light pink lmao, smells bomb tho 
23. whats your go to hair style? - low bun with a cap or a messy bun 
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katzuyas · 6 years
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I’ve been tagged in so many things over the past couple of weeks that I honestly don’t even have much more bookmark space left in my browser RIP so I finally decided to do all of it at once, hence the title and the rest of this longass post under the cut
bc there’s a lot of the tag games down there and tagging a million people would be annoying, I’m gonna tag 10 of you to grab a dice and roll it to figure out which meme you’re tagged for ^u^)b if you roll the same number twice, count that meme as the start from which to count and roll again! I hope you like this idea, but it’s only a suggestion so feel free to do whatever you want tbh?
@sweet-vitya, @gabzjones, @and-then-yoi-happened, @etherealalchemist, @joeys-piano, @quadruplyyours, @yuliaplisetskaya, @dreaming-fireflies, @teekettle, @iwritebetterthanispeak, @chessala
enjoy, if you want! 💕💕
tagged by @endlesscloudsoftime, thank you for the tag!!
rules: answer 20 questions, then tag 20 bloggers that you want to get to know better.
1. Name: kat
2. Nicknames: same tbh
3. Height: 170cm
4. Orientation: who knows who cares (it’s pan)
5. Nationality: polish
6. Favorite fruit: mango, cherries, I love watermelon too but the seeds piss me off too much to fully enjoy it
7. Favorite season: anything that doesn’t make me sweat off my skin but isn’t also freezing my toes is more than fine with me ^u^)b
8. Favorite plant: I don’t think I have any favs here
9. Favorite scent: I have this yankee candle ‘sweet candies’ and I can just DIE wrapped in that scent holy sheet (when it comes to perfume tho I’m a sucker for the original chloe, but I also love calvin klein’s euphoria bc it’s just Fresh)
10. Favorite color: any pastel really
11. Favorite animal: MY SWEET PUPPER HINA (so yes, dogs)
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12. Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: coffee sometimes, TEA AND GREEN TEA AND VANILLA CHAI!!!!!!, hot chocolate is a nope
13. Average sleep hours: I always try for 8h bc otherwise I’m a zombie, but it doesn’t always work out so... I’m a part-time zombie anyway lmao
15. Favorite fictional character: victor nikiforov. that’s it. that’s all. we can all go home now
16. Number of blankets you sleep with: 1 + a duvet bc I like being cosy
17. Dream trip: japan, always. but another one would be a trip to the harry potter universal store or the noble collection store I guess
18. Blog created: who even remembers this pffff (somewhen in august 2011 I think)
19. Number of followers: I’m just gonna say it’s a four number figure ;3c
20. Random fact: I’m currently rewatching lord of the rings and procrastinating writing so YES I’M A NERD AND A BAD PERSON AHAHA //sweats
tagged by @story-kat -- thanks love, I actually really like these so it was great fun to do 💕
Rules: using only song titles from one artist/band, cleverly answer the questions and then tag people
artist/band: one ok rock
what is your gender: stuck in the middle
how do you feel: jaded
if you could go anywhere: start again
favorite mode of transportation: mighty long fall
your best friend: wherever you are
favorite time of day: taking off
if your life was a tv show: liar
relationship status: hard to love
your fear: bombs away
tagged by @endlesscloudsoftime, thanks again!! ahaha I feel like I’ll be saying this a lot today, but you spoil me /)u(\
Rules: tag 9 people you want to know better or just because you feel like it.
Relationship status: taken ;3c
Favorite color: any pastels, really
Last song I listened to: still the lord of the rings ost
Last movie I watched: lord of the rings lol two towers ^u^)b
Top 3 tv shows: game of thrones (bc I love my fantasy shit), rein (bc I love my history shit), and american housewife (bc I love laughing and this show is Hilarious with the capital H)
Top 3 characters: victor nikiforov bc I adore him, hinata shouyou bc he’s my sunshine son and I gotta mention miyuki kazuya bc his smirks still keep me awake at night 😍😍😍
What I’m currently reading: honestly? my own writes bc I have no time for anything other than editing orz
tagged by @themayflynans and @endlesscloudsoftime, thank you both!! 💕
A - Age: 26
B - Birthplace: poland
C - Current time: 11:50am
D - Drink you last had: just some coke
E - Easiest person to talk to: nowadays it’s gotta be @saniika and @and-then-yoi-happened bc I know I can be as salty and upset as I feel when I talk to them and that it’s alright to just let it all out which is something I wish for everyone to have 💕
F - Favourite song: don’t have one tbh
G - Grossest memory: back in elementary school my class was in warsaw to see the big zoo there and one of the chimpanzees just projectile shat all over our teacher and it was simultaneously the most awesome and the fucking WORST bc she smelled like shit the whole trip back home ugh
H - Horror yes or horror no: depends on what kind of horror but generally? meh
I - In love?: no idea tbh but definitely comfortable in my relationship
J - Jealous of people?: you’ve no idea. jelly and bitter.
L - Love at first sight or should i walk by again?: walk by and actually tell me you’re interested bc I’m a blind pan who is easily confused
M - Middle name: magdalena ;3c
N - Number of siblings: 0
O - One wish: Been keeping Salty’s answers here - yes, to learn to love myself.
P - Person you called last: my mom lol she’s the only one I call, really
Q - Question you are always asked: "so when will you start looking for a job?”
R - Reason to smile: VICTUURI!!!!!!!!!!!!!
S - Song you sang last: oh man I don’t even remember, I don’t really sing out loud
T - Time you woke up: these days? 6:30am
U - Underwear colour: sea green-blue, turquoise?
V - Vacation destination: I’m going to japan next year to see ice adolescence even if it kills me
W - Worst habit: biting the inside of my cheeks bloody
X - X-rays: my hand when I had a small accident playing badminton, my jaw for my braces
Y - Your favourite food: PIZZA HELLO
Z - Zodiac sign: gemini ;3c
tagged by @theexitgarden and @endlesscloudsoftime, bless you both and thank you for thinking of the old me 💕 
1st RULE: Tag 9 people you want to get to know better:
we’ll be skipping this one bc of reasons //sweats
2nd RULE: BOLD the statements that are true.
APPEARANCE: - I am 5'7 or taller - I wear glasses - I have at least one tattoo -I have at least one piercing - I have blonde hair - I have brown eyes - I have short hair - My abs are at least somewhat defined - I have or had braces
PERSONALITY: - I love meeting new people - People tell me I am funny - Helping others with their problems is a big priority of mine - I enjoy physical challenges - I enjoy mental challenges - I am playfully rude to people I know - I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it - There is something I would change about my personality
ABILITY: - I can sing well - I can play an instrument - I can do over 30 pushups without stopping - I am a fast runner - I can draw well - I have a good memory- I am good at doing math in my head - I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute - I have beaten at least 2 people arm wrestling - I can make at least 3 recipes from scratch - I know how to throw a proper punch
HOBBIES: - I enjoy sports - I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else - I’m in a orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else - I have learned a new song in the past week - I exercise at least once a week - I have gone for runs at least once a week in warmer months - I have drawn something in the past month - I enjoy writing - Fandoms are my #1 priority- I do some form of Martial arts
EXPERIENCES: - I have had my first kiss - I have had alcohol - I have scored a winning point in a sport - I have watched an entire TV series in one sitting - I have been at an overnight event - I have been in a taxi - I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year - I have beaten a video game in one day - I have visited another country - I have been to one of my favorite bands concert
MY LIFE: - I have one person that I consider to be my Best Friend - I live close to my school/work - My parents are still together - I have at least one sibling- I live in the United States - There is snow where I live right now - I have hung out with a friend in the past month - I have a smartphone - I own at least 15 CDs - I share my room with someone
RELATIONSHIPS: - I am in a relationship - I have a crush on a celebrity - I have a crush on someone I know - I’ve been in at least 3 relationships - I have never been in a relationship - I have admitted my feelings to a crush - I get crushes easily - I have had a crush for over a year - I have been in a relationship for over a year - I have had feelings for a friend
RANDOM: - I have break-danced - I know a person named Jamie - I have had a teacher that has a name that is hard to pronounce - I have dyed my hair - I’m listening to a song on repeat right now - I have punched someone in the past week - I know someone who has gone to jail - I have broken a bone - I have eaten a waffle today - I know what I want to do in life - I speak at least two languages - I have made a new friend in the past year
tagged by @story-kat and @endlesscloudsoftime (astea m’dude ur tagging me in everything and I love you for it)
I will most often hum or mouth lyrics when I’m writing and my brain gets distracted so it usually is some sort of acoustic cover of a rather popular song, like despacito? lol WHAT’S YOUR FAVOURITE FLOWER/TREE/PLANT?
I don’t have one tbh FAVOURITE COLOURS?
anything pastel!! WHAT DO YOU ALWAYS DOODLE?
I don’t anymore but it used to be some random squigglies??
2.5 teaspoon of sugar into both + 1/4 milk/cream into the coffee and 1/4 cold water into the tea FAVOURITE CANDLE SCENT?
sunrise bc I don’t even see sunsets anymore (I’m asleep then lol) WHAT PERFUME DO YOU WEAR?
the original chloe is what I like most but I would die for dior’s j’adore, it’s so nice 😍😍😍 in the summer I’m wearing masaki’s fluo tho bc it’s sweet and summery
butt wiggling? maybe? idk man I never really thought about it? lol FAVOURITE QUOTE?
“Because people don’t have wings, we look for other ways to fly.” -- somehow this one always sticks with me bc it’s so beautiful and vivid that you’d never say it’s from a japanese cartoon lmao
sleeping, kicking back and watching some dumb movie that won’t make me think of anything but how dumb it is
both? I like fuzzy socks in winter but in summer I go barefoot but sometimes u gotta have something between your skin and the floor so = slippers WHAT COLOUR ARE YOUR EYES?
I don’t honestly care but blue eyes when they’re very light creep me out somehow FAVOURITE SEASON? WHY?
don’t have one but as long as it’s not too hot or too cold I’m good NECK, CHEEK, OR NOSE KISSES?
depends on what you want to achieve? neck kisses will have me melting, cheek kisses smile and nose kisses giggle and possibly blush so YEA THERE’S THAT
it’s my room. that’s it. this is my happy place
idk, I mean yes I’d like to be married one day but I’m not really in any hurry to get there? CURSIVE OR PRINT?
I don’t honestly care
cloudy but not too cold
tagged by @story-kat, thanks for the tag babe!!
Rules: bold what you prefer and tag 10 people.
coffee or tea
early bird or night owl
chocolate or vanilla
spring or fall
silver or gold (BOTH! BOTH IS GOOD)
pop or alternative
freckles or dimples
snakes or sharks
mountains or fields
thunderstorm or lightning
Egyptian or Greek mythology
ivory or scarlet
flute or lyre
eyes or lips
witch or fairy
opal or diamond
butterflies or honeybees
macaroons or eclairs
typewritten or handwritten letters
secret garden or secret library
rooftop or balcony
spicy or mild
opera or ballet
London or Paris
Vincent van Gogh or Claude Monet
denim or leather
potions or spells
ocean or desert
mermaid or siren
masquerade ball or cocktail party
tagged by @endlesscloudsoftime, thanks for this omg I actually wanted to do this one!! 💕💕
869 938! holy sheet I’m so close to 1mil???? wowowow o.O
I try to write every day, but these days (with renovations going on and my sleeping schedule all fucked up) it’s really hard to find the time and focus to do it orz
I actually do! or I did when I was still regularly writing lol it was something like this: cracking open an energy drink, lighting up my fav scented candle, booting up itunes and my writing playlist and generally just spending 5-6h just writing 💕  
kinks: pet play, public or semi-public play, voyeurism, doggy style, also actually BOTTOM VITYA,      
tropes: reverse au, time travel, famous aus,
pairing: victuuri. no seconds. we die like man and only stan one (1) gay ship
I don’t necessarily have an absolute fav but a fic that I still remember fondly and am beyond sad that got little to no attention is: if there’s a will, there’s a way bc I worked my ass off for it and I love every bit of it so? give it a read if you want to?
dazzle me with gold which will be getting an update this weekend ;3c
recently? everything. I’m just broken and idk how to fix it bc I can’t even find a good moment to try so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
how sweet and soft everything is when I’m in a good mood bc victuuri deserves this kind of love and I’m so happy writing it for them 🙏🙏🙏
tagged by @amaanogawa, thanks so much ems!!!
1) How many works in progress to do you currently have in progress?
one actual wip and like... 5 more that just sit and wait their turn? //sweats
2) Do you/would you write fan fiction?
rip that’s all I write too... tbh I used to write original fiction before but I find myself much less constricted by fanfic? I can explore the characters here more than I can in original fiction where worldbuilding takes most effort
3) Do you prefer paper books or ebooks?
oh definitely paper! if I could I’d buy printed out fanfic too!
4) When did you start writing?
I was about 12 I think? it all started with harry potter, like everything else has, and I regret not a second of it!
5) Do you have someone you trust that you share your work with?
sometimes when i get very excited about what i’m writing i’ll tell my fandom friends about the specific AU that i’m writing about but in terms of reading the full length fic, i don’t have anyone that i let read before anyone else. it’ll be on ao3 for everyone at the same time.
6) Where is your favourite place to write?
my desk, my pc. I can write on my phone but I like to edit as I go and it’s hard to do on the phone.
7) Favourite childhood book?
do I even need to say it? harry potter
8) Writing for fun or writing for publication?
for fun, but with the aim of possible future publication maybe?
9) Pen and paper or computer?
always computer. i have only recently begun writing fics on my phone because i’ve been traveling a lot and i don’t always have my laptop on my person, but it’s still much more comfortable to sit down and type on a proper keyboard.
10) Have you ever taken any writing classes?
at my uni, yes. and it completely sucked bc they didn’t teach anything, just had us write random shit for 3 years so eh
11) What inspires you to write?
everything? like, any random thing or thought I’m instantly trying to weave into my writing, turn it into a prompt. every new experience is just a basis for me to write on.
but if you’re asking WHY I write: I don’t even know, I’ve never thought about it? it’s kind of like asking why I breathe ahaha I just do? it’s a part of me? idk man idk
tagged by @themayflynans, thanks for this love!!
7/7/7 tag
The rules are as follows: Go to page 7 of your WIP, go to the seventh line, share seven sentences, and tag 7 more writer-bloggers to continue the challenge.
oh wow ok this is a difficult one bc I don’t think I even have a wip 7 pages long //sweats let me see... aha, okay, I found one! from back in march when I asked people to send me over some numbers for one of those writing memes and @theexitgarden I believe (??) sent me the prompt “I don’t think anyone could be as lovely as you” for victuuri and I kind of got a blind!victor au from it?? wELP here’s the fragment of it:
His music is vibrant in a way that he couldn't play on his piano alone and the clap of the blades that he can hear from the speakers of his TV makes him only more certain – this boy, Yuuri Katsuki, is skating to the sound of Victor's soul as if it's his own.
He never notices the tears that well up in his eyes until they roll down his cheeks and Makkachin presses against his side, whimpering in concern. Victor runs a trembling hand through her soft fur and takes a deep breath. And then, he decides.
"Yasha," he says when his former coach, his father in all but blood picks up Victor’s call. "I want to do this."
And he does it.
tagged by @endlesscloudsoftime again, boy you spoil me ahaha
1. Which fictional character would be the most boring to meet in real life?
I have no idea tbh bc even the characters I don’t like wouldn’t be exactly boring, so??? I honestly don’t know
2. What problem or situation did TV / movies make you think would be common, but when you grew up you found out it wasn’t? (i’m lowkey taking a jab at hsm because thanks Disney for making me think high school would be awesome)
hooking up with people ALL THE TIME when you’re in your 20s bc wtf what a bold-faced lie omg
3. What would be on the gag reel of your life?
"how many times can kat click her tongue at random strangers who piss her off by breathing the same air?” and a manip of all the eyerolls I do bc let me tell you... THERE’S A LOT
4. What does “infinite” mean to you?
my love for victor nikiforov
5. If your life was a movie, what songs would be on the soundtrack?
definitely lots of acoustic vibes and harry potter tunes and I can bet your ass that I’d have the yeah yeah yeah ost from yoi bc it’s such a banger and I LOVE IT but also dramatic classical violin and piano bc they pull on my heart and I am weak
6. What item would be your top choice to make into a horcrux?
honestly? my phone probably. I don’t necessarily have other things close to me that I’d use with enough heart to be of any significance to me
7. Who would play you in a movie about your life?
??? no idea lol I’d love for it to be katherine mcnamara bc 1) we share names, 2) her red hair is gorgeous and I’m a redhead, 3) SHE is gorgeous and I’d love to be portrayed by someone that hot 😍😍😍
8. Most relatable scene from any book/movie/anime/etc.?
yuuri’s little gasp when he first saw victor skating bc HARD SAME MY SWEET SON HARD SAME
9. If you were shrunk down and somehow got stuck in a blender, how would you get out?
I’d jump from side to side of it to try and rock it a bit and see if I can flip it over and get out that way? idk man what is this question lol
10. Would you count manga as a piece of literature? Why or why not?
ofc I would? honestly, some manga have even better storylines than written fiction why WOULDN’T it be counted as a piece of literature
11. compliment yourself. (joey, you’re just to freaking good to at making up questions).
oh man... //sweats umm??? good job me on not breaking down yet bc the renovations keep being awful and you’re handling it well?? maybe lol
tagged by @theexitgarden, thanks love, once more!
RULES: Choose any three fandoms (in random order) and answer the questions, then tag 10 people you want to know better.
Three Fandoms:
Yuri!!! on Ice
Ace of Diamond
The First Character You Loved:
victor. he’s voiced by suwajun, do I really need to say more?
miyuki!! gosh I do love my asshole sons snarky and mean
hinata bc he’s a ray of sunshine and I even named my doggo after him 💕
The Character You Never Expected To Love So Much:
I gotta copy you garden bc chris took me by surprise too! my love for him started from that little sad look he gave us in the kiss and cry and it blossomed beautifully over time ahhh
sanada omg?? he is literally baseball kuroo so I was not expecting it but I fully embraced it lmao
iwaizumi bc I’m not one to like the mothering types but he’s??? actually so kind and sweet under all that harsh Manly facade it’s so cute
The Character You Relate To The Most:
victor, I’d say, or so I like to think
honestly? miyuki. just look at my url lol
oikawa, probably...
The Character You’d Slap:
I wouldn’t actually, but yurio deserves a good kick on the butt
early tsukki bc he’s could use it tbqh
Three Favorite Characters (in order of preference):
victor, yuuri, chris
miyuki, eijun, mei
hinata, kuroo, oikawa
A Character You Liked At First, But Don’t Anymore:
no one like that in yoi tbh, my love is only growing
kataoka lol
umm???? idk
A Character You Didn’t Like At First But Do Now:
seung-gil, I’d say. he grew on me lol
raichi, I guess??
to say tsukki, I’d have to actually like him now but it’s more difficult than that bc I didn’t like him at first but now can tolerate him so?? does it count?
Three OTPs:
victuuri, phichimetti, and the third would be very problematic bc I honestly don’t ship anything else in yoi?
miyusawa, chrisawa, sanasawa
tagged by @sleep-furiously, thanks for the tag, love!!
post five facts about myself ❤
I have a sweet doggo who is the light of my life 💕
I write good shit sometimes
I believe I have good taste
I’m a snark machine when certain buttons are pressed
patience levels run at 0%
wow ok this was A LOT to go through and it took me like 3h to do this holy sheet but at least I had fun and now I have my firefox bookmark free so that’s awesome ahhh!! thanks so much again to everyone for the tags, you guys are amazing and I’m lucky to have you 💕💕💕💕
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metazensae · 6 years
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@larknnightingale (new post bc it’s getting too long) Fantasy Yankee’s Candles but like super goth bc it’s full of skeleton/death aesthetic ((they’re a necromancer)). I’d imagine it’s less like Apple Spice and more like Frankincense/Myrrh scented. Omg Vis, I’m coming to hang out that sounds so COOL!! I’m dying - wards sewn into clothing is the best idea ever. Samaria is so clever!!! Izzy needs a piece that wards off anxiety ;;;; Izzy has a good singing voice - it’s a really pure and even tone!! But they’re too shy to sing in front of others. Catch them singing to pass the time doing chores tho and it’s magical. Raedleas is not an artisan of any kind but is rather more of a consumer. He loves a good show and adores quality works of art, but he himself does not participate in any craft except as a spectator or patron. He is actually very jealous and enamored by those who do.
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littlemisskookie · 6 years
snippet pt. 2
"Whatever, next one," you murmured. "Ok, what was it? Virginity?"
"Ah yes, Mike?"
"Michael," you corrected. "He was sweet."
"Should I be jealous?" Taehyung questioned, raising a brow.
You swatted his thigh, rolling your eyes. "Well, he's in the States now, for one. And also, he was a little too sweet. He had this whole thing fixed up after our date. It was a few days before the end of the semester, so he'd be leaving soon. He had gathered the courage to finally confess to me, and I figured 'Why not? The guy I like just slept with someone else. Why can't I?' And Michael was going to leave anyway. So I told him I'd make our first, last, and only date really special. He caught on, of course. Apparently, sex happens a lot more frequently for American kids there, because he bragged about how he wasn't a virgin anymore but he'd be gentle with me- yada yada yada. I didn't care."
"Wouldn't have pegged him as that, honestly," Taehyung admitted.
"Well, anyways, after the date was over we got to his place. His parents were still at work, and it was still daytime. But here's the kicker- in the room he lit up about a dozen Yankee candles. It was a major fire hazard. But the entire time we were having sex the place was overwhelming- it was like a million girls were spraying perfume in my face in the locker room- that bad!"
"Oh, God!" Tears actually fell from Taehyung's face now.
"I'm glad I'm able to laugh about it now. One of them was like pink dunes? I think? Something like that. It was the one that smelled the most because it was right next to the bed. I had to bury my face in a pillow to clog up my nostrils. It burned, I'm serious!"
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delucabishop · 7 years
Jealous Diana x Reader (requested)
You and Diana decided that you were going to get your Christmas shopping done early instead of last minute so you got ready to hit up the mall on this chilly Sunday afternoon. You both bundled up in jackets, hats, scarves and gloves and hopped in the car; Diana driving, obviously. She stopped at Starbucks on the way and ordered you a hot chocolate because she knew you couldn’t live without a nice warm hot chocolate on a cold winter’s day. You were grateful that she knew you inside and out. You drank your drink in silence as Diana focused on the road but it was still a nice and comfortable silence with holiday music softly playing in the background.
When you finally reached the mall, Diana parked and you both exited the car. You reached for Diana’s hand and she softly kissed your temple as you walked towards the entrance of the mall. You absolutely loved holding Diana’s hand in public, it made your heart soar. Diana swung your entwined hands back and forth and she looked at like you put the stars in the sky.
“Where to first, love?” Diana asked.
“Yankee Candle! I want to get my mom a holiday candle, she loves those!” You replied.
When you reached the store, you were immediately hit with a bunch of different candle scents. You loved it. You pulled Diana towards the holiday section. Diana almost falling in the process but she didn’t mind. You both instantly started smelling all the candles.
“Oh my god babe, smell this one.” You gave the candle to Diana.
Diana took a nice long sniff of the candle and her eyes lit up. “We have to get this one, this is totally the one. Can we also get one for our room? It smells soooo good!” Diana asked you.
“Okay,” you giggled.
As you went to grab another candle, you saw a woman walking towards you out of the corner of your eye. You turned to face the woman and your eyes immediately popped out of your head. You so did not want to see your ex of two years right now.
“(Y/N)? I knew it was you! How have you been?” She asked.
“Hi Nicole, I’m good. How are-,” before you could finish your question you heard your girlfriend clear her throat behind you. You turned around and saw Diana with her arms crossed and her left eyebrow raised with a death glare directly pointed at Nicole. You reached up to Diana’s crossed arms, uncrossed them and held her hand behind your back as you turned to face Nicole again. That seemed to calm Diana down a little but her eyebrow was still raised and the death glare was still evident on her face.
“Nicole, this is my girlfriend, Diana. Diana, this is my ex-girlfriend, Nicole.” You nervously introduced the two.
Diana saw Nicole look you up and down and that pissed her off. She was the only one allowed to check you out and she was about to make that known.
Diana pushed in front of you and held her hand out to shake Nicole’s.
“Hi Nicole, I am Diana Prince. (Y/N)’s girlfriend and future.” Diana shook Nicole’s hand and she shook it so hard that you were certain Nicole was going to have to ice her arm when she got home. Then Diana turned around, grabbed you by the waist and kissed you so hard and passionately that you forgot where you were and who was standing in front of you.
“If you don’t mind Nicole, we’ll be going now. I’m about to go buy my incredibly sexy girlfriend some Victoria’s Secret lingerie so she can model it for me in our bedroom tonight. Goodbye.” Before you could even react, Diana grabbed your hand and pulled you to the register so you could pay for the candles leaving behind a stunned Nicole.
“I love when you get jealous babe.”
“I was not jealous, I was simply showing her who you belong too.” Diana expressed.
“Sure babe,” You giggled.
Once you paid, you both made your way to VS. Diana picked out five pairs of lingerie for you because she couldn’t decide. She already knew your size so she quickly paid and pulled you out to the car. She sped home faster than she’s ever before.
Once you got home, Diana handed you the bag of Victoria’s Secret lingerie.
“Here babygirl, go put one on and wait for me in the bedroom. I’ll be up in ten minutes to rip it off of you.” 
You quickly ran upstairs to the master bathroom and got ready for a wild rest of your night. 
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