#yay first request done hehehe
lazywritings · 1 year
Hellooooo and good luck on your new blog!! Can I request relationship headcanons for Buddha and Beelzebub please? Thank you ♥
Hello and thank you so much hehehe ♥ Enjoy!
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Buddha has always been known for being an over dramatic tease who never leaves out a chance to baffle the person in front of him; whether through his words nor his actions. In a relationship those attributes of him become even worse. He won’t miss out on a chance to somehow surprise you or to leave you at a loss of words – he loves that expression on your face whenever you’re looking at him completely dumbfounded and sometimes even a little confused. He will take every chance he can get to flirt and play around with you; his smooth words often startling you while he simply smirks and blows a small kiss to you.
Another thing he likes to do is to completely catch you off guard with hugs at the most random times. He thinks it’s funny how you cannot sense his appearance and how you flinch every time he suddenly appears somewhere near you before his arms wrap around your middle. You scolded him for scaring you throughout the day more than once already but he will not let go of his random hugs. The small growl that leaves your lips whenever he suddenly hugs you from behind is like a fine piece of music to his ears, it makes him laugh and smile – especially because he knows that you secretly love his hug attacks and how you whine whenever he releases you right away.
Living in Paradise is nothing that Buddha dreamed of back when he was still living along the humans. He enjoys the life he has of course – but when it comes to you, he wants you to see the beauty of the world that he once enjoyed too. He will take you to the most beautiful and deserted places – jungles, deserts, long fields - places with no sign of modern civilization for at least a few hundreds of miles. He always feels his heart skipping a beat whenever he sees the bright smile on your face and the way your eyes start to sparkle when he takes you back down to earth to some of his most favorite places.
Buddha loves spending long days in bed with you – the feeling of your smaller frame closely snuggled into his chest while soft snores leave your throat never fails to make him smile. Be prepared to eat plenty of snacks and rarely a full meal during those days because he will make sure that none of you leaves the bed except for the reason to use the bathroom. Whenever you try to stand up for anything else he will simply sling his arms and legs around you to hold you in bed with him, caging you in a tight embrace – nevertheless using the chance right away to pepper your neck and cheek with small kisses.
Beelzebub might be a bit twisted on the inside but after agreeing to be in a relationship with you, he will try to let his guard down from time to time and simply enjoy being by your side. He rarely initiates any kind of physical contact – for one because he does not want to intermediate you and secondly because he is afraid to hurt you in any kind of him. To him, you’re an ethereal and delicate being – a small flower which he could accidentally crush with ease. He’s often taken aback when you wrap your arms around him out of the blue before burying your face in his chest. He swears he feels his heart stopping whenever your scent fills his nose and your warmth clings to his body – for a moment everything around him seems to be good and pure.
Surprisingly, he is not the kind of man who becomes jealous, he’s rather the man who kindly stands by your side and observes the person who tries to get close to you calmly. If he senses any kind of resentment from the person in front of you or anything that could result in harming you, he will interfere and get you away as soon as possible. You’re his treasure; the only being who takes no harm in being close to him – the reason why he often finds himself smiling. He does not want to take the risk of anyone taking that away from him again.
Beelzebub is not too fond of big crowds yet he would never dare to think of denying your wish to visit any kind of packed place. He won’t feel too comfortable and turn silent for most of your stay – his arm firmly wrapped around your middle while he scans your surroundings for any opposing threats. Sometimes you have to assure him that everything is okay and that he does not have to be in a fight and flight mode all day – a small kiss here and there to lighten his mood often being helpful enough. The moment the both of you return back to his private place, he will loosen up much more and even openly search for the closeness of your body.
He loves taking baths with you a lot – he can hold your bare body close to his own, feel your heart beating against his chest when your lying on top of him and kiss your lips lovingly whenever you close your eyes while relaxing. One time, you found yourself to be utterly funny and in a playful mood – playing around with the bubble foam to style the weirdest hairstyles he ever had. To your surprise he did not even think of complaining once. He simply held onto your hips while softly smiling and letting you do your thing.
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betweentheracks · 4 years
Hello and yay for this blog!!! I have a question :D. If a certain Chinese star were to wear jeans that say "my cock is gluten free" and "pull me down and fuck me," do you think his stylist would have chosen this knowingly, or do you think it's possible they just were like "hmm english words looks good" and didn't bother to look up the meaning? If they did know the meaning, would they have likely informed the star? Very desperate for the thought process behind this Choice hehehe. Thank you!
Ah, I was wondering hoping if I would get asked about those infamous jeans and here you are!
First and foremost; the following is all speculation from my experiences in the business and is wholly subjective. 
It isn’t impossible that they weren’t aware of what was written on the jeans, but it also isn’t all that likely either. When you pull up these jeans on the Dsquared2 site there’s a listing of what is doodled and written on the jeans and it’s not something that would be overlooked by neither stylist nor client. 
That said, Yibo does know some English and while he may not have known these words exactly, there’s more than enough ways of discerning their meaning. I would also bet half a year of my salary that his stylist would have known what was written here, or any number of personnel that works with them for that matter. I would also take into consideration that even if the jeans had slipped by all these people that may or may not have had the ability to see what was all over them, some of Yibo’s fellow idols should have (looking at you specifically, Seungyoun).
Setting this aside for a moment, I’ll go into who I think is responsible for the jeans being worn to begin with - Wang Yibo himself is the likely culprit. 
Why do I think this? There’s many reasons but most are inconsequential while two points frame the scene as I see it. 
This is markedly not a choice a stylist would make. Stylists, at the end of it all, are employees and therefore it shouldn’t be too surprising to know we have rules in place we must abide no matter if we are working outside the purview of the company we are housed under. Even when we work exclusively with a client, we are still taking the name of our company as well as our own with us and are operating as an extension of the brand the company promotes and promises. I don’t know of any company here (and I live in rather free faring place which welcomes eccentricities, mind) that would allow these jeans to be submitted as part of a pitch to either buy or borrow unless they were very specifically in line with a client’s public image and style. Technically these jeans would classify as offensive and profane which means they would invite trouble and cause a stir. While stylists are not associated much with the PR side of things we are still essentially a team playing for the same client - this selection, if gone badly, would be like asking for lightning to strike twice in one place at the same time. If a scandal amounted from them PR would have to handle it and that means the stylist would come under fire for making such a bold and risky choice, most especially with a younger client that thus far didn’t have the sort of image one would think to associate with jeans such as these. 
The second reason is that, from what I can tell, this is in line with Yibo’s personality. He’s very serious about style and engages with it as he does most things; by overtaking it completely and rebranding it to suit him to the point that it makes one wonder if the style wasn’t designed with him in mind. He makes full use of what fashion is all about at it’s core; expression. These jeans in particular would have suited the Yibo of the time he wore them (2018, if I remember right?) as he was trying to break away from the image he held as a pretty boy with demure and soft looks which held the shock value of being in such contrast with his dancing and rapping. He’s mentioned before that he doesn’t really like being “cute/sy” and having to do things in the way of that since it’s not true to who he feels he is. Which, honestly, a lot of idols and stars go through this experience where they no longer wish to be constrained by the persona they play for the public and one of the most impactful means of going about it is to address the styling since it is the focal point of public image. 
The Dsquared2 jeans don’t only say “my cock is gluten free,” there’s actually quite a lot to them and I think it would help if more were aware of it so here’s the description of them on the website: 
D Squared Limited Edition Jeans. Sexy Twist Printed Low Rise. Fun, Evil Boy, Love Sucks, Pull Me Down, Open Me, Unzip, Buttons, Wine Is My Water, Tic Tac Toe, Dean & Dan, Sex, Gluten Free Cock, Hot Patches
The jeans actually say “pull me down and fuck me” right there on the ass, but naturally they can’t list the expletives in the marketing. Not strictly important to this post, but still worth mentioning given the hushed treatment of what the placement of such words could easily imply and the effect that could have had. 
Anyway, the bit that is very telling in my opinion is that “evil boy” tag. I’m not terribly certain due to having never been fortunate enough to work with these jeans myself and the internet only has so many pictures from so many angles, but “evil boy” is either written somewhere (which I think is the case since there’s devil horns present as well) or they’re being promoted as such for aesthetic value. Regardless, I am fairly certain this would be the feature which caught Yibo’s eye. It’s on brand for someone seeking to shatter the conceptual ideal of being naive, innocent, youthful, or soft.
The jeans as a whole fit with Yibo’s sense of humor, as I’ve seen it at least. He lost his mind and fell into full laughter and hysterics over a dick joke, not even minding that he was being filmed or anything. He was still laughing about it even after the other hosts had moved beyond it, making them circle back around to it and in turn making it all the more hilarious for him to enjoy. You can see it clearly in the bts footage from the CQL set that he enjoys being mischievous and stirring things up and having a good time. 
This is who he is, I believe, and it makes a lot of sense for him to have made this stylistic choice and then either convince his stylist to let him run with it or change out at the last second. Both of these are possible, though one of them is less probable than the other given how tricky it actually would be to sneak a wardrobe alteration past the many people that make up the staffing roster for any events, and then to be able to change in the limited time frame available between exiting the dressing room to being in the public sphere would be one in a thousand. Much simpler to goad your stylist into being lenient enough to give you free reign over your own styling - we can only hold out and say no when the grounds for it are met, which this wouldn’t have done in all likelihood - and most of the time we build up a good enough relationship and rapport with clients that we end up doting on them a bit and heed their requests when we can.
That’s all from me on this token moment in Yibo’s very stacked fashion history. Thanks for asking!
Furthermore, there’s the third possibility that this wasn’t a styling choice whatsoever. Or at least not one that involved the stylist in any real regard. It is very plausible that this was just Yibo in his own clothes, having dressed down after the main events wound down. I’ve never actually watched to see what that night looked like overall, but from the videos I have seen it looked to me like the actual do had passed and they were all just goofing around and having their own dance competitions and such when he was wearing them. I can’t say for sure that he did or did not have them on for the whole thing or if they were his own self packed casual wear. In which case it would fall back to his studio to tend to since stylists generally don’t hold authority over personal clothing choices and only ever have a hand in it when it is expressly stated in contracts or temporary clauses, and it just isn’t too common anymore. 
Worth a quick mention for means of distinction, here in the US this choice wouldn't have raised many eyebrows no matter if it was chosen by an artist or a stylist. The only reason I feel it necessary to say this is simply because this is not so in China and that alone lends context to the controversy of these jeans. In the scope of conservatism these jeans are outrageous and I think that a stylist would steer clear of utilizing them at all if they value their job. This is why I don't consider it likely at all that Yibo and his stylist collaborated to make use of these jeans as a way to shake away the remnants of his pretty boy aesthetic.
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salemorbit · 3 years
S/o, tigo and link are very thankful to save them, future Sidon just began to cry and hug tightly to tigo because he explained that his timeline that s/o and tigo sacrifice themselves to saved link and Zelda later Zelda protected link from malice ganon (when the botw began)
-the four champion from the future coming soon, story about tigo from their timeline, hope you like it and remember always loved your tigo au ^_^
hehehe <3
Little Lynel Man (finale; part 13)
[Tigo the Lynel AU]
warnings: none
You learned quickly that the newcomers that appeared out of nowhere were the Champions' successors from the future
Terrako summoned them to help the Champions from your timeline and save them from being bested by Ganon's malice blights in their differen Divine Beasts
Now all that was left was defeating Ganon himself who was getting angrier by the second
More and more monsters and malice were summoned in an attempt to block your path, but your determination outweighed the obstacles
With the Divine Beasts back in control as well, the Champions stationed themselves in them and didn't hesitate to activate their beams and stabilize Ganon in one place, simultaneously sapping his energy as you, Tigo, Link, and Zelda made your way to the beast within
It was a rough fight, even with half of Ganon's health being withered away by the power of the Divine Beasts, but it ended swiftly with you and Tigo backing up Link and Zelda as Link gave the finishing blow to Ganon's malice-infused head
After the final screech, it was silent
You all reconvened in front of the castle after Zelda made sure that Ganon was sealed away for a long time again
People were battered and bruised, volunteers and soldiers alike, but it looked like many were saved by your actions on that day
The larger Zora who stood next to Mipha, her brother Sidon from the future, you had learned, ran over to Tigo and gave him was looked like a bone crushing hug
Tigo was confused at first, but then saw half of a shining shell hanging around Sidon's neck, the other half hanging around Tigo's neck!
Tigo then immediately reciprocated the hug with that indicator that this was, in fact, the Sidon that he knew and was best friends with 🥺
Sidon explained that you and Tigo were ones that fought gallantly in his timeline against Ganon, but met a terrible fate in the end
He assured you that your sacrifices did not go in vain, and that every day they were getting closer and closer to defeating Ganon in his timeline
You were in shock about that, not believing him at first but knowing that it was most likely the truth
Needless to say, you were glad that you were safe in this timeline with your Lynel and Link by your side
The rest of the time was spent exchanging interesting stories with each other about the different timelines, but the time was short as the Champions' successors started to become pulled back into their timeline by the Sheikah technology
They all disappeared in a flight of blue sparks, but they were forever remembered for their valiant actions on this day
And Hyrule was saved! Yay!
that seems to wrap up the tigo au! what a wild ride from start to finish. i definitely didn't think that the one request would turn into a month of inserting a character i randomly created into the entire zelda lore HAHA
this was cool bc i've never done anything like this before, so thank you! looking forward to whatever you request in the future :)
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edengarden · 4 years
Izuku Midoriya:
Boy definitely plays a wind instrument. I’m assigning him clarinet
Wants to be first chair so bad, he practices so freaking much I swear
ALWAYS. IN. A. BAND. ROOM. with Iida and Uraraka. They’re always practicing
He’s so confused with music theory, please help him. He just,, WHY is it minor?? WHY IS THERE A SOLO WITH NOTHING WRITTEN?? WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE HAS TO IMPROVISE WITH THE CHORDS WRITTEN OVER THE BARS-
Ochako Uraraka:
She’s also comfortable enough to play 2nd or 3rd clarinet if needed, or even soprano saxophone
Doesn’t have her own instrument, she borrows from the school and she HATES the reeds, they’re crap. When someone gives her a good reed, she CHERISHES it.
In jazz band also! With the same instrument, but she doesn’t feel ready for solos so she’s usually 2nd or 3rd. Bro when she has to switch from swing to straight she ALWAYS forgets and it’s the band’s downfall.
Tenya Iida:
And he’s one of THOSE trumpet players, by the way.
“Sir the French horns aren’t tuned” yeah, he has perfect pitch
Literally plays flight of the bumblebee as warm up. Or has his own warm up scales. Never practices right before practice though, he thinks it’s “too late” for that
Has his own trumpet, it’s silver with hints of gold/brass. Takes care of it RELIGIOUSLY.
He HATES having to blow out spit onto the floor, but dude what other choice do you have??
Momo Yaoyorozu:
Sweet angel 🥺🥺 she’s an oboe player
Definitely bought her own instrument
Sight reading MASTER. she instantly gets the key bro, it’s so rare that she forgets an incidental
Definitely leads sectionals all the time. And she does it WELL.
When people (*COUGH* BASSES*cough*) slowdown, she’ll sway to the beat in hopes that they’ll follow her
Kyoka Jirou:
Electric bass or contrabass, give her either and she’s good to go dude.
Also has perfect pitch and knows her music theory WAY more than a high school student should know. She’s a genius.
Her warm ups? Jam sessions with Hanta and Todoroki. She just shouts a key and they go. It’s usually jazz, she plays a pretty constant pattern, Todoroki tries to improvise but hanta takes over pretty quick-
Definitely in jazz band as well. Also in a school competition band (like singer and stuff), also a one-woman-band. She’s in so many bands dude.
Shouto Todoroki:
Also has a background in flute bc his parents wanted him to have ~versatility~
Knows all the theory in his head, like he knows what’s going on, he just doesn’t know how to explain it
*false note* “sorry my instrument isn’t warmed up, it’s probably my reed”
Has plastic reeds. And reeds ESPECIALLY for jazz.
Oh yeah he’s in jazz band! Loves that he’s like, the only tenor saxophone so he gets all the solos
Rikidou Satou:
Buddy actually brings the tuba home to practice, he drags that thing AROUND.
Always. Slows. Down. But no one knows it’s his fault most of the time, they blame Sero-
Firmly believes in the “basses are the foundation of the orchestra” mindset, he’s so proud to be a bass
Kouji Kouda:
Soprano Saxophone, but can also handle clarinet if the need comes (he just loves the sound of soprano sax you guys)
DEFINITELY in jazz band, but as a Tenor Sax 2 bc he knows if he went as a soprano sax he probably would’ve gotten solos
Is it Momo’s oboe?? Is it Kouda’s soprano sax?? No one knows the different except those two and Jirou
Plays Shostakovich’s jazz suite no. 2 as a warm up
DEFINITELY A SWAYER. He just gets into the mood of the music and SWAYS.
Tooru Hagakure:
Flautist!! She chose it as an 11 y/o bc it was a girly instrument but she really likes it lol
A mediocre player, she spends most of warm up with Mina tho, she thinks that she’ll get to warm up when she’s playing bc I mean— no one hears the flutes
Wanted to main the picolo for the sole purpose that it’s an Ear Destroyer. Aizawa heard the mischief in her voice and said no.
Sight reading?? What’s that?? She has no idea what’s going on, she just pretends to play and when she’s comfortable with the melody, she’ll just step in. NEVER notices key changes and signatures.
Yuuga Aoyama:
LASKHDSJ FLAUTIST!! Also clarinetist. He loves being able to stay where he is during practice even though he changes instruments it’s sort of funny
His cheeks get SO SORE when he plays clarinet though and he WILL complain.
“My flute is so heavy!” Kind of guy.
Definitely has his own instruments and takes GREAT care of them.
Wetting his reed with his saliva?? No, he plops it in a glass of water instead (the reeds are definitely his own, and expensive)
Tsuyu Asui:
Trombone gang bro.
Positions are burnt into her brain dude she’ll never go out of tune.
SO SMOOTH. SOOOO SMOOO- dude she plays so well?? It’s never spitty, but during jazz (yes she’s in jazz), if it’s a moody piece she KNOWS how to make it juuussssttt airy enough to be beautiful
Not that good with fast songs, but she makes up for her amazing ass vibrato and her range. GOD-LIKE RANGE.
Mashirao Ojirou:
Omg he plays like a king. And he’s so proud of being the ONLY one playing French horn, but there is PRESSURE, because a French horn is rlly tricky to tune dude. Have you SEEN it??
Always keeps his mouthpiece with him, as if he’s afraid someone will play his instrument?? Like no dude it’s good in it’s case but you do you I guess
He doesn’t stand out that much, but in the majestic pieces where he has a 5 measure solo?? He gives it his all and he pulls it OFF. Those moments are always the highlight of the piece
Mezou Shouji:
Bass clarinet!!
Once he managed to growl through bass clarinet and literally ALL the saxophone players were jealous AS FUCK
Buddy goes to a low E♭ like it’s nothing?? And then he goes up to like a high high C and you’re sitting there like THE FUCKING RANGE-
His warmups are like, quick scales and arpeggios. Bro he’s so steady when he plays and he could play for HOURS. Sore cheeks?? Don’t know her.
He so proud of being a bass clarinetist, but when he saw an octobass clarinet?? Aizawa better order one of those for him RIGHT. NOW.
Fumikage Tokoyami:
Baritone saxophone. Also lowkey really wants to learn bassoon because it’s such an old instrument
SKSKS he and Shouji sit next to each other, Tokoyami loves to read off of Shouji’s partition and create the WORST fourths you’ll ever hear. Even Midoriya told them to shut the fuck up once
In jazz band too!! Still plays bari sax
Such,, a good,, sound. So,, meaty,, and full,, and HOT. Bari sax is HOT!!
Plays moanin’s intro as a warm up. Search up the song. It’s bomb.
He loves to figure out new sounds with his bari sax. The Too Many Zooz type of sounds
Hitoshi Shinsou:
PERCUSSIONIST. Especially loves the bells, timpani, vibraphone and marimba.
He’s in the back judging EVERYONE. It’s so great for him, he gets to stand there and cringe and no one will know
Totally able to play 4 mallets like the king he is
Surprisingly enough, he’s rlly good in music theory. Like he could probably compose or transpose something no problem
Aizawa’s favourite, of course. Will ask him to sit in front while they play and circle the parts where he thinks something sounds off
Now that we’ve talked about the NORMAL band kids, I present to you,,, the gremlin band kids
Mina Ashido:
Percussionist as well!! She loves snares but you’ll see her pick up castagnettes even if y’all are playing something like Gymnopédie no. 3 she’s a bit confused but she got the spirit.
CANNOT READ SHEET MUSIC. Like notes?? No. She can do beats, just not notes. Let Shinsou figure out the ancient languages dude
Her and Hagakure don’t warm up, they just gossip together.
Did this to Bakugou more than once
Denki Kaminari:
Buddy AIMS to have his spit land on someone sitting in front of him (rip Todoroki and Uraraka)
Thinks he’s cool because he plays trumpet, but he always loses count. God forbid Iida cant show up to practice because Kaminari will die
“Where are we? What are we doing? Which piece are we doing? Where are we starting?” Oh my god he’s so lost can SOMEONE please help him
Always gets in trouble during band camps dude. He and Sero are the Bad Brass duo
Eijirou Kirishima:
EUPHONIUM BABEY!! He thinks it’s so cool and he’ll get so insulted if someone calls it a “mini tuba”
So!! Protective of his euphonium. His name is Johnny, by the way. He named his instrument.
When they finish practicing a piece, he’s the first to give feedback. Usually it’s good, like praises for classmates he heard and thought were really good!!
He’s so sweet. Willing to help others during practice and sectionals too!! It’s so sad that he’s literally on the other side of the room bc KAMINARI NEEDS HIS HELP-
Katsuki Bakugou:
Hehehe he’s a flautist. I’ve stood by this headcanon for like two years.
And he wants to be THE BEST. You never knew growling could be done through a flute until you met Bakugou.
CANNOT STAND slow pieces. He wants to go all out all the time, he always speeds up when the tempo’s slow.
Also in jazz band with what? Flute. Yeah, this is George Benson Time.
Will hit you with his flute if you ever think badly of him for playing flute. He’ll defend flute ‘till he dies.
Hanta Sero:
Will be so happy if he’s in charge of bass trombone?? Like yay??
Always wants to hit Bakugou’s head while playing.
Bro his playing style?? You know the like, lazy-ish trombone playing? But it’s just so full and smooth and heavy anyways? That type of shit.
In jazz band, he’s actually a natural at jazz, doesn’t practice that much so he’s like not even in a good position, buddy just slouches and sight reads.
I love Hanta sm guys I could talk abt trombonist!Hanta forever
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twstwonderlandstuff · 3 years
When a cub visits! (Cheka and OC! ft. Leona and Grim)
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Cheka and Himawari Nikko! ft. Leona and Grim
Summary: It's a little difficult to draw when there's an enthusiastic lion cub by Himawari's side. Luckily, he's got plenty of tales to entertain them.
A/N: THIS IS NOT A SHIP BETWEEN LEONA AND MY OC, you hear me! Leona is 20, a certified adult. My OC is 16, a certified TEENAGER. This is about a teen who happens to take care of an adult's nephew, and then they have little interactions, okay? Ok.
Warning(s): I'm using they/them for the sake of lore (cuz their actual gender isn't revealed yet HEHEHE) so... yeah.
Notes will be written after the fic and will be placed under-cut because of length.
Leona sighed, frowning. Why, of all days, does he have to be here?
“Uncle Leona!” God, what an annoyance.
“What?” He spat at his nephew, who was holding his hand and walking cheerfully next to him down the hallways. Many steered clear of the lion, and for good reason too.
“Can we play Magic Shift? Please?” Cheka begged, looking up at him.
“Go by yourself.”
“But Papa said I gotta be with you all the time!”
“Tch-” Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted the herbivore who ruined his plans… a sneer crawled up his face.
“After you play with the herbivore over there.” Leona gestured lazily towards the orange-color mop. “Then I’ll play Magic Shift with you.”
“For real?!” Cheka lit up, squeezing Leona’s hand. “We gotta make a pinky promise first, uncle!”
“Fine.” After the deed was done, Cheka ran off towards the boy and Leona quickly made his escape to the botanical garden to sleep.
“Hey hey!” Himawari turned around and so did Grim who laid in their lap. They were perched on one of the benches in NRC, looking at the sunset as one does.
“Hey, it's Leona’s kid!” Grim noticed, tilting its head. “Why’s he coming to us?”
Cheka quickly fell into Himawari’s arms, which scared Grim from leaving their lap. Hima gave the lion cub a quick squeeze before making him settle down next to them. They took up their notebook, quickly scribbling: ‘Hello!’
“What’s the big deal, oi!” Grim grumbled. “That was my seat!”
“Uncle Leona said I gotta play with you before I can play Magic Shift with him!” The child smiled with glee, sharing a toothy grin. “So, I’m gonna play with you!”
“He totally wants to get rid of you, huh…” Grim whispered, both it and Himawari sharing a look. Himawari smiled, carding a hand through Cheka’s hair, writing: ‘How long are we going to play?’
Cheka shrugged. “Dunno, I guess until Uncle calls- oh!” Cheka quickly reached for the notebook. “Can I draw, uh… hmmm…”
“The name’s Himawari, and I’m the Great Grim! Remember us!” Grim cackled, smirking.
“Oh-oh! The one who fainted during the Magical Shift! That was funny!” Cheka pointed out, laughing. Himawari let out a sigh, glaring at Grim.
“It’s not my fault that henchman's really weak!” Grim shot back, sticking its tongue out. Himawari shook their head at the cat, nodding at Cheka’s request.
“Yay!” The lion cub got busy, but eventually…
“Aww… it didn’t turn out right…” Cheka gloomed, staring at the picture. “Uncle Leona… doesn’t look like that!”
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“It looks kinda bad-” A sharp glare came from Himawari. “Ah, uh, it looks pretty good, kid!”
“No, it doesn’t… you’re lying!” Cheka grumbled, starting to sob. “Uncle looks cooler than this…”
An idea sparked in Himawari’s head as they gently took the notebook away from Cheka, writing: ‘I can draw him for you if you'd like.’
“...Okay!” Cheka gave the magicless student a thumbs up, pressing against their side, enthusiastically waiting. Grim followed suit, pressing against their other side. With a small smile, the Ramshackle Prefect began to sketch.
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“Uncle’s so cool…” Cheka murmured, laying his head on Himawari’s shoulder. “I wanna be like my uncle one day.”
“But he’s kinda lazy, you know. He slacks off and is kinda a douche.” Grim grumbled. Cheka shook his head.
“No, he’s not! My uncle works hard, it’s just… no one knows that he does.” The cub trailed off quietly. “When he’s at home, sometimes I see him reading books and solving hard stuff, but he doesn’t know that I know.”
“...I like my uncle. He’s the best.” The lion cub smiled, looking towards the orange sky. “Someday, I’m gonna beat my uncle in Magic Shift, you'll see!”
‘Good luck.’ Himawari wrote on the notebook, adding: ‘It’s gonna be hard. Your uncle is strong.’
“Yeah, I know, but I will! Oh, you know, I’ve been working on my roar. Wanna listen to it?” Before he could get an answer, Cheka roared, making Himawari pull away.
“Fgna-!” Grim was quick to cover its ears.
“Tada~ Uncle’s gonna love it- pfft!!!” Cheka’s eyes gleamed in excitement as the cub took a look at the drawing, already giggling. “His face!” Himawari flinched at the sudden movement.
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“Has he ever smiled like that…?” Grim asked, peering at the drawing. Himawari shook their head.
‘Probably not.’ They giggled. ‘I’m not good with faces.’
“Can I show this to Uncle?!” An immediate shake of the head came for the artist. “Why not? He’ll like it!”
“More like he’ll get mad at us.” Grim corrected. “Especially with that goofy smile…”
“Hah, what’s this~?” A teasing voice came from above. Himawari paled as Cheka looked up.
“UNCLE!” Leona flinched at the volume.
“Don’t be so loud, brat.” Leona easily pried the notebook out of Himawari’s hands, to their horror.
“Hah.. what’s with my face?” The lion questioned, looking at the page. “Oi, herbivore, I don’t look like that.”
“I asked Mister Himawari to make it! It’s nice, right, Uncle?” Cheka added, standing up to follow Leona. The second-born hummed absentmindedly in reply.
“Since you drew it for me, I think I’m going to take it.” Leona chuckled, ripping the page out of the book before handing it back to Himawari. “Come on, brat, let’s take you to Magic Shift.” “YAY!” Cheka cheered, hugging Leona’s leg. “See you, Hima-chan, Grim-chan!”
“Don’t call us that!” Grim grumbled as Himawari meekly waved goodbye.
After they left, the two Ramshackle live-in’s gave a collective sigh. “He scared me!” Grim grumbled, Himawari enthusiastically nodding.
‘I thought he was going to rip my notebook.’ They wrote, smiling in relief.
“Maybe he really did like it?” Grim questioned.
They both shrugged. Himawari closed the notebook and set it aside, inviting Grim to sit on their lap as they once again bathed in the glow of the sunlight.
“I’m confused why the kid likes Leona, but eh,” Grim shrugged. “ ‘s not really our business… ah, the sun’s so warm.”
Himawari nodded. It really is.
“Whatcha say, uncle?”
So, there's this OC Question Meme by @marchenvillain here and it's 100 questions, so! Instead of asking people so I can answer, I'm going to do it myself!
Question 1: What’s a unique skill they have? Is there any reason why they can do it?
Answer: They have the unique skill of taking care of children. Himawari adores babies, but they don't seem to like their face very much, and kids think it looks funny, so they stick to caring for children. They got this skill from volunteering at a daycare back home.
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^ (as evident by the picture, Himawari and babies don't get along well)
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ralfstrashcan · 5 years
3x16 Reaction / Commentary
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Alec “Proud Puppy” Lightwood
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THAT FACE HAHA. Also crêpes man I'm jealous.
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Rude man, don't rip him away from his hard earned waffles.
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This is so hilarious to me, okay, this prompting hand flick Alec does (which you can't see here because I can't gif, only screenshot ahahaha) man I love it. Sadly I didn't find a gif of this yet, so I can't put one :( I can't even put into words why it's so hilarious to me. And Magnus's sceptical gaze hahaha.
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I mean we all knew this was fake, not least because it implies Magnus is wearing the same outfit two days in a row and obviously this would NEVER happen, but also because in no universe does Alec have smooth dance moves. It's a law of nature.
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lol is this an innuendo or something because I don't get it, pls help
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Tiny waist touch is spotted and highly appreciated.
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That scene transition was brilliant and there is nothing else to say about it. I lost count of how many times I've rewatched it because it's awesome. The way Alec's voice sounds slighty off, the way Magnus gets heavier in his arms, the way everything spins out of focus, and Alec's last “Stay with me” sounds almost hard with urgency.
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When I first saw this I was legit yelling at the screen why the hell Alec is just shaking him instead of, idk, doing CPR but I did him a grave injustice there because he actually does and I really appreciate that. (Though, if he learned first aid I wonder all the more about 3x12 (or was it 3x13, I lost count lol) where he just lets Sentry Guy die without even trying to save him.)
That being said, I'm really happy we got to see the immediate aftershocks of it because I was half afraid this episode would just start with Magnus in the infirmary bed. Still, I have a question. Who called Catarina? Izzy? Because why is she then so shocked when she learns Magnus is not breathing? When she presumably first entered the room to receive the instruction to call Catarina, did she not... wonder why Alec was cpr-ing him? Or did Magnus not immediately stop breathing after collapsing but just, faded slowly while Alec had already told Izzy to call Catarina? I kinda wanna know the mechanics here.
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I mean, no surprise there if you keep killing them?? Ahahaha.
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My fangirl brain: What, General Amaya from the Dragon Prince is gonna appear? Sign me the hell up!!!! My rest-brain catching up: No this is not a crossover and no, r is not y and just, no. My fangirl brain: :<
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........ignoring the fact that summoning her is super stupid, there's also the tiny detail that they don't have leverage why would she help them are they just gonna say “pretty please”?? I can't believe them.
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lol Bohemian if you see this, this panel is only for you to haunt your dreams XD hehehe sorry sorry but I just couldn't resist XD
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Wtf I can't believe those words just came out of his mouth. Jace, you're gonna start with a pep talk? You were possessed and forced to do things against your will, you should know better than this. Honestly.
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The way his voice goes up, just kill me now.
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I absolutely loved this scene, in terms of acting it was perfect and it was painfully in character for Alec to blame himself for everything that's not going alright with someone he loves. The problem I have however (because come on, there's always a problem with me) is that they genuinely want to tell me that Alec didn't realize Magnus was faking it? Magnus loses his magic and he “doesn't think twice”? I mean, that's either really really insensitive or really really stupid. And Alec might be insensitive sometimes, but not like that and he surely isn't that stupid. So, uh, I don't really like that bit. Again, if he was secretly happy that Magnus's immortality is gone that's one more thing to feel intensely shitty about, I get that, but being secretly glad how things turned out and not realizing the other person is suffering from how things turned out are two entirely different things. And just, tf Alec. He can't possibly be that dense, can he, that he genuinely thought Magnus was okay with this. Even if he thought this was something Magnus could get used to in the long run, he didn't expect him to need some kind of settling-in period? Really??
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HELL YEAH I STAN CAT SO HARD IN THIS SCENE. And I'm so glad she's the voice of reason in this.... after deigning to appear at long effing last ahahaha sorry not sorry for that dig XD Look it's not her fault, it's the screen writers'.
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I got a soft spot for Simon calling her Fray. Also, high-key loving how they're all sitting there waiting for news and finally acknowledging that something's up with Magnus.
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LOL CLARY TELL US HOW YOU REALLY FEEL. Kidding. It was the Evil Rune at work again, even though she's nowhere near fire. Maybe it was the hypnotic neon lights? In any case, this is becoming a real problem lol. (No, tbh I found that outbreak totally hilarious XD)
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.............................*sigh* I mean, your fierce determination doesn't change the fact that this plan is doomed to fail and you still don't have any leverage over Lilith, but sure. Go off.
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YEAH BECAUSE AS SHE PROVED SHE HAS COMMON SENSE. Though I really hope she also told Alec about this dumb-ass request by his dumb-ass parabatai so he can intervene. But, tbh I don't really expect that to happen. *sigh*
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Kill herself and then revive herself, hoping a short moment of death is enough to severe the connection? Or maybe, uh, try to use her rune power to cancel her Evil Rune instead of summoning Lilith??? Just for starters.
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“See, I infused it with a strong dose of Plot Convenience, so that shouldn't be an issue.”
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“Why? Why do you hate him so much?” “It's simple. All my life I've had to sit by and watch...”
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Thanks for 100% confirming my headcanon, I do love that :)
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I really like the detail that he's so out of breath from the magic, it shows that it was probably more harmful that just a shove back? Oh the questions I want to ask.....
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Bitch you're 484 don't round down so much hahaha
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Is Lorenzo actually gonna be swayed by this????????????????????? uh
Edit: Ahahaha we later learn he actually is and obviously I had to write a ficlet about it, so uuuuh whatever I'll put it at the end with all my other shameless self promo I'll include in this thing XD
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OH YEAH I remember the “Different outfits for different occasions” comment from 2x19 I wonder what she'll wear? The same, or even older??? Btw why does she share a smile with Meliorn as if this is a private joke? Because, like, it isn't.
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I mean that's touching and all, but that doesn't change the fact that Lilith loves you and seeing you dead would absolutely tear her apart, thus making this a fitting revenge. Wtf Jonathan this is no sound counterargument.
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Hm. Tbh I liked her youngest self best? But she's still cast very well. And I recognize that her talking face to face with Jonathan would have been a little ridic if she only reached his navel XD
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Ugh, Bohemian, can you see me rolling my eyes?
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lol at least this was funny
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OMG Luke could you be any more dramatic, are you actually kidding me. I'm gonna be sick soon if you don't cut the bs.
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Wow the first sign of Sizzy that didn't suck, yay! XD this was actually pretty sweet.
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Oh you mean that time that Raphael was feeding on her and they were indulging in mutual addiction? Because as soon as Izzy was clean she steered clear of Raphael.
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..............................................what happened to “scumbag ex”? Why am I even asking?
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?? Yeah? What happened to “While Saia lasted it was the best thing ever?” Then again that was what, three episodes ago? Can't hold him accountable for something that happened so long ago, right.
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Hahaha okay that was cute.
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1) LOL how hilarious would it be if they summon Lilith and just get her corpse plus Jonathan holding the sword still sticking out of her chest. 2) Jonathan is a true sadist, making her wear those heels. 3) Who's that wheelchair for? I mean, Lilith designed this apartment for her disciples, right?
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.................which she doesn't need, since she's no warlock and her powers come from her angel blood, not ley lines. So, points for trying, show, but please don't mix up your races. Makes you look so unprofessional. (Except if this is a hint that shadowhunters also run on ley line energy, have ley line magic flowing through them etc. but honestly I'm not even entertaining the thought because then I'd have a conniption.)
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Wtf it's literally standing twenty seconds of intense mindnumbing pain, why the hell would you need a coach for that? Just hold it together and endure it. Also, if they attempt it, 20 bucks say he'll die for some dramatic Sizzy “Oh shit you could really have died, too” moment.
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Awww you can really see the love in that touch. <--- sarcasm.
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Awww you can really see the love in that touch. <--- no sarcasm.
Honestly, Magnus's touch is natural and familiar (btw love the uncoordinated grabbing) while Alec turns Magnus's chin as if he's trying to make as little physical contact as humanly possible. Is a hand on his cheek really too much to ask for? *sigh*
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lol you'd think he'd start with that immediately after Magnus wakes up instead of taking risks (it's what I would have done) but whatever.
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He's.... actually there to help? For free? Or is Alec gonna have to hand over the Institute's keys to him when the job is done? Lol. (Also that suit jacket could be straight out of Magnus's closet.)
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Oh my God Alec just say he could die. Why sugarcoat it? Say it how it is, and Magnus might listen to you.
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.........yeah. This is so relatable and I love how he delivers this line. The desperation is clear, but he's also determined about it. Also, quick question, why didn't Alec get Catarina to be there when Magnus wakes up instead of Lorenzo? I'm not saying it would have changed the outcome but it might just have made Magnus feel less shitty about being exposed to his nemesis in this weak state. Then again I get it, Alec is running on panic and instinct, so consideration is the last thing on his mind.
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This scene was amazing. Or, lol, this part of the scene. Magnus's performance is stellar and FYI the next thing he says, the “Look at me! Can you honestly say you like this?” was improvised and that's just ugh so good. Coincidentally this is also where my issues with this scene begin. They're not about how the characters act, I found that part very very fitting; it's meta.
The issue Magnus is having isn't about some fear that Alec won't love him anymore now that he doesn't have his magic anymore. Magnus is projecting. His issue lies within himself. He feels differently about himself, he can't say he likes this, and it's only in conclusion that he assumes it must be the same for Alec. But Alec isn't the root of this issue. But of course it's easier to pretend it's about Alec than to openly admit his severe self-image issues, so that's what Magnus does. Perfectly ic to me. The problem I have here is that if we take what Magnus says at face value it appears that Magnus only wants his magic back so Alec will keep loving him (sidenote: even more if you cross out Harry's addition and just focus on the “You fell in love with the High Warlock of Brooklyn. Can you honestly say you don't feel differently about me?”) and the solution to that is clear: Alec drops some wedding vows, problem solved.
But that's not the problem here. Magnus would literally rather be dead than without his magic and no amount of Alec waxing poetry about him is going to change that. And honestly, I'm so grateful for Harry's addition because that made it abundantly clear to me that Magnus is projecting. His bewildered “Can you honestly say you like this?” is an admittance of “I see what I am now and I can't bear it, so how could you?” If that scene had been about Alec, that would have been so uncalled for.
And also loooool but uuuuuuhhh I found Alec's speech less than impressive? I'm sorry, I know he tried but it just didn't work for me? I felt like it really wasn't up to his usual par. Lol I honestly rolled my eyes when he started about the spark that lights up the room XD It felt impersonal, kinda. It's hard to describe. Of course I can cut him some slack on that, because he was emotionally severely overchallenged in that moment and had to make it up on the fly, but uh. Yeah.
Anyway what I really didn't like was his closing line because it kinda sounded as if he was making that decision for Magnus and that's not his place. It might be dangerous and stupid and “not worth the risk” but Magnus isn't in a place where he should have his authority revoked, so. Kept from gambling with his life, yes. With sound arguments and empathy, yes. With dictation, no. So that didn't go over too well with me. Anyway I channeled that into a ficlet already, too, which I'm also advertising at the end.
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......has she just been sitting there for six episodes? Btw I wonder, if Jonathan is happily manipulating Lilith by faking positive emotions towards her I don't get why he totally fell for it every time Clary did the exact same thing to him.
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2) Why hello there Plot Point XD srsly why tf would Asmodeus use Magnus's magic instead of his own if, need I remind you, his own demonic magic is stronger than Magnus's, Magnus's wasn't even enough to destroy her demonic possession on Jace.... so why would Magnus's magic be enough to bind Lilith, the mother of that possession, to a room? Uh, lemme guess... Plot Convenience? So when, theory time!, Lilith is slayed he has no need for it anymore and can return it to Magnus?
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“...to kill you while you were weakened.”
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........I gotta be honest, I was really confused at his submissive behavior but then I realized... they have a 10 year history of these mechanisms, and slipping back into the pattern of things must be so easy. Also, I mean, that paints a really wonderful and peaceful image of his formative years, right?
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Jimon Shipper Moment <3 ;) Look I don't even ship it, but their bickering is high-key amusing to me.
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Instead of just standing between them from the get go? Why?
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?????? I guess the incest runs in the family, pun not intended?????? Btw Jonathan's weird incest-y obsession makes so much sense now. If this is literally the only way he ever learned how “familial love” (Lilith Greater Demon Edition) is expressed I have no questions anymore. Seriously, he's so screwed over by everyone and it's just unfair. (On that note, glad we never had to see him make out with Valentine. Some things are just too terrible to envision. Damn, why did I say that, I should just shut up for all of our sakes.) Anyway, back to our favorite tortured soul here, I'm honestly not even sure if I can hold the incest thing against him any longer. His entire life consisted of being raised by Valentine, who kept him in a hut in the woods where he never got to see anyone but him, and then Edom where there was Lilith and demons. It makes a horrifying amount of sense that normal human norms mean nothing to him. He's never lived them, he's never witnessed them and maybe he doesn't even know them. So yeah. I guess I'll just add the incest thing on the long long list of things that are due to the stellar parenting he enjoyed, and not entirely his fault.
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Damn so close to see my prognosis come true. Then again, I guess this was just the perfect timing because who knows if Lilith won't even help them now kill Jonathan because betrayal bla bla.
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1) No need to twist the knife, then again this is Lorenzo so what am I even expecting.
3) If it's like a transplanted organ being rejected by the body, just, idk, look for a different warlock whose magic fits Magnus better? There must be tests for that kind of thing? And even if there isn't, if you go slow and don't immediately portal all over the world plus end an encanto-coma you should be able to tell the magic doesn't fit pretty quickly without going into cardiac arrest. Magnus only got some nosebleed at first, remember, and it got worse only because he didn't slow down. I'm just saying, there would be Ways.
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Wow I never realized before that he's actually got an undercut. Makes his hairstyle look even stupider.
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Wow I believe this even less now than I did in 3x12.
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“Let's hug in these trying times, but please make sure your face doesn't touch mine, otherwise people might draw the absurd and outrageous conclusion that we're in a relationship or something.”
Honestly. Their portrayal of casual intimacy is abysmal and I hate it.
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1) The infirmary is very weird and open space for a place that should be easily closable if you need to contain, idk, sick people and their viruses and keep it sanitary. 2) I've been wondering since the start of the episode, did Lorenzo's pony tail get shorter? Wasn't it longer before? 3) At least Malec managed to make their feet intersect minimally, so yay for small mercies.
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“One dose of Plot Convenience, coming right up.”
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They're just.... gonna torture her? Really? I don't even have words for this. Oh no, I do:
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Seriously. It's as if morality isn't a thing, and torturing a sentient being isn't always and under all circumstances a Wrong and Bad thing to do. Because clearly if the person receiving torture is just Evil Enough then it's okay. Thanks for standing by and doing nothing Simon, this is exactly the reason I hate your inconsistent streak on this matter. I don't even expect better from the born shadowhunters, and Clary is way to un-reflected to even twitch but. Ugh. Why am I even wasting my breath (my typing capacity?) on this. It's pointless.
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Wow this is pointless, too. I mean, why is Izzy not interfering? She literally just fell down. She shouldn't be out of comission by this. Ugh.
Also ugh to Izzy slinging her whip around his hand instead of, idk, his whole upper body and his arms.
Also ugh to Simon waiting to attack Jonathan until the last second as a heroic saving move to save Izzy which, ugh.
But this here
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I'm honestly lol'ing so hard right now. Hahahaha this is just hilarious to me. Then again, who knows, maybe now they'll team up with Jonathan to kill Lilith and I'll get my hopes up again for a redemption arc XD
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......................HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Btw I bet you she copied that move from Doctor Strange.
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lol another thing I didn't see coming.
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1) Hello Hannibal lol 2) Who went in there and put restraints on him? 3) Who's gonna pay that Seelie actress now??
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This scene was actually nice? I know, I'm surprised myself.
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How convenient. I mean, good thing he didn't say “Glorious” otherwise Izzy might have thought he was asking for that one ESC song to be played at his funeral.
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Please, Maryse, don't flatter yourself, all you had to do was scratch Elliot's corpse from the floor boards, the rest was already completely furnished.
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Look, while part of me is undeniably thrilled at the prospect – because while I was totally rooting for a Malec Wedding I was pretty sure it was an unachievable dream, just like hoping for Sheith – this is exactly what I mean with taking things at face value. Alec takes Magnus at his words (that he has doubts Alec will still love him now that he lost his powers) and so he thinks that a grand gesture of commitment will fix it.
But it won't, because that's not the problem. Or at least I hope it's not the problem, I mean if I lost my arm my main worry would be “Holy shit how am I gonna cope without my trusty appendage” not “What are the neighbors gonna think? Will I still be able to rock my favorite outfit without that limb?”
Anyway. I don't think this'll go over too well at this point in time. And honestly, Alec just realized at the beginning of this episode that he was fooled by Magnus's coping facade and tricked into thinking Magnus would be fine without his magic. And now Magnus has lost is magic again and Alec just... makes the same mistake again, blindly believing the words coming out of Magnus's mouth instead of taking a look for himself and seeing how Magnus is faring? Did he learn nothing from this? Alec. Why are you like this.
Anyway, conclusion time: This episode was way more reasonably paced than the last, the shit decision making was kept to a minimum (except for the part where they, y'know, summon Lilith back to earth) and Jace gets a diligence starlet for displaying common sense.
And now, self advertisement time! I wrote three ficlets: a) a continuation of the scene with Alec and Lorenzo b) a gap-bridging Malec scene set after the “I won't lose you” line and finally c) a what-I'd-like-to-see-happen-in-3x17-fic where Alec tells Izzy about his proposal plans.
I'd be thrilled if you checked one of them out. Until next time XD
(Gif Source)
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the-strikingzebra · 6 years
Ike x Sharena Support chain
This was commissioned by @solwyn!
Thank you so much for commissioning me!
C Support
Ike: HYAH!!!
Sharena: *Gasp* There he is! The Radiant Hero! Ehehehehe! I’m so glad that Sent was able to summon him! Now I can meet and talk with the best hero ever!
Ike: AETHER!!!
Sharena: Hey Radiant Hero! How’s it going?
Ike: Hmm? Oh, good afternoon Lady Sharena, and please call me Ike. I’m just doing some training.
Sharena: Hehehe ok Ike!
Ike: Is there something you need of me? Or shall I go back to training?
Sharena: Actually, yes there is something I want you to do!
Ike: What is it Milady?
Sharena: Can you say the line?
Ike: The… what?
Sharena: The line!
Ike: Sorry… I don’t understand what you’re saying.
Sharena: You know, the line that you say after winning every fight! The “I fight for my friends.” Line!
Ike: Ah… and you want me to say it, correct?
Sharena: Yep! Can you do it?
Ike: Sure, I guess… “I fight for my friends?”
Sharena: EHEHEHE!!! HE SAID IT!!!
Ike: Huh, there she goes. I wonder what that was all about.
Ike and Sharena reached C -Support.
Ike: Lady Sharena? May I speak to you for a moment?
Sharena: Oh! Radiant Hero! Of course, you can!
Ike: Please… call me Ike.
Sharena: Only if you call me Sharena!
Ike: Very well La- er I mean Sharena.
Sharena: So, what did you want to talk about?
Ike: I just want to know what happened during our last interaction. Why did you run off screaming like a young child seeing a puppy?
Sharena: Oh! Hehehe well… it’s because you’re famous!
Ike: I’m… famous?
Sharena: Yep! Everyone tells about the legends of the Radiant Hero! I’m like your biggest fan!
Ike: Biggest fan? I never realized that a common mercenary could have fans.
Sharena: Common mercenary? You’re definitely not a common mercenary! You’re a hero!
Ike: I’m not much of a hero in my opinion. I’m just doing what’s right.
Sharena: *sigh* So humble~
Ike: Eh?
Sharena: Sorry about that, I’ve always dreamed of meeting you! And now, that dream has come true!
Ike: Just meeting me is something you dreamed of?
Sharena: Yep! So is there anything you want me to do? Maybe I can get you a snack, or polish Ragnel, or maybe I can-
Ike: I’m afraid I’ll have to stop you right there Sharena. I should be the one doing requests for you. You are royalty after all, and I’m just a simple solider.
Sharena: Nonsense Ike! I insist on doing something for you! Anything you wish, I shall do it!
Ike: Anything?
Sharena: Anything!
Ike: Well… I want you to treat me like a regular soldier, I’m not used to being treated as a legend, it’s out of my comfort zone if I’m being honest.
Sharena: Very well Ike! Anything else?
Ike: But I just… well I suppose having a quick sparring match with you wouldn’t hurt. It could give us a chance to get to know each other better as well as learn one another’s fighting style.
Sharena: Oh! That sounds excellent! I’d love to spar with you! Maybe afterwards we can get some lunch!
Ike: That sounds wonderful.
Sharena: Now when we spar, don’t go easy on me. I want you to go all out!
Ike: And I expect you to do the same.
Ike and Sharena reached B support.
Ike: Lady Sharena? May I talk to you for a moment?
Sharena: Hmm? Yeah, what’s up? And I thought I told you to call me just Sharena.
Ike: Ah, my bad.
Sharena: It’s no problem! So what did you want to talk about?
Ike: Well, I’m a bit confused as to why you idolized me. I’m just a soldier as I’ve stated previously. But you, you’re royalty.
Sharena: Yeah? What’s your point?
Ike: I should be honored to meet and train with you, not the other way around. Us common folk should always be honored to meet those of royal blood.
Sharena: Ike… yes I know I’m a royal, but I hate everything that’s associated with being a royal.
Ike: How come?
Sharena: Well, I just hate all the attention that I get from day to day, I want to be able to take care of myself.
Ike: So you want to be by yourself and prefer no help at all?
Sharena: No, not like that. I’ll gladly take help from people who are willing to help like Alfonse or Sent for example. I just hate getting help from servants where it’s their job to help me.
Ike: I can understand where you’re coming from but judging from how everyone treats you and how you treat everyone, your servants are more than willing to help you. You treat everyone with the same amount of kindness expected from lifelong friends.
Sharena: Ah… well it just feels like I’m taking advantage of them.
Ike: Nonsense. Whenever I would do stuff for you, whether it be polishing your lance, training with you, or even something simple like giving you a flask of water after a rough training session, never once did I felt like you were taking advantage of me.
Sharena: Wait… you were polishing my lance?
Ike: Yes, I was but that’s not important to the conversation right now. My point is, I did all these things for you to show my gratitude for being my friend.
Sharena: Ike! You’re so kind! I knew in the stories that you were told as kind, but I had no idea you were this kind!
Ike: Well, I’ve been told that the real things is often much better than a story.
Sharena: Pfft! You should watch what you’re saying!
Ike: Hmm? What do you mean?
Sharena: I’ll explain it to you after we’re done training. Hehehe~
Ike: Oh, very well then. Show me how much you’ve improved!
Ike and Sharena reached A-Support.
Ike: Sharena, may I talk to you?
Sharena: Of course! You’ve been fairly chatty, lately haven’t you?
Ike: Yeah, well it helps when you’re easy to talk to.
Sharena: Hehe, I get that a lot! Anyways, what is it that you wanted to talk about?
Ike: Well I just want to commend you for how much you’ve improved during our training. Our last sparring session, you gave me a really good fight. From the first time we sparred, even though you had the weapon advantage, I was still able to come out on top. But lately, now I feel that we’re on even ground during battle, our skills improving simultaneously. Now I have to work for the victory, as do you. I thank you for that.
Sharena: Oh Ike, it’s no problem! Truth be told, I’ve always wanted to train with you ever since Sent first summoned you! And that’s not including the whole fact that you’re the Radiant Hero! You’re so strong, but so modest! It makes a girl’s heart flutter~
Ike: Heart flutter? What do you mean by that?
Sharena: Hehehe, well it means that you make a girl fall head over heels~
Ike: I still don’t follow…
Sharena: Ugh… metaphors always did fly over your head.
Ike: Ah, forgive me Sharena.
Sharena: It’s no problem, you’ll learn how to use them when we start spending more time together!
Ike: I look forward to learning more about them. Whatever makes you happy, makes me happy.
Sharena: Hehehe
Ike: Heh…
Sharena: …
Ike: …
Sharena: Ike… there’s something I want to tell you too.
Ike: Oh? Please proceed.
Sharena: I… umm… I’m just gonna say it, I’m in love with you.
Ike: O-oh?
Sharena: I was in love with you the first time I laid eyes on you. But I felt that during that time, the only reason I was in love with you was because you were the Radiant Hero of legend. It was nothing but a crush of a fangirl. But as soon as we started training together, I realized that the feelings I had for you were true. You’re a brave, strong, modest man. You’re so kind and caring, always considerate of others. How could I not fall in love with you?
Ike: Sharena… truth be told, the reason I wanted to talk to you today was to confess my feelings as well.
Sharena: W-what?!
Ike: It’s true. Many say that love tends to develop on the field of battle. At first, I just thought it was just a saying, nothing more. But after our recent sparring matches, I realized that this saying was true. Your dedication to being friends with all these heroes, the willingness to protect your people, and the drive you have that allows you to never give up. It’s all the qualities I admire in a person.
Sharena: Oh Ike…
Ike: Will you accept my confession Sharena?
Sharena: Only if you accept mine first!
Ike: Heheh, very well. I accept your confession of love.
Sharena: Yay! I accept yours too! I love you so much Ike!
Ike: I love you too Sharena, I’ll always be by your side.
Ike and Sharena reached S-Support.
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wanna-one-imagine · 7 years
Wanna One Hwang Minhyun Father+Husband AU
Put these two requests together for a couple anons, enjoy! (You + Hwang Minhyun)
Well before getting married, you two dated for a while obviously so we’ll start there
He wasn’t the most... experienced in love (lol.) and even though he did date some people before, he was pretty innocent with the whole thing
Basically a kid lol
But even though it was kind of shocking to you, when he honestly and directly confessed to you, you could see his intentions were good and pure
You liked how genuine he was, not just with loving you, but with literally everything else he does: a hardworking, respectable man
Even though he has the appearance of a literal god, he didn’t seem to realize it or take much advantage of it LOL
His eyes were only on you
He’d get shy a lot and just giggle, but as time passed he got more used to being in a relationship/skinship/etc.
His marriage proposal to you was an attempt to be romantic
You can imagine a lot of internet searching went on because it was cliche as fuCK LOL
It was in private, but there were roses and candles and stuff like that
You couldn’t help bursting into laughter at his gestures that were just so soft and cheesy but you loved it because you loved him, and he was happy that you were happy
You two had a quiet ceremony with just close friends; he was embarrassed the whole time but it was super cute
He STILL got shy even when innocently kissing you at the ceremony
Soft whispers in front of everyone:
“Hwang Minhyun, we’ve gone farther than this what’s your problem”
“STOP I’m nervous leave me alone”
Life before and after marrying him was pretty much the same, except for the fact that he’d do cheesy things like call you “wifey”
OKay so we all know Mr. Emperor here is a clean freak
He would drive you crazy with all his dusting and mopping and scrubbing and organizing blargh
Like it’s nice to be clean but he takes it to another level LOL
But being clean is better than being dirty ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
So you helped him out, leading to cute domestic times washing dishes together and doing laundry with each other
Life overall wasn’t that eventful for quite a while other than the occasional vacation, but then wow you found out you were pregnant congrats ! !  !!
You were wondering how to tell Minhyun, like if you should make an event out of it or something
You decided to put the pregnancy test in a little cute box, but while you were preparing the box with a note and baby booties, Minhyun walked into the room you were in and saw the test that was just sitting on the counter
You barely noticed him walking in lol; he picked up the test and walked behind you
“What are you doing? Are you packing something? What’s this thing?” he asked you, holding out the test in front of your face
... bruh
You were taken aback at the fact that he destroyed your plan, but you were even more shocked that he didn’t know what a pregnancy test looked like
“Minhyun. Seriously.”
“Seriously what?”
“Do you really not know what that is? Minhyun that’s a pregnancy test.”
“What? Why are you packing this?”
“Minhyun. I’m literally pregnant. Do I seriously have to spell it out for you, you totally ruined the moment dumbass”
“wAIT WHAT??!?//?!?! YOU’RE PREGNANT?!??! DOES THIS MEAN I’M GOING TO BE A DADDD WHAT NO WAYYY” Minhyun ignored your exasperation but his freakout just made you smile anyway
He immediately sat you down and started asking if you needed anything and put his ear on your stomach to see if he could hear things
“You’re so weird”
“Do you want pickles? I heard pregnant women like pickles,” Minhyun asked you, a completely genuine and concerned expression on his face
thiS BOY.... 
Basically your entire pregnancy process was filled with this nonsense (but it was sweet nonsense), and he really was helpful; his sweetness usually brightened your mood
He was always there for you; reliable af
When you first had your baby he was literally too scared to even touch it at first but once he held on to it for the first time he couldn’t let go
When you took your child home, he wouldn’t stop fucking staring at it LOL
Anyway in the process of raising the kid, Minhyun never failed to attempt to inflict his influence of cleanliness
He wanted the kid’s first word to be “clean” no joke
And when the child was old enough, he would always clean with them and teach them his ways: most effective techniques to dust and keep the living spaces spotless
“Remember. Dust is the enemy. Repeat after me: Dust. Is. The. Enemy.”
There was no stopping him, you just let him do his thing. There was no way Minhyun would let his offspring be any less neat than he was
welP you can expect chaos ensued when the “uncles” came over
Whenever Minhyun invited his friends over, some of them (cougH JAEHWAN) would make it a point to eat as messily as possible and influence your child LOL
Minhyun had mental breakdowns every time jfc
All the other moms you knew (and just other female friends) expressed how much they adored Minhyun: he was just so darn handsome
But little did they know how much of a weirdo he was lol
Overall though, Minhyun was an extremely caring dad yay
You two are always helping one another out, in general life and emotionally as well
Is the kind of partner and dad who never hangs up first when you’re on a call with them; the kind of dad who makes sure everyone else is settled and eating properly before he even touches his meal
Would always sing and play instruments with and for the child
Is a totall fluff for being a parent and treats your kid like royalty, giving them the highest praise when they clean up while eating or after playing with their toys
“I have done such a great job as a parent. I feel like I can die satisfied, (Y/N), you know what I mean?”
“No, but whatever humps your camel man”
He never watched chlidren’s programs on TV, instead watched cooking shows and musical performances. it was weird
Doesn’t read bedtime stories to the child, but instead deep poetry and song lyrics... lol.
Is a total pushover when it comes to things you or the child want
If you even jokingly say you want something completely ridiculous, he’d be like “really?” and you’d have to clarify that you were kidding
Because if you or your child ever even gave the hint of wanting something, he would always be paying attention; and you bet that will be a gift for the nearest holiday
He’s incredibly intelligent and practical (except with relationships), and his advice always helps you think clearly when making decisions, or when your child needs help on something
For example, when you two were deciding what car to buy, he’d have done all the research possible, so that when you two went to the dealership he bargained clearly and efficiently to get you the best deal
You honestly had no idea what he was talking about most of the time during that experience, but he just had printouts from the internet and flyers and there was no way he would pay more than he needed to for the car
that seems random but he’s just really smart for most things it’s incredible...
But then after all that he can’t manage to get romance-y with you without getting all mushy and embarrassed LOL it’s like he turns into different people, but you’re glad you can make him feel that way ;) heheh
Minhyun is self-described “conservative” and even though he’s confused or strange sometimes, he is just one of the most sincere, kindhearted people you’d ever met and it inspires you to be your best self :’)
A happy family full of love and smiles it’s adorable im crying
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thatonekawaiigirl13 · 6 years
Who Said Death Was Easy? [Death Note] Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Eighteen: Lunch
Light’s POV:
Light had Misa come back over the following day. He made sure that no one else would be home while she was there, that way the two of them wouldn’t have to deal with his little sister trying to interfere with things again. Light couldn’t have Sayu telling Keiko that he had another girl over two days in a row. He didn’t need Keiko thinking that he was going to cheat on her, that would only cause trouble with both the Kira investigation and his personal life.
However, he needed Misa to come over again today so that they could discuss how the two of them were going to “accidentally” meet each other in front of his girlfriend. That way, Keiko and the rest of the Task Force couldn’t be too suspicious of them.
It would be even better if Keiko and Misa could somehow become friends, but with Misa’s personality, it looked like that would take a miracle. However, Light was hoping he could figure things out. After all, while Misa was dumb, she also appeared to eagerly want to do Kira’s bidding, and Keiko was the kind of person who trusted people as long as they appeared to have good intentions. He figured that even if Misa messed things up the first time around, Keiko would give her a second chance.
“Ooh, Light-kun, having me over here again so soon...it appears that you just can’t get enough of me, can you?” Misa giggled as she stepped into his room. She sprawled out on his bed, staring at him intently as he took a seat in the chair beside his desk. He saw Rem hoovering close behind her.
Geez…look at her, she’s certainly making herself at home…I can just tell right now that she’s going to be a nuisance…and she’s nothing like my girlfriend, Keiko wouldn’t have hogged the bed like that...
“Please, don’t get any ideas about the two of us, Amane-san-” he started to say, pushing his thought about Keiko aside, but Misa interrupted Light before he could finish his sentence.
“Please, call me Misa-chan, heheh,” she gave him a flirtatious smile, “it’s much cuter than Amane-san, don’t you think? Amane-san sounds so serious, so boring. Misa-chan, however, is cute and it’s flirty...”
Ugh, is there any possible way she could stop being so annoying?  
Light fought the urge to roll his eyes. Calling her Misa-chan was honestly the last thing he wanted to do, but he needed her on his side, he needed her to cooperate with him and his demands. The way he looked at it, he had no other choice but to reluctantly comply with her request.
“Fine...Misa-chan...but keep in mind that we’re here to discuss business, so please don’t go getting any particularly weird ideas,” Light responded, giving her a look, “now...we need to come up with a way for you to run into my girlfriend and I while we are out in public together...it also needs to look natural, it can’t be too staged, otherwise it would look suspicious…”
“Alright, alright, I guess I can try to be serious for you…” Misa sighed, and she rested her head on her hand, “...although I don’t like talking about your girlfriend...so we’d better make this discussion quick...Light-kun, do you have any ideas in mind yet?”
“Yes, as a matter of fact I do,” he started, “hmm...wait, actually, before we start talking about that, there’s something else we should cover first. Now, I was thinking-”
He was cut off by Misa suddenly changing positions to sit upright on his bed. She waved her hands in the air above her head.
Dammit! If she keeps interrupting me we’ll never get anything done!
“W-wait a second, Light-kun! Before you start, I just thought of something else...since we established that we are going to be working together...well...can I please see your shinigami?” Misa asked, her eyes were round and full of curiosity, “you see, I really want to take a look at him. I’m really curious.”
Light sighed and tried to hide how irritated he was at the fact that Misa had just interrupted him yet again. He reminded himself that had to maintain his usual cool and composed personality, no matter what.
Unfortunately, even though she’s super annoying, the fact is...I still need her to trust me, so I guess I have no choice but to let her meet Ryuk.
“S-sure, I suppose so,” was Light’s response, “but first, could you please turn around?”
“Alright!” Misa flashed Light a grin before happily turning around on his bed to face his wall. She started to hum as she was waiting for Light.
Light stood up and took out his wallet. He opened it and reached within the inner foldings of the fabric, taking out a small slip of paper. Light then reached forward and gently touched the paper to Misa’s right hand.
“Okay...you can turn back around now,” Light announced.
“A-alright,” Misa replied. With that, she manuerved back around on his bed and slowly met Ryuk’s dark eyes.
The shinigami then chuckled and offered Misa a friendly smile, “hyuk, hyuk...hey there! So you can finally see me, hmm? Well, how’s it going? Are you enjoying the view?”
“Ooh!” Misa squealed, excitedly waving her hands at Ryuk, “wow, look at that! You’re a completely different type of shinigami than Rem, aren’t you? I already know your name! It’s Ryuk, am I right? It’s very nice to finally meet you!”
Ryuk awkwardly attempted to mimic what Misa was doing with her hands, “uh, yeah, I suppose I am! Anyway, same here. It’s nice to have someone else that can see me, hyuk.”
Light grimaced in annoyance at the interaction. Now that the introduction had been made, he didn’t want to waste any more precious time. He wasn’t sure how long he’d have the house entirely to himself.
“Alright,” he said, once again gaining Misa’s attention. “Misa-chan...are you finally happy now? Can we move on to the important matters at hand?”
“Oh, sorry! Of course we can move on now, Light-kun!” Misa giggled, “thanks for showing me your shinigami. I suppose this means that you fully trust me now, so yay! Anyway...what was your plan again?”
“Well I will explain that in a moment, but honestly that’s not all we need to cover this afternoon. You see, after we figure out how Keiko and I are going to meet you, I will need you to make another video to send to the Task Force...it’ll have to say something like ‘I have decided to stop searching for Kira..and I’d like to thank the police department for all of their helpful advice. However, I still plan to help Kira execute his mission and someday I hope that he will see me as a worthy ally. I will begin by punishing criminals that Kira has yet to judge…’ something to that extent,” Light told her.
He paused a moment, making sure that Misa was following along before continuing on, “also I was thinking about adding ‘I plan to share my powers with those that I feel are worthy, and I will encourage them to do the same...together we will make this world a better place’. That way we will throw off the police a little with their investigation. They suspect that two people have this killing power, so it wouldn’t be a stretch for them to think that there could be others. And if they believe they can easily multiple, it’ll create a panic....so can do you this?”
“There’s no need to ask,” Misa replied, a sly smile on her face, “whatever you tell me to do, I’ll do it. I’ll do anything that you ask of me, Light-kun.”
“Great. Now, there’s one more thing that I have to ask of you. It’s the most important thing I will ever ask of you, actually...if you get arrested by the police, or if you’re ever brought in as a suspect, you can never mention anything about us or the death note. As long as they don’t get a hold of that notebook, there’s no proof that you did anything. Can you promise to keep your mouth shut?”
Misa nodded vehemently, “I can. I promise you, I won’t say a word.”
“Good. I will hold you to that, you know,” he commented, a hard look on his face.
If it came down to it, he wouldn’t hesitate to kill her. However, he hoped that it wouldn’t have to come to that, seeing as while she was annoying, she wasn’t a criminal.
Light looked over at Misa once more, “now, onto my ideas about how Keiko-chan and I should meet you…”
While Light still thought that Misa was going to be somewhat of a nuisance, he was a little pleased that it now looked like he would be able to get somewhere with her. That is, assuming she wouldn’t get distracted again. He figured this would be a long afternoon.
L’s POV:
“So...were you actually planning on checking all of the footage we got in Aoyama on the 22nd by yourself, Ryuzaki-san?” Aizawa asked the detective, an incredulous but also somewhat impressed look on his face.
“Yes, that’s right,” L responded. He was intently fast forwarding through some of the daytime footage that they Task Force had collected, “I think that it’s very likely that Kira and the second Kira made contact with each other there on that day...so I want to thoroughly check all of these tapes myself.”
“Geez...how is that even possible? How is someone like him even human?” he heard Matsuda mumble in awe behind him.
Although he knew none of the Task Force could currently see his face, as he was facing away from them, L still gave a small, sly smirk, “what a very good question, Matsuda-san...hmmm, perhaps if you put all of that curious energy you have into staying focused and working on the investigation, we could get actually somewhere.”
“Ryuzaki-san,” the detective heard Light’s father grumble, “you really shouldn’t be so hard on Matsuda-san all the time. He is, after all, a dedicated member. He’s risking his life, just like everyone else standing here in this room.”
“Heh, well when you put it that way, I suppose you’re right...anyway, Yagami-san, that reminds me. There’s an important favor I want to ask of you…” L replied, turning around to face him, his dark eyes were wide.
The chief looked over at the detective, “uh, okay, Ryuzaki-san. What is it?”
L gave him a small smile, “please ask Mogi-san to start following Light around, and keep tabs on all of his activities...what I’m saying is...I want to monitor your son again.”
Mr. Yagami looked aghast at L’s request, “w-what are you even saying, Ryuzaki-san?! You want Light followed? Again?”
“Yes,” L responded simply, “I do.”
The chief let out a deep sigh, “I suppose no matter what you won’t stop suspecting my son. I can pretty much assure you that he’s innocent, but I’ll do as you ask...however, wasn’t that what my son’s girlfriend was doing anyway? Keeping tabs on Light?”
L looked deep in thought, “yes, yes, she was...and if I asked her again, instead of Mogi-san, I know that she would say yes to my request...but the truth of the matter is...at this point, it would appear that your son has her almost completely wrapped around his finger. No matter how you look at it, it’s clear that she’s fallen for him. She also doesn’t suspect Light as much, for obvious reasons. So that’d be a problem.”
I suspect she doesn’t even realize how much she’s actually fallen for him...but I can see it whenever she sneaks glances at him. It’s glaringly obvious, and to be quite honest, for whatever reason, it’s also a little irritating. Perhaps it’s because if Light really is Kira, then he’s using her...and if he is using her, then she’s too blind to see that. She’s naive, especially when it comes to guys she likes, from what I’ve observed...it’s a flaw that could be fatal for her, if she isn’t more careful in the future...
“But isn’t that what happens when two people are together like that?!” Matsuda interrupted. There was a passionate glint in his eyes, “it’s normal behavior! It’s not a problem! And it’s not just one-sided, from what I can see...so it’s not just Keiko-chan falling for Light, Light’s falling for her as well...personally, I think it’s rather sweet.”
“Sweet or not, normal or not, whatever…can’t you see that’s not even the point here? The point here, Matsuda-san, is that I feel like Mogi-san would be the most suited for this task at the moment. While I could ask Kagami-san again...I’m not so sure how good of an idea that’d be right now...because she’s fallen for him, she will see him in a biased way,” L explained, “and no matter how cautious or careful she might think she’s being, her personal feelings would be in conflict at this point. When I first asked her to spy on Light for me, the two of them were just beginning, just starting out. So it was perfectly fine...but now she’s wrapped around his finger. In conclusion, I don’t think she would currently be much help to us in that regard anymore, not unless she were to break up with him.”
“I see,” Light’s father replied thoughtfully, “I can understand your thinking.”
I highly doubt she would break up with him anyway, despite all the warnings I’ve been giving her...she hasn’t exactly been listening to me. Whenever she’s with him, she’s practically got stars in her eyes. It’s very distracting…however, I suppose I got through to her a little bit the other day, when I got a glimpse of who she was before she was so lovestruck. Heh, on that note, it’s certainly easy to rile her up. Her reaction to me before she left the hotel room was rather...interesting, to say the least…
Matsuda sighed, “b-break up?! Ryuzaki-san, please, don’t talk like that...and what about when the three of us were in-”
“Before you ask, Matsuda-san, yes. I also had her also keep an eye on Light while in Aoyama and Shibuya, but that was fine, seeing as you were also there, and there were so many surveillance cameras around anyway. Even if she had missed something, we would have picked it up...which is also why I want to review the tapes personally,” L replied, his thumb resting by his lip.
Matsuda looked defeated. He was also a little ashamed that he had reacted to abruptly before, “geez, how’d you know what I was about to ask? But, at any rate, I’m sorry, Ryuzaki-san, you’re right, as always...what you said makes perfect sense...because Keiko-chan likes Light so much, there’s no way she would think he’s Kira. In fact, I don’t really want to think that he’s Kira myself.”
The detective gave a slight nod in his general direction and then addressed Light’s father once more, “yes. Therefore, I have to ask you to instruct Mogi-san tail your son. I would like this to be done as soon as possible because...well, it’s only a slim chance, but if Light is Kira, then there’s still a possibility that the Second Kira might have tried to contact him...or will contact him in the near future in some way. So, we need to be on the lookout for anything suspicious.”
Keiko’s POV:
“It’s a rather nice day, don’t you think?” Light asked Keiko as the two walked side by side, towards the university’s exit. They were headed towards the city. One of their professors had told them a couple days in advance that he wasn’t going to hold class that day, that he had a prior engagement he couldn’t get out of.
Due to the fact that their last class of the day had been cancelled, the two of them had decided to eat lunch off campus at a cafe in the city nearby.
“Mmm,” Keiko agreed, “it’s the perfect kind of weather...it’s not too hot, but it’s also not too cold.”
“I agree,” Light replied, flashing his girlfriend a smile.
The couple walked past the exit of To-Oh University, and headed on the sidewalk towards the city. As the two of them strolled along, Light started a rather passionate discussion on a book he had recently finished. He was giving her a play by play of all the parts of the book he disagreed with.
“Wow, even with how busy you’ve been, with your school work and the investigation, you still have time to read for fun...and then time to tear the book apart,” Keiko commented, a giggle escaping her lips, “I have to admit, I’m quite impressed.”
“Of course...I’m not called ‘golden boy’ for nothing,” Light joked. He gave Keiko a light smile, keeping his eyes on her as the two of them walked, neglecting to keep an eye on the sidewalk before him.
“W-what? Why’re you staring at me?” Keiko questioned, glancing over in her boyfriend’s general direction.
“You’re beautiful,” was his simple reply.
“Heh, thank you, Light-kun. But still, if we’re walking, you should look where you’re going not at m-w-wait...L-Light, watch out!” Keiko stuttered out.
However, it was too late. Keiko watched in horror as the scene played out before her eyes.
Light had ran into the poor, unsuspecting blonde girl who had been walking towards him. It appeared she also hadn’t been paying attention to where she was walking, and the two of them collided, sending the lunch box she had been holding all over the pavement below. There were bits and pieces of the girl’s lunch strewn everywhere within a one meter radius.
“Augh!” the girl cried, looking up at Keiko’s boyfriend, there was a rather irritated look on her face. Her light brown eyes flashed, and Keiko noticed that the girl’s hair was styled into two pigtails that were on either side of her head. Her outfit looked like something you’d see in a gothic fashion magazine. She didn’t look like she was any older than the two of them.
“This is why you watch where you’re going, and you don’t stare at your girlfriend at inappropriate times,” Keiko lightly grumbled under her breath.
“I-I’m so sorry,” Light responded, and he crouched down, picking up the girl’s lunch box, closing the containers that had opened during the crash. He then handed them to the girl, an apologetic look on his face.
“It’s fine, I guess,” the girl replied, looking Light over carefully. She didn’t look as annoyed as she had been a moment ago, “just watch where you’re going next time, okay?”
“Y-yeah, sure...well since the ground is now eating your lunch, would you perhaps like to join my girlfriend and I? I mean, I did accidentally spill your lunch everywhere...you must be hungry,” Light offered, “and we were just about to grab lunch ourselves…”
“Light-kun…” Keiko mumbled, “I’m sure that she probably has better things to do and we literally just met he-”
“Yeah, sure. That sounds good, I was pretty hungry,” the girl responded before Keiko could finish. “The name’s Misa Amane, but you can call me Misa-chan...it’s much cuter, don’t you think?” she giggled.
Keiko watched in disbelief as the girl accepted her boyfriend’s offer. In all honesty, she really didn’t want Misa to tag along with her and her boyfriend.
I had wanted to spend time with Light alone and eat a nice lunch together, especially since we haven’t really had a lot of time to do that lately with the investigation and classes in the way, but...seeing as Light now owes her, I suppose this is the least he could do. It looks like I’ll just have to deal with it.
“I’m Light Yagami, and my girlfriend’s name is Keiko Kagami,” Light explained to Misa. who gave a slight nod.
Keiko cracked a smile and gave a polite wave to her, and Misa gave her a half wave in return. She almost felt like Misa’s action was strangely a little cold, but she brushed it off. After all, they were strangers who had just met each other.
With that, the three of them headed off towards the little cafe, which was located just a block away from where they had been standing.
“Ahh, that was good!” Keiko heard Misa say, and she looked up to see the petite blonde girl patting her stomach, “thanks for inviting me along, Light-kun.”
“No problem, I hope this makes up for what happened earlier,” Light replied, offering her a slight grin in return.
Keiko forced a pleasant smile herself, but she didn’t like how this girl was already using Light’s name informally. In fact, she didn’t really like the girl at all. Keiko knew that first impressions weren’t everything, but so far, she wasn’t that impressed by her. It appeared that there wasn’t much in common between the two of them.
Quite frankly, she found Misa’s antics to be rather annoying. She also suspected that Misa was crushing a little on Light, which wouldn’t be that surprising to Keiko, as she had grown rather used to girls fawning over her boyfriend. However, she wasn’t worried about Light being unfaithful, from what she could tell, he only had eyes for her. The only thing that was bothering her in that regard was Misa’s overly dramatic behavior.
“So, I hope you don��t mind me asking this, Light-kun,” Misa started, “but I was wondering...how exactly did you and your girlfriend get together?”
Keiko’s eyes snapped up, away from her empty plate, and onto the girl sitting in front of her.
While there was an innocent look on her face, Keiko could sense the possible deeper meaning behind her question.
Yeah, I don’t think there’s any denying it at this point...Misa might have a thing for my boyfriend. If that is so, then it’s clear she’s just trying to figure out who she’s up against...however there’s no way Light would fall for her; she’s nowhere near his type. She’s way too flashy, too loud, and from what I’ve gathered, she isn’t that bright. It’s clear that she relies a lot on her good looks, rather than on her abilities, to get through life...ugh, of all the people Light could’ve ran into, why did it have to be her? It’s making me rather uncomfortable…
Keiko let out a soft sigh.
If she was nice to me, then perhaps I would be more able to tolerate her. Being kind can go a long way. However, she’s being so rude. She’s making no attempt to get to know me, which has me thinking she’s after Light...that or another free lunch from him.
Light opened his mouth to respond when all of the sudden, his cell phone went off. He fished it out of his pockets and flashed an apologetic look at Misa, “uh, I’m sorry. I have to take this, it’s probably really important. Excuse me for a moment.”
That means it’s probably either his father or L on the phone...I wonder what’s going on, are there new developments with the investigation?
“No, no, that’s fine,” Misa gave Light a soft smile, brushing a stray strand of hair out of her eyes, “take all the time you need.”
Light gave a curt nod at her, and then stood up, walking towards the entrance of the cafe. Much to Keiko’s dismay, she was now totally alone with Misa.
Wonderful…just what I wanted, to be left alone with the girl that wants to possibly hijack my boyfriend. Speaking of Light, he’d better get back here soon.
Keiko gave another soft sigh, studying the glamorous girl sitting across from her. Since Light was now outside, the girl had taken out her own cell phone to text. Although it was rude to text at the table, Keiko was oddly glad, because that meant she wouldn’t have to make awkward conversation with her.
Instead, Keiko spend her time scrutinizing the girl in front of her. While Keiko was studying her, she noticed that her fingernails were perfectly manicured. She also noticed that she had a black choker around her neck and cross earrings.
Amazing...like I said earlier, it’s like she stepped out of a gothic fashion magazine...
“If you take a picture, it’ll last longer,” Misa commented in a tone of voice that was much too fake for Keiko’s taste, “heh, on that note, I could even pose for you. I’m used to doing that...I’m actually a model. You see, I was coming back from a shoot when Light-kun ran into me...”
Well that definitely explains the outfit...and her entitled attitude, for that matter. Maybe she isn’t after Light, maybe that’s just her personality...
Fortunately, Keiko didn’t have to respond to her, because the little bell chime on the door went off, signaling that Light had stepped back into the cafe. He headed back towards their table but he didn’t sit back down.
“Well, it’s been fun, but I’m afraid that I have to go. Actually, my girlfriend and I both have to go now, Misa-chan,” Light announced, glancing first at Keiko then at Misa.
“Aww, alright,” Misa pouted a little, “but we should totally hang out again soon! Today was a lot of fun.”
Keiko almost swore for a moment she had seen a flash of annoyance on her boyfriend’s face, however it was quickly replaced with a friendly smile. Light then paid for their meals, and the two of them said their goodbyes to Misa, which Keiko was quite happy about.
Finally...I thought that lunch would never end. Geez, she’s hard to deal with. Model or not, what’s her drama?
“So...who was on the phone?” Keiko questioned, switching gears as she and Light were back on the sidewalk. Now that the two were alone, she figured it would be okay to ask.
“It was Ryuzaki-san...apparently, while we were eating lunch, there was another message sent to them from the Second Kira...he wants us to meet him at headquarters immediately.”
“H-huh? Is that so...another message? Well, that didn’t take long,” Keiko commented.
Light nodded in agreement, grabbing her hand, “yeah. So the sooner we get to headquarters to investigate, the better.”
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Nineteen
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seigyokus · 7 years
5.5 - The Will to Fight
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Idolish Seven - Part 3, Chapter 5.5 For more Part 3 translations, click here!
Translation below the cut!
Nikaidou Yamato: ....... I feel like I'm gonna hurl..... Rokuya Nagi: OH.... Would you like to step out for a bit and take a break? Osaka Sougo: Are you okay, Yamato-san? Nanase Riku: Exposing the Chiba Salon........ You refused to record Yamato's confession, right? Momo: I didn't, actually. Nikaidou Yamato: What!? Momo: I didn't record anything just now, I swear! Absolutely nothing! You can body-check me! Should I strip!? I'm not wearing my lucky underwear though! Yuki: Please calm down. Momo only pretended to accept so he could find out who the other people in the plot are. Momo: Yep, yep. Gaku's papa helped me out with this too. Yaotome Gaku: My old man did? Momo: Yeah. There's this one really big actress I don't have any connections to, so he's gonna act as the middleman for me. Stuff like that. Your papa's pretty freaked out about this too. Izumi Mitsuki: What do you plan on doing after he mediates that? Momo: Persuade 'em, even if it means shooting them a wink or grovelling. Yuki promised Yamato that we would protect you guys from a scandal, after all. Nikaidou Yamato: ....... But why would you go that far for me? Yuki: Oh, just killing time. Momo: It's a hobby of mine! Don't sweat it. Yuki: However, there are people who won't be swayed as easily. People who had clashed with Shizuo-san in the past, but still have very strong feelings about it. Yuki: I asked him if he could apologize to those people to quell their rage, but he told me off. Said I wasn't welcome in his home ever again, and to never come back. Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: Wait, are you talking about Chiba-san? You asked Chiba-san to apologize? Yuki: Yep. Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: That's terrifying to imagine.... Yuki: It was pretty terrifying. He was stubborn, through and through. Wouldn't even give me the time of the day. But.... Yuki: I think Shizuo-san might listen if Yamato-kun asks. Nikaidou Yamato: ....... Yuki: Try calling him. Nikaidou Yamato: ......Right now? Yuki: Yeah. Nikaidou Yamato: ......I can't. There's no way I could ask him....... Yuki: I'm sure that man wants to do much more for his son-- more than just sending him flowers. Nikaidou Yamato: ....... But-- Kujou Ten: Call him. Nikaidou Yamato: Kujou.... Kujou Ten: He'll spring into action for you. Kujou Ten: I'm sure he wants to go back to being a family, deep down inside. There's no way he could ignore his own son when he's in a predicament, out of responsibility as a father. Kujou Ten: He'll bow his head and apologize if it means protecting you. There's no doubt about it. Nanase Riku: Ten-nii....... Rokuya Nagi: Precisely. When I came to this country, I learned that 'Yamato' was also a word that signified 'Japan.' (1) Rokuya Nagi: That is the name Chiba Shizuo bestowed his child, born in the evening years of his life. Chiba Shizuo, the face of Japan's acting industry. Rokuya Nagi: He loves you-- you're his pride and joy. Nikaidou Yamato: ....... Nikaidou Yamato: ...But what should I tell him? Yuki: Isn't that easy? Just tell him, "It's all your fault." Yuki: The loss of your childhood and the man you admired back when you were in elementary school.... The pain and sadness you've felt up until now.... Hit him full force with it. All of it. Nikaidou Yamato: ....... Nikaidou Yamato: ......Got it. Izumi Mitsuki: Hey.... You okay? Your hands are shaking.... Nikaidou Yamato: I'm fucking terrified, but I'll give it all I've got. I won't run. I'm gonna face him, head-on. Nikaidou Yamato: So I won't hate myself, and so I won't be ashamed of myself.... Nikaidou Yamato: That 'trying your damn hardest' thing? Yeah, I'm gonna do it. Izumi Mitsuki: Haha.... Yeah! It's gonna be okay! Izumi Mitsuki: No matter what happens, we'll be right by your side!
Takanashi Tsumugi: .....So Chiba-san listened to your request then, Yamato-san? Nikaidou Yamato: ......Yeah, he did. I don't know if the other person accepted his apology or not, but.... Nikaidou Yamato: Turns out he's the same as me. He wanted to be loved, but wouldn't work for it. He was waiting for a kind soul to sympathize with him and figure him out. Nikaidou Yamato: He ended up making enemies because of the way he lived. ......But, he did say that he'd try his best to be forgiven. Takanashi Tsumugi: I see.... Takanashi Tsumugi: I'm so sorry I couldn't do anything for you when you were having such a hard time, Yamato-san....... Nikaidou Yamato: Aw, come on. What are you saying? Things were crazy at the office, weren't they? All of that was for our sake, too. Nikaidou Yamato: Haha.... Even as I was worrying about my dad, I'd sneak a thought here and there. "Damn, our manager's one terrifying woman." Takanashi Tsumugi: Huh...? Why? Nikaidou Yamato: Because of "IDOLiSH7." The name you gave us works on the assumption that no one will ever leave. Nikaidou Yamato: Maybe I would've been irresponsible and quit early on, had it not been for that name. Nikaidou Yamato: ......It's a name that ties all seven of us together. There are times when that trust is a heavy weight to bear, but now it's my pride and joy. Takanashi Tsumugi: I'm glad.... I came up with it after seeing that everybody's names had numbers in them. Takanashi Tsumugi: It's almost as if it were destiny. Nikaidou Yamato: Onii-san thinks so too. At first we looked like a random mess of seven people, but now we're like seven irreplaceable comrades. Nikaidou Yamato: ......I won't let IDOLiSH7 end.
Izumi Mitsuki: Alright! I'm gonna cook you guys a feast tonight! Rokuya Nagi・Yotsuba Tamaki・Nanase Riku: Yay! Osaka Sougo: Iori-kun, did you enjoy spending time with your brother? Izumi Iori: I guess so.... We were forced into cosplay, though. Yotsuba Tamaki: Is it true Yukirin's house has cushions the size of your ear!? (2) Nikaidou Yamato: No, no. That was a joke. Nanase Riku: It's been so long since we last had a meal together! I'm really, really happy! Nikaidou Yamato: You're right.... Yeah. Izumi Mitsuki: We've got a concert tomorrow! Eat lots so you have stamina! Nanase Riku: Yeah! IDOLiSH7: Let's eat!
Nanase Riku: Good evening! We're IDOLiSH7! It had been a while since all seven of us ate together, but we did it yesterday! It was super fun! Audience: Kyaaaaa......! Izumi Mitsuki: Ahaha! Come on, that's not something you needa report during the MC corner! Nikaidou Yamato: That hijiki rice really hit the spot. You better make it again sometime, Mitsu. (3) Izumi Mitsuki: Sure, but is that really something you should be requesting during a concert? Nikaidou Yamato: I missed my chance to say it yesterday. Onii-san tends to do that, you see. Audience: Ahahahaha! Nikaidou Yamato: It's best not to hold back. No need to take it in moderation. (4) Izumi Mitsuki: Ahaha! Oh, what am I supposed to do with you.... I know, you dummy! You better eat up and fill that belly to the brim! Audience: Ahahahaha! Nikaidou Yamato: Haha.... Audience: I'm really digging the vibes from IDOLiSH7 today! Audience: Everyone's being so sweet to each other! They must've had a blast during that meal, I guess! Osaka Sougo: I was reminded once more of how valuable and magnificent Yamato-san and Mitsuki-san's existences are. Izumi Mitsuki: Heheh.... Nikaidou Yamato: Haha.... Aw, stop it. Audience: Kyaaaaa! Osaka Sougo: When it was just me, it was very.... Yotsuba Tamaki: That not it at all! Sure the food was spicy, but I'm glad you were there, Sou-chan. Audience: Kyaaaaa! Nanase Riku: Iori and the others seemed fine, but me and Nagi were pretty lonely! Izumi Iori: Well.... I was lonely as well.... In a way....... Audience: Kyaaaaa! Audience: Wait, why!? Did something happen!? Why is everyone being so sappy all of a sudden!? Audience: And all because of that hijiki rice!? Wow, hijiki rice is a force to be reckoned with! Rokuya Nagi: I love everyone the most! Yamato and Mitsuki ought to sing MEZZO"'s apology song, for my sake. Audience: Kyaaaaa! Nikaidou Yamato: Apology song? Wait, are you talking about "miss you..."? Izumi Mitsuki: Like hell we're gonna sing! What kind of penalty game is this! Audience: Kyaaaaa......! Osaka Sougo: Um, it's not an apology song. Yotsuba Tamaki: Also don't call our song a penalty game!! Audience: Ahahahaha!! Audience: They're all such good friends! I'm so happy!! I'm glad I came here today......!! Audience: This is the best! I love seeing IDOLiSH7 being all friendly......! I love everyone......! Audience: I hope they stay friends forever......!
Director: Splendid, Nikaidou-kun! It's just as I envisioned.... No, this is beyond what I could've ever imagined for the last scene! Nikaidou Yamato: Thank you very much. Director: As expected of Shizuo-san's-- Is what I'm tempted to say, but you've got a different kind of appeal, Nikaidou-kun! Director: The characters and worldview of this movie got a hundred, if not a thousand, times more fascinating. Deeply fascinating. And it's all thank to you. You didn't let him end as some cliched villain. Director: The movie's set to premiere at the end of the year, but I hope you're excited to see the finished product. Nikaidou Yamato: You're praising me too much, Director.... Those words are wasted on someone like me. I do look forward to seeing the finished movie, though. Natsume Minami: I hear you're done filming today, Nikaidou-san. Natsume Minami: I do hope that your success in this movie will be enough to cover up any gossip that arises. Nikaidou Yamato: You know, the only thing I was hiding was the reason why I joined IDOLiSH7, because it would've hurt my friends' feelings. That's all. Nikaidou Yamato: There isn't anything else I'm ashamed of. Natsume Minami: ....... Nikaidou Yamato: Go ahead, you can stare at me all you want. Look me up and down, from head to toe. Alright, any questions? Fire away. I'm just gonna shamelessly laugh, instead of throwing crude words back. Nikaidou Yamato: After all, onii-san's wicked at heart.
Tsukumo Ryou: ......Asamiya Tomoe-san has withdrawn from the plan. Several others have also run off, lured away by something else. Tsukumo Ryou: You're not going to eat? It's filet mignon night. Yuki: Sorry, but I don't eat meat. Tsukumo Ryou: Now, it's not good to be picky. Speaking of which, Momo was the one I invited. Yuki: So you're not satisfied with me? Tsukumo Ryou: Oh, how unthinkable! I am delighted to see you, Yuki. I've always wanted to take my time and chat with you. Tsukumo Ryou: If I recall correctly, you hate sharp objects, correct? And would you look at that, there's plenty of sharp objects in this room! How about I help you conquer that trauma? Yuki: ....... Tsukumo Ryou: I was kidding. Momo would kill me. Oh! That reminds me. You met with Asamiya Tomoe in private, didn't you? Tsukumo Ryou: Did you think you outmaneuvered me? Well, you thought wrong. Chiba Shizuo failed to persuade all of them. Tsukumo Ryou: There are still plenty of people eager to expose Chiba Salon. As long as they have Tsukumo's backup, then they're more than willing to-- ....... Tsukumo Ryou: I need to answer this call. Excuse me. Yuki: Go ahead. Tsukumo Ryou: --Chiba Shizuo's retiring!? What kind of tomfoolery is this.... The press conference already started!? Tsukumo Ryou: Understood.... I'll contact you later. Yuki: Oh? So Shizuo-san's retiring? Tsukumo Ryou: ...... Tsukumo Ryou: Now he's gone and done it. An exposé on an active actor would certainly be the talk of the town, but no one would dare to say anything about a retired actor. It's just like how people who speak ill of the dead are despised. Tsukumo Ryou: He sacrificed himself and retired so that his adorable little son wouldn't get scorched by the flames. That's the world's beloved Chiba Shizuo for you! Bravo! (5) Yuki: ....... Tsukumo Ryou: Was this your doing? Yuki: It's a secret. Tsukumo Ryou: Ahaha.... This doesn't pose a problem at all. None whatsoever. While the speed at which I will attain domination has fallen, that doesn't change the fact that Hoshikage is growing weaker. Tsukumo Ryou: After all, Chiba Shizuo was Hoshikage's bread and butter, but now he's retiring. It's like swapping out a fast-acting poison for a slower one. Tsukumo Ryou: ......But, you know what, Yuki? I am very, very irritated right now! Yuki: Why don't you try your hand at a disentanglement puzzle right now? Perhaps it will be for the best, since you might fly into a fit of rage then die an agonizing death. (6) Tsukumo Ryou: Oh, how cold.... I never thought I'd be hated by a star! How shocking! Yuki: I've been irritated for much longer than you have. I've hated you ever since the very beginning. Can I go home now? Tsukumo Ryou: Of course you can. Do come over again sometime, Yuki. I'll have an extraordinary surprise waiting for you. Yuki: ......Surprise? Tsukumo Ryou: It's a secret. Look forward to it.
Isumi Haruka: ....... Natsume Minami: The skies are clear tonight. And the way the stars are lined up forebodes chaos across the entire world. Inumaru Touma: Aren't they talking about us, then? Where's Torao? Natsume Minami: Perhaps he's running late because of a date. Midou Torao: Hey. Sorry for the wait. Inumaru Touma: Don't 'hey' me. Can you at least try to be on time? Natsume Minami: Who was your date tonight? Midou Torao: A lonely, sleepless singer. Minami, how's the song coming along? Natsume Minami: It's almost complete. He and I have been working on this song together, from back when I was in Northmare. Inumaru Touma: Well, I wanna sing it soon. Ya feel, Haru? Inumaru Touma: Huh...? Whatcha lookin' at? Isumi Haruka: All of the fools flooding this town. Isumi Haruka: We'll turn what they see as gems into trash. Isumi Haruka: Kujou Ten.... I'm going to drag you off stage.
To be continued....
Translation notes/comments:
thank u @kuriiii as usual for proofreading!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(1) Yamato (大和) is indeed what Japan was called before it was called Japan (Nihon). Exact same kanji characters as Yamato's name. (2) THROWBACK TO PART 2 CHAPTER 2.1 MUCH ???  (3) hijiki gohan - rice mixed with hijiki seaweed and other ingredients! here is a recipe and also pictures that make me sad becuase I cannot eat pixels, alas  (4) HODOHODO / 'MODERATION' REFERENCE IM SO EMOTIONAL , so technically yea i repeated mitsu’s line twice but the moderation line alone sounded kinda weird to me so yea (5) technically ryou says "showered in sparks" but i dampened the 体を張って part so i needed 2 up the melodrama elsewhere in the sentence HAHA (6) 知恵の輪 refers to the human knot game thing they make u do as a very uncomfortable icebreaker in college / that children's game OR disentanglement puzzle (wire-and-sticks puzzle) OR literally it means 'circle of knowledge.' kinda interesting to note, since technically ryou was trying to expose/detangle a 'ring of knowledge' (chiba salon). that’s just my interp tho!
As usual, if you see any mistakes/mistranslations/etc, please message me!
Thank you for reading!!
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subconfessions · 4 years
Day 7
It’s now been five days and 395 edges since my last orgasm. No hope of orgasm in sight. But that’s kinda the way I like it hehe 😋
The other day I woke up, before daddy as usual, and it was a day off for Daddy so he wasn’t supposed to be working, and the night before the other dom in the group chat told me I was supposed to keep him from working hehe. I tried for a little bit, I really did, but when he told me how many emails he had to respond to and how naughty he’d been about responding to them, I figured he should have to work a little bit on his day off hehe 😋 but daddy also decided that I shouldn’t be so free, so he had me put my tack bra on till he was done with his emails. Ouch. I honestly didn’t think the emails were gonna take as long as they did.
But so I tried to get away with only wearing my tack bra while I played video games, but Daddy told me I could wear the clamps on my pussy instead. I was a bit bummed by this 🙇🏼‍♀️ I didn’t wanna wear both the tack bra and the clampssss but like a good girl I put them on and got to playing some animal crossing and Pokémon. For awhile the clamps weren’t so bad, they were just kind of there, but after a good 15-20 minutes I could really start to feel them on my pussy. Daddy was watchin me play while he worked, but eventually the other dom woke up, and of course Daddy wasn’t supposed to be working. I told him I wouldn’t tattle on him and he turned on me and ratted me out for not keeping him from working 😱 I was shocked but not surprised haha but also nervous with what punishment I was probably gonna get.
Hehehe I didn’t get one though.
The other dom is usually on my side of things haha and saw that I made the effort to keep Daddy from working but he did it anyways 😋😜 so instead Daddy got in trouble instead of me hehe it’s always funny when his plans to get me in trouble in the group chat backfire.
After this is when I got a required 50 edges added to my daily routine, and I was warned that they could become a box rule, and breaking box rules is a big fat no no.
After I got to snuggle toothless for a bit but with my toothless clover clamps on my pussy of course. Those clover clamps really pack a punch, but they’re starting to get a teeny tiny bit easier to wear. But I do love the way they look on 😋
A little bit later daddy asked if I could get my nice clamps and put them on but try and get the chain in my mouth, they pulled off my nipples right away so daddy asked me to get my toothless clamps. I had lost them somewhere in my bed and ended up making daddy wait while I looked all over for them, once I finally found them he had me put them on and try to get the chain in my mouth, since I haven’t been able to rip them off yet, they were able to easily pull my tits up (although very painfully). Sir had me get into position, on my knees, arms behind my back, and chest out and oh my god was it hard with those clamps pulling and digging into my nipples, but I wanted to be a good girl so bad, and the submissiveness I was feeling while in that position was unreal. Daddy took a picture of me in the position through Skype and sent it my way and had me drop the chain straight out of my mouth and if I thought pulling them up hurt, dropping them and having the weight of the clamps fall was like 10x more ouch - but it made my pussy so wet.
After that daddy left for fly fishing and me and the other sub got to chatting on the group chat. A lot. And I wasn’t getting my work done 😅 so when daddy asked if I was getting any of my tasks done and I said no he asked if I was really behaving while he was gone and that was a big ole no 😳☹️ Daddy was nice enough to give me until he got home to get some work done, and also added a pussy slap between each of the edges I still had to do, and a tack bra on till everything was completed. He also had me pull mean daddy out of the box ☹️
Eventually I finished my blog, and I got moving on my edges, they took so long but felt so good and I was feeling absolutely desperate after them, and daddy was nice and let me save my art project for the next day, but I had earned myself an additional 74 edges tomorrow for all of the messages I’d sent to the other sub while Daddy was out fishing. But I tied my crotch rope up, put my plug in, and sent Daddy his goodnight video.
The next day I woke up, and started my endurance pose, I was supposed to start doing my endurance position every morning, set a timer, and I can’t look at it but I’m supposed to make sure I stay in it longer every day.
Today Daddy also presented a fun game in the group chat - wear your clamps to pee day. Oh yay. I knew for the rest of the group it was a choice, but for me it was not an option to pass on this game. So for the day I had the game to play, 124 edges, and my art project.
I got a bit of a late start on my edges, and wound up stuck waiting in my car, so I found it to be the perfect time to get going. I didn’t make it last fifteen, but at least I’d started, I was worried with all the interruptions, I wasn’t going to get a good chance to finish them.
Finally home I got back to it with my edges, I got up to about 70 before daddy asked me what number I wanted the position from yesterday with the clamps in my mouth to be. I decided to be sassy and say zero, but I knew that would get me into some trouble so I picked eight right after. Daddy had me immediately try out position eight. As I was trying to hold my head up I could feel one of the clamps slipping on my nipple and I moved my head to adjust but Daddy told me to stay still and keep my head up, of course I listened but the clamp ripped off and I was pretty glad I had the chain to bite on a bit, but I tried to stay still and in position like daddy said. He then let me up and take the other clamp off nicely.
I finished my edges, and packed up my panties to take to my friends house, but not without peeing with my clamps on first. Once at her house Daddy gave my friend permission to poke and bite me as much as she wanted and I was only allowed one bite back ☹️ he also made a new request that she send him a report on whether I was a good or naughty girl at her house. I’m not worried cause I’m a good girl when I’m there, but maybe someday she’ll give me a bad report 😳
Once home I was able to start again on my art project, it was a bit of a struggle, I definitely felt like it was getting worse the more I worked on it, and it wasn’t going the way I had envisioned, but thankfully Daddy helped me feel better about it, and about feeling like I was finishing it late. So I was able to finish and I did end up feeling really happy with it, and I felt amazing knowing Daddy liked it so much and was proud of me for doing such a good job ☺️☺️☺️
Daddy let me go to sleep without my crotch rope that nights after having worn it all day after finishing my edges, and I sent him a goodnight video with kisses 😋
Till next time 😋
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