#yeah cause this relies on probability...so.
yanaleese · 7 months
◈ Love Me, Kidnap Me, and Love Me More ◈
Yandere! OC Karma x Calculative! Gender Neutral! MC
Synopsis: You put blood, sweat, and tears into your work. Little did you know, your secret admirer, Marka does it too.
Content warning: Yandere and literally anything that goes with it, violence, hypnosis (not on reader), drugs (implication), and yes there will be a Part 2
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Scores, talents, personas.
THESE are the factors that classify the education system. Although not immaculate, it serves its purpose - to send vulnerable people into the workforce, and devour them whole. Their livelihoods, their time, and the minuscule bits of energy left inside of them.
But there are some who are born with advantages, and some who have to work their ass off for it.
I, unfortunately, have the latter. Things don’t come easy, instant, or perfect. I am actually quite idle, I enjoy the freedom of gaining knowledge and insight. Uniquely, tried and tested knowledge that is critical for survival.
And that, is how I manage my late nights. By listening to “Advice to Survive” with its host, McGregory Callahan.
Back in the 60s, he was a CWO-4 Navy Seal officer, a rank given to an exclusive few. And now that he’s retired, he humbly shares his advice to the community, and showcases guests every now and then to keep the show alive. But majority prefers to listen to his voice, which I strongly agree with.
“And so, ladies and gents…” His voice was smooth and husky. “It’s time to sign off, folks. Stay safe, and always remember…” I chuckled, saying his closing lines with him.
“Live, not die, and try to survive. Thanks everyone.”
As the radio chipped off, the sun poured its rays into my window, as if the heat wasn’t enough. I groaned, my eyes leading me to my collection of “wake-up” capsules. Tempted, and deceived, I slithered my way over to it, dropping another 2 or 3 in my mouth.
I grumbled. Regret seeped into my veins, my body woozy and tense. Once again, I stayed up.
And of course, it happened to be a Monday morning; where I had a morning class. “Well fuck me gently with a chainsaw.” I began stuffing my bag with my utensils, paperwork, snacks. I could never get used to this shit. “I hope nobody pisses me off for the rest of the day.”
“The bell. Ugh, the damn bell. Never have I wanted to smash that thing into pieces.” You could barely make out the crowd, more or less. Not even your best friend’s face.
“Wait. You had a rough night…again?” Heidi glared, her eyes were practically glowing with concern.
“Maaaaaaybe.” You slurred, taking baby steps to your seat. “Good thing my seat mate is a quiet kid.”
Speak of the devil, Marka entered the room, his footfalls silent as he strolled to your direction. His timing was impeccable.
“Good morning, Marka.” You mumbled, your eyes not meeting his. Besides, there were no eyes thanks to his bangs.
“Heh…” In response, Marka gave an exciting grin, happily waving a good morning back to you. How he could be energized on a Monday morning, was a complete mystery to you.
Actually, a lot of him is shrouded in mystery. Or rather, in suspicion.
Other than the weird name, Marka was supposedly from the countryside of Honduras, Tegucigalpa. His parents were also from Honduras, and he worked as a pizza delivery driver, and stayed at a friend’s apartment for shelter, with the purpose of redoing college thrice to get a degree. While some of this is true, some of it didn’t add up.
For example, his idioms. Sometimes he would say “Puchica” , “Chero”, “Chivo” - and when I looked them all up, the common denominator was El Salvador. He said his parents came from Honduras, so how can this be true?
Then him, being the pizza delivery driver. You don’t often order pizza, but you’ve never thought that pizza could smell so shitty. You could remember him rushing to one of your afternoon classes, and instead of smelling like oil and grease, he smelt like weed. What the fuck???
“Hello? [Y/N]?”
Plus, the fact that he is redoing the course a third time. And yet, every single exam he is perfectly scoring an average mark. He also ends before everyone else, as if he has all the time in the world.
That’s not normal.
Though you’ve never confronted Marka about this, you preferred to remain silent. Times are harsh, and you weren’t willing to stretch out a hand when you could barely help yourself.
But there is NO way that you’re befriending someone as suspicious as him.
“[Y/N]!!!” Heidi whisper-shouted, breaking you out of your thoughts.
“[Y/N], please answer-“ Mr. Dimmy paused, clearing his throat. “Actually. On second thought, please see me after class. Thank you.”
You bit my lip, letting it bleed. Fuck. You spaced out again.
“Sir I-“
“No buts, no coconuts.”
While cursing yourself internally, you decided to take out your vent book out of your bag, only to be stopped by Mr. Dimmy once more.
“[Y/N]. Can you please answer the question on the board for me, please?”
Shit, you just opened your bag.
“Give me a moment-“
Clenching your fists, you gave a plastic smile. It was understandable where he was coming from, since he didn’t want his star pupil to daydream for the second time.
“My bad, Sir. Hopefully I’ll get this right.”
As you were busy solving the equation, Marka decided to do you a favor and close up your bag. So by the time you came back, Marka grinned, hoping for a thanks to come out of it. But you decided to ignore the kind gesture, continuing to pay attention to the board. You had enough attention for one day.
If there was one thing you loved, it was clocks. It was nice to know how the time passed, whether it was rapid or abnormally slow. And of course, it was slow.
“[Y/N], this has happened on multiple occasions.” Mr. Dimmy rubbed his temples, exhausted from having the same conversation with you. “We, as staff, made it clear that you can take days off.”
“I’m very sorry Sir, but I can’t do that-“
“[Y/N], enough with the excuses. You are not enough getting enough sleep, and it’s affecting your concentration.”
Scores, talents, personas: nothing on this conversation applied to that. Kindness was a pain in the ass.
“And so, I’m going to ask the dean to personally give you a suspension. A whole week suspension.”
You had to hold your tongue. Why do you have to do triple the work???
“Sir. I’m behind on what I need to cover. I’m begging you, please just let it slide.”
“But [Y/N], you are three weeks ahead. Taking a week off is enough right now. Trust me.”
You glanced at the clock. It was 9:47, the minute hand approximately reaching the next minute.
“If I see you Tuesday afternoon, I will personally escort you outside. That is all.”
Rubbing your eyes, you ran to the top of the stairs, before making yourself out. You couldn’t believe what just happened.
“[Y]-[Y/N]…” It was Heidi.
“Heidi. I’m done for the day, so I’m going home. Text me later if you’re curious.” Your demands were quick and stern.
Poor Heidi snuggled her books, her expression shaping into pity and guilt. If only you could just take a break.
“Giggles, after giggles. These fucking cuches don’t know when to quit it, don’t they?”
“Markaaaa…” She snorted, sounding exactly just like he called her: a pig. “Teach me a little Spanish, no?~ ❤️”
Marka shook his head, his face clearly showing discomfort.
“Come on, we wanna hear it! Maybe we can fuck it up, you know?”
Damn that Rico bastard. He never knew how to read a room.
“I said no.” Marka ran his fingers through his bangs, revealing the swirling darkness within his eyes. “Now learn to be good little shits, I’m in a bad mood.”
Immediately, the entire group stood completely still. Before seconds later, horrifying shrieks escaped people’s lips. Some froze in horror, sweating profusely. Others just ran away from Marka, while some fought with him. Luckily, thanks to his physique he could handle his attackers pretty clearly.
“Ha…shame…” He continued to hit Rico with every punch, starting to see blood oozing out of him. Marka couldn’t help but grin in sadistic glee. “This hypnosis is always pure luck for me.”
Grabbing the leg of one of his classmates. Marka twisted, fractured, and even jumped on her leg, which was perfectly in sync with his words.
“Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. FUCK.” Marka cursed out loud, growling in frustration. Every time he thought about you, the feeling wouldn’t go away. “I just wanted to do a good deed. Why. Won’t. They. Love. Me.”
Hearing the classmate’s sharp cry, Marka kicked the person away from him, heading to your locker. It was encased in a shitload of locks, all of them personally made by yourself. You knew how to be efficient and useful.
Too bad Marka knew lockpicking a bit too well. “It’s been a while since my last rejection…so let’s see what’s here now-“
With a clink, he guided his fingers to first few letters he made….only to find them….
He should’ve been used to this by now. The dust, the grime, the dead spiders. After finally getting a fresh new locker, it was understandable that you cleaned up the space.
But you didn’t. You decided to make your old locker your new dumpster bag instead - including his love letters.'
His scarred thumb clutched the pink envelope, or the crushed up ball that it was. He could remember the time he had to go off on business, missing college for an entire week. He had to stay low due to a shot out, which resulted him gaining a major injury in the shoulder and his left hand. He didn’t mind the injuries due to past experiences, but he was…depressed. Marka couldn’t see anyone, neither be online lest he got found out. It was a decision that both he and José made for his safety.
And so, to satiate his loneliness, he wrote to you. Even though his left hand was twitching in pain, he wrote. Even though his brain was telling him to stop because of the pain; he wrote. He wrote because he knew that you gave him the happiness, the hope that he needed for this world. Yes, you were flawed…but with each other, the two of you could heal one another’s scars. Right?
His hands shook in silent rage as dark droplets dropped on to the paper. I’m sure you didn’t know any better, it was simply a misunderstanding. Yes, yes - it was miscommunication.
It was understandable, since he didn’t make it clear. He didn’t flirt with you since it wasn’t your thing. I guess the letters weren’t either.
Maybe he’d have to try something…a bit more drastic.
“I need to know…do they love me…? Do they not? Maybe….”
Clutching the paper in his chest, he started chuckling to himself. No, grinning madly as he stared at the locker in front of him, his face contorted into something twisted and grotesque.
“Maybe it’s time I should pay your house a visit, hmm? ❤️~.”
Cuche = Means pig in Salvadorian slang. ɪғ ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀɴʏ qᴜᴇsᴛɪᴏɴs ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ ᴋᴀʀᴍᴀ, ᴊᴏsᴇ́ ᴏʀ ʜᴇɪᴅɪ ғᴇᴇʟ ғʀᴇᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴄʜᴇᴄᴋ ᴍʏ ɪɴʙᴏx.
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dkettchen · 8 months
not me going to digital tech sector job events and every company rep being like "you can scan our QR code to learn more" and me going "my phone can't do that" and taking a picture of their name instead to google them later like the tech-averse old man that I am
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ghostlynimbus · 4 months
The good news is I think I have figured out a strategy for trying to get back on track with There's a Rumor
The bad news is it's going to take a lot of time and work.
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I think my favorite demons in Dragon Age are envy and hunger. They operate like ambush predators in a way no other demon does; because they operate mostly outside of the fade.
Envy targets people that it is envious of, that will grant it more power/status/renown. You don’t have to be envious, just of enough significance that it is envious. Which means that no one is safe from this demon. And when it catches you? It will either keep you alive or kill you. But before that, it traps you in your own mind to study you, not the fade, your own mind. A place where friends and such can’t reach you to save you. It adds a whole other dimension of existence to da that is just ripe for expanding on the limits and rules. On top of that, when it takes your traits they’re used in the most extreme form of them to further its goals. Suddenly your good intentions are paving the road of others suffering thanks to the demon wearing your face, at best (in my opinion) your dead and your loved ones deal with the fallout. At worst, you have to recover from the damage, it might introduce new paranoias or repulsion, and that’s a fun little psychological horror element to me.
Hunger though, sure it can possess you. Make you a vampire. But it also doesn’t have to. It cursed you, lays in wait till someone so desperate, so hungry for something like revenge, survival, or power, that it will curse you. Fuel you on your endeavor and feed on your hunger as you infect more and more. Which brings this fun little man vs nature vs man triad that just really I want more of in media.
Nightmare would make the list…if it ever left the fade. Like truly, the fact it can erase memories, haunt you with your deepest fears, feed them? There are so many fun narrative devices that invites. But it sits in the fade, it’s restricted in a way that most won’t ever encounter the massive threat it could be.
But hunger and envy? They’re rare and seemingly stalk about Thedas freely. Picking where they hunker down and who is their victims. Envy based on its own desires and hunger by its own design. I’d like more of that honestly.
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do adamPs get paid to dickride happyele that much because god forbid someone criticise the dumbass climax event where shaka got more screentime than nagisa, they gotta show up going "uhm actually we got so much lore about nagisa and the mafia bs is important to adam" like do they know there's 4 members in eden???
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suiana · 3 months
yandere! malewife who is indecisive and can't decide on whether he wants to love or hate (also love, just with insults added instead) you today.
imagine ur cute lil guy that you love going "you're such a horrible spouse i hate you, go die" out of nowhere then you bring up the divorce card and he goes all ballistic
"ugh i hate this. this is the third sandwich I've made for you today and-"
"let's get a divorce."
"if you divorce me i will fuck up your life so bad, manipulate you into thinking that I was the only good thing you had that you have no choice but to get back with me."
like this guy is actually insane. he will not leave you alone and he will actually commit all the atrocities he threatens to do.
"wow this guy looks hot af"
"who? this random on the internet? you like them?"
"yeah this guy is kinda cute ngl"
"why are you looking at him? i will steal his skin and wear it if you keep complimenting him. you only need me. actually, do you want me to look like him? huh? should i start working out? buy a whole new wardrobe? just say yes and I'll do it all for you."
you actually don't know why you married him if he was going to threaten you for every little thing you did. you can't even talk to someone else without him getting all mad and upset. maybe it's cause you secretly like the way he's obsessed over you.
or maybe he's just cute. you'll never know.
what you do know is that you like providing him with what he needs and being the person he relies on. well, tbh, you're pretty sure he's like some secret underground black market trader or something because he gets money from nowhere. money you didn't give him. but you trust what he says. if he says he didn't do it, he probably didn't, right?
"hey honey how come you have 300k more in your bank account? i haven't sent you your monthly allowance."
"i actually harvest people's organs and sell them in the black market."
"no haha just kidding! i just saved up physical cash that you gave me and forgot to put it in until today❤️"
"oh ok"
yeah, you love your malewife 😁👍
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writesailingdreams · 1 year
realizing there's nothing in Marcy's story that sucker punches me to tears; there's nothing quite in Sasha's either, but her relationship with Grime gets a genuine sentimental sniffle
Marcy is a lot of "wow this girl should feel way more relatable, but doesn't; why??" + "please give this child a break"; it's a lot of sympathy but ultimately I think Marcy had to learn a lesson as much as the other two girls
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beautysamour · 1 year
ok, confession time.
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pairing: miguel o’hara x reader
summary: confession time ٩( ᐛ )و
warnings: none.
a/n: I caved…
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“Alright, hear me out.” “No.”
Miguel interrupts without missing a beat. You scoff as you watch him turn his back to you as he refocuses on the many projectors in front of him. “All that technology is going to rot your brain,” you mumble out under your breath.
“Nothing. Anyways,” you curl your two middle fingers inward towards your palm as you direct a web to the floating island Miguel was on. “As I was saying, hear me out.” You hear a distressed sigh coming from the man in front of you but decided to brush it off. He was going to hear you out.
He remained silent, an indirect indication for you to continue your thoughts.
“Being stressed all the time is going to do no good for the spiderverse.”
“Arachnoid humanoid poly multiverse.”
“Yeah, that, so as I was saying… having one dinner wouldn’t doom the multiverse.”
Another sigh was let out this time, but this time it was out of exhaustion. He calls out your name causing your back to straighten as he finally turns to face you.
“The fate of the multiverse,” he begins before getting cut off by a web, coming from you, connecting with his torso and jerking him towards your direction.
He tilted his head at you once you stopped pulling him closer, leaving probably three centimeters of space between you two.
He wasn’t surprised by this action, no, you’ve done this multiple times. Pulled him too close for comfort, causing all logical thoughts in his brain to short circuit as it filled with thoughts of you.
You could hear his heartbeat. It’s one of the pros that come with being a spider person, your heightened senses. In moments like these where your own heartbeat was far too hard for you control you’d rely on his to calm you down, however it seemed to have done the opposite.
Why was it so fast?
Hearing your name managed to take you out of your momentarily dazed self.
“Is everything alright?” Miguel, whose body was practically leaning on yours, lightly shook you for he was disturbed by your suddenly quiet self.
“Yeah,” you replied far too quickly as you forced yourself to take a few steps back to create some distance between you two.
“Anyways,” you stuttered out, “I was just going to say how you always loose me whenever you start talking about the multiverse. Yeah, always manages to make my brain shut off.”
Miguel stared at you confused as you start to awkwardly ramble on about how the very premise of the multiverse is strange.
“And it’s so weird how technically-“
“Stop talking.”
You immediately close your mouth.
For the third time tonight, Miguel lets out a sigh as he closes the distance between the two of you. One second your mouth is opening to question why he’s taking more steps than necessary, and the next it’s occupied by the mouth of his.
When you don’t push him away and instead lean into his body, his hand travels up to your neck and his thumb presses against the area where your adams apple would’ve been to tilt your head up slightly more.
The one to end the kiss first is you, Miguel attempts to follow and close that distance once again but gets interrupted by the hand you put on his chest to stop him.
For a second Miguel starts to think he read the entire situation wrong. But you leaned into him so what does that mean-
“Miguel,” you begin saying softly and you looked up at him, “how did you know,” when he gives you a blank expression you let out a small snicker before continuing, “that I liked you.”
He tilts his head again as he looked down at you, “You thought I wasn’t able to sense your heartbeat? Cariño, even though I don’t have the spider sense that you have, my senses are still heightened.”
“Oh,” you say dumbfounded. Right.
“Yeah,” he says quietly as he tries to kiss you again.
“Wait,” you interrupt. “So, do you…like me too?”
“…We just kissed.”
“Yeah but, friends with benefits exist-“
Miguel groaned as you began to ramble on about how kissing doesn’t mean requited feelings, and while he understood what you were saying he’d much rather feel your lips on his than watch them speak about a scenario that wasn’t the case with this situation.
“Ok, then how about we get dinner.”
You widened your eyes at his words, a smile threatens to show on your face but you try to keep your composure, “…Ok. So…is this a date?”
“Yes,” he exhales, “Yes, it will be a date.”
“Ok.” You say excitedly before connecting a web with the ground beneath you two and jumping down, “See you in…?”
“Does thirty minutes sound good?”
“Yeah,” you start to smile, “yeah, thirty minutes sounds good.” You give him an actual smile before turning around getting ready to run through the halls of hq to tell Peter and Mayday all about this interaction.
“Ok,” Miguel says under his breath as he watches you leave.
“Why are you so awkward?”
“Lyla shut up.”
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atalana · 22 days
also as a further addendum to my bill made a huge mistake underestimating stan post - i was recently listening to the commentary for sock opera
and like everyone and their mother can draw the parallels between ford/dipper and stan/mabel, it's one of the major themes of the show
bill gets the first half of the equation just fine - he thinks dipper can be manipulated in exactly the same way as ford, and while dipper will grow past that by the end of the show, in this episode, he's right. the best ways to get dipper to do what he wants, are to tempt him with all the secrets of the universe, and to remind him that he doesn't owe mabel anything, when mabel's done nothing but hold him back and cause trouble for him. it's probably exactly how he talked about stan to ford back in the day, who was still nursing those grudges and wanted to be the one to discover things no one else had
but the fun thing alex hirsch mentions in the commentary for that episode, is that bill doesn't see mabel as a parallel to stan (bc lbr he barely even recognises stan as a person). he sees mabel as a parallel to himself. yeah dipper and mabel are a good team together, but ultimately when it comes down to it, mabel is a powerful creature of chaos who would choose her own happiness over anyone who relied on her. (alex hirsch at this point jumps into bill's voice to say "how about instead of doing something lame, you do something fun, and crush whoever you want in the process!", and that bill genuinely thinks that is going to work, because it would work on him)
he doesn't expect mabel to destroy all her hard work and crush her own dreams just to help dipper. when he says "who would sacrifice everything they worked for just for their dumb sibling?", he's speaking from experience. he wouldn't. ford didn't. given the type of people bill considers worth talking to, i doubt he's ever come across that type of loyalty before
but the audience has, plenty of times, and will see it even harder by not what he seems. because while mabel does have some of the anarchy and selfishness bill sees in her, that kind of loyalty is a huge part of what she shares with stan
and like in a lot of the commentaries the writers say they weren't sure at first if bill would be the big bad, or how exactly the ending would come together, but in retrospect it never could have been anyone else, and there never could have been anyone but stan to defeat him
because so much of this show is about the relationships between family (including found family), what you would or wouldn't give up for them, but then how much better your life is when you value those relationships over temporary personal gain
so of course the main villain is someone so incapable of understanding that that he is utterly blindsided by the person who embodies it the most
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deedeeznoots · 4 months
Not the Strongest Anymore 
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➺ Characters: Satoru Gojo, GN!Reader 
➺ Word Count: 3.1k
➺ Genre: Fluff, Mild Angst 
➺ Content: Reverse Comfort, Established Relationship, Non Sorcerer!Reader, Injured!Gojo, Mentions of Blood 
➺ A/N: I made this story because Gojo deserves someone to take care of him and give him a million hugs :( 
➺ Synopsis: When the Strongest sorcerer and your lover Satoru Gojo suddenly barges into your shared home bloodied and injured beyond belief, you make it your priority to heal him. However, you get suspicious when you notice him continuously dodging questions related to how he sustained those injuries. 
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That was the only thing that filled your senses. Whether it was the feeling of the warm water on your hands as you washed the dishes, or the soft plop plop plop as single droplets of rain made their way on the glass pane of your window. Yeah… water, that was what surrounded you on this night.
As you look out the window, you think of nothing but Satoru. Being the strongest sorcerer, your lover often worked early mornings and late nights. This was something he was accustomed to since he was a teenager. By extension, it was something you grew to get used to as well. It wasn’t that you were particularly fond of him being away for an entire day, or sometimes days on end, but it wasn’t like you could say anything. This wasn’t a normal job he could call off for, and you loved him so much that you wanted to stick by him, no matter the possible dangers that entailed. 
Still…you had an odd feeling in your chest. Think of it as intuition from being with Satoru for so long. You had the smallest feeling of something being off, and you felt it in your bones. After finishing up on washing the dishes, you looked out the window for any trace of your partner. “It’s getting pretty late, I wonder what he’s up to”, you thought out loud. Unfortunately, your mind jumps to the worst case scenarios. You thought about monstrous curses and curse users with terrible intentions. Satoru always got the worst of the missions, always being relied on to deal with the most dangerous of work. Your body shivers at all the things he must have seen, what it must be like to be expected to handle the worst sins of society. It was something you wouldn’t have wished upon anyone, let alone the love of your life. 
You shouldn’t be thinking like this. These thoughts would only make things worse, after all. So you shake your head to try and keep the thoughts at bay. “He’s probably fine” you said to yourself, walking away from the window and deciding to head to bed. Sleep… that’s what you should do right now. Then once you’re awake he’ll be by your side, just like normal. He’s perfectly fine.
Almost as if on cue, the man of the hour comes in, loudly barging in through the door. 
“Satoru!” you yelled out, before gasping at the sight. 
Before you was Satoru on the floor, bloodied and wet. He had wounds of differing severity all over his body… and the blood. Oh, the blood. There was so much of it, combining with the water to make a small puddle underneath Satoru’s pained body. You were used to Satoru coming home slightly injured sometimes, but this… this was something else. It was a truly terrible sight, so terrible that you froze for half a second, trying to process what you were seeing. 
Cough. Cough. The sound of Satoru coughing up blood before passing out in front of you snapped you out of your thoughts. You had to take care of him, and you had to do it fast. 
When Satoru opens his eyes, he finds himself lying down in your shared bedroom. He groans in agony and discomfort, feeling pain in seemingly every cell of his body. He has no knowledge on how he got home, other than hazy memories of trying to get to you in the rain, which based on context clues, he assumes he was successful. He turns his head to look for you, which causes his body to give a jolting rush of pain at his attempts to move. 
“Don’t move”, your voice hits his ears, and he finally looks at you, sighing in relief as he sees your face. You’re here… thank God. In excitement, he sits up, ignoring the pain that his body is in. “Satoru…” you say in a warning tone, and he apologizes, though he’s already sat up. You’re covered in blood, his blood, but you don’t seem to have much of a reaction, only focused on his wellbeing. 
He sees the clock and notices that it’s nearly 4:00 AM. He was probably knocked out for at least a few hours. Realizing that you took care of him this late into the night fills his heart with glee. He looked down at his body and noticed the bandages all over himself. You attempt to bandage him up some more, getting to the spots that you couldn’t reach while he was lying down, but Satoru stops you. 
“Don’t do that”, he says with a smile, his voice laced with honey. His hand lightly grabs your arm to stop you, before he lets go. “Watch this,” he says like he’s a frat guy who learned a new party trick. His hand moves to one of the wounds on his body, and he attempts to use Reverse Cursed Technique on the injury. You giggle and patiently watch as he works on his wound. 
“Voila!” he dramatically shouts out as his hand moves away from his wound. What he didn’t expect though, was for the wound to stay the same. “Uhhh…” he awkwardly blinks at the painful injury, believing if he looked at it long enough, he could somehow make the wound to heal out of sheer will. 
“You don’t have enough cursed energy, my love…” you say to him. Even though you weren’t a sorcerer, you certainly knew enough to understand that any chance of Satoru healing himself at the state he was in is something out of wishes and dreams. You lovingly ruffle his white hair and go “Don’t push yourself, okay? It’s not anything like Reverse Cursed Technique, but I think I’m pretty good at healing the regular way” you laugh and give him a chaste kiss on the cheek. 
Satoru accepts the kiss but still grimaces at the fact that he couldn’t heal himself. “I called Shoko but she’s away for a while, so this will have to do until you get your Cursed Energy back” you say while still rubbing his head, tangling his hair in your hands. Satoru nods. He was okay with that, more than okay, actually. He would rather have you heal him rather than Shoko or another doctor anyway.
“What happened out there, anyways?” you ask nonchalantly. Satoru just gives you a goofy smile and says “You know, I have no idea!”. He’s lying, you knew him long enough to know that. Plus, he was a terrible liar. You ignore it though, that could be dealt with another time. For now, your biggest priority was taking care of his wounds. Now understanding that he couldn’t use RCT, he allowed you to clean and patch up his wounds. Despite the agonizing pain he was in, he savored every moment of your touch, feeling warm inside at the prospect of you taking care of him. He usually dreaded being healed by other people, but this felt different. This felt… intimate, like a moment only you two shared together. 
“There you go!” you say with a smile as you finish patching him up, proud of the work you did to help bring him less pain. “Now…” you say, “Are you hungry? I can make you some food”. 
“Nah, I’m okay,” Satoru lied. He doesn’t remember when the last time he ate was, and the injuries weren’t helping. However… he didn’t want you to leave his side, so he opted to just deal with it, it’ll probably be fine, he thought.
His body had other plans though, and you hear the soft grumble of his stomach. You give him a stern look, and he scratches the back of his head, knowing he got caught. You give him one last look before turning away, “I’ll go make some soup”. 
“Noooo…” he whines, grabbing your arm “It’s really okay, I promise, let’s just go to bed”. 
“Satoru…” you give him another warning call, before moving closer to him, cupping his face. You give him a kiss on the lips, still careful to not worsen any of his wounds. As you pull away, you touch your forehead to his, and tell him “It’ll be no more than ten minutes, okay?”. He knows he’s not getting through to you, so he nods with a pout on his lips, and leaves you with one last kiss before seeing you off. So cute! You thought, but you knew better than to tease him while he was already down.
“I’ll leave the door open so call if you need anything” is the last thing you say as you walk away.
You’re back in no time, just as you promised. This time, with some hot soup in your hands. He tries to take matters into his own hands and feed himself, but you lightly smack his hand away, insisting that you feed him. “You’ll spill soup all over yourself” you tell him, as you bring the hot liquid to his mouth. He complies and quickly finishes his meal. As he feels his hunger slowly subsiding, he feels you slowly bring his head down to his pillow and feels you make your way next to him on the other side of the bed. 
Next to him, you slowly caress his face in a way that only communicates one thing: I was so scared. You didn’t want to say it out loud to not bother him even more, and he didn’t need to hear you say it to understand. So… you both simply lied together, slowly drifting off to sleep as the pressures of the terrifying world around you slowly disappeared from the small little bubble you two built together. 
When Satoru wakes up the next day, the first thing he notices is the fact that you’re not by his side. The moment he notices this, he quickly sits up from his sleeping position and his eyes dart from place to look for you. He doesn’t see you, but he can sense the faintest smell of pancakes coming from outside the bedroom. Like a child on Christmas Day, he excitedly gets up from the bed toward the direction of the pancakes. He nearly falls over a few times due to the stinging pain on his ankles, but he is not deterred, and he makes his way to where you are in the kitchen. 
The sight before him was gorgeous. You… in his shirt, flipping some buttermilk pancakes over the stove. It was a dream come true for him. When you notice him out of bed, you begin to freak out a little bit. “Satoru! You shouldn’t have gotten out of bed by yourself!” you chastise, to which Satoru simply shrugs. You don’t completely blame him though, the smell of anything sweet could lure Satoru into a volcano if he deemed it enticing enough. So you simply tell him to sit down and rest at the table and that you are almost done cooking. Satoru excitedly complied, happily listening to your command and waiting patiently for breakfast. 
He had a warm feeling in his stomach while he watched you make him breakfast. He didn’t ask for you to do that, but you did. Thinking about it… he didn’t ask for you to do anything. He wasn’t used to being cared for in this way by anyone, and it made him feel all sorts of funny feelings. What was going on? He thought to himself.
He wasn’t given much time to ponder, however, as you placed a large stack of pancakes in front of him. Hesitantly, you also gave him some syrup on the side in a little container. “I know you love your pancakes sweet but don’t put too much my love, it’ll upset your stomach” you tell him, knowing he probably wouldn’t listen. You aren’t sure why you enable his sweets addiction so much, maybe it’s because of how much his eyes glow with happiness every time you let him slide. Yeah… the little glint of glee in his eyes, that’s what you live for, and that’s why you let him get away with any sweets-related mischief. 
The fact that you care so much about something as little as a stomach ache makes Satoru feel all fuzzy inside once again… but as you expected, he didn’t listen. On the contrary, he nearly douses his pancakes in as much syrup as possible, beaming with glee as he takes large bites out of the fluffy buttermilk goodness. 
As you both enjoy your meal, you decide that it’s a good enough time to once again ask Satoru the question that has continued to bug you since last night. “Satoru…” you place your fork down, which causes the man in front of you to look up “Hm?”. 
“What could you have possibly fought last night for you to end up like… like this?” you eye him up and down, pointing out the obvious. Satoru looked better now, sure, but that was more of a commentary on how messed up he was last night than how well he’s doing. If he was a normal person, Satoru would not even be able to move a finger. This wasn’t normal, even for Satoru, and you needed to know what was going on. 
“I really don’t know” Satoru laughs, he’s lying again, what was with this guy? You consider pushing the subject, but eventually you decide to just let it go for now. You can talk to him once he’s more healed. For now, you’re just glad that he’s alive and seemingly alright. 
After breakfast, Satoru once again attempts to use RCT to heal himself, and once again, it does not work. He curses to himself in frustration, “It’s okay Satoru… you’ll just have to take a break like the rest of us. I’m sure the world will be fine without Satoru Gojo for a day” you laugh. He grumbles at the thought, not being used to sitting still for so long, but he accepts defeat and decides that he’d enjoy spending the day with you anyways.
You spend the majority of the day being spooned by Satoru on the couch and hate-watching all the terrible TV shows cable television has to offer. “Man, I can’t believe they even air this stuff still” Satoru laughs at the screen as you turn away to face him. Looking at him up close, you pay closer attention to some of his scars, and notice something odd. Observing the wounds, you notice that some of them appeared to be recurring, as if they were healed using RCT but then cut through again. You feel Satoru’s chest vibrate as he laughs, causing you to snap out of your thoughts, but you keep thinking anyway. Something was really off. 
You have to basically drag Satoru into the bedroom to get him to rest. “But I’m not tireddddd…” he cries out “I don’t care. You can’t watch the TV for too long or it’ll strain your eyes, you know that better than anyone” you tell him as you get him to lie down on the bed. “Plus…” you add on with a smile, “I want to be the big spoon this time” you say as you bring him closer to your body. This causes him to to softly smile and close his eyes as you asked him to, though he doesn’t sleep. 
You keep holding him close, kissing his head and playing with his hair. You also kiss his ears, but that causes him to shiver and he says “Stop! It tickles, hehe”. You don’t stop, of course, knowing he secretly loves it when you mess with him. 
As you caress him through the night, you notice the small frown that begins to appear on his face, as he looks lost in thought. This saddens you a little. You’ve tried your best to be open with him, from the moment the two of you began dating. It took a while for him to take down his walls, and it still remains something he clearly struggled in, not wanting to appear weak. Despite this, you loved him. You loved that he trusted you enough to be this close to him. You loved that he allowed you to take care of him, no matter how hard it was for him. You loved Satoru, and you wanted to communicate that at every moment. 
“You know, I love yo–” 
“It wasn’t just one mission. It was multiple” Satoru suddenly spoke.  
“…What?” You softly asked him, not fully understanding what he meant. 
Satoru turned around to look you in the eyes. There, he explained the story of what happened last night. How he was slowly worn down from each mission he took. It started getting bad when he lost so much cursed energy that he was not able to fully hold up infinity, opening him up for hits from attackers. Despite this, he kept getting called on missions, and he kept going on them. Choosing to ignore any of the injuries he sustained until he was fully pushed to the edge. 
He’s essentially boiled down to a blubbering mess as he attempts to communicate with you, and you’re hardly able to understand him. You feel his warm tears on your chest as he tells the story, and you’re trying your best to keep up with this new information. However, one particular thing he tells you as he holds you close causes your eyes to widen.
“I…I didn’t want to tell you, because I didn’t want you to keep worrying about me”. 
The fact that he felt this way broke your heart, and you held him even closer. You tried your best not to hold onto him too tight in order to not cause him too much pain. “Satoru…” you coo, explaining that he shouldn’t ever feel the need to hide anything from you. You kiss his forehead as you wipe his tears, something he fully leans into. 
“Why did you keep going on missions even though you were hurt though?” you ask, trying to be as soft as possible. You didn’t want to make it sound like you were berating him. 
His blue eyes look up at you confused, as if you asked him the stupidest question in the world. He thinks for a moment, trying to find the right words, when he says, “I…I have to. If I stop being the Strongest and going on missions, what will there be left to see?” He looks down at his own palm as he says these words. 
Your heart breaks even more hearing that Satoru feels this way, but he keeps going “You know… sometimes I don’t understand you”. You look at him confused, “You keep looking after me and taking care of me despite me being so weak that I can barely even move. Even when I try to be strong and do things on my own, you stop me. You stop me from being the Strongest… I don’t understand that.” 
When he finishes his sentence, you give him a kiss on the head and hold him even tighter. As you hold him, you tell him, “Well I certainly admire the Strongest, but…” you cup his face, looking directly into his bright blue eyes “…My favorite person will always be Satoru Gojo, because only Satoru can lie on the couch to laugh at bad TV shows with me… only Satoru puts absurd amounts of syrup in his pancakes…” you both laugh, “…and while the Strongest protects the world outside, only Satoru can come home to lie next to me”. You then give him a passionate kiss, hoping to put all your love into the act, something to help him understand the full depths of your love for him.
Pulling away, Satoru leans into your chest once again, and only says “Thank you… I love you too, by the way” he giggles before falling asleep in your arms. 
Satoru still had a long way to go in order to fully bring down his walls in front of you, but this… being able to spend a day with someone he loved so much and for the first time in his life, do absolutely nothing. That was certainly a good start. 
A/N: Like Gojo? He’s also mentioned in this fic and this fic! <3 
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starry-bi-sky · 5 months
Danyal Al Ghul: Incorrect Quotes and Miscellaneous Thoughts
Incorrect quotes-style snippets specifically for my danyal al ghul au here (which i really need to come up with a unique au name for atp). Because I thought it'd be funny. And also some miscellaneous headcanons thrown into the mix. Some context for the au: - Danyal is 5 years older than Damian (so 10 and 15) - Danny faked his death when he was 10. Talia knows and helped him with it. - Jazz, Sam, and Tucker do not know he's an ex-assassin.
-------- Snippet 1
Danny, dryly tapping his temple: I have, as the Americans say, irreparable psychological damage, right here.
Jazz, an older sibling first and foremost: well, it's good that you're self-aware.
-------- Snippet 2
Danny, aged 10, in the American foster planning to just age out of the system: *emanating Bad Vibes. Pure, Little Orphan Tom Riddle Energy*
Jazz, aged 12, coming in to adopt a new sibling with her parents: Him. This is my brother now :)
Danny: ...what
Lilo and Stitch is Danny's favorite Disney movie. He watched it when he was 11 with Jazz when she was attempting to connect with him, and by this point Danny was becoming receptive to her efforts. They had a movie marathon in the living room one night.
Safe to say? It resonated with his little 11 year old heart strongly, and he related very strongly with both Nani and Stitch. He got unexpectedly emotional and hid in his room for the rest of the night. Jazz felt really bad, but it had the intended (but kinda unexpected) effect of him trying to be nicer to her afterwards.
-------- Snippet 3
Dash, aged 12, causing trouble again and getting intercepted by Danny: *scaling up a desk* AHHHHH! GET YOUR LITTLE FREAK, FOLEY!
Tucker: Hey! Danny is not a freak!
Tucker, was the kid Dash was messing with: ....whats in it for me
-------- Snippet 4
Danny, saying some questionably immoral shit: What. Why are you looking at me like that.
Tucker: Bro. I mean this as kindly as possible; what the fuck?
Sam: yeah, I'm with Tuck on this one.
-------- Snippet 5
Danny, ranting about Vlad: if it weren't for the laws of this land, I would have slaughtered him
Sam, painting his nails black: I'm pretty sure you'd slaughter him regardless of the laws of the land -- and quit moving, you're gonna mess me up.
Tucker: we've literally seen you debate yourself about this, Dan
Danny: ...you are correct, but it is the principle of things.
-------- Snippet 6
Vlad: I have experience my child, and the money and power attained through using those powers for personal gain, you say. I could train you, teach you everything I know! And all you have to do is renounce that idiot adoptive father of yours.
Danny, was already contemplating committing a Violence: ....
Danny, internally: I'm going to stab him *turns into Phantom*
Funny contrast I realized between Danyal and Vlad that iirc I haven't pointed out yet is that imo, Danyal doesn't rely on his powers nearly half as much as canon Danny does. He falls back instinctually on his League training, and thus sometimes forgets to use his powers in battle. This was prevalent especially early on when he was still getting used to the whole 'halfa' thing.
He incorporates them more often after a year, but still for the most part relies on his own physical hand-to-hand combat. He trusts those skills much more than he does his powers. I'm not sure where he is on a technical level compared to canon, but just to stay safe I'll say he's similar in power skill as canon Danny. Perhaps a little more finessed than him because his League training would probably have him trying to figure out his powers as soon as possible.
But in summary? Danny is strong in hand-to-hand combat, weak in powerset.
Meanwhile Vlad is the opposite. I can't recall if he even knows hand-to-hand in canon, but it makes total sense to me that Vlad Masters wouldn't because he's so confident in his monetary influence and ghost abilities that he sees no need for it.
And he's kinda got some merit behind it. He's very powerful and has 20 years of experience to experiment and fine tune his powers. He's got bite to follow up his bark. He's perfected long-range combat and his ability to phase through walls makes it impossible to corner him, but if you can manage it, then one good hit could probably knock him on his ass.
So in summary, Vlad is strong in powerset, weak in hand-to-hand combat.
And it casts a good contrast between the two of them in that regard. Danny, as a fellow halfa, can follow Vlad when he phases through walls and is fast enough to land a hit on him. His league training as an assassin, albeit rusty, is still deep ingrained enough in him that he can hold up as a rather veritable threat against Vlad without needing his powers.
But Vlad can force Danny to use his powers more often through use of his own. The duplication is the first thing to come to mind: Danny's fast enough to dispel them on his own without powers, and smart enough that he could figure out who the real one is if given a few minute. But that's not always efficient enough.
Good foils for each other that way. Also Vlad's Plasmius design mimics Ra's juuust enough that he looks like Ra's knockoff loser second cousin no one talks about, which only fuels Danny's hatred.
-------- Snippet 7
Danny, ranting about Vlad for the first time: --and it's only made worse by the fact that the little ingrate resembles a cheap knock-off of my grandfather!--
Sam, choking on her water: he what--
Tucker, doing a spittake: HE DOES?
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educatedsimps · 4 months
— bonus headcanons, iwaizumi hajime
≪ back to fics masterlist
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iwaizumi hajime x gn!reader
a/n: idea dump based on this iwa request (main fic) so this is basically just everything i wanted to put into the fic but i kinda lost the energy and the bandwidth to write everything up to the standard i wanted so now this exists HAHA hope u like this and tysm for reading! :)
headcanons under the cut!
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You remember asking him once, "Hajime, why do you do that?"
And he replied "Do what?" with deadass the most confused look on his face.
"Kiss my wrists and palms all the time," You clarified.
"Oh," He stopped. "Yeah, why do I do that-"
ok so basically, Iwa finds the wrists a very delicate part of the body, and given his experience as a volleyball player, and the nature of his job, he takes extra special care of them.
he remembers his coaches always reminding him and his teammates not to injure their wrists during training, which translates to "YOU BETTER HAVE GOOD FORM WHILE SPIKING, SERVING AND SETTING, DO YOU UNDERSTAND?"
anyway, i think he started noticing wrists when he was in high school, especially since he was seijoh's ace and had to use his wrists a lot to spike. he probably injured his wrist(s) once and has always listened to his coaches ever since.
now that he's a professional volleyball trainer he makes sure that his athletes don't injure their wrists either.
so i think all of this adds to why he pays extra attention to your wrists especially.
bonus if your job requires you to use or rely on your wrists a lot, eg. musician (like me), athletes, surgeon, author, artist, etc... idk.
YOU CANNOT CONVINCE ME THAT HE DOESN'T GIVE THE BEST 👏 FKING 👏 MASSAGES 👏 ON EARTH 👏 and at the end of the massage he'll always kiss your hands and wrists and idk why but it just feels so chivalrous. like ofc it feels intimate when you hold his face in your hands and he plants kisses on your wrists/palms and but sometimes it just feels so chivalrous and gentlemanly ykwim?
OMG WHEN HE PROPOSES TO YOU like after he slides the ring onto your finger AND THEN KISSES YOUR WRIST/HAND AND IT FEELS LIKE YOUR HEART COULD EXPLODE 'cause i know mine would actually explode if he did that.
anyway some instances i thought of adding to the fic (but couldn't cuz i don't have the ability or capacity to write them out well) include:
waking up in the morning together or when you hold his face and kiss his forehead (these two are in the main fic linked above!)
when you're cuddling on the couch after a long day and just watching a show together or napping. if you're laying on him and touch his face he'll 100% kiss your wrists/palms
when he hugs you from behind and you reach up to run your fingers through his hair (like when you're cooking dinner together or something) and he'll pull your hand down to kiss your wrist
when you hug him with your arms around his neck and he catches your wrist before you pull away
when you shower together (SFW, DON'T WORRY) and you're facing each other and he's tilting his head / bending down while you wash his hair or massage his scalp and when you're done washing it he'll give your wrists a gentle kiss before returning the favour
BONUS: when he holds your face in his hands and you decide to give him a taste of his (very sweet) medicine. you’d twist your head to kiss his wrist and then his palm and he'd be BLUSHING because he's usually the one who does that AND HE'S SO CUTE he's like, "hey... you can't do that. i'm supposed to be the one doing that for you." while blushing and smiling and getting a lil shy and everything and HE'S JUST TOO CUTE FOR MY HEART 😭😭💕
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a/n: ok that's all for the iwa brainrot ... i'm kidding, the iwa brainrot will never end. THANKS FOR READING THOUGH and thank you anon for sparking my two week long obsession with iwa once again
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© educatedsimps 2024. do not repost, copy, translate or plagiarize any work from this blog on tumblr or any other platforms. if you do, the simps will hunt you down. likes and reblogs are appreciated!
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arc-misadventures · 21 days
You know what be fun a female Rusted knight Jaune.
The Rusted Paladin
Jeanne: Hey, Jaune?
Jaune: Yeah?
Jeanne: Do you think if I was in your place, that I could have been the, Rusted Knight?
Jaune: Hmmm... Maybe... I'm not really sure.
Jeanne: Why not?
Jaune: I never understood how I became the, Rusted Knight, I sorta just became the, Rusted Knight. I understand, Alyx gave me the moniker of, The Rusted Knight, but I did not understand how my armour began to rust as it did. I personally think due to the nature of the, Ever After; My mental state effecting me as it did so, and probably caused my armour to rust as it did.
Jeanne: Mental state?
Jaune: The conscious mind of an individual often warps the reality of the, Ever After around them. This can often lead one to being trapped in a situation that feels like you are being toyed with an eldritch horror that is messing with your mind simply because it was bored. Or, you'll be stuck in a tea party with a sentient slug who is a massive pot junkie.
Jeanne: Did that often happen?
Jaune: Often enough that I was able to 'dull' my mind enough so it wouldn't effect me as much as it first did. And, that I was able to see the signs of what was coming to avoid them, or choose which scenario I would rather deal with.
Jeanne: So less dealing with eldritch horrors then?
Jaune: Actually the eldritch horrors were easier to deal with.
Jeanne: Really?
Jaune: Yeah, they usually had some sort of gimmick to them, speak in opposites, talks in rhymes, stuff like that. Once you figure it out they were easier to deal with. I even became friends with some of them!
Jeanne: And, that was better then dealing with a slug pot junkie...?
Jaune: You've read the book where it comes into the story. Those drugs play havoc on the mind, and body.
Jeanne: Okay. So do you think I could have become the, Rusted Knight?
Jaune: ...
Jaune: I honestly believe if we swapped worlds, the Fall would never have happened with you in it.
Jeanne: You do?
Jaune: If you as you are now, Jeanne went to my universe, and took my place. You would have probably have killed, Cinder, and became the, Fall Maiden.
Jeanne: Seriously?!
Jaune: Cinder may have been more experienced then you, but in combat she is no where near as strategically minded as you are. She relied on brute force, and the mastery of her semblance to defeat her foes. You would have probably adopted a defensive stance, and waited for your semblance to super charge before activating your, Arc-Angel persona. I can't think of a single individual who can withstand your semblance as it is now when you let loose, let alone when you become the, Arc-Angel. Hell, you could have easily soloed that, Grimm Wyvern with it. People may have mistaken you for a, Maiden considering it's visual appearance.
Jeanne: But, what if I was the, Fall Maiden, and I used my semblance?
Jaune: ...
Jaune: You probably could have cut a path straight through the, Grimm Lands, right into, Salem's Castle, and captured her.
Jeanne: Sweet~!
Jeanne: But, seriously, would I have become the, Rusted Knight: Yes, or no?
Jaune: Well... If you becoming the, Rusted Knight that meant you saw the members of, Team RWBY fall into the abyss. Had to do preform a mercy killing of your friend to prevent the, Winter Maidens powers from transferring to, Cinder. Failed to escaped through a portal before you to fell into the, Ever After. Accidently touched some clock fruit thingy that sent you back in time. Was betrayed by the first human you saw in ages. Had to deal with a psychotic cat antics where it was trying to weaken your mental stability so it could take over your body. And, you became the over protective parent to a village of sentient origami paper because you had developed a savior complex because of all the people you failed to save. And, that you were doing all of this for... a long time because you knew that one day, some day you would be reunited with your friends, and you would finally manage to get out of the psychedelic nut house that was the, Ever After.
Jaune: Then yeah, sure... you could have become the, Rusted Knight.
Jeanne: Uhhhhh...?!
Jaune: What?
Jeanne: That's what fucking happened to you in the, Ever After?!
Jaune: I didn't tell you what happened? Could have swore I did.
Jeanne: I knew you were the, Rusted Knight. I didn't fucking know how it happened?! I would have remember you telling me if that's how it fucking happened?!
Jaune: Oh...
Jaune: Still want to be the, Rusted Paladin?
Jeanne: Paladin?
Jaune: I would assume that because you would have your more... developed staged armour, by the time you became, the Rusted Knight.
Jeanne: By developed stage, you no doubt mean me having armour plating that can hold my, F-Cups?
Jaune: Yes.
Jeanne: I see. Please continue.
Jaune: Having your developed stage armour, your helmet, and your semblance you would have been mistaken for some holy figure with rusted armour. Hence, the name: the Rusted Paladin.
Jeanne: The Rusted Paladin... Not bad... My helmet would have given me a crown of rust... I bet it would look pretty cool.
Jaune: I would have liked to have seen that. Mostly.
Jeanne: Mostly? I thought you liked my helmet.
Jaune: I do, it is...? It will look awesome! But, that stupid hole in the back of the top your helmet to let your hair out, that makes your helmet look like it has plumage is so stupid!
Jeanne: Hey, I have...! Or, will have so much hair, I have to put it somewhere, or else I can't see in it! It works, and it looked awesome!
Jaune: I know! That's why it annoys me so much!
Jeanne: You're just jealous of my style.
Jaune: And, you're just jealous that I became a famous character from a children's book!
Jeanne: No, I'm jealous that you got to ride on a giant jackalope because you became the, Rusted Knight!
Jaune: Oh, Juniper... I almost forgot about her...
Jeanne: You did...?
Jaune: I miss my giant bunny...
Jeanne: Uhhh...?
Jaune: I am sad now.
Jeanne: ...
Jeanne: Oh shit...
It's nice to see I can still write stories for the, Rebirth AU.
I guess I need to scrap what I previously wrote for the separation bit to actually finish it.
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astrolynnworld · 9 months
pairing: chris x reader
summary: chris is struggling to figure out who he is and the reader offers her help
warnings: smut! confusion, worry, doubt, reassurance, help, comfort, sub chris, needy, lust, mommy kink, riding.
a/n- a request with my own little twist on it
word count: 991
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chris has been acting so weird lately..
not even weird as in like abnormal but just weird as in unnecessary clingy.
well, sometimes at least.
one day he’ll be himself where he’s independent but the next day he’ll be so dependent and needy with me.
it’s even followed us into the bedroom where sometimes he’ll get all soft and needy instead of taking complete control
i figure that i should probably talk to him about it before jumping to conclusions.
i make my way to the bedroom and find chris coming out from the shower.
“hey babyyy” he says happily as he places a kiss on my cheeks
“can i talk to you about something real quick?” i ask
“yeah sure what’s up?” he says cautiously
“i’ve noticed that you’ve been really clingy and needy lately? is there any specific reason? .. that you would like to share?” i hesitantly say
“um? i haven’t really noticed .. in what way?” he questions
“like .. i don’t know .. you’ve just kind of been submissive lately..” i reply
“submissive? i’m not submissive.. why would you think im submissive? you know im not submissive..” he defends like he had been caught
um? why is he so defensive
“alright chris. what’s going on? cause that’s really just my opinion. why are you so jumpy at it?”
he lets out a sigh, “i don’t really know. i want to try a new dynamic in our relationship where you take care of me.. in a sense that i can rely, be clingy and depend on you. not all the time in every aspect but.. certain things” he confesses
“like what specifically?” i ask
“.. like sex”
“you want me to take more charge in sex?” i confirm
“yes- but not only that. when we have our romantic moments too.. i guess sometimes i wouldn’t mind being little spoon or someone you cling onto” he continues
“why didn’t you say anything earlier baby?”
“i was scared of how you’d react.. if you’d be down with it or kinda shut it down” he shyly confesses
“of course id be down with it baby” i grab his chin and places a kiss on his lips, “you don’t ever need to feel ashamed to tell me about a fantasy”
he whines as i pull my lips away from him and slowly chases after another kiss to which i complete
we slowly make out before i prop myself into his lap give myself a better angle at his lips
he whines at the contact and i push him back into the bed as i straddle on top of him, not breaking the kiss
i grind slowly into his lap as i start to take off my shirt
he continues to whine and look up at me
i bend back down and kiss his neck before sliding him out of his shirt
i hop up off the bed and slide him out his pants and boxers before doing the same with my own, slowly.. giving him a show
he whispers a “fuck” at the sight of my teasing
i hop back up on the bed and sit on his thigh as i start to jerk his cock
he leans back on his elbows and stares at the motion of my hand going up and down on his cock that was dripping precum
he whimpers a soft “please fuck me y/n. i need you so bad”
i smirk at the comment and tell him to beg for it
“don’t do this to me. please i need you so bad baby i need you to fuck me.. i’m yours mommy just fuck me please” he whines out
“mommy? so you wanna be a good boy huh?” i respond to his slipped up fetish
“yes mommy. fuck- i wanna be only your good boy”
i prompt myself on his cock and sink down onto the tip
“fuck- mommy you feel so good please bounce on me” he whimpers
i continue to bounce up and down a few times before slowly grinding on his cock
he looks up at me through squinted eyes from the pleasure and pulls me down to suck my tits
licking and sucking at my nipples while he tries to thrust up into me
“you like the way mommy makes you feel?”
i feel his cock twitch inside me as he hums at my nipple
“such a good boy baby! mommy’s gonna make you feel good. don’t worry” i say as i raise back up and start to pick out the pace
breathing heavy and throwing his head back into the bed, he continues to let out a series of gasps and whimpers
“fu- fuck mommy mmmm i don’t kn- know how much longer i can last.. feels too good” he mumbles out through his whimpers as he shuts his eyes closed to chase his high
“it’s okay baby. you can cum for mommy. cum for mommy like the good boy you are” i spit out before going down to kiss him as he cums
he moans sloppily into my kiss as he starts to fuck up into me and let his orgasm wash over
i sit back up on his cock and slow down my bouncing
“that was so hot chris.” i let out
“mhm. so good” he mumbles out as he tries to regain his breath
i laugh and make my way to the bathroom to pee
i come back with a little towelette so i can clean up the mess off his dick
after throwing it away i come back and cuddle him underneath a blanket that was pushed to the side of the bed
“im glad we did this. you make me feel so understood and complete”
“of course chris. i love you so much, you don’t have to hide anything from me”
“i love you more baby.” he says as we drift off into each others silence
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angelgoeslewd · 7 months
Omegaverse Alpha!Chuuya, Dazai, and Ranpo Headcanons
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⚠️ warnings: 18+ concepts and scenarios, Minors DNI! Omegaverse, GN!reader, mentions of heats and ruts, slick, knots, and sexual/explicit scenarios.
[Fyodor and Nikolai here!]
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Chuuya knows that he can be very absent in your relationship, both physically, mentally, and emotionally. But that doesn’t stop him from always trying to make up for it!!! Unlike OTHER ALPHAS-
Chuuya is honestly probably the best Alpha you can have. He’s very sweet!! He worships you, he’s caring towards your needs, sympathetic to any issues you have, will absolutely spoil the shit out of you, protective in all the right ways, very stable financially — the list goes on and on. However… it is extremely hard to break down his walls and actually GET to the point where you two are in a committed relationship. Between his trust issues and being a literal executive for the MAFIA- he isn’t the type to fall in love very fast or very easily. He wants to be. He romanticizes love to an extreme; but he cannot bring himself to actually relax and let down his walls in order to experience it. Basically, you gotta fight for this boy, but it is oh so worth it.
I know most people probably think you have to manage dancing around his outbursts and anger issues but honestly? Those are for people who Are Not You™️. You do have to talk him down from crushing the Alphas who mention you in the wrong sort of light to death, however.
They end up dead anyway. Yeah you really kinda have to be morally grey to date this man. And that might be a deal breaker for some. While I see a lot of fics talking him out of the dangerous life of the Port Mafia and having him settle down, I really don’t see that as a viable option. One, I firmly believe that Chuuya sees his place in the Port Mafia as one he’s earned, all by himself, without relying on anyone and proving himself worthy. The emotional ties to his job alone make it hard for him to even consider leaving. Two, even with all the danger, Chuuya prides himself on being able to keep you safe despite all of that. You will never be taken. You will never be used. He keeps you close enough so that you are technically protected, but far enough removed that you cannot be a pawn in this sick twisted game that Mori plays. And… it’s kinda stable for him. For you. A generous income that leaves you leaves you flush and living lavishly beyond your wildest dreams. He can’t give that up. So really, you have to be ok when he ends up having to murder a few people for his job. Not that you would know about it first hand. And he’s never malicious. He has his own moral code that will never be broken.
Heats???? Ruts??? This man will shower you in whatever you want during that time. No matter what, he will always be there for you. Uninterrupted personal time with Chuuya. His Omega always comes first. He is such a generous lover too. He’ll knot you as many times as you wish. He’ll make you breakfast in bed and make sure you hydrate. Loves eating you out until you’re begging for his knot, ass up and face down. Give you all his clothes for the nest you make. He’s so in tune with his Omega that his ruts will line up with your heats very early on in the relationship, so you might want to invest in child-prevention or otherwise both you and him will be looking at parenthood. 😳 He wouldn’t mind that. Considering how long it would take for you to get to that point… but he wouldn’t let you know that.
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Honestly, I love this man ok? He was my first BSD love and he’ll always have a place in my heart because of that. But my god. He is an absolute horrible Alpha.
Dazai himself is very guarded. He loves to have an air of nonchalance, but that’s all it is. An image. He is a fortress of walls that will never truly come down, unlike Chuuya, who eventually lets you in fully. Considering his past and his experiences, being able to break through a few of those will be a victory. Dazai, on the other hand, needs a partner who is okay with never truly knowing his own desires. A partner who’s ok with always being held at an arm’s length, because Dazai feels like if he loves you too much, something bad will happen.
Not only the emotional distance, but a physical one too. Dazai loves to be touchy, but at home, he also needs time to regenerate his own physical stimulation. It might be strange to some that he seems more affectionate and physical in public, but Dazai wants to trust you. He wants to feel comfortable enough to not always be what he feels like he should be. He might come off as cold or even uncaring, but he just needs time, no matter how much he loves you. And trust me, it will pay off.
And we also have to consider his job. Unlike Chuuya, who’s rather stable in his self-image and work life, Dazai almost is like Ranpo in a sense, where he feels like something bad will happen if he’s not available to ADA at every second of the day. Unlike Ranpo, Dazai cannot shirk these feelings or his duty, even though he basically goes in and does absolutely nothing all day. Mentally, he’s there. Thinking up solutions and plans without speaking a word of it. He needs to be there to get ahead, to minimize casualties, no matter how much Kunikida helps out. There will be many times you spend a heat alone, or Dazai will have to rush out to go to work during one of them.
Buttttt that’s not to say he’s a selfish lover. He is, in fact, a very, very good one. Not only through experience, but in creating a sort of intimacy that makes you feel like he’s all there. Even if he isn’t. Which, again, is sort of shady of him. 🙄 But honestly? His dirty talk is top notch. During the heats that he goes to work, he’ll talk you through the time that he isn’t there. Much to your embarrassment.
Dazai’s favorite thing is to feel you clench around his knot. He loves making you so horny that all you can do is beg him to knot you and scream his name or his title. It’s a moment that he can just forget everything, his past, his current situation, and just be with you. He loves being your Alpha and does wish he could be a better one, but that’s just not him. 100% keeps a pair of your slick stained panties in his pocket. Disgusting man.
His ruts will take a while to line up with yours. It’s a combination of both problems — physical and emotional distance. Feeling like he can even sort of trust you will cure that. He’s super restrained during his ruts though. Even if you’re in a long relationship, the only way you can notice is by his heightened scent, which he loves to blockers to suppress, because he’s stupid like that and feels like it interferes with his investigations (yes and no. it’s not very helpful if someone can smell you a mile away, but it’s also because Dazai likes to keep an air of mystery AND distance between any sort of work and personal life, in his own strange way. Stops taking them if it helps create a connection he can use) and the fact he just randomly wants to knot you at all times of the day. He doesn’t even seem that serious about it though — just like “oh! popped a knot in you! sorry!” and does that 10 more times until you catch on.
“Dazai… are you in rut???” “…yeah.” absolutely ridiculous mind game for no reason other than it’s Dazai.
Seriously, if this man is your Alpha, I’m sorry. He makes you jealous accidentally a lot because he has Omegas fawning over him, that he gives crumbles of attention for validation, but his secretly super possessive and HATES when it happens to you. Seriously. One Alpha hits on you and suddenly you’re covered in hickies and claim marks, rubbed so hard with his scent it almost stinks and you can’t get it out with ANY SORT of laundry detergent.
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again, if this man is your Alpha, I’m sorry. I am actually less sorry than if Dazai is your Alpha but I’m still sorry.
Ranpo is childish. He has absolutely 0 clue on how to be a proper Alpha, despite Fukuzawa trying to teach him, but unlike someone like Kunikida or Sigma, has probably little to no desire to learn. That isn’t entirely true, especially with how earnest Ranpo is to want to learn with you, but honestly, he gives up very quickly.
He can be very selfish with his pleasure, but that’s mostly to your gain, to be honest. At least you have 0 emotional hangups when it comes to Ranpo. 🤷‍♀️ that’s all I can say.
He also has 0 embarrassment. He will fully scent you, partially undressing you to get to what he wants, like a breastfeeding CHILD, in the middle of the office. If you smack him away, he’ll be fully confused. Like “whaaaaat? I’m your Alpha. I’m supposed to do this.” NOT HERE, IDIOT.
Mouths your neck and your scent gland whenever too. Like just leans over in meetings to do so. You, as his Omega, almost have to leash him, your Alpha. It’s a bit of an unusual dynamic, but fits perfectly to Ranpo.
He will end up growing up a bit when he enters a relationship with you; however, that will take a lot of time. Your relationship probably starts off really casually too. Ranpo will most likely just offhandedly ask you on an outing, then he’s considering you his significant other, his omega, without it ever truly being discussed. “It wasn’t obvious? Why would I ask you out if I didn’t want to be with you?” Please teach him how to properly enter a relationship. Or at least discuss with him the standards of dating. Fukuzawa will give you a bonus. Just please.
Now, it’s very widely accepted that Ranpo is autistic/asperger’s syndrome, and I headcanon him as that as well so a little on that from another Aspie!!! Ranpo doesn’t always catch on to what is and isn’t socially acceptable. He has a tendency to sometimes be sexual in times that aren’t always the best, but if you tell him nicely, he’ll understand and back down. Usually with a nod and taking mental notes. You need to be very verbal with this man because he will not catch on in any sort of way. If you want a gift, ask him for it! If you want time alone, ask him. Seriously. You need to tell him or he’ll just keep doing his little routine.
He has stimulation problems. You might need to carry around headphones or some sort of fidget toy because he sometimes gets overwhelmed in public by all the information he’s taking in. He’s used to it, but that doesn’t make it better. If you let him sit on the couch with a weighted blanket and just sit with him in silence on the other side, he will eventually jump your ass after a while and cuddle up under your arm. He will probably not leave your side for the rest of the day, refusing to talk to anyone but you.
His libido is finicky, it jumps between hyper sexuality and almost completely disappearing, even if he wants to pleasure you. His ruts show that. Unlike most Alphas, they aren’t always timely, and show up randomly. It makes it hard for your heats to line up with his ruts. They rarely line up, and sometimes when you’re in heat Ranpo is completely disinterested and would rather be working on a case. Early on, he most likely will ignore you and them, not out of animosity or a lack of care, but just because he’s really not used to being in a relationship. If you give it time and practice, certainly after expressing your need, Ranpo will take care of you through them. Whether it’s eating you out or knotting you properly. He can finger you with one hand while working on his phone or laptop with the other, a skill he didn’t even know he had.
His ruts on the other hand… he’s very needy. You will have to call out of work for a week or two. He wants to be touching you at all times. Don’t expect to leave the bed at all. Actually, just plan on being on his knot the whole time. If you have to get up, even for a drink of water, expect him to be right there behind you, arms clasped around your waist, begging for you to come back to bed. His scent gets so heavy. He just wants to be comfortable and the only way he feels comfortable is with you. You might need additional call out days for how weak your legs will be afterwards.
Ranpo is apologetic though and will bring you painkillers or a heating pad. You probably could talk him into a massage every now and then. He knows how much you give to him, and struggles with sometimes feeling like your relationship is one sided. It is, in a way, but Ranpo gives back tenfold with how absolutely pure his love is for you. He’s loyal and will never entertain any sort of attention from any other Omega. He shares all his snacks and candy with you and tries to show you his love in little ways, like remembering your favorite flavors or something you mentioned you liked.
Ranpo isn’t the best Alpha, but he is a good soul. He tries and though he has his struggles, he really is there for his (and your!) best interests at heart.
Praise him. Praise him during his rut and you will be there for another week. It drives it crazy and ends up lengthening it for an extended amount of time.
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blueberrymocha · 3 months
Hi ! I saw that u already made hxh headcanons on a reader who's always cold, could you do then headcanons of the main 4 (hxh) with a reader who is actually always really nice and sweet, friendly and polite? But gets absolutely feral and relentless when someone is rude or hurts their loved ones??
Ty ahead and have great day 💗💗💗
main 4 with a reader who goes feral when someone hurts their loved one
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✰ he adores how kind and sweet you usually are
✰ while he can get along with virtually anyone, he prefers friendlier people like you
✰ and he’d probably also rely on you to keep him in check and be the calmer one
✰ so when someone makes a rude comment towards him, he definitely doesn’t expect you to jump to his defense
✰ and if you got physical with someone, he’s even more shocked
✰ his biggest concern is stopping the disagreement, he just doesn’t want to watch you get hurt over something trivial
✰ so as much as he loves you defending him, he’ll tell you it’s not worth the trouble and to let it go
✰ don’t get me wrong though, he’s quite happy that you’re willing to do that for him in the first place
“i’m so lucky to have you by my side… but seriously where did that come from!?”
✰ he finds this pretty intriguing
✰ because under normal circumstances, you’d never result to aggression/violence
✰ and yet when he’s involved… you immediately drop those hesitations to stand up for him
✰ now at first, he might jump to the conclusion that you think of him as weak
✰ so while he bandages a cut you got in the fight, he’ll bring it up
“idiot… why’d you have to get hurt for me anyway? i could’ve dealt with it on my own.”
✰ but once you explain things, he realizes he was overthinking it
✰ and when he does, he becomes the biggest cheerleader
“yeah! beat his ass y/n!”
✰ to be honest, it reminds him a lot of gon
✰ which would make him love it even more
✰ however, if you go too feral, he’ll probably get you to stop
✰ because at the end of the day, whatever the person did didn’t even matter to him
✰ he himself would be more protective over someone sweet and kind
✰ the world can be very harsh and someone who’s polite to everyone would come across as naive to him
✰ which is also why he’s the most surprised of all when you get defensive
✰ you going crazy on someone for insulting him is just completely out of character in his mind
✰ that being said, if you can handle it yourself, he won’t stop you
✰ after all he’s the exact same way
✰ not to mention he’s honored you’d do so much for his sake
✰ if it got out of hand, he’d just tell you to lay off
✰ and once the two of you were alone, he’d make it clear he thought your actions were justified
✰ although, if something similar happened in the future, he’d remind you not to engage and try to cool you down
✰ mainly because he’d prefer you don’t get into any fights at all
✰ you’re giving him whiplash
✰ like he can’t understand how someone as sweet as you could switch up so quickly
✰ we all know that he’s no stranger to getting into arguments
✰ so if you’re merely defending him with words, he’s got no problem
✰ if you started fighting the person, he’s conflicted
✰ cause part of him is like
“punch him harder!”
✰ but his rational side will probably break up the fight
✰ if you ended up getting injured for him, he’s really flattered
✰ and of course he takes care of every injury
✰ but also “don’t do that ever again”
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