#yeah jason todd is to me just... I've never had a character that meant something like this to me
elise-51-blog · 2 years
So Kite Man and Batman walk into a bar...
This one's kind of a long time coming. Originally meant to be written for 2022 DC Rare Character Weekend @rarecharacterweekend, life got in the way, and I've never been a quick writer. This Kite Man is that from Tom King's book, not the cheeseball Harley Quinn character (whom I also love).
Fathers and sons, grief, loss. But I try for the jokes too.
There's a Jason Todd & Bruce chapter, here's a snippet for the Jason lovers:
And at some point in there, this scared, angry little kid had looked at Bruce like he’d been glad Bruce had come into his life; like as long as Bruce’d been there to scoop this outrageous little tire-thief up and give him a home, give him pride, purpose, dignity. Been there to show him a little kindness, a little decency, a little love–well, even the mantle of Batman couldn’t compare to something like that. 
God, he’d been so funny too. 
See, you just ain’t punched enough assholes tonight, B, that’s why you’re so fuckin’ bitchy.
Focus, Robin.
Only if you focus on not being a little bitch–
Swear jar’s getting awfully full at home–
It don’t count on patrol.
Yes it does. And it’s twice the charge with poor grammar.
Agent A said it don’t count if you provoke me–
If I provoke you?!
Yeah, if you’re on your period for the night and you go triggering my trauma and shit, I don’t owe nothin’, Old Man. Alf says–
NAMES, Robin.
Whatever, man, Agent A says to let him know if you traumatize me–
YOU asked ME to go on patrol tonight, you wouldn’t shut up about it–
Yeah, but ain’t nothin’ goin’ on, I’m bored.
And that’s traumatizing you, being bored.
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bluejaysandblackbats · 4 months
Moon Rocks
Fandom: DC Comics, Batfam
Summary: Jason accidentally reunites his mother with an old friend after being caught shoplifting.
Chapters: 1/?
Characters: Jason Todd, Catherine Todd, Natalia Knight
Additional Tags: No Capes AU, No Powers AU, Angst and Fluff, Old Flames, Romance
Chapter One: Cab Fare
Jason had only seen her once before, but the fear still felt the same. He froze up in the dimly lit grocery store, his eyes fixed on hers as the fluorescent light above them blinked. Jason wished he'd had words to speak so that he wasn't trapped in his silence, but she whispered, "I saw what you just did… Here." She took his hand and closed it around some cash. Jason chewed his lip, trying to figure out what to do next. "Is someone sick at home?"
"Huh?" Jason asked, immediately feeling embarrassed as she pulled a large bottle of Pedialyte from the kangaroo pocket of his hoodie, and she pointed to items in his basket. "Yeah, my mom's sick at home."
"Just the two of you?" the woman asked. Jason didn't answer her. "Right, I shouldn't ask that… Is it the flu? I think it's going around—."
"It's not," Jason interrupted as he walked past her to get rubbing alcohol and toilet paper. "She's just not feeling well."
"She must be really sick," she noted. Jason shrugged, and his throat tightened up. He knew that the woman meant well, but he also knew that she was right. His mother was very sick. "My name's Natalia, by the way."
"Do you want your money back?" Jason asked. Natalia shook her head.
"No, I just—. You remind me of someone I knew when I was younger," Natalia explained. Jason sucked his teeth and turned to her. "But you're busy."
"You sure you don't want your money back?" Jason asked. She shook her head, and he went about his way. She continued to talk to him, but his mind was fixed on getting to the line and going home.
When he got to the register, he realized that Natalia stood by the exit, and Jason sighed. "Sorry, I just—. It's raining. I didn't want to leave without asking if you needed a ride," Natalia asked. Jason shrugged.
He took a minute to think about her offer and ultimately shook his head. "I think that's a bad idea… Look, Lady, are you lonely?" Jason asked. Natalia sighed and nodded. Jason took his bags and handed her one before taking his change from the clerk. "You can walk with me."
Natalia smiled, and she followed Jason outside. She stopped him and opened her umbrella over his head. "Here you go," she whispered. Jason carefully stepped so that he didn't splash her with a puddle.
"You don't live around here, do you?" Jason asked. She shook her head. "My name's Jason, by the way."
Natalia smiled and took in a deep inhale of the night air. "Don't you just love the nights?" she asked.
"It smells like piss and tailpipe exhaust when it rains," Jason replied. She laughed. "What?"
Natalia followed Jason across the street, still holding the umbrella over Jason's head. "Language," she corrected him gently.
"I don't lie to my mom. I've never told her a lie, and I don't plan on starting just because I did something wrong," Jason replied. Jason led her upstairs, and when they got to his apartment, Jason let Natalia in. As soon as they entered, Jason put the bags on the counter, and he called out to Catherine. "Mom! Mom, I'm home… And I brought a guest!" He looked around the room and knocked on the door before going into her room. She lay in bed with her eyes closed, and Jason nudged her. "Mom, wake up." He waited a moment, and when she didn't stir, he grabbed her wrist and took her pulse. "Mom?" Jason took a breath and let go of her wrist. "Lady!" Jason hollered.
"Piss isn't a curse word. My mom said so," Jason replied as he led Natalia into his building, and she closed her umbrella. "You can come in when we go upstairs. I think my mom wouldn't mind. I'm already in trouble for talking to a stranger anyway."
"Well, you wouldn't be if—."
Natalia ran into the doorway, and Jason asked her for her phone and called 9-1-1. His voice remained calm on the line while he rolled Catherine onto her back and put a pillow under her legs. Jason walked around the room. "Kitty?" Natalia whispered. Jason opened a duffel bag and put in a few days' worth of clothes. He turned back to put on Catherine's shoes and took a deep breath. "Kitty's your mom?" Natalia asked. Jason didn't answer as he slipped a pair of socks on his mother's feet. "Is Kitty—?"
"Who is Kitty?" Jason snapped as he set Natalia's phone down on Catherine's nightstand.
Natalia stood frozen, still a little in shock. Jason remained calm on the outside despite the way his thoughts raced. "Kitty was uh—. She was my best friend, and we lost touch when she lost—. When she—. Jason, what's wrong?" Natalia asked.
Jason didn't answer her. "She's sick. It's my fault. I shouldn't have left her… I told her that she should've gone—. I'm sorry, you can go if you want," Jason whispered. Natalia shook her head. Jason sat on the bed by Catherine, waiting for Natalia to walk away.
"No, I'll stay. Jason, what's wrong with her? If it's not the flu… Is it food poison—?"
"It's withdrawal… I told Mom that she was too sick to stay here alone while I went to the store," Jason whispered, "How far are the paramedics from Park Row?"
The woman on the phone answered him, and Jason sighed. "Cancel the ambulance. We'll take her to the hospital ourselves," Jason replied as he pulled his mother up, and Natalia moved to help him carry her.
"I've got her. You get the phone and her bag. She's not heavy," Natalia reassured. Jason obeyed and followed her out the door. He hung up on the paramedics and called a cab when they got to the exit. The rain plastered their hair to their faces as Jason ended the phone call. "Where's your d—?"
"Dead. My dad died, and he won't be missed. I'm sorry if I'm being snappy, but I'm just in a rush to get her to the hospital, and it's raining on her head… How do you know Mom, and why do you keep calling her Kitty?" Jason asked.
Natalia chewed her lip, and Jason looked at her. "We were best friends in college. We fell out of touch when she lost—... We fell out of touch," Natalia explained, "How old are you?"
"I'll be thirteen in August… Why?" Jason asked as he looked up at her. Natalia wouldn't look him in his eyes. "What?"
"I was just wondering if maybe that's why she disappeared. Jason, your mother, and I never fell out. I just woke up one morning, and she was gone," Natalia mumbled. The cab pulled up, and Natalia put Catherine in the cab, and she got in after Jason.
"You lived with my mom?" Jason asked before reminding the cab driver of where he was supposed to go.
Natalia smiled and nodded. "She'd just moved to Gotham because she fell out with her parents… Kitty was so sheltered back then, but we were inseparable. Everyone called her Kitty back then, but it's sort of obvious that no one does that anymore," Natalia frowned at the realization that Catherine was so different from the girl she once knew. Catherine's eyes opened a little, but Jason could tell she wasn't in her right mind.
"Jason, where are we?" Catherine asked. Jason took her hand and squeezed it in his. "Nat? What's Nat doing here?"
"I bumped into Jason at the store. You've got a sweet kid," Natalia smiled.
"We're going to the hospital. Natalia carried you to the cab—."
"Miss Knight," Catherine corrected him as she attempted to lift her head. The cab grew silent, and they stopped at a red light.
"This light is broken," Jason pointed out, "Just go. The camera doesn't even work." The cab driver mumbled something and went through the light. He pulled into the parking lot of the emergency room. Natalia paid the fare and got out of the car to get a wheelchair. Jason helped Catherine out of the car and into the chair, holding onto Catherine's duffle bag.
Jason ran ahead to the front desk and explained Catherine's situation to the nurse, and the nurse looked at Catherine. She received priority, and a nurse pushed her through. Jason smoothed his wet hair back and let out a sigh of relief. Natalia rubbed his back and took him aside to sit down and fill out paperwork. Jason finished filling out the paperwork, and he took a deep breath. "You can lean on me if you're tired," Natalia offered, and Jason lay his head on her shoulder. She held onto the clipboard as he drifted off to sleep. After Jason fell asleep, Natalia went on her phone and drafted a few emails. Jason slept for nearly an hour before a nurse came to get them.
When they got to Catherine, she lay in a hospital bed more alert than she'd been an hour prior. "Come here," Catherine whispered, and Jason fell into her arms and embraced her. "I love you so so much." She directed her glance up at Natalia, and she froze up. Jason looked up and directed his glance over to Natalia.
"She helped carry you to the cab," Jason whispered. Catherine pressed a kiss to the top of Jason's head. Jason lay next to her and closed his eyes. He drifted off to sleep by her side, and once Catherine was sure Jason was in a deep sleep, she whispered, "Nat, I—."
"I didn't tell him about the baby… Is he the reason why you left?" Natalia asked. Catherine shook her head.
"I met him. I didn't have him," Catherine explained, "But he doesn't know that. He's in so much trouble for letting you in the apartment... but I can't stay mad at him."
Natalia's shoulders dropped, and she looked away, fixing her hair, trying to avoid eye contact. "Let him stay with me while you get better. I'll make sure both of you have everything you need," Natalia offered. Catherine started to shake her head and protest, but Natalia continued to speak. "I don't want to take your son from you. I just want to know him… And I'd like to—. I'd like to see you." Catherine pulled her blanket over Jason and took a deep breath.
"H—he's all I have. I can't leave Jason. Besides, I'm too scared—." Catherine started to cry. Natalia turned to Catherine, and she chewed her lip nervously.
Natalia frowned. "It wouldn't be permanent, and we can talk about specific places in the morning… Kitty, aren't you tired? You don't even look like the same girl I used to know, and Jason deserves to have the best of you," Natalia whispered, "Let me help you like I wanted to help thirteen years ago."
"Say you'll go," Natalia whispered, "For him." Catherine bit her lip and nodded.
"But wherever it is, I have to be close by," Catherine replied as tears streamed down her face. Natalia walked over and stood completely still for a moment before reaching to wipe Catherine's tears.
"Get some rest. We'll talk in the morning," Natalia whispered, "I'll be here if either of you needs anything." Catherine collected herself and closed her eyes, allowing sleep to flood in. Natalia looked at Catherine and Jason before returning to her seat and closing her eyes. Natalia allowed her mind to drift back to earlier in the evening.
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mintacle · 2 years
For the ask game! Charcoal, lilac, steel, sapphire and carmine. It may be too much but I love how much you love and understand Jason and your content. Jason's my favourite character and your posts make so happy! Sorry for the rambling!
Aw, no no, don't apologize! This is so super sweet, my heart is melting. 🥺
I'm going to be blushing and re-reading this and I'll save it for when I doubt my art or other stuff I post.
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a-sour-nectarine · 3 years
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning: Major Character Death
Category: Gen
Relationship: Tim Drake & Jason Todd
Characters: Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Cassandra Cain (mentioned), Bruce Wayne (Mentioned), Dick Grayson (mentioned), Stephanie Brown (mentioned)
Additional Tags: Implied/Referenced Character Death, Depression, Tim Drake is Not Okay, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Suicide Notes, Passive Suicide, implied imposter syndrome
I recommend reading this on Ao3, the formatting on here is weird
The fish will die without you. You have to feed the fish.
The handwriting was neat, with looping curves, Tim's trademark "f" curling down into the space below.
The writing below that was barely recognizable. It was sharp and erratic, tilted like he had written it from the side.
The fish are dead.
Jason stared into the little glass bowl on his kitchen counter. The betta's scales shifted from red to gold, and the black "mask" and fins had been too perfect to pass up. He hadn't thought twice about the 200 dollar price tag.
Cass had named it Red.
Now, Red was turning pink. He was supposed to have been in Tim's oversized fish tank by now. A tiny bowl wasn't good for him.
Jason closed the notebook in his hand, the gold letters shining when he set it on the table.
Musings of a Trespasser.
It had been a gag gift. A reference to a conversation had while high off their 48th hour awake.
"You ever feel like an outsider to your own life? Like you're trespassing on something private, but it's just you?"
"Poetic. You should write this shit down."
"Yeah, I could be a Twitter comedian."
The pet shop was empty. Not a soul, save Jason and the tired cashier.
He grabbed a bag of gold rocks and the biggest fish tank he could find, hauled it onto his shoulder, slapped a wad of bills next to the register and grunted "keep the change."
"I love you guys. I hope this is enough."
No one had known what that meant. Now, Jason alone knew.
If he'd known before, he would never have given Tim that notebook.
Every time Jason closed his eyes, he saw Tim's blood. He saw Tim slitting his own throat on the dagger of the man who held him hostage.
"I hope this is enough."
I hope I will be able to repay them. For bearing the burden I am.
Same words.
Jason would give anything to hold the dumb kid in his arms now, and not let him leave until he knew he wasn't a burden. Never had been. Never would be.
God, even when Jason had hated him, he'd still admired him. Tim was smart, confident, and anyone with eyes could see he was the only reason Bruce was still functioning.
And then he had gone and killed himself. Killed himself, so no one would have that kind of leverage over Bruce.
The leverage of a son's life.
I hope my intrusion can be forgiven. I don't have it in me to leave. I hope they don't resent me for impeding on their family.
Red seemed happier in his giant tank. Jason decided he would have to get some little castles and plastic seaweed. Maybe some coral to fill out the space. He remembered the guy who had sold the fish to him saying something about how bettas didn't do well with other bettas. But maybe some decorations would make Red less lonely.
I've managed to make Dick Grayson hate me. I didn't know that was possible. I guess it was just a matter of time.
They'd never found the body. They'd had to physically pry Bruce away from the rubble before he scraped the flesh from his hands. The blast was measured at 1500° F. Everyone inside had been incinerated.
Nothing but bones were ever found. They weren't Tim's bones. In another scenario, that might have meant hope, it might have meant that Tim was still out there, somewhere.
But Jason had seen him bleed out on the floor. He had watched him take his last breath.
And then he had pulled Dick outside, kicking and screaming, dragged him away from the explosion, away from the body on the floor, just seconds before detonation.
But he had seen Tim die. He wasn't going to let his idiot of a brother get killed for a man who was already dead.
Tim's angry little ghost would have haunted him for the rest of his life, if he had.
You have to feed the fish.
Dick hadn't talked to him in a week. Jason didn't care. He was still alive, and that was what mattered.
Steph hasn't spoken to me in four days. I know she's ignoring me. I pulled her out of the field too early, she's mad.
I don't care. She's alive because of it. I'd rather she ignore me for the rest of my life than end up another tombstone on the lawn.
The fish was red again. Red and gold and black. It's favorite place to hide was the artificial cave that had been placed in the back left corner of the tank.
It made Jason want to cry.
I know they don't want me here. I'm the interloper, the trespasser. This little journal is pretty aptly named.
I just can't force myself to leave. It's so nice to watch a family act like a family. Even if they aren't mine.
The gag gift felt like a noose around Jason's neck, now. Everything boiled down to the regret of buying it, of handing it to Tim with the red stick-on bow in the corner. Tim had smiled, a genuine smile, and laughed, and Jason had hoped that it meant they were healing. Really healing.
He'd rather they still be enemies.
Maybe that wouldn't have changed a thing. It probably wouldn't have.
But damn, if that was what it would have taken, he would have broken that fragile friendship into pieces with his bare hands.
It might have made it worse. It probably would have. But everything else was put of his control. He couldn't have changed a single other thing, not really.
Or maybe nothing could have prevented it. Tim always had contingencies. Rarely did those contingencies include his continued survival.
He hadn't even realized! He hadn't even realized that Bruce would have dropped the world into enemy hands to save Tim's life. He didnt even know the extent of the power the knife to his throat had.
But he hadn't left it to chance.
He knew what human life meant to Batman. He might have thought himself to be nothing more than a civilian, in Bruce's eyes.
Or maybe.... just maybe, he had known. Deep down, below the self-destruction, the insecurities, the lack of trust, he had known.
God, Jason hoped so. He hoped Tim had known the value of his own life. Or even just a fraction of it.
That he had died aware that he was loved.
The tattoo scrawled across Jason's collar bone, Tim's posh handwriting out of place among gnarled scars and hard muscle.
You have to feed the fish.
It was reversed, so that he could read it in the mirror. It wasn't there for other people.
It was there as a reminder.
What it was a reminder of was not something that could be put into words. But Jason knew. Maybe Tim knew. That was all that mattered.
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