#yeah that one made me cry
nevarroes · 7 months
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mikakuna · 2 months
do you think some random toddler has come up to jason, looked up at him, lifted their arms until jason picked them up and then just latched onto his nipple through the shirt? when the milk doesn't come, the kid just starts rubbing his chest and wondering where it is.
all of a sudden jason has a handful of a sobbing toddler while the toddler has a handful of his left tit
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sbiderverse · 6 months
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Tell Ruby I love her. And tell her she did the right thing.
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cassketti · 1 year
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Shading practice lol
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morningmask27 · 5 months
catified resident lover, Bela edition
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happy birthday to the one and only character that matters!
I make an offering of assorted Bela drawings on this holy day
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gunsatthaphan · 6 months
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in seasons one and two, the colors of ted lasso are bright. vibrant. it’s one of the things that helped the show stand out when it first released - so many shows nowadays are dark, and i don’t mean in terms of their content. i mean in terms of their color grading. everything is muted, washed out, shrouded in shadow. ted lasso was the opposite of that. it was rich, colorful, to reflect the show’s optimism and inherent joy.
i first noticed it when the theme song rolled in s3e1, but the color grading has been different this season. user @strawberryswords mentioned it too, that the beginning of the season didn’t feel the same as the rest of the show, didn’t feel like a comedy, because ted wasn’t living in a comedy anymore! his depression was sinking into the foundation of the show, right down to the color grading. the team hasn’t felt like themselves all season, distracted by zava or by their losing streak, but this episode, they FINALLY figured themselves out.
and i GASPED. when the color grading was fixed. if you look for it, you can tell - after richard scores the goal against arsenal, the colors are vibrant again! the green of the pitch is warm and bright, the boys’ yellow kits are almost GLOWING. they figured it out. they’re a team again. multiple people have mentioned how episodes 6 and 7 have felt so much better than the beginning of the season, and that’s intentional!! after each of them individually being in some kind of funk, they have found their optimism again. ted lasso is once again about joy. and i’m so, so, so glad to see it.
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 1 month
ROSE: Let's not beat a dead horse.
EQUIUS, absolutely horrified: D -> That's an awful thing to say
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say what you want about the live action ATLA
But shoutout to Dallas Liu, Gordon Cormier, and Ian Ousley cause if those boys were gonna do one thing it was DELIVER THOSE LINES and SERVE THAT EMOTION
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swiftfootedachilles · 9 months
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But maybe I'm just too young to keep good love from going wrong
Lover, You Should've Come Over by Jeff Buckley
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mintypsii · 2 months
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kataraslove · 9 months
zutara shippers: katara and mai deeply dislike each other. mai is literally seething with jealousy over the fact that zuko took lightening for katara, while he abandoned mai and left her to rot in prison until her uncle bailed her out.
katara and mai: *develops a canon friendship by the end of the series*
also zutara shippers: katara would adore on ji and consider her as a best friend!
katara and on ji: *do not share any scenes together. katara has only shown to harbour jealousy towards on ji dancing with aang*
it’s so funny to me how the self-proclaimed pro-katara and pro-feminist fandom will attempt to orchestrate a nonexistent rivalry between two girls who hold no animosity towards each other anymore in canon, while at the same time insisting that katara would become good friends with the minor character that she has only ever expressed jealousy towards.
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bubzterr · 9 months
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hmmm today i will try and make some silly edits (punished immediately for my hubris)
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wembleysfraggle · 1 day
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Godzilla loves his trans daughter!! (And is also trans) 🩵🩷🤍🩷🩵 please take it easy on me, I've never drawn a kaiju before
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theminecraftbee · 1 year
because i'm seeing it come up again, a quick "mod thoughts re: all the voter fraud" discussion:
okay so like. in a perfect world, tumblr would have email verification that actually mattered, and we, the mods, would have some more effective way to prevent voter fraud than saying "oh no don't do fraud that's bad". however, we have neither of those things, and doing fraud on our polls is... ridiculously, laughably easy.
so, imagine our distress when during the techno/scar round, a lot of scar fans started getting very, very angry about fraud we weren't sure was even happening? that, indeed, we had absolutely no reason to think was happening at the time, and no way to do anything about it if was?
well. there were two options. and we took the one that would lead to everyone having more fun and things being less toxic overall in the community. the thing is: if we'd said "voter fraud is entirely unallowed, this thing we can't prevent and can't moderate", then the toxicity of fanbases blaming each other for "breaking the rules" would have gone through the roof. full-stop. and we... didn't want that. this poll did not matter. it still doesn't matter. it had grown wildly, wildly bigger than we'd expected, and we had basically no way to control the way everyone was acting about it, but we didn't want to make a statement that would cause people to be even meaner to each other.
so instead, we took the funny option. we said "yeah do whatever voter fraud you want we don't care". SLIGHTLY regret that we didn't know tumblr tried to make you follow random strangers' blogs when you made a new account otherwise maybe we would have been a BIT more clear about 'don't do that', but listen. by saying "voter fraud is totally fine" we made it funny that people were cheating. we made it so there was basically no such thing as "cheating". we made it so, and this was key, the growing toxicity about "but they're BOTTING" was stupid, because like... everyone's doing it now. openly and blatantly doing it. voters fraud is a beautiful name for a baby girl, and this poll doesn't matter and isn't worth getting worked up over, and you can't cheat if it's not against the rules and everyone's doing it anyway, is the idea here.
like, in an ideal world, would we have rampant voter fraud? nah. in a world where we can't stop it if it happens, though... may as well make sure both sides have equal opportunity to fraud, right? like, that makes it even again, right? and more importantly, it reminds people that this shit really, really doesn't matter.
anyway all of this is to say that if you all start coming into our notes and inbox again to start being really toxic about the other side of the poll and make me cry again i will be pissed.
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sandwichhour-too · 2 years
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So nier automata's coming to switch huh
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