#yeet a goose
another-random-goose · 2 months
may i interest you in an SBK au?
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This is Cassi (from Latin meaning approximately "of the empty things"), otherwise known as Not!Summertime. They showed up in Dark Oak one day and they have absolutely zero clue what is going on, and they are trying as hard as they can to pretend to be the guy in the bucket hat who's supposed to be living in the tube.
What happened to Summertime Viking? Who knows! He's not here and this guy has to make up excuses for every weird thing surrounding their appearance. "Did you always have pointy ears?" Was Avid always a monkey?
Does Cassi know what a reasonable trade is? Absolutely not. They do not know what a reasonable amount to pay for fairly mundane items is and multiple kingdoms have gotten an entire hotbar's worth of dark oak because of it. They have also traded so many things for apples. It turns out the void is hungry, not for human life, but for tree fruit.
Who's the first to figure it out? Does anyone help cover for them with increasingly ridiculous yes-and-ing of excuses? What happens when the actual Summertime returns? All this and more wacky doppelganger shenanigans in the Not!Summertime AU (i don't know why i wrote that like it's a promotion for a special movie event on disney channel)
Anyway Spiderman meme
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cannibalhellhound · 7 months
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It's all lined 👍🏼
Now, I will be ✨suffering✨ because coloring is the fuckin worst.
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mothergoosinganon · 11 months
[Fruit's showed up and is. Biting the box]
—to open the box one would have to knock in a specific pattern…however the goose has managed to recreate it by nibbling on the box. why. why is it even back here. regardless, MG is released from the box face down onto the floor, now appearing to have a completely monotone outfit. before closing, all of the warmth and color is drained from the building into the box except for from the goose. he shivers.—
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ghostsandmirrors · 1 year
( @backedagainstthewall requested a starter from Nat, Mattie, or the Goose and got Mattie )
The small diner was different to anything she was used to now days; the swamplands didn't have much use for a diner and whenever she was in town she didn't tend to go anywhere except stores. It was nice. It reminded her of when she first came to the USA; she'd spent so much time at a diner near her apartment.
So many things had changed.
The Scavenger had told her about the man she was hoping to find here. He'd heard some kind of rumour back in the day and she was... curious. Curious was the right word. Her curiosity hadn't stopped her from bringing information with her, though; her goal of wiping ex-agents out was a long way from being finished and she either needed people dead or in the swamplands.
Mostly, she just wanted to talk. Just one conversation.
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blorgbleg · 6 months
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Throwback to May 2022 when I just barely noticed all these goslings walking single file directly in front of the door before I went on a smoke break. No parent goose was found that day, but one did try to fly straight into my windshield FOR A WHILE the next spring.
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aria0fgold · 8 months
bro... BROOOOO childe pls why did you have to yeet my discord too I WAS TRYNA TALK TO A FRIEND.
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vomitworld · 1 year
*dabs* Rawr XD! UwU! Save the turtles SKSKSKSK! YOLO! Look at my swagger!
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iammissingautumn · 2 years
it’s called seeking support and being stronger.
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yourplayersaidwhat · 2 years
"Please do not yeet the goose" -Me
Shortly followed by
"You yeet the goose" by my DM
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konniesreality · 1 year
Hi, okay, I just have to complain a bit. And if you have some tips to me, like for example “try doing this”, “or this”, or “take a break, you silly goose”; I am quite open to those.
Okay, I know for a fact that the void is real. I know that entering is easy, however.
I’m actually getting frustrated that it feels like I’m procrastinating like this. Like, I’m not really procrastinating, since I’m trying, but I could put in more work.
The dumb thing is that I have this feeling I can enter the void any minute now. I guess what’s stopping me is the feeling of not being confident in the sleep methods, because my ego can’t find it normal to command the subconscious to yeet me into this meditative state. Awake methods at night gives me super dry eyes- my tear canals just says “bye” and leaves. Hurts like a butt cheek on a stick, and it’s just overall an inconvenience to me.
I feel like a failure.
Oof, I’m sorry for venting to you about this. I just don’t really know what to do, and you’re my comfort blogger, so yk. Idk
It’s okay, and I’m glad you find me as your comfort blogger. The truth is, even if you deny it, you guys have over complicated this WAY to much. I understand there are certain things that are hard to believe, and I understand the procrastination thing. I want you to get off of tumblr and read this. Take the information and GO
1. Lay in a comfortable position.
2. Breathe in and fill your belly with air, then breathe out at your own pace, continue until there are no thoughts.
3. Affirm “I AM” do not condition this awareness just affirm I AM.
4. Then you’ll be in the Holy Nothing. It should take 10 minutes or less. Don’t focus on time, or symptoms.
5. Affirm and come back
See? It’s easy and simple. Just relaxing, so stop procrastinating, get your dream life honey I’m rooting for you 💗
You can get into the void with open eyes, put a sleeping mask over them (idk what you mean by dry eyes)
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sincerely-sofie · 5 months
Thinking about the Hollow Knight time-travel fix-it fic I talked about in these tags and losing my mind. I dug through the old snippets I have for the AU and I’m so sorry but I need to yeet them into the great void of the interwebs so I don’t explode. Context indented below, but feel free to skip it and just read the snippets.
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During the events of the Embrace the Void ending, Ghost has become the next Lord of Shades (a sort of inherited godhood in this fic). After defeating the Radiance she immediately sets to work remaking history, and after some finagling is able to erase the Radiance from existence past a certain point in the timeline. Once she's done so, she enters the timeline and starts manually fixing everything she couldn't correct by abruptly retconning an entire goddess— and this means starting by rescuing the surviving vessels who are still trapped in the Abyss.
TPK brings up the Hollow Knight as his daughter after the Radiance disappeared and he came to the worrying realization that the mindless weapon he'd been raising was actually, for all intents and purposes, a rather normal kid. He has issues with his past but shunts the guilt to the background so he can function as a king and father. But once Ghost enters the new timeline, he starts having visions of there being other vessels who survived in the Abyss— and he starts going on a wild goose chase through all of Hallownest looking for his kids as he's forced to face the impact of the Abyss head-on.
(Ghost searches for survivors after giving herself a mild concussion:)
The first thing Ghost did upon entering the new world was materialize into the Abyss and immediately knock herself out by banging her head on an overhang. She definitely misjudged the size of this form.
She woke with a headache, one of her horns snapped off and lying at her feet, and surrounded by too-tiny, too-empty shells.  
She wanted to be sick. 
But she was on a mission.
Ghost took in a deep breath and called out.
Silence was what met her at first, then a single, quiet cheep. 
Ghost called back with a coaxing chirp. 
A head popped up over a large mound of corpses. Just one horn on this one— just one nubby little horn that sat over their brow. Ghost would have thought they were cute if they didn’t look so horrified. She reached out to them, cooing softly, and their fear gave way to interest. They rushed over and hopped onto her back so they could scramble onto her head and pat near where her horn snapped off. 
“Did you fall?” They asked through the Void, the question twisted with worry, and she could hear in their voice that they were a little boy.
“No, I didn’t fall. Just hit my head.”
“Are you hurt?”
“I’m fine.” She tilted her head forward to slide the sibling into her outstretched palm. A brother. She figured there must have been at least some boys among the hatchlings in the Abyss, but the only other vessel she knew was Holly. She had a little brother. The thought made her weirdly dizzy. “Where are the others?”
Ghost froze. There was nothing down here but stone, Void, and corpses, and only one of those was remotely edible. She fought down the terrible memories that crawled up— she remembered the crunch of empty chitin in her own jaws, how it scraped her throat and did nothing to fill her belly— and she reached into her Void to find the supplies she’d been given by Mato before she ascended the Pantheon. Her claws closed around the bundle, and she didn’t even wait to see if they were still good before calling out a sharp, commanding chirp. Come, there’s food here.
The number of little vessels that peered over the mounds of carapace and raced over to her was overwhelming— There were eleven. Eleven survivors, including the one on her shoulder. She didn’t come too late after all. But then she saw what they were all gnawing on and fought the urge to be sick all over again. 
“Don’t eat those,” she snapped, and several vessels looked down at the pieces of carapace clutched in their hands, confused. “They’re bad. Come here. I have something better.”
She undid the tie holding the bundle of preserves closed and set it on the ground in front of the other vessels, mentally thanking Mato for his parting gift. There were berries, crawlid jerky, bread, roots and mushrooms and vegetables she didn’t have the energy to name. The vessels eyed the food warily. 
“It’s… bright?” One ventured. 
“Smells weird,” another said. 
“Where did you find it?” Asked the one with the single horn. 
“Outside. Eat, eat.”
(Ghost is tunneling out of the Abyss with the surviving vessels:)
Ghost carved another stretch of path in the rock wall and swept the rubble out and away, over and over again, hoping she knew what direction she was digging. The vessels on her back questioned her relentlessly while she worked. 
“What happened to your thingy?” Asked one, gesturing to her two curled-down horns. 
“Horn,” Ghost corrected, and focused less on answering her question and more on ensuring that none of the vessels were swept away with the rubble or slipped from their places on her back while she dug upward.
“She hit her head,” said the one-horned vessel. 
“And it broke?” The curled-down horns vessel was aghast. “I didn’t know that could happen! Did it hurt?”
“I was alright.” 
“But your thi— your horn!” 
“It’s okay. I brought it with me, see? We can find a cloak to tie it back on.”
“But she said there weren’t any old shells outside,” said a bored-sounding vessel with horns that stuck out rather than up or down. “How are we supposed to find a way to tie it?”
While the vessels debated how to reattach her horn, which the one-horned vessel apparently brought with him without her realizing, Ghost made a mental note to check all of their hands when she had the chance. She was so concerned with getting them to drop their siblings' carapace they were gnawing on that she hadn’t looked twice at the wicked-sharp horn in that vessel’s eager grasp. She needed to confiscate it. 
But when she broke through the other side of the stone wall and stepped out into Greenpath, only to be met by the Hunter looming with claws at the ready, she knew she had bigger things to worry about. 
(The Pale King is able to track down and reunite with the vessels while Ghost is away hunting... at least at first:)
The vessels all crept forward in their own time, until he was able to hand them the rest of the loaf to pick at to their content. He counted them— eleven in total, ranging in height from his knee to his waist. Eleven survivors. Eleven children to take home and ensure they’d recover from their early years. 
Oran felt a small weight lift from his chest. 
And then he heard a blood-chilling shriek, shot to place himself between the sound and the children, and he was slammed into the cavern wall with a resounding crack. 
Oran was not an idiot. He heard that shriek start as a growl that sounded like a blade dragging across ice, like an echo of the language of wyrms, and he knew it meant get away. He was not an idiot. But by the gods was he stupid sometimes. 
He snapped to his feet, ready to fight a vengefly king and lead it away from where his children stood on unsteady legs, hungry and weak— easy pickings. His stomach dropped when he saw not an apex predator, but a bug with a pitch black shell rushing towards them. A lance of light sprung into his hands without a thought, but he couldn’t move fast enough, it had already closed the distance—
—And looped its wyrm-like tail in careful coils around the children, then roared at him in a primal rumble he understood on instinct: If you draw any closer to my young, I’ll kill you.
A god— no, a goddess. A goddess with a shell like midnight, eyes like suns, claws like scythes, horns like castle spires. And she was hunched low to the ground, terrified, trembling as she bared her teeth at him. The Lord of Shades, reborn.
(Ghost threatens the Pale King for a good few paragraphs when he thanks her for protecting the vessels before he could rescue them.)
A pale-shelled head popped up from over the coils, shortly followed by all of its fellows. One small vessel chirped— chirped— at the goddess, who simply rumbled tightly and nudged them back down with her cheek, keeping her eyes on Oran. For every wide-eyed vessel that she hid away, two popped back up, intent to watch what was happening outside their guardian’s coils. It was difficult to reconcile the fact that his life was being threatened by the newly reborn Lord of Shades with the sight of his children peering up at him excitedly from where they perched in her coils. Adorable, the father within him remarked when one of them pointed and waved. Horrifying, the survivor within him said when the Lord of Shades fixed a vicious glare upon him as he reached out to them. 
The one-horned vessel raised the loaf of bread he gave them and prodded the Lord’s cheek with it. She bared her teeth at Oran, eyes still trained on him, until the vessel tapped her top-most coil and trilled irritably at her. She pouted at them, no longer wearing the face of a feral beast ready to rip him limb from limb, but rather an exhausted elder sibling being pestered by their junior. “What?”
The one-horned vessel held the loaf of bread over their head excitedly. 
“Where did y—?” She glanced at Oran narrowly. “And it didn’t make you sick?”
The vessel shook their head, patting her coil happily. They pointed to Oran and bounced up and down, and the bewilderment in her face deepened.
He took the opportunity to speak. “They’re starving. I brought them food. Please, I intend to take them home to my palace to be cared for. I don’t know why you’ve decided that they belong to you—” She bristled, growling at him once more. “— but it’s clear that they recognize me as their kin. They deserve to be with their family. Be reasonable.”
She paused, expression crossed with grief, and sat back on her haunches while relaxing the coils of her tail. The vessels clambered out and gathered around her legs to chirrup gently at her. She stooped down to sweep them into her arms and stand at her full height, towering over Oran as she spoke to them. “Are you sure?” She asked the larger one as they shrugged and moved to perch on her shoulder. “He’s not… he isn’t…” One nudged her jaw with their brow, and she returned the gesture of affection. “No,” she sighed. “No. I don’t like him. He hurt me. He hurt us.”
One small vessel hopped down from her arms and cautiously stepped toward Oran, holding something that didn’t quite fit under their cloak. They held it out, revealing a long, jagged, midnight-colored horn, snapped off near the base— and pointed to the goddess, posture hesitant in its silent question. He furrowed his brow. The tinier vessel pointed again, more insistently this time. It was then that Oran noticed the goddess, who still stood speaking to the vessels perched atop her, was missing a horn on the left side of her head. The dots connected. 
He accepted the horn from the vessel, then turned to the goddess. “I am able to repair your horn, if you’d like.”
She gaped at him, silent for a moment. “You… really?”
Motioning for her to kneel, he wove Soul around his fingers in a spell of mending. She shrugged the vessels off and slowly bowed her head into reach. He held the broken-off horn in place with one hand and traced the break with the fingertips of the other, murmuring the incantation to fuse it together under his breath. The carapace snapped back into place, and the goddess flinched away. 
"That was a seal of binding," she said. 
He quirked a brow. "I suppose one could describe it as such." 
Baring her fangs, she hissed, "If you ever work those spells near any of us, I'll swallow you whole."
(Ghost accidentally reveals that she is related to the Pale King during her explanation of how she stitched together time in a way that would mend the damage he did. The Pale King awkwardly changes the subject.)
The vessels finished their game and stood up to cluster around the god’s legs, tugging on her cloak and asking to be picked up. 
“What are their names?” He found himself asking. If what she said were true, perhaps the goddess had picked up his own tendency to dodge questions. 
She knelt down to let the vessels climb onto her back and shoulders, perch between her horns and crawl into her many arms. When she stood, her expression was dark. “They have none.”
“And yours?”
The goddess leveled him with an icy glare. “I am the Forsaken, Failure, Refuse and Regret, Master of Dreams, She Who Swallowed the Sun, Lord of Shades, God of Gods. I knew no name until the Daughter of the Beast branded me with one. I am the monument to my sire’s sins. I am the Ghost of Hallownest.”
Oran buried the dread that bubbled up at that damnation of a name and waved over a servant to ready the royal tram. 
A child named after the things he’d done in another life. Things he would have done in this life, had she not swallowed the sun. A child who had slain his greatest enemy, and would not hesitate to cut him down as well should he prove himself anything other than tolerable. 
He had so much to explain to his Root when he returned.
(Ghost + TPK + the vessels travel to the White Palace and meet the White Lady, who is confused by TPK introducing Ghost as Hollow's twin)
The White Lady’s brow furrowed. She idly rubbed the back of her knuckles over the branching-horns vessel’s cheek as she spoke. “Dear one, Calla’s not even a quarter of this bug’s size, nor do they look remotely alike. Forgive me my skepticism.” 
Ghost looked down at herself. It hadn’t occurred to her how different she looked now— she’d actually been enjoying her new height and shell. But maybe… 
Ghost shrugged the vessels perched on her back onto the ground. The King and Lady snapped to look at her when she abruptly burst into Void, leaving scattered pieces of carapace in her wake, only to reform as her old self. It hurt, being in this ill-fitting shell again, but she stayed in it long enough for recognition to dawn on both of their faces, then snapped her new shell’s pieces back into place over her Void. 
“Oh, stars,” the Lady gasped. “She looks just like she said.”
The King had gone paler than normal, if that were possible, and stood in silence, shaking. 
“Dear Life, Calla needs to hear this. My Wyrm, you’ve sent for her, haven’t you?”
“Not… yet?” He choked out, remarkably undignified. 
“Go, then, Oran, she deserves to know.” She watched him until he staggered out of the chamber, nodding once he left. And then those sapphire eyes were back on Ghost. “Is something the matter, child?”
“You… have arms,” she blurted out, recalling the White Lady’s bindings in the old world. 
“Why wouldn’t I?”
“You can see us? And— and the room?”
“I’m not blind, little one. And I’d be rather disappointed if I were. I’m beyond relieved to see your faces.”
“And you know I’m impure?”
The Lady’s eyes widened, brows drawing up in concern, lips pressed into a thin line. “Oh, child,” she breathed. She reached out to Ghost, cupping the side of her mask with a gentle hand. “Child, you’re no less pure than I am.”
(The White Lady didn’t care much for Ghost’s presence beyond reminding her of the King. Ghost had gone through so much, traveled so far, fought so hard to be nothing like him, and the White Lady mistook her for her father the second that she entered the dusty chamber. The White Lady looked down on the Grimmchild with open disdain, told him that the very earth rejected him with good reason, and told Ghost to destroy the charm that gave him life while she still could. The White Lady didn’t see Ghost, she saw a vessel, and she told her to cut down Hollow and take the failure’s place.)
Yeah. Yeah, that was a wonderful compliment. Ghost took the branching-horned vessel out of her arms a little too snappishly to be subtle, and the vessel voiced his protests through the Void. Ghost ignored them. “Where will we be staying?”
“There’s a guest chamber in my and my Wyrm’s wing of the Palace. Though we’ll have to build more rooms so each of you have your own in the future, I’m afraid.”
“We’d prefer to stay together,” Ghost scoffed. Was it really not obvious with how the other vessels clung to her and each other? 
The White Lady led them to a chamber that had obviously been tidied recently— everything inside glittering with cleanliness— and Ghost slammed the door in the Lady’s face.
(TPK ruminates on Hollow describing a sibling making the climb to reach him alongside her:)
Oran took the long elevator ride up the Watcher’s Spire in stride. He was handling this with inexplicable grace and majesty. And by that, he meant he was pacing circles in the narrow space and fighting off a panic attack.
Calla had spoken of a twin when she was younger and still learning to sign. It was difficult to understand what she was attempting to get across with such frantic, disjointed signs and spotty grammar, and in the years following she seemed to have either forgotten about the issue or given up on trying to explain it.
(But Oran wouldn’t��� couldn’t— forget. Not the way the grub phrased it. “Calla-Two stop climb. Down. Big crunch. Quiet.” Confusing as it was, it settled like ice in his stomach. Something horrible had happened. He knew it. He found Calla drawing the next week, several pages of vessel-shaped blobs of colors scattered across the floor, and the room spun around him when he spotted a page showing a vessel very much like Calla clinging to the lip of the final overhang, Calla standing above them, and Oran himself off to the side. He was there when it happened. There was a vessel that nearly finished the climb with Calla, that he could have taken home, and he hadn’t noticed.
(And now that vessel had returned, and she hated him. Poetic justice, he supposed.)
The elevator stopped. He stepped into the Watcher’s office.
(The vessels explore the room they're staying in at the White Palace:)
The vessels took one look at the massive, fluffy bed in the guest chamber and decided they didn’t like it. The chorus of sleepy confusion that tumbled through the Void was as hilarious as it was exhausting.
“Why is it squishy?”
“It feels weird.”
“Why does it smell like that?”
“What’s it for?”
“I’m tired.”
“Can we go to the Abyss? I wanna sleep.”
“We are not going to the Abyss.”
“But I’m tired!”
“Me too.”
After watching her siblings toss and turn in a struggle for comfort, Ghost tore off the sheets and untucked the downy comforter and pillows so she could stuff them under the bed. When the comforter in particular brushed up against the weary group of vessels, she could hear them gasp in awe at how nice it felt. They chirped excitedly as they tangled themselves up in the blanket, squishing it in their hands as they marveled at how something this soft could exist. And then one of them touched the silk sheets and they all lost every last one of their collective marbles.
“It’s too bright in here.” Ah. That was a fair point. Even with the curtains drawn and the lights out, the Palace managed to be significantly lighter than the Abyss. She blamed it on everything being white. The vessels wandered the room for a while longer before deciding that the only logical place to sleep was on the floor beneath the bed itself.
(Ghost saves Tiso from an unexpected strike, and Tiso has no filter, much to Quirrel's exasperation:)
Ghost lowered her outstretched arm, waiting until the vengefly skewered on her claws stopped squirming to uncurl herself from around a stunned Tiso. 
He looked from the vengefly, to Ghost, to the arm still wrapped around his middle, and back again. “Not gonna lie, that was pretty hot.”
“Tiso!” Came Quirrel’s exasperated shriek.
(Ghost stumbles across Hollow and TPK while walking around the White Palace, and Ghost has some emotions about the sudden reunion with Hollow and a revelation about TPK's character:)
The King halted abruptly when Ghost rounded a corner and nearly bowled him over, and she was so busy glaring at him that she hadn’t noticed the Hollow Knight in his shadow. 
There she was.
Hollow— no, Calla. She was alive, and safe, and she had paint and charcoal smeared on her mask. Ghost hunched in on herself to be closer to her sister’s height (how weird it was, to be the tall one all of a sudden) and reached out shakily. 
Then the Pale King stepped between them, and she was tempted to take off his head for that, until she saw his face. His jaw was set, and he tilted his head in such a way that showed… something. She couldn’t figure out what he was trying to communicate. But then a small hand took hold of his, and it became clear. 
Calla had tucked herself behind him, peering out from his side, tightly gripping his hand, obviously frightened.
Ghost had scared her. 
Ghost was scaring her. 
She decided at that moment that she hated being the tall one. 
She dropped into a shadow on the wall, mind alight with shame and anger at herself, shaking. 
The Pale King said something to Calla. She nodded and left down the corridor on her own, a little too quickly to be at ease with her surroundings. And then the King turned to the shadow Ghost had tucked herself into. Apparently she wasn’t being as subtle as she thought with her shadow-travel if he knew exactly where she was then. 
“I need some time to break the news,” he murmured. “She has a lot on her mind at the moment. I don’t want to overwhelm her.”
“I’d appreciate it if you didn’t.” 
“If you wouldn’t show your smaller form, I believe it would be easier on…”
“It hurts to stuff myself back in there anyway.”
“Thank you.”
“Is that all, or—?”
“You won’t show her that vision,” he said, voice suddenly sharp and clear and indisputable. Ghost hadn’t ever heard him speak as a king before, never heard him announce decrees and demands, but she could see him doing so in that tone. 
“That vision,” she echoed. 
“The one that I cannot sponge from my mind no matter how I try. The one that has haunted every last one of my waking hours. You will never show it to her, you will never discuss it with her, you will never so much as allude to it around her. If you feel so inclined to be cruel enough to touch on what happened in that gods-forsaken moment, you will choose me as your victim. Not her, nor her mother, nor the other children.”
“It affected you,” Ghost observed. 
His glare was icy. “And how did you expect I would react, if not by being affected?”
“To shrug it off. To brush it aside. To ignore it.”
“She’s my daughter. My flesh and blood, pride and joy, and you thought I would ignore seeing her do that?”
Ghost let the light of her eyes shine through the shadow. “Forgive me, I should have spoken more clearly— I expected you to look me in the face and say there was no cost too great.”
He fell silent. 
“I wouldn’t dream of doing what you described. I swallowed the sun, yes, but I didn’t inherit her cruelty, Pale King. I stitched this world together so my sister could be happy. Void swallow me whole if I’m the one to ruin that.”
He sighed, long and heavy, and strode away. Ghost slipped into his shadow as he passed. 
“… I scared her.”
“You did.”
“I didn’t want to.”
He didn’t reply.
“If I can’t use my old shell, how am I supposed to not scare her?”
“Don’t approach her.”
“She’s my twin.” Ghost barely kept from wailing indignantly. “I can’t just sit here and… The last time I saw her, she was barely clinging to life, and not willingly. I want to talk to her!”
He paused at that. “She survived the…” He swallowed dryly. “The attempt?”
“We weren’t going to let her die before she ever had the chance to live. I channeled all the Soul in the area into healing her, and Hornet—”
“You might know her as the Gendered Child, depending how far along we are in this world.”
“No. Nettie— Hornet was with you when that happened?”
Oh. His voice was tighter than she realized. The clipped element of his tone wasn’t anger. It was fear. 
Ghost squirmed. The shadows felt claustrophobic all of a sudden. “… She didn’t stay away. She said she would,” Ghost murmured. “She didn’t want to stand by like she did when her mother…”
The Pale King took a sharp left as he walked, locked himself in an empty council room, and sobbed. 
Ghost began to understand, seeing his glow brighten and brighten until the whole room was nothing but white light as he choked on his tears, that this wasn’t her sire. He was a sire, yes, but also a father. One who wept at the thought of his children suffering and being abandoned, let alone dying or witnessing each other’s deaths. He was a sire so unlike hers. She’d been placing her grudges and burdens onto someone who didn’t deserve it. 
(And that is why she was so like him. So like him that when she visited her mother that’s all she saw. So like him that his enemy thought her a disguise he’d taken on. So like him that she was following his every step.) 
Ghost left him to weep.
(Ghost gets into a scuffle with the Nightmare King and wakes up with the same injuries she gained during her dream:)
Promptly expelled from the Nightmare Realm, Ghost jerked awake on the floor under a massive bed and curled around her little siblings as they snored softly. She reluctantly rose and walked the castle grounds, staring at the gashes, gouges, and burns running all the way up her arm. She’d have to explain this to someone at some point. How would she phrase it? Would she just bluntly state that her tendency to pick fights had risen to threatening gods now? Yeah, that wouldn’t send anyone panicking. 
She was so numb with exhaustion that she didn’t notice the Pale King in the corridor across from her. They locked eyes. Neither moved until he glanced down at the arm she was favoring. He wordlessly reached out a hand in offering. 
She drew over to him and knelt closer to his height, then placed her arm in his reach. His brow knit together in worry as he traced his fingers over the wounds, never touching, just hovering over them. He reached for another pair of arms, and it was then that Ghost realized the palms of this pair were badly burned from when she strangled Nightmare. She hadn’t even noticed. 
He spun Soul around his hand in a luminescent glove. The Pale King didn’t lift his head all the way to ask if he could help, simply glanced up warily. Questioningly. Ghost nodded. 
He healed the wounds in silence. It was obvious what had inflicted them, and he couldn’t erase scars made by a god. They both knew that. But it was painfully clear that he was trying. He passed over the mended burns several times, and Ghost recognized the words he mouthed as a spell to change something’s colors. Nothing returned the singed-white claw marks in her shell to their original black. He tried so many times, but the spell bounced off the scars uselessly with each attempt. Finally, long after Ghost had accepted his efforts were futile, he tucked his arms back into his robes, shaking his head slowly, mouthparts working in frustration. 
Ghost was the one to walk away. She could feel the King's eyes on her until she passed the corner, and it was only then that she heard him turning away.
(TPK and Ghost have a chat, and Sofie has a favorite trope that is totally not used here at all:)
“How old are you?” The Pale King asked. 
That gave Ghost pause. “Strange thing to ask a god, don’t you think?”
“Perhaps if the god in question had ascended more than a few months ago, but not in this situation, no.” He looked her up and down. “This form looks significantly older than you behave, and it’s also the form every Lord of Shades would take while walking among mortals. It’s not clear what age you truly are.”
Ghost had to consider that. “I must be an adult by now. As for numbered years, though, I don’t know.”
“You don’t—? What do you mean?”
“Hallownest was in stasis when I entered it. There was no way to mark the passage of time, and it seemed like most things were… blurry. They could age, but not correctly. Some didn't age at all. And before I set foot in the kingdom, I was in the Wastes outside it. That lends itself even less to a good estimate of how old I am”
“If you had a caretaker, I’m certain they would have an estimate.”
“I was on my own until halfway through Hallownest.”
“Gods,” he hissed under his breath. “What world did you live in where a child was left to fend for themself and fight wars on their parents’ behalf?”
“Same world where a child cut down every last member of the Pantheons.” She gave him a narrow look. “I wasn’t an ordinary grub—” 
“No, because you never had the chance to be one. I’ve heard of children being forced to mature too soon, but to ascend to godhood because of the pressure heaped on you…”
“I got the job done.”
“And what did you pay for it?”
“My life for the kingdom. It wasn’t very much.”
“I’d think that’s far too great a cost to pay from any child’s purse, even one capable of swallowing the sun.”
She froze. 
“You were a child,” he murmured, “no matter how old that stasis made you. You were meant to laugh and play, and to be swaddled and doted on— not to kill a primeval goddess simply so others could have that basic right you’d been deprived of.”
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darknoverse · 3 months
Blog Introduction✨
Finally making an introduction lol
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Hellooooo I'm Nada , tho you can call me Chaotic goose or Darkno :3
✨selfshipper! Also have sm oc x canon stuff !
✨20 years old
✨I do digital art, traditional art, animatics, animations (rarely) , 3d modeling ,pixel art
✨I'm in many fandoms but mainly buzz Lightyear of star command, Mario &Luigi RPGs, samurai jack , wonder over yonder ect ect
✨my carrd! Containing main F/Os (romantic and platonic) and DNIs
✨few socials:
💜My Toyhouse
💜my artfight
💜strawpage(you can send me asks or drawings there :3)
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✨also I'm like your resident bat kisser/villain lover and I'm gonna be annoying with that/pos .
✨ SPECIFICALLY a HUGE Antasma fan btw! I draw him/talk about him all the time so ... Y'all gotta adapt lol ��🙏 if you're interested in seeing my headcanons and art about him, you can to the right place!
❌BOUNDARIES!!!and such❌
❌ i am NOT comfortable with sharing antasma as a f/o tbh, I am not comfortable with all the canon x canon ships (unless it's one joke ship yk, I can tolerate most oc x canon ones tho. To a limit😭) with him so PLEASE don't talk to me about those . if u like em, good for you, i simply don't .
❌respect the DNI list .
❌please be respectful with the few f/os I ain't comfortable sharing
❌be polite and respectful in general
❌ do NOT use petnames/flirt with me . Even if in a platonic way. That shit is uncomfortable and I'll yeet you to pluto if u do.
💬Arttrades: open
💬requests: closed forever 😭😂(unless we're friends)
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✨few of the main posts and essays(so far)
Antasma analysis (long aah essay )
Antasma's design analysis : part 1 part2
But aside from that DMs are always open if you guys wanna be pals !^^
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That is all I think! Enjoy your stay and be respectful💜
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mostdisconcerting · 5 months
Bad Day=Binging ScarNash
I had an interesting day today. Not in a good way. So as one does in such a situation, I went back to rewatch ScarNash. Cuz they’re my comfort ship.
This is just me reviewing almost every scene of the episode so I can forget that life exists for a little while🙃
Today I picked 4x04. And goodness I do not regret it one bit.
Starting with Patrick and the fat goose line. I’m sorry but why did that have to be so damn funny. “My fellow punters…” and “copious amounts of whiskey”, with his very Frank expression shifted my mood from stressed to joyful immediately. And I only now noticed that as Patrick and Eliza leave to meet Carter, Eliza yeets a paper in Clarence’s direction (or at least she tried).
I applaud Clarence’s “shit the parents are gonna argue if I don’t step in” senses. We love him for them.
I’m gonna make a rare mention of William, but I felt so bad for him when Ivy started talking about her mom’s gout. If I was eating anything resembling her description, I would gag to no end. Ruined the poor dudes snack.
Watching Patrick panic is probably my favorite part of this episode. Bros just pacing up, down, round and round, trying to think of what to do. (He’s literally just me but toned down and with an adult brain 😂)
That scene at Fallons was perfect. That unanimous “who?”, and the cover up that “we do love a little gossip now and then.”. It’s adorable and funny to see these to be in such sync and in such odds as they are.
Also, idk if anyone else noticed but she’s holding his ARM in the stables scene?! How-wha-why did I not notice that?
Poor Fitzroy. He could’ve had a much nicer career with his father out of the way. He’s known for being his father’s son, this way he could learn to be his own man.
We gotta talk about that cab scene. Literally, Patrick was trying to make things better by saying “it’s not your fault they left”, and just made it worse by adding “it’s mine, I should’ve never left you in charge”. She looked so genuinely offended by what he said, only to be shut down cuz they were literally in the middle of investigating.
Then they just break into Fallon’s office like it’s nothing and start bickering about the resignations again. She said she didn’t fire any of them. And then she admitted to firing multiple. Which is great I guess. So… we have that. Then they just hop through the office when someone comes in. Like. They have no right to be this adorable. Why are they literally my grandparents on steroids.
Turns out the lines about Eliza sulking started in this episode, which clearly adds to why she’s pissed when he spends the entirety of 4x05 just telling her she’s sulking and she should not sulk.
Then we have scene where Patrick’s pacing again. And I don’t blame him for making Eliza nervous too. Like he said “good I don’t see why I should suffer alone” (which is a quote I’ve been using way to much in real life recently lol)
Clarence makes his grand entry with some food and the info that Gibson is here. 🙃
And I’m finally going to end on those last two scenes of them together (cuz I skipped William kissing Eliza)
Them blackmailing Carter was hilarious. I mean, we know both of them were hella nervous cuz he could’ve just gunned both of them down there but that’s whatever. I love the little voice moderations and the expressions Eliza and Patrick pass each other basically saying “he’s agreed, now let’s get the hell out of here before he changes his mind and kills us”
Then we got Patrick praising Eliza. That could’ve played out to be an even more heartfelt scene had Eliza not seen the time and ran off. He looked disappointed, but he seemed to let it go (unlike William would’ve as we know) , understanding she probably forgot to do something .
Makes me sad seeing potential like this being flushed down a toilet.
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They’re an old married couple and I love that for them🙃
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jungle-angel · 1 month
Random Sentry Headcannons That Have Been Brewing in The Cauldron Of My Brain (Robert Reynolds/Sentry x Reader)
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Tagging: @floydsmuse @withahappyrefrain @callmemana
Warnings : SMUT!!!!! Ya'll know the rules for this, minors will be yeeted from the treehouse!!!!
When you first met Robert Reynolds, it was totally not what you expected
You and a friend were out for drinks one night and some pervert started hitting on you. It got out of hand really fast but stopped the minute you saw two guys walk up from the other end of the bar and surrounded him
Robert very gently guided you away and left Steve Rogers to deal with him. Turns out Steve was more than eager to deal with him since he had been hitting on Beth, Steve's girlfriend who worked at the local Starbucks up the street. Steve may be very calm, cool and collected but damn if the Fighting Irish ain't strong with this one
You got to talking to Robert after Steve had dealt with the pervy creep (turns out two of his buddies in the NYPD were off duty and saw the whole thing and arrested the idiot thereafter). Robert had it pretty rough before he had joined the Avengers
Finding his niche in the group hadn't been easy either. It took Tony, Thor, Bruce and Steve at least three tries to convince Robert to stay with everybody in Avengers Tower
You couldn't stop smiling when Robert asked for your number and the way his face turned red
The first time he called was when you got off work. You two must have talked on the phone for a good two and a half hours
Your first date was spent at the local movie theater which was doing a reshowing of all those cheesy 80s fantasy movies. You guys kept making dirty jokes about the snacks and popcorn
Which led to you two annoying the hell out of an obnoxious, entitled couple in the row in front of you. Robert stuck the big chug of soda you two had been sharing between his legs and it looked like you were giving him a blowjob complete with slurpy noises and everything
Needless to say after the second date which included an awesome dinner at one of the local places, you and Robert were.......shall we say......becoming well acquainted with each other 🤭🤭🤭🤭
Oh yeah, you guys were waiting for a ride back to Avengers Tower and started making out on the side of the building. Robert started sucking and biting at your neck, making you moan and not giving a single shit as to who saw, even as he pinned you against the wall. The ride never showed by the time you were done but Robert had a much better idea
He picked you up bridal style and literally flew you back to the tower
But when he got you in his bedroom there?? BOW CHICKA WOW WOW!!!!!!
Robert LOVES to fuck you so, so slowly. He loves hearing you moan and the feeling of sliding his cock in and out of you
He's packin too!!! You caught him dancin in his shorts in front of the mirror the morning after and you were all 👀👀👀👀
You and Robert have had a "sex off" with everybody and their wives/girlfriends because they were bein too loud on the other side of the wall
During said sex-off, serious shenangians ensued. Both Thor and Jane and Bruce and Betty almost punched holes in the wall from how hard they were goin at it. That was also the first time you guys heard Steve drop an F-Bomb, after he and Beth had accidentally rolled off the bed. Carol Danvers and Mike Rossi however, was due to Goose the cat, thinking that Mike was attacking his owner. You and Robert will literally ask F.R.I.D.A.Y to play "Cat Scratch Fever" by Ted Nugent every time he walks into the room.
You moved into Avengers Tower after you and Robert decided that living together was the best thing for you both
And because he had grown to love you so, so deeply
Your gentle little touches and kisses meant everything to him. He craved them so badly during the day and when you would get home from work, he'd kiss you to the point where he'd be in tears
So one night after about a year and a half of dating, Robert took you to a little spot on Bow Bridge in Central Park. The leaves had already started falling and it was a chilly autumn evening
You absolutely cried when you saw the ring and he popped the question. Thor and Jane had done some summer traveling back to Asgard and he personally asked the dwarves to make the ring. It was a silver and diamond replica of Galadriel's ring from Lord Of The Rings and the diamonds looked like a flower but it glowed whenever Robert was nearby
You guys got married that summer with everybody in attendance. Carol, Jane, Natasha, Betty, Beth, Pepper, Wanda and Laura Barton were all your bridesmaids and even little Miss Morgan Stark took her role as your flower girl very, very seriously
Tony let you guys have full run of the Malibu house and you and Robert made sure that you thoroughly christened the house. You even left a note for Tony that said "sorry we fucked in the pool last night"
You and Robert have had your days, both good and bad together
But for the most part your married life has been peaceful and happy
A common saying in Avengers Tower, "never saw one without the other did you?"
And for the most part it's true
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breelandwalker · 5 months
Notable Lines from Ep. 46 of Hex Positive:
"I'm going to go start my own club! With blackjack! And hookers!"
"That was a whole different clustering of fucks."
"There is literally nothing hornier than a Victorian occultist."
"I've prepared a prop...." -Lozzie preparing to unleash hell- "THERE'S A GOOSE ON IT!!!!!" -sounds of Bree wheezing with laughter-
"[Crowley] wanted to be the very best, like no one ever was."
"I want to stress that...this is a thing that actually happened, in actual fucking history, played out by actual fucking adults. In broad daylight."
"WitchTok beef ain't got shit on this."
"Yeats used YEET - it's super effective!"
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p-011-yn · 6 months
saw a post (can’t remember who made it sadly) mentioning that if a goose is runnin at you, just grab it by the neck up near the head and then just yeet it
so i propose:
goose grian runnin at the other hermits and at first they were terrified and ran from him, but now they just. grab him. and throw him
and he still has yet to stop
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