#yelena black window imagine
hoteldreamss · 1 year
Imagine || yelena belova
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Слегка весёлая, но в то же время успокаивающая музыка, доносящаяся из динамиков на потолке, разносилась на весь супермаркет, пока ты стояла перед полками с томатной пастой, выбирая нужную, но слегка теряясь в выборе. Их было слишком много, а ты всё равно не находила нужную. В связи с твоим недавним переездом, ты была жестоко лишена той томатной пасты, которой пользовалась так долго.
Может ты ещё простояла бы ни один час перед полками, если бы кто-то не стукнул твою тележку с едой. Вздрагивая, ты смотришь на нарушителя твоего покоя.
Мила на вид девушка с белокурыми волосами и вздёрнутым носиком.
— Извините. — Она высовывает язык на сантиметр и облизывает губы, а затем снова наваливается на тележку, чтобы отъехать от тебя.
— Ничего. — Твой акцент всё ещё легко можно распознать, несмотря на то, как долго ты практиковала английский.
Блондинка останавливается возле тебя, с другой стороны, ты замечаешь её периферийным зрением, но думаешь, что она решила тоже погрузиться в выбор томатной пасты.
— Для чего? — Её голос доносится до тебя, и тогда ты переводишь взгляд на неё. В твоих глазах читается непонимание, хотя у тебя были догадки. — Ну, для какого блюда. Какого?
— Паста, — пожав плечами, произносишь ты.
Она кивает. Но затем протягивает тебе руку.
— Елена. — Представляется девушка.
— Т\И. — Ты пожимаешь её ладонь, чувствуя прохладу её колец на пальцах. — Ты русская? Или...
— Да. Ты тоже? — Она рассматривает тебя, будто пытается найти ответ раньше, чем ты его озвучишь.
— Типа того. — С твоих губ слетает смешок.
Но твоя новая знакомая не уточняет. Она лишь кивает, снова переводя взгляд на полки с банками томатной пасты. Ты кажешься ей достаточно милой, пока тебе она кажется слегка прямолинейной, может даже слегка наглой. Но твой интерес к ней всё равно присутствует, хотя ты и не знаешь, что тебе сделать или сказать, чтобы ваше общение продолжилось.
— Думаю, эта будет хорошей. — Елена указывает на баночку, что была на верхней полке, и ты поднимаешь свой взгляд на неё.
Потянувшись за банкой, ты встаёшь на носочки, пытаясь достать её как можно аккуратнее.
— Мы не виделись раньше? — Она смотрит на тебя изучающе.
— Вряд ли. — Положив банку в тележку, ты снова переводишь взгляд на Елену. — ... Не хочешь сходить в бар на 32 улице, тот, что рядом с приютом для животных? Звучит хуже, чем кажется.
— Было бы круто.
Вы обмениваетесь номерами телефона и на самом деле даже не представляете, что ваше знакомство может привести к чему-то большему, чем один вечер в баре.
Елена наливает вино в фужеры, тебе и себе, пока ты ставишь тарелки с пастой на стол. Твоё платье идеально на тебе сидит, ты в принципе идеально выглядишь, на самом деле твои сборы были долгими сегодня. Елена также постаралась над своим образом. Тебе давно удалось заметить, что она обожала наряжаться, создавать себя с помощью стиля.
— И так... — Твои губы растянуты в улыбке. Ты в предвкушении, чувствуя приятный трепет внутри своего тела. — Я хочу быть первой.
— Хорошо, давай. — Елена слегка откидывает чёлку с глаз, еле заметным движением головы. Она ставит руки на стол, так что подпирает подбородок и смотрит на тебя с прищуром, будто пытается прочесть твои мысли, но она, кажется, в таком же предвкушении, как и ты.
— Я знаю, что ты это хотела, и это сложно было найти. Но я надеюсь, тебе понравиться. — Ты протягиваешь ей небольшую коробочку квадратную, в которой был браслет, из очень давней коллекции Dior. Он стоил прилично, но это стоило улыбки Елены, когда та видит свой подарок на вашу годовую годовщину отношений.
— Это так круто! Ты знаешь, я люблю тебя. — Она подрывается со своего места и наклонившись к тебе, положив ладони на твои щёки, она оставляет несколько коротких поцелуев на твоих губах. Она чуть ли не пищит от восторга и чувство благодарности явно переполняет её.
Елена отстраняется от тебя. Она не надевает браслет сразу, вы обе знаете, что он не для её нынешнего наряда.
— Я надеялась, что тебе это понравится. — Она ставит небольшой праздничный пакетик на стол, перед тобой и ты заглядываешь в него, также в предвкушении от своего подарка.
Стоит тебе понять, что это, ты благодаришь свою девушку не менее пылко, чем она.
Вы всё же приступаете к своему ужину. Свечи на столе придавали романтическую атмосферу, выключенный свет в комнате тоже заставлял чувствовать вас уединение друг с другом.
— Ты уже знаешь, когда уезжаешь? — интересуешься ты, накручивая на вилку спагетти.
Елена должна была уехать по работе и тебе это не нравилось, но выбора у вас не было. Она сказала, что вернётся через пару недель, максимум месяц, после чего вы снова будете наслаждаться своей спокойной жизнью в Нью-Йорке.
— Ещё нет. Но это не затянется. — Она отпивает из своего фужера. Конечно, Елена не желала уезжать, она так сильно полюбила тебя, что не желала расставаться с тобой на такой долгий срок.
Может даже она хотела попросить тебя поехат�� с ней, хотя это могло быть опасно. К тому же, ты всё ещё не знала, чем на самом деле она занимается. Хотя Елена желала тебе рассказать о своей работе правду, она понимала, что это может быть не совсем безопасно для тебя. Может через какое-то время она расскажет тебе в чём заключается её работа.
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unknowndrone · 1 year
Yelena’s Diary
Yelena Belova X Fem!Reader
Prompt: Natasha finds Yelena’s diary which results in the contents of the diary getting revealed to you.
WC: 1.7k
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Warnings: siblings threatening to kill each other
She should’ve known better. As the greatest spy and assassin in the world with a sibling with a similar title, she should’ve known that unless that diary was sewn to her body, Natasha was somehow  going to get her grubby hands on it. 
“Give it back, Natasha!” She hisses.
They were like school girls, things that Yelena would only ever see happening in the American TV shows, not between two assassins. Natasha flips through the pages, while simultaneously dodging Yelena’s efforts to retrieve the book.
“Tsk, tsk, tsk. How many chapters are you going to spend complaining about the team and complimenting Y/N?” she questions.
“Natasha, I am not afraid to stab you!” the younger sister threatens. 
“Do it,” Natasha challenges. ��I bet you’d love to explain to Y/N why you felt the need to stab her favorite Black Widow.”
“-you are not her favorite Black Widow!” 
“Just because you wrote it in your diary doesn’t mean it’s actually true-”
“Stop it!” Yelena screams once more. This time she pounces on to her sister’s shoulders. Natasha wildly spins knowing that Yelena was seconds away from putting her into a choke hold before throwing Yelena on to the bed. 
Natasha paces away, flipping through the pages and gaining a few more paragraphs before her sister would rush to attack once more. “Who taught you to draw a heart like that, Lena?” 
The younger widow pouts. “Give it back, Natasha!”
That’s the thing about older siblings. They’re a menace.
At this point, the two widows were running through the compound. The blonde chasing the red head with no one to stop them. No one except-
The elevator door opens, revealing you. You just returned from your mission only to see Natasha trying to evade Yelena who looked ready to murder her. You raise your eyebrow, noticing how they were far too busy trying to fight each other that they didn’t hear the elevator door. 
Your eyes dart to see Steve walking past you with a book in his hand. Tapping his shoulder to get his attention, you gesture towards the widows. “What happened?” 
Steve only lets out a laugh, shaking his head. “Yelena’s been chasing Nat for hours.” He explains before leaving you to your thoughts. 
As amusing as it is to watch the two widows play a game of cat and mouse, you figured that it was time for the two to reconcile as you carefully approach them, making sure not to get too close just in case Yelena decides to throw a knife at Natasha and you aren’t able to dodge it in time. 
Eventually you get close enough, crossing your arms, fighting the amused smirk that was forming at your lips. When you let out a cough, the fight instantly stops. Natasha smiles brightly when she sees you, almost too brightly. Meanwhile, Yelena looks more horrified than she is happy. Part of your heart wrenches as to why she looks so disheartened to see you. She was always happy to see you. 
“That’s enough fighting for you two, don’t you think?” You suggest, eyes darting between Yelena and then Natasha. 
Natasha glances at Yelena, nodding, “I agree.” Her response only earns another glare from the blonde widow. 
 “How was your mission?” Yelena asks you. 
You shrug, “Standard.” Your eyes catch at what seems like a journal in Natasha’s hand. “I didn’t know you journal, Nat.” 
Natasha holds the book up, the smile on her face becoming more mischievous. “Oh me? Oh no,this isn’t mine. This is-” 
“Natasha stop! Don’t you dare ruin this for me!” Yelena hisses.
But just before Natasha can say anything, Yelena pounces on her. Your eyes widen at the violence and Yelena’s sudden persistence. You knew if you didn’t act now, the floors of the Avengers facility might be painted red. So your arms grab Yelena’s shoulders and you pull her until her back is flushed against you.
“That’s enough!” you bark, trying to get the two siblings to stop.
Yelena almost instantly relaxes in your hold. It wasn’t your first time holding her. In fact, you’ve hugged her many times before whether it be before missions when you return home from missions or whenever she’s upset. Your touch was like an instant sedative. 
This one especially.
Natasha sighs in relief, but her hand was still clutching the book. When she meets eyes with her sister, she notices how Yelena almost looks like she melted into a pool of her own love for you. Regardless, you pull Yelena away, dragging her to her room before things get worse. 
“Oh here’s your book Yelena…” Natasha teases, handing the book to her sister. Yelena quickly snatches it before you could get your hands on it. You know better than to ask questions seeing how pissed Yelena was. You figured that you would have a chat with Natasha as to why she’s going through her sister’s belongings later. For now, you need to make sure Yelena has cooled down.
The two of you are now sitting in your room. Yelena is laying in bed while you are getting changed into more comfortable clothes. The book is held protectively over her chest. It seems to be super glued to her like she didn’t want anyone seeing what was inside. 
“So…is there anything in that private journal I don’t know about?” you tease while slipping on your pajamas. 
The blonde blushes profusely, “no,” she speaks a little too quickly. 
“I’m not pushing, Lena. I was just curious,” you shrug. “You’re allowed to have your own private thoughts.”
Yelena looks at you for a while. She’s been doing that a lot recently where you would notice her gaze on you seemed to linger longer than expected. It made you curious at what was going through her little head. 
Eventually, you plop yourself on the bed next to her and, like many other nights before, you two bask in each other’s presence. You found her shoulder comforting, so you lay your head there, too, observing her reaction intently. To your surprise, you feel her muscles visibly tense for a moment before easing into your warmth.
“Is everything okay?” you ask her suddenly. 
“Everything is fine,” the assassin dismisses. “Just stop talking…”
Of course, her dismissive attitude made you just slightly more worried. Yelena was your best friend. The only time she was ever like this is when she’s afraid of something but she’s too scared to tell you. Just like the time she was secretly afraid of the sound of thunder so she actively avoided Thor and also tended to blast your music louder than usual during a storm. You knew just as well as Natasha when something was wrong with Yelena. 
“You can tell me,” you whisper in the silence.
“I can’t.” Yelena whispers back, her voice small. “This is different. I-I can’t share it with you.” 
You pout, looking over your shoulder to see her expression. “Why?”
“Because it’s not a good idea.” 
You frown, “Do you not trust me?” 
“This is different,” Yelena emphasizes more. “It will change how you look at me.”
A sigh escapes your lips as you lean into her shoulder more. “If it’s another assassination regret, you know I would never-”
“No…it’s not that.” 
“But it’s bothering you,” you reason. 
“No it’s not.”
You know better than to keep questioning Yelena knowing she wasn’t going to relent so you two continue to sit through the silence. You would give many things just to see what was going through her head right now or what was written in that journal of her’s that she wasn’t allowing you to see. 
Part of your heart might know, but your brain looked at your denial and turned it into cold hard facts. 
“If you started dating someone else, would you leave me?” Yelena asks suddenly.
The blonde assassin nods slowly, “Would you forget about me?”
“Why would I forget about you? You’re my best friend-”
The word ‘best friend’ seems to only upset Yelena further in the way her eyes fall. You see it right away and you stop talking.
Yelena sniffles. “I don’t want to be your best friend. I want you to like me. You know? The one where you draw hearts around our names!” she blurts. 
Your jaw goes slack for a moment in complete disbelief. “Y-Yelena…”
The blonde turns away from you, not wanting to face you or the consequences of her words. But you are quick to put a hand on her shoulder. 
“Lena look at me…” you whisper gently.
Slowly, she turns, but her eyes don’t quite meet yours. “I ruined everything, right?”
A soft laugh escapes your lips as you shake your head. “No…no you didn’t. Would it be hard for you to believe if I said I liked you back?” 
It takes a moment for the blonde to process. She didn’t even think she heard you right the first time. “M-me?” 
You nod slowly, “yes you, dummy.” 
If she wasn’t so enamored by the realization, she would be pouting, but hearing you say those words cause her eyes to light up like a Christmas tree. You pull her close to you.
“I like you too, Lena. I was also scared that if I told you I would ruin things,” you admit. 
“Really?” Yelena questions in disbelief.
You nod slowly, “Really…” 
You feel Yelena lean into your touch which allows you to press a soft kiss to her forehead. You couldn’t help but notice the smile that paints the blonde assassin’s face. It was like a schoolgirl who just found out her crush liked her back.
As you both enjoy each other’s company, another thought crosses your mind. “Wait Yelena what did you put about me in your diary?”
Yelena starts blushing as she buries her head into your shoulder. “Nothing.”
“Do you draw hearts around our names?” you tease.
“Stop it-”
“Will you let me see what you write about me in your diary?”
“No.” she says firmly, burying her head more into your shoulder. 
For the rest of the night, the two of you enjoy each other’s company. A smile painted on both of your faces.
OKay guyyysss i got hella lazy at the ending bc I couldn’t think of shit, but I hope you enjoy this anyway. Also, I totally havent had this sitting in my files for like 8 months...I hope everything is well with yall. Have a great day/night and rest well!
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wandamaximoffsbadgirl · 6 months
prompt 8 and 14 (shy readers first time) and moms bsf wanda
You Were Red and You Liked Me Because I Was Blue
Mom's bsf!Wanda Maximoff x shy!innocent!Romanoff!fem!reader
Word Count: 1.8k
Warnings: 18+, MDNI, age gap relationship (W=35, R=20) W calls herself Mommy, use of pet names, W fingers R
A/N: I worked on this all day while I didn't feel good and I have a killer headache at the moment so if I missed any warning I'm sorry. I can't think anymore.
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The air was cold, without snow falling to distract you it felt unbearable to be waiting for your ride back home for break. Unfortunately you mom was off on a work trip until 3 days before Christmas so instead her best friend, Wanda would be picking you up.
Normally Wanda would have also been preoccupied this time of year, but since her and Vision finalized their divorce and custody of the boys, Vision would be getting them Christmas break first.
You couldn't imagine what that must be like for Wanda. Suddenly after 10 years of family tradition she was alone again and Wanda being alone was never a good thing. You'd known Wanda for a long time. After Natasha helped take down the red room she'd taken you, the youngest widow on the ship under her wing. The day you gained Natasha as a mom, you also gained an aunt Yelena. You had always heard stories of the famous Black Widow that got away and you'd seen Yelena training with others the greatest child assassin the world has ever known. Though you know her now as Auntie Lena who eats Mac and cheese straight out of the pot.
You're pulled out of your thoughts when you see the familiar red subaru ascent. Wanda pulled up with a smile as you opened up the trunk to set your luggage in before quickly getting in the passenger seat with a shiver. Wanda pulled you into her arms, your body instantly heating from her contact.
“Hi sweetheart. How was the flight in?” She asked near your ear, making your heart skip a beat as you pulled back, trying to calm your body down.
“It was fine. Better than having you drive five hours to come grab me.” You told her as you put on your seat belt.
“I wouldn't have minded a 5 hour road trip with you sweet girl.” You bit the inside of your cheek at her words, choosing to stare out the window as she pulled away from the airport.
With Wanda's help you brought your luggage into the house and headed to your room to finally lie down and stretch out. The flight was only an hour and a half and the car ride back was about a half hour. You had barley acknowledged Wanda when she said about her starting on dinner instead choosing to go shower and clean yourself up.
You'd been told that even though you're an adult your mom wanted Wanda there with you. She said it was so you could keep an eye on the other. For Wanda it was so you'd stay out of trouble and for you it was to keep Wanda company. Natasha knew what it was like for Wanda to be alone.
What you and Natasha didn't know though was Wanda had fawned over you since she met you. When Natasha first introduced you and Yelena you always hid away. A little mouse making little to no noise as you moved. Even your thoughts were quiet to Wanda. It was something she found solace in around you. She knew what had happened to you and the other widows. Though you were next step of perfecting what Drekovy wanted out of the widows, total control they had perfected and for you, the only survivor of your age group, an enhanced super soldier serum. It gave you all the same enhancements as Steve and Bucky, but you stayed small, unassuming so no one ever saw you coming.
“Y/N! Dinner's ready sweet girl!” Wanda called up as you looked over yourself in the mirror, the scars lining your arms, shoulders, chest. They were everywhere.
You took the stairs two at a time, hair still damp, but Wanda's cooking smelt too good to keep her waiting. She looked up from moving things from the counter to the dining table. Natasha always used to have these ‘family meals’ where her parents, Yelena, Wanda, Vision, and the boys would come over. They stopped happening when Wanda and Vision decided to get the divorce. A smile was on Wanda's face,
“I made your favorite. Help me move it over to the table.” You happily helped out so the two of you could eat dinner together.
As Wanda was cleaning up and insisting that you go relax on the couch and get a movie ready you watched her from the couch, forgoing a movie and putting on The Office instead. You needed the background noise because to you your thoughts felt so loud that Wanda must be able to hear you if you didn't have something distracting her.
As she finished up and sat next to you she gave no indication of hearing your thoughts which she often did to those around her. Her arm wrapped around your waist, pulling you against her as if you were two magnets. You bit the corner of your lips trying to watch the show.
You knew Wanda was experienced obviously, she has twins. You on the other hand haven't even gotten the opportunity to kiss a girl or a boy or anyone because from the day you met Wanda all you ever wanted was her. You'd never tell her that though.
She was with Vision when you met her nearly 13 years ago. With everything that happened after that with Thanos and then defeating him without the loss of half the population you could just live life normally for the first time.
Wanda's hand found your thigh, rubbing gently as she watched the show, one the two of you have watched multiple times over the years. You enjoyed sitcoms like she did along with being introduced to reality TV which is just a guilty pleasure really.
“W-Wands…” your voice was barely a whisper and Wanda pretended not to hear you. Not even when you started squirming under her touch as her hand grew closer to your hot center. Her hand squeezed you as you let out a little whimper. “Wands…” you tried again, trying to be louder, but you couldn't. Once again your plea goes unacknowledged as her pinky brushes against your clit, your hands fly down to her wrist. She finally looks at you. You don't dare look at her.
“What's wrong sweet girl?” She asks so innocently as if she has no idea what she's doing.
“W-Wands…I…you…” you fumble with your words. Her other hand reaches your chin, forcing you to look at her.
“What about us sweet girl?” You open your mouth, but nothing comes out. She pulls you onto her lap, her hands resting on your hips. “Just watch the show sweet girl. Let Mommy play.” You felt like fireworks went off in your stomach. Sure you'd heard the boys call Wanda Mommy and yeah you'd heard her call herself Mommy over the years, but never in the tone she just used and never directed at you.
You felt like everything on you was burning except for Wanda's hands that were always cold and clad in rings. You did as told keeping your eyes on the screen until you felt her hand push past your waistband. Your hands once again grabbing her wrist, not because you didn't want her to, you really wanted her too. You were nervous.
“W-Wands…I've never…” Wanda moved forward, tilting her head to look at you.
“Not ever at college?” She questioned. You shook your head.
“N-not even a kiss…” you admitted. Wanda's hand leaving your shorts and moving to your face.
“These precious lips haven't kissed anyone else?” You shook your head, “So I'll be your first?” She asked pulling you closer. All you could manage as your heart pounded was a soft ‘mhmm’ before her lips touched yours.
As her lips meet yours, it's a gentle yet electrifying sensation, sending waves of warmth cascading through you. Wanda's touch is tender, guiding you through this unfamiliar territory with ease and patience. With each fleeting moment, you feel yourself melting into her embrace, the world around you fading into the background.
When Wanda pulls back, there's a brief moment of hesitation, as if time itself is holding its breath. You find yourself lost in her gaze, a mixture of emotions swirling within you – anticipation, vulnerability, and a newfound courage. Slowly, a soft smile tugs at the corners of Wanda's lips, her eyes sparkling with tenderness.
With a gentle brush of her fingers against your cheek, Wanda whispers words of reassurance, her voice a soothing melody in the stillness of the room. And as you lean into her touch, a sense of peace settles within you.
The night carried on without Wanda trying to slip past your shorts instead she kept stealing kisses late into the night before deciding it was time for bed. It was when you moved you could feel just how wet you'd before and you freeze, your thighs smacking tightly together. Wanda stopped, a tug on your hand.
“What's wrong sweet girl?” She looked back at you, confusion etched on her face.
“It…its..icky…” you squirmed and Wanda smirked, taking two steps towards you.
“Don't worry my sweet girl,” she tilted your head up, “Mommy is going to take good care of you.” Her breath against your lip, her voice sweet and thick with her accent, the one you heard all those years ago. Your legs want to turn to jelly.
Wanda wasn't expecting you to stay quiet once her fingers slipped past your wet folds, but you did. Little breathy moans, small whimpers, tiny pleas fell past your lips as your face burned and your eyes screwed shut.
“Don't close your eyes Detka. Look at me.” You could only obey with her voice sounding the way it did. You looked at her, she smiled at you and only picked up her pace.
You squirmed and felt like you were going to burst as you whimpered and tried to get away, but she held you there. You tried closing your legs, but she held them open.
“Open your legs Detka. I wanna see you.” Her nails dug into your thigh.
“F-feels weird…” you squeaked out.
“You're gonna cum for Mommy it'll make you feel better. Go on. Let it happen.” As if your body was waiting on her word, that coil inside of you snapped. Your back arched as your eyes rolled back. “That's a good girl…Mommy’s good girl.” Her fingers slowed down before leaving you. Your eyes closed but soon enough Wanda was helping you sit up.
“Water sweet girl. Take a few sips.” You did as told, knowing Wanda always knew best. When she felt you had enough she tapped your cheek and you let go.
She helped you clean yourself up, the cool towel feeling nice against your hot skin and then into pajamas which only consisted of an old band t-shirt of Wanda's and a pair of your panties. As she got the two of you settled into your bed, holding you against her chest. Her fingers moved through your hair as your eyes began to flutter she spoke,
“We're going to have a lot of fun until your mom comes home.” You smiled against her skin. You almost hoped she wouldn't be home for Christmas if it meant more time playing like this with Wanda.
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hopelesslygaysstuff · 24 days
50 Shades of Red || Chapter 7
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pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Natasha Romanoff
summary: Natasha drives Wanda home, where she meets Yelena and debriefs with Kate.
content warnings: none
word count: 3k+
comments and reblogs are always appreciated! happy reading ♡
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Natasha opens the passenger door of a large, black SUV. The windows are tinted, and Wanda glances around for a moment before smiling slightly at the woman and clambering inside. The interior smells like new leather, and the seats are wide and spacious. Wanda watches as Natasha walks around the car, her posture straight and her face impassive. 
Should she mention the kiss? Wanda doesn’t know whether to talk about it or pretend like it didn’t happen. Natasha hasn’t given any sort of clue that she was affected, her face impassive and lipstick firmly in place. Honestly, she could hardly believe it was real. Not to mention, that was her first actual, real kiss. 
Maybe she just imagined the whole thing.
No. Wanda touches her lips with a single, shaky finger. They’re still swollen from the kiss. She can feel the lingering aftershocks of electricity thrumming through her veins at the memory of Natasha’s soft lips pressed against hers. She didn’t imagine anything. Wanda feels like a changed woman. She wants Natasha, and from the woman’s actions, she wants Wanda too. 
The car door opens, and Natasha smoothly slides inside the driver's seat. She tucks in her shirt as she adjusts the mirror slightly, the movements practiced. Glancing out of the corner of her eye, Wanda takes her in. She’s her usual polite, slightly distant self. 
Great, now the whole thing is even more confusing than it was before. 
Starting the engine, Natasha puts the car into reverse and rests her hand on the back of Wanda’s headrest. A hint of cinnamon washes over Wanda, and she hopes she isn’t inhaling too loudly. Natasha’s pose is casual, her eyes vigilant on the road ahead of her. 
Wanda isn’t sure where they’re going, but she finds herself relaxing once the car pulls onto the highway. Natasha turns the radio on, and instrumental jazz fills the car. The volume is low, and the silence isn’t quite as awkward with notes filling the space between them. Feeling the music thrum through her, she listens. 
The harmonies blend together, the somber tone of a trombone filling the speakers before a piano interrupts in a major key. Wanda listens as the mood shifts, the song an emotional rollercoaster as the scenery flies past outside the car. 
“This is really good,” Wanda says, gesturing towards the radio when Natasha looks over. 
A small, pleased smile appears on her face. For a brief moment, the CEO looks her age; young, beautiful, and completely unburdened. Wanda gives a small smile of her own back, wondering if music was the way to Natasha’s true, genuine self.
She’s seized with the urge to know about the woman. To uncover the person beneath the stoic mask. Wanda is positive that she is intricate and complex, and she wants to spend the rest of her life unraveling the threads that made the tapestry of Natasha Romanoff. For now, she can start by understanding the music that moves her.
“Can we listen to that one again?”
“Of course, I’m glad you like it,” Natasha murmurs, pressing a button with a small smile on her lips as the song starts over. “It’s one of my favorites.” 
Wanda is content to listen in silence, and it seems the other woman is too. She glances over, her eyes catching the sight of Natasha’s hand casually gripping the steering wheel. Her other hand rests on the stick, her fingers drumming on it gently. For some reason, the sight sends a pleasant shiver down her spine. 
A ringtone interrupts the jazz, and Natasha hits a button on the steering wheel, her eyebrows furrowed. 
“Romanoff,” she says, her voice hard yet smooth. 
“Ms. Romanoff, it’s Smith. I have the information you were asking for.” A clear voice sounds out over the speakers, with a slight grain to the sound quality. It's jarringly different from the calm melodies that had washed over Wanda mere seconds ago.
“Good. Email it to me. Do you have anything else for me?”
“No ma’am.”
Natasha presses the button again, the call ending as jazz fills the car once more. Wanda blinks at the abruptness, suddenly very glad she hadn’t applied for her internship. She would hate to work with someone so cold towards their employees. Is this how Natasha acts in the office? The music cuts out again, a ringtone sounding out once more. 
“The NDA you requested has been emailed to you, Ms. Romanoff.” A woman’s voice, this time.
“Good. That’s all, Sarah.”
“Good day, ma’am.”
She presses the button again. Jazz plays briefly, before yet another call comes through. Holy shit, is this her life? Just constant phone calls? Wanda doesn’t know if she’d be able to handle it.
“Romanoff,” she snaps. 
“Hey sis, did you get laid?”
“Hello, Yelena. You’re on speaker phone, and I’m not alone in the car,” Natasha lets out a sigh, and Wanda smiles slightly. 
“Who’s there?”
Those green eyes roll, glancing over at Wanda briefly. They flit down her face, resting briefly on her lips before Natasha remembers to answer. 
“Wanda Maximoff.”
“Hi, Wands!”
“Hello, Yelena.”
“I’ve heard so much about you,” Yelena murmurs, her voice slightly raspy. Natasha frowns, her eyes glancing again over to her. 
Chuckling, Wanda replies, ”Don’t believe a word Kate says. She’s a filthy liar.”
Low laughter sounds out over the speakers. Wanda can hear Kate in the background saying something, but she can’t quite make out what it is. There’s the sound of a brief, playful scuffle before Natasha clears her throat. 
“I’m dropping Wanda off now,” Natasha emphasizes her name. “Do you want me to pick you up?”
Wait. Yelena is at her apartment? That means… goddamnit Kate. Wanda hopes she doesn’t find any bodily fluids from a passionate night around the apartment. 
The music turns on again, and Wanda glances over. Natasha is focused on the road, but now she has both hands on the steering wheel, and her knuckles are turning slightly white. Her jaw is clenched slightly, and Wanda admires the sharp edge of it before leaning her arm against the door and leaning her head against her hand, watching the other woman.
“I wouldn’t mind you calling me by a nickname.”
Natasha glances over, her green eyes softer than Wanda would have expected. When she speaks, her voice is warm. “I like your name, so I’m going to use it. It’s a very beautiful name, Wanda.”
Her voice drops lower when she says Wanda’s name. 
The car slows and pulls up to Wanda’s apartment, and she startles for a moment. She realizes that Natasha hadn’t asked her where she lived. How did she… oh.
Right, the books. The woman had tracked her cellphone like some sort of spy, of course she knew where Wanda lived. That, and the fact that her sister was currently in her apartment with her roommate. Wanda made a mental note to deep clean the couch. 
Natasha smoothly steps out of the driver's side, adjusting her shirt as she walks around the car. Flushing at the memory of the CEO’s lips on hers, Wanda wonders briefly if she’ll kiss her again. She would like that. 
Shaking her head slightly, Wanda steels herself. Now was not the time to be acting like some sort of lovesick fool. The image of blonde women in impeccably sharp skirts and neatly tucked blouses flits through her mind, and Wanda frowns. She refused to be yet another generically beautiful woman that Natasha seemed to surround herself with. She deserved more than that. 
Opening the car door, Natasha offers her hand, her fingers reaching out towards Wanda. 
As she takes her hand, Wanda recalls the short, clipped tone that Natasha had spoken to her assistant with. Maybe she was different from the rest. After all, she’d never been offered a hand as she got out of a car before. How chivalrous. 
Natasha’s hand is warm and firm, and her fingers clench around Wanda’s momentarily in indecision. She seems to almost debate with herself for a moment, stuck in limbo as she grasps Wanda’s hand. She doesn’t seem to want to let go, and Wanda hopes that she doesn’t.
She drops Wanda’s hand, her arm instead gracefully reaching around to shut the car door. Momentary disappointment floods Wanda’s thoughts, before the light touch of those same, strong fingers against the small of her back causes an involuntary gasp to escape her trembling lips. 
“Lead the way,” Natasha murmurs, her voice low and eyes warm. 
Wanda feels herself move towards her apartment, her steps as unsure as a newborn fawn while Natasha’s hand provides a steady pressure against her back. Just before reaching the door, her apartment key in hand, Wanda turns. 
Dark green eyes lock with hers, glancing down momentarily before the woman tilts her head in a silent question. The energy between them shifts, becoming charged with something so heady it's almost tangible. 
“I liked what happened in the elevator,” Wanda says, her voice steady. She smiles at the slight widening of Natasha’s eyes before inserting her key and walking into her apartment, the woman following close behind her. 
Ha. Take that Natasha Romanoff, she can flirt too.
Kate and Yelena are seated on the couch, their bodies practically on top of each other as they watch some reality television show. Wanda gets a glimpse of a woman in a two-piece bikini draping herself over a muscled blonde man before her roommate turns the TV off, whirling around in excitement. 
“Hi, Wanda!” Kate leaps up from the couch, hugging Wanda tightly before holding her at arm’s length to examine her. “Wow, last night wasn’t as rough as I thought it was.”
“No,” Wanda laughs, “It was, but I got some new clothes out of it.”
Smiling, Kate opens her mouth to speak again, before remembering who else walked in with her roommate. Turning slightly, she locks eyes with the CEO lingering just behind Wanda. 
“Good morning, Natasha,” she says, her tone bright as she smiles widely. 
“Miss Bishop,” Natasha responds, her voice a bit stiff, as if she isn’t used to speaking to college students, which, Wanda supposes she isn’t. 
“Oh my god, сестра, her name is Kate,” Yelena says, rolling her eyes as she smoothly gets up from her seat. She has a prominent Russian accent, and Wanda finds herself enjoying the sound of it. 
“Kate, then.” Natasha nods politely at her, before glancing at her sister. 
Yelena opens her arms, pulling Wanda in for a brief hug. Her arms are strong, and although she’s short, her posture and strength tell Wanda that she isn’t someone to be messed with. She misses the hardening of Natasha’s eyes and the way she sticks her hands into her pockets to stop from reaching out. 
Kate smiles at the sight, leaning against the couch and watching the interaction.
“Hi, Wands,” Yelena says, smirking slightly. She glances over Wanda’s shoulder, where Natasha is still frowning. “Good to finally meet sober you.”
Wanda likes her immediately and smiles as a chuckle escapes her. “I promise I’m not usually like that. Last night was a… celebration. A rare occasion, if you will.”
“I believe it.”
Clearing her throat, Natasha moves forward, taking her hands out of her pockets. She touches the small of Wanda’s back once more, her tone is apologetic as she speaks. “Yelena, we should probably go.”
“Sure,” she says, turning and pulling Kate into her arms. She kisses her, their lips lingering as the silence stretches on. Kate’s hands make their way to Yelena’s hair, the blonde’s hands tight around her waist as she presses herself fully into her. Wanda looks away, down at her feet. 
God, she never knew what to do when people kissed in front of her. It was so… awkward. Then again, she’d never been a fan of public displays of affection in her own - very short and few - relationships. 
“Bye, малышка,” Yelena murmurs, grinning widely.
Kate melts. “Yeah, um. Haha, uh you too,” She ends her rambling sentence with an awkward finger gun motion, and Wanda shakes her head as she lowers her hands. 
Natasha rolls her eyes, looking over at Wanda with an unreadable expression. The corner of her lips quirk up, as though she’s amused. Maybe she is, but Wanda can’t read her that well yet. One of those hands reaches up, tucking a strand of auburn hair behind Wanda’s ear. 
Hearing her breath hitch, Wanda is painfully aware of the other two people currently in the room, but can’t quite bring herself to care. Natasha’s eyes soften, her hand grazing Wanda’s cheek until her thumb just barely brushes her lower lip. It feels as though her nerves are on fire, but the feather-light touch is gone before Wanda can really process it. 
“Goodbye моя любовь,” she murmurs, a prominent accent shaping the last two words. The words confuse Wanda, and her curiosity burns as she sees Yelena’s mouth fall open slightly from the corner of her eye. 
Wanda decides then and there to start learning Russian. 
“I’ll pick you up at 8.” 
Natasha steps away, jerking her head at her sister as she opens the door to leave. Yelena follows her to the car, turning and blowing Kate a kiss that causes her to blush and wave awkwardly back. Wanda eyes her, raising her eyebrows as a flush appears on Kate’s cheeks. 
The door shuts, instantly blocking the view of the two sisters. Kate turns slowly towards her, eyes wide and lips stretched into a smile. It's contagious, and Wanda can’t help but smile back, her heart rate finally calming and slowing down to a normal pace.
“So… how did it go? Did she fuck you?” Kate asks, jumping on the couch excitedly and pulling Wanda down with her. 
“Why do you assume that she fucked me?
A loud laugh erupts from her roommate, and Wanda just grumbles and crosses her arms over her chest as Kate wipes fake tears from her eyes. “Oh please,” she says in between gasps for air, “You couldn’t top that woman even if you tried. She’s got a dominatrix sort of vibe going for her.”
A vision of Natasha in black leather and sharp heels standing over her flashes through Wanda’s mind for a moment. She locks that thought firmly in the back of her mind, where she can think about it later in the darkness of her own room while her fingers move feverishly under the covers. 
“Well no,” she says, a bit too sharp. “We didn’t… you know.”
“So you just had a sleepover?”
“God, you make it sound so juvenile,” Wanda exhales, her breath pushing thin strands of hair away from her cheeks. She swipes at them, tucking them behind her ear and remembering the heat of Natasha’s fingers against her skin.
“Even if I didn’t get laid, you obviously did,” Wanda turns her gaze to Kate’s face. The brunette is trying to suppress a giddy smile, and failing epically. 
“We totally did,” Kate says, wiggling her eyebrows. “We did it in the car, and in my room, and over the counter, and on this…”
“Stop!” Wanda covers her ears, swatting at Kate as her shoulders heave in laughter. “I don’t want to hear any more about it, spare me the explicit details.”
“And I’m seeing her again tonight!” Kate exclaims, clapping her hands and bouncing slightly on the couch. She can’t contain her excited energy, and Wanda can’t help but feel happy for her. 
“Natasha is taking me to Seattle tonight,” Wanda says, regretting it slightly as Kate’s excited eyes turn towards her. She leans forward, her hands grabbing Wanda’s tightly.
“Will she fuck you then?”
“God,” Wanda can’t help the laugh that spews out of her. “I really fucking hope so.”
“Oh, so you like her then?”
“Obviously. What’s not to like?”
“No, what I mean is. You like her enough to let her fuck you?”
Kate leans back, her eyes wide and an astonished look falling across her face. “I never thought I would see the day,” she shakes her head slightly. “Wanda Maximoff falling for someone, and it’s Natasha Romanoff the hot, sexy, dominatrix billionaire.”
“Oh please,” Wanda giggles. “Stop with the dominatrix bit, I’m going to start to believe it's true. Besides, maybe I’m just using her for her money.”
Kate glances at her before they both fall into a fit of laughter. “Jeez Wands, you can’t even joke about that. I’ve seen the way you look at her. You’re falling for her already.”
“I know,” Wanda says, her voice soft. She can’t get rid of the small smile on her face. 
“Has she at least kissed you?”
“Once,” Wanda says, and that’s all she offers. 
She wants more. She knows that much, but she can’t help but wonder why Natasha hasn’t kissed her again. Maybe she didn’t want to? Maybe Wanda was just a really bad kisser, and now she’d ruined any chance she had with the woman. 
“We’re going to make you absolutely irresistible this evening,” Kate exclaims, standing and pulling Wanda towards the bathroom. “And we’re going to start with a shower. I want everything scrubbed and shaved. She’ll have to kiss you again once you put in a bit of effort into your appearance.”
Stopping outside the bathroom door, Kate’s expression softens when she sees Wanda’s face. “Hey, listen,” Kate grabs Wanda’s hands again, locking eyes with her. “You’re incredibly attractive, anyone can see that. You’re also really kind and smart and now you have a degree. I can’t tell you how many people I know that have a crush on you. You. Can. Do. This.”
“Kate I-”
Shaking her head, Kate pushes Wanda into the bathroom. “If Natasha Romanoff can’t see what’s right in front of her, then she’s a fool.”
The door closes behind her, and Wanda lets vanilla shampoo and warm water take over her thoughts. She pushes any doubts out of her mind, instead focusing on remembering the way Natasha’s lips felt against hers, the woman’s strong body pinning her to the elevator. There had been no hesitance on her part, and Wanda clings to that as she prepares herself for the date later tonight. 
A thought hits her, and Wanda feels momentary panic as she remembers what Natasha had planned for her. God, Kate was going to freak out. 
What does one wear for a helicopter ride?
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105 notes · View notes
talesofadragon · 1 year
𝐕𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐒𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐬
Synopsis: The world was not created in colors to be lived seldom in white, black, or even gray. This is what Y/N believed, and she resolutely refuses to be told otherwise. But when a night at the city’s most prestigious nightclub triggers a series of misfortunate events, Y/N’s world of hues is thrown off balance, colliding with a stranger whose eyes may be blue but his world is a handful of shades too dark.  
Pairing: Mob Boss!Steve Rogers x Reader
Warnings: Mature scenes. Minors DNI.
Word Count: 4.2K
Chapter 3 - Star Command Blue | Varicolored Schemes Masterlist
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𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐋𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐄𝐑 gifted half of the human race, Y/N was not the best judge of character. 
She didn’t believe the proverbs that insisted on the eyes being the windows of the soul. And she was not convinced that a circle of friends could reveal everything about someone's personality. Y/N just liked to observe—refraining from cementing any assumptions she had gathered during first encounters and preferring to see if her opinions could withstand the sands of time. 
But in times like this, she wished she had Yelena’s immaculate ability to read someone from the get-go. Because while Steve Rogers seemed kind, charming, and endearingly enigmatic, he might be more intimidating than Y/N thought. And he certainly seemed to be a lot richer and more important than she had imagined. 
“I feel like I’m sticking out like a sore thumb,” Y/N thought out loud. And while Sam had assured her that she was doing just fine, it was hard to take his words to heart when she was standing in the lobby of the immaculate, high-rise Stark Tower in her seafoam green pajamas. 
Sure, they were a classy pair that cost her forty bucks—and if she were a celebrity or some sort of influencer, she could possibly pass them as a stylistic choice—but she doubted that even her feigned confidence and the two bulky men on her side could make her pass for anyone but her ordinary self. 
“Believe me when I tell you that the concierge has seen worse than someone in their pajamas,” Bucky mumbled while reaching for the overnight bag in Y/N’s hand. He tucked it to his side, confidently striding toward the elevators. 
Y/N, on the other hand, cast a quick glance back at her car. Her poor Toyota Corolla was conspicuous in the sea of Porsches, Cadillacs, and Teslas. Even it looked dejected. She diverted her attention back to Sam when she heard him clear his throat. Maybe the eyes really are the windows of the soul, she pondered. Because while this man was a good six feet-something with a large frame and a set of hands that could strangle someone to death in an instant, his eyes were warm and earthly, grounding her to the present and making sure she didn’t lose herself to her thoughts. 
He motioned for Y/N to walk before him, and she promptly followed after Bucky. Like the building itself, the elevators were sublime and grand—maybe even larger than her own bedroom. As soon as the gilded doors opened, she was greeted with a spacious interior with intricate filigree patterns that went beyond the natural. Her eyes wandered, taking in the vinyl flooring and the framing mirrors, studying the implicit accents embellishing the corner of the elevator walls and the subtle details that sometimes go unnoticed. 
A serene yet evanescent sound infiltrated her senses, attributed to either Bucky or Sam pressing the button to Steve’s apartment. It was on the 40th floor, the last floor displayed on the panel. With great anticipation, Y/N stood between both boys, eagerly waiting for the elevator doors to glide open. And when they did, she expected to walk out into a mesmerizing hallway that mirrored the luxury and opulence of the multi-billion dollar building.
To her surprise, she was met with a door with an imperturbable aura—she doubted that even a grenade could make a dent in it. What was even more perplexing was the lack of a handle or a lock that left her wondering, how the hell does one open a door like this? Bucky seemed privy to the door’s secret, extending his hand toward the digital pad adjacent to the door. With a single thumb swipe, he unsealed the door, ushering everyone inside.
“Welcome home, Miss Y/L/N,” Sam announced, but it was hard to hear him when Y/N’s attention was drawn entirely to the apartment—scratch that. The penthouse—Bucky and Sam led her into. 
While Stark Tower was a vision of opulence with its crystal chandelier and gilded hallways, Steve’s abode was a vision. A luminous dream brought to life by the color palette the designer had chosen. 
Y/N was drawn into a dance of gradient blues that swayed with grace, an intricate choreography of light and dark that played across every surface. Star Command Blue blended perfectly with the white walls and silver furniture, which reflected a bridge between antiquity and modernity. 
Each canvas on the wall seemed to possess a voice of its own, tugging at her curiosity and unveiling a constellation of majesty and allure. And while the tower in which the penthouse was nestled was prolific and intimidating, Steve’s house radiated the warmth of a home. 
“This is,” Y/N started, too lost in this world of perfection to notice that Bucky had already settled her bag somewhere and was walking leisurely into the living room. “Beautiful.” 
“I’m glad you think that.” 
When this familiar yet unsuspected voice filtered through the air, Y/N whipped her head. Through the arch that separated the living room from the kitchen, she caught sight of someone fiddling with two mugs. 
“Evening, Y/N,” Steve smiled. “I’m glad you made it here safely.” 
“What are you doing here? Sam said you live upstate.” 
Steve sent Y/N a small smile, gesturing to one of the bar stools beneath the kitchen counter. She pulled it back and sat on it, watching as Steve reached for a jar of hot chocolate. “Marshmallows or whipped cream?” he asked so casually as if he was having a friend over, and they were getting ready to watch a movie. When he received no answer, he spoke again, “I’m not ignoring your question, doll. So, don’t ignore mine.” 
Yes, there was a command in his tone. One that was hard to miss. But the playfulness in his eyes and his casual demeanor made Y/N disregard it and answer. “Both. If it’s not too much trouble.” 
Steve nodded, sending a playful salute. The corner of Y/N’s lips curled, placidity overcoming her being. Her forearms rested on the marble surface, eyes focused on Steve’s effortless movements. 
Though dressed in pajamas of his own, cobalt blue to be precise, with the most delicate white stripes, his motion was no less graceful. He poured a couple of spoons of hot chocolate into a metal pot and placed it on the stove, giving Y/N an unobstructed view of his broad shoulders and handsome frame.
“I thought you didn’t use this apartment,” Y/N remarked. 
“That’s the second question. You haven’t even heard the answer to the first,” Steve quipped. 
“It’s a sentence. Laced with the words you’ve previously used.” 
“No. It’s a sentence laced with an underlying question,” Steve pointed out. He raised his index finger at Y/N, stopping her next words from tumbling out of her mouth. “Hold that thought,” he said. “Bucky. Sam. Where are the marshmallows?” 
“You mean Natasha’s marshmallows?” Sam walked into the room. He held Steve’s gaze as he plucked out a kiwi from the fruit ball, unaware of the curiosity that crossed over Y/N’s features. 
Steve hummed. Both he and Sam turned to Bucky, who stood by the wall with his hands in his pockets. “No.” 
“Don’t waste time, Bucky,” Steve huffed. “Y/N wants marshmallows with her hot chocolate.” 
“Alright, then. Sam, go buy some marshmallows.” 
Bucky's casual tone made it seem like he was unaware that it was past midnight and there were no 24/7 stores nearby, which is probably why Sam scoffed at his retort. “I don’t take orders from you, Buckaroo. But you take orders from him,” he stated matter-of-factly, pointing at Steve. “Give up Red’s marshmallows. Gentlemen don’t keep pretty dames like Miss Y/L/N waiting.” 
“Watch it,” came Steve’s sharp remark before Y/N could tell them that she didn’t mind having her hot chocolate without any marshmallows. And although Steve’s authoritative voice left a trail of goosebumps on Y/N’s skin, it did nothing to deter Sam. 
“What? I’m not being inappropriate. It’s not like I call her doll or something.” 
Steve leveled Sam with a glare, but this time, Y/N was the least bit fazed. If anything, she mirrored Bucky’s amused expression, watching the two men playfully bicker. 
“Are you trying to tell me something, Sam?” Steve’s eyebrow arched.
Sam smirked, “You’re smart, Rogers. You can figure it out.” 
Steve grumbled in response. Thankfully, the water started to boil, seeking the man’s attention. 
Y/N glanced at Sam, giving him a small smile. “You can call me by my first name, you know?” He lit up brighter than a Christmas tree, and from the way he straightened up and turned to his boss, Y/N knew he was gearing up to fire another playful remark. 
“Heard that, Stevie? Y/N’s okay with using her first name.” 
“Will you shut up, Sam?” Steve pointed out over the dulcet sound of Y/N’s laugh. “As for you, Bucky. Get me those damned marshmallows before I reassign Nat to Singapore.” 
That seemed to kick Bucky into action. He stepped away from the wall and strode into the center of the kitchen. There was no indication as to where he was heading to get those marshmallows, and something seemed to poke his brain because he swiftly turned around. “Close your eyes.” 
Sam and Steve’s voices overlapped, with the former arguing that they weren’t five and the latter insisting he wanted to sip his chocolate guilt-free without having to worry about pelting Bucky with the decorative pillows of his living room. 
Bucky didn’t have any of it. “If Nat finds out I showed you her secret stash, she’ll turn me into those feathery pillows of yours.”
“James, seriously!” 
Y/N turned to Steve with knitted brows. “James?” 
“That’s question three, doll,” Steve said. 
“It’s Y/N, Steve. Not doll,” Sam teased. “Should we teach you how to spell again?” 
“Bucky, get me those fucking—”
“Goddamn it, Wilson,” Steve grumbled. Y/N was holding a hand over her mouth to stifle her laughter. For three intimidating men, they sure acted like children. “Bucky, get me those damned marshmallows before I turn Sam into one and roast him.” 
Needless to say, Bucky was like a tree. Unmoving, unyielding, rooted in place. Steve groaned again, turning off the stove. “This is stupid,” he voiced out. And yet, he closed his eyes afterward. Sam did the same. 
Amused, Y/N closed her eyes when Bucky’s voice echoed, “It’s okay, Y/N. You don’t have to.” 
“That’s favoritism,” Sam protested at the same time Steve remarked, “You’re a punk.” 
“Sorry, lads. But I don’t trust either of you with this.” 
When Bucky was sure both men were not peeking, which was utterly surprising, if Y/N might say. He set a course toward one of the lower kitchen cabinets. 
Surprisingly, despite his bulky frame and substantial muscle mass, he moved lightly on his feet—his shoes scarcely making a sound, even after taking three steps. His fingers eased the cabinet open, once again without a single noise.
It was filled with bowls and other objects like blenders and hand mixers, and Y/N was almost certain Bucky was going to magically pull the marshmallow bag out of one of them until he glanced at her with a wicked glint in his eyes and gently pressed the top of the cabinet. 
It opened, revealing a hidden compartment that made Y/N edge closer in her seat. Once Bucky got the marshmallow bag, he reached for a dessert bowl and placed a couple of them in it. 
Within a few seconds, he stashed the bag, closed the compartment and cabinet, and shoved the bowl in Steve’s hands. “You owe me.”
“Get out of here,” Steve grumbled. Bucky obeyed, not before waving at Y/N. Sam, on the other hand, was still in his seat. “You too.” 
“What? Am I not getting any hot chocolate? I drove her here.”  
“I pay you. Quite well, might I add.” 
With a hand on his heart and a sorrowful expression etched on his face, Sam expressed, “Money doesn't buy happiness. Hot chocolate on the—”
Steve pelted him with marshmallows, mumbling something about how late it was to be dealing with his shenanigans. Sam had managed to catch a white marshmallow in his hands and a blue one in his mouth. He dashed back into the living room, calling out for Bucky. 
“I’m sorry about them. They can be quite bothersome,” Steve said. He poured the hot chocolate into two mugs, adding the whipped cream and marshmallows to Y/N’s. 
“I think you’ve used the wrong word,” Y/N retaliated. The two had quenched her uneasiness, making her feel as if she had known the trio for a long time. 
“Careful, doll. Or I might start thinking you like them more than you like me.” 
“I never said I liked you.”
“Damn.” Steve feigned hurt, glancing down at the hot drinks. “Kinda makes me wish I was having whiskey instead. I thought we were closer than that, Y/N.” 
A hearty laugh escaped her lips, making all her earlier tension and queasiness dissipate. Gladly, Y/N accepted the drink. Her fingers were careful not to brush against Steve’s, knowing she didn’t want to contradict her earlier statement so easily. 
“Thank you.” 
“You're welcome.” Steve sat across from her on the marble countertop. He sipped his plain and mundane hot chocolate, watching her indulge in the whipped cream. “I hope you’re feeling more comfortable now.” 
The spoonful of whipped cream paused just before reaching her lips. Y/N nodded, a sheepish smile forming as she parted her lips to take a bite. “I really am sorry for bothering you.” 
“You’re not a bother, doll. I’m more than happy to accommodate you for as long as you need.” 
“Why, though? It’s not like you’re obligated to.” 
Steve surprisingly nicked one of the marshmallows in Y/N’s drink and dipped it in his own. Playfully, he caught her eyes and plucked the treat in his lips, licking them clean afterward. She wondered if this was her answer. 
“It’s… complicated. In a sense that it’s hard to articulate it without needing to filter my thoughts.” 
“Then, don’t filter them,” Y/N stated. “Undisguise your thoughts.” 
Steve’s eyes twinkled with mirth. He chuckled, letting his blue eyes fall to the counter. As his eyes rose again, the subtle hints of green within his blue irises became unmistakably apparent. Somehow, the clash of colors was too endearing for Y/N to ignore. 
"My father passed away while serving in the military, leaving my mother and me on our own. Being a single parent in Brooklyn, especially a single mother, was far from easy. Despite the challenges, I always admired my mother's strength. I looked up to women like her and people who faced adversity head-on. Life kept throwing obstacles our way, but she never gave up the fight. 
“I suppose what I'm getting at is that I feel a deep calling to help those in need, especially those who've been marginalized. Some, like Sam, joke about it as a 'savior complex.' Others tease me for trying to be 'Captain Righteous.' Call it what you will. For me, it's about having a strong sense of morality and wanting to aid those who've been treated unfairly by the world, however way I can.”
Steve’s answer caused Y/N to grapple with her own thoughts. How ironic, she had asked him to undisguise his when hers were meandering in her head, elusive and unbridled. After a moment of prolonged silence, Y/N tapped her nails against the mug, looking at Steve from beneath her lashes. 
“So, I gather it wasn’t so that you can sleep with me? Or is this a speech you give to all the girls you invite over after their electricity goes haywire?” 
She anxiously chewed on her lower lip, trying to gauge Steve’s reaction. He narrowed his eyes, and Y/N was scared that she messed up, but the hearty laugh that reverberated through the kitchen told her otherwise. 
“I’m sorry, doll. But you made it pretty clear that you don’t like me.” 
“Maybe not,” Y/N chortled. “But, I do admire your kindness. That’s twice you’ve helped me now without asking for anything in return. And you’ve made me feel safe on both occasions. So, thank you.” 
“You’re very welcome, Y/N,” Steve smiled appreciatively. 
After a minute of silence, Y/N turned back to Steve, catching his attention. “You never answered my question.” 
“Which one?” 
“All of them.” 
“All three?” Steve teased, raising an eyebrow. 
Y/N rolled her eyes. “They were two, but I’ll bite since it’s disrespectful of the guest to contradict the host.” 
Steve snorted, shaking his head. “What was the first one?” 
“What are you doing here if you live upstate?” 
“I do live upstate, but I had this conference call tonight that needed my team to be there, so I ended up at the office. It's pretty close to Stark Tower.” 
“A meeting at midnight?” Y/N asked skeptically. 
“Ten in the evening,” Steve corrected. “With Singapore. It ran for two hours, and you calling me actually put an end to it. So, thank you for that.” 
You’re welcome, I guess? Y/N thought. But instead, what came out of her mouth was, “I thought you didn’t use this apartment, but Natasha has a hidden marshmallow stash?”
"She's not just good at hiding marshmallows. She's got this stealthy talent for hiding whatever we might need. The apartment serves its purpose during times like this—late meetings or emergencies. We don't use it a lot, maybe once or twice a month. Natasha's always on me to keep it stocked, but I usually ignore her advice and pay the price when she refuses to share her stash."
“Fair enough. And why did you call Bucky ‘James’?” 
“It’s his first name. Any more questions, doll?” 
“Just one,” Y/N said. “Who’s Natasha?” 
“My wife,” Steve replied without missing a beat. Y/N’s eyes widened dramatically, the color in them dissolving as her pupils dilated. She shifted in her seat, torn between leaving and staying. Steve’s unadulterated laughter fixed her in her place. “I didn’t peg you for someone who’s easily gullible. Natasha’s my assistant. The one you spoke to over the phone.” 
“You freaking asshole!”Y/N chastised. Her voice was barely audible, overwhelmed by Steve’s boisterous laugh. “It was bad enough I actually thought that woman was your wife when she answered the phone. Do you know how unnerving it was thinking I was going to be yelled at by a woman who’d think of me as a mistress?” 
Steve reclined, and if anything, laughed even heartier than before. His posture arched, revealing his neck and providing an unobstructed view of the prominent veins coursing across his skin.
“It would be anticlimactic if, after that earnest speech, I would turn out to be a liar.” 
Y/N shook her head. “You know? We’re here in your apartment, joking and sipping cold chocolate, and I realized we don’t know much about each other.” 
“Well then, Y/N. Let’s change that,” Steve smirked, placing both his forearms on the table. 
Y/N gnawed at the inside of her cheeks, looking down to hide her flushed face. Steve was now inches away from her face, not enough for their noses to touch, but enough for her to see the green sparkles in his eyes and catch the hint of amber in his perfume. 
“What’s your favorite color?” she voiced out. 
Steve did a double take as if he was shot in the chest. “Favorite color?” He sounded dejected. “Doll, that is a very anticlimactic question. I expected more from you.” 
“Hey! I think it’s important to have the answer to that question in one’s arsenal.” 
“Don’t tell me you’re one of those lunatics that think they can have you all figured out from your favorite color, birthday, and shit.” 
“No,” Y/N chuckled. “It’s just… I think we spend years getting to know people, and yet, we can’t recall the smallest details about them. We’re just left with a general impression. But I happen to care about the details. Without them, everything would be lacking, and there would only be incomplete pictures.” 
It felt somewhat ridiculous to voice this aloud, especially in front of Steve. But even though Y/N braced herself for a bemused look or a sarcastic grin, she was taken aback to see Steve lost in contemplation, as if he were mulling over her words.
Tapping his fingers rhythmically on the countertop, he finally confessed, "Honestly, I've never given it much thought."
“No. Guys don’t typically get asked what their favorite color is.” 
“Well, I’m asking you now.” Y/N mirrored his prior actions, leaning across the countertop. She grinned, looking expectantly at the man before her. “What’s your favorite color?” 
His response wasn't immediate. Instead, he took a moment, his gaze wandering as he considered. "It's blue."
Y/N pushed herself away from him, her face contorting into a grimace. “Really?” 
“What?” Steve shifted in his seat. “Is it that bad?” 
“No. It’s anticlimactic, though.”
This time, Steve almost fell out of his chair from the force of his own laughter. “You are so mean, doll. So mean! What’s your favorite color? Slytherin green?” 
"No!" Y/N shook her head. Even with the clock ticking closer to one in the morning, the genuine warmth in Steve's laughter radiated like the midday sun. "I don't really have a favorite color."
"Now, that’s anticlimactic."
"No, it's me embracing life's different shades instead of limiting myself to just one."
“So, if someone were to psychoanalyze you based on your favorite color—or lack thereof—would they diagnose you as a non-monogamous person, who prefers to indulge in all the shades of people life has to offer?
“Now, who’s the mean one?” Y/N pouted playfully. Steve responded with a wide smile as he took charge, placing the empty cups in the dishwasher and exchanging them for water. "Thanks."
“You’re welcome. Now, it’s my turn to ask.” Steve paused, waiting for Y/N to nod. "Tell me, what's your profession?" Steve's question hung in the air.
Y/N's lips curved into a mischievous smirk as she lightly tapped her index finger against the exquisite crystal water cup. "Go on, take a guess."
With a nonchalant smile, Steve replied, "Well, I've narrowed it down to the top three options."
"Top three?" Y/N raised an eyebrow, intrigued.
"You strike me as someone effortlessly elegant and beautiful. My best bets are fashion designer, model, or a sugar baby," he replied, his tone light.
"Steve, seriously?" Y/N exclaimed, her face hidden behind her hands as she fought to contain her bubbling laughter. Despite her efforts, Steve's infectious mirth resonated through the kitchen, tinting his cheeks a vibrant shade of red. "I'm not a sugar baby!"
“Damn, baby. I could’ve used some sugar,” Steve teased. Y/N was torn between the urge to nudge him playfully and the temptation to burst into laughter right in his face.
“I’m an interior designer,” Y/N answered earnestly. 
Steve’s blue-green eyes raked over her soft features, assessing her. His penetrative gaze made her squirm, though it was more welcoming than uncomfortable. “I think it suits you. Where do you work?”
“Potts Designs.” 
“The most elite design studio in North America. So, you’re beautiful, graceful, and intelligent.” 
“Stop.” A blush crept over Y/N’s cheeks, tinting them pink. Her lashes fluttered rapidly as if trying to hasten time before her eyes returned to meet Steve’s gaze at eye level. “What about you? What do you do for work?” 
The cheeky bastard wiggled his brows and adjusted his position. From that act alone, Y/N knew he was going to tease her before giving an answer. 
“Well.” She had leisurely stressed on the “l”, giving away that she had already suspected such an answer and was immensely entertaining it. “You strike me as someone annoyingly determined and sophisticated. My best bets are financial officer, real estate agent, or a member of the Illuminati," she lightheartedly responded. 
“Illuminati,” Steve barked, vehemently shaking his head. “I’m afraid that they’ve rejected my application a long time ago. I’m just not cool enough for them.”
“Well, it’s their loss,” Y/N joked. “What is it that you do then?” 
“I’m a businessman,” he answered. “I own a threat security company and a couple of other firms. I’m also an angel investor.” 
“Damn, angel.” Y/N fluttered her lashes, resting her hands near Steve’s, enough to touch the rings on his fingers. “Does that mean you’ll invest your time in me?” 
Steve almost choked on air, clutching his stomach as tears formed on the edge of his lashes. He wiped them away with his fingers. "Tell you what, help me plead my case to the Illuminati, and I'll gladly take you as my sugar baby."
“Lucky for you, angel face, women love a man with power. You got yourself a deal.”
She extended her hand, shaking Steve’s. They only looked serious for a minute before their expressions faltered, and they laughed as if they had known each other for years.
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Series Taglist: @crazyunsexycool @patzammit @wintasssoldier @themrsroger @theroyalmanatee @panandinpain0 @spectre-posts @googie-jeon
One Decade Later... Sab has finally updated this series! We're finally kicking it up a notch with this chapter. I'm excited about what's coming next!! What do we think of Steve and the reader? I also want him to give her a new nickname based on the information he now has, what do you suggest?
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yelenasdiary · 1 year
A request: reader dying in Yelena’s arms. Maybe a classic “I’m totally fine” *collapses* situation?
This Was Fun
Pairing: Yelena Belova x Reader (Platonic)
Summary: You have to pick between your friend and team member or risk your own life.
Angst | Character Death |Physical Violence | Detailed Mentions of Graphic Scene & Mentions of Blood | Gun Violence | Language Warning | Grief | 1.2K | 
AC: I decided to make this platonic because it fit the idea in my head, I hope you enjoy! X
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A glock pointed at your best friend was all you saw as you silently made your way into the abandoned factory. Yelena was tied to a chair, chained to be exact. She was beaten and bruised and from what little part of her you could see that she was doing her best to not let her captor know the amount of pain she was really in. 
Quietly you crept forward, unaware of the creaking floorboards that alerted Yelena's thug. "Ah, you have friends I see!" the man chuckled as he pointed his gun in your direction, "you better come out or you'll regret it" he adds. It would be so easy for you to pull your own weapon and kill this man although you were both under strict intrusions that he was to be taken back to S.H.E.I.L.D alive. 
"Alright, alright, you got me" You rolled your eyes as you came out of hiding, Yelena looked up at you and shook her head before you were shoved down onto a chair next to her. The targeted man tied you to the chair and returned to his previous position in front of you Yelena, gun pointed directly at the two of you. "So, who will it be huh? The blonde or the hero?" He waved his glock from Yelena to you then back to Yelena, "one of you is going to die for what you've done. Killing my all my men, taking down my business. You have no idea who you've fucked with!" he rambled. 
Yelena looked at the man and didn't speak a word, meanwhile you worked your way of discreetly cutting yourself free from the bindings that kept you to the chair. "Maybe it should be you huh?" He took a step forward towards Yelena, "the famous Black Widow's sister, dead. What a headline that would be" he chuckled. 
"Imagine the headlines when you're dead" you snapped, gaining the criminal's attention.
"Killing you wouldn't do much, would it?" he asked, pointing his gun at you as he took a few steps in your direction, "what would I have to gain from killing scum like you?" he adds. You smirked as you looked up at him, loving the mind game he was trying to play, "a big, fat target that's bigger than the one you already have now" you replied. 
The man laughed at your words, "Maybe I just kill you both and be done with it" He looked at Yelena, giving you enough time to finally free yourself. You made sure to hold the rope tightly in your hands to keep the targeted man from seeing your handy work. He wondered back to Yelena, grabbing the key to the padlock on her chair from the rusted table beside him. "You're up first" he sent her a cold smirk before unlocking the lock. 
You watched as he pulled Yelena over towards the window and kicking her to her feet. Her hands were tied behind her back, with chains once again. Quietly you dropped the cut rope in your hands and began to free your ankles while the man tormented Yelena even more. 
"Nobody is coming to save you both, look around you widow. This is the last time you'll ever see the sun, the last time you'll see the light of day" you heard him speak, his gun now pointed to the back of Yelena's head. "Where is your famous sister now, huh? Off saving everybody else but her only family" he chuckled. Yelena didn't say a word as her captor continued to talk nonsense, completely unaware that you had freed yourself. 
"Times up buddy!" you spoke before charging at the man, tackling him to the floor making him drop his gun. While you forgot off the wanted man, Yelena was working on freeing herself to help you. She dislocated her right wrist to free herself, groaning once more at the pain she caused herself. Yelena worked quickly to put her wrist back in place as you continued to fight off the target. Punches were thrown, kicks were dealt while you kept him from getting to Yelena. 
You weren't sure where the glock had landed until you heard the gun shot fill the room. Yelena charged at the man, jumping onto his shoulders and wrapping her arms around his head without a second thought, snapping his neck and letting his now lifeless body hit the floor. 
"Y/n!" She rushed to you as you stumbled to your feet, "are you okay?" she asked as you reached for her hand. "Yeah, I'm good, you took your time" you smiled softly at her, your vision going blurry as you fell to your knees, only to have Yelena catch you. "Y/n! can you hear me?" Yelena's voice rushed through you as you struggled to keep your eyes open. 
"Hey" she slapped your face lightly, not hard but just enough to get you to open your eyes again, "stay with me, you're going to be okay!" she assured you. Her hands covered in your blood, your body getting colder by the second, darkness slowly became your vision. 
"Y-Yelena" you mumbled quietly. 
"I'm here, just stay with me! The others, they're on the way, I promise! Just stay with me, keep your eyes open" She squeezed your cold hand. Your breathing began to grow weak and there were longer pauses between each breath, "R-remember w-when we m-met?" you asked her in a stutter. Tears filled Yelena's eyes, she knew the team weren't going to make it in time and the thought of losing her best friend cut deeper than she ever thought she'd allow. 
"I do" she replied, earning a faint and weak smile to tug at your lips. 
"B-best d-day of m-my life" you struggled to string the words together, "y-y-you're my b-best f-friend, lena" you added. 
"Don't talk like that, Natasha and Steve and the others, they're coming! I just need you to hold on a little longer, please!" The tears fell from her eyes as she felt you close to her, squeezing your hand from time to time in hopes it'd help you cling onto the little light you had left within you. 
A tear rolled down the side of your eyes, your vision got darker, and your body felt colder but still you somehow managed to pull one last smile to your lips, "t-this w-w-was f-fun" you mumbled ever so quietly. Your eyes closed and Yelena felt the life in you leave from the slight drop she felt in your hand as she squeezed it one last time. 
You were gone.
"This was f-fun" Yelena broke, sobbing as she held your lifeless body close to her. Your last words would now leave an imprint on her. A sarcastic saying that you both shared after any mission but truth be told, anytime Yelena got to go on a mission with you it was always fun. No matter how dangerous or life threating, it was always fun and something you both loved to joke about after. 
"T-this was f-fun" she repeated. Yelena never left your side, not even when the team came and took your body back to the compound where they'd make sure you were to be remembered by all.
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Taglist: @red1culous | @bentleywolf29 | @jeyramarie | @lissaaaa145 | @high--power | @parkerdaramitzzzz | @mmmmokdok | @wackymcstupid | @kiwiana145 | @valiantmugcowboyscissors | @shin-conan-kun | @nattyolw | @ripofflizzie | @get-the-fuck-outta-here | @goofy-goonie | @makegoodchoices | @apollo2907 | @marvelfan98 | @wandaroman0ff | @dumb-fawkin-bitch | @lovelyy-moonlight | @santana1437 | @fluffyblanketgecko | @puta1 | @inluvwithfictionalwomen | @tintedrose12 | @jaymieflorissssssss | @tita001 | @youralphawolf72 | @crescent-witch | @randomnessbecausewhynot | @natashamaximoff69 | @a-dorkier-book-keeper | @hehehehannahthings | @secrettoallofyou | @romantic-slaps-on-the-asss | @marvel-fan-2021 | @mmmmokdok |  @riveramorylunar | @ripofflizzie | @toldthatdevil | @itsmv3 | @katiemay-025 | @maria-403 | 
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I was rewatching "Black Panther: Wakanda Forever" and I have to say this:
•The way the Wakandians have to open their borders is an EXTRAORDINARY/GENIUS/BRILLIANT method! Seriously *mind blown*
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•I hate this bitch. I hated her on "The Falcon And The Winter Soldier" even more on the post credits of "Black Widow" and now on "Black Panther: Wakanda Forever"...is she gonna stay for long? If Tony, Steve and Nat were alive she'd be gone by now. Somehow, but she would. Seriously can not wait for all my babies to find out about her: Sam and Bucky *and hopefully Clint *, for Yelena to turn against her after Clint told her the truth about Nat's death, Kate and Shuri are sooo gonna hate her as well, etc. Uuuuuh just remembered: imagine Carol, Monica and Fury *he's in space but still alive* meeting her! Daaaaaaayumn 😂
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•Okay what the actual f. : Wakanda has gone through a massive war...scratch that! TWO MASSIVE WARS AND ONE BEING ALSO A MAJOR SCARY AF INVASION WHICH WAS WHEN/WHERE THANOS WHIPPED HALF OF THE POPULATION! And when Queen Ramonda arrived to Wakanda and was talking to Shuri, her daughter explained that "everyone was working diligently" because basically "There could threats unknown in the horizon and they are creating solutions".... bUT YOU DIDN'T THINK TO REBUILD/CREATE FULL PROOF VIBRANIUM GLASS WINDOWS FOR THE THRONE ROOM?!! This is 100% uncharactheristic of Shuri. Like, no.
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•And honestly, am I the only one who found this part under the throne room really odd? When Ramona and Riri are being pulled down by the water we see that really odd looking space under the glass floor - do we know if that connects to any other place of the palace or...it's just there?
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•I couldn't stand Namor in this particular scene...they were all trying to save Queen Ramona and Riri, Shuri was going mad/completely desperate seeing what looked like *and could be* her mother lifeless body on the floor, the possibly of losing the only family she had left, all of this WHILE she was still mourning the death of her older brother, and Namor wouldn't stop talking! Like DUDE SHUT THE FUCK UP! "Within a week I will be back with my whole army bla bla bla *I'm an asshole* Bury your dead. Mourn your losses."
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•When Shuri's soul travelled to the ancestral plane and met with Killmonger:
Erik: “Are you going to be noble like your brother or take care of business like me?”
Shuri: "I'm not my brother. Namor will beg me for mercy as I stand and I watch as he dies."
Shuri said that not just because of all the grief she was feeling, but the anger and resentment for what/who took her mother and brother and then she gets to the ancestral plane and doesn't see her mother BUT INSTEAD see her asshole of a cousin who almost killed her brother and destroyed her home...During her fight with Namor I had many mixed feelings because I WANTED NAMOR DEAD BUt I didn't want Shuri to kill him: like I wrote above - she was filled with negative emotions: anger/rage, resentment, grief, sadness thirst for vegeance, and probably doubting herself because she didn't see her mother in the Ancestral Plane so she might have been thinking that it was her fault. She wasn't being her true self.
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•I loooooved when she finally saw Ramona *Divine Timing is freaking amazing, let me tell you 💗*
"Yield and Wakanda will protect your oceans. Yield and Wakand will protect your secrets. Yield and your people will live. Vegeance has consumed us, we can not let it consume our people."
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mariacallous · 7 months
Over the last two years, Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine has destroyed hundreds of hospitals and forced countless medical professionals to flee to areas still under Kyiv’s control. Many of the doctors who have remained have had to work under near-constant shelling. To mitigate the damage, the Russian authorities have allocated over eight billion rubles (over $88 million) to rebuild destroyed infrastructure and sent thousands of medical workers from Russia to Ukraine’s occupied territories. However, according to doctors in the occupied areas, these measures have failed to compensate for the lack of personnel, the corruption, and the medication shortages. For insight into how this failing healthcare system looks on the ground, journalists from Verstka spoke to doctors and patients in occupied Ukraine. Meduza shares some of their findings in English.
Mikhail is a pediatric surgeon from Siberia. His first trip to occupied Ukraine was in September 2022, when he went to work as a volunteer at Mariupol’s regional intensive care hospital.
“When I arrived, I immediately had this ambiguous feeling: I wasn’t scared anymore, but I still felt a kind of horror,” he told Verstka. “All of the people there had pain in their eyes, the imprint of what they’d been through. The adults could understand what was happening, whereas the children…”
Yelena, a psychologist from Moscow, went to volunteer in the occupied territories in October 2022 along with 11 of her colleagues. After a few months in Mariupol, she went to the Luhansk region.
Even when we were living [in Mariupol], there was no heat, power, or water. A lot of people were still living in basements. The most shocking, disheartening thing was when you would see black buildings with holes in the walls, charred homes, and next to them you would see light coming from a window where people were still living.
According to Verstka’s calculations, at least 2,500 doctors from at least 50 regions of Russia traveled to the occupied parts of Ukraine’s Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporizhzhia, and Kherson regions during the first two years of the full-scale war, though the total is likely higher.
From volunteers to state employees
The medical professionals who spoke to Verstka said they were unprepared for the experiences they faced in the occupied territories.
“You see these poor old people in a tent that’s practically impossible to walk through,” said Yelena, the psychologist from Moscow, recounting her first day of work. “For many of them, either their children left or somebody [from their family] had died; some of them had been abandoned. Imagine reaching the end of your life and having it be like that.”
Mikhail, the pediatric surgeon, said the most common issue he encountered in Mariupol in late 2022 was dog bites in children and their parents. “At that point, the dogs had been fending for themselves on the streets for six months, subsisting on whatever they could find,” he said. He continued:
In other words, these weren’t puppies, these were dogs, and they’d been there since before the start of the [full-scale] war. They’d once been pets, but they’d been left behind and had eaten everything they could, including corpses. And so they’d started going after people, attacking small children.
In addition to children, Mikhail said, he treated wounded soldiers. “That was new for me,” he told Verstka. “I was used to talking to children. But these were extreme conditions — a region that had seen combat. I adapted.”
Alexey, a doctor from St. Petersburg, said that by late summer 2022, the most common medical issue he encountered was not bullet wounds or shrapnel wounds but a bacterial skin condition called erysipelas. “This was a consequence of people spending so much time in basements. It wasn’t just the echoes of war, it was its ongoing reverberations.”
In the first months of the war, Russian medical workers who went to the occupied territories did so as volunteers under the patronage of Russian politicians or soldiers. Typically, they would take vacation time from their workplaces at home and travel to Ukraine at their own expense. Yelena said she spent about 200,000 rubles ($2,200) on two of these trips. “I’m not complaining, but should it really be like this?” she asked. “Even food wasn’t always provided.”
By the second half of 2022, these trips had been incorporated into official Russian state policy: Russian Health Ministry institutions, hospitals, state corporations, and various pro-government organizations began sending doctors to occupied Ukraine. And around the end of the year, regional health ministries and government agencies officially began paying medical workers to go there. After Moscow annexed the occupied territories, the Russian government allocated more than a billion rubles ($11 million) to these initiatives.
Ivan, an endocrinologist from Russia’s Mordovia Republic, said that he traveled to Ukraine’s Zaporizhzhia region after an offer from his local health ministry. Mikhail from Siberia also signed an employment contract to work in the occupied territories. When asked how much he was paid, he declined to give a number.
“You wouldn’t go there for the money — it’s not worth it,” he said. “When a lot of people learn about [the payments], they go there, and then they realize that the territories are being shelled, and it all goes downhill… You don’t go there just for the money.”
At the end of 2022, the first set of doctors sent by the Russian authorities to occupied Ukraine were rotated out and replaced. Many of them received state awards and other accolades upon returning to Russia.
‘That’s the kind of local corruption we have now’
According to residents of the occupied territories, the healthcare system there is in significantly worse shape than it was before the full-scale war. Mykhailo, a resident of the occupied part of Ukraine’s Kherson region, said even the doctors who have been practicing there since before February 2022 have started acting “condescending” towards patients because they know the patients have no alternative. “There’s nobody to complain to; nobody cares,” he said. “Either you’re friendly towards the doctor or you’ll be forgotten about and nobody will help you.”
Another difference, according to Mykhailo, is the variety of drugs available. After the start of the full-scale invasion, he said, local pharmacies stopped carrying the Ukrainian medicine his mother used to take.
Mom went to the pharmacy sometime in late spring [2022]. She says she saw some soldiers, right in front of the pharmacy, beating some boxes of capsules and pills with sticks. She asked what they were doing. They told her it was Ukrainian-made medicine and that she wouldn’t find it there anymore. This punitive action by soldiers against boxes of medication was only witnessed once. But the result is obvious: there’s no longer any medication that was made in Ukraine.
Mykhailo said that people are still selling one another their remaining packages of Ukrainian medication today — there’s even a Facebook group for it. Russian medications, he said, generally cost about twice as much as their Ukrainian analogues. People buy them out of necessity, he said, although life-saving drugs are free with a prescription.
“Mom bought some chocolate for her doctor so that she would give her medicine for two months rather than for one. That’s the kind of local corruption we have now. It wasn’t like this before Russia came; [back then], if you complained about anything aloud, everyone would rush around to prevent, God forbid, a conflict,” he said.
One Telegram channel in the “Luhansk People’s Republic” (“LNR”) has written about people reselling disability certificates, patients paying bribes for surgeries and treatment in hospitals, and medical workers not receiving their full salaries.
“Before the start of the special military operation, the LNR was surviving on humanitarian aid,” the channel’s administrator told Verstka on condition of anonymity. “There wasn’t such a limited range of medications, because a lot of things were brought from Ukraine. You could get practically any type of medicine, including Western ones.”
But in 2022, he said, “times changed and the chaos began”:
They stopped bringing medications from Ukraine; they did a rushed, makeshift job with the import substitutions. Most parts of the [Donetsk People’s] Republic that they managed to liberate have been totally left in the Middle Ages: even now, it’s hard to find anything but paracetamol and activated charcoal in the villages.
‘Nobody can guarantee anything’
In addition to the lack of medication and other supplies, Ukraine’s occupied territories are facing a critical shortage of doctors. “Medical workers (and anyone in their right mind) are reluctant to come here from the rest of Russia, so other regions have to send doctors on rotation,” said the Telegram channel administrator. “For every five medical positions, there are three vacancies.”
Since the start of the full-scale war, the WHO has recorded at least 1,616 attacks on medical facilities in Ukraine. Medical personnel have come under attack in at least 134 cases, and at least 118 medical workers have died, while at least 253 have been injured.
In the Zaporizhzhia region, the shortage is worst in small towns and villages, according to endocrinologist Ivan. “Nobody wants to come here permanently while fighting is still going on,” he said. “They’re trying to normalize the situation, posting job ads, and the [Russian] Health Ministry is working, but there aren’t really many takers.”
Many Ukrainian medical workers who have remained in the occupied territories have done so at high personal cost. “A major aspect of my work in Mariupol had to do with providing psychological support to the medical workers who live there,” said Russian psychologist Yelena. “Not only are they suffering themselves, but they’re expected to help others as well.”
Dozens of medical workers living under Russian occupation refused to speak to Verstka. Some said that they had nothing to share. Others cited fear that their identities would be revealed and they would face repressions. “Nobody can guarantee anything to me,” one nurse said through an intermediary.
“They’re trying to lie low right now, yes,” one Russian doctor said of their Ukrainian colleagues.
Several sources who served as intermediaries between Verstka’s journalists and Ukrainian doctors in the occupied territories also said that many medical workers fear persecution from the Russian-installed authorities. One former official from the Zaporizhzhia region told Verstka that he himself had faced such repressions at the start of the full-scale invasion, when Russian forces tortured him and held him in captivity for several months. He declined to discuss the conditions of his release publicly.
Many medical workers in the occupied territories also fear being charged with collaboration by the Ukrainian authorities for working with the Russian authorities by participating in the healthcare system under occupation. According to the Ukrainian authorities, however, only medical workers who assume leadership positions, publicly support the occupation authorities, and contribute to their activities are at risk of facing collaboration charges.
Most of the Russian doctors who spoke to Verstka said they support the Russian army’s actions in Ukraine. They gave various explanations for their views, from stories about alleged acts of cruelty by Ukrainian soldiers to narratives about the “heroism” of Russian soldiers. All of them said that they went to the occupied territories out of a desire to help civilians.
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wlw-stanbot · 8 months
Yelena drank. She drank and threw knives. One. Two. Three. All in the red circle. 10 paces to pull them out again. 10 paces back to her throwing spot. One long drink of clear liquid from a clear glass bottle. Three more throws. The pattern repeated, until the black backing behind the red dot was the only thing she was striking. 
Half a bottle of liquid later, her aim was still true, but her body was failing. The rolling chair was closest. She sat in it, remembering how Kate looked when she was sitting here earlier. Perturbed with Valentina, but hiding it well, keeping her emotions and expressions under control. Kate had learned so much, changed immeasurably since they first met. She wasn’t a child, or a brat, or any of the terrible things she had said. Three more knives flew through the air but the assassin’s legs were too tired to get up and retrieve them. 
Yelena’s hazy eyes wandered to the monitors above her. The house was quiet but she was only watching one screen, the one showing a hallway with a door that had remained open almost every minute for the last few days. The door was closed. She didn’t know if she wanted it to open, and for a moment she imagined driving nails into the frame so it couldn’t. It wouldn’t work though, Kate would just break a window if she wanted to leave. Kate does whatever she wants. Kate wants…wanted her - there’s no way it’s still present tense. 
Lacking a current view on Kate, the alcohol flooding her decision making drew her attention to a small box at the back of the desk, hidden behind the one dark monitor there. She took another swig before reaching for it. Her shaky fingers pawed at the combination, taking an infinite amount of time to enter it. One two one…more vodka…one…god, why are there so many one’s in her birthday? This is not a very secure code… zero two. She kept glancing up at the hallway screen between each number entry. Still no movement. 
The lock clicked and Yelena took a deep breath before opening the small metal box. Inside was the smallest thing. It wasn't a trinket exactly, though someone might mistake it for one. It was a simple silver colored flash drive with a key ring at one end that was attached to a cork sparrow. 
Yelena had put it in there just a few hours ago, and she felt pathetic reaching for it so quickly. But, her need was greater than her embarrassment. She pulled it out and gripped it gently. The softness of the cork contrasted the cool hard metal casing of the flash drive and there was a metaphor here but the assassin was too drunk to see it. 
Up to chapter 13 on this boy...not sure I posted the last one so make sure you read that one first.
<3 You guys (and these guys)
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magicbecameourfears · 2 years
Love is Infinite - Chapter One (Ever Since New York)
Love is Infinite - a Yelena Belova/Kate Bishop series
Pairing: Yelena Belova/Kate Bishop
Rating: Mature (possible mature themes later on)
Summary: Yelena and Kate were together for a whole year. One night Kate confesses her love for the former assassin, but Yelena got scared and ran away from the relationship. Kate continuously tried to contact her but after six months she stopped. Three years later Yelena gains the courage to talk to Kate, to tell her that she loves her too and why she stayed away for so long.
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Must be 18+ to read (by reading you consent that you are 18+)
Do not repost 
Yelena laughed at the film along with Kate in their now shared apartment, Pizza Dog lying over their laps as always. This could be a tradition they could get used to; lounging and watching films for their anniversary. This night marks one year of their being together. One year of pure bliss and adventure. As the credits started to roll Yelena shut off the television, leaving the lights in a room behind them dimly lighting their surroundings. Yelena let out a satisfied giggle.
“That was so good, Kate Bishop,” she said to Kate with her contagious smile.
“Uh…yeah,” Kate said back with a nervous chuckle.
“What is it, you did not like the film, Kate?” she questioned.
“No-No! It’s not that. It’s just-It’s-” Kate stammered.
“It’s just what?” Yelena responded, her smile less prominent.
“You know what, never mind,” Kate nervously chuckled, “It’s nothing.”
“UGHHH! Come on, Kate Bishop! You can’t do that to me! Not fair, even Mr. Pizza Dog agrees, right, Lucky?” Yelena looks down at him and he licks her hand. “See! Exactly. Now spill all of the beans.”
Kate glanced down at Lucky and then back at her beloved girlfriend. “I love you,” she finally blurted out. “...I love you..”
“Yelena! Yelena-”
Yelena wakes up to her sister standing in the doorway of their apartment, looking quite annoyed. “Come on, we’re gonna be late.”
“Late to the breakfast that we physically can’t be late to?” Yelena responded as she sat up.
“You know what I mean, Lena. We leave in ten,” Nat said as she was already headed out of the room.
Yelena sighed and ran her hand down her face. Not a night goes by that she does not dream of Kate, her Kate. She is so angry at herself that she got scared off by three words. Those three words changed her life. Why couldn’t she just accept Kate’s love and be true back to her? Kate has shown her so much happiness and joy that she never even imagined that she could have, that any black widow could have. That was three years ago and it still haunts her dreams nightly.
She stood up and moved around the cardboard box maze that is her room. Nat and Yelena recently moved yet again, and this time just to the other side of the city. This time Briarwood in Queens. Before their last apartment, they were in Portland, Oregon. Nat insisted on coming back to New York City, so Yelena just agreed thinking it would be easier than explaining that it would cause her nerves to spike with her past relationship with Kate. Yelena never spoke of their year-long relationship, but Nat could obviously piece everything together.
She half walks and half stumbles into the bathroom to wash her face and brush her teeth quickly. After she is done with that she grabs a simple outfit to put on for breakfast, mom jeans, and a loose white button up, she pulls her hair back into a bun and hurries out of her room.
“Took you long enough,” Nat jokes.
“You’re quite vexing, you know that, right?”
“Of course, but even if I forgot I’d have to here to remind me.”
Yelena smiled at her comeback as she grabbed her phone to put it into her pocket. Nat opens the door for her and they walk out, locking it and heading down the stairwell.
They make it to their new go-to breakfast restaurant. It has great coffee and even better pastries. Yelena and Nat walk in; Yelena immediately moves to save their favorite table in the corner of the cafe’ against the window.
While Nat waits in line for their orders: herself a vanilla latte and a chocolate croissant, Yelena a cappuccino and a cream cheese danish; she admires the familiarity of the place. The soft green walls, the shelves of gameboards to borrow, the light brown door, and cream-colored tables.
Nat carefully walks over to their self-designated table once she receives them.
“You got the last danish. Why are you always so lucky?” Nat states as she sets Yelena’s cappuccino and danish in front of her.
Yelena lightly chuckled, “If only you knew, my sister. Maybe about these types of things, but other situations, not.”
Nat took a sip of her latte, “Am I supposed to know what this is- Is this about Kate?”
Yelena shrugs and takes a bite of her cream cheese danish.
“It is!” Nat sets down her drink. “You still never told me what happened.”
“Nothing happened.”
Nat lifts a brow.
“What?! Nothing happened. Even if something did, it is definitely not your business.”
“Mhmm,” she smiles at Yelena’s defensive response.
“Fine, Fine! Something happened.” Yelena takes another drink.
“And that is…” Nat pushes.
Yelena took a deep breath and then looked her sister in the eye. “Kate Bishop confessed her love to me…And I got scared, okay? I didn’t know what to do, that has never happened to me. It was the first time I felt something so deeply for someone; being a widow doesn’t really allow that, as you know,” she motions between them. “I just freaked out and ran.” Everything just came out in one big jumble of words.
Nat obviously had a rough idea as to what happened between the two of them, but she never knew the exact details. “Alright…” Nate thought carefully of her next words. “And you think that was the best option? You didn’t think to maybe express that? That the Red Room messed you up and now you’re afraid of letting someone love you? I’m sure she would have understood.”
Yelena shrugs, “I know it probably wasn’t the best reaction. But I just got so scared, Nat! Out of everything that is the one thing I didn’t want to ruin, but I obviously ruined it anyways if you couldn’t tell.”
“Maybe she still loves you. Has she tried to make contact?”
Yelena stayed quiet.
“So she has,” Nat responded. “And you haven’t responded because? Please don’t tell me you completely ghosted her.”
“...Black Widows are good at disappearing,” is her only response.
“Yelena!” Nat sighs and glances around the cafe to make sure she wasn’t too loud. “You need to fix it. Does she still live in the same place?”
Yelena nodded, “She loves that place. You know I had to go out and get her more cutlery, she only had enough for one person…” By the end of the sentence, Yelena’s composure was a bit more somber.
Nat decided to change the subject, “Wanna play a game of chess? Even though everyone knows that you’ll beat me.”
After many rounds of chess, and Yelena winning every single one; they left their table and headed outside of the cafe.
The sisters head back to their new apartment with the plan to unpack the kitchen together and then their separate rooms.
Yelena opens the door for Nat and walks in after, closing the door behind her.
“I’ll get the speaker,” Yelena immediately began as she locked the door and started to take off her shoes.
“You know music isn’t required to unpack every place we unpack at.”
Yelena scoffs, offended. “Are you serious?! It is SO fun to jam! You’re just jealous you can’t make the same kick-ass playlists as me.”
“Mhmm,” Nat drawls out.
“Cyka!” Yelena scoffed and laughed.
Nat laughed along with her sister, “Go ahead and put it on.” Nat took off her shoes and walked into their open apartment.
Once you walk in past the entrance hallway there’s another hallway to the left with doors on either side. The door on the left is Nat’s bedroom and Yelena’s on the right. Leaving the hallway, there’s an open room for a living area and a dining room. The kitchen is against the wall directly walking into their apartment from the entrance hall.
Yelena excitedly connected her phone to their Bluetooth speaker and put on her designated unpacking playlist.
They both occasionally sang along to the lyrics together, using whatever appliance was in their hands at that moment as a microphone. Yelena definitely was the dancing-along type and Nat was more the watcher.
Once they finished unpacking the kitchen boxes they both headed into their rooms.
Yelena shut her door and sighed examining the room before her, planning out what to do first. She decided on unpacking the rest of her clothes and neatly organizing them between her closet and dresser. After that was done she folded all of the cardboard boxes and placed them at the back of her closet for the next place they decided to adventure to. She looked back at the pile of boxes in the corner of her room, most of them being books. After Yelena was “freed” and she and Nat took down Dreykov.
Yelena sat down on her bed and sighed, eventually lying back with her knees bent and legs dangling over the bed. Yelena turned on a more somber playlist to try and relax her thoughts better. Of course it didn’t work, nothing worked when she tried to stop thinking of Kate. She wants-no needs to do something, but she doesn’t know exactly what. She quickly got up from the bed and began to plan it out in her head.
After pacing back and forth in her room for over two hours Yelena finally decided on her plan. She was going to stop by Kate’s apartment and tell her that she loves her. But she can’t just show up after three years. Wow. Has it already been that long? She is going to get Kate some purple bellflowers, her favorite, and get Pizza Dog obviously something as well.
Yelena grabbed her jean jack and put it on, grabbing her wallet and set of keys as well. She knocked on Nat’s door. “Hey! I’m going out to get some things, I’ll be back later.”
“Alright,” Nat’s muffled voice came from inside her room. “Pick me up some ice cream while you’re out.”
She headed outside their apartment, down the hall to the stairwell, and started descending to the exit. She exits their apartment building and walks down the street to one of the many outside markets looking for the flowers and anything else that catches her eye. She firstly, of course, stopped at Miss Li’s booth for fruits and flowers.
“Hello, Yelena,” she smiled “It’s so wonderful to see you! Come for anything in particular?”
“Hi, Miss Li! Yes, actually. Do you have any purple bellflowers?”
She smiled. “Of course I do, you get them so often I make sure to have them for you.” Miss Li began getting the bouquet of flowers together for her.
These flowers have always reminded her of Kate since they began talking to each other. Even once they broke up she made it a point to continue to buy these flowers to brighten up her day; remembering adventures that they’d go on together and how she would buy a new bouquet of purple bellflowers for Kate every week. She still made sure to stop by when she could, even when Nat and Yelena moved thousands of miles away to get them from Miss Li.
Yelena paid for the bouquet and kept walking to get something for Lucky. She stumbled upon a new mini pet-friendly bakery and got him a cute puppy dessert. She sighed, nerves starting to get to her. She can’t run away and hide any longer, it’s been enough. Yelena never believed in the whole soulmate cliche until she met Kate Bishop.
About two blocks away from her former lover’s apartment she spotted a pizza place with a pizza merch stand set up outside of it to attract more customers. She caught a glimpse of a mini pizza keychain and immediately purchased it.
She headed up to Kate’s place and stood outside of the doorway for a few minutes convincing herself that this is the right thing. She can do this. She will do this. She put her fist up to the door to knock but decided against it. That wasn’t very Yelena of her. But none of this is. She quietly unlocked the door (yes she kept the key that Kate gave her) and stepped into the entryway.
Yelena stands in the hallway with the purple bellflowers, a pizza keychain with her, and a puppy dessert for Lucky. Her heart was racing at what seemed to be a million miles an hour. She takes a big breath and starts to walk further into her former lover’s apartment when she notices her. A girl came out of the bathroom with a big smile on her face.
“You got the popcorn ready, Kate?”
“Of course,” Kate responded back immediately coming into view.
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h1myname1sv · 1 year
FIC UPDATE: we're inches apart (and even closer at heart) 7/7
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: mild injury Fandoms: MCU, Avengers, Black Widow, Daredevil, Hawkeye Relationships: Matt Murdock/Natasha Romanoff, Yelena Belova & Natasha Romanoff, Clint Barton & Natasha Romanoff, Yelena Belova & Natasha Romanoff & Alexei Shostakov & Melina Vostokoff, Natasha Romanoff & Tony Stark, Avengers Team & Natasha Romanoff Characters: Natasha Romanoff, Matt Murdock, Yelena Belova, Clint Barton, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Peter Parker, Wanda Maximoff, Bucky Barnes, Foggy Nelson, Karen Page, Melina Vostokoff, Alexei Shostakov, Other Marvel Characters Additional Tags: Natasha Romanov Is Not A Robot, Natasha Romanov Lives, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, POV Natasha Romanov, Natasha Romanov-centric, Natasha Romanov Feels, Fluff and Angst, Light Angst, Angst and Humor, Fluff and Humor, Banter, Dialogue Heavy, Weddings, Secret Relationship, Sappy Ending, Tony Stark Lives, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Hijinks & Shenanigans, Family Shenanigans, Mild Hurt/Comfort, Identity Reveal, Secret Identity, Secret Identity Fail, Fix-It Wordcount: 45k Summary:
"This seems awfully fast, Natasha," Melina says with genuine concern. "You are still so young." Nat blinks. "We've been dating for six years," she says flatly. "Oh, I thought you just found a random guy on the street, thought he was cute, followed him home and decided to marry him," Yelena says. "Do you think I'm that shallow?" Nat asks, and she's about to laugh before she realizes that what Yelena said isn't entirely inaccurate. (Or: Turns out planning your wedding is pretty damn hard when most of your family doesn't know your husband to be even exists.)
"Sparring will help you warm up. And sleep," Matt declares. He tilts his head, the moonlight from the window lighting half of his body. "No one will see the blind guy beat you in a fight because they're all sleeping...I think." He frowns. "Heart and breathing rhythms are affected by certain superpowers."
Nat slowly pulls herself up and out of bed. "Y'know, Tony designed these walls to be soundproof."
Matt smirks. "Obviously, he didn't have me in mind when he did."
"He didn't know you existed."
They stretch a little together and jog to the gym to warm up, passing the kitchen on the way to grab water bottles.
"No lasting or visible injuries," Nat says, stepping onto the mat.
"For the wedding pictures I'll never see," Matt agrees. That could be either a sad statement or a funny one, but he's smiling, so Nat smiles back.
"You're going to regret this," she says teasingly. And they start.
Years ago, she couldn't have ever imagined how soothing it would be to spar. It was a life-or-death situation, back in the Red Room. You had to be good enough or you were dead. They—the survivors, that is—often found ways to distract one another from the deaths they had caused. But here and now, sparring is the distraction. It takes her breath away, pushes back all her anxieties. While it would be nice to win, she's not afraid of losing. Sometimes, there really is no winning or losing with sparring. You're just practicing your skills, getting better every day.
0 notes
unknowndrone · 2 years
The Family Left Behind
Natasha Romanoff X Reader
Prompt: It’s post snap and Yelena finds a strangely familiar little girl cleaning her sister’s grave
WC: 593 
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Yelena sees a little girl hovering over the grave. She eyes her intently, observing her actions. At first glance, she would’ve thought it had been a member of the public, a child who managed to sneak into the site to mangle with her sister’s grave. Yet, it seems the rumors were true judging by the number of familiar features that the child possessed. She had Nat’s green eyes and your y/h/c hair. It was indeed her sister’s child and her niece for that matter. The little in question was gently pushing away the leaves that were piling the front of the grave, gently mumbling some song under her breath as she does. A small pit grows in Yelena’s stomach at the sight of watching the child clean her mother’s grave.
As the child cleans, a familiar tune leaves her lips through a whistle. Yelena instantly lights up, and without hesitation, she fills the void of the tune. A smile forms her lips realizing you or Natasha must’ve taught the child the tune. The child jumps at the sound, instantly averting her eyes to the source. There, her familiar eyes meet Yelena’s.
“Aunt Yelena?” The child asks.
Yelena jumps in surprise. “You know who I am?”
The child smiles, jumping happily before running straight into her aunt’s arms. A dumbfound expression glosses over Yelena’s eyes, but nevertheless, she melts into the child’s grip, squeezing her back gently. “You came back! Momma said you would come back!”
Words get caught in Yelena’s throat. “Mo-wha-”
Before Yelena could move another muscle, a familiar voice echoes from meters away from them, calling for what seems to be like the child’s name. “Lena! Lena!”
You emerge from the bushes only to stop once you see the blonde being hugged to death by your child. “Oh! Hi!” You say happily but surprised. “Lena come over here and please don’t bother the nice lady,” you lightly scold. Only the child giggles before running into your arms, jumping happily.
“Y/N?” Yelena asks with raised eyebrows.
You furrow your eyebrows, “Yes?”
A lump forms in Yelena’s throat as she tries to maintain her own composure. This was her, the person that Natasha had been speaking about with so much life in her eyes, the person that Natasha would talk about nonstop if there was someone who would listen. It was you, Y/N, Natasha’s light. “I’m-uh- I’m Yelena.”
It takes you less than a second for things to click together and your eyes soften. “Nat’s sister.“
Yelena nods weakly, “yes. Yes, that’s me.” She begins stumbling on her words, “sorry, I-I’m just.”
She looks as if she was on the verge of crying as her bottom lip begins to quiver and her hands begin to shake. Without warning, you walk up to her only to wrap your arms around her frame. “It’s okay.”
Truthfully you had known plenty about Yelena, too. Natasha would talk about her family all the time to you and you had always wanted to meet them in person. Preferably with Natasha by your side to introduce them to you, but it seems the world was not that generous with happy moments.
“Why don’t you stay for lunch and we can catch up?” You suggest.
Yelena could only muster a nod as she watches you begin to lead the way. When it takes you one second too long, Yelena only feels a small hand grabs her’s, dragging her along behind you. “Come on, Aunt Yelena!” Lena says happily.
The small gesture almost made Yelena’s soul combust.
Thanks for reading! It’s currently fucking 9 in the morning because my window won’t shut and some bitch decided to blast music from their car. I will square up with the asscrack later. So excuse me for this impulse :) Nice to see you again. Have a great day/night and may you always stay safe!
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an-evergreen-rose · 2 years
When Worlds Collide Part 4
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Kate Bishop x Female Spiderwoman reader (basically has Miles powers; invisibility, electric webs)
Summary: You meet the bass player. jk. :))
Warnings: Some swearing
A/N: It's a bit shit and a bit short but here ya go.
Kate let you borrow some more of her clothes again, a pair of black jeans, some converse that were actually Yelena’s that she had left here a while back, but they were the only ones that fit you, and a simple black tank top. Kate liked the way your arms were on show, loving the simple definition your muscles had, a slight pout made its way onto her lips when you put on another one of her hoodies. One reason was that she didn't get to see your arms anymore, and the other was because you looked so darn cute. And when she saw how you had to roll up her jeans at the bottom so they wouldn’t drag along the floor she couldn’t help but bit her lip to try and suppress a smile.
Clint had arranged for Happy to come and pick up two up and Kate talk his ear off so much on the way to the compound that he actually put up the divider between the front and back portions of the car. You couldn’t help but laugh at the man's frustrations.
“So rude,” Kate muttered, looking out the window, seeing the compound in her view. She looked over to her right, seeing your leg bounce with anticipation as Happy pulled up outside. “Hey,” Kate spoke softly, resting her hand on your leg, stopping your nervous actions, “It’s gonna be okay.”
You looked at the archer’s hand on your leg, then at her blue eyes, “Promise?”
Kate felt her heart almost burst. You looked at her like your life depended on her. Like she was the only one who could save you if anything went wrong. She loved that look on you. 
“I promise.”
Kate lead you through the building, taking the elevator up to the 4th floor, and down very confusing corridors before she opened a door labelled 405. Once inside you saw a large table with about ten seats around it, three of them were taken. One belonged to a red-haired woman, she sat up straight and confident in her chair, dressed in all black training gear you imagined - being an avenger and all. You guessed that it was Natasha, Kate had tried to explain the avengers to you last night over the pizza so now it was up to you to try and remember as much as possible. Next to her was a man with a very large tattoo covering his whole arm. Clint. Kate talked a lot about him, considering he was ‘the hawkeye’ that got Kate into archery in the first place. Then, on the opposite side of the table was a man dressed in a rather expensive-looking suit and funky beard. Tony Stark. What also gave it away was him wearing sunglasses inside, Kate had told you only Tony could pull that off
[these bitches still alive :)]
“So,” Tony started, standing up from his seat and walking up to you and Kate, “You’re the new spider-kid.” He lowered his sunglasses down the bridge of his nose taking a better look. Definitely does not make you feel 10 times more nervous.
“Yup.” Smooth Y/N, real fucking smooth.
“Care to explain how you -now, what did Kate say again,” Clint said, looking down to a piece of paper with some scrawny-looking handwritten notes on it. “Fell from the sky out of a weird portal thing?”
Tony had taken his seat again, his sunglasses flung carelessly on the hard wooden table. You furrowed your brows slightly at the question. “No clue, one second I was swinging, the next I’m in the fucking bins with a bow and arrow pointed at my head.” 
Kate let out a small chuckle, remembering the weird events from last night. Jeeze, how had she only met you last night and was already this infatuated with you? “I thought you guys may have some more answers,” the raven-haired girl quipped, “It's not every day another spiderman falls from the sky.”
“Not a man,” You spoke quietly, but loud enough to gain a small smirk from the redhead in front of you.
“Definitely not a man,” Kate corrected herself, a small blush on her cheeks remembering last night when she first looked at you on the rooftops.
“How do we know you have these abilities?” Tony asked sceptically, clearly a little bit defensive over his spiderman. Natasha and Clint also looked at you expectantly, waiting for some proof.
With a roll of your eyes, you quickly raised your wrist, webbing Tony's sunglasses, bringing them towards you. You couldn't help the small smirk on your face at their shocked expression when you put the frames on your face.
“How do I look?” You asked Kate who also couldn’t help the smile on her face. She knew you’d be good.
You felt your face heat up at the comment.
“Can I keep these?” You asked the bearded man, pointing to the metal frames on your face. You tried your best to not laugh at his defeated face.
“Finders keepers, right?” Natasha said. You were starting to like her.
“Anyone can make web shooters, kid,” Tony argued, “I’m gonna need a bit more convincing.”
“What, do you want me to crawl around on the ceiling?”
“It would help your case,” He smirked, hoping to amuse himself. But you couldn’t let him win just yet.
“Can anyone do this?” You asked rhetorically, before turning yourself invisible.
Natasha looked toward Clint, her eyebrows raised with interest, “Well damn.”
“I told you she was good,” Kate said excitedly to Clint as you reappeared. He actually did show some interest in you now. She slung her arm around your shoulders, looking proudly at you, “My girl is gonna knock the other spiderman out of the park.”
My girl. Holy shit, if you thought you were blushing before you would hate to see your face right now.
“Now that, I’ve got to see,” The older archer said, a small smile resting on his face at the thought.
“Alright, kid. I’m convinced.” 
Tagged: almosttoogay2function luminaaz thelonewriter24 redkaddict angel09172000 kassies-take girlssnrosess mxrvellouspidey belltako wandaroman0ff tu-mama727 7smexy7diva justhereformemes12345-blog lammy07 eonrioromanova me-uglypretty pinneapplequeenn puathepig lenalesbian kacka84 urmultifandomfan
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abimess · 3 years
A gift misunderstanding
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Wanda Maximoff x Reader
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Masterlist | Library Blog
Summary: Being the chaotic person you are, you ended up accidentally mistaking the Christmas presents. Looking at the outcome, maybe it wasn't such a bad thing.
Warnings: suggestive conversation, sex toys (no smut)
Pronouns: not used || Word count: 959
I apologize for the delay, I was at my grandmother's house and I forgot to post before I left haha anyway, I hope you like it. Merry Christmas!!!
You do NOT have permission to repost or translate my work on any platforms (even with credit)
For this request | Christmas Special Masterlist
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You're not a very organized person. And this usually gets you in trouble. But as well as being disorganized, you are also stubborn. So you continue to be disorganized, and you continue to get in trouble.
On Christmas Eve, things would be no different.
Sitting in the living room of the Avengers compound, you and your teammates exchange gifts of Secret Santa. And you're rather nervous.
This year you drew Wanda Maximoff in the Christmas game. Aka The Scarlet Witch, aka the love of your life. She didn't know about the latter though, and you intended to keep it hidden for the rest of your life, even if Yelena, your best friend, would tease you about it forever.
The brunette smiles shyly as you hand her the gift, and you try not to be too intimidated by her beauty. As the girl unpacks the wrapping, the surrounding group watches in a silence of expectation.
"What the fuck, Y/n?" Pietro is the first to speak, his angry tone matching perfectly with the look he casts in your direction.
You have a confused frown on your face until the moment you see what Wanda pulls out of the box. And then you choke.
The brunette, whose cheeks have taken on an impossible shade of red, is holding a black dildo. Beside her, Yelena disguises a giggle.
"Well... I... er..." You begin awkwardly, wanting more than anything to throw yourself out of the nearest window. "It's a... It's a joke! It's a joke." You finally decide, but the excuse doesn't seem to convince the others.
"Sure you're not implying anything there, Y/n?" Sam asks knowingly, raising an eyebrow at you. Tony's suggestive smile accompanies his next words, "I think Y/l/n is wanting to help her use it."
"Guys! That's my sister you're talking about!" Pietro interrupts the teasing next, sounding more annoyed than ever, and you decide that remaining silent is the best option.
Wanda puts the sex toy back in the box, and the brunette's silence only makes your muscles twitch more in embarrassment.
After a few more teasing comments and glances, the game continues as before, but you are no longer paying attention, all your efforts focused on ignoring Wanda's existence until you could get back to your room.
Lucky for you (or not) she seemed to do the same.
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You leave the party at the first opportunity you get and mumble complaints and swear words at yourself all the way to your room.
As soon as you get there, you throw yourself on the bed, but it isn't long before knocks on the door are heard.
"Come in!" You grumble against your pillow, imagining it to be Yelena ready to tease you for the rest of the night.
"Can we talk about the gift now?" Wanda's playful tone makes you stand up abruptly, your heart beating rapidly with nervousness.
"I don't know, how about we pretend nothing happened so I don't have to jump off a cliff?" You suggest playfully and Wanda lets out a low chuckle before looking at you curiously. "What really happened there?"
"I got the presents mixed up, that one was for Yelena." You tell with an exhausted sigh and the brunette assumes an almost hurt expression as you say, "Oh... I didn't know the two of you were-"
"We're not!" You interrupt immediately, and clear your throat as the witch looks at you in a mixture of curiosity and amusement. "We're not. In this case it was actually a joke. I bought this for her because she's ace. She gave me a bucket of peanut butter cream. You know, because I'm allergic. I guess our sense of humor is questionable." You end your rambling with a nervous chuckle and receive an amused smile in response. "I suppose so."
"But you can keep it if you want. I mean, I'm not implying you- but it's okay if you do, of course, it's none of my business... I'm gonna stop talking now." With every stupid word that comes out of your nervous mouth your heart becomes closer to combusting. When Wanda smirks, you are sure you could die at any moment.
"Are you nervous, Y/n?" She asks curiously, walking slowly towards you. "You have no idea." You answer with a shy laugh, and Wanda smirks, looking at you with an indecipherable look. "Do I make you nervous, baby?"
"I thought that was implied." You answer in an affected whisper, her honey voice completely disarming you. Wanda giggles at your mesmerized look.
"You're cute." She comments shortly after, not helping your flustered state one bit. When she bites her lower lip, your eyes are immediately drawn to the action.
"Tony was right, you know?" she asks next, her breath brushing against your lips due to the closeness. You frown in confusion, your entire body hyperaware to her presence.
Wanda steps forward then, her face moving even closer to yours. You hold your breath as her mouth moves towards your cheek.
"You could help me out sometime." She whispers against your ear, sending a wave of intense shivers through your entire body.
Before you can process what has just happened, the brunette pulls away again, her warmth being missed at the same moment.
With your brain completely short-circuited, you just watch the girl walk away toward the door, your heart pounding heavily in your ears.
As soon as Wanda reaches the door, she sends a wink in your direction, a smirk never leaving her face as she disappears into the hallway.
With your body warm and your legs shaking, you try to regain the rhythm of your heartbeat and the coherence of your thoughts.
Less than a minute later, you go after her.
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#Day 25: Christmas Breakthroughs (Zooey Kern x Reader)
And that's it for today! I hope you enjoyed it, thoughts and comments are always welcome ツ
Taglist: @yuhloversxx @madamevirgo @an-evergreen-rose @helloalycia @wandas1mp @cantcontroltheirfear @diaryoflife @cristin-rjd @ensorcellme @aimezvousbrahms @natasha-danvers @purplemeetsblue @randomshyperson @peggycarter-steverogers @b0mbdotc0m @ethereal-pxradise @stephanieromanoff @tomy5girls @gingerbreadcookieforlife @imapotatao @musicinourlips @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @allfiguredout @olsensnpm @magicallymaximoff @nothing-isimpossible @mionemymind @itsmionet @xastrydx @sxfwap @nicole-rayleigh-hot @wellsayhelloaagin @midnight-lestrange @1-800-depressedlesbian @b-5by5 @blackwow34 @nervoustrack @somewhatgreatexpectations @yeetus-thyself @chelleztjs18 @franfineashell @mrromanoff (if you wanna be tagged check the form on my BIO)
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p-taryn-dactyl · 2 years
Game Night (1)?
a/n: hi! this is a pt2 for my story Burnt Toast and Vodka, hopefully this is wanted lol - i thought it would be fun to continue the dynamic. takes place maybe like two weeks after the events of the diner?? probably a little longer than BTaV so sorry about that; even worse title than the first part lol (aren't i creative); maybe will be two parts if anyone wants a continuation
requested: yes/no
taglist: @coolbeans32
word count: 1.6k
warnings: gif not mine; cursing; i have seen the statue of liberty a grand total of once and it wasn't on the NYC side so I am using media and my imagination to tell you what it's like; a lot of dialogue; really rushed; probably bad lmao
pairing(s): all platonic (for now); yelena x reader, kate bishop x reader, natasha romanoff x reader, bucky barnes x reader, sam wilson x reader, clint barton x reader
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Apparently, Yelena was a morning person.
You, however were not.
How did you learn this wonderful piece of information? Well, on one fine morning you were startled out of your peaceful slumber by someone yelling your name and jumping on you.
"[Name]! Wake up, wake up." Yelena shook your shoulders as you groaned and hid your head under your pillow.
"Nooo," Yelena grabbed the pillow and threw it on the ground, boping your nose with her finger.
"You said you would take me to see the Statue of Liberty! And I want hot dogs-" Using all your strength, which sadly wasn't much this early in the morning, you pushed the excited assassin off your bed. It took you a few minutes to realize what you did. Hesitantly looking on the floor, you wanted to both laugh and run at the sight in front of you. Yelena looked like a kicked puppy- eyes wide and face scrunched into a pout. Slowly, she stood up, her expression shifting into an amused smirk. You started to laugh, inching towards the other side of your bed, putting your hands up in a surrendering position.
"Heh, Yelena, best friend of mine, let's not do anything rash-" She took a step forward and you were off. You sprang off your bed and rushed to the safety of your bathroom, the short distance seeming like miles. Trying out the fact you learned while watching National Geographic at 3 am, you tried to run in a zig-zag pattern all over your apartment, attempting to confuse the predator. This tactic does not work on Black Widows. In a matter of seconds, Yelena had tackled you to the ground, tickling your sides.
"Yel-Yelena stop! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" You laughed out as the blonde continued her antics.
"I want to go see the Statue of Liberty!"
"Orr we could have a movie day? Without all the crowds of tourists in matching familial t-shirts?" Yelena scoffed humorously.
“You know that song in Little Mermaid where she goes ‘I want to be where the people are?’”
“You’re like the opposite of that. You’re anti-Ariel.” It was your turn to look like a kicked puppy, glaring at Yelena until you threw your hands up.
"Fine, we'll go see the Statue!" Yelena smiled before brushing off her jacket and standing up, pulling you with her. As you started to make your way to your closet to change, you caught a glimpse out your window.
"What time is it?" You turned towards the assassin, who paused mid-bite of an apple at your question. She cleared her throat and intensely studied the red fruit.
"Uh, I don't know-" she turned to you, eyes wide as she pointed the apple in your direction, "Have you heard the theory that time is just a construct-"
"Yelena." The blonde hung her head dramatically before murmuring a number.
After you had chased Yelena around your apartment, got dressed, made her buy you two large coffees and a bagel, and apologized to your downstairs neighbor for all the noise so early in the morning, the two of you were out to see the giant green lady with a shield.
On your way to the ferry, your phone buzzed a few times. Curious to see who had messaged you, as the only person you texted was currently playing peek-a-boo with a pigeon, you opened your phone.
unknown: hi, [name]. how was your bagel.
You rapidly hit Yelena's shoulder to get her attention, showing her your phone screen. Yelena just laughed before turning back to the bird, who was probably waiting for food.
"Oh, yeah, I gave Nat your number."
If you had food in your mouth you would've choked and died.
"YOU GAVE-" pausing to look around and lower your voice, "You gave the Black Widow my phone number? The very woman I spit freaking vodka all over a few weeks ago?" Yelena chuckled and looked over her shoulder at you.
"[name], she doesn't blame you. Don't worry about it! My sister is very nice. Also, she needed your number to give to the others for game night - which is tonight by the way." You were positive you had gotten whiplash just by listening to Yelena speak. Sighing, you hung your head, pocketing your phone.
"We should get in line now if you want to see the Statue and Ellis Island in a span of a few hou-"
"You don't want to do that." Yelena's cautious voice paused you.
"No! Of course we are going to see the Statue, I meant leaving my sister on read." You hurriedly dragged your phone out of your pocket, sending a quick response to the Avenger. Yelena nodded, acting proud before hooking her arm with yours, dragging the two of you towards the ferry.
The hours passed, as you and Yelena walked around the towering woman, the Russian assassin rambling facts about the Statue off of a pamphlet she had snatched.
"Did you know that she is struck by lightning 600 times a year? Oh and that it was a gift from France but it came all disassembled? The Shield took over-"
After you had gone around the Statue twice, made a photographer cry, and visited Ellis Island, You and Yelena were back on the ferry. You leaned on the rails, watching as the sun started to set, the golden rays illuminating the horizon.
"Did you have fun today? I definitely did. Oh, what's your favorite candy?" You turned towards Yelena, who was wearing a foam Statue of Liberty crown and holding a pretzel out towards you. Taking the twisted goodness, you replied.
"Oh I definitely had fun. So much fun that the family in matching t-shirts didn't bother me. And maybe Sour Patch Kids? I don't really eat that much candy." Yelena nodded thoughtfully before sending a message on her phone. The ferry's intercom beeped, signally it's arrival back to the shore.
One thing you didn't expect to see when you walked into your apartment was the Black Widow and Hawkeye sitting on your bed, watching the Office. The sight made you pause in your doorway, causing Yelena, who was behind you, to run straight into your back.
"[Name]?" You shakily pointed at the duo, Hawkeye raising his hand to wave at you without looking away from the screen.
"Hi I'm Clint." You nodded before being pushed. Yelena walked over to her sister and placed a Liberty crown on Natasha's head.
"[name] took me to see the Statue!" As Yelena, Natasha, and Clint discussed the day you and your best friend had, you remained in a state of shock.
"Holy shit, I have Avengers in my home."
"It's crazy right?" A voice behind you made you jump, spinning around to see Kate Bishop, face just barely visible from the giant collection of candy and popcorn bags piled in her hands, "I mean- that's freaking Hawkeye!"
"Kate? Wha- Oh let me help." You took a few pounds of snacks out of the archers hands, placing them on your island. Making eye contact with Yelena, you gestured wildly towards Kate, Nat, and Clint, confusion in your eyes.
"It is game night, [name]! you know, that fun pastime westerners do? I told you before we boarded the ferry and Clint Barton made a group chat so we could all communicate, though I have not been getting notifications-" Yelena gasped and glared at Hawkeye, who looked a bit sheepish. Yelena slapped the back of his head, "You did not make the group chat? Great now my best friend is going into a panic and it's your fault. Pridurok!"
Kate placed a hand on your shoulder, genuine concern in her eyes.
"Hey, if this is too much then we can go." You shook your head, setting your shoulders.
"No, no, it's all good. Besides, playing game with Avengers can't be too nerve racking-GAMES! Crap, Yelena, I don't have any games! They're all in storage somewhere-"
"I got you, don't worry," Another voice sounded from behind you, this time you slowly turned around, your mind going blank as you saw Sam Wilson - Captain America, standing in your doorway, arms full of board games, movies, and bottles of alcohol, "Games, videos, and booze, at your service."
"Hide the vodka!" Nat sounded out, making you turn and glare playfully at her. She stuck her tongue out at you while Yelena and Clint stifled their laughter. Your best friend clapped her hands together, Natasha and Clint turning off the TV to look at her. You and Kate sat next to each other on the bed, her knee brushing against yours. Sam arranged the snacks and drinks on the island before joining the little circle forming on your bed. Yelena was practically shaking from excitement, her arms slung around you and Natasha's shoulders.
"Now Barnes just needs to show up and-"
Sam laughed before raising a hand to paused the excited blonde.
"Buck got here hours ago." Nat and Clint looked at each other before turning towards Sam.
"No, we've been here for a while and-" Like on cue, the toilet from your bathroom flushed and the door opened, revealing the Winter Soldier - wrapped in a fuzzy My Little Pony blanket? The burrito of a feared assassin waved at you before coming to sit by Sam. You just stared, along with everyone else.
"You have a nice blanket collection." Was all he said before taking the box of Monopoly out of Sam's hands and placing it in the middle of the circle. You blinked a few times before laughing to yourself.
"So I guess this is my life now. Don't tell me - Tony Stark is hiding in my fridge."
"No, he's at the Spider-Kids graduation - they'll come next time though." Clint answered, setting up the game. Natasha smiled at you, handing you a game piece.
"Shall we play a game?"
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Turns out we're more similar than I could ever imagine | Frank Castle
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Request: sooooooo I wanted to ask if you could write dad! frank × daughter! the reader, but the reader is also a former black widow (she is a teenager and the events immediately after the movie black widow) and.....that's all I ask, the rest is up to you))
Reader: female | slowly starting to become fatherly Frank
Type: oneshot
Warnings: typical punisher violence,
Note: I accidentally posted this when it wasn't finished my bad, also this is more of a how he started to become your dad type deal: also left the ending opened so if you want a part two.
"Go be who you wanna be."
"I don't know who that is."
"Then go figure it out. She's out there waiting for you."
Finding someone you had no idea about was harder than Y/n imagined. She went looking as ordered, trying to find who she was meant to be. Yet with no leads she wasn't getting anywhere.
So she did what she did best; beat the shit out of people, looked for any reason to keep on fighting, and she found it in gangs sprinkled throughout New York. Asshats that liked to try and pick on the weak; that liked to cause pain similar to her own.
She sighed, eating the ration pack, most likely a few years old she looked over the ledge: waiting for guys to show up.
"So boring..." She complained, dressed in her black widow white suit with a back vest over the suit, "Should have gone with Yelena-"
She paused watching cars pull in, black vans with tinted windows pulled in through the dinner's garage, the metal door closing behind them. Getting up she grabbed her gear belt from beside her and fed it through her belt holes, clipping it at the end and stuffing the scope in her side pouch, clipping the last strap around her thigh before she walked towards the side of the building. Using the pipe she slid down it with ease.
Y/n walked across the street without a care in the world, making it to the back kitchen door which was open, steam and loud clanking coming from inside as chefs cooked.
Walking through the chaos without care. She made it to the red velvet hallways, giggling from ladies caught her ears as she followed the sound. Opening the door they were all half made up: all in the process of beautifying themselves for the men coming.
"Dresses are over in the corner." One lady spoke, she was young, twenty-two at the max, she was leaning into the mirror painting her lips the same shade as the walls.
"Thanks," Y/n responded, walking through the mass of young women to the back of the room and picking any dress that fit her.
Y/n stuffed her clothes in a corner, making sure they were hidden. A man quickly came in rushing the girls in a different langue as they all hurried, putting on their finishing touches.
Y/n joined the group they all lining up single file. This was an easy job, they all walked out quickly, the man scanning over both of them. He grabbed her arm, he ordered something in Russian and a woman ran over: quickly painting Y/n's lips a dark shade of red, and then Y/n was rushed off.
There it was a grand room filled with men, all dressed top of the line. They cheered as the girls came in flirtingly. Y/n looking over each man: leader, I need the leader.
Yet she was pulled onto some commoner's lap, he laughing as she smiled sweetly at him. Once the girls settled the men had a good laugh before he busted through the doors.
It was quick that girls through themselves to the floor, hitting the deck as quick as they could as bullets were sprayed across the room.
"Fuck asshats gonna ruin the whole mission," Y/n growled, but by the time she had gotten back up, all the men were down; either dead or on the verge.
Girls ran and screamed hysterically as they left as quick as possible
Y/n watched as the man she needed alive was still breathing and picked up by his shirt and thrown onto the table.
Y/n was quick to grab the knife on the table and throw it the man's way, he cursed in response, holding his face, and Y/n grabbed another as she quickly ran at him. The bulletproof vest didn't help much as Y/n avoided it altogether, attempting to cut at his arms and legs, even throat.
What should have been an easy one-two slice in an artery turned out to be a bit more difficult than she assumed. He avoids each hard slice of the knife with ease, and it angered her more.
"If you don't just FUCKING die!" Y/n shouted kicking him in the thigh, stabbing the heel of it into his tight, causing him to shout in pain.
"Get out of my way kid!" He shouted grabbing her by the leg, Y/n trying to pull away from his grasp to no avail, she lifted her other leg up, roundhouse kicking him in the head, knocking him down, and they both fell onto the floor.
She groaned, kicking the heels off as she stood up with a groan, glass in her arm as she had landed on a champagne glass. Standing up she grabbed a knife from the floor, Frank pulling the heel from his leg and tossing it across the floor.
"Keep away from my information," Y/n argued, Frank, getting up as she went at him just to fall to her knees, catching herself on the table glass had shoved its way deep in the back of her knees, rendering her useless.
"Back down kid," Frank ordered, pushing her aside and onto the floor, she gritting her teeth in pain.
"I'm getting what I came for!" She shouted at him as Frank picked the man up, she got to her feet despite the pain and rushed at him, causing him to drop the body and grab her by the arm, he took out a pistol which Y/n swatted away, almost making him drop it but Frank hand his finger through the trigger hole.
It was with ease he turned it around on his finger and swiped the back of the gun across her head knocking her out, she fell limp on the floor.
God damn it, he couldn't just leave a kid here. Even though she had gotten on his nerves quite easily and knew certainly how to take care of herself, she was still a kid, a stupid kid, but a kid.
So with reluctance, he tied them both up and dragged them to his current base of operations, after scowering the place with whatever he found useful, he found the odd set of clothes and her bag: for a kid: he was impressed, shit he would be impressed if he found some of the crap he found in her supply pouches on a person such as himself.
So he took them with him: along with the two knocked out a-holes which had given him trouble.
Y/n had the luxury of being tied to a chair, while the guy was tied in the basement, naked and beaten.
She woke up during an argument, Frank and Micro bickering like an old married couple.
"Fuck..." She groaned: caught? Really? "Romanoff sets you free and you get captured, great fucking day..."
The sound of her voice turned heads, "Great she's up!" Micro cheered sarcastically sitting himself down at his computer.
Y/n glanced back at Frank, who pulled a chair up in front of her, straddling it as his arms rested on the back of the chair.
"You need somethin'?" Y/n argued.
"What's a kid like you goin' after Russians for?"
"Isn't it obvious?" Y/n smiled sarcastically, "I wanna be a Russian prostitute! Like every girl aspires to be!"
Frank looked at her unamused as she scoffed, "I could easily shoot you right here and right now."
"Oh please." Y/n rolled her eyes, "Go ahead, would just take one more Widow from the world. Assholes have enough of them out there anyways."
"A little young to be married," Frank spoke.
"Yeah? No shit. I'm not married dumbass." Y/n shot back, "It's a title.."
Micro scoffed from behind Frank, "So what are you? An Avenger?"
"Listen toothpick," Y/n argued, "Untie me and find the fuck out."
"All Avengers have a tonnage on them like this?" Frank questioned getting out of his seat.
"Why don't you call them and find out." Y/n argued, a table being rolled in front of her and stuff dropped on top of it, "What about it?"
"I wanna know who's supplying little girls like this shit to you," Frank argued, "Makin you work jobs like this-"
"I already said dumbass! I'M A WID-OW, LIKE WIDOW? RING A BELL!" Y/n shouted, speaking slowly as if Frank couldn't understand her, "And you took my only f-in shot of EVER getting ANYTHING back of mine, so THANKS ALOT."
"Drop the attitude." Frank demanded, "So what? You go around? Killing bad guys?"
"No, I go around killing the people who made me who the fuck I am." Y/n defended, "They're just usually bad guys, Now- I'm trying to get revenge on some fucking men who took me away from my fucking family! MY FUCKING FAMILY!"
Y/n took a deep breath through her nose: as much as she could fight and scream, she was still a child: and looked away from the man integrating her, she exhaled and looked back at him.
"So let me go, and I won't slit your throat." Y/n defended, "Because if It's one thing I'm going to do, I'm getting my family back."
Frank was silent and just stared like he was staring a female version of him in the face, she was obviously younger than he was when he lost all he had, but he understood it, not that'd he openly admit to it.
"Let me go." Y/n argued, "I won't ask again."
"Kill that man isn't gonna make anyone you want come back," Frank responded.
Y/n's eyebrows came together her head tilted to the side slightly as her nose scrunched, a hiccup in her voice as she talked, "I know it will never make anyone come back, but it sure does feel good. Doesn't it? After all; I'm looking at a dead man walking. Frank Castle, A widow himself. Turns out we're more similar than I could ever imagine."
"Frank, you're Russian guys up." Micro intervened, once busy with looking at the security cameras.
"Get up, get changed, you're gone once you talk to him," Frank ordered getting up and leaving to the basement.
Micro turned to look at her, "So do I have to untie you or-"
Y/n brought her hands to her front with ease, "Right..."
She was quick to grab her things, "Bathrooms down the hall."
Y/n left to change, before easily enough finding her way to the basement. The man was naked as Frank leaned against the wall.
"I'm not going to be the one who hurts you, I did that enough by pumping lead into your kneecaps," Frank told, "Let's just say it's not me who wants you alive-"
He was quickly interrupted by Y/n kicking chain up man straight in the gut.
"Working with Italians now?-" The man laughed
"Oh shut the fuck up." Y/n ordered kicking him across the face causing him to spit up blood, "I'll let you go, if you answer just a few questions for me, I can make you disappear, where no one will find you."
He looked up at her, she smiling sweetly at him, coaxing him,"No pain, no hurt, just peace, and quiet. Sound good?"
"What do you want?" He questioned.
"You worked with Dreykov? Hm?" she asked with such a girly voice it almost made Frank puke.
"I can't tell you that." He demanded.
"Oh but I think you can." Y/n coaxed, "Didn't you hear? He's dead? Nothing can happen to you now."
He nodded, "Yes...Yes, I worked with him I was in charge of the girls filing, knew everyone where they came from."
Y/n's smile only got sweeter, "Do you remember a Y/n? Hm? She's my sister and I'm looking for her-"
"Y/n...Y/n...there are a few Y/n's-"
"Y/n...Y/n L/n." Y/n smiled at him.
He thought about it for a moment, and nodded, "Yeah! Yeah! Something about...Bleecker street! Yeah! Yeah! 1771! !1771!"
Y/n smiled, "Great. You were really helpful-"
"You let me go now!"
"yeah sorry about that i lied." Y/n spoke grabbing his bound wrist, "On the bright side! I'm going to split your skull in half, have you ever seen someone force someone to bite a curb and then kick a skull in, I swear, I sounds gruesome but it's as bad as people think."
"no! No! Please I have a family kids!"
"Oh shut the fuck up." Y/n argued, "So did I, but look at me, turned out just fine."
She dragged him up the stairs: "You gotta curb somewhere?" Y/n called to Frank.
"Alleyway out back."
Y/n did as she told, walking the man out in the back and returning within just a short few minutes, her white shoes and bottom on her pants covered in blood and what was probably brains.
"here are some gold teeth he had." y/n responded handing the golden teeth to Frank, "call it payment, now I'm going. Oh and if any Russian chick named Yelena comes after you ever, just run trust me; best choice."
Y/n snapped her fingers and shot some finger guns, walking to leave.
"Get in the van."
"What?" Y/n asked.
"Just get in."
Y/n sighed: at least she could do is be nice now. He took her where she needed to go, and when they got stuck in heavy traffic on the highway tossed her a ration pack.
"The hells this?" Y/n asked looking at the instructions, "What!? It doesn't stay dry! How long ago did you stash this stuff? Five? Six years?"
"A few months." He spoke.
"It's fresh then!?" Y/n cheered ripping it open with her teeth as he handed her water, "I just?"
"Yeah not a lot."
Y/n nodded adding the water to it and her food was almost heated up instantly.
"Woah! That's hella cool!" Y/n cheered, "God you think they'd be training elite assassins and would have better rations."
Y/n quickly dug into it, eating the ravioli with haste, "Man I should of joined the army." She spoke.
"Why didn't you? Could of at least got you out there?"
Y/n looked at him: "They said too young. Oh please, I'm sixteen and a three fourths."
"You're 16?"
Y/n nodded, "Yeah, and three quarters"
A sixteen-year-old kicked his ass- a sixteen-year-old just bashed some guy's head in. A sixteen-year-old was doing this shit.
"So this Widow Program-"
"Mhm," he stopped him, "Let me just explain it all before you start-"
And Y/n went on to explain it all: she's always been in the widow program, always been in the red room, went through the stages of vigorous training, how she could never have kids in the future, how they were all brainwashed.
"I did get to meet an Avenger." Y/n spoke, "That was cool I guess, I mean: I did destroy the one thing I knew as home but whatever."
"Why go back to your family if they gave you up."
Y/n shook her head, "no, no no, they don't give you up they take the girls away. It's in the fuckin sky so it's hard to even find it ya know?"
Finally, back on the streets, they drove through New York and onto Bleeker street where Frank parked across from the address.
"That's it." Frank pointed across the building, Y/n nodded setting the half-eaten food in the cup holder going to wipe her face with her sleeve she was stopped and handed a napkin and thanked him before taking a deep breath and getting out of the van.
She walked across the street, Frank watching her casually jaywalk.
Y/n walked up the small steps rubbing the inside of her palms and raised a fist to knock on the door. Within a few minutes, it opened.
"We don't need any more girl scout cookies-"
Y/n froze, for a moment, "Oh, uh...not entirely sure what girl scouts are but uh...it's me! You know...y/n?"
The man in front of her looked confused, as she gulped, "You know...?" She laughed nervously, "L/n? Ring any bells?"
"Well, that's not possible, both L/n's passed away,"
"I. I'm sorry?" Y/n questioned, "But. I. I. They couldn't- when did they pass away?"
"A while ago, apparently they kept the sanctum up before the tenant before me."
"How long ago?" Y/n questioned.
"Fifteen years ago? Sixteen soon enough." He responded, "Wong would know more than I would."
"What now?" Wong spoke he walking down the steps.
"She's looking for the L/n's."
"They've been dead for almost sixteen years now," Wong spoke.
"Tell her that."
Y/n stood in the doorway, confused about the whole thing, "And you are?"
"Says her names Y/n l/n-"
"I uh. I've got to go anyways, sorry to bother you." Y/n apologized quickly starting to back up.
"As in-
It was too late Y/n was already running away from the building.
"Get her!"
"Yep on it!"
Frank watched her run and the man run after her, "Shit!"
He quickly jumped out of the van to follow her.
"Sorry! Excuse me! Out they way!" Y/n shouted running as fast as she could, running into a blind man and his friend.
"Oh! Shiit! Sir Im real sorry-" she responded.
"Sorry again!"
She took off again as Matt looked in the direction of her steps.
"A wizard just go after running the lady dressed to kill someone?" Foggy asked, "Yep."
And soon after followed Frank.
"Great Franks here too." Foggy spoke, "So are you dare devilling this or? Are we gonna be normal and going to work?"
"Mind taking me down the alleyway."
"Not normal way great..."
Y/n continued to run as fast as she could, finding herself turning into alleyways as quick as she could, trying to lose the man on her trail, rushing up a fire escape.
Making it to the roof she was hit down, "Fuck..." She groaned.
"Yeah, you're a lot smaller than I imagined when the wizard called me with a potential threat," Ironman spoke as the mask lifted up.
"Fuck what is that thing made of? Iron?" Y/n defended rubbing her head.
"Kinda you know...the whole purpose of Iron man-"
He was quickly shut up with a kick across his face, sending him to the ground.
"Now that was just rude!"
Y/n took off once again, hoping to jump building tops there Stephen was floating- great. Just great.
She could go off the side, rushing quickly she stopped when a man in a red suit climbed up on the roof.
"Okay, who are you now!?" Y/n argued.
"The names Daredevil."
"Lame!" Tony called from his side of the rooftop.
Y/n backing up she was surrounded on three sides.
"Stay the fuck back!" She shouted.
"Listen I just want to talk." Stephen spoke, "If you'd just listen-"
"Why'd you tell whatever the fuck his name is I was a threat if you just want to talk- it's obvious you called back up!" Y/n shouted.
"You're parents were very powerful people! If you're angry you're a threat! It's basic principles!" Stephen argued, "So just stay calm-"
Y/n already rushed, jumping off the front of the building. She wasn't expecting to be caught so abruptly either, pulled inside a window with heavy arms as she was tackled to the ground.
"Shh, be quiet."
She did as told, Frank had himself pushed against the wall, a strong arm around her protectively as she covered her mouth.
"She's gone," Stephen told the others.
The two waited a few more minutes in silence to make sure the coast was clear before Frank let her go, and turned her around.
"You okay?"
She nodded, "thanks..."
He noded, "Yeah don't mention it come on kid. We gotta get you away from here."
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