#yes I’m adding this tags to make some new friends
t-dubber · 1 year
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clockwayswrites · 2 months
Gotta birb them all, Part 6
"Almost there,” Batman said through the comms.
Cass danced a little further away from their new friend and closer to the Batmobile. This was a fun game to stay just out of reach of the long arms while still being enticing to the bird. It was like slow motion tag. She spun just to make her cape flair.
“I can’t believe this is your plan,” Pamela said as she watched.
“It will work! Remember to call the cops and not kill the criminals!” Nightwing called cheerfully from inside of the plumage, only his legs visible before they too disappeared.
“Yes yes,” Pamela said dismissively.
“I’m messaging Harley to ask you about it so you better!” Hood grumbled.
He had tried to escape just a moment ago.
It had failed.
Cass was fine with that, not biggest brother wasn’t in the Batcave often enough. She missed him.
Pamela huffed and crossed her arms. “I’ll call the cops, okay? And in return you better actually show up for your therapy appointment Tuesday. Harley pouts when you don’t.”
“Fine, deal, whatever.”
Their bird friend warbled.
“Even it agrees,” Red added with a wide yawn.
“You do not speak to birds, Red robin,” Robin said haughtily.
“Robin powers,” Red replied. “You must not have them yet.”
“Oh, Baby Brat can’t speak to birds yet?” Hood asked. “Weak.”
“They’ll come in eventually, probably,” Red said.
“Gotta give it time!” Dick chirped.
The bird squawked back happily.
Cass did another spin to recapture their attention and hopped up onto the roof of the Batmobile. Slowly she backed up down the hood as the bird friend followed her. Once the bird was fully on the roof, Cass finally stopped and stood still. That long, feathered neck stretched out and the head pushed gently against Cass. She laughed and hugged the bird back.
Once she had been very gently lifted and set on the birds’ back, she said, “Move slowly.”
Batman ‘hn’ed back and started to drive. The bird gave a little squawk and flutter. Quickly legs emerged to grip the sides of the car. Batman started to speed up some until they were moving at a decent pace.
“Agent A,” Batman said into the comms. “We’re going to need… a nest.”
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prncessjaeger · 9 months
eren and his mystery cheerleader gf! ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
syp: no one believed eren had such a pretty gf…until now
trin speaks!: be mindful i might have errors. it’s normal.  
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“so where’s your so-called "girlfriend" at? or did you make this one up too like the last time-”
“oh fuck off, connie, that was one time, and i was 12!” the rest of his friends surrounding him laughed at his embarrassment, (apparently he was the only one without a girlfriend so he made up having one…like i’m talking fake messages and everything.) currently, they were at a rival school’s basketball game since you didn’t go to their school and of course eren decided to come and support you…but his friends armin, connie, and onyankopon tagged along with him, wanting to see who his “special lady” was. “so is the game gonna start or…?” “uh, i think? it just turned 6-” armin was cut off with a set of claps and loud stomps from the side of the bleachers, cheerleaders could be heard shouting a set of words while the boys ran out through the middle of them. parents, children and other spectators could be heard yelling in excitement for the intense game that was yet to happen. 
eren looked around to spot you, finding you sitting on the bottom bleacher scrolling on your phone, and the boys traced his eyesight, “bro no way you date that girl sitting on the bottome row?” “huh?” connie pointed at you, “her? she’s toooo fine to be dating you-” “hey?! what’s wrong with me?” “-she should be dating me!” everyone around him rolled their eyes, “if anything she should date me, black love is the best love-” “right, but she’s entitled to date anyone she dates, besides we don’t know her,” armin was received with blank stares from all three of em while ignoring eren’s mumbling claims of, “i’m the one dating her,” soon or later it was halftime, which was a break time for everyone.
the dance team began to perform and all the cheerleaders went their separate ways. connie and armin went to concessions and onyankopon was talking with a girl he’d just met, so eren searched and searched for you, until he felt a pair of cold, soft hands hindering his vision. “guess whooo~”
“my beautiful baby i’d hope?” you kept his eyes covered as you moved infront of him, then removed them happily, “well you hoped right! hi eren!” you hugged him and sat next to him, leaning into his arms, “oh wait- you see our new uniforms?” “yes, its looks amazing- they added glitter to the school letters?” your curls shooks as you rapidly nodded, “yes! and the other sports coaches complained about it, wanting the letters to be unisex but i mean, glitter is glitter, and THEN the coaches made us run 5 laps before the game because someone left their bow at home, and now…” he turned towards you so he could listen to you better, and once the buzzer went off, you had to bid your goodbye, “you taking me home?” “you think you could ride home with sasha - i have the guys and i don’t wanna make it too crowded, i’ll get you once you get home?” your slight frown turned upside down and you noddied happily, “okay! see ya!” you waved enthusiastically and he waved back, sighing in content. “who’re you waving at?”
“my girlfriend?” they all stared at eren for like 5 seconds, then bursted out laughing at him, “oh man eren, you are too funny!”
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
after dropping his friends off, eren sat outside your home, waiting for your arrival and decided to do something that’ll hopefully get into his friends head that he’s actually dating someone. he smirked at his phone, editing up his caption and nearly jumped hearing his car door open, seeing you in his hoodie and some cute grey shorts, “hey baby,” you kissed his cheek and saw his phone, “uhh why are you…?”
“you’ll see.”
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i-am-hungry-24-7 · 4 months
[We went on shopping (it didn’t go well)] - TF141*F!Reader
not a chapter actually just a rambling, it's kinda messy and not my style imo, pls feel free to skip this etc. might rewrite this shit when I have time since I’m busy with my job these days and I just accidentally sliced my thumb open making it difficult to type, hence not much to provide sorry :( and the weird stranger incident in the latter part did happen irl damn it’s creepy af, but I was the one telling them to fuck off tho (they harassing my cute friend RAGE)
Summary: You sigh when it's the fifth time someone fights in your poor tea shop this month. You just open it two months ago, in an area ruled by mafia called '141'. Maybe you should find their boss and give them money or what to stop the bullshit keeps happening in your shop. (well, here they come)
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3
After your car graduates from its car life in about a week, congratulations, the poor shelf accompanies you since your college life is finally undone, fragments spreading across the floor making you shout Mama and mourn for its graduation.
You don’t have a car right now, so when Gaz offers to drive you to buy a new shelf, you agree to his suggestion without a second thought. Yet when the day comes and you open the car door, only to be greeted by the wide smile of Soap and Gaz, you almost slam the door close in reflex.
“Okay, but why do all of you come together? this isn’t an elementary school field trip!” You gawk at them when you squeeze in the car.
“Sounds fun, how can ye not tell us?” 
“Gaz I thought you could seal your lips!”
“Sorry love, Ghost exchanged it with some goodies.”
Oh yeah, Ghost is sitting in the driver’s seat.
Wait, he’s sitting in the driver's seat?
“Goddamnit—“ Your scream dies out on your tongue when said man puts his foot down. 
Ghost does a good job at providing you the same experience as riding a rollercoaster, glad that you didn’t throw up in the car and arrived at the warehouse without dying. If he's your Uber driver, you will give him five stars and block the hell out of him. 
You hop out of the car and walk to the door. As the automatic door parts after sensing your presence, you feel much better when the cold air of the store. Nice a.c. is one of the important features of a nice store, and you already built a fondness for the warehouse with how refreshing the chilly air is inside.
The first area welcoming you is food. Not bad, 6 out of 10 if it needs to be precise. Gaz pushes the cart and follows you as you saunter to the aisle with cereals.
“Oh, they have my favorite brand.” You murmur to him as your eyes travel across the price tag.
Wait, you must still be dizzy because no way it’s 30% cheaper than the same one you just bought from the supermarket.
“Kyle, it says it’s 3 pounds, right?!” pointing at the tag, your voice raises a whole eight-tone with excitement.
5 boxes of cereal are added to the cart. 
Actually, 9.9 out of 10 for this place, you fix the evaluation as you watch Gaz putting some of those ten bags of chocolate Ghost and Soap dump into the cart back on the shelf, and as a little revenge to Gaz for letting the other two men join the trip without you knowing, you choose to turn a blind eye when you spot Ghost sneaking all of them back in the cart.
Not forgetting the primary goal for today, you go straight to the furniture area after letting Soap throw five packs of gummy bears in the cart and convincing Ghost not to get a cup of tea from the random tea shop. You’ll make a much better one for him when you get home — you coo when he stares at you with unhappy eyes not covered by the mask, glad that he seems to accept the idea, so he huffs and lets you drag him and Soap out of the food area.
“You should buy this.” 
“Ghost I don’t need a green shelf in my shop thank you.”
“Then ye should buy this bonnie!”
“That’s not even a goddamn shelf, Soap.”
“How about this?” 
Your eyes brighten up when Gaz shows you a wooden shelf, it’s stripped-back, with not many decorations, but it surely will fit wonderfully into your store with its aesthetic vibes and high functionality, thus you pick up your phone to type down the product number immediately.
“Oh my, Kyle, you’re the best.”
and you’re too busy typing the numbers down that you don’t notice him shooting the others a taunt of victory.
The last area before the cashier’s counter sets a bookshop. You don’t plan on buying books, but you indeed need to go to the bathroom, so you dismiss yourself and tell them to look around before you’re done.
Why are the bathrooms always hidden in a bloody long hallway? What if someone can’t hold back during their way? Your footsteps echo through the corridor as your mind starts hitting you with a fresh and unnecessary question, glad that you aren’t that urgent though, so you’re able to get to the destination without wetting your pants.
Washing your hands, you step back to the hallway again, but you yelp in surprise when you bump into someone.
“Sorry!” You nod at the man and start heading back to the bookstore.
but it’s weird, the man you just bump into walks so close to you, that you suddenly realize he’s just a step behind you.
Hey, don’t panic, might just coincidence, you try to tell yourself as you make another step.
“Hey, lovely.” Okay, it’s not a coincidence, fucking hell. You curse when his hand touches your shoulder and stops you.
“Sorry for bumping into you, Sir. Anything that I can help?”
“No, I’m waiting for you to separate from the blokes for a while can’t ask for your phone number when they surround you like dogs.”
“I don’t give strangers my number, sorry.” You try to leave, but the man’s hand grabs your shoulder forcefully preventing you from moving.
“Hey, give us a chance yeah? I’m sure we will have some nice time together.”
“I don’t fucking know you!”
Prying off his hand, you turn and start walking fast, almost running when you hear the stranger’s footsteps coming towards you.
Fuck fuck fuck, you haven’t run with such desperation in years, last time must be high school.
“Who the fok are ye arsehole?”
The tears prickling in your eyes when you hear Soap’s voice ringing in your ears before you feel a pair of warm hands drag you behind him.
“Ghost and Soap will deal with him, let’s go.”
Adrenaline pumping through your body finally subsides when Soap and Ghost reappear from the hallway, you don’t want to know what happened to the stranger, maybe hope they’re still alive and in one piece so you won’t involve yourself in another chaos, 
“I think it’s time to go home, Kyle. Is it okay?”
“Of course, wanna grab some food before we leave?”
“I guess Ghost already bought sufficient chocolate for us.”
A burst of laughter catches your attention whilst Gaz looking at the cart with bags of chocolate stuffing under your cereals with disbelief, and a smile crawls back to your lips as you look at Ghost slamming his forehead against a lower door frame and Soap laughing over him.
They aren’t that bad, maybe, or they reserve the remnants of tenderness for you, you’re not sure whether is correct, but at least they have your back when you need them, and that’s enough for you to stop exploring the answer for now.
“Oh.” A book gets knocked off when you shift to stand up. Turning around to pick it up, you have a good look at the shelf behind your seat.
Your eyes dart from ‘Today’s recommendation’ to the book within your grasp.
‘Surrounded by idiots — by Thomas.’
You will rate this recommendation 10 out of 10 for sure.
After insisting on paying yourself and shooing the men off, you take out your card and place it on the scanner.
‘Insufficient balance :( please try again’
You frown when the machine shoves you a nuh-uh, and you open the bank app to check your balance.
So you overspent 10 pounds huh? What a shame to your title for being a successfully financially broken adult. Which link loses and makes you make a wrong shopping decision? 
you scan the list of items with sharp vision until you land your eyes on a product.
Surrounded by idiots - £ 10.61
a/n: thx for reading :D sorry it's messy and unlike my previous writings :( hope I can have time to write again btw Price went on business trip so he's missing everything
tag list :D - @blackhawkfanatic @nexthyperfix @danielle143 @goodbyegh0st @reaperxxxxzz @kaoyamamegami @imyprice @cod-z @poppingaround @live-for-fluff @masterstr0ke @mall0ww @ghostysloot @hxnneydew @cutiecusp @beigechristmastree @rejectedbytheempty @lupikekee @hotvinimon @whitetiger846
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chrisevansonly · 1 year
𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐬 | 𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐬
✯social media au
✯you’ve been in a secret relationship for a while, little do you know, some have been placing bets on when it would stop being so secret
✯another little lando smau while i work on a carlos fic and more requests<3
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liked by landonorris, lilyhme, danielriccardo and 400,000 others
london i love you 🫶🏻
see 4000 comments
username this outfit is everything
username lando being one of the first likes…?
username lando we see you 👀
liked by y/n’sinsta
lilyhme london looks so good on you ❤️
>y/n’sinsta i miss you so much, see you this weekend!!
>lilyhme YES so excited!
danielriccardo so it begins….😏
>charles_leclerc 😏
>carlossainz55 🤫
>landonorris you’re all idiots
liked by y/n’s insta
y/n’sinsta added to their story!
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they’re def together…
i’m sensing a new relationship on the grid😏
this wasn’t on my bingo card for this year
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liked by y/n’sinsta, carmenmmundt, charles_leclerc and 995,000 others
“do I look okay? how’s my hair? are you sure you’re a photographer” - y/n every 5 seconds making sure i know how to take a picture 🙃
tagged y/n’sinsta
username OH they’re totally together cmon…
>username girls and guys can be friends you know
liked by y/n’sinsta
>username see y/n liked the comment
mclaren we need to swap the green for orange 😎
>y/n’sinsta yes we do!!
y/n’sinsta okay buddy, at least i’m easy to photograph 🙄
liked by landonorris
charles_leclerc i see what’s going on here…
>pierregasly yes…yes i do too
>lewishamilton very interesting
>y/n’sinsta i’m gonna kill all of you
username NOT AGAIN😭😭
landonorris added to their story!
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*story has been deleted*
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liked by landonorris, wagsofformula1, carlossainz and 880,000 others
well that didn’t last very long, i think lan owes a few people some money…though i’m not too mad, i get to share you with the world now, i love you sunshine❤️
tagged landonorris
see 7,000 comments
username oh i can’t i cant i cant
wagsofformula1 welcome to the wags club y/n😎
carmenmmundt silly lando
>lilyhme silly silly lando
>y/n’sinsta very indeed 🙃
landonorris i love you flower, im still sorry btw❤️
>y/n’sinsta you’re forgiven already you big softie
charles_leclerc alright mate pay up
>maxverstappen1 i’ll be waiting for the $$$
>carlossainz55 victory never felt so good
>pierregasly 🤑🤑
>danielriccardo i can smell the cash already
>lewishamilton all of us🫠
username wow 💀💀
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papaya-queen · 4 months
Teenage Dirtbag babyy !! - F2/3/F1 academy grid
my first smau - please be kind I’m new with the tools
Y/N x Paul Aron - Ollie Bearman x Andrea Kimi Antonelli - Abbi Pulling x Doriane Pin
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Later - 3 am
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Yourusername I’m just a teenage dirtbag babyyy
tagged : paularon_, olliebearman, kimi.antonelli, racerbia and 6 others
User1 young drivers on social media are a blessing
            User3 AND DORIANE AND ABBI ?!!
maxverstappen1 stop posting on social media and answer our calls
User4 oh to be a part of that friend group …
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Racerbia never let Y/N plan the hangout
tagged : yourusername, olliebearman, kimi.antonelli, paularon_ and 6 others
Yourusername hey !!! It was amazing !
Arvid.lindblad actually the best hangout of my life
            Yourusername finally who someone likes my hangout plan
            Landonorris wait until tomorrow morning
The next day
Sunlight was already picking through the curtains when Y/N woke up. Her head was hurting, like someone was hitting it from inside. She tried to get herself up, but some weight was keeping her pinned against the mattress. She turned her head and saw a blond head she knew too well. Sure, her and Paul were big on physical touch but sleeping like this never happened. She carefully shifted to see the room without letting go of Paul’s embrace.
Y/N observed the room and the people in it. She could recognize Kimi and Ollie on the couch opposed to her, the older spooning the other. She had a moment of confusion, but she knew Kimi and Ollie had always been big on PDA even as friends. She kept looking around, checking if all her friends did make it back to the apartment. Arvid, Dino, Maya and Bianca were all sleeping on the floor with some blanket resting on them. And on the armchair, you could find Abbi and Doriane literally glued to each other, managing to fit in the tight chair. Y/N tried to get up to go eat something but all the moving and shifting in Paul’s arm woke him up.
“Hi princess!” he said with the sleepiest voice ever.
“Hi baby!” she responded, hugging him tighter.
Then she got up, after spending a few minutes convincing Paul to let her go. Y/N walked to the kitchen, open the door and faced Charles, Max, Oscar and Lewis. She brutally closed the door before reopening it. “Good morning, everybody!”
“Good afternoon actually!” Charles pointing the clock on the wall. He was right, it was indeed way past noon. 3pm actually.
“So, what’s the reason for the visit?” said Y/N trying to act cool in front of her 4 grid-dad.
“Humm…You don’t remember last night, do you?” Oscar asked.
“Euuh no …?” She responded.
“Well, we have a little explanation to do when everyone wakes up” Oscar sighed.
Max stood up and entered the living room to shout, “EVERYONE WAKES UP NOW!” The mass of teen made a groaning sound, some of them complaining about their head. There was also some confusion like Abbi and Dorianne who were looking at each other, not understanding the how and why they were like this. Same for Kimi and Ollie. After a couple minutes, the other older driver entered the room and told everyone to sit and listen to them.
“You kids are fucking mental; you should definitely know that! Before we start scolding each of you, do you actually remember what happened yesterday?” Charles was endorsing his role as the principal grid-dad of those kids.
“I remember that we met up here, we drank maybe one or two beers then we went to the bar.” said Kimi, rubbing his eyes.
“Yes, and Y/N picked up a worksite cone and put it on her head.” Gaby completed.
“I remember something about Ollie and Kimi, and Abbi and Dorianne, like they kissed or something like that” Arvid said earning some weird looks from the four.
Bianca finished their story and added “I remember Y/N got stuck on a tree, we called Oscar to help but Paul got her back before he arrived.”
“Well we have a base to work on” Max said pinching the bridge of his nose.
“It’s actually not that bad, I thought they would black out like completely.” said Lewis.
“So kids, you all got wasted at the bar and started doing random shit, like sitting on rooftops, stealing shopping carts, scooters and you also did some private things, you should check your insta especially Bianca and Y/N” Charles resumed the whole night and let all the teens check on their insta and realized all the things they did while he decided with the others grid-dads to post something to try to peace the situation.
Charles_leclerc, oscarpiastri and 2 others
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Charles_leclerc why did we have to adopt that many teens?
Tagged yourusername, paularon_, olliebearman, kimi.antonelli and 7 others
Olliebearman  we’re sorry dad 😖🥺
            Yourusername speak for yourself
User8 the dads regretting their choice 🤣😭
Paularon_ it hurts but it was amazing
User7 The Bearnelli and PaulY/N pic 🥹
Dinobeganovic_ never let me have alcohol ever again
            Maya_weug same
            Gabrieleminiofficial same
well that's it ! I'm kinda proud of this, i hope you're gonna love this as much as me ! byye :)
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metal-mouse · 1 year
Don't Ever Leave
pairing: Garreth Weasley x f!MC (M/F pairing)
themes: 18+ minors DNI. smut. fluff. so, so many tropes. pourn with plot. confessing feelings. idiots in love.
warnings: smut. p in v. unprotected sex. a hint of body worshipping. f receiving oral. not even an attempt to pull out.
summary: 7.1k words of whatever this is. It has been one year since you have graduated from Hogwarts. You've returned to Hogsmeade for some shopping, and you run into a familiar face. You spend the afternoon catching up with Garreth Weasley, when a rain storm rolls in preventing you from returning home.
note: I'm thirsty for Garreth Weasley and I'm a filthy slut for tropes. This got way longer than I expected it to. Editing? Never heard of her. Unicorns shed their horns like moose because I said so. I'll make a Garreth stan out of you if it's the last thing I do 😤
tagging @the-ominis-gaunt and @cuffmeinblack bc the red haired boi.
s/o to @anto-pops for letting me yell in the dms and also being an enabler and a pot-stirrer. luv u.
You called one last good-bye to Albie Weekes as you left his shop stepping into the cool November air. It had been well over a year since you’d last stepped foot in Hogsmeade, and it was nice to catch up with some old friends. Your next step would be visiting Parry Pippin, who had been most fond of you while you were in school. You’d always helped him make deliveries to Fatimah Lewang, which had gotten you a decent amount of pocket money. He had always paid you handsomely for having to deal with that unpleasant woman. You made your way up the street towards the potions shop, savoring the sights and sounds of the bustling village. Seeing students wander the streets talking and laughing filled you with so many fond memories. You could almost see yourself with Sebastian and Ominis, or perhaps Garreth Weasley, walking through the village and stopping in at the shops. 
Your mind lingered on the idea of walking through Hogsmeade with Garreth. The two of you had formed a very close friendship in your sixth year. You had been immensely fond of him, and something deep down inside of you had always hoped the two of you might become more than just friends. Besides Sebastian and Ominis, he was the one you spent the most time with. The amount of time the two of you had spent flirting was obscene, with delicate touches and priceless banter. Garreth had been quick to blush, and how you loved to make him blush. 
You got to the entrance of J. Pippin’s, and were jolted by the door opening suddenly. A man with a friendly face and a messy head of red hair bumped into you. 
“Garreth?” You said, momentarily wondering if you’d accidentally summoned him.
“What are you doing here?” He asked, and then frowned at his choice of words, “er… I mean It’s lovely to see you!” He added quickly. You couldn’t help but smile at the blush that bloomed across his cheeks. 
“I needed to buy a new broom, I figured I’d come and visit some of the other shopkeepers while I’m here.” You said. 
“Still up to trouble, I gather?” He asked. 
“Naturally.” You gave him a wink. He laughed, and opened his arms for a hug. You embraced him briefly before stepping back and inspecting him. In the year since you’d seen him last he’d grown out of being the boy you knew. He was taller, his shoulders broader and he looked obviously strong under his clothes - which you noticed were very well tailored. The boyishness of his round cheeks had lessened, his cheekbones and jawline more defined now. You’d thought him handsome while in school, but now… he was breathtaking. 
“I can’t believe you’re really here.” Garreth said, his eyes searching your face. 
“I only live over in Feldcroft. It’s not that far a journey. I’m more surprised to see you here.” You said. A sullen look flashed across his face so fast you almost thought you’d imagined it. 
“Feldcroft? Are you living with Sallow?” He asked, an unexpected bite to his voice. 
“Anne Sallow, yes. Sebastian and Ominis moved to London to be closer to work. What have you been up to?” 
“Oh… right! I… well… it’s a little embarrassing.” His hand reached up to push his hair back. 
“What, are you shoveling dragon dung for a living?” You asked. He shot you a scandalized look.
“No, I’m Parry Pippin’s assistant.” You arched a brow at his response. That seemed like a respectable job to you. 
“Why would that be embarrassing? Mr. Pippin is an excellent potioneer.” 
“Speaking of Mr. Pippin, he is patiently waiting for one Mr. Weasley to go gather his ingredients.” Parry Pippin’s voice made you nearly jump out of your skin. You looked over to the shopkeeper, who had his hands on his hips and a little frown on his face. Garreth’s face flushed again. 
“Hello, Mr. Pippin!” You reached out and shook his hand. 
“It’s lovely to see you dear, now, if you’re insistent on distracting my assistant, why don’t you make yourself useful and help him collect the ingredients I need? He could use someone to watch his back.” Mr. Pippin said sternly. It was your turn to blush. You looked over to Garreth who had a hopeful look on his face. You nodded, it wasn’t like you were expected anywhere else - not with Anne visiting Ominis and Sebastian - and there was no way you could say no to that face. You would certainly rather be with him than be in the frigid sky on your way to an empty house. After a final sharp word from Mr. Pippin, Garreth started on the road that would take you towards the Forbidden Forest. 
It felt a little surreal, to be walking down that familiar path with Garreth Weasley. Truth be told, you hadn’t anticipated running into any of your school friends. You hadn’t really been close with many students under your year, and most of your friends were busy with their new jobs. Natty was back in Uganda, Poppy was running around the wilderness looking for beasts, Ominis was apprenticing in Diagon Alley, Sebastian was working in the Auror’s office… Even Anne seemed to be spending more and more time in London. 
You did think it a little amusing that you found yourself yet again protecting someone while they entered a dangerous location. It had become a habit during your school years, and it seemed to be carrying into your graduate life. The villagers in Feldcroft often asked for your help when it came to potentially dangerous situations. 
“I needed a job so I could save up and open up my own shop - Mr. Pippin was looking for someone to help out around his shop, it just seemed right.” Garreth said, jolting you from your thoughts. His tone was a little dejected, as though it was a disappointment for him to not own his own shop. 
“It certainly gives you good access to ingredients for your experiments. You’ve only just left school, you have loads of time Gar. You’re brilliant, I know you’ll have your own shop in no time.” You said encouragingly. He really was brilliant at potion-making, despite his unfortunate mishaps with his personal experiments. 
“You think so?” He asked, a little smile on his face. You nodded in response, returning his smile. His green eyes seemed to sparkle as he held your gaze for a moment - before promptly tripping over his own feet and stumbling. You moved on reflex, your arms wrapping around his, and hauling him upwards so he didn’t fall down. 
“Even if you can’t walk in a straight line to save your life, yes I do think so.” You said, laughing at him. His face was red as he joined in your laughter.
“I can walk perfectly straight, thank you very much.” 
“Hurt your pride, did I?” 
“At least I can reach the top shelf.” 
“That’s a low blow, Weasley.” 
“Yes, because you’re so close to the ground.” 
You and Garreth bickered back and forth as you walked along, without realizing you were still holding onto his arm. You loved spending time with Anne, and you did appreciate your neighbours in the village, but this was wonderful. It had been a long time since you’d laughed like this. Before you knew it, you stood at the entrance of the Forbidden Forest. You dropped his arm, pulling your wand out of the hidden pocket inside your coat. 
“Alright, I’ve got to find unicorn hair and hopefully some unicorn horns. They’re shedding this time of year.” Garreth said. 
“Really? That’s not going to be easy. I know where some unicorns stay, but it’s very deep in the forest.” You said, frowning a little. You’d gone to see the unicorns several times during your time at school, especially after you’d chased all the poachers out of the woods. You wondered if they would remember you - and if they would just run from Garreth. 
“You know where their den is?” He looked at you with an amazed expression. 
“Well, Poppy Sweeting wasn’t the only one who was fond of magical beasts.” You said, stepping through the gate towards the forest. You’d never shown anyone the Room of Requirement, preferring to keep it your own little sanctuary. There was no way Garreth would have known about your beast rescuing services. He merely tilted his head in agreement and followed you through the gate. 
It had been a long time since you’d set foot in the ancient feeling forest, and it was just as unnerving. Despite going into the forest countless times, the feeling of it was something you’d never gotten used to. It was always so unnaturally quiet, despite the abundance of life you knew dwelled under the dark canopy of trees. Garreth’s hand quietly found yours, and you didn’t have it in you to tease him about it. The forest could really be scary. You didn’t speak as you guided him down the path, trying to remember the way to the unicorns all while listening carefully for the tell-tale signs of trouble. You navigated the twisting paths, taking the route which you recalled to have the least amount of spiders. 
You both froze when a spine-chilling howl echoed in the distance. Garreth’s hand tightened over yours. You had no idea what sort of beast had made that horrible noise, and you weren’t in a rush to find out. Dark mongrels you could handle. Werewolves, you weren’t all that eager to try and fight. Anything else… Unless it was small and easily defeatable, you truly weren’t interested today.
“Please tell me we’re not going towards that.” He whispered to you. You shook your head, looking towards the direction of the noise. It was, thankfully, in the wrong direction. 
“I can’t believe he wanted you to come here alone.” You whispered, unwilling to speak any louder. You wondered in part if that was because of Parry Pippin’s cowardice. The man wasn’t exactly known for his bravery, which was showcased so brilliantly in the delivery job he’d given you. If he wasn’t able to face Madam Lewang, how in the world would he have faced the forest and its denizens? Perhaps you’d have to have a talk with the master potioneer upon your return. You gently tugged on Garreth’s hand and started walking again - increasing your pace when another howl echoed. 
“You never said what you’re doing now that school’s done.” He said quietly, clearly desperate to break up at least some of the tense silence. 
“I’m not really doing much these days, I mostly help around Feldcroft and take care of Anne. St. Mungos reckons they’ve nearly got a cure.” You said, stepping over a large root and turning slightly to make sure Garreth didn’t trip over it. After everything you’d done, from stopping the Goblin rebellion to destroying the poacher trade in the Scottish Highlands, you figured you were owed a well deserved break - not that you were doing much relaxing. 
“That’s wonderful to hear, I always did like Anne…” He trailed off, as though there was something more he wanted to say. Heavy footsteps made the ground tremble slightly, and you shoved Garreth into the shadows against a tree before pressing against him trying to make the pair of you as inconspicuous as possible. He made no noise as a troll thumped across the path. You were steadily growing more annoyed with Mr. Pippin by the minute. What if he had been alone? It was inexcusable! You at least knew you could take on a fully grown troll. He may have been decent at defense against the dark arts, but Garreth had never fought a troll on his own. Hell, even Sebastian struggled and that was with your help. It was a tense few moments before the troll moved deeper into the forest.
“Come on. He didn’t see us.” You kept the steady pace up. 
“This is awful. How in the world are you still alive? I am so sorry for asking you to collect ingredients for me all the time.” Garreth hissed as he followed you. You snorted, his requests for you to go into the forest were often the least dangerous adventures you went on. The forest got darker as you ventured deeper, and now you really had to be on your guard. You jumped when something wet and cold dripped onto your face, and looked up with your wand out. You sighed when you felt more drops and realized it was just raining. You wondered if you’d lost your nerve, which was not helped when Garreth huffed a laugh at your reaction. 
“Not a word out of you, Weasley.” You shot a glare over your shoulder. 
“Are you frightened of the rain? Do you need me to protect you?” He teased. A stick cracked nearby, and with a nervous gasp he moved closer to you. You smirked a little, not even needing to tease him for his face to go red. You fell into silence once more, hoping the rain would stay light. If it was storming by the time you were due home, you weren’t going to be happy about it. Hand in hand and wands at the ready, you and Garreth pushed on into the darkness. 
You smiled when you heard the soft nickering of horses. You pulled Garreth to the side behind some bushes, quietly casting the disillusionment charm on yourself. He did the same, and you guided him forwards a little. You let go of his hand, beaming at the sight of the unicorns in front of you. You could feel him looming over your shoulder, his fingers gently pressing against the small of your back. It was a stunning sight, to have so many of these rare beasts all in one spot. 
“They’re beautiful.” He bent to whisper in your ear. You nodded despite the fact he couldn’t really see you. 
“Stay here. I want to see if they’ll let me approach them.” You whispered back, stepping away from him and removing the charm. You stepped forward slowly, letting yourself be seen by the unicorns. A massive white stallion moved forwards, staring you down with deep-set eyes. His coat was majestic, it almost seemed to glow despite no light hitting it. You stopped, and lifted your hands carefully. A loud whinny made you look to your left, and you gasped when Hazel the unicorn trotted happily towards you.
“Hazel! You look wonderful, my friend.” You said, smiling at her as she stopped before you. You lifted your hand and gently stroked her forehead. She truly did, her coat was shining bright as ever and she was plump from eating well. You flicked your wand, summoning a horse brush to give her a nice brush down. You momentarily forgot about Garreth as a few other unicorns you recognized moved in closer - including Hazel’s mate who you had named Ares, and the now-grown foal they’d had just over two years ago that you called Honey. You were laughing now, greeting each of them and letting them all take their turns with your brush and summoning little treats for each of them. 
You took a moment to glance around the clearing that they lived in, and indeed there were a few horns littered around the ground. You looked over your shoulder to where Garreth was hidden behind the bush, and carefully beckoned to him. The unicorns froze, going on high alert as he took a careful step into the clearing. 
“This is Garreth, he’s my friend.” You said, the word friend leaving a slightly bitter taste in your mouth. He came to stand beside you, careful not to move too quickly. He didn’t want to frighten them. Hazel moved a little closer to you, assessing him carefully. You swore that she understood everything you ever told her, and when she turned her head towards you and then back to him you felt that she knew just who he was. You held your hand out for Garreth’s, and he placed his hand in yours without hesitation. You lifted his hand, gently pressing it to Hazel’s forehead and stroking it downwards in the way she liked to be pet above her nose. You watched him while he repeated the motions you showed him, reveling in the awed look on his face. His green eyes were wide, and almost sparkling. A smile slowly spread as his nerves faded, and he met your gaze. He was so handsome it almost hurt. To see him so happy to be doing something that you loved… you hadn’t expected it to make your heart pound like this. 
“Hello! It’s lovely to meet you.” Garreth addressed Hazel, and you thought you were going to drop dead at the way that made you feel. You thought about how so many witches and wizards completely disregarded beasts and their intelligence, and to see someone so important to you regard beasts with respect… you were getting flustered with the overwhelming urge to kiss him. 
The rain really started to pick up now, and you were reminded that you stood in the middle of the Forbidden Forest, probably surrounded by dangerous creatures. You and Garreth got to work, he searched for fallen horns while you brushed unicorn tail hairs out carefully. 
“You know, this has turned out to be a very pleasant adventure.” Garreth said conversationally, coming closer to you to help with harvesting some tail hairs.
“Are you only saying that because Pippin won’t be complaining about his unicorn ingredients now?” You asked with a grin. 
“Not at all! It’s nice to see you again. If I’m being honest, I wasn’t sure I would. I’d assumed you would disappear wherever Sallow went.” He said, giving you a nervous glance. Your brows furrowed as you thought about what he’d just said. Why in the world would he assume that? 
“With Sebastian? What do you mean?” You asked. 
“Well… It wasn’t just me who thought this, of course, but I thought you would end up marrying him. You two were always so close.” He said awkwardly. You were close with Sebastian, and you had been through a lot with him, but not once did you see him as a romantic partner. You could understand why others may have thought that; the man was an unbearable flirt after all, but he’d never sought you romantically either. In fact, you’d played wing-man for him far too many times to count. 
You shook your head, “Sebastian and I were never romantically involved, nor will we ever be. That would be like kissing my brother.” You cringed at the thought of kissing Sebastian. Garreth was quiet for a long time. You looked over at him and saw him deep in thought as he gently brushed Honey’s tail. 
“Oh… so, you’re not… involved with anyone?” He asked, tilting his head cautiously. 
“No, Garreth, I am not.” You said. Your love life was indeed woefully empty. Some part of you still clung to the idea of somehow being with him. Why would he even be bringing this up? Did he truly care about your love life, or was he being polite?
The rain was lashing down now, leaving you both absolutely drenched while you worked. The unicorns began to retreat deeper into the woods now, looking to find some sort of shelter from the rain. You had started to shiver from the cold rain, chilling you down to the bone. Hazel was the last to leave, leaning against the palm of your hand one last time before turning and walking through the trees into the darkness. It was bittersweet, seeing the unicorn go. You resolved to come back and visit more often - you’d handled the forest as an inexperienced witch, you had so much more skill and experience now to navigate the twisting paths. You looked around, wrapping your arms around yourself to try and gain some sort of warmth. The thick clouds in the sky and the rapidly setting sun bathed the surrounding forest in an impossibly dark shade of black. 
When the clearing was suddenly bathed in light, you turned to see Garreth holding his wand with its tip shining brightly between his teeth as he finished stuffing unicorn hairs and horns into the satchel he’d brought with him. He looked at you, and you squinted as the light hit your eyes. 
“You’re blue! Come on, let’s get you somewhere warm and dry.” He said, taking his wand out of his mouth. You frowned, not happy that your little adventure was coming to an end. Garreth was right, you were freezing. Your hands had gone numb, and you could feel your teeth starting to chatter a little. It was going to be a long trip back to Feldcroft. You lamented your loss of the Hogwarts floo system, an annoying decision Phineas Nigellus Black had made upon your graduation. 
“I’ve g-got to p-pick up my br-broom from Alb-bie. Got t’ f-fly home.” You stammered out, the cold effectively locking your jaw. A powerful gust of wind made the trees swish and made you even colder. 
“Don’t be stupid. You’re going to fly home in this? You’ll catch your death.” Garreth shook his head, holding his hand out. You took it, and he apparated before you could even put another word in. 
You looked up at the little cottage you stood in front of, blinking in surprise. You supposed Garreth did have a point - the wind had picked up far too much now, flying would be dangerous. You’d go see Sirona again and see if she had any rooms available. Garreth unlocked the door to the cottage and practically dragged you inside. The door closed behind you, and the lamps flickered to life lighting up a cozy little living area. Garreth wordlessly waved his wand towards the fireplace on the wall adjacent to the door and it roared to life almost instantly flooding the room with delicious warmth. 
You moved closer to the fire, looking around the room as you did. There were two narrow bookcases crammed full on either side of the fireplace, and a squashy green armchair and matching loveseat with a small wooden table in front of the fire. On the next wall was a potions station complete with an extensive storage system. On the other side of the room was a small kitchen with a little dining table that had only two chairs. A door on the very back wall led to what you assumed was the bathroom. It was a charming little house, somehow very maximalist despite not having much for decor - how typical of him. Leander Prewett had once described their dormitory to you, and he apparently hadn’t changed much in terms of taste. 
“Are you listening?” Garreth’s voice jolted you out of your snooping. You looked at him, shaking your head. 
“I wasn’t, I’m sorry.” You said, your jaw still tight. Your wet clothes were extremely uncomfortable. 
“I was saying that I’ll find you something dry to wear, just follow me.” He sounded equal parts amused and concerned. You nodded, and followed him up the narrow flight of stairs that led up to a loft. A four poster bed lay under the window, with a desk on one of the other walls and a large armoire across the room from the bed. The walls up here were much less bare, with the Gryffindor coat of arms hanging above the desk, and banners from different Quidditch clubs decorating the walls. He also had some artwork on the walls, including photos from school. You turned, and watched him open the doors to his armoire and dig through it looking for some dry clothing. He tossed a soft looking green jumper onto the bed, and dug around a little more before pulling out a pair of pyjama pants. 
“Thank you.” You said, taking the pants out of his hand as he walked towards you. You set the pants on the bed next to the jumper. You were too cold and too uncomfortable to care that he was still in the room as you began to fumble to take off your soaked clothing. Garreth made a startled noise, whirling around and looking away from you. 
“Do you want me to go?” He asked in a panicked tone. 
“Don’t care. Too cold.” You mumbled, shedding your wet clothes onto the floor and pulling the jumper over your head. It was an immediate relief. It was massive, hanging almost to your knees, and so warm already. You pulled on the pyjama pants which were far too big for you. You took a step forward to pick up your wet belongings, and the pants promptly dropped right to your ankles making you giggle. Garreth turned around at the sound of your laugh, and saw the pyjama pants pooled at your feet. 
“A little big, I suppose.” He said sheepishly. You waved him off, picking up the pants and putting them back onto the bed. You’d just go without, you were fully covered - what difference would it really make? 
You took your wet clothes downstairs so he could get changed in peace. You pushed open the door to what you thought was the bathroom and were pleased to see you were right. Along one wall was a rope with some clothes already hanging to dry, you just added yours to the mix. You took a moment to towel dry your hair, before standing directly in front of the fire to capitalize on the pleasant heat with your eyes closed and hands outstretched.
“Enjoying yourself?” Garreth asked, and you nodded without opening your eyes. He chuckled and nudged you to the side so he could also capture some of the warmth of the fire. You blinked your eyes open, looking up at him. His hair hung in his eyes, messier than usual thanks to the rain. It was strangely intimate, seeing him in a comfy jumper and pyjama pants with wet hair. It was something so mundane, but it felt… personal. You forced your eyes back to the fire with a newfound determination to just never look at him ever again. Your eyes slowly closed again, this time from the day’s journey catching up with you. Garreth huffed another laugh, and hooked an arm around you to help you back up the stairs to his bedroom. 
“You’re asleep on your feet, you can just sleep here.” He said, helping you sit down on his bed. You didn’t protest, allowing him to pull back the thick quilt while you made yourself comfortable. Garreth mumbled something about delivering the ingredients to Mr. Pippin, and he disappeared. In his absence, you couldn’t fight the sleep. You were so warm in his soft bed surrounded by the smell of him, and you drifted off to sleep. 
There was no way to tell what time it was when you were startled awake by a loud clap of thunder. 
“It’s only a storm.” Garreth’s voice came from the floor. You sat up, rubbing your eyes and blinking. The room wasn’t completely dark, the light from the fire downstairs gave the loft a dim light. As the blankets fell from your shoulders, you shivered against the cold air. 
“What’re you doing on the floor?” You asked. 
“You’re in the bed?” He said as though it was the most obvious thing in the world. You rolled your eyes and beckoned towards him.
“Don’t be stupid, you wouldn’t do anything I didn’t want you to anyways.” You grumbled. Sleeping on the ground? You were adults, you could share a bed. You’d only bite if he asked, anyways. He stood up and sat down on the edge of the bed beside you. You absently reached out and fixed his hair so it wasn’t in his eyes. His eyes searched your face with a cautious expression.
“Am I a fool?” Garreth asked you suddenly, making you frown. 
“A fool? What for?” You asked.
“For thinking that there is something to that look in your eyes. That there is some part of you who might want more,” Garreth’s hand closed around your arm and you stared at him stupidly, “there have been so many times I’ve wondered if I should just kiss you, or if it’s all a hopeless daydream. This past year without getting to see that look has been agony. I haven’t known if it was all in my head, if you were with Sallow or someone else, if I ever stood a chance.” An agonized look passed across his face in the dim lighting and he looked away from you. All of your breath left your body like you’d been punched in the chest. This day truly had taken a turn you’d never expected.  
“Gar…” You murmured. 
“A week ago, I’d thought that I could try to move on, and now you’re here. You’re in my house, you’re in my clothes, in my bed… I feel like I’m going mad.” His voice was thick with emotion, and his distress was visible. His hand left your arm. Garreth reached towards your face, but hesitated and started to pull his hand back. You took it and brought it to your cheek. 
“I..” You opened your mouth, cursing your sleep-addled brain for being unable to come up with a reasonable response. You wanted to tell him how you felt about him. You wanted to tell him that you loved him, and you’d been hoping and wishing he’d say he felt the same about you. A flash of lightning showed Garreth’s pained expression as he awaited your response. There weren’t enough words in the world that could adequately describe the way he made you feel. You would rearrange all the stars in the sky if he asked you to, and you didn’t know how to tell him that. 
“I love you.” You whispered instead, and watched as Garreth’s expression changed from stunned to bright as sunshine. You let out a gasp as he lunged forward and kissed you with so much fervor he knocked you onto your back. He pulled back and started to apologize, so you wrapped your arms around him and tugged him back down as you kissed him. Garreth’s strong arms held you tight against him. His kiss was sweet as honey, and you poured every drop of emotion you held into it. You might not be able to tell him how you feel, but you could certainly show him. As your tongue brushed against his lower lip, Garreth let out a groan that seemed to settle right between your legs. You wondered what other delightful noises he was capable of, arousal swiftly spreading through you. 
You spread your legs a little bit, and he fell right between them with a surprised noise. He lifted his head a little, looking at you with a look of disbelief. You could see the want in his eyes, but you could also see the hesitation. You gently squeezed his waist with your bare thighs, and you could see his cheeks going an even darker red. 
“I want you.” You whispered, tugging him down for another kiss. Garreth relented with a gleeful look in his eye, his hands gripping your hips holding you in place as he gently ground against you. He kissed you deeply, his tongue lazily exploring your mouth. His broad hands slowly moved under your borrowed jumper, stroking over your skin slowly and gently. The feeling of his skin against yours was heavenly, and he already had you wanting more. It was unfair that he had this effect on you. 
“You have my heart, darling.” Garreth murmured against your lips, his fingers curling slightly into your skin. You couldn’t stop your smile, your heart beating just a little bit faster. You’d waited years to hear those words. Garreth’s lips trailed kisses along your jaw and down your neck. He nipped gently at your pulse. His hands worked in time with his kisses, pushing up the jumper to expose more of your skin to him. Impatiently, you pushed him back a little bit and pulled it over your head, dumping it onto the floor. Garreth’s green eyes scanned you up and down, his jaw slack. You wondered if you’d caught him off guard by being completely bare under his jumper. 
“You’re beautiful.” Garreth breathed out, his hands reverently running over your skin without restraint. Your back arched as his warm hands cupped your tight breasts, massaging you. The slight roughness to his hands made the most delightful sensations on your skin, you let out a small string of moans as he gently tweaked your already sensitive nipples. He continued to grind against you, becoming more breathless himself. You looked down, watching him work his hands over your skin. He moved them lower, and lower, making sure he touched every inch of your skin with his burning hands. You were panting now, wriggling under his touch as his hands smoothed over your belly and down onto your thighs. You ached for him, needing him to give you some sort of relief to the pressure that had built up between your legs. “Please, Garreth, touch me.” You whined out. 
“I am touching you,” He said with his most charming grin, “I’ve wanted this for years, I intend to take my time.” He whispered in your ear, before giving your neck a sharp nip. 
“Bastard.” You said, despite the smile that played on your lips.
“Do you have any idea what someone like you does to a teenage boy? Seeing you every day at school and not having you was torture” His tongue traced up your jaw and you whimpered. You captured his lips in another kiss, wondering if you could tempt him into giving you what you wanted. He groaned against your mouth at the feeling of your kiss, you pulled out all of your favourite tricks, proving to him you could do many things with your tongue. Your wicked little plan seemed to be working, until Garreth pulled back and looked at you with soft eyes. He began to press kisses all over your face. Your cheeks, the tip of your nose, oh-so-gently over your eyelids, and onto your forehead. He held your thighs in a bruising grip, contrasting with the sweet kisses that now were trailing down your jaw, onto your neck, then down your collar. You were a whining mess as he massaged circles on your inner thighs and kissed every part of your body until his lips hovered just below your belly button. His hands on your thighs tugged you so your lower half was dangling off the side of the bed. 
“Please Garreth.” You whispered, certain you’d burst into flames if he didn’t do something. He looked up at you with hungry eyes, a smile playing at his lips. 
“Anything for you.” He promised, getting on his knees and guiding your legs to rest on his shoulders. He held them in place and licked a firm stripe against your soaked, aching heat and moaned. Your eyes rolled back and you let out a loud moan of your own. He concentrated on your aching clit, his tongue swirling around it carefully before he gently wrapped his lips around you and sucked. You arched into him, crying out loudly because of this. He let out a hum of appreciation, squeezing your thighs. You propped yourself up onto your elbows to watch him. His eyes were closed, and his head dipped and you felt him tonguing at your soaking hole before he moved back up to latch onto your clit again. This time, his tongue flicked across your sensitive nub while he sucked it and you swore violently, your hands gripping the sheets tightly. Your hips bucked, and he planted one of his hands on your belly to firmly hold you in place. Your core tightened, pressure building inside of you as he kept up the same motion. 
“I’m– Oh Merlin– That’s…” You couldn’t string a sentence together, and the pressure reached its peak and you cried out as a mind-shattering orgasm crashed over you. Your thighs clenched tight around Garreth, and he let out a moan that added to the sensation of his tongue and lips while you rode out your orgasm on his face. He only stopped when your legs twitched, and he was laughing softly as he pulled away from you. You stared at him, your jaw slack. He was a mess, and he was beautiful. The lower half of his face was shining with your slick, his cheeks flushed, and his smile was more than a little arrogant. Your eyes scanned down his body to the bulge in his pants, and then back up to his face. Another flash of lightning lit up the room, almost reminding you to move. You pushed yourself back enough that you could sit up and reach out for him. 
“You, taste amazing.” Garreth murmured to you, stepping in closer so you could reach him. You palmed the bulge in his pants, and he let out a flustered breath. You hadn’t the patience to toy with him, that would have to come another day. You wanted him inside of you now. You pulled his pants down, looking up at him while you did so. His thick cock sprang out, and you let out a little eager whimper at just the thought of him being inside of you. You looked up at him, and he was watching you with love and hunger in his eyes. 
“Come here.” You said, pushing yourself back on the bed and spreading your legs a little bit in invitation. Garreth flashed you an eager smile, pulling his shirt over his head and dumping it on the floor. He stepped out of his pants and crawled onto the bed between your legs. You wrap your arms behind his neck, and lick from his chin up to his cheek tasting yourself on his skin. Garreth let out a strangled moan, and tilted his head to capture you in a scorching kiss. You can almost feel that he’s reached his limit, and now he needs reprieve from his aching arousal. He grinds into you, his head dropping as he does so. You reach down, and guide him to what he seems to be so desperate to have. 
“Oh fuck.” Garreth hisses as he slowly presses into you, his teeth gently clamping down on your shoulder. You couldn’t even make a noise as your eyes squeezed shut at the sensation of Garreth’s thick cock stretching you out. As he fully sheathed himself in you, he stopped moving. 
He lifted his head, looking down into your eyes. His adoration was clear in his eyes, and it caught you a little off-guard. You’d taken men to bed before, but not once had it been someone you loved. This emotional connection you felt to Garreth… It made this feel so much… more. 
“I love you, Garreth.” You reached up and traced your fingers along his jaw. Garreth’s hips began to roll slowly, and he gave you a sweet kiss. He thrust into you with a slow and deep rhythm that had you whining and clawing at his back. The delicious way he stretched you out, paired with the way his pelvis ground against your sensitive nub had you in ecstasy. He clearly felt the same, with the pants and quiet moans that escaped his lips at every movement he made. 
“You feel amazing, Darling,” Garreth whispered to you, “You take me so well. You’re perfect.” He continued with his little praises as he ground into you. He picked up his pace ever so slightly, the steady thrusts had you clenching around his cock already. His forehead dipped and pressed against yours, his hands on your hips as he pulled you against him to get as deep as he could. You planted your feet on the mattress, lifting your hips to help get a new angle. Garreth’s groan was sinful, he sat back on his knees and abruptly began to pound into you. Your eyes rolled back, your pleasure peaking again.
“Right there, shit… right there.” You panted out, and Garreth obliged your wishes. You screamed out his name as your knees buckled and you came hard. The bolts of pleasure had your eyes screwed shut and your mouth making incoherent sounds. He caught you by the waist, holding you up as your walls pulsed over his cock. He fucked you, his groans becoming more and more guttural as he chased his own pleasure. His grip on you tightened almost painfully as his head fell back and he came, thick ropes of cum painting your insides. He allowed you to fall back on the bed now, flopping down beside you. For a long time, the only sounds in the room were the storm still raging outside and the sounds of you and Garreth trying to catch your breath. Eventually, you got enough energy to roll over and nestle into Garreth’s side, with your head on his chest. You stretched up and kissed his jaw, and his arms wrapped around you. 
“I don’t want morning to come.” Garreth said, his voice soft. Morning meant returning to reality. Garreth would have to go to work, and you’d have to return to Feldcroft. 
“Mmm, neither do I.” You agreed. You didn’t want to leave. You knew that you’d made a promise to take care of Anne, but she was spending so much time in London these days that you almost wondered if she would just move in with Ominis and Sebastian. 
“Please don’t ever leave…” He said. 
“I’ll have to get my things.” 
“That’s alright, I’ll help you with that. Mr. Pippin won’t mind if I take a couple days off.” 
“And I’ll have to tell Anne.” 
“I’ll write a letter to send by owl right now.” “And then there’s the matter of you meeting my parents…” 
When Garreth didn’t have a quick solution for that, you let out a little laugh. You would stay, regardless of how much work you’d have to do. You never wanted to leave his side again. 
“Will you stay?” He asked. 
“I’m not going anywhere, Garreth. I’m staying right here.” You promised, kissing his cheek. With a cheeky grin, he rolled over and loomed over you and captured you in a deep kiss, his hand smoothing along your waist. Yes, you’d stay.
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Hey! So I really liked your child + overlords, and I’ve been watching too many horror movies lately, so I was thinking; what if a kid like Samhain (Sam from “Trick r Treat”) was the kid.
He’s not even an overlord but how would they be with him when he clearly likes them, he shares candy with them, follows them around, and likes to cozy up with them. (especially since he’s as old as hallow’s eve itself and still kinda acts like a child, but never had a caretaker or someone to consider family) But when someone tries to hurt them, Sam does something super horrific to their attacker that would even creep Alastor out? But then he goes back to the lovable Sam that they know but what’s their reactions?
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A/n: I haven’t watched Trick or Treat, so I based off a few clips I watched. Also by attacked them, I assume you mean the overlord? I’m so sorry if not!!! :( 
!!!not proofread!!!
Alastor: Very intrigued by you. Which, knowing Alastor is the reason he was nice to you in the first place, which spiraled into friendship. You were unnaturally cuddly. Which Alastor would usually hate, but, for some reason, he didn’t mind with you. Also, you kept giving candy? He wasn't entirely sure where you kept getting it because the hotel didn’t have any, but it was a sweet gesture nonetheless. One day both of you were going for an evening stroll. Until some, to put it frankly, idiot, attacked Alastor. Well tried to at least. Most people couldn’t get a scratch on him and this was no exception. What was different this time was that it was him who drew screams out of the sinner.  Instead, you, sweet, kind, you, were the one responsible.  You ended up disturbing Alastor, which is hard to do, so good job!  But after you were done you reverted back into your innocent self. Has a new reason for why he likes you after that day.
Rosie: I mentioned this in my overlord post but, mother figure. She will give you candy as well! (Just don't eat it if you're not a cannibal) She’ll make sure she always has time for you. And even when she is spending time with others she is not opposed to you tagging along. You and she had just bought some candy and were on your way back to cannibal town. You and Rosie were having a lovely conversation before someone tackled Rosie to the ground. She was able to push them off rather fast before you jumped in. Rosie was kinda shell-shocked. But despite how eldritch horror-esque the scene was, she was used to this because of Alastor. She was more surprised that it was you of all sinners. After you were done you turned back into your nice self. Tbh she doesn’t really care, she treats you the same. 
Vox: I’m going to be honest with you bestie he doesn’t like you at first. He didn’t hate you or anything, just didn’t particularly care for you. That being said, you do grow on him. He doesn’t eat the candy you give him (weirdly enough he can though. We see him eat popcorn in the final.) I don’t know bro just isn’t going to eat candy some random kid gave him from who knows where. Also, you're always in the ads. it wasn’t on purpose at first but soon he would just casually hold you in the ads, he never mentions it though. One day he’s going to film an ad and you are tagging along as you always do. When somebody tries to attack Vox with a bat, but they were stopped in their tracks by you. Vox just stared at horror and amazement as you made the sinner pay. After the horror wears off the dude is amazed. If you weren’t friends before you are now. Despite the fact that you’re, y’know, a child, he kind of uses you for scary dog privileges.
Velvette: Surprisingly accepting of you. Would probably post pics with your candy and cuddling with you. She does just straight up like you even without social media. Velvette is the youngest overlord which makes her a pretty easy target. So while it wasn't a surprise for her to get attacked how you responded was. Out of instinct, she starts recording not just to post it, I mean yes that too, but also to make sure what she was seeing was real. Which was especially needed after you went back to your cutesy self. Despite how unbelievable it was she was pretty indifferent at the end of the day. Will ask you if you can do that more for photos though.
Carmila: New mother part 2. Though admittedly she isn't one for cuddles or candy. She does take it and cuddle to make you happy. Very protective of you. You are kind and she doesn't want you to get hurt, thankfully she doesn't have to worry about you. Someone attacking the overlord who makes weapons isn't wise, but as you’ve probably learned by now, messing with someone you care about is even more stupid. She wants to stop you but also doesn't want to hurt you or get herself in the crossfire. But hey now she knows you can protect yourself. Maybe even against an exorcist without angelic metal because holy fuck. Anyway, now she trains with you.
  (A/n: Bro Tumblr fucking deleted this when I was ¾ done with it.)
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taintandviolent · 2 years
Ouija Board (Tate Langdon x Reader)
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Summary: You have a sleepover at your new house, and your friend decides to bring out your Ouija board. But, you’re all teenage girls, so the questions are completely unhinged and un-serious. But, the ghost you’re talking to takes full advantage of the situation. It’s a perfect opportunity, he’s been watching for you weeks. You’re living in his room, afterall.
warnings: 2.9k words -- self insert! female receiving. shameless smut. post-death Tate, ghost sex, cunnilingus, handjob, rough sex, unprotected sex, mention of ghosts/death.
Ao3 link here! Full fic below the cut! 18+.
tagged: @zabelcolin @kaismanwich @elsamars @thewolveswithin @marylovesevanpeters @80strashbag @r-3tro​ @twinkiemaximoff​ @milkovich-misfit {dm/ask to be added!}
It was the third week in the new house.
It was the first time that you actually felt at home. Somehow, you’d managed to make two friends from school, which was equally as shocking to you as it was to your parents. In previous schools, you’d always been on the outskirts, bored stiff at the idea of socialising. When you’d announced to your dad at dinner that you’d actually braved the choppy shores of friendship, he’d nearly choked on his coffee.
“That’s wonderful! Why don’t you invite them over for dinner tonight?” Your mom asked, setting her mug down on the table. You rocked your foot back and forth, mulling over the idea. Previously, your days off from school had been spent unpacking and checking around corners, listening to the creaking and whining of an old house.
Your mother was delighted with its age, commenting on the Tiffany glass and wood — but you felt things that had rotted underneath the wood. Things that whispered when your back was turned, or lingered in the kitchen when you went for a glass of water in the middle of the night.
“Okay, sure.”  
So that night, instead of flicking the light switch off in your bathroom and making a beeline for your bedroom, you sat on the floor with Jessica, Angie, a dish of pizza rolls and three glasses of grape soda.
You swallowed the mouthful, and nodded. “No, I’m serious. This house is weird. The first week I was here, in the kitchen… I saw a blonde lady with a hole in the back of her head.”
Jessica snapped the book she was leafing through, and turned. “I bet she was murdered. Don’t you have an Ouija board?”
“Yeah,” you nodded, pointing towards the bookcase. “Never used it, though.”
“You’re going to. This is much more fun than going to Town Hall and asking for records on previous owners. Sometimes, they don’t include death certificates — which is obviously what everyone is interested in. That’s the good stuff.” It took all of three minutes for Jessica to set it up. In unison, the three of you delicately placed two fingers on the planchette.
“Okay… so, what do we ask?”
You chewed on the inside of your lip, thinking.
“Is there anyone here with us?” You blurted out.
The planchette skidded to life, circling in the middle of the board. You’d seen it happen in movies, but the actual sensation was an unsettling one. YES. You all exchanged looks, searching for any guilty expressions — but it seemed that none of you had opted to play any tricks. The planchette had moved by itself.
“Did you die here?” Angie asked.
Jessica gasped. “Ooooh, what if it’s a cute ghost boy like in Casper? Can I keep you?”  
Completely enrapt with the idea, she turned her attention to the board, and asked, “Is the spirit in this room male?”
“Well, that rules out Miss Hole in her Head.” You cleared your throat, focusing on the printed letters. “Have you been the one in my room every night?”
“The one in your room every night?!” Jessica hissed, shooting a pointed look at you. You shrugged apologetically. Angie, who was visibly uneasy with the entire idea, almost fell backwards when the spirit answered.
“Oh my god!?” Jessica hung her head between her arms, laughing. “It’s probably some old grandpa with a shrimp dick, let’s be real here.”
“Bet. I’ll find out. Do you have a big dick, Mr. Ghost?” You asked.
Again, the planchette zipped to YES. Whoever he was, he didn’t hesitate. Cute. The three of you howled, laughing at the ridiculousness of the question. Angie desperately tried to redirect the conversation by asking the ghost what it wanted. The planchette spelled out HER.
Jessica lifted her fingers, and Angie screeched at her to return them. “If you don’t say goodbye, the spirit will have an open invitation to come into you!”
“To come!?” Jessica mocked. “To come into me?! Oh, the horror — don’t come into me! Pull out first, Ghost.”
Angie scowled. “You’re so gross.”
As they bickered, you stared at the planchette. It was still active, despite Angie and Jessica’s attention being pulled away. It quivered back and forth, as though it was shaking nervously.  
Once Jessica’s wandering mind had been reigned back in, the three of you managed a few more more questions; some about murder, some about occult, and some about other ghosts in the house. Eventually, the sun disappeared from your window, plunging your room into darkness, and your mother called the three of you down to eat. Your friends stayed for about an hour after dinner, and they’d seemingly forgotten about the Ouija board. You hadn’t, though. You leaned your back against the door, the coldness of the glass piercing through your cotton shirt. Your eyes trailed up the staircase, following the bend of the bannister as it curved to the left. Before you made your way upstairs to ready yourself for bed, you craned your neck down the hall, trying to listen for the whispers.
You sat upright in your bed, gasping for air. The book clutched in your hand fell to the floor with a thud. You hadn’t even really remembered falling asleep, but the creak of your floorboards had woken you up. You were met with nothing but the silence and glittering darkness of the room while your eyes adjusted. Eventually, the speckles turned into furniture pieces; your dresser, your mirror, your bookcase… everything seemed in order. The clock on your bedside table incessantly blinked 2:34 AM.
Something skidded across the floor, a spinning blur of tan and black. You yelped, throwing yourself up against your headboard. Your room was silent save for that sound of something hard scooting against a flat surface. You took a deep breath, and crept forward gingerly, wincing each time your mattress creaked.
You gripped the edge of your bed frame tightly, knuckles paling. You peered over. In the middle of the floor where you’d been sitting earlier, the Ouija board was laid out. The planchette swept across the board as it had earlier, but this time with no hands to guide it. It zipped across the board aggressively, as though it was trying to get your attention.
The triangle paused, then slowly drifted to hello.
Dumbfounded, your mouth opened and closed. You were at a loss — because no horror movie had ever given you any idea how to politely hold a conversation with a spirit outside of the traditional setting.
“Um…. can I… help you? Are you here to possess me?”
Stupid. That was stupid.
Watching as the planchette swept across the board, you read the letters allowed.
“L…A…Y…. Lay? Lay. Okay. B…A…C…K? Lay back?” You waited for further confirmation, but the planchette stayed still for a moment.
It started spinning again, quickly spelling out a final instruction. “Close my eyes. Lay back and close my…. eyes.”
You heaved a sigh, and against your better judgement, you did. You shimmied back underneath the covers, pulling them up to your chest, and waited. The seconds were excruciating, and you were sure some horror movie had to have started like this.  
The duvet rustled at the bottom of the bed, and all at once, a gust of cold air hit your feet. The mattress gave to the weight of someone, and you yelped at the feeling of clothed shoulders nestling in between your thighs.
A broad hand ghosted across your stomach, fiddling the scalloped edge of your pyjama shorts. It swooped into your inner thigh, then circled down along your knee. Though the actions were soft, you couldn’t help but feel the knot forming in your stomach. Letting out a soft whimper, you bit your lip, clamping down hard. One hand slid up, caressing the curve of your ribs. You writhed. “You’re driving me insane…” you whispered harshly. Had you really been that touch starved? 
Lips hovered over your inner thigh, the hot breath washing over the warm skin. A single finger ran along the inside, trailing further and further up. He slowed as he neared you, wordlessly asking for permission. 
“Please,” you begged, doing everything you could not to scoot your hips down into him and embarrass yourself any further. “Please…” 
He continued. The pad of his finger floated over you, stroking, teasing until the wetness soaked through the threads. The hands disappeared, but only to return to the sides, where they gripped the waistband, tugging them softly off your hips.
You took a deep breath and immediately clamped your hand over your mouth, muffling the shrill whine that tried to escape. Whoever he was, lapped at your cunt like it was a melting ice cream cone, and it didn’t take long for it to start weeping, soaking the green sheets beneath you.
Your chest rose and fell quickly, and your eyelids fluttered, overwhelmed with the sensation. Everything was white and on fire. Your thighs trembled deep within the muscle with every flick of his tongue. Were you really getting eaten out by a ghost? Was that actually happening? You felt silly acknowledging that. His tongue flattened out against your clit and you let out a whine, erasing every other thought. He pressed his face deeper into your wet folds, tongue flicking at the underside of your clit.
“Fffffuck, oh my god.”
You had to know. You swallowed, and tightened your lips into a thin line. You were ready for whatever horrifying visual would meet you. With one final surge of courage, you flipped the covers up, opened your eyes and gazed into the tented darkness. A head of soft, blonde curls bobbed softly between your legs.
“HELLO?!” It wasn’t a greeting, but the boy lifted his head from your cunt. Two dark eyes glimmered at you from beneath the duvet.
“Hey,” he said, chin glistening. “I’m Tate. I used to live here.”
“You’re so…. cute?”
He smiled crookedly, the dimples in his cheek deepening. “Were you expecting Freddy Krueger or something?”
Your head fell back on the pillow like an anvil and a breathy laugh broke your pants. “Yeah, maybe. Jesus Christ…. I don’t know. I’ve never had a ghost between my legs.”
“You liked it. You’re so wet.” He was pleased with himself, you could tell. Reaching one finger up to stroke your opening, he angled his head to watch the way you clenched and squirmed at his touch.
“Was I… were you the one I was talking to with my friends?” He nodded. He shifted his weight, manoeuvring himself up until he was above you, supporting himself with hands on either side of your neck.
“I’ve been watching you since you moved in, Y/N… I didn’t want to scare you away.” He confessed, searching your face. “I’ve wanted you for weeks.”  
You were scrambling to keep your thoughts in one manageable bundle. On one hand, this scenario was insane and you were sick to be enjoying it. On the other… sure, he was dead, but he was easily one of the cutest boys you’d ever seen and the way he wanted you was intoxicating. His dark eyes darted from your lips to your eyes, wordlessly asking for permission. You craned your neck up to meet him, pressing into his plush, pink lips.
You’d never been one of those boy crazy teenagers, but you understood the cathartic release that sex brought. It was carnal and natural. You’d only ever slept with one other person, so the hunger was never sated, and you were left quietly fingering yourself after your parents fell asleep. Every time you’d had the chance to have made out with someone though, you tasted them. Deeply. Kissing someone released their scent, the one that only intimate partners got. And none of them had ever been as heady and addictive as Tate was. You tilted your head to get further into his waiting mouth, swirling your tongue with his. You whimpered, sending a moan down his throat.
You reached under, sliding your hands down his stomach. The tiniest trail of hair guided you to the waistband of his jeans, where you made quick work of the buttons. Breaking the kiss only to help with scooting his jeans over the curve of his ass, Tate quickly returned his lips against yours, his tongue moving past your lips eagerly.
Although you were going in blind, it wasn’t difficult to find his cock. Not only did it take up most of the space between you two, but it was hot to the touch, the heat radiating from beneath the thin fabric of his boxers. You pressed your hand against him, getting an idea for the length.
“Huh. So, you weren’t lying about that.” Tate’s hips ground against your palm in response. You reached up, flipping the elastic down so you could slip your hand in, dragging your fingers along the soft tip. Your palm was immediately slick with his precum; the thick fluid coated the soft skin. You used your thumb to smear some of it to the underside of the head, teasing at the ridges. He groaned, burying his face into your neck.
“I didn’t lie about anything you asked me.”
You began stroking him underneath the sheets in slow, full movements and Tate’s breathing hitched, hips bucking forward involuntarily. You sped up, feeling warm droplets dribble onto your exposed tummy. Your thumb pressed into the squishy flesh of his head, not expecting the reaction that followed.
“Mm-uh—please. Please, I want you. Please.” He was begging, whining, and his big brown eyes were filled with a pathetic yearning that made your walls soak even further.
“So do it.”
He wasted no time in completing your demand. He sat up, the covers falling off his back.Tate gripped himself, giving his cock a few pumps before he lined himself up, pressing his hot, leaking tip into your entrance. Snatching the opportunity from him, you bucked your hips up to his, forcing his cock inside. You clenched around him hungrily and Tate let out a throaty whine as he pushed the remaining length into you.
He started out slow, taking his time as he slid in and out of you, but the slick pull of your walls each time he slid out unravelled his concentration. Each thrust seemed a little more desperate than the last, his balls slapping against you, splashing the mixture of his spit and your cum against your inner thighs. Bottoming out inside of you, he arched his neck backwards, letting it hang heavy. “Are you a virgin?”
“Wha — no.” You breathed, adjusting your head on the pillow to look at him. Odd question to ask in the middle of the deed. “Why?”
Tate swallowed, and between pants, said, “Because…. you’re so wet.” He dropped forward, pressing his forehead against yours. His cock was still inside, the girth hitting you at a new angle, and the fullness made your stomach clench.
“I’m going to fuck you hard, okay? Tell me if I’m hurting you. I don’t want to hurt you.”
You nodded fervidly, and slithered your hands underneath his sweat-soaked shirt until it gathered. Tate lifted his arms, and allowed you to slip the shirt over them. You tossed it towards the edge of the bed, and raked your nails along his naked chest.
“Please.” It was your turn to beg. Tate backed his hips out, pulling himself from your warmth. “I want it.”
He dropped back down to his hands, getting a tight grip on the mattress behind you. His lips met yours again, hungrily. It provided only a momentary distraction, because the second that Tate started pounding into you, you could focus on nothing else — except suppressing your aroused screams. He scooted closer to you on the bed, angling himself to get deeper.
He was hitting every spot he could, and your breaths quickened as he fucked you closer to the edge. You bit down on your lip, squeezing your eyes shut. He had just started, and you were already about to lose it.
“Are you gonna’ cum? Huh?” Tate asked, now struggling to keep his rhythm. If you were close, he seemed to be closer — and you didn’t feel so bad. Tate reached down, pulling himself out to slide the tip of his cock over your clit a few times before stuffing it back in. Your lips parted in a soundless scream as you felt the unmistakable warmth filling you, the quivering in your legs, and the desperate, spasming arch of your back.
“Fuck, fuck,” Tate chanted, feeling your orgasm as it gripped him in a wet, pulsing chokehold. “Fuck!”
As he spilled into you, Tate fell atop of your body, pressing his sweaty forehead against yours. His hips were on autopilot, erratically bucking with each gush. You winced, on the verge of overstimulation. Gradually, his thrusts slowed.  
He flopped over on the side of you, one hand stroking the outside of your thigh delicately. He was gazing at you dreamily when you turned to face him.
“So, do I have to bring out the Ouija board each time I want to see you?”
Tate propped his head up on his hand. “You want to see me again?”
You rolled your eyes to the ceiling, a taunting smile curling around your swollen lips. “Uhhh… yeah.”
“I can be here every night if you want.” He purred.
“Haven’t you been anyway? Or did you lie about that?”
Tate’s brows pulled upwards, looking hurt. “I told you — I didn’t lie about anything! I’d never lie to you!”
“Okay, shh —“ You silenced him with your lips. “I’ll be right back. I have to pee.”
For the first time since you’d moved in, you weren’t afraid of ghosts as you walked to the bathroom. You were just afraid that the one in your bedroom would be gone when you got back.
He wasn’t, though.
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inbloomwriting · 4 months
Everything to me - Chapter 2
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Chapter two - Blueberry & Kidney Bean
Chapter 1
Plot: Jamie Tartt is a lot of things: professional footballer, the island's top scorer .... sexually, extremly handsome. But one thing he never saw himself as was a dad. Too bad he has to deal with the consequences of his own actions. This fic follows reader and Jamie as they navigate life and turn from practially strangers to parents. Pairing: Jaime Tartt x female reader Warnings: Pregnancy, swearing, mentions of food and alcohol, slight mention of sexual intimacy (nothing graphic), strained/toxic parental relationship Notes: 5.6k words. I do not have a set uploading schedule. Please bear with me as I work on this story. I know hardly anything about pregnancy, all my information comes from google. I tagged everyone who asked me to do it when I posted part 1. Please let me know if you want to be taken off or added to the taglist. Likes, reblogs, comments are all much appreciated. I am German. Sometimes I get the tense wrong or make mistakes. I am useless when it comes to punctuation. Go easy on me, please
The store smells like dust and cardboard and old carpet. It's not necessarily a bad smell, it just doesn't live up to her memories.
She remembers the perpetual scent of menthol cigarettes and some kind of cheap men's perfume wafting through the air. The store used to smell like her dad and now it doesn't. And that just makes it all even more real.
Boxes upon boxes litter the room, filled with records. Some older, some newer. Guitars adorn one wall while the others are covered in posters from tours that happened long ago, some even before she was born.
There is something comforting about being here. It’s like stepping back into the past. Long nights watching Dad and his friends play their guitars after store-closing. Discovering new bands whenever a new shipment of records came in. And yes - she is the first to admit that in her younger years, she mostly chose the records by how cool the cover looked. 
It’s also memories of Dad getting caught up in the after-hours jam sessions and forgetting about her dance recital and that one time he threw a guitar at the window out of anger that a shipment of records got lost. It took him months to get the window replaced. She could probably still trace exactly where the crack used to be. 
Being here is very reminiscent in all the good and bad ways. But it’s a warped version of the past. One that’s laced with all the knowledge she has now. Like a movie that you’ve seen a million times.
“I don’t think pregnant women are supposed to be doing that!” 
Jamie’s voice cuts through the nostalgia-induced fog like a sunbeam through the clouds. And it also gives her a little heart attack as the only sound filling the room up until now had been her moving around and the soft tunes of an Eric Clapton record playing in the background.
“Jesus fuck! You scared me. I’m pretty sure you’re not supposed to startle pregnant women either and give them heart attacks.” 
He looks at her with those big expressive eyes of his and a comically overdone pout on his lips. “Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you. But seriously give me that.” 
He’s so quick to take the box of records from her hands (Y/N) hardly has time to process what’s going on. 
Quite honestly, his worry is a bit misplaced here but she appreciates the sentiment even if he might be a little overly cautious at that moment. It feels nice to be cared for. 
“You know I’m pregnant, not sick, right? I can carry stuff.” 
“Yeah but why would you if you got me carrying it for you?” 
He has a point, she has to give him that. 
“Fair enough. Those go over there in the corner please.” 
Jamie follows her order without hesitation and, after setting the box down in its designated place, his eyes dart across the room and light up with childlike wonder and curiosity.
“This used to be your dad’s place, yeah? It looks really neat with all them posters and shit. Like stepping into an old person’s mind but like a cool old person that buys you alcohol when you’re 15 and lets you watch horror movies when your mum said no.” 
Of all the adjectives in the world, (Y/N) wouldn’t ever think of using the word “cool” to describe her dad. He was creative and fun and eccentric and stubborn — but cool? 
Then again he was her dad and no one ever likes to think of their own parents as cool. Oh god, will their kid think she’s uncool?! 
“Uh yeah, the shop and the apartment right above us. He owned it, now I do. I’m trying to get it all fixed up and ready to be sold.”
“What? Why?” 
There is something to be said about Jamie’s face and his absolute inability to mask his emotions. Everything he thinks and feels is mirrored twice as vividly on his face. He’s all furrowed brows and pouty lips. 
“I mean — it’s a record store. People don’t really buy records anymore. Be honest, when was the last time you bought one instead of just streaming the music?” 
“Like two weeks ago.” 
“Fuck off, no you didn’t!” 
“Uh — yeah, I did. Olivia Rodrigo if you must know.” 
A soft giggle falls from (Y/N)’s lips. How fitting for Jamie to buy an album full of teenage angst. 
“Well, you’re one of very few people though. In a perfect world, I wouldn’t have to sell. I’d keep it open. Instead of selling instruments, it’d turn that part of the shop into a little stage with a coffee counter or a bar. Host open mic nights and shine a spotlight on undiscovered artists. But the world isn’t perfect and there is no way I can afford to turn that vision into reality so really there’s no use in letting myself get too caught up in it.” 
There is pity in his eyes and she hates it. She doesn’t want pity, not his or anyone else’s. Has seen enough of it, especially lately. If she had received just one more “Sorry for your loss” card in the mail from relatives she hadn’t seen in decades, she probably would’ve stabbed a fork in her own eye. Pity does no good to no one. 
“Anyway, Jamie. Not that I don’t enjoy hanging out with you, it’s kind of necessary if we want to get this whole beings-friends-thing right, but uh — what are you doing here?” 
“Jesus, can’t a guy just come around to say hi to his baby? “ 
She thinks the way he says the word “Baby” in his thick accent is surprisingly and undeniably adorable. As if it ends in an “eh” instead of a “y”.
“By the way, they’re as big as a blueberry now.” 
And the way he’s keeping track of the baby's growth gets her right in the heart. For some reason, this seems to come so naturally to him when it all still feels weird and foreign and surreal to her. As if it were happening to someone else and she’s just a mere spectator. The idea that something as small as a blueberry will one day turn into a proper baby, a child, a teenager … a whole ass adult - is so wild to her. Almost incomprehensible. A person with their own feelings and dreams and personality. (Y/N) wonders if at any point in this pregnancy, she'll wake up and it'll all just make sense or if that only comes once she's holding the baby in her arms.
“That's cute. Doesn't answer my question though. What brings you here?”
A shadow of something flickers across Jamie’s face. Something unreadable and unfamiliar. Something that makes (Y/N) feel a sense of dread bubbling up in her stomach.
“I uh — I can’t do this.”
And there it is. That unfamiliar shadow is now a metaphorical atom bomb, a mushroom cloud of all that could have been and won’t be.
“Oh okay. I mean no, not okay. This sucks actually. You said you wanted to be part of the baby’s life and now you’re bailing? That’s a shit move, Jamie. You’re a right prick for pulling that crap.” 
“What? Oh no!” his eyes widen as the realization sets in. “That’s not what I meant.”
“Well then what did you mean? Cause you’re truly giving me a heart attack right now. Second one for today. You really need to start working on your conversation starters.” 
She had given him the chance to opt out of being a dad, to not be a part of the baby’s life. It seemed like the right thing to do and, foolishly, (Y/N) had believed that she’d be okay with him doing just that. In this very moment though, she feels everything but okay. The idea of Jamie changing his mind is terrifying. 
Sometimes you don’t realize just how much you need something — or someone until you’re faced with the possibility of losing them.
“I mean, I can’t do this alone. I need to tell someone. All I keep thinking about is the baby and I feel like I am going to explode any second now. I know we can’t tell everyone yet ‘cause of — well you know, things going wrong and stuff. But I need to tell someone. You got to tell Rebecca and your mum, I think it’s only fair I get to tell two people as well, yeah?”
A sense of relief floods her. Starts in her toes and fills her all the way to the top of her head. He wants this — wants the baby. It’s not just her in this. It’s nice to know you have someone in your corner. It’s also scary. Because he deserves to know just whose team he’s on. And being vulnerable fucking sucks. 
“Jamie, that’s fine. Absolutely you can tell your mum.” 
“And Simon? You got two people so — “
“I didn’t though.” 
“Uh yes, you did. I know you told Rebecca.” 
“That’s right.”
“And your mum too”.
The silence that follows his words is deafening. Being vulnerable means also admitting guilt. It means owning up to all of your mistakes. Though we are not the sum of our mistakes, they are what help shape the person we become. And (Y/N) really doesn’t think they make her a very good one.
“And your mum too?” 
More silence.
“You didn’t tell your mum? Why not? “
To his credit, Jamie looks truly surprised and confused. There is no judgment there, just absolute bewilderment and that signature softness that rounds out his features and settles in his eyes whenever Jamie talks to her about something serious. Granted they’ve not had that many conversations but she hopes that softness stays. She hopes that maybe their baby can have those soft, gentle eyes too.
“I’m not sure. I think I’m scared. My mum and I have a — complicated relationship. I disappoint her, she judges me. You know, the usual.” 
“You think she’ll be disappointed because we're having a baby? Is it because of me?”
(Y/N) shrugs, breaking eye contact and fixing her gaze on the old grey carpet with the ugly 90s pattern. What if those soft eyes can look straight through her, see all the ugly parts and the insecurities? That’s too scary for now. Too much too soon.
“No, it has nothing to do with you. Think she’ll just be disappointed I didn’t get pregnant according to the timeline she dreamed up for my life when I was like 2 years old. Had it all planned out for me and I never stuck to it.” 
Jamie is quiet for a moment but (Y/N) doesn’t dare to look back up at him. She can’t deal with any more pity.
“Well if you want to practice telling a mum, we can start with mine.”
“You can come to Manchester with me if you want. To tell my mum. We’ll have one mum down then, makes it easier to do it a second time. It’s science.” 
Jamie has the fascinating quality of making you believe in his words just by being so undeniably charming and because he believes in them himself. He makes it look easy when it is everything but.
“And if things don’t go well with your mum at least you’ll know you have at least one mum you can rely on, even if it’s not your own. She raised me pretty much by herself so she knows a thing or two about babies and parenting and stuff.” 
The mocking raise of (Y/N)’s right eyebrow doesn’t go unnoticed by Jamie who opens his lips to a silent gasp and clutches his chest with an overly dramatic gesture. 
“What? You saying I didn’t turn out perfectly?”
“No,” she laughs, a lightness festering in her chest. Like the first rays of sunshine after a cold winter that never seemed to end. Like a glass of wine after a long day at work. Like your favorite song on the radio at the exact moment you need it most. “I think you turned out exactly the way you were supposed to.” 
“Thanks,” Jamie says with that cheeky smile playing on his lips that makes him look a little younger than he actually is. Then he dares to wink at her and it’s a little annoying but also insanely charming. “Not sure you meant it as a compliment but I am taking it. Now when are you free for a trip up to Manchester?” 
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(Y/N)’s been on a lot of road trips around the country when she was younger. She’s even spent a whole summer traveling Europe, partially by train but most of the time was spent stuffed in a Fiat Punto with 3 of her friends and all their luggage. It was stuffy, it was chaotic and it was immensely fun. None of those road trips ever involved a shiny black Aston Martin Rapide though. 
Or a famous footballer dressed in the ugliest lime green sweater (Y/N) has ever seen. 
“That’s all the luggage you got?” Jamie questions as he moves the black shades off of his eyes and sets them on the top of his head, holding back some of his hair. It shouldn’t work so well but it does. 
“I mean, we’re only staying for a night right? Why? Should I have brought more? How much did you pack?” 
He glances at her, then towards the car, and back at her. A sheepish look crosses his face before being replaced by his childlike cheekiness. “That’s confidential. Don’t worry about it, yeah?” 
“I got my ginger lollies, that’s all that matters really.” 
“You feeling alright?” 
“Mh, I’m good. Just pregnant.” 
His eyes drop down to her stomach for just a second before he nods his head in what (Y/N) can only describe as a mix of pride and satisfaction. “Yeah, you are.” 
That’s new. Well not new-new but it hasn’t happened since the day of the funeral. That tingly feeling in her stomach that has fuck all to do with the baby and everything with how the baby got there. Yes, Jamie is hot and (Y/N) is the first to admit as much but there has been so much stress and chaos and she hardly had time to think about anything but surviving and making sure not to completely lose herself in bad visions of what-ifs that her brain has had no time to process any feelings of arousal or lust. That look he just gave her though, that one made her remember it for just a second.
“You sure you’re alright?” 
Jamie’s voice shakes her from her daydream and brings her back to the real world, her eyes focusing back on the obscene car parked in front of her tiny apartment building looking so insanely out of place.
“Uh yes, I’m fine. I just — sometimes I forget that you’re famous.” 
Jamie regards her for a moment before shrugging his shoulder and grabbing the bag from her hands. “I don’t. It’s fun. Now come on, let’s goooooo.” 
His voice is dipped in excitement and there’s a bounce in his step. If this is how the prospect of seeing his mother makes him feel and behave, she must be one lovely woman. Whenever (Y/N) thinks of her own mother her chest fills with tiny metaphorical icicles. Sharp and rough and painful. It’s all regret and judgment and disapproval. It’s “You gained weight”, “you look tired”, and “You should really look into getting a new job”. Daggers disguised as roses. Stabs right to the heart in the name of being honest. “I just care about you, because I love you, because I am your mother!” 
If there is one thing (Y/N) knows for sure, it’s that she will never ever find the need to resort to criticism and thinly veiled malice in order to show her child that she cares. They will know. Every single day. Because she’ll make sure to show them. Every single day in all the big and tiny ways a person can show their love. 
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“Kidney Bean?”
“Kidney Bean. And apparently, the baby is sprouting webbed fingers and toes right now. Oh, and it’s starting to move!” 
“Can you feel that?” 
“No, not yet.” 
“It’s mental. Last week she was the size of a blueberry and now she’s a kidney bean. Kid’s growing up too fast.” 
It’s true. There is so much happening all at once and it’s almost impossible to really process it all. Suddenly there is a tiny spark of a human inside her. Not really a baby yet but a baby to her. And it's moving and developing and changing every second of every day. Fucking insane.
“Wait … you said she. You think it’s a girl?”
Maybe it’s the sunlight casting a glow through the windshield but (Y/N) is almost certain she can just about make out a blush dusting Jamie’s cheeks. 
“Jamie Tartt, do you want to be a girl dad?” 
He glances at (Y/N) through the corner of his eyes for just a moment but it’s enough for her to see the sincerity in him. This is something he’s thought about before. Learning new things about Jamie is fascinating.
“Ah,  it’s stupid, really. It’s — It’s dumb or whatever.” 
“No, come on, don't go shy on me now. Tell me.” 
He takes a deep breath. A moment passes then another. There is no rush. Sometimes silly thoughts are the result of harsh truths. 
“Told you my dad was a prick. Like the biggest piece of shit walking this earth, yeah? And I knew that all my life. Thing is I still tried to impress him. I just — I wanted him to like me so badly. Just felt wrong that me own dad didn’t care about me and that made me angry. And I kept that anger inside me for so long. Sometimes when I think about the baby and the future I am scared that if I have a son that anger will jump over to him. Like maybe all Tartt men are cursed or some shit like that. But if I had a little girl maybe that would make it easier for me to be a good dad. I don’t mind either way, obviously, but the idea of having a son scares me.” 
It’s the most vulnerable he’s been with her so far and by the way he clenches his jaw and grabs onto the steering wheel just a little tighter, (Y/N) can tell this isn’t easy on him. It means a lot that he shares this part of him with her anyway. It feels like they are actually becoming friends. So opening up to him in return is only half as horrifying. 
“When I was a kid, maybe 11 or 12, I wrote a short story for school and I won an award. They did this big ceremony thing where the 3 finalists got to read their stories out loud for an audience and then receive their prizes. My mum didn’t show up, not sure if it was because she stayed longer at the office and didn’t care enough to leave on time or if she just didn’t feel like getting out of the house. Point is, she wasn’t there. When I came home that night I was sad, obviously, and I was also pissed. Because why the fuck couldn’t she take one night off to come see me succeed at something even if it wasn’t something she deemed worthy of praise. 
So I yelled at her and I’m sure I said some hurtful things. But I was so devastated and angry and I needed an outlet for once. She called me ungrateful but I was used to that, she always called me ungrateful. Then she looked at me with that look of absolute resignation and malice and she said that she hopes I have a daughter like me one day and that she makes me realize how hard it is to love me. 
When I think of the baby, sometimes I see a little girl too. One that I will love so much she never has to doubt it for a single second. And I will also prove my mother wrong. Because it will be so easy to love my little girl and it would’ve been so easy to love me, her little girl.” 
It’s the first time she’s ever said those words out loud. Truly, (Y/N) had not expected for them to come out in an Aston Martin, on the way to meet her baby’s father’s mother but life doesn’t seem to care for plans very much these days.
Softly, as if to not startle her, Jamie places his hand on hers, squeezing gently.
“I think your mum is a right bitch.” 
“Thanks. I think your dad is a huge asshole.” 
“We’re gonna be better than them, right?” 
It’s not really a question. It’s more of a promise.
“We will. I know it.”
His hand doesn’t leave hers for a good long while. 
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The nerves don’t hit her until they pull up to the quaint little house with the white front. There’s a rose bush to the side and some kids playing football just across the way. The nerves don’t hit her until Jamie puts the car in park but when they do, they hit her like a freight train.
“Woah, you alright?” 
“You look all pale and like you’ve seen a ghost or something. Do you have to puke?”
A chuckle falls from her lips at the absurdity of it all. In all honesty, she’s not met a lot of parents yet but the few she did meet were parents of actual partners. People she had been dating for a while. It was a natural progression of steps. This is all wrong and sideways and topsy-turvy. You’re supposed to meet the mum first and then get pregnant. 
Again with the life and the plans. 
“I’m fucking nervous.” 
“Hah,” Jamie laughs. The audacity of this guy. “You’re nervous to meet my mum? Why? She’s an angel.”
“Do you not know how intimidating that is? Like, if she was shit I wouldn’t care but she sounds wonderful and I want her to like me. No, I need her to like me. Desperately. And I can only imagine what she thinks of me already. Some floozy who gets knocked up and really just wants your money.” 
Before she even fully realizes what’s happening, (Y/N) feels Jamie’s hands on her cheeks, framing her face in warmth.
“Calm down, please. I promise it’ll be alright. My mum will love you, I know it. Probably more than she loves me. Actually no that’s a lie, but she will love you and she will love our baby. Promise.”
“She’s not gonna judge me for — you know. Getting pregnant even though we’re not dating or anything.” 
“My mum was married to my dad, worst person on planet Earth. Don’t think she’s in any position to judge you. It’ll be alright, trust me.” 
She hardly knows this man and yet she can’t help but do just that. Trust him.
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The first thing (Y/N) notices about Georgie is her smile. A smile that is so familiar because it looks exactly like Jamie’s smile. Warm and radiant and true. A part of (Y/N) hopes that their baby inherits that same smile. Partially because it’s a really good smile and partially because maybe that could help Jamie realize that he is more than the sum of his father’s problems and mistakes. He is all his mother’s boy.
“Oh, I missed you, my baby.” 
Georgie wraps her arms around Jamie’s middle, getting swallowed by his frame for a moment. There’s no denying that part of (Y/N)’s heart breaks a little seeing how loving of a relationship these two have and wondering where she and her own mother went wrong.
And as it so happens with so many kids that have never been loved quite the way they deserved, (Y/N) can’t help but search for the problem in herself. 
“Yeah sorry for not visiting earlier. You know how it is with training and stuff.” 
“Don’t worry about it. I know my boy is busy being a star.” 
The words hold a slight mocking, never mean but in the way that only people who are close can tease each other. You know every word comes laced with deep affection, with pride, with love.
“And it’s so nice to meet you too. I’m Georgie.” 
It takes a second for (Y/N) to realize that Jamie’s mum is now talking to her directly.
“I uh — oh thank you. Nice to meet you too, I’m (Y/N).” 
Georgie smells like mint chewing gum and floral perfume as she pulls (Y/N) into a hug. She’s soft and gentle and it’s been the first hug from a mother (Y/N) has received in quite some time.
“Sorry, didn’t even ask if you’re a hugger.”
“Oh that’s alright, don’t worry about it.” 
She’s not a hugger, never really was, but there is something about Georgie granting her some affection that isn’t all that bad. Maybe their kid can have at least one grandmother who cares and who isn’t completely disgusted by the idea of showing any kind of positive emotions.
“Jamie never brings girlfriends around so I’m a bit out of my element here if I’m being honest.” 
“Mum we’re not — she’s not.” Jamie takes a big breath before starting again “(Y/N) and I are friends, yeah? Told you about it on the phone.” 
“Right, right. Well, you don’t bring around a lot of friends either so same difference, really. Now come inside will you, I’m sure we got a lot to catch up on.”
Oh if only she knew how true that sentiment really is.
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There are pictures of Jamie staring back at (Y/N) from every corner of the house and Georgie leads them through the hallway and towards the kitchen. Every wall and every shelf holds a memory of him at one point in his life. Gap toothed with a football in hand smiling, surrounded by a field of tulips arm wrapped around his mother’s shoulder, his teenage self smoldering at the camera with an even more questionable haircut than the one he is sporting right now. Oh to be loved in a way that every past version of you is being remembered.
As they reach the kitchen a sweet scent fills the room when a man clad in an apron turns around and faces them with a huge smile playing on his face. He has a dorky kind of charm to him that immediately puts you at ease. Maybe it’s just the frilly apron, maybe it’s the big oven gloves, maybe it’s the smile. Either way, (Y/N) thinks that if they take the news well, her kid might have truly lucked out on one side of the grandparents department. 
“Jamie, welcome home.” 
“Hi Simon, thanks, mate. Glad to be back. This is (Y/N).” 
“The friend, right.” Simon says and shoots Georgie a look that neither of them misses. Subtlety doesn’t seem to be one of his best qualities. “It’s nice to meet you, (Y/N).”
“Nice to meet you too. It smells amazing in here.” 
“I found this new recipe for honey blondies. Not sure if they'll be any good but I guess we'll find out. If you guys want to go have a seat, I'll come bring them over.”
“Actually,” Jamie speaks up while nervously fiddling with his hands. “I was hoping we could have a talk before we do anything else. There’s something I need to tell you both.” 
Imagining the hypothetical scenario of telling your mum you’re having a baby and actually doing it really are two completely different things it seems. Gone is all of Jamie’s confidence and replaced with a whole lot of anxiety. 
“You're worrying me, Jamie. What has you acting so serious? Did you get someone pregnant or something?”
Georgie's words are followed by a thick awkward silence. It's heavy and suffocating and it makes (Y/N) feel uneasy in both her heart and her head.
It doesn't take long for Jamie’s parents to realize what his silence means. Everything communicated by not saying a single word.
“Oh, fuck.”
And there's nothing to add to Georgie's reaction. It's the exact same one (Y/N) had when she first saw those faint blue lines.
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Of all the possible outcomes and ways this day could’ve gone, (Y/N) had not expected to find herself staring at not only a curly-haired Roy Kent but also come face to face with two very persuasive arguments belonging to no other than Keeley fucking Jones. 
“This is surreal.” 
The posters stare back at her all crinkled paper and bleached ink, as if to mock her silently. 
“Ah, well I told them to redecorate when I moved out, think they just haven’t gotten around to it yet.” 
A light dusting of pink settles on the apples of Jamie’s cheeks as well as the tips of his ears. This man can’t hide his emotions for the life of him. It’s quite adorable really. 
“Do they know?” 
“Does who know?” 
“Roy and Keeley. Do they know you have their pictures up in your room?”
“Well no and It’s not my room anymore, is it? ‘S not like I have ‘em hanging at home. Put these up ages ago.” 
A giggle slips through (Y/N)’s lips at his desperate attempt to talk himself out of this situation. 
“It’s okay, Jamie. I won’t tell.” 
“There’s nothing to tell, alright?” he responds in mock offense before sitting down on his childhood bed next to (Y/N). “Just liked boobs and football and those two were the best those fields had to offer, yeah? Can’t really blame me.” 
“Not much has changed has it?”
He shrugs his shoulders in response “Nah. Still like boobs and football but no way I’d put up a poster of granddad’s ugly mug nowadays.”
From the few times they talked about his job, including his teammates and coaches, (Y/N) was able to gather that Jamie’s relationship with Roy is something special. Odd, but special. Maybe that’s what happens when you end up working with your childhood idol. Either way, no matter how much shit he likes to talk about him, it’s clear that Jamie respects and admires Roy a great deal still.
“And uh — and Keeley?” 
“What about her?” 
“Is she — are you — how are things?” 
She still remembers that crestfallen look on his face on the day of the funeral. That infinite sadness in his eyes. She hadn’t put two and two together at that moment but later that night it all clicked. Keeley was the woman he was in love with, the woman who did not love him back. And while (Y/N) knows that she and Jamie are only bound together by happenstance and fate — if one chooses to believe in that, and that there is nothing romantic about their situation, it does sting a little to know that the man you’re having a baby with is in love with someone else.
“We’re good. We’re friends, think that’s all we’ll ever be. Her and Roy, they’re happy and I don’t want to ruin it for either of them. Keeley and I just were not right together.” 
“And you’re okay with that?” 
He nods his head, a small smile playing on his lips “Yeah, I’m alright with it. If I hadn’t made a fool of myself at the funeral then you and I wouldn’t have — you know, and then we wouldn’t be having a baby. Little Kidney Bean.” 
“That’s true. Your mum seemed excited.” 
“Hah, sorry about her. She can be intense.” 
Intense might be the understatement of the century. It took her approximately 2.3 seconds to get over the initial shock of the announcement and really process it before Georgie let out a scream of pure excitement and joy and wrapped both Jamie and (Y/N) up in her arms. She didn’t fully let go for a good 20 minutes. It was intense. It was also phenomenal.
“Don’t apologize. I am so glad she took it so well, Simon too. At least now I’ll have the certainty that my baby will have one set of loving grandparents at least.” 
“Hey,” Jamie says and nudges her shoulder with his “We’ll sort out telling your mum next, okay. I’m sure it’ll go better than you think. And if not we can always call up my mum for some more hugs and a pep talk. Whatever happens, you won’t have to do it alone. I promise.” 
For what is probably the first time in her life (Y/N) lets herself believe that there truly is someone else having her back, undisputedly and all the way. It’s unfamiliar. It’s a little scary. It’s also wonderful.
“Thanks, Jamie. I appreciate it, I really do. Think so far we’re doing alright, huh?” 
“I’d say so. Two sexy parents and a little Kidney Bean.” 
Their laughter echoes through Jamie’s childhood bedroom for quite a while longer until at some point it stills and gives room to soft breathing and quiet snores. The bed isn’t meant for two grown adults and really Jamie truly meant to sleep on the couch but somewhere between talks of baby clothes and childhood memories, eyes grew heavy and tired, and soon enough both of them are fast asleep.
Just them and their little Kidney Bean 
— and a curly-haired Roy Kent 
— and Keeley’s boobs.
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taglist (@ me if you want to be taken off or added): @captainfrisbee - @scaramou - @mischiefmanaged71 - @rexorangecouny - @respondingtoshowerthoughts-blog - @tweasley20 - @dreamtrydoforkinggood - @oxxolovemelikeyoudooxxo - @heletsmelovehim - @snubug - @katdahlali - @oldglitterstory - @lalla-04p - @aiyaiy
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aziraphales-library · 1 month
Hello! First off I want to say this is one of my favorite tumblr blogs out there :) I’m sure it’s a lot of work but it definitely pays off with how easy it is to find a fic on here! I love the work you all do.
I’ve perused the #crowley’s-eyes fics quite a bit and am looking for more— specifically relating to Crowley having trouble with his vision. I have vision issues myself and it makes me happy to see that aspect in my favorite character.
Thank you in advance! 🫶❤️
Hi! Yes, we have quite a few posts on our #crowley's eyes tag. Here are some more recent fics to add...
Snake Eyes by DrHuggles_j (G)
It's difficult to keep from your book-loving angelic counterpart that Crowley, in fact, cannot read words that small on a page. Sure, he can read and write, but human text has a tendency to evade him at times, opting to guess or simply miracle the text to a readable size. He's kept the secret for this long, what's for the rest of eternity?
Your Eyes Hold the Stars by ForrestToffee (G)
When he fell Crowley was cursed with snake eyes. And sure, it made the first several couple millennia a little challenging until glasses were invented. But he didn’t really know what he was missing. But fast forward six thousand years, and fooling Heaven and Hell with their little body swap scheme unexpectedly gave Crowley the opportunity to see the world as it was meant to be seen. OR Crowley gets the opportunity to see his stars as they were always meant to be seen.
until the stars fall from the sky by theivytree (T)
The stars have always been one of Aziraphale’s favorite things about the universe. Millions of stars, thousands of planets, so expansive and beautiful. He remembers being in space, watching the nebula burst in an array of colors the angel had never seen before. Gorgeous was the only way it could be described in Earthly words. Or; Aziraphale and Crowley go stargazing on two separate occasions.
Bright as his eyes by HenlyesTales (G)
"What do you mean?". Crowley shrugged "Heaven destroyed most of them when I fell" Aziraphale stared at Crowley for a few seconds, "Crowley they’re all- they’re all here. Heaven didn’t touch your stars". -Or- Crowley and Aziraphale meet again in 35 AD, go on a walk together and Crowley realizes how much his snake eyes affect him.
Snake Eyes by Strummer_Pinks (NR)
Aziraphale pines over Crowley, unable to voice his true feelings for his friend. In other news, Aziraphale doesn't realize that having snake eyes, Crowley can't see in colour. Insanity at a sushi restaurant ensues.
The Crowley Collection by OverlookBrooke (M)
Aziraphale wasn’t an idiot. He knew Crowley enjoyed James Bond and botany and old cars. There were so many wonderful novels on these topics—Crowley really ought to try reading once and a while. (He could definitely learn to enjoy his hobbies and interests even better if he dug his nose into a book every now and then!) Aziraphale had to wonder, why wouldn’t he read? No matter. If he didn’t want to read, Aziraphale would collect books for him. Just in case he wanted to. No other reason. Right?
- Mod D
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bwabys-scenarios · 1 year
Fixer Upper
Part 1
Perv!Kurapika x Fem!Reader
part 2
if you’d like to be ADDED to the taglist, please comment a red heart ❤️, make sure you’re able to be tagged/mentioned, and have your age in your bio(IF YOU ARE ALREADY ON THE TAGLIST, YOU DON’T NEED TO ASK TO BE ADDED AGAIN!!)
A/N: new series inspired by my perv!kurapika HC!! I’m not sure how long it will be, but I hope y’all will enjoy it!! He won’t be a huge perv at first, he still hasn’t had his sexual awakening. This series will be full of smut/spicy content, so be aware!!
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Kurapika tried to catch his breathing as he hid behind a garbage can, gasping out in pain.
His current mission was a dangerous one and had nearly resulted in the loss of his arm. Right now, he held the bloody gash and gritted his teeth. Kurapika had the scarlet eyes, but his mission was far from over.
“I think he went that way!”
Kurapika his his presence and pulled his legs to his chest, making himself as small as possible to avoid detection.
They passed the alleyway by, the Kurta holding his breath until he couldn’t hear their footsteps any longer.
He let out a relieved sigh, shaking some of the blood from his hand and opening his phone. He sent Leorio a quick text saying his mission was nearly over, knowing how worried his friend had been.
Now, Kurapika only had to worry about finding somewhere to hide while he recovered.
But where?
He didn’t know anyone in this city, he’d never been here before. Except…
A memory came rushing back to his mind, the blonde frowning.
“You always have a place with me, Kurapika. Here’s my number.”
If he wasn’t holding his injured arm to try and stop the bleeding, he may have slapped a hand onto his forehead.
Yes, she lived here. He’d forgotten.
Kurapika scrolled through his contacts, clicking her name and scrolling through the limited messages the two had sent each other.
She’d given him her address if he ever wanted to stop by, saying he was welcome anytime.
He just hoped (Name) wouldn’t mind him getting blood all over her floor.
Finding her house wasn’t easy.
She lived on the opposite side of town, in a secluded neighborhood framed by a small patch of woodland.
Although he was thankful it was far enough away that the people searching for him wouldn’t think to look there, he was still grumpy.
Kurapika couldn’t really help that. The more he moved the more blood he lost. When he finally stepped onto her porch, he had to lean against a wall for support.
He knocked on the door quickly, wincing at the sight of blood smearing the white surface.
If Kurapika wasn’t nearly doubled over in pain and bleeding out, he may have been excited to hear her voice.
The girl opened the door shortly after.
It had been a while since he’d seen her, nearly two years. The last time was in York New, when she and the others had been there to support him as he attempted to avenge his clan.
He could still remember the feeling of her hands pushing his hair back, the sound of her concerned voice reaching his ears.
The girl in front of him hadn’t changed much, besides having (shorter/longer) hair.
“Are you… oh god are you bleeding?”
He didn’t answer, stumbling inside and collapsing on the floor.
“Jesus Christ!”
(Name) kneeled down next to him, turning him so he was lying on his back.
Kurapika’s breath came out in rapid bursts, his eyes darting between (Name) and his arm.
“Hey, take deep breaths, it’s alright. I’m gonna get you into bed.”
She hooked her arm under his good one and pulled him to his feet. Kurapika leaned his weight against her, allowing her to lead him into a dark room.
“Okay, I’m going to set you down.”
She lied him down on the bed, not caring about the blood staining her sheets. She pushed her sleeves back and stood, moving to the other side of the bed to have access to his injured arm.
‘What… is she doing?’
(Name) pulled his sleeve back, wincing at the sight. “What happened to you, Kurapika?”
“… stabbed.”
“Well, I figured that much… I mean what situation were you in to get stabbed?”
When he didn’t answer, (Name) sighed. “Okay, we can talk about this later. Just…”
She placed her hand on his wound. “You’re going to pass out.”
That was the last thing he heard before blacking out.
Kurapika woke up to the feeling of sunlight shining onto his face. His eyes blinked open slowly, his good arm reaching up to shield them.
‘Where… where am I?’
He surveyed his surroundings, using In to see if there was anyone near.
Kurapika sensed two auras besides his own, both of them familiar.
He looked down to see his tabard and undershirt had been removed, replaced by a plain white tshirt. His injured arm had been bandaged and the pain had faded.
‘(Name) must of done this…’
His hand grazed his arm, his eyes softening ever so slightly.
Kurapika stood up, wincing at the soreness in his legs. The blonde opened the door to the room he was in.
“Yeah I think- wait did that door just open?”
Kurapika stepped out of the doorway, being greeted by the smell of eggs and bacon cooking on the stove.
“Oh, you’re awake!”
(Name) waved from the kitchen, a familiar white haired boy sat at the counter on a tall stool.
Oh, right. He was at (Name)’s house.
“… good morning.”
Kurapika walked over, sitting down next to the boy. Said boy raised an eyebrow, turning to get a better look.
The two stared at each other, Killua pointing at him. “When the hell did you get here?”
“I could ask the same of you.”
“I live here! Now answer my question!”
He lived with (Name)?
Kurapika glanced at (Name), asking for help with his eyes.
“He got here about 24 hours ago, at night.”
Kurapika blinked. He didn’t think he’d been out that long.
“Okay, okay. Why is he here though?”
(Name) shrugged. “I’m not completely sure, when he got here he was bleeding out on my doorstep.”
Killua huffed. “Oh, so he’s not here visiting.”
Kurapika rubbed his temple. Did he have to ask so many questions when Kurapika was having trouble remembering his own name?
“You haven’t talked with (Name) in what, years? And the first time you decide to show your face is because you needed something.”
Killua straightened up at the sound of (Name)’s voice. “There’s no need for all that. I offered up my home to all of you if you needed it.”
She placed a plate of food in front of the young boy, walking back and grabbing one for Kurapika as well.
“Now, eat up, Kurapika. You lost a lot of blood.”
The man knew Killua was right. Kurapika had been purposefully ignoring her, for reasons even he couldn’t completely comprehend.
He decided to listen, lifting a piece of bacon to his mouth and taking a bite. After the first bite, he realized just how hungry he was.
Kurapika shoveled scrambled eggs into his mouth, not caring too much about the taste. When was the last time he’d stopped to eat a full meal? Was it 3 or 4 days ago?
“Slow down, you’re going to choke.”
While he wasn’t paying attention, (Name) had snuck closer, placing a cup of orange juice in front of him. Ironically, her words spooked him into choking, the man coughing before downing the juice in one gulp.
“You’re acting like you haven’t eaten in days.” Killua said before munching on a handful of Froot Loops.
“That’s because I haven’t. I’ve been busy.”
(Name) sat down in front of them, taking a bite of her own breakfast. “You should try to eat three square meals a day. You need fuel for your body.”
He didn’t reply, standing up and walking to the stove to get seconds.
“How long is he staying?”
Kurapika’s eyebrow twitched. Why didn’t Killua just ask him?
“Oh, I’m not sure. As long as he needs to.”
“Just until I recover.”
The two looked up at Kurapika. He sat back down, starting on his second helping. “I’ll be gone within a few days to a week at most. Sorry for the trouble.”
(Name) leaned her cheek against her hand, elbow on the table. “You’re no trouble at all, I’m happy to see you again.”
This was one of the reasons Kurapika hadn’t contacted her. He remembered why he had trouble speaking with her.
She was way too nice, and he didn’t like how it made him feel.
“Thank you. I’ll make sure to reimburse you.”
She waved her hand dismissively. “No need. I don’t take money from friends.”
Killua sighed. “Don’t try to argue, she doesn’t listen to reason.”
(Name) scowled at him. “Rude.”
Kurapika put his plate in the sink, watching the two from the corner of his eye. They were talking about something mundane, (Name) seemingly more passionate about the topic.
(Name) turned away from Killua, giving Kurapika a smile. “I washed your tabard, and it’s drying right now. I did it by hand because I wasn’t sure if it was washing machine safe.”
“It is, but I appreciate your help.”
He suddenly remembered what happened right before he passed out.
“What… what is your nen ability?”
She grinned. “I can heal people. Technically, I just speed up the recovery process going on in your cells, so it takes a lot of your stamina to heal. You didn’t have a lot the other night, so you passed out. It’s most likely why you slept so long.”
That made sense. (Name) had always been the soft, motherly type. Of course her power would be that of a healer. That was why his arm wasn’t hurting as much as it should.
“I see. Thank you, (Name).”
“No problem, hun.”
Oh dear, another reason he didn’t speak to her. She was quite fond of pet names, and although they didn’t make him uncomfortable per say, it did make him feel… something.
Killua folded his arms against his chest, staring the blonde down. “What happened for you to get so injured?”
“I was stabbed-“
“I mean what situation you were in.”
Kurapika could swear he’d had this conversation before.
“I had a mission. To collect the scarlet eyes.”
“That’s all.”
Killua groaned, (Name) pushing herself up and taking her plate to the sink. “You really should be more careful, Kurapika. You nearly gave me a heart attack when you showed up bleeding all over my porch.”
“… sorry.”
He hadn’t meant to worry her. It was one of the many reasons he worked alone, he hated making other people worry about him.
“Don’t be. I’m just glad you’re alright.”
She patted his back. “Now, why don’t you rest. You’ll need at least another day until your stamina is recovered.”
He nodded and walked back to his room, closing the door behind him.
It was never easy being with her for too long. Ever since the Hunter Exam, she’d been someone he struggled to be around for longer than necessary.
She smelled good, she was nice, and always made his head feel fuzzy.
And he hated it.
He had trouble concentrating on his mission when his thoughts kept drifting to her. How she was doing, where she was, if she was okay. It was all he could think about after leaving York New.
But now it was near impossible to ignore her. Maybe he should have taken his chances with the thugs that had been chasing him.
As he watched the ceiling fan spin above him, he told himself he needed to leave as soon as possible. For both his and (Name)’s own good.
He didn’t want to hurt her again.
Kurapika awoke to a knock on his door, (Name) opening it up and walking in with her hands full.
“I brought your bag and clothes! If you write down your sizing I can go and grab you some spare outfits when I go shopping tomorrow.”
Kurapika sat up, pulling the bag into his lap. He peered inside, visibly relaxing when his eyes met those of the scarlet eyes. It was strange, you’d think he’d have felt anguish or anger at the sight of his clan’s dismembered eyes, but it felt familiar. Safe.
“I will accompany you.”
She tilted her head. “Are you sure? Didn’t you say you were stabbed in town?”
“Yes, but they have most likely left by now. They probably assumed I skipped town.”
(Name) sat on the edge of his bed, the man stiffening ever so slightly. “I see. Well, I’m glad your mission was a success. What are you planning to do next?”
He zipped up the backpack, placing it on the floor next to his bed. “I’ll find more information on either the Spiders or the scarlet eyes until I find one or the other. I’ll continue until I’m finished or dead.”
He said this so seriously, his aura determined. (Name) sighed.
“I wish you wouldn’t say things like that. You shouldn’t throw your life away.”
He scowled, his fingers brushing against the bandages on his arm.
“I wouldn’t expect you to understand. I will not stop until my clan has been avenged. I have no other purpose, that is my goal.”
It always hurt to see (Name)’s face twist into one of sadness when he stated his mission. She’d heard these words before, though more harsh the last time.
“I know, I know. Just…”
She placed a hand on his leg, squeezing lightly. “Just know that we care about you, okay? We all worry, so please, be careful.”
With that, she stood up and approached the door. “The shower is open if you need one. I just set out some towels.”
He nodded, not meeting her eye.
“Dinner is in an hour.”
She opened the door and closed it behind her.
‘I’m doing it again. I’m worrying her.’
Kurapika shook the memory of their last meeting from his head. He didn’t want to think about that right now.
He took up her offer about 15 minutes later, seeing a fluffy towel next to the shower ready for use.
There were only two sets of soap, one set being (Name)’s, and the others Killua’s.
He didn’t want to know how Killua would react if he used his, so he used (Name)’s. It was a soft, fruity scent, soothing his anxious mind as he rubbed it into his skin.
When he left the shower, he draped a towel over his shoulders, leaving his hair wet. He hadn’t dried his hair in years, never having the time.
He wish he had when (Name) came rushing over when he excited, scolding him.
“Kurapika, you’re going to get a cold. Sit!”
It was hard to argue when you’re being dragged and pushed into a sitting position.
“You have such pretty hair, you know.”
Kurapika sighed. Was his hair really that pretty now? It had been a while since he’d properly washed it. He’d take quick showers, just scrubbing it with whatever soap he could get his hands on before exciting the shower as quickly as possible.
She ran leave in conditioner through his locks, humming to herself as she combed through the knots in his hair. Her touch was gentle, much more gentle than his own.
When was the last time someone had been so close to him without trying to kill him? Even knowing (Name) wouldn’t hurt him, he still felt tense with her near. It felt unnatural, uncanny almost to have someone’s touch be so gentle and caring.
“All done. We’ll get you your own hair wash tomorrow, alright?”
He nodded in response. Kurapika just wanted her to stop touching him. He didn’t want to get used to being treated kindly. It made him soft, and that was dangerous for a man like him.
“You’ve been so quiet today. You alright?”
Kurapika jumped. He hadn’t expected her face to be so close when he turned at the sound of her voice.
“I’m… I’m just tired. Don’t worry too much.”
‘Please. It only makes it harder for me.’
He scooted away from her, turning his attention to the TV.
There was a random anime playing, Kurapika noticing Killua sat in a beanbag chair watching along and snickering.
“I’m going to work on dinner, you two be good, alright? That means you, Killua.”
She sent him a look and stood up, walking in the direction of the kitchen. Once she was out of earshot, Killua’s smile faded.
“Why did you think coming here after what you said to her is okay?”
“Excuse me?”
Killua rolled his eyes. “You know what I mean. I’m talking about the last time you two were together. It upset her a lot, you know.”
Kurapika didn’t answer. He had no excuse, not able to look Killua in the eye.
“I said what needed to be said. I stated only the truth.”
Killua scowled. “I don’t care if it was the truth. She cried for days, Kurapika. Days. She was inconsolable.”
Kurapika stiffened and bit his lip. “It’s none of your business what happens between me and her. She seems fine now.”
‘God I’m such an asshole. She cried? I made her cry?’
Killua blinked, a look of confusion on his face. “None of my business? Are you insane? You’re my friend, you’re SUPPOSED to be her friend, if it’s anyone’s business it’s mine. Is she only worth your time when you need something from her?”
Kurapika didn’t answer. Killua scoffed, standing up and walking past him.
“I don’t know what the hell you want from her, but just know…”
Killua stopped right next to him.
“She may forgive easily, but I don’t. Hurt her again, and I won’t think twice about breaking your arm.”
Kurapika watched him from the corner of his eye. “I don’t plan on staying long enough to hurt anyone.”
They stared at each other, Killua’s eyes cold, but hurt. “Don’t outstay your welcome.”
Dinner was quiet, and awkward. Both Killua and Kurapika seemed irritated, (Name) struggling to make conversation before giving up.
Both were quick to go to bed after dinner. (Name) flinched at the sound of doors slamming, sighing softly.
She walked around the house, picking up little messes KIllua had made during the day.
‘Messy brat.’
She giggled to herself, placing another empty box of chocolate robots in the trash. She wondered how he was able to eat so many and stay so thin.
She jumped, quickly turning to see Kurapika standing in the doorway of his room, staring at her with his intense gray eyes.
“Oh- yes?”
He stayed silent for a moment, seemingly choosing his words carefully.
“What… time are you leaving tomorrow?”
She hummed. “I’m thinking after breakfast, so around 8 am. Is that alright with you?”
He nodded, looking away. “Yes, that… that should be fine.”
Thinking the conversation was over, she continued cleaning, humming to herself.
He was still standing there, his hand gripping the doorway hard enough to make a creaking sound.
Kurapika bit his lip, his eyes on the ground.
It was silent again, his hair falling to hide his eyes.
“Never mind. Goodnight, (Name).”
“Oh. Goodnight.”
Kurapika closed the door behind him, holding his chest.
He had told himself he’d apologize for his past actions, but he couldn’t bring himself to speak.
‘She probably hates me, but she’s kind enough to help even those that hurt her. God… I’m such a fucking idiot.’
He sunk into the floor, bringing his knees to his chest.
“My mission will always come before you. Always.”
He flinched at the memory of his words, groaning as he rubbed his temple. Kurapika knew those words were true, but he wished he hadn’t said it out loud. Just the look on her face when he spat it at her, right after she’d risked her life to help him was enough to make his chest ache.
Had he really become so cruel that he couldn’t apologize to someone so dear to him? Would he really spend the rest of his life running from his feelings? From her?
‘It’s safer that way. For both of us.’
He sighed, pulling himself up and plopping down onto his bed. It smelled nice, (Name)’s scent lingering on the comforter as he pulled it up to his chin.
Kurapika couldn’t allow himself to get too comfortable. If he did, he wasn’t the only one who’d be getting hurt.
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kingofbodyrolls · 10 months
Friendcation (m) | myg | seven [fin]
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Melancholy shrouds you and Yoongi in your last days of vacation – time to get back home to the daily grind. But when you can visit Yoongi in his garage, is it really so bad?
→ Pairing: Yoongi x reader (female) → Other characters: Jimin, Jungkook, Taehyung, Namjoon, Hoseok and Seokjin. → Trope: friends to best friends with benefits to lovers (they be messy and confused, lol) → AUs: non idol!au, camping!au, roadtrip!au, mechanic!au (Yoongi is a mechanic) → Genre: humor, (slight) angst, smut and fluff → Rating: mature/explicit/R18  (This is mature/explicit content, so minors, please do not interact.) → Disclaimer: I do not own BTS or know them personally and this work of fiction is purely fictional and for entertainment purposes only. The actions and personalities described in the story do not reflect those of BTS— it’s just fiction. Also, if you would kindly read the tags/warnings before reading, that would be lovely: and if you don’t like whatever is described in the tags, just hit return and find something else to read. Thank you 🌸 → Status: complete! → Word Count: 11.3k → Warnings (general): angst and uncertainty, pregnancy test and pregnancy scare. → Warnings (explicit): explicit rough sex, exhibitionism, voyeurism, unprotected sex, oral (female receiving), dirty talk, ass slapping, impreg kink (new for me, so it might be light and soft), nipple play, Yoongi’s garage and a certain car 👀 (yes this is a warning and you’ll understand it when you read it 🥵), hair pulling, slight possessiveness 👀, lots of ass grabbing, some brief cockwarming too. → Author’s note(1): This is the end of the road, guys 😭 It has truly been a rollercoaster for me, and I’m so pleased with these last chapters and I feel like this is a good way to end things for this couple and their teasing friends. 
Also, there’s a line of dialogue in this chapter (one of Yoongi’s 🥵) that spawned another fic that I actually wrote to get out of my writers block before I could finish friendcation – It’s ‘Say that Again (I Dare You)’, if you’re interested you can go ahead and give it a read 🙂 (It has nothing to do with friendcation and everything to do with me being an insatiable hoe 😇).
Thank you so much – and thanks to all that likes, comments, reblogs, yeah, anything. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, it makes me so happy and a damn smiling fool 💜 → Read on AO3? [link] ✨
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← previous | s.masterlist | m.masterlist | next →
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“The second statement is a lie,” you laugh, your conviction cutting through the night air. The rest of your group joins in with a collective hum of agreement. 
“You just don’t strike me as the threesome type,” you assert, adding a touch of finality to your words. 
Namjoon casts a curious gaze your way, his eyebrows lifting ever so slightly. 
“Are you sure?” he asks, a hint of skepticism coloring his words. 
You nod affirmatively, your confidence unwavering. It’s hard to fathom Namjoon engaging in such endeavors; his other statements seem to carry a more authentic resonance. 
Your eyes widen in disbelief, almost popping out of their sockets, as Namjoon casually shrugs his shoulders, his laughter resonating through the air. “Well, I have,” he admits, reclining in his seat with an air of nonchalance. 
Your gasp is almost audible, a testament to the revelation that shatters your preconceived notions. “Wow,” you utter in awe, realizing that even those you thought you knew well can still surprise you with hidden facets.
“I just didn’t think you were into that, maybe Hoseok, but you, Joonie?” you say in a breathy voice, the disbelief evident. 
The mention of Hoseok prompts an indignant “Hey!” from him, and you can’t help but chuckle. 
Namjoon continues to laugh, a mischievous glint in his eyes as he playfully challenges Hoseok, “It’s your turn, Hobi.”
All eyes, except Yoongi's, focused on the road, shift to Hoseok, waiting for the next set of revelations as he contemplates his three statements. The rhythmic hum of the engine underscores the silence, creating a suspenseful atmosphere within the confines of Holly. 
As you all hum with curiosity, anticipating Hoseok’s next revelation, he unveils another layer of himself. “I once dated a man,” he confesses, a momentary hush falling over the group, the revelation hanging in the air like a delicate thread. 
The subsequent statement, “I’m scared of snakes,” elicits laughter, the image of Hoseok’s comical encounters with the slithering creatures at the zoo playing in everyone’s minds. 
Then, in a surprising twist, Hoseok drops the bombshell, “I was contacted to choreograph a music video.” 
Holly is filled with gasps and widened eyes as the weight of this unexpected admission settles among the group. 
The van is a buzz of whispers and exchanged glances as you and your friends dive into a lively debate, dissecting each of Hoseok’s revelations with an air of camaraderie. 
Yoongi’s voice, a steady anchor amid the animated chatter, breaks through as he shares a practical update.
“We’re almost there,” he interjects, his gaze fixed on the winding road.
You catch a glimpse of his focused expression, the contours of his profile bathed in the soft glow of passing streetlights in the dim morning.
“Just stopping by a store first.” 
Yoongi continues, his words weaving seamlessly into the ongoing banter. 
Seokjin’s laughter erupts like a spontaneous melody, harmonizing with the hum of the van’s engine.
Namjoon chimes in, “But the fear of snakes? That’s so Hobi. Remember that one time at the zoo?” The memory elicits another round of laughter, lightening the atmosphere.
You interject with a thoughtful musing, “The music video thing could also be true.”
Namjoon’s analytical mind chimes in, “But he could also have dated a man, I’m sure he’s mentioned that sometime.” His words ripple through Holly, introducing an element of doubt that swirls around Hoseok’s revelations.
Seokjin’s confident assertion pierces through the deliberations, echoing with finality. “We think the statement with the music video is a lie,” he declares. The collective nodding of heads and the subtle hum of agreement create a shared consensus among you. 
The decision is made, and the spotlight now shifts to Hoseok, awaiting his response.
“That one was actually true,” Hoseok’s revelation hangs in the air, a surprising twist that elicits a collective gasp and a wave of laughter. 
Your voice, laced with a cocktail of disbelief and genuine curiosity, slices through the air like a finely tuned instrument. 
“Hold up, you haven’t actually dated a man?” you query, your eyes widening in a mix of incredulity and intrigue.
“Not yet, but I’m open to the possibility,” he grins, radiating a warmth that rivals the sun itself.
“Wait... Does that mean you’re going to choreograph a music video?” Namjoon slaps him on the shoulder, perhaps a bit too enthusiastically, causing him to wince.
Hoseok nods, his expression bright and proud. “They reached out to me before the vacation, and a few days ago, they confirmed that I got the job.”
“Wow!” you exclaim, your face bright and brimming with genuine happiness for your friend.
“That’s absolutely amazing.” Seokjin adds gleefully, his excitement mirroring the collective joy in the van.
“Congrats.” Yoongi adds from the driver’s seat, his voice filled with genuine warmth and a hint of pride for Hoseok’s achievement.
“Thank you.” Hoseok says proudly, launching into enthusiastic explanations about his new job, his eyes lighting up with passion for the upcoming project.
“We’re here.” Yoongi announces, effortlessly maneuvering Holly into a parking spot before cutting off the engine, the sudden silence emphasizing the arrival at your destination.
You all spill out of the van, a lively group on a shared mission, and step into the store, ready to stock up on essentials and treats for the upcoming days of your adventure.
As you step into the store, the unspoken choreography of your group takes over, each member moving with purpose to efficiently tackle the shopping list. 
You and Yoongi, armed with a basket and a secret mission for a pregnancy test, navigate the aisles in search of canned goods, weaving through the vibrant array of products. Meanwhile, the rest of the team secures a cart, ready to explore the realms of meat and veggies. 
In no time, you and Yoongi expertly pluck a selection of canned goods from the shelves, tossing them into your basket with practiced ease. As you navigate the aisles, hand in hand, your journey takes a deliberate detour to the toiletries and sanity section. There, amidst the array of products, you both zero in on the elusive pregnancy test with the finesse of seasoned shoppers.
As you reach for a package, an unexpected weight settles in your hand, the incongruity of such a small item bearing a significant burden dawning on you. 
In this moment, the weight transcends the physical, carrying with it the gravity of what it represents—questions, possibilities, and the potential to alter the course of your relationship with Yoongi.
Locking eyes with Yoongi, you muster the courage to break the news subtly. “Is it okay if I head up to pay for it now? I’d rather keep it between us for now,” you confess, your voice carrying a blend of vulnerability and anticipation. 
His response is a reassuring squeeze of your hand, a silent affirmation that he understands. “Of course. Go pay for it, and I’ll round up the others. We’ll join you outside,” he assures, the unspoken promise of solidarity evident in his gaze.
With a tender yet uncertain smile, you part ways from Yoongi, fully aware that within the confines of this unassuming package rests the key to your shared destiny.
You hasten to the cashier, swiftly complete the transaction for the test, and then make your way to Holly, anticipation knotting your stomach as you await the arrival of your friends.
In no time, your friends conclude their shopping, and you assist in loading the van with groceries. Safely tucked away in one of your bags is the pregnancy test, a secret that remains concealed from prying eyes.
Returning to Holly, Yoongi takes the wheel, steering you toward a hidden forest oasis where he skillfully parks, creating a cocoon of tranquility amid the lush surroundings.
As the sun bathes the surroundings in a golden glow, setting up camp in the middle of the day proves delightful, offering ample light to illuminate your tasks. With a symphony of coordination, each of you contributes to unloading Holly and assembling the tent, a well-practiced ritual that transforms the serene landscape into a cozy haven.
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While the guys gather around a crackling campfire, savoring light snacks and sipping on cold beers, you find it challenging to fully unwind. The weight of the pregnancy test preoccupies your mind, its presence an insistent reminder. An undercurrent of nervous anticipation builds within you, urging you to take the test and unravel the mystery that has woven itself into the fabric of your thoughts.
You rise from your seat with purpose, drawing a few curious glances, notably from Yoongi, yet determinedly stride towards the van. 
Each step feels charged with the weight of the moment, the bag clutched in the comfort of the van holding not just your belongings but the potential key to your future.
Startled, you almost jump at the warm and familiar voice that breaks through your reverie. Lost in your thoughts, you hadn’t noticed him approaching. 
“Can I come with you?” he asks, his presence both surprising and comforting.
His hands find your waist, their warmth and rough texture grounding you in the present. With a reassuring touch, he gently nudges you, calming the swirling thoughts that had momentarily carried you away.
You arch an eyebrow at him, your fingers tightly clenched around the pregnancy test. 
“You wanna watch me pee?”
He chuckles at your furrowed expression, gently turning you around to face him. With a tender touch, he brushes stray strands of hair away from your face, locking eyes with you as he nods, a silent reassurance passing between you.
“That’s gross, Yoongi. You don’t have to watch me pee.” You mumble, keeping your voice low to avoid the others catching on.
“If you’re pregnant, watching you pee on a stick will be the least grossest thing I’ll see.” Yoongi teases, a playful glint in his eyes.
Admitting defeat, you concede, and let him accompany you into the serene depths of the forest, away from the prying eyes of your friends and the campsite.
His hand, warm and reassuring, intertwines with yours, a conduit for the palpable love that flows between you. Seeking solace beside a sturdy tree, you carefully retrieve the test, holding it up for closer scrutiny.
“I’m scared.” 
You admit, the words almost a whisper in the quiet of the forest. Yoongi’s gaze softens with understanding, his hand tenderly caressing your cheek. “I understand,” he reassures, gently lifting your face to meet his gaze, “Whatever it is, we’ll face it together.”
“Okay?” he murmurs, his gentle touch stroking your cheek before he leans in, placing a chaste kiss on your trembling lips. In that simple moment, he somehow eases the fear swirling within you. You nod, a wave of gratitude washing over you for his unwavering presence.
You carefully open the package, extracting the instructions and scrutinizing them. This marks your first experience with a pregnancy test, and you’re determined to ensure every step is executed correctly.
“I should’ve brought a cup or something to collect the pee,” you groan at the inconvenient realization. “Oh well,” you chuckle, pulling down your pants to relieve yourself against the tree. Yoongi efficiently unpacks the test and hands it to you, a subtle smile playing on his lips.
In a million scenarios, you never imagined finding yourself in a forest, peeing on a stick while Yoongi watches. It’s almost laughable, the twists life takes.
Your voice wavers with uncertainty as you pull your pants back up, glancing at the test. 
“Can you set a timer? Three minutes.” You request, the seconds ticking away with the weight of anticipation.
Yoongi swiftly retrieves his phone, the soft glow illuminating his focused expression as he expertly sets a timer, the seconds ticking in sync with the nervous beats of your heart.
Restlessly, you tread back and forth, clutching the test in your hand, each step echoing the restless beats of your heart, anxiously awaiting the passage of time.
Yoongi’s reassuring touch envelopes your waist, leading you to another tree, one untouched by your earlier predicament. “Relax,” he murmurs, settling you down against the sturdy trunk, both of you finding solace in its shelter.
A flicker of curiosity brightens your eyes as you break the silence. 
“Aren’t you nervous?” You inquire, secretly craving insight into his seemingly calm demeanor, a shared vulnerability between you two.
“Not really.” He shrugs, a nonchalant exterior belying the subtle lean against your shoulder, a silent reassurance echoing louder than words ever could.
Then silence envelops you, a palpable tension that’s not uncomfortable, but rather pregnant with anticipation, each passing second stretching the boundaries of waiting.
As the timer beeps, you gasp, releasing a breath you didn’t realize you were holding, the sound echoing the suspense that has built up within you.
With trembling hands, you bring the test closer to your face, inspecting the results. Your heart gallops like a herd of wild stallions, and your breath quickens in anticipation. 
Are you ready for this revelation? 
Ready or not, here it is—just one line. 
Not pregnant.
Your heart plummets at the stark results, and you release a breath you didn’t realize you’d been holding. 
The sting of tears gathers at the corners of your eyes, and a single teardrop slips free.
Yoongi swiftly brushes away your tears, his touch a comforting blend of warmth and reassurance, his fingers tenderly tracing the curve of your cheek.
“Not the results you were hoping for?” 
Yoongi’s voice carries a mixture of empathy and concern, his eyes locked onto yours, searching for the emotions hidden within.
Tears cascade down your cheeks in a torrent, your sobs escaping in uncontrollable waves. With a mix of frustration and despair, you discard the test, shielding your face in trembling hands. “I don’t know,” you confess through the emotional turmoil, your vulnerability laid bare.
He cradles your hands, gently freeing your tear-stained face from its hiding place. Drawing you into a cocoon of warmth, he envelops your trembling form in a tender embrace. His fingertips dance soothingly along your back, a silent promise of unwavering support as you release the weight of your emotions on his shoulder.
“It was negative,” you choke on a stifled cry, “I don’t know why I’m crying.”
“You were hoping for a positive.” He murmurs warmly against your ear, sending delightful shivers down your spine. Damn it, he’s right. The test has consumed your thoughts for days, and a part of you had secretly wished for a positive result. Fuck.
“I didn’t realize I wanted that,” you sob, clinging to his embrace as if your very existence depended on it.
“It’s okay, babe. To be honest, I’m a bit disappointed too,” he confesses in a tender voice as you slowly pull away from him, locking eyes.
In his eyes, you search for any sign that he’s just saying that to make you happy, but the determination, love, and care in those beautiful brown eyes tell a different story. He wanted the test to be positive too. He wants to have a kid with you. The thought finally hits you, and you begin to cry again.
You ask in disbelief, your body still shaking with the aftermath of tears, “You want to have a baby with me?”
“Yeah,” he looks at you tenderly again, kissing your tear-stained cheek. “Is that so hard to believe?”
“I mean, we haven’t been together long,” you begin as your crying turns into small sobs, your heart slowing down gradually.
“Babe, we’ve known each other for over ten years. Spent so fucking much time loving each other, without telling the other. It’s not about the time, it’s you.”
At this, tears well up again, a cascade of emotions unleashed by his beautiful words. 
Your heart leaps and somersaults because, damn it, he’s right. Maybe you haven’t been ‘officially’ together for that long, but the bond you share spans years. It feels natural, like the coming together of two souls that have known each other intimately for decades.
As he speaks, his words paint a vision of a future you never dared to imagine. 
“I want kids in the future, and I want them with you,” he declares, his sincerity echoing through the forest. You sob at the beauty of his words, your heart swelling with emotion. 
“You’ll be an awesome and fearless mom. You’re strong, incredible, and your heart is so big and full of love,” he continues, each compliment a brushstroke in the portrait of your relationship. 
“With you, I want everything. Why waste any more time?” he asks, his soft chuckle carrying the weight of a promise for a future filled with love and possibility.
In the wake of his heartfelt confession, you’re overwhelmed by the cascade of loving and wonderful words that have poured from his lips. You yearn for everything he’s just described, and the intensity of your desire propels you into a kiss that speaks volumes. 
It’s not just a simple meeting of lips; it’s a fervent exploration, a hunger for all of him. 
The kiss is messy, tears and saliva mingling to create a salty sweetness on your tongues. Yet, in this raw and unfiltered moment, you find solace because, for the first time, you’re not just kissing; you’re tasting the promise of a shared future.
“Damn. I want that too.”
Your moan escapes into his mouth, a symphony of pleasure, as your hands entwine in his long hair, pulling with an urgency that draws a deep groan from him, echoing in the intimate space of your kiss.
As you softly pull away, the realization hits that the tears have ceased, replaced by a new and electric tension. A surge of desire courses through you, prompting you to grind your body against his, teasing and stoking the flames of arousal that now dance between you.
“What does this mean?” 
You ask, the taste of salt still lingering on your lips as you lick them. The remnants of your earlier mood dissipate, making room for a lighter and happier atmosphere.
“That I’ll fuck you raw,” he smirks at you, his eyes turning dark with desire.
“Make you nice and round.” he strokes your stomach before cupping your clothed core.
You release a sultry moan, “Fuck, yes.”
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You stroll alongside Yoongi, hand in hand, your cheeks likely marked with the remnants of tears, yet you’re beaming, the joy evident. With Yoongi by your side, nothing else holds significance.
As you return to your friends, you catch the intrigued glances they shoot your way, a silent curiosity lingering in the air, though no words are exchanged.
You settle into the chair with Yoongi, the contours of his lap perfectly accommodating your form as you nuzzle your head against his chest, finding solace in the rhythmic beat of his heart.
You feel the weight of curious eyes on you, a silent conversation unfolding in their gazes, laden with unspoken words yearning to break free.
“We’re thinking about heading home tomorrow.” Hoseok starts, his voice carrying a subtle air of decision with each sip of his beer.
“So you can savor a few days of solitude before your vacation bids farewell.” Namjoon chimes in, a knowing smile playing on his lips.
You exchange glances with him and offer a gentle, appreciative smile. Your heart swells with gratitude for the sweetness and thoughtfulness your friends never fail to show.
Seokjin chimes in with a smile, “I miss my girlfriend too.”
“We’ll drive you to the station tomorrow.” Yoongi says, his hands intertwining with yours, a gesture that speaks volumes of comfort and support.
As the night unfolds, a cascade of laughter and clinking beer bottles paints the scene. Hoseok, with his infectious energy, pulls you into a dance, and the rhythm of the music becomes the soundtrack to a night filled with camaraderie and unforgettable moments. Laughter echoes around the campfire, weaving together a tapestry of joy that lingers in the memories of friendship.
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“Friday at the bar, don’t be late!” 
Hoseok’s enthusiasm resonates in his voice as he envelops you in a warm, anticipatory hug. Then, he turns his exuberance towards Yoongi, squeezing him tightly, a bear hug that elicits a gruff grunt from your usually composed boyfriend.
“Absolutely, can’t wait for the gang to reunite!” Your words ring with genuine joy as you share heartfelt hugs with Namjoon and Seokjin. Even Yoongi, typically reserved, offers reluctant but sincere goodbyes in the form of tight hugs.
As their figures gradually blend into the bustling station crowd, you continue waving, the distance adding a bittersweet tinge to your farewell. The echoes of laughter and shared moments linger, fading with each step they take, leaving you with a mix of nostalgia and anticipation for the next reunion.
“What should we do now? So much alone time.” 
Yoongi’s voice, soft and filled with the promise of undisturbed moments, lingers in the air as you both face the van. The question carries the weight of endless possibilities, a canvas awaiting the strokes of your shared desires in the quietude of alone time.
As you both enter Holly, the air crackles with a newfound anticipation. Leaning into Yoongi’s side, you murmur your plan, your words a bold invitation that sets the atmosphere ablaze. 
“You drive us back to our campsite,” you start, the door closing behind you, “and then I’ll fuck you senseless.”
Yoongi chuckles, the sound a tempting melody in response to your boldness and the unmistakable glint of desire in your eyes. “Bossy,” he teases, the word laced with a promise of playful surrender.
As he ignites the engine, the subtle purr of the vehicle syncs with the quiet hum of anticipation. Driving back to your campsite, the warmth of your touch on his thigh acts as a silent yet palpable connection, a prelude to the intimacy awaiting both of you.
With Holly’s engine silenced, you pounce on him, the urgency in the air charging the atmosphere. Your hands glide up his thigh, boldly exploring the terrain beneath the fabric. A daring grip on his clothed dick elicits a soft, impassioned moan, your name escaping his lips like a whispered prayer.
“Impatient much?” 
He chuckles, the sound a harmonious melody to the rhythm of your teasing palm. Your deliberate touch prompts him to throw his head back against the headrest, surrendering to the escalating desire coursing through every fiber of his being.
“Yeah, I’m already so wet. I just want you inside me, Yoon.” 
Your words, laced with a sense of urgency and desire, spill out as you hastily discard both of your pants and underwear, the anticipation building in the air like an electric charge.
“Shit,” he mutters, closing his eyes, savoring a soft breath as you unzip his pants. With his assistance, you deftly pull down both his boxers and pants, leaving them pooled at his knees.
Without hesitation, you straddle him. The confines of the front seat are a bit tight, creating an intimate space that’s not entirely uncomfortable, but charged with anticipation and lust.
His arousal is evident, and you tease him by grinding your core against his throbbing length. The dual response, a twitch and a moan, sends shivers down your spine. The symphony of his pleasure fuels your desire, and you savor every intoxicating sound escaping his lips.
With a confident grip, you guide his dick to your eager entrance, then descend upon him in one seamless motion. The delicious stretch and the raw sensation, liberated from the confines of a condom, draw a heartfelt exclamation. 
“Fuck, you’re so big,” you gasp, relishing the intimate connection that electrifies the air.
His husky voice, laced with desire, breathes out admiration, “Damn, you’re so tight, taking me so well.’” His hands confidently find your hips, anchoring themselves in a rhythm that mirrors the growing intensity between you.
Your movements become a rhythm of urgency, bouncing in his lap with a fervor that sets a relentless pace from the very beginning. The sensation of fullness overwhelms you, and the impending climax rushes towards you like a tidal wave. 
Damn it, the pleasure is so exquisite, so consuming, that you can’t help but surrender to its intoxicating embrace.
Your breath comes in furious pants, a symphony of desire echoing in the air. Fingers entwined in his hair, you tug hard, prompting a hiss of pain from him as you practically impale yourself on his cock. 
“Fuck!” The expletive escapes your lips in a primal scream, a raw expression of the overwhelming pleasure coursing through every fiber of your being.
Yoongi’s hold on your hips tightens, his movements synchronized with yours, creating a rhythm that feels like a shared heartbeat between you. With a firm grip, he guides your ascent and descent, an intimate dance of passion and connection.
“Babe,” he pants, his gaze locking onto yours with hooded eyes. “I won’t last much longer.”
You pant and moan his name, “Same here.”
You roll your hips over his, desperately seeking release, while one of your hands trails down to your clit, vigorously rubbing it.
With a few intense strokes on your clit, a surge of pleasure radiates from your core, and you feel a release building up. You let out a breathless moan, calling his name as your vision momentarily blurs. As your body succumbs to the waves of ecstasy, Yoongi takes control, guiding you up and down by your hips, plunging into you with fervor, seamlessly melding with the throes of your orgasm.
Your fingers thread through his hair, gripping and releasing in a rhythm matching the intensity of your movements. With each passionate kiss to his neck, you leave behind a trail of bites that elicit a symphony of pleasurable sounds from him, creating a delicious melody of desire beneath you.
Your name escapes his lips like a fervent prayer, a raw confession of imminent release as he gasps, “Fuck, I’m gonna come, babe,” the words laced with urgency and desire.
In the throes of pleasure, you hiss, “Fill me up, Yoon,” your moan a seductive melody as you sink down on him again, deliberately clenching your walls around him.
“Shit!” he grunts, his release flooding into your welcoming warm pussy.
“You’re absolutely amazing, babe,” he says, his voice dripping with so much love that it envelops you like a warm embrace, making you feel like you could swim in its depths.
“As are you, Yoongi.” You murmur into his ear, wrapping him in a big and warm hug, your breath steadying against the curve of his ear.
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You make a conscious effort to savor every fleeting moment of these last few days of your trip, acutely aware that the return to your mundane daily lives is inevitable.
Your period has finally made its appearance, adding a bit of a damper to your spirits and contributing to your already sour mood, but you try not to dwell on it.
You embark on what feels like a magical ‘date,’ where the warmth of a campfire, the sizzling sounds of grilling, and the joy of each other’s company create a perfect, intimate evening in the cocoon of your campsite.
In the familiar rhythm of your camping routine, Yoongi takes the lead at the grill, but tonight, the dance of preparing the meat and chopping vegetables becomes a shared symphony. Surrounded by the serene seclusion of the forest, the campfire’s glow paints a warm ambiance on your faces, casting playful shadows that dance and flicker. 
As you skillfully turn the vegetables over the crackling flames, a wistful sigh escapes your lips. “I’m going to miss this when we get back home.”
“We can always go camping on the weekends,” his voice, tinged with a hint of nostalgia, carries the weight of the inevitable return to reality. Yet, his smile, soft and bittersweet, speaks volumes of the preciousness he finds in the present, a moment cocooned in the dancing flames and the quiet murmur of the forest.
“Yeah, I’d love that,” your smile mirrors the warmth of the flickering flames, an unspoken promise to seize the simple joys of weekends and the solace found under the stars. 
“What are we gonna do when we get back home?” 
As the flames dance, casting a glow on your contemplative expression, you can’t help but sigh, the question lingering in the air like the smoke from the crackling fire. Poking at a charred vegetable in playful defeat, you turn to Yoongi, a mix of curiosity and anticipation in your eyes, as if the answer lies in the shadows painted by the dancing flames.
His gaze locks with yours, a quizzical expression playing on his features. 
“What do you mean?” He asks, and you can sense the curiosity dancing in his eyes, eager to unravel the depths of your thoughts.
As you voice the concerns lingering in your mind, your eyes search his face for a glimpse of understanding. 
“How are we going to make it work, Yoongi? We’re both workaholics.” You sigh, a smile playing on your lips, a mix of worry and anticipation painting your expression as you contemplate the intricate puzzle of your relationship.
His eyes flicker with a thoughtful gleam as he ponders your question, a soft ‘ah’ escaping his lips, carrying with it the weight of consideration and the promise of an honest response.
With a sigh, you add, “And I don’t want our relationship to fail,” as you skillfully pull the vegetables off the fire, their sizzling sounds a backdrop to the sincerity in your voice. The tray in your hands becomes a vessel for both grilled sustenance and the weight of your heartfelt words.
Yoongi expertly turns the sizzling meat, his eyes focused on the grill as he addresses your concerns. 
“First off, I don’t think it’ll fail,” he reassures, the aroma of barbecue blending with the warmth in his words. “We don’t have to see each other every day, although I’d like that very much. You are always welcome in my home or at the garage anytime. And we can do stuff on the weekends,” he adds with a hopeful voice, his smile matching the flickering flames as he places the perfectly grilled meat in a clean tray.
Your eyes light up with enthusiasm. “That sounds nice,” you respond eagerly, reaching for two plates as the prospect of a shared future with Yoongi takes on a tangible, comforting shape.
“I just hope we can make it work.” You express with a hopeful lilt in your voice, the sincerity of your desire for a future with Yoongi shining through.
“I know we can.” He reassures you, his voice carrying a quiet confidence that matches the unwavering belief in your love.
Together, you savor each bite, the conversation flowing effortlessly between dreams of future destinations, the nuances of work, and the tapestry of life itself.
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As dawn unfurls its radiant hues, you embark on an early morning hike through the forest, the sun casting golden ribbons through the foliage. The breathtaking spectacle of the sunrise filtering through the trees paints a memory you know will linger, a vivid scene etched in your mind, a treasure to carry with you as you reluctantly prepare to drive home later in the evening.
Hand in hand with Yoongi, you traverse the winding trails, enveloped in a comforting silence that needs no words. The stillness is a serene companion, allowing you to immerse yourselves in the natural symphony of your morning hike—the heady scents of the forest filling your noses, and the ethereal dance of dewy fog casting a mystical spell before you.
Returning from your invigorating hike as the sun climbs the sky, the lure of a sizzling farewell lunch beckons. 
Determined to make the most of your remaining moments in this woodland haven, you opt to ignite the grill one last time, infusing the air with the savory aroma of grilling meat and vegetables before bidding adieu to the serenity of the forest.
The atmosphere takes a bittersweet turn, the air thick with a sense of impending departure. Yoongi tends to the grill, the sizzle of meat a poignant soundtrack to your shared melancholy. 
You attempt to uplift the mood, filling the air with music that usually brings joy, but its lively notes seem to echo the underlying sadness that has settled between you two. As the speakers play on, both of you navigate the delicate dance between creating a facade of happiness and the somber reality of impending separation, etching the moment with shared glances that speak volumes.
“I don’t want to leave.” You force a laugh, the sound devoid of any genuine mirth. It resonates with an emptiness, a profound hollowness that mirrors the depth of your reluctance to part ways with this place.
“I know. Me neither. But we both have work tomorrow.” Yoongi confesses with a sigh, as if attempting to absorb every detail of this moment in nature. The bittersweet truth hangs in the air, a poignant reminder that, despite parting now, the prospect of future camping trips offers a glimmer of solace.
“It sucks.” You declare, your chopsticks attacking the innocent food on your plate as if it were the source of your frustration. A heavy exhale follows, a gust of annoyance and disappointment that echoes your sentiments louder than words ever could.
In the aftermath of your meal, a heavy silence descends as you both quietly consume the last moments of your enchanted getaway. Once the plates are cleared, a symphony of clinks and clatters follows as you meticulously dismantle the campsite and tidy up the van. 
Each fold of the bed, every item stowed away, feels like sealing away a fragment of the magic you’ve experienced.
As you pack with a heavy heart, the memories of this time resonate within you, a bittersweet melody. This retreat has been more than a mere escape; it’s been a rejuvenating balm for your weary soul. 
And unexpectedly, amid the rustling leaves and crackling campfire, you discovered more than tranquility—you got Yoongi, a devoted and caring partner who has etched himself into the canvas of your heart more than before.
As the final pieces are carefully stowed away, Yoongi’s voice breaks the silence, “Let’s head home.” 
Casting a wistful glance back at the forest, you feel a twinge of longing, realizing just how much you’ll miss this tranquil sanctuary. With a mix of reluctance and anticipation, you join Yoongi in Holly.
“I’m ready,” you declare, a determined spark in your eyes. 
“Let’s go.” You add, as if ushering in a new chapter, the engine’s hum signaling both an end and a beginning.
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In the whirlwind of days since Yoongi bid you farewell at your apartment, work has morphed into a chaotic dance of demands. Despite the relentless pace, your passion for your job propels you forward, a driving force pushing you through the challenges with unwavering determination.
The ache of missing Yoongi has become a relentless companion, one that tightens its grip especially during the chaotic intervals between your demanding job tasks. In the relentless storm of work, the absence of Yoongi weighs heavy on your heart. 
The saving grace amid the chaos is the lifeline of texts exchanged during your fleeting breaks—a comforting escape when the demands of your job threaten to engulf you completely.
Yoongi has been engulfed in a torrent of tasks himself, with a queue of eager customers awaiting the magic touch of his expertise. The relentless stream of demands has formed an impenetrable barrier, rendering it impossible for you to reunite with him since that bittersweet moment he dropped you off.
Exhausted from a taxing day at work—navigating irate customers and orchestrating the intricate dance of formulating next year’s marketing strategy—you feel the weariness etched into every fiber of your being. 
Yet, fueled by a deep longing to be with Yoongi, you summon the last reserves of your energy and embark on a drive to his garage.
The brief journey from your workplace to Yoongi’s garage unfolds in a mere 15 minutes, the streets whispering tales of anticipation beneath the tires of your car.
You enter through the door, finding Yoongi engaged in conversation with a client. A warm smile graces your lips as you exchange pleasantries. Yoongi, visibly taken aback by your unexpected visit, manages a surprised expression. Making your way to a cozy corner at the back of the garage, you settle into a small lounge area with a plush couch and a quaint table – a designated spot for clients to wait while Yoongi tends to their automotive needs.
The plushness of the couch cradles your body, its soft embrace a welcome comfort. You surrender to its inviting texture, your eyes drifting lazily downward as relaxation takes hold.
In the gentle embrace of slumber, time becomes a blur, and you awaken to a tender caress on your cheek. A radiant gummy smile and affectionate eyes welcome you back to consciousness.
“You didn’t have to make the trip if you’re exhausted, love.” He remarks with a soft chuckle, playfully poking your nose.
“I couldn’t wait to see you.” You admit with a playful pout, rising from the couch. Yoongi chuckles at your expression, then turns back to the car he was tending to while you napped.
You pull your gaze away from Yoongi’s enticing figure, a mischievous spark in your eyes. His black coveralls, stained with a mix of grease and oil, only seem to enhance his rugged appeal. The plain white shirt beneath, now more of an art canvas of his work, adds an unexpected allure. Unable to contain the fire building within, you confess, “You look so damn sexy in those black coveralls.”
His hair is tousled, as though his hands have navigated through it in moments of frustration. A subtle hint of anticipation makes you unconsciously lick your lips, and with deliberate steps, you close the distance between you.
Yoongi’s laughter resonates through the garage as he continues working beneath the hood of a sleek red car. Unconcerned about the specifics of the make or model, you saunter over, a mischievous glint in your eyes. Playfully, you grab hold of the belt loops on his coveralls, tugging him closer, his frame melding into yours with an enticing collision of desire.
A husky grunt escapes him, “I’m filthy, babe,” he warns, yet he willingly surrenders to the allure of your touch, leaning into the intimacy that lingers between you.
“I couldn’t care less.” 
You declare boldly, diving in for a kiss that speaks volumes of your longing. Your hands venture southward, seizing the firm curve of his ass, eliciting a sharp intake of breath from him.
Abandoning his tools, he seizes your cheeks, intensifying the kiss with a hunger that mirrors a man starved for the taste of your touch.
“I missed you so much.” He breathes as he pulls away, gazing at you with a tender intensity in his eyes.
“Me too. Yoongi, I want you.” You plead, your hands tracing the contours of his body until they rest on his chest, where the steady beat of his heart becomes the rhythm to which your desires dance.
“Fuck. Now?” 
He chuckles, running a hand through his tousled hair, and you bite your lip, nodding with eyes that plead for the immediacy of desire.
“You’re so needy. I love it.” He murmurs before diving back into your mouth, a breathless kiss igniting between you. His hands find your ass, squeezing it possessively, eliciting a moan that vibrates through your bodies. 
He guides you toward a navy car, and as your legs meet the cool hood, he gently eases you down onto it. The surface sends a shiver in your spine, but the contrasting warmth of arousal floods your senses, creating a delicious tension in you.
You meet his gaze, finding his eyes already dilated and hooded, a hungry anticipation shimmering within them, ready to consume you whole.
His hungry gaze traces every curve of your body, and you catch the subtle motion of his tongue moistening his lips, a clear sign of the anticipation building within him.
He skillfully slips off your shoes, smoothly unzips your pants, and lets them cascade down your body, the fabric whispering against your skin before landing in an eager heap on the floor.
You draw your legs up, finding a perch on the sleek hood of the car, a tantalizing contrast of warmth against the cool metal that sends a shiver of anticipation through your body.
You part your legs, a silent invitation beckoning him to immerse himself in the feast that awaits, an unspoken promise lingering in the air.
“Damn. I can already see how wet you are, fuck,” he remarks, his gaze lingering on your wet panties before slowly dragging them down to join your pants on the floor.
His rough and calloused hands explore the warmth of your pussy, gently teasing your clit, eliciting a moan of pleasure from you. “Such a perfect little pussy. All mine,” his voice drips with possessiveness, sending a delicious shiver down your spine as a surge of lust courses through your body.
He gracefully drops to his knees, and in an electrifying moment, his warm, skilled mouth claims your pussy, causing an immediate arch in your back as waves of pleasure surge through your body.
His tongue dances expertly over your sensitive folds, collecting the intoxicating essence of your arousal, each stroke sending tremors of pleasure through your core.
“Fuck, Yoongi.” 
Passion courses through you, and you moan uncontrollably, your hands tangling in Yoongi’s hair as you pull, eliciting a deep groan from him, sending shivers of desire through your entire being.
The scenery is nothing short of breathtaking, a sinful feast for the eyes. As he gazes at you, those once deep brown eyes now bordering on black, you can’t help but feel a magnetic pull, an intensity that sets your heart ablaze.
His relentless suction is met with the playful dance of his tongue, teasingly exploring the depths of your pussy. The sensation is so intense that your eyes involuntarily roll to the back of your head, lost in the ecstasy of the moment.
“If you continue with that sinful tongue, I won’t be able to hold back much longer,” you pant above him, and you can practically feel the wicked smirk against your sensitive folds.
His nose occasionally brushes against your sensitive clit, sending electrifying waves of pleasure through your body, and you can feel yourself going feral with an overwhelming surge of arousal.
He skillfully switches it up, his hot mouth returning to your throbbing clit as two of his fingers expertly delve into your core. Your back arches instinctively, and you can’t help but moan his name, breathlessly exclaiming, “Shit, Yoongi!”
With a swift and deliberate motion, he thrusts his two fingers into you at a relentless pace, unerringly targeting your sweet spot from the very outset.
Sensations intensify; your clit pulsates with an insistent rhythm, the coil in your stomach winding tighter with each passing second. Every breath quickens, and it feels like you’re on the verge of snapping at any given moment.
“Shit, I’m coming!” 
You pant, your body thrashing above him, arching in the throes of ecstasy. A ringing noise echoes in your ears as he continues to lick you through the waves of your orgasm. When he finally pulls away, you find yourself instinctively closing your legs around him, overwhelmed by the lingering sensations of pleasure.
“Fucking hell, Yoongi. You are incredible with your mouth. Come here and give me a kiss.” 
You yank him up by his shirt and draw him in for a passionate kiss. You can taste the remnants of your essence on his lips, but you don’t mind.
He moans into your mouth and abruptly pulls away, fixing you with a gaze filled with both need and unbridled lust.
He tugs at your shirt, demanding, “This. Off.” 
Without hesitation, you comply, raising your arms for him to swiftly pull it over your head and drop it to the floor. Now seated on the hood of the car, clad only in your bra, you’re relieved to find that the metal beneath you has warmed, erasing any lingering chill.
He playfully gropes your breasts, his eyes smoldering with desire. 
“Off with this too,” he commands, a hunger evident in his voice.
You unclasp your bra, letting it fall down the car to the floor. Yoongi hisses as he takes in your fully naked body, “Fuck, you’re beautiful.”
His words pierce through you, igniting a fire within, and you sense your nipples responding to his gaze, hardening with a subtle ache.
“Shit.” An involuntary moan escapes your lips, your body ablaze with sensation and desire.
“Why am I the only one naked again?” You chuckle seductively, fingers teasingly pulling at his coveralls.
You strip away his coveralls, letting them cascade to a pool at his feet. Now free from the constraints of it, he leans in for another intoxicating kiss, the air charged with the promise of desire.
You notice the unmistakable outline of his dick through his boxers, and you teasingly pull away, whispering with a seductive smirk, “Those need to go.”
He doesn’t need to be told twice, swiftly dragging the fabric down his legs to join the rest of your clothes on the floor.
You eagerly tug at his shirt, mirroring the way he assisted you earlier, revealing the contours of his body free from the constraints of the grease-stained fabric.
You glide your hands over his sculpted chest, tracing the lines of his toned torso and the softness of his tummy, evoking a light chuckle from him. “Damn, you’re irresistible,” you moan. “Every inch of you, I love.” Your whispered words in his ear accompany a firm grasp on his throbbing cock, teasing it with a few playful strokes.
He seizes your breasts, skillfully rolling a sensitive nipple between his fingers, eliciting a sensual moan of pleasure from your lips.
He gently guides you back, allowing your hair to cascade around your face, creating a frame that accentuates the desire etched in your features.
As he explores the curves of your body with one hand, the other skillfully strokes his dick, aligning himself with the heat of your eager folds.
Your patience wearing thin, you feel his tantalizing cock on your folds, gathering traces of your essence. The plea escapes your lips, “Please, just fuck me already.”
He indulges in a lustful chuckle, his words dripping with desire, “So needy and impatient.” 
He glides into your warmth with a single, seamless thrust, reaching the hilt effortlessly. A moan of pleasure escapes your lips, savoring the exquisite sensation of how perfectly he stretches you.
He establishes a relentless rhythm, driving into you with a firm grip on your hips. The car sways and rocks in sync with each powerful thrust, creating a symphony of passion and movement.
The intensity builds, and you gasp, questioning between pants, “The car’s in park, right?” as he unerringly targets your sweet spot, delivering each stroke with precision and pleasure.
He chuckles between breaths, his laughter a sensual melody in the air, “Yeah, it’s not going anywhere.”
Lost in the ecstasy, unsure where to anchor yourself, your hands find solace on his strong arms, gripping tightly as if to merge with the intensity of the moment.
As he relentlessly pounds into you, your intoxicating moans harmonize with the rhythm, your velvet walls clenching around him, eliciting a hiss from his lips. “You’re always so damn tight,” he growls, the raw desire in his voice echoing the fervor of your entwined bodies.
“Hey, Yoongi,” caught off guard, you hear a familiar voice calling Yoongi’s name from behind. Your heart races, realizing it’s too late to shield yourself from the waves of embarrassment flooding over you. Mortification takes hold, leaving you vulnerable and exposed.
“I wanted to see if you were done with my car.” Jungkook’s voice startles you, and as you turn, you’re met with wide-eyed disbelief written all over his face. He stands not far away, his eyes seemingly on the verge of popping out of their sockets. With a gaping mouth, he appears utterly speechless.
“Ah–, Jungkook…” caught in a scandalous embrace with Yoongi, the sudden intrusion of Jungkook startles a moan from your lips. Your eyes lock with his, and as Yoongi continues his relentless pace, the intensity of Jungkook’s unwavering gaze heightens the illicit thrill. 
Your body responds, walls clenching around Yoongi, a confusing mixture of embarrassment and arousal coursing through you. 
Why isn’t Jungkook looking away? 
And why, against all logic, does it only turn you on even more? Fuck.
As the symphony of primal sounds, a mixture of Yoongi’s guttural groans and the rhythmic slapping noises, reverberates through the garage, Jungkook finally seems to snap out of his trance.
“Fucking shit, I’m so sorry!” 
Fumbling for apologies, Jungkook hastily covers his eyes and spins around, as if attempting to erase the explicit scene he’s unintentionally stumbled upon. 
“I’ll come back later!” He shouts, almost sprinting out of the garage, leaving an awkward air lingering in his wake.
Yoongi’s powerful thrusts continue, unyielding. He leans down, his intense gaze fixating on your face. His voice, low and venomous, slices through the heated air, commanding, “Never moan another man’s name again,” as if marking his territory with each impassioned word.
In the absence of your response, his hands assertively claim your breasts, skillfully pinching both nipples. An involuntary twist of pain courses through you, a visceral reaction to his unrelenting touch.
“Did you hear me?” 
His voice cuts through the charged air, a stern demand echoing in the garage, his eyes eclipsed by a profound intensity that demands your attention.
“Fuck! Yes! I won’t do it again!” 
In a breathless chorus of affirmation, you surrender, the raw urgency in your voice harmonizing with the rhythmic cadence of your panting breaths as the impending release surges through you.
With a final series of primal thrusts, he withdraws from the depths of your pussy, leaving you tingling, breathless and confused.
“Follow me,” his command hangs in the air, and with a firm yet gentle pull, he guides you off the car and onto your unsteady feet.
As he guides you through the garage, both of you naked and exposed, you can’t help but inquire breathlessly, “Should we lock the door?”
He smirks, his voice a low rasp as you arrive at his office. 
“I don’t give a fuck.” He declares, the audacity in his gaze intensifying. “Seems like you like being watched. Just like in the forest, huh? Don’t think I didn’t feel you clench around me as Jungkook watched you get fucked.” 
With purpose, he propels you toward the couch in his office, ruthlessly clearing half of its contents to the floor. Pillows and discarded clothes cascade, creating a scattered pool at your feet.
In a low, demanding tone, he orders, “On all fours. Couch. Now.” 
As you hasten to comply, he positions himself just behind you, prompting a swift bend on his firm couch. The assertive grip on your ass intensifies, sending shivers down your spine.
“I’m going to fuck a baby into you.” 
He pants, desire thick in his voice as he strokes his dick, aligning once more with your eager pussy. “Make you nice and round, babe,” he grunts, the raw intensity of his thrusts sending waves of pleasure through you as he effortlessly slips back into the depth of your core.
“Fuck!” The sensation is even more constricting than before, and the provocative baby talk is pushing you to the edge. It’s utterly sinful, igniting something primal within you.
He pins you forcefully against the unforgiving couch, driving your head down, each powerful thrust causing it to shift and creak in protest, mirroring the intensity of your entwined passion.
Your senses are on the verge of overload, the relentless pleasure almost too much to bear. Thoughts dissolve into a blissful haze, and all that remains is the exquisite sensation of him sliding perfectly between your thighs.
“I bet you’ll look so incredible carrying our baby,” he pants, his grip tightening on a makeshift ponytail of your hair as he pulls you upwards with a low moan.
You arch your back, relishing the delicious pull on your scalp that sends electrifying shivers down your spine.
You’re completely lost, a symphony of pants and moans escaping your lips. All you can do is surrender to the overwhelming sensation of his incredible thrusts.
His fingers leave a fiery trail as they wander from your hair to one of your breasts, teasingly groping. “Damn, your breasts will get bigger too,” he breathes, his words a sultry promise echoing in the heated air.
“Though I like them just as they are.” He murmurs in rhythm with a punctuated thrust, his voice a seductive melody harmonizing with the passionate dance between you.
At the sound of his words, a surge of desire courses through you, causing your walls to instinctively clench around him. He responds with a sharp intake of breath, a symphony of pleasure echoing in the intimate space between you.
“You like this, don’t you?” 
His voice, low and sultry, fills the room as he pulls on your hair once more, a tantalizing twist that sends a shiver down your spine. A subtle burn lingers, a delicious reminder of the electrifying sensations between you.
His name escapes your lips in a breathless moan of agreement, words failing to convey the intensity of the moment.
As he relinquishes his grip on your hair and breasts, his hands now firmly anchored on your hips, he rasps, “You look forward to being all puffy and swollen, don’t you?” 
His voice carries a seductive promise that sends shivers down your spine.
As the peak of pleasure beckons, the intoxicating blend of his presence within you and his lascivious words has you teetering on the edge. It’s as if the mere fusion of his dick in your pussy and the erotic cadence of his dirty words might propel you into climax without any further touch.
Attempting to vocalize your pleasure, a choked moan escapes your lips, a visceral symphony echoing the tightening coil of your body.
As he relentlessly thrusts, plunging into the depths of your pussy, he smirks and provocatively questions, “Are you coming, babe?”
In a fervor, you attempt to nod, your head resting down on the couch, eyes tightly shut, and hands clenched in the grip of pleasure.
His voice rumbles with desire as he commands, “Come on my dick,” his grip on your hips tightening, forcefully pulling you onto him, the unmistakable sound of flesh meeting flesh echoing through his office.
You release the tightly wound coil within you, and a warm flood of your essence envelops his pulsating dick. Colors dance before your eyes, a vivid symphony of sensations, as he, too, begins the pursuit of his own intoxicating climax.
His fervent praise echoes through the room as your moans and pants harmonize with the symphony of pleasure. 
“Shit, you feel so good.” His words, like a sultry melody, intensify the rhythm of ecstasy.
His raspy voice, saturated with pleasure, reverberates in the air as he relentlessly delves deep, bringing you to the brink. “Almost there, babe,” the promise of climax hangs in the room, each thrust a pulsating step toward an imminent release.
His fingers carve ephemeral imprints into the canvas of your hips, a testament to the intensity of his grip. With a primal and forceful thrust, he spills into you, a guttural exclamation escaping his lips, “Fucking shit!”
He persists in his rhythmic thrusts, a seamless dance that continues for what feels like an eternity. The symphony of heavy panting fills the air, a harmonious testament to the intoxicating pleasure enveloping both of you.
As he tenderly withdraws from the embrace of your walls, a bittersweet ache lingers. 
The ebbing warmth of his departure leaves a void, and you sense the telltale trickle of his semen tracing a tantalizing path down your trembling thighs. His appreciative hisses and groans echo the shared intimacy, turning the aftermath into a mosaic of shared passion.
With a resounding smack, he playfully ignites the fire beneath your skin, “You look so hot like this,” he remarks, his words carrying a teasing heat that matches the fiery imprint on your ass.
With a mischievous twirl, you shake your ass provocatively, a sassy smirk dancing on your lips, “Don’t I always look hot?”
He chuckles at your brattiness, delivering another firm slap to your ass, “Always, and I can’t get enough of you.”
You finally turn around, sitting down on the couch, to face him, licking your lips with a mischievous glint in your eyes, “I love you so fucking much, Yoongi,” your voice filled with a mix of passion and sincerity that leaves no room for doubt.
He smiles, his touch tracing a delicate path along your cheek, “Fuck, I love you too, babe,” his words carrying the weight of a thousand emotions, a confession that lingers in the air like a sweet promise.
Love saturates the atmosphere, wrapping around you both so tightly that the soft rumble from your stomach escapes like a playful secret, painting a grin on his already handsome face.
Your stomach protests again with a subtle growl, and he chuckles, the sound like a melody blending with the tender kiss he places on your lips. 
“Hungry, babe?” he teases, the warmth of his laughter echoing the affection in the air.
Amidst the afterglow, you share a playful chuckle, the joyous sound filling the room. 
“Yes, I’m starving,” you confess, relishing the delightful nakedness and the shared intimacy of the moment.
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As the Friday sun dips below the city skyline, a wave of contentment washes over you. 
Work today was surprisingly pleasant, but what truly fuels your excitement is the anticipation of reuniting with your friends at the bar later. The prospect of laughter and camaraderie lights up your evening horizon.
After a demanding day at work, you sought refuge in the comforting embrace of Yoongi’s home. The soft sanctuary of his sheets cradles you, offering solace and a much-needed respite from the challenges of the day.
As you reluctantly peel yourself away from the embrace of the bed, a tangle of limbs and sheets left in the wake of a time filled with passion, you’re greeted by the stark reality of time ticking away. Your naked form, a canvas marked by the shared intensity, moves with purpose. In the urgency to locate your scattered clothes, a playful smile dances on your lips. 
“We have to get ready now, or else Hoseok will kill us if we’re late!”
“We’ll make it,” his laughter, a melodic assurance, echoes through the room as you engage in a hasty scavenger hunt for the garments that will shield your modesty. 
Triumphantly seizing the clothes, there’s a playful finesse to your actions as you toss his attire in his direction, a comical dance of urgency and amusement. 
With effortless efficiency, you transform from the cozy intimacy of his home to the bustling anticipation of the cityscape. Your steps echo determination, a rhythm set by the pulse of the impending night. Brisk and purposeful, you navigate the urban terrain, a seamless transition from the quiet haven of his house to the lively rhythm of the city streets. 
The search for a bus becomes a quest, an adventure laced with the promise of vibrant encounters awaiting you in the heart of the metropolis.
Entwined in the lively hum of the crowded bus, you and Yoongi carve out a cozy haven amidst the kaleidoscope of humanity. Hand in hand, your fingers dance in silent symphony, finding solace in the familiar warmth of each other’s touch. With your head nestled on his shoulders, you embark on the journey to the bar to meet up with your friends.
As you step into the lively ambiance of the bar, the infectious melody of your friends’ laughter orchestrates a beacon, guiding you unerringly to their gathering. Their exuberant joy reverberates in the air, making them a vibrant constellation impossible to overlook amidst the bustling backdrop of the bar’s chatter and clinking glasses.
“Hi,” you join the lively cluster of your friends with a warm greeting, sliding seamlessly into the open space next to Jungkook, who graciously makes room for both you and Yoongi. 
A subtle, rosy hue paints Jungkook’s cheeks a bright red, mirroring the flush that graces your own face as you and he share a shy glance, deliberately sidestepping prolonged eye contact in the midst of the gathering.
“You’re late,” Hoseok’s voice carries a mockingly stern tone as he playfully rolls his eyes at your belated entrance, his knowing gaze signaling that he’s well aware of the delightful reason behind your tardiness.
“Hey,” a collective greeting resonates from the group, their eyes discreetly flickering between you and Yoongi, deliberately sidestepping Hoseok’s playful comment.
Your warm smile encompasses the group as you inquire, “How have you all been?” 
Your eyes sweep across each face, a genuine affection evident, and you add, “I’ve missed you.”
Namjoon passes a pair of beers your way, and with a subtle gesture, you gracefully direct yours to Yoongi, ensuring he has two. Opting for a bottle of water, your choice doesn’t escape Namjoon’s notice, though he maintains a thoughtful silence.
Jungkook, still blushing beside you, stammers out, “It’s going well. I’ve landed more modeling gigs, and some are even international!” He chirps with infectious happiness, sharing his success with the group.
“Wow, that’s incredible, Kook,” you pat him on the shoulders, your touch conveying genuine pride and admiration. Feeling him tense beneath your hand, you can’t help but marvel at how he’s fearlessly pursued his dreams.
“The trip was amazing; I actually got contacted because of the pictures I uploaded to my Instagram,” he boasts with pride, and the table erupts in cheers. Everyone is genuinely happy for him, celebrating his success. 
You can’t help but notice his still lingering blush and how he subtly avoids making eye contact with you.
You shift your gaze to Hoseok, who’s casually sipping his beer. Sensing your lingering attention, he speaks, “Not much has changed since our last chat,” a warm smile playing on his lips.
You chuckle and take a sip of your water, scooting closer to Yoongi at your side, the warmth between you growing with every inch.
Seokjin’s infectious chuckles draw you in, the sound a delightful melody weaving through the air. “When I came home, my girlfriend had orchestrated a full-scale rearrangement of our entire apartment,” he shares, laughter dancing in his eyes. 
“I thought the nesting phase happened later in the pregnancy, but now I don’t know where my stuff is, and neither does she.” The room erupts in laughter, and you find yourself clutching your stomach, the ache from amusement almost as sweet as the camaraderie in the moment.
“That sucks man,” Taehyung remarks, his laughter lingering in the air.
“What about you Tae?” Namjoon asks him with a smile.
“Ah, life’s the same old rollercoaster, but that vacation? Absolutely necessary.” He shares, his smile a vibrant punctuation to the story in his eyes.
“Spill the tea, Joonie. What’s been brewing in your world since we got back?” Yoongi takes a leisurely sip of his beer, a conspiratorial glint in his eye as he nudges Namjoon, inviting a glimpse into the tapestry of his recent adventures.
“I took that girl from the dating app out on a date,” he confesses, a soft smile playing on his lips. “Turns out, she’s not just nice; we’re practically living parallel lives. It’s uncanny how much we have in common.”
“That’s wonderful, Joonie!” you beam like a lovesick fool. “I’m genuinely thrilled for you. Wishing you all the best, and I hope things work out perfectly for you two.”
Wrapped in Yoongi’s comforting embrace, you surrender to the warmth, a lovesick fool drowning in the bliss of his arms.
You catch the heavy sigh escaping Jimin’s lips as he nurses his beer, and with a knowing look, he confesses, “The vacation was incredible, but reality hits hard. Work hasn’t changed a bit, and I’m already feeling drained,” he laments, taking another sip of his beer.
Seokjin raises an eyebrow, taking a hearty gulp of his beer, “Why the hell is your face as red as a tomato, Kook? What’s wrong?”
Everyone’s gaze converges on the youngest, and the deepening shade of his blush is impossible to ignore. You sense the topic at hand, your cheeks mirroring the rosy hue. Yoongi, nonchalant, chuckles beside you, adding to the collective curiosity in the room.
“Why the laughter, Yoongi?” Namjoon quirks an eyebrow inquisitively. 
As he scans the expressions on both you and Jungkook’s faces, it becomes evident how you both go out of your way to avoid each other’s eyes.
“Something definitely went down between you two,” Hoseok chimes in, his voice filled with playful curiosity.
Jimin suddenly becomes intensely interested, leaning over the table to scrutinize both you and Jungkook. “Spill the details,” he demands with a mischievous glint in his eyes.
“Nothing happened!” Jungkook blurts out, raising his arms in a hasty defense, desperately trying to shield his crimson face. You, on the other hand, find solace in staring at the floor, unable to meet the curious gazes probing at your secret.
The guys persistently badger Jungkook for more information, but he clams up, sealing his lips tighter than a vault. Frustrated, their attention shifts to Yoongi once again.
Yoongi, nonchalant, raises his beer to his lips for another sip before casually revealing, “He saw us fuck.”
Jungkook lets out a dramatic groan, his hands shielding his eyes as if the vivid image of you and Yoongi in the throes of sex is still burned into his mind. The other guys, practically choking on their beers, sport eyes as wide as teacups, thoroughly amused by the revelation.
“What?” Taehyung practically yells, laughter bubbling up so much that his eyes glisten with tears. He turns to Jungkook with an incredulous expression, as if seeking confirmation for the unbelievable revelation.
“Why the hell were you watching them?” He interrogates Jungkook, genuine curiosity mirrored in the eyes of the entire group.
Jungkook finally glances at the group, his voice trailing off hesitantly, “I came to pick up my car at Yoongi hyung’s garage…” His eyes wander across the faces of the group, finally locking onto yours.
“And they were... at it,” his eyes reflect a blend of hurt and discomfort, “on the hood of my damn car,” he states with a stern and definitive tone.
A collective gasp fills the room, and all eyes turn towards you. 
Your gaze immediately drops to the floor. 
The realization hits you like a ton of bricks – it was Jungkook’s car. 
The hurt in his eyes now makes sense; he adores that car. The frustration builds as you grasp that Yoongi was well aware, yet said nothing! There will definitely be a conversation about this later, dammit.
“Gross!” Taehyung scowls and audibly scoffs, taking an exaggerated sip of his beer to mask the disbelief etched on his face.
Seokjin shakes his head in amused disbelief, his words carrying a playful scolding. “Aish, you’re not teenagers anymore! You’re in your thirties for God’s sake.” Laughter erupts from Teahyung, Namjoon, Jimin, and Hoseok, echoing the sentiment.
Namjoon bursts into earnest laughter, his words carrying a teasing tone. “Forgot to lock the door? Rookie mistake.”
Jimin raises his beer high in the air, a mischievous glint in his eye. “A toast!” you all turn towards him, curious about the unexpected celebration.
“To ___!” Jimin bellows, breaking the silence, and with some hesitation, the rest of the group chimes in, including Yoongi. You can only watch them with a mix of surprise and amusement.
“She finally got that office fuck!” Jimin exclaims with contagious joy, and the rest of the group erupts in laughter so uproarious that it turns heads throughout the entire bar.
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Author’s note (2): OMG! This is the end of Friendcation 😭 What a wild ride it has been to write it. But so, so good. What first started as an idea because my sister and brother-in-law were going on a roadtrip in their van around Europe, birthed this lovely story 😭
I truly want to say a big enormous thank you, to you. Yes, you! Thank you so much for all the time you have spent reading this series – I really hoped you liked it. I appreciate every single one of you, you guys are amazing 💜
If you liked it, please consider commenting (even an emoji is fine!), or reblogging or getting in touch with me in an ask – I don’t bite, I’m very nice I promise. It’s also completely fine if you don’t want to do any of those things too, no pressure!
Please stay happy and healthy 💜
Author’s note #3 (very important): when I wrote this chapter, I’d simultaneously been reading @kithtaehyung’s 3tan series, and without even realizing it, I had written a scene similar to hers. They do it on a desk—, and I know, yes, in many fics the characters do it on a desk, but to me, this was enough for me to say something was wrong with my work. It wasn’t even that similar in the wording or the specific scene, but to be on the safe side, I have rewritten the scene in question. ✨
Taglist: @idkjustlovingbts, @constancelayon, @wobblewobble822, @ktownshizzle, @moonchild1, @ultimatefangirl0, @baechugff, @jimintaemin, @parapiop7, @fckkntired, @iluvfndms, @citypop-princess, @tarahardcore, @bergandysam, @massivelyfullenthusiast, @tatyhend, @gimeow *strikethrough means tumblr isn’t letting me tag you :( **you can still be added to the taglist, just drop a comment here, on any chapter or the masterlist and I’ll add you 🌸
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theworldofotps · 6 months
Don't Mind
Pairing: Hook x Reader Word Count: 1,090 Description: Tyler's girlfriend is an exotic dancer; he's warned all of his coworkers to leave her alone. Sammy doesn't listen.
Massive thank you to my beloved @omg-im-such-a-masochist for helping me with some of the idea and basically outlining the perfect direction to take this. _______ Tag list: @omg-im-such-a-masochist @melissahausen @new-zealand-chic​ @writtingrose​ @99hook @madhatterbri @sjwrites22​ @sassymox​ @mrsacklesevansmgk @xladyxfatex​ @adamcolesbaybay @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch @demonqueen29 @itsicantbelievethis666​ @lilred91​ @rebellious-desires​ @claymorexpunisher @letsgivethisonemoreshot @ava-valerie​ @shortyiceheart @serpantscorpio8497 @thatpanpal @thatnerdwriter @wrestlersownmyheart @vebner37 @seeingstarks @whenimakeitshine1234​ @legit9thlunaticwarrior @blaquekitty @ironshamelessyouth​ @unoficialy-married-to-ace-austin​ @ripleyswhore @moonrosekk @xbreezymeadowsx @alyyaana  @elevennbloom @melblacc @alliwant456  @mcreignsera @auburnwrites​ @aews-four-pillars If you wanna be added to the list lemme know Hook Tag list: @wickedval ________
“So, what’s up with your girlfriend Hook?”
Tyler looked up from his phone in the direction of the question seeing Jericho staring at him the younger man raised a brow.
“What about her?”
“Is it true I mean I’ve heard she’s a performer and I’ve seen some of her Instagram posts is it true?”
“So, what if it is, what’s it to you?”
“Just curious is all I’ve never met a wrestler whose partner is a stripper.”
“She prefers exotic dancer and Dan’s wife is a Burlesque performer it’s along the same lines.”
“Doesn’t it bother you? Aren’t you worried someone else is going to snatch her away or she’s going to cheat on you with someone from or that’s she’s met at work.”
Tyler did his best to keep from rolling his eyes at the question he’s heard more than once from his coworkers.
“No, I’m not worried because I trust my girlfriend I’m the one going home with her nobody else, so I don’t honestly mind.”
“Oh okay, what club does she work at?”
“That’s none of your business and I suggest if you somehow find out not to bother going there, any of you or I will personally throw you out myself.”
“Okay okay easy man no need to get worked up.”
Jericho held his hands up in surrender and started a different conversation with one of their other coworkers. Tyler puts his phone in his pocket and leaves the room deciding to actually go and visit her. When his phone rings he puts it on the car phone and starts it up.
“Hi babe it’s me.”
“Mamas I was just getting ready to come and see you.”
“Oh, perfect I had a break, but I wanted to talk to you really quick before I went back to work.”
“What’s up?”
“Haven’t you told your coworkers not to show up here?” “Yes, I have why?” “Well, that Sammy guy did, and he asked for a private dance…from me.” Tyler felt as if everything froze the sound of Y/n’s voice fading in the background as she continued to speak.
“Don’t go anywhere near that room tell your boss that something came up and you need to give it to another girl. I’ll be there in five minutes.”
Ending the call Tyler peeled out of the parking lot making his way towards the club, his hands gripping the steering wheel tightly. He had made it very clear that he didn’t want any of his coworkers going to the club; the fact Sammy went and then had the fucking nerve to ask for a private dance from his girlfriend. No Tyler intended to kick his ass if he didn’t leave the first time he asked.
Pulling into the parking lot he got out and showed his ID, the bouncer was familiar with him, but he did it anyway. Going inside Tyler walked over to the bar motioning for y/n’s best work friend to come and talk with him.
“Hey Hook, didn’t expect you here today.”
“What room is y/n supposed to be in?”
“She’s in the breakroom.”
“Thank you.”
Walking through the club he made his way towards the breakroom which he occasionally got to sneak into when he wanted to spend a little time with you. Not bothering to knock he pushed open the door spotting her sat at the table sipping a bottle of water.
“What room is he in?”
He asked, voice hard as he watched her, just seeing her sitting there in her work outfit the thought of Sammy trying to get her.
“You scared the shit out of me babe, room number four.”
Y/n says as he turned walking down the hallway but stopped, he had no idea where the rooms even were. Grabbing her bottle Y/n followed him and gave directions to the private rooms then pointed a dark red door with a number four on it.
“Wait here.”
He said gently touching her cheek and opened the door, Sammy was sat with a drink in his hand and his back to the door.
“I was wondering what was taking you so long, now come dance for daddy like I paid for.”
Sammy chuckled sipping his drink and set it on a small stand next to the chair he was in; Tyler walked over grabbing him by his shirt dragging him over the chair arm.
“What the fuck?”
Sammy managed to get out before Tyler hits him watching as the man falls to the floor holding his face.
“I told all of you not to come here more than once I told you to stay far away from y/n’s place of work and yet you go behind my back. And then you book a fucking private room with her?”
Tyler was seething as he grabbed Sammy’s collar and shoved him into the wall, Y/n stood outside the door watching as the two of them went back and forth arguing. Sammy was doing his best to make it to the exit and Tyler was landing a hit every time he managed to lay a hand on him. When security came in to break it up Y/n spoke quietly to the bouncer watching him lead Sammy out. Turning she saw Tyler still pacing the floor, walking over she forced him to sit in the chair after closing the door. Thinking for a moment she could still see the rage and frustration on his face. Biting her lip she turned on some soft music dimming the lights ever so slightly and walked back to the chair. Whenever she wanted to work on a new dance for work, she’d practice them with Tyler. This one she was about to do though was one she hadn’t got the chance to try on him yet. As the music drifted into the room from the speaker, y/n began moving her body with the tempo. Slow movements at first as the song began to build her hands dancing across him as her hips moved.
Tyler watched her slowly realization of what she was doing hit him and he couldn’t help but feel himself relax a bit. “She’s really dancing for me, damn I’m one lucky S.O.B”
He thought his hands finally reaching out to touch her, y/n smiled seeing that his features were finally relaxing. Leaning close she pressed a kiss to his neck letting her lips linger as her tongue flicked out to taste the skin.
“Let me dance for you baby just sit here and enjoy the show.
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vodika-vibes · 7 months
Hehehehe… Okay, you said it would be cool to send in another request, and after the Jesse fic which was absolutely fluffy and squeal worthy, I’m sending in another.
White Tulip and Yellow Orchid
You break up with Fox, and it’s taking a toll on the both of you. It was hard enough when you found out Fox cheated, but somehow it’s even harder not being around each other in a relationship.
I don’t know something along those lines; maybe realizing they are better suited as friends with th hope for more or maybe Fox realizing you deserve better… I’m just spitballing. Anyhew … love oo
Summary: You break up with Fox, and both of you are suffering for it.
Pairing: Commander Fox x F!Reader
Word Count: 1724
Prompts: White tulip - new beginnings, Yellow Orchid - Forgiveness
Warnings: Angst with a happy ending
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni
A/N: So, I ended up having to change some things from your request to make it something that I'm able to write. Turns out cheating is an unforgivable hardline for me, which is good to know about myself. So I ended up completely dumping that plot idea for something else. I hope you don't mind.
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You don’t look up when the chair across from you slides away from the table. You already have a good idea of who’s going to be sitting there.
“Are you here to yell at me too, Commander?” You ask as you pour some more sugar into your caf, take a sip, grimace, and then add even more sugar. It already tastes like caf flavored sugar, but you need the extra energy. Even if it’s cheap energy.
“Buy me a Caf,” Commander Wolffe says, his dark eyes serious as he looks at you, “And something to eat. We need to talk.”
You lift your gaze and scowl at him, but you pull out your credit chit and set it in his hand, “Order what you like, I suppose.”
Wolffe nods and heads to the counter, only to return several minutes later with a large caf and a breakfast sandwich. He hands you your credit chit back as he takes a seat.
You shift and rest your chin on the palm of your hands, “Alright. Lay it on me.”
Wolffe arches a brow, “You expecting something from me?”
“Thorn, Thire, and Stone have already come to yell at me, and they’re not Fox’s twin. You are. So,” you gesture vaguely, “Go ahead. Start yelling.”
“I’m not going to yell at you, sen’ika.” Wolffe says quietly.
“Well, that’s a first.” You mutter.
“I don’t kick people when they’re down.” He continues, his sharp eyes lingering on the dark circles under your eyes, and the sheer amount of sugar you’re adding to your caf. “That’s going to taste awful.”
“Sen’ika,” He says slowly, quietly, “You’re clearly miserable-”
“I’m fine.” You interrupt.
“You’re not.” There’s a firmness in his voice that stops you from arguing back. “When was the last time you went home?”
“Last night.”
“And slept more than an hour or two?” He asks with a pointed look. 
You look away from him, “It’s…not important.”
“Sen’ika,” His voice is so gentle, “Why did you break up with Fox?”
Your hands fold into fists, “Maybe I was cheating on him. Maybe I wasn’t happy.”
“You might be able to pull the shit with other people,” Wolffe says quietly, “But I saw how happy you and Fox were together. And I know you would never cheat on him. So try again.”
You press your lips into a thin line. “I…I refuse to be another burden on him.” You admit quietly.
“You don’t see him after work, Wolffe. He’s so tired. All of the time and some of the bruises and scars…” You trail off, “He was happy with me, yes, but having to hide me from everyone? For my own protection? It was wearing him down. And I can’t, won’t, do that to him.”
“He’s miserable.”
“I know.”
“You’re miserable.”
“I know.”
Wolffe is quiet for a moment, “Is there nothing I can say to make you change your mind?”
“I will not let him kill himself for me.” You say quietly, “And if that means that I’m on the shitlist for every single member of the guard…then so be it.”
Wolffe doesn’t say anything for a long time, and then he sighs, “I’ll talk to the guard. Tell them to lay off.” He stands and drops a light kiss to the top of your head, “Fox loves you,” He says quietly, “He’s never going to stop loving you. You should at least give him a choice.”
“He’d pick-”
“You. Always you. And we both know it.” He pulls away, “Just think about it, alright? Thanks for the food.” And then Wolffe is gone.
You cast your gaze back to your caf, sigh, and add some more sugar.
Even if you want to talk to Fox, it’ll never happen. Thorn made that plenty clear the other day. And then Thire made it clear later when he came to yell at you on your way home. 
You sigh at your caf, and then you pick it up and down half of it, before you make a face.
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About a week later, you’re at home, trying to clean up the mess that your house has turned into since you haven’t had energy, or frankly, the will to keep up with it.
According to everything you’ve ever read in your life, time is supposed to heal all wounds, but you’re starting to wonder if that was just something that people said to give themselves hope.
Because you aren’t healing.
In fact, you feel worse than ever.
Bad enough that you’re starting to wonder if you’re actually sick, because a broken heart (a self-inflicted broken heart even) shouldn’t hurt this much, right?
You’re so involved in your cleaning that you don’t hear the knock on the door at first. It’s not until the doorbell rings, startling you bad enough that your vacuum falls from your hands, that you realize you have company.
You look at the mess that is your home and sigh. Maybe they won’t want to come inside?
Carefully, because you had the genius idea of dumping everything you own in the middle of the living room so you can organize it properly, you step over the piles of stuff to get to the door. 
You press the door control to open the door, “Yes? Can I hel-” You stop mid-sentence when you see who’s standing there. “...Fox. Um…I mean, Commander.”
He looks…pissed.
“Let me in.” He bites out.
“We’re not dating anymore, Commander. You can’t order your way into my home.” You offer as you avert your gaze from his face. More than just angry, he looks tired. About as tired as you feel, really.
You hear him exhale sharply, “You’re wearing my shirt, cyare.” Even his voice is tight with anger, “Let me in.”
You glance down at the shirt, his shirt, that you are wearing, and you silently move to the side. “...sorry about the mess.”
“What mes-” He stops as soon as he steps into your apartment, and his jaw drops, “Holy kriff, did a bomb go off in your living room?”
You fold your arms, “I’m deep cleaning.”
“By making a bigger mess?”
“I have a system.”
“Is it working?”
You scowl at him, “I’ll let you know.”
He glances at you, and his lips twitch up into a small smile, before he looks away, as if suddenly remembering that he’s supposed to be angry at you. You avert your eyes as well, it’s easy, far too easy, to fall back into easy bantering with Fox.
You broke up with him.
You told him that you weren’t happy anymore.
You have no right to his time or his smiles.
“I had a chat with Wolffe.”
“He told me something interesting.”
Kriff. You should have sworn Wolffe to secrecy. 
“You broke up with me because you wanted to protect me?” There’s a strange mix of emotions in his voice. Anger, yes. There’s a lot of anger. But there’s also hurt, and something you recognize as affection.
“Wolffe is a kriffing snitch,” You mutter.
“Yeah, well. Maybe you shouldn’t have tried to confide in my twin,” Fox points out, “And then he wouldn’t have snitched on you.”
You purse your lips, “See if I ever buy him breakfast again.”
“He came to stop the Guard from harassing you,” Fox says, “I didn’t know that they were harassing you.”
“It’s…fine. I deserved it.”
“You didn’t.”
You sigh and turn your gaze to him, “Why are you here, Fox?”
“Because I love you.”
He presses a finger against your lips, “Stop and listen.” Fox waits a moment, and as soon as he realizes that you’re going to do as he asks, he adjusts his hand so that his thumb is brushing against your lips. “I love you and I’m not going to give up on us simply because you think you’re a burden.”
“I am a burden. I saw how exhausted you were-”
“I’m more exhausted now.” Fox counters sharply. “Because I’m still trying to keep you safe, only now I have to do it in secret!”
“I never asked-” You start.
“You never had to. It’s what you do when you love something.”
“I know you think that you’re a burden to me. And I know I’m so tired all of the time, and I know you worry about me all of the time.” Fox says, “But I love you. And you don’t get to decide what’s best for me. Only I get to choose that, and you’re what’s best for me.”
“Fox-,” You repeat his name, feeling tears pricking your eyes.
“I’m happier when I’m with you. You give me a reason to want to wake up in the morning.”
“I hurt you.”
“And I forgive you.”
“Just like that? You were so angry-”
“Of course I was! You broke up with me after deciding what was best for me! I’m pissed about it!” Fox bites out, “But I still love you and I’m willing to accept the fact that you did this because you were worried about me.”
“...I’m sorry.”
“I forgive you.” Fox repeats, he searches your face, and apparently finds what he’s looking for there, “Cyare, do you still love me?”
“...of course I do.”
“Be my girlfriend again?” Fox asks, “Please. We can start over if you really think we have to. I just…let me be a part of your life. I need you in my life.”
You sigh, softly. How could you say no to that? To him?
“Okay. I’ll be your girlfriend again.”
“Oh thank kriff,” Fox blurts as he presses his forehead against yours and closes his eyes, “Can we take a kriffing nap, I feel like I haven’t slept in weeks.”
You glance at the pile of stuff on the floor of the living room, and then turn your guilty gaze on Fox, “I think my comforter is in the mess.”
Fox glances at the pile of stuff, and then shakes his head, “No matter.” He carefully scoops you into his arms and steps over the stuff, before he heads into the bedroom and drops you on the bed, before he curls up against you, “Sleep first, everything else later.”
You tuck your head against his chest, and he folds himself around you. And you’re both asleep in a matter of moments.
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haydenlovers · 6 months
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Stalker Anakin ⚠️
I was inspired by the amazing @xzaddyzanakinx please be sure to go check out their writing, it’s incredible!!
Warning: 18+, being stalked, swearing, smut (getting watched while masterbating, p in v penetration, hand job, slight edging, cream pie, slightly sub Anakin, slight oral (m receiving) - I think that’s all
Not proofread - I was going back and forth adding more between diary entries and y/n pov, and I’m hoping that it’s in order and makes sense.
Word count: 6.9k
Y/n pov
17th February
You have been living in New York for about 6 months now, working at a cafe. And it wasn’t the greatest job but it kept you going financially. You would have days where customers would come in to get there usual, and other customers would verbally abuse you because they didn’t get their coffee 2 minutes after they ordered at busiest time of day. But anyway there would always be people that would come and go, only recognising a few of the regulars.
But him! Oh him.
He was perfect. The way he would tilt his head as he admired at you with a smirk. Making you not want to break eye contact. The way is soft lips moved when he talked. The way his voice made your knees weak. You wanted him bad.
You remember the first time you saw him. Oh my god. The way he smiled at you with such kindness and warmth and his deep voice left your ears ring, wanting to hear him speak more. He came into the cafe about a month after you started working there and you hadn’t stop thinking about him since. And every time his face would light up with a smile as soon as he saw you.
Though you didn’t know much about him, he’d only come in once a week to order from you. And some days being especially busy you didn’t have too much time to chat. You knew that he worked at as bartender a few streets away from where you live. He would almost always say that you should come over to the bar to say hi, but you were never able to work up the courage to actually go.
But today was different. You finally felt confident enough to go. You asked your friends Sam and Tara to tag along for support. They were so excited for especially because they had also been trying to convince you to got to the bar. They knew what knew about Anakin, you could not stop talking about that man. He was driving you insane.
As you got home from work you got ready to go out. You curled your hair and decided to keep it down. You did your makeup how you usually do when you go out. And then slipped on a mini tight black dress with a small slit, and a leather jacket to go with it. As well as some black dr martens. Wearing a lacy red matching lingerie set underneath.
Sam and Tara were waiting out in your living room waiting for you to finish getting ready. You walked out of your bedroom serving cunt. Their jaws dropped, when they saw how you look.
“Girl if you don’t get laid tonight, I will do the honours,” Tara claimed as she hyped you up.
“No seriously, she’s right.” Sam assured.
“Really.” You hesitated
“YES!” Both of them cheered
You all took off and headed to the bar. Your heart was racing. And your mind was running 100 miles an hour. You finally arrived at the bar and followed your friends in.
There he was. Holy fuck.
He was wiping a glass with a towel, and how his hand was going in and out of that wet glass made your knees weak. Oh how you wished you were that glass. But your thoughts were interrupted by Tara pulling your arm and taking you to the bar. You all sat down and Hayden looked up at you and smiled. “I thought you’d never come.”
It took a second to process what he had said. “I’d come for you anytime.”
Your friends snickered quietly. Realising what you said, you felt a bit flustered, but I was true. He smirked
“So what can I get you guys to start.”
“What do you recommend?”
“I can do good sex on the beach, if you’d like.”
“Yes please” You lightly whimpered.
Another smirk revealed on his face as he lightly chuckled.
“And what about you two.”
“I’ll just have a Diet Coke please, I’m designated driver tonight.” Tara stated
“And I’ll have margarita please.” Sam said
“Alright, I’ll be back with your drinks in a minute.”
Anakin left to go make your drinks, when Tara and Sam turned to you.
“Holy shit, do you see the way he looks at you. You are definitely getting that dick tonight.” Tara said
“Shh, what if he hears.”
“Oh please he wants you bad.”
“Yea there’s no way that man hasn’t got a thing for you.” Sam ensures
A minute later Anakin comes back with the three drinks.
“Alright here you are.”
“Thank you.”
“So what made you decide to come visit tonight.” Anakin asks
Sam grabs Tara’s arm and drags her away so you and Hayden can talk.
“Uhm, I just wanted to see you. So maybe we could get to know eachother better”
“Well you came in on the perfect night, it’s not too busy.”
You blushed at the lustful eye contact you held with him.
“I’m glad to see you here princess” he smirked
A couple hours later
Time had flown by as you two had been talking for over two hours now, things just really seemed to click between you two. You got to know him, and he got to know you. He actually asked you questions about you, instead of just blabbering on about all the stuff he likes to do, unlike all the other guys you had met. Anakin actually seemed like he wanted to get to know you better. Suddenly Tara taps on your shoulder.
“Umm, hey I don’t mean to bother you but Sam is currently in the bathroom puking.”
“Oh fuck, ok well we should get him home soon.”
You looked up at Anakin and he smiled.
“I’m sorry we should take him home, he gets pretty out of hand when he’s drunk.” You murmured
“It’s okay, no need to apologise. Not a lot of people would care for their friends like you do.”
You smiled at him and said “well thank you so much for drinks they were so good. We’ll have to do this again someday.”
“Yea definitely…” he said before Tara interrupts.
“Y/n” Tara yells
You look over to see that Sam is on the bathroom floor screaming that he wants to nap.
“Oh shit, I better get going.”
“Alright, well I’ll see you next week.”
“Alright, can’t wait.” You said excitedly
You paid for the drinks and went to get Sam out of the toilets, when he comes busting out the doors yelling “I-I’m fine guys… really.”
“No come on, we gotta get you home.” Tara says while trying to help him stand up straight
“Ugh, but y/n hasn’t got that dick tonight.” Sam yells pointing in Anakin’s direction.
Red flushes over your face as you turn to Hayden. He tilts his head in your direction chuckling with a mischievous smirk. You got nervous and ran over to Sam to help him up.
“Alright time to go” you reinforce.
You smile at Anakin while exiting the bar. “Bye.” You whisper. He gently waves goodbye to you as you leave.
Tara drops you off and lets you know that she’s gonna stay the night at Sam’s so she knows he not choking on his own vomit.
You walk into your apartment and set your bag on the kitchen counter, and taking off your boots and chucking them on your bedroom floor. Taking off your jacket and dress to reveal the unseen lingerie you were hoping to get torn off you tonight.
You took a quick shower to freshen up before heading into bed. You wore nothing but crop top and underwear.
You stared at your roof and sighed when all of a sudden you hear a loud clank coming from across the street. You got up and opened your curtains to see what it was.
Is that?
No it couldn’t be?
Holy fuck!
What was he doing?
He looked up and you made eye contact for a split second and immediately knew it was him. You only got a glimpse of the shadowed figure before he disappeared behind a bush.
Is he watching me?
No don’t be ridiculous, he lives in this suburb he’s probably just walking home.
But…his house was in the opposite direction of yours from the bar.
Your heart dropped, this couldn’t be. Why was he here? You were so confused. Why didn’t he want you to see him?
You thought that you were overthinking and that it is probably just your imagination and that it’s probably just someone who looks like Anakin. Maybe it was one of your neighbours and you thought it was Anakin because that’s what you were hoping.
You closed your curtains and tried to go to sleep. Still thinking about who that was. But the thought of it being Anakin turned you on, you slipped you hands down your panties and toyed your clit while thinking about him.
Anakin’s Diary Entry
February 17th
What a surprise. You actually came to the bar today. I didn’t think you would actually come, especially since you have been saying that you would for so long and never did.
Unless that was just part of your plan to get me all riled up and make your appearance at the bar unexpected.
My darling I’ve been watching you making sure that you are safe. I walk you to and from work everyday. And you are so oblivious. It’s been nearly five months since I first saw you, and nearly four since I’ve kept my eye on you. Making sure that when you are walking home late at night no one is following you. On days that I’m working and can’t walk you home I ensure to keep checking my phone to see where you are. I have your location 24/7 in the palm of my hands. I need to know that you are safe because I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if anything happened to you.
I want you. No… I need you!
I crave your touch and love. I want to make you feel good. I want to make you laugh, I want to be there for you when you cry, and I want to make you cum so fucking hard.
But tonight…fuck. That tight dress had me weak. I could see that you were planning on getting something from me, when you leaned over and I could see the top of a lace bra. I would have taken it off with my teeth if you let me. Everything you told me tonight. I already knew. My sweet girl, I love you too much not to know about your life. And then when your friend yelled that snarky comment, I knew for sure that you wanted me.
I got off my shift half an hour after you left, so I came to your house to see what you were up to. Your curtains closed as usual, but the soft very soft shadows in your room gave me an idea of what you were doing.
As I went to my usual hiding spot, a fucking cat came out of know where and scared the shit out of me, I ended up tripping over and knocking a bin over. I got up to see you staring out your window at me I immediately hid when we made eye contact. Hoping that you didn’t see that it was me. I looked up from to see that you had gone back into bed and the curtains were closed.
But that light in your room allowed for a shadow on your curtains to show that you were playing with yourself. I could see your back arch and the sheets move swiftly. I knew you were thinking about me, with what you were wearing. I bet you were wearing a matching set of panties with that bra. So desperate for my touch.
But nothing will ever feel I good as I will make you feel. Not today but another day my love.
Y/n Pov
25th February
It had been about a week since your encounter with what you thought was a hallucination. You were coming home from work and were held back yet again, it was around 6:30 by the time you got to leave. The street lamps were lit up and the sky was dark. You walked home with your music blasting as usual fully unaware of your surroundings. You were too tired to care, usually you would be paranoid walking home and would just have music playing in one ear. But after a long day you couldn’t give a fuck.
As you got home and took a shower almost immediately to try and relieve your stress. But that didn’t work to great, so you put on your favourite show you binged watched too many times on your laptop and cuddled up in bed with your favourite hot beverage.
Several hours went by and it was now 12:00. You still didn’t feel a great deal of stress released, so you closed your laptop and grabbed your vibrator out of your draw next to your bed.
You slipped off your panties, turning on the vibrator and placing it against your clit. The pleasure vibrated through your whole body. You thought about Anakin. As if it was him telling you that you were so wet, while pressing the vibrator harder against your now throbbing clit. Telling you that you were a good girl, and that you were doing so well. Oh how the thought of his voice alone made you wanna come. After finally reaching your climax, you felt that the stress had been reduced significantly, but it wasn’t enough. If Anakin was actually there it would have been better.
After cleaning yourself up, you heard yet another noise coming from outside . You got up quickly to open the curtains. You look out the window trying to see if you can see anyone but no one was in sight. You head to bed curious yet again.
Is there someone watching me or am I going crazy?
You fell asleep, dreaming about Anakin’s touch.
Anakin’s diary entry
26th February
You scared me today baby.
I thought you would have seen me again. You looked out your window and looked disappointed when you didn’t see anyone. But I was right there. You couldn’t see me of course, I was hiding. Your eyes seemed desperate to see me.
The thing is I don’t want to startle you. I just want to protect you. This suburb isn’t exactly the safest in New York. But it is the best only because you’re in it.
I could see you toying yourself again, when I got closer to your window I could hear the gasps that left your mouth. And the shuttle moan of my name. I knew you were thinking l about me. I know how much you need me. But trust me I’m going to make all this waiting worth while.
Y/n pov
March 1st
Anakin come in on his regular days to order his usual, but you were to anxious to ask him to hang out again.
It was just another day, you got off work on time and decided that you were going to the bar tonight. But Sam and Tara couldn’t stay, Sam got called into work and Tara had a family dinner. You asked Tara for a lift there and back. And to help you choose an outfit. She ended up picking a mini red dress that sat low on your chest, red heals and a necklace that fit perfectly between your breasts. You never usually wore heals and you wondered if it was too much. But she insisted.
Tara dropped you off and they were on her way, wishing you the best of luck. You entered the bar and it was fairly crowded. People playing pool, groups of girls doing shots and heaps of people in a group. Which was the first thing that enters your mind, you were at this crowed bar by yourself. You walked up to the bar where another bartender smiled at you.
“Hi.” You say shyly.
The bartender turns around
“Hi, can I get you a drink.”
“Umm, I was actually wondering if Anakin was here.”
“No sorry, he called in sick.”
“Did you want a drink?”
“No thank you, um I’ll probably just head out” You said awkwardly
“Well next time he’s in I’ll let him know you popped in. .”
“Ok thank you.”
You went to the bathroom to call Tara, but remembered that she was at the family dinner and she wouldn’t be able to come pick you up till at least 10:30 and it was only 8:02. Fuck it. You’ll just walk home. Yep walk home from a bar alone with a bunch of drunk men wondering around. Plus it was only a 55 minute walk. You had walked further before at night, but you were also with Sam and Tara when you did.
You left the bar and started heading home. You felt uneasy, you felt like you were being watched. You kept turning around to ensure you weren’t being followed. And in heels what if some was to run at you. You would trip just trying to take them off. You were now only a few blocks away from your apartment, it was the final stretch. When you suddenly hear light foot steps. You stop and look around, and the steps stop. Your heart drops and you immediately feel uncomfortable. You freeze not knowing what to do.
I need to get home now.
But what if they follow me home and then know where I live. And that I live alone.
Your hands began to shake. You took off your heels, and started walking home again. Your head was spinning and your heart was racing. Only two more blocks you said to yourself. You hurried towards your building and finally got to your door. Quickly going inside and locking the door behind you. You through your heels on the ground and ran into your bedroom slumping yourself onto the bed in relief that you were finally home. You texted Tara to let her know that she didn’t need to pick you up anymore as you were at home. You sat on your bed staring into nothingness for a few minutes before you heard a knock on your door. You strained your hands and they began to sweat as anxiety consumed you. Shit.
“Was someone actually following me?” You thought
You peeped your head from behind the curtain to see who was standing at your door. It was a tall man, you couldn’t seem to make out his face.
Another knock occurred, and you hear “y/n it’s Anakin.”
You sighed in relief, you got up and went to your door. He knocked again before it was interrupted by you opening the door. His tall figure stood over and he smiled.
“You left your purse at the bar.” He states as he holds up your purse.
You looked at him confused
“Wait I thought you weren’t there.”
“No I was I was just getting ready to leave, my shift had just finished. I’m guessing you asked one of the other boys where I was.”
“Usually when we just finish our shift, we’ll just tell whoever is asking for us they we aren’t in or are sick so we don’t have to stay back longer” He chuckled
“That’s fair, I know how it is to have to stay back longer than scheduled.”
“But I would have stayed back for you.” He smirked “Any day.”
You smiled at his comment. And he hands you his purse and his hand lightly brushes against yours as you take it. Your face turned red like your dress.
“Wait. How did you know where I live?” You asked
“Drivers license.”
“Oh of course,” you laugh.
“Maybe one night we could get together and hang out.”
“Yea I’d love that, I’ll give you my number.”
“Ok.” He seductively whispered
“Let me get a pen.”
You quickly ran to the kitchen to grab a pen and turn around to see Anakin desperately looking you up and down. You slightly grabbed his hand and wrote your number on his palm.
“There you go.” You said tilting your head slightly.
“I better be on my way, I’ll make sure to text you.”
“Yea, ok” You smiled
“I’ll see you later alright.”
“Ok, bye.”
He left your door as he got to the foot path he turned around.
“You look beautiful in that dress by the way.”
You had your head leaning against the door frame and covered your smile with your hand, then waving him goodbye. He smiled and continued walking away from your house.
You then closed your door and locked it before jumping up and down and squealing. You placed your bag on your table and you ran straight to your room and grabbed your vibrator out of your draw and got straight to it.
Thinking about how Anakin would talk you through it, how he would edge you to make your orgasm feel even better. And how big and veiny his hands were, compared to your small hands. How he would be able to pin you down with one hand while his other played with your clit, all while he fucked you. After coming to your release you get out of bed to stretch your back.
You went for a quick shower to remove your make up and freshen up a bit. After getting changed you opened the curtains slightly to see a man’s silhouette in the bush. You immediately closed your curtains and got too scared to look again. Quickly jumping into bed covering yourself with the blanket, trying to go to sleep.
Anakin’s diary entry
1st March
You came to see me at work again, but of course I had finished early. But fuck… you looked so beautiful. The way your hair sat. The way the dress sat low on your perky breasts, and how it snatched your waist. And you wore it for me, I mean that’s why you came to the bar.
And I did follow not just because of your purse but because I needed to make sure you got home safe. I could tell you were nervous and I was going to go up to you to walk you home but I just loved watching that tiny dress ride up slightly every so often. Even when you were talking to me you were nervous, but I promise you don’t have to be nervous around me. I’ll always be here to comfort you.
And fuck I knew you were desperate when I came back to your window I could hear your soft whimpers and your vibrator. Couldn’t even wait five minutes after I left, I promise just my hand alone would be better. I know and you know it. The desperation in your voice when you speak to me is so loud. Yet your voice is so soft. When you tell me you want me, will be the day that I give it to you.
Sit on my face, devour your pussy, finger you, fuck you from behind, sideways, standing up. Anyway and anytime. I’ll make your legs shake they never before. I’ll have you begging for more, I’ll have you come so hard. That’s a promise my princess.
No one will ever love you the way that I do.
Y/n pov
March 9th
You hadn’t heard anything from Anakin, except for when he came into your work. But you were expecting a text to ask you out.
Fuck what if I wrote the wrong number down.
What if he’s out in the wrong phone number
Maybe it rubbed off before he got home
You needed to stop overthinking, you laid in bed after calling Tara and Sam to tell them what happened. You guys had been so busy that you hadn’t had time to catch up in person. After the call ended you put on your favourite show again. You stayed up in bed for a few hours. But you had this feeling like someone was watching you. You kept getting up to look out your window to see if anyone was there. From what you could see no one was in sight. Until about the 7th time you checked your window you see a man sitting behind the bush across the street. His head pops up and.. wait Anakin?
You couldn’t believe it. You rubbed your eyes to ensure that what you were seeing was actually him or if you were just hallucinating. But it was him at sat across the street with a cigarette between his lips. He looks over at your window and immediately ducks down as he’s realised that you’ve seen him. But he didn’t run, you opened your curtains completely you made it seem as if you were looking for something else outside your window, as if you didn’t just catch him. You popped backed into bed trying not to glance over. He was still watching you, you could feel it.
Well if he was watching you, then why not give him something to watch maybe he was as desperate for you as you are for him. I mean your curtains were almost always closed. You didn’t even think to ask any questions about the fact that he was just across the street watching you. It made you feel released that you weren’t just going crazy. The thought of him watching you touching yourself, made you wetter. The lighting was dull, but still put on a show for him, while trying not to glance across the street.
Anakin’s Diary entry
9th March
I thought you saw me for second. You scared the shit of me. I guess that you thought you heard something again. You looked yet again disappointed to not see anyone, more specifically me when you gazed out your window.
I looked up to see that you had gone back into bed, but the curtains were open and the room was dull, but I could see your face and white sheets. You got back into bed and I saw your hands slowly remove your panties.
Were you? You were playing with yourself, with the curtains open. The light from the lamp across the street lit up your face slightly, I was able to make out your facial expression, I could see the lust and desperation in the way your mouth moved. I could feel my cock twitch when your back arched and when you got up and rode your pillow, pretending that it was me. Weren’t you?
I want to be the one to make you feel pleasure in way you’ve never felt. Seeing you like this did something to me. It felt so wrong I wanted to give you privacy. But you opened your curtains and then started playing with yourself you were basically asking me to stay. But not to long know before I’ll have you.
Anakin’s diary entry
2nd April
Silly girl. You keeps leaving her curtains open. My darling y/n. What if someone was to walk past and see. You have no problem playing with yourself for everyone to see. That’s why I am here standing across the street from you making sure no creep is perving in you. Your legs spread with your hand between your thighs, wearing only a bra. I can see the blankets move softly as small gasps exit your mouth. Your legs spread with your hand between your thighs, wearing only a bra. Craving that release. But I promise you princess if those were my hands down there you would be a moaning mess, begging me not to stop.
I could give you the release you need, I would make you cum so hard, that your eyes would roll back as far as they could. I would make your swollen clip so sensitive that your legs would shake. Look at you, hands down your panties softly rubbing your clit in a circular motion for the world to see, but you’re mine. The things I would do to you, I would make you feel so good princess.
Anakin’s diary entry
April 20th
You got held up at work again, and we’re late to arriving at home. So I made sure to stay back and wait so I could make sure you got home safe again. I followed from a distance as usual, but didn’t have a care in the world. Just blasting your music through your headphones and not even looking around once. You don’t know how many sickos are out there, you need to be more careful.
But that’s why I am here. I can see you had a hard day, slumping your bag on the counter as soon as you got home. Your bedroom curtains were closed as they usually were throughout the day. I could see you looked tired. You opened your curtains after your shower and I see you. Just standing there staring out the window. God, look at you, hair damp, water glistening on your chest and only wearing a towel. Your lips slightly parted and eyes looked lustfully across the street.
Only if you had taken it off right then-
But you did.
You just dropped your towel. Revealing everything. What if someone was watching. I would have to do something about that. But seeing you like this made me feel full of adrenaline,I wanted to run over to your house and have your begging for my cock.
Did you want someone to see, or are you just hoping that just so happens that I come over and fuck you senseless to make you feel better?
Fuck. Everything about you makes me so fucking hard. I crave your body and seeing you like this made me want you more. You only stayed for a few seconds, before turning around and turning off your light. The room was dull but I could still see your blanket move swiftly, you were desperate.
Y/n pov
April 24th
You knew. You knew he could see you. He had been doing it for about 2 months. At least that I know of. I make sure he’s there. Watching you when you play with myself. Sometimes you would tease him and just have the curtain open slightly, which is what you did most nights because you were scared someone else was going to see. You can’t stop thinking about him when you do it. You knew he was there when you dropped my towel. You wanted to see if you could see him but you got too nervous, you didn’t want to scare him off. But you’ve considering trying to confront him.
You still have our regular chats at each other’s work, and last week you even got drinks together again. You had gone out with him at least once a week since you gave him your phone number. And every time he would bring you flowers. The sexual tension, was killing you slowly, it was his eyes and the way he smiled at you, that made your stomach fill with butterflies. You still didn’t have the courage to ask him to actually come over to you’re house. You weren’t sure why though. I mean he’s literally seen you play with yourself. And you were becoming too desperate for his touch and wanted to do something about it. You wanted more than just the subtle hands brushes, like how he would caress your hands when he spoke to you. Or when he would tuck your hair behind your ear. You needed more.
Today after coming home from work it was late, got held up by some customers that decided to order 13 hot chocolates 3 minutes before we closed. Like where is the respect for fuck sake. Anyway I got home and showered, and waited for Hayden to show up.
Around 1:00 he showed up, which was later than usual. You looked at the window trying to avoid looking at where he was hiding. You were wearing a matching set of lacy black lingerie. You closed the curtains and dressed in a hoodie and some sweatpants and walked out of the house. Hayden’s figure quickly scurried down the street, as soon as you opened my front door. So you followed him.
You followed him for about a mile without him noticing, making sure to keep your distance and hide when he looked in your direction. You finally reached his apartment, where he entered his house in a hurry. While you hid behind a tree across the street. His apartment was the first floor making it easier to see in between the slightly opened curtains.
You could see slightly into his bedroom as it lights up, he enters pulling off his hoodie. You hurried across the road, and climb up to his window. And knock on it lightly. He jumps and opens the window to see me glaring into his eyes. He opens the window with a frightened look on his face.
“What are doing here.”
You enter his room as he helps you up. You stares at you with a blank face, unsure of what’s going on.
“I know what you’ve been doing” you whisper as you move closer to him.
“I don’t know what you’re taking about.” He hesitates
“Mmh, you sure?”
He stands closer to you, now towering over you looking down at you full of desire.
“What is it exactly you think I’ve been doing?”
“You’ve been watching me do some naughty things.”
He couldn’t help but smirk.
“What naughty things,” he teased as he lifts up your chin with his index finger as his stare softens and you feel your panties become wetter.
“You’ve been watching me play with myself while I thought about you, and you never even offered to help me. Because I know that I could fulfil your desires and you could fulfil mine.”
He tilts his head and lightly bit his lip. You pushed him onto the bed and slowly climbed onto his lap while running your fingers up his bare chest, sending shivers through his body.
“I haven’t stopped thinking about you ever since I first saw you.” You said as you took off your hoodie revealing your lace bra. You felt his half hard cock turn fully hard beneath you. His hands slowly moving up your thighs to your hips caressing your soft skin with his thumbs, rubbing them gently across your soft skin.
You slowly started grinding against his hard on in his pants. He gasped softly. You stopped momentarily and took off your sweatpants chucking them across the room. Leaning down to his ear and begun to unzip his jeans.
You whispered “I gonna make you feel so good.”
Before he had a chance to say anything you pulled down his pants, along with his boxers. Revealing his long, thick hard cock with pre cum resting in his tip. Shock flooded your face when you saw the size of it. Hayden smiled at your reaction. You went down and licked the pre cum of his cock, sucking the tip of his dick made it twitch, as your hand wrapped around the bottom slowly stoking as you teased his tip with your tongue. Small whimpers left his mouth, which made you hungry for his cock. But you wanted to tease him more than ever now that you had him.
You removed your mouth from his cock, and leaned back over to his ear. You licked your hand before bringing it down to his dick. Stroking ever so slowly. His chest now moving up and down from breathing so heavy. He caressed your body with his hands moving them from your hips to your tender breasts. The way his mouth slightly parted made you soaking wet.
“Tell me what you want.” You asked
“I want you.”
“You can do better than that.” You started stroking faster. Whimpers left his mouth. “Tell me what you want.”
“I want to fuck you so hard, I want you to cum on my cock and show how good I can make you feel” He spat out.
“Mmm, really.”
“Yes, i want to be inside you so fucking bad.”
You stopped stroking his dick and he moaned at the loss of your touch.
“Don’t stop.” He whimpered
“Why should I keep going.”
“B-because I want you so fucking bad please.”
You started jerking his dick again as whimpers started escaping his mouth with every stroke.
“Tell me again”
“I want to make you cum so fucking hard, rub your clit until it’s so sensitive and your legs are shaking, fuck you so hard that you won’t be able to walk in the morning-“
You cut him off again by stroking his cock faster. He became a whimpering mess.
“Uuuh, f-fuck.”
You could feel him twitch him your hands you know he was close. So you stopped.
“So needy” you laughed “Show me. Show me what you want to do to me.”
Without a second thought he grabbed your hips and flipped you over so now he was on top of you, he shuffled his pants and boxers all the way off. Before slamming his plump lips into yours. The kiss was unimaginable, so messy and sloppy, yet so gentle and lustful. His tongue was fighting for dominance and won easily, slipping in and out. He lightly bit your bottom lip and pulled away slightly and you moaned at the sensation.
He started kissing your neck leaving small hickies all over.
“You’re mine and I’m gonna show everyone that.” He said with his lips pressed against your neck.
He started moving down to your breasts where he lifted you up to unclasp your bra. Be for you knew it he had taken it off and thrown it across the room.
Leaving hickies all over your tits. He grasped one breast and lightly twirled your nipple between his fingers while sucking on your other nipple. He lightly bit your nipple making you moan, he did then moved to the other one to do the same thing. Your breasts felt tender and your nipples were hard.
He moved down your stomach leaving love bites all over while caressing your tits. Before he reached your panties. He ran his fingers along the brim of your panties and teased at them. You could feel your pussy throb as he got closer.
He bit on your panties and grabbed the sides sliding them down of your ankles. He came back up and spread your legs, and kissed your inner thighs leaving more hickies all over you. He leaned moved up so his face was inline with your pussy and placed a gentle kiss on your clit.
“Please Anakin.” You moaned
“Now look who’s the needy one” he snickered
He leaned in and placed another kiss on your clit, sloppier than the last. Before his tongue between your folds. You squirmed and whimpered at his touch.
“You’re so wet for me baby.” His said against your sopping pussy. Sending vibrations through your whole body. His voice and those words together made you feel so weak.
He moved back up to your level and smashed his lips into yours. You could taste your residue on his lips.
“Ready baby.”
You nod as he begins to align his cock with your entrance.
“Use your words darling.”
“Please fuck me Anakin.”
“Good girl.”
Before you could say anything he slammed into, and began pounding into. Tears filled your eyes while moans escaped your mouth, you had felt nothing like it. How his big dick filled you up completely making you feel light headed. You swear you could feel it in your stomach. He tilted your body up to get deeper inside you, while his hands rested on your hips moving to and from your ass. While your hands explored his hair yanking it slightly and him moaning when you did it.
Pleasure coursing through your whole body as he would almost pull his cock all the way out before slamming back into hard. Leaving no room for you to form words. Just moans that echoes throughout the room. Hayden’s grunts and moans becoming more aggressive as he sped up.
“You’re taking me so well, you feel so fucking.”
You moan louder at his words, his voice did something to.
“Yes…Hayden,” you moaned as he hit your g spot.
His thrusts began to get sloppier and you could feel his dick twitch inside you. You knew he was close and you were too as your pussy clenched.
“Fuck… Hayden I’m gonna cum.”
“Me too princess.” He moaned
He moved his right hand to your throbbing clit and started rubbing circular motion over it bringing you to your climax. Your juices spill all over Anakin’s cock as you moaned his name, stars entered your vision as the pleasure coursed through your whole body. As Anakin was about to pull out you spat out desperately “No cum inside me.”
Anakin smiled and only took a few more pumps before his cock twitched and his warm seed filled you up as he moaned. It oozed out of your swollen pussy. He pulled out and laid next you as you both tried catching your breath.
“Holy fuck. That was incredible.” You managed to spit out
“I told you I would make you feel amazing.” He smirked “You took me so well darling.”
You squirm at his words and lay your head and his chest. Simply at a loss for words for what just happened.
Please let me know what you think, I’m sorry if it isn’t great this is my first time writing smut :)
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