#yes i know this would probably be impossible im just saying it would be funny
sonknuxadow · 8 months
i think it would be funny if post unleashed sonic could still turn into the werehog with the difference that it only happens when he wants it to and he only ever uses this ability when he thinks it would be really really funny for him to go werehog mode in that moment
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ultimateyapper · 4 months
anyway, here's wonderwall. | chapter one
[ chapter 2 ]
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were you truly mentally prepared for what would unfold in hotarubi? it couldn't be any worse than having a gun to your head right? despite the late hour, it's nearly impossible to get what taiga said out of your mind.
there's a mole.
but why would there be a mole at darkwick? who would it be? someone you know? a friend? how does taiga even know this?
there's officially too much on your mind to get any sleep.
yawning, you turn over to pull your phone off the charger. it was cute with an adapter shaped like a cat paw. the smile kaito wore as he handed it to you was full of pride. he said he got it "just because". it was clearly a lie after luca suggested it was consolation for skipping out on training but it's funny remembering how red he got afterwards. it was a sweet gesture but how does he expect to pay off his debt if he keeps buying things "just because".
the screen lights up and after blinking away tears from the initial brightness you read the time. ten minutes after midnight. maybe there's something interesting on wickchat? there wasn't a lot of time to check during the last mission.
eventually you make it to your messages. only a select few people are active due to the late hour and kaito is one of them. you can see him typing in your group chat. the one he made after the mission in frostheim. you temporarily left the chat while talking with taiga. although, in all honesty, trying not to get killed by taiga would fit better. you had texted him more than 10 minutes before you came to his room. yet still a gun was pointed to your head for the third (maybe fourth, you were losing track) time that week.
with complete and utter seriousness he claimed he "didn't know any honor student".
how many times did he expect you to introduce yourself exactly? you considered being a smartass and just saying a fake name. instead you decided to move, slowly so you didn't set him off, and show the texts.
suddenly the blonde started spamming the group chat in all caps, lighting up your phone with vibration after vibration. something about getting his point across to that dumbass, who you're assuming is probably luca. in hindsight, you could've just turned notifs off but when taiga was clearly starting to get pissed off you went with the quickest option. upsetting the guy with a machine gun for a special artifact isn't exactly at the top of your to-do list.
( #1 peekaboo fan )
im surprised to see luca up this late
the conversation comes to an abrupt halt. three dots circle at the bottom of your screen followed by a cat emote waving hi.
( kaito ✮ )
hiii : D
i added you back earlier btw i dunno why you left but it was probably an accident right??
wait sorry did i wake u up
mb 💔💔
( Lucas Errant )
I suppose it is a bit strange, yes? My conversation with Kaito must have made me lose track of time haha
( #1 peekaboo fan )
yeah you're usually knocked out lol and dw kaito i was already awake : )
( kaito ✮ )
ohh ok lol
i can't sleep either
( Lucas Errant )
You can't? I thought you said you were going to sleep because I was boring you.
( #1 peekaboo fan )
( kaito ✮ )
bro you were talking about fun facts and shi
ofc i was nodding off
( Lucas Errant )
My apologies. I assumed because of your life at home you'd be interested in it.
( kaito ✮ )
no not really
( #1 peekaboo fan )
( kaito ✮ )
he was telling me about farm life as if i didn't get enough of that at home
( #1 peekaboo fan )
wait you grew up on a farm!?
( Lucas Errant )
I'm really interested in the culture. In the U.K I took horseback riding lessons but I've never seen any other farm animals in person.
( #1 peekaboo fan )
ooo that does sound fun
pigs are really cute
( kaito ✮ )
you would take horseback riding lessons
( #1 peekaboo fan )
you didn't like it there?
( kaito ✮ )
i mean... i liked being able to help my grams.
she's older so she needs that support
but in any other scenario??
nobody is getting that muddy for free
like you won't say that when you have a bull sprinting at you full speed
( #1 peekaboo )
this visual... 💀
( kaito ✮ )
bro 😭
( #1 peekaboo fan )
nah but fr
luca if ur interested you should volunteer at jabberwock
it's not the same but it's close
haru could use the extra help
( Lucas Errant )
Working with anamolous creatures would be an interesting learning experience. I'm not familiar so one day if you're free?
( kaito ✮ )
( #1 peekaboo fan )
i'll show you everything i know ^_^
( kaito ✮ )
just the two of you?
( Lucas Errant )
I'm glad! I'll be available tomorrow during advisory. We have the same class right?
( #1 peekaboo fan )
yeah I'll meet u and we can go from there!
it's a date :3
( kaito ✮ )
( #1 peekaboo fan )
u coming with?
( kaito ✮ )
yeah I'll come
( Lucas Errant )
I do worry if this is suited for you Kaito, but if you feel up to it I won't stop you.
( #1 peekaboo fan )
yea u don't like getting dirty right? you don't have to if you don't wanna
( kaito ✮ )
no it's fine i'll just try not to get anything on my uniform and
...keep an eye on him
( #1 peekaboo fan )
( kaito ✮ )
( #1 peekaboo fan )
right so
see y'all tomorrow
im gonna go to bed
( Lucas Errant )
Yes, me as well. I wish both of you a good night's rest.
( #1 peekaboo fan )
seriously get sleep kai or im going to get you
( kaito ✮ )
promise? 😳
an emote of a cat waving goodbye signifies the end of the conversation. that's that you suppose. haru wouldn't mind right? he did really need the help. he's impressively good at what he does but you can't help but feel that he overexerts himself. maybe before you go you should text him to—
you nearly jump out of your skin. below you a soft yet prickly sensation is revealed to be a cat, pawing at your leg. the cute little thing is an orange cat with light spots along it's body and tail. as soon as your attention is fully away from your phone it jumps on your leg making you laugh.
it makes no complaints as you scoop it into your arms and cradle it close. it's a bit surprising to see one of the campus cats being so cuddly. they're friendly but very independent as chancellor cornelius had said. most of them don't linger for long, always busy with something else. this one is is a bit smaller though so maybe it was still new to the school.
the vibrant orange of it's coat of fur is reminiscent of the cat who fixed your window. where did that one go off too?
you finally lay down for the night. the warmth from your new companion lulling you to sleep as he settled on top of your chest.
in the morning you'd call haru to let him know you'd found some extra help.
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rt-lots · 11 months
i want a baby update in stardew valley NOWWWWWW
i was just talking to my dad about how i want to do more stuff with the babies in stardew valley so i decided id make a post detailing all my wishes. if you know me personally you know that my biggest dream is a sdv-esque game where relationships r the focus and the farms the second thing, so these ideas probably would fit better in a game like that. but I DONT CARE and i LOVE THE LITTLE BABIES and i WANT TO PLAY WITH THEM
i want to take my baby everywhere if its a newborn i understand keeping it in the crib all day, but i wanna carry the baby!!! even if i just hold it over my head like an item. i want to carry my baby and interact with villagers and have them go "aww cute baby!" or if my characters a boy i want clint to go "aw haha babysitting today are you?" and i want to go "NO!!!!!!!!! IM RAISING MY CHILD!!!!!!!!!!!!!"'" and then put down my child and beat them up. when the baby is a toddler i want them to be able to follow me anywhere and ride on my horse with me (or, alternatively, have to run really fast behind me to catch up with my horse) and i wanna be able to take my child to the mines, and if i get knocked out in the mines, i want my spouse to fucking berate me and drop me down to 4 hearts and im NOT JOKING!!!!!!! THERE'D BE A WHOLE SPEEDRUN CATEGORY FOR IT AND EVERYTHING DONT YOU SEE THE VISION?
i want to play with my baby it can just be an animation of the farmer sitting on the floor with blocks or something, and it can serve no purpose other than to pass the time IDC!!! we could play hide n seek on the farm or tag with my spouse and other kids or there could be a little minigame like journey of the prairie king or something. but with babies. i want it to be EXACTLY journey of the prairie king actually, i think you should be able to teach your toddler how to play like in abigails 2 heart cutscene and its ai is like so fucking bad at the game cuz therye 4 years old and you have to carry it thru all the levels. i wanna go to the beach with my baby and have them have a cute little animation of them splashing in the shallow water or watch them chase around my dog. i want goddamn COCOMELON ON THE TV!!! ANYTHANG!!!
i want to make npcs babysit my baby i want it to be a requirement that your kid has to have someone looking after them. by default penny is like the only npc who will always say yes so its not Fucking impossible, but if i have like 8 hearts w someone i should be able to go to their house, baby in tow, and ask "hey can you look after my baby?" and theyll say yes but like it or dislike it depending on who they are. i want funny dialogue about what my kid said or if they missed me if we have low hearts. i want to force my farmhands to babysit my baby too. again i want my spouse to drop hearts with me if i go leave the baby unattended
i want to teach my baby things ive never really cared for the babies growing up past toddler age, but i want to teach them how to do things. i want them to get up at like 12pm, waddle outside, stare at a singular tile of plant for 40 in game minutes before holding the watering can above their little head and spilling it everywhere on the dirt. i want to buy my baby a teeny tiny fishing rod and teach it to fish, and i want my baby to fish exclusively trash until its level 9. i want my baby to plant wild seeds in random spots on the farm and get sad if they dont bloom. i want to take my baby to the goddamn mines !!!!! i want my baby to give me random things it picked up. and if i let slimes in the house i want that baby to FUCKING KILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this has been a list of things i want in the stardew valley baby update. everyone hates the kids but i LOVE having little babies running around and i want them to do more. and i think i want to do more things with my spouse too while im at it, and i also want to hug my friends. but one thing at a time. one baby at a time
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I just finished reading The Endless Nights for the first time and I need to scream about it first if all it's incredible, there is so much that I love about it, and also a lot of stuff I don't really understand (like for example what really happened to Delirium), but this fucking killed me:
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Desire was Dream's favourite sibling? And they did that to him? Like Dream's own grudginess aside, I too would have been so pissed at my sibling for something similar.
well that's the thing, right - we don't know if that was desire's fault
mocking him for it, yeah, that was on them, but killalla's actions? dream has always assumed that desire is the one interfering in his love life, but we know a lot of those assumptions are false - desire finds dream's failed love life funny, but they rarely actually interfere in it to cause misfortune
(nada is the only one we know was definitely them, the rest dream just jumped to that conclusion)
and like. yeah, either way their comment was cruel. but they're also surprised after that dream took that so badly, and i do wonder what dream's sense of humour used to be like that it matched with theirs? like dream specifically uses the word funny. and dream and desire have always been so similar, the only real difference between them is that dream views mortals as people he is duty bound to care for, whereas desire views mortals as their playthings. and killalla's one of the first mortals ever, so back then those differences hadn't had a chance to conflict
and i think the interesting thing about dream and desire's feud is that it's impossible to know who really started it. yes, it's entirely possible that desire caused killalla's infidelity entirely to spite dream because it was funny, which is what dream thinks, and he becomes convinced from then on that desire cares for nothing and will take every possible opportunity to fuck him over
but knowing everything we do about desire, if i had to look at this from their perspective, it's also entirely possible they didn't do shit. they thought it was funny how easily mortals succumb to base pleasures, in the same way people might laugh at a video of a pet doing something dumb, because they do not view killalla as dream's equal and probably never did. so when dream gets all offended over them essentially going haha look what your pet did they take that as wow he can't take a joke okay he really needs to get over that one if he's taking that personally
and both of them stick to those initial assumptions and every single thing they've done to each other has been because of those assumptions, getting more and more reinforced every time desire does something cruel to dream and every time dream's ego causes problems for everyone particularly himself
(and like. im not saying desire's in the right here, but i'm also not sure early dream really understood that his girlfriends were people either, see again: nada. like, he changes his mind on nada so fast in season of mists because death pushes him into looking at things from nada's perspective - the first time in 10000 years he's ever even thought to do so. they're on an entirely different playing field here from human morality and it took dream a while to step down from that, desire is yet to do so)
as far as delirium goes, i also have emotions (and an explanation) about that! we're never actually told what set her off, some upheaval in her life (i do wonder how recently after the end of this comic that was, and if it was grief over dream that did this), but strong negative emotions for delirium have always been what pushes her to be less lucid (they're actually what caused her to change from being delight), and this was one of the worst. she got entirely lost in her realm, trapped in a haze where she was no longer even close to resembling a person, just a cloud of delirium that was giving off waves of mind rending power - not even her siblings could get close to her without losing their minds. but barnabas came to find dream and dream recruited volunteers from the people who'd already had their minds touched by her, who were already lost in her realm and thus couldn't become any more broken by getting close to her, to go in and find her
(and we've seen dream navigate delirium's realm, he's pretty good at it, because it's similar to navigating the dreaming - you don't use logic, you can't focus on physical direction or you'll get lost and you being lost will create something terrible, because you navigate them through emotion, through impulse, chasing one feeling as it turns into the next. so dream just had to tell them to focus on a little girl who's hurt, and they'd find her. which they do, and connecting with delirium and bringing that comfort of you're not alone helped pull her back into consciousness. and once she was back to herself, she could lead all of them out, which is why we see those people heal and come home after so long)
(and god i wanna know more about this situation, because destruction came back for her. this is after everything, after destruction left for good and delirium was really hurt that he didn't come back, didn't even show up for dream's funeral - this could also be the inciting incident - destruction came back because del was hurt. he's not taking up his mantle anymore, he kept his word on that, but he promised the family he'd stay and look after delirium until she was feeling better. he didn't come back when she was so sure he would, but he came back when it mattered, because he cares about her so much)
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pesterloglog · 9 months
Jade Harley, Roxy Lalonde
Act 6, page 6291-6297
JADE: excuse me but did you just "laugh your ass off" at me under your breath
ROXY: ummm
ROXY: yea
ROXY: maybe
JADE: :|
JADE: i fail to see what is so amusing
ROXY: u do
ROXY: seriously?
JADE: .....
JADE: ok i guess the situation is a little funny because of this absurd folder
JADE: and the fact that i woofed at you probably didnt help either
JADE: but im not here to share a good laugh over the old ladys sense of design or her penchant for scrapbooking!
JADE: i am here to make sure that you do as youre told
ROXY: ugh
JADE: now take the file and review your assignment
ROXY: i already looked at it
ROXY: its dumb and impossible and i aint cooperating w her regardless!
JADE: yes you will
ROXY: can we change the subject
JADE: no
ROXY: arent you jakes grandma
JADE: thats what he told me when we were pen pals
JADE: but i think its more accurate to say im his alternate universe biological daughter
ROXY: oh
ROXY: that clears that up then
JADE: yes, it does :p
JADE: now take the damn folder
ROXY: so alt grannydaughter english
ROXY: whyre u part dog + evil lookin
ROXY: what
JADE: my surname is harley not english
JADE: but you may refer to me as jade, or ma'am if you are feeling especially nervous and deferential
JADE: which as it turns out is the way you should be feeling about me, ALWAYS >:B
ROXY: jade i am in no way buying that ur normally this pompous and tyrannical
ROXY: the shtick rly doesnt suit you its so obvious
ROXY: why you doin the batterhags tacky bidding anyway
ROXY: she got you under an xtra terrestrial fish spell or
JADE: open the file
ROXY: mrphmmphumph
ROXY: fine :(
ROXY: ok i opened it
ROXY: hey look its the same shit as before
ROXY: im supposed to make this weird knobbly spike ball appear out of nothin
JADE: yes
ROXY: ok got it
ROXY: let me give it a shot then
ROXY: ...
ROXY: welp still impossible
ROXY: what now maam??
JADE: it is not impossible
ROXY: is 2
JADE: you are the rogue of void
JADE: dont you know what that means?
ROXY: i dunno
ROXY: means i can turn invisible and stuff?
ROXY: like the blonde in that crappy superhero quartet
JADE: it means a lot more than that
JADE: your true powers are more impressive than those of anyone else in your crappy quartet
JADE: in fact i would say they are almost as cool as mine >:)
ROXY: not sure the ability to make weird spikeballs outta nothin is all that cool tbh
JADE: not just spikeballs!
JADE: imagine that your title is roughly synonymous with "one who steals nothing"
JADE: what do you think it means to be able to steal nothing?
ROXY: it means
ROXY: im like a shitty cat burglar who sucks at her job?
JADE: it means just the opposite
JADE: it means you can steal the essence of nothingness from something
JADE: you can rob nothingness from an idea if you put your mind to it
JADE: effectively allowing you to conjure virtually anything out of thin air
ROXY: omg
ROXY: u cant be serious
ROXY: that is way too much superpower 4 a dork like me 2 have
JADE: grrrrr...
ROXY: oh no
ROXY: pls dont growl @ me dogjade
ROXY: is legit frightening :(
JADE: im sorry, but your remarks of self deprecation made me very angry
JADE: once i was even more of a dork than you
JADE: but now i am one of the most powerful beings who has ever existed
JADE: i dont want to hear any whining about what you think you cant do
JADE: you are hereby under strict orders from myself and her condescension to "clam up" and conjure that orb, do you understand?
ROXY: so im just supposed to
ROXY: sit here and think about this ugly ball
ROXY: and twiddle my fingers or somethin
JADE: you tell me
JADE: space is my racket, not void
ROXY: maybe it would help if i knew what the dang thing WAS
ROXY: how am i supposed to steal the nonexistence from a concept when the concept only exists in my mind as "ugly ball"
JADE: its called the matriorb
JADE: it is the key to resurrecting the troll race
JADE: once you create it the empress will hatch it on an uninhabited planet located beyond the reach of her cruel employer
JADE: there her people will have another chance to thrive without the ever looming threat of extinction that comes with his influence
JADE: so you see roxy, there is nothing noble about refusing to help
JADE: once an entire alien race went extinct because of a terrible monster, and you can help give them a second chance
JADE: dont you want that?
ROXY: um
ROXY: in theory sure i guess
ROXY: but ur basically asking me to bring a lot of people back to life so they can be slaves to that witch
ROXY: u want me to help make all these fresh new trolls but then just turn em over to her? like here you go have fun SNORKELBITCH MEGAHITLER
ROXY: i do not actually think i wanna do that??
JADE: yes fair enough, but heres the other thing...
JADE: if you dont i am going to kill you
ROXY: oh noes
JADE: oh yesses!
JADE: a literal plurality of yesses
JADE: seeing as you are a god tier it is very likely you will come back to life
JADE: so i can just keep killing you over and over a different way each time
JADE: maybe i will disembowel you a few times
JADE: i will not even need to use my sharp doggy teeth!
JADE: i will just snap my fingers and your delicious guts will teleport outside your body
ROXY: ew!
JADE: no way more like yum
JADE: i will just keep on killing you again and again
JADE: until you finally get tired of dying and follow your orders
ROXY: maaan
ROXY: evil jade is sucky jade
JADE: i believe you will find i am the suckiest jade there is
JADE: now we are going to be here in this cell for as long as it takes
JADE: i am not going anywhere until you try doing your voidey thing and make something appear
JADE: is that understood?
ROXY: blehhhh
ROXY: fine
ROXY: why u gotta be so awful jade
ROXY: really putting a cramp on us makin choice new friends w each other
ROXY: oh well here goes
ROXY: all twiddlin my fingers and such
ROXY: busting out tha MAJYYXXX! prayin up a storm to the holy wizardchrist they aint fake...
ROXY: alright check it
ROXY: one jank ass space egg coming up
ROXY: this is not a space egg
JADE: no, its not
ROXY: balls
ROXY: guess i effed up my void spell
ROXY: what is this thing
JADE: thats a perfectly generic object
ROXY: its perfectly generic?
JADE: yes
ROXY: dunno about that
ROXY: looks like a green cube to me
ROXY: with like
ROXY: slightly beveled corners
JADE: thats what a perfectly generic object is
ROXY: couldnt something theoretically be more generic than this
JADE: how
ROXY: um
ROXY: i dunno
JADE: exactly
ROXY: :\
JADE: if you want your powers to reach their full potential youre going to need to become more familiar with the fundamental building blocks of ideas and how they translate into more complicated thoughts and forms
JADE: then it becomes a simple matter of using your abilities to snatch those concepts from unreality
ROXY: sounds too hard
ROXY: better start killing me repeatedly and get it over with
JADE: we both know you dont think its too hard, you think it sounds like an interesting challenge
ROXY: dammit!
ROXY: (fucken jakes wily bitch ass grandma)
JADE: this is a very good start though
JADE: with a little practice im sure our empress will have her orb in no time
ROXY: well at least i know i can make a whole lot of these boring cubes if all else fails
ROXY: hey maybe ill build a sick fort outta them
ROXY: hehehe jade tell me that wouldnt be so baller
JADE: it would be fairly baller
ROXY: fyeah
JADE: keep trying for that orb though
JADE: i will return in a while to review your progress
JADE: and remember, dont get any funny ideas
ROXY: but p much all my ideas are funny
JADE: i mean dont try to escape!
JADE: even if you are invisible i will be able to track you down instantly
JADE: my sense of smell is very good
JADE: now if youll excuse me i have some business to attend to
ROXY: what business
JADE: i am still trying to locate my brother
JADE: but im having trouble picking up his scent
JADE: hes using his windy powers to obscure the trail and its giving me fits
ROXY: windy powers eh
ROXY: who is your bro?
JADE: woof!!!
JADE: i mean shoosh :x
JADE: that is enough questions from you
JADE: now i believe you have a space egg to conjure
ROXY: (mumble mumble egg mumble shove it grumble)
JADE: what?
ROXY: (mumble mutter my fat ass)
JADE: farewell roxy
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additiva · 29 days
it's so captivating and it was nice seeing glimpses of what happened in real time gets transpired into the fic like the inchident and the AD interview (with a twist). it's so fun because after reading it once, i read it again and i can literally visualize it in my head and like i can see what facial expression they're eliciting, which is basically what i've been doing the whole fic like your words just materializes in my mind and it literally feels like a movie in my mind
i admit i've seen some spoilers about the end and who gets the wdc but i don't think that really mattered because i was literally shocked by how it happened like my jaw literally dropped and i had to put my phone down
also i was shocked when charles said that the monaco crash wasn't intentional, and max was also shocked because it looked really convincing, especially from what max was thinking and the way he kinda acted after that lmaoooooo
and then natalie!! omg my queen!! im glad charles has a co-conspirator/schemer now lmao but more headache for max, but not really lol the laugh i let out when max saw her in charles' room, and his immediate thought was that charles stole her from him lmao tbh im not really sure if i expected that because i keep coming back to when max was in the middle of a pr meeting and he was like, where is the red headed pr officer?? so i was like,,, is she going to show up again?? and bam she does, but now in red lmaooo
also!! i love the little debrief kinda between max and lewis in AD every season!! i think it kind of shows the way how max kind of grows? idk how to explain it but the way he talks to lewis and like how he interprets what lewis is saying idk i think each time he matures a little bit lmao
one last thing because this is getting long im so sorry!!! so like for me, in the future, because of what Happened and how max is no longer kind of blind to what CH did and kind of standing on his own now, and because of what he and charles (and maybe basically also lewis and seb and others) are trying to do in like having a safer environment within the sport, i feel like the scandal gets brought back to life, and then legal shit happens and then CH gets outed,,, do you think that CH would step down (on his own volition cause he's Bad, or forced by the people) and then like maybe seb will come out of retirement and be the new tp? idk fghjkl that's what came to my mind after max's talk with him
again, thank you for this wonderful fic <3 thank you for the little recaps - they were sooo funny to read i loved each one <33333
(also i idk if you have the feature toggled on, but i apologize if you were bombarded with emails of me leaving a comment every chapter - i had to let out my feelings somehow lmao)
Ok, bottom to top.
I don't have emails turned on, I just check it 30 thousand times a day 🤍 don't apologise it's my favourite thing in this world when someone does what you did and reacts to each chapter as they read. Cannot describe the joy it brings.
I don't know what happens to CH, tbh. It would be nice if he's forced to step down. Realistically, I don't think it would happen even in the fic, but there'd definitely be renewed scrutiny and the team and F1 would commit to improving going forward (probably without ever admitting to any past wrongdoing).
Would love tp Seb. It's not impossible.
Lewis haunts Max in so many ways lol. 🤍 He loves to antagonise him a bit.
Natalie had to come back lol. Poor woman, thinking she was getting away from Max. Charles did steal her, just unknowingly hehe. She's Max's paralysis demon, but she adores Charles and his scheming. She had to join the support-team properly.
Yes, Max was shocked about Monaco lol. He was so sure Charles had done it on purpose. And then everything afterward...
🤍🤍 I hope you were surprised in a good way. I agonised over how it would happen for so long. But I wanted Max to look up at Charles' under the podium, like Charles did to him in Monaco before they ever even met. That was really their first ever interaction.
So much of the fic is from real life. Lots of things they say, lots of things that happen in the early races, etc. I'm glad you liked it that way hehe
You're so sweet, that's such a lovely compliment. I hate the feeling myself of reading something and not having a clear idea of what's going on, so it's important to me that there's clear imagery 🙏
This was such a nice message to receive, I'm going to save it. Thank you so much for sending it, and for loving the fic, and especially for your comments I enjoyed them so much 😖😖🥰🥰 they're such a gift.
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adidegmez · 2 months
spn s11 spoilers
s11 ep1(out of the darkness, into the fire)
crowley isnt dead he cant be. yes he is still alive. old dean is back. i love him he might be tough but he is sweet carina and kind and funny… sam is sick. baby has the mark!!and the darkness which makes sense.
s11 ep2(form and void)
A demon(king of hell) came for exorcism, perfect. poor jenna i liked her. im glad sam find the cure. cas will be better, hopefully.
s11 ep3(the bad seed)
Rowena is very short compared to Sam. Actually, everyone is much shorter than Sam, but I don't know, the height difference between the two is too much. Next to Sam, I would be like Rowena. he is too tall. Cas survived, finally.
s11 ep4(baby)
baby. baby is their home. baby is their happy place. i love seeing them happy. i needed seeing them happy, it was nice. john! werepire, i love dean so much. i would want to ride baby. if dean knew what she did he couldve killed her. this ep made me feel like i was with them in the baby. He shot the sheriff's deputy. ghoulpire:). The baby suffered as much as Dean and Sam. i thought we would see Chuck.
s11 ep5(thin lizzie)
finn wolfhard. I've never seen anything with him in it before but I know he's in Stanger Things and Ghostbusters. I didn't know we'd see him here. Len is a good guy. what happened to crowley?
s11 ep6(our little world)
cowley became an uncle but he acts like a father. dean and crowley they were bff's(in crowleys eyes). i hope they could still be friends. why didnt sam kill demons?
s11 ep7(plush)
i love donna. Sam is right to be afraid of clowns, by the way. is Charlie really dead? i still cant believe she is dead.
s11 ep8(just my imagination)
i knew about sully (because i saw spoilers,again). i thought this ep was going to be funny. and dean blames himself, again. dean is the best big brother. i kmow sam is dealing with something but all i can think about is dean. lucifer is coming, god isnt. The boys never found complete peace. They probably won't be able to access it until they die. I really want them to be happy but it seems impossible. Sometimes they have small happiness but it is not enough.
s11 ep9(o brother where art thou?)
amara finally became the darkness. if lucifer is in the cage where is michael/adam. hi luci. lucifer might be the most terrifying thing in this Show(especially in this episode). Dean should go to Sam as soon as possible. Did Rowena cast the spell wrong on purpose? Dean has to be there if Sam is going to say yes to Lucifer. If God comes, he will deserve every bad thing that happens to him. How many times was the world destroyed? He did not interfere with anything. he still doesn't interfere. Amara may be a little right, her brother betrayed her after all. Of course, there are parts where Lucifer is right. It's better if he doesn't come from now on. Where and what was he doing all this time?
s11 ep10(the devil in the details)
voicemail was funny. well, lucifer is not that terrifying now. but in cage he was. im not sure the darkness is the bad guy. i knew cas would be the vessel to lucifer someday but i didnt know it was today. wow. cas will be back(hopefully). rowena is dead im not upset. she really hates crowley. i hope lucifer can beat the darkness.
s11 ep11(into te mystic)
They had an deal but never followed it. But once Sam complied. Why? I still can't understand this. Dean was in purgatory. If he was in heaven, I would understand, sam would say Dean is in a good place and leave it, but Dean was in purgatory and suffered a lot. Why didn't Sam save him? dean is the vulnerable one. the darkness threw him off balance. and cas(lucifer) misha is so good. and jensen and dean he is georgeous. I can't take my eyes off him, most of the time I just look at Dean in every scene he is in. There are 4 seasons left and I want to see as much of him as possible.
s11 ep12(don't you forget about me)
jody and alex they deserved to be happy and they found eachother and now they are happy. and claire. dean and his love for food. claire is like a sister to winchesters, they are hilarious together. I miss the old plate, I still can't get used to the new one. I can't even say it's new anymore, but KAZ 2Y5 was different, idk. It was used for about 2 seasons, but I liked it more.
s11 ep13(love hurts)
dean has a death wish. what is he doing. why is he risking his life for others? well thats because this is who he is. still i want him safe. i didnt think dean would tell the truth to sam.
s11 ep14(the vessel)
i still cant believe Charlie is dead. misha is amazing. im scared. lucifer makes me anxious. well, at leat they kearned about lucifer. boys went through so much they still suffer, when can we just see them happy? i want cas back.
s11 ep15(beyond the mat)
dean was deppesed at the home but when he is on case, he is in a completely different mode. he sure knows how to hide his feelings. he does this perfect. Still, it makes me happy to see him happy. i love dean so much. sometimes he acts like a little boy(These scenes are one of my favorite scenes). i dont trust the demon who helped crowley. im glad he is out but i think lucifer wanted him out. did crowley really believed her? he looks disappointed. well, in the end he got away. dean:). The good characters on this show have all done something bad at least at some point in their lives. but they always tried to fix it. And that's what I love about this show.
s11 ep16(safe house)
i missed the old guys(They'd definitely be mad at me if they heard me call them old). i loved them so much. Why did the woman hide the scar on her daughter's leg and didn't tell the Winchesters? its really nice to see bobby and rufus again. dean is bobby, and sam is rufus it fits. sam and dean, of course they are bobby's boys. Dean was very confident that he would win rock paper scissors. but he still lost. Both of their facial expressions were perfect. dean is soft with kids. I love this side of him so much. i know winchesters will be safe, they'll beat the monsters but what if they cant this time. I assume bobby and dean saw each other since they were out of time in the nest. I'm glad bobby and dean were able to see each other again.
s11 ep17(red meat)
When we jumped to 48 hours ago, I thought we would only continue with that time. This time they chose a different narrative style. and i liked it. im gonna kill corbin. he killed sam. he cant be dead i know but still he killed him, well mabe he is dead, but he will come back. they always do. sheriff shot dean. sam how are you alive? i knew he wouldnt die that easy but dean checked he thought he was dead. how is he alive? i thought dean would try to contact crowley or even lucifer. wow sam was amazing. He killed 3 werewolves despite being seriously injured. and ran. dean didnt talked about billie because he knew sam would kill him for that. winchesters really do anything for the other one(exvcept one time sam didnt and i really cant undertstand why).
s11 ep18(hell's angel)
Why did Crowley kill that man? ruth conell! i knew we would see rowena again. but she is with the darkness. misha is amazing. lucifer is funny. Jimmy carries a demon, an angel and the devil inside him. he is really strong. of course you'll bring cas home. he'll come back. he has to.
s11 ep19(the chitters)
i thought jessie saved his brother in 19.. . at first i thought they were dean and sam. i think dean thought about john. when he was talking about revenge. I have many things to say about John, but I'm lazy right now. I can only say that I still don't hate John right now, I see that people in the fandom hate him a lot. revenge broke him. But he still tried to do good things for Dean and Sam. Most of the time he couldn't make it happen, but he tried and wanted it to happen. And I think that's enough not to hate him for now at least.
s11 ep20(don't call me shurley)
hi Chuck:) . i knew he would be god someday. but i don't know if he was God from the beginning or if God took his body in later times. i thought he would come in later seasons. i didnt think he would come this season. He spills beer on his shirt and irons it. perfect dean, perfect. metatron was good then power corrupted him. now whe is trying to convince god to save people. he is right. i think i like him more than chuck(god). Was Chuck just an act from the beginning? This is what I can understand from here. Metatron defends humanity. I guess he always loved humanity. especially their work. Was Sam having the amulet from the beginning?!! i dont know what to think about chuck. He could have done so much, he could have prevented so many bad things, but he didn't. only now intervened When there is no hope left. and again dean and sam was suffering. they almost died again. i think metatron saved the earth.
s11 ep21(all in the family)
kevin!!!!! the pain in deans eyes… donnt cofuse me with your dad … at least john winchester tried to protect his kids. Chuck did nothing and He still wouldn't have done anything if it wasn't for Metatron. He would let everything disappear. Did Chuck's hand shake when Sam was talking about Amara fog, or was it just me? yes, the mutant Ninja turtle:). i love dean so much. i know i say this a lot but these scenes make me so happy. I wish Dean treated Chuck the way Percy Jackson treated Zeus. There is Poseidon to protect Percy, but no one can save Dean from Chuck (except Amara, but Dean prefers Chuck to Amara), so he tries to show respect. rip metatron. he sacrificed himself for the universe. i knew Chuck would save them. Because who else could save them? father son Reunion.
s11 ep22(we happy few)
Chuck and lucifer I can't stop laughing. Chuck know his son well. boys dont know what to do. I think the Winchesters are reviewing their lives right now. From simple monster hunting, they fell into the middle of the drama between God and Lucifer. lucifer is a teenager. Of course, Crowley is trying to take advantage of the situation. Chuck is acting like a mom. The apology scene is so good, especially the part where Dean and Sam explain the apology is my favorite. lucifer is happy now. he got his apology. Of course Sam is trying to sacrifice himself. It was going to be either Dean or Sam anyway, but since Amara and Dean had a bond, this job was left to Sam. i dont think ucifer s permanently dead. he'll retur probably. did she just kill god?! what happened to crowley? Did he only hit Amara once? i cant think anyone that could save them now.
s11 ep23(alpha and omega)
carry on gains more and more meaning every season. i love it so much. cas is back! cas is their brother and i like it. Did only the Man of Letter members in America die? Are there still other members in other countries? Dean's imitation of Rowena was very good and funny. amara is just confused. her brother betrayed her because of who she is. this really feels like the end. i know its not but still it was never like this. this Show is always about family, especially siblings. there is always dean and sam then Michael and lucifer now god and the darkness. its really beautiful. i like this ending. i knew mary was coming back(i saw spoilers, again) and i know that this isnt good. she should've stayed dead(like dean and sam remebered her). sam isnt dead. he cant be. Charlie didnt come back i still cant believe she is dead. I don't think I will ever believe it. even mary retuned why cant she.
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sunfish999 · 7 months
The nitty gritty is watering down katara's character so she's just a meek girl ? Your lying If you really think that's the same character. The producers said they would take an axe to the main characters and that's where the show really suffers...also nothing is perfect people like you is why we get stuck with mediocrity
?? I finished episode 5 but what😭 how is katara just a meek girl, i feel like yes she has a little less rage but other than that she shows that shes smart and powerful and her own person? Explain what is watered down i feel like animation usually over-exaggerates facial expressions and voices for the most part, so i’m not surprised that katara has more subtle strength so far, and also the actress has a very kind face, but i think shes still able to show some of that anger. (I havent watched the water master fight yet so maybe thats where you’re talking about, so i cant speak on that)
Idk what taking an axe to the main characters means (like really cutting them apart? Cuz i doubt they would promote a show by saying its gonna be bad but who knows). But i feel like the characters are all pretty accurate with how they carry themselves, of course they’re younger so acting wont be perfect but i think the imperfections are what brings them to life. I know a lot of people hate the writing, i feel like it’s quite similar to the show? (Though its been maybe 3-4 years since i last rewatched it) and some lines especially from something previously animated are gonna sound awkward in real life, which is why generally i believe live actions arent necessary for any animation, though in this case i’m really enjoying just rewatching atla and my childhood be brought to life.
Nothing is perfect: ok i was using perfect mostly because i was very excited about it, of course i know theres things that could be changed to improve it but a lot of those things are impossible (like you cant get an actress thats EXACTLY katara and will make everyone happy, because shes a drawing) but overall, i think the landscapes come close to perfect (i’m just really into fantasy scenes and i think it’s so beautiful and impressive to see things like the omashu supply rail and the air temple come to life. And zuko’s boat looks so awesome and so accurate too.) And i thought the cgi looked slightly silly at first (especially air) but then i realized that we were always seeing drawings of aangs air in the animation which would look even stupider irl so i made my peace pretty quickly.
People like me is why we get stuck with mediocrity… hm. I feel like my opinion probably has nothing to do with what comes out on tv, especially because in this society haters have the real power, and you guys tearing it down are more likely to get it cancelled. I don’t think any production team takes an animated film or show and thinks ‘yea im gonna make this absolutely awful,’ (though i’m really not sure what they were thinking when making the pjo movie, its good as a standalone but they went so off course from the plot…) of course they’re all just trying to fit what they think into the show and express their own opinions, which are ultimately going to be a lot different than some people watching it.
Overall, ok i haven’t watched the og in years, so my memory on comparing each episode of the show to the live action is not going to be at the level of others (which i think boosts the enjoyability 100x over). But as i watch it, i remember tons of parts of the animation, and it makes me super happy that it has the same air as the show, albeit slightly more serious because they can’t fit all the funny filler episodes (if they ever created a live action lost appa episode i would lose it that cannot happen).
Maybe i sounded rude in my original post (i changed it quickly bc it was very angry at first lol) so sorry i know you’re all entitled to your opinion, it’s just i was SO EXCITED and then checked the tag on tumblr only to see that everyone hated it… i always feel inferior to people who really like films etc because i tend to enjoy things that other people hate, (like i really enjoyed the avatar way of water movie even if it was super long, and i know people DESPISED it). So maybe i seem like someone who is satisfied with mediocrity, and maybe i am, i focus mostly on the backgrounds and beauty of movies because im really into art and much less on acting and script (though i can appreciate beautiful characters, i was Blown Away by live action suki and hair down sokka my jaw dropped fr) i agree i am fairly simple to please in terms of this type of thing.
SORRY THIS IS GETTING QUITE LONG IM SURE U WONT READ IT ALL but i hope ur finding joy in life since live action atla is obviously not doing it for u
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queenburd · 1 year
which of the skip button ending monologues are your favorite and why?
they all cause me pain
The first one feels very Lewis Caroll, very Alice in Wonderland. It's fun to me for that reason.
The pain of the self awareness in "Oh my god, and it's all because of those reviews! Why did I have to fix the problem?" is one that means a lot to me because it's relatable. Desperately trying to please everyone will never work.
"I'll give it all up, I'll give everything up, I just need to know someone is listening, because it means I am alive," also hits hard. I have had dissociative moments that reflect this! Needing to know someone can see you, or hear you, and acknowledges your presence, is so significant as a person with Trauma (TM)
"But they didn't understand the game was never meant to be funny!" is probably the top contender, though. Because even tho the narrator is talking through his ego, enraged (tho he denies it "Im not mad, THEYRE the ones who are mad" like. babe), he's.... kinda right.
"And then, because it was said, because it was spoken, now it simply has to happen! The most immediate desires, every single thing demanded by every person at every moment in time - if someone wants it then it's a crime not to bring it into being? Have we been given to indulging every fleeting whim for no reason other than to do so? Yes, yes!
It seems that this is now the world we live in! It seems that we are a people living in such bleakness and discomfort with ourselves that our entertainment is now our lives! It has come to represent us! It absolutely must speak to who we are as people!
Because otherwise, without our entertainment, we have nothing! Without entertainment, we would have to face inward toward the cruel bleakness inside ourselves. We would turn to look at our deeper nature and find a resounding emptiness gazing back with unyielding aggression.
And so - so because of this - we require that our amusements, and our play things, and our flights of fancy be so impossibly captivating, that they consume all of our attention, turn our heads completely away from the bleakness! In effect, we have demanded that our entertainment be the collapse of ourselves."
There is a level of truth to this--that isn't to say that this is a universal, human issue, but it is 100 percent a capitalistic issue. We live in such a bad way right now that we need fleeting, all attention consuming media as escapism! it's so difficult to have the time to do more involved, more deeply satisfying activities, and when everything is at the touch of your fingertips with tech, and there is a constant grind, it doesn't seem feasible.
it's sad that he's right. it's a great point to make (that I think CrowsCrowsCrows was aware of when they wrote it) and I will never stop thinking about it.
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misqnon · 6 months
being 14 and stupid is a valid reason. i too was 14 and stupid at one point
i get really jealous when my fav fictional characters get into a relationship (assuming i like them romantically) and so .. best for me to not ship them.. and also best for me to not fall for characters that will get together with someone. loz:totk spoilers but seeing sidon got married actually broke my heart..... i was so sad...
ACTUALLY PHOENIX AND MILES DO HAVE A RIVALRY UR RIGHT.. i dont ALWAYS hate enemies to lovers. but they were friends first.. and then they became friends again. so i think i categorize them differently in my head
kidd becoming king of the pirates sounds pretty impossible to me because.. i fully believe luffy will do it. but i can see how it would happen if like. luffy gets the one piece but doesnt take credit for it or something. i could also kinda see a route where luffy, kidd, and law all reach the end point together
in the world of pirates i guess most can be forgiven. i definitely DO forget abt how awful some characters were so his way of just rewriting them to be nicer ... kinda works..
u might have linked the wrong video bc i dont remember him saying anything about sanji's eyebrow swirl. maybe i wasnt paying enough attention,, i do think i like partially noticed that oda's signature has sanji's eyebrow swirl but ... yeah that is VERY telling
"and i want to beat him to death with hammers . who said that" LMAO i can relate..
AGHH U WORDED IT SO WELL.. "zoro is boisterous." YES HE IS... UR SO RIGHT.. like he has a lot of quieter moments post timeskip but when hes loud hes LOUD,, i watched episode 2 which is the buggy episode (idk if he shows up later or not) but i did Not Hear the fuck... i mustve filtered it out. too used to hearing cuss words..
RIGHT, they did a great job with the casting. trans koby is so good..
"thank you for showing me!! :D" <3 :)
i found out google had a record of a bunch of accounts that used my email with passwords that mightve been compromised. like . i found that a while ago. but i couldnt log into any of the accounts because . well probably because they WERE compromised. and half of it i was just like ... i dont remember this.... im just living my life with probably a million accounts on various websites that have been stolen. actually my og minecraft account from when i was 9 was stolen.. it was heartbreaking.
THAJK U i will enjoy. i will.
gasp . i.. that is very sweet of u to offer, thank u. my music taste is honestly really hard to pin down i think.. from what i have gathered from other people
"some people have said it seemed fake/forced" noo 😭😭. iñaki seems too genuine for that. i fully believe he was actually that excited. i think he just kinda has that awkward... dare i say autistic... energy. so his interactions with people probably seem forced no matter what. i am just speculating though
was it the zosan comic because i had seen that on my own timeline like 5 times already before u reblogged it LOL
genuinely i think its just because i have dissociative amnesia ahjdhs. but i do think its a funny story to tell people... like yeah... i forgot....
my gender evolution has been genderfluid -> cis girl -> genderfluid -> cis girl -> genderfluid -> cis girl -> trans man? -> trans man who uses he/they pronouns -> transmasc -> nonbinary/transmasc (i usually say nonbinary)
and now i am questioning my gender again. the grind never stops 💪🔥🔥
i say im non binary bc i . gave up. like i am so sick of trying to figure it out ... ill just use the biggest umbrella term.
i do remember that guy who keeps showing up on the sbs for his extremely perverted questions about women... and i would actually send in a question for the sbs but I don't know japanese and he doesnt answer questions that arent in japanese. or so i have heard. i could use a translator though so maybe im just making excuses
it IS a bop.. thank u for the context i heart when ppl tell me things so im not confused. i havent seen rupauls drag race.. i did mean to at one point and then i .. forgot about it
OH PERFECT. MAGISTRATE OF SANJI!!! u get to sit in a courtroom full of sanji fans and judge ace attorney style cases
u havent even gotten to the death pact though have you?? LMAO
YES perfect. i agree its probably just cuz oda wants them to be more intimidating but thats not an interesting reason to me .. i want canonical reasoning behind the heights
"bisexuality of man or whatever" is so funny ..
i like dofuwani too but yeah i think they only really interact during marineford?? i think listing out what ships i like would be hard cuz i LIKE a lot of them but dont Care About most of them.. i care about shuggy.. and recently sanuso.. and ofc hanyagellan. i think thats it tbh. im way more likely to care about characters themselves rather than ships.
"im ngl hannyagellan is like a funny joke ship to me but if it becomes one of those crack ships u acciddentally get attached to im gonna be so mad (i wont be mad itll be really funny)" this is pretty much how i feel... like i was joking and i think its turning into . not a joke... i think im starting to be serious.....
i also miss kuina. like she barely appeared but she has such a big impact.... i wish . she. hadnt died. also i think about how her father's last words to her might have been that she can never be the strongest swordsman, because she was born female. i hate that guy... (her dad). i have seen people say her dad killed her or something and i dont like that theory. first of all i dont think her dad is evil like that. i think hes just your regular sexist dad lmao. but also i feel like it cheapens the impact of her death.
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this panel is so good and. like. idk i feel like him realizing that humans are inherently weak is so important to his character.. thats why he protects weak people. because he sees his childhood friend in them. or thats my theory anyways,,
somewhat unrelated but i have always been amazed that people can imagine amvs/animations/stories while listening to music. like my aphantasia isnt that bad but HOW... doesnt the music block out all your thoughts... thats what it does for me...
ur probably right that it really was a gender thing im just.. huffing copium. im coping. i cant handle the reality that he might also be a sexist jerk
i think seeing plays is fun but being part of the production is way more exciting. i love getting to see all the behind the scenes work and like. i like being able to work with my hands a lot. and when i was spotlight for a few shows . that was so exciting. this is kinda lame but i get chills super easily from watching things (idk how else to explain this. chills. goosebumps. because im excited.) so whenever i would watch the shitty high school theatre productions we did i was still like. so proud of all the work that went into it. and i got chills every show. most of the time i didnt get to watch the show though because i was moving things on and off set. watching plays on youtube is so real.. i watched uh.. "natasha, pierre, and the great comet of 1812" on youtube. it was still very fun to watch. but yeah in person will always be better
NO i agree i dont rly think of robin as a mother either. i honestly dont like putting the parent role onto any of the older straw hats.. like why cant they just be cool older friends. an older person and younger person dynamic doesnt always have to be parent and child. i cant find the video but have u seen that video on youtube that has a bunch of sanji mother moments... its so cute..
ateez and stray kids were my favorites!!! not sure how familiar u are with kpop .. slang?? but i was ot8 for ateez (as in i liked everyone) and with stray kids changbin was my favorite. i still love them but they arent my hyperfixation rn. i was into bts when i was uhhh.. 12??
the video u sent seems fun and i will watch it after i finish this!!
*points* zosan liker.. /lh. i have seen quite a bit of themetalhiro but idk if im following them or not!! the other ppl i am not familiar with so yippee new content
i have plenty op thoughts i can share!! im honestly not good at asking questions so i tend to just say things n hope whoever im talking to can jump off whatever i say,,. i try to stay away from anything spoilery ofc but so many of my thoughts r spoilery... which is why i havent been throwing them all at u. and also some (a lot) of them are just .... law centered..... and ... u dont like him like i do... (which is fine ofc) i just dont wanna be annoying JSHRJ
ok this isnt really a theory or anything like that but i keep wanting to tell people about this and i am barely restraining myself so . i will tell u. ace sabo and luffy are called the asl brothers right? and ace... died.. my brothers and i also have the initials asl. or we did. but my deadname starts with an a.... my deadname and ace have something in common (theyre both dead).
thats not really anything but i just find it to be a very interesting coincidence . i like to think about it.
ok heres an actual thought. sorry if it sounds awkward. some of this would be spoilery so i will just not include it but. pirates are all about dreams. they have big, lofty goals that they dont usually tell people about, probably out of shame and embarrassment. in sabaody it is hinted that kidd and killer told people that they were going after the one piece, and they were laughed at for it. not many pirates are like luffy, who proudly proclaims that he will be king of the pirates and find the one piece.
i find it really interesting that crocodile is hinted at having had a dream that was only possible through taking over alabasta. and enel's dream was to get to the "endless varse", even after being defeated he still headed towards his dream. he just ended up going alone. big mom's dream is a utopia where every race can live peacefully together. they all are willing to do awful things for the sake of their dreams.
but again, the difference between luffy and these other people and their dreams is that luffy is not hurting people in the pursuit of his dream. he isnt causing a bunch of people to suffer. in fact, he is doing the opposite. he has continuously been shown to free people from their oppressive rulers, and he crushes the dreams of those who are willing to sacrifice innocent people to achieve their goals.
i dont really have an end point to this but i think that the differences are kind of proof that luffy is going to actually succeed. because he is good at heart. because he doesnt kill people for the sake of his dream. and also i pity the people he defeated. like yeah theyre awful. but i cant help but wonder what crocodile wanted. i cant help but think about what kind of circumstances led them to that point in their life
uhm uhmm yeah... i will think of questions to ask u.. so that u dont have to worry about asking Me questions..
"also p.s. there is never any pressure to watch any of the videos i link it is more for a sourcing purpose unless u actively want to watch them" i watched them anyways!! but i rly appreciate this .. tbh, usually i wont watch something when someone asks me to (pda autism perhaps), but when u say theres no pressure im like "oh. ok. that means i can do whatever i want.." and then i end up watching it most of the time. bc i am curious.
sanji is such a mess... i love that first image what a goofy face . i wish i could send videos through asks cuz i have.. a video from the 4kids dub saved.. that i think is funny... maybe i will send it another way. but alas. i will give u this instead.
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i felt similarly when they almost married off sanji. but i really like pudding too. also hey why the FUCK did they make her 16-!!! (will never not be mad about it. they'd be kinda cute together if she wasnt tbh!!)
yea i assume the theories that are like “buggy will find the one piece first” or “kidd will become pirate king!” all assume luffy will do it in the way that matters. i COULD see the worst gen trio reaching it together but part of me really wants all the strawhats there when luffy finds it 🥺
i absolutely couldve linked the wrong video its been a while since i watched it lmao SORRY U SAT THROUGH A SANJI VIDEO FOR NOTHING
okay but regarding zoro THIS VIDEO IM IN THE MIDDLE OF WATCHING SO I KNOW ITS THE  RIGHT ONE. around 25 minutes in he starts discussing opla zoro’s issues and at 26:12 he brings up a little zoro recipe card that is exactly what we’ve been saying HAHA and dw u didnt miss the fuck its later on in the season.
all these stolen accounts….all around me are familiar faces…worn out places…..
i dont think inaki gives the impression of being autistic but with english being his second language he may just have that slight hesitation of understanding his brain working out the the english (and this is just ME suspecting and i could be totally off base) but especially in the oda video where everything oda says is translated through japanese to english but his first language is spanish kvnkd. i dont mean to imply i think hes bad at english or anything but when ppl say stuff to me in spanish (which i took for a few years) i always have to mega process it in my brain first
“was it the zosan comic” [hangs my head in shame] m..m…..maybe.,
your gender just “i forgor..”
LMAO THE GENDER QUESTIONING GRIND. WE ARE ON IT TOGETHER MY BROTHER. mine was like. cis girl -> demigirl -> still demigirl but casually bc i kept forgetting -> questioning?? -> genderfluid?? or bigender?? is where i currently am at. 
he has mentioned a couple questions as being from overseas, but idk if they were sent in english originally and translated or what. we could Try
so to be fair i have only seen one season of drag race (i think it was 7. the one with kim chi) but i watch trixie and katya a lot so i absorb their knowledge. i really like drag. i kinda wanna try it someday 🧍
“OH PERFECT. MAGISTRATE OF SANJI!!! u get to sit in a courtroom full of sanji fans and judge ace attorney style cases” i literally. feel like i know exactly how this would go.
(for legal reasons (haha get it) this is a joke bc all of these have nuance too them ofc. i think he’s very cool sometimes. but other times he is a LOSER. and . i guess i should give oda credit for like. making him,)
I LIKE SHUGGY. I WOULD LIKE CROSS GUILD AS A POLY SHIP MORE IF IT DIDNT FEEL MEAN WITH HOW OFTEN THEY BEAT UP ON BUGGY AND ALSO BC I THINK BUGGY BELONGS WITH MR. RED HAIR. the dynamic of shanks being desperate and pining over buggy while buggy thinks he hates him/knows but still hates him. is so funny. i love a onesided ship tbh
kuina gives me a lot of feelings. i love her and everything she stood for. and her time with us as the audience was so brief but we remember her too. i like thinking about what she could have been if we got to see her grown up bc she was such an awesome kid. to influence someone like zoro too. and yea koshiro seems generally pretty cool but that was FUCKED UP and im gonna be mad about it forever. i’ve also heard that “falling down the stairs” in japan can be a way of getting around saying it was a suicide and when i first got into the fandom that was compelling to me but now i dont like it bc. she wouldnt have done that. she made her promise with zoro. she was probably feeling more hopeful about her dream than ever. but then…one small accident and she’s gone. it fucks me up :/ it fucked ZORO up. ive never made the connection that thats why he protects weak people…ah . i think to me kuina made a promise, and zoro takes promises very seriously. he’s very blunt in that he takes things at face value and so a promise is an ironclad thing. i dont think hes stupid and cant tell when someone is being deceptive but i think he thinks deception in that way is kind of unhonorable. 
IF I MAY in one of my fics i set aside part of a chapter (titled zoro alone. hehehe atla reference) and wrote this about zoro and kuina. its very simple and doesnt dive deep but i like it 
“Zoro looks up from his walk along the path. Even in the near afternoon sun, the forest and its surroundings are grayish from the fog. Something snaps a twig. He glances over and spots a buck hopping through the forest in the distance. 
Dreams. Ambitions. Drive. Do what that day stole from Kuina. Defeat Dracule Mihawk. Become the world’s greatest swordsman- for both of them. They’re lofty goals- but he can achieve them. There’s no use in doubt or regret. 
He finds himself in the clearing. That same damn clearing from the first night. In fact, if he looks closely, he can still see the imprints of his boots, paced in circles in the dirt. It’s infuriating. This isn’t a good sign for his current navigational endeavors. Nonetheless, he perseveres, heading the way he remembers Sanji to have taken them yesterday.
Kuina. He doesn’t think of her as often as some might think. He doesn’t dwell on the past, only reflects on it. Today he is reflecting. The day he waited for Kuina by the lake, only for Koushirou to come instead. There’s been an accident, he’d said. She’s gone, he’d said. She’d been sick. She’d tripped. She’d fallen down the stairs. 
Zoro remembered how they’d overworked themselves the day before, training together. He had some childish thoughts that day. Impulsive and hurtful. He tried not to have those anymore. He instead wanted to focus on achieving what they had set out for themselves: their promise.”
i am always imagining amvs in my head to music. i make ANIMATICS in my head to music. but do i ever actually make those things….no. i do not
as a sanji liker i am huffing copium everyday. dont worry. dont worry about it. [streteches out my hand] lets take ibuprofen together
i agree actually! theyre a family but not literally. the mothering some of them show is just cute. and um YES OF COURSE ive seen the sanji mother moments video. god esp pre ts he was so damn cute sometimes 😭 im reading ur message and seeing some of ur posts now and i just feel like this 
“u like sanji now dont u rowan”
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i think for ateez my friends favorite is seongwha…and my other friend’s bias in ateez is…i dont remember actually,
I LIKE LAW!!! LAW ME UP!!! IM THE MAGISTRATE AFTER ALL!!!! ksjncdkj no but really he isnt one of my ABSOLUTE FAVS but i really like him!! and after corazon…….law is just very compelling ok. i saved the hawaiian shirt comic to my phone as well btw. 
omg…rip to ace and also ur deadname i suppose…thats kind of funny. 
about ur thoughts on dreams: i…forgot crocodile had a dream beyond alabasta. i thought he just wanted power bc hes sand and its a sand country so it would be perfect for him. plus the poneglyph. now im really curious…i wonder if it relates to his backstory and the possible trans-ness of it? i mean…hm. the poneglyph was weapon related,...idk . croc backstory when…
and ur right about that! luffy is selfish and he’s not a hero but hes also NOT INTERESTED IN BEING NEEDLESSLY TERRIBLE…bc he’s after freedom and what use is it if u destory the freedom of others while searching for it for yourself? undermines your entire goal
i see ur video and i will respond to it shortly but man i DONT KNOW IF I CAN DO IT. HIS 4DUB VOICE PAINS ME PHYSICALLY
speaking of videos. i have a playlist where i put my fav one piece shits. again u do not have to watch any of these. but feel free to peruse
also HERE’S SOMETHING: the other day my friend asked me what i think the one piece is…and having not even reached joyboy/nika shit yet (i shouldnt know about that but alas. spoilers aplenty on the internet) i was freeballing but:
my friend @ liliflower137 had a crack theory that the one piece should be gold roger’s bug collection and with luffy’s love for beetles and the sense of adventure instilled from that i was like. i actually would not be upset at all if that was the case
so i think it might be related to…joyboy/nika/ the SUN…i think maybe its like a. a hat maybe. thats my guess. sun hat. from the original joy boy. its not a good guess but its all i HAVe
also…why do they call him bartolomeo the cannibal. i swear they didnt say anything about him eating people upon introduction. they just call him that. did i miss something. why is bartolomeo called a cannibal and yet when i, big mom, 
to end here’s a good zoro meme for u 
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finitevoid · 9 months
to begin: im sorry for kinning edelgard and im sorry about your wrist “What about micaiah” Ive thought about her and i didnt know what to say about sothe so i just didnt. my mind immediately jumps to sothe being in middle school and then i lose my shit and stop thinking about micaiah. they are the same age? But ….. the vibes…..? Maybe theyre just sou//wen (From irl lore)
What i did establish is that micaiah is also in the group home with stefan and soren its like a literal final fantasy house in there. micaiah gets limited contact with them because Girl (foster care 1984) but generally stefan is fond of her and soren tolerates her more than in canon because he grew up with her and shes not lighting his troops on fire. She still gets on his nerves because she’ll just start psychoanalyzing him out of nowhere and he hates that but its kind of a greil mercenaries type environment for him where this is kind of his family but its Not ike
branded group homes are pretty common because either youre bigoted against the branded or you dont want the load of trauma that comes from fostering/adopting a branded child. Most adopted branded were charity case infants from countries where theyre especially marginalized (please save the branded children from gallia. THere is nothing loaded about our perception of laguz countrys persecution of minority groups and lack of insight into our own). the yank branded children in the states of crimea are kind of ickier and get adopted less. foreign or not once they hit age 6 in the system they are demon children no one wants to adopt. Notably a good chunk of the branded population is foreign born because of this + asylum seekers. Even if they get adopted 7 times out of 10 its kind of a fail adoption story (maybe beorc savior complex religious people adopting foreign branded children dont always have the best interests of the child in mind and are prone to fostering superstitious beliefs about the children they adopted). ps Soren and micaiah were taken from daein and cant run for president now :(. soren was an infant but micaiah is proudly a daeinite (yet another reason for people not to trust her) Yes they were all in iep connections together where micaiah a couple of times per year off her meds would poke sorens legs with sharp scissors. Otherwise she was usually chill
also...... post the rest of the videos in the pictures channel?
my wrist does that its ok . and dont be sorry about that. Im glad you kin a woman i think thats progressive #girlboss #vriska
did she make soren bleed with the sharp scissors or was she just being a little silly. either way soren probably wants her dead for that. i like that in this au he gets to grow up around other branded people i dont think it made him more normal or anything but its something. The three of them are like the branded crew and thats their social niche it actually sounds like hell on earth
i think sothe being just younger enough than her that (if? when?) they start dating everyones like Um.... but cant say anything is really funny. but also. micaiah voice Sothe give me your hand... theyre so much bigger than they used to be(they are the Same age). is also funny. either way they are insane. sou//wen from irl lore indeed. sothe leaves for a week to go on a vacation with his parents and micaiah cries
i dont have anything to add to your detailed worldbuilding regarding the displacement of foreign branded children in crimea due to anti branded sentiment and then being seen as charity cases that beorc parents take in to feed their savior complexes until they get old enough its impossible to forget that they are people and then they live in group homes until adulthood. Yeah. Thats deep thank you
also i just did i made a google drive with all of the videos bexause i dont remember which ones i posted lo l
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Oh crap all of the info I had on Floserds was on my tablet...
Welp, looks like I'll be spitballin off of memory...
Floserds have 3 categories for traits (as I can remember)
There are:
Common traits
Uncommon/Rare traits
Impossible Traits/traits they cannot have
Common Traits
Common traits for Floserds split into traits they always have, and traits that they don't always have, but are just common.
Some traits that are always there are their hooves, their flower tails, and their paw beans (though it is strange that they even have beans, since cows dont, but hush)
Traits that are more common than always there are their udders, spots, and their horns, so some Floserds are udderless, some are spotless, and some are hornless
Rare Traits
Then, there's the uncommon/rare traits. There's a chance these were separate sections, but I cant check lol, so they're the same until proven otherwise
There are many rare traits, but one that I would like to start off with are wings
I'm starting off with the wings because these wings are not exactly functionable. Sure, they can move, but they don't work with flying. It's just a weird mutation, where the leaves of the herb became wing-like features. You can't have a flying Floserd.
The wing trait is 2 large leaves on their back (I say large because theyre not regular flower leaf size), which can be small, or medium in size compared to the Floserd. They can't be bigger than the Floserd, and again, they don't actually work to fly.
Some more rare traits are 2 or 3 tails (which must be the same flower/herb), and different fur amounts, which can be slightly fluffy (ex. Chamomile), medium amount of fluff (ex. Rose, which is the name I went with for the Tundra Floserd example), and very fluffy (which I didn't get to make an example for yet). There are also their ear lengths, which can be in a range of small (no ex), medium (ex. Milk, which is the name I decided for the Quadrupedal Floserd example), and long (ex. Chamomile, Rose, & Lily)
There are probably more rare traits, but I sadly cannot remember them all...
Impossible Traits
Finally, there are traits that Floserds can, and never will, have.
We start off strong with them not having those parts that people find 'hot'. No private parts, no badonkers, no weewoos (Im sorry I found it kinda funny to type that). The only genitalia(?) they have are buttholes, and that's that. But yeah they dont do the do. They dont partake in hanky panky (I am never typing that one again)
Secondly, they can't have more than 3 tails. This means you cannot have a Floserd with 4+ tails, only 1-3 tails.
Thirdly, the ears cannot be excessively long. It can be small, and it can be long enough to go slightly past the shoulders/at the shoulders, but it can't be so long it's touching the ground. (So if you imagine Billie from Billie Bust Up, you can't have a Floserd with ears as long as them
Fourthly, the horns also can't be excessively long.
Look at this bull for example
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this is how long "excessively long" would be on a Floserd, so a Floserd cannot have horns like this
The longest horns they can have would probably be this (another bull image) (+ smol babey):
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Fifthly (which I technically already went over), no functioning wings. They can have leaf wings, but they can't fly with them.
Sixly (which I dont think I actually had originally), no other markings. All of the markings Floserds can have should be what cows can have. So spots are an example, but any cow marks (I don't know what other cow marks are called, so just search up "Cow markings" and go off of that. If you see a cow image w/ a barcode, don't even consider making a floserd w/ barcode marks, cus that image doesn't count. Yes I did see a cow w/ a barcode mark put on it when I searched up cow markings)
There's probably more, but when/if I get my tablet back working, then I'll check & see if this is accurate, and I'll edit this if it's not
(Oh yeah also they can wear any accessory, like a small flower, a hat, a bell, and a bandana for a few examples)
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vinnybox · 2 years
Do you like Danny Phantom?
If so, I wanna know what you think would happen if the Batfam adopted Danny in a Talon Dick au where Dick has wings. (I want this specific au crossover for some reason.) Any headcannons for if that was the situation?
DANNY PHANTOM BELOVED <3 Used to watch that when I was a wee kid
I hadn't seen the show in forever and I don't remember much anymore .·´¯`(>▂<)´¯`·.  I've seen a lot of fics with the crossover but I hadn't read any of them yet. The concept is COOL tho n I'd love to see if I can explore it one day!
at the moment I don't think I can offer much since my memory of the show is very fuzzy. If Danny were to be adopted tho, I think the gaggle of brothers are gonna get even more chaotic, especially with one who has ghostly powers that shoot beams and can turn invisible and do a whole bunch more.
Maybe I DO have a few headcanons of things in mind based on my... VERY limited knowledge for both Danny Phantom and Batfam 👉👈 Im doing this purely out of “What if?” and “This would be funny” mindset hGDSHD
Headcanons undercut!
Another son/brother with the ability to turn invisible? Cue the family getting startled when Danny and Dick suddenly appear out of nowhere. More sneaky stealthy brothers. Im sure all the batfam does this, but Danny and Dick probably do it more often than the others, keeping scores of who could sneak up on who the most. 
Danny using his cryokinesis (if I remembered correctly that he had this power) to prank his brothers like pelting snowballs at them or making his hands cold and touching the back of their neck (I do that with my friends cause our university is fucking COLD and my hand just absorbs cold a little too well). Danny did it once with Dick but then never did it again after Dick had a bit of a bad reaction since it reminded him of the time back in the court when they put him in the coffin or put him to sleep by freezing him.  (I think at some point Dick WILL eventually recover enough to not have as bad of a reaction to the cold after a few years or something. I want my hurt then going to path of recovery thing 😭) 
Danny tries to sneak up on Dick as a ghost and even while invisible, Dick almost always can tell where Danny is. It's like the cat staring at the wall kind of thing.
Jason: Goldie, what are you looking at? Dick: [Staring at one corner of the wall] Jason: Dick: Dick: Danny [silence] Danny, turning visible: uGH- how do you always know??
Even funnier is the reason Dick always seems to know where Danny is is because he'd just choose to stare at a random corner or part of the room where he thinks Danny is and if he stared long enough Danny just gets too awkward that he eventually reveals himself from Dick's literal unblinking stare. So Dick sometimes DONT actually know where Danny is half the time, he just stares at a part of the room and hopes he's right or close. OR he'd just be doing something and randomly calls out Danny's name, to which the chance of Danny ALSO being in the room is almost a 100%. Danny don't need to know that tho.
Tim also does the name callout thing too and Danny just assumes that Tim and Dick just KNOWS where he is. Bruce probably does this too but he likes to pretend he doesn't know where Danny is until Danny comes out to surprise him. Which, isn't much to be honest HDSGHD
Danny sneaking up on Bruce
Bruce: Danny? Danny, appearing: Boo! Bruce, not even startled: Oh! There you are Danny: You already knew Im here, don't you? And Bruce just laughs and confirms that yes he did know Danny is here.
Its hard to sneak up on the batfam I'd say, even with ghost powers, but on some occasion I think Danny could actually catch them off guard. Cass is impossible to sneak up on tho. (I'd like to touch up on the other's relationship in the batfam as well, just need to learn more about them)
Just like any members of the batfam, he receives Winged hugs, and Danny learns to help preen feathers. Its fun but oh my god there’s so MUCH. But I also think he’d absolutely get slap in the face with Dick’s wings if Dick isn’t careful. Other members of the family has had plenty of experience, trust them.
Cue moments where three brothers (Dick, Jason and Danny) are in the kitchen at 3 am and someone walks in on them and almost had a heart attack at 3 glowing pair of eyes.
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cynettic · 3 years
Hello, can I request a reaction with childe, albedo, xiao and diluc where their SO is pretty clumsy and one day, they (the characters) just snap and say mean things? Please end it with comfort or something nice, my heart isnt strong enough to handle full angst :')
Clumsy S/O x Genshin
Summary - As someone clumsy, the genshin boys often pay special attention to your little accidents and mishaps. One day they snap, comforting ending though ;-;
Pairings - ClumsyReader x Childe / Albedo / Xiao / Diluc
Warnings - A bit of possessive behaviour for Xiao- but otherwise, a tad bit of angst at the beginning of each one.
A/N - After I wrote Albedo’s hc I realized that seeing him angry… would be really hot. Might write up a degradation one after-
“Stop it! It’s not funny anymore!”
It wasn’t surprising that once again, you’d managed to trip on your own feet and now somehow the vase sitting on the stool next to the couch had fallen… and broke.
But it was the first time you’d heard those words come from him.
“What do you mean… stop?”
Childe had never said anything about your clumsy antics, always picking you up and laughing or teasing the situation off. On the occasion that you got hurt, he’d tend to your wounds and make you promise to be more careful. Of course there was always a next time, and next time, and text time…
Until Childe had enough.
“From falling- tripping over your feet and taking down everything with you! No one tumbles around this much… so either you’re just doing this for fun or- or…”
He began to realize after those words that he’d taken it too far. When glancing at your teary eyes and how your figure started to shake he knew he couldn’t take those words back.
He knew it wasn’t your fault, he knew you tried to be as careful as you could.
But it was so frustrating.
You were still laying on the ground from the fall, and he bent down to help you up. You didn’t look him in the eyes, and an empty feeling buried itself in his stomach when you stood up.
“I’m… sorry.”
It was you who spoke these words, shoulders still shaking. You knew it might’ve been frustrating or annoying for Childe.
The two of you are just standing there, Childe feeling ten times guiltier because you apologized, and you feeling terrible because you’d broken another vase and he’d yelled at you for it.
The two of you feel so bad about it- ;-;
It isn’t till Childe acts out and pulls you into a hug that you realize he felt bad for yelling at you. Sure he may have been frustrated, but it was only cause he was worried about your well being, he didnt want you getting hurt.
“Im sorry Y/n… I didn’t mean to act out like that. I know you're trying your best.”
“What happened.”
It was supposed to come out as a question, his eyes trailing over the mess of his lab and the sorry pitiful state it was in.
It didn’t come out sounding like a question.
Seeing Albedo angry of all things was only a myth among the knights of Favonius, a joke to Klee, and a topic never brought up to the citizens of Monstadt.
Albedo? Mad?? Impossible.
Well, you were living proof that it indeed wasnt a myth to see the alchemist angry.
“I fell…” was all you said in response to his glare. “I wasn’t paying attention and I tripped against the table… I’m sorry…”
Of course you were sorry, just waiting for Albedo to get home and maybe scanning the lab and all his experiments while he was away. No bad intentions, but unfortunately your bad habit of tripping over your own feet summoned itself at the worst moments.
Usually, Albedo would catch you with utmost ease. A reflex he’d learned from Klee before she went sprinting out to cause more of a ruckus. If you were to get hurt, he’d usher or carry you back into his house before patching you up. It was always quick and painless, but he made you repeat why you’d fell and how to avoid it.
Albedo wouldn’t be comforting you now.
“You fell?” He simply asked, his tone menacing enough to know that it was something important in that jumble of experiments. “You seem to do that a lot nowadays don’t you?”
You’re at a loss for words, “I’ll help you clean it up… I didn’t mean to-”
Not wanting to mention how the glass shards had cut your hand, you stood up with wobbly knees to start picking up the pieces of glass. You were sure your boyfriend had put a lot of work towards this, and you felt terrible for having ruined it all.
Albedo isn’t a savage tho.
He notices the cut on your palm, and your shaky figure as you begin to clean up the mess you’d made. He knows that cleaning up the lab as soon as possible is important, but you’re still his top priority.
“Come here.”
When you don’t immediately go to him, he walks to you. Taking your wrists and getting a good view of the injury. He tugs you to the doorway to get you fixed up, and realizes that you’re shaking, a little bit too much…
“It… seems I was a bit too harsh earlier.” He fully faces you, expression softening. “I’m sorry, I know you didn’t mean to, none of the items on the table were of any importance if it makes you feel better.”
Please let him wipe any stray tears if you do cry, he didn’t mean to sound so angry, and really doesn’t care too much about what was on that table. Poor man’s just had a tough day at work.
“I worry for you, every single minute of every goddamn day- every moment that my eyes aren't on you! Why don’t you make it easier for me and just sit still?!”
Xiao is protective.
That fact is known, its accepted, you might even find it endearing.
But Xiao has lived a much longer life than you, he’s seen the people he loves crumple and drain away. Watched them fade from his life one at a time, so he’s dedicated to making sure you stick around.
He knows that eternity isn’t an option for you, so he makes sure that the time you both have together is s a f e . Which means yes, he will catch you every single time you fall. Especially if it’s off the Wangshu stairs that you somehow always trip on?
The poor boy worries excessively for you, so much that he will try to hurry up the process of clearing out the normal hilichurls or threats that lie around Liyue Port.
But on the very rare occasion that you somehow end up into trouble without him there…
You don’t yell “Xiao” like he told you to, you know he makes such an effort on making you safe, a bit too much… you don’t want to summon him to every trouble you have. You’re independent, one scrape isn’t going to kill you.
“I’m fine,” you simply say when he comes back to find your whole hand encompassed in bandages. “Just tripped.”
Xiao is not impressed.
He worries too much, far too much, and seeing you brush it off when he tries so hard to make sure you’re never in pain- he wishes you’d just sit still, wait for him and not trip on your own feet when doing such mundane things.
“I worry for you, every single minute of every goddamn day- every moment that my eyes aren't on you! Why don’t you make it easier for me and just sit still?!”
You’re obviously taken aback by the statement, “Xiao?” You offer him a comforting hug, trying to loosen his stiff muscles. “It’s impossible from protecting me from everything y’know… I appreciate your worry but I’m fine.”
But that’s a matter that is strained between the two of you, and will continue to be that way until either Xiao somehow lets go of his protective anxious faze, or you just accept it.
Either way, the boy will continue to catch you when you fall. Even if you broke apart from him, left him, you’d still occasionally feel the lightest touch when you trip over your feet and feel yourself steadied.
“Are you doing this on purpose?!”
Just like Xiao, Diluc is fairly protective over you, especially if it concerns your health.
He’s often not quick enough to catch you, but instead picks you up in his arms and sits you on the table to make sure you’re not hurt.
You often get bruises, but nothing more serious. He makes sure to kiss them better- something you jokingly stated once, and he’s actually taken it seriously.
“Kissing it will make it feel better? You’re sure?”
Overall, Diluc was very understanding to your clumsy antics. Maybe even find it endearing on a hard day of work, either way, he’d never yell at you for it.
Until he had enough.
It’s exhausting, to hear something clatter and know that you’d probably tripped. Tripped and harmed yourself in one way or another, the options were infinite, and Diluc’s anxiety could heighten at the slightest crashing noise.
“Are you doing this on purpose?!”
Eventually it became too much and he asked you that exact question, hands tangling through his hair as he stared at you wide eyed, furious. There you were on the floor, just a single chair knocked down as you were beginning to shakily stand back up.
“No… of course not. I wouldn’t do these things for fun-“
It’s not like you enjoyed absentmindedly stumbling into objects, it just… happened. Diluc was usually so patient and understanding… so why?
“I know… it’s just...” he rubbed the temples on either side of his face with his thumbs, frown set in a line. “I keep worrying and worrying- every time I hear a noise like that…”
It doesn’t take long for him to sort this out through a conversation, and then settle that you need to be more mindful and careful, something you have to improve on. He will simply watch on the sidelines, catch you when he can, and coax you when you end up hurt.
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voiceless-terror · 3 years
I am so completely enamored with Danny as jons ex and I would be forever in your debt if you finished that
i wasn't expecting people to like this idea so much, its definitely one of my weirder ones xD since im not sure when i'll get around to actually finishing it (if ever) you can have a very rough chunk of it instead. you'll have to forgive any mistakes, im not up to editing it.
In a surprising show of athleticism, Jon ducks under Sasha’s chair before the specter of his past manages to see him.
Sasha swears at the action, backing up in her chair and peering down at Jon in bafflement. “What on Earth are you doing, Jon?”
Instead of answering her question, he backs up even further, tucking his feet out of sight. He thinks Sasha’s umbrella must be under here, and judging from the sharp point currently jabbing at his thigh, he probably broke it. “Is he still there?” he hisses, tilting his head to avoid bashing it into the desk.
“That- that man!”
A pause. “Tall, dark and handsome?”
Jon’s turn to pause. “I suppose you might call him that,” he replies stiffly. And it’s true. The man, from Jon’s brief, panicked glimpses, is at least six foot, with thick, dark hair and a bright grin.
And he looks exactly like Jon’s ex, Danny Stoker.
He’d done an almost comical double-take after a cursory glance; at first he’d thought Danny was the new hire, but this man was more angular, like a sharper, leaner version of his ex. So no, it couldn’t be him.
That didn’t stop him from diving under the nearest object, ergo Sasha’s desk. Not the wisest of decisions, considering his throbbing side, but he’s never been known for grace under pressure.
He’s not exactly sure why this fight or flight mode’s been activated- he and Danny had parted on fairly good terms, each recognizing that although they cared about the other, they simply weren’t compatible in the long term. They’d dated for a little over six months when Jon was a freshman, and he’d fallen hard.
Danny had been his first real relationship, and Jon was shocked that someone like him even looked his way. Impossibly handsome, incredibly fit, desired and envied in equal measure, and he dated scrawny, shy, insecure Jonathan Sims; the rumor mill went wild. They’d met at a party, and not even a good one. In a brief moment of liquid courage, Jon managed to insert himself into a group and fit in one snarky joke that sent Danny into stitches, the rest of the partygoers following his lead. For one second, Jon felt like he truly fit in, like he was someone worth knowing.
Danny had a way of making someone feel special. Big, romantic gestures, surprising him after class, taking him on little expeditions beyond campus. Jon didn’t drive, still doesn’t, and Danny wanted to show him the world outside of their privileged little campus.
But, like all of Jon’s relationships, it came to an end. Jon wasn’t ready for such overwhelming affection (didn’t think he deserved it, quite frankly), and Danny needed someone who could handle his fast-paced lifestyle. Jon was not that man. They broke up amicably, even if Jon shed a few tears in private, saw each other on campus a few times. Danny tried to reach out more than once, just as friends, but Jon’s never been able to handle more than one relationship at a time, and by then he’d met Georgie.
But now it seems the past is unavoidable, and standing near the circulation desk. Well, now walking in his direction, if the steady footsteps were any indication. Jon’s heart begins to hammer in his chest as it hits him that he is, in fact, hiding under a desk because a man who sort of looks like his ex is in his general vicinity. Coward.
“‘Lo!” God, even the voice is similar, if not as deep. “Tim Stoker. Reporting for duty.”
Stoker. Tim Stoker. Jon startles, slamming his head against the desk with a yelp.
Somewhere in his spiraling thoughts and throbbing head he remembers- Danny had a brother. An older brother that he adored. This must be the famous Tim- Danny made him out to be a saint, and though Jon never met him, he felt some fondness via Danny’s descriptions. But Tim’s going to have no fondness for him, especially considering Jon’s current position, hiding in pain under his coworkers desk.
“Pleased to meet you!” Sasha chirps, very clearly amused by the situation. “I’m Sasha James. And this-” she tugs at one of Jon’s legs, dragging him a few inches into sight. Jon buries his head in his hands and wishes he were invisible. “-is Jonathan Sims. We’ll be training you.”
“Excellent.” Tim’s voice holds the same good humor Danny’s always did, and sends a pang of nostalgia through his chest. “Er, you alright down there?”
“Yes,” Jon responds robotically, scrambling to his feet and standing behind Sasha’s chair, unwilling to meet the man’s eyes, lest he be drawn in. “I- uh, lost a pen. P-Probably left it in the copy room, I’ll just be going...there.” With that incredible performance, he fled.
And only tripped once on the way out.
So Jon’s kind of cute.
Tim doesn’t normally go for tiny disgruntled academics, but Jonathan Sims is an interesting fellow. He’s got a reputation for being the ‘problem child’ of the Research Department, awkward and prickly and always available with a snide word. He wields his books and files like a little suit of armor, and the only person he’s seen him open up to is Sasha. Besides their little conversations, Jon is all work and no play.
Except with Tim.
Sasha says she’s never seen anything like it, with one of her secret little smiles. Jon’s always staring. Usually, the man can’t hold eye contact to save his life, but he’ll spend full minutes looking at Tim when he thinks he can’t see. The first few times, Tim would turn around and smile, but that practically sent the man into convulsions, dropping his papers and jumping out of sight like a spooked cat. It was funny the first few times, but Tim pitied him enough to ignore it now. He hopes Jon enjoys the view.
God forbid he ask the guy a question. Jon will look around the room, as if waiting for someone else to answer, when it’s clearly directed at him. He’ll blush and stammer his way through every explanation, keeping a wide berth of at least two feet between them. Even when Tim wants him to look at his screen, he’ll squint from far away. Tim starting to think he smells bad, or has some sort of communicable disease unbeknownst to him.
“It’s not that,” Sasha assures him, again with that unreadable smile. “Trust me.”
Time to try something else.
He prints out his latest follow up, a rather elaborate statement regarding mistaken identities and absolutely nothing supernatural. He knows Jon prefers to look at things on paper, as screens ‘trigger his migraines’ if Tim understood his mumbles. Maybe if he can engage with him on familiar territory for the both of them, he’ll be able to hold a conversation. Tim specifically requested his help on this one.
“If you could just look it over, make sure everything’s up to snuff, that’d be great,” Tim says to the top of Jon’s head, as the man refuses to lift his own to meet his gaze. “You know how Dr. Walker is. Always-”
“Finding mistakes where there are none? I’m familiar with her methods,” Jon snorts, and Tim feels like he’s getting somewhere. A whole sentence! With classic Jonathan Sims snark! “I-I can give it a look. I’m rather busy, but -”
“Take your time,” Tim says with a dismissive wave of the hand. “I finished a bit early, so I don’t need it for a few days yet. Don’t want to put you out.”
“You’re not.” Jon meets his eyes for about ten seconds before ducking his head back down.
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sheepwasfound · 4 years
dnf moments caught from within the chaos (every single one)
 march 10th george alt stream
first video:
00:11:40-00:12:30 "is that george from dreamhunt?"
00:20:37-00:21:10 g:"me and dream argue about the stupidest things"
(many good sap/gogy sibling moments! and then...)
00:26:49 dream joins in secret and george tries to figure it out
00:27:26 dream gives himself away with a chuckle
00:27:55-00:29:00 "i was watching George's stream, i didn't even know you were streaming"
00:34:08-00:34:45 lil uk travel ban talk
00:36:46 g:"'late nights in the middle of june' this is true x2"
00:37:52-00:38:10 1.5 inches elephant still on george's desk
00:40:56-00:41:12 dream chuckling going "george is so salty"
00:49:04 dream hasn't paid george the $1,000 from geoguessr
00:49:50 dream tries to get george to play geoguessr
00:50:18-00:50:45 george tells dream about dreamhunt guy
00:53:37 d:"im on literally negative sleep"
00:55:57 g:"'tell dream you love him' no."
00:56:27-00:57:00 g:"'george you're the hottest piece of ass in dreamhunt' is that true dream?", d:"maybe it is" + "you're such an idiot"
00:57:14-00:57:54 dream tries to think of who in one direction each one of them are, can't choose for george
00:59:12 d:"he's like the most annoying person on the planet" (prob cus he can't focus on chess cus of gogy)
01:17:36 sapnap doesn't reply to george, dream replies immediately
01:19:26-01:19:40 + 01:21:56-01:22:50 talking about george exposing dream for the s*x tiktok
01:24:13 g:"ok i'm gonna go get water. dream, entertain my stream."
01:29:55-01:32:00 george and sapnap argue over servers, simp dream settles it w/ a "coin flip" (rigged)
01:33:40-01:34:50 sapnap waited for dream to wake up for burger day, s:"george wishes he coulda been a part of that"
01:36:12 d:"i was actually writing lyrics this morning"
01:40:37-01:42:12 stonks talk g:"what do i invest in?" d:"me"
(dreamnap moments interval here...)
01:50:14 s:"should i tweet out a picture of your girlfriend george?", d:"it's gonna be like a picture of my yt icon"
01:52:11-01:52:43 d:"'dnf arc'? yeah maybe", g:"is it a joke to you?"
01:52:57-01:53:11 sapnap and dream don't send george good morning texts & it upsets him
01:53:13-01:53:45 george didn't laugh at dream's joke, so dream calls him out for not paying attention
01:53:51 g:"'pretty privilege is real and you have it!' is this true dream?" d:"yeah. yeah"
01:54:13-01:54:55 sapnap accusing george of having a girlfriend, g:“dream, should we just tell them?”
01:59:30-01:59:50 g:“’can you say bleepbleep dream?’ no i can’t say that”, d:”just say it. george.”
02:02:00 g:“’is it true quackity and dream constantly fight for your love?’ it’s true”
02:02:10-02:03:00 d:”we were in our, like, linked arc. except for opposites …attract”
02:03:30 dream starts going through his texts with george
02:04:30 d:”my favorite number is…one second, i’m pulling up my george contact”
02:05:35-02:06:20 dream reads out their texts about waking up at the same time & having s*x
02:06:33-02:08:00 george’s “ayo muffin man” text to dream where he asked if he could make a joke about dream’s cheating drama, d:”you were being a good friend”
02:07:02 g:”we don’t text that much” d:”we text, like, everyday, but…”
02:08:36 first video ends
second video:
00:10:35 george shoots dnf on a wall, d:”you’re so dumb”, s:”what?”, d:”george”
00:14:30 g:”dream come baaaaackk”
00:16:22 dream in the bg laughing alone “this text is so funny! this text is amazing” (note: he started going through their texts, like, 20 mins ago)
00:17:25-00:17:58 george’s first text to dream: “hi loser”, sapnap asking about his first text, d:”that’s different”
00:20:38-00:21:00 s:”maybe if you were watching my stream instead of watching george’s all the time” + s:“maybe if you weren’t in your, like, dnf arc all the time”
00:22:40-00:23:15 g:“’george and dream’s brotherly relationship is so iconic’ brotherly?”, d:”someone in chat said ‘the alabama arc’”
00:26:05-00:26:30 pickle dick g:”dick-…dip his hands in the pickle jar”
00:27:05 d:”you’re an idiot george, you’re such a, you’re such a dick”
00:30:29-00:41:45 discussion about covid travel rules and george going to florida, george heatedly going through every possible trick to get there but dream being responsible about it
00:34:00 g:”dream, get me a private jet”
00:34:56 g:”i’ll just stay”, d:”for how long?”, g:”forever.”
00:36:13 gnf charity for private jet and then george will grapple down from a helicopter, d:”you’re such an idiot x2”
00:36:51 g:”i’m not actually joking” + g:”no it’s not impossible!” *checks cost of a private jet*
00:38:20 d:”you need to double it cus you have to go back” g:”i’m not going back. i’m not going back”
00:38:38 about deportation g:”dream, you can just protect me dream, just don’t let them take me away”
00:39:29 about deportation g:”then what if i never go back, what if i just never go back?”
00:40:01 g:”wait i have an idea dream. what if you just married me?” s:”you’re not allowed to marry someone to get them in the country”, g:”well that’s not the only reason”
00:41:13 g:”’sounds like dream doesn’t wanna meet you’ yeah he doesn’t”
00:43:43 g:”to be fair you are in your silly goose arc”, d:”i’m not in any goose arc” *mutual giggling*
00:44:45-00:45:25 discussion about obama escorting george on his private jet
00:47:38 dono:“you visiting dream is not a no, it’s a not yet”
00:50:21 g:”’just admit it, you’re madly in love with dream and you’re using this as an excuse to marry him’ no. this is false”, g:”i’m in my hating dream arc right now” d:”well, i mean … it’s about to be in a different arc though”
00:50:40 finishing each other’s sentences
00:50:50 s:”i wish karl was here.”, s:”at least i would have someone to be like, in love with, jesus”
00:51:29 d:”sapnap third wheel arc” s:”you guys may flirt and stuff, but me and you have physical s*x” d:”oh my goddd, what the hell?! that’s too far!”
00:54:43 sapnap teasing george about being able to cuddle dream, g:”i don’t care, i don’t care”
00:56:27 george teasing sapnap about having a gf again, s:”you have a dream”
00:56:43 g:”should i play geoguessr?” d:”oh, yes!”
00:57:07 d:”i’m exhausted and i’m laying in bed” (but he’s still staying)
(00:58:30 geoguessr starts, they’re tired and argue a lot)
01:00:48 arguing about colors g:”well you’re wrong” d:”maybe- actually maybe i think that’s- actually you’re right”
01:03:27 george was going to do geoguessr with wilbur today, but is too tired now
01:07:55 d:”if you had asked, i would’ve told you” g:”i didn’t wanna ask, i did it myself” *sassy*
01:13:55 george missed dream’s joke and he called him out for it again
01:17:00 g:”i’m not buying a maid dress” d:*silence*
01:20:10 g:“’dream we need your support to get george in a maid dress’ what do you think dream?”, d:*silence*
01:21:53 g:”you know what dream? i trust you”, d:”no, don’t trust me!”
01:22:50 dono:”when you asked dream if you should wear a maid dress, the silence was so loud” d:*silence*
01:23:23 after george makes a dumb voice d:”why are you reading like that?”, d:”i’m about to leave” (spoiler: he doesn’t leave, just stops looking for 30 secs)
01:24:10 g:”what do you mean you’re not even looking?”, g:”why, do you hate me?”, d:”you were being in your annoying arc”
01:34:28 dono:”do you have a song that makes you think of dream?”, d:”probably heat waves”, + george saying he doesn’t think of dream when listening to songs and dream not buying it
01:36:40 dream replying for him that george’s most listened to travis scott song is goosebumps (aka “their song”)
01:39:50 george confirms goosebumps is his most listened to travis scott song
01:42:26 d:”this is the last game im playing with you”, d:”cus i don’t wanna play with you anymore” (spoiler: it’s not the last one)
01:45:52 g:”alright one more”, d:”no i said i’d-…ok fine whatever one more” (spoiler: it’s not just one more)
01:48:46 dream mishears that george is gonna kiss him
01:54:24 g:”alright here’s the last game guys”, d:”you keep saying that, you keep…leading me on”
01:57:02 d:”that was the last one”, g:”no we said we were ending on a win” (no they didn’t) g:”you can’t leeeeeave, you can’t leave! it’s not allowed”
01:58:17 dono:”what is a place you’ve always wanted to go?”, g:”idk”, d:”america”
01:59:27 g:”i just, i was like…aaaaaghhhhlldududu you know?”, d:”yeah, i do know”
02:05:00 d:”alright, i’m gonna head out”, g:”wait, wait just wait”, g:”why are you in your like salty era?”, d:”why are you in your clingy era?”, d:”i think it would make sense if i left when i want to”, g:”alright, well, leave then, see what happens, you’re gonna regret it, that’s all i know”
02:05:30 dream leaves the call but then immediately starts watching george’s stream until he ends (who’s the one in their clingy era?)
02:06:10 george talks about going to bed (dream’s already in bed so they’re synced once again) 
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